#they are all trans and gay
beanghostprincess · 12 days
East Blue Crew as pride flags but it's only some of my headcanons for them
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mahmoudkhalaff · 17 days
Physically in Ireland While my Bleeding Soul is Held Hostage in Gaza
Being away from Gaza in the midst of a devastating war turns every second into a heart-wrenching vicious circle of pain. Simple everyday activities like having breakfast, drinking water, and going for a walk turn into heart-bursting torture. It is nearly impossible to focus on any of my studies or be productive when fear and guilt are holding my brain and soul as prisoners. Yet, as I was evacuated to Ireland to pursue my studies four months into the war, I had a responsibility to give lectures in my Irish college to students and staff to expose the crimes of apartheid Israel and tell the story of the daily suffering of my people during a genocidal war. Please donate, reblog, and share my fundraiser with others.
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transmultiphobia · 8 months
“We need more weird queer people” Y’all can’t handle 90% of the ways multigenders label their sexualities
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theartisticcrow · 1 month
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On this fine day, at 8:37 AM, I walked outside to the front of my school and saw that they replaced the Canadian flag, the flag of our country, with a Pride flag. I have never felt happier. I have never laughed so hard in my life. This is in not a complaint, I just think it's very funny that they replaced the Canadian flag with a Pride flag for no apparent reason. They have their priorities figured out.
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alright boys, girls, neither, both, and those in between we need to clear something up:
if someone says they are queer, they are queer.
no ifs, ands, buts, etc. they are queer.
and if they discover later that they're cishet, great, amazing, wonderful, i'm glad we gave them community when they were figuring themselves out and needed it.
no gatekeeping of queerness here, alright?
because when shit hits the fan queerphobes wont care whether you're a cis gay man who goes by he/him or a bigender aromantic pansexual who goes by it/its
so stop with the respectability politics.
we're a community, fucking act like it.
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dickandballsdotgov · 10 months
I love you he/him lesbians
I love you she/her gays
I love you "weird kids" with split dyed black and pink hair and they/it/bun in their bio
I love you boys in skirts and dresses and corsets who are still cis
I love you trans girls who love their masculine features and don't change how masculine or feminine they present
I love you trans boys who still love being feminine and hope you land the best suckerpunch on anyone who says "but isn't that just being a girl"
I love you gays who kiss their boyfriends and girlfriends and partners and joyfriends and all kinds of significant others in the hallways to flaunt that they're not straight
I love you people who wear flags and rainbows to shove your gayness or transness in people's faces
I love you straight guys who love makeup but can't wear it around your friends
I love you people who coin obscure genders and use only neo/xenopronouns(seriously y'all are so cool and I wish i could design flags half as cool as yours)
I love you all aromantic/asexual people
I love you all the people that the lgbtq+ community chooses to outcast to appease the world which would destroy us all
I hate you lgbtq+ community members who choose to attack those who are on your team in an effort to seem "normal"
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foxglove-nymph · 9 months
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jetsi · 2 years
Most fucked up chocolate i have ever seen
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caseythebunnyboy · 6 months
i often see posts about soft and intimate aftercare towards subs, but ive always wanted to care for a dom after sex 🥹 wanna pull them closer to me, cup the side of their face and kiss their nose while reassuring them that i loved everything they did. wanna gently wipe away any tears that might form when they look at the marks they littered on my skin, all while making sure to tell them i think they look beautiful on me. wanna help them if dom drop ever happens, saying gentle affectionate praises to them and whispering sweet nothings if they wish for me to. wanna reassure them that i dont see them as a sexual object, that id still love them if they werent in the mood for sex, that theres so much more to love about them that isnt just them being my dom. wanna snuggle up with them under the covers once theyre feeling better and just fall asleep in each others arms, all while theres a little smile on my face knowing my dom trusts me to take care of them 🥹💜
(he/him, op is a gay man.)
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mothmans-cumrag · 2 years
I took my dad to pride today. After asking him and saying what itt might entail, I made him a free dad hugs sign:
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While walking there, a lot of people pointed at him and said it was a cute idea. They were right.
My (and his) personal highlights were:
A guy hugging him and saying something in Ukrainian (bc of the flag, probably)
Someone asking him if they can call him "daddy" (I had to explain to him why I started laughing. He now knows.)
Someone giving him a rose
Someone kissing him on the cheeck
A lot of people seeing me standing around awkwardly while there was a line forming in front of him and hugging me too
A guy my dad's age hugging him with tears in his eyes
A kid my age shouting "I don't have a father!", Running towards and almost tackling him
A guy in a fetish-related dog mask hugging him and clinging to him like a lifeline
Two children between eight and ten initiating a group hug with him and giggling the entire time
Everyone thanking him afterwards and a lot of people saying he gives the best hugs in the world. One guy said he'd never been hugged like that before
This guy in a moving lorry shouting and making the lorry stop driving to get a hug from my dad:
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My dad said that the majority of people hugging him were either older (25-60) queer men or younger (15-25) trans people. He really loved the experience and felt like a lot of the people, especially the older guys really needed it.
Anyway we're definitely doing this again next year
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satelliteduster · 2 years
oh my god i forgot to post my absolute favorite strip from gay comix (issue #2, 1981)
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mahmoudkhalaff · 8 days
Gaza: the Big Oven in Summer and the Graveyard of Children
Life becomes incredibly unbearable during the summer in the tents as the scorching sun turns the tents into ovens boiling the blood in the veins of the children, women and men. That is not even the worst part. How I wish it were!! The black angel of death roams all around the tents harvesting the souls of thousands of people. Gaza, unfortunately, has turned into an unlivable ghost city; the graveyard of children!
We are running out of time. Kindly, donate, reblog, and share with others so I can get my family out of there as early as possible!
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@ibtisams @el-shab-hussein @sar-soor @90-ghost @nabulsi
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grumpytrans · 18 days
happy pride to all of the trans and enby people who decided NOT to transition or take hormones for whatever reason. transitioning ≠ gender. you are still trans. you are still valid.
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happyheidi · 17 days
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to everyone who feels underrepresented, misrepresented or unrepresented; everyone who can’t express themselves, their gender and/or sexuality in a manner that feels comfortable to them; to everyone who experiences dysphoria, who is misgendered and deadnamed every day; to everyone who’s closeted because they’re not ready or they don’t feel safe; to everyone who’s flag isn’t on this post: I see you. You are loved!
𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙝 𝙞𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪 !!
Happy Pride! 🌈
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flag collage source
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stayatsam · 6 months
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Feeling blue (OC)
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laz-kay · 15 days
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There was never a straight explanation for this🪐
Happy pride month to them, I guess🏳️‍🌈
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