#v plasmius
Ok ok hear me out. Masters of Time had a whole bunch of angst potential, it was great! But y'know what was a missed opportunity? A Christmas Carol starring Vlad Masters where all the ghosts that visit him are Clockwork in his different forms. Bonus points if Ghostwriter cameos as the narrator who annoys Vlad with each sentence he spews. If we move the Christmas special to season one, and have this replace Masters of Time, then passive aggressively getting Vlad into the Christmas spirit - by hook or by crook! - could be Ghostwriter's community service for mucking up the Christmas Truce last year. One thing I love about this idea is that it can be played straight or for laughs. Plus Vlad fits the Scrooge archetype so well; he even has an annoying nephew godson who's gained a new appreciation for Christmas and won't stop needling him about it, except in Danny's case he's also dunking on Vlad being bitter and alone for Christmas rather than inviting him to Christmas parties to hit on his mom.
Vlad tries to escape into the Ghost Zone in his desperation only to find there is no escape! Peak irony. //chefs kiss
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hello-eden · 5 months
Danny as Janet drake
Danny gets captured by the GIW but gets freed later on by redeemed Vlad and dan. The GIW have faked Danny's death so Danny can't go back home. Danny is also terrified of the GIW So they go so far out as to change not just name but gender on all the information.
 Danny lives with Vlad and Dan as Vlad's niece and is brought to Vlad business things and Galas.Vlad was injured during the Escape so Danny said to be family moving in to make sure he's okay. Danny looks just like Dan so they can easily pass off as cousins.
Danny meets Jack drake at a Gala and one thing leads to another, Due to shapeshifting and ghost powers Danny has Tim. They got married to avoid a higher Society scandal. Tim Is born with only a small ghost core and sensitivity to the supernatural but no ghost powers. Danny and Jack move around a lot due to Danny's fear of the GIW. Danny tries to get connections to a lot of people because of being terrified of just disappearing due to the GIW. 
Danny has drake manor as a lair. Danny has quite a hard time bringing people there outside of tim and jack Due to ghost instincts. Tim realizes this at a younger age and starts asking Danny if they can stay home alone, not liking that their mom is agitated due to the people coming in and out of their house. Danny, not realizing what age kids are supposed to be staying home alone due to their own experience, thinks that's a great idea. Danny leaves Tim at the house to try and give him a stable place of living instead of moving around all the time and to keep him close to friends. 
I have three ways that this idea can go.
1. Danny realizes that Tim is going out to be a vigilante when they get home the first night he really goes out and puts two and two together. They put together who Tim could be and Conference Bruce about it. Bruce expects to hate Tim's mom  thinking it's a case of neglect not realizing that Danny's about to hand him his ass due to their own bad experiences of being a vigilante at a young age.
2. Danny recognizes the signs of teen vigilantism and sits Tim down for a talk. The talk is mostly if they're being safe and that they can call them anytime they want. They teach them the signs to look out for if they start developing powers due to being in close Proximity with unknown substances and death.Tim instantly calls his mom after seeing Jason's eyes flash green.
3. It follows Canon And Danny fully dies. Danny gets stuck in the ghost Zone after his death but has people like clockwork or other spirits looking after his kid.  Tim finds out about Danny being scared of the GIW and looking into Vladco due to a case after Danny's death.  it would be later in the timeline and be due to a case that multiple people were working on. they would be investigating a secret project and see the name of the GIW. They would find out that Vladco used to work well with them but pulled out because of what is said to be working differences. They look into who runs Vladco and Tim recognizes the names. He used to visit Vlad for Christmas and  knows Dan as family. I don't think he would have talked to them since his parents funeral but definitely still gets invited to family things.
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theshadowrealmitself · 3 months
Me, bored, suffering from the heat, jabbing the DP fandom to get attention: Hey. Hey. Listen. Valerie’s suit accidentally connecting to whatever channel the trio uses (maybe cause Vlad still uses the same channel as the Fentons from their college days idk shhhh) and overhearing the weirdest conversations that she has no context for. Thoughts?
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brothebro · 1 year
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Screenshot redraw!
What a poor little mew mew
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ovytia-art · 2 years
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For @green-with-envy-phandom-event, line art by @deathcomes4u
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copymonstrosity · 2 years
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Reflections of thing to come.
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hannahmanderr · 1 year
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"but hannah, you marked both 'deeper than they seem' and 'not as deep as they seem' did you mean-"
yes. yes i absolutely meant.
admittedly tho i'm debating the 'better as part of a dynamic' bit, bc really Vlad can be fascinating even on his own, but it's also just SO GOOD to throw him into a dynamic with literally any other character and see how he plays off of that character.
like darn it where are my Vlad and Sydney Poindexter fics, huh? or Vlad and the mini golf course manager fics? hmmmmmmmmmm????
(also serious rec here: i used to be kind of meh about Vlad, but pearl84's incredibly careful attention and care towards his character, especially in stories like Checkmate and its sequel Endgame, have completely changed the way i look at him as well as his relationship with Danny. seriously, if you're looking for good, long reads that will bring your emotions to every extreme on the spectrum, check out her fics!!!)
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trinoxtrinox · 2 years
Fufluns' Thyrsus (part 2)
Ectoberhaunt 2022, Side Order. Prompt: Restored.
Summary: Vlad has located Undergrowth's lair, now he must find a way to get what he wants without falling to the clutches of the Ancient.
Edit: Part 1
A few days passed with Vlad searching and asking many ghosts about the whereabouts of Undergrowth’s lair, until finally he was able to locate it, more than a few kilometers away from his own portal, far enough that it took him a few hours to reach the place at his top speed. The halfa chose to rest a bit before getting too close to the island, hoping to regain his strength and energy in case things got nasty very fast.
Once he managed to waste all of his tiredness away, Vlad floated slowly and surely, keeping his own ectoplasmic aura as close to his own body as possible, and inched closely towards Undergrowth’s lair, an island filled to the brim with vegetation and ghost animals that lived within it. This would be the perfect place for Skulker to get new prey for his collection, however the fact that it is an Ancient’s lair dampens everything a lot.
Undergrowth was there on the island, inside the jungle and moving around. A pair of binoculars were really useful in this case, and using them Vlad could discern that the ancient was currently tending to his plants, watering the lot of them and checking on a couple of leaves from the ones that he was passing by. If Vlad wanted to nab a pinecone from under Undergrowth’s peak, he would be needing a distraction, and a good enough one to give him enough time to get away safely as well.
Causing a fire came to mind, but unless Vlad would be able to create one big enough to not be extinguished instantly then he had no hope of achieving his objective, the same reason as to why making multiple of them wasn’t a good idea. This was his lair and Undergrowth is an Ancient, he would be able to extinguish any flame Vlad would be able to make before the fire feeds enough to be a real problem for the ghost with a green thumb.
Well, it seems like Vlad won’t have any other option than to distract Undergrowth with a continuous fire attack against his island from far enough that when he realizes it’s a trap he’ll be far gone from that place. As such Vlad’s plan began.
First of all, Vlad created a duplicate and gave it most of his energy and ectoplasm reserves, leaving for himself just enough to make a quick escape once the Ancient leaves the island in order to get as far away as possible. After that, the duplicate went to the other side of the island and began flying away, positioning himself as far as possible while still having the lair within range of his own explosive ectoblasts; true they wouldn’t cause a fire as a single ray of concentrated ectoplasm could do, but considering the damage that those disks would do, it would be more than enough.
With the duplicate in position, he began firing the ectoplasm disks, letting them go one after another from the same position, and each of them took a few seconds before they landed true in the island, destroying some of the terrain and plants that were inside of it with each explosion.
“Who dares harm my children in their own home!?” Undergrowth roared from his home as he showed himself over the edge of his lair, blocking some of the disks that were going his way and deflecting them, “You.” It was said with such vitriol that it sent shivers down both Vlad and his duplicate, the latter which immediately turned around and flew away, not waiting for the Ancient’s reaction to the discovery of his attacker. Understandably, Undergrowth was very pissed off, and he instantly flew in the direction of his attacker in order to give out the proper punishment.
When he finally left, Vlad made a quick job of getting into Undergrowth’s lair, grabbing a pinecone and getting out as fast as possible. He already felt his duplicate fade from a too powerful attack from the Ancient, and the farther away he was from him (preferably on another dimension altogether) the better it would be for him. Finally at the other side of his portal, Vlad closed it behind himself and began breathing mouthfuls of air; that was an intense race against time and Undergrowth, and he didn’t want to be caught in any moment, so he simply flew and flew without rest.
“*huff* Alright *huff* Let’s see *huff* what you do *huff* Fufluns’ Thyrsus.” Vlad put the pinecone on top of the staff, and waited a few seconds to see how all the parts of it would interact with the new top of it. A few seconds passed and Vlad became impatient, however just then the most noticeable changes became apparent; the cracks leaking ectoplasm began healing themselves, as the pinecone slowly united itself to the top, welding itself as if the bottom of it was being melted by the wooden staff itself, with the vines expanding themselves a little and the pointy ends of them extending themselves out while the stubby edges coiled once more and remained stuck to the staff itself. “It’s working, it’s working!” Elation was present in Vlads voice as light entered his eyes, rings passing through his body as he reverted back to his human form.
The Pinecone began emitting an ectoplasmic neon green color now, slowly but surely absorbing all of the ectoplasm that was being leaked through the staff, and even some that was left in the open in the lab as well. Eventually the small transformation was over, and the staff was left floating by itself over the lab, top of it shining brightly as the vines imitated serpents while moving slightly, coiling and uncoiling themselves.
“Great, now that Fufluns’ Thyrsus is complete, it should guide me to what I need the most to complete my most precious objective, Killing Jack and marrying Maddie-” Vlad came closer and closer to the staff as he monologues, standing in front of it once he was close enough to have it within arms reach, “-Now, guide me towards what I need most!”
The staff shone a little more, a little bit brighter than before, yet still strong enough that Vlad had to close his eyes, and once the light dimmed, Vlad opened his eyes to witness the staff in front of him, pinecone emitting a soft ectoplasmic neon green light that dimmed enough to be able to be looked at directly without harming one’s eyes, as the vines that were coiling around the staff were now surrounding Vlad and slowly coiling around his torso, trapping one of his arm in their clutch.
“What are you doing!? You will unhand me this instant or so help you’ll end up as nothing more than firewood for my chimney!” Vlad demanded the staff, not realizing yet how ridiculous it is to demand something from an inanimate object.
“Butter biscuits, release me now!” The halfa struggled, yet no matter how much he wiggled and used his free arm to try to claw his way out, “you’ll-you’ll-”
Vlad was only now realizing that he was feeling tired, most likely from running away from Undergrowth before, yet still only now were his muscles betraying him, not before when he was calm, back when an adrenaline crash could be expected.
“S-stop it,” Vlad's voice was now soft, and small gulps of air were being taken, tears now running down his eyes that he ignored completely. “W-why won’t y-you leave me alone *sniff*” He was now completely drained out, and only had enough energy to hug back the staff as he felt himself be taken by Nocturne’s hands and went to sleep. Fufluns’ Thyrsus laid him on the floor, and let itself remain in the hug as it laid beside him, bringing comfort to the crying and sobbing dreaming man beside itself.
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DPXDC prompt: Parents don’t approve of Dead on main
Fentons are geniuses but not multitaskers. They’re used to giving their all to the most important thing on the list, forgetting even food and sleep, and then going back to something else.
So when they find out that Danny is Phantom, they panic and can’t think of anything else. Well, until they see the Gotham News on TV. What does it matter if their boy’s ghost or not? He's in bad company now and dating a crime lord! That's a real problem. No time to whine about their research about the nature of ghosts. Their boy is in danger! Change of priorities, urgent change of priorities!
So, when Danny moves in with Jason because of identity reveal, Batman prepares for various outcomes. To the flow of GIWs in Gotham, to the parents of the boy who may continue to hunt him and even to the likelihood that Maddie and Jack will accept their child without any questions. Bruce is a genius, but he forgets to include one important variable in the equation, namely his son. Despite the anti-hero’s current status, Red Hood is still remembered by the general public for his bloody methods of controlling Crime Alley. Which could definitely bother..anyone, to be honest. And it's understandable that video of Red Hood and Phantom beating Black Mask up on news did not make a pleasant first impression.
However, Bruce himself know a completely different side of his son and therefore could not tolerate the completely unfounded accusations from Maddie. Batman: How dare you! My boy is an angel. Your son is incredibly lucky to have such a thoughtful and caring partner. Jack: Yeah? I don't think so. How do we know he’s not just going to use Danno powers in his criminal plans? Maddie: We’re taking our boy home and it’s out of the question. Batman: Yeah? And how do we know you’re not just taking him for your experiments? Danny *whispers*: Um, Jay, we should go away, if you remember. Red Hood *whispers*: Yeah, yeah, I know. But just listen to it. Usually we can not get a word out of him. A temporary cure for emotional constipation is a true miracle. May your parents stay longer if, you know, they will not try to shoot you or smth else?
Maddie at home*aggressively filing a petition against anti-ecto laws*: I don’t care if the parental rights aren’t over the ghosts. How dare a bloody furry tell me I have no official right to take my son home and shove my own quotes in my face calling him a thing?!
Vlad who has long wanted to get rid of GIW *enters the house*: Bonjour, need a helping hand? Jack and Maddie *exchange glances without knowing if Danny’s secret should be revealed to their friend*. Vlad: Oh, for Ancients’s sake. *Snaps his fingers and goes Plasmius* Vlad: I’m also a stakeholder in it, okay? ~~~after two hours of talking~~~ Jack: Wait, V-man, if you know about Danny being Phantom, you know about his boyfriend too? Vlad: Red Hood? How could I not. I often visit Gotham for business deals. This is a favorite topic of newspapers and gossip. I don’t know who he is without a mask but I must admit the guy has a good aim, a lot better than you, Jack. Maddie: *pulls out the Ghost Peeler*
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whereonceiwasfire · 9 months
Look. Look. I am as invested as the next person in a nuanced, well-developed exploration of the fractured relationship between the college trio, but I contain multitudes, and also just really need more AUs in my life where Maddie actually knows Vlad is now a ghost loser simp intent on getting Jack out of the picture and plans on ctrl-v-ing himself in his ex-best-friend's place like a badly photoshopped family picture, because I think this has the potential to be absolutely HILARIOUS.
Neither of them tells Jack because Maddie can't bear to break her husband's heart by revealing the truth about their long-lost friend, and Vlad won't tell him because, on top of the obvious reasons, Jack also keeps inviting Vlad to stuff. Family dinner? Danny's school events? Camping trips? It's remarkably convenient as it puts him in a great position to play Uncle Vlad until he can successfully enact his bonkers plan.
Except now, in addition to Danny knowing Vlad is up to no good and being very much not on board with the Fruitloop's whole shtick, Maddie's in the same boat too. But Maddie and Danny are keeping this info from each other because she still doesn't/can't know her son is Phantom and if Danny outs Vlad, Vlad will turn around and spill his little secret too. And for Maddie's part, she probably just doesn't want her son knowing that Vlad is a ghost. It's a bad look to admit you've welcomed a specter from the afterlife into your house (on multiple occasions) when you've spouted off how dangerous these creatures are since your kiddos could walk.
This sets up a scenario where you've got Jack: oblivious, Danny: trying not to reveal his secret while also keeping Vlad from murdering his dad, Maddie: being a badass ghost hunter protecting her family and blasting Vlad into next Tuesday every chance she gets, and Vlad: just, being very...Vlad about everything. Chaos and hilarity ensues.
Can you see my vision?
Jack's humming to himself while making dinner, back turned, unaware anything is amiss as Maddie saves his life, firing a blaster at Plasmius and sending him through a wall before he can attack her husband. She immediatley hides the ecto-weapon behind her back, giving a too-enthusastic "how was your day sweetie!" when Danny walks in the door, brows raised. Jack turns around at the interruption, giving a bright, oblivious, "Where'd Vladdy go?!" which prompts a groan and a "that guy's here again?" from Danny.
Maddie and Danny can bond over their shared aversion to Vlad's general existance, though neither of them admit there's a little more to it than just "he's an arrogant asshole." Or, better yet, they're both putting on the facade, keeping up pretenses, pretending they don't despise the dude, because how are they supposed to explain why they despise the dude? Vlad is impossibly amused by the whole song and dance they're doing, because of course, he's the only one who realizes that Maddie and Danny both know he's a half ghost and are keeping that from each other. And like, as if he's going to let them in on that little tidbit unless it directly benefits him.
Sometimes Maddie and Danny run into awkward situations where they're both trying to protect Jack, but they don't realize it, and they can't be overt about it without the other person realizing what's going on. "Don't you have homework? You go do that, I'll check on your father and...uncle Vlad." "Oh, no, no, don't you worry about it, you're so busy, Mom. I can go check on them!" "That's really not necessary. I don't mind at all." Meanwhile, Vlad is in the kitchen like "why don't you check that cooking oil with your face, Jack? Oh, I know it sounds unorthodox, but I swear that's how they do it in France."
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patheticmenscuffle · 2 years
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Drum rolls, please...
We're happy to reveal the roster for the Pathetic Men Scuffle! Thanks again to everyone who submitted characters, and we hope everyone's looking forward to this as much as we are.
We will begin posting the polls around 10pm GMT (4pm US CST) tomorrow 3/10. Each poll will be open for one week.
With this announcement, we will now be accepting propaganda! Feel free to send some in or tag us in any posts you'd like and we'll share them on here. Propaganda posts will be tagged as #propaganda and each character will also have their own propaganda tag.
Click the Read More below to see all of the contestants and their first matchups in text form as well as where they're from!
Izzy Hands (Our Flag Means Death) vs Lord Farquaad (Shrek)
Edgar Allan Poe (Bungo Stray Dogs) vs Jack Spicer (Xiaolin Showdown)
Pastor Daniel (Scarlet Hollow) vs Ron Stampler (Dungeons and Daddies)
Earl Harlan (Welcome to Night Vale) vs General Ultimax/General Fuff (Bug Fables)
Hunter Noceda (The Owl House) vs Asgore Dreemur (Deltarune)
Saint (Rain World) vs William Afton/Purple Guy (Five Nights at Freddy's)
Vash the Stampede (Trigun) vs Zote the Mighty (Hollow Knight)
Shin Tsukimi (Your Turn to Die) vs Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein)
Peter B. Parker (Spider-Man (Marvel Comics)) vs Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Anders (Dragon Age) vs Cyrus (Pokemon)
Mikoshiba Mikoto (Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun) vs Ron Delite (Ace Attorney)
Inigo (Fire Emblem) vs William Graham (Hannibal)
The Narrator (The Stanley Parable) vs King Dice (Cuphead)
Five Pebbles (Rain World) vs Satan/The Dark Prince (Madou Monogatari/Puyo Puyo Tetris)
Sebastian Debeste (Ace Attorney) vs Johann (The Adventure Zone)
Luigi (Super Mario Brothers) vs Charlie Kelly (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
Stede Bonnet (Our Flag Means Death) vs Magolor (Kirby)
Dwight Fairfield (Dead By Daylight) vs Wes (Don't Starve) vs Linebeck (The Legend of Zelda)
Plankton (Spongebob) vs Spamton (Deltarune) vs Courage the Cowardly Dog (Courage the Cowardly Dog)
Father Paul (Midnight Mass) vs George Costanza (Seinfeld) vs Loki (Marvel Comics)
Harry du Bois (Disco Elysium) vs Darkrai (PokePark 2 (Pokemon)) vs Vlad Masters/Plasmius (Danny Phantom)
Reigen Arataka (Mob Psycho 100) vs Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (How To Train Your Dragon)
Jon Arbuckle (Garfield) vs Wheatley (Portal 2)
Paul Matthews (The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals) vs Jonah Simms (Superstore)
Buggy the Clown (One Piece) vs Abner Krill (Suicide Squad)
Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion) vs Tamaki Amajiki (My Hero Academia)
Rincewind the Wizard (Discworld) vs Rouxls Kaard (Deltarune)
Giovanni Potage (Epithet Erased) vs Clippy (Microsoft Office XP Advertisement (Microsoft))
Bruno Madrigal (Encanto) vs Kaname Date (AI: The Somnium Files)
The Devil (Cuphead) vs The Ice King (Adventure Time)
Alcryst (Fire Emblem) vs Starscream (Transformers)
Miles O'Brien (Star Trek) vs Spirit Albarn (Soul Eater)
Jonathan Harker (Dracula) vs Ethan Winters (Resident Evil)
Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai/Colorful Stage) vs Kendall Roy (Succession)
Mike Wheeler (Stranger Things) vs Dr. Eggman (Sonic)
Larry Needlemeyer (The Amazing World of Gumball) vs Saul Goodman (Better Call Saul)
Alador Blight (The Owl House) vs Andy Bernard (The Office (US))
Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives) vs The Cabbage Seller (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Jedidiah A. A. Martin (Camp Here and There) vs David Ward (I Am In Eskew) vs Randy V. Jade (Dial Town)
John Gaius (The Locked Tomb) vs Gilear Faeth (Fantasy High (Dimension 20)) vs Filbo Fiddlepie (Bugsnax)
Dick Gumshoe (Ace Attorney) vs Zenkichi Hasegawa (Persona 5) vs Eeyore (Winnie the Pooh)
Larry (Pokemon) vs Steven Universe (Steven Universe) vs Fujimoto (Ponyo)
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writedreamlie · 1 year
Making a post to yell about A Glitch In Time as I read, tagged for spoilers, here we go:
- "And more importantly, to Nasty Burger after!" Bad omen, BAD OMEN
-"So. Do YOU like mayors?" I fuckin forgot they made Tucker the mayor that was so fucking stupid!!
- Jack Fenton confirmed unable to even kick a man into space correctly
- Why. Why was Dan's thermos just sitting there out in the open where any emotional old man could knock it over, almost such a silly thing to do that it would have to have been intentional...
- Vlad "Tuxedo Mask but you didn't do anything" Plasmius
- lol bye
- "Do you have a childhood trauma you want to talk about?" Jazz, what the fuck kind of question is that.
- Jazz "Sailor Moon transformation" Fenton
- Hmmmm is a pollywog a baked good? *googles it* ....it'll do.
- "I am who I am" The dumbass I've loved for nigh 20 years, folks
- Plasmius hunched over an old ass computer I am fucking dying
- I fuckin love Jack and Maddie
- "Who else in town would have a portal?" Uh.
- "Sorry, not sorry!" And you shouldn't be!
- Why does Vlad's portal look like a portrait frame? Did it always look like that?
- Vlad deserves every bit of grief he's getting
- Oh, Lance Thunder, you hero
- Jack Fenton also confirmed for indestructible
- "I...see." 🥹
- Lol Jack forgetting he hates Vlad now. Old habits, you know?
- "Still has cupholders though!"
- Okay, that emerging from the flames panel is really badass
- S O N O O N E E L S E L E A V E S
- 😭😭😭😭
- 'kay I'm fine carry on
- My dude this one panel in particular why is Vlad such SHAPES like they wanted to make him muscles but also STICK LEGS
- "Ten out of ten plot twist!" Lol okay, you toot that horn of yours
- Someone tells Jazz she's right one (1) time and she's LOSING IT
- Well THAT sure leaves some room for sequels 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
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ecto-stone · 6 months
Yes i know i mess up His Birthday is Next Month. But It alway get caught in the middle of DannyMay . >: V and the last time we have a vlad week to celebrate his birthday barely anyone join caused everyone is too busy for Dannymay. >:V this is Vlad Month running from 7April - 7 May I call this Plasmius April Rain You gonna get consistencely Vlad bomb and Vlad contents of various Popular HC of Vlad over the Years everyday by your trully Hachi. and You gonna love it
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Bringing back a previous idea but slightly different
Phantom and Plasmius have another one of their fights, Plasmius turns back into Vlad while Phantom flies away, all Jack sees is Phantom yelling insults at his dear friend while said friend hurls insults back
Clearly!! that dastardly ghost boy is haunting the v-man and he must step in and help him!!
…with close monitoring!!
Obviously, that monitoring interferes with all his Plasmius work so now Vlad has to actually *shudders* do his mayor work, truly these are dark times for him
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duchi-nesten · 1 year
What starts with V and ends with S
Vlad Plasmius’ enormously large milk jugs
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ovytia-art · 2 years
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For @green-with-envy-phandom-event, line art by @reading-wanderer!
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