#the thanks i get for not biting and attacking everyone even tho i want to sooooo bad
mechawolfie · 1 year
I love to be dizzy and nauseous and lightheaded and feel pain all over it's so fun!!! my family is right I'm like this on purpose I love to be in pain and I love to avoid doing the dishes by any means necessary!!! i would rather individually hit every single of my nerve endings with a micro hammer than do the dishes , in fact I'm doing that right now so i won't have to do dishes today!!!! yay this is so fun!!!!!!! fuck work !!!!!!!!!!!!
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For the One of Us au, the power of visions of past and future that u mentioned could have a lot of potential.
I imagine Reader has little, or maybe no, control over when, where, or what when it comes to their visions. They could get a vision of the end of the world while in algebra on Tuesday and then a vision of their friends' past dates while in the Danger Room on Wednesday.
For the big, important visions, like future attacks or potential threats, they warn the adults and the rest of the team, but for smaller visions, they leave it on a need to know basis because their friends need to learn and make mistakes. Tho reader may nudge them in the right direction.
I'm sorry did I say nudge? I meant SHOVE cause a reader with visions would ABSOLUTELY NO CHILL AT ALL.
Their powers aren't useful at all in combat. Everyone else can do something in a fight. But Reader doesn't, so they make themselves useful in everyday life.
The group knows Reader always has their best interests at heart, but it always throws them for a loop when their normally sweet friend suddenly starts acting really protective and aggressive.
When Duncan starts dating Jean and everyone tries to be polite, except for Scott and Reader. Scott's reasoning is obvious, and his dislike is mostly harmless. Reader? Is about 5 seconds away from biting Duncan and is actively crashing dates. (Reader knows he's a racist bully ass. They know what he'll do.)
There's a solid month where Reader kept crawling into Kurt's bed, snuggling him and following him around. At first, he just thinks they're just being cuddly, then everything about his birth and his mom and the experiments come out. Then, it's like oh, that's why.
Reader gets a vision of Logans past and has to deal with the fact they know more about this man than he does.
They get a vision of Jean getting kidnapped by Fred and decides to NEVER EVER LEAVE HER ALONE EVER. Seriously Jean how does this keep happening to you?!
Reader approaches Rogue first out of everyone cause they know she's Kurt sister and so desperately wants to show her she's not alone.
Ooooooo... I don't known if I'll choose this as the canon power for Reader in 🍁One Of Us🧡, but let's explore it for a minute, shall we? (If you want to explore the other potential powers and help figure it out, I'm okay with it! I like when anons and hivelings do so! Thank you for this ask, @sugar-soda!)
Reader is such a worried, odd friend. They seem to always know something about you, no matter if they've met you or have ever even heard of you. They sometimes stutter or mumble- other times they're loud and assertive- sometimes they're sweet as pie and cuddly- and sometimes they glare daggers at you like you murdered their goldfish. With Reader, no one ever knows what to expect.
Duncan, the school football star, for example, is given death glares, is given at least three shovel talks (complete with an angry/protective Scott for back-up), he's given notes telling him to break up with Jean or else, he's told to be a better person or he'll regret it, Reader outdoes him in the poetry club (he joined to impress Jean), etc. . The consensus is Reader, the school's go-to life advice person, despises him, and no one knows why... (Then Duncan amd Jean break up, and now everyone knows Reader knew somehow those two wouldn't work together...)
Reader is gentle and open with Rogue, the school goth girl and lone wolf, on the other hand. They hold the door open for her, they ask if she needs a break during group projects or study sessions, they scare creepy students away from her, they offer to walk her home when the Brotherhood teens left her a few days, they even give her space if she asks for it. No one gets it; why bother with someone they don't even know or seem to get along with? Until the next week Rogue is with the Xavier teens, eating lunch and sharing classes and being overall friendly amd cordial, and once again Reader seems to have known it was possible to be friends with her (the school wonders how that was possible...)
Then Reader tries to share food with Todd, who has an odd (really gross) smell and who steals from others, and no one in any clique can figure out what Reader is up to now. They just leave food for the toad-like teen, then go about their day. Todd eats it, enjoys it, and there's always three meals each day waiting by or in his locker, enough for him, and then later, enough for the other boys at the Brotherhood home. The Xavier teens can't figure out why, neither can the school, but Todd knows, and tells everyone to not mess with his friend/buddy, be it the jocks or the bullies or even his group (turns out the Brotherhood don't have a lot of money for meals, so Reader pulls together their cooking skills and leftover ingredients to make them enough food for each day. Todd knows this, and accepts it as a sign of friendship; Xavier in the end ends up sending them money for a food budget so Reader will leave them alone...)
Logan, tough as nails and deadly as a wolverine, is struggling with his nightmares and wakes up at night, not able or willing to fall back asleep, and wanders into the kitchen late at night. Except Reader is also there, and keeps him company, pushing a plate of meat over to their teacher/guardian and saying they couldn't sleep either. It becomes a ritual every Thursday night, the two of them sitting in silence sometimes, or watching some old western movies, sometimes Reader even opens about their past, saying it's okay to not remember certain parts of their trauma, and it's just as okay to one day remember it. If Logan needs a hug, they give it, if he needs quiet, they give it, if he's about to go out, Reader warns him to not chase stray cats or to jump headfirst into the unknown (the teens find it strange, and so does Logan, up until when Logan destroys the remains of the Weapon X labs and connects the dots Reader knows more than he does about his past, yet he's not mad, just worried about what they saw...)
H*ll, Reader even sees the past of Sabretooth during a mission where they fought the Acolytes and end up in a cave-in, and all they can do is stare at him with sad, haunted eyes and apologize for what he lost and what he's had to go through (the Acolytes think it's creepy at first, Magneto is suspicious, and at first Sabretooth is angry- until Reader reveals they know his life was hard, and they don't know the depth of how it feels, but they know what it feels like to be abandoned, and it isn't fair, even to him... and surprisingly he let's Reader walk away unscathed...) (Xavier and Storm and Logan then decide to keep Reader away from the more deadly adult members of the Brotherhood, in case their powers aren't as welcomed the next time...)
(You can bet if Reader says something, after awhile the teens start to listen and try to go down what they think is the right path... Of course, Reader is trying to stay on the path where everyone is happy and okay and alive, which is hard, considering how traumatized everyone else is, and how scared they are to lose the people they view as family... which does include Reader...)
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somedayslater · 2 years
Chapter 408 - random thoughts
Ah my i almost never go here, but those last chapters are really merciless ! I just want to write random thoughts, especially after reading @5x-ra​ own analysis (thanks for your post @5x-ra​, really interesting) !!
1. I dont understand why people are saying She Li is a coward for running. He’s not just running away -because if he was, he would have disappeared and would not have waited for He Tian to try and ambush him. He’s just not an idiot ; what’s the point for him to stay around and get his face smashed ? The difference in level in fighting is clear, he doesnt stand a chance against HT. HT was born and trained as a fighter ; isnt HT the one who is cheating, choosing a way to resolve the conflict with his fists, knowing he can only win X) ?
She Li’s shtick is manipulating people, getting under their skin, planning in advance. It was never brute force, and we rarely see him fighting -he uses other people for that. It’s not bad per se, it just means he’s intelligent ; too bad he uses it for nefarious purposes lol. If he was a nice character, I’m sure people would find it clever for him to run away from the fight scene, find a weapon, and ambush HT. But yeah because his role is to be the antagonist and because his main goal is just to make other people miserable, it’s hard to be impressed by this, instead most of the readers wants to see his face smashed and for him to rip the consequences of his actions lol.
2. I think in the scene where Mo smashes his face from behind, SL is livid, not necessarily afraid ! But yeah, the interpretation of him being afraid is also strongly supported by the manwha. But I think She Li must be thinking, “how dare you do that to me ? how dare you oppose me, now of all time ?” Especially, because Mo do the same thing to SL that SL did to the old man who tried to kill Mo. It’s an ironic twist of the same situation.I’m not sure about SL feelings towards Mo, maybe he he loves in his own twisted way, in a really “i own him” way -he even said almost this sentence a few times. So, for She Li, Mo attacking him is like your own dog biting you after you hit him. SL think he has a right to mistreat Mo : he owns Mo, it’s his possession, and so if he beats him to teach him his place, it’s just rough love kind of. But for Mo to react back, it’s a betrayal. And that’s why SL doesnt hesitate : he tries to actually kill Mo, like @5x-ra​ said piercing him in the head ??? wtf. Like an owner hitting his dog too many times, killing it in a fit of rage, because his dog dared to bite back, SL honestly think Mo deserves to die for opposing him. man...
3. Honestly, isnt this story a story about how adults fail the children again and again lol ? There’s no adults around, except HC and Qiu who are like “ok do what you want, just no killing”. I know it’s because the manhwa is destined for a young audience (? maybe), and a young audience identify themselves with the protagonists and so doesnt want annoying parents taking care of them. Even tho, like what the hell haha
4. Altho i do love the last few chapters, am I the only one who is getting kind of annoyed by this “damsel in distress” version of Guan Shan ? We fell in love with MGS because he was a nasty, feisty, dirty ball of fluff. It was the contradictions that was enchanting : he try to fight innocent jyan yi WITH HIS GROUP just because, he throws a rock at ZZX head, he insults everyone and refuse to socialise, he’s mean to the girls who just say hello to him. He insults HT non-stop, often times it’s fair (HT was really cynical at the time), sometimes it’s hypocrite : why cry because HT is mean to him when literally he ambushed JY over nothing ? He’s proud and think he’s better than others because he’s not a hypocrite, but then he have nothing to show off either. And then at the same time he’s oddly loyal, righteous, and honest. It was what attracted HT. And the appeal to their relationship was this pull and push. Mo was as strong as HT in this psychological game.
But since a few chapters, Mo stopped pushing so much. And it’s nice ! It means there’s actually a relationship being constructed between HT and Mo. But then it became really unbalanced. Because HT continues to pull, and Mo just do... nothing. He’s blushing and not looking in the eyes. He does this bc HT wants to, he does that because HT says so... ok he makes a (weak) scene, and thats all. He’s like loosing his character ? He’s becoming more and more passive, he’s a character where things are being done to him and not a character who is doing things.
And it makes me afraid ! because the same thing happened to ZZX and JY. Remember : we all liked zhanyi because because it was two strong characters, with different feelings, desires, behaviours, etc. JY was always the most active one in the relationship, but ZZx had a personality : remember the confession scene ? the kidnapping scene ? You could really feel who ZZX was. And then, once he began to reciprocate JY’s feelings, his character... disappeared.
Like honestly i dont mean to offend, but ZZX right now ? He’s a street lamp. A sexy, stylish streetlamp, but a streetlamp. He could disappear from the story, you could replace by a photography for JY to droll over, it would be the same. And it makes me sad ! But that’s the reason i’m totally disengaged from zhanyi now. Zhanyi is : Jyan Yi does something ->ZZX is.... here I guess. Once again, a character where things are done to him. He’s just kind of hanging out, and we know JY care about him because JY says he cares about him, but there’s nothing to show for it. It’s been years I think, where all ZZX is doing is sighing, patting JY shoulders, oh and last chapter he ran in the hospital. Where he still is probably.
And I’m so afraid the same thing is going to happen to Mo :0 !! Like, now he mellows and kind of reciprocate HT’s feelings, so he’s just becoming someone who stand by, cry, and run. The main character is HT, and Mo is here to look at him. He’s loosing his personality !! I dont want him to disappear. I dont want Old Xian to do the active one who initiates all the actions x the passive one who says “ahh” “ooh” when the active one do something. Please OX dont do that T_T
Hoping the trend will change soon... even if Mo doesnt want to fight anymore, or scream anymore, he doesnt have to become boring. It’s a strong fit to socialize with others when all your life you have been shunned, to learn to trust and love again, there’s a way of depicting it where Mo keeps his strong, fierce personality, without it meaning he’s automatically reverting back to fighting and insulting.
PHEW here it is, my two cents.
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kidge-planet · 1 year
Day 3 : road trip
Characters: Pidge/Katie holt, Keith Kogane, Hunk Garret, Lance Mcclain, Takashi/Shiro Shirogane, Coran Hieronymus Wimbleton Smythe
Pairing: pidge and keith : kidge
post season 8/ canon AU
tw: language
A/N: I wrote that one a long time ago and my english was pretty bad back then so im very sorry if some sentences seem weird ... Also, I know that how I wrote it looks like the fanfiction I wrote for the second day of the event but it's not on purpose lol. anyways, enjoy :)
(other a/n at the end)
-HAAAA , GLAD SUMMER FINALY ARRIVED !! PLUS , We finaly get to spend time together !
Lance said taking his suitcase in the van that the paladin's had borrowed for a road tripe .
-sure lance.... shiro is there air conditioning in the van ??... it's so hot in here ...
-yes hunk ... guys !! does every one packed their stufs in the van ??
Everyone noded .
-well , for us to not have any problems in the road , I made a plan of who is sitting next to who :
first , I'll be driving t'ill it's 6pm , so until 6pm , hunk will be next to me in the front place because he is capable of vomiting while im driving .. ever since only the front windows can be fully oppened , Hunk will have to stay on the front...
behind , keith , you'll be on the right sit and Lance in the left .
-HA NO SHIRO !! why did you had to put mullet next to me ?!
Lance frowned .
-don't worry , pidge will be in the middle . Ever since she is the smallest and also because if you two start fighting , she'll kill you both .. can I count on you Pidge ?
-I guess....
-good . Then , coran , you'll have the back place just for you . You'll be driving all night so , we need you to rest .
-Why does Coran get the best place ?! that's unfaire !
-Im the oldest ! if I sleep , all day , I need to be confortable .
-Alright , everyone , in the van , let's not get late .
everyone sighed and headed to the van .
They sat and the van engin started making noise .
-Keith , if you start annoying me , I'll use my special attack.
-You're the one annoying me... just don't talk to me ok ?
-first :keith . You don't want to see his special attack ever since it's a fart . One time , he killed a bug with his fart .. secondly , if you two fight , I'll rip your ass off . Understood ?
Pidge interupted not get her eyes off her nintendo .
The two guys sighed .
-What are you playing by the way ?
Lance asked pidge sidly looking at pidge . ( He was mad that he couldn't keep going on the argument .)
-Well . I am playing pokemon .
-Why did I even ask .. Can I try ?
Pidge thought a moment . If she let lance play with her nintendo , she is sure to not here them fight all day .
She handed her nintendo to Lance .
Pidge sighed and took her heaphones on to listen to some music . She closed her eyes to think .
"great . I can't even rest my head anywhere . I hate being in the middle seat."
She frowned while thinking which keith noticed.
-Something wrong ?
He asked her.
-Pff . Just hate the middle seat . It feels so unconfortable .
keith looked at her a moment.
- Well.. You can rest yourself on me . I don't mind .
- Are you sure ?
Pidge immediatly rested her head against keith's shoulder and closed her eyes . This time , not to think , but to enjoy the moment . She never realy huged Keith so this simple contact made her happy .
After a moment , she was on her mind when she felt something different . keith's arm was now behind her , pulling her closer .
She could feel her face getting warm and red .
HO MY GOSHH !? WHY DO I BLUSH ?! Calm down Katie ! it's only Keith ! my dearest and hotest frie-
Ok think through .
he is my friend , it is friendly . keith would never like a girl like me .. calm down now. just enjoy.
She pretend to sleep and then burried her head under his arm .
What she didn't knew was that keith was also blushing hard and biting his tong .
He didn't knew why tho .. was it because of her ?..
The night was slowly falling . Lance was still playing with pidge's nintendo , Hunk was talking with shiro and coran was sleeping in the back seats. As for Pidge and Keith , they haden't mooved . Exept that now , Pidge was more tucked onto keith's arms. keith, him , was looking out of the window . all he was thinking about was her and how cute she was looking .
When the sun was compleatly down , they stoped in a parking for coran to drive the night .
In the same time , some people changed sits :
Hunk went where Coran was at first and Lance joined him saying that he didn't wanted to sleep next to the love birds . Shiro took Hunks's place .
Keith and Pidge had now more space. Pidge could go seat in Lance's seat but keith's chest felt way better . It felt so warm and safe .
She was starting to fall asleep and when she finaly was asleep , keith placed her compleatly on his chest . He laid his legs on the seats and now , Keith was half laid with pidge above him . He pated her head and smiled at her cutenes .
-Is pidge asleep ?
shiro asked .
-I guess.
Keith answered .
-ho ok , you can put her on the seat there if she bothers you . Also , for everyone , there are blankets in the back . Lance , can you grab them please ?
Shiro continued .
Lance proceed to do what shiro asked him for .
-Im good , she is not bothering , no worries .
Lance turned to keith with the blankets . He had a grin on his face .
-Woooo~ you like that when she is above you , am I right ?~ Shiro , I told you those two are litteral love birds .
-Shut the fuck up Lance .
Keith said puting a hand on Pidge's ear to not wake her up.
-You guys stop . You two are saying non aproprieted stufs right now . You are sure adultes now but being adult doesn't mean swearing and saying sexual stufs all the time . This is litteraly not the right time . Now grab a blanket and rest , we'll have a long journey before arriving to our first spot..
Both Keith and Lance stayed quiet . Lance got back in his sit and droped two blankets at keith . Keith putted it on pidge and cuddled her a moment .
She sure was the cuddliest thing he EVER hugged . And Keith did huged Arusians back then . He could say ; Pidge's hugs were worthing 1000000 Arusians hugs.
He fell asleep with his arms wraped around her .
In the next morning, the both woke up with a flash light... Two flash lights... They opened their eyes to find Shiro that was taking pictures of the both cuddling and sleeping, Pidge's face nestled under Keith's chin and Keith holding her close to him with his arms wrapped around her.
When they saw it, They both blushed a mess. Pidge was now arguing with Shiro about the pictures.
Even if the morning was a mess, they have to admit:
That was the best sleep they had in a lifetime .
(I have to clarify that even if I did Lance annoying in a few fanfics, I love him <3 )
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alienaiver · 6 months
Hi Hi Nohr! I had a question for you!! Do you think Shinsou, Kuroo and Allen would get along with Snøfle?
hi deru my love !!!! happy weekend !! will you be doing anything exciting ?? <!!!!33333
AND THAT SUCH A TOUGH QUESTION ACTUALLY,, i think its more of an issue of snøfle Not getting along with anyone... my toxic trait is generally telling snøfle hes a very good boy even though hes very bad most of the time KLJDSAKDHJAS <333 these three exactly are actually VERY different with him so its very fun to imagine thank u for sending it in!!!!! kissing u<3333
but ill break down their relationships with him!
kuroos patience with snøfle is wearing thin... first of all hes already stated he prefer dogs if he has to pick, but loves all animals generally! so when i tell him about snøfle he smirks and thinks easy peasy !! but the way snøfle wont let the bathroom door stay closed for any private matter or the way that he gets territorial about my dinner table when im cooking (its like he Knows therell be food on it soon and he wants to make sure hes the first to get it???? hes so strange bcos i havent fed him human food by the table ever) HE WILL CHOMP ANY WHO TRIES TO SET THTE TABLE. we have fooled snøfle exactly once (1) to believe that kuroos lap was mine underneath a blanket, and kuroo still tells the story of how snøfle sat on his lap proudly to everyone (omitting the fact that he was tricked, bamboozled, fooled). i think snøfle would LOVE kenma, which in turn would only make kuroo more frustrated tbh.... and the chances are that snøfle primarily likes kenma to annoy kuroo... i see a rivalry ..... and dont get me started if kuroo ever needs to petsit snøfle for me JHDSAKJHDAJ... he will hiss, whine, bite, headbutt, attack, cuddle, scream, hiss again... all in the first five minutes. when we go to bed in the evening, snøfle will howl and whine and complain when kuroo comes to cuddle. hes allowed nowhere near me (snøfle and i share a pillow and NOTHING shall come between that!).. so.. strained. battle of the garbage dump but its just kuroo having beef with my fat senior feline
shinsou on the other hand has no qualms about snøfles behavior. of course he internally wishes for more love from snøfle, but he isnt interested in forcing a relationship with him, taking every bite or slap without a grimace (even /i/ get worried about his indifference to snøfles Bad Boy Behavior). snøfle reluctantly opens up to shinsou only bcos he doesnt become visibly annoyed with him/puts up with his behavior after so long, and while he doesnt voluntarily cuddle with shinsou if im there, he will tolerate a petting and a good play while i read or write !!! theyre besties if im away, cuddling and spooning away as if he was the primary owner ! its very cute, but as soon as i unlock the door, he pretends shinsou doesnt exist again in favor of my attention. theres nothing more adorable than seeing the selfies shinsou sends of them tho!!!
and for last i got allen which is just a whole... oof situation, for both of them. allens got timcanpy who has a track record of being eaten by cats and snøfles NO exception when it comes to want to chomp him. its... terrible for everyone involved. allens childish side comes forth when it comes to snøfle, bcos snøfle is just so downright outrageous and rude. allen can talk perfectly poised and polite until snøfle enters the room with what allen perceives as a evil and mean grin. plus, snøfles a pretty RUDE food begger and allens VERY protective of his food. its not really... an ideal match, tbh. theres so much meat on allens plate so snøfles naturally more inclined to beg by him than me which doesnt help !!! i wish theyd get along better.. sometimes allen throws him a piece of meat in hopes itll leave him alone, but its only until the bites been devoured, then hes back on the table, all up in his face! i try to tell him this, but he do get desperate sometimes when snøfle almost steps on the plate or tips over his cup. although on VERY FEW occassions i have found them next to me on the bed in the middle of the night, cuddled up with allens arm around snøfles tummy. they both deny this, though. all my photo evidence has been mysteriously deleted......... i think snøfle will simply claim he thought it was my hand if we ever found a cat translation app.
DKSJFHSJ I HAVE BEEN GIGGLING OUT LOUD AT THESE IMAGINES........................ i almost cant believe snøfles THIS bad of a host but alas, he does have his... traits. i shall include my favorite and HIS favorite picture of him that shall make everyone who read this AWFUL slanderous defemation of snøfle immediately forget about it and only think of him as an angel !!
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sinzkiller · 2 years
-Random Bleach Group Chat + How Bleach characters react to Byakuya new hair color ;)
This group chat include y/n (gender neutral)
Renji created a group chat
Renji added Ichigo
Renji added Rukia
Renji added y/n
Renji: Hi 😊
Rukia: What do you want Renji?
Renji: So...I pull a prank on Kuchiki taicho...
Y/n: aww hell nah 💀
Renji: 💀
Ichigo: None of my business
Ichigo: It's not my fault
Ichigo: You pulled a prank on a wrong, dangerous person dude
Y/n: I'll prepare your funeral
Renji: Funny*
Rukia: Of course it isn't.
Renji: Rukiaaa do something
Rukia: First of all, tell me what kind of prank that you pull on him?
Renji: I... replace his usual shampoo liquid to pink hair dye liquid...
Rukia: 💀
Renji: RUKIA!!!! 😭
Y/n: You're dead.
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Y/n: 😲🤯
Rukia: And why did you think it's a good idea to do that?
Renji: I don't know
Ichigo: Now then, what do you want us to do?
Renji: Ichigo, you will protect me from his attack using your Bankai. Y/n and Rukia will talk to him
Rukia: I'm at the world of living right now, Renji.
Y/n: Uh.....
Y/n: 💀 I met him just now, on his way to squad 10's barracks.
Rukia: Where are you now Renji?
Renji: at Squad 13's
Renji: Thanks to Ukitake taicho, he let me stay here for a while
Ichigo: Well I'm not going to Soul Society just to protect you
Ichigo: Why don't you just come here, to the world of living then?
Mayuri added Mayuri
Mayuri added Byakuya
Byakuya: Thanks, captain Kurotsuchi
Mayuri: No problem
Mayuri left the group chat
Byakuya removed Rukia from group chat
Byakuya: Renji, care to explain about this behavior of yours?
Ichigo left the group chat
Renji: It's just I thought pink hair suit you more, Captain!
Byakuya: You think so?
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Byakuya: I accepted your explanation.
Byakuya left the group chat
Y/n: Wtf... 💀
Renji: 💀 He believed it tho
How everyone(the characters) react to Byakuya's pink hair
• eyes wide open. 👁️👁️ .
•" Hmmm... It's suits you, captain Kuchiki, I have never thought about dyeing my hair since i had none of it, but I do have a long beard so I'll give it a try"
• is actually really like his new hair
Soi Fon:
• "Wow"
• doesn't really care about it
•"good morning captain—"
• shocked
• tries to hide his emotion
• confuse
• depressed for no reason 💀
• "My my that's actually looks good, captain Kuchiki"
• have this "😊" look on her face
• almost no reaction
• Of course he will repeatedly said "LOOKS GOOD ON YOU CAPTAIN"
• Died of laughter inside
• Felt guilty
• If he can't hold his laughter, he will bite his lower lips and slap himself in the face
• "hmmm? Bored of your old style? It's actually suits you well"
• didn't show any specific reaction
• "Captain, you should join Shinigami Men's Association— CAPTAIN WHERE YOU GOING PLEASE LISTEN TO ME"
• Byakuya knows that Iba will try to get him join the association so he just walk away.
• "My my.. you looks so gorgeous darling" he said as he tries to touch his new pink hair.
• Almost get killed by Byakuya.
• "Ay chill I'm just joking"
• Blushing
• "You are welcome to our association—"
• Byakuya walk away before she finish her sentence
• "Good morning captain!"
• is actually have this "😲" look on his face
• he just don't really care, but still "wow"
• have this "😍" look on her face
• "captain, do you mind spill the hair care? Your hair looks shiny!"
• all of sudden they're bestie
• "Omg girlllllll, thanks for the tips"
Kenpachi Zaraki:
• caught him off guard
• laugh. Yes. HE LAUGHED.
• Byakuya's spirit pressure 📈📈📈📈 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
• "chill, your hair kinda * pfft * looks good"
• "Byakki chan!!! We have matching hair color. You are my older brother starting from today!"
• clingy to her "new older brother" all day
• Byakuya is actually enjoy her presence, felt like he has a daughter.
• Is actually get along with Yachiru
• Kenpachi is really mad and challenges Byakuya to fight him, the winner will get Yachiru back 🔥
• Only says "Good morning, captain"
• Whisper to Yumichika "Yachiru if she's a boy"
• Thinking about dyeing his hair pink just like Byakuya
• "Meh"
• doesn't care how Byakuya looks like
• all of sudden want to have a long hair
• no reaction
Ukitake taicho<3 :
• "Maybe I should dye my hair too"
• Talking about hair care with Byakuya
• Byakuya's ego right now = 📈📈📈📈📈📈
Yachiru: You should grow your hair and dye it pink too cue ball!
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"Nyom nyom nyom nyom"
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viluvr-archived · 2 years
Hello🤩 may I request types of kisses the NRC and RSA students would like👀? thank you!! (no need to rush tho👹)
Types of kisses with them .
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Heartslabyul , Savanaclaw , Octavinelle , Pomefiore , Ignihyde , Diasmonia , Rsa .
Gn!reader .
( A/n : I made this in an hc way ‼️‼️‼️also ofc everyone excluding Ortho 😇🥳‼️Reader wearing some make up )
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Their favorite place to kiss you is your neck, always attacking your neck with kisses. May it be lazy, passionate, romantic, affectionate, or just randomly kissing you there. He walks towards you to give you a back hug and then proceeds to tackle you while giving you neck kisses. "Missed ya s'much y'know?" Even if he knows it's just been 2 hours since you've last seen each other, what? 2 hours is long enough! In fact, he thinks you should praise him for lasting that long without your presence. Now, you best get ready for the neck kisses he's about to give you.
— Cater , Ace , Ruggie , Lilia , Floyd , Epel , Chenya .
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Lip kisses! He gets his mwamwa and kisses when he wants them. Especially when you wear a lip balm or gloss with a flavor? He's smitten, you have him wrapped around your finger. When he kisses you, he just can't get enough, the cherry, or strawberry flavored balm/gloss you use is just too addicting! "Aww, baby, but you just can't mess up my makeup, y'know? I worked hard for this" you reprimand him teasingly while softly pinching his cheeks, "'S ok! I promise to buy you a new one, with different flavors even. Clothes, shoes, name it!" He pleads while putting on his best puppy dog eyes, he just loves you that much.
— Kalim , Azul , Deuce , Rook , Silver .
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Your cheeks, it's so, so, so, sooo, soft and fluffy for him. He wants to bite them too, he pinches your cheeks, and pokes, squishing them like a stress ball. He just thinks you look so adorable trying to get out of his grip! Before you could get his hands off of you, he's already pulling you close to his chest, peppering your cheek with kisses, and boops your nose. Bonus points if you're short, he's gonna be teasing you. "Aww, what's that? Do you want a kiss? But you're just too short, can't reach me now can you?" But all you have to do is grab his tie and pull it so he'd bend down, he's amused, you're very full of surprises, it's why they love you!
— Floyd , Leona , Ace , Jade , Jamil , Chenya , Lilia , Cater ,
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Mmm, your temple. A simple act that makes him swoon whenever he does it, something about it screams being domesticated. Whenever he'd come to you, greet you while pulling you close to him. He first pulls you close, sooner he'd be kissing your temple, tucking your hair behind your ear, whispering sweet nothings. It's all just so intimate for him, everything around the both of you disappears, it's as if he could care less about what they see, what they talk about. He'd hold one of your hands tightly, while the other caresses your face while he slowly sways you, kissing your temple.
— Trey , Leona , Jack , Riddle , Vil , Neige , Malleus , Silver , Azul , Jade , Idia , Sebek .
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mikeyelistsukasa · 2 years
Hello!!! It’s me! :))
Can I request Tsukasa, Sakura (I don’t remember if you write for her or not,) and Kou with a s/o who’s chaotic?? Not in a bad way tho, they’re not evil or something, they’re just so energetic and worry-free. Uh, in resume, s/o is literally weird.
Thank u!! <33
Yayyyy another request!!!!!Yes i do write for sakura and this is gonna be my first time woohoo! (12th request)
Tsukasa Sakura and Kou with a Chaotic Darling
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He‘s chaotic, you’re chaotic. Thats it. You two are meant to be together.
Though don’t think you can ever be more chaotic than him. He will proof that. even if he needs to spill some blood
„Ne s/o! I bet you wouldn’t handle splitting a mokke in half >:]“
„O-ofcourse i can!“
The ghost was too stunned to speak at your reply
That is until you end up running away with the mokke so that he won’t kill it.
You often have innocent competitions like who is the best at cuddling or who would break hand holding first
He loves your carelessness and that you’re worry free
But he still makes sure that you don’t push your worry free self.
He once brushed it off by letting you also fight a supernatural.
That is until you got hurt
No more fighting for you <3 he thought
„Let me help you fight that supernatural Tsukasa!!!!“
„Nono darling its okay“ *picks you up and puts you somewhere more safely* „just watch as your lovely partner in crime does that for you~“
Overall loves his partner/gf/bf that acts like they/she/he had a gallon of sugar and 10 cups of coffee/energy drinks
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Now. Most people would think she would hate having an chaotic Partner/gf/bf
But in reality she would enjoy someone who is an extrovert (but a introvert darling is also not bad)
She loves you and shows you some small affection. That is only if you didn’t get into an accidental trouble or annoyed her at the wrong time/day.
Just be on her good side and you’ll be ok and feel loved :)
Loves every time you show her affection because you show her affection that is NORMAL and not licking her ear -_-
„Huh why is suddenly everyone looking at me? :D“
Honestly if you’re a total sweetheart she might try some of your cooking (unless it’s obvious that its uneatable)
„For me? Thank you dear I’ll go make some tea so we can eat them together“
„I WANT SOME TOOoooo𝚘𝚘𝚘𝚘“
Just in case lets tsukasa have the first bite to see for his reaction <3
You being all worry-free is a bit good but mostly bad since who knows into what supernatural you could bump into.
So she asks tsukasa‘s kokujoudai to watch after you
She just doesn’t want you to get hurt that is all
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Another chaotic extrovert
You guys are soulmates
Is very clingy when he found out you’re worry free. He needs to be there for you incase a supernatural comes to attack you!
Baking for you two is like some adventure with adrenaline
You guys once decided to bake at your house
Ofc you believed twitter 🤦
So while you were waiting for the oven to do his work you decided to watch some tv
Not a good idea
„Hey do you smell something?“
„Oh crap! I think its the food!“
„There’s no way it burned. The timer still didn’t ring“
„Oh. Good to know you put a timer!“
„Wait i thought you put the timer?
So heh…who is craving for some burned muffins?😅~
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Thank you so much friend for requesting again! You know how much i love to write :,) hope i satisfied you please visit again!🌹
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thatfanficstuff · 2 years
Open Wounds - 8
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: nope
A/N: kind of a filler.
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You’d awoken just after four in the morning with a dream and were unable to go back to sleep. So you’d made the coffee and found yourself a spot at the side of the room where you could watch the Avengers pass through as they woke. You weren’t certain half of them even realized you were there.
“What’s your plan for the day?” Natasha asked as she ate. She didn’t glance at you, but you knew the words were meant for you just the same.
“I need to pick up Lola from the base.”
Tony jerked in his seat and looked over his shoulder to where you sat in the corner. “Jesus. How long have you been sitting there?”
You simply smirked and lifted your mug in a mock salute.
“Lola? Who’s Lola?” Steve asked.
Nat grinned. “Her car.”
“Your car’s name is Lola?” Sam asked with a little smile.
You shrugged. “I didn’t name her.”
“Lola’s not going anywhere. You need to audition for the team this morning,” Clint said as he handed you a breakfast sandwich.
“What do I have to audition for? They let you on.” You took a big bite of the sandwich and gave him a closed lip smile as you chewed.
“That hurts me, Nikki. Seriously.”
“Nikki?” Tony asked.
“Long story,” Clint responded immediately shooting you a look to say sorry. You ignored him. He’d been calling you that for over a decade at this point. You didn’t expect him to stop just in case someone read something into it. 
“I don’t recall agreeing to join the team though,” you said. “In fact, I’d intended to head to Sister Margaret’s after breakfast.”
“No.” The word came in unison from three different voices, Bucky joining in with Nat and Clint.
You rolled your eyes and finished off your sandwich. “Fine. Let’s get this over with then.”
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Bucky stood to the side with his arms crossed over his chest as he watched you spar. He planted his feet and forced himself to not react anytime one of your opponents’ blows landed. You’d started with Clint but quickly moved onto Natasha. You were more than holding your own.
“Nicely done,” Steve announced as he stepped forward. “But how do we know Nat’s not taking it easy on you?”
“Really, Rogers?” the assassin snapped.
Bucky smirked. Sometimes his best friend was really stupid.
“Fine then, Captain. You fight me.” You seemed completely unbothered by this prospect. If anything, you sounded a bit bored.
Steve glanced back at Bucky who simply shrugged. Did he want you two fighting? Of course not. But he also knew Steve would try not to hurt you. The blond climbed into the ring with you taking Nat’s place. Bucky shifted his weight as his gaze flicked between the two of you.
You were the first to attack. Steve dodged but the look on his face said you’d surprised him with your speed. Punches and kicks were thrown in equal measure. Some were dodged while others hit their mark. It was about five minutes in when you flipped Steve and he landed on his back in the middle of the ring.
Bucky couldn’t keep the grin from his face when you smirked down at your opponent. “Captain.” You held out a hand for Steve.
He took it and let you help him to his feet. “You’re strong. And fast.”
You arched a brow. “There’s a reason Coulson was the one to adopt me. And why I was allowed to grow up in SHIELD.” You bent your elbow to show off the arm that had been thoroughly marked up the day before. The wounds were faded and looked as if they’d been healing for days rather than hours. Bucky rubbed his own arm where the matching marks laid. What were you exactly?
“Thanks for the match.” You left the ring with a little wave over your shoulder. You went to the other side of the room where your things sat. Everyone watched as you took a long pull of water and sat on the floor, back against the wall.
Tony turned his attention back to the team. “Well, Steve, what’s the verdict?”
“What do you mean ‘what’s the verdict’? She kicked his ass,” Sam said with a grin.
Steve shot him a look. “She didn’t kick my ass. I can say that Nat wasn’t holding back though. How does she heal the way she does?” He directed the question to the two SHIELD agents.
“Not our story to tell,” Clint answered.
“See, that’s my problem. We don’t know anything about her. Not really. That makes her a liability.” Steve kept his gaze from meeting Bucky’s.
“You can’t expect her to tell you everything within a few days of meeting you.” Nat’s brow furrowed as she argued.
“And you know everything about her?” Steve asked.
They hesitated a moment before Clint answered. “Not everything, no. But we know enough. None of us has the right to know everything about anyone else here. This is a job, Steve.”
Steve frowned in disgust. “It’s more than that and you know it.”
“Do we really need another member right now?” Tony asked.
“Need? No. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take advantage when we have the opportunity to add some kickass talent,” Sam said. “What does Bucky think? He’s got more of a stake in this than anyone.”
Bucky shook his head. “I don’t want her doing anything where she might be in danger but she’s going to do that anyway. At least here I can keep an eye on her. And I know you’ll all have her back.”
“I’m sorry, Buck, I just don’t trust her,” Steve said. “There’s important things that she’s not telling us.”
Irritation crawled through the brunet super soldier. Steve was his best friend but he better back off his girl or they were going to have an issue. “Well, it’s a good thing the decision isn’t entirely up to you then. All in favor?”
Everyone raised their hand but Steve and Tony. The billionaire shrugged when Bucky glanced at him. “I don’t really care one way or the other. Though it seems to me that if Capsicle really doesn’t trust her, keeping her close might be the best way to watch her.”
Steve sighed. “Fair enough. I guess she’s in.” They turned to where they’d last seen you only to find you and your things gone.
“Where did she go?” Steve asked.
“She left,” Nat answered.
Tony’s brows lifted. “Is she coming back?”
Clint and Nat exchanged a look then they both shrugged.
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You’d left a couple of sentences into their discussion about you. You didn’t really care what the result was. You had enough choices you didn’t have to worry about what you were going to do. But you did have a locker to empty and a car to pick up from the base.
You had your Uber drop you off at the front gate. “Hey, Kelly,” you greeted the agent on duty.
He held an arm out in front of you. “Hey, Coulson. I’m sorry but you’re going to have to wait here.”
“Excuse me?”
The tips of his ears turned red. “You’re not allowed on the base without an escort as you no longer work for SHIELD.”
“Well, then get me an escort so I can get my shit.” Petty ass Fury and his bullshit.
Kelly ducked back into the hut and picked up the phone. You listened to this side of the conversation as Fury himself came on the line. From what you could gather he had no intentions of granting you access. Walking over, you snatched the handset from the agent.
“Fury, if you don’t let me on this base to pick up my father’s car and the photographs from my locker, you will regret it. And don’t forget that I know where you live.”
“Are you threatening me, Coulson?” he sounded surprised though you didn’t know why he should.
“You bet your ass I am, eyepatch.”
There was a stretch of silence before he spoke again. “Your personal belongings have already been placed in your vehicle. You come in, get your car and leave. No lingering, no conversations, in and out. Understood?”
“Sure thing, Uncle Nick.” He hated when you called him that. Or at least when you did it in front of other people.
He grumbled a bit before saying. “Put Agent Kelly back on the phone.”
You handed the phone over with a smirk. You tapped your foot as you waited for the conversation to finish. Finally, he hung up the phone. “The director said you may proceed without escort but you won’t be allowed back on the base after today until you come to your senses. His words, not mine.”
“I figured. Thanks, Kelly.” It was a bit of a walk to where Lola was parked but you didn’t mind. Besides, you wanted to take your time, prolong the task as long as possible just to irritate Fury. He was trying to bully you into doing what he wanted and you didn’t like it. God forbid he do the reasonable thing and apologize for being an asshole while offering you a raise to get you to stay. That would be too simple.
Lola was right where you left her. A small box sat on the passenger seat and you rifled through it to find all of your pictures. One in particular caught your attention and you pulled it out. It was of a much younger you surrounded by Clint, Nat, Fury and your dad. You were all laughing. Well, Fury was smirking. That’s as close as he got.
You were feeling very alone at the moment. You missed your family. You missed your dad. A sigh left you as you looked at the picture one more time then dropped it in the box. All you wanted was to go home and lock yourself in your apartment with a glass of scotch.
You parked Lola in your spot when you got home and grabbed your box. The garage elevator took you to your floor and you shuffled off into the hallway. Yours was the third door on the left. You were relieved to find the hall empty. You’d half thought someone would be waiting to speak to you.
You balanced the box on one hip while you picked out the key to unlock your door. The key slid into the lock but wouldn’t turn. You frowned and pulled it out to double check. Seeing it was the correct key, you tried it again. Still no luck. You dropped your head against the door with a groan. What fresh new hell was this?
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A little NSFW ask, Mc and the brothers and Datables are cuddling when Mc, out of no where bites them. But Mc bites on that special sensitive spot on their neck, then acts innocent after 😇. (Mc preferably being dom, you don't have to do that tho! It's just a reference!!!)
Sure! I can give it my best shot! I’ll only be doing headcanons though.
Please remember that more than 7 characters requested in an ask will receive only headcanons. If you would like an expansion on a specific character, you’re more than welcome to resend the ask! Thank you.
Obey me Boys + Nips from MC
Reading in his room, curled up by the fire, when you suddenly bite him
Startled by your boldness, but his alarm quickly turns into a smirk
How foolish of you to entice him like that and think you could get away
Turns your face towards him and gives you a kiss, before nipping at your neck in reprise for your actions
Fast forward to sex in front of the fireplace for the rest of your ‘peaceful’ evening
Watching a movie in his room on the couch for a night in for a change
Straight up moans out loud when you nip his neck. Causing you both to blush
Tries to stammer his way out of it before yelling “Oh yeah! Lets see how you like it!” and bites you back
Immediately turned on when he hears you moan. He wants to hear it again. And again
Litters your neck and body with bite marks & hickies. Not only because he loves the sound of your moans, but he wants everyone to know you’ve been marked by, and belong to, the Great Mammon
Playing video games in his room. Levi almost having a panic attack every time you brush up against each other
You decide to give him something to actually have a panic attack about and nip him
He jumps about 15 feet in the area and his character dies
Now he’s moody, and decides to take it out on you by tickling you
Eventually using those skilled gaming fingers for something much better as he fingers you until you cum deliciously
Snuggled up on his bed reading. Satan too into his own book to realize you’ve gotten bored with yours.
So you nip him. And oh boy.....
Startled, at first, by the slight pain. Quickly recovers when he realizes his kitten wants to play.
Nips and kisses you back. First your neck. Then a little lower. Then a little lower....
That sharp tongue of his is good for more than just quips, and he’ll have his kitten mewing in no time.
Side by side in the luxury VIP of the club
Tipsy on cocktails, you give him a kiss then a nip on the neck. Making Asmo giggle
“[Y/N]! If you wanted to get frisky, you only had to say so~!🖤“
You’ll regret this decision, but not by much, as you’ve unleashed the Avatar of Lust on you
Sits you on his lap while you bounce on his....lap....to the music
Giving Beel’s tired muscles after his work out & shower
You playfully nip his neck from behind. Which he naively misinterprets as you being hungry and wanting to go get a snack
You’ll have to be more direct with our soft, sweet Beel. So you spin around from behind to sit on his lap
Grinning as his cheeks turn about as red as his hair, he holds you to keep you steady as you attack his neck again from the front
The groan he lets out you can almost feel in your own stomach, before he picks you up and carries you to his bed.
Obviously cuddling in his bed for a short cat nap
You wake up first and decide that it would be cute to nip Belphie in the neck, making him moan
He starts to buck against you in his sleep. Rubbing against your thigh in a lazy manner and lifting his neck for you to do it again
By the third nip he’s finally awake. With a tired, sultry grin on his face.
“My [Y/N]-chan is so naughty. Attacking me when I’m asleep. I should return the favor.”
Curled up with Solomon while he works on one of his spell books
He invited you over to hang out, but has been ignoring you the whole time, so you bite him
The sorcerer gives a shutter then turns to you. Smirking as he apologizes for ignoring you. “You could have just said something.”
He puts his book down and pays soul attention on you.
Those magic hands aren’t just good for spells as they work their magic all over you. He’s bound to Asmo for a reason.....
Helping Simeon on his D.D.D skills
Decides that it would be super cute to nip him in that beautiful, mocha neck of his when you lean in for a selfie
He yipped and blushed horrible. You can’t do things like that to him!
Smiles though, however, after some initial embarrassment that you share his feelings.
Puts his phone away for the rest of the afternoon because he’s found something more interesting to play with
Sitting at his desk with him while you sort through paperwork
It’s incredibly boring though. So, as a joke, you lean over to kiss his cheek then nip him behind the ear where he’s let his collar down.
Surprised, but amused. Does his princess want to play?
Paperwork can wait for later (or he’ll make Lucifer do it). He’ll show you the error of your ways in tempting the future Demon King
Lays you out on his desk to put in work on you instead
Sitting together under a tree in the garden on one of his few moments off
You give him a little nip after a soft peck. Which made him giggle.
“Humans are so delightfully playful.” Kisses you softly
Mindful that you’re out in the gardens, but can’t stop kissing you once he’s started
Diligent, as always, with you and his time until you’re satisfied
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yanderepeace · 3 years
Yandere madness combat x bandit reader
(Thank you to solitymongoose for the ideas)
The first one to fined you was hank he was trying to hide away from the AAHW he ran into a ally way to loose them just as he saw them run by he heard a trash can fall he took out his gun slowly walking towards the sound to see you greedy eating a old peace of meat he knew what fate you would feel but he couldn’t bring himself to shoot you or anything he just standed there staring at you. Congratulations hank is obsessed with you now you have to choice but to stay with him but……..let’s just say he may or may not have tricked you to follow him to the base he told you that he had fresh meat all u had to do was follow him of course you would do anything for food and water “ok guy I seen on paper but I can’t read for shit I’ll follow you” you followed him all the way to the base not questioning him or anything as soon as both of you got there 2b question hank for why he had a wild bandit digging it’s nails in his skin hank just stood there as you clawed his leg being tired of walking like said hank promised you the meat and water now you got it “hank put it back where you found it or I’ll have to kill it myself “ 2b didn’t like the idea of a bandit in the base but he also felt strong feelings for you he didn’t know why. hank protectively grabbed your shoulders and pulled you towards his chest great now he won’t let you leave his sight thank sooo much 2b
Deimos thought you where like a fucked up cat but cute always scratching and biting them but mostly him because he is always touches you he always “accidentally” touches your hand which is met with a huge bit mark sometimes tries to cuddle you but you always run away. you don’t like him you think he is a weirdo 2/10
Sanford tries to get you to take a bath or put a muzzle on you put you just scratch him or bite him would cook for you and will be the only one to cook for you. Just like Deimos you think he is a weirdo but at lest he gives you food so that’s a 8/10
Hank always stalks you and takes your stuff in your own room will put a muzzle on you if you bite to much and I tell ya he is STRONG glares at everyone thinking of killing them but he does try to give you kisses that’s cute!. You like him he cares for you but please stop trying to kiss me 9/10
2bdamned will not hesitate to put you on a leash probably gives you check ups touching you in the most unwanted places probably put a walkie-talkie in your room to listen to you sleep(XD you see what I did there!?) but always fights hank for your love. You think he is a pervert that’s all 1/10
Them together oh boi constant fighting over you like please you just wanted the remote why? They pity you always eating out of the trash and poorly treated is just so cruel that’s why you have them to thank for other bandits don’t attack them but do give them weird looks the reason why because you always sneak out to have fun with your family(you consider them family even tho there assholes) you tell them what they do and I tell ya they laughed like hell the way they act around you.
(I’ll do a part two with the others bye happy new year’s)
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yannadere · 3 years
Shane Walsh x f!Reader with tourettes
spoilers for season 1 if anyones havent seen it yet, which i doubt but its there anyway
at first he's mildly annoyed by your tics, not so much the noisy ones, but the physical ones
as soon as he gets to know you, he grows to adore them (unless they harm you i.e biting your hand or hitting yourself)
even before u two are dating, he lets you lay with your head on his lap whilst you try to stay calm at night
he finds some of your swearing tics hilarious, especially when you full on cussed out ed
practices breathing exercises with you when your tics are bad
during that scene where the group hide under the cars as a horde passes you find yourself sandwiched between glenn and shane, and he will hold you tightly, soothing you as best he can
will put his hand over your mouth just incase, doesnt even care if you bite him
he just wants to keep you safe, which increases after he asks you out
after being around him for so long, you begin to pick up some of his phrases which he finds kinda funny
just hearing you shout "rick" and watching his best friend become alert is funny to him
finds other ones less funny
you picked up "fucking bitch" from daryl when he stubbed his toe and now you accidentally call everyone that
when sophia went missing, her name became a tic and honestly everyone was kinda thankful for it as sophia adores you and thinks youre nice
is always nearby during tic attacks, if they drain your energy he'll help you immediately, or if you're just upset in general afterwards he'll hold you
doesn't trust your tics with weapons incase you hurt yourself, he's just too protective so you have to stay close
eventually, you get a pistol, and you concentrate more to avoid an odd gunshot or harming anyone
if you ever aim the gun at yourself accidentally, he's quick to disarm you and hold you tightly (he knows its not on purpose but it still makes him nervous)
holds your hands and lets you trace over his veins/lines on his palm to help you calm down and focus on something (everyone thinks it's adorable)
will never forget when you ticced and accidentally threw water on daryl and dale who were sat nearby, you were mortified yet shane almost fell off his chair laughing
still gets jealous even tho he knows you dont mean it
for example, you call glenn "puppy" or "lovely" and daryl "hot" or "handsome", you even called andrea "hottie" or "pretty baby/girl"
shane can't help but get jealous
literally walked up to you and held you until your complimenting tics were directed to him, he's so petty omg 😭
the worst moment of his life was when he had a bit of a drunken meltdown, and you panicked as he became pushy, unfortunately developing "stop!" as a tic
it breaks his heart and he apologises out loud in private or by kissing your forehead/hand in the presence of the others
he absolutely adores you and never wants to hurt you
when that tic eventually leaves, he's so happy bc he hates hearing the tone you say it in
if you ever hurt him accidentally when he's sleeping, he doesn't care, albeit a bit startled but he just holds you and waits for you to drift off
vows to always protect you, even if it kills him, he just loves you so much and wants you to be safe
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dianagj-art · 3 years
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I tried to do more of the screenshot/cinematic kinds look but I gave up and just bullshited the backgrounds bc I didn't wanted to look so plain but I also didn't want to do a background
anyways Mipha is here! it's Mipha time!
(Friendly remainder that what's bellow is just copy paste from my draft and there's probably a lot of typos and gramar mistakes)
More of Yiga Link AU
<Previous / next>
A group of young Zoras finds Link's body sinking on the river, south of the Minish Woods. They take him out to land and check on him, he is barely alive and they quickly take him all the way to Zora's domain. They send the fastest of them first to inform the princess and she meets them halfway.
Link's wounds are bad, but she still can heal him, they take him to the domain to keep an eye on him, besides he is still uncouncious. They set him up on that little area for other species when they visit, and Mipha had other healers take a proper look at him.
The princess buys him clothes from a merchant since his are barely existent with so many cuts. The zora recognize those cuts, they know the boy was on a Yiga attack and unfortunately, they find his tattoo behind his neck.
They are not idiots and they fear the boy might be a spy and all was just a set up, the princess still wants to talk to him. Mipha was no fool and she wasn't as naive as most people outside the Domain may think, but she was curious, and there was a feeling in her chest that told her there was more to know about this boy.
Link wakes up in unknown clothes, he has no idea of where he is but soon finds out as he started to look around. He remembers what happened and a hand grips his chest. He knows he shouldn't be alive.
"That was terrible wound you had there," The voice startled him and he instantly stood up to go into combat mode. "Don't stand, you are not fully healed yet." he really didn't have another option, there wasn't a part of his body that did't hurt and the pain brough him down to the bed again.
He looked up to see 3 zoras, two tall ones dressed in armor flanquing a smaller one in shinny red scales and dressed in zora jewerly. The princess.
"Don't be sacred" she said and gestured to her guards to stay put as she walked to him, "I just came to look on your wounds"
Link frowned at that, the princess? Coming here to check on a stanger's wounds? Yeah sure. Link remembers his tattoo and quickly hides it with a simple illution spell that wouldn't take that much of his stenght.
"Dont you have healers for that?" he asked coldly.
The princess laughed lightly "Yes," she admitted and stood by his bed, her amrs behind her body, holding her spear "and they know more about hylian anathomy than I do, but they can't do what i can. Your wounds were bad enough to require my assistance."
Link frowned again, "what does that mean?"
Mipha smiled and gestured at the bed, "Can I?" Link recoiled his legs, leting her space to sit down, the princess did, leaving her spead resting on the bed besides her, she extended her hand to him, "give me your arm" she said softly.
Link hessitaded but he rested his arm on her hand. She carefully took off his bandages and let exposed a deep cut on his forearm, the boy winced at the sight.
The princess then put her other hand above the wound and closed her eyes. Her palm started to glow and link gasped loudly. His arm started to feel cold and a bit numb, but the pain was gone, and soon the same sensation washed over his body. It was nice.
Mipha was focused on the wound but she looked up for a moment to catch his expresion, she smiled lightly and looked down again.
The light coming from her palm dimmed until it was gone and his exposed wound wasn't there anymore. Slowly, the pain came back to the rest of his body. Mipha let go off his hand and he lifted his arm to his eye level, twisting it one way and another, trying to see the trick but no, the wound was really gone.
"You... You really have healing powers..." he had herd the rumors but no yiga had actually seen it, just heard things from other people.
Mipha hummed a laugh, catching link's atention, "Outsiders are always so surprissed to see it" she stood up, taking the spear again, "I have other things to attend, but i'll come back to heal the rest of your wounds latter."
She leaves with her guards, a few minutes latter another group of zoras show up. Two of them check on his wounds and tell him to rest while the other two just guarded the entrance. He had a bad feeling, whenever he peeked an eye to the other room he saw a guard. He didn't know if that was normal or if it was because of him.
He rests, too tired to try and transport, and fully knowing that in this state he wouldn't be able to fight. He starts trying to form a plan to get out of there. Taking a swim was not an option, anywhere near water he would be an at disadvantage. He had to make it to the montains that sorrounded Zora's Domain, he could take a run for it once he were back to his feet, he had no idea if zoras were fast runners but they had short legs, he was sure he could outrun them. Once close to the montains he could teletrasnport himself to a higher place and away from them.
Tho he didn't know where to go from there. It's not like he could go back to the Hideout.
Mipha comes back that evening and heals two more of his wounds before leaving. Link is starting to think that maybe her healing magic tires him as much as illutions and trasportation tires him. It takes a few days for him to be fully healed, all the time he is forced to stay on the rooms to "rest"
All the time he feels uncomfortable, he feels watched. It gets worse when he is fully healed and the princess wants to give him a little tour around the domain, everyone always stares at him, or maybe they are looking at their princess and he was just being paranoid.
He had never been to Zora's domain, to be honest, he hadn't seen that much of Hyrule, and he was intrigued to see and learn more.
As they start to walk around the Domain a little red-scaled Zora runs to her and hugs her leg "Sidon!"
"I'm sorry princess," another Zora runs to her, "he's been running away the whole day, he doesn't wan't to do the jump"
"If you don't jump how am I going to teach you to climb waterfalls?" Mipha asked him and he just hugged her tighter, hiding behind her from his instructor.
Link quickly put two and two together and figures out he must be the young Zora Prince, but he was most concerned with the idea forming on his mind. Would they follow him if he jumped? He eyed an opening on the level they were on, and without really thinking about the heigh he kneeled down
"If I jump would you jump?" he asked Siron, "I can't swim as well as a zora would, so if i can make that jump I guess a zora prince would have no trouble doing it, right?"
Siron thinks for a moment then nods. Link walks to the edge and looks down to the long drop. "Having second thoughts?" Sidon's instructor asked him. Link just frowns at him, and takes a few steps back, he took off his shirt and dropped it before sprinting and jumping.
He hits the water gracefully and as he sinks he prapares to transport, but sees a lot of Zoras around him. He sees that at the bottom of the lake there's a whole underwater town that probably outstretched fartest of what he could see. He goes out to the surface and finds it quite hard to not let the current take him away, even when he was under their castle as there were underwater walls shielding him from the strong current of the main water fall of the domain. A few zora heads pop out, looking at him curious. Some heads look younger, maybe teens? And look at him impressed and exited
"SIDON!" Link lifts his gaze and sees someone had jump and the tiny zora splashed in the water. He looks around but the zora prince doesnt come out.
"OW!" something bites his toes and a tiny shark head pops out, sidon smiles with sharp teeth and giggles until the current starts to drag him out. Link lets him, surely other people would help their prince. But they dont they just look, and as much as the tiny zora tried the current kept draging him.
Link reaches out a hand and takes him, wraping his scaly hands around his neck as he swims to the base of the castle structure. He leaves sidon on the rock and climbs up too.
Mipha's head pops out behind him, "you swim quite well for a hylian" Link jumps in surprise, when had she jump? he didnt even see or hear her splash, "You are bleeding," she said and he lifted his feet off the water to see quite a deep bite. "SIDON!" mipha screams distressed, "how many times do i have to tell you it's impropper to bite others!" she lifted herself to the place they were sitting and patted the space between link and her, he puts there his feet and she healed him. As always he stared at her hand facinated.
"I have to thank you, for not letting the curent carry Sidon" she said, "you shouldn't have to, he is 23, he should be strong enough to be able to withstand it." link looks at sidon as he jumps into the water again swiming closer to the rocks. 23? "but I would have done the same" "and thank you for jumping, her instructor had been trying to make him jump all week"
Link looks at his foot and thinks of all the other wounds he had, all the wounds the yiga had made. "I should thank you," he said, "I should be dead. You saved me."
"those wounds were no accident, were they?" she asked, "the yiga were sent to kill you" Link nods, "but why?" he sruggs.
"I have to leave," he said softly, "but i'll hate to leave without paying back what you have done for me,"
Mipha smiles, "I'm sure we'll think of somehting," she stands up, "I know a place you can stay meanwhile. Sidon! Lets go!" he swims to them, his little back fin braking the surface, he jumps towards Link, mouth open. Link backs up but Mipha catches him on the air and hums a laugh. "I'll meet you at the top," she said to link and pointed over his shoulder "you can use the leadder to climb up."
Mipha swims up the waterfall they just jumped from with sidon on her back. They meet at the top and Mipha leaves sidon with his instructor. He runs to link when he shows up and tries to bite his leg, "My prince, dont do that!" the instructor pulls him away before he can do damage and sidon smiles with his spiky teeth.
"I have to apologyze for his behavior," Mipha said tho she is trying not to laugh, "His new teeth just came out and he has a need to bite eveything."
They walk to a village at the top of the mountain overseeing zora's Domain. Mipha pays him a night to stay and tells him good bye. Link is bafled that she has so much trust in him, he plans on just leaving, but he has a chance. He now knew and gained the trust of two zora royals. He knew they were the only heirs of the zora domain and since the king didn't had a mate... He could make a move. And maybe, he could be allowed back with his people.
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slightlymore · 4 years
no, thank you
part of the Pride Universe
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jaemin x fem reader
others: haechan (mentioned in jaemin's thoughts but not present in the real plot)
genre: smut with plot, roommates au, mentions of university (jaemin is a med student), angst, fluff, very +18 tho
warnings: very! rough! smut! (brat taming, oral, masturbation, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, denial, slight degradation, restriction, manhandling, bath tub is one of the locations), short mentions of mlm (jaemin x haechan fwb in the past), yn comes off rude in the beginning but it's necessary for character development, yn has an anxiety attack, angsty 
words: 11.3K
this is kinda good if I say so myself, yall have to read 👁️ if you don't like mlm or memberxmember I promise it's just a short bit of fluff/angst connecting it to Cute~ and that's all lol, the plot is very jaeminxreader centered 
Jaemin has been told that he can't say no to people. Yes, he will come to the party. Yes, he can help with the moving out. Yes, he can help you with Anatomy. Yes, that kind of anatomy as well. 
The only time Jaemin would say no is when people would ask if he’s busy or tired. No, I’m fine. No, everything is alright. 
"Do you ever sleep, Jaemin?" Haechan asked once. 
His soft and sleepy voice made Jaemin smile. He wrapped the boy’s waist even tighter, tugging Haechan’s body against his. 
“Of course I do.” Haechan chuckled. “When?” “When you’re not here”, the other whispered. “Lies. You’re studying when I’m not here. Look at what kind of service I’m doing. Fucking you so that you can just lie in bed and fall asleep.” Jaemin smiled again and ghosted Haechan’s forehead with his lips ready to place a kiss on the other’s warm skin. He stopped himself before doing so. “Yeah, thank you for your service.”
But since Haechan started to date some guy, there was no one to force him into bed and make Jaemin rest. 
The boy would drift off to unconsciousness for a little while every night, head pressed into his med school books, mind full of notions and caffeine. He would stay like that for an indefinite amount of time, not enough to fully fall asleep but enough to being shaken to the core when he would wake up, batting his eyelashes as his unfocused gaze tried to make sense of his surroundings. Then he would get up slowly from his uncomfortable chair and drag his feet to the kitchen to make his nth cup of coffee for the night.
Jaemin has never had a roommate and it was probably because of Haechan. Said boy wouldn’t have cared less if someone was in the other room, listening to their moans, but Jaemin didn’t like that. Instead, he loved it when Haechan would pull up to his doorstep unannounced, eyes either wide with tears or tight with lust. Because the choice was Jaemin. It was always Jaemin. Haechan needed him and Jaemin loved it. He couldn’t have other distractions. No flatmates knocking on the door and complaining. Just him and Haechan, on his bed, on the couch, on the kitchen counters, against the entrance door, on the floor, in the shower. Jaemin didn’t know, but it wasn’t just him doing Haechan a favour, maybe quite the opposite. Because Jaemin has been also told that he doesn’t ask for help. He doesn’t let people know about his needs, or whatever. But Haechan was aware of that. It took Jaemin a little while to notice it, especially since the other was already gone, but more often than not, Haechan would just show up for no apparent reason. “Nothing happened,” he would say, “I was just horny.” But Haechan would come for him. Because that’s how Haechan was. He could see people very well and he could see Jaemin when he needed something, or when he was exhausted and needed a simple hug, or when he didn’t sleep in days or having eaten nothing more than a single cup of instant noodles. They were friends with benefits but the benefits sometimes were just lying beside each other and talk, or order in some food while watching a movie. Sometimes they would just kiss for a long time, during nights where Haechan felt weaker, and those were Jaemin’s favourite nights. “You should sleep now,” the older would whisper against his lips and Jaemin would reply with a short-breathed yeah, in a second, before letting his tongue inside the other’s mouth slowly for another hour or so. Some people might have said that Jaemin was in love, but the boy had no idea himself whether that was the case or not and he didn’t want to think about that. Jaemin didn’t like thinking at all. But he loved it when others did and he loved to think about their thoughts instead of his own. He wanted to know people’s reasons and why they behaved in a certain manner so that he could understand himself without actively trying to.
“So, what do you think?” Jaemin was standing proud in the middle of his spot-free living room, hands on his hips, like a housewife expecting compliments from her housewive friends. 
“Could be better,” you mumbled, biting your nails, barely looking around.
When you found Jaemin’s pretty written paper renting a room on the university notice board, you did assume he was a girl. 
“What could be better?” he smiled at you. 
You stared back, sensing sarcasm but upon seeing the boy’s genuine expression you realized how naive he was. 
“I don’t know. The roommate maybe?” you rolled your eyes and walked towards your assigned room, dragging your suitcase carelessly on the nice wooden floor. “I’m staying, by the way,” you yelled after closing your door with your foot with a loud bang.
You have been told a lot of stuff during your life. Selfish, rude, uncaring, insensitive. 
It would make you angry. 
You would yell back that it’s not true making people step back and add some more adjectives that you wouldn’t want to use while describing yourself in class. 
You fought that back a lot, crying secretly under your covers, terrorized of being alone by yourself, afraid of being alone with such a bad person. 
You fought and fought until one day you just stared back at those people. 
So what? you found yourself thinking. Perhaps I am. Yeah. I am selfish and I don’t give a shit. So what about that? What are you all going to do? 
And when you ignored people, they started to ignore you as well. 
And slowly, everyone knew that no, you would not help them with their homework, no, you didn’t want to go to their stupid party, no, you didn’t give a shit about their new college charity event. 
And you didn’t give a single fuck about Jaemin’s rules.
“So, you can actually do whatever you want, really. The only things I ask of you is-,” he tried to speak to you the first morning of you living together.
You turned your music loudly on purpose the previous night as you settled in. You wanted to see the boy come knocking on your door and finally throw away his polite mask as everyone does around you after a few minutes of knowing you. Because you’re rude and it’s better for them to just know that from the start. 
The thing you hated the most was people giving you a little hope, that maybe you’re likeable and they wouldn’t turn their backs on you. Yet, you’ve quickly realized that it is impossible. Not with you. Not since you’re such a horrible person.
“Yeah, I don’t care,” you replied, one of Jaemin’s red apples between your teeth, a little juice glistening on your lips after you bit down. They were prettily on display in the middle of the kitchen island with a little vase of fresh flowers kept them company on the right.
The boy looked at your mouth for a second before locking eyes with you. “Okay,” he simply replied grabbing an apple himself. “I’m glad you like apples. I was afraid they would go to waste-,” but he didn’t complete the sentence, one hand suspended in the air, eyes wide as you let the piece of apple you were munching on fall on the ground as well as the fruit you were holding. 
“These apples are actually disgusting,” you commented then you both listened to the sound the apple made as it rolled into the living room and stopped as it met the soft rug.
That was it. 
It wasn’t your fault that this boy had more patience than your previous flatmates and you had to go stronger on him. 
Kick me out? Are you going to kick me out now? Come on. Kick me out.
But Jaemin didn’t look mad. 
After the initial confusion, he just put his apple back on top of the others and grabbed a paper towel. He knelt in front of you as you stood there with crossed arms and picked up your half munched bite of fruit and threw it away. Then he walked the few steps separating the kitchen island to the living room and picked up the apple as well, giving it the same journey towards the trash. 
You scoffed. 
Jaemin still didn’t say anything and grabbed a pan out of the cabinets. “I’m making pancakes,” he announced calmly. “I don’t like pancakes,” you acted like a kid but the feeling gripping at your throat was something new and you didn’t know how to behave. 
This Jaemin guy made you angrier than other people. 
Jaemin turned around to face you. “What do you like, Y/N?” 
You stared back for a few seconds at his neutral and unbothered face, then shoulder bumped him as you walked away. Grabbing your backpack from the ground you just slammed the entrance door on your way out.
You knew you were annoying. You also hated yourself just like everyone hated you. But you couldn’t help it. It has happened before. You let yourself believe that maybe you were kind and sweet, that you had a caring heart, that people would like you.  Yet, soon after, they would finally realize that you weren’t like that at all. That you were a monster trying to put on an act. So you liked the idea of people seeing the worst you could be first, so they could just leave if they couldn’t handle it. 
And no one could. Yet this Jaemin dude didn't budge.
You came home late that day and you noticed the way Jaemin turned off his music as he heard you enter your room. 
God, you hated him. 
And the morning after he was already in the kitchen, hair wet on his forehead, a white towel around his neck. 
He smiled like an angel. 
"Eggs and bacon?" 
You ignored him. 
And the morning after again. "Fruit?" Door slam. 
And another morning again. "Maybe cappuccino and croissants?" he wondered. Again. 
"Porridge?" "Okay! Okay. Fuck. Okay", you finally replied. 
It was the weekend and you had no excuse to dramatically leave the apartment as you did the previous days when you had to go to class. You were standing in the same spot in front of the kitchen island as the first day when you made a fool out of yourself by spitting out a piece of an apple. 
"I'm fine with whatever,” you added quietly. "Toast?" Jaemin raised his eyes from underneath his fringe before his hand could throw the locks back revealing the forehead. 
You shrugged. 
He smiled excitedly and got busy around the cabinets, the scent of his aftershave intimidating you. 
Walking around him silently you sat up on the kitchen stools, placing your hands on the marble and looked down, uneasy. It was alright if Jaemin was kind now then would start hate you afterwards. You could rest for a little bit, right? You could just put down your shield and breathe. It’s not like you would become friends if the made you breakfast. 
"How did the week go? You guys have many exams?" Jaemin's voice slightly startled you. 
Looking up you saw that he was already looking at you, two white plates in front of him with two pieces of hot toast. You stared back for a second then looked at the way his hands spread jam on the bread. 
"It was alright," you found yourself speaking. 
How was yours? You probably should have asked. But you didn't care and you were afraid to randomly engage in more than a few words long conversations. 
"Here," Jaemin placed the food in front of you then he licked his thumb. Thank you, you should have said. But Jaemin didn't look bothered. 
After a few moments of silence during which you couldn't bring yourself to start eating, Jaemin sighed like a British person would while slapping their knees when announcing they should go. 
"Alright. I'll eat in my room. I have a lot of stuff to do,” he announced and left with the plate. You stared at his back as he lazily dragged his feet towards the corridor and when you heard his door close you finally tasted the toast.
A scared cat. An angry and scared cat.
This was the first thing Jaemin thought when he saw you. 
Honestly, he almost lost it on the first day but kept it in together when he saw the way your hands trembled while being confronted. Then all of his anger died. 
No, I don't care, you told him yet you didn't turn up your music loudly again after the first night and you never bothered him. It was almost as if you weren't even there. 
What a nicely crafted facade, Jaemin would think, hands behind his head, a pencil between his lips, an open manual on his chest, eyes directed towards an indefinite point on his ceiling. 
It was very late at night. His phone buzzed once and the boy stared at the "apartment empty, wanna come?" text. 
Yeah, he could use some of that. 
And he would have been at his friend's place by now if a weird noise wouldn't have stopped him from putting on his shoes. 
It was coming from your room, a small choked sound, barely audible that Jaemin wouldn't have heard it in other circumstances. He walked the corridor slowly until gently stopping in front of you door, a slight blush covering his cheeks. Could it be-? 
But no. 
Jaemin heard a fair share of whimpering girls before and you definitely weren't enjoying yourself. So he knocked, suddenly worried. "Y/N?" You didn't reply, only a little whimper being caught by Jaemin's ears. "Y/N, is everything alright?" He waited, face almost pressed on the cool wood. Another choking sound and "I'm coming in, now,” he announced and you couldn't stop him. 
Sat on your bed, wet cheeks from crying and irregular breaths, you looked up like a scared deer, sliding back when Jaemin walked towards you. "Shh, it's alright," he whispered with a calm voice, hands in front of himself as he sat down in front of you. 
"Don't touch me. Go away," you flinched, hiding your face from his gaze. 
Jaemin had a reassuring face when he spoke again. "I won't touch you if you don’t want me to."
"Go away. Leave me alone," you repeated with a feeble voice, arms pulling your knees to your chest. 
Jaemin looked at you for a few moments, your baby blue pyjama and irregular breath, then he gently sat down on the bed in front of you and crossed his legs. 
"Do you take medicine?" he asked softly. You shook your head. "Okay. Then, will you look at me?" You sobbed and furtively raised your eyes to meet his for a short moment before looking away. "It's alright. You're doing great." Jaemin's voice was low, articulating every word slowly and he didn't move. "It's scary, I know. But there's no danger now. I'm protecting you." His eyes were trained on your face and you finally let yourself stare back fully. 
"Imitate me," he spoke again, breathing in and out slowly. A little sob escaped your lips before you could do the same. 
"Good. You're doing amazing. Slowly," he cooed and you did just that for an indeterminate amount of times, the silence engulfig you both until you looked down and saw your fingers wrapped around Jaemin's hands. 
You let them go surprised but your palms liked how soothing touching another human’s skin felt. 
His was soft and warm, and you concentrated on the way the heat spread to your cold hands, holding them again timidly. 
Then you let yourself fall on the pillows, eyes looking up at the ceiling, the sobs getting more time between each other. 
Jaemin remained still for a moment, as if unsure what to do, then he slowly moved to the side, walking on all fours until resting on the bed beside you. 
A little stronger whine shook your frame again though and he slightly rolled over, rising on his elbow the other hand above your body. 
"I'm-- going to touch your diaphragm. Is this alright?" 
You bit your lower lip then nodded. 
"Okay, breathe in again, keep it for one second, then release slowly."
You inhaled, staring at Jaemin's big eyes as if looking for approval. His hand ghosted your stomach until finally resting on your body right underneath your bust. 
"That's right," he spoke softly. "Now, again.” 
You repeated the exercise, feeling Jaemin's warm palm through the clothes every time your rib cage expanded. 
"Again," he breathed in with you, keeping it, then releasing it. 
After a while your mind felt like white, blood fully oxygenated, Jaemin’s non-invading and calming presence actually making you feel better.
Yet your heartbeat couldn't stop beating and Jaemin could feel it. 
"Again," his low voice made your arms skin shiver with goosebumps, your breathing getting irregular instead of steady. 
"Focus on my hand and your breath," he said but his gaze falling on your slightly open lips wasn't helping you focus at all. 
He blinked and looked up into your eyes again. 
It was even worse. "Jaemin, I'm fine now.” 
The boy blinked a few times and retrieved his hand slowly. 
Your breath calmed down and Jaemin took it for a good sign since he returned to his side of the bed. 
It became silent so suddenly that you could hear Jaemin swallow. 
Thank you? Thank you for being here? Or, thank you for helping me out. Sorry for slapping your hand away? Is this what you should have said, right?
“Then, I’ll be going now,” his soft voice disrupted the silence and your bed creaked in the darkness as he presumably got up. 
No, wait, wait. 
"Why do I become like this at night?" you whispered instead. 
Jaemin’s silhouette against your dark blue windows moved around and lied on the bed again, this time on his stomach, bust raised on his elbows, eyes probably on the shadows of your face. 
"It's because the front part of your brain gets quieter and gives space to the other parts of your brain where feelings are."
"Why do you always have a good answer to everything?" 
You heard Jaemin's breath form a light chuckle. 
"Many people told me that before."
"Okay, right."
"No, wait, I meant that- I'm not bragging, sorry--it came out very weirdly." 
You smiled, the dark and sudden sleepiness making you care less about keeping up your cold image. 
"You want to be a psychiatrist?" "I don't know."
You turned on your side, hands pressed under your face, knees buckled until almost touching his hips. "Why is that?" 
Jaemin sighed. "I don't know if I'm good at helping people." 
The laugh you let out took both of you by surprise. "Are you joking?" 
The boy exhumed perplexed energy even if you couldn’t see him properly. 
"You're a human matt with weird gigantic patience. You'll help people alright." "A human mat?" Jaemin raised his eyebrow at you but you still noticed the amused twinkle in his eyes. "Yeah, you have no self-esteem,” you went on. "I have self-esteem," the other protested. "If you did, you wouldn’t let people treat you like that."
Jaemin let the clock on your wall fill the silence with its ticks for a little while. 
"Like what?" he whispered. 
You rolled on your back, unable to look at him anymore. "Like how I treat you." 
"So you're aware of that." 
"So you're aware of that as well but choose to ignore it instead of fighting back?" 
Jaemin rolled on his back as well, hand rising to his forehead and ruffling his fringe. 
You stared at the way the strands fell back exposing his forehead then you looked at his furrowed eyebrows and finally at his lips when he opened them to speak. "What's the point in fighting back?" 
A car roared outside your open window, giving you more time to collect your thoughts. 
"What's the point in being stupidly kind like that?" you finally spoke up. Your voice was a little whisper as if you secretly wanted Jaemin to not hear you. But he did. 
"So I can live by my principles." "And are you happy?" 
Jaemin was at a loss of words. 
"Isn't it better to just be yourself and do whatever the fuck you want?" you went on. "Like you?" he finally spoke up. "Yeah." "But you're not doing what you want.”
It was your turn to have no words to choose from. 
"You're not yourself, are you?" he asked. "I am," but your voice didn't seem convincing even to your ears. "People are not going to like you more if you behave as you do," you added. "And what should I do to make people like me?" Jaemin inquired. "Nothing. Just be yourself."
Jaemin sat up slowly and briefly looked out of the window. 
"Then you should follow this advice as well. Stop putting on this act."
You didn't sleep the whole night after Jaemin slowly exited your room.
The next day you already left when Jaemin got up and walked to the kitchen. 
He heard you leave actually. He couldn't sleep the whole night either. 
Are you happy? Are you yourself?
No. After turning and rolling on his bed Jaemin got to the conclusion that he wasn't happy or himself at all. 
Not all the time at least. 
Because most of the times he did care about people, but he could also point out times when he did too much for no reason, getting back nothing but a bittersweet taste on his tongue. 
When he came back home after class, an intense sweet fragrance welcomed him first as he stepped inside. With the back turned at him and wearing his black apron, you were frantically looking for something in the kitchen cabinets. 
Jaemin indulged in looking at you for a little while, a fizzy feeling inside his chest, small happiness created by moments like finding money in an old jacket, a little surprise you didn’t need but that made your day better. 
How would it feel to behave like you? Would Jaemin be able to do it? 
At first, Jaemin wondered why you were like that, but after the previous night, he hit his head with an imaginary palm, feeling stupid for not realizing it earlier. 
You were just like him. 
Hiding something in front of people. 
He cleared his throat and smiled when you jolted with a little scream. “For fuck’s sake.” 
Yeah, you were hiding the little girl he saw crying on her bed and he was hiding the needy little boy that so desperately wanted to be loved. 
“I’m sorry for startling you,” he let his bag fall on the floor as he sat on the kitchen stools in front of you. “Are those cookies?” he indicated the oven with his chin. 
You adjusted your clothes as if suddenly realizing how embarrassing it was to wear an apron. 
“Why ask obvious questions?” 
Jaemin’s smile widened until showing his teeth and you felt like either fight him or run away from his eyes. What a weirdo, you thought. It was almost as if he was enjoying your moodiness. 
“Are you looking for something?” he asked again. You crossed your arms on your chest and Jaemin thought that seizing you in the act of being domestic was something that highly embarrassed you. 
He loved it. 
“No.” The boy rested his head on one arm, tilting his head to the side, already knowing what you were trying to do before. “Shall we decorate the cookies together? I can make the icing. The colouring is in the other cabinet.” 
You turned around and stared at the only place you didn’t look before. “I wasn’t trying to decorate them,” you lied. 
Jaemin lifted his hands as if innocent. “Never said that,” then smiled as you rolled your eyes. 
“Do you have plans tonight?” he walked around you to retrieve the decorations and you felt your breath hitch when he had to press himself on your back. “Because the cookies have to cool down first,” Jaemin explained. 
You didn’t reply and untied your apron, suddenly regretting your decision to remain in the kitchen instead of hiding in your room. 
“Watch a movie with me, please?” 
The “no” was already on the tip of your tongue but then you heard the “please” and your eyes moved to Jaemin’s face by themselves. His hands were pressing into the isle, shoulders raised as if he was trying to lift himself, the evident nervousness in his expression making you feel at a loss of words. 
You didn’t expect Jaemin to be shy. Why was he shy? To ask you to watch a movie with him? That made him shy? 
His eyes widened. “Okay?”
You almost laughed at how surprised he was and you had to admit that seeing him run around the kitchen to get to the living room was pretty adorable. 
A little sigh, as if a warning, left your lungs when you walked towards the couch. You were probably doing a mistake, but Jaemin - God - Jaemin was so kind. 
Watching his back as he was sat down on his knees in front of the tv, so eager to spend some time with you, even if it was fake, even if he didn’t really care, made your heart swell up. No one has behaved like that before. Maybe it was alright. 
“Okay, but I choose the movie,” you extended the hand and Jaemin got up, placing the remote controller on your palm. His smile never left his lips as you shuffled the options. “What about this?” Jaemin read the description with squinty eyes. "Oh, I don't like happy endings." You looked at him. "Why is that?" 
The boy remained quiet for a moment. 
"I think it's because you relate a lot to a sad story and it describes your life so well that you get mesmerized in it. You finally feel understood. Others are going through the same struggles. But then they get a happy ending and- you don't.”
Jaemin’s fingers played with one of the threads of his shorts and you blinked at his unexpected words. 
“It becomes a reminder of how your life could go if you were lucky like them. But you're not. That's when you can't relate anymore and it becomes even sadder. Instead of being a sort of relief, the happy ending is another punch in the gut, since I'll never be able to experience something like that,” he smiled after the last phrase as if he had just said that the best colour to decorate the cookies was blue. 
Suddenly it felt as if the reality was altered. 
Jaemin's face was a concentrated mask, trying to read other movies descriptions and you desperately wanted to touch it with your fingertips. 
But you touched the back of his hand instead and Jaemin looked down at his thigh before looking up. 
You didn’t know what expression you had on but the boy was so good at understanding people that you could have had a blank face and he would have known what you were feeling. 
He smiled warmly at you and held your hand, squeezing it a little bit. 
“I’m fine.” “It’s alright to be weak,” you almost talked on top of him. “Or to have desires.” 
Jaemin opened his mouth and closed it a few times like a fish and you both jolted when the ding of the oven told that the cookies were baked. 
The boy reluctantly let your hand go when you got up and walked towards the kitchen. 
The smell was incredible and despite the weird saddened energy of the room, you both smiled at each other when locking eyes.
Jaemin got used to your love language very quickly. 
After cookies, came breakfast, and after that, it was the turn of a small gadget you found at the flea market. 
“It’s so ugly that the first person I thought of was you.”
You still kept the insulting wall but Jaemin loved that part of you as well. 
He ate your gratitude made of sweets and desserts, and looked at it in bed, rolling the little bald man made of wood on his palm. 
A night Jaemin would think a lot about, was when you were hammered, bodies spread on the living room floor, eyes closed, soft music in the background to make the ambience less awkward. But you didn’t care about awkwardness as soon enough, the only thing your dizzy heads could think of was nothing at all. 
With a wavering hand, Jaemin felt around him, searching for the bottle of “you’ve never tasted such good cognac before, I’m sure” cognac that Haechan sent him.
 And the “Oh, perhaps I’m getting engaged :P”.
Jaemin stared at the note for a long time then stared at the bottle of amber liquid, his hands gripping it hard. 
You took it from his hands before he could unreasonably smash it on the ground. 
“Are you okay?”
The bottle was put down on the kitchen counter and Jaemin looked at it first then at your concerned eyes, as you’ve started to do more often lately. 
Jaemin didn’t know what expression he had on but whatever it was, it made you take a few steps towards him when he didn’t reply. 
“Yeah,” he breathed out after a little while, trying to put on his normal smile. But when you wrapped his waist with your arms he didn’t stop the tears falling silently on his cheeks. 
He did not sob, nor wail. Jaemin just stood there, arms unable to hug you back. And when you dragged him by the hand, the bottle under your arm, making him sit down on the floor, he just obliged. 
“Let’s drink to that.” 
And Jaemin didn’t know if you meant his broken heart or Haechan’s happiness but he nodded and took a sip of the sweet drink. The bottle travelled back and forth between you until you couldn’t sit up anymore. 
Lying down, the sun setting, the same few songs playing on a loop since no one had the energy to change the playlist, Jaemin couldn’t find the bottle anymore so he just grabbed your hand instead. 
You didn’t say anything and intertwined your fingers with his, mind circling the spot Jaemin’s thumb was circling on your skin. 
"I feel like people love me for how I make them feel.”
The boy’s voice was hoarse and it made your chest tingle. 
You listened, squeezing his hand as to invite him to go on. 
“I know everything about them. I know how to make them feel good. I listen and I love. I love a lot.” 
“You do.”
Jaemin swallowed hard. 
You didn’t have to look to know that his cheeks were wet again. 
“I tried to be perfect. So I could be loved back.”
“You don’t have to do that. You just got an example of that not working very well anyway.”
A sniff. 
“I know. But the little amount I still get now, would it be there if I didn’t try as hard as I’m trying right now? Would people care about me if I wasn't perfect? Would they love me if I didn't do what they need me to? Honestly, I'm terrified to find out.” 
You sighed and let his hand go, rolling on your stomach and lifting your bust on our forearms to be able to look at Jaemin. 
The boy opened his reddened eyes and tilted his head to the side to meet your gaze. 
“If you try so hard and still get so little, you don’t need that love.” 
Jaemin blinked once, listening to your soothing voice, the evening breeze lightly swooshing his hair spread around his head. 
“As you said, they probably still love you for how you make them feel and not for how you are,” and Jaemin visibly flinched at the hard truth. “But,” you grabbed his hand again, not wanting to let him despair, “there are also people that love you because of who you are, even if you confuse them with those that love you for what you do. And I’m sure Haechan is one of them, it just didn’t go well.” “It didn’t have to go well. It has never been something that could go. It’s just my fault that-” but you shushed him pulling at his hand as to make him stop talking. “You can still admit that he hurt you. He didn’t do it on purpose but it’s not your fault either. And it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care about you. Sometimes you can try very hard and people would still not care in the same way that you do, and it’s alright. It’s not you. It’s them.” 
Jaemin kept his eyes closed as you talked, his chest rising with deep breaths and you placed a hand on it just like he did to you before. 
“Do you like me?” 
His question took you by surprise. 
“You can say no. I’m sorry, I’m putting a lot of pressure on you right now-” “I do.” 
The boy opened his eyes, staring at you from underneath his long lashes. “Why?” 
You stared down at your intertwined fingers. The truth was that you also liked him for how he made you feel. He never snapped, he accepted you, he tried hard to get to you and it was something that you’ve never experienced before. But what does that also mean about him? 
“Because you’re a beautiful human being.” 
Jaemin’s eyes widened imperceptibly. 
“You’re kind and patient and so sweet. And I know that it looks as if I’m saying only the stuff that has to do with me, like, you’re kind with me, and patient with me and sweet with me. But honestly, I would have liked you even if you were like that with other people and not with me.”
You looked up at his face and bit your lower lip. “Also, would you not like me if I understood you the way you understand others? Would that be only loving the way I make you feel? Would that be a bad thing?” “It’s a bad thing only if you were kind to me only to be loved back when in reality you’re not.” “Yeah. And you’re not doing that, are you? You think you’re not deserving of love without trying to be kind but you’re naturally like that, Jaemin. You’re just unhealthily pushing yourself sometimes. It’s not like you’d stop being kind if you stopped trying. Because you’re already kind. And people will love you the same.”  
The boy didn’t add anything to that. 
He pulled you by the hand until you softly landed on his chest and wrapped your body with his arms. 
You could feel his quick heartbeat under your chest and he probably could feel yours. His warm breath caressed your forehead until you fell asleep. 
The day after, Jaemin was the usual boy. 
His teeth were the first thing you saw when you woke up with a groan.  “Good morning.” 
You furrowed your eyebrows when your eyes focus on the background. “What the hell am I doing in your bed?” 
Jaemin giggled and tugged your body against his, making you realize that he has been hugging you the whole time. 
“Let me go!” you tried to escape but Jaemin didn’t budge. 
“We’re just cuddling,” his muffled voice on the sweatshirt you were wearing sounded whiny and sleepy. 
“Why are we cuddling? What the fuck happened last night?” 
Your body stiffened when Jaemin threw a leg on your hips like a koala. 
“Nothing. We got drunk and cried, then we fell asleep on the floor.” 
You waited. 
“And then I woke up and took ourselves on my bed where we cuddled some more until falling asleep again.” 
You waited some more. 
“There’s something you’re not telling me, Jaemin.” The boy raised his face from your shoulder to show you his innocent puppy eyes. “Like what?” “Like why I have nothing on besides your hoodie.” 
Jaemin’s face lit up in a bright smile and he hid his face into you again as if shy. 
“You were thirsty and drank water from the tap.” 
“And?” you were losing all of your patience while your cheeks heated up. 
“And your clothes got all wet.”
“Jaemin, for fuck’s sake, talk normally. Did you undress me?” 
The boy shook his head. “You took them off by yourself,” he paused. “While trying to give me a lap dance.” 
You choked on air and tried to cover your face with your hands, but Jaemin’s koala arms prevented you from doing so. 
What the fuck. What the actual fuck. 
“But you just took your clothes off and fell on me. Nothing happened. I forced you to wear my hoodie. Then you wanted to cuddle and we fell asleep as you kept saying how pretty my eyelashes are.” 
Oh my God. 
“And that’s it?” you asked with a little voice. 
Jaemin looked at you again and his face was so close that you felt as if on fire, the thought of being naked in front of him and doing stuff you couldn’t remember at all. 
“Yeah, unfortunately.” 
You hit him on the forehead and as he giggled, hands pressing on the spot, you could free yourself and run away in your room.
It was something you would have never imagined, the feeling between your legs.
 You breathed in and out, trying to calm yourself, but your skin still remembered where Jaemin’s hands were placed just seconds ago. And his breath on your neck. And your eyes couldn’t get rid of his sunlit chocolate eyes. 
Oh, fuck. 
This shouldn’t have happened. 
You didn’t predict this happening at all and it made you go crazy just like the heat spreading through your body as your hand slipped down your stomach. You didn’t think. Your mind was blank and your fingers moved on their own, teeth biting your lower lip, knees buckling until your frame slipped on the door and meeting the floor. Legs open and back pressed onto the hard wood, you closed your eyes and gasped, hoping that Jaemin’s hangover ears could not hear you.
Jaemin loved how things started to go between you. Bad mannered and moody, you still snapped at him but didn’t run away when he would laugh and pull you into his arms. 
Perhaps Jaemin was making a mistake. The same mistake all over again. 
Perhaps he was giving and giving, thinking the other party felt the same, but he didn’t care anymore. That’s how he was. He wasn’t trying. He felt like hugging you and kissing your forehead just to hear your scream, loving the little smile blooming on your lips when you thought he wasn’t looking. 
He bathed into your silent affection and soon your affection became something else he wouldn’t have expected. 
“I think you should stay at home.” 
Jaemin adjusted his raincoat with furrowed eyebrows. You were standing near the wall of the corridor and watched him about to go out in the pouring rain. 
“Jaemin. There’s a storm outside. Your friend can just call a tow truck or something.” 
The boy has been in a rare bad mood for a little while that day and when he heard that his friend got a flat tire his mood didn’t get any better. And now, with you looking at him as if he was doing something wrong when his conscience was telling him it was the right choice made him unreasonable angry. Because he knew that he should probably listen to you. 
“I know.” 
You huffed. “Then tell him to go fuck himself and stay home.” Jaemin let his shoe fall down on the floor annoyed. “Why do you care so much suddenly?” and while saying it he was already regretting it but was unable to stop. “You’ve hated me since day one and now you care about my well-being?” 
You tightened your lips. “I don’t hate you. I thought-- you understood.” 
Your vulnerability made Jaemin close his eyes for a second. “Fuck, I do. I always do. I understand everyone and I hate it.” 
Sudden lighting made his face spectral and you took a step back. 
“Just stop being a human mat and stop doing stuff you don’t want to do. We’ve talked about this before, haven’t we?” 
If the boy was cooling down, that phrase took it all out of the window. 
“You think it’s easy? Why don’t you stop saying no to everything and start being kinder then? We’ve talked about that as well. You can’t do it either.” 
“I bet I can go one day with saying yes to everything but you can’t go a day by saying no or doing what you want instead of what other people want,” you dared him. 
Jaemin scoffed. “Yeah, sure. I would want to see that.” 
You crossed your arms on your chest determined. “Okay. Starting from this moment I’m going to say yes. What about you? Are you going to refuse people and do what you want? I don’t think so.” 
Jaemin stared at you for a split second and his expression became one you’ve never seen him wear before. With a fluid movement, he filled the space between you until your faces were a breath away from each other. “I want to fuck you. How about that?” 
You almost gasped as you stared at his dark eyes, the storm outside the window giving him an even more dangerous aura. 
Gulping down, your mind started to run and search for an appropriate answer, but it wasn’t necessary as your lips betrayed you by forming a quiet “okay, deal.”
Jaemin’s pupils trembled as if he was surprised himself, yet his hands were quick, stripping him of his raincoat, letting it fall to his feet. 
“The safe word is,” he whispered slowly, “forest.”
You swallowed again, feeling your throat suddenly dry, then you chuckled trying to mask your nervousness. 
“Okay, but forest? Really? That’s very stupid-,” but you couldn't complete your shaky sentence as you found yourself dragged towards the bedroom and knocked on the bed in a second, ass up in the air with Jaemin’s hands on it. “Stupid?” he asked irritated. “Start fucking counting.”   You shivered even though your blood felt like boiling. Not in a thousand years, you would have expected Jaemin to manhandle you like that. 
A little yelp, more because of the surprise than the actual pain since your thick jeans didn’t really allow for much friction, escaped your lips. “One.” Your voice was trembling. “Good girl,” Jaemin’s voice was almost a deep whisper. 
“T-two,” you stuttered as Jaemin increased the force. 
You whined. “Three.” “God, I’ve wanted to do this the first time you left your dirty stuff in the sink and refused to clean up.”
“F-four. So you’re actually able to feel human emotions such as anger, huh?” you chuckled breathlessly. 
Spank. You moaned and your panties started to get too wet and hot for your liking. 
No five could come out of your lips as Jaemin grabbed your arms and rolled you over on your back. His eyes were full of fire and you felt your core tingle as he got on the bed as well, kneeling between your open legs, resting his weight on his hands pressed on each side of your head. “I’m going to stuff you up so hard. Let’s see if you’ll be able to talk back again, princess.” You were about to chuckle, pretending that his words didn’t affect you, but you lost it at the pet name. A little gasp left your lips in the form of a single breath and Jaemin got even closer as if catching it. “Oh, you like it? You want to be called like that?” he teased you. You gulped nervously and nodded. “Then I won’t do it,” he whispered, mouths almost touching. You raised your head to connect his lips with yours but Jaemin pulled away with a laugh until you couldn’t reach him anymore. Then he got closer again when you rested your head down. “Wanna kiss me?” his voice caressed your ears just the way one of his hands started to draw little circles down your neck. You turned your head to the side, giving him more space. “Hm?” he asked while the tip of his tongue traced the outline of your ear. You shivered at the sensation. “Yeah, wanna kiss you,” you replied, remembering the dare, even though, you realized with deep shame, you would have answered positively anyways. Jaemin’s soft chuckle added to the sensation growing between your legs and you would have rubbed them together if Jaemin’s bust weren’t there, so close to your core yet so far away. “Ask me nicely,” he ordered. You bit your lower lip and looked up at him, trying to flirt back, maybe making Jaemin weak the way he was making you feel. But the boy’s smile never flattered. “Do you not want to kiss me?” you fluttered your eyelashes. Jaemin shook his head. “No.” “I want to kiss you so badly though,” you tried again. “Sounds like a you problem.” “Okay, so you’re not actually able to feel human emotions,” you dropped the sugary tone. “This is pretty human in my book,” he lowered his hips grinding on you, his hard cock making you jolt even through the layers of clothes. “I have to do what I want right? Then I want to fuck you until there’s no trace of that attitude left, but on my terms,” and you would have replied if Jaemin didn’t rise on his knees again, looking at you sprawled in front of him like a full meal and if his hands didn’t go to your waistband, unbuttoning your pants and roughly dragging them down. Your legs fell on the bed like dead weight after the jeans were thrown somewhere in the room. Jaemin got between them again but not to do what you hoped he would. Instead, he reached on the shelves behind you and you recognized the sound before seeing the object: a pair of shiny metal handcuffs. Your eyes widened at the sight and Jaemin chuckled. “You want me to tie you up?” you tried to joke, knowing damn well that they weren’t for his wrists. Jaemin ignored your useless question and handcuffed you, tugging at the chain connecting your hands, making you whine as he hooked it to a nail above your head. You looked up, blaming yourself for not noticing it sooner and shivered at the sudden realization that Jaemin had probably done it very often. A little fear of what he might do to you crept in the back of your mind but instead of spreading panic through your body, it spread a wave of pleasure, collecting itself in a single pulsating point between your legs. “Tell me the truth. It’s the first time you’re not the one tied to the bed, right?” you teased him. “No, but it does look like it’s your first time, isn’t it, love?” his eyes were sweet and kind, the usual look Jaemin would give you in the morning or before going to bed, yet it changed in a second as he calmly slipped his fingers on your hips, getting under your panties and dragging them down your thighs. He twirled them around his finger a few times, the tip of his tongue moisturizing his dry lips as he drank in the view of your spread legs. “You’re not taking off this?” you tried to drift his attention to your face instead, shimming your bust as to indicate what you were talking about, suddenly very shy of you being so exposed to him and definitely not used to the look on his face. But Jaemin didn’t budge. He still stared where he wanted, as if almost caressing you with his gaze as he replied. “It would be a shame. That’s my hoodie, isn’t it? Tell me,” he got closer, hovering over you, finally looking at you in the eyes, making you regret that he wasn’t looking away as before, “does it still have my perfume on? Were you thinking about me today just as you touched yourself that time while wearing it?” he purred and chuckled at your shocked expression. “This apartment has very thin walls, angel. But if it makes you feel better, I’ll tell you my little secret as well, yeah?” You nodded breathlessly. “I was fucking my fist to your pretty moans as well, thinking about your sweet lips wrapped around my cock,” he rubbed his thumb on your lower lip, making you open your mouth as if about to kiss you, then smirked. “What about you? Were you thinking about this-” he let his hand fall from your face down your body until reaching between your legs, touching your wet core with two fingers, dragging them up and down slowly. You jolted, inhaling sharply at the feeling, eyes unable to stay open. “-or maybe this?” his voice was a whisper as his fingertips circled your clit, snapping a whine out of you. His shiny necklace was dangling in front of your face, then it laid on your chest as he got closer and pressed his lips on your neck, sucking your skin in, playing with it with his tongue. “Was it perhaps this?” he spoke again as he easily slipped his middle finger inside of you. The wet sounds of him pumping your pussy made you even more aroused and it probably had the same effect on Jaemin since a little low growl roared in his chest. He slipped another finger in. “Do you hear it? So wet and all for me,” his hot breath ghosted your ear. “Jaemin, please,” you mumbled, the building up sensation keeping you on the edge but not enough to grow to what your gut needed. Jaemin raised his bust and sat down on his heels with a cocky smile, looking at the way his fingers disappeared inside you, glistening with your juices. “You’re in no position to ask for anything, angel,” he reminded you calmly. “But I appreciate the please. Now, let’s learn to say thank you as well, shall we?” You whined, rocking your hips against his hand, urging him to go faster. The boy raised an eyebrow at your eagerness and let himself down on his elbows between your legs. “Do you want to feel my tongue?” “Yes, yes, please,” you replied, all of your pride out of the window. “Like this?” he licked your inner thigh. You protested and it only made Jaemin more amused. “Sorry, like this?” he drew a line on one of your lips, so close yet so far. “Jaemin, I’ll fucking make you pay,” you spoke through your teeth and Jaemin clicked his tongue as if disappointed, retrieving his fingers from you and leaving you all empty. “No, no, no,” you wailed, eyes wide staring at him. “What was that? Did I hear some-” he cupped his ear with one hand in a playful act, “-attitude?” “Shit, Jaemin, you said you’re going to fuck the attitude out of me, yet here you are, not doing anything to me.” Jaemin’s smile disappeared in a second leaving space for a dark expression. Usually, he would have continued to smile, but this Jaemin was a different person. “Oh, be careful what you wish for, angel,” he whispered and dove into your core, not leaving you a single second to breathe in properly. You moaned hard feeling his quick tongue, curling your toes and tugging at the handcuffs keeping your arms painfully above your head. “Oh oh- fuck me,” and he did it, lapping at your wetness, fingers shoved back inside of you, quick to find your sweet spot thanks to your increasing moans guiding his movements. His name on your whiny lips probably made him insane since he started to move even quicker, so quick to make you arch your back, not stopping even when you started to uncontrollably shake, coming all over his tongue. Your legs tried to get together but Jaemin didn’t agree with that, slapping your thighs away his with free hand and diving back in, sucking on your clit as if nothing happened. You cried out and mumbled something about stopping but Jaemin didn’t accept anything besides the safe word. Deaf to your protests, he ravaged you until hearing your loud whimpers again, this time shaking so hard that the bed frame moved with you, your wrists hurting as you tugged at the handcuffs again. Only then Jaemin lifted himself on his knees again, breathless, your juices wetting his lips and chin, a thin layer of sweat matting his fringe to the forehead. “How are we feeling, baby?” he grabbed the collar of his t-shirt and undressed himself, revealing one of the best bodies you’ve seen in real life. Unable to speak, still coming down from your high, you just stared at him, fucked numb, and he still didn’t even put his cock to good use yet. “Good,” Jaemin seemed satisfied as he caressed his abs, going down to the waistband of his grey sweats with a slow movement. He teased you like that for a second, loving the way your eyes were trained on his hard one. “You want it?” he asked with a smirk, palming it and outlining its form. “Yes,” you managed to say. Jaemin clicked his tongue. “You’re back to speaking now. Better do something about it,” he commented and took off his bottoms alongside his boxers. In a single movement, your legs were around his waist and the tip of his cock was tasting your entrance. Jaemin moved it up and down with his hand, spreading your abundant juices on it, making you almost whimper with expectation before finally filling you up slowly with a deep grunt. And you felt every centimetre of it, stretching you out, making the air leave your lungs in the same moment until you felt it hit far inside where no cock has possibly touched before. “Shit-” Jaemin whispered as you moaned, slowly making more space inside your tight walls by swiftly rolling his hips. He didn’t need to keep the pace low for a long time though as you quickly adjusted to his girth, high pitched pleasure whimpers leaving your rough throat instead of pained ones. Jaemin swore again, thrusting every time faster, grabbing your legs and putting them on his shoulders, hitting it from a better angle. "Louder, baby. I want to hear your moans." You bit your lower lip, the remnants of your brattiness lingering on your tongue. "Then make me moan, Jaemin-," and in that second you realized that you've fucked up. Jaemin descended in a breath, making your thighs touch your chest, one of his hands deeply pressed into the pillow, the other tightened around your throat. He was quick. Oh, he was so quick you felt like you were about to go blind. "Like this? Huh?" the creak of the bed and the slapping of the skin almost covering his teeth spoken questions. When you came you felt your eyes roll back and Jaemin finally let you inhale, oxygenating your fucked out brain. Little pleas slipped your trembling lips, imitating your shaking muscles. But Jaemin didn't stop until you felt his hot cum spurting deep inside of you, making you clench hard around him, finally hearing his choked moans as well. His hips moved and moved until you begged. “Jaemin, Jaem- I can’t, I can’t take this anymore." “You know what to say, angel. A single word and I’ll stop,” he reminded you. You bit your lower lip, staring at him in the eyes. “Oh, so you like it that much, huh? Like - a - little - slut," he accompanied each of his last four words with a deep thrust. "Your tight little pussy can’t take it anymore but you still want it, isn’t that right, princess? You like to be used like this, just as I please. You’re filled up so much that it’s dripping out, baby. Would you let me use your other pretty holes as well?” “Fuck, Jaemin, you’re driving me crazy,” you whined, a few warm tears collecting to the sides of your eyes. “Oh, my baby is crying because it’s that good? Do you love it? You want more of my cock, right?” he cooed sweetly. “Yes, yes, please,” you squirmed underneath him. “No,” he shook his head amused slipping out of your hot pussy, slapping your clit with his tip. You jolted and tugged at the handcuffs. Jaemin smiled and jerked his cock between your legs. "Oh, fuck," his voice darkened as his fingers wrapped his glistening cock, fucking himself while looking at your abused pussy. He was so hot, with strands of wet hair to hide his eyes, open red lips to let out deep grunts and his abs flinching when his thumb would press into the tip of his cock that a little whine escaped your lips. "Give it to me." Jaemin looked up at your begging face with a smirk, hand not slowing down at all. "Where do you want it?" You let your tongue out and you could visibly see the moment during which Jaemin forced a moan down his throat. In a second your arms were down and you sighed relieved as he silently unlocked the handcuffs. But you didn't live that pleasurable moment for long that your bruised wrists were grabbed again to make you stand up on your knees in front of him. Jaemin looked at your face for a short while, almost tenderly, eyes darting from your eyes to your lips, before he gripped your head and forced your on all fours, his other hand keeping his cock aligned to your face. You whimpered at the sudden movement but opened your mouth, looking up at Jaemin, waiting for him to do whatever he wanted to you. And he did just that. A choked moan vibrated up his length as he thrust on your tongue, making you taste yourself and his cum at once. Jaemin hummed once then whined, stopping the air inside his nose as if choking before releasing it with through his open mouth and it was so sexy that you desired to listen to his sounds forever. And they got louder as you bobbed your head, his hands loosely gripping your face before palming your shoulders and back, going further until reaching your ass and grabbing it, kneading your soft flesh, shoving himself even further inside your throat. Overstimulated, it took him less time to cum the second time and you loved it how briefly at your mercy he was when you let his cock out, a little string of saliva connecting your tongue to his tip, jerking him off until feeling his seed paint your face. "So fucking hot, fuck-," he groaned, staring down at your expression until you milked him all up. 
Both breathless you just looked at each other until a little smile broke on your lips. He followed suit and chuckled, one trembling hand searching for his t-shirt to clean you up. 
"Wait," he said when you sat up,  putting one finger to your cheek and sucking it clean. 
"Delicious," you raised one eyebrow. "Yeah, I bet," Jaemin replied sarcastic one hand sliding on your jaw while the other cleaned up your cheeks. You closed your eyes with a smile and waited for him to be done, not expecting the little peck he places on your lips. 
When you opened your eyes surprised, Jaemin continued to pat your skin as if nothing happened. 
"What was that?" you inquired. 
The boy blinked at you innocently. "You had something on your lips."
Your smile grew. "And it's all off now? I think there's some left. Wanna check?" 
Jaemin let the t-shirt go on the side in that instant and kissed you deeply, almost making you fall on your back. It was soft and careful, yet so intense that if you wouldn't have felt so spent it would have turned you on again. And maybe you still could go on for a while because when Jaemin tilted your head to the side and circled your tongue with his, you could have sworn that the heat between your legs came back stronger than ever. 
"Wait here," he whispered on your skin and got up, letting you admire the back view until he disappeared outside the room. 
With a deep sigh, you let yourself fall on the bed again, stretching your sore muscles, the realization that you've just had some mad sex slowly creeping in. 
When Jaemin came back you were almost drifting to sleep, lulled by the sound of the rain. 
"Come." A little whine rolled out of your lips as you opened your eyes again. Jaemin smiled looking at you for a few moments before sliding his arms under your knees and waist. 
"Jaemin, wait, no-," you jolted awake but not being able to do anything besides wrapping your arms around his neck. "You can't carry me-," but he shushed you and in a few moments you were already in the bathroom, the hot water still filling the bathtub. 
He put you down and held your waist when you realized your legs were still wobbly and helped you step inside the soapy water. When he followed suit, placing himself behind you and pulling you towards him, you felt your cheeks on fire. 
"You alright?" he whispered, hands already trained on your body, massaging your body softly. 
You nodded and inhaled sharply as he traced your bust with two fingers, going down between your legs. "Jaemin-," your thighs closed around his wrist while your face pressed on his bicep to your left. 
His soft chuckle brushed against your temple. "I'm not doing anything. Just cleaning you out," he had the courage to say. When you arched your back he retrieved his hand and grabbed a soft loofah. With gentle and careful strokes, he passed it on your skin starting from the chest and shoulders then going down on your torso, giving a little bit too much attention to your breasts. Too turned on but also embarrassed about him washing you up, you could just stare at the way the bubbly water dripped on your skin and when he ordered you to turn around, you couldn't bear to look at him in the eyes. Hands on our ankles, as you rested your back to the other side of the tub, he worked your legs up slowly, enjoying the view and your shy expression maybe too much. 
"You're so beautiful," he commented in a low, playful tone and you felt like asking him to get you off for the nth time that night. 
Perhaps it showed on your face or maybe he could read minds, but when he reached your inner thighs, he let he loofah float and touched you with his fingers, pulling you towards him until you straddled his lap. 
"The bet is off now. You can insult me just like before," he smirked while his fingers made their way between your aching folds. 
The breath you inhaled was shaky and you had to press your forehead against his, your hands restless on his wet shoulders. 
"I wasn't like that because of the bet," you confessed and Jaemin's pupils visibly trembled while his lips curved in a little smile. "And I'm not like this now because of it either."
A low sound vibrated in Jaemin's chest before he whispered against your open mouth. 
"So you saying that you're actually a good girl?" 
You nodded, unable to speak as the boy's fingers picked up the pace on your clit. 
"I know," he placed a peck on the corner of your mouth, "you're such a good girl," a peck on your jaw, "especially for me" a peck on your neck. 
You exhaled with a whine and let your head fall back, digging your nails into his skin, finally being able to touch him as you've wanted to do before. Jaemin took the opportunity to let his lips descend to your nipples, sucking them inside the warmth of his mouth, twirling the buds with his wet tongue until it was unbearable for you to not moan his name uncontrollably. 
Your body was all mush when you came again with an almost scream, pulling his head against your chest until his fingertips left your throbbing clit and traced your thigh, going around it and palming your ass. When you finally unclenched your arms from around his neck, he looked up from between the swell of your breasts with a soft giggle. 
"Sorry," you mumbled but he shook his head, a kind of adoration in his eyes that you've never seen before. 
"I loved it-," he started but stopped abruptly afterwards, as if not wanting to let the words aching on his tongue to roll freely. 
You sat down deeper on his thighs until your eyes were at the same level. 
"And?" you touched his chest slowly, fingers still trembling from the high. 
He swallowed, mind running at an incredibly high speed reflected in his suddenly troubled eyes. 
"And I think that-- fuck, I might love you as well." 
It made your whole body shake again. 
Jaemin noticed and you wondered what kind of expression you had on to make him look so worried all of a sudden. 
"Is it too much? Too soon?" he cupped your face with one hand.  
You couldn't look him in the eyes. "I don't know-- I just-" 
Jaemin shushed you. "It's alright. You don't have to do or say anything."
You shook your head and raised your gaze. "I just- I really want to let myself go and believe it."
The boy stayed silent for a moment as if wondering what his next words should be and you hated it. Nights and nights of talking freely with him made you understand how refreshing it was to be yourself and not walk on eggshells around people. And you knew that Jaemin felt the same. Seeing him now, delicate fingers on your skin as if afraid to break you, made your heart ache.  
"You care too much, Jaemin. Don't worry about me like this. We've talked about it."
Jaemin briefly licked his lower lip. "How can I not care about you when no one has cared about you before?" 
And you choked on the amount of tears that suddenly made your vision blurry.  
The boy pulled you towards him and you rested your forehead on his shoulder. "I know," he talked with a shaky voice, "I know I'm too kind and all that stuff and everything you've said is true, I need to change for my own sake, but-," his arms held you even more tightly, "not when it comes to you. I want to be like that with you. And I'm going to change, yes, I'll say no and refuse to do things people ask of me if this is what you want."
His words didn't make your sobs slow down but you raised your face and touched his cheeks. 
"Then I want you to care about yourself the way you care about me, Jaemin." 
"I care about myself now, because you care about me." 
You chuckled. "That's still doing stuff for other people." Jaemin smiled and stroked your under eye with his thumbs. "It's not for other people. It's for you. Because I love you, Y/N." 
You bit your lower lip as a new tide of tears announced their way. 
“I never said I care about you though,” your lower lip trembled after you let it go. “You don’t have to say it.” “I hate you.” “Yeah,” he kissed your lips. “And I don’t like cuddles and I don’t like breakfast.” “Yeah,” he kissed you again. 
And again. 
Until you didn’t let him go anymore and he was sure of being loved back. 
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xxreader-writerxx · 3 years
Red Haired Boy
Word Count: 3.6k (sorry got carried away)
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader
Warnings: PTSD, mentions of death (happy ending tho), panic attack, graphic violence at parts, mentions of blood, cursing (maybe?), tell me if I need to add anything
Y/N= Your Name L/N= Your Last Name Y/H= Your House Y/N/N= Your nickname
I get shoved sideways by a red haired boy and run into the wall. I let out a small gasp feeling my shoulder run into a sharp brick. I hold the cut with tears in my eyes. I see the boy turn around and run back worried. "Bloody hell! I'm so so sorry!" He tells me and I shake my head firmly. "It's alright." I mumble trying to make it seem like I'm not crying. "No it's not, you're bleeding!" He tells me and I see another boy run and stop seeing us. "Fred! He's on my tail!" He tells him tugging his arm. "Go on then! I need to handle something!" He tells him angrily getting his arm free. "Whatever..." The other boy mutters. "Does it hurt?" He asks and I shake my head shyly. "No... I'm fine. Really."
"WEASLEY!" I hear and see its our groundskeeper. "I'm going to enjoy this one..." He mutters to himself as he pulls the boy by his arm harshly. I look at him and he looks sad but smiles weakly at me. "AH MY ARM. OH IT HURTS!" I say not thinking. "What?!" He asks and I clutch my arm. "AH HELP HELP!" I yelp and he drops Fred, as soon as he's freed I silently tell him to run and he smiles at me. He runs and Filch is still distracted by my wailing. I stand straight and smile. "Its gone now. I think I just need to get patched up." I say calmly, walking to the infirmary.
"What do you mean?" I hear as I get wrapped up by Madam Pomfrey. "It was bloody amazing. She started screaming her arm hurt and let me run off!" A nearly identical voice replies. "Well good for her but karma must've came to bite you." The voice replies. "Yeah... But- No way! It's her!" He says and I look up to see the boy I helped earlier. "Hey- What happened!?" I ask seeing his eye covered in blood. "When he was running he was distracted and fell face first into a statue, cut his eyebrow pretty good." His identical brother tells me. "Oh no!" I say and he walks over and Madam Pomfrey groans.
"Sit there, I'll be back in a moment... Foolish boy..." She mutters and he hops up next to me. "Fred Weasley." He introduces and I smile shyly, shaking his hand. "Y/n, Y/n L/n..."
"I wanted to say thank you, for not only saving me but I also wanted to say thank you for saving me despite me hurting you." He tells me shyly and I smile. "My pleasure."
I wake up to my boyfriend kissing my shoulder as I sleepily wake up. "Hi baby..." I whisper groggily. "Hi darling..." He smiles at me and I notice he's kissing my scar from how we met. He places his cheek against mine as I wrap his arms around me. "Whatcha thinking about?" I ask and he sighs. "I never payed you back for saving me the day you got this..." He tells me and I laugh. "How bout..." I say pushing him lightly so I'm on top. "Five minutes, whenever I choose to use it, you have to do whatever I want." I whisper and he smiles cheekily. "Yes ma'am..." He tells me and I chuckles. "Yay that one day I will be doing no dishes." I tell him and he scoffs. "I was thinking something more sexual but ok." He tells me and I kiss his nose.
I look around frantically for my loved ones, happy I am a half witch so my family isn't here, blood related though. I look for the Weasley Family trying to see through the falling dust and rubble. I see a messy ginger hair and get excited. I limp over as quickly and see its not my Weasley but Percy. He's screaming for help. I ignore the pain coursing through me and run the best I can.
He's digging through rubble and I freeze in fear. "W-who is that?" I ask seeing a hand underneath it all. "JUST HELP!" He screams and I rush over moving each piece of rubble. I finally help drag the body out. I lay him on me to support his head and moves his hair from his eyes. "Freddie?" I ask softly and he looks at me smiling. "Hey..." He barely says and he gasps slightly for air. "Hey, stay awake for me... Percy get help, he's bleeding a lot..." I cry and he runs. I feel Fred's weak and cold hand wrap around mine. "I hoped you were in my last moments ya know?" He tells me smiling, tears brimming in his eyes.
"Well let that be another day. Freddie you are going to stay alive you idiot." I tell him chuckling through my worry, combing his hair lightly. "I want you to be happy. Don't wait for me to come back. Find someone who makes you happy. Alright?" He asks and I scoff. "I would if you were dying. But you aren't." I sob and he holds my hand. "You'll be ok..." He whispers closing his eyes but I grab his head shaking my own. "Hey remember the time we met?" I ask smiling at him and he nods smiling. "You cut my shoulder so deep and I saved you minutes later, remember that?"  I ask and he scoffs leaning his head back weakly. "Didn't think my last moments would be getting guilt tripped." He tells me and gasps at a pain in his side. "Well because of that you told me you would give me five minutes of anything I wanted. I want to have five minutes, after this war, dancing with you. You understand? I want to get married and dance for five minutes." I demand and he chuckles, then cringes at the pain.
Wizards swarm us and help him onto a stretcher as we finally let go of each other's hands. People help me up saying I need to heal my injuries. I keep my eyes on him scared..
Three months.
Three fucking months and nothing is better. They said it would be better by now. But I still miss him, miss my fiancé. He died shortly after I saw him. His dead body being the only thing on my mind every single day. Today I need to collect his belongings so I throw myself out of bed sadly. I walk out to the room to the empty, quiet, kitchen. I look for my mug and think George must have put it away when he was cleaning. The twin of my passed fiancé constantly stops by to help around the house, he says it helps pass the time.
I climb on the ladder and see he just put it far back in the shelf. I look right above it and look at it shocked. It's Fred's mug.
I hold it and tear up. "Why couldn't you stay? You promised you would stay! You promised! Wh-why did I have to loose you?!" I scream and fall to my knees feeling my heart crumble. "You promised..." I whisper against the mug. I put it down and feel the ground rumble from the nearby train. I ignore it until it makes my mug fall from the counter and drop on Fred's. "No... No no no no no..." I sob picking up the pieces.
George's POV:
I walk into the building to see Y/n yelling at the landlord angrily. "NO YOU CALM DOWN GARRETT! THAT BLOODY TRAIN BROKE MY FIANCE'S MUG! HE FOUGHT IN A WAR YOU WOULD NEVER IMAGINE! HIS MUG IS IRREPLACEABLE! HE FOUGHT DEATHEATERS! DID YOU FIGHT DEATHEATERS GARRETT?! NO! SO YOU WILL GET THAT BLOODY BLOODY TRAIN TO STOP OR PUT A DAMN SPELL ON THIS BUILDING SO I DON'T HAVE TO THINK I AM ON A CRUISE EVERYTIME IT PASSES!" She yells at him holding a bag to her chest, tears streaming down her face. I grab her arms holding them to her chest as she continues to yell at him. "Sorry mate its just a horrible day." I explain as I wrestle her into the lift. "Y/N!" I yell at her and she sobs clutching the bag. "All I had left George! I didn't even know I had it! And it was gone just like he's gone! It was practically a reenactment!" She cries and I hold her close. I kiss the top of her head knowingly.
"He's gone!" She sobs and I nod not wanting to add to it. As much as I miss Fred, she misses him more. She has had everyone in her life leave her and he was all she had besides our family but we weren't even close to him. She trusted him with her life and it was ripped away so quickly. Her love for him was more than a man could describe.
"Let's get you washed up..." I whisper and she nods silently.
Fred's POV:
I limp inside the home I once knew and look for my mother, brother, anyone. I can barely see through my bloody hair that has overgrown. I climb the stairs harshly noting the pain in my ribs. I open my room and everything is empty on my side. I walk over to George's bed and nothing. "Mum?" I barely croak. I keep searching ignoring the pain.
I hear a teacup fall and break behind me, I whip around to see my mother as pale as possible. "George? What's wrong?!" She asks and I try to smirk. "Mum wrong twin, but before I yell at you about that I need to find- well myself..." I say drawing my wand. "What? George are you alright? Please don't tell me my boy is gone too." She whimpers. "Mum, where have you last seen me, or well Fred?" I ask and she walks over, tears filling her eyes. "Georgie... Fred died. You remember don't you?" She whispers, combing my hair, I nearly relax at the sensation, haven't been able to see my mother in a year. Only being tortured.
"Mum? I died?" I ask and she sobs, holding me. "C'mon Georgie! Don't tell me we have to go back to St. Mungo's!" She sobs into my chest. "What?! George went to St. Mungo's?!" I ask getting worried. "Oh Godric... Georgie! Y/n! She snapped! Please stop this!" She cries and I freeze. "What do you mean mum?" I ask and she cries more. "You know what happened!" She clutches my shirt tightly. "Mum!" I say grabbing her wrists. "It. Is. Fred. I have been tortured for a year. I need to go find Georgie and Y/n. Where's my girl?" I ask getting worried. She places a hand on my cheek and looks at me carefully. "Freddie?" She asks and I nod, cupping her hand. "Yes mum. Freddie. Can you heal me up and show me where my girl and twin is? I haven't seen them in so long, I miss them." I ask and she smiles. "ARTHUR COME HERE!" She yells as she helps me to the den.
I walk into George's apartment with him and my parents slowly. "Why's she living here?" I ask and George sighs. "Please be calm alright?" He asks and I nod. He unlocks the door and looks around. "Y/n?" He calls and sighs. "Don't know why I try anymore..." He whispers mostly to himself. "Please show her slowly George. We can't have her getting worse." My mum tells him and he nods.
I walk into a room across from his and see her laying on her bed. "Hey Y/n! Got you a surprise..." George says and points to the corner. "Let me get her used to seein me first." He whispers and I look at him confused. She turns around and smiles at him silently. "Still no talking?" He asks and she tears up. "It's alright. Can you trust me real quick?" He asks and she nods confused. My heart breaks seeing her, she looks broken.
"C'mere Fred..." He tells me and she whips her head around. I walk over and she tears up. "No..." She whispers and I back away. "Hey Lovey..." I whisper. "You're dead." she tells me and I chuckle. "Turns out. A lot of people think that..." I joke and she walks over. She pokes my chest and I poke her shoulder playfully. "What was that for?" I ask joking and she says nothing but wrap her arm around me.
"Hey Y/n/n, want some tea and we can explain?" George asks and she nods. "Alright me and Fred-" He begins but she shakes her head, holding me tighter like a toddler with a teddy. "I want Fred to stay." She says and I kiss her head. "Y/n, you need to change." He tells her and she grips on my shirt. "I want Fred to stay." She repeats and he sighs. "George. She can just change while I'm turned around. I don't think she'll let me leave, right lovey?" I ask and she nods, nuzzling her face into my shirt. "He'll leave again." She states and I kneel. "Never again. I promise." I tell her and she starts to cry. "You said that." She tells me and my heart breaks. "I know, but this year was temporary. I promise." I tell her.
George finally leaves and she changes as quickly as possible and races back to hug me again. I pick her up and she stays hugging me. "Freddie..." She whispers and I nod. "I gotcha baby." I tell her and she shoves her head in the crook of my neck.
I sit down and George is tearing up. "You got her to talk." He tells me and I look at her confused. "What do you mean?" I ask and he wipes his face. "She was ok at first... Then she saw a Scrapbook of you guys. She realized that you were actually well- You know what I mean. And she stopped talking. We brought her to St. Mungo's in hope she'd start talking but after a month I just took her in here. Hoping one day she'd talk again. Then you came back. She talked for the first time today. Only because she saw you." He explains. "Your turn." She says and I nod, rubbing circles on her back.
"They thought us twins were the only two who were important enough to be in the army but slightly unimportant to kidnap one and try to get answers. They replaced me with a soldier using Polyjuice. Luckily... I had the memory of you guys keeping me strong." I explain kissing her neck. I feel tears on my shoulder and I move to see her face. "What's wrong lovey?" I ask and she hides in my neck again. "My fault." She cries into my neck. "Hey... What do you mean?" I ask and she nuzzles her face into my neck. "I didn't notice..." She cries and I kiss her neck up and down softly. "No baby, they took some of my memories so it would be impossible to not notice." I explain and she holds me tightly. "But I love you so much. I should've." She explains, taking breaks, every time trying to remember a word or at least how to say it. "I'm going to pack her things, I think your flat will be more comfortable." George says and I nod.
"I'm sorry." She mumbles and I kiss her again. "Me too..." I whisper.
"Good morning darling." I say as I sit on the couch next to Y/n. She smiles at me slightly and I grab the newspaper. "Want me to read for you?" I ask and she nods,  laying on my lap. I run my fingers through her hair as I read the news, showing her the cartoons. I'm smiling and laughing for her until she gets up and grabs a grape. She eats it and I pop up straight. "Sorry did you want that?" She asks and I smile at her. I kiss her all over her face and she giggles. I start kissing her even more causing more giggles. The sound I haven't heard in two years, right before the war.
"Freddie!" She giggles and I smile at her with the dopiest smile I can muster. "I love your laugh..." I sigh and she smiles at me. I get a call and answer it seeing its George.
"Hey could you come down to the shop? Ron set off fireworks after falling and there might be a hole near your office. We tried fixing it but your Magic Blocker is being a pain" He tells me and I sigh. "Alright coming. You two are very much interrupting the best day of my life." I say kissing the crown of Y/n's head. "Why? What happened?" He asks and I smile at the girl in my hold. "Y/n both ate and I heard that gorgeous giggle of hers." I say smiling proudly at Y/n. She blushes slightly and I kiss her nose.
I get up to change with Y/n following closely behind after hanging up and change in our shared room as she fiddles with the sensory knickknacks. With my ADHD and her PTSD we got them to keep our minds healthy. I laugh when she throws the dollar bill squishy at me playfully. I pick it up and she smirks at me. "Pass me my wallet." She tells me and I sigh knowing what I'm getting myself into. I toss her the wallet and she opens it looking for something.
I continue getting dressed when I feel a coin hit my back. "Hey! Dollar bills!" I say tossing the coin back. "I see no such rule." She replies and I smile. "How can you annoy the hell out of me but make me fall so much harder..." I mumble and she smiles. "Its cause I pay good." She quips, tossing a coin at me. I finally get my belt fixed and I walk over. I pick her up and drop her onto our bed. I kiss her neck and she giggles as I tickle her lightly. "I love you so much..." I whisper and she kisses my cheek. "Not as much as I love you." She whispers back.
I get fully dressed and I watch as she disappears into the closet and returns, first eyes searching for me quickly and when she finds me she walks over hugging me. "Ready to go?" I ask and she nods.
Y/n's POV:
I walk into the shop with Fred as we walk out into the streets of Diagon Alley. "Busy street today." He mutters worried and I nod, holding onto his hand tightly. "Don't worry. If we lose each other, meet me at the shop. You know the way." He tells me and I nod silently.
We set off and halfway I lose him in the crowd. I look around scared. My heart beats faster and faster as the seconds pass. "Fred?" I say loudly and get no response. My heart starts to go faster than I've ever felt. "Fred?" I say, tears forming in my eyes.
What if he gets kidnapped again?
What if he's hurt?
What if I get kidnapped?
What if Fred has to go through the same as I did?
What if-
I rush to the shop and go into the bathroom, locking the door as I fall to the ground crying. My heart beating faster than it should. I try to breath but no air is allowed down my throat. Tears fall from my eyes and I cry harder.
I need to go back and look for him.
Stop being a coward.
He could be hurt.
God I can't move.
What if me being a coward causes the last of the Deatheaters kidnap him again?
I can't lose him-
"Y/n? Darling?" I hear and I wipe my tears, quickly standing up shakily. I unlock the door and smile at a distressed Fred. "Hey I just had to fix my makeup." I say and his frown deepens. "C'mere." He says holding his arms open. I stop before hugging him and take a step back. "How do I know?" I ask and he sighs. "I got some Veritaserum in the back if you'd like that." He tells me and I run into his arms, hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry." I cry softly into his chest and he kisses my head. "I'm here for you every step of the way. For better and worse." He whispers into my head softly.
"Now it's time to deal with my idiot brother's mistakes."
Fred comes into the apartment and smiles happily. "Lovey!!!" He says and I smile brightly at him. I hold up my now empty plate and he wraps his arms, one hand holding his briefcase, around me. "I made you some too!" I tell him and he looks at the coffee table. "I can't believe I was lucky enough to marry you..." He whispers in my ear and I smile. "I can agree." I tell him, kissing his nose. It's been two years since he got back and I finally got better. I started talking again, laughing, hugging, all because I had my loving husband next to me the whole time. I still have some issues with him leaving but not as bad as before.
"How was work?" I ask as he sits down, starting to eat. "Good. Missed you though." He tells me and I smile, laying on his lap as he devours his food. I unbutton his shirt and pull up the t-shirt underneath, I put my head under the cloth and kiss his scars lightly as he rubs my hair lightly. "I love you my crazy lady." He tells me and I pull my head away, smiling at him goofily. "I love you my red haired boy."
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hoeneypirate · 3 years
River Bath
Yamato x fem!reader
Yamato and reader meeting up as they make the way back to the village during the pain attack. They’re already close friends and both secretly pining for the other. After reader washes his hair in the river after the first day of cleaning up the village, quiet sexy times happen. Reader also has been trained by Tsunade so she has the ability to summon a slug, that’s how she knew what was going on in the village.
“Yamato” you say as you hop from the tree down beside him as you both ran
“Y/n something going on with the village, naruto-..” you cut him off
“yes I know. I’m headed there myself.” A small slug moves from your back to your shoulder
“Naruto is fighting the Akatsuki member Pain in the Village. Pain has destroyed the village and naruto is transitioning into the nine tails” the small slug said in her soft voice
Yamato curses under his breath and then yells “no! We’re too late!” As he watches his palm change signaling the ninth tail.
You both stop in the middle of the forest, his distraught facial expression as he looks at his palm
“Yamato” you whisper and grab his hand softly with both of yours “it’s okay”
You watch the emotions swirling in his eyes before your arms are wrapping around him and you’re hugging him close.
He hugs you back without hesitation, burying his face in your hair as he has this internal battle. There’s nothing he can do to help Naruto or the village.
“I believe in Naruto” you say softly and his hands grip the back of your vest “he can get through this. We can rebuild the village”
You feel his body shudder and he takes in a shaky breath and then steals his nerves and pulls back with determined expression and a firm nod. He looked so handsome it made your heart flutter and cheeks warm.
“Are you okay? Your cheeks look a little flushed” he says and you clear your throat as you step away from him, looking away as you turn “yeah! I’m fine!” You say in a voice that just one or two octaves higher than normal “let’s get going” you say and he nods “right”
You’re silent for the most part, running through the forest as the small slug keeps you both updated with whatever was happening. You watched Yamoto’s shoulder physically relax when she said that Naruto stopped the nine tails himself and the pride in his eyes when she told you that he was able to talk to pain and convince pain to believe in him as well.
When you reach the village you stop and gasp. There was a crater where the village used to be. You instinctually grab his hand, squeezing it as you take it all in. You swallow hard and nodded “Where should we start?”
You helped evacuate and build tents in the outskirts of town where there was space. You spent the day following orders and working to the bone, at the end of the day, when your skin was sticky with sweat and your muscles spawned with aches, you took your extra pair of clothes that was in your pack, and disappeared down to the river after everyone had gone to bed.
The water was cold and felt soothing on your overworked body. You stayed near some bigger rocks in the middle to hide if necessary and to look up at the sky, admiring the stars and the calmness of the night after a battle.
“Y/n?” Your ears perk at your name and you spin the water to look back at the shore “yamato?” You ask with surprised chuckle, hands covering your chest even tho they were covered up by wate.
“We must have had the same idea” his voice sounds like he’s smirking
“Well it’s a big river I promise to look the other way and stay in my half” you tease and he nods before looking away when he sets down his things,you’ve both been to communal bath houses so it wasn’t too weird to share a river. You spun slowly back around and resumed looking up at the sky, listening to the sounds of him undressing before he walked into the water.
“It’s beautiful tonight” he says softly but it carries over the water like he was whispering in your ear. It sent a tingle down your spine.
“Yeah. No matter where I go, it’s always the most beautiful when I’m home” you respond, running your fingers through your hair and moving to a shallower spot where your toes could touch.
His eyes flick to you, your bare back in the moonlight looked so soft and beautiful. He looks through his pouch he set on the shore near a deeper end and then sighs “Do you have any shampoo? I seem to have forgotten mine”
Your face warms and you grab your small bottle “yeah. Meet in the middle?” You ask and he laughs “sure”
Swimming towards each other, you felt tension grow in your belly the closer you got. The closer you got to him the more you could see his face, his cheeks looked a little flushed and he had a small smile on his lips.
“Here you go. I hope you don’t mind the rose scented” you say softly and he chuckles, his hand holding yours around the bottle for a moment “I don’t mind. It will just remind me of you”
You gasp and feel your face heat up as he smiles, taking the bottle from your hands
“Yamato, do you think I..” you don’t finish your sentence feeling a little embarrassed
“Do you wanna wash my hair?” He asks with a small chuckle and you shrug with a shy smile “I think it would be nice”
He hands you back the bottle “but over there okay? There is a rock I can sit on” you nod and swim a bit beside him, grateful that it was too dark and you couldn’t see down in the water.
He dips his head back under the water to wet his hair and he meets your eye as you stand behind him, the river still covering your chest. You smile, feeling a little bare in this moment but also, it felt right somehow. Being here with him in an intimate moment.
You put some shampoo into your hand and lather it before applying it to the top of his head and moving your fingers down through his hair softly, down through the sides before your fingers card up through the back. His eyes fluttered closed as he let you wash his hair, a soft sigh falling from his lips as he let you take care of him. His heart fluttered and then melted into his butterfly filled stomach
“Your hair is as soft as I thought it would be” you whisper and he laughs softly “you’ve thought about touching my hair before?” He asks and raises his eyebrows.
you chuckle “yeah maybe I have” you admit and the smile in your voice makes his heart race.
“Okay, lean back” you command and he follows your order. His hands bracing against the rock and leaning back as you supported his neck as you rinsed out his hair.
His eyes were on your face, taking in your sweet features as he relaxed into your hand, the moonlight lighting up your face and making you look like a spiritual entity of the lake. After such a long day this is just what he needs, a moment where someone will take care of him and what better person to do that than the woman he’s in love with.
“Y/n” he whispers and you stop your hands, your eyes moving to meet his and smiling. “Yamato” you whisper back and he smiles “can I kiss you?” He asks and you gasp, then looking at how close your faces are together
“I-I.. uhh” you fumble through words, your face heating up to new levels as your fingers begin to rinse the rest of the soap from his hair. He smiles softly uo at you when he sees how nervous his question made you “it’s okay if your answer is no” he whispers and you smile, chuckling softly and meeting his eye again when the bubbles are gone.
“Thank you” you say and he stills for a moment as he waits for you to speak again, his heart aching for just a second until you say “but my answer is yes”
He laughs and leans up, moving from the rock to stand right in front of you. The water hits just above your breasts and just below his pecs as he cups your cheeks and dips down, capturing your lips with his own.
It all seemed to happen in an instant, you saying yes to him smiling sweeter than you’ve ever seen and then he was cupping your cheeks and his lips were on yours, electricity shooting through your system as you reached up to hold on to him, kissing him back as a soft moan falls from your lips.
Sure, you know you’re naked. You know he’s naked. But you also know you can trust him with your soul, even if this progresses you know you could say no or stop at any moment and he would.
Your arms wrapped around his neck as you pressed your chest to his, kissing him with fervor as you bury your fingers into his hair, pulling gently as he licks your bottom lip.
You brush your tongue against his and he moans, reaching down and grabbing your thighs, pulling you up to wrap your legs around his belly.
His hands roam your back, making sure to not touch you anywhere you didn’t want him too. You break away from his kiss and cup his cheeks, looking down at him as you breath heavily together.
“I’ve wanted to kissyou, for so long” he admits though pants and you press your forehead to his with a small breathless laugh “me too, Yamato. I really, like you” you admit quietly and his arms tighten around your back “I really like you too” he says and grins, his hands reaching down to grab you by your thighs and hold you a little high up his body, he doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable and doesn’t want you to notice how hard his cock was from feeling your bare chest against his, your hard nipples rubbing against his chest.
You weren’t dumb though, you guessed he’d be hard by being pressed together. You tighten your legs around him, so your warm cunt is pressed to his stomach as you move down to kiss and lick up his neck. “Did they tell you we’re sharing a tent? They did it randomly so no one would complain.” You whisper and feel his grip tighten on your thighs and a broken moan tumble from his lips.
“Do you want to finish up here.. then meet me back at the tent?” You ask and bite down on his skin for a moment “well I guess if we stayed here we could be a tiny bit louder than in a tent surrounded by our friends and village in other tents”
“Y/n. Please can I touch you?” He asks with a little desperation in his voice and you laugh “yes please. Please touch me Yamato” you mumble against his skin and his hands grip your thighs right before they slide higher to grab your ass. His lips find yours again and it’s rough and sloppy as your lips move together. He moves his hand father up, his finger sliding up through your slit, gasping into his mouth with his fingers brush your clit
“Let me hear you, pretty girl” he whispers against your lips as he begins to rub slow circles against your clit.
You moan into his neck, your hands gripping his shoulders tightly. “Yamato” you moan into his neck and you shudder when he bites into your neck, his tongue licking your skin as his fingers press down harder into your clit. You’re trembling against him, twitching against his fingers
“I’m gonna!” You gasp “I’m gonna cum!” You moan against his neck as you twitch in his strong arms, your hands gripping his shoulders tightly “cum for me pretty girl” he whispers and licks a stripe up your neck across the hickies he’s left.
His fingers press down harder and the cord snaps, your body twitching as you cum hard. His fingers slowly swirl around your clit as he kisses your neck softly as you whisper thank yous as you come down and catch your breath, you clit throbbing snd cunt clenching as the remnants of your orgasm course through your.
You lean back and press your lips to his, wrapping your arms around his neck “Yamato” you whisper against his lips “god I want you so bad but I also don’t want to get a river disease” he chuckles and kisses you back whenever your lips press to his “let’s go to the tent, we can be quiet” he’s moaning against your lips and you unwrap your legs from him and trail your hands down his strong chest, keeping eye contact with him as you bite your lip as you wrap your hand around the middle of his hard cock.
“Y/n” he moans out when your thumb rubs across the head. You lean up and kiss him one last time before swimming away, back to your stuff and clothes. You know he’s watching you as you you climb out of the river, you put on a little show as you hastily throw on a shirt and your pants and shoes.
He pulls himself out of the water by the time you’re fully dressed, you hold in a moan when you get a glimpse of his cock outside of the water. “Like what you see?” He asks and you stand, throwing your pack on your shoulder “I’ll show you just how much” you say before disappearing into the forest and back to the tents.
He opens the tent flap and you’re standing next to a lamp, in one of his shirts you found by his cot. He groans and bites one of his knuckles as he drops his pack to the dirt and turns, zipping the tent shut before turning back to you.
You look him over, from his damp hair to his shirt, his previous dirt stained shirt? that was thrown on a wet body. Your eyes trail down his chest to his hips, biting your lip when you see how hard he is. Your thighs rub together, your slick between your slit rubbing and turning you on more
“Please Yamato” you whisper breathlessly and he crosses the tent in one step and cups your cheek, capturing your lips with. You melt into him, one hand gripping his shoulder and the other softly palming him through his pants.
You kiss down his jaw to his neck “I need you inside of me” you moan into his ear is a low tone that only he could hear and bite his neck. He groans as his cock twitches against your palm through his pants but he can’t take it anymore he needs to feel his body presses into yours.
He grabs your ass and pulls you easily up into his arms before laying you gently down on one of the cots. You blow out the lantern then pull his shirt over his head “y/n” he moans breathlessly into your neck
“Wait!” You whisper out and he immediately stops, pulling back and getting off you in a second, looking down at you in the dark with your eyes barely adjusted
“No I didn’t mean get ..”. You chuckle softly and shake your head as you stand again. You slowly pull off your shirt watching and then grabbing his waist you lean up and kiss him softly, smiling sweetly as you take your time undoing his button and zipper, pushing his pants down he kicks them over to the other cot and then cups your cheeks
“Is that all?” He asks, his voice deep and gruff but quiet enough and growled into your ear. You cup his jaw gently and place the softest kiss he’s ever had against his lips and it makes his head spin.
He sighs softly and presses his forehead to yours for a moment “I feel like the luckiest man” he whispers and you chuckle, brushing your fingers across his skin softly as you bury your hands in his hair. “Please tell me you’re mine” he whispers out, his voice deep and like he was barely holding on. You chuckle and look into his eyes “if you are mine, Yamato, I am yours”
His lips crash into yours with a renewed fervor. Passion on his rough lips and tongue as it runs against yours. You hold in your moans as he grabs your ass and lifts you up again, his fingertips digging into your skin as he carries you over to the cot again.
He lays you on your back slowly, kissing down your neck, he moves to go lower, desperate to taste you but you whine and reach down to wrap your hand around his length. “Need your inside me” you whisper into his ear and he holds in a moan by biting your shoulder as you rub him up and down through your slick.
His head catches and you silently gasp as he pushes the head in. You claw at his back as he slowly presses into you inch by inch. You kiss and lick at his neck as he grunts quietly against your skin. You feel him bottom out and you gasp, panting heavily underneath him, it’s taking all your concentration not to make any noises.
“You’re so big” you whisper against his ear and he shudders, slowly pulling out of you and sliding back in slowly. You were so wet the sound of squelching sounded way too loud. You tell him to wait for a second and then have him move to his side. You throw your leg over the top of his hip and guide him back inside of you. You throw the small blanket over your waists to muffle some of the sounds as you slowly grind your hips together.
He watched your facial expressions, couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. Your eyes shone in the darkness, his heart was racing and stomach fluttering with the love he feels for you but the way you’re clenching around his cock makes his eyes want to roll back. How it was possible to be so full of love and lust at the same time it was like his world was exploding and imploding all at the same time god you felt so good around him.
Your barely audible gasps he was chasing, wishing he could hear you scream for him. In the back of his mind he already planning the home he’ll make with his jutsu, walls extra thick so you can be as loud as he just knows you will be. His home building plans fizzle away when your eyes widen and you grip his shoulders tight. “There” you whisper on an inhale and he nods, his hand coming to tease and rub your nipple as your bodies move together, his slow pumping and your hips matching the slow pace had your head spinning and breaths coming in quicker, your pussy throbbing as to feel your orgasm nearing.
You could feel your coil tightening, your skin was so hot you were so close, you bury your face into his neck, a quiet squeak of a whimper left your lips “cum with me yamato” you moan into his ear and he felt himself snap, his hips stuttering as he moves just a little bit faster, you bite down on his shoulder and a breathy quiet a moan he knows is taking everything out of you as you cum around his cock, squeezing around him deliciously as he cums inside of you, your warm cunt squeezing him and spasming as you came together. A string of “I love you. I’ve loved you. I’ll always love you” he’s whispering into your neck and you can’t help but respond in kind, confessing and returning his feelings easily.
You pant into each other as quietly as you could, if anyone was walking by you doubt that they would know anything. You were proud of yourself and him for keeping quiet. You feel him grow soft inside you and slip out as you stay pressed together in slick and sweat.
He presses light kisses to your neck and shoulder as your hearts and breaths return to normal. You laugh quietly and lean back, giving him a small peck before pulling yourself out of his embrace.
You wet a washcloth before wiping down your body while he watches you from the bed, a small relaxed smile on his lips. You grab another washcloth from your bag and wet it as he stands and comes over to you.
He goes to take it from your hand but you keep it, standing on your toes to kiss his chin before softly wiping it across his chest and stomach. You pepper kisses behind the washcloth as you wipe down his body. When you’re finished he pulls you into his arms and kisses your lips again “thank you, love” he whispers against your lips.
After dressing he lays down on the cot and you climb onto his chest “I really love you” he whispers into your ear “that wasn’t just a moment thing” you lean up and run your fingers softly across his forehead and down his cheek as you smile. You kiss the corner of his mouth and then lean into his ear “I really love you too.”
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