#when the entire dorm is trying to wingman for you
keldae · 9 months
The Mistletoe Trap
Drastic times called for drastic measures. Or that's what Jonas insisted from his precarious perch atop a pilfered desk chair that he was currently standing on, in the middle of the dorm lounge, stretching to drive a thumbtack into the dorm ceiling. “Trust me, this will totally work!”
Lana dubiously looked up at him, arms crossed and blonde eyebrow raised. “Are you sure it won't just make things awkward with them?"
“Even those two idiots have to clue in with this!” Jonas hopped off the chair and stepped back to survey his handiwork. “I mean, this is a central element in every cheesy romance movie set around Christmas. Guy encounters girl, guy and girl both look up and realize they're under thr mistletoe, guy and girl kiss, guy and girl realize they're in love…”
“And are you an expert in Hallmark movies?” Lana asked, brushing a lock of blonde hair out of her eyes.
“I have a mother who's obsessed with those movies,” Jonas answered. “I learn things by osmosis. Besides, you only need to see one Hallmark movie to figure out the plot for all of them…”
“You're not wrong,” Lana conceded. She looked over her shoulder as Koth emerged from his room, shrugging his jacket on. “What do you think? Do we have a chance of setting our favourite idiots up with this?”
Koth craned his neck to look up at the mistletoe and frowned. “Isn't it supposed to be in a doorway, instead of the middle of a room?”
Jonas groaned. “I spent long enough fighting to get it to stay up there without falling! Can't we break tradition just this once?”
“Nope. If we're doing a mistletoe set-up, we gotta do it right.” Koth jumped up on the desk chair and pried the thumbtack, with its precious burden of mistletoe, out of the ceiling. He paused and dubiously eyed the little pin. “... This will be a pain to stick into the doorframe.”
“Nothing some tape can't fix,” Lana said with a nod. She hurried down the hallway to her room, and returned a minute later with a roll of tape in her hands. “Just don't use all of it, mind.”
“You're the best.” Koth dragged the chair over to the entrance of the dorm lounge and clambered back onto the seat. “Am I centre-ish?”
Jonas stepped back and tilted his head. “Bit to the left… no, no, my left… smidge more… there, that's about as centred as you're gonna get. I'm too lazy to find a measuring tape to make sure.”
“Works for me!” Koth started taping up the mistletoe, making sure to leave most of it dangling in the doorway. “How's the rest of the decorating coming along, do you know?”
“Mako and Vette were working on what they say will be the most epic paper chain to grace a dorm floor,” Lana said. “And I think Kira and Xaja are in charge of paper snowflakes. A pity we have no space in here for a tree…”
“Or budget,” Jonas added. “Being that we're all broke college students.” He watched as Koth jumped back down from the chair, mistletoe in place, then grinned. “Shall we find covert watching positions so we can observe our handiwork?”
“Great, give them both performance anxiety,” Koth snorted. “They'll both appreciate that so much.”
Jonas snorted a laugh. “That's why I said covert, moron.” He sharply looked to the front door as he heard the sound of a keycard on the security panel. “Quick, that might be them!”
The trio scrambled for the shelter of the couches, and by unspoken agreement, all pretended to be intently interested in their phones. They could hear the sounds of two pairs of feet coming down the hallway, around the corner, and pausing at the entrance to the lounge…
“Oh, hell no,” Thexan's voice sounded. “Go ahead, Arcann, I insist.”
“Why do you insist I–?” There was a pause before Arcann groaned. “Ah. Yeah, there is no way in hell I'm kissing you, Thexan.”
Suppressing her disappointment that the intended targets weren't the ones who had arrived first, Lana looked up. “You know you two would have gotten a pass, right?” she asked. “Being literal brothers and all.”
“I dated a girl in high school who was really into a particular subset of the Supernatural fandom,” Thexan answered. “And I don't mean the Destiel shippers. I've had trust issues ever since I caught her quizzing Arcann on some very personal questions.”
“Ewww.” Jonas looked up from his phone. “Yeah, valid. Now shoo so we can wait for the actual targets.”
“You mean the two who were walking back from the cafeteria?” Thexan grinned. “You guys are not subtle at all about this. I mean, waiting for them?”
“Subtlety isn't working!” Koth complained. “We gotta go for the obvious now.”
“I still say we should lock them in a closet,” Arcann commented as he dropped his book bag by Jonas’ couch. “Or set up a blind date for each of them.”
“If they haven't figured it out by spring break, we'll try the closet,” Lana promised. “By then there should be enough sexual tension pent up…”
“What are we talking about with sexual tension?” A horned head poked itself into the lounge, a huge grin on its face.
“I thought I told you to fuck out of here and not come back again last week, Gault!” Lana snapped, amber eyes flashing angrily.
“I'm an invited guest!” Gault protested. “Hylo said I could come in!”
“Not if you two are going to lock me out of my room for three hours while you have sex and then have a blow-up fight!”
“That was one little argument–”
“At one in the morning, that woke both me and Torian up,” Koth interjected, scowling.
“So the timing wasn't ideal,” Gault said with a shrug. “Sorry for disturbing your beauty sleep.” He glanced upward and grinned. “Awww, but you lot can't be that hard-up about it! Look what's on the ceiling!”
“Not for you,” Jonas interrupted. “It's a trap for Theron and Xaja!”
“We’ll break it in for them!” Gault cheerily grinned, then darted through the lounge to Hylo and Lana's room, pounding on her door.
Lana sighed in frustration, jaw visibly clenched. “If he turns up dead one day, I had nothing to do with it,” she growled.
“We'll help with the alibi,” Koth nodded, watching as Hylo emerged from the room with her brow wrinkled. The frown turned into a grin from the Mirialan as she followed Gault under the mistletoe; the Devaronian took the opportunity to dip Hylo for a passionate kiss.
“Get a room!” Jonas hollered over when the kissing didn't seem to abate after a few seconds.
“And not mine!” Lana added indignantly. “Again!” She looked over at Jonas. “I'm much more sympathetic toward Theron now…”
“I don't lock him out that often!” Jonas protested. “And the one time I did led to him meeting his soulmate, so…”
Gault finally straightened up from the kiss and let Hylo up to catch her breath. “See? We're wingmaning for you, Lana–” His eyes suddenly went wide, and he booked it for the safety of the front door, fleeing Lana's wrath as the blonde started to get to her feet.
Hylo watched her boyfriend escape, then shrugged at Lana. “He's not wrong?” she said with a little chuckle. “It's just his way of helping – and look at that, I need to be in the library right now!” She fled after Gault, with a bit of a laugh, as Lana snarled something entirely unprintable at her back.
“... The library?” Thexan asked as the door slammed shut behind the couple. “She hasn't set foot in the library since term started!”
“You'd know, considering you live there,” Arcann commented.
“Very funny,” Thexan muttered, then looked over as the front door opened and closed again. “Is that finally them?”
“Get over here in case it is!” Koth hissed. “Act natural!”
“Gawking is natural, for having just watched Hylo and Gault apparently make back up,” Arcann commented with a grin. Still, he sat down on the arm of Jonas' couch, as Thexan hurried over to flop beside Koth. Still grumbling, Lana sat back down and scowled at her phone like it was responsible for her roommate woes.
And not a second too soon – Theron Shan was the next person to poke his head into the lounge, not realizing he was directly under the mistletoe trap. “Well, don't we look conspiratal,” he commented, looking at the cluster of students on the couches. “We planning evil things here?”
“Just concerning my roommate and the douchebag she's dating,” Lana grumbled. “Do you know of a good place to dump a body?”
“Xaja says she watches true crime shows,” Theron suggested, as the aforementioned redhead popped up beside him. “You got an idea for a good place to dispose of Gault or Hylo?”
“I owe Hylo one for that troubleshooting with my car the other week, so I can't help murder her,” Xaja said. “Gault, on the other hand, I can definitely help dispose of.” She paused, frowning at the widening grins being sent at her and Theron. “... What? Do I have something in my teeth?”
“Theron could help with that, if you do,” Jonas innocently suggested.
Theron promptly sputtered in mortified indignation. “I – what?!”
“Look up,” Thexan said with a smirk.
Both Theron and Xaja glanced upward – a second later, Xaja squeaked, her cheeks going as red as her hair. “Is that… which one of you assholes hung up mistletoe?!” Beside her, Theron seemed to be at a loss for words, eyes wide and mouth dropped open.
“Doesn't matter,” Koth said, grinning impishly. “To quote from the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie – just kiss!”
“It needs to be cleansed after watching Hylo and Gault make out under it,” Lana added in a mutter.
“But– we're not–!” Xaja yelped. “Hylo and Gault are at least a thing! Theron and I aren't!”
“Being a ‘thing’ isn't part of the mistletoe rules,” Arcann retorted, laughing. “Or are you two chicken?”
“We aren't chicken!” Theron piped up, indignant despite the flush to his cheeks. “We just… uh…” He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “... Which one of you assholes had this idea?”
“Does that matter?” Jonas all but cackled. “Kiss her already!”
Theron softly groaned, then turned to look at Xaja, who seemed to have become very focused on a random spot on his hoodie shoulder. “Erm… listen, I'm sorry about this…” he started to say.
“No, uh, it's… it's okay. It's definitely not your doing.” Xaja looked up from her visual examination of his hoodie, still bright red. She hesitated, then glared in the direction of the couches and the pair's eagerly-watching audience. “Do you fuckers have to sit there and watch like that?”
“What, do you have performance issues?” Jonas grinned evilly. “I'm reasonably sure Theron won't care about that–”
“Forget Gault – I'm murdering you,” Xaja growled. She looked back up at Theron. “You can look forward to a single room next semester.”
“Works for me,” Theron agreed, giving Jonas a malevolent glare. He shifted awkwardly, then quickly stooped to give Xaja a brief peck on the lips, seemingly before he could lose his nerve.
“Awww, come on!” Koth complained. “That barely counted as a kiss!”
“If you dumbasses weren't fucking staring at us…” Theron snapped.
Koth sighed dramatically. “Fine, if we all look away, are you two actually gonna kiss properly?”
“You know,” Jonas commented, “if you're the one with the performance issues, Theron, I'm sure Xaja will be happy to help you out with–”
“I will kill you dead, Balkar.” Theron glared at his roommate and former best friend, then caught Xaja in his arms and stooped to give her a dramatic, lingering kiss. She squeaked as she was pulled into his embrace, then seemed to wrap her arms around his neck and return the kiss, apparently trying very hard to ignore the whistles and chorus of “Awwww"s from their dormmates.
They finally came apart after a few seconds, seemingly trying to regain both breath and coherent thought before Xaja looked over at their audience. “Happy now?” she growled, more than a little bit of bite in her tone.
“Immensely,” Lana answered with a little laugh. “Now shoo so we can wait for our next victims. If that pre-med student Archiban comes in here next with this week's girlfriend…”
“We hate you all,” Theron announced, as he and Xaja tried to make their way to their respective rooms with as much dignity as they could muster. “Sleep with one eye open until the end of term.”
Jonas laughed, then as the pair vanished into their rooms, sobered up slightly. “I'm gonna die, but this was totally worth it.” He looked over at Arcann and Thexan. “Hey guys, can I crash with you for the rest of week so Theron doesn't kill me in my sleep?”
“As long as you're prepared to deal with Arcann's snoring,” Thexan said with a grin. He paused, looking at the mistletoe contemplatively. “... Did we overdo it?”
“Nah.” Koth laughed and stood up. “Someone got a picture of that, right? Kira will be so pissed that she missed it.”
Jonas grinned and flourished his phone. “Sending it to the group chat as we speak. And if they aren't dating officially by the end of winter break, I may smack Theron upside the head until he comes to his senses and asks her out.”
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pearlfeline · 1 year
truth or dare
pairing: draco malfoy x female reader
word count: 1,228
summary: slytherins throw a party and play truth or dare. draco can't seem to play correctly when it comes to you, blaise becomes a wingman, and to pansy, you're a sleepy nerd.
a/n: ughhh i don't really like this because a party just seems so unrealistic to me lol. every time i see those scenarios it doesn't seem convincing to me at all. i didn't add copious amounts of drinks and partying to this because i truly think despite them being who they are, the most they would do is share a bottle together as a small group and not throw a party because they dislike mostly everyone. also, they're still kids. sorry if that ruins the entire thing and this sucks!!! although, i really liked the idea of draco not being able to bring himself to give you a mean dare like he would to the rest of his friends. enjoy.
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Your nose was deep in a book when you heard a faint jingling.
You look behind you and see your cat swatting at the window. Your owl was here.
“Oh, Pluto leave that poor bird alone.” You get up and take the parchment from your owl’s beak.
“Thank you, Buttons.”
Buttons blinks once before flying out swiftly.
Once you unravel the parchment, you recognize the handwriting instantly.
“Small party in the common room tomorrow night. Don’t tell the stupid Gryffindors and just come downstairs for once. P.S. Don’t sleep right after dinner like an old crone and attend. I’m tired of talking to the same buffoons every day.”
You roll your eyes. Of course, he sends a letter over something he could’ve told you in passing.
“Wanker.” You mumbled, tossing the letter on your bed.
Of course, you’ll attend but there’s no reason to act giddy about it. At least on the outside. How you feel on the inside is nobody’s business surely.
The next day, you expect to walk into the common room with a circle of a few people, but you were met with bottles scattered across the floor.
Draco’s platinum hair stands out immediately despite the lights being dimmed.
“So you took my advice and stayed awake until curfew! Must be a new record for the old miss.” Draco chuckles to himself.
“Quite the dramatic invitation.” You look around and see scared first years peering through the steps.
“Is this your idea of a small party?”
Draco shrugged. “It’s just Slytherins. Whoever chooses to come is invited.”
“Obviously they’re going to show. Everybody who’s here loves to kiss up to the famous Draco Malfoy.”
Draco smirked.
“Not everybody” Blaise comes out of nowhere, sipping whatever from his cup.
“Do you not see how bad of an idea this is? The first years are trying to sleep.”
Blaise nods. “I didn’t want it to be this big either… or this loud.”
Draco rolls his eyes, giving a firm slap to Blaise’s shoulder. “Lighten up Zabini. It’s just a little over thirty people. Not my fault that’s twice as many people you know.”
Blaise takes that as his cue to get another drink and shakes his head before breaking away.
“Pansy is whining about playing truth or dare. Are you coming or not?” Draco’s eyes flick to the dorms.
“You threw a party just so we could all go upstairs and ignore it?”
“Somebody had to bring the drinks.” Draco walks past you, ironically slipping a bit on the steps. The younger kids move out of the way, scurrying back to their own rooms, trying to avoid a lecture out of fear.
You reluctantly follow Draco to his dorm room. Pansy and everyone else were already comfortably lounging, laughing about someone’s misfortune if you had to guess. Blaise followed quickly behind you, shutting the door.
“What happened?” He sits down near Pansy, who was obviously tipsy already.
“Truth or dare Zabini..” She giggles.
Blaise sighs. “Truth.”
You settle down on the corner of Draco’s bed, admittedly excited about the outcome of Blaise’s choice.
Draco sits on the floor, not before putting his sweater where he wanted to sit.
“…Boring… But fine.” Pansy, previously laying on her stomach, sits up and ponders a good question before smiling mischievously.
“Who in this room would you most likely snog..?”
Blaise pauses for a brief moment. “Pansy if you wanted to you should’ve just asked me.”
Pansy face-plants into her hands, groaning. Though, you had a feeling she was smiling under there.
After a few turns, it was eventually Draco’s turn.
“Y/L/N. Pick one.”
Draco smiles at your answer but it soon fades as he thinks of what to say next.
“You should..”
The circle exchanges looks with one another.
“I dare you to…” Draco’s eyes dart around the room.
“Chug your drink…” Draco muttered.
“I.. I never got a drink.” You replied.
Blaise gives Draco a sympathetic look, before handing you his cup. “Here.”
You hesitantly take the cup.
Goyle furrows his eyebrows. “Malfoy, you just made me sneak outside and bang on Gryffindor’s entryway, why is her dare so-“
“Shut up.” He snapped.
You start to sip an already half-drunken cup, grimacing at the taste.
You hold it all in your cheeks, shaking your head in pain.
“You’ve got to swallow it eventually love.” Blaise takes back the cup cautiously.
You could only manage a squeak in response before forcing it down in an excruciating gulp.
“Not a fan?” Pansy laughed.
“I don’t think I’ll ever be…”
Draco purses his lips to hide his smile, suddenly finding that looking down at his shoes and playing with the laces was worth occupying his time. Despite looking forward to this very scenario all day, he couldn’t bring himself to give you a humiliating dare.
“I don’t know how you all drink that stuff so often.” You smack your lips, still tasting the remnants of whatever drink it was.
“Was that your first drink?” He raises his eyebrow.
“Of course it was. I don’t have access to these… alcohols…” You shrink slightly at how inexperienced and awkward you sounded.
Draco only scoffs. “We’ll, no wonder you couldn’t even chug.”
You glare at him, shoving him lightly. “There wasn’t even enough for me to possibly do that.”
“You looked like a newborn deer trying to drink from its first puddle.” Pansy let out a cackle before covering her mouth.
You close your eyes before rolling back into the bed, grabbing a pillow to shove into your face. It took you a moment to realize you weren’t in your own bed.
Draco’s smell of shampoo seeps through the pillow and into your nose. You flinch slightly but keep the pillow there, wanting to still hide from everyone. Though the mixed smell of fresh laundry and rosewood was an added bonus.
Pansy slaps the foot hanging off Draco’s bed.
“Ow!” You muffle through the pillow.
“Don’t tell me you’re tired already!”
Honestly, you were getting tiresome. You rarely stay up and sinking back into a bed didn’t help. You didn’t respond and just closed your eyes.
Blaise looks over at Draco, trying to basically have a telepathic conversation. They both somehow understood each other perfectly.
“Pansy I think we should go to your room and finish where we left off.” Blaise holds his cup with his teeth, one hand pulling her away and the other opening the door.
Draco’s other minions just stared blankly, completely oblivious to what he was implying.
“Get out.” Draco quietly hissed, making them jump and rush out, almost squeezing into Blaise and Pansy between the door frame. All mumble incoherently trying to push each other.
In between this time, you actually did doze off. Draco turns back around to hear your breathing slightly get heavier as if you were on the verge of snoring. He sighs, lifting the pillow off your face and placing it under your head.
“I bet Dumbledore sleeps later than you.” He mumbled.
Draco pulls the blanket from under you and tucks you in. He could’ve almost burst out laughing by how you sleep so easily, but he decides against waking you up after Blaise basically gave him two favors tonight. Draco slumps onto Blaise’s bed, staying up as long as he could, making sure you were able to sleep uninterruptedly throughout the night.
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candyk0rn · 6 months
❧Their ideal date
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So…it’s been a while !! My bad everyone 😔 good news? Requests are now up and running again!! It’s also my first time attempting to write for Jjk, so take this with that in mind
Thank you for bearing with me, but CandyK0rn is up and running once again!!
Warnings: None!
Included: Megumi Fushiguro, Itadori Yuuji, Kugisaki Nobara (separate.)
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I. Yuuji:
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You already know what time it is
Movie dates ALL the way
I wouldn’t say it would be a theater date, because just chilling at home (more specifically, in his dorm) sounds like such an upgrade from a stuffy movie theater
Though, he likes the popcorn better
If you dose off even a bit expect a flick on the forehead
Especially if it’s one of his favorites, or even a newer movie released to DVD neither of you have seen
Speaking of DVD, he prefers it over streaming any day
I’d say he even has his own collection
After having to sit through countless hours of movies for his training, there were some that stuck out to him that he’d wanna rewatch with you
He is the literal WORST when it comes to spoilers though
“That’s foreshadowing for the end! I won’t tell you how it ends, of course.”
“..Unless you wanna know?!”
His favorites tend to be action or horror
And if you tend to get squeamish with horror, well you just have the perfect shining knight in armor to help out, huh?
Even if you like horror, it wouldn’t hurt to stroke his ego a bit
Totally cuddles during the entire watch
It’s just a chaotic pile of you, him, snacks and blankets
Expect him to play with your hair if you’re laying on top of him, he just cannot help himself
Definitely not a fancy date by any means, but it’s these nights that he remembers most <3
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Dear lord
Going out with this woman is a JOURNEY
Because shopping dates are her thing, especially if you spoil her with money from your pocket.
But it’s not just the ‘date’ itself, it’s the before and after of it all
Expect her to go through her entire makeup and attire routine alongside you, if that’s not your thing? You’re sure as hell watching.
She’ll talk your ear off as she does it too
“Oh! This is that new lipgloss I was telling you about..some influencer was using it. Isn’t it the perfect shade?!”
She doesn’t exactly say it, but she’s happy even if you just listen to her
It’s what makes her happy, and to have someone listen to her ramble on is a gift in itself
Then there’s the during, where you not only go to the local clothing, cosmetic and jewelry shops
But you have to try the snacks around these places!
She’s still getting used to Tokyo, and there’s just so many new things to try.
Oh! But you have to wait to eat it, because she has to take a picture of it first
Then you can dig in.
And of course, there’s the ‘after’
She likes just sitting down and unloading everything she bought, going through each item and talking about how excited she is about it
If you got new clothes, she expects a fashion show equal to that of vogue.
She cheers you on and takes pictures of you the entire time
With the flash on, of course.
It adds to the ‘paparazzi fantasy’ as she calls it.
F. Megumi:
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Like Yuuji, he much prefers to stay inside just in the comfort of your dorm/home
But he knows that also gets repetitive, so he tries to take extra steps once in a while
His dates are simple,
Dinners, walks around the city, even training with you is something he enjoys
But there has to be a specific time for them
He likes taking you out to eat right after missions, like a way to calm down the stress everyone’s been feeling
He texts Yuuji for the best places nearby, because usually he grabs something quick from the Seven Eleven and calls it a night
Itadori: There’s a sweet katsu place I ate at yesterday
Gumi: that’ll be good. thanks again.
Itadori: Yk I’m the best wingman around. 😋
Gumi: mhm
And honestly? During the outing, he just likes talking.
It’s not something he’d say he necessarily enjoys
He’s never exactly been a talker
But for some reason he cannot explain, you make him want to just share things
How his day went, something Gojo did that he found annoying…
But more importantly, he likes listening
He likes the sound of your voice, he likes the way you sound when your passionate, he likes the way you sound when your angered or frustrated
God, he just likes you.
He never thought he would ever admit that. But here he is
Enjoying a conversation over tonkatsu with the person he cares for the most.
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Thanks for reading!!
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purple-plum-petals · 2 years
⊱ TWST Characters’ Reactions to Yuu Calling Their Dorm Leader “Hot” ⊰ || Multiple Character Scenario
      Character(s): Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Trey Clover, Cater Diamond, Jack Howl, Ruggie Bucchi, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech, Jamil Viper, Epel Felmier, Rook Hunt, Ortho Shroud, Lilia Vanrouge, Silver, Sebek Zigvolt (Twisted Wonderland)       Reader Type: Human, Ramshackle Prefect (Gender-Neutral Pronouns)       Warning(s): Nothing! I also always use the Japanese TWST Terms (Dorm Leader instead of Housewarden, Madols instead of Thaumarks, etc.) in my writing.       Genre: Scenario, Attempt at Comedy       Word Count: ~500 words       Scenario: They were just minding their own business when you asked suddenly, sighing out loud, “Man, why does your dorm leader have to be so hot?”       Author’s Note: This idea just popped into my mind and I thought it would be a nice, fun, short thing to write! I’d definitely be willing to write a more in-depth idea of this scenario, but right now I just wanted to post something since it’s been a while. I’ve been job-searching but, because I don’t have my transcripts or diploma at the moment, it’s been a bit difficult to get a job in my field. 😭
→ If you enjoyed my work, please reblog it if you can! Exposure on Tumblr is based on reblogging content rather than liking it, so your support would be much appreciated!  ♡ ╰─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╯
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Pretends that he didn’t hear you. Nope, he was not dealing with that today – especially when all he’s trying to do is mind his own business. Kind of dies a bit on the inside when those words leave your mouth, though. All he can think is why would you even tell him about that in the first place? Did you expect him to help you or something?
Trey, Jack, Jamil
Has to make sure he heard you right. Are you sure you meant his dorm leader (even though most of the others aren’t the greatest boyfriend material either)? Oh, so he did hear you correctly… Well, that’s a bit strange. You certainly have interesting taste in men, they suppose. Nothing entirely wrong with that, but they don’t see the appeal.
Deuce, Cater, Jade, Floyd
Goes off on you for your horrible taste in men. Out of all the people at NRC that you could find attractive, it’s their dorm leader?? Doesn’t understand the appeal of them or your taste in men, and they make sure you know how much they disagree with your opinion about the attractiveness of their dorm leaders.
Ace, Ruggie, Epel
Starts laughing – like, laughing out loud as they hold their sides from the stitches your confession is giving them. How embarrassing for you, huh?  Man, your taste in men is absolutely abysmal if you somehow find their dorm leader of all people appealing. A part of them finds it kind of sad, but that feeling is completely overwritten by the amount of entertainment they get out of the situation.
Ace, Ruggie, Floyd
Found it a bit strange to be telling him that, but he‘s glad you find his brother attractive! He sees you as a dear friend of his, so he wouldn’t mind seeing you and his brother together! If anything, that would make him one of the happiest people on the planet!
Agrees with you wholeheartedly! Their dorm leader is a very handsome young man with a lot of talent and future potential, so they agree – you certainly have great taste! Now, while they might not appreciate the words you chose to describe their dorm leader, they don’t disagree (cough Sebek cough) with your statement.
Rook, Lilia, Silver, Sebek
After their initial reaction(s), they also decide to tease you a bit. You just willingly gave them perfect blackmail material, you know. Now, why would you go and do that? …Because you trust them? Now that was a foolish reason. Since it’s you, though, they might keep this information to themselves.
Ace, Cater, Ruggie, Jade, Floyd
After their initial reaction(s), they decided to play wingman and try to get you to confess your feelings to their respective dorm leader. Whether it’s because they think you’ll legit be a good match together or if they’re doing it just for fun, you’ll never know. The help is much appreciated, though.
Trey, Cater, Ruggie, Jade, Floyd, Rook, Ortho, Lilia
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siriustar8 · 9 months
Write - @jegulus-microfic - 451 words (proud of this one)
The only way he could process his feelings, since the day he started having them, was to write them down. He would make up a character, give them a name, and use them as an outlet to map out his life. Would the character be disappointed if their brother forgot to wish them a happy birthday? Would they be mad if their dorm mates didn't clean the bathroom sink after brushing their teeth? Would they miss their parents even after all the abuse they went through? Were they even abused?
Would the character be in love with James Potter?
He made multiple characters. All of them had one thing in common : they looked like him, no matter how much he tried to make them different. They all had raven hair, grey eyes, and were utterly enamoured with James Potter.
The problem is, even with all the writing regulus does, it took him months to figure out that the nervous sweating and flushing he does around the boy was caused by romantic feelings, and not irritation. When the epiphany dawned on him by Made Up Man n28 (he gave up on naming them after the 12th, Anthony) he spent weeks avoiding his brother and his entire friend group. He couldn't deal with a crush, and especially not if it's on the guy whose family is welcoming him into their home. James' parents treated him like a son, it would be akin to betrayal to date their only child.
But Regulus didn’t take into account the fact that Fleamont Potter was an incredible wingman.
It was late at night, and Regulus couldn't sleep. His Made Up Man n36 just got physically sick from repressing his feelings for James, and he needed some air before the sickness spread from the paper to his own body. So he went to the back garden, just to find Fleamont having a smoke there. He sat next to him, enjoying the silence and company of a man he admires. 
"You know, son, James has never been as happy as he is now that you joined us."
Regulus felt his face warm up, hands clammy with nervous sweat, before he replied : 
"It's so kind of him to care about me."
"James is that kind of person. Always wants to save someone, to make their life better. But Regulus, James isn't just happy that you're safe, he's happy that you're here."
Regulus felt his heart skip a beat, trying to not read too much into what that implied, but the smile Fleamont gave him made his imagination go wild. He might have a chance, after all.
That night, Made Up Man n37 practiced how to confess his love to James Potter
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ququb444hm · 1 year
𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭, 𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝
part 22 / side-hustling ☆
warning(s): *REPOST!!* some bs lore (๑>ᴗ<๑), keiji is the badd guy, profanity +possible typos
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half-lidded somber eyes stay glued to the ceiling, fighting the urge to fall into a deep slumber. kozume’s mind continued to replay the conversation he had in the morning with keiji once yn had left his dorm room.
“i think i might like yn,” the sudden announcement took the blond by surprise, his brows knitting together as he tried to let those six words sink in. 
“...again?” his cat-like eyes seemed to pierce into keiji’s soul who was a bit too intimidated to return the gaze. a sudden mixture of bitter resentment, anxiety, insecurity, and even possessiveness started to brew inside the blond. 
“i think i might like yn.. again.” keiji restated, hands tightening around the bag of ice he held against his nose.
a few silent seconds pass by. kozume kept his gaze on keiji, arms now firmly crossed against his chest. “how long has it been since you realized you liked her again? or … could it be you just never got over her since the two of you broke up?” not wanting to sound accusing and have this conversation make things awkward between the two, kozume tried to keep the tone of his voice natural. ‘just a normal conversation between friends.’ but deep down he knew it was already beginning to stir unwanted feelings amongst them. 
keiji hummed, genuinely trying to give kozume an answer, “i don’t know. i really don’t know. it’s just…seeing her so often during volleyball practice and the band…i realized that i missed how we were. i missed our relationship, and i missed her in general. and i know,” he met kozume’s eyes now, deep blue contrasting heavily against a warm golden pair, “the break up was entirely my fault, but sometimes i wonder what it would be like if i was given another chance to show yn that i really am a good boyfriend and that, what happened back then was me just not knowing what my priorities were.”
‘...another chance…’ those two words seemed to mock kozume, unbeknownst to keiji. ‘how long have i known yn and still not been given a single chance?’ of course, none of this was yn’s fault. she didn’t know kozume had hidden feelings for her. she couldn’t have known that he began developing a crush on her in the second grade when she easily beat him in his favorite game that he had been working so hard to earn a high score on. she couldn’t have known that part of the reason he had joined volleyball in middle school along with tetsurou was that he wanted her to see how cool he was, even though he hated it so much in the beginning. she couldn’t have known that he secretly hated when other people started to copy her and call him ‘kozu’ or ‘koz’ because it felt special having a nickname that only she called him by. yn could not have known that kozume had liked her first, far beyond when she started unknowingly reciprocating his feelings because the only people that truly knew the truth were tetsurou and later on, shoyou.
their junior year of high school was the only time, it seemed, that the two had the possibility of ending up together before things took a turn once they entered college. yn began to notice how cute kozume was, she was comfortable enough to even openly say how attractive he was whenever she got the chance, and tetsurou, being the wingman that he says he is, pushed kozume to confess his feelings after seeing his sister show common attraction. unfortunately, the whole thing lasted for a short time as yn grew busy with her passion for the arts and didn’t want to concern herself in a relationship. fast-forward to their sophomore year in college, kozume met keiji who quickly grew interested in yn and persistently tried to woo her. keiji didn’t know kozume still (or at all) bore the same feelings, especially when kozume did nothing to stop the two from slowly falling for each other.
content with even just staying close friends with yn after high school was enough for the blond. or well, that was what he tried to tell himself. in all honesty, he slowly began to resent himself for not allowing himself to be a bit selfish. whenever he saw yn, who was one of his best friends and crush, be with keiji, another friend, he felt everything to be unfair. no matter how hard he tried to get over her, his feelings toward yn felt like a magnetic force, always pulling, luring, beckoning him to be caged with his unrequited love forever.
when he found out yn broke up with keiji, the part of his heart that swore to always belong to her lit up with hope and he hated himself for that. that’s why, even with yn’s current feelings for him, he just couldn’t fully let himself be happy. he knew, because of his friendship with keiji, one of them had to sacrifice their feelings in order to continue being friends. and he tried to force himself to be the one who would do so.
but is that really true? would keiji be mad at him for liking yn?  even if kozume liked her first?  even if yn was the one to break off the relationship with keiji?
keiji cleared his throat, seeing as kozume suddenly went unresponsive and lost in thought. “so, if it’s not too much to ask, could you back off?”
“y’know…” the black-haired setter tilted his head, now seemingly looking down at his friend. “because even if i try to get back with yn, she’s too focused on you right now so it’ll be close to impossible. i can’t get her back when she thinks she likes you. i mean, you don’t actually believe that she likes you right?” the question felt like a stab to the chest and kozume couldn’t help but dig his fingernails into his triceps to prevent himself from suddenly lashing out. “and besides, even if you did start to develop feelings for yn in the short amount of time she started ‘liking’ you, it’s just not the same as how i feel for her. i love yn, which is why i’m trying to be better for her so that we can try again and actually work out this time. c’mon kozume, this isn’t something you need a lot of time to think about. i’m the right one for yn, not you. you’re her childhood friend, i thought you were fine with that role?”
the memory of the conversation was put to a stop by a familiar ringtone. finding his phone on the table beside the couch he lay on, kozume answered the call,
"bro, kozu, where are you? practice started like five minutes ago. it's not like you to be late." it was tetsu.
kozume pulled the phone away from his ear to check the time, a tired sigh escaping his lips as he realized he let his mind eat away his awareness of reality. "shit."
"and don't think i haven't forgotten about your little text. what do you mean by 'sorry'? what's happening, kozume? are you okay? c'mon talk to me, i'm like side-hustling as a therapist right now, i’ll even give you a free trial, no payment bro trust. just this once though, gotta pay for my tuition somehow y’know."
"nothing. let coach now i'll be there soon."
"hey wait—"
before letting tetsurou finish his sentence, kozume ended the call and got ready for practice.
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part 21 grandmama chocolate cake <- | masterlist | -> part 23 mistake
note(s): im going on a trip in like 2 days for a week n idk if im gonna update when im there but hopefully i do bc lololol ALSO IF U WERE ONE OF THE FEW WHO SAW THE POST BEFORE THIS no u didnt !! :33 +none of the pictures used are mine!!
✩⡱ taglist !! + @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @sherryuki-callmeyuki @anny-bah @ast4rg1rl @sukunasrealgf @killed-kiss lmk if u want to be added (msg or inbox)ヾ(・ω・`;)ノ
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viviennevermillion · 2 years
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Falling in love with Trey Clover
reposting bc I’m deleting my archived sideblogs
contains: trey clover x gn!reader
warnings: none
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Okay so first off Trey is a good boy. He cares so much and he’ll always be there for you
You guys meet at the Unbirthday Party, at which you are a guest
Trey proudly offers you some of the food he made. Try it, his food is great!
You guys have some casual conversations and Trey notices how much he enjoys talking to you. You actually end up talking pretty much for the entire afternoon.
Conversations just flow so naturally with him. He’s also the type of person you can talk about anything with. Trey has no problem conversing about stuff like philosophy or the universe every once in a while. He’s actually a pretty deep person sometimes and easily finds something interesting in most topics you might bring to the table. And if not, he’s at least trying.
You follow eachother on Magicam afterwards. He likes your posts and often comments on them in your dm’s if he finds something interesting. For example if you post a picture of yourself doing one of your hobbies, he might tell you a story about a time where he did the activity as well.
Trey falls in love rarely but when he does, he falls quickly and hard. Probably already has some butterflies in his stomach at that point. He won’t dare think of anything romantic yet, but he can’t help to keep remembering your conversations at the Unbirthday Party whenever he sees you. Or smiling at his phone when you upload something to Magicam.
Whenever he sees you, you guys will make small talk and he’s just very sweet to you.
Will try to win you over a bit with his puns and jokes (he makes lots of dad jokes too)
After a while he’s head over heels for you without you even suspecting anything yet
But Cater notices
Oh,,,,,like it or not, Cater Diamond is your wingman now.
He’ll constantly poke Trey and be like “hey man, go and make a move already”. He also teases him to no end.
Trey will wait for “the perfect opportunity to approach you” i.e. the time when Cater gets too annoying to handle and he notices how irrational his excuses not to make a move are getting
He finally approaches you in your Magicam dm’s, talking about something you posted  and actually holding the conversation and trying to really get to know eachother
This is the first of many days you two end up texting until late at night, talking about all kinds of things
It continues like this for a couple of days
At this point you already have some inside jokes together and bonded over things you have in common.
Cater is still teasing Trey every damn day
Which honestly is his own fault because when Trey is in love he’s essentially a simp
“You tell no one about this”, he warns his friend; not wanting anyone to see him lose his otherwise calm demeanor because of a crush
Next time Trey meets you in the NRC hallways, he’ll approach you with one of your inside jokes to break the ice and later invites you over to Heartslabyul Dorm to bake together
He sees it as a date but then he notices you probably have no idea he meant it as a date
At first things are a bit awkward when it’s just the two of you but conversation comes quickly once you start baking.
He’ll tell you about his family and his home and honestly he makes you feel at home the more time you spend around him.
Baking with him is actually a lot of fun. You fool around a lot and make a lot of jokes.
Afterwards you two eat the dessert you bake and Trey makes you tea. He shows interest in your hobbies and passions and is probably informed about them at this point. He compliments your achievements and offers to help you with school work in case you need any help.
Will hug you goodbye when you part
“Compliment their appearance”, Cater will offhandedly tell him the next day.
So Trey will pull the “Your eyes look like a grape” card again in your Magicam dm’s. 2 hours later you get a message “Okay so Cater told me this isn’t a compliment, I was trying to say you’re pretty, I actually like grapes a lot, I’m sorry”
Go easy on him, he’s confused and he’s trying really hard
At this point you have a slight idea that he likes you
He’ll ask you out on a date properly later. And who would have guessed: You like him back.
Trey sets up a nice dinner table in the Heartslabyul garden (with the help Cater) and cooks some food for you
It’s actually pretty romantic besides the occasional awkwardness on his side because forgive him, he doesn’t know how to do romance as we’ve seen in Ghost Marriage
Will confess to you at the end of your date. He’s so relieved when you say you like him back. He’ll ask you if he can kiss you.
Gives you a soft peck on the lips. It’s short but full of love. He’ll smile at you and look into your eyes, caressing your cheek with his thumb
He’ll tell you he loves you right then and there. He doesn’t expect you to say it back but he just wants you to know. Gives you another kiss after that, this time a longer but slow one. Poor boy really has been waiting for this for a while now.
You two remain in eachothers embrace for a while after that, enjoying the atmosphere of the garden being lit up by the LED lights Trey hung up for your date and the fireflies being around. Cater, Deuce and Ace in the bushes are having the time of their lives.
From this point the two of you are inseperable.
Trey is a very considerate boyfriend. He’ll pay attention to all of your needs and will always be prepared when you need him. He loves seeing you happy and being the reason why you smile. He’ll bring you lots of presents at the beginning; mostly flowers and sweets; nothing too expensive
He usually doesn’t post selfies on his Magicam, pictures with you are the only exception. He just is so proud you’re with him.
When Trey is in love he idealizes the hell out of you; sometimes you have to remind him that you’re not perfect because for him you definitely are.
He’ll send you heart emojis in your favorite color because he associates it with you and ever since he’s with you he started loving the color too
A lot of things you love, Trey loves too now. He’s a man capable of appreciating the little things in life and things that remind him of you just make him happy yk?
PDA is at a normal amount but everyone can see you two are a couple based on the way he looks at you and how you make him smile every time you talk to him.
He likes to hug you from behind or from the side and places kisses on your cheek simultaneously.
Sends you random pictures of flowers or beautiful things he finds and tells him they remind him of you.
He’s the big spoon and he loves holding you in his arms.
Cooking dinner together is sort of becoming a ritual for you two. Trey just loves spoiling you and creating stuff together with you. He’ll be so proud of the cakes or muffins you two have baked after they’re done. Will stare at the finished product with a smile and then wrap his arms around you and kiss your forehead.
He tells you “I love you” often but he also sometimes just sends you a long text about how much you mean to him.
Whenever he’s stressed, he knows he can unwind around you.
He’ll even be humming you to sleep even though he can’t sing if you ask him to.
Will proudly introduce you to his family and they all welcome you with open arms. They immediately see how much Trey loves you.
He’ll take you for walks in nature often or even goes travelling with you over the holidays; taking lots of pictures together as memories.
Totally also has you as his phone background.
You two will often hang out with Ace, Deuce, Cater and Riddle and you two are kinda inofficially the dorm parents.
Sometimes he’ll ask you to dance when you two are in his room listening to music
He’ll listen to whatever you want to listen to
He rests his head on your shoulder and closes his eyes, having trouble to believe how lucky he is.
Trey can totally imagine a future with you even after only dating you for a couple of months and losing you would be his worst fear.
He has no problem giving you space but personally he wouldn’t mind having you around whenever. Even if you’d practically be living with him, he wouldn’t get tired of you. For Trey all his happiness is ten times better when he can share it with you.
He’s a problem-solver at heart. He’s very rational and sometimes maybe a bit too much. He’s not that good at giving emotional support but he will offer you neutral and rational advice. He just wants you to get better when you’re sad.
At some point he will tell you “y/n you mean the world to me” and Trey means it.
Please love him with all his sarcastic jokes where no one can tell he’s being sarcastic and his teeth brushing obsession. He’s a sweet guy who will love you with all his heart.
Tells you to always take care of your dental hygiene.
He also has no problem making time in his schedule for you. He will always take care of his vice dorm leader duties and help when someone needs him but apart from that when it’s just the two of you the world stops for him.
Trey also absolutely is the family type of guy. Be it a kid, a dog, a lizard or a cactus in a pot; he’ll love taking care of a living being with you.
You’re always there for eachother, holding eachother close when times are tough and one of you or both of you need comfort.
He loves you so much
Take good care of him
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xamaxenta · 2 years
Marcoace modern au where Marco’s new in town and desperately needed a date for his new job’s new year gala/party or whatever and its mandatory he attends with a date/partner/spouse
So against his better judgement he follows Thatch’s advice to stand on the side of the road with a sign stating his name, his job and that he needs a date ASAP, please call x number
And it’s pretty mortifying, just standing there, with Thatch (who did show up as moral support) trying to wingman various people into going with him but to no avail
Until a young man approaches and asks if he’s serious and Marco sighs like unfortunately. Yes.
Ace shifts on his feet and thinks about how this year his holidays are going to be quieter seeing as Luffy’s staying in his uni dorms for the winter holidays instead of coming home and Sabo has to visit his family due to legal shit this year bc sorting inheritance and he’s feeling petty
So he asks what’s the dress code ? And Marco shrugs like formal? Theme is winter colours I suppose and Ace thinks it over a little long and then pulls out his phone to save Marco’s number
Thatch is beside himself lurking behind Marco like 👀, Marco kicks him in the shins surreptitiously
Glad that he’s sorted out the date issue, Marco and Ace end up texting frequently, and its super cute, Ace currently works as a freelance accountant whilst enrolling in online classes to get a teaching degree (kindergarten teacher Ace strikes again hehe), he likes cats, spicy food, documentaries and going on long hikes
Marco didn’t expect to catch feelings this fast, especially considering they’ve only met once in person and texted there after. He’s a little nervous as the gala date grows closers and asks Ace if he still wants to go and Ace sends him a voice message, the first one ever where he jokingly reprimands Marco like hey! No take backsies, you asked for this I’ promised you and besides I’m down for free fancy hors d’oeuvres lol
So they set a time to meet up so they can go together, Ace doesn’t have a car, a motorcycle yes but Marco isn’t keen on arriving cold and windswept so he offers to drive seeing as alcohol isn’t really his thing
And when he arrives to pick Ace up, he hadn’t been expecting much, considering he’s really just wearing a nice suit himself but Ace waits for him in a very daring white ensemble, perfectly tailored to fit and contrasts with his hair prettily, bc supermodel Ace is always necessary for modern aus too thanks ❤️
Speechless, Marco just looks him over and Ace smiles and tells him this is the only good suit he actually owns, (Sabos tailor is goated in this au, Sabo also forced Ace to get one good suit bc its for life bro) Ace shyly asks is it alright and Marco kinda struggles to say much bc ha pretty man
But he reassures him of course, if anything he feels underdressed now and then flusters when Ace flickers his eyes up and down his body, clearly, obviously checking him out
And the entire social event with Ace turns out to be so much better than he expected, dare he say fun, Ace being more extroverted than him talks for the both of them, happily chats and sustains conversations with Marco’s colleagues and their wives or husbands etc, they even win something together during the bingo hour and when the dance floor opens up, Marco, notoriously known within his own family for having two left feet allows Ace to drag him out, unable to resist his smile and lets him lead them around the dancefloor to dated festive music and it must be the wine Marco said he wouldnt have (but he did, its fine hes still sober) but as the night wears on, Ace becomes beautifully disheveled, in the sense that he’s slightly flushed from the champagne, his hair that was initially styled now mussed from how hes run his hands through his hair
It only feels natural to kiss him beneath faux crystal and snow
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starry-night-rose · 1 year
♥️♠️♣️♦️🌹 (and 🃏 if you feel like putting her in lmao) for dear Astrid's dynamics with her dorm mates?
OHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! Time to go absolutely crazy!
Astrid’s relationships with her Heartslabyul Dormmates
♥️ - Astrid and Ace had a rocky first start with one another. Ace wouldn’t stop teasing Astrid when they were both studying in the Heartslabyul dorm and ended up with Ace being hit directly in the face by a book thrown by Astrid! Ace, influenced by Deuce, the housewarden, and just about the entire dorm, ended up apologizing to Astrid and trying to make up for his past behavior! Nowadays, they’re very good friends! Though they do always tease one another, they know that deep down the other cares about them! Ace does tend to call Astrid “freckles” more than her actual name at times though.
♠️ - Compared to Ace, Astrid and Deuce had a nice start with one another! Astrid honestly thought he was an honors student at first due to his mannerisms and his advice. This led to Astrid often turning to Deuce for advice as in her eyes, he’s a perfect honors student! This often causes Deuce to get flustered and give out some advice that an honors student would never give! Astrid never realizing what he said and continues to see him as an honors student, repeat cycle again and again. Other than that, they have a very sweet relationship with one another! Astrid is usually the one to motivate Deuce to get things done and tries to help him with homework!
♣️ - Astrid sees Trey as the father she never had! As Astrid has an....interesting relationship with her father, she finds Trey to be like the definition of what a father should be like! Sometimes she even slips up and calls him “Dad” at times! As Astrid is also a dessert connoisseur as well, she typically is the one to request that he bakes sweets for the dorm and by extension her! Astrid tends to laugh at his “dad jokes” more than the other students which does help Astrid obtain extra servings compared to other students
♦️ - Cater was the one to show Astrid the magical world of social media and all of its many misfortunes! Cater showed her his phone one day at a Light Music Club meeting one day and it was all over from there! Other than exposing her to the wonders of the internet, Cater and Astrid are very good buddies! They work very well together when playing instruments! Astrid is always laughing at Cater’s internet lingo and at times incorporates it into her own vocabulary!
🌹 - Most shockingly, Riddle does seem to not mind Astrid as much unlike her fellow freshmen Ace and Deuce! Could it be because she’s a princess of a foreign nation or that she always seems to be trying her best at everything she does or even the fact that Astrid’s sister would strike down Riddle from where he stood if he ever lost his temper at her. Who’s to say! Riddle and Astrid have a nice friendship with one another due to their shared love of sweets and horseback-riding! Riddle is also the one to entrust Astrid with being in charge of games at unbirthday parties!
🃏 - Astrid and Joker are absolutely best friends! With them being both in Heartslabyul and the Light Music Club, it was expected for them to be besties! Could an accordion and a tambourine sound good together? Who knows! Astrid and Joker would find a way to make it work! These two balls of energy are just too much fun together! Very much the Jokesters of the dorm together! Astrid at times attempts to play wingman for Joker to....mixed results! Astrid just wants the best for her good friend! Astrid can also relate to Joker as she too is very close with her sibling! All in all, definitely best friends!
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zcl01 · 3 years
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[M] - mature
one shots
il ritratto di prometeo
since he was little, Jeno remembers his mother tying him with the cute nickname of Prometeo, or as his father liked to call him: Prometheus. Growing up, Jeno’s mother left him and he started dreading the name. It wasn’t so difficult to understand why Jeno and Prometeo were so similar, while the latter had stolen fire from the gods, Jeno was the fire itself. That very summer, when his father decides to bring Jeno with him in a little town in the northen of Italy, he finally seems to be able to extinguish that very fire that has been chewing his bones, in your waters. 
i had an enemy
You could never understand why everyone loved Jeno. Sure, he was the Commanders son. Okay, he was the best student. And yeah, he’s an amazing Gravity player. And maybe he had a beautiful eye smile...and wonderful black hair that you want to run your hands through...and his jokes were just terrible enough to make you laugh...but, still, you hated him...right?
home [M]
The story of your first love, which never truly ends for anyone. Luckily for you, Lee Jeno was the perfect first boyfriend. The struggle for you is trying to be perfect for him.
midnight moon
You’ve grown up on your grandfather’s tales of the sea and dreamed of your own adventures, even in your old town in the middle of nowhere. In which stories and dreams become a reality, and suddenly everything has changed.
battlecry (ft. jaemin)
love is cruel, ignorance is bliss, and all good kings must learn this.
mirror mirror [M]
dom antics [M]
a pleasant twist is always openly welcomed, but with your boyfriend’s inevitable nature, how will you present the idea?
lee jeno and the transfiguration spell [M]
sarcastic syltherin!y/n meets charming gryffindor!jeno. since draco malfoy graduated, y/n has become one of the most hated slytherin in hogwarts, yet, jeno is still infatuated with her and will do anything to be given her time of day, even if it means sabotaging his reputation by casting a particular spell to win her heart.
promises [M]
When a system error at your new university’s residence leaves you to share a dorm with a hot male roommate, you find yourself in for more than just a sleepless night or two when you realize that he has a habit of walking around shirtless all the time.
narcissistic lovers: jeno [M]
rich boy jeno. and he loves you, even if you’re not considered top class the way he is. but life’s not always a fairytale.
kiss and tell [M]
how long can you keep your relationship with jeno a secret? fwb!au
the cave [M]
fratboy!au, kinda e2l
10 things i know about you
there are ten important things you learn about lee jeno during your time in quarantine.
eventual [M]
falling in love with your best friend, lee jeno.
vulcan and venus
somehow, love blooms out of ashes.
always return
it sparks up the fire, a flame that still burns. Oh, it's to you i'll always return.
vampire play [M]
The division of upperclassmen vampires and the humans at school, is the only thing that’s stopping Lee Jeno from loving you entirely. Like how vampires hide in the shadows, your growing love for each other is needed to be kept hidden because Jeno’s family cannot be involved with a human such as you. The family name should stay pure and untouched.
the element of substance
earthbender!jeno x avatar!y/n
the dumbing down of love
the six times you caught him staring at you, and the one time he caught you. ↳ alternatively: dumb and dumber fall in love.
i heard a rumour [M]
You hate that the new camp counselor you’re bunking with is Jeno, the “bad boy” that was rumored to have cheated on your best friend in high school. He doesn’t want to room with you either, believing the rumor that you started the rumor that fueled his (fake) cold, heartless reputation. But somehow, everything changes over the summer. 
mission wingman: failed
After hearing you whine about not having a boyfriend for what feels like eternity, your best friend, Lee Jeno, finds a new talent in him-- the art of being a wingman. His mission of finding the right one for you doesn’t go as well as he planned, and 3 failed dates later, you finally have enough. In other words, this is a story about the 3 times Lee Jeno offered you a bad date and the fourth time he finally decides to fix it.
bad reputation
People have judged you for being a single mother at eighteen. They thought of malicious things about your job for having to work from dusk to dawn. All of them are quick to jump to wrong conclusions and as quick to turn a blind eye when you needed help. All except for Jeno. (This one does have heavy themes so tread carefully)
after hours [M]
your boyfriend sneaks into your dorms at night to hang out.
sea foam
when the light hits the room in brilliant streaks of gold, jeno buries his face into you once again, desperately hoping that maybe it was a mistake he misheard, and there's no such thing as disappearing into foam.
maybe it’s the chlorine
Jeno feels like he’s swimming in jealousy as he watches you and Renjun from afar.
prince of wolves [M]
Having the ability of flight as one of the pure blood royal line vampires has given you the joy of turning into a bat, you just mastered the ability, thinking it would be safe to be flying about freely in the safety of your own coven, until you end up tumbling into one of those tiny cell windows you had always thought were drain holes, falling into the lap of one of the most dashing men you’ve ever seen walk the earth.
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in the moonlight [completed]
with the full moon approaching, jeno makes the unfortunate decision to sneak up on you when you’re out picking herbs. he soon realises it’s a mistake, and then the two of you are launched in a race against time to get back what you’ve lost.
everlong [ongoing, can be read standalone]
In a time where everything is colorful and bright, Jeno is nothing more than a little black spot, an outsider, a weirdo and the people in the little suburb you both grew up in, decide to ignore and judge him from afar rather than getting to know the boy with the dark and ripped clothes and the weird taste in music. 
But if they would spend even the smallest amount of time actually trying to get to know the silent boy who everyone assumes gets in a lot of trouble in his free time, they could actually see what you see in him: A boy with an incredibly huge heart and a sweet spot for street cats and guitars of all sort. A boy who understands you like no one else and who you never want to let go ever again. 
tomorrow never dies [completed]
Lab rats. Nothing more. You did as you were told and you didn’t ask questions. Those who didn’t follow by those rules payed the price. Your abilities make you dangerous to the world, so you stay in the facility, learning how to control yourself, learning how to not endanger others. When you wake up one day suddenly forgetting the past few days, you start to question what you know and the safety of the “sanctuary” that you are in. What will happen when seven other boys seem to have the same revelation and you become an immediate danger to those running the facility?
apartment b23 [ongoing]
moving in with four boys seemed daunting at first, but they quickly became your best friends. well except for one, who seems to absolutely hate you.
with great power [ongoing]
there are two things jeno loves most about his life. one being spiderman, the other being you, his best friend. there’s just one issue: after your father’s death, you decide you hate both spiderman and yourself.
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nights with jeno
deep in your embrace
heat wave
to you, my life and my death
thighs [M]
talking back [M]
stress relief [M]
birthday [M]
they’ll never know [desi!au]
kitchen beat [M]
dating jeno
shy away
jeno as your bf
liquid and fumes
you’re late
best friend
all the time in the world
shake you down [M]
bad boy
breeding kink [M]
kisses for comfort
good night
embraces with jeno
breeding (kinktober)
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[1:58pm] - M
[6:45pm] - M
updated 2021.11.01
i do not claim to own any of the works linked above as they are sole property of the respective owners.
596 notes · View notes
lesbiansanemi · 2 years
For the request thing (idk if if it’s just like requests or commissions so if it is commissions I’m sorry but I have no way to pay you so you can just decline if that’s what it is) I think it would be funny to see nobara being a wingman for yuuji (who’s trying to get megumi to notice his advances) and being surprisingly good at it. And when yuuji tries to return the favor and help her out with maki his plan goes completely wrong but it all works out cause him and megumi combined manage to save the day. I just love platonic nobara and yuuji, I also really love how you wrote them in your other fic about them and shibuya. I also just love your writing lol
Oh, thank you! I hope you like this one, I had a lot of fun with Yuuji and Nobara in it :D
Ao3 link
“I’m telling you, this isn’t gonna work,” Nobara sang as she pranced around the kitchen counter. “Megumi’s fucking clueless. You’re gonna have to get down on one knee with a rose before he even thinks there might be any romantic intent.” 
“Come on, Nobara, you’re being ridiculous,” Yuuji said as he shifted the stir fry around the skillet. “I’m making him lunch. It’s not like you make him lunch.” 
Nobara placed an elbow on the counter and rested her chin on it. “Yeah, I don’t cook for anyone. And like I said, Megumi’s fucking clueless. He’ll just think ‘Oh geez, Yuuji’s such a nice guy, he made me lunch to be nice!’” 
“I don’t think Megumi has ever sounded that cheerful in his entire life,” Yuuji refuted. 
“Oh, my bad.” Nobara slumped her shoulders, forced an over-exaggerated frown onto her face, and lowered her voice as much as she possibly could. “‘Ah god, Yuuji made me lunch. Why is he so nice? I didn’t fucking ask him to be.’” 
“Mm, better,” Yuuji said. “But I still think—” 
“Hey.” Megumi shuffled into the kitchen, and Yuuji snapped his mouth shut and turned his head away. “What are you two doing?” 
Nobara pulled her phone out of her pocket, unlocking it to scroll aimlessly through the first app that caught her eye. “Yuuji’s making you lunch,” she said without looking up. 
Yuuji made a rather amusing choking noise, and Nobara had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing. What, had he thought it would be less obvious if he just served Megumi a plate of food and said it was for him? Shit, even if he had, like she’d said, Megumi wouldn’t notice anything was amiss. 
“Oh.” Megumi sat down on the stool next to her, face as impassive as ever. “Why?” 
“To… to be nice?” Yuuji attempted with a small smile. “You want some?” 
“Uh, sure, since you went through the trouble of making it, I guess.” He shrugged before pulling out his own phone. “We’ve got that mission later though, so make sure you both are ready to go on time.” 
Yuuji’s smile fell, and Nobara couldn’t help but mouth, I told you so. 
Her friend glared, but didn’t dare to argue in front of Megumi. 
“Do you think if I asked him to go watch a movie with me he’d get the idea?” Yuuji asked a few days later. 
“Megumi doesn’t even like movies,” Nobara said. “You ever seen him watch a movie?” She clutched her switch controller tighter and scooted a little closer to the screen. If she could just hit Yuuji with a turtle shell—
“I guess not…” Yuuji said. “What does he like to do? He’s never that excited when we go out to eat, he doesn’t ever buy anything when we go out shopping, he—” 
Nobara punched the button, and let out a triumphant whoop as her shell hit Yuuji and she was able to cross the finish line just before him. 
“Oh fuck you.” He flopped backwards so he was sprawled across her bedroom floor. “I’m trying to have a genuine conversation.” 
“Your fault for starting it during Mario Kart.” But she set her controller aside, and laid down on the floor next to him. 
God, the ceilings in these dorms were disgusting. Why the hell did no one ever clean them? 
Yuuji groaned and laid his arm over his eyes. “I don’t wanna just ask him out! What if I freak him out? I wanna—Well, I wanna see if he’s even interested, or at least hint that I like him without just dumping it on him without any warning, you know? But nothing I try is working!” 
“Okay, do you want actual advice and help? Or you want me to butt out and mind my own damn business?” she asked. “‘Cause I’m more than happy to help, or just keep watching you crash and burn. Doesn’t really matter to me.” 
He was silent for a few moments, and let his arm drift back to his side, before saying, “I want help. Clearly I’ve got no damn idea what I’m doing.” 
“Alright, cool!” Nobara shot back into a sitting position. “Like I’ve said before, Megumi is clueless. If you wanna drop hints without being ridiculously obvious, the best way to do that is going to be treating him slightly different than he’s used to, and slightly different from everyone else.” 
Yuuji’s face scrunched up in confusion. “The hell does that mean?” 
Nobara tilted her head and tapped her finger against her chin. How best to explain this…? “Megumi doesn’t touch us,” she decided. 
“Megumi doesn’t touch us,” she repeated. “Think about it! He hardly ever initiates physical contact. Not like me and you do, anyways. He keeps to himself.” 
“Oh… yeah, I guess you’re right,” Yuuji said. 
Nobara waved him off. “Of course I am. But here’s my point. Touch is obviously reserved for special people for Megumi, and knowing Megumi, he probably assumed everyone else is the same way. So a simple thing you could do would be to just… touch him more often. Sit closer to him on the couch. Tap his shoulder from time to time. Grab onto his arm when you laugh. That kinda thing.” 
“Wow, that’s actually a really good idea,” Yuuji said. “Is that a girl thing? Are girls just better at this?” 
“No, it’s a me thing. I’m better at this.” She picked his controller up off the floor and tossed it to him. “So give that a go. Now come on, quit moping. I’m winning this cup, so hurry up and pick the course.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” He sat up and began scrolling through the different race tracks.
Nobara watched with a triumphant smile as Yuuji sat much closer to Megumi than he normally did on the couch. She had to give it to him, her friend didn’t make a big deal out of the unusual action at all. He just reached for the TV remote, and began flicking through channels like nothing was going on. 
Megumi glanced over at him, his brows knitting together in confusion, but he didn’t say anything. He turned back to the book propped open on his knee, but after every page or so, he looked to Yuuji, who was still just flicking through the channels. 
Their shoulders were brushing, and Yuuji shifted his leg so that their thighs pressed together. 
Megumi didn’t try to shy away. 
Without bothering to be sly about it, Nobara whipped out her cell phone and snapped a photo of them. Both boys were too distracted to notice regardless. She sent it to Maki with the caption, I deserve a medal for helping Yuuji get your idiot cousin to realize he likes him. 
It only took a few seconds for Maki to send back, They’re just sitting next to each other on the couch? 
Trust me, it’s a progress 
Whatever u say 
I do say! And she punctuated the text with roughly ten sparkly emoji hearts. 
“What’s got you grinning over there?” Megumi asked, tearing her attention away from her phone. “That’s usually not a prelude to anything good.” 
“Fuck off and mind your own damn business!” she snapped as she turned her nose up. “Why the fuck are you sitting so damn close to Yuuji anyways?” 
Yuuji’s mouth fell open, and she snorted at the look of complete and utter betrayal on his face, as if she still didn’t know exactly what she was doing. 
“Wha—I don’t—He just sat down here!” Megumi sputtered. “And I wasn’t about to get up and move!” A faint red blush dusted across his cheeks. “You fuck off!” 
“Oh, whatever.” Nobara pulled her knees up to her chest, readjusting to try and get comfortable in her own chair. “I was just wondering. Normally you push me away if I get that close.” She shrugged. “Hey, we should go get sushi later tonight.” 
Megumi narrowed his eyes, but his posture began to relax as he picked up his book again. “Yeah, whatever. I’m not paying though.” 
“I’ll just snatch Gojo’s credit card again,” she said, already pulling up a list of good sushi places in Tokyo. “I’m inviting Maki.” 
Yuuji began to relax as he realized Megumi had moved on from Nobara’s accusations. “Aw, you’re inviting Maki but not Panda or Inumaki?” 
“We’ll just bring them some sushi back if it’s so important to you,” she said with a wave of her hand. “I’m already setting up a reservation for the four of us.” 
“So… Bad news,” Nobara said with an exaggerated sigh. “The reservations got screwed up, but! They can do two sets of two.” 
Maki raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything, while Megumi demanded, “What?” in a flat voice. 
“So, Megumi, Yuuji, you two get your own table, and me and Maki will get ours,” Nobara continued. “We’ll just meet back up and go out and do something after we eat.” 
Maki rolled her eyes, but was quick to play along with the scheme she’d already figured out. “Yeah, whatever. I’m not standing here and waiting forever, just so I can eat raw fish next to you two jokers.” She rested her elbow on Nobara’s shoulder. “You boys have fun on your date.” 
Megumi just stared at them, while Yuuji muttered something about it not being a date. 
“Come on.” Maki nudged Nobara further into the restaurant. “I’m fucking starving.” 
Nobara glanced over her shoulder and winked at Yuuji, before allowing Maki to guide her along. 
“Real fucking subtle,” Maki muttered in her ear. 
Nobara resisted the urge to lean in closer. “Yeah, well, subtle isn’t gonna work too well for them.” 
“I suppose you’re right,” Maki said with a shrug. “Megumi’s always been that way.” 
Must be a Zen’in trait… Nobara thought, because despite Maki figuring out exactly what was going on with Yuuji and Megumi, she didn’t realize that Nobara had orchestrated this whole thing for another reason. 
But whatever. They had the whole school year. And for now, she would just enjoy her fancy sushi. 
Not five minutes after they sat down, Nobara’s phone buzzed, and Megumi’s name popped up. 
Nobara! Does Yuuji have a thing for me? 
She snickered and held the phone out towards Maki. “Told you I knew what I was doing.” 
Maki leaned back to rest her arm on the back of her chair. “Alright, alright, I’ll give it to you. But to be fair, only a fucking idiot wouldn’t realize someone was trying to set them up on a date after what you just pulled.” 
Nobara narrowed her eyes, and had to bite her tongue to keep from saying something she would regret. 
Her phone buzzed again, and she pulled it back. 
She smiled as she sent back yeah lol and then tucked her phone back into her pocket, content to ignore it for the rest of the dinner. 
It didn’t buzz again. 
“You know, you could have just told me you were interested,” Megumi said as soon as they got back to the dorms, and Maki headed back to her own room, leaving Nobara a little disappointed. “Or you could have just told me he was interested,” he continued as he whirled around to jab a finger towards her. 
Nobara raised her hands in surrender. “All I did was what was asked of me. He said he didn’t want to be obvious.” 
“But you were obvious!” Yuuji exclaimed. “You were so obvious! The only more obvious thing you could’ve done was tell him!” 
“I told you, he’s oblivious. This was the only way anything was going to happen within the next… oh, six or so months.” She shrugged and kicked her shoes off. “Now you can go hold hands or canoodle or do whatever the hell it is you wanna do. I’ll just go fuck off and watch shitty reality TV to feel better about my own life.” 
Yuuji caught her arm as she tried to turn and walk off. “Really… thanks. I know I never would have said anything if you hadn’t done any of that.” 
Nobara shrugged and offered him a small smile. “Hey, what are friends for? But really, I’m happy for you two. But leave me out of it when you’re being gross!” 
Megumi hid his face in his hands. “This is so embarrassing.” 
“What, caring about someone?” Nobara teased. “What are you, five?” 
“No! Not noticing what you two were up to! I knew something was weird when you basically sat on top of me on the couch—” 
“I left an inch of space between us!” Yuuji argued. 
Nobara snorted. Yeah, this definitely never would have gone anywhere without her meddling. “Well now you can sit on top of each other in peace. Like I said, I’m gonna go watch some shitty reality TV, you two have fun.” 
Yuuji and Megumi exchanged a quick look, and Yuuji grabbed her as she tried to walk off again. “Hey… Is something wrong?” 
“No. Nothing’s wrong.” She shook her head. Maki just didn’t notice anything at all, again, no matter what I do, and I’m running out of ideas. “It’s fine.” 
“Wait… What was the point in bringing Maki?” Yuuji asked. 
Shit, shit, shit. The last thing she wanted was for them to know she had a thing for Maki! Knowing Yuuji, he’d never be able to keep his mouth shut! 
“She wasn’t in on it, was she?” he asked. 
“I mean, no, not really,” she said. “She figured it out, but she didn’t know what was going on beforehand or anything. I just—” 
“You like Maki!” he exclaimed with a triumphant grin. “You like Maki!” 
Nobara lunged forward and pressed her hand over his mouth. “Shut the hell up! I do not!” 
“You’re a bad liar,” Megumi said as he crossed his arms. 
“It’s none of your damn business who I do and don’t like!” 
“I mean, you meddled with us,” he pointed out. 
“Because I was asked!” 
Yuuji gasped and clapped his hands together, wiggling away from Nobara so he could speak without her hand covering his mouth. “I’m gonna set you up with Maki! Like you did tonight!” 
“Please don’t,” she requested. It wasn’t that she had no faith in Yuuji—
Who was she kidding? She had no faith in Yuuji to be successful regarding something like that. He wasn’t even able to handle his own crush in a reasonable way, and there was no way in hell he would be able to convince Maki to ask Nobara out, or orchestrate a situation where such a thing would happen. 
“Aw, why not?” he pouted. “I wanna help you like you helped me! Maybe I could convince Gojo to send you two on a mission together or something. Or I’ll tell her you think glasses are cute!” 
Nobara’s eye twitched, and she fought the urge to drag her hands down her face. “Yuuji…” 
“Maybe you could make her dinner—” he continued. 
Megumi laid a hand on Yuuji’s shoulder and shook his head. “Maki’s not gonna go for anything like that.” 
“Well, I’ll think of something! Don’t worry, Nobara. I’ve got this!” 
Nobara laughed softly. “Yeah, whatever, Yuuji. I’m going to bed. You two have a good time. Kiss or something, I dunno.” She waved over her shoulder as she walked back to her room. 
At exactly 2:37 a.m., Nobara blearily woke up to the fire alarm going off, and shrill shouting in the hallway. 
“The fuck…?” She fumbled for her phone, but no one had sent any messages explaining what was going on. She had half a mind to go back to sleep, because she highly doubted anything was actually one fire, but curiosity got the better of her, and she rolled out of bed with her comforter wrapped around her shoulders, and shuffled out into the hallway. 
“What the fuck were you jackasses thinking!?” Maki snarled as she grabbed Yuuji by the t-shirt and shook him so violently Nobara heard his teeth clack together. “My shit is soaked!” 
Nobara frowned, and realized Maki herself was soaked. Her pajamas were dripping wet, and her hair was plastered to her face and neck. 
Oh my god… 
“Did you idiots set off the sprinklers!?” she demanded. 
“Only in my fucking room!” Maki shouted. “Gojo showed up and switched it off before anything got ruined but my entire fucking room is wet!” 
Yuuji wrenched himself out of Maki’s hold to hide behind Megumi. “It was an accident, Maki! I swear!” 
Megumi sighed and hung his head. “It was. He was just being stupid and bumped the sprinkler activation outside your door.” 
“Why were you even outside my door!?” 
“Uh…” Yuuji peaked over Megumi’s shoulder. “We were just going for a walk?” 
“In the middle of the night in the dorms!?” 
“Listen, it’s not a big deal,” Megumi assured her. “Like you said, nothing got ruined, and we’ll help clean it up in the morning. Why don’t you just stay with Nobara tonight or something?” 
Nobara’s mouth fell open as it all slotted into place, and she swore she was going to kill Yuuji in the morning. 
After she used this dumbass excuse for a sleepover with Maki. 
“Yeah, you can stay in my room,” she said. “My bed’s really comfy, and you can borrow some of my PJs.” 
Maki took a deep, calming breath. “You know what? Whatever. Fine. I’ll skin you both in the morning. I’m tired, and woke up to freezing fucking water pouring on top of me.” She twisted on her heel and marched towards Nobara. “But if this is what you two are gonna be like because you started dating, you’re breaking up!” 
“Aw, come on…” Yuuji whined. 
Megumi whacked the back of his head. “Your idea, you’re the one to blame.” 
“You better be talking about your supposed walk and nothing else,” Maki hissed as she peeled her top off so she was just in her sports bra. 
Don’t stare, don’t stare. God, why the fuck are you staring!? 
“Yep, yep! Walk and nothing else! Come on, Megumi!” Yuuji grabbed the other boy’s hand and yanked him down the hallway. “Let’s go thank Gojo for turning the alarms off and then go to bed.” 
Megumi grumbled something about him being an idiot, but followed after him. 
“Sorry about this,” Maki said as her shoulders slumped. “Did I wake you up?” 
“I think it was more the fire alarms…” Nobara said as she did her best to pry her eyes away from Maki’s abs. “Uh… Sorry about them. They can be stupid sometimes.” 
“Oh I fucking know. I’m not buying that walk bullshit, and I don’t wanna know what they were actually doing.” She shook her head, and reached up to wring out her hair, leaving water to drip on the hallway floor. “You have a towel I can borrow?” 
“Yeah.” Nobara opened up the door to her dorm and gestured for Maki to head inside. “At least we don’t have class tomorrow, so we can sleep in.” 
“Yeah, I guess.” Maki stripped down to her boxers next, leaving her soaked pajamas in a heap on the floor. “I’ll just sleep like this, if that’s cool with you?” 
“Uh… Mmhm! Y-Yep!” Nobara squeaked. “Do whatever you want!” God, it was a good thing the only light was from the moonlight filtering in from the window, because she could feel the heat on her cheeks. 
Nobara found a towel and handed it to Maki, watching as she toweled her hair and body dry, before dropping it with her wet clothes. 
“Do you want the wall, or the outside?” Nobara forced herself to ask, still not quite believing this was happening. 
“Wall,” Maki decided, before crawling into Nobara’s bed and making herself right at home. “Damn, why have you got so many pillows?” 
“I like pillows…” Nobara climbed in next to her. “It’s comfy.” 
“Yeah, guess it is.” Maki nestled herself beneath the blankets, laying on her side. “Come on, lay down.” 
With little else to do, Nobara flopped down next to her, and had to bite her tongue to keep from squeaking as Maki tugged her closer and nestled her against her to be the little spoon. 
“Night, Nobara…” Maki muttered as she draped her arm over Nobara’s waist.
Nobara couldn’t hide her giddy smile. “Goodnight, Maki.” 
Maybe… just maybe… Yuuji was as much of a dumbass as she thought. Maybe.
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basicallywhiterice · 3 years
countdown (na jaemin)
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pairing: na jaemin x reader
genre: fluff. friends to lovers, college!au
summary: The three times you should have made a move, the two times you tried to, and the one time you didn’t need to.
word count: 1.5k
warnings: cussing
a/n: alternatively titled “haechan being both the best and worst wingman to grace the face of the earth”
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i. Three times you should have made a move.
“Hey! Jaemin! Over here,” Haechan shouts, waving at a boy clad in an oversized flannel across the dining hall. He turns, lighting up when he waves back, and all but runs over from the dish drop-off section.
“He’s my roommate,” Haechan introduces once Jaemin is in earshot. “Jaemin, this is y/n. Y/n, Jaemin,” Haechan introduces.
He’s cute, you notice immediately, his floppy hair swept to the side messily. Almost as quickly, you dispel the thought and do your best not to stare, extending a hand for him to shake on instinct. “Nice to meet you, Jaemin. So you’re the roommate who keeps losing his AirPods?”
In the second your hand hangs there, empty, you have enough time to go through all five stages of grief. You blundered in front of Haechan’s unfairly attractive roommate you’ll no doubt see again, about his AirPods? You prepare to draw your hand back and smooth it over your hair to relieve the awkwardness of rejected handshake.
Then Jaemin shakes your hand, eyes crinkling up as he beams. If you thought he was cute before, you’re a goner once his smile is directed at you. “Nice to meet you too, y/n. And yeah, that’s me. Were you the one who convinced him to get me the glow-in-the-dark Among Us case? That was honestly the best housewarming gift I’ve ever gotten.”
“Hey, that was all his idea. Besides convincing him to spend an extra dollar on the glow-in-the-dark, I played no part in it.”
“I’m sure. In any case, you have excellent taste. Thank you for picking it out.” He turns to converse with Haechan, but you don’t hear the rest of what he says over the sound of you putting your foot in your mouth.
As soon as he walks away, you collapse into a heap of regret on the table. “Why didn’t you tell me your new roommate was hot before we got the gag gift?” you groan. “God, how am I supposed to flirt with him after that?”
“You just met the guy, relax,” Haechan reassures, taking a bite out of his sandwich. “Stop overreacting,” he mumbles around a mouthful of his BLT.
You raise your head to glare at him for being your voice of reason, and he wiggles his eyebrows.
“You like him already, huh? Don’t worry, he actually thought the case was funny. You’re fine.”
You bury your face in your hands in lieu of responding.
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Jaemin is in your Algorithms class, you come to learn, likes useless trinkets more than you do, and vehemently opposes your dislike of coffee.
“Just try it,” he coaxes when he orders his second americano in an hour. “Haechan likes it, and you trust him, right?”
“With my life,” you deadpan as you both glance across the library to observe his attempts to flirt with the junior making his Starbucks order. He drops his straw when he gestures with his right hand, and you both snicker when he bends down to pick it up. “Actually, I think I’ll pass.”
Jaemin shrugs, taking a short sip from his cup before wincing and fanning his tongue. “Maybe you’re right. Anyways, which block did you want me to read?”
You show him, making edits as he comments on your code, and thank him once the block is fixed.
“No problem,” he grins. “Let me know if anything else is confusing. I’m happy to help.”
Just as you open your mouth to start the ritual of asking for his number, Haechan interrupts. “I got their number,” he announces, setting his phone down firmly between you and Jaemin and holding out his hands for a high five.
You sigh and half-heartedly slap his right hand despite your annoyance. At least one of you can be lucky in love, even if it comes at the expense of the other person.
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“What’s the most common fear you have?” you ask Jaemin, tracing the outline of a cloud against the pale blue sky with your finger.
“What do you mean?” he asks, turning to lie on his side. You drop your hand to rest on his beige blanket and meet his questioning glance.
“Like spiders, public speaking, dying single… what’re your fears that are common?”
He squints as a strong gust of wind blows his hair into his face. “I think you’re overexaggerating how common the intense fear of dying single is.”
“Why?” you ask, not entirely sure why you’re pressing him about this. “Are you not afraid of it?”
“Hm, I guess I’m a lot more scared of dying alone than dying single. What are your thoughts?”
A fleeting semblance of a pickup line involving the two of you and not being single surfaces in your brain, but it never reaches coherence. Instead, you respond, “Heights, probably.”
And rejection, you sadly add in your head. Definitely rejection.
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ii. Two times you tried to make a move.
“Hey, did I spell this right?”
When you lean over to read Jaemin’s meticulously written flashcard, your knee bumps into his. He mumbles an apology but makes no move to shift his leg. You stay like that, reviewing your notes for your last midterm together, until Haechan opens the door to his dorm and you scoot to different places on the couch.
“Hey Jaemin!” Haechan calls when he’s halfway in the bathroom. “Don’t forget about the trash,” he reminds, closing the door.
“Oh shit, one sec!” Jaemin hollers back. You wince at the volume, and he sheepishly turns toward you. “Sorry. Gotta take out the trash once he’s done,” he gestures, hand sweeping outwards before he knocks a couch pillow over.
Before he can fix it, you blurt, “Take me out while you’re at it too,” without missing a beat.
He doesn’t have time to react before you start laughing it off awkwardly. You don’t want to—damn it, why can’t you just be direct—but the fear of rejection overrides your confidence.
“Funny, right? Because of how ‘take out’ has different meanings? I’m hilarious, I know.”
He stares at you for a second too long before letting out a delayed chuckle. Haechan spares you the awkwardness of hearing his reply when he exits the bathroom and sits down between both of you, though, and Jaemin leaves with the trash soon after.
“Nice save, Casanova,” Haechan grins as soon as Jaemin steps out, reclining back into the couch. His Cheshire-Cat-esque smirk only grows when you reach over to smack him with the knocked-over pillow. “Wanna get take out once he gets back?”
You throw the pillow in his face this time. “I’m never coming back here again.”
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You find yourself waiting outside their dorm exactly twelve days later when your code won’t run after two hours of debugging and neither of them will answer your texts.
“Asshole,” you shoot at Haechan when he opens the door. “Please help me.”
“Tough luck. I’ve got a date tonight,” he says, smug.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve helped you pick a better outfit than that,” you critique, glancing at his plain button-up shirt.
“Chill, I haven’t layered anything yet. And Jaemin picked it out, so good luck convincing him to help you debug. And getting a date with him. Coward.”
“You say that like you didn’t interrupt us the first time I was trying to get his number,” you whisper.
“And you act like you would’ve met him without me.”
“Who’s getting a date with me?” Jaemin calls from his desk, pushing up his glasses and frowning at his computer.
“Me,” you call back, and he glances up, eyes widening when he sees it’s you. Ignoring Haechan’s impressed “damn,” you walk over to the chair next to Jaemin. “I’ll help you debug if you help me?”
“You want me to—help you debug? No way,” he says, and for a moment, you regret your boldness. “How’d you know I was dying over coding too?” he continues, and your worries disappear.
“Just a hunch,” you shrug. Haechan leaves when the two of you are hunched over your laptops, elbows brushing gently enough to make it look like an accident.
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iii. One time you didn’t need to make a move.
You look up, halting your check of Jaemin’s backpack to make sure he hasn’t forgotten his AirPods again. “Yeah?”
His ears are tinged with pink and he can’t quite meet your eyes, but he looks like he’s trying his best to do so anyways. “Would… you… like to go out with me on Thursday? Maybe for dinner if you have time?”
You blink, holding your breath for three seconds just in case you misheard or he’s joking. Neither seems to be the case. “On a date?”
���Yes.” He nods. “Yes, a date.” He fidgets with the hem of his shirt. You smile, and he stops.
Silently, you count down from three before answering to avoid blurting out your answer, but it comes out with the same level of enthusiasm nonetheless.
“I’d love to.”
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amelee23 · 4 years
Fool | J. YH
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Genre: Fluff
Tags: Best friends to lovers, Suggestive themes and sexual jokes, Wooyoung is an accidental wingman, Nerdy gamers having at it, A lot of Need for Speed references
No. Words: 3.5k
She always loved when they got completely absorbed in their little bubble - engrossed in what was making them tick in the most passionate of ways. Since Yunho came to pick her up and take her to the dorm, she didn’t even realize when they got there - or even that the house was empty -  because they were too caught in a conversation about the new-coming video games of 2021. The small task of taking off shoes or their jackets, the walk to Yunho’s room and the struggle to get comfortable in the gaming chair; these were not memories in her mind. All she could remember was the way he smiled without stop and the sparkle in his eyes as excitement took over his entire being.
Only after Yunho told her he’s been playing old games lately - specifically racing classics, of the Need For Speed series - had she realized the house was too quiet. Yunho then informed her they all left to eat at a restaurant with the manager team, but he asked to be left behind so he could spend time with his best friend. She couldn’t help the warm smile raising her lips at the sweet sacrifice this man made for her.
A few minutes later and she felt the usual competitive side of her kick in, seeing Yunho with a controller in hand, playing Need for Speed: Underground 2, a game she remembered dearly from her childhood. She couldn’t help but feel she could do so much better than him - and that’s how the challenge came to be.
“Yeah, you want to bet?” Yunho suggested, his cheeks raised in a cheeky smile, but his lips expressed something a lot more smug. 
“2 out of 3: sprint, Street X and drift.” The boy laughed at his best friend’s confidence, finding her determination very charming, like always.
“Deal.” He announced, raising his hand so she could high five the deal to completion. It never failed to amaze him, how gentle her high fives felt to him, even though she’s the only woman he’s ever seen break a controller before. “What are we betting on, money?”
“Money is boring.” Taken aback, Yunho had a healthy laugh at her statement. He couldn’t wait to say this sentence again, out of context, and turn it into both teasing material and an inside joke.
“Okay, then what do you suggest?” He asked, still cackling with a half lidded eye smile.
“Let’s do something more… daring.” Trying to act surprised, Yunho opened his eyes in curiosity and hummed. They both got to thinking for about a minute, then she snapped her fingers exaggeratedly to show she had an idea. “Let’s randomly ask Wooyong to give the loser a punishment!”
“Like, with no context?”
“Exactly! After one of us loses, we ask Wooyong to give out a spicy punishment-! No one would be better than him at coming up with something totally ridiculous that one of us will regret for a lifetime!”
“I mean, you’re not wrong. But I’m starting to think you’re a masochist.”
“It’s a 50/50 gamble, so who knows?” She rebutted, wiggling her eyebrows at Yunho suggestively. He could feel his ears heating up so he pretended to need to face his computer for a while. “So, what do you say?” She questioned him, moving closer to where he was, probably intentionally, because she knew how to tell when he was turning shy. 
“I say you’re both crazy and a genius … a crazy genius. But I’m all on board.”
“Yas, leggo baby!” Yunho shook his head as he took in the image of his best friend leaning back into her chair, controller in hands, legs somewhere in between the right armrest and the air. Her enthusiasm dripped from the way she was grooving to the OST of the game. Warmth and an electricity-like feeling began filling his chest.
It took them perhaps a little too long to decide on the first track to play. Eventually, after long minutes of bickering, they chose a winding long race and swore to not try to mess the other up.
Yunho was the first one to drive, his engine roaring as he continued to hold his acceleration button. He had some lucky escapes from running into traffic - and easily overcame his competition. Now in front, he was taking short cut turns, but to her, they looked too time consuming. Yunho was trying to drive as properly as possible, and it was affecting his time; she couldn’t help but puff up as she realized it would be an easy win against him. With a record of 2:27:34, Yunho rolled his chair away from the screen and let his best friend take over.
Hands grasping the controller, she took a deep breath to overly-dramatize the situation even further.
“Eat my dust.” She mumbled, and Yunho gave her a curious side eye.
Swiftly she overtook all the NPCs, climbing up to first place. She wasn’t even worried about them to begin with. As the turns approached, Yunho realized she wasn’t showing signs of taking her fingers away from the acceleration button - not until the last second, at least. Her turns were either taken with the help of crashing into a wall or into a stylish, speedy drift. Yunho was baffled, thinking that crashing on purpose to finish faster should be considered as cheating. But he accepted his defeat as her time was 2:14:58, over ten seconds less than him.
Cracking her knuckles, she wore a smug smile as she let Yunho choose the next race for them to play. It was 1 to 0 currently, so he decided he should spice things out now - by choosing a ‘random’ Street X race. He probably forgot to mention to her that Street X were his forte in this game.
Yunho put his focus face on from the moment the cars showed up on screen. For most, this Street X race was difficult to even beat on first place - but he knew what he was doing. 
“I hope you had your fun.” He threatened, hands moving effortlessly on the controller to take him through the sharp, abrupt turns which were in Street X - a race type specifically made about taking those turns right, not about speed. Raw talent was dripping off of his fingers, but she didn’t want to feel discouraged just yet. Perhaps her method of using walls to take turns could work here, too-
Now that it was her turn, she realized it wasn’t the case - in here hitting walls was the worst thing you could do. Eyes dashing in between her car and the timer non-stop, she realized she was losing a lot of time correcting her direction if she didn’t brake properly before a turn. By the last lap, she already lost hope, as she reached Yunho’s record and wasn’t done with the race yet. 
“Tight game.” She stated, trying to ease the thick competitive air in the room. Yunho just smiled, a sparkle of something naughty in his eyes.
“Would you like to do the honours?” He asked, referring to choosing the drift track, the last race of their competition. He looked so sure of himself, to even offer that she chooses the track; she couldn’t help but feel even more frustrated by that cockyness. 
“Yeah.” She answered, not even looking him in the eyes. She knew what track she wanted - the one on the actual streets of the city, which had two off road areas - those were bomb in doing drifts over 50.000 points. 
Yunho was surprised she chose such a difficult track, but didn’t really complain. He had recently unlocked this track since he was nearing the end of the game, and so he knew the trick of the off road areas too, especially because he failed them enough times. He collected small drifts here and there on the way to the first special area, then he made sure to catch enough speed to send the back of his car in a beautiful curve, following the form of the turn. He didn’t need to, but he took the risk of connecting that turn to the next one that followed and gathered around 74.000 points in that area only. She was biting her lip, wondering if she still had the nimbleness to beat that.
The next special area gained him about 37.000, and with all the other points collected from smaller drifts, he was able to gain over 130 thousand. 
She was already pinching the bridge of her nose, knowing that she would probably lose. It’s been a while since she played this game, and the special drift areas were always a gamble. Yunho couldn’t help but laugh at the tension in her back, giving her a friendly pat to brighten up.
“You got this!” He cheered, because even if he wanted to win, he didn’t like seeing her so discouraged. He often times also got mad when he realized he was being too competitive and not giving anyone a chance to win against him.
She started out just like Yunho, gaining some small scores on the way to the main attraction of the race. As she saw the goal in her eyes, suddenly she struggled to regain control of her car in the midst of the big drift. She was headed straight for the edge, meaning her score would be neutralized if she hit it - so she was forced to stop her car. The special area unfortunately only brought her 55 thousand, a weak number compared to Yunho. She brushed it off and continued on her way, towards the second special area. She had a better feeling about this one, as her car was being much more responsive, and even if the space was smaller, she gained another 50 thousand there too. 
But unfortunately, as she hit the finish line, she realized - they both scored in the range of 130 thousand - but hers was exactly that number. Yunho was closer to 140.
With a little dance celebration, Yunho announced he was the winner of the tournament. Seeing him act so goofy, she couldn’t even bring herself to sulk. It’s not like it was unusual for Yunho to win their dumb little competitions, but it would’ve been nice to win one anyway.
“I acknowledge your driving skills, Mr. Jung.” She said with a smirk, offering him a hand to shake. 
“You weren’t so bad yourself, well… except the part of taking turns with your face.” Now that the tension was lifted, they were back to being all smiley and supportive of each other.
“What can I say? I like using my head.” Yunho chuckled, grabbing the controller to quit out of the game so he could find some movie to watch while they eat. Remembering that he needed to order some food, he pulled out his phone - and read Wooyoung’s name.
“So… do I need to ask Wooyoung to give you a ‘daring’ punishment?” He used air quotes to express the idea of something naughty. For a while he forgot that this was the penalty of losing, the thought completely slipping his mind as he focused too much on doing well in the game.
“I guess.” She shrugged her shoulders, secretly hoping that he had forgotten and she could’ve avoided doing something so embarrassing. 
Hesitant, Yunho opened the messenger app and tapped on Wooyoung’s name. He didn’t know if he was excited about what was about to come.
[Yunho]: Hey Wooyoung, can you come up with a ‘daring’ punishment a girl could do for a guy for losing a game?
[Sent 18:46]
A thick silence enveloped the two as Yunho stared at the screen, waiting for Wooyoung to see his message. They were both hoping the resident jokester of the group would go easy on them this time.
[Seen 18:51] 
Five minutes later, Wooyoung saw the message and Yunho watched the three dots dance for a very short amount of time. And, as it turned out, Wooyoung didn’t ask any questions - he gave a straightforward answer.
[Wooyoung]: Oral
His answer had Yunho opening his eyes in pure shock. He glanced at his best friend, who was looking at him expectantly, and then back at the screen. 
“Uhm…” He couldn’t even bring himself to mutter such a word to her. Before he knew it, he let his phone down and stared into the distance like a deer in the headlights. 
Yes, asking Wooyoung was a bad idea. 
“Uhm? Did he answer?” She pressed on, and Yunho couldn’t do much more than nod. 
“Look for yourself.” He showed her his phone, and she felt as if she just got hit with a soccer ball in the stomach. Blinking at Yunho in disbelief, she let out a confused puff of air.
“I mean, I expected something like a sexy dance…. But not this. Wooyoung really is another level.” She complained, suddenly looking as lost as Yunho. They both looked like ghosts, the colors drained from their faces. 
In truth, both of their heads were racing at that moment - imagining what could happen if they went through with it. Yunho’s face heated up and his body grew heavy, and she was biting her lip. But a common thought was keeping them both grounded; that they were just friends, and nothing more.
Moments later, Yunho was able to collect himself and focus his vision again. She was in distress, even in a haze. He pulled out his phone again, texting Wooyoung to rectify the situation.
[Yunho]: How about something a little bit… more decent. This is my best friend we’re talking about.
Wooyoung read the message instantly after, his fingers fast on the keyboard.
[Wooyoung]: Oh my God it’s her! Why didn’t you tell me! I thought you were finally scoring a lady with those video games of yours!
[Yunho]: I told you guys I was spending time with her today
[Wooyoung]: You did? OOPS
[Yunho]: Yeah, oops. You almost gave me a heart attack
[Wooyoung]: *boner
[Yunho]: DUDE
[Wooyoung]: Okay okay I’m sorry, but you’re the one who asked me outta the blue
[Wooyoung]: Something a little more tame… HMMM
[Wooyoung]: You’re a tall dude, right? How about you have her wear one of your shirts for the rest of the day… but like only your shirt. I bet she’d look cute ;)
[Yunho]: That doesn’t sound that bad, thanks
[Wooyoung]: I can’t wait to get home :P
She dragged her voice suddenly, bringing Yunho back to reality. He didn’t realize how focused he was in his conversation with Wooyoung.
“Uhm, so, yeah! Wooyoung gave you a more tame challenge. He said you should wear one of my shirts for the rest of the day… like, as a dress type thing.” Yunho tried to explain, but he was still nervous from the previous shock and tripping over his own words.
“So wear a boyfriend shirt.” Yunho felt his being vibrate once again at the mention of the word ‘boyfriend’.
“I… guess so.”
“I can do that! That sounds more like a prize than anything, to be honest. You know I have a fixation for your clothes.” She said with a laugh. She seemed to be back to her cheerful self, already walking her way to Yunho’s closet. “Can I choose any shirt?”
“Sure, go ahead.” Still no intonation in his words, Yunho’s mind was not present in the conversation at all. It wasn’t long before he zoned out again.
He couldn’t possibly be attracted to his best friend in such a way. They had a strong spiritual bond, for sure, but it was never anything physical for them. They appreciated each other for who they are, so he never asked himself questions like these before.
Or at least that’s what he wanted to believe. He heard the door handle move and then saw her come back in, legs bare and sexy, her small frame basically swimming in his large shirt. She sat down on her chair and melted back into it without a care in the world. She looked comfortable, even.
“So, are we ordering that food?” She asked, but in Yunho’s daze, he missed the smirk playing on her lips. If only he knew how much she was enjoying this.
Forcing her to stay put, Yunho was the one to receive the food at the front door. He sighed in relief when he managed to put a blanket over her, as they nestled up in bed to watch a movie and enjoy their food. Out of sight, out of mind, they say.
His torture began again as soon as they got back into gaming -  this time choosing to do their usual foolery - playing Minecraft together, one being in charge of the mouse and the other in charge of the keyboard. No wonder they never made any real progress on their world, since they could never be in sync with each other to actually defend themselves from zombies. ‘
Time flew by as they laughed and played, but the rustle of keys at the front door still managed to startle Yunho out of his mind. Panicked, he got up to throw her pants back at her, words leaving his mouth a little too fast.
“How about you put those back on now.” Cocking an eyebrow at him, she hung them on the chair, clearly refusing to do so.
“Why would I? The punishment says for the rest of the day - or as long as I’m here.”
“Yes, but-” Yunho pursed his lips to the side. He didn’t know how to word his thoughts. To add more pressure, the door to his room swung open and San came inside to throw his phone on the bed. He glanced at Yunho’s best friend briefly and they exchanged hellos before he went back to the living room, where the boys were being loud over something.
Yunho breathed out in relief that San was nice enough not to stare. Something about other men seeing her like this irked him, even more so that she was wearing his shirt. 
“But?” She urged him to continue speaking, getting off of the chair to stand in front of him. Being the tall guy Yunho was, it wasn’t often that she had the opportunity to stare him down like that. Yunho gulped as he felt his throat dry up, taking in the image of his friend - no, an attractive woman - looking at him with such a suggestive expression.
“I don’t want anyone else to see you like this…” He mumbled, the beauty before his eyes already making him breathless.
“Why not?” She teased.
“Because…” There wasn’t any logical answer in his mind, or even a concrete idea. “I think we need to reevaluate our relationship.” Letting out a healthy laugh, she wasted no time to climb in his lap. Yunho was happy, perhaps the most relieved he’d been the entire day. He didn’t know there was such a sexual tension in between them until it finally dissipated. 
“Finally!” She exclaimed.
“You think so too?” She hummed in response, eyes locking with his lips as she did. 
The kiss itself felt good - like two magnets clicking into place. What felt even better though, was being able to accept all the feelings he’s been burying deep inside himself. He was wrong in thinking something more wasn’t possible between them.
A loud knock echoed from the door, and Wooyoung’s voice could be heard screaming from the other side.
“You two decent?” 
“No!” Yunho yelled back. They certainly weren’t a sight he’d want his bandmates to see - his shirt was hiking up on her thighs, their arms tangled around each other’s bodies. 
“What do you mean ‘no’??!” This time it was HongJoong’s voice, and Yunho knew he messed up. Almost effortlessly, he got up with her still around his hips and grabbed her pants on the way to the bathroom. 
“Okay, but seriously get dressed now.” Yunho said, and only got a wink from her in response. He rolled his eyes and went back into the room to let her change. 
He really was a fool to think this wouldn’t work out - he already loved every second of it.
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aetheternity · 4 years
Hard pass (Levi x reader)
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(Enjoy a beautiful pic of chubby cheeked Levi)
Synopsis: Levi is forced out of his comfy dorm room and in a strange twist of events right into your arms at a college party.
"But I haven't even finished the question yet.." Hange sighed
"You want me to come to one of these pointless weekend parties that you go to almost every Saturday." Levi responded, fingers clicking quickly against his laptops keyboard.
"Come on Levi, if I got forced into going you have to come too." Erwin said with exasperation thick in his tone.
"How did you stupidly end up saying yes?" Levi questioned looking up from his laptop with a small raise of his brow.
Erwin shook his head almost in shame. "Hange offered to purchase that book I've wanted all semester. The one I couldn't find for any cheaper than 350." He shrugged, "Speaking of which how do you plan on paying for it?"
"Don't worry about that. Worry about the party we're all going to have so much fun at tonight."
"I said no." Levi grunted
"Oh come on!" Hange's voice echoed in the small dorm room.
"What else are you going to be doing? You know besides staring at a screen all night and cleaning Mike's side of the room?"
Mike was an over all good roommate despite his cluttered space. Levi had known him his entire almost three years of college and after a while they'd become friends. Though Levi still sometimes found himself cleaning up after Mike because he just couldn't stand the growing clothes pile on the other side of the room.
"So what?" Levi shrugged rereading the same paragraph again because Hange kept distracting him.
"So?! Do you really wanna sit in here on a Saturday night again instead of going to get some pussy like Mike is probably doing?"
"That's so inappropriate Hange." Erwin commented
"Take the stick out of your ass we're all grownups here." Hange replied shooting Erwin a weak stare which Erwin reciprocated. "Come on! What'd I have to do to get you to come?"
Levi rubbed his eyelids. He knew this would pretty much be his night if he didn't go but parties definitely weren't his thing. Though somehow this might be mildly worse.
"One fucking hour. No more no less." He finally agreed
"YES!" Hange screamed so loud it could probably be heard in the building next door.
"Look who else stupidly ended up saying yes." Erwin smirked
"Shut up, I just want to be able to work in silence sometime tonight.
"Sure sure."
"Get ready! We'll be waiting downstairs!" Hange bounced
~ ~ ~ ~
It took Levi about thirty minutes to get ready. His attire comprised of a dark red shirt, black dress pants and a black jacket hung over his shoulder. He hopped into Hange's car ignoring the groans of how this was a party not a funeral and how him and Erwin sucked at having fun.
He hadn't even entered the front door yet and he was already praying for this hour to be quick. He didn't technically have to rush back to his paper since he was ahead of schedule for all of his classes. But he still hated to leave an unfinished paper just lying around. Even if only for an hour.
The drive was surprisingly (and thankfully) pretty short. Though Levi was surprised when they headed into a dorm building. Hange took the lead as they climbed up the stairs though the higher they got the worse the smell got.
Erwin coughed fanning his face, "God that is an ungodly odor." And Levi quickly followed suit wrinkling his nose.
"Can't have a party without it." Hange replied with a small laugh.
"Disgusting." Levi responded
"You can definitely have a party without weed." Erwin groaned
"Your stuffy book meetings are parties Erwin."
Levi almost wanted to laugh at this but he kept his composure. They finally rounded a corner coming up to a door where a guy and a girl were outstretched on the floor. Both of whom had drinks in their hands. They both greeted Hange and Hange quickly greeted them back.
"Alright boys. Time to party." She delighted
The booming music that Levi could hear out in the hallway went from mildly obnoxious to instantly pounding. Levi hated it. He might have to find a way to sneak out before the hour was up. Though at the moment Hange was pulling both him and Erwin by their collars as if she was scared either of them would make a run for it.
"You guys hungry?!" She asked "Let's go get some chips!"
It felt like the farther in you went the worse the godforsaken music sounded. And in such a small dorm. How was everyone not deaf? Somehow though it looked like almost everyone was ignoring the music. There were people on the floor making out, people talking, a guy laying in the sink with a lampshade over his head..
And throughout all of it Hange was getting greeted left and right. It was honestly weird seeing as Levi had never seen Hange with anyone other than him and Erwin. They finally reached the snack table where Hange quickly shoved the bowl of chips into Levi's hands.
Levi grumbled but Hange just smiled, "Come on guys, Loosen up this is your first party after all!" She sighed, loudly rubbing both of their backs.
Levi wordless handed the chip bowl to Erwin. "I've been to parties." Erwin replied, taking a chip and slowly chewing it.
"Your fifteenth birthday is not what I'm talking about." She huffed, "You guys are totally missing out on what makes college fun!"
"Watching people shove their tongues into each other's mouths and get drunk in a room that is far too hot and too crowded while music bumps obnoxiously over every word you say so you have to lose your voice screaming?"
"Yes! Isn't that great?!" Erwin and Levi simultaneously groaned over Hange's enthusiasm. "Here, come on have a beer!" She handed both boys a bottle. Levi stared at it plainly, that is until a voice shakes him from his gaze.
"Hey Hange!" This voice is much sweeter. So much more comforting to hear than the agitating speaker. He looked up in time to freeze in his place. His eyes transfixed on the person currently in front of him.
"Y/N! Hey, I didn't know you were coming out tonight."
"Yeah, my roommate forced me. She said I've been too stressed lately." Her smile was bright under all the strobe lights. Everything about her felt bright from her eyes to the shimmer of her hair. Was her hair shimmering? Maybe it was Levi's imagination.
Y/N? Was that what Hange called her? What a pretty name for such a pretty girl.. How could Hange know someone like you?
"You remember Erwin right?" Hange asked, which temporarily shook Levi from his thoughts.
Erwin stuck out his hand, "Hi again Y/N." Erwin knew you too??
"Hey! Erwin, let me guess you still haven't found that impressively old book full of research from like 1853?" Their hands stayed together for a minute longer than Levi would've liked.
"Incorrect, the only reason I'm here is because I found it."
She nodded her smile still warm and giving Levi a warmth that spread through his abdomen like a flame. "Sorry, I'm a little off my radar tonight. I'm the designated deliverer. Deliever because I'm just walking my drunk friends a couple floors down later."
Hange gave a brief laugh, "Where is Sasha by the way?"
Y/N searched for a second. "I'm hoping she's across the hall because I've been trying to escape all this noise all night."
"Oh! Right by the way this is Levi!"
Y/N's gaze turned from Hange to Levi and she stretched out her hand. "Oh hi Levi." She said
"H-H-Hi.." Levi said, hand shaking as he placed it in her's. She giggled and Levi swore he felt her thumb rub the back of his hand.
"Well, I better go look for Sasha. I can't go back to our room till she's with me. Come across the hall later I'll probably still be there."
"Sure, sounds good!" Hange replied
Y/N smiled, "Nice to see you again Erwin, Bye Levi."
Levi could've sworn up and down that Y/N had said his name differently. She had to have right? Her tone was so sultry.. the words ran through Levi's brain replying over and over. Shivers coursing up and down his spine-
"I can't tell if Levi looks red from the strobe lights or if he's flushed." Levi turned at Erwin's words cupping his face before grunting at how hot he felt.
Oh no..
"I can't believe you have crush on my friend!"
Levi felt his face grow even hotter. "I don't! Sh-shut up." He outwardly huffed over how pathetic he was being. His heart felt so heavy in his chest
"OH MY GOD SO CUTE!!" Surprisingly enough Hange caught the attention of a few people. "THIS'LL BE GREAT! I CAN BE YOUR WINGMAN!"
"Shut the fuck up Hange!" Levi practically growled. Erwin nodded to the people staring at them. "Shut up.. I-I don't have a crush on her.."
Hange finally stopped bouncing and weirdly fell silent as she stood staring at her best friend. "Fine, let's go across the hall then."
Levi's heart instantly fluttered. "But we just got here?" Erwin said, seemingly questioning his own weird reluctance to go across the hall when he definitely hated it here as much as Levi.
"No real reason. I mean. It's just that it's quieter over there. Everyone over there is just drinking and talking." Hange responded already walking towards the door. Levi felt his feet move without his consent practically bumping into Hange's back as he hurried out behind her. Erwin quickly following.
Hange knocked twice on the door across the hall. And the three of them walked in. And Levi didn't even realize how much of a relief it was to be here until the smell hit his noise and the peaceful chatter hit his ears.
Hange huffed but Levi barely noticed, his eyes scanning the room for Y/N.
"It's so quiet here. I'm not fond of this I might go back across the hall and you guys can stay here."
Erwin immediately protested, "We don't know anyone here."
"Yeah, but I didn't even get to enjoy the music!" Hange pouted stomping slightly like a child.
"You forced us to come now you have to stay with us." Erwin replied, "Besides-" he looked at Levi who was staring at three slightly cracked doors. "This could be way better."
"Soooooooo!" Hange smirked, elbowing Levi's shoulder.
Levi immediately tended up at the feeling. His gaze steely and cold. "What?"
"How are you gonna ask out Y/N?"
Levi's face betrayed him, turning a deep red at the spur of the moment question. "I'm not asking shit."
"Oh come on! I did not bring you two to this party for absolutely nothing exciting to happen."
"If you like her you should tell her Levi." Erwin replied honestly
Levi scowled, "I don't.."
"Yeah ok so let's pretend you're not talking out of your ass." Hange says, leading both boys over to the couch. "Nevermind we can't cause you're talking out of your ass."
"Is she even here?" Erwin asked
Levi did a quick look around once more just as you were coming out of the bedroom. A loud sigh falling off your lips.
"Hey!" She smiled "Didn't expect to see you guys so soon again."
"Oh yeah well, we just couldn't wait to see you again." Hange remarked ignoring the daggers Levi was sending her. "Come sit with us." Hange offers.
Y/N moves closer to sit between Hange and Erwin until Hange places a hand on her back. "No no no, you don't wanna sit here.. Erwin just let one rip. The whole room is gonna smell soon." She waved her hand in front of her nose and Erwin glared at her. "Sit next to Levi!" She offered
A part of Levi was genuinely thinking about how much Hange would sell for on Amazon while another part of him was relieved for the small plop of the seat next to him as you sat down. The way you reached forward to grab the tea cup you'd placed on the table.
It was easier now to see your curves and as much as Levi tried to hide his staring he couldn't help it. His eyes raking over every inch of your body he could see. Luckily you weren't paying attention to the way the tips of his ears grew redder by the second.
"You put her to sleep in someone else's room?" Hange laughed
"Well I think they're ordering another pizza so she's probably gonna wake up when she smells that."
And your smell.. Levi couldn't tell if it was your hair or your body but your smell was intoxicating right now. So mellow and sweet yet strong and vibrant.
"Uggghhh good cause I'm starving!"
Y/N laughed, "Ah I remember when I had to hear something like that every morning."
"That English class was way too early in the morning and you know it!" Hange laughed. Erwin had turned to his phone clearly more relaxed by the atmosphere.
"So, Levi what's your major?" Y/N suddenly turned to ask.
Levi blinked, then opened his mouth only to shut it again. His eyes were practically bulging and he felt like his face would melt off.
"He's business law." Hange helped clearly also holding in a laugh as Levi could only nod quietly.
"Oh. You know I know someone whose in-
"Y/N.. Where's my bed.." All four of you turned at once as a brown haired girl stumbled around in the space. "My bed.." she repeated staggering around.
"Ooo ok, you want you want your bed?" Y/N stood grabbing hold of the girl's waist. She giggled in delight and Y/N rubbed her back with a grin. "I'm gonna take Sasha downstairs."
"Are you going to come back?" Erwin asked and Levi was relieved in a way because he definitely wouldn't be able to get the words out.
"Mm, I don't think so. I'll see if she goes down easy then I might." She shrugged and Sasha giggled again. "Alright, time for bed." She chirped leading the girl in her arms out and soon far away from Levi's view.
He felt his stomach twist. Silently wishing he knew what being held like that by you felt like.
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katutsukushii · 4 years
This is just a warning that while this thread is completely SFW, there are some implied NSFW moments, or some sexual jokes. When I say some I mean there’s 1 line and then 1 scene where they jokingly mention sex. That’s it.
And this is a drabble about Natsuo/Bakugou.
Shouto didn't quite understand what was going on. Or how it had even gotten to this point.
It started when he invited Katsuki and Izuku over to dinner to his place - at first, it was going as expected, Katsuki was cursing and complaining, bitching at them both.
As soon as his family had entered the room, that'd changed.
Katsuki's eyes widened for a second before the insults died on the tip of his tongue. Suddenly, his gaze was downward, a blush covering his cheeks as he shuffled where he stood.
Was... was he shy?
Shouto didn't know. All he knew was that it was weird.
And Natsuo was even freaking weirder. It seemed as if his goal for the evening was to impress their guests, make them feel as if their family was happy and normal, and so he spent the entire time making jokes, laughing far too loudly and glancing towards the blond whenever he had said anything remotely entertaining. It was excruciating.
However, Katsuki seemed to enjoy it as he had huffed out a small laugh every once in a while, and every time Natsuo's grin grew wider, a healthy flush covering his cheeks.
Maybe he had had too much to drink.
Who knew. 
Either way, ever since then, Katsuki seemed adamant at spending as much time in Shouto's childhood home as possible, constantly asking to study there whenever Shouto went home for the weekend, even though they could've easily studied at the dorms during the week. Shouto, of course, accepted - he couldn't deny one of his best friends, after all.
It was good for them, anyways.
Well, maybe it was only good for Shouto because Katsuki seemed to be progressively getting worse at the subjects they were studying. Perhaps it was due to the fact that the blond vehemently refused to study in Shouto's room - "it's weird, you freak, I don't wanna go to your room" - and instead opted to study in the living room, right where Natsuo himself often spent time doing his Uni work. It was distracting.
And silly.
That is until Shouto finally realized.
Oh. Katsuki simply didn't want to be alone with him in his room because... because he had a crush on him!
That's why he'd been spending so much time with him! That's why he refused to go to his room - it was probably far too intimate, far too personal. Oh no.
Oh God.
What was Shouto supposed to do? Well, Katsuki was rather attractive - pretty in that... feral and scary sort of way. Objectively a good looking boy with his smooth skin and red eyes, nice body too.
But Shouto just couldn't see him like that. No matter how hard he tried. And he did try! He tried so hard!
Katsuki had even yelled at him and called him a creep for staring at him so much.
But he still studied with him during the weekend, despite the creepy staring.
God. Why was love so complicated? Maybe he should give it a try anyways, just to see if he would fall for him eventually.
He did love Katsuki, after all. Just... just not in that way.
God, the sex would be awkward, wouldn't it?
Ugh. And so he figured he'd ask some questions, just to give Katsuki some hints.
Maybe doing so in the living room, while Natsuo was drinking some juice right behind them, wasn't the best idea. 
"Katsuki, have you ever kissed a boy?"
A bit more tact would've been in order, maybe. Cause straight away two things happened - Katsuki's face went beet red, eyes snapping over to Natsuo for a split second before he started to scream insults, and Natsuo started choking on the juice, coughing and pounding at his chest as he wheezed. He had gotten his answer, though.
After all the yelling and avoiding the notebook Katsuki was determined to use to kill him with, Shouto asked once more, "so... I'll take that as a no, then?"
"Shut the fuck up you dumbass, do your work." The blush on Katsuki's face told him all he needed to know. He barely felt Natsuo flicking the back of his head, the older boy leaning in to whisper in his ear, "dude, I don't need a wingman, shut the fuck up." Huh? The hell did that mean? He'd have to google it later. Whatever. Katsuki still wasn't making any moves, even after that. Shouto thought that maybe he didn't even want him to - he hoped they could stay just like this, without the hassle of romance. Just him and Katsuki studying, Katsuki barely paying any attention, Katsuki glancing over to the couch were Natsuo was sprawled out with headphones in his ears and some stupid video playing on his laptop with crumbs of food on his T-Shirt, Katsuki blushing whenever Natsuo offered them something to drink, Kat-
Well, how was he supposed to know? He couldn't read his damn mind.
Anyone would've assumed he was the one Katsuki was interested in. He supposed it made sense, though. Natsuo did seem to pay a particular sort of attention to Katsuki, always brushing his hand against the small of his back, holding the door open for him when he gave him a ride back home, trying to get him to laugh. Of course Katsuki would develop some sort of affection for him. Ah. If only Natsuo liked him back. Such a shame. They would've been a lovely couple - maybe they would've even asked Shouto to be one of the best men! He had introduced them to each other, after all.
He decided the best course of action would be to confront Katsuki - talk to him about this issue until they could both figure out what to do, how they could get Natsuo to look at him that way.
“I know you wanna fuck my brother.”
Again, some tact would’ve come in handy. 
"The fuck did you just say to me, you pervert?"
Shouto really should've been concerned by how eerily calm Katsuki seemed, maybe he even should've bolted right that second. But his self-preservation skills have never been that great - after all, his favourite pass time was trying to figure out how to piss Endeavour off. And so he simply popped another piece of chocolate in his mouth and arched a brow from where he sat on the other side of the table while Katsuki clenched his pen with a tight grip.
God, he hoped the pen wouldn't break - he couldn't be bothered to clean that mess up.
He couldn't help but notice the way Katsuki seemed to be throwing glances towards the entrance every few seconds, as if he was waiting for someone to come in.
Of course, Shouto already knew Natsuo would be home soon.
Fuck, he hoped he'd come in in time to hear this. "I said that I know you wanna fuck Natsuo. Or have him fuck you, either or. I don't really know what you're into - wait, what are you in-"
"You better stop right there if you wanna live."
"I feel like you're going to kill me no matter what I say."
Seconds of silence ticked by.
"... so, what are you into then?"
"That's none of your fucking business, what the fuck?"
Shouto rolled his eyes - of course he'd be uncooperative. So sensitive. "It's fine, I'll just ask Midoriya, he must have it written down in one of his notebo-"
"Huh? Wait, what the fuck?!"
"Or maybe Kirishima would know."
"Why the fuck are we talking about my sex life?!"
"Oh. Right. Cause I know you're into Natsuo, just wondering what you were gonna do about it."
Shouto watched as that shade of red that had been progressively appearing on Katsuki's cheeks suddenly bloomed all the way to the tips of his ears.
"I'm not gonna do anything, you fucking freak, what the hell is wrong wi-"
"Ah, so you do like him."
"I never said that."
"You didn't deny it either."
"Shut your whore mouth, Todoroki."
Just then, they both turned their heads towards the door as it clicked open, watching as Natsuo stepped in, carefully toeing off his shoes before placing his coat onto the hook right next to the entrance. The second he looked up, though, finally catching sight of them both, he grinned, his cheeks flushed and fingers running through his hair as if he were attempting to tame the wild strands sticking up in the air. It didn't work, of course, but Katsuki still seemed to look at him as if he'd never seen anything as beautiful, eyes sparkling and all.
Shouto wanted to throw up.
Or maybe just die.
Whichever came quicker. He watched as Natsuo stumbled into the room, foot catching on the edge of the carpet before he righted himself, that flush on his cheeks seemingly intensifying - now that was just embarrassing.
Was Shouto like that, too? He fucking hoped not. Shouto picked his pen up, about to continue writing in his notebook and ignore this whole clusterfuck when he caught sight of Katsuki.
God. The blond wasn't even looking up anymore, his gaze facing his lap as he seemed to fiddle with the sleeves of his hoodie, his entire face now entirely red as he scrunched his shoulders up, as if he were trying to hide his face.
It was almost... Cute. Pretty. 
The words were out of his mouth before he could stop himself, "do you think Katsuki is pretty, Natsuo?"
He winced at the kick to the shin Katsuki had sent his way - okay, maybe he deserved that one.
Maybe he deserved the slap on the back of his head coming from Natsuo too. "Shut the fuck up."
"The hell's wrong with you?"
Both of them spoke up at once.
Slowly, Shouto turned towards his brother, watching as the older boy's eyes widened when he saw the amused look on his face. Shouto pouted, brows furrowing in faux confusion.
"So, you don't think he's pretty, then?"
"I-I never said that."
He vaguely heard Katsuki choking on his own spit.
"He is then? Pretty?”
He could see Natsuo's jaw clenching, gaze practically screaming murder, and yet when he looked over to Katsuki - who was resolutely staring down at the floor, fingertips pressed onto his temples as he leaned onto the coffee table on his elbows - his gaze softened.
Oh. Ew. "Yeah," Natsuo spoke, Katsuki's eyes snapping over to him, "he's very pretty."
A choked sound came out of Katsuki, and all Shouto could do was grin as he turned back towards his friend. "Oh, that's good then. He thinks you're pretty too."
He moved out of the way before Katsuki could wrap his hands around his throat.
It seemed as if that moment did two things - made Katsuki want to avoid Shouto's home and never return judging by the way the studying invitations had ceased to exist and it made Natsuo absolutely fucking insufferable. 
"Oh, where's your friend?"
"Hey, no blondie today?"
"Is he okay? Is he sick? Hm, I guess I could make him some soup. If he needs a professional medical opinion tell him to call me. I can, uh, give him an examination or- oh, God, don't tell him I said that, what the fu-"
Shouto was starting to think Natsuo had a crush too, Jesus.
It wasn't until Natsuo seemed to snap that he finally realized that was actually true. The last thing he expected to see when he walked into the kitchen was Natsuo leaning back against the counter, going through Shouto's phone.
"What are you doing?"
Natsuo didn't even glance up. "Getting the number of that pretty boy you keep bringing around, the hell does it look like? Honestly, I've been waiting for you to offer it, I was gonna ask him for it but then you scared him away with your shitty social experiments. Poor thing."
"Oh," Shouto watched as his brother pocketed his own phone, locking Shouto's and placing it onto the counter before walking towards the door, "I didn't realize you liked him back."
Natsuo stared at him, mouth open wide before he groaned.
What the hell did he do now? 
"Shouto, I've been drooling over him since I met him."
"I thought that's just how you were with everyone."
"What, a nervous wreck?"
"No. Desperate for attention and pathetic."
"That was uncalled for."
"Still the truth.”
Natsuo sighed, quickly taking his phone back out before leaving the room, shaking his head on the way out.
"Good luck on your date," Shouto shouted after him. All he got in response was an exasperated groan. Whatever. Hopefully, Katsuki would stop moping around now that he finally got what he wanted.
Hm. Maybe he could get the blond to make him some cold soba.
To return the favour for being such a good - what was it again? ah - wingman. He hoped their study dates would be back on now - his grades were suffering without his friend's help.
At least both of them would stop with the shitty lovesick stares, it was starting to become gross.
Hm. Maybe he was happy for them, though. Just a little bit.
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
I’m writing more hikyuu to prove that you actually should request Haikyuu stuff when requests open and also just to flex. 
Tenou x reader
word count: 1,600 (about)
warnings: none, this is pretty sweet and fluffy. 
Summary: Tendou is uncharitbly called a Stalker when it comes to his crush.  I mean what you spend half your time stareing at one person and suddenly you’re a a stalker? Guess that means you’re a stalker too...
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Tendou knew he was a bit of a creep and that you probably hated him, if you even thought of him at all. But he was okay with it, he had been dealing with people being scared for a while so he shouldn’t care. Even if the person scared of him was drop dead gorgeous. 
You came to watch volleyball practice nearly every day after school. Lots of people did but you were the only one who caught his eye. He made sure his blocks were mega impressive if he knew you were watching, but it wasn’t enough. your attention always seemed to be on someone else. 
Not that he wasn’t used to that either. But it took him a couple of days to figure out why it was bothering him now all of a sudden. 
Tendou seriously considered asking you to transfer out of  Shiratorizawa when he realized he had accidently started crushing on you.  He simply couldn’t have it, it was too distracting. He tried to way the pros and cons but in the end he scrapped the “50 reasons why (y/n) should leave Shiratorizawa.” Essay. Besides if you actually did leave Shiratorizawa, then he wouldn’t be able to see your cute face everyday. 
“you’re staring again,” Reon said, Tendou frowned. 
“I don’t know what you mean, I wasn’t even looking in your direction,” He shot back with a smile. He really was such a creep, always sitting at the right angel so he could look at you, but as long as you didn’t notice him then it he wasn’t hurting anyone. 
“you should just ask her out,” Shirabu said through a mouth full of pork. Tendou went stiff just thinking about it. 
“Nah she’s not my type, wayyy to pretty for my tastes and she’s even nice and smart from what I heard, who’d want to be with a girl like that?” he fake gagged finally tearing his eyes away from where you were sitting with your friends. he picked at the rice on his plate slowly forming a rice snowman. 
“sure, whatever,” Shirabu. the subject changed and Tendou looked up again watching you laugh, you were cute, he wouldn’t mind dating you, it would be nice to see you in his large sweatshirt or cuddle with him while you did homework together. Even just to hold you would be nice, he knew that you would probably flinch from his touch if he tried anything in real life, but his fantasies didn’t have to adhere to the real world. it would be sweet if you weren’t so incredibly out of his league. 
You came to the Shiritorizawa match early, as you always did, you wished the volleyball team wasn’t quite so popular, it might be easier to get a good seat then. Normally you would go up to the stands to watch from a safe distance. 
Today you weren’t so lucky. 
“Hey! you girl,” Coach Washijō snapped at you making you jump. 
“u-uhm Yes sir?” he pointed at a bag at his feet. 
“Fill up these water bottles for the game,” He barked. you squeaked and scampered to do as he asked. 
“Hustle! Show some school spirit!” he shouted as you struggled to fill the bottles as fast as possible 
You had thought about becoming the manager for the team but this interaction made you glad you hadn’t  Washijō was biting at your heals as you dragged the water to the courtside. you were almost in tears as he yelled at you. 
“I-I-I,” you couldn’t even force a simple ‘I’m sorry’ with out tripping over yourself you were so flustered.
“ah thank you for helping (y/n) we’re going to extra luck thanks to you,” you looked up to see who had saved you, and weren’t surprised to see tendou there. Of course he would be the one to save you. you felt your heart melt a little seeing him. 
You never got the chance to see satori up close, you almost forgot how tall he was. and now that he was so close you couldn’t help but flush with embarrassment. Now that the Coaches attention was off of you, you could speak again.
“It’s uh no proplem coach and g-good luck with the game Tendou,” you squeaked before darting off the court and up to the stands. Of course all the good seats were taken so you were relegated to the back of the stands. 
Still, it was a pretty good game, the other team up good fight you won in straight sets. If you were right, Tendou didn’t miss a single block. 
You really only came to the games for the cute red-headed middle blocker. You didn’t speak to Tendou often, it was rare you found an excuse too, but you still had fallen for him hopelessly.
you sighed dreamily to yourself as you walked out with a mass of people. You still couldn’t belive you’d talked to him today. 
Tendou was buzzing with excitement. It had been a really good game and it was all thanks to you. No way he could have done without you sweet words to him before the match. It probably also helped that you had touched his already lucky water bottle. 
He was on cloud nine as he hummed happily walking off the court, his team mates couldn’t help but notice.
You were watching the practice like you always did, save for the fact that you were alone today. Most of the time your friends would join you to giggle about how handsome Ushijima was, but none of them could make it today. 
“Hey you’re (y/n) right?” semi asked, stopping you before you could even enter the gym. 
“uh yeah?” you sounded unsure of yourself, but this was the first time Semi had ever bothered talking to you and you had no idea why. 
“cool, I saw you at the game the other day, you should come to more of our games-”  you were more confused than anything. Was he hitting on you?
“uh okay?” you said awkwardly, not wanting to tell him that you already went to all the games. 
“you know Tendou likes to see you there,” he added raising his eyebrows you felt your face flush with embarrassment. so he wasn’t hitting on you, but playing wingman for tendou
“oh, did Tendou tell you that?”
“nah, but we can all just sort of tell he’s into you,”
“That’s kind of a jump don’t you think? I mean just ‘cus he wanted to see me doesn’t mean he likes me,” you argued nervously messing with your fingers. 
“Trust me, He’s into you, He’s probably pissed I’m even talking to you, He’s just... kinda weird, so ask him out sometime,” Semi encouraged. 
As it happened, Tendou was pissed that Eita was talking to you. How dare he try and steal Tendou’s little good luck charm. Tendou usually stared at you as much as he liked, but he couldn’t stomach watching you blush at whatever semi was saying to you. 
was that why you came to every practice and every game? because you were in love with him? he though about you clinging to Eita the way he wanted to hold you and his heart lurched. he wondered if he could finger tape his heart back together again. Not that he would do anything to break the two of you up, if you were happy then he couldn’t stop that right? and if you were dating Semi then he’d definitely see you more...
He was leaving the gym lost in his own thoughts when he heard his own name called  “Tendou, do you think you could walk with me back to the dorms?” Tendou almost jumped. How the fuck were you so quiet?
“Awe does the is the cute little Junior scared of the dark? You need your big strong Senpai to walk with you?” he teased automatically before mentally kicking himself. he really hated himself. you laughed politely and started walking with him 
“Actually I wanted to talk to you, Semi said you liked me,”
Tendou wanted to through himself into the ocean. or maybe a really big hole in the ground that could swallow him up entirely. anything really to get out of this situation. 
“oh? is that what you two were talking about?”
“yeah he said that I should ask you out,”
“oh,” maybe he’s just kill Semi instead, that would work too. 
“I really like you Tendou, I want to ask you out,” you admitted stopping in the middle of the walkway. he was glad you did because he froze instantly. this had to be a joke right? Semi put you up to this and they were all laughing at him right now. but as he looked around him, he was alone, no one even hiding in the bushes and you didn’t look like you were pulling a prank. you looked almost as nervous as he felt. fuck it. he learned forward kissing you quickly, barely brushing his lips with yours before pulling back, not wanting to press his luck. 
You were left completely breathless, you touched your lips feeling them buzz. Tendou laughed. 
“is that why you come to all the games and practices? you’re stalking me or something?” he cupped your cheek and kissed you again, this time he let the kiss linger long enough for you to kiss him back before he had to pull away, you're soft lips were making his head spin.
“you’re lucky you’re so cute (y/n) otherwise you’d be a total creep.”
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