#we have got to the point where i saw this on my dash and was confused it wasn't already tagged WWX
welcometogrouchland · 15 days
I miss them so bad (Dick and Damian)
#ramblings of a lunatic#dc comics#damian wayne#dick grayson#ITS JUST NOT THE SAME MAN#idk i was reading nightwing must die (again...) bc i was in a funk and saw another post saying how fans exaggerate the closeness btwn them#and on the one hand i get it. there is a very rosy portrayal of their relationship you'll come across in fanon#and they weren't very close at the beginning of their relationship#but man. reading Nightwing must die again was like#YES they fight. damian instigates it and while dick tries to exercise patience he does fight back/lash out on occasion#but despite all that it's still emphasized how important the two are to each other#when dick is forced to picture a future where he's lost his way he pictures damian being the one to bring him back#not necessarily bc damian is his favorite person on the planet but bc he gave damian robin. for a lot of practical reasons-#-but also bc how far damians come is (i think at least based on this arc) a testament to dick that hes doing Something right#both as a hero/person#damian is more than just a burden saddled on him (although there's an element of that in their batman and robin run)#he's also a last remaining connection to bruce when he's gone (remembering where he comes from) AND he's training damian+#-his own way! with a dash of tough love and workaholic spirit inherited but also a lot of patience and focus on being More than the darkness#idc what ppl say nightwing must die makes sense for these two. its a retcon but one that works imo#that dick buried his head in the sand about how much damian meant/the responsibility he had to him bc it was a commitment he was afraid of#and how damian ultimately was a point of maturation for dick even if he went back to being Nightwing#they were SO goddamn close and now they're still close but only in ways that are implied#and their bond is deemphasized in comparison to each others bond w/ say bruce. which i think is a shame#it was a wrinkle! a fun wrinkle that the batfamily had that in some ways dick understood damian better than Bruce-#-even if he didn't feel like he could handle the responsibility of raising him full time#it kills me that bc of the n52 we never got the handover of the batman mantle (and damian) from dick to bruce#next nightwing writer...include a flashback to that moment AND have damian appear in the book in present....AND MY LIFE IS YOURS!!!#anyway. dick is damians brother but also damian a little bit imprinted on him like a baby duck and its rubbed off on dick#they're partners they're mentor mentee but most importantly they were batman and robin. and they were the greatest#NOT bc it was all peaches and roses but bc they cared for each other exponentially despite all that
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tumbleweed-run · 9 months
(18+, Explicit) Kinktober 2023 Day 7: virginity
“There you are, I was wondering if you’d changed your mind,” Gale tried to make sound light, a little joke between the two of you but you could hear the undercurrent of tension in his words. 
“I’m sorry,” you said earnestly, letting your hand rest on his shoulder as you sat. “I got caught up asking Wyll something.”
That was a lie, and one you felt a little guilty telling him, but the real reason you were delayed was a bit more embarrassing. You’d been sitting by the fire going over conversations in your head. Or rather, how to have a very specific conversation. One you still weren’t exactly sure how to approach. 
The truth of the matter was, physically you were a virgin. Even though you’d had mind-blowing, life-changing, astral sex with Gale just before fighting Ketheric your body was still very much the virgin it had been before that night. 
Gale, of course, didn’t know that fact. It wasn’t something you advertised to potential suitors. 
It wasn’t that you were some prudish untouchable. You’d had your fair share of odd groping as a teen (and adult) and were intimately familiar with your own body. You’d just never had actual sex using your body. 
That was an odd distinction to have to make.
You weren’t ashamed of it, it was just something that didn’t happen. Some people never had the opportunity to try certain foods or go certain places, you’d never had the opportunity to have sex. Or rather, you had the chance a few times, but the partners were decidedly less than ideal. 
You realized that keeping this fact from Gale was becoming increasingly like keeping a secret. You needed to tell him, and you needed to do it before he decided to take advantage of the relative quiet of the journey from the Shadowlands to Baldur’s Gate. 
“You seem quiet,” Gale prodded, bumping his shoulder into yours. 
“A lot on my mind,” you admitted vaguely. You bumped your shoulder into his but stayed there, leaning into his warmth. 
Gale hummed in agreement. “It’s odd this calm before the proverbial storm.” 
You felt him press a kiss into your hair. 
“I need to tell you something, but you can’t make a big deal about it,” you said eventually after allowing yourself to sink into the comfort of the moment. 
You felt Gale’s body stiffen, no doubt anticipating the worst kind of confession. Though at this point you weren’t sure what Gale would consider the the worst.
“Alright, I’m intrigued,” He said very neutrally. 
You took a deep breath and sat up right, giving yourself the space for this. “Just to be clear, that night, our bodies weren’t actually… involved.” You were hopeful maybe you were wrong and you’d just missed all the awkwardness because you’re mind was literally somewhere else. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Gale’s head cock to the side. “Ah no, they weren’t,” he agreed, unknowingly dashing your hopes, “it looks a bit strange to an outsider, I admit, but alas our corporeal selves were exactly where we left them.”
“Why?” He tacked on after a pause. 
“Well, that would mean that I’m still technically a virgin.” You made your admission rather quickly, words bumping into one another as you spat it out, hoping to get this odd conversation out of the way. 
Gale was unusually quiet and when you finally turned your head to look at him you saw about a thousand emotions cross his face. 
“You’re a…” he trailed off.
You waited.
“Virgin?” his voice had risen almost comically. 
“Yes,” you confirmed.
“But you’re-”
“Yes, I know how old I am,” you interrupted rolling your eyes at him. 
“You mean you’ve never…?” Another incomplete sentence from your usually verbose wizard. 
“That would be what that means, yes,” you confirmed… again. 
You sighed and turned your body so you could look at Gale easily. “It’s not that I’m some innocent. I’ve had the odd kissing session in a dark room, its just never gone any farther. Not to mention I’m concerningly familiar with my own hand and also that one odd pillow in my…”
You trailed off as you watched Gale’s eyes darken. He cleared his throat and shifted. Idly you wondered which of those revelations had affected him so.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He sounded almost hurt. 
“It never came up,” you admitted, “first, you were at risk of blowing us all up and then we ended up having sex astrally. I would have told you if we’d been… physically involved,” you assured him, fighting with yourself as to how exactly word things. 
Gale seemed to absorb this information with acceptance. “Well I guess that means my plans for tonight are off the table.”
“What? Why?” You sounded genuinely alarmed, surprising even yourself. 
Gale smiled a small, exasperated thing. “My love, I can’t have you bedded properly for the first time in some wood in the middle of nowhere.”
“You absolutely can,” you insisted.
He chuckled and took your hand. Normally you would have seen a similar move as patronizing but there was nothing but love and adoration shining from Gale’s eyes. “We can be together astrally, again.”
“No,” you huffed pulling your hand away, growing frustrated. This wasn’t why you’d told him. “I want you,” you insisted, “I want you, for real. Here.”
Gale shook his head again, “but you deserve-”
“Gale,” you moved up onto your knees so you could hold his face between your hands, “this is about what I want. And what I want is your actual physical cock inside of me, here in this clearing. Tonight, preferably.”
Whatever Gale had been expecting, that confession wasn’t it. His mouth dropped open. 
“Are you sure?” He asked eventually. 
You nodded, vigorously, “yes.”
“Then I will give you what you want.”
You leaned forward and kissed him. Gale gathered an arm around your waist and laid backward, pulling you with him. You laid across his chest, eagerly allowing yourself to get lost in kissing him. 
You shifted, slotting your body between his legs. Gale groaned when your thighs brushed against his cock, already half-hard. Taking advantage, you pressed your tongue between his lips. His hands slid down your back to your ass, cupping it he pulled you up and closer. 
“How many young lads did you lead into dark corners, only to leave them with their hopes dashed?” Gale teased when you two finally separated for air. 
You laughed. “I never said I left them unfulfilled.”
Gale shook his head with an amused smile. “I assure you every lad who left without bedding you was unfulfilled in some regard.”
“I think,” you smoothed a hand against his chest, “you think too highly of me.”
“Not possible,” Gale reassured. His expression changed as you watched, from playful to something more sincere. 
“What have you done with others?” He asked all of a sudden. 
Now, you felt you might be a little offended. “Gale, I wasn’t saying that-”
“No, no,” he shook his head, “I don’t care if you’ve had a thousand cocks in your mouth. Confused, perhaps, but I want to know specifically what has been done to you that hasn’t come from your own hand… or pillow I suppose.”
“Oh,” you felt a little sheepish now.
With out warning his hands slid to your thighs and he lifted you, pulling your legs apart, forcing you to straddle him. You could feel his cock pressing against your core. You fought down the urge to grind against it. 
“Has anyone ever made you come with their mouth?” Gale asked then.
You shook your head, a warmth crawling down your neck at the thought. 
“Their fingers?” He continued. 
Again, you shook your head. “Twice I've had someone’s hand down my pants,” you admitted, “but it was awkward and they never really did much.”
“Maybe you’re lucky,” Gale mused, “boys tend not to think beyond their own needs.”
“And men are any different?” You challenged. 
Gale’s eyes darkened as he looked at you now. “Not all, but this one, yes. Your needs are mine.” He rolled his hips up then, grinding his cock against you. 
“Oh,” the sound felt like it was punched out of you. Happily, you rocked your hips back down against him. 
Gale’s hands went to your hips, holding you from doing anything further. You tried to roll them again and frowned when he wouldn’t let you. 
“I promise I will pay as much attention to your pretty cunt as you can stand,” he started, “but I need you to promise you’ll stop me if anything makes you uncomfortable.”
There was an edge to his final words, and you knew anything less than an agreement that he’d leave you untouched. 
“I promise,” you repeated. 
“Good girl,” He rewarded, his words shooting straight to your core. You absolutely did not look at him in an attempt to hide that knowledge from him. His chuckle let you know it had been unsuccessful. 
He released your hips and you ground down on him once more. 
In a testament to Gale’s self-control, or perhaps his determination, his hands moved to the ties of your trousers. When he’d finished opening them, he rolled you both so he was above you. He sat back on his legs and slid backward before working to shimmy your bottoms off before discarding them in a pile nearby.
He gently pushed your legs and you laid back, allowing him to bend your knees. He gently pushed at them so they dropped to the side. You shivered both from the complete exposure of the position he’d put you in and also from missing his warmth on you. 
“Fingers or mouth?” Gale asked, hands sliding down your thighs, ever closer to where you truly wanted them. 
“I believe I said cock,” you retorted. 
A light pinch was delivered to your thigh and you jumped, startled but not actually in pain. “Soon,” Gale promised, “for now, though, those are your options.”
“Mouth,” you answered with almost no hesitation.
Above you, Gale smiled, apparently pleased with your answer. “Do you want anything? A pillow,” he asked rather than doing what you’d asked for. 
“I want,” you answered a bit snappier than you’d meant, “for you to touch me.”
“Some day, I will have you without risk of interruption.” Gale wasn’t really talking to you it seemed. Still, you wondered what he meant by that. You hoped something wicked. 
All thoughts left your mind when you felt his fingers spread you open even further. You were about to remind him you’d said mouth, unable to resist the urge to push against whatever side of him you were seeing, when you felt his breath hot against you. That urge fled, just as quickly as your thoughts. 
You cried out when he swiped his tongue between your folds. Quickly you pulled your arm across your mouth, aware the camp wasn’t too far off. Gale didn’t seem at all concerned though as he began tracing maddening paths with the tip of his tongue. 
Somehow he was touching you where you wanted and yet seeming to avoid it all together. A growl ripped out of you in frustration and you tried to slide down closer to his mouth. An arm flew across your hips quickly, preventing you from moving anywhere. You were about to say something, beg even, when his tongue finally found your clit. You cried out, free hand threading itself in Gale’s hair. If you couldn’t move closer to him, you could at least pin him to you. He didn’t seem too bothered by this thought, tracing his tongue down you again, this time pressing it inside of you. 
“Shit,” you cursed hips ineffectively trying to grind down again. 
Gale, in some act of benevolence or maybe because he was enjoying your reactions, move his arm from across your hips. He instead pushed his hand under your ass forcing you to tilt your hips up towards him. He moved his attention back to your clit. You felt the walls of your pussy begin pulsing around nothing and you whimpered.
“Fingers,” you gasped, pulling your arm from your face. 
Gale either didn’t hear you or was ignoring you. A few more seconds of attention to your clit and then his teeth gently nipped against it. 
“Fuck,” you cried out as your orgasm hit, once again pulling Gale against you. You couldn’t help but shamelessly grind against his face as you came. 
He stayed there, tongue licking broad stripes up and down your center until you stilled. Only then did he gently disentangle your hands from his hair and sit up.
He knelt between your still-spread legs, a hand gently cupping your cunt. He was watching you closely, pleased with whatever he saw he gently began kneading against you. 
“Will you fuck me now?” You asked unable to help the way your hips chase up at the contact. 
He shook his head. Briefly, you were mesmerized by the way his beard, glistening with your wetness, reflected the light. 
“Why not?” You whined, which wasn’t exactly how you’d meant to say that. 
Gale chuckled before leaning over you to press a kiss on your lips. You could smell yourself on him, taste it even when he pulled away. Far from being turned off by that fact you found yourself wanting to kiss him again. 
“Fingers, first,” he said and demonstratively slipped a finger beneath your folds to press against your entrance. 
He easily pressed the finger into you, finding no resistance when he did. Gently he began pressing it in and out, every time he ground the heel of his palm against your clit until your hips were rolling with his movement. 
His eyes never left your face when he began pressing a second finger into you. You nodded, trying to pull them deeper but he only continued pressing the new digit into at a slow pace. 
“Gods,” you moaned when his fingers were pressed into you completely. 
“Not quite,” he answered with a wry smile. 
You were quickly distracted when you realized he was refusing to move his fingers in you. He was just grinding his hand to your clit, and while it felt amazing it wasn’t what you wanted. 
“Gale,” you whined rolling your hips in an effort to get some movement inside of you. 
That was his aim, apparently. Gale held his hand still and allowed you to fuck yourself on his fingers. You grew brazen, chasing after the grinding sensation as well with a roll of your hips. He watched you with a scrutiny that had your body flushing. Gradually you realized he had begun gently scissoring his fingers inside of you, pressing you open wider each time you pulled away from them. 
His fingers were thick and you felt yourself clench around them at the thought of what he’d (hopefully) be replacing them with. You realized, in a passing thought, that you’d struggle to watch his spell casting in a normal way ever again. 
You felt another orgasm building and with great effort stilled your own hips. 
“Please,” you groaned out, “I want you inside me. Please, I’m ready,” you were shamelessly begging. 
“Yes,” Gale agreed before finally thrust his fingers in and out of you a few times and then with drawing them entirely. 
He was quick about removing his own trousers. His cock sprung free and slapped against his stomach, in the moonlight you could make out a bead of precum on the tip.
Your mouth watered. 
Gale didn’t allow your thought to wander any further before settling between your legs. One hand hooked around the back of a thigh and hiked up your leg against him. 
“Tell me if this hurts, despite what you’ve heard it doesn’t have to,” he said leaning over you, bracing himself with his free arm. 
You would rather die, you realized as you nodded a lie to him. 
The head of his cock pressed against your entrance, but he didn’t move any further. It appeared he’d also put you in a position where he could keep you from pushing down on it. You wondered if it was forethought or simply a coincidence. 
When he pressed inside your head collapsed fully against the ground. He was certainly bigger than anything that had been inside you before, his thick fingers included. Painstakingly Gale began pressing into you. His movements were slow and controlled, making sure to keep you immobile. The sensation was uncomfortable but not painful as he stretched you even further. 
You couldn’t help but be grateful, now, for his refusal to fuck you immediately.
When he bottomed out, hips pinned against yours, he groaned head dropping forward. You felt the muscle of his thigh tremble against yours. You were secretly pleased as he struggled to maintain his composure. 
You tried to wait him out, trust him as he had only thought of you so far, but your patience only extended so far. Experimentally you clenched around his cock. 
“Shit,” he groaned, hips stuttering as he restrained a thrust. 
“Please,” you whispered once again fluttering around him, “please.”
Gale pulled out only a little before slowly thrusting into you. It wasn’t much but your eyes rolled back. 
He kept it that way, small shallow thrusts until there was almost no resistance when he did. Then, he began working back further before thrusting into you. He was grunting with each thrust, head hanging low so his forehead was resting against your chest. 
“Gale,” you whined unable to take the coddling much longer. 
It seemed his restraint was hanging on by a thread because his hips snapped up against yours, much harder than any previous movement. 
“Yes,” you cried out in response. 
Gale began truly fucking you then. He was mumbling something against you but the sound of your skin slapping against one another was drowning him out. Your own hips were moving now, too, the hand on your thigh had loosed so he was not longer holding you still. 
“Touch yourself,” he said, voice strained, finally loud enough for you to hear. 
You were able to slide a hand between the two of you. Instead of touching yourself right away you pushed your finger further down enjoying the sensation of the slide of his cock in and out of you. 
Abruptly Gale pushed up so he was sitting back on his knees. Both hands sliding under your hips in order to tilt you up so he never slid fully from inside of you. 
“Now, please,” he groaned out and you realized he was holding back his own orgasm. 
Hurriedly you found your clit with your fingers, this new position making it easier. You rubbed quickly and efficiently in a way you’d long learned would bring you off. 
“Beautiful, you’re so beautiful,” Gale babbled above you. “Come for me, I want to see your face this time.”
It was his words more than your fingers that pushed you over the edge. You whimpered and he began thrusting harder as you squeezed around him. 
Gale came with a shout, eyes screwing shut. He pinned your hips together once more as he spilled inside of you. He rode out his own orgasm like that, hips rolling slightly with each pulse. Once he was done, Gale gently lowered your hips back to the ground, allowing himself to slip out of you.
You extended your hand up to him and when he took it you pulled him down against your chest.
“Next time I think I want to ride you,” you told him after a moment of quiet. 
Gale laughed before tilting his head up to capture your lips in a kiss. 
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jenchan-writingmultis · 2 months
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What do the dorm leaders + a few more students do when you leave them without saying goodbye / you go missing? (Series)
Genre: Fluff/ Angst Pairing: Riddle x Gn Reader
A/n: I wanted to get this idea out of my system, maybe I should have written this into a full fanfic, but what do you think? Let me know your thoughts in the comments (If you want to). This was supposed to be all the dorm leaders, but Riddle’s got too long so I’m going to separate them into series, most likely every character in Twisted Wonderland once I get ideas, some of them would link to each other's one-shots If I got enough smarty juice for it, but first let’s go for our boy Riddle, I hope you like it! Again, I'll make this into a series I hope you stay tuned!
Credits: The design was made by me in Canva and the art that was used is all from the Official Twisted Wonderland Cards. NOT BETA READ! Masterlist Part two: Leona x Gn reader -----------------
Sypnosis: You went off already, actually, they didn’t even know where you were right now, Grimm was worried about you, where have you gone? You just vanished into the mirror that you were talking to every midnight, he knew that he should have listened to his gut feeling when he realized that you were warning him about your sudden disappearance. The moment he went dashing out of Ramshackle, paws cold from the snow that he stepped on and it was really bad that when he needed Hornton he wasn’t there. 
Riddle: He was the first to respond, he was a light sleeper due to his mother’s sudden outbursts in the middle of the night sometimes, so when he heard Grim’s cries from outside, he went to investigate immediately, especially since he saw that you weren’t with the little cat.
“Riddle!” Grim cried out, clinging to Riddle’s shirt “They’re gone!” He looked confused before grabbing Grim under his shoulders and lifting him a bit “What? Where did you last see them?” he questioned, Grim who looked miserable and seemed shaken as well “I don’t know they-!” he sobbed out “The moment I woke up, there was a gush of wind and the mirror shaking, and they were gone!”
 Riddle inhaled and sighed deeply, trying to remain composed “Would you like to rest here for now? I don’t want to wake the others up, we can look for them tomorrow” he went to open the door much wider now, while his thoughts were focused on you, he didn’t want to try to find you when it’s so dark out but at the same time, he wanted to throw away his rationality and go search the campus from up to down; you were always good to him, you saved him when he almost died, you’re basically a good friend to him; however, it was too dark outside, finding you would just be useless; but Grim seemed to think otherwise, he let out a loud whine which made Riddle wince at the noise. “Riddle! Please!” he begged, clinging again to the guy’s leg “I can’t leave Prefect alone!”
“Alright, alright,” Riddle said, sighing “Have you really checked everywhere?” He asked, and that’s where they started to plan out how to find you, he went to wake up the others, Trey, Cater, Ace, and Deuce to help with the search, of course, all four students agreed to help despite being late. 
Although they’ve been out for hours, there was nothing, no trace of your presence anywhere, where the hell did you go? Riddle’s eyebrows were basically knitted tight together for hours now, he can’t sense you, why? Where are you? 
The moment that the sun rose, not one idea or clue did the housewarden get from any deep search about you, and it left him frustrated. He decided since it was morning, Crowley might have any leads. 
And that’s where the matter was off of his hands… somehow, he still got updates, and he made his own investigations to try to find you, at least any leads; but nothing, even if he did get any leads it got him into a dead end. 
Days passed, weeks passed to the point it went into years passing, you still weren’t around, Grim was under his supervision, he basically got half custody with all the housewardens, especially when Grim seemed to not want to do anything else, other than get upset and lash out, he knew that feeling all too well when everything feels like it’s suffocating him. 
While he did pass everything in his academics, and now he’s graduating, he didn’t think that the impact of your presence before would make so much difference to him right now, he struggled and almost failed some of his subjects due to the lack of sleep and his mental health deteriorating. 
And throughout all of those, he realized that he actually loved you, isn’t that funny? He never thought that his affection for you would be anything more than just being acquaintances with you, the lingering stares he gave and the little adjustments he made of your uniform cause you weren’t wearing your tie properly, the way you never made him feel like an outsider, and everything else. The moments you and he were alone, he never made a move to get to know you better, he was the only one being asked questions about his family, his stories, and his future. He knew that saying he loved you was stupid, especially when he didn’t make any more effort in understanding you and knowing your story. 
The moment Riddle was wearing his Toga, something he was aiming for years, to become the valedictorian of his whole batch, he knew he should feel elated, his mother giving those business smiles he always see, Cater and Trey being there with him, graduating with him; Ace and Deuce watching their Housewarden graduate too. He was supposed to be happy; he was supposed to be-
Where are you? Why aren’t you here with him? 
Riddle felt tears strolling down his cheeks when he was delivering his speech, an encouragement that he was supposed to give, yet here he was, tears strolling down his pristine face, in front of everyone, in front of his mother who looked shocked and pissed at him suddenly for showing such a shameful façade. 
“Riddle!” His mother shouted, almost wanting to stand up from her seat, but Trey stopped her, grabbing her shoulder and shaking his head. “There was one person that changed a lot of the student's perspective in magic… and how much they changed me as well.”
After that, Riddle stood in the bathroom, looking down the sink, face wet, he was crazy, telling everyone how Prefect, a missing student for years changed his life, and how he basically confessed how much he loved you, is he crazy? Maybe he went insane, now thinking about it, maybe all those searching for hours and sacrificing his sleep for you might be the reason. 
But even so, his heart yearned to see your face again, he missed you so much and he knew that he wasn’t the only one. 
He lifted his head, staring into the mirror, his eyes were puffy from crying, he looked pathetic, and he wanted to laugh about it.
Suddenly, the mirror started to wobble…? Was he hallucinating or does he see your face? 
“…iddle?” an echo of a voice all too familiar rang in his ears, his eyes widened as the wobbling of the mirror started to go harder, “Riddle… away… get away… the mirror” while he understood what “you,” said, he still didn’t budge, and that’s where the mirror spat you out, making him catch you.
His arms wrapped around your waist, he was shocked when he looked at you, you looked… the same? You looked a bit older, more gorgeous for sure. 
“Riddle!” you chirped, wrapping your arms around him, “You’ve changed so much!” he grew a bit, you were the same height now, but the other seemed to be surprised, his grip on your waist never leaving as he stared at you, “Riddle?” you asked, a bit worried.
“… Prefect?” he placed his hand on your cheek, rubbing it fondly with his thumb “Is that really you?” 
He wanted to kiss you, you stupid idiot, why did you vanish for years and come back looking prettier than you used to?
So, he did. He kissed you deeply, all the yearning and pain he felt for years, he put it in the kiss he gave you.
Welcome back, Prefect. 
Word count: 1,266
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sinnersweets · 4 months
DogDay x Reader part 8
<;-----part 7, part 9----->
After my birthday mine and DogDays relationship towards each other changed. He would be a little bit more flirtatious with me while I continued to be a nervous wreck around him. I think it’s safe to say that I liked liked him and I’m sure he also did too but none of us would ever bring up that topic. I would die of embarrassment if I told him about my feelings for him and he didn’t feel the same. I’m fine with what we have now.  
My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at my office door. “Come in!” I thought it would be DogDay since he’s really the only one who came in my office, but it was actually Sarah. “Oh, hey Sarah, what brings you by?” She shut the door behind her and took a seat in front of my desk before saying, “I came here to like possibly warn you that Bobby Bearhug is like totally trying to get your spot in the show. CatNap overheard Bobby and Miss Delight talking and like; he told me that she convinced Miss Delight to be your understudy.”  
I was taken back by this. However, I was grateful that Sarah told me about this. “Thanks for the heads up Sarah.” She nodded her head while popping a piece of gum in her mouth. Again, I have no idea how she got hired but she seems nice. As she got up to leave, she said one last thing before closing the door. “Oh right, you might wanna go down to the theater room because your costume, it’s like huge.” I made a puzzled look on my face. It shouldn’t be huge; it should be my size. I gave Bobby my measurements. I sighed and followed behind Sarah. 
When I entered the theatre room I was impressed by all the decorations that everyone has made. The set was turning out great. As I looked around I spotted Bobby over by the stage...wearing my costume. Deep breaths Y/N; deep breaths. I walked over to her and put a strained smile on my face. “Hey Bobby.” I said through my teeth. She looked over to me and smiled while saying, “Oh hi Y/N!” I clasped my hands together and took another deep breath. “So, Bobby, I heard that you are now my understudy and I’m so excited for that; but why are you wearing my costume?” Bobby giggles and spun around showing off the costume that was clearly supposed to be made for me. “Well Y/N as your understudy I should also get a costume, you know in case something were to happen to you.”  
I was so close to saying a snarky comment, but I heard DogDay call out from behind me. “Hey Angel!” I turned around and saw that DogDay was in his costume. It looked exactly like the one in the cartoon. He wasn’t wearing his sun pendent, but he looked quite good in the outfit. “Whaddya think Angel?” He turned around and showed off his costume. I smiled while saying, “You look very good DogDay, though I like you more with no clothes and your pendant.” His ears perked up and his eyes widened. I just heard how he probably heard it and that is not what I meant at all. “Wait wait wait- I didn’t mean to make it sound like that at all I swear!” I hid my face in my hands, already feeling my face warm up. “I’m flattered by your comment Angel.” I felt his paws grab onto my hands and pulled them down from my face. As I looked at him he was now at eye level with me.  
“No need to hide that pretty face of yours Angel, I find it cute when you blush.” I could feel my heart beat a little faster. “Where’s your costume at Angel?” I snapped back into reality and struggled to find my words. “Oh-well um, Bobby is actually wearing it.” I pointed behind me and I saw DogDay look to where I pointed. “Oh hey BB! Didn’t see you there.” I quickly covered my mouth with my hands not wanting to laugh out loud. “Oh that’s fine! I think you look absolutely dashing in your costume DogDay~” She pushed passed me and walked up to DogDay. “BB why are you wearing Angel's costume?” “Hm? Oh no you see this is my costume. Her’s is over there.” Mine and DogDays eyes followed to where she pointed, and I saw the same costume that she was wearing but smaller in size. “As her understudy I think it’s only fair that I make myself a costume. In fact DogDay I think you and I should rehearse together.” A whistle blew over the room catching everyone's attention. Up on stage was Miss Delight. “Attention everyone! It’s time to rehearse!” Oh joy. 
Thankfully my costume fit me. I felt kinda off not wearing my uniform, it’s grown on me. I looked at myself in the mirror and was impressed with how I looked. My costume was identical to what Belle wears throughout the movie. “Alright, let's do this.” 
The first couple of scenes went off swell. It surprised me to see DogDay act not so cheerful while playing Beast. KickenChicken...I think he was taking his role too seriously. Hoppy kept smacking him on the head every time he would go off script. Damian tried to have a French accent, but it didn’t sound French; more Irish. And then Bobby; I was ready to throw hands with her. She would always interrupt me and say that I was doing a scene wrong and come on stage and act out what I just did. On stage there was a trap door and every time she would walk over it it took everything in my power not to pull the handle to make her fall through. 
Miss Delight told everyone to take an hour break and then to come back ready to do the whole show. Some of the cast left the room while others stayed behind. I was one of the ones that left. I got an alert from my phone saying there was a severe rainstorm coming near the factory, I hope it wasn’t too bad. I was starting to get a headache and needed to lie down in my office. DogDay followed me to my office saying I could take a nap with him; which I agreed to instantly. “Don’t worry Angel, after today we’ll just have one more day of practice and then we get to perform in front of everyone and Bobby won’t be bothering us anymore.” DogDay spoke as he laid down on his bed and I leaned up against his shoulder. “I hope so. She’s giving me a headache.” DogDay chuckled. After a while we both fell asleep and laid close to each other. 
We were just at the part where Belle tends to the Beasts wounds when suddenly the power goes out. Great. The storm cut the power. Without the lights the theater room was completely pitch black. “Everyone please remain calm and don’t move! We’ll just have to wait for the power to turn back on.” Miss Delight said somewhere in the seats. A loud thunder shook through the room silencing everyone. I sat in the darkness along with DogDay and Damian and the rest of the cast. As I leaned back against my hands I felt something land on top of my head. 
I raise one of my hands up to my head and grab whatever landed on me. I took out my phone and turned on my flashlight and I saw what it was. A spider. I stood up instantly and moved away from everyone while I started swatting around me while screaming, “GET IT OFF GET IT- AHHhh-” Snap. I felt my ankle break as I fell. I cried out in pain. “Angel??!” I could hear DogDay call out for me, but I just kept crying in pain. 
The lights soon came on and then I saw where I had fallen. The trap door was open. I must’ve fallen maybe ten feet down. Soon I saw Damian and DogDays head peer over. “Angel!! Hold on I’ll be right there!��  DogDay disappeared and Damian had a look of horror on his face. “Damian move b-back...I don’t want you to fall!” I said while still crying and fighting through the pain that I felt. Miley, who played Babette pulled Damian back. As I lay helplessly, I saw red smoke surrounding me. I started coughing as I inhaled this smoke. I saw DogDay approach me before I passed out.  
I slowly opened my eyes and saw that DogDay was asleep at the foot of the bed I was on. Looking around the room I saw that I was in the infirmary, though it looked more private than the one I’ve seen before. As I went to go sit up, I felt a shock rush through my body. “Argh-” DogDay then shot up and looked at me before pulling me into a hug while saying, “Angel! Finally you’re awake, I was getting worried.” “How long was I asleep?” I spoke out while hugging him. “Nine hours.” “Nine hours?! That’s ridiculous!” DogDay released me and grabbed onto both of my hands. “You really scared me there for a moment Angel; Damian too.” I felt horrible that Damian saw the pain I was in. “Where is he?” “He’s in Home Sweet Home asleep; I think it’s three in the morning right now.” "Huh??! That means I’m here after hours!!" “Don’t worry Angel, as your boss this won’t count against you. I just need you to rest up and heal.”  
The show. I won’t be able to do it. That means.... My eyes teared up as I chuckled. “Haha, looks like I’m out of commission for the show.” DogDays face changed to one of hurt and displeased. That meant he would end up doing the show with Bobby. She got her way. “No, I won’t do it. I don’t want to do it unless it’s you out there with me Angel.” “You have to DogDay. No one else got an understudy but me. You must.” I leaned over and grabbed onto Dogdays head and rested my forehead on his. “You’ll do great.” I kissed his nose and closed my eyes while still resting my forehead on his. “Angel?” “Hm?” “Can I stay here with you until it’s time for rehearsal?” I smiled and said, “Of course.” DogDay then got up and climbed behind me on the bed and positioned me up against his chest after he took off his pendant. “Comfy?” I hummed yes and closed my eyes while DogDay took my hand and rubbed the top of it. Before I fell asleep I felt something on top of my head again. A kiss.  
A/N: *hides*
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Y'all, I just HAD to share this, because holy shit.
A little background first:
I run the drive-thru cash register window at a fast food joint. One of the shittiest jobs there is because some of the rudest/stupidest people on the planet come through the drive-thru, and one must have near superhuman patience to deal with it. That said, there are customers who come regularly and are not hard to deal with at all. And then there are some-very few and far between-that restore your faith in humanity a little every time they come.
This is about one such customer.
This guy comes every day at about the same time with his grandson (6 years old when this started, recently turned 7) and gets the exact same thing every time. To the point where now either I see their car or I hear the guy say his name (whichever happens first) and I'm already ringing them up. Because of this, the kid now thinks I have weirdly specific psychic powers, and has said he prefers coming to the place when I'm there. He's also decided I'm the best employee this place has. The granddad talks to me like I'm a human, they're always smiling and happy to see me (which means a lot in this line of work, let me tell you) and even on my shittiest days, they've managed to make me smile. I genuinely look forward to seeing these people every day.
Recently, grandson was hella excited to tell me he had a birthday coming up. Reminded me every day "my birthday's coming!" as most 6yo kids do.
Maybe I was feeling a little holiday spirit or something, but one day after work, I went to the Dollar Tree near the restaurant. I picked out a kid's birthday card and a Christmas card. I wrote a message in the Christmas one about what I just explained above, thanking them for bringing some joy to my days, because y'know what? People need to hear that shit. Especially in today's world. And I wanted them to know how much this meant to me. I wrote a little joke in the birthday card about not forgetting the day. Then I looked in my wallet, saw I had a $10 and a $1, and stuck the $10 in the birthday card. Addressed the birthday card to the kid and the Christmas one to kid and grandpa. I give the cards to them on their normal drive-thru visit. They are of course surprised (kid starts yelling "thank you" even though he hasn't gotten to open it yet) but thankful. Then the line moves on.
Fast forward to today.
I see the car come in but I don't start ringing the order up, because it's WAY early for them. I give my usual greeting, then I hear a woman's voice, so I think it's someone in the same kind of car. But when she asks "is this Hal?" I then realize it's the kid's mother, whom he has told all about me and who has come through with him before.
I say yes, and she tells me she's not here to order anything, just to see me, since kid and granddad are sick. I tell her to come on to the window, she does, and hands me a card and a nicely wrapped gift. I asked her to tell them hi for me, she said she would and then the line moved.
I got off on lunch break and opened card and gift.
I was not prepared. At all.
This is the gift...
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...the card (no writing on the front).....
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.....and the typed note inside the card that actually brought tears to my eyes.
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......I'm still not over this. I will be thinking about how this went on for OVER HALF A FUCKING YEAR and I had no idea.
This is the kind of stuff that makes this shitty job worth it. People like this....We need more of in this world. I'm going to hold onto that note so when I feel like shit or I don't matter, I can look at it and know there's a kid out there who I am so important to that he got his dad to write a whole-ass letter, to some random stranger he only knows through his son, inviting me to their fucking house. I'm tearing up again as I write this, just thinking about it.
If that doesn't say "you matter", idk what does.
(And yes, I will go at some point, because how can I not? I'm not gonna dash this kid's hopes and make myself look like an enormous asshole. This is the RL version of being handed a toy phone and told it's ringing)
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elordilover · 3 months
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pairing: walker scobell x fem!reader
summary: while you, dior, and leah were hanging out on set and they steal your phone and discover what you were watching
warnings: not proof read, sorry that the edits are on pinterest 💀 i don’t have tiktok
you were on set, but weren’t needed until 9:25 so you decided to just chill on the couch until that time. you could admit that you had a tiny crush on your costar, walker scobell. i mean who didn’t. you would never admit this but, you secretly had edits of your costar saved on tiktok.
no one else was around so you decided to put in one of your airpods and scroll through a few of your favorite edits.
you tried to keep your cheeks from turning red just in case dior or leah walked past. they would for sure ask what you were all smiley about.
“Y/N”, you heard as footsteps got closer to you, it was dior and leah. shoot. that was a close one.
you immediately turned off your phone and protected it with your life, you would never hear the end of this is they found out what you were watching. leah sat down on your right and dior on your left, both of them were confused why you were being so protective of your phone, you usually weren’t.
“what are you hiding”, dior asked with a high pitched tone.
“nothing”, you said quickly, “what do you mean”
“oh Y/N, look who it is, aryan!”, dior said while pointing toward the boy who walked toward you three.
you felt someone’s hand across your lap, grabbing your phone. leah grabbing your phone. after she secured it, her and dior ran off before you could steal it back.
“stop”, you yelled. you didn’t care if you were interrupting a shot, you had to get your phone back.
since leah was one of your best friends, she had your password to your phone and immediately unlocked it. once you realized this you sprang up from your seat and started dashing to them.
“guys, i’m serious stop!” you yelled toward them as they continued running away from you.
you saw both of their jaw drop, their eyes go wide and look up toward you. you knew that they found what you were trying to hide.
leah and dior looked at each other, both silently agreeing what to do next. they bolted toward set, where walker was. oh my god. this is not going to end well. a million different possibilities ran through your head. what will walker think? what will he do? will we still be friends?
you tried to chase after them but you knew it would be horrible if walker saw you after your secret had just been revealed. you stayed put and felt helpless.
you could see walker’s confused expression as they sprinted toward him. you were still relatively close so you could hear all the words that were being said.
“walker!”, dior and leah both yelled at the same time, out of breath.
“what, what’s going on?” he replied.
“you have to see this!” dior said while leah passed the phone toward walker, gesturing for him to take it.
“wait is this Y/N’s phone? why do you have it? wait where is she?”, walker rambled on.
“it doesn’t matter just watch what’s on there”, leah replied quickly, just wanting walker to see it.
walker looked down and saw his own face on the screen. he turned up the volume and watched will a slightly confused look.
“wait okay now look”, dior said while grabbing the phone out of his hands and showing him all of your saved edits. edits of him to be exact.
“wait where is she?” walker asked concerned.
you were terrified that walker was going to come and find you. you never want to see him again after this. this will most likely ruin your entire friendship that you spent months creating.
“well i don’t know where she is now, but she was right over there a second ago”, leah said while pointing over to where you were.
without a second thought walker came speed walking toward where you were, he was determined to find you. you were terrified, what was he going to say to you? leah and dior decided to stay there and watch what was about to go down.
“Y/N?”, you heard his soft voice say, “oh my god there you are”
“im sorry”, you said, prepping yourself for a rejection.
“no it’s okay i promise baby” he whispered while your cheeks immediately heated up due to the pet name.
his arms stretched out toward you for a hug. you accepting, breathing in his scent, you were relived he didn’t hate you over this ordeal.
“and to make you feel better, i have a bunch of edits of you saved”, he whispered in your ear, just loud enough for you to hear.
thank you guys so much for reading! feedback is appreciated!
*requests are open*
taglist 🏷️: @izzystylinson @saltnseas kesha16
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bro-atz · 5 months
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in which: you punish idol san in real life because out of everyone in the limited theme cards you missed, it was only him
pair: idol!san/afab!reader
word count: 2.9k
content: smut, (some) bdsm, sadism, sadomasochism, masochism, oral sex, bedroom sex, edging, (you scream) so loud the entire dorm hears, unprotected sex (but you're long time partners, so it's consensual), completely consensual!
author's note: it happened again. dalcomsoft you suck. @sanspuppet it's here
tag list: @k-hotchoisan @eyeryis @sinnarols @aaasia111 @sunshineangel-reads apply for the permanent taglist here! network: @cromernet superstar!series: seonghwa, san
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San should have ran away the second you started screaming at the top of your lungs. You were just screaming into the void at first, so he was just a little concerned, but then when he heard you scream his name angrily, he knew that it was over for him.
Technically speaking, he knew he should have run away the second he heard the cursed beeps of you tapping on your phone screen to start playing SSATZ, but he didn’t think much of you playing Arriba over and over again since the update did drop. The problem was that he didn’t you were going to be collecting the set this time around. You had done so for Crazy Form, WE KNOW, and Emergency— that should be enough, right?
You were collecting that set. Why? San looked fucking sexy in that set. Your mouth literally watered when you saw the season’s greetings photos for the first time, and Detective Choi San had a choke hold on you to the point where you forced your boyfriend to role-play with you one night. Rather than get his card, though, you got every other member in the group— and you got Yunho’s card 5 times. You were going to deal with him later. First, you had to deal with your lover.
He made a mad dash for the front door, but it was too late. You were standing in front of the door, your arms crossed over your chest, your eyes narrowed into a glare.
“You fucking suck, you know that?” you bit out.
“It’s not my fault! Blame the app developers, not me,” poor San sounded like he was about to cry.
“It so is your fault, though!”
“…I don’t know, but it’s your fault! Repent!”
“B-baby, listen, I’ll give you my credit card, so just buy the more expensive packs! Spend the money until you get it!” San tried to beg for his life.
“It’s too late for that! They started the update!”
“God fucking dammit!”
“Come with me. Now.”
San shivered; you dropped your voice so low that he thought you were actually going to kill him. You didn’t have that lusty look in your eye, so he had no idea how you were going to punish him, but he knew for a fact that you were definitely going to punish him that night.
You grabbed his arm and started walking him towards his room, only for Yunho to enter the apartment magically at that moment.
“Y/N? Are you okay, I heard you screaming,” Yunho said, concern laced in his voice.
“Don’t fucking talk to me, Yunho,” you spat, immediately making the tall boy cower. “I’ll be dealing with you next.”
“What did I do?!”
“Too much.”
“Dude, just run away now before it’s too late,” San hissed to Yunho when he felt your grip on his arm tighten.
Yunho saluted before fleeing the apartment. Without a second to lose, you dragged San to his bedroom, closing and locking the door upon entering.
“Strip and sit down on your chair,” you ordered.
San knew not to mess with you. He quickly did as you said, sitting politely in his desk chair with his hands on his knees. Meanwhile, you were digging through his closet to find some of the sex toys the two of you had used in the past. You found the shibari rope, vibrating cock ring, and riding crop that you were looking for. When you turned towards him and began to tie him up, the fear in San’s eyes only got more intense.
“Baby… Please…” San begged for mercy even though you hadn’t even started yet.
“So you can dish it out, but you can’t take it?” you asked.
“Well, when I tie you up, it’s fun for me—”
“And tying you up is fun for me, so…” you tied the rope as tightly as possible, conjoining him to his chair. With a final yank, you made sure that San was completely immobile. Holding the riding crop to his chin and pushing his head up so that he was looking right at you, you continued, “Sit here and take it until I feel better.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
San already knew what to do— the two of you had done this in the past, but it was always fun for all the parties involved. That being said, it wasn’t that San wasn’t looking forward to it; he just wished that the circumstances were different because you definitely weren’t going to be nice. He wondered if the safe word the two of you put in place would still apply.
You had no intention of actually making San cry. You wanted to edge him out. You wanted to slowly frustrate him until there was no point of return, the same way his greyed out card stared and laughed at you as you kept pulling every single member but him. Not necessarily an even exchange, but close enough.
Sliding the ring over his cock, you immediately began to stroke him, his cock firming up as more and more blood rushed to his waist. San bit back a light moan and choked back small grunts, his entire body lurching with your every touch.
“You’re extra sensitive today, Sannie,” you whispered in his ear. You leaned forward and intentionally pressed your clothed breasts against his bare chest as you purred, “Is it because you’re scared?”
“Y-yes, ma’am.”
You couldn’t help but giggle to yourself, and you only giggled more when you turned the cock ring on, the vibrations immediately making the man shiver and trembled. He turned his head to the side, refusing to look at you or anything for that matter. Taking the riding crop, you guided his head back forward. His eyes fluttered open, and his mouth was partially open as he let out shallow breaths.
As much as you wanted to tease him and taunt him with your words, all you could do was ogle at the sight of your boyfriend slowly losing his mind. He looked so sexy sitting there, his chest puffed out since his arms were tied behind the back of the chair, and his abs slightly more prominent as he clenched, the pleasure starting to override him. It definitely did not help when you slapped his chest and nipples lightly with the riding crop, and it only proceeded to get more difficult to keep it together when you slapped his thighs with a bit more power. He absolutely lost it when you took the corner of the crop and teased the tip of his penis.
“F-fuck!” San cried, his voice breaking and wavering. “Baby, I’m cumm—”
San cut himself off when you suddenly turned the vibrator off. He looked at you with wide eyes as you just stood before him with your arms crossed over his chest. His eyes narrowed only when he finally realized how you were punishing him. His cock softened slightly as he sighed deeply and looked up at you with eyes that made you just want to pounce on him.
“Really?” he asked.
“Honestly, baby, I would rather you just spanked me or gagged me or literally anything else… This is torture,” he complained.
“I mean, that’s the point darling,” you smirked at him.
You took the cock ring off and set it aside before stroking him again, his dick hardening once more. You continued to pump him as you leaned close to him, your lips near his ear as you recited sweet nothings to him.
“Sannie, you’re my good boy. You’re so perfect, so sexy, so gorgeous, so hot,” you showered him with compliments and got closer and closer to him. “Everything about you drives me crazy, you know that, right?”
“Yes—” San sharply inhaled when you caressed him just the right way. “Yes, ma’am.”
You smiled before grabbing his cheeks with one hand and turning his face so that you could kiss him hard, lovingly, passionately. God, San was over the fucking moon. He so badly wanted to get out of the goddamn rope you bound him in and grab you so he could kiss you back even harder. He tried to wriggled out of it, but it was no use. So, he settled for leaning as far forward as he could, only for you to stop kissing him.
A tiny pout appeared on his face, and he opened his mouth to complain, only to clamp his mouth shut when you started taking your clothes off one by one. He stared even harder because you turned away from him, wanting to tease him further, but also completely forgetting how much of an ass man your boyfriend was. He nearly bore a hole through your body when you shook your hair out, your back arching as you did so.
“Fuuuuuck, baby, come back. Edge me, torture me, do whatever the fuck you want. I just want you— I need you. Please, please, please, please, pleeeeease.”
You giggled lightly before saying, “You’re so cute, Sannie.”
“No, don’t call me cute! Call me sexy again.”
You stood right before him, ran your fingers through his hair, grabbed his roots, and tilted his head back. He looked up at you with the brightest, most sparkly and excited eyes you had ever seen.
“You know the point of this whole exercise is for you to get frustrated, not excited, right?”
“I can never get frustrated with you, baby.”
“…We’ll see about that.”
Straddling him, you rubbed the head of his cock against your folds before slowly sitting down on his lap, your eyes nearly rolling to the back of your head as he slipped into you and completely filled you up. You’ve fucked him countless times in the past, and yet, every single time he entered you, he stretched you out and made you feel like he was going to tear you in half.
You were gripping his broad shoulders and nearly dug your nails into his skin as you started bouncing slowly and gently on his cock. Every time you sat down, you felt like he was going deeper inside you, and whenever he got too deep, you had to desperately hold back a moan, gasp, or cry, which you were only able to do when you buried your face in the crook of San’s neck.
Other than San’s occasional “Mmm”s and light sighs, the sounds of your wet pussy squelching as you rode him, your ass clapping against his waist and thighs, and your own heavy breathing. The sounds and the feel of San’s hot bare skin pressed against yours and his cock deep inside you were overstimulating you to the point where you wondered if you had to edge yourself for this to properly work as punishment.
Finally moving your head away from his neck, you looked at his face with half-lidded eyes, the corner of your lower lip tucked in between your teeth as you desperately tried to keep it together and not lose sight of your goal. The fucked out look on your face was so hot for San— he could stare at that look all the live-long day, but in the same breath, he desperately wanted your lips on his.
“Baby,” he whispered. “Kiss me. Please.”
“No,” you immediately declined.
“Come on, baby—”
San’s head met your shoulder, defeat evident in his shoulders. He settled for leaving hickeys on your neck and shoulder, but he even failed in that endeavor because he didn’t have a strong hold on you— heck, he didn’t have a hold on you at all. You tied him up way too well; so well, in fact, that he couldn’t even thrust his hips upwards. His frustration was definitely building.
Yet, before he could complain or speak or anything, you finally gave in and kissed him. You shouldn’t have given in so easily, but you felt bad for him— also, you wanted to kiss him too.
San hummed happily as your lips met over again over again, his happiness only building when you slipped your tongue into his mouth and played with his. His orgasm was starting to build back up again as you clenched every time you sat down, the waves of pleasure building quickly.
Usually, right before he came, San would break off your kiss (if you were kissing) and focus on completely annihilating you with his cock before cumming, so when he moved his head away to stop kissing you, you immediately pushed yourself off his lap and stood up— well, you barely stood on your wobbly legs, but hey, you did it.
“Okay, I think you proved your point, baby,” San huffed lightly. “Just come here and let me finish.”
Fully ignoring him, you quickly gathered your clothes and wore them at the speed of light, San’s eyes getting wider with surprise by the second. After you were fully dressed and presentable, you waved at the tied up boy and said, “Bye, Sannie! I’ll see you later!”
“Wait, w-what?! Baby?! Y/N! WAIT COME BACK! WHAT— OH MY GOD, WHAT?!”
You heard your boyfriend shout loudly and a little angrily while you struggled to put on your shoes (why did you have to wear your fucking converse of all shoes that day?).
What scared the shit out of you was that you saw San, still fully naked and erect, stormed out of his bedroom sans shibari rope. Your hand was barely on the doorknob when San grabbed you and hoisted you over his shoulder.
“Absolutely the fuck not. We’re not done here,” San bit out.
You kicked and flailed as you tried to get him to put you down; and despite the fact that you were trying to get out of his grasp, you were laughing. You successfully frustrated him, and now he was about to fuck the shit out of you.
San tossed you on his bed and stripped you down fully— even your converse shoes went flying. And, impatiently, San skipped the foreplay, skipped treating you like a princess like he normally did, and went right to fucking you hard. He had you nearly bent like a pretzel with your legs on his shoulders. He pressed down so much of his body weight on you as he fucked you from above, and he made it even harder for you to breathe when he slipped his hand under your head, grabbed it, and brought your head up so he could kiss you to the point where he was eating you alive.
You clawed his back up to the point where you were practically drawing blood. He was way too intense— you may have pushed him way too far. And even though you were in pain, you also felt fucking amazing. You didn’t want him to stop, so when he finally let you surface for air, you were slightly disappointed.
San didn’t ask you to turn over like he normally did. He flipped you over himself. He brought your ass into the air and thrust harshly into you, his hands firmly planted on your ass. Once he got a good rhythm going, he slapped your ass left and right, the red on your skin deepening with every stroke of his hand.
“Sannie!” you cried as his ruts got faster and harder. “D-don’t— Fuck! F-feels so good!”
“Of course— Ngh— You like this, you sadomasochist,” San grunted out, his low voice making your fingers and toes tingle like anything. “You’re such a slut for my cock. I don’t know what you were thinking leaving me like that.”
You wanted to tell him that you would never, ever do that again to him, but you couldn’t because he was literally fucking your brains out. He repeatedly hit your cervix, and when you arched your back slightly, he hit just the right spot, and you came instantly. You creamed all around him as white and stars filled your vision.
And then finally— finally, finally, finally— San got to cum. He pulled you towards him as he brought his waist harshly to yours, his head flying back as he groaned loudly. His cock was twitching and throbbing as he just kept cumming, filling you up, breeding you.
When he pulled out, his cum spilled out of you, a trail of white running over your folds and dripping from your clit as you remained with your ass high in the air, your chest pressed firmly to the bed. San looked proudly at the mess he made you into before giving your ass one final smack and getting off the bed.
“That was more of a punishment for me, don’t you think?” you asked weakly as your breathing returned to normal.
“Was it? I think you enjoyed that more than me, baby,” San responded with a little laugh as he returned to the bed with tissues and water.
“…You’re probably right.”
San sat you up gently and handed you the water before cleaning you and him up and replacing his bedsheets. Moments later, San got under the covers and laid down next to you. You immediately set the water aside and snuggled into his embrace, your face pressing into his soft, warm, bare chest.
“Do you feel better now?” San asked quietly.
“Much better.”
“…But I still need your card to complete my set.”
You could literally hear San roll his eyes dramatically. With a fake, annoyed sigh, he hugged you closer and said with a light laugh, “Okay, I promise I will somehow get you my card.”
“Thank you, Sannie.”
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redactedrem · 2 months
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You know what? Fuck you. *Ponifies Batman*
Guys I'm so excited to share my newest project of ponifying the Batfam, it started out small with the hypothetical "I wonder what Batman would be like in a mlp universe." And then the project kept getting bigger and bigger.
If anyones interested in my world building/ headcanons surrounding this project, you can see it under the cut. (I didn't want to make the post too long.)
Incase anybody couldn't read my bad handwriting, I gotchuuu.
-(First pic) Bruce Wayne: Bruce had got his cutiemark the night of his parents death, after the grief had broken his spirit and he realized that he never wanted anypony else to feel the same pain as he does. (He has a fake cutiemark to cover up his obvious destiny)
- The first pic is pretty self explanatory, but I want to make it clear that Bruce's destiny isn't "My parents are dead so now I dress up as a bat and beat up mentally ill folk". Because I've seen people on here give hot takes on cutiemarks that directly link them to a ponies destiny.
This goes for specifically in the mlp fandom but (for the sake of being on topic) I'll use the the example of that one post where someone gave the hot take that Jason would get his cutiemark in the warehouse right before he dies (or after he dies? smthing like that) because "It would be really fucked up to know that you were always destined to die." And listen, I can appreciate some good Jason Todd whump as the next guy but knowing that this would be based in a mlp universe . . . just doesn't sit right with me.
It sounds less magical that way. Its like saying that Rainbow Dash was always meant to be the fastest flyer, so theres no point in trying to compete with her. So uhm, trying to stay on topic here. My personal hot take is that a pony's cutiemark is symbol of something that they do/ a skill or talent that they have that makes them happy. And whats a more magical and fulfilling destiny than doing something that makes you happy for the rest of your life?
Looping back to Bruce, he didn't get his cutiemark the moment his parents died, but I like to think that he got it sometime later on in the night. After hours of being checked on by the police, getting looked at by the paramedics, and after Alfred took him home. Its 1:40ish in the morning and tiny foal-Bruce is just staring at his bedroom wall feeling numb and dissociated to hell. And sometime after processing everything that night- he just decides that this is the worst thing that has ever happened to him and that he will do anything to make sure that nopony will ever feel the same pain that he has felt. And then-- Ta da!! Cutiemark!! Too bad neither he or Alfred got to experience the excitement when they both saw it the next day :')
(Edit: I didn't know where to put this detail, but Bruce's fake cutiemark is based off of the "Make It Wayne" TV logo from this fanfic here )
-(Second pic) The Bat: This is heavily inspired by Flutterbat, I know theres canonically already a race of bat ponies made from Lunas stunt as Nightmare Moon. But I chose to go through with the Flutterbat route because batponies are a race, and have bat-like features 24/7. In comparison Fluttershy maintains her pegasus appearance by day and transforms into Flutterbat at night (ALSO with there being implications that there are "Triggers" for her transformations in the day too!!) Which adds the "Vampire." right in front of her batpony title.
I might do a lil comparison chart between vampire batponies and regular batponies in the future or something. But for now I'm focusing on my batpony Bruce Wayne headcanons so yea. My point is that I felt like making Bruce a "vampire" batpony would give him a more solid secret identity with also the bonus of a really metal origin story.
Now we all know that the canonical origin story of batman is that a few months after the tragedy of his parents death, Bruce had fallen into a cave? a well? a pit? of bats and triggered a fear of bats since then. Later on he decides to become Batman so he can invoke the fear of bats he once had into the criminals of Gotham. Yadda yadda yadda.
Now canonically, we don't know the exact science on how Fluttershy turned into Flutterbat. What we do know is that at the time, pony magic is not researched enough for Twilight to be aware that Fluttershys "Stare" is her own form of pony magic and that it would interfere with Twilights spell.
Do you see where I'm getting at here? Uhmm don't ask me what exactly happened in the cave, I'm doing this for fun and thinking about it too hard makes me spiral. But uhmm something something- Bruce looked at a bat in the eye and decided to embrace his biggest fear to fuel his cause, and his already traumatized and fucked up pony magic had transformed his body- something something. (Edit: I didn't think about this until now but maybe Fluttershys "Stare" and Bruces "Bat Glare" could be a usage of the same form of magic? Just a thought)
I'll probably come up with a more suitable explanation in the future, but like I said. All of this is just for fun.
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thewritetofreespeech · 5 months
Could I request Gojo's reaction to his s/o, who has the ability to perceive the future, getting harassed because her client's not happy about their future?
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Satoru hummed a happy little tune as he walked down the busy streets of Tokyo to go see his wife.
He had been blessed with an unusual day off after a quick meeting with the ‘old men’; probably because they were so annoyed with him that they just wanted him to go away. Still, it was a rare treat. So he thought he would surprise his wife by taking her to lunch. She could afford to close the shop for a day.
The sorcerer giggled a little as he wondered if she knew he was coming. With her innate ability to see and predict the future, it was hard to pull surprises on her. But he always tried. Taking the challenge on at every turn to keep his wife guessing and marriage spicy.
“That’s not right! You’re a liar!!”
Satoru’s eyebrows jutted up over his sunglasses, hearing the yelling once he had come in the door. He walked in further to the shop towards the back, where [Y/N] would hold private readings, and saw a woman who had clearly just jumped up from the table and was pointing at [Y/N].
“I’m sorry,” she apologized to the angry looking woman, “but that’s what I see.”
“No! That’s not true! He promised he would leave his wife and be with me! That has to be what my future will be next year!”
“I mean….there’s a possibility that the prediction could change. The future isn’t set in stone but-“No buts! I want my money back!”
“I can’t give you your money back just because you don’t like your prediction. This is a business. If you wanted someone to just agree with you, then you should have just called a friend.”
“They told me to come here! I see now that they just wanted me to get cheated too! You’re nothing but a liar and a con artist! I know my future and it’s to be with him, and you’re just making this up because you’re alone & jealous!”
“If you knew your future, then why did you even come here? Clearly there’s some underlying trust issues if you asked your friends, I assume family, and now a premonitions expert. This is just free advice at this point but maybe this relationship isn’t what you want for you’re future.”
The woman went full red at this point and raised her hand to presumably strike [Y/N]. She never got the chance though as Satoru grabbed her forearm to stop it just as soon as it was raised. “Now, now. Let’s have none of that.”
The woman looked startled and jerked out of his grasp and away from him. “Who the hell are you?”
“Just a concerned customer.” He replied with a cheeky grin, which he could see that [Y/N] did not appreciate out of the corner of her eye. “And also, her husband.”
The woman’s face went from shocked, to a mixture of crushed, back to angry. Clearly realizing that the only person alone in the room was her, but not yet willing to accept it. “I want my money back! Or I’ll sue!”
“Go ahead.” Satoru told her. Then pressed his fingers to his temple, “but I see an arrested in your future if you keep pressing this. Attempted battery is almost just as serious as if you actually landed that punch.” The woman let out an angry huff, then grabbed her belongings and dashed out. “Another satisfied customer.”
“Don’t be mean Satoru.” [Y/N] replied once they were alone and stood up to clean the mess the woman had made of her reading table. “It’s not my fault she’s chosen a hard path. I didn’t even have to use my ability to tell her this wasn’t going to end well. What was I supposed to do? Lie?”
“I’m sure she wouldn’t have minded. Delusional people like that only want to hear what they want to hear.” No one needed psychic abilities to see that.
“What are you doing here by the way?”
“Oh! I came to take you to lunch!” In the commotion, he almost forgot why he was there. “The old men gave me the day off, so I thought I would spend it with you.”
“That’s nice.” [Y/N] said with a smile. “But I have to work Satoru.”
“Why?” He asked with a pout. “You know we don’t need the money. I know you like to work but….you can take off for one day. Plus, shouldn’t you get hazard time for almost having a client flip a table on you?”
[Y/N] chuckled a little. Even if it was a sad sort of noise. “Well…I guess you’re right. The shop will be fine if we close early for today.”
Satoru helped her clean up the last little bit and they left. He asked her once, when they were dating, to use her powers on him but she said that she couldn’t. His future had too many variables. Too full of potential. But he knew, even when they first met, that his future was going to be with her.
He didn’t need psychic abilities to see that.
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ninimuhllover · 1 month
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"You have pretty eyes"
Pairing: Nika mühlx!fem!reader
Warnings:cursing,fluff,no mentions of y/n,reader refered to as her,she,hers,kissing
"Kissing, I hope they caught us Whether they like or not" kk sung while we were driving to the amusement park"I wanna show you off,I wanna show you off" I sang with her I turn the radio down a bit because Paige and azzi were talking but Nika was quiet "hey you okay Nika?" I ask while slightly turned towards her "huh" she said looking up "I asked if you were okay?" She slightly blushed "oh yeah I'm just nervous" she smiled "oh why are you nervous" I asked while smiling "I have never really liked rollercoasters" she said shyly "oh that's okay I'll hold your hand then" she blushed really hard I turn back around and turn the radio back up "Somethin' different about you Love it when he hit and smack too Baby, lemme lick on your tattoos That's true that I like pda Take it to a seedy place Suck a little dick in the bathroom" I sang with kk some more"Who that man with the big strong hands On her ass in the club with the paps? Baby, that's you Front seat chillin' with the window down I be ten toes down on the dash getting' fast food" we sang(mainly yelled) while pulling into the parking lot for the park"Take you 'round the world, they don't have to understand Rub it in their face, put a rock on her hand"we sang turning off the car "alright y'all ready for this" kk said I stepped out the car and grabbed my bag and put it overy shoulder when I felt someone grab my hand seeing it was Nika I didn't mind "okay where are we going frist"asked azzi "well since we got the express passes we can really go anywhere" I said to azzi as we were walking to the entrance "why don't we get those cups we can refill for free" kk said while we got in line to check in "nah I was thinking about thirsting to death" Paige said jokingly "hey that's you" kk said
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Time skip ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
"I kinda wish that we didn't have the express passes" Nika said as we were walking towards a ride"why?" I said "because then we can wait in line and then I wouldn't be so nervous" she said "yeah I guess that's reasonable" I said smiling at her "let's ride that one" I said pointing to one I saw from afar we all started walking to the ride and went through the express line getting faster I could see nika getting more and more nervous so I squeezed her hand she smile at the gesture with a tiny hint of red on her cheeks "don't be scared it's gonna be fun" I say to reassure her she nods once we got sat on the ride her grip on my hand got even tighter when the ride started moving her grip on my hand was so tight but I didn't really care as long as she was comfortable "it's okay" I say to her the some people behind us started yelling when we were moving upwards we soon reached the top "just breath" I say to her it soon dropped and pretty much everyone was screaming her grip never let lose the ride came to a stop and we got off "was that fun?" i asked "actually yeah" she smiled "how about we go get churros?" I asked she nodded as we walked to the churros stand the walk was further than I expected
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚time skip˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
"two churros please" I asked the cashier he nodded and grabbed them "thank you" I said as he handed them to me i handed on to Nika as I took a bite "mm this is good" she said "yeah but the chocolate sauce taste like shit" (speaking from personal experience) I said disgusted "meh I'm in the middle about it" I smile at her "how about we go on the Ferris wheel next"she said "sure" I say surprised she would want to go on a ride that soon after the first one we started walking towards the Ferris wheel still hand in hand we walked through the express line and sat down in a cart sitting across each other to balance the cart the Ferris wheel started to move up wards" wanna take a picture" she nodded I quickly moved over beside her as the cart rocked back and forth I pulled out my phone and pressed the camera put up a peace sign while she put up two while smiling I took a couple of pictures and since we were so close when I turned towards her our noses almost touched "has anyone ever told you that 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨?" She breathed out and leaned in when our lips touched It felt like everything was coming together that I could die happy I never wanted it to end but we both pulled away "I have liked you for so long"she said smiling at me "I have liked you for so long too" we were both blushing when we got of the ride and stated to walk towards a new ride
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚time skip˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
"where have you two been" azzi asked us when we walked up to the car "we got kinda lost" i said we kinda did but it was good because we wouldn't have kissed "mhm sureeee" Paige said slyly "and there's some news" said Nika while smiling kks face lit up like she already new "Paige you better give me my twenty dollars" she said beaming like a kid "huh there was a bet" I say shocked Nika and azzi were laughing while Paige stomped like a kid and kk jumped for joy "I can't with y'all" I said azzi hugged me "it's okay y'all are cute" she whispered to me while smiling after all of that we got into the car "and you better not forget to cash app me my twenty p" kk said while paige huffed we all laughed "yeah yeah don't rub it in"Paige said
Kinda short I'm really bad at putting periods and stuff but I hope this was okay it's my first actual writing I most likely spelt things wrong but oh well no one's perfect I don't actually know if Nika doesn't like rollercoasters it was just an idea I hope you enjoyed it and please please request please don't copy me my work with out asking 🩷🤍
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explosionkatsu · 1 year
"Age doesn't matter" 15
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Dad!Bakugo x F!Babysitter!Teacher!Reader
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It’s been days since Y/n started babysitting Kazui. After the administration suspended the class due to the villain attack, Y/n had to email every parent about what would happen and how can the children still catch up with their lessons, as well as mail them the day-to-day school activities. But for Kazui, instead of mailing Katsuki the manuscripts, she has Kazui’s daily school activity printed out and hands it to him personally.
No, she won't teach him at all. It may be part of her babysitting job but being his school instructor, she treats her pupils equally. That implies no special treatment for Kazui.
Although almost every day she can hear Katsuki lecturing Kazui whenever he sees him writing down the wrong answer. Sometimes she’ll catch him smacking his head which will earn him a lecture from her.
She remembered when she first did it in front of Eijiro. The guy was taken aback of course, but surprisingly, Katsuki behaved which made Eijiro taken back more.
“Did you just...- What?” The poor guy was confused.
Today, Katsuki’s on his daily pratol and you were working in the Dining area where you can keep an eye on Kazui who completed his homework and was just watching tv now.
All of a sudden you received an email from the school principal. Clicking it open, Y/n read the content. It was apparently an email about the new employee since some of the kindergarten teachers resigned after the incident. The principal is basically relying on her since she’s one of those who stayed.
“Another work, then.” Y/n mumbled but started responding to the email anyway. It’s not like she has a choice not to. But deep down, she wanted to leave her job as well, not because she was hired as a babysitter, it’s because of the workload which has been keeping her up till midnight.
And yes, Katsuki noticed this. He has very observant eyes, we all know that. He can see her strained smile whenever Kazui comes up to her to show anything he drew.
“Ah. I guess that’s it for now.” Y/n yawned as she stretched her limbs. Once done stretching, she checked the time to see it was almost dinner. Which means, he’ll be here anytime now.
“Time to make dinner, Kazui-chan.”
Kazui beamed once he heard Y/n. He always wanted to be a great good like his dad, so Y/n agreed that Kazui can help her or watch beside her.
“What will we be cooking today, Miss Y/n?” Kazui asked while rocking on his heels. A mannerism Y/n found out whenever he’s excited.
“Well, I always wanted to try something new. I just need to see if we have all the ingredients.” Y/n smiled as soon as she finished packing her things before proceeding to the kitchen.
Once she checked the fridge, “Huh. It seems like we’re missing one ingredient.” Y/n pouted. “I guess another dish, then.”
Very uneventful, is what in his mind. Katsuki groaned as he stepped in and set his boots aside.
Well, at least he got home unharmed.
“Hey, brat.” Katsuki grinned and picked up Kazui who dashed towards him.
“How was your day, papa? Miss Y/n is cooking dinner!” Kazui beamed while being carried by his father.
“What the hell? Again? I swear to God.” Katsuki tsked after knowing this. Careful, he put Kazui down and marched toward the kitchen where he saw you cooking.
“What did I tell you, hah?” He was pissed, alright.
By accident, you dropped the spatula you were using startled by his voice. You didn’t expect him to come home this early, way too early actually.
“W-what are you doing here?” You said while trying to use your body to cover the dish you were cooking from his view.
“What the hell do you mean? This is my house.” Katsuki pointed out, arms crossed over his chest with Kazui beside him, holding him by his pants. “Didn’t I tell you to not cook? That ain’t part of your job.” He groaned.
“If I didn’t cook us our meal, we won’t be able to eat supper and you’ll come home with an empty stomach.” You pouted while slowly picking up the spatula.
“I said you can order out. Didn’t I leave you enough money for that?”
“Well, I’m sorry but inside of ordering unhealthy food, I used the money to buy something healthy since Kazui is still a growing boy.” You said after successfully picking the spatula. “Besides, you should know this. You’re a hero. You need to maintain a proper diet and have a healthy meal.” You said before turning your back at him to focus on finishing your cooking.
Katsuki’s lips twitched at your response.
“Hey brat.”
Kazui looked up at him curiously. “Yes papa?”
“Take my bag to my room. Bring me a clean pair of comfortable clothes. I just need to talk to Miss Y/n.” Katsuki handed Kazui his bag without looking at him which he took, obviously struggling.
“E-eh?” Your attention was now focused on the struggling Kazui who was hauling his father’s obviously heavy bag.
“It’s alright. This is how I train him.” Katsuki said to you, but eyes still engaged on you.
“O-okay.” You responded still concerned.
“I can’t pay you more if you keep doing this.” Katsuki said out of nowhere when he heard Kazui reach the stairs. He doesn’t want his child to overhear this.
“I don’t care.” You responded to him as turned your attention back to the sizzling food in front of you.
“What do you-
“Look.” You started before slightly reducing the heat to prevent the food from burning and set your attention completely on him. “At this point, I don’t care about the extra stuff I don’t have to do. You are a hero and Kazui’s a kid. Both of you need something nutritious since, like I said, Kazui’s a growing kid, and you, for your diet.” You instructed. “You are a parent, and you should know this.”
Katsuki was outraged at your last statement.
“What the hell do you know about being a parent, huh.” He spat, taking Y/n aback. “You are not a mother, so stop nagging me.”
But you’re not backing down.
“I may not be a parent, but I know things about being a good one.” You responded calmly.
“What? You’re saying I’m not a good parent? Hah?” Katsuki dropped his crossed arms and took a step closer to Y/n who didn’t even flinch. “You know nothing, woman.”
Y/n even challenged him by stepping closer to him, almost nose to nose. “I know everything, Katsuki. I also know that you needed help.”
“I don’t.”
“You do. You’re just too prideful to accept one.” You said quietly, almost a whisper.
The space between both of you was enough for Katsuki to study your features. Your (e/c) eyes, your lashes, your nose, and your glossy lips that he’s tempted to touch with his own.
Screw it.
Following his thoughts, Katsuki wrapped his arm around you, taking you by surprise and pulled by your waist as he placed a finger under your chin, tilting your head upwards and as gently as possible, placed his lips onto yours.
He was right about your lips being soft and tender.
You on the other hand were still in shock. You didn’t expect this to happen. Never in your life did you expect Dynamight to kiss you.
When you felt him pull away, you were speechless. Your eyes were looking straight on his, as his to yours. As if everything around you was blurry.
Katsuki was the same as you are though. He was shocked by what he did. Hell, he didn’t even know why he did it. All he knew was your lips looked so glossy.
“Fuck.” He muttered.
“Papa. I hope this is okay.”
Kazui’s voice jolted both of you making you push him away, and him releasing you.
“I- That’s fine.” Katsuki said out loud as he glanced behind him. When he turns to look back at you, you were touching your lips, face flushed while your eyes stare into nothing. “I-“ he was trying, okay? He doesn’t know where to start.
“I-I’ll go back to cooking.” You stuttered and turned back to the stove.
“Y-yeah.” Katsuki agreed as he scratched the back of his head, slightly blushing. “I guess.”
It was finally time for Y/n to go back to her apartment and She was a glad about this.
After what happened earlier, the dinner was awkward. Both adults didn’t even glance at each other. Thankfully, Kazui was telling them stuff making the tension in the air light.
When Y/n finally got her things, a knock on the door caught her attention. “Who is it?” She called out. But before she could reach the door, it swung open, revealing Eijiro and Denki.
“Oh. Hey Miss Y/n!”
“Oh? Good evening.” You bowed and let them in the house.
“Were you about to leave?” Denki asked while eyeing your things lying on the ground.
“Oh. Yes. I was about to.” You smiled at them as you closed the door behind.
“What’re you two idiots doing here, hah.” Katsuki’s emerged from the kitchen while wiping his hands dry. He did the dishes, okay? “And keep it down, Kazui’s asleep.”
“We’re just stopping by. Kaminari here wanted to visit Kazui and have a little drink with you, so I joined him.” Eijiro grinned at Katsuki and sat on the couch.
“Don’t you think it’s a bit late to drink? We have an early patrol tomorrow, morons.” Katsuki said while hanging the wet towel on its rack and joining them in the living room.
“Come on, man. We drove all the here to see you.” Denki pouted. “I wanted to see the kid as well.”
“Tsk. Fine.” Katsuki agreed. “After I drop Y/n to her place, and don’t wake Kazui, got it.”
“I’m sorry?” You were obviously not listening.
“I said, I’ll drop you to your place.” Katsuki repeated as he grabbed his jacket from the bracket near the entrance and wore it. “As if I’d let you leave this house at this hour, idiot.”
“I can just ride a bus.” You said as you watched Katsuki pick your things and left. “Bakugo.” You called, only to get ignored.
“You can’t change his mind, Miss Y/n.” Eijiro chuckled as he watched you try. “He’s one stubborn man.”
“Its not bad to try, right?” You slightly pouted.
“And you’ll only go unnoticed.” Denki smiled at you.
“Sigh. Alright. H-have a great evening to you both.” Once again, you bowed and left the house. “Bakugo!”
Eijiro and Denki were smiling like idiots as they watched your figure disappear from their sight.
“What do you think about her?” Eijiro suddenly asked as he stood up and grab himself a drink.
“Miss Y/N?” Denki asked not making an effort to look at Eijiro. “She seems really nice to me, way too soft for Kacchan.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, bro. She seems like a gentle woman to me. Completely opposite to, you know.” Denki said, this time looking at Eijiro.
“I think they look good together.” Eijiro said as he handed Denki his drink.
“What did I say about formalities?” Katsuki tsked as he placed your things inside the car.
“You don’t have to-
“Sigh.” He was obviously tired of your attempts.
You watched him groan and put both his palm over his face.
“God you’re more stubborn than Kazui.” Katsuki groaned.
“I-I’m sorry.” You murmured to yourself as you play with your fingers.
“Do you want me to kiss you again?”
“W-what?!” “Relax, it’s a joke,” Katsuki smirked at you. “Get in the car.”
Hello, my lovelies! I am glad to be back. I am once again apologizing for disappearing like that. But here's part 15. I do hope you like this and stay tuned for 16. Thank you for all your patience.
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anantaru · 6 months
You think rape is funny? Maybe once you fucking experience it you won’t. Fucking cunt.
hello. so I'll just jump right into this. tw. discourse tw. mentioning r*pe.
@saetoru made this claim about me:
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saetoru, could you add proof at least? i can not remember a time where i would repost a joke like that so i'd love for you to show me proof please, this is all I'm asking.
also how was it on your dash, on your own dash and @dottores dash, when you have never followed me? + but maybe it was the for you feature that was the same for the both of you.
accusing someone without proof is not okay, again, i can not remember doing this so if you have a screenshot add it so i can remember and apologize, but i can't do anything because i don't remember saying a joke with SA in mind.
before that i just want to mention: i don't think r*pe is funny, i'm not a dark content blog either so i do not really reblog dark content things because i'm sure most of my readers don't want that + I'm just not into that as well. the only joke i was "called out" for once is when i used a "i want xyz character to smack their laptop on my face or tits" which i got from an andrew garfield interview where he read his thirst tweets out loud, at that time i just deleted it because it's alright.
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dottores, your mutuals, two of them to be exact, have sent me multiple of your personal blog hate posts about me and not once, have you made one where you talked about me saying an SA joke. you have only claimed that i am a cunt and that i am a gatekeeping bitch hence why i believed this must be the reason why you would suddenly hate me despite the fact we never interacted.
now, I want to address this next, this is from @dottores post which when i got it sent to me, i would've wished she just tagged me right away and said it with her chest, more so not let saetoru talk about her experience but just handle this with me.
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^ this is cat @dottores saying i got it wrong.
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^ this is why i believed she meant it just like i said it, why do you go through blogs that grow really fast's notes in the first place? where do you take the right to police other blogs like that when i'm sure your blogs aren't empty of blank blogs either. it is hard to get rid of all of them but i'm sure we all try at least, we don't need you to make us feel bad or come off as belittling, if you have found out a way to get rid of every blank blog, do enlighten us please.
+ at that time of this reblog icks?? post that saetoru added, my blog was blowing up so when a moot of mine (which was also theirs at a time) saw this, they had sent it to me.
"creators that grow really fast" and nowhere has she mentioned she only went through only her own moots notes, aside from that apologies but i still find this weird, i don't think you should invest so much time in other people's blog but this is my opinion.
this is the next thing she said:
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i don't know if dottores meant me there but i have never once harassed you nor sent you hate anywhere, again you cannot just accuse me of stuff like that when you have also never reached out to me. The things i claimed about you guys in your callout, i have text messages of the person (your moot) who sent it to me.
but back again, the only thing i did do was block dottores on tumblr and then later ao3 when i saw you in tags, which you made fun of me for later:
also i got this ask that time:
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"who blocks on ao3?" i do, ao3 is the platform i use the most so why is it funny when i use the block button? + i just like to point something out here, "they must've clicked to read and realize it was me" you can think that if you want i don't mind, but let me ask you this: i have seen you in tags hence why i was able to block you, but how did you notice i did? you can't see me in tags so surely you didnt click on my work, so you must've searched up my user for whatever reason?
and i know this is about me because she added the "this person called me chronically online" i couldn't find the post but what she was talking about is me calling other writers who reblogged that one "ick post" with not needed things such as "when writers cant characterize a character" or "when they only write headcanons", i have plenty of screenshots of that post but since i don't want to use up all my space here, i don't see why i should show their reblogs from this.
there were plenty of people like that, which reblogged horrible things there so i called everyone under that post chronically online, not just you dottores.
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yeah :) like people making fun of someone for blocking them for their own comfort. i just don't want to see you, that's all, but i have never send you hate asks nor harassed you, the only thing i did was block the blogs your own mutuals exposed to me.
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^ this is after i felt bad for you after the callout.
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this is coming from your own mutuals, i have never alone claimed you guys are jealous of me nor is there anything to be jealous about. i am just a blog, this here is not being popular, no one knows who i am and i do not need to pride myself in having a big blog on tumblr.com, and my readers know that. we are all the same here.
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i didn't mean you here saetoru but i understand that it sounded that way, the phrasing was a little off, for that i apologise that i made you upset with this, english is not my first language, i'm french, and when it comes to this callout post i was so fed up with it that i just posted it without looking for grammar mistakes etc. + this is about one of your friends who deleted their personal the second i announced i got their user, that was something with kaeya, when they sent me a hate ask. i won't expose it here but that person was also the one who blacklisted a friend of mine for liking itto.
i think there is a lot more but i will stop it there, this could've ended differently and i'm sad that it ended this way. I wish you all the best and i mean it, i hope we all can learn from this and move on, write on tumblr for our favorite characters because it's fun and stay away from drama. If you made it this far thank you 💓 — yoru
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yunebtc · 4 months
Hiii ! Could you please do a Rainbow Dash x fem! reader oneshot? Nothing specific! Hope it’s not a bother, thank you! 🥲
-Fem reader
-Reader is a but on the athletic side as well preferably vollleyball
-Reader x Rainbow Dash
Are you sure about that? RAINBOW DASH
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You and Rainbow have been dating for 10 months now and you couldn't have been happier, you had found someone who changed your life, Today You and Rainbow had been busy with classes and you were just heading only class with rainbow, PE, Rainbow loved PE you liked it as well especially volleyball which is what you were doing today, You were excited since you enjoyed volleyball and you were extremely well at it, you went to the locker room and changed and as you finish you see dash enter the locker room and you walked up to her "Hey!! Where have you been?" You ask she usually never was late, she grabs ur hand and says "Heh my bad AJ helped me clean up the mess in home ec" You weren't surprised since she definitely didnt seem like the type of girl for home ec, you hear the whistle and you wait for Rainbow to leave the locker room as you both talk about what happened during the day your coach said you were playing volley ball and place you and dash on separate teams, Yous see your girlfriend smirk and walk up the the net and says to you "Your so going down babe, you know how I am with sports!!" You laugh and say "Are you sure about that??" And she look at you like your crazy "UH duh!! Just wait" Rainbow said not knowing she was gonna regret it
You and Dash were neck on neck with points and the game was about to end as Rainbow served the ball your teamate went for it and shot the ball in the air and you went to go spike the ball which landed on Rainbows side of the court as your team cheered you on Rainbows team groans in disappointment and you see Rainbow with a frown on her face and you Coach says "Alright girls head totally he lockerrooms before the bell rings!!" And everyone heads into the locker rooms some girls took a light shower, you being one of the and some left already waiting for the bell, you got out and the locker room started to fill with more steam, You change into your clothes and you see Rainbow with a towel around her body, her body still being damp and you were able to see her muscles and how the towel hugged her body just right made you blush slightly but you could tell Rainbow was still salty about the game and you laugh out loud grabbing her attention "What's so funny huh?" She says with a pout and you laugh even more " Baby your being ridiculous it's just one game of volleyball it won't hurt your winning streak!" You exclaim as rainbow huffs finishing putting her skirt and you decide to mess with her and bring her hands to her sides "How about I give you a reward because your such a good sport?" Rainbow turns red and she looks away "--- W-what do you-" you cut her off with a kiss which she returns as she puts her hand on your neck her thumb on your jawline deepening the kiss you both fight for dominance and she eventually wins and she smirks in the kiss and snakes her other hand around your waist and breaks the kiss "I think I like the reward" She says and you blush even more she laughs and her mood was easily lifted and you both finish getting ready to head to see the others
You and rainbow were still red from just coming out of the steamy locker room and as you approached the girls they all begun to give knowing looks and giggle "What are you guys laughing at??" Rainbow asks and Sunset says "Some girls came by and saw you guys getting at it in the locker roooom~" She singsonged and you and Rainbow blush even harder "UHHH WE GOTTA GO SEE YA!!" Rainbow panics and she drags you to her motorcycle turning the engines and drives off and they were left laughing so hard years went by "What in tarnation!??" Applejack laughs
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 1 year
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[12:07 pm]
(cw: dad!johnny, gn!reader)
“You know I really thought our beach trip would be a weekend trip and not a week long trip at a beachfront hotel,” You sighed, settling down onto the beach towel you had just laid out under a large beach umbrella.
“What my baby wants, my baby gets,” Johnny smiled, pressing a kiss to the fat cheek of your daughter in his arms.
“She can’t talk John,” you rolled your eyes and extended your arms for her, “how did she tell you she wanted to come to the beach anyway?”
You began rubbing sunblock onto your daughters cheeks, cautious of her eyes and mouth, “We were watching tv and she got really excited when she saw the beach on the screen.”
You scoffed playfully, readjusting her bucket hat so her face was completely covered, “Your daddy spoils you, my little love.”
“Daddy spoils you too, now, let’s get my baby girl in the water!” Johnny smiled brightly, scooping up his daughter before he excitedly made his way to the water.
You couldn’t fight the smile on your face as you watched her chubby little legs kick with excitement and heard her faint squeals of happiness.
While you were relaxing in the warm shade and salty breeze, Johnny was busy getting his daughter used to the fresh ocean water that lightly lapped at his feet. He squatted down, holding his daughter beneath her arms and let her feel the water on her feet. She babbled happily, arms waving around while she dug her tiny toes into the wet sand. He sat her down, sitting behind her so she had support, and let her feel the sand in her hands. She loved it, grabbing tiny fistfuls and throwing it around, but he did have to stop her from eating it countless times. Every time a wave would make its way up shore where they sat, her breath would hitch in excitement while she squirmed, readying herself to feel the cool water. It was enough to keep her entertained for at least an hour.
Her hand came down to slap the water, Johnny smiled, hearing her happy baby babbling which was soon interrupted by sudden cry. Johnny checked to make sure she wasn’t hurt, but then he saw it- her hand in her mouth. “Oh, my little love. I know it tastes so yucky doesn’t it?”
He held her to his shoulder, swaying her back and forth as they walked back to where you were sat enjoying the calm beach day. You turned at the sound of your daughter’s cries, reaching for her as Johnny explained what happened. You reached for her water and some of her snacks, hoping that the taste would soon be out of her mouth. “At least she was having fun before she tasted the water,” you laughed lightheartedly, wiping away the streaks of tears from her red cheeks while she drank from her cup of water.
Johnny chuckled with you, “Wait right here.” Then he was dashing off somewhere behind you after he snatched up his wallet from the large tote you had beside you.
You pushed the hair away from your daughter’s face, ticking her to get her to laugh while you held her snack puffs in your palm. You pointed out some dolphins to her in the horizon, repeating the word in the hopes that she would parrot it back, but all you got was her usual baby noises.
In just a few minutes, Johnny returned panting with an armload of different popsicles and ice creams. He fell onto the towel in front of his daughter, startling her before she laughed at the dramatic behavior of her dad. He held up each package he bought, opening the first one that the baby reached for, a strawberry popsicle wrapped in bright yellow and pink, of course.
They shared bites of the cold treat, leaving you to have your pick of the leftovers. You all ate quietly, enjoying the sound of the crashing waves on the shore and other families enjoying the beach as well. You occasionally heard a soft ‘ahhhh’ as Johnny moved to feed your daughter again or a hum of approval from the baby sat between your outstretched legs.
“All done, little love. Did you like it?” Johnny asks the baby, pressing a kiss to her forehead while he wipes away the remaining red syrup around her mouth.
“We brought her food, it’s in the bag,” you tell Johnny, watching your daughter rub at her eyes with a closed fist.
You pulled her into your arms rocking her back and forth to lull her to sleep, “I didn’t want her fun time at the beach to be ruined by one bad moment. I had to make it up for my baby girl.”
“I would sure hope not, we've got 5 days left here. You spoil her John,” you sigh, tearing your eyes away from the waves to make eye contact with your husband who was still laying in front of you.
He laughed loudly, quickly muffling his laugh when you gave him a stern look, “Says you. Remind me again, was it you or me who had to go out and buy our daughter, who has never been in a body of water outside the bathtub, six new bathing suits?”
You averted your gaze to your daughter peacefully asleep in your arms, long eyelashes brushing the tops of her chubby cheeks. “Fine, we both spoil her.”
“And I spoil you both, you deserve it, my love.”
“We love you John, now let’s get little love out of her wet clothes,” you smiled softly, leaning forward to kiss Johnny gently before you stood up and grabbed your tote.
Johnny shook out the beach towel and followed behind you, “Maybe tomorrow she can try floating in the water, I got her some floaties.”
“Not happening John.” You told him in a voice that told him you were not to be argued with. Yeah, no floating for little love after all.
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Liked by y/nsuh, priv.leemark, priv_ttyong, and 122 others
priv.suhjohnny it was all fun and games until little love tasted the water
leedonghyuck_priv i miss little love😭😭
y/nsuh we miss you hyuck
priv.leemark look at those tiny toes🥺🥰
priv.suhjohnny bro please keep that weird shit to yourself✋
jjaehyun.private Mark😳
leedonghyuck_priv bro…
priv_moon_taeil bro…
y/nsuh bro…
priv.leemark Y/N NOT YOU TOO😫
A/N: did you guys like the ig post at the end? this one was really fun to write, enjoy!
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iovetecchou · 1 year
Aaaa is your 100 follower event still open?? If yes, could you do fluff prompt 4 for nikolai or smut prompt 5 with nikolai🥹🥹💛 TYYY IF NOT THATS OKAY HAVE A GREAT DAY
“No request for nikolai? Oh no, we gotta change that. if it’s not to late… how bout him and fluff #4”
“I love your work !! What about Nikolai fluff 4 + smut 5?”
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prompt: "I saw that. You just checked out my ass."
“My tongue can do more than just talk, you know. Care to find out?”
the smut is separated by the dashed line!
AFAB Reader.
2.3k words.
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“Ah, cupcake! I was looking all over for you, come, come I have gifts!” He was always like this with you. A new silly nickname every other day, and an overbearing amount of presents. I mean, hey, at least he kept it interesting.
You were nothing but a mere pawn in Fyodor’s plans, but he kept you around because Nikolai grew a strange attachment to you. Hey, if it meant you got to live then so be it. Things could be worse.
You followed Nikolai down the hallway and to his room. Sometimes you would sleep in there with him, considering your only other option was to sleep on the floor outside of Fyodor’s office.
He ushered you into the room, grasping your hand with his own as he excitedly lead you to the bed. There were multiple lavish gowns lying atop it, each garment varying in color and sparkle. Your eyes lit up upon the sight of the pretty dresses. All of this was for you?
“For me, Kolya? Aww, you shouldn’t have!” You beamed up at the man in front of you. Who was now holding his chin high at the praise, with the widest grin etched on his face. “Why of course, Snookums I wouldn’t do this for anyone else~.” He cooed at you, leaning down from where he stood in front of you.
He grasped your chin gently with his thumb and pointer finger, moving your face closer to his. You were mere centimeters away from each other now, sharing the same air before he spoke up. “Now~ be a good dolly and try these on for me, kay?”
His grin grew wider, showing off his gorgeous pearly whites. You emitted a smile of your own as you nodded your head in agreement. You liked being his little dress-up doll, free of charge. “Okay! I’ll try… this one first!”
You pointed to the shorter number first, it was a gorgeous shade of crimson. A sleeveless garment with lace embellishing around the bodice. Truly breathtaking. Nikolai released his grasp on you, allowing you to pick up the ensemble and strut your way behind the narrow room divider. “No peeking Kolya!”
He giggled to himself as he plopped himself down on the bed, directly in front of the said divider. He had a clear view of your silhouette from this angle. “Can’t make any promises, my little tea cup… ehe…” Nikolai was kicking his feet from where he sat at the edge of the bed. Nearly brimming over with excitement.
As you finished pulling the garment up and over your frame, you noticed that it was a little… too short. When you tugged the front down, it would expose more of your backside. If you pulled down the backside? Well… the same deal.
“Uh… Kolya? This one is a little… too little…” You spoke softly, suddenly feeling rather hesitant about showing off your outfit. He was becoming impatient, he hopped off of the bed in an instant. Twirling himself a little as he made quick strides to where you were hiding behind the room divider.
He startled you greatly as he peeked his head around the corner, making you jolt up as you yelped out. He snickered at your cute reaction, eyeing you up from head to toe. “It’s truly ravishing, babycakes! Come now, give me a twirl!” He clasped his hands together, letting his unbridled joy pour over. There were hearts in his eyes at the beautiful sight in front of him.
You nodded hesitantly, turning on your heel in the blink of an eye. “No, no not like that! Too fast, go slow, sugarplum.” He pouted down at you, awaiting your next move. You slowly nodded your head, before ultimately twirling once more. Only much slower this time. You felt his eyes drag across your whole body, it sent a chill all the way down your spine. You quickly craned your neck in his direction, and lo and behold… he was ogling at your butt!
"I saw that! You just checked out my ass!”
You gasped out, puffing up your cheeks in embarrassment as Nikolai began to giggle in a patronizing manner. “Oh~ was I? I’m sorry lovey, but it’s like this dress was made to give me a perfect view of your backside!” He quipped out, still snickering to himself as he leaned in closer to capture your face from within his grasp once more.
“Aww don’t pout toots, I was only teasing! How about a big o’l kiss for your good buddy Kolya, hm?” His lips ghosted over yours now, you could feel his breaths fanning over you. It caused your face to heat up exponentially. Before he could process it, you had smushed your lips against his cheek, offering him a big wet kiss. You pulled away from his grasp, dashing back over to the bed where the other dresses remained.
Nikolai stood there stunned for a second before he turned his back towards you. He was mumbling to himself and rocking side to side. The sight alone made you laugh with your whole chest. Nikolai shot up at the angelic sound, turning around and walking up to where you stood. “That’s not the type of kiss I had in mind, snap pea…”
It was his turn to pout. He crossed his arms in front of himself in a dramatic matter, tapping his foot along the hardwood floor in impatience as he glared down at you. You let up on your laughing, his expression was priceless right now. You pushed up on the balls of your feet, resting your hands on top of Nikolai’s broad chest as you leaned into him.
Capturing his lips in a sweet embrace. His eyes were blown wide, and he peered down at you through the kiss. Admiring your cute little face as you smooched him so nicely. You pulled back after a moment, letting your feet rest flat against the floorboards once more. “Was that better, Kolya?” You purred out from where you stood in front of him. Your hands were still placed atop his chest.
A small blush rose to the apples of his cheeks, and the tips of his ears before he met your gaze. Offering you his award-winning grin, as he quipped out.
“Much, much better love kitten! We should do that more often, don’t cha think~?” You scoffed, rolling your eyes at him playfully. “You know… you sure do a lot of sweet talking, Kolya.”
“My tongue can do more than just talk, you know. Care to find out~?”
You blushed wickedly at this. Heartbeat quickening in your chest at the filthy insinuation. “Kolya… what do you mean by that?” You asked quizzically, tilting your head at him slightly from where you still stood right in front of him.
He just laughed, moving both of his hands down to trail underneath your dress. His fingers were dancing along the supple skin of your thighs, making you shiver in anticipation. “Oh… I think you know exactly what I mean… y/n.” He trailed off as his digits met the waistband of your panties. Your eyes grew in size at the use of your first name. Kolya only ever used pet names for you... so the change of pace was interesting, to say the least.
He slightly tugged at the edge of your panties before letting it go, having it snap back against your hip. You jolted upright at the sudden gesture, ears growing hot beneath his intimidating gaze. Before you could process anything else, Nikolai lifted you up by your hips. Tossing you back against the bed as he made himself comfortable between your legs from where he stood.
You quickly propped yourself up on your elbows to get a better view of what he was planning. He snickered at your shocked expression before he ultimately flipped the hem of your dress up, pulling your panties down in one fell swoop. You gasped at the suddenness of being completely exposed in front of Nikolai like this.
You tried to close your thighs together, but Nikolai’s hips jammed right in between your parted legs made that difficult. He whistled at the sight of your bare pussy on full display for him as he moved his finger down the expanse of your hip. “Kolya- what are you-?” He shushed you, leaning down to place a finger on your lips.
“Ah, ah, ah… the only sounds I want to hear from you are pleas of my name, you got that sweets?~” You felt heat pool in your core at his words. His finger that was traveling down your thigh was now right in front of your pussy. He tapped his digit against your clit gently, causing a small whimper to slip past your lips. He grinned widely at the sound, enjoying all of your reactions greatly.
“There! That’s more like it~.” He cooed out, his finger resting atop your lips began caressing them. His gaze was glued to your parted lips, you were watching him intently as his other finger started circling around your clit. Pulling a sultry whine out from your lips. He wasted no time slipping his digit at your lips into your mouth, causing your eyes to widen in surprise.
He tapped on your tongue playfully as he began to circle the tip of his finger around your clit at a rigorous pace. Giggling loudly at the cute reactions you were making. You took the hint as you slowly began sucking on his finger, swirling your tongue around it slightly as Nikolai groaned at the sensation. “That’s good sweets… that’s really good.”
You moaned around his digit causing drool to seep out past your lips. Nikolai retracted his finger from your mouth in the blink of an eye as he knelt down below you, gaze now locked on your own. He moved his newly soaked digit in front of your entrance, prodding at your hole before he eventually plunged his finger inside you. You threw your head back against the bed at the sudden stimulation. Your gummy walls were squeezing his digit so tightly.
“Oh, ho, ho~ you’re so wet lovey… looks like someone is enjoying the fun just as much as I am!” He shouted out, his face was now right in front of your core. His breath fanning against your pulsing clit had you twitching where you lay atop the plush mattress. “Hnn… Kolya… no teasing… s-show me what else that tongue can do, now-!” His eyes widened at your bold statement as a Cheshire-like grin began to coat his face.
“Your wish is my command!” With no further hesitation, Nikolai’s tongue began lapping at your throbbing bud. He was swirling his tongue around your clit with so much vigor as his finger continued to stretch you out oh so sweetly. You were a whimpering mess at this point, his mouth and hands were working magic on your body. You brought one of your hands down to tangle into the tufts of his snowy hair.
He groaned into your pussy at the feeling as he began to ravish you further. He pulled back slightly to spit on your twitching clit before he dove right back in. He was drooling all over your cunt as he closed his eyes, getting lost in your taste and the feeling of your hot wet walls squeezing around his lithe finger. He began pumping his finger into you even faster, curling it upwards on the drag down.
You lulled your head to the side as your back arched up from the bed, pressing your cunt further into Nikolai’s awaiting mouth. “Ahn… Kolya- m’ so close-!” You whined out, gripping his locks even harsher as you began to buck your hips up into his mouth. His eyes shot open at your movements, taking in the delicious sight of you falling apart above him. He wasted no time wrapping his lips around your bud, sucking on it harshly as his finger continued to move at an ungodly pace from within you.
He began to feel you gush around his digit, making the most obscene noises as he continued to finger fuck you. He was moaning around your clit, and the vibrations sent you toppling over the edge. “Kolya fuck- m’ cumming-!“ You shouted out, eyes rolling into the back of your head as you continued humping his face through your high. He was moaning so much, tongue still swirling around your clit from where his lips were wrapped around you.
Whines and curses continued to fall past your lips as you squirted all over Nikolai’s face. There were hearts in his eyes as he worked you through your orgasm, he slowly began to halt his movements as your back rested flat against the duvet once more. He pulled back from you swiftly, causing you to jolt upright at the loss of friction all so suddenly.
“Wow, baby! Look at how wet you got me, who knew my honeypot would be a squirter~? I have to jot this down somewhere!” You flushed at his words as you slowly rose up on your elbows, getting a clear view of his disheveled state. The whole bottom half of his face was coated in your arousal, hat long gone as his hair stood up in all different directions from how hard you were fisting his locks.
And there was one more thing… he was hard. You could see a small wet spot at the front of his trousers where he was pitching a tent. It made you flush even further. Spreading all the way from your head down to the tips of your toes. You averted your gaze from him before you spoke up. “Is it my turn to return the favor, Kolya? My mouth can do more than just talk too, you know…”
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oh boy,,,, yeah this one is something else! thank you all so much for requesting (:
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wolfjackle-creates · 8 months
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 18
Welcome to another WIP Wednesday!
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
Arc 1 AO3 Link
Arc 2: Part 1, Previous
Word Count: 1.7k
From the radio station, the four traveled to the television studio for their next interview. The host had listened to their radio interview and helped summarize much of the information before asking further questions.
Tim and his teammates called into question the biases of the Drs Fenton and hoped their criticisms would bring others to think twice before taking their word as gospel.
When they were finally done, it was almost nine.
Tim shot off a quick text to Bruce for his morning check-in. He noticed Conner texting someone, too. “Who’re you talking to?” he asked.
“Sam. She says Danny’s still passed out. But her parents are talking about some sort of press release the mayor is planning on putting on at City Hall at ten.”
Cassie groaned. “Ugh, more reporters. Please say we don’t have to go.”
“We should,” said Tim. “But we can go in civvies.”
“Can we at least get breakfast first?” asked Bart. “It’s been hours since we woke up!”
“Yeah,” agreed Cassie. “I’m starving. Let’s get some food. I think I saw a diner when we flew to our second interview.”
Before Tim could consider protesting, Conner had him secure in his arms and TTK and they were in the air.
“Lead the way, Wonder Girl.”
Tim scowled to hide his smile. “Oh sure, don’t listen to your leader. Just do whatever.”
“You’d let us starve?” wailed Connor. “Then we’ll stage a mutiny!”
Cassie laughed. “Yeah, see how long you remain in charge of a hangry speedster, half-kryptonian, and demigoddess.”
Tim grinned. “Oh, but you forget I know you all very well. I can win you back to my side. Starting with Kon.”
“And how do you plan to do that?” demanded Conner.
“Easy. I’ll just bribe you with Alfred’s cookies and a great movie. If I add in a dash of ‘I need your help’ and my puppy dog eyes and you’ll be eating out of the palm of my hand.”
“That’s another square on my bingo card!” called back Cassie. “And look, we’re here!” She pointed down to a quintessential American diner with green glass windows.
The group met Bart a block away in an alley where they shed their gear.
“I’ll tell Sam what we’re up to.” Conner pulled out his phone to send the message.
“Quit wasting time! We’re on a deadline,” moaned Bart as he positioned himself behind Conner and tried to push him towards the street and breakfast.
Conner laughed and refused to budge, so Tim figured a demonstration of his power was in order.
He got in front of Conner and pouted at him. “I know I was joking about not allowing breakfast, but I’m the one who didn’t eat before the interviews. An omelet is calling my name.”
Conner groaned and ran a hand down his face. “Fuck you, Rob.” But he stalked forward out of the alley.
Tim and Bart exchanged grins.
“Seriously, Tim,” said Cassie. “This trip has been great for my bingo card.”
Tim stuck his tongue out at her and jogged to catch up with Conner.
Breakfast was simple but tasty and they devoured far too much food. Their waitress was clearly impressed with her first exposure to a speedsters appetite. Add in a super and a demigoddess and it was obscene.
All too soon, however, it was time to go to the mayor’s press conference. As they made their way there, they joined a growing crowd. Clearly many people were interested in whatever the mayor had planned.
In the crowd, he could hear comments about their interviews. It seems both had been posted online and already had thousands of views. Some people seemed to be sympathetic to them, but others were mistrustful of the “outsiders.”
“If they’re such good friends, why did it take so long for them to come here?” asked one man of his friend.
“I’ve a cousin in Central City. She says trouble always follows a superhero,” said another.
Tim exchanged a look with Conner. He’d be able to hear more conversations and could share his perceptions later.
Before long, they were entering City Hall. Already the seats were full, so they were forced to stand in the back. Jack and Maddie were sitting near the front. Jeremy and Pamela Manson sat on the opposite side of the room as them, but also were near the front of the room.
Tim exchanged looks with his teammates to make sure they saw both couples. Conner was glaring at Maddie and Jack.
“They’re complaining about our interviews,” said Conner. “Throwing around guesses that we are either possessed or have already been brainwashed by the ghosts.”
“At least we know they aren’t observant. Maybe they won’t notice us.”
Mayor Montez stepped up to the podium and everyone fell silent. “People of Amity Park, we have been faced with a threat the likes of which we’ve never before seen! And based on the events of this morning, it doesn’t seem like we’ll be able to rely on outside help to get us out of it.”
A stone sunk in Tim’s stomach and he exchanged looks with his friends.
“We only have one piece of business today: Defeating the ghosts that infest our town. And to do that, I'm calling for a vote to cede all ghost policing and security decisions”—he held up a photo of Maddie—“to Maddie Fenton.” As Tim watched, however, the mayor’s eyes glowed red and he winced. “I mean Jack,” he corrected, holding up a new picture of Jack Fenton. “The completely competent Jack Fenton.”
“He’s overshadowed,” breathed Conner.
Tim nodded and was already sending a message to Sam, Tucker, and Danny. “And who knows who else.”
Before they could say anything else, the mayor continued, “And we’ve located the ghost responsible for all the terror inflicted on our town.” He held up a picture of Phantom. “Whatever some outsiders may have tried to lie to you about this very morning.”
A gasp rang out among the crowd. Tim glanced at his friends. Conner was glaring at the mayor fiercely and Tim attempted to step in front of him, as pointless as their relative sizes made the action.
The mayor smiled viciously as a panicked crescendo rose from the crowd. Tim’s phone vibrated in his hand and he saw a response from Sam.
Sam: We saw Sam: Danny is on his way Sam: And we’re following as fast we can
Under his breath, Tim muttered, “Conner, you and Bart should go suit up. Cassie and I will stay and keep an eye on what’s going on. Stay close, but try not to be seen unless an attack happens.” Subtly, grateful for their places against the wall, he passed over the thermos he’d taken with him that morning.
Tim heard Conner’s sigh of relief as the two slipped away. He hated pretending to be a civilian in a crisis. Even more than the rest of them.
Cassie whispered, “I almost hate you for keeping me here.”
Tim just bumped their shoulders together.
The mayor, or rather the ghost inhabiting him, raised his arm and silence slowly fell. “We cannot call for outside help. Those who call themselves the Young Justice today proved that the so-called heroes of this world will defend our enemy over us. That they will spread lies to keep us subject to the whims of these ghosts.” The last word was spat. “So we must solve the problem ourselves. Jack Fenton, if the people of this town agree, you and those you train will be our defense force, will you do this?”
Jack near jumped three feet in the air in his excitement. “I’ve been training for this my entire life, Mayor Montez! I’ll be honored.”
“I believe we must institute martial law! The 9 PM curfew will remain in place. No one will be allowed on the streets alone. No loitering. The park will be closed until further notice. Same with the public pool and library and a number of other locations. Drs Fenton, will you be able to set up buildings protected by ghost shields where people can gather for safety?”
Whispering broke out among the public. Maddie stood tall next to her husband, though being continually overlooked in favor of him was clearly grating on her. “We can. Fenton Works is already protected and within two days we can have another shield up and ready. Within the week, we could have five.”
The whispered were almost loud enough to drown her out by the time she finished speaking
“Order! Order!” called Mayor Montez. “All in favor of declaring martial law, and allowing the completely competent Jack Fenton to mobilize a massive ghost hunt, please say—”
But cutting off the mayor, Danny, in his Phantom form, suddenly appeared in the air in the middle of the hall. “I might be too young to vote, but I’m casting one anyway.”
Around them, everyone gasped and people began backing away even as Danny shifted to look at them. Tim and Cassie both tensed and prepared to run.
“You people have to listen to me,” urged Danny. “I’m on your side.”
Mayor Montez took a step back as members of his security moved to stand in front of him. Jack and Maddie jumped up and glared at him.
“You’re not fooling anybody, ghost kid!” declared Jack. “You are going down!” He reached back and pulled out the Fenton fishing rod, the line was horribly tangled and Jack began messing with it. “As soon as I finish untangling this thing.”
Cassie let out a disbelieving huff.
Tim shook his head. “Apparently,” he replied to her unasked question. He pulled out his phone and shot a message to Bart and Conner.
Rob: get back here now Rob: All 4 of us are needed
Before he even finished typing his last message, Bart was at his side. Just in time to see Danny mutter something and shoot an ectoblast at his parents who were thrown back with the force of it, destroying the podium and leaving a burn mark on the ground.
“Shit,” muttered Tim. “Cassie, let’s go. Impulse, try to help where you can.”
“You’ve got it.”
And so the best of intentions go awry!
I can almost taste the end of this arc, but for all I know, that'll take another 10k to finish. So we'll see what happens. Hope you enjoyed.
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