#trash times
six-demon-bag · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @tealmoonlight and TY so much for making me make progress on my writing, most of what I've been posting has been sitting in my WIP folder for months before I started posting it, lol of course, typical for me, I'm not answering this on a Wednesday.
WIP Wednesday Rules:
Post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We're posting progress here. If you haven't made any, go make some and come back to post.
After you've posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file.
My WIP filenames:
prompt fill: ODC winterbaron server
surprise omega rumlow part 2
wholesome eldritch winter soldier
hanahaki winterbones
(honestly thats about it, the top two are multichapter files)
Snippet from ODC winterbaron:
Much like the last time Sam went on a solo trip, it only takes a few days for Bucky to break. This time it’s not from the stress and anger of not knowing what Zemo wants. This time, it’s because Bucky needs and Zemo is the only person who can help him.
I think everyone I know on here (lol) has already been tagged but anyone else celebrate the eternal sisyphian struggle of writing
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happyroadkillart · 18 days
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fruit-sy · 7 months
Raccoon siblings
Inspired by the Synchronized Cats video lol
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if ever i need to feel pure love and joy in my life once again i simply rewatch jason' brown's riverdance routine:
(and if you're going why does he look familiar yes, he was also the guy with the cotton eye joe routine, the can't touch this routine and more recently, the backsteet boys routine)
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blueboybot · 7 days
Look At This Cute Cat- SIKE BITCH, IT'S A RACCOON!
Cat Danny this, fish Danny that. Give me my fucked up little trash panda thank you very much.
It was just there, lying on the floor, staring at him.
Damian's newest pet installment came in the form of a raccoon, except the damn thing was unlike any raccoon Jason has ever seen. It was mostly white with the most expressive eyes no raccoon should have.
Jason didn't like it. The little fuck always looked like it was jugding him whenever he came by the manor and he could've swore that it gave him the middle finger at one point. If it didn't count as animal cruelty he would've chucked the thing out the nearest window right now and relish in its surprised scream. He wouldn't really do that of course but the thought was tempting.
"Todd stop pestering him," Damian walked in, picking up the lazy ringed bastard from off the floor as if that thing wasn't heavy from all the food it was eating.
"I didn't even do nothing."
As Damian turned his back and began walking away with the raccoon it looked him straight in the eyes and gave him two of its best middle fingers.
Yup! Jason hated that thing.
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vildo · 3 months
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Not just a five-year mission
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mikayesha · 11 days
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Imagine if he started getting scared of bridges too
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queenhawke · 1 month
thinkin about clara oswald again. little freak of a woman. i remember people being like "ugh she's just a generic companion" in s7 and like i can see why people would think that but the seeds are all there. she just needed some time to truly become her most egotistical, controlling, arrogant self. she blossomed into a beautiful awful flower and then when she got her comeuppance in face the raven, two eps later moffat was like akshually. she should get everything she wanted (minus the doctor) (but who needs the doctor when you can be the doctor) and he was so right for that. love her forever and ever
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insignificantfailure · 4 months
im so fucking useless
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e-vay · 9 months
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Happy October! My favorite month of the year!
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messy-haired-bum · 2 months
The way the White Star had to invent a massive lore for Cale just to cope with the fact that somehow this 20-yr-old twink is casually wrecking his ass is honestly so funny lmaoooooooo
I think that's why Cale can trap him with Embrace so easily: the moment Cale revealed the truth, the White Star's ego physically cannot cope lmaoo
Imagine inventing yourself an archnemesis, only to find out that no, you are just a delusional bastard with a fragile ego, and that for close to 6 months, said "archnemesis" even tried to dissuade you a couple of times because you are that pathetic to him.
I would not recover fr
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girlboyburger · 3 months
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cow's secret revealed! 🛸
fun lil alt design for cow i've been workin on >:03c
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jade-of-mourning · 4 months
thinking about how korra is the last avatar of wan's era and the first avatar of her era
and thinking about how the southern air temple sanctuary avatar statue spiral always would've been completed with korra in the center of it, the 183rd avatar
and thinking about how the temple signals as though it was always destined to be this way, that korra was always meant to be the inflection point of eras, and how she heralded the world down this path forged all by herself through her sheer power and spirit, bridging the worlds and forever changing its landscape. she did that! she both opened the old portals and created a new portal in the first 21 years of her life, in opposite of her predecessor 10,000 years ago, and she brought back the air nation despite her tumultuous heart, and she sacrificed so much of herself to ensure their survival. she is so full of love and compassion and care and she has given so much of herself to the world. and she is the starting point for the the new avatars after her and there is so much that she alone can give them
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mintmoth · 3 months
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I don't think I've posted this?? I had also drawn him flipping the viewer off that I was going to color, but I wanted another drawing to jokingly make a full "Idia making rude gestures" image set lmao but that never got finished so rip here he is by his lonesome
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starblaster · 2 years
(since no one is reading my tags or other reblogs): this post has an addition. the addition is specifically about co-mingle recycling in most usamerican cities. always check your local guidelines for recycling. the point of this post was not to tell you what you can or can’t recycle, anyway. the point was that a lot of recycling gets thrown out because it’s fucking contaminated. if you can’t clean your recyclables to keep them from contaminating a whole bin, just put it in the trash. you don’t need to feel guilty about it... that's it. that's why i wrote the post.
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bxnnie-bxwl · 6 months
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i dont think he needs one...
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