#were in no position to pay for a lawyer right now
i want a parent to comfort me and tell me everything is going to be alright. I want to feel like a child. Not always. Just. For a moment.
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felassan · 11 months
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[source (Senior Reporter at Kotaku), linked Kotaku article, two, 'FC 24's performance link', three, four, @/N7SeveranceDay (source of the last two images, "Account supporting BioWare employees laid off in 2023."), five, six, Polygon tweet, Polygon article]
"BioWare Continues to Refuse to Pay Severance" statement transcript:
“BioWare Continues to Refuse to Pay Severance On August 23 of this year, BioWare eliminated “approximately 50 roles at BioWare”. Following the layoffs, seven ex-BioWare employees engaged the services of R. Alex Kennedy to represent their interests, stating that the amount of severance offered was insufficient under Alberta common law. Counsel for the employees has attempted to reach a compromise that would avoid requiring lengthy court proceedings, but BioWare’s lawyers refused any offers to negotiate and settle out of court. The basis of Kennedy’s claim is that according to Alberta precedents and under Canadian law, these employees should be receiving approximately 1.7 months of severance per year of service they gave to BioWare. BioWare has now filed a Statement of Defence, which argues that the seven terminated employees are only entitled to two weeks of severance per year spent in service to BioWare, because of a contract provision that Kennedy says is not enforceable. The filing means BioWare will be taking these former employees to court rather than working towards finding an out of court resolution. The developers involved in the suit have expressed their disappointment: - “We are disappointed that BioWare prefers stalling and intimidation tactics to fair dealing with people who have given years, and in some cases decades, of dedication and hard work to the company.” - “We believe they are using intimidation and stalling tactics to try and get us to drop out. A lot of the more junior employees and those with families, who had more monetary pressure on them, could not risk waiting on a court case that may take many months more to resolve, and have already had to drop out.” - “At the time of the layoffs, BioWare offered us professional assistance in finding new employment, and an additional payment, but ONLY on the condition that we signed an agreement saying we cannot talk about any details of the settlement, and that we would completely waive any right to legal action or even to complain in any way about anyone associated with BioWare now or ever in the future. Tactics like that sure make me think that BioWare knows it is in the wrong.” - “Despite what they publicly announced when they laid us off, this process has been anything but empathetic, respectful, and communicative.” The latest BioWare layoffs were the third round so far this year, and many of the developers affected even in earlier rounds are still searching for work, though some have started to find new positions. Regardless of employment status, the members of the current lawsuit state they remain determined to pursue BioWare in court, regardless of their employment status: - “We strongly believe that if Dragon Age: Dreadwolf does not do as well as BioWare or EA wants at launch, there will be more, even larger layoffs. Therefore, regardless of our own well-being, we believe it is important to hold BioWare responsible and get a clear decision on what settlement amount is legal. We’re no longer part of the development team, so the best way we can help our former teammates now is to hold BioWare accountable and ensure that the next group who is laid off are not treated as poorly as we were.” November 7th marks “N7 Day”, which is a fan celebration of BioWare’s Mass Effect games featuring Commander Shepard and the crew of the Normandy. The developers involved in the lawsuit are hoping N7 Day this year will be a reminder to BioWare of the importance of loyalty to your crew, and hope fans can have a little fun and help express their support with memes and images using an #N7SeveranceDay hashtag. The ex-employees involved in the suit are all based in Canada and have an average of 14 years at BioWare.”
You can express your support using the hashtag #N7SeveranceDay.
Edit: [Part 2/update] [more on the Keywords topic]
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Hi :3
So someone said Kamala is the female Obama and I've been thinking about it....
And then did some internet sleuthing about it.
Hear me out
Didn't Dems use Obama to win Black voters after losing the previous election to Bush cuz Al Gore (like Clinton) lost?
And didn't they blame the 3rd party candidate Ralph Nader for Al Gore's loss?? Much like they blamed Bernie Bros?? Even tho the truth was that al Gore was hardly better and lacked the charisma Bush had? (Again, like Trump?)
So are we sure this is actually democrats conceding anything at all?? Are we not sure they put Kamala in the WH just to adjust voters to the idea of her being president anyway? That maybe they do realize the need for change but have chosen to err on the side of token progress that keeps them in power...again?
Article from Dec 2010:
At first glance, the president and Harris have much in common: Both are mixed-race children of immigrants raised by a single mother; both are eloquent, telegenic big-city lawyers with strong liberal credentials who catapulted from relative obscurity to the national stage. And like the first African-American president, Harris has broken a long-standing barrier — she’s California’s first African-American attorney general and the first woman to hold the office.
[...]“She’s a rare talent who will be a national figure shortly,” said Chris Lehane, a former Clinton aide who is now a consultant in California. “People call her the female Obama. It’s more apt to say she is the female Obama that progressives thought they were voting for.”
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Are we absolutely positive that we have been learning lessons from history; like even recent history even? Because she isn't actually much different from Obama at all and this was Obama's legacy:
People were then reassured by Obama and rather than voting for 3rd parties in 2012 like they said, they elected Obama again. Just like y'all tried to do with Biden. And definitely like what will happen under Kamala.
He even got people to vote for him cuz of his promise to secure abortion rights and he did this right:
But tell me how that stopped the supreme court from stripping it???
Don't fall for this again
Cuz people were fucking pissed after Obama weren't they. Progressives wouldn't put up with a moderate like Clinton even compared to Trump. And that was unexpected wasn't it, progress that they couldn't come back from. So they lost to Trump, but what a convenient reset! Suddenly settling wasn't so bad for the American people, huh? And y'all elected Biden.
Who, outside the homoerotic Biden/Obama memes, people didn't like (and I'd argue those memes are what made him likeable to the younger generations to begin with).
But things have been tense, haven't they? The displeasure of voters didn't completely go away when Biden remained a centrist. It wasn't enough, especially when he supported genocide. And now they give us Kamala after we wanted Biden to step down for supporting Israel?
....But she still supports Israel?
Nobody knows how/if progressives will show up for Kamala because we can all feel how much Kamala isn't pleasing anyone. The tension is still palpable. Democrats have made an awful bet.
And I am DONE.
Dems have been manipulating voters away from 3rd parties every single election while making promises they never keep good on, while doing NOTHING to actually protect any of us or make anything better. While killing people, deporting them, and justifying war crimes! While liberals promise to push them left and never do and ALSO tell everyone not to vote 3rd party "right now"
All they do is perpetuate the systems that serve each other. I mean we're in 2000 & 2008 again, politically. Already.
They will never ever systematically support progress the way that 3rd parties do. And they don't care to listen or change cuz they know they can Force you to vote for less by making sure that a centrist Democrat is always on the ticket with ballot access in every state and nobody else is.
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They make sure if it in fact
If progress is what you want it's time to Genuinely start listening to people who tell you a vote for democrats is worthless for your goals.
I'm just fed up mexi-ojibwe american adult who grew up with shitty presidents and grew up with full access of the internet to educate myself about what led to this mess.
So are a LOT of other adults who feel this way!!!
And what we know led to this situation is the two party system. And how the system has been enabled by scared liberals who listen to fear-mongerering Democrats every election.
Democrats want history to repeat because it keeps them in power. Because what they do and how they treat you keeps them in power.
Is that what you want? To be treated like this in perpetuity for almost nothing in return?
Me neither.
So unless you have a better idea or plan to start burning shit down yourself then your most realistic option to break out of this abusive cycle is to vote 3rd party.
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"vote blue in the primary, it's our only realistic option!" -> "if you don't vote blue you deserve trump" -> "can't you just be happy republican/trump lost?" -> quietly not doing much between elections-> "vote blue in the-" etc
Cycles don't end on their own, that's the thing about cycles in fact.
So vote 3rd party. Yeah it's scary. Yeah it might not work. But again, do you have a better idea? Because what we're doing and have been doing for the last 30 years, this "lesser evil" & "vbnmw" thing was the liberals' idea and that isn't working for any of us At All. Its keeping us here in this cycle where nothing gets better but it can Always get worse.
If you can't vote 3rd party in your state ask yourself why that is then do something about it.
Quit expecting democrats to give a shit about the equality you need when you've been protesting genocide for nearly a year and they still welcomed the war criminal for a conversation in the white house.
Any right you've won under democrats is as superficial as Obama's executive order and that's been proven.
⭐ Tldr ⭐
According to all available history: FUCK DEMOCRATS; You NEED to be supporting 3rd parties if you support progress and you need to do the work of getting their names out. Democrats DO fight and suppress 3rd parties. So its more work to support a 3rd party than a democrat, yeah.
But if progress is worth anything at all it should be worth at least trying to do the work it takes to get a viable 3rd party on the ballot.
Thank you
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theflyingpeaches · 3 months
The Office Affair: Litigation
Higuruma x Fem Reader NSFW
Summary: You are being sued, and things are not looking too good! Thankfully you have a great defense attorney like Hiromi Higuruma on your side. He will prove your innocence, though innocent is not a word he would call you. Lines are blurry, and things got complicated once your attorney started to fall for you.
Words: 4,263
Contains: Fingering, squirting, oral sex, sucking tits, making out, office sex, simp!higuruma, pillow talk, eating ass, unprotected sex, creampie, idk man- this shit is filthy.
Law Firm : 6:04am
The sound of high heels clicking could be heard all around the firm. Eyes stared and people gossiped. Every time you came to the office it was like this. You were used to it. In fact, you anticipated it, and those who were really pessimistic would say you kind of liked it. 
Thankfully not everyone was in quite yet. Just a few of the early birds- still, it was enough for you to feel nice and judged.
You wore a tight black one piece swimsuit under a black mini pleated skirt that barely left anything to the imagination. 
Your swimsuit was as close to a bikini as it could possibly get without being disconnected. It barely covered your breasts as it showed so much cleavage and a bit of underboob. It connected to the g-string bottoms that were of course barely covered by your tiny skirt. The slightest breeze would uncover all your goods. 
Everything was all tied together with the fur coat you wore around your shoulders that dragged on the floor as you walked. Hair down, face done up and beautiful.
There was only one destination for you in this building, and that was all the way back into your lawyer's office. 
Your stiletto heel sock boots stopped as you were in front of his office door. You didn’t knock, no. You’d just enter. You knew it would bother him.
"Hello Mr. Higuruma. How are you this morning?" You spoke, setting your purse on the ground next to the chair that faced his desk.
As you took a seat, you noticed the cup of lollipops stocked on his desk and you didn't hesitate to pick one up.
"Good morning ma'am. I'm very well." He kept his head down sifting through the folder in his hand as he greeted you. "I see you're dressed more professionally this morning."
You pulled the wrapper off of your heart shaped lollipop and tossed the trash right on top of his desk with no regard.
"Ooh, I didn't know my lawyer was also a part time comedian." You rolled your eyes, "If you need to meet with me before or after work this is what I'm going to look like. You know this, and yet you keep recommending the same times. Almost like there's an ulterior motive." 
His position remained the same, but his eyes now looked into yours. "That's very funny- and you said I'm the comedian?"
Your cute red lips pouted before putting the lollipop into your mouth. 
"So let me get this straight- you have a cup full of red lollipops from different brands even though I'm pretty sure you said your favorite flavor was blue? Why?"
"It's your favorite flavor, is it not? You always come in here and cherry pick the red. Figured I'd save you some time." Higuruma began to stack his papers together as he prepared your case file. "Besides, I like the taste by proxy."
By proxy. He wasn't even using that word correctly, but he used it how he wanted you to hear it.
"Excuse me?" You frowned. 
"So it seems that this case just got a little interesting. Please keep calm as I tell you this, but the Saito's have another witness."
"What?!" You pulled out the lollipop before you could choke on it. "How is this possible? They are paying people! They have to be!"
"I know. Unfortunately they are very rich and very powerful." He placed the folder to the side and continued to look at you. "You are in good hands though."
"It's bullshit. I'm innocent and here I have eight fucking witnesses standing against me… Just tell me now if I should take the plea." You forcefully exhaled, tossing the lollipop into the trashcan nearby. This information just ruined your appetite.
"Don't even joke like that. It is my job to make sure that justice is served in your favor… I'll do anything to see that through."
He was so serious. He said the word anything which was a very vague but powerful word.
"Maybe I'll have conjugal visits." You smiled.
"I know for a fact you would come visit me on some conjugal shit if I got locked up." You giggled, "Your dick is hard right now as we speak. You liked the outfit more than you thought, huh?" 
"You're trying to seduce me?" He arched an eyebrow.
"Don't insult me Mr. Higuruma. Don't say try . I definitely got it up as soon as I opened the door." You stood up and let your coat remain on the chair as you did. 
He couldn't stop looking at you. He was so whipped and you knew it. It was cute how he protested though.
“Try.” You scoffed. “Are you saying I don’t turn you on?” You spoke as you slowly walked around his desk.
“I never said that.” His eyes followed you until you were right beside him.
You’d step over his leg and take a firm seat in his lap. You arched your back and leaned forward partially on his desk so that he could see a bit of your ass peeking out from your mini skirt.
“Shit.” The man spoke under his breath as you pressed against his manhood. 
“You offended me Mr. Higuruma.” With your upper half resting on his desk, you’d use one hand to move your hair completely to the side so it was out of your eyes and off your back. 
You looked back at him with your incredibly irresistible eyes and pouty red lips. Unfortunately you were so sexy when you were being manipulative.
His hands gripped your bare waist as he leaned forward to pepper kisses onto your shoulder and up to the nape of your neck. 
His voice lowered as he spoke in your ear, “You know I want you. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t touch me.” You moved your head slightly away from him.
“Let me make it up to you.” His hands ran down from your waist and hips to your thighs. He’d massage and rub them as he stayed close to you. “Let me eat your pussy. I know you like that.”
“No.” You protested, “That can’t always be your get out of jail free card.”
“Let me make you cum right now, and then let me take you out later.” He gave your shoulder a few more kisses, “I’m gonna give you my card, and I want you to buy a nice dress that I can rip off of you after dinner tonight.”
You loved when he got like this. His negotiations were the best because you always got way more out of it than you expected. You were totally fine with him just eating you out.
“That’s so unprofessional Mr. Higuruma.” You licked your lips, “Eating my pussy and taking me out to a romantic dinner? I’m your client.”
“C’mon baby. Get on my desk.”
You sighed, “The Saito’s really have another witness?”
The man stood up, pulling up to your feet with him. You could really feel his hard cock pressed against you now. You came into his office so horny for him this morning, but knowing he’d never fuck you while his colleagues were still here, and here he was getting ready to give you everything you wanted.
“Don’t worry about that right now.” His voice stayed low, “I’m gonna take care of you.” 
His hands turned you around so that you could face him. “You're so sexy, baby. You turn me on so much, okay?” He grabbed your hand and placed it on his cock so you could feel his hardness, “Only you can do that baby. No one else.”
“You sure Hikage down the hall didn’t do this to you?" You teased, running your hand along his length.
His cock was so pretty. You couldn’t wait to see it. It was so thick too, and his length was perfect for you. Long enough for you to feel the maximum pleasure, but not so much that he hurt you.
“Who?” He frowned. 
“Fuck.” Your free hand roughly grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him close to you. “You know exactly how to talk to me don’t you?”
“You like that?” He kissed your jaw, “C’mere baby. Let me help you.”
He grabbed your legs and sat you down on his desk. He'd keep moving your legs up until your feet were on the table as well. He loved when you kept the heels on.
His hands parted your legs as far as they'd go, and you kept your eyes on him as he did. You were so fucking horny for him right now, and you knew he was about to give it to you good.
Your skirt didn't fully cover you, but he'd still flip over the part that did. His hand rubbed against your pussy and upon doing so his fingers felt the dampness of your arousal.
The bottoms of your swimsuit were soaked, and he could see the dark patch from your wetness. Before he had ever even touched you your pussy was slick and ready. 
"You excited?" He smirked looking at you. 
"Shut the fuck up." You looked away from him bashfully. Why did he have to speak on it?!
"Don't be embarrassed. I love how wet you get for me." His head lowered and he planted meaningful kisses on your right thigh trailing inward, "Look at me honey."
His eyes remained sharp on yours as his lips made contact with your clothed pussy.
"No." You protested.
You may have been demanding and dominant with him, but once the intimacy started he'd take it all back. You knew as soon as you locked eyed you were going to buckle under his power, and you'd try to hold out as best you could.
His fingers pulled your underwear to the side and he smiled at the sight. He loved how the material clung so tightly to you as he pulled away. He loved your aroma. He loved the sight of your beautiful pussy.
"Mmm, so sticky for me. I gotta make you squirt now, huh? You want that?"
He didn't wait for your response as he ran his tongue against your folds. The tip of his tongue made contact with your clit for a brief moment and you shuttered. Dammit! He was already getting the best of you.
"So sensitive." He pointed out. "Look at me baby. I want you to watch me please you."
"Stop." You spoke with no conviction whatsoever. You liked when he mentioned everything in the moment, but it still made your cheeks feel so warm.
He'd do it again- flick at your clit with his tongue. His fingers delicately pulled open your lips so that your clit was nice and isolated. So perfect for him to attack.
You whimpered silently with your teeth biting down on your index finger. You knew you'd have to be quiet in here, and you were doing your best. Higuruma wanted you to be quiet as well, but the sadistic part of him wanted you to slip up so bad.
Finally his tongue traveled downward to your cute little inviting hole. He didn't hesitate to slip his tongue in. It was your favorite when he fucked you like this as his gorgeous nose rubbed against your clit.
"Fuck!" You whispered loudly. Your free hand reached for his hair, grabbing a fistful.
"You taste so good." He spoke muffled, "Look at me baby. Look at what you do to me." His hands gripped your thighs, pulling you in closer.
If you were any place else you'd be moaning so loud, but not here. Didn't mean you wouldn't slip one out. As his tongue moved in and out of you, you could feel his eyes burning a hole into you. He wanted you to look at him so bad, but you wouldn't do it. You couldn't give him that.
"Mm mmm." You shook your head. "I won't." You moaned softly.
He wouldn't be taking no for an answer again. You were going to obey him one way or another.
He grabbed your leg and moved it over his head so that your legs were together now. Forcing you on your side, he'd draw a long wet stripe with his tongue from your pussy to your asshole.
"Hiromi! Oh my God!" You fucked up. Not only did you break the silence in a major way, you called him by his first name, and you looked into his eyes… he won.
He'd repeat his actions, but his tongue would remain around your tight hole. You were not prepared for this at all! He'd never done it before, and unfortunately like with everything else he did to you it felt so fucking good.
"Be a good girl and stay quiet okay?" He was patronizing you now.
His tongue circled around your sweet little hole before attempting to force entry. There was no way he was really trying to penetrate your asshole with his tongue was there?!
"Dammit Hiro." You whimpered even more- gently stroking the hairs at the nape of his neck as you kept him close to you.
"Yeah baby? Talk to me. You like my tongue in your ass?" He grinned so sinisterly as he knew what he was doing. He knew that dirty talk would only fluster you more.
"Yeah, I like it." You now caressed his face as you looked at him.
"Like what? Use your words."
You knew he was going to drag this shit out! Why did you ever have to look at him and give him that satisfaction?!
"I like…" You hesitated and bit your bottom lip. Why was he making you say such lewd things? "I like your tongue in my ass."
"I know you do. Are you ready to cum? Let's get you there, okay?" He spoke before penetrating deeper inside of you.
His middle and ring finger slipped right into your pussy. They forced in and out at a blistering pace. His thumb now drew circles into your clit. He was pleasing you in three different ways and it was practically impossible to be quiet at this point.
"Hiro! Ah!" You moaned so loudly someone in the office definitely heard that shit. You placed a hand over your mouth before you yelled out again more muffled this time. "I'm gonna cum! Fuck!"
Your back arched, and he'd not let up on the speed he pleased you at. You were at his mercy and you both knew this.
Your stomach tightened, and you could feel it all getting ready to come to a head. Within a few more seconds you felt yourself becoming high. Your orgasm hit, and your pussy overwhelmed Hiromi with that squirt he loved so much. Your walls tightened, and you felt this fluttering sensation.
His mouth was wide open ready to drink you up. The liquid gushed into his mouth and he'd drink up as much as he could. Of course with how hard you came it was impossible to get all of it.
The man spread your legs once again and lapped up your juices. You were so delicious to him. There was a bit of a mess now but he didn't mind.
He'd sip the bit of your squirt that spilled on the desk before standing up to look at you. He didn't want to miss a single drop. Just nasty for no reason.
"Let me taste." You looked at him with those sickening eyes. 
He'd lean over and press his lips to yours hard. Your essence was all over him. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in close. He was so obsessed with you. Moments like these were why he had to fight for you. You couldn’t do any time. He wouldn’t be able to live without you.
His tongue was so deep in your mouth, and you enjoyed tasting yourself on him. He on the other hand enjoyed that cherry flavored lollipop on your tongue. By proxy as he’d say.
“Fuck- I need you baby.” He growled. 
He’d withdraw his lips from yours and trace them across your jaw and down your neck. Down your collarbone and to your thinly covered tits. His teeth bit your clothed nipple before moving to your underboob. He’d suck the uncovered skin, wanting so badly to mark you.
The red lipstick you put on him was placed right back onto you as he kissed and sucked your skin.
He knew you took your clothes off for a living. Being an erotic dancer, it was not okay for you to have any hickies or bite marks on you, yet here he was wanting to get you in trouble. Well if he was gonna mark you, then you would mark him too!
“Come here!” You grabbed the man by the collar and pulled him up.
You’d plant a kiss on his lips once more before moving to his neck and going in for a deep bite. 
“Shit baby. Yeah, I like that.” He grabbed the back of your head, pulling you closer.
Yeah, name two hornier people at six in the morning. Impossible.
His hands reached for pants as he went to unbutton them. He’d unzip and pull them down until his cock sprang right out.
You kind of loved it. It was so nice looking with its rosy head and thick girth. The man stayed relatively trimmed for the most part. Pained you to say, but you were sure that his cock was made just for you, because the way it felt was like he was sculpted to touch your inner walls in just the right way.
“It’s your turn now, hm?” You looked into his eyes once again and you felt yourself being trapped. It was like once you did that you were forced to listen to his every command.
You grabbed his cock, taking pleasure in the feeling of the thick veins that decorated his pretty length. From the precum leaking out of his tip you could tell that he was on the verge of cumming soon.
Just as you began to scoot off the desk so you could suck him off, he’d stop you. You had to wonder why. Did he not want head? You always sucked the absolute remnants of his soul away when you did, so why didn’t he want it?
“No.” He held your chin in his hand as he forced you to look at him. “If you put it in your mouth I’m gonna cum immediately.”
“That’s kinda the goal.” You frowned.
“I want it in your pussy. I want you to take all of my cum in your pussy. Only for now, okay?”
He was always so embarrassed about how fast you made him cum when you touched him sometimes. He knew the second your lips touched his dick he would explode on you, and while it wouldn't take much to get him back up, time was of the essence here. You had a case to discuss.
He delicately pushed you down to lay flat against his desk. Higuruma grabbed both of your legs and placed one on each shoulder. He couldn’t wait to be inside of you. 
Pumping himself just a couple of times, he’d press the head of his cock past your folds and into your entrance. 
“Yes sir.” You moaned, teeth biting at your bottom lip. “Mmm,  your cock feels so good.”
His hand pulled your thin top up over your left breast and pawed at your soft flesh. His thumb rubbed against your nipple. 
Your eyes began to roll back as all you could hear were the lewd sounds of your skin slapping together. The wetness of your pussy only amplifying the sound.
His dick was slightly curved upwards and it made hitting you g-spot no problem at all. Seemed no matter how many times he fucked you, you were going to remain nice and tight just for him.
"Fuuuck- mmm I love how your pussy grips me so tight. Keep pulling me in baby. Yes." 
His bodyweight pressed down on you so he could get even closer. Yes! Deeper! His lips reconnected with yours and you pulled him by the back of his neck once again.
"Yes sir." You moaned into his mouth still trying to be relatively quiet.
Higuruma pulled away just a little so he could look in your eyes and speaking in between his thrusts, "When this case is over I want you to retire. You come live with me. I'm gonna take care of us."
Your pupils dilated upon hearing the words. Due to the career path you chose there weren't many people who saw you as wife material . But five months of litigation can do things to a guy.
Trial was on the horizon, and you both knew that. During this process Hiromi got to know you from the inside out, and somewhere along the way he liked what he saw. Loved what he saw, rather.
His hand that wasn't occupying your breast reached between you so he could draw circles into your clitoris. Your walls were closing in on him. Your stomach tightened. It wasn't just the way he fucked you. It was his words that would draw out your next high.
He wanted to be more than your lawyer. More than an inappropriate relationship. He wanted a life with you, and you could see that too. 
"Hiromi." You whispered on his lips.
"You ready baby?" He'd kiss you again.
"Give me everything." You nodded on the verge of tears. How dare he say these sweet things to you?!
"Look at me." He demanded as you attempted to look away. His hand grabbing your jaw and fixing you on him. "Cum for me baby. Just one more time."
Honestly he was racing against his own orgasm. He couldn't be too sure that you'd come before he did. One thing about Hiromi though, if that did ever happen, you would still get it out. He could never live with himself knowing that he was the only one who came.
Your mouth opened, but no words came out. You could feel yourself squirting all over the man once again. It was a good thing he moved his papers to the side before all of this. Before Hiromi, you never even knew that you could squirt, but he made you do a lot of things you didn't think were possible.
"Yeah, cum all over me baby." He'd kiss you once more, "Squeeze me just like that."
You looked deep into his eyes as you felt his warm seed spurt into you. It was so much. Ropes of cum that seemed almost endless as it filled you up. You could feel it leaking out of you already, and you knew it would be a big mess once he pulled out.
"Dammit." He sighed, "I wanna go again, but we have to get down to the case. I won't lose you over something stupid."
You nodded, lowering your legs from his shoulders and wrapping your arms around him
He'd pull out of you, and before too much of his seed could spill out, he'd move your swimsuit bottoms back over your well served cunt.
"Keep that there, alright baby?" He smiled before kissing you.
"You're playing with fire Hiro. I told you I'm not on the pill."
"I know what you told me." He pulled you right-side up as he lifted as well. "Maybe I just want you all to myself."
"Forcing me into retirement by pregnancy?" You rose an eyebrow, "Bold of you."
You'd move out of his grasp and smooth your skirt down so it was flat again and barely covering you once more. As you stood your legs felt wobbly, and you could feel a thin line of cum running down your leg.
As runny as it was you didn't know if it was yours or his. His cum was usually so thick. Perhaps it was a mixture. Either way you'd walk back around his desk so you could grab some wipes from your purse. Both makeup and baby wipes were needed in this case.
You bent down to grab your purse, and as you did you felt a hand on your thigh. Looking back you saw Higuruma on one knee. He'd lean into the back of your right thigh and trace the cum all the way up with his tongue. This was one of the nastiest men you ever met. Or perhaps he was just nasty for you.
His tongue stopped once he reached your clothed pussy where he'd give it a kiss. You felt his nose pressed against your ass and it gave you butterflies. You really didn't utilize that pretty nose enough.
You pulled a makeup wipe from its casing and tossed it playfully onto the man's face, "Clean yourself up, whore. We have business." You giggled.
He pulled the wipe from his face and stood up once again. He'd give you a kiss before wiping all your red lipstick off of himself.
"Alright, let's be serious now. The Saito's have a new witness, and here's why that doesn't matter. Listen carefully, okay?"
Just like that he was back in lawyer mode. You had to wonder what your life would be like if you never met him. 
Would you survive this case? Were the Saito's really paying people off? How much time were you facing? Now was the time to strap in. You had a case to win!
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batboyblog · 3 months
I think there are some people who were too young during Trump's presidency to be fully aware of the ways he was harmful, destructive, or disturbing. Could you post some bad stuff he did as a reminder to people (especially the younger ones) about how high the stakes are? Thanks!
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Definitely something to think about. I've mostly tried to focus on saying positives from the Biden administration, because I feel like that gets lost? Its easy to point out that Trump is a Rapist and a Racist and oh yeah also a criminal and a lot of people have been drawing attention to his de facto platform and plan for his second President the Project 2025
so I've wanted to mostly focus on the positive case for Biden not just the negative case against Biden
but yeah you do have a point, I think there are a lot of first time voters who were in middle school or early high school and not awake to the Trump Presidency, particularly before the nightmare year of 2020, if you're an 18 year old first time voter in 2024, you were 10 when Trump took office in 2017 and I wouldn't expect most ten year olds were paying attention to the total madness train wreck that was 2017
but also Trump is a human dumpster fire, his former adviser (now headed to jail) Steve Bannon called it "Flooding the Zone" you put out so much distraction the human mind can't focus, even I, someone who both was paying very close attention and who generally has a great memory for this kind of thing find myself remembering events and going "OH RIGHT! THAT!" like the craziness of the Muslim ban literally signed with-in 3 days of Trump taking office it unleashed total chaos you had lawyers literally jumping into their cars and going to the airport and setting up office on the floor trying to help people because there was no warning, no one knew the rules, Trump didn't even have a confirmed Attorney General and the acting AG a hold over from Obama refused to support it so he fired her and there just wasn't a top lawyer enforcement officer in the US... that was week one.
so yes I will look into maybe writing a history of the Trump President for the youth but also just to remind all of us of all the crazy shit that happened that the amount of crazy has forced us to forget.
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treasure444 · 7 months
Title: I'm so in love with you. Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Fem!Reader WC: ~3.7K Content Warnings: SMUT (Unprotected, Simon is a biiiit of a bottom, Simon likes being bit) MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, feels, Reader gets injured, angst but it does have a good/happy ending. I know I just posted a Simon Riley fic, but the brain rot DO be brain rotting. My current hyperfixation. I have lots of other stories half-written or fleshed out for all the characters I write for, and I am getting to them, I promise!!
Wonderfully beta'd by the ever amazing @universitypenguin - if you have not read anything Alice has posted, please do so! The Princess and The Lawyer is AMAZING!!
Requests are open, feel free to submit, and to those who already have, I promise I am working on them!!
It was moments like these that you genuinely dreaded, sometimes wishing that you had chosen something different. Everyone, even now, always questioned why this was the career chosen. You had never been able to fully answer, always giving a vague, ‘I’m in it for the same reasons everyone else is.’ Never truly knew why, what pulled you here. 
The satisfaction when you had won was unlike any other, but so were the nightmares. The constant replay of the field, the battles, the close calls that could have ended up much worse. It was never about you, no, rather your teammates. The close calls they faced, that were your fault. If you had been a few seconds quicker, or had just slowed down and aimed properly, you could’ve avoided these moments.
That’s where you currently found yourself, in a meeting with Captain Price, and Lieutenant Riley. Both very terrifying men. At least, Price was trying to make it easier on you, giving soft smiles, and ‘Ghost, relax. Everyone makes mistakes.’ 
A bite of ‘doesn’t matter, they should be able to conduct themselves properly.’ Was fired back. It was no secret the Lieutenant had a distaste for you. Maybe because you were ‘reckless’ as he had described you multiple times. Perhaps it was because at the end of the day he ended up having to save you more than once. Soap had attempted to calm your nerves one day, explaining ‘he gets like this with everyone. ‘S not just you.’ 
You saw the way he acted upon passing. With other soldiers, it was a very slight almost imperceptible nod of his head, but for you the ever-present scowl on his face seemed to deepen. No matter what you had tried, you could never get that recognition that you so desperately wanted. 
“Captain,” you said, gaining his attention, “W-While I appreciate the help, he’s not wrong. I-I don’t agree with the way he’s making his points, but I should’ve been paying more attention. Gaz could’ve been seriously hurt i—“ 
“He could’ve been killed! Because of you!” Ghost’s voice boomed across the Captain’s office. You jumped in your seat.
“You’re absolutely right,” you said looking at Ghost, “and I am sorry.” 
He grunted in response, before stalking out of the room.
“Ignore him, he’s stressed out over the next mission.”
You shook your head, “He’s right. Gaz could’ve died because of my mistake.” The guilt sat stationary in your chest. 
Price offered a sympathetic smile, “Ghost’s has also had some close calls. That is very similar to the potential today. We all have had some pretty close calls. Don’t let him get in your head.” 
You nodded, and rose from the chair on a shaky breath, “thank you.” 
Price nodded, “You’re welcome. There’s a debriefing in an hour.” He reminded. 
You nodded and walked out to get ready for the meeting. 
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Three hours later you had found yourself in the middle of the battlefield. According to Price, it should’ve been an ‘easy’ mission. Gather the intel and get out, you hadn’t planned for the ambush. You had been almost positive you were safe, hidden behind a barrel, Ghost beside you. That was until you caught sight of the enemy behind you. 
You caught them raising their gun, aiming for the lieutenant. Soap screamed for him, you pushed him clean out of the way before hearing two gunshots ring out. One of which had pierced the enemy, knocking him down instantly. The other lodged itself into your thigh. You didn’t quite register the shot at first. Not until Soap was by your side. 
“Just go. Scan the perimeter, make sure there’s no more, make sure Gaz has the intel.” You spoke before he even had a chance to say anything to you. Soap ran off, you sat yourself down, still hiding behind the barrel. Your hand weakly pressing against the wound in your thigh. 
You leaned your head back against the barrel, closing your eyes as your hand was replaced by Ghost’s gloved appendage. You whined as he put more pressure than you had been. “I know, I know. Stay with me.” 
You giggled softly, “ironic, isn’t it?” Your head rolled to the side. “This time it wasn’t you saving me.” 
You watched Ghost’s eyes pass between your face and your leg repeatedly. His voice became distorted as he spoke into the walkie on his shoulder, more than likely explaining the situation to Price, and Gaz. Your eyelids grew heavy, so you opted to keep them closed. 
You could hear the concern in Ghost’s voice, but you could no longer hear the words. Could still feel the gloved hand pushing at your skin, but no longer the pain. You slowly allowed yourself to fall into the unconsciousness pulling at you. 
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You came to, to the sounds of beeping and hushed voices. Confused, you opened your eyes, “Jesus.” You squinted, looking around. You found Price, and Ghost by your bedside. 
“Hey. How do you feel?” Price spoke, keeping his voice soft. 
“What happened?” Your voice came out weak. Ghost handed you a small paper cup with a straw. Noting he didn’t have the gloves on anymore. 
“Drink this. Small Sips. ” He spoke. You took it, taking a small sip as he instructed.
“You were shot.” Price spoke up again, and everything came back to you, “You were lucky. The bullet missed the femoral artery. Small fracture, you’re off for the next 8 to 12 weeks.” 
“8 to 12 weeks?” Your eyes widened, “No, Price there has to be a mistake! Surely it won’t take that long!” You handed the cup back to Ghost.
“That’s what the doctor has said, and that’s what we’re going by.” Price told you before his phone went off, and he walked out to take the call. 
You groaned, throwing your head back into the pillows. Ghost chuckled before handing you the cup again, “I bet you’re really regretting taking that bullet for me now huh?” 
You looked over at him, “not at all,” you smiled, “but I have to ask, where’d the gloves go?” 
You heard, more than saw, the audible gulp he took. “Had to take them off.” 
You nodded like you understood the implication of what he was saying. Which you did. You remembered him pressing his hands down against the wound trying to get the blood to clot. Saw how your blood stained the white part of the skeleton fabric. 
When you looked back up at him, you could see the fear. For once you saw your strong-willed, cold-hearted lieutenant, genuinely scared. For you. Like he was reliving what happened. Like he couldn’t believe you were still here. 
The word lucky rattled around in your brain. Echoing Price’s infliction. You were incredibly lucky, though you weren’t sure you’d admit it out loud. Something had shifted. You weren’t able to pinpoint exactly what, but something in the air of your hospital room felt different.
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The aftermath of a mission always did funky things to you. Things you could never fully understand. Adding to that, the fact that you had been out of commission for the last 10 weeks. You had been a little rusty. Which was how you found yourself being dragged out to Ghost’s office. You were sure that he was mad, that he was going to berate you when he called you to his office. However, he led you past his office, and into his personal quarters. “You’re always such a problem.” He said as he closed the door behind you. 
“I didn’t see it!” You watched him. 
“I’m not saying anything.” He defended. 
“You are! You’re saying that I’m a problem.” 
“Because you are. I consistently am having to step in and save your ass because you’re so reckless.” 
“You can’t seriously sit there and get caught up in the few times you’ve saved me! Are you serious?! This is a fucking joke. You’re a fucking joke.” Your voice raised, anger shooting through your body. 
Ghost glared at you. “I’M the joke?! You must really think highly of yourself!” 
“Highl— What?! This is. No. No! I’m leaving. I will not allow you to sit here and treat me like this.” You stomped towards the door. You didn’t make it very far, before Ghost’s hand wrapped around your upper arm. 
“Do you care so little for your own life?” He spun you around to face him.
“Honestly, you’re reckless on the field, you almost stepped on a damn landmine today!! You took a bullet for me!” 
“I told you, I didn’t see it! I’m not reckless, and who knows what would have happened if I had let the bullet hit you! You could’ve died! I wasn’t willing to watch anything happen to you, when I could’ve helped!” 
“Because I care about you! Because the thought of you not being here hurts me more than I want to admit! Because the thought of not hearing your fucking voice every day, scares me!” You shouted, feeling the tears come to the surface of your eyes, but you refused to cry in front of him. 
The shock of your words had Ghost releasing his grip on you, if only slightly. You shook your head. “Forget it.” you sniffled and opened the door walking further down the hallway. Ghost snapped to his senses, and called you, but you were out of his sight. 
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You had asked Price for some extra time. “A few more weeks, I want to make sure that I’m ready to be on the field again.” Was what you had told him, when in reality, you wanted to prolong your solitude. You hadn’t spoken to Ghost since your outburst, but he seemed content in letting it happen. Leaving you alone. 
Sure, you had run into each other a few times, damn near impossible not to, but never spoken to each other. In the time that you hadn’t been on missions, you spent it in your room reading, or in the gym trying to strengthen yourself. 
The boys had come back from another successful mission, elated but bruised. You smiled and hugged each of them with the exception of Ghost. You merely nodded at him, he stood stoic as ever. 
Soap threw his arm around you before leading you inside, with everyone following, “You’ll have to come with us on the next one. It’ll be just like old times!” He sang. 
You giggled, “yeah, maybe. We’ll see how I’m feeling.” 
“Well, at least come out to drink with us tonight! We’re heading to Bar Code.” Soap shook your shoulders lightly. He was always in a good mood after a successful mission. 
You nodded, “Sure.” 
That was how you found yourself in civilian clothing, sitting across from Price. Just shooting the shit with the boys reminded you of old times, better times. Price called your name, “you’ve been training. A lot harder than we’ve seen you before.” 
You smiled, knowing it was a compliment of the highest form, “Thank you, sir. I just want to make sure that I’m ready to be back in the field.” 
“So, I can count on you for the next one then?” 
Your smile widened, as you nodded, and Soap and Gaz whooped and cheered. “Well!” Gaz was the one to throw his arm around you this time, “I say that’s cause for celebrations! I’ll go get more drinks.” 
He moved to stand, but you put your hand on top of his on your shoulder, “let me.” You giggled as he withdrew and stood, walking over to the bar. 
Ordering what you knew everyone liked, you leant against the bar as you waited for the drinks. A slimy looking man slid next to you, “what’s a pretty little thing like you doing here all by yourself?” He clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth. 
“Oh,” you said quietly, moving away slightly, “I’m not alone. Here with some friends.” Of course Ghost had caught sight of him before he got close to you. 
The man followed you, before a hand reached out to grip your waist, pulling you closer. You leaned away. “C’mon. Don’t be like that. I bet they won’t even notice if you’re gone.” You could smell the alcohol on him before he even opened his mouth. 
You kept pushing at his chest, getting more alarmed by the moment, “I-I’m flattered, but not interested,” you looked around for someone, anyone to help you, but found no one. “I really should get back to my friends.” 
In an instant, Ghost was by your side. Unwrapping the stranger's hand from you before pulling you behind him. “You okay?” He looked over his shoulder at you. 
You nodded, and walked to the table silently. From what you saw the unknown man backed down pretty quickly, given Ghost was still in his tac gear, minus the vest. 
Ghost had come back with the drinks and set them down. Not another word was said between you and him for the rest of the night. 
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Getting back to the base, everyone went their separate ways. Everyone except Ghost who pulled you with him into an empty barracks room. It was a standard room, with a bed in the back corner, small desk and lamp on the right side, and an armoire on the left.   “Ghost.. What do–” 
“Simon.” He cut you off. 
You tilted your head, confused. “Call me Simon. Please.” 
“Okay… Simon. Is there something you need?” 
His eyes fluttered shut as you said his name. “I think a conversation is needed.” 
“Conversation about what?” You crossed your arms over your chest. 
“What did you mean?” His eyes opened, solely focusing on your face, your reaction to him. “You said you care about me. But there’s so many things that could mean.” 
You took a deep breath in, and dropped your arms. “I’m exhausted. We can talk about this later.” You turned for the door. 
Simon muttered your name, “You and I both know if you walk out of here, this conversation won’t ever happen.” His voice stopped you from moving any further. “Please.” His voice softened to a whisper. 
“You’re a big boy, Simon. I’m sure you can figure it out. Given the context.” 
“I want to hear you say it.” 
“Why? So you can embarrass me some more? To make me relive that specific part of the conversation for days? I already have. I shouldn’t have said anything, it was vastly inappropriate.” 
Simon shook his head, stepping closer to you. “Tell me. Please.” 
A shiver flew down your spine. “You make it sound so easy. It won’t fix anything.” 
Simon stayed quiet behind you. He was close enough at this point to feel the body heat he gave off. You sighed, defeated. “I care about you.” You whisper. 
“And what does that mean?” Simon whispered back. 
You closed your eyes, staying quiet. This time when he said your name, he coated it in adoration, in awe. Pressing his body even closer, you caved. 
“I’m into you.” You felt his forehead come to rest on your shoulder. 
“Again.” He commanded, softly as his arm wrapped around your waist. 
You smiled, biting your lip, “I like you.” 
Simon pulled you back so you were fully flush against him. “Again.” 
“I have feelings for you.” 
His grip tightened, hand moving to your hip as he spun you to face him. “Once more.” He watched you. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, “I am so in love with you it hurts sometimes.” 
“Yeah?” He breathed, and you nodded as his face drew closer. 
“Yeah” you whispered moments before he pushed his mask up just past his nose, and kissed you. 
Fuck, he was good. He knew how to hook you in, one hand resting on the hinge of your jaw, and the other on your waist. Pulling you in, while simultaneously keeping you where he wanted you.
You couldn’t resist kissing back, placing your hands firmly on his chest. You could feel the low rumble he let out. Pulling away for a second, Simon dragged his thumb down the center of your lips. Your breathing was rapid, your mind felt like it was in the clouds. 
Without thinking, you leaned back in to capture his lips this time. His hands drifted down your body, before tapping the backs of your thighs. You shook your head only slightly to still keep your lips attached to his. 
He grunted into your mouth, before crouching slightly, and lifting you into his arms. You gasped before breaking apart, “Simon, put me down.” 
You saw his lips pull up into a smirk, “gladly” you watched his mouth form the word. He walked over, tightening his grip only moments before dropping you against the mattress. 
You squealed softly, before this mountain of a man was sprawled out on top of you, reattaching his lips to any skin he could find. Kissing down your face, to your neck. Hands pawing at your body, lifting your shirt to caress your skin. You whined, before sitting up only enough to pull your shirt off. 
“Atta girl.” Simon praised before reattaching his mouth to yours. His hands roaming your body, gently groping along his way as he finds the buttons on your jeans and slides them along with your panties off in one motion. 
You truly don’t know what came over you, the need to have Simon under you, succumbing to whatever you wanted, was overwhelming. 
So that was exactly what you decided to do, as you heaved your body so you had him pinned beneath you. The surprise of it alone had him pulling away from you. Hands coming to rest on your thighs. 
You made a show of removing your bra, the accompanying groan from him as you removed the last article of clothing was satisfying. You carefully slid down his body, removing articles of clothing as you went, until he was completely naked, and completely at your mercy. You looked down at him, your lip between your teeth. 
“Not so big and bad now are you?” You spoke softly, lining Simon’s leaking cock with your entrance, not able to stand another moment of the teasing.
“Don’t be a fucking tease, baby.” Simon gritted out. 
“Me? Never” You spoke, sliding him inside until you were flush with his hips. Gasping, as he gently bucked up into you. 
The grunt Simon let out had you clenching around him. His hands clasped around your hips, expletives being whispered into the air around you two. 
You brought yourself up just enough for him to slide out enough, before dropping yourself back down. “Fuck, yes. Just like that.” Simon whined. 
The sound alone had you falling forward, hands coming up to catch yourself on his chest. You let out a moan, as his hands roamed your body. “C’mon. Need me to take the lead?” He teased. 
You bit your lip as you straightened yourself out, and started bouncing on his cock. Simon’s head rolled back further into the pillow. Small chants of yes left his mouth. You glanced down at him, completely at your mercy, and you let out a borderline pornographic moan. 
Simon’s neck had been on full display, the veins distended, almost inviting. He was clenching his teeth, so as to keep all those little sounds in. Eventually, the intrusive thought won and you leant forward. Lips and teeth sucking a bright red hickey into his neck. “Oh, Fuck.” Simon mewled. 
Laving your tongue over the new mark, you felt a swell of pride. “Can’t take it?” You whispered into his ear, gently biting down on his earlobe. Simon let out a high pitched whine. “Who knew Simon Riley liked being bitten huh?” 
His hands settled back on your hips, “please” he grunted. 
You cooed, straightening and planting your hands on his chest once again, as you worked yourself against his cock. “Awwww. D’you wanna cum?” 
Increasing your speed, you could feel the stutter in his breath under your hands. One of his hands running up your back, to cup the back of your neck, pulling you down. 
Capturing your lips, he kissed any and all smart comments, and thoughts out of your head. Simon pulled away from you enough to let out a long, drawn out moan, as your hips stuttered, and you felt the warmth of his cum flooding you. 
You gasped, not expecting it so quickly. The pure, unadulterated power you felt in this moment was enormous. You just made big, bad, cold-hearted Simon Riley cum before you. 
Simon’s hands fell to your thighs, gently running his fingers over where the bullet had entered, “shit.” breathing labored, unable to think. 
You looked down at him, breathing picking up, eyes wide. “One more.” You surprised even yourself. “Give me one more. Si, just one more.” You spoke, grinding your hips against his. 
He grunted your name, “I can’t.” 
“Yes, yes you can. Gimme one more. You’re such a good boy, Si. You can gimme one more, yeah?” You whined, resuming bouncing on his cock once more. 
Simon whimpered, “Please.” 
“Yeah, there it is. Look at you. Letting me use you like this. Fuck. So good for me, yeah?” 
You watched Simon’s eyes roll back in his head, mouth open just slightly, allowing all the little noises loose. The little moans, hiccups, and half whines. You’d be lying if you said it wasn’t getting to you. 
“You’re so hot like this. Can’t shut you up, can I?” You spoke, hips faltering. 
Soft chants of please left Simon’s pretty pink lips, head rolling from side to side. He was a sight. “Gonna cum again for me, Si?” You taunted him. 
Simon hiccuped, and nodded furiously. His entire body tensed, letting out an absolute wrecked moan, you once again felt the warmth of his seed, which only triggered your own orgasm this time. 
Head thrown back, grinding your hips before slowing to a complete stop. Slowly you lifted yourself on your knees and climbed off him. Simon chuckled as you collapsed beside him. 
“That definitely was not expected.” You wheezed out, attempting to catch your breath. 
“What part?” Simon smirked, pulling his mask back down. 
“All of it.” You yawned, and curled into his side. 
“We can dissect it in the morning, get some rest.” Simon ran his hand along your back gently, and you fell asleep in no time.
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soggyriceee · 10 months
Hello, I hope you are having a great day.
I haven't been able to get Slasher König and his reading wife out of my head for days. It's a scenario where he comes home from killing someone and asks his wife if she's proud of him, to which she says yes and some HUGE obscenity ensues.
Also if you can include something like the reader is madly obsessed with how strong König is (especially his arms) and how tall he is.
Thanks 🙇‍♀️
proud of me | Konig
sorry for how late this was, im trying to catch up on all the requests y'all
warnings: mentions of killing, oral(f! and m! receiving), somno, fingering, unprotected p in v, aggressive, dom to slightly sub Koni, cowgirl, missionary,
you didnt really expect him to do it. I mean, who would expect your husband to go and murder your ex? your stalker ex.
" he won't stop calling me from different numbers." you'd cry to him, trying to refrain from waking your 2 year old baby. you and Konig had been married for 4 years now, together for 7. you would think any other ex's you've had would be married or with their true love. right? not your ex.
every year around your birthday, he'd call. you'd assumed every year he changed his phone number, and then using fake ones after you blocked his first number. you hadn't told Konig about it until it hit the third year. the year you got married. thats when the calls would get worse. when you had your baby it was no better.
Konig was not happy when he had to figure out on your honeymoon when you ex managed to track you down in the middle of Cancun, threatening to kill himself if you continued to hurt him. you never imagined your honeymoon with the love of your life being completely ruined by someone from years ago. "Im so sorry, I never thought it would get this bad." you cried to him as the police took your ex off the beach.
from then on Konig always threatened to find your ex, fighting him or even killing him for doing this to you. to both of you. but you didnt want Konig to leave. not when you were in the process of getting pregnant with your second baby. "what if you go to jail and I get a positive result." you cried, pulling him arm back to the bed as he got up from the bed, moving towards the drawer the gun lived.
he agreed, not wanting to hurt you more than you were already hurting. but he also felt completely useless in this fight. your ex wouldn’t leave you alone. not until you and Konig divorced. but that wasn’t an option for either of you and you both were content on remaining together.
that’s when you decided to get a restraining order on him. Konig was delighted you came to that conclusion yourself and even offered to pay for the lawyer if you needed one. thankfully, there was no fee for getting a restraining order and the process was done quickly and in no time.
but, of course, why would your ex even care?
this only seemed to anger him more and made him more and more persistent on talking to you. he’d find you in parks when you’d take your now 3 year old to the park. Konig would come speeding over but of course he’d run before Konig could even get there. it angered Konig. to the point you two began to argue about it.
this led to lonely nights. Konig sleeping on the couch or in the baby’s room. you were left alone to keep yourself warm at night. the sex was different. it was full of anger and rage. and it only happened when Konig came home from a rough day, using you to get off and then returning to the living room to sleep. you felt disgusted with yourself. but also hurt at how he was letting your ex ruin you guys’ marriage.
the calls and texts from your ex never stopped. he still showed up at random places and threatening to kill you if you didn’t come with him. you’d call the cops now instead of Konig, knowing that he’d get fined or even put to jail for breaking the order. but the second it ended, he began to show up at your home.
Konig knew about it. but apart of him didn’t care anymore. he felt like it wasn’t going to stop no matter what. he felt completely useless. he didn’t feel like a man.
and so the lonely nights continued, the aggressive loveless sex continued. your baby was growing up in a house that had no love. and you tried your best. despite working longer hours now just to stay away from home. not even to simply stay away from your ex now. to stay away from Konig as well.
you began to lose weight, drastically. the lack of food and sleep was catching up to you and Konig noticed. he still loves you. you were his soulmate and never for a moment did he doubt that. he hated how he was treating you. but he didn’t know why he couldn’t just talk to you about it. not until he came into the room, the sight of you sleeping with your baby in your arms.
he crawled into bed beside you, wrapping one arm around your waist, swallowing back the tears of guilt but also happiness. he was finally right beside you in bed where he belonged.
“i’m going to make this right for us.” he whispered in your sleeping ear, kissing your cheek before shuffling silently out the bed and eventually out the house.
the next morning you woke up to a text from Konig. “gonna be out until late tonight. make sure the baby’s asleep when i get home. please. i love you.” of course the text worried you, and the spamming of calls did no good for you at all. he simply let it ring and go to voice mail. it was only 11:20 or so, when did he leave and for how long will he be gone?
the rest of your day was full of anxiety and stress. your baby was crying throughout the day, unable to find something to make themselves happy. you were unable to do the same.
every ten minuets youd check your phone to see if Konig said anything. a text, even a simple “hey i’m okay.” but you got nothing. that’s when it hit you that you also haven’t heard/seen much of your ex. maybe it was just a coincidence, nothing to be too worked up over. right?
as night fell, you were finally able to get your baby to relax and fall asleep in his own bed. it was 9 now, still nothing from Konig. plopping on the couch, you closed your eyes, swallowing back the tears that wanted to escape but couldn’t. he was coming home. you had to keep telling yourself that.
you hadn’t realized you had fallen asleep on the couch until you shuffled awake slowly, feeling something moving inside you. panicked, you woke up, looking right at the source of the feeling.
between your legs laid Konig, his head resting on your thigh, lips sucking on your clit while his ring and middle finger pushed in and out of you. his eyes were closed, moaning into your pussy as his tongue circled your clit, his lips sucking it right back into his mouth after.
your hand pressed against his head, pushing him alway. well trying. his eyes shot open, looking straight into your as his arm pulled you closer onto his face rather than farther. his fingers hit deeper inside you with that, a whimper leaving past you.
he placed his head back on your thighs, humming satisfied with your lack of fight. his tongue went back to playing with your clit, his eyes remaining on yours. you tried to hold back your moans, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of how much you were enjoying it. but he knew you were. no matter how hard he tried he knew exactly how to get you to finish.
almost as if it was a subconscious move, your fingers wrapped into his hair, tugging gently. “are you proud.. of me?" he moaned into your cunt, moving your fingers in a 'come here' movement. your toes curled instantly, pussy clenching around him. "f-for what?" you moaned out, still trying to fully take in what was happening.
he pulled your clit with his lip, sticking his tongue out to let it drool over your clit. "I took care of everything. we're gonna be so much happier maus." he said, taking his thumb to rub his spit against your clit.
your head that was tilted back quickly shot up, stuttering out "what?" he smiled and sat up, removing his shirt before standing. you took in his tall figure, every muscle curve on his arms and chest. he slid his hands to his pant buckle, undoing his buckle. slowly he slid his pants down, his member springing up.
the tip was red, dripping pre cum slowly. "me and you and our baby. were gonna be happy forever." he smiled, walking closer to you. you sat up, swallowing and looking up to the tall man. his hands moved to his hard on, grabbing it gently before tapping it on your face. "open." he breathed out. and so you did.
"I killed him." he said before stuffing your mouth, shoving all of himself in your mouth. your hands gripped his thigh, whimpering around him. his hands went behind your head, guiding you back and forth on his length. he groaned, digging his teeth into his bottom lip.
"a..are you proud of me maus? proud what I did for our family." he moaned, moving his hips back and forth against you. but of course you couldn't respond. how would you respond when your throat and mouth is stretched out by the size of him? so all you could do was satisfy him with a weak whimper.
his hips didn't stop thrusting against your face, breathing out heavily. "mm fuck.. take me so well maus." he moaned, watching as your mouth spread around him. tears fell from your eyes, fingers digging into his muscled thighs. "too much for you libe? cant take it all?" he moaned, pulling his dick out your mouth.
drool followed, your lips swollen. his hand cupped your chin to force you to look up at him, a fake sympathetic look on his face. "b-been so.. long." you panted, swallowing while keeping your eyes on him. this caused a big smile on his face now, moving to sit beside you. "come sit." he smiled.
you slowly made your way on his lap, taking in how big he was against you. one of is hands moved up to your chin, pulling you to his lips. the mix of his pre cum and your spit made a mess on each others face. "tell me. tell me your proud of me." he said against your lips, his other hand sliding between your thighs to rub your puffy clit.
you whimpered out, hands finding his broad shoulders, gripping them. "s-so proud of you." you whimpered, slowly moving your hips against his finger. "say it again." he demanded, watching your body react.
your one hand moved up to his hair, gripping it as your orgasm rapidly approached. "im sop-proud of you Koni.. did s-so good." you moaned out, moving your hips against his fingers faster. he moaned out, thrusting his hips up before removing his finger. "need you to show me." he said, gripping your hips to lift you from his lap and align you with his tip.
"okay j-just go slow pl- fuck!" Konig had ignored your request completely, pushing you all the way down on his length. naturally, your body fell against his as he bottomed out inside you, feeling every inch of him while a surprised squeak left your lips. "s-sorry libe", he chuckled, "just got too excited."
his hips moved out of your pussy slow, before pushing deep inside of you. your fingers dug into his shoulders, beginning to feel how small you really were against his body. the muscles in his shoulders tensed, a low growl emitting from him. his large hands wrapped almost fully around d your waist, allowing him to move you at the pace he wants you to, turning you into a real life flashlight.
and it made you even wetter.
"s-so fucking small against me yeah? happy I saved you from that man huh libe? are you happy I saved the day?" he whispered, bouncing you up and down. you wanted to respond, but you couldnt. you were getting off on the fact he was manhandling you, his size compared to you causing your cunt to squelch around him. so all you could give him was a small pathetic nod, partnered with a small meek ‘yes.
he kept up the pace he set for you, beginning to thrust up into you. “oh fuck.. so deep inside this pussy. filling yoh all the way up.” he groaned, his head digging into your shoulder. your arms wrapped around his neck, nails digging into his broad shoulders as your body fell to mush in his grip.
“s-so big.” yoh whimpered, squeezing your eyes shut and hitting your lip, trying not to be too loud to wake your kid. he chuckled, slowing his pace to a halt, letting you also rest. “too much?” he asked, pressing a kiss to your neck before looking to you. you nodded, whimpering out another ‘yes.
he laid you on the couch, sliding out of your cunt leaving yoh throbbing. he laid above you, tapping his length on your pussy. “so wet.. you like me killing for you don’t you?” he whispered, cupping yohr cheek with his hand. you nodded quickly, looking up at him.
his other hand ran up and down your inner thigh, gripping it. “you gotta be quiet for me maus.. don’t wanna wake our baby.” he whisperer, aligning his tip before slowly pushing in, whimpering out as you wrapped around him. your eyes squeezed shut, mouth falling open. his hand quickly found your mouth, head pressing against yours.
he took a shaky breath before sliding oht slowly and pushing back in, whimpering out again. slowly he picked up the pace, his hands finding your hips to hold you down and allow him to go faster and deeper. “so fucking tight.. and it’s all mine.” he groaned, looking at you through his eyelashes. his hips slapped against yours, filling the room with the sound of slapping and moans.
your hands found the back of his head, pulling tightly on his hair. he whimpered out, gripping your hips a bit tighter, releasing his hand from your mouth. “it’s a-all yours Koni. just yours.” you moaned, raising your legs to wrap around his waist. he whimpered out a ‘fuck’, raising his head to look into your eyes. “t-tell me again.” he moaned, moving faster.
he was close you could tell. his breaths got shaky and his fingers dug into your hips. “this pussy is.. is all yours.” you cooed, tugging his hair just a bit. he groaned, pushing your legs up to your chest a bit more, drilling right against your womb. “oh please o-pull my hair more.” he whimpered, looking down to you with desperate eyes.
you smirked, tugging his hair so his head was pulled back, exposing the veins in his neck. your pussy clenched around him, the idea of being in control of the man who towers over you completely. “you l-like being controlled like this huh?” you whisper, clenching around his cock tighter. he whimpered, his hands working up your body now to your breasts.
“i-i’m gonna.. i’m gonna cum libe.” he whimpered, playing with your nipples. you gasped softly, your back arching off the couch slightly. his hips drilled into ykh faster, chasing his own high. his desperation caused yohr pussy to pulse around him, your stomach turning. “so close.. just w-wait for me Koni.” you moaned, your legs tightening around him.
you let his hair go, your hand gripping his face to pull him down to kiss you. the kiss was deep and fast, silencing each others moans. “please libe.. i c-cant hold it anymore.” he begged against your lips, one hand sliding between your bodies to your clit. “keep going in so c-close.. fuck.”
naturally, his hips moved quicker, desperate taking over the once controlled man. his tip abused your womb, causing tears to brim at your eyes as your cunt convulsed around his cock. "c-cum in me Koni" you moaned out, feeling yourself let go. but you didn't have to finish your sentence before his head dropped in between your neck, biting down on your skin to try and silence himself. his fingers dug into your hips, his own hips pounding into you as he forced his cum deeper into you.
your own body shook under him, your hands gripping his hair as you let the pleasure course threw your body. "q-quiet libe.. c-can't wake the baby." he whimpered, placing his hand over your mouth as you came down from your high. he thrusted slowly in and out of you, his body pressed flat against yours. your hands let go of his hair as your body relaxed, your legs shaking less. his hand left your mouth, head still in your neck.
"did you.. really kill him Konig?" you finally asked after a bit of silence. but you got nothing in return. instead, you were hit with soft snoring in your ear, Konigs arms wrapped around your body. you felt him softening inside you, causing the heat to rush to your cheeks. smiling, you kissed his forehead before pressing your head back on the couch, closing your eyes and drifting off to the sound of his snoring.
another request done finally. college is kicking my ass y'all. dont do it. (jkjkjk)
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pengold · 5 months
Does everyone work in the mafia in your TNMN au???? (If so, sick.)
Angus works for the Italian mafia, but everyone is unaware of his position in it.
Roman works as the accountant who cleans the money for the Italian mafia, however, he only ever interacts with them through Angus.
Mclooy Rudboys is the Head of the Irish mafia and his son Steven is training to take over.
Izaack is a reporter trying to get a scoop on the mafia, thus why he lives in the building.
Nacha's husband was the right hand to Mclooy so she is under his protection now.
Dr. W Afton is an underground doctor who "helps" out anyone who comes to him. If you can't pay him, he experiments with your body, unless you bargain your way out.
Alf Cappuccino is a lawyer on the Italian mob's pay list.
Anastacha M. is building a mini mafia at her school, similar to the Sukeban of Japan.
Gloria works for the Irish mob, she is their accountant, and she does it to support her husband's writing career.
Milkman is just a serial killer and everyone in the apartment thinks he is just a normal nice guy.
The Sverchzt sisters are Russian spies. They were brought to America young and taught how to be spies from a young age.
Peachman brothers and Margarette Bubbles are not in this AU.
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lemonnsss · 1 year
Moral of the Story pt.2
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Warnings: cheating, illusions to sex, angst, not BETA'D we die like men.
A/N: It's finally here! Sorry for making y'all wait two extra weeks, enjoy!
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Taglist: @vicmc624, @mostlymarvelgirl, @yvonneeeee, @beetlejuicesupremacy, @moonlightreader649, @whattheduckisupkyle, @chrisevans-realwife, @nekoannie-chan, @mrsbarnes32557038, @imyourbratzdoll
Word count: 1.2k
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Within a few days, I'd moved across the country. Even though anyone from Xavier's could fly over without warning, I thought it would be good for me. I wanted to escape Jean and the heartache she brought with her. Jean had everything. I had left, she had Logan, and I'm sure she would find a way to manipulate Scott again. Just like always done.
Given the circumstances, I wasn't looking forward to my return as a teacher. I had worked as a secretary for a lawyer through college to be able to pay for tuition, and I decided that would be my best bet.
I sat in my bed at the hotel, craning my neck at my laptop screen. Finding a job here was a lot harder than I had anticipated. After a few hours, I had finally found a decent opening. It was a higher-level position at a conglomerate major enough for even me to have heard of. I suppose it's not shocking how much the former CEO is always in the news. A fact that makes sense with the understanding that almost every eligible lady threw herself at him and, oh, how could I forget, one of his board members and most trusted advisors had tried to kill him. Twice. 
I set up the meeting for the day after tomorrow, fearing that the next day would be filled with an intense migraine, a common side-effect of driving past 2 A.M. trying to make it to California in the shortest time possible. I got up, placed my computer on the provided desk, plugged it in, and begrudgingly moved to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
The next day came, and for the second time this week, I'd been right in the type of way I loathe. When I got up, I could barely move, my muscles aching after spending the past few days stuck in my car, only taking a few long breaks to get some rest and about a half dozen times each day for food, drinks, and the restroom. Changing into something comfortable, I left my hotel room. The search for a decent coffee shop now beginning.
After about half an hour, I found a place that looked decent enough. I walked in, and it felt like all eyes were on me. The feel of burning gazes, the sudden urge to make myself as small as possible, and the waves of dread crashing down on me. My symptoms of anxiety. An all too familiar feeling. I looked up at the menu, order already in mind. 
 “Hi! I’ll get a hazelnut latte with almond milk if you have it. Oh, and it says on the menu that there’s a white chocolate scone. I’ll have one of those as well.”
 “Okay, an almond-hazel-latte with a white scone. Who’s it for?”
 “Uh, Kyrie.”
 “Okay, Kai. Someone’ll call when your order’s done.”
 “Okay, thank y-“
 “Please, go find a seat.”
I backed away awkwardly. Slightly raising my arms, hands up in thumbs up. I walked away, putting my arms down, looking for a table to work at.
To no surprise, most tables were empty. For those occupied, their occupants were dressed in semi-professional attire, almost definitely catching up before going to work; the separation between their lives and my own shifted into something all the more evident. 
After about ten minutes, a barista called for the fake name I had given them. I got up and grabbed my order.
I sat at a table away from the windows and took out my laptop. I opened my email, checking for any new correspondents, to see almost 200 new emails, over half of which were from Logan and the other teachers of Xaviers. I went to Logan's profile, blocked him, and used the search bar to delete his previous messages. I don't need to read the pity speech of someone who doesn't value me as even a human being.
I scrolled through and saw an email from Scott, an unusual occurrence for him. I clicked to open it but didn't get the chance to read it, the screech of someone pulling at the table's other chair making it exceptionally difficult.
“Why are you- why did you sit down?”
 “I’m hiding from my bodyguard who is very determined to stay aware of my whereabouts. Even if he thinks it’s me sitting with you. He won’t interrupt our conversation. So, what's a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?" said a man with dark brown hair in an expensive-looking suit, "You're new around here aren't you?"
Great. Preppy, rich white guy hiding from his bodyguard, the horror. I laid my head on my hand and took a sip of my coffee.
 "And how would you know if I was? My attitude, my dress, perhaps an unusual drained look plastered on my face." A cheeky tone in my voice. It didn't matter if I was exhausted; this could be fun.
 "I was going to say your accent, but sure, let's go with one of those."
 "What do I get?" I took a bite of my scone. It wasn't as good as I had hoped but not far from what I had expected.
 "I'm sorry, pardon?" Moved his torso to face me.
 "What do I get if I don't rat you out?"
"You get a conversation with me, not something afforded to most." He leaned back.
The door rings. A bigger man in a suit with short, curly hair, a goatee, and sunglasses walks in. The man in front of me gives me a slightly urgent stare.
"I want a favor. Anything, anytime. Within reason, of course."
"Okay, fine; that works for me, just well, you know help." His voice was now a low whisper.
"Pleasure doing business with you," I say as I grab him by the tie, pulling him into a kiss. After a few seconds, I pull away slightly. I glanced around the room, my eyes landing on his supposed bodyguard. The man in question was looking the other way, an almost abashed look on his face.
"Wow, I was not expecting that."
"I'd recommend getting used to it, sweetheart."
His bodyguard took a final look around the room, figuring his client was somewhere else. Just as he entered he left, without a single word.
Hearing the door close he leaned back stretching almost, "So, what do you want? Money, political support, a fun time maybe. I mean with the kiss you gave me I would think the last of which."
"I'll pass. I just moved here, and I need a job. So, If my interview tomorrow goes to shit, your company or whatever you do is the backup now. Congrats!" My voice was now full of sarcasm. 
"Hand me your phone, now. Don't be shy." I opened and closed my hand repeatedly to affirm my statement. 
"Pushy, are we?" He sat up lightly and pulled out the latest iPhone. I should have expected that. I grabbed it and slid the lock screen open.
"Really? You don't have a password? Mr.," I paused with the new knowledge of who this man was, "Mr. Stark. Know what? I'll call in that favor right about now."
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candywife333 · 11 months
You Can Have Him
Summary: I am having Jungkook's baby. That's right bitches, you heard me right. We had a one night stand and now I am going to make him pay in cash and chocolate doughnuts-- currency of the gods. No emotions, just mucho dinero. That's the motto for today. There's no way he can fall in love with a virtual freeloader right? Let's all pray that he doesn't for my sake and yours.
chubby reader x idol (loaded) jungkook
Disclaimer: This character of Jungkook is not a representation of the real life Jungkook. Keep in mind this is all fiction.
Mini- series
(haven't decided on how many parts. I guess however many it takes me to get my thoughts across)
PART 2 of Only Here for Food
You know when your bladder just can't hold in the piss and it has to empty itself under just about any circumstance? Well that was me right now, as I sauntered into HYBE. I used the wonderful bathroom on the first floor and with a jolly grin on my face went to the cafe. Their desserts were simply exquisite. "One new york classic cheese cake with a boba tea please". I clapped my hands , giggling in glee as I saw all the other options I couldn't wait to try every time I visited the HYBE building.
I took my aesthetic picture of the desserts as the employee who handed me the food smiled at me. Happiness is contagious, just like the plague and that is the best part about it. Trudging over to the BTS waiting room , I saw my favorite super squishy couch and sat on it, ready to eat my dessert and some bibimbap with pork belly I had made for lunch today.
I kept all my food on the table, having brought an abundant amount for the guys as well. They may like it, and if they didn't I had so many neighbors I could just distribute the food to. I dove into the bibimbap, moaning as the flavors hit my tastebuds. This is truly what I lived for, fatty oily sweet and savory rice loaded with greasy meat, spiced vegetables, and fried egg. Taehyung walked in, clearly surprised at what I had brought and my presence. "Hey Y/N , what are you doing here? Jungkook is in the recording room".
I smiled, "Oh, I didn't come for Jungkook necessarily. I was just going to give him papers that my lawyer drew up in case I saw him around the building. I actually just came here to eat and brought some food with me in case you guys wanted to try any. Made it all early this morning after my mommy pilates class". I chewed loudly with fervor, "Why don't you also try some food? I made bibimbap, japchae with tiger shrimp, fish cake stew with sausages, and kimbap. It's all home made".
Taehyung reluctantly took his first bite, and then it was game over. He sat there eating the food with me as I showed him reruns of different series I was watching. I showed him how I was midway through death note and my plans to dress up as a Shinigami this halloween. I was also knitting a shinigami inspired scarf with apples laced all throughout. He chuckled and laughed with me.
The rest of the guys filtered in, behooved to see Taehyung get along so well with Y/N. They saw the abundance of food, and Jin was the first to serve himself a plate, exclaiming and gesticulating ,"So good Y/N, so good, you are truly a goddess. I was just missing home made food so much". The rest of the guys also decided to chow down, trying to steal the cheesecake from Y/n as she was slowly eating it, attempting to prolong the experience.
Jungkook walked in, sweaty and tired from recording his new track for a feature when he saw Y/n. His face contorted into disgust. What the hell was this girl doing here again? Wasn't setting up a child support plan after his unfortunately positive paternity test enough for her?
He loudly stomped in the room, slapping his doc martens against the ground. Y/N heard the noise and looked up to see him. "Hi JK, want to try some food? I just made it this morning. Took me two hours, but I wanted to bring a treat for all of you just in case. Was supposed to go on a picnic today with my boy toys but I thought I would feed you guys instead". Jungkook nodded his head with pure defiance and rage, till a singular word filtered through his brain, boy toys?!?!! He shrieked in a fury, "What the hell do you mean by boy toy women? What type of males are you frolicking with? Are you getting run through by every damn male out there?"
Y/N weakly smiled, "I mean, I wish I had the braveness to cavort with every handsome man I met. But I am just too scared of STDs you know. Trust me on this though JK, if STDs never existed, I would fuck my way through an entire fraternity. I have the stamina of a stallion". She proceeded to imitate a neighing of a horse, as the boys all tried not to choke, aspirate, and die on their food.
Y/n continued, "I just came here to talk to you about honoring the part of our agreement that talks about baby time twice a week. Twice a week I will be here so we can have our baby interaction time , so as a dad you can be close to the baby". Jungkook was ready to rip all his hair out of his head. What the hell was she talking about? Then he remembered the part of the contract which stipulated that he was supposed to meet her twice a week to interact with the baby as it was in the womb and for one year post partum.
"Just let me know once you are ready, and we will go into a private room so you can touch the baby directly-- you know skin to skin contact and all". The boys tried to not laugh openly at Jungkook as he stared at y/N horrified of her request. They all filtered out immediately. Namjoon stated somberly, "Jungkook you can use this room with Y/N, I will close the door so you and her can have private time with the Baby".
Jungkook timidly walked over to Y/n and sat next to her. She emanated the scent of fresh laundry and coconuts, very appealing and nothing that he had ever smelled on any of the girls he usually bedded. Y/n lifted up her dress and Jungkook was shell shocked to see red lacy panties stretched down due to a surprisingly round baby bump the size of a small melon. Her thighs were thick and glistening with moisture . He almost had the urge to bite her thighs. Wait, what the fuck, where was this thought coming from?!
Y/N lifted one eyebrow, "Aren't you going to touch the baby? Don't be scared by my pussy, don't worry, it won't bite. It will maintain its distance, it is well trained and domesticated". Jungkook's hands slightly trembled as he placed both of them on either side of her stomach. He felt the warmth of her silky skin radiating through his hands, as an unwarranted image of Y/N with his cum stuffed up her pussy and his cum sprayed all over her pregnant stomach ambushed him. He jolted away, hands moving away due to the sudden unbidden thought invading his mind, infiltrating his brain.
He asked softly with concern, "Is this normal for your stomach to be this big for two months?" Y/N cooly replied, "They are actually twins. I am preparing cribs and clothes for them. Double the work actually, but I can't wait". She giggled, nose scrunching up and mirth in her eyes. Jungkook saw how beautiful she was, for the first time since he consciously met her.
Y/N squealed out, "Ok now Mr Jungkook. Hands off the goodies. Visitation hours are over". She flipped down her dress as Jungkook now couldn't get the image of her ripe swollen stomach and panties out of his mind. She clouded his thoughts so quickly, no wonder he got her pregnant he mused to himself.
The members came back in as Y/N stared at her phone, watching death note on youtube with Jimin who snuggled up next to her. Jungkook felt a flash of envy thunder through his body as he saw the mother of his kids so close to Jimin. He shouldn't feel this way, but he did. A model named Jin Hee, from one of their previous photo shoots came over to Jungkook and sidled up to him.
Jin Hee held on to Jungkook's arm and started talking to him, flirting with him, as Y/N watched the scene unravel from the corner of her eye. She had great peripheral vision, took her vitamin A and carrot intake very seriously, thank you very much. As Jungkook sat down now, Jin Hee sat so close to him, she might as well be on his lap. Jin Hee was clearly trying to prod Y/N to breaking since the news had spread quickly about Jungkook's baby momma. Everybody knew who Y/N was in the HYBE building.
Jin Hee, a stereotypically thin model had been vying for Jungkook's attention for the longest time. She did not want to lose to a fat pregnant non celebrity baby momma. Y/N calmly put her phone down next to her, to the confusion of Jimin. In a calm voice that could slice a human's flesh with its sharpness, she drawled out firmly, eyes facing Jin Hee, "You can have him you know. I don't fight over community dick. If you want him, you can have him. You clinging to him like a baby koala is making you look desperate. I am not jealous of you in the least. My eyes are on a different prize, and Jungkook is not it. I eat leftovers usually, but if Jungkook was a left over, I would throw him in the trash".
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bangtansocean · 2 years
Wrong Right One [JJK]
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"I say we kill her," He presses the gun against your skin harder, making you whine in pain. Your tears start to fall involuntarily as you shake in fear but, your eyes showed little to no fear. In fact, you had no will to even try to fight back, or beg for mercy.
Because little did they know, you had no reasons to stay alive until one of the members of the most claimed mafia group accidentally kidnapps you, giving you a second chance to live.
• Jungkook x reader
• Angst, fluff, smut
Warning: This story contains strong language, sensible topics and mature content. Please read at your own discretion.
Content Table: Ch. 1-5 | Ch. 5-10...
!!!!! This story is originally from Wattpad. Updates in Tumblr will be slower as they will be made every 5 chapters in Wattpad.
Read it on Wattpad here
CH. 1 - 5
Word count: ~19.7K
Chapter one:
The pavement is blurry through your eyes as you walk under the cold rain. 
The weather has become colder, the thick fog covering most of the night sky making the setting somewhat uneasy and dangerous, but you couldn’t care less about your safety right now. 
In fact, you can’t find yourself to care about anything. 
After months of struggling, you found yourself losing everything you ever had. Your car, your house, your job and everything you’ve worked so hard for. It all started to go down the drain when you received a call from your lawyer, telling you that your assets have been sold to someone who completed the payment of the commodities you were paying in small installments due to your low income. 
You couldn’t understand how they could take everything from you like that, leaving you with no choice but to live in your office. And trying to survive within four small walls that had nothing but a desk and a big sofa was a pretty big challenge. 
However, you found yourself living comfortably and were able to hustle your way for a week, but you suddenly got kicked out of your office and had your psychology license placed on hold by your superior due to an “improper practice”, reported by someone anonymous who claimed to be your patient. 
You tried your best to stay positive in the situation, sleeping on the streets for a few days until you almost became a victim of a terrible assault, which happened just a few minutes ago while you were trying to get some refuge from the rain. 
Your body is shivering and your tears won’t stop falling, blending in with the rain that pours heavily on you as you walk with your head down and heavy steps to that big building you’ve always gone to when you needed a breather. 
But tonight you were going there to do the opposite. You were going to the building with no intention of walking out of it.
In fact, you have no intention of staying alive tonight. 
Life feels meaningless at this point.  With no family to support you and no friends to rely on, you decided you wanted to stop suffering and end this never ending nightmare your life has become in just two months time. 
The familiar building is now standing in front of you and you make your way to the emergency stairs on the sides of the building, taking a deep breath in before beginning the path to the last minutes of your life, the burden of the world and your overwhelming emotions rushing over your body, feeling heavier with every step you take to the last floor. 
You admire the skyline even through the fog and darkness, the lights of the building looking like blurry stars as you contemplate the horizon, taking slow steps towards the edge of the roof, sitting on the corner with your legs dangling from the edge of the building, the distance between your feet and the floor making your body ache. 
It's a long fall.
It’s definitely going to hurt if I make it out alive, you think to yourself, closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths before praying your last wishes. 
“I’m sorry this is how things have to end, you deserved better.” You tell yourself as you take a deep breath in, getting ready to jump. 
“Yeah, you do.” You hear the voice of a stranger behind you before you find yourself in complete darkness, a strange choking sensation tightening on your throat when you try to scream. 
You open your eyes and take your hands to your neck, realizing that someone behind you has placed a bag over your head and starts to tighten it by the neck, feeling the two hands move from your neck to your shoulders, wrapping around your arms and pulling you far off the edge. 
You can’t help but try to scream, your survival instincts kicking in as you struggle to set yourself free from whoever is trying to strangle you. You can feel your body weakening at the lack of air, slowly falling into a deep sleep and losing the fight with the stranger who, from all you could remember, had cold hands and a sultry voice. 
“What do you mean you got the wrong girl?!” 
You can hear a raspy voice next to you, the panic on their tone very obvious as you begin to awaken, the bag that was over your head now replaced by a blindfold, your arms and legs tied down by what felt like a very thick rope. 
You lay on the cold floor in confusion. If you are not the girl they were looking for… what happens now? 
“It was foggy and I couldn't see right. I know its a pretty bad fuck up but its done; she’s not who we are looking for.” 
You recognise the voice of your kidnapper, gasping in surprise at the sound of his voice, the fear growing inside you again as the room suddenly grows quiet. 
The voices of the two guys died down at the chattering of your teeth, the cold room giving away your conscious status to everyone in the room. 
A pair of loud heavy boots stomp around you. The steps growing louder as the presence of a man standing next to you makes you tremble in fear. You can feel his body heat closer to you as squats next to you, a squeal escaping your lips when you feel his hands on you. He manhandles you roughly, grabbing you by the shoulders and sitting you on your knees before taking the blindfold off. 
The sudden light makes your eyes hurt, blinking a few times before adapting to the light, your vision is too blurry to identify how many people are in the room right now. 
“If you scream I’ll shoot.” You hear the voice of the man behind you as he tightens the ropes on your hands, your palms sweating at the sound of his raspy and authoritarian voice. 
“Don’t, Hyung. We need to wait for the others. They should be here soon.” You recognise the voice of a third guy, his tone low and calm. Your vision is now clear enough to see two pairs of boots standing a few meters away from you, making that three people in the room with you. 
The others? How many of them are there? 
The loud sound of a door bursting open startles you, making you look up to the area where the sound came from, your eyes fixated on three other figures dressed in all black walking into the room and making it to where the other two are standing. 
“You fucked up big time, Jeon,” the blonde guy with a high pitched voice says before laughing mockingly, his hand landing on the hair of one of the guys who was standing infront of you while the others bickered between them loudly.
“Shut the fuck up, Jimin.” He knocks the hand of the shortest one away from him, gaining a roll eye from the blondie. 
You blink a couple more times before you look back up to them, looking attentively at the five guys standing in front of you. They all had fairly pale complexes, dressed in all black and they all looked surprisingly attractive and well groomed, somehow making you feel more uneasy. 
What did they want with you? Were they human traffickers? 
A loud hiccup escapes your lips, cursing yourself silently as the room grows quiet again and all eyes turn to you, the attention making you hiccup again. 
Why did you have hiccups when you were scared? Fuck. 
“Our apologies, ma’am.” The voice of the guy who was behind you startles you again, his figure coming to view as he walks towards the other guys, his sculpted silhouette and silver undercut making you hiccup again. “It seems like we got the wrong person, according to our friend here.” 
“Oh,” The sound escapes your lips, nodding to his words as you gulp loudly and scan the room again, noticing the eyes of the blonde guy glued to you as he tightens his jaw, clearly unhappy with his coworker for getting the wrong girl. 
The room grows quiet again as the silvered hair guy back up from your body, staring at you with his jaw tighten. A guy with long curly hair steps forward, his hand full of beautiful and refined rings landing on the guy with the silver hair, whispering loud enough for you to hear.
“What should we do with her, then?” He looks back at you with worried eyes, feeling uneasy at the sudden tension growing in the room. “Should we let her g-?”
“No.” Your kidnapper interrupts immediately, all eyes turning to him in confusion. “She’s seen our faces already, we can’t just let her go.” He adds, crossing his arms against his chest which draws your attention to his tattooed sleeve. 
“That’s true,” the silver-haired guy says, turning around to look at one of his friends who is standing behind everyone else. “ What do you think, boss? What should we do?” 
“I’m not sure yet,” A tall, broad guy walks forward, his fingers pushing his black hair back as he stares attentively at you. His eyes scan you slowly before a frown decorates his face. “Are we sure it’s not her?” He squats in front of you, his hooded eyes glued to you as he scans your features, feeling confused at the idea of you being the wrong person. “She has the same eyes.” 
“Would I lie to you, boss?” Your kidnapper says in a threatening tone, making the guy in front of you turn around with an incredulous look.
You can feel the tension between your kidnapper and their boss, a quiet but intense conversation happening through eye contact as everyone else looks to both of them with stone cold faces, unfazed at the challenging attitude of the youngest against the oldest. 
The blonde guy, whose name you remembered to be Jimin, suddenly walks forward. He clenches his jaw as he stares at you with fiery eyes before pulling his gun from his belt, the cold metal pressed to your forehead as he loads the gun with one hand, making you gasp in fear.
“I say we kill her,” He presses the gun against your skin harder, making you whine in pain. Your tears start to fall involuntarily as you shake in fear. However, your eyes showed little to no fear. You had little to no will to even try to fight back, or beg for mercy.
 At the end of the day, this is what you wanted: you wanted to die.
You close your eyes and bite your lips, waiting patiently for the gun to fire. “She is of no use and we can’t let her go. She’s better off dead.”  
The front sight of the gun is now against your forehead, the cold material making you weep as your entire body tenses, anticipating the bullet to perforate your skull.
“Hyung, move.” Jimin orders their boss, tilting his gun to the side telling him to move away, so his clothes wouldn’t get bloody, making you weep even harder when the gun is back to your forehead, this time pressing the gun against your skin harder. 
His jaw clenches as his fingers caress the trigger. The build up of the situation is making you feel sick, why couldn’t he just shoot you and end it all quickly? You gather the little energy in you to challenge Jimin, hoping he would just shoot you once in for all. 
“Just fucking do it alrea-”
“Put the fucking gun down!” The sound of a second gun loading makes everyone except Jimin turn around. 
Your kidnaper is now pointing his gun at Jimin, everyone’s eyes dancing between you and the tattooed guy who was now pointing his gun at Jimin’s back.
“Always trying to be the fucking hero dont you, Jeon?” Jimin laughs cynically as he turns around to look at the youngest, who is looking at you with tense eyes, smacking his lips and cursing himself under his breath. “I'm trying to save our asses here, Jungkook, you have no right to tell me what to do!.”
“We don’t kill innocent people, Jimin. Put the gun down.” He slowly lowers his arm, guiding his gun back to his belt before huffing. 
“Innocent my a-”
“Shoot me.” You beg, your voice coming out louder than you expected it to. The six men, with bulged eyes, turn their attention back to you. “Just fucking do it, please.” You can’t help your voice from cracking mid sentence, making some of them confused, while some of them are looking at you with pity. 
“Shoot me asshole,” you provoke him, your volume rising as you continue to talk. Your eyes are glued to Jimin’s as he hollows his cheeks, his hand shaking as his anger builds up from your challenging words. “You said it yourself, I’m better off dead. So what are you waiting for?!” You are practically screaming now, a burning sensation in your throat makes you swallow, the taste of blood invading your taste buds. “SHOOT ME!” You can feel your heart beating faster than ever.
The tears now fall uncontrollably from your eyes as the sound of a gun being fired makes you scream, your eyes closing suddenly at the feeling of the gun moving away from your forehead. 
“Jungkook’s right, Jimin, drop the gun.” You turn your head to the side where you notice a new guy approaching from the door.
He is about the same height as Jimin, but seems a bit older and has longer blonde hair. He walks towards the rest of the group; The smoke of the fired bullet comes out of the gun as he lowers his gun and walks towards you after giving his gun to one of the guys in the group. 
Your eyes look for the bullet, a small dent on the wall next to you shows you where the warning shot was aimed to, not too far from your body which makes you wip. 
You hear the steps of the newer guy approach you and Jimin, his hand taking Jimin’s gun and putting it on his belt, dismissing him to walk back to the rest of the group. He squats next to you as he stares at you with soft eyes, his empathy and calmness making you feel somehow better. He turns around to look at their boss.  
“I got this, Jin.” He says, gaining a nod from him as he turns to look at Jungkook, signaling to gather with him for a quick chat away from the group as the new guy handles the situation. Jin and Jungkook stand not too far from the group, whispering to each other with serious expressions. 
The new guy stares at you for a few more seconds before his hand grabs onto your jaw, turning your face to him as he inspects your face with a frown. 
“Jungkook’s right. It’s not her.” He says, a disappointed sigh leaves from his lips as he stands up straight and walks towards his colleagues.
“But nothing, Jimin.” He turns to look at the blonde guy with cold eyes. “We can’t kill her either so… what should we do?  Jin?” Everyone’s eyes turn back to who they referred to as boss before, both him and Jungkook staring at you with worried eyes. 
He hesitates before turning to Jungkook, who is now looking down with a frustrated look on his face, biting his pierced lip in distress.
“Jungkook,” Jin calls him, making him look up with big doe eyes. “This is your fuck up, how would you like to fix it?” You sob again before your eyes lock with Jungkook’s for the second time tonight. 
Kill me, please. You mouth to him with pleading eyes before your body violently shakes, the adrenaline making you feel extremely cold, your body becoming feverish as your vision becomes blurry once again. 
He stares at you hesitantly, the internal turmoil inside him making him nauseous as he takes one more look at you before he looks back at Jin, a determined look in his eyes. 
“She stays alive,” He says, which makes you sob loudly, gaining another round of confused stares from some of the guys. 
“No, please. Please just kill me.” You beg between sobs, the desperation building back up, the ringing in your ears becoming louder. “Please.” You cry now to Jin, who is looking at you with pitiful eyes.
“Give her some clean clothes, food, and a place to sleep. We’ll keep her hostage until I find a way to deal with her.” Jungkook says before glancing at you quickly, his eyes focused on Jin who nods at his statement. 
“You heard the man, make our guest feel welcomed.” Jin claps twice before everyone spreads around the room, most of them even leaving the room through the door they just came in. “Jungkook, Yoongi; Meet me at my office after this.”
“Jin, I don’t think this is a good idea..” Jimin whispers next to him, but he is quickly dismissed by Jin who walks towards you, snapping his fingers at the guy with the silver haired undercut. 
“Joon, help me untie her?” Jin says. Joon nods and kneels next to you, his hands working fast behind you as you feel the ropes fall loose. “Look at her wrists Joon, you almost cut her circulation!” Jin scolds him before slapping his friend’s shoulder. 
“I’m sorry about that… are you okay?” Joon asks you as he lets your wrists free and proceeds to untie your feet. You only manage to hmm in response, making them frown. 
Once you’re completely free from the ropes, your body hovers forward against your will, falling against Jin’s chest.
He makes sure to catch you before you crash your body against his, slowly cooing you into his chest as he embraces you in an awkward hug. You are now sobbing against Jin’s chest as he holds you tightly and he looks at Joon with anxious eyes, unsure of what to do. 
“Please,” You weep against his chest, his black shirt quickly becoming wet from your tears as you sob uncontrollably under his embrace. 
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I don’t know why you want to die so bad, but we can’t help you.” He says in a quiet voice, almost trying to comfort you with his statement.
“I know it doesn’t look like it, but we truly are not the bad guys here. We don’t want to harm you.” Joon says with a soft voice, hoping to ease your crying. But the warmth and comfort these two have brought you just after being under the point of a gun overwhelms you with emotions, unable to stop your crying. 
You just need today to be over. 
A loud clearing of a throat makes the two men shift their gaze up to the guy who shot the warning shot, his eyes glued to you as he stands next to his friends.
“Jin.” He starts. “We cleared a room for her already, She’ll be staying in room 17.” He announces, making both of the men nod at him before they stand up, struggling to hold your body up. Your limbs feel too weak and out of your control, making your body fall weak in their arms like you’re a rag doll. 
“Yoongi?” Jin says as he struggles to stand up with you. 
“Oh,” Yoongi approaches you and holds you by the waist as he throws your arm around his shoulders, holding you stable as Jin stands up and fans his wet shirt with his hands. “Can you walk?” Yoongi’s sultry voice rings in your ears before you shake your head, the numb feeling in your legs beginning to slowly become an aching pain. 
He sighs in desperation. “Jungkook?” He calls in a loud tone. 
“I’m here.” Jungkook comes out of the door where most of them have disappeared from, biting his lip at the sight of you. 
“She can’t walk,” Yoongi says. That's all it takes for Jungkook to understand what he wanted. 
Jungkook approaches you and carefully places his hands under your legs and your waist, carrying you bride style with ease as he makes his way towards the main door. Jin, Yoongi and Joon follow behind as your eyes begin to feel heavy, the world turning black for the second time tonight. 
Chapter Two:
A deadly headache wakes you up, adjusting your vision to the little light in the room before realizing you are now in a bed, and you are not alone. 
“Hyung, She’s awake.” The low voice of the curly haired man startles you, his figure sitting calmly by the end of the bed you were laying down on. 
“Thanks Tae, can you tell Yoongi she’s awake? He’s in Jin’s office I believe.” The one guy with red hair replies, coming into view as he approaches you from the door that seems to be the bathroom. 
Tae bows to his superior before walking out of the room with quick steps, leaving you alone with the red headed guy who is smiling at you with pitiful eyes. 
“Hey, you scared us there. We thought you weren’t going to wake up.” He places his hand over your shoulder and helps you to sit up on the bed, your head pounding as your headache gets worse.That was the idea, you think. “I’m Hoseok, but you can call me hobi,” He digs into his pocket and pulls out two small pills and places them in the palm of your hand, his free hand reaching for the water bottle that’s on the night table next to you. “It's ibuprofen. You must have a terrible headache,”
You stare at the guy carefully, noticing he is wearing a white coat that looks like a doctor’s coat.. Is he really a doctor? You blink a couple of times before looking back down to the pills that sit on your trembling hands, feeling skeptical about what exactly he was giving you to consume. 
“How do I know you are not giving me something else?” You ask him in a quiet voice, gaining a big chuckle from him as he throws his head back laughing. 
“That would be against my profession.” He says with a smile on his face. “We are not trying to hurt you, remember?” He reminds you before he opens the water bottle and offers it to you. “Feel free to not take them though, but you must be having a killer headache after fainting like that. I would take them if I were you.” 
You take the pills one by one and place them on your tongue, washing them down your throat with the cold water he offered you, the fresh beverage soothing your throat. Hoseok hums satisfied before turning around and going back to the bathroom. You stare at his back as he sings to himself while lifting small flasks and unpacks new, fresh needles.
He turns around with an injection on his hand, making you frown at the idea of receiving an injection from a complete stranger who worked with the guy who kidnaped you. However, your thoughts are interrupted by a soft knock on the bedroom door, Yoongi walking in with a tray that contained some food that smelled amazing. 
“Hey, glad to see you woke up already, you had us worried.” Yoongi says as he places the tray on the nightstand, the sight of stew and some rice makes you salivate. 
Yoongi notices you staring at the food, licking your lips unconsciously as your eyes are glued to the blue tray. “Here, we made you some stew.”  He hands you the spoon which you take after hesitating for a little bit. You weren't sure why exactly they were being nice to you, but you were too hungry to care, so you decided to eat it quietly, thanking them silently for the delicious and warm meal. 
“I’m Yoongi, I’m the knife specialist here in the circle.” you look at him with confused eyes. The circle? “And that’s hobi, our doctor.” He points at Hobi, who has been staring at Yoongi quietly this whole time. He clears his throat and nods before approaching you two and sitting next to Yoongi by the nightstand. 
“I prepared a small booster for you.” He says as he places a big syringe with a long, thin needle that's wrapped in the packaging, letting you know it was a new, clean one. “We ran some blood tests while you were asleep, and your levels of iron and vitamin c were really low. Once you finish eating you, feel free to take a shower and then inject this anywhere in your arm or your thigh and it should work just fine, if you are too scared to do it on your own just wait until we are back and I’ll do that for you.”
You bow lightly and they bow back, turning to the door to give you some space to eat and recover from your long slumber. You dive into your plate and eat the food in complete silence, the muted voices of the guys filling your ears now and then as they walk down the hallway laughing when you hear two of them playing around, a loud ouch making you giggle and choke on a grain of rice.
The door suddenly flies open, the curly haired guy coming to view as he stares at you with big scared eyes.”Are you okay?” He asks out of breath. You notice the tattooed arm behind him, his face sneaking a quick glance in before turning around and staring at the wall while whistling. 
You clear your throat before replying. “Yeah, just choked on a rice grain” you chuckle at yourself, taehyung joining your laughter as he nods and closes the door again, letting you finish your meal in peace. 
A satisfied sigh escapes your lips, resting the tray on your side before standing up and walking around the room, opening the closet to see a few clothes folded there, as well as a package of new underwear and socks for you.  
When did they get all of this?  You wonder, but quickly notice that it's men’s underwear. You realize that one of the guys must have had to sacrifice their new underwear for you, the thought of it making you giggle. 
Maybe they really aren’t bad afterall. 
You make your way to the bathroom and decide to take a long hot shower, pleasantly surprised by their choice of products, the smell of lavender filling up the shower as you condition your hair and scrub your body. 
You walk out of the shower feeling much better, your tender muscles relaxed thanks to the water pressure and the lavender. You dry your hair with the towel before opening the bathroom door and heading back to bed, deciding to take another nap since you still feel tired. 
A few steps into your bedroom you notice something different, the new things on your bed calling your attention. A pack of lotion, hair products and even a blow dryer were laying on your bed which makes you huff in disbelief. 
Why are they so attentive? Are all kidnappers this nice?  You think to yourself in a humorous tone, a small grin decorates your lips as you take the blow dryer and look for an electrical outlet, plugging it to the closest one to the mirror stand. 
You are ready to start the blow dryer when you notice the shadow of someone standing by the door. His reflection in the mirror startles you, making you gasp as you take the hairdryer against your chest. 
“Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me.” You mumble, pressing your lips into a thin line when you hear Jungkook’s giggles. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” He says with a smile,“ I knocked but I guess you couldn't hear it.”  He huffs, still finding your reaction hilarious which irritates you a bit. He stands next to the door in silence, his body leaning on the door frame while his arms are crossed in front of his chest as he stares at you through the glass. A small grin on his lips as he stands there in complete silence, making you a bit uncomfortable. 
You decide to ignore him and mind your business, applying the heat serum to your hair and brushing it lightly with your fingers before taking the dryer. You are about to turn the hair dryer on when his voice breaks the silence. 
“Why?” he asks. You turn around to see a serious Jungkook, his eyebrows frowned as he squints his eyes at you. 
“Why what?” You ask back, unsure of what he was referring to. You rest your back against the wall as you cross your arms over your chest, mimicking his posture. 
“Why did you um…” his eyes venture into the room, landing on the floor in embarrassment. “Why do you want to die so bad?” his voice now coming out as an insecure whisper. 
You blink a couple of times before swallowing loudly, startled at the sudden question. “Uhh…life,” You answer, shrugging your shoulders before his eyes land on yours again.
“Life?” he answers back with a huff. “That doesn’t really answer the question, but I won’t pressure you to tell me anything.” He shrugs his shoulders before taking his eyes off you which you take as a goodbye, turning around and blasting the blow dryer at full capacity. You begin to dry your hair peacefully as he scans the room, his eyes landing on Hobi’s booster. 
“You should take that” He says, but you are unable to really understand him due to the loud sounds of the blower. 
“What?” you ask, turning it off before turning around, noticing that he was no longer by the door, but by your bed. His hands reach to the small booster Hobi had made for you. 
“You should take this, Hobi’s boosters are great.” He unwraps the hygienic paper from the needle and looks at you, taking a few steps closer to you.
“Oh …yeah,” you say, covering your upper arm as you feel him getting closer to you, the smell of his cologne flooding your nostrils as he stands in front of you. 
“Here, I’ll help you.”  He holds your hand and removes it from your upper arm, extending it towards him as he searches for a good vein. 
“Wait” you say, pulling your arm away and sighing. Your heart beats faster as you take a deep breath in. His proximity and the needle in his hand both make you nervous.
He lifts an eyebrow in confusion, reading the worry in your eyes and taking a step closer to you, his free hand landing right over your collar bone. His thumb caresses the side of your neck slowly, waiting for you to look back up at him.  
You notice an unusual warmth in his stare, his eyes transmitting some comfort as he continues to caress your neck and collar bone, making your skin tingle. 
“It’s alright, you won’t even feel it, I promise.” He reassures you, his breath hitting your cheek as he slides his hand down your arm, extending it again. “Close your eyes and take three deep breaths.” He commands in a whisper. 
“One,” He counts. Your head is now against his chest, both of his arms wrapped around you as he soothes you, taking in the first deep breath. You flinch when you feel the cold cotton against your skin, disinfecting the area as he holds your forearm firmly, making sure you don’t move it as he guides the needle to your skin. 
“Two,” you close your eyes tightly, feeling a slight pinch on your arm as he makes the vein more pronounced, letting out a loud exhale as you wait for the next count. 
“Three,” you squeeze your eyes tighter, but notice how his arms loosen their grip on you. Your eyes land on his and then on the empty geringe on his hand as he turns around to wrap the needle in the cotton. “All done,” he whispers as you stare at him startled, confused on how smooth that was. 
He walks towards the bathroom and throws the needle away on the yellow box that was labeled for sharp objects only whale you work on regulating your breathing. His eyes land on yours as he turns on his heels and makes his way back to you. 
“You alright?” he asks, his hand grabbing your forearm and placing a small band aid on the tiny blood spot in your arm. “For someone who just tried to take their life and had a gun against their head, a simple injection should not make you this nervous.” He says in a serious tone, but the grin in his face reveals that he is trying to ease the tension that was built between you two. You huff, unamused by his comment as a smile appears on your lips, his eyes glued to the bandaid as he seems to zone out. 
His hair is wet, which means he had just taken a shower right before coming here. His clothes were more baggy than the ones he was wearing before, his oversized sweater drawing your attention. It was clearly a hand made, crochet sweater. The front is decorated by a cute little bunny, the contrast of his pierced and tattooed body to the sweater making you laugh silently.
You look up to find him still zoned out, his lips tighten up in a straight line, frowning as he stares into nothing. Your mind is now doing pirouettes as you tried to figure out how he ended up in a kidnapping gang. Most of them, except for Jimin, seemed to be good people, and clearly had no intention of hurting you. 
“Why did you save me?” the question slips out of your lips before you realize, cursing yourself as he looks up, meeting with your eyes. His face is now inches away from yours, his mouth agape as he scans your face, taken aback by your sudden question. 
He licks his lips before replying. 
“Life,” He whispers. 
You feel his fresh breath mixing with yours, his chest rising more violently as both of your breathings pick up, heaving as you lean closer to each other. Your lips are almost touching when a soft knock on your door startles you both. 
Jungkook cleared his throat before the door opened,moving away from you quickly as his body was now hovering over the bed to pick the blue tray with the empty plates, leaving you standing there in an euphoric state. 
“Ah Jungkook, you’re here.”Jin says as his figure walks into the room, turning his attention to you as he smiles. “Just wanted to have a quick chat with you if that’s okay?” He asks you, to which you answer with a sharp nod that he mimics. “Perfect, do you mind if we talk in my office?”
“No, that’s fine.” you reply in a hoarse tone, making both Jin and Jungkook frown. 
“Let’s go, I’ll make you some tea.” Jin turns around and signals you to follow him, which you do. But not before turning around and taking one last look at Jungkook, who was now turning on the blowdryer and using it on his damp hair while he looked at you through the now steamy mirror. 
Chapter Three:
“y/n?” You frown at the name. “Why do I need a new name?” 
“It’s just to protect you in the meantime,” Jin tells you, a serious expression on his face. “We already started the creation of your documents so it's a little late to change it. I apologize for not consulting it with you first.” He says as he squats down to reach the lower cabinets on his desk, pulling out a knife. 
“I guess I’ll grow on me with time.” You shrug, not giving it much thought. “Jin?” 
“Yes, y/n?” He grins when he sees you frown, trying his best to acostume you to the new name. 
“Why is your office the kitchen?” You question him with a raised eyebrow, staring at him in confusion as he takes the mushrooms and slices them into small pieces. 
Jin lets out a quiet chuckle and you look around before giggling, not expecting this to be the kitchen of seven men, let alone the office of someone that looks like Jin. 
The kitchen is modern, but it’s decorated with cute farm animals. The fridge is plastered with photos of when they were younger, especially photos of Jungkook. You quickly learned that they have been living here for forever, the whole complex belonging to the members of The Circle. 
You quickly learn thanks to Jin that The Circle is the association the guys are under, known to be one of the most dangerous groups in the area. You can’t say you are surprised to hear they work for the circle, making you question how the most dangerous group could have kidnapped the wrong person. 
Jin explains that they were given a very confusing task with little to no background information, which is why Jungkook made an honest mistake. A mistake he most likely is going to pay for when the guys leave for the headquarters tonight. 
“They won’t hurt him, right?” You ask quietly, scared to hear that he could be in real danger because of you. 
Jin smacks his lips together before rolling his eyes. “There's no way. Jungkook is The Circle’s baby. No one could ever lay a single finger on him. And even if they wanted to, I wouldn’t allow it.” He assures you. 
You sigh in relief to hear that he is a favorite within the group, silently thankful it was him that got you and not someone else who would’ve had a terrible future ahead if they weren’t as lucky or loved as Jungkook. 
The sizzling oil snaps you out of your thoughts, focusing back on Jin who is mixing the mushrooms into the pan as he laughs at your question. 
“Cooking helps me relax,” He confesses. “It helps me think and focus on my thoughts. I know it's not a very ‘manly’ setting, but it works.” He looks up at you and winks cheekly at you before turning around to take the heavy cream from the fridge. 
You engage in small talk with Jin, soon joined by Tae not long after the food is ready. He makes himself comfortable and serves you both a plate of the pasta Jin made for you, joining the two of you on the kitchen island for some small talk while having dinner. 
Tae takes his time to tell you all about him and his upbringing as you indulge in Jin’s delicious pasta. You learn that most of them grew up in The Circle, not really having much of a choice than to be a part of it and continue their parents' work. 
Tae is one of the guys who was born under The Circle’s watch, so he never knew life outside of it. His parents started to work on international missions ever since he turned three, which is why he never was close with them, and eventually lost direct contact with them. He catches them every now and then at the headquarters, but he considers the guys his family instead, Jin and Yoongi being the ones who take care of him the most. 
He tells you that the closest thing he has to parents are Jimin’s parents who took him with open arms and let him move into their family complex right after his parents left to the USA. 
Jimin has been by his side ever since, quickly becoming each other's best friends and life companions.
“We are basically soulmates,” He tells you with his mouth full of mushroom sauce, his eyes sparkling as he speaks about Jimin. 
“He clearly doesn’t like me” You say in a chuckle, giving Tae a napkin which he takes, mumbling a quiet thank you. 
“He doesn’t not like you, he just doesn’t know you.” Tae explains. “He’s skeptical about new incomers, especially when they are not part of the circle. He’ll warm up to you in no time.” He comforts you, but his words make you realize ‘no time’ could be a long time for you. 
You might be here for a while.
“Knowing Jimin for a while might take a long long time” Jin jokes, but it only makes you dive deeper into your thoughts.
I might be here forever, you think to yourself. 
A sudden sadness washes over you, quickly excusing  yourself from the table as Jin and Tae exchange a confused frown, unsure of what caused your sudden mood shift. You thank Jin for the food and  excuse yourself, telling Jin you are too tired and wish to go back to bed to which he just nods. 
“I’ll walk you to your room,” Tae says as he walks out first, and right as you are standing up to leave, Jin grabs you by the arm and pulls you closer. He whispers into your ear a reminder that, under any circumstance, shall any of the guys know your real name. 
“Things could get ugly for you if your real identity gets revealed.” Jin warns you.
“Why though?” you question him. His shifts in his place, his body resting against the counter before turning to look at the main door nervously, knowing Taehyung’s patience would send him back to the kitchen to get you any second and he could listen to the conversation. 
“Our high ups know I have a long lost cousin named y/n, so no one will question you if they associate you with me, but if anyone knows you are an outsider… they won't hesitate to kill you. And it won't be a pretty death, it will be slow and painful... So just to be safe, keep your real name between us both.” He whispers. “Now go rest a bit, Tae is waiting for you.” 
You walk the long, dark hallway next to Taehyung in complete silence. You can’t help feeling lonely, almost hopeless to be here as Taehyung scorts you back to your room, walking by your side as he stares at you in riddles. 
“Did I say something wrong?” He asks in a low cautious tone. 
You turn to look at him and notice his bottom lip trapped against his teeth, biting it nervously. 
“Huh? No, of course not Tae,'' You say, pulling the sleeves of your sweater down, covering your hands to keep yourself warm  since the temperature in the hallway continues to drop and it's making you shiver. “I’m just a little tired, that’s all.” 
He stares at you in silence for a second before humming in reply, not fully convinced by your answer. However, he doesn’t push it and shrugs it off, continuing to walk down the hall with you.
You silently thank him for not questioning you any further, feeling the knot on your throat starting to tighten at the thought of having to explain how you felt just now. 
“I’ll make you a sweater tomorrow. This place gets extremely cold at night ,and that sweater won’t do.” He says suddenly. 
“Huh?” You reply confused. “You’ll make me a sweater?”
“Yeah, I’ve made everyone a sweater!” He answers proudly, “I love fashion. And I learned how to crochet during my free time, so I made nice fluffy sweaters for everyone here.” He smiles, showing you a proud, boxy smile. 
“That’s cute” you reply with a smile, your mind drifting to Jungkook's fluffy handmade sweater. It was definitely made by Tae.
You can hear the muffled noises coming from behind the walls of the hallway, letting you know that most of the guys were up late and rumbling around their rooms. The hallway suddenly feels emptier, and that’s when you notice Taehyung is no longer walking next to you. 
You turn around to look at Taehyung, who suddenly stopped walking. He clears his throat to call your attention, and you take a few steps back and stand next to him in confusion, his squinted eyes and pouty lips let you know he is thinking about something. 
“Wait here,” He says before opening the door next to him and storming into the dark, empty room with quick steps. 
He snatches the blanket from the bed and quickly walks back to you, closing the door behind him. “Here’s an extra blanket for you,” He extends the soft gray fabric towards you, quickly refusing it. 
“You’ll freeze to death,” You reply worried about him. 
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll sleep with Jimin.” He says with a victorious grin, shaking the blanket in front of you, “Now take it, my arm is getting tired.” He jokes, making you smile as you take the blanket from his hands.
“Thank you, Tae.” You bow lightly, placing the warm blanket on your shoulders and wrapping yourself around it, the faint smell of a familiar cologne filling your nostrils. 
He nods before turning on his heels to continue the journey to your room. You walk next to him with a lighter mood, engaged in small chat as you try to guess everyone’s animal on their personalized sweaters. 
“You’ll get to see them soon enough!  I won’t tell you which ones you got wrong, but you did get a few right.” He giggles before opening your door, bowing like a butler. “Sleep well Miss y/n. I’ll see you tomorrow!” 
“y/n?” The voice of Jungkook echoes through the hallway making you both turn around to see his figure approaching you both in a strut.
You can’t help but stare at him, your eyes glued to him. He styled his hair differently, his long black hair now brushed back with gel, his full forehead exposed. He is dressed in a formal black shirt, the sleeves rolled up letting you see his tattoo sleeves. He also left some buttons of the shirt undone, leaving his chest exposed to your curious eyes. The closer he gets, the better he looks, making your body tingled at his presence. 
He matched the outfit with black formal pants and nice leather boots. 
He  is next to you when you notice his eyebrows are frowned and he is pouting his lips in confusion. “y/n? That’s your name?” He asks once he is in front of you, the familiar cologne slapping you on the face. 
“Uh, yeah.” You manage to say, too absorbed in his beauty to even try to pay attention to what he is saying.His eyes linger on yours, quickly catching up to your actions. 
He knows you are checking him out. 
His frown slowly turns into a shy smile, staring at you nervously before noticing the blanket around your shoulders. 
His blanket, to be exact. 
 “Wait” he says, pointing at you before turning to look at Taehyung. “That’s my blanket.” His tone is dark and angry, making you nervous as you stare at Taehyung who is looking at Jungkook with guilty eyes. 
Taehyung lips tighten into  a straight line as he side-eyes you, your eyes growing bigger as you stare back at him with your mouth agape, feeling betrayed by Tae. 
“I’m heading to bed now, goodnight!” Tae says before running two doors down, locking the door behind him and leaving you alone with a very annoyed and angry Jungkook. 
You make a mental note to kill Taehyung tomorrow morning. 
Your eyes land on Jungkook, who is now biting his lip with his eyes closed. He takes a couple of deep breaths before letting out a big exhale, clearly annoyed at the violation of privacy. 
You begin to remove the blanket from your shoulders, feeling so ashamed to be wearing his blanket without permission. “‘I had no idea, I thought it was Taehyung’s blanket I’m so s-” 
“It’s fine, keep it” He replies quickly, and you freeze midway, silently thanking him for letting you keep it. “I’m not sleeping here tonight anyway.” He shrugs before locking eyes with you. 
“You’re not sleeping here?” You ask with worried eyes, accommodating the blanket over your shoulder as you stare at him with curious eyes, not sure why you were suddenly so invested in his late night endeavors. 
But you wanted to know where he was going looking this good. 
“I’m going out with Jin, we have some things to deal with at headquarters,” He says in a monotone voice as he brushes his hair back with his fingers.. 
Right, because of you. 
“Ah, yes. Jin told me.” You reply, feeling even more guilty for being the reason why he has to go and spend all night at headquarters being punished because he kidnapped you instead of someone else. 
It was his fault, at the end of the day. But you can't help feeling guilty.
Are you seriously pitying a literal kidnapper right now? You think to yourself, rolling your eyes at the stupid moral battle you have just started with yourself. 
You are deep in thought before you are snapped back to life thanks to a sudden cold breeze that traveled down the hallway, making your body shiver involuntarily. 
You haven’t experienced this kind of cold in a while, and you’ve been feeling slightly feverish all day. You told yourself you were going to ask Hoseok for some medicine, but completely forgot to thanks to the entertaining conversation with Tae and Jin.
You know you aren’t in the best of health after spending a few nights out in the cold rain, and it seems like these last 48 hours are finally catching up with you.
And you feel fucking awful.
You are startled when you feel Jungkook’s hand wrap around your forearm, pulling you into your room and closing the door behind him quickly.
His sudden actions take you by surprise, and you  accidentally trip with your own feet and fall against Jungkoook’s chest, your hands accidentally landing on his biceps in an attempt to not fall to the floor.
“You’re so clumsy,” Jungkook laughs as he wraps his arms around your hips as he helps you find your balance again. “The breeze of the hallway is very bad for you,” He explains right after you stand up straight. You clear your throat and look at him with annoyance, the embarrassment taking over you when you notice you are still holding on to him. 
Quickly taking your hands off him, you stand in front of him without knowing what to say next. 
You’re not sure if you are angry at him for making you trip, or if you are thankful that he was there to catch you on time. And it’s cute that he cares for your health, but also, he almost yanked your arm off.
You humm in response, not sure what to say or how to acknowledge anything that just happened as he reaches for your hands. Your eyes widening in surprise.
“You are ice cold.” he whispers in a worried tone before he slowly cradles your hands with his, rubbing them fast enough to create some friction to warm you up, but gentle enough to not hurt you. 
His eyes are focused on your hands, a pout decorating his lips as he continues to create friction between your hands, the image making your heart flutter. 
“I’d say I’m pretty hot to be honest,” You joke, facepalming yourself mentally for making such a stupid joke during a time like this. 
You are about to apologize when you hear Jungkook snort  before giggling silently, scrunching his nose at your shenanigans. “You think I’m joking?” you whisper amused, a big smile plastered on both of your faces as you continue to bicker. 
“I never know with you” he jokes back, his voice only loud enough for you to hear. “I guess you are not not hot.” He whispers into your ear, making you shiver once more. 
His smile is short-lived once he feels you shake, dropping your hands and wrapping his arm around your waist and legs, swiping you off your feet with ease as he carries you bridal style all the way to your bed.
You squeal in his arms as he giggles, surprised with his strength as places you in the bed carefully, laying you down right in the middle of the bed, your head hitting the pillow as he lets go of your body. 
“I can walk, Jungkook.” You say in a low voice, feeling your cheeks heat up in embarrassment again as you remove the blanket from your shoulders and place it on your lap, your eyes glued to the soft material as you stroke it slowly. 
“I know.” He replies in a whisper before grabbing the blanket, making you look up to his big eyes that are already looking at you . “Come on, I’ll tuck you in.” Jungkook says in a soft voice.
He extends the blankets one by one and places them over your body, tucking you carefully. He makes sure every limb of your body is covered under the blankets, immediately feeling warm as you watch him fulfill his task in silence. He is fully focused as he finishes tugging your legs, the piercing on his lip drawing your attention as he bites his lip with concentration.
“Warm enough?” He asks once he is done. 
“Yeah, thank you,” you whisper, snuggling into the blankets. 
A shy smile appears on Jungkook’s face, and you reciprocate the smile as you both stare at each other in silence. 
“I-” He begins, but is quickly interrupted by a soft knock that makes you both turn to the door, slowly opening to show a freshly showered Jin, who is wearing a similar outfit to Jungkook’s. 
“Oh, You’re here.” He tells Jungkook, quickly ignoring his presence and turning his gaze to you. “We are heading to headquarters and will be back tomorrow morning.  If you get hungry just ask for Yoongi, he should be able to make something for you.” He informs you. “And if he’s not around, feel free to help yourself out.”. 
You nod before thanking him in a low tone. 
He nods back with a soft smile before redirecting his attention to Jungkook. “I’m starting the car now, We’re leaving in five.” He warns him before he closes the door again, the sound of the main door closing echoing through the hallway a few seconds later. 
You turn to look back at Jungkook, his eyes already on you as he smiles softly at your sleepy and cozy state. “Sleep well, and keep my blanket warm until I'm back.” He jokes. “I will need it back tomorrow though.” 
“Of course, thank you.” You whisper, closing your eyes as you feel the warmth of your cheeks increasing, not sure if it's because you’re sick, or because he is being extremely sweet to you and it makes you nervous.
To be honest, it's probably both.
“No worries,” he whispers before he brushes small strands of rebellious hair away from your face. His fingers ghost your skin and leave a tingling sensation, opening your eyes to notice the door of your bedroom closing.
The last thing you’re able to see is his back as he closes the door without looking back, the main door slamming shut a few seconds after, followed by dead silence. 
You snuggle against the blankets and can’t help but curse at yourself. 
Why did you feel so anxious about them going to headquarters tonight?
Chapter Four:
The rumbling of your tummy wakes you up again, making it impossible to ignore it this time around: you have to walk out and get some breakfast before your stomach begins to eat itself. 
You were trying to avoid leaving your bed too early, hoping Jin would already be back before breakfast so you wouldn’t have to bother the other guys, but you haven’t heard the main door opening at all today which means they were still out at headquarters, meaning there was no other choice but to look for Yoongi and ask him to make you some breakfast. 
You sigh in defeat and sit up in bed, noticing a small note on your nightstand, accompanied by a thermometer and some pills. 
‘I heard you seemed to have a fever last night. Drink these if you still have a fever and come see me when you can, I’m in room number one. - Hoseok.’
 Jungkook probably told him, you think, which makes you smile before laying back down in bed.
 The attention to detail from these guys was honestly impressive. 
You stretch your arm and reach for the thermometer, quickly checking your temperature and  smiling satisfied when you see that the fever is no longer present. One win at a time. 
You jump out of bed and quietly make your way down the hallway, hoping one of the guys will be out of their room so they can help you figure out something to eat. 
You are about to enter the living room and head towards the kitchen when you spot Yoongi sitting at the dinner table. 
Just who you were hoping for, you sigh in relief to see him. 
He is sitting by the long table that is now covered with papers and all sorts of books as he scribbles on a notebook, a confused but focused frown on his face as he curses the page before ripping it out, making you giggle. 
Yoongi looks up and scans the room with quick eyes, smiling back when he spots you smiling at him. “Good Morning, you’re up early.”
“Good morning,” You reply, feeling nervous all of a sudden. “Sorry to disturb you, but …Jin said to look for you if I got hungry.” you feel stupid, like a little kid. 
You stand there playing with your fingers nervously as you look down, hating the feeling of hopelessness thanks to the current situation you are in.
“No worries,” He replies with a soft smile. “Do pancakes sound good to you?” 
You look back at him with thankful eyes, your tummy growling at the thought of pancakes. “Pancakes sound incredible, thank you.” You smile softly.
He stands up and takes his laptop with him, leaving all his papers on the table and walking towards the kitchen, inviting you to follow behind him.
You follow him in silence as you approach the kitchen, the sticky note on the door making you smile as you realize Jin has written ‘No taehyung’s allowed in the kitchen without supervision.’
You walk behind him in silence as he sets the laptop on the counter and begins to take all the ingredients and all sorts of bowls to make the pancakes. 
“Would you like some coffee?” He asks as he pours some coffee onto his iced glass before turning to you with an eyebrow arched.
“Yes, thank you.” You bow but he misses it as he opens the top cabinets. 
“Hot or cold?” He asks as wiggles his fingers over the glasses and the mugs. 
“Hot, if that’s alright.” You say again, feeling shy at the domestic scenario. 
He hums in response, grabbing a mug and filling it up with freshly brewed, dark coffee.
He places the mug on a small silver tray before handing it to you. “Suit yourself.” He points at the sugar and milk on the tray with his head before going back to making the pancakes. 
You watch him for a few minutes, his back facing you as he prepares the pancake batter smoothly, humming a few melodies as he turns the stove on and begins to pour the batter into the heated pan.
You let out a loud sigh when you take your first sip of coffee, unable to remember the last time you had a nice cup of coffee like this. You thank him quietly as you drink your coffee in comfortable silence, the bitter taste helping you wake up as the smell of pancakes fills up the kitchen, making you hungrier.
“Did you sleep well?” He suddenly asks, turning to look at you as he sends the pancake flying into the air and catching it with the pan, flipping it successfully.
“Yeah, it was a bit cold.” You admit, “but, you know, better than sleeping on the streets.” You shrug your shoulders and take another sip of your coffee. “What about you?”
“Haven’t really slept,” He says, and you look back at him in awe. “I’ve been studying all night for my upcoming test.” He points at his laptop after sliding the pancake onto a plate and placing more batter on the pan. 
“Oh, can I?” You ask, pointing at the laptop with curious eyes. He hums in agreement while he focuses back on cooking.
You take the laptop and put the brightness up to see the word document he had opened, surprised when you notice these are all psychology notes. 
“You study psychology?” you ask in an incredulous tone, making him turn in a frown. 
“Is that a bad thing?” He replies in a sarcastic tone, which makes you laugh.
“No I just-, I never expected that to be honest.” You answer honestly. “I used to be a psychologist, until I got my license revoked.” you shrug and tighten your lips onto a thin line, grieving your career that ended so suddenly. 
Yoongi flips his fourth pancake before turning to look at you with big eyes. “You got your license revoked?!” He asks in disbelief, his tone making you roll your eyes. 
A loud sigh escapes your lips as you take another sip of your coffee. “Apparently I had a  malpractice with one of my patients and had my license placed on hold. I tried to refute the allegation but it ended up backfiring on me and they forced me to close my office and revoked my license for good.” You bite your lip to stop them from trembling, the memory of how you lost everything you worked so hard for is still very fresh in your mind.
“I’m sorry,” He replies with an honest tone. “That must have been a terrible experience, I’m sorry that happened to you.” He says as he places a plate of pancakes in front of you, the pile of pancakes decorated with some strawberries and honey. 
“Thank you,” you reply, for both his empathy and the pancakes. “So, you want to be a psychologist?” you ask him before cutting a piece of pancake and biting into it,  savoring the amazing taste of the buttery and sweet breakfast.
He finishes plating two more pancakes before sitting next to you, sipping on his coffee as he drags the laptop back to him. “I’ve always had an interest in psychology, but you know… being part of a gang doesn’t really allow you to go to university.” He chuckles as he takes the last sip of his iced americano. “I was lucky enough to find this online university but I doubt I’ll ever have the time to do the practices, I just take the classes for myself.”
“That’s very admirable of you, Yoongi.” You say against your mug, finishing your coffee right after finishing the first pancake. He hums in reply, getting shy at your kind words.
“Yeah, I guess,” He sighs. “The exams are a pain in the ass though, I can’t seem to absorb any of the information.” He chuckles lightly before rolling his eyes. 
You set your mug on the table and twist your body on the chair to face him. “I could help you.” 
Yoongi’s eyes grow bigger, “Would you really?” he whispers. 
 “Of course!” You nod with a smile on your face, excited to be somewhat useful. 
“Morning,” The high pitched voice interrupts your conversation, a tired Jimin appearing from the living room door. He turns to look at both of you, quickly directing his eyes to Yoongi and ignoring your presence. 
They exchange a few nods between them before Jimin approaches the counter and takes the two extra plates of pancakes his friend made for him. Mumbling a quiet ‘thank you’ before walking out of the kitchen as fast as he entered it. 
You can hear a door slamming shut and Taehyung’s laugh not long after, letting you know he probably sent Jimin to get him breakfast. 
“When could we start?” Yoongi asks in a shy tone, his eyes sparkling with excitement to finally have someone to study with. 
“Well, it's not like I have much to do here.” You shrug your shoulders and Yoongi looks down, feeling bad for having you locked up in the house thanks to Jungkook. “I just have to go to Hobi’s and then I can meet you at the dining table?”  You reply smiling at him.
He hums and nods before standing up, collecting the dirty dishes and placing them in the dishwasher. “I’ll see you in a bit,” He dismisses you as he picks his laptop and heads back to his initial sitting place in the living room. 
‘Uhh Yoongi?” You ask as he is about to head out of the door. He turns to look at you with wandering eyes. “Where is room one?”
He chuckles before tilting his head to the side, inviting you to follow him. You walk back into the living room with Yoongi, and once you are facing the hallway, he knocks on the first door that’s on your left.
“Come in!” The voice of Hoseok is heard from the other side of the door. 
“Thank you” you bow to Yoongi before turning around to open the door slowly, surprised to see Hoseok is not alone. 
“Oh,” a startled sound leaves your lips as you see the buff guy sitting next to Hoseok behind his desk. 
“Oh, Miss y/n. Glad to see you are looking much better.” He replies. 
“Thank you…” you try to remember if you ever got a name, but you can’t really remember much from that night. 
“Joon. I mean, Namjoon.” he chuckles. “But everyone calls me Joon.” He nods before looking at his friend who is searching for a file in his extensive folder. 
“Joon, nice to officially meet you.” You bow lightly before turning to Hoseok. “Thank you for bringing the stuff to my room.” 
Hobi shoots a quick smile at you as he continues to look through his files, “How’s your fever this morning? Did you take the pills?” He asks without looking at you, sighing in relief when he pulls the paper he was looking for from the folder and places it on his desk. 
“I didn’t take them, I had no fever when I woke up.” You reply, but you are quickly distracted by Joon’s gasp. His eyes are glued to the paper Hobi just pulled out, to which he replies with a quick “shh!”, slapping Joon’s shoulder. 
“You got somewhere to go don’t you, Joonie?”  Hoseok asks in a humorous way which makes you feel a bit uneasy. 
“Ahh I do, I’ll be back for dinner.” He announces before standing up and walking towards the door. “I’ll see you around.” He smiles at you as he walks past you, winking an eye before exiting the room. 
The room looks like a hospital suit: There are two hospital beds with all types of machines around, and then one big bed next to the wall that was on the other side of the room, barely on sigh as the room was pretty big and divided by a thin curtain between his personal space and his working area. 
“Come sit,” Hoseok offers as he points at one of the chairs that are in front of his desk. 
You walk slowly as you continue to look around the room, the smell of bleach and all sorts of medications making you feel dizzy as you sit down and wait for him to speak first. 
“So.. no fever, huh?” He asks, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he looks at you with a curious and friendly smile. You shake your head in reply and smile back. 
“I did feel a little feverish last night after dinner, but I guess I sweated it out during the night.” You reply in an enthusiastic but soft voice. 
 “That’s good news, y/n.” He gives you a nod of approval. “It’s normal to feel a little feverish after the booster, but I'm glad to hear it went by quickly. You must be a very strong person to recover that fast from it.” He takes the pen from his doctor gown and begins to write on the blue mysterious paper in front of him. 
You try to read some of the paper, but fail to be able to make anything out of the multiple words that are all over the paper. You could tell it was some sort of questionnaire, or something that needed to be filled up. 
“I called you in to do a quick health check on you if you are okay with it.” He begins, “A few blood tests, some general check ups to make sure you are all healthy and in perfect shape. Does that sound good to you?” He asks in a very professional tone. 
“Yeah, of course.” You reply in the same tone, making him smile ever bigger. 
“Great! It won’t take us too long, you can get changed to a robe in the bathroom. The robes are on the right side cabinets, the second one with the blue sticker on.” You look at him with big eyes, not expecting to have to get naked already. 
“A robe?” You ask shyly. 
“Oh, I thought we could run all tests quickly,” he blinks in confusion, “but, if you don’t feel comfortable with me doing the pelvic and mammary exams, you can just keep your underwear on and we’ll skip those until one of my female colleagues finds time to do them for you.” He says in a kind and understanding tone. 
You look around the room, and quickly deny his offer. “No, it’s fine. You are a doctor after all, my old gyno was a guy too. It’s fine.” you smile back before heading into the bathroom, taking a deep breath in before undressing yourself and putting a robe on, walking back into his office for your medical exams. 
It takes Hoseok almost two hours to finish with all the tests and exams, scheduling you down for some more blood tests for later to check your blood levels again. 
He kept a straight but friendly face all through the tests, asking you questions about yourself and listening carefully to your health history and the stories you would tell him that could potentially be of use for him when reading your results. 
“Great, we’re done for today! I’ll keep you updated with everything!” He claps his hands together as the door behind him labeled ‘LAB’ slowly closes. “Do you have any more questions?” He asks you as he looks in the drawers behind his desk, where all the medication was labeled in multiple drawers that went from the floor all the way to the ceiling. 
“Nope. You are an amazing doctor, Hobi. Thank you” You bow lightly as you fix your sweater and brush your hair with your hands. “I’ll see you around.” 
You are ready to leave his room when you hear your name being called, turning around to see Hoseok walking towards you with some sort of cream on his hand. 
“Take this with you,” He hands you the cream, smiling at you as you look at him confused, not sure what to use this cream for. “It’s a deep scar treatment.” He says in a quiet voice. 
You look at him with big eyes as he shifts in his place, feeling a bit nervous. “I-I.. um, I noticed you have a very prominent scar in your hip.” He says in a low voice. “You don’t have to use the cream if you want to keep the scar, but…” He hesitates to finish his sentence. 
You can feel the lump on your throat as he bites his lip, hating himself for making the whole thing uncomfortable for the both of you. 
“Scars like that are pretty hard to make, let alone heal.” He clears his throat before shaking his head, composing himself back up. “Anyway, the cream is yours. I just wanted to provide some help if I could.” He smiles, giving you a quick bow before turning around and walking towards his desk.
“Thank you, Hobi.” You are finally able to speak, the tears in your eyes making him smile with sadness, returning to his work as you make your way out of his room and quickly walking towards yours with tears streaming down your face. 
No doctor has ever commented on your scar, but instead, always asked about your mental health and if you were self harming. You were surprised to hear Hoseok’s very descriptive but also very vague words, almost like he knew exactly what caused that scar on your right hip, but was too scared to bring it up. 
You walk towards your bed and sit there, your head between your hands as you begin to sob. You haven’t thought about it for a long time, and eventually grew out of the trauma. You couldn't really remember much about that night, since you were so little you could barely talk.
You remember being in your mother’s arms as she tried to outrun your father and his friends. You remember there was screaming and crying, your mother begged your father to leave you alone as she tried to protect you but failed to move you fast enough from her arms, the knife striking you both as your dad watched your mom bleed out from her wrist, slowly laying you on the floor as she fell unconscious. 
Last thing you remember is waking up in a hospital with your dad sitting next to your bed telling you that everything was going to be fine. 
You didn’t care much about the memory itself, you were only two years old and it all felt like a blur, but you dreaded that you had proof of the night you lost your family for good. 
You hated the scar, and for some time, you hated your dad too.
You pretended to not remember anything about the incident, and you lived with your dad until you became of age and moved out of your house into college campus. 
The truth is, your relationship with your dad was never good. And after that, you couldn’t wash away the fear and the resentment you felt towards him.
 Still to this day, you wish it was him that died that night rather than your mom.
You take a few deep breaths to calm yourself before standing up and walking towards the mirror in the room, pulling your pants down low enough to reveal the scar you have dreaded your entire life. You tried all sorts of creams and treatments to remove it, but as Hobi said, it was a hard scar to create, and harder to remove. 
But for some reason, you trusted Hoseok. And with nothing to lose, you applied some of the cream onto your scar before pulling your pants back up and drying your tears, taking some time to cool down before going back into the living room to help Yoongi study. 
“So that would be a situational psychosis and not a chronic one, right?” Yoongi asks before taking a sip of his fifth glass of coffee. 
You smile, putting the paper down as you lean closer to Yoongi. “You got them all right, you did it!” You cheer for him as he closes his eyes and lets out a deep sigh full of relief. 
You have been studying for over three hours nonstop, feeling almost delirious thanks to Yoongi who kept messing up the neuropsychosis, driving both of you mad. 
“Fuck, thank you. Holy shit.” Yoongi laughs as he bumps his shoulder against yours. “Seriously, thank you. It’s so much easier to learn all of this when studying with someone who knows about this stuff.” He nods, a small smile plastered on his face as he scrunches his nose from the happiness he is experiencing. 
“Anytime! You are more than ready for that test now.” You bump your shoulder with his. “You better get all A’s” you threaten him in a joking manner. 
“Okay, let’s do this.” He hesitates for a second. “If I get all A’s, I’ll take you out for dinner.” 
You are taken aback by his sudden invitation, staring at him with wide eyes. “I thought I couldn’t leave the house..” you say in a whisper. 
“And I thought I was going to fail this test,” he laughs. “I’m sure they won’t mind if I take you with me for one night.” He adds as he shrugs his shoulders. 
You are about to accept his offer when the main door lock starts to shake, a heated conversation between two men behind the door make you and Yoongi turn around to face it.
It doesn’t take long for the door to open, Jungkook’s body dashing in as he walks through the living room.
 He directs his sight to you for a second, lingering his angry eyes on you before sprinting towards his bedroom without saying a single word. 
“End of discussion, and I mean it Jungkook!” Jin screams before a door is slam shut. 
The apartment grows quiet as Jin turns to look at you. “Sorry about that, he can be quite childish sometimes.”
He huffs before approaching you guys with a smile. “I see you’re adapting well here,  y/n.” He pats your shoulder a couple of times before walking into the kitchen, his tired figure struggling to walk in a straight line. 
“I’m baking some cookies, y’all want some?” He asks as he walks through the kitchen door, disappearing from your sight. 
“Woah, that was intense.” Yoongi is the first to speak after the room went quiet again for a whole minute, both of you trying to process what just had happened. “I’ll go check Jin, you should probably go to your room and get some rest.” He says in a low tone, making you understand it was your time to leave. 
“Uh, yeah. I’ll see you later.” You reply quickly before taking your mug and walking towards your room, the cold and dark hallway sending shivers down your spine as you walk past Jungkook’s room. 
You feel tempted to check up on him, but a sudden shattering of glass and a grunt from the other side of the door startle you, the mug slipping from your hands and falling to the ground, breaking into a million tiny pieces. 
“Fuck!” You hear Jungkook curse, his footsteps growing louder as he approaches the door. 
The door flies open before you could react, Jungkook’s bloody hand coming to view as he stands in front of you, his jaw tightening when he sees you. 
“Are you-”  Your voice shakes. Your eyes dance between his bleeding hand and his angry eyes.
“Yes.” He replies in a cold tone which makes you frown. 
“I-” You are left talking with the wind as he sneaks past you and walks towards Hoseok’s room. Not bothered with knocking before locking himself up in his best friend’s room. 
You hesitate for a moment, looking down at your bare feet that now have a few tiny cuts. The small pieces of porcelain that lay on the floor are scattered everywhere, and you are about to tiptoe to your room before a voice coming from the end of the hallway stops you.
“You are going to cut yourself if you move,” You are able to recognise Jimin’s voice, looking up to see him standing infront of his door, looking at you incredulously. 
“Oh,” that’s all you are able to answer back. 
You know Jimin doesn’t really like you, but he is right, moving would only injure your feet more, making it even worse. 
Jimin blinks a couple of times before sighing in defeat, opening his door and calling for Taehyung to come and help him. 
“Can you get some gauze and the tweezers from Hobi’s room? Someone got cut” he asks with his head peeking inside of his room. 
“Yeah I’ll get it in a minute.” Tae replies loudly, but his voice sounds distant, almost like he was in a different room than the one Jimin was peeking into. 
He closes the door and directs his gaze towards you, rolling his eyes and sighing in annoyance before making his way towards you. 
You look at him with big eyes, unsure of what to do as the awkwardness increases between the two of you. 
“Don’t move” He demands you, slowly making his way through the glass without stepping on it until he is able to reach you. 
Once he is in front of you, he turns around and squats down, inviting you to climb on his back. 
“Well then? Hurry up before Tae comes out of the room,” He whispers annoyed as he rolls his eyes, hating himself for putting himself in this position. 
You don’t give him time to regret it, and you don’t give yourself time to think about, quickly climbing onto his back. He stands up with ease, and you are surprised at his strength as he carries you without breaking a sweat through the hallway and your bedroom until you reach your bathroom. 
He gently lets go of you, sitting you on the toilet before fixing his clothes and hair, checking himself in the mirror before looking back at you with an unbothered stare.
“Wash your feet,” he demands again in a cold tone. 
You are annoyed at his indifferent attitude, but decide not to test him and stay silent,  mumbling a quiet thank you before slowly reaching for the shower head, washing the glass off your feet carefully. 
Before you turn the faucet off, Jimin is out of the room in a flash, and you stare at the door in confusion while drying your feet slowly. 
Well that was a surprise. 
Taehyung arrives soon after you walk out of the bathroom, and he is quick to check your feet for any cuts. You are both relieved to find that you had no glass on your skin, the cuts already stopped bleeding thanks to the cold water. 
He pouts before walking back outside, wanting to be of some help but failing to do so as the glass on the hallway has already been cleaned off. 
“Y/n?” A soft knock on your door wakes you from your nap. “We’re having lunch right now, would you like to join us?” Taehyung asks in a sweet tone before peeking his head through the door. 
You rub your eyes lightly as you nod, getting out of the bed slowly and sitting on the edge. 
“I’ll be there in a sec.” You reply in a raspy and tired voice before heading towards the bathroom, your feet dragging on the floor. 
“Okay sweet, I’ll wait here!” He replies in a louder and more cheerful tone as he enters your room and walks towards your bed, sitting on it as he begins to rearrange your pillows. 
You shake your head humorlessly, closing your bathroom door to get some privacy as you freshen up for lunch. 
“Okay, let’s go“ You walk out of the bathroom looking more alive, smiling at Taehyung who was already smiling back at you. 
He nods before standing up and following you towards the door, closing it behind him as you both make your way down the hallway to the living room. 
You are surprised when you notice that the table is empty, but there are three instant ramen on the living room table. Jimin is snuggled on the sofa, scrolling through the movie options on the tv. 
“What took you guys so long?” Jimin asks, his eyes glued to the screen. 
“We’re here now,” Tae replies in a sassy tone. 
“And what’s up with you dude? You seemed- oh. ” Jimin’s voice dies down as soon as he sees you, the awkwardness filling up the room instantly. His eyes grow bigger before they squint at Tae. “That’s not Jungook, Tae.” 
“I know, but he said no, so I invited her instead.” He shrugs before walking towards the sofa and getting comfy in the middle seat. “We made you some ramen” he points to the ramen cup and turns to look at you, waiting for you to join. 
That’s twice now, Taehyung.  You think to yourself, making a mental note to not trust Taehyung anymore as he continues to put you in the most uncomfortable situations.
You are about to excuse yourself and tell Taehyung you rather eat in your room when the main door opens, making all of your heads turn to see who has arrived at this hour. 
Namjoon walks in, his body and hair soaking wet from the rainstorm that was going off outside. He takes his boots out before acknowledging the people in the living room, a small gasp of surprise escaping his lips before he smiles at all of you. 
“Hey, why are you guys out here so late?” Nam asks, making his way to you. 
“We missed Jin’s dinner” Tae points at the ramen cups and smiles at his friend, who shapes an ‘oh’ with his mouth before nodding in understanding. 
“Where the hell were you?” Jimin twists his body on the couch to face him properly, his face cold and showing no expression as always. 
“Out,” He winks an eye to Jimin before tappin Tae’s shoulder a couple of times, waving a quick goodbye to you as he makes his way to his room. He completely avoided Jimin’s questioning and removed himself from the situation before he got interrogated. “Goodnight!” He screams from his door before he shuts it, leaving you with Jimin and Taehyung again. 
“Come on, let’s be civil tonight,” Taehyung says before you are able to excuse yourself, and based on Jimin’s reaction, he didn’t want you here either. “Let’s have some dinner, watch a movie and head back to bed.” Tae pulls your arm, forcing you to sit on the sofa. “I have a feeling we’ll have a long day tomorrow.”  
Chapter Five:
“No,” Jimin spits out. “Absolutely fucking not.”
“For once, I agree with him,” Jungkook crosses his arms in disagreement, his angry eyes glued to Jin. 
If looks could kill, you and Jin would be six feet under. 
You had a feeling that whatever happened at headquarters was not good, but nothing could have prepared you for the news Jin just delivered after calling for a group meeting in the basement. 
“I know it’s not ideal, but it's what we have.” Jin sighs, rubbing his temples as he tries to calm himself down. The tension in the room is loud, everyone waiting for the other to finally snap at Jin, or you. “It’s a headquarters order.” He adds in a cold tone, letting them know there is nothing he can do to change it.
Your eyes wander around the room, heavy frowns decorating everyone’s faces thanks to the news, you being the least excited of them all. 
After Jin and Jungkook returned from headquarters, their attitude has been very condescending. Jin locked himself in the kitchen, making an appearance every now and then in the common areas just to disappear again into Hoseok’s office and then back to his. He spoke only to Yoongi during this time, a faint smile would appear on his face when your eyes would meet at the common areas and during lunch, his tired eyes staring at you with both fear and sympathy. 
You could tell something was up this morning before Jin called for the meeting. 
Yoongi stayed by your side all morning, going over the psychology notes before as an excuse to distract himself, but the constant bouncing of his leg made it more than obvious that he already knew what was going to happen later today. 
Hell, he probably heard the news before anyone else did, which would explain why he looks the least surprised out of us all. 
“And what happens if I decide to not join, or if I don't pass the test?” You break the silence, your body entering fight or flight mode as the anxiety builds up. 
All eyes turn to look at Jin, who bites his lips nervously. His eyes linger on you before he shifts on his seat.
“They’ll probably kill you once they realize you are not my cousin, and then kill us all for treason.” The somber tone of his words send a shiver to your spine, the whole room going quiet again as his words settle in. 
You always said there are many variables in life, but you never expected being a part of a mafia group to be one of those variables for you. 
And now everyone‘s life is on the line because of you. 
“This is fucking ridiculous,” Jimin exasperates, standing up from his chair and pacing side to side as he brushes his hair back with his fingers, the anger finally lashing out. “I should've killed you when I had the chance.” He mumbles angrily, walking towards you with quick steps. “I should have fucking killed you!” He screams, launching himself at you.
A fearful gasp escapes your lips as you watch him trying to wrap his hands around your neck, but Namjoon stops him as he stands up in front of you, his body working as a shield between you and Jimin, who proceeds to stare at him with a defying glance. 
“That’s enough, Jimin.” Namjoon mumbles. “Killing her now won’t change anything, she’s one of us,” He sighs, looking over his shoulder to meet your eyes with pity. “At least for now.”
Jin quickly dismisses everyone after assigning the members different tasks to help shape you into one of them. You were informed training would start immediately, a big wave of relief washing over you when you hear your first ‘class’ is with Yoongi.
Headquarters has given you only three weeks before your first mission with Taehyung and Jimin.Apparently, being Jin’s cousin also means you have it in your blood, which is why they believe you can learn as fast as Jin did. 
You haven’t been given any information on what the mission is about, but the second you enter the training room, which looks like a huge highschool gym, Yoongi starts teaching you about knives, blades, and all sorts of different ways to use them. 
You are almost done with your first training when Yoongi finally eases down and goes from teacher mode to friend mode again, something you are thankful for as your body was giving up from his strict training. 
You are sweating in places you didn't know you could sweat.
“Not bad for your first time” He compliments you, offering a water bottle before taking one for himself. Both of you are rehydrating from all the sweating the training caused. 
“I’m dead, you are a tough teacher!” You whine to which he laughs before looking at you with pitiful eyes. 
“Well, good luck for the next class, you’ll need it.” he shifts his head to the side, pointing at the guns. So gun control was next. 
And with perfect timing, the doors fly open, and your next teacher is none other than the person who hates you the most in the world. 
“Break’s over, the sooner we can get this done, the better. I have shit to do,” He spits out bitterly, his eyes dancing between you and Yoongi as he works the lock that’s hanging from the gun’s protective glass.
Yoongi gives you a quick wave as he walks out of the room, running into Namjoon as he makes his way to you. 
“Quick!” Jimin snaps at you and you discreetly roll your eyes before placing your bottle on the ground. 
“Well isn’t this ironic,” you whisper under your breath.
“Don’t worry,” The voice of Namjoon startles you, turning to him as he looks at you with a cheeky grin. “I’ll supervise the class to make sure you don’t blow each other’s brains out.” He crosses his arms proudly before chuckling. 
You huff back with a small grin before making your way to Jimin who is holding two guns, one on each hand. 
“Hold this, I’ll teach you how to load a gun first, if you are good enough then we’ll practice target aim” His tone is sassy and judgmental, clearly not excited to be in the room with you, let alone be your teacher. 
“Fighting!!” you hear Namjoon cheering you from the corner, a quick encouraging smile decorating his lips before Jimin starts class, and your entire focus becomes the gun that’s now in your hands.
If you weren’t dead before, you are certainly dead now. 
“See you tomorrow for your next class.” Jimin speaks nonchalantly. “Joon, can you close behind me? I’m running late to headquarters.” He says as he stares at his smart watch, a frown on his face as he reads the messages. 
“You’re going to headquarters?” Joon asks which Jimin answers in a vague answer.
“Yeah, they wanted me to help with some administration.” And just as quick, he is out of the door after he promises to be back home soon. 
You and Namjoon look at the doors that flap back and forward, confused at the sudden hurry. 
“You don’t think he’s going to snitch on me, right?” You reply as you walk towards him, the thought of him going to headquarters to tell them the truth making you panic. 
“Jimin would never do that to us,” Namjoon replies confidently. “He might not like you, but he likes us enough to not do something that could hurt us.” He comforts you with his words as you sigh defeated. 
You slide your back against the wall and slowly make your way to the floor, letting out a big sigh as you rest your head against the wall and finish your water bottle. 
“Go rest, you’ve had an intense day.” Namjoon says as he picks the guns and places them back on the counter, locking it up and placing the keys in his back pocket. “Get some Iced cream at Hoseok’s on your way out, your shoulder will thank you tomorrow.”
You nod with your eyes still closed, ready to fall asleep on the floor at the fatigue wave that just washed over you. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow for our class, good night y/n” He says right before walking out of the room. 
You open your eyes to an empty, dark room. The last ray of sun that was lighting up the room went as quick as the guys left. 
You slowly make your way up, your body already feeling sore from all the exercise and stress. 
Joon’s right, you should stop by Hoseok’s to get that cream before taking a shower. 
You walk out of the shower feeling better. The cream tingles your skin as it does its magic on your sore muscles, mixed with the lavender oils of your shower products. 
You make your way to the dressing table and automatically connect the blow dryer and start to dry your hair without thinking much about it, your body working in auto pilot as you are too tired to even try. 
That’s until you are aware of the shadow that’s standing behind you. 
You scream loud enough to startle him as well, making him turn the lights behind him that lets you make out his features.. It was Jungkook. 
“You need to stop! Doing! That!” you scream again, turning the blow dryer off and taking some deep breaths, your hand on your heart as you look at him through the mirror. 
He huffs as he mimics your actions, “You did not have to scream like that, Jesus Christ” he tells you in a whisper. “You are the one using the blow drier at this hour. There’s people trying to sleep, you know?” 
“Oh,” you reply, not really knowing how late it was as you had no clocks around you, so you’ve been completely unaware of time. “Sorry, I have no sense of time here. You guys have no clock in the house.” you reply in a whisper, disconnecting the blow drier and brushing your semi-wet hair. 
“It’s almost … 3 am” he replies as he looks at his watch, walking into your room without an invitation as you finish your night routine. 
He sits on your bed in complete silence, watching you apply all sorts of creams on your face and body. 
“Are you entertained?” you ask in a funny voice, snapping him out of his zone-out. 
“Very much so, it's quite relaxing watching you do your skin care,” he shrugs, his eyes diverting from you to the bed, his hands playing with the sheets beneath him. “How was your first day? Were the guys good to you?” He asks shyly, his curious eyes coming back up to meet yours through the mirror, eager to hear your answer.
You turn around in your chair, making direct eye contact for the first time tonight. “It was intense,” you nod before sighing. “But you guys are awfully nice for being kidnappers in a mafia group.” you chuckle, but quickly regret it when you see Jungkook’s face turning into a frown. 
“We are not kidnappers,” he says in a bitter,cold tone. “I was just…looking for someone.” You humm quietly as a response, scared to make him even more upset with your words. There’s a long silence before he talks again, “We are good people, I promise.” He says in a whisper. There is some weight to his words and his tone, almost like a desperation for you to believe him, which you do. 
You stare at each other in silence for a few seconds, your eyes exchanging secret codes that not even you could figure out. 
You sigh heavily before standing up and making your way to the bed, sitting next to Jungkook who scoots to the side to give you more space to sit next to him.
“The guys have been good, You’ve all been very welcoming.. Well, almost all of you.” You chuckle, which he mimics as he places a hand on your shoulder, making you wince at the touch.
“Oh, you’re sore?” He quickly moves his hand away, his eyes growing bigger as you take deep breaths trying to control the pain. 
“Yeah, Jimin had me shooting like he was preparing me for war.” You rub your shoulder with a frown, making Jungkook laugh quietly as he places his hand on your shoulder again, this time he’s more gentle. 
“Let me help,” He whispers before he begins to carefully massage your sore shoulder. 
He applies just enough pressure to alleviate the sore muscle without hurting you, and you close your eyes and enjoy the free massage in silence, thankful for his magical hands. 
“Your muscles are too tense, you should get some acupuncture with Hobi tomorrow.” Jungkook whispers, snapping you out of your peaceful state. 
“Mmmhm,” You answer, opening your eyes and turning your head to look at him, “thank you for the massage,” you give him a small smile. 
“Anytime,” He nods in confirmation as he returns the smile, the tension in the room quickly increasing as you both run out of words. 
Your eyes shift to his lip piercing, focusing on how he moves it around nervously, making your heartbeat accelerate, growing nervous yourself. 
You bite your lip involuntarily, wondering how it would feel to have a piercing too. But your actions are caught by Jungkook, whose eyes have been dancing between your eyes and your lips, he is fully aware about where your attention is. 
“y/n…” Jungkook whispers, making you look back up into his eyes, your mouth opening slightly at the sight. 
His factions look softer, less tense. His fluffy hair falling on his forehead makes him look extra soft and cute which makes your heart skip a beat. 
He licks his lips nervously, your eyes dancing between his eyes and his now wet lips at a quick pace. 
You feel his shoulder against yours as he leans closer, his opposite arm reaching for your cheek as he pulls you closer to him, connecting your lips in a soft, warm kiss. 
Your hand lands softly on his cheek, kissing him back as you both deepen the kiss. You both move slowly, almost scared that the other will back out, but you are surprised when he sighs between the kisses, his breath picking up against your lips as he slides his tongue against your lower lip before he sucks on it, kissing you more intensely this time around. 
His hand reaches the back of your head, pulling you closer as he kisses you diligently, making you moan his name against his lips. 
Something ticks off inside Jungkook when he hears his name come out of your lips as a moan, making him break the kiss quickly as you both regulate your breathing. 
He lets go of you as he seats in his initial position, his eyes glued to the floor for a few seconds in complete silence.
You are still surprised about the kiss, your breathing agitated as you stare at him in confusion, unsure of why he suddenly stopped. You are about to ask him why he stopped when he speaks first, making you shut your mouth quickly. 
“I… you should sleep, I have to go.” He says quietly, his eyes not leaving the floor as he stands up, fixing his pants as a nervous tick as he looks around the room before making his way towards the door. “Good night y/n.” 
“Wait,” you call out to him, standing up quickly and walking your way to him. You don’t think twice when you grab his arm and turn him around, launching yourself to him as you connect your lips once more, his hands landing on your waist as he stabilizes his balance and reciprocates the kiss with a deep exhale. 
The kiss doesn’t last long, both of you moving apart after a few seconds. “Goodnight Jungkook.” You let go of his arm as he stares at you with a blank stare, surprised at your actions. 
He doesn’t reply, but instead sighs before walking away, closing the door behind him as you watch him walk away, feeling butterflies on your stomach even after the door is closed. A smile on your face as you get back on bed and turn the lights off.
You feel all giddy inside when you replay the kiss in your mind until you fall asleep. 
You just kissed Jungkook, and he didn't reject you.
[to be continued]
Helloooo! did you miss me? jeje
Sorry I've been inactive for almost four months TT, adulting had me on a chokehold and I had no time to write!
Hope you guys enjoy this long piece I'm working on! Don't forget to like it, reblog it and comment on it if you like it! it truly helps me a lot because that's how I know people are actually reading and it motivates me to write lol
Happy readings, Ceci x
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mrshigurumasshop · 2 years
Wedding Plans | L. Ackerman ~ your fiancé has been dismissing you and your wedding plans when he comes home from work
➤ ft: levi ackerman x f!reader
➤ content warning: hurt/comfort, levi says mean words out of anger - the man is just tired, a bit suggestive towards the end but like (??), also this isn’t completely proofread because I did this in one sitting
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You needed to go over a few things with Levi about your up-coming wedding. It was only a few months away and the stress was finally catching up to you.
Your chosen venue was currently on hold for your wedding but other couples are just trying to buy their way with higher offers to claim your spot. Your florist also said that she miscalculated the dates and ended up having to attend a different event the same day as the wedding. So now you’re dressed about flowers… Freaking flowers but it was you second favorite thing to pick out other than the flavor and design of your wedding cake so you didn’t let it get to you.
The one thing that got to you was your soon-to-be-husband not being there beside you during your wedding planning. The past two months he’s been getting his ass beat - mentally - at his job.
Being the best lawyer in Paradise Island had its pros and cons. Con being that he was busy. Busy with cases. Busy with helping the new interns with their cases. Having to be present in nearly every meeting because he’s on top was getting to him.
So he’s been coming home rather annoyed - well more than usual. You usually just give him a kiss with a ‘welcome home’ then give him his space. After showering and settling in, he’d start calming down and talking to you but today was not that.
He lost a case he new that was doomed but he still bothered to take the chance which was on him. Then his pack of problem children that are called interns were causing loud and petty arguments 24/7 that just had to be his problem for some reason so he was scolding them all day. Then the cherry on top, the opposing law firm - Marley Law Firm - had been trying lure one of the interns to their team as a permanent position so he’s trying to keep one of his strongest - one that he wouldn’t admit - interns on his team. He could practically feel the wrinkles forming between his eyebrows having to carry such a disdainful look all day. He couldn’t wait to get home and relax.
But you needed his opinion.
You had asked him to join you in the kitchen to look over wedding details and vented to him about your dress not going the way you wanted but it didn’t feel like he was paying attention considering the fact that he kept sighing rather loudly.
“Babe? Are you listening?” you asked with a soft smile.
“I am but listen darling, I’m tired and I just need a shower,” he sighed as he rubbed his temples.
“I understand but we need to make a real quick decision about the flowers. The florist needs an answer by tomorrow morning if we want to stay on schedule,” you smiled hoping it would coax him into staying a bit longer.
“Darling, please,” he said in a more stern tone, “I’m not in the mood for this.”
You gulped nervously and shifted the papers with pictures of potential flower arrangements. “You just need to pick one that you like-,”
“I don’t fucking feel like it, Y/n!” he raised his voice, “Jesus, you ambush me with this useless shit like it’s gonna make a difference in our marriage. I don’t care about the flowers right now and who cares was your dress is supposed to look like!”
Taken back by his words, you held you breath with a tight lip. He doesn’t care? He doesn’t care about your wedding? He doesn’t care about the dress that your wanting to wear for not only yourself but for him too?
“Levi-,” you began but you were interrupted by his groaning.
“Just leave me alone and deal with it on your own,” he said and walked away from you into your shared bedroom then closed the door after.
You stood in the kitchen with air as thick as the pain in your chest is. ‘Deal with it on your own’ he said but now? Now you don’t want to deal with it all. Not with your fiancé showing no emotion or devotion in making this wedding happen.
Was it because of you? It had to be, right? He’s been coming home to you rather annoyed at everything and everyone lately. He hasn’t shown any interest in your wedding or you at all the last couple of months.
He didn’t care what your dress looked like either. That hurt the most. It’s supposed to be the outfit where you look the most beautiful in, in your life. The dress that you’re supposed to feel more beautiful but it’s not fitting you. Maybe that’s what it is?
You’ve gained a small bit of weight but nothing too drastic. You didn’t think your wedding dress would feel tighter than the last time you tried it on so maybe he got tired of you complaining that it’s not fitting. Maybe he didn’t like that you gained weight and having to deal with the repercussions of it.
Yeah…that’s what is was…
You sniffled and wiped away your tears before collecting the near mountains of paper from the island table and putting it away in the wedding binder. Your tears still wouldn’t stop though. You silently sobbed as you put everything that you’ve been working on today into a drawer dedicated for your wedding plans.
While you were putting everything away, Levi was unbothered by what happened when it actually didn’t settle in his tired mind what he said to you. He continued his usual routine like nothing happened. After showering and getting dressed in his white t-shirt and black sweatpants, he left the room finally getting rid of the weight on his shoulders and couldn’t wait to wrap his arms around you that was until he didn’t find you in the living room or kitchen.
“Y/n?” he called you but no answer.
He was about to call you again till he heard your soft voice coming from one of the spare bathrooms in the house. He walked towards the closed door and was about to knock till he heard your sniffling. He froze immediately hearing your muffled sobs.
“He said he didn’t care, mom,” you whispered to her as you tried to hold in your hiccups. You were close to hyperventilating because you were crying so hard. “He told me to deal with it on my own but I have… He hasn’t been with me for months,” you continued to cry.
Boy, did it hit him like a fucking truck. His words from earlier finally came back to him as he internally kicks himself in the face for taking his anger out on you. Of course he cares about the wedding. He gets even more excited about it when you both would over over the details before he completely disregarded you. Fuck, he couldn’t wait to see you in your chosen dress because he knew he’d cry like a fucking baby once you walk down the aisle.
He’s always cared but work as gotten to his head. Casting a shadow over you, his fiancé, and the wedding he plans on having once and with only you. You’re it for him and have always been the second you passed him his coffee five years ago. He was going to make amends with you and by doing that he was going to take time off of work.
He quickly left the hallway where the bathroom that you hid in resided to go into his office to call him Erwin his boss to let him know. He had sick and vacation days stacked on top of each other so he was gonna take a couple weeks off.
“What do I do, mom?” you asked her as you wiped away your tears for the millionth time.
“Talk to him, lovebug,” you mom comforted you, “You guys have been together for so long-,”
“But he wants nothing to do with the wedding,” you interrupted her, “What…what if he doesn’t want to get married anymore?” your lip quivered at the thought as you tried to catch your breath.
“Y/n, if you think he feels that way then talk to him,” she repeated, “If he’s not ready to talk then maybe you both need space. Come home for a bit if things lead up to that, okay?”
“Okay,” you whispered and nodded, “I’ll text you later. Bye.”
“Bye, sweetheart,” she said before hanging up. You took a deep breathe before rolling up an excessive amount of toilet paper to dry away your tears that simply wouldn’t go the fuck away.
After gathering yourself together the best you could you quietly opened the bathroom door to head to the kitchen to make some tea. Hopefully that could calm you down a bit so you could talk to Levi with no problem. But you weren’t ready to see him in the kitchen already making tea for both of you.
You froze and swallowed you nerves as you and him locked eyes with one another. Again, Levi internally kicks himself in the face and now his stomach seeing how swollen your eyes have gotten.
“Darling,” he said softly and that broke the dam of tears again. He didn’t hesitate to wraps his arms around you with guilt forming in his chest. “Fuck, I’m so sorry, my love,” he said whispered to you before kissing your forehead.
“Do you really not care?” you cried into his chest.
“I care,” he was quick to say as he tightened his hold on you, “I care so much, my darling. Work has been hard on me and I never should’ve taken out my frustrations on you or our wedding.”
You sniffled as you buried your cheek further into his chest. “Do you still want to marry me?” you whispered to him.
He sighed in regret with how much he’s beating himself up for saying those things to you. He cupped your face that was wet with tears and smiled softly. “Tch,” he playfully scoffed with a smirk, “I knew I wanted to marry you the second you poured hot coffee all over my suit.”
You gasped and playfully hit his chest. “I didn’t pour coffee on you! I tripped and it happened to spill on you,” you giggled with a couple of tears still leaving your eyes.
Levi smiled softly as he wiped away your tears with his thumb. “Same thing,” he hums in amusement as he rests his forehead against yours, “My darling, I love you with all I got. You mean everything to me and I would never intentionally hurt you. I sincerely apologize for my words towards you…”
You sniffled and nodded as a silent way of telling him that you forgive him. “Do you also not care about my dress?” you whispered against his lips with uncertainty in your soft tone.
“When I say I don’t care, I don’t because it’s your dress. You’ll look beautiful in whatever style or way it fits you,” he says before placing a kiss on your lips.
You smile into the kiss and pull away with a giggle as you wrap your arms around his waist as he still gently holds your face in his warm hands. “You’re only saying that,” you laugh.
“Tch, you can pull off anything my sweet girl,” he gently praises you, “But I’ll be pulling off that dress no matter what, Mrs. Ackerman,” he smirks before kissing you again muffling your giggles.
You pulled away with the smile that he adores so much and kissed your forehead. “I took a couple weeks off of work to spend more time with you and to be part of the wedding plans so I’m all yours…,” he smiled softly.
Your eyebrows furrowed slightly as you looked up at him. “Honey… You didn’t have to do that. What about your cases?” you asked worriedly.
“Erwin is taking over for the time being. I’ve neglected you for too long, Y/n. Besides, those damn interns are giving me grey hairs,” he groans making you giggle.
“Thank you, my love,” you kiss him.
“Thank you for dealing with me,” he smirked as he drowned your face in kisses.
Three years later, you’re both happily married with a baby boy just two months away from his due date…
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communistkenobi · 11 months
I wonder about american right wing rhetorical strategies now that Alex Jones has been made an example of. Like will they change at all? A lot of it had to do with him openly insulting the judges and lawyers and getting sanctioned like half a dozen times because none of his legal team followed the rules, committing the big no-no of disrespecting the sanctity of legal process, so the immediate lesson there is to just be more sophisticated and responsive to legal norms while spouting fascist conspiracy theories. I wonder about the position he’d be in now if he didn’t accuse the judge of working for the pedophile deep state multiple times and had normal lawyers who did their job correctly. Obviously the damages has to pay has to do with how horrifically he treated the sandy hook families, that’s a huge part of it - another thing he and his legal team did was consistently deny they did anything wrong and openly argue that sandy hook was a hoax to the judge and the jury, expressing zero remorse and maintaining the position that the victims of the sandy hook shooting were paid state actors. but after listening to coverage of the case, I can’t really help concluding that he would not be getting fucked into financial oblivion this hard if he refrained from calling the lawyers and judges ambulance chasing vampires who molest children. So I think actually the larger lesson here is to not believe the things you sell your audience - Jones’ biggest weakness was that he appeared to actually believe the bullshit he was selling to people on infowars, given his behaviour in depositions and in the court room. Like the hilarious thing is that Jones actually did the principled thing and stood by his beliefs in the face of devastating loss and punishment, which cost him a billion dollars. The reason Paul Joseph Watson didn’t really face any punishment despite being one of the more senior employees in the company was that he was one of the few people at infowars telling Jones to cool it with the sandy hook shit. he also cooperated with the lawyers, not spouting any insane right wing conspiracy theories in his deposition and openly admitting that he didn’t like what Jones was saying. And PJW is an obvious piece of shit, he’s complicit in all of it, but he’s smart enough to know you don’t accuse lawyers of being deep state actors under oath lol. Pundits will do well to take note of this and make sure they don’t get high off their own supply
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Oh we're not done, I have a lot to think about disabled!CoD Cast because I live for disability representation, even if I know my last one wasn't so good, this one hits close to home, because my father too has a disabled leg due to a car accident. So who are tackling now? We're talking John Price with a leg prosthetic and crutches.
John felt weak. He felt absolutely useless, worthless, weak and he was in so much pain. He had saved one of his boys, yes, but goddamn did it hurt. His leg was bleeding profusely, he couldn't stand or walk with it and now he was a liability. Better him than Soap, he had convinced himself. It hadn't even been Soap he has saved, or had it? He couldn't quite remember. When the MedEvac arrived, they immediately cut of circulation in his leg, as he cursed and had a thought if where this was going. And he was right.
You were at home when you got a text saying he would be home early, telling you to not pick him up though, he would come home just fine. You hadn't expected anything serious, some new scars, wounds, scabs. Maybe one or two bullet holes, nothing you hadn't seen before, but when the door opened and you saw your husband hobble in with crutches, you stared, mouth agape at his leg. His one leg. You rushed towards him immediately. "John, baby, are you alright?!" Stupid question, of course not, but what else would be your first words? You were shocked. You wanted to know if he was okay with his leg missing
He huffed, making his way towards the couch, slowly and whining you noticed.
He was not okay.
You grabbed him his favourite tea, setting it in front of him before settling next to him in the couch. "Hey, Baby, you wanna talk about it?" He stared at you for a second, gaze hard, before it softened, only to turn cold as he looked away. "Are you in pain? Do you need anything?! Can I-"
"shut up"
His voice cut through yours, it was harsh. He didn't mean it, you knew, but it did hurt. You sat back. Silent. Waiting for him to drink his tea. You were just worried. What else could you do? What could you do to help him? To make him feel at home?
"Are you hungry?" "I can make my own food." "I need to cook anyways, I just wanted to ask if you'd like something special?" "I can cook my own food." "I always make it for you?" He stared at you bitterly. "Don't fucking baby me becaus so lost a goddamn leg. I'm not fucking weak."
It clicked then. "But I never assumed you were?" He fell silent then. Staring at you, then at the cup of tea. "I just want to make sure you're alright, baby. Really. Let me spoil you, you just came home from war."
It took a long time of persuasion to get him to understand you didn't want to baby him, that he wasn't weak because he lost a leg. But he still felt that way, you knew. He just tolerated your help. And then the next hurdle came.
A prosthetic and it's lawsuits.
The military didn't want to cover for the prosthetic you had convinced him to get, so he would feel more alive, being able to use his hands like before, instead of adjusting himself everything he wanted to grab something. Your lawyers assured you, that due to the nature and circumstances and consequences of his injury, the military was meant to cover 100% of medical expenses, especially considering it has gotten infected due to human error after his amputation, which led to the having to redo their surgery - this time in a proper hospital, not on base. That however led to another plethora of issues, the military saying it wasn't them that screwed up, but Price but disobeying instructions form the nurses.
Despite their best efforts, they lost and had to pay 100%, the lawyers and financial compensation due to loss of income. But he wanted to return. He so desperately wanted to go back, aasuem his position as captain again. You knew, even with his prosthetic, he probably wouldn't allowed be back on the front lines, not in his task force. And when the day came where he received an answer, it was just what you had anticipated.
"Considering the severity of your injury, we cannot allow you back on active duty. If you however still wish to serve the United States of America, we offer you your old position, focused on management. While you may not go out with you team, you would still be accepted to-"
He didn't like it. Not one but, and he called Laswell, fruious and screaming, yelling, before he stared at his phone in anger, nearly throwing it at the wall as he realized Laswell wouldn't do anything. He got a different job, but often still had to take breaks, his leg getting infected yet again, his prosthetic hurting his stump, and he struggled with viewing himself as strong as he was before. You didn't know how you could help him. And it broke you. It broke him feeling weak, useless.
You had tried having him lift you up without his crutches, doing the heaviest work in your home, but nothing cheered him up. Price was different. And you doibted he would ever come back to you
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larry-22-blog · 2 years
Pregnancy, prenup, angst and fluff
I received quite a lot of requests for a pregnancy story, so here we are.
It's almost 10k of angst and fluff. I would say it's a rollercoaster of emotions.
As per time frame it's around a year after the last part of the series: Period complications 6 x First Time
Summary: Erling proposed to his girl, they are getting married, she's the love of his life, and he's the love of hers but life has other plans, his dad and lawyers are trying to making him have a prenup (prenuptial agreement) to protect himself and his money from her. He doesn't talk to her about it but she overhears them talking about it and gets hurt.
They end up in a fight, him making bad choices and hurting her and she leaving him, taking her things and ending their engagement. But what he doesn't know is that she left with something of his 🤰👶🏼.
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It was Monday morning, the sun was up and I couldn't be happier, we finally got a sunny day in England, that's so rare, especially during winter.
It felt so nice to have a lazy morning, especially after the past weeks, it was all too much, I felt so overworked and tired and stuck in a bad working environment. The only positive thing was that I got to work from home and that I loved what I do but otherwise it was shit, they didn't care about how much he had to give to deliver the best results and they got tons of money for the projects we made and they pay us shit.
Just great.
I was feeling really down about that, especially since I moved in with Erling because I basically just couldn't afford this lifestyle. He is paid more in a week than I would ever make my whole life, so yeah, of course, he likes to treat himself and the people around him with his money. He was so caring and sweet, his heart is just as big as the rest of him, so yup, it's huge.
I smile as I think about my sweet baby giant.
I just love him so much.
The love of my life.
My soulmate.
As I think of him, my eyes drift to my left hand, where the light was hitting the diamond of the ring he gave me just right, making it stand out even more on my pale skin.
Our engagement ring.
We are engaged.
It still feels surreal.
Sometimes when I think of it, I just end up crying my eyes out at the thought of what has my life become. How happy and loved I feel. All my life I thought that love just wasn't for me, no one seemed to love me enough to even stick around, not even my family, and now I have someone who loves me enough to want to marry me? To want to spend a life together with me?
It just seemed so surreal.
He broke down all my walls and made me who I am today. A much stronger, more confident person than I ever was.
My sweet Erling.
He was the sweetest when he proposed to me, he made sure everything was perfect and it was. We were in a cabin in Norway right between Christmas and New Year, he rented it for us to spend some quality time there, enjoying the beauty that is Norway, nature and well, ourselves.
He prepared everything, lighting up candles and fairy lights, the whole cabin was filled with roses and he proposed right on the balcony, under the Aurora borealis magic light I barely managed to respond with a 'yes' between sobs and I hugged him, holding onto his for dear life as he comforted me.
He knew how much it meant to me, and what was my input on marriage and commitment.
We were always open with each other, finding it easy to communicate, even from the very start of our relationship, it just all came easy.
I got to know the worst parts of his life, the best and everything in between. And he got to know mine too.
The idea of marriage was always scary for me, I never thought it was for me. But I didn't see it until meeting Erling that I wasn't scared of commitment, of me being committed, I was scared of the other person not being as committed as me, of him leaving, I was scared of being abandoned yet again.
But he changed my perspective, as always.
That trip was just so magical. The days we spent there were filled with love and passion and happiness. Just pure happiness.
I feel like we just tuned out the world outside and just focused on us, on our love.
And love we made.
I smiled down, moving my hand down to my tummy.
Our tiny miracle.
I found out last Friday about the tiny human inside my tummy. Our little baby.
I've been feeling bad last week, throwing up and being dizzy and tired all the time and Erling basically forced me to go to see a doctor. He insisted on coming with but I managed to get an appointment early on Friday and he had an away game so I ended up going with my friend, Olivia after I begged him not to miss the game on my account since it wasn't anything serious.
Well, I didn't think it was anything serious, it didn't even cross my mind I could be pregnant.
But here I am, with a 2 months baby Håland in my tummy.
I smiled between tears.
Damn was I emotional lately…
I wonder if Erling noticed it. I find myself crying all the time lately, like yesterday I cried when he came back from the game and picked up McDonald's, ordering my favourite menu, mcchicken with fries and orange juice making sure to not have pickles in my burger. The fact that he remembered that I didn't like pickles anymore just got me sobbing into his chest confessing my forever love for him as he tried to comfort me.
I'm sure it was quite a sight to be seen.
I didn't know how to tell him I'm pregnant, I'm just unsure of his reaction. I know he loves kids, and he wants to have kids in the future but still, he's so young, like damn, he's 22, how could he potentially react to me telling him we are expecting a baby.
I'm older than him and I, to my embarrassment, broke down in the doctor's office hearing the news.
Like it was all so surreal, so unexpected and somehow soon?
We've been together for quite some time but still, a baby is such a major thing.
And there is no going back.
Well, there are possibilities but I could never imagine doing something like this.
The doctor was very kind, explaining to me all the possibilities, and offering support and guidance.
I almost threw up at the thought of having an abortion when the topic came up, it just wasn't a possibility.
How could I ever think of harming let alone killing our baby?
I didn't even know I had any maternal feelings in me, as it is. Like, all my life I've been saying I couldn't imagine myself having a baby, being a mom to something else than a cat or a dog.
But man, could I have been further from the truth? I love this baby with all I have, and I'm prepared to protect it with my life, to offer all my love and support.
I just hope Erling will be on the same page.
I'm not sure I could do this, all this without him.
I know that for him family comes first. He's had a similar situation to mine, his parents are divorced, but at least for him, it wasn't as fucked but, but still.
I know that he wants a stable family, a healthy one, he wants to have a safe and healthy environment for the kids.
I just hope that he won't consider this a burden, it's still so early into his career…
Whenever the topic of kids came up he always said that he would like to have as many as possible, but later on, when he could prioritize them since right now his main focus is football.
And this makes me feel so damn guilty. I never wanted to come between him and football, I'm not the type of person that would make him choose between his career and theirs.
I like to think that I'm mature enough to understand that it's not a competition between me and football for his attention and love, football is his passion, he loves it and he's doing an amazing job at playing football, I'm here to support him as much as I can along the way.
This is why I feel like I somehow failed now, having a baby is not something that was in the plan for any of us. I don't want him to resent me for trying to come between him and football, or well the baby.
Not that it was completely my fault since, to be fair it was a two ways street, but I'm the one carrying it…
But still…
I didn't even tell him I'm pregnant yet. I'm still trying to process everything.
But I have to do this soon, I'm putting too much stress on myself with this and it can't be good for the baby.
Our little miracle.
I found the cutest thing for this.
I searched online and found a Manchester City baby-size home equipment with a customizable name on the back. I had it say 'Haaland' at the top, followed by 'Daddy's #1 fan' right under it.
It even came with baby-sized sports shoes and little sports socks!
It was the cutest thing ever!
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I can't wait to see his reaction when he sees it.
My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. I stretched my arm to reach the phone which was on Erling's nightstand and pressed the answer "Good morning my little sleepy head!" Erling said happily, smiling at me, making me blush and hide my face into his pillow, murmuring a soft "morning…"
"Awww you're still a sleepy baby? It took everything in me to leave our bed this morning, you looked so soft and warm and cuddly, and you were holding onto me so tight, I could barely pry you off, my baby koala, had to replace myself with my pillow. And you didn't even wake up, my sleepy kitty" He cooed at me when he saw me yawn. I was indeed very tired and sleepy lately. Because I was carrying a baby, his baby.
But he just didn't know it yet.
I was also very clingy to him, but I was trying to control myself, not wanting to annoy him, it's just that my body is navigating itself to be around him, involuntarily. Maybe it's the baby, wanting to be around its father, or maybe it's my body naturally navigating towards him.
Maybe both.
"Mmmm yes… I think I'm not gonna leave the bed today" I confessed, sleepy, his side of the bed smelled so much like him, I swear this must be heaven.
"Fuck baby, how am I going to resist? I just want to cuddle you and hold you in my arms and do other things in between" he groaned from where he was in the car and I could see him adjusting himself as he gave me a well-known now look.
"Erling! Are you hard at work?!" Suddenly I was very much awake.
"Work hard, hard at work, same shit" he joked making me giggle.
"Baby, you have to be on the pitch in less than 30mins…" I said, looking sadly at him as he groaned.
"But how about today after practice you come straight home and we have a nice shower together" I suggested making him groan loudly. He loves shower sex with a passion.
"Fucking hell, if I'm gonna get a fine for speeding it's on you" he joked.
"Have I told you you're beautiful today?" He gave me a fost smile, making me blush at the compliment.
I have to admit I don't feel beautiful right now, I feel kind of bloated and always on the verge of crying.
"Have you seen yourself, you are the beautiful one between us, especially now, look at my hair! You look like an angel and I look homeless" I hid my head under the cover, making him laugh.
"You look perfect, there is something different though, not sure what but you look absolutely stunning," he said making me blush.
Was the pregnancy visible already?
"Go to practice, you giant sap!" I joked as he realised the time and rushed out of the car, taking his bag with him "damn, well, I have to run baby, I'll be back as soon as possible, I love you my little angel" he blew me kissed "I love you too, my Viking, good luck!! See you at home in a bit!" I send him kisses back before we closed the call.
I put the phone on the nightstand and was out like a light.
I woke up on the verge of an orgasm "Erling!" I moaned loudly as my orgasm hit me, throwing my head back on the pillow, putting my hand on his hair, and pulling at it. I didn't even know if I was pushing him away or pulling him closer.
"Fucking hell, Erling, you should be illegal…" I moaned feeling the aftershocks and I tried to pull him up to me.
"I couldn't help myself, you looked so good, my love," he said moving up so he was towering over me, naked, making me blush when I feel his cock pulsing against my entrance.
I'm not sure if it's me or the pregnancy hormones, but damn was I horny, all the damn time.
I just can't help it, he's too sexy.
He leaned in to kiss me slowly, I felt the tip of his cock pushing in, making me moan, I moved my hands to his hips, more like his ass, as I tried to pull him closer.
Damn was this heaven? It must be.
"Fuck baby, where is the rush?" He groaned as he moved his hips until he was fully in me, filling me up to the brim.
"Fucking hell, Erling, were you always this big?" I moaned at the stretch, he was huge.
"I don't even know, I feel like I can cum anytime, you feel so fucking good, so tight and warm and so damn wet, baby, you are going to be the death of me" he groaned moving his hips slowly as we both tried not to orgasm.
"You're still dressed…" he said, moving his arms so he was resting his weight on his forearms, putting his hands under my shirt to play with my boobs.
"Fuck, just be gentle, my boobs hurt…" I put my hands on him, making him stop and look up at me worried "was I too rough with them last time?"
"No, love, just my body being weird, sometimes they get more sensitive… Like before periods and stuff…" I tried to play it cool, but I hated lying to him.
"Ok…" he said, still looking uncertain.
"Sorry to ruin the mood…" I said, ashamed.
"What, no! You didn't ruin anything! We should discuss about those things, like please, don't feel afraid to speak up to me, to let me know what you are feeling" he said, moving a piece of hair behind my ear, and kissing my nose.
"I love you so much, Erling… But now hurry up before I start crying" I said as I tried to contain my tears.
"Your wish is my command" he started moving again, making us both moan at the intense feeling.
We ended up reaching our highs at the same time, with him coming into me. He tried to lie on me, but I didn't want to accidentally hurt the back, so I made him turn us around, lying on top of him, cuddling up to his chest with him still inside me.
"I love you, my cuddle bug" he kissed the top of my head, pulling the covers over us, knowing how cold I always get after an orgasm.
"I love you too, I'm so sleepy though…" I yawned making him chuckle.
Before I could hear his reply I was already out.
I woke up a few hours late, it was already getting dark outside, I didn't want to leave but I had to pee so badly. I had to.
After I relieved myself, I went down to search for Erling and food.
I didn't eat anything today and I was starving.
I searched for him around the house, but I couldn't find him.
Where was he? Did he go out?
I went into the living room, to check if the car was in the driveway and it was.
So he's home but where is he?
I went back to the hallway, making my way to check if he was outside, in the back garden when I heard his voice.
He was definitely angry, he was yelling at someone.
"She makes shit money! So!" He yelled and I could hear someone else speaking after but I couldn't make out what they were saying.
I made my way to the office door, my heart was beating faster, suddenly I don't feel hungry anymore, I feel like I'm going to throw up any moment.
"Of course, I'm not fucking stupid, I work hard for my money, I'm not going to have some gold digger take it," he said angrily.
Gold digger? What is he talking about, who is trying to take his money away?
"Son, please listen to him, this is important," someone said, was it his father? Why was his father here? What is happening?
Everything was fine a few hours earlier.
Erling responded in Norwegian, I couldn't understand a thing he was saying but then the other person started speaking and my stomach sink when I heard him explaining the importance of separating the money, especially in cases like this where one of the spouses makes a lot of money and the other doesn't, one is rich and one is poor, how it would protect Erling's money and himself, that the prenup is essential in situations like this. He explained about clauses they could include to be extra safe, just in case, even about having kids only after a certain period, when it was convenient for his career. About me not getting access to any money even if I was having his baby, only the baby having access to it after a certain age, about him getting the main custody if the case came and we would get a divorce. How he would be able to have the last word in the conception of the child, he could decide if not to keep it if it wasn't conceived as per the clauses, he could make me have an abortion or not legally recognize the child as his. How some celebrities like to include body rules such as the spouse having to be in top shape, a certain weight and healthy. How he could sue me if I don't follow the rules? And some other horrible things.
I couldn't hear anymore, I was crying, full-on sobbing by the time I made it back into our room.
His room.
A prenuptial agreement.
A prenup? They are talking about our wedding? About my body. As if it was a transaction, a business contract.
How could he think something like this about me?
A gold digger?
He wanted to have 100% control of my body, to be able to call the shots about having a baby, to be able to force me to have an abortion if the time wasn't right for him. To have me removed from the child's life if we get a divorce?
How is this the same man I fell in love with?
How could I be so fucking stupid to think that good things actually happen to me?
Everyone around me hurt me, tried to tear me down to pieces, and left me when I needed them, of course, he had to fucking be the same.
He made me think he was all in when in reality he was all out.
The thing is, I don't even care about his money, sure it's nice to be able not to worry about money, but I grew up poor, all my life I've worked for what I wanted, I indeed didn't make much money, nothing remotely close to him, but I don't fucking need his money!
I don't need any expensive presents, or trip or brand clothes or whatever else luxury he offered me.
I just wanted him.
The thing is I would have signed a prenup, I don't want his money, if this was all it was about I would have signed it.
But him having the last word on my body? How is this normal?
We were supposed to be a family.
I wanted to be a family.
He said he wanted us to be a family.
Was it all a lie?
Why did he insist on getting married, he was the one proposing, was it to catch me under a contract?
How could heaven turn into hell in a matter of hours?
Did he know I was pregnant, was my bump visible? Did he want me to get rid of it?
Of our baby. Our poor innocent baby.
I loved Erling with all I have I also loved our baby.
Why would he make me choose between them… I just couldn't.
I was sobbing so hard hugging myself, trying to use the covers to protect my tummy.
From me, from him, from everyone.
After a few minutes, I get up from bed hearing a car engine and some noise out.
I walked to the balcony door, I couldn't see much since it faced the backyard, but I saw Erling on the pitch, furiously kicking the balls one by one at the back of the net. At one point I wasn't even sure how the net was even holding up with the force of his kicks.
I smiled sadly, another wave of tears making their way into my eyes.
I thought I would get to see them play together, in our backyard, watching our tiny little pumpkin, a small version of Erling, run around after his father, playing footie together.
Why was life this cruel?
At one point I fell asleep, exhausted from crying so much but was woken up by Erling kicking the door of our room as he made his way to the bed, moving under the covers so he was close to me, kissing around my face to get me to open up my eyes.
I didn't want to open my eyes, to see him, for him to see me. He would know I cried.
He smelled so good though, his hair was not fully dry, and he must have taken a shower.
"Baby? Are you awake?" He asked softly, kissing my neck.
"Mmmm no…" I responded sleepy, I was so exhausted.
"I want you so bad, baby…" he groaned, moving closer so he could rub his hardness on my thigh, trying to put his hands under my shirt to lift it up and when he touched my tummy I suddenly was wide awake, pushing his hand away, moving away from him "Erling, no! Stop it!" I tried pushing him when he insisted, making him groan.
He smelled like alcohol. Which was rare, he barely drinks alcohol.
"Oh so now you suddenly don't want me! Not too long ago you were throwing yourself at me! Now you're being a bitch about it!" He yelled, moving on his side, throwing the covers off as he got up angrily "You know how many girls throw themselves at me? And you refuse me. Fucking hell, I'll go fucking take care of myself in the guest room! Don't wait for me, I'll sleep there." He left yelling, hurting me yet again with his words.
I've never refused him, not since we first slept together, my first time.
But then again he never put me in this situation.
I took his pillow and cuddled it to my chest, crying myself to sleep.
The next morning I woke up with the need to throw up, I ran to the bathroom to empty my stomach, not that I ate much yesterday, just some cereal.
I washed my teeth and took a shower, dressing into some yoga pants and a t-shirt, I had to stop myself from taking one of Erling's.
I made my way downstairs, preparing a cup of tea.
I opened the fridge to check what we have, wanting to prepare something to eat.
I had such weird cravings that now I wanted to eat toast with butter, jam and ham.
I prepared the food, eating by the time Erling made his way downstairs.
He was shirtless, hair tied, and he was wearing shorts and socks.
He didn't say anything to me as he made his way to the fridge, getting out some orange juice, eggs and bacon.
He looked so intimidating, was he always this big?
"I made you some tea…" I said in a soft voice, almost afraid of his reaction.
"Thanks." He said coldly.
At least he didn't yell at me.
He was preparing himself breakfast, coming to sit across me on the stool.
I started eating again, suddenly feeling very vulnerable in front of him, he lifted his gaze, looking straight at me "you should lay down on the carbs, your face looks all puffy, the bad eating habits are catching up on you he" he said nonchalantly.
I suddenly didn't feel hungry anymore, I feel sick again, tears filling my eyes, I tried not to cry but felt his cold stare, judging me, and with all the emotions I'd felt the past 2 days, I just was so damn emotional.
"Oh come on, you can't be possibly crying because of this" he groaned, facepalming.
I just didn't know what to do, I wanted to confront him but I was so damn scared, he looked at me with such a cold stare, I'm not used to this kind of Erling.
I swear he wasn't like that before or was that just me? Was I blind? Was he always like that?
"Can you please just shut up so I can eat my fucking breakfast in peace?" He said, fist bumping into the counter making me whimper scared by the noise.
"I heard you" I composed myself "yesterday, in the office, you were talking with your dad and your lawyer…" I continued.
"Oh, so this is what it's about. This is why you're acting like a bitch?" He said, angry.
"A bitch? How am I a bitch? By doing what?" I asked, sniffing my nose.
"By acting like this, refusing to sleep with me yesterday and acting like a princess! Like you're so hurt!" He said rolling his eyes.
"I am hurt, wouldn't you be if you were in my place? How would you feel?" I asked him, crying.
"I would be fucking mature, unlike you, this is what normal people do in our situation! I have the right to protect my money!" He said, basically yelling.
"Have I said something about money, why is it all suddenly about money, we are supposed to get married not sign a transaction, a fucking contract! Why would you think I care about your money, you know I hate it when you buy me things or spend money on me…"
"Then why is it such a big deal?! We will have a prenup and end of the deal." He interrupted me.
"Because it's not the fucking money part I'm worried about, it's everything else, the way you guys spoke about my body, about how you could control what I eat and drink and look, you can call shots on my body and all the pregnancy/children stuff. Erling, that's fucked up, completely fucked up." I cried.
"It's like you're fucking buying something, I'm not a fucking car, you can't customize me to your liking, I'm a fucking human, I have feelings too… I gave my all to you, I just have nothing else to give…" I was barely breathing by the time I was done with my rant, but he wasn't much fazed by any of it.
"Fucking say something!" I had enough after we stayed in silence, him watching me as I cried.
"What do you want me to say?" He said, much softer this time but I was not having any of it.
"Tell me when did you start having these kinds of thoughts, did you always think of me as a gold digger, did you always think I dressed badly, that I look bad, that I'm too fat, that you want to be the one to call the shots on what I wear, eat, look? Was I always not enough for you? Do you really want to get married to me, have a family with me?" I asked, searching for his eyes.
"We will continue this after my practice, I have to leave, I'm gonna be late," he said when his phone rang, it was jack, I could see his name on the screen.
Before he leave, I reached for his hand, stopping him "Did you ever love me, truly love me?" I asked softly, between tears.
"We will talk later, I'll be back as soon as I finish the practice" he brushed me off just like that, kissing my hand before getting up, answering Grealish as he rushed to get ready.
"What's up mate, you busy? Something happened?" I could hear Grealish ask.
"Nah, nothing important, just getting ready for practice, I'm in a bit of a hurry," Erling said as he got dressed, I could hear him running around, talking to Grealish about a football game before getting his practice bag and keys and then leaving.
All while I was here confessing my feelings, crying my heart out, baring myself to him.
But then again, it seems like all I was for him was "nothing important".
He didn't have time to talk to me, but he had time to talk to Grealish. He had time for football.
I knew football came first, I fully supported him to follow his passion, always assuming him that I was not mad when he wouldn't make it to my birthday, our anniversary, work party, or doctor's appointment, I really wasn't.
I understood him, I knew what I was getting myself into but to this extent?
I may have been aware of what I was getting myself into and accepted it at some point but what about our baby? He didn't ask to be brought up into this mess.
Our baby, the innocent baby growing up in my tummy, the baby he potentially wants dead.
I feel so betrayed.
So hurt.
Why did he take the time and effort to rebuild my broken heart just to break it into even smaller pieces?
He teared up everything, he offered me a home, a family, and love but it was all a sick joke.
Was he making fun of me?
Was playing with my heart fun for him?
How could I ever recover from this?
I sat there in the kitchen, staring at the picture of us pinned on the fridge.
After what felt like hours I got up, and cleaned the counter, the plates and everything before going up to our, no, his room to pack my clothes, I'm not staying here any longer, it's clear that I got the wrong message, all this stress and fights and crying isn't good for the baby, the least I can do is leave now, while I still have the last tiny piece of dignity left.
I searched for my bag, putting in the stuff I came here with, nothing of what Erling ever bought me, no brand clothes, no expensive perfume, nothing. I took my work stuff from the office, getting everything ready in front of the main door, making sure I didn't leave anything behind before I made my way upstairs again, to his room, there was something else I needed to leave there.
I was crying again by the time I reached the bed, it was nicely made, everything was in order, I made sure to clean after me and I packed, it somehow looked almost empty.
I walked to the mirror in the corner, uniting my necklace, then the earring. My neck looked so bare, I could still feel the ghost of the jewellery there.
Just like I feel the ghost of our relationship.
I put them on his nightstand, then finally reached for the engagement ring, the last piece of his.
I slowly got it off my finger, lifting it up to my lips to kiss it before putting it down on the nightstand, with the rest of his stuff.
I started walking, not even looking back once. I took my bags and closed the door behind me, locking it, right on time I got the notification that the uber arrived.
I looked back at it as I made my way to the gate, luckily no one was there, Erling has some people who manage his outside area, gardening and everything.
I closed the gate after me, put the keys in the mailbox, and gave the house one last look before getting in the uber and leaving. I was crying the whole ride, but to my luck, the uber guy didn't comment on it, he just gave me a sad smile, offering to help me with my bags when we arrived at Olivia's place.
I went up to her door, ringing the bell.
I didn't even call beforehand, hopefully, she's home.
I was relieved when she opened the door, shocked to see me there and in that state.
"What the hell happened?!" She pulled me in, hugging me as I cried into her neck.
---------- Erling's POV 3rd person
Erling took the time to think about what happened.
He felt so fucking guilty. She was right, he was an asshole, a complete asshole.
To be honest, he didn't even want a prenup himself, with all the bullshit clauses and shit, but his father and his lawyer were trying to get him to agree to have one before marrying her.
He wanted a family, all in, he wanted to have as many kids as possible, whenever it was meant to be, he didn't want it to be a contract, to force her to have his kids when his carer allowed, to have that control over her body.
He loved her.
He should have fought with them for her, to defend her, he knows she's not a gold digger, she's nothing like that, she's the love of his life.
He's already spoken to his dad on the way home, calling off the deal, even though it wasn't even something settled. But he wanted to let him know it was a straight no.
He was going to make it right, hopefully, she will forgive him.
Even though he doesn't deserve it.
He's such an idiot.
She gave herself fully to him, with no conditions, no clauses, full commitment and support.
She bared herself to him, all her past, flaws and imperfections, there for him, and he used them to hurt her.
He knew what she was afraid of, and how much she wanted a home, a family, and a safe environment. She was afraid of her feelings not being returned, of people leaving her.
And here he was, making promises just to tear them down.
He was the biggest asshole on this planet.
He used the remote to open the gates, park the car in front of the house, getting his bag from the back before making his way inside.
He was met with complete silence as he went to get a glass of water from the kitchen, hoping she was there.
She wasn't, the kitchen was clean, he went to throw the peels of the orange he ate on the way home in the trash when he saw the toast she was eating when he made that comment about her body.
"Fucking asshole, that's what I am!" He closed the door of the cabinet with a little too much force, making everything on it shake.
His poor girl, she didn't deserve such an asshole by her side.
Erling went to the living room in hopes of finding her, but with no luck, he called out her name, worried when he didn't get a response.
He knew she wasn't feeling well, she went to the doctor last week and was taking some medication and vitamins, what if something happened to her?
She wasn't eating much lately, and whatever she ate, she ended up throwing up.
And as the biggest asshole, he commented on her weight.
He made his way upstairs, searching for her, calling out her name again but nothing.
She wasn't there.
He felt his stomach sinking.
Something was not right.
He went to their room and he knew it.
It felt empty.
He knew it before he even saw the ring on his nightstand, she was gone.
She left.
She left him.
Went to their shared walk-in closet, some of her clothes were still there, but most of her stuff was gone.
He took a hoodie, it was a Gucci x Adidas one, with the logos in blue.
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Erling smiled sadly at it, he got it for her during his trip to London, for the match with Arsenal. He went shopping and missed her like crazy, even though he was only gone for a day, nonetheless day he ended up buying half the stores for her while only buying a pair of Nike for himself.
He just loved spoiling her, he had the money, so why not use it to make someone who makes him happy, happy?
He brought the hoodie to his face, smelling it.
It smelled like her…
He went through the stuff, still crying as he hugged the clothes to his chest, flinging her Chanel perfume, he brought it for her not too long ago, he saw as he was brushing his teeth that her old one was almost empty and he made it his mission to replace it with a new one.
He stopped by the store on the way from practice to get it.
He smiled sadly, smelling it.
He made his way to the nightstand, where the ring was, still holding her hoodie, as he reached for the ring, surprised to also see her necklace and earrings there.
Then the realisation hit him, she didn't take anything he brought her, anything that was brought with his money.
She only took what she brought.
At this point he was on his knees in front of the bed, sobbing into the hoodie.
"It's all my fucking fault!" He shouted, getting up, and punching the wall, he was so fucking angry at himself, at everyone around him, why did none of them tell him what an asshole was he is, what he was doing to her.
Now here he was, alone.
He lost the love of his fucking life.
He wanted to trash the room, hell, the house, to break everything!
But he couldn't, this room was all he had left of her.
She made a home of this house, and now that she left it feels like everything was just a dream.
A nightmare.
He had to find her.
He tried calling her, but of course, she didn't pick up.
But it was a good sign, at least she didn't block him.
That must count as something. Right?
He tried calling Olivia but her phone was off.
He tried to call her best friends but they didn't know anything, plus they were in another country, it's not like she could have gone to them. They all threatened to kill him if he was not gonna make it right with her.
He couldn't call her mom since she didn't speak English so that was out of the picture, most of her family didn't speak English either.
Plus he knew her, she doesn't open up about her stuff, not even to her family.
So what should he do, where should he search for her?!
He was interrupted by his phone ringtone, he quickly picked up, without even looking, hopping to her "Yes??"
"Erling, son, I've got a package for your girl, I called her but she said to throw it away, but she didn't sound fine on the phone, did something happen? Can you come downstairs?" Lucas said, he was the one taking care of the house and everyone else working around the house. He's like a grandfather to Erling.
"I'll be down in a second" Erling ran downstairs.
"Erling, son, what happened? Are you ok?" Lucas said shocked, he never saw Erling cry before, the guy was a walking sunshine, always smiling and laughing.
"I fucked up, Lucas, I fucked up so bad, I hurt her and she left, while I was at practice…" Erling said, accepting Lucas's hug, crying into his shoulder.
"Oh you poor boy, I'm sure you're going to sort it out, you're not one to quit. You have to fight for her! We are Vikings, we aren't afraid to fight! Especially for what we love and you my boy, love her, I can see that and I'm sure she can see it too…" Lucas told him, trying to calm him down.
"I love her, so damn much, but for some reason I keep fucking up, treating her like shit. She deserves better…" Erling says drying his tears with the back of his hand, nervously brushing his hair with his fingers.
"Well, she loves you, wants you. This is what matters." Lucas patted his back.
"Where is the package?" Erling asked, before finding it. It was a small package, from Amazon. He looked confused at it, what could it be?
"I think this is something important. I called her to let her know she got a package since you were at practice and no one was home, and she begged me to throw it away, to not give it to you, to promise her I won't let you see it. She was crying, quite hard on the phone. I figured out you must have been fighting or something, I didn't know she left, but whatever it's in here, it must be related to your guy's fight. Maybe it would help you find her, win her back? God knows…" Lucas explained handing it to Erling.
"My poor girl, she was crying because of me…" Erling took the box, it looked even smaller in his hands.
He felt bad for doing it, it was supposed to be private, but he had to.
She must be hiding something if she begged Lucas not to let him see it.
But what could it be?
He opened the package carefully, whatever it was inside it was carefully wrapped.
Erling put the package away and unwrapped the bubble wrap, a small white box was inside it.
He took it into his hands, it was so small, what could be inside that he should not see?
He opened the lid, both him and Lucas looking intrigued.
He gasped when he saw what was inside.
A tiny pair of baby blue sports shoes, over what looked like a baby-sized Manchester City home equipment. He reached in to take the shoes out to be able to see what was written on the back of the shirt it was the number 9, his number, with 'Haaland' on top and right under it was 'Daddy's #1 fan'.
He reached in to take the small t-shirt out, with a trembling hand, it looked so tiny compared to his hands, Erling was crying by then "I'm going to be a dad…? She's pregnant with my baby, she has my baby in her tummy?" He cried falling down on his knees as he held the box to his chest.
He fucked up so fucking bad.
"Congratulations my son, I'm sorry that you got to find out like that but it's better than not knowing…" Lucas said, patting the back of my head "Now man up Erling, you've got a fight to make, you've got to be strong for your girl and your baby. Don't let them down, they need you" Lucas said, offering him a hand to pull him up.
Erling took his hand and got up, drying his tears, he was going to find her, wherever she was.
"I have to leave", he said, getting his car keys, not letting go of the box.
"I'm gonna get her back home", Erling said to Lucas who cheered for him "that's my boy! A true Viking!"
"Thank you, Lucas, for everything…" Erling hugged him and Lucas chuckled "Of course, my boy, I had a feeling it was something important you had to know about. Now go!"
Erling got into the car, pump the box in the passenger seat, driving off to Olivia's house.
She must be there.
Has to be.
He finally reached it, it was quite a long ride from his house. He got out of the car quickly.
He walked (more like ran) to Olivia's front door, ringing the bell while also knocking on the door, well, hitting it with the side of his fist.
"Open up before I break this damn door down, Olivia! I know you're there!" Erling yelled, hitting it stronger.
He was prepared to bodyslam the door when Olivia opened the door.
"What the hell, Haaland, you'll have to pay for breaking my fucking door! What has gotten into your caveman head?!" She asked angry and scared at the same time.
"Send me the details, I'll pay for the door, now where is she?" Erling asked, looking around for any sign of her.
"She's not here, hold on! Did I say you could come in? Where are your manners?! You can't just come into my house just like that!" Olivia tried to stop him, blocking his access, trying to stop him.
"I left my manners back in Norway, now cut the crap, I know she's here I can see her shoes, so get out of my way. I don't want to hurt you, but if you are standing in the way, between me and what's MINE, I won't hesitate." He said coldly, making Olivia shiver, damn how was this her life?!
She wanted to protect her friend but he can't stand in front of this! He looks feral.
"Leave her alone, Erling, I'm here" a soft voice could be heard from the top of the stairs, making him push past Olivia to get there, standing in front of his girl.
"My love, I'm so sorry, I'm such an asshole, the biggest asshole on this planet, but I love you, with all my heart, I swear, you are the love of my life, my soulmate. Please let me explain, I swear it wasn't like that, I didn't and I still don't want a prenup! They were trying to get me to have one, trying to get in my head and I swear to you I didn't want one, but then you refused to sleep with me and all and I got so angry, I drank a lot too, so the next day I fucked up even worse. I just let my impulsive nature win, when you said you overheard us I immediately thought this was why you were acting like this to make me pull off the deal and I couldn't help but think they were right, but I know it's nothing like that…" Erling rambled, between tears, holding her hands as she slowly got down the stairs, closer to him, but still not on the ground, being at the same level as his.
"I understand it all now and it makes the situation even worse now, I fucked up so bad, you were just trying to protect our little miracle" he finished softly, eyes trailing down to her tummy, then back to her eyes "may I please touch?" He begged.
---------- back to her POV, 1st person -------------
"You can touch, it's our baby…" I softly replied between tears, walking downstairs so I was closer to him.
He got on his knees, shocking me since I was only expecting him to put his hands on my tummy, but no, he lifted my hoodie up and kissed my barely existing baby bump "Our tiny miracle, I'm so sorry for what I put you and your mommy through… I swear I'm going to be better, I'm going to be the best father to you and the best husband to your mommy" Erling nuzzled into my tummy, placing kisses all over it, still crying softly.
I was crying too, my hands were trembling, I wanted to touch him, to hold him, to be in his arms.
He must have sensed it because he lifted his gaze, staring into my eyes with his big blue-greenish eyes.
I felt myself melting in a puddle.
"Baby, please don't refuse this, it belongs to you, please marry me, even though I don't deserve you" he begged and I couldn't help myself, I could not say no, he was so sincere, I could feel it.
"Only if you promise to never separate me from my child, to force me to have an abortion or anything like this," I asked, looking into his eyes.
"I swear baby, never, there won't be any prenup bullshit between us, nothing, what's mine is yours, I'll marry you today, my love, fuck whoever has a different opinion on this. It's our business, none of them!" He said, making me chuckle.
"Well in that case yes. I don't mind a prenup for the money part but anything else is a straight NO from me…" I said, running my fingers through his soft hair as he puts the ring back on my finger, kissing it, before kissing my tummy, then getting up, smiling down at me, holding my hand in his much bigger ones, leaning down to kiss me, but I stopped him backing up a few steps until I was taller than him.
I then moved my hands to his shoulders, looking down at him "Now stay there and kiss me, Haaland, face my everyday struggle" I giggled.
He got on the tip of his toes to be able to kiss me, it was so weird to have the roles reversed, I couldn't help but laugh into the kiss.
"You're too far away, I need you closer," he said, pulling me gently.
"Erling!" I giggled as he lifted me up, putting my legs around his waist, and arms around his shoulders.
"We won't be able to do that much longer, with the baby bump in the way" I smiled down at him, I could feel the happiness radiating out of him, his eyes were sparkling and he smiled so big at me. His eyes were still teary, mine too but we were so happy.
We ended up making out in Olivia's hallway until she interrupted.
"I brought your bags, go have sex at yours, I've seen enough. Happy to see you guys have made up, congrats on the baby, but Erling, my man, I don't think you can put another one in at this moment, maybe wait for this one to be born" Olivia joked, she was blushing.
"Doesn't mean I can't try" he smirked, kissing my flushed cheek.
"Erling!" I hid my face in his neck.
"Come on, let's go home, my love," he said, reaching for the bags.
I tried to get down but he refused to let go of me "I have to use the bathroom real quick…" I blushed, I just couldn't help it, I have to pee 100 times per day lately.
"I'll miss you…" Erling whined, but put me down, kissing my forehead and squeezing my butt as he adjusted himself in his pants, but there was just so much he could hide.
Damn, I can't wait for it to be inside me. I thought while I have him a look, pretty sure he understood my thoughts, gulping as he squeezed himself.
"I must be in a porn movie, damn you guys! Keep it PG!" Olivia groaned and I felt my cheeks getting even warmer.
"Be back in a second!!" I run to the bathroom, doing my business before running back to find Erling and Olivia standing in the hallway, looking so damn awkward.
Erling took my coat and was using it to hide his problem while holding both my bags.
I took the coat from him, he helped me put it on and I thanked him with a kiss on the lips.
I put my shoes on and was about to leave when Olivia spoke "didn't know you finally got the pet snake you always wanted?"
"Pet snake, what are you on about? Erling hates snakes…?" I asked confused, not following up but Olivia gestured to Erling's very much tented pants and it finally clicked in my brain.
"Olivia!! That's the worst joke!" I facepalmed, blushing while I put myself between them to hide it from her.
It was for my eyes only, I should be the only one to see this "stop looking at my boy's cock, for God's sake, that's mine!" I said possessively, giving her a death stare.
She put her hands up "I can't just not look, it's out there! I can't unsee it now! I need to wash my eyes with bleach! Now go, out!" She groaned, pushing us both out.
"I love when you get this possessive of me… Turns me on so much, but don't worry my love, I'm all yours, it's all yours" he said, putting the bags in the back and helping me into the car before getting into the driver seat, taking my hand into his bigger one to bring it to his lips.
"I'm all yours too, just please don't pull something like this again… You really hurt me" I said.
"I swear I won't baby, you and our little angel come first, I'm going to be better for you, I swear. I'm going to be the best father for our baby and the best husband for my princess" he kissed my hand again, using the other hand to rub at my tummy.
I feel butterflies erupting in my tummy every time he touches it.
"I promise I'll be better too, I know I haven't been the best either, I'm not good with my feelings or dealing with emotions, but I'll get there, I swear, I'll try my best to be a good mommy for our little miracle and a good wife for you" I took to put my hand over his on my tummy, smiling down at it.
"You already are, it's me fucking everything up, you were protecting our baby, being the best mommy for our little one… The worst is that you had to protect our child from me, I'm supposed to be the one protecting you both…" he smiled sadly at me.
"You didn't know, it's my fault too, I should have talked to you instead of pushing you away and I put things out of context, I now know it wasn't you who requested all the horrible clauses, but I just, was so fucking afraid, it seemed like you wanted to protect yourself from the responsibility of having a child, and I thought that you would force me to have an abortion or force me out of their life… I know it's fucked up that I thought in such a way about you, but I couldn't help it…" I was crying by the time I was done as he hugged me, the best he could since the console was between us.
"It's not your fault baby, it's all me, I'm sorry for all I've put you through, but for what's worth, I never wished to include anything like that in the prenup, if we would had had one, I would not want to have such control over you. It's your body… It may be my baby but you're the one carrying it. And I would never ask you to have an abortion, ever, I want as many kids as possible with you. Can you imagine?! We could have a whole football team!" His eyes were sparkling as he grinned down at me.
"Erling that's 11 babies! I'm not going to give birth to 11 babies! Knowing your genes, they will be giant anyways…" I whined, nuzzling into his neck.
"Oh, I was thinking more like 15? You know so we have a few backups" he said nonchalantly, leaving me speechless.
"ERLING BRAUT HÅLAND! I'm not popping 15 children out of my vagina! Oh my God, 15 pregnancies, I don't even think that's possible!" I slapped his bicep as he laughed at me.
"Oh, don't worry, with a bit of luck we could have some twins or even triplets, you know I like scoring more than one goal, so triplets would be a hat-trick basically! It would be under 15 pregnancies!" He said cheerfully.
"What, no, Erling! I will kill you!" I slapped his bicep but he only laughed more, kissing my forehead before starting the car.
"We will see about that…"
As always, please leave a comment or message me, I love feedback! :)
Also if you have a prompt, please feel free to send it to me!
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intoloopin-archive · 3 months
JJ knows his strengths and how to highlight them so even if he isn't that musically gifted he can still keep up! His upbringing didn't allow him to be anything but a little diva and I love that for him but I wonder how his personality fits into the group.
But your little character breakdown/plot posts are always good!
I've been treating this ask like a very fancy bottle of wine, really waiting for the perfect moment to answer it in the most interesting way possible, and now that LOOPiN is FINALLY (!!!) free from New Wave Music and they officially have a new home, I believe a post dissecting how they used to work under Seo CEO's awful control is a must. And here I have the perfect little moment to ramble about it! Which I love!
So, the short answer to your questions is: J.J fits in very badly on a personal level, and most of the other guys consider him unmanageable to say the least, but! LOOPiN as a whole has been so desensitized to Jiahang's (annoying!) personality because, as long as they were under New Wave, they all knew that he was an untouchable constant; both because of his father's grip on the company stock, and because in mid 2021 J.J made the very strategic decision to take active part on backing LOOPiN financially, and he did so by paying for their dorm room accomodations and making that his sole responsability - which is why in some pieces set on their 'flop era' you can notice that their home is just waaaaay too fucking nice.
But yeah, with anyone who's not Minwoo (from late 2020 up until literally a week before he publicly retired from making music), Haegon (often enough) or Hanjae, Jiahang has had very big professional and personal feuds that still linger. It gets ugly sometimes guys, it really does.
Now! To the longer answer!
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[❗] TWs: corporate abuse, medical neglect.
If in universe iNSYNCs or just people aware of them were to be consulted, they would say that the chain of command and order of company favoritism while LOOPiN were under New Wave Music (2017 - 2023) ended up as:
01. Minwoo; 02. Seungsoo; 03. Haruki; 04. O.z; 05. J.J; 06. Hanjae; 07. Gyujin; 08. Dylan; 09. Taesong; 10. Haegon.
*Former member Lee Beomseok is not included, but just so you know, he wouldn't crack the Top5.
Which, by looking at the graphic you can see it's pretty off! Let's dissect it!
(NOTE: The two white boxes around the Top4 symbolize leadership roles, and they obviously entail the Produce Line, but less obviously, in a ground right above it, stands Minwoo and J.J in a duo that we can informally call as 'LOOPiN's Crisis Management'.)
At the very top of the food chain, we have J.J: As mentioned above, and also said in posts in the past here and there, Jiahang's spot in LOOPiN was 100% bought by his father, but his privilege goes way beyond just sharing surnames with a major sponsor: J.J has an entire personal team of lawyers, a private stylist and his own manager/financial consultant, Han Qiong (39), which puts him miles ahead of everyone else who depended on New Wave's shady and unprepared staff team. Jiahang's influence is also very present in everything on LOOPiN's two last years under New Wave (which came as consequence of him being Minwoo's "apprentice"), but it's all very subtle, as he always hid behind Minwoo to not spoil his incompetent brat persona to CEO Seo Chanhyuk - many marketing stunts, a good parts of their visual identity and even some promoted songs were handpicked by him but signed off as Minwoo's decisions, and even the members don't know that. As of now, speaking of 2023-0T9-Rare-Rhythm-LOOPiN, only Taesong and Haruki are aware of their past almost co-leadership deal and know how frail J.J actually is with this start over on the career department. He has pretty much no idea how and what he should do next now that he doesn't have a clear advantage! A giant really fell!
Minwoo: Even before he took over the official leader position from Taesong in 2021, everyone working with LOOPiN behind the scenes knew Minwoo was the guy in charge: not only was he the frontman of the Produce Line, but not a single decision even outside the group's sound was made without consulting him, mostly because people felt like they should - his... passionate involvement, let's say, about every aspect of the group was very clear. He also kept riding the wave of his Boy Of The Week days as "the golden trainee", and the respect he build in the industry after butting heads with Chanhyuk and his brigade of shareholders to make LOOPiN creative independent, even though it did give everyone consequences - Seo CEO came to HATE his guts right after they debuted, and was a bitch about them just because Minwoo was always just as much of a bitch back. Him making Taesong the leader during their group debut despite Minwoo's obvious crave for that title was just as much of a move made to try to control them as it was petty, childish shit.
O.z: Wu Zhiming is not someone you can restrain, and New Wave Music came to learn that a beat too late; they also didn't know how to fully support him as a music producer, which O.z took no time to notice and start quietly networking his way into opportunities. Now, his music career outside of LOOPiN is the most stable - he's been the major producer and collaborator with Nico, an independent (and faceless!) singer that in universe has internet fame reaching the likes of Pinkpantheress, and he's definely the first member to reach stable international fame, even if it's a tad controversial. And that's something he did despite New Wave Music, and Zhiming has talked about it publicly with no fear, so everyone knows he's truly independent! You go, O.z!
Seungsoo: Seungsoo always has a hard time seeing the bigger picture, and with his career it was no different: he always assumed the Produce Line was an equal triad and even that he was Minwoo's second hand man (which, LMAO. NO!), and he constantly failed to see everyone always respected him the less. But he was and is a group producer, he did have a voice and some control of LOOPiN as a brand, and that automatically puts him above a lot of the members. Seungsoo is also very popular with the public, known as a sweet talker and charming guy, and his music is very sought after for girl groups and female soloists. He was not doing the worst.
Gyujin: Gyujin, the newest loop dude of them all, stands right in the middle. He joined LOOPiN at a crazy time, but he is flexible by nature and he worked himself into the public's good graces very quickly, all on his own; it barely took him 7 months to be iNSYNC's new darling dearest, which did give some brownie points with Seo CEO at the time. Gyujin is also very familiar with the entertainment industry, which barely changed in the years he spend retired from child acting, so he knew from the get go what to watch out for. His contract signing took 3 weeks because he kept going for legal tweaks, something that immediately set off warning sirens inside Seo CEO's head, but at that point, Gyujin was all he had to try to set off the fire of Beomseok's departure - and many other accusations! If he had more time inside the company, Gyujin could definely pull a J.J and find something to use to his advantage against Chanhyuk, because if there's one thing he'll always do, is find an angle.
Hanjae: As soon as Sangwon got out of the picture as LOOPiN's manager in early 2022, Hanjae found himself in a very interesting position, that being his elevation from someone that was literally hidden for two years inside their own group to a hotshot debutee actor - fully backed by Chanhyuk, who was so fucking tired of LOOPiN having collective fame at this point. As we know, Hanjae's crush on Haruki was old and a well known fact inside New Wave, and it ended up causing his professional downfall; Sangwon mismanaged him on porpouse in LOOPiN's early years to not only punish him for his feelings, but also just to torment Haruki. Recently, Seo CEO has committed the big mistake of trying to convince Hanjae to sell his exclusive contract to an acting agency on New Wave's last days, and despite Hanjae double crossing him and immediately telling everyone about the company's hidden fate back in January so they could prepare for it, Chanhyuk still planted a lot of doubt on Hanjae's mind about his Idol future, and that will be at play very soon, thanks to 'Kick It' winning the comeback poll! So stay tunned!;
Taesong: As said on the Minwoo section, Taesong's role as LOOPiN's leader was given to him because Seo CEO needed someone in charge to be under his thumb, and Taesong filled that role okay enough for as long as he could - Minwoo's very harsh criticism of his every move plus everyone's lack of respect of the sentimental way he used to run things eventually got to him mentally. He had many hiatuses in his career, and with each new one came more of a lack of interest from New Wave Music in him as a way of income. If it wasn't for his own volution and need to get better, Taesong wouldn't be the vocal powerhouse he is now - he payed for his own vocal coaches, all non affiliate with the company! By the time he returned from his most serious and longest hiatus in early 2021, making the (not so willing) decision to give out the leader position to Minwoo, all without notifying Seo CEO first, made him public enemy number #2, and it definitely showed on his sudden erasure of schedules.
Haegon: From pretty much day one, Haegon was not taken seriously by anyone inside New Wave Music as an Idol or person, specially in Seo Chanhyuk's eyes: his very unsettling attachment to former member Beomseok paired with his short temper painted him as a kid unwilling to grow up, and when Beomseok left and Haegon put up a whole dissapearing stunt for a week (he had to be fake announced to be put on hiatus!), any slight interest or patience Seo Chanhyuk had for him died. Dare I say, Seo CEO saw Haegon as his biggest signing mistakes, when you take into consideration that "he wasn't even good enough to make the main vocalist stay" - his own words! So Haegon was not encouraged to train beyond his habilities or given any sort of solo schedules. Haegon himself felt the company's disbelief in him in his bones, too, and found it hard to try.
Haruki: Despite being made the public face of LOOPiN from 2021 and onwards, and eventually starting as a model with a lot of company apparent support (big highlight on apparent), Haruki was not the target of favoritism in the slightest; it was the very opposite. None of the investment made by New Wave towards Haruki was genuine, made to be long term or took what he wanted to do as an artist into consideration. It was just Seo CEO buying his silence about his horrible involvement with Sangwon without explicitly saying to Haruki that he was buying his silence. Haruki also never had freedom of movement from the moment he became a Week Boy, and even small decisions he had the impression of being made without Sangwon's involvement over the years always ended up with his involvement despite his demands for the contrary, because Seo CEO did not care or respect him, ever. (Which is in my humble opinion one of his worst crimes: knowing and doing nothing for a share price. Fuck that man, honestly, fuck him.)
And in the lowest of lows, Dylan: In the old blog I had a piece that was fully narrated by Chihoon, and in it we caught a glimpse of the situation with his private contract under New Wave Music and by extension, Blockberry Creative; how his trainee dept was thrice everyone's size because he lost a private defamation lawsuit against both companies back when he was on Boy Of The Week, plus one claiming neglect from Seo CEO directly. Dylan's contract as a whole was barely legal and made by a lawyer that was at the time Seo CEO's wife-to-be (🥴), and the disparity definely showed as LOOPiN went on. Mind you: his first ever solo project (given how he did not promote his debut track 'Monster' or 'Teenager' with LOOPiN Look(a)Like due to an hospitalization), was his rebellion album released in 2022, and that obviously had no company support. Dylan also was on the down low obligated to see a 'company psychiatrist', something that is exclusive to him and was as shady as it fucking sounds - a lot of his growing paranoia as his career goes on it's not only caused by the things he becomes a witness to, but also the bad intentioned changes made in his medication.
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