#the thought that they're like listen the captain is messed up
darlingofdots · 5 months
once again three cheers for Will Laurence parenting superior-officering Emily Roland under truly the wildest of circumstances for like 7 years and doing such a fantastic job of it. He was basically her primary caregiver from age 9 to 16 and no matter how she might gripe, he took his job so seriously and you can tell she appreciates it! She runs away from her official posting during the Invasion to come serve under him again because he treated her with respect and gave her responsibilities suited to her skills, and also he has modelled a set of principles that she clearly understands and agrees with even when she thinks he's going about it wrong. And she is so fully On His Side anyway, she's so righteously outraged on his behalf when people disrespect him, and like. that man is not her father but he is her dad. That night when she was 9 years old and afraid for her mother and Excidium and he was so gentle with her is so emblematic of his attitude to his "young gentlemen" in my opinion; he is firm and professional at all times but he pays attention, he knows his people's backgrounds and families and he is so invested in giving them the best possible chance at success, and it's clear to me that people respond to that! including the terrible teenagers he accidentally got roped into raising
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otomestatus · 6 months
Can you do a Matsuno Chifuyu request about the the reader aka his girlfriend being called by his last name? Like the other Toman boys love to call Chifuyu’s girlfriend by his last name to mess with them and their reactions changing over time etc (hope this made enough sense…)
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a/n: i think this kinda isn't great, but i had fun taking my time writing it. :3c
excuse me, that's not my name !
"oi, matsuno!"
you turn around instinctively to the sound of your boyfriend's last name being called, but he was nowhere in sight when you did. raising a brow, your head tilted slightly to the left as you made eye contact with two of his toman friends. mitsuya and mikey were grinning from ear to ear from their table at a cafe.
"told you she'd respond to it!" mikey snickered. this only left you further confused. hesitantly, you stepped towards their table and rested a hand on your hip, head lulled to the side as you shot them a befuddled stare.
"well yeah. i thought chifuyu was around." you frowned while mikey leaned back in his chair with that smirk you knew too well. it spelled mischief. something nagged you to turn and walk away, but against your better judgement you stayed put.
"nah, his wifey is though." mitsuya laughed-- lighthearted and teasing-- when the realization hit you. his arm rested on the back of his chair as his own smirk spread across his face. your cheeks burned hot with an embarrassment you hadn't felt since your friends caught onto your crush.
you sigh, "you're both unbelievable... don't stay that in front of him, got it?"
that would save you quite a bit of embarrassment, but as soon as the words rolled off your tongue you knew you more than likely ended up instigating further teasing.
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you were gonna kill them plain and simple. at least that's what you told yourself as you stood there, mortified and speechless. it wasn't just mitsuya and mikey anymore as the rest of the captains had gotten in on their little joke as well. the moment you arrived for the toman meeting as requested by chifuyu, smiley did not hesitate to call out to you with his signature grin.
"good to see ya, matsuno!" he waved to you from across the flood of toman members scattered about in front of their typical meeting spot. you whipped your head around in response, but this time it wasn't because you thought he was speaking to chifuyu. no, you had grown vigilant of their little joke, fearful they'd use it in front of other people just as smiley had.
emma, who stood beside you, also glanced towards the fourth division captain with a lukewarm glare, "they're children! i tried to stop mikey, but he never listens..."
you hadn't bothered to even wave back and chose to turn your attention back on emma, "they're getting ballsy. i don't know what i'm gonna do if they start doing it in front of him."
"doing what in front of me?" a voice spoke out behind you, causing you to jump and whip around to meet your boyfriends curious gaze. his head was cocked slightly to as side and he had his hands shoved into his pockets.
"oh, uh-" you stuttered, but you didn't even get a chance to finish your response. draken walked up to your trio with a smirk plastered on his stupid face. his incredibly stupid and idiotic face that definitely deserved to get punched especially because of what he said as soon as he stopped in front of you three.
"sup matsuno." he sent a quick salute your way.
"oh hey." chifuyu greeted him back, clueless.
"not you, i'm talkin' to your girl." the vice commander corrected. chifuyu stared at him for a moment as if not registering what he said at first.
"...but her last name isn't-" he began, then quickly shut his mouth. a reddish hue slowly crept onto his cheeks as he held draken's stare and realization sunk in slowly. the intent was hard to miss. especially as draken's smirk widened in mischief. he let out a laugh and pat chifuyu on the back before walking away to meet up with mikey.
"man, you two are too easy!"
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this little "joke" of theirs had continued on for another week. honestly, it seemed as if there was no end to it. the only toman member who didn't participate in it was takemichi which were you very grateful towards him for that. he could laugh whenever he heard it, yes, but he stuck to calling you by your name. well, if it embarrasses you why would i say it? and when he said that it made you think. was it really something to be so embarrassed about?
you rest your cheek against the palm of your hand that was being supported by your elbow. chifuyu sat across from you staring menacingly at his study notes. you studied the way his blonde hair fell over his forehead and the length of his lashes as his eyes focused on the notebook in front of him. the memories of that day were painted so vibrantly in your mind while you could hardly remember just what you had done yesterday.
in a secluded spot behind the school with a white envelope in your trembling fingers, you could only focus on your shoes blow you. your face, red and burning, and chifuyu standing in front of you. you never gave yourself the opportunity to look him directly in his face as the anxiety had rose to overwhelming levels. how fast could you make it to the girls bathroom on the first floor? your lunch threatened to reveal itself. and his response after an agonizing silence caught you off guard the most.
yes, you remember it very well, very vividly. since that day you both had been inseparable. your love for him only continued to blossom. so should it really be embarrassing to be referred to by his last name? if fate would be so kind perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to imagine a forever with him.
"huh? you okay?" chifuyu's voice snapped you back to reality. your cheeks flushed with a gentle pink as you dropped your pencil on your notebook.
"y-yeah. just thinking." you murmur in response.
chifuyu smiles, "yeah, me too! hey, so what did you get for number three?"
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it had become very natural to come with your boyfriend to his meetings even if you didn't go very often. it wasn't unusual by any means either. many other toman girlfriends also would show up and chat among each other. you were no different, but the hierarchy was clear even if it wasn't spoken. this meant your relationship with the vice-captain of the first division had some perks and drawbacks. boyfriends encouraged their girlfriends to mingle in an effort to build a reputation and possibly move through the ranks.
that's where you found yourself. not being surrounded really, but definitely being regarded quite frequently and this meeting was no different. toman members gathered in front of the musashi shrine and the girls flocked together to chat and catch up. you were deep in a conversation with emma when you heard someone call out to you.
"hey, takemitchy wants to get something to eat after the meeting. wanna come?" chifuyu strolled up, throwing his thumb back over his shoulder to point at takemichi who was engaged in conversation with draken.
"oh, sure." you lean slightly to the right to get a look at them before shooting a smile at your boyfriend.
"if it ain't the matsunos." hakkai calls out as he approaches the both of you.
"hakkai-!" chifuyu begins, but you cut him off with an unexpected response.
"oh, hey." you turn to face the taller boy fully.
hakkai appears dumbfounded for a second as this was clearly not the response he intended for. chifuyu was just as shocked. any irritation he felt had quickly melted away, but his cheeks remained pink.
chifuyu makes a face, "wha-?"
you turn your head slightly to meet his eyes, a wide smile spreading across your face, "what? you look confused!"
"yeah, well, you just- i mean- i thought you didn't like it when they called you that." he mumbled, his shoulders falling lax.
"mmm..." you put a finger to your chin in thought, "i guess i just don't see anything wrong with it anymore!"
chifuyu opens his mouth then shuts it. he's unable to conjure any words in response, but a grin breaks out on his face soon after. he chuckles, "oh, cool then."
you laugh at his response. hakkai stands there not sure what else to do but figure another roundabout way to tease you both. of course, you were far more focused on the elated expression your boyfriend wore after your interaction with him set in. yeah, it honestly wasn't so bad.
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matchadobo · 4 months
KIDD; hockey player kidd x figure skater reader
summary: title says it all
warning/s: none, very fluff, gn reader
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* thinking about hockey player kidd who's been exceling since high school as that athlete kid and figure skater name that was also unstoppable in ice.
* kidd is an absolute monster at the rink, as aggressive as hockey players are; kidd was perfectly suited to this. the team's ace and is totally the most jackass member; nobody can say shit about it because he carries the team. he's a good team captain but not a good senpai, he'd enjoy making the rookies suffer and would entirely destroy them at initiation, he says it'll only make them stronger
* just imagine kidd in a jersey 😩 that big angry man who's as pale as snow with his fiery red hair standing out in the rink. would probably have 1 as the jersey no. cuz he boastful like that. and oooooh when he raises his jersey to wipe off cold sweat during practice and that sculpted fucking body just oooooh
* you know i fight fire with fire so figure skater name who has the same amount of feist, skill, and stature in the field minus the arrogance
* so when you and him met, imagine the absolute pandemonium. it'll happen on one winter olympics where the only thing you two agree about is how each other ticks you off. you two'll meet at the bleachers by the rink because you both plan on using it at that time
* "got here first." he'll say, tone assertive as he fixes up his shoes. "and?" you'd reply walking closer to him with both hands on your jacket pockets. "i, will be using the rink. and you, should go." he wouldn't budge, would instead stand up and try intimidate you. "nah," you'd clicked your tongue, taking off your jacket. "don't wanna. you don't even own the place." you left your stuff by the bleachers to enter the rink and left him fuming
* he'd then watch you on your competitions to get to know the jackass who messed with him.
* "since when were you interested in figure skating?" killer would ask and he'd receive a glare from the other. "was just checkin' if the rink is big enough." then he'd leave 🤣 killer will look at the screen and immediately knew why kidd was acting like that
* since then, you two will somehow bump into each other a whole lot. and each time you two see each other, kidd would either avoid you or scowl at you. that's why your impression of him was really, really bad. you thought of him as a local athlete asshole.
* so when his match finally came and you were there to watch him, you saw how much of a different person he was. he was his team's ace and captain. how he carries himself in the ice was reason enough why he was the captain. you studied him thoroughly: no matter the vulgar shit that comes out of his mouth with all the curses and insults, he radiated an attractive kind of leadership. his kouhais and mates listened to him and once the game plays out, next thing you know they're winning. his kouhais looked at him with much admiration, and it looks like you are too.
* when the game finished and you went outside to get some food and to your surprise, he was buying the same burgers you were eyeing.
* "i swear, you're following me aren't you?" kidd barked, clicking his tongue. "i'll have you know that i'm a regular here. if anything, you're the one following me." you rolled your eyes, fishing out money from your wallet. "tch, i better fuckin' leave then." he started walking away as you waited for your food. "h-hey wait," you called out, contemplating if you should continue. "congrats on winning, you were pretty cool back there."
* he'd scowl again, start to blush profusely as red as his hair, and leave 😭 you'd be kinda hurt but what else can you do about it? he started avoiding you since then
* little did you know he'd be watching you at your next match at the farthest top of the bleachers just so no one would know. kil would 🤪
* kidd would be so in love with how you move, would go crazy about the fact that you two shared a rink to victory. he never appreciated artsy and dramatic shit and that's exactly what youwere doing, but you might've just change that. as someone who would only be interested in aggressive cool shit, this was a first for him. he'd watch you earnestly: how your expressions change, the shape of you, or how your body twists and dances gracefully on ice. he wouldn't be able to sleep that night especially on what you told him after his match.
* so he visited the rink once more to clear his head and figured he might see you there again, in a very unlikely chance he did see you. he figured you seem to be practicing for finals. "it's midnight." he'd greet you, his deep voice echoing in the hall. "yeah. and you're here." you stopped, skating towards the bleachers. "gotta practice for finals too?" you added. "nope, don't need to." arrogance once more, it pissed you off but now you're amused. "of course you don't," you smiled. "then what're you doing here? you must be tired from today, right?"
* he'd take a while to answer, as if thinking if he should honestly answer. kidd would always speak his mind, he was blunt and that's what he was known for. so right now, as the glass of the rink was separating the both of you in the cold ambience of midnight, he was too lost in you to think properly. he'd just brush you off and say, "'s none of your damn business. i can't sleep, maybe the ice'd fuckin' help." he dismissed, crossing his arms and looking the other way.
* so an idea popped in your head, "if you wanna take your mind off of something, maybe skating would help. go put on some skates." you skated away, continuing on your practice. not thinking about if he'd ignore you or agree. he gave no response but left, it saddened you a little
* only that he returned and is now skating with you with a mild blush on his cheeks, he said it's due to the cold and a pale ass like him becomes red as hell in those times 🥺😞. playful insults turn into snippets of your backstories then into little things about each other as you both glide across the ice. he can speak normally without insults after all.
* you two didn't mind the time at all, nor the press camping out the venue catching some pictures of your little adventures with the scotland's hockey team captain as you two snag foods from 24hour food places within the vicinity. nor does kidd give a fuck about the articles that resurfaced the next day about the rumored relationship with you
* "so you two hit it off, huh?" your coach asked you and his teammates interrogated him. you two just dismissed them with flushed red cheeks.
* after the olympics, you two didn't even try to hide the fact that you are going on dates.
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xo-cod · 7 months
i love your au! how about hyperfem reader meeting the 141 after ages because she chose to work for the other firm and they're all heartbroken and feeling betrayed :( ❤
aw thank you lovie, hope you enjoy <3 ooc/rushed/might not make sense ☠‼️
today had been a long day and it hadn't even reached noon. there were threats that had been growing alarmingly high, so much so that this job had to include the best of the very best to eliminate the target. you assumed it had been the army forces, the swat team, they were always the ones the first responders for this threat
but how wrong you were
as you walked into the precinct, you hadn't anticipated what would befall you. a sight you almost wished you didn't see, your old members. the 141 who were idly chatting with the rest of your team, going over an escape plan and the targets carefully until you entered the room with another. and it had grown silent, the tension thick enough to penetrate with the gun strapped to your waist.
all four men stood tall, their eyes locked onto your every movement. your current team stood to the side, eyebrows raised but no words spoken. you were in the lions den now, any movements or words would be analysed by the best profilers in the country.
the betrayal they all felt at the sight of you, taking them back to that fateful night your uniform on the bed accompanied with just a sorry note addressed to them all. simon picked it up, battling between wanting to scream and break down. he was silence, apart from the tremble in his hand as he analysed the small note. hoping and praying it was a joke, that you'd burst through the doors laughing at the prank but your belongings had all gone. soap and gaz trying to look for you, price trying to make some calls but you were gone. you packed up and left him, you did that voluntarily he should've listened to his own advice, it was always the ones closest that caused the most pain
all that remained was the pictures he looked at every day only for a few minutes, it was so painful, knowing what you did and yet his heart absolutely yearned for you. you took all the physical items but he was left with all the emotional ones, how was he supposed to pack up the memories and destroy them?
your eyes settle to price first, the captain. he just nodded at first, his head tilted to the side a little. his lips are pressed in a thin line, he doesn't seem outright angry but you know you've lost the bond that you've created with him
in the years you were with the 141 you had never seen johnny so stoic, so angry at the sight of you. you were always his little bonnie, his sweet lass that he teased and laughed with relentlessly.
the same with gaz, he had never been so indifferent towards you. it felt like just yesterday when he had come to playfully tackled you into a hug, teasing you about whatever you had all done that day. he still held that grudge and by the looks of it, you didn't think he would ever let it go. all those promises you spoke of with them two were nothing but broken words laying on the floor, nothing but a jumbled mess of deceit
you could both their faces, the cold expression plastered across the usual smile and happiness they showed to you. their hands gripped firmly the ends of their rifle, they were soldiers to you. nothing more. and then he stands there.
his name, simon, on the tip of your tongue only you don't have the privilege to call him that anymore. he's ghost now, the same cold hearted brutal lieutenant on the field in front of you. his blank stare eyeing you, he doesn't so much as move.
still and silent, observing you. the pain still as clear as the day you left behind his balaclava. you don't have the right to comfort him, to soothe him. everything was revoked the day you left, they deserved a better goodbye and seeing you only served to absolutely shatter him all over again. he thought he was fine but those memories he suppressed, kept tightly locked in a jar was beginning to shake and shatter now. he tried to be nonchalant, holding up the facade that took years to perfect but to a trained eye there were cracks that threatened to swallow him whole.
and you watch with pain, you've lost the privilege to be anything more, call him anything more. his eyes were unblinking though the whirl of hurt flows by them, it's impossible not to notice. his broad shoulders were tense and for a second, you recognise the old emotions that he used to look at you with.
for a fleeting moment, it was as if it had been like before. and then he stiffened up, subtle but you grew used to his every change in movement. you see him recoil away, as if your touch was poisoned. because you knew his pain, you knew how hard it was to trust anyone to let them in. you knew all of it and you still left him.
a crushing weight was felt on his chest with every moment he was in your presence. a burning urge to run as far away as he could or scream all the words that had built up in your absence if gaz and soap had been angry they had nothing on ghost
"and this is agent l/n" your unit chief nods at you before looking over at the 141 again. it takes you everything not to crumble, hearing your new title instead of your callsign from them. price was the first to break the silence, sticking out his hand like he had done with the other members only with yours it's different. he's doing it for the sake of the mission not for you
"pleasure to meet you" he nodded, "likewise" you murmur, unable to meet his eyes as you look onto your joined hands before he removes it away just as quick. and you watch on, every single piece of your heart aching in pure pain.
you just had to remind yourself it was just for the mission, then they'd be gone for good. just like how you left them
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avelera · 3 months
I am never going to be over what the movies did with Steve and Tony's dynamic, because- listen, listen. The reason Civil War was (supposed to, it was kind of a hot mess) hit so hard in the comics was that these two were *best friends* and had been for decades of comic time. In the movies, they never are friends, so Civil War is just two colleagues who never really got on, and not the devastating tearing apart of a long-established friendship group.
Dude I literally burst out into like... outraged, furious laughter in the theater when Tony said, "I thought I was your friend?" because, umm, footage not fucking found?
I completely get and respect the comic readers here for whom Steve & Tony and Steve/Tony were, in fact, the best of friends! But the MCU never ever actually showed it.
To cram that line, which felt lifted from the comics, into the MCU was genuinely laughable. How could Tony possibly think he compares to what we've seen of Steve and Bucky's relationship, since childhood even if you don't ship them, as the only person Steve has left from his entire life pre-WWII? How could Tony possibly think he compares except through the lens of a galaxy sized ego and being totally self-involved to the exclusion of all else? How could any work colleague, since that's what they are at best when not outright antagonists to each other in the MCU, think they'd compare to a childhood friend in danger, that Tony is actively putting in danger? Who Tony is blaming for the death of his father despite the fact they've got piles of evidence that Bucky was a mind-controlled prisoner of war being actively tortured at the time?
It's literally staggering, it beggars belief that this line was uttered. And wildly enough, it's not even my least favorite line in Civil War. (That one goes to Vision's stupid fucking comment about how strength invites challenge, basically victim-blaming the superheroes for having villains, which only possibly makes any sense if you ignore Thor, the greater galaxy, all of the infinity stones, and basically every other part of the MCU timeline before Steve Rogers got the serum, Christ that line makes me mad.
Oh, and the line about Tony just handwaving signing the accords because their lawyers can fix it later as the most boneheaded line of insane privilege I've ever heard. Kids, never fucking sign something just because you can supposedly fix it later, christ it's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.)
ANYWAY, I have major beef with Civil War's logic. It never should have happened where it did in the MCU. Cap 3 should have been dedicated to its original plot before they found out RDJ was staying on in the MCU and they had the pieces to make Civil War (the original was the hunt for Bucky and an examination of Captain America's legacy through the lens of Bucky killing off the pretenders the US government set up to be him over the years, and I still weep that we never got it) But I do honestly, deeply, have sympathy for comic fans and why they're mad about the Steve and Tony friendship never actually appearing on screen in any meaningful way.
Civil War shouldn't have happened then. Civil War is a plot you run now, when you've got the rights to the X-Men and too many damn characters running amok. Civil War would be perfect now for pairing down some of the ballooning MCU nonsense. The cast was literally not big enough circa Cap 3 to make Civil War. And I'm eternally bitter that they pivoted away from the smaller-scale Cap-centric movie we should have had and instead made another Avengers movie in its name.
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general-cyno · 8 months
I'm caught up with manga rn so I wanted to share a few thoughts (ramblings) on egghead arc zolu too. first, this convo after the crew leave wano and find out abt what's gone down in the reverie, and wrt to vivi specifically,
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I do agree with some stuff I've seen about how using ace here as an example was not exactly the best one since we know how that ended up. that said, I think it's lowkey sweet that zoro still remembers so clearly what luffy said back then and well, he's not entirely wrong.
as I've mentioned in other posts before, zoro takes the crew and his own role in it very seriously. these are his companions, his friends and family I daresay, and part of his duty as both crewmate and friend includes keeping them all check and safe whenever it's needed. especially luffy, as we've seen in different occasions (water 7, thriller bark, punk hazard, wano, just to name some arcs with relevant moments related to this). storming into marijoa, THE world government/navy stronghold, without any information and/or plan whatsoever is a bad idea all around.
luffy may be impulsive and stubborn at times, but he isn't really an idiot and he knows zoro's right even if he doesn't like it. hence this:
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ngl I love how grumpy luffy is at zoro here. these two are usually on a similar wavelength but there are key moments where their approach to things differ, and it ultimately works bc it's kind of... a complementary thing. making up for what the other lacks or needs to hear in those moments. I believe they bicker relatively less than other straw hats do in comparison (precisely bc of how similar they are imo) but it's funny when it actually happens. I can so easily picture luffy here fuming and stomping like a brat also being seconds away from asking for a divorce
this one's perhaps on a more delulu note on my part, but I like that zoro brought up ace in specific bc he was there both times when ace and sabo asked the crew to take care of luffy. it was curious to me that in the former case, zoro was kinda shown with this "!" reaction sign and later when it came to sabo in dressrosa, he was the one to fondly point out he sounded just like ace did in alabasta (and the "!" is back).
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(the fact that sabo handed zoro luffy's vivre card there also lives in my mind rent free btw)
so yeah. zoro's definitely not one to mess around when it comes to the crew and luffy's safety, though he may get a handful of grumpy straw hats (captain included!) for it.
another thing, and do bear with me bc I might be reaching once again is... the break up flashback between shanks and buggy. I pretty much forgot to make a post about water 7/enies lobby zolu bits (too busy crying over robin, I admit) but this actually reminded me of it.
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the context and personalities involved differ from each other, yeah, but I believe this shows exactly how easily it could've been for luffy and zoro to have a bad ending of sorts under different circumstances.
I can't say for sure how much of whiskey peak was intended to affect zoro and luffy's relationship later in the manga (I personally find some parts of it kinda goofy), but it at least served as an early example that they're not immune to suffering from misunderstandings and miscommunication issues. though unlike shanks/buggy, the fact that they're more similar than they're different and their differences tend to complement each other's likely works more in zoro and luffy's favor. still,
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if luffy hadn't listened to zoro here - if he'd failed to stay true to what's expected of him as the captain (and being the captain is related to his journey to become the pirate king), to stay true to the kind of man zoro believes him to be and that he chose to join in that marine base, we could've had a similar scenario to shanks and buggy's imo. more so when you consider that zoro's as headstrong as luffy is, that he's been mistaken for the captain and now has turned out to have the color of the supreme king too. hell, zoro used to be a bounty hunter, is still called the pirate hunter. I don't believe it'd be easy for zoro to leave despite what he says, or that they'd become enemies per se, but it isn't (or wasn't) out of the realm of possibilities. zoro has admitted that he sees no point in being a pirate unless he's part of luffy's crew as well.
as it is, the fact that luffy values zoro's imput and listens to him whenever the need arises is such an important part of their relationship. as loyal as zoro may be, as great as his displays of that loyalty are, they only exist bc luffy cares for him just as much and has earned them through his actions. I love it!
last thing before this gets too long is this:
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the mobile app's pic upload limit is my enemy so I can't share it but I also liked the page before this one, where luffy asks zoro if he needs some help, to which zoro tells him to focus on kizaru instead.
this is such a great showcase of how much they've grown in terms of strength - that zoro can take on one of pre-timeskip luffy's strongest foes now, and that luffy himself is no longer unable to do anything against enemies like kizaru. and yknow, I find it special that luffy can go against him now considering kizaru was the one who almost killed zoro in sabaody - one of those instances in which luffy was genuinely worried, upset and feared for zoro's safety to the point he was actually all teary when rayleigh managed to save him.
I would've liked to see zoro's reaction to nika!luffy since he was knocked out in wano when it first happened, but I suppose he's already seen the wanted poster and his lack of reaction now isn't that out of character probably. godly power up or not, that's still his silly gremlin captain ig. can't wait to see what else is in store for these guys in this arc and onwards!
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hey-august · 3 months
For the prompt event, can I request a #8. Sing where reader sings buggy a lullaby, with quote #4. "What are you looking at?"
I'm loving these, they're all so cute.
Phew, so sorry for the wait! I severely underestimated how busy March was gonna be. TY so much for this request and for picking a lullaby!!! That was such a great idea.
Prompts: Sing (lullaby), "What are you looking at?" Teaser: "You quickly raised your still-full cup and washed away that thought. He was your captain. And your captain’s exuberant movements had you bump against his chest. You drank again." Warnings: SFW. Not an established relationship, Buggy x GN!reader, pirate party and drinking, that's about it. Word count: ~1.2k
Check out my 250 Follower Prompt Event and see fulfilled prompts here.
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The party raged on into the night. Rowdy laughter, drunken cheers, and music exploded from the belly of the ship, carrying across the darkened waves and shooting up towards the stars.
Buggy’s crew never needed an excuse to celebrate, but this time they had one - a new crew member. Although you first stepped on the ship just over a week ago, this party was thrown for you. As the guest of honor, you were kept in the dark until the sun was split in half by the horizon. Stepping into the mess for dinner, your vision was cluttered with bodies and confetti, your ears with shouts of your name and indecipherable cheers, and a drink was pressed into your hand.
You were pulled into the room, a victim in a tide of enthusiasm. Slaps on your back and hands on your shoulder guided you further in the room. Drinks were downed with each cheer that filled the room, yet your container never remained low for long. You couldn’t even keep track of when or who filled your cup, but you were grateful for it with each swig.
The music picked up and the celebratory current carried you through the room. You visited whirlpools of twirling dances. Riptides dragged you into boastful conversations. The flow carried you past plates of greasy food, bright smiles, and joyous laughter. Eventually you ended up in the corner of the room occupied by sirens. As you listened to performances showcasing lilting songs and off-pitch lyrics, you weren’t sure if they were more like sirens of the sea or blaring warning signals.
When a blue haired performer took the platform next, you sided more with the sea sirens. And when his painted lips parted and released an overly confident, nasally rendition of a song you almost recognized, you cast any relations to ethereal sirens out to sea for good. 
What Buggy lacked in pitch and tempo, he made up for in wild enthusiasm. He knew how to work the crowd and it wasn’t long before you were clapping and singing along to lyrics you didn’t even know.
Buggy ended his performance on one knee, a hand raised to the sky, and eyes closed. With his chest heaving, skin glistening, and blue hair shining in the light, you were captivated. The hold on your attention broke the moment his eyes sought out yours and he beckoned you to come to the stage. That was one order from your captain you would not follow.
Knowing your limits, you stayed in place and shook your head. When the group tried to surge you forwards, you grabbed onto a nearby crewmate and pushed them forwards until they took your place in front of the crowd. The attention ebbed and latched onto the new performer, who drained the rest of their drink and launched into a song with a throaty shout. 
The sacrifice was accepted and you drifted back to the edge of the crowd, stopping only when you crashed into a solid object. Gloved hands grabbed your shoulders and kept you steady.
“Why didn’t you sing?” Buggy asked, his voice drifting from behind you.
“It’s not my thing. You were great, though.”
“Of course I was! I’m the amazing Buggy, after all!”
Although you were facing forwards, you could hear the grin his gloating came from. Buggy’s pride was infectious, tugging a broader smile on your own face. The captain continued to flaunt his many skills and his enthusiasm was emphasized by his hands squeezing and gripping your shoulders. His grasp was so large that it almost felt like he was hugging you.
You quickly raised your still-full cup and washed away that thought. He was your captain. And your captain’s exuberant movements had you bump against his chest. You drank again. He was practically shouting in your ear so you could hear him over the music. You also felt his breath on your skin. Another drink. A longer drink, with ale trailing down your chin. The cup was finally empty. Your stomach was sloshing, your head was full of fuzz, your face was hot, and it was time for bed.
“What?” Buggy shouted.
You turned to face the pirate and were surprised to see just how close his face was to yours. Leaning away but staying in his bubble, you repeated yourself.
“I think it’s time for bed. I’m tired.”
Buggy nodded and tilted his head, signaling you to follow him. He finally lifted his hold and your shoulders felt chilly. You trailed behind him until you both reached a quieter area.
“Let me show you to your new room,” Buggy said, clearly excited to deliver the news. “We don’t want you getting lost again.” 
You pursed your lips at the teasing remark and rolled your eyes. “Alright, Captain. Lead the way!” You gestured broadly and were surprised to see another drink already spilling out of your mug.
Buggy noticed the flash of worry on your face. “Need help with that too?”
You passed him the drink and he took a long swig.
“Alright, follow me.”
Once out of the mess, the sounds of the party were muffled, which lent a comforting presence to the empty ship. You and Buggy walked through a hallway, talking about nothing. It was a slow journey, each of you subtly trying to match each other’s pace. Any awkwardness from two individuals attempting to follow one another was dispersed by the easy conversation and laughter that flowed.
Buggy drained the rest of the ale and exhaled loudly. “I don’t suppose you have any food you also need help with?”
“No, I wasn’t handed a magical refilling plate,” you chuckled. “That’s probably a good thing. I would have eaten too many of those spicy cheesy things.”
“The pepper bombs! Those are my favorite!” That comment launched another conversation that was just a tad shorter than the rest of the walk.
The next silence arrived slowly and calmly. There wasn’t a need to fill the space, but a small desire in your body was the right shape. You started humming softly, carrying a soothing tune. A familiar tune. Buggy followed along, mumbling the words under his breath, just loud enough for you to hear.
With the end of the walk in sight, Buggy slowed his gait so the song could finish.
“What are you looking at?” you asked at the end. Throughout the impromptu duet, his ocean eyes kept flickering towards you and it was making you nervous.
“I haven’t heard that one in so long…”
“My parents used to sing that lullaby to me. It’s the only song I could think of.”
“But you still didn’t sing.”
“I was going to, but I like hearing your voice.” The confession slipped out too quickly to take back. Rather than dwelling on what you said and letting the embarrassment in your body bloom faster, you changed topics. “I- uh- guess this is my room?”
“Yeah. S’all yours.” Buggy slapped the doorframe, his hand coming down faster than he intended. He leaned into the pins and needles coursing through his palm. “I hope you enjoyed your party.”
“I did, thanks Captain.” You flashed him a smile before opening the door. “I’m glad I’m here.”
After bidding him good night, Buggy turned back towards the party. You weren’t the only one glad you were here.
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redriotinggg · 5 months
I'm giving you some angst because I was thinking about it and made myself sad and needed to share with someone :') and because we all love Usopp and need to hurt him a little bit lmao
(Established Polycule between Zoro x Sanji x Luffy x Usopp) a situation where they face a devil fruit user who can mess up with their minds, and (maybe they separate them?) one of the things he attacks Usopp with is telling him that his boyfriends don't love him as much as they love each other, or they're not as devoted to him as they are to Luffy. And maybe Usopp brushes it off (with a casual: "is that all you got? I tell myself worse things for breakfast every morning!"), but later after defeating the enemy and when they're partying Usopp cant stop thinking about it and wondering if maybe its true but trying really hard not to show it (maybe with sucess, he is a good liar. Or maybe not so successfully, his boyfriends know him too well)
What happens next? I don't know, I made myself sad and didn't know how to fix it lmao. Maybe a deep conversation to show Usopp they do love him as much, and to not listen to random enemies that try to wage psychological warfare on you?
ZoLuSanUso my beloved!! How dare you do this to me, I love it.
They split into pairs to find the Devil Fruit user: Luffy & Sanji and Zoro & Usopp. The user's power clearly has a wide range--it's affecting them no matter where they go on the island. If it's a psychological power picking on insecurities, Sanji struggles slightly. He has plenty of regrets and deep-rooted issues; scars that may never fully heal. But having Luffy (who is almost completely unaffected) with him and singing his praises, he snaps out of it pretty quickly. Luffy showers him with cuddles n kisses and they go off to go find the asshole who's doing this to them.
Meanwhile, Zoro and Usopp aren't together anymore because surprise, surprise! Zoro got himself lost. He's pissed because 1.) he lost Usopp, which means he can't protect him and 2.) he can already hear the damn cook screeching in his ear for not watching over their precious sniper.
He ends up finding Usopp, who has used his Observation Haki to find the Devil Fruit user. The marksman has him cornered and tells the guy that his attempts at attacking them are pathetic! His crew aren't so weak to be affected by his measly powers. He ends up telling a ridiculous story about having so much negativity stored within him that his insecurities cannot be tampered with by outside forces. It is easily Zoro's least favourite story the sniper has told, so he makes his way over and knocks the guy out, releasing them all of the echoing voices in their heads.
Once the man is slumped on the ground, it's like a weight has been released from Usopp's shoulders. Zoro is surprised by the force with which Usopp launches himself at him, wrapping him in a hug and searching for comfort. With the confident way he'd spoken just moments ago, Zoro thought Usopp might've escaped this encounter unscathed. But with the way he's clinging to him now, it's obvious that whatever he was hearing has shaken him up. Not for the first time, Zoro is genuinely scared by how good Usopp is at hiding his true feelings. Zoro has gotten better at sussing out Usopp's real moods, but it's worrying that the sniper could be hiding at any moment.
By the time Luffy and Sanji find them (which is not much time at all), Usopp has pulled himself together and is acting like nothing's wrong. He's blabbering away as he ties up the Devil Fruit user and presents him to his captain to be dealt with. LuSan can instantly tell that something is off, but they trust Usopp to come to them if and when he needs to.
The time comes later on when the Straw Hats are back on the Sunny, partying as they sail toward the next adventure.
Toward the end of the night, Usopp is leaning against the railing, gazing out into the dark sea, a frown on his face as he's lost in his thoughts.
Sanji's the first to approach--coming with a mug of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream, marshmallows, and cinnamon. Usopp's favourite. Zoro's next, standing on his other side so that their arms are pressed together. Luffy's last, jumping onto Usopp's back and wrapping his limbs around him. They stand in silence, waiting.
"I don't know about you guys, but that guy's power was super effective," Usopp says eventually. "My head got super loud and there were voices telling me that everything I'm scared of is true. But the loudest voice kept telling me that you guys don't love me. Or that you don't love me as much as you love each other. Because I'm not strong or useful enough. Or for one of the million other reasons why you're too good for me."
"You defeated him, though," Zoro reminds him. "You're plenty strong. And useful."
"And none of what he said was true," Sanji adds. "None of us are 'too good for you', Usopp. We love you as you are."
"And that's all there is to it," Luffy concludes. "We all love you! The way I love you is different from how I love Zoro or Sanji. Not less or more. Just different. And it's the same for them," he says definitively, the other two nodding. "So don't listen to that guy. He was mean and stupid! He doesn't know about you or us, but we do, so only listen to what we say, okay?"
Usopp nods, but that's not enough for his captain or their other partners. They squeeze and pinch and tickle him until he laughs, promising aloud that he will believe his boyfriends when they say they love him. They shower him with cuddles and kisses and words of reassurance that he responds to in kind, telling them all how much they mean to him.
By the time the sun begins its ascent, the four of them have forgotten all about their doubts and fears. They're ready to share another day of love and laughter by each other's side.
Sappy happy ending because that is the kind of person I am. Thank you for the angst, anon, this was great and I had so much fun!! Everyone else send me asks and prompts I live for them <3
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autumnmobile12 · 6 months
Storm Hawks: A Pretty Fun Take on Feminism
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I don't know how many people actually remember this show, or even watched it , but this is an episode that's stuck with me all these years so I want to talk about it.
For context, the plot of Storm Hawks itself is pretty basic: Evil empire taking over the world, the good guys try to stop them, shenanigans ensue because kids' show. The main cast members fall into pretty generic archetypes. too. We have:
Aerrow (the 'true blue' leader)
Piper (the smart one/the girl)
Finn (the funny one)
Junko (the buddy)
Stork (the neurotic one)
Radarr (the animal sidekick)
And we're off:
This is Storm Hawks Season 1, Episode Ten: Fire and Ice
There was a lot going on in this episode, including a climate change allegory, but for the purposes of attempting to remain somewhat concise, I'm only going to cover the feminism theme for this post. Episode ten revolves mostly around Piper, opening with the team attending a festival put on by the Blizarrians, a race of snow-dwelling, humanoid, rabbit-dog creatures with Canadian accents and stereotypes in their world. (Which might be offensive, but the show was produced by a Canadian studio, so they can make fun of themselves if they want.)
The Blizzarian team (aptly named the Absolute Zeroes) invite the Storm Hawks to come snowmobiling with them in the backcountry. Piper is enthusiastic about the invitation, being a skilled cartographer, so she wants to map out the terrain...only to be told, "Ladies don't do the backcountry training. You just stay back with the girls."
Aerrow, being a true friend, tells Piper not to listen and she can ride with him, but since she's apparently not welcome by their hosts, Piper doesn't feel inclined to go anymore.
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However, when Piper goes to meet up with 'the girls' and hang out, Suzy Lu (pictured above) unexpectedly introduces herself as the Absolute Zeroes' Sky Knight (essentially their captain.) So she's the one in charge, not the men, leaving Piper with the impression, Okay maybe being left out won't be so bad after all.
Later on in the episode, Aerrow does call out the male Zeroes, telling them she is part of their team and she has every right to be there with them. However, the Zeroes meet his words with genuine confusion, with the original member who told Piper to stay behind saying, "But Sky Knights don't do the backcountry training. That's just for us squaddies."
He thought Piper was the leader and therefore didn't need to be there. Similarly, because he was the male, Aerrow thought he was the Zeroes' leader, not Suzy Lu. It's still a sexist assumption to think Piper was in charge because she was a woman, but it's definitely a fresher take than the typical, "No, woman stay home because woman weak."
Going further into the comedy of the situation, though, is the fact the 'training' the Zeroes do in the backcountry pretty much amounts to them messing around on the snowmobiles and pulling off crazy stunts. They're just 'boys being boys.' If somebody wipes out on their ride, everyone else will be concerned up until the moment the fallen team member stands back up and starts cheering to show he's okay. It gives off a vibe that's similar to parents sending their kids outside to play when they're too hyper.
Further proving the point they are a bunch of well-intentioned dorks, it's also shown that Blizzarians don't assume all women are in charge. When Aerrow suggests a solution to the aforementioned climate issue that was also going on in the episode, Suzy Lu declares, "I like your thinking." And then, as an aside to Piper, whispers, "I was wondering why this one was in charge." So upon meeting the group, she definitely had a moment of, Okay, this Aerrow guy is the leader, not Piper. Kinda odd, but humans are weird. Whattya gonna do?
Overall, the storytelling of Storm Hawks was a bit shallow, which doesn't often appeal to most adults, and that likely was a contributor as to why it didn't receive much attention outside its target audience. The world itself, Atmos, was an interesting concept; a world interspersed with mountain nations (terras) that rose up out of a hostile wasteland, so travel is achieved primarily by flight. This theme is seen throughout the series in the very culture as many of the characters are named after birds. (Junko (junco,) Stork, Piper (sandpiper,) Starling, Dove, Snipe, Wren, Finn (finch.) In addition to the flight, their machines were powered by these crystals that varied in type, purpose, categorization of how common or rare they were, so there was a scientific/magic element to it.
The writing was episodic in format, though, so the characters don't really have longterm goals and never really had development arcs that spanned much longer than a single episode. The conflict itself was effectively a world war, but unlike a series such as Avatar: The Last Airbender, Storm Hawks never achieved the level of seriousness or emotion that a war story demands to be compelling or really respectful of that particular theme in fiction. The characters of Storm Hawks and ATLA are fun and light-hearted, but the Storm Hawks episodes were really more goofy and child-like adventures. I mean, there is an episode where it is heavily implied the reptilian humanoids are carnivorous and eat people. Okay, fuck, that's hardcore disturbing, but the show doesn't really expand on that because it's a kids' show. Nonetheless, since it's there, you're kinda left with, Okay, either follow through with your darker themes or don't mention them at all. It's a cartoon, find a better balance than that.
There also wasn't much depth to the villains either and their motivations were really just chalked up to the standard, "We're evil." One of them was even former 'good guy' turned traitor ten years prior to the main plot, but his reasons for turning traitor were never explored or even revealed. Come on, people, what happened? Ambition? Greed? He saw the political structure of the side he fought for was fundamentally flawed and decided it was best to tear it all down?
However, the detail that I appreciate with this nostalgia series is the fact that there were female characters in positions of power in Storm Hawks. Most of the fighting battalions were mostly made up of men, sure, and I would have liked to see a more balanced male-female cast, but some of the teams were straight up led by a woman and there was at least one group that was exclusively women.
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The main antagonist, the reigning monarch of the aggressive nation in the war, was also a woman. (Well, teenage girl, but you get the point.) What's more; she was 100% in charge. She was not influenced in any way by a male advisor, she wasn't spurred on by the memory of a male predecessor, she was never intimidated by her male generals. And she was intelligent. Throughout the series, she was a scientist, an engineer, and a fighter. (Unfortunately, in the last season, her mind started to go a bit, so she pretty much devolved into a knockoff Azula.) We even have the brief insight of her background where it's shown she inherited her throne from her grandmother, not another male ruler. Which either implies primogeniture inheritance regardless of gender or it's a matrilineal monarchy, which is interesting to speculate, but that would be headcanon territory.
It was a fun watch when I was a kid, but as an adult...yeah, lots of flaws, a great deal of loss in potential with world-building and storylines, and even as a kid, I knew the plots and humor of later episodes fell into a category that was more stupid than funny.
But if Storm Hawks had one strength, they had the groundwork of the feminism angle down pat and that is always appreciated.
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sunsetcorvid · 2 years
tell us about your agents
Anon you have unleashed the beast known as Autism (LONG POST I'M SERIOUS THE INFODUMP REALLY INFODUMPED)
Three Cuttlefish (Agent/Captain 3)
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Repeating general info from the reference sheet for all of these! Also with some extra notes!
That's a They/Them right there.
Short squid haha 5'2" (157cm) ((they are only an inch shorter than me.))
Agender lesbian gayass who chose Three as their preferred name when Callie asked because they hadn't actually thought it out but thought "Hey, you know what they already call me Agent 3, why not just make it official." and they actually love the name now!
Hawaiian Bobtail Squid! Fun squid fact: Hawaiian Bobtails have a symbiotic relationship with bioluminescent bacteria which protects them from predators and also makes them sorta glow! Matches up with Three's scar a bit. (Look it up, the bioluminescence is pretty cool.)
Actually pretty nearsighted so they wear contacts most of the time. They found a pair that resemble Callie and Marie's pupil shape, so they got those to look more "Cuttlefish."
Not the best relationship with their bio family, pretty no-contact. I will most likely touch on this in my "Early Days of Agent 3" series on Ao3!
Sanitization scar fucked up their throat and vocal cords a bit, so it's pretty painful to talk. They could but they'd rather not anyways. Selective mute and uses sign to communicate!
Ambulatory cane user (Did some research, hope I used the first word right). Already had some body pains to begin with (One of them being the sanitization scar because that flares up sometimes.), but they messed up their back on a certain mission so they use a cane to walk sometimes.
Mains a Dynamo Roller. (They wield it like a Carbon....)
Banned from Turf Wars for "Using an illegally modified weapon." It wasn't illegal or modified they're just a beast with the Dynamo.
Legally got their name changed to "Three Cuttlefish" (Callie helped them.)
Four Cuttlefish (Agent 4)
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looks at my icon. can you tell who my favorite agent is, lol.
Guys I think this is one of those She/They/Hes.... (real)
Grew a couple of inches from when he was 14 to now currently 19. 5'6" (167cm) to 5'8" (172cm)
Genderfluid panromantic gayass who chose Four as their name but not because it was a "Fuck it." moment, but because they genuinely liked being called Four at the time and they still do.
Never actually been in a relationship, but they're pretty sure they're polyamorous. (And might be on the aroace spectrum.)
A Clubhook Squid! So she has cool hooks on her tentacles. They are also a large species, so that's why Four's pretty tall. (For an inkling anyway.)
Also has a strained relationship with her bio family. Doesn't actually have Cuttlefish as her last name, but likes to introduce herself like that anyways because Marie is basically her mom now.
Always wears his Hero Jacket when he goes out. It's a comfort item to him. (Even if it's pretty torn up now and Marie has to force him to wash it every couple weeks.)
Started tying their back tentacles up when they were getting pretty long. Just did it one day because the hooks were bothering them and realized "Hey, I kind of look like Marie..." and kept doing it because it makes them feel better to share something with their mother-like figure.
Works part-time at Ammo Knights. Likes listening to Sheldon ramble about weapons.
She mains the Inkbrush! Very skilled, too. (Got some muscle from swinging it around.)
Looks at Three as an older sibling-like figure. (Technically, they could be cousins because Callie pretty much adopted Three and Marie pretty much adopted Four, sooo-)
The only one of the main four agents to have finished high school. Three dropped out to focus on agent work, Eight never really went, and Neo doesn't even know what the hell school is.
Absolutely terrified of salmonid. It's always just been a general phobia.
Eight Iida-Houzuki (Agent 8)
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Yooo, one of those demigirl She/Theys, thats so poggers...
Tall... (5'11" 180cm, 6'1" 185cm in heels)
Down bad lesbian and in a relationship with Three!! (They hold hands!! Scandalous!!!)
Blue-Ringed Octopus! (And possibly something else because Blue-Rings are typically quite small.) Blue-Ringed Octopus are a highly venomous species (Though any recorded deaths are quite rare.). When they become agitated or defensive, their color will shift to a yellow and the blue rings appear. That's why the second ref is here, to show what the rings look like on Eight. While her ink color doesn't shift to a yellow, the rings are there and they have a slight yellow tint to them. Also blueish fingertips because funky fresh.
Doesn't remember much, if anything, from before Octo Expansion. Because of this, and being new to the surface, Marina pretty much put her under her name. So that's why she's "Eight Iida-Houzuki"! (The Houzuki is there because Pearlina canon source is me)
Leather jacket in their older design is a gift from Three! Though, it's a little torn up from some missions. They still wear it, though, because it's a huge comfort item now.
Has a bag in their older design as well for things! Weapon handling kit, first-aid kit, green towels for when Three's scar gets drippy while they're out, maybe a snack or two. Useful things!
Similar to Four, they started tying their back tentacles up because they were getting long.
Got a cool eyebrow nick to match Four's eyebrow scar. (The besties for real!!!)
Big scar on her back from being blown up a whole lot during Octo Expansion. Unlike Three's, however, it does not get drippy. Unfortunately, it is extra sensitive in place of that.
Also works part-time at Ammo Knights! Helps repair broken weapons and manages the shop when Sheldon is away somewhere for something.
Mains the E-Liter 4K or just any chargers in general! Watch out if you see her in Turf...
Worked at GrizzCo for like a week and noped the fuck outta there because man what is happening over there.
Neo/Junior (Cuttlefish) ((New Agent 3))
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Another She/They that's so cool...
Still figuring herself out, but she's pretty sure she's bisexual and genderqueer.
5'4" (162cm) so like two inches taller than the Captain. (Everyone is taller than the Captain.)
You're probably wondering "Why are they 13 and not 14? They're not allowed to Turf and stuff until they're 14!" And my answer is: They lie about their age. They wander around the Splatlands, they've been doing it almost their whole life. Because of this, they look a little older than they are (They got out of their squish form pretty early.). Which is the main reason why Cuttlefish decided they were the New Agent 3. (He thought they were like 16-17 💀 He, and also Marie, already got a talk from Three about recruiting fresh squids/octos.)
Doesn't actually remember her name. Not because of amnesia or anything but because she just hasn't used it in years. Never really had a reason to. Soon, that memory faded because she never really saw it as important. The rest of the Splatoon either call her "Neo" or "Junior." (It started as a joke after Neo accidentally called Three her parent, but then it kind of caught on and even Three finds themself using it on her sometimes.)
Found Little Buddy as an egg a few years before Splat3 Story Mode happens. They have their own little language due to how long they've known each other and the fact that Buddy never grew up around other salmonid so he doesn't actually know whatever language salmonid use. He's also much more tame than you're usual Smallfry from being raised by Neo. Best friends forever, yo!
Magister Armhook Squid! Similar to Four with the hooks but she's a bit smaller.
They don't really main any weapon, they just kind of go with the flow. Hand them something and they'll figure it out pretty quickly. That doesn't mean they're good at everything, though. They do struggle with some weapons.
Looks at Three and Eight as parental figures and sees Four as a auncle (Aunt/Uncle) figure! Callie and Marie are like those cool aunts you have. (Got damn, Callie is grandma by 26! /hj)
Still learning sign, so this is why the Squid Sisters tell them what the Captain is saying. (And the Captain is still pretty shy.)
General Info on All!
They all share an apartment. Four originally wanted to stay with Three and Eight for a bit until she got a different apartment in Splatsville, and then Neo moved in because Three realized "Oh shit this kid is traumatized and homeless can't let them turn out like me lol" and so Four stays to help out with Neo.
All of them on the same team is a guaranteed loss for you. Sorry, you're not making it out alive. Three is a beast, Four is strategic and fast, Eight has terrifyingly good aim, and Neo can adapt to pretty much anything. You're fucked, lol.
Three is banned from playing Uno on Squidbeak Splatoon Game Night. They always win.
Group cuddle if any of them have nightmares.
Eight waking up in the middle of the night because her partner left the bed and finds the Threes in the dark kitchen munching on raw pasta for the crunch and it's like cats in the dark their eyes fuckin' glow and it scares the shit out of Eight before she turns the lights on and sees them clearly.
Four is both the number one hater and supporter of Eight and Three. (He will go on about how gross they are but he's the one who helped conspire the plan to get them together. He likes seeing his friends happy.)
Agent 24 headcanon thrown in here, teehee. Some nights, if Eight has a really bad nightmare, Three will hum or even sing Calamari Inkantation. It's off-pitch and rough because of their fucked up vocal cords, but it's enough to help Eight calm down. Three never regrets it, even when their throat feels like its been mauled the next morning. Eight appreciates this.
In order of most cuddly to least cuddly: Four, Three, Neo, and you may or may not find surprising Eight in last! Four is known to just lean against anyone in the Splatoon. Marie's there? Fuck yeah, let me get a hug. Three's on the couch? Just gonna lay on top of them if that's alright. Lovely platonic cuddles from Four! While Three is not very affectionate with the rest of the Splatoon, how clingy they are to Eight puts them in the number two spot. And they won't say no to a surprise cuddle from Four or Neo.
I think that's about it! Thank you for unleashing my autism demons I've been keeping this in since I got this ask because I need to draw their refs. I have a special interest in cephalopods now because of this. Thank you, I guess.
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delectableworm · 9 months
Warning : Angst (?) Someone died/ Buggy x reader/proofread
Where did it all go wrong? When did it? Buggy thought as he stared at the unmoving body that laid in a pool of blood, the rain pouring over them. All the loud noises was a blur and all he could hear was his heartbeat, beating as if it was in his head.
He couldn't walk, he couldn't stand. He couldn't speak, he couldn't think. He couldn't hear, he couldn't believe that his partner is laying there. He wanted to believe that they're only taking a nap. Yeah, a quick nap while they're in a middle of a battle like they used to do back on Big Top. Even if the world is ending, they wouldn't wake up.
But he can't believe that thought as he approached the stilled body and gently shook it, his dirty glove grazed against the bruised shoulder. "Hey..." he called out, his voice was soft like a whisper that he almost thought that wasn't his.
He shook the body again. "Y/n." No respond. He called out again. "Y/n." This time, it sounded desperate. "Please, wake up."
No matter how hard he shook them, they wont wake up from their slumber. He turned them around so they were on their back, placing the head in his lap. They had a black eye and nasty cut on their lip and cheek. A big gash on their head that trailed down their beautiful face. So beautiful. Despite looking a mess, in Buggy's eyes they were beautiful. Nothing that can compare to their beauty, not even treasures.
He shook the body again and called their name, hoping they would wake up so he could see those pretty eyes of theirs that he loved so much. Those pretty eyes that had always admired him, from afar or near. Those pretty eyes that reassured him despite no words were used. Those pretty eyes that he loves to stare into.
"Y/n, please wake up. C'mon, doll just... wake up. W-we can continue napping after this but you need to wake up right now, okay? C'mon, babygirl I-" He nearly choked, trying his best not to let his voice crack.
"Please, please, please this isn't funny anymore. I'm sorry if I upset you or something but please just wake up!" He's on the verge of yelling even though he swore to himself to never raise his voice at them. He hated it when they cried, hated when they cried because of him but how could he not? How could he not yell when they're not doing what he said? He's their captain. They need to follow his order but why aren't they? Why aren't they listening?
"Babygirl please, don't leave me. Don't leave me too..." He sobbed, clutching their arm as he brought their head to hold against his chest, placing a long kiss on it. "Please, wake up... Its not funny. This is not funny, please.."
He begged. He never begged. Begged for them to wake up and told him it was a prank. But it wasn't a prank. Wasn't a dream. The feeling of raindrops hitting his skin told him so as the blood beneath mix with the water. Including the massive stab wound on their stomach telling him too that this wasn't a dream.
"Please, please... I'm sorry."
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emeraldtart · 2 months
TWST X No Straight Roads (ft. 1010!Yuu)
After the whole Rock Revolution fiasco, Neon J decided it's time to introduce a new member to 1010. Also because his twins (Eloni and Haym) wanted a baby sibling.
So he made Kaw*. The crew's newest member, rapper, and the mysterious one. Since they're recently made, they're as sentient as MK-I androids, but it doesn't stop their fellow troops and captain from trying to indulge them.
Unfortunately, an incident involving Kliff messing with Neon J and DJSS's newest equipment caused them to be pulled to Twisted Wonderland to everyone's horror.
Facts about 1010!Yuu
Their name is a pun on two things 'kau' which is one of the ways to say 'you', which is in a more casual way as opposed to 'awak'. And also 'kaw' which means strong tasting beverages.
They're not sentient (yet)
They are made as a foil to Rin, from their colors (white vs purple), roles (leader and loner) and 'age' (oldest and youngest).
Their weapon is a gun, and they have a sniper gun installed in their arms. Think of Lady Nagan from MHA.
They haven't met Bunk Bed Junction. Their siblings were planning to meet with them until the incident.
Throughout the prologue they're just standing there like ._. while the chaos is happening around them. Nothing in their programming make them equipped with this situation.
Flirt with the first years + dorm leaders because they mistake them as a crowd of fans.
Their base programming/personality can be summed up as: quiet.
Shroud brothers are equal part excited and confused. Excited because holy crap, an idol robot!? That's cool! Confused because who installs weapons inside a idol robot!?
They're waterproof, as they are a navy robot.
Idia realizes he's a hypocrite because he did the same thing to Ortho.
Kaw is mostly expressionless until they see a large enough crowd and they suddenly flirts with them.
They can sing and dance, and sometimes sings the last word of a sentence.
Neon J made Kaw more durable, as he had learnt from his encounter with B2J during the Rock Revolution. They won't explode from people screaming, and they also have a sort of mini-Qwasa in their body that they can charge by listening to Funky House and Dance-pop/Europop music, which they can do simply be performing a song in that genre.
They're also charged by cheers like their brothers.
Since they came from a world that revolves around music, their body occasionally moves to an invisible tempo, even when they are standing still.
Started to show signs of sentience during Heartslabyul when Riddle insulted Neon J. They began to insult him back in a way only robots can, and everyone who heard their words were scared of what they said.
In Savanaclaw they started to 'have fun' playing a magicless form of Magishift with the first years and Savanaclaw.
Octavinelle was when they became fully sentient. They suddenly cried when the Savanaclaw students tried to pick a fight with them, as the stress finally catch up with them.
Everyone freaks out because 1) They can cry!? and 2) Oh shit, they're crying.
It also happens that at that moment Neon J managed to connect with Kaw's hologram projector + communicator, sees his metal child crying with an awkward Savanaclaw gang and Grim trying to console them, and began to threat the ever-loving daylights out of the students.
After all is said and done, Kaw explains everything and Neon J starts making plans on how to take out Azul.
Kaw: Dad. You can't do that, that's illegal.
Neon J: I know. But just so you know, your older brothers are not going to- wait. Did you just call me dad!?
Kaw: Wha- I- I mean SIR! *salutes*
Kaw: DAD, NO!!!
Savanaclaw looking at Neon J and thought: Oh Sevens, they weren't kidding when they said their captain(dad?) has a sonar for a head.
Jack may or may have not taken a picture of Neon J's hologram and send it to ADeuce (the picture got photobombed by the rest of 1010)
Let just say that Crowley's on NJ + 1010's hit list when they found out what he made their youngest member do.
The list of people increased when Neon J brought it up to NSR meetings.
B2J found out through 1010 who were hanging out with them.
Crowley is on sight in Vinyl City, beaten only by Kliff.
When VDC rolls in, they join in the training as emotional support.
Kaw managed to find a loophole in Vil's Unique Magic so they sneak in some sweets for the VDC team.
Trein noticed Kaw's disappointment at not being allowed to join in on VDC, being a 10-feet 10-inches tall robot and all. He pulled some strings with Crewel and allow Kaw to join in on the closing ceremony with their brothers.
Let just say that Kaw aced both history and potionology as a thank you gift.
As for Malleus, he was interested in this tall robot. A being made of metal, that sings and dance and powered by music? Very interesting indeed.
Their talk at first is very brief because of Kaw's lack of sentience, but then they started to become more human and eventually Malleus pointed out how they have become much more than what they were born for; a living being.
Kaw calls him Abang (Big brother/older brother).
Rin felt that his status as the eldest brother is being challenged.
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writing-funsies · 1 year
OP characters as besties p.4
p.1 | p.2 | p.3 | p.4 | p.5
characters: Luffy, Sanji, Usopp
warnings: none
notes: all platonic hc's
if you thought he couldn't get any more chaotic
oh how wrong you are
either you increase his impulsiveness tenfold
or he drags you along no matter what you say
unintentionally teaches you to not worry about the consequences of your every action
you're definitely the voice of reason between the two of you
he thinks you're the funniest person in the world
and he thinks it's even funnier when you're being serious
will flick you on the forehead
come on, y/n, stop worrying so much
we've gotta find the meat
always snacking together
there's a good chance that if you're hungry, he's hungry
and vice-versa
like everyone else on his crew, he trusts that you can take care of yourself
he won't think twice if you go off on your own
but if he finds out that someone managed to hurt you
oh boy
that person should start writing their will immediately
no one messes with his best friend and gets away with it
if he gets in a spot of trouble
you'll be right there to help him
and if anyone hurts your best friend
rest assured they won't continue breathing for long after you find them
if you're ever upset
he might let you join him on the figurehead of the Sunny
but only for a minute
cause that's his seat
he'll pull his face in funny ways and dance around to cheer you up
will ask Sanji to make you meat
meat always cheers him up
so why wouldn't it do the same for you
will always take you on an adventure
but won't share his meat with you
bonding over cooking
you two working together to create a breath-taking experience for the rest of the crew
admiring beautiful women together
and keeping him in check when he's being too much of a perv
helping him when he gets a really bad nosebleed
fighting together
being back to back
surrounded by enemies
and then destroying every last one of them flawlessly
making fun of that marimo 
tons of inside jokes
that none of the others could ever hope to understand
taking turns to protect the kitchen from your captain
teaching each other new methods to use while cooking
and always experimenting with new techniques and recipes
relaxing after getting your chores done
you two chilling on the deck
listening to the waves splashing against the Sunny
and the sounds of everyone doing their own things
while Brook plays some music to make the evening even more calming
then heading to the kitchen
where you both joke around while effortlessly dancing around each other to create yet another masterpiece for the others
complimenting each other's food
and being each other's taste testers
as well as providing any necessary critiques
nothing harsh
usually just adding a dash more of seasoning or allowing something to cool for a little longer
has a good heart
but will not be able to help you against an enemy if they're a woman
the great Captain Usopp of the Usopp Pirates
will happily tell you all about his home
and the time he spent training
such a softie at heart
loves to see your new projects
whether that be some type of craft
or a weapon
yes anding his stories constantly
and expanding off of his lies to enemies
masters of deception
you're more level-headed than he is in most situations
but he does manage to put on a brave face a lot of the time
scaring him with ghost stories
and booping his nose every chance you get
hyping him up
helping him build up his confidence
he would teach you how to increase the accuracy of your aim using any type of weapon
singing songs together
and silently judging Nami's money habits together
sharing a look whenever anyone does anything stupid around you two
despite there being a 99% chance you two have also done the stupid thing
knowing what the other is saying without having to speak
but also understanding each other's gibberish
being excited to see his new inventions 
fangirling over Franky's projects together
watching each other's backs when fighting
him standing up for you if anyone is mean to you
and you taking down anyone who hurts him
being grumpy together
having afternoon tea where you two just talk shit about anyone who upset you (crew, strangers, and enemies all included)
coming up with nicknames for the entire crew
a well-rounded individual
but will not hesitate to use you as a human shield
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slashingdisneypasta · 10 months
which Disney villains do you think realistically would make the best romantic partners and which ones would be the worst? In your opinion, I would love to know!
Hmmm in my opinion?? 😅 Okay lemme see XD
I think they all have their pros and cons, of course, and it all really depends on what you're willing to put up with (Your girl trynna make a coat outta puppies? Your man having rage issues? Bugs??) but these are the best (By Disney Villain standards at least! 😅 I don't really think any of these relationships would be truly healthy in real life)- and worst. Or at least my thoughts 😅
Best of the Worst:
Red font is like 'the best of the best of the worst'. Like, the ones that I genuinely think would be pretty okay and are the safest bets.
Alameda Slim- So long as you met him in a typical forum (Maybe in town grocery shopping, or mailing a letter), I feel like he would keep his cattle rustlin' business separate from his married life completely and treat you sweet <3 I don't think he gets angry in his regular life, just when it comes to his Crime Counterpart. Honestly, I don't think he'd ever even tell you about the, uh, hobby.
Captain Hook- He would be constantly struggling between 1. Being a good Husband, and 2. Being a good Pirate. And these things do not really cooperate with each other 😅 But hey at least he's trying!! And by villain standards I think that's pretty good XD
Dr Facilier- You know he would treat his partner with the deepest respect and always be charming. Of course, he's also full of bitterness and an ache for revenge, and messes around with things that should not be messed with, and that can all effect you- but just... just try to stay away from him when he's in Villain Mode 😅
Hades- Its not there anymore but yearsss ago, on Hades' wiki page, it said that he is one of the few Disney Villains who is not clinically insane (Sure, he has serious rage issues- but he's not mad) and that has stuck with me. I think that garners him major points XD
Long John Silver!!!!!- Long John Silver long john Silver l o n g j o h n s i l v e r. Ha 😅 Similar to our shadow man, he is consumed by his own demons (Here they are greed and... mostly greed), but he would do his damn best to treat you well.
Queen Narissa: Okay so we don't know her very well and she DOES seem to be quite manipulative towards Nathanial... But listen she doesn't like him!! I'm sorry 😅☠ I think if she liked you then she would be capable of treating you a lot better.
Rourke: Sure, he's got a divorce against his name already- but next to huge misogynists, psychopaths and power-obsessed lunatics I think its a strike that can be overlooked 😅 Rourke is a villain who's villainy would be totally separate from his relationship. He may a bit distant sometimes but other then that he's just a regular hot old dude, to you. Unless you go on trips with him.
Shan Yu: I- I- I dunno why I have it in my head that Shan Yu would be such a good partner but I just do *hides*
Shere Khan: Another one who's able to keep his villainy/prejudices separate from his husband time ^^ <3 <3 Also takes your safety very very seriously.
Stabington Brothers: Like Hades I don't think they're crazy... just greedy (And maybe a lil economically struggling, which I get).
Worst of the Worst:
Here the red ones are the worst of the worst of the worst XD
Clayton: /:/: This one, I just... I mean, could YOU live him constantly talking himself up, and re-telling you stories of his conquests, and rarely listening to you?? Cuz that's what I envision when I see marrying Clayton. Also, you know, he's a bit smug & misogynistic.
Gaston: ... I don't really have to explain myself, do I? I for one do not wanna spend my evenings rubbing his stinky feet, that's for sure.
Frollo: 😑.
Jafar: Tell me this man wouldn't hypnotise you to get his way.
Mother Gothel: She would be so emotionally abusive and so manipulative. 0/10, do NOT reccomend-
Oogie Boogie: He would just be so physically and socially draining!! He is very high energy. You would need to be sporty and an extrovert to have a chance.
Percival C McLeach: Okay so this mainly because, as far as we know, McLeach has not been exposed to other people in a long while and he doesn't know how to treat them well (Nor does he seem to care). So being with him would mean some work, and I don't recommend being someone's bob the builder. Sure, Jane did it, but Percy is not Tarzan 😅
Queen of Hearts: Where Hades has a problem with anger but is sane... Red here has a problem with ager AND is insane. And that does not bode well...
Scar: Scar is one of the least stable in our line up... so as much as I like him, I do not like his chances at being a good husband.
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Toon Patrol: It is in each of their names. They literally come with built in warning signs!! Greasy, Psycho, Smartass, Stupid, Wheezy. Some are definitely worse than others... but I wouldn't risk it with any of them 😅 (*cough* or maybe i would. what don't look at me)
Turbo / King Candy: If you marry him before King Candy then you're gonna lose the man you fell for, and if you fall for him afterwards then you're gonna eventually find out that he's a lie. Either way, seems ultimately unpleasant.
Some of them probably slipped my mind but these are my thoughts right now ^^ Let me know your own thoughts!
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davekat-sucks · 2 months
homestuck's fanbase is really making me feel like giving up on the story as a whole... Jesus, I might just call it quits soon. Listening to idiots try to defend how shit Homestuck's story became is too exhausting. It reminds me of when I was listening to lectures of, people who hardly counted as, writers go off about how important it is to prioritize representation over all else. They never realized if you do a terrible job with writing a story, you do a terrible job of representing women, different racial groups, gay men, ext. They don't want to write female characters like they're people who make mistakes and grow. Those authors wanted women to always be perfect and always in the right and her biggest obstacle is that men don't believe in her. You can see that in Star Wars with Rei or Captain Marvel as an example of the mindset I'm talking about.
I liked homestuck because so many of the female characters had challenges and flaws. Aradia, Terezi, Rose... They had amazing stories and their flaws made them interesting.
Homestuck could have been a story about different people who have completely different mindsets coming together for a common goal. Homestuck is just... soap opera drama and shitty teen romance at the end of the story where the characters just wait for the story to finish and most of the audience left. In the epilogue, it feels like all of the characters gave up. I suppose Kanaya did put in effort to find Rose and make sure she is safe, I'll give the story credit there. Dirk wants something too. Dirk's goal is just to close the loop and create the first universe in the first place but all you ever hear people talking about is how his motivations have something to do with the shitty meta fiction gimmick the story has going on. "Gotta keep the story going or else the characters fade out of memory" That is such bullshit concept. Sounds like a justification for why there are so many Star Wars shows now. Sounds like milking an IP. Quantity of quality kind of excuse.
And, for the record, my beef isn't with how the fandom represents it's own headcanons or interpretations of the characters, my beef is with how people talk about the canon. Fandom and canon should be two different things. But people act like the fandom should influence canon. I thought the point of both of the cherubs were to show that is a bad idea. Fanon being in canon feels like it derails the story, even the homosuck part that Caliborn came up with.
I'm getting tired of trying to even find a space in this fandom. It's occupying too much of my freetime now. I have so much nostalgia for homestuck but now it feels like trying to get back on the swings of a playground, too old for this shit. Fuck, I adulted too hard and I outgrew fandom I guess. Shit sucks.
Ah well, at least they fans are having fun. But how much fun can you really have when Rose screwed over Kanaya in two timelines? Kanaya felt like a better character in the epilouge cause she's given a challenge to face that is unique to her and her relationship with her wife. Rose's dad brainwashed(?) her to leave her wife, wow, Kanaya that's some shit. Just sucks that she is getting cucked AGAIN. Is it a universal constant that Kanaya is just going to keep falling for women who don't respect her? Maybe she should have stuck with Vriska. All of this Kanaya Rose drama is a bad sign of what's to come. I think it's disrespectful to the fans that are still sticking around. I'm not really included in this bunch. My horse tapped out of the race years ago. People who are still holding out for hope this story is going somewhere are either the most optimistic people out there or the most beaten down.
It's no wonder so many people who worked on homestuck abandoned ship. Toby looks like he's having a good career and Hussie looks like he's afraid of what he created. Maybe there is poetic justice to be gleaned from all of this.
It had lot of creative ideas and talent. But through it, there are cracks and messes that can't be ignored. Even now, the same kind of messes appear again in present times and I think people are scared to talk about it in fear that the thing they love was not as great as they though it was. We really are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Even when moments in the series and narrative itself that tells the audience that we were stupid to even care, we stayed because we loved it for what it was back then before the meta shit kicked in. The whole revival of the series so it won't fade away and being comparable to Star Wars is a good way to describe it. The team not taking risks to actually go outside of the Homestuck cast, tell a new story, or even trying to focus on the base webcomic alone that made it popular in the first place. They can't even put more focus on Hiveswap just yet because they know people know Homestuck first before Hiveswap, despite said game could make a better introduction or entryway for people to get interested in the webcomic. I'm not sure what is going on through Hussie or James Roach's mind for all this.
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23starii · 12 days
Gʜᴏsᴛ Oғ Cʜɪᴄᴀɢᴏ
Kᴀɢᴇʏᴀᴍᴀ Tᴏʙɪᴏ X Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ Sᴍᴀᴜ
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Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Fᴏᴜʀ: Nᴏᴡ I ғɪɴᴅ ʜᴇʀ Eᴠᴇʀʏᴡʜᴇʀᴇ
Wᴀʀɴɪɴɢs/Nᴏᴛᴇs: This chapter is also not smau but still part of the story. Anxiety (not directly mentioned), overthinking.
Kageyama remembers the night after y/n quit like it was yesterday. The night he swears, he had looked into his reflection, but what he found was y/n staring back at him.
Her eyes were puffy, breath heavy, hair a mess, and she glared. Glared as if Kageyama had taken her ability to feel anything but grief away from her.
He remembers he felt a wave of unimaginable guilt wash over him.
A cloud of thoughts as venomous as a deadly spider biting into his flesh, taking him out forever.
Things only got worse after the incident.
When the king of the court was benched.
When he had nightmares about it, when he heard the sound of crying, when he heard a song as beautiful as the sound of her voice. When he doubted himself, he thought of her, solidifying everything he believed was wrong about him.
He wondered what her reaction would have been if she had been there that day. Would she have laughed? Scoffed? Would she have been as relieved as all his other "teammates"?
The truth is that she would have. He was completely right about everything he imagined, and he knew it.
Thankfully for him, in his opinion, the thoughts and memories, the sudden sting of guilt became like second nature to him. It happened so often.
When Kageyama found out he was playing against Aoba Johsai with his new team in a practice match, her face flashed in his head.
"Aoba Johsai, huh.." he had repeated in the moment. He knew for a fact that was the school Oikawa Tooru attended.
He also knew for a fact that it was the school Oikawa Y/n chose as well. He remembered hearing her talk about it with Kunimi and Kindaichi back in middle school.
He knew he didn't have time to worry about seeing you, but he did it anyway. He did the best to focus on the conversation in front of him. Lucky for him, it was often extremely difficult to tell what he was actually thinking.
That's when Mr. Takeda said something he definitely didn't expect,
"There is one little condition.. Kageyama has to be the setter for the whole game." Takeda read off a paper in his hands.
Kageyama was completely taken aback, and so was the rest of the team. His eyes immediately darted to Sugawara, who also looked surprised.
"What the hell is that!? So they're not interested in playing against karasuno, but they got some kind of special beef with kageyama? What are we just some kind of joke to them!? What's their deal?" Tanaka questioned, getting all up into Mr Takeda's face sounding quite sore about the situation.
Kageyama's mind raced as he listened to the rest of the conversation they were having.
The familiar pinch of guilt was aching him all over again.
Would it really be okay if he took Sugawaras' position?? Who asked for the accommodation..? And what where they thinking. He felt as if it was still too soon to see any of those guys again. He wondered if he was ready.
What would he do if he saw her?
A part of him clawed at his being, hoping to see her, the other part cowered away, fearing her opinion of him which he himself had created.
He wished practice could go on a bit longer, but unfortunately for him, the captain said they were done for the day. He would have to find something else to distract him from his thoughts.
Kageyama was so caught up in his thoughts that he ended up doing something that even he didn't expect.
He followed closely behind Sugawara, who was nearing the small convenience store that was close to the school.
Before he knew it, his thoughts were inducing him forward, and so he caught up to the silver haired upperclassmen.
"Suga!" The raven haired prodigy spoke, catching the attention of sugawara who turned around to meet his gaze.
Kageyama panted as he spoke,
"I know it's not fair that I'll be in the starting lineup. But I promise to you I'll earn my spot from now on!" Kageyama announced formidably.
"..Huh? What..?" It took Sugawara a few moments to process Kageyamas words.
"Oh, sorry. I guess I'm just surprised that you care about how I feel about the whole thing, that's all." Sugawara stated, rubbing the nape of his neck sheepishly, further confusing kageyama who tilted his head, perplexed.
"I don't follow.."
"You got more stamina and raw talent than me anyway-"
"Who cares!? That's great and all, but they're not the same as having experience. Besides.." Suddenly, his words are cut off by the cheering of sugawaras name by his teammates behind him.
Kageyama grimaced, knowing the point he was about to make had just been solidified.
He sulked,
"Um.. you see, the rest of the team, they um..well, they trust you..."
Sugawara was unable to hide his reaction. A twinkle formed in his eyes as he beamed.
"Anyway." Kageyama continued doing his best to ignore sugawaras reaction.
"I swear, I won't lose!" The underclassmen pronounced.
Sugawara nodded, trusting in his words.
"So, uh. I was thinking, most players from Kitagawa First end up going to Aoba Johsai High school, right?"
"Yea, as far as I know."
The question was innocent, a regular question to ask. However, even as kageyama replied, the question knocked at his being, another flash of her face covered in fear flashed through his mind, her name at the tip of his tongue.
"Yea, that's what I thought. So, uhh..you think you're gonna be okay with that?"
"Well, I guess it might be weird if we were on the same team. But since we're opponents, I'll fight them with everything I've got."
Kageyama answered quickly. He already knew the question was coming. He replied truthfully. He knew he had to and would make sure his guilt and fear of seeing y/n again wouldn't keep him from what had always been important to him, winning.
"Good to hear."
Kageyama and his teammates continued on. They messed around as they waited for their captain to come out of the small convenience store with the promised pork buns, which ended in them being scolded by the store owner.
That night, when Kageyama closed his eyes, he saw her there. In his dreams.
He dreamt of an alternate situation. A situation in which he had not put his desire to win over his emotions, where he had been closer with her, told her how he felt. He saw her smile and when he woke up, he blinked.
The dream faded from his vision, and he was brought back to his true reality.
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She's always there
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