#they came back wrong trope
obviously we all know and love the They Came Back Wrong trope, but has anybody in that situation considered killing the persons again and reanimating them for a second time? I feel like that would fix things
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I love the "came back wrong" trope but from the opposite side.
Imagine you are dead. And then you are RIPPED from the embrace of decay into the world of the living again. Your memories are hazy and you don't recognize any of these people, but they act like they're close to you? Like they love you? So you try to get your memories back, to act like you belong here, but everybody tries to forget you died. And you can't. It is omnipresent. And just trying to grapple with that fact pushes the people who "love" you away, and they're incapable of understanding, and they're so confused, what's wrong N̶̄̀O̶͛͗T̷̉́ ̷͋͝Y̴̎̌Ȍ̴̈U̸̓R NÄM̴̃͑E̵̾̇? And you just need them to understand, you aren't that person! You aren't! You don't know who that person is! You don't know why any of this is happening, but they're unwilling to bend, they keep insisting you are that person, your memories will come back, everything will be normal again, and you want to scream and cry and claw yourself open to show them you're different. Your existence as a being wholly separate from whoever you "used to be" is a sin unto itself. All you can do is scrabble for life and to them, you're killing whoever they loved to do it.
just. lots of fun in that concept, you know?
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jadedanddark · 1 year
I died but I came back exactly the same. You though, I came back and you were wrong. Did the fact of my dying really damage you that much? Was bringing me back worth what it cost you? Would it have been better to just leave me?
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Characters who die and are brought back, and have reverse survivor's guilt. Intellectually they know there was nothing they could have done to prevent their own death, and it isn't their fault that they weren't there for the other characters, but that doesn't stop them from feeling anguish for not being there when they were needed.
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stormsandskies · 3 months
Small town William Wisp who knows the entire town and the entire town knows him, so when the little boy who used to run around the small park and through the fields with his friends changes overnight they notice. They notice his skin turn pale, not a typical winter pale that comes from lack of sunlight and being indoors all the time, but the pale that leaves barely a flush to the skin as if his heart isn’t beating like it once was. They notice his lack of energy, how little he goes outside now, they notice his heavy black hoodie even in the southern heat.
At first, they assume he is sick, after all the Wisp parents look stressed and concerned more often than not. It doesn’t help when the school year rolls around and people find out he isn’t going to the school in the town and is instead going to the city
They see absolutely nothing of William after that, but the Wisp parents look beyond stressed constantly watching the news the moment a mention of an attack on Rockfell is made. They understand it must be stressful to know your kid could be out on the street when the attack occurred. Must be scary to think they’re out with friends when some villain and superhero come tumbling through the coffee shop wall. they don’t know the real reason, don’t know they’re watching their youngest son almost die again fighting the villain of the week.
One day after a trip to the city to see their sons the Wisps come back visibly shaken, as though something is wrong, Mrs.Wisp will not stop crying and her husband stands next to her side attempting to help but clearly on the verge of tears as well.
Throughout these two years, strange things had been happening around town, kids reporting they saw strange creatures walking around town, people claiming they saw some sort of glowing blue wisp floating around, and sights of horrific monsters just standing at the edge of the forest surrounding the town.
Then a while after the Wisps leave again and this time they do not come back before their town is ordered to evacuate. People pack up as quickly as possible, as if in a trance.
When they return it’s hard to miss the damage in the area. Despite the work done by the heroes to restore the town blood stains a clearing close by, the sign is scorched, and the body bags, so many line the streets as they work to identify and return the bodies to their families. William looks different, way different to the boy who left. His dark hair is streaked with white, his once brown eyes a shocking blue, a slightly jagged scar runs down the middle of his face and neck, more dot his arms and legs, he seems to float when he moves, and occasionally a small blue wisp will dart around him.
So the town notices and knows that the little boy they knew is changed forever, they also know that he saved the world with the other teens who stand beside him, just as scarred, and they know for certain they hate the so-called heroes who did this to these kids, to the boy who played tag with their kids, to the boy who made sure to say hello to everyone at the church cookout, to his friends that he cares about so deeply.
This small town knew an energetic kid and awkward teenager, now they know a still awkward but more confident almost adult, they knew a 15-year-old who disappeared for two years, now they know a 17-year-old who came back different, they knew William Wisp, now they know The Whisperer.
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dykepaldi · 5 months
not enough posts/art/fic about post hell bent clara being a straight up nightmare creature. like. she’d already turned into something a bit horrific its not like immortality + access to all of time and space was gonna help that. and ashildr isnt exactly a companion who’s gonna make her better lmao
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missholloween · 10 months
Came back wrong as something you choose. Being so traumatized by the coldness of death. The pain of the wounds. The loneliness of the tomb. Taking your fear and weaponizing it against those who were with you, those who should've laid at the ground with you. Swearing to destroy everything so that they'll feel the emptiness you felt at the grave. Make them pay for leaving.
Coming back just to take someone else with you.
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al7xus · 9 months
came back wrong trope with the character watching as their family tries to reconcile who they were with what they are now and failing. their loved ones unable to accept that they are different now, that the person they once were is dead. the character never being able to mend bridges with their family because they want who they were back, not them.
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You didn't "come back wrong", you just weren't the one they meant to bring back. Your tombstones must have been switched by accident, yeah, no sorry you don't get it either. You're sorry they went through all this trouble only to end up with you and- yes, yes you're not the one they wanted, but you've just come out of the ground and you're very confused so could you maybe stay with them for the time being? The world seems so different from when you last saw it, there are so many more lights and new places to see and-- could they not look at you like that? Yes, that way. The intensity of it upsets you, it burns holes into you. No, you won't change your name for them? No, no, it's fine, this is confusing for them as well. You just wish you could stop hearing that unwavering faith in their voice. These clothes don't quite fit you, but they're clean, folded and waiting and you can't really complain. You tell them you can't believe how lucky you got. There's wind on your face again, and things that seemed impossible in your previous life are now easily obtainable, and it's all thanks to them. They smile at you and say they're glad, then they call you by the wrong name.
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hehearse · 2 years
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I don't want to be a part of this I don't want to share the blame
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rhys-ravenfeather · 5 months
Came back wrong...except did they really?
Okay yes, they look absolutely horrific, maybe even grotesque--they're a ghoul that can now only shamble instead of walk, or a ghastly phantasm. But they're not roaming around eating brains, or letting out shrieking wails as they curse the living, or hurting innocent people at all.
Their voice is still the same as when they were alive, or close, they still talk like the person you knew and loved. They act exactly the same. They have the same smile, the same laugh, and they still look at you the same way. Their gaze, while ghoulish, still holds the same softness, because they still know and love you--and everyone else who they were close to, just as much as when they were a living, breathing human. While their appearance may have changed, that has not.
They are, for all intents and purposes, the exact same person as when they were alive, just a bit more spooky now.
They've changed so much since being brought back--yet they haven't changed at all.
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blood-orange-juice · 9 months
To add to this post.
Our dearest boy becomes surprisingly consistent if you try to describe him as a fae.
mischievous, isn't concerned with social rules (it's not his society) mostly just wants to be entertained but has strange archaic ideas of honour likes kids but not grown ups doesn't lie but is good at tricking people without lying values dreams, poetry and good stories above survival has a capacity for loyalty far beyond what would be typical for a human (disregard the fact that his concept of relationships is similar to that of a cat. will bring you a dead mouse and be incredibly proud of himself) fierce, weirdly proud, pretty returns favours with favours of his own (this sounds normal but actually it's extremely rare in teyvat)
It all works very well… with one tiny problem. He isn't a fae.
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scorchedcandy · 11 months
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How many times have you seen almost the face of someone you loved most
and deemed it worthy only of destruction for the crime of being almost
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starheirxero · 10 months
BYYYYY THE WAY AGAIN. I love love LOVE and adore evil Sun's use of "you're a dead one" bc it feels like SO MUCH TO UNPACK.
It could mean Sun believes Moon to be a non-threat because he knows this means he isn't effected by the kill code anymore. It could mean that Sun has deemed him unworthy of his time because he isn't the original Moon. It could mean that Sun can target him in the future because he knows that means it'll probably be easier to get under his skin.
It also just has this inherent vibe of like... idk, being a walking corpse almost???? Like, the sort of vibe of "the old Moon used to live in this body but he's dead now and I'm here in his place." It felt like Sun viewed the Moon in front of as a grave for what used to be rather than what is there now and that, in itself, says a lot about him methinks.
Like idk if any of this makes sense but it is so fascinating to me. If a perfectly functioning Moon qualifies as a "dead one" to him, who else goes under the same category? Does he view his own Moon as a dead one? Does just wrap any Moon that isn't the "first" Moon into that category? Is this a common category?? Can other people go under the same title or is it something he made only for Moons? WHAT DOES IT MEAN BOY...... AAUAGARRAA IT'S SO COOL IDK. CHEWS ON HIS METAL ARMS
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kicking my feet twirling my hair giggling and blushing over women who went into the forest and came back wrong ✨😍🌸💗😘🥰💖💖
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Tommy Shelby remains one of my favorite examples of "came back wrong" and we never even actually see who he was before the war. Just hear snippets from those who knew and loved him. It's so well done. He never really cares if he lives or dies - he died in France. His body came back but only some of him came with it.
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