#that one person: yeah i totally want to meet a child with the voice of joe hawley
josnhoes · 1 year
Platonic!Yan batfam with young adult reader. Part 4
[Part 3]
Note: Reader is 18-22 years old. Gn reader
Content warning: being treated like a child, being looked down on, stalking, obsessions, soft yandere but still a yandere, reader has memory issues and it's ambiguous as to why, delusional batfam, batfam as a whole basically view you as a child younger then Damien despite you being older, reader is questioned by police, reader witnessed a crime, reader tried to be a hero, violence, blood, mentions of death, dissociation, abduction
Focus Dick (Nightwing)
Life moved on after the incident with Redhood. He'd left early that morning leaving a note saying, 'See you soon Sparky -RH'. You didn't care to think of what the note could mean. So you burried the strange sense of foreboding that clawed in your mind at the note. Maybe the Gotham paranoia had gotten to you?
Either way, things in the next few days were normal...as normal as Gotham could be. The bat clan had put most of the heavy rollers back in Arkham at a record speed. No one knew if it was just the rogues being sloppy, or the bats were feeling a tad extra feral. You remembered when you first learned about Batman and his underlings; the idea of the police having feral furry themed vigilantes was funny. You'd thought your new neighbor was joking. But no, it was true, and after your personal run-ins with Robin and Redhood, you could confidently claim the group was feral and would punch God..any God really... given the chance. Which was what Gotham needed to be blunt.
It was nice though that you got out of the heart of Gotham sometimes. So you'd taken a day off to go to Bludhaven. It wasn't better than Gotham, but it was a change of place. The fact that a comic store was having a closing door sale was totally *not* the reason. It was.. but you were hoping to get something cool for cheap! Nerd stuff was expensive, and as a nerd, you knew that well.
The quest for a trinket wasn't supposed to end with you being brought into the local police station for questioning. You weren't part of a crime no, but you were a witness, *the* witness. A mugging gone wrong. Honestly the details were fuzzy, yet at the same time, key parts you couldn't forget. The feeling of the woman's heart fading as you held pressure on the stab wound. The wheeze in her voice as she struggled to breathe and tell you her final words. The way your body trembled as the paramedics arrived and carted her away to a hospital. The sensation of blood on your hands and skin, and the smell...
"You okay?" The police officer's voice pulled you from the spiral of your thoughts.
"I'm sorry what?" You were in a haze, shock most likely.
"I asked if you would be okay answering a few more questions. Detective Grayson just got here and wants to ask a few."
"Oh sure yeah..." the voice, no your voice spoke, but it didn't feel like you.
Dick Grayson walked into the room the officers had put you in. You weren't in trouble. A nearby camera had seen it all go down, but you were a vital witness, one who was clearly not well after what you saw. Dick didn't blame you for your state either. He...he should have been there. When Bruce had called telling him you were in Bludhaven, he was ecstatic to think he could meet you. He'd been planning a nice little meet cute styled thing to bridge a gap from a stranger to you to being besties. He was your eldest brother, the one you'd be able to rely on most. You'd love everyone in the family but you'd come to him first for everything. He could so easily picture it. The two of you staying up late, watching films and you opening up to him and feeling safe in his company. The inside jokes you'd have together, you'd both be thicker than thieves.
So seeing you as you were now was a reminder of just how fragile you were. You were in shock a really bad case of it too. Your eyes were distant as you struggled to answer the basic questions. You were shaking. You still had the victim's blood on your shirt too. He should have been there. Any of them should have, but you were in *his* turf so it should have been him. He should have gotten there before you had to see it. You shouldn't have had to apply pressure to a wound like that.
Your voice was hollow, he'd seen videos of you. Hollow is never something he could have pictured you as. You had so much life to you. Yet here you were in this state because of *his* failures; as Nightwing, a detective, and a big brother. What if it had been you? You would have died on his watch in his turf. He couldn't handle that right now.
He got the answers he could from you, then easily guided you out. He told his fellow workers he was taking you home. No one questioned it, Dick was a good guy and not the type to let a traumatized witness go home alone.
You didn't question him as he ushered you to his car, or where he was taking you when you hadn't told him where you lived. He wasn't sure you could do that right now. He wasn't lying saying he was taking you home... it just wasn't the home you'd have expected if you were more here. The room in the manor wasn't perfect, but you'd be safe there.
He brought you inside, and the family members at home seethed at him. He couldn't blame them, this was his fault. Cass took you with help from Alfred to get you cleaned up and put you to bed. His heart broke seeing how you just went with everything. Like you were aware enough to function on a base level and orders, but mentally? You were gone. Pulled into yourself, protecting yourself from the trauma that he'd caused. He should have been there.
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mint-8 · 23 days
Yandere Matchmaker x GN! Reader
- Yandere Matchmaker is in love with the idea of love. They are a hopeless romantic and wish to spread love in every corner of the world! So, for their career choice, they decided to work in a matchmaking agency to help others find their one true love!
- Yandere Matchmaker has had a lot of experience with romantic relationships, from the most toxic to the healthiest, from smooth as butter to hard and rough as a brick. But they've never found the ONE for them. Yandere Matchmaker has always had an itch within them, an unknown desire to monopolize and love their partner until death separates the two, a darkness deep within their soul that has always been there but never fully reaching the surface. Until you appeared, of course.
- Yandere Matchmaker first meeting with you started when your parents personally came over to the agency and requested a partner for you. Their child refused to go out with anyone, always keeping themselves holed up in their room, and they were desperate for grandchildren, so they figured that coming to the agency would be the most appropriate decision. Yandere Matchmaker was ready to talk some sense into your guardian's as to why forcing someone out of their shell to simply get married and have children already wasn't the most healthy, until they saw your picture.
- Yandere Matchmaker who fell in love the moment they saw your face. Some might say it was very superficial, but they couldn't deny that they have definitely fallen in love at first sight and needed to meet you immediately. Yandere Matchmaker is a smooth talker, thanks to their many years of dating around, so they convinced your parents to bring you to the agency to have a 'personal' interview and arrange the best possible bachelor or bachelorette for you (which was them, of course).
- Yandere Matchmaker who might as well be a love slave at this point. The moment you stepped into the agency, their gaze was immediately centered in your magnificent form. The way you awkwardly found their booth and clumsily introduced yourself... oh darling~! You are so perfect and sweet, cute, beautiful, and just the absolute best there ever was! Your voice is akin to one of an angel. Your shy eyes shine like diamonds and your smell! Oh... your smell... ♡
"Uhm... hello?"
"Oh, yes! Pleasure to meet you, sweetie. I heard you are here to find a partner, correct?"
"Yes... well, kinda? My parents forced me to come here..."
"Oh, darling... I see... well, no need to worry! I can assure you that I'll personally find you the best companion in existence! Pinky promise~♡"
- Yandere Matchmaker who asks you plenty of questions that are definitely necessary to find the best suitor for you! No ulterior motives, they swear! This, of course, will be archived in their newfound 'project': You! They will need to find every and any kind of knowledge about you so they will be able to mold themselves into the perfect life-long partner! Or best friend! Both work =)
- Yandere Matchmaker who purposely makes the process more long and complicated than the standard and manage to convince you to have a nice hang out with them in a nearby cafe so you two can totally continue to discuss your future companion and definitely not deepen your bond with Yandere Matchmaker. They will make it sure that you two become friends by the end of it =)
- Yandere Matchmaker who, 'coincidentally', happens to be into the same stuff you are interested in, have similar hobbies, and intently listen to everything you say! They will make you feel like royalty during the entirety of your business meeting date ♡. There's no need to keep your guard up, sweetie. They won't hurt you like those scum from the past, they pinky promise ♡
"This was an amazing outing, darling ♡"
"Y-Yeah... it was really fun"
"Hey, how about we trade numbers? That way, I'll personally contact you whenever we find a good match!"
"Oh... you don't have t-"
"We could even hang more if you want! I heard a pretty good movie is going to be premier tomorrow, we could totally go the two of us!"
"I'll have to check my schedule, but... it sounds nice, thank you :)"
"Oh, no need to thank me, sweetie. It's my absolute pleasure ♡"
- Yandere Matchmaker is playing the long game with you, with their first stretch goal met: becoming your best friend and confidante. You get to hang out with them outside of their working hours and whenever you have free time, and they happily mold themselves into the most supportive, sweet, and considerate person that you've ever met so as to get closer to you. They are attentive, understanding, and interested in everything that involves you! Although sometimes, in the back of your mind, you wonder how Yandere Matchmaker was able to enter your life in such a smooth transition... your parents love them and actively support your friendship, something that Yandere Matchmaker definitely didn't set up on purpose so as to make themselves the most eligible and perfect partner in your parents' eyes. No, that's crazy!
- Yandere Matchmaker who will be the best companion there ever was! They will protect you from danger or help you become stronger! Treat you like a small, delicate flower or like the sibling you never had! Shower you with gifts and hugs, or simply spend quality time with each other! Whether you need physical or verbal support, they will be there for it. Whenever you need their assistance, they will be there for you. Even if it's wrong, even if it's illegal, even if it's a matter or life or dead... they will do anything for their most beloved ♡
"I'll gladly give away my soul to the devil if it means making you happy ♡"
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milfjuulpod · 1 year
a new job as a guidance counselor lands you at Abbott Elementary, and it doesn’t take long for a certain redhead to catch your attention.
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The morning air was surprisingly enjoyable, August bringing out comfortable weather again. It was Monday, the first day of your new job. Luckily for you, students weren’t coming back for another week, giving you time to get used to the new environment and plan out the school year. The steps up to Abbott Elementary were short, and you took a deep breath in before entering. The halls were filled with character, drawings from students and back to school posters flooded the white walls. Finding your way to the principal’s office, you decided to introduce yourself. 
       To your surprise, the office was empty. Lights off, and no personal items found, you assumed she hasn’t arrived yet. “If you’re looking for Ava she won’t be here for at least—” You turned around at the sound of a woman’s voice, her accent thick and attitude evident. She stopped speaking once she looked up from her phone and met your gaze, eyes scanning your whole body. “Who are you?” She asked bluntly. “I’m the new guidance counselor, sorry I was just looking for Ms. Coleman,” You gestured back to the empty room. 
       “Nice try. She’ll be here in a couple hours.” Uninterested in the conversation, the redhead started walking away from you. “Good luck, kid,” She said as she fully left your view. She didn’t leave your mind, though. Disappointed at the lack of direction, you decided to retreat to your new office and start setting things up for the week to come. 
       By the following Monday, you had met most of the staff, made some plans for the year, and were excited to finally meet the students. You found yourself in a little friend circle with Jacob, Janine, and Gregory. All of them were sweet in their own ways, and they were quick to accept you in (mostly Janine). A few other teachers were a different story. Barbara was incredibly sweet, but she seemed distant. You didn’t take it personally, from what you’ve heard, not many people stay too long at Abbott, and she was probably expecting you to be gone by next year. Nonetheless, Barbara was always kind. And then there was Melissa, the first person you met. She was…different. Outwardly tough, internally soft-hearted. You still couldn’t tell whether or not she trusted you yet, but you doubt she did. She kept her guard up, and made her disdain for “newbies” quite obvious. 
      Right before the lunch bell, there was a knock at your door. In waltzed Ava, with a student in tears by her side. “Hey gorgeous, this little man has been pestering students all morning long, but last year was a totally different story. Kid had friends in all grades!” She explained, keeping a hand on the student’s shoulder. “That’s alright, come sit down honey,” You said gently to the student, and smiled a goodbye to Ava. As she exited, she left your door propped open. Distracted by helping the student in front of you, it went unnoticed. But to a certain Italian, it was certainly noticed. Melissa took her time walking the halls, listening in on you working with a student. As she got closer, she realized it was her student, and that was enough of an excuse as any to allow herself in. She definitely didn’t want to go in just to watch you in your element. 
       “And Aniyah? Is she still your friend?” You asked the child in front of you, still unaware of the visitor you had. You turned around to grab a book, and when you faced the front again, you saw her. “Oh! Ms. Schemmenti, hi. Is this your student?” You asked. “Yeah, that one’s mine. And Melissa is fine,” She told you, smiling small, but it was there nonetheless. Maybe she did like you after all. 
       Melissa decided to sit in on your session with her student, which certainly didn’t help your nerves. Maybe she’s just protective, you thought to yourself. The minutes passed slowly, every so often you would look at Melissa to find her already looking at you. It was like that the whole time, her green eyes watching your every move while her perfect lips stayed tight together. It wasn’t until the bell rang again that she spoke. 
       “I’ll take him back with me. You were good today with him, he doesn’t talk much to new people. I’m impressed,” She complimented you, and you tried your best to not let it go to your head. “Thank you, that means a lot coming from you. Have a good rest of your day guys,” You waved goodbye to the student and teacher, and couldn’t help but watch Melissa leave and chat with her student. It had only been a week, and you were wrapped completely around her finger. 
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blood-orange-juice · 1 year
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I want to overanalyze everything Arle says and how others interact with her. 4.1 spoilers ahead
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(meanwhile Fontaine is the nation of human trafficking, actual slums exist and the law doesn't really apply to the wealthy)
She's very good at being unsettling. Half of what she says is a double-bind, she states things and the opposite of them at the same time. It's not even lies, she just rules out any possibility of truth. A conversation strategy the only goal of which is to throw people off balance. This creates a feeling that she might stab you right now in broad daylight or maybe give you a poisoned piece of cake.
A truly lovely woman.
Also an interesting parallel:
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(first meeting with Furina and Arle's farewell to us)
Similar words but we understand what she meant each time, right? She's good. One has to constantly guess with her. It's your fault if you guessed incorrectly.
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Demanding too much before she voices her actual request. The classics of bargaining. Again, she's good.
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Traveler: "he would not fucking say that"
Personally, I think she's bullshiting to check our reaction. One of the best ways of getting information out of someone is to say a thing that is obviously untrue.
As a side note: interesting how hoyo are keeping the story suitable for all headcanons. Haters and indifferent people "know" that he had no chance of learning what food the traveler likes (their character doesn't interact with the boy that much). Shippers can "know" that we share Childe's love for spicy seafood and honey roast, not cake. Shippers who like cake can assume that she reads his letters. I also don't think he knows anything about Arle's taste in desserts, he's too self-centered for that. Anyway, lovely.
Alternative: it's a metaphor. This is obviously not a tea party, it's a battlefield. Childe would totally say *that*. But that's too subtle for most players, I doubt hoyo would do it.
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Everyone who had read Tartaglia's actual letters to home stifled a laugh there. Anyone who has *seen* our dear boy really. He doesn't write about what he contemplates or feels, only about actions. Here's a headache medicine for our dear father. Please tell Anton that people in Liyue don't eat stones, it would be ridiculous. I'll take the first boat home once I've finished making a bloodbath out of this lovely city.
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(a reminder in case anyone forgot)
So. Bullshiting again. Is she trying to check how close we are? Or to demonstrate that she doesn't, in fact, read his letters (even if she does)? I'm not considering the option that she's actually clueless, she's the Fatui spymaster after all.
(if she's trying to learn from us how to mimic his style to get to his family it would mean she's clueless and it would be bad writing)
Also I know that a lot of people are shouting "have you forgotten about the Vision??? stupid traveler, you have a proof that he's alive" and honestly I'm surprised. Why would we want to share *any* information with her? The traveler was visibly upset when Paimon blurted what she blurted. Also, yeah, let's tell a totalitarian country military official that her colleague recently gave one of his favorite weapons to an enemy of the state. Surely it will go swimmingly. That was intentional.
And then her farewell and her thanking us for helping the twins. Her unhingedness is suddenly gone. She might not be genuine but there's no double bind at least. She starts to say things that could be true or untrue.
Also this:
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Not even a guess that the Gnosis could be used to power the Oratrice? After the Akasha terminal plot it's a pretty obvious option to anyone, would she really miss something like that?
Is she trying to push us to do something? It's hard for me to believe that she genuinely doesn't understand. But also she shares that info about a curse. Meh. I don't understand what's happening here.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 months
"I can and I will sue." For max and rafe
"Is that bapak's Burberry coat?"
The voice is loud and screechy. Max turns around in amusement. "Hey, what's up?"
"Is that bapak's Burberry coat?" Rafael asks him again, a little calm this time, but not entirely collected.
"Oh, yeah," Max nods and turns back again, facing himself in the mirror. "Cute, right?"
"Burberry is chic, not cute," Rafael informs primly. "If you want cute clothes, you should wear something from H&M."
"Okay, asshole, what's your problem?" Max demands, turning around again. The coat twirls around him. He kinda likes it.
"You don't even like coats!" Rafael points out.
"I've been getting into them lately," Max shrugs.
"What about wearing tanktops and keeping your arms exposed?" Rafael rolls his eyes. "You're the one who said you have to give the people what they want."
"Is your problem I'm wearing a coat or that I'm wearing bapak's coat?" Max raises an eyebrow.
"Bapak and I share clothes!" Rafael whines loudly. "It's our thing."
"First of all, you don't share clothes, you take his clothes. He never wears yours-"
"It's our thing, Max!" Rafael informs hotly. "This is basically theft of personal property. I can and I will sue."
Max simply rolls his eyes at that and turns to the mirror again, fiddling with the belt of the coat.
"You find something else to bond over," Rafael points out, still annoyed by the fact that Max has bapak's attention now.
Max really doesn't give a shit about the coat. But he does enjoy riling his brother up. "No. I think I'll start sharing clothes with him too."
"Why can't you wear dad's clothes instead?" Rafael suggests.
"Why do you hate me?" Max counters.
"Max," Rafael groans again. "I don't want to argue about this. You know I will win."
"Just because you're a lawyer, it doesn't mean you will win every argument," Max informs with a huff. "Also bapak said I can keep this."
"He let you keep it?" Rafael's eyes widen.
He totally did not. Max tries not to grin. "Hm-hm. Said it suits my skin tone better."
"You're lying," Rafael shakes his head. "Bapak only allows borrowing. You can't just keep his stuff."
"No, you can't just keep his stuff," Max corrects his brother. "He said I can keep it."
"You are not responsible with clothes!" Rafael says incredulously and points at Max's shirt underneath the fancy coat. "Like, where are your buttons even?"
"Buttons are for babies," Max replies and turns to his brother again. "Bapak obviously thinks I am the one hot enough for his clothes."
"He does not think that," Rafael rolls his eyes.
"He does. He also thinks you sweat too much in his clothes," Max hums. "He said your sweat smells like Chairman's poop."
"Excuse me, my sweat smells like lemongrass," Rafael hisses at him. "Ask Anjali."
"What on earth are you to yelling about?" Bapak walks into Max's room, looking frustrated with all the yapping.
"Bapak!" Rafael all but screams. "Max stole your coat!"
"He didn't steal it, he asked me first," Bapak informs, making Max cackle in the background. Rafael wails at that, making their father chuckle.
"Darling, it's just a coat, it really does suit him better," Bapak shrugs, the generous king.
"It starts with a coat," Rafael grumbles in annoyance. "It's our thing, bapak."
"Now it's everyone's thing," Max informs happily. "Bapak, I am borrowing your silk scarves tomorrow. I'm trying this new thing with my hair."
"Bapak!" Rafael wails again, like a child. "He's going to take all your clothes and I won't have any left."
"Then I'll simply have to buy more, don't I?" the man winks and walks out of the room.
Rafael turns to him furiously. "I am going to start working out with dad. It's no longer going to be your thing."
His brother walks away furiously to meet their dad at the gym downstairs. Max shrugs as he turns back to the mirror.
He waits.
Rafael returns after five minutes. "I will start tomorrow."
"It's leg day, isn't it?" Max giggles.
"Fuck off, Max," Rafael smacks him on the head.
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petersbaby · 2 years
Library - Eddie Munson x Reader
Warnings: Slight perv!eddie, fingering, choking. This one is pretty tame
A/N: I wanted to remind everyone that I take donations/tips and the kofi is linked in my pinned post! Your girl is lowkey struggling right now and it would mean the world. Obviously you don’t have to, but it’s there if you’re feeling generous. <3
You had strict parents. That’s how you ended up here, tucked away in a corner of your local library after school with Eddie. You loved him, of course, you thought he was a good person when you put aside all the annoying shit he does.
Your parents, though, not so much. He’s pretty much a textbook “bad boy,” not the kind of person they would want you to be hanging out with. They only knew about him what they had heard; the rumors.
When Eddie asked you to help him with a class he was failing because it was your best subject, you couldn’t invite him over. This was the meeting point. You had agreed, because you really did want to see him graduate. And possibly because he smokes you out from time to time free of charge.
You had a nice little friendship going, it was just one that not many people were aware of. You kind of liked the privacy, but you knew it must feel shitty on his end because he gets judged and therefore so does whoever he associates with. The library wasn’t busy, it was surprisingly vacant.
You two sat together at a table, side by side, close. Chairs pulled up next to each other and all kinds of stuff scattered across the surface of the table. Notebooks, a textbook, printed sheets, flash cards, the whole nine yards. He was overwhelmed but trying to stay still and pay attention.
You read to him aloud from the textbook as if he were a child who couldn’t read, but all he could think about was how good you smelled and how pretty your eyelashes were and the holes in the jeans you wore.
You finished reading a paragraph.
“Okay, write that down. That’s 100% going to be on the test, so it’s important.”
You pick up the pencil and hand it to him, as the notebook with messily scrawled out notes sat in front of him. He just stares at it. He doesn’t even take the pencil.
“I uhh, I’m really sorry but I didn’t catch any of that. Could you read it again?”
You take a deep breath in and out, trying to be patient. He never could focus.
“I will, but listen this time. Seriously.”
“Okay, okay.” He nods, and you return to the book.
Your skin looked so soft, he could find out if it actually was as soft as it looked so easily. He could just reach down and touch your leg, so fucking easy.
This time, halfway through the passage, you check to make sure he’s not spacing out, and he is. Just this time, instead of his gaze staring into something off in the distance, it was on you.
You stop speaking and just look at him til he notices you stopped. It takes him a minute, but the lack of your voice in his ears brings him to look up at you, confused.
“What? Why’d you stop?”
“Because you don’t look like you’re listening to me.”
“I’m *totally* listening. You’re talking about the uh… the American revolution.”
“French. The French revolution.”
“Right, yeah, that’s what I meant.”
You sigh and put your hand on your face.
“You need to be on medication, eds, you have ADHD.”
“It’s not… listen, you just look… you look very pretty. Can’t stop looking at you.”
You have to fight off the smile that tries to spread across your face, ears and cheeks heating up.
“Thank you. But look at the book, not me.”
“UGH. I can’t. I need an ugly tutor, then I’d be able to concentrate.”
“Quit.” You say softly, squirming in your seat at the compliments he’s giving you. He makes you nervous, but in a good way. It’s hard to explain.
“I’ve got an idea. Okay?”
“You wanna kiss me?”
Now it was his turn to blush a little bit. He’s nervous now in that exact same way, same way as you. There was obviously some tension there in the friendship that you knew about and felt, you knew he had a thing for you, at least to some degree. Maybe you did for him, too. A little.
“Fuck yes.”
“Do your work, and you can. Only after.”
“Okay, I think I got everything done for today. Am I finished?” He asks, wanting to finally put the pencil down. His hand hurt.
“For today.” You emphasize. “You’re still really behind.”
He fixes his eyes on your soft lips, just wondering what they taste like. You catch this fascination.
“Alright,” you sigh, turning to face him, “go ahead.”
You had to act like this was an inconvenience for you, like it wasn’t EXACTLY what you wanted too. He places his right hand on your face, softly holding it and pressing his lips against yours, and it quite literally takes your breath away.
It lasts for what feels like forever, neither one of you pulling away. In fact, instead of pulling apart, you become even more intertwined.
You deepen the kiss, your hand coming up to caress his face as well. You focused on the way his stubble felt beneath your touch, and the way all you smelled was aftershave and smoke.
You take his bottom lip between your teeth, biting down on it just a little bit, pulling, then letting it fall back into place. Your tongue runs across it to both soothe the nip but to also request access into his mouth, which is immediately granted.
As the kiss-turned-make out session went on, his hand fell down to your neck, feeling the warm and sensitive skin there. He doesn’t know why, he doesn’t know why he feels the need to do this, but he experimentally wrap his big, rough hand around your throat.
No pressure, just placing it there. It was almost absentmindedly, and he didn’t think much of the gesture. You get annoyed by it, though, and place your hand over his, squeezing it for him.
“Fuck, you like that?” He mutters quietly.
“Shut up.” You kiss him again.
He squeezes the sides of your throat with just the right amount of intoxicating pressure while your tongues explore each other’s mouths.
‘Wait,’ you thought, and pulled away from him. You look all around the area, scanning for people. You forgot where you were, just for a minute there.
“There’s nobody here.” He whispers, assuring you after seeing your slightly panicked expression. You then look up at the ceiling.
“No cameras either. You think the town has enough money for all that shit?” He reads your mind, and you relax.
“Unbutton these jeans for me, yeah?”
You don’t know where this is going, but you oblige. Just something about him made you want to do everything he asked.
He kisses you again, hand trailing down your body til they dip into your pants. He rubs circles over your clit on top of your panties, and you gasp softly at the sudden feeling.
You tried your best to keep consistently kissing him back and hold it together, but then his hand finds it’s way into your panties too.
“Holy shit.” He comments, simply, to himself and against your lips.
You can guess that you’re probably embarrassingly wet and that that is what he’s just discovered. He easily slips in his middle finger, effortlessly, and you gasp.
You also spread your legs to make it a bit easier for him. This was so gross, so illegal, but so good. You couldn’t stop even if you wanted to.
Your tongues dance together, occasionally fighting for dominance, lips both covered in saliva from one another. He gently pushes his one finger in and out of you, trying not to get too eager and overwhelm you.
But once you started seemingly trying to grind against his hand, he adds in another digit. You pant against his lips as he curls them inside you, as deep as the can go, scissoring them against your walls.
“Oh, god, Eddie,” you say in a whisper, more of a quiet whine than anything.
“Shhh.” He soothes, covering your mouth with his own, not letting up. In fact, they got faster, his thick calloused fingers.
You were gonna cum. You were gonna cum? In the library, with people in the building? Yeah, you had to. It was unavoidable and you weren’t able and didn’t have the time to say anything, but he could tell by the way you clenched around him and the way you were struggling to kiss him back.
“Yeah? Just be quiet.” He whispers.
You just nod your head breathlessly. When it hits you, it really hits you, and if you were alone you would absolutely scream. You can’t, and you know that, so your first idea is to cover your hand over your own mouth tightly to stifle any noise.
“Good girl, that’s a good girl.” He continues to whisper as you ride it out.
You take your hand away, trying to catch your breath and breathe like a normal person again. He removes his hand too, and you quickly go to zip and button your jeans again, straightening yourself out.
“Jesus Christ.” You half-chuckle, in disbelief at how far things went.
“To thank you. For helping me.” He explains.
“And maybe to convince you to do it again tomorrow? I know I’m hard to teach but I promise I’ll behave.”
“Of course.” You say, as if it were a given.
“You’re a really sweet girl, you know that?” He smiles.
“Whatever.” You jokingly roll your eyes, smiling a little too. You getting up to collect all your things, and he helps you put the stuff into your backpack.
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hotxcheeto · 1 year
My request is for arcane ( vi x female reader) were she knows the crew since they were kids but she disappeared one day after anders death jinx finds her in Silcos base because she works with him and she is jinx protector. ( she thinks vi is dead and she first meets her at the dinner scene because she wanted to look for jinx and then jinx shoot silco)
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Vi x Fem!Reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, angst, a lot of angst, not a super happy ending but open ended, make your own ending, happy or sad :)
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah but I miss things /Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - WARNINGS BABE
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It was gone.
That little blue glass sphere you'd practically murdered a tiny sized town that was shaped as an enforcer army for, was gone. The thing you'd worked so hard to track down, the thing that could save so many, had disappeared.
And you had an idea of who took it.
Your boots could be heard echoing along the tall walls, pounding against the floor as you searched for a door that would lead to her least favorite room. You should've known she'd be rash. That she wasn't in control since her old memories began to rise. It was Echo's fault, he should've stayed in the darkness. But the darkness is never truly darkness when there's not an absence of light.
He was just too bright to die out.
A part of that made you proud.
Your hand reached the doorknob, swinging it open without a second thought only to be met by a chair. Facing away, but there was a rope tied around it. A person.
Your footsteps had grown quieter, stepping around to see Silco there, in the chair. He was out cold, gagged, you were nearly taken off guard, but you should've seen it coming. Part of her hated him, Powder hated him.
"Powder, leave her out of this!" Powder. You hadn't heard that name in a long, long time. Looking over to your turquoise haired friend, her braids cascading down her back. There was a dark blue haired girl in front of her, tied to another chair. You almost felt bad for her, if it wasn't for her enforcer uniform.
But there was still a twinge of guilt.
"Jinx. What is this?" You questioned, tone calm and face showing nearly no emotion.
Her mind liked to trick emotion, happiness to accusation, love to trickery. You chose none. Staring at her, almost blank, that way the voices couldn't make up their minds. They couldn't tell her, because she didn't know.
"We're having a tea party!" She said, voice on the brink of anger, frustration, almost like a child's. "Right, sister?" She turned, making you turn, both of your eyes now on Violet. Oh Violet.
She'd grown. Her structure mature. No longer that baby faced fool that would watch the stars with you. She was small then, and muscular now. She was shy then, and an idiot now.
"Y/n?" She whispered, the girl with dark blue hair looking up at you. "Oh yeah! Y/n! Look who she's in love with now!" Jinx laughed maniacally, gesturing to the girl. "Total step down if you ask me."
You hummed, never taking your eyes from Vi.
"I thought you were dead?" For a moment, tears pricked your eyes, like a barrier between the light and the dark. Your eyes showed nothing though. "You've been hiding all this time?" Your voice cracked, tilting your head, though you weren't sad anymore.
"No- no, Y/n. I couldn't come. Not until-"
"Until she made her new friend." Jinx interrupted, staring dead at her sister. A tear falling from her cheek. "She doesn't love us anymore. Because we're not the same."
You looked at Vi, then at the enforcer, your hand moving to the metal guard in front of her mouth. You held it, the girl crying as you did so. You could see the pleading look in her eye. She wasn't part of this. She wasn't like the rest. That was obvious enough.
"Let her go, Jinx." The teen looked at you, frowning, opening her mouth to speak but you continued. "She's innocent." You let go of her face, letting it fall. "Vi can make her choice then."
Vi watched you, shaking her head.
"No- no I'm not gonna choose." You hummed, turning to her, pulling your knife from your belt. "You're gonna have to, Violet. As Jinx said, we're not the same." "Jinx? So you're a part of that?"
You raised your eyebrow, staring at her in pure confusion. And she noticed it, she noticed the way you tilted your head, paused, and just stared.
"A part of what?" You asked, as if you were a child once again. Looking at your best friend for some sort of guidance. Some sort of answer that wouldn't follow.
Vander might've known. He always knew everything. You wish you could ask. But that was your fault too.
"Vi... Powder is dead. The innocence we had, is dead. It died with him. You said it yourself. She is a jinx... so what's so wrong in owning it?"
You were angry.
Jinx was hiding behind you, looking at the ground, she was trying to be brave. She was trying to be strong for you, she knew you hated when she cried. It reminded you of that night.
"What's so wrong with growing up?" You said, your voice strong now, knife faltering. "It's what you wanted right? For us to stop being clumsy idiot kids? The kids that got him killed?"
Vi was beginning to cry now.
Because it wasn't her fault either.
"No, no I never wanted that. I was just..." She trailed off, shaking her head.
"A stupid, clumsy, idiot kid." You finished, smiling slightly.
Silco was awake, he was watching. But you didn't care. You'd never liked him in the first place. No, he was a monster. Using you both as a puppet, but he didn't know you could use him too. The strings had to connect to something. But who was dancing?
"You can go. Take your girlfriend with you-" "She's not. She isn't."
You both stared at each other for another moment.
"Doesn't matter." You whispered.
"But it does."
You nodded, moving behind her chair to cut the rope. Looking at the dark blue haired girl before, walking around the table to her.
"Come with me. Both you and Powder." Vi said, standing. Frozen, holding the rope, you shrugged. "You still don't get it do you?"
She closed her eyes, as if she wanted it to be a dream. Opening them back up to face you. But your nightmarish face still stared back.
"You're not the only one that changed that night, Violet." She bit her lip, choking back sentences that wanted to form. "I know." "Then why do you keep calling her that name?"
"Because she isn't just Jinx! She's my sister!" When you both looked at her though, she looked like a child watching her parents fight. One right and one wrong. One wrong and one right. But neither of them were, not this time.
"You're right. She isn't just Jinx, and she isn't just Powder."
You then mumbled, cutting the ropes of the girl in front of you.
"One is dead, and one is a false desire." You took the metal mouth cover off the girl, petting her hair back. "She is herself, and if you can't... accept that... then..." You grip on her hair tightened for a split moment before you backed up.
"It's time for you to leave Vi..." She only peered at the ground, shaky breaths leaving her mouth. But then she spoke, this time, sure of herself,
"But I'm not ready to go."
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gyunglitter · 10 months
the losers club !!
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summary: just you dicking around with txt college!au besties
warnings: doja cat fandom slander, mentions of soobin's feet, mentions of bullying, cursing
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contrary to your group’s self-appointed nickname, you guys are actually well known (and liked!) on campus!! :D
you guys have NO IDEA as to how so many people on campus grew to like you and want to hang out with you
especially since you guys had a hard time in school before
but woohoo to not peaking in high school right?!
tbh, you guys are testaments to that second round of puberty nobody talks about
ya know, the glow up that happens after you graduate high school and get away from all the pricks you were forced to see everyday?
yup, you and your losers are finally thriving
besides when you’re dying bc of all your classes and tests
but yeah
while other ppl really like your group’s personalities
i mean, just look at y’all!
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[choi yeonjun]-
‘99 liner//junior
took a gap year before getting dragged back to go to school so he could learn to be a normal human being
did someone say IT BOY??
literally the girls and the gays are in love with this man
dance major and student athlete who unironically does zumba every saturday morning
had no social life in high school because kid was NEVER there
he was a bored only child, while his neglectful parents were filthy rich and figured their kid could do whatever he wanted to entertain himself
so what he wanted, they got it—including vacations
with him being gone so much, his classmates always wondered who this choi yeonjun guy was and how he could miss so much school while still passing
though the intrigue kind of stopped when he pulled up to school with the ugliest shoes to walk south korea
him and his obnoxious shoes gave a lot of people the ick :(
but never fear, yeonjun and his footwear are just ahead of their time!
(you can't say they are in quite yet, but they probably will come around some day!!)
yeonjun typically spent his days doing sports, travelling, and running away from talent scouts lmao
no idol life for him in THIS lifetime
but as life would have it, the man is too scrumptious to be out of the spotlight for too long
bc he became a model not too long after college started due to a school project photoshoot went viral on twitter!!
his twitter is a minefield while he reserves his insta for the wholesome content :)
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[choi soobin]-
‘00 liner//junior
glue of the group despite insisting how much he HATES y’all
broadcast and entertainment major so he can get into the entertainment industry and get the bts of moviemaking!!
(really just wants to meet all of his favorite voice actors tbh)
known for being the Ultimate Boyfriend™ despite never actually being in a relationship lololol
in middle school he got into anime, which was COMPLETELY normal! he actually made a ton of friends that way!!
at least until one of his friends came over and saw his body pillow collection
yikes :/
unfortunately didn’t take long at all for the whole school to find out, and then they never let it go
all the way up until he graduated high school :(((
it’s okay tho!
he had tons of online friends from going to conventions and stuff!!
but making irl friends was definitely hard for him when he got to college
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[choi beomgyu]-
01’ liner//sophomore
absolute MENACE to your little society
he’s the guy who gets whoever is in his company to unironically admit “last night was a movie”
music major studying composition while playing guitar in a band
the girlies are FAWNING
ppl are so in love with him because he’s so pretty
but then the kid opens his mouth :/
he was the most extroverted kid
which worked perfectly bc with his good looks and personality, everyone wanted to be his friend!! :D
but with high school, friends, and all his 100 extracurriculars
kid burned out by senior year :(
his last year of school, he totally ghosted his friends and stayed inside all day playing video games
(he actually got diamond 1 on LoL, boy is nothing if not determined)
eventually rumors went around that he got dropped and turned into a social outcast
but he didn’t really care since he was fine with rotting away the rest of the school year
by the time he got to college, he wanted nothing to do with things that would suck his already nonexistent energy
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[kang taehyun]-
02’ liner//freshman
the one that always has the braincell
and really wishes he didn’t so he could escape yall
stem major for engineering, which is just another one of his controversial choices (being second only to befriending yall)
everyone on campus knows him as that one guy you go to when you need the answers to your homework or your final
yeah, he’s selling the test answers on the black market :P
what? he’s in DEBT
he never gets suspected tho bc he alrdy knows all the answers, so why would he be involved with that??
but the rest of the town?
well, the town knows him as terry
mans is always seen at the gym and the club pulling without even trying
this is TOTALLY contrasting to his high school life, where he literally only gave his time of day to his studies
mans did not have TIME to hang out with anybody
bc of this, he became a bit of an easy target to the one-dimensional jocks that tried to use him to get them better grades :(
he was a small kid, so he got picked on and tossed around a lot :(((
it’s okay, since he’s buffer than them now!! >:)
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[huening kai]-
‘02 liner//freshman
maknae that’s more mature than ALL OF YOU
he acts like he isn’t, but kid grew up a MIDDLE CHILD between TWO SISTERS
they’d managed to craft the most perfect and thoughtful angel to grace south korea
except for his demonic laugh :/
he’s coasting through college, wishing he could tell you what major he was
but boy is constantly changing it LMAO
he just loves learning about different subjects!!
not to mention he’s good at most things he tries
so he makes tons of friends!!
but he didn’t always :(
from middle to high school, he was THE band kid
he could play the guitar, percussion, trombone, and piccolo!!
so when little kai walked home in his minecraft hoodie carrying his giant instrument case
8/10 times kid would get pelted by eggs or something on the way home
good thing he had his trombone case to shield him!! :D
kai would also be insanely awkward and didn’t have good icebreakers besides his plushie collection
too bad that didn’t become socially acceptable for another few years
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[y/l/n y/n]-
‘01 liner//sophomore
ladies and gentlemen i give you
the group's resident photographer, despite the fact that you're SO HOT
you are beauty
you are grace
well, you are now
high school: not so much
you were LOSER #1 girlie ://
you were just a little slow to pick up on a lot of social cues and what was "cool" or not, making you prone to awkward situations and bullying
for example: pinky promises and saying “on god” was quirky and acceptable, but spit shakes were not
neither were bowl cuts
or pretending to drown at the school pool and see how everyone would react
like i said, you were behind on a lot
but what took you the longest to learn—the people you thought were your friends were no longer laughing with you and your unfortunately timed puns, but at you (and your unfortunately timed puns) :(((
but you digress, because your overactive imagination worked to your advantage of getting clout and a full ride scholarship!!
you’re an art major with a minor in photography, winning a national photography contest that got the attention of your college
your genius piece of "different kinds of falls in public", where you purposefully tripped people walking by you and taking photos of them, had won the heart of the public and the school board over to the point of them begging to have you!
your parents and teachers just wished you had the same genius outside of cameras--as you slacked off in every other academic aspect
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notes: enjoy me being unfunny but having a blast anyway! feel free to send in asks/requests regarding this fic. can't guarantee i'll respond to it, but i'd love to see what you guys think/want!
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nightwolf1429 · 4 months
Batfam Headcanons/Imagines/Rambles While I Eat
I like to imagine that when Bruce is out with Jason (or any of the kids tbh, I'm just thinking about Jason lol), he turns into my grandpa. In that he starts talking about the most random things from when he was younger.
Or like:
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Just tells him random shit, and the most boring stuff he missed while he was dead like what businesses opened and closed. Then out of nowhere he hits him with something like "When I got into a car accident when I was younger-"
Bruce, parked in the grocery store parking lot: "Oh! Wait, look at these." *Reaches into his car's back seat and pulls out two mini propane tanks* "I just got these for 20$ a piece, and guess what? They're refillable. Most propane tanks I've seen aren't like that-" *Goes into a little ramble about mini gas stoves and cooking while the powers out*
Jason: *Awkwardly sitting in the passenger seat nodding along, but tbh he's actually sorta interested in the ramble*
Also, Bruce is totally an apocalypse dad, right? Like he buys ridiculous amounts of canned food and survival guides and tents and fire starters that he'll never use. This also applies to expensive stuff of course, cause he's a rich boi
Alfred: "Master Bruce, why exactly is there a boat in the Batcave?"
Bruce: "..It's the Bat-Boat. I thought it would help on aquatic missions."
*Literally never uses it ever, but refuses to let the kids use it either*
I'm all in for southern accent Bruce and wacky accent Dick, however I also propose:
•Jason who still has a Gotham street accent. Whenever he meets one of the street kids (Especially the older ones that have been out there for a while) and they have that thick street accent, he wants to pinch their cheeks. While some of the 'higher class' Gotham citizens might think of the accents as representing stupidity or filth, Jason adores the accent with his whole heart.
•Damian who mimics people he likes. We know that Damian can very accurately mimic peoples voices, but imagine if he likes being around someone he subconsciously starts to talk in their voice. It's a little creepy to people at first, hearing their voice (which depending on the person he's talking to is like, a deep, gruff, adult man voice lol) come out of this 13-14 year old kid, but you get used to it.
Damian, after talking to Jon for a few minutes: "So I wuz walkin' into tha trainin' room, and thare Tim wuz! Usin' MY katana! Can you believe that horseshit?! Absolutely ridiculus. How dare he! I wuz gonna knock sum semse inta him, but then faather came in and made me stop.."
Jon, a little concerned at Damian's lack of formal words and the way that they suddenly sound so similar, but kinda finding it cute: "Yeah, how dare he.."
(Jon has a southern accent, right? Cause he lives on a farm with Clark?)
Damian's favorite cartoon is the Wild Kratts, and Dick makes him watch Bluey because he feels like it helps Damian get out of the whole 'assassin' mindset and more into the 'child' mindset.
Also Tim never stopped the stalking, he still watches security footage and follows around people he likes. Bernard just got used to him suddenly popping up wherever he went-
Anyway I'm gonna stop rambling now lol
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webginz · 6 months
i had the worst shower ever. i was like, tripping out. reminded me of my "episodes" i had in middle school. just like voices and not knowing where i am. and not being able to get back to reality.
well now im on my way to the dentist, theres no way in hell they wont be able to notice i was just crying. (from fear of going to the dentist, not from the shower thing lol)
im so scared :(
[took out a part here but it was just about stress and disordered eating things from this morning]
then i got to the dentist and it sucked. long dentist story ahead
okay dentist. everything that couldve gone wrong, went wrong.. i tried acting normal, and we had small talk or whatever like normal dentist x ray stuff, but she could instantly tell something was wrong with me, i guess.
she gave me a health form to fill out. i was still chill and this point and was like oh yeah i have blood pressure problems but its only if im up moving around!! so not doing that at the desntist hehe amirite?! i also checked anxiety and i think thats what she wanted. just personal confirmation everything was gonna go wrong.
after she learned i had anxiety, she was nice, too nice imo... like i was a child. im okay with that though i guess. (i mean.. she could definitely tell i was just done crying)
she was like "the xray blanket is heavy and could help with ur anxiety" BUT I WANTED IT OFF AND COULD BARELY TALK SO I JUST NODDED. it made me feel so overwhelmed immediately. THIS IS WHERE EVERYTHING STARTED GOING BAD
im also just constantly aware of my hair and when you lean back on the stupid dentist seat my hat falls off. its like LOOK THE FREAK WHOS SCARED OF THE DENTIST AND PULLS OUT ALL HER HAIR!!
whatever. so there i am on the dentist chair. bald spots for the world to see. xray blanket sensory overload. sunglasses on top of my regular glasses. but im pushing through.
she starts using the tool on my teeth. a metal vibrating thing that sounds like a drill. my worst most awful fear is high pitched drilling noises. if im in a good mood i can put up with them for a bit, but obviously todays not that day. i try not to freak out, but she notices and asks if im okay and im like "yah" (with tears)
but then my mom comes in and shes like "can you not do it a different way?!?!" "shes freaking out" and just making everything WORSE. (used the chaos here to get rid of the dumb xray thing)
ive been on and off hyperventilating through all of this btw... i heard one of the dentist ladies say "shes crying and breathing really fast..." which was like. kill me now please god.
so back to my mom asking "can you not just do it a different way?" they do have a different way btw. without the scary machine! but then dentist lady says "she used this machine the last 2 times she was here? we dont have enough time to do it manually." (proof i was just having a bad day and i totally can be normal!!! but hearing this made me feel awful like i could feel all the dentists were thinking "she did it fine last time why is she carzy today?!?")
she then asked to step away to find the MAIN dentist lady.
at this point i was crying shaking hyperventilating and felt like i was gonna throw up from nervous energy. also my mom is pestering me a bunch (shes concerned but making everything worse, her hearts in the right place tho ily mom)
so big boss dentist lady is here. she says she looked at the xrays (from the beginning, remember?) and i have A GAZILLION CAVITIESSSSSS!!!!!
she says for my dental things from now on i should go to a SEDATION DENTIST!!!!
i was so out of it i didnt even know what to say. well now i do!!!
im not usually that scared. i was having a VERY BAD morning.
the dentist i go to now is all women. the sedation dentist is a MAN, that none of the women there had ever met. I HAVE TO GO MEET A MAN TO SEDATE ME SO I CAN BE ALONE WITH HIM? SO HE CAN DO MY TEETH? i might have a silly joking tone to this post but with this im being so serious. im scared as hell that thats just gonna end with me being raped.
i dont like male doctors/dentists/anything and always have my mom with me when i have to. there was a female assistant when i had my endoscopy and female nurses when i had my surgery. i dont want to be alone, asleep, in a room with a man i dont know. JUST BECAUSE IM SCARED OF THE DENTIST???
god i keep seeing stuff in the corner of my eye as im writing this. i think my psychosis is coming back for some reason.
every things going wrong today and forever
pls like/reply this post if you read it all im sorry for my ranting
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lunar-rcp · 6 months
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Hunting through the skies for golden goodies!
☆ . . Tags: none, really! just pure fluff, really! (and maybe a bit chaos.)
Helly the helicopter. A member of the Broomstown rescue team. Although he was notoriously known mostly for the title he holds pride onto, there was also another reason in which the citizens state themselves.
That he was the only child of the rescue team.
The curious Broomstowns citizens often asked him numerous questions about the young helicopter: “Don't you ever get bored with all those adults around?”, “They must have never have any time to play with you, right?” Billions, Trillions, Quadrillions of the same question were at least asked to him per week.
But with that, he always had the same answer.
“I'm not that bored! I'm just fine!”
Helly, being a rescue team member also often didn't have the time to mess around town and go on adventures. So for most of the time, he didn't feel all too lonely or drowning in an impending circle of boredom. And his team did often try their best to make time for him, he was like a little cheery brother to all of them.
But, alas, he did feel a little lonely at times. 
That was until a peculiar drone crashed into the sandy beaches of Broomstown. One who was the same. One who had something in common with the helicopter.
A young soul, just like him.
The two never got to properly hang out, let alone even had a proper meeting. But both sides always wanted to have a fun adventure together, soaring through the cloudy blue skies.
And that wish of theirs finally came true on this day.
“Are you sure the two of you will be alright? You both are going to be out for a while. I'm worried!” Keaton voiced his concerns, gently brushing off the sand off Droney's shoulders. Keaton was like an overprotective worried father to Droney, always worrying for his safety as he can be quite rebellious and a clutz during his own journeys. 
“Jeez, Keaton, I'll be fine!” Droney reassured with a smile painted on his face, that grin of the drone screamed for adventures.. and possibly some nice, shiny treasures! “You seriously gotta stop worrying for once, one of those days you're gonna worry your head off your shoulders!” Droney childishly giggled at one of his many jokes.
“Yeahhhh, they'll be just fine.” The inventor spoke with a yawn, plopping down onto her chair and stretching her limbs out. Jin wasn't too much of a morning person. “This silly helicopter has been out numerous times,” Jin tapped her knee, slyly smirking when witnessing Helly pout at the ‘silly’ remark. “While he did get into big messes at times, he can be fine at.. times.” Jin jolted her head towards Helly and stared daggers into his beady eyes. “I can trust you for once right?”
“Yeah, yeah!” The young helicopter spoke with total glee, happy to do something fun with someone his age. “We'll be fine, we'll be fine! I got a bunch of stuff for our adventures. We won't even go hungry!” Helly proudly stated.
“Mhm..” Jin tiredly sighed. “Well, alright then. Off you go, shoo shoo.” Jin swatted her hand towards the exit door.
“Yay!” The both exclaimed, throwing their arms up into the air before already dashing towards the exit.
“Those two.. Will they be alright?” Amber raised an eyebrow.
“Eh, like I said! They'll be fine,” Jin stood up from the office chair, rubbing circles onto her stomach. “I'm hungry. So you guys go on patrol while I go for a snack!”
After the other rescue team members went out on their daily patrol, the girl skipped towards the cabinet where all the snacks layed; awaiting to fulfill her hungry needs.
..Only to have been raided by the two rascals, leaving nothing but an empty cabinet that could be compared to a desert with a tumbleweed rolling through the sands.
“Those mother–!”
The two young aircrafts were soaring through the sunny skies of Broomstown, blabbering about the treasures they'll find with the map they had found whilst fishing in the attic to entertain themselves. The two were just hungry for adventure, no?
“Hey, hey, Droney!” Helly spoke out, flying closer to the drone and pointing at a measly drawn cave onto the map. “I think this is where we have to go, I mean– It's a mysterious cave for crying out loud! Maybe our treasure is waiting for us already, just itching to be found!” Sparkles of stars were glistening in Helly's eyes, easy to describe that he was overly excited.
“Ooooh! You're right, you're such a genius! What would I do without you?” Droney smiled, not even thinking of all the worst case scenarios of what could unfold with them messing around in such an eerie cave.
Helly proudly rubbed his chin at the compliment. “Well, of course I'm a genius!” The helicopter chuckled. “I see the cave just right over there! Last one there is a rotten aircraft!” Helly began to fly swiftly towards the cave.
“Hey!!” Droney was soon to follow after him.
After an intense race, the two had arrived at the cave. They stood there right in front of the entrance which led to complete darkness. None of the two would admit, but a sinking fear settled in as they stared at the cave.
“U-Uhm,” Droney gulped. “Do.. we really have to go in there? What if we missed something else on the map?” Droney asked, desperately hoping for another location to go to.
“No!” Helly exclaimed, painting a brave face. “This is it! C'mon, we can do this!” The helicopter placed his hands on his hips. “We're rescue team members after all, a little cave won't scare us away!”
“Right! Uh, we do need some light..” Droney drove closer to Helly, poking at the bag he had around his shoulders. “Oh, yeah..” Helly rolled the bag off his shoulders, the bag hitting the ground with a plop. “I'm pretty sure Roy packed a flashlight for us..” 
Helly rummaged through the bag of a mess until he pulled a flashlight out with a red post note taped onto the string. The note read;
“Dear Helly and Droney,
Stay safe out there! I heard about your little adventure from Jin. I know you'd be exploring caves, so this will come in handy of course! Don't want you getting lost in the darkness!
Best regards, Roy”
Helly couldn't help but have a warm smile pull onto his cheeks. Roy was such a big brother, to the both of them.
“Aww, how sweet..” Droney peered over Helly's shoulder, also grinning at the hand-written note. “This will for sure help us!”
And so, the two ventured into the cave with the light of the flashlight guiding their way.
“This..is, uhm.. not pleasant.” Droney choked out his words, his voice trembling like a singular leaf hanging on a tree branch for its dear life during a windstorm.
“C'mon–.. It can't be that bad! It's just a cave.” Helly didn't sound too convinced over his own words. “It's a short walk, just what can go–”
And as if on cue; Sounds of wings flapping echoed through the cave, causing the poor aircrafts to screech sounds of terror.
“What was that–”
“Ah-!? Run for your life!” 
The poor young souls began to speed through the cave, their minds shifting off beautiful luminous diamonds or gold that shone like the sun. Although no treasure chest, they had rather something else. Rather something more of worth.
Their friendship.
request by @wtpb-rcp
Ended on a lazy note, sorry!! I hope you enjoy though!
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angel-anachronism · 2 years
Could you do a Mischa Bachinski x Gn reader having to do with them picking out Halloween costumes????
Of course! Halloween might be over, but I will still write this since it sounds cute! The fanfic didn't come out really amazing, so sorry about that. I also wrote from the perspective of (Y/N), because why not.
Anyways, hope you're having a wonderful day/night anon!
(TW: none!)
word count: 1088 words
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It was Halloween, one of my favorite holidays of all time. The time of year when you see people carving jack-o'-lanterns, kids trick-or-treating for candy, and most obviously, making or choosing a costume to wear.
I am no longer a child, so I can't go trick or treating without getting weird glares from those snobby old people, so what better thing to do than dressing up as either a monster or a movie character, and scaring random children walking by!
That sounds like a fun idea! I should invite someone to also dress up as something, and then we can scare little kids! My genius is sometimes terrifying, I have to admit.
I got out of bed and walked around my room, trying to think of who I should call. My phone began ringing its annoying tune, and so I picked it up, to see who was calling me. I smiled as I saw that the person who was calling me was none other than my boyfriend, Mischa.
We first started dating a few months ago, when he revealed his feelings for me on a youtube comment section. Many people probably saw it, but I don't mind.
Surprisingly, he lived in the same town as me, which made it a hundred times better, and I even transferred to the same school as him and joined the choir, so that I can talk to him more.
I answered and I got so overjoyed when I heard his voice. "Wassup babycakes! I know there's this holiday that you Americans and Canadians celebrate called Halloween, and I wanted to spend this Halloween with you if you don't mind!" I can imagine him blushing from the other side of the screen, and I began smiling.
"Of course, my mishka! I would love to spend my Halloween with you!" I responded in excitement. "We should totally dress up as characters from horror movies!"
"OH HELL YEAH!" He yelled loudly, and I heard a door opening and a voice saying lowly "Quiet!" to Mischa. Mischa muttered a small "Sorry", before the other voice slammed the door.
I felt sorry for Mischa. He told me the story about how he had to leave his mother and move here to Uranium, only to be shunned by his new parents. If only I could help him move out of that hellhole, I would.
"Ignore that. Let's go meet at the thrift store so that we can get some costumes for really cheap." Mischa said. I tried smiling, but I was still upset at how his parents treated him.
"Okay then, Mischa. Let's meet later outside the thrift store, K?"
"Okay, babe! See you later!"
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I finally arrived at the Thrift store. I was waiting nervously for my boyfriend to arrive. He finally arrived, and we both hugged each other.
"Yoooooo babycakes, how are you!" He asked as we did the secret handshake that we invented.
"I'm good, now that I'm with you. How 'bout you?" I asked. "I'm 'ight." He responded back
"Let's enter the thrift store so that we can find a costume," I said, and we both entered the thrift store.
Here we were met with a lot of clothes, antique objects, old toys, and many more. What caught our attention was the Halloween section of the thrift store. We basically ran to that section and began looking for costumes for us to wear.
"Oooh, Zombie student! What if one of the members of the choir turned into a zombie, they would surely wear something like this!" I said as I showed Mischa the costume, which was basically a ripped-up St. Cassian uniform with fake blood on it. It sure looked cheap and was probably made by someone from our school who tried to rebel against the school rules.
"Nah, it looks fake." He responded before he took out another costume, which was a flannel shirt and a wolf head. "Look, werewolf," Mischa said before he put the costume back and took out a ghost face costume, which he seemed to like.
"You would look great dressed up as Ghostface." He said. I blushed and smiled really goofily before I turned back to look for costumes.
"Oh my god! You should dress as Jigsaw!" I said as I took out a Jigsaw mask and outfit and showed it to Mischa. "I know that you really love Saw V, so I think this outfit would suit you!" I said as I gave him the outfit.
"You're a genius, (Y/N)!" He gave me a wide smile, and I smiled back. "Now we should find a costume for you." He said as he began looking for a costume for me.
"Do you wanna dress as Michael Myers?" He asked as he took out a Michael Myers costume.
"Hmm...I'm not really feeling it." I said as I began looking for a costume.
"Freddie Kruger...Nah...Chucky....Not feeling it...Ghost face...Probably...Samara Morgan...Probably not..." I kept looking for a costume, but couldn't find anything I wanted to dress up as.
"Hey, how about Jason?" Asked Mischa. I turned my head toward him and saw a Jason Voorhees costume, completed with the mask.
"Mischa, you really have good taste in everything" I responded as I took the outfit, and hugged him. "We should go dress up now!"
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After buying the costumes, and going to my house so that we can dress up, we spent most of the night scaring children who were going trick-or-treating, buying candy, going to Taco Bell to scare Noel (which actually worked), and eating tacos outside the mall together with Noel who took a break from work to hang out with us, while watching final destination on a portable DVD player.
"You know Mischa, this Halloween was the most amazing day of my life. But you know what else is amazing?" I smirked at Mischa.
"What else is amazing?" He asked.
"You are, silly!" I laughed, almost choking on my taco, but noel smacked my back so that I could stop choking, which surprisingly worked. Mischa was blushing a lot, and I was laughing at how much he was blushing
"I might be the most romantic boy in town, but your relationship is too syrupy for me," Noel declared.
And that's how I spent my Halloween with my boyfriend.
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𝑅𝑒𝒷𝓁𝑜𝑔 >> 𝐿𝒾𝓀𝑒 (𝒩𝑜𝓉 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝒸𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝐼 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈)
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pink-tonic · 6 months
All Chapters
Warnings: None
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"I have an idea for a new article!" Taeko exclames.
I tilt my head, "What do you have in mind?"
"The leader of the Sports Club just came back from a swimming tournament, and he won! I think that it would be an interesting article to write," she explains to me. Her eyes are practically begging me to give her my approval.
"Sure! I think it would be interesting to hear how he won. When do you want to interview him?" I ask her, and in that moment, I can see a smile form on her face.
"Let's do it right after school!"
"I'm kind of nervous," Taeko shyly admits to me. We're already heading to where the Sports Club meets, but I guess she's starting to get more nervous as we approach them.
"Don't worry about it! It'll be really quick! And I'll be asking the questions, so you just have to record his voice," I tell her, hoping that what I say will ease her nervousness.
"Yeah, that's fine. It doesn't seem too bad."
After a minute or two of further walking, we make it to where Rito is. He's currently waiting for the rest of the members to come out of the locker room, but in the meantime, he is doing short stretches to prepare himself for the exercise he is going to do.
"Um... excuse me!" Taeko calls out to the blond athlete.
Rito stops his stretching and looks over towards us. He waves at us, and we return it back.
"Hey, there! What brings the two of you here?" Rito asks us as he looks at the both of us.
"We're here from the Newspaper Club, and we're wondering if we could interview you? If we can do it quickly right now, that would be great!" I explain to Rito, hoping that he would accept my interview.
"Yeah, of course! I would totally love to do an interview! Go ahead and ask," he tells us.
"Oh! Can we record your voice? It would be easier than to write every word you say," Taeko asks him. I can see that she's still nervous even after asking him such a simple question.
"Yeah, that's fine with me!" Rito agrees.
Taeko takes out her phone and taps on the recorder app, and starts recording Rito. I then open my notebook and look for the questions that I already made ahead of time.
"Okay, the first question is how did the tournament go?" I ask the star athlete.
"It went amazing! And I'm saying that partly because I won, and also because I met some really great people there too. Super ambitious people, and that's what I like to see. I hope to be able to do it next year!" Rito happily answers me. A smile is present on his face with every word he says, and you can see the joy in his eyes as he thinks back about the past weeks.
"Students around the school really love your lively personality. They want to know how you got this personality?" I ask one of the questions that Taeko came up with.
"Hmmm... I don't know, actually," Rito tells us before letting out a light chuckle, "It's just who I am if I'm being honest. I've always been this way since I was a child. I guess doing what I love has made me so lively."
"And on that note, when did you find out that you liked doing sports? Did you recently get into it, or did you like doing it while you were younger?" I ask him, diverting from my original questions in order to know more about his past.
"Ever since I was a child, too! At first, I was really into basketball and running, but then I started to swim, and I basically got addicted to it! It's all I've ever been doing since I was, like, ten.
I look over to my right, and I start to notice that the other Sports Club members are starting to come out, so I decide to hurry up.
"We're almost done here. But I'm wondering what type of advice you would give to people who want to do sports or people who don't have much motivation in general?"
"When it comes to sports, I would say to try it and see what happens. Yeah, sure, you'll be new to it and you might not be that great, but the fun part is learning. The more you practice and the more you learn, you'll see how far you've come! When it comes to motivation, I usually motivate myself by reminding myself what I have to look forward to! It can be something small or something big, it doesn't matter! As long as it means something to me - and in this case to you, then that's all that matters!"
"And to end it off, what is something that no one else knows about you?" I ask him the final question, and I close my notebook.
"I have a pet goldfish! And he is my daily motivation," he answers with a heartfelt laugh.
Taeko stops the recording and saves it to her phone.
"It was great talking with you, Rito! This will get published as soon as possible! Thank you for doing it with us."
"Yeah, no problem!"
We start to leave the area, but as we leave I see a familiar face.
It's Ayato.
I notice him, but it doesn't seem that he notices me. He seems to be in some sort of daze, as if he is thinking really hard about something.
To others, it would look like he is just daydreaming, but I'm filled with concern due to how dangerous he can be. What is he planning this time?
"That went really well, actually," Taeko tells me.
I'm taken out of my thoughts, and I snap back to reality. "Yeah, it really was," I quickly respond.
"He is super nice! No wonder people like him so much," Taeko starts off, "I can't wait to publish this in the paper!"
Maybe I'm thinking too hard about this. I shouldn't worry too much, right? Maybe this week will be normal for once.
I continue to walk beside Taeko as we go back to the clubroom, so the meeting can start.
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peninkwrites · 10 months
Hear no evil. See no evil. Speak no evil. Ch 2 of ?
Ranboo has been going blind his whole life.
Ch 1
Ch 3
crossposted to ao3
Ranboo knows blindness is inevitable.  He’s known this since he was small.  His mothers had never said it to him directly, but it seems maybe they regretted having a child who was only half enderman.  How could they have known he would inherit his other half’s tear ducts?  They did their very best to raise a child who wouldn’t cry, but they were fighting an impossible battle.  The early years were the worst.  Ranboo lost maybe a quarter of his vision in the first six years of his life.  Six was old enough to hold back, to refuse tears through skinned knees and childish insults and getting lost.  It took him a few years more to realize that never crying would have a different toll.  Ranboo kept his emotions clutched carefully to his chest, letting them pour free not in burning salt, but ink.
Eventually it became clear that their forgetfulness went beyond the ordinary, and his book began to serve a different purpose.
Not that Ranboo remembers these finite details, things like his mothers, his childhood, where he is from.  Nor is he really sure how he arrived on the SMP, only with the vague goal of winning an election.  He remembers a few essentials kept carefully in his memory book.  Tears burn, they make his vision worse, and one day he will go blind.  Crying will hasten the process, and even as that scares him, he cannot let it scare him enough that tears fall.
So he doesn’t cry.  First he meets Niki, whose voice is soft and kind and reassuring, and she shows him around the server.  He follows her closely, and she points out different structures and places and Ranboo pretends to perceive them.  He pretends there isn’t a fog over his vision, confining his view to the prime path and a bit beyond that, depending on the brightness of the sun that day.  His peripheral is worse, but as long as he’s looking at something head on, something close enough, he can see it generally.  Niki he will remember by voice, by her outline, her hair, but not really her face.  He would have to get way too close to see what she really looks like, but he knows enough to recognize her.  He can remember people relatively well by name and vague appearance, it’s who they are, the details of what they have done together, that’s where things get fuzzy just like his vision.
This was not ideal, as the next person he met, the current president, introduces himself and rather curtly tells him:  “I’m pretty much totally deaf, so, sorry if I’m not much for conversation.”
“Oh,” Ranboo had briefly had no clue what to say, before some impulse built on the sound of this boy’s voice, his small stature, wearing a suit, by the looks of it, he felt inclined to show a little faith.  “I’m… I’m kinda blind, so,” he mumbled.
“Um, like I said, man.  I can’t hear, so.  Dunno what you just said.”
Ranboo’s cheeks flushed green and red, fumbling for his memory book and flipping to the back of it.
I’m a little blind, so.  I don’t think I’ll be very good at sign language.
He holds it out to Tubbo, who frowns at the page, reading slowly.
Instead of irritation, he laughs.  “I mean, that works out!  Sort of.  Maybe not, but, how about I help you with the seeing bit, and you can… you could be my minutes man!  If you’d like.”
“Minutes-?” Ranboo stops, going back to the page.  Minutes man?
“Yeah!  If you want, you could write down the stuff we talk about in meetings, so if I have a hard time keeping up, I can still keep track of stuff,” Tubbo says brightly.  Ranboo knows he’s staring at him.  “So, is that why..?” Tubbo’s hand goes to his own face, which Ranboo notes is slightly discolored.  “Sorry, I shouldn’t…”
“Oh! The scars?” Ranboo brushes against his own cheeks, and the deep, red divots along the corner of his eye.  “It’s okay,” Ranboo shrugs, hoping that’s reassurance enough.
“I’ve got some pretty gristly scars too, dunno if you can tell,” Tubbo says.
“Not really,” Ranboo shakes his head, and then shrugs.  He should really just write.
“Huh, you can’t even see that?” Tubbo says unthinkingly.   “Sorry, that was, well, not very tactful of me.  If you want to, I could like, I dunno,” Tubbo pauses, thoughtful  “I could describe stuff?  If that would help?”
“Uh, yeah!  Yeah, I mean, I–” Ranboo nods and starts talking before remembering, returning to his book.
I’d like to be the minutes man. I was actually planning on running in the next election, so it would be cool to work with you.  And that might be nice. If you described stuff sometimes.  I don’t know I’ve never tried that.
Tubbo reads, and sounds surprised.  “Oh!  You’re planning on running, then, Rambo?”
Ranboo almost goes to correct him, but can’t bring himself to, endeared.
“Right, well, least I can do is show you around!  Or, show you what I can,” Tubbo says sheepishly.  “How bad is your vision?  You don’t have glasses, you know?  Feel like that could help a bit.”
Ranboo tries to remember the explanation.  He doesn’t have glasses.  Because..?  Another quick scribble on the page.
I don’t really remember why.  I think it might have to do with the different types of eyes?  I’m not really sure.
“Huh.  Well, if you want, we could see about getting you glasses.  My friend Wil–” Tubbo stops, and Ranboo cannot see that his expression is stricken.  Tubbo continues, and Ranboo notices the slight tremor in his voice.  “My friend Wilbur.  He wore glasses.  So, I’m sure we could get you some as well.”
Ranboo hesitates, writing slowly.
thank you. That would be nice.  Maybe it would help.
my vision is pretty bad.  I can’t see far over distances, it gets all foggy, and my peripheral is almost nonexistent.  And things are always a little blurry unless you’re right in front of my face.
Tubbo reads it slowly and carefully, murmuring the words as he does so, maybe meant to be inaudibly, but Ranboo can hear him.  “I am also dyslexic, so, the reading stuff is a bit slow for me.”
Ranboo just nods.
“Well then, Rambo.  I will give you a specialty tour of New L’Manberg!” Tubbo had originally wanted to take him to the top of the hill, to look out over the city, but he now knows that wouldn’t exactly be much use, so instead he takes him over to the platforms.
“I built this recently,” Tubbo puts a fond hand on one of the support posts.  “Made it out of spruce, and look, can you see how new it is?”  He motions Ranboo closer.
Ranboo follows, having to crouch down, but once he does, he sees the grain in the wood, he sees the fresh bark still left on the logs and the new metal bolts holding it all together.  “You built–” Ranboo quickly course corrects.
you built all this?
Tubbo stares at the page, always a delay, but not that Ranboo minds.  When Tubbo has to lean in to read it, Ranboo can see a bit more of his face.  “Yeah, I did!  With some help from the rest of the cabinet, and… and from Ghostbur.”
it's really cool
Tubbo reads it, and for a second Ranboo thinks he might be blushing, but then Tubbo is too far for him to tell.
“Right, now over here, we’ve got a few houses set up.  This one here,” Tubbo all but escorts him to the front door.  “It’s the one to the left of the stairs up.  It’s where Phil lives.  You’ll like Phil!  He’s really great.”
Ranboo nods, and he is startled when Tubbo takes his hand, pulling him along to the next doorway.
“This house is unoccupied at the moment.  The door is also spruce, and we’ve even placed flower boxes outside!  The house is a bit small, but it has two stories.  And I dunno if you know this, but the whole city is on stilts right now.  Over a big crater.  The plan is to hopefully refill it with rain water, there’s already some starting to collect, and make it a little less… rough,” Tubbo actually guides his hand to the flower boxes, so he can touch the dirt, so he’s close enough to see the flowers clearly, and Ranboo, if he weren’t so repressed, thinks he might have cried.  Tubbo doesn’t seem to notice, moving along.  “And here’s the flag!  The flag for New L’Manberg.  Maybe I can find you an old flag and show you that one too.  The history is important, you know?”  Once more, Tubbo hands the cloth to Ranboo, so he can feel its material, and hold it up close enough he can see the colors and the heart stitched on its surface.
It’s pretty
“Thank you!  I tried, you know?” Tubbo sounds a little bashful.  “Um, maybe it could be your house!  You’ll need to have a house here if you want to run in the elections.”
Tubbo opens the doors to the house.  “Check out the inside!  It’s got barrels for storage, and a crafting table already set up, and a ladder up to the second floor.”
Ranboo can see the outline of the walls, and the second floor, he can guess where the ladder is from how it stands out distinctly to the cobblestone.  He can see the lanterns hanging from the ceiling from the harsh streaks they leave across his eyesight.  Ranboo also finds his vision does better in the dark.  Outside in the sun, the fog gets worse.
“You’d have to buy it.”
Ranboo scribbles faster.  Wait how do I do that??
Tubbo laughs, and Ranboo wants to make him laugh again.  “You’d have to talk to Ghostbur.  Don’t worry, he won’t charge you an arm and a leg for it or anything.”
Ranboo nods.
“And down here we have market stalls built!  No one is selling anything at the moment, but Ghostbur has decorated each one with wool and these… these decorative panel things, um, banners!  Lots of different patterns and things,” Tubbo nods him over to one of the stalls so Ranboo can see the detailed weave.  Tubbo walks to the next stall, and then the next, pausing at each so he can see the decorations.
“Alright, come on.  Stick close to me.  There are railings around the main platform, but we haven’t finished adding them to the sides really yet, or the stairs.”
I can see the railings and where the edge drops off.  I just can’t see far away or details unless it’s really close.
“Oh, sorry, didn’t mean to… to patronize or assume or anything.”
it’s ok! thanks tho
“No problem, bossman!  Up here, this is Karl’s house.  I’m sure you can hear the llama?” Tubbo says this more hesitantly.  “There’s also bright red flowers.”
yeah!  The flowers are nice.  You’re right the llama is loud.  So is the redstone track.
“Oh, right, the redstone!” Tubbo stares at the track perhaps thoughtfully.  “Forgot about that,” he murmurs, and Ranboo isn’t sure if he was supposed to hear him or not.  “Um, back over here is Quackity’s house.  It’s very… open concept at the minute.  All those big gaps over there?” Tubbo points to a large opening in the far wall.  “There’s no glass in there yet, so it’s very… airy.”
Ranboo nods.
“Right, and over his Fundy’s house, it’s across this bridge here,” Tubbo leads the way.  “And… he’s got blue carpet!” Tubbo actually sits on the floor in his fancy suit, and brushes through the woven wool.
Ranboo can see the color, he knows it’s carpet, he doesn’t actually need to know what it feels like, but Tubbo is trying so hard, so Ranboo sits beside him and threads through the wool.  Ranboo smiles.  He glances up to Tubbo’s face and is unsettled to find that he’s most likely staring at him.  He hopes Tubbo isn’t looking him in the eye.  Even if Ranboo can’t tell, he doesn’t like the thought very much.
“Right, um, anyway.  Down here is the rest of Fundy’s house.  His house is very nice, it’s properly furnished, lots of that blue carpet,” Tubbo describes it as they go.  “And outside here, under the crane, this is Ghostbur’s property.  It’s not all under water, he just… he sort of lives next to the sewers––storm drains, to be clear, nothing gross.”  Tubbo heads down into the water and Ranboo hesitates.
He fumbles with the edge of his iron armor.  He should be safe enough to make it down there.  Ranboo can’t help but cover his eyes as he follows.
“You… you alright?” Tubbo asks carefully.
“Y-Yeah!” Ranboo quickly nods, relieved to find his face is dry.  He needs to have more faith in his enchantments, and once he gets some netherite, he shouldn't have to worry about water anymore.
“Um, well, in here is Ghostbur’s house.  His thing is making invis potions, as you can tell.  Reeks of blaze powder,” Tubbo flips through barrels of supplies.  “And in here is his library…”
So it follows.
Tubbo shows him everything, every little thing close enough, at least.  He gives him things to feel, and he points out sounds he knows should be there even if he can’t hear them anymore himself, and Ranboo cannot describe the feeling it brings him to follow Tubbo.  It’s not merely caring, it’s the fact that in some way, Tubbo understands.  He won’t realize for a long time that that was where he started to fall in love.
Next, he follows around Tommy, who is an explosion of noise and energy and his hands always a flurry of motion that Ranboo cannot quite make out.  He does his best not to reveal how little he can see.  He doesn’t know Tommy well enough for that; Tubbo’s own confession had felt like enough.  When Tommy questions Ranboo accidentally hitting him––Ranboo hadn’t noticed Tommy out of the corner of his eye until Tommy was right there, he’d reached out to stop him, severely misjudged the distance, and apparently hit Tommy––Ranboo fumbles an explanation about wanting to hand him a flower.  He cannot read Tommy’s hazy expression as he says, “y’like flowers, Ranboo?” but since Tommy continues to talk to him, asks Ranboo to walk with him, he assumes Tommy wasn’t offended.
Ranboo agrees to join Tommy in his mischief.  He doesn’t realize the house is burning until he smells smoke, and Tommy drags him away from harsh yellow light and heat muttering a fierce string of curse words.  He hisses to Ranboo as they walk quickly up the prime path, “we saw nothing, got it?  We saw nothing.”
And Ranboo nods and deigns not to tell Tommy how true that is.
When they are dragged to a court house, Ranboo doesn’t remember what happened.  He remembers going somewhere with Tommy, he remembers Tommy’s panic, but he doesn’t grasp the details.  He doesn’t see Tommy’s face, but hears him defend him, and support him when he explains why he can’t remember.
So Ranboo is let go, and Tommy isn’t.
And it only gets worse from there.
Ranboo is overwhelmed by how everyone starts to panic, but he told Tubbo he would follow him, that he would try to help, so he does, and he tries to keep the minutes.
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lyon-amore · 1 year
With you until the end of the world Epilogue
Chapter 17
I don't know how long I was dead. Well, not seriously. But it was as if I was. I didn't feel anything, I didn't feel like doing anything. I lived under the supervision and care of my parents because I couldn't take care of myself. They even controlled my medicines because they were afraid that I would take them all.
Today, I think they did the right thing.
The day I started to be myself was after three years. My friend Lian came home together with her husband and they little girl. They brought me a gift. That gift was a small white rabbit with black spots. She knew that it was my favorite animal and that having someone to take care of would be good for me so that I could have strength. Henry became my spoiled child from that day on. The following year, I met a guy. It took me a bit to open up to him, but I got it. The problem was that no matter how much I was with him, I kept thinking about Jake. I was better now, but I couldn't forget it. I believe that a man like him cannot be forgotten. And that was the problem in our relationship: that while I was with my boyfriend, I was thinking of someone else. I even thought that if we got married, focus on something important to both of us, I might not think about Jake. 
What a fool I was
My marriage lasted one year. I was totally honest with him, that I couldn't stop thinking about another man that was in my life when we were together. I asked for a divorce without any conditions, not part of the money, I didn't want anything, just for him to be happy with someone else, because he wasn't going to be with me. He didn't want a divorce because he thought my feelings would be resolved if we stayed together, but I couldn't keep hurting him.
It's been eight years since Jake died and I still think about him. His sisters also suffer because they never got to meet him in person. At first Lilly blamed me, but because she needed to take her anger out on someone, since John Fusch was dead.
I fix up Henry's corner while he's running and jumping around the house. I think I take better care of him than myself. They knock on the door of my apartment and I announce that I'm coming, leaving everything well placed. Opening the door, I am met by a teenager with curly blonde hair, looking at me with big blue eyes.     “Yes?” I ask curiously "What do you want?"      The boy surprises me by hugging me and I freeze to the spot.     "H-hey, are you alright?"     “Yes, sorry” I can perceive in his voice that he is still with the change in voice “Don't you remember me?”      I look at him closely, examining him. I make a surprised sound, not believing it’s him.    “Jack?” I ask him and he nods “But- What are you doing here? How-“ I try to calm down when I see him. The little angel had grown up. He lets out a laugh and looks around “Did you come alone? And your parents? Because they told me years later that they adopted you.”     “My father is waiting in a cafeteria, he brought me” he answers, adjusting his backpack “, I wanted to see you, Angel.”      A wave of cold runs through my body hearing that name. I give him my best smile, not wanting to sink.     "You can call me Macie" I answer slowly ". You know that's my name.     “Yeah, sorry.” He scratches the back of his neck uncomfortably.     “Do you want to come in? Because I don’t think you came here just to say hello.”     "No, I've come for something important.”      He pushed me aside and enters the apartment. We go to the living room and I take Henry, leaving him in my lap, stroking him. I'm nervous about what he might say.    "And are you doing well with your studies? Do your adoptive parents take good care of you?”     "Yes, my studies are going well and about my parents" he sighs and smiles “, at first I gave them a lot of headaches because I wanted to get back to you and Jake, I kept saying your names.”      I bite the inside of my cheek, uncomfortable.     "You know that Jake…" I pronounce with pain. I dare not say the word or think it. I can’t anymore    "That's why I'm here" He takes off his backpack and unzips it. He takes out a programming book and holds it out to me “. I got this a few days ago, but I haven't ordered it” I open the book and start reading it. It is a normal book, I don’t find anything strange “. It is then that I have been looking for you, to be able to give you this” he takes a telephone number from his pocket “.I have spoken with the dude-“     "You know you shouldn't talk to strangers on the phone?" I ask raising an eyebrow.     "I know, but I thought it must be him" he lowers his head sadly ", even if he was dead, I had a small hope that it was Jake...”     "And who was it?" I ask, continuing to read the book. I smile at the memory of Jack on Jake's lap, teaching him how to hack at a low level.    "He told me he was a friend of Jake's and that he wanted to talk to you" I look at him confused and he shrugs “, I told him why he didn't go directly to talk to you, but his words were that it had to be me. I guess so we can meet again.”      I quickly write the number in the add contact area and shortly after a chat appeared. In it on behalf of Henry appeared. He made me look at my rabbit somewhat confused. It was very rare that he was named after my little boy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Macie Hello? They told me that you want to talk to me… What you was Jake’s friend? But if you're lying, I'm going to sue you for harassment
-----Henry has connected-----
Henry No! 😨 I’m not lying! I'm a friend of Jake's!
Macie Do you mean 'was'?
Henry That is I wanted us to meet
Macie Because?
Henry Well You were his girlfriend And I would like to meet you
Macie Don’t know… I’m not sure it’s a good idea
Henry Please I just want to meet someone who was close to him I haven't seen him in years and I need to talk to someone At least to remember good times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I bite my lip, a little confused. I don't know whether to accept. Even though I hadn't gotten over Jake, at least I was doing well in life, not feeling that death wish like I had at first. I sigh and go back to writing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Macie Okay So tell me where to meet and I’ll go
Henry Brilliant!! 😆 [Link] I leave you the address of how to get to my house I’ll be waiting Oh! But if I'm not home, there's a spare key hidden in a hole in the door frame. The trick is to press a false screw on the left side ����
Macie Okay Well… See you Henry
Henry See you soon Macie! 
-----Henry has disconnected----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I put my phone down on the coffee table and see Jack waiting for my answer.     “What did he say?” He asks impatiently.     “He wants us to meet now.”     “You are going to go alone?”      I nervously pick up the phone again and look at the address. He is in another city. No, wait, I recognize the name, I've been there. It's the first place I hid with Jake. The heart begins to beat rapidly. It couldn't be a simple coincidence that his friend lives there, maybe he told him. Maybe Jake wanted us to meet? And he arranged everything so that years later, Henry would contact me in case he was still alive.     "I have to go" I answer with a sigh ". I want to meet Jake's friend, I want to know his past before running away for so many years."      I get up from the sofa and together with Henry, I go looking for his carrier. He can't stay alone, I have to take him to my parents.    "Do you want us to take you?" Jack asks me, anxious about what's happening.     "Well, he hasn't told me you can't come" I answer, closing the door on my little boy “. Okay, let your father take us, but first let me talk to Henry, I want to check if he's telling the truth.”     “Of course! I’m going to tell him!”      He runs out of my apartment as if it were her house. I let out a laugh watching him leave. I would probably get angry before, but I think that over the years I have learned to be kinder to children. And that he is someone I accept after living together for a while.
When I get to my parents' house and explain what has happened, they look at me worried. I understand, I’m also afraid of what may happen.     "Are you sure you want to go?" asks my mother, looking at me a little fearful ‘After all you've suffered, I don't know if it's a good idea for you to go.”     "I know, but I have to" I pulls out Henry of the carrier and caresses it before setting it down ", I need to meet him."     “You are going to go alone?” My father crosses his arms, arching an eyebrow.     "No, I'm going with a friend and his son" I swallow saliva and finally confess “. It's Jack, he's the one who came to see me.”      They look surprised and a little speechless. I told them all about Jack and how our days with him were. My mother was quite surprised when she heard that I was taking care of a child who was not part of my family. My father just laughed at me. For him it was as if karma had given it back to me.     "Well, I'm leaving" I smile nervously ", wish me luck."     “Good luck, Mac.” My dad hugs me tight.      Then my mom hugs me too, along with a kiss on the cheek.     “I hope you like what you hear from him.”     “I sure do.” I nod with a smile.      I say goodbye again and leave the house. I’m nervous.
On the way, I wanted to talk to Jack's father. I wanted to know what kind of person he was and I didn’t disappoint. It was clear that he was a good man. His wife was working. It was supposed to be her day off, but her boss made her go. I pity her.     “Jack told us” oh God…I didn't tell him I didn't like having him with us at first “that he called you and Jake Daddy and Mommy.”     "Oh! Yeah, well…” I clear my throat, remembering those moments “He needed some father figures so…”     “I’m sure you would be a great mother.’     &lt;<Let me think about it, I still can’t even change a diaper for Stephan and Jessy’s baby.>>     “Yeah, they were the best, they never left me with anything I didn't need.” Jack says, turning to look at me with a smile.      I return it happy to hear him. He takes out his phone and I see that the little doll he had as a child is hanging on it. He has kept it all these years. I thought it was going to be a sad day with his arrival, but it only brings back good memories.
We reach the flats and I get out of the car. Before going up, I turn to warn them.     “I’ll text you if I need help.” I tell the man, whose name I now knew to be Edmund.     "I'll be there in a second." he replies with a nod.     "And I'll let you know if everything goes well.” I tell Jack.     “Let’s hope so.” he replies nervously.      I ruffle his hair and finally step away from the car.
I go up the building arriving at the indicated apartment. He had sent it to me during the car ride. He had forgotten and I too because of my nerves. I knock on the door and wait. By not opening, I suppose it should not be. I reach for that fake screw and a little drawer opens. Inside is exactly one key. I open the door and as soon as I enter, three cats come running towards me. One was completely gray, another was gray with black stripes, and the other was also gray but with a white face, stomach, and feet.     “Hi.” I say as I crouch down, petting them. I look at their necklaces and read them.      Their names are: Ludo, Jen and Gizmo. Names from fantasy movie creatures. Henry must like it. I get up and start looking at the floor. Now it seems smaller with more furniture than before. I look forward to playing with the cats. They are quite affectionate. I finally hear the door open. At last.     “I used the key that-“ I stop talking as soon as I see him.      I’m not going to deny that he is older, because I’m too, but when I see him, everything inside me is revolutionized. My tears come out on their own when I see Jake. Although he had a burn on his face and neck, that he wore an eyepatch, perhaps because of the injury, it didn't mean that I still saw him as the most attractive man in the universe.     "What are you doing-" Jake, who had been staring at me in fear, stops talking as I jump towards him.      He catches me leaving the shopping bags on the floor and I kiss him. I can't stop laughing and crying, stroking his hair, loving him again as mine. When I pull away to catch my breath, I lower his arms and caress his face gently.     “Jake!” I exclaim full of happiness “You’re alive! Are you alive!”      He looks at me still frozen despite the fact that a few seconds later he has kissed me passionately. He brings his hand to my face as well and caresses me slowly.     "Wait, am I not dreaming?" he asks surprised “are you really here?’     “Yes” I nod and kiss him again “, I'm really here and you… Jake… I'm so glad you're alive!”      I hug him and he stays with open arms, not knowing what to do.     "Do not... Do not I disgust you?" he asks me confused.     “Why do you ask me that?” I look at his face, observing everything carefully.      His burns are years old and it is when I notice by the touch of his hand that is the same. I turn my face and kiss it. Then I look at him again.     “You're the same attractive man I fell in love with.’      It is at this moment that I see him collapse.
Jake cries and drops to his knees, holding me tight. I fondly caress his black hair, shorter now.     “I have missed you so much, Macie” he says between sobs “. You do not know how much. But I was afraid that you would be disgusted or repulsed if you saw me, I did not want to hurt you anymore. Forgive me.”      I smile fondly continuing to stroke his hair. Jake stands up and lets out a small laugh.     “But… you are here… it is you…”     "Jake, I fell in love for who you are, you didn't have to hide from me," I say a little hurt, but I understand myself. I'm sure he didn't have the support he needed during the days he were in the hospital to think that way.”. They never told me you were alive, they confirmed that you were dead.”     "I pretended the accident made me lose my memory" he shrugs awkwardly “, I did not like doing it, but I had no choice, if I wanted to be left alone” he runs his hand through my hair, playing with a lock of hair ‘. Later, I looked for help, I got my old job back, but… I did not… dare to go back to look for you. I thought Andrew would be with you by now.”     “Andrew? I didn’t see him after the accident.”     “I see…” I see that he lowers his face in embarrassment.     “Has he told you something?”      He denies with the head.     '‘No, I just thought that… that since he was interested as you said-“      I placed a finger on his lips to silence him and hugged him.     "You never left my head, you were always present at every minute, second, hour, day, month, year" I look up and smile at him “, I even tried to turn the page, but I couldn't, you are irreplaceable Jake, without you I don't have a life.”     I see how he looks at me. I can still see the love he has for me. He kisses me more passionately, bringing his hands to my shirt.     “Wait.” I stop him nervously.     “Of course I…” he separates herself a little, sadly “I guess you’re not ready because…”     “No, it’s just that Jack is waiting outside.”      He blinks even more surprised. I let out a laugh, happy.     “I do not think he wants to see me like this...”     "Jake, everyone who loves and appreciates you would want to see you in anyway" I take his hands and caress them lovingly. My smile is so wide and full of happiness still to see him alive ", It doesn't matter how you look right now, the important thing is that you're alive and... maybe now you feel something for pirates."      I see him roll his eye and I giggle.     “There is no denying it” he says softly “you are still my angel.”      I shudder when I hear that affectionate nickname. I wanted to hear it again.     “Let us go see Jack.” He offers his hand and I take it.      Leaving the apartment, then I remember. I take out the key and show it to him.     “Your friend Henry told me where to find the spare key.” I tell him with a smile.      Jake looks at it and closes my hand along with the key. And he smiles at me. A smile that I missed.     "Keep it, you will need it more than I do."      I can’t describe the feeling I had when he told me. The heat wave after so many years off returned very intense. I grabbed his arm and together we went down the stairs.     “Is our plan to marry still on?” I ask jokingly.      But his answer surprises me.     “If you want to, we can go to court right now.”      I can't help but let out the dumbest laugh in love that I could let go.
But I admit it: There is no other man in this world with whom I want to be forever united. 
With Jake.
~The end~
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brokenpoetliz · 2 years
Is this love? -Chapter 2
Type: Series
Pairing: Loki x female reader
Summary: Thor needs the help of the Avengers to win and save Asgard against the dark elves. But, Loki starts to cover his ears when he hears that Thor has chosen Y/n for this mission.
(Sorry for any typos!)
Chapter 3
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Y/n's POV:
I am rushing towards the meeting room. Thor informed me earlier about an important matter he wanted to discuss with us. I am 15 minutes late as I totally forgot about the meeting. I almost fall but steady myself again. Opening the door I was met with all the eyes looking at me. Literally, everyone was there.
"Uh... hi," I say walking in.
Thor comes to me with a concerned face. "Y/n, I need your help. To-To save Asgard. Please help me Y/n-"
"Thor, thor. Calm down, okay? I'll be glad to help you. Take a seat." I gently squeeze his shoulder and led him to the nearest seat offering him a glass of water. I glance across me, Loki's death glare constantly piercing in my eyes. Once Thor calmed down he explained me the situation. Some stupid aliens called 'The Dark Elves' had invaded Asgard. He mentioned that they are really powerful and the army of Asgard is too weak to go against the elves.
"I need a few of you to help me and Loki, to protect Asgard." Thor states. Loki stands up from the couch and walks towards Thor. They both discuss and whisper something to each other, probably choosing the Avengers for this mission. Both the Gods turn towards us.
Thor speaks up,"Okay... How about.. umm... Tin man, Strange, Lady Romanoff and Spider child-" he was cut off in mid sentence because of Tony's sudden booming voice.
"NO! Not Peter! It is dangerous over there I cant afford anything to happen to him-"
"But, come on stark-"
"NO!" Almost everyone wanted to laugh but it was not the time. The father and son relationship between Tony and Peter is just mesmerizing.
"Okay then,..." Thor looks around for substitute for Peter because there was no way Tony would allow Peter to go with him. His eyes wander around the room and then land on me.
"Y/N!! You'll come with us right? Perfect!" Thor exclaims.
"No, she cannot come with us." Loki interrupts. Ugh. He always has a problem with me.
"Why not? What problem do you have with me Loki?" I ask walking towards him, face to face.
"Oh yeah? You want to hear why? Listen to me mortal, you are not capable enough to fight the dark elves. They are not little dolls that you can break with your hands. They posses a kind of power that no one else does in all the 9 realms. It is not easy to defeat them... especially with a person like you." He finishes.
My blood starts boiling. He underestimates me. A smirk forms on lips when Thor speaks in my defense.
"Brother, it's for Asgard's good. It's just a span of time. Dont worry she is powerful and she is coming with us that's final. Alright Y/n?"
"Yeah, not a problem from my side." I hear Loki mutter
"Oh for heavens sake."
I will make sure to prove him wrong.
Hope you liked it!
Tags: @holdmytesseract @mukagentropy @kikster606 @ozymdias @mygfloki @huntress-artemiss @michelleleewise @lokisgoodgirl @muddyorbsblr @mochie85 @lady-rose-moon @mjsthrillernp @nici153 @buttercupcookies-blog
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