#why does my heart do this? no idea but considering my dad had a heart surgery recently does not help my subconsciousness
nalver · 1 year
im like the wettest saddest stick figure to ever be put on earth what do you MEAN my heart cant take an interest of mine be mentioned without going to like 120 bpm
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helloalycia · 6 months
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summary: after you hear about Lucy Gray's breakup, you wonder if you'll finally have a chance with her. Of course, your father, the head peacekeeper, can never know you like the 'troublemaker' from the Covey.
warning/s: none i don't think?
author's note: okay so after a million years i finally got this one written, an idea that came to me like a week ago and took forever to write because life lol. I hope you all like it anyway, it’s a three parter and was fun to write :)
something to note - Y/BF/N = your best friend's name and Y/D/N = your dad's name
two / three / masterlist / wattpad
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"...and I told him that he shouldn't say stuff he doesn't mean, especially when it's just plain old rude, but of course he didn't care..."
I hummed, nodding along as my best friend, Y/BF/N, rambled about an encounter she'd had with one of her neighbours, but I was also glancing around the hallway casually. It was the end of the school day and I was waiting for Y/BF/N to collect her books from her locker so we could go, but she easily got distracted.
Apparently so did I though, as my eyes fell upon Lucy Gray Baird, a talented musician and outsider in my grade, part of a group called the Covey that everyone either tended to avoid or fell in love with for their musical charm. I always found her fascinating, beautiful, as many others did, but she had a boyfriend which pretty much meant there was no chance there. Still, it didn't hurt to admire her.
She was talking to another member of the Covey, Tam Amber, when she accidentally walked into none other than the mayor's daughter, Mayfair Lipp. It wouldn't have mattered so much if there wasn't a clear tension between both girls.
"If only you could open your eyes like you open your damn mouth," Mayfair snapped at her, making passers-by glance their way, listening in.
"Was an accident," was all Lucy Gray said, and she didn't seem very apologetic.
Mayfair scoffed. "'Course it was. A lot of things with you seem to be, don't they?"
Lucy Gray rolled her eyes as Tam Amber tugged her away, the two girls going their separate ways. Y/BF/N, who had stopped talking to observe the argument with everyone else, tried to stifle her laughter.
"Wow, their hatred for each other does not seem to be going away, does it?" she commented to me.
"Do you know why they don't like each other?" I asked, curious.
Y/BF/N shrugged, closing her locker. "Mayfair's jealous, I think. Dunno why, since she's literally the mayor's daughter and the Covey are just a bunch of weirdos singing for their supper."
"They aren't weird," I corrected her as we walked outside. "They're talented. A little different, is all."
"Same thing," Y/BF/N mumbled. "Don't go saying that to your dad. You know how he feels about them."
I tried not to laugh. "He feels like that about anything fun."
Y/BF/N cracked a smile, before chuckling. "Very true."
My father was the head peacekeeper of our district, a very strict man who was a little too overprotective for my liking. Don't get me wrong, I was grateful for the hard work he put in which meant I could live in the nice part of town and never struggle to have a meal on the table. That was something not everyone in District 12 could count on. But it also meant he hated anything that wasn't to his standard.
He had high hopes for me, hoping I'd land a rare but possible job in the Justice Building when I finished school. It wasn't too far fetched considering I was a straight A student. But he also thought I was a goody two shoes who followed the rules – oh, how that couldn't have been far from the truth. If he ever found out how I snuck out at night to visit the Hob and flirt with most of his unit, I was certain he'd have a heart attack.
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Being the head peacekeeper's daughter meant that it was out of my hands when he had to attend something important and I, too, had to be present. For example, today was Mayfair's birthday and the mayor had thrown a formal affair in her honour, of which my family had been invited to.
I tolerated Mayfair, but despite our similar stance in society, we didn't share anything else in common. She was too snarky and easily irritated and always killed the mood, so I remained polite with her and that was it. Her party was as boring as she was, full of the mayor's friends, the odd Capitol resident from her dad's circle, and their kids whom I wasn't sure Mayfair even spoke to. If she had any real friends, they weren't here.
Her home was pretty big, for a District 12 house anyway, which made sense since the mayor was the richest in the district, though poor by any other Panem standard. I kept to myself during her celebrations, occasionally chatting with my mum and her friends or picking at the snacks table. That was until a special performance, dedicated solely to Mayfair from her father himself, was announced. An amused grin fell on my lips when I saw who it was.
The Covey.
"Ladies an' gentlemen, how are we feelin' this afternoon?!" Lucy Gray said into her mic at the front of the space cleared in the huge dining room.
Everybody began to clap as I saw the mayor tugging his daughter to the left of the makeshift stage. To say she was angry was an understatement. But if Lucy Gray had any qualms with the arrangement, she didn't let it show.
"This one's for the birthday girl," Lucy Gray continued, smiling widely at the glaring girl in question. "Happy birthday, dear Mayfair."
After the count of three, the Covey were plucking their strings, banging their drums and joining together in a melodious rendition of 'Happy Birthday', and I tried very hard not to laugh as Mayfair was forced to endure it all. To be fair, the Covey were great, and when they performed several songs after that, half the party were cheering them on, either drunk or genuinely amazed by their talent.
Once they'd finished performing for a moment and took a break, Mayfair stormed off with her father in tow, who was attempting not to draw attention to the mishap with his party guests. Again, I couldn't help but stifle my laughter at the turn of events.
Lucy Gray caught my eyes again though, as she was approaching the snacks table I was sat at the edge of, in search of something.
"You guys performed great out there," I said to her when she was close enough, and she glanced up at me, before recognition flashed across her face and she began to smile.
"Why thank you."
"Bet you loved the gig," I said lightheartedly, and it took her a moment to realise what I was implying when she began to laugh.
"It wasn't ideal," she said in a low yet amused voice, "but a job's a job. And technically Mayfair's daddy hired us, not her."
I chuckled to myself. "Hey, it was pretty funny to witness. I'm not complaining."
She shot me a disapproving look as she tossed a grape into her mouth, but a playful smile was breaking out on her lips.
"I didn't know you and Mayfair were so close," she said with intrigue, flipping the conversation to me.
"We're not," I corrected. "Kind of a package deal when my dad's invited to these things. But your performance certainly made this whole thing worth it."
She began to smile, cheeks turning pink slightly. "You've seen our performances enough times now. You ain't sick of me yet?"
I gasped sarcastically. "Lucy Gray, I could never be sick of you. What nonsense are you talkin' about?"
Her smile widened with amusement, before her eyes flickered behind me. "Your daddy's coming. I should go. Wouldn't want him to find out about your sneakin' out and blame it on me."
"As far as he knows, you're a stranger," I played along with a teasing wink, before straightening up and turning around to face my dad.
I heard Lucy Gray walking away behind me just in time for my dad to smile down at me.
"Y/N, how are you enjoying the party?" he asked.
I smiled innocently. "It's great, dad, thanks for bringing me."
He nodded. "Good, I'm glad."
I glanced over my shoulder as he began to talk about what the mayor was saying to him earlier, searching for the Covey girl. Then I spotted her, talking to her family across the room and also shooting me a glance, her cheeky smile on her lips, mirroring mine.
A little flirting didn't hurt anybody, right?
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With my father's job came many responsibilities that meant he had a lot of late nights at their base camp, including the weekend when I sneaked out the house to meet Y/BF/N at the Hob and have some fun. It was difficult at first, making sure I timed it right so my mum would be asleep when I left and also generally sneaking downstairs and out the back door. But the more I did it, the easier it became, and soon enough it was second nature.
By the time I reached the Hob tonight, everything was in full swing. The Covey were performing as usual and everybody was up and dancing. I found Y/BF/N at a table, flirting with some boys from our grade. It didn't take long for me to join them, and between the two of us, we landed free drinks just because we played our cards right.
It was so freeing at the Hob, not having to worry about my dad breathing down my neck or about being such a goody two shoes in his eyes. No, here I could do whatever I wanted. The night was always young and nobody could stop me from having fun.
I found myself dancing around with a peacekeeper, Terrence, who had finished his shift for the day and always happened to be around when I did. He'd been flirting for a while and it was easy to play along, have a little fun.
"It's too bad I can't be lookin' for a wife," he said with a boyish grin as he spun me around. "You'd be my first choice."
I tried not to laugh as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Yeah, that's too bad for you."
"Your dad would kill me if he knew what I was doing," he said, leaning in close for a kiss.
But I tilted his head and pressed one to his cheek instead, before saying in his ear, "Good thing he won't ever find out, right?"
He snorted. "Right."
I smiled contently, before letting him spin me around some more. It was always so easy to do what I wanted here without the fear of it getting back to my father because either everyone was scared of him and what power he held, or they knew it was my word against theirs and my father would never believe them. Besides, I was doing no harm. Some people just wanted a dance and a little flirting, which was exactly what I gave them. What was the big deal?
After finishing my dance with Terrence, I joined Y/BF/N's side again, grabbing her hands and pulling her onto the dancefloor for one final dance for the evening. She laughed, letting me, and we began to chat as we swung about gently.
"How was your dance with Terrence?" she asked with amusement. "You still leadin' the poor boy on?"
"It's not leading him on if he knows it's just a dance," I reminded her. "Besides, it can never happen. He's in my dad's unit. And I don't even like him like that."
"You just flirt with him for fun," she said sarcastically, but I grinned anyway.
Laughing again, she let me spin her around, and then my eyes found sight of Lucy Gray beside the stage. She was talking to her boyfriend, Billy Taupe, the two of them looking awfully cosy with one another. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, knowing it was just an irrational jealousy, nothing more. I'd never even hinted that I'd liked her, and she'd been taken for a while now, but it was easy to wonder what if.
"You're staring," Y/BF/N noticed, before following my gaze. "Ooh, Y/N, you've gotta let that one go. She's trouble, I heard."
"I didn't even say anything," I defended myself.
"You don't need to," she said knowingly. "Your face says it all. And I'm warning you now. It's not worth it."
I rolled my eyes lightheartedly. "Yeah, yeah, just keep dancing, idiot."
She stifled a chuckle and we got back to it, but not without me stealing one last lingering glance at Lucy Gray.
Of course, after that evening, news of her and Billy Taupe travelled all around school. Rumour had it that he'd cheated on her with Mayfair and, as a result, they'd broken up. Of course it was horrible to hear, but admittedly, the first thing I wondered was did I finally have a chance?
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Almost two weeks after hearing the news of Lucy Gray's breakup, I was at the Hob again. I'd been watching the Covey perform all evening, though this time without Billy Taupe who was permanently out of the band it seemed. I'd been waiting for Lucy Gray to be free so I could attempt to make a move.
And after what felt like forever, she finally took to the bar to have some water, and I sucked up a breath before approaching her with a skip in my step.
"Lucy Gray," I started with a smile, earning her attention. "You okay?"
She took a sip before nodding at me. "Yeah, just havin' a break."
"Just a break from singing, right?" I asked, making her quirk a brow. I continued, "Because I'd love to ask you to dance."
A smile grew on her lips, matching the sparkle in her eyes. "I've seen you around, Y/L/N. You probably ask everyone that, don't you?"
I resisted the urge to laugh. "Without sounding big headed, they ask me. So, no, not everyone. Just you. I'd like to dance with you, if you'll have me."
She pursed her lips, eyes flickering between mine considerately and in a way that purposely left me waiting, hoping she'd say yes. Finally, she sighed lightheartedly. "Well, I suppose if you'd like it, who am I to decline?"
My smile widened as I put out my hand and she gladly accepted. The rest of the Covey were playing a song slow enough to have us swaying to the melody, joining the other dancers on the floor.
"You're pretty good at this," Lucy Gray mumbled with amusement, hands wrapped around my shoulders and her head looking over it so I couldn't see her expression.
"Can't be stepping on your toes now, can I?" I said quietly, as to not interrupt the momentary peace that had washed over the Hob. "What sort of impression would that make?"
She snickered. "And why would you be tryin' to make any impression, darlin'? It's just a dance, ain't it?"
A smile crept on my lips. "That it is. But you never know."
She pulled back for a moment, honey-coloured eyes glancing between mine as if trying to decipher my words. I thought I was pretty straightforward, but she clearly didn't agree. Finally, her smile mirrored mine and she leaned her head on my shoulder as we swayed to the song.
It was only a few minutes long, of which, despite my apparent calmness, I was a little nervous to be dancing with such a beautiful girl. I hoped she couldn't feel my heart racing between us. It certainly didn't help when she began to hum lowly, clearly knowing the words to Maude Ivory's ballad, and the deep reverberation of her humming echoed in my ear.
When the song came to an end, everybody parted and applauded the band for their song. Meanwhile, Lucy Gray pulled apart, hands moving from my shoulders and to my hands, squeezing them gently.
"Thanks for the dance," I said to her with a suppressed smile.
"Thanks for askin'," she replied.
My smile was permanently fixed on my face as I watched her walk away, back to the stage for her next number. It wasn't until Y/BF/N appeared out of nowhere, patting me on the back, that I was pulled from my Lucy Gray-induced stupor.
"Someone's crushing," she teased, and I simply ignored her as I glanced back at the brunette onstage.
I was lucky she was giving me a chance at all.
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After that initial dance, it became almost tradition to dance with her every time I could, and she always accepted, for some reason giving me the time of day. Visiting the Hob had a new, exciting meaning now, and not just to have some fun fooling around.
Getting to know her more, hearing her talk about her love of performing or something that happened to her that day, meant we were growing closer. Not quite friends, but not anything less either. We'd see each other around school and greet each other, or she'd walk past me in the markets and flash me a smile. Y/BF/N thought I was insane to like her, but I couldn't help it.
A few weeks after that initial dance, she was rambling about some frustrating things before her show, including her shoes not tying quite right, or the step on the stage being a little dodgy and making everyone trip up. One of her complaints was about her red lipstick, which had officially ran out and was her favourite one to wear for performing. Lipstick and makeup in general were rare finds, and she must have searched around a lot to get it, but now she couldn't replace it, not for a while anyway, and it was upsetting her more than she let on.
I couldn't help it, of course. I had to rectify the issue. So, I found a way to trade some meaningless things at the markets in exchange for a red lipstick, one that looked fresh from the Capitol and that I knew Lucy Gray would love. Later that evening, after sneaking out of my house, I headed straight for the garage behind the Hob that the Covey had claimed, where they prepared for their shows.
When I entered, everybody was doing different things, from tuning their instruments to fixing their hair.
"Lucy Gray, Y/N's here!" someone shouted in a teasing voice, and I didn't get chance to see who as Lucy Gray suddenly appeared, stealing my attention.
"Hey, darlin', what're you doing here?" she asked with a bright smile, looking as beautiful as ever.
"Just wanted to wish you luck," I told her, returning her smile. "And of course, bring you a little something."
Her dark brows knitted together above confused eyes, and I took the lipstick from my jacket pocket before holding it out to her.
"You were saying how you felt weird performing without it," I explained as she curiously took it to inspect it, "so I got you another one. Can't have the iconic Lucy Gray without her iconic red lipstick, can we?"
An amazed smile grew on her lips as she looked at the colour, and I couldn't stop looking at her.
"Y/N, this... how did you get this?" she asked with a laugh, meeting my gaze.
I shrugged, and she rolled her eyes before hugging me.
"Thank you so much," she said gratefully, pulling back to grin at me. "I... I don't know what to say."
"You don't need to say anything, just wear it," I said.
She laughed again before going up to the mirror hung on the wall, applying the lipstick as she always did before  every show. And when she turned around, I knew I'd made the right choice. As always, she stole my breath away.
"You look beautiful," I told her truthfully. "But you always do."
The pink tingeing her cheeks was contrasted to the deep red of her lips, but she remained confident as she stepped towards me knowingly.
"There's only one way to truly test it," she said, and I didn't get chance to ask what she meant before she pressed a slow but firm kiss on my cheek.
I was dumbstruck, not expecting that at all, and she pulled back with a satisfied smile. Her hand ghosted my cheek, thumb rubbing gently on the inevitable lipstick stain on my face.
"I'll see you out there," she said, dropping her hand but not her smile. "Thanks again, Y/N."
Still reeling at the sensation of her lips on my cheek, I couldn't find the words to reply. She laughed before returning to the Covey, and somehow I found myself walking to the Hob to sit with Y/BF/N. As soon as she spotted the lipstick on my cheek, the laughing and teasing began, but it didn't mean much when Lucy Gray walked out onstage, her matching red-painted lips curved into a grin.
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It was easy to fall quicker and harder for Lucy Gray after that, so much in fact that the only thing I wanted to do was kiss her for real.
No matter how much time we spent together, the shameless flirting and banter wasn't enough. I didn't want to be platonic, I wanted more, and I was sure she might have wanted it too.
One evening at the Hob, we were both sat at the bar chatting. Well, she was chatting and I was very much distracted by the sharp curve of her jaw and the curly ringlets of hair that kept spilling into her eyes and the way her mouth moved with each word she spoke and–
"You're not listenin', are you?" she asked lightheartedly, humoured smirk on her lips, matching the quirk of her brow.
That seemed to be the final straw for me, and I couldn't help but lean in, kissing her. Only as I did it did I realise the insanity of my actions, the carelessness, and I pulled away just as quickly. Before I could even scold myself for acting so recklessly, endless apologies on the tip of my tongue, something caught my eye from behind her.
My eyes widened when I recognised the person who had just walked into the Hob. It was my father, the head peacekeeper who hated coming in here because he believed it was a distraction and a bad influence. He was here, and he'd just walked in with some of his peacekeeper friends.
And I was sat in here, a little too close to a girl he also deemed a bad influence. Oh, shit.
"My dad," was all I could get out, before I forgot everything that had happened with Lucy Gray and immediately threw myself over the bar, hiding behind it.
"What are you doin'?!" Lucy Gray leaned over, looking down at me with a puzzled expression.
I couldn't have hunkered down anymore if I tried. "Dad. Doorway. Now!" I whisper-shouted, as if he'd suddenly hear me from all the way across the room.
She must have looked and recognised him as her shadow disappeared and she was no longer trying to talk to me. As I formulated a plan to escape, hoping the full house and loud music would be the perfect distraction, I heard a familiar voice nearing.
"Commander Y/L/N!" Lucy Gray exclaimed loudly, and my heart sank at the possibility of getting caught. "Hi!"
He hesitated, before responding, quite literally just above me. "Lucy Gray, right? The Covey. You performed at Mayfair's birthday a couple of months ago."
I could practically picture the grin on her face as she answered enthusiastically, "The one an' only!"
Sounding a little more laid back than usual, he said, "It was an excellent performance."
"Why, thank you, sir," she replied kindly.
It was quiet between them for a moment, as he ordered a drink with the bartender who thankfully seemed to understand why I was hiding right next to his feet, but he mustn't have left afterwards, as Lucy Gray spoke up.
"Oh, they'll bring your drinks to your table, sir."
"It's fine, I'll wait," he said dismissively, and Lucy Gray merely hummed in response, but I didn't hear her leave.
My heart was racing as I didn't dare move a muscle. My father was stood right next to me, only a bar between us, and I was sure he'd kill me if he knew I was here. Why the hell was he even here?! This was so unlike him!
But no, I couldn't think about that right now. I could only focus on leaving before he discovered my presence.
"So, are you performing here?" my dad asked Lucy Gray in an awkward attempt at filling the silence. He was never good at small talk.
"Uh-huh," she responded just as awkwardly, and I appreciated that, despite my previous mistake with her, she was still willing to keep my secret.
"Nice," was all he said. "I look forward to it. The officers say you're really good."
She didn't reply, must have smiled or nodded or something, because the conversation ended and I was back to hearing the blood rushing in my ears.
After what felt like forever, I heard the bartender serve my dad his drink, and then the latter wished Lucy Gray a good evening before leaving. I didn't dare move, not until I was certain, but Lucy Gray banged the top of the bar to get my attention.
"He's on the other side talking to some officers," she assured me.
"I need to leave out the back," I said, not showing my head just yet. "He'll kill me."
"Okay, just wait," she instructed, and I did just that until I realised she had rounded the bar and was holding her hand out to me. "Come on."
Accepting her hand, I let her keep a look out before she dragged me through the back and out the door, away from my father's prying eyes.
A sigh of relief escaped me as I was in the clear, and Lucy Gray was laughing at my expense.
"That was close," she said between laughter, glancing back as the door closed behind us.
Straightening up, I nodded in agreement. "It was. Thanks for the assist."
She settled on an amused smile before her eyes met mine and her expression softened. "You know, you were in the middle of somethin' back there."
And just like that, the mortifying realisation of kissing her returned to memory, and I was instantly about to apologise.
"Yeah, I–"
She cut me off with a kiss, just as abrupt as mine, but unlike me, she didn't pull away, and I was left to melt into her lips, savouring the warmth of her skin pressed to mine. Her hand cupped my cheek, fingertips pressing down gently, and I sighed into her lips as she began to pull away for air.
"That was... unexpected," I muttered, lips still tingling.
She tried not to laugh. "As unexpected as you kissin' me before?"
I exhaled, slightly embarassed, and she licked her lips before taking my hand and squeezing it gently.
"You should probably head home before your daddy finds you out here," she said, a hint of humour in her voice.
"Home, right," I agreed, before meeting her eyes. "I'll see you at school tomorrow?"
She grinned. "See you then."
I smiled softly before kissing her hand and leaving. It was safe to say I couldn't sleep the rest of the night, my only thoughts of the curly-haired Covey girl who'd stolen my heart.
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dangerpronebuddie · 9 days
Been talking to a bunch of people about a bunch of things since that episode, and despite how mad I am, I still have hope. (Foolish? Quite possibly).
Hold onto your hoola hoops folks, this is long lol.
I'll start with the issue that affects the most characters: our beloathed bigot, Captain Gerrard. He has something against each and every one of the characters: race, gender, sexuality, what socks they wore on Thursday. This jackass hates everyone.
Judging by the still Tim shared, Ortiz had a hand in putting him in charge. It's honestly the most logical explanation since we could've easily had Hen or even Chim as captain again if push came to shove (and captain Han again could've been really interesting considering 6x14 but I digress). Regardless, he's there. And he's going to make everyone's lives misery. And no one is going to let him. He's intruding on a family. Not one of them is going to willingly stay silent. It's much more likely they'll have to hold each other back.
The one person that likely won't stick up for them? Tommy. Don't attack me yet, hear me out. We know how he was in the Begins episodes. But when he came back in 7x03 he had a dry sense of humor and an attitude that could've mixed well with the 118 (I'll admit it. I liked him in 7x03). But 7x04 emphasized not only Buck's jealousy that Eddie was spending time with Tommy, but also Tommy's jealousy of Buck and the fact he has a family at the 118 and with the Diaz boys. He has high expectations and gets pissed when they aren't met (re: expecting Buck to be completely comfortable and out for their first date just days after their kiss and then leaving him on the curb when he wasn't). He dismisses Buck's wants and concerns (not even trying for the bachelor party and then waving off Buck's worry over Bobby because his real dad's alive). That last bit, that 7x10 scene was quite deliberate.
I'm not going to get into the kink joke. That's not even an issue. But Buck was worried about his surrogate dad and wanted someone to lean on, only for Tommy to dismiss said worry and then spin it to be "woe is me" about how he didn't have that found family, or a real family. The jealousy he feels towards present day 118 keeps on being addressed. Any topic Buck discusses with him is waved off as if it means nothing. What does that mean for Gerrard being back?
Well. Tommy's "tough luck kid" attitude towards Buck isn't likely to stop. They've made no move to suggest it will. So when Buck wants to vent about how bad Gerrard is, Tommy is going to dismiss it. "I had to put up with it too, ya know." No empathy, no support, just diminishing valid worries and making Buck the butt of the joke, as always. (Side note: see a pattern? Any specific characters ring a bell... at all?)
Why does this matter? Jealousy started this relationship. Jealousy will end this relationship. Just like Abby finding herself started and ended that, Buck's job started and ended Ali, Taylor's job started and ended that, and Buck's death started and ended Nat. Jealousy (in general and involving Eddie) started BT. Catch my drift? When Tommy gets jealous that the 118 stick up for one another and support one another and when he sees Buck and Eddie lean on each other more and more, he's not going to stick around long. Will it be a confrontation? Most likely. Unless he gets the LI treatment and it happens off screen. I think it would be more fulfilling on screen and show the most growth from Buck, like the Taylor breakup did.
As for dealing with the bigot himself, he's either going to be reported, replaced, or rigor mortised. I see Bobby having to do some intense healing both physically and mentally before he returns either to work in general or as Captain (I really have no idea whether they'd basically demote him to have Gerrard or not. I don't get it pero ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯). Also, his heart stopped for 14 minutes and he just walked away?? Sure, Jan. But maybe it's a 911 miracle. Or it could be like Buck in 3x01. An injury you think is completely fine only for it to come back to haunt you. But considering Bobby mirrors Eddie, it's much more likely his mental health takes the biggest hit and gets to heal (unlike my poor Eddie. I'm still so pissed. More on that later). He also resigned. That has to be fixed. He'll probably be forced into therapy, either by the department or Athena (who should go herself and I'd be incredibly disappointed if she didn't suggest he see someone). And once that's all dealt with, he'll be back to work. How long that will take? Don't know. Whether he directly replaces Gerrard or if the jackass is already gone when he gets back? Also don't know. (Little side note that's totally unrelated: I want to see Eddie as Captain at least once. It would be interesting to see).
And then there's Ortiz, the supposed puppet master. Drama for the sake of drama. I think they just couldn't have more than two or three happy characters in a finale so they decide to traumatize the children and torture Hen and Karen as usual. I hate it. But I'm focusing on what they'll do with it. I've hated storylines before and some have been resolved, some have been dropped (for now). But what they'll do with this woman? I don't know. Will she find out Madney has Mara and go after them? I don't know. Her end goal and their plan for her is the one thing I simply cannot figure out (yet).
And the most heartbreaking and infuriating of all... My Diaz boys. I cannot begin to tell you how upset I am over that. I can't. There's so much they could've done instead and so much I hate about what they did. These boys have been fighting since day one to heal and as soon as they take a step forward, they're yanked five steps back and punished for being in pain. I cried twice yesterday talking about Chris. So I won't get into all that. My anger is not the point.
Right now, Helena is the victor. She proved herself right. Eddie is unfit, incapable, unstable. She didn't want Eddie to drag Chris down with him and Eddie has spent the entire time since she said those words preventing it. He's tried to show Chris they're enough just the two of them, that no one can tell Chris he's different, that people do stay, that running from the problem won't sto-
*Record scratch*
Eddie learned from experience that the Diaz way of handling everything (re: not at all) doesn't work. You can't run from the problem and expect it to go away. That's how you start piling up those boxes Frank warned him about. He knows that running doesn't work, and he (and Buck) have consistently shown Chris that staying is what matters (insert Buck's definition of love). But Helena and Ramon just showed Chris he can run from his problems.
Now, Chris is a smart kid. Like Carla said, I think he understands a lot more than we'd like him to. 7x01 broke my heart when he admitted that love didn't matter because everyone just leaves anyway. He's still in the mindset that whether or not you stay makes no difference. He's going to realize that, in fact, it does. Because the way Eddie loves him is vastly different than the way his grandparents do. And it won't take long for him to realize that. The only way Helena will see that Eddie is a good dad is if Chris confirms it.
Whether or not he and Eddie will have patched things up by the time he wants to go home is still up in the air. I think I would personally prefer to see the work they put in to repair this. I love how Eddie and Chris communicate. No matter the issue, they always talk about it eventually. It may take a little bit for them to get to that point, but when they do it's beautiful to see (the skateboard, Eddie's therapy, Chris' independence).
And speaking of communication, can they please clarify that Eddie only hugged Kim???? Everyone acted like they found them in bed together! I need that cleared up because the reactions from the others were disproportionate. (Chris I understand, but Buck implied Eddie and Kim slept together and so did the parents. Bad editing. Happened a lot this season).
As for buddie, I have no complaints on them this season at all. The communication, the openness, the vulnerability they had with each other was remarkable. We made headway this season. And now, for however long Chris is away, Eddie and Buck will only be BuckandEddie. They are the only thing each of them is allowed to have, and I'm really hoping they actually lean into that. Feelings realization on one part at the very least. What sparks it? Who knows! It could be Chris' absence making them reexamine their relationship, Tommy pointing out their bond, one of them getting hurt and the other absolutely losing it (Drown Buck 2024/ Trap Eddie 2024). (I have way more buddie specific specs but here isn't the place for them all lol). The possibilities there are endless. And I am excited for it, despite of- and in spite of- that finale.
Am I still incredibly pissed at the episode? Yeah. Was the season lackluster overall? Also yeah. Ten episodes and constantly changing plans doesn't make for a good season. But I'm still going to stay hopeful. It's a beautiful story and I'm letting them tell it, but these bonkers decisions really need to be fixed. And soon.
Anyway, if you read this I love you 🩷 (and tell me your own specs/ hopes for the next season!)
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pixlokita · 6 months
So I know that you wanted to add Cassie to your into the ball pit AU fic, and I had an idea of on how she's going to end up in the past (it's okay if you have another idea/when I mentioned Cassie's dad, I believe he died in the staff meeting massacre/).
*Clears throat*
After the elevator crash, Cassie found herself somewhere else, deep below the cave system she was just at. Bleeding from several places, Cassie tried to not make noise out of fear that thing will find her. That thing. It fooled her into coming here. It fooled her with her friend's voice. Then the real Gregory talks to her, somehow knowing this thing, and just decided to get rid of her! Just like that! Like she was nothing! Why..? Why!? What did she do wrong!? Why did she deserve this!? She was alone; she was scared! All she wanted to do was to be with her friends! Or... whoever they were... All she wanted to do was to go home! Home... A place where she lived... A place where her dad lived... This isn't fair... THIS ISN'T FAIR! WHY!? WHY DID HE GO TO THE DANG PIZZAPLEX AND NEVER COME BACK!? What even happened to the PizzaPlex? What happened to Roxy; What happened to everyone!? Why did she have to lose everyone she loved!? Cassie felt tears form in her eyes as she started sobbing. She never wanted this. She was gonna die here... alone and scared... and she never got to say Roxy goodbye... Those thoughts were interrupted by a voice. "Cassie?" Could it be..? No... "Cassie, are you there?" The voice called out again. Paralyzed from fear, Cassie didn't dare move a muscle. After all, could you blame her? What if that thing was trying to fool her again? Cassie was quickly proven wrong when she saw who it was. It was Roxanne wolf. The greatest, coolest, fastest racer. The one who used to have big, beautiful, honey colored eyes. Her friend. "Roxy! Over here!" Following the voice, the wolf came closer until she was face to face with her superstar... Or, to be honest, what's left of the wolf's face anyway. Roxy asked "Are you okay, Cassie?"... "No... Not really. Everything hurts!" The girl complained. With the adrenaline dying, pain was starting to kick in. Trying to stand up, the girl fell, and Roxy, as if seeing this happening, instantly caught her. "Okay how about this." Cassie listened closely. She was about to do anything just to get out of here. "You be my eyes, and I be your crutch. How does that sound? Then if we find something to help you stand up properly, we'll continue out of here." Cassie thought for a moment. "Deal." And with that, Roxy picked Cassie up and carefully placed her on her back, as to not injure the poor girl further with her broken shell. The duo continued of like that for some time until Cassie saw something. A ball pit. Weird, considering where it's located at, but inside the pulpit was something. A pole! Something to help Cassie walk again! "Roxy, can you move forward a bit? I think I saw something that can help me walk again!" And with that, Roxy moved forward until Cassie told her where to stop. Cassie got off, and on her good leg, hopped to where the ball pit is. Just her luck. The pole was in the middle of the ball pit! Knowing that she can't jump in and retrieve it, Cassie started reaching out to it, trying to reach it but to no avail. At one point she was on her tiptoe trying to grab it. Once she finally reached it, she tried to pull it out but it sank in further, dragging the girl with it. "Roxy! Help! I'm stuck!" The wolf sensing Cassie's destress, tried to help the girl by tugging her good leg to get her out. But it didn't work. Instead Cassie sank deeper. Throughout all off this, a sense of sleep came over Cassie. No! Now's not the time to fall asleep! She needs to get out of her! She tried to fight of the sensation but failed. She felt the world grow fuzzy as her vision did too.
"But we can't risk being followed... I'm sorry..."
Her heart sank. What did he mean? Who does he mean by "we"? Why was he sorry? Why was he-
She felt her world crash. Literally.
"Gregory... NO!"
Cassie woke up in a cold sweat. Not again. Not again! Why did Gregory betray her!? Why did he do that!? Why did- She stopped her train of thought. "Where am I!?" Wasn't she just in the PizzaPlex or something!? How did she end up here!? This looks like something new. Cassie was now very confused. The PizzaPlex was a big mall. This was a small pizzeria. The PizzaPlex was in shambles, with no one allowed inside. This looked brand new and guests packed the place. She looked closely towards the entrance of this mysterious place. It read "Fredbear's Family Diner." No way. Wasn't this Fazbear Entertainment's first pizzeria or something? And wasn't this place closed like what- 50 years ago!?...
Ah heck sorry for posting this so late TTwTT absolutely love it ;w; it’s been sitting in my dang inbox for ages but !!! Gonna just go ahead and post it now and apologize it took so long xD 💖💖💖💖 thank you so much for writing thisssss 💥💥💥💥💖💖💖💖🎉
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12am incoherent Spider rant incoming:
The fact that a huge portion of Spider fans sympathise with him because they had similar family experiences in life is low-key making me feel kinda weird about people who hate him. Like let us recap the events real quick-
Like why do you hate a kid who did more to keep the Na’vi safe than Jake through the entire movie? “They’re after us” ok? This is not just about you dumbass it’s a whole-ass war, the RDA will still want to find the rest of your tribe because they want to ERADICATE your people 😐 the fact that it took him MONTHS to realise that running will not save anyone is 😬 (though I can get behind it bc family and all)
How is it that a goddamn 16 year old was the one who carried the good guy team??? 😐😐😐 he saved tribes from getting murdered, like literally, Tonowari said that no one had died, WONDER WHY???? DO Y’ALL THINK QUARITCH WAS NICE OUTTA NOWHERE???
And then he sunk a ship. HE SUNK A SHIP BY HIMSELF????
“He backstabbed them” I know you’re not blaming him for it when Neytiri exists 🧍 bestie outright REFUSED to help a literal child and didn’t bat an eye when he got captured. I can get behind her putting a knife to his throat in a rush of emotion but to very clearly ABANDON him? Fuck off. If her active decision to leave him behind didn’t turn into the reef Na’vi’s literal saving grace I’d be hating on her so actively.
“He saved his homocidal dad after he promised to murder his family” first of all the Sullys NEVER adopted him and it’s made abundantly clear. You sound like a gaslighter when you use that rhetoric. 😐📸
And secondly — HELL YEAH HE DID???? I would too if I was him and so would you and so would we all because Miles is the first grown up who GAVE A SHIT. MILES GENUINELY CARED. “It’s morally wrong” NO CAP 😀😀😀 NO ONE SAYS IT WAS RIGHT BUT THE KID HAD A SPLIT SECOND TO MAKE A DECISION AND HE CHOSE NOT TO BE A MURDERER.
You know what else is morally wrong tbw? Neglecting a child for 16 years.
“B-but they had no obligation to take care of a human kid—” cry me a fucking river 😐 what they want or not doesn’t fucking matter when we are talking about the mental health of an actual living breathing being. They ALL (the scientists, the Sullys and even the mf McKoskers or whatever the hell their last name is) were morally obligated to give that kid the best they could to ensure that he wouldn’t turn out like his father BECAUSE THEY’RE ADULTS.
The fact that their collective neglect DIDN’T blow up in their face is a pure miracle. Thant kid had every right to turn evil and burn the village that rejected him to feel it’s warmth but he DID NOT. In fact he is so goddamn kind and compassionate that he sees good even in a piece of shit monster like Quaritch.
It’s mind-blowing when we consider the lack of parental love and guidance throughout his life.
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☝️ THIS is the kid you’re hating on???? Bc it’s starting to look suspiciously toxic 👀💅
Pay my boy some respect. He was a literal hero and y’all act like the Omatekaya, ignoring whatever good he might do and then point fingers at him when he does something morally questionable LIKE ITS NOT JAKES FAULT??? LIKE THE REST OF THE ADULTS ARE NOT AT FAULT TOO??
Neglect makes people vulnerable. Vulnerable enough for an asshole to swoop in and manipulate them and it is only thanks to Spider’s unyielding loyalty and heart that neither Ardmore, nor Miles had pulled anything out of him in MONTHS of captivity. They had NO idea where Jake or Omatekaya were until Norm fucked it all up with his trackable ship.
Listen I love all the blorbos, but the parents dug their own grave so to speak. You fumble the bag repeatedly and then get surprised when it flies into your face? 🤨
Anyway, I’m out. Might delete this later idk.
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m1ssunderstanding · 5 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day Three
Literally saw the orange sweater and my heart sank. Here we go.
George's hair!! I hate him.
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Also literally WHY does he have to lend them his own personal recording equipment? It really is ridiculous how bad the record company treated them considering they were the fucking BEATLES.
Magic Alex! Honestly though why is half of me like "Yes! Scamming king! Take their money and RUN!"
"My Imagination" is physical cringe level.
"The rhythms in the guitars anyway." It's a callback to their earliest days when they had to say that to hustle, but I think part of them really did believe that back then, and part of Paul still does. That the four of them are all they need.
And then in response to that callback to early days to convey current not-articulable feelings, John responds with one of his own. His mini rant about how stupid it is to use three mikes and never come together and sing as a GROUP. It's like he can't bear the thought.
Paul singing his guitar and drum ideas. Apparently my sexuality is women and unhinged men. There's nothing to be done about it. Poor George literally can't get a word between all Paul's "Downownownowneernernerner" and "chuchuchutah ba Ta. Ba." And if I was a good person I'd be annoyed. But no. It's too hot.
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"Corny's alright on this one though because what he's doing's corny." Be fucking nice to him. He needs you to be like you were on 909 about every single thing he does because he cares so much what you think. Of course they don't talk about that kind of thing so Paul has no idea. But look at his face!
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I also like "the same old shit," George. "Don't Let Me Down" is so fucking sexy idgaf what anyone says.
But here's the other thing is that John is SO down for all of these wrong suggestions Paul's making. If they're not literally saying the same thing at the same time, it's instantly "Yes. Exactly. Yeah."
So John says "alright girls" and sounds like he's just so above Paul and George squabbling and bickering and couldn't care less except for the fact that they're annoying him. Because that's his macho front, right? But then look at his face while they're fighting, eyes darting and full of love, sorrow, and what honestly looks like fear.
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Ringo stays the hell out of all of it. Good for him.
Shortly after Paul says "I can't frickin do it on camera either" John starts strumming. And soon George joins, while Paul's pacing and gesturing. And at first I was confused like "they're not being very good listeners that's not very nice" but they're trying to cover up the dialogue for Paul's sake. Trying to take away the cameras if he can't do it with them. "Forget about candy camera." It's very loving, very protective, especially from George. John, we expect this kind of thing from, when it comes to Paul. But George is literally in a fight with him and protecting him at the same time and I find it to be so beautiful.
Gosh, there's so much in this little rant though. "I always feel as though I'm tryna put you down and stop you playing *voice cracks and goes higher* but I'm not." How he looks at John when he says "and I never get any support or anything" and the "and you know it's right." I usually find the 'Paul's the mom, John's the dad' analogy reductive, but boy is it perfect here.
But really, Paul, you've got to just let George do his thing. "I can only do me, you know." George is absolutely right in this argument. He's actually very emotionally mature for being the youngest.
Ugh it's hard to leave them on this note. But I'll pick back up tomorrow
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 10 months
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PAIRING: Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick x F!Reader.
WARNINGS: Various crimes & illegal activity, paranoia, angst, mentions of death, trauma, inner turmoil, etc.
*I do not give others permission to translate and/or re-publish my works on this or any other platform*
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You supposed that grabbing a hat would have saved you from having to worry about being seen, but you’d been too caught up in trying to sneak out as quickly as possible. Jacket flapping, your legs move fast over the open field of your estate, sprinting through the garden beds and past the thick copse with its willow trees and pond. The pathways were overgrown and you nearly trip over upturned pieces of rock. 
But you can’t stop giggling.
Your face pulls in a fast smile, eyes alight with eagerness. You feel like you have a purpose for the first time in years.
“Alright,” you whisper under your breath as you chart your course to the town. Maybe you could even catch Hector closing up and snag a coffee off of him. “Museum. Dad’s old office.” 
At your steady pace, you enter the beginnings of the businesses as the streetlights slip over you like water, bathing you in the glow as your breath puffs out. The air was cold, and you keep your jacket tight to your form as your shoes travel forward, slowing.
In your pocket, you twiddle your coin and wonder if you should have snooped in Gaz’s things for your penknife, lips thinning at the idea.
You were stubborn, but not stupid; you knew this wasn’t a good idea. 
But…it’s too late for that now. 
Shadows grew long as your eyes darted to open alleyways to the dull wind, glee dimming the longer you walk alone. After a moment you peek behind your form and nearly forget that Kyle wasn’t there with a flinch in your step. 
Have you really…grown used to having him follow you around? 
Why did it feel so threatening when he wasn’t there?
Your body tenses as a bottle across the street falls from the sidewalk to the asphalt with a clattering ping, rolling in the way that glass does as you watch. Clearing your throat, you continue on as your heart spreads blood throughout your veins. 
“Keep it together, you’re fine,” you hiss to yourself, not liking this new way of thinking. Sure you were considered a recluse—didn’t enjoy being out more than you had to in loud places—but…hell. You can’t start relying on Gaz for comfort. 
But he saved you. Your mind slashes to the shooting in the park and you sigh as you get closer to Hec’s shop.
Kyle had been kind to you, he gave pieces of himself like leaves from a tree to try and make you soften to him. The watch and the story, the stitches that still live in your hand. Soft words. Your gut bunches in your abdomen. 
You weren’t one to push past hurts—you lived with them, carried them like a parcel of goods at a picnic. The gun, the kidnapping, the…darkness of it all. If the Sergeant was capable of all of that, well, you weren’t sure it was in your best interests to allow him to carve a piece of your soul out with his bright smiles and amused smirks.
Soon the rest of the One-Four-One would be done with their missions overseas hunting down Yaromir Osipov and Mala Kham and it would all be over. You could go back to living in your mansion, alone, with the lack of lights and the sub-par meals. The ghosts. The covered furniture and the dead memories. You press the coin deeply into your palm.
…Why didn’t you like that thought?
Hector’s place came up as you stew in your confusion, seeing the low lights spilling out over the empty streets. You hum before pushing open the door, hearing the call from the back kitchen.
“One minute!” That Jersey accent is the same as it always is. Your body takes you to the counter, shuffling out your wallet and tossing bills to the wood before sneaking a ten into the tip jar. Everything for a moment slips away until only coffee and baked goods remain. “Christ, you folks don’t sleep, do ya?” 
Hector comes out from the back, pausing before locking onto your blank face. 
“Holy shit!”’ He laughs brightly. “Hey there, Kid! It’s been a bit, how’s it all going? I’ll admit I got a little worried when you stopped showing up.”
“School’s been tough,” you lie easily, shifting a smile to your lips. The man gets going on your drink immediately as you explain. “Thought I’d go on a walk and stop by. I’m heading into the city.” 
Hector stills momentarily, fingers twitching as he pours your drink into a cup. His throat hums out slowly, “The city? Ain’t it too late for all of that? What’re you going there for?”
“Just,” you pick up your addiction and let the warmth seep into you. What was the harm in telling him, after all? Hector was the closest thing to a friend you could have right now. “Wanna head by the museum. Feeling sentimental, I guess.” 
You almost hated how easy it was to lie to everyone.
“Ah,” the man nods and you stare at his neck before blinking at the sound of the phone ringing. “Shit,” Hector darts, and you had seen his heart dashing in his breast. “That’s me, Kid. Gotta take this.” 
He slips a hand into his pocket and disappears back from where he came from.
“See you,” but Hector’s already gone and you sigh out, “...later.”
You turn on your heels and leave, something akin to confusion in your chest. Strange, not even a goodbye. If Hector was one thing, it was usually casual.
The train ride is silent as you sit in the back, stiff in your seat and not enjoying the eerie silence at all; sipping on your drink. Every time you look across to the emptiness you’re stuck with a great bout of unease but every time tell yourself that this was the only way to get answers. Your father’s office had to have answers, even as small as a single word. 
There just…needed to be something. There had to be.
When you step off into the station and lightly jog away, you pep yourself up with this thought as you drop your empty cup into the trash.
If you find information about your dad and his dealings, maybe Kyle won’t go absolutely ballistic if he finds out you left. You almost cringe at the thought of his tight jaw and clipped words; his silent broodiness wasn’t in your control. That was what terrified you. 
Like a cat you slinked along the streets, recalling the route you took so often when you were younger—the bookstore across the road, the Irish bar you’d have to pass as you slide left. Skyscrapers and planted trees, fast cars with their lights on. It was all familiar, and in that fact, you took the smallest comfort. 
Despite it all, there were still remnants of a time long passed. There were still pieces, and the museum was the biggest piece of them all.
Your eyes dig into the dark and blackened building with its white pillars; two sets of stairs leading up and up. It’s wider than it is tall and set apart from all other buildings or stores like a sentinel of history. The parking lot is bare besides a handful of cars far out into the open area of plotted greenery, and your vision seeps like water from one place to another. Your father’s old workplace is large and imposing—a giant of cream stones. 
After a minute or two of hesitation, you take the long walk around the museum to the back across its nine acres, climbing up a chain-link fence. 
Now was really when the anxiety snuck in. 
Fingers shaking, you know there are exactly five night guards on duty; had even met a few before the accident. The problem was getting in with the front door locked and sneaking into the employee-only section. Obviously, this amounted to breaking and entering except for the simple fact that…
“Shit,” you let the rare curse growl out of you, staring at the steady blinking light inside of one of the many back windows. 
When had they added those in this section? Your mind jumps from one thought to the next, straining. 
“Okay, okay,” you calm yourself and rub your neck. “Think.” Blinking, your gaze slows itself on the maintenance ladder leading to the roof, eyes slowly widening. Perhaps with all of these horrendous ideas you’re cooking up like five-star meals, you might end up killing yourself before anyone else can. “Save everyone else the trouble, at least,” you grumble under your breath.
Your foot hits the first rung when you slowly stride over and you take a breath, hands sweaty as they quiver before you grab the metal. At the side, the bright sign burns into your retinas like looking directly into the sun. It was embarrassing, really. 
“NO TRESPASSING: VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED.” Red and white mock you in their color scheme. 
“Kyle is going to lock me in the storage closet,” your mouth mutters, but you only shake your head and push upward with the thought process of everything you’d done so far wasn’t worth giving up on. 
Surprisingly, you had less reservations about all of this illegal activity than you rightly should have—a sort of distance from it. As if everything was being seen through the lens of a photographer spreading linen over his equipment before snapping that picture. Already in your head, you were counting the charges that could be levied against you with a blank face. 
Your hands and feet take you higher, the steady creak of your weight on the old metal.
Breaking and entering. 
Breath puffing out, you get to the top after a tall vertical climb, pulling yourself over the edge and slapping to the roof of the left side of the museum. Flat concrete holds the bodies of roof ventilation turbines, AC units, and electrical equipment all shades of gray and sun-bleached yellow. Flopping on your belly, you scoot forward until you’re able to shove with your arms up from the roof. 
“...Burglary,” you huff out, frowning. But was it really stealing if it belonged to your dad?
Kyle’s crossed arms and his tight lips slash through your head like the pissed-off angel on your shoulder. 
“Shut up,” you growl out to his image, stalking forward to figure out your next plan of action. “If I wanted your opinion I would have asked.”
After a minute or two of snooping, your only option came in the form of a ventilation shaft jutting out of the museum; a monster of silver metal and roaming sections like a large snake. You blink at it and play with the coin in your pocket, tapping a foot. 
The problem was the grate. 
Twiddling your fingers in your pockets, you bite at your lip and furrow your brows, knowing how much time you’d already lost. At most, you could stay here maybe twenty minutes before you had to rush back to the mansion. 
Is that enough time? After all, you didn’t even know what you were looking for. 
Taking out your coin, you roll it over your knuckles while glaring at the grate—eyes burning into the small ‘+’ of the Combination Head screws set into the four, shining, corners. Above, the moon was letting your shadow lay long over the roof. 
Halting your fiddling, you get the spark of an idea while you catch your coin, the things blue and bronze color subdued in the darkness. Looking down at it in your bandaged palm—dried blood stuck in the old gauze—you run a thumb over the engravings and slowly look back to the screws. 
“Maybe,” your voice whispers out. Flipping the metal object, you walk and slot the side of your precious coin into the head of the top right screw, jimmying it in with a growing smirk as it sits in a straight line. 
Jiggling it, the small fastening of the grate squeaks before its body gets slowly twisted to the side by your tight-knuckled grip, skin thin as it struggles to turn. A small noise of victory leaves you when the rust under the bond flakes off, the screw now quickly moving outward for you. 
You didn’t want to blow your own horn quite yet, but this was going smoother than you could have hoped for. 
When all remaining screws were on the roof and your coin was back in your pocket, you were staring at the gaping wound that is the entrance to the ventilation shaft. For the first time in the night, you wondered about the consequences of acting like this. Your father had preached honestly when he was alive—telling you that the best thing a person could be was true. 
The phone in your pocket was like a brick as your heart stampeded. 
“C’mon.” He speaks blankly, whatever sly teasing and amusement from earlier today completely gone. “Exfil point is a block away—we need to move.”
You can’t do much more than follow, your head screaming at you. 
“B-but what about…” Wanting to ask about the people who are back in the park, not quite understanding the horror yet. 
Sensing this, Kyle knows it’s better to respond briefly. 
“They’re dead.” You flinch at the truth, hearing the bitter reality settle in coupled with the man’s bluntness. 
Dead. Row, the others, your father. “But if I find the answers,” you try to steady yourself, leaning closer to the inky duct. “Maybe all of this can go away. No one else has to die. I have to…” You push forward, “I have to do this.”
Gaz’s words had touched you in the kitchen. His willingness to speak to you. No one else ever bothered. He’d be more than angry—furious with this, but how could you explain that this was so much more to you than a price on your head? You felt he already knew, truthfully, but you’d never been good at listening much less looking into his eyes to see if he’s being genuine. 
There was a piece of you that had wanted to glance up at him while you were against the island, just a swift peek. You’d shut it down just as quickly as it had come, but, still. 
The thought had been there.
Knees hitting the metal, you crawl far into the vent, enclosed on all sides except forward and backward. Not once did you think about how you’d get back out as you start taking the twists and turns of the chilled metal square, on a mission in your own right. Taking shallow breaths, you pull and slide your shoulders through, getting to the first dip and slipping down as your hands squeak. 
“Woah,” you hissed to nothing, your voice bouncing off and echoing back to your ears. “Christ.” 
Your form clanks along, trying to be as quiet as a mouse but only being successful if that mouse was being rapidly slammed against a wall. Along the way, you would have to make decisions about which way to go—right or left—and you would have to imagine yourself walking around the museum as if you were inside it. 
Paleontology down there, your head is bent to the left and you huff and feel sweat dribble down your forehead. I need to be near Botany. 
You take the right with a bit of worry set into your veins. What if you got lost in here? Would they find your body years later? You shiver and grimace. 
“Nothing will go wrong—!” Your voice cuts out as you plummet down a decline, face ricocheting off the metal with enough force to rattle your brain. You groan long and low in your throat as blood fills your nose. “...One thing can go wrong…” Your sleeve presses into your nostrils as you shuffle on slower and steadier. 
You were never making it back to your estate on time.
It’s fifteen minutes of bumbling and cursing, to your mother’s horror, before you turn to a thick grate at a dead end. Across your position, you’re able to make out a plaque on the far wall by straining your eyes through the darkness; you lock on the white letters of the self-designated ‘Authorized Personnel Only’ area. 
Your bloody lower face peels back in a breathless smile as you pant. 
Hands pressing into the ventilation grate, you prod with all of your strength and bite into your lip as you do; lungs tight with exertion. Just as you start to feel a small movement in the metal, whistling hits your ears. 
Immediately stopping, you hold your breath and lock your eyes on the slowly walking form of one of the security guards. A great frozen feeling overcomes your bones—nearly the same that had hit you when you’d been behind that garbage can with Gaz in the park. You stare wide-eyed and open-mouthed, heart in your ears. 
The guard was clothed in white and black, keys at his belt jangling and a flashlight in his hands as he spreads a tune. Large and bald, he paused across the way and turned his head in your direction. You tense and stifle a sharp inhale, ducking just the slightest bit back. 
But he doesn’t bother looking into the vent while he takes out a tissue from his pocket and proceeds to blow his nose as you watch, flinching at every loud snort. 
“Gah,” the guard rubs at his nose, “...gettin’ too old for this. Should be back at home already. Need to have Jerry give me that raise…” 
Tossing the used tissue into an adjacent trash can, the man moves on with a bend to his spine, showing his fatigue as his free hand rubs at the back of his neck. 
You put your fingers over your mouth, blinking incredulously as he turns a corner out of sight—whistles tune getting smaller and smaller.
“I’m going to have a heart attack,” you grunt, waiting a minute more before taking a deep breath and placing your shaking grip back into the grate. “Kyle, you should have tried to make me stay home harder.”
Your digging words hit no one, and you gasp as the vent cover pops off with a slide of metal. You snatch a hand to grab it, panicked, but the thing fully slips from your fingers as your heart gets stuck in your throat.
The sound when it hits the bench right under and then finally slams to the floor is enough to make you get bile in the back of your throat. 
It echoes over the museum like you had just chucked a glass bottle at a man’s head in the middle of High Mass—louder than a thunderclap. The silence that follows after is just as violent. 
It’s like you count the seconds as your hands extend from the dark square, face lacking blood and chin loose. 
Did that…what just…
When the quick, hard, footsteps start running back in your direction, you’re scrambling out of the vent faster than you can think about your limbs moving. Feet slipping and hands latching onto the edge of the opening with a thinning of your pupils as you shove yourself out. 
You land on the bench and clatter to the ground just like the vent but quickly recover against the roving pain on account of pure adrenaline. 
“Shit, shit, fuck!” Your mouth snarls, vulgar curses slipping out as you snatch the grate into your arms and push through the Authorized Personnel door with a loud shoulder shove. Darting to the side of the opened door, you slip behind it into the corner; mind running a mile-a-minute. Think!
Running would only make it worse, the guard would hear you and follow after. You look down at the metal in your hands as a shout rings just feet away—panting breath and the jingle-jangle of keys. 
“Who's out there?! Show yourself!” Your lips thin, thinking over those possible changes again and adding in another.
When the guard walks through the door and takes a few steps in, wildly flashing his light back and forth, you slowly raise the vent grate in your hands. Taking a small, shaky breath, you tighten your grip and whack the man in the back of the head. 
He falls with a large thump, body hitting the ground as you stand above him with wide eyes and a guilty conscience, bones rattling in your flesh. 
“Jesus, I’m so sorry,” he’s groaning, stunned, as you swiftly place the grate on the wall and run back past him. “It’s nothing personal, really. I…you're going to be fine—a…a bruise, that’s it.” 
Dashing down the hallway, you leave him behind, but only after you steal his keys and begin to read each name tag on the walls, searching for the familiar title of your father at lightspeed.
“I’m such an idiot!” Quietly barking out, you take a left and skid to a stop finding the exact door you needed to get into—the one at the very end as well as the largest and most fancy looking. You could have easily picked the lock with a stray bobby pin and a stick from one of the fake plants outside in the hallway, but now with the keys…
You push through the hundreds on the chain, palms sweaty and breath not slowing down. You’re muttering to yourself in a frenzied state, feet trading weight.
“C’mon, c’mon, c’mon, hurry up!” You find MD carved into the metal and stick the key into the door, twisting and hurrying through. Closing the door behind you loudly, you let your body pant as you hold it shut, palms to the grain; it’s a second before your forehead meets the barrier and you groan lowly. 
Rubbing at your scalp, you stand up straight and turn to the room. 
Except there is a suspicious lack of boxes along the carpeted floor.
“What!?” You yell, before you slap a hand to your mouth. “What?” Your lowered, repeated, question is strained and aggressive, but in reality, you should have expected this. It had been three years, after all. Maybe you had yet to realize the entire world hadn’t stopped just because yours had.
Jogging over to the computer, you slide the keyboard out from inside the desk and tap the spacebar to wake it up, growling to yourself. You knew they had kept your father’s things, but you didn’t know where they put them—you were supposed to have picked them up during the first year but…well, you know how that year went.
You grimace and shake your head, restraining yourself from touching your coin. 
If you could hack into the CIA database, this was a piece of cake; it took no more than a minute, already looking at the wallpaper of a woman named Lorena Bennett with her pet cockatoo on her shoulder. Immediately you head to the emails. 
“Okay, Bennett,” you say, “I need…” Typing in your father's name into the word search, you come upon one of the first emails from only a month after he’d died, eyes slipping from one word to another. “Here.”
Dear Mrs. Bennett,
Due to the unfortunate passing of our prior Museum Director, you’ll find the office assigned to you still filled with his belongings. If you would be willing, please pack up what few personal belongings he had and send them down to Eastern storage—his daughter will be here to pick them up at a later date. 
Thank you, and I wish you well on your first day, 
Member of the Board, Mr. Shaw 
“Eastern storage,” you huff, fingers twitching over the keys as you nod rapidly. “Alright, okay. I can do that.” You couldn’t do that. 
Sweating, you close out the email and power down the computer, putting it all back where it was. Was it wrong for you to want Kyle here with you? You could do with his steadfast patience at this point. Might even applaud him for putting up with you for this long if he could take point on this. 
For doing far more stressful things for a living, you were sure this was easy as cake for him. If anything that pushed you on. Leaving and locking the office, you carefully step over the unconscious guard and utter another apology, watching his back rise and fall with his lungs like a balloon. 
Sneaking through the halls, you pass displays and stay close to the walls, listening with strained ears as your breath seems to be the loudest thing in the museum. Rubbing at your sore nose, you make your way across multiple sections of the building, knowing every turn as if you’d lived here forever. 
“Now,” your father’s voice guides you along and you almost feel his hand on your shoulder as you slip behind a case full of ancient cat furs in the Mammalogy section. A second guard's flashlight slips above you and you crawl on the floor as she passes. “If you ever lose sight of me, I’ll head right to the place between Mammalogy and the Bone Hall. Just follow the arrows and I’ll be waiting for you, alright? I’ll always find you, Little Love.”  
You steady your breathing and slink around another display, heart constricted at the sudden need to hear your father’s voice again. You’d forgotten it after all of this time—the way he would reassure you was only a series of words without flow; a knowledge of the memory but mixed with the desperation to truly feel it. It was just…empty. 
Getting out of Mammalogy, you lock eyes on the direction map placed on the wall as the stolen keys sit in your pocket, muffled metal clinking against the coin. Looking at it, you’re hit with a wave of sadness, brows going downturned, and a rueful frown coming to your lips. 
“Guess not, Old Man.” You mutter to a ghost, shaking your head and pulse spiking when the female guard resets her path and begins to come back. Your body dashes away into memories and shadows with nothing more than a harsh sigh.
You stand at the bottom of the long staircase, breathing heavily and staring at the double doors of the museum storage room, grimacing but internally celebrating that you’ve gotten to where you need to go. There were multiple close calls with security, plus the unconscious man near the offices that you had to go back to. 
But here, now, you finally were able to get somewhere. 
Inserting the needed key into the door, you push through one and find rows upon rows of Archival storage boxes and cupboards all in pure white and gray. Blinking, you let the door close behind you as you huff out a scoff. 
“I swear if these aren't in alphabetical order…” Your dim eyes go from one to another, but you grunt and go to find the labeled letters on the sides of the cupboards, the temperature dropping multiple digits to help the items preserve better. 
Fingers twitching over the boxes, you slide them along as you read, muttering to yourself. A few moments into your search, the familiar name of your dad comes into view and you smile softly. 
“Here we are.” Hand reaching out, you peel the object out and place it on the floor, taking a deep breath before popping the top and gazing inside. 
There were two visible objects—a laptop and a journal. 
Intrigued, your hands delve inside and take out the black leather journal with careful hands, feeling the bulk of crinkled, written-in pages. As you hold it up and tilt it over, something falls out and clatters to the ground; the clink of plastic making your eyes widen in surprise.
“And what do we have here?” A USB stick meets your bandaged flesh as you pick it up, sutures under your skin raw and tight. You pay no mind to the second pulse in your flesh and stare intently at the navy blue tone of the small object. “USB stick…? What were you doing in there?”
Your face goes curious, head tilting as you move the stick around in your hand. With a hum and a serious edge to your brows, you hide the object in your jacket’s pocket and quickly take up the remainder of the belongings. Putting the box back where it was, you high-tail it back out the door, lock it, and dash up the stairs. 
This had to have everything you needed in it—a full laptop that with any luck was still intact, a journal, and a USB stick. The stick alone could give you swathes of information, and the journal…you hold back a yell of victory. 
Your dad was sure to have something in all of this mentioning the donations and the moniker. The documents with the same date and printed red ink. There was something there; on the cusp of a great discovery like an anthropologist on a dig site. A pressure in the back of your mind—incessant ringing. 
Getting back was easier now that you knew the places to avoid, and as you slip the keys back onto the unconscious guard's belt, you take back up the grate in one arm. Going back, you stand atop the bench below the vent, huffing as you shove your father’s things up first. 
“What would Gaz do?” Your voice questions, hearing the long groaning from the downed security behind you. Sighing, you leave the grate on the bench, climbing back up with your muscles straining. It’s a slow crawl back to a section where you can actually turn your body around and at that point, you’re annoyed with the tightness of the vents. 
But you do it, regardless, dangling your arms out of the square to twiddle your fingers above the grate before you finally claw it back up and twist it around, flesh pinched as you handle the long slats to manhandle it back into position with a defining pop of steel. Like a kangaroo, you slip the journal and laptop into your jacket, zipping it up and letting the objects hang as you shuffle backward—able to turn back around one more time as you begin retracing your steps. 
You’re sure you're going to be sore tomorrow from all of this activity. 
“If,” you bonk your head and hiss, glaring at the ceiling as you climb upward. “If Gaz lets me live that long. I’ll be lucky if he even makes me dinner anymore.” 
There’s a part of you that realizes the effects of what this might bring. A small portion of unease and…fear. But there were things that you had to do alone, and this was one of them. It was your father that had been wronged, and it fell on you to finish this story, for ill or for better.
When you finally make it to the roof, you heave a breath of fresh air, basking in the open land. The grate screws back on easily with the help of your coin and hiking your father’s items higher in your grip, you speed to the ladder. 
Even without checking your phone, you know you have missed calls—missed messages that number in the hundreds. It was far past midnight; you were stupid to think you’d be back on time. 
“At least let me come up with a good excuse before I see him.” But still, you’re filled with a sense of elated accomplishment, your body quivering with adrenaline and happiness as your mouth opens in quick chuckles. “Oh my god. I can’t believe I did it! I’d like to see him hold a grudge against this.” Feet moving quickly, you get to the top of the ladder and bend down, smiling wide and cheeks pulled back with glee.
You looked over the edge of the roof, irises sparkling like gems as your throat holds giggles and puffs of excited breaths. Only you don’t lock into the ground feet below. 
Instead, brown eyes like tree bark glare up into yours with hidden fury.
And then the black vehicles pull up with a screech of tires.
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hwasdvlly · 7 months
Spooky Fun | p.seonghwa
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☆ summary: it's halloween and the family decides to do something extraordinary.
☆ pairing: seonghwa x fem!reader
☆ genres: romance, fluff, and family
☆ word count: 1k words
☆ warnings/tags: none. established relationship, idol!seonghwa, non-idol!reader, married couple, star wars cosplay, very soft moments
☆ a/n: happy halloween my beautiful readers!
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October 31st is the last day of the month and the time for a spooky celebration. 
For this year’s costume theme, Seonghwa chose no other than his favorite movie franchise, Star Wars. He had always wanted to be Anakin Skywalker. Now, he wanted to try it out with his three beloveds: you and the little stars Seonghan and Hyeseong. 
The oldest child is Park Seonghan. Atinys nicknames him as ‘mini-Seonghwa’ because he looks so identical to his father that it’s uncanny. Seonghan even has a gentle and bright personality with a hint of wittiness, like Seonghwa. 
The youngest child, Park Hyeseong, is more of a shy little girl. But underneath her shyness is a lovely angel who is a passionate dancer and enjoys drawing cute animals and nature. Like her mother, she inherited an elegant beauty. Hyeseong is more of a mommy’s girl, but she does consider her appa as her best friend and the hero of her life. 
“This is where the fun begins.” Seonghwa checks himself out through a full-length mirror and tries to act all mysterious and lethal. He has on his costume, which is handmade, and his toy lightsaber. Seonghwa will forever be a kid at heart, and he is happy that his dream of Halloween came true. 
“I think you’re having too much fun as Anakin.” You walked out of the bathroom. You are Padme Amidala. It’s very appropriate for you and Seonghwa. 
He turns and sees you in a pretty olive green dress with a hoodie over your soft curls. Seonghwa grins, “I can’t help it. I wonder what our little stars will look like.” He goes up to you, wrapping an arm around your waist. Everything about you is beautiful. He is glad that you are down to do this idea of a celebration. You rest your hands on his chest. You lift your eyes to meet his gorgeous, deep brown orbs. “They’re going to look so cute! I think their uncles will die of cuteness.” You let out a giggle. 
Seonghwa smirks, “Hell yeah, they will. Our kids are the best.” He is so prideful and supportive of his little ones that he does sound cocky at times. You snickered and shook your head. “I agree, but please, don’t embarrass them.” As much as you deeply love Seonghwa, he exaggerates almost everything.
“Since we are talking about our little stars, why not see them,” Seonghwa suggested. You beamed and nodded. 
The married couple intertwined their fingers to go to their children’s room. Seonghan and Hyeseong share a space because there aren’t a lot of rooms in the house, but they get along together. 
“Hannie, Hye. Are you guys ready for Halloween?” You asked the kids. 
“Yes, we are!” They answered in unison. 
Upon arriving in their room, you and Seonghwa gasped at the sight of Seonghan and Hyeseong. They look so cute!
Seonghan is The Mandalorian. He has artificial berserk armor and a helmet. Hyeseong is Grogu. She has those green protruding ears as a headband, the brown robe, and her hair in twin tails.
“You guys look awesome!” Seonghwa couldn’t help but squeeze the life out of his babies. He bends down and brings them into his comfy arms. You smiled by the door frame at the wholesome moment. Seeing Seonghwa happy with the kids makes you fall in love with him all over again. 
The father lets go and takes out his phone from his trousers. “Smile for grandpa, grandma, the uncles, and for us,” Seonghwa tells Seonghan and Hyeseong. The kids posed cutely for the camera, and their dad snapped hundreds of photos. 
“Okay, okay, Hwa, that’s enough. We don’t want to be late.” You stopped your husband because he was going overboard. Seonghwa looks through the gallery and squeals. “So cute!! Look, love.” He shows you the little stars. You smiled merrily at their cuteness. 
“This is the way.” Seonghan points to the exit of the front door. The Park Family are putting on their shoes and carrying their Halloween buckets. 
“Patu!” Hyeseong shouted. Her parents burst out laughing at her adorable imitation. 
“Yes, sir.” Seonghwa opened the door for his loved ones, and they began to march outside. 
Hyeseong holds your hand as she swings your arm back and forth. Their home isn’t far from the KQ Building, so it’s much easier for Seonghwa to go to work. As they walked on the streets, people noticed them in their Star Wars costumes. It caught everyone’s attention. 
Seonghwa also noticed a few Atinys saying ‘hi’ to them. Seonghan politely greeted them, and they happily squealed at the sweet boy. 
Once arriving at your husband’s workplace, the employees dress in costumes, and they kindly give the children candy. Hyeseong tries to ask for a sweet treat and not be shy. But for real, who can’t resist an angel? 
The party is on the rooftop of the KQ Building. It’s not something Seonghwa and the guys have done before, but since Seonghan and Hyeseong are joining, they want it to be special. 
As they reached the top of the level of the place, Seonghwa opened the door for his family. They were welcomed by fun and frightening decorations and the tasty aroma of food. Last but not least, ATEEZ in their costumes. 
“Hye, my love!”
The seven members approach the little stars for a big bear hug. They even gave them candy because they truly love them.
Hongjoong gathers Hyeseong into his arms and plants a kiss on her plush cheeks. He is her favorite uncle, and he does enjoy being one. Except he spoils the heck out of her. Seonghan doesn’t have a favorite uncle, but he does prefer to be with the 99 liners. Seonghwa doesn’t know if he should be concerned if his son will get influenced by their antics or end up being a little mischievous. 
“Nice Star Wars getup.” Jongho commented with a gleeful smile. He and the members are impressed by the family���s efforts to look like the characters. 
“Let me guess,” Yunho puts a finger on his lips. “It was Hyung’s idea.” He says without sounding clueless. 
You chuckled and nodded. “It was also Hwa’s turn to choose a theme. The kids liked the idea as well.” You look at your husband with love in your eyes. 
Seonghwa sees it and puts on a proud expression. His heart was filled with happiness.
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hearts401 · 6 months
I honestly hate how the fandom treats Michael as a hero and I'm seeing posts about it so I feel a liiiittle better talkign about it
my moots are holding back, i can tell. but hes my favorite so im not. and im a little pissed writing this bc. bc i relate to cc a lot. and seeing ppl mischaracterize not only my favorite character but also someone who reminds me of people who fucking suck drives me INSANE.
so psa, im pissed as fuck and i love michael afton.
First off, he killed Evan. That's obvious. Not only was that literall 100% his fault (NOT WILLIAMS IT PISSES ME OFF WHEN PPL MAKE THAT ALL ABOUT WILLIAM SHUT THE FUVCK UP
he was a bully. yeah he was a kid. yeah he was messing with him. Have you considered he was literally. abusive to his brother. i know the fnaf fandom is scared of using that word to describe him but its fucking true. he was abusive. as fuck. that was awful what he did he wasnt just a bully he harassed him and literally locked him in his room. he was fucking horrible.
and yeah, he didnt mean for that to happen, but not only was that stupid as fuck, i hate any interpritation of "he wanted to be like his dad" "his friends coerced him" PLAY FNAF 4. PLAY FNAF 4. FUCKING PLAY FNAF 4 LOOK AT HIS DIALOGUE AND WHAT HE DOES
im trying to be normal
Yeah he probably felt like shit after. yeah it probably was some sort of motivator behind his actions. but lets think. lets think.
fnaf 1 and 2 take place before SL, no? So. if thats true. why didnt he burn those down? to "free the souls?" because it was never about the children.
he burned down the fnaf 3 location to get rid of william. it was ALWAYS abotu william. sure he set the kids free but i reeeeaaallyy dont think that was his intention. it was always about william.
in sister location, did he go there out of the kindness of his heart? no he went there because william asked him too. it was ALWAYS about william. and yeah he probably wanted to help liz, he probably really wanted to help her, but based on his actions, was this really for her? or was it for closure
thats something about michael that i put in shitty brother. closure. he didnt actually want to reconcile with his family, he wanted closure on the guilt he felt. is that 100% wrong? no. its normal to want closure, especially after something like that. but also that should not be his goal
did he apologize? yes. he said sorry. he felt bad, sure. but when you kill someone tehy dont come back. evan deserves to never forgive him ever because that was dumb as fuck and HORRIBLE. IT WAS HORRIBLE. ABUSIVE. ILL SAY IT AGAIN
yeah. abused. say it with me. A-B-U-S-E-D
not just bullied, not just harassed, ABUSED.
ik we're all scared to say it here but its fucking true. say it with ur chest.
this always came back to william. do i thinkk michael is unfeeling and doesnt care about his siblings at all? NO! I think his siblings drove a lot of his actions. but in the end i dont think he always acted with their best interest at heart. or the mci kids'
and the whole "he wanted to be like his dad" i dont fucking care actually. no seriously sit down beside me and tell me that wanting to be like his dad is an excuse for abusing his brother. seriously come closer i wont bite.
tell me how you think that AS A TEENAGER, 100% AWARE OF HIS ACTIONS, that wanting to be like his dad justifies abusing his little brother. his little brother. who as far as we know, never lashed out, never fought back, never did anything to him. tell me how he fucking deserved that
"Michael was just a kid!" so was Evan. So was Elizabeth. So was Cassidy and Charlie and all the kids who died.
tell me how much michael did that didnt revolve around closure and his father. like i get it, he had priorities, but can we please stop acting like he's some angel working for the greater good of everyone.
it feelslike how ppl treat fucking henry. NO HES NOT A GOOD PERSON PLEASE
oh and also in case anybody wants to pull dittophobia out and tell me how mike went thru that trauma
so did evan. and instead of bonding over that trauma, michael harassed him. ABUSED HIM. wording is important. im sorry for repeating myself so much, but nobody ever tells it how it is. it was abuse.
edit: People seem upset by my wording and honestly? fair. i couldve worded this a lot better but i was tired and irritated and one thing i will clarify
i dont care if u dont see adult michael the way i do. i see him as a selfish obsessive guy whos intent is to fix his family, but plenty of people see it differently and thats okay! /gen
but im not taking back anythign i said about teen michael. because i think to do that is unfair to his character and frankly bullshit. i think its bullshit. and i dont care if you disagree. he was a terrible brother and thats that
but adult mike is free real estate idk idrc abt him as much as teen mike.
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s-38-n · 4 months
Okay, I’m actually doing this. This is an analysis of dndads and the theme of becoming your parents (cause definitely this is one of the most important topics of the show).  So I’m doing this family by family. (btw I’m choosing the colors for each family based on the vibes they have ig :]) Just to make sure
So we’re starting with the Wilsons. In season 1 it's really easy to pinpoint this theme, mostly because Darryl says it directly! When Scam likely asks Darryl why he is not a good dad, Darryl answers “because I try to be my dad. After I lost my dad, I tried to be just like him rather than the dad that Grant needs”. So directly as he says, Darryl tries his best to be like Frank even though yeah, that’s not at all what Grant needs. Darryl arc after all is a lot about learning to be what Grant needs as a parent and not what a perfect parent for Darryl is (aka Frank)
So we move to season 2. We can see that Grant didn’t become similar to Darryl and at least in Grant's words, Darryl was a great dad. The important part of this for this topic is the chat Grant and Link had when Grant was in real Earth at the start of the show. Grant is worried that Link is too much like him (probably with Link being a bit of an anxious kid at the start at least). He doesn’t want his son to become like him, not make all the mistakes he did, to become a killer. He tells his son to not become like him and love him less. The thing is, Link isn’t like Grant! Link hates the idea of killing and ends up resenting his father for the things he does, in some way, ironically, following what Grant told him to do at the start
We’re gonna move from your faults being trying to be too much like your dad to your faults being trying not to be like your dad in the slightest. Beary as a father is a controlling person, putting Hen in a high standard and trying to make him what Beary considers a perfect person. Henry hates it, moving to Earth lets him be his own person, not what Beary wanted. And Henry as a dad is the contrary to Beary, he is too leaning, not wanting to limit or not let his sons be free, just like Beary did with him when he was a child. Trying to be a soft dad instead of a strict dad. This kind of backfired; yeah, you could argue that Sparrow more or less became a loving kid that even though he is kind of violent he does it for the people that he loves. But Lark didn’t, mostly because of chance, the kid ended up hating his father and making his own way, a much more violent way
In season 2 we can see the effects of this separation in the kids. Sparrow is a lot like Henry, trying to be soft spoken (in a mean way), worrying about the rest and trying to have their feelings in consideration (for example when TJ died and Sparrow was trying to make sure the kid was okay), being a druid and a vegan (this is more of a joke, but I mean it’s a really good example of the teachings of Henry of loving the world and not hurting nature as much as possible…). And then we have Lark, him being direct, more violent, having collections of arms in the Oak-Swallows-Garcia house, eating meat… Both kids took completely different routes in adulthood though they stick together
Then we have Normal and Hero. Whose names show the role that they were given since birth. Hero being trained to be the chosen one (which kinda reminds me of Beary trying to shape Henry to be what he deems a perfect kid) and trying as much as possible that Normal grows up to just be a regular teen. This ended up meaning that the kids of the two inseparable twins almost don’t talk to each other for five years. But the funny part here is that the kids subvert the roles they have, Hero wanting to just have a regular life and Normal becoming one of the teens that are saving the world from the Doodler!
But what about just being the opposite of your parents without even trying? I would argue that Ron represents the opposite of Willy. Ron being a good hearted man that even being a little dumb and weird just tries to be the best person and step-dad he can be (and he improves a lot at it during the story). While Willy is well, Willy, the opposite, evil and self centered and intelligent and basically the villain of the story. He tries to kill his own son, the person who represents the opposite of him. But we know that in this case, Willy's opposite is who ended up causing Willy's death, in part
For Terry Jr we’re moving to season 2. We can clearly see that Terry Jr ended up in Ron's position (a step-dad of a step-child who hates him) and kinda ironically Scary takes Terry Jr’s place for similar reasons (resenting her step-dad in part because it represents that her real dad won’t come back. Same as Terry Jr in season 1, or at least I think so). We can even see Scary seeing Terry Jr's diary and mentioning how it's funny that Terry Jr had a step dad that he hated (I dont remember the exact words) Sadly, we don’t get to see how their relationship could slowly become better like in season 1 with Ron and TJ
And last but not least, the family that is quite literally the reason this analysis exists. Let’s talk about just becoming like your dad. For what we can see, Glenn is literally like Bill, more a friend than a dad, not worried about the safety of his kid and putting him in dangerous schemes. And Nick seemed like he was going to become part of the pattern too. The kid literally tries to be like his dad as much as he can, he literally joins a UFC fight so his dad thinks he is cool, like Glenn is! But then the trial happens and Glenn is no longer Nick’s dad, instead, Jodie is. And then we have Nicholas, a little Narc that tries to be responsible and a goodie two shoes in general, just like Jodie. Nick/Nicholas is just someone who tries as much as he can to be just like the figure he admires the most, his dad. 
And we can see the same with Nicky in season 2! Anthony describes him like half rockstar half cop (I have being searching for the quote and I can’t find it but I’m pretty sure Anthony said it, so maybe I’ll find it in the future and put it in a reblog), that means half Nick, half Nicholas, or in a way that is thematically appropriate, half Glenn, half Jodie
And then we have Taylor, who is a bit different from all the comparisons I’ve been doing. Mostly cause he doesn’t want to be/is like his dad! Instead he wants to be like his mom! He is a momma’s boy after all. For what we know at least he is trying to be a voice actor, just like his mom (you could argue is to get closer to the anime world or nepotism, but I’m pretty sure is just to be like his mom)
But yeah, just to finish, obiously this is a theme of the show, after all is all about parents and their kids. But I just wanted to mention each example (even tho the teens ones are a bit of a reach. The dads and kiddads are more obvious at least to me)
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island-in-the-shadows · 4 months
Hannibal and Will Adopted Oliver AU Pt. 2
I literally have waited long enough to continue posting this one. Definitely owed it to @ib3li3v3you so here goes:
Pt. 1 here: https://island-in-the-shadows.tumblr.com/post/742073028536582144/my-hannibal-and-will-adopted-oliver-au-hcs
Oliver goes hunting on his own for the first time at 18 (so prior to arriving at Oxford). His dads are waiting in the wings, so to speak, in case Oliver fumbles. His hunting style is, given that he's a teenager, a little more conspicuous than his fathers'. His target had been scoped out for months, however. Got just the right person from his papa's (Hannibal) Rolodex of Rude.
Oliver wanted to try something a little different from how his dads do it which meant finding the rude man in question and seducing him while simultaneously remaining in the shadows. He really thought this out. Anyway, very looong story short, he basically does what cannibalistic spiders do to their mates. Except with a deadly syringe. His fathers' help him create a spidery display.
Oliver does start out eating regular, if incredibly fancy, food but does develop the taste for long pig and, in either case, has a fondness for Sweetbreads. Don't ask me why, I'm still not clear and do not want to probe.
Oliver seriously considers taking care of Farleigh for a while because he finds him unspeakably rude. However, Hannibal and Will advise him not to and recount how they have waited for the right time. Besides, they both know that Farleigh going missing would be noteworthy and possibly alienate their son from what he wants the most: Felix.
Hannibal sympathises with Oliver much more than Will does about the whole Felix thing. Will knows Felix's type and is just instantly on his guard. Hannibal, on the other hand, knows what it's like to fall for some pretty boy more or less at first sight.
This means that Hannibal is the one that gets the brunt of the calls when Oliver needs to vent about Felix. Yes, even when Oliver is so angry with Felix for abandoning him to shag some girl that he debates about killing him.
Back to Oliver's lies: Instead of telling Felix that his dad died, he says his mother died.
Will is the one that helps Oliver fully understand what it is that Felix wants. Except Will never suspects that Felix might want Oliver too. Cut him some slack, it's his kid and he mainly just wants the crush to go away.
Hannibal and Will argue about Oliver's obsession with Felix. Get in a fight about it. Hannibal believes Oliver and Felix are inevitable. Will thinks their son is going to wind up with a corpse and a broken heart.
The tack in the bike tyre was Hannibal's idea.
Oliver finds horror movies funny because, come on, he's literally seen and done worse.
Oliver does tell his dads that he's going to Saltburn instead of coming home.
Oliver knows how to cook though not as well as Hannibal. However, when he eats Venetia out, he thinks her blood would be wonderful in a Sanguinaccio Dolce. He wonders if Felix's blood tastes better.
His phone kept ringing while at Saltburn and Oliver kept ignoring it. The "HL" and "WG" brought questions from Felix, so he lied and said it's family members who are always asking him for something or to forgive his dad. Stupidly, this prompts him to change the name for both numbers and put "dad." (Let's remember Oliver is very smart but also very fucking stupid in canon; same goes here.)
When Felix answers the phone when "dad" calls, it's Hannibal on the other line. Hannibal follows his son's ruse and pretends he knows nothing about Felix. He does, however, get curious. Tells Felix that he would love to see Oliver for his birthday and that wouldn't it be nice if Felix came with him.
Hannibal lies and says that he's at something like a program for rehabilitation. Really wants to make it extra tempting for Felix. Gives him the address and says that oh this whole building was remade and blah blah he plays it up. He has a ball doing this.
On the drive to this place (not Prescot because, even though that's where Hannibal and Will found him, that's decidedly not where they live now.), Oliver at first doesn't recognise where they're going. Hannibal and Will and Oliver moved to this estate (one that Hannibal has long owned but barely used) a few months before Oliver started at Oxford and Oliver really only left it to hunt once and then to get on the trains and busses that would get him to school. [I did actually look for real estate for this and had fun doing it.]
However, when they turn into a familiar little road with all the familiar buildings before they get to the definitely familiar 16th century manor, Oliver starts to panic.
Felix comments on how nice it is for a rehabilitation program. Oliver is dying inside and he knows his dads did this on purpose.
Felix is, however, taken by complete surprise when he realises that Oliver's dad and his "friend" are the only people there.
Hannibal asks Felix forgiveness but that Oliver is so embarrassed of them that he had to lie. He reveals Will is his partner and that oh yes, shame about Oliver's mother dying all those years ago.
Will is polite but quietly observing. Hannibal is the consummate host. Felix is livid but polite. Hannibal likes that Felix keeps playing at politeness. Will finds it grating.
Oliver will pull Will aside and ask why? Will pats Oliver's shoulder, "We were curious what would happen, you should know that."
When Hannibal hugs Oliver goodbye he whispers, "Don't spoil the meat."
Ok this is long enough...will keep developing this for later with the big party, the maze, Felix surviving, and eventually becoming interested in more exotic meats. LOL
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Could I perhaps request Kung Lao (mk11) when the time merger happens he learns of his child from that future could it be a one shot with prompt :
63.) "You're my everything!"
Btw Have an amazing day :)
I tried to see what I could do with this! Wasn't that bad yandere-wise compared to what I usually write, hope you still like it! I didn't have much to go off of.... I was also rusty on MK11's plot so this is pretty much mostly spoiler free.
Yandere! Platonic! Kung Lao Prompt 63
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Murder, Blood, Darling doesn't mind his lapse in judgement, Possible OOC Kung Lao, Darling just wants a father and accepts him, This could lead into a future fic but I'm out of ideas rn, Dubious companionship.
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Kung Lao never thought he'd have a kid. That was the last thing he thought he'd see when the time merge happened. Yet here he is, his past self, meeting his future kid.
You too were confused. You never entirely met your dad before he became a revenant, only a few times. As a result, your encounters with him were only ever with the revenant form of your father.
While Kung Lao was shocked at the fact he even had a kid somewhere down the line, you're shocked at meeting your father alive. You didn't expect your father to be so… Arrogant at first. However, you didn't entirely blame him due to your bloodline.
Kung Lao was unsure how to warm up to you when he met you. He noted the fighting techniques you naturally shared with him and saw how well you've trained. Kung Lao actually… Pities you a bit considering his present counterpart's fate.
Due to the existence of his present counterpart and you, Kung Lao actually drops his arrogance. Instead he wants to focus on learning about you while fighting beside you. You deserve a good future, don't you?
While the events of Kronika's plan develops, you end up spending time getting to know Kung Lao and Liu Kang. You barely knew the two growing up but feel at ease with their younger counterparts. You feel a bit of resentment that you never got to have moments like this until now.
Liu Kang teases you and Kung Lao as you talk with one another. Usually it's something along the lines of how soft Kung Lao is with you instead of his usual arrogance. Kung Lao tries to brush him off, simply saying he's learned to appreciate other things than winning and proving himself.
Why does he have to prove himself when he has you right here?
It seems as though anything he talks about captivates you at times. The idea of that makes him a bit sad. You must've had a hard life, huh?
Kung Lao has a hard time denying the fact he's attached to you. He understands he doesn't belong in this timeline but he can't bring himself to just leave you alone. Is he really just supposed to leave you to the revenant version of himself?
No… He doesn't want that. He doesn't think you do either. 
As time passes Kung Lao finds himself unable to let you go. You'd be so alone without him, right? Clearly… He has to do something, right?
Kung Lao ignored the fact you were a mature adult. He still thought of you as a kid, his kid, that he's meant to protect. So for you… He'll make an exception to the pacifist rule.
You've been told your father was a reckless pacifist at heart. Which is why when Kung Lao returned to you after an attack… Covered in blood… You felt a pang of fear in your heart. This… This was still your father, right?
Kung Lao ignored your changed mindset towards him. Even when you asked why he changed his ways so suddenly afterwards… He gave you an eerily calm smile. One on any other bloodthirsty warrior would make sense… But not your father.
“I've learned sometimes more lethal violence is necessary to protect what you fight for…” Kung Lao hums, quickly pulling you into a hug. You remain stunned in his arms… It's the welcoming hug a parent would give… But felt wrong here. “Was I supposed to just let you get hurt?”
You pause your fear and think on his words. Kung Lao, even when he wasn't your Kung Lao, killed to protect you. You meant that much to him… The thought soon begins to soothe you more than scare you.
“You're my everything.” Kung Lao mumbles while holding you. This felt… Natural. This felt like it was meant to be. Why were you denied this before?
You felt the same, checking to make sure you were in private before huddling closer despite the blood.
Part of you yearned for this…
Even if you were unaware of the dark changes you stirred within this past version of your father.
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azucarmorena97 · 2 months
Money Ties (Jungkook Love Story || Pt.7)
Pt.6 || Pt.8
Your parents have worked hard to get to the top and have made sure to teach you everything you need to know to be successful in this business: from tough but lucrative financial decisions, down to the right ball gown for any given banquet. A promising and extravagant future awaits you- that is, if you agree to one teensy detail...
Son of Mr.Jeon Sr. and heir to June Company, Jeon Jungkook is an immature playboy with nothing to offer a woman but good looks and a crap ton of money, and he stands to inherit much MUCH more, so long as you both enter into the arranged marriage contract that was drawn up before the pair of you were even born.
You're more than willing to try, but you're not sure you'll be able to stand each other long enough to inherit a single penny...
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Series Warnings: There will be smut in the near future and I will label those chapters as such. As I say before most of my pieces- I do not endorse any themes, ideas, or behaviors in this series. This is all purely fiction/fantasy! Feel free to inbox me suggestions/ideas/what you'd like to see in this series and I'll see what I can do! Enjoy <3
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Recap: "Jungkook," Your shocked expression is no match for the expression on his face: serious yet gentle eyes, lips parted slightly as he catches his breath, leaning lightly on the door frame. "What are you doing here?" You ask. He bites his bottom lip and just stares at you for a second, "You didn't come tonight." "You never came back last night," You say, not missing a beat. He nods, "I know..." You rest your hand on the door for a bit, considering whether or not to let him in. "Come in," You say finally, stepping aside to let him in past you. You suppose the rain can wait for you...
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You close the door behind you, and then slowly turn. You're not sure why, but your heart is pounding- so loud, you can almost hear it. Can he? He stands awkwardly in the middle of the room, hands in his pockets. Usually, one might expect for a guest to look around, inspect the unfamiliar place- then again, his parents literally own the hotel. You don't even want to know how many of these rooms he's seen...how many of these rooms Lisa has seen...
"Please, sit." You say, motioning to the seat where your dress was previously draped on. He nods, footsteps silent on the carpet as he walks over. You sit across from him on the end of the bed, hands in your lap as you try desperately to think of what to say. What does one converse about with their fake fiance? "What happened?" He asks, finally breaking the silence. "I...I just was feeling sick so I originally said I'd wanted to rest." He shakes his head, "No, not just tonight. Even this morning, your mom rushing me to go home and rest- not even letting me say goodbye. You're lying." "I don't know what you want to hear, Jungkook," You don't mean to sound so harsh. "I want to hear the truth," He leans back, exasperated. The truth. Hm. Ironic.
"Who's Lisa, Jungkook?" You ask. You'd first asked him this question the other night after dinner, though this time, the question is really more of a statement. He sinks into the chair, "A friend." "Lie again." "I'm not lying," He looks away. "Keep lying, Jungkook. I hear it's the perfect foundation to a marriage." You cross your arms, looking away as well, letting your eyes stay on the rainy window. Maybe if you count every raindrop like sheep, you'll fall asleep and then wake up to realize this has all been one big dream. Wouldn't that be nice? To have been dreaming this whole time...to not have this giant weight on your shoulders. "Do you think these are signs from the universe?" Your voice is softer than a minute ago, more like you're talking to yourself than to him. He furrows his brows, "What?" "All of it..." You keep your eyes on the window, "Our first encounter, I literally slapped you. My dad and I got into the biggest fight we've ever had over this contract and..." "And what?" "And you never came back last night," You say, repeating your statement from when you'd first opened the door. "Y/n, I wanted to. I really did. I was just-" "Just what, Jungkook? Chopping it up with your ex-girlfriend?" "It's not like that, Y/n. I promise. She's just been having a hard time." "A hard time?" You snicker, "Jungkook, she's got you wrapped around your finger and you don't even realize it." "You don't even know anything about her," He snaps. The way he defends her...if only he'd heard what you heard. "Jungkook, you don't know her. Yesterday, I was in the bathroom and-" "You know what, I'm not gonna go back and forth discussing Lisa with you." The way he says 'you', like you're some random person. You. Maybe that's just what you are. A random person.
You look down, nodding silently. The silence between the both of you is so loud. Deafening, even. "Y/n, I- I'm trying here," He sounds almost as broken as you feel. Though you're sure the cracks run deeper for you; after all, you've sacrificed much more to be here than he has. Your entire life has been in preparation for your union with this guy, meanwhile, he's pining after the one who got away. "Yeah, I know," You clear your throat, "We don't have to pretend anymore, Jungkook." "Pretend?" He echoes, utterly confused. "Like we're friends or...whatever. Like we're anything more than two people obligated to our families. Shackled to each other by contract." "Shackled to each other...as that what we are?" His voice sounds more and more pained by the second, though it's like you're completely deaf to it. "From now on, we'll just do what we gotta do. We'll meet with our families, plan the wedding, and go through the motions. I'm sure in a year or two, Lisa will be waiting for you with open arms." Tears are beginning to form in your eyes, though you do everything in you to keep them in their place. You don't dare let them spill now. Not when you need to be your strongest. He nods, pursing his lips, "Well, alright then..." He gets out of the chair and walks past you, though as he's about to walk down the short breezeway leading to the door, he turns back to you, "I'll...see you tomorrow morning to start the arrangements for our..." His breath catches a bit. He's also determined not to break down here, "...the wedding." "Alright...see you tomorrow." You don't even look up until you hear the door finally click closed, and by that time, the tears have already begun pouring out of you- and you sit there cursing - and counting- every single water droplet on the window.
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B/f/n comes stumbling in- her loud steps and giggles, an indicator of her drunkenness. She's never been one for grace when inebriated. Your back is turned to her; maybe if you're lucky, she'll assume you're asleep and try not to disturb you. "Y/n," She whispers. Maybe if you don't answer, she'll leave you alone. "Psst, Y/n. You awake?" "Mm?" "I'm back." Obviously. "How was it?" "Oh, it was amazing- I gotta tell you, this rich people stuff is just so...right for me," She sighs, "Ugh, and that Namjoon. He's really something special, isn't he?" "Yeah, totally," You try to sound normal, just sleepy enough for her to eventually stop talking. You can't bare to have a full blown conversation with her. Not after the night you've had. "You know, I honestly thought for sure you'd make an appearance at the banquet after all. I hoped you would, but then it started pouring outside so I guess it's good you didn't. Can you imagine? Getting all dolled up just to get rained on?" "Yeah, it's good I decided to stay..." "Anyway, alright. I'm gonna go to sleep. Sweet dreams," She says. "'Night," You respond, turning even further away so that she doesn't see your tear-stained face.
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"Early bird gets the worm," Your mother's voice draws you out of your slumber, and you blink a few times. "What- how did you even get in here?" "Mmm..." B/f/n groans from right next to you. "One of the perks of being old family friends with the hotel owner," Your mom says smugly. Violation of privacy, you're sure, but who's going tell your mom that? She goes over to the black-out curtains and throws them open; the harsh sunlight is a reminder of the day ahead. "Mom, what are you doing?" You grab your pillow and press it down tightly against your face, wanting to block out the light. "Get up now. Both of you," She lightly shoves B/f/n's foot, which is hanging off the end of the bed, "We're meeting the Jeons in an hour and a half for breakfast. I will not be late on account of your laziness and your...hangover," She says, a disdainful look on her face at B/f/n's disheveled hair and makeup-stained face. Good Lord, she must've been really drunk last night- she didn't even get ready for bed; she slept in her undergarments, her dress haphazardly tossed onto the seat...the seat where Jungkook sat last. You shake your head, trying to get the image of him out. You don't want to spend a second more thinking about him than you have to.
You both drag your feet around the room, lazily getting ready; you throw on a pair of light blue jeans and a nice sweater, adorning yourself with a nice simple silver necklace and small silver hoops. You can't be bothered with frivolous decoration; not when your heart is in shambles. B/f/n, on the other hand, has scrutinized every single piece of her breakfast outfit, as she hasn't shut up about Namjoon all morning. "Y/n...you okay?" Her questions comes as a bit of a surprise, "Yeah, why?" "You just seem really quiet this morning," She shrugs. "Oh, yeah- my head's just hurting a little bit, that's why." "Oh right, the concussion," She says, leaning into the mirror to put on her last bit of lipstick before you all leave together. "Yeah, the concussion." Good timing of that concussion; you might not have known what other excuse to use, otherwise.
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"F/n," Mr.Jeon greets your dad with a bow and a warm hug, and Mrs.Jeon follows suit with your mother, and then with you. Jungkook tries to smile, though you try to look at him very minimally. Of course, you're careful to keep your tone polite and cordial. No use in making a fuss in front of your parents. Everyone sits down, including B/f/n and Namjoon who are sat next to each other, leaving just you and Jungkook to take your spots. You clear your throat as you both settle into your spots. You're sat so close, you can feel his body warmth.
"We're so happy you're all here," Mrs.Jeon says. "Ugh, us too. We've wanted to visit for so long and just haven't had the chance to." "Well, what better time than the present, right? Especially now that our two kids are entering into the most holy covenant," Mr.Jeon cuts in, throwing his heavy arm on Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook is taller than both his parents, but he always manages to look so much smaller than them. "Of couse- we're so happy for you two," Your dad says, looking over at you. You completely avoid eye-contact with everyone, opting to bow instead. Jungkook does the same. "Now, let's talk wedding!" "Oh yes- so, I was thinking of an elegant forest theme. Maybe like uhm- what was that movie, honey? The one with the monsters?" Your mom asks, turning in your direction. "Twilight." "Yes! That's the one- have you seen that movie?" "No, I don't think I have," Mrs.Jeon responds. "Oh it's really good, we'll make time. Anyway, there's this wedding scene-" They go on about the planning, and then it's like everyone goes off into their own world; your fathers, B/f/n and Namjoon, and then there's just the two of you. It so often happens this way. The world just dances in circles around you and you both just have to sit there and wait for the spinning to stop.
"How...how are you?" Jungkook asks, palms already sweating. You make him nervous. "I'm fine, thank you. Did you...get home alright?" "Yeah. Well, it was raining pretty hard so I just crashed in one of the suites." "Oh, right..." You take a sip of your water. "I'm sorry about how things went last night, Y/n. And about the night of the party-" "It's okay, Jungkook. Really. Nothing to be sorry about," You finally look at him- really really look at him- and you notice the bags under his eyes. The tired expression on his face. Even so, he's so handsome... "We just gotta get through this, okay?" You say before going back to avoiding his eyes again. "Alright..." "Okay, yeah I think four weeks should be good." "Me too- might be a tight schedule from now until then but the sooner the better right?" Mrs.Jeon says in agreement with your mother. You and Jungkook snap your heads in their direction. Only a month? So soon? "Will that be enough time?" You ask. "Oh, of course. We'll have it here at the hotel," She reassures, "Only our closest family and friends on both sides and a nice, intimate reception." You and Jungkook both exchange a quick glance. "That's...soon." Jungkook breathes. "Well, honey- no one here is getting any younger, so." It's interesting how this is supposed to be yours and Jungkook's wedding, but no one has even asked for a single opinion from either of you. Not a color request, favorite flower, flavor of cake... Though maybe that's better- it'll make it easier to...dissociate from it all. "What are we even doing here?" Jungkook mutters, though as per usual, you're the only one to notice.
"Okay, so the groomsmen will be Seokjin, Taehyung, Hoseok, Yoongi, and...Felix," Mrs.Jeon sips on her coffee, eyes glued to a small notebook she's showing your mom, "Do you have your bridesmaids in mind?" She asks you. You shruh, "Uh yeah, B/f/n is my maid of honor and a few friends from college will be my court- although, we don't have a fifth." "Oh, that won't do..." She mutters, deep in thought, "Aha! Jungkook, why don't you ask Lisa to fill the spot?" Jungkook looks at you and then back at his mom. You're much too stunned at that suggestion to even react- surely she knows Jungkook snd Lisa were together at one point, right? And if she does, why suggest her? Of all people? "Uh, no. I don't think that's a good idea- she doesn't even know Y/n." "No, but she knows you. Come on, she's your best friend- I'm sure she wouldn't mind." "Seriously mom, I'll just remove Felix. It's not a problem, he'll understand." "Jungkook, don't be ridiculous. Just ask Lisa." "But mom-" "Jungkook." Her stern tone makes both you and Jungkook shrink. This is your nightmare.
You're practically catatonic for the rest of breakfast; your mind far removed from your present suffering. In fact, B/f/n has to tap you on your shoulder for you to even realize everyone is standing and ready to go. You feel trapped. Utterly and hopelessly stuck, and all you can do is just wait for it to pass. All of it. "Thank you so much for breakfast, it was lovely," Your mom says, hugging Mrs.Jeon. Your fathers shake hands and B/f/n gives Namjoon a "casual" hug. While they all say their goodbyes, Jungkook steps closer to you. "I'm sorry, Y/n. I'll try to talk her out of picking Lisa. I'll- I'll look for someone else." "Don't bother," You say, your voice like a flat line. "What? Why?" "Because none of it matters anyway." "What are you talking about, of course it matters," He says, looking into your eyes and trying so hard to connect with you- but you're not here. You're somewhere else- somewhere so deep within yourself that nothing can bring you out. "Good bye, Jungkook."
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You're quiet on the ride home, though no one seems to notice. When you get up to the room, all you have the strength to do is throw your clothes on the floor and crawl into bed. You've felt a sort of...stuckness all your life; unable to really move forward or backward- but right now, you feel the most stuck that you've felt in years. Barely able breath. How will you be able to pull this off? You've only just truly realized that you're marrying someone you know nothing about...
How do you know he won't just go running around behind your back at the drop of Lisa's hat? Could you really handle that? "Y/n..." B/f/n's voice snaps you out of your thoughts, and you turn to look at her, "Hm?" "What's going on?" "With...what?" "You've been weird since we saw you at the hospital yesterday. I thought it was because you were just tired or something but I don't think that's the case anymore." "I-I don't think I know what you mean." "Y/n, come on. Just tell me. I came all the way here for you. I wanna help." You chew your bottom lip for a long while, though she doesn't waver; she leans back on the dresser that thee TV is sitting on. She's never been one to back down. "The other night at his birthday party...I couldn't find him. I waited for a long time and...there's this girl. Her name is Lisa- I'd noticed her picture on his Instagram during my first night here in Seoul. At the time I didn't really care- I was curious to know more but I didn't wanna ask because it was a pretty old picture. When we went to dinner, I asked him about her and he got all weird and said she was just a friend. And then at the party, I just asked Namjoon flat out." "And...?" "He's been in love with her for years and they dated for a while...and she dumped him." "She dumped him? Oh God," She lightly slaps her forehead. You both know exactly what that could mean. Your eyes start to water, "Yeah...apparently he wasn't mature enough for her, so she dumped him. But the problem is that later on, I went to the bathroom and I heard her and her friend talking about the whole situation. She said that she didn't care about our arrangement and that she could have him whenever she wanted after he inherits the company." "That bitch," She hisses, "Why didn't you tell him?" "I was going to but then I saw him dancing with her. I saw them with my own two eyes- she was laughing all hard and they looked like- like..." You look down, "Like a real couple."
"And then last night after you left, I got ready and was gonna go to the banquet but then he came and I let him in and... I tried to tell him about Lisa but he just defended her. He doesn't want to hear what I have to say about her..." The tears are gently dropping from your eyes now, and you don't even try to wipe them, "So, I told him that we'd just act like what we are- business partners and nothing more. Clearly that's what he wants anyway. His heart is still with her and it was completely pointless and stupid of me to think otherwise." "Y/n..." B/f/n's voice is soft as she walks over to sit next to you, "I'm so sorry..." The softness in her voice coaxes for your tears to finally spill over. "What are you gonna do?" "What can I do? It's clear that all that's expected of me is to just sit there and let everyone else decide for me and him." "It did seem like everyone was just making decisions..." She agrees. "Yup..." You sit in silence for a moment, just mulling over those odd moments at dinner.
You look around the room: items of clothing litter the floor of your room, the desk on the opposite wall is full of papers from when you were going over the contract... "I need some air." "Okay, want me to open the window?" "No, I mean- I mean I need to go home." "...home? Like HOME home?" "Yes. I need to get out of here. It's too much." "Oh- Okay, I suppose I can get myself packed up again so we can leave tonight-" "No, don't be silly. I can go back alone." "Y/n, come on it's not a big deal. I wanna be there for you-" "B/f/n, no. You came here to have a good time and I want you to enjoy your time." "But how can I enjoy my time without you?" She asks, her face contorting into a pout. "Oh, I can think of quite a few ways," You smirk, causing her to blush. "What are you implying, Ms.L/n?" "Oh come on...Namjoon's pretty handsome, isn't he?" "I hadn't really noticed," She lies, a smile spreading across her face. "Whatever," You chuckle, though it quickly fades as you mentally return to the original subject, "I just need air..."
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"It's only for two weeks," You say, leaning back in your chair. "But I don't understand why, Y/n," Your mom says exasperatedly, "We only just got here." "You can't just leave us and B/f/n twiddling our thumbs here in Seoul while you're off doing God-knows-what," Your dad says sternly. You let out a deep breath, "Oh trust me, there will be no sitting around- mom and Mrs.Jeon are already going at top speed planning everything. You hardly even need me here- and B/f/n knows already and she's supportive of my decision. She'll be perfectly fine." Your dad remains in pensive silence, though your mom continues in protest, "You're the bride, for crying out loud. How can we plan it without you?" "I'm sure you'll manage," You say with an eyeroll. At this point, your mom's just finding reasons for you not to go. "Y/n-" "Mom...You know I wouldn't be doing any of this if it weren't because I really need it. I need to clear my head, I need to get myself mentally prepared." "Mentally prepared for what!?" "M/n," Your dad gently rests his hand on her shoulder, "Honey..." Immediately, your mom is quiet. Your dad turns to you, "If you feel like this is something you really need to do then...go. We'll be here." Instantly, it was like a weight lifted off of your shoulders. "We'll tell the Jeons at dinner tonight. You get two weeks and that's it." "Yes, of course." You lean over and hug your dad, "Thank you."
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You sit anxiously at the dinner table, looking around at everyone sat inside the restaurant- it's the only way to keep yourself from staring at the doorway. You'd all arrived to the restaurant a bit earlier than the Jeons. Both your parents are on their phones, checking emails, you assume. B/f/n leans over, "You okay?" She's always been able to read you like a book....or maybe you've just always been bad at hiding how you feel. You nod, "Yeah...I just need to get it over with." A few minutes go by (though, of course, it feels like an eternity), and the Jeons finally arrive. "So sorry we're late," Mrs.Jeon says with a bow. "Oh, don't worry about it." The parents all greet each other, and finally, you get a full look at Jungkook... even in your anger, he somehow manages to make your heart flutter.
Food and drinks have been served and everyone is in conversation again, much like they'd been at breakfast. Jungkook sits there quietly, occasionally bringing his glass of wine up to his lips to take a sip, his fork stabbing into bits of food that never actually gets eaten. He's mentally absent and you can't blame him, as you're feeling quite the same way. Or at least, you would be if you weren't so nervous about bringing up your trip. You glance at B/f/n, who looks back at you, giving you a soft and reassuring smile. Alright, it's now or never.
"Uhm, I have something I'd like to share with the table," You pipe up. Everyone immediately stops their conversations to give you the floor, including Jungkook, who is looking at you for the first time tonight. Your heart is pounding in your chest and you practically feel your face burning under Jungkook's gaze. You clear your throat, "So, I have some things I need to wrap up back at home and with the wedding so close, I think it's best to go back and take care of that and then come back in time for...everything." The silence remains as Jungkook's parents exchange glances between themselves and your parents. Jungkook, however, stays staring at you. It's hard to tell what he's thinking, but he definitely doesn't look pleased. "But there's...so much that needs to be done," Mrs.Jeon says gently, clearly quite confused. "I know but you and my mom seem to have everything pretty much covered. I trust you both to do a fine job." "But the fittings for the dress," She adds. You nod, "I can send my measurements to you and come back to do the alterations later."
"Jungkook?" Mrs.Jeon turns to her son, who has yet to say a single word. "She says she's got things to do, let her do it," He says dryly. Mr.Jeon furrows his brows at him, clearly annoyed by his callousness. "Look, it's just a short trip. Everything's fine, Jungkook and I are fine," You lie, though they seem to buy it, "and we'll continue to be fine. When I come back, we'll have the wedding and it's smooth sailing from there." "Well, alright then. We'll take care of everything," Mrs.Jeon smiles, lifting her glass. You pick yours up and tilt it toward her, "I know you will."
From there, the conversation picks back up and it's as though you'd said nothing at all. Before you know it, dinner's over and you're all on your way out the door and on your way home...well, not home...not yet.
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When you and B/f/n get back to the room, you both debrief for a bit as you get ready for bed, peeling and cleansing away the day from your skin- if only there was a similar process for the mind. Jungkook didn't say anything to you after dinner, not even a goodbye, and maybe that's for the best. No need to make anything more difficult and once you're back home, you'll find some clarity about the situation.
You try closing your eyes but you can't will yourself to sleep. Soft moonlight spills in through the open curtain, drawing a series of straight lines across the walls- the frames of the tall windows to the balcony. If it weren't for B/f/n's gentle breaths, you'd swear you were completely alone right now...not just in this room but even in the whole world. Your mind can't even conceive people existing beyond these four walls. Not tonight.
That is, until you hear your phone softly vibrate against the nightstand. You squint your eyes against the harsh light, quickly unlocking it when you realize it's a text from Jungkook.
𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔: 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚛. 𝚆𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚔.
You're frozen for a minute, your eyes stuck on the text message as you debate on whether or not to go. Why should you? He said absolutely nothing at dinner and now he wants to talk so he expects you to just come to him? Screw him.
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You slowly walk into the bar, your mind in complete opposition to the fact that your body walked you down here to meet up with Jungkook. Your heart is beating and your legs feel like Jell-O as you walk over to where you see him sitting. He's leaned back in his seat, staring at the glass in his hand as he whirls the contents around and around gently. "Hey," You say, your voice small and mousey. You wish you could act nonchalant but you really just don't have the energy to keep masking your feelings.
"Hey," He says, his voice equally small. You sit down next to him and motion for the bartender to get you the same as Jungkook. Silence lingers in the air between you for a few more minutes, though it's not exactly awkward. It's more of a...pensive silence. Neither of you knows what to say, you suppose. Best to stay quiet until you've sorted yourself out.
"Why did you come down?" He finally breaks the silence. You furrow your eyebrows, "What?" "You heard me. Why did you come down?" "Because you asked me to?" You say, annoyed at his tone. "That's it? That's the only reason?" "Is there something else you want to hear?" You look at him, crossing your arms over your body. He shakes his head, "No. Just curious..." "Jungkook, what is this? Why'd you ask me to come?" "Because I wanted to see you, Y/n."
His answer makes your cheeks heat up and you quickly turn your attention to the glass that the bartender just sat down in front of you. Another long silence, though this time, your mind is racing for what to say, "Well, I'm here." "Not for long." "Jungook, I don't really understand you...I don't get what game you're playing." "Game? What game?" "At first, you're a complete asshole to me, then you say you're willing to give this a chance, then you're defending this girl who, by the way, was saying some really nasty things about you on your birthday. Are you still in love with her? Because I'd like to know about if you are." "I'm not..." "Very convincing," You roll your eyes, "I don't even know why I'm here if you're not gonna be honest with me." You abruptly hop off the bar stool and start walking out. This was a mistake.
As you've only just made your way out of the bar room, you feel a hand wrap around your bicep, gently pulling you back, "Y/n." You turn to see Jungkook there, a solemn expression on his face as he begs, "Don't go." "Jungkook, all I want is the truth. I'm...I'm still going to marry you, regardless of what the truth is. I'll- I'll still go through with it...all of it. I just don't want to be the only one in the dark about how you feel." He shakes his head, "There's nothing to tell, Y/n. All of it is done and over with. Please believe me." He lets go of your arm and instead, reaches for your hand. His gentle grasp makes you your body relax a bit, "I don't want you to go." You don't acknowledge what he's just said. You didn't even take a single sip of your drink at the bar and yet, you feel as though your head is spinning. Emotions are whirling in your heart and when you notice more people passing by the both of you to get inside the bar, all you can think about is how much you just want to get out of the hallway. "Can we talk somewhere more private, please?" "Alright," He says, immediately looking left to right as he thinks of where to go. "Come on," He says, pulling you gently behind him and leading you into the elevator.
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The elevator ride is quiet, the both of you stuck in thought- the only sound is the loud ding of the elevator with every passing floor. Finally, the doors open up and he takes you down the hall and around the corner to a room. "Are you okay if we talk in here?" He asks right before sliding the key card in. You nod, "Yeah, that's fine." He swipes the card and opens it up to a big room- much bigger than yours. It's decorated similarly to yours, though it has more pieces of furniture, as well as a small kitchenette and a bar of its own. "Wow...this is nice." "Yeah, we don't really rent this one out since it's a little outdated. I'm the only one who uses this place regularly," He says, tossing the key card onto the counter. He motions for you to sit on the small couch in the living room area, and then he walks over to the bar, "Beer?" "Sure." He walks back to you, handing you the chilled bottle with the cap already off and sits down, leaving just around two feet between the both of you.
You take a sip of your beer, grimacing slightly at the pissy taste. You've never been a beer person but you need something to calm your nerves. "I'm scared too, you know..." He says in a low voice. "Of...what?" "A lot of things...what if we get married and you regret it? What if I screw this all up and it all goes to shit. No marriage, no company, nothing left..." "I'll be there with you. You don't need to carry it all on your shouldrs." "In theory, I know you're right. I know I don't have to...but I've been living with this for years. That's why I was initially so resistant to all of this," He says, motioning to you and himself, "I was in a loop of self-sabotage for so long...it's hard to embrace a good thing." "I can understand that...but if you don't break that loop, how is anyone gonna be able to come in?" "Some times I feel like I'm too ruined to not mess it up again later." "Well, let's say you do screw up again, I don't think you could screw things up that badly." He snorts, "I already almost have a few times...don't have too much faith in me." "You talking about the rehab?" You ask. He tilts his head at you, momentarily stuck on the fact that you knew about that, "Ah, I see Namjoon's been filling you in." He nods bitterly, taking a swig of his beer. "Only because you wouldn't." "Y/n, that's not exactly small talk." "I don't want small talk..." You're not sure what comes over you to cause you to do this, but you reach over and lift his head up so that he's fully looking at you, "I want to know the man I'm marrying."
For a moment, you both sit there staring at each other. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest and you notice his chest heaving slightly, his breathing picking up as well. In this moment, you know you both feel it. That thick tension that's been lingering in the air from the moment you first looked at each other- anger, curiosity, bitterness, longing- it's here in this room right now. Every logical thought your mind would normally throw at you to stop you from indulging, is completely crushed under this desire...the desire to know one another fully. Somehow, the two-foot space has closed to an inch. So close, you can feel the heat radiating off of his face and onto yours; his eyes almost completely closed. He's ready...are you?
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A/N: Sorry that this installment took so incredibly long. I had a lot going on in my personal life so this story sat untouched in my drafts for a long time. Hope you all enjoy! And don't be shy, send me what you wanna see happen with Jungkook + Y/n later on in our story <3
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xecutivecucumber · 3 months
Executive Cucumber's Thoughts on the Bad Batch 03x09!
Spoilers under the cut
Apologies for this being late, I worked overtime and then immediately went to rescue my sister and her kids from a car breakdown. I got overwhelmed pretty quick.
I really liked this episode, but as I was in a not great mood when I watched it, I didn't absorb as much as I normally do. (My mood really affects how much I enjoy something, regardless of quality. I was in a foul mood when I first watched Faster and was fairly critical of it. I was wrong.)
This is really the first time we've seen not beautiful weather on Pabu and that's terrifying.
CROSSHAIR IS PART OF A COMMUNITY!!! Have yall considered that he's never been a part of a community before? Like yes, he's has his family, but a community?
'Does it matter? We're not giving her up.' This man. I love this man. If Tech did not already reign Supreme in my heart, I think Crosshair would be my favorite character in Star Wars.
Oh Omega, that story fell apart faster than Hunter's resistance to adopting you.
They leave a space for Tech 💔
Apparently those blood tester things that Qui Gon had were Jedi issue only.
YOU CAN DO IT OMEGA!!! Wrecker, honey, if Omega CAN do it, that means her life gets WAY harder.
They one hundred percent sent Crosshair to look at Tech's data because Hunter and Wrecker can barely do it.
'Go get a flower kid, I gotta beat up your dads'
Okay, I honestly think Hunter doesn't have the time for romance and could honestly see him as asexual, but-
I don't think we've seen such well choreographed hand to hand fighting in animated Star Wars. Except maybe that time that Rex absolutely destroyed those Zygerrians. But I might be biased about that.
'SHE'S A WAR CRIMINAL OMEGA' Okay now I need to know what defines war crimes in this universe. Did they have space Geneva?
You know, good thing Echo's not here. He'd probably be WAY more pissed than these three.
'You're naive' says the man who was changed by the child saying people can change.
I love Crosshair's 'oh shoot she's right' face.
Wrecker's little gasp when Ventress looks at them is AMAZING.
I love it when Star Wars is using the Force to connect with animals.
I'm sorry, Hunter girlies, I guess we getting wet hair everyone except Hunter. (Though Ventress looks SO GOOD)
VENTRESS YOU QUEEN I LOVE YOU YOU'VE COME SO FAR (I haven't read dark disciple but my sister has, and she informed me that Vos' Dark Side training by Ventress culminated in him summoning a water monster and killing it. This is such a beautiful parallel that she calms it.)
Crosshair helping Omega on is my everything.
I really love that Crosshair has decided to give Ventress a chance, because he was given a chance. (And also I lowkey ship them in a one night stand kinda way. Crossajj is such a good ship name too)
I don't think Ventress is lying when she says Omega isn't Force sensitive. Omega doesn't show ANYTHING in this episode that implies that she's sensitive. Yes, she uses Batcher, but she'd trained Batcher with normal friend methods. I think that Ventress stops the testing prematurely before she can be more sure, because she sees the possibly unhealthy attachment the Batch have. It might also be to protect Omega to not know for sure. My personal theory is that Omega is slightly more sensitive than the average clone, but not to any natural talent degree.
Oh gosh, I'm so scared for the next few episodes. Ventress gives them such a clear warning. This episode did such a good job of getting the tension tight again.
I know some people call this episode redundant, but the characters NEED this in order to catch up. We as an audience knew that M Counts meant midichlorians. But the Batch had no idea. Sometimes, we need to let the main characters catch up with us.
(This is also why Tech as CX-2 works on a reveal level because the mystery isn't for us, it's for the characters)
But yeah, a great episode! I'm terrified for everything and everyone!
A quick note- I've seen people say that it's too late in the season for Tech to return. I'd like to remind you that it took exactly two episodes in season 2 to get us behind Crosshair's redemption. They can do a lot in a few episodes.
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blues824 · 1 year
Imma make a request for twst and obey me that you can do separately so plz bear with me. Favorite twisted wonderland characters and obey Me brothers react to mc who has bendy from bendy and the ink machine as a familiar of sorts
Trey, Sebek, Lucifer, Beelzebub. Very minimal, but my comfort characters.
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Trey Clover
Bendy is another Grim, but made of ink. If that doesn’t scream PTSD, I don’t know what does. Honestly, the four of you become a little weird family. After all, not a lot of people would consider a fiery cat and an ink demon as their children, but you both are built differently.
Trey doesn’t mind your familiars at all, and often makes them treats (can Bendy eat anything besides Bacon Soup??). He often finds their mischievous natures very amusing, and never gets annoyed by them. To sum it up, he’s the supportive father figure.
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Sebek Zigvolt
Having a familiar made of ink in Twisted Wonderland of all places is not the best idea. The first time Sebek met Bendy, he just about had a heart attack at 16. Obituary was about to be written in the next day’s newspaper. His family would have gotten a call.
Sebek calls your little friends ‘gremlins’ and ‘pests’ because they are troublesome and exhausting. The only reason why he puts up with them is because you love them like they were your dog named Buddy. So, he weighs the pros and cons everyday. At least Bendy actually cares about him.
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Bendy’s not like any demon you would find in the Devildom. He is a drawing that has come to life, and he’s made of ink. Lucifer tends to treat the little devil like he was one of the Little D’s. Only difference is that you care more about your familiar.
That aside, he also doesn’t mind Bendy hanging around, as long as he doesn’t cause too much trouble. We all know that the little ink demon is mischievous, but it’s changed. Now, he will steal your affection from Lucifer just to see the eldest brother angry.
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Another guy who would totally step into the father role in your little family. He will treat Bendy like he was y’all’s actual child. I mean, he’s making Bacon Soup for the ink demon for lunch, carrying the ink demon on his shoulders, typical dad stuff (besides leaving to go get milk and cigarettes).
He finds it amusing whenever Bendy gets himself into trouble, but he will sit and have a serious conversation if the joke ever goes too far. Typical dad stuff, like I said. I honestly don’t know what to put here, their father-son connection is just so adorable.
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bowiebond · 2 years
Robin and Steve both failing at love so badly as they get well into their thirties and deciding to just marry each other since they’ve already been living together since they were 20 and share a mortgage. Steve had original planned to just have Robin as his roommate until she found someone, and he had like seven kids coming and going but would be out to college in just two years, so a decently sized place (much smaller than his original, empty mansion) filled with Robin’s knickknacks didn’t sound half bad when he was 20 and making the plan to use his inheritance to make the down payment.
They go through the whole she-bang; mostly because Steve always wanted a big wedding and Robin had assumed she’d never have one so she simply made it a big party they could both enjoy. Everyone was invited, and people who didn’t know Robin was a lesbian said their congrats, that they always saw it coming, and they both bare through it with false grins and sneaky eye rolls.
It’s an excuse to get drunk and confess their undying platonic love for each other, even if the ceremonies kiss was awkward and quick, the pair snickering about it later like teenagers even though Robin had kissed Steve plenty of times on the cheeks and Steve on her head when he left for work.
They’re 36 and 37 when Steve asks Robin if she ever considered kids of her own. Robin goes on a long spiel about how terrifying child birth seems but like, she was raised to want one you know? That having a kid is both terrifying but weirdly comforting as an idea.
Steve agrees. They get hammered beyond belief at 37 & 38 and fumble through the most awkward sex know to mankind and they cry-laugh for weeks about each others sex habits and how bad they both are in bed because “let’s never do that again, oh my god, I definitely like girls, Steve” and Steve’s not even offended because it was purely for one purpose and while he likes girls, Robin doesn’t do it for him. Not like that. Not since he was maybe 19 and had a weird lingering crush on her that faded after she came out and he started experimenting with guys.
Steve’s 38 when he finds out he’s gonna be a dad. He cries. A lot. Robin does too, mostly because she’s cries when he does, like how his laughter infects her too.
They argue a lot over the design of the nursery, and Robin complains that she’s too old to be carrying a baby as Steve rubs her feet while they watch a movie.
Robin sleeps in his room more often during the pregnancy. Says it helps her nerves, because she overthinks a lot and it’s kind of terrifying because there’s no going back now. They’re having a kid. An actual human being they’ll have to raise together. A lesbian woman and a bisexual man who are strictly platonic with a capital P, are having a baby in their late thirties, and are married by law but not by heart, and it’s kind of crazy to think about.
“I never imagined my life like this.”
“Honestly, Rob? Neither did I.”
Robin starts attending swim classes with pregnant ladies after El insists it helped her through hers, and there’s where she meets Heather Holloway again. She’s a full time swim instructor at the pool now, unmarried and thriving, and Robin has the biggest heart eyes known to man over her.
Steve hears all about her and encourages her to test the waters with Heather.
“Steve, I’m literally carrying your baby. Don’t you think that’s weird?”
“Say it’s an open marriage if she asks. I sleep around still, why can’t you?”
It’s enough to convince her to follow her heart. Heather is around the house a lot more after that, just to check in on Robin’s pregnancy of course, she must be exhausted after all!
Steve knows Heather is fucking his wife/best friend. Robin had a dopey grin on when she told him. Heather doesn’t beat around the bush either about Steve and Robin’s relationship.
“So Robin’s a lesbian, you’re gay, and you’re basically each other’s platonic soulmates right? So you got married?”
“I’m bi, but yeah. Basically. I can’t see myself living without her, honestly. She’s my soulmate just not…romantically, you know?”
“I get it.” Heather grins when she goes on about a certain blond up in California who’s planning to come visit real soon. That Steve should meet him.
Steve is shocked to see Billy Hargrove again; Heather’s own platonic soulmate.
“I mean, we fooled around once or twice back in the day, but that’s because he has mommy issues, not because he wants to settle down with me.” She joked and Billy has a ball flirting with Harrington until he’s red in the face like a teenager again instead of an almost 40 year old man.
Robin has a girl in the Summer. They name her June, the month she was born and the month they met decades ago. It feels fitting.
Of course, June ends up with a step mom, Heather, who somehow worms her way into their house. Steve’s got the room for it, so he’s not complaining. He likes a full house, likes knowing his daughter is being cared for when he’s at work by Robin and Heather (when she’s not working).
Somehow, Billy worms his way in too. It starts with visiting to see his ‘niece’ as he’d joke with a wide grin. Then slowly, he’s joining them for dinner more nights than he doesn’t, and the guest room starts to fill with his things and Steve catches Billy bathing June because Heather and Robin were exhausted and needed the rest and…
God, he’s falling in love with the blond, deep and so much harder than back in high school. Falls in love with the smile lines around his mouth and eyes, the silvery greys that streak his dark blond hair he cut shorter a few years back. Falls in love with the way he laughs at Robin’s jokes and snarks with Heather and coos at June, calling her ‘daddy’s little princess’ as he bounces her in his arms, Steve watching and always blushing when Billy catches his eye and grins, kissing the tuffs of light brown hair upon her head.
Robin tells him to go for it.
“To think we finally met our romantic soulmates after getting married and having a kid, this has to be God’s way of pulling our legs.” She snickers as they cuddle in Steve’s bed. Because that’s just how they were, touchy and close, and Steve loves her so much. She’s his best friend and the mother of his kid and he doesn’t regret marrying her at all. They’re not in love with each other, but they love each other.
Robins in love with Heather.
And Steve is pretty sure he’s in love with Billy.
“Maybe we should get married.” Billy says one night at dinner, driving an airplane towards June’s mouth. “Robin and Steve got a bunch of benefits. I want benefits. We could do our taxes together.” Heather laughs and looks at Robin.
“You think I should marry him? I could do better, right?” Robin snorts.
“He smells like a dirty gym bag.”
“Your husband likes how I smell.” Billy wriggled his brows and Steve flushed red as the words, head in his hands.
“Not in front of Junie, please.”
“She’s like, not even a year old. It’s fine.” Billy waved it off. “Back to the tax benefits,”
“It is easier when you’re married, in my opinion.” Robin chipped in and Heather sighs, long and loud before looking at Billy.
“…Fine. I want a nice ring though.”
“Well so do I, so I say we have a deal, babe.”
Steve thought he’d be jealous, at least a bit, but he’s grinning when Billy makes a show of dipping Heather at the altar, the pair laughing after their obnoxious kiss that has Robin and Max hollering.
June is cooing and squealing when she gets to dance with Billy and Steve later that night, clinging to her father and grasping at Billy’s curls that are starting to grow out again. Steve thinks he might be doing it just for him since he said he liked them, and it makes his stomach wild with butterflies.
“We should get married next.” Billy hums and Steve chokes on his own spit.
“You’ve barely taken me on a date, and now you’re talking marriage?”
“Didn’t take Robin on a date, now did you?” Billy grins, holding him close around his waist. “Come on, Harrington. Robin and you, Heather and me. Robin and Heather, you and me…it all works. We’re far from conventional. I’ve fucked Heather more than once, I’ve heard Heather talk about jumping you to her own girlfriend, and I know you want me.” He knocks their heads together and smiles, eyes soft. “This thing we’ve got going…it works. You don’t have to hold back on what you want out of this after giving Robin the option of anything and everything.”
And maybe he had been holding back a bit. All he ever wanted was June, a kid, and Robin gave him that, and in return he got her to date Heather, he let Heather drag Billy back into their lives, he let their daughter call Robin and Heather mom and mama before he even got called dada, worked hard to provide them the lifestyle they had with Heather and Billy chipping in and he…
He wanted more now. He wanted Billy. He wanted him to move in properly, for Heather to just come out and say Steve and Robin’s home was her home too, to put a bigger bed in the master bedroom so they could all share some nights because he wanted that. He wanted a big family since he was young and in a way — he was getting it. In Robin and Heather, in Billy and June. In the kids who still visited when they could.
“Take me on a date first, okay?” Billy grins.
“That can be arranged.” He kissed June’s head between them and Steve chuckled. “The little princess has to stay home though. I want her daddy all for myself.”
Steve laughed.
“Don’t call me daddy, you’re gonna make it weird.”
“Princess can share. Yeah? June, you can share right? Stevie can be both our daddy.” June giggled and wriggled between them, reaching for Billy with a small ‘Bibi’. The blond laughed and took her from Steve’s arms. “I’m afraid she can share you but not me, Daddy.”
Steve rolled his eyes before grinning deviously with a shrug.
“Whatever. I’ll teach her how to share, Mommy.”
Billy’s cheeks burned.
“Don’t make me pop a boner with a baby in my arms, Steve. People are gonna think I’m a creep.” He grumbled and Steve snorted.
“I’m going to go dance with my wife. Have fun with June.”
“Bitch.” Billy clicked his tongue as Steve walked off to find Robin on the floor.
Steve found his soulmate at 18 in an ice cream parlour. They were platonic with a capital P, and content. She made him laugh, they shared secrets, and they had no boundaries keeping them apart. Hell, they got married. Had a baby.
Now, at 39, Steve re-met his other soulmate. The kind that made his stomach twist and flutter, that made his cheeks hot and his heart full. Made him hot under the collar with his teasing.
And maybe, Robin and him share a soulmate in Heather, and maybe Heather and Billy are linked by a red string too, and maybe they’re just a tangled mess of strings with no definite end. Knotted up in the centre of the four of them.
Steve doesn’t know what the hell he’s gonna make of all of it. Where it will lead him. But for now, he’s happy.
His soul had been split into a dozen pieces at birth, and he had pieced every part back together.
Only took him 40 years to find every fragment.
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