#the best part of quitting is not feeling dependent on them anymore. like being able to make it thru the day w/o is so liberating
oldlovecassette · 1 year
insane opinion alert but i do think smoking cigarettes and getting addicted to them is the perfect gateway to realizing cigarettes aren’t worth the hype and never wanting to smoke them again
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enden-agolor · 4 months
i fucking LOVE the way you draw/write jesse, as someone with a chubby/buff build i kind of struggle with insecurities about my size but the way you draw him makes me feel very good. idk im describing it badly but i wanted to ask if your design for him is more chubby or muscly?
Dude thank you 🥺🩵 You described it very well.
It really depends on which time frame I'm drawing Jesse in actually.
In the beginning, I imagine Jesse is quite scrawny. I mean did you see his work out routine in the beginning? He was was doing sit ups and punching flowers. He was definitely lacking muscle (but had enough to be able to lift Reuben up and down that ladder) and as the first couple episodes progress, he stays scrawny but progressively becomes more scarred up until the Portal Hallway episodes.
The Portal Hallway episodes, it takes place many months after the events of the Witherstorm. Jesse and his friends are going on many more adventures, really honing their skills that they acquired over the past few months. Jesse is much more built now. He's buff and tough with the true heart of a hero. Although, once he and his friends get stuck in the Portal Hall, that's when things take a really devastating turn for him. Feeling hopeless and lost for weeks on end, he begins to feel withdrawn from the positivity he was feeling before he ended up stuck here. Traumatic events keep occuring, and with these events, Jesse is of course drawn to remember and replay the events of Reuben's death in his head. He keeps the most of these feelings to himself because his group is already feeling so disheartened about their current situation that the last thing he'd want for them is to know that he's breaking emotionally, so he ends up taking less care of himself. He starts eating with the idea that he has to stay strong for his friends, but even those moments are rare. Food is scarce depending on what portal they are in, so when he finds food, he'll take anything that will keep his energy and strengths up.
By the end of it all, he's actually put on a significant amount of muscle. But it's kind of like a 'at what cost?' scenario.
Things get a bit better for him between then and Season 2 where he's eating better again and keeping all that muscle, but once Season 2 comes and goes, and with everything that happens in the Sunshine Institute and the Underneath, he loses a lot of weight.
It's only after Season 2, where he stays in BeaconTown and eventually finds a love life with Lukas when he really begins putting on weight once again. He's done with hero work. He's done with going on crazy life threatening adventures. Now he just wants to live life for himself rather than putting others first. Lukas helps him a lot through this, with body positivity and lots of love and affectionate touch, it's all the reassurance Jesse has ever needed to feel okay with being himself again. So he ends up putting on that happy weight that couples typically adopt over time when they're in a healthy relationship. Lukas treats him so, so unbelievably well. Finally Jesse gets to eat food for himself without the idea of needing to keep himself strong and powerful once he's finally retired. He indulges himself in his sweet tooth and loves to eat cookies, cakes, and other baked goods that Lukas will bake or bring home. He also really enjoys the fact that he doesn't have to eat alone anymore. He loves sitting at the table and enjoying a meal with his hubby. And the best part, which is something Jesse was horribly self conscious about, is that Lukas loves and adores his pudge. He is so supportive of Jesse's eating habits, but he doesn't hesitate to sneak veggies and fruits into Jesse's lunch box for work.
So yeah uh Jesse is chubby, buff and loved at the end of it all 😍
Here's some lil doodles of him I have lying around. The first one is pretty old and could probably use a touch up since now I don't see much of a difference, but you get the point ☠️
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merakiui · 5 months
psssssssssst which twst boy would probably buy onlyfans from sex worker darling trying to make some money for the week?
All of them. <3 and they all think they’re so unique for supporting you through this means, but it turns out everyone else is subscribed to the highest tier (or whichever tier they’re able to afford). Suddenly Ace is very dedicated to his part-time job as he works to make enough for the highest tier. Even students like Jack buy from you, but it’s only to support you (not salivate over the content you’re putting out… that’s definitely part of it).
Of course Azul has to get the highest tier, as do most of the Housewardens as they firmly believe they’re entitled to the best of the best. And it also supports you much more than the lower tiers! Because Azul is so charitable, he’s even willing to send you more money (please notice him). Vil loves to admire these risqué and intimate photos, as does Rook. Sometimes it’s not even for sexual purposes. They just find you to be the sweetest work of art they’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing.
Idia claims he’s only subscribing so he can get top-tier references for when he’s drawing or practicing lewd anatomy. This is partially true, actually, because he does indeed practice. But then all of his sketches are of you. <3
Riddle had to convince himself over and over that this was okay. He’s not breaking any rules. In fact, buying the highest tier actually helps you! So he’s just doing what any good person and dependable Housewarden would do: support those who require assistance. He spends the entire week feeling guilty and avoiding looking at the photos/videos because he feels like he’s being a gross pervert. But you willingly put this content out there for him and others, and it’s all in accordance with the site’s rules! So… it’s fine if he masturbates to the sight of your nudity.
Floyd has so much fun waiting for the new photos and videos you’ll upload. You always do something different and it keeps him endlessly entertained. Sometimes you even take requests from your subscribers! He wants to see you do all sorts of exciting things. Jade’s much the same, but somehow Floyd’s requests seem so softcore compared to the things Jade wants from you. ^^;;;;
Ruggie buys the highest tier using Leona’s card. Leona did say he could get something for himself, and he never put any restrictions on what could or couldn’t be bought. <3 no wonder why this is the highest tier. The things you put out really are worthy of being in this tier, and he makes sure to save each and every one should a day come when he’s not able to look anymore.
Speaking of Leona, he thinks it’s impressive you’re able to keep up with all of the tiers you have and do something new every time. He won’t settle for anything less than the highest, and he enjoys the things you do for that tier. You never disappoint. Although pictures and videos are only good fantasy fuel. They can’t compare to the real thing. Perhaps he won’t have to wait any longer to meet you in person when you start doing meet-ups with one lucky subscriber from the highest tier.
Malleus doesn’t know how to work lots of technology, so he probably seeks someone out to show him how it’s done. He doesn’t see any shame in it. This is essentially artwork, is it not? The things you do can be appreciated in a unique, romantic light when you’re Malleus Draconia. Either that, or Lilia buys it. And of course if waka-sama has it, then Sebek must as well. He thinks he’s so much better than Silver because he’s subscribed to the highest tier just like his lord and Lilia, and what is Silver? Nothing! Sebek looks ready to crumble into dust when Silver reveals he’s always been subscribed to you from the very beginning. T_T
Kalim most definitely buys the highest tier! He’s probably your most generous subscriber (sorry, Azul). He’s always ready to send you hefty donations. He’s very sweet about it. Jamil would manage his absurd spending habits, but he’s also quite attracted to the types of things you’re posting for your highest tier, and Kalim’s basically funding it. Those shibari and collar posts reeled him in and have since dug their claws into him. He’s down bad…
Omg and Cater!!! He was probably one of the first out of the twst cast to buy your onlyfans. He’s a very loyal subscriber. <3 Cater gets bragging rights because he’s your mutual on Magicam and sometimes the two of you chat. You might even send him a few photos that can’t be seen on any of your tiers yet… a special privilege for your favorite moot. :)
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asgardian--angels · 7 months
Talking on the phone with my mom I finally broke down and cried thoroughly about the cancellation. I think I'd been holding it in for the last two days, or two months. And honestly I've been wondering all along why this show means so much to me. I am not queer, I am not neurodivergent, I am not POC or disabled or any of the groups that this show has been so important for in terms of representation and being treated with respect and dignity. I understand and completely empathize with all of you, and fight for this show and your rights worldwide alongside you, but it still left me wondering why I myself have latched onto Our Flag Means Death. I suppose part of it is that despite being white and cishet and the privileges that have always come with that, I have been treated like an outsider and ostracized my entire childhood and teenage years, for being ugly and having "disgusting" interests (primarily liking insects, reptiles, other creepy-crawlies - aka the thing I literally do for my career now). I was bullied relentlessly from preschool through early college and became a very lonely introverted person - I still am. Undoubtedly Our Flag Means Death gave me renewed hope that I haven't missed some key window for finding love or relationships of any kind that matter, as I sit here typing this at age 28 having never dated anyone.
But it had to be more than that. And with everything that's happened the past couple of months, and the last few days, I think it finally clicked for me.
Followers of my blog may or may not know that I am a conservation biologist, or pollinator ecologist, whichever hat fits best on a given day, they're quite close. I don't make many original posts like this anymore on here because my job is so busy. Basically, I do a variety of things - academic research, habitat management & restoration, and public outreach - to try and preserve biodiversity and ecosystems on our planet. I'm just going to say it: it's a thankless job. Nothing we do ever feels like it's enough, and burnout is common in our field because we sit with the guilt of feeling like we are the only thing between survival and utter destruction of planet Earth, and work ourselves to exhaustion. It's one of those jobs where your work is your life, and your passion is your work, and it's inseparable from who you are on a molecular level. We are often faced, on a large scale, with hostility, from people that don't believe in science and are more than happy to pull a shotgun on us, or rich old men in power who are content to watch the world burn for another penny in their bank account. There are days when sometimes it sinks in just how bad things are, and it's terrifying, and I feel like we will never be able to do enough, to change enough, before it gets catastrophic. It's paralyzing.
My ability to do my job is dependent on hope. Unwavering, unrelenting hope. Hope beyond hope. We have to believe what we're doing matters, otherwise we'd fall down and never get back up again. I'm no big-shot, I give talks to a few hundred people at a time, and make urban pollinator habitat on a local scale. Is any of that going to make a difference compared to the ramifications of a single oil mogul deciding to cut corners and cause an oil spill that kills millions of seabirds and damages ocean food chains for decades to come? If people in my field let thoughts like that linger, we'd be paralyzed to inaction. I have to hope that the people I teach choose to do something good with that knowledge, and go on to inspire others, or that the patch of habitat I make allows a declining species to maintain a foothold instead of going locally extinct. You just have to keep going.
And Our Flag Means Death got wrapped up in that for me. The Stede Bonnet effect, if you will. He set out to do pirating differently, treating his crew with respect and helping them grow. In return, they internalized that mindset, and it spread to how they interacted with others. It changed the trajectory of individual lives, and also at least began to change how the society of pirates operated as a whole. It was a beacon of hope that choosing small acts of kindness did matter, even if you yourself could not see the ripples it made. It renewed my faith that love persevered and would win. That we could all make life a little better for each other and ourselves through kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and mutual support. I think a good chunk of that is from Taika - these are running themes in his projects, and his films move me deeply for that. This show became in some, perhaps subconscious way, a source of strength for me to keep putting myself out there in my line of work to do whatever I was capable of to help the cause.
The cancellation was devastating, but the second cancellation (turbohell cancelation?) was even more so. Because now it's so clear that this is largely the work of David Zaslav and the regime he's built. It's petty, it's greedy, and more than anything, it's cruel. Indifferently, indiscriminately cruel, when one person at the top can have such power to make or break the lives of thousands, millions, beneath them, and though it would have been barely a drop in the bucket, a hand wave, to renew our show or let it pass to another streamer, he actively chose to shackle it to this sinking Titanic of a company WBD has become. I have always operated on the belief that you can do anything if you work hard enough at it, and believed deep down that there was some order, some justice in the universe, atheist though I be. We as a fandom did everything we possibly could, we loved this show harder than anything. The numbers were there, the awards nominations were there, the critic praise was there, and we were loud and loyal every single day. I felt like we could do this - how could we not win when we've done so much, and the show deserves it so much? Surely cause and effect will prevail.
This fight seemed small, though really it wasn't; we fought for the right of artists and creators to make quality, original stories and have them told to their natural end, we fought for diversity representation to be more than a token character - OFMD raised the bar so much higher on all fronts, we fought to shed light on the chaos and impending collapse of this industry silencing art and exploiting writers, actors, and all manner of production workers. It was a small fight from the outside, one that I really felt we could win. And I put my heart and soul into it, because if we could win this, if we could save this simple, kind love story about two guys on a boat, then maybe there was hope for the bigger, badder stuff too. It shouldn't seem an insurmountable task for several thousand fans to convince a streaming service that they'd turn a tidy profit to give our show one more season.
Yet we lost - through no fault of our own. I am so proud of us. But that really struck deep for me. If one peabrained CEO of a media company wouldn't budge on greenlighting a show that was in his every best interest business-wise - perhaps enough to even save Max from going under in the not-too-distant future - my god, what hope was there for changing anything bigger? The 'real' problems of the world? When no amount of ethos, logos, or pathos can penetrate these men at the top, where's that hope to fight? Lately the world seems like it's just going belly up all over. If we gave everything we could, and it still wasn't enough - if it could never be enough - what hope is there? It's like chaining yourself to a tree and the bulldozer plowing right on ahead. And I think that broke something in me. It shook me to my foundations because it broke my rules of how things are supposed to work. We believed hard enough, we worked tirelessly, and we deserved it for how important this show was to so many people. And it didn't matter. Our best wasn't enough. And that caused an avalanche of all of the horrible, scary things piled on my shoulders - we're losing the Amazon rainforest too fast to save, climate change is going to turn the corn belt into a dustbowl by mid-century, a border wall is going to devastate imperiled wildlife in Texas, deforestation and hurricanes on songbird wintering grounds could lead to entire species extinctions, saltmarshes are our lifeline and they're shrinking and we're still building stupid concrete stormwalls, invasive diseases will completely alter the composition of our forests to be unrecognizable to our children, and if you don't make every slide of this powerpoint utterly perfect and you fail to convince every single person in attendance to get rid of their lawn then you've failed and the world is doomed.
I've struggled with being a perfectionist my whole life. This didn't help.
That's where I was a couple hours ago. But I took some deep breaths. I know the world isn't fair. But I really thought if we could win this one battle, then we could win the war.
But here's what I realized. Everything we did mattered. It mattered so much. Because there's the show, and then there's everything that was birthed out of that show. The community, so many of us around the world who have been uplifted by Our Flag Means Death in a real and lasting way that we will take with us and spread to affect those around us. The Stede Bonnet effect goes global. We raised thousands and thousands of dollars for charities around the world, real people whose lives have been improved, or maybe even saved, because of us and this silly pirate show. We brought a hell of a lot of attention to WBD and their shitty practices, keeping the momentum going in a way that I think is only going to build - and I sure hope it leads to Zaslav getting deposed. We have demanded more queer stories, more BIPOC stories, more disabled and autistic and middle-aged stories, stories with exquisite costumes and award-worthy wigs, dear lord, and we are being heard. We have expressed such love and support for the cast and crew, showing them that we appreciate their hard work and that we will be behind them in their future projects. So many of them have told us how the show and its fans have changed their lives. We convinced Rhys that his career isn't winding down but winding up, and to be unapologetic about his wonderful weirdness - we've proven to everyone through this show that your weirdness is what someone out there is going to love you for, not in spite of. We rallied to help writers and actors during the strikes in a way that was taken to heart and remembered. We have been out here talking it through as a crew, and turning poison into positivity, for over two years now, and that impact is permanent. They can cancel our show, they can try and slap copyright notices on our fan merch, and spew bullshit excuses about the numbers not being there. But Our Flag Means Death sparked a movement, the biggest pirate crew the world has ever seen, using our power for good.
We may not have any more new material for our show for a while, or ever. But I maintain hope that when the dust has settled and streaming has entered its 'new era' that they'll remember us and throw us a lifeline. Because hope is a part of my genetic makeup, and even in cancellation my hope has been renewed that the fight is worth fighting, that our individual choices of kindness are having an effect, and making the world a little easier to live in bit by bit. No one can take from us what we have built out of this show. And thanks to pirating, they can't take the actual show from us either. Despite this, no matter the outcome, I am so happy we got two seasons of this wonderful series. That was more than almost anyone expected. The story belongs to all of us, and it will always live on. We did not truly lose this battle, because in the process we gained more than we could have ever imagined. And I know there's still so much more to come. That gives me the strength to keep doing what I do, every day.
To me, Our Flag Means Hope.
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foxglovepng · 7 months
Hello, first time requesting anything and I hope I do this right. I like what you've posted previously and I hope you enjoy this request idea.
I saw screenshots of a post recently about a TWST x Tinkerbell/Pirate Fairy event where shenanigans happens and everyone's UM's are switch around.
But what if Yuu got someone else's UM? Would they go power mad? OB by accident because they couldn't control the amount of magic? Just chill until the fairies corrected the switch? How would the owner of the UM deal with Yuu handling their power feel? And how would they feel about being magicless for the time being?
Suggested students are Grim, Azul, Jamil, Vil and Deuce, or anyone else you would prefer, all of them are fun options.
Hope you are doing well 💜
Characters: Idia, Azul, Jamil, Vil, Deuce, Jade, Malleus.
CW: Swearing, Probably an OOC Vil, Azul has a mental breakdown, Idia freaks out. SPOILERS FOR BOOK 6 (Idia), SPOILERS FOR BOOK 7 (Malleus), Probably OOC most characters tbh.
A/N: I heavily loved this movie as a child and I still love it and watch it on occasion. I know this movie so well I can predict the dialogue :sob: I switched out Grim for Idia because I believe there is a mention that Grim had a curse in Book 6 (correct me if I am wrong) But it was while Idia was discussing some possible theories about the Overblots. Because I loved this movie so much and I am watching it as a I write I will be yapping...a lot. Like just yap yap yap yap and I will be making more parts to this because I have a lot of Ideas. I also added Malleus because he is the only one in Diasmonia with a confirmed/offical UM.
I will also be calling you the Fairy 🧚anon <3
Feel free to let me know which fairy(ies) are your favorite. I love Vidia and Fawn.
W/C: Didn't check Fox yaps a lot (2.540k, 7 pages)
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For context there will be a Mage like Zarina who was obviously an outcast and who was very innovative and wanted to discover new things (Such as the Fairy Dust) The way I imagine it the mage probably wanted to do things that were considered "Illegal" for Mage magic the NRC students ran into this person and they used their UM to switch the powers of students.
(Character's relationships can be read as platonic or romantic)
Deuce (Bet the Limit)
He is not worried. Although he'd be more concerned about Yuu accidentally using it mid class and hurting someone. His UM is mainly dependent on others attacks so I don't think there would be an issue about hurting someone deeply to the point of hospitalization.
He is worried about the fact he can't use magic anymore. He used his flaunt his magic a lot in middle school now he's not no power (Karma really came back for him didn't it)
If Yuu casually happens to get his ability to summon cauldrons it would be hilarious if Yuu dropped a cauldron "Accidentally" On Ace or Crowley's head. He'd feel bad, but It'd be funny.
(Insert video of Ace getting bashed in the head with a Cauldron but it's bad apple.)
He'd eventually adapt to losing his magic, but he does want to try and get it fixed.
He will help Yuu as much as he can with controlling his magic. If they have any questions he will gladly answer them and help to the best of his ability.
Yuu is least likely to go power mad due to Deuce's UM being low on the list for Powers that will make Yuu go bat-shit insane and commit world domination. (Yes I have an actual list)
When Yuu Overblots
He would probably cry like genuinely.
Yuu has gone through enough in TWST and when they finally snap he would be extremely worried for Yuu because he is scared they will get hurt badly/hurt others badly.
Deuce's UM is actually scary so when it comes to overblotting Yuu could hurt A LOT of people.
Riddle's UM won't be able to help and Yuu could just basically absorb every attack that hits them.
Yuu could probably kill someone with his power and that is a really scary though to think about.
(Deuce can too since it is quite his power)
On a skill level there is a possibility Yuu could lose control of the magic, on a power level they could injure a lot of people. Either way Yuu and other people will be getting hurt.
If they somehow stop Yuu's overblot GET THEM THERAPY INSTANTLY make Leona or someone else rich pay for it.
Deuce would look like a sad puppy because he just witnessed his friend he deeply cares about just snap. Probably wouldn't leave Yuu's side while they recover.
He probably feels the most guilty as he couldn't do anything and wished he could have helped more.
Peep Grim crying about his henchman.
If Yuu DOES kill someone um mage jail? or how would that work since they aren't from TWST would they like be in custody in their own world???? because quite literally they have no information on Yuu to send them to Mage Jail.
I'm done yapping moving on
Azul (It's a Deal)
Instant panic attack instantly.
Considering his backstory and why he is becoming a Mage he would definitely freak out over not having his powers. Bro needs his octopot.
When he learns it was Yuu who got his powers he would feel a bit more relieved
"Yuu can I have my powers back? just make a deal with me."
Jade and Floyd are laughing their asses off when he tries to teach you how magic works. They are not going to do anything to help AT ALL.
Azul does NOT feel happy about being powerless at ALL. He has a business to keep running and Yuu is struggling.
I can imagine Yuu accidentally making a contract and stealing someone else's power and then having to keep THAT ONE under control.
Overall I feel like Azul makes top 5 of "Yuu will have a panic attack from being unable to control this power"
Azul would probably adjust to the change but he would not be happy with it at all.
There is a possibility Yuu could go power mad, but Azul is based on capitalism Yuu is not. They would probably only go power mad as a way for threatening/bargaining to go home.
When Yuu Overblots
Pray Yuu has the power under control
Azul's Overblot 2.0 except no tentacles
Azul tries to help the best he can and then gets blasted with magic right in the face. (L bozo)
When Yuu just snaps Azul wishes he could of down more, but he realizes he only was helping Yuu for himself. Not for them. They had to deal a lot and he probably was the one that broke the camels back for them to overblot.
On a skill level and Power level it would probably be the same as Azul's however Yuu has less control over the power.
Yuu is getting back for when he overblotted. /hj
When Yuu unoverblots Azul gives them an apology and also starts the process for them to see a therapist. Probably get's an earful from Deuce and Ace about pushing Yuu over the edge.
Jade (Shock The Heart)
Is not worried.
He doesn't need magic to intimidate people although he needs magic to obtain information.
"Oya? it appears the prefect has my power."
You know how Azul and Deuce would help? He wouldn't
When it comes to Jade's power it can easily be exploited to gain all kinds of information from someone and in the wrong hand's world domination can be caused.
Yuu gets help anyway from Tweedle Dee and Dum over at Heartslabyul.
Yuu would accidentally use Jade's power on people and would probably gain information they wouldn't want to know and probably has gotten traumatized.
Begs Jade to take his power back and he just giggles at Yuu. He is fine with not using Magic, but it is funny to see Yuu attempt to use his magic.
He's enjoying you struggle. However if it gets to a certain point he may help keyword may.
When Yuu overblots
No one is worried lmao.
I mean overblotting is bad, but Jade's power is like so??? normal?? that an overblot would be dangerous, but his conditions are it can only be used once so if Yuu acivates it they probably wouldn't be able to use it again.
If not they are royally fucked tbh.
Jade can't do anything at all and probably will get grilled later for not helping Yuu.
When they unoverblot Yuu Jade is the first one to get them to the infirmary carrying them bridal style (slay king) and making sure they recieve proper treatment. Also apologises for not helping them learn as he was worried they would go power mad.
Jamil (Snake Whisperer)
He is flipping out.
Number 1. Yuu just got this power and barely can control it IMAGINE WHAT COULD HAPPEN.
(Manipulate Crowley into sending them home)
Number 2. Jamil needs his magic and as Kalims retainer he needs it more than Yuu :sob:
Jamil is already stressed out with wrangling Kalim 24/7 now he has this on his hands. Bro just might overblot from stress.
Either way he helps Yuu with gaining control because Yuu almost made Ace choke on his food from accidentally using the UM. And almost made Jack run into a tree (It was funny actually)
We all know how Jamil's overblot turned out someone call up the Octotrio to deal with this again.
There is a possibility Yuu could go power mad. However Yuu is a sweetheart (possibly) and wouldn't control their friends.. right?
Jamil physically can't adjust to being magicless and tries to literally hunt the person down but fails miserably.
When Yuu overblots
I dare Yuu to throw everyone who's fighting so Jamil can get yeeted too (I'd be funny I swear)
Jamil overblot 2.0 except Yuu loses control and accidentally brainwashes everyone. whoops
Jamil got his Karma from brainwashing the whole dorm
Wait if he can brainwash the whole dorm could he brainwash all of NRC? 😨
When Yuu snaps Yuu is coming for everyone INCLUDING CROWLEY his ass is not getting saved.
I pray for everyone who is fighting Yuu. Compared to Deuce's though I'd rather get brainwashed tbh.
If Yuu somehow manages to get pulled out Kalim is making sure everyone who was affected is okay and Jamil is rushing Yuu to the infirmary. When Yuu snaps it would be dreadful tbh and I don't think people would make it out of this OB with Yuu unless they physically got hurt to the point of unconsciousness, or Malleus was like "No don't overblot you're too sexy aha".
Jamil also apologizes for not being able to do enough and makes sure Yuu sees a therapist.
Snake whisperer overblot Yuu and Bet the Limit overblot Yuu are genuinely scary and I'm terrified.
Vil (Fairest One of All)
Instant panic
Vil's UM is so powerful that when a curse is placed with conditions it cannot be lifted even with Vil's interference unless the conditions are met.
Imagine Yuu with that power. Crowley suddenly has a way for Yuu to get home.
Vil would be more concerned with his potato having a power they CANNOT control. Yuu will be accidentally placing curses on people.
Ace would suddenly get paralyzed from the neck down and Yuu didn't know how they did it.
Yuu accidentally paralyzing people is crazy.
Vil helps Yuu try to gain control of the power but has a really hard time.
This is another one where if Yuu were to overblot it would be because they accidentally use the UM too much and are stressed because of it.
Vil doesn't mind being magicless however do NOT let his father figure that out he might force Vil out of NRC into modeling.
When Yuu overblots
Uncontrolled curse magic with a stressed-out overblotting Yuu. Yeah this is up there with Bet the limit and Snake Whisperer.
Someone is probably dying.
Vil almost killed Neige for gods sake imagine what YUU COULD DO.
Vil tried to curse Yuu mid overblot but forgot he couldn't use magic.
Vil is actively sending Rook after the mage who switched powers. Vil wants his potato back.
If Yuu manages to snap out of an OB Vil is also the one making sure Yuu gets treatment. He will also pay for their therapy and treatments.
When Vil gets his hand on the mage she will not be existing anymore /hj
You have been warned
Idia (Game, Set, Match)
Every time I say Yuu is terrifying with a certain OB It gets worse. (I should make a list tbh)
Idia is freaking the hell out. Probably has a panic attack but we aren't there yet.
Idia's UM literally control the gates to the underworld and basically keeps the blot monsters in and if Yuu accidentally opens that.
I pray for everyone's safety.
Idia has probably headed a warning about this and is actively hunting down the mage. Ortho is helping too.
This is one of those where I say Yuu should not have it because with one wrong move and hundreds if not thousands of people could get hurt.
Idia is panicking Yuu is panicking Ortho is trying to calm them down.
Yuu most likely overblots because Idia is freaking them out, and they don't want to open the gates to hell.
I wonder if one of his parents could also open and close the gate with their magic that will literally help.
When Yuu overblots
Run everyone the gates of hell opened again.
If I had a nickel for every time someone overblotted and opened the gates of hell I'd have two nickels. It's not a lot of nickels, but it is weird that it happened twice.
Idia is making sure the literal gates of hell did NOT open, and surely enough they did.
Crowley is probably getting sued
In Theory the battle could be easy however when it comes to the UM someone tell Yuu to close the gates.
Blot monster domination 2.0
Ortho manages to hunt the mage down, but only until after the overblot is over and the gates have opened.
Idia completely forgot about Yuu's condition so when they switched powers he was more focused on closing the gate. He got grilled for that by Ace and Deuce who carried Yuu to the nurses.
I feel like this one is scary but more in the sense that Yuu has the power to the hell world.
Malleus (Fae of Maleficence)
Do I even need to say how bad this would be?
I know damn well most of Diasmonia is tweaking that Waka Sama just lost his power.
When Malleus learns it's Yuu he's more worried about them being stressed out over this and tries to help them the best way he could and even gets Lilia in on it.
Malleus is one of the top 5 mages in the world Yuu is probably one panic attack away from overblotting and putting everyone's ass to sleep.
Malleus is also concerned about the possibility of an overblot so he is definitely trying to keep them from overblotting. Whatever his child of man needs he will snap his fingers and it's done.
Yuu wants a massage? Malleus will arrange that. Yuu needs food he will buy Yuu some. Yuu wants ice cream? He wants some too. Yuu wants a fucking break? He will threaten Crowley for one.
He understands the power that was given to Yuu is a lot handle and will accommodate his Child of man (They are getting married after this)
He is also sending Silver and Sebek after the mage and the mage may or may not be existing after he finds her.
When Yuu overblots
As of 2/26/24 not all of Diasmonia has been updated/finished so I have no information as to how it will end/ how his overblot will go. But let's just imagine it.
Malleus fell into a dream world where he got to be happy with his Child of Man. He is King, he has children, and he's with his Child of Man happily. :SOBBING:
When he get pulled out from the dream he's like why :( probably all pouty since it was a good dream. And then remembers Yuu overblotted and is like no my child of man.
He is the first one to instantly get Yuu help bro can't teleport, but he can run and if he can still turn into a dragon he can fly.
He apologizes to Yuu even though he did all he could he still feel like he could have done more. He gets Yuu all of the treatments they need instantly and when the mage switches back their powers she is deader than his Mom.
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 4 months
At what age do you think Sister Winchester started hunting? And do you think she could be a better hunter than Sam, Dean and John? And how would the boys react to this?
I feel like if that were to happen, it would be Dean and Sam being like "she's better than us and that's what scares us"
Because she is very good and will never stop wanting to hunt
Or maybe Sam and Dean would be afraid that their sister doesn't need them anymore, I don't know.
But I think the Winchester sister who was trained by Dean and Sam would be a total danger, she is like a single human being who has the best of Sam and Dean
And do you think Sister Winchester would embrace the hunting side of her family or try to suppress it?
Like "I love my dad but I'm sorry I inherited the worst parts of him."
I think it depends on where the sister fits into the supernatural timeline. If she’s a good bit younger than Sam, I think she would have learned about the supernatural life pretty quickly, with two older brothers and her dad hunting.
But it would be a while before she went hunting, especially if John died while she was still a teen. Sam and Dean would want her out of it as long as possible. They would make sure she was prepared, but they wouldn’t be like John, so I don’t think she’d be quite as trained.
I think if she did end up surpassing the boys as a hunter, it would take some time, since with John gone she just wouldn’t be training as much as they did. If she’s closer to Sam’s age and John was still alive, he’d probably be extra tough on her just because it can be harder to get ahead as a woman hunter, especially if she didn’t have the natural athleticism that the boys had. If she was super athletic like them, John might back off a little.
Either way, there’s no way she’s hunting before 16, even with John in the picture. If John died before she became 16, Dean might make her wait until 18.
Even with that though, she would’ve had to use her training plenty of times during apocalypse or when the boys were in danger and there was no “sit in the motel and be safe” option, even though Dean wanted there to be.
If she gets better than the boys, I think Dean would be relieved and Sam would be scared.
Dean would be relieved that nothing could touch his baby sister without her beating the crap out of it. Sam would look more towards the future, and he’d be scared that she’s so good she won’t be able to escape hunting.
I think when the little sister was younger she would’ve been desperate to hunt, only because with the three men in her family hunting it would be the only way to spend more time with them.
But once she got a little older and saw how screwed up Sam and Dean get from hunting, she would start to resent it.
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xerith-42 · 6 months
Alright. Talking more about Garroth losing his arm.
Garroth may be lucky, he is ambidextrous. Atleast in mystreet. So atleast we know he'll still be able to write. But what about fighting with one arm and so forth.
You've said that there will be a way for Garroth to learn one armed fighting, but it depends on if he can and wants to do it.
A few interesting notes here.
->It goed against Garroth's fighting style. I think it was you who made that post about fighting styles, with Garroth just packing any punch. One armed fighting doesn't go well with Garroth's fighting style. Getting used to this will likely be quite difficult. Would his armour be enough to just take all the hits?
And, what does he fight with now? What if he fights with a shield. Being like a shield to his allies. Relying on knocking others back. But this would make him pretty reliant on his allies to do the damage.
->if Garroth wouldn't be able to adjust, what would he do then? Is also a good question. Perhaps something with the medical skills he has in Diaries season 1? So he can still protect people in his own way.
Ooooh, all of these are great points and ideas to explore. That's what's always fun about Garroth's character is that he really can go either way just dependent on the circumstances surrounding his losing of an arm.
Even if he's ambidextrous, I don't think he trained using his sword in his left hand very much. He always trained in sword AND shield, always using them in tandem with one another and never on their own. While he could learn to use his sword and still fight, I feel like Garroth at this point would have enough humility to know when he's beat. To know that his days on the front lines are over.
All the guards and kids he raised and trained are taking care of their villages, and Aphmau in her quest to adopt every wayward guard she comes across is protected by plenty. Garroth comes back to a world that's moved on without him, and realizes he might not ever be able to catch up.
I really like the idea of him becoming a healer instead. Honing in on medical skills that he allowed to fall by the wayside previously and accepting that this is the best way he can help. There's obviously that doubt, the loathing, the lamenting, the whole ordeal of Garroth struggling to accept his new life. But once he manages to step up, take the L, and then work on self improvement, he'd be a great healer. I can see him going to Zoey, Lucinda, Cadenza, literally anyone he knows who knows stuff about potions, healing magic, or taking care of people.
He learns every thing he can to properly care for his friends. And he's good at it because he was a guard for most of his life and therefore knows the most common injuries, major or minor, that his friends need treated. Idk the validity of this happening, but massage therapist Garroth is something I've always loved as an idea.
Like it starts with the gang coming back from an adventure and Travis got a little beat up so he goes to Garroth to get the wounds treated, but Garroth starts lecturing him about his posture and body imbalance part way through. He points out that Travis using a single arm to carry a large sword has meant the other half of his body doesn't get exercised as much and therefore throws off his entire balance and makes him more prone to injury. He not only gives Travis' poor aching shoulders a proper massage they need, but also gives him salve to help with muscle straining, and different stretches he can do to balance out his body anymore.
And even if he isn't a front line fighter, he can still train and spar with people. You can still put a sword in his hand and he can go toe to toe with you and explain in detail why he was able to knock you on your ass despite the physical disadvantage. He can still work with someone to figure out what weapon set is best for the way they fight. And he can, as I said before, act as a vector for other guards to realize how fucking unwell they are. Because Garroth didn't realize how much damage being a guard had done until he got his arm ripped off, and he doesn't want anyone else to be pushed to an extreme like that before they realize that they need more help than they let on.
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amethystina · 4 months
Hi! Reading your fics, which are mainly post canon, I was wondering... do you ever imagine gahan getting married and talking about kids (besides Elijah, of course) or do you think they would just stick to each other's company and that would be enough?
Personally, I love the ideia of Yo Han being able to raise a child in a fully open loving way, without the restrictions he had to put on Elijah (we saw a few glimpses of how he used to be with her before the fire). After 10 year in anger and in chase for revenge, Yo Han deserves some peace, I wonder if he ever considerated a child as part of it (we can't forget his own childhood). Knowing how deep he can love someone, it feels such a loss not being able to have a person that only knows him for that, openly, without the mask he used to put on in front Ga On and Elijah (i don't know if you'll get what I mean lol).
I'd just love to know your personal's head canon for that 😅 Since, for me, you're so good in thinking as Yo Han.
I imagine that they will, yes — in most scenarios I can think of. I mean, granted, the marriage can obviously never happen in South Korea (and not only because Yo Han is officially dead) but I think they'd definitely end up building an even bigger family somewhere down the line.
As I've touched on in Who Holds the Devil, I think that Ga On 100% wants kids. And, let's face it, he'd be such a good dad. But, that said, he would never force Yo Han to want kids since... well, that's not very like Ga On, is it? He wouldn't want to do that to Yo Han or the kid/kids.
So, in the end, the decision on whether or not they end up getting kids lies with Yo Han. And, as with many of my theories, I think his answer depends on when he would be asked that question. Like, during canon? I think he'd say no, without a moment's hesitation. Or on pure reflex might be a better way of putting it. Because, at that point in his life? He wouldn't consider kids to be something for him. He's so defensive, so convinced of his own darkness, and also well aware of how poorly he treated Elijah.
He did his best — but that's also the problem. Even his best left the child in his care to become a bitter, isolated teenager with little to no social skills. He'd no doubt be convinced that he'd only fuck up again if he was ever in charge of raising another child. So why bother? Clearly, it's not for him. And not fair to the child, either.
But after he gets settled with Ga On? Especially a year or two down the line? After they've dealt with the majority of the guilt and trauma and gotten comfortable? And Yo Han has softened even more? And gets to have a stable, loving home environment for the first time in his life?
Then his opinion would most likely change, especially once he starts suspecting that Ga On wants kids. Because Yo Han, as we all know, can't deny Ga On anything. That's not to say that he would agree immediately, though.
Quite the opposite.
He'd have to think about it a lot before reaching a conclusion. Because I think he'd panic a bit at first. Like, when he first realises that Ga On wants kids? That's terrifying. Because, again, up until that point I think Yo Han has just decided that kids aren't for him. And his first instinct won't be to reevaluate if that decision has changed, but rather feel a kneejerk rush of: "That's not something I can give him. I'm going to have to crush his dream of having children. I'm going to make him miserable."
And Yo Han would feel terrible.
But then, thankfully, his rational side would kick in and try to straighten out what's actually going on. As in, Yo Han would ask himself if he might just have changed his mind about kids now that he has a stable partner — especially one who balances and complements him as well as Ga On does. Maybe kids aren't out of reach anymore?
But even once Yo Han realises that, yeah, he might actually want kids after all — at least if it's with Ga On — he'd also have to overcome the fear that he'll fuck them up as much as he accidentally ruined Elijah. But, again, it helps to know that Ga On would be there, making sure that Yo Han doesn't go overboard with the protectiveness. Ga On wouldn't let Yo Han hurt another child like he hurt Elijah.
Yo Han would also have to figure out how a child would change his relationship with Ga On, their relationship with Elijah, and their existence overall. And he'd have to overcome that quiet, simmering fear at the back of his mind that he might turn out to be like his father.
Yo Han is good at thinking on his feet and can obviously be spontaneous and unpredictable when needed, but I think he'd approach "Do I want kids?" like it's one of his schemes. He'd collect data, meticulously structure his thoughts, weigh pros and cons, plot and plan, and, finally, reach a conclusion.
Because having a child — starting a family — would be huge for Yo Han.
I mean, he obviously already has a family, but it's one that Yo Han didn't have all that much input in? Miss Ji is there because his father hired her. Yo Han became Elijah's guardian due to incredibly tragic circumstances and because there was no one else who could take her. Ga On came into his life because of Jung Sun Ah's machinations, and was intended to be a weapon against him.
But having a child? Choosing to have a child? And build a bigger family with Ga On? That's no small thing.
And, for the best result, I think Yo Han should probably be left alone with that thought for literal months to have time to work through his own thoughts and feelings on the matter before he and Ga On ever broach the subject. If they do it too soon, Yo Han could get defensive and start deflecting without meaning to, which would no doubt make Ga On backtrack and just... resign himself to the idea that Yo Han clearly doesn't want kids. Because Ga On, too, knows that Yo Han can't deny him anything and he'd be afraid that if he pushes too hard — or shows how much he wants kids — Yo Han might feel forced to agree. So Ga On would rather pull back and drop the subject instead of feeling like he's making too many demands.
But once Yo Han has thought it through? And realises that, yes, he wants kids?
Then he's all-in in that way only Kang Yo Han can be.
He'd still be terrified from time to time, of course — because he did grow up thinking he was a monster and that will resurface when he's got tiny humans to take care of — but oh man he'd love those kids with every fibre of his being. And I totally agree that it would be so, so wonderful to see him do that, without having to hold back or be afraid of being seen as soft or weak (as he no doubt did with Elijah).
All he has to do is love them.
My personal headcanon (i.e. this is something I'm choosing to believe because I want to, since I'm not sure what Yo Han would actually think) is that Yo Han wouldn't want those kids to be his biological ones, though. I think that, somewhere deep down, he'd be scared they'd turn out like him. That whatever it is that makes him so vicious and different would be hereditary. So he'd prefer the kids to be adopted or, even better, Ga On's.
Like, just imagine how much Yo Han would love to have miniature Ga Ons running around?
He'd practically combust from happiness.
(but he would obviously love the kids either way — Yo Han, if anyone, knows that chosen family is more important than blood relations)
So yeah! I totally agree that they'll get a kid/kids sometime in the future. It just feels like the kind of family that both Ga On and Yo Han would want considering their childhoods and how lonely and isolated they've both been. Ga On is the one who expresses a longing for family the most, but it's clear that Yo Han wants that, too. And I think there's something very beautiful in it being their choice to start that family? Something they're creating together because they want to?
They deserve that love and peace.
But it would take a while for them to reach that point, since it's such a big decision and there would be a lot of heightened emotions involved. And they would also have to spend a lot of time preparing Elijah for it, to make sure she doesn't feel neglected or replaced. But, hopefully, she's had enough therapy and matured enough by that point that she'll eventually come around. She'd of course be wary at first and perhaps a little snappish from time to time, until she realises that, sure, there are more kids in the house now, but her relationship with both Yo Han and Ga On is still unique and they're not abandoning her.
And once they reach that stage?
It'll turn into a full-time job to keep Elijah from a) spoiling the kids rotten, b) undermining all of the hard work they (but mostly Ga On) put into teaching the kids about rules and responsibility, and c) kidnapping the kids and holding them for ransom whenever Yo Han makes her angry and she wants to punish him. Complete with a hostage-like exchange once he caves and eventually apologises — which sometimes requires Ga On's intervention because he would like his kids back now, thank you very much, so suck it up and just apologise, Mr. Abyss.
They'd be a wonderful little family and deliriously happy, in other words.
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alpaca-clouds · 11 months
Relationships and Healing
(Or: The entire thing about healing sex)
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⚠️ CW: Rape, forced prostitution ⚠️
You know what? I cannot resist the chance our dear traumatized vampire provides to talk about aspect, that I personally do care a lot about in my writing.
Especially because I saw it discussed in several blogs here. So I just want to talk a bit about my reading and in general with how I deal with the topic when I am writing about. Not only in this fandom, but other fandoms as well. (Will probably also talk about Castlevania a bit further down.)
So, if you have read any of my Tav/Astarion stuff, you might notice that there is sexy things happening - but no sex.
Now, I now a lot of folks read Astarion as ace, but I don't. I read him mostly as just carrying around too much sexual trauma to fully be able to enjoy sex. Because, well. He carries nearly 200 years of sexual trauma. Depending on your dialogue choices (and whether or not you do the romance), he talks about it a bit. How he tried to tell himself that it would not be so bad, if he went for the pretty people, how he might even enjoy it. But of course it ended up very much not working.
A small tangent here: I do kinda appreciate this to some degree. Because it is a surprisingly sensitive portrayal of this. A lot of rape survivors get actually told that they should be happy because "Pretty Person" had sexual interest in them. See also: Celebrity rape cases. (Also, I really do appreciate that they allowed a man to have this backstory, because male sexual abuse gets so often ignored in media or played for laughs.)
Of course it is not only the sexual trauma with him. I mean, this poor man has all the trauma. Literally all of it. Which makes this even more complicated.
So, yeah. I think him holding back on sex is very much that for him sex is equivalent to having his body used. It is not really clear what his life was like before Cazador, but it seems pretty clear that for the last nearly 200 years his experiences with sex were always negative. To him sex is not a thing that happens between two people who want to enjoy it, but a thing that is forced upon him or at best a thing to archive a goal of some sorts. And that is without even going so far and consider sex for love or anything, of which there is a good chance that he never had it, given he was still fairly young when he was turned.
We see that in his behavior, too. When he goes to seduce Tav (or whoever you play as), he does this, because in his mind there is no way that someone is going to help him without payment. Because for 200 years nobody has helped him. And the only payment he knows is paying with his body.
Its also why I find the "sex on his grave" scene a bit sus, because to me it very much reads as him not having a proper coping mechanism to deal with all the feelings he is experiencing after killing Cazador. Because till that point he has coped through snark and through being a general asshole, and now he does not need to do that anymore... and he does not quite know how else to deal.
So, yeah. I decided to have him struggle with all of that. Because it is an experience that a lot of rape survivors have. That they want to have sex again, but somehow their mind just won't allow them. Because whenever they are in a sexual situation, a part of them just goes back into panic mode. Sex itself becomes basically a trigger for the PTSD. (And let's face it. Astarion has not PTSD, but C-PTSD.)
And I just think... He is gonna need a bit time to heal, before he actually is gonna be able to enjoy sex.
I might note, that this is also the reason why I find it a bit sad, that there are very few scenes of him actually interacting with the other characters on the team (outside of the idle banter), because what he needs, too, is friends. Just positive humanoid interaction. I mean, it is a good scene that in whoever you might play as he has a good friend/romantic partner, but... he also just needs more friends.
This kinda brings me over to the other aspect in general: The concept of healing sex or healing through relationships. Which is... a complicated topic, really.
A lot of people keep saying that "healing sex is a thing that only works in fanfiction/media", but I am gonna respectfully disagree with this. Now, of course, physical wounds will not heal through sex (though there is some research that suggest that healing might be quickened just a bit due to hormons and stuff), but for some trauma survivors it actually has a healing effect. Even for some rape survivors. Because for some people it works really well as "overwriting the bad memories with good ones" and to teach the nervous system that it is actually something you can be safe with.
While for others it does not work and might even be triggering.
Because, you know, trauma survivors are different and have different paths to healing.
The other bit is healing through a (romantic) relationship. Which is even more complicated. Because yes, if you have the right partner that definitely can work. But also, it does put a lot of emotional strain on that partner, because they gonna have to deal with all your emotional stuff at your worst moments. Which can make the relationship quite unhealthy, if not everyone is very aware about this.
(This kinda is why so many YA romances, especially straight romances, tend to be so messed up. Because you often have the very sad bad boy, who has this very sad backstory involving tons of trauma... and then a female main character, who has to deal with it. Because of course therapy is nothing that the bad boy ever would go to.)
It is also why I decided to handle my ships with Castlevania the way I did. In my stuff Adrian gets together with Trevor and Sypha only nine months after the end of the series, after having had some time to heal at least a bit before it. He still does need to do a lot of healing - and also needs to learn proper coping strategies - after that. But at least his mental wounds are not as raw any longer as they were by the end of season 4.
Meanwhile Hector and Isaac get together only two years post-canon, because in their case they both have a lot of healing and soul-searching to do until they are in any shape to have a meaningful romantic relationship. And yes, I also made a point out of bringing in Striga, specifically, as someone who is able to offer emotional support to them.
It should also be noted that I kinda do enjoy writing different trauma reactions within those characters. I gave Trevor a ton of sexual trauma (because he was a street kid and street kids usually tend to collect sexual trauma over time), but he is just very willing to latch on to people being good to him and basically use it to overwrite any bad memories he had. Meanwhile Adrian does have to deal with certain things in bed triggering him for a long while, with the trio kinda figuring out bit by bit what he is okay with and what not. And then, we have Hector. Who... takes about five years to actually admit that Lenore raped him and that he has quite a bit of trauma from that. Because it is a thing that actually happens: People only realizing that they are traumatized at a point, when they start to feel actually safe.
So, yeah. Just a few thoughts on this and how I read those characters and their trauma. And yeah, I absolutely do project my own trauma and healing onto some of them. (Especially Hector. I see so much of myself in him.)
And... uhm, I think this is the end of this blog post. If you are interested, please vote in my poll about what I should write for NaNoWriMo this year. The BG3 story would definitely involve some more stuff about Astarion's healing journey, while "His Story" would involve some healing with the forge masters. xD
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littlesniggy · 11 months
Commission Dabi x Reader
Hello everyone. So I had another commission two months ago and this time it was about Dabi. I honestly find it quite difficult for him to write but I did my best. This is part one of two (not sure when / if I'll get the second part of the commission though). Hope you enjoy it and looking forward to your feedback! Warnings: playing mind games, Dabi being a little sh*t, stalking, paranoia, Dabi still has black hair and goes by the name Dabi Pairing: Dabi x female reader Word count: 5.8k
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You wish you never opened your eyes. You wish you were still asleep, dreaming of God knows what. You would even prefer dreaming about being stuck in a crowded place, desperately waiting to get away; anything would be better than what you are currently staring at. 
You pull your blanket closer to your face, your eyes wide open with fear and shock as a pair of piercing, ice blue eyes stare right back at you. Your heart is pounding inside your chest, threatening to burst right out of your ribcage and run as far away from this situation as possible, leaving you behind. 
You don’t dare avert your gaze from his, afraid he’d do something the moment your attention wasn’t 100% focused on him. The longer you stare at him, the more your eyes get used to the darkness inside your room and the more you are able to make out more than just his eyes. 
Your heartrate quickens (if that’s even possible) when realization hits you that you’ve met this person before. The shadow in the corner of your room seems to notice your realization as a lazy smile forms on his lips, his eyes hooded with satisfaction. 
“Please don’t hurt me.” Your voice cracks and sounds higher than usual but that’s what fear does to your body. It paralyzes you to the point where you don’t even recognize yourself anymore. You know people react differently to fear and the prospect of death. It is commonly known as fight of flight mode. Your uncle once told you that he fought off an entire gang of villains (you still doubt it was a gang) because they threatened your aunt. He just acted on instinct and fended them off. You wish you had the same courage, to simply stand up to this person and fight. But that’s just not how you are; that’s not who you are.
He steps closer to your bed, his hands buried deep inside his pockets, his predatory eyes glinting with anticipation. It’s the same glint he had in his eyes the first (and only) time you met him a couple of weeks ago. He was charming but he made you feel uneasy; you’re not good with human interactions and when someone comes off too strong your brain just doesn’t know how to handle the situation. Back then, you discarded the uneasy feeling due to your lack of social skills. Why couldn’t you listen just once to your gut feeling?
He stops in front of your bed; he could grab your feet if he wanted to and instinctively you pull them closer to your body, pressing your legs against your chest.
The man chuckles and leans forward, his hands gripping the frame of your bed. 
“That depends on you.”
His eyes follow random people walking by with as much interest as someone doing their taxes. None of them piques his interest, none of them would be potential candidates for the League of Villains (he still thinks it’s a stupid name but he’s not the leader nor does he particularly care). After the first meeting a couple of weeks ago with Shigaraki he’s been out looking for like-minded villains but he didn’t seem to find the right people. All of them have been a waste of time so far and he’s starting to get bored with his task. He needs some distraction. 
Dabi walks past the shops of a not so busy street; the stares of the people not bothering him in the slightest. Let them stare, he’d think. They’ll stare even more once they know the truth about him. 
You have to mentally prepare yourself to order this much-needed coffee you’ve been craving for the past two days. You had asked your mom to bring you one when she went grocery shopping but she told you to “get your lazy ass outside once in a while and get the coffee yourself”. So now, here you are, leaving the comfort of your cozy room just for some coffee. 
“Next, please!” you take a deep breath and step forward, your face already feeling hot and you’re sure you must look like you’re in pain because the barista looks at you concerned. 
“What can I get you?”
“Can I….can I get a lall….” You feel your face heat up more and more and you are certain the other people behind you are staring at you, judging your incompetence while ordering a simple coffee. The barista smiles at you encouraging but you know he is judging you as well! He thinks you’re pitiful and pathetic and he is right. He opens his mouth to inquire what you want when you take a deep breath and burst out your order.
“Canigetalargecoffewithextramilkandsugar!?” Everyone goes quiet around you and you want to sink into the ground and just disappear. 
The barista looks at you wide eyed before he nods and repeats your order, just slower.
“One large coffee with extra milk and sugar. ‘s that correct?” he asks and you just nod. He types it in and asks you if you need anything else but you just mumble out a “no thank you”. He nods again and tells you the total. 
You grab your purse and look for your wallet, praying to God that you didn’t leave it at home. Relief floods you when you feel it and pull it out. With shaky hands you draw your credit card and place it against the card reader. A quick beep informs you that your card has been approved and the barista tells you to please wait for your coffee. 
It was sheer coincidence that Dabi waked past this coffee shop and just so happened to witness this bizarre interaction. He couldn’t help but stop and follow your struggle with his eyes. Sure, he didn’t hear what you were saying but he isn’t stupid; the reaction from the people around you told him everything he needed to know. 
He watches you grab your coffee hurriedly and you seem to be looking for a seat inside the café but the only seats available are the once outside. He tries to guess whether you will sit outside or just leave but both options seem to be likely. 
To his delight you choose to sit at one of the tables outside; the furthest away from everyone of course to have as few interactions as possible. You are small, almost fragile looking and your glasses make you look younger than you probably are. Oh, it’s been a while since Dabi found someone so…..timid, so…..not prepared for the real world. He’d go as far as to say that interacting with other people causes you some sort of mental pain but that’s just a hunch. He watches you take out your phone and headphones, brushing away your short hair to move them out of the way. “Forget it.” He mumbles to himself and strides over to where you’re sitting, his hands buried deep inside his pockets.
You notice a shadow but don’t look up, thinking it’s either just someone passing by or a beggar wanting some change. You are mistaken. With a dull thud someone drops down into the chair next to you, one arm leisurely resting on the backrest of your chair. Your whole body tenses and you don’t dare to look up but you feel the person next to you is eyeing you intently to the point where it’s way past being uncomfortable. 
You slowly turn your head to your left; the first thing you see are a pair of thick black boots firmly placed on the ground. The coat he’s wearing almost touches the ground as well but not quite. His dark pants are held up by a grey belt and underneath this long coat he’s wearing a white shirt. You want to say something but every word that might have come out of your mouth his being silenced by the horrendous look that presents itself in front of you when you see his face. 
Dark red, charred, patches of skin seem to be attached to the rest of his face by nothing but staples. Your mouth hangs open and you feel like you’re in some kind of horror movie. Is he a zombie. 
“It’s rude to stare.” The man says in a monotone voice though you’re sure there is a glint of amusement in his hooded turquoise eyes. The three piercings in his nose twinkle in the sun light as well as the staples. 
Out of the corner of your eyes you see his arm resting on your chair and you lean forward just a little bit in order not to touch him. He doesn’t seem to mind. 
“Whatcha drinkin’?” he asks nodding towards your coffee. You are completely overwhelmed by this situation and you sheepishly look around for help but everyone is ignoring you. Of course, the two freaks must know each other, you think angrily to yourself but this doesn’t get you out of this situation. 
“C-coffee…” you mumble and Dabi has to lean forward in order to catch what you’re saying. You instinctively squirm away from him which makes him chuckle in return. “Relax. Not gonna hurt ya.” He says, his hand casually brushing against your arm which makes you squirm even more. “Just coffee? Or with some fancy flavor? Maybe you can give me some recommendation. First time coming to this part of town. This a good café?” being bombarded with questions makes your head spin for a moment. Which one should you reply to first? Is he being serious? You doubt it but like hell will you call him out on his bullshit!
“It’s a good place.” You mumble, lifting your hand up to your face and first scratching your neck out of discomfort and then you instinctively go over to nibbling at your fingers before straight out biting your nails. It’s a bad habit of yours which your mom has scolded you for time and time again but you can’t seem to stop it. Every time you look at your nails you are reminded of your inability to cope with stressful situations in a more healthy manner, which makes you more anxious in return. 
Dabi huffs amused and leans in closer to you, his arm which is resting against your chair pulls you casually against him as well. You stiffen and a cold shudder runs down your spine. You don’t like it. The close proximity to this stranger makes you want to vomit but you hold it back. Why can’t he just leave? 
To make things worse does his arm snake around you even more and he grabs your hand from your lips, his long, slender fingers holding yours in an almost iron grip. “Whoa, your nails look awful.” The taunting tone in his voice has you sinking into your chair, trying to pull your hand away from him. Shame and embarrassment flow through every vein of your body. It’s bad enough your mom keeps nagging you about it but now a stranger as well? He shows mercy though as his warm hand slowly loosens its grip around your soft fingers until your hand slips out of his.
Dabi leans back with a satisfied grin on his face.  You want to retort something, you want to tell him that his whole appearance looks awful but even though he makes you uncomfortable, even though he keeps taunting and harassing you; you can’t bring yourself to criticize his looks when it’s obvious that the charred skin comes from a fire or something like that and you know the moment you open your mouth to mock him, you’d regret it. 
“Why are you out here all by yourself anyway? Waitin’ for your friends? Maybe your boyfriend?” His voice drops an octave when insinuating a potential boyfriend. You know he can’t possibly think you have a boyfriend so you conclude that he is trying to find your weak spots (which you have plenty of) and it drives you crazy. Why does he keep taunting you? Why does he keep making fun of you? Is this some kind of sick game? 
You shuffle uncomfortably in your seat, unsure how to answer his questions. Be honest? Or lie? Or just ignore it? You opt to go with option number one. You’re not a good liar and you have a feeling that he will keep pestering you. 
“Here by myself.” You reply. Dabi leans back in his seat and examines your form for a moment, his turquoise eyes reflecting the sun from above, making them even more piercing. “Is that so.” He simply responds. You can see his brain working hard behind those eyes and you kind of wished you could hear his thoughts but there is nothing but silence. 
Dabi retrieves his arm from your chair. You let out a sigh of relief in return, glad the uncomfortable human contact stopped. Now he just needs to-
“Can I try it?” he points at your drink but instead of waiting for your reply he simply grabs it and takes a big sip. 
Out of the corners of his eyes he sees you opening and closing you mouth like a fish but no sound comes out. He knows you want to tell him to stop; to stop drinking your coffee, to stop intruding your personal space to just stop bothering you. But you don’t. You press you lips together tightly and avert your eyes, frustration mirroring in your surprisingly pretty eyes. 
“Too much milk and sugar. Shoulda ordered it black.” He comments but keeps drinking your coffee until he empties it until the last drop and places it on the table in front of you again. You are simply flabbergasted by his behavior but instead if voicing your irritation you just shift in your seat once again, no sound coming from you. 
A crooked grin appears on his lips at your reaction. “Was nice meeting you but I gotta go. See ya around.” He places his hands on his thighs before getting up, his eyes never leaving your flustered from. You don’t reply. You don’t even acknowledge him leaving. Your eyes just stare at the empty cup in front of you while his heavy footsteps slowly walk away. 
Dabi doesn’t look back either but he’s feeling something exciting tingling in his stomach. He’s met a lot of people being uncomfortable around him but you’re on a whole ‘nother level. You’re not just awkward around him but around everyone. The way you squirmed in your seat when he sat down, let alone when he had his arm around you; priceless! He is not a power hungry man but he can’t deny the feeling of superiority he had around you and how willing you seemed to just accept your fate, even though you were visibly frustrated with him. You could be a fun pastime while the League of Villains is still looking for new recruits. He would just let the others do the scouting. After all, he would only burn possible allies to dust anyways. 
 You are an utter mess when you leave the café and at first you just walk aimlessly around, trying to gather your thoughts. As much as you’d like to deny it but this interaction has you scared. Why? You don’t know but just the way he behaved with this whole demeanor…it was too much for you. You’ve never met anyone with this much confidence or rather this much audacity like him. A quick thought passes through your mind that he might’ve been on drugs? But there were no indications for that and he didn’t really strike you as a junkie. 
You stop at a corner and take a deep breath. It’s over, you will never see him again. This was a once and a lifetime interaction and it just reaffirms your conviction to leave the house as little as possible. You take a quick look at your phone for the time and note that it’s time to go back home. Enough time spent outside. You need to go back to the comfort of your own room. 
It’s really just coincidence that he sees you again while you cross the street but it plays into his hands. He wouldn’t necessarily consider himself a stalker just because he starts following you, his hands buried inside his pockets and heavy boots making a dull thud against the concrete floor. The word “stalker” describes losers who can’t get the girl but he knows he could get you.  He would much rather consider himself a predator who stalks his prey until he's cornered it, its wide fearful eyes looking up at him, waiting for him to strike. And you just happen to fit the description of the perfect prey. 
You curse yourself for not taking the car but for some odd reason you thought walking all the way to town was a good idea to clear your head and also give your body some exercise on the way. And the way here was fine. The way back is the problem. When making the decision to walk you didn’t consider the fact that you might not want to walk all the way back as well. Your feet are tired and from all the exercise this day. For a moment you contemplate calling an Uber but you decide against it. As much as you don’t want to continue walking you still need to sort your thoughts and being in a car with yet another stranger won’t help you in the slightest. 
You leave the city and the spaces between houses grow bigger and bigger with property lines stretching far back behind the houses yet big trees obstruct the view on the properties. Said trees also line up on either side of the street, their green crowns offering shade for the occasional pedestrian. But right now, the sun is about to set and a cool breeze hits your face and makes you burry your hands deeper into your sweatshirt pocket and pull up your shoulders. With fast footsteps you are getting closer and closer to your home; you know the way by heart ever since you were a little child walking to elementary school with your friends and could probably also walk the way with your eyes closed. 
You think back to this strange man from the café; you simply can’t get those calculating turquoise eyes out of your mind. They were mesmerizing and terrifying at the same time. They burnt their way right into your mind and now keep following you with every step you take. You suddenly feel uneasy and without thinking turn your head to look behind you. I’m just too paranoid. I’m just not used to being outside. You keep telling yourself to calm down and that your mind is playing games with you but there is this nagging feeling that you are being watched. 
Another cold breeze comes from behind; it feels colder than the previous one and more forceful. Your short hair tickles your ear as if it is trying to tell you something. You turn your head around once again, this time looking harder if you can see anyone. Some leaves dance across the street carried by the wind which seems to be picking up. There is light coming from a house across the street and an older looking man is leaning against the counter across the window, a bottle of beer in hand and absentmindedly looking out the window. 
You cautiously walk a few steps, your eyes scanning the area one more time before you look ahead and keep walking. You pick up your pace, the uneasiness from before slowly but surely turning into straight paranoia as you constantly feel a pair of turquoise eyes watching you from behind. But there is nothing. You shake your head but the image has burnt itself into your brain and you can’t seem to shake it off, to get rid of it. 
You spin around when you hear a rustling behind you, eyes wide open with panic, trying to find the source of the sudden noise. Your body is tense and your heart is racing. Another rustling. You take a step back, pulling your backpack in front of you for a false sense of security. But yet again, you see nothing. You need to get back home. ASAP. 
Even if you look insane, you start running with your backpack pressed against your chest. Your lungs soon start burning from the lack of oxygen and the lack of prior exercise. You take a mental note to start jogging one day. Just for cases like this where you feel unsafe and need to get out of a situation. 
You try to push yourself to run further but your body is not playing along and you need to stop. You heart is pounding in your chest and you are sure whoever is following you can hear it as well. You press your hands into your sides, letting your backpack drop to the ground in order to alleviate the pain. 
Once you’ve caught your breath you pick up the backpack again while your head looks around. Nothing there. Due to the adrenaline rushing through your body your senses seem to pick up as well because you are certain you hear heavy footsteps somewhere in the distance behind you. The same sound this man’s footsteps made when he left. Slow but heavy, each step promising misery if you stand in his way. 
You start walking purposefully (your lungs are still burning) and can finally see the unremarkable house on the left side of the street with the black mail box (your suggestion when you were younger). Relief replaces the adrenaline when you turn into the driveway, cross the lawn and hurry up the stairs to your front door. Your hand grabs the doorknob and turns it, the warm and familiar smell of home greeting you from the inside. 
You take a step forward, your right foot crossing the threshold when your body freezes in place, a cold shiver creeping down your body and every single hair on your body seems to be standing straight as if you were being electrocuted. 
Ever so slowly an almost hot hand is grabbing you by the neck. It’s featherily light, like a hot summer breeze but it’s pushing you down, intending to force you to give in and fall. Those turquoise eyes are now boring themselves into the back of your skull and it takes every bit of willpower you have to cross the threshold completely and close the door behind you. Instantly, the hand leaves your neck and you are met with your mom sticking out her head from the kitchen, a tired smile on her lips. 
“Welcome back, honey. Hope you had a nice day.”
Dabi is delighted, to say the least. He is leaning against a tree, his eyes still glued to the closed door of your house. Through a window close to the door he can see you hurry up the stairs where he presumes your room is located. 
Seeing you so distraught when you thought someone was following you gave him chills of excitement. So scared, so….breakable. Sure, he was following you but you didn’t know that so your paranoia was even more enticing. 
His phone vibrates in his pocket. A quick look at the display has him click his tongue and he shoves the device back into his pocket. Shigaraki could wait. He has found a plaything he couldn’t possibly let out of his sight. Not after all the entertainment you’ve already provided. 
To be honest, he thought it would be more fun watching you. It didn’t take long for him to figure out where your room was located and as luck would have it, it is right next to an enormous tree. While scouting the area at night he found the perfect branch to sit on. He is still covered by the leaves but has a good look inside. 
You mostly play video games or read books, sometimes texting with what he assumes are your friends but other than that, nothing interesting. To put it simple: you are a hermit. This would explain your behavior at the café the other week. Secretly, he hoped you’d do something more…forbidden. But apart from being withdrawn from society you are also quite innocent. At least for now. 
The first day he thought you were like Shigaraki but he disregards this thought just as fast. Shigaraki has been bothering him for the past couple of days; he keeps complaining over the lack of new recruits but at the same time doesn’t do anything himself, he pulls everybody down with his constant mood swings (not that Dabi is all sunshine himself but he would say that he enjoys life just a little bit more than this hand freak), and he is over all a pain in the ass. You, on the other hand, don’t piss him off. Your timidity is actually kind of cute. 
Dabi listens up when he hears your mom talk to you. Your window is open and a gentle breeze rustles through the leaves. 
“I met Tara and her boyfriend today while I was shopping and had a lovely chat with them. Her boyfriend seems to be so courteous!” your mother gushes and he can hear your eyes roll at this comment. 
“She told me that she is going to a birthday party tonight and she told me that you were also invited. Why are you not going?” 
You give your mom the side eye, then look back at the book you’re reading while sitting on your bed. 
“I don’t really feel like going. There are so many people I don’t know and I feel like I wouldn’t be any fun to be around.” You truthfully say. “I just don’t wanna ruin everybody’s fun…” you add in a lower tone. Your mom steps closer and stems her hands into her hips like mothers do.  “Well, have you tried having fun? You don’t need to stay there forever but it’d be good for you to at least socialize now and then. You can’t stay in your room forever, you can’t live here forever and you shouldn’t be alone forever! Maybe this would be a good opportunity to find a partner?” Your face turns hot; hot because of embarrassment, shame, sadness, and anger. 
“Please stop bringing this topic up again.” You quietly ask but your mom is not having it. She never does. 
“I’m just saying; all your friends from school are in relationships. I even heard that Carly is already engaged!” 
“I know….”
“Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve loved to congratulate her! I’ve known her since she was a child!”
“Didn’t think it was important…”
“And when will you introduce us to a young man? When will you give us grandkids? Please, go outside and do something. Go on dates and live your life.” 
You are so tired of her speech. You’ve heard it so many times, you already know it by heart. You press your lips together tightly and closer your eyes. Your mother’s eyes keep staring at you, waiting for a response so you press out a “I’ll try” to satisfy her. She sighs, shakes her head and walks away, closing the door behind her. 
The moment you hear the click tears start rolling down your cheeks. You don’t want to cry; you’ve told yourself that you would let your mother’s reproach go in one ear and out the other without thinking too much about it but you can’t just tune out the sadness you feel every time she brings up this topic. It’s exhausting and you wish she’d just leave you alone. 
Dabi honestly didn’t think you’d take it so “well”. He imagined you crying in front of your mom but you kept it well together. You wipe away your tears with the sleeve of your hoodie, take a deep breath and put your book away. Instead, you grab the controller of your Play Station, turn on the TV screen and start playing a game, your back resting against the wall behind your bed. 
His phone vibrates in his pocket. Dabi takes a mental note to get rid of this thing asap. On the screen it reads ‘Get over here now.’
It takes you a whole week to leave your home again and Dabi almost misses it because of Shigaraki. He’s surprised you are not taking the car after last time but maybe you figured how stupid you must’ve looked and that it was all just in your head. Silly you. 
When you reach the store you look at the small piece of paper your mom gave you. Some groceries for dinner, trash bags, soap, and whatever you could possibly need. And, you do, indeed, need something. Before you forget it (because it’s not on the shopping list) you walk to the feminine hygiene section and grab two boxes of tampons, one for you and one for your mom. You know your period will visit you within the next two days and you don’t want to leave your room just because you ran out of tampons. 
You take your time with the rest of the items. The store is not too crowded so you can actually take your time and enjoy being outside. You like grocery shopping. It’s just the people you don’t like. You like looking at new snacks, exotic fruit, weird looking fish, or whatever catches your eye. So, you range from isle to isle, grabbing the items your mom put on the list when you pass them but overall feel quite carefree…
…until you have this feeling again. You feel a tingling on your neck and the small hair stands up, giving you the chills. There it is again – those eyes. Your hands grab the handle of the basket tighter and you close your eyes, taking in a couple deep breaths before you open your eyes again, telling yourself it is just some unbased paranoia. 
Nevertheless, you don’t feel like browsing the aisle anymore and instead grab the remaining things left on the list and hurry to the self-check-out. It doesn’t take long until you’re out of the store and immediately rain starts pouring down on you. You let out a frustrated groan, put your shopping bags down to fumble your small umbrella out of your purse. Of course, it has to start raining right now.
With your umbrella out and open, you grab the bags and make your way across the parking lot, passing other customers who are running for the store to escape the heavy rain. But you just want to get back home. The store didn’t feel safe and right now the open street doesn’t feel safe either. I should’ve taken the goddamn car. You curse yourself but it doesn’t help. 
You thought that this unnerving feeling from before might disappear once you’re back outside but it’s still there. You know someone is watching you. You look around as discreetly as possible but you can’t see anyone suspicious. Just like last time. Maybe there is a villain watching you? You’ve read about maniacs who just kill anyone and everyone for fun. What if you were prey to such a villain? How would you act? Your quirk is not for fighting, let alone fighting a villain! You want to scold yourself for your thoughts but the more you scold yourself, the more prominent the fear becomes in your mind. 
You don’t feel as awkward as last time when you start running regardless; after all, it’s raining right now and people will assume that you just want to get back home to avoid getting too wet. 
Your heart is pounding inside your chest due to your paranoia and the physical exercise but adrenaline keeps you going. You also need to make sure the bags don’t rip open and scatter your groceries all over the ground. 
A quick look down to confirm the stability of the bags has you stop in your tracks. Something is wrong. Something is missing. Tampons. To be more precise your mom’s tampons. 
“Great.” You mumble to yourself. You turn around to see if they dropped somewhere along the way but you can’t see them anywhere near. Fuck it, I’m not going back. You think to yourself and keep running, your lungs are burning and your legs are heavy but you push yourself forward. 
It stops raining as fast as it started and the sun comes back out, the light reflecting on the wet street is almost blinding so you have to squint your eyes. In your head you are mentally preparing for the argument that will indefinitely ensue with your mom over the “forgotten” tampons. She would scold you for buying yourself tampons but not her and you wouldn’t know how to defend yourself. Even if you told her that you must’ve dropped them along the way she would ask you why you didn’t take the car, especially since you knew it would rain sooner or later. 
You turn left and walk across the driveway towards the front door, ready to accept your mother’s “wrath” when something catches your eyes. You stop and blink, thinking you’re hallucinating but you’re not. You take a few steps forward, climb the steps and stop in front of the door, your eyes glued to the small box in front if your door. 
“Tampons.” You mumble confused but feel relieved. No argument, no scolding, no accusations, no-
-no way they got here by themselves. 
You feel sick to your stomach and you think you have to throw up. How did this box of tampons get here before you did? There is only one logical explanation and you don’t dare to even think it. With a pounding heart, you bend down and grab the box (it was surprisingly not wet), not quite accepting the fact that someone must’ve left them here. Someone who knows that they are yours. Someone who knows who you are. Someone who knows where you live. 
Dabi snickers as he watches you hurry inside and close the door. He wasn’t able to see your face upon the realization but your body language spoke volumes. 
His turquoise eyes linger on the front door for a couple more seconds before he slowly makes his way back to the hideout. But he then and there decides that you need some more action in your life. After all, he shouldn’t be the only one to have fun. For today you are safe though.
He’d be back soon enough and have all the fun with you in the world. 
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ghost-town-story · 1 year
Hello and happy STS! :D This would be especially hilarious for The Astral Chronicles, but feel free to choose which WIP you inflict this question onto. ;) If your main characters were sucked into our world, The Devil Is a Part-Timer-style (i.e., dropped into our world without the resources/status they had in theirs, transformed into basically human with no powers, and the only thing they've got are the clothes on their back and their memories), how well would they fare? What would they do to survive, who's failing at adapting and how, and most importantly, who is working at McDonald's?
Oh my god this question is great
The funny thing about this for Astral is that I actually have a half-canon storyline where this actually happens. And considering Aiden is from our world, the answer ends up being "find Aiden and enlist his help in getting back to Astral"
If they're tossed into our world with no way of getting back tho, hmm... Rose would be doing her best to adapt, but also be having several breakdowns of "oh god I left my brother behind D:". Jared would absolutely get fired from most minimum wage jobs because he has a problem with authority, but he also has the energy of "will scavenge garbage cans if that's what it takes."
Will and Finn would be the ones to end up working at a McDonald's, as an "ok, this is what we have to do to survive I guess." There would definitely be a lot of I'm so done with this shit looks happening between them though. Customer service yo *jazz hands*
I also thought of Space Pirates for this question, because there's a lot more differences between that world and ours and it's very entertaining, so here goes:
Reizora, Artemis, and Deva adapt the best. Reizora spends the first hour or so straight up crying because Artemis has her body back, then she kicks Artemis onto bed rest and starts figuring out how the hell to make sure she and her crew survive this new world.
The answer is basically the same way they survived their world: Robin-Hood-type piracy XD They'd end up with a reputation for fucking with corporations and helping out the local community of wherever they end up.
Artemis would accept the bed rest mandate for maybe a week before she gets tired of Reizora's overprotectiveness and insists on joining the shenanigans. There are things she misses about her old world, but she can't deny she likes having a body again and seeing that associated guilt lifted from Reizora.
Syl (the Medic, alien with many tentacles) and the Engineer (unnamed so far, round and fluffy with many arms) are both annoyed with their lack of appendages. The Engineer will use her mouth and feet to hold things instead.
Aeryz has the hardest time adapting. She has a hard time adjusting to the fact she can't shapeshift anymore, she hates not being amongst the stars, and depending on where they all end up, she might not even be able to see them. She really just wants to go home :(
As for the Imperial kids, I think it would be really funny for Caelan and Rossano to be working at McDonald's in this scenario. I just have this image of Rossano as a wannabe influencer who's always like "I'm gonna quit the second I get enough followers, just you wait." Meanwhile Caelan is just like "ya know what? This is 10 million times less stressful than the rest of my life has been. I'm content staying here forever."
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starcchild · 11 months
what if pietro, wanda, katrina or one of her ships found out one of her letters? does she ever write about an issue instead of communicating it to her partner if she thinks she might hurt their feelings? could they find a letter to them, or just to maya, tony, obadiah, etc?
@fasterthanmydemons, @illbringthechaosmagic, @mcmorare
((I'm tagging them in case they wanna add anything to it, but, for the most part, Carter's reaction to one of her ships finding a letter of hers would depend on how her partner reacts to it! But, outside of that, she'd definitely be mortified. She wrote about things she either doesn't like discussing at all with anyone outside of her therapist or anyone at all depending on the topic, or things she does her best to play down and shrug off as something that really wasn't that big of a deal after all. Carter... hmm. Carter knows she's not well, and she knows she will probably never be well. Trauma alters the brain and she's gone through a lot of it, and despite all of her progress in therapy, her brain still isn't quite right, and there's a part of her that's ashamed of that. She doesn't like people worrying about her or feeling like she's fragile and they need to tread carefully, so she just... does her best not to acknowledge any of her problems or shortcomings so she can pretend she's "normal".
Those letters are meant to be a private way of working out her problems without sugar-coating them or playing them off as not a big deal, so they get... uncomfortably blunt. To have anyone read them, especially a ship of hers... would devastate her, because she doesn't want them to think she's broken. She'd be terrified they'd leave her too, but she also wouldn't be able to blame them if they did, because, even without them reading one of her letters, she still worries she's not enough for them. I mean, that worry is definitely something that will work out on its own, like in the case of her ship with Wanda, but it's still going to be there in the back of her mind at the very least.
And, going back to her letters being uncomfortably blunt, she's depending on if the letter was addressed to Maya or Obadiah, it's not... exactly nice, either. Well, for Maya her not being nice is specifically at the start of her writing them, but the few she had written to Obadiah were absolutely hostile. She absolutely despises him, so her letters to him reflected that and reflected her fury toward him, not just for what he did to her, but also what he did to her father and what he tried to do to Pepper. Carter is... normally not that angry and normally not that hostile, so that could absolutely come as a surprise to anyone to read that sort of hostility from her.
As for letters addressed to any ship: no, she wouldn't do that. Carter wrote a letter or two to her father before giving that up because she realized it was uncomfortable for her to do that when the person she was addressing was actively in her life. So, she wouldn't even attempt to do that with one of her ships, and she'd actually much rather try to communicate to them about any issues than hide it! With her ships, she doesn't want to lose them, and after her ex, she's not particularly fond of the idea of taking a backseat in her own relationship again. Also, she probably stopped writing letters when she was... eh, eighteen or nineteen, and really only wrote a handful of them. It wasn't something she did frequently, tbh, and it got to the point where writing was more of a chore and something that... really wasn't doing much for her anymore. It helped when she did it, but it simply ran its course, y'know?
Now, as for whether or not one of her ships could find a letter she wrote, the answer is no, but I would be willing to fudge that if anyone wanted to write something with that, heh. They wouldn't find a letter addressed to them, and she only wrote to Maya, Obadiah, and Tony, with the bulk going to Maya. So... if they were to find one, it'd most likely be addressed to her mother, but I suppose they could find one addressed to Obadiah. But... I'd probably draw a line about them finding one addressed to her father unless we talked about it, just because Carter wrote like... two at most, and was quick to destroy those as soon as she was done to prevent her father from finding them.
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littlethyme · 2 years
Such a funny feeling, loneliness.
It creeps on you and suddenly becomes such an essential part of your life that you barely notice it. So you carry it around, like an armor or a gown, until someone just walks into your life and replaces it with their own being.
In this case, quite literally.
Alicent doesn’t even try to suppress a smile when she remembers whose body is now enveloping hers.
Rhaenyra is not a peaceful sleeper, that is for sure. She was rolling around so much that Alicent was convinced Rhaenyra was flying with Syrax in her dreams. She was not so sure if the reason for her own exhaustion was their first night together or trying to avoid being mauled by the dragon princess.
She was far from complaining. She knew worse types of exhaustion.
But Alicent had to admit that, when she finally put her arms around Rhaenyra just to keep her in place, Rhaenrya calmed almost instantly, snuggling against Alicent’s warmth.
If they could stay like this forever, she would not mind at all. But she does not need the discreet knock on the door - Larys no doubt - to know that the world will allow them only so much freedom.
Rhaenyra must have heard the knock as well but it took her some time to return to reality. Alicent could not stop herself. The kiss she offered made Rhaenyra smile. 
Gods, she loved her so much.
Years and years of avoiding this moment - of trying to avoid this moment - and now, when it came, she wished it happened sooner.
Rhaenyra opened her eyes, the smile reflected in her eyes was enough to cast away so many shadows. Alicent felt her stomach drop. So many wasted moments when they should…
Rhaenyra put a finger on Alicent’s lips as if she heard her thoughts and wanted her to pay them no heed. She looked at her as if she found all the answers in the lines of her face and that was enough to make Alicent want to cry. This was what she was looking for this entire time. Finally, it was here, the road already marked  in the lines left on her skin by Rhaenyra’s fingers. She was sure she would be able to find her way.
“I have an idea” 
“That is never a good sign” Alicent laughs as she feels Rhaenyra is trying to kick her under the covers.
“Never heard you complaining yesterday” she speaks playfully, but in her eyes, the queen sees the shy question and maybe a little bit of worry.
“No, you did not” she sees the tension drift away from Rhaenyra’s face. Then, they hear another, more urging knock on the doors.
“This is our cue, Rhaenyra” as much as it kills her inside, she knows they have to return to their lives. Even if it sickens her to her bones.
Rhaenyra stops her in her tracks.
“Spend a day with me” she says breathlessly
Utterly, undeniably impossible - Alicent knows as much. But her heart demands she listen.
“Rhaenyra, the more we prolong…”
“I know” she agrees “I won’t ask for more - just this one day with me. Please.”
Alicent's heart breaks at the pleading in Rhaenyra’s voice. The worst part is she does not even want to say no. But what other choice do they have? 
A little, treacherous thought in her head tells her that it is Rhaenyra who is here with her. If she will not find a way out of this, no one will. And Alicent has to make sure she will not make any troubles for herself while doing it.
She is also not ready to part here anyway.
When Alicent thought about Rhaenyra finding a way out for them, she never thought that it would be... so close. As the secret doors leading outside were opening, she thought that nothing would really surprise her at this point.
Moments later, they were both running down the stairs like their life depended on it. Perhaps it was. She just looked over her shoulder to double check if they are followed, which almost made her lose her balance. Rhaenyra managed to catch her.
“Seven hells, if you wanted to push me down the stairs, you could do it in the castle”
“Oh, I know, I just wanted you to have the best view when you fall.”
Rhaenyra laughs and Alicent can’t take it anymore. She pulls the lapels of Rhaenyra's coat and kisses her like there is no tomorrow. Perhaps there isn’t. 
They were now descending slowly, holding hands to keep themselves steady and also because Alicent would rather die than seperate from the Princess now. 
“Alicent, look!” The stream of gold leisurely poured over the sky, making this sunrise the most glorious one Alicent ever saw.
Was it because she was finally out of the castle and breathing or because the sunlight played with Rhaenyra’s silver hair in a way that will stay with her until Gods take her away from this cruel world?Perhaps it was both.
Luckily, she did not have to find the answers to these questions - not today.
They resume their march and somewhere above their heads a dragon roars, welcoming a new day.
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brekker-by-brekkerr · 2 years
You know what I find hilarious, is how all these gicky fans/ricky fans keep coming to your asks defending Ricky when they keep hating on EJ for all the things he did. Like if you want to go after EJ fine, but then look at your fave too. Stop being so biased. Very rarely I've seen gicky fans be more open to accepting that yes Sofia and Joshua have chemistry (and I was a rin@ myself in season 1 and I still like their chemistry although I don't ship them anymore) there is no denying that. But them being the best slow burn in the show and Ricky really upping his game and genuinely deserving a relationship with Gina imo is a far stretch when there have been others who have been there for her more than Ricky has ever been. Not saying this from a shipping POV, just as a friend.
Truth is Gina is a doormat for Ricky. She will forgive him for everything he puts her through as long as he picks her. That's all she wants (I'm saying this more from whatever ensued in S3) and unfortunately EJ was never "that guy" for her, the guy who she would keep trying for. She gave up on him, he didn't. He couldn't make time for her but he didn't want a break up. Even if all this happened at East High, she would always break up with EJ for Ricky because unfortunately she likes the guy who doesn't deserve her. I feel this from the Gina we saw in S3. But if we go by S2 Gina I feel she'd probably evaluate her relationship with EJ and not break up with him. She seemed to see him for who he was and genuinely felt like he tries his best even if he fails a lot. And that Gina was nowhere to be seen in S3. She felt different. And seemed to put herself first, which isn't very Gina 2.0 of her. And unfortunately the writers cannot keep the characters consistent and to get gicky to happen they imo changed Gina and made such contrived issues between PW, which S2 PW would've fixed. Even the part where EJ doesn't go as her date to the prom in S3 seemed ooc for him, S1 EJ would break the rules and go with her, maybe even S2 EJ, he always seemed to go the extra mile for Gina.
Another note, Ricky gets too many free passes from this fandom and I really dislike it. He's quite unlikeable as a character, especially after the way he seems to be so dependent on others, every season he "needs" a partner one way or another. Someone like Ricky needs therapy/counselling, not a relationship.
Sorry just had to rant somewhere. I'll always be upset how they handled the ships here with poor writing and seems that no relationship lasts longer than a season. And Gina was my favourite character, but with the way the writers have messed her up I don't think I even wish to follow upcoming seasons.
R*nas dni
Thank you so much for this ask!! I don't understand their need to argue with people who use the anti tag. Why can't we have our differing opinions? Especially if they're going to destroy one character with much more understandable actions and defend someone who has objectively done much worse.
Yeah, Gina and Ricky have great chemistry. But having great chemistry doesn't necessarily make a good relationship. It makes them interesting to watch for sure and chemistry is obviously necessary but the writers haven't matched that chemistry with anything compelling writing-wise.
"But them being the best slow burn in the show and Ricky really upping his game and genuinely deserving a relationship with Gina imo is a far stretch when there have been others who have been there for her more than Ricky has ever been."
This yes completely agree.
I think in season 2 Gina was good about eventually verbalizing to Ricky that his behaviour was not okay and was able to stand up for herself, which is why it's frustrating to see them getting together with little work in between on Ricky's part. also, them being the ultimate slow burn thing isn't really true because Ricky just suddenly decides he likes Gina and that's that and we don't have him slowly realise he's been an idiot this entire time and realise all he has done wrong and verbalise that, and we don't get to see Gina slowly warm back up to him. we don't see him understand the way he runs to relationships instead of dealing with his problems. he sings "finally free" and that's supposed to just be him dealing with everything in a three-minute song and that's not satisfying. because Gina gives the speech (which makes no sense for so many reasons), we don't know how Ricky actually feels. did he like her before this season? was he repressing his feelings? how is he going to prove he's going to show up and how is he going to prove she's not just a third choice to him?? I was thinking about this the other day, like how r*na could have been done well. the chemistry is there. they needed to fix some things and handle portwell in a respectful way but instead here we are.
i agree with you anon about all of this like the way the fandom excuses Ricky and the way gina and EJ should work (and it's more than their couch scene, as I've seen some r*nas say is our only excuse for everything. that whole season is a love letter to how well they work together. think about the camera scene when EJ is the first person to genuinely listen to her--especially in comparison to ricky in that season, who always ends up talking about his problems but not Gina's--or them working together to come up with a cover story on the fly or him showing up with a granola bar just when she needed it most; they're so in sync with each other and they understand each other so well and stars people don't have to like it but to pretend they have nothing?? i see people saying they would rather have had jack and gina get together than EJ and gina and I'm like you hate EJ with her that much?? considering all that EJ has done for her do you hate Gina?? yeah jack was sweet but that was one episode of them hanging out lol).
don't be sorry for the rant!! i welcome it and i completely understand. it's frustrating. I'm here for you friend <3
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ianfm · 1 year
who are the five most important people to ian right now? why? and do you think they know they're the most important to him?
There's a lot of people that are important in Ian's life but to narrow it down to five would be:
Bo Turner ( @urdamage ) goes without saying. The man is Ian's fiancé and Ian's very first and longest best friend. Bo just gets Ian in a way that other people have never been able to and the love that Bo shows to him on a seemingly hourly basis is unmatched to anything Ian has ever experienced. Due to everything the couple has been through and their present status Ian is sure that Bo knows how important he is to him and if he didn't Ian would be quick to show his appreciation.
Finn Dunne ( @highfears ) is another one of Ian's best friends. The two have been close since high school and he is someone who also balances Ian out in their own different way. It's true that Ian is drawn to opposites of him and Finn is certainly a different breed of person than Ian. Ian knows that Finn is someone he can turn to and often ask for advice about things and is sure that Finn knows that he's important in Ian's life. After all Ian has been asked to be Finn's best man in his wedding and that's a status that isn't just handed out to anyone.
Dolly Jensen ( @finaldarlings ) was Ian's first love and while he no longer has romantic feelings for her there is still a platonic love that he feels towards her. She's always been a caring and loving force in Ian's life and he knows that his life is made better with her in it. Ian opened up to her about a lot in the past and that is another person Ian knows he can talk to who might not offer him advice but the care that he might be seeking. Ian is sure that Dolly knows that she's important to Ian because she was one of the first to show up for him when he was at the hospital and Ian was also quick to be at her aid when she came in contact with the killers herself.
Leaf Wozniak and Ian have a complicated past. They briefly had a romantic relationship that was prematurely cut short and left Ian thinking quite a few "what if's" towards them. They've moved past those complicated feelings now and Ian considers Leaf to be one of his closest friends. Leaf has always followed the beat of their own drum and Ian is quite impressed by that when it comes to Leaf. Leaf has a large heart and is someone who Ian can depend upon and has always accepted him with open arms if needed. Ian isn't sure if Leaf knows just how important they are to him but he hopes that through their continued friendship that they see it.
Romy Davis ( @fearsless ) has been a big part of Ian's life since high school. Being accepted into Romy's D&D group back as a freshmen was one of the first times Ian really felt accepted by a group and found people like himself to really relate to. Romy has helped orchestrate a lot of very fun times in Ian's life and is one of the most creative and cool people Ian knows. Even though the D&D group hardly meets up anymore Ian is still fortunate to have his friendship with Romy. Ian thinks that Romy knows that they're important in Ian's life because Ian had sought out their help in his proposal to Bo and only the closest to him were involved in something so important though their continued friendship into adulthood is also an obvious indicator.
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leeyanyanyaaan · 2 years
oc profiles: otaharuryu
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Otoha Konagawa
小名川 音葉
VA: Inori Minase / otakoyaki
Nickname: Ota
16yrs, May 28, Gemini
143cm / 4’8”
1st Year, Hanasaki High School, Class 1-B. 
An adorable first year. Her sweet and friendly nature makes her friends with almost everyone, it's hard not to love her!
Adorable, cute, pure, innocent, sweet, bubbly, optimistic, friendly, loving, shy at first. Please protect this cinnamon roll.
Even though she's friendly with everyone at school, she doesn't really have anyone to call a true friend
Spends a lot of her time after school working her part-time jobs, doing schoolwork and household chores. She's actually mature and responsible, at least when she's working or taking care of someone.
Her parents died in a plane crash during one of their business trips when she was 9 yrs old. She and her brother, Haruto, were left in the care of their tired, workaholic aunt, Ayane Takamiya
An independent and hardworking girl, she doesn't usually rely on others and instead insists to help them. She’s always determined and refuses to give up when things get tough.
Likes: music, singing, cute aesthetic stuff, simple things, reading, crafting, food, cooking, cleaning, helping others, giving love and affection. Likes anime and manga as well, surprisingly, but usually doesn't have the time for it anymore
She loves to sing the most, but she's too shy to ever show anyone.
Best subject: Home Economics, Arts
Dislikes: mess and disorganization, centre of attention, the dark, criticism and judgment, being belittled (especially for her appearance), being taken advantage of, getting sick, not having anything to do or not being able to do anything, flying planes, heights
Fears: being alone and helpless. Aerophobia and acrophobia.
Primary Love Language: Physical Touch, Quality Time
Ota is a very affectionate person, she will with no doubt shower you with all her love.
Loves giving hugs, kisses and holding hands. Cuddling is also a must.
Doesn’t mind PDA but will also understand if her lover wouldn’t want it, she’ll just make up for it when they’re together alone. 
She’s just as verbally affectionate as she is physically. Will shower her loved ones with “I love you”s and other loving and kind words. 
All she needs from her lover is for them to return her affection with physical touch as well. It gives her a sense of security and is how she feels loved the most.
She will also happily do acts of service for her loved ones. She also appreciates it if they offer to help out but usually turns them down because she’d rather let them depend on her to do it.
Ota has always been a loving person and will continue to be one for her lover, in fact, even more so. You'd be a really lucky person to have won her heart. Don't you ever dare to betray her love, you'll never be able to find someone who loves as much as she does.
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Ryūhei Akimoto
明本 竜平
VA: Yūma Uchida
Nickname: Ryu
16yrs, August 3, Leo
168cm / 5’6”
1st Year, Hanasaki High School, Class 1-B
A prideful, arrogant boy that does what he wants and reigns power. A playboy that likes to play with people's feelings for his amusement. Despite this he's quite popular for his good looks and status
Proud, arrogant, cocky, snarky, presumptuous, egotistic, mean, teasing, playful, flirty
However, he's also rather guarded, closed off even. No matter how many relationships he goes on he's never let anyone close. He can be cruel and hurt others if they try
Spends a lot of time out of the house, hanging out with friends and going on dates with girls - anything to stay out of the house
After an affair scandal of his parents was made public, his parents fought often and left their relationship sour. He could no longer see them the same. He's come to resent them and refuses to simply let them do what they want with him
In fact, he created a bad reputation for himself simply to ruin his parent’s reputation and force them to move him out of his previous private academy.
Likes: going out, shopping, social media, photography, design and editing, modelling, pop music, western media, street food, playing with other people(s feelings).
Goddamn photogenic. He's surprisingly good with the camera just as he is being taken by one.
Best subjects: Physical Education, Business
He can speak English fluently, his mother taught him and they’ve been to America a few times. He is also of American descent, from his mother’s side.
Dislikes: sitting in one place too long, lack of attention, following others, vulnerability and weakness, business parties, superficial and fake people, fancy food, silence, horror movies
Fears: the ultimate betrayal that breaks him apart
Primary Love Language: Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation
Ryu is very touchy. Holding hands, arm around his lover, cuddling, hugging, kisses, nibbling. Literally anything. He just needs to feel his lover's touch.
Enjoys PDA. It shows others who's his.
Playful, or rather, a big tease. Loves teasing his lover and making them flustered. Oh but he'll also welcome the notion of them taking initiative as well.
He'll take every opportunity he has to steal kisses or any affection from his lover.
Good with his words, a smooth talker who knows the right words to set one's heart a flutter. Although his experience comes from being a playboy, when it comes to his lover, he means every word. He makes sure to let you know that he truly loves you.
Words of affirmation back would be greatly appreciated. He's never had a legitimate relationship aside from those past flings of his. He worries that he doesn't do enough to show how much he truly loves them, or that his lover may start to doubt him. In worst-case scenario, he may doubt the trust between the two of you and fear of being betrayed. Not to mention the scandal that happened with his parents. He'll need someone who will reassure him how much he's loved
As much as the guy is a flirt, once he's found someone who truly loves him, he will fully repay it back. He will be a loyal and dedicated boyfriend who makes sure to show how much he loves you. Albeit, he can get jealous easily and a bit possessive. He still has lots to learn.
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Haruto Konagawa
小名川 春人
VA: Yuki Kaji
Nickname: Haru
14yrs, January 12, Capricorn
Two years younger than his sister
161cm / 5’3”
2nd Year, Hanasaki Middle School, Class 2-B
At school, he's known to be sporty and get along with his classmates. A bit on the more reserved side, but otherwise pretty friendly! He has a sharp tongue though
Reserved, chill, sporty, sarcastic, snarky, loyal, mature, protective
But it's different when he's with Otoha. With his older sister, it’s like he’s grown up. He tries to act more mature so his sister would depend on him more. He cares greatly for her and always puts her first, to the point he's a little overprotective of her - she's the only family he has left
After school, he goes straight home and helps with the household chores as well. Otoha insists that he should go hang out with his friends or join a club, instead of being at home not enjoying his childhood with his friends, but he strongly refuses. 
Likes: sports - mainly soccer and volleyball, outdoor activities, instant ramen, anime and manga (where his sister got it from), video games, media, digital drawing, lo-fi, mixing music
Has an interest in creating things, whether it's drawing or music. He might take on some sort of media-related occupation in the future
Best subjects: Art, Physical Education
Dislikes: Ryūhei, rain and thunderstorms, (TBC)
Fears: losing his only family left
Primary Love Language: Physical Touch, Quality Time
Haru's more on the reserved side. He's the listener rather than the speaker, so he would have more trouble showing affection through words
This is why he prefers physical touch like giving kisses and hugs to even just holding hands. So someone who's affection is through physical touch is enough to assure him that he's loved.
Even if they're not physically touching, Haru also enjoys just hanging out with his loved one, chilling together, and just being in their presence.
He'd also do acts of service for his loved one, but he'd rather his loved one let him do it for them than also receiving acts of service
Haru might need some words of affirmation every now and then, especially if he's gone through rough times. Haru doesn't think highly of himself and thinks he needs to be better for his loved ones, so he kinda beats himself up about it sometimes :"( especially considering Ota and Haru's current situation where Ota and even their aunt is working a lot just to keep their finances stable. Ota is carrying all the burden on herself and doesn't want him to take it on as well, which although he understands his sister's intentions, he feels like he isn't doing enough or he isn't good enough. Please give this boy a hug and tell him he is good enough as he is
Haru is an awkward boi when it comes to love, so during his first stages of dating he'd be flustered and gets shy easily, becoming a blushing mess. But once he's been in the relationship for a good amount of time, he'll feel more comfortable and open to show affection.
[all art created on picrew!]
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