#which is often a completely different effect and not always what we want
tenspeed · 3 years
Silco is a fantastic villain. A very well written character like pretty much every character in this show.
There’s lots of discussion on Silco as a dad “good” or “bad”. In my opinion he is a bad father, unintentionally. He loves Jinx and cares for her but because he lets his own traumas and the way they’ve shaped him have such a heavy influence on how he sees/raises Jinx it effects his parenting.
The video where the therapist breaks down Silco & Jinx’s relationship I think is good it explains perfectly how you can tell he does love and care for her deeply- Still does not make him a good father or good for Jinx but I think it’s a great analysis.
To start there are no boundaries. Comparatively we have Vi and Vander. Vi takes responsibility for Powder but she explains to her we make mistakes and learn from them. It’s a very constructive response assuring her that mistakes are simply a part of growing but we need to take things from them to do better going forward. Then there’s Vander who takes Vi to the bridge to explain the consequences that come from mistakes and acting without weighing the outcomes. (I love when Vander ask her who she’s prepared to lose.) Partly I believe Silco does not establish boundaries or consequences so the he can encourage a full embracing of the Jinx identity by allowing her to be herself even if that includes hanging Sevika from the ceiling or killing enforcers.
Lying and manipulation. Silco is not always manipulating Jinx but he does do it often enough that it’s ugly and bothers me because he does it for him. The fact that he lies about and on Vi is second only to the fact that he tries to kill her. Dr. Georgia mentioned in her video that Silco feels Vi is a threat to take Jinx away and he can’t have that. I believe that is part of how he sees Vi but I think there’s more to it. “Her name is Jinx”. I believe Silco sees Jinx as his creation (and prize). Jinx says so herself when she’s like Silco thinks he created Jinx with all his long speeches which tbh was hilarious as hell to me. Jinx is Powders creation of course. Even when she talks about VI’s voice it’s not really that VI’s turned her into Jinx it’s that to keep going and to survive Powder had to let Jinx that part of her that is “different and strong” take the reigns. (Which hurts my heart but that’s another essay entirely.) Silco I believe also sees Vi as a threat to undo his “work” of killing Powder. Also just plainly saying Vi doesn’t love her and isn’t there for her is such a shitty thing to do not just because it’s a lie but because he’s feeding into that broken fear Powder has. Vi never once acts like she loves Powder any less as Jinx her face when Powder says I thought maybe you could love me like you use to is heartbreaking your honor.
Silco obsession with Jinx the identity. “I thought you were the prize of your secondhand family but Jinx is more than I imagine.” This is like the coup de gras of why he’s a bad dad for me. Because nearly every part of what he does is to preserve the Jinx identity. Jinx is not a fucking healthy identity, it is not a strength, it is not a prize. It’s a tragic trauma response. She’s running around talking to the air and hanging out alone with puppets of her dead brothers?! He doesn’t want her to be Powder not because she wouldn’t love him but because Powder had no strength to take power in a world he feels demands you be powerful! He isolated her, he manipulated her, he loved her, he cared for her, he lied to her, and he enabled her. He did not try and save her from drowning he gently pushed her under because he couldn’t see that she was not him. This cost them both sadly.
Silco is a phenomenal character and fun to discuss because of his complexity. I can completely understand why people think he’s a good father. I think many people want to feel seen and loved like Jinx is by Silco. But if someone only sees the traumatized parts of you as the best part that person may love you more than anyone on earth but they aren’t good for you.
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Tinder in Real Life
Pairings: Harry Lewis x fem!Reader, Sidemen x platonic!Reader Word Count: 2k Warnings: Language some people may find offensive, sexual themes, recycled lines from Sidemen Tinder in Real Life because I'm not at all creative Request: Hey! Could you do reader x Harry imagine where the sidemen do a collab video with the reader who is also a big youtuber and Harrys celebrity crush. And during the video the reader is very flirty, leaving Harry a flustered mess when the flirting is directed towards him, but very jealous when its with any other sidemen.
The Sidemen were one of the biggest groups on YouTube and one that you were very familiar with. At the age of 23, you were a fair bit younger than some of its oldest members but yet you had a close relationship with JJ, whom you had met through YouTube.
You had started your channel when you were 17, just under four years ago, making makeup videos, which was a passion of yours when you were younger. Not that you were any good at it back then. Those videos quickly become unlisted when your channel started blowing up in late 2016, now nearing 20 million at the present time.
It wasn't long before you expanded your horizons and had started making different sorts of videos, including vlogs of your everyday life - which wasn't and still isn't that exciting in your opinion - and those where you just had a laugh, attempting to do stupid challenges that were so popular back then. It was those, however, that grew your channel. Your fans seemed to love them and so you gradually started to make more.
As your small channel began to grow significantly, it caught the attention of KSI, a member of the Sidemen, who reached out to you to for a collab. You were ecstatic. You couldn't believe it at the time, why would someone like KSI with 20 million subscribers want to collaborate with you? By that time, you couldn't exactly call yourself a small channel anymore, with almost 5 million subscribers but it still didn't make any sense to you.
You and JJ quickly bonded after filming together. You had a very similar sense of humour and interests. As the years went, the older boy became one of your best friends, the nature of your relationship being very teasing and flirtatious but the both of you knew it was a joke. It was just the way you both were.
Though despite having known him for nearing 3 years now, you had never met the rest of the Sidemen, with the exception of Simon, as he lived with JJ. Which is why when he texted asking you to collaborate with the Sidemen, you couldn't turn the offer down. You were a fan of the group and the content they were producing. You thought the videos that they made were exceptional, that they were pushing the envelope of the standard of content on YouTube and often found yourself excited for new videos.
He had explained that they were filming another of their 'Tinder in real life' but a YouTuber version with the likes of BambinoBecky and ChiWithAC. You were so excited. You were finally going to meet the rest of JJ's friends and you had the opportunity to be a part of a Sidemen Sunday.
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You arrived at the studio the boys were filming at in the afternoon, finding and greeting JJ before he introduced you to the other sidemen in addition to Lux, Freezy and Stephen.
"And you've already met Simon." He finished.
"Yeah. Nice to finally meet you all. JJ tells me a lot about you guys." You laughed.
"Because that's assuring." Ethan pointed out with a chuckle, the other boys letting out agreements.
"Not all bad, I promise." You teased, winking at him. Ethan felt the blood rushing to his face, immediately becoming flustered and stumbling over his words. You found that you often had that effect on people as you could be very direct and flirtatious even when you didn't mean it. To you it was just friendly banter.
"Geez Y/N, stop flirting with people you met literally five minutes ago." JJ rolled his eyes.
"You sound a bit jealous, Jide." You smirked, a teasing grin spread across your face.
"Nah, allow it." There were eruptions of laughter around the room, coming from the boys. You were quick to notice Harry standing out of the way and was significantly quieter than the others, with what seemed to be a forced smile on his face.
Harry was in his own head, barely paying attention to what was going on around him. When JJ had told him that you were going to be in the next Sidemen video, he panicked. You were an accomplished YouTuber who he was quite fond of to say the least. Well, that would be an understatement, he had a fairly large crush on you. A crush that no one but Freezy and Lux knew about.
He knew that JJ had been friends with you for some time now but never considered the possibility of even meeting you. His anxiety acted as a barrier to even the thought of it. But he was currently in the same room as you and had said nothing more than a short 'hello'. He longed to have the confidence Ethan had to speak to you, even more so for you to look at him the way you were.
Already you were flirting with JJ and Ethan, something that caused a pit to form at the bottom of his stomach. He wouldn't admit it, but he could slowly feel the jealousy forming. Not that he had anything to be jealous about in the first place!
You continued to speak with the boys as you got your mic set up, telling them stories you were sure would embarrass JJ.
"Y/N, stop." The older boy whined. He could be like a child sometimes, but it was one of his more endearing qualities. He simply wouldn't be JJ if he wasn't.
"No, carry on." Simon laughed.
"Oh, don't worry, there's plenty more where that came from." You teased.
"I think it's time we started, don't you think?" Harry grumbled.
"Right." You smiled at the boy, who's cheeks became tinted red. He ducked to hide his face and walked around to stand in the line, hiding himself in the middle.
"Hi, I'm Y/N, I'm 23 and I'm from Y/H/T." You spoke to the camera once you were given the go ahead.
"I'm Simon, I'm 28. I like to practice safe sex."
"Always a good start."
"I could tie you to the bed, so you don't fall off." He finished with a giggle. You acted like you were pondering it for a moment before letting out a laugh and swiping right.
"I'm down for that." You teased. The boys all let out rumbles of laughter
"Hi, I'm Ethan, I'm 26 and kiss me if I'm wrong, but you're gonna swipe right."
"What would you rather?" You joked. Ethan shrugged his shoulders and walked closer to the board, sticking his head through with his lips puckered, eliciting a cry of protest from Harry that this wasn't allowed. You laughed and made an over exaggerated motion to swipe to the right, causing him to pout playfully but walked over to the right anyway.
"Hi, I'm Josh, I'm 28. KSI has a top ten single, but you're the only hot single I can see."
"Wow, that was smooth!" You said with a grin. "Definite yes from me."
"I'm Callum, I'm 26. Are you into fitness?" Freezy asked.
"Can't say I am." You replied, unsure of what turn this could take.
"How about you fitness dick in your mouth?"
"I wouldn't get too excited babes, I gag on my toothbrush." You laughed. "We could try though."
You swiped right on him, chuckling as you watched him let out a yes before joining Simon, Ethan, and Josh. You frowned slightly, a crease forming between your brows as you saw Harry whisper something furiously at his friend but ultimately got distracted by Vik stepping up to go next.
"I'm Vik, I'm 25. My ex-girlfriend always said I'd never do better than her, wanna prove her right?" You could hear the cries of the boys in the background, some scolding him, others laughing.
"Man actually said prove her right. Not wrong." JJ shrieked with a shocked look on his face, holding his head with his hands.
"You need to find someone for that." You snarked, swiping left on the boy, who shrugged and walked off.
"Damn! You got told!" Lux cackled.
"Uh hi. I'm Harry. I'm uh 25, no I'm not I'm 24." He stumbled. "Are you sure you're a muggle? Because that ass is magical."
"You should see how magical it can be." You spoke before cringing at yourself and laughing, swiping right to avoid a reply. The boy's face grew a bright shade of red, closely resembling the colour of a tomato.
"Geez, is that an offer?!" Freezy yelled from the right side. You laughed, observing how Harry whispered furiously to the boy to stop and winked at him once he had could see. Your laughter only increased as you watched JJ step up.
"I'm JJ. I'm 28 and are you a raisin? Cause you're raising my dick." The boy in question stood in front of you so confidently, hands clasped together in front of him so seriously that you just lost it. By the time you composed yourself, there were tears almost falling from your eyes.
"A* for effort." You laughed, swiping right eliciting a cry of success.
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You had wrapped up filming your segment of the video, which conveniently was the last of the day. You found JJ who you spoke to whilst the other boys were otherwise occupied talking to each other.
"Cheers for coming, Y/N/N. You've been great."
"Anything for you." You joked.
"Don't tempt me." He laughed. You could feel eyes on you, eyes that were burning into your side. You turned your head to see Harry staring you and JJ down before looking away after being caught in the act, and suddenly felt very uncomfortable.
"Does Harry not like me or something?" You whispered to JJ, feeling self-conscious all of a sudden.
"Not that I know of." He frowned looking at the younger boy. "He can be a bit awkward at times and gets flustered a lot."
"Right." You agreed. You excused yourself before sauntering up to the boy in question, calling his name to snap him out of the daze he appeared to be in.
"Oh, um hey Y/N." He stumbled.
"Hi." You smiled gently. "I uh, I was just wondering, do you... have I done something to offend you?"
"Offend me? Why, uh, why would you think that?" He rambled.
"It's just... it's nothing, it's probably just me overthinking things." You waved it off, feeling like a complete idiot.
"I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that I don't like you. I don't not like you, in fact I really like you! Oh, um I mean I like you, you're very pretty." The boy couldn't stop rambling which made you laugh. "No, wait."
"You think I'm pretty?" You blushed interrupting him. Harry felt his mouth go dry, not being able to get anything coherent to come out. "Well, Harry, I really like you too."
"What?" His eyebrows shot up so far it was almost comical. "Really? So, you don't like the other guys?"
"What? No." You laughed. "That's absurd. Why would you think that?"
"You seemed very..." The boy trailed off, not wanting to offend you after you had admitted to liking him.
"Flirty?" You finished, causing him to nod. "I'm like that with everyone, I don't mean to be half the time."
"Well, how about you give me your phone number and when you finally grow a pair, you can ask me out?" Your confidence levels had shot up spontaneously.
"Uh, sure." His cheeks had become a dark shade of red as he passed his phone to you so you could put your number in. You kept looking up at him as you typed, putting your name under 'Y/N x' in his contacts before handing it back to him.
"Y/N! Come on! We're going to Nando's!" JJ called from the other side of the room.
"Call me." You winked. Your bottom lip was caught between your teeth and was currently the only thing from stopping the wide grin from spreading across your face. A grin that hadn't disappeared from your face for the rest of the day, much to the curiosity of JJ, who was disappointed when you refused to tell him why, or more appropriately who, had put the smile on your face.
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iredreamer · 2 years
i've been trying to figure out why this season feels different and i think it's because we don't have the softness, the female gaze-ness of season 1. i don't know if it comes from the directing, the score, the editing but in season 1, during ann/anne scenes it almost felt like you were witnessing something you shouldn't because they were That intimate. or it was as if you were living those moments with them. season 2 hasn't had that affect so far, i think
I have to say that I completely agree with you. I think it comes both from the directing and the score, it’s a mix of those two things for me.
Definitely the directing is very very different and I do miss the “female gaze” from season one, that’s why I keep saying I want more close ups — I miss that closeness, delicacy, softness, intimacy — at the same time I understand why we’re not having it. It makes sense because that’s not necessarily what the Ann(e)s’ dynamic is right now. I do hope, once the Ann(e)s solve their issues, we go back to that emotional closeness. This first half of the season has really been Mariana centered and to some degree I understand why we have this overall sense of distance.
I can say that this forth episode had some interesting shots. This sequence being probably my absolute favourite of the whole episode:
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Gentleman Jack, season 2 episode 4, dir. Amanda Brotchie
I love how here you can really feel the love. It’s almost a dreamlike sequence, the time slows down and it’s clear that, when the Ann(e)s are thinking about each other, they are in their own little world and nothing else matters but them.
This episode also had things I didn’t quite enjoy which I think contribute to the overall distant/cold vibe I’m generally getting from this season.
For example:
1. The decentered close ups from an upper angle are a big no-no for me.
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Gentleman Jack, season 2 episode 4, dir. Amanda Brotchie
I don’t really understand this choice, it’s very "dramatic” and very on the nose, zero subtlety, it really screams “I'm uncomfortable”. These kind of shots also give off such a “procedural drama” vibe and I’m not sure that matches GJ’s vibe at all, they feel out of place in a show like this. It feels like you’re studying the characters, looking at them from such an advantage point... it’s weird.
I preferred way more the intense super close close ups of season one – usually they had that hand-camera quality, that human touch, that warmth.
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Gentleman Jack, season 1 episode 2, dir. Sally Wainwright
Plus, really getting close and personal adds waaay more to the scene.  I find most of the shots this season to be very distant.
I mean... in the shot with Ann Walker we can feel the “drama” because the shot itself is visually dramatic, almost ominous, threatening, with the character being displaced, not at the centre, in a position of disadvantage. In the second one from S01E02 formality comes after, we’re witnessing a personal drama, and it’s really all on Anne’s face. And the shakiness of the camera adds value to Suranne’s performance. Which leads me to my second point...
2. I find camera movements to be quite “cold” this season. 
Camera movements are very very different from season one. Again, in season one we had more of a “human touch”. Often the camera was hand-held (or at least had that effect) and they really used that “shaky”, warm, human, imperfect quality the technique has to add texture to the whole scene, something I feel we completely lost this season.
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Gentleman Jack, season 1 episode 2, dir. Sally Wainwright
Two examples – look at how the shots are not always in focus, but they do come into focus, slowly. They’re not always "formally” perfect. And all this plays a fundamental role in the feeling we get from a scene.
This time camera movements are very smooth, very stabilized, and I (personally) really don’t like this “stabilized“ effect. It’s all very “mechanical” and steady which, again, in my opinion doesn’t help creating a close, delicate, soft, intimate scene. You are not in an intimate space with the characters, they’re doing their own thing and you’re just watching them.
3. We’re not getting proper close ups.
Well, really nothing else to add – we got very few proper close ups and the ones we got were always to show distress or discomfort + camera movements don’t really contribute to make you feel close with the characters for the reasons I already explained in the pervious point.
Intimate scenes between the Ann(e)s are mostly shot with them facing each other in a symmetrical way. It creates such a distance. Just look at all the scenes they’ve had till now this season... most of them are shot like this. Episode one had more “intimate” scenes maybe (I’m thinking about their last scene together in the bedroom).
I’m particularly sad we didn’t get a close up shot and reverse shot for this scene for example.
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Gentleman Jack, season 2 episode 4, dir. Amanda Brotchie
I think this scene would have been a great opportunity to really get close and personal with them – there is emotional distance between them because things are not going well, yes, but I would have loved to actually see it on their faces instead of...this.
Of course there are shots and scenes that I’ve loved this season – the Rievaulx Abbey scene in episode one is probably my absolute favourite till now, it had that epicness to it – but they’re few and far between. I’m not saying that quality has gone down – absolutely not – everything is still so good, it’s just that with the turn they’ve taken with directing the whole thing does have kind of a different vibe...
I think the aesthetic of season one really added value to the show – and I do believe it was Sally’s merit, she directed the first three episodes (and the last one) and she set the tone beautifully. The choices she made in directing gave the show a distinctive, cohesive look and really created this connection with the viewer. There was no distance between Anne and us, opposed to this season in which I feel the directing does create quite a distance between her and us.
Anyway, this turned out long af – bottom line is that I agree with you and really if there is a thing I’m not enjoying as much as I did in season one is the directing this season.
I want Sally back –
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i miss this
praying every single saint in heaven that we’ll get something more introspective and intimate in the next episodes.
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crellanstein · 4 years
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I find it odd how the fandom focuses so much on Aang’s childhood being ruined when he learned he was the Avatar at 12, but there’s very little talk about how discovering she was the Avatar as a toddler affected Korra’s life and how she was raised.
But we’ll circle back to that...
Because this is a good starting point to talk about one of the most prevalent themes in the story, which the mainstream discussion of tends to only focus on a few characters -- That is the Child Prodigy. 
We’ll start with the two most obvious. The ones we always talk about.
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The clearest example of your typical child prodigy (if there is anything typical about a prodigy). Azula showed early mastery of very advanced Fire-Bending techniques, and is the only Fire-Bender to use blue flames, which was intended to make her stand out amongst the other villains but is also indicative that her Fire-Bending is more pure and powerful (blue flame is produced when burning pure O2 or fuel without contaminant at a very high temperature). 
All this lead to her being praised and favored by Ozai as a child, but as double-edged swords go, this also meant she had a lot of pressure on her shoulders to never fail, and she rarely did. Her ego matched her talent, and let’s be honest she was the baddest bitch the show had ever seen. Conquering Ba Sing Se, defeating the Avatar in combat, and dropping some of the most devastating lines of dialogue in villain history; she was a force nobody wanted to reckon with. 
And that become a problem for one asshole in particular...
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Being jealous of his own child is just one item on a laundry list of reasons why this guy is the worst father in the history of fathers. Azula had begun to outshine him with her victories, and Ozai’s maniacal ego couldn’t handle that, so he left her behind to babysit the Fire Nation while he went out to burn/conquer the world, which also was her idea.
And while this wasn’t the only thing that aided in her demise, it certainly was the final straw which sent her spiraling down into this...
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In the end Azula is a sad example of how certain unfair expectations are placed upon talented children, and the more they succeed, the more these expectations grow and weigh on the them until they either disappoint those looking down on them or surpass and embarrass their elders.
It is a lose-lose situation which inevitably destroys them.
There is a similar example of the child prodigy, but his story goes a little different.
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Even as a twelve/thirteen year-old boy Aang by far has the most impressive stats among any character in the Avatar universe.
Basically mastering 3 of the 4 Elements in less than a year, after mastering Air by the time he is twelve (not to mention inventing his own Air-bending move, the Air scooter). 
Aang is an example of a child prodigy who had too much thrust onto him at too young an age because of the talent he showed; because of this he panicked and ran away, and the world was worse off for it. 
Aang/Sokka/Katara’s story is all about how in times of War, responsibilities normally handled by adults are pushed onto kids who then have to grow up very fast in order to deal with it all.
The message is clear. War robs the young of their childhoods. 
Now, let’s talk about a different kind of child prodigy.
The Unacknowledged. 
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Yes, of course I’m talking about Toph, the greatest Earth-Bender to ever live.
Because of her blindness, Toph’s family tried to keep her sheltered and safe by hiding her from the world. Refusing to believe she could ever be more than helpless. Anyone who has seen the show knows that is far from the truth.
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But because her potential went unseen, there were some negative effects to her personality. Initially, she resented her parents, and rebelled; which established a certain level of independence, a bad attitude, and a hot-headed streak. Over time spent with the Gaang these behaviors subsided because she finally had friends and they accepted her for who she was. By the end of the series she was fully willing to accept aid from them when she needed it, like holding on to Sokka’s arm in environment where her bending couldn’t help her “see”. 
Toph’s story is a foil to Azula’s, both showed immense talent and badassery, but while recognition of Azula lead to ever-mounting pressure for her to succeed; the lack of recognition for Toph created a need for her to be acknowledged and set an undercurrent of frustration which leads to her acting out in the ways she does.
The lesson to take from Toph’s story is not to shelter your kid from the world out of fear for their safety, and to be open to recognizing their talents, not shun them.
Next are two more Unacknowledged.
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Katara and Sokka.       
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Their story, and the reason behind their circumstances, is one of the more complicated and nuanced ones in the series, so here we’ll focus on how it fits into the subject of discussion.
Because of the War, Katara was robbed not only of her mother but also of any Southern Masters to train her, and any role models Sokka could have looked up to left with his father to fight. Because of this Katara’s potential and Sokka’s genius went unacknowledged not due to neglect but rather due to circumstance. (Yes, I think Sokka is a genius, how many 15 yr olds do you know that can plan an invasion, design submarines, and spit poetry off the cuff?).
This is a further example of how War robs kids of necessary childhood experiences, and these two robberies had particular effects on both Katara and Sokka’s character developments.
Sokka had the responsibility of protecting his home put upon him at a young age. The men of his tribe leaving prevented him from completing his rite of manhood until the Gaang ran into Bato of the Water Tribe, and early on Sokka was constantly trying to prove himself as a man and a leader. Sokka is one of the smarter characters of the series, but he rarely got credit for it until the third season. Not to mention that because he wasn’t a bender he often seemed less useful than the others. The circumstances of war made his talent go unnoticed and because of that he often was unsure of himself and overcompensated to prove something.
Speaking of talent going unnoticed.
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Katara is definitely one of the more talented benders of the series. After training herself for years with little progress, she essentially mastered Water-Bending in a few weeks under Master Pakku. While her anger towards the Fire-Nation mostly centers around the loss of her mother, it can’t be ignored that the delay in her training was a direct result of the Fire-Nations’ actions.  Toph’s anger and frustration vented itself as rebellion. However, the same frustration and anger is within Katara, but because she wasn’t as natural a bender as Toph she sought to learn and be respected, and when that was denied to her is when that anger bubbled to the surface in some terrifying ways. 
While Toph’s talent went unnoticed because of her families neglect, Katara and Sokka’s wasn’t acknowledged because there was nobody to acknowledge it. Because of that both brother and sister wanted to prove themselves to the world.
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And then there is Zuko.
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I know what you’re thinking. Zuko wasn’t a prodigy, his Fire-Bending skill didn’t catch up with Azula’s until the finale and he never mastered Lightning-Bending, but this section is about the Unacknowledged.
Zuko had many other talents besides Fire-Bending, he was a master swordsmen, and was able to successfully break into every secure facility he attempted in the show (which was almost every secure facility the show featured).  Unfortunately, these talents were never recognized, because the only thing the royal family cared about was bending ability (It’s possible the reason he learned the sword was because he lacked skill in Fire-Bending). 
As per usual with Zuko, this part of his tale is quite sad. Many can relate to being outshined by a sibling, and when it becomes all too clear that one cannot match another’s talent it’s quite understandable to focus on what they do excel at, but even then there is no promise of recognition for their own talent. Zuko was even mocked by his father during the solar eclipse when Ozai tried baiting him into attacking with his swords. 
This lack of recognition is one of many sad aspects of Zuko’s early life, but it is a definitive example of one of the hardest unacknowledged prodigy’s cross to bear. The Outshone prodigy, one whose talents are never noticed because a bigger and brighter star stands in the way of such recognition, and arguably the most frustrating type mentioned here. Toph/Sokka/Katara all came from situations were there was no recognition being given to them or anyone, but Zuko had to bear watching massive amounts of praise be piled on to his sister while he and his accomplishments went by the way side.
Ozai summed up the situation best.
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“Azula was born lucky, Zuko was lucky to be born”
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Alright now where have I been going with all this?
So, far we’ve covered a lot of wrong ways to treat a child, whether they show talent or not, and how the circumstances of war can also take many things from children.
But what happened to Korra?
(Before we get into to this I should state that I like Korra, and the purpose of this is not to bash her as a character or her arc, but rather to give a little of my insight into it.)
It’s well established that Aang was told of his heritage too young, and that was a detriment on his development into an adult, but what would have happened if he realized his powers himself not long after he could walk? We’ll never know, but we do get to see the effects it had on Korra. 
When she revealed herself as the Avatar, Korra set her entire life in a new direction, and because Aang tasked the White Lotus with finding and training her that direction was out of her control. There are two key differences between Korras’ and other Avatars’ lives.
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1. She grew up in isolation on a White Lotus compound.
Every Avatar before Korra we know of spent a portion of their early lives traveling the world in order to master the elements; along this journey they not only learned how to bend the other 3 elements, buy also many things about the 3 other nations and the world they are tasked to protect as a whole. By confining Korra in safety and bringing the masters to her the White Lotus deprived Korra of this opportunity to learn and grow and understand the world and the people within in. It also deprived her of learning modern bending styles until she reached Republic City.
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While this might have kept Korra safe from the Red Lotus, it grew within her a naiveté about how the world worked, and because of this when she actually did venture out into the world she was terribly unprepared for it.
2.  She was trained and mastered 3 of the elements by the time she was 16.
Most Avatars don’t know they have this power until they reach 16 and then they spend several years learning to control it. Korra’s natural talent in the bending lead to her training being expedited not by necessity like Aang’s, but due to her talent and eagerness. Korra excelled at the physical part of being the Avatar and because of this by the time she reached maturity she had become over-confident in her abilities and true to what her Fire-Bending master said in Ep.1 she lacked restraint.
I’m not saying her bending isn’t great, but rather because it is so great it’s her go-to solution to anything, and she enjoys that so she uses it with enthusiastic gusto and not a lot of thinking before striking.
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This overconfidence coupled with her naiveté of the world is what lead to many of her rash decisions and actions, most of which had negative consequences, and I believe are the reason behind some fan are dissatisfied with her. Aang had been almost the complete opposite, even by the age of twelve he was an experienced world traveler and an incredibly humble guy. 
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Some may have been dissatisfied by these character decisions, but they served a purpose, they are only the beginning of her arc. The internal challenge Korra must overcome through 4 seasons is to humble herself before the world, and learn from it. This was finally achieved in the 4th season when the metal poisoning in her body forces her to face others in the world as equals, only then had she completed her journey.
And why did it all go this way?
Because she is a very unique child prodigy, what she demonstrates in the first episode of LOK would be akin to a toddler playing the violin or hitting a three-pointer; she could bend 3 elements close to just after learning to walk. That is the kind of prodigious talent rarely seen because it is mostly impossible. How does a rational person handle a child like that? 
It’s a tough question, and something this essay has been circling around the whole time. Each example here is the wrong way to handle talented and different children, but what is the right way?
As always look to Iroh.
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Who treated his surrogate son Zuko with both respect and compassion. 
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Unlike Toph’s parents, Iroh worried over Zuko’s well being, but also allowed him to be independent, make his own decisions, and take his own risks.
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Unlike the Nomad Leaders, he didn’t want Zuko weighed down by his position in the world and the responsibility that came with, and always encouraged him relax and take advantage of the moment.
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Unlike Ozai, Iroh would always be there to support Zuko in his victories and his failures. Iroh shows him the right path but does not force him down it.
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And even after Zuko betrayed and abandoned him.
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Iroh was never angry with him, and embraced him upon his return.
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He wanted Zuko to grow and be a better man. Even if Zuko wasn’t a prodigy like his sister. 
And that is the answer here. The way to raise a prodigy is the same way anyone should raise any child. Love, Support, a Guiding Hand rather than a Forceful Shove, Recognition of What Makes Them Unique, and Forgiveness When They Falter. The problem comes along when you start treating children differently because you see them as different or special. All children are different, all children are special.
Kids are kids, and they all deserve a proper childhood.  
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cloudyyangel · 3 years
Nanami Kento thinks you look best in his blue button up. He enjoys seeing the stretch and pull of the fabric against your plump body. He also enjoys the events leading up to you tugging on his shirt.
nsfw, cw: lack of prep, dry humping, body inclusive reader, afab reader, slight praise kink, one ass smack
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Nanami watches as you gather your underwear from the foot of his bed and slip back into them, a small smile playing at your lips. Your wiggles to get them just right over your thighs and ass has Nanami sighing softly as he leans against the headboard- eyeing every piece of plush flesh that bounces with your movements.
He had tried to coax you to stay in bed, dinner can wait sweetheart, but you had been adamant about feeding the over worked and stressed sorcerer (No Kento, I am not a suitable meal! You told him for the fifth time). He had came straight home from work and gotten you into bed before any greetings of hellos or how are yous.
You glance around for your shirt, the one he won’t mention is on the opposite side of the bed by the wall. It’s a game for him; getting you to throw your shirt off in a lust fueled haze and losing it. You always try to find it afterwards, sometimes even nudging him to roll over so you can search under him. Nanami was patient as his gaze followed you around the room- he knew the ultimate victory of the night was close. It sent a pleasant warmth through his chest as you finally give up and pull on the only shirt on the floor.
Nanami is built different, as you’ve jokingly told him many times. He’s tall with broad shoulders and a toned physique from fighting curses over the years. You, in a great difference, are soft with rounded edges that contrast with his sharp angles. You love to watch him flex as he chops vegetables for dinner, or see the taut skin of his stomach as he stretches before bed- it’s everything you’re not and it use to sting a bit, cut into your heart that maybe you weren’t good enough.
Nanami Kento, on the other hand, loves the opposition of your bodies. He loves the soft skin of your shoulders under his hands, to feel fat squeezing between his fingers as he grips your thighs, loves to watch your belly match the pumps of his hips as he drives his cock into you. He loves you, truly and wholeheartedly, and everything about you. Over time his sweet words, sinful praises, and all consuming actions have nestled their way into your body to take home in your skin.
They settle in your heart- the logic conscious man had no time to string someone along or for empty compliments. Fine, Nanami had relented one night after you explain why you’re not enough for him, you are big. You’re also beautiful, smart, amazing, talented. It’s just another word that describes why I love you. You start to believe it after that.
The blue button up you pull on after a session of love making is what he loves the most. Out of all the looks you had, it was his favorite. The fabric clings to the fat of your arms while the wrists are loose. It stretches across your full chest with only three buttons fastened in an attempt to hold you even as they pull taut (you know they’re reliable, just like the man who wears it). It couldn’t cover your tummy, even with how broad he is, but the material covers enough for you to trot around the room in.
It’s ill fitting- not necessarily too small, but made for a slimmer and taller build. Tailor made for Nanami Kento. On you, it’s a frumpy mess- the blue material wrinkling at odd places, bunching up around your arms but god if he doesn’t melt at the sight of you. His blue button up, stretched safely around your bigger form- it reminds him that you are his, that you love him, that he can protect and cherish you. He tries to keep it out as often as he can, fighting his urge to keep everything smartly in its place, just in hopes of you tugging it on. He soon found out that you were more willing to pull it on when you were in a dazed state, wanting to put on some semblance of clothes after an extended period of being exposed. Nanami was more than happy to provide that mindset for you.
This evening, his shirt had been tossed to the floor as soon as he entered the bedroom. His tie was somewhere in the living room, his glasses by the front door, shoes strewn across the entrance. Nanami is a smart man, however, and was careful with this shirt- he let that drop right in the middle of the room, to be sure it was the only thing you saw after he had satisfied both of your needs.
△ △ △
“Impatient, hmm Kento?” You teased as his hands groped at the fat on your hips to pull you even closer to him. He was home exactly on time despite the complaint of overtime and caught you by surprise. Nanami had strode into the bedroom with no words as he let his shirt drop to the floor and immediately captured your lips in a kiss.
The normally composed sorcerer had called on his break to rant about useless colleagues and a curse getting too close for comfort and that he just wanted to hear your voice. He promised to try not to work too late, I miss you darling, but you knew he put everything he had into work and told him you would be waiting for him with a smile.
Nanami hummed as he bruised your lips in a needy kiss. “I just need you.” He had muttered with a rut of his hips against yours. His length was already pronounced and it made you pull back with a slight gasp- light glistened off the string of spit that connected you two.
The situation at work must have gotten to him, his controlled façade had slipped completely off as he attacked you with an usual fervor. His hands squeezed your hips before they roamed over your tummy- it was one of his favorite places to touch and kiss and squeeze and worship.
He never faltered on his slow, methodical, rut against you, not slowing down to even remove both of your bottoms. “K-kento, we can-“ Your suggestion to continue in bed was cut off when his hands wrapped around your back to grope at your ass.
He always did go straight for what he wanted. Which explained why he was rutting you into the wall with spit spread around your lips.
His hips sped up and harsh pants met your face as he pressed forward. Nanami’s brow was furrowed, fingers griped tight on your ass as he slotted between your legs. His composure, his calmness, had been tossed to the side along with his shirt the second he saw you. Now, his cock was leaking into his slacks and he was just so desperate to feel you against him that the wall would do for now.
The new closeness brought his hard cock right against your cunt, still both clothed but the friction was enough to make you grow wet and grind back against him. The angle pushed you up on your toes, desperate to feel even more of him and if you angled your hips just right, you could feel Nanami’s length slide right over your clothed slit.
You had refused on multiple times to be picked up, even when he insisted on multiple times that he could. Instead, he accommodated your needs and wants, simply finding a way to be able to grind against you while he pressed your back against the wall. He bent down to suck the smooth skin of your neck into his mouth, only to increase the speed of his ministrations on your now dripping cunt.
His hips rubbed harder against you, effectively pining you to the wall and it started to burn against your skin. The sting only amplified the feeling every time it rubbed against your pussy lips and you couldn’t help but whimper with every thrust.
Deep in your stomach, something tightened and grew into a comfortable pressure, your orgasm growing with every thrust of Nanami’s hips. One hand left your ass to roughly paw at your chest, his fingers easily found the pebbled nipple and rolled it a few times before he gave a light tug. As you gasped he took the opportunity to shove his mouth over yours, to lavish his tongue against yours. It wasn’t enough for you, or him, but you were the first to break.
You needed more, needed him and needed something physical to touch you. "Kento, please” you whined into his mouth as you felt the soaked fabric of your underwear stick and cling to you.
The broken cry brought Nanami back as he pulled away from your hips, not able to control his harsh pants. The sudden stop made you jerk against him, desperate for any relief against your clit that throbbed under your pants. Nanami stared down at you, blond hair stuck to his sweaty forehead with darkened eyes, and heaved a few deep breaths. His expression cleared as he took in your state- the caretaker role slid back on as he saw how wrecked you were from just a few minutes of dry humping. Your eyes were half lidded and cloudy with tears from the friction, hips still stuttered from the loss of contact, and your chest heaved. When he didn’t move, you reach forward with a grabby hand to tug his belt towards you. He easily caught your hand and slightly ‘tsk’ed when you voiced your displeasure with a frown.
“Look what you do to me.” He sighed and brought both of your hands to his cock that strained against the fabric of his slacks. You desperately gripped at the hardness which earned you a sharp hiss from his kiss bruised lips. You mewled at the sound but Nanami was never one to be outdone.
He eyed your own sex and let out a small chuckle. “Look what I do to you.” He said amused as he rubbed your hands over the wet spot of your pants. The pressure made the fabric catch against your slick lips, swollen from the rough friction and you arched into it before he pulled the hands away. He chuckled at your pout and wiggle to find friction again.
“I can’t believe how needy you are,” you bit out in frustration at his tease, “dry humping me like a virg-.” He swallowed the rest of your retort with a heavy kiss and quick swat to your ass. The small spank had you flatten yourself against the wall with a surprised gasp.
“You’re the one soaked through two layers of clothes. I think you’re the needy one, sweetheart.” He commented with a harsh tug on your ass which slammed your hips against his. It pressed your lips against your clit and sent a jolt through your body and the loud whine that left your lips already proved his point as he dragged you towards the bed. He brought his hands back to himself and left you to stand in front of him.
Nanami didn’t break your gaze as he went to unbuckle his pants and flung them off somewhere (you would tease him later how messy that was, throwing his clothes around like a teenager). You shifted as you watched his thick cock spring free of his slacks. The pretty red head slapped against his flushed stomach and you swallowed a whine as your cunt continued to throb. You would drop to your knees if he asked, pull your knees as wide as they would go, press your face into the mattress- anything to get his perfectly thick pretty cock inside of you. Nanami was observant as ever and smirked as he sat down on the bed.
“Like I said, needy.” His voice was a rumble and the comment sent a flutter through you. Nanami eyed you up and down, still fully clothed even as he sat naked on the bed, and gave a solid pat to his thigh.
“Take off your pants.”
Nerves shot through you- even after being with Nanami for so long. It was a force of habit to hide your body, to not show off and it made your movements lag as you unbuttoned and pulled off your pants. Despite his preference to see you naked- he rarely undressed you himself. He allowed you to take off whatever clothes you felt comfortable enough to remove, and at your own pace.
He was patient, as he always was, while you worked to obey him and not listen to the doubts that swirled in your head. His command, soft as it was, fought against those doubts you had. You wanted to please him, feel the praise run through your body, and that beat out whatever words had been thrown at your body in the past. His pale eyes watched as your thighs were freed and jiggled as you lifted you feet to kick them away.
His legs parted slowly (god what a sight to see Nanami Kento spread his legs wide for your body) and you slotted yourself in between his strong legs. “Look at you,” it came out breathless as he softly slid his hands under your shirt and you took the silent command to throw it off along with your bra, “sweetheart you’re gorgeous.” He pressed a few kisses to your stomach, his lips sinking into your skin. Your hands threaded through his blonde locks to let your nails scrape against his skull.
That was the praise that made every piece of exposed skin worth it- his gentle tone and sweet words sunk into the fat on your body and sent a shiver through you. He responded with soft bites into your even softer skin; his lips sucked a few red marks next to your navel to prove his point.
“Come join me, please Angel. Let me feel you.” He spoke quietly as he lead you onto his lap. You obeyed wordlessly- his words, his voice washed over you and made you compliant. Your weight pressed against his strong thighs, the bed dipped beneath your combined weight, and your stomach trapped his cock between the two of you as you settled down on his lap.
Nanami’s lips instantly latched onto your nipple, sucking and licking the hard bud. His hands roamed across your back, dipped to your love handles to pull you against him and you pressed up closer to his cock. His hips thrusted up on instinct to fuck his cock against your soft stomach, and drew a small moan from your lips. You rolled your hips against him which left behind a nice slick of your juices on his lap. His cock twitched against your stomach just as your clit pulsed from lack of stimulation.
Nanami was more than happy to lazily roll hips against hips until someone gave in. Once again, you broke first. “Wanna feel you Kento, please.” You muttered as your hips sped up on his lap. Your clit throbbed with every light push and you could feel the quiver travel through your thighs.
“You will, sweet girl. I’ll fill you up, give you what you need.” He promised as his hand travelled down to finally touch your wet pussy. His long fingers teased your slit and one easily slid between the folds. He had been the one to storm into the room and dry hump you to a wreck, but now wanted to properly get you ready.
You tried not to pout at him being a gentlemen to prep you but at this point he had teased you too long. You whined and weaved your fingers through his light hair to tug his gaze up to your own. Your empty cunt was painful as it pulsed around nothing. “No, please Kento, I need you now. I promise I can take it I promise just- I need you right now please please-“ he kissed your babbles away and moved his hands to grip the back of your thighs. He was patient, but even he had a limit.
Nanami pulled back to lock his pale gaze onto your teary eyes. “Can you handle that sweetheart?” He asked firmly, any tease gone.
You nodded quickly, blinking away tears at the need of his fat cock inside of you. “Promise Ken! I promise!” You whined and he shushed you again.
“That’s enough baby, lift up for me.” You pushed up on your knees and pawed at his chest as he lined up at your entrance. Your little whines of ‘please’ were silenced as the tip of his cock slipped through your slick hole.
As Nanami helped you lower yourself, he let out a string of encouragements, “You can take it, I know you can good girl, just go slow, don’t rush yourse-“ his words were cut off with a broken moan as you spread your knees and sank further down on his cock. “F-fuck baby.” His head dropped against your shoulder and he fully moaned.
Nanami was vocal in the aspect that he would praise you, give you commands, but those moans were special and sent an electrical shock right to your core. You griped at his hair and wrapped your arms around his neck with your own whine as his thick cock stretched you out.
It burned. As wet as you were, it practically dripped down your legs, his fat cock still stretched and squeezed itself inside of it. You slowly sank down until you met his lap once more, thick cock buried in your fat pussy. Neither of you moved for a moment, enjoying the fill and stretch of each other. His hands clawed into the extra fat on your thighs, sure to leave pinpoint bruises in the morning, and gave a small bounce.
“Ah! Not yet, wait,” you stammered out with a whimper to his hair, your pussy throbbed around the intrusion.
“You can do it for me sweetheart, move and bounce on my cock, yeah? You’ll be a good girl.” He coaxed into your neck with a few swipes of his tongue.
You nodded instantly, his words wiped out any doubts or pain you had. “Ye-yeah. I can.” You confirmed and raised up on your knees slightly before you dropped your weight back down.
He let you set the pace, happy to feel the rise and fall of your thighs on his, watch your tits bounce, feel the tight squeeze of your cunt on his cock, hear the pants right by his ear. “Kento, Kento,” you chanted as your rises got higher and quicker.
His own pants and moans were almost lost in the mix of your vocalizations and the squelch of your pussy around his cock. The tightness that formed deep in your belly came back, egged on by the sounds and feel of Nanami. “More! Ken, I need more, please, just, just a lil’ more.”
You leaned back from him to grind your hips down just as he moved to thrust up to hit right there oh god that was the spot. Your moan was loud and delicious to him as the head of his cock brushed the spongy spot inside of you that left you slack jawed. He took advantage of your leaned back form and laid back on the bed before he bucked his hips. You fell forward, catching yourself on his chest. “More, sweet girl?” He questioned with a smile of adoration and lust.
Nanami was nothing short of a giving and loving partner, always happy to give you exactly what you asked for. In this new position, he was quick to thrust up so hard that it jerked you forward. That warmth in your belly grew sharper, brighter, as it weaved through your body with every hit of his cock inside of you. He continued his thrusts as you threw yourself back to meet his hips. Wet slaps of his cock being driven into you mingled with your loud moans and his quieter grunts.
He never could keep his hands still at this point. His hands groped at your jiggly ass, moved to cup your belly that hung over him, pinched at your nipples on your tits that swung right in his face, and pulled your thighs apart to watch his cock piston in and out of you. It was too much for him, just to watch you and everything about you as you bounced on top of him with such lewd sounds and faces. He loved you. “My good girl, you’re taking me so well, bouncing on my cock so nicely. How does it feel princess?”
Your arms threatened to give out as your hands clenched into fist on top of his chest. “Good! ‘S good Kento! Your- ah! your cock ‘s hitting so good!” You managed to respond as he continued to jack hammer into your soppy cunt. Nanami deepened his thrusts at your words, pleased that you always listened to him even with his cock that wiped most thoughts out of your mind. “Close, gonna...wanna cum with you.” You whined over his quiet grunts.
One hand left your ass and settled on the fat of your pussy right above the sensitive little bud that begged for touch. Your clit throbbed with the closeness and you leaned closer to him. He responded by snapping his cock deeper into you, a wet smack echoing with every thrust. “ ‘m close too princess, your so tight around me. ‘M gonna fill you up nice and full, okay? Make you bigger with all my cum.” His thumb found your clit and gave it a soft rub.
A jolt of sensation travelled through your body. “So deep, cum so deep inside me, puh-, puhlease!” Your begs and pleads became a mess as Nanami sped up the circles on your clit. Only utters of “Ken!”, “puhlease!” “Cum ‘n me!” fell from your mouth as your orgasm grew. You slunk down on his chest, almost laid out flat on him as his hips kept up their relentless pace. The circling of your clit, your cunt leaking around his fat cock, the warmth in your belly, Nanami’s praises of good girl my good girl- everything snapped.
You came loudly with stars behind your eyes, called out his name with a quiver that ran through your thighs and a gush of your juices that coated his lap beneath you as you full collapsed against his chest. He fucked you through your orgasm as he gave you one, two, three deep pumps- his hips only stilled with his cock buried balls deep as he emptied his cum inside your pulsing cunt and his lips praised your name. It took a moment to feel your thighs stop their shake, feel his cum settle into you, as you both recovered from your orgasms.
His chest heaved under you, arms wrapped around your waist to drag you up off his softening cock. You whined at the drag, positive both his lap and the sheets would be a mess of your combined cum. These moments, basked in the afterglow, neither of you could care about stained sheets and leaking cum.
Nanami settled you against his side and his lips dropped a slow and deep kiss against your own. “Love you, love you Kento.” You mumbled. “I love you, my darling.”
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So yes, seeing his shirt on you- face still flushed, hair a mess, red bite marks decorating your plush stomach- it was his favorite look.
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
plagiarism and bullying
I am not sure how much readers of this community know about what’s been happening, but I know pretty much anyone who writes has been going through hell the last couple of months because of authors who have grown too big for their own heads - and have effectively managed to poison the entire community with their behavior, which is precisely what I feared.
And I am sick of it.
I am sick of what can only be described as psychological and emotional harrassment, done privately so people feel isolated and scared to post anything.
I am sick of people thinking they own tropes, alternate universes, clichés, pairings, characters, even GENERAL PLOT POINTS that no one can possibly possess and take ownership of.
I am sick of these same people being the ones who can’t see an idea being thrown in front of them before attaching themselves to it until the original author is forced to pull back on something they’ve been working on because this other person who they considered a friend posted it before (oh yeah. I know all about those of you who are calling out people as plagiarists while stealing WIPs from your friends).
So let me give it to you straight - and this is coming from someone who is actually a victim of plagiarism myself.
Every time one of you points a finger at someone else and shames them privately or even attacks them publicly for writing a story that has the same generic set-up (Steve finds your fanfiction, Bucky loses himself to the Winter Soldier, reader needs to be rescued by one of the supersoldiers) you’re doing all of the people in this community a disfavor, by 1. making everyone scared of publishing anything, because the entitlement for the littlelest things seems vindicated now and 2. you’re taking away from actual instances of plagiarism and authors who are having their entire works stolen.
Think of it this way: can I feel entitled to the concept of sex pollen? only one bed? in vino veritas? why can I feel entitled to this concept that I apparently came up with but that can be rewritten in a thousand different ways?
If someone else can take that generic summary and run with it in a way that’s their own, YOU WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO TRADEMARK IT. It ISN’T an instance of intellectual property and it most definitely isn’t plagiarism.
You all have common sense. Use it. It’s one thing to copy an entire premise of a series, keep the same AU and character and change the lines of dialogue. It’s an entire different thing to create your own stepfather Bucky series, or mobster Steve series, or Alpha all of Chris’ characters (here, have one of “my own” ideas), with your own premise, your own ideas for each chapter and the other details of their relationship with the reader.
Or are you telling me from now on, there can be no more alpha!Bucky’s heat taking over him suddenly, Steve and Reader have to share a bed on a mission, stories with reader, charles and lee as a pairing or any other unusual one? Is that what we really want? To be the only suppliers of a certain trope, pairing or au? Can you see how your ego is affecting the entire fanfiction community hee on tumblr? Why authors are giving up on providing their fictional universes to welcome us into after a lousy day?
If your work inspired someone else’s, there’s a simple way to resolve it: reach out to the writer, confirm it was actually inspired by yours and ask them to give you credit. Credit is the actual solution for works that have been inspired by other works, but not bullying, not threats, not forcing someone to delete their own versions of a story we’re all actually sharing because bottom-line? We are all stealing Marvel’s characters and placing them on Shakespeare’s plot lines and the only thing we can do about it is add our porn and our own personal interpretations, imagination and developments.
And that means, of course: writers, if your story was inspired by someone else’s, please give them the proper credit. As I’m sure you’re aware, we are very quick to identify when something is similar to our creations, and it’s a fucking awful feeling. It’s what created this whole witch hunt over plagiarism in the first place, but while in 8/10 cases it isn’t actually plagiarism, it fucking sucks and it could have been easily prevented when it was just a matter of recognizing you aren’t the seventh wonder of the universe and actually got the inspiration to write that story from someone else.
In the same way, DON’T STEAL PEOPLE’S IDEAS WHEN THEY TALK ABOUT THEM. And no, THAT’S NOT PLAGIARISM either, it’s just common decency. They might even be okay with you writing the same idea, but it’s always nice to let them know and give them credit. Especially if it’s someone you consider a friend, but even more so if it’s something you saw as a snippet of a WIP on your timeline (as a general rule, I wouldn’t work on anything I thought intriguing only after I saw someone else was writing it).
And finally, still keeping that other point in mind: you don’t have the right to stop someone from working on something similar to what you’re writing. Can you imagine how many people are writing, at this exact moment, stories with the same premise? Of course, once it’s out, there’s a high chance the projects will be completely different, since each writer made it their own. I am willing to bet most of them didn’t copy from one another, they just happened to be interested in the same things - which is often the case here, prevented you aren’t an asshole that does what I described in the last paragraph.
I don’t know about you guys, but I am excited to read more stories about magical boading schools and I definitely hope J.K. Rowling won’t stop me from getting that.
Similarly, I beg you. You want to write your mafia!andy series? Please, do. The world needs your story. Just make sure it truly is your story that you’re telling.
tl;dr: plagiarism is a real issue, but never an excuse to bully people and traumatize them from writing. Writers, learn the difference between plagiarism and inspiration. If you do think it’s actual plagiarism you’re working with, please follow the following steps:
Before accusing anyone from plagiarism:
1. Actually talk to them without threatening or manipulating them so you can understand what happened and let them know how you feel. 80% of the times they’ll apologize and give you credit for it. 
2. Unless you’re the reincarnation of William Shakespeare (and so being, you have the rights to all of the tropes and plot twists created in modern literature. go you!) - and prevented the “plagiarism” isn’t so obviously truly plagiarism, that it can be proven with two screenshots placed side by side - talk to someone unbiased who will tell you if what you think was stolen was actually stolen. There’s a good chance you’re being delusional and thinking the entire world is aware of your stories and looking forward to take advantage of your hard work on them.
A good rule of thumb? Don’t do to others what you don’t wish would be done to you, and make sure to apply that rule to the way you approach the situation and treat the person you were so quick to consider a villain. I’ve yet to see (in this community, since I got here) a situation where the writer accused of plagiarism when confronted has been anything other than kind and remorseful, ready to remedy the situation once it’s been brought to their attention.
If you’re so certain of being right, there’s literally no reason to be aggressive to someone who’s not treating you rudely.
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luveline · 3 years
a special friend, part two [Fred Weasley, George Weasley x reader]
tags: reader-insert, platonic relationships, friendship, can be read as romantic for either or both, hurt/comfort, mental health issues, implied/referenced self-harm, dissociation, quiet reader, shy reader, sad reader
relationships: fred weasley x reader, george weasley x reader
wordcount: 3.2k
read part one here
The common room was always so clean. The house-elves must work themselves half to death with effort, as you never saw a hair or speck of dust where there ought not to be one. The small refreshment table filled and refilled through every new day and the fireplace was always roaring on cold winter nights. It was especially cold that evening, and so the members of Gryffindor house benefited from a crackling fire and hot chocolate coming out of the ears.
You basked in the warmth of the flame, sitting cross-legged before it. A cup of hot chocolate cooled in between your hands, which were both laden with bandaids and germolene. Fred and George’s orders, of course. You were not to scratch, bite or mess in any detrimental way with your hands, arms or skin. If you did, you were to report to them for immediate bandaging.
At first, they’d simply been spelling each wound away. This had an opposite effect, as the freshly healed skin was perfect for picking whenever your mood turned - which was often. You found yourself blinded and basked in the light of being cared for by others, and although you may have preferred complete autonomy over your own body, you couldn’t say you minded the attentiveness of the twins. They’d made it their personal mission to prevent any self-harm, accidental or purposeful. You weren’t sure you even knew the difference half the time.
A quiet had settled over the room. It seemed as though each red and gold student was content to breathe in the smell of chestnut and pine in peaceful, companionable silence. You found yourself smiling kindly at each person who looked your way. You couldn’t imagine having done that before you had become acquainted with the twins.
Acquainted was a word you used to protect yourself. Friendly was too confident, too firm. You sometimes dreamt of horror stories where you, confident and comfortable, admitted how much you cared for them. In these dreams, they laughed in your face. Poked fun at your hope.
Of course, Fred and George weren’t cruel. If they felt that way, they certainly wouldn’t rub it in your face or make you feel embarrassed about it. But some shame never went away, and you carried it like an ever-burning torch.
Despite the pleasant warmth of the room, chills racked your spine at the thought. You pushed it from your head, attempting to think of anything else. You traced a pattern through the braided strands of the rug you were lazing upon, first the flames of a bonfire towering ten feet tall, then a mirror of the powdered sugar landscape outside.
Two warm bodies settled in the carpet on either side of you. A long arm wrapped around your shoulders confidently. The floral scent of your perfume mingled with the strong scent of burning caramel and something woody, the signature fragrance of the Weasley twins.
George moved first, plonking a stuffed toy into your lap. He positioned the neck carefully so that the teddy bear was sat as comfortable as you were.
“For you,” said Fred.
“An early Christmas gift,” George added.
The bear was spotted unusually like some sort of hybrid creature. You wondered where they could possibly have acquired such an artefact.
“We saw him and thought of you,” they said together.
That was rich. And maybe correct. After all, it was a weird looking plushie and you weren’t exactly renowned for your normality. You didn’t say much, simply handing off your cold drink to George without so much as a sideways glance and brought the bear to your face. You grazed your nose against its brown stomach and inhaled, breathing in its clean scent.
Both twins were used to the general quietness that came with your presence and didn’t pressure any response. You knew you should’ve said thank you, or even smiled gratefully, but you just couldn’t make your mouth move the way you wanted. You placed your hand on each brothers leg and applied the barest amount of pressure, hoping it showed gratitude.
“Well, I’m starving.”
“I’m so glad you said so, my brother.”
“Yes, I’m craving something savory, Gred.”
“Something juicy, Forge.”
“Such as?”
You looked between them like a muggle attending a tennis match, back and forth and back and forth. They ran circles around you for their own enjoyment, you assumed, but maybe also to make you feel more included.
“Y/N, fancy a trek to the kitchens?”
Before you could say no, or yes, or make up your mind and decide what it was you wanted to do, your stomach growled. Fred grinned wickedly.
They ushered you out of the portrait hole and down the stairs without preamble, flanking your sides like bodyguards. You didn’t mind, taking time to smile at the castle ghosts and portraits as you went.
The twins shot each other looks when they thought you couldn’t see. One said, how do you think she is? Another said, I think she’s however you think she is. Both said, she seems okay today.
It would feel a little patronizing if it weren’t so foreign - to have people care about your well-being so deeply they made changes to their day to see you and went out of their way to make you feel good; you’d find it condescending if it wasn’t so delightful.
That is to say, you felt conflicted. Happy that somebody cared, ashamed that they also felt concerned. They worried over everything these days, what you ate and what classes you had and oh, ghostie, do you need help with that? Y/N, sweetheart, let me carry that for you, lest your arms grow too tired.
It was… nice. It was nice, even if it was painful. Sometimes, it reminded you why you didn’t allow yourself the pleasure of friendship in the first place.
You hummed to yourself. Making sound had become a little easier. You weren’t inclined to say a whole lot, but allowing yourself to be louder, to take up space, had come easier the longer you spent with them. Neither Fred nor George minded if you huffed after too many stairs or if you clicked gobstones together at the foot of their beds.
The song was one of those cheesy Christmas numbers you’d heard on the radio. It was warm and comforting, bringing tears to your eyes if you thought about it too much. George slipped into song with you easily, humming much more loudly and obnoxiously. Fred just grinned to himself, keeping dutiful watch of the corridors.
You bubbled like a shaken can of coke by the time you arrived at the painting that enclosed the kitchen doorway, feeling too happy for your own good. Despite feeling very hungry, not a lick of fatigue or unhappiness tinged your mood, though the fuzzy numbness of every day threatened your well-being if you stopped to think too long.
The door swung open obediently after your half-hearted tickle insisted upon by the boys.
“What do you feel like, Y/N, sweet or savoury? There’s bound to be something you’ll fancy,” George said.
You held in a grimace. There were lots of things you wanted to try, the kitchens smelled like so many amazing things. The cloying smells of jam and treacle and custard, the hearty scents of gravy and roast dinner. It was too bad, then, that most everything you ate tasted stale. For years, your tastebuds had been slacking. During your worst days, food held no taste at all, resulting in your decreased appetite.
A tingling began in your fingers. You didn’t know what to say, or how to say it, how to convey that you didn’t really feel up to anything at all. You knew they would protest as they always did when you didn’t eat.
“Bread,” you managed. Bread was a safe choice. Dense enough to feel filling, easy to keep down, and bland to begin with.
Both boys were frowning but trying not to at your choice.
George moved forward, catching the attention of a harrowed looking house elf. They conversed with familiarity and soon you were being beckoned to a table that was relatively clear. Within minutes you were surrounded by bread, crusty rolls and sliced sourdough.
George casually nudged a bowl of tomato soup in your direction.
The surface shined with grease. It even had a swirl of cream and a sprig of basil afloat.
He looked at you, eyes pleading.
“You too,” you said.
This appeased him. The boys sat across from you with their own bowls, eating in the horrific way that teenage boys do. By the time they’d finished, you’d managed half of your own meal and two slices of bread. The nausea you experienced from just existing was starting to build, accompanied by the disappointment of your bland meal. You’d hoped an improved mood would help your appetite, but you still felt unsatisfied.
The boys grabbed a passing plate of tarts and ice cream.
Your good mood was wearing thin. You bit down on the tip of your thumb and stared at the grain of the table.
You bit down harder.
“Hey. Hey! Don’t do that,” Fred said, reaching forward as if to grab your hand. You pushed it under the table.
George pushed the plate of confectionary closer to you. “Chew on one of these instead, hm?”
You took it all back - this was patronising. Lovely and thoughtful and very, excruciatingly patronising.
You didn’t want to say no, or push it away, or eat anything else or even laugh it off. You wanted to do nothing. You lay your head down on the table, closing your eyes. You caught a murmur or two between them, though you couldn’t make out the words with your ear pressed so hard against the wood and the other covered by your falling hair. The table was smooth and cool under your skin.
A chair scraped against the floor. Footsteps. A broad hand against your back.
“You’re like a steam train running out of coal sometimes.”
You knew he was hoping for a response, a joke, a sign you’d been cheered up.
Through slow blinks, you could make out his face. Endlessly amused and a little sad, framed by the candlelight. He was beautiful, you thought absently. They were both beautiful.
“You okay?” he said quietly.
“Mm? Is mm a yes or a no?”
“Alright,” he said, rubbing a soothing path up between your shoulder blades and down again. It would’ve been dizzying if you could think straight, it made the numbness a little woozy. You preened beneath his touch like a pleased cat, feeling the unhappiness melt just a little.
It was crazy how affection could make you feel better, even if it didn’t always solve the problem.
Embarrassed, you mumbled, “you’re going to kill me.”
Fred smiled. “How so?”
“You’re fattening me up like a lamb to slaughter.”
He didn’t quite laugh, huffing through his nose. He really was very handsome up close. His hair was curling at just below his ears, a lush auburn colour that complemented his pale, freckle adorned skin. His eyes were a heart-melting brown so that his pupils were lost. The look he gave you was searing like he knew exactly what you were thinking about him. Your ears were tinged with heat, cheeks filling with colour.
He retracted his hand.
“Wrap some of those up, Georgie. Ghostie needs her bed.”
“It shall be done, brother mine!”
You smiled despite yourself.
For your birthday, the twins had gifted you a simple necklace. The chain was silver, reaching to just below your collar bone. It had no charm or jewel. It was perfect.
It helped you sometimes when you felt out of it to run it between two fingers or tug it gently from left to right, feeling the chain links rolling behind your neck.
You’d tried that, among every other coping mechanism drilled into your head by George and Fred over the past few weeks. You drew circles were you wanted to scratch, put plasters over fingertips you wanted to pick at. You took big breaths and did the stretches George insisted on. You even tried getting a full night’s sleep - nothing worked.
It filled you with guilt. You felt as though you were letting them both down by struggling.
You stared out the window of the dormitory at the sky, moonlight spilling onto your skin and staining your clothes a gauzy silver. You’d read once that sometimes when the planets were in rotation, you could see them as though they were as close as the moon.
This didn’t seem right to you. How could Mars seem so close? It was an optical illusion. The planets revolved around the sun, but humans had once thought they revolved around Earth instead.
It must’ve been a very strange experience to realise you weren’t as important as you thought. The Earth was just the Earth, spinning and wobbling its path through space.
You shook your head, feeling lost. It was ridiculous to project your feelings on the solar system. But still, you couldn’t help but feel like, despite its inhabitants and its systems, the Earth was so lonely.
Your necklace began to grow cold until it was almost like ice against your skin. One of the twins, or maybe both, had charmed it to change temperature. Cold usually meant, ‘Ghostie, you awake?’
You cringed against the sensation. Why couldn’t they booty call you like normal young men, throwing stones at your window with a boom box? Or, for merlin’s sake, an owl?
You grumbled to yourself, throwing the fleece blanket from your body. You were hardly dressed for company in knickers and a tank top, so you threw on a grey zip-up jacket and a pair of pyjama shorts that were hardly any better than the knickers. Luckily the jacket hung past the shorts. You wanted to care that you were dressed scantily, really, but the boys wouldn’t care and you didn’t have it in you to find something else.
You trekked down the stairs, your trainer socks slippery against the well-worn wood. Fred stretched languidly in front of the fireplace, a pack of exploding snap cards and a mountain of chocolate frogs beside him whilst George was sitting much more straight-backed on the sofa.
“I’m cold,” you said, announcing your arrival. The redheads turned to look at you over their shoulders. Fred rolled his eyes at you and flicked his wand. The necklace slowly heated until it was pleasantly warm against your collarbones.
You clambered over the back of the sofa with little grace, folding your knees underneath you and leaning heavily against George’s arm. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
“If I were a lesser man, I’d ask where your bottoms were, Y/L/N,” said Fred, shuffling the cards dexterously.
You raised your jacket wordlessly, exposing your bottoms.
“Wouldn’t you know, they were there the whole time.”
“You assumed the same as me, George.”
George didn’t reply, though his expression said he was similarly embarrassed.
“And do you always let girls you presume to be half-naked climb all over you?” you asked.
“So talkative,” George chastened.
“Don’t change the subject! I’m interested in the answer,” said Fred.
“Oh shove off! You insufferable tyrants.”
Ah, so he knows how it feels now, you thought. You looked up into his face, the line of his jaw.
You looked down at your legs, feeling fatigued. Smooth stretches of skin and fine hair interrupted only by thin white lines. The low light made them almost impossible to see. They shined like silver when you moved, caught by the light of a nearby candle. They felt a lifetime away now when a young you had used pins and quills and little carving knives to punish yourself for bad behaviour.
You traced a slightly thicker one with a pointed fingernail. You pushed it nastily into the scar, but it didn’t hurt.
You sighed.
Fred and George were half arguing about something you didn’t catch, Fred through a mouthful of chocolate.
It was hard, always being miserable. People often criticized the moody for ruining the mood, but it wasn’t as if you could choose how to be. You wanted to wake each day and be happy and entertaining and absurdly good-natured, like the twins. It was an abject cruelty, then, that every day you woke up and felt the immeasurable dread of continuing on another day. Not even magic could help you with that.
You rejected Fred’s offer to play, happy to sit and watch the boys play. You let yourself slide into the space George had vacated, curling into a tight ball. Your stomach hurt.
Godric, there was always something fucking wrong with you.
You were frustrated. The boys could tell. Their game of snap was stretched thin, and you knew it was your fault. You wrinkled your nose at the smell of singed hair, restless. You squirmed against the warm leather under your skin, feeling sticky and out of sorts.
You closed your eyes against the aching and slept.
You woke up crying.
Fred shifted in his sleep. He was leaning against your legs, his hair and face smushed into the leather beneath you. George was facedown in the carpet. You pressed a hand to your mouth to muffle any sound.
The clock on the wall read 4 minutes past 4 o’clock in the morning. You’d only managed an hour and a half of sleep.
You couldn’t remember what you’d been dreaming. Maybe somewhere familiar. Faces you recognized. It didn’t matter, only the feeling of being crushed by the air. You reached out without thinking, grabbing Fred’s shoulder.
He roused gracelessly, blinking through squinted eyes at you. A hard sob rocked you to the core, the feeling of breathlessness sinking deep into your chest.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurting?”
You couldn’t answer. You grasped for his arm, begging him to do something, to save you. You felt as though you were going to run out of air.
“Hey, you’re alright. You’re okay. Let’s breathe, should we? Breathe with me.” He grabbed the hand you’d pushed over your mouth and brought it to his chest. You could feel him take a huge inhale and you tried your best to replicate it.
“Good! That’s good. You’re doing so well.” Another big breath, a long exhale.
“You feel that? The leather under you.” He grabbed your free hand and put it on the seat. “Feels weird, huh? Dimples and wrinkles.” He dragged your hand over the texture repeatedly.
A big breath.
Eventually, your breathing returned. The crying stayed.
“Don’t cry, ghost.”
You frowned. It was odd to be looking down at Fred instead of up. He pressed your hand tighter to his chest.
“Bad dream?”
“Don’t remember,” you whispered.
“It was just a dream. You’re okay. I promise.”
George snored. Fred rolled his eyes. You laughed through the tears, blinking the last of them away.
“Go back to sleep. I’ll be here.”
You knew he was telling the truth.
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jackarthurdavenport · 3 years
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Some of my lovely friends asked to show how I do my blending, so here is a very long tutorial! I will explain how to:
Blend GIFs with lots of movement
Blend three or more GIFs on one canvas
You will need:
Any version of Photoshop with a timeline
Basic-intermediate knowledge of GIF making (including cropping, how to use adjustment layers for color correction, applying layer masks, and placing multiple GIFs on one canvas)
Since the way I blend depends on the footage I'm able to work with, I often end up going in a different direction than I first planned. So this isn't a strict step-by-step guide that can be applied to everything you make. These are just some tips!
Read the rest under the cut.
(Pretty sure you already know this but I will be repeating these a lot here, so just in case!)
Highlights & Shadows - The highlights are the brightest parts of the image. The shadows are the darkest parts. Remember that just because it's bright doesn't mean it's actually white, and just because it's dark doesn't mean it's actually black!
Negative Space - This refers to empty space around your subject. When there's negative space, it's easier to spot the focal point of the image.
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Number of GIFs: 2 Main GIF: Closeup of Sam (“big!Sam”) Secondary GIF: Sam flying (“flying!Sam”)
STEP 1: Find the right scenes Since the subject of the secondary GIF is much smaller and basically cuts across the frame, it’s important (but not always essential!) that the main GIF has less movement and a decent amount of negative space.
STEP 2: Make your individual GIFs Make your GIFs like how you usually do (Important: Remember that your GIFs need to have the same number of frames). When it’s time to crop, it’s best to have the two files opened in Photoshop at the same time so you can compare them against each other. It’s absolutely fine for them to overlap because that’s the whole point! The secondary GIF has Sam flying in from the top left to the bottom right, so I cropped the main GIF with him off-center so there would be space to see flying!Sam.
Now we have these two GIFs:
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STEP 3: Combine your GIFs Place the secondary GIF over the main one and adjust the blend mode. Setting the blend mode to Screen usually works, but in this case, this is how it looks:
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As you can see, the highlights in the main GIF are obscuring flying!Sam in the first frames. You can only see him clearly when he’s flying over big!Sam’s face. This is because the shadows on the top GIF will lighten and/or disappear against the highlights of the bottom GIF when set to Screen. It would be too complicated to fix this with a brush (which we will get to later) because of the movement in the secondary GIF, so instead I set the blending mode to Multiply, which is the opposite of Screen. Now here is the GIF:
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We can now see flying!Sam. But the blue of the sky is now a pseudo-filter over big!Sam’s face up until the last frames. So I applied a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer over the secondary GIF to remove those colors. The sky in the GIF is made up of cyans and blues, so I dragged those sliders down to -100. Here is how it looks now:
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STEP 4: Erase the bits you don’t want So that big!Sam’s face isn’t covered by flying!Sam’s wings and that pesky airplane up top, we have to use a brush to erase those parts. In the Layers panel, make sure your GIF layers (in this case, groups/folders) are selected and click the Add Layer Mask button. A little rectangle next to the layer/group name will show up like so:
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Then in the Tools panel, click the Brush tool, pick a soft brush and set the size to around 180-210px. The larger the brush, the softer the look. I learned this from Becca (@inejz-ghafa) who made an amazing tutorial a while back (will link it in the source at the bottom)! Adjust the brush size if you have to.
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Now click on the little rectangle layer mask of the group you want to erase (in this case, the secondary GIF). When you do this, the Foreground and Background Colors buttons in the Tools panel will revert to the default black and white.
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Painting with black will erase and painting with white will undo the erasure. So I erased the airplane and the bits of the wings covering his face. I didn’t erase the parts that overlap with his uniform, just to keep the effect of flying!Sam zooming across the GIF. And here is our finished product:
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We will be working with these two GIFs since they use different techniques:
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STEP 1: Compose your image Find the scenes you want to put in your GIF and choose which of those is the most important. Once you've decided on that, you can build the rest of the elements around it.
Sam's GIF: Multiple Exposure Effect
Number of GIFs: 3 Main GIF: Bloodied shield Secondary GIF: Closeup of Sam Tertiary GIF: Bucky with the shield
STEP 2: Make your individual GIFs Since the shield is the most important part, I made it the largest GIF and cropped it close to emphasize the star and the blood. I made Sam's GIF the same size, but cropped it with his face off-center so that the star wouldn't completely cover his face. Again, it's totally fine for the images to overlap! The tertiary GIF is the least important so I cropped it smaller. To determine the size of that GIF compared to the shield, I made the Rulers visible (View > Rulers; or Ctrl+R) then clicked the top ruler and dragged down to create a guide to where I wanted the smaller GIF to end. Then I measured from the bottom of the GIF up to the guide to determine the height of the smaller GIF. (Tip: It's better to make the tertiary GIF too large than too small. That way, you have more to work with. So size it larger than it will appear on the final GIF.)
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This is only a stylistic choice for this particular set, but I removed the blue from the shield and set the tertiary GIF to black and white, so that the only notable colors in the GIF are red, black and white. Varying up the coloring of each GIF (i.e. color vs. monochrome) adds some spice to the image, so play around with these different styles if you like!
Here are our three GIFs:
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STEP 3: Combine your GIFs At first, I made the main GIF of the shield the bottom GIF. Then I placed the secondary GIF over it and set the blend mode to Screen, but found that it lacked depth. So I switched them and made the Sam GIF the bottom GIF (blend mode: Pass Through) and placed the shield GIF (blend mode: Screen) over it. And this is what I got:
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Notice how the window behind Sam on the left side is distracting? It also partially obscures the star. So I went back to Sam’s GIF, created a New Layer and painted over the window with a black brush. Now here is our GIF:
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This is just my personal preference, but I wanted the area around the star to be a solid black rather than gray, so this time I created a New Layer over the shield GIF and applied a layer of black with the Paint Bucket tool, setting the blend mode to Soft Light. Now we’re done with the main and secondary GIFs:
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Now let’s add the last GIF:
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STEP 4: Erase the bits you don’t want Lastly, I erased the warehouse rafters over Sam’s face and a bit of his shirt and the warehouse floor on the bottom right corner using Layer Masks and a soft brush (like in the first tutorial). And we’re done!
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Bucky's GIF: Silhouette Effect
Number of GIFs: 3 Main GIF: Bucky holding the notebook Secondary GIF: View of the sunrise from the boat Tertiary GIF: Sam and Bucky walking away
STEP 2: Make your individual GIFs To achieve this silhouette effect, the main GIF needs to have a clear focal point, which means it’s better to have negative space around the subject and for there to be minimal movement. In this case, the subject is made up of Bucky’s hands, notebook, and part of his shirt; and there’s some movement but we can still work with that. The other two GIFs will then be placed “inside” the subject. Because the negative space in the main GIF consists of highlights, I chose a secondary GIF which emphasized the shadows. For the smallest GIF, I used a guide like in the previous tutorial to measure its size.
We have these three GIFs:
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STEP 3: Combine your GIFs Place the secondary GIF over the main one. In my case, I didn’t measure it right so I had to nudge the top GIF a bit to the right to fit it inside the silhouette. The important thing is that the edge of the secondary GIF should not overlap with the silhouette itself, or else the illusion “breaks.”
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Now let’s add the third GIF:
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STEP 4: Erase the bits you don’t want For this GIF, there’s a lot we need to erase! Using Layer Masks and a soft brush again, erase the parts of the secondary GIF that extend beyond the silhouette. It’s entirely based on personal preference if you want to keep some parts of the secondary GIF outside the silhouette (like I did here) or if you want them completely removed. And for the small GIF, erase the edges for it to blend with the secondary GIF while also staying within the silhouette of the main one.
Now here is our finished GIF:
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And that’s it! If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading. I hope this was useful! Remember, there is no definitive way to blend GIFs, so keep experimenting. And don’t be afraid to make mistakes either, because we learn a lot from those. Happy Photoshop-ing!
- Elle
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seriouslysnape · 3 years
James Potter x Remus Lupin x Sirius Black x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Language.
Word Count: 1,349
A/N: Here is part 2!
“Oh, I’m well aware that you don’t appreciate me.”
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“Fuck you, Sirius!” Your usually calm voice bellowed out in the boys’ dormitory.
“You better watch your fucking mouth.” Sirius pointed at you, his face red with anger and his eyes full of rage.
“Or what? Are you gonna ‘fuck the attitude out of me’?” You spat, so close to exploding that your entire body was trembling; “Sex doesn’t fix everything!”
Sirius looked horrified at your statement, but he was even more appalled at your sudden boldness towards him. You never talked back. To any of them. And if you ever had the urge to, Sirius was the last one you’d ever try it on. Something had really riled you up, but Sirius didn’t care what it was.
All he knew was that you were pissing him off.
“Since when do you tell me how we do things? Last time I checked, you’re not in control here, sweetheart.” He hissed, the endearment dripping with venom.
You were far past the point of backing down now. You were on a steady roll and you were determined to get it into his thick skull. No matter what it took. He was standing just in front of you, and half a step forward would have the two of you touching.
“You still have to listen to me, Sirius. You can’t just throw me around all the time.” You remarked, your voice rising even louder, despite your close vicinity.
“Oh, so now you’re telling me what to do? You’ve lost your fucking mind.” Sirius growled, matching your volume.
The door swung open, revealing James and Remus who looked as if they had ran there from clear across the castle.
“What is going on?” James heaved; “We can hear you two all the way from the common room.” 
Sirius laughed incredulously, turning away from you to face the two boys.
“Princess here has decided that she can get away with saying whatever she wants to me,” Sirius explained; “I was just telling her that’s not how we do things.”
Remus was the first to raise a brow. It was very peculiar for you to scream at any of them like this. From time to time, you’d get irritated or even a little fussy with your boys, but never full blown outraged like this. Sometimes you’d even catch an attitude on purpose with the hopes of getting what you want, but something was definitely wrong here. You were demanding attention, but not THAT kind of attention.
“Baby,” Remus began gently, approaching you with a soft demeanor; “What’s gotten you so upset?”
Sirius’ head whipped around at lightning speed, his voice thick with spite as he gruffed at Remus.
“Do not ‘baby’ her. She’s being a-”
“Pads!” James cut off Sirius before he said something he’d regret. 
“What? She’s being stubborn!” Sirius argued.
Soon enough, Sirius and James were on the other side of the room, talking at each other and trying to outargue the other. You weren’t even focused on Sirius anymore. You kept your eyes trained on Remus in hopes of settling yourself down. Remus had a calming effect on you that the other two didn’t have. 
“He’s just being so aggravating.” You said lowly, keeping your volume at a minimum.
“What do you mean, lovebug?” Remus questioned, stroking your cheek with his most cautious touch. He left a loving kiss to your lips that were strained with displeasure, hoping to bring you back to your more normal self.
“He just won’t listen to me,” You stressed; “I’ve had a really long day and all I wanted to do was just talk about it. But he can’t keep his dick in his pants long enough to even let me express myself.”
Remus looked over his shoulder to get a quick glance at James and Sirius, who were still quarreling away. There was no doubt that Sirius’ side of the story was very different from yours. Remus sighed heavily, because this wasn’t the first time this had happened. It hadn’t quite sparked this big of a reaction from you, but this bickering topic had been discussed before. 
Remus and James had told Sirius time and time again that his ignorance for your non-sexual needs was going to get him in trouble. More often than not, you let Sirius push you and you would just take it without fighting back. They knew it was only a matter of time before you snapped.
“Sirius doesn’t talk as well as James and I do. You know that.” Remus pointed out.
Sirius usually left the “emotional counseling” (as he called it) to James and Remus. Sirius’ ability to communicate verbally was less than perfect. Sirius figured that a bad day could be solved by a couple of orgasms. He didn’t understand that you weren’t going to always want to solve it that way. 
“But if you two can do it, then why can’t he?” You posed; “I love talking to you and James, but Sirius just doesn’t care.” 
“He does care, baby, just not always in the way you want him to. He just needs some practice.” Remus suggested.
Maybe you were being a little hard to get along with, but if Sirius was going to be a part of his relationship, then he had to at least try to embrace the other aspects of being committed. The other side of the room suddenly fell silent, pausing your and Remus’ conversation. Sirius was glaring at you, and it seemed that James wasn’t really getting through to him. The bubbling pot of anger had well boiled over in Sirius, the steaming liquid of wrath seeping through every bone and crevice of his being.
“I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but I sure as hell don’t appreciate it.” Sirius snarked, beginning to target you again.
“Oh, I’m well aware that you don’t appreciate me.” You fired off, pushing past Remus to meet Sirius halfway.
James and Remus were caught in the middle, watching the two of you fight from off to the side.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sirius riposted, his cheeks flushing red once more.
You scoffed in distaste, grabbing your things and preparing to make your exit.
“I mean that until you learn how to be a decent boyfriend and human being,” You scowled; “I don’t want to be around you.”
All three of the boys froze in place, stunned at your words. Sirius felt a rush of dread flood his veins and go straight to his head. He knew that you weren’t breaking up with him, but he couldn’t imagine his days without you. The thought of you being all over James and Remus without him was hard to take. All four of you were in a relationship together. None of you were used to you distancing yourself from one member.
“You’re not thinking this through, bunny.” Remus warned once he built the courage to speak.
“Moony’s right,” James added; “Let’s all sit down and talk about this, yeah?”
You shook your head angrily as you forcefully shoved your books and whatever else into your backpack. If Sirius wasn’t going to talk, then neither were you. You were shooting daggers into Sirius’ frame, making your unhappiness very obvious.
“Sirius won’t understand. There’s no point.” You huffed.
Despite Sirius’ growing sense of worry and desire to keep you around, his exasperation won out.
“The only thing I don’t understand is why you’re acting like such a bitch.” Sirius snapped, delivering the final blow.
James closed his eyes in frustration, Remus pinching the bridge of his nose. They knew that Sirius had just REALLY fucked up now. You only shook your head again, slinging your backpack over your shoulders.
“I’ll see you boys later.” You said to James and Remus, purposefully ignoring Sirius.
You bumped past Sirius and had slammed the door behind you before anything else could be said. The boys were standing there in complete, desolate quietness. James and Remus were staring Sirius down, which was enough to begin to simmer out his anger. James spoke first, his voice thick with annoyance and sarcasm.
“That went well.”
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olderjustneverwiser · 2 years
Just Friends (Fred Weasley)
I’m back on my bullshit.
A Fred Weasley fic, heavily based on "Just Friends" by Virginia to Vegas. 
Warnings: Fred’s POV, pining, friends-to-lovers, angst, mentions of war and trauma, tooth-rotting fluff??
Just a fic about two best friends in love using each other to cope. Enjoy!
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It was a beautiful Saturday morning, and like most beautiful Saturday mornings, we were out and about in Muggle London, exploring this new world and escaping the one we lived in.
It had become a tradition for her and I ever since the end of the war; a way to decompress and for us to try to heal. The war had taken a lot from us and we needed to find a way to move on. I lost my daring nature and almost lost my legs. She almost lost me and, well, I couldn't really explain exactly what she'd actually lost. She'd been different since the battle in a way I couldn't describe; the same in almost every way, but I noticed subtle changes in her. Still beautiful, but I often saw the sadness she tried to hide. Still my best friend, but she'd hold my hand a little tighter, stand a little closer to me. Still the girl I fell in love with, only now she was more cautious and hesitant, like she was always waiting for something bad to happen. 
I guess she'd lost her sense of wonder and desire for something more.
The war hadn't taken us from one another, though, and for that we were grateful. We'd made a vow to each other to never let the effect the war had on our lives hurt our friendship or lead us away from one another, which is where the idea for our little 'dates' was hatched. 
It started just months after the war had ended, once the injuries I'd sustained had fully healed. We had both grown tired of reading about Death Eater trials and being called 'war heroes' while walking down Diagon Alley, so we decided to venture out into Muggle London. We were both in a rut we were desperately trying to escape from and quickly found that the Muggle world was perfect. Walking through the bustling city was a new kind of freedom we hadn't known we could have; we were completely anonymous here. No one to shake hands with or fake a smile to. Not to mention the plethora of music to discover, plays to watch, and museums to visit. 
We set off into this new world almost every day we had off together. She'd call them friend-dates, (I tried as hard as I could to hide my disappointment every time I heard that damn phrase. I don't think she'd ever noticed, since she never commented on it,) and I let her be in charge of the adventure we would take for the day. Today she'd decided on brunch in the West End then a play at a local theater, which I quickly agreed to. Then again, I would have agreed to anything she wanted, but she didn't have to know that. 
The two of us were currently in the back of a taxi, her head resting on my shoulder and her knee against mine. She had indulged in quite a lot of champagne during breakfast, and it seemed like she was still feeling the effects of it. The ride to the theater was quiet and comfortable, as silences shared between us often were, until she spoke up, her speech slightly slurred.
"I kinda wanna kiss you, Freddie."
My eyes widened at her sudden confession; and I quickly shot a look at the driver. He seemed to be completely ignoring us, so I turned back to her, "Is that so?" I asked, breathing out a laugh. Although, it really wasn't unheard of for the two of us to be together in that way; we usually just reserved our kisses for wild, drunken parties and late nights when we were laying in my bed alone before falling asleep. Normally not in front of people, and never in the light of day where we'd have to face what we were doing and what it might mean for our friendship.
She shifted a little in her seat and turned her head to look me in the eye, "Well, I kinda always want to, but we're just friends. Best friends, so it wouldn't be a good idea."
Way to send me mixed signals, there, love.
At that moment, I was grateful that I had only indulged in a nice tea at brunch. If I would've drunk as much champagne as she had, I might have just gone for it in the backseat of the taxi, which would have been terrible. If I was ever going to get the chance to make this thing between us real, I wanted to make sure she wanted it just as badly as I had for years, and that it wasn't just happening because either of us were drunk. I'd hoped that she wasn't as buzzed and she was acting, but it was futile. Noting the pink tinge on her cheeks and the slightly hazy look in her eyes, I decided that she was definitely not in the right state of mind. The realization made my heart drop a little.
"How many of those drinks did you have?"
She laughed, a joyous giggle that made me smile even in this strange circumstance. "Only seven or even six, Freddie."
I felt my heart sink a little more, but put on a brave face nonetheless and pulled her closer, "I think I need to get you a strong coffee before the show, love."
Not wanting to leave Muggle London just yet, the two of us grabbed a quick bite after the show then decided to end the night at a Muggle club. It was one we had gone to together before, with pulsing lights and too many patrons. It was the perfect place to lose yourself, to be anonymous, and to be alone together. 
Once inside, she grabbed my arm and made a beeline for the crowded dance floor. I was grateful that she bypassed the bar; I was hoping we could both be in our right minds tonight and stop this game we'd been playing. I hoped for this every damn time we did this though, so I prayed it wouldn't be in vain tonight. 
Before I knew it we were in the middle of the dance floor and she stopped, turning to look at me to silently ask if I was okay with this tonight. I quickly nodded, and the way her smile lit up her face made me glad I did. She turned in my arms with her back pressed against me and began to move to the beat of the song. My hands quickly found their way to her hips as they swayed to the music, and I noticed the little sun dress she was wearing rode up her thighs every time the flashing lights hit her. 
Now, it wasn't unusual for us to do this. Every time we went out in Muggle London, every raging party we attended a friend's flat, we would normally end up in this exact situation; her body against mine and my hands holding her. This time was different, though. We weren't plastered like we usually were, we were completely right minded and completely aware of what we were doing. It never really bothered me before (how could it when she was so perfectly pressed against me?) but it always made me wonder if it meant as much to her as it always did for me. Feeling her body against mine didn't feel quite right tonight, though. It didn't take me long to figure out why; it was because I wanted her for so much more than drunken kisses and not-so-platonic dancing. I wanted her, all of the good, bad, and everything in between. I wanted to be hers if she would have me.
I decided to take a chance. I hadn't taken one since the battle; too comfortable in the security I'd built up for myself since that night. But after the little hints she'd let drop (albeit under the effects of champagne) I'd decided it was time. We had been dancing around the thought of us becoming so much more than we were for over a year now, so I went for it; no thoughts of consequences. I was Fred fucking Weasley for Merlin's sake, and it was about time I started acting like him again.
I let one of my hands loosen their grip on her hips and move slowly, up her waist and to her neck, and brushed her hair to the other side before placing a soft, simple kiss to her shoulder. 
A test.
Even in the hot, sweaty club, goosebumps broke out on her skin. She didn't falter; didn't even act like anything happened, so I did it again, just as soft and quick. That one got her attention and she spun to face me, with her eyes wide and lips parted. I watched her face as the purple, blue, and red strobe lights illuminated her skin for any indication of how she was feeling, but I couldn't read her expression. She moved my hand that was still on her waist, and I braced myself for the inevitable let down.
"Hey, let's take a break, maybe go get a drink?"
Something snapped in me at the ease in which she blew what just happened off. Merlin knows what made me say what I said next, but the words came out before I could think twice. "When are we gonna stop playing this little game?"
She couldn't hide the shock on her face,  "Freddie, I don't-"
"Why can't you stop pretending like we're just friends?" I pressed. 
I saw it flash in her eyes; she was thinking of some quip, something to blow my question off, but I couldn't allow it. We needed to have this conversation. 
"Follow me," I'd said as I led us outside, my words sounding harsher than I meant them to due to the loud music in the club. The cool air hit us as we stepped out and we found our way to an alleyway on the side of the building. 
"We need to talk." 
"Fred, I really don't-"
"No, just please stop!" I didn't mean to yell, I'd never mean to ever raise my voice at her, but I couldn't help that my temper was rising. I took a breath, trying to calm myself, "What's going on between us?"
"Wha- we're just having fun!"
"You know what I mean. We're not just friends and you bloody well know it. Friends don't kiss me like you do, not to mention the cuddles on the couch, little forehead kisses, we even sleep in the same damn bed when you stay at the flat! And what the hell were you playing at today? Telling me you want to kiss me, grinding on me in there, you're telling me it's just fun? Do you know what that does to me?" 
"You were the biggest flirt at Hogwarts!" She retorted, "I didn't think harmless dancing would bother you; it's never seemed to bother you before!" 
"Well it does when you do it!"
"And why is that?"
"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" I bellowed, ignoring the stares of people walking past us. There it was, out of my heart and into the space between us. Not in the way I would have planned it, but it was done. My chest was still heaving but I felt relief. "I love you," I said again, calmly this time, but she still hadn't answered. She was staring, tears threatening to fall.
"Don't say that," she whispered, and my heart stopped. "I can't lose you, Freddie."
"What are you talking about?" I asked, grabbing her hands once more.
This time her tears managed to escape and trickle down her cheeks, "I almost lost you once! Whenever I went back into the Great Hall and saw your family circling around you on the ground, I thought you were dead! You can't imagine how that hurt me to think you were gone. When I saw that you were alive I felt such relief, it was inexplicable. But if this happens I could lose you for good and I can't.
You'll never lose me, I thought to myself, I'm yours as long as you want me.
"What if it'd end badly?" She sniffed, "What if we break up one day and hate each other? What if we sleep together, then it's too awkward for either of us to be around the other? What if it all goes wrong for us?"
I brought a finger to her chin and tilted her head, "But what if it all goes well? That's another possibility, love."
She was trembling, though I don't know if it was from the chilly night air or the gravity of the situation we had found ourselves in. It felt like an eternity had passed while I was waiting for her to say something, but when she finally did, her voice sounded so small I barely heard it. 
"Dammit, of course I love you back, Freddie!" Her voice cracked as another tear slid down her cheek. "You know, I even liked you in school. I expected us to just happen after we left, but then everything went to shit, and the war started, and you almost died. I knew nothing could happen between us. I knew I wouldn't be able to handle losing you, so I decided it would be best to just stay friends. I promised myself to not love you anymore like that, but of course that didn't work; I don't know how I ever expected it to. I've just been scared to lose what we have already."
For the first time in as long as I could remember, I was at a loss for words after her little monologue. Sure, there were a lot of things I had wanted to say for years, but none of them felt quite right. Luckily, she broke the silence before I had the chance to.
"But I think I'm ready to take that chance now," she said, eyes wide and hopeful. "I'm ready if you are, 'cause I don't think we'll lose anything."
I almost laughed at that because of course I was ready; I'd been ready for years. Thankfully I didn't, instead I cupped her face in my hands, wiping the remnants of her tears away with the pads of my thumbs. It took me approximately two seconds to close the gap between us and press my lips to hers without hesitation or worry.
This moment almost felt too intimate considering where we were; we could still hear the music from inside the building, and cigarette smoke and lively conversations surrounded us, but we couldn't make ourselves care. We kissed just like we had done countless times before; she still tasted the same, still held me as close as she always had, but it was different this time. This time held the promise of so much more than we had ever had before. 
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capesandshapes · 2 years
Your bio says you write books do you have any tips for someone who wants to write and finish their own?
!!!!!!!!! Yes, yes, yes! I do! I'm so excited to talk about this!
CapesandShapes's tips and tricks to writing books and other long things:
To start off with, I can not recommend an outline enough, especially if you're prone to forgetting things or getting lost while writing a scene. You can make your outline as vague as you like, but what I like to do is have a chapter by chapter breakdown of what needs to happen over the course of my story. I very rarely adhere to my exact outline, but having it on hand lets me see various other paths I can take with my story if I get lost while writing it.
I live by the rule of write first, edit later. You're not always going to be writing beautiful prose when you write a novel, you're going to have off days and change your mind on things pretty often, but here's the most important thing to remember: you can't edit what's not there. Focus on writing the story first and fixing it later. Side tip here, though: if you get stuck while writing a book, one of the most effective cures I've found is to edit what you already have and refresh your memory of the material. A lot of the time when you go back and edit, you'll change your mind on what's important in a story or how you'd like it to go and, to be honest, that's good! Looking at something with a newer perspective can help a lot with writer's block.
Sprints are the best for building word counts and actually getting books done. I'm not a book making scientist, so don't quote me on that, but a lot of people find that having set aside a large amount of time for writing actually makes the task itself more daunting. Splitting things up into smaller chunks and challenging yourself to see how far you can get in that amount of time is fun and encourages you to get more done. Some people even do sprints with friends, and that can be really encouraging! Also, with sprinting, I sort of timed myself and figured out when I was the most productive writing wise in an hour long chunk and then made that the amount of time I sprint for. I'm pretty active for the first twenty minutes of writing, so I do twenty minutes of writing and twenty minutes of something else, which really helps to make everything less dread-worthy.
The worst author is one who consumes nothing. If you don't read, don't watch tv, don't play video games, and don't do anything then you're going to have a harder time crafting stories. The nice thing about consuming media is that in doing so, we give our brains examples of conflict and various ways to solve them. If you don't think about or enjoy anything but your book for a whole month, you risk becoming so blocked creatively that you'll likely not try to write a book again. (At least for a while)
All nighters are cool, but bad for writing quality. I once knew someone who tried to write a book in one day and it just did not go well. I know I said write first, edit later, but consider this: Don't do things that makes your brain sad. You will regret it later. Not only will you become burnt out quicker, but you'll likely drop more words mid sentence and have typos galore. A healthy, well cared for brain is where it's at. Also your problem solving skills are completely different when you're sleep deprived vs. when you're not, and a lot of people find that they actually write less wpm when on the brink of exhaustion.
Don't try to write the next Great American Novel, just try to write a novel, and one that you like. Your chance of becoming classical literature are pretty slim, but you can write something that you like and enjoyed making! That's easy and doesn't require dozens of high society connections or a stunning talent unlike that which the world has never seen before. Making yourself and others happy is a valuable thing too, and while having grand artistry and deeper meaning is appreciated sometimes, you could also just make someone's life a little more enjoyable.
Writing styles change over time, and our understanding of plots evolves as well. Be kind to yourself and understand that while you may not be fully satisfied with the quality of your work when you're finished, there is a point where we enjoy what we have while taking the lessons we've learned for tomorrow.
Also, very important:
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todomitoukei · 2 years
Touya's Trolley Problem
It is January 18 or in other words - Dabi’s birthday. And what better way to celebrate it than by writing a meta no one asked for, one that I’ve made a stupid edit for and had been planning on turning into a post for months but always put it off instead because I can, only for it to perfectly fit in with the current events taking place in the manga.
Introducing: The Touya Trolley Problem.
The trolley problem is a thought experiment in ethics, where one has to choose between saving 5 people that are about to be hit by a trolley, or diverting said trolley and killing 1 person instead. There are two main ethical theories that serve as options for how one decides to react in this situation:
Utilitarianism - basing your actions on how to serve the greater good (thus diverting the trolley and saving the 5 people because 5 is more than 1)
Deontology - basing your actions on whether the action itself is right or wrong rather than focusing on the consequence (thus not diverting the train and sacrificing the 5 people because killing is considered an action that is wrong no matter the consequences)
To give a better example of this, let’s see how this fits in with the current chapters in the manga by looking at this panel from chapter 340:
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“The fact that he betrayed society as a whole” - just as a reminder, Aoyama’s family was threatened by the biggest villain of the country and are now punished for not simply letting themselves be killed by him for the sake of society. In other words, the hero side uses the utilitarian approach to decide how to act, which we see on other occasions too, like Hawks or Endeavor getting away with what would normally be considered heinous crimes, due to them being heroes and thus saving more people than they have abused or killed.
This is also an argument often made within the fandom to excuse those exact crimes (i.e. Hawks killing Twice being justified because otherwise, the latter could have caused more destruction and gotten people killed with his quirk).
To summarize - the hero side heavily aligns with utilitarianism, the belief that the greater good for the greater number of people dictates how to act.
In a 2013 survey, it was found that almost 70% of the participants would divert the trolley, thus killing the 1 person and agreeing with the utilitarian theory. However, the experiment usually doesn’t end there. In some versions, the 5 people will remain random people, while the 1 person is now someone you personally know and care about. In this case, people often start to struggle as it’s usually harder for people to just sacrifice someone they love for people they don’t even know.
But how does all that relate to Dabi?
Well, to sum it up, I made this edit to visualize it:
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People (=Dabi haters) will go around and act like Dabi’s and Endeavor’s crimes are somehow comparable and that Dabi chose to be a villain because he was born that way when in reality, those crimes have completely different origins. Endeavor suffers from an inferiority complex so big that he gave up on his immense goal of being the number one hero after just a few years of trying and instead of learning to accept that this position isn’t in reach for him in such a short amount of time, he did the next - certainly not logical - step of buying a wife and forcing her to have kids with him to use as tools and live his dreams through them, not shying away from cold-heartedly neglecting them when they weren’t good enough.
Touya, on the other hand, was just a kid that - just like every other kid - wanted and needed his parents’ love and attention, and naturally, not receiving those basic needs had their effect on him. So when looking at Dabi and how his existence as a villain came to be, it’s not entirely incorrect to say that he chose to become a villain. However, he chose to become a villain just like how Aoyama and his family chose to “betray society as a whole” - by choosing not to get killed by AFO. Sure, they did make that choice. Hopefully, we can all agree, though, that being held at gunpoint isn’t going to accurately reflect how people would normally choose.
In the case of Touya’s Trolley Problem, the experiment takes place sometime after his accident, once he was well enough to make a conscious decision concerning his future. While we haven’t gotten more details regarding that time of his life and his thought process, the trolley problem shows the dilemma he faced at some point during those ten years.
Here, the greater good - or the 5 people as per the original version - is society, so similarly to how Aoyama “betrayed society” by choosing to live, Touya becoming a villain also means betraying and in parts sacrificing society.
On the other hand, the 1 person is Touya.
At the same time, Touya is also the one in control of where the trolley goes as he is the one making the decision.
So instead of having to choose between saving 1 or 5 people, he can either save himself or society.
The reason for this is that he could have returned to his family and risk possibly dying as he continued to try to prove himself to his dad. Considering he had already been hurting himself with his training for years and years on end, it's unlikely to assume the accident would have changed this unhealthy behavior when still not receiving the support system from adults that he needed. This would have most likely led to him actually dying sooner or later. Even if he somehow did manage to never die in the process, his mental health would have only worsened over time even more possibly damaging all the relationships in his life, etc.
Society would benefit from this though, as he then would not have become a villain and joined the lov. Obviously, there are other villains that also cause harm and destruction, but especially considering the release of his broadcast, he sure played a big role in the current chaotic state of the country.
The other option was to not return and instead avenge himself by becoming Dabi the villain and thus disregarding the peace in society. Touya lives on, but society suffers the consequences. This is the option he ended up choosing.
Going by the utilitarian approach, Touya should have chosen to die in order to maintain society’s rather peaceful state and not disrupt Endeavor’s improved approval rate by society as the number one hero. It’s just one life vs. the rest of the country. Could an individual really be worth that much?
On the flip side, one might ask whether society could really be worth that much. Individuals exist either way, yet society is a man-made concept, which in turn begs the question as to why it was created in the first place and what would make it worth protecting.
The “Social contract” is a theory in philosophy stating that an individual’s morals depend on the rules the society they live in is built on. One notable philosopher that talked about this theory was Thomas Hobbes (bolded + italicized for better readability):
According to Hobbes, the justification for political obligation is this: given that men are naturally self-interested, yet they are rational, they will choose to submit to the authority of a Sovereign in order to be able to live in a civil society, which is conducive to their own interests. Hobbes argues for this by imagining men in their natural state, or in other words, the State of Nature. In the State of Nature, which is purely hypothetical according to Hobbes, men are naturally and exclusively self-interested, they are more or less equal to one another, (even the strongest man can be killed in his sleep), there are limited resources, and yet there is no power able to force men to cooperate. Given these conditions in the State of Nature, Hobbes concludes that the State of Nature would be unbearably brutal. In the State of Nature, every person is always in fear of losing his life to another. They have no capacity to ensure the long-term satisfaction of their needs or desires. No long-term or complex cooperation is possible because the State of Nature can be aptly described as a state of utter distrust. Given Hobbes’ reasonable assumption that most people want first and foremost to avoid their own deaths, he concludes that the State of Nature is the worst possible situation in which men can find themselves. It is the state of perpetual and unavoidable war.
The situation is not, however, hopeless. Because men are reasonable, they can see their way out of such a state by recognizing the laws of nature, which show them the means by which to escape the State of Nature and create a civil society. The first and most important law of nature commands that each man be willing to pursue peace when others are willing to do the same, all the while retaining the right to continue to pursue war when others do not pursue peace. Being reasonable, and recognizing the rationality of this basic precept of reason, men can be expected to construct a Social Contract that will afford them a life other than that available to them in the State of Nature.
Going by this logic, wouldn’t a society that fails to ensure the things mentioned above, also be failing the individuals in it? It would fail its main purpose and with that become useless. So rather than Touya choosing to live and become a villain meaning that he betrayed society, it’s actually the other way around.
This is supported by the part stating that the members of society are “retaining the right to continue to pursue war when others do not pursue peace” - meaning he, and others like him, have every right to be villains because other members of society didn’t pursue peace when they abused, neglected, and discriminated against Touya and the rest of the lov.
In a state like that, a greater quantity becomes meaningless to the person making this decision - in this case, Touya - because why should he care to protect a dysfunctional society, rather than himself?
Furthermore, different from the classic trolley problem, in this scenario choosing to sacrifice himself would mean that Touya dies, whilst choosing to sacrifice society would not mean for all the people in that society to die. Instead, the way that society is functioning at that moment is being damaged, but not damaged enough to not be rebuilt again in an improved way, meaning that it’s not a total loss.
With that in mind, saving an individual’s life over a mere, already flawed concept becomes an obvious and easy choice.
In conclusion, while at first, it might seem natural to choose the greater good, when taking a closer look that logic quickly fades away as the greater good doesn’t provide much reason for being worth protecting, especially from Touya’s point of view, when society was the reason he became part of the trolley problem in the first place.
It is his right, then, to fight back and choose to live, rather than to let himself be killed as a sacrifice to ensure a continued false sense of security a society protected by abusers and murderers is providing. With that choice, at least society still stands a chance, whereas the other option only results in the death of a child that deserved so much better.
Or to put it simply: Touya is right and society had already failed before that decision anyway.
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
My King
Nikolai Lantsov x fem!reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: burns, violence, injuries
Author’s Note: This was so cute omg, I hope you enjoy love!
Requested; by anon, Hi love I absolutely adore your writing and I was wondering if you could request the ‘who did this to you trope’ with Nikolai please Thank you
Summary: the request!
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
Nikolai Lantsov, King of Ravka, was the only man in this world that could make you actually visibly flustered. Boy did he love that. He used it to his advantage whenever he could and even managed to make you laugh here and there.
You stood behind him, looking down at his radiant blonde hair. You brushed through it carefully, making sure there were no tangles. He looked at you through the mirror and you pretended not to notice.
“You have to talk more with the suitors today,” you muttered, focused on combing through his hair.
“No I don’t,” he said. “I’ve picked my Queen.” You rolled your eyes. He caught it and couldn’t help but smile softly.
“I can’t be Queen Nikolai.” You met his eyes through the reflection. He looked effortlessly handsome, though he always did. You were always amazed at his stunning looks. Nikolai was a regal man and if nothing else, looked like he was fit to be a King.
“Why not?” he asked.
“Because I’m not royal.” You put your hands on his shoulders and leaned down, tilting your head to see him face to face. He met your gaze, that charming look in his eyes. “And you won’t get any prospects from being with me. You won’t get any money. You won’t get any land. You’ll get only me and that is not enough.”
“It’s plenty!” he protested. “I don’t need land or money or prospects. I just need you.” You shook your head and turned around, walking over to his bed. You handed him the clothing that his people had picked out for him to wear.
“No you want me. Ravka needs someone suited for the job.” Nikolai hated when you brought Ravka into this. If he was a low servant boy the two of you would have been married ages ago. He stood and turned around, holding his clothing in his hand.
“I will convince you.”
“No you won’t,” you muttered absentmindedly. “I have to call Genya to get things prepared for next week. You get dressed.”
“I won’t get married to anyone else.”
“We can have an affair on the side, will that make you happy?”
“No. I will not produce a bastard and make our child suffer the way I have,” he grumbled. You met his eyes kindly.
“Who says I want children with you?”
“You can’t keep your hands off me, I’m fairly certain your actions betray your words.” You rolled your eyes and put your hand on his chest as you walked past.
“Get dressed Nikolai. I’ll be with Genya if you need me.”
You left the room and he was left alone with his mind and his clothes. He stared at the door for a second, shaking his head. He knew that you were right. He knew that you understood this situation better than most. But he also knew that as long as you were alive, he could never love another person. He didn’t want to and he didn’t need to. You would make a wonderful Queen.
He would convince you one day, he was sure of it.
Genya held a clipboard in her hand. You wondered briefly if she had different colors to match what she wanted to go for that day. You almost never saw her without some sort of planning ability.
“I wish you would just marry him, save us all the trouble,” Genya said softly. You rolled your eyes.
“Trust me, if I could I would.”
“You’re completely able. You aren’t repulsed by him like some of the women coming. You aren’t his cousin, you aren’t underage. You’re both in love and that should be enough.”
“It’s enough for him. Not enough for Ravka.” You let out a small sigh and was about to say something else when a guard entered the room. You raised an eyebrow. He hadn’t announced himself or anything which was unusual. You are one of the closest to the King and usually was shown that respect. But this man looked very worried.
“There’s a Grisha at the gates, demanding to come in.”
“Do you know who it is?” you asked. He shook his head. You pursed your lips and spared Genya a glance. You were a very talented Heartrender and could use your power for defense if necessary. “What kind of Grisha?”
“Inferni.” You let out a soft sigh. That wasn’t great news.
“Should I find Zoya?” Genya asked. You shook your head.
“Zoya isn’t in Ravka.” She was out with Nina, hopelessly spying on others. She had protested quite often but you made her go. She could do good out there and could come back to lead her post later. You turned to the guard. “Come.”
You didn’t bother stopping to tell Nikolai. You could handle this yourself, you were sure. It was one Grisha. You had fought plenty before. You could handle one Inferni. You did wish you hadn’t told Zoya to go though. She was much more powerful than you.
You reached the gates and saw the fire immediately. Your few Tidemakers were doing their best to battle the flames but the Inferni looked skilled. You wondered if they were a member of the Second Army before the war.
You saw him standing at the edge of the gates.
“Let me see the King!” he yelled at the guards, shooting flames aimlessly. You focused, slowing his heart rate at your will. He looked frightened as he realized what was happening to him. You approached cautiously.
“The King is busy today,” you said. He clutched his chest. “Can I help you?”
“I want…” he breathed heavily, “to kill the King.” You shook your head.
“That isn’t going to happen today.” He looked up at you and before you knew it he had shot a ball of fire in your direction. It knocked you down, causing you to lose your focus. Pain flew to your limbs as you put the fire out. You raised your hand to him and crippled him down to his knees more harshly this time. You took the air from his lungs, your own body singed and smoking as you did so. You guestered to a Tidemaker and some guards. “Take him.”
They did as they were told, dragging him to the dungeon. He gasped for air until he was out of your sight.
You sat in the courtyard for a moment, reveling in your pain. No one approached you for a moment, unsure if you were able to stand on your own or not. You wobbled to your feet and guestered to a guard.
“Send for Genya Safin.”
“Should I get the King?” the guard asked.
“Saints no,” you breathed.
You walked back inside the castle and soon enough saw Genya rushing towards you. Her eyes went wide in horror.
“Why didn’t you ask for a Healer?” she exclaimed.
“I wanted you to take me there,” you breathed, laughing gently. She held you up and started to walk towards the nearest Healer when you saw Nikolai coming down the stairs, a guard trailing after him. He ran up to you, putting his arms around your waist and holding you up. Genya let you go into his grasp. Your eyes narrowed on the guard. “You disobeyed me.”
“He insisted on knowing whenever you were hurt,” the guard said quietly. You shook your head.
“Who did this to you?” Nikolai almost growled. You tried not to think of the monster inside him as he spoke in an animalistic tone.
“Inferni at the gates.”
“You should have called for help.”
“I can handle myself.” He turned to Genya.
“Take her to the Healers, I’m going to see this Inferni.” You gave him a look as he put you back into her care.
“Nikolai don’t do anything stupid unprotected,” you muttered, wincing in pain.
“He’ll get what's coming to him,” Nikolai muttered as he walked away from you.
The Healers tended to your wounds quickly and were able to avoid having any serious burns. You had gotten lucky. Nikolai was right though, you should have sent for help. You rested in your room, bandages over your various injuries.
The door opened without a knock which meant it was no one but Nikolai. You looked over at him.
“What did you do?” you asked evenly. He quickly sat at your side, grabbing your hand in his. He leaned forward and brushed your hair out of your face.
“He will be tried for high treason.”
“He didn’t commit high treason. He can’t even be tried for an assasination attempt, he never got close to you.” Nikolai smiled slyly and met your eyes.
“First off, I’m the King and I get to say who is tried with high treason. Second off, it was not an assassination attempt on the King of Ravka, it was however an assassination attempt on the future Queen of Ravka.” You went completely silent for a few moments, his words hanging in the air.
“You didn’t tell him that, did you?”
“I did. In fact, I told Genya to stop planning for the suitors' arrival next week.” He paused for dramatic effect. “Then I told her to get an official announcement prepared.”
“Be quiet for a moment,” he said, meeting your eyes. “You got rather lucky today. You’re very lucky actually that you happened to be at the castle where there are the best Healers around. If you hadn’t been, your burns could have been much worse and you could have died.”
“That’s a bit of a stretch.”
“Shh!” He cleared his throat. “I won’t lose you. You are the most fit to be Queen and we will secure the Lantsov line with our children.”
“I’m Grisha thou-”
“Darling, if you interrupt me one more time I will poke an injury.” You smiled a bit and rolled your eyes. “My decision is final. I am your King and I have made my choice.” He paused. “If you’ll have me.” You had a feeling that he was telling you the truth. There was no way to talk him out of this. Truth be told, you wanted nothing more than to marry him. You had wanted it since the moment he laid eyes on you. You closed your eyes for a moment and shook your head, laughing gently.
“Fine. Yes, Nikolai, I will marry you.” A bright smile went over his face as he clapped his hands together and then turned to you, kissing you gently. You moaned in pain and he pulled away.
“I’m sorry. Just excited. Oh Genya is going to love this. She’ll have a ball planning our wedding. Oh and I have so many ideas for the honeymoon, you’re going to love it.” You grabbed his hand and couldn’t help but feel equally excited.
“We can talk more about it in the morning. Right now, I’m exhausted.”
“Oh yes of course. Scoot over.”
“Nikolai, you have things to do today.”
“Scoot.” You rolled your eyes and did as you were told. He laid on the bed beside you, putting his arm around your shoulder. You rested your head on his chest.
“Goodnight my darling,” he whispered, kissing your forehead.
“Goodnight my King.”
Grishaverse Tag List: @elisaa-shelby
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forcebewitht · 3 years
Force's Disney Geek Master Theory: Why Twisted Wonderland Is Called Twisted Wonderland
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We have all grown to know and love various Disney characters over the years, correct? Yet, I believe a lot of us can argue that not many characters have the same effect on us even as adults today as the Villains do within their respective movies. In the game Disney: Twisted Wonderland as we all know and love, the select boys to Overblot are supposed to have the "souls" of their Villain counterparts, right? But...why is it called "Twisted" Wonderland, then? The truth may lie within something that has been right in front of us all along, my friends: the meaning of a mirror. Ready to buckle in for this one? If so, then here we go!
We have seen all of these guys share character traits, looks, etc with their Disney counterparts, correct? Well, what if I were to tell you that things in terms of the "main" guys that we are supposed to pay attention to aren't exactly what they seem? This could be analyzed in a few different ways, honestly, yet the most prominent way is this: the differences in their personalities- they are reversed. Let us take this bit by bit, shall we?
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Ah, yes. The Queen Of Hearts. The ranting, raging, bundle of red, black, and gold we all know and love. (or else heads would roll, I'm sure) One of the things that everybody knows about her is that she's extremely hellbent on the crazy rules that she makes up and is prone to anger honestly very easily. Yeah, you can connect that to Riddle- but think about it for a second. While that rage and the rule thing is still there, it isn't as prominent with him as it was with her, is it? With the Queen of Hearts, her whole "issue" was that she wished to make everybody listen to her and follow her every command- but Riddle was essentially always following the rules of another- not his own. This seemed to make Riddle a little more calm most of the time in terms of how he handled and oversaw things. It wasn't until he actually Overblotted that the "listen to me and only me" thing came out- buuuuuuttttttt I'll get to that part in a bit.
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Next: Leona and Scar. While we honestly didn't get to see a lot of what went on behind the scenes in the Outlands in terms of how Scar even met the hyenas to begin with at all, one thing can honestly be said- Scar worked very hard to get where he was. I mean, it's not like you can get an entire pack of rabid, hungry hyenas onto your side in the course of a single day, or maybe even a week (especially as a lion, no less). No, something to that extreme takes careful planning, wording, and stringing along to ensure that nothing goes wrong along the way. The way Scar spoke to Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed made it seem as though he had known them for a looooonngggg time before this- that's where that behind the scenes planning comes in. And then...you have Leona. Leona, from what we can tell in Chapter 2, planned the idea for the "endgame" alright- but he didn't actually act upon any of the plan for himself. Ruggie did. Even in the Lion King, we see that Scar had no problems whatsoever getting his paws dirty a little within his own scheme to take his "rightful place" at the head of Pride Rock- but Leona quite honestly did not a thing once Ruggie was in motion. See where this is starting to head?
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Azul and Ursula. Ursula, the Disney baddie queen of my heart Ursula, the Sea Witch. She was known all around the ocean floor for helping out poor little merfolk in secret, wasn't she? Yet, nobody ever really seemed to catch wind of the whole "her turning those who didn't quite fit the bill into polyps" thing, did they? That was one of the things that made her such a honest threat to Ariel herself- because Ursula was cunning. She did things behind the scenes, and sure- we could catch onto it out in the audience (annnddd maybe Sebastian and Flounder as well), but nobody else really seemed to, right? Azul is the complete opposite in this standpoint. He instills direct fear into his "workers" and those even beyond and within his dorm. Like- basically most knew that this dude was bad news to begin with. Azul, mostly, seemed to hide his cunning facade behind a fake yet still seemingly "soft and genuine" smile and act. But all in all, he didn't really attempt to "hide" anything- hell, he even proclaimed his entire plan of what everyone with those things on their heads were gonna do for him in the open! At least when Ursula sang as Vanessa, she was in an almost perfectly enclosed room with nobody else around.
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Jamil and Jafar. This comparison here, given what occurs in the movie Aladdin, is honestly one of the biggest possible indicators of this reoccuring theme I shall clarify in a bit. Jafar, while being sneaky, was known for being a more "out there" Disney Villain in terms of his personality alongside that of his partner Iago in the film. He would smile in a sinister way, he would crack jokes out in the open, and let us not forget his crazed yet oddly interesting laughter. Jamil? He's the exact opposite. Given his past and what he has had to dealt with growing up with Kalim, he is much more reserved and barely releases a chuckle or cracks a smile at all. His personality is a lot more repressed than that of Jafar himself throughout the film. Jamil has been so used to having to hold himself back thanks to his parents in favor of Kalim's family, he doesn't seem to know how to "let go" whatsoever. Yet Jafar, while still maintaining that sneaky side of him as well, has no problems whatsoever letting a little hang loose whenever he so chooses to.
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Vil and the Evil Queen. This one honestly may be a bit more self explanatory than the others- but the difference between these two is their expressions of themselves. The Evil Queen was the very first animated counted Disney Villain within Disney's history- yet, she barely had any lines throughout the film at all. Her ranges of expression were almost little to none thanks to the era in which the movie was released in- but she always looked like she was pissed, huh? Vil is the exact opposite of her in this sense. He is able to fully express himself through his various facial expressions, theatrical abilities, musical experiences, fashion style, and even how he behaves. Vil is able to do so much more than the Evil Queen did or could do within that time period, that it's almost a little staggering if you fully picture it.
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Idia and Hades. Now, now. We haven't honestly seen too much of the flaming blue boy yet in TWST, but one thing is apparent here right off the bat- in terms of his personality? He is the exact opposite of Hades. Idia is much like Jamil but to a more "geek" degree- he's extremely introverted, shy, a bit snippy, yet mainly keeps to himself and his gaming tech. Hades is most often renowned as the Disney Villain with the most personality- and the best humor. Hades has no problem whatsoever being "out there" with his crazy puns, sassy remarks, anger, and even mocking behavior. I mean, please, guys- I haven't been this choked up since I got a hunk of moussaka caught in my throat!
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Finally, Malleus and Maleficent. Ooooohoooooooo boy. We have to count out the live action movie Maleficent for this one (sorry horned queen fans). One thing that basically everybody even with their toe in the water in that of Disney movies kind of knows this fact- Maleficent is c r u el. She's got a bizarre set of dark powers and an even blacker heart than that. Hell, we basically had to "soften her up" a little bit in Maleficent thanks to just how seemingly irredeemable her character is in that of Sleeping Beauty. I mean, c'mon now- cursing an infant? And we get no explanation for that in the original? C'mon, now. Anyways, Malleus? As we all can tell by now, this dude is the compleeettteeeeeee opposite. Sure, he has those repressed bits here and there too, but it is evident that this dude has a heart crying out for the MC and it is big, bold, and golden to the core once you look past how he looks. He sent the MC a card for winter break, for crying out loud. Yeah, let me know the next time you see Maleficent do that smh.
Now, I have avoided using a certain word up until this point to see if anybody could catch on to what exactly is happening here. Did you figure it out? Reverse. The boys that either have Overblotted already or intend to Overblot soon stop holding out on us, Chapter 6 have had the exact opposite personalities compared to that of their Villain counterpart- until one prime point in their "character arcs". Their Overblot.
Riddle wished to have all bow before him and obey his rules.
Leona led his entire dorm into ruin and nearly sanded away the entire school in the process.
Azul let himself finally free of his personal shackles entirely and "took what was his".
Jamil finally let himself go and opened up more in his personality, almost seeming to be driven insane in the process.
Vil wanted to become the most beautiful one of all and would kill anyone within the way of that goal without any hesitation whatsoever.
The moment that the boys' Overblotted, that was the exact moment when the "soul" of their Disney Villain counterpart took control. Keeping that idea in mind, that should mean that this will happen in the upcoming chapters and their Overblots:
Idia will show off all of the personality, powers, and intelligence that he has been keeping down within this introverted self of his.
Malleus will become so broken by being left out and alone in the cold for the final time that he will turn into a completely cruel Fae and possibly nearly kill either the MC or the representation of Prince Philip within that Chapter in the process.
(Hello, my dear Readers! Guess who is trying to get back into her bigger pieces of writing? This gal right here~ feel free to drop a comment and tell me what you think of this theory- I'd love to hear your thoughts! 💕)
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criminalmindzjunkie · 4 years
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part one
Summary: Spencer feels insecure, and Reader puts his worries to rest. 
A/N: I got several requests to write a follow-up to Avoidance , and after writing almost the whole entire thing, only to scrap it all because it was literal trash, here we are! I initially planned to go a different route with this, but it didn’t flow right and I ended up changing the entire plot line somewhere along the way. I really like how this turned out, and I hope you guys enjoy it, too!
Pairing: sub!Spencer/femdom!Reader
Content warnings: cursing, Spencer being insecure, hand job, oral sex (male receiving), anal fingering, pegging, light degradation, Spencer experiencing sub-drop
Word Count: 6k
           Spencer’s lips drag against mine at a slow, deliberate pace as I sit perched on his lap, my hands tugging lightly at where his hair curls at the nape of his neck. One particularly harsh tug has Spencer gasping into my mouth and tightening his grip on my hips, pulling me down until I’m fully sat on his lap. The bulge tenting his slacks comes in full contact with my clothed core and I hum appreciatively against his lips.
           “Getting excited there, baby?”
           Spencer lets out a whine of protest when I pull away, leaning forward in an attempt to reunite our lips. I press my hand flat against his chest and push him back until he rests against the couch cushions.
           “I thought you wanted to watch a movie tonight?” I ask him, my lips curled up into a knowing smile. Spencer’s thumbs begin to rub soothing circles into my hips as he fixes me with a shy smile.
           “Maybe later,” he replies, sheepish. He looks breathtaking - bathed in the soft glow of the lamp light, shadows dancing across every perfectly chiseled inch of his face. Faint purple bruises dot the underside of his jaw line, remnants of the last time we had been afforded enough time to get tangled up under the bedsheets. I press my thumb to one of them, applying just enough pressure to cause Spencer’s breath to hitch. In another day or two, the purple and yellow discoloration would be gone, leaving no trace of our time together.
           I release my hold on his jaw and make a mental note to see to it that he has another set of pretty marks before the weekend is over.
           “Later?” I lift the hand that was splayed across his chest until I’m able to fiddle with the top button on his dress shirt. “You talk as if you have something else you’d like to do first. Care to share?”            Spencer squirms underneath my gaze, eyes flitting between my lips and where I’m pressed firmly against his erection. I watch him flounder to come up with a response before deciding to forgo words completely and rut himself against me, eyelids fluttering closed as he lets out a low whine.
           I click my tongue at him and raise up until my center hovers over him, torturously close but not quite close enough to touch.
           “What’s the matter, Doctor? It’s not like you to be at a loss for words,” I taunt as I pop open the last three buttons of his shirt. Now that the milky white skin of his chest is on full display, I waste no time in dragging my fingernails from his collarbone down to his navel, light and teasing. The action elicits a shiver from Spencer, who looks up at me with glossy eyes and blown pupils.
           “P-Please,” he stutters out.
           “Please, what?” I prod, cocking my head to the side. “Tell me what you want, baby.”
           Spencer’s tongue pokes out to run across his bottom lip.
           “I want you,” he breathes out, low and sultry. “Now. Don’t wanna wait.”
           I let out a pleased sigh as I lean forward to capture Spencer’s lips in a heated kiss. Spencer’s quick to reciprocate, eagerly licking into my mouth as soon as my lips brush against his.
           It’s not long until I feel the hands on my waist begin to tug me back down onto his lap, eliciting a giggle from me.
           “Such a needy little thing,” I murmur against his lips.
           Usually, a comment like this would be met by some sort of mumbled affirmation. But this time, as soon as the words leave my mouth, I feel Spencer’s whole body tense up beneath me.
           “Does… Does that bother you?”
           I pull away and give Spencer an inquisitive look.
           “Does what bother me?”
           Spencer averts his eyes, “That I’m so submissive.” He spits the word out like it burns his mouth – like it’s something to be ashamed of – and I can’t suppress my frown.
           “Why would that ever bother me?”
           Spencer gives a feeble shrug of his shoulders, still refusing to pull his gaze from where it rests on the floor.
           “I read an article in Psychology Today that discussed a survey in which 172 German adults completed a personality questionnaire and then measured their own preference for a dominant partner. Not only was the general consensus that both genders prefer dominant partners, the participants also agreed with statements like ‘a very nice partner is often boring’ and ‘I feel attracted to assertive partners.’ So, it’s only natural that you might get tired of me always being such a pushover and search for a more exciting partner than can keep you stimulated-”
           I clamp my hand down on Spencer’s mouth, effectively ending his self-deprecating rant and forcing him to look up from where his eyes were burning a hole into the floor. When I know he isn’t going to try and continue down that particularly awful train of thought, I remove my hand.
           “First of all, you are not a pushover. Insinuating that you are a pushover would also be insinuating that I’m taking advantage of you. Do you feel like I’m taking advantage of you?” Spencer’s eyes grow wide and he frantically shakes his head.
           “Absolutely not. I… I love what you do to me – with me. What we do together. I-I just want to be sure that you like it to. That you’re not just humoring me until someone who can actually give you what you want comes around.”
           I feel my mouth fall open from shock somewhere during the middle of his spiel. He can’t actually be so oblivious to the fact that I enjoy the hell out of our sex life, can he?
           Apparently, he can and he is, because Spencer takes my silence as affirmation.
           “I could try? To d-dom you, that is. I’ve been reading up on it and-”
           “Spencer, where on earth did this come from?”
           Spencer blinks hard, “I told you – I read it in Psychology Today.”
           I shake my head at him and slip off of his lap and onto the couch cushion beside him.
           “No, that’s not what I meant. What made you think that I’m not happy with our sex life?”
           “N-Nothing in particular,” Spencer stammers. “I just know that I’m not exactly the most masculine guy, and I want to make sure that you’re, you know… happy. With me.”
           And there it is.
           I reach for Spencer’s hand and link our fingers together.
           “This wouldn’t have anything to do with that comment Derek made this morning, would it?” Spencer doesn’t answer, but the way his eyes drop to his lap tells me everything I need to know. I tighten my grip on his hand. “You know he was just messing with you, right? As out of line as it was, he was just being… Derek.”
           “He wasn’t wrong, though. I am extremely docile – along with a litany of other very passive traits. I’m not strong or assertive or confident like Derek; I’m basically the complete opposite of the ideal male partner. All I’m good for is spouting out information that’s only sometimes useful. No wonder you don’t want to-” Spencer clamps his mouth shut and his cheeks burn red. “Forget it. C-Can we pretend this conversation never happened?”
           “No wonder I don’t want to what?” I prod, brows furrowed in confusion. But still, Spencer refuses to meet my eyes. “And as far as all the other stuff goes, it doesn’t matter if you’re assertive or strong. I prefer my sweet, gentle boy over guys like Derek Morgan, any day. My ideal male partner just so happens to be pretty boys with curly brown hair and massive IQs, not aggressive alpha males with overinflated egos.” I bring Spencer’s hand up to my lips and place a gentle kiss on his knuckles. “I’m being serious, Spence. There’s a lot to love about you.”
           Spencer’s next words are hushed, so quiet that I almost don’t hear him when he says, “Then why haven’t you told anyone about us yet?”
           In the two months since our first time together, neither of us had been brave enough to broach the subject of what exactly we were doing. With neither of us quite sure how to go about defining the relationship, we’d fallen into a sort of routine. Whenever it came time to pair off for the night and retreat to our hotel rooms, Spencer and I always made sure that we were paired together. Hotch never seemed to care – he was just happy that we weren’t walking on eggshells around each other anymore - and the others were kind enough to keep their suspicions to themselves. On the weekends, or really any time that we weren’t working a case, time off was spent in each other’s company, be it at Spencer’s place or mine. Days full of impromptu adventures to farmer’s markets and niche antique shops devolved into passionate nights spent learning every inch of each other’s skin until no stone was left unturned. It was the perfect arrangement.
           Or at least it would’ve been, if Spencer and I hadn’t managed to fall half way in love somewhere along the way. It was glaringly obvious early on that it was way more than just sexual chemistry that kept us both coming back for more, but owning up to that fact was a whole other issue that neither of us was ready to deal with.
           Until now, apparently.
           “I-I mean, we haven’t talked about what exactly this is, so I wasn’t quite sure how to go about that,” I stammer. “But now that you’ve brought it up…”
           Spencer finally looks up and his eyes are filled to the brim with equal parts fear and hope.
           “I-I really want there to be an us,” he whispers. “I kind of thought that much was obvious.”
           “And I thought the fact that I have absolutely zero complaints in the bedroom was obvious, but here we are,” I tease, and Spencer lets out an involuntary giggle when I poke at his side. “I want there to be an us, too. And for what it’s worth, I like you just the way you are, Spencer Reid - just so we’re clear.”
           “Really?” Spencer persists. From anyone else, it would seem like they were fishing for compliments, but from Spencer? I knew my sweet, darling boy just needed some reassurance.
           I lean forward and capture his lips in a long, languid kiss.
           “Really really,” I mumble when I pull away. “Have I done a thorough enough job drilling that into your head, or do you need some more convincing?”
           “More convincing,” Spencer replies as he ducks in for another kiss. “Lots and lots of convincing.”
           I smile against his lips, “That’s good to hear, because I sorta had a little something special planned for you.”
           “Something special?”
           I slide my hand from its place on his knee until my fingers glide across the tip of his clothed cock.
           “Remember that thing we talked about last week?”
           I can feel the way Spencer’s cock twitches under my hand and I have to bite back a smile.
           I give his bulge a light squeeze that has Spencer moaning low in his throat.
           “Only if you want to. There’s no pressure at all. I don’t want to do anything you’re not comfortable with. I’d be perfectly fine if you just wanna watch that movie and cuddle a bit - you know that right?”
           “Yes, but I still want to,” Spencer chokes out. “Very, very much.” And then he’s bringing a hand up to cup my face before slotting our lips together again.
           The kiss is sloppy, seeing as we’re both much too excited to worry about being precise. Spencer spends time exploring my body with his free hand, starting at my hips and then dipping underneath my t-shirt. Spencer’s hand is just shy of skimming over my bra when I pull back and he lets out a frustrated whine when I pull his hands off of me.
           “I wanna ask you a few things before we do this, okay, baby?” Spencer flushes a deep crimson as he nods. “Have you ever experimented with any sort of anal play before?”
           “N-No, I haven’t. Is that okay?”
           Spencer Reid, you are going to be the death of me.
           “That’s perfectly fine, sweet boy,” I coo. “I’m just trying to get a feel for what’s going to be the most comfortable for you. We’ll start small and work our way up, okay?” Spencer nods, prompting me to tack on an, “Assuming that you want to, that is. This is all on your terms, and I need to make sure that you know that nothing’s going to happen that you don’t expressly consent to first.”
           Spencer’s lips pull up into a sweet smile.
           “I know, and I trust you,” he says. “And I consent to it. To all of it.”
           “You’re gonna have to be a little bit more specific than that,” I chuckle. “What exactly are you consenting to?”
           Spencer shifts in his seat, “Y-You know.”
           “Yes, but I want to hear you say it, baby.”
           Spencer gulps hard, “I-I want you to fuck me. Please.”
           I let out a satisfied hum and remove my hand from Spencer’s lap.
           “I want you to go to the bedroom and take off all your clothes. Then I want you to lie in the center of the bed and if I walk in and see you touching yourself, I’ll walk right back out and I won’t touch you for a month. Are we clear?”
           “Y-Yes, Miss.”
           I spend much longer than necessary in the living room, sitting on the couch and scrolling through my phone for nearly ten minutes before getting up and making my way to the bedroom. The anticipation is half of the fun, in my opinion, and I take great pleasure in imagining Spencer squirming against the sheets, desperate for me to walk through that door.
           I rid myself of my skirt and blouse as I make my way down the hallway, leaving me in only my panties and bralette. I can hear Spencer’s heavy breathing before I even reach the bedroom, and it makes my stomach flip excitedly as I push open the door.
           Spencer lays in the middle of the bed, hands grabbing at the sheets as he rolls his hips in vain. His cock stands painfully hard, leaking precum and bobbing up and down with every motion of his hips. Spencer doesn’t see or hear me when I come in – his eyes are closed tight and his bottom lip is nestled between his teeth, blissfully oblivious as he ruts up into nothing.
           “It seems like my poor, needy boy has worked himself up into quite a state.”
           The sound of my voice startles him and he immediately halts the movement of his hips. Spencer’s eyes watch on and I walk over to the night stand, taking my time as I remove a bottle of lube, my harness, and the newly purchased dildo bought especially for my sweet boy.
           Spencer’s eyes linger on the silicone member, wide and curious as I set the items on the bed and crawl in between his legs. He spreads his legs without being prompted, leaving him completely exposed to me, and the action makes my heart swell with pride. My good boy has learned so much in the past two months.
           “M’gonna suck that pretty cock of yours now, and I want you to keep your hips still. Can you do that for me, baby?”
           Spencer nods frantically, “Y-Yes, Miss. Please – I need your mouth. I’ll be still, I promise.”
           I let out a pleased hum as I take him into my hand, dragging my fist up and down, spreading precum across the entirety of his length.
           “I know you will, baby. You’re always so good for me. So eager to please.”
           I lean down and begin placing kisses to the sensitive skin of his thighs, all while continuing to work my hand against him. I nip lightly at the skin above his right hip and Spencer sucks in a ragged breath when I suck a pretty purple bruise in the very same spot. It contrasts starkly with his porcelain skin, and I enjoy the way it looks so much that I continue until a plethora of love bites litter his inner thighs. When I finally sit back and admire my work, Spencer’s writhing so pitifully against the mattress that I decide to put him out of his misery.
           Spencer devolves into a whimpering mess the moment I take his tip into my mouth, his head thrashing wildly against the mattress when I swirl my tongue around him. I take my time with him, not at all rushing my descent onto his cock, choosing instead to tease him with a slow, steady pace. If Spencer minded my slower than usual pace, he didn’t say so. He was too busy choking out an unrelenting string of the most wanton moans I’d ever heard as he watched himself disappear into my mouth.
           I decide now is as good a time as any to up the ante and I pull my mouth away from him.
           “W-Why did you stop?” Spencer stutters, chest heaving up and down.
           I raise an eyebrow at him, “Are you being ungrateful, Doctor? Because if you are, I could always just leave you here like this - cock hard and leaky with no way to get off other than your own hand. That wouldn’t be nearly as fun as having me fuck that pretty little ass of yours.”
           “No, please! I’m so sorry,” Spencer mewls. “I’ll be good, just please don’t leave!”
            I loosely grasp Spencer’s cock in my hand and run my thumb across his slit.
           “You sound so pretty when you beg, baby. I can’t wait to hear how pretty you are when you’re begging for me to fuck you harder.”
           Spencer’s eyes roll back into his head and his mouth hangs open, panting hard.
           “I want it so bad. Please, please, please, Miss.”
           I use my free hand to reach up and push two fingers into Spencer’s mouth, “Suck. I want them real nice and wet so that I can use them to get you ready for me.”
           Spencer moans around my fingers, laving his tongue around the them as he hollows his cheeks. When I retract my fingers from his mouth they’re practically dripping and I reward his effort by tightening my grip on his cock.
           “Good job, baby. Are you ready for me to finger that tight little hole of yours?” I ask him as I release his cock and grab the bottle of lube. I drizzle a healthy amount onto my fingers before dragging one across his puckered hole, eliciting a high-pitched cry from Spencer.
           “Yes!” Spencer gasps as he attempts to wiggle closer. “So ready for you, Miss. Use your f-fingers on me, please!”
           I start by slowly pressing one in, so as not to overwhelm him, and to my endless delight, it glides in almost effortlessly.
           “Already so ready for my fingers, Doctor. You sure you haven’t touched yourself here before?” I ask as I begin to work my finger in and out in slow thrusts.
           “N-Never. O-Only you,” Spencer stutters out between moans. “C-Can you add another, Miss?”
           I pull my finger out, only to add another and resume my efforts at a slightly faster pace. Spencer’s back arches up off the bed when my fingers brush against his prostate and he lets out a half startled, half delighted yelp.
           “Oh fuck!” Spencer moans as he grinds down onto my fingers. “Again, please, Miss!”
I comply, and with every press of my fingers against the fleshy bundle of tissue, Spencer’s body jolts from the sensation.
           “S’that feel good, baby? Do you like how my fingers feel?”
           “Oh, God, yes! F-Feels so good. Never felt like this b-before,” Spencer sobs. “I-I’m getting close, Miss.”
           “I didn’t say that you can cum, baby. I wanna save that for when I’ve got my cock buried inside you. How’s that sound?”
           “Y-Yes, Iwantitsobad,” Spencer slurs, his words running together as he draws nearer and near to the end. “Want you to fuck me, Miss! Please, I’ll do anything-”
           I take pity on him and withdraw my fingers, which makes Spencer keen in protest.
           “Calm down, greedy boy. Just gotta get ready so I can give you what you want.”
           I crawl off of the bed and step into the harness, fastening it in place and making sure that the dildo is secure before I crawl in between his legs. Spencer watches on with rapt fascination as I pour lube into my palm and work it over the silicone cock until every inch of it glistens.
           “What’s your color, baby?” I ask as rub the tip of the cock over his hole.
           Spencer’s breath catches in his throat and his whole-body tenses with anticipation.
           “So green, Miss. So fucking green,” Spencer whimpers.
           I raise a hand up to his hip and begin to rub soothing circles into the skin there.
           “Gonna need you to relax for me, sweetheart. Can you do that?”            Spencer bites his lip and nods his head. I watch as the tension begins to melt away, and when I see him relax back into the mattress, I bring up my hand to stroke his cock. I keep my touch light, barely applying pressure – I knew if I applied too much, Spencer wouldn’t be able to hold out longer than a few thrusts. He was already teetering on the edge as it was.
           Mine and Spencer’s eyes meet and he smiles up at me, dopey and drunk from pleasure, and it’s all the permission I need. I press into him slowly, and I’m left in awe as I watch Spencer Reid completely unravel beneath me.
           “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” Spencer curses, head flying back and hitting the pillows. It never ceases to amaze me at how fucking responsive he is, and tonight is no exception. It’s like his body is a live wire, trembling beautifully as I press in further and further and further. I stop just shy of being fully sheathed inside him, trying to allow him a moment to adjust, but Spencer seems to have other plans.
           “Keep going, Miss, don’t stop, please! I want all of it, please give it to me! I can take it, please let me show you!”
           He looks up at me and those beautiful brown eyes are so wild, so positively feral that I can’t even entertain the idea of denying him any longer.
           Spencer looks positively ruined by the time I bottom out inside him. His hair sticks to the sheen of sweat that gathers on his forehead, and his lips look positively abused from the way he’s been biting down on them. His eyelids flutter closed every few seconds, and every time he blinks them back open, I’m able to see that his pupils are so blown that his eyes look almost black.
           I pull back until all that’s left inside him is the very tip of the cock, and just as he opens that bratty little mouth to beg for more, I give particularly harsh thrust of my hips until I’m fully sheathed inside him. Spencer lets out a surprised cry as I set an unforgiving pace, all the while still loosely jerking him off as I bury myself inside him again and again and again.
           “Yes, yes, yes, yes!” Spencer chants loudly, face contorted beautifully in an expression of pure ecstasy. I spare a brief thought to Spencer’s poor neighbors and make mental note to invest in a ball gag.
           “S’that feel good, baby? You look so pretty taking my cock like the good boy you are. My pretty little cock slut. Such a shame nobody’s fucked you like this before,” I hum as I focus my attention on the head of his cock, thumbing lightly at where he leaks for me.
           “D-Don’t want anyone else, just wanna be good for y-you. Wanna m-make you proud,” Spencer whines, tripping over his words as he struggles to form a coherent sentence. The sentiment sends a jolt of heat down to my already soaking core, but I do my best to ignore the slickness running down my thighs for the time being. Right now, my only focus is the boy chanting my name, praying for a type of salvation that only I can give him.
           I smile down at him and my hand drifts lower to where I’m steadily thrusting in and out of him. Spencer’s body jolts as the pad of my thumb brushes against the sensitive skin of his hole.
           “Of course, I’m proud of you. Look at how well you’re taking me, baby. It’s like you were made to take my cock,” I praise him.
           My words, mixed with the way I’m working both Spencer’s cock and his tight little ass, seem to be getting the better of him, because Spencer doesn’t even try to formulate a response. He just continues to let out strangled moans that almost sound like sobs as his hands grasp at the sheets until his knuckles turn white.
           It doesn’t take long until I feel the muscles in Spencer’s stomach and thighs begin to tense, and when his cock twitches in my hand I can tell Spencer won’t last much longer.
           “Are you gonna cum for me, baby?” I ask him as I grind my hips against his, and Spencer’s reply comes in the form of an incoherent, garbled moan.
           “What’s the matter, baby? Have I fucked you so stupid that you can’t answer me anymore?” I taunt him. I use the leverage I have from the hand placed on his hip to propel myself deeper. “Is my poor dumb baby incapable of replying?”
           Spencer makes a feeble attempt at a reply, “P-Please let me – f-fuck – cum! Oh, God, m’socloseMiss. Harder, please!”
           I take a minute to bask in the way he’s completely fallen apart at my hands - relishing in the way his eyes are glossy and dark with lust, in the way that his chest is flushed a deep red, and in the way that precum beads at the tip of his cock, aching for a release. He looks beautiful like this, whining and squirming, hips grinding down in search of more, more, more. I’d never imagined in a million years that I’d be so lucky as to see the illustrious Spencer Reid fucked absolutely senseless, but here he was, waiting for my permission to throw himself off the edge and into the best kind of oblivion.
           “Cum for me, pretty boy,” I say in the softest voice imaginable. “Show me how good you are.”
           The tension that had been steadily building since the first press of my lips against his snaps in an instant, and copious amounts of cum spurt out from his cock, painting his chest in thick, white ropes. Spencer chants out muddled thank yous as I fuck him through his release, pushing in and out of him in shallow strokes as slowly comes back down from the high.
           When his breathing slows down to a normal rate, I pull out of him, quickly freeing myself from the harness and tossing it aside to be dealt with later. I crawl up until I’m at eye level and begin pressing soft, sweet kisses to Spencer’s face.
           “You did so well, Spence,” I murmur against his skin. “You’re amazing, baby. Thank you so much for trusting me to be with you like that.”
           Spencer lifts a shaky hand to my hair and pulls me down into a heated kiss. I indulge him and pour every ounce of passion I have into my efforts, hoping to express my gratitude with every swipe of my lips against his. And when I pull away, my pretty boy smiles up at me, sated and full of adoration, and it’s beautiful.
           “D’you think you can handle taking a shower with me?” I ask as I pull away, and Spencer gives a shy nod in response. He sits up in the bed and swings his legs until his feet hit the floor. I’m just about to stand when his hand comes down on my wrist to stop me.
           “What about you? You didn’t . . .”
           “Don’t worry about me, sweetheart. Tonight was all about you.”
           I move off of the bed and help him to his feet, holding him steady when his legs begin to shake. “Might be a little sore for a while, but it should go away within a day or so.”
           I help him to the bathroom and turn on the shower, and when it’s warm enough I rid myself of my bra and panties and motion for him to join me. I urge Spencer to step under the spray first, but his arms snake around me and pull me with him.
           Spencer nuzzles his nose into the crook of my neck and he lets out a deep sigh.
           “You okay, bubs?” I ask him as I tangle my arms around his torso and begin to rub soothing circles into his back.
           “I just feel a little… down? I-Is this a sub drop? I read a little bit about them, but I don’t k-know…” he trails off, sniffling pitifully against my neck. “I-I just know that I want to hold you. Is that o-okay?”
           My heart lurches painfully in my chest as his voice wavers, and I pull back just enough that I can look into his weary eyes.
           “Baby, that’s more than okay. Sub drops are a perfectly normal thing to experience, and I’ll be right here to hold you for as long as you need. I’m not going anywhere.”
           Spencer’s eyes fill with tears and he makes no attempt to hold them back, choosing to let them fall freely and mix in with the water pouring from the shower head.
           “T-Tell me you want me,” Spencer begs, lip wobbling pitifully. “I-I just feel like I’m not good enough for you, and I know it’s all in my head, and I know how you feel about me, but I just think it would help if you just… s-said it. Please?”
           I feel my heart break for the man that stood before me. The implication his words carry - that this wonderful, kind-hearted, extraordinarily gifted man could ever think so little of himself – was enough to bring tears to my own eyes. I swallow down the lump that forms in my throat and, with all the sincerity I can possibly muster, I reply.
           “I want you, Spencer Reid. I don’t want anyone else – only you,” I tell him, never once breaking eye contact. “For as long as you’ll have me, I’m yours.”
           Spencer chokes out a weak laugh, “And if I want you forever?”
           I nudge his nose with my own, and the act feels almost more intimate than everything that preceded it.
           “Then forever, it is,” I murmur. I press a chaste kiss to his lips before pulling away and reaching for the shampoo. “Now, turn around, pretty boy. Let me pamper you.”
           “Y/N!” Penelope calls out, sauntering over to me in a flash of hot pink taffeta. I’m in the middle of throwing my satchel over my shoulder when she runs up to me, excited smile on her face. “Me, you, JJ, Elle, and a bottle of tequila. You in?”
           On a normal day, the answer would have been a resounding hell yes. But today? I let my eyes wander over to where Spencer lingers near the glass doors, trying to look like he isn’t listening in. Very subtle.
           “I’m gonna have to pass on this one, Penelope.”
           Penelope’s smile transforms into a pout.
           “This is the third weekend in a row you’ve ditched us!” she whines, stomping her kitten heeled foot like a petulant child. “Either you’re avoiding us or you’ve got some secret lover we don’t know about. And if that’s the case, then we have a whole other problem, because that’s the kind of thing I expect to be told about immediately.”
           The giddy smile that stretches across my face gives me away before I even have the chance to open my mouth, sending Penelope into an absolute frenzy.
           “Oh my God, I cannot believe this. We’ll talk about how angry I am about being kept in the dark later because right now, I need details,” Penelope gushes. “Who is he? Where did you two meet? Is he hot?” Penelope barely gets the words out before she’s shaking her head. “Wait, that’s a dumb question. Of course, he’s hot - just look at you. Do I know him? When do I get to meet him?”
           I can’t help but laugh at Penelope’s enthusiasm.
           “Slow down, Pen,” I chuckle. “I didn’t tell you about it because it’s still relatively new, and it wasn’t until this past weekend that we finally decided to put a label on it.”
           “A label? Does that mean this guy is your boyfriend? Oh my God, I thought this day would never come,” Penelope sighs dreamily. But the far-away look in her eye quickly fades and Penelope begins to grill me with renewed fervor. “Y/N, you have to tell me who it is. It’s like, practically a crime that I’m only just now hearing about this, so you owe me this much. And I’ll be needing his first and last name, along with a DOB so that I can run a full back ground check ASAP. Don’t even try to talk me out of it – we deal with enough freakiness during our day jobs, and I insist on making sure the freakiness ends there.”
           I can feel a flush spread over my cheeks and I fiddle with the strap of my bag.
           “I, uh, don’t think a background check is going to be necessary. You know this guy pretty well already.”
           If Penelope had been worked up before, she was practically vibrating with excitement now.
           “I know him? Oh my God, this is so huge. Is it Brendon from down in sex crimes? Or maybe James from counter-terrorism?” Penelope muses aloud, before her eyes go almost comically wide. “Holy hell, it’s Anderson, isn’t it?”
           “It definitely isn’t Anderson, or any of the others, for that matter,” I laugh. “Do you want a hint?”
           “What I really want is for you to just tell me, but if you insist on dragging this out then yes, I would very much like a hint!”
           I cut my eyes over to where Spencer stands, and it’s impossible to miss the giddy grin on his face. So much for trying to remain subtle, Doctor Reid.
           I fake like I’m looking around for anyone within earshot before motioning for Penelope to lean in. She’s quick to comply, and I do one last exaggerated sweep of the room.
           “Alright then, here’s your hint,” I whisper into her ear. “He’s got an IQ of 187, and he’s a pretty kickass magician.”
           I lean back and adjust the strap of my bag, sparing one last, parting glance at Penelope, whose jaw is practically on the floor.
           “See you on Monday, Pen.”
           “W-Wait, are you serious?” Penelope calls out after me. “Reid is your mystery man?! Y/N, get back here right now and explain yourself! Derek, did you hear that?!”
           By the time I reach Spencer, Penelope’s voice fades into background noise as I focus all my attention on the way he smiles down at me. I link my hand with his and I’m vaguely aware of an increase in volume coming from Penelope’s direction, but I ignore in favor of smiling back at him.
           “You ready to get out of here, boyfriend?”
           Spencer squeezes my hand in his and he nods.
           “Ready when you are, girlfriend.”
taglist: @90spumkin​​ @moon-light-jukebox​​ @jessalyn-jpeg​ @pinkdiamond1016​​ @itsametaphorbriansblog​​ @eldahae​​ @itsmytimetoodream​ @kasaikawa​ @shadyladyperfection​
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k-s-morgan · 2 years
Reading all of your lovely Q&A on asks, I can't help but be excited for Sebastians POV in chapter 19. I'm sure it will be delightful to read what's going on in his head. I'll admit I'm most curious for the part where Ciel jerks his tie and then tells him that he'd recognize his murder MO anywhere. I have a sneaking suspicion that it's probably the hottest thing to ever happen to Sebastian and demonbrain.exe will stop working completely.
As a side note, I wanted to add that I really love what Ciel says in this chapter about how no one ever actually desires him for himself but rather for what he represents. I feel like this is a gem of a line because it applies not just to how I think Sebastian sees Ciel in this fic, as perhaps the first human he recognizes as an individual, but also how Ciel sees Sebastian. Sebastian is more than just his demonic powers to Ciel, even though Ciel preys on this insecurity often for leverage. He genuinely likes or at least notices Sebastians individual qualities. Obviously Ciel can't give up that lever for some time I think. Maybe it will be more obvious when Claude enters the picture. But I just love the idea of this line showing so much about how they think about each other and what it means to both of them to feel "seen" by the other.
Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy his thoughts, Sebastian has gone completely overboard with his infatuation in these chapters. The scene with the tie should take place in the chapter after this one, and I think you got his reactions exactly right. His brain will, once again, stop working entirely :D Ciel alone has the endless power to surprise and beguile him like this. 
I loved reading your thoughts about Ciel’s line. I agree, I think their mutual attachment to each other’s true personalities is one of many reasons why they are so drawn to each other. In fact, Sebastian considers something similar in the new chapter. A teaser of a sort:
Sebastian couldn’t decide how he felt about this. Preserving a single identity was a privilege that contracted demons would never gain. In the past, there were times when the need to be what his masters and mistresses wanted of him weighed him down catastrophically, and the longer a contract took, the worse the dissonance became. 
Strangely, he felt no such effects now. He spent almost three years with Ciel Phantomhive, a very lengthy term that was bound to start grating on him, yet the only problem he had faced was his hunger… and the emotions that plagued him restlessly. His identity remained wholesome. Even the name ‘Sebastian’ felt natural — hearing it pleased him, especially when his lord was the one to say it.
From Ciel’s end, the genuine appreciation of Sebastian’s personality is not defined, but that’s because he struggles with admitting that he actually likes his demon. He craves his respect, he needs his admiration, but he’s not ready to dwell on how funny, thrilling, and challenging he finds him for long.
In the future, this aspect will become clearer, and I have a plan for Sebastian’s name. It’s obviously different from what we know, every demon has their one True Name. But the need to be Ciel’s butler contractually will gradually shift into his willful desire to serve him, and the identity of Ciel’s Sebastian will become his defining characteristic. I want “Sebastian” to become his real name and replace the one he’d been carrying since birth. This will have some fascinating consequences. It’ll be the biggest testimony to how Ciel changed him, a solidification of qualities Sebastian possesses but which most other demons don’t understand and/or never appreciate. 
Sebastian has always been who he is, but with Ciel, I feel like he finally got a chance to embrace his real self.
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