#unspoken series
vanderslootassgiraffe · 5 months
I wrote a book.
countless people say to themselves that they're gonna write a book some day or they wanna do x,y,z
I did it.
I have officially done it.
It's an incredibly weird feeling. But the best part imo is that I get to wake up tomorrow and keep going.
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
One of my favorite tiny headcanons for superbat is that they at some point while both concussed, end up with nicknames for each other. Bruce half jokingly calls Clark Sunshine, and again they're both concussed, their mental faculties are not all the way there. So Clark jokingly calls Bruce Moonshine.
No one else has this context. And everyone else is very confused.
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spaghettiposts · 8 months
Unspoken desires
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summery: You miss your family, late night conversations ensue.
Warnings: Fluff, and demanding jobs
A/N: This is a continuation of Unspoken Truths but can be read as separate, just a small fluff idea I had, happy reading :)
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Work had been excruciatingly hard this time of the year. Files were scattered on your desk, left aimlessly by your boss, and they only continued to appear. Occasionally some would be placed by coworkers asking you to finish it for them, although that rarely happened now that you were a mother of two. They took pity on you, unlike your boss who just sent his assistant to do his unempathetic bidding for him. Still, you appreciated your coworker's gestures, eying the muffin basket one had left for you with mixtures of sweet treats, but your eyes drifted to what lay beside it.
On your desk stood a photo of your twin boys, both infants and wearing matching pajamas by request of Wanda. Right, that was what you were working for, staring at the photo only made you miss them more, and right next to that frame was a picture of you and Wanda. A small smile crept up your face at the sight of your family only to be rudely interrupted by another pile of paperwork slamming down on your desk.
Your eyes turned tiredly, raising an eyebrow to say seriously. Tony could only shrug, he gave you a sad smile, patted your shoulder, and left. It felt patronizing, you just wanted to go home. With a sigh, you checked the clock, 7:30 pm. You used to be home by then, but not tonight.
Unclenching your jaw you began to work again, diving into the wonders of paperwork and signatures. Your only motivation is getting back home, preferably on time.
Plans never went as you expected, it was late when you got home. Shamefully inserting the key into the door, opening it to silence and darkness. Of course, nobody was up at this hour, not your boys, not Wanda, only you. With a sigh you threw off your tie, closing the door with your foot, locking it. The ground felt cold, and the whole atmosphere did, recently your life had felt cold without them. Lonely and pathetic.
Your eyes burned harshly against your skin, feeling worn out from the long night's events. It was late, too late, and you knew how Wanda felt about your late shifts. Taking off your shoes you went and checked the nursery first, to your surprise they were fast asleep, and not wanting to risk waking them up you resisted the urge to place a kiss on their foreheads. You had missed them.
Slowly you trudged into your shared room, shrugging your coat off your shoulders, and tossing it carelessly on the armchair. Your eyes drifted to the bed in which Wanda was lying, your lips lifting into a small smile before turning into a frown. Her eye bags had gotten worse recently and you couldn’t help but feel that was your fault.
Throwing off your suit, you switched into pajamas, preparing yourself in the bathroom. You decided not to do skincare that night, feeling it was pointless and longing to get inside the bed with your girlfriend and feel her close to you after a long day.
And that was what you did, spooning her from behind and inhaling her scent, missing her so dearly. You smiled at the way she instinctively leaned in closer, moving her hair to place a soft kiss behind her ear.
You didn’t know if you could keep being away from her for so long, the hours would only pile up as you continued to work. No one was awake by the time you got around, only you. In a silent empty patronizing house that haunted you.
Nights you missed most were ones with you and Wanda cradling the kids, placing them in the middle while you both watched some stupid show in the background. Nights where Wanda would cook you your favorite meals and you’d all eat together. Days where you’d both banter over whose name they’d call out first. More so with Pietro, who was over all the time now that his nephews were born, you’d be damned if they said Pietro's name instead of yours first.
But with the late hours, it wouldn’t come as a surprise if they did say their uncle's name instead of yours.
All of this only increased your worries, worries of not spending enough time with your family, and worries of not seeing the twins grow up. The torment followed you relentlessly. Thoughts loope through your mind like a broken record, all focused on the same goal.
Any thoughts you had came to a screeching halt when you felt Wanda shift. Your body stiffened almost immediately, your heart racing against your chest. She turned in your arms, causing a gap between you, rubbing her eyes before staring at you.
“Baby?” Wanda muttered tiredly, a pang of guilt crashing on you for waking her up.
“Mm, I didn’t even hear you come in.” It seemed Wanda didn’t mind being woken up, curling back into you, holding you back with the same energy. “You startled me.” She said, yawning against your neck.
“Sorry, I tried not to.” You blushed, rubbing your hand down her back. Wanda smiled at the feeling of your skin on hers as your hand slipped under her shirt, tracing incoherent patterns.
“How was your day?” She asked.
You let out a harsh sigh at the mention of your job. “Busy, I’m starting to get tired of this job…”
Wanda hummed thoughtfully, and you thought she was falling asleep on you again before she sat upright. “I’m sorry to hear that, is there anything I can do?” Her hand comes up to caress your cheek, stroking her thumb softly against it.
You shook your head at her antics, trying to pull her down against you. “Yes, rest.” You retorted in a serious tone, eyes softening at her very apparent eye bags. “I can’t imagine what a long day you’ve had with the kids.” You whispered.
This time it was she who let out a sigh, placing her forehead against yours, her hands roaming to loop around your back. You wanted to smile at the feeling but bit your smile back. “You’re too good for me, but I’m serious. Have you eaten?”
Of course, even with zero energy in her, she’d still be the best wife alive.
Girlfriend. You meant girlfriend. But you didn’t mind how that four-lettered word sounded on her.
“Honey, I’m okay, really.” You reassured, pressing a kiss next to the corner of her lips, which Wanda grumbled at, correcting you almost immediately. It was a lazy kiss, one you almost broke with the dopey smile on your face but breathlessly gave into. Her lips felt intoxicating on yours and if it weren’t for Wanda, slowing the kiss down, you would’ve deepened it.
Parting away you both relaxed into one another, enjoying the atmosphere. It was evident you both missed one another. Wanda made sure you knew, burying her head back into your neck and squeezing you tighter as if you’d leave. You hoped she’d never think that way.
A small silence overtook the room, and you stared blankly at the ceiling above you. To that you felt a small pinch on your side, you looked down at Wanda, who grumbled out a low, “There’s something on your mind.” Though she wasn’t quite visible, you didn’t have to see her to know she was worried. “I can hear that brain of yours.”
“It’s nothing.” Trying to brush it off you screwed your eyes shut. Ultimately it only fueled her concern, a soft hum leaving her lips as she shifted her weight ontop of yours, a small grunt leaving your lips at the pressure.
“But it is or it wouldn’t be bothering you so much.” She replied, tracing circles around your chest, and placing her chin on your shoulder. You clenched your jaw, damn, Wanda knew you too well. Giving it some thought, with a reluctant sigh, you collected your thoughts.
Communication was key.
“I’ve been spending a lot of time at the office.” You started, placing a hand on your forehead. “And that’s really on me, I took this job to get a better paycheck, but it’s cost me a lot of time. A lot of time away from you and the boys.”
Pursing your lips, you took time to think. Maybe it was time to go back…maybe not. You didn’t think it through very hard. The pay would be not as high, but high enough to allow you to stay home. Not to mention working from home, with Wanda, and the twins.
You squeezed her waist, “I wanna look for another job, or maybe go back into the business.”
Wanda tilted her head at the information, looking at you incredulously, recalling how excited you had been to get that job, “Detka, you liked that job.”
“But I like spending time with you guys more, I don’t want to be apart from you for so long. We’re supposed to raise them together, and I haven’t been doing a good job of that so far.” You insisted.
Wanda scoffed, pulling back with an offended look, lightly slapping your shoulder, “Don’t think that way, the boys adore you.” She assured, causing you to grumble in embarrassment, “You do more than enough for us, I can handle them for a few hours.”
“Wanda look at your eyes, my love, you’re exhausted.”
The days since the arrival of the twins were beautiful, blessed, ones. At first, now you realize exactly why Tony never wanted kids. Don’t get the wrong idea, you loved those boys like your own but even Wanda was starting to grow tired. Children were a huge responsibility, financially not to brag, but you had that covered, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
When was the last time you slept? Truly a peaceful sleep. You think it was back when Wanda was still pregnant, now the howls of two screaming babies haunted your ears every night.
But that was only night.
During the day Wanda spent the most time with them, your heart ached at that thought. You knew Wanda was the most tired and you tried your hardest to be there. But the piles of paperwork weren’t very helpful.
You also knew that had to change. Tommy and Billy would only grow older as the days progressed, months flew by fast and you needed to be there to see them. And Wanda, god Wanda.
Honestly, you couldn’t recall the last time you took her out. Did you ever? Was there ever any official date, did cuddling on the couch watching sitcoms count? You both did that before labels…
Through the mixture of pregnancy and taking care of Wanda, both of you were too preoccupied.
“I want to be here. There are plenty of work opportunities, but the boys only grow up once. And not to mention doing a little more here, if you ask me the grass needs some trimming and I can handle dishes plus laundry. Maybe cooking if you’d let me-” Your words trailed off as Wanda cupped your jaw, pulling you into a searing kiss, completely taking your breath away. You sit yourself upright, not disconnecting your lips once, you wouldn’t dare; not when she’s kissing you like that.
It was sweet and tender, everything you loved about Wanda. Her fingertips gently grazed against your skin, rubbing your cheek softly. And when you pull away, you feel your lips tingling, missing her own by the seconds. Your heart beats rapidly in your chest as you let out a shy chuckle, staring into her beautiful green eyes. “That was nice…”
Wanda grins at your words, stealing one more peck. “It…would be nice if you stayed home. Stayed with us I mean.”
“I’ll stay as long as you like, there’s no rush.”
“There’s no rush.” She repeated lowly, looking down at your lips. You leaned down readily, capturing them with your own, before breaking apart, nudging your own nose with hers, admiring the way it crinkled.
Her hands came up to push aside loose strands of hair, fanning your face, her touch lulling you to sleep. Your droopy eyelids only confirmed that, as she pushed your shoulder, “Sleep.” She chuckled, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You grumbled in response, muttering about how she shouldn’t be one to talk but nevertheless followed through, leaning in eagerly into her. Hopefully, the twins would remain silent for the rest of the night. One could hope.
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For a fanfic to be considered Snowbaz it must include:
“Snow,” “You called me Simon before”
“And then he kisses me”
some form or iteration of “Baz… you’re-you’re wearing jeans”
mention of Simon’s love of butter/scones
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ailendolin · 1 year
If we're going to see Havers again in series 5, I hope it is to bring the Captain closure and help him come to terms with who he is. Perhaps an old letter from Havers surfaces, one he never sent because it contains all the things he always wanted to tell the Captain but couldn't, and then we'll get glimpses into their shared past again, only this time the Captain knows what all the soft smiles and lingering looks and accidental touches meant, and he finally allows himself to realise that he returned every single one of them.
And maybe, just maybe, the episode will end with him looking out of the window again, and as he watches the ghost of Havers leave once more, he whispers for all to hear, "I should have never let him go."
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lucklessrat · 7 months
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Has anyone read The Unspoken Name by A. K. Larkwood? I read it a year ago and I loved it so much that I made it my pick for a bookclub I have with my friends. Definitely due for a re-read. Talasseres Charossa has my whole entire heart so I did some quick sketches of him (how i picture him, anyway. Lol) If you liked Gideon the Ninth/The Locked Tomb series, definitely check it out.
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random thoughts on athena and annabeth
annabeth is widely recognized as the pride of athena's offspring, meaning she would have had to put in the insane level of effort, training and obedience required to reach the level of perfection and devotion that would have earned her the title, both by her peers, her enemies (alecto said something to that effect) and presumably athena herself (im relying on the fact that even in the books the other children of athena we meet dont have magical items from their mother like annabeth has her hat).
but that was before and while she was at camp. before she got to camp and before she met luke and thalia, she was likely relying mostly on her wits to survive, yk, having the strength and training of a SEVEN yr old. its likely athena would have recognized this (even if she doesnt interfere or help bc shes a god and why would she), annabeth gets to camp and becomes a year rounder, she probably gets claimed relatively early in her time at chb (if we leave enough time for her to become her cabin's counselor by virtue of being there the longest). she is able to succeed greatly but thats largely in controlled environment (monsters dont get into camp unless you go looking for them in the forest, and none at camp at the time is purpose looking to kill). annabeth is able to live up to athena's standard of perfection while the conditions are favorable and controlled. its not to say her life wasnt hard at chb, but the point of chb's existence is to keep demigods safe. its literally said the reason she wants to go on a quest is bc the only way left to prove herself to her mother is out there, in the real world, with real threats.
she gets her wish and is thrust in a volatile environment for her, where she knows she is the one with the most experience and takes the responsibility for keeping her friends alive. she is now supposed to be making the kind of serious decisions that she wouldnt have had to face, at least yet, had she stayed at camp. even so annabeth has been and is the picture of unquestionable devotion to athena, and medusa acknowleges it. "i wasnt like you, i WAS you"
but, like medusa, one slip up was all it took to fall from athena's grace. poseidon did not care for medusa but percy does already care deeply for annabeth. once its brought to his attention that the hat is annabeth's only acknowledgment from athena and a reminder that maybe athena does love her, maybe she is watching over her, he does the first thing that comes to his mind to let her keep it, a desicion that is naturally influenced by his own feelings about and for his father and the gods in general. annabeth goes along because, among other reasons, she gets to keep her hat. annabeth is still part human and even then she recognizes that the gods will not like it; her mother does not know her but she knows her mother enough to know her likely reaction. all it takes for annabeth, previously implied the favourite (if that means something), is for her to listen to her emotions, listen to her human side and even listen to percy, for athena to decide that annabeth is not worth it anymore. and she puts the responsability of her wounded pride (poor her) on annabeth even though she very likely knows that both her and grover protested sending the head to olympus for the very same reason she would use to punisher her. bc lets face it, by letting echidna into the arch, athena, a strategist, was probably aware that her daughter would be the one to face the chimera and was not expecting her to survive.
side note: percy makes a pretty logical argument that the head can be considered tribute and why shouldn't it really? athena is embarrased when annabeth kills one of her enemies and sends her the proof but years later sends her to a quest where she KNOWS annabeth will have to kill another of her enemies and offer her the proof, another woman made an enemy only by virtue of a percieved offense. the two situations are barely different but athena gets to decide when something is her will and when its embarrasing. wisdom where??
athena expects her children to honor her by acting on the side of wisdom, whatever that may mean to her. by ignoring the reasons annabeth let the head arrive at olympus and blaming her rather than percy directly, athena shows that she does not believe that emotions have a place in wisdom, in strategic thinking, directly foreshadowing the lesson she is forced to learn (and quickly forget) at the end of the series: (SPOILERS FOR SHOW ONLYS) that MAYBE letting their children feel neglected enough so that they defect to the dark side fighting for their destruction (which nearly succeds by the way, were it not for percy's EMOTION DRIVEN decision to give the dagger to luke, bc lemme tell you that was not the strategic move) was PROBABLY not the wisest move.
and if these things are true for annabeth, the supposed favourite, then how difficult is it for annabeth's siblings to gain their mother's respect or acknowledgement and how easily can they lose it? i would not be surprised if the show sets it up for more children of athena to defect camp than is mentioned in the books. The books don't really specify which cabin lost the most demigods to kronos' side, apart from the unclaimed. but it would not be out of this world to me for children of athena, if tempted by luke and company and they unlearn their belief in their mother's perfection, to associate all those issues to their mother's hypocrisy. and i believe athena to be amongst the most hypocritic gods simply bc of the nature of prioritizing strategy etc above all other things, being the one to recognize the root of the problem and then doing practically nothing better for five more books. especially when from the get go, the show is really honing in on the main character *openly and frequently* questioning the unfairness of the god's treatment, whats not say, after later events ifykyk, children of athena who dont have the same loyalty to percy annabeth does but do have the information at hand she does, wont come to the same conclusion?
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vvienne · 9 months
I literally woke up in the middle of the night like God will dark rise is so fucking screwed. The line that’s like. “Everyone wanted to kill the Dark King.” What’s the part where he looks at Violet helplessly, haunted, almost pleading for mercy? But of course he reveals nothing of substance to anyone. Elizabeth is too young to understand but the reader knows what “Her relationship with that boy was…unnatural” can mean. Tying him to bedposts? Failing to strangle him? What else? Never not even once seeing beyond a mythological identity Will himself didn’t know he had? What did he think was the reason? That he was just intrinsically hateful? Of course he says nothing. Of course Violet can’t trust him- he’s given her nothing as painfully real as what she’s given him. So he gives her the sword hoping at least he can die at the hands of someone he loved, but even that doesn’t work out - she gives the sword to a Visander still furious at SARCEAN. The pattern continues; no one looks at Will, who vomits when he realizes what’s happened to James, Will who is much of a liar and killer and sneak as Elizabeth accuses but nonetheless wants to be different. Even when he doesn’t remember his own past. There’s no way out for him that doesn’t hurt. Hope this obsession passes soon given the one and a half years of waiting required for book 3
#dark rise series#dark heir#rarely does a cliffhanger pain me so much#bc rarely am I ever THAT invested in a plot I am sad to say#nona the ninth was so cathartic in of itself I’m content marinating before alecto#BUT PACAT ONLY EVER GIVES EMOTIONAL CRUMBS#have any of these bitches ever known peace fr#maybe this is what reading princes gambit and not immediately having the follow up might’ve been like#honestly it’s possibly damen and Lauren just generally had less problems tho#more than his relationship even with James. will/Violet is perhaps the genuine source of like. I WISH HED GIVEN HER A REASON.#the narration that describes Violet as Will’s star in the night…….. like fuck fine#will can’t reach any level of genuine intimacy with James bc the mess of fraught noncon dynamics is this massive unspoken horrible thing#wills identity is personal w James in a way it is with no one else but James is so fucking oblivious of undercurrents it comes unbalanced#and will knows it. but (as far as we know) violet isn’t reborn has no history with sarcean the dark king she’s literallt just Some Guy#and that almost makes it worse???????? that they are so loyal to each other even as he’s keeping a massive secret?#they weren’t dated or destined to entangle the way will is w characters like James and Katherine#and I think that makes his rship with Violet possibly the realest and truest experience of trust and love will has ever had#like it’s nothing bro. truly she knows nothing about him other than his lies of omission and her faith in him goodness which may or may not#beiltimately justified. but that was probably as honest and close will ever got to anyone. and him to her.
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nazyazoya · 2 years
As we all know, Nikolai's a determined, arrogant, sly bastard. He claimed,
“When people say impossible, they usually mean improbable.” in (S&S).
But here's a testament how he deems Zoya.
"He turned his head, trying to decipher the dark slash of her brows, the black of her hair. She looked just as she always had—beautiful, impossible Zoya." in (RoW),
With her unreal beauty, she cannot be swayed by anyone even by him, she's almost 'divine' in my own words. This, the only moment Nikolai claimed that there is something impossible for him, and Zoya is her name.
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paragonrobits · 1 month
i have to admit one of the most genuinely unsettling developments in fandom recently has been fans reading a book where Gyatso muses about spreading their teachings to other nations and immediately assuming they mean in exactly the same way as colonial proselyting rather than simply... well, spreading their teachings without it being the same thing as imposing their culture on others
and, for that matter, saying that Gyatso is as bad as Sozin for thinking that inspiring others to embrace pacifism would be a good idea.
That Gyatso is as bad as Sozin.
That a wise monk is as bad as the genocidal warmonger and conquering imperialist who wiped out Gyatso's people and began a hundred year war of conquest and cultural destruction.
That Gyatso was as bad as the person who outright genocided Gyatso's people. And the worst part about it is that this seems to be largely a negative response from people in fandom who are getting very quick to excuse the Fire Nation as not 'really' being fascist or colonizing or demonize the Air Nomads (again, the civilization of pacifist monks that were genocided to such a degree that its the whole reason the original series is called 'The Last Airbender', because the others are all dead) or accuse the Air Nomads as deserving to be wiped out, or conclude that teaching others if they are receptive to it is the same thing as explicitly stamping out cultural practices and ways of life (which, again, the Fire Nation is explicitly doing), or insisting that the Air Nomads are outright racist while claiming the Fire Nation is neither racist or classist (despite a standard insult from Zuko and Azula at their most antagonistic is constantly demeaning Katara or Sokka as 'peasants', or other Fire Nation characters referring to the Water Tribes as 'barbarians' and 'savages', or referring to Earthbending in equally demeaning terms)
Its largely from parts of fandom that has been increasingly growing more insular and saying things like this for a while, growing defensive of the Fire Nation (my guess is because they're often based in shipping arguments that have increasingly come to focus on their cultures and were already favoring the Fire Nation for its sense of power and luxury, which is constantly emphasized in the most common ship dynamics by some groups), and I think that its just kept escalating until we're now at the position where you're getting people saying "the Fire Nation was right to genocide the Air Nomads' and its horrifying to hear, but also unsurprising. Some of these particularly extreme aspects of fandom have already been in this base for a while.
It's unsettling to see them mask off so violently, but its not surprising. Acting like Gyatso is more evil than the genocidal warmonger who winds up killing him because of his dislike for the Fire Nation's racist views (established in other stuff as far predating the Hundred Year War, and leading up to it) and contemplating teaching people in other nations is exactly the same thing as coercive missionaries with colonial intentions.
It's honestly come full circle from the canon of the series being that the Air Nomads were a tragic first victim of the Fire Nation's war and Aang, their last survivor, must end that war, to these outspoken fandom people insisting the Fire Nation did nothing wrong, that they were justified in burning all the Air Nomads alive, and that Aang is the true villain of the setting, largely because of dislike of him from shipping purposes or being angry that the series didn't abruptly detour at the last second into a 'killing everyone who gets in your way is moral and never has long-term consequences' story that is antithetical to the series' big emphasis on harmony, long-term consequences, and that doing things spiritually is more important than getting them done quicker.
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lemongogo · 1 year
every morning i tell myself i wont be late 2 work this time and then every morning i sit here like rhis w my breakfast reading trimax like the morning paper
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sweetnnaivete · 2 months
the rosier twins would've loved the gruesome parts of classic fairy tales, all the gore and guts, but also the beauty of it. the neat ending with a moral they think they're above listening to, the eloquent prose, the naive characters. they'd laugh and act like they wouldn't be tempted by the same things that tempt the main characters of the stories, when in reality their curiosity and yearning for knowledge would be the death of them if they weren't raised in such a secluded mansion.
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crushermyheart · 11 months
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Rose and Maloney / Series 3 / Episode 3
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thunderberryart · 10 months
Struggles of being a newer Rune Factory fan who got into the series through the Switch titles
Did not endure the years long hiatus the series was on due to Neverland's bankruptcy.
Only has significant knowledge/understanding of RF3S, RF4S, RF5, and Silent Hope.
Understanding of the characters/lore/gameplay from RF1/2/Frontier/Tides is very limited due to those games not being available on contemporary consoles and there not being a lot of detailed/accurate information online.
Hearing older/longtime fans talk about struggles associated with the older titles (ex: the Runey system from Frontier, activating the Memories town event in the 3DS version of RF4) is like listening to a group of wise old wizards discuss arcane wars from decades long past.
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bitacrytic · 5 months
There will never be a more iconic line in any bl than...
"Then Stop Me!!!!"
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lapis-lazuliie · 7 months
the scene right at the beginning of m2d where joey just starts moving around michael's shit and it cuts to michael who is trying really hard not to come over there to whack him round the head is so stupidly funny
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