#tw mentions of trans suicide rate
transinclusionary · 2 years
Ok but for someone who says they don’t care or are suppose ally’s to women you get really upset at women/ terfs I’m saying this as a gay trans masc you need to chill bc this just gives them receipts that all trans women are men who are misgonistic and violent seriously stop replying to them if it really doesn’t bother you
Lord have mercy, I'm going to summon the patience to respond, and give you the response this deserves. I'm going to level with you
I have never clarified what my gender identity is beyond "they/them" because I didn't believe my identity mattered beyond, only the content of my words. But if this needs clarification I will provide it so no one misunderstands me. I am not a trans woman. I believe this discourse shouldn't have to be done by trans women exclusively. Why must someone who opposes bigots be marginalized? Why must the marginalized fight the bigotry in their own oppression? Why can't I, a gnc cis passing queer woman be absolutely appalled and moved with rage at how awful these cosplay conservatives tarnish the very lavel activism with their existence?
It's not fucking fair how little people get in the world to help, and they get even less the more layers of intersectionality we get. And the lower you get the less society cares about you. The only thing you can turn to is fucking activism when you get so oppressed everyone has a fucking reason to hate you. So you join feminist circles to gain community, and a twisted fucking surprise, even the people who claim to care about gender liberation "feminists" dont care.
I'm allowed to find the struggles of others maddening, in the same way I would hope good white allies to find racism maddening or men to find sexism infuriating. If you're a good ally you should be MAD that someone of your same intersectionality can't just fucking treat people right.
It shouldn't be on trans women to take the brunt of this, or insist everyone ignores them. They don't ignore trans women! They go to safe spaces for women and harasses them, disseminates their photos, their information, and relentlessly bully them! Respectfully, I do not see how I am guilty for the anger I feel for the complete blatant acts of human depravity it is to bully a group of women who have a scary high suicide rate. By not talking about it and just expecting people to fight this issue with silence, I believe that we don't provide adequate community.
It is not just enough to be not a transmisogynist, you have to be anti-transmisogynists. I should not have to put my life in danger by standing up for black people in a room of trump supporters. But a white person should use what privilege they have to stand up for what's right. If I expect allies to do that for me, I need to do that for groups I'm allied with.
Thank you for reaching out. And in situations like these please, think about what you say. I believe you intended good with this post, but I also believe you could reflect on your words. I don't believe it's fair to call a black women aggressive for anger.
No minority should be responsible for the whole group of people, it's not fair to make minorities play by their bigots rules to be respected. Basic human respect shouldn't be earned through respectability politics.
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
TW mentions of suicide
Hey Cas! I was wondering if I could have your opinion on something (and potentially anyone else's that sees this), if you're willing to give it!
So I really enjoy writing and want to write a book. However, part of the aim of the book is to make a social comment and reflect the horrifying statistic that transgender people in situations where they have no support (especially from their families) have a much, much higher suicide rate than those who are supported (can't remember the exact statistic off the top of my head, but it was like 40%). In short, the book is aiming to be about a transgender boy who is completely unsupported by his family and is suicidal, runs away etc. etc.
However, the issue I might have is that I am not trans (or at least, I'm not out - I'm questioning heavily, and the book is going to include a lot of my experiences with gender dysphoria as well as suicidal thoughts etc. Im also afab so i dont really want people to assume this is me saying im trans). So my question is - would it be considered disrespectful or appropriation for a non-trans person to write a story centred around trans issues/a trans character?
Hope you have a fantastic day :)
I’m gonna leave this without a copy/paste since you’re asking for opinions, but I’m hoping everyone will read the TWs!
So I feel like “appropriation” only applies to like…culture? So I think you’re fine there.
Disrespectful? I don’t think so. If we’re operating under the idea you’re cis- I mean I’m only one person but I think if you do your research and maybe interview a few trans people (who are willing) to make sure you’re conveying an authentic experience I don’t see anything wrong with it. But you’re not even sure you’re cis so like…I think it’s fine. I mean I wasn’t sure I was trans before starting Clandestine which features a trans character lol.
Usually the issue with putting any minority group in a book when you’re not part of that minority is either that you’re doing it as a checkbox to show you have diversity (think, an author making it abundantly clear they have a gay character just so they can say they do. you’re not doing that), you’re using their existence as a minority as some sort of negative trait to make them the villain (think, an author writing about a trans character using their transness to sneak into bathrooms or something- you’re not doing that either) or you’re using their existence as a minority as the central plot of the story. You are doing that, but in this case, the point you’re trying to make is important and not overly cliche. So imo I think it’s okay.
But what do you guys think?
Naming you author anon!
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aphadole · 2 months
Tw: mentions of suicide! Kinda homophobia/transphobia?
My mom: "Remember, be authentically you."
Also her every time lgbtq stuff is mentioned: "You know you're always a girl, right?" "I don't care if you're gay, but you are a girl." (I searched up trans suicide rates, and she saw it. She didn't even mention the suicide part.) "You're a girl, none of that 'they/them' 'it/its' shit." "I'll force you to have kids." (I said I didn't want kids. I was like 10.)😋
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bigjimbopickens · 2 years
About What Happened From Feb 7-9th
Hey everyone, I’m making another post and I promise it will be the last time I talk about this here, unless there’s a huge update. Since last time it was emotionally driven and I wasn’t in a good headspace I thought I would make another now that I’m in a better mental state and can think more clearly.  
For those who don’t want to read this insanely long post, here is a summarized version: February 7th Kevin uploads a sponsored video on Hogwarts Legacy. It brought a lot of transphobia into the community and it turned on each other. On February 9th Kevin wrote an apology on his subreddit and it has a mixed reception. 
With that out of the way I would encourage you to read the full post as I go into more detail, analyze Kevin’s post and also touch on the video itself since I did watch it when it was uploaded. 
Some trigger warnings will be needed for this. 
TW // transphobia and antisemitism mentions, topics on or related to suicide.
Should also mention that I am only trans, not Jewish, so I cannot speak on their behalf. But since HL has heavy antisemitic themes it would be unfair to leave them out of the conversation.
I am documenting this so it is not forgotten and we can learn from it. There may be things I missed and can add if I am informed. This is also all mostly from my perspective as a trans guy who was very active in all sides of the community during this, not just the subreddit or YouTube comments. 
A recap of the situation:
- February 7th at 12pm Pacific Standard Time, the video “Being a bad wizard in Hogwarts Legacy” by Call Me Kevin is uploaded. It is a sponsored video. 
- Within minutes of the video being posted, the comments become very toxic. People express their concern and/or disappointment that Kevin would promote that game to his audience. People in the replies tell them to off themselves or call them 41%ers, referring to the suicide rate of trans people.
- r/CallMeKevin discusses it in the comments of the bot post and the discussion is mostly respectful.
- The hate then spreads far into the community starting with the subreddit.
- A user wrote an open letter to Kevin about all of this and the comments were horribly transphobic with several upvotes and the thread gets locked. 
- People take to twitter to discuss it and fights break out there as well. The amount of tweets covering it makes the situation spread far outside of the community as outsiders also share their thoughts.
- Other subreddits, specifically trans ones, also cover what happened to what was once a safe space for trans people. 
- February 8th, 12 hours after the situation begins, Instagram account cmk_things, which is run by three trans admins, makes a statement. The comments on that post also become horribly transphobic, thus spurring on the hate to the CMK Instagram community. 
- Allegedly, Anna_Chess is also harassed about this. 
- February 9th at 5am PST Kevin makes the subreddit post titled “A letter to the CMK community”. It has a mixed reception with some forgiving him and others not. 
- A much smaller scale fight breaks out between the people most affected by this and people calling them soft for not wanting to immediately accept Kevin’s apology. 
- By the end of the day things begin to finally calm down. The worst of it has ended.
End of timeline, for now (but I hope it doesn’t continue unless it’s positive). 
Needless to say, this entire situation was horrible for everyone involved. I truly don’t want it to happen again and we can all learn something from this, which is why I have documented it. Next I wanted to analyze the post Kevin made to the subreddit.
Kevin’s Apology Post Link to the post if you haven’t seen it: https://www.reddit.com/r/CallMeKevin/comments/10xu9ot/a_letter_to_the_cmk_community/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf  In this section I wanted to touch upon this more since the wording of it confused me at first, but now that I am feeling better mentally I can properly comprehend it. This is all coming from the perspective of a trans man who’s been a very active community member for 3 years and an active viewer for 5 (and also was an A+ English student who did these a lot). I am not meaning to defend him or anything, rather just explaining it from how I see it. It starts off with him saying he is sorry and that he wanted to explain it from his side. In the next one he wrote “I'm not sure how this whole thing was covered in other countries but as someone who does not use social media this boycott was pretty much invisible.” I am from Canada and this pretty much wasn’t covered at all except online in places you’d only see it if you were from a minority the game impacts, so I will give him that. However, you’d think a gaming YouTuber would at least try to keep up with what’s going on in the gaming world. Kevin also wrote “I'm surprised that I've not heard any discussion within my recent streams or on my comment section given the scale of it.” There was discussion of it, though it was usually just one or two comments or were in places Kevin wouldn’t have seen it. During the stream on February 5th there was a conversation in the chat about it that did get missed where someone asked if he was going to play it and people started saying that they hope he doesn’t for obvious reasons. Though I understand why it was likely missed, Kevin wasn’t reading the chat much as he was playing with other people when it happened. In the next paragraph Kevin wrote “I had also heard of there being a boycott of some kind on the game but honestly assumed this was not a big thing, every other day I hear of someone/something being a problem and I just don't engage with that news.” So he admits to hearing about the boycott after saying it was invisible to him? Strange. Sometimes these things aren’t huge issues as the internet does like to blow things out of proportion (I mean, just look at this situation haha) but oftentimes it is serious and should be treated as such. I wouldn’t be surprised if he heard about it early on before the weeks leading up to the launch and made an assessment based off of that, but on the other hand, I still find it really strange how he didn’t know about how serious this was. Again, you’d think a gaming YouTuber would keep up with these things. Other ones I watch do, like RTGame and Kwite/Kwote. “When it comes to boycotts in a general sense I would disagree that buying something is endorsing the view of everyone involved.” Is the first line of the next section. To an extent he is right, not the devs’ fault that Rowling is a shitty person. Though giving your support to things like this gives the companies involved more incentive to continue, which is one of the reasons why the boycott happened. The problem also wasn’t entirely the fact he played it, rather it was the fact he was paid to promote it to his audience of viewers who were impacted by the game and how his community turned on itself. There is another line in this part that I pretty much have the same thing to say about so I won’t repeat myself, but it’s along the lines of “but JK Rowling wasn’t involved.” Kevin then addresses the comments. The first two statements have no issues, he is correct. Not everyone is as informed as others are. In the third one he explains that usually when his videos are promoted to an outside audience it does get more hate than usual. That is pretty standard for YouTube. He then explains that this time the hate was amplified by the situation and he disabled the comments on the video, which is good on him. Kevin ends this section essentially saying he doesn’t support people attacking others for who they are along with his community because “from my experience [the community] have been the most kind and supportive group of people.” I do a little gatekeeping here, I always have. I believe that genuine fans of CMK wouldn’t be transphobic or antisemitic. Though a lot of the bigotry came from inside the community with users who were either active subreddit users, had CMK related usernames and/or pfps or were usernames I recognized from previous kind comments I got on my artwork. I guess it was the 1% Kevin left out when he said 99%. Kevin then explains how he can see why someone would be on either side of this situation, which is probably not the best thing to put in an apology letter to your community after alienating them and, albeit unintentionally, enabling transphobia and antisemitism to go on. It’s not really a good idea to be neutral on things like this as one side will assume you’ve taken the other’s side and vice versa. It’s like he doesn’t want to make a definitive statement. I know he probably didn’t mean it like that but the way he worded it makes it sound like such. The final part is about how he doesn’t want to put out any more hate and apologizes about everything. When I first read it I actually started crying about the last line, probably because I was at my lowest during the situation and it was 5am. I didn’t sleep at all during those two days. The last line was “I'm sorry for any hurt I've caused you, I have felt terrible knowing I've hurt a group that have been nothing but nice to me.” I am glad he said something as I was very worried he was just going to remain silent or only apologize in a reply thread on Twitter where only a few would see it (like last time). Part of me wishes he did a bit more but I’m satisfied with this. I never once believed he would endorse this behaviour nor did I think he was transphobic. He made a huge mistake that has ruined his reputation and the trust his community had, he’s going to have to work hard to rebuild that. I’m a huge believer in that you can accept an apology but not forgive anyone for anything they may have done. I personally did accept the apology but haven’t forgiven him yet. He shouldn’t have done this in the first place and this situation could’ve been avoided. Though once more time passes and things calm down more I imagine I will. I am in a position to make that call, I am a transgender man who was targeted during this situation as I was very vocal about it. Though I’ll return to the community soon, I have projects that I started before the situation that I don’t want to scrap. I’m just glad that the worst of it is over, we can only improve from here. If Kevin is somehow reading this then I have this to say to you: I know I seem harsh but I don’t mean to be, though sometimes the truth hurts. I genuinely hope you learn from this and I know you never meant for this to happen in the first place. You’ve never come across as that type of person to me. For a while I’ve relied on your content and community as an escape from the real world that was nothing but harsh to me because I’m not the perfect cishet neurotypical catholic woman my family wanted. I would’ve hated for it to all end over something like this. Please, don’t let it happen again. I don’t want to see you become known as a YouTuber who prioritized money over real human lives instead of fictional. And also, skill issue tbh.
Not sure what else I expected from my favourite clueless cishet. It’s sad how he is the only YouTuber I watch who did apologize for this. All the others doubled down and I had to unsubscribe. Grateful Kevin didn’t go down that path.
My own apology: Now I want to take some time to apologize for the confusion that I have caused. I will admit I was not okay mentally when I wrote all those things and I said things I didn’t mean. I also understand that my words could’ve been easily misinterpreted, which did happen. I reek of undiagnosed bipolar disorder and I also have autism. I usually try to not let that fuel anything I talk about online but sometimes it gets the best of me. I’m not trying to use that as an excuse, rather it’s an explanation to why it happened. I will do my best to not let it happen again. I’m sorry. The video itself: I did actually watch the video. I wanted to so I could see if there was any mention of the controversy and so I wouldn’t make assumptions. I watched it while in a call on a Discord server I’m in. We all shouted “KEVIN NO” when we got the notification and continued to shout that once I said it was sponsored. The video itself doesn’t have many issues, aside from the obvious. It was an unbiased look at the game and didn’t feel any different from other CMK videos. If I am going to be honest, I would rather have Kevin do a video on it than someone who’s very clearly biased and the “I bought this game to own the libs” type. Though I still preferred there to be no video at all. He’s also not the only Irish Lad to do a video, Terroriser and Nogla also have and I’m not surprised. Its a video I won’t ever be watching again though. The first CMK video I actually hated watching. 
Addressing comments: During this I have gotten many comments and messages as I was very vocal during this and I’m also a fairly well known user. Even if you’ve never heard of me you’ve likely seen the things I’ve done. I wanted to publicly address them as it offers more insight to the situation. The most common one I’ve gotten were things along the lines of “You should’ve seen this coming” because he’s played the other Harry Potter games. Yes, I did see this coming. I knew he was going to play Hogwarts Legacy and I warned people that it would likely cause a divide. I never thought it would be this bad, I thought it would just be an argument on the subreddit again or something. If it was just a regular video that didn’t cause this mess I probably wouldn’t have cared as much. Another was “but Kevin played the other ones, does that mean those are bad too?” No, in fact I used to recommend Kevin’s videos to people who still wanted to consume Harry Potter content without supporting a TERF. I was never into HP growing up but I still loved his videos on it. Those games are old and you can’t buy them new anymore, so him buying them isn’t supporting J.K Rowling. It also wasn’t entirely about the fact he played the game, it’s the fact he was paid to promote it to a community that is harmed by Rowling’s actions and it turned his once kind community horribly transphobic and antisemitic. That was the issue. “But don’t you have more important issues to focus on?” I see where you’re coming from with this but do you think we have that kind of power? Also, what group of people are making these anti-trans laws? Definitely not trans people. We are doing what we can to tackle those issues too, trust me. There’s only so much we can do. I guess it only becomes an issue when it slightly inconveniences you. “Why are you so soft?” “You can’t hold onto this forever.” “He apologized so get over it.” If you’re not trans and/or Jewish you don’t get to make those calls. When I say “trans” I am using it as an umbrella term, it affected every non-cis person in the cult too. What happened was absolutely fucking horrible and it’s understandable to why we aren’t quick to forgive Kevin and the community. We had our trust completely broken and it takes a while to heal from that. You wouldn’t be quick to forgive someone either if this happened to you. What someone does is not up to you to decide, if some choose to never forgive him then that’s their choice and we have to respect it. “I wish he would take down the video though.” I do too, but since it’s a sponsored video he likely can’t as he’s bound by a contract. If he breaches the contract he can be sued and he’s not winning that lawsuit from Warner Brothers. A situation like this has happened before where he took a sponsor from Activision/Blizzard while they were being sued for allowing sexual harassment to go on, so I hope this doesn’t become a continuous pattern. Hopefully he learns his lesson this time.  “But people were harassing him!” Where? Fucking where? I mean sure there may have been a few extreme people but all I saw were people expressing their disappointment and getting called slurs for it. The only people being harassed in this were the people who spoke out. I’ve been sent death threats, told to “join the 41%” and purposely misgendered because people thought I was attacking Kevin. Trans rights, until it means your favourite YouTuber gets criticized for enabling transphobia. “It’s not that big of a deal.” How fucking privileged and/or oblivious are you to see all this happen and go “eh, not a big deal”. As ridiculous as this all was, it was a huge deal. Huge enough to damage Kevin’s reputation online and, well, you know the rest.  And these comments weren’t addressed to me but I thought they were funny. Basically people congratulating Kevin for “not going woke”. Like, the existence of his sims and GTA RP series invalidates your entire sentence. You gotta be new to the channel or something or you think Grognak the Destroyer is cis or Jim Pickens is cishet. I also just hate that phrase, woke. 
As we reach the end of this really long thing I originally typed up at 8pm on a Friday night on a Google doc, I wanted to take a moment to thank a few people. It was a horrible situation for everyone and it reminded me that the genuine fans were still out there. Thank you to my friends and partners who supported me and came to fight for me. Thank you to everyone who sent me kind messages and/or left nice comments on my posts and art. It gave me the hope I needed. I hope someday we can restore the cult to what it once was, but it won’t be an overnight process nor will it be the same again. Despite everything, I stayed behind and watched everything happen so I could document it. If the cult was coming to an end I wanted to be there for it. I’m glad it didn’t. If you don’t want to come back then that’s completely understandable. I think we need to follow Jim’s rules more with the first one being “Be kind to everyone.” The cult was the only safe space I had for the longest time as I grew up in an extremely conservative area with an unaccepting family. I also sorta grew up watching CMK as well, I discovered him when I was 14 and I turn 20 later this year. His sims series was my first exposure to queer content and it made me feel so validated because I thought I was the only one who thought it was weird that guys can only like girls and vice versa. I would roleplay as Jim once with other members of the community and realize that being referred to as a man felt right. The community would pay to draw the characters in maid outfits and fund part of my legal transition. They would always come to defend me whenever bullshit happened because a few users got offended by a pride flag or a fursuit. CMK is a pretty big part of my life and I was very heartbroken when all this happened. Still am. I cried so hard I pulled a muscle somehow, that was neat. It’s poetic in a way that I made the last post on the subreddit before this shitshow happened. What happens before a storm? A warning, usually. I was the warning for the upcoming storm. My arrival in the cult was a prophecy. That or it was just a massive coincidence, that is more likely.  - SnowfallWarning/Big Jimbo Pickens
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I'm gonna try to make this as short as possible.
TW: brief mention of SA, men, the current state of our government, women's (lack of) rights, trans-ness, brief mentions of su1c1d3
I can't be a man, but I can't be a girl either. I'm punished for being trans i feel unsafe to do so, but I can't go back to being a girl because I'll still be in danger.
With the laws they're making, suicide rates are gonna sky rocket, and honestly, I might contribute to that number because I feel like I'm dead on my feet.
If I'm a man, I'll get the shit beaten out of me
If I'm a woman, I might get r@ped, then possibly pr3gnant, and there's nothing I could do about it
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indigo-dino · 3 months
Tw mentions of suicide, depression, and self harm. Its brief but its there.
So with all this political discourse going around concerning trans, two spirit, and gnc kids I think it's important for us to recognize something.
The United States of America is the ONLY country to sign the convention of rights of the child and NOT ratify it. This means that although the United States signed it, they don't really care about it. This is most likely why there are so many stories about children working in slaughterhouses or during night shifts. America signed the thing, but they don't really care about it.
This also means that states in the USA can start doing other things that harm children. This includes denying gender affirming care. Anyone who does a quick google search will find that when children receive gender affirming care, the rate of suicide, self harm, and depression decrease dramatically. So it could be argued that banning gender affirming care directly harms children, and therefore, is AGAINST the convention of rights of the child.
Now considering that the USA has signed the convention of rights of the child, they are actively going against it. The USA is actively going against the rights of children.
It's not just the USA who is going against these rights despite signing the convention, literally all countries who are passing transphobic laws are going against this convention. All countries/provinces/states that are passing transphobic legislation are actively going against the convention. All government officials who are in support of transphobic legislation, especially legislation that affects children, are in support of IGNORING the rights of CHILDREN. Many of these officials claim they are protecting the children but studies literally PROVE they are wrong. So not only are these officials going against children having rights, they are actively LYING about the reasons.
This pride month, hold your public officials responsible.
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reygunsandreynbows · 1 year
please share this as it is uncertain but likely and puts MANY students at risk
(this is likely to apply primarily to secondary school students but again we really dont know)
additionally just adding a preface i do not know all the information and have not fully read the paper however i do believe that these are firmly risks that people need to at least be aware of
tw: mention of detransition, suicide and endangering children
Following a centre-right paper about the threats of transgender students, sunak has announced there will be changes in advice/safeguarding laws concerning gender/transgenderism in schools.
this is the paper but i warn you it is incredibly disrespectful and dehumanising and hinestly terrifying so please have cautikn
although we do not know what the update will be these are the suggestions from the paper which are likely to be highly consideredconsidering previous anti-trans sentiments:
1. any student questioning their gender to a teacher will be outed to their parents as a "safeguarding" measure
(this will remove safe spaces for students who cannot risk their family knowing thus increasing the suicide rates. they want us dead)
2. schools cannot let students socially transition in any way (name, pronouns, sports teams etc)
(again this removes safe spaces and any form of gender affirmation from those they meet the most, again suicide rates. this will likely also result in forcibly detransitioning many students such as myself)
3. schools must show all pshe/sex ed material to parents to ensure their approval
(likely forcing schools to remove lgbtq+ topics including risks such as AIDS or the mere existence of queerness)
4. schools must change their approach to stop encouraging "gender distressed" children
(they want to bury our existence even if it hurts people)
5. bathrooms, changing rooms and competitive sports must be single sex
(removing gender neutral facilities and also for some reason mixed gender teams pushing ideas of boys and girls needing to be separated)
6. LGBTQ topics are safeguarding issues (legally considered as hurting people)
(demonises queerness and removes awareness)
7. schools must be punished for not informing parents that a student has questioned their gender in any way
(means schools are forced to out students regardless of whether it actually benefitd them)
8. schools cannot mention gender critical beliefs or ideas of sex being different to gender
(trying to hide our existence to snuff us out despite going against science and medicine)
weve seen whats happening in america and as with many things its been likely to happen here for a while now. until the start of the summer term were waiting for the other shoe to drop as to how bad this may be but it doesnt look good.
This will endanger many students either due to the outing or not being able to voice trans issues/ be accepted by those who previously would have- i myself am preparing for a long and diffcult conversation with various teachers that have constantly supported me
Also be aware that whatever happens may set a precedent for the future. even if youre not trans if youre in any way queer this might effect you from holding back education on queer relationships to potentially finding a similar rule set for sexuality.
if you can talk to teachers NOW about your name/pronouns before the official changes are made and they can claim having never known. play it safe. do not put yourself at risk
additionally, you are valid no matter how you are percieved, how you present or how you must act to ensure your safety.
love you all <3
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ashwithapen · 1 year
poem #8
(this one is a long one and comes with a list of TWs, so the actual poem is below the cut. this one is also a lot more prose-poetry/slam poetry-esque than my other stuff :thumbsup:)
TW for school shootings, trans genocide/transphobia, abortion (mentioned), police brutality (mentioned), suicide (mentioned).
the thing about TikTok written 4 april 2023
y’know, i only opened this app because i saw a clip somewhere of one of my favourite bands. the singer made a joke in Scotland last night, and surely someone had to have posted a better-quality video on TikTok.
it was the first thing i saw when the app loaded, because they just know me so well. i watched it and saved it so that i can watch it again as a distraction or something later. but then i made the mistake of scrolling.
the next thing i saw was a 5-minute video about how people my age and younger were screaming for their lives just across the pond outside of government buildings. they are desperate not to be killed in their classrooms, desperate to live through this semester, desperate to be heard, but the suit-wearing rulers shuffled through their 1000-person sea, one foot at a time like it was dark and they couldn’t see the people my age and younger lining the walls, holding their signs, screaming for change. i watch it, and i have to keep scrolling.
some video about all the shit you can buy for just 8 USD from a gas station in Japan. i don’t watch the whole thing; i keep scrolling.
someone with a cool haircut is sitting on the floor of their bedroom, crying. the sound playing is saying something from a show i haven’t watched about a storybook fox who is sick and tired of living in a hole. they are crying, the tags say that they are trans, and they are crying. their bio says they are just 14, that’s three whole years younger than i am and something in me surges because that is my sibling whose name i don’t know and that i may never get to because the threat of genocide has them, 14, crying on their bedroom floor. not tonight, i think in silence. i do not want to cry tonight. and so i keep scrolling.
and the next video is an indie artist who didn’t exist a year and a half ago, but even so, their new single that when viral drops in a few nights so i follow their page and i hold my breath: should i scroll again? i do, i don’t learn.
and there’s a joke i don’t get with the loudest fucking noise i’ve ever heard. it makes no sense, i scroll again.
oh look, a 9-year-old girl who got shot when she went back to pull the fire alarm so her classmates would know to run. run. run. her face is the centrepiece, her smile from an earlier date something i need to learn to shake off by tonight. i can’t even imagine what being her might have been like. i scroll again.
a cover of a song, sung atop guitar chords; another joke that the comments don’t explain to me either; another reminder of the imposing genocide; abortion bans are being enforced; they’re using force against unarmed protesters again; a poem spoken to me by a person named Lee; more tour clips to distract me; some statistics about teen suicide rates rising in the States; and one of those checkpoints that tells you that it’s time for a break. stand up, stretch, get some water. the song playing low in the background is one i’ve heard maybe a hundred times by now, but i do as i’m instructed, and i take a deep breath.
my curtains are open and i can see through my window. i remember the song i started writing the other day about how people like me seldom live long enough to see their hair turn grey. i remember how i couldn’t finish it off because something salty and wet rubbed the ink off my page and i closed my book and i pretended that i wasn’t upset, like how, in an hour from now, when dinner is served hot in front of me and they ask me “how has your day been?” i will pretend my phone is not heavy in my pocket and that the kids' shouting isn’t plaguing me and that trans people aren’t losing their right to exist and be free and that a girl half my age wasn’t shot because she got unlucky one day.
and i regret opening TikTok every time that i do because i always fail to miss all those kids i heard dance on here. instead, i get singers on stages and artists who speak and kids who know how to barricade doors with desks and bookshelves and how to defend themselves with their trendy metal water bottles, and news about the latest legislation passed that ensures that more kids will be forcefully born into a cyclical mess where they don’t get to grow up without routine checks as to whether they can tell apart a juice box pop and a gunshot.
and there are not enough words to tell you all the things i have heard scrolling through TikTok, where the mothers are gentle with their children until they go to sleep, because then they take off their soft tones and don their broken voices, screaming out in hopes that their kids won’t have to.
it has to be a phenomenon: the ability you need to grow by my age if you want to use an app as unsuspecting as the sound of a clock, TikTok. if you cannot master empathy and apathy and the way in which you must be able to switch between one and the other at the littlest flick of your wrist because what’s funny one minute must always precede the latest tragedy, death giving way to a joke and a smirk from a pretty girl in a skirt whose page a month ago was all about ways you can help in Ukraine, but clearly, she has become a master of this miracle.
and at the end of it all, when it has been hours of hearing about Neo-nazis and the generalised patriarchy and the right or wrong ways to raise bread yeast, i think three things:
one: a simmering roll of “wow”. both my empathy and apathy have been expended, and now, i have nothing left to give.
two: i am never coming back here again, like a hotel where they promise a rest, a break, a chance to get away from your day-to-day stress. one star.
three: oh look, my band said something funny again, and god, i could use a distraction.
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syntheticspades · 1 year
Disclaimer: this is just how I perceive things as a trans queer person. Not everything I have to say is 100% factually proven.
TWs for suicide mentions and homophobia/transphobia
the urge to write a fully cited, grammatically profound article of why the lgbt community is still threatened for those with the mindset that "they have pride parades so obviously they're not oppressed".
Clearly you're rotting your three braincells browsing the Twitter of bigots like Rowling and Musk and acting like you're so fucking smart.
Look at the fucking news.
82% of trans people have considered killing themselves (circa April 2020). Around 40% have attempted.
The worst part? This rate is highest among children. Fucking children are killing themselves because of this.
Bullying isn't helping shit, transphobia in general isn't helping shit, and these new laws certainly aren't helping shit.
In at least 66 countries, even being suspected of being gay is punishable by law. And you call us "pampered"? Not everyone has the money to emigrate to a safe country. Not everyone is safe.
So let me ask you this.
Do you know anyone who has been disowned for being straight? Who has been arrested for being cis? Do you and your black and white pebble for a brain know of any anti-hetero laws being put into action recently? Ever?
That's what I fucking thought.
We wave our flags and hold parades to show how far we've come and how much further we'll go, not to flaunt or say we're better. There's so much left to do and accomplish, just so we have the same rights as cishets. Calling us "pampered" or "snowflakes" is exactly what we're trying to fight against, and the fact you're spreading that misinformation will only encourage us to hold more parades.
Because clearly, there's more work to do.
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youbecameart · 11 months
TW: politics mention of suicide, transgender issues
Made the mistake of logging in to Twitter to see that the discourse is now if "leftists" should even vote for Biden cause he couldn't be better than trump on Gaza and they could push for Miriam Williamson or some stupid horse piss candidate like that. All but conceding the election to Trump cause of Bidens stance on Gaza. Now I might be a little jaded and yes the genocide in Gaza is horrific and should be stopped but like I'm part of a marginalized group being genocideed by republican and moderate lawmakers right here at home in the good old U.S. of A. So I say to them what about how trans people will be treated if we don't unite behind the dem candidate, which like, is Joe Biden cause we don't live in a phantasy world where the sitting president isn't the defacto pick like come on, I'll tell you what happens we lose our rights, our medical care, our personhood, suicide rates increase, and everyone sits around with their thumbs up their asses whining impotently about losing the election while we die cause it wasn't "politically advantageous" to defend my rights after all we're only like 1.5% of the population. So forgive me if I seem like a single issue voter because I don't want to be driven to suicide by a political system designed to kill me and throw my husk in the trash. It breaks my heart how many people see trans people as an acceptable loss.
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imaveryevilenby · 2 years
different anon again. call me philo anon if needed.
jehovah witnesses used as an example for hate groups tw, mentions of suicide and self harm, also in the context of example tw
i think there's two little important things to go back to in what 'gender doesn't exist (I'm a transphobe)' anon is saying.
First off, how they're being so polite, and repeating they don't want to invalidate you. How they thank you for not calling them a name and dismissing their ideas. Let's see, (using this as an example, hear it out) what was that post about how witnesses of jehovah get sent to knock at people's doors so that when they eventually get dismissed by people who don't want to discuss religion, they grow a stronger attachment to their community and believe that they're the only ones who would care about them?
Applying this to this anon's mindset, there's some parallel to be made between that and how anon, once called a dumbcunt and other things, is set on a path that says "trans people enforce oppressive gender roles. they don't hear me out. they're evil.", eventually meeting other transphobes and terfs who will share their humanity-saving ideas
Second thing is about the point they're making, more specifically this part:" in my eyes, we’d all just be a much happier people if we could stop playing within the bounds of gender, which has always been an oppressive system. i can’t invalidate your gender if gender isn’t real."
'In my eyes', okay, they respect other's opinions! how nice. (except they don't, their opinion includes one view and erases others. there's no genders so you're not trans, I'm not a transphobe, etc)
'we'd all be much happier'; their goal is happiness and wellbeing. how could they be wrong?
and finally the most important part, which I'll paste again: "if we could stop playing within the bounds of gender, which has always been an oppressive system"
Ah yes, there is one truth, and that is that gender is inherently evil. Therefore let us restrict it's use. Even though much studies have shown (refer to gaud's post on the same topic, I have it saved and will send a link if needed) that children have a lesser rate of suicide or self harm when they're let to identify as they wish, wether that be trans or non binary or anything else.
Final nail to the coffin: anon says that we shouldn't refer by people by their gender, and gender doesn't exist, as well as the binary. Yet, they keep calling you a 'guy' and using an extremely transphobe and biological definition for it. They say 'man or woman'. So, in this utopia that anon wants, where everyone's happy and gender is erased, people are defined by what they're born as? and what about intersex people? what about the cultural gender systems that aren't binary and aren't used as oppressive systems commonly?
personal opinion: people like that anon have made the binary western gender roles and norms into an oppressive system, for trans people, for intersex, for people that don't adhere to their biological male and female headcanon.
I think that's most of what I wanted to say. As last time, feel free to dismiss this, and you're cool af lily, ly.
To anon: Bud,,,, maybe in a utopia, like the one in that book who's author I forgot (pretty sure it's named 'Utopia' but it's NOT by st Moore), but where society uses genetic engineering and is a perfectly oiled machine that produces and consumes. Maybe then, when human will be streamlined and robbed of it's humanity, maybe then we can erase gender. Yes gender has been used to oppress, but don't you see? We're human, we're a mess of influences and cultures and so much more, and it's beautiful that we are and we keep creating, even with our own identity. You'll never be able to erase all of that. Please, don't see the people that are living with gender as part of their life as the same people that use it to oppress. They're really not.
holy fuck thank you
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greasebumps · 2 years
tw: transphobia and suicide mentions
currently, states like Florida don't care about their youth's suicide rates going up at all. they don't care about their kids like they claim they do. they only care about their made up sexualization of trans people. gender identity isn't sexual, there's no justification at all. trans kids are being banned from transitioning due to bigoted beliefs of politicians. imagine how scary it is for trans kids. their forced to stay in the closet, their forced to stay silent with their dysphoria, forced to never transition. to never had the body they were supposed to have, and to forever be stuck with the one they were given. it makes me angry to have to see my community suffer. i'm thankful to live in a state without transphobic bills, but i can't ignore what's happening around the country as we speak. nobody should. it's fucking disgusting, and i hope someone with greater power can speak and make a difference. a positive one for once, one that's not made by transphobic cisgender men who don't know the effects of their actions. it's called gender affirming health care for a reason. it's caring for the mental health of trans kids. it was already hard enough for minors to go on hormones before the bill passed, and there's really no need to make trans healthcare impossible. stop hurting us, stop making our lives multiply in difficulty. politicians, if you want your youth population not to kill themselves, stop driving them towards it. trans lives are beautiful, no matter how difficult they are.
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 7 months
Tender Dialogues
https://ift.tt/yUVYaZ6 by Easily_Obsessed Trent is all cried out now. He's numb. Numb and tired. He's tired physically but also with the world and its outdated views. "Can I get you anything?" Ted softly asks as he massages his boyfriend's scalp but the head in his lap shakes.   ------------------------------------------- After a difficult experience with a doctor who seems to have transphobic views, Trent breaks down making Ted very concerned, remembering the scars on his partner's skin. When he expresses his worry they decide to sit down and have the conversation that they have both been avoiding. Follow-up to Trust Me and Morning Sunshine. TW - references to past self-harm, references to past suicide attempt/suicidal thoughts, mention of canon-compliant suicide, transphobia, deadname is mentioned. Twitter - heclosescases Tumblr - heclosescases Words: 4958, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 3 of i know it's just a number but you're the eighth wonder Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Trent Crimm, Ted Lasso Relationships: Trent Crimm/Ted Lasso, Trent Crimm & Ted Lasso Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Boyfriends, Deviates From Canon, Transphobia, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Angst and Feels, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Past Suicide Attempt, Mention of Canon-Compliant Suicide, Scars, Cuddling & Snuggling, Gender Dysphoria, Mental Health Issues, Awkward Conversations, Trans Trent Crimm, Gay Trent Crimm, Bisexual Ted Lasso source https://archiveofourown.org/works/54228484 March 04, 2024 at 02:12AM
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Serious Matters [SaiOuma/OumaSai] [Post-Game] [MattersAU-2]
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/5Yxr8DC
by SongWriteOC
CW/TW: Contains mentions of suicide, self-harm, & death!!
With Shuichi on bed rest with chains after being basically arrested his fiancé Kokichi Ouma, and their childhood best friend Nagito Komaeda do their best to locate someone who would be a good lawyer for the emo boy.
But things can easily take a turn when there's Serious Matters involved...
Words: 3612, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Danganronpa MattersAU
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Dangan Ronpa 3: The End of 希望ヶ峰学園 | The End of Kibougamine Gakuen | End of Hope's Peak High School, Dangan Ronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Saihara Shuichi, Oma Kokichi, Original Characters, Hinata Hajime, Komaeda Nagito, Original Child Character(s), Togami Byakuya, Naegi Makoto, Kamukura Izuru, Towa Monaca, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Oma Kokichi/Saihara Shuichi, Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito, Hinata Hajime & Saihara Shuichi, Komaeda Nagito & Oma Kokichi, Naegi Makoto & Togami Byakuya
Additional Tags: Courtroom Drama, Trans Saihara Shuichi, Bisexual Saihara Shuichi, Tired Saihara Shuichi, Anxious Saihara Shuichi, Nonbinary Oma Kokichi, Detective Saihara Shuichi, Oma Kokichi Needs a Hug, Gay Komaeda Nagito, family au, I'm Bad At Tagging, Fluff and Angst, Drama & Romance, Insomniac Saihara Shuichi, it's Ouma not Oma, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, V3 was Virtual Reality, Future Foundation (Dangan Ronpa), Children of Characters
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/5Yxr8DC
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arohusbandodododo · 2 years
every time I want to kill myself I remember I can't because I don't want to give transphobes the pleasure of seeing that fucking number reach 50
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the-land-of-women · 2 years
It is dishonest and cruel to pretend that transitioning will make suicidal dysphoric people ‘better’. The suicide rates are actually worse
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