#yeah dont. ask about the horses. HELP
pineappical · 10 months
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someone take this man off my hands
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benadrylcandlewhack · 1 month
Alright I'm trying to get back into the swing of things with TFR so I wrote a quick plot synopsis to hopefully get people intrigued
After a takeoff mishap, a small group of Autobot Resistance members led by Optimus Prime and Elita-1 make a desperate escape from Cybertron as Autobot HQ is attacked by Decepticons. After being chased through space by the Decepticons, they all take to escape pods and crash on Earth in the year 1899, with the exception of Wheeljack, who stayed behind on the Ark to hopefully land it. Over 120 years later, a lonely and socially inept teenage girl named Sadie Monroe, who has a passion for animals and cowboys, discovers the ruined Ark lodged in the mountain behind her new house with her mother in rural Ontario. What she finds in the crashed ship, or rather *who* she finds in the ship, proceeds to change her life forever, as she now finds herself in the middle of an alien conflict, trying to help reunite the scattered Autobots, and forging a friendship like no other
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 7 months
your transfem friend recommended a clinic to get your bottom surgery done at. she says its cheap, not gatekeepery, and the results are good, even if the doctors a little skeevy. youre at the address she gave you and are wondering how exactly your murder will go down. the door is on a third floor landing accessible only from a fire escape out of a back alley in the worst part of town youve ever seen. you knock three times and the door is answered by a ratty-looking woman with a severe slouch smoking something that doesnt smell like nicotine and doesnt smell like marijuana. her wavy blonde hair is unkempt. shes wearing an oversized grey hoodie that hasnt been washed in some time. you can identify blood on the left sleeve and vomit across much of her side, as well as other, more mysterious stains. you cant tell if shes wearing anything underneath the hoodie. the inside of the apartment - because it is, very clearly, her apartment - has a smell that you cant place but, if pressed, would probably call sweat, though you know that description is lacking something.
dr davis, you ask. she smiles wide, and her teeth are shockingly good for the state the rest of her is in. just call me riley, she says. never did get a degree.
she ushers you inside and sits you down on a sofa almost as stained as her hoodie. can i get you a drink she asks. a drink, you repeat, dazed. she says yeah. she says she has diet coke, beer, vodka, and coffee. says she used to keep tea around for a friend of a friend but she hasnt come by in a few years and the leaves are probably losing flavor by now. you say just waters fine. she shrugs and says your funeral. she comes back from the kitchen and sweeps some stuff off the coffee table. you see a stray scalpel, a roll of gauze bandages, a soda cup from taco bell, and various crumpled papers amongst the rubbish that she knocks aside before setting down your glass of water. she has a beer in her own hand and pops the cap off with her teeth, though the motion isnt quite how youre used to seeing people do it. she takes a big gulp before she keeps talking.
so what do you want your pussy to look like, she asks. you splutter a bit. she says you are the one who needed their bits redone right. you flush and say yeah thats me. she nods and says right so what do you want. you struggle to give a good answer and she starts asking questions. depth? width? color? clit size? you give your answers falteringly. she starts asking about labia. oh, you dont want dentata, do you, she says. that costs extra. you say you dont know what that means. she says dont worry about it. hey do you wanna get pregnant? you splutter again. not now she clarifies. well i can get you pregnant now too if you want that. doesnt even have to be human i think i have some horse sperm around here if you want. i just meant like ever in the future. you say you dont know. she says okay shell leave it out for now but come back if you ever want her to put the womb in. youre too stunned to reply.
she says oh do you want to keep your dick, i can do that. you say you thought they needed the tissue from the penis in order to make the vaginal lining. she laughs and takes another gulp from her beer. she says so is that a no. you say you guess you hadnt thought about it. she says she can reschedule if you need to think, no rush. you say no i guess i dont want it anymore. she nods and says come back if you change your mind.
she says ok, i think i can start operating now if youre ready. you say okay and she tells you to lie on your back and strip naked. you follow her instructions. youre still not sure if youre going to die today or not. she pulls on a big pair of rubber gloves. not latex medical gloves, they're yellow dishwashing gloves. she grabs a small jar of what looks like petroleum jelly off a shelf nearby. you cant help but notice that theres also lube, condoms, saran wrap, and a bottle of honey on the same shelf. you dont ask. she starts vigorously rubbing the jelly into your skin from the belly button down. everywhere it touches you instantly go numb. she keeps talking while she works. a lot of it is her telling stories about "her amy." you cant tell if amy is a sister, wife, or pet. she might be all three.
she reaches up to grab an empty syringe off the top shelf. when she stretches you notice shes naked under the hoodie. you look away bashfully. she doesnt seem to notice.
she fills the syringe with liquid from a bucket in the closet. the liquid is neon green. she injects it into your inner upper thigh. you are now certain you're going to die today, but you cannot make a break for it with your legs numbed, so you wait.
she says okay this is the part where a lot of people get squeamish so look away if you think you might get sick. she pulls out a set of knives. some of them look like dentistry tools, some of them are medical scalpels, and some of them are kitchen knives. you look away. she starts humming to herself while she works. the tune is pop goes the weasel.
hey, she calls out to you from between your legs, how many nerves do you want in your clit? you say uh i dont know, whats a normal amount. she says about ten thousand give or take two thousand in either direction. you say ten thousand sounds fine. she doesnt respond, just goes back to humming. its a different tune. shes humming old macdonald now.
she gets up a couple times to grab new drinks. you say should you be drinking during an operation? she says dont worry i know what im doing. besides i never took the hippocratic oath. she laughs at that, the sound somewhere between a giggle and a cackle. you don't think its that funny. she resumes her work.
this time shes humming the alphabet song. you ask how old are you anyway? she says somewhere between 12 and 47. then she laughs again. you decide to stop asking questions.
four beers, two diet cokes, three unidentifiable cigarettes, and five hours later, she stands up and announces shes done. she wipes her brow without taking the glove off, smearing unidentifiable bodily fluids across her forehead. she jabs another syringe into your other thigh and the feeling returns to your lower body. you're a little sore but other than that you feel great. she wheels over a full length mirror and tells you to take a look. its perfect. youre everything youve ever dreamed you would be. you cant describe how euphoric it feels to see a vagina, your vagina, between your legs. you thank her tearfully. she smiles awkwardly. of course, shes saying.
how much do i owe you you ask. she shrugs. iunno, a hundred bucks? im not in it for the money. you pay her the hundred bucks and leave quickly. you barely remember to get dressed again before heading out. you have never seen Riley again.
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princessbrunette · 3 months
I’m a try again😂. I can just see Big Brother!JJ running after these two little hellions he loves so much. That he no doubt came close to killing Luke if Luke had ever laid a hand on them!
I can also see the kids being brutally honest in that kid sort of way if they are around when the Kooks and Pogues start to get into.
LITTLE SISTER MAYBANK*to Rafe*: “It’s okay, I don’t think my daddy loved me either-but it’s mean to be mean to people when you’re sad 😕.”
୧ ‧₊˚ 🫖 ⋅ 🦢 ⋆˙₊˚
if luke returned to the house, hiding from the cops, looking for a place to seek refuge and stock up (probably ask for money too) jj would actually stand on business and kick him out. the safety of his younger siblings means too much for him to be cowardly about it and let him push him about. he has to be brave, for them. when he sees the man heading up to the house, he’d send the kids to their room and tell them to not come out, no matter what. maybe he’d even pretend it was a game to convince them more.
so yeah, luke wouldn’t even get the chance to hurt them because jj wouldn’t even let him see them. they’re practically his now.
and the thought of rafe interacting with little sister maybank is so hilarious to me. maybe somewhere like the outdoor cinema where both pogues and kooks congregate— she’d accidentally strayed from jj’s side and ended up lost, accidentally running right into the legs of rafe cameron.
he hates jj, yeah — but she’s a kid, he can’t just leave her, he’s got enough on his conscience. he’s mean but he’s not totally evil. he sighs, reluctantly, helping her up when she falls, teary eyed.
“you’re fine, kid. where’s your idiot brother. what, he can’t look after two kids?” he shakes his head, not passing up on the opportunity to be on his high horse about this as he searches over all the heads for jj.
“i got lost.” her lip quivers and he sighs, scratching at his forehead.
“alright, it’s okay. don’t… cry or whatever. c’mon, let’s find him.”
“i know you.” she speaks wisely as he walks along side her. he snorts out a chuckle, looking down at her.
“oh yeah? who am i then.”
“i don’t remember your name. it’s rabie or something.”
“rafe.” he corrects, irritated at being compared to a literal disease.
“you are the boy that gets all red in the face. is — is it true you’re mean to people because your daddy doesn’t love you? mine doesn’t love me either. but i’m not mean.” she rambles happily, walking along side him. he squints, double taking at the blonde twin and shakes his head.
“the fuck did you get that from, kid?”
“thats a bad word.”
“yeah well, that’s the real world.” he drawls, running a hand through his hair before he spots a worried looking jj across the grass. he sighs in relief, taking a gentle hold of the little girls arm and briskly walking her over.
“think you lost something, pogue.” rafe sneers, patting the girls head before she runs off to her big brother. jj turns, watching the interaction in horror.
“are you kidding me?”
“keep an eye on your shit, jj. dont wanna have to call CPS on your ass.” the older boy jeers as he spins, walking away again.
“hes my friend now.” the young girl smiles simply and jj’s eyes widen.
“no, he is absolutely not.”
୧ ‧₊˚ 🫖 ⋅ 🦢 ⋆˙₊˚
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raynetheinsane · 2 months
Batfam (and friends) as Henry Danger quotes
(Because im a nerd and love this show)
Damian: Tt, my parties arent that bad
Jon: Christmas. 3 years ago. 15 kids ended up in the hospital!
Damian: FATHER!!!
Tim: Damian! Were trying to study here *indicates to Duke and Steph, both clearly not studying*
Damian: I’m talking to my Father.
Robin!Jason: Dangit! All these jobs say i gotta have skills..
Dick: You have skills!
Jason: Name one.
Dick: You’re a great dancer!
Jason: No I’m not?
Dick: You could take lessons.
(More under the cut i just dont want this to be super duper long)
Bruce: How old are you?
Tim, trying to become robin: Im 13, I’ll be 14. On my next birthday
Dick: Ah so youre aging sequentially
Tim, extremely tired: Do you ever dream about sleeping?
Steph, extremely confused:…no??
Tim: good. If you did youd be dead.
Bruce: Lets ride.
Robin!Jason who is very new to this: Wha- Ride where?
Bruce: We’ve got people in the Jandy River that need saving.
Bruce: Come on.
Jason: You mean we’re going there? Together? Like right now?
Tim, extremely dirty and has a cut on his face walking into Drake Manor:
Jack, not paying attention: Hey Tim, did you get the job?
Tim: Yeah, just finished my first day.
Jack: So hows work?
Tim: Uh it was pretty… interesting.
Bernard: Hey, you never told us what you do at your new job
Tim: *just stares wide eyed silently*
Bruce: While we were patrolling, Poison Ivy stole packs of baby bottles, can you guess why?
Robin!Dick: Uhhh
Bruce: To flood the bottles with radioactive plant matter.
Dick: I would not have guessed that.
Jason: I see youre in your pajama pants.
Tim: Yeah its almost midnight, I was studying for this test i have tomorrow
Jason: What subject?
Tim: Puerto Rican history
Jason: Ah Puerto Rico… land of…
Tim: Puerto Ricans?
Jason: yeah..
Red Hood: Strike three.
Spoiler: That was only 2
Hood: Okay, don’t correct me in front of the criminals
Duke: Whats in the mug?
Tim, who just poured himself and entire pot of coffee despite hating it: Coffee.
Tim: To keep me alive.
Duke: no, no, no, no, you cannot drink this much coffee after work. This mug is comedically large!
Steph: I have the same dream all the time. It satrts with me getting a horse for my birthday. Then my dad shows up. Then the horse kicks my dad in the face!
Jason, helping Tim study: You want a good grade on your puerto rican math test?
Tim: history
Jason, who died before he finished highschool: Same thing
Non-Bat who needs the antidote for Joker gas or something: Will this hurt?
Black Bat: Yes, very much.
Bernard, talking about a criminal the Bats cant catch: Its not Batmans fault, he just needs a better sidekick
Tim: One more time.
Bernard, who knows: Just saying, I’d be way better at catching criminals than the current Robin
Dick: I’m gonna die..
Jason: Not in the house. If you’re gonna die, do it outside
Tim: I’m Robin.
Bernard: I know. I figured that out.
Damian: Todd, I wish to speak to you about something.
Oracle: Steph, come to Gotham Park right now!
Steph: noo, I’m not in the mood for trees
Oracle: did i ask you what youre in the mood for?
Vikki Vale: So, Spoiler, how did you catch Two Face?
Spoiler: I’d love to take all the credit, but it was really all thanks to my partner, Black Bat.
Vikki: Interesting. Black Bat, can you tell us more?
Black Bat: No.
It really bothers me the lack of Babs, Cass, and Duke worthy quotes there are 😔😔 also my personal favs show a lot and im sorry for that, but there will be more as i think of them, these are just eps 1-4, the rest will be posted like in a queue or something and as single quotes cus im eepy
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lilysbookshelf987 · 4 months
New camper: Percy Jackson x reader (daughter of apollo)
A/n: thank you so much for giving this a read! This is my first time writing for the PJO universe so let me know if you like it! Requests are open! No NSFW or Smut! Enjoy
"Good morning" Percy said tiredly, greeting his best friend Grover at the dining pavilion, taking a seat next to him.
"Morning" Grover replied, "hey did you see Annabeth on your way here? She's usually the first one here and I haven't seen her yet"
As if almost on cue she was walking towards the boys, an excited smirk painted across her face.
"Camp Half-Blood has a new camper!"
"What?!" replied Percy
"She showed up late last night, all alone. Chiron told me she had been hurt pretty badly but he took her into the infirmary and gave her some Ambrosia"
"She took it? So, she's definitely a half-blood?" Percy asked
"Yep! We should be meeting her later today" Annabeth was ecstatic, she loved new campers!
--time skip--
As the day went on there was still no sight of the new camper. Word had made its way around camp and people began to take their guesses as to who was her parent.
"I hope she's in our cabin!" A child of Aphrodite had said
"No! I bet she HAS to be in ours! Showing up without a Satyr by her side means she's a warrior"an Ares kid chimed
"As long as she's not in ours I dont care" a tired looking Hermes kid said.
It was almost dinner time when Chiron had found Percy, sparring with someone from the Ares cabin.
"Percy can I speak to you for a moment?"
"Yeah sure" he said, removing his helmet and recapping his sword.
"Im sure you've heard we've had a new camper join us."
"Yeah it's all over camp" he replied
"Ah yes. Well let's say she hasn't been thrilled to learn about her new family. Reminds me a lot of you when you first came here"
Percy thought back to his first few days at camp. He was confused, scared, angry, and very much overwhelmed.
"I was wondering if you could help ease her mind by speaking to her. You understand what she's feeling better than I can."
"And im not half horse" Percy smiled
"Yes there is that" Chiron chuckled
"Alright I want to meet her!" Percy agreed. He really did want to help, but he also knew how jealous Annabeth would be that he met her first. The two walked into the big house and there she was, staring down at her feet.
"Y/N, this is Percy, son of Poseidon. Percy this is Y/N. I'm sure you two will get long swimmingly" Chiron chuckled at his own joke, "I will give you two some privacy" with that, he left the room. Leaving the two teenagers alone.
An awkward silence filled the room, when finally Y/N broke the silence.
"Son of Poseidon, huh?" she asked
"That's me" he smiled, proud of the title he held.
"That's crazy, the gods don't exist!"
"They do exist. I know it all feels a bit insane at first but-"
"A bit?! My whole life i've had these things coming after me and I didn't understand why. I thought I was insane and seeing things, but apparently that's normal?! And my dad? The reason he's neglected me my whole life was because he was a god?! There's just no way"
"Hey, it's gonna be ok. I know how you feel. I felt like that when I first got here. All my life my dad wasn't someone I had thought about much because I had my mom, and thats all I needed. Then I find out that he's now the most important thing in my life? I had so many emotions, but if you just give this place a chance? I promise everything gets a lot less scary"
This seem to get to the girl. She started to tear up.
"Ok, i'll try." she whispered
"I'll show you around and it'll all be ok, I promise."
The two made their way around camp, Y/N was mostly silent. "The sun is so warm here, it's not like that where I'm from"
"Everything is a little bit stronger here."
"I can tell" she smiled
"So, do you have any idea who your dad might be?" Percy asked, careful not to poke at the sensitive subject.
"I think but I'm not sure. My mom used to talk about Apollo, a way she never did about other Gods"
"Ok then...then we have to find a way for him to see you! If he see's you, he'll claim you!"
"Yeah but how?"
"Gods dont claim you because they feel like it, you have to work for it" Annabeth said, inviting herself to the conversation.
"Y/N this is Annabeth, daughter of Athena"
"Hey" Y/n said
"Percy have you taken her to the archery field? Apollo kids thrive there"
"No I didn't"
"Seaweed brain c'mon!" Annabeth rolled her eyes, "Lets go" she led the two there and put a bow and arrow in Y/N's hands. The girl had fired it easily and hit the bullseye.
"Beginners luck?" y/n asked
"Go again" Chiron said, but before she could something came flying down at her, she shot it down easily.
"That could've killed us" Percy said, mouth agape, "and you shot it down with ease!" he said
"Look!" One of the campers said
Y/N was becoming engulfed in a bright light and a sun appeared over her head. She was now an official resident of cabin 7
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darkbluekies · 1 year
Hii! I love your characters and writing style!
I was wondering how would Silas and Edmund react if reader got stockholm syndrome?
[Thank you so much!!!]
Silas would be so so happy!! You're finally not angry with him for trapping you with him? And for all of the evil stuff he does to others? You finally want to hug him when you go to sleep? You want to be with him? He would be over the moon and spend so much time with you. His demeanor towards you wouldn't change, but you'd notice that he was happier. You still wouldn't get to go outside or do anything like that, but you'd probably get thrown in the basement a lot less.
"I love your hugs, little thing, but you shouldnt stay up and wait for me to finish a mission. What if i come home hurt? You dont like to see that."
You'd say that you'd help him clean himswlf and patch him up.
"Fuck, i love you so much. Don't you like it now that you've accepted me? Isn't your life so much easier? Yeah? I love you so much, baby. Let's go to sleep now."
Edmund, however, would be doubtful. Are you really liking him now ... or are you just lying to gain his trust? You'd have to prove to him that you really liked him. When he understood that you actually didn't mind him now, he'd be ecstatic. He'd change completely. No more anger, no more cruel event. He'd bring you outside on horse rides and take you down to the market.
"Did you find something?" he'd ask as you look through jewelry at the market. "Do you want that? I can get it for you."
You'd hug him and thank him to which he'd smile and wrap his arm around you in return.
"Of course, sweetheart. I'd do anything for you. How about we get some more jewelry? It is the first time in a long time you're outside after all. And I think we should celebrate this new mindset of yours."
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bitchimasnake-sss · 2 months
tumblr au. ft aot characters!
girlypop im obsessed with making these and theres nothing you can do to stop me. basically, what if aot characters had tumblr? [set in between the time skip period, pre-rumbling]
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oh your friends gave you chocolates? mine gave me ptsd and trauma
🔁🐴jeaniejean Follow
bro you literally lost one uno match why tf are you so fucking emo?
eren, stop staring at the ocean and get your ass back in here or so god help me.
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📘arminarlet Follow
You know what's weird? That typically, I am a "cutie-patootie" but then I do a little, mild, psychological torture to my enemies. And suddenly, I am a threat to the nation. Y'all switch up so quick.
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👨‍🦲baldspringer Follow
when you enter a dick-riding competition but your opponent is @flochyou
🔁🚩flochyou Follow
you're just mad daddy doesn't like you 😒
dude how many times do i gotta tell you to stop doing that in public?
🔁🍖sashahaha Follow
hes allowed to do that in private???
#yeagerists exposed
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⚔️micasasucasa Follow
is it normal to have re-occurring dreams about your dead parents or friends?
🔁👱🏻‍♂️braunreiner Follow
🔁📘arminarlet Follow
I've asked Commander Zoe if the Scouts can afford to send you all to therapy but she said "fuck no, i dont even have money to eat shit." So, looks like you're all stuck like this. Sorry guys.
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🐴jeaniejean Follow
they call me a horse cause all the girls wanna ride me yeehaw🤠
🔁👨‍🦲baldspringer Follow
dude, blocked.
🔁🍖sashahaha Follow
🔁👱🏻‍♂️braunreiner Follow
🔁👑 ymirsgf
and reported.
675 notes
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😴leonhart Follow
i swear to god if @baldspringer played "annie, are you okay?" in frong of my crystal one more time, i will break this crystal and come punch him square in his egg-shaped head.
🔁👨‍🦲baldspringer Follow
i was literally trying to keep you entertained. but anyways annie, are you okay?
🔁🍖sashahaha Follow
are you okay, annie?
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My son is officially entering his emo phase. Today, he said "ruskin ready to rumble" while staring at the sea. It's literally so funny 😂😂
Have you lost your mind? Do i need to kick you in the face again?
... no 😞
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a/n: jean is a loserboy and i love him. only i am allowed to slander him.
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mxqdii · 6 months
hii can u do matt sturniolo x equestrian reader hcs? if u dont know what that is its someone who rides horses and competes! u can research ab it if u want but if u dont know how to write ab it thats fine! love ur writing
headcannons - m.s x equestrian gf
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pairings: matt sturniolo x reader
summary: headcannons
warning(s): none!
a/n: sorry if i get any info wrong i dont know much about it!!
not proofread
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when u first tell matt he's a little confused but supportive none the less
he's like "you're a what?"
you def explain to him a few times then he's like "ohh"
(1000% does research all about it and then the next day asks when your next competition is)
thinks you look so cute in your comp outfit with the helmet and stuff i cant
you introduce him to your horse and your horse immediately loves matt ofc (who wouldn't)
if you have a bad comp or practice he's comforting you right when you get off the horse istg
^^ his hands on your waist n everything? goodnight.
helps groom your horse with you
you guys go riding together and ahhh its just so cute
he teaches you to ice skate and you teach him to ride horses i cantttt
any injurys from riding? he's cleaning you up
any self doubt? he's pulling out his phone showing you a video of how good you are
"you filmed me?"
"yeah of course baby, look at you!"
he is so ughh
(too pure for this world fr)
anyways he's just overall very sweet and perfect i love him
@opheliaofficial07 @stargirlv0id @strnilolo @annaisabookworm @theperson-nextdoor @prettysturniolo @its-jennarose @gottamakemyhatersmad @luvsturniolo
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thecapricunt1616 · 2 months
Blue Lotus - SxC Fic - Chapter 2
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♡ Summary: Carmy & Syd go horseback riding!!! Carmy's therapy friends push him to go for what he wants, his 'light at the end of the tunnel'
♡ W/C: 6,534
♡ Posted Date: 04/07/2024
♡ A/N: Hayoooo!!! I am too inspired... this has become a multi-chap fic hahaha I am havin' so much fun here!! Thank you @gingergofastboatsmojito for inspiring me to keep going!!! ILY! As per usual please know - this fic was inspired by THIS FIC here - Tucson by the GLORIOUS GINGER!!!! Go read that before you even THINK about reading this fic ok?! I love how I hate storer for the same reasons but im a sucker for writing a slowburn - I find myself screaming at MYSELF internally "make them kiss already!!!!" but they will KISSSS SHORTLY SO SHORTLY MY DEARSSSS !!! It will be a JUICY TAYLOR SWIFT DAYLIGHT ASS KISS OK!!!! THEY WILL ONLY SEE EACHOTHER FROM THEN ON!!!! Its gonna be a 'and I can still see it all in my mind all of you all of me intertwined I USED TO THINK LOVE WOULD BE BLACK AND WHITE BUT ITS GOLDENNNNNNN. We need Carmy to realize a few more things but then - he will be hozier level devoted to this woman even more then he already is, I hope you enjoy!!
♡ Warnings for BTC: Not really any? Like? LOL - Swearing?! Smoking cigarettes?! They just went horseback riding & carmy went to therapy- oh Ig talks of carmy getting hard LMAO but thats as crazy as we get this chapter. ➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡ ➵ 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐮𝐩 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ♡
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Stardust nudges his shoulder so hard he almost falls over, and he turns to look at her. His heart jumped into his throat, his mouth suddenly feeling dry. She was there, she was really there. 
“Uh-” he blinked a few times, to be sure that she wouldn’t disappear. “Syd? Hey..uh-” he felt his entire body buzzing with excitement. He couldn’t help the smile that took over his features. She looked… gorgeous. Carmen wasn’t sure there actually was a word in any human language ever to exist that could describe just how wonderful she looked. 
Her hair was in its natural state, she was wearing an adorable corduroy jacket, black jeans, and white sneakers. “You came to a farm…in those?” he motions to her shoes. 
She laughs a bit “Wow- it’s great to see you too, Carm. Didn’t realize you were…actually like living on a farm” she approached him carefully. 
“Shit- yes- fuck- It’s its so good to see you, Syd, C’mere” he pulls her into a tight, long hug. The smell of her lavender vanilla perfume nearly made him melt. 
“You’re like…tan- and…muscley now” She laughs a bit, squeezing his arm lightly. 
“Uh..” he pulled away, cheeks bright red. “Yeah uh.. It's like- fuckin hard t’ride a horse. And the um…” he rubbed his neck nervously “The uh cows.. They eat hay? Most the time, and so we need to move the bales during the morning for em, they’re like…. 75? 80 pounds? So moving like 10 back and forth every day helps. And I dont really.. Go inside? Here? Its like… uh.. Thats the therapy mostly, the animals- at least f’me” he said sheepishly. 
She nodded, looking around the stable. “That one behind you is yours? Shes been side-eying me creepily since I started talking” she pointed to Stardust. 
“Oh! Fuck sorry yea, well- no…not- not mine- I got ‘er t’trust me. But uh, yeah this is Stardust. She’s a super sweet girl” He explained. Stardust leaned in, sniffing Syds hair carefully. 
“Cute- All you’re missing is a hat” She teased.
He chuckled a bit,  “Ok, c’mon - why are you here, Syd” He said with a small smile, crossing his arms over his chest.
She shrugged, looking at the ground and kicking a rock out of the way with her shoe. “Cause…I was worried- I dunno…” She definitely wasn't going to get bold and tell him that she’d missed him, terribly.
“Ok…well now that y’here, and y’see i’m okay…wanna have some fun?” He asked, a small smile on his lips.
Syd looked back up at him, as if he had 3 heads. “Okay- Where is Carmen Berzatto- Not his… Weird alien clone- Camren Brazota” she said, laughing a bit “what do you mean fun?” She asked, and Carmy laughed, real, and genuine. 
“Well- If I didn’t change my view a little I’d never leave. So, yes, Syd, ‘a little fun never hurt noone’ - per my therapist. Shes fuckin annoying. I much prefer the horses.” He pet Star’s mane and she leaned into his touch.
“Holy shit” Syd laughed a bit. “Wow- alright. I feel like you’re a whole new man already, what kind of fun?” she mused. 
“Ever ridden a horse?” he walked over to the saddle rack, pulling off a double seated one and hanging it over the back of the stall door. 
“No- Actually, Don’t I need um…like - stuff for it?” she asked. 
“Oh don’t think I wont give you the full experience” he opened the riding closet, “Whats your shoe size?” he asked, crouching down and looking through the pairs of extras. 
“8? Er- 9 probably 9” she said. He dug through them until he found a matching pair.
“These should do, y’stuff is cool here we can just leave it in her stall” he told her, holding out his arm for her to hold while she switched her shoes.
“You seem like…” she said as she slipped off her sneaker and put on the boot. “I dunno…chill- well- i wont go that far- but chill-er then before.” Carm snorted a laugh, holding on to her arm to steady her. 
“Thanks? I guess..that’s good right?” He asked. 
“Yeah! Yeah of course…I mean, it’s nice. To see you not so…anxious.” She said, slipping the other boot on. 
“Yeah I um…” he cleared his throat, opening the stall door. “I uh..I’m takin meds- Now? Uh..all this shit. Y’know they have me like tranquilized more then these guys” he said and she laughs, Carmen smiled proudly at the fact, relishing in the wonderful sound. 
“But yeah like Like 3 er..er 4. they say I had all this uh..mental shit. Goin’ on w’me and that’s why I was all…wound up I guess” he explained, calling Star out and getting her harness situated. 
Syd caught herself staring at his arms as he worked, how the toned muscle moved beneath the fabric of the shirt. 
“Aren’t you freezing?” She asked, noticing he wasn’t wearing a jacket like she was. 
“Used to it now, well- I mean the moving around. It gets hot this shit is heavy. Wanna try to hold the saddle?” He asked, unhooking the saddle from the stall door where he’d left it momentarily. 
“It can’t be that bad” she countered. 
“I think this thing weighs probably as much as you do.” He said “hold out your arms” he smiled a bit. 
She lifted her arms out in front of her and he plops the saddle down, she had to plant one of her feet forward so she didn’t fall face first due to the sudden weight and he laughed, catching the saddle quickly and baring most the weight. 
“Told you” he teased. 
She rolled her eyes “yeah whatever. Saddle up the horse, cowboy” she dropped the saddle back in his arms. He hurled the saddle over Stars back with a grunt. 
“Fuckin hell” he huffed, realizing since the saddle was nearly double the weight as his usual, and being on the shorter end- he couldn’t just get it on her when she was standing straight. “Bow” he told the horse and she just stared at Sydney. 
“Don’t embarrass me, Star. Bow” he told her and she looked the other way. 
“So uhhh…this one’s trained, huh?” Sydney teased. 
Carmen looked back at her “mmhmm maybe she doesn’t like strangers” he said, walking over to the other side. 
“Since she’s bein difficult y’gonna have T’help. C’mere” he waved her over and she followed. “So when I push it up, just grab the saddle pad and make sure it doesn’t move, yea?” He asked. 
“The fuck is a saddle pad, dude- I know my way around a kitchen not a fuckin horse stable.” She looked at the many different layers the horse was already wearing. 
“Alright. So this,” he lifted the cloth, “is her blanket. Keeps her core warm. And beneath it” he pats the pad “this is her saddle pad, it makes it more comfortable. So our bones aren’t like..diggin in her back and shit. Also shock, when she jumps the foam of it helps our weight disperse. The saddle is so big and heavy I can’t keep the pad still at the same time, so just hold it f’me,” he took her hand, guiding it to where he wanted her to hold. 
She felt her heartbeat quicken, his hands were so large and calloused on top of her own. She nodded wordlessly, keeping her eyes trained on where she was meant to be holding and focusing on keeping it steady as he went back around and carefully lifted up the heavy saddle with a grunt, laying it over the horses back. 
“Jesus- how much can this thing carry” Syd asked. 
“Well she is a mare, she weighs about…mmm- 1900? She can comfortably hold about 400 pounds for a decent distance but she can’t do that for hours and hours at a time. We together can’t be more then 300, and her gear is less then 100 pounds. Were just goin f’r a quick ride, I gotta get to therapy at 3” he explained as he buckled on her saddle. 
“Ah. So you’ve been memorizing horse information instead of creating recipes? I figured when I got here you’d have gone nuts by now without being in a kitchen so long” she gently touched the horses mane as she spoke. 
“Maybe. Well…I am kinda goin crazy? But I can’t…let it out?” He chuckled a bit “does that make sense? Nights are a little hard before my sleep meds kick in but that just says I haven’t done enough that day” he got up. “So y’gettin up first since I’m sittin in back” he explained. 
“Oh…uh- ok how do I?” She asked looking up at the at least 7 foot tall animal. 
“Y’not gonna be able to do it alone. C’mere” he told her. She comes over and looks at him. 
“How the fuck do you do this?” She looked up at the saddle that was at the top of her head before looking back at him. 
“So-“ he snorts a laugh at her wide confused expression. “She’s not gonna like you trying to roll up on her back, and I don’t want you t’get thrown off, she can be moody with new people. I almost broke my shoulder my first time trying to ride her” he said and she crossed her arms slightly. 
“So how. How do I get up there?” She asked. He pulled out a step stool, setting it next to the horse and getting up on the third step. 
“I’m giving you a lift. Arms up” he said with a playful smirk. 
“No- no way- Carmen that’s too high. You’ll drop me!!” She took a step back, feeling slightly nervous. 
“I won’t because I’ll bribe her Syd. C’mere” he pulled a pack of peep marshmallows out of his pocket and the horse nearly starts dancing. 
“Carm- what the fuck is happening?” She asked and Carmy chuckled. 
“Bow. Cmon Syd wants t’ride. Bow and you’ll get y’treat star.” He told the horse. 
It obediently bowed down and before Syd could process what was happening, Carm was scooping her up beneath her arms Syd squealed in surprise. “Oh my GOD WHY ARE YOU PICKING ME UP!” She shrieked, wiggling in his arms. 
“open y’legs! Cmon! she’s gonna get up!!!” Carmen laughed holding her up higher. Syd finally obeyed and he gently plopped her on the first saddle. “Good girl” he told the horse, feeding her the marshmallow and putting the packet in his pocket again before swiftly getting on behind Syd. 
“Alright. Hard part done.” He reached around her waist, and she lifted her arms slightly. 
“What- can you tell me what’s going on? I’m a horse virgin!” She said, and they both went quiet for a moment, before cracking up laughing. Syd leaned to her left slightly as she tried catching her breath, grabbing the rein for stability and tugging. 
Star took off sprinting, Syd screamed in surprise, her body going tight with fear. Carmen quickly wrapped his arms around Syds waist protectively, tugging on the reigns “WOOOOAH!” He called to Star and she quickly came to a stop. 
“Stand.” He told the horse firmly. 
“What the fuck Carm I thought she was trained!” Syd exclaimed, gripping onto his forearms for dear life. 
“I gotchu, you think I’d let her kick you off?” He tightened his arms around her. Carmen swore his heart was thumping so hard that she felt it on her shoulder blade. 
“Also when she moves it’s hard to keep still.” She said nervously. 
“Don’t worry, I gotchu, Syd. Lean into me, if our weight is centered then it’ll be easier for all 3 of us” he gently pushed at her stomach. 
She leaned back into his broad chest, “see” he said softly. He was lucky the angle didn’t allow for her to see him, because his face was bright red, And having her body pressed against his…was making him flush somewhere else too. 
He clicked his tongue and Stardust started walking again, at an easy comfortable trot. “This…is ok.” She said, much more comfortable now. 
“I’m gonna take you t’one of my favorite spots.” He said, pulling on the reins to the left lightly so she would follow the left trail. 
“Wow, already sharing secret spots huh? I think this therapist may just be Doctor of the year I don’t even think I’ve seen your favorite Chicago spots” she teased. 
Carm laughed a bit, he felt so much lighter with Syd around. And life had been lighter ever since he got here. 
“How is…uh- how is it back home?” He cleared his throat lightly. It was something that had being weighing on him. Yes, he was here, he was doing the thing. He was making Sugar happy. He was making Syd happy…but he would go back, at some point. 
And his biggest fear was things will just go right back. He won’t have this outlet, he won’t have sunset rides with Stardust to ease his mind. He won’t have the cows happily running up to him and greeting him when he was the first one to bring out a bale of hay. He felt like if he was here, he may have the confidence to tell Syd how he feels. But back home? It was another life. 
“Fine..things are..y’know. The usual shit. But nothing bad, no one’s getting locked in any freezers if that’s what you mean” she said playfully. 
Carm rolled his eyes with a light smile. “Mmhmm. So the restaurant is-“ 
“Is fine.” She said. “I’d have told you. You know that.” She said and he nodded a bit. 
“I know she scared you back there…but it’s pretty fun to go fast. You wanna try?” He asked. 
She shifted a bit uncomfortably, her hands tightening around his arms that were holding the reins around her waist. “Uhh…maybe? Are you sure we won’t fall off?” She questioned. 
“I’m sure. Here you can be the one to control it. Start light ok? With your legs.” He gently ran his hands down her thighs to right below her knees “here” he said softly, squeezing the flesh gently so she wouldn’t have to lean and look. “With that part of your legs, give her a little squeeze. But really light, or we’ll take out of here like a bat out of hell” he held around her waist again, securely holding the reins. 
“Mmhmm” she said, she was beginning to feel hot- and not because she’d done any hard work in regards to getting the horse ready. 
“Alright. Whenever you’re ready, you’re the boss” he said the last part softly in her ear. If it wasn’t for her jacket, he would see the goosebumps that had risen on her arms. She nodded quickly, staring straight ahead and trying to maintain her composure. 
“So I just?” She squeezed gently and the horse picks up her speed slightly. “Oh…ok” she said. 
“Told y’she was trained” Carmy teased and she rolls her eyes. 
“Mmm you’ve done a very good job, bribing this horse with peeps. The staff know you do this?” She asked. Carmy snorted a laugh
“No. But she’s healthy. Made sure. She only gets one or 2 if she doesn’t listen.” He admitted. 
She shook her head with a smile. “And how’d you find this out, Carm?” She leaned into him once more. 
“I…” he laughed a bit, his chest vibrating with the movement and it made her heart warm. 
“I uh…spent a few days in the library here. Reading up. After she threw me off. It’s all about trust with em. So I never lied to ‘er and I’ve never done something she didn’t expect because I always try to warn her.” He said, pulling her reigns a bit tighter. 
“This is like a joyride Syd cmon, I said fast not an evening stroll.” He teased. 
“Fine. Mister horse master- show me what Miss Stardust can do.” She said. 
With 2 kisses and a quick tap of his heel, they were off like a rocket. He held Syd steady, being sure she wouldn’t have to do most the work of holding herself center as he gripped each reign with the opposite hand, holding them taught so Star knew to keep going. 
Syd laughed, the wind flicking her dark curls all around. He wished she could see her amused expression. “Holy shit this is the best!” She shouted over the loud thuds of Stars hoofbeats. 
“I know right! Can you believe she can go faster?” He said, holding his knees taut around her hips to keep her from sliding. 
“Okay we are not! This is fine!” She said and sat up a bit “are we going into the-” She asks as Star begins to barrel through a creek, the freezing water spraying up and around them getting them slightly wet, the freezing water splashing from their calves up to their cheeks.. “CARMY!” She screams through laughter. 
He could barely catch his breath as he laughed so hard his stomach and ribs ached. “I’m sorry!! Syd! Oh god-“ he chuckled “woah girl- woah” he called to the course and she slowed down once again to a stop. 
“Fuck-“ Carmen chuckled “you okay?” He asked, picking a wet leaf from her jacket and throwing it to the forest floor. 
“Yeah- I’m.. I’m fine. That was really fun actually. C’mon I wanna see the spot” she said and took it upon herself to tug the reins so Star would take off again
“Shi-it!” He quickly finds his balance, “warn me!! Oh god I almost flew off!!” He told her. 
“You think I’d let her throw you off?” She mimics him from earlier and he takes the chance to playfully pinch her waist 
“Yes because who’s in back and who’s in front?” He wrapped his arms around her again, taking the reins from her grasp. “Your reign privileges have been revoked for this riding lesson, Ms.Adamu”  
She laughed a bit “I’ll earn them back. Don’t worry” she mused. 
“Mmm we need to talk about more shit before I just literally hand the reins over. Coulda spooked her and we’d be fuckin dead.” he angled the outside reigns so she’d slow down as they came to the clearing. 
“Here we are” he hopped off, raising his arms to help her down. 
She carefully reached out for him and he lifted her off, gently setting her down. “Holy fuck Carmy” she turned around, watching the waterfall cascade down over the rocks. 
“Right! Told you. It’s a fire spot” he went over to one of the rocks he usually sat at, plopping down and taking out a cigarette. “Oh- shit- can’t have y’running off” he told Stardust and chuckled, leaving the cigarette between his lips as he walked over to her, guiding her over to the tree, and hooking her right rein around a branch before sitting back down. 
“Yeah…I can’t remember the last time I went somewhere so…” she trailed off, looking at all the trees and running water. 
“Green?” Carmy lit his cigarette, taking a drag. “Not packed with smog? Somewhere that doesn’t smell like shit.” He said as he exhaled. 
“…yeah” she said and laughed a bit. “Yeah. Guess that’s it.” She came and sat next to him. “What did you mean about her getting scared?” She asked curiously. 
“Oh- a scared horse will fucking kill you. Not on purpose, but they’re big and pure muscle, and will do anything to get away from danger. I scared the shit out of her one time, that was it. Dislocated my shoulder 8th day here. Doing that hurts like a bitch by the way.” He rolled his shoulder gently. 
“How’d you manage that? God I knew you were shit at chatting up girls but she dislocated your shoulder?” She teased. 
He rolled his eyes with a playful smile, taking another drag. “Yes, I was fuckin around on the trail, dunno why- but there was this branch sticking out so I grabbed it, it snapped, she fuckin reeeared dude. I flew back so hard. My back might still be bruised I’m not sure. Still hurts a little to laugh” he said. 
“You better have seen a doctor” she said. 
“Ohhh silly Syd.” He sighed, a puff of smoke filling the air in front of him. “We aren’t allowed to refuse treatment here. If you get hurt, and you refuse to get help, it’s considered self harm, which leads to them believing you have suicidal ideation, which leads to you being locked in the actual nuthouse. So yes. I willingly went to the doctor daily for a week. And now, I’m being checked on once a week. So yeah. Oh and therapy daily. And every day I’m given my meds and someone checks over ‘pre-existing injuries’ which that is now considered. So yeah. I’m good. I’m fuckin fine as fine can be.” He said. 
“Awww poor little chef, being taken care of so well that’s so hard isn’t it?” She teased and he gives her a playful glare, but couldn’t help but crack a smile when he realized she was smiling too. 
“I was being taken care of fine at home by myself but you and my sister just had to ship me off after one tiny accident” he leaned back on his hand, taking another drag of his cigarette. 
“It stops becoming an accident when you didn’t care, Carm. You didn’t care. It didn’t phase you. You weren’t even…you weren’t even scared. Just because you didn’t do it on purpose doesn’t mean you did the sane thing which would have been doing everything you could to not let something like that happen.” She said, her tone suddenly serious. 
He looked down at his lap, swallowing thickly. He suddenly felt all of the armor he’d spent the last 31 days chipping at, slowly start to meld back together and shell him back in at the shame the whole situation was making him feel. 
“I have nightmares…you know. About it. What happened” she said quietly, and he could physically feel his heart ripping open. 
The only sound between them was the bubbling stream, and the sounds of their even breaths. 
“I’m sorry.” He said quietly, gaze fixed on his lap knowing he would burst into tears at the admission she’d been so deeply plagued by something he’d done, if he had looked at her.
“I know” was all she said, gently resting her hand on top of his. He felt the same fireworks exploding in his chest that he only ever felt when she was around. 
“Do you um…” he clears his throat and shook his head, embarrassed by the question plaguing his mind. “Never mind it’s..it’s stupid.” He removed his hand, putting his cigarette in it and resting the hand opposite of her on the rock. 
“That usually means it’s not stupid. What?” She coaxed, bumping his knee with hers gently. 
“It’s stupid” he said again, shrugging his shoulders. 
“It can’t be stupider then asking me what UPS means” She said playfully. He rolled his eyes, smiling and looking over at her. 
“And what if it is?” He questioned. 
“I would be..worried they’re giving you a bad concoction of meds that’s turning your glorious chef brain in to Swiss cheese” she teased 
He snorts a laugh. “I was gonna ask..if you wanted to cook..t’night. My cabin…it uh- has a kitchen? I haven’t cooked in a month. They give us food so I haven’t really bothered but…seeing you makes me miss it more, I guess” he blushed, looking back down at his lap. 
“Well obviously. Not gonna let you eat whatever bullshit they’ve been giving you while I’m around.” She said and he shook his head, meeting her gaze once more with a playful smirk. 
“Maybe you should check in. My therapist says it’s bad apparently to feel ‘responsible for others’ - says it’s a ‘subconscious self harming behavior’ “ he teased. 
She smiled a bit. “Okay- say I do. How about, I check in now, we shoot the shit for what- eleven more days- then, you go back home- and see how stressful it is in that restaurant when one of your hands is basically missing” she plucked the cigarette bud he’d forgotten about from between his fingers before it burnt him, flicking it into the creek. 
“You know that’s the first time I’ve seen you smoke- other then…me like checking on you when you were about to explode at work. But you’ve never…pulled one out and smoked it I guess” she said, pulling her knees to her chest and resting her cheek on her forearm as she looked at him. 
“Oh…” he said, pulling one of his legs up and resting his arm on it. “Didn’t realize you noticed” he said, brushing some dirt off his jeans. 
“I notice a lot of stupid shit about you, it’s kinda annoying honestly.” She said without thinking, her eyes widening when she realized and she looked the other way, resting her other cheek on her knee and squeezing her eyes shut. 
Why would you ever say that?! She asked herself internally. 
“Oh?” He said again, smiling a bit. “You do?” He questions, but that was as far as he’d push. 
“Mhm” was all she responded. Carmys phone started buzzing in his pocket and he pulled it out in case it was one of the ‘base keepers’ they called them. Carmy rather call them babysitters. He knew what they were for, being sure if they were out of sight too long they were making sure they could still get ahold of them. 
He sighed in relief when he saw it was just his 2:40 alarm. “Gotta go” he stood up, offering his hand to Syd. “Like- now. Or my ass is getting chewed out.” 
The ride back to the cabins was mostly silent. He had no stool this time, so he had to pick up Syd essentially by the ass and gently place her on Stars back so she didn’t get spooked. 
He was embarassed as fuck that the tiny action had the crotch region of his jeans tightening more then was casually explainable. Thank god no one was around to see him awkwardly hop in the way of his semi hard third leg down his left pant leg, grunting but covering it with a dry cough when she settled her ass back into him to ‘center their gravity’ 
Syd absolutely felt the firmness pressing into her ass. She thought it was a bit funny, but also brushed it off to the strange friction that came with riding a horse. She couldn’t allow herself to fully believe his teenage like excitement was due to her, or she’d go insane. 
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Carmy dropped Syd off at his cabin, giving her the key and telling her he’d put up Stardust and be back by 5, she would be blushing if it weren’t for her mahogany complexion at the domesticity of it all - er what she could imagine domesticity with Carmy would feel like. 
Her panties were also soaked through from the feeling of his enormous length pressed into the curve of her ass - the entire way back - but she just chalked that up to not getting laid for a few months, and misreading his natural arousal for him being horny- she quickly pushed the thought down and just chalked it up to the horse. Because guys get hard when they ride horses…right? Right?!
Carmen arrived to therapy extremely frustrated, and extremely ready to talk. He sat down in his regular spot in the back, tapping his knee nervously and covering his crotch with his hands. Luckily, thinking about his mother was enough to make him soft nearly instantly so he had that to thank her for at least. 
“Alright guys!” Julienne, the usual Friday therapist came in, sitting in her spot in the circle. “Who is up today! We are-“ she looks at her iPad “oh! Yes this is another OP class, so- no pressure but, I wanna hear what’s goin on!” She crossed her legs. 
Julie was far from his favorite therapist, at Blue Lotus. But he wasn’t his least favorite. So he would still talk. He cleared his throat, raising his hand slightly. 
“Carmy?! What a treat! Okay what’s up” she grabbed her little stylus pencil. He bit the inside of his lip nervously. He despised how casual she tried to make this all feel. 
“Uh…so- my um…business partner, she came to see me. I guess I haven’t been…keeping touch? Enough? She just said she was worried…” he cleared his throat again, gaze fixed on his lap. “And uh…I’m startin’ t’-t’realize stuff?” He sniffled nervously, rubbing his mouth with slightly clammy, nervous hands. 
“She uh..” he chuckled a bit. “She…she just…showed up. Didn’t hear shit from ‘er. She probably knew that I’d uh…I’d tell ‘er no?” He finally meets the gaze of Julie. 
“Okay. You know guests are allowed right? Like- during the visiting hours, 6am to 11pm, no fraternizing between patients but-“ Carmen cuts her off
“We aren’t - no. Not fraternizing” He shook his head. “But uh…today? We were- we were sitting. This spot, near uh, Jupiter point? On the north side. And I had this- this urge T-to tell her…everything.” He shook his head, looking at the floor again. 
“So…you wanted to tell her you love her?” Jesse, one of the guys he’d had lunch with a few times piped up. 
“T’be honest, I don’t know.” Carmen said honestly, looking at him. 
“Well what does it feel like?” Jesse asked, sitting up a bit. 
“What? Like- what does what feel like?” Carmen asked curiously. 
“Her. Being with her. Talking to her? Inside. Like. Your chest. Your skin?” He questioned. 
“Uh…” Carmen sat back, swallowing thickly and crossing his arms over his chest. He thought for a moment. 
“Hot. I get hot. All over. My chest feels tight but - but good? Like- a hug almost. And then…when she…” he blushed, looking down with a shy smile. “When she touches me” he shook his head slightly. “When she touches me it’s like um.. fireworks? Like fireworks beneath my skin.” He chuckled a bit at how cheesy it sounded. 
“And you haven’t fucking nailed her?” Jessie asked plainly. 
Carmen furrowed his brows, glaring at him. “No” he clenched his jaw “I haven’t.” He snips. 
“Dude- you are- pussy whipped with no pussy?! You- you love her, Carmen. You love this chick. I feel like I’m looking in a weird straight mirror - the first time-“ he laughed a bit “the first time I kissed a guy- god. He was so hot. But I had no idea! I had no idea. I really thought that I was just-“ he shook his head “that I was just wanting to befriend him? Or something? But like- I wanted to fuck him. And when I did kiss him? Something unlocked in my brain dude. It was like…like a whole new world. I felt like I knew - I knew what love could feel like? Just ‘cause of that one kiss “ he shrugged. 
Carmen looked at him, arms crossed, trying to absorb everything he was saying even though every fiber of his former self was screaming to take it with nothing more than a grain of salt. 
“Kiss her dude. Kiss her.” Jesse said and sat back in his chair. 
“Well. Although, consensual sexual instances are against the code of conduct to discuss - I am very proud to see you two coming out of your shells. Has anyone else felt… confused in their romantic endeavors and would like to share?” Julie asked. 
Carmen crossed his arms tighter, looking down at his lap. This was quite unusual for him, he was one of the patients to only add what he had to to be credited during inpatient, and during outpatient - only spoke when he really and honestly had to. 
“Uh-“ the super tall girl, Shayna sits up. Carmen was never really sure why she was here. She looked…perfect by all means. Perfect skin, perfect nails, pretty face, long blonde hair, a perfect body by girl standards. Or at least what Carmen had understood of them.
 “Not really the same.. but before I came out? I like…I would uh buy…girl clothes. That I liked. For my girlfriends at the time…” she blushed “and um.. I realized after a while that I liked them. And I wasn’t just..wanting to see my girlfriend in them. And like- it’s not the exact same, but when he said… about how Jesse realized he wanted the guy. That’s how I felt when I finally tried the clothes on” she shrugged. 
Carmen was…aghast. He just simply stared at her. He’d never met- or thought-  he’d ever met a trans person before today. But…Shayna? 
Well- he was wrong because he had met her, they actually knew each other fairly well as far as patients go, she joined the program when he did. When they first met, she’d made a joke about how they were the tallest girl and shortest guy in the class, so that meant they were bound to be friends, since opposites attract - and that earned a chuckle out of him before his meds had even fully evened out. 
“I love the cis-and-confused look- it’s cute” she said and laughed a bit. Carmen blushed, smiling a bit. 
“Not confused- well, maybe. Maybe a little. Y’Just so…dainty? I dunno..” he shrugged. 
“In case you haven’t noticed- mr.little man syndrome- you’re only one out with the cows doing the hay on time in the morning. Ninty percent of the group is your version of dainty ” Jesse teased. 
“Jesse” Julie gives him the look. “I’d assume that means- the rest of you that aren’t out helping with the bales- are scraping out the cow pens? Since Carmen is doing all the hard work according to you.” 
“I’m not girl- fuck no! The second I got out of inpatient house arrest? I walked my happy ass down to Walmart and bought me some blackout curtains. I recommend those to all of you! Oh my god and some ear plugs!! The stupid fucking roosters! Worst 15 days of my lifeee! I’m never coming back here peace and love to you all though. Truly. Can’t stand this cow shit stank ass place.”  Shayna said dramatically, causing Carmen to chuckle a bit.
 He had loved her boldness since they’d met. If Shayna didn’t want to do something- she wasn’t doing it. He learned that the day the staff tried to force her on anti-depressants. One of the main therapists got a Wellbutrin straight to the eye, they never attempted that battle the same way again. 
“We know Shayna you aren’t shoveling scat, princesses don’t do that” Jesse mocked her valley girl tone. 
“Okay! Okay. Alriiiight! Back on track- done with the bickering!” Julie said. “Now that open call is over let’s move on to breakthroughs. This issss-“ she looks at her iPad “ah- yes! D group. So. That makes it-“ he checks her watch “ah- right. 11 days! How are your light tunnel projects going?” She questioned. 
Carmen’s chest tightened, but not in the Syd is smiling or he made Syd laugh way- in the - I haven't done something I was meant to do way. 
The Light Tunnel project wasn’t hard. It was simply one thing you have done that you had wanted to do when you came into the program. And Carmy knew what his answer was, 
Admit how he felt to Sydney. 
Or, as his Therapist- Mandy told him ‘become more truthful with yourself and those you know about how you feel’ because “counting on someone to like him back would put him at square one” he had pretended to understand, but knew that he had to tell her and soon - or he was going to really go insane. 
“ my light tunnel was to talk to my asshole father- but lucky for me I just caught wind the motherfucker finally died thank god. So by default I win and don’t have to be here anymore cause his abandonment was what fucked me up anyhow“ Shayna said jokingly, causing Carm to snort a laugh. He knew she was only joking about the leaving early part, not the father part. Her father was an even bigger piece of shit then Carmen’s was, he had come to learn.
“Mmm that isn’t how it works we know that Shayna. We’ll talk more about this in one to one “ Julie told her and Shayna crossed her long legs, looking out the window. 
The last 20 minutes of the session Carmen sat silently, looking out the opposite window to Shayna, watching the horses running around in the field before they got called in for dinner and just spacing out, thinking about what he may say to Syd. 
“Yo - Carm space cadet” Shayna said before kicking his boot he jumped a bit, looking up at them both and had realized the room since had cleared and Julie was preparing for her next session. 
“Shit.” He said “how long have I been like…like that?” He asked, his cheeks feeling hot. 
“It’s the OCD meds. They get you stuck in a happy thought loop sometimes. Are you just gonna sit here? You wanna do another hour of this with sniveling group a? They got here three days ago.” Jesse said. Carm shook his head, getting up. 
“No- no sorry” he said starting with them outside. Shayna laughed a bit 
“You were thinking of screwing that business partner aren’t you. “ she said, causing Carmys cheeks to go pinker. 
“Shayna shut up!” Jesse scolded, pushing her shoulder lightly. 
“Awwww carmyyy are your feelings hurt little buddy? Do you need a hug? Jesus men are such pussys” she pushed open the doors of the therapy cabin for them. 
“Let me see pictures of this hot chick. If you don’t fuck her I will and I bet I’d do a better job” Shayna teased as they started heading back towards the cabins. 
Carmen couldn’t even process what she said as he felt his breath get caught in his chest, he saw her. She was sitting on the porch of his cabin, criss-cross in one of the rocking chairs as she writes in her notebook. He couldn’t help but stop and stare at the way the setting sun hit her bronze skin, her curls casting intricate patterned shadows on the wood. He felt his heart pick up, his chest squeezing in that way, the way that only happened when he saw her. 
Shayna and Jesse stopped after a few moments when they realized Carm had gotten stuck behind. They both follow his gaze carefully to see what he was so fixed on, like a trance. 
“Holy fuuuck!!! Holy fuck how did I get this lucky!! She’s here? She’s here still?!” Shana asked excitedly, “oh my god- you’re getting laid- tonight” she excitedly skips up to the cabin and Syd looks up, locking eyes with her before seeing Carmen just a few paces behind.  “I’m Shayna! Do you and Carm wanna hang out with us tonight?”
➵ 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ♡♡♡
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sucker4sixx · 19 days
Relight my fire
Plot: i love you
Warnings: rebounds (?)
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You wake up feeling groggy, laying on nikkis warm chest, your eyes drifting up to see him smoking, his eyes red with the hangover. Nikki never liked to smoke in his house but i guess rules were made to be broken. “Morning sweetheart” he smiles at you, stroking your hair and placing the cigarette in your mouth. You take a quick few puffs and pass it back “morning nikki..” “did we fuck?” He asks blandly, knowing its a ‘no’ but wanting to catch you off guard. “Oh my god, no. Im asleep here because i was comforting you about seeing beth” he nods, your explanation making more sense.
“She looked gorgeous last night.. like a princess” he mutters, his eyes not leaving that one spot in the wall he focused on to make himself not cry “sometimes i wonder.. if i had took the news of her cheating better and not done it back.. where would we be now” his eyes go all glassy “well.. youd probably be trying to fill the void that you once felt was filled by her because you knew she slept with another man” you suggest.. “probably, yeah” he falls silent, snubbing his cigarette out and cuddling you even closer, needing the affection. You run your hands through his hair as he closes his eyes “i just dont understand.. maybe im not perfect but i gave her everything i had to offer.. i put my job on the line for her too many times” he frowns, sighing, you kiss his forehead softly “its not your fault she couldnt see what a handsome, loving, sweet man she had..” you scratch his scalp gently “but now she does.. and i dont know what to do” his bottom lip trembles alittle.
“Nikki she wont treat you any different to what she did, it wont go well if you go for her” “i know, but i miss it.. i miss waking up every morning to my wife and making her breakfast and seeing her at my shows.. i just miss the feeling of being so utterly adored, now i feel like im nobodys.. somebody.. you know?” You tilt your head, trying to understand what he means “im no ones special person anymore.. i have no one that feels complete with me and that i feel completed by” he holds back tears as you scratch his scalp. Nikki was your ‘special person’ and it hurt knowing he didn’t recognise that. “Nikki… your my special person..” he looks up at you, smiling softly “sweetheart thats sweet but.. dont tell me stuff to make me feel better” “im being serious nikki.. i mean it, since ive been here ive just felt so complete” he sighs and moves down to kiss you softly again but you move back “your still in love with the your wife nikki..” you frown and get out of his bed, moving to the living room.
He comes into the living room awkwardly ten minutes later, his face alittle red “do you want breakfast?” You look up to him and nod, smiling “ill get a fry up going” he pats your shoulder and makes his way to the kitchen. He returns with two plates of a classic english fry up and sits beside you, both of you eating silently but thinking of the same thing.. his wife.
“Im sorry..” you start, Nikkis head turning to you “for letting myself become a sort of.. wife model to you.. that wasnt my intention” you search his eyes that sadden “no, i shouldnt have used you as a rebound..” he sees your eyes sadden this time “but its not like i dont have feelings for you, your the most gorgeous woman i know.. your personality is just amazing and you smile is unbelievable-“ “nikki your doing it again” he goes quite, it wasnt even intentional “i cant help it..” he whispers. “Nikki i dont wanna be your rebound, i dont want to be with you so you can forget temporarily but when you’re bored im going in the trash-“ “i wouldnt do that!” He exclaims, feelings frustrated that you think hes capable of hurting you so badly “i wouldnt do that to you” he moves closer, you look up at his desperate eyes and he leans down to kiss you, both of your lips meeting softly.
He moves you back and his hand holds your head, kissing you softly “i wouldn’t do that” he repeats between kisses as you both make out, its filled with love thats been hidden for years.. this was bound to happen “i love..” you cut him off with a kiss “dont say it nikki.. please dont say it” you beg him, he sighs and frowns, watching your desperate eyes “dont shut me down.. i really do love yo-“ hes cut off by the door knocking, he groans and gets up, answering it to his ex wife, she smiles wide and hugs him, you watch in shock from the couch. As she kisses him you storm to your bedroom, even though they had a history your feelings for nikki were getting undeniable and hard to ignore.
Not even 20 minutes later nikkis walking into your room and crawling in beside you, you look at him confused “is she..” “yeah.. i sent her home” his arms wrap around you and he holds you close, his large hands stroking your stomach softly, you cant help but smile.
“I love you”
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nekioe · 5 months
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
Dream and Punz celebrate Technoblade's failed execution
I dont really like this one much😔 I haven't had much time to write this week so its very short and ends very abruptly (cause i gave up)
I planned to do a tiny sketch as well but nuh uh
“I can't believe that they actually got him.” It's the first thing Dream says when he storms into Punz tower. He's panting slightly, running a hand, shaky with adrenaline, through his hair. 
“Oh yeah? Didn’t they like- threaten to kill his horse or something?” Punz shrugs. He tries to hide the relief at seeing Dream safely back at the tower again. Dream nods and lets out a nervous sigh. He’s pacing around the room and Punz can’t say he's sure whether it's because he's anxious or if he's just trying to get rid of some nervous energy. He decides (hopes) it's the latter one.
“Yeah…” he trails off, looking at the wall in front of him. He has stopped the pacing and is standing right beside the table Punz is sitting by, as if he was just about to sit down when his thoughts distracted him. Punz is about to ask what Dream’s thinking about when he shakes his head and continues. His voice is warmer and Punz can hear a smile in his voice. “Well, I got his horse back, he seemed relieved to see it again.” 
“That's good. I think this went really well." Punz smiles. Dream takes off his mask and puts it on the table in front of him. finally sagging down in the chair with an exhausted sigh. Punz watches him, something sweet and warm filling his chest when he looks at his face. The trust between them, it feels nice. Something only for him.
“I think you did great.” He says after a short moment of hesitation. There's more he wants to say, but Dream likes keeping their relationship as professional, pushes anything that feels too friendly away, so he stays quiet.
Dream rolls his eyes and sighs loudly. It's so unnecessarily dramatic and so Dream that Punz can't help but smile.
“I barely did shit. You- you were the one jumping down there distracting everybody.”
“Okay, okay, I guess we both did pretty great then.” 
obligatory @: @sixteenth-day-event
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lmk-aus-galore · 8 days
Cinema Sins/Wins Rip Off of Lego Monkie Kid.
Yeah yeah I’m back folks, I just decided to take a looong break.
Inspired by @satansaidmyturnintheh3||scape
-I won't be counting Animation Mistakes, because Idk how to do that, and I myself am a beginner animator (more like incredibly amateur, to the point I'm asking my sister for help) Unless of course the Animation is obviously and clearly having a mistake for me to watch.(Or it is said in the wiki) The other reason is because I don't want to keep repeating a scene just to check for an animation mistake.
-!This is mostly for entertainment purposes, sorry if I sound too mean!
-I also won't be counting flashbacks as 'mistakes' because most of them are based on bias.
-I'll be formatting it like this
Let’s get started.
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-Love how you can see where Mei, Sandy and MK are in this scene.
-On the other hand why does Pigsy have a random game machine beside his shop? I know there are apartment buildings on top of said shop but in Season 2 he actively has authority to remove it.
-Secondly is MK currently on break at the moment or is he just, ‘slacking off’ judging by his clothes he should be currently working.
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-Dragon Horse and Stone Monkey.
-Ah yes the underrated trio. Sandy, Mei and MK. Please tell me this group has a name.
-Bad time to call your daughter.
-The way Mei is so nervous to talk to her mother and the way she talks as if her mother doesn’t even give her enough time to explain, like I think Mei’s Mother is cutting her off at times here and it’s not really okay. It feels like Mei is talking to her boss than her Mom.
-Sandy for the win.
-The finishing move is a spin of the staff and a hit to the leg…wow MK.
-I really love how Sandy is just casually friends with these guys. Like these guys just met Sandy a few weeks ago and all of a sudden they said ‘Let’s be friends’
-Ok MK you should really get social cues…or at least let Mei get a word in-
-‘I always wanted to see Mei’s secret Dragon House full of secret Dragon stuff’ makes me wonder why no one believes in the Monkey King stories. Either that or why Mei isn’t being worshipped like a deity by now.
-Also MK, kinda creepy…but to be fair Mei put cameras on all of you…
-Why does this Bull Clone pull out the same Two Pictures twice?
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-Mei doesn’t smile in her photo, along with the rest of her family :(
-In fact she looks kinda restricted.
-Also Key detail, looks like Mei’s little green hair things are dyed!
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-PIF confirms that Sha Wujing’s spear and Zhu Bajie’s rake are Celestial Weapons that later tie into Season 4
-We also have the Calabash, PIF’s fan, Wukong’s staff, Nezha’s spear and two of the Samadhi Fire Rings…though I think by this time of development this probably is Nezha’s little ring thingys in his shoes? Not really sure. The only one we don’t know about is the unidentified sword and the random rope.
-Also is she implying that her own fan is a powerful artifact? I guess that makes sense…?
-Why does PIF’s animation always stretch her or squish her I can’t take her seriously XD worse that it’s usually the face.
-Mei wanting to be a normal child is so sad. On the other hand why don’t we have more fanfics of Mei and her family dynamic? Come on people the angst is right there!
-When you think about it, the High-Tech security might’ve been the reason Mei became the ‘Tech Girl’ in the group. Since her family dabbles in High-Technology it’s only obvious she grew curious of that stuff.
-On the other note, what’s with Ancient families and suddenly getting a grasp at handling High-Technology? Like bro Red Son and Mei have so many parallels to each other it’s insane.
-You know Red Son you might need to double down in calling Mei a peasant because uhh…wow, the place is huge.
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-Mei’s room doesn’t have a door, which shows how shitty these people actually are.
-Also Mei has a lot of rock aesthetic posters, including one with a spider meaning Mei canonically had a rock phase. That or a goth phase so goth Mei is probably canon.
-Why I thought of rock is because of the two sets of guitars she has, one being an electric guitar.
-Mei also has a skateboard indicating she used to skate.
-She has an indoor TV with two game controllers (Why didn’t they just play in her bedroom?)
-And finally she has some things I think her parents would’ve given her such has the pony statue and the meditation carpet on the floor.
-Also apparently she plays the piano? Or is that even a piano?
-The legend of Mei’s sword is kinda cool actually.
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-I have a feeling I know why no one has been able to hold that sword in like…ever (They all look so mean)
-‘You two boot up the old TV!’ What TV? There is literally no TV there? Is there a TV off-screen? Even so where would you put said TV? And again, why not your room?
-MK control your strength- how the hell does that even happen?
-Bull Clone literally just yeeted his hat at him.
-Said Bull Clone took the precious Dragon Sword despite the fact that he was struggling to get it off the statue
-Mei calls her Motorcycle like a horse, get it? Dragon Horse?
-Okay now I don’t blame MK I think that pinball machine is old. BECAUSE HOW DOES THAT JUST HAPPEN?!
-Mei this house should at LEAST take up a whole acre, HOW BIG IS YOUR HOUSE?!
-Mei fixing her bike is while she is chasing the Bull Clone is badass as hell. We do not talk about her enough.
-Pro tip: Never mess with Mei.
-This is why we need to give this family some doubt, okay if literally all her ancestors are dissing her and insulting her to her face because of the way she acts then maybe you shouldn’t turn a blind eye.
-‘You know what I am part of this family! I am Mei! Descendant of the Great Dragon of the West Sea, this is mine! And this is my House!” You go girl, show these guys a what you’re made of!
-A very good take on Mei accepting who she is despite her family’s expectations on her. She’s part of the family but she knows that she needs to stand up for herself. Good bravo.
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-I wonder what the parents’ reaction was, Holy cow this might’ve been QUITE the sight.
-Yep that Bull Clone is straight up dead.
-MK I think that machine is really just old.
-Lol, Sandy making sure MK doesn’t lose focus.
-‘Somebody forgot our luggage’ then she stares directly at the dad and said dad doesn’t give a damn.
-The fact that Mei has to apologize first before getting praised is messed up as hell. If someone is trying to steal a really powerful relic such as that, then obviously it’s gonna be chaos, but the fact she has to apologize first before they acknowledge she did something good is messed up.
-But to be fair I think they do love Mei, really, but the way they parent just icks me.
-And Mei’s mom sounds like she pulled that whole talk out from google.
-Mei’s dad sounds…familiar hold up-
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-KNEW I HEARD THAT VOICE SOMEWHERE. (Also apparently Mei’s mom is the same VA as Mei, so Stephanie Steph is just talking to herself)
-Poor MK…
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sflow-er · 3 months
would kill to know more about august’s relationship with his mom like youre telling me your son gets caught for committing a crime and you still dont care enough to even come see him and see whats going on 😭 maybe im looking too much into it bc i wanna dissect him like a lab rat but really like she seems so neglectful
Hello anon! Thank you for the ask 💜
I've felt since first watching S1 that August's mother Louise really is neglectful. Let's look at the glimpses we get of her:
Erik says to Wille in S1E2 that she sent August to Hillerska shortly after his dad's suicide. Fair enough, I'm sure August wanted to go and probably lashed out at her for "not making life easier" for Carl Johan. But she seems to have essentially just left him there without any proper followup on how he was dealing with everything. His grief, their financial situation, his sudden responsibility having to take over from his father... As his mother, she should have made sure he got some help - counselling with Boris for example, but that clearly didn't happen. Based on all the issues August developed in the time leading up to canon, he has dealt with precisely none of his trauma, which also left him so very open to Erik's abuse and influence at Hillerska (as we now know).
She let August believe she would get the boarding money for him up until S1E3, only to turn up at Parents' Day and tell him to get it himself. By selling some of his father's belongings that she must have known meant everything to him. Yeah, that was probably the best and only solution, but the way she handled it was abysmal. And then she seemed surprised that August was angry and disappointed... Whereas August's reaction seemed to hint that this wasn't the first time she let him down (at least in my interpretation).
She was nowhere to be found in the aftermath of the video. August returned to Hillerska early from Christmas break, and it was plain to see he wasn't doing well at all. But we didn't get a single hint of her trying to reach out, nor did she seem all that worried when he suddenly called her weeks later and told her to buy a random horse (despite saying before that he would rather die than tap into his inheritance). She did ask why, but when he said "because I want to", she just dropped the subject.
And as you pointed out, we also didn't see her after he was caught. I'm sure we're meant to infer that August has been in touch with both her and Rickard since Rickard is representing him, but her absence from our screens or even the dialogue leaves a very specific taste. He may be 18, but he's still her son, and she should be there when he fucks up to the point of committing an actual crime. Asking what the hell he was thinking and demanding that he talk to someone about all his problems. This could've been brought up when he had to start seeing Boris after his fight with Wille, for example.
(Not to mention the missed opportunity of having her ask how he feels about having to sell Årnäs for the settlement! I will forever be bitter that this happened off camera and we didn't see August's reaction at all. It would've benefited the story on several levels to actually show his pain.)
So yeah. We could well see Louise again in the finale, but considering August still considers Sara the only person he's ever really been able to talk to... His mother definitely hasn't been there for him enough. I do not blame her for wanting to live her own life at all, especially as her marriage to Carl Johan was probably hell towards the end, but it sure seems like August is yet another example of how the adults in YR have let their children down.
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juni-ravenhall · 6 months
how i wouldve rewritten the sso intro quests (off the top of my head in like 10 min and im not a professional writer just a hobby gamedev)
they can 100% keep the ferry cutscene it was cute
we are welcomed to the camp by justin and told that this is the moorland stables and his dad owns it, he hopes you'll enjoy your time. now lets walk over the bridge from moorland->camp to show you your cabin and meet maya.
near the cabins, maya is holding the starter horse (by the reins like when we lead) and talking to lisa (and maybe alex) when we arrive. we say hi, she tells us this is your lesson horse for now and she already got it ready, commenting on that it can be a bit difficult but nothing major, just nobody has really clicked with it yet (similar what she says in new intro).
there is a moment of a cutscene between the horse and mc, showing that we feel some kind of bond or intrigue as a soul rider, mc has a dialogue/thought like "i feel like this horse is looking at me almost like a human" or idk something.
lisa says hi and something similar as new intro - that shes there to get used to horses again after her trauma and taking it slowly.
justin says he has to go help another camper, bye. maya says, lets go to the paddock and you can try getting on the horse, we're going to have a lesson with everyone soon but there's some time until then.
maya helps us get up on the horse in the paddock, while lisa is leaning on the fence, watching.
we learn the controls how to move, the same basic of the new intro.
maya asks how we are feeling, and that it looks like we have a good handle on this horse already, like we are a good fit.
The dramatic cutscene i need: the camera cuts from us sitting on the horse to some kind of magic or fripp related thing right next to the paddock - it could be the fripp ghost, it could be something else. (something nobody else can see.) our horse spooks at the mysterious thing and we fall off!
mc goes "urgh, ow, ow!" and we're laying on the ground, holding our leg/arm/whatever. but the camera showed that lisa (with a worried face) very quickly ran over as we fell and now bends down next to us, while maya is catching the horse.
the camera shows a close up shot of some strange little light around lisas hand as she touches our hurt bodypart. mc then quickly starts relaxing from the pained face. lisa asks if we're okay, and mc is like "yeah, that hurt, but... i guess its not that bad, its not really hurting now...?"
as that scene happened, our starter horse came back towards us, and it lowers its head to sort of nuzzle us as we sit on the ground with lisa, as if to say "sorry, you okay?" (this is to help show the horse isn't scary and didnt mean to throw us off.)
mc cautiously pets the horse's head, there's a moment of animation between caution to then relaxing and accepting the horse's apparent apology.
maya is back in the shot, asks if we're okay, and we nod, lisa says "it seems they're fine". maya or lisa offers their hand to get us up.
maya says the best thing is to get right back up in the saddle, if we really aren't hurt and feel okay. lisa looks hesitant and says we dont have to get back up right now if we dont want to, because that was scary and its okay to be scared, but she agrees maya is right about not letting the fear take over too. maya might say "sorry, i didnt mean to be insensitive, i know you went through a lot lisa" and lisa is like "its alright, dont worry".
mc says we're getting back on, so we do and we have some other little practice, like the full stop.
justin comes back after that, and says we're ready to have the lesson now. now there are some bobcats around (not just random anonymous npcs nobody cares about) and some npcs that look more similar to mc aka camp participants.
here the lesson (implied to be happening with other camp participants, whether they can be shown in the paddock or only outside it) could be a small test where the player has to follow the lines at the correct gait, since this would come back with dressage later in the game (assuming it will be added properly) and the "follow the line" in some other gameplay (druid training, foal training on south hoof, etc)
after that we learn how to jump with a very small jump, and lisa on the side is like "you can do it!", after the jump there's a small cutscene of mc patting the horse and the horse looking happy (bonding moment). maybe here there could be some extra drama, show the player someone watching from the shadows, or a DC drone, ...or not if thats too much.
now maya and justin introduce that we're going to do a small simple race, here more or less same as in new intro. lisa says we inspired her with our braveness and she gets on starshine and joins the race (we can see her riding it ahead of us).
at the end of the race lisa is happy and we're all having fun. (here's another chance to add in a menacing person/drone watching from the shadows, if not before this, but again, maybe thats too much.)
justin now helps us get off the horse (still on the new island thingy, not at moorland stables) and we move over to the stalls and learn how to groom and feed our horse there. here we also learn how to buy horse feed and fill the bucket.
after this, it would be okay to introduce linda, reading as she is in the new intro. (lisa could ask what shes reading and linda says "100k knights of unistria vampire AU" and lisa says "oh, you printed out fanfics again, i shouldve guessed...")
but when linda says the "we've met before" thing, give mc an option to answer - "i also feel like we met before, but where?" or "im not sure...", small changes to this dialogue to make it better and more immersive for the player.
from here you could either jump to the dream sequence in a similar way its done now, but maybe show vaguely the other soul riders in the dream *while we havent met them yet*. i do think the dream could also be improved - show us 4 ghostly horses instead of 2 to represent the soul riders horses, and do some of the camera work differently for other parts.
the next day, we leave our cabin and maya is outside, there's a cutscene to force us to start the quest. she says "oh, you're up early" - "yeah, i had a nightmare" - "aw that sucks. sorry to ask, but since you're up, would you mind helping me out a bit?" - we start a quest to go to fort pinta to pick up stuff for the camp, and to meet alex and james there. maybe lisa or linda is up early too and offers to join.
honestly i dont have energy to write anymore bc i dont get paid but you get the idea. alex (and james) get introduced here on day 2 during this errand quest to fp (which might Go Wrong in some way for drama, bc we need drama), maybe jasper can still be introduced here just being grumpy and starting some of the lore for justin, without fully stopping us from going. something else shady could happen with GED, kembell, a slight rewrite of the old intro, allowing linda or lisa or justin or maya to talk to us about GED as it happens (maya certainly has reason to). anne could be introduced later at the end of day 2, and here we could go into the campfire and lisa's singing and shit. (or you could build it up for another day, so we feel even more bonded with the charas first!)
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mossy-rainfrog · 4 months
Build A Cowboy Round 5!
Hi good evening sorry for vanishing OK SO i mentioned in the tags of my first poll that this cowboy is not just going to be a vaguely historical cowboy, but from a Very specific time frame, because of the fic that his partner Javi exists in. That being said, there is a lot to unpack here with this! The time period exactly is 1841, the setting is Texas (because I am texan and we are predictable) and oh my god this is one of the most insane times for a character to be from texas 😭
Our cowboy will have in fact lived through the Mexican War of Independence (1810-1821), the Texas Revolution (1835-1836), tx's CRINGEFAIL attempt at self governing, rapidly approaching our annexation into the US in 1844-5, and then coming right up on the fuckign CIVIL WAR in 1861. These guys deeply understand the concept of "get me the fuck out of the interesting times, im sick of the interesting times". im so sorry cowboys, you can blame Herman Melville for this.
anyways yall didnt come here for a history lesson but you are in fact going to get one because i am insufferable first and an artist second :) and also as a note, race and backstory are always intertwined things but Especially when it is fuckign 1841 so. yeah exercise caution, there will be discussion of racism, medical close-calls, and anti-indigenous genocide. PLEASE ACTUALLY READ THE BACKGROUNDS BEFORE CHOOSING ONE! you dont have to read the sources. those are just there because i have autism. 👍
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BACKSTORY A: Black Cowboy fled Texas* to Oklahoma with his family after the revolution, now travels up the trade routes breaking wild horses, passing along abolitionist messages, and assisting refugees. A miracle baby surviving a cleft lip with limited surgery and sustained permanent hearing damage as a result, he took up the trade of horsebreaking with flying colors, keeping right up with his older brothers. A sharp shot, keen eye, and a talented horseman, his best trained horses help him identify sounds that he otherwise can't hear. Loosely familiar with PSL, but primarily used a mix of lip-reading, localized/community generated sign growing up.
* After the US aided Texas in staging a coup against Mexico and declaring independence, an ordinance passed in 1836 that fully banished free Black people from the region unless they had personal pardon from Congress. This ordinance was not passed without pushback, and it changed shape and restriction over the years as people of color such as Joseph Tate, John and Charity Bird, Diana Leonard, Allen Dimery, and more all fought for their right to their own lands and lives. The law eventually settled into what was known as the Ashworth Act in 1840, which allowed free Black people to stay IF they had been residing in the state before 1836. It certainly wasn't the victory many had hoped, and even though many free Black persons in Texas were granted pardon to stay, like the Ashworths who the act was named after, many others were forced to leave after their allotted time was up, and were threatened with the future of slavery should they return. thank you texas history for being a vile piece of shit 👍
BACKSTORY B: Mexican/Tejano Vaquero from West Texas whose family has been ranching and cattle driving for decades. Has no interest in moving post-revolution, fuck you very much. If the borders are going to cross his family without asking*, then there's no need to cross them back. Technically lives with his family, but spends extensive periods of time away from home on cattle drives. Steady-handed, steadfast, quick to keep his herd safe. Miraculously survived a cleft lip as a baby and sustained permanent hearing damage** as a result, but that didn't stop his father from teaching him everything he knew, nor our man from taking to it like a fish to water. Knows more about cattle driving than you will ever forget.
*Some brief notes on the borders shifting and alienating people in their own rightful land.
**There was no official sign language of Mexico until the first Deaf school was established in 1869, but he and his family likely have a community-based one that works for them.
BACKSTORY C: Coahuiltecan (specifically Payaya)* cowboy, farrier, and leatherworker. Picked up the line of work as family was pushed to assimilate, one of the few still claiming Coahuiltecan identity at this time**, and has made a good living for himself and his sisters with it. Like the others, miraculously survived a cleft lip as a child but sustained permanent hearing damage as a result. Knows Plains Indian Sign fluently, and also relies on the direction of his horse for picking up sudden sounds before he can spot them. Tries to keep his work as local as possible to avoid separation from family for long, and whenever that is necessary, makes sure to come back soon.
*Note: Coahuiltecan is a term referring to several northern-Mexican and southern-Texan autonomous groups with distinct cultural differences. However, since Spanish and French colonizers lumped these groups together, an immense amount of distinguishing knowledge has since been lost.
** Also note: the Tāp Pīlam Coahuiltecan Nation is still very much around today (check out their site!) but nearing the mid 19th century, people at least claiming/listing this heritage on legal documents dwindled immensely for a variety of reasons.
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