#thank you thank you thank you again
treesofgreen · 11 months
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Just this once, everybody lives (and has soup).
I commissioned this beautiful piece from @glorious-void after the finale, and it came out so lovely and lush and healing, even more than I'd hoped. My heart is so full ❤️
The artist's twitter, where they're more active.
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little-peril-stories · 11 months
Hiya Kate!
Instead of writing, I had the absolute need to binge Prince of Thieves, an excellent use of time, and to draw a certain tree.
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Also thank you for reading my whumptober story! Your comments give me much joy 😄
- Paisley
^^^ the screams I couldn't do earlier because I first saw this while I was at work^^^
🥰😭🥹I'm speechless!!! 🥹😭🥰
Oh my gosh!!!!! It's GORGEOUS!!!! You are so talented and I'm so absolutely honoured that you took some time to draw the IA tattoo!! I'm a little bit dead over it, in fact!!! ALL THE EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!
And your Whumptober story is awesome! Sam is so sweet and Thomas is so mysterious and intriguing and awesome. I can't wait to see where it's going! :D
My heart is so full, seriously. I told my husband once my secretest little writing dream was to create something that inspired fanart (yeah, specifically fanart lol) one day, and you've made my wish come true. You really have no idea how much that means.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. 💕💕 You're amazing
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crowtrobotx · 1 year
OMG YOU REMINDED ME i’ve been meaning to cry into your asks about how good chrysalis is. it’s been bouncing around my brain for weeks now. like you perfectly capture the side of karl that i’m most infatuated with— which is just how he cares for people even if he’s stubborn and ruthless and yk. just karl heisenberg. ITS SO SWEET. but you also never lose the grit of his character.
AND THEN KRIS AND LOTTIE TEAR ME APART they’re sooooo fucking well written they’re so fleshed out they’re so. real. you balance your beautiful descriptions with clever and heartfelt dialogue so perfectly. like i can’t wait for every next word i read i get so excited about it.
i got too caught up in how obsessed i am with your writing i forgot i had like. an actual question— what was your inspiration for writing the fic? bc your overall theme of how science can create both terrible and beautiful things is really interesting and i love it. and i really enjoy how your characters embody this.
me personally, my inspiration for my fic came from seeing how different ethan and heis were and how their deal would’ve never worked out. bc karl simply doesn’t understand what it’s like to love someone— he’s never had someone to care about (as far as we see in the game). so ethan’s bleeding heart goes completely over his head. so i was wondering what would happen if heis DID understand ethan. what if he DID have someone to care about.
and i was wondering if you thought the same? (don’t spoil anything if you don’t want to) but will that motivate his actions in a different way when it comes to the events of the game?
anyway ily and your stuff mwah ❤️
PLEASE oh my goodness thank you so much for the kind words. You have no idea how much they mean to me! I am trying to be better about being dismissive of any compliments because I still genuinely feel baffled that people who are not me are enjoying this so much but I am so so so so glad for it all the same.
I’m honestly very happy to hear you say that you think I don’t “lose the grit” of his character because that’s something I’ve honestly struggled with trying to balance! I mean, that’s kinda crazy to say, because this is a dude who was on screen for like ten minutes lol but I feel pretty strongly with the way he swings wildly between homicidal rage and moments of stark vulnerability, there’s something resembling a person capable of love and care under there. We never got a backstory for him and I think most of us are on the “he was taken as a child, not an adult” train, so I’m always trying to depict a battle between a kid who was robbed of any opportunity for a “normal” life, the adult who came from that and has been warped into both a weapon against his will and a person hellbent on survival at all costs, and a guy who, under kinder circumstances, might have been a decent if quite a bit eccentric dude. And that’s really hard! I often worry I’ve gone and made him too soft and that I need to focus more on him behaving like a violent toddler but I always soothe myself by remembering that Capcom didn’t exactly flesh him out which is both deeply frustrating but also leaves room for almost endless possibilities.
And hngggg loving on my original characters is like, so incredibly validating for me thank you <3 I have spent a long time thinking about those two before I even wrote a single word and I’m touched that you and others can tell and seem to enjoy it. I think I’ve mentioned it before but I’ve spent the last decade plus exclusively writing poetry, not prose, so I think sometimes that comes out with my descriptions and general style. It’s kind of a harder transition than I imagined but I’d like to think I’m getting better chapter by chapter lol.
Anyway, that’s enough about me. I love your stated inspiration for Heisenberg Principle – it totally comes through in your work and I absolutely agree. It’s actually quite similar to Chrysalis, at least in part. I, too, don’t think Ethan would have ever accepted the proposal. I say this with zero hate in my heart for the folks who were gunning for a team up DLC but I actually would have been furious if they’d done that and it hadn’t ended with Karl betraying him and a black screen with “WHAT WERE YOU THINKING” on it popping up lmao. Yes, Heisenberg is meant to play at your heartstrings because it’s clear he doesn’t want to be there and anyone can sympathize with that – but I thought it was pretty clear that the player was meant to notice the hypocrisy in his massive rant about how he’s not like his siblings or his “Mother” while he proceeds to commit unspeakable horrors. (I’ve seen some folks argue that it’s ‘not that bad’ because they’re corpses or whatever but like…. Come on, man.) I tend to view his interactions with Ethan as hugely manipulative. Karl’s a living weapon. He sees Ethan as another living weapon, one he can use to dispatch with his siblings, and Rose as THE living weapon to kill Miranda. Miranda has used Heisenberg as a tool his whole (?) life so why should he think any other human relationships are different.
Which I guess leads to Chrysalis. I was also hugely interested in exploring what that confrontation would have looked like if they both had someone to protect/love and more specifically if they were both fathers. My longtime Heisenmoots can tell you I’ve been singularly obsessed with this idea since like…. Day one lol. I am hoping that it will flesh out some of his canon interactions or at least make them more interesting while also perhaps maybe change the way he ultimately interacts with Mr. Ethan “Loses a Hand Biweekly” Winters. There’s a bit of personal inspiration in there, of course. Lottie is, for example, the daughter I would want if I had one: kinda feral, smart, authentic, a little weird. Kris is in part an exploration of my own chronic illness/disability struggles – many Heisenberg fics involve the reader/OC becoming a lord (which is COOL and AWESOME and I love all these characters, to be very clear) but I wanted to look at a story where that person doesn’t mesh well with the Cadou, where through no fault of their own they succumb to it like so many other nameless folks before. Not saying I was trying to be ~edgy~ but I also thought it would be fun to subvert the traditional “Karl and OC make a vessel” story which, again, I do not blame anyone for writing because it’s right there. And, yes, I’d be remiss if I didn’t say I just love this queer old man and I wanted him to have something, anything good in his life.
I feel like I’ve been rambling like a lunatic lol I could say so much more but I’m afraid I sound totally unhinged. Before I shut my trap, I’ll say that like many I felt there was a lot to be desired with how little backstory and motivation we were presented in this otherwise compelling game. There is something they’re trying to say about parenthood and something they’re trying to say about fairy tales and it all just… leads nowhere. No, RE has never been about satisfactory/deep character development but sheesh there really is the skeleton of something crazy good here. The whole of Chrysalis is leading up to that confrontation (I believe @vodkafolie called it a Dad Battle which I love lol) and I don’t want to spoil too much but it’s going to be both about that whole idea of ‘what if he actually did pick up what Ethan was trying to throw down’ but also the whole idea of love as madness and is there a point where in trying to preserve that love you can cause too much destruction and squeeze to hard and crush it like a bug in your palm.
Again thank you thank you thank you for your kindness, mwah right back ily2 <3
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to00fu · 1 month
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radiation · 7 months
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canisalbus · 4 months
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✦ Freshly ordained ✦
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ginnyw-potter · 1 month
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yes, I'm self-aware thank you
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derpycatsu · 1 month
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based on this tweet by @fairy527 :3 thought they were all similar in the way things went with their partners so i drew them together
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ppeanutz · 1 year
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this has probably happened in the marvel canon hasn't it.
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mangoshibi · 9 months
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He practiced those faces before
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captain-lovelace · 1 month
I’m the guy playing the mobile games in all those ads. My life can be condensed to 30 second segments of failing to match 3 to save the king, running into a x3 multiplier instead of a x30 multiplier, carving a log into a lopsided rectangle rather than a wineglass. My last raise was two cents and it was because I gave the mobile game ad people the idea to give you a little interactive portion after the ad now, so you can show yourself how much better than me you are. How much smarter. Faster. More dexterous. Your fingers are so nimble on the screen, after all... I wonder what else those fingers can do? And yes, I am secretly waiting for the day someone plays every one of those interactive sections so badly that the mobile game people have them take my place in the phone forever, but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't miss it. Ok you can press x to exit now
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rusticfurnace · 3 months
GHOSTSOAP // "you sweet fucker" MINICOMIC!!!
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Vanny finally meets FNAF tape girl in person...
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lotus-pear · 2 months
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learning to love
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sinsydia · 6 months
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*chugs mayo violently*
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aterfish · 8 months
Good thing it was a short spin
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