#third time trying to post this is the charm lol
pennywises · 8 months
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I can't keep doing this. I can't keep running away. Then we stop running.
MR. & MRS. SMITH (2024) S01E01: First Date
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ssunflowerfieldsz · 9 months
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Risks are what make life worth living ❤
bonus cause I liked the colors here:
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They’re a runner, they’re a trackstar ☆
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(From the 6th to 30th April, I am having a mini 100 follower milestone event!)
Tags: fluff Summary: you tease wanderer by kissing him and then running away
First time it happens, Wanderer is a ball of confusion despite all of his smarts. What just happened? You run up to him in your usual golden retriever way, just suddenly kiss him in the middle of the street, mind you, and run off?? The worst thing is, you only kissed him once. Once. Where are the rest, messily placed on the rest of his face?? He huffs, he will definitely get his revenge!
By the second time that happens, Wanderer is already prepared. He already knows your tactic but despite all of his prep, you still manage to escape, leaving behind a red faced Wanderer and his many colleagues looking at him teasingly. He tries to search for you among the numerous bookshelves before finally surrendering when the alarm he set rings, calling him to return to his stack of theses waiting to be finished. Wander touches the spot where you kissed him as he sits back down.
Third time’s the charm and he finally manages to chase you down. You approached him as usual, hands behind your back and that smug little grin like your plan already worked. A quick peck before you break into a well anticipated sprint… everything would have worked out had Wanderer not immediately sprints after you. Anemo amps up his speed, leading to your defeat. You try to push him away feebly with your hands while struggling against his hold. He cackles in his typical Wanderer way before diving down for the kisses you owe him after all that teasing. Feather light kisses rain all over your face, tickling you until you respond with your own flurry of kisses.
A/N: Happy white day (this is not a white day post lol) and everyone please say happy birthday to my sister (15/3) if possible! Taglist: @amyminhminh
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celestialtarot11 · 2 months
PAC 💙 Your Magical Gifts! 🦋
Hi friends! Today we’ll be looking at something a little different than normal 👀 your magical gifts! What kind of superhuman would you be? I just thought this was something fun to do! Im curious to see what message spirit will have! As always, your love is appreciated 💙🦋 enjoy!
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Pile 1: Hi there pile 1! Welcome 💙🦋 I see you have the power of abundance and power! I heard Prowess as soon as I shuffled 😍 so a strong person indeed! But I feel your power comes from your intuition, the trust you have with your soul. I heard soul process, so you have the ability to not only alchemize your soul and heal inner wounds, but also help others. As a result you appear as a mirror, encouraging people around you to start their healing. But I also am hearing with great power comes great responsibility lol, so essentially, your power May intimidate others which doesn’t mean its bad! Others feel small and vulnerable because you see to their soul. Eyes are the window to your soul—so maybe you have prominent eyes, or something is unique about your eyes! Which adds to your glamour and power 🌀 I also see you have the ability to attract new souls seeking deeper connections in this lifetime, I think you know you aren’t meant to do this alone. Your figure would be human like, I don’t necessarily see any supernatural to your figure! But I think some of you like that—blending in more even though you know deep down, thats not all there is to you 💙🌀 You may be have scorpio in your chart or strong mars placement! Or aries too! Love and peace pile 1’s! Please comment reblog and share this post 🥺
Pile 2: Hi pile 2’s! Welcome babes 🦋🐬 I feel like you guys are connected to the air element a lot! So maybe you have a lot of air in your chart. I feel like you guys could be represented by a horse—or maybe that is your spirit guide or animal companion! Or you just feel drawn to horses lol. For you I feel like Mercury is very strong for you, even if you don’t have it in your chart, Mercurys influence is big! You are a smooth talker with your power and charisma, able to charm your way in to anyones pants ;) but on a deeper note, you are able to analyze people on a deep level right away! And no one can hide a thing from you because you will sense it immediately. Razor sharp mind and intuition. I feel like you go with your head a lot more than your heart, and its served you well, because I can see your power lies in speaking your truth and boundaries and communication. “No, this is what I need. Yes I like this. Let’s do this. Or no I need to pull back my energy because this person is being shady.” You will notice things immediately. I feel like your third eye is very active, and you may have visions or “inklings” or “feelings” before things happen. You can see the future as a gift. And I also heard sometimes its hard for you because its a huge responsibility in itself. People try to hide from you but you see it all. Its like you know immediately who to pick apart from the crowd (whether they’re amazing or not!) but you do it for your safety! If you know someone is amazing for you you’ll feel it deep down. But the horse is symbolic for power and strength, and also grace. I feel like you are graceful within your movements and enjoy subtly, although you’re not afraid of a good time! Voice, lips are a prominent feature for you and/or your body! Maybe you go to the gym! But thank you pile 2’s for being here 💙🌀 Please continue to support this blog as its greatly appreciated!
Pile 3: Welcome pile 3’s! 🌀🦋🌀Wow okay you guys have a powerful energy! I heard “ride like lightning crash like thunder,” as I shuffled the cards! I feel like you guys know how to make an entrance and leave 🥰 “hate to see you go, love to see you walk away,” wow! You guys have the presence of a goddess/god! I feel people may want to “bow” down to you, or pay you respect, or be on their good behavior for you. There’s something about people feeling in awe by your presence and actions. And people know not to mess with you. Your energy takes up space and you’re not afraid of that! Your power lies in your presence. I know it may not sound like a lot, but your energy speaks for itself here. I feel that you guys are subtle, move in private, whilst somehow attracting attention! I feel you guys are a mystery to those around you and I’m actually being shown mist. Like fog rolling in. Thats you guys, I feel there is so much I don’t understand yet I’m captivated to go in more. You guys have such strong allure and captivity! Your power lies in your ability to lure in whatever you want! People, connections, money, new timelines, manifestations. I also feel you may have Neptune 1h or moon 12h/1h! And its like im trying to grab the mist and nothing is in my hand, because its vapor. I feel like people really try to figure you out but you are a mystery, and I think thats a power because you may be surrounded by unhealthy people at the moment. And being a mystery is better than being an open book! I feel like you guys are connected to Zeus for some reason, lightning and thunder storms. I love it! You guys are not afraid of bringing in a storm to make people realize what needs healing. Not that you’ll force people no, but rather, you awaken people. Maybe you work with Zeus, or find greek mythology beautiful! Or like thunderstorms lol. You guys are the beauty of the night 🌀💙🦋 Thank you pile 3! Please continue to support this blog always 🥺
Thanks so much everyone! Making this was so much fun actually and I was so excited to hear the messages! Very unique and beautiful 😍🌀💙 Dont forget to stay hydrated and eat well loves! Your kindness is appreciated.
Paid Readings 🐬🦋🌀
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agartlez · 3 months
Third time's the charm
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So here I bring you another challenge made into infographics!! I present to you the Space Legacy Challenge by fantastic @simsandstrawberries!!! Her original challenge is color coded and I tried to reflect it in the colors BUT! Please do double check 'cause I'm not confident I did a good job there lol Hopefully you like it and give it a try 'cause I had lots of fun making this! Enjoy!
P.S.: Also I couldn't find how to add a title once made a post so this is a totally new one. Sorry about that.
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outisgivingpac · 1 year
Pick-a-card: What kind of lover you are attracting?
Hello everyone, I'm back (kind of?) to deliver my first love reading ever! 👀🔥 This PAC will look into what kind of romantic (but also platonic) relationship you are inviting to your life with your current energy. Basically, we will see what personality traits you like about each other and what makes your relationship work. Be mindful that your energy changes over time, and with this collective reading, only take what resonates 🍀✨
If you want to book a personal reading with me, check out my pinned post. There you will also find the masterlist of all my free PAC! Enjoy~ 🌞
🐱Pick a pile/image you feel most drawn to🐱
Pile 1. Pile 2. Pile 3.
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Pile 1: Queen of Swords, 6 of Pentacles, 4 of Swords
First of all, the kind of lover you're attracting are drawn to you by your sharp wits, as well as your fierce and independent nature. Where others find your rough exterior difficult to deal with, this person finds charm and wisdom. They like how argumentive and opinionated you are, like you won't be afraid to speak up for the underdogs and can be real protective around your loved ones. In turn, you might like this person for their generous and forgiving nature. Though their ways of living might trigger your protective instinct at first, like how could someone be so comfortable laying their heart bare? What if someone take advantages of them?? (Lol) But soon enough, you will learn their kindness didn't come from naivety, but their rich life experiences; they are someone emotionally mature and capable to give and receive love from a healthy headspace. As someone who had to navigate through life with careful calculation and always on alert, you will grow to trust this person to mean what they say and be genuine with you throughout your relationship. Fundamentally, you both see each other as a sanctuary. You know the other got your back in the end of the day, and got to "recharge" just by spending time together. Platonic or romantic, this seems to be a wholesome connection that helps you stay grounded during turbulent time.
Pile 2: 4 of Cups reversed, Page of Swords, The Moon reversed
The first thing came up when I read your cards is how it feels like you guys meet/interact with each other in a highly specific environment. Meaning, you don't neccessarily have access to each other's personal life or have constant communication, but just expect to see each other at particular time and space. You could easily be classmate or colleagues, or are sharing a mutual friend. I hear some of you would refer to each other to a third person with a really specific nickname, for example "that guy who takes double expresso" or sth like that. You like this person because they're a social-butterfly with a lotta energy. They often poke fun with you and are fairly successful. On their side, they find you interesting, despite the first impression of you being quite standoffish. You managed to take them aback several times with some witty/funny remarks. They think you have a lot to offer, long as others put effort to help break the ice. This relationship seems to be of a casual and light-hearted nature. It sounds strange but, it just works when neither parties know where they are going, nor do they try too hard to stir the boat somewhere specific. It's the kind loose committal relationship that deepen slowly overtime, like the sediment at the bottom of a river.
Pile 3: 2 of Swords, Strength, Temperance reversed
The person you're attracting seems to be someone you would usually consider as "out of your league". Unlike you who always strike for a harmony in a group, this person has a strong and upfront personality, though I won't describe them as unkind or selfish. Quite the opposite, they are incredibly wise and have a big heart of an advocate. In your eyes, they have accomplished a lot of admirable goals with their talent second to their tenacity and hard work. Comparing to them, you might find yourself too indecisive and easily flustered to step out of your comfort zone. On the other hand, they see you as someone with many contradictions and complex inner world. In conversation with you, they can tell how you have many different interests and potentials, yet more often than not surrender your choices to the circumstances or other people. On the surface, it seems like a "I can fix them" kind of attraction, but at the same time I don't sense a strong desire to force themselves in your life from this person. In other words, they are not someone who would force others to change in order to match them. But they will wait and see if you will break out of the comfort zone, or from the harmony of "how things should be", with your own conviction. If anything, they want to be one of your conscious choice, not an convenient option due to the circumstances.
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murkycran · 5 months
Misc. Vox Fic Rec List
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Welcome to my Miscellaneous Vox Fic Rec List!
Soooo after a lot of consideration, I decided to make a third rec list. This one will be for miscellaneous fics, which can mean anything from smaller Vox pairings to fics that are not strictly Radiostatic or VoxVal. You'll see what I mean.
I will keep updating this periodically as I read more fics, too, so feel free to check back every once and a while! I'll reblog it when I update it, plus make a note with the date at the top. Trust me, this is by no means a complete list; there's fics I still want to add to this that I just haven't gotten to yet. I just decided to go ahead and post it anyways, because if I kept waiting until I ran out of fics to rec I'd probably be working on this forever.
These are not in any particular order; I'm going by both my Bookmarks list on AO3 and my memory of fics I forgot to bookmark. I also tried to make notes on what fics were written before season 1 released, but I might have missed some, so keep that in mind.
Please let me know if any links don't work or are wrong!
✨Before you proceed:✨ read the tags on these fics if you decide to read them. Many of them have heavy material - no surprise given the fandom, but still, felt like this needed said. On that note, there's also fics with explicit material and some fics are straight up PWP. Again, read at your own risk/heed the tags.
Fic Rec List Masterpost
Radiostatic Fic Rec List
Staticmoth Fic Rec List
Alastor Makes a Porno by Charnel_Goat, spappest
Summary: Alastor interrupts Val and Vox's personal time to get his rut over and done with, and they're just going to have to deal with that.
Basically, Alastor and Val try to have a threesome, but they keep arguing, everyone's injuring each other trying to figure out the logistics, and nobody cares what Vox has to say about any of this.
Notes: This has Staticmoth, Radiostatic, and Valastor. It's not strictly leaning more towards any pairing (tho Val does make a pretty sweet comment at the very beginning about Vox lol), which is why it's going on the Misc List. Porn with an edge of hilarity that - despite the tags - made it pretty funny. Three terrible people being terrible to each other. Vox suffers. Heed the tags.
He's Visual, Alright! by dead_boy
Summary: For Valentines Day, Charlotte Morningstar— Lucifer’s brat— had announced the hotel would be hosting a sweetheart poll, allowing winners to vote for the biggest ‘sweethearts’ in Pentagram City! How adorable!
— Of course, when Angel gets involved, things get a little twisted, and hell treats it as a most-fuckable-celebs poll.
Vox isn’t the only one surprised by how high he scored, and how concerning the amount of votes he received was.
But there was no way in hell this “demand” was enough to make him give into Valentino and Velvet’s newest fixation: Making use of this fame and making Vox do some modelling!
Surely he won’t mind the lingerie and toys provided by Velvet and Valentino respectively, right?
edit march 2024: i can’t believe he just won the hottest hazbin character poll. literally manifested
Notes: Poly Vees. Funny af. Vox suffers, but in a good way. Written BEFORE the hottest HH character poll, can you believe that? Lmao.
stray by vol_ctrl
Summary: How Vox met Vark. ♥
Notes: No ship. Written before season 1 release.
After the Credits Roll by leftofrevolution
Summary: Everyone knew the Magnes sometimes liked to spice up their sex life by dragging another demon into the middle of it.
Vox maybe should have paid more attention to that particular tidbit of information than he did.
Notes: Lilith/Lucifer/Vox. Chapter 1 written before season 1 release, with Chapter 2 being released after season 1 release. I read for the crackship, ended up liking the Lilith/Lucifer/Vox dynamic and world-building a LOT. Lol. Poor Vox. Or good for him? Still has yet to be seen.
The Shopping Cart Test by spappest
Summary: Angel never expected Prince Charming to have a TV for a head, but when Vox kills Valentino and saves him from his abuse, well… Maybe Hell doesn’t have to be all that bad. With Val out of the way, everyone can have a happy ending. Angel’s safe, Charlie’s happy, and even Alastor finds love.
Oh, wait. This is Hell. It’s always that bad.
Notes: Angel/Vox. Started before season 1 release. First Staticdust fic I read. :)
Hold Me Up by Sameko
Summary: Vox has been in and out of a relationship with Valentino for years. Always breaking up. Always coming back.
Then one night comes the definitive crack at the expense of one of Valentino's employees, to which Vox never paid much attention other than for shits and giggles.
One night, one word too many, might be enough to shift the perspectives of two people once strangers to each other.
Notes: Staticdust. Pretty bleak and dark at times, but so, SO good. Two broken people trying not to cut each other with their edges while also trying to help each other.
Cruel Melody by Hiding_Behind_a_Pencil_and_Pen
Summary: A man hopelessly in love with a monster, despite how much it hurts.
A person chained to a beast he can never escape, no matter how hard he tries.
Vox and Angel Dust have given their body and heart to Valentino, and neither know how to free themselves from his lies.
But maybe, even if it never gets better, they won't have to suffer alone.
What if Husk was just a little too late to get to the bar in episode four? And a certain media Overlord helped Angel instead. They find out that they're not so different after all.
Notes: As of now, I think this is Queerplatonic Staticdust.
Revelations in Technicolor by Awesome_Possum
Summary: Velvette had been dead for six years, part of The Vees for four, and fucking Vox for a little over two. They had a good thing going.
On one of their bi-weekly Vox-mandated movie nights, Valentino put a plan into motion and Velvette learned something new and surprising about her business partner and part-time sugar daddy that made a shocking amount of sense.
It ultimately ended up bringing The Vees closer and if Valentino claimed that was his intention all along, no one had any reason to believe him.
Notes: The Vees are a V and Vox is the hinge, so he's in a relationship with both Valentino and Velvette. Interesting headcanons for Vox's human life. :) (What is the ship name for Velvette/Vox again?)
System Shutdown by Swoolie
Summary: Taking a leaf from Alastor's book, Vox goes on a small break from everything.
He doesn't stick around long enough to see the chaos that ensues after his sudden disappearance.
Notes: This is tagged with both Radiostatic and Staticmoth. It's too early in the story to tell definitively which direction it's going to end up, so for now it's going to be on the Misc list. I'll probably move it when it becomes more clear what the main pairing will be.
Dapple Rose by The_Penny_Tails
Summary: Everyone always assumes the same thing about Alastor and Vox's relationship: That it's one-sided, that it's based on fixation, and that the reason for their falling out was due to the obsession turning into something that couldn't be controlled.
All of those assumptions are correct. The only problem is, everyone gets the 'who is obsessing over whom' part of the equation wrong.
When Vox and Valentino end up stuck at the hotel, suddenly the entire relationship between the radio and television is put on display, casting it and Alastor in an entirely different light.
Notes: Tagged with both Radiostatic and Staticmoth. Due to both this and the entire story itself (you'll see what I mean when you read it), it's going here on the Misc List. I freaking love this story, because so far I've not seen another fic where Alastor was obsessed with Vox while Vox was not obsessed with him in return. :3 Everything Penny_Tails writes is gold!
Here I Come by Heliosolar
Summary: Vox contemplates his lackluster life as he stands over the edge of the city.
Or, the fall of Vox, both mentally and physically.
Notes: Written before season 1 release. No ships, just Vox. Heed the tags.
Entertainment for Two by Heliosolar
Summary: With the radio demon joining them for the night, Vox puts on a show the two overlords will never forget.
Notes: Written before season 1 release. Staticmoth and Radiostatic, at the same time. 😳
Proposition by Snorp_Lord
Summary: Alastor does not, strictly speaking, have a 'relationship' with the King of Hell. But they certainly have a something.
A something which does not include Vox. But Alastor is at least willing to indulge Lucifer in whatever this new idea is.
The new idea is Vox.
Notes: Contains Radiostatic, Radioapple, and Staticapple, but for this installment, Radiostatic is definitely the focus. Very intense, pretty sweet. 😳 Has 2 more parts in the series which are definitely worth the read, though they don't feature Vox as much.
meteor shower by spoondrifts
Summary: alastor, rosie, vox, and a study in non-traditional love.
Notes: QPR Alastor/Rosie/Vox. Very good! (What's the ship name for this?? Radiostaticrose?? Radiorosestatic?? Roseradiostatic?? Staticradiorose??)
spiraling down thy majesty by spoondrifts
Summary: “Okay, um, time out,” Lucifer said, because he felt like they were maybe losing the plot a little. “I feel like I should remind you that I’m not here because I was like, uh, overwhelmed with lust for you, in particular. I’m here because Husk said you were Alastor’s ex and I have poor impulse control and thought it’d be funny, but I’m realizing now that this is actually just really weird and you, my friend, have some serious issues that I am not equipped to handle.”
Or: Lucifer and Vox have a shared problem that starts with Al and ends in stor and has a in the middle—thankfully, there's a solution! (The solution is sex. It's just sex.)
Notes: Staticapple. Revenge sex. As in...they're both getting revenge on Alastor...using each other. Lol.
(Fic rec list to be continued as I read more)
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tarotwithdanise · 2 years
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[ 1. ] who is she?
[ 2. ] what's her divine feminine message to her?
[ 3. ] what's her traits that most people look on her up the most?
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how to choose pile?
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
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rules, disclaimer and notes ☆
[ 1. ] just a quick disclaimer : this reading was made for entertainment purposes only. this is obviously a general reading so takes what resonates and leave when it doesn’t, you don’t need to force your energy to read this and leave such a bad comment just to say it doesn’t resonates with you at all because the answer is very obvious! i don’t own any these pictures i collected them from pinterest so credits to the rightful owners.
[ 2. ] please ignore any grammatical errors on my reading since english is not my first language, thank you for understanding!
[ 3. ] third to the last one, if you are not an avid fan of this kind of readings and not totally 100% agree about the outcome of this pac please just ignore this post and don’t engaged anymore, this pac can contains harsh, hurtful comments about you so don't take it seriously since this is general , so kindly read at your own risk and take how it’ll resonates.
[ 4. ] lastly, be happy and enjoy reading my works — feedbacks, comments, likes, reblogs and follows are really appreciated by the reader. (that’s me, lol :3)
for tips, donation and paid readings ☆
[ ♡ ] check out my second account @danisetarot.
SOURCE AND CREDITABLE : all of the pictures are collected and downloaded from pinterest , i don’t own any of them but credits goes to the rightful owners but edits belongs to me. i use the editor tools canva and ibispaint for the header and divider.
deck and tools used : waite-raider tarot, the light seer tarot, the divine feminine oracle, charms, intuition and alphabet and numbers 100 pcs wooden scrabble tiles + pen and paper for channelling the names and physical appearance.
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[ who is she? ]
temperance-the emperor-ten of sword rx-eight of wands-nine of swords.
She finally mastered the art of loving and appreciating herself more. She began to concentrate on her long-term ambition and goals. She has attracted a lot of attention, and people think she is fun to be around. Despite the fact that she is viewed as pretty and delicate by others, she also has insecurities, and for some reason, she has a tendency to believe that she will not be able to keep up with them. Before the sunset vanish, you'll occasionally catch a glimpse of her before she returns to her familiar surroundings, the moon and stars. She's very impatient, so she usually juggles many things at once and expects immediate results. She has shrunk the pain from the past and accept the truth, she experienced numerous tears and heartaches as a child and the empty existence she was led deep within her inner soul, with only few pleasant memories, that have left her exhausted throughout her childhood life; however, she now realizes that everything happened for a reason. She needed a long time to comprehend this significant substance. To emerge from the gloom, she had to go through a lot of hardships. She is now applying what she has learned from her previous difficulties and was trying her best even it's small or little progress.
She is also mature and old now. She doesn't want other people to go through what she have gone through, but she wants to use her skills and abilities to help other people like her. She is the kind of person who brings out the best in others. She will lead very different lives as an adult than she did as a child. She adheres to the rules; seems like a winter before becoming a ravishing spring, and she pursues her dreams and goals in the same way and with the same level of class and honoring her dignity. There is no need to rush anything that is taking place on her; everything is meant to happen. From her past, she has always preferred to remain out of the spotlight and kept her identity a secret, she anticipate becoming an excellent communicator when she is got older. Despite being a she, she possesses a strong masculine energy. She will be self-assured and certain of her own worth in the right time and ready to take charge of any circumstance.
[ nutshell/keywords ]
fear of showing their talent, impatient, masculine energy, moving from one place to another especially foreign countries, have a habit of walking, eating or talking fast. lesson learned, daddy issues, peace, anxiety and balance.
[ who is the divine feminine that have message for you and what are their message to you? ]
The Divine Feminine, Thecla and Mary Magdalene, have a message for you. You should know that your life is in your hands, according to your divine feminine. To do this for your own benefit, you don't need permission from anyone else. Right now, you hold the power. You are in controller of what you want for your future. Don't allow other people to rule over you. You are free to cut ties with those who are no longer serving you, if you just choose and wanted to. Your divine reminds you of your soul's mission for this lifetime and wants you to know it. They also want you to accomplish all of your goals. You can be anything you want to be. You won't have to worry because they will support you spiritually. They also want you to know that love, the love you had for yourself, is your true power. They want you to have self-confidence and stop doubting your abilities and talent. Because love is your power, it will never ends and will always reside within your heart. You are still a human being, so forgive yourself and accept who you are.
[ what traits that most people look on her up the most? ]
the lovers-ace of wands-the world-five of pentacles.
You are loving human, you like demonstrating or sharing your values to others is one of the qualities that people most admire to you. You may come across to some as someone who puts a lot of effort into their appearance. However, you are someone who listens with insight, openness, and honesty. I recently came across the phrase "on my way to my self-love," so perhaps some of you have made significant progress in your own personal development. Numerous issues that had previously held you back have been resolved. Just keep practicing self-love and acceptance. While if you have current partner right now, they look up your romantic nature. Do you really want to relocate, perhaps to another country? because there is always a sign that someone is moving here or moving to another location/place. People also do look up to you because of your abilities and upbeat demeanor, if you frequently travel to other countries you'll likely to impart your knowledge and skills. You also have a passion for learning; In fact, you need to continue learning in order to feel happy and better. Learning is an integral part of your journey and life. If you have colleagues/coworkers they look up on this trait of yours where the fact that you can be counted/lean on and can be trusted in every important matters of them to you. They also adore your success in achieving your goals, particularly your glow and self-acceptance. These people who love you the most will see how far you've come and how hard you try to keep up, but the end result is well worth it. You will ultimately be someone who rises from the bottom to the top.
significant zodiac signs : their chart have a strong gemini and sagittarius. aries, scorpio, aquarius, virgo, cancer and capricorn. (sun,moon,rising.)
initials/names : J-J-S-M-A-P-D-S-B-E-C-T-B-H-H-U-I-Z. ( pearl, sam, bea, kaori, ayemi, emily, pari, aadhira, emilliana, phoebe, sol, selene, diana, jenny, meera, thalia, ann, cordelia, joy, jade, denise and madison. ) I hope they were spelled correct, please me know if they don't.
possible physical appearance : deep dimples, brown/light shade of eyes, chubby with curves body type, long nails with nail polished, wear eye glasses/contacts, short hair to medium hair length that always tied up or only have one style, pretty hands, significant nose, reddish cheeks(maybe from make-up), moles on face, chest part and hands, might have rings(2-3), necklace with small pendant, flat/rubber shoes, likes to wear neutral color of clothes, pimples on the back, shoulders or face, nice and teeth straight, hair color is brown/black but might dyed into pink, red or purple shades.
extra messages : intimidating, cold, childish, type of person take a long of time to get the joke of someone but laughing of it like it was the best joke they ever heard in their entire life, might love cats rather than dogs, boyish, anime, quite type, kpop, taylor swift, paramore, melanie martinez, broke, might have problem on menstruation, intelligent, likes and enjoy to eating foods, abundance coming on her before this year ends.
songs that i picked for this pile :
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
[ who is she? ]
She is unhappy in her current situation, and her lack of mental stability prevents her from pursuing pure happiness. Additionally, she lacks self-motivation, which results in missed opportunities that would otherwise satisfy her needs and desires. She feels distant and disconnected from others because she have lacks of trust. She believes that whenever she confronts them, people always speak negatively about her. People perceive her as aloof and quite but all she wanted was to defend herself from those who were attempting to harm her. She has a kind heart and is willing to lend a helping hand to anyone she thinks might benefit from it. She enjoys showing respect and class to others. She will be an effective leader and will thrive on financial security. She believes that anything is possible, no matter how difficult her life is or what she is going through at the moment, and no one can take this kind of nature away from her. She can sell sand in the desert if she wants to, and she might succeed in the business world.
She has a tendency to overthink a lot, but she has big dreams and moves well in any direction she choose. She can set trends because she appears to have magical powers and can turn anything she touches into gold. Somehow she is cruel to herself in some way and always pities and judges herself, but she was unaware that she is born as an alpha. She doesn't realize it yet but little she don't know is that she will be. She needs to believe to herself that she can do everything she wanted to be, she got a strong manifestation abilities.
[ nutshell/keywords ]
throw her in pack of wolves, she'll comes back leading it, manifestor, rought to themselves, dancer/singer, strong mindset for goals, kind, generous, can be a great business owner, missed some important things, likes to spread happiness but deep inside was hurt, ask univers to tap the bigger forces to make her desires come true and unstable.
[ who is the divine feminine that have message for you and what are their message to you? ]
The divine feminine that has a message for her are freyja and rita of cascia. You spent many days, hours and minutes of your life by choosing wisely which one is better and good for you. You know what is good for you, you understand the timing of divine and you have fully trusted it. Your divine feminine wants you to say yes only to where you think it's worth to have for and don't be afraid to say no so that you can only say yes what will nourish you. They want you to choose the life you want to have right now. They want you to know that every second you spending is very important. Be a warrior and not a worrier, always believe anything is impossible from this world and know that you are capable to do everything freely, don't lock yourself in a cell. Don't be a prisoner with a chain on their feet. Forgive yourself and others, forgiveness is about setting yourself free. Don't lose hope, keep praying and trust the divine timing.
[ what traits that most people look on her up the most? ]
queen of wands-page of wands-justice-seven of pentacles.
The fact that she puts in a lot of effort is one of her most admirable characteristics. You have a very upbeat attitude toward other people, especially with your friends. Despite having a lot of friends, you've thought that you were an introvert or a very introverted person. Despite this, people always try to figure out who you really are because they think you are mysterious. And the fact that you are always there for your friends when they need you is one of a trait that they admire in you. You may have been like a mother figure to this group of friends, which is why they see you as one of their closest and good friend. Everywhere you go, you bring harmony and equality. You wants lust for life, as I said, and she will be good at bringing everything she wants into her life. You adore the outdoors and find that a place like this brings you such inner peace and tranquility—perhaps for some of you it's your grandparents' property well maybe you visit often. People also admire you because you have a lot of patience and might want to plant seeds for a long time in the future. I'm not sure if you're the kind of person who doesn't want to be the center of attention but ends up being one. People adore the fact that you have a big heart and you don't hesitate to express how much you care about your loved ones. You are about to end a routine but are continuing to do the same thing but in new ways and strategies.
significant zodiac signs : aries-gemini-aquarius-cancer-taurus-capricorn-virgo-libra-sagittarius-scorpio. (sun,moon,rising.)
initials/names : M, V, Y, Y, S, M, T, D, H, I, A, A, A, B, P, C,R, U, U, U, Z, & K. ( ishi, victoria, may, melissa, dalia, dorothy, anna, alexa, ruby, athena, rose, chloe, leah, rhea, kyla, khyra, saira, sara(h), sandy, megan, belle, luna, lily, iris and ivanna. )
possible physical appearance : long curly/perm hair, hoodie eyes, light/dark color set of eyes, scars, tattoos, always have hair pins on their hair, lips is not too big nor too thin, smaller/average of height, hoodies, shorts, might have a stretch marks, hairy body, might have brace, have like a elephant moles, crop tops, long skirts, noticable eye bags, small bags or purse, red and black colors are significant for them.
extra messages : kind but can kill if anyone hurt their loved ones, somehow popular or well liked by others, type of someone who'll forgive but will never forget and no more second chances, end up making healthy choices when it comes to love and life, strong will for financial abundance, have many options right now, karmic relationships and lessons and missing the old happy and memorable memories.
songs that i picked up :
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
[ who is she? ]
You can call her if you want to see someone who likes to be silly around with other people and laughs at their own mistakes. When she's around, she always makes everyone around her feel happy. She is the kind of person you can rely on when you have work to do because she is committed, dedicated, and fully focused on the task at hand. She'll be friendly and likely leave a big impression on others. She is strong, successful, and mature. She always looks for the good in every situation, and I can't blame her for being brave as a lion. She doesn't even question it when she thinks this is right. She continued to live her life, despite the times when she felt down, thanks to the strong motivation of her family and friends.
She will seize the power and opportunities. She makes every effort to improve herself and there's a high chance of her to establish an empire. She will succeed by working for herself example making her own business.
She enjoys having parties and getting to know new people. As long as they are the center of attention, she typically has a large group of friends with whom they enjoy interacting. People are most likely to fall in love with her frequently because of her style, beauty, and charisma, which will make them stand out wherever they go. She is most likely asleep when she vanishes where you can't see her everywhere and when you can't hear her loud and raucous laughter, conversation, or voice.
[ nutshell/keywords ]
a loud friend 24/7, might feel ugly and insecure with their body sometimes, positive individual, type of someone whom you can't turn down that easily, party people, well liked and loved, have a lot of secret admirers, considered themselves already successful person and dedicated with their works.
[ who is the divine feminine that have message for you and what are their message to you? ]
The divine feminine that has a message for her are kali and perpetua.
Kali and perpetua are the divine feminine beings who have a message for her. Your divine feminine urges you to remove anything that no longer serves you because doing so will be beneficial to your own well-being. They don't want you to waste any more time proving who you really are, but you're doing fine right now. You come here to show respect, love, and care to others. They want you to know that you don't have to be afraid of everything and that your purpose in life is not to please others or make them proud of you. There is wisdom and truth within you, so if you believe you are not on the right path, you can begin again. Being real and authentic is your greatest power. Writing can help you express your inner voice, whether you already have a journal or want to start one. And as you dare to live the truth, that voice transforms into your own light—a fire—that calls you and claims you.
[ what traits that most people look on her up the most? ]
the fool-six of pentacles-the heirophant-strength.
I adore how each pile allowed for its own puzzle to be solved. Okay, people look up your originality and uniqueness, and yes, I can understand when you act childish at times. You are able to see the good in everyone, and this ability of yours, you have an access to make people more likely to be taken advantage of, if you use to. You are not as concerned about the material world as the rest of society, which is frequently noticed by others. People see you as creative, and your ability to think outside the box helps you succeed. Because of your generous and caring nature, children will admire you and adore your presence. They've always wanted to be near you, even though you don't want to be with them. Some people think you're good at singing because of your beautiful voice.
People adore that you are an open-minded individual who is open to other people's ideas and beliefs. Last but not least, these people will admire your bravery—not only are you open about the beliefs of other people, but you are also not afraid to stand up for yourself when other people try to get in your way.
significant zodiac signs : leo-virgo-taurus-gemini-aquarius. (sun,moon, rising.)
initials/names : G, G, T, P, J, C, A, R, Y, U, K, L, L, V, Z, X, X ,I ,E, W, & S. ( jane, julie, patricia, ross, ysballe, ymir, zoey, catherine, shane, genevieve, geneva, lou, louse, angela, emilia, ella, eva, ena, kaye, urja, urshita. ) let me know if they were spelled right.
possible physical appearance : significant chess part, petite, long arms and fingers, tshirts, sweaters, likes to appear dark and light feminine, might have hair highlights, crooked teeth/nails, short nails but may have nail polish/colored, have a strong smell of perfume, might wear eye glasses and noticeable veins.
extra messages : funny person, likes bird, dogs, cat, have a crush start with j, m, t or p, eating chocolates, savage, light colors is their favorites, eating noodles and schedule is their wallpaper.
songs that i picked up :
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀:¨ ·.· ¨:⠀⠀
Hello, everyone! It's been a long time since i uploaded my latest pac. I hope everything that i've said make sense about you even though I know that this is a general reading. I send a message to Universe that may everyone will be blessed, stay healthy and happy everytime they come across with my account. Happy weekends, expect more pacs contents to be posted. ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ `· . ꔫ
© daninixx ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work.
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Defrosting Ice King
Summary: You teamed up with Neo Shadaloo to help free more test subjects that were kidnapped. It’s been two successful rescues for you and the team to far, will it be third time’s the charm? Unfortunately, barely.
You end up getting badly injured in the fight to rescue two kidnapped children and got attacked and ambushed by brainwashed psycho powered experiments. Ed starts to lose it.
Thankfully, you’re tougher than you look. (Cross posted from Archive of Our Own)
(I did not know what visual to put here. 😅)
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Author’s Notes: Inspired by this post right here: https://www.tumblr.com/mylife-notyours98/756209442736979968/please-im-begging-someone-please
I saw this and went, “say no more.” Plus, needed to write some Ed angst mixed with hurt/comfort since there is a lack of it on Tumblr. And because I don’t want all of my Ed content as much as I am super down bad for the guy to JUST be sex, sex, and more sex, lol.
I also decided to use “Y/N” less here so that the excessive use of it is not too off putting for others that prefer reader insert fics with less of that being used.
@mylife-notyours98 this is for you!
Content Warning(s): Light Angst, Hurt/Comfort (For Ed mostly), Bosch Mention, JP Mention, Ed Cries, Reader Gets Injured, Reader is a BAMF, Gets Fluffy At the End, Banter, Awkward Ed, Ooey Gooey Sappy Romantic Stuff at the End
Ed tried to warn you about something like this. He tried to deter you from seeing him. He tried to get you away from him, not because he hated you, far from it. He was… afraid. He HATES admitting it, but he’s afraid of losing the first person he truly fell in love with.
He also tried to deny his feelings for a very long time and say that he does not love you to others that teased him about you before the incident.
It never worked.
As he sat on the ground next to the pile of scrap heap he made with his gloved fists, he thought about the events of what had led to your injuries.
(Two weeks ago)
“What’s the plan, Commander Ed?” You playfully asked him.
Ed rolled his eyes at you and lightly flicked your nose. You yelped and rubbed your nose.
“That wasn’t nice of you.” You frowned.
“Well, that ain’t my name and you know it.” Ed argued jokingly.
“I didn’t hear you complain.~” You teased.
Falke smirked at the two of you bantering as he discussed the plan.
The plan was to help some test subjects out who are children.
Hearing and seeing that Shadaloo went as far as kidnapping and experimenting on children had always made you sick to your stomach, but you put on a brave face for your new Neo Shadaloo friends, especially with Ed, whom you started falling for over the past few months of joining him and his friends.
You then cracked your knuckles and said, “Well then, I’m ready.”
Ed smiled at your confidence briefly before he said, “Move out.”
You followed the other Neo Shadaloo members who were leaving the makeshift hideout, which was an abandoned warehouse, meanwhile Falke and Ed fell a little bit behind.
Falke smirked at Ed. “You like them, don’t you?”
His eyes widened and his face turned red.
“What?! No. I’m just… letting them exist in here.” Ed lied badly.
Sighing, Falke patted Ed’s shoulder.
“Listen, Ed. Whether you like it or not, they want to be there for you because they like you. They wouldn’t be dealing with you acting like this 24/7 tough guy if they didn’t. Plus, why else would they risk their lives helping you?” Falke asked.
“Because… they’re a dummy?” Ed asked, once again trying to cover up his true feelings, which earned him a shoulder smack from Falke.
“You can’t bullshit me, Ed. You sometimes grow attached to everyone you meet.” Falke argued.
Ed sighed, rubbing his shoulder and confessed, “Well… maybe it’s because I don’t want anything bad to happen to them because of me.”
Falke’s face softened.
“Hey, it’ll be okay, Ed. They’re strong and can make it through it just like you and I did.” Falke said, trying to reassure her brother.
“Alright. I hope you’re right.” Ed said, taking a deep breath.
“Eddy! You coming?” You called.
Falke giggled at the nickname, making Ed mouth “shut up” at her once again blushing.
You and the group infiltrated a run down facility, with broken shards of glass on the floor, which led up to the broken test tubes.
Falke was with you, alongside five others.
“Find anything?” You asked Falke.
The blonde woman shook her head. “Nothing yet.”
You sighed and looked around carefully, holding your breath cautiously in case someone attacks.
“Over here.” Someone whispered to Falke, which made you follow her and the other former test subject.
With teamwork, Falke and three others lifted some debris to reveal two children. Fraternal twins.
One of them had barcode tattoos on their shoulders similarly to Ed.
Ignoring the pang of sadness in your heart and gut, you quickly went over to them and got them out.
The girl twin started to cry and cling onto you, and you soothed her with a head pat and a hug.
“Ssh, it’s okay, you and your brother are safe now.” You cooed.
“Hey! What the hell are you doing here?!” A group of Shadaloo soldiers were suddenly surrounding all seven of you. “It’s Neo Shadaloo, stop them!”
“Dammit!” You yelled as you whipped around and hid the twins behind you protectively.
Falke stood next to you and readied her baton, and the other five members had their weapons and fists at the ready.
Another group appeared to your right and to Falke’s left.
“GO!” Falke yelled as she smacked a couple of soldiers away from the kids.
You delivered a well placed kick to the skull of one of them before punching another all while telling the children to stay right next to you.
The other five fighters were being overwhelmed and you came to their aid while Falke took her turn protecting the kids.
You ran up and threw a jab at one soldier before flipping the solider on his back and stomping on his chest to immobilize him.
One attempted to grab you but your reflexes were quicker and you threw him on top of the guy you stomped on.
You were approached by a bigger guy and you got ready to fight him, until…
In the nick of time, Ed came out and punched the big guy in the face, throwing him to the ground before he used his powers so yank him away from you so that he didn’t squish you like a bug.
You sighed in relief but continued to fight, as there was no time to talk and joke around now.
You kicked another soldier out of your way and ran to Falke to get the kids.
“Ed! We found the kids.” You told him during the fight.
“That’s good, now run!” Ed yelled as he teamed up with the others to help fight the remaining ones.
“But-“ You tired arguing, but Falke put a hand on your shoulder and shook her head.
“We gotta move.” Falke told you.
You reluctantly run with the kids to safety with Falke alongside six others Ed brought with him.
“We’re almost there, don’t worry!” You reassured the children as you all ran.
You on the other hand are worrying on the inside about Ed.
You all regrouped in a seemingly empty lab that mostly had broken test tubes like the previous one.
You knelt in front of the twins. “Do you two have names?”
The twins nodded.
The boy introduced himself as “Peter,” and the girl introduced herself as “Patricia.”
“Peter, Patricia, you’re gonna be safe, I promise you. That man that saved you is Ed. He also helped this nice woman named Falke. He saved a lot of people like you. It will be okay.” You reassured, patting their heads.
Both twins hugged you tightly and you embraced them back.
“Watch out!” Ed yelled.
“Huh?” You whipped your head around to see a test subject with a glowing purple scar charging at you and the kids.
In an instinct, you pushed the kids away towards Falke and the others and you clumsily dodged the attack.
“Falke, get the kids out of here!” You yelled, facing the feral brainwashed fighter.
“You idiot, no!” Falke yelled.
“Just go!” You yelled again as you barely dodged the attacks and kicked the fighter away from you.
“Y/N!” Ed yelled as he helped you fight off the psycho powered combatant. “You can’t fight them.”
“I’ve done it before, I can do it twice.” You said, thinking about Bosch and how you failed to save him. “Besides… I don’t want to fail at saving another one again.”
Ed was confused about what you meant before he tried again to get you to stop. He grabbed at your arm.
“Come on, you can’t do it.” Ed tried to pull you away.
You looked him in the eye with that same fire you had when you practically begged him to train you.
“Just let me do this. Please.” You desperately said. “I want to save them too.”
His grip loosened and you went off to fight the combatant.
He noticed something was not right with this.
As you sustained a couple bruises on your face and on your body, you were able to defeat the one brainwashed combatant. In hopes that you would be able to save them, you lifted the box off their head, and found a young man that looked exactly like Bosch, which made you freeze.
On the man’s shoulders there was a message that read, “I see you’ve joined Bison’s successor, Ed, good luck to you.”
You tried to pick the young man up, you heard Ed scream, “Y/N! Get out of there, there’s more of them!”
“Huh?!” You turned and even after a swift reaction time, you were punched in the stomach, making you cough.
One of them picked you up as if you were a feather and threw you onto a test tube, shattering everywhere, with glass piercing your skin and nearly taking out one of your eyes.
You groaned and yelped in pain as the agonizing pain of the glass in your flesh had been planted inside you.
You tried to get up, but your leg got messed up as well.
Falke and three others came back horrified and joined Ed and his group fighting the other brainwashed combatants.
Everything was blur due to the blood loss as you watched the others fight a bunch of experiments.
You reached out, as if trying to will yourself to get better, but you fainted from both stress and pain.
After what felt like many, many long hours, you awoke in a hospital bed.
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Looking around, you tried to find any familiar faces.
Luckily, you found one: Falke.
“F-Falke…” You mumbled.
“Oh thank god, you’re awake.” Falke said, letting out a breath she was holding in for a long time it seemed. “How are you feeling?”
“Like… I got thrown like a ragdoll into some glass.” You tried to joke but the pain registered in your face. “Jesus Christ it still hurts.”
“Take it easy and do not try to get up, because you’re going to reopen your stitches.” Falke was firm, yet gentle with her words.
“Where’s the kids?” You asked, immediately wondering and worrying about their well-being.
“Peter and Patricia are okay. Just shaken up.”
“And Ed?” You asked.
Falke opened her mouth and closed it again. “How about we talk about this when you’re better?”
“He’s pissed off at me, isn’t he?” You said, looking sad. “I’m not gonna blame him. I did make a dumbass move risking my life like that, all because I let my emotions get the better of me.”
“Y/N…” Falke started. “He’s not pissed off, he’s… just taking a break.”
“A break?” You asked, confused.
“Yeah. He needs to clear his head.” Falke said. “It’s not as serious as your injuries, just take it easy. For him. It’s not me asking, it’s an order.”
You pursed your lips and slowly nodded.
“Good. Hang tight for him, okay?” Falke said before winking.
You were flustered by the comment, but you understood and took it easy. You hated hospitals, but thankfully you made enough money to pay them off with how expensive American hospitals are.
Ed was in the junkyard, and after breaking up so many old cars into scrap heaps and making money, he was panting and sweating and sat on the ground for a second.
Every time he closes his damn eyes…
All he could see is you, getting thrown into a test tube, seeing every single piece of glass pierce your skin and making your bleed out nearly to death, and him screaming out your name desperately.
This happened because he could not be honest with himself for goddamn once in his life.
He kept trying to deny it.
“I’m just friends with them,” he would say. “They’re just weird,” he also said. “I don’t have any feelings for them,” he lied.
The denial did not work as he had intended.
Every time he saw you help other test subjects, especially those twins that were about his age when he was also kidnapped and experimented on, seeing you risk it all for people you barely knew, seeing you fight fiercely, it made him fall in love.
And he hated that he was in love with you.
He was trying so hard not to catch feelings and here you are, making him fall under your spell.
He growled and punched the ground.
He deeply exhaled some of his anger and closed his eyes.
“Did not think you’d be out here of all places.” He heard Falke say behind him.
“What are you doing here? Weren’t you supposed to be watching them?” Ed asked.
“They’re okay, Ed. They’re just healing a bit slowly.” Falke said.
Ed stayed silent and looked at the ground, hiding his face behind his white hoodie and hair.
Falke frowned and sat next to him.
“Do you think I’m worth it?” Ed mumbled.
“What?” Falke asked.
“Do you think I’m worth being around even if shit like that keeps happening?” Ed asked.
Falk thought about her answer carefully.
She thought back to that time Ed rescuing her from Shadaloo and how he gave her more hope in taking down Shadaloo.
“Yes, you are worth it, Ed.” Falke told him.
“Why? I always pull you guys into my bullshit. I mean, look at Y/N right now! They’re like that because of me.” Ed said.
“That’s not true, Ed. They were willing to risk their life the same way you were willing to. Yeah, they’re also stubborn when it comes to you warning them about the danger, but considering how far they went to find their own meaning of strength and wanting to help people, they also think you’re worth it.”
Ed thought hard about this.
“I just need a minute alone.” Ed told her without the usual bite in his words.
Falke noticed this change immediately and nodded in understanding. “Take your time.”
After his sister left, he sighed before he teared up.
He thought back to seeing you, laying in your own blood, unconscious, and he tried to wake you up by calling out to you, and he couldn’t speak after realizing just how horrible your injuries were.
He held a hand up to his mouth, in so much shock from the pang of guilt, anger at himself, and regret for not telling you his true feelings and how he took you for granted.
Picking you up gently, he was almost about to cry, as Falke took notice as she led the others out before anymore Shadaloo soldiers could arrive.
He was the one who brought you to the hospital and he watched as you were fighting to live for another day. After three long days of you being out, he stopped visiting you at the hospital, as he felt like he did not deserve to be in your presence.
(Back to the present)
“How long was I out?” You asked after your wounds healed slightly and you were able to sit up without fearing reopening your wounds and making yourself stay at the dreaded hospital longer.
You checked yourself out during the day and met up with Falke at night.
“Three days.” Falke said bluntly.
“THREE DAYS?!” You exclaimed. “Hold crap, I thought I was gonna faint again.”
“Maybe don’t do that.” Falke joked. “Even though your wounds are healed, you need to take it easy. Until you fully recover, you need to leave the test subjects up to me and Ed.”
“Okay. I REALLY don’t want to be in a hospital again, honestly. Speaking of which, where is Ed?” You asked. “He didn’t immediately go on a mission, did he?”
Falke bit her lip before saying, “He’s been uh… on his off days lately.”
“Is it because of…?” You trailed off. Falke shook her head, immediately debunking your assumption. 
“Just go talk to him. He’s been worried about you.” Falke told you. “Remember to be gentle with him.”
You nodded. “Where is he?”
Falke pointed to the construction area.
“He’s on top of one of the buildings?” You questioned.
“Yeah. He mentioned something about you mentioning a very odd place to recommend tourists and went there specifically.” Falke said.
“Thanks, Falke.” You hugged her and went to go see him.
“Another thing, Y/N! Take care of my brother when I am not around!” Falke advised.
“I will!” You yelled back.
Ed was sitting on one of the buildings of the construction site.
These past few days, he’s been up here, reminiscing about your text messages about this area, loving to go to that Edomon place even though he doesn’t like it personally, and you wanting to get stronger.
He smiled solemnly at these memories and looked down at his wrapped hands.
He sighed and thought about how bad he was at this and how he almost got his heart ripped out of his chest.
“Ed?” He heard your voice and he turned to see you, with new somewhat healing scars on your body and your face.
“What the hell are you thinking, climbing all the way up here with the injuries you have?” Ed scolded, although the venom in his words did not register as strongly as you were expecting from him.
“It’s fine, I checked myself out of the hospital after everything was okay.” You tried reassuring. “Falke was there to make sure I did not make my conditions worse.”
Ed’s shoulders somewhat relaxed as he looked back on the city lights.
You sat next to him, where he couldn’t hide his face behind his hair.
You said nothing for a few seconds to let Ed collect his thoughts.
You both had a bit of a social language barrier going on as he was socially inept due to everything he went through.
Biting your lip, you rubbed your forearm, thinking about how stupid you were risking your life like that because you got emotional seeing a test subject that looked like Bosch.
“I saw the test subject you were eying at.” Ed said bluntly.
You looked at him, but he continued staring at the lights.
“Your friend… his name was Bosch, right?” Ed asked.
“Yes, that was his name.” You confirmed.
“So Bosch was experimented on, and JP is the one who killed him?” Ed asked.
Fighting off tears and the lump in your throat, you said, “Yes.”
“I see.” Ed said, looking down.
You sighed and took a deep breath.
“Remember how we met?” It was now your turn to ask a series of questions.
He nodded.
“When I heard that name, Neo Shadaloo, I was thinking… maybe if I got close to the leader, I could find a faster way to get to Bosch after he got kidnapped as well. Then… I ran into someone who was the exact opposite of who I was imagining.” You confessed.
“He is… brash, a bit rude sometimes, tried to push me away several times, but he is nice. He saved a bunch of people he hardly knew, and was raised by a good parent in my eyes. He even encouraged me to keep fighting even though I felt like I lost hope losing a friend, and I want him to keep fighting too. I don’t want him to stop fighting or be angry because I decided to be stupid and almost got killed. But… I know he’s angry at me, so… I can’t blame him.” Your voice broke a little as you finished pouring your heart out to him.
The anticipation was killing you for the response you were going to get.
“…I’m not angry at you.” Ed said, looking like he’s about to break.
“I’m angry at myself!” He yelled. “I could’ve been saving you from getting killed by those guys, and you almost bled out in my arms!” He got up from his seat and walked away from you a bit.
You got up to follow and stopped halfway to give him time and space, remembering Falke’s advice.
He clenched his fists before undoing them.
He sighed in defeat.
“The fact that I still let you get hurt like that and I was the one who put you in danger like that… I should not have done that.”
“Ed…” You started.
“No! Stop trying to blame yourself, you were trying to help, it’s just…”
“Ed!” You got closer and he went away from you.
“No… I just…” His voice was breaking. “Even after all this time I’m letting my damn emotions control me. I’m still the same pathetic kid… hell… I never was a kid… I want to help people the same way I ended up getting help… but I made things so damn worse…” 
You couldn’t take any more of seeing Ed so depressed so you threw yourself at him and hugged him from behind.
This finally got him to break down and you both slowly collapsed on the ground, with you still hugging him.
After some time and you soothing him with your words, you were both back to sitting next to each other, with you holding Ed’s hand for his own support.
“I’m sorry for not thinking clearly.” You apologized, leaning your head on Ed’s shoulder.
“It’s not your fault.” Ed reassured. “It’s mostly mine.”
“The unpredictable happens beyond our control, Ed. So, no, it’s not your fault. I have no problems arguing about this.” You lightly joked. “After all, I always bounced back from the worst.”
He scoffed at you which you took as a good sign that he’s slowly feeling better.
“Cripes… you’re truly something else. No wonder I-“ Ed stopped himself from saying what he was truly going to say and saved himself by saying, “I became buddies with you.”
You laughed softly. “I’m your “buddy” now, huh?”
“Don’t get smug about it.” Ed bit back.
“Okay, I’ll stop, don’t want to get the cold shoulder treatment.” You joked again.
Ed laughed and you started laughing.
You both looked at each other and looked down at your hands still being intertwined.
Here, Ed would normally look away all embarrassed after holding your hand for too long and snatch his hand away, but he is not doing that this time. Not after almost losing you like that. 
“I gotta tell you something else.” Ed said.
“I… I uh… crap. I don’t know how to say it.” Ed said, blushing.
“Oh… I see.” You thought to yourself. You let Ed try and let his feelings out like he did so earlier.
“I… love…” Ed tried again.
You smiled lovingly at him.
“Stop looking at me like that, you’re making it harder.” Ed said, his face now redder.
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You saved him more of the embarrassment by kissing his cheek.
“It’s okay, Eddy. I love you too.” You confessed.
“Tch, of course you’d beat me to it.” Ed tried to hide his embarrassment from you.
“Didn’t realize it was a competition.” You joked as you pressed your scarred cheek against his, making him smile, until you felt it drop again and he pulled away from you, making you craving the touch again. 
Ed was eyeing at your facial scarring and he let go of your hand to touch the scars.
“Ed… really, I’m okay, for real this time.” You reassured, holding his hand against your cheek.
“I know.” Ed simply said before he kissed your scars. 
You both decided to take a breather after another month since you still need to be 100%.
Thankfully, a nice bar with a pool table with Ed’s friends and found family is enough to get you both closer together during your recovery.
Ed also planned another meetup at that construction site once you were fully healed, as he had bought some of your favorite chocolate alongside a love note, as he was never good with saying his thoughts out loud.
He’ll always be waiting for you, just like before.
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End notes: Well would you look at that! I decided to post a full fanfic this time! I hope all of you Ed fangirls (and fanboys) enjoyed this because I enjoyed it a lot. This is only the tip of the iceberg of my Ed brainrot, lol.
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butcherlarry · 11 months
Weekly Fic Rec 38
I had a nice stretch of PTO this week, so I got some good fic reading in (along with a lot of birding and an 8 mile hike, LOL). I also hope all of you have been enjoying some of the lovely Superbat art coming out of NYCC BECAUSE I HAVE.
Anyway, on to the fics!
Losing You by starshotplagues - Superbat, complete. I remember reading this fic when I first started reading Superbat fics. I've wanted to reread it for a while now, but I couldn't find it UNTIL NOW. I was so pleased :) A get together fic featuring these two learning how to communicate.
the privilege is mine by starshotplagues - Superbat, complete. A short sequel to the previous fic. Bruce says "I love you" first and has a lot of Feelings about it.
A kindred bond by Nyszu - Superbat, wip. An update to the Bruce gets kidnapped by Evil Superman fic. (Good) Clark is experiencing some guilt, and Bruce is Really Going Through It.
If You're Offering by Noknownname - Superbat/Wonderbat/Superwonderbat, wip. A lovely smutty fic where Bruce and Clark help Diana out with a magic user. Also, alien biology, my beloved.
The Seats of Stars by JUBE514, SalParadiseLost - Batfam/Superfam/Superbat (eventually), wip. A really, really cool fantasy/royalty/medieval au where the Superfam is royalty, the Batfam are centars, and both work together.
a world in repair by Batbirdies - Batfam, complete. Jason and Damian try to go on a vacation/road trip together, but hidden injuries and feelings cause a few road bumps. They work on it though, Bruce helps too :) Part of the Emotional Motion Sickness series.
a song came after by susiecarter - Superbat, complete. Bruce was trapped in a simulation where he was married to Clark, and deals with not being in the simulation anymore. Much feelings are had afterwards.
Padam Padam by frozenpotions - Superbat, complete. A fic based off this Tumblr post. A delight to read from beginning to end.
Red Hood's Barbie Dream House by Sparkypants - Batfam, complete. Jason gets shrunk to the size of a barbie. Shenanigans ensue.
Welcome to Batburger, home of the Batburger, can I take your order please? by Sparkypants - Batfam, complete. Bruce doesn't like Batburger, but his kids love it. Bruce loves his kids, so he goes to Batburger.
The Return by lurkinglurkerwholurks - Batfam, complete. What happens after Bruce comes back from being lost in time.
a sky of honey by TheResurrectionist - Superbat, wip. More of the omegaverse Superbat fic. OH MY GOD I LOVE UNCLE LEX. That is all :) :) :) :)
Two Birds, One Stone(d) by MichaBerry - Batfam, complete. Tim gets accidently high on a drug bust that goes a bit off course. Shenanigans (and Feelings) ensue.
A Meditation on Railroading by eggmacguffin - Batfam, complete. Tim has A Bad Time with Jack in Atlanta and travels back to Gotham by himself. Much shenanigans and many family feels ensue.
borderline by TheResurrectionist - Batfam, wip. The most recent update to this fic had me by the THROAT. And there's one more chapter left!!!! And it looks like there is going to be a series too!!!
I'm a Good Pretender series by shipNslash - Batfam, complete. A FANTASTIC series about Battinson taking in Dick as a ward. Bruce is his socially awkward self, and Dick is delightfully (and manipulatively) charming. They learn how to trust each other and become a family. The next fic in the series is from Jim Gordan's POV, and the third has Jason! I devoured this series in an afternoon, it was so good!
Happy reading!!
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Common Grounds / Chapter 6
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Pairing: Marcus Pike x f!Reader
Rating: T (for now... you know me, this will go up)
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Food mention, slow burn, yearning, flirting, overly charming Marcus, seriously the man is a menace in this chapter, so much unresolved sexual tension
Summary: ...Is it Friday yet?
A/N: Sorry for the delay! I'm so used to writing behemoth chapters that I panic and worry that anything less than 2k isn't worth posting and that I should make it longer, LOL, but I like where this ends. Next chapter they FINALLY go out to dinner <3
Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Previous Chapter
Steaming milk sloshes over the rim of the coffee cup, running down the sides and creating a pool on the counter. Sighing, you grab a replacement cup, pour the overflowing contents into the fresh one, and hand it to the customer.
"That's like the third time you've done that this morning," Sam remarks. "Are you okay?:
"I'm great," you answer quickly. 
"I'm glad," Sam answers, "but you should get out of outer space and back to the coffee shop before we run out of milk. And cups."
"I ran into Derrick yesterday," you say abruptly.
Sam drops the scone they're holding, sending crumbs scattering around your feet. "Excuse me? You're just going to blurt that out?" They whirl to you, grabbing your shoulders and staring into your face. "Are you okay? What did he say? Did you punch him? Can I punch him?"
"No… no punching," you say, trying to squirm out of Sam's hold. "It's fine, he just came to rub some million dollar deal in my face."
"Hey," the customer at the counter says weakly. "Um, can I–can I have my… scone?"
"This is important," Sam announces, barely turning around to acknowledge them. "Babe, you were supposed to call me if he ever showed up."
"It's fine, Sam. Besides…" you say casually, knowing you're about to drop an even larger bomb on them. "...Marcus was there."
You grab a scone from the shelf, put it into a white pastry bag, and hand it to the befuddled customer. 
"Marcus?" Sam shrieks, before schooling their face into the most ridiculous, overexaggerated customer service look you’ve ever seen. “Welcome to Common Grounds! What can I get started for you?” 
"Mmhmm," you hum an affirmative to Sam as you pour the woman’s requested iced coffee.
"Excuse me," Sam begins indignantly, but you interrupt.
"Guess that's what happens when you miss a day!"
"I'll keep that in mind next time and come vomit in the cookie dough."
"Sam," you scold, laughing. 
The next customer is eyeing both of you warily. "They're kidding," you tell him. "It's a bit we do. Can I interest you in a cookie? Chocolate chip."
The man grimaces and shakes his head. "Can I get one of those… lavender lattes?"
You smile and ring the man up. That reminds you–Marcus should be in any minute. You're giddy–even more so than usual. Marcus had asked you on a date, hugged you twice, kissed you on the forehead, and suggested that he'd like to do much more than just that. You're vibrating with excitement at the prospect of going on another date with the man on Friday. 
"Hellooooo," Sam says in a sing-song voice. "Why was Marcus there?"
"He was um," you stammer as you pull the espresso shot, "he came back to the cafe to uh, ask me on a date?"
As Sam's jaw drops, you suddenly remember something. 
"Hey! You owe me two months of opening up shop!" you exclaim, a wide grin on your face. 
"First of all, I fucking told you," Sam says, bumping you with their hip. "Second of all, when is your date?"
"He took me out for ice cream yesterday," you say, "after the whole Derrick debacle and a shit morning at work–Lavender latte!–and we went for a walk and talked for like, an hour."
"Oh. My fucking. God," Sam deadpans. "I'm dead. I've passed away. Who takes someone out for an ice cream and a walk in the year of our lord two thousand twenty-two? That's a date straight out of the fifties."
"I guess Marcus does. And he's taking me to dinner on Friday, too," you tell them, just before taking another order. 
"Did he kiss you?" Sam asks as you pour an americano with room for cream.
You avoid making eye contact. "On–on the forehead. Once."
"No way. I refuse to believe that," Sam says, shaking their head. 
"It's true! He's very…" you trail off, searching for the correct word. Just as you decide on 'chivalrous,' Sam chooses another one for you. 
You shrug. "He's really sweet. Americano!"
"Oh, I cannot wait to see this," Sam says gleefully. 
You turn to them, confused. "See what?"
"He's here."
Your head whips comically to the front doors, where Marcus is just entering. You're sure that your startled, hopeful expression gives everything away, but for the first time, you don't care. Marcus is looking right back at you with poorly-disguised excitement. As he approaches the counter, his smile grows so wide that his eyes crinkle. 
"We're closed," Sam says.
"Perfect," Marcus replies, not missing a beat, "then you're free to come to breakfast with me."
"Ha! I wish," you say emphatically. "What's for breakfast?"
"Hmm," Marcus scratches his chin thoughtfully. "Chocolate chip pancakes? Or no–how about something savory. Eggs benedict?"
"If you're going to come in here and make me hungry, I'm going to ban you for life," you tease. 
"Fine, fine," Marcus sighs. "Well, if you're open, I'll have my usual–" he winks at you, "–and a pastry of your choice. Surprise me."
"I know just the thing," you say. "Carrot date muffins. There's a whole serving of vegetables in each one, but they're so sweet that you'd never even know."
"You know I have a sweet tooth," Marcus comments, except this time he says it, there's something far more flirtatious in his tone, blatantly so. He says it while looking not at the muffin, but at you, with a little glint in his eye. 
Oh, fuck. You aren't going to make it to Friday.
Both of you jump slightly, the tension not exactly dissipating, just… morphing into a different kind of awkwardness as Sam stands right next to you, looking between the two of you with obvious amusement. 
"Hi Sam!" Marcus exclaims. "Feeling better today?"
"Yeah, guess I missed a lot yesterday," they say pointedly.
"Should I have asked for your permission first?" Marcus asks, smiling. 
"Maybe you should," Sam says, crossing their arms. "I'm very protective of her, you know."
"Sam," you exclaim, embarrassed at both of their antics. 
"I promise I have only the best of intentions," Marcus announces, standing up straight and taking on an overly formal tone. "I have a reservation for two at Osteria Morini on Friday and I plan on treating the lady right.”
You can’t stop giggling at Marcus’s antics. You’re in that wonderful place where everything your crush does is absolutely hilarious, no matter how dorky, and you can’t help but find his playfulness exceedingly funny and charming. 
“Are you going to buy her a dessert?” Sam asks, raising one eyebrow. 
“If the lady wishes,” Marcus says, syrupy sweet, with a little wink in your direction. 
“Okay, I’m out,” Sam says, throwing up their hands.
“Giving up that easily?” Marcus accuses. “I could be anybody!” 
You thrust his cup of coffee into his hands. “Out, you menace.”
Marcus is ready. His fingers wrap around yours as he takes the drink, and your hand is engulfed by his larger one. “Text me tonight,” he says softly. “If you want.”
“I will,” you promise. 
Marcus pulls away, his fingers lingering on yours until the last possible second. Your eyes follow him out of Common Grounds until he disappears from view outside.
“That. Was. Disgusting,” Sam remarks, coming up behind you. 
“Uh huh,” you breathe, not really listening. 
Sam hands you an empty cup. “Hazelnut almond milk latte, one extra shot.”
“Okay!” You grab a shot glass and press ‘dispense’ on the machine. 
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
– – – –
In the evening, just after eating dinner, you text Marcus.
Beep Boop. Will my texts go to some government database somewhere?
The reply comes almost immediately.
Only if you text my work number. Which you DON’T have. 
Nah, just too risky. Don’t want to mix business and… you know ;)
Lord help you, Marcus is using winky faces.
Business and… what?
Don’t make me say it. 
Is the time still not right? 
No, the time is not right. 
Don’t tell me you’re a “only kiss after the 3rd date” kinda guy
I guess you’ll have to find out. ;)
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuckfuckfuckfuck—you scrub your hands down your face and groan loudly into the room. He’s going to kill you. 
Maybe so, but I’d still kind of like a preview, you type out, your heart in your throat.
I’ll tell you this. You are so damn pretty that waiting until the 3rd date just to kiss you is going to be completely out of the question. 
Oh really!?
Yes. Believe me, I’ve been sorely tempted more than once. 
Do tell.
Before it was remotely proper. 
Your eyes widen. How long has Marcus been interested in you? 
Okay, tell me this. When IS the right time?
I’ll have to think about that. 
You wait. You wait until you’re blue in the face. In reality, it’s probably only a matter of minutes, but you’re nearly vibrating out of your skin before you see the next text from Marcus.
Ideally? It’s after dinner on Friday. I’ll walk you back to your place, of course. When we get there, I’d take your hand in mine and tell you I had a really nice time. You’d agree, looking up at me. Your eyes would be begging me to kiss you. I’d cup your cheek with my other hand, slowly lean in…
You wait. And wait, and wait, and wait. The story doesn’t continue. Eventually, you text back. 
Yes? ;)
It’s going to be a long couple of days if you’re going to play it like THAT.
Is that a problem?
I’m going to want to skip dinner, at this point.
Another pregnant pause as Marcus apparently deliberates his response.
That’s good to know. Although dinner might be a good idea.
You take the bait.
Why’s that?
…keep your strength up?
Jesus fucking christ. 
Okay, I’ll stop. 
You press your face into the pillows and groan again. When you don’t respond, Marcus texts again. 
I’m sorry if I was out of line there.
You weren’t, I’m just… frustrated?
I know the feeling. I’ll leave you alone after this: I’m VERY much looking forward to Friday. 
Me too.
See you soon, beautiful.
You resist the urge to throw yourself onto your stomach on your bed and kick your feet into the air. You’ve never felt this way about anyone, let alone someone you haven’t even kissed. Marcus has this ability to stir up feelings you didn’t even know you had. A deep seated longing settles in your stomach, an overwhelming need rising in your core. 
You scroll up and read the longest message again. ‘Your eyes would be begging me to kiss you. I’d cup your cheek with my other hand, slowly lean in…’
Your eyes flutter shut as you imagine the scene he’d painted, shuddering as you picture Marcus’s hands on you. You remember the way his fingers had encircled your wrist the day before. They’d overlapped. He had huge hands. If one of them cupped your cheek, you imagine, his fingers could touch the nape of your neck as he pulled you in close. 
You conjure up the feeling of his breath ghosting across your lips. Would he linger there for a few seconds? With the two of you mere inches apart, would Marcus stop and savor that moment just before your lips connect? Or would he be impatient, immediately capturing your mouth with his, all of the tension that had built up over the past few weeks making it unbearable to wait another instant? 
Thoughts of kissing Marcus after your date on Friday lead you to another, bigger question:
If you invite him up, will he say yes?
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medufasa · 6 months
Cool lachambers fics
For @zzzzivy , and anyone else who cares
Everything I Ever Knew About Chris Chambers (*ongoing* - (by heartsflutter; Ao3)
Let The Butterfly Soar (by Goddess Myzt (pretty damn slashy warning) - fanfiction.net))
A 3 parter: Of Sinking Or Swimming (first), In A Savage land (second), The Roaring Silence (third and final)(all by Nenia; they posted it on both fanfiction.net & Ao3) < I believe this was the one I fucking bawled my eyes out on that I talked about before
- Down By The River
- Promise (both by i-nv-u50; fanfiction.net)
Testing the waters (by itbeme: fanfiction.net) in all seriousness I can't remember what happens in this one for the life of me but I did read it
Sweltering Cigarette (by Novelnova; fanfiction.net) (warning,, slashy at times, I believe)
Summer Racing (by NeonTypewritters; fanfiction.net)
Kiss Off (by Princess Lo; fanfiction.net)
A Feeling (by daveylover75; fanfiction.net) A cute little short one
2 parter: Chambers Charm (first), All Knowing Ace Chambers Charm (second and final) (both by iPlu; fanfiction.net)
Paper Prayer (by LadyLove5000; fanfiction.net)
Like Catching Lighting (by Jomellie; fanfiction.net)
Wonderwall (by PolkadotSunstar; fanfiction.net)
Only a Dream? (by BoatsAgainsTheCurrent;
fanfiction.net) < they've made quite a few sbm books (at least one other one being another lachambers fic that I haven't read yet)
A Chris Chambers Holiday (by CherryCokesandWinterSmokes; fanfiction.net)
- All I Want For Christmas
- Stand By You (both by Cynaro of Notre Dame; fanfiction.net) < a bit overly dramatic I recall, but I was invested nonetheless. I also liked the stupid little notes they'd add about the new world order or something at the end of each chapter
Letters (by okayros; fanfiction.net) < very short and sweet!
LaChambers Christmas Story (by cyclops-kiddo; fanfiction.net)
Another 3 parter: Those Were The Days (first), Just Once In My Life (second), It's All Coming Back To Me Now (third and final) (all by secretdemeanor; fanfiction.net)
Stand by Me Always (by Subliminally Profound; fanfiction.net)
Our Home Is Eachother (MauMauKa; fanfiction.net) < the author is questionable... 😭
Stand By Me: Come Go With Me (by TheGeorgieB; fanfiction.net)
Beyond Back Harlow road (by Novem; fanfiction.net) < Muah
- The Price Of Milk (by paper-star-paper-cup; fanfiction.net) < I actually really liked this one ngl tho the plot was kinda crazy
- Wake Up, You've Got Boy Problems (same author and site as previous) < I really liked this one too lol
The Game (by queenofbleach; fanfiction.net & Wattpad) < YALL OK this one was FUCKING CRAZY despite the how unassuming the title is like I actually felt bad reading this cuz it's so..... Yeah. But the ending was sweet. Very fucking slashy,, Chris was a huge dick in this one
Stand By Me (by RavenclawDoll; fanfiction.net)
Maybe You Should've Stayed Someone I Know (by LivieBear; Ao3) < I fucking love how the suspense sorta played near the end of it
Lachambers- Forbidden (by Imvnlla; Ao3 & Wattpad) < this one was soo freaking cute it was like a gay Romeo and Juliet fr. It remains unfinished by one chapter which is probably never going to get completed but it's mostly finished; you could easily figure out an ending from where it ended (slashy in chapter 7)
Lachambers- What If? (Same author and sites as previous) < This one was so good too I think it was one of my first lachambers fics I've read. Slashy and dramatic tho
Une Danse Pour l'Eternité - [ Lachambers ] - (by kass2812; Ao3) < it's all in French pretty much, but there's an option to translate the page into English and it's a pretty solid translation I find. Super cute
these chemical reactions are dividing me (try to keep my eyes closed) (by s0ld_it; Ao3)
One of Our Stories (by BlueDaria; Ao3)
And If This Is What It Takes (by unbelieve; Ao3) < this one was great,, also one of my firsts
Five times they asked eachother if they were ok and one time they didn't have to (by ellsmax; Ao3) < literally the tilte; 6 short cute scenarios
swear I was born in the doorway (by Second_hand_news; Ao3) < modern era 😱😱
Last Chance (by octothorpetopus; Ao3)
Blue-eyed Blond (by fuckfacerichie; Ao3) < what a name, eh? Anyways I like the fics more when they're actually together but dis is cute
Feeling Blue (But Never in Your Arms)
(Anonymous writer; Ao3) < REALLYYYYYY self deprecating but like it gets sweeter since they have eachother and stuff .. aged up smut tho be warned
Where's my love? (by marvelous_inactive; Ao3) < wild and feels kinda unfinished or bittersweet, rather
- Astronomy In Reverse
- Bright Out (both by lachances; Ao3)
yeah ! (by bitchbabytears; Ao3)
Teeth (by hyperrbolic_orange; Ao3)
A Generic GordieChris Slash Fic (by Izout; Ao3) < I fucking laughed the first time reading this
I Won't Be Afraid (by DirtiestGirlInAmerica (LaynaVile); Ao3)) < sad
Letting Go (by Kass; Ao3)
I can't remember shit for most of these but ik I've read all of them and liked em
I may add more later idk I know practically all lachambers fics out there no fucking lie. There's maybe 7 I haven't actually read but I know where to find them 😭 I wish there was more /g
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screaminglygay · 1 year
pinned post
INFO ABOUT ME: my name is adele, im 21 and im very fruity (that´s basically the whole info lol), english is not my first language so bear with me, please, i´ve been on here for such a long time, but rn i have a little more courage to actually write something.
MY WRITING: i will write for any marvel girls and scream girls (wlw), if it´s requested i can try write for someone else:) all characters in my fics will be portrayed as adults and 100% things are fictional! i can write everything even a smut and dark themes, it´s gonna be mostly bottom!reader, but every story will have it´s own description.
I dont write anything with: rape, male!reader, if i think about anything else i will add it here.
ALSO! this is 18+ blog, minors do NOT interact, if you do so, you will be blocked, the same goes to everyone who doesn´t have their age on their profile.
don´t repost my work elsewhere!
request is pretty much open!:)
masterlist is under the cut:p
Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
third time is a charm, right?
third time is a charm, right? (part two)
third time is a charm, right? (part three)
third time is a charm, right? (part four)
Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Rough day
Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Was it worth it?
Kate Bishop x fem!reader
Happy ends are cheesy (part one)
Go for it (part two)
Burning match (part three)
Series headcannons
Amber Freeman x fem!reader
dark!amber headcanons
(DAY 1) - siren! natasha x fem!reader
(DAY 2) - stalker!amber x fem!reader
(DAY 3) - vampire!kate x fem!reader
(DAY 4) - witch!wanda x fem!reader
(DAY 5) - ghostface! sam carpenter x fem!reader
(DAY 6) - shapeshifter!maria hill x fem!reader
(DAY 7) - clown!carol danvers x fem!reader
(DAY 8) - ringmaster!yelena belova x fem!reader
(DAY 9) - dark!quinn bailey x fem!reader, tara carpenter x fem!reader
(DAY 10) - darkish!marvel ladies x fem!reader
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thewakingcloak · 8 months
The State of Things Present
this post was available for patrons a week early! please consider supporting me over on patreon!
I kept trying to make this post fancier and better and more engaging, and then I realized I was doing that thing where I make myself too overwhelmed to actually finish and post it. The other thing was I kept gunning for a once-a-week posting, and uh… yeah that's not sustainable. So here we go!
The Ghost of Spacefarer Present appears before you He whispers, very quietly, yet in a voice that resonates: "Time to resurrect the Spacefarer"
Ok so the spacefarer (me??) was very tired, but he's awake now and doing things!
Life status
We moved! My wife and kids and I packed up and headed some miles south of our previous house. It was a risk for sure. We didn't know how things would pan out. We really needed to get away from our old environment, our old town, our old house. We loved that house, and we'd said so to each other many times even as we were halfheartedly searching for a new one. But at some point that house had become too burdened with bad memories and traumas, not to mention that after the pandemic, we had no more real roots there. Everyone had moved away, the communities we were involved with had disbanded or changed. And anyway, my wife would be starting a new teaching job down south.
We were fortunate enough to find a new house we loved, and fortunate enough to be in a position where we could actually make the move. I'm aware this is a privilege, given the economy and the market, and so I can only express my thankfulness and consider it a blessing, especially as we healed through our grief.
I have an improved office now! This is where I work on my day job (software/web dev) and my unday job (Studio Spacefarer). With my genetics stacked against me, but also with my desire to be able to keep up with my kids and be there for my family, I collected a standing desk, a walking pad treadmill thing, and an ergonomic keyboard. I'm walking or at least standing most of the day now, which has made a surprising difference already.
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I was gonna post a wider view of the office, but my 3yo son ran up while I was taking pictures and started "working" (mashing the keypad), so this is automatically the better pic. Them's the rules.
Anyway, in short, we made it, and it hasn't been a smooth ride the entire time, but it has been well worth it. I've been able to get back into gamedev, which has been a huge boon to my mental health too.
Speaking of… (ghostly drumroll)
Game status!
The good stuff. Here's where I'm at presently with Episode III!
The game is completable from start to end (definitely NOT feature complete)
Jumping, swimming, and dashing all work like a charm and are super fun
Three enemy types have been added, including custom A* pathfinding for the sea monster
Two new collection mechanics (one is heart containers, the other will be a small surprise)
Depth sorting and fake-3D, as mentioned previously, which lets me do lots of fun effects
Day/night are now on a new system, and cave darkness is now a thing (I tried to implement this in PD2 but couldn't figure it out)
Palette swapping for night and lighting effects now uses GameMaker's built in layer effects
Much of the game is now decorated
Updated the game's palette to be more pleasing
Better borderless windowed mode, frame toggling, etc. (I'd made a post about a third party plugin I used to do this previously, but not long after that, GameMaker added an official setting to be toggleable at runtime, so I switched to that… much easier lol)
New audio library which has been a MASSIVE boon (Juju's Vinyl)
New flexible debug/inspector mode which allows me to change values on the fly more easily
State machine rewrite using structs instead of data structures--extremely flexible and less  error-prone (in fact the data structures here were the #1 cause of crashes in Episodes I and II)
Save system rewrite, also using structs instead of data structures (thus fixing the #2 cause of crashes in the first two episodes)
Adjusted the way walls get displayed in interiors--will make a post on this later
Lots and lots and lots and lots of bug fixes
Post end status!
I'm not exactly sure how to wrap this up lol, but y'all can be encouraging me, if you have the emotional space to do so! There's still a lot left to do on PD3, and it can be very daunting at times.
Next post up will be looking forward to the future of Studio Spacefarer. I'm very excited about this! Keep an eye out!
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final-milf-ratchet · 8 months
Hello again
Yesss, Predaking *needs* a Queen, and Magnus is perfect - beautiful and strong..
The idea of Magnus actually being easy took me OUT but you know.. i actually love it. No one knows about it because they just.. never try. And Predaking is charming anyway, so Magnus is opening up pretty quickly..
omg Ratchet being so done with Optimus' pining that he wordlessly thanks Predaking for giving him something to goad Optimus with, relieved when the Prime stomps to the ship..
Even if they weren't already determined to end the War (something that will be much easier with Predaking as a secret agent on the Nemesis, my god imagine Prime and Predaking teaming up, holy shit) they would be determined anyway once Magnus tells them "nothing's going to happen until the war is over anyway". I can imagine them waiting for things to settle down and then pinning Magnus between their bigger frames, smugly pointing out that the War is over now..
They're very understanding though, despite their *need* to breed him - giving him more time, until one day he bashfully tells them that he thinks he's ready now.. He's an absolute wreck by the time the sun rises again, definitely not getting out of berth for the foreseeable future..
Also omg. Imagine Optimus and Predaking playing with Magnus' refineries. His wells. His tits. They're so big, and warm, and soft.. It's so easy to mark them up as well, pulling on the little nubs and biting them, pulling the sweetest noises out of Magnus.. And when they finally spark him up, and his tits start leaking whenever they're being too rough...
People always assume Magnus will just coldly shoot them down, so they give up before they even try. 😔😔 Poor fools don't know how close they were to ultra magnussy 😔😔😔 tragic
I think ratchet's been putting up with optimus pinning for TOO LONG. The first time Optimus and Magnus meets Optimus walked away like 😳👉👈 and went to bother ratchet about it, then every time Magnus showed up after that ratchet had to deal with Optimus doing the same thing. They may be friends but ratchet is SICK OF IT. He's tried many solutions over the years to get Optimus to act on it (Optimus' last relationship was with Megatron, who was more upfront in their relationship and usually initiated stuff. Rip Megatron u were a good one b4 u started doing space crack)
As soon as Cybertron recovers enough to have bars, Ratchets going to buy Predaking a cyberbeer, he swears it.
I probably worded that wrong earlier lol, the autobots are def trying their best to end the war!!!! but having a secret dragon turncoat that's infiltrated the nemesis helps a LOT lmao. I am now imagining a comedy of errors where Predaking keeps trying to bite Megatron's head off on the nemesis and various factors (starscream, well placed door frame, too many witnesses, starscream again, dark energon, starscream a third time, etc) keep stopping it from happening. There's gotta be some dramatic reveal too, Predaking and Optimus teaming up to fight would be SO COOL.
Mayhaps after their team-up is the first time they share Ultra Magnus, after gaining a new appreciation for each other in battle ☺️ (and maybe they fuck in the aftermath too☺️☺️☺️)
Oooooohhhhhhhhgggggg them working together to tease and grope Ultra Magnus' Megamilkers 🤤🤤🤤 2 titties mean one person can put all their focus on one boob... It's a good thing cybertronians have chest plates and don't wear actual clothes because I'm sure Ultra Magnus would always be covered in hickies lol
And I mean, they've all talked about sparklings one day being a reality... Maybe once they get to a point post-war where bots are starting to have sparklings again, Ultra Magnus goes and gets his birth control removed and then surprises Predaking and Optimus later that night, when they're all in bed together (the biggest bed in the goddamn world look at the size of those three)... Like you said, Ultra Magnus isn't going ANYWHERE for the next few days, his hips need to recover and his partners are taking every chance they can to fill him up again ;)
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amethystfairy1 · 9 months
hi again. i did end up posting some of my art but idk if there's a way to link it in the ask (kinda new to tumblr lol), so im just gonna trust that you know how to find it. Anyways, I have more questions for you :)
jumping into the deep end w/ traveling thieves:
is there any way to remove a collar without the owner's permission? Could a non-collared person do it? Are they physically destructible? What happens if the owner dies? Basically anything that could free Jimmy and Scott T-T
Can any nether-born wield fire, or just blaze-borns? bc hypothetically, we could get some team ZIT going if impulse is a nether-born (he's normally head cannoned as a demon, but I like the idea of wither skeleton instead for this au, if you don't already have plans for him). he could join Zed and Tango :)))
how does the siren song work? can you get anyone to do anything with it if you were good enough? considering song is in the name, is it more effective if it's more melodic?
how do the rune trigger thingies work? Does the staff need to be continuously touching the person to trigger the collar, or does it have a time limit, or is it a secret third option? (this is for a lil piece i've written that I may or may not post lol)
That's it for now, although I do want to say that it would be adorable if Katherine got Shelby a sun-lamp so she could grow over-city plants down there :3
actually that's not it. it'd be fun if you wrote a piece where Grian helps Mumbo and Scar pull a (not so ethical) job. just an idea :)
ok goodbye
Hello hello!
I found the art! I reblogged the art! I LOVE THE ART!
I said it in my reblog but again here they are SO PRETTY I love Cute Guy his wings are beautiful and his shoes are so KILLER and then the SWAGON from Traveling Thieves! It's even got Grian's lil bay window! It makes me so happy! I will treasure them, thank you so much for sharing!
Questions questions! 🏃‍♀️
Short answer: No. Long Answer: Not any way that Scott or Jimmy currently have access too. If their current owner dies the contract has a clause that will automatically transfer them to whoever said owner designated as the inheritor, this being a built in safety measure to ensure enslaved hybrids don't try to one-hit kill their masters before a punishment can kick in to go free. They are technically physically destructible but any attempt at cutting them or unlatching them will trigger the punishment runes. And they are very tough, reinforced by the magic in the runes, again to ensure this isn't attempted, so it would be far to painful to attempt to just endure the punishment long enough to cut them off. This doesn't mean it's completely impossible for them to get them off without their current masters permission...but we haven't gotten to that yet. 😉
Blaze-borns specifically can wield fire as physical parts of their body, but other nether hybrids are able to pull similar tricks such as heating up their hands to work metal, and obviously they're fireproof. Plus, considering our lovely dark fantasy AU, some of them have proficiency with fire magic! I do have plans for Impulse in Traveling Thieves! Please look forward to it!
It's basically voice-based charm magic. I may have messed this up, but I'm pretty sure I only ever refer to it as 'siren spells' and not 'siren songs'? Is there anywhere I screwed that up? Siren spells also give the user the ability to make their voice more pleasant and tend to have good singing voices anyway. If someone is extremely good with it (ex: Scott's Dad) they could 100% use it to strongly compel others, but it's not like brainwashing. Like when Scott used it, all it really did was make the ice mage suddenly care about his opinion, and that confused her enough that she hesitated on using magic. It still has to be something understandable. It wouldn't have been enough to, say, get her to fire a spell at her companion and kill him. It's more like it makes the users words much more influential in the mind of whoever is hearing it. It can also do other things, though! Like how I mention that Scott's Dad would sing for the Queen, Scott's Mom, to help her relax, that's not just because he's a beautiful singer (which of course he is) he's also using siren spells to lower her stress.
One hit triggers the punishment runes. A second hit makes them stop. Like an on-off switch! They also specifically have to get hit with the gem at the end of the rune trigger. If you do post anything anywhere please do send another ask/post it somewhere I can see, I'd absolutely love to see what you do with the AU! ☺️
Awwww...Katherine could totally get Shelby a sun-lamp, that'd be so cute! Also I totally plan on writing a piece at some point where the Swagon Trio steal something, it's a series called Traveling THIEVES and there has been a distinct lack of thievery so I need to fix that. 😤
Thanks so much for all your lovely questions, and thank you again for sharing your beautiful art! 💖
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