#under current relay
apopic · 1 year
Ship Current Monitoring Relay (over/ under current monitoring relay on ship electrical system)
Ship overcurrent relays are used to protect sensitive equipment against over or under current conditions. By using current transformers (CTs), these protective relays monitor large AC currents common to large motor starters, circuit breakers, and transformers. Ship current transformers CT which steps down the monitored current to a secondary (output) range of 0 to 5 amps (AC) to power the…
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Buy Under Voltage, Over Voltage, Start-Stop, Photocell, Liquid Level Relays in Dubai, UAE
Discover a wide range of high-quality relays in Dubai, UAE. Shop under voltage relays, over-voltage relays, start-stop relays, photocell relays.Order now for fast delivery!
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hanakihan · 14 days
what if perfect blue inspired salieri with identity issues (aka being plagued by ‘actual salieri’) and paprika inspired dantes hopping around dreams and psyche (in his younger cheerful rider form)
Idek if it’s taking place in canon or a completely separate au but like
dantes as a psychiatrist trying to help salieri so it turns into hide and seek in dreamscape with accidental falling in love both here and irl
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paper-mario-wiki · 1 month
Could you explain how Ambrosia is able to come back after dying?
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Sure yeah, I'll give it a shot.
[Fursona Lore/ Mild Existential Horror presented in charmingly primitive MS Paint style under the cut]
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[At the top of the panel there is the label "conceptual space (currently being created. The middle is labeled "THE UNIVERSE, REALITY (the other)". The bottom is labeled "CONSCIOUSNESS, REFLECTION (the self). The very bottom of the panel reads "OTHER, FREAKIER BUT LESS IMPORTANT STUFF" ]
To keep it brief, a person is when a certain amount of consciousness slips upwards into reality. Consciousness is, like the laws of thermo dynamics [sic], a fundamental property of the universe.
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I'm sure you've heard of the sticking-a-pencil-through-paper metaphor for theoretical wormhole travel, right? Staying within that visual metaphor, imagine the moisture in the air around that "piece of paper" as what consciousness is. It creates tiny, imperceivable changes in the surface and makeup of the paper. Imagine a microscopic rain cloud making a tiny fraction of the paper a little bit soggy. That's what you are in the universe. A tiny soggy fraction of a massive piece of paper. (That's why you feel so small btw).
Of course, putting it into that metaphor IS greatly simplifying it, since in real life things like time and space sorta overlap, ya know? Because they're entirely separate dimensions of measurement. Consciousness is the same, it is everywhere in the universe all at once, but only after it seeps in from a place that is exactly where we are, but elsewhere. 4D stuff is complicated sorry if that's not super clear ha ha.
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Normal people happen when a bunch of that stray potential-consciousness starts stacking more and more layers of reality on top of itself. Sort of like those pastries that you fold butter into and then fold it like 10 times and that makes it so theres like a billion layers of butter and dough and butter and dough and butter and dough and on and on and on. But with, uh. The other stuff. Consiousness and matter from the universe.
Speaking semantically, that's all the little tiny organisms that work really hard to make you alive. Like the biome in your gut, or the bacteria in your tissue and blood cells. Look it up, 43% of the human body is made of bacteria. Like, that's just on google.
Anyway, all their effort culminates in an increasingly complex meat shell that constitutes a person.
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For the sake of practicality, we can imagine the way consciousness "seeps in" to the universe is like heat coming off the sun. The two overlapping infinite planes radiate into each other like heat radiates off the sun.
That clear? Heat from the sun. Remember that, it's important for the next part.
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I'm sort of like a solar flare.
My consciousness, in its raw form, was so concentrated that it was like a tiny shooting star straight from the source.
Also kind of like a kidney stone, I guess.
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Since my consciousness (which, to be clear, is approximately the same "amount" of consciouessness as anyone else, just all smooshed together into a single clump) is smooshed together into a single clump, the shell forms naturally as "reality" settles onto it. The "shape" the consciousness takes is basically the same as your body or anyone else's since the framework of both entities are the "same" on the "outside". Thus the "shells" turn out "similar" too.
Sorry for all the quotation marks, it's hard to talk about concepts outside of the third dimension in third dimensional terms, and like. I also am not super sure about this stuff either. I'm only relaying what I've learned from the scientists but some of it goes over my head.
I like to think I'm clever but like. I'm not a genius.
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So here's the part where me and you are different: When your shell breaks apart (when you die) it's because the consciouessness had been escaping your shell, like air from a balloon, and the physical structure can't support itself anymore. Or, like, maybe you just fall over and hit your head on the concrete one day and pop the balloon all together.
Either way, the consciousness escapes from the pressure, and either goes back "down" where it came from, or goes upward into conceptual space, which is sorta being constituted through forces exerted in the physical universe. Well, I mean, really it's more of a product of a reaction between consciousness and physical space. Whatever I'm getting off topic.
The point is the shell breaks cuz the balloon pops. I think that was my point.
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Now that you get all that, you can probably deduce on your own how and why I'm able to keep "coming back".
It's cuz I'm not really "coming back", I'm still here! The shell representing me here was just lost.
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And while the facade may not look precisely the same every single time...
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I remain the same.
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sha-n-dowbannedlol · 7 months
Miguel O'Hara — Love Sick
a/n: i've been slaving over genetics (and biochemistry) lately, and when i was scrolling on tiktok during my break i saw this one superbat imagine and thought of writing it with my favorite geneticist
cw: uh just fluff ig, miguel o'hara is not good with feelings, miguel o'hara is emotionally constipated
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You haven't always had the best of luck in your life.
It wasn't so bad that it made you hit rock bottom, but you've had your fair share of moments where you ended up drawing the shortest end of the stick in the game we all call life.
And as you stare at Peter's hand balled to a fist, and yours with two of your fingers pointed out, his hand forming a rock and yours forming scissors, you quickly conclude that this is one of those moments.
Under normal circumstances, you wouldn't put losing to Peter in rock, paper, and scissors as top 5 of the worst moments of your life; however, this is different. To explain just how different it was, we need to go back to a few minutes ago, the reason why you and Peter had to play in the first place.
Not long ago, you received an alert from the Spider-Man 2099 himself asking for backup. You didn't bother to respond as Jess had already reassured you that she's got him—as it turns out, she, in fact, does not have him when she teleported back with an unconscious Miguel draped over her shoulder.
That, in itself, is already worrying enough. But what worried you more was Lyla's report on your boss' situation, relaying the information to Miguel's inner circle of most trusted Spider-people, including you.
"He's been hit with a love potion, an incredibly potent one at that," Lyla reports, her holographic form adjusting her heart glasses and typing away on her holographic computer. "It hasn't kicked in yet, but it will the moment he wakes up," Lyla adds before looking up from her computer, disappearing and reappearing in the middle of the huddled-up spiders
"And when he does, he'll be head-over-heels in love with the first person he sees," The AI informed them in a serious tone, before grinning like the mischievous rascal she is.
"So... Who will the lucky person be?"
It has been decided amongst your group that whoever loses shall be the unfortunate soul that needs to deal with Miguel's affection until Lyla and the other Spiders have concocted an antidote for everyone's admired boss.
And now, you stare back at your hand, then at Peter's, and back at your own hand again. Silence fills Miguel's spacious office as all eyes land on you, and you can feel your cheeks already starting to warm up.
"Can't we just blindfold him?" You spoke before anyone else could, looking over at the holographic AI, who seemed a bit too pleased with the results. "Or lock him in a room or something?"
"Don't be so barbaric," Peter spoke with amusement in his voice.
"Right. Besides, it can't be that bad!" Lyla spoke, her voice with a hint of something that you can't quite put your finger on. Mischievousness? Teasing? Hinting at something she knows but you don't? You didn't know for sure.
"I think Miguel would prefer being locked in a room than being lovesick for an entire day." You respond with a sigh as Peter practically drags you toward where Miguel is currently lying unconscious, and you have no other choice but to let him.
You were a person of your word. You can't possibly back out now just because you lost.
You tense slightly as your spider sense alerts you that Miguel is starting to wake up, feet glued to the floor when he starts to stir.
"You'll be fine," Jess tried to comfort you with a poorly hidden amused smile on her face, followed by Peter patting your back, and you didn't have to turn around to sense that he'd already whipped his phone out to record the whole scene.
The whole room was tense, or perhaps it was just you. Ice ran through your veins the more Miguel moved, and you could feel everyone's eyes on you as his hand moved to rub one eye before finally, finally.
His eyes flutter open.
Ruby red irises land on your form, and you can see a hint of your reflection from his intense gaze. The first person he saw as he awoke.
He stares at you in silence, gaze glued to yours, raking over your visibly tense form as you stare back at him. His face remains neutral, and you're already bracing yourself for his affection—may it be in the form of verbal affection or physical affection.
Miguel then leans forward to sit, before slowly standing up.
You watch as he takes steps toward you, his hand already rising and about to reach out. Your heart skips a few beats, trying to beat right out of your chest to meet his own halfway.
When he was closer to you, you tense up even more, ready to be pulled into his arms...
Except... he just slipped past you.
The hand he raised earlier ran through his hair, his eyes now on Jess.
"Mission report," Miguel demanded in his usual neutral, gruff tone as everyone looked at him with jaws dropped, all dumbfounded by his casualness.
The drowsiness seems to have left Miguel by then as he looks at everyone. He raises a brow in confusion as he notices everyone's stupified expressions and Peter's phone still pointed at him as if they were expecting something from him.
"What?" He asks, brow still raised.
"That's... This isn't how it's supposed to go!" Peter was the first to speak, begrudgingly putting his phone in his robe's pocket.
"Peter, I'm already not feeling well." Miguel responds, brow scrunched as he turns to face Peter, "I have no time for your antics, and that goes for you, too." He adds, pointing towards you on the last part.
Lyla's hologram hen shows up on Miguel's shoulder, bent over and examining Miguel's face, a hand on her chin as she hums. Her boss raises his brow again at this, trying to shoo her away, only for her to keep insisting.
"You were hit with a love potion, Miguel. Quite a potent one, too." Lyla informs the man who's looking at her with a skeptical look in his eyes as she continues, "I calculated its effects would include being down bad in love with the first person you see when you regain consciousness."
Miguel blinks at that, his eyes landing on you, and you recognize the flicker of understanding in his gaze as he does before looking back to Lyla and to the disappointed Peter and the less-visibly disappointed but still very much disappointed Jess.
"Well, it didn't work." Was his simple response, which caused a groan to resound from Peter and a shake of a head from Jess.
"Come on, not even a bit?" Peter asks, looking at Miguel with narrowed eyes. "Look at them, don't you feel like pulling them into your arms and kissing them until the sun sets?"
"First off, that's highly inappropriate," Miguel responds, his hand coming up to pinch his nose bridge in between his fingers to nurse a headache already starting to come up. He says your name exasperatedly, "Please don't mind him. You know how he is."
Before Peter can voice out the offense he took to Miguel's words, Jess speaks up with curiosity and a hint of suspicion in her voice.
"But how come it didn't work?" Jess asks, her brows furrowing in confusion, looking at Miguel, whose face remained neutral despite her questioning. "Lyla was so sure it affected you, and it affected you enough that you lost consciousness, and suddenly it just... didn't have an effect?"
Miguel clears his throat at that, subtly looking to Lyla to give Jess an explanation that would sate her curiosity and make her suspicions die down, but you suddenly spoke to his rescue.
"Perhaps it has something to do with his DNA?" You infer, humming softly to yourself, "His DNA is different from ours, and most of the time, he's immune to potions and poisons because he isn't human enough to be affected by them. Right?"
Your eyes meet Miguel's as you ask for confirmation, and your breath hitches at the sheer intensity of his gaze as he looks back at you. Still, this wasn't anything new. Miguel can be kind of intense and intimidating, even if he doesn't mean to.
"Pretty much." It was Lyla who confirmed your theory on behalf of Miguel, and before anyone could speak, Miguel swiftly interjected.
"Alright, the show's over." He spoke, looking over at everyone and individually giving instructions in order to get all of you off of his back.
"Jess, I need that report before the end of the day. Peter, weren't you supposed to go home early today? Look after your pregnant wife." Miguel spoke before turning to look at you, "And you, I have a mission for you."
One by one, the three of you leave his office, with you being the last one after he briefs you on the mission with Lyla's assistance. Miguel's eyes were glued to your back as you left, much to your obliviousness.
"It worked, didn't it?" Lyla coos suddenly, snapping Miguel out of his thoughts, making him jump slightly and snap his eyes from your figure and towards his holographic AI.
"What worked?" Miguel tried to feign innocence, looking away from Lyla as he turned toward his many screens.
"The Love Potion. It worked." Lyla continues to tease him, grinning at him knowingly as she lays on her stomach in the air, kicking her feet. "You're just so in love with them already that it didn't make a difference."
Miguel remained silent for a while at her teasing words, but the reddish tint blooming on his tan cheeks was enough of an answer to the AI already. Besides, she's the one subjected to Miguel's eyes, always following you around like a lost puppy whenever you're in the room.
"If you tell anyone, I'm shutting you down."
"No, you're not."
".....No, I'm not."
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zlebooks · 2 years
𓂃 alhaitham + congrats being the first/last person to know!
you finally confess to kaveh that you have feelings for his flatmate, only you forget to tell him one key information.
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when you realized you like al haitham, the experience was ironically similar to waking up on any day.
there were no fireworks that erupted, no scoffs of unbelief from yourself, no “kiss me” by sixpence none the richer playing in the background. there was only kaveh— al haitham’s flatmate ridiculing you in the background.
it was a saturday morning and you chose to spend it on a little quaint coffee shop in downtown brooklyn with your best friend, kaveh. he was your common link to the brooding man, the one who had introduced the both of you to each other.
and as kaveh rambled on and on about his co-worker that has been driving him nuts, you suddenly blurt out something you haven’t thought of much.
“i like al haitham,”
you see your best friend drop everything he was doing— literally. his knife clangs on the porcelain plate as he stops his rant midway.
really, it was more of his moment than yours.
“congrats dearest, you were the last one to know!” he chirps happily, before picking up the bread knife he dropped a moment ago and resumes spreading butter to his bread.
your jaw drops dramatically as if your best friend had just insulted your entire family clan.
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“exactly what it means.” the blond deadpans as if anything he uttered under the twenty minutes you’re together has been helpful with your situation.
“fuck you.”
“i thought you liked al haitham?”
“fuck you, fuck you.”
“sorry, i’m unavailable.”
“do i really look like i have a crush on him?” you say under your breath, looking around like you were relaying top secret information.
“even the most socially inept would notice.”
the café doors open as signalled by the bell ringing. you would have pay no attention to it if it were any other of the regulars that kept this place running, but as you catch a glimpse of an ashy grey hair, you immediately duck your head under the table in hopes of making yourself unnoticeable.
“what the fuck are you doing—“
kaveh finds himself interrupted by the very man he finds insufferable and with how his luck is, the same guy whom his best friend is currently crushing on.
the man standing eyes your form— at least what’s visible of it above the table, before raising his eyebrows on the blond. your friend shrugs, opting to stay out of this because even he didn’t have any explanation for how you’re behaving.
“what are you doing?” you hear the scholar’s voice from above.
the blond snorts, “finding their leftover dignity, probably.”
in an attempt to retort something— anything, you raise your head up quickly to look at kaveh’s eyes and cuss him out, but you should have known better than to carelessly throw your head in any direction as you feel your head slam against the table.
al haitham hears you whimper although it sounded more of a strangled attempt at breathing as you immediately cut it short. out of concern, he kneels down beside you and oh god— he’s caressing the top of your head in an attempt to sooth it. he asks you a simple question, a really simple one that can be answered with a simple yes or no, and yet your heart quivers.
“are you okay?”
you finally look up from the floor and see that al haitham is still charming.
and kaveh, kaveh was still a dick.
“you know, with how hard headed they are, it would be more appropriate to ask how the table is faring instead.”
you feel the turquoise eyed man glare at your best friend.
suddenly, you feel a sudden shift in your weight. looking around, you notice how al haitham is leading you to get on your feet only he was doing all the heavy work— he’s literally bringing you up.
“what were you doing down there?”
the still concerned scholar asks, to which you wince at as you take your seat once more. you try to rack up your mind for a totally false reason, but the task proves itself to be difficult when a small bump is starting to form on your head. you feel like your encounter with the table has made your brain shake inside your skull and ended up in a very wrong position.
thankfully, your best friend answers the question himself.
“y/n, my dearest friend over here, has realized that they like you. and although that sounds like an incredible disaster, i’m still glad to say that the pining is over.”
or not.
for someone having a small mouth, kaveh pretty sure talks a lot. but then again, with kaveh, he had absolutely no filter for his lips, always airing out private business to anyone and everyone.
kaveh, strangely enough, receives a look of nonchalance from the taller man. this wasn’t the reaction he was trying to get— he was expecting for his roommate to suddenly malfunction. like completely speechless, or stammering at least, red as a tomato and stiff as a plywood kind of malfunction. instead, he receives the usual unamused look from the other that he usually dons.
“of course y/n would; it’d be troublesome otherwise. we are seeing each other romantically, of course.”
your newly revealed boyfriend responds curtly, keeping his reply clear and concise. it was kaveh who eventually malfunctioned.
“you two are what?!”
“dating, yes.”
“how— when— why—“
“i confessed, they felt the same way so i asked them out. it happened before winter break, and why not? we like each other.” the taller man responds for you.
“no! i mean, what was your deal earlier?” the blond explains, pointing at you accusingly as if you had eaten the last remaining cupcake on the plate.
“why’d you make it seem like you were only realising now that you like al haitham?!”
you grin shyly, “it was me trying to see if you’d notice… we meant to keep it under the wraps for a while and you were kind of a test subject?”
kaveh feels his jaw detach. yeah sure you were a stem student and all, but weren’t you taking your research too far?
“i hate the both of you.”
your boyfriend shrugs while you laugh sheepishly.
“if it makes you feel better, you’re the first one to know… congrats?”
“it doesn’t at all! forget it!”
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♥︎ please do not repost or translate without my permission . reblogs are heavily appreciated!
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miguelhugger2099 · 6 months
Not a Fanboy!Miguel who often liked the classics he grew up with—the ones his mom played every weekend.
Not a Fanboy!Miguel who liked the singers, men and women alike, who now were as old—if not, older—as his mom so he never got around to be going to concerts.
Not a Fanboy!Miguel that never kept up with recent celebrity drama or news. Oh, some current singer just won 6 Grammys? Good for her. Oh, this rapper held the top spot on the charts for weeks? Nice.
Not a Fanboy!Miguel who lives under a rock. But his brother doesn’t.
Fanboy!Gabriel who’s always been into music as his hobby. Ranging from in the States to Overseas. Old and new alike.
Fanboy!Gabriel who BEGS Miguel to take him to this concert of this girl group that came around.
Not a Fanboy!Miguel who’d rather die than drive and park around Nueva York for ONLY three hours.
Fanboy!Gabriel who makes a compromise that Miguel could come too! Even walk around Nueva York for some food.
Not a Fanboy!Miguel who can’t say no to his baby brother.
Not a Fanboy!Miguel who is absolutely exhausted after walking around the arena, Gabriel greeting and handing out freebies to other fans like him.
Not a Fanboy!Miguel who ends up at a coffee shop where Gabriel shoo’d him away to. Telling him to grab two cold drinks while he waits in line.
Not a Fanboy!Miguel who groans internally when he sees the line. Someone behind him groaning outwardly.
He turns his head to see some woman—you—, hat on top of your head and hoodie draped around you. Pieces of your hair fall on the side of your cheeks that frame your face. A mask covering the lower half of your face and you’re in sweats. Your eyes meet his.
For a moment you look panicked but you stay still.
Miguel looks back at the register, some old man being extra specific with his drink and food order. He then glances down at you again.
“Hopefully the next ones won’t be as stingy with what they want.” He comments. He notices the eye bags under your eyes.
He can tells you smiles by the ways your eyes creased. “Yeah. Hopefully.”
By the time it was his turn, he looks over his shoulder. “What did you want?”
You’re taken aback. “Oh, uh—“
“I’ll pay for it.” Miguel figures you’ve had a long day and felt that he could help.
He flusters you, your hands bringing down your mask to relay your order to the nice cashier girl. Miguel glances down your lips subconsciously, noticing the gloss over them.
It’s only for a few seconds and you pull it over your face again as quickly as possible. Miguel looks around the place. You were acting strange—was someone following you? Were you okay?
He waits beside you at the side of the counter and he bends down at your level. “Are you okay?”
You let out a gasp of surprise, jumping a bit back but smile and laugh nervously. “Ah, fine. Thanks for asking.”
“You sure? Is someone stalking you?”
You look at his eyes, scanning his face for something he’s not quite sure you’ll find. Miguel visibly sees you relax.
“No, no. I’m just on a tight schedule, is all.” You laugh more real this time.
Miguel stands up again. “I know the feeling.” The corner of his lips turn up.
His drinks gets called out first and he takes them both in his hands, taking a sip from one of them.
“You ordered…two?” You ask. Miguel nods.
“For my brother. We’re here for some concert thing he wanted to go to.” He shrugs. You hold your giggle back.
“I take it you’re not interested?” You ask with amusement. Miguel snorts.
“Hardly.” He takes another sip from his cup. “Hopefully I never have to walk around Nueva York again just for some girl group.”
You shrug. “Hopefully.” You agree with him, a smile heard just by your tone.
The conversation is cut short once your drink is called. Miguel finding the way you hum in delight to be amusing. You thank him for the drink, offering once more to pay for it back but he refuses.
Miguel doesn’t notice your manager approaching you, fussing over you and ushering you back into your van.
Not a Fanboy!Miguel who enters the arena with his brother. Gabriel had done every hack possible to make sure he got seats close enough.
Not a Fanboy!Miguel who sits with his arms crossed, yawning and leaning his head back to sleep.
But he couldn’t do that when Gabriel shakes him awake. It’s starting!
The giant screens zoom in on each of the members faces and Miguel nearly falls out of his seat when you show up last.
He notices your eyebags are gone. Completely disappeared with makeup. Glittering eyes with a cute puppy eyeliner and false eyelashes. Your hair in a style that stays still even while dancing. The same glossy lips that sing angelically.
Fanboy!Miguel who grips his seat, feelings his heart flutter when you wink at the camera, blowing kisses to the fans in his general direction.
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muntitled · 1 year
𝙎𝙩𝙪𝙙𝙮 𝙂𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙨
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Jung Woo-Young x fem!reader
Being forced by his label to learn English fucking sucks but his tutor makes it just a little more bearable
Warnings: Wooyoung as his own warning, Language, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Idol x English!Teacher, Sapiosexual!Wooyoung, Slight!Jealousy, Academia Talk, Humor, Teasing, Smut (+18), heavy make out sesh, Slight Pervy!Wooyoung, Whimpering!Wooyoung, Dirty Talk, Degradation Kink, Praise Kink, Dry Humping, Grinding, Brattiness, Self Degradation, Neediness, Slight Dub/CON, Dom/Sub undertones
Ft. Wooyoung and his canonical degradation kink
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"What you need to understand is that Shakespeare used a significant amount of his time cautioning his audience against the perils of this mortal coil." Despite your vexation warming the pits of your stomach, you're thankful that your voice does not relay how utterly irritated you actually are. Your back is straight, giving nothing away of your exhaustion as you point to your copy of a Literature textbook.
"So, maybe I should've initially explained that the biggest theme of this sonnet is grief," you explain, drearily, letting your fingers knot into your curls as you soldier on through the text.
You could almost hear your coworkers discrediting you right now. How could one manage to hit the holy grail in getting chosen to tutor a bunch of stars and utterly fail at it in the process? Your PhD is mourning her sorrows.
"That is bad tutoring on my part, I apologise, Mr Jung, Sir," it is virtually impossible to bend into a full on bow in your current position on the chair adjacent to his bed so you settle for a quick nod of the head while skilfully avoiding eye contact.
"That's okay," Wooyoung lazily waves a hand in front of his face, "I just nearly threw up from hearing you call me 'Mr Jung'. Girl, I cried during Frozen 1 and 2... I am not the one you should be calling Mr Jung."
His ears visibly perk up just a little higher at the sound of your unprofessional, slightly airy chuckle. It has him practically scrounging for the need to hear you laugh like that again, to see your head be thrown back in a careless guffaw that only he is able to see.
But the moment ends as quickly as it began and you're visibly punishing yourself for your unprofessionalism by assuming your stoic academic role demeanour more.
"I think Mr Jung might be a little bit more professional." You finally look up at the boy sitting lazily against the headboard of his impressive king sized bed. Out of all the members you taught, you had only ever been permitted to see the inside of Wooyoung's bedroom - under the guise that he simply cannot function by being forced to sit on uncomfortable dining room chairs.
You sit opposite the bed, on a chair, to maintain some semblance of your dwindling professionalism,
"Mr Jung is so boring though!" He exclaims, throwing his head backwards and letting it sink into his mountain of fluffy pillows, "Wooyoung is completely fine! Or perhaps Baby. Or even Sexiest Man You've Ever Had The Pleasure Of Seeing," his lips curl into a smirk, "Your choice."
The text book is long forgotten amongst the dispersed sheets as Wooyoung glances up at you from his perch against his pillows. Of all the members, Wooyoung is also especially difficult to work with, not in any academic capacity, just in the sense that his advances are endless. And whether he actually means it - whether that twinkle in his eye accompanied by that cheeky grin was really real, or just endless teasing due to his innate flirtatious design. You might never really know.
"I can't in good conscious refer to you by that last option." You reply with a light shrug before crossing your legs in front of you, "I've met Choi San, and I'm not in the business of lying to you,"
"Oh! That's how we're gonna play now!? You're just gonna bring up another man in my presence? I thought the relationship we had was something special?"
"I'm an underpaid, mediocre teacher," You forget yourself and snort through a chuckle, "I have no time to forge special relationships."
He is stunned and slightly turned on by your cool commitment to the banter, not expecting you to hit back with such a quick jest.
As Wooyoung watches you from behind the few loose strands framing his face, his long hair loose, he realises he enjoys associating you with that forbidden word, even if it is just in his head.
"I'm not really into that negative self-talk." He says, watching you intently, "You're a good teacher."
"You're just saying that," You swat at the air in front of you, before burying your chin into your chest - that shy streak of yours rearing its head. He noticed that every sliver of a compliment led you to the involuntary need to disappear and Wooyoung wanted to correct that as best as he could.
"I say some stuff sometimes to make people feel better, yes," you finally look up at him from your scattered notes. His eyes are characteristically bright and his glistening lips are pulled into a small smile, "But this is not one of those times," He forces out, fighting against a familiar warmth pooling in the depths of his stomach.
"Right," you clear your throat, before assuming the role of tutor once again, "So… Sonnet 71 -"
In your periphery, Wooyoung raises his hand. Without looking up from your notes you reply, 'I know what you're gonna ask, Wooyoung but no, unfortunately you cannot refer to it as 'Sonnet 71'. Not many people care nowadays but the ones that do, want you to refer to the poem by its full title: 'No Longer Mourn For Me When I Am Dead.'" there's a bravado that graces your tone as you settle into your tutelage. It allows you to assume an almost elevated role as your eyes scan the text while simultaneously stringing a web of tantalising words together.
Wooyoung tries to focus on exactly what it is you're actually saying, he really does, but soon, you're stifling a quiet yawn before stretching your left arm over your head. He does not believe you intended for your breasts to push up from the low dip of your v neck, but that's exactly what happens and that pool of lava that has been welling in his stomach slowly rushes to his cock. Needless to say, Wooyoung slyly grabs the textbook onto his lap.
"So Shakespeare's great caution is that of grief. It's okay to mourn your loved ones but not to mourn them in routine, because that then can become a second death, equally as detrimental. Are you listening, Wooyoung?" his head snaps up from your chest, to the sound of the light scolding in your voice and he can instantly conclude that he is hard. He's not sure why, but your tone has his resolve weakening, and his head spiralling further into a fog.
"Please tell me, you're listening, Wooyoung. This is very important," He nods slowly with his shoulders hunched, and his eyebrows curved into crescents. He did not trust himself to speak, not when your words had him imagining you scolding him petulantly while he plowed into you from behind. Screaming at him to stop being so bad while he forced his hard cock deeper and deeper. He can vividly imagine your tight walls gripping his cock like a fucking vice while his fingers squeezed your nipples until they ached.
"Look, Wooyoung, I've been trying to be nice but it's been 3 hours and we're still on the first sonnet," he stopped his head from nodding profusely at the degradation that wants to seep into your tone while he watches you with darkened eyes. His fingers curl slowly into the ends of the open book on his lap, as he pushes his textbook into his lap. "We've done this long enough, Wooyoung," you continue with your ample chest beginning to rise and fall and the first signs of your bra strap, peeling from underneath your top. "You should know this, Wooyoung"
"Fuck," He involuntary groans, while he moves his textbook slightly, enough to create friction but not nearly enough to achieve the friction he actually desires. Before he gets completely ahead of himself, he stills his movements, opting to distract himself by speaking, instead.
"O-okay but if this is a poem about grief, why the hell am I seeing him talk about summer."
Wooyoung nods, humming. "This man is talking about summer," he says, pointing to the book on his lap.
"Wooyoung…" You instinctively get up from your perch on your chair, advancing on him. Wooyoung visibly swallows as you plop yourself next to him, shoulder to shoulder as you peer over into the book on his lap. While your eyes frantically scan the printed ink, Wooyoung watches you from the side, trying to pen your face to memory, especially from having you so close.
"Wooyoung, this isn't the right poem!"
He watches you with slightly hooded eyes, completely unaware to anything outside of the tone of your voice
"It isn't?" He shakes his head, agreeing instantly with your scolding but not really hearing what you're saying. His words are slurred and his tone is distracted.
"Oh my gosh- you've completely missed the entire poem."
"I have?"
"Jesus, you haven't been listening to me, have you-"
He's already shaking his head as he leans in, muttering a quiet, "I haven't," as the tips of his fingers find the underside of your chin and drags you towards him. Dazed.
You're utterly dazed as soon as your lips connect with his. Somehow, the entire concept of space and time and everything in between seems utterly useless, the words on the page seem frivolous and everything outside of this moment feels like it shouldn't have the right to exist. He is kissing you and soon you are kissing him back, filling the boy with an unprecedented sense of elation at having his attraction to you validated. He is so elated in fact, he pushes off his text book and, without breaking the kiss, manoeuvres you onto his lap instead.
You're gasping into his mouth as soon as you feel his bulge connect with your core, "I know, I know, I'm sorry," He murmurs drunkenly into your kiss, taking the time to push his tongue into your mouth and brush up desperately against yours. The tone of his voice steals all composure, and soon you're pushing against him, rushed and hurried, like a raging fire before the embers set. You and Wooyoung are absolutely unstoppable as his hands travel up and down the sides of your body, hungrily searching for any sliver of skin, needing to feel your body heat searing into him.
The very moment your hands slither into his thick, grown-out hair, he is utterly done for, bucking into your hips until his bulge was brushing hungrily against your core. A torrid moan espaces your throat when Wooyoung dips into the crook of your neck, nuzzling into the softness of your skin and the comfort of your perfume while hands travel down your hips, urging you to move in tandem with him.
"So good," He mumbles against your skin, "You feel so good, baby." But your mind is flooded with a tempest of conflicting feelings and emotions as you pull lightly on his strands and follow along with his movements.
"Wooyoung…" you're panting breathlessly, suddenly painfully aware of how much your body responded to him.
"God, I love it when you say my name," He slurs as he continues to push up into you, finally settling into a needy but effective flow of movements.
Your panties are utterly soaked underneath your silk maxi skirt as the boy below you splays wet, lascivious kisses along your collar bones. Once he sees you're moving in tandem with how he needs you to, he releases one hand on your hip to paw desperately at your breasts.
"You've been-" your head is spinning as you try to formulate your sentence, "You've been sitting here with a hard on, my entire lesson?" Your words only spur his movements as Wooyoung clamps down around your torso, pushing you further down against his cock. "Fuck!" He screeches almost involuntarily at the delicious friction created by the heightened speed.
"So bad…" He murmurs drunkenly, as he begins to push up against your clit in a dangerous display of desperation, "I.. b-been so bad- m'sorry," Your head is thrown back into a moan stuck deep in your throat as you listen to the boy's needy whines, "m'so sorry, you're just so pretty," your hops move faster against his, not quite sure if this is a dream and too freaking terrified to find out as you hunt down the remnants of your oncoming orgasm.
"Wooyoung- you're gonna m-make me-"
Your hips are utterly restless against his, as you begin to grind down with immense passion. Wooyoung's head is spinning with the inevitability of making you cum. All he wants to do is make you happy. Think of how proud you'd be if he made you cum without even touching you really. You'd be so freaking happy you might just let him slide his cock inside your wet, slippery folds...
"O-Oh God, fuck- I'm cumming!" His hips rut erratically against yours, pushing agaisnt your clit until you're sent hurtling into your own orgasm. You're both moaning, whimpering messes as you grind against each other, Wooyoung clutching against your torso, with his head buried in your chest as your fingers pull mindlessly at his hair. He is in utter heaven, surrounded by the softness of your curves, with his head against the roundness of your chest. There is nothing better than this. Everything else is secondary.
"Fuck, I hate Shakespeare's but I'll read a 1000 of his poems if it means I get to do that again," he is the first to speak amongst your ragged, loud breathing.
"Shakespeare only wrote 154 poems,"
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eetherealgoddess · 8 months
Could you do a fic where reader is like a driver 4 bonten and something comes up so she has to like pick (u cld do all or chose one it doesn't matter) them up then some smut, noncon and fem reader.
Thx in advance if you'll write this, I've been searching for a writer that does noncon🥲
Hope you enjoy this! Also hope you don’t mind about a little mxm between the men in it! Also dark ending!!
Also I’m thinking of making an au where the guys are poly with each other and the reader is added to it or walks in on it or something idk yet but lmk in the comments or requests what you think about that.
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ꨄBonten’s Propertyꨄ
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Part Two
Oneshot - Yandere Bonten Au
❦You pick up your boss and fellow executives from the club❦
Sano Manjiro, Hanemiya Kazutora, Sanzu Haruchiyo, & Haitani Brothers x Reader
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Not fully proofread
I apologize if I get any Japanese etiquette or culture wrong, I literally have to research the culture for some of my fandom stories so if anything is wrong, please excuse my ignorance.
✩Y/n is 18+. I picture her as a black female but you can see her however.
✩Some parts of the story may not be realistic or factual. After all, this is a work of fiction.
✩Although it's a dark 'romance,' I do not condone any of the behavior displayed.
✩Dark content such as: gore, violence, triggering topics, graphic scenes, vulgar language, explicit sexual content, etc.
✩There may be scenes that involve non con and/ or dubcon so don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable
✩That being said, this story is for 18+ only.
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Bonten’s Property
“Why do I have to pick them up from the club?” You whine, giving Kokonoi a disturbed look as you stare at his sitting figure, focusing on the laptop in front of him.
“You were specifically requested tonight.” He continues to type as you roll your eyes.
“Yeah, but not by our boss. All the guys are gonna do is terrorize me while I’m trying to drive.” You cross your arms as you rest on one leg, hip poking out as you shake your head.
“Boss is with them currently so I assume he relayed the message.” You groan. “You better get going so you don’t anger him.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know Koko.” You finally walk away, snatching the keys as you make your way out of the shared penthouse, heading to the car and unlocking the door before hopping in.
You’re not usually one to pick up the men from the club considering how wild they get, usually only Kakucho or Takeomi could handle the ride, though when you do, you’re usually efficient. Even when Sanzu messes with the wheel or Kazutora tickles your neck to distract you. Even when Ran blows smoke in your face or when Rin pours alcohol on you. Mikey’s not with them usually, so you have no idea how that’s going to be, hopefully he stays a little professional considering you’ve never seen him drunk or high.
Worse comes to worse you can use the partition to divide the front seats from the back which is what you’ve done before. Still, who wants to drive a bunch of drunk or high idiots around? Hopefully they’re not too rowdy, they’ve never been bad enough to prevent you from driving all of you home at a good time. You sigh as you pull up in front of the large club, nodding at the security guard to signal your arrival for Bonten. He nods back before walking into the doors.
You scroll on your phone, waiting for what felt like an hour before you heard the car’s doors opening. Laughter and slurred speech could be heard as the men entered the car, your body tensing into professionalism when you see your boss through the rearview mirror enter, tightening your grip on the wheel. Sanzu sits in the passenger seat with a pink face, eyeing you before smirking. You ignore him as you double check that everyone is situated before driving off.
You ignore their conversations, Kazutora, Sanzu, and the Haitani brothers conversing about the women, drugs, and alcohol all the while Mikey eyes the window a dazed look on his expression as well as a warm face. One of your eyebrows raise as you find humor in your boss's look, unknown to whether he was high or drunk though definitely not sober. You continue the drive peacefully in your own zone as you eye the dark road.
“Y/n, why didn’t you come to party?” Kazutora questions with a smile.
“I don’t ‘party’ like you guys.”
“I think we should’ve hired you as a stripper rather than an executive.” Ran says, his eyes slightly narrowing as he smirks in your direction.
“Yeah, I would’ve paid to see you on stage any day.” Rin adds as he eyes your expression from the side.
Of course, you made a mistake in thinking that they might not fuck with you during this ride considering their boss is here. You ignore their remarks as you continue to drive. Your grip clenches around the wheel once more when you feel a poke against your side.
“Heyy! You’re being spoken to.” Sanzu says as he glares at you.
“Yeah don’t ignore us!” Kazutora whines playfully, poking you until you flinch, using one of your hands to swatt him away. You grit your teeth as you feel a cold liquid running down your thigh, glancing over to see Rin pouring his bottle once more as he chuckles and Ran smiles wider, finding humor in torturing you.
“Goddamnit!” You hiss as you snatch the open bottle and throw it out of the window.
“Awe you’re no fun.” Rin frowns, leaning back into his seat with crossed arms. Ran passes the recently lit blunt you hadn’t even noticed to Sanzu who breathed in a huge wad of smoke just to blow it in your face, slightly blocking your vision as you wave it away.
You continue to ignore them considering what they want is a response, so you drive down the road. You don’t notice the way your boss eyes the situation with amusement as well as staring at you through the mirror, warmth from the drug Sanzu gave him invading all of his senses as his face turns darker, heavy eyes shifting around the car.
“Want some, boss?” Kazutora questions Mikey, handing him the blunt as he takes it from him, breathing in a huge hit before blowing it out slowly. They all praise their boss as he relaxes in his seat. You slightly chuckle before focusing your attention back on the road. You just couldn’t help but find humor in your boss’s laid back behavior for once.
“Here.” He leans over to hand it to you, though you only glance at the flower.
“Oh boss, you can keep it, I don’t smoke.” Honestly, you’re lying because you like smoking. You just don’t want to be high around them or behind the wheel.
“Take it.”
“I can’t smoke behind the wheel.” You say sheepishly.
“Pull over.” Your eyes widen. What the hell?
“B-boss, that’s not necessary.”
“Are you defying the King?” Sanzu growls, narrowing his eyes.
“What? N-no, I just…”
“Then why aren’t you listening?” Kazutora questions.
“Boss clearly gave you an order.” Rin says as his brother eyes you.
All of this over a fucking blunt? What's gotten into them?
“Boss, I’m not disrespecting you, I just thought you wanted to get home! I can smoke in the penthouse if anything.”
“Pull over, now.” You didn’t hesitate to find an empty spot to pull over in, parking the car once you reached it with a shaky hand.
This is so weird.
You take the blunt from Mikey’s hand and put it to your lips, inhaling a little before blowing out.
“More.” You look at your boss from the rearview mirror with confusion.
“I still have to drive, I don’t think I should smoke…”
The barrel of a gun to your head causes you to quiet down, eyeing Sanzu who’s holding the weapon.
“What was that?” Ran teases. “Could you repeat what you just said?”
You glare at them before setting it back to your lips, inhaling deeply before you blow out a huge cloud of smoke, tears forming in your eyes as the burning sensation overtakes your throat.
I don’t understand why they’re making such a big deal out of this.
“Since you can’t drive you should sit in the back seat.” Kazutora says with a fake concerned expression.
“I was ordered to be the driver so I’ll be okay. None of you can drive, anyway.”
“No, it’s alright. Come here.” Following your boss’s order, you reluctantly open the door, hopping out of the driver's seat before opening the back door, blunt still in hand.
You couldn’t help but feel embarrassment as you climb in, feeling the intense gazes as you settle into your seat squished in between Mikey and Kazutora who don’t bother to move over, the Haitani brothers having already shifted to the empty seats across from you as well as Sanzu who sits beside the siblings, gun hidden. You squirm awkwardly into your seat as you inhale the leaf once more. Holding the smoke in as a hand on your chin forces you to turn to your right.
“Blow into my mouth.” You try to move your head from Kazutora’s hand, the burning sensation catching up to you, forcing you to blow in his direction, his mouth slightly open as he sucks in the air, his lips barely grazing yours.
This is definitely too intimate. What drugs did they take because marijuana doesn’t do this.
The air feels suffocating as warmth builds, gazes becoming heated as your eyebrows furrow. Suddenly, the hand on your chin moves to the back of your head as your lips are forced to meet with Kazutora’s. Your eyes widen as your hands immediately push against his chest, his hold stronger as he keeps you in place, golden eyes staring into your orbs. Biting his lip only caused a moan from him as he leaned into you, the metallic taste mixing in with mary jane and alcohol.
When he finally releases you, because you were still shoving away from him, you accidentally land on your boss’s chest. Immediate fear causes you to sit up, though you were stopped by arms wrapping around your waist, your head resting against his shoulder, positioned in between the leg that's propped on the seat and the other one on the ground as he leans against the door. Kazutora grabs the blunt from you as he takes a hit from it.
“B-boss?” You question as his hands slowly roam up your blouse, your face heated as the warmth of his hands rests on your breasts that are covered by your bra. “W-wait! Mi- boss! Stop!”
“Are you telling me what to do?” His breath causes tingles down your neck as his lips meet your ear.
“Two times in a row, not a good look for you, Y/n.” Ran says, ignoring his erection under his pants.
“Wait, I just need some air or something! I need to be okay to drive!” Your chest rises and falls as Mikey squeezes your breasts, your hands grabbing his wrists to pull them off though his strength is firm, even when intoxicated.
“You’re not being a very good executive, Y/n. So disobedient.” Rin taunts before he grabs one of your ankles, removing your shoe as well as Kazutora doing the same with your other after handing Ran the wood. You attempt to pull your legs back, forgetting how you are the weakest amongst these men. Sanzu moves to the floor board next to the upper half of your body as Ran moves to the lower, unbuckling your pants as you struggle against Mikey’s hold, blunt in his lips.
“Y-yeah I’m telling all of you to stop! This isn’t profession-!” You’re cut off by Sanzu’s lips, his hand cupping your face as Mikey’s tongue slithers against your ear. Saliva falls down your chin as your hand reaches to push against Sanzu’s chest while the Haitani brothers and Kazutora pull down your pants, revealing your panties. Your eyes become wider as you start kicking your legs, whimpering against Sanzu’s mouth as you try to break free only for Kazutora and Rin to hold your legs apart as Ran uses a finger to trail down your slit through the fabric before he hands the leaf to his brother.
One of Sanzu’s hands pulls your blouse over your chest before he moves back to pull it off, Mikey helping in the process as he holds your arms still.
“Guys! You’re too intoxicated! St-stop, now!”
Rin’s lips trail down your leg, rubbing your thigh in the process while the blunt lies in between his index and middle finger. Kazutora mimics, though removing your sock before he licks your foot, a tingling sensation going up your spine.
“I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” Mikey whispers against your ear, unclipping your bra before he forces it off of you, of course you make it harder by preventing the handles from being removed from your arms. He tears them, throwing your bra to the side as one of his arms circle around your waist while the other hand reaches your nipple. Sanzu grabs the other mound in his hand before he lowers his head, eyeing you through heavy lids, his lips circling around your nub as you frantically try to move.
Ran lowers his head as he uses a finger to move your panties to the side.
“As pretty as I’d thought it’d be.” He says before he uses both hands to pull them down, Rin grabs them as he throws them to the side before handing Sanzu the blunt. Ran analyzes your pussy with a sly smile, using a finger to gather the slight slick that’s formed before sucking his finger and releasing a quiet moan.
“Stop touching me!” You exclaim, everything becoming overwhelming as your boss and coworkers roam your body, Sanzu pulling your nipple as he takes another hit.
“Relax.” He says before placing it against your lips. You move your head away before he roughly grabs your chin and forces you to face him.
“Smoke it.” He demands. You blatantly shake your head.
“No! No more of that or any of this!” You hiss as you move up once more, only for you to let out a high pitched scream of pain once Sanzu places the burning wood against your arm. Tears fall from the pain as your face becomes hot. Your other hand grips the arm that was just burnt. You shakily wipe away the residue ash left on your skin.
“Say that again.” He says before placing the blunt against your mouth. You inhale before holding it in and blowing out once more. He wipes the sweat off your forehead as he keeps it against your mouth, you having to inhale more before breathing the smoke out again, mellowing out although your heart continues to race.
Your body jolts as you feel a wet muscle slithering against your clit. Ran’s tongue flicks your nub before his lips close around, sucking as he slightly bobs his head. Kazutora sucks his fingers before sliding his hand down, bending over as he uses two fingers to ease into your wet pussy. Your hole clenches around his fingers as your hips twitch, biting your lip as you hold back from releasing any sound as your eyes shut tightly.
Suddenly, hands grab your hips as you're pushed up, legs hovering over your head as your body is bent. The wetness moves to your ass as his tongue glides against your anus.
“Hah! Not there! Stop it, please!” Tears fall in humiliation as he eats you out, Rin positioning himself to eat your pussy as Kazutora angles his fingers, gliding in and out slowly as he holds pressure to your g-spot before pulling out again, watching your pussy contract intensely. A tongue runs along your clit repeatedly flicking the nub before he sucks it. Sanzu and Mikey hold up your legs as they kiss and lick your neck before leaving hickeys and pinching the skin between their teeth, Mikey handing Sanzu the roach before he throws it out of the cracked window, returning his hand to your nipple.
As Kazutora accelerates his fingers, your hips slightly meet his hand as the brothers eat you out, your eyes rolling into the back of your head with your mouth slightly ajar, head falling back on Mikey’s shoulder.
“Yes boss?”
“Pull out my cock.” He complies, pulling Mikey’s sweats down as well as his underwear, revealing his hard girth. You tense once you feel his head against your ass.
“W-wait, Mikey there’s no lube. Please don’t!”
“My King, I can help.” He says with a dazed look.
Mikey eyes him for a second before he nods his head, Sanzu and Ran switching placements as Ran settles next to her upper body and Sanzu moves to Mikey’s throbbing cock. A groan leaves Mikey’s lips, brushing against your ear as Sanzu lowers his head, lips circling around Mikey’s tip before shoving his cock deep within his throat.
You feel your boss’s hips jerk as his head falls back against the car’s window. Another moan leaves his mouth as you hear the mixture of saliva and precum combining as Sanzu pulls his head back and forth steadily, making sure to wet his king’s cock to the fullest.
“Knew he’d be eager to suck Mikey’s cock.” Rin whispers against your pussy as Kazutora and Ran chuckle at his statement. Sanzu pulls his head back and uses his hand to angle Mikey’s cock against your anus. Your body is forced to drop on his thick cock, tears escaping as the pain shoots up your back.
“Fuck!” You cry out, “Take it out! Take it out, you fucking assholes!” Kazutora removes his fingers as Rin pulls back, sitting in their seats as they pull out their own hard cocks, using spit to rub themselves off. Once Mikey’s cock was stuffed all the way into your ass, he held it there as he basked in your warmth. Sanzu hovers over you as he uses his own spit to wet himself. You jolt when his head meets your pussy lips.
Your hands grip Sanzu’s shoulders as he eases into your pussy, fortunately the juice that was already there makes it less painful, though your hole clenched around his girth as you're full from both sides.
“Relax your muscles.” Ran whispers in your ear as his own hand wraps around his cock, while the other caresses your head.
“I can’t! It hurts!” You exclaim as your eyes shut tightly. Your head falls back once more, Ran leaving a kiss along your jaw.
“Yes you can. Just breathe.” You had no choice but to comply as you tried to get through the pain, breathing heavily as Sanzu and Mikey began to move slowly. A drawn out moan escapes Sanzu as the pressure from Mikey’s cock could be felt through your walls, causing extra friction.
Time passed and their hips began to accelerate, the car filling with five men’s moans as all of them thrust their hips, pulsating cocks engulfed in warmth. Sanzu’s cock, angled to hit your g-spot, causes an intense pleasure that contrasts with the lingering pain from Mikey’s cock stretching your ass. The agony numbing out as you begin to fill a pleasurable fullness as your body rocks up and down, nails piercing through Sanzu’s fabric. You grunt as your ass clenches around Mikey’s cock, barely holding back a moan as the friction causes you to near your orgasm.
“Tell me how good it feels.” Mikey hissed against your ear, hand reaching around your throat as he slams his hips against your ass, speeding up.
“It doesn’t!” You cry out. “I-it feels terrible! Get out of me!” A loud moan accidentally leaves your mouth when Sanzu’s pace becomes faster, ambushing your g-spot repeatedly. A sharp pinch against your nipple causes you to yelp.
“Lie again.” Mikey growls, “Tell me the truth or I’ll blow your brains out as soon as I cum.”
“Fuck, this is so hot.” Kazutora hissed as his head falls back, rubbing his cock violently as his erection pulsates in his grip. Rin bites his own lip as he thrusts his hand, rubbing a thumb over his slit as he watches the display.
“Come on, angel. Be good for us, yeah?” Ran breathlessly says as he brings himself closer, hand gripping your head as he ruts against his other hand.
Your body convulses, warmth overcoming your abdomen as your hips grind hard against the two cocks, head back as your mouth hangs open with a silent scream.
“F-fuck! I’m… ah! Cumming!”
“Shit!” Rin hissed as his hand moves faster, your voice turning all of them on as they continue to work for their own orgasm.
You cry out from Mikey and Sanzu continuing their assault, thrusts becoming sloppier as they cause you to overstimulate, your hips frantically grinding back as the feeling becomes all too overwhelming, nose scrunching as your nails scratch Sanzu.
“Say it now! Tell us how good it feels to be full of our cocks! Right now, Y/n!” Sanzu growls, pink hue covering his face as he gazes into your eyes with a lustful, crazed glare.
“Feels good! S’ fucking good, hah! I’m gonna… I’m gonna cum again!”
In reality, post nut clarity will definitely come soon considering how violated you truly feel, though the feeling of being so full and your g-spot being abused causes your body to react, pussy contracting as you’re brought to your second orgasm, the men following along right after as they all release their loads.
You feel Sanzu and Mikey’s cum shoot deeply inside of you, so much coming out as some of the liquid spills out of your ass and pussy.
“Y-you all violated me.” You growl in anger as tears spill from your eyes, cocks pulling out of you causing you to grunt from the residue pain.
“You liked it.” Kazutora frowns as your vision becomes blurry.
“You should rest. Sounds like the weed is getting to your head.” Rin snorts.
Before you could prevent it, your eyes fluttered shut, darkness engulfing you into a deep sleep.
The next day, the men sat in the meeting room, awaiting your arrival. When you didn’t show up, Kakucho went to check your room, only to find you balled up in the blankets on your bed, hiding your whole body.
When you didn’t answer, he walked out of the room back towards the meeting to relay the message. The meeting continued without you. When it was over, Kazutora visited your room.
“Y/n? Why are you acting like this?” He says as he sits on the bed next to your figure. His eyebrow raises when his hand reaches your form, squeezing it before he stands up and snatches the blankets back, revealing an empty space.
“Shit!” He hissed in anger.
Two years pass and you just got out of your therapy appointment, walking to your car before you hopped in and drove to your apartment. You knew that the only way you could leave Bonten was by death or running away. So you decided to make a new life for yourself in a different country, far away from Japan.
You knew the job was toxic anyway but you didn’t know that you’d be violated sexually. You’re in a better head space, though you do have moments where you can feel the hands all over you, not scrubbing your body hard enough as your skin raws. Your new boyfriend, along with your friends and therapist have helped you grow positively as you slowly let your past go.
Entering your apartment, you expect to see your boyfriend in the living room on video games, not his limbs detached from his torso, or head decapitated as it’s rolled in between someone’s feet. Nor did you expect to see blood all over your carpet as well as the frames and paintings broken, thrown off the walls, glass shards everywhere. Your trembling hand covers your mouth as you eye the five men you never wanted to see again, staring at you with cold stoic expressions, worse than any angry look you could’ve ever received.
Hyperventilating, you turn on your heel to run back out your front door, only to run into Takeomi’s chest.
“No, no, no! Let me out, Takeomi! You don’t know what they did to me!” Your fists hit his back as he swings you over his shoulder.
“Oh I know. Now they’re pussy whipped and can’t get over you. Not even boss. You’re lucky you’re not gonna be killed, but there’s no way we’re letting you out of our sight again. Consider yourself, Bonten’s property.” He says as he walks to the car.
You continue struggling in his grip as tears leave from your eyes, crying out in anger and devastation over your boyfriend’s gruesome death. The life you created for yourself being torn from your grasp as another thing important is snatched away. You mourn your lost freedom as well as what’s to come.
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monzabee · 1 year
lean on you – cl16
Summary: The one where you learn to lean on Charles more than you thought you ever could.
Pairing: charles leclerc x medstudent!reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: it’s been a while since i went to an actual hospital, so that, and also worried charles, mentions of sickness and vomiting, also mentions of food poisoning
Request: “Hiiii! I don’t know if you still accept request😅 but I have something in my mind if you are open to it, like the reader is quite sick before Charles’ race, he wanted to stay to take care of her but she insisted that he go on with the race and that she’ll be fine. But during the race, Charles’ got a call that she have been taken to the hospital by Lorenzo since she almost passed out. Charles went straight to the hospital and bit mad and angry at her being so stubborn. I just think Charles can be over protective and can be so upset or angry when he get very worried. Like how Charles will emphasise that she have him instead of being so independent all the time. 🤍🤍🤍 thank you if you will do it, but if not, it’s alright too! I just love and enjoy reading all your works!🤩 ”+ “Can you write a fic where the reader is a med!student with Charles? (definitely not projecting🫣)”
Author’s Note: hi, hey, hello!! i loved both of these concepts and i though they’d go well together, because most of my friends who are also med students love diagnosing themselves?? i kind of wanted to based the reader off of bow from black-ish if you guys ever watched it, it’s my current watch and i love her so much!! it was very fun for me to write, and thank you to both of the anons for their requests! Feedback is always appreciated, and i hope you guys enjoy! good morning, noon or night wherever you are, xoxobee
Please also note that all of my works are protected under copyright, and not available for reposting on other platforms. 
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“Are you sure you’re fine, mignon? You look worse than you did last night.” Charles lets his eyes look over your fatigued figure in your bed, worry etched into his eyebrows.
Giving him a weak smile, you do your best to reassure his worries by reaching for his hand resting on the side of his body. “I’m fine, love, I feel better than I did yesterday.” Charles sighs softly, his worry not entirely dissipating. He moves closer to the bed, his hand tightening around yours, and you squeeze his hand gently, relaying the message that you appreciate his concern. “I really am, you don’t have to worry about me, okay?”
“You say as if that’s an easy thing, love.” He emphasises, giving you a small smile that still allows you to see the dimples on his cheeks. “I just don’t want to leave you alone, you seem worse than you did last night.”
Your expression softens as you recall the way he doted on you the previous evening, no matter how much you told him that you were doing fine. “I promise I’m feeling much better, it’s nothing but a stomach bug – and I promise I’ll rest today, too.”
Charles leans down and places a gentle kiss on your forehead. “You better keep that promise and rest, it’s doctor’s orders," he says with a hint of playfulness in his voice. "I'll hold you to it.”
You chuckle weakly, appreciating his attempt to lighten the mood. “I promise, Charles. I'll stay in bed, take my medicine, and rest. I have some lecture stuff I have to go over, anyway." You pause, looking up at him with sincere eyes. "And you need to focus on your race. I don't want you to worry about me, be careful out there please.”
His lips form a mock pout, making your facial muscles to pull in an involuntary smile, “But my favourite part is the part where my doctor takes care of me,” his thumb draws a comforting circle on your hand, “your kisses help immensely.”
You blush at his playful comment, grateful for his affectionate nature even in times of worry. “I promise I’ll give you kisses when you come back, but only if you promise you’ll be careful.” You sigh deeply at the boyish grin he sends your way, “I’m serious, Charles.”
Charles's expression softens, and he reaches out to cup your face in his hands, his touch gentle yet firm. "I promise, my love. I'll be careful. Do you need me to bring you anything before I leave?”
Your nod is sluggish and doesn’t go unnoticed by Charles, but he chooses to remain silent as he gives you a moment to think about your answer. “Can you just give me my computer and anatomy book, please?” You watch as Charles nods in understanding. He leans down to give you a tender kiss on the lips before making his way to the desk where your belongings are kept. Retrieving the items you requested, he returns to your bedside, placing them gently on the bed beside you.
"Here you go, mignon," he says softly, his voice filled with genuine concern. He notices the way you keep fiddling with the collar of his your sweatshirt – a habit you usually display when you’re sick because the clothing usually causes overstimulation in your mind. “Do you want me to bring you some water? Or maybe order room service?”
You shake your head to the either side this time, giving him a sleepy smile as you start talking, “I’m good, but thank you, darling.” You let out a small giggle at the unapproving glance he sends your way, “I promise I’ll order some food when I get hungry, Charles.”
Charles chuckles softly, his eyes filled with a mix of amusement and concern at the way you emphasise the word. "Alright, love. Just make sure you take care of yourself and eat something nutritious. I don't want you skipping meals, even if you're not feeling well."
You nod, appreciating his reminder. "I promise, Charles. I'll make sure to eat when I need to. But for now, I think I'll focus on studying and getting some rest."
He leans in to press a gentle kiss to your temple, his warm breath brushing against your skin. "That sounds like a good plan. I'll leave you to it then, but remember to reach out if you need anything, okay?"
"I will," you reply softly, your eyes growing heavy with fatigue. "Thank you for taking care of me, Charles. I love you."
He smiles warmly, his eyes filled with affection. "I love you too, mignon. Rest well and take all the time you need. I'll see you soon." With that, Charles gives your hand a final squeeze and presses his lips to your forehead in a parting kiss before reluctantly pulling away and leaving the room. Taking a deep breath, you focus on the task at hand, determined to make the most of your day even if you’re feeling a bit down.
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It’s not easy for Charles to focus on his driving that day, not easy at all. He can’t seem to focus on the track when you seem to occupy his mind and linger in his thoughts. The people around him notices the way he seems almost detached at the garage that day, and also noticing your absence, thankfully they accommodate him and his aloofness the best they can. He keeps an eye on his phone the entire time before he gets in the car – something he usually never does before a race just in case you call him in need of assistance. Charles takes a deep breath, trying to clear his mind as he prepares for the race. He knows he needs to focus, but his thoughts keep drifting back to you. Concern and worry gnaw at him, making it difficult to fully immerse himself in the adrenaline of the race.
Before climbing into his car, he approaches his brother, who is thankfully standing nearby. He looks into Lorenzo's eyes and speaks in a hushed tone, “Hey, can you do me a favour?”
Lorenzo, sensing the urgency in Charles' voice, gives him a nod, his own concern mirrored in his eyes. “Of course, Charles. What do you need? Is everything alright?”
Charles takes a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. “I need you to keep an eye on my phone, Y/N wasn’t feeling too good this morning, and i have a bad feeling about it.” He hands Lorenzo his phone, making sure to check one for one last time to see whether you’ve texted or called him, you haven’t.
Lorenzo's brows furrow with worry as he listens to Charles, but he understands the gravity of the situation and the significance of Charles' request. "Don't worry, Charles, I'll take care of it – and I'll let you know if anything happens. You focus on the race, and I'll make sure everything is handled."
With that assurance, Charles turns his attention back to the race ahead and quickly puts on his balaclava and helmet. He climbs into his car, adjusting his helmet and securing himself in the cockpit. The anticipation and excitement of the race surround him, but his mind remains consumed with worry for you as he tries to assure himself that you are fine and resting back at the hotel. The race begins, and Charles pushes the limits of his car, manoeuvring through the twists and turns of the track. But no matter how hard he tries, he can't fully immerse himself in the competitive spirit. Thoughts of you and your well-being linger, distracting him from the task at hand. His racing instincts seem dull, his reaction time slightly delayed, and he struggles to find his usual pace.
As the laps pass by, Charles notices that he's slipping further and further behind, unable to keep up with the leading pack. Frustration mounts within him, battling against his worry for you. The race that should have been a chance for him to shine becomes an arduous struggle to maintain his composure, as he struggles to keep up with the cars infront, the ones behind him seemingly passing him with ease and causing him to drop out of points. So despite his best efforts, Charles finishes the race with a disappointing result, far from his usual position on the podium. He steps out of the car, feeling a mix of exhaustion and disappointment washing over him. The familiar cheers from the crowd seem distant, overshadowed by his concern for you. His mind is occupied by imagining the worst as he gets out of his car, takes off his helmet and stumbles towards the team's garage. The once vibrant atmosphere now feels muted, as if the world around him has lost its importance. He can sense the curious glances and sympathetic looks from his fellow team members, but he can't bring himself to socialise with any of them.
His eyes hastily search for his brother, but Lorenzo is the one who finds him before he can spot him. Lorenzo's concerned gaze locks with Charles’, and he quickly makes his way toward him, his steps mirroring Charles’ urgency. Understanding the look in his brother’s eyes instantly, Charles asks, “What’s wrong? Is it Y/N? Is everything alright?”
Charles watches his brother expectantly as he places a comforting hand on his shoulder, making him want to slap his hand away, but the next words that come out of his mouth is enough to takes his breath away, “Carlos is on the phone with the hospital–”
“Hospital?” Charles interrupts Lorenzo, “Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par l'hôpital qui t'a appelé?” What do you mean the hospital called you?
“Calm down, Charles, laisse-moi t'expliquer.” Lorenzo gives him a pointed look, and gently steer him towards his teammate’s cousin, “Y/N called me from the taxi, she said she was going to the hospital because she wasn’t feeling well,” he raises a hand to stop Charles from interrupting again, “she also told me that she’d call me once she got to the hospital but she didn’t, I’m guessing her phone died and the hospital called me instead. But my Spanish is non-existent and Carlos is talking to them, so for the love of God, calme-toi un peu.”
Charles's mind races with a mix of relief and anxiety upon hearing Lorenzo's explanation. He takes a deep breath, trying to regain his composure as he listens to his brother's words. The realization that Y/N is at the hospital sinks in, bringing a wave of concern to the forefront of his thoughts. Nodding in acknowledgment, Charles tries to calm his racing heartbeat and focus on the information at hand. “My girlfriend is at a hospital in a country she’s not familiar with, how do you expect me to calm down?”
“Just wait for a moment, we’ll have more information when Carlos is done talking to the hospital-people.” Lorenzo reassures him, and it helps Charles to focus on the current issue at hand – learning the name of the hospital and finding his way there as fast as possible.
Taking Lorenzo's advice to heart, Charles tries to steady his racing thoughts and focus on the present. He takes another deep breath, reminding himself to stay calm and composed. The minutes feel like an eternity as they wait for Carlos to conclude the call. Finally, Carlos hangs up the phone and approaches Charles and Lorenzo, his expression grave but determined. "The hospital confirmed that Y/N arrived safely," Carlos begins, his voice steady. "They're currently conducting some tests to determine the cause of her discomfort. The initial assessment suggests it may be a severe case of food poisoning."
A certain degree of understanding and relief washes over Charles as he lets Carlos’ words sink in. He offers his teammate’s cousin a grateful look, “Thank you for your help, Carlos,” he nods his head in appreciation, “do you have the name of the hospital?”
Carlos returns Charles's grateful look with a reassuring smile and a nod, “It’s the Hospital Quirónsalud Barcelona, she’s a smart girl, Charles, it’s an international hospital so she shouldn’t have any problems communicating with the doctors.” He pats Charles’ shoulder when the latter gives him a confused look, “You weren’t exactly quiet, mate.”
Charles lets out a small chuckle, realizing that his worries may have been more apparent than he thought. He appreciates Carlos' attempt to lighten the mood and offers a grateful smile. "You're right, I probably wasn't the most composed person just now," he admits, "but I'm glad Y/N is in good hands at hospital and thank you for your help, I appreciate it."
“No need to thank me, I hope she’s doing okay.” The older man smiles and gives him a final nod as he makes his way towards his cousin.
“Charles,” one of the PR people starts as they make their way towards the duo, “you still have media–”
The look Charles gives the poor intern in return can only be described as a mix of exhaustion and frustration. He interrupts the PR person before they can finish their sentence. “Bill me.” He, then, turns to his brother as he shoots him an expectant look, “Can we go?”
“Come on, I’ll drive,” Charles hears his brother’s voice, which causes him to raise his eyebrows and receive in return, “you’re obviously too high on adrenaline right now, let me drive.”
Charles, recognizing his own state of mind, doesn't argue. He nods in agreement and takes a seat in the passenger side, grateful for his brother's support, but because he is Charles, he mumbles, “You better drive fast,” under his breath as he follows his brother out of the garage.
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As the car navigates through the busy streets of Barcelona, Charles finds himself lost in his thoughts – he glances out the window, his eyes darting from building to building, as if searching for answers that lie beyond the glass. The tension in the air is palpable, the silence between the brothers punctuated only by the hum of the engine and the occasional sound of horns from other impatient drivers. He tries contacting the hospital once again, but it seems like luck is not on his side as the operator speaks to him solely in Spanish, which makes him reconsider what Carlos told him earlier. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the Hospital Quirónsalud Barcelona comes into view. Charles feels a surge of hope mixed with anxiety as Lorenzo skilfully manoeuvres the car into a parking spot. Charles is out of the car before Lorenzo even turns off the engine, which earns him a scolding from his brother, but he’s almost halfway through the walk to the entrance as he waves Lorenzo off.
As Charles approaches the entrance of the hospital, his pace quickens with a mix of urgency and concern. The automatic doors slide open, welcoming him into the bustling lobby. The sterile smell of disinfectant fills his nostrils, and the sound of footsteps echoes through the halls.
He makes his way to the reception desk, where a receptionist greets him with a warm smile, and (thankfully) speaks in English, “Good evening, how can I help you?”
Breathing heavily, Charles tries to gather his thoughts and speak clearly. “My girlfriend was admitted through ER earlier today, Y/N Y/LN. Can you please tell me her room number and how she’s doing?”
The receptionist nods sympathetically. “I understand your concern, let me check the system for you.” She begins typing on her computer, her fingers dancing across the keyboard. After a few moments, she looks up at Charles. “I do see her in our system, but I don't have access to that information. You'll need to speak with someone from the emergency department.”
Frustration wells up within Charles, but he takes a deep breath and reminds himself to stay calm. "Can you at least direct me to the emergency department?"
The receptionist offers an understanding smile. "Of course. Head down this corridor and take the first right. You'll find the emergency department entrance on your left."
Thanking the receptionist, Charles follows her directions, his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and worry. He walks briskly, determined to reach Y/N's side as quickly as possible. As he enters the emergency department, the sense of urgency intensifies – he watches the hustle and bustle of the hospital; how the medical staff rush by, attending to patients in need and people who are waiting to see their loved ones just like him. His legs aimlessly takes him to the nearest a nurse station and approaches a nurse who seems available. “Excuse me, Miss” he calls out, trying to catch her attention. The nurse turns to him with a professional yet compassionate gaze. “I'm looking for my girlfriend, Y/N Y/LN. Can you please tell me where I can find her?”
“Let me check her records,” the nurse smiles at him, an attempt to calm him and goes through the papers on the chart in her hands. “Here she is, it seems that she was recently moved – she’s supposed be in room 376, it’s on the third level, at the end of the main hallway.”
Relief floods over Charles as he receives the information from the nurse. He manages a grateful smile and nods in appreciation. "Thank you so much. I'll head there right away."
After thanking the nurse, Charles makes his way towards the elevators, following the signs that lead him to the third level. As he steps into the elevator, he can feel his heart pounding in his chest, a mixture of nervousness and anticipation. He makes sure he sends Lorenzo a text message to let him know where’s he’s headed, the ride to the third floor feels agonizingly slow, each passing floor adding to his impatience. When the elevator doors finally open, Charles steps out and finds himself in a long, well-lit hallway. He scans the room numbers, his eyes quickly landing on the sign indicating the direction of room 376. With determined strides, he makes his way down the hallway, passing by other patients' rooms and medical staff going about their duties.
Finally, he reaches room 376, and his breath catches in his throat. Taking a moment to steady himself, he gently pushes the door open, revealing a small but comforting space. Inside, he finds you lying in the hospital bed, an IV connected to your arm and one of your textbooks open on the bed beside you. He realises you’re asleep, however, as he watches you from afar. Seeing you lying there, Charles feels a mix of emotions overwhelm him—relief that you’re safe and being cared for, concern for your well-being, and a deep longing to be by your side. He approaches the bed with cautious steps, taking in your pale complexion and the weary lines etched on your face.
Gently, Charles pulls up a chair beside your bed and sits down, not wanting to disturb your much-needed rest. He reaches out and lightly brushes a strand of hair away from your face, a tender smile gracing his lips as he watches you sleep. Gently, he reaches out and takes your hand in his, offering her a tender squeeze. "Hey," he whispers softly, not wanting to startle you. "I'm here. You're going to be okay."
You stir slightly, your eyes fluttering open. A weak smile graces your lips as you recognise Charles. "Charles," she murmurs, her voice hoarse but filled with warmth. "You came."
Charles feels a surge relief wash over him, he leans in closer, his voice filled with genuine concern. "Of course, I came, I'll always be here for you, chérie. What happened? How are you feeling?"
“I’m better now,” your voice comes off hoarse, and it makes Charles cringe inwardly, “I just wanted to come to the hospital because i kept throwing up and thought I had all the signs of food poisoning – but, honey, what are you wearing?”
Charles glances down at his attire, realizing he's still in his racing gear. “I didn’t have time to change,” he explains, his head tilted to the side as he gives you a strict look, “I should have just stayed with you.”
“You had a race, Charles,” your eyes widen in recognition as you remember the race. “Oh my god, how was it? Did you–”
“The race doesn’t matter, Y/N.” Charles interrupts, eyebrows furrowed in frustration. “I wish you wouldn’t try to be so independent all the time.”
He watches as your lips form a pout, your voice coming off more vulnerable than before as you ask, “What?”
"Y/N," he says softly, his voice filled with emotion. "What were you thinking? Why didn't you tell me you were feeling this sick? I could have been here for you."
You give him a guilty look, the pout on your lips becoming deeper. "I didn't want to worry you, Charles. I thought I could handle it on my own."
His frustration melts away as he takes in your weakened state. He moves closer, his hand gently cupping your cheek. "You don't have to handle everything on your own, love. I'm here for you, always. I would have been by your side if you had just let me. I should have been there with you today, not at some race when you were puking your guts out.” He pauses, his thumb caressing the back of your cheek soothingly. “I know you value your independence, and I admire that about you. But sometimes, it's okay to lean on others, especially when you're going through tough times. You don't have to carry everything on your own.”
You listen to Charles's words, and a mixture of emotions swirl within you. His concern and care touch your heart, but you also understand the frustration he expresses. With a soft sigh, you squeeze his hand gently. You shift slightly in the bed, wincing at the discomfort. "Being independent has been a part of me for so long, and it's hard to let go of that mindset completely. But I'm learning, slowly, to find a balance, and I'm learning to lean on you when I need to and to share my burdens with you." You give him the softest smile you can muster, “I promise I’ll try to be better, darling.”
His thumb brushes away a tear from your cheek, his touch gentle and comforting. "You don't have to apologize, mignon. I understand why you wanted me to race, but your health and well-being will always be my priority. I don't want you to ever feel like you have to face things alone. We're a team, remember?"
You nod, your voice barely above a whisper. "I know we are, and I’m sorry for worrying you, darling." You lean into his touch, feeling the warmth of his hand against your skin, and with a soft sigh, you begin speaking again. "I promise that I’ll lean on you more and remember that we’re a team.”
Charles leans down, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. "That's all I ask, love. Just remember that you have me, and I'll always be here for you, okay? I love you."
As you feel his lips on your forehead, a sense of comfort and love washes over you. You gaze into his eyes, filled with gratitude and affection. "I love you too, Charles," you whisper, your voice filled with sincerity. "Thank you for always being there for me, even when I push you away. I'm so grateful to have you by my side."
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ofstarsandvibranium · 3 months
Precious Truths: Part 9
Fandom: Bridgerton
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x F!Reader
Summary: After your father finds out you’ve been writing under a male pseudonym, he threatens to marry you off to an atrocious man unless you find yourself a husband within a month’s time.
A/N: I will not be taking tags for this series!
Series Masterlist
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You bow, nod, and chit chat with all of the guests that approach you and James. You were never one for attention. Your social manners were beginning to wane the more time you spent around people.
James, sensing your wavering attention, excuses you and himself from the current couple in front of you, guiding you to the refreshments.
"Are you well. cheri?"
You nod, "Yes. Just-um..."
"Too many people?" he asks with an understanding look in his eyes. When you nod again, he slips his hand into yours, "Let us have a break then, shall we? I'm sure Daphne and Simon will entertain everyone in our absence."
He pulls you away from the people gathered around the gardens. He guides you closer towards the castle where there's a bench that you and he can sit on.
You sit beside him with a sigh, leaning your head against his shoulder, "Thank you. I'm not used to all this attention. It’s a bit much.”
"It's alright. I'm not fond of it either. I suppose it wasn't the best idea to have a duchess host our engagement ball, hm?"
You giggle, "No, it was not."
"Y/N," you hear your name and turn. You immediately squeal when you see who it is, "PENELOPE!"
You leave your fiance's side to hug your friend, "I didn't know you'd be coming!"
Colin joins his wife's side, "We arrived home early this morning. Just in time to travel with my family to come here."
You hug Colin, "It's so good to see you both! We must talk later about your travels!"
"Of course. I must ask, why are you away from everyone? Are you well?" the newly married Bridgerton brother asks with concern.
James joins you at your side, hand on your waist, "She was feeling a bit tiresome from all the fanfare."
Colin nods, "Understandable. It seems my sister has outdone herself." He looks around at the castle gardens with an impressed expression.
James outstretches a hand, "James Montclair."
Penelope and Colin nod, "A pleasure to meet you, my Lord," Penelope says with a polite smile.
You gesture to the couple, "This is Colin and Penelope Bridgerton. They were away on their honeymoon which is why you haven't met them until now."
James smiles, "More Bridgertons!" His exclamation coming from his playful, joking side.
Colin chuckles, "Yes, we are a large bunch. I hope they haven't given you any trouble, my Lord."
"None at all. They have all been most welcoming, especially your sister and his Grace."
"I'd be delighted to relay the message to my mother. She'd be very proud to know Daphne has been treating you well. Speaking of," he looks back to you, "they were looking for you, Y/N. But I shall stall them until you are ready."
You nod desperately, "Colin Bridgerton, you are my savior!" The man nods and proceeds to guide Penelope away from you. Your friend gives you a wave before following her husband towards the rest of the guests.
You settle back onto the bench and lean against James once more. Silence falls over both of you as you listen to the distant sounds of music and chatter.
You think about the night you met with Benedict at your secret spot. Yes, you spent a majority of the time talking but when there were lulls in the conversation, the silence between you two never felt awkward. There was always a sense of comfort and familiarity.
You feel that now with James. The realization causes you to abruptly sit up and clear your throat, "I think I'm well rested enough."
You spring to your feet, James following you with concern, "Are you sure?" His hand on your elbow anchors you to a stop. You look into his dark brown eyes, filled with concern and care.
You smile at him, reaching out to place a hand on his cheek, "Positive."
"Alright,” he softly smiles back but furrows his brow in seriousness, “However, if you feel that way again, let me know and we can have another break."
You cup his face with both hands now, "Thank you. You are too kind to me, my Lord.”
James takes your hands and kisses your palms. He continues to hold your hand as you two walk back towards the gardens to continue mingling with your guests.
Violet's eyes brighten when she sees you and James coming to approach her, "There you are, my dear!" she rushes over to you and hugs you.
You chuckle, "Hello, my Lady. I apologize for our brief absence. I just needed a moment to breathe."
The dowager nods, "Of course. I imagine this can be a bit overwhelming for you."
"Yes, but luckily I have James as my side," you look at your fiancé fondly. You then turn back to Violet, "All of your family is here, yes?"
"All but Benedict, I'm afraid," she replies dejectedly.
You frown, "Benedict didn't come?"
She shakes her head, "No, he had prior engagements. I'm sorry, my dear. I know you wanted him here." She holds your hand reassuringly, giving you a look of sympathy.
You sigh, your shoulders falling in dejectedness, "I'm sure it must've been important then."
"Yes. He has a meeting with the headmaster of an art academy."
You smile brightly, but your smile doesn't meet your eyes, "That's wonderful! I shall send him my congratulations."
Sensing the sadness fall over you, James clears his throat, "Mon cher, would you like to dance?"
"Yes! Of course!" you excuse yourself from Violet and follow James to the dance floor. As the ensemble plays, you and he follows the choreography that everyone knows by heart.
As your bodies sway to the soft melody, James asks, "Are you alright? I noticed you seemed sad at Benedict's absence."
You sigh, "I'm sad but also happy for him. He'd always loved art and then there was an incident that happened last year that dimmed his love for it. But it seems he's grown his confidence again, so it is good to see him continue his passions. But he is one of my dearest friends, so it does sadden me a bit that he isn't here."
"We shall make sure he's at the wedding then, hm?"
"Of course. Whatever it takes," you state with finality and it makes James smile.
He takes your hand, twirling you around like the other dancers. It makes you giggle. There is now a lightness in the air as you two dance. James keeps his eyes on you. They're soft, filled with love and light. A hint of a smile remains on his lips and it only grows as the music and movement progresses.
When the song comes to an end, James rests his forehead against yours.
"I love you," he murmurs.
It's the first time he's said those three words to you. Although you know he's felt this way, through his words and actions, it is very well known. But hearing it out loud, it's brought a tinge of uneasiness. You are very fond of James. He's become a great companion over these few weeks. He's made you laugh, made you feel cared for. You know your future with him will be filled with stability, comfort, and ease.
So why can't you bring yourself to say those three words back?
You open your mouth to reply but James beats you to it, "I know it has been only a short time, but my mother had always said that when you have love for someone, to never let it go. To embrace it fully. I never expected to fall in love again after Maria's passing. To find companionship, friendship was all I expected to find, but I found love again. It may be too soon for you to feel the same and I understand. I just wanted to let you know."
"Thank you. I am fond of you, James. But I am sure, over time, I will grow to love you just the same."
He takes your hand and kisses it, "I look forward to it."
Benedict should feel elated. He should be all smiles and buzzing with excitement. But he isn’t. He’s at a standstill. The headmaster at the academy had offered him a spot! He accepted it with gratefulness, but now as he’s heading back home, he’s thinking about what this could mean. He’d be away from his family, away from you. But perhaps that would be a good thing. He wouldn’t have to see you with Montclair. He wouldn’t experience his heart breaking every time he saw you on the arm of the marquess. However, a part of Benedict, the sad, yearning part of him, doesn’t want to be away from you. He never wants to be away from you because with you, he is complete. However, he lost his chance. He had so many opportunities and now his time is up.
It’s time to let you go.
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finelinevogue · 1 year
he’s just harry
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summary - a couple of fan interactions with harry on the streets of london
word count: +1.1k
pairing: boyfriend!harry x reader
Even though the media make it out that Harry hates being out in public on his days off, you know it is actually one of his favourite things to do.
Especially with you.
Harry is known for being a private man, but he can’t help what fans secretly record and post on the internet. He would do the same for Stevie Nicks and you would do the same for Taylor Swift, so neither of you are opposed to reporting anyone for secretly filming. 
A favourite pastime of yours and Harry’s is to actually watch back story-time videos of fans, from when they have met you and Harry. Which is what you were both currently doing, after having your dinner. 
Harry is laying on the bed in your shared hotel room. You lay against his back and are held tight to him by his arm wrapped around your waist. 
He leans down to look at you every few minutes and leaves a kiss on your forehead, just because he can. His fingers around your waist snake under your Pleasing sweatshirt - the one that is actually his - and stroke tiny circles on the skin of your tummy.
With some light jazz music playing in the background, you and Harry can’t feel anything but peace. 
He has your phone in his hand whilst he scrolls through the latest videos on TikTok with the tag # harrystyles.
The next video he scrolls to after and edit of himself on stage is from a meeting of a fan in London.
“I just met Harry Styles.” The girl screams from the inside of her car. The video pans around and her boyfriend is sat there with a grin, no doubt because his girlfriend is so happy.
“I get to say that every day.” You comment, making Harry pinch the skin at your waist. You laugh and carry on.
“Can I just say, first of all, I have been waiting for this moment for years. Always in my mysterious girl era, just in case. And the one day I am wearing slouchy clothes I stumble upon him on a random back road in London. Life clearly hates me.” She begins her story.
“She looked great, I thought.” You said and Harry made no comment. Most likely because he never paid attention to looking at anyone with interest anymore - not since he had found you.
“And Y/N. Oh my God! She’s fucking stunning. Like, I understand why Harry snatched her up.”
“I did find a pretty good egg.” Harry agreed.
“I am not an egg.” 
“Whatever you say, baby.”
“But they were both so lovely. Harry was really kind and thanked me for supporting him. I asked for a photo but they politely declined, which is a little frustrating, but maybe it was for the best since I looked so bad today!” The girl continues her story.
“Fuck sake.” Harry mumbles out and you pause the video, already knowing what thoughts were relaying through his mind. 
You turned your head so you could see his whole face before speaking to him.
“You’re not a bad person for not taking a photo with them. You shouldn’t make yourself feel bad either. You’re a person, just as they are. People are allowed to close off their privacy for the day if they want. Okay?” 
“Thank you.” Is all Harry responds with. Well, that and a minutes worth of kisses. 
You move onto another video, so not to upset Harry any more with the previous one. You couldn’t know whether she might say something else bad and you weren’t prepared to make Harry sad, so the next video it was.
This came from a girl in London airport.
“Oh fuck.” Harry instantly says when he sees the girl on the screen.
“What?” You asked, confused. You hadn’t even been aware this interaction had taken place and you were with him in the airport. Now you were just curious as to what had gone down.
“This is going to be so embarrassing for me.” He wines and tries to bury his face in your neck. You kiss the tip of his nose and push him away.
The video starts by the girl looking really nervous, before Harry pans into view on the other side of the screen. It was only their chins in the view, but it was still a very lovely view of your boyfriend.
“Hi.” The girl fumbles over her words.
“Hello.” He says, removing his sunglasses from his face since he had been found.
“I just saw you from over there and had to come and say hello. I know this is probably really annoying for you and I’m going to leave so as to not be a burden to you, but I really love your music and you are an amazing human being.” The girl rambles, but that might be the nicest of things you have heard a fan say to Harry.
Before the girl can leave, Harry asks that all important question.
“Thank you so much. Would you maybe like a photo?” He asks. 
“Aw Harry.” You pout and he pinches your waist again. “Quit that, will you?” You hit elbow him in his ribs gently.
“Yes please. Wow, thank you.” The video then tilts so Harry and this girl come onto the screen. Harry smiles a small smile and holds up his fingers in a peace sign. He looks very cute.
“Have a safe flight.” Harry says and goes to hold his hand out for the fan to shake, but instead knocks her phone out of her hand and it drops to the floor. 
“Harry!” You gasp and sit up a little more attentively.
“I know.” He cringes.
Luckily the phone was alright, but Harry had to prolong the conversation with the fan and even offered her a new one. She turned that down and thankfully he didn’t have to owe anything to anyone. You can tell at the end of the video he is embarrassed though.
“You dickhead.” You laugh at him. 
He puts the phone down and joins his other hand under your sweatshirt so they are both enjoying tracing over your skin. You hum in delight and breathe in the air that is scented by him.
“I’m tired.” He says, knocking his head against yours to rest.  It had been a long day of rehearsals and meetings for him today, but he didn’t mind because he knew that it would be worth it to spend an evening of peace with you. 
“I know, baby.”  You say, reaching a hand up behind your head to stroke over his curls. “We can go to bed now, if you want?” 
You and Harry end up spending the next twenty minutes getting ready for bed and cuddle before you are both fast asleep, awaiting the first, last, ‘Love On Tour’ show tomorrow. 
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baeshijima · 6 months
mmm thoughts of private executioner!blade, who is high priestess!kafka's bodyguard. well, more like her guard dog, as many fearfully seem to think.
he is aloof and gruff and rough around the edges, his name capturing it perfectly. when in the eyes of the public he either keeps to himself or stands ready by kafka's side, but when out he lurks in the shadows ready and waiting to carry out her death orders.
you, yourself, haven't had very many pleasant encounters with him... if you can even call them that. that being said, you haven't had many pleasant encounters with anyone. notorious for your... less than pleasant disposition, for a lack of better words, you have more people who'd rather see you run through than those you can call a friend.
in a dog-eat-dog world, you had no choice but to protect yourself. that, however, ultimately became your demise.
"oh? so you're the one sent to kill me. can't say i'm all that surprised."
standing before you is the feared executioner. his sword is tucked inside the sheath attached to his hip, that ever-present dark swirl of an aura stifling the air. he doesn't say anything, instead opting to silently stare down at your slumped and worn-out form. you find that his gaze doesn't bother you; rather, it's oddly comforting knowing someone will see you in your last moments.
"i've never asked you for a favour before, so this will be my first and last request for you." in all honesty, you're not sure where this chattiness stems from. considering you're currently in a holding cell under the crime of attempted murder towards kafka (a poisoned wine you were most definitely framed for, though you can't say you were surprised) and are awaiting for your turn to be under the guillotine for your public execution, you probably should be a little desperate towards the private executioner in front of you.
and yet, your mind is nothing if not peaceful.
with a huff, you relay your request, "can you make sure it's quick? painless, preferably, but i'd rather you just get it over and done with."
silence blankets the cold chambers. moisture accumulated along the cobble ceiling drip in a steady rhythm, like a clock ticking away the seconds. it's unnerving, almost, how there is not a single sound other than your impending countdown.
"why?" comes his low mutter, effectively causing a ripple within the stagnant air. you almost think you misheard him, but his following words cease the thought, "why won't you ask me for help?"
had it not been for the abrupt shuffle and clanging against the metal bars, you would have never looked up to see him in your last moments.
his scarred hands gripping the metal until his knuckles turn a ghastly white and blood dripping from his palms is what greets your sight. as your gaze slowly trails up, you almost let loose a laugh of disbelief; who would have thought blade, the infamous guard dog of the high priestess, could make such a desperate expression? one looking as though his whole world crumbled before him, in which he can do nothing but sit and watch.
(you will never know of the anger and desperation which coursed through his veins the moment he heard of your predicament. had it been anyone else, he wouldn't have cared. but you're not anyone else; you're you — unapologetically, wholeheartedly. it didn't take him long to hunt down those behind it, cutting them down without thought and putting an end to their miserable lives. he rushed as soon as he could when kafka gave him the order, no thoughts other than you, you, you, occupying his mind.
you will never know of the anguish which overcame him when he found you in such a state, your once healthy complexion and defiant gaze reduced to nothing but a tiredness which had always sat quietly behind your disposition. he's almost positive the muscle which unwillingly keeps him alive tore at the seams from your request, the acceptance in which you displayed causing his mind to go astray. even as he damn-near begs you to rely on him for help — to run away with him to some place no one knows of you and start anew there — you merely smile, resigned and peaceful.
you will never know of how much blade is willing to put on the line for you, for you never made it to see the complete and utter carnage he wrecked in your name.)
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slafkovskys · 8 months
can we have a little sneak about each of the boys and jealousy with angel
warnings: language, jealousy, mentions of sex/sexual activities
“oh,” she says before she can stop herself, eyes scanning over the notification. she thinks maybe she had said it quietly enough where it had gone unnoticed by the boys that she was sandwiched between, but she was wrong.
jack moves his head from where it had been resting on her stomach for the better part of an hour as she had corralled them onto the sofa to watch the great gatsby, “what’s wrong?”
“nothing, jacky. look, you’re missing the good part,” she tries to turn his head back to face the tv, but he quickly moves and lifts himself up on his elbows, “i’m serious-”
“you’re being weird.”
“he’s right,” luke chimes from where he was propped on her behind, a pillow in between his head and her ass because she swore he’d have a sore neck in the morning from his position. with a sigh, he pauses the movie and pushes himself up to look at her, “what happened?”
“nothing happened, you two. i-” their gazes that silently told her ‘cut the bullshit’ causes her to close her mouth and look down at her lap. she finds a loose thread on the t-shirt she had stolen from jack’s clean laundry and tugs on it, muttering under her breath. there’s a pinch to her thigh, a warning from luke (and a reminder to curse quinn about teaching the youngest his ways) and she frowns, “um, one of- one of quinn’s teammates just sent me an instagram dm. it’s fine-”
“let me see it,” jack demands and she hesitates before grabbing her phone, pulling up the message and handing it off. he rests a hand on her crossed legs as he takes his time reading the message before scoffing, “oh, that’s hilarious.”
“my turn,” luke snatches the phone from his brother and she takes her lip between her teeth as she awaits his reaction, “‘i can’t remember if i told you, but you looked beautiful last week. we should hang out the next time you’re visiting if you’re down?’ the fuck? is this how people flirt?”
“you slid into my dms,” she points out and luke sends her a glance, “but yours was better than that.”
“obviously because here you are, but back to our current situation,” jack points a finger at the phone, “who is he and why is he messaging you?”
“kids these days,” luke mumbles like he wasn’t much older than the culprit.
“we were talking when i went with quinn to the canuck’s charity thing for like, five minutes max. i didn’t think it was that big of a deal,” she explains. she watches as jack stares, nods, then reaches for his phone. her eyes go wide, “what’re you-”
“i have to call quinn.”
“please don’t,” she pleads and the line starts to trill once, twice, and then,
“one of your rookies just slid in angel’s dms,” jack interrupts and she swears she hears quinn’s phone clatter to the ground.
“they did what in her where?” he asks after a moment of rustling on his end. “who? what did they say?”
“one of your call-ups thought she looked really beautiful at your little gala last week and wanted to know if she’d be willing to go out next time that she was in town,” luke has a smirk on his lips as he relays the message that they all had scanned over by this point, “because apparently the q around her wrist doesn’t mean much to you?”
“okay, fuck you,” quinn spits, “angel, can you hear me?”
“hi quinny,” she starts nervously playing with jack’s hair now that the oldest’s attention is on her.
quinn sighs, “did he say anything to you?”
“i mean, we were talking while you were doing your captain things, but i was friendly! i’m always friendly, you guys know that-”
“we’re not blaming you, angel-”
“just some people don’t know the difference between flirty and friendly. i introduced her as my date,” quinn defends himself, though he didn’t have to. jack and luke just liked to make their brother squirm whenever the opportunity presented itself. “i’m sorry that i can keep it in my pants and don’t parade her around public functions covered in hickies or with my cum running down her leg.”
“there was that one time-”
“please,” she pleads, clenching her legs at the thought. jack and luke share a smirk before jack gently pats her leg. she huffs, “just- block him, luke. i won’t even respond to him and that can be the end of it.”
“oh, i’ll be saying something, angel. then that can be the end of it,” quinn says and she can hear the annoyance in his tone at the mere prospect of the pending conversation.
“what are you all doing?”
and it wasn’t ten minutes after they hung up the phone and got back to their movie that she got another instagram notification. her stomach drops as she sees quinn had tagged her in a story and when she clicks it, she feels a small grin grace her lips. it was a picture brock’s girlfriend had taken of the two of them and while both of their heads were conveniently clipped off at the top, her back and dress were still very visible. just as visible as the hand quinn had on her ass, much too low to be considered friendly.
and that was that.
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enha-stars · 7 months
✧ take a break, angel
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pairing: soft!jay x reader (fluff)
summary: it’s midterm season, and jay wants you to take a break. if not for you, then for him
warnings: mentions of stress, food, kisses
a/n: lmao this is sooo self indulgent it’s crazy. i am currently writing this during my 20 minute break. i look like gollum
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staring at his phone, jay let out a long sigh. he had texted you four times today and you hadn’t responded to a single one.
he knew you were studying and you had specifically told him that you would turn your phone off, but it didn’t stop him from texting and checking up on you.
he shook his head and pocketed his phone, smiling at the cashier as he relayed your food order, having memorized it after the third date. he paid and stood by the door, foot tapping unconsciously.
he wished he could do more to help you; ease your burden somehow, but this was all he had. all he could do was make sure you were eating and taking breaks, even if you specifically told him not to bother you.
you had a really hard time focusing whenever he was around, regardless of how small he made himself. there was just something distracting about him; about his presence and his pretty face and broad shoulders.
once the food was done, he made his way to your apartment. he could already picture how he’d find you; hunched over the dining table with papers and textbooks spread out. he was sure that he’d find a bunch of coffee cups in your sink and cans of energy drinks hidden in the garbage under the sink.
he wasn’t sure why you bothered hiding them, he could always tell you’d have one by your eyes. they were always slightly brighter, a tad bit shinier. although he advised against them, he knew how important certain indulgences were.
he stood in front of your apartment door with bags of food. he felt a sliver of doubt as he stared at the brown door. he wanted to help, but he didn’t want to make you angry or frustrated. still, he took his chance and knocked on the door with his foot.
he knocked five times, lips turning upwards at the familiar beat. it was something you both had come up with early on in your relationship, a secret code that he’d tap on his heart whenever he missed you.
he heard shuffling on the other side before your voice, slightly breathless and slight annoyed spoke against the door.
“jay,” you sighed out, head leaning against the door. “what are you doing here?”
jay laughed, a goofy smile overtaking his face. it didn’t matter what you said to him, he loved your voice.
“open up, angel. i brought food.”
he didn’t mind having a conversation with a door between the both of you, as it had become a normal occurrence you both during this time of the semester.
jay grinned at your groan and raised an eyebrow as you slowly unlocked the door and pulled it open, a frown on your lips.
his heart began beating faster as you slowly revealed yourself to him. he hadn’t seen you in two days and it was already too much to him. you were so beautiful.
his eyes trailed your body; taking in your eye bags and tired features. his heart warmed when he recognized his shirt and sweatpants on you, knowing you missed him just as much as he missed you.
“jay,” you frowned. “you can’t be here. you promised.”
despite your words, your heart warmed at the sight of him, soft and bright. you wouldn’t admit it, but you were so glad he was here. you had missed him greatly.
instead of answering you, jay pushed past you and smirked to himself when he eyed the dining table, littered with papers just like he knew it would be.
he set the food down on the corner of the table, making sure none of the containers touched any of your work. he slowly turned, taking in your dark apartment. he eyed the candle and smiled when he realized it was the one he had given you all those months ago.
you sighed and shut the door, knowing that there was no way you were getting rid of him now. as he scanned your apartment, you bit your bottom lip, trying to hide the smile that threatened to grace your lips.
jay turned and faced you, a hand on his hip as he raised his eyebrows. he knew you were trying your best to stand your ground, but he didn’t miss the twitch of your hands or your soft smile.
“we should eat while the food is warm, angel.”
feigning annoyance, you crossed your arms. “jay, i have to study. thank you for the food, but i don’t have time right now.”
jay simply stared at you and you felt your hard exterior crumble, wanting nothing more than to eat something other than packaged ramen.
he spreads his arms and tilts his head. you let out a long sigh before shuffling over to him. he gently wraps his arms around you, one hand on your lower back and the other on your neck. you limply wrap your arms around his waist, and breathe him in.
he smells like home; like comfort.
he rubs your back and presses a kiss to your forehead. “take a break, angel. you’ve been studying all day and i promise you that a small break will only help.”
your hold on his waist tightens and he smiles against your waist, glad he had listened to his gut. you both stand there for a few minutes, just holding each other. well, he’s holding you and you’re clinging onto him.
your stomach grumbles and jay laughs as you frown at him. he kisses your cheek and pats your butt, ignoring the way you rolled your eyes.
“go sit, y/n. i’ll grab some plates.”
he unwraps his arms from around you and steps back but you grab the front of his sweater and pull him towards you, smashing his lips against yours, swallowing his noise of surprise.
jay blinks before his hands immediately cup your face, kissing you deeper. he lets you control the pace, glad to be used in any way you want.
you pull away and breathe heavily, smiling at his pursed lips and closed eyes, before pressing a softer kiss to his lips.
“thank you.”
hazily, jay opens his eyes and nods. he’s still trying to taste you in his lips so he doesn’t notice your wide smile. “anything for you, angel.”
you pat his cheek and it snaps him out of the daze your kiss had pulled him in. he blinks and quietly walks to the kitchen, a giddy feeling in his chest.
he finds you sitting on the sofa, organizing the food the way he always does. dry items on one side and everything else on the other.
you smile at him and he’s very glad you’re taking a break. he missed you, and with the way your eyes crinkle, he knows you missed him too.
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taglist: @karinasbaby @pprodsuga @ak4e7a @moon7jay @jaeyunluvr
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jienem · 1 year
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔖𝔩𝔢𝔢𝔭𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝕮𝖚𝖗𝖘𝖊
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Sypnosis: The reader didn't know what caused them to fall asleep thus Vil planned to help them.
Warning: the reader is not Yuu but a dorm member of Pomefiore.
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Your body feels heavy. Despite your best efforts at keeping awake, you felt your head betraying you in favor of sleepiness that started to creep in. You always rested enough to function for the day, but for the past few weeks, you started to fall asleep without meaning to. You visited a doctor for your strange occurrence, yet their answer was nothing, nothing too concerning. You tried other clinics, but they said the same. Just rest a lot more but you knew it wasn't simple. You thought your situation was a fragment of your imagination but your current predicament says otherwise.
You avoided some students nearby and waited for them to leave, then allowed your sluggish figure to slump on the ground as you laid your back on the wall. You inhaled some air, feeling your consciousness slip away. You were exhausted already, despite the sky's indication for today. You weren't too keen on your housewarden's scolding if he learned you missed an hour of class or two. But you couldn't move a muscle.
No doubt, if someone saw you, they would tell the housekeeper about you slacking off from class. It wasn't rare for someone to be caught doing such a thing, but you don't want a record for bad behavior during your time at NRC. You survived for the last two years; your third year wouldn't be any different.
But as you tried to stand up, you couldn't maintain your balance for a second before you fell again and couldn't get up without getting dizzy. With your current situation, going to the classroom would be out of the question. You would be dozing off for the rest of the lesson, and having your vice-housewarden as your classmate would no doubt relay the information to the housewarden. On the other hand, the mirror towards the dorm would be one of your options, but the risk of someone noticing you would be higher. The better option would be the infirmary. Crewel-sensei must know something about your predicament, but the thought of him dismissing your illness as fatigue would probably trouble you more.
You were totally lost as to what to do.
Still, asking him would still be the best, and you couldn't know until you tried. With that in mind, you tried to stay awake and lay your hand on the wall for support. But just after a few steps, you felt a presence behind you, looming over your figure. You turn around and gasp as you notice your housewarden's frowning gaze upon you. He was wearing the Pomefiore dorm uniform, indicating he had just come from the meeting. He wasn't using his usual hairstyle in favor of tying it behind his back. His light blonde hair glistened under the sun's brightness from the window, enhancing his beauty, but the sight of him makes you panic.
"Why aren't you back at your class? The bell rang a few minutes ago."
You were quiet as he waited for your answer. But as you just tried to explain, your head feels lighter, and you can't control your sleepiness anymore. The last thing you remember is the way his eyes widened before calling out your name.
Sometime later, you wake up in the infirmary. The ceiling greeted your vision as you tried to flutter your droopy eyes. You notice the sun's brightness has turned orange, indicating you have been asleep for a long time. You weren't surprised by how it turned out.
You glance around for any signs of your housewarden, but it seems he has already left. Though You weren't sure if you were off the hook or if sometime later there would be punishment waiting for you, You just hoped it would be the latter.
"What is this, falling asleep in the middle of the day? Didn't I remind you to sleep early at night?" Crewel asked as he noticed you were awake. You sit up from the bed, and frankly enough, you are still sleepy. Crewel noticed you were still unresponsive and gave you a bottle of liquid. You held the bottle up in your face as you stared. Curious.
"That potion was supposed to help you stay awake for a few hours," he replied as he noticed your confusion. You nodded your head, but the thought made you frown. You tried one of these after a few days of your supposed illness and even tried to make one that could help, yet none of them worked. But the scent rolling from the inside was much stronger than the one you drank before; maybe it will work?
You drank most of the liquid, yet you feel disappointed. The potion effect still didn't work the way you wished. Even if it wasn't, you were grateful to Crewel-sensei for giving you the potion. Drinking the remnants from the bottle, you didn't notice another person enter the infirmary until they were near enough.
"Oh my, Mademoiselle Little Flower! How are you? Did you sleep well? Does your curse happen a lot?-" His voice surprised you while Crewel left for his class in the afternoon.
Your vice-housewarden, Rook Hunt, started to ask you many questions, but you got lost in the middle. Dumbfounded. You wondered why he was here instead of waiting for you back at the dorm. Was it Vil who requested your presence as soon as possible? Wait, he did mention something about a curse.
"Forgive me for cutting off your questions, Vice-Housewarden, but ah, you mention a curse?" You frowned. You didn't have time to ponder more when he nodded his head as if it answered everything.
"Oui, Mademoiselle! Your condition was living proof of that. Come,  let's go back to the dorm. Roi de Poison would explain more about your condition."
He didn't indulge you with more information and waited for you to stand up on your own. Instead of asking more questions, you stayed silent as you followed him away from the infirmary. You sometimes notice how he glances at your figure as you walk, keeping an eye out for you if you suddenly stumble without notice. You were grateful yet at the same time annoyed by how you felt as if someone had to help you with the most simple task, such as walking.
"Am I in trouble for not attending class earlier?" You asked after silence passed between the two of you. He laughs, and you realize your question sounds as if a child would get scolded by a parent. You flush in embarrassment. Thankfully, he took mercy on you, even just for a second, as he answered, still shaken from laughter.
"Not at all Mademoiselle little Flower. Though I must admit, you've frightened our Roi de Poison by passing out in his lovely arms. He just wish you should have said something about your condition earlier so he wouldn't be worried." Somehow, imagining Vil-san's worried expression about your passed out body was embarrassing. Out of all people, it had to be your strict housewarden to witness your devastating and unflattering moment.
You didn't speak a lot, but Rook didn't seem to mind your silence as he was busy praising Vil-san's beauty. Though you made some comments here and there, you chuckled a lot more when he exaggerated Vil-san's inspiring speeches.
Once back at the dorm, you notice your housewarden in the lounge, who is still wearing the clothes he was wearing earlier while talking to another student. The student carries two different shades of fabric as Vil scrutinizes each of them. He motioned his hand over the other one, complimenting the shade, before the other person nodded. Rook greeted Vil gleefully as he dismissed the other student. Vil turned to Rook, acknowledging him before he gazed upon your form. His eyes analyzed you as you mumbled your apology.
"Housewarden, I sincerely apologize for passing out on you earlier." You bowed, your hair covering the side of your face. His heeled boots appeared in your vision before his fingers held your chin up to look at him.
"Nothing to apologize for, my dear. Tell me, how are you?" You composed yourself under his gaze and let your hands fall to your sides. "I'm fine Housewarden."
He nodded and turn you side by side. You stayed still under his gaze as he ponder. "You can call me Vil. Tell me, when did your curse appeared?"
"A few weeks ago, around the time when we had a small celebration with our dorm." you answered truthfully, watching how their eyes frowned. Vil seems more conserved, while Rook seems thoughtful. You wanted to dismiss their concerns, but if you mentioned it to them, they would absolutely disagree.
"How many times does your curse become active for a day?" You paused, still a bit surprised at the term of the curse upon you. Back to the question: it was very complicated, to say the least. Sometimes it was different; rather than falling asleep, you would often feel lightheaded for the rest of the day, so you didn't know if your curse was active or not. You zoned out for a while, and Vil hit your head lightly to get your attention.
"How rude of you to zone out when we are talking." he scolded.
"My apologies, Vil-san. It's just, it's complicated. There were often times I fell asleep twice a day and it only lasted for twenty minutes; on the other hand, there wasn't at all, but rather I felt lightheaded for the rest of the day." You pursed your lips before continuing. "But these days, it's gotten worse. I tried to brew one that could help my cond-ah curse, but it wasn't strong enough." Your voice was silent on the end. There was silence until Vil folded his arm and said,
"Well, what do you think, Rook? Do you know something?" Vil turned to his second-command, and you did too. The two of you waited for his reply, but the hunter shrugged his shoulders, holding his hands in the air.
"Non non, at all."
Vil sighed at his second-command's lack of insight before turning to you once more. "Did you receive some gifts of some kind from anyone?"
"Not that I'm aware of, no."
Vil nodded, and you felt useless for not thinking too much. Rook clapped his hand, earning both of your attention, and Vil looked at him expectantly. Rook had his signature grin on his face as he pulled the two of you into his arms. You chuckle lightly while Vil looks dissatisfied. His uniform was getting wrinkled.
"My apologies, Roi de Poison, but let's enjoy this day before we think of a solution to Mademoiselle little Flower here, hm? What do you say, Roi de Poison?"
Vil was a little peeved by Rook's antics before nodding his approval. "Y/N, I'll personally talk to the teachers about your condition. I will let you know the details and what plans we were about to make tomorrow morning. Do you understand?"
"Do you understand?"
You reluctantly nodded, and Rook instantly let go of the both of you, still grinning while Vil patted some wrinkles on his clothes. You bowed deeply to your Housewarden and vice with gratitude.
"Thank you so much for looking out for my wellbeing, Vil-san and Rook-san. I promise I will do my best despite my unfortunate circumstances; please bear with my presence for a while." You lifted your head only to see Rook wiping the tears from his eyes while Vil frowned at his behavior.
"Such a wonderful speech! Y/N-san. The curse you alone must face, the pain and sorrows you must endure, I truly hope you reach your happy ending, Mademoiselle little flower. Beauté, Marvelous!"
You chuckled uncertainly before turning to Vil with a smile. "If you excuse me, Housewarden, you bowed once more while Vil nodded. "Of course you must be exhausted, do you not? Rest; your complexion wouldn't do you any favors if you stayed up late." Somehow you had a feeling that not even a few minutes after you had gone into your bedroom, you'd fall asleep on the ground. Thankfully, your roommate was away for a while.
You smiled one last time before you left, leaving the two of them in the lounge. Rook glanced at his housewarden with a knowing look in his eyes. "So what do you think, Vil?" He put his hand on his waist while watching the said person feign ignorance.
"I suspect something, but it was too early to tell. I suggest we monitor her for now; I'll be leaving now." Vil dismissed himself. His heels clanged on the ground before fading, leaving the vice-housewarden in his record.
"I do wonder."
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