#that and the fact that she pays a lot of attention and tries to help u more than anyone else
FLUMPY part 11 ( jake seresin x reader)
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summary : with roo , nat and jake gone the remainder of the dagger squad take it as their mission to make sure that the pregnant girlfriend and their friend is taken care of while she is racing to tell her dad before someone else is going to let it slip , dealing with life without jake being by her side isn't as fun and she is counting down the days til he and her favorite people return .
warning: other than my spelling and grammatical error this is a mostly fluffy goofy chapter with the mentions of pregnancy and all the good stuff that comes with it . the men of the dagger squad being big brother goals ,some mentions of an encounter with a shitty human who tries to hurt a dog.
(previous part)
She sat sitting in the car not actually knowing what it was that had her crying . was it the hormones , the fact jake was gone for three months or fact he didn’t dump her there and then . she didn’t know how long it was she was there but the crowds were long gone some even stopped to see was she ok that was til she heard a tapping on her window only to see bob standing there holding container in one hand and smile on his face . 
“ hey what you doing here” she sniffled trying not to look like an absolute mess .
“ nat sent me told me you needed this and probably a hug” he stood shyly only for her to start crying even more. “ shit you want me to bring you good duck park rooster and hangman said that cheers you up” he offered quickly only for her to cry harder. 
“ they know me to well” she sobbed as he pulled her into a hug  knowing or thinking he knew why she was crying . 
“ we can just go home or hard deck i’ll even do a shot with you” he smiled. 
“ i’ll go the hard deck but i can’t drink “ she winced.  “ kinda erm pregnant which with how loud jake yelled it  well i need to see my dad quickly “ knowing some of the men where actually worse with the how lose their lips could be . sure national  and classified secret hold til the grave but moment it came to things of normal like well they turned into a sewing circle. 
“ congratulations really” he smiled widely . 
“ ugh your so cute” she sniffled wiping her nose .  
“ come on leave you care we can come back for it later or i’ll leave mine either way your in no shape to drive”  bob help her out of the car she instantly notice how his touch got softer almost like any pressure would break her making her roll her eyes but hug the WSO  hard . 
The moment she walked into the hard deck all eyes were on her , giving bob a nod she headed over to her dad who sat talking away to penny til his eyes landed on her . 
“ well didn’t think i would see you in this place for nine months” he crossed his arms . 
“ worse then high schoolers” she turned to the officers standing around promptly turning their attention to anything else under her heated gaze .  “ i was going to tell you properly but jake well yelled so loud honestly  surprise you didn’t hear him from your place” she joked smiling awkwardly. 
“ pay up “ penny smirked. 
“ can you two stop betting on my life please it’s a bit odd but also go penny” she rolled her eyes hugging her dad. 
“  i would of rather heard it from you but the free drinks helped “ he chuckled. 
“ hey i want free stuff not alcohol if wanna be generous nacho’s would be awesome” she yelled out . 
“ so i guess jake happy” penny laughed hugging her. 
“ yeah i was so nervous then the whole dock found out got lots of hugs from strangers” she nodded . 
“ well heres a free cola on me  and looks like the guys are waiting for you” penny smiled nodding her head over to the little small group of the dagger squad. 
“ we come over tomorrow anyways go kiddo enjoy” pete kissed her head. 
“ yeah coyote looks more lost without jake than i do “ she teased making  her way through the crowd nodding at the congratulation til she got to the usual spot only for javy to lift her off the ground with a hug  almost spilling her drink but like a knight in shining armour bob took it from her hand put on table . 
“ our baby is having a baby “ he cheered . 
“ excuse me “ she laughed , 
“Oh we decided a while back you were our little sister so not up to you “ fanboy shrugged. 
“ i’ve no say in this?” she asked . 
“ nah .. plus one of us already called mav dad before” payback snickered. 
“ that was once and it was slip of the tongue” bob grumbled. 
“ we even cleared it with rooster” coyote winked  as she hugged the others . 
“ well i’m glad you got his approval “ she rolled her eyes taking her seat. 
“ so as your new found big brothers and future uncle to the baby seresin / mitchell that is growing inside of that tummy of your we are here at your beck and call so even if heartburn or some shit  in the middle of night you gotta call us “ payback informed her honestly it felt like she was being scolded like a naughty child. 
“ even if it’s for ice cream” fanboy added only for penny to bring over a container filled with nacho in front of her. 
“ courtesy of yale” she snorted. 
“Hey thank yale” she yelled mouth watering at the food before her only for more food items to be brought throughout her time in the hard deck that night some by the people that got them or to the point penny sent the delivery man or woman directly to y/n . each time she yell out the thanks to the name on the receipt . 
By the time she and bob got his car and she head home she’d enough  containers to feed  her for the week or least first couple of days .
Jake honestly was  up and down from one moments of being happy then being scared shitless within the space of few hours he was going through a series of emotions.  It  honestly  gave nat and bradley whiplash trying to keep up with him .  one hand he was so excited for  the chapter of his life , he was older almost into his forties so the fact he was going to start a family well it was everything . then it was fact he was actually going to be a father what if he was shit at it or his kid resented him for being in the navy or  what if something left him inured or worse kill in action . then he was afraid of not being there for his girl the fact she was going through three months alone without  him  being at her side. What if something happened and he couldn’t be there for her . now he was sat with phoenix and rooster since honestly the two need to get him to chill out or else get him sedated . 
“She not going to be alone the guys will be there and her dad” nat said softer than the usual tone she would take with hangman of all people. “ plus you and bradshaws got like weird spidey sense sort of thing with her so if you even for a second felt something was off you would … we all would honestly swim back to san diego” .  
“ she is right we knew she was off after that sea food platter and when she gets her period which now isn’t a problem because she can’t have either of those while pregnant” rooster smirked .  
“ he’s got a point” nat laughed, 
“ i’m going to miss three month of her pregnancy of my first child “ he finally said  looking down to his hands . 
“ barely anything happens in first three months” nat tried to play it off. 
“ scan says she 10 weeks so she be what six months when i get back”  he scoffed . 
“ well once your there for the birth meeting your first child , thats the main show my friend plus way you two go at it you’’ll get to experience it again” roo wince considering he caught them in considerably a few compromising times . 
“ honestly i’m surprised she wasn’t pregnant sooner” nat nodded along . 
“ yeah not helping , i just wished it was different i mean what if something was to happen to me “ he asked the two . 
“ i think coyote called dibs on y/ns” rooster said easily. 
“ so did bob” nat nodded along .
“ again not helping” he deadpanned. “ i don’t want my kid to grow up or my girl to be heartbroken trying to explaining   why daddy ain’t around i mean it hard thing to go through” . 
“ here as the only orphan of the group yes it hard  but i turned out fine my mom made life the best even if she was dealing with a broken heart , plus trauma make you funnier why you think me and pretty girl are so hilarious “ bradley winked. 
“ she does say she half way to being batman only Mav in her way” nat chuckled. 
“ look bagman sadly your a good guy and well we do unpredictable shit but your are going to be one of those fuckers that dies like ripe old age shitting in his diaper” bradley patted his back . 
“ i say this with love but don’t comfort people outside of our group but also thanks it weirdly helped “ jake said slightly surprise how it help just now he was counting down the moment he would get to see her . 
Waking up to a half empty bed was something she was never going to get over it . it had  been two weeks since they were gone and still felt like it was going to be forever before they got home . like it was perfect time every symptom decided to come at once leaving her napping during her lunch break or her head in the toilet . since word spread quickly of her pregnancy everyone was almost babying her making her want to honest bite them or something . admiral simpson also got a recruit one who was studying engineering to “Intern for her” which was his way making sure she wasn’t doing anything too strenuous but did mean she had to guide the dude through literally everything.  Luke wasn’t a bad kid and well poor fucker got confused more times then he should of plus calling him kid was a bit much given he was only a couple years closer . she notice kyle and coyote instantly being there too if she so much as looked at something they deemed too heavy. But true to their words one night she rang them crying because well she felt lonely and they all came and watched movie even camped out in the living room like it was a sleep over . whenever she mention of craving something well they would come back later with said thing .  bob even  got her new overalls when the little bump that started to protrude  out took her til she went home to realise what he done  , it wasn’t big by any means but still clothes where starting to get a bit tight . even mama seresin and jakes sisters sent some maternity clothes  down for her to wear and she had to give it to them they found cool stuff . she never wore the pj’s though because at night she would take one of jakes T-shirts wear them to bed was closest thing to having him there .  even during the week the guys including the newbie kyle brought her to the good duck part even making friends with the senior citizens that were there .  she was never so lucky in life as she was now to have the friends she did   when it came down to it moving to san diego and starting fresh was the best thing she ever done. 
Walking with the guys , shopping for stuff to send the guys that weren’t there care package she needed to rest when they spot some sport store honestly she zoned out half way telling them she wanted to rest on bed to knock themselves out . 
“ stupid mutt” was all she heard pulling her attention to a man yelling down at a terrified dog .  instantly she was protective mode hauling her ass off the bench no longer tired .  “ waste of money stupid thing” he spat going to kick the already shivering and cowering dog. 
“ hey asshole” she snapped pushing him away . 
“ mind your business lady nothing to do with you” he growled. 
“ i’m making it my business what fuck is wrong with you kicking a defenseless dog” she spat not noticing that fanboy was already rounding them up the moment he spot her walking off from the bench. 
“ again none of your fucking business chubs now fuck off what i do with my dog is my business”. 
“ and i told you dickless .. can i call you that because you’d have to be a dickless asshole to hurt an animal what pisses me off is if this little guy defended himself he would be branded a monster ,  don’t mind the dickless man you poor little baby “ she cooed down at the dog instantly cowering behind her. “ what if i hit you huh cut you down to size and chubs really dude you look more pregnant that i do “ she scoffed. 
“ listen lady keep you mouth shut or i’ll… “  he started. 
“ or you what , i hope you aint talking to our sister like that pal” coyote stood making himself bigger as the rest followed. 
“ because she can’t hit you in her condition “ fanboy added. 
“ but we can” bob spoke completely different honestly she was a little impressed . 
“ what like i’m afraid of you” the man said yet his face gave it away instantly. 
“ you should be “ payback stood in front of her. 
“ you know what you care so much about the bag of flea take it ain’t worth it” the man rushed off as they walked him til he drove off only to hear her giggling and laughing . 
“ he likes me” she beamed up at them . 
“ please let us be there when you tell jake” fanboy snorted.
“ he’ll get over it , day got better free dog and awesome cool bodyguards … sorry brothers now lets go get this little peanut some new things “ she smiled happily. 
 “ she’s gonna be the death of us “ kyle sighed and they all agreed. 
“ it doesn’t actually have flea’s right we took my car here” bob gulped.
Lucky for bob peanut did not in fact have  fleas but he was skin and bone . peanut was only seven months old pitbull and nothing to him  , she brought him everywhere even to the hard deck letting sit with her and the guys although he was nervous at first when it got busy but soon got use to it even  only place she couldn’t bring him was work and  so she brought him to a doggy day care one of the officers recommended one night at hard deck . two weeks was all it took for the pooch to get use to the new dynamic given it was probably the most attention he’s gotten in his life . now she was sitting on her sofa patiently ( for her ) for jake to call he let her know he had a slot for facetime coming up and she was looking forward to it  almost counting the seconds til she could  finally see him . 
“ now we gotta do this smart ok” she said to the dog currently sitting at her feet only for the phone to ring out and her to rush at it almost dropping it  as she hit the answer button . 
“ hey baby” god even his voice made her insides melt. 
“ jake i missed you so much “ she almost cried she was so happy to finally see and hear him . 
“ i missed you too hows baby” he asked nervously. 
“Growing and currently kicking my ass i mean of course they would given they’re half you , look ” she giggled holding the sonograms up . “ i sent some in care package so you’ll get to see it for yourself  i asked them kept gender surprise til your home so we will get to see it together “ she cooed. 
“ darling …. Tell me something and tell me truth” he asked his eyes coming closer. 
“ anything ask away “ she smiled sweetly. 
“ why is there a dog sitting beside you “ he asked wondering if weeks at sea was making him see things only for her to see peanut was in fact sitting beside her . 
“ well long story short , we were shopping for the care packages and well the guys went to soon store while i wanted to chill out on bench this douche was kicking him and then he called me chubby like dude looked like he was carrying quads anyways after fat shaming and threats boom free dog isn’t he a cutie” she cooed. 
“ darling don’t those eat babies” he whispered . 
“ oh my god your like the shelters … jake seresin are you dog racist” she gasped .
“ dog racist?”. 
“ these dogs are sweethearts it media and dumb ass idiots that make them like monster but peanut is a sweetheart better then the chihuahua in his daycare i think that dog hates me” she winced.
“ dog daycare darling how long is he there?” he chuckled.
“ oh like two weeks , we watch golden girls with miss wilson too  she knitted him a  little cardigan he’s still skinny as hell but he’s coming along greatly” she smiled softly kissing the dogs head. 
“Well i guess i can’t wait to meet him and tell rooster we have a dog now,” he chuckled 
The two chatted trying to fit in everything in the limited amount of time before he had to say goodbye only now peanut was added in to which confused the hell why the phone was talking to him but still wagged his little tail . when the call did end he got up in her lap and licked away the tears that fell down her cheek. 
“thank fuck you're here” she smiled sadly hugging him closely to her.  Only two more months to go before jake was home . 
taglist : @harrysgothicbitch @djs8891 @darksparklesficrecs @emma8895eb5eb @sarah-bear706318
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soggypotatoes · 2 years
also. dont even talk to me about this. but. the nurse im obsessed with. oh my god. whenever shes on shift i literally go sit out by the nurses station for hours till she leaves bc my brain just feels better when i can see + hear her. this obsession isnt bad, though, is the thing. im used to *bad* obsessions. but it doesnt feel like that. it does feel like a lifeline, which is dangerous bc once i leave i wont be soothed by her being around, obviously. but like.. i dunno. my brain doesnt know how to exist without an obsession, and this one isnt hurting me. in fact it is helpful and a step in the right direction, for reasons i wont get into but yeah ive talked w my therapist about this. anyway. she said today that tomorrow she will sit down w me and help me put together some plans on how to work with my brain to keep my surroundings a little cleaner. god. im going 2 miss her
#it's hilarious bc shes the nurse people.. well.#people LIKE her its not that they dont like her#but shes very obsessed with the rules and very firm#if ur 5 minutes late from leave u WILL hear about it#and today a patient was complaining#'of course it was her that did the bag check. she took half my stuff'#classic :'))))#she doesnt let u get away with SHIT#which is. exactly y im obsessed w her#that and the fact that she pays a lot of attention and tries to help u more than anyone else#but like.. i got away with way too much as a kid#bc my parents were extremely inattentive#i crave those firm firm boundaries and limits that i didnt get#which has lead to me being obsessed w this random strict nurse#ed mumbles#it's funny to me tho cause it started out as 100% a joke#i JOKED about having a crush on a nurse#NOT SERIOUS AT ALL#now look at me#never joke about anything kids it WILL become a reality#now i fantasise about having a wife who wears scrubs and controls the amount of meds i take#LOL....#fr though when shes on my brain is soooo smooth#oh and i wrote down very hesitantly that i get triggered by being woken up in the morning#bc it was a violent time for me growing up.. like physically violent#i think she was the only nurse that actually read that..#bc she started coming in in the morning and talking with me for a bit#rather than just yelling 'wake up' in the doorway which triggers me#and at first i was confused as to why she was doing that#then i realised it's bc she doesn't want to trigger me :'( so she comes in so i can see she's calm + not mad at me
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trees-to-meet-you · 1 year
Apart from slamming the door open, Susie entered the classroom rather calmy (that is— she wasn’t yelling or making a fuss. She just asked if she was late)
#susie is so very clearly one of those students who tried when they were little but quickly learned the school system did not care#and the fact that she lives in poverty in that tiny town does not help#like. if she actually has a family and isn’t homeless then those parents are constantly working to pay bills and debts and things#so there not around. and then she has like no support save for any teacher that tries to help her#and while toriel would absolutely help her toriel teaches the little kids#alphys is the only other teacher shown in the building and she’s terrified of susie she’s not going to try to connect with her#and then bc it’s a rinky-dink tiny school in a tiny ass town there’s not a lot of funding for it either#so the teachers don’t even have the materials they need and there’s not enough teachers and no after school programs#except any clubs that are completely student organized and that would just be like a dnd club or a book club where all they need is a table#and even then those might be forced to relocate to the library bc the school might just close after the day#bc there’s no extracurriculars and they can’t pay for an after school childcare program#and bc she’s ‘different’ susie would be kinda forced out of any spaces where the other students spend time bc they give her the side eye#and expect her to be bad bc she’s failing the class and in their eyes surely that is Morally Bad#and her clothes are sometimes dirty and sometimes just worn out and so they think she’s weird and ignore her#and any adults that see her like a librarian would be able to tell what’s ‘weird’ about her that the kids can’t seem to name (she’s poor)#but they see her struggling or trying to get any sort of attention and even if they can see what’s wrong they just brush it off#as ‘not my problem to fix her bad manners’#or ‘poor kid. surely someone will come along that can help her’#and then do nothing!! the entire town does nothing! susie was let down by the entirety o#of the town!!#and im not sure where im going rambling like this but can you tell that i love susie very much and want to give this poor kid the world#susie deltarune#deltarune#liveblogging
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lewisvinga · 3 months
not the same | charles leclerc x reader x alexandra saint mleux
summary; due to her being in med school, there is a lack of y/n at races and social events which makes fans upset. all it took was for her to distance herself to make charles and alexandra realize what they were missing is her
fc: phoebe dynevor
word count; 831
warnings; cursing maybe
all works taglist; @goldenmclaren @namgification @c-losur3 @minkyungseokie @lavisenri @ollieshifts
note; requested ! made it so reader is in med school instead of a doctor bc like ages n such lolll n decided to mix in a bit of writing lol
masterlist !
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a few months later …
lilymhe uploaded to their story !
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[caption 1; the face of someone who finally finished her exams] [caption 2; party time 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️]
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Alexandra couldn’t help but sigh deeply as she replayed Lily’s story. She hadn’t seen Y/n’s face in ages. After breaking up with Alexandra and Charles, the med student seemingly deleted all social media accounts.
Neither tried to contact her for fear of pushing her away even more. They never confirmed their break up but it’s not like the public speculated it. Due to her being a medical student and prioritizing her studies, Y/n rarely attended races or public events . Charles and Alexandra were never upset about that.
They always encouraged her to study so she could get closer to achieving her dreams instead of missing a potentially important class to attend events. Even then, their dynamic worked perfectly even if in the public eye she was never around.
She was like the missing puzzle piece to complete Alexandra and Charles.
The Ferrari driver noticed his girlfriend's silence after leaving yet again another event. He knew what she was thinking about.
“You miss her too.”
His words caused Alexandra to snap out of the trance she was in. She let out a deep sigh followed by a nod. “She graduates soon too.”
“Do you think giving her space was the right idea?”
“I mean, I didn’t want to drive her further away,” She sighs, fiddling with the gold bracelets on her wrists. “But we should’ve tried harder. I miss her.”
“I miss her too,” Charles mumbled, running his hands through his hair. A silence fell upon the two, a silence that was once filled with Y/n’s mumbles and rants about her studies and the cool facts she learned. One thing was for sure, they both wanted her back.
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Alexandra adjusted the glasses resting on her nose as she walked down the streets of Monaco. She was meeting up with Charles in the shopping center since he needed a lot of help picking out clothing.
She wasn’t paying attention when she suddenly bumped into someone. The small yelp coming from the person sounded all too familiar.
She lifts the glasses up from her eyes and gasps. “Y/n?”
“Alexandra!” Y/n exclaimed in shock. She had a smile on her face, the very same smile that made Alexandra’s heart flutter, which fluttered even more when she was pulled into a hug.
“I-How-“ Alexandra stuttered as she hugged her back. She cleared her throat before continuing, “How have you been?” She hid a frown as the girl in her arms pulled away.
“Good. I’ve been searching for a dress for graduation and I-“
Both turned around and spotted the familiar green eyes of the Monegasque. Y/n shyly smiled and waved as Charles walked up to the two. “H-How have you been?” He asked, quickly glancing at Alexandra.
“Good, good.” Y/n sighed, shifting from one foot to another. “I was just telling Alex that I’m searching for a dress for graduation. Lily was supposed to help but she bailed on me.”
Alexandra hadn’t heard that nickname coming from that sweet voice in ages. It made her heart skip a beat once again. Before she could respond, Charles quickly spoke. “Why don’t you join us? She’s helping me upgrade my closet and I know you have good taste. We can help you with your dress.”
Y/n raised her eyebrow at his words and Alexandra’s frantic nods. “About time you’re upgrading your closet. That was my biggest complaint! Just never had the time to go shop for you.” She huffed. “But I’ll take you up on that-“
“Come back to us.” Alexandra couldn’t hold back any longer. Not only did she shock both Charles and Y/n, she even shocked herself. “We miss you, amor. You complete us.”
The Ferrari driver was quick to agree. “We don’t care what strangers on the internet say. We only care about you, chérie.” His eyes had a hopeful glint as he watched Y/n furrow up her eyebrows, a sign that she was thinking deeply. “Come back to us, please.”
It was silent for a moment, no one caring that they were still in the middle of the sidewalk near the shopping center. They didn’t pay any mind to the people rushing around them. Their full attention was on each other.
Y/n let out a sigh which made both Charles and Alexandra panic for a moment before seeing the faint smile on her glossed lips. “I’ve missed you both.” Her whisper resulted in the other two sighing in relief.
“Although Lily’s support, and even Alex’s, was great,” She took a step closer to them. “It was nothing like yours. It wasn’t Alexandra making me a cup of tea. It wasn’t Charles softly playing piano to help me focus. It’s not the same. I’ve missed you both.” Her lips curled into a smile that matched both Alexandra’s and Charles’ wide smiles as they each grabbed one of her hands.
“And we’ll never let you go again, chérie.”
“It’s the three of us, always and forever, amor.”
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liked by yourusername, lilymunihe, and others !
charles_leclerc&alexandrasaintmleux: one step closer to achieving your dreams. we’re so proud of you, our sweet girl ❤️
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
yourusername: i love you💗💗
charles_leclerc: i love you❤️
alexandrasaintmleux: and i love you💝
username: y/n so smartie pants i love her 😢
yourusername: YEAHH!!!!!🎉🎉
username: mis amores 😭❤️
username: how’d charles get 2 pretty gfs he’s winning
username: EXACTLYYY like i cant even get 1 😭
username: one good w the arts n the other w biology, both gorgeous asf, he’s winning
username: y/n they could never make me hate u
lewishamilton: congratulations! we’re all proud of your hard work!
yourusername: thank you, lewis🥹
username: my fave throuple itw❤️‍🩹
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cutielando · 7 months
sleepy | l.n.
synopsis: in which you always fall asleep everywhere
my masterlist
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You had a very good relationship with your sleep schedule. 
That was primarily due to the fact that with Lando’s schedule, having to fly all around the world almost every week, the constant time zone changes. You had to get some sleep any free chance you would get, no matter where.
Which is something Lando, his team and the fans around the world have grown to love. Every time the fans would see you in the paddock, they knew that pictures of you sleeping in a clearly uncomfortable position somewhere in the McLaren garage would surf the internet.
It was everyone’s favorite moment from the whole weekend.
“Y/N, it’s nice to see you again!” Zak greeted you once you had arrived in the garage with Lando for his home race.
“I couldn’t possibly miss this one” you said, hugging the older man and then stepping back to stand beside Lando again.
“We’re very glad to have you here. How’d you sleep last night?” he jokingly asked, making Lando chuckle from beside you.
It became a cute joke within the team, seeing as you managed to fall asleep every time, no matter how well rested you might be.
“Pretty good, but I can’t guarantee that you won’t find me passed out again” you laughed, knowing that it didn’t really bother anyone truly.
Lando talked for a little bit with Zak before leading you to his driver’s room.
When you opened the door, you noticed a new blanket and pillow that hadn’t been there before, which made you look back at Lando, raising your eyebrow.
“Where did those come from?” you asked as you picked up the blanket, immediately savoring the fluffy feeling against your fingers.
“Figured I would buy you a blanket for when you want to nap God knows where, just to make sure you’re comfy and won’t get cold” he explained, shrugging like it was not a big deal.
You pouted, the small gesture warming your heart.
“That’s so sweet, thank you baby” you put down the blanket and gave Lando a hug, pecking his lips before you let him get ready.
You walked around the garage silently, not wanting to get in anybody’s way. The race was about to begin and there was a lot going around, the place being as noisy as a garage could get before lights out.
And yet still, you find your eyes dropping down, sleep slowly threatening to blindside you and make you fall asleep.
But you had vowed to yourself that you wouldn’t fall asleep here, not at Silverstone.
It would prove to be harder than you had originally thought.
“Hey” Lando found you just moments before he had to get in the car, clutching his helmet in his hands.
“Be safe, okay? Come back to me in one piece and don’t forget to have fun” you said, helping fix the balaclava on his head.
He nodded, puckering his lips for his good luck kiss. Once you gave it to him, he put on his helmet and disappeared in the car, leaving you alone with his engineers.
“Hey Y/N” Jon said as he came to stand beside you, watching Lando now driving away from the garage.
“Hey Jon, how are you?” you tried to pay attention to everything he was telling you, but it was getting harder and harder to concentrate.
“Did you get any sleep last night?” Jon chuckled once he saw how much you were struggling not to pass out.
You nodded. “I did, it’s just something about the atmosphere at the races that lulls me right back to sleep. But I promised myself I wouldn’t fall asleep at this one” you explained, stifling a yawn.
Jon nodded, making small talk for a little longer.
Once the race itself started, you were bundled up in your new blanket from Lando, a pair of McLaren earphones on your ears and sitting beside Cisca, Lando’s mother.
You were trying very hard to follow the race, but the tiredness was creeping in more and more, until you found yourself resting your head against the wall behind you, letting yourself drift to a deep sleep.
When Cisca noticed that you were more quiet than usual, she looked over and saw how peacefully you were sleeping, albeit with your head in a very uncomfortable position.
Smiling fondly to herself, she slowly took your head in her hands and moved you so you were laying with your head in her lap. She absentmindedly weaved her hands through your hair while intently watching the race on the screens.
It wasn’t until the last 3 laps that you woke up, silently kicking yourself for falling asleep.
You looked confusedly around you, noticing Cisca above you smiling.
“Good morning, sunshine. Just in time for the last laps of the race” she explained, helping you settle back into a sitting position.
“I was out for that long?” you moaned, cursing to yourself that you missed the entire race because you were sleeping.
“Don’t beat yourself up dear, the important thing is that you’re here with us” she comforted you, rubbing your arm while averting her attention back to the screen.
You watched the screen intently, cheering and screaming once Lando had crossed the checkered flag in P2.
Both Cisca and Adam gave you tight hugs, congratulating the entire team alongside you.
You walked out of the garage with the two of them, your blanket still wrapped tightly around you as you walked towards the podium, your hands linked with Lando’s mother.
Lando parked his car in front of the number 2 sign, jumping out of the car and running over to where you were waiting for him by the barriers.
“I’m so proud of you!” you squealed as soon as he was within arms length, hugging him close.
“Did you sleep through the race?” he asked as he pulled up his visor, his eyes twinkling.
You smiled sheepishly, making him laugh loudly inside of his helmet.
“My sleepy girl” he mumbled, giving you a squeeze before moving on to hug his parents.
The next day after the race, photos of you sleeping in Cisca’s lap circulated on the internet, making you and your boyfriend laugh. 
Laugh because your habit had turned your relationship into a three-person relationship.
You, Lando and your sleep.
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Arsenal II
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Arsenal Women x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: The last match against Arsenal
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Pernille doesn't like to see you sad.
It goes against her very core as your mother.
When you were a baby, she used to pick you up every time you cried. As a toddler, she let you into the Big Bed every time you whined. Now, as a child, she can't let you out of her sight when you grow morose.
It was expected though, for today to effect you like this.
It was the last match Chelsea would have against Arsenal before you all packed up your lives and moved back to Germany.
Arsenal is your favourite English team, no matter how many times Magda tried to bribe you into choosing Chelsea. You adore the players and the club and, while Pernille knows you want her and Magda to win things, you wouldn't be too sad if the title was awarded to Arsenal out of nowhere.
You've woken up sad. You've eaten your breakfast sad. You've spent the whole day sad no matter how many times Magda and Pernille have tried to cheer you up.
You were a little sniffly in the car and Magda even let you wear your Arsenal shirt even though you'd be sitting on the Chelsea bench.
"There she is! Little Gunner in the making!"
You look up at the familiar voice of Leah.
You didn't even realise the warm ups had started.
"When are you coming to play for us, huh?"
You shrug.
You like Leah, you really do. She's tall and she's funny and sometimes she clashes with Momma on the pitch and that's kind of cool to watch. You want to be happy to see her but she's just a reminder that you're leaving.
You don't know why you have such weird feelings about leaving.
You like England but you like Germany too. You like living in England but you liked living in Germany too. England and Germany. Germany and England.
You're sure that you'll enjoy living in Germany again but right now, all you can think about is the fact that you don't really want to leave.
"What's the face for? Not happy to see us?" Beth has joined Leah now and you look up at both of them, swinging your feet.
You shrug again.
You don't know how you feel about any of this.
Your emotions flip flop around quicker than you can understand them as you sit on the bench in a weird form of limbo as everything happens around you.
You don't want to leave London but you do. You want to go and live in Germany again but you don't.
Everything is so confusing and your tummy swirls around with everything that you're keeping buried deep down.
"She's having a bit of a hard day," Magda says, rubbing your shoulder gently.
You turn into her body, burying your face into her shirt as if she could shield you away from all the change going on around you.
Morsa is big and strong. She'll be able to protect you.
Momma's there as well because you can feel her pick you up and place you on her hip. You hide yourself away in her neck and she rubs your back.
"We..er...Can we borrow her after the match?" Leah asks, jerking her thumb back towards the tunnel," We've got some stuff for her."
"That would be nice, wouldn't it, Princesse?"
You don't respond, just sitting mute on the bench.
You don't remember much of the match. You wouldn't be able to tell anyone who won. You just sit on the bench with your head down in an Arsenal shirt, getting the sinking feeling that it would be a long time until you would be back to see them play.
(One day, you'll win a league title in a sold out Emirates Stadium with the team).
But right now, all you can think about is that you're leaving. It's all you can think about even as Morsa and Momma take your hands and guide you to the Arsenal locker room.
You're numb to most things as you're helped up into somebody's cubby. You start paying attention again when Viv kneels in front of you.
Viv is cool. She's one of the best strikers in the world and you've let a lot of people know that. She's quiet as well. She's not as loud as Beth or Katie but you don't think she needs to be.
People watch Viv because she's great, because she's the best. People look at Viv and can't help but listen to what she has to say.
"We'll miss you on the Chelsea bench celebrating for us," She says to you and you sniffle.
"Miss you guys too," You manage to get out as tears dip down your face.
You blink away your blurry vision as Viv holds her shirt out for you.
"You keep this safe for me, alright?" She says.
"I don't have a shirt to give you."
"Don't worry about it. I want you to have this one."
(One day, when you're older, you'll play against Chelsea at a sold out Emirates and win. One day, you'll give Viv your own shirt.)
"I don't want to leave anymore." You look past the Arsenal girls to look at Momma and Morsa standing by the door. "Why can't we stay here? I don't want to go to Bayern!"
You keep looking at them but Viv touches your knee gently. "I used to play at Bayern, you know."
"Yep. Before I came to Arsenal. It's not all bad. You speak German, right?"
You nod.
"I didn't speak German when I moved so I struggled a bit. You'll have to help out Magda when you get there."
"I can do that."
"I'm sure you'll learn a lot in Germany so when you're older you can come back here and show it all off."
You nod.
Viv grins. "Good. Now, I think everyone wanted a group picture before you go off. You up for that?"
The picture gets buried somewhere in your picture album at home but you never forget about it, even after you leave Arsenal again.
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tlou-reid · 10 months
!smut, mdni!
thinking about spencer reid who has had a crush on the pretty BAU agent at the desk across from him ever since she started. she has been so swamped with work and paperwork and life recently and spencer notices the small changes in her behaviors because he notices every little thing about her. he sees the tighter grip she holds on her pens, making the ink bleed through the paper just slightly. he notices the way she starts to slam her coffee cup on the desk as opposed to gently sitting it down. he notices the heavy uptick of the amount of cups she’s having.
and it’s worse when they’re given a case. naturally, since they get along so well and since they’re probably the two smartest people in the world, hotch pairs spencer and his crush up throughout their time in phoenix, arizona. spencer sees the way she’s always cracking her knuckles and rubbing at the small of her back. he hear the tone in which she talks to the officers.
so, when they’ve finally caught their unsub just 6 days later, spencer makes sure to pick up her case files before she can even make it from her hotel room. he tucks them neatly under him as he sits down on the jet, carefully hiding them from her. he holds them hostage, knowing if she doesn’t see them, she won’t worry about them. out of sight, out of mind, as they say. she falls asleep quickly in the seat across from spencer. he can’t help but ogle at her beautiful sleeping form, knowing she really needs the rest.
and, once they returned to the musty bullpen that belongs to the BAU, spencer stays with her. he watches as she starts the paperwork he’d sneakily put on her desk, not letting her catch on to the fact that he’d taken it. he tries his best to focus on his own work, but the way she keeps groaning as she rolls her head back has him completely distracted. he’s barely three pages in when hotch emerges from his office, bidding both of them a goodbye and complimenting their work on the case
that just leaves spencer and the pretty agent across from him in the space.
time moves slower now, spencer thinks, which makes it even more agonizing to listen to her try to work out her over-exhausted muscles by herself. he can’t help himself as he breaks the comfortable silence that had been established.
“hey, y/n,” he inquires, knowing she probably doesn’t want to be disturbed right now. his suspicions prove to be true when she doesn’t look up, letting out a less than enthusiastic “hm?”.
“do you know the benefits of getting a massage?” this piques her interest, wondering where spencer was going to take this. sure, the recent stress in her life had her muscles aching at every hour of the day, but she didn’t think anyone had picked up on it. “i know the basics, spence.” she giggles, finally looking over at him.
he can’t dwell on the fact that this is the first time she’s smiled in about two weeks because his brain starts moving too fast for his mouth to keep up, “yeah, most people know they helps with muscle aches but they actually have a lot of benefits. massages help improve circulation and joint mobility. there’s also research that connects them to cosmetic effects, like improved and more even skin tones.”
he doesn’t expect her to still be paying attention to him, but he’s pleasantly surprised at the small smile spreading across her face. “hm, that sounds amazing. if only i wasn’t trapped here doing paperwork at almost three in the morning.” she answers sarcastically, turning back to her work. “i could give you a massage.” spencer stumbles out.
her cheeks start to heat up as she makes eye contact with him, wondering where he would take this. “i mean,” he backtracks, “i’ve read books on how to do shoulder and back massages. my eidetic memory means i could probably do an almost perfect one, if you’re interested. i’ve noticed the way you’ve been struggling with muscle aches.”
her face feels like it’s on fire with the way he’s making her blush. “um, sure, spencer, if you don’t mind.” she stutters and stumbles as she tries to accept his offer. he excitedly pushes himself of his hair, pulling up a closer one behind her.
his large hands start to knead at the knots at the base of her neck. he can feel the tension she’s built up over the past couple of weeks and tries to recall the techniques he’d read about so long ago.
this quickly becomes a challenging feat, as he moves his hands along the expanse of her back. she lets out light moans when he massages a particularly tight part of her muscle. the moans and grunts she’s making are going right to spencer’s cock. he’s so glad he’s behind her, because the tent in his pants continues to grow as he reaches the base of her back, where most of her pain had been.
her light moans have now increased in volume, and spencer is sure he should stop. he was not expecting to have this reaction from her, or react this way to her. his mind is cloudy and beginning to fill with filthy images that match the sounds she’s making now.
and god, he should stop. he knows he should pull his hands away from her, especially as he feels his stomach tighten and his dick throb in his pants. but he can’t. he needs to reach his release so bad, so he presses his fingers harder into her back, listening to the joyful sounds she’s letting out.
he doesn’t pull his hands away until he finally cums in his pants, too embarrassed to keep going. “thank you, spence. i feel a lot better. a lot less tense now.” she thanks him as he turns away from her, pushing in the chair he’d pulled over. he makes a few exclamations, saying it was no problem at all, before dashing off to the bathroom to try and get himself cleaned up.
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hazelsmirrorball · 4 months
Lacy | Oscar Piastri x Logan Sargent x Fem! Reader
summary: oscar piastri has everything logan sargent could ever wish for but he would trade everything just for y/n to seem him the way he sees her
faceclaim: olivia rodrigo
pairings: oscar piastri x gf!singer!reader, logansargent x friend!singer!reader
a/n: can’t even tell you what is this, but it’s something different that’s for sure. Excuse any errors english isn’t my main language
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Logan Sargents eyes wandered all over Oscar Piastri’s apartment. His heart beats to the rhythm of the clock near him. He could feel sweat dripping from his forehead as he waited for Oscar to enter the living room. For a guy that almost exploded his phone with messages for them to hang out; he’s taking a lot of time to pay him attention.
At first he didn’t want to come, but part of him felt guilty if he denied his best friend’s invitation. He couldn’t say he was busy because the McLaren driver could read right through him. He nervously played with his hands trying to think of something, anything but the thought of Oscar’s longterm girlfriend. He felt bad, he couldn’t lie to himself and deny what was going through his head.
But as Logan’s eyes continuously scanned his around his apartment trying to distract himself it was as he saw the ghost of her leaning towards him. Every bit and piece had, y/n’s touch, everything traced back to her.
Her sweet perfume lingered on the couch cushions. While an empty can of her favorite drink sat on the table in front of him. As he kept looking his eyes rested on the small table next to him, the red cherry lipstick that covered her beautiful lips stared back at him as he felt his stomach turn. Pieces of her used handmade bows that had little strands of her hair. Logan let a deep sigh imagining all the times Y/n would come in the paddock with her sweet cherry lips and her beautiful hair flowing in the wind.
Logan’s hand slowly reached for the table in front of him, trying to snap himself out of the trance he was being suck into. How can a thing so sweet ruin all his morals, all his beliefs. He felt guilty, guilty for wanting the one thing that made Oscar Piastri happy.
But why couldn’t he have her? Oscar wasn’t a bad person towards Logan, well at least not directly. Oscar Piastri had everything Logan Sargent ever wanted. A perfect F1 career, a perfect team, a perfect life and the perfect girl. Oscar was smart, attractive and funny, everything opposite from Logan. At least in his eyes. Why couldn’t Logan have this one thing? What did Oscar have that Logan didn’t? He swore he had potential, he just needed time for people to see it. Oscar had the only thing Logan Sargent really wanted, Y/n.
“Sorry, mate! I was busy helping Y/n hang a painting in her room. But my attention is one hundred percent on you now” Oscar said sitting down next to Logan. He slowly scanned Oscar body noticing the familiar lipstick stain adorned on his lips.
As much as Logan wanted to avoid the facts. He found himself stumbling upon the couple everywhere he would go. Photos of them in the paddock, group hangouts, hell even fans would tagged him in their couple pictures. It drove him insane, he tried to rationalize, to call himself. But every single thing Oscar did was poison for Logan, he couldn’t take it anymore. It was like Oscar deep down knew about Logan’s feelings towards her and was out to get him. He wanted to make him suffer, there wasn’t any other reason. Oscar was to get Logan, that was a constant thought in his head. Maybe he was jealous or maybe he idolized Oscar in a way no one else could.
“Oh, it’s no problem really. Mentioning Y/n I don’t know if you remember the text I sent you a few weeks ago” Logan said placing his notebook in the table in front of Oscar and him. Oscar looked at the notebook and nodded
“Yeah! I showed y/n the thing you wrote and she was over the moon! she enjoyed it a lot, she was in a complete writers block so that helped her a lot with writing that new ep she wanted to do. So thank you so much logan, i owe you one big time” Oscar said slightly punching logan shoulder as he forced a smile letting out a chuckle with him.
“that’s what friends are for. But she decided to make the poem into a song? i didn’t think it was that good” Logan responded raising an eyebrow towards Oscar. He simply shook his head and turned towards him.
“I don’t know where or how you wrote that poem. But i trust y/n’s opinion, that song is going to be a hit!” Oscar responded in attempt to shake Logan insecurities. He quietly nodded, feeling a real smile starting to creep up.
“what’s the name of the song?” Logan managed to slip out
Oh, Logan Sargent Loathed the dazzling starlet that was Oscar Piastri and even though he didn’t have y/n. he would do anything to have Y/n bows around his wrist and her lipstains on places only the two of them would know, even if he had to play the long run.
y/nnnn via instagram!
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liked by logansargent, oscarpiastri and 2,368,902 others
y/nnnn so excited for my new single that’s coming out real soon!!! thank you so much to one of my favorite drivers @logansargent that gave me the main inspo to write this song, love you so so much and i wish you guys love this so as much as i do x.
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landonorris for a moment i forgot you were a singer, i thought you were just oscar’s annoying gf
-> y/nnnn shut up
user101 mother is back!!!!
user23 thank you logan for being y/n’s inspiration
user1893 team logan!!!!!!
user78 team oscar!!!
oscarpiastri so talented! i love you so so much
logansargent you are wonderful y/n!! i’m always proud of you and ur music
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quimichi · 4 months
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-ˏˋ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ CRUSH HDCS ࿐ྂ Pt. 1.....
WARNING: × pure fluff in my opinion
SUMMARY: just some idiots with a crush...you :)
CHARACTERS: Aether, Albedo, Al-haitham, Amber, Arlecchino, Ayaka, Ayato & Baizhu x F!Reader
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 Paimon is so done with his constant ranting and crying about you
ᯓᡣ𐭩 She had to stop herself from telling you so often like "Just PLEASE date him already" because she couldn't just fall into her besties back like that
ᯓᡣ𐭩 you would think he doesn't really like you cause he's all quite. Wrong, he actually jusz tries to cope with his rising heat and nervousness around you
ᯓᡣ𐭩 did he once tell you that you smell nice even tho you were sweating lile a sinner in church? Yes
ᯓᡣ𐭩 did he also tell you that you look a bit different and like you haven't slept good after a haircut?...yes
ᯓᡣ𐭩 listen, he was concerned for you-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 everything was so embarrassing for him he thought you hate him now--- well, you didn't. Its hard not to find this weird and awkward ball of sunshine nice
ᯓᡣ𐭩 he also helps you out a lot, no matter whats the issue he's ready to help. And Paimon is the third wheel
ᯓᡣ𐭩 sometimes when he's nervous and talks to you he like suddenly needs to swallow down spit cause it gets stuck in his throat?? Idk how to explain it but i have this issue lol and its so hard to cover up the swallowing cause then people know youre nervous-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 literally once walked into a wall because he was looking at you. Luckily no one saw...except Paimon--she won't let him forget that ever
ᯓᡣ𐭩 speaking of Paimon, bro literally asked her for advice, and she was useful? Hey, look. Shes more than just emergency food-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 she was like, "If you truly love someone, you cook them something good! Love goes through the stomach!"
ᯓᡣ𐭩 and thats why he desperately cooks for you every day---just put Paimon out of her misery and kiss him already
ᯓᡣ𐭩 has no idea how and why it happened but he won't complain, you are pretty so-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 kinda takes it as an opportunity to study love a bit lol. Its not like he's dumb, far from that, he knows what hes feeling and why he feels attracted to you.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 but somehow he can't tell you, words fail him to explain why although he knows
ᯓᡣ𐭩 is confused and is irritated lol
ᯓᡣ𐭩 did tell Succrose about it and my girl can hardly keep secrets-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 oh and like around a week after he noticed his crush on you he confessed
ᯓᡣ𐭩 he's pretty blunt and honest, straightforward if you will.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 there's honestly not much to say, he knows he likes you, also probably knows it's mutual, logic conclusion would be that he confesses so you two can consider a relationship after some time
ᯓᡣ𐭩 easy??? Like what's not to get???
ᯓᡣ𐭩 the strongest feeling he ever had for someone else was a book character-and that's also pretty rare cause he doesn't read fiction he only reads facts-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 treats you normally with a sprinkle of kindness
ᯓᡣ𐭩 you don't notice, no one would notice. Good for Al-Haitham cause ew what if people realize hes just a regular human being?? Can't have that
ᯓᡣ𐭩 would tell you to take breaks and eat an apple or other fruits in those breaks so you can concentrate better afterwards. Oh and take a breath of fresh air
ᯓᡣ𐭩 keeps the bitch face on. Only drops it when you're not looking.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 finds it incredibly cute when you play with your hair or bite your lip. Your concentration is adorable...
ᯓᡣ𐭩 if you read like him, he would consider reading one of your favorite books, even if it's stupid and not his thing at all. He wants a good reason to talk to you
ᯓᡣ𐭩 has no idea how to get out of the "I'm so fucking cool" bs to actually get closer to you without seeming cringe or needy
ᯓᡣ𐭩 feelings aren't his thing but hey, he trys. Just pay more attention and maybe you make it easier for him by doing the first step
ᯓᡣ𐭩 nah cause she's so honest about it-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 probably all Mondstadt and their granny's know that Amber has a crush on you, except for you....dumbass
ᯓᡣ𐭩 she always asks you if you wanna join her on god knows what adventures
ᯓᡣ𐭩 she also always packs lunch for you
ᯓᡣ𐭩 like i said, she is pretty vocal about it and shows it quite well that she has an interest in you....and youre just brushing it off as kindness
ᯓᡣ𐭩 always ready to help! And she doesn't even need a thank you. Helping you is enough to make her happy, seeing your relieved is all she needs.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 gifts you flowers on a regular basis because they're just as pretty as you ♡
ᯓᡣ𐭩 she's so straightforward about her crush on you it's insane. People think she's dating you already, well wrong--
ᯓᡣ𐭩 big talk and actions but when it comes to beinh very vocal about her feelings she shuts down-she would stutter and blush not knowing what to say-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 like, pls stop being so oblivious to her attempts and just tell her you like her--then she'll confess too!
ᯓᡣ𐭩 look, she's a busy woman (father), she doesn't have time for stupid crushes. She'll either tell you immediately once she figured it out, or just waits till the feelings disappear over time.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 why? If she is uncertain that this would work out with a fatui harbinger, then she wouldn't confess at all. You won't notice a thing.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 but if she does feel like it could work out, maybe not immediately because you need time...and yeah maybe she needs to know a 100% too, she would court you (??)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 presenting you the finest things from all nations. Also giving you ifts from your home region cause...well maybe you miss it? And if you're from Fontaine she gives you only the most expensive shit hidden from all normal ordinary people-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 she sneaks her way in your heart ngl-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 and if she ever sees you with one of the things she gave you, she would make sure others know. Who knows who might have an interest in you.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 would also make some space in her schedule just for you. Lets you know too. No, not to make you feel bad, nahhh. She wants you to know how important you are to her.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 and that she will always have time for you no matter what.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 she's kinda advertising herself. "Look, I'm the baddest bitch around."
ᯓᡣ𐭩 also makes space in her very busy schedule just for you. And if she can't find the time so you both can be alone, she takes you with her to her appointments and everything.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 wants her brothers 'ok' for it all. She wouldn't feel quite comfy if Ayato wouldn't like you. Thomas opinion is also very important to her.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 if she every plays this weird cooking game with you, she trys to make it tame. She doesn't want you too disgusted or near throwing up cause then she'd feel bad
ᯓᡣ𐭩 and also trys cooking for you normally. She trys ok, she's getting better and better. Takes this as an excuse to cook your favorite meals.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 dances with you! She's shy about it but she does. Ayaka teaches you her favorite dances and moves, and would get quite close to you by doing this...plus for her
ᯓᡣ𐭩 but besides this she's very shy about her crush on you and won't admit it very fast. Even after months she wouldn't dare say a word about it to you or hint anything to drastic.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 tbh, it has to be you who would need to make the first step lol
ᯓᡣ𐭩 very obvious...I mean...he gives you flowers, jewelry, new clothes. He takes you to events or dinners, important meetings. Lets you stay in the Kamisato estate for free. Bitch you even have your own room??
ᯓᡣ𐭩 i can't tell you more, except, just...just talk with him about it. Confront him and say, "yes" that's all he wants to hear from you.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 and see you happy ofc
ᯓᡣ𐭩 if Chansheng can keep her mouth shut he wouldn't tell you at all. Or at least not so fast.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 if you know, you know. Baizhus story is...something. i won't spoiler tho
ᯓᡣ𐭩 because of that he needs to be very sure about it all. He can't just jump into something that might not work out at all or have no future in the beginning.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 he would show his interest with nice little gestures. Giving you medicine for free, helping your loved ones when sick also for free, smiling just a bit more at you or teaching you about herbs and all.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 he's very gentle with you, scared he might break you. In truth it's actually him who would break--
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Qiqi would notice, she's a smart girl ofc she would. Yeah she knew you two were a thing before you two knew lol
ᯓᡣ𐭩 oh yeah and Changsheng blew it all-
ᯓᡣ𐭩 "Your hands wouldn't shake so much if you wouldn't love her"
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@hehothrowawayfae @lucienbarkbark @ryu--19 @theblades @rikasurl
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verstappen-cult · 5 months
hiii idk if youre doing reqs rn but how about lestappen x reader where shes unused to being taken care of, having to succumb to the fact she needs help after an injury (nothing too graphic like maybe a sprained ankle or a broken wrist) and max and charles trying their best to make her understand that they *want* to help and that she has to let them and her yk kinda warming up to the idea idkkk😭 feel free to ignore it i js thought it was sweet✋️😔
You turn on the kitchen lights and Charles and Max are immediately pausing the game and turning around, surprised to see you supporting all your weight in your left leg, while keeping your balance by leaning against the wall.
Max is up in a blink of an eye. “What are you doing, sweetheart?” He helps you walk to one of the stools by the kitchen counter.
“I wanted something to eat.” You say, sitting down and trying not to show how relieved you are. Your ankle is still hurting but you don’t want to worry them.
“You could’ve just told us.” Charles joins you and Max in the kitchen. “What do you want?” He asks you while walking towards the fridge.
You wince, looking down at your hands. “I can prepare something. You’re busy.”
“We were just playing FIFA.” Max leans down to leave a kiss on your cheek. “We weren’t exactly busy.”
“Still,” You argue back, this time looking at your blonde haired boyfriend. “I can do it myself.”
“You’re supposed to be resting, or you’re not gonna get better.”
Charles is right.
And just because of that you accept his offer to make something to eat.
“I’d like some pasta, if it’s not too much trouble.”
Charles frowns as he takes all the ingredientes out of the fridge. “If it’s not too much trouble? Are you hearing yourself?”
Max gives him a disapproving look when he sees you look away.
“You sit here and we’re gonna take care of it, okay?” Max smiles before helping his boyfriend to avoid any incident like it always happens when Charles cooks. Or tries to.
While they’re occupied you think that is a good idea to take a shower to feel fresh and clean before dinner.
But the second you move to get up, Charles is by your side ready to help you.
It makes you feel a lot of things, some good and bad — especially some bad ones. Because the last thing you wanted was to cause trouble and have them running behind you to help with whatever you need, forcing them to cancel events to stay at home with you. Which is exactly what happened.
“What do you want?”
You groan, “I’m gonna take a shower.”
“I’ll run a bath for you.” Charles smiles brightly, forcing you to sit back down. But you don’t let him get away, grabbing his wrist.
“I can do it,” You feel stressed and a burden, and there are tears pricking your eyes. “You don’t need to do everything for me.”
Max stops chopping the vegetables to pay attention to you. “We know that,” He says with a weird expression on his face that you don’t really want to think about right now. “we’re trying to help you. You fell down and are in a lot of pain even if you want us to believe otherwise.”
You blush because you thought you were doing a pretty good job hiding how bad you actually feel.
“When we said that we want to take care of you, it was because we mean it. Nothing is more important than you.” Charles rubs his thumb over your knuckles, while you feel really small and scolded like a little kid.
“I just–,” You hide behind your hands, finally letting the tears fall freely down your face. “I don’t wanna be a burden.”
They stay silent for a few minutes. And then, you feel Max arms on your back while Charles lifts your chin up with his fingers. They look softly at you which only makes you cry harder.
“Oh, princess.” Max wipes the tears with the pad of his fingers. “We love you. Of course we want to take care of you and help with anything you need. You’re never gonna be a burden for us, okay?”
“I know you’d do the same for us.” Charles lets you rest your head against his chest as the both of them hold you in their arms. “Will you let us take care of you?”
You want to say no, but deep down you want to be taken care of. But you’re so used to doing everything by yourself, you never had someone worrying this much for you, never had someone who cared. And now you don’t have one but two people willing to drop everything just to take care of you.
You nod against Charles’ chest, tears still flowing down your face, and whisper, “Okay.” Even if you still want to fight against it and do everything by yourself.
Maybe things need to change a little.
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starsxblazing · 9 months
Hi! Could I request Azriel who’s mated to the youngest Archeron sister who loves their human traditions. Az finds her celebrating alone despite a whole party being set up, and learns she feels forced to attend solstice or starfall, maybe Rhys even scares her into it a bit, but when she worked hard to set up parties on human holidays, but her sisters always choose starfall? And she feels they force her to adapt to fae traditions while not even her sisters, let alone the others, even acknowledge human holidays, even though feyre said she considers both worlds her home. One that ends in a confrontation with angst would be nice, but happy ending or not is up to you, thanks.
I could have made a small series out of this ask and I really and truly enjoyed writing it. I had intended on a happy ending but this is pushing 5k words and would have taken a lot more for it. I hope it was along the lines of what you wanted!
Cause and Effect
From the moment that you were shoved in the cauldron, your life had changed to the point that you weren’t sure what to do. It had hurt that your own sister hadn’t bothered to stop what had happened to you, Nesta, and Elain but you understood since her friend was injured. Being the youngest of all of the Archeron sisters meant that you were always looked over. Nesta had always been worried about Elain and even though you were only a year younger than Feyre, it never made any difference. 
You had always felt horrible that Feyre was the one responsible for keeping all of you fed but your sister refused to let you go with her when she hunted. There had always been an urge to help and try to make things better but as always, you were shoved to the back burner. Most human holidays were forgotten but for some reason, you remembered one in particular. No matter the fact that you tried each year to celebrate it, you were either scoffed at or told that it didn’t matter.
It was something that you held close to your heart because it brought you joy and you wanted it to do the same for your father and sisters. You were different from them in the sense that you wanted to do nothing but spread love and joy but everyone around you was too miserable to care. 
The fae had their own traditions in separate courts you had learned but that piece of you that loved your holiday felt as if it were slowly dying. It had hurt your heart to see Feyre go back to the original court that she had once wanted to go to but you stayed silent and a few feet away from your other two older sisters. Mor had all three of you in an instant as soon as she was able to and took the three of you to a home that you were unfamiliar with.
Your thoughts would linger on the injured males that had been bleeding out in Hybern’s castle as you moved between Nesta and Elain so that you weren’t alone for the three hours that passed. Neither paid you any attention which only added to the hurt. It had been a traumatizing situation for the three of you and you were all trying to cope in your own ways. It didn’t stop the fact that you wished someone would pay you some attention for once in your life. 
Mor had come back to check on all of you after a few hours and she had been the first one in years to show you some genuine kindness. She led you to a room that you would be able to call your own so that you could find your own way to cope. Once she left, giving you a small smile before she did so, you took a moment to admire where you were. The room was huge considering what you had been used to with the bed being just as big. The balcony was what caught your attention the most and you knew that you would spend the most of your time there.
You found yourself enamored with the house that you learned was called the House of Wind. Mor had been the only one that had visited over the course of two days and you reveled in the attention that you were getting, even if it wasn’t a lot. On the third day, one of the males that had been injured returned to the House to see how the three of you were doing. You were instantly entranced with how handsome that he was, especially when he gave you a gentle smile. His eyes went wide when you smiled brightly at him and he stumbled a step as if he were in shock.
Azriel had been concerned about the three of his High Lady’s sisters so as soon as he was healed, he made his way up to the House. Only the youngest of the sisters could be seen since she had just finished eating. As soon as their eyes met, he was unable to resist the small smile that he had given you. It wasn’t until you gave him a genuine smile that shock overtook him. The warmth of a golden thread spread through him and it was all that he could do to regain his composure.
“How are you doing?” he asked in a gentle voice as he restrained himself from touching you. 
“I’m still trying to adjust and learn what all of this means,” you answered honestly as you looked around the dining room. “It’s sort of disorienting.”
“I can only imagine.” You gave him another bright smile at his words when your attention turned back to him. “I have faith in you though.”
A small smile replaced your bright, genuine one and he wanted nothing more than to make it return even though he wasn’t sure how. The only thing that he knew was that you were his mate and he wanted to follow you around like a love-sick puppy. Throughout his eleven years of living in a cell, all that he dreamed about was having someone that loved him unconditionally and to love them in return. Even though he knew that mating bonds didn’t always work out, your smile that seemed to show a genuine kind heart had him hoping that it wouldn’t be the case. When a slight frown formed on his face was when your entire mood visibly shifted and it was all that he could feel in the air around the two of you.
“I never saw you when we went to visit your sisters,” he mused quietly, realizing also that you had never been mentioned.
“I was in my room. I didn’t- ” you sighed, your eyes glossing over in the process. “Nevermind. It’s not important.”
“I think it is.” He did his best to keep the curiosity and the hint of anger from his tone. “You shouldn’t have been excluded.”
“It was my choice.” You gave him a sad smile while his heart hurt at your tear lined eyes. “I wasn't.. It’s not really worth sharing.”
“I think-”
“What are you doing?”
Nesta’s voice from the doorway had the both of you turning to look at her, her face etched into pure anger. It had you stiffening up in front of him and it had him rising to his full height while his wings tried to flare in his protective state for you. Your older sister did nothing but continue to glare at the both of you before you sighed quietly while hanging your head and shaking it slightly.
“We were just tal-”
“You don’t need to talk to her,” Nesta snapped. “She has us. Stay away from her.”
You glanced back at him with apologetic eyes before walking away from him but he noticed that you went in a completely different direction than your sister did. He almost followed you but decided against it in hopes that it would help you cope a bit better.
“Good morning,” you mumbled sleepily, still in your pajamas, when you entered the dining room with the male from the day before and Mor sitting at the table.
“Good morning,” Mor replied with a small smile. “We weren’t expecting you to be up so early.”
“I do rise early sometimes,” you chuckled as you took a seat beside her with the male sitting across from you. “But everything.. It’s hard to sleep now.”
“That’s completely understandable.” Mor rubbed your arm for a moment in a comforting manner. “We’re glad that you are out here with us.”
You gave her a small but sad smile, unsure of what to say. It was obvious that none of them knew about you and even though it hurt, you did your best not to show it. Feyre had mentioned to you once that the food here was delicious and now that you had a taste, you weren’t sure if you could ever go back to normal human food. The thought had you returning to the day that you had been forced into the cauldron and realized that you didn’t know anyone’s name and most importantly, how they all were doing after injuries.
“You were hurt.” You locked eyes with the hazel ones across from you. “And your friend-”
“We’re alright,” he assured, causing you to slump in relief into your seat. “Cassian’s wings are healing as we speak.”
“I’m so glad.” You gave him a bright smile before gazing at his wings momentarily. “I can’t imagine how much pain that you were in. I feel horrible that I didn’t even think to ask you last night.”
“It’s okay.” He gave you another genuine, small smile that earned a near silent gasp from the female beside her. “You have been through more than any of us can imagine.”
“I don’t even know your names,” you mumbled, choosing to ignore his reassurance since you were trying to avoid the thoughts of your own.
“You’ve met Mor.” He gestured towards the female beside you who simply rolled her eyes. “Cassian, as I said, was the one that was injured as well and Rhysand is our High Lord of the Night Court.”
“Oh.” It was hard to keep your mind from the horrible memories, the thoughts making your heart hurt even more now that you knew their names. “Have you heard from Feyre?”
“She will be alright and will be back as soon as she can,” Mor answered confidently. 
Your sister had obviously thrived since she had become High Fae and you couldn’t help but wonder if you or your other sisters would be able to do it as well even though you didn’t have much of a choice. A part of you wanted to adjust but at the same time, you were terrified of the life that you had been forced into. You were at least trying to be friendly even though Elain still refused to speak and Nesta was being her usual angry self.
You weren’t sure how to feel with everything that was going on around you but your mind began to drift back to your human life. Your favorite holiday would be arriving in a few months and you hoped that it would be something that would be accepted for the first time. Remembering that you didn’t know the male’s name, you raised an eyebrow at him.
“Are you stingy with your name?” 
“No,” he chuckled, amusement dancing in his eyes. “I’m Azriel.”
“Azriel,” you repeated, finding that you liked how it rolled so simply off of your tongue.
He seemed to like it as well due to the smile tugging at his lips but you chose to ignore it, opting to eat what you could. You could feel his gaze on you and noticed it for yourself when you glanced from your peripheral as Mor began to tell you what Velaris had to offer.
“It sounds beautiful,” you sighed in awe.
“I could take you.” Your eyes met Azriel’s, noting that his expression was neutral even though you felt like he deeply wanted you to agree. “The city is meant to be seen at night.”
“I would expect nothing less from The City of Starlight,” you laughed, noting an emotion in his eyes that you couldn’t place.
With a nod in a silent goodbye, you went to find your sisters who were where you thought they would be. Elain was still staring out of the window with a blank stare and Nesta was in a chair in the room with her reading a book. Your oldest sister’s blank stare fell on you and since it made you feel unwelcome, you quickly left and opted to spend your day in your room. The feeling of loneliness was nothing new but it hurt even worse with the circumstances that were beginning to feel impossible to sort through. 
As the day came to a close, you searched through the new wardrobe in hopes of finding something suitable. It was as if Mor knew of your struggle because she was flitting into the room as the afternoon was coming to a close. Her help was more than welcomed since you didn’t know how to dress up for anything at all. She chose a gorgeous blue dress and fixed your hair into loose curls. It was the prettiest that you had ever felt. Azriel’s face softened when you entered the dining room where he was waiting and he guided you to the balcony.
“The House is warded against winnowing so we will have to fly,” he started gently, watching you with nearly invisible caution. “There is always the option of the ten thousand steps to the city but that would ruin your beautiful dress.”
“I’ve never flown before.” It was hard to speak and keep the shock from the simple word from your tone before eyeing his wings. “It sounds scary.”
“I promise not to drop you,” he chuckled, the noise almost inaudible.
You nodded your head and nearly gasped when he picked you up gently, the feeling contradicting his size and obvious muscles. The flight down wasn’t as scary as you expected and you knew that Azriel was doing his best to keep you comfortable. He landed you both down next to what he called the Sidra and you couldn’t help but admire the sight. Azriel followed suit when you leaned against the railing and it was then that you noticed the blue stone on the top of his hand. Your attention turned to the scars and your heart immediately ached for him.
“They are siphons,” he explained to your silent question but stiffened when you placed your hand over his and ran a thumb over his scars. 
“It’s beautiful,” you whispered, admiring how the kind male beside you had turned out that way despite the obvious trauma that he went through before giving him a soft smile. “Oh, your siphons are too.”
He smiled brightly, the sight taking your breath away in the process. You couldn’t help but return it before he placed a hand on your lower back and guided you further into the city. Amazement of the sights sent your heart fluttering and then it warmed when Azriel let you slip your hand into his. 
Azriel couldn’t keep his disbelief hidden from himself when it was obvious to see that you deeply enjoyed his company. It seemed that you always found a way to gravitate towards him and a piece of him wondered if it was the unknown mating bond or if you were truly that attention starved. He always silently observed every interaction possible between you and your sisters but each one was short lived. It hurt his own heart for you since he knew what it was like to be shunned by your own family. 
He had a day planned in the city with you when Rhys called him away to help Cassian retrieve Feyre. Even though you knew nothing, you were genuinely understanding and it only made him love you more for it. His heart only hurt worse when they returned with Feyre and you were barely acknowledged. He bristled when you glanced at his High Lord with a hint of fear radiating off of you. When tears lined your eyes, he couldn’t stop himself from pulling you into an empty hallway to pull you into his arms.
You melted in his embrace and silently cried for less than a handful of minutes before pulling away and wiping your eyes. If he hadn’t needed to watch Lucien, he would have taken you right then and there out to the city in hopes of lightening your mood and bringing the smile back to your face that he desperately wanted to see.
“My favorite human holiday is coming up next week,” you muttered before leaning against the wall behind you. “I wonder if they’ll celebrate it with me.”
“I would be more than happy to help with anything that you need,” he replied quietly before his heart clenched at the sight of your small smile. 
The day before the holiday, he had followed you into the city to get all of the decorations that you needed. Between the shopping that he usually didn’t enjoy doing and helping you set everything up the next morning, he was happier than he had been in a long time. Any amount of time that he got with you was highly cherished and it always seemed that you felt the same. His heart dropped at your frown when his brothers and Feyre returned. The slight scent of your fear again had him bristling but forced himself to keep his face unreadable as he watched.
“I thought that we could actually celebrate now,” you said hopefully to the High Lady. “Maybe make things feel a little more like home in a way.”
“We didn’t want to do your holiday back then and we really don’t now.”
Nesta’s words when she entered the dining room had him glaring at her when tears filled your eyes. He nearly growled in his protective nature at the sight of your oldest sister who wasn’t phased by the sight that always had his stomach turning. She left with a scoff and roll of her eyes before disappearing again. It wasn’t until Feyre gave you a half hearted apologetic smile and disappeared after Nesta did you finally run to your room.
A glare at his High Lord who knew about the bond only had him seeing red when Rhysand simply shrugged and followed after his own mate.
Your time with Azriel became less and less the closer that the war came. Despite taking Cassian up on his offer to train, you weren’t anywhere near close to trying to go up against the simplest of opponents. Azriel always appeared proud that you had agreed to learn to defend yourself if need be. There was always an emotion in his eyes that you could never place when your eyes met but what you did know was that you were falling in love with him. 
Even though you were worried about Elain when she was kidnapped, you couldn’t stop the hurt that hit you when you saw her in his arms. Your relief for your sister’s safety quickly changed into horror when you saw the injuries that he had received. You followed behind him quietly and stayed out of the way while he was tended to by Thesan. He would lock eyes with you every so often and give you a reassuring smile that had a tug in your heart pulling towards him.
Azriel stayed with you in your tent that night but even him holding you close against him did nothing to help you sleep. Your worry and fear ate at you about the war that would be taking place kept your heart and mind racing. Standing at the edge of the battlefield with Feyre’s new family and your sisters did nothing but refuel your terror. Hurt coursed through you to see the male that you had fallen in love with hand his dagger to Elain. You knew that you wouldn’t be anywhere near the fight as instructed.
“We will get through this,” Azriel whispered in a low voice that only you could hear when he returned to your side.
You gave a short hum in agreement but stepped away from him as heartbreak continued to swirl within you. With the shortest glance at the shadowsinger, you saw confusion and something akin to hurt on his face before he faced the battle beginning ahead of them. All that you could do was watch with tears streaming down your face and your own sobs escaping you when Feyre's pained screaming met you when it was all over.
You already knew what had happened and since you were all alone, you let yourself fall apart in the place that you had been left at and let yourself grieve for your sister. There was absolutely nothing that you could do to help anyone or anything but you had become used to it at this point in your life. Since there weren’t any other options for you, you disappeared into your tent, continuing to cry. You weren’t sure how much time had gone by before you heard the tent flaps move to find Feyre looking at you with tear-filled eyes.
“I’m so, so sorry,” she whispered as she began to cry and the pain in her eyes and on her face had your heart dropping. “Father- He-”
You already knew what she meant since you had seen his ships and you simply turned your back to her. A soft, pained sigh left your sister before she reluctantly left and your heart hurt even more at the fact that you didn’t know anything at all. You had truly been forgotten by everyone. All that you wanted was to be alone to try to sort through your emotions. It was already hard enough with the struggle that you were having with adjusting to your new life as High Fae but this added pain was too much.
Once you were finally able to return home, you secluded yourself into a room in the townhouse while everyone else gathered around. You wanted nothing to do with any of them but you were stuck in the court that you didn’t want to be in. Time passed in a blur and you even refused to be around Azriel despite his pained features when you told him to go away. The comfort that you had once felt around him had dissipated when you noticed his visible worry for Elain. You couldn’t blame him  because your sister had always been the most beautiful and you would choose her over you any day.
“You’re doing what now?” you asked one afternoon when Feyre cornered you when you were finished eating, silent as you always were.
“Starfall is tomorrow and we need to get you a dress,” Feyre answered, speaking as if it was obvious.
“What is ‘Starfall?’”
“A Fae tradi-”
“So you’ll celebrate the things that the Fae do but you never bothered when I planned anything?” you snapped hatefully.
Feyre simply frowned before sighing and leaving your room. You sat brooding on your balcony, enjoying the light breeze blowing past you, wondering how things had turned out how it had. Being in Fae territory became even more unbearable by the day and you were beginning to not care if humans didn’t like your kind, half heartedly planning a return to the human lands. Before you could get into your thoughts much further, someone landed on the balcony beside you. Not just anyone, but the one in the group that truly scared you.
“I hear you’re opposed to Fae holidays,” Rhys began nonchalantly. “Why-”
“I’m not participating in your stupid traditions,” you snapped, taking steps back when he took enough steps forward and had you cornered with nowhere to go.
“And why, Y/N, do you refuse?”
“Because I don’t want to!” you yelled despite the fear that you knew he could sense.
“This is what you’re going to do.” He placed a hand on the railing on each side of you, hovering too close for comfort with a stern but angry expression. “You will be there tomorrow whether you like it or not. I will not have you ruining this night for Feyre. You will not like the repercussions if you upset her on her favorite holiday.”
With that, he left you there while you shook from the fear that you had just been left in.
Azriel had never imagined how much it would hurt to be pushed away by his own mate. You wouldn’t talk to him or even make eye contact. It was very obvious to everyone that you were miserable and he noted that depression had fully taken over you even and you always failed to conceal it when you tried. Every attempt that he made was always quickly shut down or simply ignored.
The night of Starfall, he barely saw you. You stood by yourself, refusing to speak to anyone that tried to engage in conversation with you by a half hearted smile. When he noticed that you disappeared, he followed your scent down the hall towards your room where he knew that you would be. His knock went unanswered but he let himself in anyway since the door wasn’t locked. He noted that your room was half decorated with the human holiday that you loved while you stood against the balcony in a simple dress that replaced your previous one.
“Are you alright?” he asked hesitantly, bracing himself to be told to leave.
“No.” Your answer was short and clipped but you didn’t bother to look at him as you continued to watch the sight of Starfall. “No, I’m not.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Why am I being forced to participate in something that I don’t want to be a part of?” you asked and he heard the anger beginning to fill your tone. “They were never a part of the one simple holiday that I tried to get them to enjoy. All that I wanted was to spread some joy in the crappy situation that we were in and even now, they still refuse to acknowledge it.”
“You didn’t have to join if you didn’t want to,” he assured gently, placing a hand over yours.
“Yes, I did,” you scoffed, causing him to raise an eyebrow in silent question. “Your oh so wonderful High Lord insisted. As a matter of fact, he threatened repercussions if I messed up wonderful Feyre’s favorite Fae tradition. I was forced to become a High Fae and now I’m being forced into traditions that I now want no part of.”
“Rhys did what?” he asked, his voice low with anger that was directed towards his brother.
“It doesn’t even matter anymore.” You went silent for only a moment before anger began to roll off of you. “You know what? It does matter. I will not allow them to walk all over me anymore.”
Azriel followed you in a hurry, hoping to do damage control when it was needed. All eyes fell on you when you stormed directly into the party. As if sensing your anger, Feyre’s eyes immediately locked onto yours. When you got too close, Rhysand gave him a stern glare in silent warning so he caught you around the waist to keep you in one spot.
“You are a shitty sister!” you snapped loudly, turning all eyes on you.
“Oh, no. You don’t get to talk or ask questions.” He kept you in place despite your struggling as Elain moved beside the High Lady. “Both you have done nothing but shove me to the very back of your minds! Left me on the back burner! You didn’t even bother telling me that our father was dead until everyone was settled comfortably back in the camp!”
“We’re really sorry, Y/N-”
“You’re just as bad!” His arm tightened around you, pulling your back to his front when you began shaking in anger. “All that all of you have done was forget about me! None of your little ‘family’ even knew I existed! And even though you always disregarded my holiday that was always meant to lighten our troubles, your precious High Lord threatened me to participate in your stupid Fae traditions!”
Azriel’s eyes went wide with all of the information that you had just unleashed for everyone to hear. Even though everyone was staring at the confrontation with gaping mouths, he kept his attention on Rhysand who was trying to keep his power in check from his anger due to his own mate’s tears.
“Get your mate out of my city, Azriel,” Rhys ordered, the secret now revealed causing you to stiffen.
“What the hell is he talking about?” you asked, jerking out of his grip and shoving him harshly in the chest.
“I wanted to tell you but with everythi-”
“Oh no,” you chuckled darkly, tears now flowing freely down your face. “Yet another Fae tradition that I just have to deal with.”
“You don’t have to,” Azriel tried, desperation filling him just as much as his anger at his High Lord. “You-”
“Get away from me,” you snapped, backing away from him towards the door to the steps. “I’ll take care of myself just like I always have.”
With that, you darted for the door while he was left standing there in shock before the heartache took over him.
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"Hello." A dull thwack sound reverberated across the rooftop, leaving the boy who snuck up on Red Robin clutching his head. The boy, a meta if the large animal ears and tail were anything to go by, shook off the pain and pouted up at him, "What was that for?!"
The vigilante was unrepentant, holding his bo staff in a ready position, "You snuck up behind a vigilante at night. In Gotham."
"Okay," the meta conceded, still pouting. "You have a point there. Robin threw ninja stars at me when I tried to approach Batman."
That got Tims attention, "You tried to approach Batman? Was there something you needed?"
The kid suddenly got serious, "My mom went missing. I haven't been able to contact her for almost two weeks now."
Red pulled his arm closer to his face before he began typing on his wrist computer, "Can you tell me her name and date of birth?"
"Um." The other teen fidgetted with his tail a bit, "Okay, so...she's kinda Cheetah."
"...come again?"
"She's Cheetah. The...the supervillian."
Red Robin stared at him, and honestly who could blame him? The bats hadn't even known Cheetah had a son. "So why are you in Gotham? Why not ask Wonder Woman for help? Cheetahs one of her rogues not ours."
The teen shook his head, "She went to meet someone in Gotham before she disappeared. She seemed really agitated before she left, almost scared. I've never seen her like that before." He paused, giving the vigilante time to type before continuing, "I didn't go Wonder Woman since I figured I would wind up needing to talk to a bat anyway since its your turf and all." He said, waving a hand as if gesturing to the city around them.
"I wasn't aware Cheetah had a kid."
The meta grimaced, "she didn't until a year ago."
Red gave him a look, as if urging him to go on.
The meta chuffed, sounding a lot like whatever big cat he was supposed to be, "I'll only tell you my tragic backstory if you promise to help me find my mom."
"I'll find your mom." The bird said without an ounce of hesitation. Tim was a little offended. Did this guy think he was going to leave his mom in danger just because she was a criminal? Appearently so, seeing as the teen looked so relieved at his words.
"Okay, so my bio parents were evil mad scientists. Always a bad start, anyway they were obsessed with the occult and one day they suddenly took me and my sister to Brazil to hunt for some artifact of another. That alone was strange but weirder still was the fact my creepy godfather was paying for it all. He usually only does something like that when he's plotting "
"Plotting?" The detective interjected, "you make it sound like he does that often."
"Yeah. Hes a supervillian." The meta said casually, as if he didn't just leave Tim reeling, but the kid wasn't done yet, "He's had a massive crush on my bio mom since collage and never let it go no matter how many times she rejected him. She even married my dad, his best friend, and this dude just kept simping for 20 years." The teen rolled his eyes, "Hes convinced himself that if he murders my bio dad then my bio mom will fall in love with him and me and jazz will be "his"." He said that last part with fingerqoutes and a disgusted expression.
Tim filed that away for later, "Can I have his name, if nothing else?"
The teen seemed reluctant for a moment, "You're the worlds greatest detectives. You'll find out even if i try to hide it. Besides, I'd probably be better off if you and the Justice League know everything anyway."
Tim was...surprised by that. Most people usually weren't this open with them.
"His name is Vlad Masters, he also goes by Plasmius when he's dressed like a wannabe vampire. He's a ghost who's repossessed his corpse. My parents are Jack and Maddie Fenton, who are obsessed with ghosts and have convinced themselves that all ghosts are evil and must be destroyed, regardless of how much evidence points to them being wrong."
"And your name?"
The meta grinned at him, showing off four very sharp fangs, reminiscent of the large cat he takes after, "You can call me Jaguar. We were exploring a bit when I broke off from my family and got jumped by one of them. Suddenly I was struck by a claw and turned into furry bait. Fluffy stopped trying to make me his lunch and just stared at me before walking away, which was wierd. Then my parents found me, accused me of being a ghost, because thats naturally what someone would assume when thier son sprouts cat ears," he said while rolling his eyes.
"Naturally." Red joked, which had the benefit of making Jaguar smile.
"So my parents chased me through the jungle, shooting all the while, then suddenly a portal opened up in front of me. I'm not stupid, I know there was no way this wasn't a trap. I mean, a portal opening up right after that bizarre series of events and its the same shade of glowing green as the wierd death go my parents are obsessed with? There's no way they weren't related somhow, but I was desperate and jumped through anyway."
"I landed in another jungle, or the same one in a different location, I'm not sure. I tried hunting and foraging but wasn't very successful at either." Danny still remembered the throbbed in his head when he had headbutt that tree after missing his pounce on that pig he had been stalking. "Thats when Cheetah found me. She took me in and taught me to hunt and fight."
Possible plot twists:
1. Danny isnt Phantom in this au
2. Danny is Phantom in this au but is trying to leave that life behind
3. My favorite. Danny has the ability to manipulate and control animals into doing his bidding with the effect of jaguars and other big cats being the most prevalent and he just doesn't realize it.
One of Cheetahs friends/allies realizes cheetah has changed and suspected something and convinced her to leave for a while to see if her care for this kid faded after a while away from his presence. It works and Danny loses another parental figure/possibly attacked by them too.
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fuzzythoughtsblog · 3 months
I've been craving some Alpha/Omega play which has caused me to be thinking about how much I want to be coerced into letting an Alpha "help" with my heat after I've pushed everyone who's tried away. Which lead to this fantasy :
Like always in this fantasy I'm in a program for disobedient wayward omegas. However this time Im having a persistent heat, one that I can't shake by myself. And despite the programs efforts, they can't manage to find a Alpha that can subdue me long enough to take me in my feral and fearful state. To add to the mess none of the tranquilizers they've been feeding me has calmed me down.
Due to the failed efforts the people of the program are starting to lose hope in taming me. That is until a college graduate and prodigy who majored in Omega psychology and physiology volunteers to help. The female Alpha read a paper on my case and had been intrigued.
She goes to the program and asked the doctors how I've managed to fight off all the other Alphas.
"She's cunning for Omega pretending to submit with a kiss only to bite their tongues, busting a light bulb above a Alpha suitors heads and scratching through the cuffs of the breeding bench. "
"Hmm I like her. How long has she been in heat?"
"She's been in heat on and off for about 4 months but it's usually only for 3 days at a time. This is the first time she's been in this state for a more than a week, 2 weeks in fact. "
"Aww poor baby! Her body knows what she needs. *sigh* Poor stupid omega trying to think with her brain. Turn on the air condition, get me soft blankets, pillows, plushies, and t-shirts, her favorite snacks and drinks, lots of water bottles and condoms. Despite how satisfy it would be to breed her body needs to balance out after we get her off her heat. "
The doctor agrees and with in minutes she's outside my door with a wagon load of stuff. I imagine I can smell her through the door causing me to already be on high alert before she walks in. As the door creeks open and she rolles the stuff in I sink further back into the corner. She then closes the door before turning to me.
"Hi Angel."
At her words I begin to take a defensive stance.
"Uh uh none of that Omega, now I've brought you some things."
I slightly peer over at this statement.
"Things for your nest. "
Slowly I scoot a little from the corner and look at her confused.
"I know sweetheart, the program has a misconception of you. They say only good girls get to make their nest. But you my angel are a good girl. "
I shutter at the praise that washes over me. Still I don't move from the spot I've settled myself in.
"*sigh* it's ok Omega here. " she says as she begins to throw the blankets, pillows and plushies cautiously over to me. "See you don't have to move yet. "
Slowly while keeping my eyes on her I gather the blankets pillows and plushies.
"Go ahead baby, I'm not going to touch you while you make your nest."
I continue to look at her before slowly switching working on my nest and looking at her. However soon I'm consumed by the process. This blanket is the based, these the walls, the plushies go here and the pillows lines the blank walls and... I stop as I pick up a T-shirt smothered in her scent. Slowly while checking to make sure she's not paying attention as she scrolls through her phone I take the shirt. And put it up to my nose letting out a quiet moan as I take in her scent. I look back at her to check again. She's still scrolling. I quietly begin to look for more t-shirts finding 2 no 3 and then the holy grail a T-shirt stained with her cum. I whine at the sight before looking over to her only to find her eyes starring back at mine. Her eye's making the heat in my stomach burn hotter.
"Aww did you like your present Angel. It's all for you, in fact I have more presents, you must be so hungry Omega after all the doctors said you've been laying there curled in a ball for hours just touching yourself. " she says while pulling out some snacks and drinks.
Setting them in the middle of the room, still closer to her than before.
I try to convince my self I'm not interested, that it's all a trap but she's right I am hungry. With such precautions I step closer to her and the food closer and closer. Before grabbing a bag of gummies and a bottle of lemonade and bolting back to the safety of my nest.
"Good Omega, eat. "
I look away as I tear into the bag and take the occasional chug of lemonade.
"Good Omega, such a good girl. Look at my pretty Omega in her pretty nest the best one by far. "
I begin to feel a twinge of pride at her words. The praise getting to me starts to go lower. As I feel a little slick run down my leg the scent meeting the air causing the alpha to take a deep breath in. To my dismay I begin to glare at her once more.
"Now Omega stop that. We both know what you need and it's not more food it's this " she says as she pulls her leggings down letting her cock flop out.
Again I start to back up.
"Now now angel I'm not going to force it. "
I look at her eyes full of doubt.
"Truly I'm not, but then again I don't have too. You know how good of a mate I am. Deep down you know, I can take care of you. " she says taking steady steps toward my nest
"I can give you everything thing you need, food, shelter what ever you need... Pups. "
I let out a long whine at the statement. As she approaches me closer.
"That was a good response Omega, is that what you want? My pups inside of you. Oh you'd look even more beautiful. "
I begin to close my eyes and hold my hand over my leaking pussy as she kneels down to my level.
"I know it's hard to say it baby. But I already know. " she says before gentle grabbing my chin making me look up at her "I know what your body needs. "
I begin to shake my head no as she leans in a kisses me letting out a deep moan as she does. As the kiss continues she deepens it sticking her tongue in my mouth before moving her hands down to my nipples. Only breaking the kiss when she's fully on top of me.
"Delicious, sweet but sour like Kiwis and lemons. "
I can even begin to push her off as I'm left panting from the kiss.
"I wonder if your whole body tastes like that. " she says as she leans down and leaves dark hickeys on my chest moving further down to my nipples her mouth only adding to the heat in my stomach as I double over with pain. Looking up at her for help.
"Ssh I know baby I can help you. " she says slightly pulling away from me allow her room for her hands to trail down to my unclothed cunt.
I gasp and bite my lip as her fingers lightly ghost over my already sensitive clit.
"Aww look at my girl, her clit is swollen all ready. Did you play with it that much?" She teases still moving her fingers.
"The doctors told me you didn't use any of the penetration toys they left for you, are you scared of it? The stretch? "
After a minute of her waiting patiently i slowly nod.
"It's okay angel your body can take it it's what it's for." She says rubbing her fingers up and down my slit as I try to squirm away to no use.
How did I let this happen I think to myself. Especially as she starts to sink a finger inside of me.
"See it went in with ease. " she proves by fucking her finger in and out.
Watching intently as she moves her finger in and out. After a while she puts her mouth to my clit make me squirm. Distracting me as she sinks two more fingers in.
"See sweetheart, you take it like a champ. Such a good Omega"
She begins to set a fast pace fucking her fingers into me with earnest. Stretching and kissing my cunt in the process
"Such a good fucking girl! " she says as she herself becomes more and more undone. "So fucking wet for my knot. Practically begging for it! "
She says before pulling her fingers out and lining up. As tears of fear run down my face.
"It's ok, shhhh, your good." She whispers in my ear as she sinks inside me.
I let out I whine as she just keeps going, when am I going to hit the base?
She groans "So fucking tight, warm and tight! "
Then finally our hips met. As tears continue to drip down my cheeks.
"See dumb little Omega, you took it so well."
I continue to sob as she runs her fingers through my hair before pulling out and slamming back in to my dismay.
"Ssh it's okay I'm gonna mold this pretty cunt to the shape of my cock and your going to lay there and take it like a good girl. "She whispers as she sets a brutal pace for my already heat wrecked little body.
Causing me to whine and gasp with each thrust. However, despite my original dismay the original pain from my heat starts to evaporate with every pound. I breathe a sigh of relief until my Alpha - no the Alpha reaches down and plays with my clit causing me to scream more.
"That's it baby make so noises for me. Fuck you get even. Fucking. Tighter. I have to keep you! " she announces as she leans down towards my neck.
Causing me to flinch away and whine.
"No baby, this is happening! I'm going to claim you and your sweet body and your going to lay there and milk my knot! " she states grabbing my hair to give her better access to my neck.
All while continuing to pound and rub as she attempts to make me ready for her knot.
"Good stubborn girls like you need structures, an Alpha. And I'll be that little Omega. I'll give you everything that you need discipline, pleasure, punishment, protection, pups and most importantly I'll love you! " she says so sweetly before sinking her teeth in and shoving her knot in as I moan.
Pleasure and satisfaction begins to wash through me as I feel her cock leak into me - no a condom. I let out a displeased sound at the realization.
She laughs "I know baby, don't worry I'm going to breed that cunt nice and full when the doctors clear you. "
I groan but accept her words as she our bond knot still locking us together. I purr as she runs her hands through my hair. Hearing the door open but paying no mind as this Spacey pleasure continues to flood my mind.
"Ah doctors, nice timing. Did you enjoy the show? Anyway my mate needs actual food before I take her home with me. " I vaguely hear the Alpha state before the door closes.
I continue to live in the pleasure that is till the knot goes down and my Alpha tries to pull out. I whine and grab at her.
"So needy, good Omega let go allow me to give you everything." She says before getting me in position to be taken again.
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kingconia · 1 year
— ; gender-neutral ; might as well do the second and the third part with vices and first years if you want ;
Riddle Rosehearts. ❤️
— You are his favourite fashion designer. It might sound ridiculous on some extent, but he fell in love with your collections of clothes in his early childhood;
— Not only you made an exquisite pieces on your own, but also, as a former student of NRC—most likely, from Pomefiore—you often create collections inspired by each of houses;
— Riddle's mother strongly shares his strange obsession over you, so she bought him a lot of your clothes;
— When he becomes a student, he indulges himself by ordering a special lining of clothes that will be made only for him.
”I see,” you nod, gripping a pencil harder as you frantically draw something on the paper. ”That wouldn't be a problem at all. In fact, I actually enjoy your ideas.”
”Really?” Riddle blushes traitorously, almost knocking the tea cup of the table. Gladly, you don't notice due to being too involved in sketching. ”I, I mean, it is pleasant to know.”
Just as rumours told, you were a very interesting, though, extravagant creature. Not in the rude way. But it seemed like an outside world hardly existed for you. All your attention was centred on your works.
”Give me two weeks, and I will finish everything,” you finally look at him, eyes sprinkling with a pure inspiration. ”Will it be fine for you, mister Rosehearts?”
”Of course,” he offers you a nervous smile. ”Take all the time in the world, please”
”Good,” you hum, standing up from your chair. ”It is pleasant to work with you.”
He nods, being completely at loss of his words. You are his idol, his legend... He doesn't know how to talk with you.
”Oh, and... Thank you for this short opportunity to visit the walls of my old school once again. It is interesting experience,” you wink at him, before disappearing in the depth of his garden.
Riddle gasps.
That is so much better than his dreams!
Leona Kingscholar. 💛
— Might be a controversial opinion, but you are his favourite political figure in the Afterglow Savannah;
— Perhaps, it is because you are not dazzled by his brother, always keeping your coolheaded and calculated attitude. Or maybe it is because you actually tried to help him to get involved in the country's council. Nevertheless, he strangely adores you;
— As a kid he dreamt a lot of becoming a king, and making you his consort. But, of course, his dreams were useless and quite embarrassing;
— Yet, even after all these years, are the only person, who makes him stutter. Ruggie honestly loves it;
”It is pleasure you meet you again, prince Leona.”
As soon as Leona makes an eye contact with you, he gets absolutely lost. It takes almost a minute from him, to bow his head before you respectfully, and to answer.
”...Farena never mentioned you coming,” he tries to sound cool as usual, but his tail is swaying nervously, betraying him. ”But, of course, you are very welcomed here.”
You nod, but stay very oblivious to his excitement. You never actually notice his adore towards you, always too focused on your work, rather than paying attention on people around.
”I had a meeting with this head of the school of yours,” you frown a little at these words, and he assumes you didn't really like Crowley. ”And his Majesty decided to bring Cheka along. Since he insisted, I couldn't deny the wish of little prince.”
”Yeah... Thank you very much for taking care of this little cub.” He mutters, tugging his own braids nervously. ”May I ask what could possibly be required from Crowley?”
Your ears perk up a little; a good sign of you being interested in the topic. Leona instantly feels smug that he was able to raise a right topic to drag you in conversation.
”If prince Leona doesn't mind, we could discuss it while walking around your school,” you suggest, now with your tail swaying enthusiastically. ”I also think, you will be interested in my proposition."
As if he isn't interested in everything you do...
”I wouldn't dream of anything better,” he answers honestly. ”Ruggie will take care of Cheka then.”
Ruggie, whose present was forgotten easily, rolls his eyes. As two of you leave, speaking in the hushed tones, he couldn't help but cuss at Leona. What an annoying brat he is.
Azul Ashengrotto. 🩵
— Quite predicable. You are his favourite lawyer in the whole world, much to his stepfather's displeasure;
— He is actually the one, who told stories about you—since you are working in the same area—but he couldn't imagine that his son will be so invested in your figure;
— Azul has a whole wall with cutouts from news about your wins in the court. He stares at it every morning, for—as he says—a manifestation a luck and success;
— He is buzzing with excitement, when Crowley invites you on the orientation day to inspire his students.
You let out a tired groan.
It is not the first time you are invited on lections for kids, but it was definitely the hardest one. Mostly, because there was this very enthusiastic boy, who asked you a million questions about everything. Your work, your ideals, your previous cases.
And while you could feel a great potential in him, you also was drained. That is why when you hear his voice again, you are thinking about running away.
”Excuse me, Y/n Y/s? I... I apologise for the interruping your rest time, but I simply wanted to say how impressive you are, and—”
You raise your hand, gesturing him to stop. He does so, a little bit ashamed.
”What is your name?” You ask him instead.
”I... My name is Azul Ashengrotto,” he pauses, glancing at the floor, probably, assuming you will scold him.
”Oh,” you blink in late realisation. ”I know your father. He is the lawyer, too, isn't he?”
He nods, and you finally realise where he got this persistence from.
”Well, Azul...” You shuffle in your pocket, finding one of many visit cards you carry with you, handing it to him. ”You are truly quite smart kid. And if you will still be sure in becoming a lawyer later, after your school ends, you can always contact me. I think, I could become your mentor.”
He stares at your visit cards so shocked, that you wonder if he is okay. Nevertheless, as he is speechless, you are quickly attempting to leave the corridor, before he starts asking more.
”T... Thank you very much! I will.” You hear him saying, when you are already at doors.
It is a shame you miss his screeching sounds of happiness as you left, though. People will kill to see Azul Ashengrotto acting like this.
Kalim Al-Asim. 🧡
— Another predictable answer. You are his favourite dancer;
— You dance in some different styles at the same time, and he honestly adores the way you switch so easily between them;
— ...He is crying from the pure excitement, once you try east style of dances, and Jamil listens him sobbing for an hour, while he spams your Magicam with millions of complements;
— Of course, Kalim shoves a sack of money in Crowley's face, so he could invite you on some ball in the school to perform, lmao.
”I am honestly flattered,” you admit shyly, while Kalim kisses your hands adoringly. ”And surprised! We, dancers, rarely appreciated as much as actors or singers... But, uh, thank you very much!”
Kalim jumps on his feet, smiling even wider with each word. Not only you danced gracefully, but also spoke this way! He is so amazed by you!
”No, no, thank you! You can't explain how much joy you bring in my life!” He practically screams, making others to glance in your direction suspiciously. ”I actually wanted to show my gratitude! So, maybe you want to have dinner with me and Jamil! Jamil's cooking is just amazing! You will love it!”
You raise your brows in surprise, but laugh quietly. This boy is very, very funny.
”Oh, that sounds nice, but... I have a special diet, so I assume I cannot...”
Before your finish your sentence, a lean and dark figure of the boy around Kalim's age appears behind you. With a slight nudge to your shoulders, he whispers, almost pleadingly.
”Please, agree to this offer. He is literally will cry for hours if you don't.”
Ah, that is supposedly Jamil...
You return your gaze on Kalim, who is watching you with big, watery eyes. You really can't say no...
”I assume... If only for an hour or, so...”
Idia Shroud. 💙
— You are his favourite cosplayer, because of course you are;
— A love from the first sight, some can call it. But he is obsessed with each character you do! You nail it!
— He is not social enough to actually write comments on your photos, or even appear on the same Cons as you, so instead, he keeps his love anonymous;
— And by that I mean sending you a lot of donations, and buying all your Wishlist for new cosplays, lmao.
You stare at the big amount of money that came to your account this morning. The sender stays the same throughout this year; an anonymous fan named as a Hounddog666. No matter how concerning it is, you are actually flattered. Someone really loves you this much!
So, as usual, you message to him to thank for it.
His account—the only one you has—is private and closed, no photos, no names, no followers. You assume it is fake.
Hello, hello! :) I just received your new gift, and I wanted to say how much I am grateful for your support. I wish I could do something for you as well, though.
Answers comes immediately.
Greetings. Please, continue to make all of us happy with your art. It means a lot for me. (⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っ
You smiled, shaking your head slightly. How sweet.
Thanks, really. Maybe we should meet sometime, if you are such a fan of mine, haha.
Perhaps, it is slightly stupid and naive decision. This person could be a possible stalker or maniac, but... Well, you couldn't help but be curious of how exactly looks a person that adores you like this.
You hum as he vanishes from online.
At the meantime, Idia Shroud falls from his chair after recieving your message, making other students in the History of Magic class glare at him with disapproval. But what would they know? He is just became closer to his idol!
Vil Schoenheit. 💜
— Surprisingly... You are his favourite writer;
— The connection between actors and writers is always a strong one. Writers and books are a constant tools for actors that help them understand characters and their inner thoughts;
— Vil isn't an expectation! He loves your books for many years, and his only dream was to play some of your characters;
— That is why he immediately suggested his candidature on the main lead in the film adaptation of your book that was announced recently.
Vil huffs, staring at his reflection absent-mindedly. A closed scenario in front of him ache his eyes, making his chest to tighten nervously.
This character, whose role he got, is his favourite actually. As a teenager, he found this boy with a complicated writing, a very relatable one. And he thought, it would be easy to play him as they share the same issues and pain. Bur instead, he finds himself... Feeling worse as he does so.
Each conversation with your about this character makes him feel nauseous. It is as if he is playing himself! And for some reason that he can't understand, it is not pleasant at all!
”Here you are,” he hears your warm voice, and before he realises you are close, you already put a cup of green tea in front of him. ”Are you okay, Vil?”
He nods thankfully, accepting the drink.
He should be happy now. He met his favourite person in the world, he has a possibility to speak with you so casually. Then why, he feels so shattered?
”I am,” Vil answers. ”It is just... A hard role.”
You nod, and he catch the glimpse of understanding in your eyes.
”Trust me, I know. Writing him wasn't easy, too. Do you know why?” He shakes his head. "Because I put a lot of myself in him. And it felt... Awful. As if I was peeling my own skin from myself, layer by layer, until I was left naked in front of thousands... No, millions people. It is never easy to be sincere, I am afraid.”
Vil blinkes.
This! This is why he loves your books. It is the way how beautiful you yield your thoughts, putting them in gentle, yet piercing, words. It is about you understanding him, despite never knowing before.
He finds himself smiling widely.
”This makes me even more glad that I am playing him,” he says, more collected than before.
You laugh, patting his shoulder slightly.
”I feel the same way about you playing him, Vil. Believe me or not, you look and act exactly as I pictured him to be.”
He gasps happily.
You are satisfied with him. That's absolutely beautiful!
”I will try not to disappoint, then.”
Malleus Draconia. 💚
— You are his favourite artist whose works were introduced him by Lilia;
— He fell in love with your drawings first, but as soon as he realised that you not only draw, but also make sculptures, he fell in love even more;
— Buys and adores everything you do, but especially likes it, when you give interviews, explaining all little details and historical context behind your works. You are smart. He likes it about others;
— No surprise he commissions a gargoyle statue from you, eventually.
”You speak so beautiful, young prince,” you murmur, astonished by the fae in front of you. ”I... I can't explain how charmingly inspiring your stories are!”
Malleus feels unexplainable amount of joy, when he sees you pacing from one side room to another, inspired by his words. His stories.
No one ever shared his interest in gargoyles, and this kind of reaction feels... Strangely rewarding.
”It is only small part of what I have to say about gargoyles,” he assures you quietly. ”But I am glad that you find it as curious as I do.”
”Curious?” You echo his words, stopping in front of him. ”That is not curious, young prince, that is ethereal. Ephemeral. It feels like chasing a dream.”
He smiles at your excitement, baring his fangs out. He feels the same way about it. For once, Malleus's assumptions were right; you are exactly who he searched for all these years.
”Young prince,” you take his hands in yours, making his breath hitch, ”please, if you enjoy my result on your commission later, I am begging you to work with me on my next project about gargoyles. I feel like it will be my magnus opium. I—”
You continue to chatter actively, voice becoming higher with each sentence, but Malleus only can stare at you and at your linked arms. The tip of his ears are reddening. Is it even real?
Not only he will have new works from you, but also... He will be able to spend time with you?
Does you expect him to refuse?
”It will be a pleasure of mine,” he tells you, with a genuine adore in his eyes.
”My prince,” you squeak,” I already love you. Thank you, thank you!”
And at this point, others can't say for sure, who is whose fan here...
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back2bluesidex · 3 months
Where Do Broken Hearts Go - Chapter 7- Finale (18+)
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Pairing: Model, ex-boyfriend!Jungkook X Child psychologist, Fem!Reader X Lawyer, Single Dad!Hoseok. 
Summary: Jungkook stripped your emotions naked, left you bare in the chilly wind of despair and self-doubt with an unending heartache. You tried your hardest to move on from him, to live for yourself but failed miserably. Each night you had to come back to your empty home where memories and broken dreams were scattered all around the floor, until one day a little angel and her unbelievably beautiful father came into your life. Finally, when you find yourself healing, maybe falling too, Jungkook had to show up! Again!
Theme: Angst, pining, heartbreak, break-up, smut
Warnings: some explicit smut, Jungkook being immature, a little time leap, a fairy tale ending. NSFW!!!
Word count: 5k+
Taglist requests are closed.
Minors and karens are not allowed in this blog
A/N: Guys, we have come to the end. ngl, I am emotional and sad and not ready to let them go yet. but it's been more than 10 months since I started this series and it's the right time to end it. Please let me know about your thoughts in the comment section or in my askbox. More notes at the end.
Main Masterlist
Prologue/Masterpost || Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 - Finale
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There is a lot in Jungkook’s mind. 
He has been trying to calm himself down, trying not to think about you and focus on Jiwon but he has been failing terribly. 
The person he thinks of (or misses) mostly during all of his waking hours is, you. 
He knows he has been a dick to you. He borderline stalked you, invaded your privacy, riled you up and tried to justify his actions even when he should be the last person to do so. 
But he couldn’t help it. 
He still can’t. Just the thought of you belonging to someone else other than him drives him insane. 
Something shifted inside of him after that night. Something shifted so terribly that now he is questioning his life choices. 
He is questioning if he really fell out of love with you or not? ‘Cause if that was the case, his blood wouldn’t boil when your special client almost kissed you. 
Also, he wouldn’t walk up to your door and start questioning you as if he still has some kind of rights over you. 
So, what is it? 
Why does being with Jiwon never seem to be as exciting as it was with you? Why does kissing her never ignite that insatiable hunger you could induce with your lips? Why can’t he picture a future with her like he used to daydream with you? 
He misses you! Fuck! He misses you! 
His eyes crave for your one sight, his skin wants your touch, his ears are dying to hear you call his name once. 
He doesn’t realize when he starts crying silently. 
He takes a hold of his phone and opens the gallery. Scrolling through the application he looks for the evidence of your once in-bloom relationship. 
But he finds none.
There is not a single photo. 
No photos from Jimin’s show two years ago, no photos from the last picnic of you two, no photos from the jeju trip, no photos with your parents. Not a single one. 
He frowns at that. 
He very certainly didn’t delete a single file. Then where are those memories? 
“Kook, can you drop me off at the set?” Jiwon speaks from behind the couch. 
He doesn’t pay attention at first, his fingers work vehemently scrolling up and down on the device. 
“Kook!” she almost screams now. 
“What?” Jungkook screams back. 
“What are you so busy with that you can’t even hear me out?” 
“My photos-” Jungkook starts speaking but he stops immediately. 
He never locked his personal phone with a password or whatever, so it remains accessible to almost everyone. Given the fact that he mostly uses his work phone, this particular device stays at home, unlocked.
“Did you.. Did you go through my phone?” he asks finally. 
Suspicion takes over his mind when Jiwon doesn’t say anything for several seconds. 
“I asked you something, Jiwon.” 
“Why? Is there something wrong?” Jiwon raises one of her eyebrows. 
“You know exactly what’s wrong, don’t you?” 
“I don’t think we should be having this conversation now-” “Why did you delete her photos? Who the fuck gave you the right to?” 
Jungkook yells at the top of his lungs, taking Jiwon by surprise. 
“What do you mean I don’t have the right? I am your girlfriend and she is your past, Jungkook! You’re supposed to let her go! Why are you still looking at her pictures?” Jiwon screams back, by the time her sentence ends, she is crying. 
“Because I love her. Yes! Yes, I still love her.” Jungkook yells as if he is realizing the words himself and not just telling Jiwon for the sake of it. The realization hits him like a truck.
“What? What are you-”
“I thought I liked you, Jiwon. But it was an illusion. It has always been her. I never felt for you as intensely as I felt for her.. I feel for her. I- I’m sorry. This is so fucked up! I am sorry to both of you. I misjudged my feelings and now-” 
“Stop it! Stop it! I can’t hear it anymore. Let’s take a break, Jungkook. Let’s take a few days away from each other. It will be fine. It will be fine.” 
Before Jungkook could reply to her, Jiwon runs out of the door. 
He knows he is the main culprit here. He hurt you both. But he also knows nothing can be fine anymore. Not at least between him and Jiwon. 
About you though, he can beg you until you take him back. 
You still love him after all. Don’t you? 
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Jungkook feels nauseated as the scene unfolds right in front of him. 
He has come to beg you. He has come to tell you that he would do anything for you to take him back, he even lied for you to open the door. He did all of these only to have you turn your back at him. 
You tell him it’s too late but he is adamant. He silently promises himself that he will win you back but just then his eyes fall on the purple bruises littered all around your throat. 
You look like someone has been kissing you breathless. 
His heart drops at the thought. But he consoles himself, tells himself that you still love him and only him. 
But his fears take shape when a male voice speaks from the dining place of your once shared apartment, “Didn’t you hear what she said? She asked you to leave, Mr. Jeon.” 
Jungkook’s blood starts boiling when he sees it’s the guy from the other day. Your special client. 
So you are most definitely sleeping with him. 
“And who are you to come between us?” he grits through his teeth. Everything he sees is red. 
“I am her boyfriend.” the man replies as he comes to stand between Jungkook and you. 
Jungkook chuckles evilly, “No. You are just a rebound she is using to get over me.”
Jungkook expected the man to retort, to have a crack in his confidence but he only smirks, “I think you are confusing reality with your fantasy, Mr. Jeon.” 
The older guy gives him a flashing smile and continues, “you know her better than me. Do you really think she will be using someone for her own needs and benefits?” 
Jungkook’s heart breaks further. 
He knows you are definitely not a hypocrite. He knows if this guy is in your house, calling himself your boyfriend then he is your boyfriend. 
But he is determined to fight until he can’t anymore. 
He will be fighting until he wins you back. 
He diverts his attention to you again, “Y/N please-”
“Jungkook.. Now is not the right time. Let’s talk. Let’s talk things out but not now. I will text you the time and place. Please leave now. Please do as I say for once.” you cut him off. 
Your calm voice calms him down as well. And he decides to listen to you. 
“You promise to meet me?” 
“I promise.” 
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You cover your face with your hands as soon as the door closes behind you. 
You are ashamed, so terribly ashamed of whatever happened that it’s tough to even look at Hoseok. 
He doesn’t deserve this, neither do you. 
“I’m sorry. I- I’m so fucking sorry, Hoseok.” you mumble inside your palms. 
Hoseok’s strong arms wrap around you and pull you into a hug. 
“It’s okay, Y/N. It's not your fault.” Hoseok speaks into your ear with his soft and comforting voice. Stroking your hair with one hand, he pats on your back with another. 
You’re incredibly grateful that you found this man and he likes you as much as you like him. 
If your life had driven Jungkook away to make space for Hoseok, then you would be incredibly happy with the sacrifices you made. 
“You don’t mind me seeing him, right?” you speak into Hoseok’s shoulder.
“No. Not at all. As long as you come back to me… I will be fine.” 
“You can be assured about that. I will always come back to you no matter what.” 
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You can’t help but smile to yourself a little at the turn of events. 
Almost two months ago you were sitting at the same restaurant, in the same cabin, at the same spot. You were waiting for the same person but the reason was completely different. 
That day you were all nervous and fidgety. You knew you were aiming at a blind spot and your efforts might be nullified but you were determined to try. 
You were even ready to beg Jungkook if that means he would stay beside you, with you. 
And today, the situation has taken a wild turn. 
You are here to hear him out and today he might become the one to beg you to take him back. Your ego soars high but you know how to keep that in check. 
Jungkook is, as usual, late. 
When he finally arrives, he apologizes a ton of times, “I’m so sorry, Y/N. The traffic was so bad today.” 
“It’s okay. But I don’t have much time, so can you please tell me why you have been pulling all those stunts lately?” you start the conversation. Even though you are very worked up, you try to keep your voice neutral. 
“I- I am sorry, Y/N. I am actually ashamed. I know I shouldn’t have barged into your house like that or question you about your life. But I couldn’t- I couldn’t stop myself. At first I told myself that I am just concerned for you. But later I realized I have been deceiving myself. I have deceived myself for that every second I thought I didn’t love you anymore or I loved someone else. That’s not true. I- I still love you. I love you so damn much.” By the time Jungkook completes, his eyes turn glassy. 
The anger you have felt prior to this moment, vanishes into thin air. Now you feel bad for him. You really do. 
You nod, “I understand. It’s common for us to misjudge our feelings on several occasions but” inhaling a sharp breath you continue, “what’s done can’t be undone.” 
Jungkook leaves his seat and walks around the table to reach where you are sitting and then he is sinking down on his knees, “Y/N please. Please give me another chance. I- I will make things right.” he grabs your hands with his huge ones. Big fat trails of tears roll down his cheeks. 
The scene breaks your heart even further. 
You break his hold on your hands and hold him by his shoulders, hoisting him up on his feet. 
“Jungkook, there is no point in doing this. You know I have moved on.” 
“But- but you still love me. Don’t you? Tell me honestly, Y/N. don’t you still love me?” 
“A part of me will always be loving you, Jungkook. You have given me so much after all.” you give him a small smile, “but I have left that part behind. And now, I’m afraid, I’m in love with someone else." Just the thought of Hoseok puts your mind at ease. 
“Y/N- that guy has a kid!”
You chuckle at his complaint, “and how does that make him less deserving of love?” 
“He is a good human being, Jungkook, and he loves me just as much. That’s more than enough for me. I was never very demanding in the first place, you know that.” 
Jungkook doesn’t seem to understand just yet, “One last chance, please?”
You exhale loudly now. Diverting your eyes from him you murmur, “I love Hoseok, Kook. I really do. Please let me go now. Please?” 
Jungkook burst into tears upon hearing your verdict. You step closer to his body and hold him close to you. You pat on his back to calm him down. 
As a few seconds pass, he seems to stabilize himself. 
“But I won’t be giving up on you. I will wait. I will wait for you to take me back.” Jungkook states with a weird determination. 
You don’t say anything but nod a little. 
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If Hoseok says he is completely comfortable with the idea of you meeting Jungkook alone, then it will be a lie. 
Because he is very much afraid of what may come out of this meeting. 
What if you decide to give the guy another chance? 
Hoseok trusts you with the entirety of his heart but sometimes fears are greater than the trust itself. 
This is the fifth time he takes a look at his watch. The meeting is still an hour away and the drive from the restaurant to the school is only fifteen to twenty minutes, so if you come out now, he will have enough time to understand what has been your decision. 
Just when he is about to peek at his watch another time, the restaurant door slides open and you walk out. 
You give him one of your iconic blinding smiles while running towards him to fall back into his arms.
Hoseok is now relieved. 
Because the way you smiled at him, the way you ran to his arms and the way you are placing a kiss on his lips now, tells him that he has nothing to worry about. 
That he has you all to himself now. 
He kisses you back with urgency, as if to confirm that you are really here in front of him. 
“You okay?” Hoseok asked once you are on your feet properly. 
“Umm.. I was fine. But now that I get to see this handsome face of my boyfriend, I feel even better.” you flirt shamelessly. 
God! How can you be this addictive? 
The tip of Hoseok’s ear turn red. He smiles a little sheepishly. He can’t remember the last time he felt this giddy around a woman. 
He squeezes your sides, lips almost find yours to capture in another kiss but a voice interrupted the affectionate moment. 
“Can I talk to you for a minute?” The question is directed at him. When Hoseok looks for the source of voice, he finds your ex, Jeon Jungkook, standing right behind you. 
He leaves your side, you turn around to face the younger man. 
“Sure” Hoseok cuts you off. 
If Jungkook has something to say, he would make sure to share a piece of his mind as well. 
Hoseok non-verbally asks you to sit in the car while he figures out what in the world Jungkook would say to him. 
Once you are inside the car Jungkook starts speaking, “Just so you know, I won’t give up. I will always be here for her if she decides to come back to me.” 
Hoseok smiles at that “that won’t be necessary, I believe.” 
Jungkook fixes him with a glare, “I don’t know how things escalated between you and her but she-” he pauses at first and then diverts his eyes from Hoseok’s face, looks towards the car, “she is in love with you.” 
“The feelings are mutual.” Hoseok replies, keeping his calm demeanor. 
“Just don’t fuck things up like I did. Don’t hurt her like I-” he doesn’t continue.
“Don’t worry. I won’t.” 
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“What did you two talk about?” you seem to be genuinely curious about what your ex boyfriend had to say to your recent boyfriend. 
“You don’t need to know that, sweety.” teases Hoseok. 
You huff at his reply. 
In the span of your short relationship one thing Hoseok got to know about you is that you are incredibly cute when teased and he takes advantage of that knowledge whenever there is an opportunity.
“Okay but just tell me if he cursed you or something like that?” Now he knows that you are worried. 
“Not a chance, Y/N. He wouldn’t get away doing that, I am an attorney, remember?” he gives you one of those smiles that he knows you love way too much to admit.  
You nod. 
“You need to boast about your profession for this upcoming meeting a lot.” you say after a moment of silence.
“I know” Hoseok’s voice turns serious, “but I don’t know if I can do this or not, Y/N. I might just lose my cool.” 
You rest your left hand on his right one. Squeezing the same a little you reply, “I am here with you, Hoseok. I will handle it if things go out of hand, even though I don’t think that'll be the case.”
Hoseok’s mind sets itself on ease. If you are with him, he can do this. If you are with him, he can do anything.
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“So.. you want me to believe that my son has been bullying your daughter?” The pitch of Jaemin’s mother’s voice is unnecessarily high and it hurts Hoseok’s ears. But he tries to calm himself down while focusing on your touch where you are holding his hand under the table. 
“Yes.” hoseok voices. 
“Do you have any proof?” the woman cocks one of her eyebrows. 
 “I am the proof myself, Mrs. Park. Being Sua’s therapist, I have gotten the chance to talk to her. Or rather I would say, I have made her talk to me as the child was way too afraid to share anything. And I assure you, your son has been bullying Jung Sua by outcasting her, calling her names that probably he doesn’t even know the meaning of, locking her in dark rooms and by damaging her relationship with her father. All apparently because she doesn’t have a mother.” you complete with a professional tone, something that the other woman can’t dare to defy. 
“B-but he is just seven years old-”
“That’s exactly my point, Mrs. Park. Given the fact that Jaemin is only seven years old, there is no way he knows what illegitimate is. He must have heard it from someone. Someone he could easily pick it up from.” you lean a little towards the table, narrowing your eyes on the woman. 
“What? What are you trying to say? Are you blaming me? That I have bad-mouthed Sua or something?” Jaemin’s mother screams at the top of her lungs. 
“Ma’am please, don’t shout.” the homeroom teacher rushes to stop the woman from yelling. 
“Yeobo! Stop it.” Jaemin’s father tries to do the same. 
He has been quiet from the start and from the looks of it, you can tell that the man is wiser than his wife. He probably understands what you and Hoseok are trying to convey. 
“We have not said anything explicitly. But you are getting worked up anyway, which suggests you are the one he picked it up from. If that’s the case then… just so you know that I can sue you for defaming my family and indirectly torturing my daughter.” Hoseok states flatly, even though his insides are burning already. 
“No. no, Mr. Jung. I am sorry for what has happened. I know my apologies are not enough and these can never undo the mental trauma that my son has caused to your daughter but I promise I will move him to a different school. Just please don’t drag us into anything legal. Please.” the man, who is clearly the oldest in the room, practically pleads Hoseok. 
Hoseok feels a little uneasy but then you squeeze his hand again, giving him a sign to settle the matter here. 
“I am okay with the proposition.” he lets everyone know. 
“Okay. This is settled then.” the homeroom teacher huffs out of relief. 
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“We are all good now.” you say as the two of you are outside of the school.
“Shut it, Hoseok. Thank me one more time and I will run away.” you whine angrily, a little pout graces your pretty lips. Hoseok wants to kiss it again and again.
He laughs instead. 
“Okay okay fine. Let’s go home.” he pulls you closer to his body by holding onto your forearms. 
“Sua is away on a Gwangju trip, right?” you seem to recall it finally. 
“Oh yeah. We can have our own trip tonight, baby.” Hoseok replies, licking on his bottom lips. His eyes drop on the narrow opening of your dress shirt. 
“What trip?” you smirk.
“Sex trip.” he whispers, squeezing on your waist. 
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“Oh my god! Ho-Hoseok!” you groan seductively as Hoseok pounds on you as roughly as possible. 
He spreacds your asscheeks with both of his hands to take a look at the spot where his cock is disappearing into your hole. 
“Fuck baby! You are taking me so good. Your little cunt is swallowing my cunt so well, baby.” he praises, you moan as a reply. 
Two of his fingers chase your clit to draw slow, torturing circles.
“God! You are swollen!” he bemoans when his fingers come in contact with your sensitive bundle of nerves. 
“Guess who ate me out minutes ago? As if it was his last meal?” you manage to say in between your ragged breaths. 
“Can’t help when you taste so good!” His reply is accompanied with a harsh thrust.
“Hoseok. -seok ah, I’m clo-” and even before you could complete your sentence, you cum.
The sight of you on all fours, drenching his cock while moaning his name, makes the tension in his lower stomach unbearable. 
So he releases inside the condom embarrassingly early. 
You fall on your face on his mattress, he falls on top of you.
“Let me run you a bath, hm?” he says in your hair. You nod. 
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“Y/N” Hoseok calls your name as he strokes your hair softly. 
“Hm?” you mumble in his chest.
“I am thinking of telling Sua once she comes back from Gwangju. What do you say?” 
Your heart races at the thought. Honestly, you have been pondering on the topic for the past few days. You totally understand if Hoseok doesn't want to tell her anything just yet. But you also wondered what if she rejects you, unapproves you just as she did with Mina. 
“We should tell her. But-” you let your voice fade.
You pull your face away from Hoseok’s chest and look into his eyes, “what if she doesn’t-” 
“I love you. I will be loving you, nothing can change that. And if she doesn’t approve of us together, I will try my best to change her mind.”  He gives you a smile. 
You return the gesture and you find solace in his chest again. 
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“Oh I always knew.” Sua is more focused on the cookies you baked her than the conversation, which is indeed very serious. 
“You knew what?” you try to coax the answer out of her. Her father is sitting still with his mouth open ajar. 
“I knew that daddy likes you. And that you like daddy." She bites on the cookie. 
“How did you know it, Sua?” your eyes open much wider than you have ever had them opened. 
“He doesn’t take anyone to the bakery, you know. Not even emo and halmoni. And the way he panicked when I talked about Mina aunty.” the kid giggles. 
Apparently, a seven year old caught on to the feelings of two adults. You two have been that obvious all these time. 
“So… you are okay with Y/N?” Hoseok asks. It is as lf he is asking permission from his parents, which in this case might have been less nerve wrecking.  
“Ummm yeah. I like her and I always wanted a mommy.” Sua smiles at you. Her eyes crinkle. 
Is this what true validation feels like? 
Not what your partner thinks about how your dress or makeup looks or how well you have been taking care of your skin, but a seven year old kid, giving you the place of her mother despite knowing you for less than two months? It is true validation for sure. 
Tears prick your eyes but you are quick to blink those away. 
“I will try my best to be your best mommy, Sua. I promise.” you open your arms wide. Sua takes the invitation and jumps on your embrace. 
You hug her smaller frame, while your smaller frame gets engulfed by Hoseok’s body. You feel his tears on your head. 
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A year later
Jungkook was euphoric when he got your message a week ago. You had asked him to meet you at the same place where he broke your heart once and then in turn you broke his. 
Today he got a good feeling about it. 
It’s been more than a year since he fucked up and lost you. And as if to redeem himself, he waited for you. 
He checked up on you from time to time. He asked to see you, even though you declined. But what’s more important is that he kept telling himself one day you will be coming back to him. 
And he thinks… today is the day. 
He is not late today, rather he came thirty minutes earlier than the time you decided to meet. However, waiting makes him nervous. And waiting for you is overwhelmingly so. 
The cabin door creaks open and he sees you entering.
It’s been more than a year since he last saw you. If there’s anything that has changed by the time, then it’s that you have gotten even more beautiful. 
You look gorgeous in the midnight blue bodycon dress that you chose to wear today. He can’t help but grasp at your beauty. 
And when you smile at him, fully, he loses his breath. 
How the fuck did I even think I fell out of love with her? he thinks to himself. 
“Hey” you chime in, taking the seat across from him, “you are in time.”
“Yeah. I didn’t want to disappoint you. Not this time.” he replies genuinely. But he can see your smile dulling a bit. 
“So..” you start. Jungkook crosses his fingers under the table, “how are you doing, Kook?” 
“I am doing fine, Y/N, at least physically. But mentally, I don’t know. I am- I am not over you yet.” he confesses. 
You sigh, “you should move on, Jungkook. It’s been more than a year. It’s time for you to forgive yourself and move on.” 
“I don’t even want to try, Y/N. I am going to wait for you.” and he is serious about it. 
“Okay. Now let me come to the reason behind wanting to meet you.” you change the topic as you busy yourself in looking for something inside your bag. 
You pull out an envelope and extend it towards him.
One look at it and Jungkook knows what it is and suddenly he can’t breathe at all. 
“I’m getting married next month, Jungkook and I would be very happy if you come to congratulate me and Hoseok.” you look at him as if you are pitying him. 
He laughs. He laughs out loud, “You really are getting married to him?” 
“Yes. Thank you for leaving me back then. If you didn’t leave me, I would have never seen this day or be as happy as I am now.” 
Jungkook tries to find mockery in your voice or in your eyes but what he finds is sincerity. 
You are actually thankful to him for leaving you. 
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The heavy door of the waiting room opens as a staff walks in, “ma’am you have a visitor.” she says before standing away from the door and allowing the visitor to come in. 
It’s Jungkook. 
You never expected him to actually come. But he did and you are happy to see him here. 
“Kook.” you call him, making him smile. 
Jungkook ogles at you. You look like a dream come true. You look better than his imagination in which you wore this white gown to take vows with him. 
And it would been him if he was good enough, instead, he had to fuck things up.
“You look beautiful, Y/N. You look perfect.” Jungkook’s genuine words make your heart melt. 
“Thanks. I am glad you came.” 
“I had to. Congratulations. I am happy for you.” Jungkook smiles easily, he extends his hand to invite you into his embrace. 
You accept it. 
A knock rings on the door. 
“Y/N. come out. It’s time.” Mi seon screams from outside. 
“Yeah coming.” you reply, breaking the hug, taking one last look into your ex-boyfriend’s eyes.  
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Hoseok had never thought a day like this would come for him as well. 
A day where he would wear an immaculate tuxedo, stand at the pavilion and wait for his bride to walk up to him. 
But it’s happening. 
And it’s happening all because of you. 
It’s safe to say that you have changed his and Sua’s life within this one year. And now he can’t imagine a life where you aren’t there to make it better. 
Sua, too, now loves you more than him, probably. 
His parents love you, his sister cherishes you, his friends call you incredible. 
All in all, he has found heaven in you. And he hopes you found peace in him as well. 
The piano starts playing as you appear at the other side of the aisle, holding your father by his arm. 
You are smiling from ear to ear. Even from a distance he can tell that you are staring right at him. 
You know Hoseok is devastatingly handsome, but he looks even dreamier as a groom. You could cry from just the way he stares at you with eyes full of love. 
Your father squeezes the back of your hand, nodding at you and probably praising your choice in men. 
Initially you were scared of your parents' reaction, of what they might think when they get to know that Hoseok is a single-father and he has never been married before.
But with Hoseok, things can’t go wrong. Your parents accepted him and Sua readily when they got to know his past. 
Now, your parents and Sua are practically inseparable. 
You start walking towards the man of your dream waiting for you to make him yours. 
When you get closer to him, he holds your hands so softly as if you are made of porcelain. 
One by one you take the vows, intertwining your life with his. 
“You may kiss the bride.” The priest says. 
Hoseok lowers his head to catch your lips, “forever?” he asks.
“Forever.” you answer, as you seal your promise for an eternity.      
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A/N: Thanks thanks thanks to all of you for being incredible readers. I really can't thank you all enough for being so into the story, for interacting with me through the progress, for being as attached to the characters as I am, for being patient whenever I was late to upload. Where Do Broken Hearts Go will remain very close to my heart and your positive reaction is a big part of the reasons why. Just know that Nika loves you. Nika loves every single one of you a ton! <3
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pia-nor481 · 11 months
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Oscar Piastri x reader smut 18+
3.6k words
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Oscar had planned this date for weeks, he knew exactly where to go and what to wear, granted it was a suit and bow tie, he knew she liked it, even though he was slightly strangled from the collar of the shirt. He'd been so busy with racing that they had almost no time together , apart from phone calls and the occasional text, it made racing weeks insuferable for him. All Oscar wanted was his darling girlfriend next to him, he wanted her to kiss him, he wanted her touch, he just wanted to breathe the same air. He'd even spent hours picking out the perfect dress, making sure it was taloired to fit in all the right places. He bought matching shoes and the perfect necklace for the neckline of the dress. The metal sat perfectly on her collar bones, making her neck more attractive to him than it already was. He aided her in the zipping up of her dress, he helped brushing out her hair and styling it, although that only included sectioning it. Oscar would have done her make up, if he was capable. You'd think a formula one driver would have very steady hands and a lot of precision, but not Oscar; he could not get eyeliner wings the same length or width no matter how hard he tried. So he insisted on watching her in the bathroom, he was more than happy to pass each product to her and watched as she applied each one. He was hyper focused on this, until she began to put her things away. He reached for her perfume bottle and sprayed behind her ears, chest and elbows. She quickly followed suit, searching for his new colone, one he'd bought on her request. She sprayed his chest, shoulders and abdomen before reaching for his tie, she had done the bow so perfectly in his eyes, when in fact it was a tad bit crooked.
"You look gorgeous as ever, love" Oscar spoke softly, sliding his hand down her back to guide her towards the front door. Heat rose to her face as she almost shied away from him. He was always quick to give her complements, this made a few think that they were insincere, but no, he was completely obsessed with her. Everything she did was perfect in his eyes and there was good reason for him to think this. They had reached the front door, Oscar immediately dropping to his knees to put her shoes on. "Oscar, baby, you don't need to help me, you've already done so much tonight, plus you have had a very long few weeks with the racing and testing." Little did she know this is how he'd spend every waking moment , with her. "I love you too much to not help, especially when you deserve it. You've been very busy as well, but you insisted on staying up until stupid o'clock to speak to me." He was right, she spent most of her nights talking with him, about racing and her own job. Mostly about Oscar's distain for DRS. But there was the occational phone sex, which both very much enjoyed. Once the pair had reached the car, Oscar had opened her door and done her seatbelt up. "I would kiss you but I dont want to mess up that lip gloss." He breathed out, turning the corner towards the resturant. She slid her hand up his leg a touch before speaking, "I get the feeling it wont last all night anyway." They pulled into the car park quicky, as to not miss the reservation. "Don't tease me, not in these trousers"
Once they had reached the table, he pulled her chair out, always the gentleman. "Thank you." She barely got out once her gaze met his, he offered a sweet smile and sat down. They'd ordered some wine and began to discuss everything imaginable. "So I brought this new camera but I don't really know how to use it, like I understand how to take pictures but not how to make them good." He nodded along , making sure she knew that he was paying attention. "Unfortunately i also am not very good with a camera, but I'm sure you'll get there. You always manage to take good pictures of me." Oscar said, taking a sip of his drink, questioning why he would even ask for a glass; he didn't enjoy wine much, but he knew she did, so he swallowed the liquid with out a complaint. "Unless it's a 0.5" she giggled from behind her glass, knowing he'd shake his head. "Now those, I must admit, are absolutly horrific." He said with a smile, he was never afraid to be himself with her, she always understood him, always taking his jests as jokes; Many did not get his sense of humor, but she did. She always did. They finished up the meal rather quickly. "Did you want dessert before leaving, Love?" He asked, anticipating her to say yes, it was rare for her to deny a sweet treat. Oscar also used this as an excuse to further cheat on his diet. "No, not today. I think there's something at home you'd like more." She said, as a slightly devious look painted her face. "Don't flirt with me too much, Darling, I'm not sure we would make it home if you keep this up."
The walk to the car was fast, Oscar had picked up his pace, wanting to get home as quick as possible, it was becoming almost painful. The whole drive back was rather silent, Her hand rested on his knee as he practically sped home, there was no worry about the speed limits, not that 100mph would have affected him much anyway. His mind however was working overtime, so many thoughts passed through, each one he had to suppress; he could not act on any thought, though he wanted to, so desperately. Oscar wanted to tease her just as much as she'd been doing to him, he wanted to pull her underwear away and slide two fingers inside, and make her cum right then and there. He wanted her to try and keep quiet, stressing about getting caught, but inevitably she'd moan his name loud. "My underwear are so soaked right now Oscar." She whispered out, voice becoming slightly higher. She was edging him on, hoping to rile him up enough to stop the car then. But he didn't, Oscar didn't even reply; so focused on not crashing the car. He needed to fuck her so badly, but she need to wait. She needed to be patient, something she was never good at. Oscar could try and teach her, but it wouldn't last. Plus he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy her behaviour the way it was now.
"Get out." He was demanding, but somehow not aggressive or mean. But his chivrealry did fade slightly as he walked straight to the front door, opening it swiftly. She followed as fast as physically possible with her heels on. As soon as she passed the thresh hold of the door he pushed her against it. "How many times do I have to tell you not to tease me? You know I'll just do it back, make you wait longer for what you want." Oscars hands slowly ran up her sides, stopping at her waist to give it a harder than nessecary squeeze. He enjoyed working his way around her body, not that he minded, he loved to simply admire her. Oscar smirked, knowing she was getting angsty, she just wanted to feel good, but he wouldn't let her, not yet anyway. It was very obvious that he liked foreplay just as much as the sex. It wasn't just something he needed to do, but rather something he wanted, something he craved. One of his hands traveled up he neck and reached her jaw agonisingly slow; He grasped it softly and pulled her into a passionate kiss, his other hand groped her ass, pulling her body so her chest was flush with his. He could feel how aroused she was, how hard her nipples were. He briskly decided to toy with them, just to hear her whine, after all, he diserved it. Her mews were muffled into his mouth as the kiss deepened, her hands were quick to snake around his neck, pulling him back towards her. In the mean time he twisted and tugged on her nipples. "Please Oscar, it's not fair." He began to feel slightly guilty hearing her statement, so he slid one of his hands down her abdomen. His hand slipped under her dress, toying with her underwear before letting his fingers touch her clit, only lightly. A sigh of relief slipped from her lips. She was quickly becoming as desperate as him and that only made him smile more. His desires were quickly becoming selfish, even though he began to rub tight circles on her clit, all he wanted was to hear, and see, how good he was making her feel at that moment.
He continued to build her up while his other hand continued to venture over the rest of her body, their lips rejoined but he pushed his tongue into her mouth, Oscar needed to feel every part of her, every part of her that needed him. His hand returned from her underwear as he dropped to his knees once again, bringing his hands over her legs, He lightly kissed her thighs while pushing the dress further up her hips. He tore the lace of her underwear apart, not bothered by her gasps of shock as the cold air touched her skin. His mouth attached to her cunt as quick as she would allow. He sucked and licked without a regard for his breathing, he was using this as a distraction. While pulling her shoes off, Her hands got tangled in his hair rather quickly in an attempt to ride his face. His nose lightly brushed her clit as his tongue slowly darted in and out of her cunt. She craved pleasure, she craved him. He came up from her thighs, looking up at her face immediately, being met with a gaze of lust. Oscar kissed her lips as he picked her up bridal style to carry her up the stairs. In the mean time she insisted on sucking and biting on his neck, even though he had said a few times it was no wise as he would get teased by the other divers about his love life. He carried her up the steps and kicked the bedroom door open, then placed her on the desk opposite the bed. Making sure she was comfortable against the cold surface, he then stood between her legs and kept eye contact as he unzipped the dress leisurely, sliding the shoulders down at a slow place. He like the feel of the fabric on his hands, but he wanted to feel her skin so much more. She closed her eyes and whined again, practically begging him to take her there.
"Wait and you'll get what you want, baby. When have I ever left you unsatisfied?" She let her head fall into is chest lightly, she was defeated because he was right, there was never a time she wasn't pleased; Even over a call where she could only hear his voice, although that was something she found so attractive she could cum just from hearing it.
"That's what I thought." He laughed out, lightly of course, so she didn't feel too disheartened. His fingers slid down and over her slit, her next comment was caught in her throat at the feeling. One thought began to merge with another, soon she couldn't think about anything other than his fingers inside of her. Her vision began to fade as he slipped another inside, just to pull them out again, causing her spine to straighten. She gave him a pointed look at the loss of his fingers, she wanted it so bad, but he denied her pleasure, something he promised . "Oh don't be like that. You know it will feel even better later when you do cum. It always does." Oscar exclaimed with a beautiful smile, which contradicted his almost harsh words laced with a sweet tone.
He reached for his belt, letting her know that she also needed to be bare. Her dress quickly fell to the floor so she helped him undress, pulling the bow tie loose from around his neck and letting it fall to the floor. Her hands slowly reached out for the buttons of his shirt, she decided it was worth giving him a taste of his own medicine. As slow as physically possible, she undid the buttons, Oscar shook his head, trying to be patient. Once his shirt was discarded he began to feel her up again, reaching for her tits again, evidently the bra was in the way. But it looked so amazing on her, everything did. She always brought the most stunning lingerie, it was what she liked to spend her money one. To look and feel good. Wasting no time, he ripped it apart where the fabric met at her cleavage. "Oscar!" was all he heard, picking her up with ease; He gently threw her on the bed and crawled between her legs. She looked at him, almost completely fucked out, yet he barely even touched her. Oscar began to slowly stroke his cock at the sight of her. It was just so arousing, so much blood rushed through his body, making him impossibly harder. He dragged the tip of his cock over her cunt, teasing again, before slowly pushing the head in then pulling it out. He repeated this motion until she wrapped her legs around his waist, urging him to slide all the way in. It was hard to resist so he gave in to her desire. Oscar kept the pace slow, wanting to feel all of her.
One of his hands slid up and down her thigh, it was a comforting act he knew she liked. They had a long talk about what they had experienced and what they wanted from sex when they first got together. Oscar's main points was how he wanted to be in charge, but only when he really knew her and how her body worked. He aimed to learn every little thing that got her hot and bothered, what got her wet and what made her cum the fastest. She said that she was sick of how rough men could be, thinking automatically that's what she wanted.  She loved the romantic aspect of sex, more than just the sensational joys. She wanted to be intimate and to feel loved. It seems as though it was all possible with him. She didn't want to feel used, and he always made sure of it.
Oscar's other hand grazed over her wrist before they interlocked their hands. He was trying not to put too much pressure on her. Ensuring that she only felt good. "That's it, yes, Oscar." She moaned out, mouth falling open. His hands left their current home in order give her a new sensation. They both loved to try new things, to see what could be felt. So Oscar began to rub her clit again, at varying speeds and pressures to find what felt most pleasurable today. Once he found the right pace he continued steadily wanting her to reach the peak like she deserved.
She moaned loud, gasping for air while reaching out for him. "You like that baby? Yea? Feels so good right?" He said, voice dropping an octave, even with the teasing tone. She could only nod, not trusting her voice to fully convey her feelings. She slowly began to pull him closer by his neck, they started to kiss again, though, this time it was a lot more rushed and a lot more needy. Oscar bathed in the feeling of her nails raking down his back as she almost squeezed him for support. Even if he was hovering over her. He grabbed behind her knee, lifting her leg to get a better angle, knowing it would fill them both with bliss. And was he right. "Uh, Oscar, Mh, feels, feels so good baby." With her words slurring together he knew she was getting closer. Her heart was beating loud and her lungs were burning. Something about the glint in his eyes pushed her further towards release, his groaning didn't help either. Her ability to resist was dimmed as Oscars hips started to move a tad bit faster. "There..there you go." He began to praise again, "Always so perfect for me," her face warmed as a response.
The feeling was becoming too much, her mind was too foggy and her body couldn't take anymore. The pleasure was blinding, her voice echoed around the room and her head shook side to side. Her hips came off of the bed as her spine curved. Oscar didn't let up, making sure to let her ride her orgasm out. He didn't want to ruin it after all the teasing. Once she had come down she'd pulled him into a kiss. Her cunt was still twitching, so Oscar pulled out, kissing her back. He moved her further up the bed, to rest her head against the pillows before continuing.
He slid his cock back in with ease, not starting as slow as he did before, he knew she could take it now. His hands rested on the headboard as a form of support, in the mean time, her hand found its way to the back of his head, she began tugging lightly again, a sensation he adored. Any composure they had quickly dissolved as Oscar began to drive in and out of her at a faster pace, chasing his high; his hips rolled rhythmically, she pushed towards him, wanting his cock deeper inside. Oscar's hand pressed down on her abdomen to feel himself, and to make her gasp. He wanted to hear how everything he did affected her, he wanted to see the impact on her, what his control did. It was all becoming too much for Oscar, "Fuck, baby, come with me, I can feel how close you are," He groaned out, pulling her impossibly closer, reaching down for her clit again, not concerned about overstimulating her anymore. The orgasm hit him hard, eyes rolling to the back of his head as his hips stuttered slightly, reducing his speed with out even thinking, no preoccupied with the feeling of her cunt around him. Oscar pulled out just as slow as he first pushed in and reached for her hands, grasping them before pulling them above her head. With her hands pressed down, Oscar had full control, choosing to kiss her, as sloppy as he pleased. Her back arched so gracefully, forcing their chests together. Her orgasm was so powerful all she could think about was him, what he was doing to her. She gazed up at him with glossy eyes, one his hands left hers, travelling past her shoulder blades to aid in the support of her back, he needed her body pressed to him. Oscar pulled away from her lips, a playful smirk on his face; until she used all of her remaining strength to turn him over, pushing his body flush on the bed. As she straddled him, Oscar's hands went straight for her his, keeping her steady all while anticipating her next move. Still in her haze, she ran her hands up his toned abdomen and chests so slow he let out a strained huff, Once she reached his jaw, she grasped it, rather firm, a tad bit aggressive for her. He didn't bother to chastiser her, Oscar new she just wanted to feel him, any way she could. She slipped her tongue into his mouth and he just let her, he gave her everything she wanted and he'd give her everything she could ever ask for. She moaned into his mouth, felling him up, he'd let her do this for as long as she wanted. as long as she could. Simultaneously  he squeezed the plump of her ass and rubbed one hand up and down her thigh, the ghosting touch didn't go unnoticed, she intern decided to bite his lip lightly. Oscar let out a breathy laugh as a response, he looked at her gorgeous eyes, wishing he could stare at them forever. "I love you" they said in unison. 
She began to lie down next to him, not letting go of his hand in the processes. "You are perfect, you know that, right, baby?" Heat crept up her face again and she smiled, leaning further into him. "I think I might have an idea, my boyfriend tells me quite a lot, and I love him dearly, he's rarely wrong." Oscar kissed her cheek as her eyes began to close. They both quickly fell into  a rather deep sleep. 
A few days later, Oscar found himself walking through a shopping centre alone, He planned o buying a few things for her before he had to leave for another race across the world. He walked into a shop and all eyes were on him for a few seconds. Until he began to browsed for her size. Oscar quickly walked towards the till and almost kept his head down before the cashier spoke to him. "I'm sorry but I don't think this is your size." She said, clearly trying to ease his nerves. He smiled lightly before replying. "No? I think I might need to get some work done." The woman behind the till laughed dryly and continued to speak, "So what's the occasion? birthday? Anniversary?" Oscar paused before speaking again, "I broke the last set."
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