#would have hated the me who made this post
wholoveseggs · 2 days
Rules {Part Five}
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
Part Five
It was never a good idea, falling in love with the enemy. But how were you supposed to know how it would all end up?
♡♡ THANK YOU so much for all the love for this series!!! I had so much fun reading all your comments and inbox messages. Enjoy! and please don't hate me for the ending...♡♡
10.7k words {sorry not sorry} - Warnings: salvatore!sibling reader, smuttttt, Elijah being the sexiest middle-part menace he can be, secret affair, forbidden romance, KLAUS, a little Katherine cameo, ritual sacrifice, death, murder, pain, pain and more pain...
{Part One} {Part Two}{Part Three} {Part Four}
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♡♡ Tag-List ♡♡
Trying to fix my tags! I re-added all of you, and now you will be posted at the top!
If you no longer wished to be tagged just shoot me a DM {I won't be offended} xoxo~
@gorgeouslydangerous @starkleila @lydia1369sworld @notleylaaa @vampiresluv
@myanmy @xflowerbombxo @maryvibess @always-and-forever-daydreaming @criminallminds @rosemarypotion @spnaquakindgdom @amournoir @meeom @damienmorton @wickedmuse @sunkissedebony97 @idk00sblog @savannaounana @cs-please @complicatedandconfusing-25 @youcanhavemybuckanyday @akala6670229 @yeaiamme2 @itsjulzandmydiamonds @spideysbabe @witch-of-letters @elijahstwink @rosecentury @sekaishell @ziayamikaelson @amanda08319 @starshipcookie @li-da-savage @veggie-eggrolls @spideybv28 @loving-and-dreaming @fancycassie-stayfancy @hcqwxrtss123
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Information, of all things of value in this world, is most precious. Katherine had learned that the hardest of ways.
She had been trying to keep tabs on everyone, especially the Salvatore brothers, who were the cause of her most recent headaches. Dwelling on the irony of that made her skin itch, considering the amount of time she had spent causing them grief.
She was sipping on a glass of bourbon, trying not to think about how her plans were crumbling. She hoped to charm Elijah, get him to protect her like he did last time.
But when he found her, he wasn't the same. He didn't have the same softness about him, the gentleness in his eyes. He was harder, angrier, more ruthless. She supposed that was her fault, she wondered how her life would have turned out had she trusted him...
She didn't regret her choice, she knew it was worth it, she always chose her freedom first, nothing else mattered. 
And she had almost gotten away, if only she had a little more information.
But now, here she was, back under the thumb of the man who had taken everything from her.
"Please, just...kill me. I've told you everything that I know," she pleaded, not sure why she was bothering.
He never showed her mercy, but she couldn't help but hope he would spare her, if not for old times sake.
"You see, I believe that you believe that, but what would you not know? What could they be keeping from you? Hmm? Anything? Tell me." He said, his voice was calm as he compelled her to speak the truth.
"When I was at the Salvatore house, I saw their sister, drugged and unconscious. They were keeping her that way,"she said, her voice trembling, she couldn't control the words that came out.
Klaus smiled, the wheels turning in his mind, "Any theories on why they would do that to her?"
Katherine had an idea, but she had no proof. She had no idea what Damon was up to, but he always had a plan.
"I don't know," she said, shaking her head, she didn't like where this was going.
"C'mon, you have always been a clever little minx," Klaus purred, his hand coming up to caress her cheek, it made her feel sick. 
"The only reason I can think of is to stop her from doing something," Katherine said, her mind racing, thinking back to everything she had seen, and the things she had missed.
Klaus grinned, his hand moving down to her throat, he began squeezing the air out of her.
"You can detect weaknesses like a bloodhound can sniff out a fox, so tell me, sweetheart. Is this your best guess or are you holding something back?" He asked, his fingers tightening.
She struggled, clawing at his arm, desperately trying to loosen his grip. "She's... Loyal to a fault, to those she loves, she tried to kill me in the 1800s for messing with her brothers,"
He raised an eyebrow, his face a mask of amusement, "So you think she's shifted loyalties? To whom?" He let go of her throat, and she collapsed to the ground, coughing and wheezing.
"I don't know... The only other players in town are the wolves... There's no reason for her to side with them..." She paused, her mind racing.
"There's only one other option," she said, her face contorting into a grin.
"Who?" Klaus growled, his patience was growing thin.
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You woke in a strange daze, unsure of how much time had passed. You didn't feel rested, in fact, you felt sluggish.
You sighed softly, trying to gather your strength. Your mind was slightly hazy and you felt hungover. Your limbs were not responding to your commands, causing you even more panic.
Your eyes finally opened, adjusting to the light. You were in your own bedroom, laying on your bed, the soft hum of your ceiling fan was the only thing you could hear.
You had a horrible sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, you slowly looked around. There was a pile of empty blood bags on your nightstand, a cup full of vervain, and a half-empty bottle of bourbon. It was clear that someone had been here taking care of you and keeping you sedated, judging by the empty bottle it was most likely Damon.
You rolled out of bed, stumbling across the room. Your legs were weak, and you were still groggy. You managed to make it to the door and pull it open.
It was eerily quiet, the ticking clock in the hallway was pounding in your ears. You walked towards the stairs, leaning heavily against the wall, hoping to make it all the way down without falling.
As soon as you made it to the bottom, you were overcome with a wave of nausea and dizziness. You grabbed the banister, closing your eyes, waiting for the spell to pass.
Fuzzy, half formed memories came flooding back to you. Elijah was gone, your brothers had stabbed him, and then they had drugged you, so you couldn't wake him.
You remembered Damon coming into your room, holding a blood bag up to your lips, forcing you to drink.
You remembered Stefan, sitting on the edge of the bed, brushing the hair off your forehead, telling you to sleep.
You remembered Elena, cleaning your face, her voice low and gentle, she had been crying, apologizing.
Someone had carried you outside, then Elena invited you back in. The house was under her name now, a new defense measure added. You wondered who they were trying to keep out, had Klaus finally come to town? Fear suddenly gripped you... Where was everyone?
You slowly made your way to the basement door, taking the steps one at a time, trying to ignore the overwhelming need to puke.
Once you were down in the basement, you looked at Elijah's body, lying in the same position you left him. His clothes were now charred and tattered, the pillow and blanket were gone, probably burned to ash.
You moved closer, collapsing on the floor next to his body. He looked the same, gray, his eyes closed, his hair in disarray. You brushed his hair back, leaning down and kissing his forehead.
"lijah," you whispered, reaching out to hold his hand. "I know we agreed, if anything happens, we would say goodbye and walk away, but I can't, not this time. You're a part of me, I don't think you even realize how much you have come to mean to me."
You looked at the dagger in his chest, weighing the consequences of pulling it out. You didn't know what would happen if he woke up, he could rip you to shreds, or he could pull you into his arms, and hold you until you stopped crying.
There was a fifty-fifty chance he would do the latter, and that was good enough for you. Your fingers curled around the blade and you pulled it out. Then you dropped it onto the floor, letting it land with a metallic thud.
Nothing happened.
Elijah was still.
You leaned down and pressed your ear to his chest, listening.
"Please," you said softly, kissing his cold cheek. "Please wake up."
You returned to laying your head on his chest, your fingers curling in the fabric of his suit.
You closed your eyes, tears running down your face, holding in a breath. Waiting, waiting, waiting…
Suddenly, his heart sprung to life, beating rapidly. You sat up quickly, looking down at him, his eyes were open.
You could hardly believe it, he was looking up at the ceiling, his chest heaving, his mouth open. Then he sat up, gasping for air, looking around the basement wildly.
He was in clear agony, struggling to breathe, he looked at you with anguished eyes, the color returning to his face.
"I can't...I can't be in this house." He rushed to his feet, falling over himself, stumbling his way to the exit.
You limped out of the basement and upstairs, racing after him. The moment he got outside, he collapsed on his knees, taking in deep breaths.
You knelt in front of him, safe behind the threshold of the doorway.
"I'm so sorry," You said, your voice shaking. "I had no idea. They drugged me and I couldn't..."
"Y/n," He interrupted, his eyes finding yours, they were full of pain. "I...need a moment,"
You nodded, holding back tears that were threatening to spill. He looked awful, his clothes were ruined, and his skin was gray and dull. He was clearly starving.
You took the dagger and rolled it past the threshold, it hit his knee and he grabbed it, holding it in his hand. He glared at the blade, then looked up at you.
"Thank you," he said, his expression softening. "So much for rule three,"
"You would have done the same for me," you replied, a hint of a smile on your lips.
He slowly got to his feet, his skin still a bit gray, his face tired and worn. He held his hand out, inviting you to step over the threshold, which you did, allowing him to pull you into his arms.
You closed your eyes, enjoying the embrace, your arms wrapped around his neck, you buried your face into his shoulder.
"This is a bad idea," he said, his voice rumbling in his chest.
"I know," you said, squeezing him tightly.
He didn't respond, simply holding you against him, his breathing steadying.
"Do you want to get out of here?" You asked, looking up at him, a sad expression on his face.
"That is an excellent idea,"
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Your phone would not stop ringing.
You had been ignoring it for the last few hours. Elijah had taken you to a luxury hotel the next town over, far enough from Mystic Falls so you didn't have to worry about anyone showing up unexpectedly.
You were sitting on the bed, eating some room service, watching him try on some suits he had compelled the concierge to bring to the room.
"Who keeps calling?" Elijah asked, looking at you over his shoulder, buttoning a shirt.
"Damon and Stefan," You replied, sighing, "they are probably worried."
"Why haven't you answered?" He asked, frowning.
"Because... I'm mad at them," You admitted, picking at the food on your plate. "After what they did to me,"
"They were protecting themselves, and you," he said softly, putting his suit jacket on, and smoothing it.
You were surprised by him defending them, considering they had literally killed him.
"It doesn't matter, I can't face them right now," you said, shaking your head, "I'll just ignore their calls, it's the best I can do."
A text from Damon popped up on your screen, in full capital letters, it read:
You grumbled and picked your phone up, ready to block him when you got another text. This one was from Stefan:
‘Klaus is in town, in Alaric's body. Please just let us know you are okay,’
Your breath caught in your throat, and you froze, staring at the message.
Elijah had been looking at you and saw your reaction, "What's wrong?"
"I don't know, maybe nothing," you said, showing him your phone, his face darkening when he saw the texts.
He looked at you for a long moment, like he was contemplating his next words very carefully.
"What?" You asked, wondering what was going through his mind.
"We can't do this," he said, shaking his head. "It's too dangerous."
"What?" You said again, standing up and walking over to him.
You placed your hands on his chest, sliding them up to his shoulders. He was avoiding your gaze, but his arms moved around your waist, pulling you against him.
"What's wrong?" You asked, searching his face, but he still wouldn't look at you.
"Rule two, darling," he said softly, pressing his forehead to yours, his hands caressing your back.
"Don't do that," you said, your voice breaking, your chest ached, you were holding back tears. "I don't care about the rules, I just want you,"
"You don't know what you're asking for," he said, his breath hitching, his voice low. "If Klaus finds out about you and I, he will kill you,"
"Why? Why do you want to kill him? Who is he to you?" You asked, wanting answers, your hands curled into fists on his chest.
"I've known him since I was a child, he's my brother," he said, pulling back, so he could look you in the eyes.
You blinked, not believing what he was saying.
"But..." you stammered, not sure what to say.
He swallowed hard and began telling you all about his life. His family, what life was like in the viking age, being turned vampire, learning his mother had been unfaithful, that his beloved brother was a bastard.
"I never saw him any different, none of our siblings did," he said, his voice wavering.
You could tell this was a difficult subject, you squeezed his hand, reminding him that you were there.
"We learned of our mother's infidelity in the worst way possible..." He trailed off, his voice shaking.
"You don't have to," you said, scooting closer, wrapping your arms around him and resting your head on his shoulder.
He leaned his head against yours, his fingers stroking your arm. "I've done many terrible things, but what plagues me the most is what I did to Niklaus,"
"What did you do?" You asked, lifting your head to look at him, his brown eyes were watery.
He shook his head, unable to vocalize it, and you didn't push him. You held him, waiting, knowing it would take time.
He eventually continued, his voice low, filled with shame. "My mother was a powerful witch, she cursed him. She bound his werewolf side, made him weaker, unable to turn. She used the full moon to make it possible to break the curse."
You frowned, thinking over what he was telling you. It didn't make any sense, Klaus was a vampire, not a werewolf.
"I thought..." you said, hesitating. "I thought he was a vampire,"
"He is," Elijah said, nodding, "he's also a werewolf, but that side of him bound,"
He continued his story, explaining how Klaus was different, that he was a hybrid. The first and only of his kind, half vampire, half werewolf.
He told you how Klaus was angry and resentful, and that he had good reason to be. That he and Klaus had spent many centuries trying to break his curse, to free him from his chains.
"So the ritual isn't about werewolves or vampires being freed from their curses," You said, the realization hitting you.
"No, it's not," He admitted, frowning. "It's about my brother,"
You were quiet for a long time, processing all of the information. So Klaus had no intention of freeing the werewolves or the vampires, he just wanted to be free.
"So why do you want to kill him?" You asked, looking at Elijah.
He sighed, rubbing his face, clearly struggling.
"I have other siblings, and he took them from me," He said, his tone was strained, the words catching in his throat. "I've searched for decades, and I can't find them,"
You squeezed his hand, encouraging him to continue.
"I've lost all hope of ever finding them," he said, his jaw clenching, he looked at you with his dark tear filled eyes. "All I have now is my revenge,"
You nodded, understanding where he was coming from. If you lost your brothers, you would burn the world down to avenge them.
"What is the ritual supposed to do?" You asked, curious, wanting to learn more.
"He has to kill a werewolf, a vampire, and a doppelganger. Their blood is necessary for the ritual," he explained, his fingers gently running along your arm. "When it's complete he will be weakened, then I will kill him."
"Elena is innocent... Elijah I'm sorry but you can't let him hurt her," you said, frowning.
He looked away from you, his brow furrowing, "She has to die, but not permanently,"
"What do you mean?" You asked, confused.
"A few centuries ago, there was another doppelganger, I grew some affections for her... I found a way to keep her alive," he said, his tone was flat.
"Katherine," you said, the name leaving a bad taste in your mouth.
He nodded, "I will give Elena the elixir I acquired for Katerina. It will save her,"
You let out a sigh of relief, at least Elena would be safe.
"To kill your brother, it's not an easy thing to do," You said, leaning your head against his. "Are you really prepared for what it means?"
"The full moon is in three days," He said, changing the subject, his expression was grim. "The ritual will happen then,"
"Yes," he said, without a moment of hesitation.
You sat in silence, neither of you knew what to say.
"Sometimes there's honor in revenge," he said, his hand resting on your leg. "And sometimes you just need to put down a rabid dog, no matter how much you once loved him."
"Eli-," You started, but he cut you off with a kiss, his lips crashing against yours.
You melted against him, forgetting what you were about to say. He had this way of silencing you, and it drove you crazy.
"No more talk of the ritual," he said, his fingers gently brushing over your cheek, his eyes gazing into yours. "I want to enjoy the time we have left,"
You didn't know what to say, so you nodded, and he kissed you again.
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Elijah watched you sleep, the sheet barely covering your naked body. His fingers traced patterns along your skin, his touch light as a feather.
He was trying to ignore the dread, the sinking feeling of guilt in the pit of his stomach.He needed to plan, to prepare for what he had to do, but the only thing on his mind was you.
He should have known better, he was foolish to have ever gotten involved with you. When he came to Mystic Falls he told himself no weaknesses, no distractions, and yet here you were.
"Stop watching me, it's creepy," you mumbled, rolling over, the sheet falling off of you, revealing your naked form.
"Apologies," he said, unable to help the smirk that tugged at his lips.
"I forgive you, I know I'm irresistible," you said, yawning, stretching, your body arching.
He chuckled, leaning over, kissing you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
He broke the kiss and pressed his forehead against yours, "If I asked you to do something, would you do it?"
You gave him a curious look, your fingers tangling in his hair, "That depends,"
"Would you stay here, and not interfere with the ritual?" He asked, his brow furrowing, his tone was strained.
"Elijah-," You said, sitting up, the sheets pooling around your waist.
"Please," he begged, his eyes softening.
"But Elena-," You tried to protest, but he cut you off with a kiss, his hands cupping your face.
"Your brothers will keep her safe, but if you were involved... I would lose my mind with worry," he admitted, his eyes filled with turmoil.
"I thought this was just physical?" You teased, hoping to ease the tension.
He smiled and shook his head, his thumb caressing your cheek. "I love you," he said it so softly you barely heard it, his voice cracking.
You looked at him, searching his face for any signs of a lie, but there was none. He wasn't lying, he was telling the truth, the sincerity in his words and his eyes was evident.
Your words caught in your throat, a lump forming. You couldn't bring yourself to say it, you wanted to, but it was like there was a block.
You pressed your lips to his, your tongue sliding past his lips, kissing him deeply, trying to pour all of your emotions into it.
He broke the kiss and pressed his forehead against yours, his fingers tracing your jaw, "Say it,"
"I can't," You whispered, your voice wavering.
He tilted your chin up, his dark eyes meeting yours. "I love you miss Salvatore, and it frightens me more than anything ever has,"
"Elijah," you said, cupping his face, your heart aching. "I... I love you too,"
He pulled you into a kiss, his arms wrapping around your waist, lifting you into his lap, your legs wrapping around his torso.
You were panting, the kiss was heated, needy, your fingers digging into his shoulders. You felt his erection against your inner thigh, hard and ready, and you ground against it.
"I love you," you repeated, his hands grabbing your ass, pulling you closer.
"I love you," he replied, his lips attacking your neck, sucking, biting, marking you as his.
You reached down, wrapping your fingers around his length, sliding your hand along his shaft, positioning him at your entrance.
You lowered yourself down, desperately needing to feel connected to him, his fingers dug into your hips as you sat fully in his lap, taking him deep inside of you.
He moaned, his eyes closing, his head tilting back, you leaned forward and kissed his neck, your fangs scraping along his skin.
You rolled your hips, slowly, taking him in and out of you, his breath hitching with each movement. You grinned against his skin, loving how you were making him react.
"That's it, take what you need," he said, his hand coming up to cup the back of your head, keeping you close to him.
"I love you," you breathed, your voice a soft whimper, as you sunk your fangs into his neck.
His blood flooded your mouth, warm and sweet, and you sucked, feeling his pulse beating against your lips. He tasted like pure power, it was unlike anything you had ever experienced.
He moaned, his fingers tangling in your hair, gripping it tight. You were riding him, moving your hips in a fluid motion, grinding down onto him, feeling his cock hit that perfect spot deep inside.
You pulled back, his blood dripping from your lips, his hands were on your ass, guiding your hips. He kissed you, biting down on your bottom lip and tasting you. Your blood mixing together, it was the most erotic thing you had ever done.
"That's my girl," he whispered, his voice ragged, his eyes dark with lust. "So beautiful, and mine,"
"Yes, all yours," you moaned, grinding down harder onto him.
You felt his hand moving between your ass cheeks, his finger finding your puckered hole, slowly pressing into you.
You gasped, your eyes fluttering closed, it felt so good, him inside of you like this.
"I want you to cum for me, my sweet little love," he said, his voice soft and gentle, his finger moving deeper.
You moaned, clutching at his chest, your nails raking along his skin, drawing blood. The combination of him filling you, his finger, and the taste of his blood in your mouth sent you over the edge.
You let out a long, low moan, against his lips, your walls clenching around him, milking him for everything he had.
He grunted, his eyes fluttering closed, he bit his lip, trying to muffle his moans, and he came deep inside of you.
Your body was trembling, his arms wrapped around you, holding you close to him.
You pressed your face into the crook of his neck, his skin slick with sweat, the smell of sex and blood hung heavy in the air.
You pulled back and kissed him, his hand cupping the back of your head, his fingers tangling in your hair.
"After this is all over, will you come with me?" He asked, his hand stroking your cheek.
"Where would we go?" You asked, smiling.
"Anywhere, preferably somewhere with a beach and sunshine," he replied, his fingers running through your hair.
"It's a date," you said, nuzzling his neck, breathing in his scent.
"A date?" He chuckled, his fingers tickling your sides, you giggled and squirmed away from him. "That's new for us,"
You grinned, looking down at him. "I like the sound of it,"
"As do I," he agreed, his hand stroking your cheek.
"When I first met you, I never would've thought we'd end up here," you mused, running your fingers along his jaw.
"Neither did I," he admitted, his lips turning up into a small smile.
"So, tell me about this beach trip, what would we do?" You asked, wanting to keep him talking, not wanting to leave his side.
"Hmmm," he said, thinking for a moment. "I would find us a quiet little bungalow, right on the water, with a private stretch of sand for us,"
You closed your eyes, listening to the smooth timber of his voice, imagining the soft waves and fresh ocean air.
"And we'd have our meals brought in by servants, we'd lounge on the beach, swim, and make love whenever the mood struck us," he said, his fingers dancing across your back.
"I could live with that," you said, sighing contently, enjoying his warmth.
"I'm glad," he said, leaning down and pressing his lips to yours, a soft, gentle kiss.
You broke the kiss and stared into his dark eyes, his thumb brushing across your bottom lip.
"If anything happens to me I want you to know, I don't regret a single second of it," he said, his voice soft.
"What?" You asked, giving him a worried look.
"You need to know, in case I fail, and my brother ends me before I can end him," he said, his face serious, his eyes clouded with fear.
"Elijah-," you started to protest, but he cut you off.
"Promise me," he said, his voice pleading. "If this ends badly, you will remember rule three,"
"I thought we had given up on the rules," you said, trying not to let him see how afraid you were.
"Not this one," he said, his voice cracking.
"Why? You can't seriously expect me to-"
"Please," he said, his dark eyes locked on yours. "For me,"
You sighed and nodded, leaning into him, his arms wrapping around you.
"Thank you," he whispered, his fingers stroking your back, his lips brushing against your hair.
"Just come back to me," you said, trying not to cry.
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The problem, Damon: you talk a good game but you don't actually know anything. She'll never forgive you. And never for a vampire...It's a very long time.
Elijah's words had been echoing around in Damon's head since that morning, the smugness in the older vampire's voice made him want to put his fist through the wall.
He had made a mess of things, but he couldn't admit that to anyone. The feeling he had when he learned that today was the day of the sacrifice, the day that he would lose Elena... He simply couldn't handle it. His desire for action was overwhelming.
He didn't like everything being out of his control, so he did what he had to do. And now his brother and Elena hated him. Elijah being right was the cherry on top of his shit sundae. 
In times like this, when he hit rock bottom then fell a little further, he turned to his oldest friend, his closest confidant, his beloved sister. 
But you weren't picking up the phone, despite Elijah's assurances you were alive and somewhere safe, it didn't soothe his worries.
So he tried one last time, and this time you actually picked up, and his heart nearly leapt out of his chest when he heard your voice.
"If you are calling to lecture me on love, I will remind you that you are no better," your voice made his throat constrict.
"I know, I'm not," he said, his voice sounding strange to his own ears.
"Are you okay?" You asked, a little softer.
"No," he answered, his voice shaking.
"What happened?" You asked, concern creeping into your tone.
"Everything's gone to hell," he replied, his voice strained. "I gave Elena my blood... Well actually I made her drink my blood,"
"Oh Damon..."
"I had no other choice,"
"She's going to hate you,"
"I know, Elijah told me,"
"Damon... He's right,"
"I know that too,"
There was a silence on the other end of the phone, he could hear you moving around, like you were packing a bag.
"I'm on my way," you said, finally. "Partly to kick your ass, partly to give you a hug,"
"Always the multitasker," he joked, his voice cracking. "But do not come home tonight, I just need to know you are safe,"
"I'll do what I want," you said, and he could almost see the pout on your lips.
He smiled, he had missed your stubbornness, and it was the closest thing to normal he had felt all day. But he couldn't risk you being involved, everyone was already in the crossfire, and the thought of you being added to that mix was too much for him to bear.
"Sister," he said, his voice firm. "Please, please, listen to me, just this once, and stay away,"
You let out a long, irritated sigh, "I'm so bored, and I'm getting hungry,"
"Well then go find someone nice to eat and watch a movie," he suggested, chuckling.
"I can't concentrate, not when everyone I love is in danger," you grumbled.
"Does that love extend to Elijah?" He asked, trying to keep his voice even.
"Yes," you said simply, and his heart ached.
He had known, of course, but hearing you say it aloud made it real.
"Why him? Like seriously..." Damon asked, he was genuinely curious, and he needed something to distract him from the shit show he had gotten himself into. "How did you even meet him?"
"I was hunting," you answered, sounding amused. "He found my methods to be entertaining, and I found him to be a challenge,"
"Did you know who he was? What he planned for Elena?" Damon asked, trying not to sound judgemental.
"Yes, I knew who he was. But we had rules, to keep things from getting complicated," you explained.
"That didn't really work out did it?" He teased, smiling.
"No," you admitted, laughing.
There was a long pause, and he could feel his emotions starting to get the best of him.
"Damon, promise me you won't die for her?" You asked, your voice wavering.
"You know I can't do that," he said, his voice low.
"I know," you whispered. "Just please, try to survive this,"
"I'll do my best," he promised, knowing he couldn't really promise anything.
"I love you big brother," you said, and his eyes started to water. "Tell Stefan I love him too,"
"I will, I love you too," he choked out, and he heard the line go dead.
Damon stared at his phone, the picture of you, him and Stefan was staring back at him, his heart aching.
"I hope I see you tomorrow, little sis,"
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The town you were hiding out in was quiet and a little boring, but you didn't mind. It was the first time in a long time you had had a few days to yourself, no drama, no life or death situations. Just perfect mundanity.
You were lounging in a café, enjoying a cup of coffee, and watching the locals, wondering what their lives were like. You envied them, their simplicity, their happiness. You imagined you and Elijah in a little house, in a place like this, with a garden and a view of the ocean.
You were lost in your own world, dreaming about the impossible, when someone cleared their throat. You looked up, a smile playing at your lips. Dinner had just arrived. 
He was handsome, with curly hair and blue eyes, he had a sharp wicked glint in his eyes that sent a thrill through you. You always enjoyed a good meal with a bit of bite.
"Mind if I sit?" He asked, grinning.
"Not at all," you purred, gesturing to the chair.
He sat, and ordered a coffee, and he turned his attention back to you.
"I don't mean to be so forward, but you are downright striking," he said, his gaze running over your body.
"Thank you," you said, giving him a flirty smile. "It's a bit of a family trait,"
"Is that so? Mine as well, if you can't tell," he said, smiling.
You laughed, enjoying his company.
"You aren't from around here," he observed, sipping his coffee.
"Neither are you," you said, tilting your head.
"I'm just visiting, on vacation," he replied, grinning.
He was charming, and handsome, and you could feel the hunger starting to rise within you.
"I'm staying at the Inn down the street," he said, giving you a hopeful look.
"I'm staying there as well,"
"Well then, may I escort you home?"
"You may,"
The walk back to the Inn was short, you enjoyed his company, he was easy to talk to, and funny.
"Would you like a nightcap?" He asked, flashing you a crooked smile.
"That would be lovely," you said, grinning.
His hand came to rest on the small of your back, guiding you into the room. You usually enjoyed playing with your food a little before you ate, but you were committed to Elijah now, and you didn't want to stray.
As soon as you entered his room, he pinned you to the wall, moving in to kiss you. You politely dodged by pressing your lips to his neck, breathing him in.
"You are a vision," he said, his hand sliding up your arm, and into your hair.
"Thank you," you murmured, your fangs grazing his skin, his pulse racing beneath your lips.
He moaned, and gripped your waist, pressing his hips against yours. You could feel him, hard against your thigh, and you went to bite down.
Suddenly, he pulled your head back by your hair, hard. With strength you hadn't expected, he forced you back, pushing you hard into the wall, the plaster cracking behind you.
"I see why my brother is so taken," he growled, his eyes darkening.
Your heart dropped into your stomach, "Klaus,"
"The one and only, love," he said, smirking.
You tried to pull away, but his grip on you was too strong.
"Don't worry, love," he purred, his hand stroking your cheek. "I won't hurt you,"
"Fuck you," you said, glaring at him.
He smirked, and kissed you, hard, his teeth cutting into your lips.
"You're a feisty little thing," he said, licking his lips. "Even wilder than your brothers,"
You hissed and tried to struggle, his hands tightening around your arms, digging into your skin. "If you hurt them..."
"Now, now," he said, tutting. "Let's not make threats, especially when you can't back them up,"
You bared your fangs at him, but he only grinned.
"I've been wanting to meet you," he said, his thumb brushing across your cheek. "Elijah's little distraction,"
"I'm more than a distraction," you growled, struggling against his hold.
"Hmmm," he hummed, leaning in and nuzzling your neck. "I know,"
You were too frightened to speak, your whole body trembling.
"It's what I'm counting on dear,"
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Klaus had been dragging you through the woods for what felt like hours.
Your fear had turned into anger and you began to try and fight him. It seemed to amuse him for a while, he'd let you run only to catch you with ease.
"Why are you doing this?" You growled, his hand holding your arm tightly, leading you through the trees.
"To be reborn, as I truly am," he said, his expression thoughtful.
You rolled your eyes and let out an annoyed sigh, he was a narcissist, the kind of man who enjoyed the sound of his own voice.
"Do you know how long I've waited for this?" He asked, looking down at you. "One thousand years,"
 "I know," you sighed.
"Of course you do," he said, smirking. "Elijah loves to spill his heart out after a good bedding doesn't he?"
You didn't answer him, he was trying to get under your skin, and it was working.
"My brother has always been the strong, self righteous type, with an unbreakable moral code," Klaus chuckled, picking up his pace, dragging you along. "That is... Until he gets his face between a pretty pair of legs,"
"Fuck you," you spat, anger boiling up inside of you.
"You have a smart mouth," he said, his fingers squeezing your arm. "I think I'll like to see how you use it later,"
You freed yourself from his grip and slapped him hard across the face. No man was allowed to speak to you in that way, and you certainly weren't going to tolerate it from this monster.
His expression changed from amusement to anger in the blink of an eye. He slammed you against a nearby tree, the twigs and branches impaling you.
You cried out, blood pouring from the puncture wounds, and he grabbed a fistful of your hair, forcing you to look him in the eye.
 "That was very, very stupid,"
His words sent a chill down your spine, and a fresh wave of fear washed over you.
"What's the matter?" He asked, his tone taunting. "No more choice words and acts of violence for me?"
"Don't kill me," you said, tears starting to run down your cheeks.
"I won't," he assured you, his lips brushing against yours. "But I will kill everyone in Mystic Falls if you don't do what I say. If you don't believe me... Just ask sweet little Katerina about it,"
Your blood ran cold, you knew what he was capable of, and you had no choice but to obey him.
Through the trees you could see a circle of fire, and you felt dread sink into the pit of your stomach.
"No," you pleaded, trying to pull away.
"Stop being so dramatic, love," he said, rolling his eyes.
He pulled you into the clearing, throwing you down on the ground next to the three women sitting in their own rings of fire.
You could see Elena, a terrified look on her face, along with her aunt Jenna and a woman you didn't recognize.
"Hello my lovelies," Klaus said, grinning. "Are we all ready?"
He gave you a swift kick, then grabbed you by the hair and pulled you to your feet. "I brought an assistant with me,"
He pushed you forward, leaving you to stand there as he walked to the altar, handing the moonstone to a witch standing nearby.
You looked at Elena and Jenna, they were beyond scared, their eyes full of tears, and you felt your stomach twist, you didn't know how to help them.
The witch had begun to chant, a mixture of Latin and something else, the moonstone began to spark, then it exploded into nothing.
"Bring me the wolf," Klaus demanded, looking at you with a wild, manic look in his eyes.
You shook your head, your whole body trembling, you refused to let him hurt someone else.
"It's either them or the entire town, love. That includes your brothers," he growled, his jaw clenched.
The thought of losing Stefan and Damon made your stomach clench, and tears started to run down your face.
"Bring her. Now," he growled, his tone brokering no argument.
You walked towards the first ring of fire, to the terrified woman who was writhing in pain, her cries echoing through the trees.
The ring disappeared as you approached, and you lifted the girl into your arms. She was whimpering and shaking, the transition having begun.
"I'm so sorry," you whispered, carrying her to the altar.
"Good girl," Klaus hummed, taking the wolf from your arms, and laying her on the stone.
Klaus kneeled over her, looking down at her with an evil grin, his eyes were filled with a mix of desire and madness, and he plunged his hand into her chest, ripping her heart out.
Jenna and Elena screamed, watching Klaus hold up the wolf's heart, his expression triumphant.
"I'll make it quick, I promise," Klaus said, grinning. "They will barely feel a thing,"
You looked over at Elena and Jenna, their screams piercing the air, the witches chanting growing louder.
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Elijah was looking up at the night sky, watching the moon slowly make its way across, his thoughts on you. He couldn't stop thinking about your smile, and the way your eyes lit up whenever you saw him.
If tonight went smoothly, he had so many plans with you, the first was taking you to Paris, a city that was sure to dazzle you. After that he would whisk you away to Rome, where you could visit the many art museums and eat all the food you wanted.
He wanted to spoil you, shower you with everything you could ever want, and then some. It had been nearly sixty years of searching for his brother, trying to uncover the rest of his family. He felt like tonight was the first chance he had to truly mourn, then he could finally move on and spend the rest of his time with you. 
He had spoken with Stefan earlier, before he left with Bonnie to go stop Klaus. He liked Stefan, he was an honorable man who respected the choices of the ones he loved, even if he didn't agree with them.
Elijah hoped he and Stefan could be friends one day, once everything settled down, he knew that would make you happy. To see peace between him and your brothers. Damon would be a more difficult task, he reminded him of Klaus, cocky and impulsive, and that was a difficult combination.
The waiting was beginning to make him antsy. He had to wait for the right moment to strike, but there were so many factors outside of his control, he didn't like the feeling. He needed to distract himself, keep his mind from wandering too far.
He thought about his siblings, of sweet Rebekah, wild Kol, and serious Finn. What would they think of him killing Klaus? He wished he could have saved them, he wanted so badly to see them again.
He let out a long sigh, steeling himself for what he had to do. Klaus was no longer his brother, he had been twisted into a monster, and he had to be put down.
It was time, he could see the moon hanging high above him, it was time to end this. 
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You watched Klaus squeeze the wolf's heart over the altar, the blood dripping into the fire, igniting it.
"Next, the vampire," he said, grinning.
You stood, frozen, watching him, as a wave of guilt crashed over you.
"Bring me Jenna, go on,"
You shook your head, tears stinging your eyes.
"No," you said in the smallest voice. 
You could hear Jenna and Elena, talking to each other, they were saying their goodbyes and it broke your heart.
Klaus turned, and walked over to you, his eyes were dark and cold, and his jaw was clenched.
"Are you offering yourself in her place then?" He growled, his hand coming up to grab your chin.
You didn't answer him, you were staring over his shoulder at Jenna and Elena.
"I'll take that as a yes,"
You let him drag you to the altar, and push you down onto the cold stone, he forced you to kneel. You didn't fight him, you had lived for many decades longer than sweet Jenna and Elena, the old should always give their lives for the young.
Klaus let out a hearty chuckle and kicked you over, his hand gripping your hair.
"I don't recall you being on the guest list," Klaus yelled, looking into the dark forest. 
You heard the sound of footsteps as someone approached, it was Stefan. His expression was calm, but his eyes were furious.
"What can I do for you, Mr. Salvatore?" Klaus asked, amused.
Stefan looked at you, a concerned look on his face.
"Well, I figured you could start by letting my sister go," Stefan said, his voice firm.
"Hmm," Klaus said, looking down at you. "I don't think I will, she's quite the little spitfire, and I rather enjoy her company,"
"Let her go, I'll take her place," Stefan offered, taking a step forward.
"That's quite noble of you," Klaus said, smiling. "But, I think I'd prefer my original plan. I rather appreciate the symmetry of three women...Three goddesses sacrificed at nature's altar."
He grabbed both you and Stefan and dragged you towards the rings of fire. Throwing you both down next to Elena and Jenna. 
"Quite the predicament. You know, it's funny, all this talk about preserving family, and here's Stefan, granting your wish," Klaus said to Elena, smiling.
Stefan and Elena were looking at each other, a silent conversation passing between them.
"Oh, don't look so glum," Klaus said, looking between the two. "There's actually no choice,"
Klaus took a stake and plunged it into Stefan's spine, causing him to yell in pain, unable to move.
You and Elena both screamed, you got to your feet to strike Klaus, but he grabbed you by the throat, squeezing hard.
"Let them go," Elena pleaded, tears running down her cheeks. "I understand that I have to die, but they don't,"
Klaus ignored her and looked into your eyes, his hand tightening around your neck.
"Bring Jenna to the altar, or I'll kill Stefan," he growled, his fingers digging into your skin.
You nodded, tears welling in your eyes, you couldn't lose Stefan.
"Please," you whispered, your hands clawing at his.
He let you go, then walked back to the altar.
"Bring her, now," he ordered, pointing at the ring of fire surrounding Jenna.
You stood, walking slowly over to the fire, the ring disappeared and Jenna looked up at you with tear filled eyes. She looked so afraid, so helpless.
"I'm so sorry," you said, your voice breaking, as you helped her to her feet.
You walked her over to the altar, Klaus waiting patiently.
"Jenna, I'm so sorry," you whispered, your hand brushing the hair from her face.
She was sobbing, her body shaking, and you held her close, stroking her hair.
"Please Klaus, just use me instead, she's innocent," you begged, tears running down your face.
"You Salvatore's are so predictable," Klaus sighed, rolling his eyes.
Klaus walked over, and pulled Jenna from your arms, he threw her down onto the altar. Everything seemed to blur, you could hear Elena screaming, the chants of the witch, the cracking of the fire. You saw Stefan reaching out to Elena through the flames, and then, it was quiet.
Klaus plunged a stake into her heart, Elena's wails were all you could hear. Jenna's lifeless body was lying on the altar, her face frozen in fear. You had brought her to her slaughter. You had killed her.
"Such a wonderful assistant," Klaus cooed, he grabbed your chin, his bloody fingers digging into your skin. "Be a good girl and bring me the doppelganger,"
You looked into his cold eyes, his mouth twisted into a smirk.
"Now," he growled.
You nodded, then walked over to Elena, tears were running down her cheeks, but she put on a brave face as the last ring of fire disappeared.
"Elena," you whispered, tears welling in your eyes, your whole body was shaking. "I'm so, so sorry,"
"Don't," she said, her voice shaky. "It's not your fault. It's nice to have a friend here at the end,"
She held your hand as you helped her walk over to Klaus. You looked at Stefan, he was struggling to free himself, his eyes filled with worry.
"Elena," Stefan called, his voice breaking.
"It's okay, Stefan," she said, her grip on your hand tightening. "I'm ready,"
You helped her up onto the altar, and Klaus looked down at her with hungry eyes.
"Thank you Elena," he said softly, pulling her against him and moving her hair away from her neck.
"Go to hell," she said, her voice strong.
He chuckled and sank his fangs into her neck.
Elena didn't fight, she let death take her, her grip loosening on your hand, as her last breath left her.
You were shaking, the sound of Klaus drinking from her filling the silence. You had lost two friends today, and the world was suddenly a lot emptier.
When the last bit of blood left her body, Klaus dropped her to the ground and the fire in the altar went out.
You knelt next to her, brushing her hair away from her face, then you looked back at Stefan who was writhing in pain, crying at the loss of Elena.
Klaus staggered a bit, the full moon peeking out from the trees. He groaned, and started to change, his bones cracking as he stumbled forward, his expression a mask of pure bliss.
"It's happening," he moaned, his eyes turned gold, and he was overcome with pleasure. "I can feel it,"
You couldn't stand this any long, all this pain and death. You needed it to end.
You moved down the steps towards him, grabbing a branch off a nearby tree, snapping it in half.
"Come on, sweetheart," he taunted, turning to look at you, his eyes shining. "I'm indestructible,"
"I don't care," you snarled, lunging for him. "You still feel pain,"
You charged at him, striking him across the face, your rage blinding you, making you miss his fist, as it collided with your stomach.
The blow threw you across the clearing, and you landed on your back, the air leaving your lungs, the branch now lodged in your side. 
You saw Damon come running out of the woods, he first looked to Elena, then to Stefan, but when he laid eyes on you, he ran to your side.
"No, no, no, no," he said, his eyes filled with panic, he pulled the wood from your side. "You're not supposed to be here,"
You could hear the concern in his voice, and you smiled up at him, cupping his face. He helped you to your feet, your wounds healing, then he pushed you behind him.
"Damon," you said softly, trying to stop him.
"Bonnie is here, it's okay, let me handle this," he said, his tone stern.
Klaus was standing there, laughing maniacally, a mad grin on his face, then his body began to shake and he fell to the ground.
Suddenly his laughter turned to screams, as Bonnie came striding out of the trees, chanting a spell, she raised her hand, causing Klaus to scream in agony. The fire returned to the altar and spread into the trees, her magic all around them as she channeled every ounce of power she possessed, bringing the hybrid to his knees.
Then she choked on her words, gasping for air, looking around for the source.
"Get the witch!" Stefan yelled, pointing to Klaus' witch, still standing at the altar, her hand outstretched.
Bonnie raised her hands, trying to focus her power, but she was struggling, and you could see the strain on her face.
The witch threw Bonnie into the air, knocking her out, her body hitting the ground.
Damon ran for the witch, and tackled her, his teeth sinking into her neck. He killed her instantly, her body going limp in his arms.
The fire disappeared, the flames extinguishing, the magic disappearing. A deadly quiet settling over everything.
Suddenly, you felt a hand in your hair, dragging you backwards, the pain making you scream.
"Elijah!" Klaus roared into the woods, "I know you are out there, show yourself!"
You saw Elijah walk out of the trees, and into the clearing, his expression unreadable, but his eyes were locked on yours.
Klaus's fingers dug into your scalp, and he pulled harder, forcing you to your knees between them.
"What a sight," Klaus mocked, grinning at Elijah.
"Hello, brother," Elijah said, his eyes still locked on yours.
"You've come to kill me?" Klaus said, chuckling. "How is that working out for you?"
He pulled you back to your feet, your whole body trembling.
"Actually, I've come to make you an offer," Elijah said, taking a step closer, his hands clasped behind his back.
"Oh," Klaus said, amused. "An offer, I wonder what that might be,"
"Spare them, and I will pledge my loyalty to you," Elijah said, his voice soft, his eyes never leaving yours.
"You're lying," Klaus growled, his hand wrapping around your throat, his fangs grazing your skin. "You're only offering yourself, so I won't kill her. That's not true loyalty,"
You saw Damon lift Elena's body into his arms, carrying her to Stefan. Then he pulled the stake out of Stefan's back, allowing him to move again.
"Elijah," Stefan called, his voice shaky. "You need to finish this,"
"I can't," he said, shaking his head. "Klaus will kill her,"
Damon rushed to Bonnie's side, trying to wake her up, and Klaus laughed, his lips pressed against your ear.
"Run to your love, if you make it I'll let you live," he whispered, shoving you forward.
You stumbled, your legs barely able to support you, then you started running towards Elijah, tears streaming down your face.
You made it to him, and his arms wrapped around you, holding you tight, he was murmuring soft words into your ear, his breath tickling your skin. And you finally felt safe again.
"Are you okay?" He asked, pulling away to look at you, his fingers brushing the hair from your face.
"Yes," you said softly, your hand gripping his jacket.
You were staring up at him, his brown eyes were warm and full of worry, and you had forgotten how much you missed him.
"Good," he murmured, pressing his forehead against yours.
Your lips met his at the same time you felt something strange in your back. An odd pressure that made you gasp into his mouth.
You pulled away from Elijah, there was a strange look on his face, his mouth falling open, and he looked down at you, a look of pure terror in his eyes.
For the first time in centuries, you felt cold, the world was spinning around you. You knew what was happening, 
Your hand pressed against his chest, you could feel his heart beating against your palm. You looked up into his brown eyes one last time.
"Rule three, my love," you whispered, before your life faded away, and your body fell against him.
Elijah looked down at you, your skin rapidly turning gray, your eyes vacant. Then he looked up at Klaus, who held your heart in his hands.
"This is for betraying me," Klaus said, dropping the organ at his feet, the blood running down the stone steps.
Elijah stood there, his arms wrapped around your lifeless body, his whole world was crumbling.
He could hear Stefan and Damon screaming, but it sounded far away, the own beating of his heart drowning out the rest.
Klaus grabbed Elijah by the neck, forcing him to drop your body, and shoved him to the ground.
"Look at her, the way she's staring up at the stars, it's quite beautiful, isn't it?" Klaus mocked, as Elijah watched you, lifeless on the cold stone. "And it's all because of you,"
Elijah looked away, a tear falling down his cheek, his brother's words cutting into him.
"You're pathetic," Klaus hissed, his hands gripping Elijah's jacket, your blood staining the fabric. "To think you could beat me,"
Elijah closed his eyes, trying to block out his brother's words, but it was no use, his mind was replaying every moment with you. Knowing he would never taste your lips again, or hear your laugh. You would never fall asleep in his arms.
He looked over at Damon, who had rushed to your body. He was holding you, rocking you back and forth in his arms, with Stefan by his side, his face stained with tears, a look of anguish on his face.
Elijah's world was fading away, as he was overcome with rage and anguish, a darkness consuming him, and Klaus just kept talking, his voice becoming more and more distant. 
Then something within him snapped, a creature that was lurking underneath his skin came bursting through, a monster taking the place of the gentleman.
He turned his attention back to his brother, and Klaus froze, the fear clear in his eyes.
Damon watched as Elijah pushed Klaus backwards, causing him to fly across the clearing, skidding along the dirt, landing a few feet away.
Elijah walked in a slow, deliberate pace towards Klaus , his expression devoid of any emotion.
"You're right, Klaus," Elijah said, a cold smile spreading across his face. "We are not the same,"
Klaus tried to stand, but Elijah shoved him back down, he grabbed Klaus leg and twisted it until it snapped. Klaus howled in agony, and Elijah smiled, twisting the other leg, and his brother's screams were echoing through the night.
"You want to be a beast?" Elijah growled, pulling Klaus into the air by his neck, his hands wrapped around his throat. "Let me help you,"
Damon felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, and Bonnie was standing there, her eyes full of sorrow.
"Damon," she whispered, tears running down her face.
"Go, help Elijah," he said, his voice hollow. "I'll stay here with her,"
Bonnie nodded, she stood up, her body trembling. Stefan jumped to his feet to help her stay upright, and she began to chant once more. 
The altar burst into flames for a third time, illuminating Klaus and Elijah in a ring of fire as they struggled against each other.
"What is this?" Klaus yelled, pushing Elijah away, trying to fight the pain. "What have you done?"
"Something that should have been done centuries ago," Elijah growled, rushing towards his brother, knocking him down, pinning him to the dirt, his hand raised.
"In the name of our family, Niklaus...," Elijah said, plunging his hand into his brother's chest, curing his fingers around Klaus's heart. "In the name of her..."
"I didn't bury them at sea!" Klaus yelled, his hand trying to pry Elijah's away. "They are safe, I swear,"
Elijah looked at him, a flicker of hope in his eyes.
"I can take you to them," Klaus pleaded, his hands gripping Elijah's wrist. “Their bodies are safe. If you kill me, you'll never find them,”
"Elijah, don't listen to him," Stefan yelled, walking towards them.
"Brother, please," Klaus begged. "She wouldn't want this, please,"
Your beautiful face flashed through Elijah's mind, and he looked back at Damon, who was kneeling there, tears in his eyes, clutching your body.
"You're wrong, Klaus," Elijah growled, his hand squeezing the organ in his grip. "She would want this,"
Then he tore Klaus's heart from his chest, and watched the life fade from his brother's eyes.
Klaus's body dropped to the ground, his heart still beating in Elijah's hand, and the flames died down, leaving the clearing in silence. 
Bonnie walked up to him, looking down at the flames. 
"Good," She said, her voice hoarse.
Elijah looked back at Stefan and Damon, they were kneeling next to your body, Stefan's hand caressing your cheek. 
Elijah rushed over to you, looking down at your peaceful face, you almost looked like you were sleeping.
Elijah brushed the hair from your face, his hands were shaking. He couldn't understand how something so beautiful could be snuffed out so easily.
"Don't touch her," Damon said, pulling you away from Elijah.
"You did this," Damon snapped, glaring at Elijah. "It's your fault she's dead,"
Elijah nodded and stepped away, Damon was right, it was his fault.
"Damon," Stefan said, reaching for his brother.
"No, he has to answer for this," Damon said, getting to his feet, your body in his arms.
"It's over Damon," Bonnie said softly, looking up at him. "It's over,"
Damon looked down at you, and tears started to stream down his cheeks. He was shaking, and Stefan reached for him, the two of them clinging to each other, your body between them.
"I think it's best you leave," Bonnie said, her eyes filled with sadness. "Please, go,"
Elijah nodded, his heart breaking as he looked down at your lifeless form, knowing this was his fault.
"Where will you go?" Stefan asked, as he wiped his eyes.
"I need to find my siblings," he said softly, looking away from the sight. "With Klaus dead, everyone he compelled will be free, I'll follow the clues they left behind,"
He looked back at you, and his heart shattered.
"Will you be okay?" Stefan asked, his hand on Elijah's shoulder.
"One day," he replied, turning to look at him, a small smile on his face.
"Thank you," Stefan said softly.
Elijah gave them a small nod, then disappeared into the trees, heading far away from Mystic Falls. His heart forever bound to yours. 
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Time changes all things, this was something Damon had the basics of understanding, but nothing could prepare him for how it would affect him when he became human again.
He was an old man, something he never expected to experience, and yet there he was.
"Are you ready?" Elena asked, her hand on his arm.
"Always," he answered, his voice weak, but his smile was genuine.
She leaned in and kissed his cheek, her eyes still as bright and beautiful as the day he met her.
The walk to the Salvatore family crypt was slow, and the pain in his joints was unbearable. He hated getting old.
They entered the stone building, and Damon let go of Elena's arm, making his way over to your stone. He placed his hand on it, the smoothness soothing his calloused hand.
"Hi sis," he said, smiling down at the stone. "It's been a while, i've been so busy,"
He took a seat in the chair next to your grave, he had brought it decades ago. He was a man who liked his comfort, and he spent hours talking to you, catching you up on everything that had happened since the last time he was there.
"I have grandkids now! Can you believe it? They are the cutest, I even named a boy after you, well, the closest we could come, but, yeah," he said, a wide grin on his face.
Damon looked over at Elena, who was laying flowers at Stefan's grave. She was the only one left, and he was so grateful for her.
"I miss you and Stefan so much," Damon said softly. "But it won't be long now until I see you again,"
There was an awkward cough and Damon looked up to see a delivery boy standing in the doorway, looking uncomfortable.
"I have a delivery for Miss Y/n Salvatore," he said, walking up to him, a bouquet of flowers in his hand.
"She's not exactly up for company," Damon said with a chuckle, gesturing to your stone.
"I know, this actually isn't my first time doing this," he said, a smile spreading across his face. "Actually, the guy who use to deliver along this route said that he's been delivering here once a week for his entire fourty year career,"
Damon stood up slowly, his bones protesting the movement. He held his hand out and the boy handed him the flowers.
"Thanks, kid," Damon said, sitting back down, there was a note tucked in with the flowers.
The boy gave him a little wave before disappearing.
Elena came to sit next to him, her hand on his knee, she gave him a sad smile. "What does it say?"
Damon pulled out his glasses, and read it out loud, a tear rolling down his cheek.
For a thousand years, I had never known love, until you, and for a thousand more, I will wait for you. 
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Rule one: When we are together, it will just be us, no one will know.
Rule two: No talk of business or family, don't get personal.
Rule three: When it's over, it's over.
{Part One} {Part Two}{Part Three} {Part Four}
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡~LOVE YOU GUYS
142 notes · View notes
freyjas-musings · 2 days
So , now that the event has officially come to an end I think I would like to say my 2 cents on the troll account that popped in the middle of an event . Irrespective of which fandom or side this person belongs to one thing that is accurate is that it's an abomination that shouldn't have been born at all. I am a 100% sure its someone everyone hates in their real life too.
Now, is it fair to blame the entire group of Elriels for that troll? No , but what is shitty is Elriels pretending an Elriel has "never" done anything like that.... That's inaccurate...
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Below is an example from a verified Elriel account saying exactly the same sort of shit .... since some of you want to pretend it's not an elriel thing
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There you go a verified Elriel who has been around for a while ... and consistent discourse in SA insensitivity. .. So its reasonable for people to assume the troll account is an Elriel... stop pretending to be Victims. I have a few more examples from other accounts that are verified Elriel too
One of Elriels lead Commissioners on Gwyn ... So this BS that Elriels have never made hate posts or insensitive posts about Gwyn is farthest from the truth. No one is buying it .
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2. This troll account popped up in the middle of an event, an event that was going exceptionally well and was getting the recognition and reach it deserved , why would one of our own cause Drama to disrupt that ?
3. The trolls brain , the quality of that brain is unbelievable.... its unfortunately questionable ... How ?
Elriels: They are trying to pretend to be Elriel so they can make us look bad....
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Troll : while completely engaging in anti gwyn and Gwynriel discourse ... Littering all over an event page by leaving disgusting comments on the content.... tagging all their posts Elriel
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I mean the quality of that brain, if this was someone who created that account to make Elriels look bad why on earth would they say they "aren't" Elriel 😅😅😅😅😅
This is the sort of brain that comes up with bread and roses so please don't blame us for assuming this asshole is an Elriel.
Now , do I care which side that asshole belongs to ? Not really , anyone who has been here a while knows shitty people in this fandom are rampant irrespective of the side .
Sexual Abuse is not limited to females so when someone writes terrible things about SA survivors it's not gender based hate speech , Male assault is just as real and relevant too.. its an insult to SA Survivors as a whole ... I don't give a fuck about people's personal opinions about fictional characters but when you specifically write posts that are insensitive towards what is a very real issue in today's world you should stand up against it irrespective of the group .
I am specifically not tagging Elriel in this post because I have no interest in interacting with any of them . This is for my side , my people for Gwyn stans ... for Gwynriel stans .... so I am specifically asking Elriels to stay away from my blog and posts.
I am going to be inactive on this account for a few weeks , I am truly burnt out with the fandom and some of the things I have read about survivors in the recent few days has unfortunately triggered me a lot. Based on my discussion with my friends and my husband I do feel the best course of action for me would be to take a brief break ... I will be back for Elucien Week 🤗
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spacerockfloater · 1 day
hi! i noticed you learnt about what ryan condal said regarding blood and cheese. it was…something. i would like to know your thoughts on the matter. though it would be completely understandable if you need sometime to gather them together or if you would rather not at all! thank you and bye!
Hello beloved, thank you so much for asking me! I’d love to share my opinion!
If anyone’s wondering, @rhaenelle is referring to this interview where Ryan Condal essentially says he believes that Blood & Cheese’s brutality and heinousness was exaggerated by the Greens in a propagandistic attempt to convince their subjects that Rhaenyra and Daemon are the worst villains ever born, hence why he toned the event down; to show us what he thinks is the accurate version of Jaehaerys’ murder.
Now, I am aware that Condal had already warned us that HOTD was going to be a feminist retelling of the events of F&B, which practically means that his plan has always been to whitewash the everlasting fuck out of Rhaenyra. So what do I think about this?
Well, for starters, I think that Ryan Condal is an excellent businessman. He knows what kind of tropes are going to make the audience engage with his show. He understands that people need a hero to cheer for and a villain to hate, therefore he removed the moral ambiguity from all of the characters and divided them into two categories: the Blacks, enlightened revolutionaries full of passion, deserving of admiration and correct in everything they do, and the Greens, pious fools with a moral superiority complex who are stack in the ways of the past and commit despicable crimes. The average viewer does not possess the intelligence to comprehend that both parties have their good and bad moments, and that they’re both correct in fighting for what each believes is rightfully theirs. Simultaneously, he benefits from the modern trends that want women in media to take revenge when they are wronged and emerge as triumphant girlbosses, because of course a white upper class woman’s suffering in a western world (or Westeros) society has everything to do with her gender and nothing to do with her personality or decisions (even if this works solely for Rhaenyra, because Alicent seems to be held accountable for every single one of her actions). Finally, it is obvious that Condal is trying to appease disgruntled Daenerys fans, so he has rebuilt Rhaenyra into this tortured martyr that wishes to change the world for the better in an attempt to make her resemble her great granddaughter six times removed.
For all of these reasons, I find it very logical that he is going out of his way to minimise the tragedy the Greens experience. It just doesn’t make Rhaenyra look good and honestly, who wants that? The producers saw how unhappy Danny’s stans were when they made her lose her shit; they’re not going to make the same mistake twice. They don’t want their show to tank like the last season of GOT did, so they’ll do everything in their power to keep the audience happy. And it’s working! What’s the last thing Condal says in this clip? “You kinda start rooting for [Blood and Cheese]!” and boy oh boy, the TB stans sure do! Literally hundreds of memes that rejoiced at Jaehaerys’ death were posted on X this week, with tens of thousands of likes. But when Lucerys died, it was presented as the most foul thing to ever happen in the ASOIAF universe. It is the TB supporters that dictate which child murder is good and which is bad, and that decision usually depends on which child came out Rhaenyra’s womb, not let’s say, the fact that one kid was a toddler that could barely walk, while the other was a teenager that laughed at the disabled person he mutilated himself.
It’s all just marketing
That being said, I want to clarify that I understand why Condal and the HOTD producers do what they do, but being a good entrepreneur does not necessarily make you a literary genius. Now, I’m not gonna explain why stripping Rhaenyra off of every character trait that made her interesting is a bad decision and that in their attempt to remove the blame from her so that they can elevate her as this righteous patron of feminism, they’re accidentally removing all of her agency and turning her simply into a victim, because I have a whole blog dedicated to that. But let’s just say that presenting Rhaenyra as this sexually liberated idol that’s incapable of evil, when in fact she’s an entitled aristocrat who’s completely at the mercy of men around her, from her father to her husbuncle, is the most performative activism move ever pulled in recent TV history, as well as pushing the narrative that Alicent suffers from internalised misogyny because duh, a woman can only be good and a feminist if she supports Rhaenyra, not when she pursues her own interests.
Ultimately, I think we just have to accept that this show is not meant for TG fans. We are not going to find any satisfaction in it. Everything that was unique and admirable about the Greens in the book has vanished. Their family dynamic is fucked up, Alicent’s children hate her, Aegon and Halaena cannot stand one another, Alicent is constantly a victim and never someone that chases her own ambitions, Halaena is very vague, Aemond appears to be more angsty than angry, Aegon is a stupid rapist, Jaehaerys’ death was turned into a mockery, Alicole was weaponised in order to make us shit on Alicent and Criston even more and so on. This show barely caters to us because we’re not making them any money.
The reason that there are more TB than TG stans is because (I’m gonna get so much fucking hate for this) most people who watch TV are fucking morons. I swear, when F&B came out 6 years ago, no one gave a flying fuck about Rhaenyra, because we all understood that everyone involved in the Dance of the Dragons was fucked up in their own way and that the message of this story, just like the general message of ASOIAF, is that nobody deserves to sit on that fucking throne. We were all in agreement about that. But then this fucking show came along and all the oblivious simpletons that swallowed whatever the producers shoved down their throats, grabbed the book and decided that “Woah, this book is obviously a critique on patriarchy and Rhaenyra is obviously the victim of the story”! As if GRRM, the man who said that he doesn’t sit down and think “Oh, I’m going to write a woman now” but instead he believes women to be people just like men, with complex personalities, would ever do that. And they just can’t believe that it is possible for book!Rhaenyra to be an evil racist classist full of entitlement! Surely it must be because the Greens are rewriting history! There’s no way GRRM, the man that created Cersei fucking Lannister, would ever make a female character that’s vicious and crazy just because she feels like it! Y’all need to sit down for a moment. I say this as a radical feminist that supports the 4B movement: you’re projecting your own ideas onto George’s work. Not all the media we consume has to reflect our ideologies, but if you think that it has to, then this book isn’t the anti misogynistic masterpiece you wish it was.
Like, when it comes to F&B, I am firmly anti Targaryen and did not wish for any side to win. I wanted them all wiped out to be honest. But when it comes to HOTD, I’m TG basically out of spite at this point.
All in all, I just think that things are going to go downhill for us from this point on. They’ll just keep glorifying the Blacks until the very end.
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yanderenightmare · 1 day
do u ever block people? and if so, what would potentially make you block then?
I've only blocked a handful of people, so it really isn't something anyone needs to worry about happening.
In these cases, I've blocked people when they have:
made clearly hateful comments on my posts
reblogged my posts with sinister intent, like rallying people against me
initiated political discussions with me on DM with no intention of actually discussing, only insulting me
sent irrelevant things to my inbox, specifically trying to get me to spread hate about another fellow Tumblr
I also blocked Netflix and HBO because their posts are annoying as shit
No, I don't block those who like or reblog my stuff excessively.
And no, I don't check every new follower or require them to have their age in their bio. Anyone who comes here is expected to take full responsibility for themselves.
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My Honey ♡ My Bee
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Link to Art (credits go to original artist(s) as always!): Sethos/Scaramouche
Summary: Wanderer and Sethos hang out, but Scara’s thoughts and uncertainty about their dynamic in the future end up eating at him. Sethos reassures him through convincing means.
A/N: SethoScara!! These two have me in a chokehold and the art and fanfics for these two are amazing. And here is my contribution :) Inspiration for this fic comes from this post. I did my best to retain Scara’s bratty attitude, but I also wanted to show a softer and vulnerable side to him. So, I’m sorry if Scaramouche seems OOC to you all. With that being said, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
P.S. There is a scene that might be slightly NSFW to some, you’ll see it when you get to it, so you can skip the section until you don’t see any of the stuff you don’t want to see. Can’t reveal too much for spoilers. If anyone’s interested in me writing a smut fic (would be my first!) for these two, let me know! I’ll leave a poll :)
Word Count: 1965 Also on AO3!
The sky was a mix of red and orange hues as the sun set over the horizon. At the base of a tree outside of Sumeru City sat Wanderer and Sethos. The two of them have grown to like each other’s presence and made the tree their special spot to be with one another.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Sethos spoke.
“You have poor taste in beauty,” Scaramouche answered, making Sethos chuckle. “That wasn’t supposed to be funny.”
“Hehe, I know. I never get tired of your responses.”
“Hmph, weirdo.”
A comforting silence settled afterward before Scaramouche spoke again.
“Why…Why do you keep putting up with me?”
The seriousness in his tone made Sethos look at him with concern.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m a nobody. Someone who tried to become a god. A puppet that was thrown away because they were useless. One that makes mean and snarky comments. Why? Why do you want to be with someone like me?”
A surprised look crossed Sethos’s face.
“Isn’t it obvious? It’s because I like being with you.”
Scara’s eyes widened as Sethos continued.
“I was curious about your mysterious past and kept pestering you until you told me. When you did, I didn’t turn away disgusted or begin to hate you. All it did was make me want to be with you even more.”
Conflicting emotions and uncertainty ran through Wanderer's eyes before they were stopped by a hand on his cheek.
“You dare-” Scara started, making a move to swat Sethos’s hand away before Sethos started stroking his cheek with his thumb. He went quiet as he made eye contact with Sethos who had an endearing expression on his face.
“I'll take care of you.”
I'll take care of you.
A flicker of light is shown behind Wanderer’s eyes upon hearing those words. But as quick as it came, his eyes darkened with uncertainty.
“It's rotten work.”
“Not to me.”
Surprised, stormy eyes met determined, loving ones.
“Not if it's you.”
Those words were an arrow to his heart as tears from decades of sadness, anger, and hurt threatened to fall. The world seemed to blur around him as his senses were solely focused on the man in front of him.
“The things you mentioned are in the past. It's time for you to move on and not let them plague your mind.”
Sethos leaned closer, accidentally making Scara’s hat fall off his head. The latter could hardly care as he felt Sethos comb his fingers through his hair and his breath on his face. Not to mention the soft lips that were barely a millimeter from his own.
“You aren't useless, Scara.”
Sethos’s warm breath hit him in the face as he spoke.
“You aren't a nobody either. Since our first interaction with one another, I was obsessed with you. Your hat. Your past. Your attitude. But most importantly, what hid behind those stormy eyes of yours. And the more I got to learn about you, I began falling for you. I wanted you. I liked you. I love being with you. Your sassy attitude, you calling me a busy bee, I cherished those moments. In my eyes, you are the perfect being and you have a place in my heart. I will go to the ends of the world to fight with you. To be with you. To…love you.”
Sethos pushed forward, softly planting his lips on Wanderer’s. He melted into the kiss, kissing back with fervor as Sethos took the lead.
“Sethohh- mmm~”
Sethos smiled into Scara’s mouth, taking pride in making him fall apart. Taking it a step further, he licked his lips asking for entrance. When he met no resistance and instead Wanderer parted his lips, he dove right in.
“Se- mmph! Mmhmm~”
Sethos sucked his tongue, making him roll his eyes in ecstasy as he tangled his fingers in Sethos's hair. Sethos deepened the kiss, gently pushing his back to the ground.
“S- ahh! Mmm~ Aah! Mmphahh~”
“Mmochi~ Hah! Scaraah~ Mmm~ You have hah~ too many ngh~ na- aah~ names~”
They continued their make-out session, drowning in each other's embrace and letting out their feelings for one another.
They broke for breath after some time. Sethos towering over Wanderer with his arms on both sides of his head and the latter laying his head back on the grass looking up at Sethos. His face was flushed, complimenting the pink and orange hues of the sky and Scara couldn't help but reach out a hand towards his cheek, caressing him.
“Beautiful,” he breathed out.
A red tint started to spread to Sethos's ears and a shy smile started to form.
“snort. Yes, you.”
He wrapped his arms around Sethos, bringing him down to his chest.
“I hate how you make me feel so mushy inside."
There's no bite behind those words. Instead, love and affection.
“It's my job now, honey~”
“Argh, Sethos.”
“What? You call me a bee, I call you honey. Plus, you are so sweet-”
“I am not sweet.”
“Yes, you are. Especially your taste. Sweet like honey. No wonder I am a bee that is so attracted to you~”
Scara just groaned, his face flushed red. “Where did you even learn to kiss like that?” he asked, changing the subject.
“Oh, that. Heh,” Sethos rubbed the back of his head, rolling off him and laying beside him.
“You know how they say the quiet ones are the interesting ones? I'm far from being quiet, but since being in the Temple of Silence, I tend to be alone in my thoughts a lot and my imagination runs wild. And when I first laid my eyes on you, I never stopped thinking what it would be like to kiss those lips of yours.”
Wanderer’s heart fluttered in his chest, knowing that Sethos was thinking of him from the first time they met.
“And how did it feel?” he asked, turning to him.
“We both know the answer to that.”
“I want to hear it from you.”
Sethos chuckled, facing him. “Alright, if you really want to hear it. It was the most amazing feeling in the world. The moment just felt right. When our lips touched, a pleasant tingling sensation traveled down my spine. Having your lips locked on mine, it just felt like we were meant to be together. Oh! Your moans. Don’t get me started on your moans. They were sweet as hon-”
“Okay, you are just teasing and trying to make me flustered.”
“Maybe~ Is it working?”
“Not even.”
“You sure about that? What's that reddening on your ears?”
“Oh, shut up.”
“Make me.”
“Is that a challenge?”
“What do you think?”
“Oh, you are asking for it, annoying bee.”
“I'll like to see you- ack! Ahahaha! T-Tihihickling is cheheating!”
Scaramouche smirked, hearing his giggles as he tased his sides with ease. “Aw. Sucks to be you then~”
“Wahahait! Nohohoho fahahair!”
Scara draped himself over Sethos, lazily tracing random patterns from his shoulder blades to his neck to his chest and back again.
“Doesn't take much for me to make you giggle, little bee.”
“Hahahaha! Mohohochihi! Gehehet off mehehehe!” Sethos tried to roll around to no avail.
“Hmm, let me think about it,” Scara put on a fake thinking face for a few moments before he began to knead Sethos’s hips making him choke on a surprised laugh. “Nah.” A smug look crossed his face. “I want to do this all day~”
“GAhahaha! Nohohoho! You ahahare- NAHAHAHA! Nohot thahat SPOHOHOT!”
Sethos shrieked as his lover dug their fingers into his armpits causing him to clamp them down.
“You are losing, my love~” Wanderer teased, rubbing deep circles into his lover's armpits causing him to howl with laughter.
“Oh really? Here, let me help. Tickle tickle tickle~”
“How about this? Coochie coochie coo~”
“I have no idea what you are talking about,” Scara said, playing dumb.
Sethos squealed as Scara used his thumb to massage his upper ribs.
“PLEheaSE ScahahARA!”
“Oh, my ticklish, little bee. Begging already? We are barely getting started~”
He decided to have a little mercy on Sethos, slowing down, so he could take a breather.
“Thahank youhuhu,” he giggled out.
“I’ll tell you what,” Scara started. “If you don’t laugh for 5 minutes straight, you win the challenge and get to tickle me to your heart’s content. If you lose, get ready to be tickled without mercy.”
“Pfft, 5 minutes. I can handle that. Challenge accepted!”
Wanderer inwardly grinned, his scheme working as he kissed Sethos with passion. Being caught off guard, Sethos quickly recovered, returning the kiss, unaware of the one hand that was inching closer and closer to his side until-
“Noho! Youhuhu caught mehe off guahard!”
“I win~” Scara cheekily said. “Seems like that was your best… what a pity.”
“You planned that from the start!” Sethos pouted.
He stuck his tongue out towards Sethos. “Bleh, I win and that is all that matters. Come here and give me my prize.”
He lunged toward Sethos, leaving him no time to escape before he crawled his fingers under his clothes and attacked his tummy.
“I’ll geHEt yOUhu bahACK! AhAHAhAha!”
“Keep on dreaming little bee~”
After what felt like an eternity to Sethos of Wanderer skittering his fingers along his sensitive spots and teasing him to oblivion, his lover let up, lying right beside him.
“Mouchehe, you’re a ruhuthlehess tihickler.”
“Heh, that means that I’m still good at it or you are just too ticklish for your own good, or maybe both.”
They both fell into a peaceful silence as they stared up at the now starry sky, enjoying each other’s presence.
“Sethos?” Wanderer’s voice was soft when he spoke his name.
“Your words from before, I wanted to hear someone say those words to me for so long.”
“Which ones? You being sweet?” Sethos teased.
“Sethos,” Scara groaned. “I’m trying to be vulnerable here.”
“Hehe. Sorry sorry,” he chuckled, turning towards him and hugging him.
“I’m talking about when you told me you’d take care of me,” Scaramouche continued, snuggling into his embrace. “How it’s not rotten work to you and how you love me.”
He took a breath before continuing.
“It's all I ever wanted. Someone to say those words to me.”
A shooting star raced through the sky, lighting up his eyes. Sethos saw hope and a new spark of life in those mesmerizing eyes of his.
“I know I’m a bratty character and that’ll probably never go away, but I love you. I truly love you, even if I don’t show it at times. And…and I’ll go to the ends of the world for you too.”
Sethos could see the tips of his ears reddening and he inwardly grinned at how cute he was before going in for a quick peck on the cheek.
“Mochi, I love you so much. You are so freakin cute right now. But in all seriousness, I’m happy that you are in my life and I can’t wait to spend all of it with you. My sweet, honey love.”
“Archons, you are going to be the death of me you mushy bee.”
Sethos brought their lips together for a slow and soft kiss. Knocking their foreheads softly together, both of them stared into each other’s eyes, enjoying the moment before pulling away. Sethos was the first to stand up, grinning from ear to ear. Wanderer shook his head in amusement, picking up his hat and setting it atop his head before reaching out towards his lover’s outstretched hand. They started their way back into the city, hand in hand with fingers entwined.
My Honey.
My Bee.
More questions are in the Google Form if you want to provide more feedback. Plus, the question for a potential smut fic. Thank you again for reading and your time :)
Link to Google Form
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mazzystar24 · 2 days
as a bisexual i am allowed to be homophobic against him specifically
also. i would like to say while i was VERY excited to hear eddie was the first idea for a queer arc this past season im very glad they didnt because 1. i think eddie’s needs more room to breathe than buck’s did and because of his well. all that and 2. im sorry i absolutely hate the idea of someone who was canonically racist kissing a man of color out of the blue. no idea how they were planning to do it of course but there was no way in hell they couldve gotten away with not talking about tmmy’s role in the begins episodes without it (and to me they still didnt with bi buck but i guess to most bt stans they did)
Flowers for the late reply💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
“As I bisexual I’m allowed to be homophobic to him specifically” is a joke I understood on a spiritual level but Ik people will take seriously so I’m prefacing this with saying both me and anon are JOKING AND BEING SARCASTIC (there was this one lesbian couple in my highschool that were super annoying and just cringy and racist and just awful people and that I used to say made me homophobic and the dirty looks I got from straight people WHO KNEW I WAS A WLW was unreal so ik from experience there will always be someone who will take that seriously)
1. Yeah like I feel like Eddie’s queer arc would need to be much more complex and time consuming than bucks was BECAUSE of all the factors that go into it for him so with the season being shorter I couldn’t have seen them be able to pull that off (seeing as they barely did for buck)
2.ONG I THINK I SAID THE SAME THING IN THE TAGS OF A POST OR SOMETHING like it’s just so icky to me, like I think I said it’d be a disservice to Eddie’s character if they did- even if it’s a disservice to bucks too- but like it’s more so FOR the person of colour if you get what I mean
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vanya-evergreen · 4 hours
Something new,
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Okay since I can't write HTR am going to be posting bs ideas.
Starting with this- Reader x platonic batfam where the reader has huge texture issues, especially when it comes to fabrics.
Like the moment when they feel a texture they don't like, they have to do something to get the feeling off their hands.
Like ususal: no use of y/n
Cw: very very small descriptions of reader getting hurt
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So like if you are a vigilante that is in the batfam , you probably have your own homemade suit at first, so you know it's fabrics that you love and adored. But in a fight parts of you suit gets rips and tears, that just reinforce the quality of it. So when Batfam decides that they won't that 'no' for an answer about a new suit, you are not happy.
"I am not wearing that." You had come to the same place you would meet the everyday like normal, only to be given a new suit with a horrid texture. You needed it out of you hands in less than 3 minutes, or else your burning it. "Why would you even make that for me?"
"We just thought that it was time you had qand upgrade for a change" Nightwing was trying to be nice about, he knew that you didn't want them to make you a new suit. "I mean you have been fighting with us for a while and your suit always gets damaged the most." He was right, you never would admit it. You had spent most of your day stitching up your suit, it was torn in you fight against killer croc the day before, so you could probably use a new suit.
"Still not gonna wear it." You hand (almost throw) the suit back to nightwing. He is hesitant to accept it, but he takes it from you, you immediately wipe your hands on your jacket. "I don't know how many time I will you not to make a suit." Nightwing is offended by your words. "Oh get over it, bat and co. Makes good suits, just not for me. So let's get moving okay?"
You hate it when Batfam asks you about a your suit, it was always an up hill battle to keep their current one(even if Batfam makes suits better for the be a vigilante.) This was the first time batfam had actually made one though. The only reason you held it was to see it the fabric was better than it seemed (it was one of the worst textures you had ever felt).
Batman was not happy that you had decided to, sort of, politely decline the new suit. He even sent Nightwing who you always seemed closer to. When he saw you after you went up against killer croc, he was surprised that the clothes was even still of your body. The suit was so mangled (not to mention the cut that could have been less severe if you had a better suit) that he thought you would surely accept the new suit. He wasn't going to give up on this, not this time. You was going to find a way to make you to wear it.
"Again? I said no." Batman was more persistent this time, normally it would come once in a while, not two days in a row. "I thought you didn't do Batman's dirty work anyways, Redhood." You and Redhood were eating Batburger (of course you took off everything you couldn't stand) after your night of patrol and he showed up out of nowhere with it. so imagine your surprise when to see him pull out the same suit from yestday. You never would've thought that Batman would rope Redhood into this, or you though Redhood wouldn't let him.
"I don't but, I just happen to agree with him on this." Redhood sounds so humiliated just by saying he agrees with Batman. You squint you eyes at him, "I do, this time at least."
"No," you were blunt. This had only happened once, when you first started working with them, but they learned not to do this because you ended up doing very dumb things in you frustration with them. "I think it looks cool but no."
"Come on. You don't even know how it will feel fighting in it." Redhood was always more of the level headed one, or that how he was with you. "Just put it on and jump around, run and throw a few kicks and punches. You might like it" he pushed the suit towards you. You couldn't have moved faster while trying to avoid contact with something. "Huh?"
"Yeah no thanks. Tell Batman thanks for the offer but I am good." You quickly stuff the rest of your food and pick up your drink to go. You walk to the fire escape before turning back to Redhood. "Also this is not a good look for you dude. Be more consistent in your stances on people." You start climbing down before he could get another word in.
When Jason returned with the suit Bruce was even more confused now. You said no to the two closest people under your vigilante persona. He thought about putting you on the bench untill you said yes, but that wasn't as effective as it is with the rest do the family. So he was going to have to get creative, but for now he was just going to continue to sent different members untill the opportunity presents itself.
But on a different note, You still don't know the identity of the Batfam, but they knew your identity really quickly. So when some of the Wayne kids started coming in to your place of work it was shocking. Even when you switched jobs or went without a job for a couple of weeks they would somehow be nearby. Bruce Wayne even showed his face a couple of times at your different jobs.
(You always seemed to be the one to help him too)
Eventually you became friend with a few of them after they found talked to you enough. They were far more relaxed than you thought they would be, it was kinda cool even. But little to your knowledge Batman was going to use this connection quickly.
"I don't know man, my boss is just not letting this go this time." This how you talked about you vigilante problems in your civilian life, mostly with your friends. Duke, Cass, Steph and Barbra. "He is just so..."
"Annoying? Steph blurted out as she returns with drinks and some type of food from the amusement park concession stand.
"Stubborn?" Duke adds on grabbing his drink from Steph before she can place them down. Steph gives him an evil as she places the rest of drink on the table.
"Paranoid?" Barbra grabs Cass's and her own drink after Steph sat down next to you. You take your drink and take a long frustrated sip before slamming it down on the table.
"All of the above." You rest the side of you face on you hand as you continue to take smaller sips from your drink. "I just don't know what to do, he has sent different co-worker for the past week to try and convince me to change my uniforms. He still has yet to show his face to me yet."
"Maybe he has a good reason to ask you change you uniform." Cass didn't speak often so you always listened when she did. "I mean have you asked why?"
"Yeah, I know why and understand why, its very reasonable too" you knew Batman was right to make you a new suit but you hates that fabric more than anything you had disliked anything in recent years. The suit was an instant top ten worst textures you had ten displeasure of feeling.
"So then why do you refuse to wear it?" Barbra takes a portion of the food Steph brought before pushing it to Steph. "You seem to be pretty understanding with the reason."
"Yeah, you were ranting to so much at about him just a moment ago, but now you are okay with the reason?" Steph eating her portion quickly before passing it to you. You take a bite, you spilt out the food into a napkin after just a few bites, and push it to Duke.
"You good?" Duke pats your back as you chug your drink to get that texture out of your mouth. "Did it taste back?" He hesitates to eat it .
"I'm good and it didn't taste bad." You use another napkin to wipe away the drink. "But to answer your question, its the same reason why I spit out the food, Texture." You could see as a little bulb went off in all of their heads.
"So that why you refuse the new uniform" Cass takes a sip of her drink as Duke finishes of the rest of the food. You nod your head as all of them share a look between all of them.
Bruce felt so dumb for not realizing it sooner, it wasn't even the fact you didn't want a new suit it was that you hated the frabic it was made out of. But he didn't know what fabric you liked, and he couldn't suddenly approach you asking what textures you did like. So to find out he would need to send in someone else to find out
It was peak out at your current job at a coffee shop. You were operating on auto pilot, always in your best customers service voice your could muster. So you barely had time to look at who you were talking to before you spoke."Hello how may I-" but when finally who it was you could dropped the customer service voice "Tim, how lovely of you to come in at our rush hour." You said with to much joy for it to be genuine. "What have you come to bother me about?"
"Hello to you too. Well if you must know I wanted a coffee and to interview you for a survey for Wayne enterprises new clothing line." You scoff and lower your eyebrows before putting his six shot of expresso and coffee with an ungodly amount of creamer and a croissant "come on it will take like maybe 15 minutes tops."
"Uh huh okay. So you thought it would appropriate to come in at this time of day, when we are at our busiest? For a survey?" You turn the screen to him for him to pay. "6.46 please. Plus I thought Wayne enterprises didn do clothes."
"Tt-" you squeeze your eyes tightly shut, you knew who the that was before he could even speak. "You didn't get my order." Damian, you loved talking with him outside of work about art and shows/music you would make him get into but he was alway very particular about his drink.
"Hello Damian, let me guess a hot chocolate with only two pumps of chocolate syrup with a bit of coffee and extra whipped cream," Damian was about to interrupt you "with a warmly toasted egg sandwich for protein with a cake pop?" He looks at you with a somewhat defeat look, you got some satisfaction out of this.
"Yes and you-" he starts
"better be the one making it because you are the only one who makes it right in this lowbrow place." You and him said in unison, he only seems to be more shocked.
"Of course your royal highness, anything for you, Dami" you always said this with most antagonizing way possible. when he orders his drink from you, it was funny when you see him get embarrassed when you called him by his nickname. "Now your new total is 16.79. Pay when you're ready."
"Anyways," Damian clears his throat "it is not just any survey, it is a survey that will help Wayne enterprises for years to come." You rested your hand on counter still not impressed by this offer. They were not good sales pitches for someone like you.
"We will give you a free sample after we produce the first prototypes of it." Tim takes out Bruce's card and pays with it. You perk at the prospect of getting free clothes that could be made to your taste of texture.
"Give me a half an hour, I need to make sure I help my co-workers give through this rush hour and then i will take my lunch and we can talk as I eat." You yell back as you turned back to go make Damian's food and drink.
The 'survey' was filled with alot of questions about textures of fabric, the cut of some types of clothes. They even brought a few fabric samples too, some of which you liked, most you didn't mind and afew you hated. There was just one that you adored, is felt just right on your skin and it seems durable enough for you wear when on patrol once you got the samples. Maybe it would get the bats off your back.
Tim thanked you for participation in a survey that was only made for you. Damian had just sat the silently judging but also impressed with how well you describe the feel and texture of the fabrics. When Tim gave Bruce the results he almost right away on your new suit. He had already decided to give it to you himself.
You brush you hand over your jacket that had gotten a new rip in it, along with a pretty nasty cut that was probably gonna leave a nasty scar. "Damn it, another day off down the drain." You take out a small first aid kit patch up your cut. You were half way down when you finally noticed the ominous presence behind you. "Is that you bats? Or orphan?"
"It's me." Batman steps out from the shadows and stands over you as you continue to wrap up your cut. "I really think you should just take the suit we made you." There he goes again, you stop mid wrap and look up at him.
"Are we going to do this cycle again?" You tear and then tied up the bandage. "You say I need a new suit I say no, you insist. Then I threaten to go rouge with Redhood." Batman wears his annoyance very obviously. "Oh come one it's always fun." You tease him as you stand up.
"Maybe to you." Batman give you the side eye "but no I am not here to do that." You know what's coming. You roll your eyes and fold you arms. "You have to wear the new suit."
"Why would I?" You knew he never held anything over you "what are you going to do if I don't?" He always gave empty threats of putting you 'on the bench' as he said, but you would run off an just join the rouges for maybe a week or two, hell, you even joined a gang. So he learn quickly not to do that.
"Because am tired of seeing someone I care about get hurt some much because of something fixable." Shit- he is really serious this time, he's sharing his thoughts and feelings with you too. This was a impossiblity untill tonight's "so please just put it on, and try it out we can fix any problems with it." He pulls out a new suit.
"Fine, but I am going to be a pain in the ass with it." You extended your to grab it very carefully you out your hand on it. You knew the fabric, you had fallen in love with this fabric. "Wow..." you snatched its out his hands as you continue to feel the fabric. It was perfect, fabric wise. You stopped, how did he know... "it good quality."
"That's good, you try it on before you continue patrol to night.." he turns to leave but you grab onto his cape as you start to connect the dots. The way he kept try, and then the hang out with Steph, Cass, Duke, and Barbra. The Survey for Wayne enterprises was the last nail in the coffin.
"You are Bruce fucking Wayne"
Batman tried denying it but it was all for not. So when you learn of all of the trouble he went through for you. You teased him for a while after. Everyone joined in too, even Damian took stab at him with it. But it really touched your to think he cared so much.
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xoxochb · 2 days
⋆·˚ ༘ * my wait is you and I won’t go on
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warnings: angst, self doubt, redeeming fluff, this takes place at chb (post hoo), this is mostly based off of me so please be kind
pairing: jason grace x daughter of poseidon
summary: based on the trend symphonia IX trend!
A/N: okay okay so backstory! I came across this trend and I started scrolling through the videos using the song and I saw the cutest one and this girl said “I wish I had real friends” and her boyfriend said “you’ll always have me” and I knew I had to write this asap!!
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the sea is for the people who feel lonely or lost, happily taking in anyone who has feelings of self doubt or any worrisome thoughts, making them disappear forever, never letting these awful thoughts take over the mind of their beloveds
that’s why most of your time is spent by the water, especially recently. you didn’t have many friends except for your boyfriend and brother. why? you were unsure.
did people hate you? did they think you were weird? what made you unapproachable? did people find you obnoxious? did they think you were weird because you didn’t socialize much? were you hated because your father broke an oath and they thought you were in trustable?
you truly did not know
but what you did know was that you missed your brother. he went back to new york while you stayed back at camp to be a year-round camper. you couldn’t help but feel somewhat selfish for wanting percy to stay with you instead of finishing school, and this haunted you.
perhaps you were hated because of your selfishness? would you even consider yourself selfish?
you lay awake in bed thinking about this. when was the last time you slept? you can’t even remember the last time you actually got out of bed before one in the afternoon!
was this dramatic? you don’t believe so, but your self esteem is so low you start believing it is
you sit up from your sleeping position (you weren’t sleeping anyways) and turn to the boy laying beside you, an arm thrown around your waist
you felt bad about leaving him to lay alone but you couldn’t lay in bed anymore, the thoughts would only get worse if you did. you remove his arm from you with a kiss to the top of his head, then make your way out of cabin one (opposed to cabin three, yes, they’re both empty but the more time you spent in your cabin made you think of percy so jason suggested you sleep in cabin one) to sit by the ocean for a while until your doubts were drowned by the waves
it was fine sitting there for maybe thirty seconds? but the more you looked into the ocean, the more it reminded you of percy and then before you know it tears are pooling out from your eyes
this wasn’t supposed to happen
wasn’t the ocean supposed to help? it always helps you!
you wipe the tears away from your cheeks with a sigh and for a moment it’s silent, but that’s until you see someone sit beside you on the sand
and it’s not just anyone, no, it’s your sweet jason grace
“did I wake you? I’m sorry”
“no, you’re fine” he gently takes your hand in his “are you okay?”
you internally curse him for being so gentle with you because at this very moment you feel the tears making their way back out
“I don’t know” you look up to the sky to prevent the tears from coming out “it’s a lot”
“that’s alright. I’ll be here for as long as you need”
you take a moment to form the words into a sentence “I miss percy. a lot.” you sigh before continuing “I wish I had real friends. I love you and percy, I really do, but it hurts to know that nobody even thinks of approaching me”
“you’ll always have me. you don’t need any of those idiots who don’t want to talk to you, they don’t know what they’re missing out on”
you lay your head on his shoulder and look out to the water. It doesn’t seem so depressing to look at anymore
but perhaps that’s because the ocean was only special if you’re there with someone you love
or maybe because jason was your sea
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kingdom-of-sins · 2 days
Things I didn't like about Bridgerton season 3 part 2
I don't know how you all feel but to me it felt like Polin were not given enough screen time. They felt like side characters in their own season and had far less screen time than Daphne x Duke and Kate x Anthony.
What was the point of Lady Danbury's brother? To show Violet's garden is in need of a gardener? But I kinda like how Lady Danbury was scared her brother is going to ruin the life she has built. I have seen many posts that say that her brother was only 10 when he told their father she was running away, and that she should forgive him, but she was a girl who had no freedom and no say in her life and had to marry an old man against her will. She had valid reasons to be skeptical of her brother even after so many years. Some traumas and betrayals just don't heal even after a lifetime. From her point of view she was being forced to marry against her will while her brother was the favorite, had all the freedom and inherited everything.
Kate and Anthony's chemistry has been through the roof.
Francesca and John had such a sweet build up but the show just ruined it in the last episode.
I have no problem with Michaela but I was really looking forward to Michael since their book was the first one i read from the series. It would be hard to get over that disappointment unless Michaela is portrayed amazingly and doesn't make us feel that "Michael" would have been better.
But seriously, Francesca just got married with the one person who understands her silence and loves her. Was it really necessary to show that she was disappointed in the kiss and immediately started batting for the other team? They could have shown Francesca gradually being attracted to Michaela. How they executed it was disrespectful to John's character.
I was expecting an epic showdown between Penelope and the Queen...not really. But I feel like Penelope meeting the Queen before the public reveal would have been nice. It would have been an interesting scene. And then the Queen coming to reveal her publicly, showing support indirectly.
Too many Mondrich family scenes. Makes me think they might make one of their kids Gregory's or Hyacinth's love interest. I know Hyacinth's love interest is related to Lady Danbury but the show is changing things already so it might be possible
Benedict is still floating around aimlessly. At least his friends with benefits are hot
Colin gave me the ick most of the season. Was expecting a lot more from him.
I kinda feel bad for Cressida but also hated her even more when she started blackmailing Penelope. Lol Colin only made it worse. Would like to see her return to society in a more positive role.
And Lord Debling just disappeared? Did he marry some plants or animals?
Overall an underwhelming season for me. I think next will be Benedict's season and hopefully it will be better
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graysexualcreature · 2 days
before i go into this post i should be specific: i am a matpat fan. i have watched matpat for a long time. therefore, i am an inherently biased perspective.
something i will never understand is the visceral hate for matpat. like mfs will act like they have the biggest slam dunk ever and then pull out something from 10 years ago. like yes there was some questionable stuff back then but people can change as time moves forward. bro is just living his life you don’t have to like his theories you don’t have to watch his videos nobody is sitting you down and tying you to a chair and forcing you to watch his videos. you dont have to make up reasons that you hate him you dont have to go digging for old shit. you also dont have to viscerally hate him because he made a theory and got it wrong i fucking guarantee if he was a much smaller creator nobody would be dogpiling him the way he gets dogpiled.
also: the people who think he is the only one who did the research and work for ALL OF THE THEORY CHANNELS for YEARS is just insane to me. I guarantee you he has a whole ass team for each channel he’s not doing this shit at lightning speed if you see something that looks like it might be a stolen theory then maybe you shouldn’t pin it on one member of an entire team. matpat does not have magic superpowers. calm the fuck down. when a car breaks down you don’t immediately blame the metal shell that surrounds the inner workings. matpat has mentioned MULTIPLE TIMES that scripts and theories are a multiple person effort that involves a lot of input from multiple people. His earlier videos are definitely different but when you look at something from more recent times and try to say that he is the sole creator you just sound fucking ridiculous.
people make mistakes. everybody makes mistakes, but when the internet comes into the equation and stuff gets preserved all of a sudden it’s as if everybody must be infallible as a human being.
also: the amount of rage people have towards him over theories is fucking insane im sorry. i understand being serious about a topic but putting visceral hatred onto a human being who is just as human as you are is not the answer. if the theory is that bad you can easily just change somebody who believes it's mind using evidence he's not some omnipotent being who is brainwashing people into liking his theories. If somebody isn't willing to listen to you then that's a them problem not a matpat problem. Also, this stuff does not matter when you step outside and enter the real world i guarantee nobody in the local park is going to be as worried abt video game theories as you are.
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you should absolutely write the genderbent outsiders fic, it would be so interesting to see how many things get changed. often people genderbend one person and just turn them into someone everyone's attracted to rather than looking at character, or they do change everyone but it's still all surface level changes but from what i've seen you seem like you'd do something really interesting with it
(no pressure obviously but it's a really cool idea especially with the attitudes of the outsiders (how would the scene where they meet cherry and marcia play out for example?))
HI! Ok so I do love this idea but I dont have time to wrote a full fic with the nuance it deserves but I did write out two little scenes for it so I'll post them here! One is lifted almost directly from the book its just the genderben take on it :)
“Speaking of movies,” Dalia flicked away her cigarette butt, “I’m thinking of walkin’ over to the nightly double tomorrow night. Might find someone to fool around with. Anyone wanna come?”
Stella shook her head. “The boys are takin’ me and Soda to the game.”
She didn’t need to look at me the way she did then. I wasn’t gonna try and stick around or nothing. I liked Soda’s boy, James, well enough and sometimes they’d offer me and Dar to go with them when they went to do stuff, but I wasn’t gonna try and third wheel. I’d never admit it, because Soda really likes Stella a lot, but sometimes I hate her. She doesn’t need to be half so possessive as she is over everything all the time- and Soda is my sister.
Darlene sighed, just like I knew she would. Darlene never had time to do anything with us anymore. “I have a date tomorrow night.”
She sounded less than enthused at the prospect, and Soda and I shared a look. Ever since mom and dad died, Darlene had spent nearly every night she wasn’t working going on various dates, with each guy seemingly worse than the last- and much as she tried to hide it, it wasn’t hard for Soda and me to guess why. It kind of killed me that my once vivacious sister, who’d always been so fiercely independent, was throwing herself at every mediocre guy who looked her way trying to find someone to provide for her, for us. On her own, Darlene would never consider marriage, at twenty no less, but now she had Soda to support for another year and me for another four and we all knew her two jobs were barely covering bills already. Sometimes the guilt of it, what Dar had already given up and what she was further prepared to lose made me so guilty and sad I couldn’t stand it. I knew Soda felt the same way.
Dalia just rolled her eyes. She only went on dates when it suited her, and only to cause trouble. She didn’t get Dar’s obsession with finding a good man- or if she did, she clearly didn’t respect it. 
“What about the rest of y’all? Two-bit? Jennygirl? You an’ Pony wanna come?”
“Me’n Jenny’ll come,” I knew Jenny wouldn’t open her mouth unless she was forced to, “Okay Dar?”
“You make sure she gets her ass straight home, Soda,” Darlene says, “I mean it.”
I roll my eyes and she fixes me with an icy glare.
“Don’t get huffy with me, Ponygirl. You’re lucky you ain’t grounded. You know better than to be goin’ to the movie house alone.”
“No buts,” she fixes me with a stern glare. If it weren't for how cold her eyes are she could be real pretty with her tumble of smoky curls and delicate nose. Now though, she just looks mean, like Tamina Shepard or one of the other girls who date the gang leaders round town, “you ain’t a boy Pony, you gotta quit goin’ around actin’ like one.”
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Question (because i'm curious and because i love enabling friends' hyperfixation): what is Tengu no Daidokoro? Why do you like it? What are you hoping for in a s2?
Also, should i watch it?
I adore Koisenu Futari and i have other similar queer-people-in-their-daily-life Japanese shows on my watch list (i loved my dining table and i have Kinou nani Tabeta and Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna waiting) that i just know i will love once i have the time to watch it!
Is Tengu no Daidokoro anything like it?
Thank you so much for this ask cause it gives me the opportunity to share my love for this show and also maybe make other people want to check it out.
Before anything else. This is not a queer show. All those shows you mentioned are some of my favourite shows, as you can see by my choice of pfp I adore Koisenu Futari as well. Kinou Nani Tabeta and Tsukutabe are magic and I really hope you get to them because they are so amazing. But Tengu is not that. It's an absolute gem and I adore it.
Now. Why do I love it? Why I am excited like it's christmas morning and I still believe in santa? So many reasons...
-IT'S GORGEOUS (if I hadn't binged this ,I would've giffed every frame)
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I mean the greens are just incredible. All the colours in these show are actually. The change in the colours is amazing as well. My delusional brain will believe that this second season was made specifically so that me and @colourme-feral could once again lose our minds over THE GREENS.
-It's about two brothers. (I love stories around family)
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Motoi (older brother played by Komagine Kiita) and On. A city 14 year old who comes to stay at his older brother's house in a rural area. They are estranged and have little in common. On is the perfect representation of 'kids these days...' (I know I'm getting old when this is what comes to mind), completely hates the idea of being away from the city and technology and internet (I related). Motoi is at home here, he's very quiet and calm. I love them. I love this relationship. I love how it grows and I can't wait to see where they go next.
-The food. (I love food)
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Motoi has his own vegetable garden and he makes everything from there or other local sources. Just like the shows you mentioned in your ask, the food is a major ingredient to this story. It's the thing that brings these brothers together as well. the scene in the above gif is one of my favourites because of that. Not gonna give you spoilers.
-The dog. but also...
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this is where the show takes a different turn than you'd expect. although not really because it's in the synopses, but if you only knew this show from gifs and this post you would not see this one coming. There's a supernatural element to this show. For starters that cute dog you see there, he talks. He's a talking dog!!! And he is delightful. but also this
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(Can we just stop for a second and appreciate how beautiful Kiita is? I barely recognized him in 25 ji.) So yeah it's in the show's name, Tengu's Kitchen. Tengu's are a legendary creature from japanese folklore and the brothers are descendants of them. (more info here about that if you're curious).
-The three of them.
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I adore them. I don't want to say more so you'll just have to watch it.
-the setting (did I mention it's gorgeous?)
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I know I've mentioned the visuals but it's not just that. it's the scenery and the rhythm and the music (I love the ost of this show) and the everything. Look I watch shows for a bunch of different reasons. This one, I watch it, or rewatch it as the case may be, for my soul. It's beautiful, it's soothing, it's touching, and I feel better after watching it. I really can't explain it any other way.
There are more things I could say honestly but this is already so much longer than I intended. But it's 10 episodes of 30 minutes and as with a lot of jdramas, an incredible human @aoinousagi has fansubbed it for our viewing plesure. here is the link to their post.
These are just some of the reasons I love it and can't wait to watch more. I never expected it but this day is better because of that announcement alone. I'm so happy. I will do rewatch soon, and probaly gif more of it so maybe more people will want to check it out.
@yannig thank you so much for this question. Sorry if it's a bit of a incoherent mess but I'm really excited and having trouble putting it into words. And I know there are a lot of shows to watch and not enough time to watch them all, so of course no pressure, but if you're ever in the mood for something that is wholesome and beautiful I do recommend it highly.
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spiky-imp-teeth · 1 day
I Wanna Talk About Verosika's Party Guests
So first off, it would probably be wise to make a big fat disclaimer before getting into this: Blitzo has legitimately hurt a lot of people, it is a problem, and narratively that was the point of the party. He needed to realize this for his character development to move forward. This is not a "Blitzo did nothing wrong" post.
Ok, now that that's out of the way . . . I'm honestly so curious how many of those party attendees were people Blitzo legitimately hurt in a significant way.
Dennis is what got me thinking about this. Not only is he not an ex, he wasn't even a one night stand. He and Blitzø made out briefly at a party. That's it.
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It makes me wonder how many of these people could be in that same category - or perhaps how many of them might've only been a step further. A hookup or sex a few times or even a couple of dates, but unlike with Verosika, nothing that became serious enough for anybody to get truly hurt.
Like, if the spectrum ranges from Blitzo being "stranger i made out with who didn't end up sleeping with me" to "guy who shattered my heart and bailed on me when i told him i loved him" how many of these people are actually in Verosika's category?
And tbh I think the answer is probably quite a few! Way too many! Like I said, Blitzo has genuinely hurt a lot of people - but I have an inkling that possibly a good number of the people at that party have Blitzo experiences that range from "didn't text back after a one-night stand" to "Dennis-level-non-issue."
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^^ (what blitz said in the above scene was a joke but also seemed to refer to his real-life actions)
What I'm saying is there's room here for a whole range of behaviors that, while not conducive to Blitzo's mental health or his underlying need for intimacy, are also not particularly hurtful to others. Annoying, yeah. Disrespectful, probably. But not by any means heartbreaking. To some of these people, I don't think Blitzo was ever anything more than an asshole they met at a bar one night.
Additionally, there's the concept of the party itself. In the case of both this and the Dennis thing, I'm not sure exactly how much the narrative wants us to take certain things seriously. But assuming it does -
This is just a theory, but I imagine the party started with Verosika talking with others about what Blitzo did and realizing through those conversations that Blitzo has a lot of exes he fucked over. So hey - let's throw a party about it! Blow off some steam, commiserate, build relationships with each other, have a good time. Thus we end up with this party centered around hating one specific guy.
In the following years the party would've gotten bigger and bigger - largely due to Blitzo gaining more exes, obviously, and also word spreading about the party's existence. But as Verosika started to move on from Blitzo, I can see the party morphing into more about the general concept of hating Blitzo, not so much specifically centered around people who were harmed in a way similar to what Verosika experienced. She starts inviting anybody who had even the mildest negative experience with Blitzo - hence our spectrum that I theorize ranges all the way from deeply hurt people to scorned weekend love affairs to ghosted one night stands to Dennis.
Also - I have no idea if this was the show's intention and maybe I'm reaching here, but I wonder how many of the attendees aren't even remotely having feelings about Blitzo anymore. The party, for them, could be more about the idea of Blitzo, about shitty exes in general, shitty people in general. It's fun to come together and hate on something! It makes for a lively party to have more attendees, and it's probably good for the atmosphere to have folks there who are able to hate on Blitzo from a more lighthearted place.
I've also wondered about the two people we see crying (other than Stolas). We assume they're crying over Blitzo - but are they crying solely over Blitzo and their actual experiences with him, or could there be a level of combining all of their hurt over various exes onto one target because that's helping them process their pain?
(eh, it's probably meant to be read as them crying over blitzo. but my alternate theory is a still a possibility. maybe something between the two? i guess my main idea there is that we don't technically know they're both crying over blitzo; the important thing is that blitzo sees them crying and it helps him connect with the idea that he's caused genuine harm.)
And I do wonder how many people has Blitzo gotten close enough with to truly hurt them like he did Verosika. How many of the people at the party were actually able to get to know him as a person deeply enough for him to break their hearts? Especially recently?
I guess I'm not necessarily trying to make any specific point here. Like I said at the beginning, Blitzo truly has done a lot of harm and needs to change. I just find it interesting to step back and get a wider perspective on this party - try to work out what Blitzo has actually done, and what might just be getting projected onto him. The party exaggerated the sheer number of people he's hurt, but I absolutely think he needed that exaggeration in order to Get It - and it's also good to remember, in Blitzo's defense, that it was in fact an exaggeration.
tl;dr: "free my man he only did some of that" vibes i guess?
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svtminji · 1 day
𐙚 ‧ JOHNJI ─── news article
I 𝓲. I johnny (nct) x oc ୨୧ dating news
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╰ dispatch reveals their second couple of 2019: seventeen’s minji and nct’s johnny.
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﹙  DECEMBER 31ST, 2018  ﹚— Every year, Korean news outlet Dispatch rings in the new year by revealing new celebrity couples to the public. Girls’ Generation’s Yoona and Lee Seung Gi, Rain and Kim Tae Hee, and EXID’s Hani and JYJ’s Junsu all had their first reports come from Dispatch.
Along with the previous couple exposed today, Blackpink's Jennie and EXO's Kai, the pair was exposed by a close friend of theirs. The mutual stated that they had been dating for a few months and were seeing each other regularly. Photos were sent to us by the friend and we will not be disclosing due to privacy. Whether Dispatch will disclose the photos or not, their interactions at events are something else to look at to confirm their relationship. Thus being said, perhaps fans of both groups will look into the SEVENTEEN and NCT interactions.
Minji has posted many photos on her personal Instagram account, doimizu, with NCT’s Johnny. Although most of the photos were mere Instagram stories, it definitely added insight into what the idols were doing together. Whether Minji meant to make her relationship public by sharing her moments with Johnny, these stories were captured a few weeks before they started officially dating, according to the close friend.
Both SM and Pledis Entertainment have not addressed anything currently about the matter, especially SM Entertainment with two of their artists dating life being exposed.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 민지 ⠀𓍼⠀⠀⠀𝐉.⠀⠀⠀쟈니
╰ sm entertainment comfirms nct’s johnny and seventeen’s minji relationship.
While looking through with each artist, both of their agencies responded with these statements:
Hello, this is SM Entertainment. We talked to our artist, Johnny, and came to the conclusion that he is in-fact dating SEVENTEEN’s Minji. We would also like to confirm that they had been dating prior to the announcement. We cannot interfere with his life outside of idol activities, so we ask fans to support the couple. Thank you.
Hello, this is Pledis Entertainment. Looking over with SM Entertainment, we came to the same conclusion. We hope everyone can support the couple and withhold their negative views.
Although it was not needed, Minji made a personal statement on her Instagram.
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Hi. This is Minji from Seventeen and I am deeply sorry for announcing this after seeing the current news. I’ve always wanted to announce my relationship with Johnny and being beaten to it really hurt me. This relationship was built from a friendship that I hope lasts even after we depart from each other, if that does happen. Both of us were made aware of the news as soon as it was released to the public. I didn’t want to feel the same pressure as every other artist who was exposed by the fated news, but unfortunately, I am standing in their shoes as well. I hope everyone understands that I am truly sorry for having to announce this. Thank you for your understanding.
The post’s comment section was filled with both support and hate, which later became silenced with Minji disabling comments. We truly offer our condolences to the couple and we wish them a very safe and healthy relationship!
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reaction : 🎑. ─── fan
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reaction : 🎑. ─── k-net
[+290, -34] pledis not giving a complete response and only agreeing with sm is crazy ㅋㅋ
[+150, -23] minji writing a longer statement than pledis about the relationship is outrageous
[+101, -2] i hope dispatch burns
[+52, -1] i’ve always felt that what dispatch is doing is no different to stalking.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 민지 ⠀𓍼⠀⠀⠀𝐉.⠀⠀⠀쟈니
thank you for reading this news article 😭 i decided to give it a new update and i decided to republish it ! — sap1ing
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escapetothelake · 1 day
Harvey and mr bat for the ship asks? :D (you don’t have to if you’re not comfortable)
ooh this is so silly!! thank you for giving me something to chew on >:) btw i will do any ship people throw at me, even if i don't like it (as long as i can reasonably write for it & it doesn't involve minors)
mr. bat and harvey have few spoken lines, so pls forgive me if my characterization doesn't align with urs. i also made them a little toxic 😐 if you want a healthy relationship portrayal, please specify!! hopefully this is still enjoyable though heehee
i'm going to try to keep this contained to rusty lake: hotel as that is the game in which they interact. also i’m using he/him for harvey
who made the first move: mr. bat was immediately aloof with harvey when the latter first got the job at the hotel. harvey was content with ignoring him, until he realized that he hated the feeling of being disliked so much. he made a point to talk to mr. bat everyday when he went to visit mr. owl, which mr. bat was not receptive to. then harvey thought to bring him food, thinking he would likely be hungry and tired after being on his feet all day. mr. bat took it wordlessly, but his eyes would flit back and forth between harvey and the snack as he ate. from them on, he gradually started to become more open and even friendly to harvey—especially when the bird had food.
who kissed who first: i’m trying to figure out the logistics of this lol. i could see mr. bat kissing harvey for bringing him something exceptionally tasty. later in this post i headcanon that harvey bathes to wash the blood off, and that when he doesn’t have immediate access to hot water, mr. bat becomes his co-conspirator. perhaps harvey is panicking because it doesn’t seem the water will be fixed for a while, and mr. bat sees this, and begins to apprehensively lick the blood off harvey’s feathers. then they’re both like 😳😳
who started the relationship: it kinda just. happened. and while harvey is jealous, mr. bat is possessive. he wanted things to be exclusive, and harvey agreed.
who remembers things: when one of them remembers something, the other usually doesn’t.
nicknames for each other: admittedly, i’m a little floored on this one lol. i think mr. bat would call harvey “dear”, and harvey would call mr. bat “my moth”.
who is more likely to pay for dinner: harvey all the way.
who normally cooks: another cop-out here, but mr. toad. harvey supplies food though (😉)—as he kind of serves as mr. owl’s errand boy—and mr. bat occasionally enjoys hunting for his own food. harvey doesn’t like flying insects all that much though.
who remembers anniversaries: mr. bat EXPECTS harvey to remember anniversaries. with all the stress he’s under, however, he doesn’t always.
what would they get each other for gifts: you know those lollipops with insects and scorpions and stuff in them? yeah, mr. bat loves those. he literally shrieks with delight when he gets one. harvey also once gave him an amber necklace with a moth inside, and mr. bat periodically gnaws/sucks on it like a teething necklace. mr. bat isn't really a gift-giver (he wants princess treatment 💅), but he likes hunting for insects and then dropping them in front of harvey like a dog with a rat it caught for you.
most trivial thing they fight over: literally anything lmao. these two fight like cats and dogs, and i will die on this hill. food is the most common topic; sure, harvey is a foodie, but doesn’t understand how mr. bat can place that much importance on it. sometimes, it’s like mr. bat cares more about food than harvey (who, as i said, gets jealous pretty easily. you’d think he would have learned to detach after all those years).
how often do they fight: all the time. so often. they are lowkey toxic 😳 mr. owl can expect to be woken up by some sort of petty squabble. it's not good for 'business', so he tells them to knock it off or lose their jobs.
who uses all the hot water: harvey—how else is he gonna wash all that blood off?
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: harvey panics when the heat isn’t working because it means that he can’t clean the blood off of himself. it’s actually how he and mr. bat ended up getting closer—harvey resorted to calling mr. bat for assistance, and he got it fixed for him. so in a way, mr. bat is his partner in crime :) the couple that slays together stays together
who leaves their stuff around: mr. bat has few material possessions, but what he does have, he hoards (particularly food). actually, harvey touching mr. bat’s stuff is another thing they used to fight over in the beginning of the relationship. harvey sometimes leaves bloody garments around, which mr. bat scolds him for. he won’t admit it, but he finds it a little endearing.
who remembers to buy the milk: mr. bat would remember that they need milk. he expects harvey to get it though. of course, it’s readily available in the kitchen of the hotel.
who controls the netflix queue: mr. bat NEEDS his netflix after a long day. DO NOT mess with his netflix queue 😡😡😡
who steals the covers at night: this isn’t really an issue! mr. bat sleeps on the ceiling, so if harvey wishes to use blankets, he has them all to himself. though it seems like he can easily change into his anthropomorphic form, so he sometimes does that and sleeps perched by the window. (side note ooh what if bird!harvey slept in a cage in mr. owl’s room)
who cusses more: mr. bat screeches, if that counts. sometimes their “shouting matches” are just mutual screeching in a sort of display of dominance. it drives mr. owl bananas 🍌 🍌
who does most of the cleaning: the hotel has waitstaff. harvey is responsible for cleaning up after himself (iykyk), but mr. bat has found that he enjoys helping out.
what’s their favorite non-sexual activity: i think that, as much as it annoys harvey, they both secretly enjoy arguing. beyond that, they like spending time together during the late hours. it’s after harvey has completed his kills and work hours are over that they can find solace with each other. they are at their calmest when mr. bat has a snack in hand, and harvey his favorite music playing without any stress.
who’s the cuddler: lowkey mr. bat, though harvey likes the attention.
who’s the big spoon/little spoon: mr. bat leans his head on harvey’s shoulder or chest, and harvey puts his head on top of his.
who’s more dominant: mr. bat is kind of a brat 😳 sometimes he winds harvey up so much that he just… snaps 😏
who is the dirty talker: mr. owl, scolding them for being bothersome to the guests again 😆 in reality, i think they see squabbling as dirty talk
what do they do when they’re away from each other: mr. bat has separation anxiety (not that he would admit it). harvey often has to leave to run errands for mr. owl, so it’s not uncommon that they’re apart. harvey tells himself he’ll enjoy finally getting some peace and quiet, but he starts to miss his partner after a little while. mr. bat catches up on sleep and pretends to be unbothered, but his job gets boring and he often finds himself thinking about harvey.
what would they do if the other one was hurt: i think they would both freak out, but they’re also mutually self-centered. for instance, if one of them has an incapacitating sickness that the other could catch, then the healthy one would likely consider that for a while before going to visit them. one time, though, mr. bat got sick with a flu, and harvey brought him stew that he’d made for him. of course, harvey spent too much time with mr. bat, and he caught the flu too. he was a little annoyed, but when a healthy mr. bat brought him moth soup that he’d made, harvey couldn’t stay mad, even if he doesn’t like moths all that much :) (for once, they would NOT let mr. toad cook—they wanted to make it themselves :))
a headcanon: after harvey fled the hotel upon being attacked by the corrupted souls, he didn’t return for a while, which upset and worried mr. bat, but he continued to do his job as usual. eventually, mr. owl relocated him to the cave, where he could stay more comfortably after his service, but be called back as needed. mr. owl tipped off harvey to mr. bat’s location, and they were reunited again. now, they don’t interact as much as they did while working the hotel, but they’re still co-workers with a little something extra :)
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nozunhinged · 23 hours
my love sea rollercoaster
Okay so I was at the forefront of the love sea haters (don't ask me about mame I don't know anything about that discoure you can read why I didn't like it here if you want) but as weak as I am I kept watching and ep 2 still didn't do it for me but ep 3 turned the boat around so fast that I feel absolutely sea sick (literally!!) right now -- and because the discourse and perspectives on tumblr made me try to keep watching unbiased, I'd like to share my five cents as to why the story suddenly works for me after I've spent the first two eps rolling my eyes so hard I got a migraine.
I think it comes down to three major moments, with their conflict as the turning point
When rak started spitting the most degrading speech going at mut for dragging him out of the house, literally blowing so fucking low the blowjob mut was wishing for in the end was sky high terrain, I went "ok that's it, I'm turning this off" -- rak said word for word "no means no" but mut still kept pulling him I was close to angry tears what a fucked up situation that is, I thought.
But just as mut made rak snap out of it with his unimpressed reaction, so did I.
It was like the first half of the episode flashed right in front of me within the second rak was speechless. He was so on edge from the many calls he had in the first part and before that the diving incident -- he was streched out so thin that of course he would fall back to his default mode which is insulting anyone who dares to get within a 10ft radius of him. And then a guy who even dares to break down his pretentious walls? Better double down! (I'm still mad about raks tirade though, I would've dumped him in the sea right then and there)
But here's the thing, mut isn't fazed at all. Like, at all at all. And that's exactly what rak needs in this moment. Someone to vent his anger at so he can collect himself. We know now that mut had it a million times worse than this and his reaction isn't just because he has the hots for rak, it's literally his character. They both would react the exact same way if it was any other person. The difference? They develop an emotional bond over it and that's how they move forward. CHEFS KISS!
You might think but noz, of course its his character, thats the whole point? Yeah but not to me.
In the last two episodes, it felt like everything that happened between them was excruciatingly forced by the narrative (see my yaoi-post why I despise that) -- that everything between them is only brought out because they met. I know that thai bl (no, lets say the romance genre in general) has a big issue writing and introducing characters in a manner that makes their romance believable, but most of the time I can overlook that because we're not here for deep literary masterpieces, we're here for the smooches and the fumbles. I get it.
But when it feels so forced like it did the last two eps to me, even I just check out. So I already shelved that series in my mind and it's the first time I get so damn humbled that I have to write down a million paragraphs to defend myself lol. I think my longing for watching a believable lovestory reached so deep that it contributed to my current brainrot.
Don't get me wrong -- I attest this shift 100% to fortpeats insanely stellar acting. They make the characters believable and they make me understand why rakmut are prefect for each other although I HATE their dynamic. But that's the beauty of a good story my friends, I get now why their pulling and pushing works for them and I'll gladly watch them do that! Because until now, no aspect of the show managed to do that, neither the narrative progression, nor the editing, writing or pacing. Nothing. It was all just a jumbled, annoying mess.
So what's different now? The story lets fortpeat finally shine! (Accidentally maybe?)
Someone already said that the scenes are stale and slow (cant find the post anymore sorry) due to the fact that nothing is happening other than the two of them talking in the same position behind a different background and I 100000% agree. And the only way this poor choice is saved by is fortpeat. I was hanging on their lips for every single word. Their dynamic was suddenly so clear and palpable to me, I struggled to breathe properly. Rakmut are fucking made for each other and I'm losing my shit over it.
I can't believe they managed to make ALL the flaws of this show just POOF -- go away??? And it just keeps going like that. I could write 10 more pages about the little details of their dialogues that cemented my impression but I'll try wrap this up first.
The two other pivotal moments (to me) were muts reaction to rak telling him about his name. Yes, you read that right. Now that I finally understood how these two are ticking, I absolutely 100% understand where mut was going with this objectively BONKERS suggestion. Rak drops this bombshell of a trauma on him and he offers to do exactly that too??? Well, in muts head this is the only way to make rak understand that the outcome can be different. So of course, this idea would only work on him. Made for each other, I'm telling you. Two pieces of a fucked up puzzle.
Now, that scene.
First, doubling down on how much worse mut had it. (I'm not talking about his house thats a topic for another post) I think this one little story was enough to land the punch, the talk last ep was too long and clunky. I wouldve loved to have a scene where the guy who was fired tells the story to someone and rak overhears it, not understanding a thing and then putting the pieces together when mut starts talking I-- oh I think i wouldnt have survived that, I cried then and there already.
Well yeah I was in tears when they started fucking that was awkward but again raks reaction just made sense. They don't know each other that well and rak only knows one way how to make mut feel good which is riding him to the moon and back. And as a little cherry on top he completely let loose without any restraints.
There's already this amazing post by @hanhonymous which explains perfectly why the pillow talk after works so well as it does, so I'm not gonna say anything more. Just know that I was full on bawling at this point. When rak said "try it" it lost it. How he encourages his island boy who said "someone like me" a million times in the last ten minutes was perfect. Beautiful. Absolutely wonderful. Even his false lead felt perfect for this moment because only this way mut would understand that rak is absolutely serious.
I don't know how the bangkok arc will play out, my hopes are not very high but I will forever have this lovely little episode. And their lovely little pillow talk. And when they confess and love each other for real I will once again cry like a loser because fortpeat are amazing. Please someone get them a high quality production they deserve it so much.
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