#yelena and kate being idiots
archivomeow · 2 months
it’s supposed to be fun, turning twenty-one
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palestine etc. read on ao3. writing masterlist
description; Yelena and Kate are stuck in traffic when they head to Yelena’s birthday party, she’s turing twenty one and during the car ride she makes a new discovery about herself, she is aroace.
Yelena was sat behind the wheel in the car, Kate had some trouble when her mom was in jail, so Yelena was kind enough to give her a lift while they went over what of their property was actually bought with money that wasn’t a result of fraud.
It was Yelena’s 21st birthday and there was a small party that Natasha threw her with the help of Clint in what they said was a nearby club, it was in fact not nearby.
What made it all worse was the traffic, the streets were jammed with cars and there was no way around it, it was the winter break season.
So far the ride was good, Yelena had to stop Kate from eating in the car, as it was rented, but besides that it went smoothly, Kate was in charge of the radio, she kept playing recent pop hits which made Yelena’s ear ring, but seeing how happy Kate was to sing along she let it go.
But soon enough Kate got bored, she decreased the volume of the radio as she blankly stared at the side of Yelena’s head. The blonde noticed that immediately, but chose to ignore it, knowing very well that Kate had something to say and she could talk about it for the next couple hours and she was already agitated enough. She didn’t want to snap at Kate or be rude and not listen, but her mind was wandering for the last couple of days and traffic was a good place to collect her thoughts before she had to walk into a party that was hosted for her.
“So…” Kate cleared her throat. “It’s your party, so you make the rules…”
“No, Kate. You cannot drink.”
“Why not?!” She whined like a kid, Yelena felt like she was babysitting, not that anyone would actually leave her alone with a child, she instead got left with Kate, who was very lovely, but also insufferable a lot of the time.
“Because you’re not 21.” Yelena responded with a sense of obviousness in her tone.
Kate just scoffed in response.
The car feel into silence again and Yelena would be okay with it, but the radio remained on a low volume and Kate being this silent was alarming, so she made a call in that moment, a stupid idea popped into her head, but she still chose to cheer up Kate, they were stuck in traffic either way.
“Come on… You wanna play a game or something?” Yelena turned her head to Kate, Kate sat up straight and looked confused at Yelena.
“Like what?” She mumbled.
“Like… Questions! You can ask me something or… yeah…” She came up with that on the spot, Kate loved to talk, she talked a lot and she would definitely take her chance to make Yelena talk more.
Kate sighed, pretending to think about it, but Yelena could see the spark of excitement in her eyes. “Okay… So… What’s your favourite color?”
“Seriously? That’s your first question?”
“Baby steps, Yelena, baby steps…”
“I— Whatever…I like green.”
Kate nodded as she stared to think for a moment before she spoke up again.
In that brief moment Yelena scolded herself in her head, because she was sure this is how the rest of the ride will look like.
“What is your favourite animal?”
“Favourite meal?”
“Ever shot anyone?”
The question rolled off of Kate’s tongue so naturally, like she was asking Yelena her favourite movie or her best memory. It made Yelena’s grip on the wheel tighten and after a pause she sighed and answered reluctantly.
“You know the answer to that, Kate.”
“Ever stabbed anyone?”
Again a pause struck in the conversation as it was moving in a direction Yelena did not like.
“Kate.” She said firmly doing her best to make Kate read the room.
“Right, sorry…” She cleared her throat as she asked a next question. “Have you ever been in love? Like… Love, love from the movies, you know?”
“That’s not real.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean love. It’s not real.”
“You don’t love?”
“I love… I love Natasha, my… um Melina and Alexei…” She sighed. “I mean in the movies, the cutesy first meet, the idealistic way of loving, the amazing and full of love sex or kissing… That’s fake.”
Kate paused, she needed a brief moment, because she didn’t understand what Yelena was on about. “What?”
“What?” Yelena turned to her, her green eyes meeting Kate’s as the two stared at each other in silence for a brief moment. “You didn’t know it was all made up?”
“So, you’re telling me that romance isn’t real? That no one falls in love, ever?”
Yelena nodded as a response as the traffic moved so she had to focus on the road.
“That is exactly what I’m saying.”
“H-Have you never been in love?”
She groaned irritated. “Yeah. No one has, because those are not actual feeling you can feel.”
“I have thought… many people have, like a lot.”
Yelena rolled her eyes at the statement.
“Can you stop fucking with me? I need to focus on the road.”
“Yelena. I am not fucking… with you…” She paused and whispered an awkward “That sounds weird.”
Kate sighed as she sat up straight, Yelena could very well hear her, but her focus was on the road.
“I have loved before and I have kissed before and… It is real. I think that if you don’t feel it, there might be something wrong.”
Yelena shook her head. “Have you ever thought there’s something wrong with you for feeling that?”
“No, well… I’m not alone, but I’ve never heard of… that.”
“Not loving people in that way, not wanting to kiss them or fuck them… Like sure not everyone, but no one, ever? That sounds…”
“That sounds what?”
“Sad. It sounds sad, Yelena.”
Yelena could feel her heart drop with each of Kate’s words, she could feel a hole in her stomach, of course it wasn’t real and it was all in her head, but it felt real, it felt like she was dying in that moment, Kate talked more and more and as Yelena listened to everything she was saying she fet as if it made more and more sense. She was the odd one out. She was broken and everyone could love? How come she never caught up on that? It wasn’t all an act? It wasn’t all forced?
While Yelena was deep in her thoughts, Kate pulled put her phone and started to type.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m looking it up…” Kate bit her lower lip as she focused on getting all the words correct and still misspelled most. “Hm… So… It’s actually a thing.”
“What is?” Yelena cleared her throat as she did her best to focus on Kate.
“Not loving and all that you are… It’s this thing called aro…aromatic, um no, aromantic and asexual.”
“Read it, the, whatever you just said.”
“Aromantic people have little or no romantic attraction to others. They may or may not feel sexual attraction. An aromantic person can fall into one of two groups: aromantic sexual people or aromantic asexual people.”
“Well, I support it… Fuck yeah.” Kate smiled reassuringly at Yelena. “I was a bitch earlier, I’m sorry, I— There are other things worth living for and if you don’t feel what I feel… It’s okay.”
Yelena was silent and Kate just kept reading more and more about it on her phone. That was it, two words that so precisely described her and not the whole world as she thought, not everyone felt like it was fake, forced or pretend… It didn’t feel gross and almost repulsive to everyone else, but it did to her and as Kate Bishop said… It’s okay.
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fratboykate · 1 year
real talk but im like...kind of apathetic to her coming back if its not on the same film as yelena is it just me?
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hard-core-super-star · 3 months
caught myself [K.Bishop]
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pairing: kate bishop x reader
summary: kate's competitiveness gets in the way of her seeing you for who you truly are.
warnings: technically none?; idiots in love; kate technically does knock R on their ass but no one gets hurt; yelena being an awful wingman; kate's sad puppy dog eyes; me feeling rusty af after writing so many serious essays
wordcount: 1.6k
a/n: me writing something else instead of focusing on the large pile of requests i still haven't gotten to? yeah, it's more likely than you think. i'll try to get into a somewhat normal posting schedule at some point if uni ever stops kicking my butt BUT FOR NOW, enjoy what was supposed to be a valentine's day special. also, don't worry, kissing in the crossfire part two WILL be happening!
* * * * * * *
You’re not sure what’s worse, being the newest member of the Young Avengers or being the member with the most obvious crush possible. It’s like the universe didn’t think you had enough difficulties getting used to life with your new team, it also thought you needed to juggle having the biggest crush on one of your teammates simultaneously.
Because fighting criminals daily isn’t hard enough, right?
You had tried your hardest to keep your massive crush on a certain purple-loving archer a secret but your plan had gone out the window the second Yelena figured out the hidden feelings behind your lingering stares. To say she didn’t understand your fascination with Kate Bishop would be an understatement but at least she tried to help…in her own, weirdly aggressive, way.
Her help mainly included making ridiculous comments at your expense. Comments that went completely over Kate’s head every single time and only led to awkward silences and unanswerable questions.
You thought the Russian was on her way to giving up and letting you handle your love life problems on your own but of course, when has Yelena given up an opportunity to embarrass someone she cares about?
It’s exactly Yelena’s love of embarrassing you that’s forced you into a situation you wouldn’t be able to get out of if you tried: sparring with the purple archer herself.
Training in the same room as Kate is already bad enough, especially considering her habit of wearing gray sweatpants and a tight purple cropped shirt, but having to spar with her? While she looks that good? And she has that stupid smirk on her face because she knows she’s going to win?
Nothing you could do could stop you from looking like a goddamn fool.
And that’s exactly what you look like right now.
It’s not bad enough that you can’t concentrate enough to anticipate her punches, you also don’t even know where to look because all of her is so damn attractive. It’s impressive and annoying all at the same time and it’s unfortunately taking up too much of your brain space right now.
You’re acutely aware of Yelena’s disapproving looks but you’re even more aware of the constant glares Kate throws in between rapid punches. Your brain may not be working well enough for you to spar correctly but if there’s one thing you can do, it’s dodge…which only infuriates the archer.
“Will you quit moving?” She huffs, only barely stopping her lips from forming a frustrated pout.
“What else am I supposed to do? Let you punch me?” You reply.
“That’d be a good start, yeah.”
“Ladies, quit chattering!”
You know Yelena is being annoying on purpose to get on your nerves but that doesn’t stop you from turning to glare at her. Your mouth barely begins to form around the complaints you want to hurl at her when Kate takes her opportunity.
It’s technically cheating, and it’s incredibly advantageous, but she’s not thinking about any of that. All she wants is to win and she doesn’t think twice. She swipes her leg under both of yours, catching you by surprise and instantly sending you crashing down onto the hard ground.
You don’t get a second to react before the back of your head makes contact with the floor. Large black spots fill your vision as Yelena starts throwing out curses at the startled archer. You barely make out the outline of Kate’s worried face before your eyes slip shut and darkness overcomes you.
You don’t know how much time goes by, or how many times Kate gets scolded in increasingly more aggressive Russian, all you know is that when you wake up…you’re not alone.
Your first instinct when your eyes open again is to sit up but a gentle hand pushes you back down before you get too far. “Don’t try to move, you’re gonna get a killer headache. Trust me.”
“Oh, I’m supposed to trust you after you knocked me on my ass?” You huff. It makes you sound more like a kid throwing a tantrum than an angry Avenger but you don’t really care.
“We were sparring, what else was I supposed to do?”
You don't notice the small grin that accompanies her recycled words, too upset and embarrassed about getting your ass handed to you by someone who's too lost in her own world to notice how much you like her.
“What else was I supposed to do?” You mock her. “Did you try not being a jerk?”
“That’s not fair. You’re the one who ignores me all the time but I’m the jerk here?”
Her words don’t catch you as off guard as the look on her face. You’re expecting to see flashes of the arrogant archer most of your teammates claim exists behind the usual warmth Kate so easily radiates. Instead of anger or arrogance, though, you come face to face with the most overdramatic pout you’ve ever seen.
And you suddenly understand why people say there’s a fine line between love and hate. Because it would be easy to think Kate Bishop is the most annoying person in the world if you didn’t also think she’s the most adorable person you’ve ever met…despite the constant ease with which she turns everything into an argument.
“What are you even talking about?”
“You don’t like me! And you don’t even try to hide it!”
All you can do is stare at her and wonder how the world’s greatest archer also happens to be the world’s most oblivious person. “You’re an idiot, Katherine.”
Her eyebrows crinkle in disgust but you’re pretty sure it has more to do with your use of her legal first name than the insult you push her way. “You sound like my mom.”
“You’re not helping your case.”
She opens her mouth to reply in an instant, a half-formed stupid sentence already forming on the tip of her tongue. You’re expecting yet another unnecessary argument to break out. Yet another reason for you to give up on all your attempts to build a bridge of thoughtful actions and sweet words that will lead you to who Kate truly is under the mask she so effortlessly wears around everyone else.
You’ve learned to expect anything from Kate Bishop. Especially the unexpected.
“I know. I’m sorry.” She adds the tiniest smile and most awkward shrug you’ve ever seen to her soft-spoken apology.
“What did you just say?” You ask, wondering if you hit your head hard enough to be imagining this whole interaction.
“You heard me,” she replies but her tone carries more traces of embarrassment than the cockiness you’re used to. “You’re right, I’m an idiot.”
You’re left dumbstruck, waiting for the other shoe to drop. There’s no way the archer can say those words without some sort of snarky comment coming after it. So you wait. Watching her with curious eyes that only fuel the nervousness bubbling underneath her carefree posture.
It’s strange to realize how little you genuinely know about her. Having a crush on her has ironically been the easiest part of everything. Sure, it’s awkward and annoying and ridiculous but believing you understand her is easier than accepting the fact that Kate’s never let you in.
So why would she start now?
“Are you going to say something?” The subtle crack in her voice reveals the truth she’s trying to hide behind her usual smirk.
There are so many things you want to say but you’re still a little lightheaded and the sudden change in her attitude toward you isn’t helping you keep yourself in check. “I like your smile.”
You could easily dismiss her reaction as indifferent if it weren’t for the pink hue emerging across her cheeks. It’s subtle and warm and…real. Like her. And it suddenly dawns on you that you’ve never seen Kate Bishop flustered before.
Especially not from one of your compliments. It’s different…and you really like it.
“Can I ask you something, Kate?”
She looks away from you for a second, almost as if she’s scared of what you might say. Of the possibilities that lie in your unspoken feelings. “Sure, yeah, go ahead.”
Your mouth begins to form one of the many questions you’ve wanted to ask the archer since you met her but then her eyes find yours again and you get a glimpse into the fear-filled storm inside their depths.
It’s subtle but the armor made from cocky grins and imperfectly timed jokes begins to crack.
Which means there’s no way you’re going to spring such a loaded question on her just yet. As much as you’d love an answer to the one thing that’s been haunting you since you realized your true feelings for her, there’s no way you’d force her when it’s clear it’s been far too long since she’s let herself be vulnerable around someone.
So, you settle for the only thing you need right now: her.
“Can you stay with me?” You do your best to ignore the warmth that spreads along your face as the words slip out of your mouth. “Yelena doesn’t have the best bedside manner.”
A beat of silence goes by before her lips form a genuine smile. “Yeah, I can do that.”
Her eyes nervously flick around the room in search of somewhere to sit. You watch her for a few seconds before putting her out of her anxious misery.
“Kate…” You trail off, doing your best to hold in your laughter as you pat the empty space beside you. “You can sit here, I won’t bite.”
Your words are all it takes for her nervousness to turn back into her usual goofiness. “Really? That’s not what I’ve heard…”
“So you do talk shit about me!”
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once-upon-a-thigh · 2 years
The Truth
Summary: Wanda’s jealousy leads to disastrous circumstances. PERFECT LITTLE SECRET PART 2. 18+
Pairings: Fem!Reader X Milf! Wanda Maximoff, Yelena Belova X Kate Bishop X Fem!Reader (platonic), Fem! Reader X Carol Danvers (brief)
Class: Series; angst, smut
Warnings: First time writing in second person so I’m sorry for that, large age gap (18/37), mommy kink, possessiveness, strap on sex (r receiving), semi-public sex, exhibitionism, degradation, swearing, arguing.
Words: 4k
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Life was easier now that your best friends knew of your secret relationship with your 37-year-old neighbour. The days were going by smoother almost now that there was less to hide. As well as, honestly, it was a relief to you that someone knew. By this point you were so incredibly infatuated with the woman it was nice to be able to express the happiness she brought out of you.
“I’ve never felt this way about anyone Lena. She just makes me feel so good, and I’m not just talking sexually, Wanda makes me feel more like me than I’ve ever felt before,” you gushed, eyes drooped to the table and unable to make eye contact with the blonde.
She pulled a disgusted face. “That’s the corniest shit I’ve ever heard,” she joked, at least you hope she’s joking.
“She sounds amazing Y/n, I just wish you told us earlier,” Kate, your other friend dropped in to the conversation from the chair opposite you.
“I know,” you whined, “but I had no choice, the least amount of people that know, the better. I can’t imagine what my parents would think if they found out.” You shuddered at the thought.
“Maybe they’ll be fine with it!” The sprightly brunette chimed.
“Don’t be an idiot Kate, what would your mother do if you were in the same situation?” Yelena rebutted.
“Probably throw me down the stairs-“ The three of you jumped when Kate’s sentence was interrupted by the slam of a book on the table.
“How many times am I going to have to tell you three to be quiet?” The librarian hissed, leering over you.
“Maybe just one more time?” Yelena chortled, however her laugh cut suddenly when she met the woman’s pierced eyes.
“Get out,” she hissed, causing the three of you to stand and pack your things hastily and rush out of the library, bumping shoulders along the way.
After giggling over the fact that none of you got any of your work done whilst you were there, you said goodbye before attempting to rush off towards the waiting car outside the gate. However, you were stopped when the pair tightened their grip on your linked arms.
“Any chance your lady friend could give us a lift to your street? We’ll walk from there.” The Russian batted her eyelashes.
“I don’t know guys, we can’t bring too much attention to ourselves…”
“We’ll be careful! Pleeeeeease!” Kate shook your arm, giving you her best puppy dog eyes.
“Fine, I’ll ask.” You gave in, shaking yourself out of their hold and jogging to the car.
Opening the passenger door, you couldn’t help the grin that instantly arose when you leaned down to see the woman.
“Hey sweet girl.” Her raspy use of the pet name sent shivers down your spine, reminding you of the many times she had used the term of endearment when praising you for the way you moved back your hips to me the rapid thrusts of hers.
“Hiii…” You giggled girlishly, instantly turned shy under her intense stare. “So my friends are wondering if you could drop them off on our street.” You scratched the back of your neck nervously, worried she wouldn’t be fond of the idea.
“Yelena and Kate?” She wondered, biting her lip in thought when you nodded to confirm. “Okay, but they’ve got to keep it down when they get out of the car. We don’t need any nosy neighbours getting in our business.”
“Okay! Thank you.” You clapped your hands happily, and Wanda practically melted at the sight of you being so excited over something so simple. She would do anything for you if it meant she could make you that happy.
You leaned down to lay a kiss on her warm cheek before jogging back to your friends who were playfully trying to tackle each other in the car park.
“Okay dorks, she said you can come but you have to be quiet when we get in the neighbourhood.”
Saluting you, Kate joined your side as you began to make your way back to the car. Yelena however, was stuck glaring at a short-haired blonde waving excitedly in your direction.
“Y/n! Wait up!” Turning towards the call, you noticed Carol Danvers, captain of the softball team and your chemistry partner, making her way towards you.
“God, not this mopho.” Yelena rolled her eyes.
“Quit it, she’s nice,” you reprimanded.
“She’s a stupid jock.” You shushed her reply just as Carol, who obviously heard the comment, stopped in front of you with a glare in the Russian’s direction. Her glare dropped instantly when she looked at you however, instead being replaced with a shy smile.
“Hey captain,” you cheeked, watching as red arose to her cheeks in embarrassment, you’re guessing.
“Hi Y/n, I was wondering if you’re still alright with me coming over today so we can work on the project?” She questioned, reminding you of the chemistry project Miss Harkness had set.
“Oh crap yeah, I totally forgot about that. Sorry.” You both laughed nervously. “But yeah, I’m fine with that.”
“Okay cool, do you just wanna…” she gestured back at her truck, hinting that she would drive you both back to your house to begin the project.
“Oh, actually my, uh, neighbour is driving back my friends and I today. But I’ll text you my address and I’ll meet you there in like an hour?” You almost slipped, having to restrain yourself from referring to Wanda as your girlfriend like you had been around Yelena and Kate for the last week since they found out about your relationship.
“Oh sure!” She nodded sheepishly, clumsily taking a couple steps back towards her truck. “So I’ll see you in an hour?”
“She did just say that blondie,” Yelena drawled.
“But Lena, you’re blonde..” Kate whispered.
Shushing them with your index finger in the air, you nodded kindly at Carol, waving her off with your other hand.
Shouting one last goodbye, you finally approached the car with your friends in tow.
Wanda stayed broodingly quiet when you gave her a peck on the cheek. “Sorry for the wait baby.”
She tapped the wheel with one finger, watching in the rear view mirror as your friends settled themselves in the back of the car.
“Thank you for the ride Miss Maximoff!” Kate politely voiced.
“Mmhm.” She hummed mindlessly, still staring into the rear view mirror.
“Wanda?” You verbalised, looking at her expectantly as she still hadn’t started the car.
“Who was that?” She questioned, still not breaking her gaze from the mirror as she began to drive off. She watched the blonde in the varsity jacket grin as she kept glancing at the car you had disappeared into.
“Who? Carol?” Your eyebrows bunched, completely confused at the woman’s interest in the jock.
“Don’t you mean Captain?” Kate joked, leaning her head in between the front seats and making kissy faces in your direction.
You pushed her back with a hand to her face, shaking your head. “It embarrasses her, it’s funny.” You shrugged.
“No, it turns her on.” Yelena let out a loud laugh.
“What?” Wanda barked. You took hold of the ‘Oh Jesus handle’ as she unintentionally sped up down the street.
“W-what? No-“ You blush, attempting to redeem yourself from the flirting you had inadvertently been taking part in.
“Face it Y/n, the idiot has been trying to get in your pants ever since you grew an ass.” The blonde grinned, leaning back in her seat and watching on as Wanda’s grip on the wheel turned whiter by the second.
You sputtered trying to come up with a reply, before settling with a grumbling “shut up.”
The rest of the drive home was silent other than the quiet music flowing through the radio. As soon as Wanda settled the car into her driveway, the duo in the back seats were clambering out, muttering their goodbyes. As soon as they left, Wanda grabbed hold of your neck and pulled you against her. Teeth clashed as she moved her lips against yours hastily, forcing every bit of resentment she held for the blonde she never met into the kiss.
Taking hold of the hair at the back of your head, she pulled you back so you were staring up at her uncomfortably. You didn’t mind though, as you were too busy imagining all the punishments she would possibly induce if it wasn’t for her boys being home from school.
“Don’t forget who you belong to,” she hissed, cupping your chin and squeezing your cheeks.
“Open your mouth,” she ordered firmly as you resisted her efforts. Giving in to her demand, your mouth dropped open. She smirked deviantly before spitting directly on your tongue. She tapped your chin until you closed your mouth, smearing the spit that missed across your lips with her ring-clad thumb. “Swallow.”
You did so instantly, making her laugh devilishly. “That’s my good girl. You would never want anyone other than your mommy to take care of you, would you?”
Her grip loosened enough for you shake your head dumbly.
“Words,” she spat.
“No mommy,” you muttered.
“Good girl. I want you to come over tomorrow whilst the boys are with their father.” She brushed her thumb over your blushed cheek softly. It was a command, but that didn’t irk you.
“Okay,” you smiled excitedly, “is 2pm okay?”
“Perfect.” She kissed you softly, with a gentleness that was completely opposite to the possessiveness she has previously displayed.
After taking a chilling shower to cool yourself down following your lover’s teasing, you hastily ran around your room picking up clothing and clearing space on your desk ready for your guest. Hearing the ring of the doorbell, you surveyed your room carefully to ensure there was nothing embarrassing around before making your way to the front door.
“Carol, hey!” You greeted, moving aside so the softball player could step inside. You led the nervous blonde to your room, thoroughly warning her of the mess before she could step inside. Your pestering over the mess was enough to distract you from the attentive gaping from the woman across the road.
Soon the two of you were sat on your bed cross-legged facing each other, open books between you and nothing written down.
“I really think using marbles in class is a bad idea, what if we drop them all?” You laugh, imagining your grumpy teacher finally slipping in those heels.
“But think about how much better it’ll be to display the types of bonding compared to a PowerPoint, which you know everyone is going to do,” she tilted her head at you, leaning forward and smiling teasingly.
“I guess you’re right,” you huff. Despite the boring context, you found yourself enjoying Carol’s company. You were happy to expand your friendship group beyond dumb and dumber. Carol is outgoing, kind, funny, leaning in startlingly close to your face, wait what?
Chapped lips meet yours gently, unmoving. Carol was cautious with the kiss, pulling back when she didn’t feel you melt in to it like she hoped you would.
“S-sorry,” she stuttered, seemingly shocked by her own actions. “I just- I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time. I really like you Y/n.”
You couldn’t help but flush at the revelation.
“Oh, Carol. I’m sorry but I’m actually seeing someone,” you frowned apologetically.
“Oh. Who? If you don’t mind me asking?” Carol felt a surge of jealousy, clenching her fists in an attempt to keep control of her emotions. You were Y/n, and so she remained as polite as possible whilst avoiding eye contact.
You bit your lip, wondering if you should tell the truth or not. You decided against it, not wanting to risk your relationship. “You don’t know her, she doesn’t go to our school.”
She laughed, getting up from the bed and shaking out her tense muscles. “Well maybe I’ll see her at varsity then if we’re playing against her school. Maybe then I can fight for your hand.” She winked teasingly, though you sensed a little truth in her words.
The atmosphere was quite awkward after that interaction, and so you gave her her section of the work and promised to buy the marbles for your presentation.
After she had left with an awkward one-armed hug to say goodbye, you couldn’t help the guilt that began to reside. You hadn’t kissed Carol back, and you know you don’t have feelings for her. But you didn’t push her away. You narrowed it down to the shock and confusion that led to you being so slow to react, but you still felt telling Wanda about what happened was the right thing to do.
It was time to go see Wanda, and it was an understatement to say you were nervous. Usually you would be ecstatic to go see your lover, but an angry Wanda was not usually something to look forward to, and a part of you couldn’t help the terrifying thoughts of her leaving you.
“Hello? Wanda?” You called out after helping yourself into the house.
“Up here babygirl!” You heard her raspy voice ring from up the stairs. She sounded like she was in a good mood, you couldn’t decide if that was a good or bad thing.
Making your way up the stairs towards the master bedroom, you gave yourself a mental pep talk to prepare yourself for her wrath. With one last deep breathe, you pushed open the bedroom door to see the beauty rifling through her closet.
Closing the doors, she made her way towards you and reached for your hips, tugging your body against hers instantly.
“I was just sorting through the closet to make room for some of your stuff for when you stay over more during the summer,” she grinned. The boys were going to a summer camp for the summer holidays, and so you planned a number of sleepovers. Her brunette hair tickled your cheeks as she leaned down to capture your lips in her own, however despite her cuteness you couldn’t help but let the feeling of guilt grow. Turning your head at the last second, her puckered lips pressed against your cheek chastely.
Pulling back, eyebrows furrowed, her concerned gaze shot at your heart.
“What’s wrong detka?” Her lips pout.
Pulling away from her, you took a seat on the edge of the bed. Reading the serious atmosphere, Wanda took a seat next to you.
“Okay so,” you paused. “Carol came over last night to walk on a chemistry project with me, because we’re partners.”
Wanda’s jaw clenched and her fists turned white. Though she nodded, as if she already knew.
Despite her obvious detest of the blonde, you carried on. “And, I don’t know what happened but apparently the girls were right about that crush she may or may not have on me…”
“What happened?” Her voice gritted through her teeth. The woman was ready to get in her car and find the dumb jock herself.
“She kissed me.”
Wanda stood up, hands gripping her hair as she seethed.
“It meant nothing, I didn’t even kiss back!” You retaliated, shaking your leg nervously.
You were expecting yelling and swearing. However, Wanda’s rigid back relaxed as she let out a long sigh. The strong hands entwined with her hair moved down her face until they dropped to her sides. Turning around after a minute, she dropped to her knees and braced her hands on your legs.
“Shh, relax baby. I’m not mad at you.” She brushed her thumb against one of your cheeks, calming your worried panting.
“You’re not?” Your eyes turned watery in relief.
“No, it’s not your fault you’re so damn enticing. And I know you would never disrespect mommy like that, would you?” Her resting hands began to grip your thighs.
“No mommy, never.” You shook your head desperately, eager to please.
“That’s my good girl.” A smile rose on your face at the praise. Who knew you would be let off this easily?
“But..” Oh. “I think you still need to be reminded of who you belong to.”
A gasp escaped you when she took hold of your sides and pulled you up from the bed. Fast as lightning she had your clothes off of you and was pressing your chest against the cold window, causing your nipples to perk up painfully. You stayed in that position like a good girl as she moved around behind you, following her rules. However, as you looked at your parents car parked at the quiet house across the street, you grew nervous.
“Wa- mommy, what if someone sees?” You caught yourself before making the mistake of using her name, one that would surely result in a punishment.
She leans over you, you gasp when you feel her naked chest pressed against your back and something solid prodding between your legs.
She chuckles. “What? Are you worried about everyone seeing what a whore you are for your mommy?”
You merely whimper in response, mind turning dumb as you lean your hips back to gain some friction against her strap.
“Look at you, falling apart for my cock.” Wanda took hold of your hair, arching your head back so she can whisper seductively in your ear.
At this moment, you no longer cared about who could possibly walk past and see you. All you wanted was Wanda. “Please.”
She moved a hand down to grip her strap, running the head through your already soaked folds. “Did you beg like this for that bitch you saw yesterday too, slut?” She thrusted against you slightly, causing the head to prod at your hole.
“N-no mommy! I promise!” Your eyes filled with tears as you felt your hole gradually be filled by the thick shaft.
“You’re mine,” she grunted as she filled you with a quick buck of her hips. You screamed at the intrusion, but her pace did not falter. She thrusted assertively, ploughing into you with intent on driving the idea of her ownership into you.
“Fuck!” She grunted, laying a hard slap on your ass as she continued to drive her hips against you. “You like this slut?” She panted from behind you.
“Yes mommy,” you squealed when she pulled out of you and flipped you around, grabbing under your thighs and pulling you up onto her muscular waist. The faux cock pushed into you again. She bucked short and fast thrusts into you, the sound of skin slapping filled the room alongside your loud moans.
One hand cupped your ass whilst the other reached up to grip your chin, forcing you to look into her eyes. “Look at me,” she demanded.
Your glazed eyes met her fiery ones, your mouth dropped open whilst she bit her bottom lip to keep her grunts in.
The coil in your stomach began to unravel as her thrusting did not relent. Her hips began to stutter as you came, your walls sucking the cock inside you further. “I’m cumming, I’m cumming!” You whimpered.
Wanda moaned as she too began to reach her peak. Pressing herself against you, she dropped her head on your shoulder as she ground against you, driving you further into the window. Glancing up from your glistening skin as she came, she made eye contact with the same blonde she had seen earlier standing on your porch. The older woman grinned as the blonde dropped the flowers she was holding onto the ground, walking away in a strop. Her thrusts slowed as she laid a delicate kiss on your shoulder before pulling out the piece and lowering your shaky legs to the ground.
Your knees immediately buckled, but her strong arms supported you. Carrying you over to the bed, she lowered you gently with a forgiving kiss on your forehead.
“I love you,” she whispered.
—— the next day ——
You were sat at home on a Sunday night, watching tv alone and missing your lover. Wanda’s kids had just got back that evening, and so you couldn’t stay over without raising suspicion. Plus, your parents would never let you sleep over at “Yelena’s” on a school night.
“Y/n, your mother and I are going to visit a friend that has been having some problems, we probably won’t be back until you’re asleep.” Your dad rounded the sofa to speak to you, shrugging on his jacket.
“Oh, okay.” You feigned a frown, instead excited to use the excuse to see Wanda. It’s not often she gets to visit your room.
“Bye sweetheart,” your mother waved as she left the house. For some reason, you felt her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. The thought was pushed to the back of your mind however when your head flooded with images of Wanda sinfully lying in your bed.
Watching your dad’s car leave the drive, you were quick to shoot Wanda a text.
Parents have gone out for a few hours, are the boys asleep? - Y/n
I’ll be right over. - Wanda
She didn’t take much convincing of course. Before you knew it, the woman was pushing you down onto the family couch, suffocating you with her lustful kisses. Soft moans left the both of you as your hands travelled along the curves of the other. You had only touched her yesterday, and yet you just couldn’t get enough.
Your hands were just slipping under the hem of her shirt when you were forced to break away at the sound of the front door slamming against the wall.
“Mum, Dad,” your eyes widened as your parents walked into the room, disappointment clear on their face.
Wanda jumped up from the couch, straightening out her clothes as she cleared her throat. “Darren, Mindy, it’s not-“
“Shut it cougar!” Your mother interrupted.
“Oh god,” you whined embarrassed, dropping your head into your hands.
“Y/n, how could you let yourself be manipulated by this woman? What you have been doing is completely unacceptable,” she continued.
“We haven’t been doing anything!” You wailed, tears beginning to drop over your flushed cheeks.
“Oh please, don’t lie to us. Your friend told us about what she saw.” Your father pointed at you, his finger shaking in fury as his face scrunched up in disgust towards the end of his claim.
The comment confused you, there was no way Yelena or Kate would say anything about your relationship with your neighbour.
“Friend?” Before either of your parents could settle your curiosity, the blonde jock who had recently kissed you walked into the house nervously.
“Carol? What?” You looked at her disturbed, how did she know?
“I’m sorry Y/n,” she wrung her fingers together nervously. “But I had to show you that what this woman is doing to you is wrong,” she gestured towards the woman, who was growing angrier by the minute.
“You little-“ Before Wanda could continue with her insult, you turned to her, tears further clouding your vision as you began to realise just what had happened.
“She saw us?” You questioned, confirming your parents suspicions. “You let her see us? How could you do that.” How could she put your relationship in jeopardy like that?
She turned her full attention to you, attempting to step in your direction but was faltered when your father drew closer to her. “Baby, I’m sorry I just needed her to see that you are mine-“
Your mother scoffed, “don’t you dare call her that. You’re disgusting, she is a child!”
“Mum! I’m not a child, I’m 18,” you declared firmly, crossing your arms.
“You’re not even finished with school yet Y/n, this woman is sick, and is using you for her disgusting sexual gratification.”
“It’s not like that,” Wanda butted in, ignoring the menacing look your father is yet to drop. “I love her.”
Your heart soared, but you couldn’t enjoy the moment with your parents staring you down.
“I want you to leave my house, and never return,” your father blocked her view of you as he took another threatening step towards her. “If I ever see you around my daughter again, I will be telling everyone in town about what you have done. You will be a disgrace, your sons will never look at you the same again.”
You could see Wanda’s attempt at bravery falter, you immediately began to sob. This great love was over. Taking a step back, she walked out of the house quietly, with one last longing look in your direction, beautiful green eyes filled with tears.
Sorry it took so long! I haven’t had a moment to myself. Hope you enjoyed.
Love, Meg xx
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kaisacobra · 11 months
Rebound - Kate Bishop
Summary: Kate only seeks you when she fights with her boyfriend. You pretend it doesn't bother you, after all, that gives you an excuse to have her by your side.
Warnings: angst without happy ending, toxic relationships, very ooc Kate Bishop.
Word Count: 4.8k
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Waiting your ring all day
Hearing your crying
Till you fall asleep, you were mine
It was 3:24 in the morning when your phone rang, echoing off the walls of your quiet dorm room. Your roommates had probably already gone to sleep, having a much more organized schedule than yours, but you were being kept awake by conflicting thoughts and feelings.
And the reason for your insomnia was calling you.
It wasn't the first time this had happened. In fact, it was the second time it had happened this month, and you can't remember just how many times it had happened in the past month.
Early morning calls from Kate Bishop, drowning in tears, asking to sleep in your room after yet another fight with her idiot boyfriend. She could never sleep in her own room because she didn't want to have to deal with her friends reminding her again and again how much they had warned her about this relationship that was doomed to fail because the guy was an asshole.
"But you're different from them." She would always tell you amid sobs, when you were holding her in your arms. "You listen to me and you don't judge me."
In those moments, you feel the urge to yell at her, to tell her that Yelena and America were right to criticize Kate's choice to always go back to that scumbag, to say that you didn't understand how a person like her could settle to a relationship that keeps hurting her day after day for a guy who definitely doesn't deserve her.
But you don't, because Kate is looking up at you with watery eyes, curled up in your embrace in a moment of the purest fragility, and the last thing you want is to hurt her even more. You stand silently as she cries and you hold her until she sleeps, patting her head as if this will protect her from all the pain.
Taking a deep breath, you let go of your thoughts and finally reach for the phone on the bedside table to answer the call, already able to hear Kate's sobs at the other end of the line.
"Y/n? Sorry to call so late, it's just..." Her voice breaks amidst sniffles. Your heart aches as if this is your first time in this situation. "I really need you right now. Can I sleep in your room?"
"Of course you can, Kate." You answered as usual, getting out of bed to go wait for Kate's arrival on the couch in the living room next to the door. 
Addicted your scent
Chasing your trace
I just one of them, You weren’t mine
She arrives at 3:51 and knocks on the door so softly that you hardly hear her. You open it and see her in the hallway, trembling, her eyes red and her cheeks wet with tears still streaming down her face. You open your arms without a word and she automatically jumps up to hug you in a tight grip, the sobs becoming more and more constant. After closing the door behind you, you guide her into your room, where (as if in Deja Vu) you lend her more comfortable clothes to wear and wait, lying there in your bed, while she comes back from the bathroom.
Your heart basically begs for help from the amount of different emotions you are trying to control. There is the pain of seeing Kate in such a depressing situation, there is the anger at why she is in such a situation and, of course, there are your feelings for Kate Bishop that make your heart beat three times faster just by being in her presence. 
You sigh and cover your eyes with your hands, trying to calm your heartbeat, which was agitated by the presence of a certain blue-eyed girl, and escape the sleepiness that was starting to bother you. It was 4 a.m., after all, and you had to be up in three hours to be ready for your classes on time.
The room previously lit only by the moonlight coming through the window suddenly becomes brighter. Kate is opening the bathroom door, stepping out of the room, trying to balance the clothes she was wearing before in one hand while trying to turn off the light and close the door with the other. It's not the first time this has happened, but you still feel the air being stolen from your lungs at the sight of Kate Bishop dressed in only one of your oversized blouses and pajama shorts.
As if working with muscle memory, your body naturally moves to occupy only one side of the bed, leaving the other space free for Kate to lie down. She does, but 2 seconds later she is cuddled up next to you, letting the tears drip from her face onto your shoulder. You try to fix your position to make Kate more comfortable in your arms, ending up in a position where she was basically on top of you, her face buried in the curve of your neck as your hands caressed her back.
"I'm here for you. Always." You whisper to her as if you're telling her your biggest secret, leaving a soft kiss on the crown of her head.
"I know. I'm so grateful to have you." She whispers back with a little difficulty between sobs.
The urge to cry comes over you at that moment. You were so close but so far away from her that the situation left a bitter taste in your mouth. As you carefully run your hands through her hair, you wonder if this is how Icarus felt as he flew close to the sun, enamored by its brightness, approaching something beautiful but that would eventually be his death.
You could have insisted more, you could have said everything that came into your mind when her stupid boyfriend was mentioned, you could have tried to convince her to leave him for good to stop that destructive cycle in her life... But you didn't. You never say anything, for fear that Kate might get angry with your opinion and no longer want your presence. Two sentences were exchanged in the silence of the moonlit room, and those were the last things that could be heard before any sound was replaced by light snoring.
The other day, Kate was gone before you woke up.
(Pretending you need me)
I don’t belong to you
(You told them you want him)
As usual, on top of your desk was a small note written in painfully familiar handwriting.
"He texted me apologizing. I left early to meet him. Thank you for letting me stay with you."
Your heart ached as you read the message as if it had been the first time. Obviously it hadn't been. This was just another part of the routine you always followed when Kate had these moments, as if it were part of a movie script to follow. In this case, you were the romantic interest who was left in the background the whole time, even though everyone knew that you would treat the protagonist infinitely better than the first option.
You dressed yourself the best you could and finally left your room. It was 7:30 and you had slept two hours at max during the night, which was visible in your exhausted features reflected in the mirror. Red eyes with dark bags that had appeared due to fatigue and an exhausted expression. You were definitely going to need to get some coffee before your classes started.
"Wow, you look like shit." That was the first thing MJ, one of your best friends and roommate, said upon seeing your state when you showed up in the living room. She was already ready to attend her classes, putting the last things she needed in her backpack.
"Thanks, MJ." You gave her a thumbs up and headed for the shoe rack near the door, looking for something that would go with your lazy choice of clothes (A sweatshirt of some sort and jeans).
"Let me guess, Kate Bishop came for a late night visit again? That or you got run over by a ghost truck in the daybreak." That was Shuri, your other best friend and roommate, deciding to speak up about your decadent appearance. She too was ready for the day and offered you a look that was on the fine line between judgment and pity.
"Yes, she was here. No, I don't want to talk about it." You finish tying your shoes and decide to look for your backpack. You already knew what your friends had to say on that subject and you weren't really in the mood to listen, no matter how much you knew they were right. 
"We just care about you, you know." Shuri reached over and touched your shoulder, offering your backpack that was in her left hand. You always left your bag under the coat rack in the living room, and if your head wasn't so far away, you would have realized that you passed by it twice. "This thing of yours with Bishop is only going to hurt you if you keep it up."
"It's no big deal! I'm just a friend trying to help another friend through a tough time. I would do the same thing if it were you!" You tried to argue, knowing that your roommates hadn't bought that excuse for a second.
"We all know you're lying, okay? We're not blind, we see the way you look at her." MJ spoke from her seat on the couch, "But it hurts to see you destroy yourself to comfort a girl who would rather go back to her abusive boyfriend even though they fight once every two weeks! I know you can't control who you fall in love with, but you can walk away." 
You run your hands through your hair, feeling frustrated at the way the conversation was going. "Thanks for the advice, but I really am fine and have everything under control." You put your backpack on your back and walk to the door, ignoring the worried looks from your friends behind you. It's not like you had time for that discussion anyway, since your class was already about to start.
You decided to focus on this. On the way to your classroom. Not on the thought nudging at the back of your head that your friends were right.
Shhh, I was just your rebound
I was just your rebound
The campus seemed to be exactly opposite to your emotions. It was sunny, which made the grass and flowers more colorful than usual. Other students walked in groups to their classes, chatting happily about their plans for the rest of the day. It was a Friday, after all. It made sense that everyone was so eager for some well-deserved time off.
Of course, your current state meant that you couldn't enjoy the day like everyone else. The sun seemed too bright for your sensitive eyes, and the loud chatter of the people around you made you grit your teeth to contain the urge to scream out of frustration at the lack of silence.
Checking the time on your phone, you decided you had time to grab a coffee in the campus cafeteria before your class actually started. The ethics professor always spent a good 10 minutes at the beginning of the class talking about the news of his life anyways.
The cafeteria was a popular spot in the university for its diverse menu and beautiful natural decor that was the background for many of the students' Instagram photos. Flowers of various colors adorned the ceramic vases that decorated the tables, and tall bushes hid the tables that were out of sight from passersby.
You were about to pass through the gate when you heard two familiar voices arguing. Reaching through the gate to see their faces, you found Kate Bishop and Yelena Belova in a heated argument. Ignoring common sense, you placed yourself behind the bushes, hiding enough to hear them without being seen.
"Are you serious?! Kate Bishop, this guy has probably cheated on you with half the American women by now, and you think it's a good idea to go back to him?! Because he apologized?!"
You heard Kate sigh in response. Although you couldn't see her, you knew her well enough to know that she must have had an annoyed pout on her face. "He didn't cheat on me this time! We just fought about other things."
"Oh, yeah?! And what was it about this time, huh?" Yelena retorted, raising her voice as she became more irritated. "Was it about him being jealous of your male friends, again? Or was it about him not liking you practicing archery because it's 'too masculine' for you? Or was it about him not wanting you to wear suits when you go out with him because he prefers you in a dress?"
"Stop it, Yelena." Kate asked. "We talked earlier and agreed to be better for each other. Things are going to change now."
Yelena let out a sneer. "Do you still believe that? Do you still believe in him?"
"When you love someone, you believe in them until the last second. You have to."
You gave up getting the coffee as you listened to the last bit of the conversation, turning around and walking aimlessly to another part of the campus, feeling the need to be physically away from Kate. Everything suddenly seemed too much for you. Your senses were overwhelmed.
Your heart burned and ached as if it had been pierced with a sword. There was no blood, but your chest bled like a freshly opened wound. "Shit." You muttered to yourself, feeling your throat close by the impending urge to cry.
MJ and Shuri were right. Your feelings for Kate were not under control and they had just ruined your day. You chuckled in a bittersweet way, finding pathetic the way you let yourself fall for the girl who used you at her worst times and then came back for that lame excuse of a boyfriend.
There was no point in going to class anymore. Your thoughts were completely lost somewhere else, together with those electric blue eyes you adored. You decided to go home, then. With luck, your roommates had already left, and you would have the whole apartment free to cry your heart out in peace.
But as you stepped off the elevator into the familiar hallway of the building, the comfort of being close to home made your guard be lowered, which caused the tears to start falling long before you even thought to control them.
Holding back a sob that was struggling to come out, you hurried to look for your keys in your backpack. Your trembling hands were in the way of putting the key in the lock, and you had to try a few times before finally entering the house.
In a last attempt at self-control, you closed your eyes and leaned on the door as soon as you entered. It didn't do much good, as your body shook strongly when you could no longer hold back the flood of tears and sobs. You hugged your own body, trying to offer some sense of protection to yourself.
There was nothing you could do. You had tied your heart to a person who liked to insist on her own mistakes.
Suddenly, you felt two pairs of arms wrap around you in a warm embrace. Apparently Shuri and MJ hadn't left the house yet. You waited for an "I told you so" or something, but all your friends offered you was silence and a heartwarming embrace.
You had people who cared about you. You were home. You were going to be okay.
Waiting your ring again
Hearing your deep sigh
Realized you weren’t mine, but I
It had been two weeks since you had last seen Kate, but that was nothing new, since she never tried to contact you outside of the secret early morning hours when she sought your affection. It had been a week since you had managed to keep a good sleep schedule, something you hadn't known for a long time.
Therefore, you strongly considered refusing the call that disturbed your sleep. The brightness of the screen hurt your eyes that were already adapted to the dark of the night when you looked at the time. 2:10 AM.
One missed call: Kate <3
You sighed and closed your eyes for a few seconds, considering your next steps. You knew that Kate would call you again until you answered. The only solution would be to block her number, officially ending any contact the two of you might have.
It was a tempting idea, but you knew that you couldn't end things that way. Part of you still harbored a small hope that maybe if you said everything you had to say, she could get out of that relationship and give herself a chance to be happy. Maybe even to be happy with you.
It was wishful thinking, you knew. But you were already fucked anyway, it wouldn't hurt to try one last time.
Your phone vibrated again, and her contact name was the only thing you could see in the dark. Sighing one last time, you answered it and waited for her to say something.
"Sorry for calling at this hour." Kate says in between sobs, "Can I sleep with you? Please?"
You consider saying no at that moment. You wouldn't have to look into those blue eyes as you confessed your feelings. You wouldn't have the image of her rejection engraved in your head. It would be so much simpler, so much faster.
"Of course." You reply, getting up from the bed as if the weight of the world laid on your shoulders. "I'll be waiting for you."
Can’t stop thinking about you
Out of my head, I’m dying!
She arrives 20 minutes later and, following the unofficial routine, you take her to your room, giving her comfortable clothes to change into. Just as you did a few weeks ago, you sit on your bed as you stare wistfully at the bathroom door, waiting for Kate Bishop to come out.
But when she does, the butterflies in your stomach don't flutter at the sight of her blue eyes, not even when she cracks a shy smile when she realizes you're staring. You break the routine and don't move to make room for her on the bed, causing her to stop, standing in front of you.
Her expression turns to one of concern when she notices your unfocused eyes. You could sense that she was confused. What always happened was that you offered her comfort, never the other way around.
"Are you okay?" Kate asks cautiously. Her hands waved awkwardly on her sides and you knew that was a sign of her nervousness.
(Pretending you need me)
I don’t belong to you
(You told them you want him)
"You look worried." She says in a playful tone of. You almost feel the tips of your lips lift at that. It had been a while since Kate had last spoken to you beyond the crying moments and it was so tempting to just let yourself fall for her charms, especially when she looked so adorable in one of your old shirts.
But the heat that graced your skin at the sight of her also burned enough to remind you of why you couldn't continue that much longer.
"I can't do this anymore." You reply in a choked, trembling voice. Her expression turns to one of concern when she notices how upset you seem to be.
"What do you mean?" She moves a little closer, with small steps. "What's going on?" She continues, and all you can think about is how close she is from you, and how easy it would be to pull her by her waist and give her the bruising kiss you so badly crave.
"It's so hard for me to see you like this, again and again, because of that asshole..." You lower your head, not wanting to be under her gaze at that vulnerable moment. "... when all I ever wanted was to be in his place."
You feel a sob escape from your throat, and suddenly you no longer have control of your own body. You don't even feel it when the tears run down your face so intensely that a small wet spot forms on the collar of your shirt. You don't feel it when your body starts to shiver as if you were freezing cold, and if you had your mind in the right place, you would've wondered how much you suppressed your emotions to get to that point.
But you feel it when she rests a hand on your shoulder and that simple contact makes your crying increase even more.
"I think I love you, Kate."
Shhh, I was just your rebound
I was just your rebound
For long seconds, the silence is disturbed only by the sound of your cries. Everything else seems to be frozen in time, as if the slightest movement would be enough to set off a bomb.
But Kate broke this when she held your chin between her fingers and lifted it until your gazes met. Blue meeting red in your sclera. She slowly moved closer to your face and you stopped breathing in anticipation.
Soon the silence of the night was interrupted by the sound of your loud heartbeat in your ear. She was kissing you. Kate Bishop was kissing you.
You came out of your trance and pulled her by the waist, just as you had wished to do before. Your eyes were closed tightly, for fear that you would open them and find that it was all just a dream. Kate's lips were soft and they fitted so perfectly against yours that you almost felt yourself floating.
The hand that had been on your chin went to your other shoulder, pushing gently until you laid down on the bed. You let out a murmur when Kate pulled away, but that only lasted the seconds she needed to climb on top of you, resting her knees on the side of your thighs. She kissed you again after that, gently caressing your cheeks as you kept your grip on her hips.
The kiss was hurried, but sweet. You could barely contain the smile on your face, but you didn't want to be away from Kate's lips for a second. She seemed to think so too, because every mention you made of pulling away, she grabbed your face and pulled you close again.
As usual on Kate's visiting nights, few words were exchanged between you until bedtime, but at least this time you slept lightheartedly, enjoying the weight of her head on your chest.
I can’t resist you
The next day, you wake up refreshed with a happiness you had never felt before. It had been one of the best nights of sleep you've had in years.
Your roommates comment on your good mood when you appear in the living room, leaving them both a kiss on the forehead and stealing a strawberry from MJ's plate before you leave. They didn't ask you much about your change of mood, probably just being relieved to not have to see you in that awful state again.
They didn't need to know that the reason for your good mood happened to be Kate Bishop, much less that she had slept over at their house last night. MJ and Shuri would probably ask something too rational like "why did she sneak out in the middle of the night?" and you didn't have the answer to that, but at least Kate hadn't left a note saying that she was meeting her boyfriend.
That was a good sign, right?
You walk to the university whistling the music that was playing in your headphones. It was a beautiful day and a light breeze was easing the heat of the summer sun. You decide that it is a good weather to get an iced tea at the campus cafeteria, so you detour your way there.
The line isn't huge, but you have enough time to fish your phone out of your pocket and text Kate.
Are you on campus? I wanted to talk about yesterday...
You press send and watch as the app shows you that the message has been received, but there is no sign that Kate is going to read it anytime soon. You stare at the screen incessantly even as you were placing your order and receiving it, not letting the phone lock as if that would make Kate answer you faster.
She doesn't answer, so you decide to look for her yourself.
Wish you want me too
I’m still thinking’ bout you
You walk around the campus, looking for some sign of Bishop somewhere. You try to focus as hard as you can, but your thoughts are all over the place.
Had she already broken up with him? Was she looking for you too? Was she also reliving yesterday's kiss in her head, over and over again?
You breathe a sigh of relief and almost scream to thank heaven when you see Yelena and America walking towards a building. They were Kate's best friends, so they would surely know where she was.
With quick steps, you get close enough to both of them to touch their shoulders. Perhaps if you had paid closer attention, you would have noticed that they carried an expression of disgust before changing to one of confusion at the sight of you.
"Sorry to get in your way. Have you guys seen Kate? I kind of need to talk to her."
If the two were surprised by your action, they didn't let it show on their faces. Instead, America scoffed and pointed at something behind her. "Good luck with that. She's too busy in Dickland."
Your eyebrows frown in confusion and you follow the direction of the girl's finger, searching for an explanation for the comment. Suddenly, you wish you hadn't done that.
Because there Kate Bishop was. In her boyfriend's arms. Again.
I mean you, you
I Don’t know how to stop, this feeling
I’m still thinking bout you
You watch as they exchange a kiss that seems to be passionate, but how could it be? If last night it was your lips that Kate was kissing? How could she be with him now, as if nothing had happened?
The air gets caught in your throat when Kate turns toward you and catches you staring. She doesn't look away. Instead, she gives you a guilty, pleading look. Was that meant to be a silent apology? Or did she want you to keep that moment a secret?
All she did was stare at you. Kate didn't even made any mention of leaving her boyfriend's arms, not even to talk to you.
She was choosing him again.
So you turned and started to walk away. Your walk turned into a brisk walk, which turned into a run to nowhere. You just wanted to be as far away from Kate as possible.
Your heart was beating dangerously fast, but not for the reasons you used to love.
Thump, Thump - I should have listened to MJ and Shuri.
Thump, Thump - I should have declined that damn phone call yesterday.
Thump, Thump - I should have stopped being stupid.
Wish you want me too
I’m still thinking’ bout you
You stop running when you reach a more secluded area, resting your hands on your knees to catch your breath. The good mood from earlier seemed to have evaporated and an intense fatigue stole its place.
You throw yourself down on a bench, feeling your hair clinging to your face, wet with tears and sweat. Everything suddenly seemed too much for you. You didn't want to think about anything, much less feel anything.
You felt numb.
When your phone vibrates in your pocket, you still feel a spark of hope and rush to see the notification. Maybe Kate has regretted it? Maybe she's looking for you right now to apologize.
But when you see the notification bar on your lock screen, you just chuckle bitterly.
MJ♡: Did you borrow my charger? I can't find...
Taking the cue and your moment of impulsiveness caused by the pain, you unlock your phone and go straight to your social media accounts, blocking Kate on all of them.
Next, you go to the messages app, where you delete all the texts (not that many) that you have ever exchanged in your life.
Finally, you go to your contact list and stop your shaky finger above her number. You take a deep breath and read her name a few more times while you make your final decision.
But what was done was done. Kate couldn't get out of the vicious cycle she was in and you were already tired of being her rebound.
So, you block her number and delete it from your phone. And you pray you never have to see Kate Bishop again.
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incorrectquotesmcu · 1 year
Kate, drunk and texting Yelena: Yelena! I’m being kidnapped, I don’t know where I am or where are they taking me, please find me!
Yelena, checking her phone and turning around in the driver’s seat: It’s me you idiot. I’m taking you home.
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floilee · 5 months
Kate rambling over the boomerang arrow: ...I just need to find a way to get her back... you know, without it being on my face.
Yelena screaming at the traffic: GET OUT OF THE FRONT IDIOT! *Looking at Kate* I still think it's a stupid idea, little bird.
Kate: You could yell at them again... It turned me on.
*Yelena smiles*
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sunnysideprincess · 6 months
There is tension brewing in the right wing of science department. The rumours talk of Professor Stark being ridiculously reckless about his experiments again. But that's just hot air. MJ knows this. He's a meticulous person when it comes to them blowing things up in the lab. And a little too wire brained about his students' safety. He walks barefoot when working with heavy equipment. But he sent Harley to detention for handling glass tubes without his safety gloves.
It's a part of the package of Professor Stark's "science bros" experience and the few select of them have wholeheartedly committed themselves to it.
Well, there's also the other thing they've committed themselves to. And it must be why half the school is talking about the return of hot firemen trio.
"I hear the blond one is married to coach Carter?"
"Miss Sharon? Eugh! Aren't they like— related?"
"No! For the last time, Kate, they just look similar!"
"Still, ew. I heard he used to have hots for our principal."
"Okay, I did not know about that."
Foolish children, MJ snorts and opens the group chat.
"Who was it this time?"
Peter's reply is quick. She will forever be jealous of his ability to type without even looking at the screen. It is insanely unfair.
MJ grins and ducks behind her book to avoid the questioning looks from her study group. But Kamala and Kate are too busy comparing the merits of Coach Sharon and Mister Blond Fireman. And Yelena is just snoring on the table with her hand stuck inside Kate's hoody.
Amateurs. Also, weirdoes.
"Miles says it was his turn though," Peter sends again, followed closely by Miles' ", IT WAS 😫".
Gwen just flips them all the bird, and then goes offline. To either plead for her innocence or keep a close eye on their job.
Nearly half an hour later, she sends them all a picture.
In it Professor Stark is standing with his arms crossed, looking smug about something. While the hot, blond fireman is adorably flushed and a little bit embarrassed.
"He bet that Tony couldn't state even one fire safety rule," she adds below the picture. Then adds a little smug grin and ", he listed ten".
"I call enemies to lovers."
Everyone sends Pav the side eye and MJ almost hits enter on "why do we need to put a genre on their romance" before deleting the entire sentence. She doesn't need a redo of Banner-Odinson drama in the group. Nobody does.
"Guys guys," Miles suddenly adds and MJ's eyes grow wide reading the next text.
"Sarge just tried to flirt with Tony and guess who got jealous," Hobie adds and—oh no.
"Too slow, sorry 😎" Then he signs off on them.
"Wait," MJ asks, just to give Miles another chance. "Which one's Sarge?"
Miles sends a picture. In it, a beefy, long haired brunette is slouching next to Tony, a smarmy smile on his face while the hot blond is stoically staring at the wall.
"Isn't he the guy who's shacking up with our councellor?"
"Yep," Miles adds then. "🤔 Maybe he's inviting Tony for a three way?"
"Like a poly thingy," Pav asks and MJ can almost smell the incoming barrage of texts from him.
"Omg, guys 🫢
That would be so cute though! 💖
Professor would be like the small, adorable filling in their sandwich!"
"What even????"
"Pav, no."
"But what about Steve?"
And then they all ask, simultaneously, because her friends are all idiots.
"Who's Steve?"
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theravenclawlover · 2 years
🎃Kinktober Day 23🎃
Day Prompt: Cockbulge/Hate sex/Deepthroating & Facesitting
Word Count: 1,284
Warnings: +18 (MDNI), sexual content, dry humping, violence, hair pulling, choking, hate sex, and my writing as usual babes.
A/N: Honestly, all the prompts are something I fucking love to write about but hate sex won because I got Yelena for day twenty-three lol. I honestly could write Yelena hate sex all day. I am a sucker for it.
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Yelena Belova x F!Reader
You weren’t one to have enemies, at least not in the personal sense of the word. As one of the few remaining Avengers that joined before the Sokovian Accords, you had many grand-scale enemies through the years, but you had one on a personal level now. But not because you fought on different sides of the law, but because neither could see eye-to-eye. Yelena—Natasha’s sister as per Clint’s explanation to you—was someone with whom you couldn’t get along with. No matter how hard Clint tried to make you friends. He’d taken charge of you after you’d lost your mentors and friends, and now he also took care of Kate, and occasionally, Yelena. Clint usually paired you both up, a bonding experience he’d call it when you had gone on a complaining rant to him. He’d been amused, but your anger and rant hadn’t deterred him. And today was another day where he had put you both together even if he knew it could go to shit. But this was no training, this was a small mission to take down a raising group of idiots who thought could strike fear amongst people with their guns.
Clint and Kate were to come in from the north side of the building while you took the south side. And as if irony had been looming around you, Yelena and you were quick to spark hatred amongst commands.
“Jesus, can you be any more annoying?” hissed Yelena as she drew her gun to deck a dude that had been made aware of your presence by their fighting. But he didn’t have the time to warn anyone.
“Girls-” but Clint was interrupted by your annoyed groan at Yelena’s words.
“Me? annoying?” you glared, finger digging into her shoulder. “You are the most annoying person I’ve ever met, and I was friends with Tony Stark.”
“Oh no, you win the title of the most annoying person ever,” she slapped your hand away, a glare of her own. “You do nothing but complain about everything, and let’s not forget that you think you can boss me around every time we have a mission. I don’t need you. I could do this all by myself, be done with it in minutes without your annoying voice.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot,” you gave her an unimpressed grin that was borderline mocking, “you make being a skilled assassin your whole personality. Reminds me of just how shallow you really are.”
It was no surprise that had won you a good punch on your left side, but when you both fought, someone came out with a bruise. Yelena attempted another blow at you, but you evaded, your right hand connecting to her left side. Your knuckles throbbed as you went for another blow as she did too. Both of you were soon in a quick defensive as an equally offensive stand. You could hear gunshots from your earpiece, both Clint and Kate trying to both fight off enemy fire as well as stop you two from killing one another. But neither could stop.
Yelena had hit you twice in the stomach before you managed an uppercut hit before a kick threw her against the wall. She quickly recover before she pushed herself away from it send you back against a desk with a kick of her own. You huffed as you fell back, she straddled you, her hands around your neck. You hissed as you tried to pull her off, but finding it futile, you wrapped your hands around her and with great strength, you rolled yourself over sending you both to the floor with a thud.
Her hands left your throat, and as you gasped for air, you straddled her now, your hands grabbing her own above her head.
“Fuck you!” she spat out, her eyes glaring up at you with so much hatred you could always taste it on the tip of your tongue.
“The feeling is fucking mutual, princess,” you said as you leaned down. Your voice dropping to a low tone to mark with precision just how much that hatred ran down.
“Don’t call me that,” she squinted her eyes, hands fighting your grip, but you were stronger.
“I can call you whatever I want,” you smiled grimly.
Yelena growled in frustration as you made pressure on her wrists, her legs trying to throw you off, but you were stronger as you pressed on her.
“Let go of me.”
You hummed again and this time you kept your silence as you watched with a wicked smirk how much she hated you and the fact that she couldn’t fight you off. Something about watching her raw hatred for you, the very same feeling you felt for her, was doing something to you.
And as if something had gotten ahold of you, the mere inches that you had between each other disappeared as you leaned down to press your lips against her sneer.
Yelena froze underneath you, lips unmoving as were yours. You pulled with a frown at your actions. Yelena’s eyes were narrowed, and the sneer only deepened.
“Fuck. You.” The words had the same hate as before but the low tone her voice had taken made the words come out like a tense growl that was masking the uncertainty of emotions she felt. And you hated that you could relate.
“If you keep growling at me I will.”
It was as sudden as yours, the kiss she chased as she lifted her head. By no means the kiss was sweet, it was everything but. All teeth and growls of disgust for the other and annoyance as the heat you both felt. It was like eating something you claim you disliked to only find out you could get used to the flavor it had offered all along.
But the hatred was still there, right next to, if not holding hands with, the lust the kiss had erupted.
One of the hands that had been on her wrists wrapped around her throat just as she did the same to you. Neither let the other get away with having the upper hand in something neither of you seemed to have control over. Without thinking much, both of you moved around, Yelena still on her back as you found yourself on top of her, but this time one of your legs moved to press your thigh against her pussy. You made pressure as you moved to press yourself to her slightly raised thigh. Both of you groaned into the heated kiss.
Yelena’s other hand won against the grip of your hand, and she went for your hair. She pulled your head to the side, breaking the kiss as you groaned angrily and lustfully.
“Huh, like it rough?” she mocked when you began to move your hips, grinding your pussy on her thigh while you pressed further into her. The hand on her neck moved to grab her jaw tightly as the other dug to grab the hair that was being moused from squirming against the floor. She groaned as a moan escaped first.
“And so do you,” you groaned. Yelena rose her hips as she offered herself some more friction to her cunt. She let go of your head, and you dove right down to kiss her. Just as angrily as before.
This time Yelena couldn’t hold back the full moan as you both moved in sync, finding a rhythm that helped get each other off.
“Are you two fucking right now?!”
You let go of Yelena like she suddenly was a scalding thing just as she crawled away from you. You’d forgotten about the ear comms.
“And they still sounded like they were trying to kill one another,” added Clint.
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prentissvest · 8 months
through the window
Kate bishop x reader
reader x wandanat(mums)
yn is used
1.4k words (not proof read)
warnings: swearing?
Kate bishop x reader 
Wanda and nat are readers mums 
Yn is used 
I sit on my bed, reading a book that has been on my reading list for AGES but i have finally gotten to reading it and omg was it worth the wait. I sit engrossed in my book when I hear light tapping on my window. I look over and my face lights up with happiness as I see my favourite person in the world at my window. I come out of my haze when I realise that I need to open the window for her to actually be able to come into the room. 
I open my window to see kate, my girlfriend of the past 5 months, my smile quickly turns to a look of worry as i see she winces as she pulls herself through the window cill, “kate what happened” she lifts her arm for me to see a gash on her ribs, i gasp as she timidly pulls her shirt back down. “We thought we had gotten all of the hydra agents but there was one that we must have missed and his bullet grazed me” Kate says nervously. “Ok lay down on the bed” i say with worry in my voice, “ i mean ok but i might not be able to do a whole lot at the minuet babe” i swat her arm lightly “not that you idiot im going to fix you up” “well thats not as fun” i hear as im walking into the bathroom to get the first aid kit. 
I straddle kates hips while i put antiseptic and gause on her ribs, “i thought i told you to be careful” i say with sadness in my voice “i know, im sorry yn” see im not an avenger like kate, my mums wont let me apply until im ‘at least 18’ even though mama has been teaching me combat since i was 6 so that i would know how to defend myself. 
Once ive made sure that kate is fully bandaged up i get comfy on my bed and let her cuddle into my side “wanna watch something” i ask “sure, you choose tho” so i pop on gilmore girls and rap my arms around kate still being wary of her injuries. About haalfway thought the episode i look down at kate to see that she had fallen asleep, i pull the blanket further over her and i let myself drift into a pieceful sleep.
Natashas pov
Wanda and i are preparing tea for our small family, wanda decided on making her and yns favourite dish, paprikash, i walk over and hug her from behind, since the battle with thanos wanda and i decided to move away from the compound, we will occasionally go on missions but we usually just go in for meetings and pich ideas, we wanted to make sure that yn has as much of a normal life as possible which we know will never be one hundred percent possible but she is everything wanda and i could have wished for, yelena is staying with us at the minuet as she recently got injured on a mission so she is staying in the guestroom (an often occurrence)
. “Baby please can you get yn so she can come and make the table, tea wil be ready soon” wanda asks with a smile on her face, i nod into wandas shoulder and make my way up the stairs to yns room, i hear the tv playing in the background so i slowly open the door but nothing could have prepared me for what i had seen, the new avenger cuddled up to my daughter, millions of options go through my mind but i decided to slowly back out of the room and get wanda to help me.
Yelena's pov
I sit on my bed scrolling on my phone when i smell wanda's paprikash waft through the air, i hum at the smell and think to myself ‘thank god wanda cooked tonight, i don't think i can handle another burned meal by my dear sister’
i begin to make my way down to the kitchen when i see yns door open so i decide to let her know that tea is almost ready but when i go through the door i see another person which i was not expecting “KATE BISHOP” i say maybe a little to loud, the pair begin to stir so i attempt to make it down the hallway as fast as i can. I get into the kitchen and I'm met by my sister and her wife. “Yn- bed- kate- asleep- door- open-” i attempt to say panting. 
“See i wasn't seeing things wands'' natasha says to wanda, “ok we need to be adults about this, maybe yn didnt feel ready to tell us about the relationship at the minuet, i hope we didn't make her feel that way” wanda says beginning to overthink the situation. “ what do we do?'' Nat says. “Should we wake them up, the food is going to go cold and maybe if we all sit at the table together yn will feel better to talk about it” we begin to head up to yns room. 
Yns pov
 I begin to stir awake when i hear my girlfriends voice being shouted throughout my room, as my eyes adjust i see yelenas figure rush out of my doorway and dart down the hall, i begin to shake kate awake “kate, kate” “whattt” she grumbles, “yelena saw us, she's ran into the kitchen, you need to hide” “oh shit” kate says running into the bathroom, i don't know why i haven't told my parents, the are naturally accepting people, i think that hey will just be anxious of me dating an avenger, so i never told them but now i wish i have before.
I lay back down in bed and pretend to be asleep, i can hear them get closer to my room when i hear mum say “see it's just her, i'm not sure what you two are talking about” yelena walks over to the bathroom door after seeing that its locked and bangs loudly on the door, kate yelps loud enough for everyone to hear so i sit up in bed as kate walks out of the bathroom with her head hanging low. I see mum's mouth drop and I slowly step out of bed and walk over to Kate and look over to my family. “Mamas, this is Kate,” Kate waves nervously. “Right let's have tea '' Mama says while quickly escaping the room, I give a confused look to mum but she just shrugs and follows Mama out. “Kate bishop, so you're dating my niece-” “YELENA” mum shouts from the other room, Yelena puts her fingers to her eyes then to kate. 
When we get to the kitchen it's awfully silent, I pull out a chair for Kate then I sit next to her, “so-” mama starts but I quickly interrupt her. “Im sorry, i know i should have told you but i was scared, i know that you and mama would accept me no matter what but, kate being an avenger we know that you both would probably not like the relationship but i really like her mamas, she would never hurt me or put me in danger” i say beginning to get out of breath. “Slow down tiger, we are happy that we found out and that you are happy dont get me wrong but we only want to make sure that you are safe, both of you” mum says “so your not angry” i say wearily “that you kept your relationship from us? No but sneaking someone into the house is another story” mama says with a slight smirk on her face. “Oh come on it's not like you and wanda didn't sneak around for ages' 'Yelena says which gets her a slap from mama. “But we would like to know more about you and kate's relationship, as well as getting to know kate better so, how did you both meet'' kate puts her hand in mine as she begins to tell the story, and sitting here, with my family and girlfriend it feels, right, complete, as kate talks i look at her nothing but love that i can feel. “And then i turned around the corner and spilt coffee all down her shirt so i took her to the nearest clothing shop and bought her a new shirt” kate says smiling at me “and i bought you a new coffee”
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archivomeow · 3 months
Kate: Hey, Yelena… What’s your body count?
Yelena: Like 300…
Kate: What?!
Natasha walking into the room
Kate: Your body count is 300?! shocked
Natasha: just stares at them for a second
Natasha: You guys are idiots, she means people you slept with Yelena.
Yelena: Oh! Then zero. #aroace
Kate: …okay…
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*wanted to write a short drabble about this but got lazy, if anyone uses this idea PLEASE TAG ME I WANNA READ IT*
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ayameric · 2 years
Monster | W. Maximoff
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Summary: You and Wanda argue about the future, and a certain Russian shows you how much of a fool you're being.
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Symbiote!Reader
Main Masterlist
WC: 3210
TW: None, brief mentions of violence, marital problems. (Message me if there are any you want added)
“Wanda! Come on, please!”
Yelling was pointless, and you looked like a total crazy person shouting at a house in the dark, but here you were.
There came no reply to your pleads to talk, and eventually you were going to have to give in and let Wanda have the space she had requested. But you wanted to show her you weren’t going to give up that easily, that she meant more to you than some stupid fear.
“Let me out! I will get us back inside.” Khaos spoke in your ear, and you shook your head, frowning.
“There’s no point. She’s pissed and wants space.” You sighed, letting your gaze fall to the floor. “We’ll try again tomorrow.”
Your symbiote chuntered in your ear, some expletives thrown around, but you had learned to ignore the mumblings and berating that often came from the alien whenever she disagreed with you. Beginning to move away from what was your home, but not for tonight, your feet carried you wherever they ended up. Hopefully at a bar, but you knew that wasn’t going to help you get back into your wife’s good books.
It was a stupid disagreement. Something you wished you had never even argued about, but it was bound to happen eventually.
Feeling cold and a little bit sorry for yourself, you had no idea where to go, especially not this time of night. Until Khaos had an idea.
“Let us go to the Russian’s apartment. She will know what to do.” She told you, and to be honest, it seemed like a solid idea. You knew what awaited you, which made you cringe a little bit. A lot of shouting, calling you an idiot which you already knew you were. But Natasha was smart, life smart. She would know how to approach this best. At least you hoped she had something more for you than a Russian rant.
Natasha’s apartment remained in a fancy part of Manhattan, so walking from the suburbs would take you a long time. Khaos offered to take you there faster, to which you initially denied, not wanting to draw more attention to yourself. But you conceded, letting the symbiote overtake your body, and clamber to the rooftops and take you to Natasha’s place.
It was far quicker letting Khaos clamber around and throw herself from rooftop to rooftop. You ended up outside Nat’s apartment, Khaos clinging to the fire escape outside her large window.
Before Khaos could give back over control, a body walked past the window, one neither of you recognised. The woman noticed the large tar like figure snarling outside the window, and screamed in fear.
Panic overtook you, and you demanded Khaos retreat, which she did. But before you were stood as yourself on fire escape, the woman was gone, possibly rushing off to warn Natasha about the alien outside her window. You rolled your eyes, huffing before pushing the window up and letting yourself in.
“I swear to God, Yelena! Right outside that window!” The same voice you heard scream began retelling as three women came into the living room of the large apartment, a smirk displayed on both Natasha and her sister, Yelena’s face.
“Kate, that’s just Y/N and Khaos, relax.” Yelena soothed in her thick Russian accent, clearly finding the whole thing quite amusing. The ‘Kate’ girl was clearly still shaken up from seeing a gigantic monster on the balcony and now a woman stood in front of them.
“Uh, hi?” You tried to offer somewhat of a greeting in an attempt to calm her down, but she straight up looked ready to pass out.
“A phone call would’ve been nice, L/N.” Natasha surmised as she folded her arms. “Probably would’ve saved Kate here a heart attack.”
You looked back at Kate again, who was still trying to regain control of her breathing as she stared at you in a total state of confusion.
“I- but you were- and now you’re-“ Kate tried to speak, but it was all rambling.
You felt bad, which wasn’t great on top of what you were already feeling.
“I have a symbiote. That was Khaos.” You explained, gesturing back to the window lazily with your thumb. “And I’m Y/N. We sorta share a body.” You gestured back to yourself with a nervous chuckle, hoping to lighten the mood.
Kate was still in shock, so Yelena wrapped an arm around the girl before guiding her to the couch. “C’mon, Kate. Let’s sit down and breathe like a normal person.”
You and Natasha watched as the two sat down on the couch, already lost in your own discussion which Khaos could hear was about the two of you.
“Scaring people is fun. Halloween will be great this year.” Khaos chuckled deeply, but the thought of Halloween made you think of Wanda, then kids, then the argument. Your mood quickly fell again, which didn’t go unnoticed by the redhead across the room from you.
“So, asshole. Other than scaring my sister’s girlfriend to death and breaking into my place, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Natasha cocked her head the same way your wife did.
You sighed.
“I kinda need a place to stay.”
“Oh my God.”
“What did you do now?”
A chorus of complaints came from both of the Romanoff sisters, and Khaos laughed internally, making you wince at the volume.
“I- I just… we had a disagreement.” You told her, ignoring Yelena and her unhelpful commentary that was most likely going to occur.
Natasha shook her head, before taking you into the kitchen where she made you both a hot drink, gesturing for you to sit down on the stool by the island.
“Talk to me. What did you guys argue about?” Natasha’s immediate first reaction was to joke about the situation since you had a history of being somewhat of an idiot. But you and Wanda rarely argued, and when you did, it was usually serious. So, she approached this one with care, saving the teasing for later.  
You rested your elbows on the counter, putting your head in your hands as you rubbed your eyes.
“We were talking, just about like…life. And, well, Wanda mentioned about having kids.” You began slowly, and Natasha nodded, already sensing where this was going. “I told her I didn’t want to have kids.”
“Y/N!” Natasha yelled, surprised but not at all surprised.
“I know! I know.”
Natasha placed her palms on the counter, leaning forward slightly, trying to regain your eye contact.
“You know Wanda’s always wanted kids. You knew that when you married her. What’s going on?” Natasha asked you softly. It was an unusual tone to come from her, but when it involved her best friends, she would do anything to help. But first she needed to understand.
"I lied. To her. I want kids, I want that with her, but.” You trailed off again. “I mean, I can’t. I can’t be a parent.”
Before Natasha could interject, you exploded. Your emotions bubbled to the top, and Khaos was being unusually quiet.
“I can’t be a parent! I share this fucking body with an oversized alien with a mouth big enough to swallow a tank! I’m not fit to be a parent anymore, least of all for the family that Wanda wants. Khaos is a monster, and so am I."
“I am not a monster. I am a symbiote.”
“A parasite.” You snapped back to the voice in your head. It was misdirected anger, but you were feeling a lot right now.
Natasha took a deep breath, looking around the room briefly before speaking up again. Part of you hoped that Yelena wasn’t listening in, despite your little outburst. She was not as socially trained as her sister, and would absolutely find a way to take the piss out of you, especially since you nearly stopped her girlfriend’s heart with that little window jumpscare.
“Y/N, look at me.” Nat demanded, and you were not one to disobey a scary Russian ex-spy. “Just because you have a symbiote does not mean your any less able to be a parent. I mean, look at Bruce for fucks sake! He has a kid! But the bonus you have is that you get to be a parent with Wanda. If there was anyone to do something as incredible as having kids with, it would be with her.”
“Are you hitting on my wife?” You tried to joke, but your voice broke and betrayed you.
“Shut it.” She snapped, and your half smile dropped. “Don’t throw away a dream you both have because of your own insecurities. I mean, I know Khaos would never do anything to endanger anyone. She’s a protector. She’s protected you, me, Wanda, the whole team! Why would that change if you started a family? You just get to be the cool parents with superpowers and an extra helping alien-hand.”
Natasha made a good point, unsurprisingly so. She was always good with words one on one.
“Spare room is free. Don’t complain if you hear Yelena and Kate going at it. I put up with living next to you and Wanda in the compound for years.” Natasha told you all at once. Moving around the counter, she took her drink and patted your shoulder as she went to re-join the other girls in the living room.
“Why did you not talk to me?” Khaos asked you, and you let out a sigh.
“Because! I- was parenting ever on your to do list? Probably not!” You yelled exasperatedly. But the symbiote growled in your ear.
“Of course it was not! But, that was life before we met Wanda. She is our everything, and I would do anything to make her happy, including eating that girl in the other room-“ The symbiote began to ramble, but you whacked the side of your head in an attempt to shut her up.
“I was kidding! My…mission has changed. I protect you and Wanda, including any demon spawn you may have.”
“That was a weirdly nice sentiment, K.” You smirked, the alien humming in approval. “Fuck, I really messed up.
“You’d be surprised what you can achieve from talking.” The symbiote mocked.
“You literally eat people. Shut up.” You grumbled, before pushing yourself up from the island and treading down the hallway to Natasha’s spare room. You pulled your phone from your back pocket as you reached the room, opening your messages to the thread with Wanda. Hesitating slightly, beginning to wonder if texting her was even a good idea and what you would even say to her began to run through your head.
“We’re married, you knew I wanted this! We wanted this!” Wanda yelled at you from across the bedroom.
“I know! But- I didn’t consider the whole, y’know, me and Khaos thing! I married you because I loved you, Wanda.” You tried, but the witch just rolled her eyes, growling.
“You also married us for a future together, Y/N. Last time we spoke, that included having a family and Khaos was very much around for that conversation.” Wanda told you, and you saw the anger growing in her eyes with the flicker of red in her irises.
“She wasn’t exactly talkative during that conversation, back then she was only focused on eating HYDRA agents!” You screamed back. Clearly, the two of you were clearly getting nowhere, and Wanda was losing her patience.
“The lack of communication between you and your symbiote is not my fault!”
“I never said it was!”
“But here I am, suffering the fallout for it because you’re too afraid! You and I both know that Khaos would never hurt anyone, not anymore. Retirement was something I wanted for both of us, and I supported your decision to stay on call for the Avengers-“
“-so this is about me working?” You asked, partially to take the heat of off you.
“You’re being a dick, Y/N.” Khaos chimed in. She was a lot more chilled out now, having begun to settle into a non-violent lifestyle.
“No, it’s not! This is about us! I want this with you, but you don’t want this with me.” Wanda’s tone went calm, but still held venom. “Just, get out. I don’t want to talk to you right now.”
“I have to suffer for this one’s idiocy as well?!”
“Get out!”
Yeah, things did not end well.
Writing a big, long paragraph about how sorry you were would mean nothing to Wanda. Actions spoke louder than words, and some half-assed texted apology was not the way to go about making amends with your wife.
So you settled for something straight from the heart.
[Wands <3]
I love you
Delivered 11:49PM
You were surprised when Khaos quickly took control of your hands, her tar-like hands beginning to type on the phone screen.
We love you.
Delivered 11:50PM
“Nice touch, Khaos.”
 You placed your phone face down on the nightstand, shredding your shirt and kicking off your shoes and socks, slightly thankful you were wearing sweatpants. Getting sleep tonight would not be easy, but with every minute that passed would be a minute closer to seeing Wanda again.
Staring at the dark ceiling, you felt stupider than ever for what you said. You did marry Wanda because you loved her, but you married her for everything else that came with loving her, including having a family. You wanted it, but your fear had held you back. But here it was, the fear itself telling you there was nothing to worry about. Khaos was right, she was here to protect you and your family, not harm it.
You just wanted Wanda back. Sleeping in a bed without her was wrong, it felt wrong.
“Khaos! Put me down!” Wanda squealed with laughter as Khaos tossed her over her shoulder, leaving the witch at least ten feet off the ground.
“The louder you scream, the higher you go, Wanda!” Khaos roared back playfully, grabbing her figure, and swinging her around the living room of the compound. It was empty, and Khaos had taken advantage to play around with Wanda.
“Khaos, dude you’re gonna make her sick!” You warned from the inside.
“She is an all powerful witch! Wanda can handle some horseplay!” Khaos ignored your warning, and you smirked internally at their bond. Wanda loved Khaos, her more playful side and less eating-brains side.
Eventually Khaos put Wanda down, who stumbled slightly as the blood rushed from her head. Khaos retreated back into your body, leaving you stood in front of your girlfriend with a goofy smile on your face.
“Khaos will be plenty of fun when we have kids.” Wanda commented half-heartedly, still catching her breath.
“Kids?” Khaos spluttered.
“We aren’t even married yet.” You smirked, slipping your hands around Wanda’s waist.
“Yet. We’ve got all of that to come.” Wanda smiled up at you, pressing a kiss to the side of your mouth.
“Mhm. I can’t wait.” You agreed, sealing it with a kiss.
Those were better days, but it only reinforced that Wanda was right. You did want all of that, and it was your fault for not talking to Khaos sooner.
You had only hoped that Wanda would give you a second chance.
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The sound of yelling in Russian awoke you. The sweet symphony of two sisters arguing was your alarm clock that morning, and it made you want to get out of there even faster. Pulling on your shirt and shoes, you dashed into kitchen to kiss Natasha on the cheek, slap Yelena on the back of the head and mumble a sorry to Kate before dashing out of the window like a crazy person.
“Thanks guys!” You yelled back as Khaos took over your body and began dashing through the city, building to building.
“She is such an ass.” Yelena grumbled, rubbing her head as the three women stared in the direction of the now open window.
“Yeah, she is.” Natasha mused.
It didn’t take you long to arrive back to your shared home, Khaos retreating and allowing you control back. You straightened yourself out, brushing off some dust on your shirt before sheepishly knocking the door. Well, you were about to when the door opened as you raised your hand to knock.
“Oh, um, hi.” You were greeted with a red-eyed Wanda.
“Hey.” She almost whispered back, your heart breaking slightly as you heard the strain in her voice.
“Look, I just-“ You tried to talk, but instead Wanda just grabbed your arm, yanking you inside the house and slamming the door behind you. Leaving you well and truly trapped between her and the door.
“Talk in here. Instead of, y’know, screaming in the street like a crazy person.” Wanda scolded, despite her initial intent to be playful. You felt shame wash over you, and Wanda must’ve noticed because her gazed softened.
“Wanda. Look, I’m sorry. I know, I know that’s a lame fucking starting point, but it’s true. I’m sorry. I’m a coward for hiding behind my own fear because, now that we’re married it’s real! Having kids is an actuality, and I’m scared. Partially because of Khaos, but because of myself, too. I have no idea what I’m doing, and I’m afraid that somewhere down the line one of us is gonna lose control and either of us could put our child in danger.” You began rambling, but Wanda let you continue. “I would never forgive myself if something happened. I know you wouldn’t either, so… it was easier to run from the problem. Wanda, I love you. More than anything, and I know that Khaos does too. That’s enough for me- us. As scary as having kids is, I don’t care, because I get to do it with you. I get to do all of that with you! The most intelligent, beautiful, loving woman in the world! We fought fucking aliens together; we can raise a baby. I don’t care what we do, I just want to do it with you.”
Wanda didn’t say anything, but the trembling of her bottom lip and the pooling of tears in her eyes was enough of a tell that you either did a really good or bad job.
“Wands?” You asked after another beat of silence, before she grabbed either side of your shirt, balling it between her fists and pulling you in for a kiss. She slammed her lips against yours, feeling her hots tears fall upon your own cheeks. It was seamless, like nothing had ever happened with the way you deepened the kiss and slipped your hands on her waist.
Wanda sniffled slightly pulling back from the kiss, but still leaning her forehead against yours.
“You stupid, stupid idiot.” Wanda huffed against you, making you both chuckle. “I really love you. And I can’t wait to do all of this with you, too.”
A growl left your body that certainly wasn’t yours.
“Sorry, both of you.” Wanda corrected herself, which appeased the alien within you. “I love you.”
“We love you too.” You whispered back.
“Don’t do that again, you fucking ass.” The witch pushed you away, letting go of your shirt.
“Yeah, fucking ass.”
“Khaos, lay off, man!”
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fangurltrashcannn · 1 year
It makes literally no sense for marvel to give us nat/Clint 2.0 with these two idiots who compliment each other so incredibly well and have so many parallels and all that chemistry with such amazing actresses and not do anything with it. Give the people (me) what they (I) want (Kate and yelena flirting training together texting and being worried about the other while having funny charged banter leading up to a kiss)
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rhfffas · 1 year
I actually want to see Natasha is back and Kate being protective of Yelena cuz she and Yelena bonding over abandon issues, but Natasha is like: (*totally unimpressed) okay so Yelena has a girlfriend when I’m not here
Kate: (*blushed) She is not my girlfriend
Yelena: (*annoyed) She is not my girlfriend
Natasha: So you two are just idiots then
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floilee · 9 months
- We can be run away? - Kate smiles truly excited as she holds the widow's hands.
- Run away? We have to prepare for an important mission. - Yelena denied it but was almost letting her smile tear face.
- It's only for a few hours... - Kate rolled her eyes. - I know you'd really like to run away with me.
Yelena sighed keeping her smile. She hated admitting that Kate Bishop could be the most attractive being she has ever met, even though was a perfect idiot.
- You’re so convinced, Kate Bishop. - Put hand on face at smiling.
- I know this attracts you. - Blink.
- Does anyone know about Yelena? - Natasha asks when entering the room.
- Kate, also disappeared. - Clint adds.
The two looked at the only person in that environment who could know where the two girls got into each other days before a important mission.
- Peter...
The spider looks around avoiding colliding his truth with the hawk and the widow.
- I think Mr. Stark, called me to the lab. - Get ready to leave the room.
Natasha holds the boy by the arm and Clint stares at him with a little smile of someone who warns "if you don't say it for good, you will say it for bad".
- You don't have to look at me like that. - Peter looks away from Clint. - Just look at Kate's Twitter profile.
Clint and Natasha look totally confused.
Kate holding on Yelena's waist with stronger and protection, didn't have much to be with all that care, but after the night before that the widow finally opened up and told the archer about her fears, Kate felt a tremendous need in her veins to protect Belova.
- You're holding me like this, it even looks I'm going to run away. - Yelena jokes.
Yelena's hands held Kate's neck with the same protection. Unconsciously they both shared the feeling of fear of getting lost.
- You've already run away once. - Kate whispers.
The world around them was eletric, it couldn't be different in an amusement park, a scenario in which Kate thought for a whole night that could be what would cheer Yelena up to have fun again. Since the widow only really had fun during a mission bursting the brains of some bad guy.
- But now I'm here... so? - Your face approaches to Kate. - What are you going to do?
Provocative as a good black widow, Yelena passes her lips on Kate's lips making the hawk shiver. This was Yelena's favorite hobby; to see Kate Bishop totally bewitched by your tricks of seduction.
- You're good at it... I mean... Now I understand why you're always the first to get information from someone. - Kate stutters with full attention on Yelena's lips that are definitely closer than habitual.
- What information can I get from you, Kate Bishop? - Smiling seductive.
- I would tell you anything. - Pass your tongue on your lips overflowing desire. - But I can only think of kissing you.
Kate's face begins to blush in the same proportion as Yelena's smile seems as true as all the fun that covers the scenario. And even more true the kiss they wanted so much, shivering the bodies and making them feel even more need not to break this so graceful contact.
- I never thought I could do that. - Yelena sighs after breaking the kiss.
- Being in a amusement park? - Kate caresses the soft skin of the widow's face.
Yelena denies the archer's speech and for some insurance appreciates Kate's clear eyes, seeing her whole world there inside those bright and attractive eyes, she felt renewed and even more excited to do everything she can never do.
- Living one love.
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
Without Us
Pairing: Kate Bishop x Reader (Platonic)
Summary: Yelena & Natasha instruct you & Kate to keep an eye on the hostages until the two sisters come back.
0.9K | Light language warning 
AC: This little idea came to mind at 1:30am & I just knew Kate would be perfect for this! 
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“Y/n & Kate, watch other these idiots while we clear the rest of building! We’ll radio you if we need you” Natasha instructs while looking being you and Kate. You both nod, “we can do that!” you replied with a smirk. Yelena and Natasha ran out of the room while two men in suits sat on the cold floor, their backs leaning against the hard wall, looking up at you and Kate. 
“You bitches! You’ll pay for this!” One man spat in anger. 
“Pipe down old man, it’s your own fault” you looked at him and shook your head slightly. Kate humming in agreement. “Do you know who you’re dealing with?!” The man added. “Uhm, duh? We’re spies? Well, she’s not, she’s an archer and a damn good one at that!” You replied with your thumb pointing to Kate as she stood to the left of you. “Thank you” she smiled, “you’re welcome” you smiled back before looking back to the men on the floor. “And the other two, the Russians, yeah you guys pissed them off real well. Hence why we’re here, you know, to stop you and blah blah blah” you added in a sarcastic tone. 
“You will pay! All of you! You’ve ruined my company, my good name!” The man spat again. 
“Pretty sure she said that was your own doing” Kate crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re right! I did, anyways” you turned your back on the men and walking over to the drinks cart of the office. “Ooo, expensive!” You said as you picked up the half empty bottle of scotch. “You girls are stupid, just wait until we get out this! There will be no more of whoever you are!” The other man clenched his jaw. 
Kate laughed, “they don’t know who we are!” 
“The world won’t miss you, not after this! You’ve destroyed everything” 
“But...but…the” you put on a fake crying noise, “the world would be so empty without us” you add with a laugh. “DUET?!” Kate said excitedly as she registered your words. A little thing you and Kate did whenever one of you would mention a song without meaning. You looked to Kate with wide eyes, “Hit it!” You replied. Kate pulling her phone out from her zipped pocket. 
A moment of silence as the two older men looked to each other with anger while Kate started the music. 
“Two idiot men got caught breaking the rules, breaking the rules, breaking the rules” Kate started off. You chuckled before the next line. 
“Guess who’s back, back again, Katie’s back! Tell a friend” You sang as the two of started dancing as if you were in a music video. The two men watching with a confused look, meanwhile Natasha and Yelena were checking the rest of the isolated office for anymore enemies. 
“Everything is clear on my floor, Natasha!” Yelena spoke over the radio to Natasha. “Same here, meet you at the staircase” she radioed back. 
The two assassins started making their way back to the top floor office where Kate and you were left with the targeted men. 
“Think they bored them to death?” Natasha asked Yelena with a chuckle. “We need to stop leaving them alone together if they have” Yelena scoffed. The two took the elevator, wondering how the two of you managed with the men. The elevator dings as the door opens the muffled sound of music filled the hall. 
“I swear if they’re making TikTok’s again I’m going to go insane!” Yelena mumbles. “Oh, come on Yelena, they’re just making the best of the shitty situation” Nat laughed as she followed her younger sister down the hall. 
“Now this looks like a job for us” Kate sung.
“Yelena and Nat just left it to us” you followed. 
“Cause we need a little, controversy” Kate replied
“Cause it feels so empty, without us!” You finished before the two of you broke into another dance. 
Yelena and Nat stood in the doorway of the office. “Did they just?” Natasha asked knowing Yelena would understand the rest of the unspoken question, “Yes, yes they did” Yelena confirmed. “Do they not understand how serious missions can be?” Nat wandered, “you invited them, your problem” Yelena smile sarcastically as she patted her on the shoulder. 
“You two done?” Yelena spoke, making her and Nat known. Kate panicked and paused the music, you turned on your heels and faced the two unimpressed sisters with a smile. “Yay! You guys a back!” You cheered. “Yes, yay!!” Kate added. 
Natasha glared at the two of you as she walked towards you both. “We…we did as asked” you stuttered. Natasha’s glare was enough to kill a room if looks could kill. “Please, if we ever have to see whatever that was again, we’d rather die” one of the men inserted himself, Natasha instantly turning her glare to him. “Well then, Kate, Y/n, finish your little show!” Nat cocked her eye brown at man who groaned as Nat took a seat on the leather sofa, Yelena sitting beside her as you and Kate picked up where you left off. 
By the time you and Kate had finished horsing around, Yelena hid how impressed she was by the little song and dance you both just put on, Nat lost herself and bobbed her head until the music came to an end. “I’m so glad I now have this on tape” Natasha laughed. Kate scanned the redhead and noticed she had her phone sat perfectly out of site. “Oh god, please don’t share that!” Kate begged. 
“NATASHA, I SWEAR TO GOD” you clicked on once you saw the phone lenses. 
Yelena and Natasha laughed. “Come on Slim Shady’s, we gotta take these idiots to S.H.I.E.L.D” Nat said, walking out followed by Yelena still chuckling to themselves. 
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