#that song always fucks me up so i always skip but this time it caught me by surprise
crime-wives · 6 months
why do the strangest things trigger my anxiety/panic attacks? a song played on my spotify shuffle and then i spiraled for 30 minutes 🙃
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elleloquently · 5 months
congrats on nearly graduating!! for a college!ellie request, could we have a classic friends to lovers and they confess to each other on one of the last nights of college?:)
[ been talkin' 'bout the way things change ]
| a/n : thank you so much aw )): i loved this so i wrote it asap hehe | c/w : swearing, drinking, elementary ed students caught a stray sorry love u guys
rivers and roads - ellie williams
you were never good with change.
it consumed all of you, a constant gnawing that overtook your entire body.
if you had to choose between having food poisoning or the ache of nostalgia, you would pick the food poisoning.
you hated change.
you hated the way that no matter what you did, or how strongly you felt.. when it came to change, you could never be in charge. you hated things being out of your hands, too.
sure, maybe you were a little neurotic. your friends poked fun at you for it, and you desperately wished that you could shake it off and move on, embracing the next thing with open arms.
the stomach ache caused by the impending reminder that soon all of this would be over had admittedly started months ago. you thought that maybe at least by the end, you would've had time to process and get a grip on things.
of course, you could never be so lucky.
that's why now, dina was practically screeching with laughter at the sight at you blinking away tears while sat at your favorite table in your favorite bar, a shitty rap song blaring in your ears.
"babe, this is entirely not situationally appropriate," dina laughed, squeezing your shoulder. her other hand held a shot glass.
"this is the last time we'll ever be here," you said, hoping that maybe if you got your feelings out loud, maybe the fucking pit in your stomach would let up a little.
"we could always come back," jesse offered, raising his hands in defense when you shot him a glare.
"we won't be in college anymore. it won't be the same," you said. you weren't the only person being a downer.
the entire bar was packed with upcoming graduates, friend groups crying and hugging in between dances and shots. there was a palpable feeling in the air, everyone could feel it.
"shut up. you're breaking my heart," dina said, wrapping her arm around your shoulders and squeezing as tight as she could. "do you want my shot?"
you shook your head, a genuine laugh leaving your throat. "that's all you," you denied.
you clutched harder onto your plastic cup, a vodka cranberry. ellie had made fun of you when you had ordered it.
"what is it, freshman year?" she had teased, to which you elbowed her side. you didn't admit it, but maybe the reason you had ordered it was because that was a little nostalgic, too.
where was ellie, anyway? it usually took a while to get drinks but she had been gone, what, twenty minutes?
you sat up straighter in your seat, sniffling. you squinted and scanned the crowd, finding it hard for your eyes to adjust to the dark due to the random flashes of laser lights throughout the bar.
finally, you found her.
ellie was at the bar, and you could see the drinks that everyone had ordered around her, so clearly she wasn't waiting on the bartender anymore.
you strained your neck and felt disappointed in yourself once you instantly deflated upon the sight of ellie talking to a girl. you tore your eyes away, heart skipping a beat as you downed the rest of your drink.
"i'll be right back," you called to jesse, who was trying to act nonchalant instead of flustered as dina pulled him to dance.
you squeezed your way through the crowd, sight trained on ellie the entire time. it was nearly impossible to make it to the bar counter, nobody wanted to risk giving up their spot.
"excuse me, jesus," you muttered, slipping through a group of oblivious frat guys taking up the entire walkway.
you didn't recognize the girl that ellie was talking to, not that it mattered. ellie was leaning lazily against the bar, shaking her head with a smile.
there it was again, that pang in your stomach.
"hey, sorry," you breezed, coming up next to ellie. she turned to you instantly, making room for you to stand next to her.
"sorry to interrupt, i just needed a drink and you-" your eyes glanced to the drinks that ellie was hoarding after she had offered to order them.
"shit, sorry."
you graciously accepted the refill as ellie's hand fell onto your back.
"you remember alison, right?" ellie asked, gesturing to the blonde stood in front of you. at ellie's words, your eyes widened.
"oh my god! no way! how are you?" relief washing over you as you broke out into a genuine grin.
alison, ellie's sophomore year roommate that happened to have a wonderful boyfriend.
"pretty great, actually," alison beamed, flashing a ring on her finger.
"no fucking way," you gushed, sharing a knowing look with ellie. "what did you study again?"
"elementary education," alison confirmed, tucking her hair behind her ear.
of course. go, alison!
you caught up for a few minutes before helping ellie carry the rest of the drinks to the table. you only halted for a second to roll your eyes in disgust as a guy squeezed your waist as a way to say excuse me.
"i won't miss that," you grumbled, to which ellie shook her head.
"can you believe the fucking rock on her finger?" ellie asked, sliding into her chair.
"leaving college engaged. can you believe that?" you shook your head, spotting jesse and dina from across the bar and realizing they most likely wouldn't be coming for their drinks right away.
"hey, a lot of people do it," ellie shrugged.
"i know, but.. still. i just can't imagine being in that place, you know? i still feel, so... like, little."
"ew. don't say that," ellie scolded, finally taking a sip of her beer.
"shut up, you know what i mean. i just feel like i'm in such a different place compared to like, ninety percent of everyone else. everyone's moving on and they've got their plans and i'm just.. i don't know. i feel stuck."
"you're really uplifting, did you know that?" ellie teased. you swatted at her, the pounding in your chest never subsiding.
out of everything, you would miss this the most. being with ellie, talking with ellie, seeing ellie. you couldn't even let yourself think about it or you would be sick. still though, you used the dark atmosphere to your advantage and studied her as much as you could. you hoped that you would never forget the specific green of her eyes, or the way her freckles danced across her features.
"i'm sure mostly everyone is faking it, anyway," ellie continued. "they're all a wreck, you can tell."
you nodded, tearing your eyes away from ellie and taking a drink. you really couldn't bear it.
"something so anticlimactic about literally graduating college and then just fucking... moving home," you sighed into your drink, chewing at your bottom lip.
"you won't be there forever. besides, you're coming to visit me, right? you've gotta experience a jackson summer. it is completely uneventful and yet, entirely comforting," ellie joked, raising an eyebrow.
you nodded in confirmation, the bass from the music vibrating in your chest.
jesus christ, what was wrong with you?
"truth or drink?" you asked, squaring your shoulders. "best and worst of college."
ellie thought for a second, her eyebrows pinching together. she took a drink anyway, clearing her throat when she thought of an answer.
"worst, that fucking frat party we went to sophomore year. it was not like the movies and i still do not forgive you and dina for dragging me along."
"i had to throw away my shoes," you remarked, faking a solemn tone.
"beeest," ellie dragged out the word, mulling it over in her mind. "that first warm day in the spring every year when we all skip class and do whatever. it's just.. good. and meeting you," ellie finished, taking another drink.
"shut up," you said, face warming. you followed suit and drank as well, your eyes darting away from ellie's face. "you're a liar."
"fuck you, it's true," ellie argued. "you know it's true."
you shook your head, staring down at the table and refusing to meet ellie's eyes. "you're my best, too," you said, hoping it was soft enough that ellie wouldn't hear it over the music, but she did.
"truth or drink, did you hook up with that guy from the club junior year?" ellie asked, completely deadpan.
you choked on your drink, forcing yourself to swallow it down before it came out in a surprised laugh. "what the fuck is wrong with you? obviously not, jesus."
"just asking," ellie stated innocently, raising her hands in defense.
"you're so gross," you complained, wrinkling your nose.
ellie chuckled, looking down with a shake of her head. she visibly relaxed, flicking the glass beer bottle with a plink.
"they're definitely not coming back for these, right?" ellie tilted her head in the direction of jesse and dina, drinks seemingly forgotten.
you laughed, your heart lurching.
god, you were going to miss them so much.
"maybe we can be nice and take them over?" you suggested, having to raise your voice now.
it must've hit a new hour, because the already loud music suddenly felt as though it was pounding through your eardrums. if you stretched your neck to the entrance, you could see the line of people out the door, waiting for wristbands.
ellie nodded once, standing and grabbing dina and jesse's drinks, along with her own.
you jabbed your phone into your pocket, along with a tube of lip gloss. ellie had your card and id, you refused to bring a bag to the bar so ellie was always tasked with stuffing your things into her wallet.
she never complained.
"you wanna get some air?" ellie shouted in your ear, yet you still barely heard her. you nodded in response, jerking your head to the back door.
on the way out, you passed the drinks to a very grateful dina and jesse.
you hadn't realized how humid it felt in the bar until you stepped outside.
you adored the patio. it was a little shabby, but you didn't mind.
string lights were woven overhead, a different vibe compared to the strobing lasers inside. there were a few potted plants, some patio furniture, and a centered, lit fireplace in the middle.
the music was still loud outside, but not as deafening as it was indoors. even so, your heart felt like it was thumping along with the beat.
it was still a little chilly in may, at night at least.
you sat on the cobbled ledge surrounding the fireplace, shadows of flames flickering around ellie's face.
"truth or drink. do you actually like this place, or do you just come here because it's our favorite?" you questioned, lifting your cup up to your lips.
"'ours' being?"
"me and dina, obviously."
ellie took a drink, wincing as your jaw dropped in surprise.
"ellie! you said you did like it!"
"the drinks are cheap," she shrugged.
"not cheap enough," you grumbled into your cup, earning a snort from the other girl.
you were torn between not wanting to meet her gaze, and staring at her as much as you could before you would no longer see each other everyday. the thought of it broke your fucking heart.
you only just met ellie practically a couple years ago, and you didn't want to imagine life without her.
it would be hollow, you thought.
"truth or drink, that time you said you didn't walk in on dina and jesse-"
"shut up," you hushed, taking your longest drink of the night so far.
"oh jesus christ," ellie mumbled. her horrified expression quickly turned into a grin once she saw your face.
the laughter that ensued made you wish so terribly that you could bottle it up and keep it in your pocket forever.
eventually the laughter teetered out, and a comfortable silence settled over the two of you. the music was loud, and you could hear shrieks of laughter and sounds of people singing along from inside.
you pushed out a sigh. your drink was nearly gone.
"are you leaving college with any regrets?" you asked suddenly, hugging your knees to your chest.
ellie looked at you for a moment, as if she were studying you. she had the faintest frown tugging down the corners of her lips. her cheeks were pink. maybe from the alcohol, or the heat from the fire, or the cold wind.
maybe all three.
ellie opened her mouth and then quickly closed it again, tearing her eyes away from you.
"probably," she said finally, taking a swig of beer.
"like what?" you pressed instantly, causing ellie to shake her head.
"it's not your turn anymore," ellie dismissed. "are you leaving college with any regrets?"
"of course," you answered simply. there were a million things that you could be referring to, but the only thing that you knew would always weigh on your mind was being in love with your best friend and not doing anything about it.
"like what?" ellie leaned in closer, as if you were going to reveal a secret.
"hey," you disapproved, but didn't truly mind. "i don't know, el. there's like, so much." you heaved a sigh, stretching your legs out before bending them in front of you, crossing one over the other.
"i love how specific you are," ellie stated, and you groaned into your hands.
you took a small sip before setting your cup on the ground next to you. "i don't know. maybe... i didn't really date, you know? i feel like everyone has these super funny hook up stories and i just.. i don't know."
"oh," ellie replied simply, twisting her fingers in her lap.
"i'm wording it wrong," you rushed, eyes scanning ellie's features. she laughed lightly, giving you grace.
"i guess i just held onto a crush for a long time," you finally admitted, bracing for impact. your fingers found plastic and you pulled it up to your lips, eyes shut while you waited for a response.
"you never told me this," ellie murmured simply, though it was nearly lost in the music.
"it's embarrassing." you spared her a sideways glance, and were caught off guard by the expression forming on her face.
it didn't look like she was going to tell a joke, or tease you about something stupid. ellie's eyes softened and she frowned, her eyebrows pinching together as she stared at her lap.
"that's fair. i get what you mean, anyway," ellie finally answered.
your heart twinged. you didn't really want to think about ellie liking anyone. the pit in your stomach finally wasn't from nostalgia, but jealousy.
"oh," was all that you could manage to say.
you both stayed silent, listening to the music that poured outside.
"i'll tell you mine if you tell me yours," you finally baited, curiosity getting the best of you.
"you're crazy," ellie said with a dry laugh, tipping the bottle back once more.
"why is that crazy? you're my best friend, you're supposed to tell me everything," you explained, trying not to be offended.
"not everything," ellie disagreed, with a tsk of her tongue.
you frowned. "come on. we're days away from not seeing each other again."
"don't say that," ellie warned. "i don't plan on like, ghosting you or whatever. so unless you do, don't say that."
"just tell me," you pleaded, scooting just the tiniest bit closer.
ellie finally met your gaze again and sucked in a breath, staring at you as if she were thinking something over. she looked unreal in the fire's glow.
jesus, even just now you could cry.
"you're being weird," you stated to deflect from your emotions. "it's not that big of a deal."
"i don't wanna fuck anything up," ellie stressed, causing a look of confusion to cross your face.
"how would that.. oh, my god! is it someone we know?" you asked, curiosity and jealousy and sadness tugging at your body and sending chills down your arms.
ellie stared blankly at you, watching you work through your never ending assumptions.
"alison? does it hurt to see her engaged?" you joked.
"you're really annoying," ellie deadpanned.
"is it... shit, ellie. is it dina?"
ellie coughed, eyes widening. "jesus, no! don't be stupid."
you sighed in defeat, tracing a finger around the rim of your cup. "i don't know anyone else that we know that you would like."
"i didn't say that we knew them."
"but you didn't deny it."
"go back inside," ellie told you flatly.
"rude," you scoffed. ellie held a straight face until she could tell by your face that you were still mentally making a list of suspects. a chuckle begrudgingly escaped her.
"i'm gonna miss you, you know," ellie said suddenly. it made your stomach drop, the casual yet earnestness of her tone.
tears threatened to spill over in your eyes again, and you didn't care about being laughed at for crying in the bar. you spared a glance at ellie, and she was looking at you again, trying to gage a reaction.
"fuck, ellie. i can't do this. seriously. maybe i can convince my professors to fail me and fail you and we'll be stuck here together again."
"it won't be that bad. you'll be alright," ellie said, firm yet soft.
"what's next, then?" you questioned, meeting ellie's eyes. you chewed on your bottom lip. you would not let a tear fall.
"well," ellie visibly hesitated, her eyes darting over your own. "we'll all move home but we'll still be frien-"
"best friends," you interjected.
"-best friends," ellie clarified. "you'll visit for the summer and then you'll go home and start a job and you'll be okay. we'll text but you'll still call me every single time you have a joke or story to tell me because i know, you can't waste something on a text without hearing my-"
"actual reactions," you finished with a whisper. ellie nodded.
"right," she continued. "inevitably jesse and dina will get married and we'll see each other at the wedding-"
"could you be my wedding date?"
"sure. and we'll all be best friends, just like always. we'll probably get a little too drunk at the wedding and since we always joke about it, we'll end up actually making out and-"
"ellie williams!" you exclaimed while hitting her arm, your face hot.
"my bad," ellie said, twisting her lips to hide a smile.
"you're not funny," you huffed, butterflies swirling in your stomach.
"i'm sorry," ellie apologized with a laugh. you nibbled at your bottom lip, transported back into thought.
"why won't you tell me about your crush?" you asked.
ellie sighed. "i already told you. don't wanna ruin anything."
you opened your mouth to speak, but you could've sworn the music got even louder.
"don't forget me?" you nearly pleaded, finding ellie's eyes.
"never," ellie reassured you, looking the most serious you had seen her all night. you felt the urge to shrink under her gaze, but you managed to hold your own.
"promise? i mean, what if once we're apart you just-"
"i wouldn't." ellie finished the rest of her beer, the glass clanking against the ground as she set it on the cobblestone.
"how can you be sure?" you were fighting for reassurance. too worried, too sentimental.
ellie stared at you for a long moment, completely silent. there was a small crease on her forehead as she watched you. she hesitated, like she was debating on something.
slowly, gently, ellie's hand was placed on your cheek. you didn't have even a second to process the action before ellie was gently pulling you forward, pressing her lips against your own.
it was sweet. careful. you felt ellie resist a laugh, probably due to the flavors of vodka and cranberry emitting from your mouth. you melted into the kiss and into her palm, the warmth of her skin pressing into your cheek.
after a few seconds, you pulled apart.
you didn't realize how tightly your eyes were screwed shut until you went to open them. you blinked, silence settling as the music comically blared around you.
"don't do that if you don't mean it," you choked out, even though the action was already done.
ellie blinked. she scanned your face once more before pulling you back in, attaching her lips to your own.
for once, you didn't overthink it. you just let it be. it felt right, like you should've been kissing ellie all along.
once you were separated, you smiled sadly. "me too," you muttered, only being able to think about how much time you wasted not being with ellie, because you were scared.
"well, shit," ellie mumbled, maybe the weight of the situation finally registered within her. "we graduate in three days."
"please shut up," you insisted with a groan.
"fuck, im sorry. look, do you wanna just be friends? i'm sure you'll move on and-"
"i don't wanna move on." you shook your head. "ellie, it's genuinely been years. i couldn't."
"me neither."
"then... what the fuck?" you asked, exasperated and giddy and devastated. your heart pounded.
"did you know that joel already thought that we were dating?" ellie quipped suddenly.
you laughed, a sound of surprise escaping you. "i'm sorry, what?"
ellie nodded, wincing at the painfully awkward memory. "when you visited during winter break. because you came a couple days before jesse and dina, maybe. he kept making these subtle little jokes like, dude, what the fuck are you talking about?"
"holy shit, is that why he cooked that huge dinner the first night?" you giggled, puzzle pieces rapidly forming together in your mind.
ellie blew out air from pursed lips, her silence answering your question. you laughed loud and hard until your sides hurt, ellie joining in once the embarrassment left her face.
you laughed as you clumsily pressed your lips together once more, the kiss teetered with giggles and smiles.
"oh god," you sighed, overcome with emotion. your cheeks burned and the bar was finally, finally playing a song that you actually liked.
you knew that you had to rejoin dina and jesse, and that the night would end eventually.
though now maybe you did have something to look forward to, a change that you would gladly welcome with opened arms.
"still best friends, right?" you asked, leaning close to ellie's ear and damn near shouting once you were back inside.
"obviously," ellie replied, squeezing your hand in her own.
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strawbeerossi · 1 year
One Margarita
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Pairing: Fem!Reader x Luke Alvez
Description: When a popular tiktok song makes its rounds around the BAU, the poor men of the BAU have to listen to the women belt it out constantly.
Content/Warnings: Pure fluff honestly, the whole team is silly, the girls have fun, suggestive dialogue, dramatics of Spencer Reid
Word Count: 0.8K
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Another post I’ve had locked away for a while! Sorry for not posting this last night as promised, I had entirely too much to drink last night lmao.
Tagging my two besties @daddy-dotcom and @rainaaaskyy
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There were some songs that were just meant to be catchy, no matter how annoying they could be. The rise of catchy songs came with the likes of TikTok, especially when it is filled with people who get famous for dancing to the most random songs or it inspired artists get their work into the world.
Some songs were made for humor related purposes, which birthed some of the most catchy pieces of music that would have anyone driving the surrounding people insane. Case in point, Penelope came into work excited to show the girls of the office one song she found on the app. 
At first, they made fun of it and they all had their laughs, then the five of them put together a dance for themselves. That made the rest of the BAU endure the group acting like a group of teenagers who just had their favorite band release a new song that they needed to listen to until they got sick of it.
Spencer felt like he was going insane, Matt couldn’t help but laugh every time they broke out into their own song, Dave just thought they were insane but he found himself humming along with the girls, then there was Luke who thought it was the most amusing thing he’d ever seen. It was like Y/N would sing it everywhere and even if the song was one of the dumbest ones he heard, he’d admit that it was catchy.
That was why he’d belt it around their shared apartment, which would always result in the two getting into a laughing fit that left both of their stomachs hurting. He would even do his own improvised dances for each line of the song, which again, could have Y/N crying laughing. 
It was a slower paced day at the office, everyone getting caught up on the paperwork that they hadn’t gotten around to yet because they were caught in an endless loop of jumping from case to case. They had to work fast because evil never seemed to give them a fucking break.
So, it became bustling with everyone gathering up reports and getting ready to give them to Emily to have them finished and filed away. To nobody’s surprise, it wasn’t long until Tara was humming the familiar melody. 
“No. Please. I’m begging you..” Spencer groaned as he brought his hands up to cover his ears. “This is worse than prison. You know that? A million times worse.” They always appreciated the dramatics of Spencer Reid. “I’ll tell you whatever you wanna know, just stop torturing me.” He breathed out.
Luke was already laughing at the man’s actions. “You know they sing it because you have that reaction, right?” He asked, making Matt stop to lean against Luke’s desk. “He’s got a point, Reid. If you laugh about it, they will do it less.” 
Y/N was coming in from the kitchenette while shaking her head. “No such luck, boys.” She laughed as she was skipping to her desk. “I think you should embrace it, boy genius.” She had commented, ruffling his hair on her way to her desk with a smile. 
“I think you boys are just overly dramatic.” JJ piped in with her own opinion while heading over to her desk in order to finish the finishing touches on one of her reports. “No, we are not. That song drives me bonkers.” Spencer responded, his nose wrinkling as he was looking at the two men in front of him. “You’re telling me you like it?”
“It’s not so bad.” Luke responded while Y/N gestured to her boyfriend. “He sings it too! Don’t you, Alvez?” She smirked while lifting her coffee mug to her lips. “I do, yeah. It’s catchy!” Luke began to laugh as he put his hands up in self defense with a grin on his face. “We went out to dinner last night and I got a strawberry margarita and he started singing it!” Y/N emphasized while laughing at the memory of the previous night. 
“Make fun of me all you want but you weren’t opening your legs after that drink at all.” Luke bit back while chuckling as his girlfriend’s cheeks were red. 
“Give her one margarita and she’s going to bed.” He sang while the rest of the office was reduced to their own fits of laughter. “Face it, Cariña. Nobody is getting head or anything of the sort after you’ve had a sip of a margarita. You’re out of commission.”
Y/N was waving her boyfriend off while laughing. “You’re never getting head from me again, Alvez.” She teased while looking back at her paperwork. “You’ve ruined it for yourself!” She laughed at the male, who was putting his hand over his chest in a dramatic fashion. “That is the worst punishment ever! I’ll buy you a margarita after this as an apology.” He mused.
“Then I'll be happy while I'm going to bed.”
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lurkingshan · 2 months
A list of sins in the Wandee Goodday finale
Yak finally confessed that he is still having hallucinations when he steps into the ring—and Dee did NOT tell him to bow out of the fight.
Dee magically cured Yak’s years long trauma ringside and there were zero consequences for Yak lying and hiding his mental health struggles for the entire show.
Yak gave a big speech about Dee believing in him more than he believed in himself—which is not the actual story we got on our screens. Cool fanwank of your own show, though, I guess!
The show began with telling us that Yak could not be out with a man because of the effect of homophobia on his career, and now he’s doing love confessions in the ring and this is apparently fine. Add it to the list of GMMTV shows trying to have it both ways with the bubble.
They only gave us Kao’s love story via a retrospective exposition dump and an awkwardly shoehorned in asexuality PSA. They could have actually written him a plot and showed us these themes, but I guess that was too much to ask.
The money problems magically went away by Yak winning one fight, and there was no fallout for Yei hiding things from Cher.
Ter and Taem were paired up as expected—A POX ON YOUR HOUSES WRITING TEAM. Everyone who caught the signs that they intended to redeem Ter was correct; I have no idea why they chose to have him harass and assault Dee when this was their intention the entire time. Pairing him with a character who survived a different assault makes it so much worse. Just another sign of the poor judgment behind this show.
Yak’s graduation becomes a background detail handled with a two second appearance in a montage.
And instead we spend time on a very strange PSA telling us that old people have sex, too? How this is relevant to anything I could not tell you.
Continuing their bad dynamic from the entire story, Dee pretends he’s not going to thank Yak in his little beauty pageant speech (that he’s giving for receiving a professional scholarship, for some reason). Contra the writers of this show, I don’t actually think it’s funny that Yak feels so insecure and Dee is always fucking with him.
DEE SANG A GODDAMN SONG. WHY?!? This show has just gotten so embarrassing.
Dee finally asks Yak to be his “real” boyfriend, but it has no meaning because he already has been for weeks. And they already did the big public kiss moment in episode 11! It’s like they wanted the tension of not letting them get together until the end but were not willing to sacrifice the weekly ship moments so they tried to have it both ways. It just did not work. Tell a good story or make a branded pair content vehicle removed from story, you can’t do both.
They made Yei and Cher’s wedding kiss so weird by having Yak and Dee do it first whyyyyyyyyyyy
Welp! At least I got to see Oyei and Cher get married; I’ll be hanging onto that one.
This one goes down as the show that finally pushed me over the edge re: GMMTV and their tendency to start strong before completely losing the plot. I was primed to love this show and it thoroughly let me down. None of the threads they set up at the start were followed through and virtually nothing that happened in this story had real consequences or meaningfully mattered. What an absolute waste of a fantastic cast and a solid and fun premise. I will be skipping most GMMTV dramas going forward unless I hear they hold up all the way through.
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theostrophywife · 1 year
the prince of hell.
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my love is a mindless flight risk, never on time but god he's timeless he's a villain, he's a saint, he's a hero—he's a fucking renegade author's note: i've scoured high and low for demon!azriel fics and couldn't find any, so i thought why not write it myself? there will definitely be multiple parts of this. as always, thank @writingsbychlo for listening and participating in my rants about dark daddy az.
song inspiration: masterpiece by sam short.
The church bells tolled in the packed cathedral as you walked through the crowded pews. Each ring that reverberated against the stone walls mimicked the beat of your heart. 
One. Your father clutched your arm, his ironclad grip preventing you from bolting. The false smile he wore held no warmth. Only greed for what he stood to earn by pawning off his only daughter like a prized mare. 
Two. Your mother looked up from her seat at the front of the altar, and the words she had spoken to you before the ceremony echoed through your mind like a death sentence. You’ll learn to love him, she said. As I learned how to love your father. 
Three. Your betrothed leered at you, hunger dancing behind his cold, dead eyes. I will break you, his wicked smile seemed to say. Then I will mold you into a perfect, obedient wife. 
With each step, you came closer and closer to sealing your fate. The shaky breath you released fluttered through your lace veil like a ripple in the ocean. As the hem of your wedding dress kissed the marble mosaic floor, you screwed your eyes shut and prayed. 
Please, you pleaded. Please, save me.
Thunder rumbled through the church. Screams erupted from all sides. The ground beneath you shook as the earth cracked open to release mist and fog from the bowels of hell. 
In the midst of chaos, a winged figure emerged from the shadows. Your heart skipped a beat as you caught sight of the beautiful male. Cloaked in darkness, a pair of familiar glowing golden eyes locked onto yours from across the room. 
The Prince of Hell smiled. “Hello, my heart.”
He had a face like heaven and a voice like sin. A small voice in the back of your head warned you to be afraid, but your heart warred against logic. While everyone else in the room screamed in terror at the sight of the devil, you only saw salvation.
“Azriel,” you breathed. His name sounded like a prayer on your lips. 
You had never seen him before, at least not while you were awake. But you knew that face. You dreamt of him every night. 
Azriel was your favorite fantasy. The beautiful male that took you away from your monotonous life. A figment of your imagination that symbolized all the things that awaited in the world beyond, should you ever be afforded the chance to escape becoming someone’s simpering, obedient little wife. 
He wasn’t supposed to be real, but yet here he was in the flesh. 
“You’re here,” you said, hardly believing the words yourself. “You came.” 
The Prince of Hell pierced you with his gaze. “I will always come for you.”
From behind him, your groom-to-be flicked dust and ash from his doublet before glancing at Azriel with contempt. “Who the hell are you?”
The male was either exceptionally brave or extremely stupid. 
The Prince of Hell regarded Alaric as one would a cockroach—with thinly veiled disgust and the desire to crush the pesky little insect beneath his boot. 
“I am death.” Azriel purred, his voice laced with the promise of violence. “I am shadow and darkness, the monster that haunts your nightmares. I am the Prince of Hell and I have come to collect my bride.”
He held out a scarred hand towards you, barely sparing a glance at Alaric. The male bristled with pride and stepped between you and Azriel. 
Something dark and dangerous flashed in the Prince of Hell’s eyes as he came face to face with Alaric. The side by side contrast emphasized how otherworldly Azriel was. Though he took on a mortal form, there was nothing human about him. 
His ethereal features were slashed with fury, dark hair rippling in waves to frame his flawless face. Flecks of amber burned like embers within his eyes and the contrast against his golden-brown skin further illuminated his strange and cruel beauty. 
“You must be mistaken,” Alaric declared, puffing his chest. “She is my betrothed. We are to be wed this very day.”
Azriel glanced around the room, taking in the stained glass windows and rosewood pews of the crowded cathedral. The people that hadn’t managed to escape trembled in fear under his watchful eyes. The corners of Azriel’s full lips sloped into a frown as he dragged his gaze towards you, examining your white dress and wild expression.
“Your betrothed does not wish to marry you, mortal. ” Azriel declared, his voice barely above a whisper yet full of lethal cold. 
“She is promised to me,” Alaric replied. “I have paid the bride price.”
The humorless laugh that slipped past Azriel’s lips was devoid of emotion. His gaze cut to your father, who cowered behind the marble altar. With one glance, shadows wreathed through his limbs and yanked him towards the Prince of Hell. 
“Tell this male that he is mistaken,” Azriel commanded. 
Your father paled, fear and trepidation evident on his face. “P-p-please, my Prince,” his voice was high and desperate. “I assumed you had forgotten. Years had passed since our bargain, and you hadn’t returned so I—“
“Thought to deceive the Prince of Hell?” Azriel seethed and his shadows whipped violently, tightening their grip on your sniveling father. “Did you not think that this day of reckoning would come?” Shadows brought him to his knees before the dark prince. “A bargain is a bargain, mortal. I want what was promised,” his eyes were feverish as they landed on you. “I want her.”
Your mother blanched in horror as she looked up at her husband. “What have you done?”
“I was only doing what I thought was best!” your father cried. “When famine ravaged the countryside, I grew desperate. I prayed to the old gods, but none of them answered. The Prince—he offered fertile lands and a bountiful harvest in exchange for a bride.” 
“Then what?” you said bitterly. “The reward Azriel offered was not enough for your selfish, greedy heart, was it father? You weren’t satisfied, so you thought to sell me off once again?”
“I did it for our family. We have land! We have gold! We have riches beyond imagination! I have secured a match above your station so you may live comfortably for the rest of your life. I did this for you.”
Tears welled in your eyes. The realization that your father had traded you like some bargaining chip, not once but twice made your stomach roil. You’ve always known that he was a greedy bastard, but you didn’t think he’d go this far. 
“No, father,” you said with mirthless laughter. “You did this for yourself.”
Your father struggled against his restraints as he turned towards his wife. “Tell her,” he coaxed, his words full of despair. “Tell her that I only wanted what was best for her.”
“You promised our daughter to the devil!” your mother screamed, her voice echoing against the stone walls. 
You wanted to tell her that Azriel wasn’t a monster. That he’d held you in your dreams, comforted you when you cried, listened to every wish and whim that you whispered into the night, but she wouldn’t have understood. None of them would. 
“It’s okay, mother,” you said, attempting to appease her agony. “Azriel won’t hurt me.”
As his expression softened, you knew that you’d spoken true. Azriel nodded in agreement. “I would never hurt you,” he declared. His attention cut back to your father. “Him, on the other hand, I have no qualms about inflicting pain upon.”
Your father squirmed in place, shooting a pleading look in your direction. The shadows tightened around his neck like a noose. “Please,” he begged with wide eyes. “Please, have mercy.”
He sounded frantic and desperate, exactly how you had been days ago when you pleaded with him not to wed you to Alaric. Your father hadn’t listened to you then. With your roles reversed, it was tempting to let his pleas fall upon deaf ears, but you decided to be the bigger person.
Azriel waited for your cue. You shook your head and watched as his shadows receded. 
“Thank you,” your father said. “Thank you, daughter.”
“I didn’t do it for you,” you snapped. “I did it for me. From this day forth, I want nothing to do with you. I wish to be free. I am no longer your daughter.”
Hurt and anger flashed through your father’s eyes, but you didn’t care. This was your chance. You could finally rid yourself of this dreary existence. Feeling lighter than you had in years, you turned your attention back to the Prince of Hell. He smiled as you took a step forward.
“Not so fast,” Alaric hissed. “What about what I am owed? I paid for you. I own you.” You shot him a cutting glare as his fingers curled around your wrist. 
Anger bubbled up within you as you bared your teeth at the horrid male. “I am not a piece of cattle to be traded for gold.” Alaric glared as you shoved him away. 
His hateful beady eyes focused on you as he closed the gap between you. “And yet your father sold you like a fattened calf.” His grip on your arm tightened. “You should be flattered. I purchased you for a considerable amount of gold and I expect a return on my investment.” A blade shimmered in Alaric’s hand as he held it up to your throat. “Either from your father or your beloved demon.”
The Prince of Hell was rage and wrath personified. “You want payment, mortal?” Azriel asked, his eyes cold and hard and full of malice. “Very well, then. I will trade you my heart for yours.”
Alaric barely had time to react before Azriel was upon him. Shadows sheltered you from harm while the Prince of Hell slammed the foolish male to the ground. The floor shuddered from the impact as Azriel’s dark wings flared behind his powerful back. You watched in stunned silence as he plunged his scarred fingers into Alaric’s chest, tearing through flesh and bone with brutal efficiency. 
The scream that tore through Alaric’s throat was horrific. Cries of terror echoed through the cathedral once more and those who were able to flee did so with haste. But Azriel was deathly silent as he wrapped a fist around Alaric’s heart. Blood trickled through his wrists and pooled at his feet like crimson tears as he yanked the still beating heart out of the male’s chest. 
The carnage and gore incited a chorus of desperate pleas. Some retched, some clawed at their eyes.
But you simply locked gazes with the Prince of Hell.
As the male beneath him took his last pathetic breath, Azriel tossed his heart on the marble altar. It was sacrilege at its finest. A dark offering. A blasphemous statement to the gods above of the lengths he would go to for you.
“A promise,” he declared, addressing the petrified crowd. Azriel glanced down at the dead male crumpled beneath his feet. “This is what will become of anyone who presumes to come between me and my bride.”
You watched with bated breath as he walked towards you. With bloodstained hands, Azriel caressed your cheek with surprising gentleness. His touch was warm and soft, just as it had always been in your dreams. You closed your eyes, relishing the feel of him. 
“Are you hurt?” Azriel asked softly. His thumb stroked against your cheek, painting a streak of scarlet against your skin. Azriel frowned at the sight of blood and made a move to draw his hand back, but you only laced your fingers through his. 
You looked up to find him studying you. Searching for fear. Waiting for you to scream in terror and run in the opposite direction. Instead, you wrapped your arms around him and sobbed. Azriel was stunned for a second, but he recovered quickly and scooped you up into his arms. He seemed to understand that in this moment, all you needed was to be held.
“I’m fine,” you said through your tears. “I’m fine now that you’re here.”
The Prince of Hell placed a tender kiss on your temple as his wings wrapped around you like a blanket. “Come, my heart,” he murmured in a soothing voice. “Let me take you home.”
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taglist: @viradeity @moony-thoughts @i-opened-the-chamber-of-secrets @demirunner @swansworth @heart-defendor @momlo @mali22 @roselensage @searchingford@nessianxgwynriel@azriels-angels@brekkershadowsinger@morelovemorepeacemoretattoo-blog @mattte-black @marina468 @lillithathecathecat @highladyofillyria @navyblue-eternity @margssstuff
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yizmiu · 3 months
KISSES FROM YOU 〻ᯇ # yang jungwon
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001. your girlfriend | smau + written (1351 wrds)
IN WHICH ✶ a long time rivalry being used as a cover up for secret feelings. hwan y/n and yang jungwon have always seen each other as competition, being known as some of the cities bests track stars, hatred between the two was bound to happen.
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“You’re joking.” Y/n scoffed after hearing all her friends say, ‘Not it’. “That’s not fair! I thought we were all going together…what if they catch me?” Y/n asked.
“They won’t catch you, all you have to do is climb the gate, find the main room, replace their flag with ours and spread fake raven feathers around the building... Easy.” Song Eunseok shrugged his shoulders. “Easy? that’s not fucking easy.” Y/n groans in annoyance. “You got the legs to climb that gate, you never skip leg day and you’re a long jump pro so…” Jang Wonyoung said, sucking her lips in.
“Seriously, if I get caught then it’s over for me.” Y/n sighed, thinking about how this was her last season competing for the ‘Iris Ravens’.
“Please, Please, Please keep a lookout for me and clap five times if you see a security guard.” Y/n begged. “Of course, you got this, and besides this is just payback from the time they got dogs to pee on our track and fields.” Hong Seunghan took hold of the varsity jacket Y/n was just wearing. She needed to disguise herself as someone—not from Iris.
“But you guys had to seriously trick me into doing it?” She groaned. “You’re the one that suggested payback.” Sim Jayun (Yoon) chuckled.
“If you get caught, just pretend they borrowed our starter blocks and we need to get them back.” Haku Shota (Soul) suggested. “Wish me luck, and if I get caught just know I’m gonna hold grudges against you all.” She pointed her fingers to her fellow friends on the varsity team.
She got out of the front seat of Seunghan’s car, then silently walked across the street. In front of her stood a school with a D1 track team, a track team they’ve been head to head with at the championships every year.
At first she was looking for a way easier than just climbing the gate. She walked around for a little trying to find anything that was broken or maybe a lost id. She had felt relief when she had found a lost id, not sure who it was’ until she flipped it around.
“Yang Jungwon,” She read out quietly, “How does he even lose something like this?” Y/n laughed as she stuffed it in the pocket of her sweatpants. She walked back to the entrance of the school, then held the id close to the camera so it didn't catch who’s holding it.
She buzzes the intercom, waiting for it to buzz back, making it known the gate was unlocked. She silently cheered when she heard the familiar buzz.
Y/n walked into the school freely, as if there weren't a million security cameras around every corner. She's never actually been here so it took her a while to find the main room. Walking past the gymnasium, noticing that there was a pep rally going on she knew it would make this dare easy.
As she walked into the main room she started to pull out their dark purple colored flag that had their mascot, a raven displayed. She removed Decelis’ flag that had their fancy logo and the vampire mascot, replacing it with Iris’ flag.
Then making her next move, scattering fake raven feathers around the huge room, making it more known who had done this mess.
Y/n halts for a moment. Hearing a walkie talkie behind a door close to her she tried to run towards the corner of the hallway, but as she did she bumps into someone. Y/n was gonna just push the body and run, but instead she played it off as normal; hugging the teenage boy in front of her.
“Please, cover for me.” Y/n whispers into the boy's ear. Yang Jungwon sighed, then gently pushed her head into the crook of his neck and his hands around the girl’s waist.
Jungwon looks at the staff and mouths a “Sorry.” The staff understands and nods her head, smiling apologetically and turns the other direction.
After she is long gone, Jungwon pulls away from the girl finally getting a good look of the girl he was just hugging.
“Jungwon.” Y/n jumps a little. She was not expecting the boy to be Yang Jungwon, one of her rivals.
“Why are you here, Y/n?” Jungwon asked, he was surprised just as the girl but he was expecting an Iris student to show up sooner or later.
“No reason, we left our blocks here.” Y/n excuses. “I know you’re here to get your ‘get back’.” Jungwon chuckled. “Then why’d you even ask?” Y/n scoffed. “Because I wanted to hear your stupid excuse.”
“But for real, how’d you even get into the school?” Jungwon asked. “With this, you dropped it.” Y/n cheekily smiled as she pulled out the boy’s student id from her pocket. “I bet you were just about to go look for it, weren’t you.” Y/n teased him.
“Yes, I was.” Jungwon glared at the girl, snatching it from her hands. “You should get out of here, don’t want to get caught do you.”
“You are the school president, get me in major trouble if you want , you have the power to do so.” Y/n teased, knowing the boy wouldn’t do something like that. “I do have the power to do so, but we both know I’m not an asshole like that.” Jungwon gently grabbed the girl's arm, leading her back to the gates of the school.
“Tell everyone I say hi,” Jungwon waves to the group of teens in the car across the street. “Tell me what you think of our get back when you see it.” Y/n says excitedly waiting for the boy's response.
“Yeah, Yeah. I’ll let you know—.”
“Jungwonie, make sure you kiss your girlfriend goodbye.” The front desk ladies tease him from the intercom. His face quickly drops mid sentence, face palming.
“Yeah,” Y/n gets closer to the boy, standing on her tippy toes to boldly give the boy a cheek kiss. “Kiss your girlfriend goodbye.” Y/n laughed, teasingly waving goodbye as she ran to Seunghan’s car.
“HOLY SHIT GUYS WHY DID I DO THAT.” Y/n freaks out as she opens the door. Jungwon is still standing at the gates, being able to hear the first part of her sentence and laughing at it.
“What the fuck just happened?” Wonyoung asks, just as freaked out as Y/n. “Did you seriously just cheek kiss, Yang Jungwon? What even happened there?” Yoon asks.
“I did what I had to do and then I almost got caught and ended up running into someone so I just hugged that person and it ended up being him, and now the staff think we’re dating so they teased him on the intercom and I felt silly so I kissed him but like…it was just so I could tease him back y’know?” Y/n spat out words by the second.
“I mean if you had said you wanted to just kiss him then we would’ve understood that more than what you just said.” Eunseok said truthfully, earning a look from Y/n.
“What? I know how you look at him.” Eunseok shrugged his shoulders.
“Eunseok is right, you guys honestly have this weird tension. I see it every time we run into each other.” Yoon agrees, and so does everyone else as they nod their heads.
“Okay, whatever.” Y/n sulks in her seat, she didn’t like hearing the truth sometimes.
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“Hyung, why’d you take so long?” Nishimura Riki asked as Jungwon sat beside the boy. “Yeah, you missed your speech I had to fill in for you, I literally came up with words on the spot.” Myung Jaehyun said, he had just finished the speech that Jungwon was supposed to give.
“I realized I lost my id this morning so I went to go look for it.” Jungwon explained, “Also, Iris got their payback. You’ll see it when the pep rally is over.” He pursed his lips in a awkward smile.
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elliespeach · 1 year
you belong to me | part two
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pairing: ellie x reader
synopsis: ellie’s crush seems to spiral out of control one day on patrol and now she’s left to face the consequences.
warnings: 18+, strong language, sexually explicit descriptions, ellie and reader smoke weed together, possession and jealousy, david bowe? sandra
wordcount: 3k+ (periodt)
author note: thank you guys for so much love on the first part, i appreciate it more than you know that people enjoy my writing! i saw a tiktok about how moonage daydream is probably one of ellie’s favorite songs and i HAD to jump on it (i dont know who made the tt im sorry) i love that song and personally, i totally see ellie loving it so u know i had to incorporate it somehow. i hope you guys like this one! w loveeeeee
ellie held open the door for you once you reached her garage behind joel’s house. the small but cozy little apartment was familiar to you, the smell of weed and ellie was pungent but delightful as always. a small smile appeared on your lips as you glanced around ellie’s room, you’ve seen it a hundred times but it just screams ellie and you loved every knick-knack. ellie couldn’t help but stare, twiddling with her fingers ever so slightly but when you caught her eye she dropped her hands and her eyes darted to the wall. 
“uh– dina and i smoked my last blunt, gotta roll a new one.” ellie stammered, suddenly really aware of her movements. she made her way to her small couch, gathering her supplies to make the perfect blunt for you. she could roll with her eyes closed, but you made her so nervous and she was worried her shaky hands would spill her stash. 
normally, ellie wasn’t like this around you but given the circumstances, she couldn’t help it. 
fuck oh my god ellie just fucking roll like you’ve done a thousand times. she made the mistake of glancing at you, seeing you looking around her room. her heart nearly lurched from her chest, you fiddled with her paint brushes, leading your finger to the comic book she had open on her desk. rollrollrollrollroll.
“what’s this?” 
“my amazing-spiderman comic, i read it like a thousand times already.” ellie had regained control of her shaky hands, putting all of her focus into it. you let out a small laugh, causing her to lose focus and look up at you.
“nerd alert…” you said under your breath in a joking tone, locking your eyes on her stereo. 
“excuse m–” 
“what tapes do you have?” you searched through her tape box, landing on david bowe, you let out an exaggerated gasp “oh, perfect!” 
ellie scoffed lightheartedly, “i have the blunt ready, when you’re done bullying me.”
“oh please, i could do worse,” you skipped to moonage daydream and pressed play. the music erupted through the speakers and you turned it down to a reasonable volume and turned back to ellie, who was watching you diligently. “thank you.” 
ellie held out the blunt for you and you took it while settling in on the couch, the song vibrating throughout the small garage. “don’t sweat it, anything for you.” 
keep your 'lectric eye on me, babe, put your ray gun to my head
“no, really thank you, for everything.” you said, taking a hit from the blunt. feeling what little nerves you had left diminish into thin air. being around ellie had calmed you down a lot more than you had anticipated, and this was noticeable to ellie as you got more comfortable on her small couch. she watched your every move, fuck you look good hitting the blunt. 
press your space face close to mine, love, freak out in a moonage daydream, oh yeah
“like i said, anything for you,” you reached out, offering her the blunt next and she took it with ease. “can i ask you something?” ellie asked, her confidence coming back with the high creeping up on her. 
“shoot.” you responded.
“what did you see in her?” along with her question, she passed the blunt off to you, and you hit it while contemplating your answer. 
don't fake it, baby, lay the real thing on me
“i don’t know, if i’m being honest. she asked me on a date and we had a good time,” you took a beat. “it was nice, for a little. i guess.” 
“she didn’t deserve you, you know?” ellie remarked, taking the blunt back. “i’m not saying that because i kissed you, im saying it because i really mean it.” and because i kissed you. because you deserve someone like me. 
not someone like me. just me. 
“yeah, i know.” you answered softly. 
the church of man, love, is such a holy place to be
a silence fell between you and ellie, and she took the time to inhale the smoke into her lungs and back out. it was nearly out now and she ashed it into the tray. you loved the way she looked when she smoked, her hair in a messy bun, eyes red. your mind raced to the thought of her hands on you like they were a few weeks ago, aggressive but polite. the way she treated every curve of your body like it was a piece of artwork, you’d never admit it but you yearned for that feeling again. 
“well, can i ask you a question?” you asked her and she nodded bringing the blunt back to her lips, which somehow gave you small flurries in your stomach. “why did you kiss me?” 
she raises her eyebrows slightly, cocking her head to the side with a smirk. “you kissed me back you know? didn’t we just vow never to speak of it again?” she said in a mock accusatory tone. 
“i asked you a question,” you demanded, half joking. “and we're high, so it doesn’t count.”
make me, baby, make me know you really care, make me jump into the air
she looked down to the blunt between her fingers, choosing her words carefully. “heat of the moment, i think.” lie.
“c’mon ellie, i was honest with you.” you persisted with a laugh, knowing she was keeping the truth from you. 
she breathed out your name and her red eyes bore into yours, “why do you think i kissed you?” ellie spoke softly, as if anyone else would hear. 
she wanted to kiss you again and images of you on your back and your arms wrapped around her neck flooded her mind. it clouded her to say the least, as if the weed wasn’t doing that already. the way your body felt against hers, the electricity she felt when she kissed you and above all, you moaning in pleasure by ellie just simply touching you made her weak in the knees. 
keep your 'lectric eye on me, babe put your ray gun to my head
“i wish you would’ve done it before i went out with her,” you stated, unsure if that was the right thing to say. ellie’s eyebrows raised and you admired her eyebrow slit and how it suited her face well, even if it was an accident. 
“i wanted to ever since you got here,” ellie remarked, thinking about the day you arrived in jackson, she smiled at the memory. “but you were so…you, it made me nervous.” admitting that to you made her cheeks flush bright red and she could feel the heat she was radiating off. 
“oh, wow. i make the infamous ellie williams nervous?” you flaunted, theatrically throwing your hair over your shoulders. 
“shut up.” she playfully pushed your upper body.
“you shut up!” you laughed, pushing her back which resulted in her dropping the small blunt on the floor. you both immediately went to go pick it up, your hands touching as they reached the blunt. you were leaning further over than ellie was, face close to hers and you could swear you felt her breath on your face. 
press your space face close to mine, love, freak out in a moonage daydream, oh
the feeling that came over her the day in the woods was back again, this time in fuller force. every nerve in her body was heightened and her mind was screaming, kiss her you idiot! over and over again until she couldn’t fight the urges anymore.
swiftly, she cupped your face in her hands, pulling you into a deep kiss. it wasn’t hungry or lust filled, it felt sweet and you all but smiled as she did. your hand involuntarily moved up to grab her forearm, desperate for her touches again. and as if she could read your thoughts ellie gently pushed you down so she was over top of you on her small couch. 
the song in the background faded out slowly, the only sound was the heavy breathing of both of you. your legs went around her waist and she lowered herself into you. she pulled away from the kiss, staring at you longingly. a small smile splayed across her face and she reached up to brush away a loose strand of hair from your face. she pushed it behind your ear, following your hair down to your neck with her finger, just looking as if she was committing you to memory. and she was. 
“yeah baby?” she cooed, still hovering her eyes all over you a new found confidence in her, knowing you were just as crazy for her as she was for you.  
her green eyes found yours, “i have patrol in the morning,” you all but whined and ellie groaned playfully, burying her face in the crook of your neck. “i should try and get some sleep,” ellie kissed your neck, sucking on one spot below your ear which made your body twitch. “williams!” you laughed and her face was in front of yours again. 
“stay here tonight?” she asked, almost begged, her puppy eyes nearly bulging out of her head. 
“course,” you replied and she very hesitantly got off of you to go to her dresser. as you sat up on the couch, you noticed the blunt still on the floor. picking it up and seeing it was definitely ashed by now you looked around for her trash can. 
when you went to throw it away you saw crumpled up papers in the bin, ellie wasn’t one to waste and when you reached down to investigate she yelled from across the room, “don’t!” but it was too late, the paper was being unfolded in your hands and when you saw what she didn’t want you too, you understood why.
she had drawn you, on your horse looking out over jackson from the patrol look-out. ellie came up behind you and snatched the paper away from you, replacing it with a large t shirt of hers. “you’ve been drawing me?” you asked sweetly. 
“maybe,” she tried to deflect, “cmon, change. you need your sleep.” you obliged, letting her take the picture which she flattened out on her desk instead of throwing it away again. she was embarrassed about it but you adored it and wondered if that was the first time she had done that. it wasn’t. 
ellie often found herself sketching you, even if she didn’t mean to. she was practicing eyes and thought they looked familiar until she realized they were yours. those were crumbled up as well, probably long gone by now and she cursed herself for it. 
you changed and despite the moment(s) she had with you, she turned away as you did letting you have some privacy. she was waiting patiently, looking at her old books on her shelf when you came up behind her and took her hand in yours. she felt electricity in her hands as you touched her, the feeling not going away as you pulled her into her own bed. 
you fell asleep listening to ellie’s heartbeat in her chest, her arm wrapped tightly around you. there wasn’t much said, the high putting you both to sleep and when morning came ellie was alone in her bed, her clock reading 9:06 am. 
for a scary moment, she thought she had dreamed the whole thing. she got too high and hallucinated you flirting back with her, kissing her sweetly and wearing her t-shirt. she rolled over and noticed a small indent in the bed and could still smell the springy smell that belonged to you. not a dream…
right, you had patrol. but why wouldn’t you wake her? ellie groaned and sat up in her bed, regretful she wasn’t able to say a simple goodbye before you left. she knew from previous trips you’d be back in about an hour, so ellie got up and got ready for the day and set out for the front gates. it was the middle of spring, she decided to wear a short sleeved blue button up with ripped jeans and her converse that desperately needed replacing.
as she approached the gates, the familiar sound of bustling jackson townies filled her ears. she could smell the breakfast from the only restaurant in town and her mouth filled with water, but she was determined to make sure you got back safely first. 
she was approached by dina, who looked tiresome. “thank god we have the day off, im exhausted.” normally, she would agree. patrolling could get boring as often as she did it, the same routes she’s always taken, fighting small groups of infected here and there. but today she wished differently, her eyes darting from dina and the still closed gates, she wished she could have come with you. 
“yeah,” was all she said at first, contemplating telling her friend about the events of last night. sandra breaking up with you, taking you back to her place, how you kissed her back passionately. it made ellie think about how you could have ever been with sandra, and if you ever kissed sandra like that, felt her the way you did with ellie. a feeling of jealousy swarmed over her, glossing over her thoughts and destroying them. had you done all of that with her? did you think about me when you were with her? were you with her like that?
she decided against speaking about it, scared that she would burst into flames on the spot. “i’m switching back to morning patrols next week.” ellie announced to dina who raised her eyebrow in question before coming to her own conclusion about why. 
“so things are good with you guys again?” dina asked, biting into a sandwich and the sight made ellie’s stomach grumble. 
ellie looked everywhere but her friend. “yeah, i guess so.” she figured dina had no idea what transpired last night being so enveloped in jesse, but dina knew something was off even if ellie had stated you two were okay. 
“so, what happened? all the gritty details, please.” dina said in between bites, ellie’s eyes still wandering to the gate. 
“where’s jesse? shouldn’t you two be off, i don’t know, making babies?” ellie said defensively, having no effect on dina being as she's used to ellie’s snarky remarks. she glanced back from the gate to look at her friend whose mouth was agape. 
“oh my god, ellie williams what did you do?” 
ellie scoffed, crossing her arms. “i didn’t do anything!”
“tell me right now, ellie. malcom owes me some favors and putting your name on horse clean-up will be no problem.” dina threatened. 
she sighed, looking to the ground in defeat. “sandra broke up with her and i made her feel better, okay? that’s all.” 
“you boned her the night she got broken up with?” dina asked, astonished at her friend. 
“jesus christ,” ellie sighed. “no, i didn’t bone her, asshole. we just smoked and talked for a while and…” 
“and what?” dina cut her off quickly. 
“she may have spent the night.” dina’s shocked expression changed into a soft one and ellie immediately huffed, looking back to the gate. still not opening. 
“dina!” they both heard jesse’s voice behind them, dina turned to see her boyfriend waving her on. 
“i have to go, but i want details when i see you later!” she stated swiftly before patting ellie on the shoulder and sprinting to jesse. ellie said a quick goodbye before hearing the familiar sound of the creaking gates, indicating you had returned. 
before she knew it herself, her legs were moving her towards the gate as the horses started to stride in. she waited anxiously, scanning faces of all the morning patrols before landing on your beautiful face, but when she glanced over to see your patrol partner, her hand clenched into a fist by her side. 
it was sandra, her horse keeping the pace next to yours as if on purpose. ellie’s face went red, feeling the heat burning her cheeks she thought she would have burn marks from it. she watched as you looked at sandra, laughing. that laugh you had been blessing her ears with the night before. “the fuck…?” ellie said to herself in a low whisper. 
you made eye contact with a disturbed ellie, quickly glancing back to sandra as if to say bye. and as ellie approached you and your horse, she helped you dismount without a word. “hey els,” you said happily, hoping to see her face relax. it didn’t, but ellie handed off the reins to a stable keeper before taking her hand in yours. 
she basically dragged you away from the stables, taking a quick look back to see sandra looking at you two with an unrecognizable expression. “ellie, she was already scheduled–” 
jealousy pouring out of her, ellie responded, “i don’t care about that, what i do care about is her playing with your feelings.” she said in a huff. her hand was still firmly in yours, leading you away. 
“she’s not playing with my fee–” 
“what was that, then?” she turned to you, stopping both of you in your tracks. “did she even apologize to you? does she even know how much she hurt you?” 
“well– uh… not really.” you responded shyly.
“exactly,” she let out a deep breath, she had stopped you in a small alleyway between unoccupied houses, the sound of the town around you seemed to drown out behind ellie’s heavy breathing. 
“i know what this is,” you said with a playful smile. “you’re jealous.” you pointed a finger at her chest and poked her jacket. 
“what?” she asked, half listening. her mind was racing with the thoughts of you and sandra on patrol together, laughing together, being together. 
“you’re jealous,” you said simply, reaching your hand up to her chin gently, redirecting her eyes to you. “its sweet really. but you don’t have to worry about her anymore.” you planted a small kiss on her burning cheek. 
ellie’s eyes closed in comfort at your touch. you pulled away, your intoxicating scent leaving her swiftly before her eyes opened again, peering at yours intensely. your faces just inches from her’s, ellie pulled you into a kiss. wrapping her arms around your waist to bring you even closer.
“okay,” she breathed, finally feeling herself relax with your reassurance. suddenly feeling a little self-conscious of her actions she cleared her throat. “let’s get some breakfast, yeah?” you nodded before wrapping yourself around her arm and continued walking further into town.  i don’t have to worry about her anymore, she repeated to herself. you belong to me.
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sacredjake · 1 year
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pairing: Jake Kiszka x Reader
word count: 3.5k
warnings: 18+ mdni, smut, oral (m. & f. receiving), fingering, spanking, slight daddy kink, teensy bit of spit play, cussing… nickleback. (let me know if i missed any)
a/n: alright, so this is the very first smut i've ever written, please bear with me. if you didn't know by the title, this was heavily inspired by the song Animals by Nickleback (its basically the song in fic format lol). a huge thank you and shout out to @dannyandthekiszkas because without them, i would not have been inspired to write this, and they also helped me edit (literally thank you so much). another thank you to @malany-gvf for giving feedback and advice.
Your palms were sweaty and shaking with excitement while you tried to work the latch on your window open quietly. The light in the hallway outside your room went off only a few minutes ago, signaling that your parents had just gone to bed, but you couldn’t wait any longer. You had received a text from Jake about twenty minutes prior that he was on his way to pick you up.
Jake wasn’t your boyfriend, but he also wasn’t just a friend. The two of you had found yourselves in a limbo between friendship and something else. Simply put, you were friends with benefits. And boy were the benefits good. So good that you couldn’t resist sneaking out of your parents house to hook up with the one guy they always hated you being around. Even though you were in your early twenties, your parents stuck with the same rule; if you live under their roof, you play by their rules.
To be fair, they didn’t have many rules, they knew you were an adult capable of making your own decisions. But the one rule they did have was that they didn’t want you hanging around Jake. Ever since high school they believed him to be a bad influence and nothing but trouble all because he convinced you to skip one class with him one time. You could admit they weren’t wrong, but that’s what made him so enticing.
It wasn’t until one drunken night out at a bar with your friend group that things came to a head with Jake. He offered to drive you home and the two of you wound up parked out by the train tracks. Under the coverage of a few trees you found yourself in compromising positions in his backseat.
Since then you couldn’t get enough of each other. Any time you were around one another it almost always led to sex. Eventually you would plan days to meet up so the two of you could go back to that place by the tracks and fuck in his backseat. But for the past few weeks that wasn’t an option. Jake had gotten his license suspended for the copious amounts of speeding and reckless driving tickets he had obtained, so when he texted you earlier in the day about getting his license back the conversation quickly turned into making plans for him to pick you up.
And that is what led to you sneaking out of your window in the night like you were a teenager. Eventually you were able to flip the latch open slow enough that no sound was made, as it was normally terribly squeaky, and carefully slide the glass pane up to climb out of the window. Throwing one leg after the other, you landed outside of your room in the bushes that lined the outside of your house, huffing out a few curses as the scratchy leaves caught your legs.
You edged along the wall to the opening near the corner of the house, spotting Jake’s black truck roll down your street, headlights off. He must’ve been watching for you by the way the passenger door opened, waiting for your arrival. As you made your way out of the bushes a wicked grin tore across your face at the thought of what was to come in a mere matter of seconds.
You ran towards his truck to not be seen, jumping in the open passenger seat and quickly shutting the door behind you. In an instant his hands were on you, gripping your waist, and the back of your neck to pull you into a heated kiss. His tongue entered your mouth, licking the roof of it in a swift motion and earning a moan from your lips. You squeezed his thigh with the hand that rested there, your other hand tangled in his long chestnut hair.
His mouth began trailing sloppy, open mouthed kisses from your mouth down to your collarbone, sucking on the hollow point there before following it with a quick nip of his teeth. As his tongue flattened out to soothe the skin, you trailed your hand up higher on his thigh until it came in contact with his clothed bulge, palming him lightly through his jeans. Jake huffed out a laugh at the contact of your hand on his growing erection.
“Easy there, we still gotta make it out to the tracks.” He lifted his face from your neck to look at you, a sly smirk playing on his lips. He leaned in close to your ear, breath falling hot and heavy against your skin.
“Wouldn’t wanna fuck you in front of your house where your parents and neighbors might see.”
His teeth sunk into your earlobe quickly before pulling away and sliding over into the driver’s seat. You followed his moments and slid over to sit in the middle seat next to him. He turned to you with a wicked grin and a wild glint in his eyes.
“Might wanna put that seatbelt on, baby.”
You had barely clicked the metal in place when Jake slammed on the gas causing the tires to spin and squeal against the black asphalt of your street. You hoped that neither your neighbors nor your parents would pay the sound any mind as you sped down the road.
“Jake! That was stupid! What if my parents came out? They know what your truck looks like!” You hit his chest lightly with the back of your left hand as you scolded him.
“Relax y/n. They’re not even gonna know you’re missing. Besides,” His voice dropped an octave as he continued in a husky voice, turning to look at you, “It’s been far too long since I’ve fucked that pretty pussy in my backseat.”
It was like his words had flipped a switch in your brain as he turned back to face the road. You turned your body into his side, running your hand up and down the inside of his thigh with feather light pressure.
Your left hand came up to brush his hair away from his neck, slowly placing a few open-mouthed kisses from the base of his neck up to the spot just below his ear. His grip on the steering wheel tightened, knuckles turning slightly white. In the sweetest voice you could muster you leaned in to let your lips ghost the shell of his ear as you spoke.
“Aw, you think my pussy is pretty?” You gave a small lick to the outside of his ear following it with a light blow of air. The pressure of your hand on Jake’s thigh increased, trailing back up to palm him again.
He let out a breathy groan as your hand began to work him over at a teasing pace before running the length of his thigh again. Your lips went back to his neck, slowly trailing back down towards his clavicle, nipping and sucking on the way.
“C’mon, don’t tease me like this.” Jake sighed, gripping the wheel tighter once more and resting his head back against the headrest exposing more of his neck to your hungry lips. You grinned against his warm skin before licking a slow stripe back up to his ear.
“Who said I was teasing you?” You spoke against his ear again as you slid your hand back up his crotch to the button on his jeans, popping it open. You pulled the zipper down slowly before reaching underneath the waistband of his boxers to wrap your hand around his base, giving him a light squeeze.
Jake’s foot pressed down on the gas at your action, the truck accelerating quickly before slowing back down. A grin danced onto your face at his reaction as you brought your hand up to your mouth. You licked from your palm up to your fingertips making sure to give Jake a good show.
Wrapping your hand around him again, your hand drew up and down his length, pumping him at a steady pace. “Careful Jakey, you don’t wanna get another ticket. You just got that license back.” You teased in his ear as your hand stroked him, base to tip, gripping him tighter on the way up. Once again sending the truck lurching forward.
You chuckled lightly at the power you held over him in this moment. Jake caught on to your enjoyment and took his foot off of the gas. The truck slowed down as he grinned wildly at you, maintaining an antagonizing slow speed.
“Let’s see how fast you wanna go, princess.” Your fun had quickly ended, realizing he fully intended to keep this same speed until you gave him what he wanted. While you would have loved to torture him more, your own need had only been growing. As your hand picked up speed and pressure, so did the truck, and after a minute or two, Jake was back to driving at full speed, your hand working him over.
It was taking everything in him to keep his hands on the wheel and steady as you stroked him faster and harder. A particular flick of your hand over his head sent the truck flying over the dividing line and onto the other side of the road. Jake jerked the wheel back to the right, guiding the vehicle into the correct lane with a hushed, “Fuck” under his breath. Deciding to test his limits even further, you leaned down hovering your mouth just above the tip before swirling your tongue softly around the head.
“Fuck, y/n.”
You felt the truck accelerate again, Jake sucking in a breath and gently pulling your hair out of your face to watch you. You let a trail of spit fall slowly from your mouth onto his dick before catching it with your tongue as it slid down his shaft. You licked back up to the tip to wrap your lips around him finally. Jake’s grip on your hair tightened as a groan tore through his chest at the lewd display you put on for him.
Your mouth sunk down on him, the tip lightly nudging the back of your throat before easing up and repeating the motion, taking in less of him than the first time. Bobbing up and down along his length, you could feel the arousal pooling between your legs, your aching need for relief increasing. You squeezed your thighs together tighter hoping to create some friction while continuing to pump your hand over what didn’t fit in your mouth. Jake’s frequent groans and curses flying out through his clenched teeth spurred you on more.
“Yeah, just like that, baby. You look so pretty with my cock in your mouth.” A light moan slipped from your throat sending vibrations around his dick. You rubbed your thighs together again, making your arousal known and applied more pressure with your hand.
“You like that? Like when I talk dirty to you?” You did your best to nod, but Jake didn’t seem satisfied with the notion.
“C’mon angel, use your words.”
You could hear the smugness in his voice mocking you. You tried your best to answer ‘yes’ around his dick, but it came out as choked, and muffled vibrations.
“Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that?” His hand in your hair gripped tighter, tugging at the roots and you could practically hear the smirk on his face. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to speak with a full mouth?” He chastised, and you couldn’t stop the moan that flew from your chest at his rough and cocky voice.
The sensation of your mouth vibrating around him threatened to send him over the edge, muscles twitching causing him to swerve off road a little. His hand left your hair, pulling on the steering wheel to avoid wrecking in the ditch on the side of the road. You pulled off of him, a string of spit connecting from the head to your bottom lip as the truck jerked around violently.
“Shit. Fuck.” Jake took a deep breath regaining control of the vehicle once again and began accelerating faster, eager to reach your destination.
Your hand returned to its previous state, easily sliding up and down his length due to your spit coating him thoroughly. Looking around you recognized that you were quickly approaching the spot out by the tracks. Jake laid on the gas harder, sending the speedometer well over 80 miles an hour.
“Someone’s eager.” You quipped once again, causing his body to shudder at the added stimulation of your breath against his ear.
“Shut up.” He huffed with a laugh keeping his eyes locked on the road so as to not miss the turn that was coming up. He pulled off onto the road that led to the tracks, and found the hidden spot tucked away behind a the trees.
You began to move your body as he parked, positioning yourself at an angle that would allow your right leg to cross over his hips to straddle him when he stopped your movements.
His right hand grabbed your chin while his left pushed your leg back down. “Ah-ah, not tonight. Not after all the teasing and getting me so worked up that I almost wreck my truck.” His mouth crackled in a sly smile, flashing a portion of his teeth. “Get in the back.” You shivered involuntarily at his gruff demand, excitement burning in your chest and between your legs.
He pulled your face closer to his, thumb running the length of your bottom lip, his tongue following after in a slow, languid swipe. Before pulling away completely, he pulled your lip between his teeth, biting down just enough to border the line between pain and pleasure earning a gasp from your throat. He shot you a wink before speaking again. “Better get back there, baby. You’ve toyed with me enough tonight, I think it’s time you got yours.”
His left palm came down on the outside of your right thigh, a loud crack sounding in the small space. You let out another gasp as you winced slightly before a grin settled on your face, Jake grinning back at you. You shifted over to the passenger side of the truck to pull the center console down before climbing over it into the backseat. Just as you were making your way over the console, you felt Jake’s hand slap against your left cheek, igniting a fire in your core at the feeling of the sting his hand left behind.
He was right behind you climbing in the back seat and sitting in the middle. Once again you moved to straddle him as he settled, but Jake clearly had other plans, stopping your movements to hook his index fingers into the top of your shorts. You lifted your hips off the seat to allow him to pull them and your underwear down in one swipe. His right hand rested on your ankle while the left gripped your hip. Slowly he ran his fingers up your calf to your thigh where he gently spread your legs open to him. A teasing smirk played on his lips as his eyes landed on your dripping core.
“Tell me, Princess,” His index and middle fingers trailed lightly up your slit to your clit, gathering the wetness that had pooled there. “Do you taste as sweet as I remember?”
He held his fingers up between you, your slick glistening on them in the faded moonlight. “Open.” He instructed, tone firm. You obeyed and opened your mouth allowing his fingers to rest against your tongue. You closed your lips and hummed around his fingers, licking and sucking yourself off of him. He watched through half-lidded eyes in awe, lips parted and pulled into a light grin.
He slowly pulled his fingers from your closed lips, watching as they slid out. “That’s what I thought. Are you gonna be a good girl and lean over the console so I can have a taste?” You gave a silent nod in reply.
“Use your words, baby.”
“Y-yes.” You stuttered out with another nod. You got up to stand between his legs that were spread open across from the console.
“Yes what?”
His hands rubbed the outside of your bare thighs while you leaned over the black leather of the console laying your head on your crossed arms.
“Yes, daddy.” You cooed, earning a groan from Jake. His right hand came down on your ass once again, harder than the last making your walls flutter. Jake soothed the red mark on your ass by softly running his hand over the stinging flesh, his dick growing harder at the sight of your pussy clenching around nothing.
Not being able to resist any longer, he leaned forward, tongue meeting your swollen lips in a quick lick before blowing lightly. Your eyes rolled back and your body shuddered at the sensation his cool breath provided to your heated core.
“Just as sweet as I remember.” He hummed into the open air.
His tongue dove back between your folds, teasing your entrance before pulling away once again. You heard a sound akin to spitting just before his wet fingers found purchase on your clit, drawing tight circles. You had barely registered the way his fingers worked your clit when his tongue ran through your parted slit. His tongue danced around your entrance teasingly before sliding in fully.
You could feel the imaginary band begin to tighten, head fuzzy and legs shaking as Jake continued to fuck you with his tongue, fingers rubbing against your clit. Your breath was hot and labored against the cool leather of the console underneath your upper half. Moans and curses flew from your mouth, quickly approaching your climax.
Jake withdrew his tongue from you to replace it with his middle and ring fingers, stretching you further. A gasp caught in your throat quickly cut off by a breathy, “Fuck Jake,” leaving your mouth. His fingers withdrew from you, earning another smack to your ass at the use of his name. He guided his tongue back up and down your dripping cunt.
“Try again, baby girl.” He mumbled against you, the added stimulation hurling you faster to your climax.
You opened your mouth to correct yourself, when you heard a noise come from outside the truck.
“What was that?” You whispered, reaching back to pull his hand away from you. Jake pulled away slightly to listen for what you heard, but it was silent.
“Must’ve been the wind. No one knows where we are.” He returned his attention back to your pussy waving off whatever you heard.
Seconds later you heard a loud thud. Your head whipped up on instinct, looking straight out the windshield. Your heart dropped in your stomach, a lump forming in your throat, eyes wide, body rigid. “OH MY GOD!” Your hands flew behind you to push Jake away before he could question what happened.
“That’s my dad outside the car! Oh my god.” You cried out in a hushed yell.
You hurriedly maneuvered your body back into a sitting position in the backseat while trying to stay hidden, hoping to god that your dad didn’t actually see you. He was parked about thirty feet away, walking towards Jake’s truck.
“Shit.” Jake climbed back over the console you had just been laying against. You tried your best to put your underwear and shorts back on in your panic-stricken state as Jake made to get the two of you out of there.
“Oh fuck me!”
“The keys! They’re not in the ignition!” Jake looked around for them, patting the seats and his pockets before spotting them laying on the floorboard of the driver’s side.
“Found ‘em. They must’ve wound up on the floor while we were switchin our positions.”
He stuck the keys in the ignition as your dad approached closer to the vehicle. The engine came to life and Jake threw the truck in reverse creating more distance between the two of you and your dad. You stayed ducked down in the back seat as he turned the truck around and headed back out on the main road.
“Holy fucking shit! I am so dead!” You climbed back over the console as Jake sped in a direction you didn’t recognize. You eyed him quizzically.
“Jake, where are we going?”
“Well I can’t take you back home. Obviously they knew you were missing. It would be suspicious if you showed up now.” He kept his eyes on the road, hand waving about as he talked. “I’ll just sneak you into my house for the night and you can say you stayed over at Candice’s house or something.”
“But they’ll recognize your truck when you drop me off?”
“Not if I take my sister’s car they won’t.” He threw a wink at you along with a knowing smirk speeding down the dark road.
The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a few moments until Jake chuckled loudly to himself.
“What’s so funny?” You rolled your eyes, turning your body to face him, and pulling your legs up on the seat beside you to sit at an angle.
“Say your dad did see you,” He laughed lightly as he thought about what he was about to say,
“Think I could convince him it was your mouth I was kissing?”
taglist: @malany-gvf @dannyandthekiszkas @gretasimp @popejosh4ever
add yourself to my taglist!
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bubuslutty · 1 year
Day 6: you wanna be the Queencard?
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this is part 6, all parts
pairing: angel/demon!fem reader x 141
word count: 2.5k
tags: fluff, poor attempt at humour (help), no use of y/n, 3rd person pov, proofread by me so sorry for any mistakes
warnings: none
summary: Price notices changes + Angel invites Soap to hang out <3
a/n: special thanks to my first ever beta reader @whore4dilfs! Feedback means lots to me and gives me boosts of motivation <3 
Please consider reblogging if you enjoyed this chapter/serie, means lots 💖
the title of this part is taken from this song.
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Price wasn't stupid. He has eyes and can notice when people slowly start to change.
Since they have moved into the little home in London for work under Laswell’s watchful eyes, their new neighbour has been nothing but a pleasant surprise. At first, it was fun you know? Oh look, we have a hot neighbour and she’s nice! Angel would sometimes be talked about when they were having dinner, the men casually talking about how her cat almost ruined her flowers and she shouted at her. Or how last Saturday she almost tripped and fell face first when taking out the trash, or how she gets her laundry from the garden wearing nothing but a stupid t-shirt and pair of underwear.
Price is a gentleman, he tries his best not to stare, not to let his eyes linger on her when she’s out and about or greets him when he’s smoking in the garden. But she’s so fucking pretty, it’s frustrating at this point, how she manages to make his breath stutter every time he sees her. She could be wearing an old Minnie Mouse t-shirt, a pair of shorts and yellow Crocs with gardening gloves, dirty and sweating under the sun and digging up weeds and Price would always get caught staring at her, his cigar forgotten between his fingers.
He feels like a teenager all over again. He’s not a virgin for fuck sake. And he had his fair share of hookups here and there along with (failed) relationships. But he still catches himself staring at her lips when she’s laughing at something Soap said, throwing her head back and screeching with laughter. And she seems to not mind his men’s antics, either.
She doesn’t ask about their scars, doesn’t comment on Ghost's clothing choices or how he wears a mask 24/7 and never asks why she should call him Ghost either. She never asked them intrusive questions, not even when they were comfortable, bellies full of wine and warm under the sun on random afternoons. Angel hasn’t made any of his men or himself uncomfortable, not even once, and that’s terrifying because it’s so easy to get comfortable and open with her. It makes him want to talk about things he only keeps to himself. She makes him want to sit and ramble about what he’d do once he’s old and retired, maybe he’ll buy a boat, or a house up north, or move to Spain or to Morocco.
One fine Tuesday, Price was sitting on the sofa, scrolling on his phone while Gaz was curled up next to him, reading a random webcomic on his phone when their doorbell rang.
Gaz frowned, looking up at Price, "Are we expecting someone, today?" 
"No." Price shook his head. 
"I'll get it!" Soap exclaimed, skipping 3 steps and jumping down the stairs, wearing a tank top and a pair of comfortable shorts with little dog-printed socks. Initially, Soap thought it must be one of his packages that came earlier than expected, but once he opened the door he realised it wasn't the mailman but their hot neighbour. 
And she was absolutely soaked from head to toe, it was raining so hard outside that Soap accidentally got rain inside their house, wetting the floor under his feet
"I locked myself out. Can I please come in until the rain stops?" Angel asked, embarrassed and hair sticking to her neck and face. 
"Holy shit, yeah, of course!" Soap quickly moved to the side, allowing her to step inside their warm house and locked the door behind her. 
Angel stood there awkwardly, her clothes sticking to her skin as she shivered and looked at Soap with her wet eyelashes clumped together.
"What the hell happened to you?" Price said as soon as he saw her, sitting up properly.
"Got rained on, and uhm, I locked myself out," Angel said, squirming with embarrassment, her hands clutching the ends of her short skirt.
"Jesus…" He sighed and stood up, "Gaz, get her something to change into, and Soap, give her a towel and show her to the bathroom."
"You don't have to!" Angel quickly said, still dripping water next to their door, refusing to take a step in any direction. 
Price gave her an unimpressed look, "Really? You're dripping water all over the floor and you'll get sick." 
Angel pursed her lips and watched Price walk to the kitchen, turning on the kettle and preparing ginger tea for her.
Soap brought her a big towel, to wrap herself into and get to the bathroom, where Gaz handed her the smallest t-shirt he could find, a zip-up hoodie and a pair of shorts.
"I tried my best, I know none of this will fit but yeah-" Gaz mumbled, scratching the back of his neck and Angel smiled, shivering under the towel. 
"Thank you, Gaz." 
"No worries." He smiled and left her to change and dry up in the bathroom.
"Oh yeah," He stopped in his tracks and walked up to the bathroom's door, knocking twice, "Take a hot shower, you'll get warmer that way!" 
"Okay!" Angel said behind the door, wrestling with her wet skirt to pull it down.
"Are you sure I need all of this?..." Angel asked, blowing on the mug containing the tea Price made her. 
"Angel, shut up." Price sighed, sitting next to her on the sofa. 
Angel was wrapped in a giant fluffy blanket, wearing military-grade warm socks, with a warm water bottle placed behind her back and a big mug of tea in her hands. 
"Damn, alright…" Angel rolled her eyes and took a sip of her tea, feeling it warm her body from the inside out.
Gaz sat down next to Price, curling up next to him and this time grabbing the remote control, looking for something to put in as background noise. 
Soap also came back down, but with Ghost this time, literally dragging him by the sleeve and making him sit down, curling next to him and throwing a leg over one of his ridiculously thick and strong thighs.
Angel noticed all of this but didn't say anything.
"So, how did ya lock yourself out?" Soap finally asked. 
"I was rushing and forgot my keys," Angel said, already annoyed at how she would need to call someone to unlock her door for her. 
"Went somewhere special? You looked nice." Soap said, making her smile. 
"Yeah, I went for coffee with a friend. And I bought a new ring!" She said and stuck out her hand to show him. 
Soap's eyes immediately sparkled with interest at the ring she showed him. Ghost glanced at him and at the silver ring she was showing him, and knew Johnny liked jewellery, especially silver.
Soap grabbed her hand and he leaned forward, "That's beautiful, where did you get it from?" 
The ring was silver with small pink and purple rocks on it, forming a little skull, obviously mimicking the tag on Kuromi's collar.
"This store is 20 minutes away from here by train! They have so many things and almost everything is unisex! I'll send you the address if you want?" Angel said, excited to be sharing something she found with him.
"I dinnae have your number though?" Soap realised. 
"Oh yeah," Angel was confused, with the number of times they've spoken and hung out, how come they don't have each other's numbers already?
"Alright, give me your number and I'll add you to our group chat so you can save their numbers as well, okay?" Soap said, taking out his phone and handing it to her. 
Angel typed in her number and saved her contact under 'Angel 👹'
When she handed him back his phone he snorted, "What type of emoji is that?"
"It's a demon!" She said with a grin and he laughed, shrugging it off.
The conversation was light and easy, they talked about random mundane things until Angel’s attention was stolen by the TV, she stared at the big screen with her mouth open and forgot to finish her sentence.
She snorted, and Gaz tilted his side to the side, “What’s up?”
“That’s you, John.” Angel pointed at the screen, where a big brown bear was napping under a tree on its back. Gaz and Soap started giggling like school girls at Price’s expression. Ghost on the other hand let out a small snort and pulled at the strings of his hoodie, trying to hide himself from his captain.
Price leaned forward, putting his hands on his knees and squinting at the screen like an old man, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“That’s literally exactly how you nap in the garden sometimes, and it’s cute!” Angel said, still laughing at his face.
“That’s not true, I literally have no idea what you’re talking about, the sun must’ve messed up with your head.” He said, shrugging and refusing to meet her eyes.
“John, stop playing, it’s you!” Angel whined, shaking his arm and making Gaz laugh harder.
“If I’m that bear, you’re that one.” He said, pointing at the TV. Angel glanced at the TV and saw a small cub falling on its face and getting a mouthful of dirt. She gasped at his audacity, “No, I’m not!”
“I have seen you almost trip outside when taking out the trash, 3 times already.” Price teased her, looking at her with a small smirk.
“And you laugh at a lady instead of preserving her reputation? How dare you, John!” Angel said with a hand on her chest and falling back on Soap with a hand against her forehead.
“That is not a way to treat a proper lady, John. Apologise!” Soap said, lower lip dramatically wobbling and cradling her head in his arms. 
“I’ll think about it.” Price chuckled at their antics and Gaz gasped, “Oh my days, you’re actually the worst.” 
“And yet, you still love me.” Price sighed.
“Unfortunately.” Gaz rolled his eyes and placed a kiss on the Captain’s temple before standing up and walking to the kitchen, to get himself a snack.
“I think your clothes should be dry now,” Soap said, opening the tumble dryer’s door and watching Angel bend down to inspect her clothes.
“They are, thanks.” She grabbed the clothes and placed them on top of the dryer, closing the door with one hand.
Soap watched Angel fold her clothes in a neat pile and her skirt caught his attention. It was a pretty short brown pleated skirt, and he couldn’t stop himself from reaching out to run his hand on the soft fabric. Angel stopped and stared at Soap’s entranced and focused face.
“Nice, isn’t it?” She smiled and he snapped back into reality, retrieving his hand to himself.
“What fabric is that?” He asked and Angel just stared at him, “I actually don’t know…”
“Wait, maybe it says on the tag inside.” She exclaimed and quickly grabbed the skirt, flipping it inside out and frowning, when it was nowhere to be seen, “Oh shit, I must’ve removed it and forgot, sorry Soap.”
If there’s one thing Soap can tell you he likes about the woman, is that she dresses well. Her personal style is so cool and unique to him, every time she’s about to leave for work, he stops and admires her choice of clothes for the day. At first, it embarrassed him, how much he enjoys clothes and colours and fashion, but then it took years of working through internalised self-hatred for him to enjoy ‘womanly’ things without feeling like utter shit about it in the comfort of his own room. Thanks, Dad for the trauma <3
“If you want, I can try to figure out where I bought it from and buy you one? So we can match?” Angel asked, grinning and holding the skirt up in her hands.
Soap’s eyes widened a bit and he quickly spluttered, “No, you dinnae have to! Please, don’t bother.”
“You don’t like the skirt?” Angel’s smile fell.
“No, I do! It's just you dinnae have to bother buying me one, It won’t suit me.” He said, laughing and scratching his arm, no humour behind his laugh, if anything it was tainted with embarrassment and a hint of shame.
Angel’s eyes softened, “Soap, what makes you think it won’t suit you? Have you seen your thighs and tiny -excuse my language- slutty waist?”
Soap blushed bright red and barked out a laugh, “What the shite, Angel?!”
“It’s true! Don’t tell me Ghost has never told you this before?” Angel asked, tilting her head to the side.
Soap took a sharp inhale through his nose and slammed the door of the kitchen shut, “What makes you think he-”
“The man’s practically obsessed with your thighs, every time you sit next to him his hands glue themselves to them, especially when you’re wearing shorts. And I don’t even blame him, you have killer thighs. In my opinion, it’s a crime you have to wear trousers-” Angel said, waving her hands and the skirt around, and Soap almost died and closed her mouth with his palm before he could stop himself.
“Hmm??” Angel hummed behind his palm, eyes wide.
“You want to buy me a skirt? Okay, just- just don’t–” Soap said, letting out a shaky breath and slowly removing his hand from her mouth.
Angel blinked up at him with big shiny eyes, feeling the borrowed shorts slowly slide down her hips. “Are you free next Wednesday?” She asked and quickly reached down the tie the short’s strings tighter to stop them from sliding down.
“Yeah, why?”
“Let’s play dress up at mine,” Angel said, grinning up at Soap.
“You want to-”
“Let’s hang out, and I’ll show you my jewellery collection,” Angel added with a small smirk, raising her brows.
Soap gaped at her like a fish, his mouth agape, and groaned, throwing his head back, “Fine, At what time?”
“How about 3 in the afternoon?”
“I’ll bring snacks.” Soap nodded, feeling an odd soup of excitement and anxiety brew in his stomach.
“Perfect, see you then, Soap.” Angel winked and grabbed the collar of his shirt, dragging him down to place a kiss on his cheek and happily skipped out of the kitchen.
“PRICE, CAN YOU UNLOCK MY DOOR NOW, PLEASE?” He heard Angel call out in the living room and leaned against the tumble dryer, glancing down at his thighs in his shorts. He chuckled and shrugged, “I do have killer thighs.”
Outside in front of Angel’s front door, Price was squatting in front of the lock, picking at it with some tool Angel has never seen before she gasped when a small click was heard and Price pulled the doorknob down, opening it.
Price stood up and turned to her, “Here we go, now go look for those keys, to make sure they’re actually inside.”
Angel raised a brow, “Should I be worried you can unlock my doors?...” 
“No, why? Are you hiding something?” Price asked, with a hand on his hip, wearing a small smirk.
“Of course not.”
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romanarose · 11 months
If You Wanna Be Wild: Chapter 4
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Co-written with @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
Javier Peña x Latina!sex worker!informant!Reader x Santiago Garcia
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Summary: Javier confronts Santi, but Candy has Santi's back; we get a little insight into Santi's childhood and what makes him this way.
Content and warnings for whole fic, not chapter by chapter unless something is added: Sex work, drug trade, some drug use/pressured used, sex workers and the mistreatment/stigma surrounding them specifically in the 70’s (my blog is sex worker positive) but ima put potential dub con depending how you look at it as a sex worker who works with dangerous men, some action surrounding reader and the guys and the drug trade, SMUT HEAVY, corruption kink (were corrupting santi here, he’s young, 25), no loss of virginity tho, threesomes, some slight m/m smut but that’s not the focus here, but as you know this blog is an lgbt blog so I’m always open to gay shit. Talk of war and some PTSD but I won't be going a whole lot into it.
For the record, this is a fic that takes place in the drug trade and deals with the darker side of humanity, so anything from Narco's and Triple Frontier is liable to be discussed or mentioned here. This is your warning. This is not a dark fic nor is it centered around dark themes like Leather and Lace or Sunshine Starlight Sweetheart Brightside, but they are open to be talked about.
Reader has a nick name: Candy. Not her real name just what she goes by on her profession. Much of the inspo for this and for the title came from the Bruce Springsteen song “Candy’s room” so check it out for the vibes.
Reader speaks Spanish and had hair. I've decided Candy is just latina bc she's a sex worker in Colombia so this is what I'm doing. Reader also has curly hair and dark skin.
ADDITIONAL WARNING!: I'm adding implied covert incest to the warnings. If you don't know what it is, it's NOT the same as physical/sexual, its where the child has a relationship with a parent that is more like spouses than parent/child. I'll leave more to google. In the context of this fic, Santi's mom parentified Santi, made him the "man of the house", treated him like a husband and relied on him to help pay bills.
Thank you as always to my beloved Fen <3 I couldn't do this without your encouragement.
A short 1.8 words
Support writers! Reblog and comment!
“GARCIA!” Javi chased after the young man, running down the stairs. Santi moved fast with his youth, but Javi’s longer legs gained an advantage, skipping stairs and eventually catching Santi and slamming him against the wall.
“I’m sorry!”
“You’re damn right you are! How did you get her number?”
“Your book!”
“You’re going through my shit, Garcia?”
Candy’s voice rang at the top of the stairs, her robe and wild curls flowing as she transcended down the stairs. “Let him go!” 
Javi backed up, letting go of Santi’s shirt with a shove. “You stay the hell away from her!” He said to Santiago.
“Excuse me?” Candy stood in front of Santi, crossing her arms over her robe to protect her modesty, for whatever that was worth. “He is my client, and if he wants to see me, he can see me! You don’t own me!”
Jaci sighed, pinching at the bridge of his nose with a huff. “That’s not what I meant. He’s a DEA agent-”
“And you aren’t?”
“He’s not going to be careful! Candy, you sleep with dangerous men, men we are after! If he’s not subtle, you both end up dead!”
“And screaming out his name in my stairwell is being subtle?” 
Javi didn’t have a response, chewing on his cheeks and Santi tried to excuse himself. “I’m just, I’m going to go.” But Candy caught his hand. 
“Santi, sweetheart, it’s okay, we can go back upstairs. You paid me, sweetie.”
He was still avoidant. “No, it’s okay, I reserved the time, I-I’ll just go… yeah- fuck,” he shook his head and tried to go.
Santi pulled away again, but Candy held on: tight but gentle. 
Javi tried to nudge him on. “Go on out of here-”
“I’m sorry-” Santi tried to apologize to the floor when the door opened, and an old woman in a black lace vale shuffled in.
Candy dropped Santi’s hand in favor of wrapping her robe better. “Hola, Señora Perez.”
The old woman eyes Santi and Javi, then looks at Candy. “You alright here, mija?”
With a soft smile, Candy assures her. “Si, Señora, gracias. El,” She nodded to Javi with a glare. “él se va.”
Señora Perez nodded, placing a withered hand on Candy’s shoulder and turning her away from the two boys. “Mija, have I ever told you about my grandson?”
Candy held back a laugh. “No, Señora.”
“He’s a nice young man, a church going boy.” She touched the cross around her neck. “If I may offer some advice, I would suggest you find some different company.” She glanced at Santi and Javi who both avoided her eyes, then back to Candy’s expensive, flowing robe. “And perhaps some more clothes.” Señora Perez patted Candy’s shoulder and moved on towards her door.
Candy muttered “Garcias, Senora” and everyone waited in silence until her apartment door was closed before Candy turned to Santi, as soothing as ever. “Would you like to come back upstairs with me?”
Santi seemed to be considering it when Javier butted in. “Garcia, don’t you fucking-”
“Enough! You are not in charge of him!” Candy shouted before grabbing Javi’s arm and pulling him out the front door and closing it behind her. “What are you doing?” She asked, unsure why Javi was acting this way. 
But Javi didn’t know himself. He wasn’t an idiot, he knew she saw other men. Hell, he saw plenty of other women himself. Was it that he saw Candy with another man? Was it that the man was Santi? Or was it what he was claiming, that Santiago couldn’t be careful, that he couldn’t protect her? Yeah that was it. It certainly wasn’t the bubbling jealous at the idea that Santi was fucking her, holding her, that she kissed his plush lips- uh, that he kissed her plush lips. No, Javier Peña was jealous. 
Instead of divulging all this, Javi diverted. “What are you doing with him? He’s just a kid.”
She scoffed at him. “He’s 25, plenty old enough.”
“Yeah, old enough to get sex from bars, or a nice girlfriend not-” Javi stopped, but it was too late.
She cocked an eyebrow at him. “A prostitute? You can say it, Javi. I’m aware of my job title.” 
“Candy, baby, that’s not what I meant-”
Candy rolled her eyes, her hand reaching for the door. “Call me whenever, Javi, but you leave that boy alone.”
She opened the door and Javi only got a peak at Santi, connecting eyes before the door shut in Javi’s face as he took a step forward.
Santi watched as Javi walked towards the door, and when it shut he was certain Javi would open it… but he didn’t, and eventually the sound of descending footsteps signaled he left.
“Santiago? Can I call you that now?” She asked as she approached him carefully, with that soft smile that always put Santi at ease. Santi kept looking at the door. “I knew that was your name, before. Knew you worked for the DEA, didn’t know you were Javi’s partner.”
Finally, Santi turned toward her. “Can we not talk about him?”
“Sure. Would you like to go back upstairs with me?” Candy extended her hand that Santi took. She smiled wider. “Let’s go, handsome.”
As they ascended the stairs, Santi’s nerves were through the roof. He felt guilt, like he’d been caught. Santi never got caught before, because he’s never done anything wrong. The pressure from such a young age to be good, to do right, to be the man of the house… it carried over. Santi got his first job at 8 with a paper route he held for years until he found a less than legal job at 13 in a kitchen. The job had so many health code violations and safety hazards, Santi’s arms and legs were burned and cut with scars he now passed off as from the military. He had wounds from there too, but that was primarily the scar down his neck from the bullet that almost killed him, and a few in the chest that went straight through. Frankie said the 4th bullet you don’t even really notice anymore. Santi’s fourth bullet he didn’t feel because he thought he was dead.
All his life he’d needed to do right. His older sister, she was the problem child, the one causing mami problems… Santi loved her too. Elena had her own troubles, their father leaving severely affected her and she sought out that healing from men way too old for her. By the time she entered college, she was a full blown feminist and was teaching Santi all she knew. For his sister’s part, Elena was insistent that Santi be a good man. He learned a lot of valuable lessons about consent and how to treat a woman, not that he had much opportunity to use it.
Santi had become the man of the house when their dad left, his mother treating him like a husband some days. She called him her esposito; her little husband. She’d stay up late at night with him on the couch talking, talking to him about how his father did her wrong, her troubles at work or church… Sometimes it made him feel special, but often it just made him feel worried. He felt like all the problems were his to fix. Elena got into college on scholarship. She’d been a part of a women’s group and had worked hard to save up… Every dime Santi made in his youth went to his mom, so when it came time for adulthood, he couldn’t afford the luxury of college. Santi enlisted in the army at 17, sending home chunks of his paycheck to his mom until the day she died.
The pressure to be good, to be right, to never mess up even the slightest… it manifested in anxiety that Santiago pushed down and down and down… it was bubbling up right now, gurgling in his stomach and in the bile at his throat.
Mami would not approve. She was violently against Elena’s premarital sex, and had told him he could not be like her. God forbid she knew he was seeing a prostitute. Did she know? Was she watching him? Did she know of all the meet ups they'd had this month? Elena wouldn’t approve either, she thought prostitution was degrading to women and that men that sought out prostitutes were objectifying them… this act with Candy was desecrating the two opinions he valued most.
But he didn’t want to stop.
“Do you want to have sex, or would you rather just talk?”
Santi turned to her, confused at that statement. “I thought… do you…”
Her smile changed from soft and assuring to bright and joyful. “Talk? Yes Santiago I can do more than suck dick.”
Panic swept through him. He didn’t want her to think of him like that. She was special to him. He wasn’t stupid, he knew they weren’t dating, but he didn’t just value her for her body. “No! Oh god no, Candy I don’t think of you like that, fuck- you’re- I”
“Santiago.” She placed her comforting hands on his shoulder, a hunt of worry in her eyes. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m just teasing you. Breathe, can you do that for me? In your nose, out your mouth…”
Santi did as she said, and slowly calmed down. “I’m sorry, I just…” When she cocked an eyebrow in concern again, Santi collected his thoughts better. “I enjoy your company. P-physical or not.”
Her reassuring smile was back. “Well I’m glad. I enjoy yours too.”
“You’re just saying that.”
“No I’m not.” She frowned ever-so slightly, but unlike his mother he didn’t automatically feel like the frown was his fault or his problem to fix. “Santiago…” Candy took his hand, leading him to the small loveseat and sitting down. “I have a lot of different kinds of men here. I hope that isn’t shocking to say, but I do.” With a gentle nudge to his shoulder, Santi smiled again. “You’d be surprised how many men just want to talk. It’s a lot of them. Before or after sex, but sometimes that’s all we do. I like talking to them, getting to know them. And Santi?” She kissed his cheek and giggled at the tickle of his mustache. “I like getting to know you.”
So Santi stayed there with Candy curled up and lying against his chest on the love seat, just talking. She calmed him. He liked being with her, just being. He knew it was an act, at least part of it. She was paid to be here… but Santi couldn’t help feeling for her, wanting to be with her… With Candy, Santi felt like he could actually be himself, he could be that version of himself he was with Frankie, Benny, Will, and slowly but surely Javi, even if today set him back. Fuck, what was Javi going to say at work tomorrow? Would he yell at him again, get him fired for soliciting prostitutes or for going through his things, would he request a new partner- Santi’s finger wrapped around one of Candy’s curls, carefully letting the lock slip through his fingers as to not to mess them up… he found himself grounded again. That could wait until tomorrow. Candy mattered now.
Check out the playlist!!! Lots of fleetwood mac and eagles!
Prescious baby Santi <3
Now tell me...
please tell me why in the comments and reblogs! I love to here your thoughts on who had better chemistry, who would work better, who needs to work on themselves etc bc they both got their issues, Javi is a sad slut and Santi is a sad baby.
Thank you so so much for reading!!!
And I want to add, to all my readers effect by the war, whether you or your family or friends, I'm praying for your safety. I don't know how much that means to you, but it's what I have <3
@runa-falls @lunar-ghoulie @campingwiththecharmings@whatthefishh @persephone-girl @criticalarchitecture @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @beelzebeth87 @pimosworld @millerscoffee @heareball @thatwonderouswoman @poolboo @meveispunk @lovable-liar @millllenniawrites @read-and-wip @missdictatorme @the-fox-den @milkymoon2483 @k-ra @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @rosellacwrites @legendary-pink-dot @dreamingofbucky @axshadows @englandsgray @starsthatwatch @fairlyang @alwaysmicado @theywhowriteandknowthings @casa-boiardi @lostfleur @ninebluehearts @puglover12 @sub-aro @laiisleitte @itspdameronthings @heareball @comfortlessjoy @csarab615 @calaveramangonda @bit-dodgy-innit @stevngrant @nanfafnan @kirsteng42
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scoopsahoy · 2 years
hey renee! I know you haven't been active for a little bit but whenever you do come back i have a fanfic request. maybe something where you and eddie have been dating in secret because your parents are stuck up and care about their reputation, but they find out and make you break up with him. but you love each other so much that you wanna get married someday. then he shows up at your house and the two of y'all fuck and it's so gentle and loving. preferably from a woman's pov. thanks!
ぺ  word count ⋰ 2.6k
✰  tw ⋰ none :)
❍  cw ⋰ swearing, sex + fingering, top!reader, dirty talk, oral (female receiving)
✐  masterlist
It’d been a long week in Hawkins without Eddie. The two of you thought you did a good job of hiding your relationship and being as secretive as possible, but you’d gotten caught by your mom, who walked in on you on top of him in just your bra and underwear.
Considering you had to keep your relationship from them, you weren’t surprised that you got yelled at for being with him, despite both of you being twenty years old. They had always been concerned with their social standing, and they didn’t like that he lived in a trailer, that he had tattoos and long hair, that he listened to rock music and played electric guitar, or that he didn’t get straight A’s. They told you in front of him that if their daughter was dating someone “like him”, it would destroy their reputation.
Breaking up with him was the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do. You’d never felt this way about anyone, and the two of you had even talked about your future and possibly getting married which, for him, was a big deal. He’d said a few times that he’d been mostly against marriage for himself, believing it to be an unnecessary and stupid method to profess your love for someone and that it was something he was never interested in until he met you.
And, unbeknownst to you, he’d even gotten his grandmother’s ring and kept it in his sock drawer until just the right moment. The two of you were only twenty, so he had plenty of time to pop the question, but he wanted to be prepared.
Driving home with your passenger seat empty had been a strange feeling all week. Eddie was usually there, air-guitaring along to whatever song was playing on the radio or cassette he chose, usually Metallica.
But he wasn’t in your passenger seat tonight. Instead, he’d spent all week in bed, which concerned his uncle Wayne. He’d been broken up with by the woman who made his heart skip a beat when he thought of her, or who made him want to cry with pure love.
And he decided that this relationship wasn’t over just because your parents were more concerned about their public image than their daughter’s happiness. He knew that your parents worked the night shift and that you were the only one home, meaning that he wouldn’t have to confront them if he showed up.
So he took a deep breath before jumping in his van and speeding over to your house.
You were folding clothes on your bed when you heard the front door open and shut, assuming it was one of your parents coming home early from work. You wiped the tears staining your cheeks and hoped to avoid a long, self-preserving conversation with one of them.
Your door opened and you heard footsteps enter the room a few seconds before the door shut again.
“If you’re here to tell me that this is what’s best for the family and that you only did this to protect me, I’m not interested,” you stated as you put a shirt on a hanger.
“No, I’m not here for that.”
You turned around to see Eddie standing there, his hands in his pockets. You could tell that he’d also been crying, something he didn’t do much of.
“Eddie,” you whispered. You looked at each other for a moment before you turned back around, continuing to work on the pile of clothes. In your normal voice, you said, “You shouldn’t be here.”
He couldn’t see your face, but he continued talking. “I know.” He slowly began walking over to you, stopping when he was a few feet away.
“We can’t see each other anymore.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it.”
You hesitated. “Trust me. I know.”
“Y/N… I can’t do this.”
“Do what?”
“This. Break up. Neither of us wants this.”
“Yeah, well, my parents give more of a shit about what the public thinks about them than what I want. Just like when I was growing up and they would buy me stupid expensive clothes and gifts for my birthday and holidays instead of the ones I wanted so they could pretend they were rich. It wasn’t for me, and it wasn’t even for them. It was for everyone else, to impress them. And now they’re trying to control who I’m with so they can impress everyone else.”
“You’re an adult. You can decide who you’re with.”
“It’s not that simple, Eddie.”
“Why not?”
You shook your head. “It just isn’t.”
He moved closer, placing his hands on your upper arms. You froze, dropping the pair of jeans you were folding.
He turned you around and lifted your chin to make you look into his eyes.
“I love you,” he whispered. “I fell in love with you as soon as I met you. When you helped me find my class freshman year. You remember that?” You nodded. “What about when you invited me over to eat lunch with you because we were both alone? Remember that?”
“Yeah. I remember.” Your voice was quiet now, almost apologetic. “I remember all of it.”
“What about when you recruited members for Hellfire?” You nodded. “And you helped me really understand how to play Dungeons & Dragons?”
“I remember.”
“Me too. I remember all of it like it was yesterday. I remember realizing I was in love with you even though I swore I would never fall in love. I thought love was dumb and for people who settled. But you changed my mind. You did that. You singlehandedly changed my opinion on love and marriage and all that sappy shit. And now all I want to do is spend the rest of my life with you.”
You gripped his face with both hands and pulled him in for a kiss, feeling a tear drip down your cheek. His hands landed on your back and drew your torso in closer to him. You kissed him for a few more seconds before pulling away, putting a few inches between the two of you.
His expression turned sad, his eyes growing gentle.
“I’m sorry, Eddie. I just… I can’t.” You slowly spun back around, wiping your cheek. You crossed your arms, letting out a silent sob and sniffling. “You should go.” It felt like someone stuck a dagger through your heart as you said that, and it only made you cry harder.
He closed the gap between you, his hands gently gripping your sides.
“I’ve known you for a few years now, and I know when you’re lying.”
He was right. Your words told him to leave, but your heart yearned for him, and it felt like it would beat out of your chest.
He pulled the hair off of your left shoulder and pressed his lips to your neck. Your eyes automatically shut as you let out a shaky breath. Instinctively, you laid your head back on his shoulder.
His arms wrapped around you, the palm of one of his hands laid flat against your ribs, the other laid flat above your belly button. Your arms settled on top of his and you gripped them by his wrists.
“Eddie,” you whispered, almost in a moan. His kisses trailed up to your jaw, and then to your cheek. “Please.”
You weren’t sure what you were asking for, but he seemed to know. His right hand reached down to untie the drawstring of your shorts before slipping inside of them, and you let out a soft gasp as his fingers pressed to the spot where you needed his touch the most.
Your hips bucked backward, your ass pressing into his crotch. One of your hands gripped the arm around your ribs, and the other held onto the one whose hand was in your pants.
Your jaw slowly dropped and your breath quickened as he continued kissing your neck. His fingers were moving slowly, almost too slow. It made your entire body feel like it was on fire, and you could feel yourself getting wetter by the second.
“Fuck,” you whimpered, grinding into his hand. “Faster, please. I need- shit. I need you to go faster.”
He pulled his hand away and you pouted for a few seconds before he spun you around. His hands slid to the backs of your thighs and he picked you up, and your legs wrapped around him. He lowered you down onto the bed, swiping his hand into the laundry, sending most of it flying onto the floor.
You pulled your shirt over your head and tossed it in the same direction as the other clothes. His lips immediately attached themselves to your chest and left wet kisses on your skin. He hooked his fingers under your shorts and pulled them and your underwear off in one move, dropping them somewhere on the floor. You scooted up the bed and rotated so your head laid on the pillow and he could also lay comfortably.
He kissed up your inner thighs, his hands gripping the tops of them. The closer he got to your clit, the more the lack of friction made you want to scream.
You knew he knew how to tease you, but right now all you wanted was him.
The second he touched his tongue to the oh-so-sensitive bud, you melted under him. You shakily moaned and closed your eyes, throwing your head back.
“Fuck,” you whispered.
One of your hands reached down and tangled itself in his hair, and the other held onto one of his. He stared up at you, watching you writhe in pleasure.
He always loved eating you out, and had even told you that it was his favorite thing to do to you. He loved being able to make you feel so good with just his mouth, and he really loved seeing you after three or four orgasms when you were in a state of euphoria and how much you soaked the bedsheets.
So he was a little bit surprised when you stopped him.
“I need you inside me,” you begged. “Please.”
You sat up slightly as he stripped and turned over to reach into your nightstand, pulling out a condom and opening it for him. He wasted no time sliding it on and positioning himself above you, sliding his cock over your clit a few times. He kissed you deeply and you moaned into his mouth as he slowly pressed into you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck to keep his mouth on yours. One of his hands gripped your thigh and squeezed it tightly, keeping your hip bent to give him deeper access.
You didn’t lose your virginity to Eddie. You lost it to a boy in your geometry class sophomore year of high school when he came over to study with you for a test. It was underwhelming, to say the least, and it made you nervous to have sex again.
But with Eddie, it came naturally. He didn’t push you to have sex the first time, instead letting you initiate it. And it wasn’t that long into your relationship. He’d driven the two of you out to the woods in a spot with a clearing where he liked to go smoke sometimes and watch the sunset.
You kissed him at one point and didn’t stop, eventually in his lap in the driver’s seat. You accidentally blew the horn and suggested you move it to the back of his van, where he had some blankets and pillows laid out.
You didn’t expect it to be as nice as it was, but he paid attention to you and what you wanted. And he lasted much longer than the first boy.
You whimpered Eddie’s name in his ear and he grunted, still kissing your neck. The interrupted stimulation from him eating you out made you extra sensitive, and you could tell that you weren’t going to last much longer.
And when he began thrusting faster, you couldn’t help your pussy from squeezing him tightly.
“Shit,” he moaned, the extra tightness making his hips falter for a few seconds.
He picked up speed again and the bedframe began hitting the wall, but you could barely hear it over the sound of your blended moans and skin slapping against skin.
You almost jumped out of your skin at the feeling of him fingering you. He usually didn’t do this unless he was about to cum and you hadn’t yet, or unless he wanted you to cum more than once before him.
“Are you close?” you asked in a strained voice.
“No, I just want you to.”
Your heels pressed into the backs of his thighs as your right hand gripped his shoulder tightly. His fingers traced circles as quickly as possible and you felt like you couldn’t breathe as your orgasm built quickly.
He stopped kissing your neck and looked at you. “Cum for me, baby,” he commanded. He watched your expression change as you quickly went over the edge as your entire body trembled and your eyebrows contorted upward.
You were practically screaming as he fucked you through your orgasm, your nails pressing into his skin. He made sure to drag it out until you came down from your high, slowing down to a complete stop.
He looked at you with a smile on his face, chuckling when you opened your eyes. You were both short of breath, but you pulled him down to kiss him.
A few seconds later, he began thrusting again, but you rolled him over so you could be on top. He scooted both of you backward so he could sit back against the wall.
He gripped your hips tightly as you began to bounce quickly on him. You leaned down and kissed him, holding his face where it was. You both kept your eyes shut and moaned into each others’ mouths.
“God,” he grunted. His fingertips were pressed into your skin and his grip began to strengthen.
He usually finished faster when you were on top, and you could tell his was getting close.
“That’s it,” you whispered. “You gonna cum?” He nodded quickly, his moans getting even louder. “Cum for me, Eddie.”
You kept your foreheads together and he closed the gap between your bodies, holding you tightly. He thrust his hips into you as you bounced, shakily moaning as he released into the condom.
Neither of you moved for a moment, but you panted in tandem with each other. Once he calmed down a bit, he kissed you gently.
“I love you,” he said tiredly. “So much.”
“I love you, too.”
You pulled yourself off of him and he stripped the condom off, tossed it in your trash can next to your bed, then grabbed a tissue to clean himself off.
You sat in front of him and pulled your knees into your chest. You just looked at each other and he smiled.
“At least nobody walked in on us this time,” you said.
“Yeah, tell me about it.” Silence for a few seconds.
“What are you staring at me for?”
He shook his head with a small smile. “Move in with me.”
You furrowed your brows. “What?”
“Move in with me. You can bring all your stuff.”
“Are you serious?”
“As a heart attack.”
“Don’t you have to ask your uncle?”
“He told me to ask you. He likes you a lot.”
You smiled, getting up on your knees and crawling over to him.
“Are you sure?”
“I’ve never been more sure about anything.”
You kissed him. “I’d love to.”
“Yeah?” he asked with a smile.
Within a few seconds, you were on your back with Eddie showering you with kisses.
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roshellow29 · 11 months
Idk why but I feel the need to rant about trolls band together so here's a warning for SPOILERS.
TL;DR I'll be talking shit about major conflict parts in the movie that I wished were handled differently >:((((
Please take caution (and a deep breath) reading this because I'm very bad at making sense when I ramble ok? Ok les go
The movie was great, loved the songs and I enjoyed branches family shenanigans, including supportive girlfriend poppy I've been WAITING FOR THIS (ifykyk)
But here are some things that bothered me that they could've definitely done differently
1. JOHN DORYS ENTIRE CHARACTER ARC- jd is great. He's actually my favorite! He's a cringefail boyfailiure and I love him for it. In the movie, his whole thing was that he was basically an ass who didn't listen to his siblings and always pressured and bossed them around. Cool, that's established. What's not is, Why??? It's really the whole "perfect family harmony" thing I guess.
Because later in the conflict he says that it was "hard being responsible for four younger siblings" (which bitch me too were litteraly the same) and that all they needed to be was perfect. what I don't understand is why? Why the whole perfect harmony? Where did it come from? They didn't say it was a big thing or that other bands did it? Would it get them more fame? Would it mean that they're perceived as the perfect brothers or something?? Also, why wasn't the grandmother more involved with the kids?? Did she pressure him to care for his siblings because their parents weren't involved or something? That's just one thing that's not really explained to me ig 🤔
And the whole thing that bothers me with jd is that he doesn't do the cliché "branch I'm sorry I was an asshole brother, and I wanna be a better troll to you and our bros. And blah blah blah" like they skip that entire potential jd apology??? I was expecting that with a hug?? I WANTED A HUG WITH BRANCH AND JD OK. He genuinely cares about him!!! You can see it, he really does. He's just bad at communicating. Like extremely - so they skipped that and just made him go, "We'll follow ur lead branch," and that's it.😐 no apology. No proper character development. Just him going "ok yeah I'll follow u one time." LIKE HUH. (This also includes the other siblings cuz they dipped on branch the same, and none of them said sorry!!)
OH and another thing. WHY WERE CLAY AND BRUCE SUCH ASSHOLES TO JD. ESPECIALLY CLAY. like I completely get it, he was an asshole, he pressured and bossed you around, we know that. But that was 20 PLUS YEARS AGO??? Like no you don't have to hug him but damn why r yall so cold???
I'm thinking that because I'm p sure they went no contact at all after they broke up. So how r they so sure he's still the way he was before?? (I mean they were kinda right but still) like you could've been super happy and then get disappointed later when trying to practice hitting the note. It would've made more sense to me idk. Like it just bothers me that they straight up ignore him- it's mean! (But I can't be too mad I mean they all have their reasons ig 🙄)
While we're on the topic of the family, on to my next point.
2. ROSIEPUFF AND HER DEATH. I think it was handled HORRIBLY. Like the whole movie I was just like "plz don't skip over it plz don't skip over it." And then branch drops the bomb on them right (which still caught me off guard like damn) and THEYRE DUMBFOUNDED, GREAT. And then after that there's NOTHING. NOTHING!?!??!?!?!? they don't mention it they don't apologize to branch for what he went through they don't take two seconds to mourn her they're just like "wait she dead?" And then fucking move on like. Why???? they don't question how, they don't question when branch was living in solidarity for 20 years, nothing. and I'm mad as fuck because that was part of Branches entire CHARACTER ARC in the first movie!! They don't mention he was gray they don't mention he didn't sing they don't mention anything. He went through that for 20 YEARS, ALONE. and they don't mention it. I rlly hated that- like they rlly didn't care.
Third smaller topic that I thought was gonna happen
3. I thought clay was gonna end up going, "actually yknow what, I AM fun" and then embrace himself because hes most definitely goofy. But nah they left him trying so hard to convince himself he's serious, and tbh he just came across as branch 2.0.
Alright moving on!!
4. I'm mad they didn't include a little flashback of viva and poppy being inseparable until the escape happened. Like I know popps was an infant but at the same time troll kids talk the day they're born, so it would've been nice to see them be together at least once before they separated.
I WANNA DECK PEPPY IN THE FACE. you lost your daughter and instead of MOURNING her and spreading her memory you decided to act like she didn't EXIST. WHY. like he was obviously depressed and sad but why didn't you tell poppy stories of her when she was a kid or something? And keep her memory alive??
(And sure. There's the thing with "They weren't gonna give poppy a sister until now" but I feel like they could've at least made poppy remember a small flashback is what I'm saying.)
Idk. I just wish it was handled differently like why is peppy keeping so much shit to himself lmao.
Oh yeah and then there's just my little nitpick and it's that I wish they included the troll leaders in the wedding sequence ok they're all friends they should've been invited ok I just wanted to see them again 😭(totally not saying thus cuz world tour is my fav but I am)
Anyway, yeah! I think this is just what mainly bothers me about the movie. I just feel like the conflict was handled poorly. But either than that it's still a good watch. I like it a lot :D
If you read this far, God damn you like to read, and thanks for dealing with my stupid thoughts!
If not, that's OK lol.
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The first act is out and recency bias towards saga 5 has passed. let's go lesbians
I would like to express that just because she is last she isn't bad, ok? The worst Epic song is better than your fave's entire discography, let's not get it twisted. That being said, Polyphemus is by far the weakest for me. It's just too slow, and like, of course it is, it's the build up for the plot defining moment of the show. It has to be slow to contrast with the explosion that will come right after. But it's soooo much and so not the vibe for me. Still love her tho
Not gonna lie, this song is only this low because they changed the "We could be caught of guard" verse. It was SOOOOOOO much better than the melodic version, like, that was a giga downgrade it really upset me and my homegirls ngl
Again, a queen, a trendsetter, a trailblazer, we love athena, but her songs in the beginning of the musical are kinda not my thing. Warrior of the mind sounds so weird to me in its saga, i struggle making it fit in my head.
17 - STORM
Wait, wait hear me out, hear me out! Don't shoot! It lacks flavor. It lacks a spice, it lacks something it. I really wasn't feeling it much in the tiktok teaser days of this one, and while the full release is good (again, there is no such thing as a bad epic song) storm left me wanting more, not in a too good of a way. It felt like there was something that needed to be there, a je ne sais quoi, idk
I think i might get doxxed for this list, but it is my truth. TBH we reached a point in which i have no qualms with the songs. Survive is definitely not bad but like, it gets outshone by literally everyone else in the list so it goes here.
Ooooooh boy. I hate that she is so low. I do, I really do. The second verse just doesn't do it for me as much as the first, and it sucks because the intro and the duet are a fucking masterclass.
The numbers are treatcherous because, yes 14 is in the lower spectrum but like, we are already in No Skip territory. I didn't think I would like Puppeteer but the intro with Ody and Eurylochus is simply perfection. The feels, the almost love confession that was cut off, the wordplay is just INSANE, love her
What do I need to say about Underworld that wasn't already said in every corner of this website? Putting your IRL mom to play Anticlea is VILE, 10/10 fuck you jorge
She was gagging me since tiktok. Perfection. Bonus points for being Penelope and Telemachus first appearances in the show (SHOW ME THE TWINK, JORGE). Also, "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODYSSEUS OF ITHACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
I talked shit about athena's sons in warrior of the mind and I was about to put this in 16th place wtf, it didn't feel right so i did a re-listen and holy shit this song is phenomenal, omg THE JUST A MAN LINE? CINEMA
Steven Dookie, the man that you are. This song is so fucking good, holy shit. It's cute, and fun, It's everything. It encapsulates why the first quarter of a musical is always my favorite, because of all the setups, the motifs, the weapons it creates to shred our hearts
She is perfection, she is serving pauleira, she is giving me everything I want. By far the best outro in the show, argue with your mothers.
The harmonies, the character intros, the simplicity, the naïveté, the HARMONIES, YES, AGAIN THE HARMONIES. Troy saga best saga, and if you disagree you can eat my ass
This song is what truly hooked into epic so Just a Man could reel me in. The drama, the irony, the implicit horniness, the fact that i found out they were dating IRL around the time this was announced, truly divine (ha)
Wig? Snatched. This was my favorite song for a while, I even auditioned for it lmao. Deffo my favorite one to sing, still. Mason DEVOURED this track, and the prophecy? Odysseus's scream? Setting up Monster, AKA one of the best things in this show? Gagged me, your honor.
We are reaching greatness here you guys. The duet with Zeus gives me chills every time. I just know this + Just a Man as INTROS (REALLY LIKE, THIS IS THE INTRO) are gonna make pussies throb and ppl cry in the theater
Hermes is my favorite character in the show, and this (and Dangerous) are my most anticipated songs EVER. The tiktok snippets really did it for me.
I mean, come on. Do I even have to say anything? When he quoted Poseidon. The venting about all he lost, THE CONFIRMATION THAT HE DID, IN FACT, KILLED THE BABY. HE BECOMING THE MAN TIRESIAS SAW IN HIS PROPHECY. I MEAN, COME ON
Chills. Literal chills. When this song dropped I was INSUFFERABLE. Ask anyone close to me. She was on repeat for WEEKS. Steven Rodriguez's voice is so fucking insane, so fucking SEXY (I ain't afraid to say it bitch, that man can get it). But like, Poseidon as a character, Odysseus being an idiot, "Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves" like HOLY SHIT. And now, all i can think about is how Get in The Water will sound in his voice. Just thinking about it gives me chills. I just know he is going to devour it.
Remarkable, showstopping, absolutely the best song ever made. The lyricism, the production, the poetry, vocal performance, I really don't have much to say because it's not needed. All of my favorite moments in this soundtrack, unreleased songs included, are moments in which this song is referenced.
The "Monster" chants in The Underworld and in Monster, "after all you're just a man" in My Goodbye, the entire song of "Monster" is he becoming the Monster he is asking about in this song, like, DO YOU GUYS UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS SONG? My life's dream is to go to broadway once to see this fucking song live, and i know it will be life changing. Just a Man is the most beautiful thing ever.
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azrielgreen · 1 year
The Way It Shouldn't Be - Final Part
They're playing a song Eddie would hate and everyone's paired up and pretending like they got ANY of Tommy's liquor, dancing wildly and laughing loud but not loud enough to drown out the song Eddie would hate.
Steve's on the fringes, watching.
Has his own alcohol, got a never ending supply from his Dad's office. He thinks of the massive blowout party he and Tommy and the boys always planned for. Post Prom Insanity: partying for two maybe three days and then taking a roadtrip together, see other places, go on adventures.
Tommy's engaged to Carol, who's pregnant and no one's meant to know but of course everyone does. He's gonna work for his Dad, the thing he always said he never wanted to do. Everyone else, Steve wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire so yeah, no party.
No road trip.
No Eddie.
But Steve's there; hired the tux and everything, so why fuckin' not?
He drinks and imagines fucking Eddie somewhere on campus, the music playing while they kiss. He imagines a lot of shit that's not ever gonna happen because good things don't last.
They're not made to last.
It's not the way things are.
Stupid Enola Gay comes on and Steve tries not get all caught up in the melody, the way the minor keys fuck him up.
Eddie's not coming.
He knows because he swung by Eddie's trailer earlier, met Wayne.
The older man was kind, but really clear when he said Eddie was staying with friends for a few days.
Steve is sulking.
Kind of spoiling for a fight.
First dick he sees harassing a girl is gonna eat it, simple as that.
God, he feels like a chaperone.
Like he's a thousand years old.
Cannot wait to get home, cry and jerk off before he falls asleep. Wonderful plans. Stellar.
'Fuck you,' he mutters, takes another slug. Enola Gay always moves him.
He gives up when the song ends, what's the literal point of staying when the best song is already gone.
He's sulky, moody and still heartbroken.
Still in love.
It's not how it should be.
He knows that.
But it's how it fucking is.
He's leaving, he decides.
He feels ruthlessly good about it when someone grabs his hand and yanks him with knowing roughness.
'Dumping out, Harrington?'
He whirls, blinks.
Is a little drunk but like... not enough for this.
He looks...
Oh my god he's kind of dressed up.
For Eddie, he's dressed up, meaning he looks way more Devil Worshipper than usual. Hair all roughed up and wavy, eyeliner, all black, laced untied and that godforsaken Dio cut off he adores.
He's got a silver earring in; a dangly rose. It's undoubtedly something a girl would wear, all sparkly.
'Oh my god,' Steve mutters, dazed.
Then he shakes himself and smacks Eddie around the face.
'OK, ow.'
'You fucker! You don't call me for weeks and now you just rock up here, looking stupidly hot--'
'Aww thanks, babe.'
'--like no time has passed and nothing happened!'
Eddie sighs, glances around.
'People are staring.'
'I don't care!'
'You're drunk!'
'Well, you're an idiot!'
'Well, I love you.'
'Well, I love YOU-wait, no. What?'
Eddie rolls his eyes, pulls Steve close.
'I want us too.' Then he lets out a shaky sigh, strokes Steve's face. 'Christ, everyone is literally staring but i--'
Steve kisses him.
The world jumps the tracks.
The song skips.
Nothing will ever be the same.
It's the best fucking kiss of his life.
'I wanna fuck you.'
'Right here?' Eddie's kissing him back, its delightful, fucking gorgeius. 'Man, you really are a kinky fucker, but I've actually for a surprise for you?'
'You're not gonna sing to me, right?'
'Have a little faith in me, Harrington.'
'Does it get us the fuck out of here?'
Eddie grins, grabs his hand again.
'So, what do you think?'
Steve can't think. His brain is all mushy.
'You don't like it.'
'Eddie,' he says with soft astonishment. 'You didn't have to do this.'
The van is big, spacious. Steve's been in it before when it was not spacious, at all. Eddie has cleared the back completely but more than that, he's got supplies inside. Bedrolls, pillows, knives (of course) as well as cases of bottled water, canned good, tools, a compass and a map.
'I heard good things about Chicago.'
'From who?'
'A lady trying to sell me tickets to Chicago, but look.' Eddie sighs, wraps his arms around Steve's middle from behind. 'I just wanna try. I wanna be with you and not be scared to lose out. I can't run, don't wanna do that.' He kisses his neck. 'I'm in if you are.'
'We could go anywhere?'
'What if you hate me after a week?'
'That's why god invented hatefucking.'
'What if we get lost?'
Eddie's lips are warm against his skin. 'Sounds fun.'
'What if--?'
'Gonna save you some time, Harrington, there's a million reasons not to do something, OK? We don't have to, but I saw the maps on your wall. I know you want to blast outta this town and so do I. I love you, Steve. I'm being brave. You wanna be brave too?'
Steve leans his head back, looks up at the stars. He can hear the music from inside, muffled but still undeniable. Eddie's all around him, they're swaying a little.
He closes his eyes, smiles.
'Dance with me first?'
~ the end.
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azureseacloud · 11 months
Stage Lights
Ghost (band) Ficlet
Part 2
Swiss x Reader
Warnings: swearing, reader is pissed, ✨sexual tension✨
Words: 885
So this was meant to be a oneshot but I have been bullied into writing another part -_-
Jk, I love you all <3!! I hope you enjoy this next part!! :))
And surprise!! Two parts wasn’t enough, so there are more on the way!!! I’m gonna drag this out mwahaha >:)
The ritual could not have been over quick enough. The final bows seemed to drag on forever, and even though you always loved handing out picks, this time you couldn’t wait to be offstage. It didn’t help that Swiss made sure to brush past you as much as possible, his knowing grin taunting you each time.
You wanted to punch something.
The rest of the concert had been frustrating. You had continued to mess up through the last few songs. You’d slipped up during your duo with Dewdrop, then again later in the main chorus of Dance Macabre. To top that you’d bumped into Phantom, almost knocking over the quintessence ghoul. And. Swiss. Was. Still. Smiling.
Copia had been giving you multiple glances, alongside the rest of the ghouls and ghoulettes. You knew they were going to be bringing this up later, and you hated the thought.
At last, the ritual officially ended and you raced off stage as soon as you could, purposely avoiding Swiss. You managed to make it into the corridor before he caught up to you.
A hand grabbed your elbow and he pulled you back as you twisted to face him. You hissed, flashing your teeth at the cocky grin that greeted you.
“Someone’s pissed.�� You were going to punch him. You were so going to punch him.
“What the fuck do you want Swiss?”
He cocked his head at the venom in your voice, his grin growing more smug. How much trouble would you be in with papa if you punched his face? It’s not like the audience could see it anyway.
“Aww, looks like someone can’t handle it when they lose.”
“I didn’t lose.” You did. You knew that, but you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of admitting it. Swiss tilted his head, hand squeezing your elbow as he considered you, that stupid smirk still lingering.
“I seem to remember you losing that chord. And then the one after. And the one after.” His voice grew teasing. “It was like you couldn’t focus anymore, was that because of me?”
His other hand trailed down your arm, reminding you of how he had done the same thing on stage. It sent butterflies through your stomach and you wanted to rip their wings off. Why did you feel this fucking way? For Swiss, of all ghouls?
He leaned in, his body pressing against yours, hands slipping to your hips. His breath was warm on your neck, seeping through the cloth covering. Your own hands braced on his arms, nails digging into the fabric of his rolled sleeves—to push him away or pull him closer, you weren’t sure. You felt the wall press up against your back as he hovered over your neck. Was he seriously going to fucking bite you again?
“If I’d known you liked being bitten so much I would have done it sooner, love.” He purred into your ear.
Your heart skipped a beat and his grin grew wider. Snapping yourself out of it you pushed him back, glamour slipping momentarily as you bared your fangs.
“You fucking asshole.”
Swiss merely laughed, giving you a small taunting wave as he turned down the corridor, heading to his room.
You stood there a moment, still reeling from his comments and teasing. You hadn’t expected him to walk away like that—usually Swiss would continue to taunt his victory. Unless he was planning something else—you were so screwed.
Dew rounded the corner with Rain, and you turned away as soon as their gaze fell on you, stalking down to your room.
You closed the door to your small change room, throwing the helmet onto the carpeted floor. Striding to the mirror, you pulled off the cloth mask, tilting your head to get a look at the side of your neck.
Fucking ghoul bastard.
His teeth were clearly imprinted in the side of your neck, the skin around it pink that was slowly turning into a bruised colour. It would be there for days. Fuck.
You scowled into the mirror, thinking about the bus trip to the hotel. Maybe you could just leave the mask on so the others didn’t see—but they were going to tease you anyway. Grabbing your horns, you tried to push the memories from your mind. You had to act normal, as if he hadn’t awoken some fucking feelings that you had never even realised were there.
You huffed, running your fingertips over the mark. You did not like him. You didn’t. He was an annoying piece of shit who had thrown you off your game and caught you by surprise. You were completely composed, and you were going to keep it together and laugh off any comments about it. He was not going to get the satisfaction of seeing the effect of that moment on stage. Nope.
Oh, and you were going to get him back for it. Just as soon as you came up with an idea for how.
With one last look at the mark on your neck, you fixed your mask back on, packing away any of the items you still had scattered around the small room that you’d needed before the show started. Hefting the bag onto your shoulder, you took a breath before pushing open the door.
As always, requests are open :)
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ghosts-bandwagon · 2 years
Songs from my playlists that represent how the 141 loves you (+bonus König)
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
“Wasteland” by Woodkid
Most of what I used to be had vanished in the waves/The memories of the boy I’ve been were drowning and you saved them/Now I remember the joy and the meaning of the fate/The color of the truth and the sound of sunny days
You have reminded him what it’s like be human again. When you look at him, he is Simon. He’s your Simon. He’s the man whose cheeks you’ve held countless times, kissing the corners of his eyes, tasting the paint on your lips but you couldn’t care less. Your small hands reach out time and time again and pull him back from the edge. And he’ll always take your hand, he might fight you at first, insistent that he’s too dangerous and that you’ll get hurt if you stay. But you always fight back. You’ll always fight your way back to him. You make him feel wanted, safe, human.
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
“Everlong” by The Foo Fighters
Breathe out/So I can breathe you in/Hold you in/And now/I know you've always been/Out of your head/Out of my head, I sang
He’s such a hopeless romantic. You became his entire world, the light in his eyes, and when you two first met it was like coming up for air after being submerged for so long. And he never wants to let you go, he feels like it’s always been you. You’re the mile marker along the highway of his life, there is a ‘before’ and then there is only a ‘with you’. Nothing is as good when he’s on his own, but with you? The sun’s out, the birds are singing their stupid songs, the flowers are in full bloom, and he can breathe again.
John Price:
“Thank You” by Dido
Push the door I’m home at last/I’m soaking through and through/Then you handed me a towel/And all I see is you/And even if my house falls down now/I wouldn’t have a clue/Because you’re near me
You’re his motivation. You’re what gets him through his long days. Knowing that there’s a home with you waiting for him is what pushes him. He has a picture of you in his wallet that he always looks at, and he’s so fucking tired but he keeps going for you. To see you, to hold you, to kiss you, to cherish you. And when he finally comes home, his bones each weighing a million pounds, and he sees you, it all just melts away. Nothing matters. He tunnel visions and it’s just you. There’s nothing happening outside these walls, it’s just you, and that’s all he needs.
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick:
“Lose It” by Oh Wonder
Downtown we let it go/Sunset high and our bodies low/Blood rush in the hazy glow/My hands, your bones/Looser we break the scene/One step deep as you fall to me/Heart clap, we skip a beat/Count one, two, three
He’s the warmth that flows through your veins, he’s the sun that shines on your cheeks, he’s the rhythmic sound of cars driving on wet asphalt after a storm. And you? Sweetheart, you’re the twinkle of city lights on the skyline, you’re the sound of laughter from a couple caught in the rain, you’re the steady soothing rhythm of a love song. You’re his favorite song. He’ll always move to your beat, hands on your hips, forehead against yours.
“Just the Two of Us” by Grover Washington Jr, Bill Whithers
I see the crystal raindrops fall/And the beauty of it all/Is when the sun comes shining through/To make those rainbows in my mind/When I think of you sometime/And I wanna spend some time with you
He’s so at home with you. When you’re together all his worries melt away. Every thought that gets overplayed in his head start to quiet down the closer he is to you. There’s no one he’d rather be with than you. There is literally no one else in the world. And when you’re sat between his legs, reclined against his chest watching a movie, his heart is drumming in his chest. Only it’s not an anxious beat, it’s a beat that plays for you. It’s a beat that knows you’re the most wonderful thing in his life. You’re the sip of cold water in the middle of the night when his nightmares rip him from his sleep, you’re kissing his sweaty forehead and reminding him that you’re here. That it’s just the two of you. And he’s at peace again.
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