#you aren't supportive of my identity so i'm not telling you anything
up until recently i ran a pretty popular radfem blog (stay with me, this ask is in good faith) but after i took a social media detox, i realized i don’t share those beliefs anymore and in fact i might be trans myself. i just kind of abandoned the blog, but i’d feel bad if i didn’t tell my followers what happened. i’m scared of telling anyone because i feel like i’d be a bad feminist if i transitioned. (i know, you can be trans and a feminist just fine, but that’s just the kind of thing radfems tell you.) even worse, i’m scared of posting about it on my main or radfem blog because radfems and trans people by and large hate each other (obv), and i’m scared to mention i’ve been in both groups because of the hate i’ll get
Lee says:
When I first started as a mod, I would have told you that you need to immediately post on all your blogs to disown the transphobic beliefs you had previously expressed to try to make up for the harm that you may have perpetrated as a radfem.
Now that I'm a little older, my feelings on the topic have shifted a bit. Before anything else, I think you need to slow down and make sure that you ensure your own safety and mental health.
If you believe that revealing this change to your followers could result in backlash online that would affect you emotionally, it's crucial to prepare by turning off anonymous asks and muting notifications from social media apps.
You should also make sure you have a non-online place to turn for support. If they used to be your community, you may feel like you've lost online friends, so make sure you don't become too isolated. Instead, lean on your IRL connections and seek support from trans-friendly people in your community.
You may even want to consider looking for a therapist-- questioning being trans can be difficult for anyone, and adding a layer of internalized transphobia doesn't help.
When you're ready to share your feelings on your blog, you should write a thoughtful post explaining your journey. You don't have to justify your identity; rather, focus on your personal growth, how your views have evolved, and how you came to understand yourself better. Acknowledge the complexity of the situation and that you're still learning.
These people were once your buddies and there's a chance you may be able to make some of them question their beliefs too if you don't lash out at them and trigger that instinctual defensive us-versus-them mindset, so I would try to keep a friendly tone even while noting that you no longer support them.
So thank your followers for their support and engagement over the years, but tell them you aren't comfortable staying part of their community now that you've realized that the beliefs underpinning the group are doing damage and you are trying to unlearn that type of thinking.
Gently challenge any misconceptions you once held or promoted. Clarify that being trans and feminist are not mutually exclusive and that everyone deserves respect and equality, regardless of their gender identity.
If you're comfortable, share resources that helped you on your journey. This could be educational materials, support groups, books you found helpful, or contact information for trans-supportive LGBTQ+ organizations. If there's anything you'd recommend to others who were once in the same place as you were on getting out, this is the time to share your advice.
Understand that reactions will likely be mixed. Some followers may feel confused, betrayed, or angry, while others might be supportive or even share their similar experiences. Remember, you're not responsible for their reactions and you don't need to respond to them if you don't want to argue and they aren't willing to have a respectful conversation.
Be clear about your boundaries. Let your followers know what kind of comments you're willing to engage with and that hate or harassment won't be tolerated. You can even stop engaging with the account altogether if you don't think you can deal with the hate that you may receive.
You don't have to post about this immediately. Again, it's okay to take as much time as you need to feel ready. It's okay to wait until you're in a safe and stable position before making any announcements.
If you do post about it and get hate, remind yourself that you're doing the right thing by letting go of that community, and that you're not only making the right choice for your own life in allowing yourself the freedom to explore your gender identity but you're also doing the right thing overall since you're now standing up for the trans community (late is better than never!) and no longer encouraging transphobic narratives.
If you feel that your current blog is no longer a space where you can express yourself authentically, consider starting a new blog or platform where you can write freely about your experiences and beliefs. Or just get offline altogether-- your digital detox is what started this, so maybe it's healthy for you to continue it for a while!
If you tell someone "I support trans folks" and they send you hate, that person is not your friend anyway. This is an opportunity to meet nice people who you can be yourself with. I would really encourage you to connect with IRL activists who are actually regularly volunteering and doing something concrete for their community if you have the opportunity.
When I was in high school, I volunteered at my local library's teen advisory board, and when I was in college I volunteered at a local hospital and through my college. This weekend I'm starting training for volunteering in-person for my town's emergency preparedness group which also does things like help to unload trucks for the food pantry, and I also volunteer remotely for two organizations online.
I'm really pushing for you to get out and volunteer (online or IRL) because I know one draw of the radfem community is feeling like you're an activist and that you're supporting women's rights and protecting and defending women. And it is important to support women's rights and protect and defend women! But there are other ways to do that beyond running a hateful blog attacking trans women.
I have a friend who works at an organization for survivors of domestic violence, for example, and she works with volunteers who help staff events, answer the hotline, etc. You can look around and see what local initiatives there are in your community and if you can't find the thing you're looking for you can start a group yourself or look online and join a national or state-wide cause that you care about, like pushing the legislature to support access to abortions.
Giving up the radfem community doesn't mean giving up feminism, and this is a good opportunity for you to take a look at your own time, your values, and think about how you can take this chance to start working to be a more effective feminist. Not everyone has to be an activist, but if you want to be one, think about how you can start doing good in a way that will actually affect people in a positive way.
I've also often been involved in doing events like conferences and workshops and panels IRL from my time in high school to the present day to try and educate folks on the community, but I also know that sometimes you need to take a step back and prioritize yourself. If you think you're not ready to jump into making change that's also okay. Just join something. A soccer team, a book club, anything hobby-related, to have something else to do and talk about and think about and stay tethered to feeling part of something.
Remember, it's okay to grow and change. You're not betraying anyone by being true to yourself. It's a courageous step to admit when your views have changed, and it's an integral part of personal growth. Be kind to yourself during this process.
Whether or not you end up identify as trans, you still will be doing the right thing by separating yourself from that community. I know it may be difficult because they were a place where you felt supported and part of a movement, but I really believe that you're taking steps in the right direction by letting go of that ideology and just living your life!
Followers, if you have any experiences unlearning toxic beliefs please reply with your advice for anon!
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dreamcaught · 11 days
Fandom has Critically Failed a Media Literacy Check: Thoughts on Ascended Astarion
TLDR: Yes, he's evil. Yes, he's still in love with you.
Okay so now that I know more about both Spawn and Ascended Astarion from personal playthrough experience, I have to say it's really weird to me how much the fandom is pinning them against each other. In all practicality, they're the same fucking person.
Astarion's non-romance specific lines are practically identical. If you're his friend with high approval, he's pretty badass, if a megalomaniac. His self-obsession and self-importance make sense in context, though, and they aren't even that much more pretentious than his earlier expressions of desire for power. It's just that he has the power now. He says he's happy, is excited to be prosperous in his own way, and continues helping you. He's no more cruel than he was before. I can't speak to low-approval lines because my games will always reach "Exceptional" levels of approval for my favourite party members, but I can't imagine them being any different than low-approval spawn lines.
On Love
When romanced, the biggest fandom criticism I'm seeing is this idea that Astarion no longer loves his romantic partner. I have been looking for evidence of this and can't find anything indicating its truth. The closest thing is a post-breakup conversation which, in my opinion, is a huge cop-out. Even still, it does not say anything about his love for you -- only your love for him.
"Of course I understand love. All too well. The greatest crimes committed in this world are committed for love. A hunger crueler than bloodlust. I know how to play with it, and I can't resist playing the hand I know. I would have ruined your love, used your trust until you were nothing. So, for what it's worth, I respect you for making the choice you did. I never knew you had it in you."
I can imagine these lines were written for a very practical reason: They don't want break-ups to affect game-play. An entirely evil Ascended Astarion would just swan the fuck off if his partner left him, and that's not fair to a player who just doesn't want to be in a relationship in-game anymore. This is different than if the character breaks up with the player, because that usually happens because of some sort of cruelty the player chose. Actively trying to kill him, failing to persuade him after showing support for his ascension, or kicking him the balls after agreeing to be his spawn are all actively mean on the player's part. (Or an unfortunate dice roll, but it is - after all - still a game.)
Having Astarion leave the player after he breaks up with you is a consequence of these cruel actions; having Astarion leave after you break up with him is a game-play issue. They can't realistically account for why the player would do so. So they've thought of a realistic reason for Ascended Astarion to stick around: he respects you.
But I also think this speaks to Ascended Astarion's character.
People like to point out the way he says love in this line, as though it is something disgusting - something beneath him. Yes, he probably hates the concept, hates the feeling of it. But: he didn't like it much when he first fell in love with you either, as a spawn.
And he's only felt it once before you broke up with him, so there's that.
Astarion is insecure, even ascended, and if the player speaks for him - tells him he can't love, says he is too cruel, his actions thereby will only justify those concerns. It is a self-fulfilling prophesy, but that is not a result of him not loving you; that's a result of you saying he can't.
Reflect on this: Of course I understand love. All too well. I would have ruined your[s].
He loved you. He loves you, still. He can't say he doesn't, even if he respects your decision to leave him. However, he also feels that love is ruinous. He has become an even darker, more evil creature than he was before, and he believes your connection to him would be destructive. Consider that you have just denied him what he wanted: you. His love for you has hurt him, so he feels that he would hurt you back. He gave his trust to you, and you broke his heart, so he maintains that the same would happen to you: that he would use your trust until you were nothing, like he is. That is Astarion's nature both before and after ascension, but it is not an argument to show that he no longer loves you. That is an argument to show that ascended Astarion is just as lost, insecure and retaliatory as he was when you first met.
On the other hand, if you do not break up with Astarion, there are copious lines which showcase his love and complete devotion to his partner:
"You sweet, sweet thing. I want what's best for you too, of course." (In response to: "I hope you learned to love me," he says,) "What's to say I don't? I'm willing to share all of this with you. What's that if not love?"
(In response to: "I hope we can work things out and stay together," he says,) "Of course we can. You're the one that I want, the one that I love... My dark consort. My right hand. My most beloved spawn."
("So what would I be? A vampire, or your spawn?") "You wouldn't just be some spawn - you're far more than that to me. We could be together for eternity, ruling this world side by side. We could have it all."
("It sounds like you'd have it all.") "I already have everything. Except you by my side."
These lines come from the conversation before choosing to become his spawn or breaking up with him. All of these responses explicitly demonstrate Astarion's love for the player. Now that he achieved his greatest goal to become his strongest self, his desire is to share his success with you. As a vampire, that means to become like him, to become his. In a very real but evil way, he is very obviously asking you to marry him. And he's being very honest about it.
I've seen a lot of arguments about these lines which pretty much come down to: he's lying. But, kindly, fuck off. That isn't an argument; there is absolutely no reason to think he's lying here unless you have already chosen to think he's lying, and that's just another self-fulfilling prophesy.
Astarion being evil does not automatically mean that he's lying. Astarion's voice acting here does not automatically mean that he's lying, either. Yes, he sounds different: he is more self-assured, more powerful, more arrogant - but he's not fundamentally different in his ideals or desires from his spawn self. There is no evidence to support the claim that Astarion is manipulating you or lying about his feelings to - what? Stay with you? Why would he? It is through this very conversation that he allows you to decide for yourself what you want to happen next, so trying to claim he's manipulating or lying to you here is shallow.
And at this point, people will bring up the wisdom check. Look, I have no idea why this check means that Astarion couldn't possibly love you or respect you. In fact, I argue that it's much the opposite: he respects the player so much that he thinks that they're degrading themselves to be with him. He thinks so little of himself that you are lowering your standards, lowering yourself, to be with him:
He will always see you as degrading yourself if you continue to be with him. But perhaps you wish to degrade yourself. And he knows it.
Your choice to become his consort is beneath you - not beneath him. Your wanting to remain at his side is not what you deserve because he thinks you deserve better: but he knows, at this point, that it's what you want anyway.
Dominant/submissive Undertones
"On your knees, darling." A lot of people feel uncomfortable with the new dynamic created when Astarion ascends. His relationship with the player is significantly more defined than it ever is when he's a spawn. This is true throughout a spawn playthrough, as well: it is only at the very end of the game, in the epilogue scene, that spawn Astarion confirms your relationship as fully established. Whereas with ascended Astarion, he considers you his established partner now - his eternal lover and consort.
The Dominant/submissive undertones created by the master/spawn dynamic makes some people argue that ascended Astarion is abusive, for some reason. But - no, it's not. Just - understand that actual abuse is a sensitive topic wherein claiming Astarion's dominant aspects are abusive is actually offensive to both people in D/s (Dominant/submissive) relationships and to survivors of real abuse.
But a few things:
Astarion is evil. Astarion is always evil. Astarion is chaotic evil as a spawn and more lawfully evil ascended. He is cruel with his words, has a twisted sense of pleasure and pain, acts selfishly and relishes in having power. He "has a casual relationship with murder," genuinely dislikes children/the weak, and legitimately does not care about most people. Ultimately, Astarion craves for control - over himself, over his life, and over others. But as Astarion learns in his own story arc: being evil does not mean he cannot love. These things do co-exist, and you are the exception. Your friends are like salads (side-dishes, add-ons, auxiliaries... they don't really count as much as the main course). So yes: he can be mean and he can be cruel - because he is, from the start, fairly evil. But since that's true for both spawn and ascended versions of him, this doesn't matter. You must accept this as part of his character; if you don't, that's on you, not the text.
Being dominant is not fundamentally abusive. There are countless real life examples of D/s relationships which are based on love and respect. These relationships are just as real and just as valid as any other kind of relationship. They are not based on abuse and should not be seen as such.
This relationship, as degrading and submissive as it is, is still based completely on consent. Astarion never forces you into your agreement, whereas he does thank you for it twice: "You have given me everything. Thank you." and "Gods, you're beautiful. And you will be beautiful forever. Thank you, for trusting me." Many people will see the subsequent inability to break up with him as abusive, but I must insist: he is very clear that this pact is eternal. That this is forever. If you break the consent of forever, then that's you being cruel again - not him.
On Possession
Another line he says in this post-breakup scene is this:
"And if we were beholden to each other? Well, how is that too different from being enslaved?"
In my opinion, this line is much more significant than the previous. It speaks to Astarion's tenuous grasp of relationships in general, but also how he views both himself and you when partnered.
"beholden to each other" is not "my ownership of you"
From the beginning of the game, he's using you and he's expecting you to use him. For Astarion, every relationship in his life has thus far been transactional. Every relationship except yours, which is the only one he wants to be real.
If the player breaks up with Astarion, the reality of this relationship is broken. He reflects on it once again as being transactional. He is no longer attached to you romantically, and so he strikes a business deal with you instead.
This devolution of Astarion's understanding of relationships does not happen if you choose to stay with him. He doesn't think of your relationship as transactional at all - in fact, he shows trust, devotion and reciprocation of possession and affection. He considers the relationship to be established and the most authentic one he's ever had.
Ascended Astarion considers his consort his "right hand," "by his side," -- these are just different, fancy ways of saying that you are his equal without saying it outright. He is as beholden to you as you are to him.
Astarion may be more open about his possessive tendencies toward his partner - but saying "my treasure," "my beloved spawn," or any other endearment with the possessive "mine" at the start of it isn't nearly so damaging as some people are claiming it to be. Spawn Astarion's "my love" is really no different. That Astarion is open and vulnerable with these endearments is just showcasing his trust in your shared devotion to each other. Think of it this way: you could very well be calling him something similar right back.
If you have not actually played an ascended playthrough - or, heck, if you haven't played the game at all and are making loud opinions about Ascended Astarion as a lying liar incapable of love or of Spawn Astarion being the better choice -- maybe stop. Maybe just enjoy what you like and let others enjoy what they like. Maybe practice some media literacy and note that Astarion is Astarion is Astarion - he's the same character, both beloved and hated by many, with virtues and vices that are compelling and flawed.
The writers have created a rich story. Understand that the story being told is the one being chosen by the player - whichever direction they choose to take it.
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thesoappope · 3 months
My thoughts on Chaggie/ Charlie x Vaggie
Before we begin, no this isn't a "I hate chaggie post" and no I will not be hating on those who ship it either. Rather this is just my thoughts on chaggie at the moment.
So, I'm just gonna say it, Chaggie is my OTP. Not because it is perfection, but because it's in my opinion one of the most interesting relationship canon/noncanon, I love both the characters in the relationship, and any moment of intimacy (not just kisses and such but any intimacy that reads as romantic) is cute. And with that I want to talk about the relationship so far.
Now I've been seeing people say their relationship is toxic or unhealthy, and to that I say...that's a bit strong. Let me explain. So because hazbin is kinda speedrunning it's plot (which I understand bc limitations on episodes and seasons green lit) we don't get to deeply know all the characters and specifics on why they make certain choices and how they ended up the way they did so we have to rely on the broad and limited information provided in each episode.
Based on the 6 episodes released, we can tell Charlie is very optimistic, to a fault at times, passionate, a go getter with some direction, very empathetic, ablivious at times, and ultimanty wants to be a leader but lacks the confidence and authority (despite begin a princess bc we love the royal that doesn't know how to rule troupe, genuinely) to be one.
Vaggie on the other hand, is like Charlie, very kind, but isn't as willing to put faith in a person till they've proven they deserve it, protective, loyal, good intended, not very trusting, lacks confidence, and dependent on Charlie.
Now when you put these two together, while the two do help eachother supplement what the other lacks, whether through reassurance, doing what the other can't or doesn't want to do, or giving the other what they need at the moment, even if that isn't them, it's clear who relies more on the other. After it's revealed how Vaggie and Charlie met, it really reframes Vaggie's character. No longer is she just a slightly insecure girlfriend who just wants to make sure her partner is happy and is being supportive and good enough to her, she's now a character who has bad identity issues. I mean can you blame her?! Her whole life disappeared in an instance and started all over when Charlie found her. I imagine they haven't really been apart since then except for a couple hours maybe, but never for days or longer. And being with someone for so long especially in an unfamiliar place, of course you become attached to them. Add Charlie basically saving Vaggie's life, there's an imbalance there. A feeling of indebtedness even if Charlie never said Vaggie owed her bc wow that would be way out of character.
Now as I mentioned before, Charlie is a bit ablivious to certain things, she's especially ablivious to how vaggie feels and what she's going through. Now that's not entirely her fault, she didn't know Vaggie was an angel and that Vaggie may feel indebted to her for saving her life, but also it's clear Charlie doesn't understand social cues and again, because of her trust in Vaggie, she'd assume Vaggie would tell her anything that was wrong or bothering her since the contrary just isn't something established in there relationship. And if Vaggie didn't want to talk about something she'd say it, not lie. Like in all honesty I think Charlie won't be upset by Vaggie being an angel, but rather hiding it. Now it may sound like alot to ask of Vaggie, but again, Charlie is under the impression that Vaggie would be explicit about what to talk and not talk about. Also Charlie may be hurt because she may feel like Vaggie doesn't trust her enough or think she wouldn't accept her. So I get both sides.
So to me there relationship feels like any relationship, complicated. The relationship Itself isn't unhealthy, but some of the actions of the two involved aren't healthy or the best. Don't think I forgot about Charlie being pushy at times, I understand why she does it, but combine it with her abliviousness it's not so great. I definitely think Charlie and Vaggie can bounce back and maybe the two can have a moment together that helps the two be better together and separate. Which brings me to another thing I'd like to talk about.
My hope for Chaggie in the future is this. In the next episode, the two give eachother space, and they hangout with people in the hotel. I like the idea of Vaggie, Husk, and or Angel hanging out. Charlie and Lucifer or Charlie, Sir Pentious, Husk, or Angel spending time with her. Then half way or 3 quarters through the episode Vaggie and Charlie have a moment together after talking and hangingout with the others, talk about it/maybe apologize, make up, and have there first kiss in the show (other gestures like their foreheads touching or noses touching or a combination of gestures work as well). Then of course setting up for the 8th episode.
Another thought I had, is also the two trying to act as if nothing happened, they continue with there plans with the hotel, then when everyone notices the obvious tension, while they want to prepare for the extermination, they also want to figureout/help Vaggie and Charlie get through what ever happened. Then I imagine they either try doing the exercises and such Charlie plans but secretly use it as a way to help Charlie and Vaggie, in the end Vaggie or Charlie blow up. Shit goes down and then they make up. Or it's still not working so they try getting the two away from eachother by saying they need help with stuff, talking to them, then the two make up. Or one last one I swear, Vaggie or Charlie say to take a break from this. Everyone does, Charlie and Vaggie talk or argue. Walk different ways, Vaggie stays at the hotel and Charlie leaves the hotel. After the two end up figuring shit out, I like to think Charlie got into some shit, Vaggie saves her, they talk as they deal with the trouble Charlie's in, make up, and have an intimate moment.
Now the last thing I wat to say is kinda related but not, so if you came just for Chaggie you can leave. Anyways, with the current state of chaggie (especially with the lack of typical romantic intimacy) I noticed people shipping Charlie x Emily. And while yes I see it, personally I don't ship it just because they've only met in episode 6, they're too similar, and in my opinion, I like them as friends. With that being said, I do like them together so long as Charlie is still with Vaggie. Like I just love Charlie and Vaggie together so much, I don't want them to split. So either I'd have them as a throuple, or Charlie is dating them both but Emily and Vaggie are just friends. Either one is a pretty interesting shipping dynamic and great for fanfiction. Also just to clarify, I'm not hating on Emily x Charlie, it's just not one I'm strong about. So if you like it, more power to you. And you know what, I'll probably still look at content of it anyways cause even if it isn't my fav it's still cute.
Uh anyways, I hope you enjoyed my word vomit and thoughts? Idk how to end this...uh goodbye!
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captainjacklyn · 10 months
Twisted Wonderland x Dragon!Yuu PART 3
Tumblr media
Context : Yuu is dragged by the headmaster to who knows where while they carry on their arms, a very feisty fire cat. Upon arriving in the room full of strangely dressed people, a couple of incidents happen to take place just a couple of minutes later.
Tag List : @candlewitch-cryptic
Warning(s) : none really, fire with butts on fire, riddle is mean like he canonically was in the prologue, if I missed anything please notify me.
Prologue [Fiery Issue] - Episode 2 :
loud sounds of footsteps and incomprehensible mumbling could be heard across the hallway. A confused dragon in human form tried to reason with the presumably called 'headmaster crowley' to explain their situation, all while handling a very angry raccoon aggressively biting their hand.
"Sir Crowley, you must understand that there is a huge misunderstanding, I woke up here out of sheer coincidence and not once was I informed of attending a school for humans- I mean wizards. I myself aren't fit for such a position considering my level with magic-" He was quick to cut them off with a statement of his own, "There is no need to utter such nonsense ! The school wouldn't just pick up a student on the street to attend in this prestigious establishment ! Consider yourself lucky and flattered !" while saying the last part he smiled in satisfaction.
[lucky how exactly ?] Yuu thought to themselves while trying to keep their composure and find a way to tell them to let you go without revealing your identity. Of course you could just do so and get on with it, but not everyone reacts very well to the revelation. "MMHMHM !" the irritated fire cat muffled out it's own claims but to no avail as Yuu gripped him a little tighter and spoke under their breath. "Hush, you'll get back home in a minute, just calm down alright ?" "mmhm.." they groggily groaned back and the struggling temporarily stopped.
Mirror Chamber - Entrance ceremony
Chatter filled the room as students began to get up from their seats to head out with their assigned group. "Is that all for the new student dorm assignments ? Listen up new students. Here in Heartslabyul I am the rules, break them and its off with your head." a red haired boy spoke firmly, another man with Lion ears followed with an introduction of his own. "..Uuugh. The stuffy ceremony is finally over. We're going back to the dorms, Savannaclaws follow me.."
"To the new students, congratulation on entering this academy. Enjoy your life here to the fullest." a confident boy with glasses welcomed the other individuals, "As the dormitory leader of Octavinelle, I will support you to the best of my abilities." then, a beautiful man brought the attention to something else, "By the way, where did the headmaster go ? he flew out right in the middle of the ceremony.." "abandoning his post.." A floating tablet commented.
"Did he get a stomach ache or something ?" another boy with a turban added his own assertion, only to be interrupted by the sound of doors slamming open and the voice of said headmaster. "Not at all !" "Ah he's here." the red haired boy uttered once more. "I cannot believe you all. We were missing one new student so I went to find them." crowley explained as he then turned his attention to Yuu, "You are the only one yet to be assigned a dormitory. I shall watch over the raccoon, step in front of the Dark Mirror."
[....I should just play along and hope that relic doesn't prove that strange man right...How could I go from one of the admirals of the Harmony faction to a human pupil..] Yuu let their mind run free as they hesitantly walked towards the Dark mirror that soon asked, "State thy name." [..In the name of Thor..I'm going to have to curse this artifact..] "Yuu/(Name)." their (e/c) eyes lighting up faintly whilst answering.
"The shape of thy soul is.." it continued, but didn't keep going as if waiting for something to happen.
"..." it's 'eyebrows' lifted, surprised. Yuu waited for an answer, the suspense making them somewhat tense up.
[..it's working..]
"..........." the Dark Mirror's expression turned to confusion.
[...how long does this last.]
"........................." it then started to presumably frown.
"I do not know." [YES !] Yuu lifted their fist up to try and inaudibly express their relief with success in being able to cast a spell. "Come again ?!" Crowley exclaimed, "I sense not a spark of magic from this one..No color, no shape, all are nothing. therefore they are not suited for any dormitory." [harsh.] for all that, they didn't really need to care anymore, as long as the result was what they wanted. "It was as I told you, I do not possess any magical prowess."
"But an ebony carriage would absolutely never go meet someone who can't use magic !" he tried retorting Yuu's claims, "In 100 years there has not been a mistake in student selection. So why in the world.." he placed an thinking hand under his chin, not realizing that his grip on the fur ball loosened. "Mghmgh..Pah !" it yanked it's head away, seemingly angry about the whole ordeal as it declared : "Then I'll take their place !" The headmaster snapped out of his trance and tried scolding it, "Stay right there ! Raccoon !"
"Unlike that dumb human, I can use actual magic ! Let me in the school instead !" the raccoon defended itself, "if you need proof I'll show you right now !" it continued before positioning itself on all four and inhaling a strong breath in. As if to understand what was coming next, the red haired boy yelled out "Everyone get down !"
"Nnaah !" the talking cat puffed out his infamous fireball, "Waah ! Hottt! My butt's on fire !" the boy in the turban panicked as fire caught on his backside, "Tch ! Suck ups.." the man with lion ears groaned. The beautiful student from earlier couldn't help but comment on the lion's irritation, "Hmm ? Aren't you good at hunting ? Doesn't it look like a nice, plump snack ?" The beastman snapped back, "Why me ? Do it yourself." the boy with the turban was jumping up and down trying to get rid of the flames on his back side. "Umm, hey, could someone put out my butt fire already ?!" he screamed.
"At this rate the school will be a sea of fire ! Somebody catch that raccoon !" [can he get rid of anymore responsibilities...?] the dragon in disguise human let out an exasperated sigh "Hey." a stern voice broke the commotion, Yuu stood in front of the source of chaos.
"huh ?" it's eyes widened in confusion, "Fnagh ! You ! How did you get here so quickly ?!" it yelped in surprise, not knowing how this strange being shifted from one place to another without making a sound. "I told you to calm down earlier, did I not ? Is it that hard for you to not cause trouble ? That creature really acts like a member of the chaos faction.." they mumbled the last part under their breath as they stared down at the grey haired fur ball. Meanwhile, it was too busy being paralyzed out of fear, why was its fur standing on end ? Surely it isn't that intimidated.
The next thing that was expected to happen was a blow, but nothing came. "Stop. it." Yuu scolded as they aggressively patted his head, slowly pushing him down. "You. need. to. stop. You're quite literally burning down the school you so dearly wish to attend." They began to tap grim with their fingers in an attempt to annoy him to end his foolish acts.
It did work.
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I hope you stay tuned for part 4 !
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demodraws0606 · 4 months
All i'll say is
Believing that Dr*am is a groomer does not mean you have any moral high ground to judge people who don't think he is.
This situation is complex and both side have pretty damning evidence on the other. You can't blame either side for believing what they believe.
You are ALLOWED to hate Dream, you are allowed to not feel comfortable around people who are fans of him. You are allowed to think he is a groomer without being attacked for it.
You are NOT allowed to tell people to end their own life or that they're a "pedo defender". Holding moral judgement about people you dont even fucking know personally in a situation like this is not helping anyone.
I'm not gonna say what I personally believe because no one's fucking buiseness. All I want to say is that the trend of judging people's morality in situation like this is just purely a way to make yourself feel better.
We live in the real world, sometimes situations aren't black and white.
Idc make assumptions about this if you want, internet genuinely has been fucking vile recently and my hope in people's critical thinking skills have sunk to an all time low.
This isn't even about Dream I'm gonna be honest although the issue is especially worse with him. You could replace him with a piece of fucking cheese and I would say the same thing.
It's not just Twitter, the internet from the beginning has instilled into people such a chronic fear of being a bad person, it's rotted people's brains.
Leading to shit like policing queer identities and supporting people's horrid behavior for the sake of feeling superior, of feeling like you're the one in the right.
I'm so sick of people constantly fighting eachother, it's disheartening to see the internet has just become like this now. I've had panic attacks thinking of how people would perceive me for opinions I DIDNT EVEN SHARE on the internet back in the day. For fucking enjoying content people saw as problematic.
People act like they're doing this to help people or a cause but let's be honest what good are you fucking doing beefing with random people on social media ? What are you acheiving ? You can't tell me people don't find personal satisfaction in feeling morally superior to someone.
Btw if you take anything in this post out of context or look into my other posts to try and assume shit about me, you are what this post is about. Fuck off and don't ever fucking interact with me.
Anyways, probably gonna take a break from social media outside of discord and youtube (idk if they count as social media but idc). Might change dependent on if I get hate for this post or not and if I something to brainrot about.
This rant was ruminating in my brain for a long time I'd argue even before the Green Bitch was in the picture but it definitely became the tipping point for me to realise that the majority of people on the Internet are just Awful.
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1863-project · 8 months
For the anon Pokémon asks: which battle subway conductor is the cutest?
Okay, this may get long, so bear with me.
First, a little disclaimer: Ingo and Emmet both make me feel incredibly seen. I was born in 1989 and wasn't diagnosed with autism until 2009, and I never got to see characters like me. I'd see some who were similar to me, or some with things in common with me, but Ingo and Emmet feel like looking in a mirror to me, to the point that I don't go in the Submas tag because I've seen too many people perpetuating the ableism that got me bullied as an undiagnosed autistic kid. Every time an autistic or autistic-coded character is portrayed as "weird" or "off-putting" or "too intense" or "scary," it's repeating things that my bullies used to excuse their behavior towards me and essentially treat me and my autism as entertainment. Most people aren't doing this, of course, but since I'm in the process of working through a lot of that trauma, I choose not to take the chance of exposing myself to it because I'd rather heal instead of open old wounds again and again.
Anyway, with that said, I adore them both, but only one of them makes me act like a giddy teenager.
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I have the most ridiculous fictional character crush on Emmet. It's unreal. Part of that is likely the fact that if he was real we'd actually be extremely compatible, but unfortunately for me, he is not, and so I can't take him on locomotive photo charter dates and kiss him on the City Hall looparound on the 6 Train. That aside, here's what I genuinely like about the goober.
He's deeply passionate about what he loves.
It's that passion that often gets people like him and me labeled as "too intense," but when he likes something, he really likes something. Battling is like air to him. When you befriend him in Masters EX, you find he'll actually talk your ear off about battling if you give him the opportunity. He vibrates with excitement when he sees strong trainers.
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[Image description: Emmet and Ingo, two adult identical twin men with knife-shaped sideburns wearing exaggerated versions of railroad conductor uniforms, stare off to the left at people who are off-screen. Emmet, in a white uniform, is holding his hands at his sides but his hands are in an excited, almost 'grabby' position; Ingo, in a black uniform, also has his hands at his sides but his hands are balled into fists. Ingo's Excadrill, a Pokemon that looks like a mole combined with a tunneling machine, stands in front of him. End description.]
In this screenshot from Masters EX, Emmet and Ingo have just run into Steven Stone and Roark. Emmet is barely holding back, and you can tell by looking at his hands. He wants to battle now. It's delightful that he's in a franchise of video games where that passion is normalized and encouraged. (As long as he never visits Paldea, anyway. Nemona is proof of how well that would go.)
Battling makes Emmet genuinely so happy and excited and I love when people get that way about their hobbies. It's so nice to see passionate people. Emmet even says he's excited about it when you battle him in Black and White and beat him at the highest level possible:
"I am Emmet. I am a Subway Boss, but I lost against you again. But I feel good. Because it was very fun! You want to win, and I don't want to lose. That's real. When we clash in battles, I feel very excited!"
He lives for this, so much that even losing a really intense, serious battle feels good. And it's a delight. But, of course...
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[Image description: Emmet, described above, claps his hands together excitedly and says "Winning a serious, hard-fought battle is the best feeling in the world!" with a huge smile on his face. End description.]
...he, in his own words, likes winning "more than anything else."
He's verrrry direct in his communication...but also verrrry supportive.
Autistic folks are often told we're too blunt, and to neurotypicals, who are used to saying things more indirectly, we can come off as a bit...too direct to them, to say the least. Arguably the best example of Emmet doing this is in the PokeSpe manga, where he just says things without a filter.
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[Image description: a manga panel in which Emmet bluntly tells trainer White, "Yes, we're studying you as an example of a trainer who gets overwhelmed and loses every single match." The next panel leads off with Ingo saying "That's not nice, Emmet..." End description.]
But that bluntness isn't intended maliciously, he just has no filter and says what's on his mind. In reality, he's delightfully supportive and friendly, and that honesty leads to the most wonderful exchanges with him:
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[Image description: two screenshots of Emmet from Pokemon Masters EX, smiling softly. His dialogue reads, "Hi, Steph! Your smile is always the best. Perfect! Whenever I see you, I can't help but smile, too! I'll have to make sure my smile is just as good as yours!" End description.]
As a side note, this dialogue has been destroying me for over two years now, and every time I boot up the game and he says this I feel my face get warm. He's actually helped me stop being self-conscious about my smile.
He has a habit of listening in on things, even if he has no intention of gossiping or anything. He just likes knowing stuff.
It's a habit he seems to share with his brother, but Ingo is significantly less obvious and more apologetic about it. Emmet's just really funny about it.
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[Image description: two manga panels and one screenshot from Masters EX. The first manga panel shows Emmet marching over to White and Bianca as they have a discussion, saying, "I'm overhearing an interesting discussion over here. It seems profound, so I'm going to stand nearby and listen in. Oh, don't let me distract you. Go on. Keep talking." The second panel shows Emmet cupping his ear with his hand and still attempting to listen in on the discussion from one subway car away, with Ingo standing behind him. The screenshot from Masters EX shows Ingo hiding his eyes with his hat and saying, "I apologize for eavesdropping, but we happened to overhear your conversation at the Pokemon Center" as Emmet stands beside him, hands on his hips and smiling with no shame. End description.]
He doesn't use the information maliciously, and a lot of the time he doesn't even use it at all. He just enjoys hearing these things and knowing all sorts of weird drama is going on elsewhere. It's like when you find out about drama in a fandom you're not in and you read the posts and eat popcorn. It's great.
He likes his work uniform because it helps his posture.
As a fellow "leans forward too much" autistic, this one really resonates with me and I love it.
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[Image description: A screenshot of Emmet in Pokemon Masters EX. He's standing straight up and holding the brim of his hat with his hand. His dialogue reads, "Wearing it gets me motivated, of course! It also helps me stand up straight and tall!" End description.]
He stops scripting when he gets to know people better because he's able to trust them.
Notice how his dialogue in BW and BW2 is on the Battle Subway - "I'm Emmet. This is my job. I like doubles. This is why I like doubles. Here are the safety checks." He's scripting around people he's not familiar with, and it's the sort of thing that gets autistic people labeled as "robotic" by people who don't know it's a way to help us maintain some semblance of control over an unfamiliar situation. The preprepared dialogue is a coping method in an ableist world. But when you get to know him in Masters, the scripted dialogue shows up a lot less. He's able to talk genuinely and excitedly to you, because he knows you're safe to be around and you're not going to judge him for who he is. That hits me hard.
He has the most adorable goddamned laugh in the world and it kills me on the daily.
This is a lot more in line with my personal tastes, as everyone who knows me well knows, but that damn laugh makes me all fluttery inside and weak in the knees. And he does it a LOT.
This update to Masters EX, where the characters laugh if you tap on them on the upgrade screen, destroyed me, and multiple people were apparently waiting for me to find it and die because I'm really predictable. I may or may not regularly pull the screen up just to poke at him and hear this. It's...not fair.
This one is...also unfair. I won't elaborate in public on what I think when I hear it because it's embarrassing.
So, uh...yeah. I really, really like Emmet a lot. I'm really normal about Emmet. I promise.
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So my inbox currently contains over 1,600 messages. I am getting Very Overwhelmed, apologies to everyone who is waiting for me to get back to them.
Something I have spotted, though, is that far too many of these have a common theme. Of the top thirty currently sitting at the top of my inbox, 19 are questions about haircare and the CGM. Of those, 12 are exactly the same question - namely, "Is co-washing just washing with conditioner instead of shampoo?" - which I have answered multiple times in multiple different posts, all of which are in my "Hair" tag (the answer is yes, please stop asking).
The other 7 are different hair questions - but, all but one is something I have answered before, in most cases more than once. Again, in my "Hair" tag.
Babes. Loves. Silly rabbits.
I did not sign up to be customer support for CGM.
Listen; I love you all! And I don't mind people asking me novel questions, even, within reason (although I am about to come to that)! But it is not my job to provide this information, and it is absolutely not my job, obligation, responsibility or anything else to keep writing out the SAME INFORMATION again and again and again. It is certainly absolutely not my pleasure to do so, either. I have explained how the method works now. I have explained the sorts of things to avoid. I have recommended CG friendly products. I have tagged all of this.
If you're going to ask me about this stuff, for the love of all that's holy, would you PLEASE look through my damn hair tag first and save me the increasingly stressful task of opening my inbox and seeing another five variants of the exact same already-answered question in a single day. I am not here to provide you a service. I'm here to do you a favour - PLEASE do me one, and check you aren't very literally wasting my time first. As I say, I am more than happy to answer novel questions on this! I'm also happy to clarify if I've worded something in a confusing way! But identical process questions for the seventeenth time in a week is starting to feel disrespectful.
But, I have to also say:
I am just Some Guy on the internet. I am not a professional. I have joked that I am not a Hairxpert, and you've all gone "Lol, yeah, not a Hairxpert, we get it - anyway, what products in America are good? What's your advice for <hair type you don't have?> If I live in an area with hard water (unlike you), what should I do?"
I am Not A Professional.
If you need specialist advice, YOU NEED TO GO AND FIND A SUPPORT GROUP. Buy the handbook, like I did! Go and find one of the hundreds of CGM websites that are free to use! Find a sub-Reddit! These will be full of people who actually are professionals, and will be able to answer these questions. I cannot tell you how best to adapt the method I use for type 4 curls, because I don't have those; you need a professional, or a support group with people who have type 4 curls. I cannot tell you the best styling and drying techniques for pixie cut curls, because my hair is down to my ass; you need a professional, or a support group of curly people with pixie cuts. I cannot tell you the best products to use on a remote island nation I have never even visited; you need a professional, or at the very least, a neighbour.
In fact, as an addendum to that last one, I have now been asked by six different people on separate occasions what my advice is for them because they live on "an island" and can't get the products I use and also can't get Amazon, and... guys!!!? How could I possibly answer that??? You haven't even told me which island, for one, but for quite another, if I'm not a hair expert, I'm certainly not an International Shipping To Remote Islands expert!!! What do you want from me?? I'm just some guy. Who uses a method. I can tell you the basics of it (which I have, extensively), and I can tell you what I personally do (which I have, extensively), and that's it. I have zero expertise beyond that. Anything else is information I would have to try and get from a support group of other people to report back, at which point, you bloody do it. I am not CGM customer support.
To reiterate - I truly, honestly, don't mind getting novel questions that I haven't already answered, or clarifying things that might be confusing; to be honest, it's not like I even massively mind someone going "I live in a desert, how could I combat dryness?". But if you ask me, a Welsh woman, a question like that, you're going to have to accept that my advice is, at best, going to be guesswork or second/third-hand information I once saw someone else mention online somewhere that I have now mostly forgotten if I ever truly saw it at all. Because I do not live in a desert, and I am not a professional.
I said at the start of this post that 19 of the top thirty messages in my inbox right now are hair questions. Five, though, follow a different pattern.
I imagine this is part of my follower count still exploding (I gained another three thousand of you since August, to give an idea; where the fuck are you all coming from?!? Really like grilled cheese adventures, huh), but I've started getting A LOT of messages from people who blatantly want to use me as a billboard to get their message out. Sometimes a serious message about a vital global issue, sometimes a relatively trivial one about a piece of media they want people to see, and anything in between.
I sympathise. I do understand. But I am not a billboard.
Apart from anything else, I just don't have the time to go fact checking and researching everything to make sure I'm being a Good Billboard, and it would be incredibly irresponsible of me to avoid that step and just blindly go "Sure, yeah, signal boost" and hit publish. If you send me one of these, I am unlikely to do anything with it, I'm sorry. It might put something on my radar, and make me more likely to pay attention when I see the issue being posted organically - when the Iranian protests began someone sent me a message asking me to reblog a particular user's post about it (not their own, it was a separate user). I didn't post that ask, but I did go and manually check the user in question's blog, found a good infographic post there about the protests, and I was able to reblog that. That was fine. But even then, if I hadn't had the time to do that (my life is very busy), that ask would have been buried.
Anyway, I don't want to discourage asks in my inbox generally, nor is this me yelling at anyone or telling anyone off. But with the hair thing in particular, I cannot go on like this pls take pity T_T
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johannestevans · 4 months
Do you have any advice for handling sensitive topics in fiction, generally traumatic things a character may have been or may go through, especially if it's something we as an author haven't experienced first-hand? I have a character I'm writing that experienced a miscarriage in the past and I worry a lot about how I represent that, as it's not something I ever have or could experience
A lot of people have anxiety about writing about and representing traumas they haven't experienced because they fear the idea of like, offending or taking away from someone who has experienced that trauma and feels inaccurately depicted or recommended in what you've written. Especially when you're writing about a trauma or destabilising event that might be intrinsically linked to the ways in which the victim is marginalised, especially to a marginalised group of which you aren't a part, it can feel like you'll really wound them by writing it wrong.
Of course, the exact same applies if you HAVE experienced that or those traumas, and you're in the same marginalised groups.
Me and my best friend might have experienced exactly the same event, and yet the way I talk about and cope with it might be entirely different to the way they do - so much so that my talking or writing about it may upset or even anger them.
Writing sensitively is really about writing with compassion, and like... you can just do that.
Even if you don't know specifically what a miscarriage feels like emotionally or physically, you almost certainly have known grief. You have known the ache and pain of loss. You likely know the feeling, however irrational, of guilt or pain or just a panging longing in the aftermath of such loss - if you had been different, done something differently, would it have turned out alright? Is the loss somehow your fault? Does it feel better to blame yourself rather than admit that forces were at play beyond your control?
Or are you angry precisely at those forces? Are you bone certain that you could never have done anything differently, and does that certainty infuriate you? Chill you? Soothe you as much as it hurts you?
Trauma is trauma. It is the emotional wound that takes time to heal - if it ever fully heals at all.
Everyone deals with it differently, and the way in which your character deals with it will depend on their past experiences, their background, their relationships, their community support, their level of education or awareness on the nature of the pain they've experienced, their relationship with their body.
People experience miscarriages every day - for some, they're a blessed relief, for others, an untold agony. Was the pregnancy wanted? Had they had an ultrasound? Had they named the baby they wanted, imagined it, sang to it, told it stories? How late in their pregnancy is the miscarriage? What triggered it, if anything? Are they dependent on the success of this pregnancy for other things - their continued relationships, their sense of identity, their life, some political factor? Is a miscarriage going to affect or be affected by other health concerns? Have they had miscarriages before? Do they attach a moral idea to miscarriages or abortions? Do they feel safe and happy being pregnant? Has it been an okay pregnancy so far? If it hasn't, was the baby going to make the suffering worth it? Do those around them blame them? How many people will they have to tell? Are any of those people authority figures? Do THEY blame the pregnant person?
Read Reddit stories or forums. Listen to podcasts. Listen to people or read people talking about the many little traumas that add up to the one you have in mind - the little comments that people made that cut them, or the tiny, unexpected things that brought them solace.
In my opinion, every single topic imaginable is sensitive to somebody. To avoid or be frightened of particular sensitive topics for the fear that someone might be upset by your depiction is to shy away from a very intrinsic part of the craft - namely that to write pain (of any sort) is to be vulnerable in communicating the feeling of pain.
Consider the humanity of those that you're writing, and depict that humanity. Layer the elements of feeling in that character and their relationships.
And if you're ever SUPER worried about writing the absolute worst version of a scene or writing it so offensively, just search that instead.
Do a site:reddit.com and search something like "People who've had miscarriages, what's realistic / unrealistic about how they're shown on TV?" or "People who've had miscarriages, what do you wish people would know?" or "Miscarriages worst things people say" or "Miscarriage what made you feel better" anything else.
Read real people and learn from them. Go from there.
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faulty-writes · 5 months
Hii! Idk if you write for male readers, but if you do could you possible write head-cannons for Iida x a trans masc reader? If not thats ok!!
Also your writing is so top tier its insane
[ Hello Anon, my blog is LGBT+ friendly and as long as the LGBT+ themed requests aren't too over the top or gruesome, I'll happily write whatever. In general, I try to keep my pieces gender neutral but requests are different. If the requester specifically wants a female or male or anything in between reader insert, I'll do as they wish. It doesn't matter to me, honestly. Also thank you, I enjoy writing very much and I'm always happy when others enjoy my writing. I hope I did your request justice! ]
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Tenya naturally made every effort to understand your transgender masculine experiences, in addition to providing unwavering support. He realized it was quite difficult trying to match up to or chase after the identity you desired, but he was known for his speed and would pridefully assist you in reaching your goals.
"Hm, I see. And what challenges do individuals in your predicament typically experience?" He took a direct and educational approach to learning more about you as he realized he was quite innocently ignorant of the troubles the transgender and gender-affirming community faced. While talking to Tenya was more like talking to a therapist, you told him all you were comfortable telling him.
He would assist you in finding the appropriate resources such as proper support groups, organizations, and counseling services. He found that despite being skilled as a lifestyle guidance counselor, Hound Dog was not the most appropriate one to go to for your unique situation.
"Do you require any assistance with these papers?" While it was a headache, he realized that you may prefer pronouns outside the "male-female" binary. As such, he wanted to ensure that whatever pronouns you chose were properly reflected in your school documentation and other forms of ID.
Tenya would assist you in finding helpful resources, such as support groups, counseling services, or organizations that assist transgender and or gender-affirming individuals. In addition, he would assist in accessing relevant information regarding support networks for you.
"Hm, I see. I will gladly assist you in this dilemma," he would approach sensitive conversations, such as which bathroom you preferred to use, with a great sense of empathy and understanding to ensure your emotional well-being.
He acted as a constant reminder that you needed to be confident and proud of who you are. While you knew he was trying to help, at times you felt suffocated by him. However, you understood that the importance of self-acceptance and self-respect was not to be underestimated.
"I see, today has been particularly hard for you. I apologize. However, I am quite content if you wish to stay here. I will do my best to provide you with the appropriate comfort," he understands the emotional challenges that you might face and always tries to be a dependable source of emotional support for you.
"I do hope this is not overwhelming, but I assure you that I and the rest of the students in Class A as well as a few select students from Class B will always provide you with the social circle you desire as well as a supportive environment," he stated, after all having a steady supportive environment was essential for growth.
He recognized the importance of transgender and gender-affirming rights and with your permission, helped raise awareness about and promote LGBT+ awareness within the community of Yuuei High. This usually included making posters, speaking about LGBT issues at provided class meetings, and so on.
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unbidden-yidden · 7 months
of course I've been following you for a while, and I think i asked something along these lines before, but maybe not to this extent? unsure, as I can't find the previous ask I sent.
I was raised within the Xtian culture (I'm agnostic, but still practice the Xtian cultures and traditions; namely Xmas and the January New Year) and follow a few Jewish tumblrs, but I never know - when you or they post in reference to or in celebration of Judaism - if I can reblog things as a form of "goyim support"? Because I always want to share posts from the people I follow, but I never want to inadvertently claim an identity, religion and/or culture as my own to people who don't know me (i.e. random people who follow me.)
Does this make any sense? No clue, sorry if it's mostly nonsense. Like, I know that tagging posts with something along the lines of "I'm not Jewish but [...]" can detract from the actual topic of the post and then I'm making my act of reblogging something about myself as opposed to actually being supportive? But then! I'm hesitant because during my internal debate I think "if I don't clarify that I am not Jewish, I will be inadvertently appropriating the identity of Jewish people."
I don't want to pretend to "be Jewish" without actually being Jewish, is I guess what I'm trying to communicate. (Am I? I don't very well know.) And to expect or request "Okay for goyim to reblog!" on anything/everything would be absolutely ridiculous, so I won't.
How I got from "I want to share this cool post about Judaism from a blog I follow" to fear of appropriation on my part is beyond me, but alas. ("It's not that serious" they call from the peanut gallery.)
Any advice on how one such as myself might tread these waters? If you don't want to or can't answer for any reason, I understand. This isn't the be-all and end-all of situations, just a question from one stranger on the internet to another. I just hope I've been able to convey this rambling comes from a place of respect and well-meaning curiousity.
Hi there!
I appreciate your sensitivity to this and desire to balance things - that tells me you are kind and want to be respectful. So, thank you for asking; it's a good question! Tumblr is kind of a weird format with the reblogs structured as they are.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I always lock reblogs on things I don't want reblogged and tag things as "goyim DNI" or similar if it is too much of a sensitive intra-Jewish issue or whatever. For positivity, I typically don't assume that everyone reblogging it is Jewish, and honestly appreciate when people who aren't Jewish want to spread positivity about us. That said, if you want to make a clear distinction, I think tagging it something like "reblog of support" would do the job without derailing.
Obviously two Jews, three opinions, but that's what I'd say for me at least. 😊
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spitblaze · 19 days
Eh. I guess I was thinking about the 'would you crack a potential transfem's egg' question from the wrong angle, yeah. Lemme try this again.
New answer: I, personally, am abysmal at picking up hints so I tend to be cautious about this kind of thing anyway. But if it gets to the point that even I can identify it, encourage them to explore gender identity, remind them that not wanting to be their agab is the only real requirement for identifying as anything else. I don’t think it's my place to tell someone point blank 'I think you’re a woman' unless they are talking SPECIFICALLY about how they want to be a woman. I'm nonbinary myself, I know how bad it sucks for people to tell you that you're actually a binary gender, you just haven't realized it yet or whatever. Make it clear that whatever conclusion they come to is fine, don't press the issue too hard if they get upset. Sometimes people aren't quite ready and that’s fine, it's just something they gotta work through on their own, but remind them that I'm there if they need support or guidance, and I can direct them to people who know more about the transfem experience than I do if that's what they need.
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
“You can set that boundary and say you don't want anyone who identifies as a woman to interact with you. That's your right. But multigender people aren't gonna trust you & are gonna see you as exorsexist or at least have exorsexist ways of thinking that make you unsafe for us to be around” hey man! Maybe not trusting someone who sets boundaries about their relationship is….. bad? Demanding someone have no boundaries about who interacts with their (especially sexual) content and demanding that people allow people who they are uncomfortable with to be alright with interactions! Yikes!
Also can I control who’s attracted to me? No. But I can choose to not act on it, if someone says men dni, men dni, swag. I simply respect relationships. Im not saying boygirls/girl boys/genderfucks are weird, they fuck, some of my best friends are gender fuckers, I’m saying it’s weird to explicitly identify as a woman and then get angry when people who don’t enjoy women interacting with their content…. Get….. angry? At them for setting that boundary.
sigh. okay
Your obsession with our womanhood is misandrogyny. Multigender people aren't infecting any communities, we aren't leeching in womanhood to gay spaces or manhood to lesbian spaces we aren't opening doors to cishet predators, and us interacting with your posts as gay men is not infecting you with our girl cooties. I'm not saying you don't have real trauma but your focus on how some gay men are women is a focus on how our androgyny and how unnerving and dangerous it is to binary identity.
On top of that: the focus on our womanhood when we are discussing our identities gay men means you are assuming that womanhood is a dominant identity, one stronger than our manhood, because its the part of our androgyny which unnerves you the most, which means its our dominant feature. When it comes to being a gay man, everyone sees me as a woman, but when I'm a lesbian suddenly I'm the most man ever, depending on which one offends monogender/binary people the most. If a multigender person is interacting with your post because they relate to it as a gay man, why are you focusing on their womanhood so hard, regardless of if you even know how their womanhood impacts their sexuality and manhood? All you need to know about multigender gay men, in this context, is that they are gay men in gay men's space. Its not weird to explicitly identify as a gay man and then get angry when people invalidate your identity as a gay man because you are also a woman, because they don't want to question why they think those things are incompatible. Why is it so concerning to you that some gay men are women? Why does their gender specifics matter to you at all? Why do you feel like its such an affront in the first place? That's the exorsexism. That's why multigender people wouldn't fucking trust you. Emotions aren't apolitical or except from critical reflection & I'm saying you ought to reflect on why you have this wariness towards multigender people in the first place instead of unquestioningly following it.
Lets pretend to be a transphobic gay man for a minute. "I don't want trans men interacting with my posts. I just don't want to have to see vaginas in gay men's space. Its not transphobic to set boundaries. Why are you getting upset with me? You just want to force me to have sex with vaginas, that's homophobic. I have the right to loudly tell trans men I don't want them to have anything to do with me because I think they all vaginas, all want to fuck me, and I find that disgusting. I respect trans men, I just think that letting them in gay men's spaces is opening the door to trying to force gay men to have sex with women!" Do you seriously not see the similarities?
Look I've had two different anons now talk to me about how much they love & support genderweird people, buuuut they just make life so hard for me because they talk about their identity and want to be respected and partake in their communities :( I promise I support you guys I just would like you to shape your lives around my internalized transphobia. I mean you literally said "I love gender fuckers, my best friends a gender fucker"
I really, truthfully, honestly hope you realize how fucked it is that you've now made me, someone who literally brought up the emotional trauma this kind of exorsexism has had on me and my sexuality, put all of this energy into explaining this and defending us.
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stiffyck · 30 days
hey i heard about the whole bantaro thing and i just wanted to say some things
as a christian, we are taught and told to be loving and kind no matter who people are or what their past is. even if you arent a supporter of lgbtq you should at least respect them and not just treat them like they’re not human
disgusting, really what they have done
I just woke up and I can't tell if that last part is sarcasm or not and I can't tell if you think this way or if you're just talking about bantaro but listen here okay? I grew up Christian. I know.
And I'm going to say this right now? If you don't support the lgbtq+ community I do not want you on my blog.
I don't care if you still "respect" us or shit. I just don't want you here.
"I dont support you" okay but why fucking not. Didn't God make everyone in his image? Didn't God make everyone perfect? If so, why would he make someone gay or trans or queer if thats a "sin" or whatever?? You don't choose to be queer, you just are.
Everyone sins, yes I know the whole bullshit about how everyone is born with sin or whatever and shit like that.
But tell me. Is someone who has brown hair more sinful than someone with black hair? Is a blue eyed person more sinful than a green eyed person??? I can't think of more examples right now and these aren't the best but please tell me why a PART OF SOMEONES IDENTITY WHICH THEY CANNOT CHANGE WOULD BE A SIN.
someone being fucking gay or trans or anything else isn't them being sinful that's them literally just existing.
I'm so tired of Christians. They're the most hateful and hypocritical group I've ever seen no matter who I meet.
I think all Christians who say they're loving but then don't support others for literally just BEING THEMSELVES are full of shit.
I'm so tired man I'm so fucking tired man
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thespacedragons · 10 months
Ok I've been trying not to rant about nimona because I want to rant about really specific things I would call spoilers so final warning turn back now if you haven't seen it.
When the squire gave Balister his sword and he hefted it, he Knew it was weird because swords balance can be thrown off very easily, and for someone who is used to using that sword it would be easy to tell. And I knew there was the tension around him becoming a knight because of the order, plus the squire trying to tell him something. My mind immediately went oh no something bad is going to happen during the ceremony with the sword. So I'm really tense the entire time the queen is holding the sword, and then she hands it back and I kind of breathe a sigh of relief and Then and only Then at the Moment I let my guard down is when it happened. And I saw him too shocked to do anything and I'm like No point it away! Oh no.
It was spoiled to me before I watched the movie so I knew his arm got cut off, and I guess I understand how his arm got cut off especially with his later explanation of "that's how we were trained". So I understand how it happened, training and muscle memory kicked in before he could even think, or else he might have just gone for the sword or for the wrist even.
Then the guilt that Ambrosius felt about that was addressed in such a good way (the car ride with the lady whos title i forgot was amazing, i think a very good way to show that he is having complicated emotions while also showing him not being on the level of relationship with her where he could share those complicated(and mildly treacherous) thoughts). And even through that guilt: when he saw Ballister again, he treated his prosthetic as part of him, because now it is.
Also on the topic of guilt, you can tell that Ballister feels guilty for the death of the queen, even though he knows, and argues, that he is not at fault. Maybe I can just see it because I get this unique brand of guilt for things that aren't actually my fault, but I vibed with Ballister so much on that, and seeing him able to overcome that guilt, even if it was in a subtext that nobody could read, made me so so happy for him.
Another thing I vibed with Ballister on was his growth in acceptance of Nimona. I was raised in a covertly homophobic, overtly "supportive" way, if you know what I mean. The questions that he was asking at first felt innocent to him even though they were actually attacking how Nimona is, thus her response of "I'm Nimona". And telling him he was asking small minded questions, because he was trying to fit his understanding of it where he could already understand at first. Eventually he came to accept that he didn't need to understand Nimona completely to still think of her as an amazing person, because Nimona understood herself. And that's when he asked questions of genuine curiosity instead of questions that were for a purpose, to categorize her in a way he would understand. And when the question was out of genuine curiosity, Nimona answered.
And onto Nimona herself, I am not as unapologetically myself as her, nor am I Nearly as chaotic, but the way she presented her gender is something I haven't felt true connection to in another character. Perhaps it's because I relatively recently discovered my gender identity or because I haven't been watching the right shows, but how she sees her gender is how I see mine. Yes I am presented like a girl but I'm not a girl if I don't want to be in the moment. And that is incredibly oversimplified way to put it, but I still can't really find the words to explain my gender identity even seeing one so similar on the screen.
And another thought that I saw someone else say that I completely agree with is that it is so amazing that we never see how Nimona "started" that she doesn't have a "true form". Because it's irrelevant, and honestly I've seen so much where people are making what you started put as just if not more important than who you are now. Yes the past shapes the future but it's our present choices that make the past, the past is done and we can't change it, so just learn from it and use what you've learned to live Now, to Be now. Because what you are Now, is what is important because even as it shifts, it's always going to be now.
Don't know if that last bit was very coherent but if you've read this far thanks for reading my silly little passion rant and I love you. <3
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
We have a terrible plan but it's the best we can do under these circumstances. Let's go get us a ship.
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If we're still on the ship when it un-dusks, is that bad for us? Do we know?
Also, Teaks said it was imprisoned in a perpetual storm, but apparently it flickers in and out of reality? That was bugging me when we saw it do that the first time. Is the perpetual storm on the other side of the flicker?
This seems way more complicated than "Angry ghost captain summoned a furious storm." Do we know... anything? I mean, I assume not because it's one of those "If no one lived to tell the tale then who told the tale?" kind of things. If no one's ever been to the Vespertine and come back then no, we don't know anything. How would we?
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Imagine signing on to a pirate journey for a specific mission and then being told you can't participate in the one thing you were here to do. They should mutiny. And by mutiny, I mean sneak around behind our backs to come along anyway.
It's what we'd do. With Garl. Specifically.
...Garl over here proudly displaying the scars of my mistakes and meanwhile Patches is over there with perfectly fine eyes covered by two eyepatches and he is not sharing.
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There is logic in what the Captain's saying. But I nonetheless can't endorse it because y'all know what we'd be doing in the crew's shoes. Our history speaks for itself.
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I dunno. Maybe these pirates are better disciplined than Solstice Warriors are. I thought we were the upstart renegades against proper protocol but Bugraves and Erlina blew us right out of the water in the field of doing what you aren't supposed to. Our disobediences look quaint by comparison.
I guess Moraine isn't a very good indoctrinator. He's been a dismal failure at passing along dogma and shaping belief systems in his students. The Solstice Warriors simply aren't up to the same standards of conformity, blind faith, and rigid structuralism that you so famously find in piracy.
Okay, enough sad reflection. We're on a mission to steal a legendary vessel from a captain with no ownership of it using a magical artifact we no longer possess. Gonna need my game face on because unwarranted confidence is the only asset we have right now.
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Ghost ship? More like toast ship amirite?
Look, I was thinking about other stuff, not working on zingers. Point is, we're awesome. What they got? Crusty old bones? Ask Roro how well that went for her!
So what if we lost the coin. We're still going to get the ship. We just have to use Plan B. Don't worry, everybody has a price when the currency is violence.
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Oh, I'm ready. I am focused and--
Hold up, if we can control the cycle of night and day, can't we just rewind the clock to the night of the eclipse for another eclipse boost? We have technology in place to do this; Why aren't we using this ability to spam eclipses whenever we--
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Oh hey Serai. When did you get here? And where did the pirates go?
Oh shit. I mean. WHOA! You were Captain Cliche this WHOLE TIME!? I am both shocked and honored that.... No, sorry, I can't do it.
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Same reason you don't call someone out as gay no matter how transparent their glass closet is. I'm a firm believer in identity authoritarianism. You want to present as Mysterious Masked Figure, I'm not gonna stop you.
But now that we're actually having this conversation, yes, everyone already knew.
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Don't think of it as losing the macguffin. Think of it as buying a supremely talented chef who will support the ungodly amounts of violence we are about to inflict.
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That's okay, your plan was always bad anyway. You should have spent some time at camp talking to Teaks.
Honestly, after our trip to the Dweller's mansion, I'm looking forward to a return to the pleasant simplicity of bashing zombie skulls until they stop moving. Been warming my beatstick in anticipation.
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Yeah, we're stupid like that.
Anyway, HANDS IN THE AIR. This is a robb-- Wait, no, that was yesterday. Sorry. Wrong script. Ahem. This is a shipjacking. Still larceny, different genre.
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Ha! Success! Now to find out if we die!
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Oh, pleasantries! Yeah, nice to meet you. I'm guessing you must be the navigator who wanted a better life? Did they make you captain after the mutiny?
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Really should have demanded more than one curse-breaker soulstone from Roro. At the very least, instructions on how to make them would be nice to have, if we're going to keep involving ourselves with every curse on the planet.
Anyways, back to business.
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This is a shipjacking. How do you say "Hand 'er over" in pirate curse? In any case, I know it doesn't look like it but Serai is definitely pointing a gun at you right now.
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^_^ I'm the gun.
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Technically, that only proves that one of us is real. The rest could still be imaginary.
Zale and I are too associated with each other and Serai showed up late in the game. So if one of us is meandering around having hallucinations of companionship, it's probably Garl. This whole thing could be a story he's making up in his head, thinking about the dear friends that were taken from him and who left him alone in childhood.
Probably not, though. I'm sure you're fine, Garl.
We also have a whole fifth person stuffed in his backpack!
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Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Hortence. I would shake your hand but you're dead, ethereal, and possibly on fire.
In any case, I was already on your side of this argument from before we even met so I'd be happy to beat Stormcaller with a stick until he relents. Then you can retire to the unlife you wanted from the start and/or pass on, and we can take your ship.
Everybody wins. Except Stormcaller. But, y'know, fuck him.
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The rest of the crew are brainless undead now. Unfortunate, but convenient. It means we don't need to worry about their opinions of the deal we're making.
Sucks for them. They all died for the Captain's hissy fit, which they were specifically trying to end by getting rid of the little shit. The crew did nothing wrong. They're as much victims of Stormcaller's unreasonable tantrum as Hortence is.
But it's super convenient for us that only one person has any ownership claim to this vessel now, and it's the person who wanted to leave from the start. That will help our shipjacking go super smoothly.
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Oh, there's a third option. We buy him out. Everyone has a price when the currency--
Goddammit, I already used that line. I wasted it on you, Serai. Why did I do that? I didn't need to impress you! You already think I'm cool!
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Okay. But. Counterpoint. I hit things really, really hard. It's hard to do magic when you're being hit really, really hard. There's a game mechanic for that and everything.
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Considering everything that we came from on Wraith Island? Yes. I do feel good about our chances here.
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emblemxeno · 5 months
I distinctly remember that guy saying he hangs around blogs like yours and teavee’s (even when directly asked to stop because he was harassing people) because he “even agrees with your takes about Fates!”
I mean, it’s no secret that he’ll say anything to cover himself, and the fact that he’s now trying to pick at liking Fates now is a bold-faced lie. Classic overcompensating. Nobody cares about his desperation for the Scarlet Soulsucker to be right, nor his obsession with Engage being bad, so he’s just going for the next thing. And I’m not really sure who he’s kidding, because at most it just proves that he’s a bit of a bully to kick an already disrespected group of people, and considering he already has an extensive harassment history… we already knew that he’s a bit of a bully.
I know that doesn’t mean it’s not frustrating for you, though. I respect the patience you’ve held so far. He must be very unfulfilled in his regular life to try to get attention this way, and that makes me feel a little sorry for him — but not more sorry than I feel for you for having to deal with his insecurities when you didn’t ask or want to. I sincerely hope he finds a better outlet for his emotions someday. As for you, I hope that you continue to take him with a grain of salt. Your ability to consider multiple angles and different opinions when observing a story makes you a strong critical thinker. Any attempt from him to say otherwise is just him trying to deflect his own issues onto you.
People love to flip the script when it's beneficial, because they have no solid stance on anything beyond feeling personally attacked for daring to dislike what he links his online identity with. It's sad as you say, and thanks for the kind words on my patience.
But man. Maaaaaan. Even when I'm playing other games that aren't Fates, I still get a fucking "Fates liker, he must smell and think stupidly" stigma attached to me. All cuz 3H is treated as a sacred cow among certain sects of its fandom and daring to criticize the game's extensive faults for its sloppy execution in its video game narrative-which lots of FE fans and casual gaming fans agree with-means apparently my own interests must be scrutinized as compensation.
3H is utterly surface level and filled with fluff and bloat with its storytelling, and fails to significantly connect its worldbuilding with the gameplay, beyond a few hidden skills. That's a common opinion, people just don't realize because it usually taks the form of "why doesn't Faerghus have snow in its maps," "why are so many maps repeated" "why does Garreg Mach not change with seasons" "why don't each nation have different outfits or classes to differ them," "why isn't there more unique music for each faction," etc. 3H thrives off dumping information relentlessly on the player, hence why Tomas tells you explicitly to go to the fucking library to read more lore. That's what I make fun of, cuz it's the devs being proud of sending the player to stand around and read history books for 10 goddamn minutes. And things like supports, where most of the signifcant character growth take place, take 4x as much work as they did in past games to obtain for roughly the same quality reward.
That's just how I feel, and getting attacked and laughed at by weirdos on a whole other site for an opinion I share on my own fucking blog? That proves that person has no damn life beyond posting "gotchas" against people who can't respond cuz they don't know he's posting about them, and having his internet buddies stroke his ego afterwards. He's the Ben Shapiro of Fire Emblem/3H discourse.
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