#that america girl looks like she kicks ass
Literally Wanda goes on a rampage on trying to use América Chavez don't remember for what i think to possess her and use America's powers to go into another universe and be with her non existent kids that actually do exist in other universes. Strange tries to stop her and that's basically it. Just curious why do u not want to watch it?
I didn't like the movie much tbh. But i like some aspects of it.
OOOOOO okay that makes more sense. It has my two least favorite avengers and thats pretty much why nothing deeper i just dont really care enough to sit and watch it. BUT wanda looks fucking unHINGED in the gifs ive seen of her from that movie and i wanted to know why she is a fucking nightmare. I also like the America Chavez character from the gifs but didnt know why she was important but that also answers that so thank you!
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traveler-at-heart · 5 months
Across the Natashaverse
Summary: Through a small accident, you end up in another universe. What happens when you find out that your relationship with Natasha is very different here?
Natasha Romanoff x F!R
Life is good.
No missions for the week, done with training and fresh off the shower, you walk down the halls of the Compound.
“Someone’s in a good mood” Wanda comments when you join her at the kitchen. “Did Natasha change her mind about the date?”
Your smile falls immediately and her eyes widen.
“Shoot, I’m sorry”
“Nah, it’s fine” you steal a cookie from her plate and shrug your shoulders. “It was two weeks ago. She doesn’t see me that way, I get it”
“I don’t think it’s that” Wanda insists and you smile.
“You’re a hopeless romantic, Maximoff” you lean forward and place a kiss on the top of her head. The brunette chuckles, going back to the book she was reading.
As you walk to your room, you try not to think of Natasha. But it’s a small world, and she’s on her way to the gym, America Chavez right behind her.
“I’m on training duty” the redhead explains. “Wanna join us?”
“I have so much paperwork” you lie, because you’re very tired and have been looking forward to a nap. “Kick some butt, America”
“I’ll try” she doesn’t sound convinced at all.
Natasha smiles at you, waiting for your signature wink that always gets her heart racing.
But there’s not even a look back as you go to your room.
She really screwed up this time.
You weren’t exactly lying about the paperwork, and you work on it for half an hour to feel like you’re doing something productive with your day.
With a yawn, you stand up from the desk in your room and walk towards the bed. As you’re about to plop down, there’s a shift in the room and you land on your ass, the bed on the other side of the wall.
“What the fuck?” you say, looking around.
The room looks different. It’s the same size, but none of your stuff is there. Same thing with the hallways. It’s the Compound, but at the same time… it’s not. You walk out of the room, this time on spy mode, ready to take down the imminent threat.
“Y/N?” Natasha calls behind you and you rush to her side.
“Nat, hey. There’s something wrong. Stay close” you take her hand, and she stops you with a pull.
“I’ll say”
“Huh?” you turn, only to find her face inches away from yours.
“Where’s your wedding ring?”
“My… what?” you look down at your hands, confused. Natasha moves her face closer and you can’t focus on anything else.
“Oh, I see. Are you still angry about the other day? Because I can totally make it up to you, detka” Natasha whispers seductively against your lips, leaving a trail of kisses all the way to the shell of your ear.
“Nat.. uh… I think…”
“Use your words, pretty girl” she smiles, her hand going up your shirt to caress the skin.
And suddenly, she looks down, frowning.
“Where’s your scar?”
“I don’t have a…”
Natasha turns into a whole different person, placing you in a chokehold and holding both your arms down.
“Who are you? Are you a skrull?”
“I don’t know what that is” you say, gasping for air. “Wait, are they the ones Carol works with?”
“Who is Carol?”
“Captain Marvel”
“You mean Maria Rambeau”
“Maria is Captain Marvel?” you say, finally piecing together what’s happening. When your eyes lock with Natasha’s, you speak at the same time.
“You’re from another world”
“I’m from another world”
Even if she doesn’t let go, her grip on you losens enough for you to breathe. She’s about to ask something else when a little girl walks up and pulls your hand, getting your attention.
“Mama, what are you and Mommy doing?”
“Walk me through what happened”
“Nothing happened! I was doing paperwork in my room and then I was here” you say for the tenth time.
“How about before?” Natasha asks, turning right. Her idea was to drive you straight to Wong, as a multiverse travel is more of his specialty.
“I ran into you. I mean, not you. My Natasha. Wait, not my. She’s not mine” you mumble, massaging your temples. “Please tell me there’s ibuprofen in this world”
“Relax” she reaches forward, placing a hand on your thigh and you swear you’ll combust. “I get the idea. Now tell me what happened”
“We just ran into the hallway. Made some small talk. And then I went to my room”
“Just small talk?” Natasha smirks. “Not some kisses? A quickie against the wall? An earth shattering, universe transcending orgasm?”
You try to open the door and jump out of the moving car but it’s locked.
“It’s not… we’re not a thing. Just friends” you say, flustered.
“Really?” Natasha finally turns to you, as she parks outside of the not so secret lair at Bleecker street.
“Wait. It was America Chavez” you remember, facepalming. Of course. “Natasha was training her. Maybe she created a portal by accident”
“And now my wife is in another universe where you’re too chicken to ask me out. Can’t imagine that will go well for her”
“Hey, it’s not like that” you snap, embarrassed. Natasha turns to you, ready to speak back, as usual. Because she’s so smart and she thinks she knows everything. “Whatever. Let’s just get this shit fixed, I don’t wanna be here”
Walking past her, you stand before the big doors, that open up without knocking
“Welcome” the man says. “I take it you’re the little glitch in our universe”
“Yes, I am. Can you fix it?”
“No. But America can. She has been at Kamar-Taj for a year now. Her powers are more developed. It should be an interesting test for her”
“Ok, so what are we waiting for?”
“There have been some security concerns lately” Natasha explains, coming closer. “Wong has to notify their council to follow protocol”
“I’ll come find you tomorrow. Remember, the longer you stay here, the bigger the threat for both worlds”
“Yes, fine. See you tomorrow” you say, looking at your feet as you leave the building. Going down the steps, you can hear Natasha calling after you. “I’m walking back to the Compound. It’s the same route. I can wait for Wong there”
“We don’t live in the Compound” Natasha explains, her voice gentle. She waits until you turn back and searches your eyes. “Look, I’m sorry about what I said before. Come with me. I’ll feel better if I know you’re safe with us”
There’s a pause, and she waits patiently while you look around. But Natasha’s presence is like a magnet, and inevitably, your eyes come back to her beautiful features.
“What’s so funny?” she says when you chuckle.
“You do the same thing. Tilt your head to the side, purse your lips… it’s cute. In every universe”
“Sweet talker. Come on. Let’s go” she offers her hand and you accept it.
It takes an enormous amount of effort to remind yourself this isn’t the Natasha you know. And that you’re not the one she loves.
You’re so caught up in these thoughts you don’t notice when she pulls over.
“Ice cream always cheers you up” she explains, getting out of the car.
“Yeah, I guess we’re not that different”
She smiles, holding the door open for you. Well, at least the flavors are the same in this universe.
“I’ll have the peanut butter with chocolate chips”
“You’re allergic” Natasha says.
“I’m not”
“You’re not?” she repeats, while the man behind the counter looks at both of you, confused.
Once that’s settled, you get your ice cream cones and leave the store.
“Why are you staring?” you say, mouth full of ice cream.
“I’m just waiting for the hives and the runny nose”
“I’m not allergic” you insist, showing your arms, skin completely normal.
“Fine” she concedes, shrugging her shoulders. You keep eating in silence, until she turns back. “Wanna tell me why you got so upset?”
“Because. I did ask you… her out. She said no. I wasn’t a chicken; I gave her flowers and put myself out there. But I’m obviously the problem, because in this universe, everything works out to the point of you two getting married and having a daughter”
You take a seat in a nearby bench, feeling defeated. What a cruel thing, to see the life you could have had.
“Maybe she’s not ready. I was terrified when we started dating. Thought I’d screw it up because I knew nothing of love”
That’s what Wanda probably meant earlier. It’s a possibility that crossed your mind as well, but whatever the reason, Natasha had declined the date (looking very apologetic, you might add) and you were going to respect that choice.
“Or maybe she just doesn’t want me. And that’s ok. Because no matter what happens, I love my Natasha. And I’ll always want her to be happy”
Silence settles after you say that, but Natasha looks back at you, smiling.
“You’re very noble. It’s nice to see some things are the same across worlds”
“It’s nice to know there’s a version of me that makes a version of her happy”
Natasha smiles and nods.
“Let’s get home. Anya is waiting for us”
“Home sweet home” Natasha says, opening the door for you. It’s a beautiful townhouse, with lots of space in the backyard. All the walls are covered in pictures, and you can’t help but stare at all the memories that belong to a different version of you.
They seem like a happy family.
“Mommy” Anya says, and it takes a second to remember that she’s talking to you.
“Hey, sweetheart” you don’t hesitate to carry her as she comes running towards you. Natasha is keeping a watchful eye on you. “What is that?”
“That’s my Miffy, silly” she says and you bounce her in your arms, while she shows you her plushie.
Yelena joins you and you can’t help but stare. Her hair is black, short and she has bangs. There are also a couple of piercings in her nose and eyebrows.
“Did you cut your hair? Looks nice” she comments, picking up her stuff and getting ready to go. You simply nod and smile. “Gotta go, see you tomorrow for dinner with Kate, ok?”
Natasha’s sisters kisses everyone goodbye, including you and then bolts out the door.
“Baby, did you bath yet?” Natasha says, approaching Anya. The girl hides her face in the crook of your neck.
“I don’t wanna”
“You’re stinky” Natasha accuses, tickling the girl; Anya gives up and goes from your arms to the redhead’s. “Come on, and then I’ll start dinner”
“I can take care of that” you offer and Natasha’s eyes widen. Anya uses Natasha’s hair as a curtain, and thinks you can’t hear what she says.
“I don’t want Mommy to cook”
“What? Why?”
“You can’t cook” Natasha says. Well, that’s just bullshit. In your world, Natasha’s always the first in line to get a good serving of whatever it is you do.
“Go, I got this” you insist when Natasha puts Anya down. The redhead looks back several times, unsure. My God, how bad could the other you be in this world to get this reaction?
Luckily, once they are done with the bath, Anya comes back, pulling her mother and commenting that the smell is incredible.
“Mommy didn’t burn the kitchen!”
“Has that actually happened?” you mumble to Natasha and she nods. “Yikes”
The redhead laughs, and nudges your shoulder with hers.
“This is really good” she admits after trying your chicken pasta bake.
“Thinking about keeping me?”
“Maybe” she jokes. “Or bring you over when I don’t feel like cooking”
Of course, Anya doesn’t understand what you’re talking about. She tells you about her day with aunt Yelena and all you have to do is listen and nod.
“I’ll do the dishes” you offer after you finish.
“Come say goodnight to her”
“Will do”
While you clean, you try not to think about what life will be like tomorrow, when you go back to a world where things are different.
“She fell asleep in the middle of a Clifford story” Natasha comes back after a few minutes. “It’s probably because she ate so much”
“I’ll leave the recipe for you” you promise. “Mind if I crash in the couch?”
“Right” the redhead smiles, and you can tell she’s nervous by the way she fidgets with her hands. You reach forward, taking them in yours.
“What’s wrong?”
“I can’t really sleep without… her”
“I can stay on the bedroom floor”
“I couldn’t possibly ask you to”
“You’re not asking. I’m offering” you assure her.
By the time you’re done with cleaning the kitchen, there’s an inflatable mattress, pillows and a blanket.
“Let me know if you’re comfortable” Natasha asks, turning off the bedroom lights.
“Or what? You’ll let me sleep cuddled up? It wouldn’t be good for the space and time continuum that I kick my own butt”
“I actually think she’d find it funny” Natasha says, and you let her voice lull you in the dark. “She’s probably teasing your Natasha endlessly, trying to get her to admit some sort of feelings for you”
“She has a death wish” you groan, admittedly forgetting that the Natasha you know is having a less than pleasant time right now.
“What is she like?” Natasha says after a few moments of silence.
“She’s the smartest person in any room. Hates cooking and doing dishes. Always looking out for others, always taking on the most missions. She’s really funny too. Sometimes, Bucky will ask anyone for movie recs and Natasha will give a completely made up title. So, Barnes will go crazy looking around for it”
“Oh, I’m so doing that next time” you both laugh.
“Great ass too” you say after a beat and a pillow is thrown across the room and falls right in your face. “Hey!”
“Go to sleep”
Next morning, you figure it’s only fair to cook some breakfast before Wong calls you over.
Which, he does, sooner than expected.
Anya is barely finished with breakfast, when Natasha comes down the stairs and looks at you.
“It’s time”
Feeling nervous, and a bit sad, you nod. Wanda shows up a few minutes later. To your shock, in this world, she’s pregnant.
“Thank you for taking care of her, it really won’t take long” Natasha says as soon as she steps inside.
The brunette eyes you curiously, and you can tell by her magic that she knows this isn’t your world.
“You know I’m always happy to”
At the door, Natasha picks up Anya and kisses her everywhere she can. The girl giggles once her mother places her down.
“Hey, bug” you kneel on the floor. “Be good. Your moms will be back soon, ok?”
“Ok, mommy. See you soon”
“Bye, Anya” you say, letting her hug you. Once you’re out the door, Natasha reaches for your hand, and squeezes lightly.
The ride to Bleeker street is silent. Wong seems pleased when he sees you.
“Follow me, ladies” he asks, opening up a portal to Kamar Taj. You’d only been there once; the size of the place always makes you feel like you’re in another planet.
A much older version of America greets you -she’s probably in her twenties- and takes your hand for a second, closing her eyes.
“Ready to go home?” she asks.
“Wait!” Natasha calls behind you and you turn, eyes wide. To your surprise, the woman hugs you, and you wrap her in your arms as well. When she pulls away, she places a small kiss on your cheek. “Anyone would be lucky to have you. She’s an idiot if she can’t see that”
“Thanks, Nat. Not about the idiot part. Be kind to every version of yourself, yes?”
“Fine” she rolls her eyes, squeezing your hand one last time.
You’re about to step into the portal when you turn to America.
“This won’t send me into the middle of a busy road or like, free falling to my death, right?”
“Most likely not” she promises.
You don’t like the sound of that.
“Ok, but on a scale of one to ten…”
“For Agamoto’s sake” Wong sighs behind you, pushing you without warning.
The room is completely upside down and then you land in the middle of the meeting table, the Avengers around you screaming.
“Son of a bitch” Steve says as you roll to the floor, out of air.
“Language” you manage to say. Everyone’s rushing to you. Sam is the first one and he helps you up. They are all talking at the same time, Wanda inspecting the cut on your forehead from falling on the table.
Suddenly, Natasha nudges them aside, wrapping you in her arms.
“Hey, it’s ok. It’s me” you say against her temple.
“We’ll leave you alone. Go to the medbay, though”
“Yes, Cap”
You’re in no hurry, Natasha safely in your arms.
“So, what happened while I was gone?” you casually ask as Natasha cleans the cut.
“I almost killed you… her. Twice”
“Sounds like you had fun”
“Not really. She’s a smartass. Can’t cook a damn thing, so I made her a pb&j sandwich”
“Oh, yeah. She’s allergic” you grimace. “Wait, you said you almost killed her twice. If one was with peanut butter…”
“The first thing she did when she came to this world was slap my ass”
“She does have a death wish” you joke, but Natasha doesn’t answer, turning around to put the first aid kit away.
“Is it true?” Natasha asks. You look at her, confused. “Are we married? With a daughter?”
“Oh. Yes, it’s true. They seem to be happy. It was nice”
“Was she better than me?”
“Natasha” you say, forcing her to face you. “I have no doubt in my mind that you’re awesome in every universe. But this version of you is the one I know and love. With your love of spy films, the scar in your belly, and your half smirk when you beat everyone at Uno”
“I am really good at Uno” she agrees and you both laugh.
“Damn right you are”
“I missed you. Too much, to the point where I realise I can’t keep pretending I don’t want this. I’m just scared” she says, holding on to your hands. “Will you help me? Be brave for us”
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, love” you promise, kissing her hand softly. “In this, or any other universe”
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desswright29 · 11 months
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Pairing: Shuri Udaku X Confused reader
Word Count: 7.2k 😳
Contains: Fluff, Smut(18+), Reader has a child
A/N: This story kicked my ass so I really hope y’all read and enjoy! An homage to what’s beautiful about being with a woman.
Queen: I needed to get away. I’ll be in your city. Can I come by to see you guys tonight?
You look down at the message and smile. Shuri. You two became fast friends when you began an internship at one of the outreach centers. You ran through the ranks easily which caught the attention of the Princess, and caused you two to form an easy friendship. After your internship was over, you got a job at Stark enterprises with a glowing recommendation from the now Queen of Wakanda. You and Shuri remained friends, though you didn’t see eachother as often due to both of your busy schedules. But every once in awhile she came around to unwind from her chaotic life.
 Angel: Anytime Queen. We’ll be glad to have you. 🥰
You text back and sit your phone down. You turn around to your seven yr old son sitting at the Kitchen table, eating his breakfast like a big boy. “Guess what little guy!” He looks up from his food, and smiles at you beaming as he senses your excitement. “Shuri’s coming by today!” His eyes widen as he bounced a little in his seat.
 “Shuri!” He said voice filled with joy “Mommy, You think she’ll bring me something cool!” He asked. Eyes big and bright, already anticipating his new gadget. “Who knows kiddo.” You say with a smile. “Finish your food and have an awesome day in school and we’ll see.” You already knew she’d definitely be bringing him something. She was particularly impressed with your son and loved giving him things that would eventually cause you grief. 
  “Zahir, Let’s go little one!” You yelled to him from the living room. He came hopping down the stairs. You’d gotten yourself and your son ready for the day, and were out of the house in record time, now you were eager to tackle your day. You dropped off Zah with a hug and kiss and headed to work, all smiles and waves as you headed to your office with a bounce in your step. Asia, your work bestie, saw you coming as she got coffee from the break room. Her brow raised over top of her cup as she took a sip looking at you suspiciously. Your eyes connected and you continued walking right past her. “Oh no you did not!” She yells after you as she jogs to catch up, falling in your step.
 “My aren’t we chipper and ready for the day!” She says to you sarcastically doing a happy little wiggle. You look at her and roll your eyes. “ I’m always happy to be here. I love my job nosy.” She scoffs. “Uh huh, speaking of nosyyyy, I hear the Queens in town.” She smiled big, cutting right to the chase, typical Asia. You raise a brow avoiding eye contact. “British?” You say inquisitively as you both enter your office. She closes the door behind you both.
“Bitch, you know what Queen I’m talking about. The one that’s got you walking through the office smiling and waving like Ms. America!” She mocks you smiling big, waving, laughing, and pointing, amplifying your earlier interactions. You laugh “I was not doing all that. You’re so extra!”
“Whatever girl, that’s not what I’m here for. Have you heard from her?” She sat in one of the leather chairs infront of your desk making herself comfortable. You follow her lead sitting in the the chair behind your desk. “ Yes I have she’s stopping by tonight.” Asia squeals. “Oh hell yea! I’m coming” You raise both brows and shake your head “Absoluetly not! Don’t bring your ass to my house Asia.” 
“You’re right, I don’t wanna be in the way.” She said wiggling her brow and rolling her body. 
“Get a life.” You say trying to hide your grin. 
“Damn girl! Leave it up to you to pull a fine ass African, stud Queen. Where they making those at? Talk about one of one.” You try to hold back your laugh. “I really hate you, who says shit like that Asia. And Shuri is not a stud, she’s a Stem, and we are very much FREINDS and that’s ALL.” You say with emphasis.
“Ah Ha! You said that shit like you believed it. That was cute. It’s giving Letitia Wright.” She laughed, and you flicked her off. “I’m just saying, Stud, Stem, whatever the fuck she wanna be, I’m straight as an arrow and she could fold me in half and strap my ankles to the headboard! Do you hear me! I’d be turning all the tricks! The neighbors would know my na-“
“Aight! Damn Asia you always take it far. Get out of my office so I can start my day.”
“That’s cool. I’ll do that. But you better hop on that strap before somebody take your seat hoe. Give that baby a stud daddy!” She gets up out of her chair. 
“ Please, Leave”
“BYE! Bougie bitch.” She whispers the last part under her breath as she walks out. 
“I heard that!” You yell.
“SO!” She yells back.
You shake your head laughing. You smile and continue your day happily anticipating the night. 
You looked in your mirror placing your locs in a high ponytail leaving two locs out in the front. You’d showered and changed into a form fitting black short set. The shirt rose just above your naval showing off your waist beads. You sprayed on your “Killian Love Don’t Be Shy”, glossed your lips, and headed to your kitchen to check on your sides before putting the steaks on the grill. You turned on your speaker and danced around as you cooked. Shuri loved your cooking. You smiled as you thought of how she always reacted to your meals. Zah Sat in the living room playing games on his Nintendo Switch, when you both heard the door bell ring. 
  You both stopped what you were doing and raced eachother toward the door. Your son ran past you pushing you out of the way. “Boy!” He got to the door and smiled at you. “Beat you Mama!” He laughed, and opened the door. You didn’t have time to react before your heart dropped to your stomach. There she stood with that sexy ass smile, hands behind her back. Her undercut was fresh, beautiful curls sat neatly atop her head stopping right above her brow, right ear adorned in several earrings, and she had a single gold chain around her neck. She wore a dark grey shortsleeved compression shirt with matching sweat pants. Her lean muscles more pronounced than the last time you saw her, tattoos gracing her arms making her even more of a work of art. She looked at you and smiled with a wink before squatting down in front of Zahir. 
“SHURI!!” He yelled running into her arms, that she held out for him, as she dropped the bag she’d had in her hands. “Wow little man! You’re getting so big.” She says pulling back and ruffling his individual twist. “Yea, Mommy says I’m a big boy. I got muscles too. “He says stepping back flexing for her.
“Ooooweee!” She reached to touch it and snapped her hand back fast. “Dang kid! You almost broke my finger.” 
“Yep, I’m gonna be really strong and fast like you!”
“Oh you’re coming for me huh little panther?” She says as she picks him up and throws him over her shoulder as she stands and walks in the house. Using her foot to close the door. He laughs and kicks as she holds him tight while walking over to you. It felt like your world slowed down, like she was moving in slow motion towards you. Your eyes trailed her body. The way she moved, the way she paired her femininity with masculinity was feminine in its own right. Only something a woman could master so gracefully. With her hands being full, she could only lean down and press a gentle  kiss on your forehead in greeting. You wrapped your arms around her and Zah, Her scent immediately enveloping you; vanilla, cinnamon, and a hint of burnt cherry. She was intoxicating. 
“Hey Shuri poo!” She pulled back and smiled. “It smells good in here.” You roll your eyes and smack her arm playfully. “It’s good to see you too Shuri” She looks you up and down, eyes lingering on the swell of your hips a while longer than they should, she smirks. “Always a pleasure Ms. Y/l/n.” She walks away, drops her bag next to the couch, and then takes Zahir off her shoulder into the air and slams him into the couch. “Shuri! Don’t start that rough sh- stuff already!” 
Shuri looked at Zah with wide eyes. “I know what she was about to say, do you know what she was about to say.” “Shuri! Don’t get put out immediately. Give yourself time.” She bunches up her lips in skepticism. “ Girl, please. We could take her right Zah! We could beat her up and take over the kingdom.” “Yea! You don’t want none mommy!” Shuri laughs. “Tell her Zah Zah!” You bite your lip, and shake your head at the interaction. “It’s been thirty seconds and I’m tired already.” You say walking back into the kitchen. You couldn’t help but smile listening to Shuri and Zahir continue to wrestle in the living room as you finished up cooking. 
  Zahir excitedly runs into the kitchen with Shuri trailing behind him, she’d taken off her shoes and made herself comfortable per usual. “Mommy! Mommy! Look at what Shuri made me.” You look down at the gauntlet on his wrist. As he aimed it at you and shot little foam balls. You stare at Shuri blankly as you get hit repeatedly. She looks at you, lips folded clearly holding back laughter judging by the furrow in her brow. 
“Wow! Another well thought out gift that won’t drive your mother crazy! Way to go Shuri!” You say with false excitement, narrowing your eyes at Shuri. She burst into laughter. “All in a days work!” She says with a salute. You smirk rolling your eyes, and turn back towards the stove. You feared your eyes would roll out of your head by the end of the night. Zahir ran out of the kitchen to continue launching balls from his gauntlet all over your clean home. Shortly after he leaves you feel arms wrap around your waist, as Shuri nuzzles her head into your neck. You lean back into the hug, laying your head onto hers.
“You’re not mad at me, are you?” She askes as she moves her hands up and down your sides, then lower to began caressing your lower back with her thumbs. 
“Ofcourse not. You’re not doing anything I didn’t expect. He loves it when you visit you know.” You say bringing your hand up to stroke the side of her face, as you close your eyes body melting into her touch.
“Yes, I know, I wish I could be here more often. He’s a blast.”
“Yea? It’s almost like he’s the only reason you come.” You say teasingly.
Shuri turned you to face her taking your hands in hers, gently placing them around her neck. She wrapped her arms around your waist pulling you flush against her as she placed her forehead against yours. 
“You know that’s the furthest thing from the truth. I’ve missed you, Ntomb'am (my girl), You look so appetizing.” You blush looking into her deep brown orbs. 
“I’ve missed you too. You look aight” You say, laughing at your own joke. Shuri gasped in exaggerated offense. “Aight!? Damn you’re cold. I’m truly, truly hurt. Really.” She says, staring into your eyes, both of you getting lost until you were interrupted by the chime of her kimoyo beads. You both unwrap yourselves from eachother and you turn fast trying to slow your heart rate, as she steps back to answer the call. 
“Hey! What’s going on?”
“Nothing I just missed you, called to see how everything went today.”
“It went great! You know I walked out with them in the palm of my hand.” You hear a little giggle from the other end of the call. 
“Ofcourse you did. You’re brilliant!” Shuri smiles, you internally roll your eyes. Turning around to plate your steaks. 
“Thank you! You’re so sweet to me. I’m getting ready to eat dinner now, and then I’m gonna lay down. It’s been a long day. I’ll call you first thing tomorrow though. Ok?”
“Ok babe! Talk to you tomorrow.” She hung up and you looked at her as you turned off the stove, eyebrow raised. 
“Yea.” She says walking back over to you placing her arms back around your waist. 
“She sounds nice. You two together now?” You ask. 
“Why? Do you want me?” A glimmer in her eye and mischief on her face. Those words made your pussy quiver. 
“Shuri, don’t start.” You removed her arms from your waist. 
“I’ve already started sweet girl.” She stepped back licking her lips. 
“Dinners ready” You say trying to hide the effect she was having on your body.
She smiled and nodded. Eyeing you knowingly.
“Hm. Ok Y/n.”
  Your relationship with Shuri was….well… complicated. You see, Shuri and you were indeed only friends (much to Shuri’s dismay) because you were “straight”. Atleast, that’s what you’d told yourself all of your life. That is until you met Shuri. From the moment she’d entered your workstation in the lab of the outreach, she’d created thoughts in your mind you had never imagined experiencing before. Casually put, she confused the fuck out of you; and as time passed it only got worse. You’d insisted she keep her distance so that neither of you crossed any lines, figuring that would quell the desire. But, the longer the time apart, the more intense your want became. So, when you would see eachother, touches would linger, hugs got longer, turning into gentle caresses, and intimate forehead kisses; but never further than that. 
When she informed you of her budding romance with Riri Williams you’d thought you’d feel relieved, like you move on, but jealousy hid itself deep in the pits of your stomach; And that’s how you intended to keep it. You couldn’t have feelings for Shuri. You were straight and she was no experiment. She was human, and a damn good friend. You couldn’t loose her.
 Shuri called Zahir in to eat and then helped you set the table. You all sat down at the table to a dinner of steak, creamy potatoes, broccoli, and homemade rolls, like a happy little family. Moments like this made you fantasize about what it would really be like to be the Queens woman. Whenever she stepped into your home it felt as though everything was complete. Her and Zahs connection made your heart swell, watching them together gave you butterflies.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head over there? “ You were snapped out of your thoughts and met with Shuri’s curious gaze across the table from you. “Nothing really just zoned out a bit,” You lie. Zah giggled. “You said mommy’s head is pretty.” Shuri laughs with him. “It is a pretty cute head kid, you gotta admit. That’s where you get it from”
“You two are so childish” you say. “I am a child mommy.” You all laugh together.
 Once you all finish eating, you start clearing the table and preparing to wash dishes. “Alright Zah, it’s time to get your toys all put away so I can give you a bath.” “Aww, mommy I want to stay up and play with Shuri.” He says with his lip poked out. “No sir, you have school in the morning and Shuri will be leaving soon. All of your toys need to be up by the time I finish the dishes.” You told him sternly.
“I don’t wanna!” He screams at you, stomping his foot. Your brows furrowed as you walked up to Zah. “Little Boy-“ 
“Woah! Allllright little one.” Shuri said swooping in and picking him up, saving him from your wrath. “How about I stay? You go in the room and pick up your toys, let mommy give you a bath, and I’ll come in and hang out with you until you go to sleep. And in the morning I’ll be here to make my famous pancakes. How does that sound?” 
“Yes!” Zah shouts.
“Only if it’s ok with mommy, and you have to apologize to her and promise me you’ll never speak to her like that again. That wasn’t cool little guy.” Zah looked at her and nodded. “Ok I promise” Zah wiggled out of Shuri’s arms and walked over to you hugging your legs. “I’m sorry mommy. Can Shuri please stay?” They both look at you with puppy dog eyes and lips poked out. You look back and forth between them and let out a sigh.“Ok, Shuri can stay.” 
“Yes!” They both say, and give eachothers high fives. “Go before she changes her mind.”
Zah runs out of the kitchen at lightening speed. “Zah slow down!” You yell after him. Shuri looks at you with a grin like Cheshire Cat. “You two are gonna be the death of me. And how do you plan on explaining where you are to everyone? Where are the Dora?”
“Y/n, I am the Black Panther a security detail is hardly needed. I am also an adult. I can go and come as I please.” You look at her skeptically.
“Y/n it’s fine.” She said dismissively. “And I already came prepared to stay.” She said using her head to point towards the overnight bag on the floor in the living room. “Really Shuri.”
“Really, really. Now let me help you with the dishes.” You moved over and allowed her to help, knowing there was no point in saying ‘no’ to her. As you guys finish up the dishes, “Can’t get enough” by Tamia started to play over the speaker. “OOO I love this song! I learned the dance too. Come dance with me.”  She said as she turned up the speaker. 
“Oh now I gotta see this.”
“You doubting me?”
“Not at all Panther” You leaned back against the counter looking at her. Humor filled your eyes as you waited for her to dance. Shuri’s eyes lowered as she placed her bottom lip between her teeth with a smile, and began to dance. Just when you thought you couldn’t get anymore attracted to her, watching her smoothly get through the complicated line dance, made your stomach flutter. “Come on entle, don’t leave me hanging!” She says, stopping to sway her hips side to side and raise her arms up in front of her, making a come hither motion with both her hands. Your body floated over to her, grabbing her hands as you danced together laughing, having a blast until the song ended. 
“Ok, ok I see you, you smooth with it.”
“ I’m African, of course I am!” 
“Oooook conceited.”
“What’s wrong with that?” She says licking her lips. “If you know, you know right.” She walked up to you grabbing your hips. Pushing you back into the cabinets, looking you deep in your eyes, licking her lips. She was laying it on thick tonight and you weren’t sure how much longer it would be before you crumbled under the pressure. You pull away quickly. “I gotta get Zah ready for bed.” She stood smirking. “I’ll finish up in here.” She calls after you. It was gonna be a long night.
You’d now gotten Zah all washed up and dressed for bed. Shuri sat beside his bed,after a game of hide n seek and reading him his millionth bedtime story. You were down stairs enjoying the quiet with a glass of wine and “Living Single”.
“Alright Zah Man, you gotta go to sleep little guy. You don’t want to be sleepy in the morning. You can’t be the smartest kid in the world if you don’t let your brain rest.” Shuri says. 
“Ok. But can I ask you a question?”
“One more and then its sleepy time. Promise?” She held out her pinky. Zah nodded. 
“Promise.” They locked pinky’s. 
“Now what’s up little one.”
“Shuri can you live with us? You make my mommy smile a lot and you’re the coolest! I wish you could be here forever.” Shuri looked at him a moment, gathering her thoughts trying to figure out what to say. She stood and walked over to lay back on the bed with him as they both looked at the ceiling. She sighed.
“ You know if I had it my way, you and your mommy would be in Wakanda with me. You are such a brilliant little boy. I’d be proud to have you in my lab teaching you all that I know. Maybe one day your mommy will let me take you. Hm? But, right now you have to be here in school, your mommy’s work is here, and I have to be in my Country. I’d love to be here more often, but I’m busy making sure the world is safe for you. I promise to see you and your mommy more often though. Ok?” Shuri looked over at Zah who was obviously fighting sleep now, his blinking slowing down. 
“ Ok.” He says in his sleepy little voice. “I love you Shuri.” Shuri picks him up and lays him on her chest, her eyes watering a bit. “I love you too, Zah.” She says rocking him to sleep.
   Shuri lay a bit longer with Zah. The conversation they’d just had overtaking her thoughts. In all honesty, Shuri was taken with you. Had been the moment she’d laid eyes on you. She wanted nothing more than to come home to the both of you everyday. But, you were “straight”, so she respected your boundaries. It seemed that as time passed though, those boundaries became lax. Almost as though you felt the same. She’s tried to let this go, but it’d become so much more than a crush, and she couldn’t fathom that the feeling wasn’t mutual. Maybe she was setting herself up to be hurt, overthinking the signals. Either way, Shuri knew she was in love with you, and it felt like you loved her too. 
   She sighed, placing Zah gently on the bed and quietly making her way out of the room after placing a gentle kiss to his forehead. As she made her way to the living room, she stopped at the top of the stairs, looking down at you as you sat brows furrowed in concentration, as you tapped away at your laptop. She took note of how effortlessly beautiful you were. How just the sight of you made her heart pick up in pace. How being here with you and Zah made her feel at home. She quietly walked down the stairs, sneakily walking up behind you, she placed her hands on your shoulders. “You work too hard.” She says as she began to massage the tention out of your shoulders. You let out a low moan at the pleasure of her touch. 
“Says the Scientist Queen Panther.” You look up at her and smile. Shuri lets out a chuckle, as your eyes close and your head lulls forward giving her better access to your tense neck and shoulders. She bent down to whisper in your ear, “Don’t forget masseuse.” You let out a hum, as she kissed you right bellow your ear. She stopped massaging and walked around the couch to stand in front of you.
 “Is there a deadline?” She asked referring the work you were doing. “No. Just staying ahead of the game.” “Good, you’re done for the night. Relax with me.” She removed the laptop from your lap, and placed it on your coffee table. Plopping down on the couch and grabbing your legs to place them on her lap, you bit your lip as you watched her beautiful, tattooed hands go to work on your feet. “So what’s been up here? Have you started seeing anyone yet? “
“Why do none of my friends beat around the bush. Right into it huh?”
“No point. Answer the question.” 
“No. I mean, I’ve been on a few dates. They were just… Shit.” You shrug nonchalantly.
“Hm” Shuri turned to look into your eyes as she massaged you.“ I just had quite an intresting conversation with Zah.” 
“Hm? Really? What about?” Your eyes started to close again. Her hands were like magic. You couldn’t help but wonder how they were in other a-. “He says I should move in with you guys” Your eyes snapped open, and her eyes were still locked on you. “He says I make you happier. Do I?” She says, she scoots down slouching more in her seat resting her head back on the couch, not taking her eyes off of you. Quite frankly, Shuri no longer wanted to pretend so here it goes. “ I-I enjoy when you’re around? Yes.”
She snickers “You enjoy when I’m around huh?�� She turns her head away from you staring straight ahead a moment before turning her body toward you fully. “Y/n. I gotta be honest. I want to move forward with Riri. I really like her. And she likes me. Like really likes me. She’s beautiful, intelligent, she makes me laugh, she’s easy to talk too, and she knows what she wants. Everything I could ever want or need in a woman. I deserve that.” You remove your feet out of Shuri’s hands and off of her lap placing them underneath you. “You’re right. You do deserve that. So what’s stopping you?” Shuri stares as though she’s looking through you.
“That.” She points at your eyes wiggling her finger back and forth between each eye.
“What?” You say, following her finger before swatting it away in irritation.
“The jealousy in your eyes when I mention her. The little eye roll in the kitchen earlier. I saw it.”
“Y/n, how do you feel about me? And before you answer, you should know that I see you. The way you look at me. How your body reacts to my touch. You haven’t been able to have a serious relationship since we met eachother. It’s been years. So what I need is for you to be honest with yourself.” You look at Shuri trying to figure out what route to take. You could continue on with your silent crush, or you could lay it all out on the table. You sigh and choose the latter. You stand and began to pace. 
“Shuri, you mean the world to me. I’ve never felt like this about anybody before let alone a woman. It’s scary. These feelings I have for you..i-it’s crazy how you make me feel. Just a look from you could bring me to my knees Shuri. The way you walk, the way you talk, the way you look at me and touch me, It’s all so overwhelming. I honestly don’t know what I feel  or why I’m feeling it, and feelings are involved. I don’t want to experiment with you to try and figure out whatever these feelings are and then I loose you completely. Fuck! I’m so confused.” You continued to pace avoiding eye contact with Shuri. Nervous tears streaming down your face. 
  Shuri gets up from the couch walking over to you, grabbing your face with both hands wiping at your tears, and pulling your body up against hers. Wrapping your arm around her waist with one hand, she grabs your chin and lifts it until your eyes meet hers with the other. 
“ You’ve never asked if I wanted to be used.” You looked up at her, your confusion apparent. “I don’t think you’re confused. I think you know exactly what you want and it scares the hell out of you. But, see we’re at an impasse here. I can’t move on because you and that little boy have my heart, and believe it or not, you can’t move forward because I have yours.” You try to look away and she turns your face right back to hers.
  “Let me take care of your body. Express to you how I feel physically, emotionally, spiritually. I can show you how it feels to be loved by a woman. And if you don’t want it after I’m done. I promise you’ll still have me as a friend.”
You look up at her, heart racing, terrified at what she was proposing. This could potentially complicate your friendship, or you could end up in a relationship with the intimidatingly beautiful Queen you called friend. Both were equally scary for you. But, with her standing infront of you offering up her body to the science of your chemistry, you couldn’t resist. You nod.
“Take care of me.” Shuri smiled and nodded. Slowly she leaned in capturing you lips in hers. Her hands began to massage you everywhere releasing your tension. You’re heart beat against your chest as you finally kissed the lips you’d dreamed about. You let out a shaky breath against her lips. This was so much better than a dream. You couldn’t have imagined the feeling of being in Shuri’s arms like this in your wildest dreams. The first brush of her lips against yours took your breath away. Now as you stood kissing her, your hands entangled in her curls, you felt your knees give way. Shuri felt it as well, Her strong arms tightening around you as she moved backward to the couch. 
She sat as you straddled her lap your lips never breaking contact. She placed her hands on your plump behind pressing you into her, signaling for you to move. You began to grind against her as her hands moved to your hips helping you as she rolled her body up into you. Shuri breaks the kiss, lust now pooling out of her eyes.
“ That right baby. Keep moving for me.” She slapped your ass. “Here’s how this is gonna go sphalaphala sam (my pretty one). I’m going to make love to you. Well. Very Well. I’m going to make your body feel things it’s never felt before. I’m going to fuck your mind, your heart, and this pretty little pussy all at once. This will feel spiritual. I’ll be gentle this time, but If at any point you want me to stop just say it, and I will. Do we have an understanding?” At this point your body was screaming for her. You were salivating and would do whatever she said. 
“Yes” You moaned, and Shuri smiled. 
“That’s my good girl. Keep going.” She leaned foreward and removed her shirt. 
“Look at you. So sexy in this tight ass set and those waist beads.” She eyes you with her hands still on your ass, still grinding into you as you rolled your hips onto her. “Nah you’re not confused mtuwam. You know exactly what you want huh beautiful?”  You opened your mouth but the words got stuck in your throat. You could only let out a soft “Ah”.  
“Awww, My sweet Y/n, you need me don’t you. Tell me what you need?” You were panting, rocking against her, pussy tingling from the friction. 
“I-I n-need you to t-touch me.” You couldn’t believe this was happening. You were here crossing a line with your friend that could change everything. But you were here now and there was no turning back. 
“ You sure that’s what you want?”
“Yes! Yes. Please Shuri” Looking into her eyes, you were now putty in her hands. She bit her lip, and raised her brow as though she was not convinced.
“Please baby. I n-need it so bad.” You whisper leaning in ghosting your lips over hers. You could feel heat seize your body as she smiled against your lips.
“Yea?” She whispered back. “I know baby.” She reached inbetween the two of you rubbing your pussy through your shorts. “She’s talking to me. Leaking through your shorts, so wet and warm. I can smell her. She’s calling out to her Panther.” She rubbed with a little more force as you continued to grind. “ You hear her..” She leaned up to your ear and whispered “Panther, Panther,” as she pressed into your pussy making it squelch.
“Fuck! Shuri please!”
“Shuri’s not here any more babygirl.”
“Ha uuuhn! Panther!”
“You learn fast sthandwa. Let’s take this to the bedroom hm?”
  She picks you up carrying you to your master suit. Closing and locking the door behind you guys. Once you two exited this room nothing would be the same again. 
“Griot play my “Y/n” playlist” 
“Yes, Panther” 
You looked at her shocked as “Anywhere” by 112 began to play.
“You made a playlist?” 
“What can I say. I am always prepared” She grabs your hips and kisses you walking you over to the bed sitting you down. She breaks the kiss once again. Backing up,she begins removing her sports bra. “You see, the best part about being with a woman. Is the body.” She removed her sports bra. “The curves, so soft and supple.” Her voice so soft and  seductive drove you crazy, as you were now met with her pretty breast “Do you want to touch me Y/n?” You nod, mouth slightly ajar as you took in Shuri’s breast. 
“No, no sweet girl. Use your words”
“Yes, I want to touch you.” Shuri proceeded to walk up to you, still wearing her sweat pants, while her upper half was completely bare except for the gold chain that contrasted so beautifully against her mahogany skin. She grabs your hand placing it up against her soft yet toned stomach. She let out a sigh as you moved your hand upward. Up, up, up until you were cupping her breasts. Shuri bit her lip as you pinched her nipples. 
“Can I taste them?”
“You can do whatever you want babygirl.” You lift yourself up and catch her nipple in your mouth. Suckling like a new born cub. She throws her head back. “Mhm. That’s good my pretty girl.“ The taste of her skin in your mouth and the sound of the moans that came from her made your pussy pulse. You hum with her nipple still in your mouth. Shuri pulls on the band of her sweat pants. 
“Take these off for me Sthandwa, finish undressing me.” You happily oblige. Reaching forward pulling Shuri’s pants and underwear down at the same time. She giggles. “Eager hm?” She stepped out of her pants and laid back on the bed. “Strip for me, slowly, I’ve been waiting for this, and I want to savor every moment.” You got off of the bed slowly and began to seductively strip for Shuri, determined to put on a show for her; not knowing she had plans to put on a show of her own. She slowly opened her legs and began to play with her pussy, eyes never leaving you. “Watch me while I watch you” She moaned. You were placed in a trance. 
You let your shirt come up over your head, as she began rolling her body into her touch biting at her lips. Her soft moans driving your senses wild. The light layer of sweat building up on her begining to make her body glow in the moonlight. Her breast heaving up and down as she let out heavy breaths moaning your name. Her toned thighs spread wide for you, folds glistening, a stream of light hitting it perfectly putting her on display. She was all woman, and that excited you. Your shorts collect one last release of your want before being pulled down your thighs. 
“You knew what you were doing with those tight ass clothes and waist beads.” Shuri smirked. “Straight my ass. Look at you. Mouth and pussy drooling for me. There’s nothing like a woman huh? Ahhh!” Her head falls back in ecstasy as you stand there caressing your breast, and teasing your nipples; completely naked, physically, and emotionally. You were entranced in her pussy, your sight not leaving her drenched core. The sounds calling out to you. “Shit! I could cum just from how desperate you look right now. Is that you want intel? You want to watch me cum for you?”
You nod but quickly correct yourself “Yes. Yes Shuri I want to see you cum please.”
“No.” Your eyes glance up to meet hers. “Tell me pretty girl. Tell me to cum for you.” You look at her. You smirk feeling a bit bolder. You lick your lips. “Cum for me beautiful.” Your voice was low in octave filled with lust. Shuri’s eyes widened briefly at the sudden change, before you watched her stomach contract and her body began to shake, as her once methodical strokes became sporadic. “Oh B-bast! Y/n! I’m c-cumming for you! Uuuhhnn!”
  As you stood and watched her cum, you knew for sure you were hooked. You wanted to hear her scream your name like that all the time. The girly tones of her voice awakening  something inside of you. She was a woman.
“Come my love. Touch me, feel what you do to my body.” You walk over to the bed and hover over Shuri leaning down to kiss her lips, as you reached down and touched another woman for the first time. You moan into her mouth at the feel of her. Her slippery folds encasing your fingers. Meshing around them perfectly. “That’s all for you baby. Now let me show you what I can make your body do for me.” The look in her eyes was devious. As she sat up positioning your body to straddle her thigh. “Grind for me”You began to move your body against her. Shuri wanted to ignite all of your senses, so she grabbed your waist and brought you closer wrapping you in a hug, pressing her body up against yours completely. 
 The feeling of her bare breast pressed against you felt so erotic, as she held you close and placed kisses all over your chest. “Oh Shuri.” You moaned in a whisper. She handled you so gently moving her hands down to your plump ass massaging into it as she helped you get off on her thigh. It felt as though she was worshipping your body. She kept one hand wrapped around your body and the other she brought inbetween the two of you, finding your pussy she began to rub. “Ah fuck! Baby!”
“You like the way I take my time baby. No rush. I want you to feel good in places you never knew you could.” Before you knew it you were laying on your back as she kissed and sucked down your body, making her way toward your pussy. She held up your thighs caressing them as she prepared to dive into her meal.  She licked and sucked all around your pussy, before finally making contact with your clit. “Fuck Shuri!” 
“Mhmm” she moaned into you as she devoured you. 
“Oooo eat this pussy Panther!” She smacked the inside of your thigh. Then she wrapped her arms around both of your thighs and pulled you to the edge of the bed. Devouring your pussy. “S-Shuri ha hooo my g-god!” You were very sure you were seeing heaven, and then she placed a finger inside. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head “M-more. P-please Shuri more!” You reached down grabbing her by her curls grinding against her face. She placed another finger inside of you, and you felt like you were floating. “OMG! Uhn! I’m gonna cum Panther!” Shuri said something but you’ll never know what it was between euphoria and her mouth being filled with pussy. 
  You came hard in her mouth, she continued eating, getting you all cleaned up. And then she kept going. “I want some more pretty girl. Can you give me more.” 
“Uhn! I d-don oh Sh sh pleasassee!! “ your words were failing you.
“Yea you can give me more.” She palms your ass. Getting back up on the bed laying on her back. “Come sit on my face. Drown me in that shit baby. Use me.” She opened her mouth wide sticking out her tounge ready to be your seat. You carefully lower yourself onto her face, but she grabs your thighs holding you down as she ravished you. You started moving your hips faster getting close to another orgasam. “Oh baby I’m gonna cum again! Fuck me Panther! Drink me!” Once again the band snapped and you were cumming, but this time liquid sprayed from your pussy as you squirted on Shuri’s face. She took it like a pro drinking you up.
“Good fucking girl! You’re my good girl huh Y/n. You taste so good.” She said as you fall to the bed trying to control the shaking from the after shocks. “You’re doing so good for me. You’re going to give me one more. Can you do that for me? Want to watch me cum on top of you? ” You look up at her tears falling from your eyes. You didn’t know if you could, but you’d damn sure try if you could see Shuri cum for you again. “Mhmm” is the only sound you could get out. Shuri understood loud and clear. 
Shuri sat up, grabbing your legs pushing them all the way back, she straddles you in a squat.  “As bad as I want to strap you until you’re unconscious, I want their to be no misunderstanding that it is a woman is fucking you like this” She begans to move against you, feet planted firmly on the bed, the muscles in her legs flexing. “Mmmm!” You let out a long groan from the overstimulation. “Shshsh. Don’t worry baby I got you.”  She slowly whined her body against you in a circular motion. You looked down at her, chin still covered in your cum, body glistening in sweat. “ Ahhhh! fuck” she moaned throwing her head back. You followed a large bead of sweat  that moved down from her long sexy neck, to her chest, down the valley of her breast, slowing at her waist that whined expertly above the backs of your thighs. It was femininity in all it’s beautiful, ethereal, glory. You snapped. “Oh My God Shuri! You’re so fucking sexy!” You reach and grab her waist moving underneath her as best you can. 
She looked down at you like a goddess on her throne. “ You never felt like this before?”
“I c-can’t t-take it. You’re d-driving me crazy. Please! I want you! I need you Shuri. I want to be yours! Please Let me be yours!” You screamed, tears streaming down your face, as you were full out crying now. The whole experience was overwhelming. 
“Nobody’s ever known your body like this b-baby? Uuhn! Made you c-cum s-so much? Knew exactly how touch you huh?”
“N-no, n-no, nobody baby! Nobody m-makes me feel like you Shuri! I’m gonna cum again for you!” Shuri fell to her knees, causing her pussy to grind harder against yours as she picked up the pace. “Oh Fuck! Go ahead b-baby let it go, I’m right behind you!” As if your body ran on her command you opened up the flood gates cumming into Shuri’s pussy, as she followed behind. 
“OH GOD SHURI! I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU! I’m so in love with you.” You cried. She collapsed on top of you shaking and breathing hard from her intense orgasam. You both held onto eachother tight. You wrapped your legs around her waist as she nuzzled her face into your neck. You heard the sniffles before you felt tears dropping onto your neck. 
“I know sthandwa. I’m in love with you too”
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holylulusworld · 6 months
Kidnapping Miss America
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Summary: It was an easy job. They had it planned well. They weren’t prepared for you.
Pairing: Criminal!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader x Criminal!Jake Jensen
Warnings: bitchy reader, arguments, banter, biting (not the sexy kind), violence against kidnappers, mistaken identity, fighting for dominance, dumbass kidnappers (kinda), grumpy Bucky, tension
A/N: Here's the dream pairing we have been waiting for...😂
Words: 2,7k
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“Fuck, she’s heavier than she looks,” the guy carrying you inside the hideout pants. He complains loudly as you hang over his shoulder. “I thought she was a model or something.”
“Hey, asshat! Say that again and I’ll scratch your eyes out! Never call me heavy again!” You wiggle in his tight hold. “I will kill the both of you and rip your balls off if I see one hair of your dick!”
The other guy chuckles at your antics. “Yeah, never call her heavy again. That’s not nice. And I won’t show you my dick. I don’t get hard for bitchy bitches.”
“Who asked you?” You growl and blindly grasp for your second kidnapper. “How about brightening your horizon and learning some new words? Bitchy bitches my ass.”
“She has claws and teeth,” kidnapper number one drops you to the ground, making you cry out as you land hard on your ass.
“You fucker!” You jump up faster than the guy can blink. They believed you were a damsel in distress and didn’t restrain your ankles or wrists. Now they regret their lapsus because you jump at the guy dropping you to the floor. “I’ll kill you.”
“What the fuck!” The guy exclaims as you tackle him. He ends up on the ground, you on top of him. You dig your nails into his chest and twist his left nipple. “OUCH!” He squeaks ungracefully as you do it again.
The second guy snickers behind you, but you won’t have it. You get up and rip the blindfold off your eyes. “Bastard!” You kick the first guy’s balls before jumping at the second guy. “I’ll kill you!”
“Help me!” The second guy calls for help as you sink your teeth in his neck and repeatedly bite him like a feral dog. “She tries to rip my flesh out! BUCKY! HELP!”
“I’ll get my pound of flesh!”
“Whoa, is this how Miss America acts? I thought you all dream of world peace and American pie!” The first guy slowly gets back up. He limps toward you to drag you off the second guy. “Let him go, you crazy bitch!”
“Eat shit, loser!” You snarl and twirl around to punch the first guy’s nose. “I’m not some girl you can just kidnap! Who do you think you are?”
“What the fuck, Jensen!” The first guy cups his aching crotch. “I wanted to make fast cash, not get my balls rearranged.”
You snicker as the first guy pleadingly looks at you. He’s much taller than you and strong. It shouldn’t be too hard for him to take you down. But he seems to be afraid to get close to you now.
“He said this is an easy job to make fast cash! All we had to do was grab Miss America and make sure she couldn’t win this contest,” the second guy, Jensen, grunts. “That’s not my fucking fault, Bucky!”
“Of course, it is your fucking fault! You listened to that dumbass,” Bucky bites back. His balls are bruised, and he won’t take this lightly. “I can’t believe I listened to you! I could’ve made more with poker tonight. Instead, I got my balls bruised.”
“More like your ego, wannabe kidnapper,” you chuckle darkly. Bucky’s eyes darken and he takes one step toward you.
You grit your teeth and ball your hands into fists, preparing for a fight.
“What are you? A ninja or shit?” Jensen panics as you look like you know what you are doing. “I think she wants to use karate or something.”
“It’s called Krav Maga, dumbass,” you snap at Jensen and get ready for his attack. “Come and get some.” You prepare for a fight with both men. Two tall guys against you, a fair fight. Your trainer didn’t call you firecracker for nothing.
“I think she’s crazy,” Bucky looks at his accomplice. “Jensen, this was a stupid idea. Miss America is a crazy bitch.”
“Dude, I’m not a miss nor Miss America,” you grit your teeth at Bucky. “You are the crazy one here if you think I’ll just roll over and let you pervs touch me!”
“Wait!” Jensen raises his hands in surrender. “You are not Miss America?” He cocks his head to look you up and down. “Hmm…yeah. I guess those girls don’t have a nice ass like you do.”
“Did you just call my perfect bottom fat?” You narrow your eyes. “Say that again if you want to lose a testicle. I dare you four-eyes!”
Jensen looks offended and pouts. He sniffs and turns away for a moment while his partner in crime tries to charm his way out of this situation.
“It’s a perfect peach,” Bucky shamelessly stares at your ass. He hums and cups his crotch again. “If I didn’t risk another kick to my crotch I’d offer you to take care of your peach.” He grins like he made you the nicest compliment.
“Calling my ass peach won’t get you out of trouble! You kidnapped me, the bookkeeper of the year, and I missed the prize-giving because of you. They wanted to give me a golden pencil and a coupon.”
“Bookkeeper of the year?” Bucky groans. “Jensen don’t tell me we were at the wrong place. Again…”
“How shall I know?” Jensen shrugs. “Dude said she’ll be in the room and wait for us to grab her! It’s not my fault he gave us the wrong information.”
“Seriously? You wanted to kidnap Miss America?” You snort. “Dude, they protect her better than the president. Did you honestly believe Miss America is sleeping at a sleazy motel? She sleeps at the four seasons!”
“Great. We grabbed the wrong girl then,” Bucky sighs and runs one hand down his face. “We fucked up big time.” He pouts and stares daggers into his partner’s skull. “You fucked this up, Jensen!”
“He gave us the wrong information! That’s not my fault.” Jensen sniffs. “Why do you always blame me? I’m only the tech nerd to you. You do not respect me at all.”
“Aw, are you having relationship trouble? Do you want me to wait outside so you can make up?” You tease.
Jensen drops his gaze and sighs deeply. He shrugs and mumbles an apology under his breath.
Somehow, you pity these two. They don’t seem to be the smartest criminals and you can’t help but feel sorry for them.
Bucky slowly sits down on the worn-out couch. He switches the TV on, to distract himself from thinking about the money they lost tonight. Bucky switches through the channels, making comments about the shows. “Boring…nonsense…wait..”
“What is it?” Jensen gapes at the TV. “Pump up the volume. I want to hear this.”
You look at the TV, listening to what the reporter has to say. According to them someone tried to kidnap Miss America and got shot. They didn’t make it out alive.
“Whoa, this could’ve been us.” Bucky huffs. “Take that, Walker. I knew it was a stupid idea to work with that fucker! He gave us the wrong address to get all the money!”
“You only work with idiots, huh?” You sit next to Bucky. “So, tell me, how much money do you make with crimes.”
“Not much lately. We used to make a lot of cash, but our concurrent fucked us over,” Bucky grumbles. “We need fast cash to keep our business running and stop Rumlow from taking over our club.”
“How do you usually make cash if you don’t kidnap women?” You grin darkly as Bucky’s frown deepens. “Come on, we are kidnapping buddies now. You can trust me.”
“You kicked my balls, lady!” Bucky snaps at you. “I don’t trust you at all. My balls don’t trust you. And my gut instinct doesn’t trust you.”
You snort. “Fine, I’ll go home, grab my prize on the way, and tell Rumlow greetings from you two losers…”
Jensen stares at you with wide fearful eyes as you make your way toward the door.
“Rumlow?” He hiccups. “You know Rumlow?”
“He prefers when I call him Brock and rub his shoulders after a long day,” you look over your shoulder to flash Bucky, who suddenly stands behind you, a smirk. “Did I forget to mention that I’m his bookkeeper?”
Jensen makes an odd noise. He wrings his hands and tries to not show he’s scared to hell and back at the mention of Brock Rumlow.
“What? Not so cocky any longer?” You turn on your heels to jab two fingers into Bucky’s chest. “Miss America my ass. I’m worth more than that bony bitch!”
Bucky looks you up and down. He hums and immediately pounces on you. “You’re right,” you squeak when he throws you over his shoulder again. “Rumlow will pay us a fucking lot of money to get you back.”
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“Uh-Bucky,” Jensen watches his partner restrain you to the heater. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to treat her this way. Rumlow will kill us,”
“Aw, your little partner is scared,” you snicker. “How about you two play by my rules from now on, and I help you get more money than you could ever spend?”
Bucky crosses his arms over his chest. He sniffs and turns to leave the room. “I don’t trust you.”
“Wait, maybe she can help us,” Jensen doesn’t want to end up dead because they kidnapped you. If you are willing to help them, he’ll do anything to get in your good graces.
Bucky sneers as his partner looks at you like a lost puppy. “Get out of the fucking room, Jensen. We don’t negotiate with girls kicking a man’s balls.”
“It’s called massage,” you giggle and snort as Bucky turns around to glare at you. “Don’t tell me you never got kicked in the balls before. You scream awful first date.”
“Watch your tongue!” Bucky points his index finger at you. “I’m an awesome first date. The ladies never complained.”
“Yeah, because you bored them to death.” The look he gives you makes you giggle again. “You’re not used to a woman talking back, huh?”
“What you said about the money,” Jensen clears his throat to get your attention, “is it true? Can you help us?”
“Well,” you look at the handcuffs around your wrist. “I will talk if your partner takes these off again. If not, you will regret putting your hands on me.”
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“How do you want to help us? Talk,” Bucky barks while his partner expectantly looks at you. “I don’t have all night.”
“I got more than enough time,” you stretch your body and yawn. “How about you get some food and beer first? I’ll talk after I eat. You fucked my day up.”
“Uh-I don’t have much money with me,” Jensen looks inside his wallet, sighing deeply. “I got ten bucks. What do you have, Bucky?”
“Guys,” you sigh and shake your head. “How did you survive for so long without my help?” You get up from the couch and grab your bag. “Christ, you should have at least one hundred bucks with you. You never know if you need to run.”
“What?” Bucky furrows his brows. “What do you mean you must run away?”
“I’m working for a dangerous criminal who likes to kill people if they look at him for too long. I have a plan, always.”
“Making plans is my job,” Jensen grins proudly. “Not this one, of course. Walker made the plan this time.”
“Hmm…” you open your wallet and hand Bucky fifty bucks. “Here, get us some food and beer. I think you know where my car is. Get it here, and don’t get caught. I trust you that you don’t run off and leave me alone with your partner.”
“I’m not your servant,” Bucky grunts and snatches the money out of your hands. “Why do you need your car?”
“I’ll tell you if you come back with food and beer…”
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“Here,” Bucky slams the beer on the table. He drops three paper bags filled with takeout next to the beer, huffing as you are busy playing the blind man’s bluff card game with Jensen. “What are you doing? She’s still our hostage.”
“Jakie and I discussed the most important things,” you coo, and grab one of the bags. “I hope you brought some dessert too. This is going to be a long night.”
“Yeah? How about you answer my questions first,” Bucky grunts and slams his fist onto the table. “Why are there three suitcases and shit in your trunk?”
“Uh-“Batting your eyelashes you try to not give away too much. “That’s none of your business. I was about to go on vacation.”
“Vacation for how long?” Bucky steps closer and snatches the card from your forehead. He crumples the card up and flings it across the room. “I’m done playing games. Talk.”
“Stop barking at me like a feral dog,” you snap at Bucky. "Jake and I had a great time without your grumpy ass around."
“Stop messing with me,” the brunette pants heavily. “We’ve got no time for this shit.”
“Fine. I kinda stole the access data for  Rumlow’s offshore bank accounts and his black book. I know where he’s hiding every single buck.”
Bucky licks his lips while his partner in crime nervously shifts in his seat. “He’s going to kill all of us, Buck. We need to get out of town!”
“Relax, Jakie!” You wave his concern off. “Rumlow is busy with another poker game. He’s out of town for a week. More than enough time to get out of town and transfer all of his money to my bank account in the Bahamas.”
“Bahamas? You think he won’t find you there?” Bucky huffs. “You’re stupider than I thought if you believe for one second you can rob Brock Rumlow and get away with it.”
“Aw, sweet cheeks,” you pat Bucky’s cheek. “I already robbed every single buck. I only need to get out of town, and this country.”
“She robbed all of his money,” Jensen hiccups. “What if he believes we had something to do with all of this?”
“You know,” sizing Jensen up you smirk, “I could need help hiding the money. You’re smart and reliable. If you are willing to follow me, we can be Gods.”
“Do you listen to yourself sometimes?” Bucky huffs. “Rumlow will flay Jensen and you alive. You have no survival instinct at all.”
“I got survival instinct,” you bump your chest into Bucky’s trying to intimidate him. “I kicked your balls, remember? I could have easily broken your neck too.”
“I’d like to see you try.” He dares to grin. “I doubt you’ll be able to wrap your hands around my neck. Little peach.”
“Well, if you are the survival expert you should join me and Jakie,” you challenge. “Your business is dead. So, I heard.”
“We could buy an island!” Jensen dreamily sighs. “Cocktails on the beach. The sun kissing my skin.”
“You’ll get sunburn,” Bucky grunts. He crosses his arms over his chest while eying you warily. He cocks a brow when you open a beer and take a large swig.
“I’ll pay you,” you run your fingertips over his bicep. “What’s your price? How much does your service cost me?”
Jensen watches you sip on the beer. He hums and imagines helping you for free to touch your peach. “I’ll do it for free!”
“Jensen!” Bucky mutters.
“Aw, he only wants to be a good boy for me, right?” You turn on your heels to pat Jensen’s cheek. He smiles widely. “I got more money than you could ever dream of. I only need someone to help me hide it and a bodyguard.”
“Bucky,” Jensen pleads.
“Fine,” the brunette throws his hands up. “If we die, I’ll blame you, Jensen.”
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On your way out of town, you relax in the passenger seat staring at your bank account. Fifty million dollars should be enough to start a new life.
While Jensen takes a nap in the back seat, Bucky is driving the car you rented using a fake identity. He’s still a grumpy ass but you know, he’ll do anything to protect you. If only for the money you promised them.
Soon you will leave this country and your old life. Rumlow will regret firing you. He will remember your name till the end of his life.
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gingiesworld · 6 months
Last Christmas
Natasha Romanoff x GN! Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @dopeyouth @karsonromanoff
It was no secret that Natasha had feelings for Y/N, from the moment they joined the Avengers, her feelings only grew each day. But she started to lose hope when they started to date Sharon Carter, a fellow agent.
Even through their relationship, she remained Y/N’s best friend and confidant. Even through the heart break when they found out that she had cheated on them, with none other than the noble Captain America himself.
“You should tell them how you feel?” Wanda told her as the two got ready for Tony’s annual Christmas Gala.
“I can’t do that Wanda.” She told her. “They would never see me as I see them.”
“You will never know unless you try.” Wanda told her as she finished her make up.
“Let’s just have fun tonight.” Nat told her with a hopeful smile, meanwhile Y/N was already at the bar with Bruce as they watched Sharon carelessly dance with Steve.
“She’s not worth the pain.” Bruce told them as he took their attention.
“I know.” They nodded for the bartender to refill their drinks. “I just, I don’t really care for her anymore.”
“So, is there someone else?” He asked as they gave him a smile.
“There is.” They nodded. “I’m just afraid, I don’t want to just lay my heart out for it to be broken again.”
“You’ll never know unless you try.” He told them as they sipped their drink, their eyes soon catching sight of Nat and Wanda. “It’s either of the girls, and since Wanda is in some sort of companionship with Vision, it would be companionship right? I’m not used to being in social circles.”
“It is.” Y/N laughed.
“So I would say it’s Nat.” He confirmed as the two girls approached.
“What’s Nat?” Wanda asked with a raised brow and a smirk on her face.
“My best friend.” Y/N smiled before looking at the two. “You both look stunning as always.”
“Thank you.” Nat whispered as she accepted the drink Wanda ordered, both watching as Y/N disappeared through the crowd. “What’s wrong with them?” She asked Bruce who just shrugged.
“I am going to say hi to Helen.” He told the two women before walking away.
“What is going on?” Nat asked Wanda who shrugged.
“Go and talk to Y/N.” Wanda pressed on as Nat sighed, finishing her drink before taking the leap. Finding Y/N stood out on the balcony away from the people dancing.
“Y/N, are you ok?” She asked as she stood beside them.
“Yeah.” They told her as their eyes never left the skyline.
“If it’s them two, I can kick their asses if you want.” She told them, making them chuckle.
“It’s not that.” They told her as they looked at her. “I know I should feel pain and hatred towards them but I don’t. In fact I feel free from her.”
“That’s a good thing right?” She questioned as they nodded.
“It is a good thing, but I am scared.” They confided in her. “There is someone who I have had feelings for, for a while. Maybe before I got with Sharon but I am afraid of getting my heart broken again.”
“It’s not really living if we live in fear, is it?” She asked them. “So maybe you just need to take the jump.”
“Yeah.” They nodded as they looked back out again. “You’re right.” Nat was confused the moment their lips collided with hers, but she kissed them back nonetheless.
“I.” She tried to speak when they pulled away.
“It’s you Natasha.” They whispered. “It’s always going to be you.” Nat smiled as she leaned in to kiss them once more, smiles on both of their faces.
“You have no idea how long I have waited to hear those words.” She whispered as their foreheads pressed together. “I have loved you for the longest time, and I am so in love with you.” They pulled her into their arms as they held her close, watching the stars in the sky as the party went on behind them, feeling like it was just the two of them.
Last Christmas, Y/N found themselves heart broken and this Christmas, they found themselves with the one they should have been with all along.
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waywardcrow · 5 months
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Chapter IV.
Summary: 1943. 1975. 2024. Three different decades, three different lives, three different times your life and Bucky's interwined; he lost you twice, will he do it again?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader.
TW: It can change each chapter but themes of Bucky as soldier and as the Winter Soldier in general, flashbacks and dreams in italics like this, lots of feels, reader's being a little anxious, some stalking lol, a brief sex scene (p in v), very bad written smut, implied domestic violence (not from Bucky), murder mentioned, past lives, past 40'sreader is mentioned to be named Beth but that changes for 2024 version of her so I nicknamed her little bird for Bucky, Ace for everybody else, this will be a +18 story so minors dni.
Disclaimer: Please remember english is not my first language so if I make a mistake or forget something let me know.
Pictures from pinterest and graphic and dividers by the amazing @ firefly-graphics so all credits to the creators.
Previous chapter <;<<
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You were fired, that wasn’t a surprise.
Mia Alexander didn’t sue you for every penny you had, that was shocking.
But getting a call from Pepper Potts herself, that was the real main event of your whole life.
She asked you to go and pay her a visit at her office in the Avengers tower, like if that didn’t send you in a spiral of bliss and terror, what will you wear? What could a woman like her want to talk with someone like you? Even if Sergeant Barnes –Bucky, you reminded yourself- told her what had happened in the gala, she might be mad at you.
Your head begun to think in the possibilities all the way there, considering that this was the reason why Mia didn’t sued you, maybe Pepper Potts would do it.
When you finally arrived to the tower your stomach was in knots, not even your lucky outfit made you feel better but like every other day in your life you sucked it up and walked to the front desk.
“Hi, I’m here to see Miss Potts?” you said, making it sound more like a question and the receptionist stared at your vintage midi skirt and blouse like he understood your hesitation. You offered him a smile before telling him your name so he looked for it in the screen in front of him and gave you a visitant pass.
“Third floor, follow the hall, last door in your right” he said and then went back to his screen.
“Oh, ok, thanks” your neck was hot with embarrassment when you reached the elevators and just became more evident when you got in and someone else did too.
“Good morning, third floor too?” Scott Lang, THE Scott Lang, asked you and you could only nod like an idiot. He did a double take on your face and smiled “hey, I know you; you are the girl who throws champagne at evil bosses.”
You were turning purple, it was a sure thing.
“What?” it was all you said.
“Yeah, the other night you did an incredible stunt, Sam told us everything” so Captain America knew too, great. Scott must saw something in your expression because his changed “is ok, seriously, when we hear what she did no one blamed you for it, I was sure Hope was about to kick her ass and don’t let me start with Yelena” your head was spinning “I think it was brave and more subtle than ruining your boss company and driving a car to his pool”
That earned a strangled laugh from you.
“Are you going to see Miss Potts too, Mr. Lang?” you asked when the elevator doors opened again and you walked with him.
“Actually I’m going to see Maria Hill but I’ll see you later” he smiled at you with such honesty that you relaxed for the first time in all day, making your way to your destiny you noticed the front desk for Miss Potts assistant was empty and you were just on time which was as good as being late.
Without not knowing what to do, you knocked at her door.
“Come in”.
Taking a deep breath, you did it squaring your shoulders and trying to tell yourself everything would be fine.
“Good morning, Miss Potts, I hope is ok I called, there was no one and-“
“It’s completely fine” she said gesturing for you to sit in front of her and went to address your formally even if contradicted her next words “Please call me Pepper, everyone does.
There was something about her, a professionalism that was inspiring but also made her approachable and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Only if you call me by my first name too”
“It’s what you like to be called? Because Sam told me about your friend calling you Ace when he went with Sergeant Barnes to the hospital, I think it fits you” at her words it was impossible not to blush again; first of all because of the mention of Bucky, the recurrent thought of your head the last days and then because of the nickname Harper gave you.
“I mean, yeah, my friends call me that” it was an exaggeration, you only had one friend.
“Maybe we should stick to it, between me and you Pepper is not even my name but I think is perfect for me” there was something like nostalgia in her eyes but she didn’t let you think too much about it “and I like that my employees feel comfortable when we talk.”
“Excuse me, what?” it was really embarrassing how you couldn’t form a decent sentence in front of her.
“I would like you to be my assistant, Ace” she said and then your life really changed.
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Bucky still could tasted you, the other you, the one who reincarnated and was born in a rich Italian family in 1950, the one that somehow found him when he was The Winter Soldier.
He wasn’t supposed to fuck you in your fiancée’s car, well ex fiancée, you couldn’t marry a dead asshole. His mind couldn’t know why he needed you that bad but his body did, Bucky was sure it was the conditioning what made him be such a caveman with you but the truth was, you were his mirror back then.
You wanted him since Lucas bragged about his connections to Hydra and how they lend him their best asset to protect the arsenal his father’s company will provided for them. Your whole attention was in the silent assassin who looked at you like you were everything he could ever want.
Lucas wasn’t great with you, his little bird, that’s why he snapped his neck and took you away, sometimes his nightmares will let him breath and remember you surrounding him, riding his cock, high in pleasure, telling him that you loved him before you both were found and he was dragged back to Hell.
As a small blessing, he didn’t remembered that while dreaming, Bucky was too lost on you, in the salty taste of your skin against his tongue when he traced the valley of your naked breasts with it.
“Give me one more, little bird” he ordered, thrusting in and out of you with an incredible skill considering the small space “drench my cock again.”
His english was perfect with you, no sign of hesitation, not remembering he wasn’t supposed to speak it so naturally when it wasn’t necessary; the Brooklyn accent showing up without effort.
“I- I can’t” you sobbed, drunk on him, your body asking for more.
“You will” his metal hand let go your neck to play with your clit, the cold metal sending you to your climax once again, taking him with you.
The softness of your skin against his was the last thing he remembered before waking up.
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Harper called you when you got back home and screamed when you tell her the news; she made a joke about coming to work with you so she could see Sam Wilson every day, making you feel better. Since you convinced your parents go and have the retirement they deserved, Harper was the only one you had and she was more than what you deserved but sometimes you wished for more, for someone to go home to.
Like a fool, your mind went to Sergeant Barnes; you needed to thank him for what he did for you.
If not for him, you would have be ruined but how could someone put that in a thank you card?
Maybe you could bake something for him.
Bucky likes apple pie.
The thought came out of nowhere with an intense hint of pain between your eyebrows, what was that?
Maybe a nap would help, your new job waited for you and this was the chance you dreamed of, ruining it wasn’t an option.
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When Bucky went to check on you that night, you were already sleeping in your couch, making very difficult for him to let you there. Of course he could break in and carry you to your room without waking you up but it would make you feel unsafe.
It was hard for him to go back to a civilian life, or the closest he could have, his actions needed to be careful, especially around you. It was also torture he remembered almost everything and you nothing at all, that he couldn’t tell you about that night on your porch in 1943 or your breakfast with him, Steve and the Howlies when your unit was sent to Europe and destiny brought you both together again, he couldn't tell you about that time in Italy.
Bucky wanted you to know everything but you will never believe him, in the best case you'd believe it was a joke or a proof of him losing his mind but you could also believe him dangerous –which he was- and get away from him where Bucky would not be able protect you.
Sited there in your fire escape, he started to memorize every part of you he could see through the darkness, if that was all he could have from you, he would make it be enough.
Tag list: @cjand10 @bunnyforhim @cookingdancingchick
Next chapter >>>
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Hello lovelies! Sorry for bringing this short chapter, I tried to start going through their past lives but witout giving so much details so this don't gets very confusing, if it still is please tell me so I can work on it, what de you think? I'll love to read about it in the comments!
Love, Lily.
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arlana-likes-to-write · 3 months
Second Chance - Chapter 11
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Warning: angst with a happy ending, mention of death, Yelena struggling with her feelings and being a little dumb lol
Word Count: 3.7k
“There she is!” You giggled as the elevator doors opened, and Kate stood up to pull you into a hug. “How was DC?”
“It was a nice change of pace,” you smiled and sat down with Kate and America on the couch. “But I’m glad to be back in the city.”
“Awe, did you miss us that much?” America squeezed at your cheeks. You slapped her hands and glared at her, but there was no bite. There was something about being at the tower you didn’t have in DC. Maybe it was the simple fact they knew you for what you were now. They never saw who you were before the accident, before the Blip.
“The mission went well, I hear.” You leaned back on the couch, and your bag fell to the floor by your feet.
“Yes, it did. We kicked ass, saved the day, and looked good doing it,” Kate smirked. You rolled your eyes and flicked the girl on her forehead. The archer gasped and rubbed the spot you flicked. Her pout caused you and her girlfriend to laugh. The sound immediately died when the elevator door opened, and the Blonde Black Widow walked out. You stared at her as she stared at you - both afraid to speak to one another. Before the elevator closed, she turned around and went back in. She was not saying a single word.
“Unbelievable,” you mumbled, slumping further into the couch. I don’t even know what happened. Did I do something wrong?” The couple looked apologetic, and as Kate opened her mouth, you shook your head. You know what? I don’t have time for her,” you stood up and looked at the duo. Do you guys want to help me pack up the rest of my apartment? I know you guys just got back from a mission .”
“Yeah, of course, we’ll help,” Kate said before America could respond. The girl looked confused but shrugged and stood up.
“I mean, I was going to sit on my ass all day,” you giggled. “Might as well be an unpaid pack mule.” Kate hit her on the back of her head.
“I’ll pay you in food,” you said with a smile, but the smile wasn’t an accurate portrayal of how you were feeling. There was an ache that filled your chest. The feeling traveled across your body, making you feel numb. You understood that not everyone was going to like you. You’ve had your fair share of enemies but desperately wanted her to like you.
“Why do you have so many forks?” Kate asked, wrapping your silverware and putting it in the box. A moving company was stopping to gather the boxes and furniture to donate. “You are one person,” you rolled your eyes as you packed the rest of your living room.
“Just in case I had people over,” you chuckled. You heard Kate mumble, ‘That is so weird.’ You shook your head. You had extra of everything because you planned to invite your friends from DC to the city, but that never happened. Now, you were packing everything up and moving into the tower, which was still weird to wrap your head around.
Working with America and Kate was fun. They made it quick and easy and filled the time with laughter from the stories they told. Once lunchtime rolled around, you ordered Chinese food and sat on the ground because your table was gone. Still, it was fun; their laughter pushed away an ugly feeling that formed in your stomach. However, it wouldn’t stay away for long, and the couple noticed the shift in your mood when it came back.
“You can ask,” Kate said, whipping her mouth with a napkin. You wanted to ask what you did wrong. The question burned on your tongue. You felt silly for holding back, but a part of you knew you didn’t have time to dwell on people who didn’t like you. But with your scientific mind, you were curious about the sudden change. The blond seemed to scramble your brain and leave it a mess.
“Did I do something wrong?” you finally asked. We were fine before the mission, but now she is ignoring me. I don’t have—” you cut yourself off with a sigh. I don’t know what happened.” The couple shared a look. They gave you the same apologetic look as if they knew something you didn’t.
“It’s complicated,” Kate began. God, you hated that word. It was a word said when someone refused to tell you the whole truth. “It’s tough for her to open up to people with everything she’s been through.”
“I understand that,” you couldn’t image the horrors she and her sister were subjected to. “I just wish she wasn’t so hot or cold with me. I-” Again, you cut yourself off and dug into your lo mein.
“What do you almost keep saying?” America asked. You couldn’t look at them. Tony’s decision made sense. They were on a mission and needed to stay focused. The possibility of you dying would complicate the matter.
“Before you guys left, Tony told me he found a match, and I refused to use her.” You spoke slowly.
“It’s Morgan, right?” You nodded. “You are refusing to use her bone marrow even though it could save you.” You hated the way Kate said it; you even used that wording when speaking with Pepper and Tony. There was no way you were using Morgan.
“That is—” America trailed off. It was a lot of things. Crazy, insane, maybe honorable. That’s a little wild.” You laughed at the disbelief on both of their faces. “Why?” You weren’t sure how to answer that. You didn’t want someone you cared about to be in pain to save you. Or maybe you were ready for all of this to be over and to see your mom again.
“Why did you join the Avengers?” You asked them instead.
“To make a difference,” Kate said without hesitation. “To save those that need saving.” America looked at Kate with a love-sick expression that went unnoticed by the archer. You would have teased them if it wasn’t a semi-serious conversation.
“To find a family,” America said softly. I lost mine and found a new one with the team.” Kate was quick to grab her girlfriend’s hand. You nodded and closed your takeout container, no longer feeling hungry.
“In some way, Morgan and Tony are all I have left,” you began. “Now I have the team, but it’s different?” Kate nodded. I don’t want to cause them physical pain if I can avoid it.”
“Even if a little physical discomfort could save them a lifetime of emotional pain?” America questioned. There was Plan B. Plan B would save your life; if it didn’t, it was okay.
“Look, I would just talk to her,” Kate said, changing the topic. “Put your foot down and tell her the truth. It may put her out of her own head.” Or worse, it may ruin the fragile friendship you already had.
When you returned to the tower, you ignored your instinct to rush to the blonde’s room and demand answers. Instead, you took the elevator to the Stark’s floor. Morgan threw herself into your arms before you could step onto their floor. “Well, hello, Princess Morgan,” you chuckled and picked the girl up. Her head pushed into the crock of your neck. The beating of her heart mimicked a hummingbird.
“Morgan,” you looked at Pepper, who was sitting on the couch. You have to ask for a hug.” The young girl tightened her arms around your neck, afraid you would let her down.
“Missed her,” she mumbled. You chuckled, sat on the couch, and Morgan moved onto your lap.
“I missed you too, sweet girl,” you said, pushing her hair out of her face and kissing her forehead. She snuggled closer, and you rubbed circles onto her back.
“How was DC?” Pepper asked. Her voice was soft so she didn’t disturb her daughter, who fell asleep on your chest. You smiled as you felt her breathing and heart rate slow down.
“Good,” you whispered back. “It was strange being back. It didn’t feel like home, which was weird,” Pepper hummed and closed the laptop she was working on. She moved closer and allowed your head to rest on her shoulder, to your surprise.
“Tony said you called him in a panic after their mission,” her hand movements mimicked how you were moving your hand on Morgan’s back. “Do you want to talk about it?” You shrugged.
“I guess being in DC got me thinking about my mom, and it was my first mission, and it worried me.” You felt the CEO nod. “Does it get easier? Like, do you still worry about Tony when he leaves?” Pepper sighed.
“You find ways to distract yourself. It becomes easier to manage the worry,” she paused, but her hand never stopped drawing circles on your back. It was getting hard to fight the sleep invading everyone of your senses. Pepper was nice, felt nice too.
“If you keep doing that, I’m going to fall asleep,” you mumbled, closing your eyes. You heard Pepper chuckle.
“Nothing wrong with that, sweetheart,” she whispered. “Take a nap if you need one.”
Tony was thankful that Friday informed him to be quiet when returning to his floor. He stepped out of the elevator and was welcomed with the sight of you cuddled up against Pepper with Morgan on your chest. All three of you were asleep. It was rare for Tony to find his wife taking a nap. She was always working - busy with meetings or putting out fires with the press. His family was here. He tried to be quiet and grabbed a throw blanket to put it over the trio, but he wasn’t as silent as he had thought, and the sudden moment caused Pepper to wake up. “Sorry,” he apologized. “I didn’t mean to wake up.” Instead of answering, Pepper grabbed his hand and pulled him to the couch. He allowed himself to sit down behind her. The CEO rested her head against him and closed her eyes. She wasn’t asleep, just resting against him. Tony smiled and kissed her forehead. “I don’t think I’ve seen you take a nap.” Tony teased. The CEO chuckled but let out a sleepy sigh.
“Wasn’t my intention at first,” she whispered. “But I’m not sure how many more opportunities we’ll get.” It was like someone dumped ice water over Tony. The idea of how limited your time was here scared him. There was so much he wanted to do and learn. Like always, Pepper was right. With you, time was limited. Her eyes opened slightly, squinting from the harsh light. “Will you stay?” Work needed to be done - mission reports and tune-ups to his and Peter’s suit. All that could wait.
“Yeah, I’ll say,” A nap sounded perfect anyway.
“You are just a sore loser,” you heard Peter say as Kate had to draw eight cards in the game of Uno. You chuckled. After dinner, a card game broke out between Kate, Peter, America, Sam, Maria, and Bucky. You were pretty sure the table was going to get flipped when Maria skipped Bucky three times in a row. You weren’t in the mood to play cards. The surprise nap with Pepper brought up feelings regarding your mom. So, while the Avengers destroyed their friendship over reds, blues, and greens, you were sketching your mom.
It was a trip you and she took to the Adirondacks. She was sitting by the campfire, toasting a marshmallow for you and her. The lake you spent hours learning how to paddle board was behind her. The sun was beginning to set, and the lightning bugs were making their presence known. No matter how old you got, you loved chasing them.
You tapped your pencil on the paper. When was the last time you chased after them? You sighed and stood up from your spot on the couch. You sent a smile to Kate to tell her you were okay and walked into the kitchen. You weren’t really hungry. The idea of food turned your stomach. You filled a glass with ice and ginger ale and slowly sipped the carbonated drink.
The blonde Black Widow walked over to the counter with a plate of crackers and store-bought jello. “You didn’t eat dinner,” you stared at her and sipped on the drink. “I brought you something easy on your stomach.” She could not be serious right now. Why was she doing this? Ignoring you for one second, then showing she cared the next.
“I thought you didn’t want to speak to me,” she cringed.
“No,” you cut her off. “You listen to me. I don’t know what I did, but I don’t deserve it,” you dumped the rest of your drink out. “So, figure out where your head is before you speak to me again.” You grabbed your sketchbook and headed for the stairs to get to your floor so you could avoid the others, but you heard her footsteps following you.
“Hey, don’t walk away from me,” you stopped but refused to look at her. You wanted her to work for it. She walked in front of you. “Why won’t you let me explain?”
“Because I have a feeling the next word out of your mouth was going to be complicated,” you crossed your arms. “And I don’t have time for complicated, Belova. So if you want to be in my life, act like it or get out of my way.” You pumped your shoulder against hers as you walked past her.
“De’mo (shit),” Yelena mumbled and ran her hands through her blonde hair. That was not good, and she could only blame herself. Getting that stupid photo out of her head was so hard for her. The easiest thing was to push you away because that was what she was good at. But she had to do something when she saw that you weren’t eating. God, she was stupid.
“That was stupid.” She wasn’t sure when Natasha walked up behind her, but she wasn’t going to question it.
“I know,” she groaned, throwing her head back. Yelena heard Natasha walk over to her, place a hand on her neck, and pull her into a hug. The blonde let out a shaky breath.
“You like her, don’t you?” A slight nod was all Yelena could muster. “Then,” she was suddenly pulled out of the hug, and her sister flicked her forehead. “Get your head out of your ass and tell her.” She looked offended and rubbed the spot that was flicked.
“Why the abuse?” Natasha rolled her eyes and put her arm around her shoulders to move her away from the others.
“Look, I know how hard it is to unlearn what they taught us,” she was referring to the Red Room. “And I wouldn’t force you if you weren’t ready, but this time, it’s different.” Right. Different. It was different because of the disease that racked through your body.
“Nat,” Yelena whispered. “What do I do?” Natasha gave her sister a soft smile.
“Listen to this,” she said, placing a hand over Yelena’s heart. And no matter what happens, I’ll be right here.”
A knock on your door pulled you out of your simmering thoughts, and you angrily took a bite of your yogurt. You figured it was America, Kate, and maybe even Wanda to check on you. When you opened the door, the blonde was standing before you. You tried to slam the door close, but she stopped it with her arm. “Wait,” she stopped it with her arm. “Wait. Wait,” she pleaded. “Please. Just hear me out.” You sighed and leaned against the door frame. It was weird seeing the Black Widow so unsure of herself. She looked small, and you had to fight every nerve in your body to bring her in for a hug. “Can we start over?” You titled your head. She stood up straighter and held out her hand. “My name is Yelena Belova.” Your mouth dropped slightly, but you recovered and took her outstretched hand.
“Yelena,” you repeated back. A slight blush dusted her cheeks. You liked the way her name flowed off your lips. “Hi Yelena”
“Can I come in?” You stepped out of the way for her to come in. You closed the door and let out a shaky breath. Could she hear the pounding of your heart? You rested your back against the door and watched Yelena fiddle with the rings on her fingers.
“I do not know how to do this,” she said, pointing to the space between you and her. “Apologize.” You chuckled, shaking your head. “But I am sorry. I’ve treated you-”
“Like shit?” She cringed down. You took a few steps forward and shortened the distance between you and her. “Why?” It took her a moment, you and her. The silence wasn’t awkward, but your stomach was in knots.
“I also do not know how to let people into my life, but,” she closed the remaining distance between you and her. You could see every detail of her green eyes. The way the lights you had on overhead scattered across them. They reminded you of a vast, lush forest. Her eyes served as a window to her soul. Her gaze had a certain depth as if each glance revealed layers of hidden thoughts and emotions. You never saw her look so vulnerable. “But I do know I want to be in your life if you want me to be.” Her eyes glanced down to your lips but moved back to your eyes. You took a step back and created some distance between you and her. You couldn’t think clearly when she was so close. All your mind wanted to do was kiss her.
“Do you want to watch a movie together? I can make popcorn, and we can start this—” You weren’t sure what to call the relationship between you and Yelena. A friendship seemed too constricting. Besides, you weren’t sure if friends thought about kissing one another. “Over again.” Yelena smiled.
“Yeah, I would love to.”
“Go pick something to watch, and I’ll get the popcorn,” she nodded and walked over to the couch. You let out a breath that felt trapped in your lungs. You’ve never felt this flustered, this scrambled in front of someone. All of your life, you were always the one to put together. When you flirted with random girls, they were the ones that turned into a blushing mess and stumbled over their words. The sound of the microwave beeping made you jump, and you heard Yelena laugh from the couch. Her green eyes were watching you from the couch. You flipped her off and grabbed the popcorn and two water bottles. She picked Rush Hour as the movie to watch, and you happily sat down on the couch, leaving some space between you and her.
“Yeah, good,” you smiled. You were happily telling the truth.
It wasn’t until halfway through the movie that Yelena asked, “Can I ask you something?”
“You just did,” she glared at you and threw a piece of popcorn at you. “But yes, you can.” You watched her reach for the remote and pause the movie.
“You said to me that you don’t have time for complicated,” she spoke slowly as if she wanted you to understand every word. “Isn’t Stark looking for a match? Did he not find one?” She had to ask tonight. You sighed and picked up one of her rings. Once the movie started, she took them off and dove into the popcorn. This one was a fidget ring.
“He found one, but I refused.” You couldn’t look at her, placed the ring on your pointer finger, and spun it around. Morgan is a match, but I won’t subject her to that surgery. So we go to Plan B, which means they increase my dosage and the frequency of it. We’ll see what happens.” You expected her to yell, to call you crazy, and demand you change your mind.
“Okay,” was all she said instead. You gave yourself whiplash because you turned your head so fast to look at her. “What?”
“You aren’t going to try to convince me to change my mind or force me to use Morgan,” Yelena leaned back and placed her arm on the back of the couch. Her fingers played with the quilt threads that draped around your shoulders.
“It’s not my decision. You’ve chosen, and I can’t force you to do anything. I know the feeling very well,” she softly said. “What I can do is support you and help where I can.” Oh. That was unexpected, but that was Yelena; you were learning. You nodded and focused back on the ring you were playing with. You took it off and leaned forward to return it with her collection. However, Yelena stopped you, took the ring from your hand, and placed it on the finger that fit. “Keep it,” she said, looking it over on your hand. “Looks better on you anyways.” You weren’t sure if your body warmed up due to the compliment or the warmth that traveled to you through her hand. Yeah, she was surprising.
Yelena wasn’t sure when your body gravitated towards hers while the movie played. She tried to focus on the film that played on the screen and not the feeling of your thigh so close to hers. It became impossible when your body curled against her and rested your head on her shoulder. The quilt you were using now covered her. Her arm moved around your shoulders. “I may fall asleep,” you admitted quietly.
“Do you want me to leave so you can get some rest?” Yelena wanted you to tell her to stay, but she knew she was lucky you had given her a second chance. If you wanted her to leave, she could. You shook your head.
“You make a good pillow,” you mumbled. Yelena chuckled.
“Thanks for the compliment, Easton.”
“No problem, Yelena.” She hated how much her body reacted to you when her name fell from your lips.
Taglist: @likemick, @averagetmblrusser, @wandaromamoff69, @simpforyelenabelova, @cd-4848,
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Imagine being the daughter of Erik Killmonger and Shuri running into you when her and Okoye find Riri
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The commotion could be heard from across the courtyard as the some older kids gave you a hard time. When you walked past them on your way back to the dorms. It was hard being one of the youngest and smartest kids at one of the most prestigious colleges in America. When you got your acceptance letter from Cambridge you were filled with joy and a sense of accomplishment like never before. You told yourself nothing was going to stop you from taking this opportunity, but you knew it would come with challenges.
One of those challenges was sometimes being underestimated because you were a girl and a loner. Not to mention your outspoken no bull-shit attitude. The older kids liked to push your buttons every now and then just to see what you would do. Most of the time you would just give them a death glare and flip a bird before walking away. The headmaster of the school did not tolerate violence whatsoever. So that was out of the question, but sometimes when they really deserved it. You would give them exactly what they were asking for.
Chad grabbed the strap of your bag and used it to pull you to him. He had that cocky grin on his face and dangerous look in his eyes. "Hey buttercup where do you think you're going?
Across the Courtyard
Shuri and Riri were only a few steps behind Okoye who was hanging back just in case something happened. If someone tried to make a move from behind, they would have to get through her first, and if they attacked from the front. She would see it coming from a mile away. They were walking at steady pace with purpose but not so fast to draw attention to themselves.
"Chad let me go." Shuri came to an abrupt her head snapping in the direction of the female voice in distress. Riri didn't stop right away until Okoye clamped a firm hand on her shoulder. She threw the General a slightly irritated look. "What's up with you two I thought we needed to move quick."
"Give it back you asshole" You shouted as Chad snatched your bag away, and held it out of your reach. At that Riri turned in your direction to see what was going on. A grin formed upon her face at the sight.
"Aye what do you find so funny about one of your classmates being tormented" Okoye chastised her.
Riri shook her head with a laugh covering her mouth when Shuri turned to her with a raised eyebrow. She held up both of her hands "will both of you just chill out and enjoy the show."
It was then the group witnessed Chad grab you by the shoulder and shove you away from him so hard. You fell back onto the ground hard. Shuri had seen enough and even though she knew they didn't have time for it, or should be taking the risk. She didn't care anymore "Okoye can you discreetly go kick that colonizer’s ass?"
"With pleasure princess" she accepted getting ready to go over, but Riri blocked her path. "This again small child move or I will move you."
"Naw man trust me if there is any girl on campus who doesn't need your help. Its her just watch this is part of her plan usually things don't escalate, but these idiots must be new or just dumb." Okoye turned to Shuri who didn't look too sure of what Riri was saying, but gave her a nod to hold off for now. Riri turned back around not wanting to miss what was about to go down.
Chad had his back to you laughing with his friends until he felt you tapping him on the shoulder. He rolled his eyes before whirling around to confront you. "Didn't I tell you to beat it I'll drop your bag off after I copy your answers to the homework tonight."
"Or you could just do it yourself dipshit" You shot back balling your hands into fists.
He frowned. "Hey watch how you talk to me. Do you have any idea how hard I can make your life around here."
"Oh please you're too dumb to solve basic Calculus, and I'm supposed to be afraid of you. Let me guess you're going to send one of your groupies after me. Well heads up not going to work."
"Oh yeah and why is that?" He sneered shoving his face into yours. By now everyone in the courtyard had stop what they were doing to watch the argument.
"They'll be too busy screaming my name in my bed we both know you don't get the job done" You whispered into his ear. It wasn't just a joke but a personal attack. You had actually stole one of his the girls he was full crushing on this semester. It did the job Chad pulled his fist back ready to throw a wild haymaker. But you brought your fist up sinking into his stomach before he could even blink. Specks of spit flew out his mouth as he hunched over wrapping his arms around his middle section. You took a few steps back light on your feet as he recovered. "Are you done?"
Chad let out a groan rushing towards you with outspread arms. You dropped to the ground and swept his legs out from under him. He was sent falling to the concrete face-first. Everyone watching either cheered at the move, or closed their eyes, but the crunch sound when his face made impact was loud and defining. You weren't down yet knowing it would take more to get your point across. You grabbed him by the shoulder and rolled him over onto his back with surprising strength. Then proceeded to straddle him and proceeded to lift his head by the collar of his shirt. You drew your fist back into the air making eye contact with Chad. Before bringing it down into his face.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six.
His friends watched in fear and awe as you brutally beat Chad until finally his head lolled back. You released him letting his head fall back to the ground gently. The last punch was the one that knocked him out for good. One of his boys tried to attack you from behind, but you rolled backwards making him miss. A kick to the back of his leg made him drop to one knee. Before he could think you were in front uppercutting him in the chin. This time you weren’t holding back so that one punch K.O. this guy. He fell on his side unconscious.
"Now does anyone else want to pick a fight or mess with me?" You asked loud enough that everyone in the courtyard heard. The rest his posse shook their heads frantically and scrambled away. One of them held out your bag which you snatched up. You slung it across your shoulder and started off for your dorm again. Leaving the two unconscious dudes in your wake like it was nothing.
"Now do you two see what I'm talking about y/n is a freaking badass. No one messes with her and get away it" Riri exclaimed slamming a fist into her own hand in excitement.
Not much could catch the General of the Dora Milaje off guard, but Shuri could tell by the way Okoye's eyes followed you. Until you disappeared into a building that she was impressed by your fighting style. It was a little too brutal compared to her own, but there grace in your movements. Especially when you anticipated the second boy coming in from behind. You didn't move like a young girl who had taken a few self-defense classes. You moved like a warrior with a few years of combat training, and maybe even a few fights under your belt.
Shuri herself was captivated by the way you dealt with those guys. Because the way you fought reminded her of someone else, but she couldn't put her finger on it. "Riri who is that girl?"
"I told you that's y/n" she answered.
Okoye asked the question both of them were wondering. "No what's her full name child?"
"Don't tell me you guys are trying to kidnap her too now. Are y'all short on warriors or something?"
"Riri her name for Bast's sake give me her full name" Shuri snapped.
Riri flinched. "Easy her name is Y/N Stevens alright, and before you ask. Yeah me and her are pretty tight she roughed up these guys who tried to stiff me one time. That girl has had my back since day one I asked her to teach me how to move like that once. She told her father taught her how to fight like that before he died. Apparently her dad was like some super assassin for the government or something like that. Either way his daughter is proof of how badass he was."
Riri was too busy talking to see the look exchanged between Shuri and Okoye. At the mention of your last name, and the look just intensified as she continued on giving them more info on your life. "Shuri you don't think she could be-" Okoye spoke up first letting her voice trail off.
Shuri was too far gone in her head already contemplating what Okoye was implying. T'Challa had her do an intensive background search on Erik immediately after that whole thing was over. Just too make sure his uncle hadn't fathered anymore children all those years ago. If you truly was his daughter wouldn't she have found you back then during her initial search. But then again she didn't think to look for any children Erik might have had himself. It didn't occur to her that he would have kids of his own. He seemed like a man too blinded by vengeance and hatred to have the time or desire for his own family. She couldn't even find a girlfriend linked to him.
"Oh yeah one more thing I mean I don't know why y'all care so much-"
"Just spit it out what else is there?" Shuri demanded coming out of her trance.
Riri grabbed her chest as if she was offended before continuing. "She never gave me her father's official government name and all. But he did have like a badass codename she told me. It was Killmonger."
At the sound of his name both Okoye and Shuri gave each other a knowing look. Both of their eyes widened in surprise, Okoye glanced back at the dorms. While Shuri dropped down into a crouching position with her head in her hands. There was no doubt about now both of them were sure.
You were the daughter of Killmonger and that made you Wakanda royalty.
Tag List: @danveration @xxromanoffxx @romanoffomixam @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @yelenabelovasgf @be-missed @jokertgkk @lizlil
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fryingpan1234567 · 5 months
each of the batkids is New York vibes in a different way
look I know Gotham is closer to NJ but hear me out
Dick— Welcome To New York (Taylor Swift)
Babs— Morning In America (Jon Bellion)
Jason— HEROES (Macklemore)
Cass— That’s My Girl (Fifth Harmony)
Tim— American Boy (Estelle)
Steph— Boo York, Boo York (Monster High)
Duke— Empire State of Mind (JAY-Z)
Damian— Dancing In the Dark (Rihanna)
Dick Grayson is NY in a Welcome To New York way. Gotham, Blüdhaven, Jersey, it’s all the same— dark, rainy, a little bit evil at times. And yet he sees the beauty of it all, and he truly loves his city. No matter how many times life kicks his ass, he’ll get back up and keep protecting this place he loves so much.
Barbara Gordon is New York in a Morning In America way. God, she’s busy, she’s always busy, but it’s where she’s happiest. Being a cop, a librarian, a professional Guy In The Chair™️ for an entire family of vigilantes, shit gets crazy. But she’s got it covered. She always does.
Jason Todd is New York in a HEROES way. He grew up in the Narrows and Crime Alley. Superman who? How about Roman Sionis, who let people sit in his club during the daytime in the winter when the streets got too cold? What about the older kids, who smoked weed that smelled like shit but taught him how to make money off of dumb rich white people? Those are Jason’s people. He’s an NY boy through and through.
Cassandra Cain is NY in a That’s My Girl way. Ever jumped off a building with the sound of pure feminism blasting into your brain, wind and the sheer energy of Gotham City whipping by, tearing at your hair and clothes? Cass has. She lives for it. The city is alive, and it sounds like this.
Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne is New York in an American Boy way. Clean-cut, city boy, businessman who always has places to be and people to see. Busy. Alive. If the livelihood of New York could be filtered into a personality, it would be Tim.
Stephanie Brown is NY in a Boo York, Boo York way. Maybe a hint childish, but hey, maybe that’s what the people of Gotham need. The whole vigilante gig has turned her from a critical pessimist to a die-hard optimist, and she feels sometimes that other people just need to feel the city more. It’s changed her. It’s freedom. Freedom to be a kid again.
Duke Thomas is NY in an Empire State of Mind way. Even after all these years, he still hasn’t quite gotten used to the majesty of such a big city. She’s real, and she’s alive. He sort of loves being a city kid.
Damian Wayne is New York in a Dancing In the Dark way. It just… makes his soul happy. After living in solitude for most of his childhood, coming to a city like Gotham was like nothing he’d even fathomed before. He’s never alone, if only in spirit. It’s healing. And while he won’t gush about it like some of his siblings, he does love his city.
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sbrown82 · 1 year
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First, some background on the model, singer, actress, novelist, playwright, activist, icon, 60s goddess, and the woman who inspired one of The Rolling Stones’ greatest hits, “Brown Sugar”, Marsha Hunt. She is often described as London’s own Josephine Baker and is celebrating her 77th birthday today!:
Marsha A. Hunt was born on April 15, 1946 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and is the youngest of 3 children. Her mother, Inez “Ikey” Hunt, worked in an airplane factory during World War II, and her father, Blair Hunt Jr. graduated from Harvard and became one of America's first Black psychiatrists.
Marsha was raised in a middle-class neighborhood mostly by her mother, aunt, and grandmother who had roots in the deep south (Mississippi delta) and who she’s described as an “extremely aggressive and ass-kicking independent woman.” Her father committed suicide when Marsha was 9 years old (but she never found out how or why).
After moving out west to California with her family, she graduated high school at the top of her class and later attended UC, Berkeley in the mid-’60s where she wanted to study psychological anthropology.
While at Berkeley, she became friends with a slew of interesting people like activist Mario Savio and Huey P. Newton, who later became one of the founders of the Black Panther Party.
[TOP LEFT: Marsha’s mother Inez Hunt; TOP RIGHT: Marsha’s father, Blair Hunt Jr.; BOTTOM LEFT: Marsha at her home in Philly with her father & siblings, Pamala & Dennis; BOTTOM RIGHT: Marsha’s high school graduation photo in 1964.]
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Even though she thrived academically and was very involved in student activities, she became bored with college life and wanted to experience life outside of the country and pursue her real passion – music. In early 1966, she sold her car and some books, and trailed off to London with only $1.83 in her pocket.
Around that time, London was THE city to be in, and was even dubbed “Swinging London” for being the epicenter of art, culture, fashion and of course music, especially due to the popularity of famous acts like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.
When Marsha first arrived, she slept on the floors of mutual friends, took odd jobs (including one as an au pair), and even appeared as an extra in Michelangelo Antonioni's box office hit film, “Blow-Up,” which also featured the British rock band, The Yardbirds.
SHOCKINGLY, in that same year she actually saw The Rolling Stones in concert for the first time during their UK tour at the Royal Albert Hall in London because she wanted to see Ike & Tina who were the supporting act on the bill. Girls were going crazy over the Stones, but of course, she was more impressed by Tina’s show-stopping performance! (Purrrrr 💅🏿)
[LEFT: Marsha in 1966; RIGHT: The Rolling Stones performing at the Royal Albert Hall in London with Marsha in attendance.]
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After roaming the city, making new friends, and trying to find steady work, Marsha ended up auditioning for a blues band fronted by British blues musician, Alexis Korner, who was looking for backup singers. Coincidentally, he was the exact same guy who gave The Rolling Stones their start back in 1962. Later on, she was offered another backing gig for Long John Baldry’s band, Bluesology. John is also a longtime friend of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.
Though she loved music and worked really hard at it, Marsha always claimed that she was never a good singer. People in England just assumed she was because they thought all Black Americans had talent.
She then lived with English blues singer, John Mayall, who actually wrote a few songs about her including, “Marsha’s Mood” and another song coincidentally called “Brown Sugar”. Around this time, she became good friends with the founding members of Fleetwood Mac, famed British artist Kaffe Fassett, and keyboard player for Bluesology, Reg Dwight (a.k.a Elton John).
[LEFT: 19 year old Marsha sporting a wig in London; RIGHT: Marsha with a young Elton John].
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Around the time Marsha broke things off with John, he was also putting a new band together, which included a young guitarist named Mick Taylor, who showed up at the audition without a guitar. He later became another good friend of Marsha’s.
In late 1966, Marsha met musician Mike Ratledge from the British rock band, Soft Machine. At the time, she was having trouble getting a visa extension to stay in England, so the two got married on her 21st birthday. She later claimed it was a marriage in name only as they were not romantically involved and “never held hands and never kissed".
[LEFT: Guitarist Mick Taylor & John Mayall in the mid-60s; RIGHT: Marsha’s “husband” Mike Ratledge of Soft Machine.]
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That same year, Marsha’s hair started to fall out from using chemical relaxers, and after wearing wigs for a while, she finally cut it all off and vowed to never straighten it again. Hence, why she started sporting her iconic afro hairstyle which made her quite a showstopper in London.
In 1968, she found luck when she was cast in a buzzy new rock musical with an ensemble cast called “Hair.” The musical became an instant hit in London’s famed West End. And even though her character “Dionne” only had two lines, she suddenly became the face (or the hair) of “Hair”. The show was a huge success, and also became quite a sensation and a social landmark because it highlighted controversial subjects like drugs, casual sex, profanity, nudity, and anti-war rhetoric. While there, she met another close friend, actor Tim Curry.
[BOTTOM: A poster of the hit musical “Hair” that debuted in the Shaftesbury Theatre in the West End, 1968.]
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Her life completely changed overnight and she instantly became a PHENOMENON, attracting wide media attention. In fact, after the musical’s opening night, the editor of British Vogue sent her a huge bouquet of flowers and wanted her to pose for a photo session, which ended up being a 4-page spread with a written profile. Marsha was also the first Black woman to appear on the cover of Queen magazine as well.
[LEFT: Marsha pictured as the first Black woman on the cover of Queen magazine; RIGHT: Marsha photographed for British Vogue in 1969.]
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She immediately became a sex symbol, celebrity, and the face of the “Black is Beautiful” movement, which was already taking over America in the mid-60s. This helped her snag lots of modeling gigs and everyone wanted to photograph her. (I mean, sis was booked & busy!!!)
[BOTTOM: More of Marsha’s most iconic shots. *The melanin was melanating, 4C afro was on deck, eyelashes poppin’, lips bussin’...she was a *bad bitch*!!!]
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In March 1969, she signed a contract with Track Records, the same independent label that also repped the British rock band, The Who and Jimi Hendrix, as she later said, “There was one luxury that London celebrity afforded me: the freedom to be myself without a single apology for my gap, my freaked-out hair, my brown skin, my slave-class ancestors or my radical views.” 
Around this time, she also had a short-lived love affair with Marc Bolan, the singer and founder of the English rock band, T-Rex (even though he was much shorter than her 😂.)
She scored a few minor hits during her underrated music career with singles like a cover of T-Rex’s “Desdemona” and her debut single, a cover of “Walk on Gilded Splinters”. 
[BOTTOM: Marsha performing the T-Rex cover “Desdemona” live.]
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The record soon went to the charts, and that spring, she was asked to perform on various shows, including a popular British TV program called, “Top of the Pops”. During her live performance on the show, the tight bolero suede top she wore nearly came undone and partially exposed her breasts, a wardrobe malfunction that gave her the reputation of a “bad girl.”
NOW…Here’s the part y’all have been waiting for. Get your popcorn. Y’all got it? Ready? Good!!! 🍿
After her performance aired, Marsha soon received a phone call out of the blue from Jo Bergman, the then secretary for The Rolling Stones on behalf of the band’s frontman Mick Jagger who was actually watching the show live, asking her to pose semi–nude for a publicity photoshoot to promote the band’s new single, “Honky Tonk Women”. She said, “The picture was going to be of a girl dressed like a sleaze bag standing in a bar with the Stones and they wanted me to be the girl.”
[BOTTOM: Marsha performing "Walk on Gilded Splinters” on ‘Top of the Pops’ in May 1969. This was also the exact moment Mick Jagger first laid eyes on her!]
Marsha, who was not a Stones fan, was already established and didn’t really need the extra exposure. She later declined because she had her reputation to think about and said she “didn't want to look like [she'd] just been had by all The Rolling Stones.” She also claimed, “The last thing [Black women] needed was for me to denigrate us by dressing up like a whore” among a band of white men.
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When she tried to get in touch with Mick to say, “thank you, but no thank you”, he later returned her call in an attempt to change her mind and even suggested he come over as he was very intrigued that a girl would turn him down.
Mick then showed up at her apartment around midnight as she claims, “He was framed by the doorway as he stood grinning with a dark coat ... He drew one hand out of his pocket and pointed it at me like a pistol. His silly 'Bang' was precisely the icebreaker we needed to get over my ungracious hesitation before I invited him in, not sure how to salute a notorious rogue who rings me just before midnight and suggests he pop round on a pretext of loneliness.”
They talked for HOURS, well until the sun came up about any and everything from music to social issues and politics, and according to her, Mick “made me squeal whenever he used Melanigian slang (aka Black vernacular/AAVE).” 🙄🤦🏾‍♀️
Marsha didn’t really find Mick physically attractive at first, stating, “He wasn't beautiful or even striking” however, he was boyish, open, direct, yet seemed quite awkward and shy. She found it a relief that he was nothing like other musicians she’d known or the image the media had portrayed him. He was incredibly charming, intelligent, funny, radical, and straddled the racial line, much like she did. She also quickly noticed that he had a penchant for Black women, as he claimed “They [Black women] just do something to me”.
The two of them had a lot in common and just clicked right off the bat. And things eventually turned hot as they ended up having sex. From there, they embarked on a passionate, but very private, deep romance and year-long affair, at a time when interracial relationships weren’t widely accepted yet.
Marsha didn’t expect to hear from him again, as he had a wide selection of women to choose from, but surprisingly, Mick wanted to see her and talk all the time, mostly because she was great to look at and he could count on her. Marsha said, “He knew that I adored him and that he could depend on me…he realized I respected him as I respected myself.”
Mick’s friend and interior designer Christopher Gibbs once said often when he dined with Mick, women who had slept with him would come up to the table and “he’d have absolutely no idea who they were.”
[LEFT: Mick photographed at the ​​Shaftesbury Theatre in London to see the new musical “Hair” for the first time; RIGHT: Marsha performing in the show.]
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1969 was a very rough year for Mick. He was having trouble with his band The Rolling Stones (which he was practically running by himself) because the founder and guitarist, Brian Jones, was becoming increasingly unreliable and spiraling out of control due to his deep drug addiction and legal troubles that led to him having difficulty getting a US work visa to go on an upcoming tour. Mick’s personal life was also a mess because his long-term girlfriend at the time, pop singer Marianne Faithfull, was also a very serious (and sloppy) drug addict, who often embarrassed him and became more dependent and difficult to be around. Things had gotten so bad between them, their relationship grew to be strictly platonic by this time.
Mick and Marianne were quite destructive together and often found themselves in legal troubles due to drugs. Marianne was also quite messy as she previously slept with Mick’s bandmates Brian Jones, Keith Richards, and even left her husband, John Dunbar, for Mick who was dating Black soul singer and former Ikette, Pat “P.P.” Arnold, when they first met.
P.P. also later claimed in her autobiography “Soul Survivor” that the three of them would often engage in drug-fueled threesomes much to Mick’s delight. 
[BELOW: Soul singer & former Ikette, P.P. Arnold, who dated Mick from 1966-1967.]
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While in London, Mick was still messing with P.P. who later became pregnant with his baby in 1967, but they both agreed to have an abortion, partly due to his growing relationship with Marianne.
[BELOW: Mick arriving at a courthouse with his then girlfriend, singer Marianne Faithfull in 1969.]
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Marsha on the other hand, was stone-cold sober and didn’t do any drugs (NOT ONE), which was like a breath of fresh air for Mick, though he dabbled with hashish, LSD, and marijuana among other drugs himself. But unlike those around him, he was able to control his habit.
Even though their relationship quickly turned sexual, they were really, really close friends. Mick often retreated to her home to relax, he told her all his secrets, his troubles – he just trusted her. He was completely enamored of Marsha, who many describe as warm, intelligent, sensitive, funny, and very easy to talk to. He liked that she didn’t go gooey-eyed and weak-kneed in his presence like most (white) women/female fans did. Instead she had a crisply forthright manner and was almost quite “butch”. The Rolling Stones then manager was even quoted as saying that Mick was “obsessed” with Marsha as she was very exotic, and he even gave her the nickname “Miss Fuzzy” due to her afro hairstyle.
Ironically, Marsha enjoyed their well-kept relationship and is one of the only people who often calls him Michael instead of Mick, to distinguish him from his Rolling Stones rockstar persona.
Since Marsha was a fellow recording artist, they were able to be seen together in public without any arousing suspicion—in any case, London still had almost no paparazzi. They would often go to the same parties or events, even with Mick’s girlfriend there, and no one questioned it.
Mick would often pop into some of Marsha’s studio sessions with her band White Trash, and everyone around would be in awe of him.
Later, after officially firing Brian Jones from the band, Mick and the rest of the Stones were in desperate need of a new guitarist. Marsha promptly suggested her good friend, Mick Taylor (Yes, Stones fans – thank Marsha Hunt for that one!), as a replacement for Brian just days before he was mysteriously found dead (he sadly drowned in a swimming pool at his home) on July 3, 1969.
Additionally, when Mick sought a replacement for Jo Bergman, the secretary who handled all The Rolling Stones affairs, Marsha also suggested her friend and tour manager, Peter Rudge - (The same guy responsible for getting the Stones all those huge tours in massive stadiums. Again, thank Marsha!)
Two days after Brian’s death, the Stones played a free concert before a crowd of over 250,000 people in Hyde Park, London, which was previously planned to debut their new guitarist, but turned into a memorial/funeral for Brian. Mick invited both Marianne (who looked a hot ass mess and was in withdrawal from heroin at the time), and Marsha (who showed up looking sexy af with her titties bustin’ out of her buckskin suit) to the concert, and rudely and distastefully opened the show with a song called, “I’m Yours and I’m Hers.”
[BELOW: Mick & Marsha at The Rolling Stones tribute concert to Brian Jones in Hyde Park, London on July 5, 1969.]
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Marianne who sat on the other end of the stage with her 4-year old son Nicholas and the other Stones wives/girlfriends, actually saw Marsha that day as she was placed right above the stage in the scaffold VIP section at the request of Mick so that he could look at her while he performed. She later said, “I saw her [Marsha] you know. And she was stunning…If I’d been Mick in that situation, I might have done exactly the same thing.”
Mick arrived at the concert with Marianne that afternoon, but left with Marsha and spent the night at her place where they made love.
A day after the concert, Mick kissed Marsha goodbye, and flew with Marianne to Australia to shoot a biographical film they were both cast in called “Ned Kelly,” based on the infamous bushranger. However, Marianne who was reeling from the recent death of Brian Jones and a horrible miscarriage just a few months earlier, overdosed on 150 Tuinal barbiturates while traveling with Mick, and fell into a coma in their hotel room.
[LEFT & RIGHT: Mick & Marianne arriving in Australia to film “Ned Kelly.” Marianne slipped into a coma just hours later from an attempted suicide.]
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At the last minute, Mick was forced to film the movie without her, but phoned and wrote to Marsha, who was extremely frantic and worried about his mental health and emotional well-being, almost everyday. She was scared that he didn’t have the stamina to deal with yet another crisis. He sent Marsha over 10 handwritten letters (some even written on the same headed stationery paper of Chevron Hotel where his girlfriend just tried to kill herself) about his deep feelings for her, his experience filming on set, being in the Australian outback, his new interests, the historic day of the moon landing of 1969, future career plans, his regret at missing her performance at the famous Isle of Wight Festival, and other aspects of pop culture (including “John & Yoko boring everybody…”). The letters also reference the recent death of his former bandmate Brian Jones, Mick’s increasingly difficult relationship with Marianne, and another letter even had the full original lyrics for The Rolling Stones song “Monkey Man”, which was later rewritten.
Mick’s letters also went on to mention the foul Australian winter weather and an unpleasant virus that swept through the film unit, a fire that destroyed most of the film’s costumes, along with various other accidents – including a prop gun that backfired in his right hand. He was just having a real shitty time. So, he found solace writing to Marsha.
His letters to Marsha showed how pensive and romantic he was. He said things like,“I feel with you something so unsung there is no need to sing it...” and “If I sailed with you around the world, all my sails would be unfurled.” He also thanked her for being “so nice to an evil old man like me”. And in another steamy note, Mick promises Marsha: "I will kiss you softly. And bite your mouth too."
[RIGHT & LEFT: Mick’s private letters sent to Marsha while filming “Ned Kelly” in Australia during the late summer of 1969.]
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Mick also celebrated his 26th birthday while filming in Australia and Marsha sent him a huge package of books (which he loves) and albums, including her friend John Mayall’s record “Brown Sugar.” Along with his gifts was a note stating how she missed him desperately.
While still trying to rehabilitate his hand from the prop accident, Mick toyed with a new guitar he had and started work on a song he had in his head, which was partly inspired by Marsha and that he initially titled “Black Pussy.” He decided that name was a little too direct and changed it instead to “Brown Sugar” with the lyrics:
[Verse 1]
Gold coast slave ship bound for cotton fields  Sold in the market down in New Orleans  Scarred old slaver knows he's doing alright  Hear him whip the women just around midnight 
Brown sugar, how come you taste so good?  Uh huh Brown sugar, just like a young girl should
[BOTTOM: Recording of “Brown Sugar” by The Rolling Stones later released on their Sticky Fingers album in 1971.]
Mick later confirmed in a 1995 Rolling Stone magazine interview that the song is a double-entendre: “brown sugar” being the street name for unrefined heroin and of course also meaning his seemingly equal addiction to having sex with Black women. The song was a huge commercial success and ended up becoming a huge #1 hit around the world, making it one of the Rolling Stones’ best-selling records to date.
[TOP: A movie poster of “Ned Kelly” which was released in June 1970; BOTTOM: Mick with his guitar composing “Brown Sugar” during filming.]
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While Mick was still filming overseas, Marsha was booked to perform at the iconic 3-day outdoor concert, the Isle of Wight Festival on August 30th, 1969. At the time, it was the biggest open-air concert in music history and she was the only woman billed to perform. She was there alongside acts like The Who, Joe Cocker, and even Bob Dylan who hadn’t been onstage in three years.
Mick told her in a letter that he was so proud of her and promised her that he was “there in my head and in my heart.” Keith Richards, Charlie Watts and his wife Shirley, and Jo Bergman were also in the audience watching Marsha perform.
Marsha also made headline news as she wore custom-made leather shorts to which the press ran with and by the next fashion season, short shorts were featured in every fashion magazine. She was the first person to popularize “hot pants”.
[BELOW: Marsha performing with her band White Trash at the Isle of Wight Festival in 1969 with members of The Rolling Stones looking on in the audience.]
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After Mick came back from Australia, Marsha was offered a part in a film called “Welcome to the Club” which is a comedy about three Black USO performers sent to Hiroshima in the 1940s to entertain the troops on an all-white base. The film was being directed by Walter Shenson, who had produced The Beatles' films “A Hard Day's Night” and “Help” and shot it entirely in Copenhagen, Denmark.
She was also asked to fly back to London to shoot another cover for American Vogue which was shot by photographer Patrick Litchfield. (They‘d never had a Black woman on the cover before.)
Mick began touring in America again, his first since 1966, and with the number of girls he had access to, she knew he was keeping himself busy on and off stage.
[LEFT: Mick on stage at Madison Square Garden during the Stones’ 1969 tour; RIGHT: Marsha filming “Welcome to the Club”.]
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He even started a short-lived relationship with yet another Black singer and Ikette Claudia Lennear, as well sparking up a fling with Devon Wilson, a notorious rock & roll groupie and the girlfriend of Jimi Hendrix who famously wrote the song “Dolly Dagger” about their affair.
[LEFT: Mick arriving at Madison Square Garden in November 1969 with Devon Wilson; RIGHT: Mick backstage at the same event with singer Claudia Lennear.]
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But on December 6, 1969 - everything changed dramatically when an 18-year old concertgoer was stabbed and killed during the Stones’ free concert at the Altamont Speedway in California by the Hell’s Angels Motorcycle Club, who was the band’s security. Members of the Hell’s Angels blamed Mick for the incident and subsequent to the concert, put a hit out on him and threatened to murder him. This marked the third major tragedy to happen since Mick and Marsha met each other.
[BELOW: A scared Mick looks on as 18-year old Meredith Hunter is stabbed to death by the Hell’s Angels in front of the stage while the Stones performed at Altamont Speedway.]
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Marsha stayed with Mick after the chaos at Altamont, which the media dubbed “The Death of the ‘60s”. By this time, he had officially split up with Marianne and moved Marsha into his house on Cheyne Walk where she helped him to transition and readjust his life. It was then their relationship intensified!
This is around the time she got a chance to know some of Mick’s friends who lived on the same road, including Keith Richards and his girlfriend, actress Anita Pallenberg, who just had a son, but was hooked on heroin. She thought they were both nice, but they’d visit or show up unannounced to their home all the time. Their hard drug-taking also scared Marsha, so she kept her distance and didn’t voice her opinion. 
She also met Mick’s parents, Eva and Joe Jagger, along with his little brother Chris who was a bit of a hippie and had just returned from India with his American girlfriend. They both had no work, no money, and nowhere to stay, so Marsha kindly gave them a job, one included painting her new apartment.
That Christmas, Marsha got Mick a puppy and Mick, for the first time, told her that he loved her.
Marsha was in a good place. Opportunities were coming to her fast, she had a new apartment, and she was in love with Mick. She had newfound stability and independence. 
In January 1970, they were having dinner at the celebrity hotspot restaurant Mr. Chow’s when Mick said that she’d be a good mother and that they should have a baby together. Prior to this Marsha thought she was just another girl he fancied, as he was a notorious womanizer. But the talk of having a baby made her feel special to him. Her feelings for him were so deep that she also claimed, “I would have died for him.”
She knew Marianne miscarried around the same time Keith Richards’ son Marlon was born. Mick also missed family life with Marianne’s son Nicholas, so wanted to give having a baby a second try.
This fool literally made Marsha take out her birth control and IUD coil, they proceeded to have sex like rabbits, and when she found out she was 3 weeks pregnant, she told Mick who was ecstatic.
Marsha literally said to him, “Listen, if you’re not ready and you changed your mind about this, it’s okay.” She was totally ready to get an abortion. But he assured her that it was what he wanted and he was happy.
They had their first argument when it came time to naming their baby. Mick wanted a boy who he could send to the prestigious Eton School (the all-boys school where Prince William & Prince Harry attended), and he proposed that they call the baby ‘Midnight Dream’. Marsha wasn’t having it and even said, “Imagine sticking your head out of a window to call your child home and yelling, 'Midnight. Midnight! Time for tea.’”
She'd known that he and the band were leaving England for tax reasons and moving to France in the coming year. The Stones were also gearing up for their upcoming European tour.
Even though she loved Mick, he was young and she claimed she was “all for Mick doing his own thing”. They were supposed to be the sophisticated embodiment of an alternative social ideal — parent-hood shared between loving friends living separate lives.
This was around the time of the sexual revolution and people were exploring different types of relationships. Marsha didn’t find gratification in being “Mr. So and So’s” wife, plus Mick wasn’t the marriage type either. He was the type of guy to get up at 2pm to start his day - so marriage was sort of off the table. Though, unbeknownst to Marsha, Mick has thought of proposing, she claimed their relationship “thrived off her being supportive” and she loved to see him “run free”. And since she grew up in a matriarchy, the ideal of a man and woman living together seemed nice but unnecessary. They agreed that Mick would be a good absent father while he made his music and toured with The Rolling Stones, and Marsha could still have her own life and career. It was all very modern!
Marsha also feared that her association with Mick would crowd out her own identity. She didn’t like the limelight because it was a discomfort. She also never wanted to be known as Mick Jagger's girlfriend (can you blame her? So many of his girlfriends tried to commit suicide). Like him, she wanted her own independence.
By June 1969, Marsha told her band and the press that she was pregnant, but did not give up the name of her baby’s father. However, one little clever ass reporter actually found out it was Mick Jagger and threatened to print it. She thought of suing but asked the Stones PR team to link him to another girl. She managed to get through her pregnancy without a media frenzy or being linked to Mick even though they had stepped out together many times, and he was ready to have it reported. 
While Mick was away touring in Europe, his phone calls got less frequent. The tour was a bit crazy, and although Mick invited her to go to Paris, he knew she'd refuse – she didn’t want to get caught up. But he told her he was lonely and had met someone in Paris that he was taking to Italy. Her name was Bianca. She was Nicaraguan and spoke little English. Mick didn't mention her again, but after the tour, Marsha knew that she had moved to his house in England. 
His publicist sent her an invite to the premiere of his corny movie, “Ned Kelly,” but he didn’t show up. He also invited his parents to the event and it was there she realized that the bastard didn’t tell them that he had a baby on the way. Mick hardly lavished praise on his parents and even once told the press, “I owe them nothing. They are my parents, that is that…but there are no dues to be made by me to them!”
By her third trimester, having a baby became her whole reality and his passing fancy. He started to forget that the baby was HIS idea. 
Despite Marsha carrying his child, practically all references to her and the baby were quickly airbrushed out of his life. Chris O'Dell, Mick’s PA in the early ‘70s was even quoted as saying, “I never remember him talking about their child. In fact, I wasn’t aware of a baby being around at all. It was almost like [his first child] didn’t exist.”
Marsha was put in a difficult position because it was too late to go back and sometimes he’d phone her like nothing ever happened. She claimed his mood would change so quickly, he was like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. She also said, “I've discovered that he can burn hot and suddenly cool to below zero.”
She started to worry that he didn’t care anymore, so, she tried to squeeze in any and every piece of work she possibly could to hold her up during and after her pregnancy (tv shows, photoshoots, etc.). She also volunteered at a local mental-care center in the autistic unit caring for a 12 year old boy to keep from feeling useless.
[BELOW: A heavily pregnant Marsha performing in late 1970.]
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At the same time, Mick also did a lot of peculiar interviews, either stating he wasn’t interested in having children or flat out dissing Marsha. During a 1970 interview with London’s Daily Mail newspaper he even said, “For me, life has always got to be on the move and exciting. I love kids, I really do…but it’s not something I’m thinking about.” He of course failed to mention that Marsha was expecting their first child.
[BELOW: Mick during an interview referencing Marsha & his unborn child in 1970.]
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Once it was time for her to give birth, a hard-up Marsha was ashamed and reluctant to ask him for any contribution because he never once offered. Mick ultimately gave her a measly £200 to get by, which came with a note saying “I know I haven’t done right by you” and he also “loaned” her a ring he always wore.
She had initially planned a natural home delivery to keep the press at bay and because it was the “it” thing to do at the time, but was told by her OB-GYN that her baby was in danger and that she had to go to the hospital the next day. 
On November 3rd, she dragged her own luggage and hailed a taxi to the hospital only to be told there weren’t enough beds. Panicked and scared, she went back home quite sure she was going to die from an unassisted childbirth.
When she went back to the hospital the next day for an induced labor, she checked in with her married name “Ratledge” to protect herself (and Mick). On November 4, 1970 after hours of labor, she gave birth to a girl she named Karis and phoned Mick first and then her mother. That day was the first time Mick actually told his now girlfriend, Bianca, that Marsha and his baby existed.
While waiting in the maternity ward, the nurses also forgot to feed Marsha who was so hungry. But being on The National Health, she didn’t complain.  
When she checked out of the hospital, Mick sent a bouquet of red roses,  a miniature muse figurine for the baby, a silver spoon, and some cheap Indian earrings for Marsha. He “dropped by” two days later to see his baby but was in a hurry to be somewhere else.
10 days later, he paid another rushed visit, but she eventually took him to the side because she wasn’t in the mood to entertain his detachment.  And she was kinda like, “Hey! What’s up with you? Why don’t you call or come around more often for the baby” trying to get some genuine reaction out of him instead of keeping her at bay with the polite chitchat bullshit, in which he snapped and yelled at her, “I never loved you” and told her that she was “mad to think that he had”. Of course Marsha, hormonal, stitches still in, burning and all, did not expect for him to stab back and immediately started to cry, which only made him more angry. The piece of shit even had the audacity to threaten to take her newborn baby away from her if he chose. She stopped and in a stern voice said, “Try it! I’d blow your brains out!!”
In that moment, the loyalty she had for him was gone. She had no choice but to push forward and tried to find as much work as she could to support herself and her baby.
[BELOW: Marsha & Mick after the birth of their first child Karis Hunt in late 1970.]
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READ ‘PART 2’ HERE!!! ☕️☕️☕️
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Sex drugs and America’s first chapter!
A while ago I did an interest check on a long-format hetalia fanfic, well..the first chapter is out!
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(Credits to the artist @Nise tsuki on tumblr)
Sample content:
Read the rest here! https://archiveofourown.org/works/56589880/chapters/143832379
Amy strode across the sidewalk, her attention fixed on her phone. The area was lively enough. Students in cars rode by, music blasting from the inside. Others walked hand in hand shoulder to shoulder with their best friends to school just like her.
Except she was alone this time. Not for long though.
“Amy? The hell you doing here?”
A somewhat loud and annoying voice boomed from behind her. And it could only mean one person.
Amy sighed, not knowing whether to be pleased, annoyed or disappointed.
“Going to school, what else asshole?”
She turned around to meet eyes with the tall, somewhat tanned guy. He sported a black leather jacket with a black undershirt and some type of torn jeans.
Of course, those idiotic sunglasses he wears everyday despite the fact that it was such a cloudy and gloomy day. Not a single ray of sun shined through the thick clouds layering the sky.
“What? They haven’t kicked you out?” Allen said with a grin. Referencing all the times she was the main induction of the problems in the student body. Enough times to ensure that she wouldn’t be able to (successfully) apply for any scholarships after graduation.
“What about you? Selling drugs in the bathroom is way better than me apparently.” Amy rolled her eyes and groaned at the man.
“What they don’t know won’t hurt em. Besides, I ain’t a dumbass and get caught like you did.” His grinned widened. Bending over slightly to allow him to be closer to her height.
Amy frowned “it wasn’t even my fa-“ she paused before continuing, in a more somewhat controlled yet aggressive manner “It’s not my fault those stupid freshmen threw everyone but my bill away”
“Uh huh, sure toots.” Allen rolled his eyes. Grabbed hold of Amy’s cheek and pitching it teasingly. Turning her face beet red, he could practically see the smoke coming out from her nostrils.
“I gotta admit, it’s good seeing your face again.” He brushed his knuckles against her cheek playfully before finally pulling away
Crossing her hands, the girl raised an eyebrow to Allen.
“So what? Skipping school?”
“Why go to school and waste half my day in a prison when I can just have it easy and sell sweet sugar and earn a bunch of moolah?” He gave a sly smirk before flicking her forehead.
“Yet you haven’t dropped out. And they’re still waiting for you to show up to football practice.”
Allen rolled his eyes and sighed. “I don’t even bother. The teachers are annoying and the classes are fucking easy. I’m gonna win at life whether I show up or not. Besides, I have better things to do than going to football practice.” He adjusted his bag strap and smiled somewhat sweetly to his girlfriend.
That got a grumble out of her “wish I would do that….”
A sudden burst of laughter, snapping Amy’s head up to look at him.
He flicked his lighter and lit a cigarette. Taking a long drag from it and blowing the smoke into Amy’s face. In turn causing her to cough alittle and frown.
Allen looked down at her, smirking.
“Damn you’re such a goody two shoes. I swear, you’re worse than a golden retriever.”
Amy’s face turned an into a redder shade. Clenching her fists. “I’m only going because fucking Amelia and my parents force me. They’ll be up my ass the next day if I don’t show up, Jackass.”
He grimaced alittle at Amy’s statement.
“Ugh, Amelia.. I can’t stand her. She just won’t accept the fact that no one likes her. Why does she still think she’s good at what she’s doing? Everyone knows she’s just pretending to be loud and extroverted for Alfred.”
Amy rolled her eyes and plucked Allen’s cigarette from him. Taking her own drag.
“Tell me about it, Pick me bitch,”
Allen smirked and snatched the cigarette back.
“And she doesn’t know about us?”
“Unlike her an Alfred, we don’t boast that we’re dating. PDA is fucking weird.”
He snorted at the reference. Amelia and Alfred, the two were notoriously known for being the “It” couple In school. Loud, proud and the picture perfect American high school kids.
“Yeah she’s got it pretty bad for him huh? Can’t spend five minutes without him around before it’s whining and crying.”
“All she does is fucking whine….” She roll eyes before coming to a realisation. “Why are you walking in this direction?”
Allen shrugged, exhaling a large plume of smoke into the air with a chuckle
“Eh, I was loose for something to do with my day. Maybe sell some fake crack to stupid freshmen. Plus, I guess I could get some entertainment from watching you at cheer practice later.”
“Oh god no…” Amy buried her face in her hands in embarrassment and groaned.
The tanned guy let out a chuckle seeing her reaction. ruffling her hair teasingly
“Come on, watching you jump around and do those cute formations with those little Pom-Poms and that slutty little costume is hilarious.”
“What the fuckkkk…”
“Yeah yeah so tragic. What’s gonna happen first? You gonna burst into tears. Or pass out? Maybe even throw yourself to the floor and roll around sobbing and whine about how miserable cheerleading is”
He bent down lower to try and meet her eyes which were covered by her hands.
“I’m not fucking Amelia.”
“You act like it” Allen stuck out his tongue, revealing a round, sliver piercing as he pinched her cheek again
“Fuck you”
“Do it yourself”
Amy groans and punches him in the shoulder, making him chuckle seeing her attempt to hurt him.
“Come on, you need to agree that you and Amelia have SOME similarities. Like you’re both dramatic as hell.”
She just glares at him, rolling her eyes
“You do that alot huh?” Allen smirks
“Maybe because she used to cling to me like a lost baby chick…”
Amy flashes a fake innocent smile and speaks in a high pitched voice
“oh yeah! Definitely similar to me! A dumb blonde who can’t be 2 feet away from her man before turning into a whiny bitch and another who almost gets expelled for sleeping in the bathrooms with SOMEONE who couldn’t keep it in his pants!”
Allen snorted “that’s very true my dear.”
“I mean, at least one of us didn’t get suspended for a month for being idiotic and getting caught smoking weed in the bathrooms.”
Amy frowned. “At least one of us doesn’t live with their so-called Christian dead-beat mom who just came back from rehab”
Allen winces and looks away. The mention of his mother making him visibly irritated. He took another drag from his cigarette before muttering, “yeah yeah, don’t rub it in that you have a stable family.”
Noticing his reaction, Amy sighed and snatched his cigarette away from him, “I don’t either, man” exhaling smoke.
Allen looked towards her raising a brow. slight smirked twitching on his face.
“Since when did you get the balls to steal a cigarette from me?”
“Ever since yours went deep into me, asshole.”
Amy smirked back at him extending her palm.
“Sunglasses please”
The boy rolled his eyes, exhaling another large plume of smoke before digging through the pockets of his jacket and handing her some sunglasses, velvet in. Colour and heart-shaped, a smirk still plastered on his face.
“There you go, princess” he added
Amy slid them back onto her face. Taking a long final drag before placing the cig back in between his lips. “There’s shit show practice before first period. It’d be great if you actually showed up this time”
Allen’s smirk widened as she placed the cigarette back into his mouth
“Oh, please, don’t act like you wouldn’t be happy to see me there. You love it when I show up to watch you cheering.“ Allen muttered in a taunting tone, blowing out smoke with a sly grin. Bending lower, basically face to face with the girl.
“You’re the one that’s supposed to be on the field…plus way I’m better without you.”
Amy clutches her bag strap as she storms away towards school. Leaving Allen on the sidewalk.
The other students had already cleared out. At this point he’d be late. But it’s not like he cared anyways.
Allen scoffed, a smirk on his face as he watched her walk away. He muttered under his breath, finishing off his cigarette and tossing it to the ground
“As if. I’m the best quarterback this school’s ever had, the entire football team would struggle without me” Allen muttered, smirking before his eyes drifted over to his watch
“Damn, gotta go I guess.”
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sweet-villain · 27 days
You Had Me~ Sebastian Stan/ Aaron Taylor Johnson series ~1
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Summary : You are into your best friends, but there is some secrets to recover. What happens when he finds the truth? What happens when the best cure is the man that's into you?
Sometimes you thought life would throw you a curveball or give you a magical moment where you shake that good luck ball and it would give you a message.
A message that would change everything. 
Your world did a whole 360 when you were casted as Lighting Shadow, your character Erin Wallace, as a child you were in an electrical accident.
Your character has the ability to control electricity and as for the shadow part, you use it to hide yourself from enemies or use it for a source of transportation. 
You play Pietro’s love interest in the movie. Before also in Captain America, being Bucky’s love interest. 
There was no secret behind it that you and Sebastian had a spark on set. Everyone could tell but you were oblivious to it. It was him being friendly.
But Aaron wasn’t a stranger either to you. The two of you met on the set of Kick Ass, where he grew fond of you and the two of you became close.
Not too close as Aaron had hid the fact that he got married. He was terrified to tell you as every time he looked at you, he had this feeling.
He called it a funny feeling. It’s silly, he thought when his eyes peered over at you and his heart skipped faster. Aaron shook it off as a small crush he had developed and it would go away. 
You were too fazed in your head to notice that Aaron had sat on one side while Elizabeth “ Lizzy” Olsen.
Your best friend whom you couldn’t hide anything from her as she discovered you were into Aaron.
But that puts you into a bit of hot water because Lizzy has kept her mouth shut on Aaron’s secret.
She knew it would hurt you, but she thought it was for the best since you would have Sebastian by your side. 
She knew what she was doing. 
Questions were coming here and there, to you about your character and to the others. Then one person stood up from the crowd dressed as you from the movie. 
“Who did you like kissing better? Pietro from Age of Ultron or Bucky from Captain America?” She asked. Aaron turned to you, a slight smirk on his face, he wanted to see what you would say. 
The crowd “ ooh” and “ Ah” at the question. Lizzy giggled as she waited for your answer as well curious who you’d pick. 
I rather not choose” You simply said leaning back in the chair. “ Awe…” The crowd pouted and wined. “ Oh Come on Y/N, it’s easy. Just pick me..” Aaron said, chuckling. 
“ I don’t want to upset Seb“ “ Oh? So I’m a better kisser than you?”  Rolling your eyes you pushed his shoulder. Aaron puffed his chest out as his smirk widened and then he nodded, “ Of course it’s me.” 
“All I am going to say is I love working with you and Sebastian but come on give a girl a break here?” The cast laughed along with the crowd.
The rest of the panel went great. When you stood up, Lizzy whispered in your ear, “ You have the hots for him.” She sang. 
Looking at her, you shrugged. Aaron was gorgeous, how can you not think he’s not? He was sweet, adorable and a total dork as well. “ You can’t like him though” 
Lizzy decided upon herself that she would tell you what Aaron has been hiding.
You are her best friend and besides, this would have Sebastian coming to the rescue and comforting you. She knew Sebastian had a thing for you. 
At this new information, you frowned following her out. “ Why not?” She sighed knowing this was going to come but she had to tell you if Aaron wasn’t going to.
 “ He’s married” Shocked at this information, your eyebrows frowned together as you took a glance at him.
Why didn’t he tell you? Being hurt by this, you avoided his gaze as he glanced at you, sending you a smile.
His smile dropped when you didn’t return it and avoided contact. 
His eyebrows knitted together in confusion as he tried to move in between people but he couldn't catch up to you in time as you already had left.
He sighed to himself. 
Weeks went by and you were ignoring Aaron the best way you could. Ignoring his calls, text and when he came to your door knocking on it. You changed the locks, he had a key.
When he found out that you changed it, he banged on it. He begged you to open the door, you stood on the other side of the door hearing his pleads. 
“ I miss you!” 
“ What did I do ??” 
Those were the only things he would say on the other side of the door while banging on the door and running a hand through his hair. He was upset and frustrated, trying to understand what he did wrong.
He doesn’t realize how much he hurt you with his secret. 
Your eyes were closed with your back against the door, every bang he would make caused a tear to shed down your cheek. Your heart felt like it was ripped into a million pieces. 
“ Please” he begged. 
You tried so hard to not open the door, you wanted to but this was for the best. 
“ I don’t understand why he never told me. Why did he keep me in the dark about this? It’s not like I was going to get mad but now, I don’t know how to feel. I mean, the way he looked at me on set.. It was like there was something there… or am I being delusional about this?” you asked Lizzy sitting across from her at a table in her kitchen. 
She sighed and grabbed onto your hands. 
“ You’re not. He was giving you those looks when you look at someone and feel like they are right for you.. You know?” you shrugged not really knowing the look or how it really looks.
You don’t even know if it was the look that Aaron was giving you, honestly. 
“ I’m sorry,” she added. “ You don’t deserve it” 
You shrugged. 
“  At least now you and Seb can get closer” your head shot up as you heard his name. “ Sorry?” you asked. She rolled her eyes, knowing you. 
��� You can’t tell me there is something there between you and Sebastain. Everyone could see it. He’s so into you..” she says.
A huge smile lights up on her face. Maybe steering away from Aaron would do you some good, she thought. 
“ I don’t know what you're talking about Olsen, but there is nothing there” you lied.
You knew something was there between you two. You can tell from how his eyes light up every time you two were in the room together, how he talks about you to others, and the way he would look at you and listen to you.
Even if it’s nonsense, you have his attention. 
She sighs, “ Whatever you say, sunshine. “ 
“ I can’t be friends with Aaron anymore” you stood up from the chair you were sitting in and put your hands on your hips. “ It’s not right, I need to get over him…” you mumble. 
“ He misses you.. Ask about you.. He’s been super moody…” she says. “ Do you want tea?” she asks. 
“ No, thank you. I don’t really care if he misses me, he hurts me and I don’t know..I can’t be around him.” 
A car pulls up to the house, Lizzy knitted her eyebrows together. She was not expecting anyone. 
“ You invited someone over? She asks, putting down her cup and heading towards the door. You shook your head, knitted eyebrows and followed her down the hallway to see who it was. She peers behind the curtain and see’s Aaron’s car. 
“ Huh, Aaron is here…” she says, letting the curtain go and turning her head towards you. “ You didn’t tell him you were here, did  you?” 
You shook your head. 
“ I haven’t talked to him in weeks. Why is he here?” She shrugs as she heads toward the door but you grab onto her wrist in time to stop her. 
“ What?” 
“ Don’t tell him I’m here” you whispered to her, eyeing the door. “ He can’t know…” you dropped her wrist before heading to the kitchen. Lizzy sighs and heads towards the door and throws it open since she knew who it was. 
“ Aaron! What a pleasant surprise” she says. “ Didn’t know you were in the neighborhood.” Aaron stares down at Lizzy and then looks over her shoulder at the hallway that leads to the kitchen.
She swallows the lump in her throat hoping he doesn’t walk into her house, uninvited and searching for you. 
“ Is she here?” he asks meaning he’s asking about you. She shakes her head. 
He tilts his head to the side inspecting her, the smell of your perfume hits his nose and it flares up in disappointment. He knew she was lying to him. 
“ Tell her to call me…” he turns to walk back to his car but not before turning around, looking at her over his shoulder as he adds, “ Please.” 
She closes the door after he leaves and turns around to jump, holding onto her heart as you stand there giving her a sympathetic look that you were sorry you scared her. Your eyes go to the door. 
“ Is he gone?” She moves away from the door. 
“ You need to stop acting like a child and talk to him. He’s a person, with feelings like you. He’s not a robot where he can turn his emotions off and on. He cares about you and I can tell it’s hurting the both of you being away from each other…” 
“ I can’t talk to him… no” you shook your head. She rolls her eyes.
“ You’re so stubborn” She notices he’s still there, sitting in the car and waiting. Waiting for what though? 
“ He’s still here, go talk to him” she turns you around and pushes you towards the door but you manage to grab onto the wall and refuse to move with your feet digging into the carpet. It moves away and slides with your feet. 
Lizzy gives up and throws her hands up in the air. 
“ Fine, I’m talking to him” 
“ O-okay.. What are you going to tell him?” 
“ The truth” your eyes widen and before you get a chance to hold her back, she is already making her way to his car with your hand on the door looking, eyes wide as she approaches his car. 
Lizzy knocks on the window startling Aaron and he rolls it down, wiping away his tears. 
“ I was just about to leave….” he says, starting the car. “ Sorry” he adds. Lizzy shakes her head and walks around the car to get into the passenger side. 
“ She knows” is the first thing Lizzy says to him. Aaron turns the car off and looks over at her, confusion is written on his face. “ What are you talking about?” He asks. 
“ She knows you're married” Aaron’s eyes got wide. “ How??” He asks.
Guilt crosses her face as she glances down at her hands. She didn’t need to answer him, hearing him groan as he threw his head back into his seat. 
“ Why did you tell her?” 
“ Because she needed to know before it got worse” At this information, Aaron turned to look at Lizzy. 
“ Got worse for what? What does that mean?” 
“ You don’t realize that maybe… just maybe the girl cares about you more than you know..” she doesn’t want to say the exact words to him but paint him a clear picture on what she means.
It doesn’t take long for Aaron to understand what she means, his eyes get wide and his head shoots over at the house. 
You are still standing there. 
He gets out of the car and you notice this, fearing he would be angry with you, you were closing the door when his hand happened to stop it.
He ran to the door blocking to make sure you were not going to hide from him.
Not this time. 
“ Stop, we need to talk” he says as he pushes against the door. The door opens to reveal you face to face, eyes glossy as you wait for him to yell at you, to laugh at you and worse, to tell you he hates you. 
But those words never came. 
“ I’m sorry” He started to say. You snorted, he was sorry. Sorry was a word you didn’t want to hear. It was overused with everyone that told you from Lizzy to your parents and now hearing it from Aaron. 
“ I don’t have romantic feelings for you Y/N. I am happily married, I didn’t tell you because I wanted it to be a secret. My private life is my life. But you're my best friend, I want it to be that way. We have been through a lot together and I can’t lose you. Our friendship means to much to me” 
Your mouth forms into a thin line where you weren’t going to say anything.
But he knew from your glossy eye, one tear shedding down your cheek that he had hurt you.
The truth did hurt and he finally told you what he wanted. Right? Aaron ran the words over and over in his head as he continued to wait for you to talk.
It didn’t make sense in his head. He feels like an idiot. 
He can’t go back though, he has done the damage. 
“ We can’t be friends anymore,” you tell him. His eyes sadden at your words and shake his head. 
“ That’s not true, we can get past this and it’s just a silly phase. I need you to be my best friend. I want you to be my best friend. “ 
“ Things don’t work the way you want them too, sorry” you shrugged. 
“ I care about you way too much to throw this friendship away” 
“ Go…” you said through your tears as they were streaming down your cheeks like waterfalls.
“ You better go” Lizzy tells him from behind, she walks over to you and pulls you into her, rubbing your back in comfort. 
Aaron looks at you one more time before he sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets as he heads towards his car. 
He knew the truth now. It hurt. He looks back to see Lizzy has closed the door.
He gets into the car and starts the engine, giving the door another look. His own heart sinking into his stomach. He feels like this wasn’t the end of what’s to come. 
You were laying in Lizzy’s lap as she stroked your head, singing softly while the tears were no more left to shed and you stared into the tv of the show that was on.
You didn’t pay attention to it. Your mind was racing. 
The doorbell rang. You didn’t even move to see who it was as Lizzy headed towards the door. She had to call him. She had to have him come over.
He’s been away filming and he's back now. 
You heard talking in hushed tones but paid no mind. Footsteps could be heard as they came closer.
Someone kneels down on their knees in front of you. 
“ Hi, buttercup,” they said, greeting you. Your eyes widen as your eyes set on a familiar face.
A smile spreads across your lips as you throw yourself into his arms, breathing in his scent.He squeezes you tight against him, chuckling as he feels your smile against his shirt. 
Maybe this day wasn’t so bad afterall.
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rongzhi · 1 year
Are street interviews more like… respectful in China? Because I know in America street interviews are usually just like a guy harassing random people on the street without permission but is it different on douyin? Because you’ve posted a couple street interviews and people seem way less awkward and uncomfortable in them
Idk I don't really watch American street interviews. The purpose of douyin street interviews is generally to be funny or ask pop culture questions, not to create gotcha moments or offend people, plus Chinese netizens would tear someone to pieces if they made those awkward off-putting interviews (the ones I think you're talking about? Like from tiktok? With the fuckboy or reddit types doing the interviewing?).
Funny street interviews have been a trend this year (or last year, 2022) although some people still find them rude to be honest.
Since the douyins are supposed to be funny and are probably clipped to just include the best moments and the people who provide the most accommodating reactions anyway. Some of the interviews are slightly scripted as well—usually the interviewer + interviewee agreeing on a question & responses ahead of time, or the interviewer interviewing someone they actually know. Some viewers still find the interviews offensive, but I've yet to see any interviews that are actually mean-spirited (imo)
🍵 relevant douyin drama time (no, i am not above this 🍉👀) (finally, an outlet for my gossip)
This guy I've posted a couple times got in trouble in November (iirc) because he interviewed some girl and she got offended and it turned out she was also a douyin user with a moderate following (i don't remember her username but it was Princess soemthing or other) and she sent all her followers to his channel to attack him 😵‍💫. He had asked her if she was a Calabash baby because she was wearing a tiara crown headband thing that sort of looked triangular like what they wear:
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she was evidentally insulted and made a whole video bashing his conduct . Mostly I'd say he got some rightful criticism because it turned out he hadn't had her sign a release or didn't get a verbal agreement filmed although he apologised under her video and then posted an apology on his channel as well, also promising he would always get a release agreement in the future and basically saying he didn't realise in the moment she was so deeply insulted the way she described in her video because her friends that were with her were laughing (💀) so he thought it was fine to post. (she shit talked him in the comment of his video which was a notes app slideshow LOL and accused him of continued bad behavior (basically didn't read his apology ); sort of a childish follow up but maybe being asked if she was a calabash baby was really that violating. I try not to make light of such things but she was a grown woman so I have to 🙄 a little. i mean the calabash brothers kick ass, first of all?? also I did see that video before it got deleted and her clip just seemed like whatever. i remember that originally the interviewer went up to her friend to ask a question and then she said something so he turned the mic to her and asked the infamous calabash question. and then she sort of gave him the stink eye over her shoulder while her two friends laughed and pulled her along.
side note tea was that in the douyin lady's follow up video about the drama some of her followers tagged this guy i have also posted before and said his were the only non-offensive street interviews because his were scripted (for the record I seriously doubt all of his interviews are scripted) and that all street interviews should be scripted otherwise they were taking advantage of people. and enough people tagged him that he showed up in the comment section and said something (sort of greasy imo) about how what the first guy did was wrong and he would never offend mei-nvs like that which was really rich coming from him imo LOL.
anyway all of this stuff has been deleted. the first guy privated a lot of videos for a while bc the comment sections were just that lady's followers attacking him for being a horrible person and finding issue with other interview clips where he asked women questions (even ones where the interviewee was laughing and not giving him an instant stink eye like the one girl). he went back to posting stuff after a week and hasn't had any other issues.
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Nrfth (1) - Dreams do come true
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Summary: A dream shattered. A heart broken.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Actress!Reader
Characters: OC Tracey
Warnings: fangirling, nervous reader, language
A/N: This series is a “short” chapter story. It contains of a collection of drabbles.
>> Prologue
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“You’ve got this babe. Go in there, show them what they are sign up for if they hire you, and blow their minds,” Tracey is as excited as you are. “I knew you are going to film movies with Chris Evans one day.”
“Trace, it’s only thanks to you and Noah. He’s…a genius. I looked like a movie star in his movie. I’ll be forever grateful for the chance I got because of you two.”
“Babe, invite me to one red-carpet event, call me your favorite bitch when they ask you who I am, and we are even,” she snickers. 
“Fuck, I’m so nervous,” you chew on your lower lip. “What if I fuck this up? This could be the only chance to land a role in the Marvel universe. If I fail now, everyone will remember.”
“I’ll tell you this only once,” Tracy says. She cups your face and forces you to breathe with her. “You are beautiful, strong, talented, and the biggest bitch in the Marvel universe. You can kick ass.”
“I can’t kick ass during the casting,” you laugh at Tracey’s determined look. She believes in you like no one else. “But I’ll give my all to land the role. And, if I walk over the red carpet for the first time, you’ll be by my side.”
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The door finally opens again. Another disappointed-looking girl steps outside, sighing deeply. She’s prettier than you, and you remember her face from a show you watched a few weeks ago. If she didn’t land the role. How shall you get it?
“Next,” the annoyed voice of the woman hosting the audition catches your attention. You tear your eyes away from the girl leaving without the role and focus on your chance. 
“That’s me,” you confidentially say. This is it. Your chance to land a role. 
If you do this right, you can film next to Chris Evans. Or at least be on the same set. Your agent said it’s possible that you never even meet Chris. 
It doesn’t matter, though. Even if it’s a small role, you can say you made it. “Hi. I’m Y/N Y/L/N. You called my agent and—”
She raises her hand to stop you from talking too much. “Follow me. This way.”
She guides you toward a different room. You sigh. Maybe you don’t even get the chance to show them that you are a great actress.
“I-I thought you wanted me to come here.”
You follow her along the hallways, sighing as she won’t talk to you. “Go in there and read the lines we sent to your agent.” She finally says. The woman looks you up and down and gives you a half-smile. “Don’t freak out, okay? He’s only an actor.”
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Holy fuck…no…really…holy fuck. Your breath hitches in your throat when you enter the room as Chris Evans stands there, holding the script in his hands.
“Ms. Y/L/N, welcome to the audition. You got the script we hope,” another woman asks.
“Yeah. Uh—thank you for giving me this chance. I got the script and practiced the lines,” you say.
Taking a deep breath, you open your bag to get the script out.  
“Alright, can you read the first lines? Just to get into the scene?” the woman from earlier asks. She gives you a quick smile, knowing that you must be nervous around the star of the Marvel universe.
“Sure,” you hastily say. “I’ll enter the room, check the surroundings, and get my gun out,” you recite the entrance scene of your character. “Things get heated, I’m surrounded by Hydra agents, and then…a bullet hits me. The agents storm toward me right when…”
“I break through the wall,” Chris uses his captain voice. He strides towards you, looking you straight in the eyes. “Miss? Miss, are you alright?”
It’s Captain America looking at you, not the actor behind him.
“Captain America?” you fall into the roll. You pant and clutch your lower abdomen. “I got shot,” you fall to your knees, just like described in the script. “My partner…I need to find him, Captain.”
“You got hurt.” 
“I can do this…” you whisper, faking losing consciousness. “Please, Captain. Don’t let them get him.”
That’s the end of the script for you. You want to end the scene and get back up. But Chris drops the script in his hands to pick up in bridal style.
It’s a struggle to not squeal, swoon, or drool when he carries you toward the couch in the room. He’s still in his role when he looks at you in his arms.
“I’ve got you,” he ends the scene with his line, and you are sure your heart stops beating for a moment when he leans closer to whisper. “I can do this all day…”
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“HOLY FUCK BABE!” Tracey raises her glass at you. “You are going to be a famous movie star and bang Chris Evans.”
“Babe, I won’t bang anyone. And my role is still small. I don’t even know if my character will survive the first episode,” you try to make her see, this role can mean your breakthrough or just a few bucks on your bank account. “You know how it is. The sidekick always ends up dead…”
>> Part 2
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gingersnap1620 · 4 months
Make a Memory
Dean Winchester x F!Oc
Summary: Dean and Sam get their asses kicked by a witch whose big green eyes Dean can't get out of his head.
Warnings: Canon typical violence
Word Count: 1.1k
(You Want To) Make A Memory
Evil Woman
A/N: This is my first fic! This is the first part, and I hope you guys enjoy! My sister @gingernut1314 beta read this for me. Go check her out!
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~Year is 1676 in Scotland~
“You can't just leave us here Lily!”
When I decided to join the coven I had no idea of their plans. If I did then I wouldn't have joined and I wouldn't be in this situation. Leaving Scotland and my siblings behind for America. I feel like my mother, leaving them behind like this. My mother, Rowena, is a very powerful witch, so I guess that gave her the right to leave her seven kids behind.
“I don't have a choice, Fergus. You know what they're trying to make me do! Leaving is the only way to keep all of you and the world safe.” At this point, I'm just throwing the things I need in the only travel bag we own. It's big and brown and basically fallen apart. 
“I knew you would end up being exactly like her,” Fergus says, turning his back on me and walking away. Let's get one thing straight, I am nothing like my mother. She's a cruel, selfish woman. If I have to blame anyone for this I would blame her. She's the reason I have these powers in the first place. 
After I got everything I needed in my bag, I went around and said goodbye to the rest of my siblings. 
I didn't exactly have a ticket to get on the boat, but that wasn't going to stop me. I need to get on that boat. So carrying my bag on my shoulder I snuck my way onto the boat and down to the storage rooms to hide. 
As the ship started sailing off I looked out a small circle-shaped window and saw my home get further and further away. Saying that I'm scared would be an understatement, I've never been farther than the city. 
I'm going to stop those witches. I won't let them go through with their plan even if it's the last thing I do.
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~338 years later in America~
Sam and I thought that this would be an in-and-out kind of vamp job, and it was until we walked past this door. 
“What are they talking about?” I whispered to Sam as the girl in the room paced back and forth with her hand on her hip. She has curly red hair and big green eyes. “This chick kinda looks like Rowena,” I whispered to Sam. 
“I know I was just thinking that.” 
“Hopefully she's not a witch like her,” I said that as a joke, but of course right as I say it the door flings open and we get shoved which leads to us toppling onto the floor. Before I could get up the woman squats down right next to me yanking the back of my hair to make me look up at her. Her green eyes pierced into my soul. 
“Who do we have here, shall we find out?” She asked the man who hadn't moved from his spot behind his desk since we came in.
“How about not.” I spit out.
Wrong move. 
She pressed her fingers on my head. The last thing I remember seeing before I blacked out was her eyes glowed with green light. 
“Well, well, well. If it isn't Dean Winchester.” She leaves me lying on the floor as she stands up. 
What the hell just happened? How does she know my name?
“So, that must mean that you're Sam Winchester.” She said, pointing at Sam.
“What the hell did you just do to me bitch?” She walks to the man behind the desk giving Sam and I time to get up. 
I've said it before and I'll say it again I fucking hate witches. 
“Nothing, I just looked into your head, jeez stop being dramatic.” She said, with a dismissive hand.
Oh, I'm being dramatic now! I don't think so! 
I pulled my gun out and pulled the trigger, shooting her right in her stomach. She snapped her head down to find blood oozing from her shirt, a shocked look on her face. Her green eyes snapped back at me, rage burning in her eyes. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me! I just got this shirt!” She flung my gun across the room as Sam pulled his gun out and shot her again, this time right in the middle of her chest. She looked down at the bullet hole, rolled her eyes, and flung Sam across the room. I watched him hit the wall and pass out.
“He’ll be fine.” The man behind the desk decides to pitch in. I forgot he was even in the room. Apparently, so did the red-haired witch because she looked surprised when he talked. 
“Oh! I thought I already took care of you, I guess not.” And with one sharp flick of her hand, the man's head fell off.  “Don’t worry he wasn't human.” She says as she walks around his desk to pick his head up and show me his fangs. 
“A vamp? What do you get out of killing a vamp?” 
“Oh nothing, he just wasn’t helping me out with my problem.”
“Problem?” I guess I asked too many questions because just as it left my lips she flung me into the wall, pinning me there. 
“I realize I haven’t fully introduced myself, my name is Lillian.” She was walking over to me. “I don't want to hurt you two, you're just giving me no choice” 
“You know it doesn’t really feel like that.” She stopped in front of me, placing her hand gently on my shoulder. Her eyes started to light up a dark green color. She must be pretty powerful. 
“I'm sorry that I made you feel that way.” Her hand started traveling down my chest, where her other hand joined beside it. 
I closed my eyes tight, prepping for what was about to come. 
I felt her hands leave my body suddenly. My eyes flew open and I found Sam slapping a pair of silver cuffs on her. 
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“Fucking Winchesters.” She spit out as we put her in the back of the impala. 
“Are you sure you don’t just want to kill her Dean?” Sam asked after he shut the door on her. I walked around the back of the car to get to the driver's side.
“Something about her just makes me think that she's important. I don’t know man.” Sam glanced back down at her through the window and opened his door.
“Alright, I trust you, but let's go, my head is still throbbing.” He then sat down in the car and closed the door. I opened my door and did the same. 
I flipped the radio on and “Evil Women” by Electric Light Orchestra blasted through the speakers. A smirk pulled at my lips as I bobbed my head to the beat. As I turned to look at the witch I noticed Sam shaking his head at me. 
“I hope you have good taste in music” 
“I have exquisite taste in music, but this is utter garbage” I shrugged in return, placing my hands on the steering wheel and whipped out of that place.
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couldntbedamned · 6 months
Back to Where You've Never Been - Chapter 14
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Summary: In an alternate reality, Peter Parker is living out his dream of being Spider-Man and working as an intern for Stark Industries (and the Avengers!) under his hero, Tony Stark, before heading off to college. For the most part, it's incredible. Okay, the Avengers treat him like he's still a child, and Mr. Stark's not exactly the friendliest mentor. But still, it's good.
Except that recently, Mr. Stark's been in the worst mood and Peter finds himself the unwitting focus of the man's ire. He tries to keep his spirits up and tell himself that it's not personal, that anyone in the lab would be a target, but when Mr. Stark kicks him out, Peter knows he's done.
Then he finds himself falling for what feels like an eternity before returning to New York. Only it's not his New York City and the Iron Man he ends up fighting alongside is definitely not his Iron Man. Anthony Stark is kind of perfect. The Other Avengers are kind of perfect. Everyone here seems to love him. And when he and Anthony are tapped by Dr. Strange to help seal the rift between realities, Peter finds himself wondering if he was supposed to be in the reality with Anthony all along.
Warnings (or AO3 tags):  Peter Parker needs a Hug, Tony Stark has Issues, Peter Parker Whump, Tony Stark is a Dick, Alternate Tony Stark is Perfect, Alternate Avengers are Perfect, Peter Parker is of Legal Age, Pain. Lots of Pain.
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Chapter 14 - 6:02 AM EST
New York City rejoices when they realize that their hero - Spider-Man - has returned.
A few news sources question the change in his suit - apparently the red and blue is missed. But the silver, blue - Anthony's blue - and black aren't going anywhere. This suit is his last tie to the life - and man - he'd loved.
He doesn't patrol nearly as often as he used to before that fateful day in Mr. Stark's lab. It's an ordeal again, getting to a secure place, suiting up, and then slinging up and away. It's a pain in the ass to make his web-fluid in the kitchen he shares with May. And most of all, he resents the need for secrecy.
He remembers how wonderful it had been to just be Peter Starr, aka Spider-Man and not have to worry about the people he loved being in danger. He remembers what Steve said with such conviction.
"We don't hide behind masks."
He'd been free, in a way.
He thinks about actually doing it, about revealing his identity to the world and taking his chances. Then guilt roils in him until he's sick in the stomach. He can't risk his Aunt May like that, or MJ or Ned. It's so selfish to even think about it!
It was simpler, Over There, he thinks.
Life was better Over There.
He finds that he's resenting being stuck Over Here. Everything he's once loved now feels tainted somehow. He doesn't like it at all and he especially doesn't like how he's starting to feel apathetic.
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"We need a plan."
If it was like before, when Peter was still with them - with him - where he belongs, Anthony would tease Steve for how serious he's being.
But this is no time to tease. The stakes are far too high.
"Agreed," he says. He looks at America. "How does this magical girl star power thing of yours work?"
America considers. "I concentrate really heard about where I want to go. Then I just sort of, you know, punch a hole in reality and step through. Once I'm through it closes."
"And you haven't noticed any deterioration of the realities?" Strange asks.
"No," she says emphatically. "No, and I spent a lot of time studying up on it during all of my travels."
"How do we make sure we're hitting the right reality?" Hope asks. "I don't want to risk inter-dimensional war."
"I think if I had something of Peter's, from before, it would help me focus." America looks at Anthony. "Did he have anything on him when he fell through?"
"Just his suit and web shooters."
"Do you still have them? The web shooters?"
Anthony nods in answer to Sam's question. "Yeah. I couldn't bring myself to throw them out." The web shooters and suit are in a little box in the back of his closet. They were his last tie to the man he'd loved.
"Okay. We make it Over There. What then?" Steve asks.
"We need to make sure we're not risking civilians," Sharon says. "And we need to be careful. They're still Avengers and from everything Peter said, they're considered heroes there like we are here. The public probably won't take a group attacking them too well."
Anthony scowls. He doesn't like the idea of those people being considered heroes. Not when they were so terrible to Peter.
They talk through the plan, poking holes in it where they can and refining until they have something solid.
Then Bucky speaks for the first time.
"We can't just steal him back."
"I'm sorry, what?" Anthony bites out. "You've been in on this planning session with the rest of us and you're just now offering your thoughts?"
"Look, we know he didn't want to go back, but if we just show up and forcibly take him, are we any better than they are?"
"He's happy here," Wanda argues.
"I know that!" Bucky exclaims. "And I want him back just as much as you all do. I'm just saying that he deserves to be able to choose to come back." He looks at them all. "You know I'm right."
Anthony runs a hand over his face. "Yeah, we know." Then he sighs. "He'll probably say no."
"You don't know that," Bruce says.
"It's who he is," Anthony argues. "His whole thing is ignoring anything he wants if he thinks it will make others happy, because... because..."
"Because he doesn't think he deserves to be happy," Nat finishes.
"We can least offer him the choice," Pietro says. "We can give him that, which is more than they ever have."
"And we can kick their asses," Ava adds fiercely. "They have it coming."
"They certainly do," Steve agrees, shocking them all. "What?" He adds defensively at the incredulous looks. "I never said they don't suck!"
"I need you to know that I'm so proud of you, Spangles. So proud," Anthony tells him. "One day you'll learn to swear properly."
Bucky snorts. "Remind me to share some stories from the Commando days."
"I don't think that will be necessary," Steve says with a sheepish look.
"We should all get some rest," Strange advises. "This trip is going to take a lot out of us."
"Do you know how this turns out?" Anthony asks him after the others have filtered out and it's just the two of them.
Strange's face is blank. "I can't answer that," he says. "I know it's not what you want to hear but it's all I can say."
"Your job sucks," Anthony says after a few moments.
"It's not without its difficulties and frustrations," Strange admits.
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"Any sightings?" Tony asks.
There have been no sightings of Spider-Man since last week, Sir.
Tony sighs and rubs his face. It used to be that the kid couldn't get enough of his patrolling. He was always chomping at the bit to be free of his classes so he could suit up and sling around the city helping anyone he could. Peter isn't even coming to the Tower so he can make his web fluid. For all that Tony had wanted Peter out of the line of heavy fire, he almost wishes the kid was fighting bad guys on the regular like he'd been so determined to do.
"Keep your eyes open, J."
Of course, Sir.
He turns to see Pepper leaning against the doorway to his lab. He searches his mind and frowns when it comes up blank. "Did I forget a board meeting or otherwise important shindig?"
"No," she says softly. "But you have been forgetting to sleep."
"I'm not sure I know how," he says. "Pep, I messed up, so much worse than I could have imagined and I don't know how to fix it. He won't talk to any of us and he's hardly going out as Spider-Man, either."
"He's not the boy you knew," she says, moving over to him and cupping his face while he looks up at her with saddened eyes. "He did an awful lot of growing up while he was gone and he's never going to be the Peter he was before."
"I was just trying to keep him safe and away from all of this, you know, before. I know I'm an unbearable ass when you go on vacation and I'm left in charge of everything but knowing that I hurt him the way I did kills me. And realizing just how unfair we've been to him? We were terrible and I was the worst of us. And it doesn't even matter how much I apologize, because he's not going to accept. I can't even blame him for that, either."
"All you can do is give him time. And maybe give him that data stick that he had on him when you all pulled him back."
He rolls his chair back and stands up. "I never have been the patient type," he admits. "But since I can't just build him a new suit, I suppose I should make sure he gets this data stick. I'm not sure I see the point; if he's homesick for that place, it might just make it worse."
He sighs. "Yeah, you're right as usual, Ms. Potts."
He calls for one of the Iron Legion and sends the Mark 47 to the kid's apartment, data stick in hand with a message: You had this on you when you came over, must have fallen out of your pocket during all of the hustle and bustle.
Pepper leaves after securing his promise that he'll catch a few hours on the lab futon. He actually means it, too.
He looks around, wishing he'd been in a state to properly appreciate the last time Peter came bouncing through the doors to the lab, cheerful and ready to work.
He'll probably never get that again.
'You really are the worst, Tony," he mutters to himself.
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Peter looks at the data stick the Mark 47 had given him.
He's so glad to have it back; he'd promised Anthony he'd take care of it and he'd lost it! Hell, he'd forgotten all about it!
"Hey Gwen, can you interface with this?"
The nanites in one of Peter's web shooters reform to accept the data stick and plugging it in, he pulls on his mask and lays down on his bed.
“Hey, Pete. If you’re viewing this, then I guess you made your choice, and it was to go back.”
"I didn't!" he wants to scream at Holo-Anthony. "I didn't chose to come back here! I wasn't going to leave!"
But Holo-Anthony can't hear him, of course.
His heart breaks over and over again as he watches the message Anthony had prepared for him, just in case.
“Maybe this whole recording thing is a no-starter - miracles happen - and you’ve chosen to stay. But either way, Peter, there’s two things I need you to know. One is that I love you, more than I thought I’d ever be able to love anyone. And the second is that you, Peter Starr, are the very best of any of us. Okay.” Holo-Anthony nods with tears brimming in his eyes. “I’m done.”
Before he can scream or cry, video starts playing.
“J, give Peter here the same access and rights as me, outside of the Core files."
Very well. Mr. Parker, I am at your disposal.
“Say something to him,” Anthony prompts. “Ask him anything.”
“What do you like to do for fun, JARVIS?” Peter asks.
There are several hackers within SHIELD that I enjoy shutting down on an almost-daily basis. I also spend time interfacing with my brothers.
“The bots Anthony built?”
“That’s really nice,” Peter tells JARVIS. He looks at Anthony, delighted.
“You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you Peter Parker?” Anthony grins. “I don’t think anyone living here has ever asked J that before, have they, J?”
They have not, Sir. Including yourself.
Anthony rolls his eyes. “Oh please, J, you know I love you.”
Peter tells Gwen to pause the video and clenches his eyes shut. That had been his first night Over There and officially one of the best nights of his entire life. He'd been warm and safe and without the consistent pangs of hunger that had plagued him for years. He'd met Anthony. Seeing it again just makes the pain of being trapped Over Here worse.
He lays in bed, miserable. He half wishes that Mr. Stark had just kept the damned data stick.
Hopefully Mr. Stark hadn't seen anything on it; that would be too humiliating. What would Mr. Stark even think of him, falling in love with Anthony the way he did? And the dietary needs? Mr. Stark and the others would probably just think he's some helpless little charity case.
Maybe he should look for a real job. He can make money that way and since he's not patrolling and has no interest in attending NYU, he'll have plenty of free time. He hasn't really had so much free time since he started working on the...
He sits up suddenly.
“...First and foremost is your whole healing the reality barriers deal, since one, it’s brilliant and two, I can’t imagine you not carrying on back Over There."
The barriers! How could he have forgotten?
"Way to get self-absorbed, Peter," he mutters to himself. "You really are the worst." He suits up and climbs out the window. He has a sorcerer to see.
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They're quiet as they congregate in the lab where Peter had been taken. Hank and Janet are present, both eager to observe America's powers at work.
"We shouldn't be too long," Anthony assures them.
He's waved off. "We were in the superhero game before you were even in school," Janet tells him. "We still have some tricks up our sleeve if anyone decides to cause trouble while you're gone."
Hank nods. "Don't underestimate the ants."
Well, that is a terrifying thought, Anthony thinks, looking around. There's a restlessness in the air despite the early hour.
Sharon checks her powered garrotes and Natasha fiddles with her Widow's Bites. Clint is rearranging the arrows in his quiver while Bucky flips one of his knives. The others are similarly nervous.
Anthony is regretting the third cup of coffee he drank after waking up; he has visions of vibrating out of the suit mid-reality jump and somehow dying. He shakes his head. America has assured them it's safe and she's the expert.
"Is this everyone?" Strange asks as he portals in.
"We're just waiting on our friendly ghost," Anthony says. "JARVIS said she's on a slight delay.. She'll be here in a few minutes."
"Is she up for this?" Steve asks Sam. "I know she's been struggling."
"Oh, she's more than ready," Sam insists. "She's probably just drinking that stabilizing tonic Janet created for her to make sure there are no mishaps."
Ava enters the lab suited up and ready to go.
"We good?" Anthony asks.
She nods, a hard glint in her eyes. "We're good."
"Remember the plan," Steve says as they gather in a circle. "We've probably only got one shot at this, so let's stay focused and show them just how hard we're willing to fight for Peter." He looks at America. "Whenever you're ready."
America pulls the web shooter out of her pocket. She holds it tightly, closes her eyes, and takes several deep breaths. When her eyes open, they're glowing white. She steps out of the circle, turns, and with the hand holding the web shooter punches forward into the empty air.
The air splits into the shape of a giant star and through it they can see the different reality's Central Park. She steps through the star and pauses. She looks at the web shooter and then out at the park, searching for something only she can see. Then she turns around to face them.
"This is it. Come on through."
They jump through in two's and three's until the last one through is Strange, who does one of his sparkling circle things and makes the star disappear.
"It's in the mirror dimension. That way no one can accidentally wander through."
"Smart," Nat says.
"Alright. Let's do this," Anthony says.
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Tony startles awake when the alarms go off in the Tower. He glances over at the clock.
6:02 AM EST.
"J, give me the scoop," he mumbles.
There appears to be a temporal distortion near Central Park. I've attempted to surveil the area but all camera feeds are currently non-functional.
Tony groans. "Well, better go see what AIM is up to this time. I assume the others are on their way to the location?"
They are indeed.
"I'll be there in a few," he said, calling his suit up and flying through one of the access hatches.
There's nothing there, when they all arrive. Sure, it feels weird, the place, but it's as empty as Central Park can be just after six in the morning.
"There's nothing here," Nat says. "Something is off, but nothing's here."
"Let's fan out," Steve suggests. "Stay on the comms, though."
The energy signatures have them moving around through the park, not nearly as spread out as Steve was hoping for. But the way they moved here, then there, then forward, to the side...
They were being herded.
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Doctor Strange isn't at the Sanctum.
At least, that's what Wong tells him.
"When will he be back?" Peter asks.
Wong looks torn.
"Oh, just let him in!" come the good doctor's voice.
"You're supposed to be sleeping," Wong scolds, turning back to where Strange is coming down the stairs in a robe that's far shorter than Peter ever wanted to see the man wear.
"Please. I'm used to thirty hour days," Strange says. "I'm good for another ten hours at least." He motions for Peter to come inside. "How can the Sorcerer Supreme be of assistance?"
"When I was Over There, I was helping Anth- I was helping Mr. Stark and the others with stabilizing the barriers between reality so that that Dr. Strange and other Dr. Stranges could work on fixing them. And I know I've been selfish and having the world's biggest pity party since this Mr. Stark and these Avengers pulled me back here, but I was hoping I might be able to help you with it, too. I'm just sorry it's taken so long to reach out."
"Taking time to grieve isn't selfish, Mr. Parker," Strange says. "And if you want to share your strategy for stabilizing the barriers, I'd be happy to hear it." He pauses. "But it's not your job, just so you know."
Peter frowns. "But it was, Over There. Why would Over Here be any different?"
"I can't answer that," Strange says cryptically. "Just know that the situation will be handled."
He doesn't understand, not at all. Why was the other Doctor Strange so insistent while this one is so unconcerned?
"Can I offer you some tea?" Strange asks.
It's early in the morning, just after six.
"Actually, that would be nice. Over There spoiled me for coffee so hot tea is about all I can stand, caffeine-wise."
"You speak of that reality fondly," Strange says once they're seated, each with a cup of tea and saucer.
"I was going to stay," Peter admits. "I didn't choose to come back."
"I'm sorry for how things worked out," Strange tells him. "And for my part in assisting them in their endeavor."
Peter shrugs. "I could have been stuck in a hell dimension for all you guys knew."
"I was fairly certain that wasn't the case," Strange says. "They were very insistent that they needed to save you and make things right."
That has Peter rolling his eyes. "They can't make it right," he says. "I didn't deserve to be treated the way they treated me and I don't think I can forgive them for any of it."
"I was so happy," Peter says after a few minutes. "I was in love. For the first time in my life I felt like I belonged and coming back here has been a nightmare. One they caused."
"You don't have to justify your feelings to me." Strange refills Peter's cup with more of the steaming tea. "And you're well within your rights to forgive or not forgive any of us."
Peter thinks about that. "I'll probably forgive everyone eventually," he admits. "I'm not built for grudges. I always feel bad for keeping them, even if letting them go feels like losing."
Strange chuckles. "You have such a kind heart, Mr. Parker. That's something to cherish."
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The area they all end up in is deserted at the early hour, even though New York City almost never slept.
"I don't like this," Sam says. "Something ain't right."
"Agreed, but this is where the energy signatures stopped and we ne-"
There's the sound of a repulsor and Tony goes flying back into the side of one of the brick buildings.
A blue suit appears - an Iron Man! - and the face plate lifts to show another Tony Stark - Peter's Anthony. The Other Avengers plus a teenage girl and another Doctor Strange surround them, crackling into the reality from that damned mirror dimension that apparently all Doctor Stranges love so much.
"What the hell was that for?" Tony asks, pulling himself up to face his hovering counterpart.
"You took something that doesn't belong to you," Anthony says with narrowed eyes. "We've come to bring him back."
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