#the cod boys
nothingbutfangirlsmut · 4 months
Cod Boys + Dry Humping
The 141 men + Keegan, Konig, & Alejandro
What it's like to dry hump them!
NSFW! 18+ ONLY!! MDNI!!!
(I used Google translate for the German & Spanish. If it's incorrect please let me know!)
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Captain John Price
It was late in the night when you finally put your book down. John still hadn't made it to your shared room. With a quiet sigh, you'd put your book down and find him. He was obviously in the first place you looked. His office.
You close the door softly and lean against it as you watch him so deep into the mountain of pages on his desk that he didn't even know you were there. He was nursing a half-full glass as he wrote quickly across the paper in front of him.
"Are you just going to stand there and watch me love?" He would ask softly without even looking at you.
You could never figure out how he always knew you were there. Instead of thinking about it you made your way over to him. You stopped next to him so you wouldn't get in the way of his work. You'd stay silent until he finally glanced up at you.
"You need something love?" He'd ask in the soft rasp that drove you insane.
"You Captain. I need you." You'd tell him quietly.
You wouldn't miss the small smirk that came from your words. He loved hearing you say those words. He loved you being insatiably needy for him.
"As you can see I have a lot of work to get done love. I'll make it up to you tomorrow. Go get some sleep." He'd always tell you something like this.
He didn't mean a fucking word of it. He'd do whatever you asked of him. He only liked to tease you. Make you think he wasn't interested. Usually you'd plead. Beg him to touch you. Paperwork be damned and he wouldly happily give in to you but not this time.
You silently huffed before shoving him back in his chair. You climbed onto his lap perfectly sitting yourself directly on his already hard dick. He wouldn't say a word. He'd just watch you. His head tilting slightly to watch you.
You'd wrap your arms around his neck before whispering softly in his ear.
"Go back to work daddy. I won't bother you. I promise."
You couldn't see him from your face hiding in the crook of his neck but your words forced him to close his eyes. He knew it was a fucking lie. The fucking papers were already long forgotten the moment you climbed your pretty ass into his lap.
Then you started to roll your hips. A soft groan would fall from his lips at the friction. He'd try to go back to his work but you only rolled your hips faster & harder. The friction of your movements driving him fucking wild. If he let you keep this up he'd cum in his fucking pants.
Just as he went to stop you so he could fuck you properly you whined into  his ear. A quiet "fuck daddy" that was barely just audible. That was it.
"God damn love" he'd breath as he pushed your hips harder against him. He rut himselt against you to ride out the sudden orgasm your sweet, soft voice caused.
And that was the start of a very often routine for the two of you. Most nights he knew he'd be working late he'd quietly tell you to come keep him company. He didn't have to say anything else. You already knew exactly what he wanted you to do.
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Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
The two of you were cuddled on the couch sharing some quiet peaceful time together. You loved when Johnny was home. You'd spend every second you could like this. Both of you half naked. The skin to skin contact was absolute bliss for you. You always missed that the most when he was gone.
It was Johnny who started the switch from cute cuddles to sensual teasing. His head dipping into the crook of your neck to place light, soft kisses across your skin. He knew exactly what to do to instantly have you melting into him. He could make your mind blissfully blank in the matter of seconds. When he lifted you and placed you on his lap to straddle him you knew what his plan was.
Your hips instantly starting to move rubbing yourself against his quickly hardening dick. The thin material between the two of you didn't stop much of the friction. It was actually pretty hot. The way Johnny's head feel back against the couch. His hands grabbing your hips and squeezing. Urging your pretting hips to keep moving.
He really didn't care how he came. All he cared about was it being with you and fucking hell he couldn't deny how fucking could it felt to half you rubbing your pretty pussy against him like this. Like you were so desperate for release you couldn't bother with removing the thin barriers. No fucking way he was going to complain especially when your hips rocked faster as sweet little whimpers fell from your lips.
He pushed your hips down causing more pressure between you. He thought about moving his hips up to meet you. Add that extra bit of friction but in the end he wanted this to be all you. He wanted to see if you could make him cum just like this cause fuck it felt so god damn good.
Then you feel against his chest. Those pretty whimpers turning to louder moans. You were getting close. You locked eyes with him and that alone almost had him.
"Fuck, I missed you so much Johnny." You whimpered softly.
He cursed under his breath because fucking hell that did it. He couldn't help it. Those pretty little doe eyes. That soft, sweet voice that could make him a messso fucking fast. You had no idea the insane amount of power you had over him but fuck he loved it. The mess in his boxers was as the evidence needed.
"That's my girl. Get yourself off. You're so fucking pretty darlin'." He'd breath out to encourage you.
He knew he had just as much power over you so when you came from that sound of his voice he only chuckled softly. God how did he land such an incredible fucking woman?
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
Contrary to popular belief Simon was a simple man. It was the smallest things that made him happy. That made him happy when he was home with you. He had never been much of a kinky man before he met you. Sex for him was just a way to release his tension. He'd do what was needed and go on his way but with you it was so fucking different. You had him so fucked up and you knew it.
He'd learned every little thing that would turn you on. Things that would make you go fucking feral. That was his favorite fucking thing to witness. Winding you up so fucking tight you'd attack him like a starved and crazied animal and he fucking loved it. He loved how crazy he could make you. How easy it was to get you to do anything.
So it was no surprise when you finally cracked after his endless teasing. You'd force yourself onto his lap grabbing his unmasked face and crash your lips against his. He couldn't help but chuckle against your lips. Your hips instantly rutting against him for some friction. He knew what you wanted. What you needed but he was enjoying himself far too much to let you have it.
When your hands moved to his belt he quickly grabbed your hands tossing you easily onto your back. Before you could protest he was roughly rubbing his clothed hard dick against your already soaked panties. He held your hands in place. Claiming your mouth to keep you from complaining. His body weight was all that was needed to keep you in place as he humped you like he was a fucking needy teenager.
You were whining into his mouth and trying like hell to get your hands free but no fucking way he was going to let you go. Not yet. He wanted to make you cum like this. Make you so sensitive that  when he did remove all of your clothing he'd have you coming on his cock in seconds.
"Si, please" You manged to beg but all he did was swallow that pretty beg into his feverish, rough kiss.
He didn't have to say a fucking word to make you crazy. He lifted his head to lock his eyes with yours. There were tears filling your eyes ready spill. You were so fucking pretty like this. So fucking needy for him. All it took was that single heated look from Simon and you were soaking your panties so much it dampened through his pants to his boxers.
"Good girl, now you can have my cock." He cooed as he finally pulled away to give you what you needed.
And he was right. Only of a few seconds into finally getting his dick in you and you were already coming so fucking hard. Yea, he knows exactly what to do to you know. You're so fucked.
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Kyle was a pretty reserved man when it came to you and your love life. He wasn't one of those men who would brag about fucking you and how he'd fuck you. Most of his team assumed he was pretty vanilla in bed. Not that they cared it was just the vibe he gave off. But they couldn't be more wrong. Yea, most of the time Kyle liked to fuck you nice and slow. He wouldn't lie that missionary was his favorite position only because he could watch your pretty face.
Then there were days when he'd get back from a bad mission or one of the other guys would piss him off or get on his nerves a little too much. He'd never say anything to any of them. He'd just go straight to you. He'd never say a word just take what he wanted how he wanted it.
It had been a pretty rough day. Everything that could go wrong did. Everything that could possibly get on his nerves did. So when he came into your shared room fuming you already had an idea about what was going to happen.
What you didn't expect was for him to pull you to the center of the bed and start dry humping you like a damn teenager. He had you pinned to the bed with his body weight. His hands holding your legs open wide so he had all the room he needed to rub against you.
"Ky, what is-"
"Shush baby. I just need to cum then we can talk." He told you a little harsher then he ever had before.
It was fucking obvious he was desperate. His head hiding in the crook of your neck. His clothed dick rubbing against you fast and hard. It was almost painful but then you heard the quick sharp breathes Kyle was breathing against your neck. And fuck if the whole situation wasn't one of the hottest things you'd ever experienced. Having him hold you down and keep you still while he desperately chased his own release. You were suddenly very, very okay with him using you like his whenever he wanted.
When he came it damn near had you coming right behind him. His quiet groan of your name as his hips stuttered against you. You'd never seen him so frustrated and desperate but you found yourself silently pleading that whatever had happened to make him act like this could happen a little more often.
Even more so when he actually fucked you into the god damn mattress.
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Keegan P. Russ
Keegan was your guilty pleasure. You knew you shouldn't have a thing for him. He was a broody asshole on a good day but the man fucked like a god. You had happily took on the title of his little sex toy. Always being used whenever he wanted. However he wanted you. And you were so fucking eager to please him.
When you woke up in the middle of the night to find yourself face down on your mattress with a heavy weight on top of you, you weren't concerned. You knew who it was. This wasn't the first time he'd woken you woken you up in a similar situation but usually he already had his dick in you. This time you were still clothed but you good feel his hard cock rubbing fiecely against your ass.
"Keegan?" You questioned quietly.
"Yea, it's me. Sorry little one not much time. You let me get off like this and I'll fuck you real good when I get back." His voice was breathy but just as stern as it always was.
"You know you can do whatever you want to me." You told him quietly.
He chuckled quietly as his hand suddenly landed on the bed right next to your face. You felt his body loom over your back but the motion of his hips never faltered.
"You're god damn right little one. My little fuck toy to do with as I please and you'll just be a good girl and take what I give you. Won't you?"
You couldn't stop the quiet moan from slipping past your lips. As hot as his dirty talk was you knew it was more for him than for you. So of course you played along doing and saying exactly what he wanted you too.
"Yes, Sergeant." You breathed out.
His groan was enough to make you want to beg for more. You could see his ungloved had against the bed. You thought about grabbing it. Doing anything just to feel his skin against yours but then that hand fisted the seat. He cursed under his breath as his hips stuttered out of rhythm. A few seconds later he was climbing off you.
Before you could say anything he was gone and you were left a needy fucking mess.
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Anyone who looked at this man just saw a monster. Towering over everyone. Face covered and absolutely deadly but he had a secret. A secret that only you knew. He was a submissive little bitch. But only for you. Your good boy. Those two words alone were enough to make him cum. He loved to be teased. To be told what to do. For you to take his pleasure into your own hands. They way you took care of him was like nothing he'd ever experienced.
You knew when he came home from the latest mission that he was in a bad state. A place only you could pull him out of. You waisted no time taking him to your bed and stripping everything piece of cloth off of him except his briefs. You kept your underwear and that shirt you were wearing (his shirt) on as you climbed over him. You could seen in his eyes he was already eager for what you would do to him. What you would do for him.
You opted for his favorite thing. A good ole fashioned dry humping. Not only was it hot as fuck to him but god was the perfect mixture of pleasing and teasing and he fucking loved it. His head instantly falling to the side as his arms went limp at his sides. Already completely given in to you. He and you both knew he was in good hands.
You kept your pace steady as you grind your clothed pussy down on him. Even with the clothing in the way his massive cock felt so fucking good.
"Scheiße, baby" (Fuck, baby) He whimpered softly which only encouraged you. Watching him lay below you with no fight, completely yours, had you read to snap already. You just fucking loved him like this.
"You going to cum for me pretty boy?" You teased him as you gently scratched your nails down his stomach.
"Ja prinzessin" (Yes princess) He moaned.
"Go on then, be a good boy and cum." And of course he did. Who the hell is he to deny anything you tell him to do? You spent a few minutes after that praising him and kissing all over his bare skin until he was rutting his still hard cock up into you. You knew what your good boy needed and you'd always, always, take care of him.
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Colonel Alejandro Vargas
There was nothing about Alejandro that wasn't attractive. You were in love with every beautiful inch of that man. You weren't a native spanish speaker but you'd learned enough. Mostly filthy, dirty talk. The man could make you cum just from telling you what he wanted to do to you. In spanish of course.
But when he got severally injured and ended up in the informory you were out of your mind with worry. You never left his side. And when he finally was told he'd be discharged the next day you were so elated you hopped onto the bed to straddle him. Your lips crashing against his.
He couldn't help but smile into your kiss. You'd been so worried. He'd seen it in those pretty eyes. He hated doing that to you. He hated the whole situation and the fact he hasn't been able to fuck you in damn near two weeks. It's been far too long. But when he brought the need up to you, you were hesitant. Of course you wanted to. You'd always want to fuck him. To touch him. But he was still healing and you were terrified of hurting him.
"Let's compromise" You told him softly.
"Estoy escuchando mi amor." (I'm listening my love.) He'd damn near whisper as his hands slowly massaged the top of your thighs.
"I'll help you cum gently. And in a day or two when you feel even better I'll let you do all the disgustingly filthy things you want." You told him knowing he'd agree immediately.
His loud laugh made you bounce on him slightly.
"That can be arranged mi amor. Voy a destruirte." (I'm going to destroy you) He breathed out.
You started to roll your hips against him. The instant friction making you both curse softly. It really hap been far too long.
"I look forward to it Colonel." You teased him earning a soft swaft to the back of your thigh.
In minutes you were both gone. You were rutting against each other both so fucking desperate to cum. Your soft moans and his grunts feeling the small, quiet hospital room. It didn't matter if someone would to walk in now neither of you would stop. You were both so close to that high. That pleasure you'd been denied for two weeks.
When you finally came your eyes closed in bliss as you went limp against Alejandro's chest. You could hear how fast his heart was beating. Both of your breathing was labored but you both felt a million times better. Just to share that feeling together was enough to sate you both for the time being.
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guardkeywolf · 1 year
Price did not have to eat up this intro but he did for us...
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avi-mation · 4 months
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Salmon, the sea monster and the cod boy with the mission to get that mending
I luv this lil trio :3
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yooo-lets-go · 1 month
what sort of music does simon listen to- and what are the others’ opinions on it when they inevitably discover it?
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They probably wouldn’t share a playlist
Plus Roach:
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ghouljams · 7 months
I think Price is a tummy man. Loves to kiss your stomach, grab it to pull you back into his thrusts, loves to see your shirt lift up a little when you reach for something on the top shelf. He's a provider, he likes knowing you're well fed, healthy, that he's providing for you. He likes his baby soft. Maybe he's a little old fashioned like that.
And Ghost likes thighs, he will not budge on this. Nothing you can say will change his mind that there's no better spot to lay his head, nothing softer he'd rather be between, and certainly nowhere better to mark up. Again it's the softness! He's got enough hard shit to deal with(wink) that he wants to have some softness with you. Let him be soft and needy and lay his head on your lap, he won't fall asleep this time he promises.
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danibee33 · 1 month
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asgardswinter · 4 months
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Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley coded
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wombywoo · 4 months
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aftercare ❤️‍🩹
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hffhifjou · 5 months
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wispscribbles · 7 months
MW3 spoilers / MCD ‼️
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whateveriwant · 5 months
Please don't kill me for this sjhsklalfsjdskh
Simon Riley sex on legs this. Simon Riley rock your world that. What about Simon Riley who's bad at sex, huh? What about clumsy, inexperienced Simon? What about awkward, all thumbs, ‘Fuckin’ Christ, even animals know how to do this’ Simon? Hmmmm??? Why don't you chew on that for a bit?
Simon who almost breaks both your noses as he leans in too eagerly to kiss you. Simon who has no clue how to sext, so you're left with a string of incomprehensible horny emojis you have to decipher like it's the Rosetta Stone. Simon who uses so much lube you’d think his dick’s made of sandpaper. Simon who watches a little porn to work on his “technique”, and ends up adopting the cringy bits of dialogue into his own speech. Simon who tries opening the condom wrapper with his teeth, only to tear through the latex itself, twice. Simon who doesn't even attempt to hide the little pfft pfft he does after he gets one of your pubic hairs stuck in his mouth. Simon who keeps accidentally slipping out of you, and then missing every time he tries to re-enter. Simon who cums after only six and a half strokes in, because you just feel that good wrapped around him. Simon who changes his pace right as you're about to finish, none the wiser as he ruins your orgasm. Simon whose sense of rhythm can only be described as that of a deaf monkey banging on a set of drums.
Simon who doesn't really know what he's doing when it comes to sex, but that isn't the point. What matters is not that he's bad in bed, but that he wants to get better. For you. With you.
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guardkeywolf · 1 year
Soap, Ghost, and Gaz
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yooo-lets-go · 4 months
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Roach in Las Almas what will he do
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bluegiragi · 6 months
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cockatrice (part 2)
early access + nsfw on patreon
werewolf lore drop ahead!!
although werewolves are classified as a shifter-type monster (same as Horangi or the cockatrice) they're actually unique in a hidden way. Horangi is a hybrid whose lineology originates from the first pureblood haetaes, which had zero human in them. In comparison, werewolves originated AS a human-wolf monster, which results in an interesting relationship between the human and shifted 'full-wolf' form.
While Horangi is the same in his human and haetae form, Soap juggles two souls in one body - one belonging to human side, and the other to his wolf. They are both still implicitly him - the souls run parallel with one another throughout his life - but being a werewolf is very much like maintaining a life-long partnership. Soap and his wolf are a great example of a success story, but some werewolves have difficult relationships with their wolf, resulting in only transforming during full moons when they have to.
In some ways, Soap is perfect in the military's eyes as he has a strong connection with his wolf, and happens to come from a long line of larger-than-average specimens (even though he doesn't care too much about his genealogy, preferring to call himself a mongrel breed). In other ways, he's also a nightmare, because his wolf exemplifies the worst in his rebellious streak, featuring recklessness, fickleness towards authority and an extremely low tolerance for boredom.
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naivegh0ul · 5 months
Boyfriends!Ghost and Soap eating you out but their tongues keep bumping into each other and they end up making out in front of your pussy, causing you to squirm and kick and cry out at having to watch your two hot boyfriends kiss when they could so easily turn their heads and kiss between your legs instead... :)
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c3berus · 7 days
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simon fucking riley.
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