#the others sucked but at least they showed up
ellecdc · 2 days
poly marauders. reader sees James fall off of his broom during a game. he gets injured, but makes it out fine. it affects reader more than she wishes to admit, but hides her concern/fear. maybe her hurt turns into anger when she hears him talk highly about his upcoming game, snaps at him to leave the team (maybe Sirius and Remus ganging up on her too?) maybe after a nightmare she seeks him out, apologizing and just wanting to ensure he’s all alright?
maybe a fic on this, if you wish to!
hi sweets! thanks for this idea - I hope I did it justice!
poly!marauders x fem!reader who hates seeing her boys get hurt - 2.7k words
CW: James gets injured [he's fine tho], brief mention of Sirius' crappy childhood, angst [with a happy ending, obviously], poor communication [but ends in good communication]
Every step you took seemed to lodge your heart further and further up your throat; you were nearly certain that one wrong move would have it leaping right out of your mouth as you made your way to the infirmary.
You had a one track mind as you pushed your way through various students and staff in the halls; get to James. Get to James. Get to James.
You had been sitting with your friends from Ravenclaw during the game instead of with Remus and Sirius which was obviously problem number one.
Problem number two had to be this stupid sodding game - quidditch. Whoever invented it clearly wished death on many generations to come.
The third problem - and arguably your biggest problem - had been watching James hurdle from nearly thirty feet in the air before hitting the ground with a bone crushing thud. 
You were certain you were only three steps away from actually losing your heart (and your dinner) as you pushed your way into the infirmary to see two familiar silhouettes standing over a hospital bed.
Whatever relief the sight of two of your boys had on you quickly melted into something uneasy when Sirius let out a bark of laughter. 
“Hope he gets suspended for at least one game.” You heard James chuckle, which caused Remus to snort.
“Please, Madame Hootch looked like she was ready to bar him from the pitch all together.” 
“Good; one less beater we have to worry about then.” Sirius added before you stepped around the curtain to look at the patient and alert them all to your presence.
Save the bandage currently wrapped around James’ head and the fact that his left arm was situated in a sling, he looked like he was being served a cheeky breakfast in bed rather than emergency medical care.
“Hey sweetheart! Did you enjoy the game?” He called to you with a cartoonish smile on his face. 
You found that you had no response to that. 
Did you enjoy the game? You had been enjoying the game, until…oh…you don’t know, had to watch your sodding boyfriend fall out of the godsdamn sky!? 
You took a moment to survey your surroundings. You currently had:
One boyfriend situated in a hospital bed with an injury to his head and clearly something wrong with the left side of his body
There was an empty bottle of pain potion and what looked to be a vial of skele-gro 
Your long haired boyfriend was still decked in his quidditch kit as he took a casual and sloppy seat in the chair beside James’ bed
And Remus roughly patted James’ knee as he moved to stand on the other side of him, leaving you standing at the end of the bed on your own as all three of your boyfriends waited for you to respond. 
James’ brows furrowed momentarily as he cocked his head to the side as if perhaps your answer would make more sense from a 45 degree angle. 
Remus merely offered you a sympathetic smile. 
“No?” James parroted.
“No.” You insisted, growing more and more agitated at the nonchalance the boys were showing the current circumstances. 
“Not enough action for you, dollface?” Sirius teased.
That apparently had been your last straw.
“Oh fuck off, Sirius.” You hissed, causing the air to be sucked out of your quasi curtain-walled room. 
“Hey, easy Y/N…” Remus started, but it was too late.
“What the fuck were you doing out there?” You asked James pointedly, throwing your arm behind you as you gestured in the direction of the quidditch pitch.
“Erm…I was playing quidditch?” 
“That was a trick question, babe.” Sirius added rather unhelpfully; smirking at Remus and James.
“This isn’t sodding funny Sirius; he could’ve died!”
“But he didn’t.” Sirius offered with a tone harsher than you were used to hearing from him, though you figured perhaps you deserved it. “As you can clearly see, he’s fine.”
“He’s not fine.” You fumed, gesturing to his current state. “He could have brain damage, he could have broken his neck, he could have-”
“But I didn’t, sweetheart. Listen, I know-”
“No!” You cut James off. “I don’t think you do know. Because you’re sitting here laughing like it’s nothing!” 
“Because it is nothing, dovey. Look, I know you’re upset but I think all you needed was to come and see that he was fine, yeah?” Remus tried placatingly, holding his hands up at you as if he were trying to quell a feral cat. 
That just made you feel even more angry.
“No, what I need is for him to quit the team.” 
James choked on air as Sirius started laughing incredulously. 
“Okay, doll; clearly you’re not feeling very well right now. James ‘Quidditch’ Potter, Gryffindor team captain, is not quitting the team.” 
“I don’t understand how you can so calmly climb atop a wooden stick and ascend 30-50 feet into the air just to fall like that.” You argued.
“Well, you see, I actually wasn’t supposed to fall. That was sort of the problem.” James started, causing Remus to snicker. 
“Stop laughing.” You shouted; horrified when your voice cracked and your sinuses filled painfully. 
Unfortunately for you, all three boys caught it.
“Don’t dove me, Remus. I’m serious - don’t you fucking dare.” You cut yourself off as Sirius opened his mouth.
“Why are you doing this to me?” You pleaded with James.
James very rarely got angry or frustrated with you; he was one of the most easy going people you had ever met in your life and he was always the first to have considered every person’s feelings and sides before participating in discourse. 
But you seemed to have found something he was not willing to negotiate about. 
“What exactly is it that am I doing to you, Y/N? Because from where I’m standing, I’m the one who’s hurt.”
“James…” Remus started, but much like you had, James cut him off.
“No! I don’t see her getting all worked up about Sirius playing quidditch!”
“Because people in his position are the one’s trying to knock you out of the fucking air!” You argued.
“That is the point of quidditch!” He bellowed back at you.
“Okay, enough.” Sirius barked. “James, relax, it’s alright. She’s just upset.”
You laughed humourlessly as you looked to the sky for patience.
It didn’t come.
“I’m not just ‘upset’. I have spent countless holidays waiting,” You started severely, still looking towards the ceiling as you tried to ward off your tears. “Wondering what kind of state you might be in, how you were being treated. Wondering if-” You choked on a sob and shut your eyes harshly as the first wave of tears fell. “If you’d even come back at all, Sirius.” You finally finished with a laugh that turned into a sob as you finally made eye contact with him.
“Every winter.” You continued. “Every Easter break. And every summer, which were always the hardest because they were the longest and there was no way for me to know. 
“And every month I sit and wait and watch and worry and wonder and hope and fear.” You continued, turning your gaze to Remus. “And I will never stop waiting and watching and worrying and wondering and hoping and fearing but-”
Finally, you turned your gaze back towards James. “But to do this willingly, to… I don’t know, to put yourself in harm's way for what? For sport, for fun, for a goof? I…I don’t understand.” 
James let out a sad and tired sigh as he looked at you pleadingly. “Look, Y/N, I’m sorry I upset you; I really am.”
“No, no - don’t apologise just because I’m crying.” You argued as you wiped angrily at your face. 
“I think it makes sense to be upset, dove. You’re worried; that’s more than fair.” Remus offered; ever the voice of reason.
But the more he discussed your feelings and concerns and not the actual problem - which in your opinion was currently your third boyfriend holed up in a hospital bed - you could feel your temper rising again. 
“I can’t do this. I need to go.” You announced before turning on your heel.
“Y/N, wait.” You could hear Sirius start, but you carried on and let the door to the hospital wing shut behind you.
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You felt silly.
You were still upset, but you felt silly all the same. 
You aren’t sure where you got off demanding James quit the team, but you do wish he would take his health and safety a little more seriously, at least for your sake.
But you hadn’t said that to him.
And you shouldn’t have brought up Sirius’ trauma to push your point across when you had been the one walking into their conversation with an air of hostility about you.
And Remus, poor Remus.
You had no right to bring up his affliction like that; you knew he struggled letting people in for that very reason.
Gods, you were awful. 
But you were still upset.
You were awful and upset, which was why you were currently sitting behind the curtains of your four poster bed simply tossing and turning without any hope of ever falling asleep. 
Not whilst angry, and not alone. 
Before you had much time to think about it, you felt a familiar…scurrying on the side of your bed.
“What in Godric’s fucking name?” You hissed as you pulled your blankets back in a panic to expose a yellow rat looking rather guilty (or, as guilty as a rat could manage to look) with a folded piece of paper in its mouth. 
You stared at the rat disbelievingly as it slowly dropped the note beside you before sitting down and looking at you expectantly. 
“What?” You asked expressionlessly. 
The rat - being a rat - simply looked back down at the note before returning its gaze to you.
“You need me to read that?”
The rat seemed to nod yes.
“Now?” You deadpanned.
“Did they pay you for your efforts?”
“Tell them to pay you double.” You sighed as you unfolded the note. 
I’m sorry, sweet girl.
I shouldn’t have snapped at you, especially when all you were trying to do was care for me.
Please come see me? 
I’m sorry. 
You could almost hear the desperation in James’ words as you traced your fingers over the xx’s he had signed on the bottom. 
You looked down to see the rat was still sitting there.
“For fucks- you’re job is done, Peter. Tell them to pay up.” You muttered in faux contempt as you felt any residual ire melt from your body. 
The rat seemed to give you a little pat on the knee with his tiny hand before he scurried off back down the stairs of the girls dormitory. 
After washing your face to try to hide any remaining evidence of tears being shed, you stalked towards the boys’ dormitory with your own metaphorical tail between your legs before you paused in front of their door to knock.
Your fist had hardly made contact with the wood before the door was flying open to expose a rather bedraggled looking James.
“Angel.” He breathed out, seemingly simultaneously relieved that you were here and worried about what the next words coming from your mouth would be. 
“Jamie.” You sighed, hating the fact that you had just spent time and effort to hide any evidence of previous emotions only for your voice to crack and your eyes to fill with tears immediately.
Thankfully, it seemed James was prepared.
“I’m so sorry.” He breathed out; words muffled from where his lips were pressed into the crown of your head as he pulled you tight against his chest. “I’m so sorry; I should never have shouted at you.”
“I was being unreasonable.” You argued, causing James to make a pleading sound in the back of his throat.
“You weren’t being unreasonable. You were upset and I brushed you off.”
“Can we both be sorry?” You asked as he rubbed his hands up and down your back.
“Only if you can tell me what you did that was so wrong.”
“I should never have asked you to quit.” You whispered; embarrassment flooding you at the mere memory of your demand. 
James let out a sigh as he backed up enough to see your face, but not far enough to let you out of his hold. 
“I…I think I can understand why, though. I don’t think you would have jumped to that if I had taken my injuries more seriously.”
You let out a noncommittal sound as you pushed your face back into his chest. “I’m still sorry.”
“I would, you know.” He said suddenly.
“Would what?”
You pulled your head back rather suddenly at that causing a momentary bout of dizziness that even James seemed to notice as he helped you right yourself. 
“James ‘Quidditch’ Potter would quit quidditch?” You asked disbelievingly. 
“Try saying that five times fast.” Remus chuckled quietly, causing you to turn to find him sitting on the edge of Sirius’ bed with his hand resting atop a rather pitiful looking Padfoot. 
“Pads…” You whispered, causing Sirius’ dog form to step off the bed and make his way over to you, nudging your hand with his wet nose. “I’m so sorry for the way I spoke to you; you didn’t deserve that.” 
Seemingly appeased that you weren’t about to lash out at him again, your (arguably most) sensitive boyfriend spun back into his human form and stood rather bashfully in front of you. “I completely brushed you off; I would have told me to fuck off too.” He offered as he took one of your hands in his and rubbed his thumb over your knuckles. 
“I’m sorry I took all of my anxieties and concerns out on you. None of you deserved it and it’s not your responsibility.” You declared, pointedly looking towards your last boyfriend who you felt arguably most guilty for having accosted earlier. 
“I appreciate your apology, dove, but I disagree with part of it.” Remus said as he stood and made his way over to your three. “Your anxieties and concerns are our responsibility; they became our responsibility the second we started dating.”
“And we right fumbled that.” James let out with a breath, causing Sirius to smirk and pinch his good arm. 
“I got upset when I didn’t think any of you were taking it seriously, and then got defensive when it felt like you were being flippant with me. I wish I had handled it differently.” You explained, leaning into Remus’ side as he pulled you under his arm. 
“I’d say we all could have handled it differently.” Remus decided as the rest of you nodded. 
“Next time?” Sirius asked then.
Remus scoffed. “Haven’t you heard, Pads? There won’t be a next time; James is quitting the team.”
James seemed to baulk at that fact before he turned to look at you, face falling forcefully neutral as he took a deep breath.
“Right… yes. If…if that’s what you want.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at your sweetest boy before jostling his shoulder that had been in a sling. 
“Where’d your bandages go?”
He turned slightly bashful before looking towards Remus. 
“Erm, well, I had wanted to come find you immediately afterwards, but we thought it might be better to wait until I didn’t look so…hospitalised.” 
“What Prongs is trying to say,” Sirius teased as he looked at James with no shortage of love. “Is that the pain potion and skele-gro did their jobs and he’s back in tip top shape for his girl.” 
You let out a sigh of faux exhaustion and rolled your eyes. “Well then I suppose I could allow you to continue playing if you promise to be extra careful going forward, and also to cuddle me the whole night after every game?” 
“Deal.” He agreed quickly before enveloping you in a hug so big that it picked you up off your feet.
“Oh yeah.” Remus laughed. “He’s right back in tip top shape indeed.”
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Dead Boy Detectives: Fic Recs
My latest hyperfixation is Dead Boy Detectives, so oc I've been reading and commenting on a ton of fic. And it's been really nice because the response of the authors has been so warm. I don't think I've ever gotten so many replies so quickly! Also, the fandom has inspired me to actually start writing again for the first time in two years and I've got a great idea for a fanvid. (Any tips on how to make one would be appreciated! 😅)
So in tribute to the lovely fandom, here's a fic rec post (nearly all payneland):
in this city there's a thousand things I want to say to you by laiqualaurelote
Edwin has a sexual awakening and it blows Charles' mind. And other things. Very funny and well written. Also features minor Edwin/Cat King and Edwardian flirting.
I also highly recommend the saviour of the broken, the beaten, and the damned by the same author, which is a kind of multiverse!Edwin fic? Featuring Edwin dying? And Niko time travelling? Trying to save time? Anyway, interesting to see Edwin alive, ageing and in different periods of time/his life.
For the First Time Twice by MmmCookies
Amnesia fic! Charles loses his memories and thinks he and Edwin are married. Very cute (tandem bike date!) and well written, though Edwin's point of view still manages to be angsty. Also, the yearning is off the charts and the most recent chapter turned up the heat.
I guess you're stuck with me by Punny_Puck
AU in which Edwin and Charles actually got married pre-show. Funny, cute with a sweet marriage proposal prequel. Instant comfort fic.
Dance the Night by Gruoch
The gang are hunting an energy-sucking vampire that targets beautiful people, so naturally Edwin MUST disguise himself as the hottest girl in London. This one starts out fun and campy then takes a hard left turn into Serious Business. Prepare yourself for emotional moments, worldbuilding and some really excellent horror.
Long Past Time by sanctuary_for_all
Charles proposes to Edwin post canon. It's a short and sweet established relationship fic with some cool worldbuilding about ghosts and their ability to shape their clothing/appearances.
lay my hands on heaven by Opossum_Subatomic
I had to include a PWP and this is a great one. Extremely well written, in character and romantic. And explicit, obviously.
Data Points by Asidian
Edwin learns to cuddle. It's a production and completely adorable. I love a fic that explores the difference between the boys' physicality and this one's really on point. The writing and characterisation are great and it's nice to see Edwin taking care of Charles.
I also recommend Lanterns In the Dark, which sets the scene for Charles and Edwin's first meeting with some gut-wrenching details about Charles' homelife and Edwin's escape from Hell.
When I Was a Young Boy by flowerbritts
A Good Omens crossover and AU in which Aziraphale is Edwin's adopted father. Family reunions and revelations abound. Also, Edwin gets to be a teenager and slam doors while shouting, as he deserves.
The author has also written Wait, I'm Coming Too, which is a very sweet post canon 'Charles Worries About Edwin and Realises His Feelings' fic inspired by that 'Edwin reading Heartstopper' fanart. Both fics deserve more love!
A Slight Miscalculation by kantigone
Idiots in Love and Didn't Know They Were Dating. Crystal and Niko are the real MVPs, for real. A treat.
Terrible at Keeping Secrets (5+1) by ASingularSadSoggyPringle
Interesting demon!Edwin AU. Charles is a precious cupcake in this fic and Edwin is mostly the same with some Darker moments. I loved the concept and the author adds in some great, creepy details.
somaesthesia by perexcri
Edwin's journey from being touch-averse to touch-starved... at least when it comes to Charles. Palmistry is involved. I loved Edwin's characterisation and the unresolved sexual/romantic tension was on point.
And possibly I like the thrill (of under me you quite so new) by Leandra
Edwin explores his sexuality and re-negotiates his relationship with Charles. Meanwhile, the gang take on the case of a ghost who wants them to matchmake his still-living lover. Crosses over with The Sandman. And Edwin gets to be confident and flirty as a treat.
Always by How You Doing (FancyMeetingYouHere)
Hurt/Comfort fic in which Edwin has a traumatic flashback to the doll-head demon spider and Charles looks after him. Charles reading Good Omens to Edwin is a nice, meta touch.
Made You Look by Baby_Spinach
The agency are hunting an incubus that decides to take on Edwin's appearance. A repression explosion ensues. Fun fic.
Shape Me by dearheartdont
This one's actually a character study of Charles and his mixed race Indian heritage (so no Edwin) and it's so well done. It's also part of a series in progress about Charles growing up in the 80s with all the racism and homophobia that that entails. I look forward to seeing where it goes.
The Most Tender Place In My Heart by coloursflyaway
Edwin shares memories of how he fell in love with Charles, who figures out his own feelings in the process. It's super sweet and involves fun pre-show flashbacks and defintely deserves more attention!
I also loved Won't Fear Love by the same author, in which Charles takes Edwin out on dates and breaks the cuteness scales. And shout out to Good Enough which is the first fic I bookmarked for this fandom! 🥳
Anyway, thank you to all these amazing writers for making this fandom so special! 🥰
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fumifooms · 2 days
What if we were both magic prodigies and it otherized us in different ways and we devoted ourselves to protecting a family member who has general other goals & priorities. What if we both did self-sacrifical devotion in opposite ways.
What if we were dark mirrors of each other and where I've grown overcontrolling you've grown complacent. What if, bought as a servant into a pretty loving home, ownership and control is what love looks like to me, and to you neglected and lonely growing up, love is gratefully taking any scraps of it you’re lent.
By belonging to someone, even if she comes back injured or fails at finding Delgal, she feels like she belongs and is cherished, by owning someone he feels safe in them not leaving him.
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She’s what’s tethering him do you see… And he’s the only thing giving her direction and purpose in her state. She needs a compass and he needs a support.
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They’re both so out of it 😭 It’s the weirdly intense and unearned mutual trust and reliance on each other?? They’re each other’s weird little comfort codependent teddy bear. Or at least they were headed towards that before SHE DIED THEN HE DIED THEN THEY BOTH FORGOT ABOUT EACH OTHER AND NEVER MET EVER AGAIN. Though she’s also the guard attack hound keeping him safe… And vice versa he heals her and can rewrite her very being with just one wave of his hand. They’re both so so mentally and physically vulnerable both but they cling onto each other. They can’t perceive things accurately but despite it all someway somehow they stumble into something closer to resembling companionship just before they both die. Falin is just that kind and Thistle is just that lonely. Overworked. We both haven’t lived for ourselves in a very long time, haven’t we.
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They both have a similar devotion to the people they love but again the difference is that Thistle starts overtsepping while Falin is self-effacing. The other difference between them is that people care about Falin <3 People have given up on Thistle long ago, and he has given people reasons to, while people refuse to give up on Falin. Yaad has a mini arc about it dw about it it’s ok he’s not all alone in the end 😭😭 He reached out for Marcille’s hand but they already all wanted to help him, they just had to be given the chance to, Yaad just had to be given the chance to, it’s okay I’m okay
Hey what if we learned to get in touch with our own identity and the world around us and living in the present again through being in the worst codependent situationship ever.
Falin and Thistle sitting in a tree, sucking on flowers together because they’re h-u-n-g-r-y 💕💕💕
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I bet he’s only ever thought of flowers as useless ornaments. Weak weeds. But she shows him they’re tasty and useful and good and pretty in their own right too and deserve existing without proving their worth and waaa <33 Thistles…... Did you know thistles taste sweet if you remove the thorns and eat them?
"Even as a chimera, her kind nature remains" you can’t suppress her in the way that matters. You can’t soothe him in the way that matters. It’s doomed. You’re doomed. It’s all doomed. Save me.
#Spoilers#dungeon meshi manga spoilers#Thistle#falin touden#thistlin#OOOOH UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIP THAT SOMEHOW WORKS OUT SAVE ME#I need them to be traumabonded kittens to not separate post-canon#I’m seeing a raise in post-canon thistle content/interest which makes me v happy#Fumi rambles#Falin learning to disobey orders with Thistle is one of my fave things. EAT THAT CURRY GIRL!!!! Nvm that it’s gonna get you killed#It’s good for the character arc#Falin and thistle sitting on a web o-b-s-e-s-s-i-n-g <3#This is somewhat of a tldr of my huge thistlin post. Plus some thoughts i had in discord or twitter#Keeping it for another day but tbh if you see their dynamic in canon as her thinking/having picked him as her mate it changes nothing#about her behavior which I find funny. Thistle accidentally claimed himself a parrot mate bc he’s bad with monsters confirmed#Ik my thing of them learning to relax and live in the present moment again is pretty fanon BUT IT’S WHAT KUI POINTED TOWARDS#With her calming him down from a panic attack and eating berries. With the baths for dandruffs. Etc. Thistle hasn’t socialized in a long#time and he wouldn’t if it wasn’t a tool he needed to interact with BUT it’s still socialization and it’s getting him in touch with his#surroundings again even if just a bit slowly but surely!! The Toudens have a superpower in reaching Thistle. Bless#How’s that one post go again. he refuses to develop he's part of the problem he maintains the cycle he's trapped in the cycle.#she's growing she's finding her place she escaped her original role she wants to help people she will never save him she will never save hi
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buddiebeginz · 3 days
Anon who sent me a message about another B*mmy stan who jumped from Buddie to B*mmy I'm not surprised and really I think it's been that way for a lot of them. I know some B/T shippers are multi shippers and or still want Buddie to be endgame but there's far too many who used to be hardcore Buddie shippers then dropped that ship and Eddie like a hot potato the minute they got to see Buck suck face with a guy they think is hot. And like they can't claim this is all about wanting to see Buck happy when some of them were dropping Buddie right after 7x04 when we had barely even seen Buck and T*mmy interact at all.
It's also not just that they're shipping something different some of them have taken to trashing Buddie, Eddie, and our fandom now all to prop up their ship. I honest to god don't know how people switch lanes that fast. Like I can understand being a multi shipper (even though I'm not) and I get changing your mind but the way some of them act like Buddie being canon now would be the worst thing for Buck and Eddie is just crazy to me. Because most of them months ago were waxing poetic about how Buddie were soulmates and Buck was Chris' other dad and how the show needed to make it happen but now it's Buddie shippers are delusional and Buddie was never supposed to be anything but platonic. 😒
As much as I don't like Lou I hope everyday that he gets a better job or becomes a main on SWAT (like there's rumours he might be in the fall) and doesn't end up coming back for season 8. I'm thankful everyday that the show made Buck bi but T*mmy has been one of the worst additions to 911 to date. Although at least this has given us a chance to see some of the true colors of people in our fandom. I'm glad once Buddie is finally canon I'll have a lot of those hateful fake ass Buddie fans blocked when they inevitably come crawling back trying to pretend they always knew Buddie was going to happen.
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yourfavepookiebear · 10 hours
Hii, can i make a request? Yandere and self aware twisted wonderland please?
So the characters could hear the player after some time, although it is very difficult unless you pay attention, they actually don't know the appearance of the player!
But yeah, yandere Heartslabyul with a player who's pretty expressive? Like whenever something frustrates them they'd almost always curse out loud, when something makes them happy and satisfied they'd yell out a "Yes! Oh my god bro", etc
Okay so basically a player like me (and many others), cool, got it. (Im panicking I suck at writing for heartslabyul) I fucked up at ace's part idk what to write for him
God the old hag is waking up
Rushed asf
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Riddle Rosehearts
You're pretty easy to read, at least on the terms of mood and emotion, which could be considered a good thing for him ?
At first he didn't believe it, because how could the player be anything but perfect ?
But then he realized that you don't need to be emotionless to be perfect.
Now this vaguely depends on whether we're talking about before OB or after OB Riddle, but if it's after OB then he doesn't mind it much
In fact, he likes hearing you mumble in frustration whenever you lose or see something irritating, it makes him...melancholic, in a way. Because these are all the signs that you're pretty normal just like them, you feel. It reassures him sometimes, to know that.
It's pretty cute and funny to him, but he won't show it
Hates that you show that side of yourself to others, he wants to be the only one to see this, but alas..not much can be done.
At least, not within the rules.
Cater Diamond
A bit like Riddle, it's sorta funny for him. God he wishes he could tease you, but he can't because of the damn programming..
Will definitely sneakily film it or record it he can't pass up on such an opportunity !
Depending on his mood he may or may not post it as well, but most likely on his private account
Can't have anyone else seeing such a cute thing, can we ?
Trey Clover
Now this is a bit complicated (more so than the others)
He wouldn't show it on the outside ofc, but he finds it endearing. (everyone does.)
May or may not crack a little smile when he sees you jumping in joy (or banging your head on the wall in frustration)
Doesn't care what others think about it, he will listen to your little outbursts with all ears.
And if anyone dares to comment about it, they better get ready for hell.
Deuce Spade
Doesn't really know what to think about it,
Ofc like everyone else he loves to hear you jump in joy or excitement, but frowns when you whine or complain about something
You deserve the very best !! If he could, he'd do anything to make you happy, just to see your little smile
God he wishes he was with you, but he can't...except-
Right, maybe draconia could help him with this.
Ace (I forgot his last name)
Oh well.
Seeing how expressive you are, he would definitely sneak in a few teases in his dialogues.
You know that cheeky smile of his ? Yeah, that's the one he has
Unlike a few others, he doesn't care if you're jumping in joy or in sadness, all he cares about is hearing you, seeing you..
Don't worry, soon enough, you'll be right next to him. So if you one day wake up to find yourself locked up in a room, just know that he means no harm
He can't help but wonder what you look like...ah, no use thinking about that since you'll be here soon.
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This sucks ass ngl, my writing is trash right now but whatever
I did better than I thought since it's been a few months since I last wrote anything
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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immortalityriver · 3 days
genya shinazugawa - headcanons
genya shinazugawa dating HCs
sfw - canon age
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god help this shy boy. he's a total fumblefuck around you and he's awful at hiding it.
regardless of how hard he attempts to conceal it, he has a very expressive face. in more ways than one. if you take him by surprise it'll be written all over that cute little face of his.
at first, should you ever show unforeseen affection, i.e; kisses, hugs, etc. his eyes would get all big and he'd get all tense and pink.
unsure of how to properly convey his affection for you, he kind of just stands there until you finish the display first, which he's never proud of.
he wants to be able to show you how much he loves you, but he just can't bring himself to do it so early. it's not to say he doesn't want to, but he's simply stuck yearning, staring, wanting.
you're all his in the first place. the hard part's BEEN over. can't he just suck it up and act normal?
you, on the other hand, are rather amused by his silence. you knew where he stood on this, every erratic movement he made after the fact showed you exactly what he thought.
it was quite endearing to see him get quiet and flustered, but even moreso when you caught him staring longingly, sometimes even with a saccharine expression on his face.
that big goofy smile that went ear to ear just made you wanna pull him to you and pepper his face. but you knew to go easy on him.
however, once he's finally used to having you around, he's quite the cuddlebug.
one minute you could be sitting beside eachother in bed, the next he has his arms around you pulled into his chest.
it'd be an understatement to say he loved sleeping over with you, catching a stupid movie to make fun of all night, eating something sweet you made together and constantly referencing the movie until you fell asleep right where he thought you belonged, in his arms.
he's a heater, too. you really don't need a blanket. sometimes it gets TOO hot and you have to sacrifice the blanket, which in turn wakes him up, and that's a whole thing.
it's safe to say he'd make up any excuse to cling to your hip. once he's in, he's in for the whole ride. til' death do us part type shit.
he keeps you in bed all morning just cuddling up to you. really, he makes it hard to get up. with the way he sweet talks you, until he's practically wrestling you down onto the bed just for "another five minutes and then we can get up!"
he always goes back on his word on that one, though. 5 turns to 10. 10 turns to 15, and before you know it you've been in bed for another hour.
it's time well-spent at least. any time with him is time well spent.
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cremateyourlife · 2 days
Endeavor sucks so here's a rant cause i've seen too many people say he isn't that bad lately
(CW / TW for abuse, ptsd mention) going in best order of episode events, but also including manga spoilers (sections are indented so you can skip the manga parts)-
this is pulling from source material but also very opinioned based. I get people saying he's an interesting character (kinda) but i hate seeing people excuse what he did because "aww he feels bad now." like him if you want but hating on other's for not liking him is just stupid.
it will also be long, but I have a lot of thoughts, hope at least some people agree with me lmao
i started typing this around when ch 390 came out so i know this has all been said before but with the new season coming out and like i said more people defending him i wanted to finally post this
"The Boy Born With Everything."
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"That kid of mine will beat you some day, I'll make sure of it. That's why I created him."
Endeavor admitting he only had kids to be heroes, ones better than All Might, shows he does not truly care about his children. He only wanted them because he couldn't handle his failures. He sees them as a tool, not as his own kids, not as people. That's obvious in almost everything he says to and about Shoto.
And while I hate him, he isn’t a failure hero wise. He’s literally the # 2 hero out of however many hundreds there are. He’s simply mad he can’t beat AM? What is he a child who thinks he deserves everything he wants because he’s never been told no?
When Shouto finally used his fire Endeavor yelled about him finally realizing his “purpose.” More proof he sees his children, Shouto specifically, as tools. They aren't humans to him, they don't have their own feelings or goals, they are a means to an end. A means to his end. Shouto overcoming his own guilt (guilt caused by Endeavor) doesn’t matter to him. What matters is he now feels Shouto is worth something.
Class 1A vs 1B (i dont remember the exact episode names)
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the flashback we get after Tokoyami talks to Shouto we hear Endeavor say, “Touya was close… Come on Shouto you’re the only one who can master this move.” Endeavor was putting the weight of his dead son's “failure” on the shoulder of his 5 (?) yr old kid. Making the kid who just lost his older sibling feel like he has to be better, or he could die too.
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“Quit pretending to be weak.” Bro that is your very young kid. He is weak. Train him early, sure, whatever, but this is just abuse. You aren’t training him. Pushing your kid to the point of throwing up isn’t just training. It isn’t him being weak. It’s abuse.
I know this show is very flashback heavy in the first place but I really do interpret all the flashbacks Shouto gets of his dad as PTSD. Often times when fighting and in battle, after getting hit, he has memories of his dad. Sure, this could just be his motivation but I think it’s more than that.
"The Unforgiven."
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"I thought if I saved you, that you might never say a word to me ever again." Aka Endeavor saying, "I should save my son, so he maybe likes me again." Natsuo my beloved. I love when he is an ass to his dad. His own son is saying he could never forgive him because why does he "need to be the one to make an active effort to change?" and that even though Endeavor wants to make up what does he think he can do now? Natsuo will always see his dad as the one who killed his older brother, and I don't blame him. Because that is who Endeavor is.
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"He literally says in the episode he doesn't want forgiveness." And? He doesn't deserve it. He doesn't need to make Natsuo feel better for hating him when he has every right to after what his dad did to him and his entire family.
Sure, this episode is us seeing a "change" in Endeavor because he wants to be better, however, this is my post so I will say why I have a problem with this lmao. When did we see Endeavor start to change? After he became the number one hero. After he realized people were going to be looking at him even more.
The only good thing he does is realize that in order for his family to be happy he cannot be in the picture.
"Dabi's Dance"
Not including all the scenes I want to bc if I did, I'd just insert the entire ep lmao
"Oh, but he is changing. He regrets his actions." Why didn't he have regrets years ago when, to everyone's knowledge, his 13 yr old son had died? Endeavor didn't start feeling "guilty" until he became the number 1 hero. (as stated before)
And yes, we see and hear how upset Endeavor was over Touya’s death, but did he change? Did he stop being abusive and neglectful? Did he apologize and see his faults? Nope. So how bad did he really feel.
Dabi himself called him out on this during "Dabi’s Dance" when he said, “Is that why you finally decided to try to bond with your children? Keep looking toward the future and you can be a better man?"
On top of it all, Endeavor didn’t even step in to fight. Yes, he was shocked seeing his dead son in front of him again, but do you not think Shouto was shocked seeing his dead brother? He still fought.
Chapter 350
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Many people say Dabi was born in the fire. However, that isn't true. Touya didn't die in that fire. He died and Dabi was born 3 years later when he went back home and had seemingly been forgotten about. He woke up in a strange place, covered in burns and sounding completely different. He wanted to go home. He wanted to apologize for all the awful things he said. He was told that he has been severely injured and once again that he was a failure. He was scared and alone. So, he goes home thinking he will be accepted with open arms, that maybe everything would be better, and everyone will celebrate yet he gets there, and his dad is still the same. Abusing his siblings and his mom is gone. Not only that but to Touya's POV, he has been replaced by his younger brother.
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Plus does that not show you who Endeavor is as a person? That even after pushing his son to death he didn’t change.
"The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire"
i won't include any clips or panels from this bc it is very intense and while this post will talk about it i still don't want to include those pictures
Going ahead and getting this out of the way because people love bringing it up for some reason, while what Rei did to Shouto was awful, obviously, it is not even close to being on the same level as the things Endeavor did to the entire Todofam. Rei was scared to look her own kids in the eyes because when she did, she saw Endeavor. She saw Endeavor's rage and feared for her safety, and in a moment of a clear panic attack and mental break defended herself, because look at Rei and tell me that woman doesn't have PTSD.
If the entirety of this ep didn't make you hate Endeavor and see he is incapable of change then idk what to tell you. Him convincing his very young child that his sole purpose is to be the next number 1 hero. He then finds out his kid physically won't be able to do that he tells him that he simply isn't good instead of sitting down and talking to him.
Buying Rei because he wanted to create his perfect child, then forcing her to be some baby machine. (Random fact that always haunts me is that Touya and Fuyumi were born in the same year.) Abusing Rei repeatedly. As well as, hitting her in front of the kids with a very young Shouto between them while the other two hide in a corner. Blaming Rei for Toya continuing to train when it is his own fault. Then on top of that, not going to Sekoto peak. He could have shown up for 2 seconds but no.
We also see another instance of Rei seeing Endeavor in her own kids when she tried to stop Toya from going and training like when Shouto came to check on her when he was little.
When Touya had a breakdown and tried to kill Shouto, instead of seeing the pain Toya was feeling and realizing his own mistakes, Endeavor just isolated Shouto from his siblings. Didn’t let him play with them, by what Natsuo said at dinner he monitored what he ate and when.
Also, I don’t wanna her “Dabi was insane from the start” after trying to kill Shouto. That was an abused child, turned neglected child, asking to be seen. Begging to be looked at. He, like Rei later on, snapped. He realized that if he wanted to be seen then the only one his dad cared about needed to be gone
Chapter 390.
Shouto finally shows up and brings Dabi down. Somehow Dabi is still alive and this is where he states that everyone, including him, should die. Endeavor then apologizes. Sure, he apologized, better late then never, whatever. However, it just really feels like he is speaking over Dabi. Dabi could be dying, could be saying his last words, and Endeavor starts talking. I will say I like how he acknowledges exactly what he did in some way. That he "pushed Rei past her breaking point", "put everything on Fuyumi's shoulders", and "abandoned Natsuo." It just all feels so empty and really doesn't mean anything with his entire family burned and scarred and Dabi lying on the ground, as well as Shouto passing out.
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Endeavor’s “I’m sorry” only goes so far when his son is lying almost burned to death yelling for them all to die, Shouto over working himself to stop Dabi when even his dad couldn’t, and his non hero family standing on the battlefield as well.
In conclusion, Endeavor is an abuser. He pushed his 13 yr old son to death, pushed his wife past her breaking point then sent her away, neglected his other two children because they weren't what he wanted, and only felt bad after he achieved his dream. After he got everything he wanted despite it being built on a broken home and the victims he created along the way.
Like I said if you want to like him that's fine, but don't get mad at others when they don't like him. The Todoroki subplot hits home for a lot of people. It is a very serious and real situation. Take away the hero aspect and Endeavor is just another abuser in the world, something many people have been through.
Anyways if anyone read all of this hope you enjoyed. Hope some people agree. If you didn't leave an ask or comment lmao let's debate.
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witchpassing · 1 day
an intervention {i}
The shape of Laplace resolves from among the trees, a long sketch in firelight and shadow, slipping something loosely seen into the recesses of their overcoat. “Wards done?” Harrier asks, voice thick with fatigue. Mairead, crouched beside the fire, watches the sack squirm.
“I would not have come back otherwise,” says Laplace, with the fathomless self-assurance of a hedge magician who has yet to make any serious career mistakes. “Nothing of hers will find us here tonight.”
“You’re certain?”
“You are paying me enough, dear friend, to be very certain.”
"Harry,” Mariead says, still watching the sack, “I want to talk to her.”
The fire cracks and spits. Looking over, Mairead sees Harrier weighing it in her head, Maisie’s going to kick off if I don’t let her have this versus Oh, god, not yet. It’s not that it shows on her face; the struggle is played out across the subcutaneous geography of her jaw and neck.
“Alright,” Harrier says, eventually, “alright,” and levers herself up with a hiss of stiffened muscle. The sack’s wriggling stills as she crouches to pick at the knot holding it shut. When she upends it, the contents slither out into the grass corpse-loose and corpse-pale.
Ada - because that is still her name, no matter what she might say about it - lies half in and half out of the flickering ring of firelight, head lolling to the side. It’s not that she could move much before, bound hand and foot as she is, but now she's stopped trying entirely. Amber fire dances across the glassy pools of her eyes, wide and unblinking.
“I’m going to take her gag out,” Mairead says, phrasing it like a statement but glancing to Harrier despite herself. Harrier’s eyes flick across to Laplace. Laplace shrugs.
“If something hears the creature’s squalling, then my wards have already failed, and we’re done for regardless.”
"Don't call her-"
“Maisie,” Harrier warns, and Mairead subsides, glowering. Harrier’s right, arguing with wizards is a waste of breath or worse, but God does she want to slap them sometimes.
After a little tugging at the knots, she manages to loosen the scarf bound about Ada’s lower face. When she still makes no attempt to clear her mouth, Mairead uses her fingers to tease the wad of packed cloth out from behind her teeth herself.
For the first time since being decanted, Ada actually seems to see her. She blinks, once.
“Hello, Mairead.”
Her voice is wrong. Too soft, too nice, as if she’s been opened up like a piano and retuned. She should be angry with them - they’re helping her, but she doesn’t understand that, does she?
Maybe she does, somewhere deep down. Maybe she’s still in there.
“It’s nice to see you again,” Ada says, and the love bubbling up in Mairead’s chest almost makes her laugh.
“Yeah, it’s- it’s nice to see you too. We’ve missed you, Ada. A lot. I mean both of us, Harrier won’t say it but-”
“If you will forgive the interruption, Mariead, this one’s name is Chrysanthe.”
Somewhere off to her left, Mairead can hear Harrier suck air through her teeth. Ada continues, still in that strange, soft lilt: “If you will please untie this one now, it has to return home. It hasn’t finished its chores for today, and it is sure that its lady will be very worried by its absence.”
“We can’t do that, Ada,” Harrier says, arms folded, saving Mairead the pain of saying no herself. “We’re taking you to Grenmere. I have a contact there. Someone who can help you.”
“No, that’s. That isn’t right at all. It - it has to go back.” A note of panic enters Ada’s voice. “Miss needs it, it was supposed to be home hours ago, please-”
“It will to go on like this until it is stopped,” Laplace says from the other side of the fire, speaking over her. “It cannot listen to reason. If you aren’t going to keep it gagged, at least allow me to make it quiet.”
Ada has begun to thrash again, staining her nice dress with long smears of black dirt. “No, no, please please, it will be good, it will be good-”
"Will that hurt her?" Mairead asks, forcing herself not to listen. It isn't Ada talking, not really; she would never sound like that. Ada would spit and bite and curse and never ever beg. It's her, that woman, that thing, speaking through her mouth. Her thoughts aren't her own. Her wants aren't her own.
Laplace shakes their head. “A glyph of trivial simplicity, painted upon the exterior of the throat. Dolls are susceptible to such things.”
“... Go on.”
Harrier puts a knee on Ada’s shoulder and pulls her head back. Laplace hunches above her, vulturine in their big coat, producing the witchbone tool of their work from some lightless recess. The begging grows frantic. Mairead looks at the fire.
Ada’s perfect voice cracks into a high, thin whine, and then into nothing at all.
“Done,” says Laplace, with rather less than their usual self-satisfaction. Harrier says nothing.
Ada presses her face into the grass. Soundlessly, she begins to cry.
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mishy-mashy · 2 months
Hey it's not the biggest detail but-
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—And Bruce,
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They have eyebags. Since their forms are from the time of the Resistance, they were probably tired and stressed. (Or they just have shit sleeping schedules)
"Even after death, we're still bound to our duties." (Kudo, ch. 414)
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
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consider this my spiritual successor to the other post i did like this with “i.. becamed a vampire”
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bidokja · 5 months
as a fellow orv fan i think you have good taste. what is this damn reincarnation you speak of............
damn reincarnation—officially titled "my blasted reincarnated life" but who the fuck is gonna take that seriously. not me!—is a manhwa about hamel, one of the heroes who saved the world from the demon kings, but who tragically died just before the party could kill all of them. in hamel's final moments, vermouth—the strongest of the heroes—promises to kill the rest of the demon kings no matter what. hamel then reincarnates as the descendant of vermouth to find the world at peace as they'd all hoped...except the final few demon kings are still around. despite their promise, vermouth struck a deal with them instead of finishing them off.
just why did this happen? did vermouth betray him, or were there other reasons? are the demon kings really to be trusted? why did he reincarnate as vermouth's descendant? what happened to his former companions? what did they have to say about all this? are any of them still alive? who can he trust? just what is he meant to do?
this is what damn reincarnation is about. basically, i like it because of two reasons. one, the writing is well done. it's paced well, with plenty of room for characters to grow, for events to be set up and revealed, etc. low low bar but it solidly clears it which is more than i can say for plent of other similar series. and two...oh my god fucking finally a reincarnation series where the reincarnation bit is vitally relevant for the entire rest of the plot, not just a Get Strong Quick scheme that's never actually plot relevant aside from maybe an identity crisis angst chapter. like. it is a Get Strong Quick scheme too dgmw, I'm not saying damn reincarnation is a masterpiece or reinventing the wheel or anything, but it's just really engaging and fun to read.
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sonknuxadow · 3 months
okay sorry for having opinions on sonic shipping but . the more popular a ship is the more likely i am to be annoyed by it so its probably for the best that my favorite ship is one of the not as popular ones . but also the way sonknux gets talked about (or not talked about) as a result of it being less popular drives me up the wall . what do you mean it doesnt make sense. hes literally not staring at the moon and thinking about him💔
#theyre literally the sun and the moon and you dont even CARE ....#okay but ive actually seen random sonknux posts get a bunch of comments from so/nadow and kn/uxouge fans#along the lines of ''umm i prefer so/nadow :/'' or ''this doesnt make any sense so/nadow is better'' or ''nooo knuckles likes rouge''#like ohhhh my godddd shut UP#anyway theres so many things that sonic and knuckles have done that if it was sonic and amy or knuckles and rouge#or sonic and shadow doing it instead it would get labelled as peak romance#i know this to be true because it literally already happens sonic and knuckles do something gay and its cricket noises#then sonic and shadow do the same thing later. sometimes in the same show/comic/whatever . and it gets reposted everywhere . what#hell none of the other pairings i mentinoed even have to do what sonic and knuckles do they just have to stand near eachother#and people start freaking out ...#also im not saying youre legally obligated to like sonknux too if you like so/nadow or that you cant prefer so/nadow#but. if you think so/nadow makes perfect sense and have convinced yourself that its basically canon and every interaction between them#is a hint from sega that theyre secretly dating or something and you make the biggest reaches imaginable to prove it#while also thinking that sonknux doesnt make any sense at all and labelling it as a crackship or whatever#i can only assume that you arent paying attention to anything that happens in knuckles centric stuff#and/or being That obsessed with so/nadow has just heavily warped your perception of things. because how#and its not even just so/nadow .. knu/xouge is constantly overshadowing sonknux too#but at least so/nadow is actually okay its only crime is being too popular and having some annoying fans as a result#knu/xouge on the other hand is too popular and has a lot of annoying fans AND sucks . which is worse#but so/nadow is one i find myself comparing it to more often because its another gay pairing#and also people are obsessed with taking stuff from sonic and knuckles' relationship/interactions and giving it to sonic and shadow instead#and acting like knuckles doesnt exist and stuff that sonic and knuckles did first is exclusive to sonic and shadow or something#whatever . runs away
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todayisafridaynight · 4 months
(gaiden and iw spoilers) hiii i finished infinite wealth and I'm kinda insane about it hope you don't mind
i can't stop thinking about how disappointed i am in iws story :( especially with how the jimas they just get thrown under the bus all the time
what bothers me the most is that i was so hopeful after that scene where the four all fought together at the end of gaiden(when daigo says the No Balls line)
after he says that and kiryu has given him a little speech about how he's proud of him, majima and saejima nod at each other, and JUST THAT tells you so much about how he's talked to them about how insecure he feels about dissolving the clan, going into hiding and all that stuff, it made me so hopeful for a proper talk between daigo and kiryu, for kiryu to finally change his ways and actually try to help him out instead of asking for shit without giving anything back all the goddamn time
it's really fucked up how we got that subtle story telling and then just. oh they're fishermen. oh kiryu's asking them to do stuff for him again. oh he got pissed and beat them up and then left without doing ANYTHING again after not seeing them for three years. oh they don't get to come with when kiryu's dying in a fucking helicopter
being a 3jimas fan is suffering we could have had so much man. how did they even get to that village. why is it abandoned. why didn't we get to do anything with them we just left
i'm so tired oh my god
i've ranted Extensively with My Cabinet about how much i'm annoyed and disappointed by IW's story and handling of characters, and how the 3jimas were handled is one of them- tbh mostly daigo since he had more of a presence in the plot but perhaps because of that its awkward to see how the game handled majima and saejima as well
to just focus on daigo, it genuinely was really annoying how we were given SOME semblance of finally getting a scene where daigo breaks it all down for kiryu about how much the past twosome decades have sucked and that kiryu was abysmal for just dumping (AND CONTINUING TO TRY TO DO SO) problems onto daigo and others and maybe JUST MAYBE kiryu gives a right proper apology or realizes he's being selfish (again). like the build up was great, but it just falls flat when kiryu just. LEAVES after the fight after making them all feel like piss about themselves so the jimas pull through at the tower anyway
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yall i know im late to the party but u HAVE to read 13 storeys by jonathan sims. holy fucking shit this book was so fucking good
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#deacf talks#like omg im gonna be thinking abt this nonstop for like the next week lmaoo#like omg i loved seeing the progression of everyone showing up in each others storeys and trying to piece together everything#like i wasnt too into it at 1st bc this book kept getting marketed as like 'pure horror'which it really isnt at least to me. at most its#just extremely unsettling. Which is good!! some of the storeys like jason and Anna /really/ unsettled me!!#but yea its def not the straight horror all the quotes on the book made it out to be#its mainly reflective? if that makes sense#like all of the stories have the central theme of 'capitalism sucks!' and u get to see how either bc of their complicity with the struggles#of the working class below them or the struggles they face as being the working class influence the horrors they face#while also tying into fells misdeeds!! and its just so good#and it made me like sit there and while also trying to piece everything together be like 'capitalism Does suck :|' lmaoo#this is one of the few books where im REALLY looking forward to a reread bc i want to mark the book up#an keep track of who show up where and my own opinions on why these ppl r facing their specific brand of 'haunting' and how it ties to fell#but like!! yea!! i know im making no sense here lol im just trying to get my thought in order lmaoo#so many times id read like a sentence or paragraph and hear it in johnnys voice. like DAMN id love to get my hands on an audiobook#but go read the book!! its so fucked up in a good way!#but im gonna go Insane thinking abt this book lmaoo#thirteen storeys
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macbethz · 5 months
ah c'mon man don't put words in my mouth? i was Literally pointing out how worrying about shaming doesn't matter in one direction or another. that worrying about smth so trivial that someone who has never heard of ableton, like me, would have no idea what you're even worrying about, is a symptom of your own neuroses that you've honed through surveilling other people. it's true i'm not always able to understand hyperbole though.
Since you can’t understand hyperbole let me say this is not that and I mean this 100% literally something is wrong with you if you are trying to psychoanalyze strangers on tumblr through joke posts about electronic synthesis
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menstits · 7 months
fontaines archon quest is probably the first time in genshin that replaying it gives you a new context of how furina acts like its crazy...watching my oomf play when i finished and seeing furina almost on the verge on a breakdown even on the first acts when most people thought she was just the typical chuniibyou ojousama in charge...crazy.
YEAH like... god it's really crazy especially with furina's initial approach at trying to be the archon like... What could have been her own way of doing it if the crowd hadn't immediately shot down her attempt at being genuine . Like how different that was from the way she had to act for the following 500 years... Man.🧍‍♂️
#asks#anonymous#they really have come a long way from the first few arcs#like. mondstadt was clearly a prelude and liyue was funny enough but neither of them was especially emotionally impactful#inazuma sucked ass beyond belief sorry.#sumeru was better to me like the deal with nahida and rukkhadevata was interesting and i liked dottore cameo and like#at least it felt like all the characters involved like. had a purpose and knew each other#because a lot of what bothered me about inazuma was also like how disjointed the cast felt and how superfluous like half of the cast was#like the resistance was so fucking pointless they didn't do anything and i didn't give a fuck about the random npc soldier either#while like... at least dunyarzad in sumeru was more interesting and they handled the theme of like...#terminal illness and chronic illness decently enough#in inazuma i legit wws like who the fuck is this again whenever teppei showed up and the story acted like we were supposed to know him#while like#I'm sooo glad that in fontaine they focused mainly on the playable cast and made them have interesting dynamics amongst each other#AND made them also like. all be present during furina's trial (except wrio and sigewinne i guess but like. that's fine. their deal IS that#they're a bit isolated from the outside world)#or i mean ig sigewinne did show up but she hsrdly said much#like sorry idk why both in inazuma and sumeru they tried to stick a random npc in there tyat we were supposed to get attached to for no#reason. instead of giving more development to the playable characters? and as i said i didn't even mine dunyarzad much because at least#she had like. a purpose in the story.#anyway sorry that i put my longer response in the tag instead of the actual post#ALSO. this gives me high hopes for snezhnaya. god please please be good I've been hyped about genshin russia since i got into the game#I'm not even thinking about natlan I'm scared it's gonna be racist again#anyway.#bye
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