#there are a lot of aroaces in the community who I bet will also be happy to share experiences!
thatmooncake · 1 year
Little nervous since this is off anon, but how can I know for certain that I'm aromantic?
Like I have so many questions, but there isn't anyone I can really ask irl unfortunately
Already determined that I'm ace though, so YIPPIEE :D
Heyyy, congrats on the self discovery! :D 🎉🎉🎉
As far as knowing for certain you’re aromantic is concerned, I’d say focus on what resonates with you! Aromanticism covers a broad spectrum and no two peoples experiences are completely identical but there’s plenty of room for common ground and I think a lot of people start off by questioning once they hear or read about experiences that resonate with them. If you want to learn more about aromanticism in general then here are a couple of general resources:
AUREA (has an FAQ on aromantic experiences as well as a ton of resources - check the menu for more)
Aro wiki
Asexual and Aromantic Community and Education Club (expand the menu for more info on experiences, misconceptions, allonormativity and amatonormativity, and more resources)
You may be aromantic if … (a post containing a list of things, some of which may resonate or click with you to some degree)
Also just know you’re not taking anything from anyone by using a label you’re not 100% sure of, and if it feels right to you then go for it!
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fumifooms · 5 months
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Wait one darn diggity second what’s this about unmarried half-foot women being embarrassing for the family, what’s this about being unmarried as a half-foot being "different [worse than] for other races". Maybe Flertom and Puckpatti’s intensity about finding a husband is the norm, maybe Meijack, despite Chilchuck approving of her disinterest in romance, is the one who’s considered weird by social standards.
Maybe they’re less well-adjusted than I thought. Don’t misunderstand me I’m aroace, but if there’s a lot of societal pressure and it’s considered a failure if you’re not married, it is notable when all 3 of your kids haven’t married past the time that’s expected. For reference adulthood for a half-foot is reached at 14, Chil got married at 13, Puckpatti is 14 while Flertom and Meijack are 16. The other half-foot character we have is Mickbell who is also unmarried, unsurprising considering his situation. I don’t think them not having married is about their family being poorer, if anything I’d think Chil’s family is on the comfier end of half-foot families with the high wages he gets paid with and the nice living conditions we’ve seen (although we don’t know when he started being paid well). We know about Flertom having high standards, but she and Puckpatti are actively looking to date, so there’s something going on here whatever it is.
It is nice that it doesn’t seem like Chilchuck cares at all, he even seems to generally dislike the idea of his daughters dating. I imagine that their mother must have also not pressured them into marrying at all, maybe even encouraged them not to marry if they didn’t have someone, which is sweet. And understandable, considering she might not want her daughters to rush into it and live with…….. Being stuck in an unhappy marriage. And here comes in what I meant when I said well-adjusted, daddy issues. We aren’t shown a lot of Chil’s married life, but I would bet my life on there having been tensions and warning signs. Especially since, since the daughters and Chil hadn’t seen each other since the separation before post-canon, there’s an air of not having been very surprised or panicked about the whole thing: the separation wasn’t unexpected. Having to watch your parents fall out of love and growing up seeing them in a taxing marriage can be hard, and not exactly put you in the mood to try and find romance and marry. Fear of abandonment, fear of intimacy, stunted emotional intelligence, fear of commitment… Oh girlies I am about to extrapolate so much from this
Half-foot society has a lot of coding I don’t have enough specialized knowledge to pin down, but they’re a poor working class people, anglo peasant vibes. They have tightly knit communities, but then the double edge is that if your community has expectations and rules to belong, the pressure will be harsh and it can end up being more isolating if you deviate from it. Marriage historically and in Dunmeshi has a lot of economical aspects, in Laios’ Adventurer’s Bible profile for example dowries are hinted at.
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So the pressure to marry might very well originate from the need to bring money in to your family, and to unite families as allies. And from there it grows into an expectation, and thus if they aren’t married it’s "an unmarried woman was deemed unfit by suitors, something with her must be off"/"This woman was unable to provide for her family, she must be a burden on them" which results into the family having a bad reputation. If Flertom says it’s worse for half-foots than other races, the reasons must be either social or economical or both. There’s of course their lifespan being shorter too, so that might play into it, expectations to go about things quickly and to have a fast life cycle and making sure to have kids. As we see with Laios, having kids is a pressure that does exist globally as well. Elves are another interesting example of how familial expectations are like in Dunmeshi with heirdom and whatnot, but free me I just wanted to bring up the possibility of Childaughters being societal misfits and having relational issues.
I will also mention that in a similar way, Chilchuck’s wife leaving him may have damaged the daughters’ chances, in a "what if they’re like their mother, the type of woman to abandon her husband!" way. Chilchuck also has a reputation especially as an union leader, which can paint him as dependable as much as it can paint him as someone harsh and stingy, which would be an intimidating. It’s possible they’re a bit more well-off from the rest of the half-foot community as mentioned, which could add to the intimidating factor or a bad reputation as an overall uptight family or one that has drama. Again, double edge of community being very tightly knit and important, with family as one of its highest values.
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sardonic-the-writer · 10 months
You van now marry me because I am interested in your tf2 headcanons
Tell me more please
so happy someone asked for this. giving your forhead a big fat smooch. also, i would habe included tracker in these, but i feel like that would have been a bit self pretentious
• good artist. has drawn tom jones fanart before
• knows a little bit of french; his mom made him learn. also knows a few french songs because of this
• bisexual but battles with it a lot
• really appreciates his teammates and conciders all of them—except for maybe spy—to be his best friends
• terrified of medical procedures and terrible at hiding it
• brightest blue eyes you've ever seen
• wears underwear with the pattern of the american flag on them
• doesn't know it's not normal to have gay thoughts. literally would kiss a man sloppy style and then not understand why everyones looking at him. probably straight, but makes exceptions
• has had his hands cut off at least five times before. it's getting concerning at this point
• uses asl with their team and teaches those who don't know. they'll still use muffled sounds to communicate though
• has no gender actually. not trans, not cis, but a secret third thing
• aroace! latches so strongly onto platonic relationships though its actually insane
• attends bonfires with enigneer sometimes
• has a pair of onsie pajamas that they wear over their suit to bed at night
• is definitely in love with medic, no doubts to be had
• has a PHD in russian literature! a very smart fella, he just has trouble speaking his mind in english
• gay. so so gay. mlm all day
• the only merc to regularly check out books from teuforts library sans soldier. although he doesn't really check out books, he just yells at the librarian for not carrying sun tzu's the art of war
• sings little songs to sasha in russian
• has scars all over his chest from an accident with a grenade he had as a kid
• sends lots of post cards and souvenirs to his mom when he's on the job. he really loves her
• actually used to style his hair in dreads when he was a little bit younger, but just doesn't have time to do much with his hair anymore
• so casually bisexual; especially considering it's the sixties and seventies. takes interest in both men and women
• best friends with both his and the other teams soldier!
• his camper is such a mess all of the time. only ever cleans if he knows someone's going to be visiting, and even then there's a few stray piss bottles laying around
• plays poker & other card games with scout all the time. when they can't bet money, they'll end up using other things to play, like bullets or stray snacks
• thinks he likes both men and women. tries not to dwell on it too much since he gets anxious about it, but at the end of the day can't deny that he finds men attractive as well
• has a mug that says world's number one best sniper that miss pauling got him
• shortest mercenary r.i.p
• parental figure to pyro
• one of the only good cooks at the base. often ends up making dinner for everyone even if it's someone else's turn to cook that night
• has a prosthetic arm that he built from scratch & spends a lot of his time adding to/upgrading
• probably straight, but the biggest ally you'd ever meet
• genderfluid. has a few lady disguises he's had to use before, and is just as comfortable in them as any other one of his disguises. definitely had gay sex with scouts mom before
• reverts to straight french when he gets irritated or upset
• heavily bisexual and very open about it with any of his partners. a man/womanizer
• the only merc with a sense of fashion to be frank. have you seen everyone else. soldier thinks being naked and covered in honey is the epitome of fashion for fucks sake
• probably knows more about the medical field than any other doctor at the time. is actively dropping some medical talk & procedures that won't even be invented until a few decades later. he's fun like that
• owns one pair of regular clothes. everything else is lab coats and black pants. maybe a turtleneck or two if you're lucky
• super mega über gay for heavy. see what i did there
• also, i'd like to headcanon that he needs glasses because he's nearsighted of all things. it makes performing surgery hard without them
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chaikachi · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you had any favorite headcanons (made by you, or thought of by somebody else) about RoseGarden? There's a lot of things one can come up with for this sort of pairing, so I'm really curious about them.
I've seen some posts from others in passing, but can't tell you any one place to look for them specifically. I do invite anyone that sees this post to share any they have though!! As for me... ough where to start aha. oh wait an easy one
Bro literally said "woah" when he first met her and is Aware of just how Down Bad he's been this entire time. He's fine with it never being reciprocated though and doesn't want to pressure here. A very selfless love. Whereas I expect Ruby to get back from Total Trauma Island to a series of small "oh." moments that build up to a much bigger:
I like to think Ruby is demi-aroace. I can see her realization being an 'oh i have been a little bit in love with him this whole time' situation, but she just didn't realize because - like all her other feelings up to that point - she had been suppressing them. OR she looks back, acknowledges how much she's always cared for him and has a sort of "if it was ever going to be anyone, it was going to be you" moment. And in the face of all her loneliness and fear and grief she decides to 'trust love' and be a little bit selfish about this one thing.
aka just as Ruby chose adventure and adventure chose Oscar, Ruby chooses to love Oscar on purpose while he is sitting there like "I never had a choice but to love you. Okay this is getting long and less narratively focused so i'm gonna put it under a read more:
I like to think that Oscar doesn't stay a 'morning person' and instead becomes reallll grumpy if you wake him up too early, which Ruby does often cause she's always been an early riser. Meanwhile if Oscar manages to get Ruby to sleep for 'five more minutes', she turns into the grumpy one.
While still travelling together or working as huntsmen, Oscar always carries around some grab and go snacks that he knows Ruby likes cause she can sometimes forget to eat and giving her food is one of his love languages.
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Speaking of 'love languages', I know the system has some ~questionable~ origins, but I do like to think Ruby is more of a "physical touch & words of affirmation" girlie as opposed to Oscar who is more "acts of service & gift giving". They're about even when it comes to quality time together. Are happy to be very engaged in whatever activity they've chosen or just like enjoying the other's company while they're both doing their own things.
Sparring is one of their favourite things to do together, but they are also known to dance (slow or silly) in the kitchen while they're waiting for baked goods to come out of the oven.
Oscar isn't a fan of dogs after the Hound incident and Ruby isn't big on cats after the Ever After, so they either don't get pets or choose something a bit more adventurous. Like a bunny or a lizard. Maybe chickens.
Oscar is very affectionate once they're properly in a relationship and he doesn't have to hide how he feels, but the two of them are never 'loud' about it. It's always been a quiet, subtle, natural thing. Very balanced and good communication. Patience and understanding whenever the other needs it. And they almost never fight... until either of them is about to do something dangerous and Protection Mode is activated, in which case all bets are off.
This is all I can come up with for now. Thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble abt RG and for your patience in how long it took me to answer. And again to anyone that would like to share their headcanons, please do so!!
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plummyplums · 2 years
ok i need to write some Crabby headcanons and thoughts before i explode. feel free to ignore this, the hyperfixation is just making my brain go Fast
First off, Tetsuya has undiagnosed ADHD. He's got strong RSD and pushes people away to avoid the pain of rejection, real or perceived. He doesn't hate friendship, he's afraid, though he'll never admit it to himself. He often skips over words when he talks (or replaces them with crab) and often genuinely doesn't notice, or care when it's pointed out. Add that he often voices his thoughts with no prompting, and folks tend to find him confusing. This doesn't bother him, of course; he thinks it's funny and it can be useful for his tricks. Time blindness is also big with him; he has, on multiple occasions, spent a whole day making sand castles/houses for his crabs and not noticed how much time has passed. He also fits the stereotype of never sitting still; he's always doing his crabby pincers, bouncing a leg, or straight up just wandering about.
Despite the stated Wigglyness, he sleeps like the dead. No noise, no moving, nothing. It freaks people out.
I know all of the proportions in Beyblade are kinda wacky, but I can't help but notice how skinny he is. I bet Tobio could pick him up. Beanpole af, and I'm a touch worried. I have minor ADHD and forget to eat sometimes even though I'm medicated, so I suppose I'm projecting that onto him. Add in how pale he is, and my brain says vitamin deficiency. Get this boy a constant source of food.
He calls himself a "wandering blader", so he probably doesn't have a set "home". I'm convinced he just finds beaches and sleeps there. He probably gets ill every time it rains - that cloak can't keep a guy fully warm and insulated.
I think the flashback of his backstory is probably misremembered/exaggerated (this guy is absolutely an unreliable narrator). 99% chance it's just my angst writer brain talking, but I have my own idea based on the canon explanation:
Echizen was "the strongest blader in the village", and Tetsuya was a strange boy who seems to have been obsessed with crabs from birth. Hell, his surname can even mean "blue crab", maybe it was a family thing. The point is, I get the vibe that he was considered weird and kinda ostracized by his peers. Perhaps Echizen was only pretending to be his friend? Perhaps he was working with Taraba, acting scared and getting Tetsuya into trouble for a laugh...
ON A LIGHTER NOTE I only just watched his episodes with the Japanese voices, so I was today years old when I heard his Absolutely Amazing English in episode 33. "Crab Mussolini" will live in my head forever. It's probably the only time I prefer Fujiwara's voicework for him over McCord's.
Based on McCord's acting for him, he's just. Always doing impressions and playing around with his voice. He knows how loud he is, but it's not always on purpose and he doesn't really care.
Even though we, the audience, always see through his tricks, a lot of characters in the anime seem to fall for it! Mans has a 20 charisma stat.
According to the Survival Battle (episodes 20 and 21), he knows how to make/set net traps AND juggle? He's a jack of all trades, and picks up all sorts of unusual knowledge/skills via his travels or hyperfixations.
In his flashback he's shown to have had a seemingly warm and loving home, I wonder where his parents are? Do they know where he is, what he's up to?
He seems to genuinely be able to commune with crabs??? They follow him around and listen to his commands, apparently. Now all of DSS have abilities: deadly accuracy, future-sight, and...crab telepathy. Certainly a lineup.
Oh also, gender apathetic probably aroace cuz I say so. DSS is a queerplatonic/quasi-romantic polycule.
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
https://aroaceconfessions.tumblr.com/post/694895420173877248/im-writing-a-book-wher HI I HIT SUBMIT TOO EARLY AND ME AND MY SIATER WERE CRYING TEARS OG LAUGHTER AGSHSAA
My dog made me fumble with my phone (he really wanted attention) so blame Peanut
But yeah I'm writing a book and I've got aspec characters in it that deal with alienation/demonization and I'm still working out of the plot but there's monsters (it's basically a slur at first that's later reclaimed) and humans and being a monster is like, an allegory to being queer and neurodivergent and since I've revived the old wip it stemmed from I've been learning so much about my community!! And like!!! This is such a comfort wip omg
I'm not sure when it will be published but you bet your bread I'll have sensitivity readers because I want to represent communities without much rep! I'm just, so excited to publish it when I get there!!
It's about a changeling living in a society that hates beings like him. Over the course of the story he's going to make connections with others like him, learn to overcome his internalized hatred, and eventually accept and appreciate what sets him apart. Very coming of age story with social commentary elements! And that's stuff I can't delve too much into ;)
I never had anything like it growing up and it resulted in a lot of internalized hatred, confusion, and overall discontent. So I'm hoping this book will help people (or otherwise) like me feel seen, heard, and appreciated
I'm trying to include loveless rep, alloaros, romo aros, aroaces, and etc. My MC is aplaro but this isn't something that's fixed or bad!! He's just dealing with a lot! I also wrote one of my mcs to struggle with hormones like I do, another whose dysmorphia stems from his moral dilemmas, and multiple trans characters- some who experience dysphoria and others who don't! My main parent is a transman, there's foster siblings rep, and possibly a wavership that develops between two or more characters!!
And my cast is predominantly POC (mc is culturally east asian, his mom is east asian, a black transgirl, an afro caribbean vampire, mc's foster father is caribbean, etc) because we have enough predominantly white casts and more cultures deserve to be included accurately and with care!
There's lots of friendship, casual intimacy, normalization of unrequited feelings- stuff I preach about on the daily. My main goal with the book is to start conversations about things that only seem to matter to us aspecs
I'll properly advertise it when it's done but yeah the wip means a lot because it's a very personal, very important, very queer! And to think this all began from just a silly little sims 3 file
That's all I can share at the moment!! It's still a wip so a lot is bound to change. I was just sharing what's pretty concrete so far! Mainly because y'all were expressing interest and I'm really enjoying conceptualizing it :D
I also can't spoil too much for when it does come out! The very idea of someone taking all this makes me feel a bit ill, haha
But I hope you enjoy what I've shared thus far 💚
Looking forward to reading it!
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secretsappyabode · 2 years
I wanted to come ask you, what's your favorite HC for both Stan and Ford?? What's your reasoning, if any, for this HC? How do you like to incorporate it into the main canon 👀???
Nikki @tex-treasures
Ooooh headcanons!! I’ve seen a bunch go around the fandom, but I never had many on my own. Save for maybe a couple of sexuality hcs, although they align with what majority of fandom believes anyway
my sexuality hcs is that ford is pan ace and stan is bi!! however I DO have a place in my heart for the aroace hc for ford. cuz honestly……I’ve been thinking that I cld be aroace too, at least aroflux or something, so the thought of ford and I sharing those same feelings together is real nice :> but honestly, attraction is just one giant shrug for me, and I imagine ford is the same cuz WHO FUCKIN KNOWS BABEY DNNXNSNZNNS
As for other hcs…..
ford knows piano!!! he used to go to lessons when he was younger, but gradually stopped once he got into high school. if he were to try again now he’d be a bit rusty, but he’ll be alright with some sheet music
while stan had a lot of positivity in life when he was young, I bet he still carried some of that gruff realism. That became his only outlook when he got kicked out.
ford is autistic. stan has adhd. this adds to the reason why they were so inseparable, but also it caused a few issues in the past. The sound of a pen clicking is disruptive, but for some reason chewing all the pens in the house isn’t irritating and gross at all?? get real sixer
these two are the only ones that have seen the other cry openly. they’d rather be dead than be caught crying in front of any other person
i know there’s plenty of evidence in the show that suggests stan has depression, but honestly I reckon ford does as well. maybe not as heavy as stan, but the guy did go through some rough years especially after stan was kicked out. you telling me that this man who was bullied so much as a kid, developed trust issues cuz of it, was subconsciously and literally taught to bottle his emotions to the point of no healthy communication, and spent 30 years blaming himself for the possible mental spiral of one of his closest friends, did NOT develop severe depression and self loathing on top of his paranoia?? i don’t think so bud!!!
Simply put, the stan twins are mentally ill cuz of the emotional (and physical let’s face it) trauma they endured in their respective lives, and I kinda point most of the blame at their dad cuz honestly??? they deserved a better father ooft
On a happier note, stan has a secret weakness for rabbits. listen, listen, they’re just so small, and fluffy. whoever decided this was the perfect shape for an animal deserves a raise
ford dances when he’s alone. when a good jam comes on he can’t resist. if anyone were to catch this elusive sight, they’d find it to be the most adorable thing. hell be damned if that were to ever happen though
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lixxen · 3 years
Hello! I for one would be very interested in a government assigned gender/sexual orientation list. I am making grabby hands at you and this concept - 🧦
So, I will break them up by groupings and titles under-the-cut. It is a LOT.
Mild No Way Home Spoilers
Before I go into this though, here is a disclaimer:
None of the orientations I am about to list out are canon. Some of them ARE canon, but with my thoughts added on top of them. Only very specific characters have canon sexualities and gender orientations that have been confirmed (like Yelena being AroAce and Deadpool being pansexual).
If you do not agree with me, that is your own opinion. You are allowed to disagree, but please do not attack me over mine and your opinions. As a trans queer this is purely based off of my perception of the characters and experiences within the LGBT community (online and in person, I used to be heavily involved in my very big city's LGBT community and official organization).
So I must state again, these are purely MY OPINION. You are allowed to disagree. But do not be an asshole about it.
EDIT: This took me two hours.
Rhodey: A CisHet ally. He himself doesn't fully understand the spectrum that is gender, but he does believe that everyone should be who they are. He is also a firm believer that trans people should be in the military, as long as their shots/form of hormones is not effected by their deployment. If you cannot get to your hormones due to your placement, he will remove you and put you in something that is similar, but gives you access.
Tony: He is a Bisexual Cis man with a preference for women. He was heavily transphobic and homophobic as a child because his father was around men who were like that. Tony realized later on that he was in the wrong. Then eventually he realized he liked men also, but was never open about it. That is why he knows there is a smaller chance of him having children out there. Because he didn't only fuck women. He would debate his gender for a while, especially in college, but end up being cis.
Pepper: Bisexual Cis woman, no preference. She is a great ally to trans people and her fellow women. One of the first things she did when she took over for SI is get her staff more diverse; but in the sense that trans and gay people wouldn't get jobs in their field if they were open back then. So she hired them instead. Tony 100% agreed and fist fought an exec over it.
Justin Hammar: This man is Bisexual and cis. There is no straight bone in his body but he is very good at disguising it. He had the hots for Tony AND Rhodes. And Pepper. In all honesty, this man just wants to fu-
Happy: Our CisHet ally. He genuinely HATES transphobes and homophobes. The second he heard someone talk shit about Peter (See Peter One). He dated a trans woman during the 90's and he protected her with all of his energy.
Pierce: Homophobic. That's all I am going to say.
Ross: Ross is CisHet and is for equality in the way that he will treat you like a piece of meat in the same way. Men don't get a pass because they're men. Outside of work though, his daughter is Bi so he's an ally for her.
Obadiah: CisHet (Derogatory). He realized Tony was bisexual towards the end, before the whole Mandarin deal, and he forced Tony to come out because he kept bringing it up.
Howard: CisHet, but actually an ally. He genuinely had to hide that he was an ally because business men were horrible and he couldn't risk his reputation. He was a bleeding heart when he knew Peggy and Steve. He knew the second that Steve wanted to get Bucky that they weren't straight. That's why he fought so hard. Strong ally with his Bi wife.
Ultron: Hot take: AroAce, but gender fluid. Ultron would abolish gender.
Maria: Cis but bisexual. She took one look at her baby boy and knew he would turn out like her. He always took after her when it genuinely mattered as a human being. He may be like his day, in a playboy and smarts way, but he has her heart. She would have quietly fought for gay rights.
Morgan: This is based off of the deleted Endgame scene and my personal opinion if the 2015 style fics happened and she grew up with Peter. Morgan would be our pansexual gender questioning queen. She would question her gender for years and then end up settling with female.
Jarvis: Jarvis is male presenting Agender and Aro/Ace.
Friday: AroAce, but female presenting Agender.
Harley Keener: Bisexual and cis. He would take one look at Peter Parker and literally be obsessed.
Captain America:
Steve: Bisexual, male leaning, cis. In all honesty, he would probably identify as gay once he's in the modern time. He would have realized that he idolized Peggy and loved the idea of her. She was the only woman that he loved. Sharon reminded him of Peggy.
Peggy: She is our bisexual, male leaning, cis woman. I don't have much to say about Peggy in all honesty.
Sharon: CisHet ally. She is upset that Steve doesn't reciprocate her feelings, but then sees him and Bucky together. Then Sam. And then she meets Karli and her brat squad. She's tired.
Thor: Your biggest CisHet ally. He jokingly becomes the Lesbian god but not because he calls himself that, but because he is given that title by the lesbians. Thor drinks RESPECT JUICE.
Valkyrie: Non-Binary female presenting Lesbian/NBLW. That's all I have to say.
Jane: Jane is a CisHet who had said slurs when in college, but she's an ally now. I love Jane but please-
Frigga: Frigga is a gender-fluid bisexual. She presents as female because she's AFAB and is comfortable. She is gender-fluid in the same sense Loki is.
Gransmaster: Hi in this essay I'll explain why every character Jeff Goldblum plays is either gay or NB and Pan-
Heimdall: CisHet Ally
Hela: This woman is a bisexual MENACE. She fucked at LEAST one of the Valkyries.
Darcy: Bisexual she/they. Thats the post.
Mobius: Our king is a Bisexual Demisexual who is Cis. This man literally studied Loki for YEARS and fell in love with him in a parasocial way. He's lucky that Loki was into him also. (Loki is way too into the fucking dom/sub shit they had gotten into at the TVA and he counts it as foreplay. Morbius can't tell if he's joking).
Loki: Bisexual Gender fluid. This dude is literally a "I will be whatever gender I feel that day and will present that way. I will fuck literally ANYONE". But he is most comfortable with male because he finds comfort in normality sometimes and it reminds him of his early childhood before he learned how to shapeshift. It isn't from him simply rejecting his gender, but he wishes he could redo his childhood and accept himself for what he was. A child who did not fit into any boxes.
Odin: CisHet. He is borderline transphobic, but Frigga literally beat him out of that.
Sylvie: Sylvie is a TransHet. She hated being stuck as a boy and the second her mother taught her how to change forms, she chose female. She hates the idea of being male and is VERY aggressive towards other variants because of this. She is the type of trans person who will get overly aggressive. She is not a good person in the LGBT community. She is too aggressive and gives her and the Loki's a bad name because of this. But its okay. She ends up T4T with a hunter after having a fling with Renslayer and realizing she HATED it.
Hunter B-15: Cis and Lesbian. She has a PHATTY crush on Renslayer. She was Hunter C-20's girlfriend at one point in her original timeline. Their Nexus Event was getting together.
Hunter C-20: Trans Lesbian. She was in love with C-20, who kept her being trans under wraps. Trans hunters aren't uncommon, but the hunters are still people and jerks.
Renslayer: Cis and bisexual. This woman is a menace to society and you'll never know she is bisexual until she tells you. You just think she's homophobic until she goes "you were just gonna think I was HOMOPHOBIC?????" when you call her out for making gay jokes.
Black Widow:
Natasha: Surprisingly, Natasha is unlabeled. But you know she isn't CisHet. You can tell she's Ace though.
Yelena: AroAce. You will drag that away from me only if it is from my cold and dead hands. She is Non-Binary, but female presenting. She/They if you feel me.
Taskmaster: AroAce and Cis.
Melina: Bisexual and Ace. Cis. She would kill anyone who is homophobic or transphobic.
Alexei: CisHet, a confused ally.
Bruce Banner: Bisexual and gender queer. He/they pronouns. Same for the Hulk.
Clint (MCU): CisHet. He is a great ally though!
Clint (comics): Bleeding heart Bisexual. Gender queer. This man literally has no idea what gender he is, but he goes by He/Him because it is EASY and he fits best there. He dated Bucky briefly and they had the BEST relationship. Sadly, Clint is a human dumpsterfire.
Kate: Cis and questioning. She thinks that she only likes guys, but girls are so fucking cute and the girl in martial arts club, what was her name? Chavez? She's very cute.
Maya: You would ask her and she would plainly respond with "none of your business." She would be bisexual and ace.
Jack: Our Trans Bisexual king. In the comics he is Bi/Cis, but in the show? Bi/Trans. I will die on this hill.
Elenor: She is genuinely one of the biggest CisHet ally's you will ever meet. She can smell Kate isn't straight.
Kazi: That man is agender but presents as Cis because he is AFRAID. Fisk knows though and absolutely would fight anyone who asks. He's pansexual, btw.
Doctor Strange:
Strange: CisHet who you'd think is very homo/transphobic but he isn't. He actually is very loving and will use science and whatever psychology he has absorbed for fun to prove that you're valid.
Wong: CisHet, but he is also an ally. He dated a dude once though. He had fun but then the dude came out as trans. Wong was in a relationship with a woman this whole time. Fuck you if you think he dated a dude. (Wong's words, not mine.)
Ancient One: Agender who only dates women. She accepts being called She to make it easier on everyone and actually prefers it in the end. She's kind weird like that.
Kaecilius: He's played by Mads Mikkelssen. I want you to guess what I am about to say. He's fucking gAY. Gender queer and GAY. This man is into DUDES and had a very loose concept of gender. Just enough concept to be like "I'm man."
Christine: Our local girlboss is actually demi and cis. She loves Stephen Strange because he crawled so fucking far up her ass in annoyance that she finally broke down and got to know her. She slowly felt herself getting feelings, which she didn't know what to do with at first. But hey, it opened her up to be more social in a.... letting people get close way. That's how she got her current husband. He crawled so far up her ass also in the same way because... she let him. That's big.
Black Panther:
T'Challa: CisHet Ally. He is a great man and puts time into finding out what each gender and sexuality means.
Okoye: CisHet Ally who is just like T'Challa.
Shuri: Shuri is Cis, but she is pan. She literally is the one to introduce T'Challa to LGBT matters. She is currently working on top/bottom surgery research.
Mysterio: CisHet who goes to gay bars to pick up bi chicks. Specifically bi chicks. He is respectful enough to not hit on the WLW. He usually gets invited to gay bars, but he will sometimes go by himself. We got lost in translation, maybe I asked for too muCH-
Connors: AroAce Agender. We wouldn't have these concepts if we were all lizards.
Electro: A STRONG CisHet Ally. This man has had so much in his life happen that he has been with enough people to understand gender and sexuality. He has experimented and found out that anything else isn't for him.
MJ (Raimi): Bi Wife Energy. She/Her (sometimes they)
MJ (MCU): She/They bisexual. She will literally out talk anyone who says shit about gender and sexuality. She will literally come for their throats. Gender is a social construct to her and she wishes to obliterate it alongside misogamy.
MJ (ITSV): She/They pan. This MJ has lived her life and since her and Peter B were on and off, she had time to do it. She feels comfortable in her body.
Gwen (TAS): CisHet. She is a good ally though!
Gwen (ITSV): She/They bisexual! They like they more, but she is very much adequate. They come to terms with their body, but in the end they don't care about what's on the outside of their body. They believe that gender is a construct also, so why care?
Peter B Parker: He/They queer. He doesn't like to label himself. He isn't straight, but isn't.... bisexual or gay. If that makes sense. Peters aren't straight cut like that.
Harry Osborn: Gay and Cis. No elaborations here, your honor.
Miles Morales: Bisexual gender queer. This kid doesn't know what he wants to be, but he knows that in the end, Miles is Miles. He/She/They.
Ned: Heteromantic asexual. We stand him tbh. A he/him who doesn't have a concept of gender in the end.
Sandman: CisHet ally. His kid ends up being a lesbian and he loves her.
Octavius: Bisexual agender. But specifically agender after the whole tentacle controlling. He/They.
Osborn: Bisexual and Cis. You wouldn't be able to tell until you walk in on him, his wife, and Octavius making out-
May: Bisexual and cis. She is a big ally and makes sure her work effects as many LGBT kids she can reach. She also really loves Yuri! On Ice, if that says anything.
Peter One: As much as I love transmac HC, I am torn. On one hand I'd like to say he is. But tbh.... Peter would be He/She/They. A gender fluid, almost exactly like Loki! But he prefers to present male. You will actually never find out what he was born as because literally no one besides May know. You're pretty sure he's AMAB. But Ned says some things that makes you change your mind. He doesn't want people fetishizing him, so he just... doesn't say. So people just accept that he's a gender fluid male presenting person. But Peter does stare at himself in the mirror for hours at home, staring into those eyes and wishing that in some other universe he could be something else. Anything but himself. He gets lost in the thought until something snaps him out of it.
Peter Two: Bisexual FTM. I am putting my foot down because he is the OPITAMY of what passing is. Like, as much as I kin Peter One, Peter Two is what a FTM wants to be in passing. He might not be attractive to some people, but he has 100% embodied what it means to be passing. And I'm proud of him.
Peter Three: Bisexual and gender questioning (he is born intersex with more male presenting and his family chose to perform a surgery to make him male presenting when he was born). He understands that he is very attractive and he is the epitome of what people can strive to be. But... that isn't what he wants. When he meets One and Two, he loves them. Because they know who they are. That's why he doesn't think he's amazing. He has a bad relationship with gender because of this. He has trauma.
Flash: Listen up kids because I LOVE Flash. He would be a bisexual cis kid who is NOT out. He would be in love with Peter Parker and envies him. That's why he obsesses over Peter. He tells himself that he hates Peter instead of love. If his parents ever find out, he's dead meat. He has zero feelings about not being Cis. He knows he's cis. But Peter... he envies Peter SO MUCH. At first, yeah. He doesn't like Peter. But by the time Far From Home happens, he just wants to know Peter better but can't backtrack. By No Way Home... he genuinely is trying. He wants to backtrack. He wants Peter, but he knows Peter loves MJ so he is fine with just being friends.
Toomes: CisHet Ally.
Liz: Cis Pan.
Betty: An overly confident CisHet Ally. She will do anything for the LGBT community.
Venom: Agender, but male presenting. He is not asexual like his species. He likes people in general and is a major monster fucker.
Eddie: Cis, but he's bisexual.
Annie: Bisexual trans. I love her.
Dan: CisHet clueless ally.
Bucky(MCU): Gay Cis. He would bring two lesbians out to places so they could go on dates and he'd be their protection. Steve would unknowingly go along with it. He is more closeted and quiet about it. I would say that he would have a long talk with Zemo (once they were on speaking terms) and they would work out their problems together. I would go on a ramble about how their relationship would be very weird because its not dating, but its something like that. But he and Sam would 100% date on and off, because they need couples counseling. Zemo would be during the biggest gap, to fill the void. It is mutual in all honestly. This would be years after FATWS and if Zemo wasn't taken by Wakanda.
Bucky(Comics): Gay and Cis also, but he is VERY fucking out there. He is not afraid of his sexuality. Him, Sam, and Clint would be in a poly relationship until Clint fucks up. Then it would go to Bucky and Sam. Natasha would be before Clint BTW.
Sam: Bisexual, woman leaning. Cis. He in all honesty doesn't talk about it and goes for broken men. Women, he finds the epitome of the perfect women. But Sam isn't perfect.
Walker: Sigh. This CisHet man can't fucking shut up.
Zemo: Bisexual He/They. I love this man. He would have the best grasp on He/They energy.
Contessa: Cis Pan. She fucks.
Karli: Genderqueer straight. She doesn't know herself.
Wanda: Bisexual Cis. She's pretty comfortable with what she is.
Vision: Mans is heteromantic and asexual. Agender, but he choses to present and go by he/him.
Agatha: Cis Lesbian. She doesn't see the need for men.
Pietro: Mans is CisHet, but an ally.
Monica: A cis lesbia, like her momma.
Ralph: Trans Bisexual. Mans is just living his life tbh.
Kingpin: This man is cis, but he doesn't understand romantic attraction. He doesn't. You could label him, but in all honesty it isn't worth your time. He IS an ally though. He also loves Wesley and Vanessa. But in two separate ways. I wrote about this before.
Matt: Bisexual Cis. He has spent many days hating himself for being bisexual as a teenager, but ended up realizing that everyone has sin. He doesn't go to hell because of his sexuality. He goes to hell for what he has done. He also just wanted to kiss Foggy when he was in college. But then Elektra happened.
Foggy: Our He/They bisexual. This man,,, loves Matt Murdock. He was the only person to SEE Matt Murdock in the way that truly.... had understanding. People liked Matt, yeah. But he's hot. Foggy knew him like he knew himself.
Karen: Bisexual and Cis. She prefers dudes, but we've all seen her backstory. She had a girlfriend or two and she misses them a lot.
Frank: Pan and cis. This man wants to rock Matt Murdock's life. But also, he loves Karen like he loved his wife.
Claire: CisHet. She's a great ally.
Elektra: A feral she/they who is aromantic and bisexual. She doesn't actually love Matt in the way he loves her.
Wesley: Gay.
Vanessa: Bisexual and AMAB. She in all honesty, is who I would want to be if I was female.
Shang-Chi: Bisexual Cis. He had a boyfriend or two in college. But he usually leans for females.
Katy: She/They who is WLW. She hates labels because sometimes she likes dudes, but sometimes she doesn't. Also isn't her style.
Wenwu: CisHet. I don't know how to go about this man, but he has bi wife energy.
Xialing: Cis Lesbian. She is too powerful for me to describe.
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shades-of-grayro · 5 years
Its not tag policing to not want ace shit in the aro tags cause aromanticism is so erased by asexuality already. Its mostly non-ace aros who are upset by it, so stop acting high and mighty cause your ace ass doesnt see a problem with it.
First, tag policing is just telling people what they can and can’t put in the tags. You can disagree that it’s fundamentally wrong, or object to the fact that “tag policing” makes it sound like a bad thing, but that doesn’t change what it is. It’s telling people what they can and can’t put in a tag, aka what I call tag policing.
Second, you may want to look at my response to the person who posted that, because they were mad about a post that was about aromanticism.
I get the intracommunity issues that led to this. I actively fight the actual problems involved all the time, and do a lot of work in addressing these issues in upper-level ace advocacy to actually try to make them better. When there’s actually a problem, you can bet my “ace ass” notices it, and it pisses me off.
I also notice when the problems come from the aro community, or alloaros in particular. And I’m not afraid to call that out! The intracommunity problems that led to these feelings are no excuse for engaging in actions that actively harm aroaces. I do not believe in “an eye for an eye”. We ALL need to do better.
Note: future anonymous messages on this subject with this aggressive tone will earn an immediate block. Genuine, non-anonymous requests to talk more to further understand the issue are welcome.
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rubberduckyrye · 6 years
This is probably a weird ask but why do you like Kaito? I absolutely hate him tbh but I want to try or at least understand why people like him.
I had a whole lot of stuff written for you and tumblr decided to refresh and I lost it all. Ack! I’ll try to recreate my answer as thoroughly as possible.
Firstly, I want to commend you for trying to understand someone else’s perspective about a character you don’t like. It can be difficult to even try, let alone succeed, so even if I can’t help you understand my perspective, I hope you retain a level of respect for our differing opinions. So, without further adieu, let’s get the show on the road.
I think that Kaito, like Kokichi, is one of those characters that you have to decide for yourself if you like him or not. What that means is, hes a bit pliable and mold-able, able to be what you want him to be. I don’t know how you see Kaito, but I see him as someone who has a heart of gold, someone who has everyone’s best interests at heart, and someone who has his heart in the right place.
A lot of people dislike Kaito due to mistranslations from fan translators, them making Kaito way more homophobic than he actually is. Kaito has a line in Salmon mode that, in the english translation, was him expressing upset and concern for the fact Shuichi apparently “swung that way” but never told Kaito until in that moment, and it read as if it was an afterthought confession, not as Shuichi sitting Kaito down to tell him and talk to him about it. Kaito is all about communication, so he wants those close to him to trust him enough to tell him such things, and this is supported in his Free Time Events, where he says communication is the most important tool to an astronaut. He very clearly takes this to heart and applies the need for communication in real life. (This can also explain why he is thoroughly frustrated with Kokichi, who is a big ball of miscommunication waiting to happen.)
In the fan translations, however, the fan translators spun Kaito’s words to have him upset over the fact Shuichi was into other men, which reads as incredibly homophobic. However, this is still a mistranslation.
Another reason why I’m convinced it was a mistranslation is the fact that Kaito’s LSE event was, within itself, about Kaito having strong, passionate, romantic feelings for a very clearly male rival pilot that he wanted to confess his love to. He didn’t seen in the closet or unaware of himself, and reads as someone who really knows what they want to say when they confess but is a bit nervous about. Kaito uses the race, winning the race, as an excuse to confess if he wins. Because he’ll win the right to confess. So when people say Kaito is homophobic, I can’t help but to roll my eyes and gesture to his LSE. Because they are very, very clearly mistaken.
Kaito has a serious case of “foot-in-mouth” syndrome, but he really does have the best intentions for others. He’s very aware of what people need in order to build them up, and he acts accordingly in order to make that happen. For example, Shuichi as a detective isn’t trained properly for murder cases. He was more trained for run away cases, infidelity cases, and lost pet cases. It’s important that I stress how under-qualified for murder cases Shuichi was, because him being under-qualified is what made him such a nervous wreck in the beginning. Kaito saw this nervousness and crippling fear and anxiety, and took it upon himself to lessen the burden for Shuichi so he could continue forward. By telling Shuichi that he would be the one responsible for Shuichi’s mistakes, he was able to basically put training wheels on the bike in a situation where Shuichi had no choice but to ride a bike. This help Shuichi grow as a detective. Kaito also makes a work-out routine for Shuichi to help train his body to be healthier and to tire him out at night so he would sleep better. 
The same thing for Maki, except with a different issue–Kaito saw that Maki was a girl who hated herself, who wanted to isolate herself from everyone because of her “talent,” and to him, that was unacceptable. Kaito knew that if Maki isolated herself from everyone, that she would never heal from whatever traumas she was facing–and I bet you Kaito figured out that if she was an assassin who hated herself to the point of self-isolation, he figured she was an assassin not of her own free will. that’s why he says he cant believe that she’s an assassin, because she’s not the “evil, cold hearted murderer” sort. She’s just a girl, a girl who was forced into this profession for some reason and feels as if she is undeserving of friends and love and support to get her out of such a situation. In a way, I believe Kaito putting so much faith in Maki was his way of trying to make her stop her assassin work, and help her be just a normal girl. Helping her gain some self love, respect, and feel worth it will make her more willing to look for a way out of her horrible situation. That’s why he drags her to training with him and Shuichi–not because she needs the training, but she needs the social connections to keep her from slipping.
Kaito sees the good in people, and he wholeheartedly wants to believe in every inch of it. That’s why when he sees the good in Maki, he doubles down on his faith in her and recklessly and blindly trusts her. However he’s not perfect, as Kokichi slips under his radar here. Though, to be quite honest, I personally believe Kokichi is the exception to the rule only because Kodaka thoroughly hates him, and Kokichi as a character is a very chaotic, out of control, hyper intelligent character that Kodaka needed to keep isolated, neglected, abused, and ignored in order for his plot to not completely fall apart at the seams. I’ve said it before, but Kokichi is a character can and will ruin plots and narratives when not kept in check, simply because of his hyper intelligence and good nature/instinct to save/help everyone.
Anyway, Kaito can sense when there is good in someone, and he really clings onto those good qualities and wants to help someone become the best person they can be. 
Kaito himself wants to help and is a good person too. He always tries to do the right thing, and his heart is always in the right place when doing as such. I imagine that Kaito is the kind of person who, when he makes a mistake and is called out on it, will low-key panic and do his best to not make that mistake again. My immediate thought is his sexism, which seems entirely unintentional and probably the result of traditional values put on him by his grandparents since he was apparently raised by them. If someone had pulled him aside and told him he was being sexist, he would absolutely double down in trying to be more aware of himself and his words and not be as such.
Kaito is a warm, passionate, affectionate and supportive person who is loyal to those he loves and honestly? As a struggling person myself, I’d really love and appreciate having a “Kaito” in my life. Someone who could support me in such a way that I actually am built up to be the best version I could be? Someone who would be cautious and aware of what I needed without pushing me too hard? Sign me the fuck up man, and also I bet Kaito hugs are the best, warm and strong and supporting…….. I’m 100% Aroace and not interested in romance but just the idea is kinda making me swoon a little! 
(What can I say? I’m weak for love and support, sue me)
I also like how these traits Kaito has plays into his flaws as well. A great visual example of what I’m talking about is here, where Kaito in a Persona 4 AU has a shadow represented by Atlas. I think this 100% represents Kaito’s need to lift others up and help them, but at his own expense. He doesn’t let people know when he’s vulnerable or suffering, because he thinks that will make them fall down to his level and suffer with him. He wants to build them up, not break them down, and that means hiding the fact that he’s falling apart himself. He’s their support structure, and if they see him breaking, then they’ll lose that support.
Anyway, that’s really all I can think of right now, sorry! I hope that all made sense! And, even if you don’t agree, I hope you can understand and respect my interpretations of Kaito. Either way, I hope you have a great day!
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stardust-inmy-veins · 6 years
Your Shirt Looks Like Boyfriend Material
Day 9 of Polyamuary 2019, written for this prompt and also for the 3 year anniversary of meeting @aroace-monbebe
One of Nat's favorite pastimes is getting Steve to blush. It's easier than it probably should be, considering just how long Steve and Bucky have known each other. Really, all they have to do is flirt with him or show any kind of affection in public and he turns as red as a tomato.
They probably shouldn't find it as amusing as they do.
Oh well.
Nat - well, Nate today because gender is weird and doesn't really make sense - is in the kitchen making chocolate chip pancakes when Clint stumbles in and collapses against his back, wrapping his arms around his partner's waist.
Grinning, he reaches over and grabs a mug before pouring Clint a cup of coffee. “Here ya go, babe,” He says with a grin as he presses it into Clint's hands.
Clint responds with a sloppy kiss to Nate's cheek before practically inhaling the coffee. It's a pretty common - and adorable - sight in the mornings in their apartment.
It doesn't take long for Bucky and Steve to join them, both of them looking way too awake for 9 am. They had just gotten back from a SHIELD debrief if their clothes were anything to go by. They weren’t in full costume, as Bucky liked to call it, but they definitely weren’t in casual clothes either.
Nate grinned as he leaned back against the counter, bowl of pancake batter temporarily abandoned. “Looks like the two of you had a fun morning.”
Bucky rolled his eyes as Steve groaned and pulled Nate into a hug, leaning in to briefly press their lips together. “I would have much rather been at home with you guys.” He paused, seemingly to consider his words before continuing. “Speaking of...pronouns?”
It was a thing Steve liked to do at some point every day, usually in the morning unless they didn’t see each other until later. He would stop Nate and ask him what his pronouns of the day were, and then usually pass it on to their other two boyfriends if they hadn’t been present at the time he asked. It was nice and way more than he had expected when they had all gotten together.
“He/him.” He said with what could only be called his sappy “One of my boyfriends is being adorable and I love it” smiles.
“Good to know.” Steve smiled his own version of the sappy smile and pressed another soft kiss to his lips.
Nate was asexual and demiromantic while Bucky was asexual and biromantic while Steve and Clint were bisexual. It wasn’t something that came up a lot, and Nate and Bucky were pretty good at letting the others know when they were uncomfortable with something. Steve used to always ask before kissing either of them, but they eventually broke him of that habit. Clint had never been as bad, but he had occasionally freaked himself out thinking he offended one of them and they had to calm him down.
Nate made eye contact with Bucky while leaning into Steve’s touch and pulling his boyfriend’s arm around his shoulders. Bucky was well aware of Nate’s fondness for getting Steve as flustered as possible and at this point they could pretty much communicate solely through glances if they had to. There was also sign language, but Steve was fluent and would more than likely figure out what they were saying.
Bucky looks like he’s going to say no for a moment, until Clint presses up against his side and gives him what can only be described as puppy dog eyes. Nate hadn’t discussed the whole flustering Steve thing with Clint yet, but he had always been good at reading his partners and Nate was no exception.
Bucky sighed and ruffled Clint’s hair, which got him a happy grin before they both turned their sights on Steve. Steve was too busy being cuddled (read: distracted) by Nate to notice the other two approaching until Clint practically glued himself to Steve’s side while Bucky settled against Steve’s back.
Steve looked up when he felt a pressure against his back, smiling softly as he twisted around to meet Bucky’s gaze. “Hey there.”
“Hey yourself.”
Surprisingly enough, Clint is the one to start off the flustering Steve thing. He squeezes in between Nate and Steve and slides his hands over Steve’s chest. “Damn, babe, what is this shirt made out of?” He pauses just long enough that Steve looks like he’s considering answering before opening his mouth again. “I bet it’s boyfriend material.”
Nate snorts loudly before covering his mouth while Bucky rolls his eyes. Honestly, Nate’s more surprised Clint hasn’t used that one before now. But now that he’s started it Nate and Bucky might as well follow it up with cheesy pick up lines of their own.
Nate grins and leans forward, draping his arms over Clint’s shoulders, speaking before Steve has enough time to protest - and he will, there’s no question of that. “Are you a parking ticket? ‘Cause you’ve got fine written all over you.”
Steve groans, trying to hide his face with his hands. “Nate no.”
The look on Clint’s face is nothing short of mischievous. “Nate yes.”
Bucky wraps his arms around Steve’s waist, leaning forward to rest his chin on their boyfriend’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, Stevie, I’ll protect you from these heathens.”
Nate does his best to look offended while Clint outright pouts, leaning closer to Nate and away from Bucky. Nate honestly can’t say whether it’s all for show or not. “Heathens?” Nate raises an eyebrow. “This coming from the man who pranked Tony Stark by convincing him he had somehow pulled your arm off and you were dying?”
Bucky’s grin speaks volumes of how bad he feels about that particular “incident” as Tony now referred to it as. “It’s not my fault he tried to drink both of us under the table.”
“One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.” Bucky and Clint say at the same time before dissolving into laughter.
Sometimes Nate really wonders if he’s dating toddlers.
Just when it looks like Steve has escaped his face resembling a tomato and he thinks he’s safe Bucky leans in close and whispers, “I must be in a museum, because you truly are a work of art.” before he turns and runs for it.
Nate and Clint aren’t far behind him, which turns out to be a good thing when Steve chases after them and starts throwing pillows at the three of them. They would have thought he couldn’t catch all three of them but they really should have known better than to underestimate Captain America and how much he hated cheesy pick up lines and puns. Except not really because he loves all three of his partners even when they’re ganging up on him and they know it.
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userpoe · 3 years
I was tagged by @fisforfulcrum thanks sweetie 😘
Why did you choose your URL?
I was really getting back into my sequels spin and wanted something short and snappy to change to, but I also wanted it to be connected to Poe in some way. Since all the good Poe urls were taken, on a whim I checked to see if zoriis was available. It was, so I changed to it and it...just sort of became my brand? I don't ever wanna change from it I don't think...unless a really good Poe url opens up anyway, which I doubt. And I get a serious seratonin rush whenever anyone refers to me by my url in the tags idk why.
Any side blogs?
I have my x reader fic blog @luminouspoes where I use to reblog all my recs + post my fics before I decided to move all my bullshit here. I'm also co-mod of @thedamereynetwork because I love my babies.
How long have you been on tumblr?
Since 2011/2012. I didn't really get active on here until late 2013, though.
Do you have a queue tag?
the classic and very original "queue". I use to do the snazzy quotes thing but I can never stick to one for very long. I've debated here and there making a new queue tag, maybe with a sw quote, but eh who has the spoons for that.
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Initially back when, it was meant to help me with my nonfiction writing. Instead, Tumblr ended up being instrumental in me discovering fanfic and honing my fiction writing craft through that. I remade my blog a shit ton of times as a teenager, though, and the thing that kept me coming back was all the pretty content and my friends. Plus, where else am I gonna be this weird on? Twitter? Hell no.
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Because I thought the Poe emoji on the Star Wars app was precious. Then, for pride month, I decided to add the aroace flag behind him because well. I'm asexual and dubiously aromantic, and I hc Poe being aspec, so I thought it'd be nice. Did you know his second X-Wing kind of has the same color palette as the aroace flag? It's pretty damn cool still not Black One but cool
Why did you choose your header?
Because @abelmorales and @michaelperry are responsible for me falling head over heels with Michael Perry and I wanted to include (1) soft perfect angel teacher man on my blog somehow fjsjsjskss so soft af flannel clad grading papers Michael it was.
What’s your post with the most notes?
This Poe gifset here, which astonishes me given how many braincells I had to rub together to figure out how to phrase the captions (the irony, I know). I guess we have a thing for competency and forearms in this fandom?
How many mutuals do you have?
A few! Dunno how many dunno how one would know that.
How many follows do you have?
Too many, in my opinion??? There's almost 1.2k of you now and I don't know why you're all here but I appreciate it nonetheless.
How many people do you follow?
Little under 200 and most of those are inactive anymore. I'm pretty picky abt what I follow cos of my anxiety and also idk if you've noticed but most of my interests revolve around shit that's been over for several years. And a lot of blogs are really ship-oriented, and I just...don't vibe with shipping communities so I try to stay on the outskirts of all that.
Also I'm pretty guarded about who I follow due to years of casual aphobia being thrown around this site, and now wariness about how blogs act abt neurodivergent folk and characters
...but if anyone knows of any more active Oscar blogs that are nice abt Poe and the sequels or moffat era dw blogs...please let me know fjdksks my dash is always dead
Have you ever made a shitpost?
With my brand of humor I think most of my jokey posts kind of teeters on it. But I don't think I've ever outright done a shitpost.
How often do you use tumblr each day?
*coughs* pretty often. I'm a slow scroller, so it takes me awhile to get through the dashboard to start with and I also like checking the edit tags and then if I go through a blog I can end up going down a rabbit hole of looking through their posts or their tag about a show or movie or character I like and then whoops where has the time gone. But I'm kind of pulling myself away from scrolling so much on Tumblr, if anything so my dashboard is a little more active when I do hop on, and also so I can get some other hobbies in like writing or reading (working through the second to all the boys book rn!)
Did you have a fight with another blog once?
*laughs my ass off* no. I stick to my lane, if someone posts something that I'm uncomfortable with or I disagree with, I just... unfollow? I'm not interested in vague posting people either, I don't see the damn point. This is my little internet cottage and I don't see the point in fighting the village when I can just ignore them and care for fellow wanderers, ya feel?
Though, come to think of it, I have told off a fair few anonymous asks who were trying to bully my friends or mutuals but. I don't know if we can really count that or not.
How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
[wibbles hand] I think some can veer a little too closely to guilt tripping the readers, but if it's something really important, I understand the urgency.
Do you like tag games?
I do! They're a lot of fun, I just wish I had the spoons more often to do them. I also tend to freak out because I never know who to tag because I'm simultaneously worried I'll be annoying if I do tag someone, and if I forget someone I'll make them feel left out.
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
First off, Laura's answer to this question is so damn precious I'm going to cry, love you babes. Second of all, I genuinely think all my mutuals are Tumblr famous. Like in my head I'm just like "that person is so fucking awesome oh my god they're so cool I bet they have so many followers they deserve it all their posts are exquisite". I love my mutuals and there's a good chance (see: yes) that if we're mutuals I consider u my friend in my head I'm just too shy to admit it out loud yet jdjdks
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I literally get hearts in my eyes everytime I go down my dashboard. I am platonically kissing you all on the cheek and giving you cocoa. I love you.
no pressure tags: @bee-dameron @djarinsbeskar @michaelperry @abelmorales @starryeyedstories @misterrimpossible @exlibrisastra and @princedimitris and anyone else I may be blanking on
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