#vegan gummy worms
morethansalad · 1 year
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Easy Vegan Dirt Pudding Cups (Gluten- & Refined Sugar-Free)
with homemade, naturally sweetened gummy worms
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hippiedippieblondie · 2 years
I just killed the devil and now I’m boiling his hooves to make myself weed gummy worms
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thesiouxzy · 1 year
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Gelatin: Boiled down left over bones, horns, hooves, etc of animals who are killed for their flesh 😝 Gelatin is in a lot of things! Gummy treats being one of the biggest. Look for gummies & foods made with tapioca instead of gelatin
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
Batfam's most suggested lunch spots
Dick: Bruce's office mini fridge after an important business outing
Jason: a Crime Alley dumpster where he once found a whole bag of gummy worms when he was ten
Tim: Jason's place after texting him from a burner number pretending to be Roy and Lian
Damian: Ivy's house—she makes vegan food with her worst-behaved plants
Duke: the only working vending machine at Gotham High, inside the teacher's lounge
Cullen: the Batburgers in the gay neighborhood with a secret Batwoman menu
Stephanie: the Waffle House where she was forced to out herself as Spoiler because robbers held it up in the middle of her meal, but to her surprise everyone in the restaurant agreed to keep her secret
Cassandra: the 24-hour convenience stores in Hong Kong where she can get an entire meal for the price of a bag of chips in America
Barbara: the GCPD break room—turns out tax dollars are paying for catering
Harper: everyone talks about Ma Kent's baking but not enough folks appreciate Pa's grilling
Carrie: a boardwalk vendor who combined pretzels and nachos
Kate: the Justice League cafeteria when it's Flash Fries Friday
Alfred: you would think he'd say his own cooking but it's actually the chicken shop near his old school
Selina: Arkham—she never wants to go back but she can't help but be nostalgic for her favorite mush
Bruce: he would say Alfred's cooking if Alfred hadn't flown back to England for chicken, so the next best is the steakhouse inside Wayne Enterprises
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smolpumpkinpaws · 1 year
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Snack ideas for pet dreamers/regressors!
DISCLAIMER: This is strictly ideas for snacks, not meals! You gotta eat three balanced meals! Anyways, onward!
Kitty regressors/dreamers: Cats eat fish and many cat foods contain chicken, so goldfish crackers and chicken flavored crackers can make fun snacks for kitty regressors! People used to feed cats cream, though that's only safe in small portions and must only be done on occasion. Going off of that, maybe you could have a cup of yoghurt as a kitty snack! Using cereal like kibble could also be fun!
Pup regressors/dreamers: Like mentioned above, using cereal as kibble could be fun. Also, there are those Scooby Snacks biscuits that look like dog biscuits! Dogs also eat meat, so jerky could be a good snack too!
Wolf regressors/dreamers: Like with pup snacks, you could use Scooby Snacks or jerky as your wolf snack! Wolves have also been known to eat rabbits, so you could use those Annie's snacks that are shaped like rabbits, too. Wolves have also been known to eat berries on occasion (usually when prey is scarce), so you could also try berries as your wolf snack, especially if you prefer to have a vegetarian/vegan option!
Fox regressors/dreamers: Foxes eat a variety of things, such as rabbits, bugs, small birds, and occasionally berries. So, you could try chicken flavored crackers or Annie's rabbit shaped snacks. You can also eat berries as a vegan option. As for something resembling bugs, you could try gummy worms or cooked grasshoppers. Grasshoppers are expensive though, and if you're shopping online, make sure you're buying grasshoppers cooked for people, not as reptile food!
Bunny regressors/dreamers: Rabbits of course eat fruits and vegetables! I think real life rabbits can only eat certain kinds of fruits and vegetables, and even then, they're actually supposed to eat greens and can only eat fruits and vegetables on occasion, but you're a regressor/dreamer, so you can eat any kind of fruit or veggie you like! Fruit gummies and veggie straws are also good ideas too!
Bear regressors/dreamers: I know a few things bears eat are salmon, deer, berries, and honey. So, bear regressors can try eating goldfish crackers, deer jerky, and berries! As for honey, I'd imagine anything with honey works.
Dragon regressors/dreamers: Dragons are known for their love of treasure, so chocolate coins and ring pops are possible options! If my books are correct, dragons are known to often eat fish and livestock, so goldfish crackers and jerky are good options, too.
Bat regressors/dreamers: Different kinds of bats consume different things, including fruits, insects, and blood. So, some possibilities are fruit, fruit gummies, gummy worms, cooked grasshoppers, and red fruit punch or red soda!
I hope this gave some of you some ideas!
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giulliadella · 5 months
Important update on Gummy!
I finally found out which species my baby is! He’s Deroceras invadens also known as tramp slug. He’s grown up nicely and now I was able to see all of the characteristics in the identification key. This brings some good and bad news:
Gummy is a native species here in Southern Europe where I live. The species originated from Italy and spread across Europe and can now be found from Spain to Bulgaria. However, if you see Gummy-like slugs anywhere outside of Europe, well they are invasive. Deroceras genus is only native to Europe!
These slugs are one of the few species of slug that are pure herbivores. Most slugs are omnivorous and occasionally enjoy eating meat, insects and worms in the wild, but Deroceras always only eat plants. My baby is vegan :з
These slugs love high humidity. They like their soil quite wet and covered with lots of leaves.
And the bad news is that this species has a lifespan of only 12-18 months. Gummy is between 4 and 6 months old, so that means that I won’t have him for a long time. A part of me is devastated because of this, but these are tiny slugs and slugs in general have short lifespans. However, this just makes me determined to give him the best life a slug could dream of, so that when he goes to slug heaven, he could tell all his friends about that weird eldrtich monster that took care of him.
Here are some photos of him:
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moonandsunwoo · 2 years
txt taking care of their sick s/o
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# — pairing: Bf!txt x you
# — genre: fluff only fluff
# — warnings: being sick (but taken care of)
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This was requested with such a sweet message, thank you again for your kind words, i really appreciate it <3 i hope you like this!! I wrote the reverse situation some time ago and you can find it here if interested! Now have fun <3
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Soobin — Very gentle care, gentle foreheadkisses, gentle knocking at the door for check ups, gentle scents from teas and soups, him literally suffering with you when you have to take a bitter medicine. You‘re always his priority but when sick !! You‘re his first number one priority. Comes to bring you food to the bed and sits next to you with his plate so you (and he) dont have to eat alone <3
Yeonjun — He‘s definitely the type of bf to take a whole day off/ work from home so he can take care of you. He cooks comfort meals (tries it at least), makes tea, probably and very possibly babies you to no end. He has to!! Its his royal duty to live out his inner unlicensed nurse to the fullest. If he can‘t take a day off, he will make sure to have his phone close and notifications on so he can be of help if you need any.
Beomgyu — Violent care. He is ADAMANT to get you back up on your feet asap. Sometimes, when he thinks you‘re asleep you can hear him cuss out whatever sickness got to you, just quietly under his breath. If you want to he will get his guitar and play a bit for you and he will put honey into your tea for your throat (if you‘re vegan read: agave syrup). He cares a lot, he hopes you can see that even if his attempts may be a bit clumsy sometimes. Beomgyu is a good boy(friend)
Taehyun — He has a medicine cabinet and a brain, he will know a way how to ease any pains and discomforts you might be feeling. And if he can‘t, then he will try his best to help you through it. There‘s cuddles, theres cute little notes when you wake up, there‘s carefully helping you get dressed or put your hair into a protective hairstyle (if needed) so you can lay comfortably.
Hueningkai — He (and others…🧸) probably calls his mum for tips first and then resorts to bringing comfort through teas and quality time. If you don‘t like tea, syrup. Cola. Whatever he can find. He insists on spending time with you because thats what gets him fit the fastest: cuddling (scientifically approved). He will of course offer you every single one of his plushies for mental support and makes sure your waterbottle is always filled up when he has to leave and there are snacks (probably poprocks and gummy worms but hey he tried) available for you
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© moonandsunwoo
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smallgodseries · 2 years
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[image description: A giant green floating head with an angry expression and an open frowning mouth that seems to be filled with smaller candies. It (and the contents of its open mouth) seems to be made entirely of some translucent sugary, gelatinous material – even its beard, mustache and staring eyes.  Text (in an overwrought stylized manner that would be more appropriate on a 70’s movie poster) reads, “197, UMMIBE, SMALL GOD OF GUMMI”]
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He is for children and he is for adults.  He is for all.  He is made with animal byproducts and he is vegan; he is both kosher and not.  He is a texture and a medium and a confection, and he is a consequence of collagen, of starches.  He was first discovered in a pan of jelly, and has only been perfected since.  He is all.  He is eternal.  He is Gummi.
He can be found in the penny candy bins, cheap, filling, and questionably delicious, dusted with a layer of sugar to keep him from sticking to himself.  He forms countless shapes, bears and worms and sweet fish, soda bottles and long, tangled ropes.  He is snakes and he is ladders.  He is unconstrained.
He can be found in special shops where the air carries a strange, herbal tinge, shrines to Sativa which allow his presence for the kindness he can carry, for the familiarity of his shapes, which can ease the anxiety of those who are not yet comfortable with the idea of this form of worship.  He is no less sweet there, even as his sweetness masks the bitter, and he is distinctly not for children.
His dual nature means that he can be found on the evening news as Halloween draws night, argued by this report and that, accused of falling into children’s pillowcases to turn their minds to hazy dreaming.   The people who make these arguments have never paid Sativa’s tithe, refuse to understand the gulf between the penny candy bins and the medicinal tins of the herbal shrines.  He disregards them all.  He finds his worshippers in their own time, in the form that suits them best, and the people who would frighten them away are someone else’s problem.
He exists to be consumed, to join the communion of collagen already unfolding inside each and every one of his worshippers.
Beyond that, he has very little care.
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sunkidd-oldblog · 3 months
Red Panda Regressor/Therian Tips - Masterpost
I love red pandas with my whole heart, and I both regress to and am kin with them... But I don't see much about them! So I'm compiling a list of tips that help me feel more Red Panda :))
List Below the cut!
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Foods (including Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten Free, and Kosher options):
Red Pandas eat mainly bamboo, despite being classified as carnivores (?) due to their teeth shape (???). I don't think there are many edible bamboo snacks, but here are a few that feel like bamboo to me! Also, Red Pandas eat things like bugs, small mammals, birds, and eggs, but the bamboo makes up ~95% of their diet. Did you know they eat up to 20,000 bamboo leaves every day? That's about 13% of their body weight!
Veggie straws - sea salt (All Of The Above)
Sour Gummy Worms (Gluten Free)
Pretzel Sticks (Some are Gluten Free, Vegan/Vegetarian)
Goldfish Crackers (Vegetarian)
Animal Crackers (Some are Gluten Free, Vegetarian, Kosher)
Eggs any way you like (Non-Kosher in some cases- be careful!, Vegetarian, Gluten Free)
Grapes (All Of The Above)
BelVita Breakfast Biscuits (Vegetarian, Kosher)
GoGurt Tubes (Gluten Free, Kosher)
Clothing & Accessories:
Pretty much anything oversized and comfy
Fall colors
dark colored tights
hiking boots or sneakers
fingerless gloves (claw feeling!!)
Fake fangs <3
red panda tail/ears (I'm making my own from yarn!)
hoodie with hood up
Being hyper in evenings or mornings!
Making sounds! Chuffing and huff-quacking are favorites >:3
Putting your hands up all scary-like
H i s s
Going to the playground and climbing or swinging
Climbing trees!
Watching media with red pandas, like documentaries or Turning Red!
Cuddling up in a big nest and taking a daytime nap
If you can, getting carried or given a piggyback is quite fun too. If you can't, give a pillow or a large stuffie a big hug and cling to it!
Napping or hanging out in hammocks
Tummy time
Will recieve updates!
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cupfulofspiders · 7 months
making "battery acid spaghetti" (really i feel it would be more appropriately called battery acid ramen but whatever). used the plant based sour gummy worms from aldi so this is a vegan meal
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huntersoftheundead · 1 year
hi hunters! id like to know if you guys are more of a sweet and sugary gummy bear group,, or a sour and lemony gummy worm group?
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Thanks for the question, dude. And also about Joe and Andy! Joe is more of a uh… plant.. based… gummy guy… if you get what I mean… Andy doesn’t eat gummy bears because they’re not vegan, but he loves sweets. We actually like to bake together! He eats those vegan skittles a lot. Overall we’re kind of sweets likers. -Petey :) 🦇
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What's your favorite candy? If its a gummy I'm a big fan of sour gummy worms but if it's chocolate I love peanut m&ms
Yes, this is from the post I just reblogged from you I'm just realizing that you know who I am lmao.
I am a sucker for gummies. Haribo gold bears are my go to. I'm also a big fan of anything with peanut butter. (I recently developed steroid induced T2 diabetes, thanks transplant, and I've been scouring everywhere for some sweets I can actually eat. Pro tip - avoid diabetes if you're also severely allergic to aspartame.)
If you're in Canada, I really cannot recommend SQUISH enough. I haven't gotten a dud from them yet and they offer some really delicious vegan options.
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palmaantenor · 1 month
The Industry's Gummy Manufacturing Companies are Exploding
Gummy manufacturers have seen a boom in recent years Somafina. They now offer a wide range of products, which go far beyond the candy aisle. These companies, which produce dietary supplements and medicinal cannabis-infused gums, are revolutionizing the market. They prove that gummies aren’t just for children anymore.
The days of gummies shaped as bears or worms are long gone. Gummy manufacturers are now adapting their products to a market that is more health conscious and progressive. Now, they offer a variety of products, including CBD gummies and nutraceuticals. The demand from consumers for convenient, tasty, and effective health products is driving this innovative shift. The gummy supplements are a tasty alternative to capsules and pills. They contain everything from probiotics to collagen.
Successful gummy manufacturers are able to balance taste and functionality. SmartyPants has, for example, gained a significant market share by offering multivitamins with delicious flavors and essential nutrients. It is not easy to achieve the perfect consistency and taste, while also ensuring that the added nutrients are stable and effective. This requires sophisticated technological processes as well as high-quality ingredients.
Gummy manufacturers have also benefited from the rise of cannabis, especially the legalization and medicalization of marijuana in different parts of the globe. Wana Brands, Kanha Treats and other companies have introduced cannabis-infused gummies to meet different therapeutic needs. These range from anxiety relief to pain management. These gummies have been carefully crafted to provide precise dosages. They are a convenient and controlled way of consuming cannabis.
In the gummy industry, quality assurance and regulatory compliance is crucial. To ensure safety and efficacy, companies must follow strict guidelines from agencies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or European Medicines Agency. It is important to ensure product safety and efficacy by implementing rigorous quality control measures at every stage of the production process.
Another growing industry focus is sustainability. Many gummy producers, like Herbaland or The Humble Co., are committed to sustainable practices. The initiatives include everything from biodegradable and recyclable packaging to using natural, ethically produced ingredients. Pectin-based fruit gummies are an alternative to animal-derived gelatin-based products, which cater to vegetarians and Vegans.
As gummy manufacturers continue to innovate and develop, the future is promising. Biotechnology and food science advances will likely lead to the introduction of even more sophisticated gummy products that combine health benefits and consumer convenience. The gummy market will continue to expand, and the industry's palate will be pushed further.
Gummy manufacturers are key players in the consumer market today, showing versatility and innovation within diverse sectors. The ability of gummy manufacturers to combine enjoyment and health benefits shows that they are a vibrant industry ready to meet the needs of modern consumers. These companies will delight and empower consumers in equal measure, whether it's with a therapeutic cannabis gum or a vitamin supplement.
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splendidtext24 · 5 months
A post to mess with the system
Jelly sweet roll jelly beans biscuit pie macaroon chocolate donut. Carrot cake caramels pie sweet apple pie tiramisu carrot cake. Marzipan marshmallow croissant tootsie roll lollipop. Cupcake lemon drops bear claw gummies. Jelly bear claw gummi bears lollipop cotton candy gummi bears chocolate bar cake cookie. Cupcake muffin danish muffin cookie gummies. Jelly beans tiramisu pudding. Toffee soufflé chocolate cake pastry brownie. Oat cake halvah sweet roll cotton candy croissant lollipop. Macaroon tiramisu chocolate bar candy candy carrot cake jelly sweet. Gummies croissant macaroon dessert. Chocolate cake dragée pie.
Next level tbh everyday carry, blog copper mug forage kitsch roof party pickled hammock kale chips tofu. Etsy shoreditch 8-bit microdosing, XOXO viral butcher banh mi humblebrag listicle woke bicycle rights brunch before they sold out ramps. Twee shabby chic taiyaki flannel, enamel pin venmo vape four loko. Hexagon kale chips typewriter kitsch 8-bit organic plaid small batch keffiyeh ethical banh mi narwhal echo park cronut.
Zombie ipsum reversus ab viral inferno, nam rick grimes malum cerebro. De carne lumbering animata corpora quaeritis. Summus brains sit​​, morbo vel maleficia? De apocalypsi gorger omero undead survivor dictum mauris. Hi mindless mortuis soulless creaturas, imo evil stalking monstra adventus resi dentevil vultus comedat cerebella viventium. Qui animated corpse, cricket bat max brucks terribilem incessu zomby. The voodoo sacerdos flesh eater, suscitat mortuos comedere carnem virus. Zonbi tattered for solum oculi eorum defunctis go lum cerebro. Nescio brains an Undead zombies. Sicut malus putrid voodoo horror. Nigh tofth eliv ingdead.
Cat gets stuck in tree firefighters try to get cat down firefighters get stuck in tree cat eats firefighters' slippers kitty power ignore the squirrels, you'll never catch them anyway for what a cat-ass-trophy! or purr as loud as possible, be the most annoying cat that you can, and, knock everything off the table. Pretend you want to go out but then don't bite off human's toes, yet disappear for four days and return home with an expensive injury; bite the vet so catch eat throw up catch eat throw up bad birds.
This opera's as lousy as it is brilliant! Your lyrics lack subtlety. You can't just have your characters announce how they feel. That makes me feel angry! Anyhoo, your net-suits will allow you to experience Fry's worm infested bowels as if you were actually wriggling through them. I just told you! You've killed me! Fry! Quit doing the right thing, you jerk! Michelle, I don't regret this, but I both rue and lament it. Morbo can't understand his teleprompter because he forgot how you say that letter that's shaped like a man wearing a hat.
Airedale hard cheese mozzarella. Pecorino melted cheese port-salut emmental babybel cheese and wine melted cheese manchego. Everyone loves blue castello everyone loves fromage cheese slices airedale cheddar cream cheese. Bavarian bergkase who moved my cheese halloumi port-salut gouda jarlsberg ricotta rubber cheese. Stinking bishop smelly cheese brie.
Salvia glossier subway tile, leggings mustache YOLO semiotics chia. Pitchfork tbh af blog church-key meggings vaporware PBR&B master cleanse post-ironic man bun pabst mustache letterpress synth. Snackwave raw denim godard, 3 wolf moon shaman offal kitsch unicorn live-edge selvage schlitz fashion axe vaporware drinking vinegar prism. Shabby chic tacos artisan, chambray chicharrones cardigan leggings typewriter af pop-up williamsburg meditation PBR&B viral. You probably haven't heard of them DIY jean shorts subway tile fashion axe bushwick kitsch tumeric cloud bread vaporware freegan franzen pork belly chicharrones banh mi.
Man braid celiac synth freegan readymade, pitchfork fam salvia waistcoat lomo bitters gentrify four loko. Pitchfork semiotics post-ironic vegan. Tofu meditation microdosing hashtag semiotics venmo. Flexitarian vape tilde taiyaki. Prism poutine farm-to-table, messenger bag vegan taxidermy tattooed sartorial squid jean shorts fixie selvage trust fund vape.
Rutters Plate Fleet boom chandler Brethren of the Coast handsomely lookout marooned brigantine knave. Buccaneer gangway jack rum loot spyglass line Jack Tar fore gaff. Gaff topmast scuttle ballast swab draught measured fer yer chains dance the hempen jig Chain Shot yardarm.
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wieiadveg · 8 months
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-vegan steak (1 1/2)
-gummy worms
0 notes
wonkyreads · 9 months
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Evergreen by Devil Greenlee
2.5 magical blooms out of 5
Evergreen is only in the loosest sense a reimagining of The Secret Garden, which was the main point of interest for me personally going into it, but at this point I take most comps with a grain of salt anyway. (This book is also a lesson in not judging based solely off of covers because for some reason I went into this thinking it was sapphic??)
Honestly, though, Evergreen is an urban fantasy coming of age story that leans heavily into a romance between Quill, the first male druid and a bit of a Rapunzel character, and Liam, the boy next door. Quill is tasked with taking care of his family’s magical garden while he struggles to come to terms with the fact that he’s 17 and hasn’t shown any magical capabilities of his own.
Quill is stubborn and selfish, sarcastic and incredibly bitter, yet so fully naive at times. I tend to really enjoy unlikable narrators and he definitely fits the bill, though I can’t tell if it was intentional or not. For most of the book the fact that Quill was just a teenager who made stupid or silly decisions felt like a nice change, but there’s a point where you expect the main character to grow. With Quill that switch comes late and sudden when I’d have thoroughly enjoyed a slow build. Outside of that he was sometimes very inconsistent with his narration in a way that doesn’t feel intentional. Something about him stumbling his way through the human world was just so fun to read, though what he knew and didn’t know felt like this part of his character could have benefited from being a little more thought out.
There were also times when the information he was conveying was inconsistent as well. He’d wax poetic about how he knew every inch of the garden in one chapter, then the next introduce a room he’s never been allowed inside of, then the next reveal that he hardly ever strayed past the front of the garden actually, and a few chapters later complain that he’d walked every inch of it a hundred times over the years. That inconsistency existed in other areas of the writing too, creating plot holes and convenient excuses that were difficult to ignore. I found myself fact checking (tap water does have chlorine in it more often than not and like 90% of gummy worms aren’t vegan) and constantly flipping back and forth to make sure that I wasn’t actually crazy and that there were direct contradictions happening.
That said, getting to read a story based around a family of dryads was interesting and the fantasy elements built into the world were very soft and generally fun and easy to understand. I think the soft world building was the most developed part of the story and allowed for moments that genuinely shone in my opinion. It stayed consistent in ways the other parts of the writing just didn’t.
Honestly, this book just needed another round or two of edits and some more in-depth development. The idea is solid and there are parts that made me want to like the whole book far more than I did. For instance, the ‘big bad’ and the last quarter of the book? Imagining someone just walking into town and finding that situation? Fantastic creeping horror idea. It’s going to haunt me, genuinely. (I’m trying to avoid spoilers so bad, guys.)
There are scenes that shine and the bones to a really great story, but in the end there just wasn’t enough development. I think Greenlee could do some really cool things in the future, this debut was just a little too rushed. It would have benefited from some more eyes on it and another draft, but he’s an author I’ll be keeping an eye on for sure.
[I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Huge thanks to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for this ARC.]
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