#this author regrets nothing
nat-talks-turtles · 2 years
and so the final installment of my angst-series is now complete!
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midnightanxietytm · 6 months
He takes his whiskey neat
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A/N: Look, I think i was possessed while writing this one /j. It was like 1 am and I was procrastination on college work, I dunno what happened but this is the ungodly spawn of my imagination mixed with sleep deprivation, caffeine and stress. Enjoy and don't question it too much
Contents: Ford Pines x reader, pinning (lots of pining), I pictured reader in their late 40s to early 50s so there is an age gap but nothing extreme. There's some plot in those holes. uhhh lots of tension and no payoff because im pretty sure I passed out before I got to that part.
Word count: 996
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There’s this look on his eyes now that you can’t quite figure out.
Ever since Stanford Pines came back from the portal, ever since weirdmageddon and the end of that fateful summer, something about him fundamentally changed. There’s contempt, relief, sure, but there's more to it, something that he keeps deep in that rattling metal-protected brain of his.
And god forbid sometimes you just want to pick him apart entirely, figure out every detail, note it down, absorb it, maybe then his mere presence won’t entice you, mess you, so goddamn much.
It culminates, as all events are bound to do, right before that year’s summer vacation, you blame the heat. 
Soos and Melody took a vacation for themselves, entrusting the shack back to Stan’s less than trustworthy hands, just like old times. Ford slips back into the basement so easily you almost follow him; your mind briefly longing for that nostalgia of being freshly out of college, when you and Ford were easily impressed by the oddness of the world.
You were a prodigy; a good ten years younger than him yet still doing your masters while he did his doctorate, and in the same area with similar themes! Back then, you two were just bright-eyed yet very tired academics… Then Gravity Falls presented itself on a silver platter, and Bill followed through.
You were there, on the day of the portal, or at least, almost there, going back for the thousandth time, expecting no answer to your knocks at the door as usual, only to be met with the fallout of something far worse than refusal.
And then he was back, less jittery, less paranoid and less sleep deprived than he was before at least. But there was that thing in his eyes, that inherent distrust, detachment…? You struggled to find the words and if there’s one thing that you as a scientist can’t deal with is a question that goes unresearched.
So it began; your “research” depended on experiment and to experiment, you firstly decided to get close to your unwilling subject. And you go down the rabbit hole.
You find him in the basement, of course. He’s drawing on loose sheets of paper, some of the discarded pieces lay on the floor, and the cd player by his side is playing just loud enough to muffle your footsteps as you approach him by his right side. “Updating the journal?” You ask, nonchalantly, as if you hadn't obsessively turned each page of his journals before, as if your own handwriting wasn’t squeezed in the first ones before his old muse took all the space left.
Ford just hums, raising his chin slightly, but not his eyes, just to acknowledge the question. “Not really, just trying to get some proportion practice. Looking back, some of my work on the first journal was… Not the best.” 
A chuckle leaves your mouth; “If you say so…” You hum, picking up one of the filled out pages that were pushed aside in the table and pretending to look it over as he places his pen down and looks up at you.
“Any advice?” He asks, and once again you pretend to be paying attention to anything but him and his every movement.
“Not really… I think you’re good.” You place the paper back at the table, leaning against it. “Thought you’d be going through your abstract phase by now, honestly.” And you smirk down at him.
He leans back, crossing his arms; “I fear I’m too logical to have an abstract phase, even my craziest dreams have math and science behind them.” And you both laugh, and your curiosity itches more and more every millisecond.
The next words that leave your mouth were planned and inwardly rehearsed, but they come out natural as a summer breeze. “Every tortured artist has an abstract phase, get on with the times, sixer!” It comes out as a joke, it's a test. And suddenly you’re too nervous to stay there, staring at him and waiting for a rebuttal. You push yourself off the table and zipline to one of the bookshelves, reaching towards the back of it, you pull the ‘eureka whiskey’ and the two cups.
He just watches you for a second, then accepts the cup as you pour him one, then one for yourself. 
And it’s truly the eureka whiskey, because goddamn you just found something in those eyes. 
He takes a sip; “Yeah I guess those portal days would do for some good surrealist pieces at least.”
“I can’t even imagine.” You say.
He smirks, lips inches from his cup. “You can’t…” He takes a sip. “That’s the point of surrealist.” You want his brain under a microscope, you want his breath mixing with yours, you want to never see him again, you want to wake up near him every day.
The curse of science is that in the endeavor to figure out the world, the scientist often loses sight of themselves. 
The witty remarks, the planned lines, the psychological strategies, all fly out of you head and you lean back against his desk. He’s leaned further back now and his chair is turned diagonally towards you and he watches with a smile and those eyes. “What did you see?” It’s almost a whisper, because you think he might actually tell you, and that scares you more than anything.
“Too much…” He swallows, sighs, takes a swing of whiskey and rests the empty cup on the desk. “It was very chaotic, honestly that’s all I want to say…” You sigh, pushing yourself up to sit at his desk, and his head tilts as he watches you. 
“I’m glad you’re back.” You settle, even though it doesn’t even come near to all the things you want to express. He smiles, and his eyes travel down, landing on your hands, holding your barely touched whiskey glass. You follow his gaze, and chuckle. “I’m more of a whine person.”
“I know…”
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plutoarttv · 1 month
“If he be Mr. Hyde,” he had thought, “I shall be Mr. Seek.”
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doraminatook · 3 months
Whatever (Put My Body to Work) (a fanfic)
Specifically, a Good Omens fanfic.
Aziraphale chooses his words carefully. He doesn't shag or f*ck...he makes love. But Crowely knows that he's wants to explore activities beyond "the vanilla stuff". When a terrible storm blows in, the demon decides today would be a great day to do WHATEVER his angel wants. After all, how dirty could Aziraphale’s mind be, anyway? ;)
Words: 4,368
They had planned to go on a picnic that day, but the weather had other ideas; a terrible storm had blown through the city, bringing with it a torrential downpour of rain, thunder, lightning, and even hail now and again.  Staring out the window of the bookshop, Crowley was mixed with emotions: on the one hand, he knew that Aziraphale would be disappointed as he had spent a great deal of time planning this excursion, but, on the other hand, a terribly perfect idea had been sitting on the backburner of the demon’s mind.  Today might be the day.  
He broke away from the sight of the awful tempest and meandered back to the kitchen.  To his great surprise, Aziraphale was still busy at work, packing up various pieces of fruit, cutting cheeses for sandwiches, and deciding whether today was a Château Margaux kind of day or a Dom Perignon Brut kind of day.   
Crowley raised an eyebrow as he inquired, “Whatcha doing, Angel?”
His beloved was inspecting a wheel of Reblochon as he answered cooly, “I’m getting ready for our date.  Do you prefer French cheese or Italian cheese?”
Thunder cracked.
“We aren’t going on the picnic today, Aziraphale,” Crowley said, “In case you hadn’t noticed, The Almighty is apparently sending another flood out there.”  
The angel looked genuinely caught off guard, and Crowley began to wonder if maybe he’d been so invested in planning the perfect spread, he hadn’t noticed the weather.  
“Oh, I just…I just assumed…” Aziraphale began weakly, “I just assumed that you’d be able to do something about that.”  
Crowley shook his head, “I can do short bursts of weather manipulation, but I can’t make a godforsaken squall dissipate.  Sorry, Angel,” he walked further into the kitchen and sniffed the cheese in Aziraphale’s hands, “That smells disgusting.”  
If he was attempting to begin fun banter, the angel wasn’t taking the bait.  He still looked disappointed beyond belief, even heartbroken.  The slight pout on Aziraphale’s lip only furthered Crowley’s resolve.  He took the disgusting cheese from his angel’s grip, set it on the counter, and purred, “It’s alright.  I have an idea of something else we could do today.”
Want to read more? Check out my Archive of Our Own page below:
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catcrumbled · 5 months
imagine being six feet deep in denial that you’re in love with your long distance best friend of 5+ years and you’ve been having dreams of your future together nearly every night, seeing his face and hugging him and kissing him and yet you tell yourself that maybe there’s an alternate universe where all of that is real, just probably not this one, but each dream progressively gets more intense and so frighteningly real that at one point you’re like, okay, i just have to find a way to fall out of love with him now, so that it won’t hurt so badly anymore to be apart from him. well—guess what? you can travel in time and those dreams you’ve had are actual fragments of your future with him, and yes, you do have a future with him, and you’d go to the ends of the Earth and beyond just so you two can be together finally, but you’re losing hope and drifting apart further and further and further but you have such an unending love for this person you’ve never actually met that it’s consuming you entirely, but you can’t tell him that, in the same way that you also can’t tell him about the future you’ve seen in fear that it’ll mess things up somewhere along the way
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zagreusapollyon · 2 months
"Do you think it'll stop one day?" Percy asked of him one day, breaking the comfortable silence they both basked in.
Poseidon tilted his head toward his child, raising his eyebrow as Percy laid down on the wooden floor of the dock.
"What, little one?" He questions the boy back, his tone curious and fond.
His son sighs softly, splashing around the water with his feet. He looks up at the lavender-toned dawn, stars shining across the heavens like a divine pattern on the fabric of the world.
"The suffering. The constant struggle for a losing battle where I can never win." The boy says, the reflection of the stars in his eyes, like a swirling galaxy of miracles and wonder.
Poseidon stills.
He slowly turns to his son and closes his eyes as he breaths out his words.
"I'm sorry." He apologizes.
"Don't be," Percy says back, his voice firm but soft. "It's not your fault, and neither it is mine. I'm not blaming you for loving me enough to make my existence a reality."
Poseidon opens his eyes, his gaze filled with sadness.
"Then what can I do?" Poseidon whispers desperately. "Whisk you away to be my side? Keep you chained to this land by immortalizing your body and destroying your soul? You wouldn't want any of that. I am a god and yet I can do nothing to aid you with your pain." He finishes, falling silent as angry waves crash upon the shore and stormy clouds cover the sky like curtains.
Percy glances at the crashing waves on the horizon, at the dark ocean that stretches to eternity and beyond.
"I don't know. And it's okay for you to not know either." Percy says calmly.
"Just be here for me until I won't be here at all."
And wait until comes forth the inevitable end.
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kindofatheatrekid · 1 month
Yandere! Childhood Friend who might be a pathetic boy failure when it comes to you.
Nah. Actually. Bro's super down bad for you. My writing is very... obsessive? I don't know- This def needs some warnings... Like: mentions of suffocation, mentions of death, obsessive definitely unhealthy thoughts, and more! ^^
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ALRIGHT! I’M BACK BECAUSE OF THIS SUPER STEAMY KISS SCENE I HAD WITH A DILF BOT- Honestly? Any motivation is good motivation. And oh did I cook up some gourmet shit with my lonely ass- FYI. I have absolutely NO experience with kissing- This is all thanks to character.ai, Tumblr, and the multiple books I consume in my manic episodes. (ФωФ)
Uhhhh… I don’t know if this is a minors dni but the entire account is plain filthy so I’m gonna say MINORS DNI to make me feel better about myself. So again. MINORS DNI. I’m not employed by Disney Junior, okay? (...Can I get sued if I say Disney-)
So imagine this, okay? You have a childhood friend that you’ve always been close with. You obviously start to fall for the dude. Like… look at him. Finance, trust fund, 6’5, blue eyes- Ahem. Sorry. I mean the dude is a legit green flag: opens the doors for you, knows exactly how to make you laugh- I’m not gonna lie. The man would def have a PHD in you if he could. He just knows you more than yourself at this point. Σ(・∀・|||)
You -being the scaredy cat that you are- haven’t even confessed to him yet because you don’t want to ruin your whole together but not together thing. And guess what? He never did too! You’re just stuck in this friendship limbo until one of y’all finally gains some genderless balls and confesses already. (ノ-_-)ノ~┻━┻
Your friend is just a man, though— a very hot and respectful gentleman but still a man. So he eventually gets impatient and gets you alone at night to get a bit… frisky with you. (It’s just a kiss but bro’s a virgin. Cut him some slack if he creams in his pants.) :D
AND SCENE!! !щ(゜▽゜щ)
Damn. That's so theatre kid of me to say-
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You couldn’t tell if this was real life or not. It had to be real, right? You couldn’t possibly be his calloused hands on your skin, cradling your cheeks as if you were worth so much more than you ever thought. Your skin seemed to tingle as his warm breath hit it— the night’s chill suddenly becoming much more bearable to you. You hesitantly looked into his eyes, hoping that you’d find the same spark that yours had.
It felt like time had frozen when your gazes locked, a familiar flutter greeting your stomach. You wanted to memorize every color you saw in his eyes— to ingrain this very moment deep into your brain. Until you could still recall him even after decades have passed, even when he moved on after getting tired of your hesitance to commit. But with how sweetly he looked at you… You didn’t want to ever leave his side.
His face slowly moved closer to yours— you could count how many eyelashes he had with how close the both of you were. It didn't feel real when his lips pressed against yours. The kiss drawn out as his hands trail down your back, a gasp escaping from you when he pushes your lower back towards him; your entire body practically colliding against his.
He simply smiles against your lips, finding your lack of personal space amusing. You were just so cute with how red your ears were getting, your pretty eyes looking at him so needily… God. You were going to be the death of him if you kept silently begging him like that. He was trying to be gentle, but you were making it oh so hard for him to hold back.
Your eyes widened when you felt his tongue tracing along the edges of your lips— gradually making your knees buckle as he held you up by your waist. He was being so slow, too slow in your opinion. You whined at him, feeling how his heart beats faster like yours does whenever he's around. That was undeniable proof. Proof that he was yours for the moment, and you were his.
A muffled protest gets cut off when he goes past your teeth. Your breath stolen as he greedily explores your mouth like it was uncharted territory. He was slow, but messy at the same time. Your teeth clacking together at times, drool leaking from the corners of both your lips— he was either inexperienced or purposely making sure that you felt everything, good and bad.
It was his turn to whine when you tried to break the kiss, his hands splayed over your waist and back— making sure that you couldn't pull away from him. His breath was also getting shorter, but he couldn't care less. You were just so sweet and tasted even better than his flimsy mind would've ever been able to imagine. He thought it might have even been blasphemous with how much he underestimated your effect on him.
Your tears were already falling, lungs shrinking from the lack of air you both were getting. You were slowly suffocating, and you were loving every second of it. He was actively kissing you, he was stealing everything of yours— he was taking you for all that you were. The both of you were hungry for more, needing- No. Longing for more. It was just the two of you in your own little world, one where you'll never have to separate from each other.
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Yep. No need to thank me. I know. I'm awesome. UvU
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slutforsnow · 21 days
U.A. High's Reaper
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Word count: 1,504
Warnings: none!
Chapter 1; Mystery
The car ride from the station to U.A. High was long and dreadful as the sun beat down on the windows of the police cruiser. It burned like hell, but she didn't mind it. It made her feel more awake. More alert in the new area just like how her real brother taught her.
'Always stay vigilant, no matter what.' That's what he always said. The peaceful silence that she was enjoying was soon interrupted when her legal guardian, though probably better put as parole officer, chief of police Tsukauchi cleared his throat.
"We're almost there, kid. Are you excited to finally go to U.A. after purposely getting expelled from the other hero academies you were accepted into?" He inquired, glancing towards her as he continued to drive.
"Being excited over something as minimal as going to a hero academy is pointless. I deserve to be in that building and you know that, Tsukauchi," She told him flatly and rolled her eyes, though knowing he couldn't see her commit the action. "Whoever got expelled, however, had good timing, I will admit."
"Ya know, a simple yeah or nod would've been sufficient," The officer commented, parking in front of the gate to the famous U.A. High. The 4 pillars of the high school stood tall, gleaming in the morning sun and almost blinding anyone who looked at the building for too long. This was it. The best hero academy the world had. It couldn't compare to the other hero schools, no matter the country. U.A. produced the Symbol of Peace, All Might himself. Just by All Might's presence alone, Japan's crime rate was down to 6%. It was miraculously low, compared to other countries like the United States of America; their crime rate was 20% and other places were even worse than that, especially the Middle East.
Following Tsukauchi's footsteps, Koton glanced around the entrance of it.
Nicely trimmed trees, very cared for concrete path and archways leading into the building. It almost reminded her of home. Almost. Not quite.
Sakura blossoms flew in the air as he led her to the principal's office, up the endless amount of stairs. As they traveled through the halls, Koton focused on the windows, watching the police cruiser down below until it turned into a teeny tiny spec and disappeared soon after.
"This could've been done faster if I could use my Quirk," She commented snidely, glaring at the older man's back.
"You can't do that, Shimura, you know that. You don't have your provisional license," He began, turning to face her as they got closer to the principal's office.
"But we're standing on U.A. property," She countered before he could finish. "Quirks are allowed to be used on any hero academy campus.”
“If I was your parent, you'd be grounded,” *Tsukauchi muttered with a sigh as he led her into Principal Nezu's office.
“Welcome, welcome Ms. Shimura!! My, it certainly is funny to see you here after getting denied!! I'm your new principal, Nezu!” The small white mouse said cheerfully. Koton raised an eyebrow at him as he waited for a response.
“Are you always cheerful this early in the morning?” She remarked snarkily.
“Oh for God's sake- Shimura, let me do the talking,” Tsukauchi grumbled, taking a hold of the conversation with Principal Nezu. A few minutes went by of hushed speaking before Nezu sent her off, giving her directions to her new class after informing her that her teachers had been informed of her 504 plan.
Koton walked out into the hallway, without bidding Tsukauchi a goodbye, before shutting the door and side-stepping into the shadows, fading into them before appearing in the hall where some of the main classes for first years were. Walking down the hall, looking at the doors, she stopped in front of 1-A. Rotating her left shoulder until she heard the normal crack, she sighed.
“They better not be some weakling. I don't have the time nor energy for this.” The dual-haired 15 year old blew her hair out of the left side of her face, blinking strands out of her eye and then slid the door open and entered it, earning stares from Class A.
“Oh, there you are. Class, this is your new classmate, Koton Shimura. She'll be replacing Mineta,” a disheveled raven-haired man said, facing his students as she stood in front of the board. “Go ahead and explain your Quirk then take your seat behind Midoriya.”
Giving the homeless-looking teacher a curt nod, Koton spoke.
“My Quirk is called Shadow Destroyer. I can manipulate the shadows into anything i want; a scythe or copy of a book for example, travel between shadows, make shadows creatures like shadow cats or raise dead ones,” *She bluntly told them, earning a few stares of shock. Expected. Not everyone in a super human society were big fans of heteromorphs or Quirks that seemed ‘creepy’. Not everyone in this current society had the innocent and childlike thinking of ‘wow!! That's so cool!! Can you show me?’ No. People had to be judgemental. Some of her new classmates seemed intrigued, but also a little scared at the idea of raising a dead animal.
Taking her seat behind Midoriya, she caught a glance of his notebook where he was scribbling down notes about her Quirk with little questions and theories about it. That was what gave her a sliver of hope in this world. The genuine curiosity that so very few had nowadays.
Once Mr. Aizawa left the classroom in the hands of his co-worker, Present Mic, Koton slid on her black headphones to muffle out his voice. He was too loud; it was excruciatingly agonizing to listen to him teach English. What an awful day to have auditory issues. Throughout the mornings classes, Koton kept quiet, taking notes and answering the questions when she was called on occasionally with an eye roll or scoff because she didn't want to answer or speak with these others like she was their equal. She was above them. A lord amongst them… and she'd make that known. No matter how hard she had to work to be seen as that.
When Midnight dismissed the class students for lunch, she reminded them to train extra hard during training for the Sports Festival which perked Koton's interest.
‘The Sports Festival? What in the name of Tartarus is that?’ Koton thought, tilting her head to the side. She grabbed her messenger bag, leaving the classroom and following Midnight until she was close enough to shout her name. “Ms. Midnight-!!”
“Oh? What is it, Shimura? Did you have a question about the homework?” The r-rated hero asked, smiling softly and happy to see her new & disinterested seeming student asking questions. Koton shook her head no.
“No, not the homework. The Sports Festival; what exactly is that?” She asked, confusion and interest lacing her words.
“Ahh, I forgot you were raised… differently. Well, the Sports Festival is a chance for the U.A. students to show off their skills in different battles and such to get internships all across Japan with different pros for about a week. Give you kids a taste of the real world as heroes for a week and come back to use what you learned going forward,” Midnight explained, leaning on the wall facing Koton who took in the information with a slow nod.
“But isn't that… kind of redundant? We're being trained to fight villains and to participate in that will just show villains what we can do and gives them time to exploit our weakness,” the younger pressed, finding the whole idea to be stupid. “Yeah, it's cool and a way to get scouted and recruited by pro heroes, but doesn't that also give villains a leverage because they'll know on a surface level how our Quirks work when we won't know there's? Like with the Hero Killer; he's taken out a lot of pretty good pros. It'd make more sense for the festival to not be broadcasted and instead be recorded and a copy given for every student to take home and review the footage with their families on a CD or something.”
Midnight nodded sadly, understanding her new pupils point of view. “It does, unfortunately, but no one's been willing to do that or at least attempt to change the way it's done. But… I do think that may change when you graduate, Shimura, you've got a good head on your shoulders. Others are excited for the Sports Festival but no one recognizes the dangers. You do,” the pro replied with a proud nod.
Koton smiled internally but nodded and stood up a bit straighter. “Thanks, Ms. Midnight.”
Bidding her a farewell, Koton made her way to the cafeteria to eat and make plans for training. She'd do it alone, of course, as she couldn't risk anyone else seeing her Quirk in action just yet. That could wait. They'd see what she could do after this wretched festival.
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alkaisheonhelp · 1 year
A Sagau, with reader being the disguise omnipotent being.
It's not quite much, just the usual Sagau AU where reader is the creator or something, no cult or that the archon have 'divine revelation' that The Creator is there, it's just omnipotence reader hanging out with the twins and paimon (yes the three of them know what you are.)
Its been awhile since you go down to check up on one of your beloved creation: Teyvat, it's not that you don't know what's happening around this creation of yours, you just never really have the time to actually go down and check, luckily your fellow fated companions are always traveling and checking on each nation and lands.
Aether and lumine are their name, also with their little companion, paimon.
You spawn on an open field in monstadt, walking towards one statue of the seven, you have already signalled for the twins that you have came down and wished to be guided in this journey through Teyvat.
You see a white blob in the distance, alongside 2 goldens. !!!
"Paimon!!" With an incredible speed, paimon zoom towards you, stopping just inches Infront of you before she straighten herself and bow
"your highness the creator! I'm- er- We! are here by your call!"
Not long after the golden twin joined her, also bowing. You fret a little, panicking, explaining that you just want to be more closer to Teyvat more.
"I see.... then, since we're in monstadt already, we might as well visit monstadt while showing you around, your highness" lumine thought already planning their journey.
"but your highness, if it's alright with you, your disguise may have to changed a bit" Aether chimed in, assessing the garment that you wore from your world. Understanding what he meant you asked what type of possible disguise that's not too flasy not too invisible.
"maybe something like what we have? People already knows us since long ago, so maybe if we told them you are our relative or that you are from the same place as us, it'll be believable enough?" Paimon thought, giving you the bestest idea she has in her tiny little brain.
That is quite a good idea though, so for now you just roll with it and change the modern clothes you are wearing to something akin to what the twins or paimon are wearing.
And now you're on your way to one of your beloved nation, the nation of winds and freedom!
Um..... hello? Oh well, it's been awhile since my last post, and I'm not sure if I'll continue that one nor this one, but I'll try my best, anyway~
This one is just my brain begging for some platonic/non-tragedy Sagau where reader is just like, chilling, and everyone knows they have a creator but don't know the creator is you, and that only the approved one knows that you are their creator.... I felt like I'm going on a loop.
Okay, that's all for now, it's late and I'm tired, I wanted to sleep. Good night.
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plutoarttv · 6 days
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idk man he just looks sexy like that I’m sorry
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lumdays · 5 months
"cause you could be the one that i love"
a jade leech x izuku midoriya one-shot 😨
idea from @quartztwst 💥💥💥
trope: uuuh mutual pining+childhood friends to crush to maybe lovers when they maybe have the balls to ask eachother out
warnings: english isn't my first language so watch out for grammar errors 😞, jade being cringe (when is he not), lack of azul ashengrotto but it's only because he's actively avoiding downbad jade, jade being the bubonic plague personified, floyd using slang because he does, MY HERO ACADEMIA, strange mha x twst crossover in which quirks are unique magics cause i hate calling a super cool power a QUIRK, BAD WRITING!!!!!!
"and i become hypnotised by freckles and bright eyes, tongue-tied"
jade loved izuku. a shocker to no one but him, apparently.
"whaddya mean how'd i know about you like-liking sea sheepie?" his twin brother floyd drawled, "you ain't slick, that's how."
"stop asking me strange questions on your shift, jade." azul gave him a flat look before readjusting his glasses, "but if you must, i'd say i realised your... feelings for midoriya when you tried to name another one of your mushroom dishes after him for the third time in a row even after i denied your submission the first and second time."
it was an unexpected realisation but not one he found that surprising—now that he thought about it, he had always loved izuku. not the way he loved him now obviously but even when they were younger, he had always appreciated him some way somewhat—whether it was for his notebooks filled with almost scarily accurate and detailed information about famous mages' unique magics, his funny little quirks, the astounding determination and strength laying dormant within him, the cleverness he displayed in difficult situations, his optimism, his laugh, his smile, his freckles, his green eyes akin to grass, to leaves, to seaweed, to sea glass and to well, jade.
he sighed as he leaned over the counter of mostro lounge in a particularly dramatic way, woe is the poor eel who fell head over heels for a human, right? though he imagined it wouldn't be so bad if said-human loved him back. they could hang out like they used to at takoba bay, except they'd call it a date this time.
he started spacing out at the thought of izuku and him, holding hands, under the shade of an umbrella on the beach, laughing, swimming, him diving under the water and dragging the smaller boy with him for a few seconds, maybe kissing—
"ow!" jade whipped around to glare at his brother, who was giving him a dirty look—as if he had been the one to kick him in the shin.
jade shot him a pointed smile, "what could that possibly have been for, brother dearest?" floyd rolled his eyes as he turned away, "dunno, maybe for being a cornball in public??" he cackled, loud and mocking, as jade threw an empty bottle at him, his aim a bit off—enough to miss his twin's back as he slipped back in the kitchen. he could already hear azul berating him for this—for daydreaming on shift or for throwing a possibly harmful item, missing floyd and it hitting the wall instead, he didn't know yet.
throwing possibly harmful items at others and missing... that reminded him of his and izuku's first meeting, though he hadn't meant to throw anything at anyone with his projectiles... the first time, at least. he smiled giddily.
truly, how lucky and fortunate jade leech was to be able to love izuku midoriya.
"feelin' like a face in the crowd, i'm reaching for you, terrified"
izuku loved jade. he loved, jade. his childhood friend, the eelmer, the sneaky bastard with a silver tongue (endearment), the obscenely tall, nice (to him at least), caring (derogatory), sweet (questionable claim) guy named jade. he sighed into his palms before looking up and staring at a picture of them he stuck on the wall a few years ago, jade had been gushing about a new species of mushroom he had found on one of his hikes when his mom snapped it. he, on the other hand, had been... looking at the other boy. no, that wasn't the right word to describe the look in his eyes then—he had been admiring him. how could he not? the merfolk was so passionate when he talked about something he truly loved... he wondered if he would talk about him that way if they ever—oh.
this was bad, this was really really bad. he couldn't let this happen, but surely he could fix this some way somewhat, right? he racked his brain for a way to cover this mess up, he wasn't a good actor, he couldn't even entertain the idea of pretending he doesn't love him because that would only result in jade teasing him to death—which would be a really pathetic death, even for him. he couldn't avoid him either—that was simply impossible, one because he doesn't actually want to stay away from him and two because he knows for a fact that if he tried doing that, jade could and absolutely would find him and force him to talk to him again.
he flopped down on his bed to roll around on his mattress in self-pity, if it had been a passing crush like what he had felt for uraraka in his first year then maybe he could've ignored the pull—but the tide was clearly stronger than him this time, and the depths of his feelings was scary. the honesty this love would cost him terrified him. he shook his head, how hypocritical of him to fall for someone who could force the truth out of him anytime any day.
after a few more weeks (a month or two) of agony, he admitted defeat. there was no way to escape this, izuku would have to face his feelings, he would have to face jade.
and so he would, he would reach for his hand and it would be up to jade whether he'd take it or brush it off.
...he would rather if he took it though.
also scraps LOL:
though izuku would like to say so, jade hadn't always been his friend. with him running after katsuki and jade doing god-knows-what with his brother under the sea, they really had had no reason to meet when they were children.
until they did, and well, saying it hadn’t been the friendliest first meeting was an understatement.
they were both 10 when they first met, it was winter—just a little while before christmas. izuku had been looking for seashells or pretty rocks to gift his mom while narrowly avoiding the growing amount of trash on the surface of takoba bay's once beautiful shore.
jade, on the other hand, had been grudgingly dragging plastic bags to the surface—he was on cleaning duty that day. 'cleaning duty' mainly consisted of finding human junk in the sea and putting it back to where it came from—land. the little eel thought that cleaning up after others—especially complete strangers—was mind-numblingly boring, but kept quiet while his twin brother floyd complained, rather loudly, for everyone and anyone within reach to hear.
instead, he vengefully threw empty cans and other items like soggy shoes towards the beach. honestly, how unfair was it that he had to pick up some random landdwellers' trash? he didn't tell them to throw their junk in his home, did he? he kept on throwing stuff until one of his projectiles didn't meet the sand but a little boy's face.
in his defence, it had been an honest mistake—he really hadn't meant to throw a dirty swimsuit at someone's head.
jade wouldn't ever want to tell anyone he had always been izuku's friend, he thought that would undermine everything they went through together—which would be a shame, truly. their bond was really precious to him as it is something he earned—it was not natural like his and floyd's nor was it born out of mutual benefit like his and azul's. it was something that grew with them and soon enough tied them together like an invisible string. he thought that their relationship was fine just like that, more than fine actually.
but it seemed as though he was the only one who felt that way, that strongly.
the eel listened as izuku talked about a classmate, he then watched as izuku walked with a boy and a girl on the beach. he kept on watching and listening as the smaller boy grew away and apart from him—still, they were friends, so izuku kept visiting him. but it felt different, now that jade knew the boy treated him like every other friend he had, he felt... a bit of everything all at once. he was happy his friend had a lot of friends now, really. he was also maybe a bit jealous of how many friends he had too. or maybe it was that he was jealous of the friends because of how much time they got to spend with him? he wasn't sure. he also felt fear, fear that maybe izuku would leave him again, but to bask in the presence of others this time.
he hated that idea.
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yourtearsaremyink · 5 months
It's Just This Once
Chapter 1
Hey everyone! This is my first post. This work is finished but I will be uploading the chapters weekly. (I don't really know how Tumblr works so if y'all have suggestions or tips let me know)
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Not many. Bucky and his PTSD, my life choices to write this, nightmares, Bucky's regret and self hatred. Idk. There's not even language in this thing its mostly fluff.
Summary: Y/N is an Avenger, she has healing powers and uses them to patch up the rest of the team. Bucky never asks her to use her healing powers on him, except once.
Chapter Word Count: 1,912
Chapter 1: Take the Pain Away
Y/N was working in her little corner of the medical wing of the newly built Avengers Compound. All was right in her little world, well as right as her world could be since reappearing after a five year absence. 
Everyone was trying their hardest to go back to normal but adapting to a life without Steve, Tony, and Natasha was far from it. Shortly before Tony and Steve's fallout, Y/N was recruited by Fury to join the Avengers Initiative. He had somehow figured out she was an enhanced and convinced her to join the team. She had hid her abilities so well in the past she had no idea how a man she had never met before found out about them. Y/N had the extraordinary ability to heal others, it had taken an insane amount of time, energy, and focus to master her powers. With the help of Wanda she had also been able to unlock another talent. She had intuition that was insanely on point so she could guide her teammates on their missions. Natasha had taught her some martial arts moves and Steve taught her how to protect herself in a fight. Y/N soon became part of the family and finally found a place where she belonged, but after a few billion people came back from nothingness, her family seemed to narrow down. She had fought in the battle against Thanos and tried, had really tried, to heal Tony with her powers but in the end it wasn't enough. She couldn't help but feel a little responsible for his death. When the battle was over and Steve left to be with the love of his life, he left so many friends behind. If Y/N couldn't heal Tony's physical wounds, maybe she could heal the emotional wounds he and Steve left behind. 
Shortly after the battle she became close with the remaining Avengers. She helped guide Sam on missions as the new Captain America, she comforted Wanda after her little outburst in Westview, she even got to know Bucky a bit more. Sam had convinced him to live at the new Compound with him instead of being alone in an old apartment in Brooklyn. Every so often Sam and Bucky would limp into the med bay in need of healing. She had healed Sam several times and Wanda a few but never Bucky. He always said she shouldn't waist her energy on him, and she always replied with, "It's no trouble at all, it doesn't take that much energy." Bucky would brush it off and say his advanced healing would take care of his injuries in no time. She never really pushed it, considering what he's been through with people messing with his body, it didn't surprise her when he didn't want to be helped.
Today was nothing unusual when Sam came into the med bay with an arm around Bucky and the other around his side. Y/N hopped up from the seat at her desk and began walking to the two men.
"What did you do this time?"
"This idiot took a bullet for me." Bucky spoke up as he helped Sam into a bed.
"Hey don't be mad at me for saving your life." Sam snapped back. He was taking off part of his uniform so Y/N could assess the injury properly.
"I have better healing than you, I would have been just fine." Bucky countered.
"I'll be fine! I have the best healer in the world right here, right doc?" Sam shot a quick smirk at Y/N as she started to heal him. A light purple glow emitted from her hands as she closed the wound on Sam's torso.
"Just because I can heal you in seconds doesn't mean you can be reckless."
Sam's smirk faded as Bucky gave a short "Ha" in victory. Y/N noticed Bucky was holding his left arm with his right and had a few bruises on his face.
"I could always heal you too Bucky if you need it."
"It's fine doll, these bruises will be gone in a couple hours." He said as he gestured to his face. Y/N turned her attention back to Sam as she finished up her work.
"All done." She said as she removed her hands. "Go clean up, Wanda and I are making dinner soon."
She grabbed a cloth and wiped some of the blood off her hands.
"You're the best doc. " Sam gave her a quick hug and headed out with Bucky. As they left she saw how tight the muscles in Bucky's were. With all of the experience Y/N had with healing people, she was able to see how much he was hurting. It could just be the stress of the mission so she didn't think much of it. 
Later that evening while Y/N was cooking with Wanda, she once again noticed Bucky. At this point she couldn't tell if it was just stress or flat out pain. Sam was tapping away at his laptop sending a report on the mission to Fury. He didn't seem to notice the tight expression Bucky was wearing. Bucky was absentmindedly rubbing his left shoulder where metal met flesh, he looked exhausted.
"You good Buck?"
He glanced up at her removing his hand from his shoulder and said,
"Yeah, I'm fine. " with a half hearted smile.
She hoped that a warm meal would help. Y/N loved to cook, especially with Wanda, she loved seeing people's faces when they ate the food she made. Pretty much everyone else was away from the compound so it was just the four of them. Wanda had suggested they make soup since Autumn came out of nowhere and settled in New York. They set the table and listened to Sam talk about the mission he and Bucky had just endured. Bucky let Sam do all the talking for once and kept quite happily enjoying the warm food. The creases in his features slowly melted away as he finished the soup. Once the story was finished and the dining room was cleaned up, everyone said their goodnights and started off to their rooms, all expect Y/N.
"You're not going to sleep?" Wanda had asked when she saw Y/N going towards the elevator instead of her room.
"I have some work left to finish since I was so rudely interrupted earlier." She had turned her head to Sam with a smile.
"Hey don't come at me." He said with his hands up in a surrendering gesture as he walked to his room.
She gave a small laugh, "Goodnight guys." 
Y/N headed down to her lab and picked up where she left off. She was running some lab work on some blood samples when she heard thunder shake the building. It startled her enough for her to nearly drop her test tube. Soon after she heard rain begin to pound on the walls of the Compound. She glanced at the clock as it struck 1:00 am.
"Just a little longer." She whispered as she resumed her work. 
Bucky was sitting in his bed when he heard Thunder boom outside his window. He hadn't slept since coming to his room, too stressed from the mission and in too much pain. He knew the rain was coming, he felt it in his bones, but that didn't make it any less unsettling. He truly felt like an old man knowing rain was coming by the way his prosthetic arm felt. The mission had caused a few unpleasant memories to resurface and that made his mind uneasy. All of that combined together resulted in a dull headache and an unbearable amount of phantom pain in his left arm. His shoulder was throbbing and it felt as if he was being stabbed by a hundred needles where his metal arm occupied where his flesh should be. His breathing was laboured and heavy, he was so close to a panic attack it wasn't even funny. The weather hadn't helped either, it made him feel cold and achey. He tried so hard to keep it together but the pain became too much. He needed relief and there was one person he could think of to help. He hated the idea of Y/N using her healing powers on him when she could use them for something much more valuable. He didn't want to inconvenience her with his pain but it was becoming agonizing. He sat and thought it over for a few more minutes when he finally caved and made his way down to her lab. He stood at the door and sighed,
"It's just this once."
Y/N was just about finished when she heard a small knock at the lab entrance. She got up and walked towards the door, she wasn't expecting to see Bucky when she opened it. He stood with his hand clutching his metal shoulder, his hair was unkempt and he had bags under his eyes.
"Hey, I thought you went to bed. Is everything okay?"
"Uh, not really. I hate to ask you this, especially this late, but-"
Suddenly thunder echoed through the lab and Bucky squeezed his eyes shut and his breath began to shake, using his hand to add more pressure to his shoulder.
"My shoulder hurts, and my arm too kinda." He looked down not wanting to meet her eyes.
"Like phantom pain?" She questioned
"Y-yeah, it feels like pins and needles. The vibranium feels heavy."
"Are you asking me to help you?" She asked in disbelief.
"I-if you don't want to that's fine I can manage."
"No, no come in, sit down."
She led him to one of the beds and guided his hand off his shoulder, eager to work on the one person she hadn't helped.
He winced in pain as he moved, his hand letting up the pressure it was omitting on his upper arm.
"Sorry," she stepped back for a second, "I need you to take off your shirt." In the dimly lit lab she could see him blush a little. "It'll be better if I have direct contact to the skin."
He complied, slowly and painfully taking off his blue Henley. She walked around to the side of the bed to begin.
"I'm just going to put my hands on your shoulder, okay?"
He gave a very tight nod and she began. Her hands danced across the mess of scar tissue where metal crept into his skin. She couldn't help but felt bad for what Hydra did to him. His breath hitched but his back slowly became more relaxed. She could feel his heart rate slowing and his breath even out.
"I'm halfway done, are you okay? " she was concerned. She had never been able to do this for Bucky before and didn't know how he'd react.
"Mhmm." he seemed content.
She stopped and moved to his front to place her hands on his collar bone. She tried not to make it too awkward by making eye contact but she glanced up anyway and met his blue eyes. They both quickly looked away and Y/N turned her attention back to his arm. She stopped when she felt she couldn't do anything more to help with the pain.
"Done, does that feel better?"
He immediately brought her in for a hug and whispered a quite,
"Thank you."
She hugged back happily,
"You're welcome."
It gets better I promise. It was originally a one shot but it evolved.
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zemkzone · 6 months
I’m not sending Scarlet in there without knowing what he’s getting into.
— Leonard Snart to Mick Rory, Ch18 of That Rare Arctic Thunderstorm
Chapter'll be up on March 29!
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doraminatook · 3 months
Tell me you're a writer without telling me you're a writer...
Tumblr media
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longagoitwastuesday · 1 month
I just saw a Gojo-like guy in a store. He was eyeing those purple shampoos for white dyed hair, I think. He had the height and the round glasses and all. It was uncanny, truly like out of the anime. Never had seen someone pull a character's look as well as this guy. I was this 👌 close to approach him and ask him to read Georg Cantor, like a cultist stalker, but fortunately (for him) I was with my mother so I behaved
#I've regretted not doing so for two hours though#I think I could have convinced him to at least look Cantor up on google#And the world would have been a slightly better place for it#It was so easy too#'I take you have a keen interest in the infinity? Have you thought of transcending infinity itself? Gerog Cantor is the answer!'#I have a fake email to distribute Cantor's texts too in case he was interested and couldn't find the book#It's fake. No strings attached. No personal info for either of us. And he must have cared for the infinity#*sigh*#Gojo lookalike guy in the drugstore in a southern Spanish city DM me if you see this and want Cantor's texts#I pinky promise they're fun and good and beautiful#There's literally an 'expansion of the domain of the infinity' in section 4#And it talks about surpassing tradition in the field#Come on you'll love it#Every Gojo fan could give an eye to this I'm sure it would be enjoyable for many of you#Then there's the play on the Continuum and I think you could force-read Sukuna a bit in that#Intuitively the author is so spot on it's mesmerising#Anyway... Tagging things this time in case someone wants the texts haha#Jujutsu Kaisen#Satoru Gojo#Gojo Satoru#Kinda lowkey hate that I adore him#Everything could be so good. Everything will be but mediocre. The concepts are so good. It will come to nothing#Totally breaks my heart haha#It's hilarious how now that I know Jujutsu Kaisen‚ and Gojo in particular‚ I see it everywhere#It's the same phenomenon as when I was first reading Plato. You suddenly notice it's everywhere and staining everything around you#I knew JJK and the princeling were popular but I was unaware of the intensity of that popularity
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