#you lock the door to the bathroom out of habit but that's okay because he will just pick the lock to join you
luveline · 6 months
hiii could I please request miguel walking in on reader crying in secret?? ty!! :)))
thank you for requesting! fem!reader, 1.2k
It takes Miguel half an hour to fix your spider suit, but when he picks his head up from his work desk with a brag waiting on his lips, you aren’t there. He hadn’t noticed you slinking away. Perhaps he should’ve, given his fantastic sixth sense and his habit of awarding you special attention, just you’re quiet when you want to be. 
He sends you a short message through his wristwatch. Where are you? delivered 7:58PM. 
No response. Miguel folds your suit into a square and holds it under his arm, flicking off his workbench light as he rolls his neck from one side to the other. He wanted to finish the repairs before nightfall so as not to disrupt your routine. He quite likes your routine together. In a stressful life, time spent with you is peace he doesn’t deserve. You aren’t a peaceful girl, of course, you’re his idiot, but he knows the stark difference of having you versus not having you. 
He can’t track you without your suit on and your watch he’d found in the laboratory (you should not be taking it off), but he can ping your phone. 
You’re in the building still, at least. 
He texts you. Where did you go? I fixed your suit. It’s dinner time soon. 
Loosely translated, it means, Why did you leave? We always eat dinner together. 
Miguel sighs and decides to check the most obvious places first. The alcove of the hallway leading to the laboratory where you like to hide, the arts lounge, the atrium where your friends hang out, and the outdoor area right at the surface of the society. By 8:30PM he’s agitated wondering where you’ve gone, because he should probably know, but he’s not a great boyfriend and you’re not always as honest as you claim. You could be anywhere. You could be with someone nicer. 
He’s pissed. With no choice but to admit defeat, he decides he’ll head up to bed (he’s not going to bed, he’s gonna find you, because you can go wherever you like whenever you like but it’s been a long time since you disappeared without telling him). He cares about you too much, even if he wishes sometimes he didn’t. Not because of you. 
He sulks into the apartment (his apartment, your apartment, you were never supposed to live with him but here you tend to stay), throwing his phone and command pod onto the made sheets of the bed. 
The shower drips in the bathroom. He can hear the plink of water dripping onto the floor, a slow, dysrhythmic pattering. Two seconds, a drop. Three seconds, your breathing. 
He startles. You’re shuddering, a sharp inhalation, that strange sound you make when you’re overwhelmed without being smothered by his shoulder. “Stop,” you say under your breath. Another harsh breath, and a pained whine to follow. 
Miguel has never crossed a room so quickly. For a moment he thinks there must be someone else there, not a fully realised theory but an instinct —you’re telling someone else to stop, because someone is hurting you, because you aren’t alone. But he can hear only your heart, and your breath. So he stops cold by the door without bursting in and forces himself to knock. 
“Mi cielo?” he asks, aiming for tenderness, roughness seeping through. He knocks the door. “I’m coming in, okay?” 
Miguel doesn’t realise the door is locked until he’s cracked the doorframe. 
You stare at him in shock. Tears fall fast but quiet down your cheeks, thick streams of them, the kind to accompany gutted sobbing. 
“What’s wrong?” he says, his chest falling. “What’s wrong? Y/N, tell me. Tell me,” he prompts, secretly terrified at your tears and your quiet. He sounds demanding instead. 
“I’m fine,” you say.
“No you’re not.” He speaks before you can deny it again, not sure what to make of your teary voice or the way you’re smiling; trying to hide. 
“It’s okay–”
“It’s not okay, mi cielo,” —he takes your hand if only to be touching you— “you're crying.” 
“You weren’t supposed to see,” you say, closing your eyes. 
Tears squeeze their way out unbidden. Miguel reaches to his right for the toilet paper and pulls off a few sheets, bundling them in his palm. Careful, hesitant, he brings the corner to your face and begins to dry your tears from your cheeks, your chin, the wet line running down to your t-shirt and then back to your eyes. He shushes you as you shudder, “Shh, lovely. Everything will be fine. Everything… Todo va a estar bien.” 
“It’s fine,” you whisper tightly. 
“It’s fine,” he echoes, much more kindly, though he’s no closer to understanding why you’d locked yourself away to cry so intensely. “Tell me what’s wrong, yes? You tell me what’s upset you.” 
“It’s nothing–”
You try to persuade him but end up sounding even more upset than you had, shaking your head from his touch, receding backward toward the sink. 
“Why won’t you talk to me?” he asks gently. 
“It’s so stupid, Miguel, you weren’t supposed to know.” 
He’d say it was unlike you to be secretive with your feelings. You love loudly, tease louder. You’re spirited and petulant when you feel like it and you’re constantly barraging him with cheerfulness he doesn’t deserve, so why doesn’t your unwillingness to share this with him surprise him? 
“But I know now,” he says, bending to be your height, to meet your tired eyes, “and I want to know what’s wrong so I can make you feel better. Can you let me do that?” 
“I don’t feel very well.” 
Miguel can only handle so much. He uses some of his added strength to wrap you up in a full body hug, your toes struggling to stay on tiptoes and then completely off the ground as he leans back under your weight. “I know,” he says, though he hadn’t, “it’s okay, cariño, I’m here. I’m gonna take care of you.” 
You’re all softness in your off-duty clothes. The rolled neck of a worn t-shirt, your naked arm curling behind his neck and your thighs to his. He doesn’t keep you up for more than a few seconds, just enough to take your weight and hopefully save you the energy it’s taking to stay upright. You sag against him as your socks touch down again. He’s the one thing keeping you standing, and he doesn’t mind. You should know that already. 
“Please,” he says emphatically, “don’t cry by yourself. You have to let me know.” 
He moves his head from one side to another slowly, his nose rubbing along your hairline. “Don’t be sorry. But if I don’t know, how am I supposed to fix it for you?” 
“You shouldn’t have to.” 
“Are you kidding?” He encourages your head back tenderly to meet your eyes. “That’s what we do, hmm? What do you think?” 
You smile. Still sad, still watery-eyed, but a real smile. “Yeah.” 
“Alright. Let’s go sit down, okay? I’ll get you a drink.” 
“So weird,” you murmur. 
“I’m weird?” 
“You’re being really nice to me.” 
Miguel squeezes your arm. “Don’t get used to it, Spider-Girl.” 
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megalony · 9 months
My Boys
This is an Evan x Eddie x Reader imagine I came up with, I hope you all like it and my requests are always open, I'm trying to work my way through the amazing ideas everyone is sending in.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@noonenuts@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @topguncultleader @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989
911 Masterlist
Summary: When (Y/n) isn't well, Evan stays home to look after her. But it turns into a race to get her to the hospital before she gives birth in the car.
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"Come on, as if you have to ask what I'll have," A grin pulled at Evan's lips and he downed the last dregs of coffee before he leaned over and switched the tv off. He didn't know why he turned in on in the first place, probably out of habit because he had only watched five minutes of the news and now it was time to leave.
Evan had the skill of being able to down his first morning coffee in less than three minutes and he needed a coffee to wake himself up, especially on the days when he was driving to work. If he and Eddie were on the same shift schedule and did early shifts, Eddie was the one who always drove to work. Evan was never awake and alert enough in the mornings. He was hyperactive at night and tired as Hell in the morning.
With his empty cup in one hand and the other holding his phone to his ear, Evan strolled out of the living room towards the kitchen.
"Chris, you ready?" He called over his shoulder as he put his cup down on the counter and looked around.
He and Eddie needed to drop Chris off at school on their way to work and if they didn't move soon, they would be late.
"I'm still here," He replied sassily into the phone. Hen had called. She was graciously going on a breakfast run this morning to fuel everyone up and she was ringing round to take orders for their favourite breakfast place.
Evan paused just as he was about to list off what he and Eddie would have. He lifted his head and turned to look down the hallway near the bedrooms, locking his eyes on (Y/n).
She was the only one who didn't have to be up early this morning. The boys were at work and Chris was heading off to school, (Y/n) on the other hand, was on maternity leave from work. She didn't have to be up for anything and Evan had left her in bed after he and Eddie got up. What worried him was the way she was stumbling out of their bedroom, half hunched over like she was about to fall.
He watched her burst into the bathroom, unable to stop and turn the light on before the horrid sound of her throwing up drifted through the house and echoed back to Evan. Oh dear. That wasn't a good sign.
"I'll call you back in five, I gotta go." He didn't wait for a response before he ended the call, tossed his phone on the side and jogged towards the bathroom. "Babe? Baby, you okay?"
Evan flicked the light on and pushed the door open, leaning his weight onto the door frame as a sigh pushed past his lips. His arms folded over his chest and he watched with a grimace as (Y/n) threw up again.
She had her legs curled beneath her in an awkward sitting position, her feet slumped near the shower mat behind her. And her arms were draped around the back of the toilet with her head slumped forward onto her forearm to stop her head hanging in the toilet. Her upper body was slumped over and a subtle tremble had taken over her frame that was quaking back and forth as she tried to take big, panting breaths.
If Evan didn't know any better he would have thought she had fainted, but her weak groan told him she was still awake.
"Okay baby, come here." He pushed off the door frame and moved to crouch down beside her, arching his knees outwards so his legs were curved around her frame with her in between his thighs. "Talk to me,"
He was careful when he pulled (Y/n) up so he could look at her and he tried to hold her chin between his fingers. But their eyes barely met before (Y/n) pulled her chin out of his grip and bent down again to hurl into the toilet. The back of her throat burned and she coughed, trying her best not to choke as she threw up last night's tea and the little fluids she had drank during the night.
(Y/n) felt pitiful when she cried and gasped for breath, wiping her eyes on her arm but it didn't make her feel any better and she could feel more tears replacing them anyway.
"Eddie!" Evan hollered his partner's name which caused (Y/n) to shake her head and groan. She didn't want to make either of the boys late. They all had places to be and she would be alright once she got back into bed. She didn't need to worry them and they didn't have to get Eddie in here to check her over and make a fuss.
She could feel Evan's lips pressing against her bare shoulder and his hands slowly rubbed up and down her arms. His hum and shushes vibrated against her skin and made her shiver and when Evan pulled her back and let her flop against his chest, she tried to smile and look up at him. They both knew her smile did nothing to calm him down, he raised his brow as if asking if that was all she could manage.
"I- I feel better now,"
"That's not exactly comforting, babe." Evan sighed before he leaned his arm over to flush the toilet. He cared a lot that she had thrown up last night's tea because it meant she didn't have anything left in her system. She was eight months pregnant, the last thing she needed was to be getting ill like this. Morning sickness had hit her hard in this pregnancy and she had only just shaken that off two months ago.
If she had some sort of stomach bug or sickness and was throwing up again, they would be back down the road of her getting dehydrated and lacking nutrients and the energy she needed. And Evan wasn't ready to have a repeat of those first few months with him and Eddie finding her passed out in the bathroom or on the verge of collapsing. Evan couldn't count the times they had to speed her down to the hospital due to dehydration.
"Everything… okay in here?" Eddie's lips pulled into a frown and he rose a brow when he looked between his two partners.
What on Earth were they doing sitting on the bathroom floor?
(Y/n) dragged her fingers through her hair, pushing the strands away from her face that she turned to tuck into the crook of Evan's neck. She tried to smile into his skin when she felt his hands continue to smooth up and down her arms.
"She's not well, she's been sick," Evan tilted his head back to look up at Eddie whose jaw clenched as his lips pressed together tightly and he shook his head.
Within a second, Eddie knelt down on (Y/n)'s other side and leaned over her. He gently took her chin between his finger and thumb and tilted her head up while his other hand pressed against her forehead. She was starting to burn up. He moved his hand to her neck and looked at his watch as he counted her pulse which was a little high but not too alarming right now.
"You're burning up, you need to go back to bed."
"I will."
(Y/n) tilted her head back on Evan's shoulder while her hand flopped around to rest on Eddie's thigh. When Eddie stared down at her with that dark, infectious, if possessive look, (Y/n) could have melted on the spot if she didn't feel so icky and uneasy. She loved that little flicker in his eyes and the way he would curve his lips up at one side in a very dark way.
"Who's staying?" Eddie looked over (Y/n) at Evan, both men having the same thought in mind while (Y/n) shook her head, her blushing lips parting in opposition.
"No. You're both going to work," (Y/n) looked between the boys but they weren't looking at her, they seemed to be having a silent debate between themselves. When her words didn't seem to gain their attention, (Y/n) brushed her nose against Evan's neck and tried to kiss the junction beneath his jaw that acted as a button to make him shudder and curse at her.
Neither of them needed to take another day off to stay and watch over her. They were both on shift today and that was where they needed to be; they would both be on annual leave in two weeks anyway ready for when the baby was born. That had been a hard blow to the team, learning that Eddie and Evan were going to be off for a while at the same time, leaving them short handed.
They had both taken enough days off as it was when (Y/n) was sick at the start of the pregnancy. She felt bad enough when she collapsed in the bathroom and Eddie had to call Evan and explain why they were at the doctors and why he wasn't on shift.
"I'll call Bobby and tell him I'm not going in, you go and take Chris." Evan had no problem taking the day off to be with (Y/n). They all knew someone needed to stay with her and make sure she was alright, leaving her home alone when she wasn't well was not something either of them wanted to do.
"He's staying with you, that's final. Any changes, ring me, otherwise I'll see you both tomorrow afternoon."
(Y/n) huffed but stayed silent, there was nothing she could say to either of them that would change their minds about this. Her lips curved into a small smile when Eddie pulled her closer and pecked her lips. He pushed up to his feet and held his arms out towards her. He had to go, but not before he made sure (Y/n) was safely back in bed.
She let Eddie take her hands while Evan held her hips and they eased her up between them, keeping hold of her when she wobbled.
Evan's arms curved around her middle and his hands pressed against her lower stomach while his elbows squeezed into her sides and his lips pressed to the back of her head. Evan could feel that she was still shaking in his arms and he didn't want to let go and have her stumble or fall.
Eddie whispered a quiet 'I love you' against her temple that he kissed before he moved round her and proceeded to kiss Evan's cheek. He could hear Chris clattering around in the kitchen, he had to get him to school.
Deep down they both knew she was in no fit state to stay home alone and mull about the house to try and settle her stomach. And Evan didn't trust her to tell him or Eddie if she got worse. He needed to stay and look after her and check that she was going to eat and drink without throwing up again. She needed fluids in her system.
There was no way Evan was about to leave when she was in this state, he would ring Bobby soon and tell him he wasn't going in today.
A small smile flooded Evan's face as they walked down the hallway as if they were conjoined. But the smile faded when they got near their bedroom and (Y/n) suddenly stopped. Evan's knees bumped into the back of her legs and he jolted to a stop as (Y/n) clamped her hands down on his wrists as her knees buckled.
"Going dizzy,"
(Y/n) snapped her eyes closed and tilted her chin down into her chest to try and relieve the air bubbling up in her head. She felt like all the blood was draining from her head and static burst in her ears.
"Eddie! Fuck- okay, okay down we go baby."
Slowly, Evan lowered them both down until he was kneeling on the floor and eased (Y/n) down with him until she was awkwardly sat between his thighs with her back leant up against his chest. His chin perched on her shoulder so he could kiss her cheek as he moved his arms around.
"Go get your shoes on," Eddie nudged Chris towards the front door before he spun on his heels and backtracked down the hall to get to them. "Alright, let's get you in bed mi amor,"
They gently eased (Y/n) up between them, keeping hold of an arm each as they tried to keep her upright when her knees started to tremble. It was a relief that they had a bungalow and not a house with stairs, that would have been a lot more effort to get (Y/n) up the stairs.
Eddie didn't like the way that when they eased (Y/n) down on the bed, she flopped back immediately. She curled up on her side and brought her knees up to her stomach. Her eyes were already closed and she buried her face in the pillow, looking like she was half dazed, on the verge of sleep.
"If she gets any worse call the doctor."
(Y/n) tiredly nuzzled her face into Evan's chest, burying her face into his hoodie as she wedged herself further into his side. Her arm moved to drape over his middle while she felt Evan's arm tighten around her side. His large hand splayed out on her stomach and he grinned when he slipped his cold hand beneath her shirt and felt her squirm and gasp into his chest.
"What time is it?" She grumbled quietly, brushing her nose into the ruffle of his jumper.
"Half one. Are you gonna try and eat something?" Evan scratched the back of his head, pushing back on his arm that was pinned between his head and the headrest. He ruffled the hood on his hoodie and dragged it down from covering his head.
"Hm," She wasn't hungry but she knew Evan would start to start to fuss like a mother hen and panic if she didn't eat anything soon. She hadn't eaten yet, she was letting her stomach settle after being sick this morning. Most of the day had been spent in bed with Evan watching tv and (Y/n) sleeping. And she really didn't want Evan to ring and report back to Eddie that she wasn't getting much better or they would both comandeer her to the doctor.
"Good," He kissed the top of her head before he slowly eased from beneath her and sat up, stretching his arms above his head.
He had managed to get (Y/n) to drink two glasses of juice so far and that was an achievement.
When Evan headed down the hall into the kitchen, (Y/n) slowly sat up and clicked her spine into place. She felt better than this morning when she stood up and pulled Evan's shirt back down so it covered her thighs since she wasn't wearing bottoms.
Her lips curved into a tired smile and she looked across to the kitchen as she headed past the living room. Evan was wearing matching grey joggers and a hoodie but it was an old one, it looked like it barely fit him now and every time he moved an arm, he flexed a bicep. His hair was ruffled with curls standing up on end in each direction and the way he parted his lips just a little when he was concentrating looked sweet.
"What are you doing?"
She didn't realise she had been staring until she looked up and Evan was staring at her. He had raised brows and a smirk as he pushed a glass of juice across the counter towards her.
"I thought we were eating?" Her eyes fell to the counter and she grabbed the stool, trying to be graceful but she knew she didn't look it when she slowly eased herself up onto the stool.
"Yes, but you should be resting."
"I am, I'm sat down,"
When Evan passed her to go to the fridge, (Y/n) reached her arms out and curved them around Evan's arm so she could reel him into her chest. He turned round, a look of surprise on his face but he wasn't complaining. He cupped her face and tilted her head up, brushing his thumbs near her lips before he leaned down to kiss her. She felt his teeth nip at her lower lip and she smiled, grazing her fingers against his neck to make him growl.
"You're still burning up," He commented quietly as he pressed a kiss to her temple. "Come on, baby." Evan helped her down from the stool and reached over for the plates he had gotten ready.
(Y/n) cosied herself up into Evan's side when they sat down on the sofa for a change. Her arm curled around his bicep and she leaned her cheek against his upper arm, staring down at the sandwich on her plate. She didn't feel so hungry now she was looking at food. Her stomach was churning at the sight of food and she could feel her throat tightening, but she needed to try.
She was only going to make herself feel worse if she didn't eat anything and she needed to try and look after her and the baby.
"You okay?" Evan had demolished most of his sandwich while (Y/n) seemed to have taken one bite of hers which she was staring at woefully.
"I'm not hungry,"
"Can you eat half of it, please? For me?" Concern dripped from Evan's voice as he looked down at (Y/n) and kissed the top of her head. If she had just a few more bites he would feel better. At this rate, Evan knew he was going to be going to work tomorrow and Eddie would be the one taking the day off to stay with (Y/n). One of them would be staying with her if she didn't get any better soon.
A small groan burned at the back of (Y/n)'s throat and she put the plate down on the coffee table before she tucked herself back into Evan's side. He could feel her trying to take steady breaths that fanned through his sleeve. She had eaten about four bites of her sandwich which was something, but it still wasn't good.
"Stay there a minute," Evan jogged off to the kitchen and when he returned, he handed her a milkshake. "Try one of my protein shakes. I'd feel a lot better if you could keep something like this down."
Evan and Eddie had a lot of protein shakes at the station in case they didn't have much time for food or if they felt run down. They were great for helping when they were training in the gym and on days off. Evan would stop worrying so much if (Y/n) managed to drink one and keep it down because it was full of vitamins and proteins and it was as good as a blended smoothie. It would mean she had something in her and it would stop her from feeling so run down and sick.
"Thank you," He spoke quietly against the top of her head when (Y/n) finished the drink.
He propped his feet up on the coffee table and slouched down and a grin spread across Evan's lips when he felt (Y/n) moving his hand. She curved his arm so it was draped across her chest with his palm pressed against her lower stomach. Her head tucked up against his arm and she could feel adrenaline coursing through her stomach when Evan slowly began to glide his hand up and down her stomach.
"Buck? It's two in the morning… what's going on? Are you okay?" Eddie rummaged a hand through his hair as he pushed himself to sit up in the cot bed. His elbows fell down to rest on his knees and his shoulders hunched over as his head hung down.
He had barely gotten an hour's sleep before his phone started to ring. Their shift today seemed to be never-ending and Eddie thought a little sleep might perk him up and get him through the next few hours before he could go home.
So why was Evan ringing him?
"No, (Y/n)'s going into labour- fuck, her water's already broke. You gotta come home!"
How had she gone from being sick this morning to being in labour during the night? She didn't look like she was about to go into labour when Eddie assessed her this morning. She was just sick. But they were eight months along, the baby could come at any time and clearly, that time was now.
"Shit! I- I'll go find Bobby, I'm leaving now, okay? I just need to see if someone can watch Chris," Putting his phone on speaker, Eddie placed it down beside him while he got up and fumbled around on the floor for his button up shirt he took off earlier. At least he hadn't changed into slacks to try and sleep, he stayed in his vest, trousers and even his boots.
"I called Maddie, she's coming over to stay with Chris," That had been the plan in the first place. Maddie had agreed in the beginning that when (Y/n) went into labour, she would look after Chris so the boys could take (Y/n) and be with her and not have to worry.
She hadn't been best pleased when Evan woke her up ten minutes ago but once he explained, she was already getting up and getting dressed.
"Bobby!" Eddie pressed his phone to his ear and stumbled out the bunker room, checking his pockets for his keys and his wallet as he hurried into the main part of the station. He was a little surprised to see Bobby and Hen were wide awake, but then again they had caught two hours sleep early into the evening.
"Eddie, you okay?"
"(Y/n)'s gone into labour, I- I need to go," Eddie wasn't sure what he was pointing at or why he was waving his arms about but he didn't dare put the phone back to his ear when he could hear Evan hurriedly rambling on the other end.
He had to go home. He had a baby to meet.
The one good thing about driving at two in the morning was the lack of traffic on the roads and the amoun of green lights Eddie managed to speed through. He cut over five minutes off his usual record time in getting home from the station and he couldn't have been more relieved.
He was relieved to see Maddie's car in the drive but when he hurried through the front door, he was a little surprised to find Chris up and awake.
Of course, Chris must have heard the commotion and wondered what was going on, but it didn't dawn on Eddie that Chris might wake up and stay awake through all of this. He simply presumed Chris would be tucked up in bed and they would try to quietly get out of the house without him knowing.
But there Chris was, laid huddled up on the sofa with a blanket and a teddy, watching tv with his noise-cancelling headphones slipped over his ears. He wasn't wearing his glasses which meant he was tired and Evan didn't expect him to actually stay up long and watch tv. When they left, Maddie would get him straight back into bed to sleep.
"Oh, you're here!"
His attention directed down the hall when he heard Maddie's voice. She clapped her hands together in relief and managed a smile in his direction. Her eyes had bags beneath them and she looked pasty, the price of being woken up in the middle of the night. She was wearing matching black leggings and a hoodie and her hair was tied up in a loose, messy ponytail.
She flagged him down and ushered him towards the bedroom as she clasped her hands together tightly.
"You need to go, now. She's starting to dilate." He barely felt Maddie's hands on his shoulders when he hurried into the bedroom.
"Mi amor? Hey, how are we doing?" Eddie crouched down in front of her and smoothed his hands up and down her exposed thighs while her knees pressed into his chest. She was sat on the edge of the bed, one hand clutching her leg to try and distract herself while her other hand was crushing Evan's hand who was stood at her side. Anxiously.
(Y/n) looked down at Eddie through her tears but she couldn't form any words. All she could do was clutch his arm and cry. Now he was here, they could go. She and Evan didn't want to go to the hospital without Eddie in case he couldn't meet them or find them there in time. They wanted to go together but waiting for him and Maddie to arrive felt like they had been waiting hours.
"Let's get you in the jeep, hm? How long has she been in labour?" Eddie looked up at Evan as he stood up and moved to take (Y/n)'s arm and hold her back. They both eased her up to her feet between them with their arms around her back to keep her steady and Evan grabbed the hospital bag he had been staring at for the last half an hour.
"We don't know, she was uncomfortable and couldn't sleep, then her water broke." Evan didn't know how long labour had been going on because (Y/n) had been feeling sick and in discomfort all day. She barely managed to get some sleep tonight because every time she tried to lay down, she was in pain. Evan had been about to ring the out of hours service when her water broke and they realised she was in labour.
Maddie hurried ahead to go into the living room so she could distract Chris and make sure he was okay. They had told him what to expect when (Y/n) went into labour but they thought they had another two weeks at least to prepare for this.
Eddie handed his keys over to Evan, muttering a quiet 'go start the car' before he swooped his arms around (Y/n)'s waist and reeled her into his chest. He held his hand out and let her deadlock his fingers in her grip while she doubled over and pressed her free hand into her stomach.
"Not long now," Eddie whispered into her hair, relieved when he glanced at the couch and saw Chris was nodding back off to sleep.
"I'll drive," Evan could see Eddie wanted to argue with him. He wanted to say no because Evan wasn't the best at concentrating this early- or late. But he had been awake for a while and he was fuelled on adrenaline. This state was when Evan was most alert, active and awake so he would be fine to drive them while Eddie stayed in the back with (Y/n).
"Up we go,"
(Y/n) whimpered, burying her face in her hands once she was in the back seat. She didn't know how to move or sit or rest to try and ease her agonising discomfort. Leaning forward helped relieve some of the tension but it didn't do her back any favours. And sitting straight or slouching back only made her feel sick.
With a scream, (Y/n) slumped forward and grabbed the back of the passenger seat in front of her. She pressed her head into the chair, scratched her nails into the fabric and arched her back out. Her knees pressed out to the sides to part her legs and try to make the pain ease just a little.
It helped when she felt Eddie's hand massaging circles into her lower back while his other hand gripped her arm and his lips pressed against her exposed shoulder. She was wearing one of his lounge shirts and changing didn't seem like a big deal when she would be in a hospital gown once they arrived.
She was relieved Evan's overthinking had led to him packing their hospital bag last month. He wanted to be prepared even when Eddie told him it was way too early to pack it when (Y/n) had been seven months pregnant. It was a good job he had done it now.
"Alright baby, we'll be there soon," Evan leaned back and ran his fingertips along (Y/n)'s arm, locking eyes with Eddie in the rear view mirror before he looked back at the road.
"Hurry up!" (Y/n)'s voice broke and her tone was pleading, she didn't want to be in the car any longer than necessary.
"Don't speed up," Eddie hissed, hitting the back of his hand against Evan's shoulder. "The last thing we need is someone pulling you over or a ticket."
"Neither of you are helping right now," Evan retorted with a huff. He wasn't going to speed, he was only going three over the limit which was barely anything and there was nothing on the roads this late at night.
"I wanna push,"
"What?" Evan's eyes widened and he snapped his head to look over his right shoulder, staring worriedly at both his partners before he looked back at the road. They weren't at that stage yet. They couldn't be. (Y/n) just had to try and stay calm and settled and they would get her to the maternity ward. She could push once a midwife told her to, not here in the jeep.
"No, no mi amor don't do that. Come on, deep breaths," Eddie leaned forward to press his lips against her neck which was flushed and blistering hot. He nipped at her skin and traced his way down to her shoulder while his hand left her arm and moved to squeee her thigh to try and give her something to ground herself to.
She needed a distraction, pushing wasn't going to help right now when she wasn't ready.
Eddie moved his hand up her back until he cupped the back of her neck, lacing his fingers into her hair to lean her a little closer to him. But he didn't like the way she choked out a moan and tensed beside him. She pushed up on the edge of the seat and clung tighter to the chair in front of her.
Her teeth chattered together and a very forced breath spat past her lips but the way she twisted her body and tensed her stomach made Eddie flinch.
"Don't push mi amor."
"I need to," They could barely hear her words when she sobbed and her mouth was smothered against the seat to try and stop herself from screaming or lashing out. They couldn't sit there and tell her not to when she felt a desperate, aching need to have the baby now.
"Keep your eyes on the road." Eddie gave Evan a daring look before he unbuckled his seatbelt and snapped it back. The quiet, alarming beep was drowned out by all of their panic and Evan tried to keep his eyes on the road, not the flashing warning sign telling him someone had taken off their belt. But it was hard to watch the road when he wanted to turn and look to see what his partner was doing.
He snook a glance in the mirror, watching Eddie cram his large frame in the footwell.
Eddie gently pressed his hand against (Y/n)'s chest and pushed her until she took the hint and let go of the chair so she could flop back in her seat. Her nails dug into the seatbelt and her eyes screwed shut as she cried out. Her knee bashed against the door and her thighs quaked with how harshly she was bending her legs so Eddie could shimmy between her thighs and drag her underwear down her thighs.
"Christ, Buck how far away are we?"
"Four minutes?"
"You better make it two because she's crowning. Mi amor I know it hurts but please, please try not to push yet, we don't want the baby born here."
Taking a deep breath, Eddie tried to smile up at (Y/n) as he hovered his lips over her thigh and kissed her while his hands dug deeply into the back of her legs to keep them both steady and concentrating. When she reached down and clamped her hand down on his shoulder, Eddie kissed her wrist and leaned into her touch as she squirmed in front of him.
Evan sat forward in his seat, continuously looking over his shoulder at the two of them in the back seat while he tried to follow the signs for the maternity ward. He knew it was somewhere at the back of the hospital, it had a different car park and entrance and the last thing they needed was to go in through the main reception and be in the wrong building.
He swerved round a sharp bend and pulled up as close as he could get. This was the time when Evan wished they had one of the permits Bobby had in his car to say he was a firefighter on duty so he could park where he needed to in an emergency.
"We're here, we're here come on."
Evan hopped out the car and opened the back door, shaking his head before he leaned over (Y/n) and unclipped her belt.
"Alright baby, let's get you out." His hands found her wrists and he gently looped her arms around his neck so he could grab her hips. Evan pressed his lips against (Y/n)'s temple, kissing her flushed skin while Eddie leaned up behind her and held her waist.
(Y/n) kept her eyes tightly closed and buried her face into the crook of Evan's neck, digging her nails into his back as he pulled her chest flush up against his. She could feel him whispering something into her hair while he took her weight and lifted her down from the car. If this had been any other situation, (Y/n) would have laughed that she had come out wearing only one of Eddie's shirts and her slippers. But she couldn't care less what she was wearing right now.
She cared about the baby she was about to have.
She felt Eddie jump down from the jeep and his chest moulded up against her back, both men keeping her wedged between them for safety and comfort.
A shudder ran down the back of (Y/n)'s spine when Eddie kissed the base of her neck and squeezed her hips as they began to walk. He stayed glued to her back while Evan moved to stand at her side and hold her arms to help guide her and make sure she didn't fall.
A broken sob burned at the back of (Y/n)'s throat when a crippling pain tore through her abdomen. She arched her back out into Eddie and doubled forward, pulling Evan's arms to her stomach when she felt like she had to push.
They weren't going to make it inside.
"God, Evan-" She broke off, shivers wracking through her body as she screamed and cowered down.
"Mi amor we have to get inside, five more steps, please baby girl?" Eddie's chin tucked into the crook of her neck in a way that made (Y/n) shudder and inhale a deep breath when shockwaves coursed through her body. They were right near the doors. People were looking their way, if they could get (Y/n) inside it didn't matter if she had the baby in the reception area. As long as they were inside where nurses could rush to their aid and help them.
Eddie nodded at Evan and they started to walk, practically heaving (Y/n) between them to keep her moving further. They could see the way her knees were trembling and she was desperate to go down on her knees or lay on the floor. She just wanted to hunker down and push.
Reaching her hand up behind her, (Y/n) grabbed at Eddie's neck and shoulder, gasping as she silently tried to tell him that something was happening.
When they got two feet through the main doors, Evan glued up into (Y/n)'s side and moved round to take Eddie's place behind her. He curved his arms under hers and held her shoulders tightly like he was trying to restrain her when he was actually taking her weight to keep her upright. Her lower back pushed into his groin and he leaned forward, moulding himself against her back with a deep breath as (Y/n) scratched her nails into his wrists.
She knew he would lower her down to the floor if she asked, but she didn't want to sit down. Staying standing felt better on her stomach.
"I need help!" Eddie hollered before he crouched down in front of (Y/n) and whispered a few apologies against her thigh before he leaned to look between her legs. "Push mi amor, just keep pushing."
"You're doing so good," Evan whispered into the crook of her neck, unable to stop himself from smiling as he looked down at Eddie. This was it. This was what they had been imagining and dreaming about for the past eight months. They were having a baby.
"Head's out," Eddie reached out and took the towel a nurse had in her hands when she hurried over towards them. He couldn't bring himself to look around or care that the few people in the waiting area were now crowding round to see what was happening and he was sure someone was recording. But he would deal with that when the baby was in his arms.
"Sir, if you'll let me-"
"Eddie," (Y/n) wavered in Evan's arms, panic written across her face when she dared to open her eyes in case the nurse was going to make him move. The baby was coming and she didn't want anyone else to come near her but her boys. She could see his calming smile when he looked up at her, silently telling her he wasn't moving.
"He's a trained medic and we both work for the LAFD, we're not moving, our baby's coming now." Evan's voice was oddly stern and dark in a way neither (Y/n) or Eddie had heard before and it made them both shiver.
He wasn't having anyone try to make him and Eddie move one inch away from their girl when she needed them.
Evan kissed the side of (Y/n)'s neck and held her tighter, holding up her weight when (Y/n) bent down as she screamed. Her chin pressed into her chest and her eyes screwed shut as she pushed, feeling every muscle tear itself apart and cause her and Evan to start shaking.
"One more push… you've done it! Mi amor you've done it."
Eddie laid the towel over his arms and let their baby gently fall into his grip. He pressed his chest up against (Y/n)'s thighs so he could ease their baby against his chest and curve the towel around them. He shuffled back an inch and nodded at the nurse as another two nurses crowded round to give space and hand down a medical bag.
His hand ran up and down the newborn's back until a small cry and a few croaky breaths filled the air and he smiled. His lips curved into a broad smile and he laughed, looking up at his partners in amazement.
Evan was already in tears, tucking his face into (Y/n)'s neck as he held her tighter and gently swayed them a little. Hugging her as tight as ever as he whispered praises into her neck.
He let his arms move down from (Y/n)'s shoulders to hold her stomach and Evan was grateful for the two nurses who stepped in to hold (Y/n)'s arms and help ease her down when she bent her knees and tried to sit. Her energy had faded and she was starting to shake, she needed to sit down. Evan sat down with a thump and eased (Y/n) between his thighs, letting her lean back into his chest.
"Looks like you're still the only girl in the house, we've got a boy." Eddie kissed the newborn's temple and as soon as the nurse delivered the placenta and cut the cord, Eddie moved round. He shuffled on his knees until he was at (Y/n) and Evan's side and motioned his arms out towards them.
As delicately as he could, Eddie eased their son into (Y/n)'s arms that were cocooned by Evan's arms so he could lean over her shoulder and look down at their boy.
Evan had been right. He guessed they were going to have a boy and so had Chris, whereas Eddie and (Y/n) thought it would be a girl. Mainly because if not, that meant (Y/n) would be in a house with four boys and she would be truly outnumbered.
"Maybe we should get you all checked over properly and onto a ward?"
Eddie rubbed his hands over his knees and nodded at the nurse who was now giving out orders so they could get some more help. Nobody had been expecting the three of them to come in and have a baby in the doorway. Themselves included.
Tears flushed (Y/n)'s face and she tilted her forehead into Evan's chin while Eddie leaned his head on her arm.
"My boys,"
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slvtforfiction · 10 months
can we pls get Jake Webber angst and comfort? like maybe reader thinks they aren’t good enough or won’t be as good as tara was for him :((
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☆ :((,anon lots of love <3
☆ Jake Webber X Reader
☆ Angst-Comfort
☆ Masterlist
☆ Hey guys! Before anything else I would ask you to request anything you want because I've lost a lot of motivation and it would really help! :D (Please look at pinned post to see if requests are open.)
☆ Creds to @cafekitsune for dividers:)
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I lie in bed,my head spinning as I cried into my arm. He had gone out with Johnnie and Tara to a haunted place and it broke me.
I saw Tara’s appearance against mine,Tara’s personality against mine and I knew she was better than me,she always will be.
She was always seen in my head to be much better,no matter who else thought differently,I would always end up with my head in my hands as I cried myself to sleep.
Though tonight I couldn’t sleep,so I lie here in misery as my thoughts raced through my head.
I knew Jake would never cheat,that was never my concern. I always knew deep down though that if he wanted to he could leave me,date someone much better and I know I won’t know what to do with myself.
Usually Jake texted me that he was on his way home and tonight was no different.
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Hey sweetheart,be home in a minute x
Okay!! Love youuu x
Read 00:07am
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I saw the read receipt pop up and he started typing before ignoring me completely.
What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t yell at my boyfriend because he didn’t love me anymore.
I was a sitting duck,a girl waiting to be broken up with and there was nothing I could do except begin to look for new apartments and cry over my soon to be ex boyfriend.
I heard the door clock open and I quickly ran to the bathroom knowing it was Jake.
I locked the bathroom door,something I’ve never usually done and turned on the shower in hopes he would think I’m in the shower and go to bed.
I stared at myself in the mirror,hating everything I saw. My mascara stroked down my face as I stared,I felt numb.
“Babe! I’m home!!” Jake yelled through the apartment and I barely registered it.
I was caught up in my own self-loathing as I heard the bathroom handle rattle. “Babe? You in here? You never normally lock the door.” He said softly.
“Yeah,I’m just in the shower.” I told him and he quickly replied, “No you’re not,your pajamas are still on the table,so is your lotion.” He told me and I mentally cursed to myself.
Jake was always so attentive,memorising the little things like habits,hobbies etc.
I never thought he paid attention to my shower routine but clearly he had without my notice.
“What’s going on? Y/n open the door.” He told me sternly and suddenly I snapped out of it. I looked away from the mirror and to the door and heard the concern in his voice.
I solemnly opened the door and he looked at me for a moment,nothing was said with mouth,everything said through his eyes.
He knew the state I had gotten myself in and he had no clue what to say,I could see it written on his face.
Before we exchanged any words he wrapped my body in a hug,my mascara streaks smudging into his chest and my arms loosely wrapped around his torso.
“What’s happened princess?” He asked as he kissed my forehead. “You dont love me,you love Tara.” I sobbed into his chest and he pulled away.
“What?!” He asked clearly concern mixing with hurt that I had felt like this. “You didn’t even reply to my text Jake,it’s okay,I get it.” I said and I kept my head down.
“Yes I did,what do you mean? And I’m not in love with Tara!” He said pulling out his phone. He looked at his phone and his face dropped, “It didn’t send,I’m sorry Y/n,I love you so so so much please don’t think any different,I don’t want anyone but you.” He told me and I looked up at him for the first time this night.
“Really? You want this?” I laughed to myself slightly,self aware of the mess I had gotten myself into. “I want all of you,the mad,the sad,the kind,the positive,the sweet,the beautiful,I want all of you.” He told me and I smiled.
I didn’t say anything as I looked up at him and pulled him into the biggest hug I could manage.
“I love you,Jake.” I whispered into his chest, “I love you too princess.” He told me as he lifted my up by my thighs.
“Let’s go to bed yeah?” He asked and I giggled as he half heartedly dropped me on the bed and bought over my Pajamas.
“Yeah.” I affirmed putting on my pajamas.
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chimielie · 10 months
family dinner at the miya household (cw cuts , injury (from cooking) , tiny amount of blood)
“ouch,” you frown at your finger, where a fresh cut is welling up little droplets of red.
“that’s a biohazard,” osamu says. “go clean that up.”
“you’re doing it again,” you point your knife playfully at him before placing it down. your brother-in-law (almost) has a bad habit of forgetting that he’s not at work when he’s cooking at home. his face softens into a sheepish grin, and he jerks his chin to the right.
“bathroom’s that way, there’s first aid shit in the bottom drawer.” his tone is penitent, which is about as close to an apology as you’ll get from him.
“i know! i’ve been here before!” you shout over your shoulder, sashaying down the hall.
the door’s locked when you try it, so you cross your arms and lean against the frame until it opens a few seconds later.
“hey,” atsumu says, looking a little surprised.
“hey, lover,” you grin at him. “i busted my finger when i was cutting apples. you mind picking up the slack while i find a band-aid? should be just a second—”
“oh, no,” ignoring your request, atsumu’s tone is more akin to hearing that you’d taken off the whole hand, not a tiny slice that had barely stung. “are you okay, baby?”
“yes,” your tone is amused. “i’m fine. it was only little, see?”
you stick your hand in his face and he squishes all his features up, nose wrinkling, bushy eyebrows coming down.
“i’m gonna faint,” he tells you as he turns and squats by the sink, rifling through the drawers below it. “you sure you didn’t hit an artery? you’re bleeding way too much for that to be normal.”
“you would be terrible in an emergency,” you say. “‘samu said it’s the last drawer.”
“know-it-all,” he says under his breath, and you know he’s talking about his brother. “hey, that’s my name for him. you don’t getta call him that.”
“he let me into his kitchen, i think that means we’re close enough for me to use his nickname,” you retort. it had been an ordeal, getting osamu to trust you enough to make you an active participant in family dinner preparations. you wore the honor with pride. “why, jealous i don’t call you ‘tsumu?”
“ew,” he shakes his head, blond strands falling into his eyes. he needs a haircut by his mother’s standards, but you’re not going to remind him to get it. “that’s for my brother. you are not my brother.”
“thankfully,” you say, an irrepressible giggle bursting out of your throat. atsumu’s always had the ability to do that—to make anyone laugh, whether they wanted to or not.
“thankfully,” he echoes, then: “sit down, would ya? and gimme your hand.”
you obey, folding yourself cross-legged on the floor next to him, your knees touching his. you extend the injured finger, which he takes with the utmost gentleness. you could laugh at the grave expression on his face as he winds the bandage around it, but you try and mimic his seriousness because it’s sweet. you can see him bandaging up his little brother (not by much!!! osamu’s voice echoes in your brain) when they got into scrapes as children, and bolstering his teammates when they needed it in the same way as a captain in high school. atsumu brings so much lightness into your life you sometimes forget how much care he takes with you, too.
finally, he deems his work done, and finishes by pressing a kiss to your finger. you beam at him and wiggle the appendage.
“all better,” you say. “thank you.”
“anytime,” he says, taking your left hand and kissing the ring finger’s knuckle, too. “anytime.”
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cre8inghavoc · 5 months
What are friends for?
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PT. 10
Status: ongoing!!
Updates: no set date.
WC: 5318
Pairing: megumi fushiguro x FEM!reader
Genre/Warnings:[18+] Characters are aged up. This story contains toxic boyfriend, cursing, name calling, self-doubt/hate, angst, breaking up, post-breakup, alcohol, drug use, drunk moments, new friends, dating!au, college!au, no curses!au, dark humour, dark jokes. SMAU.Smut.
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But before you can fully come down from your high, someone starts knocking on the bathroom door, jolting you back to reality. Your eyes widen in alarm, realizing the precarious situation you're in.
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You both freeze, locking eyes, you can't help but notice the difference in both your reactions. While he appears as if he gives no fucks about the knocking, you're hit with a wave of anxiety at the thought of being caught, especially by your friends. You don’t know exactly why you're keeping whatever's going on between you and Megumi a secret from them. Maybe it's the idea of avoiding their inevitable questions, even though you could easily make something up. But the idea of lying to your friends doesn't sit right with you. Sure, keeping things from them for now is one thing, but lying about something like that specifically to their faces and dealing with the fallout later feels wrong. A swirl of thoughts and emotions consumes you, possibly caused by the alcohol's lingering influence or maybe just the weight of the moment, who knows? But It's a real gut punch when you realize that you've been keeping secrets from your friends for a while now, and not just about this particular situation with Megumi. 
You think back to events with your ex, things you did, things he made you do.
You start to question yourself. Were you really trying to spare your friends' feelings, or were you just trying to shield yourself from potential judgement and rejection?  Because you were afraid. Afraid of being judged, the worry of embarrassing yourself, the constant nagging doubt about whether your friends would still accept you if they knew the truth—it's all there, gnawing at you. You suddenly feel the weight of your own actions crashing down on you. You've been living in fear, trapped in a cycle of hiding parts of yourself to avoid facing uncomfortable truths.
You have a feeling that Megumi can see your growing anxiety, noticing the way you fiddle with the ring on your finger and start to nervously bite your lower lip as you drift into deep thought. He gently places a hand on your waist, pulling you closer as he whispers in your ear, "Hey, just breathe. It's okay, there's nothing to panic about." 
"But what if it's our friends... what do we do then?" you ask nervously. 
"We'll just stay in here for a little longer until they leave”
“But we won't know when they will leave," you point out, your nerves still on edge.
He holds his gaze on you a little longer, sensing that the person at the door isn't the sole reason for your anxiety. There's something deeper brewing beneath the surface, something he can feel but can't quite put into words.
You nervously chew on the inside of your cheek, a habit you can't seem to shake, and he picks up on it immediately. Sensing your unease, he gently turns you around to face him. "What's wrong?" he asks, his voice laced with concern.
"Just scared if someone catches us, that's all," you reply, attempting to brush off your deeper worries.
"No, that's not all. I can tell there's something else," he observes perceptively.
"No, I'm okay," you insist, forcing a smile.
"You know you're not very convincing, right?" he counters, his expression softening into a gentle smile. "Seriously, y/n... You can talk to me, you know? I'm here for you."
Your smile turns genuine as you express your gratitude. "Thanks, Megumi," you say sincerely. "It's nothing, really... I'm okay!" Despite your attempt to reassure him, a part of you knows that the unease lingering within won't be easily dismissed.
Just as Megumi was about to speak, the sound of heels walking away from the door interrupted the moment which you both took as an opportunity to slip away unnoticed. Thankfully, the dim lighting and the frenetic energy of the dance floor provided cover for your exit. 
As Megumi took your hand and guided you out of the club, a rush of conflicting emotions surged through you—excitement at being with him, mixed with the nervousness. However, luck wasn't on your side, as your absence from the group didn't go unnoticed. Their curious glances caught you leaving with someone, they just assumed he was just some guy you'd met there since they couldn’t see his face.
As you stepped outside, your phone buzzed incessantly with messages from your group chat.
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“Y/n!!! Who’s that guy you’re with 👀” - Maki
“Are you leaving without telling us?!” - Toge
“No fr, she actually full-on left-“ - Yuta
“Y/n got rizzzz 😏” - Itadori
“Whoooo Y/n!!! Get it, girl!” - Nobara
“You better be safe tho 😒.” - Maki 
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A giggle escapes your lips as you read through the messages, realizing that your friends have no idea it's Megumi, they think you're going to hook up with some random guy. The absurdity of the situation lightens the tension, and you can't help but find humour in their assumptions. 
You slip your phone back into your pocket and follow Megumi to his car, where he politely opens the door for you before getting in the driver's seat. "Where are we going?" you inquire, a sweet tone lacing your words.
"A spot I know," he replies cryptically, his hand finding its way to rest on your thigh. Your heart flutters at his touch—there's something about it that just feels right. You can't help but revel in the warmth and comfort it brings.
The two of you share easy conversation and listen to music for the rest of the drive through the city streets. Finally, you arrive at the spot he mentioned, greeted by the breathtaking view of the city skyline.
"Wow... how'd you even find this place? It's beautiful," you exclaim, your eyes drinking in the captivating view before you.
Megumi leans back, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. "I used to come here often," he confesses. "It's the kind of place I'd escape to, you know, when I needed to clear my head." His words carry a weight of past memories, hinting at the depth of his emotions and the significance of this spot to him.
You turn to face him, curiosity mingled with a hint of sadness in your gaze. "Escape... from what? If you don't mind me asking, of course," you inquire gently, sensing there's more to his story than meets the eye.
“Not something I can easily talk about…”
As Megumi's words hang in the air, you're left staring at him, a mix of disappointment and understanding washing over you. You glance down at your lap, lost in thought, trying to piece together what he might be hiding.
"Not sober at least..." he adds, his tone calm yet cryptic. Your head shoots up in shock and confusion, your eyes widening as you take in the wrap of weed in his hand. 
“Megu-” Before you can voice your protest or confusion, he interrupts you with a commanding tone.
"Open your mouth," he instructs.
"What are y-" you begin to ask, but he cuts you off again. 
"Open," he commands once more, his voice leaving no room for argument, and his gaze unwavering. You hesitate for a moment, unsure of what to do, but knowing Megumi well enough to understand that resistance is futile. You have no choice but to comply, you open your mouth obediently. 
“Tongue.” He moves the blunt to your tongue, instructing you to wet it.
As you stick out your tongue, you comply with his instruction, moistening the tip as he requested. Your eyes lock with Megumi's, the air between you crackles with intensity as you maintain eye contact, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the space between you. It feels as if time slows down, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the electric energy that pulses between you. Once done, you pull away, returning your tongue to your mouth. With practiced ease, Megumi rolls the blunt between his fingers, expertly crafting it into shape. The scent of the weed fills the air, adding to the charged atmosphere inside the car. He rolls down the window, allowing a gentle breeze to filter into the car. Leaning back against his seat, he brings the blunt to his lips, inhaling deeply. The smoke swirls around him as he holds his breath for a moment before exhaling slowly, releasing a cloud of smoke into the night air. Megumi's expression is relaxed, his gaze distant into the city. 
As you watch Megumi take another hit from the blunt, your mind wanders to the reasons behind his choice to smoke weed. What led him to this point? What prompted him to start in the first place? But before you can dwell on these thoughts for too long, his question snaps you back to reality.
"Wanna hit?" he offers, gesturing the blunt towards you. You hesitate, contemplating his offer. "Oh, uh... I've never smoked a spliff before," you admit, feeling a hint of embarrassment.
He chuckles at your response. "But you've had edibles?" he questions, amusement evident in his tone.
"Yeah... and a pen, but never a blunt," you confess, feeling a bit out of your element.
"That's crazy," he laughs softly. Then, his tone shifts slightly as he asks, "What made you start? If you don't mind me asking."
You pause, considering his question. It's not one you've been asked often or at all really, and you're kinda surprised by the sudden seriousness in his voice. Taking a moment to gather your thoughts, you decide to open up to him, trusting him enough to share a piece of yourself.
“I’d have to take a few hits first” You giggle nervously, feeling a bit apprehensive about taking your first hit from a blunt. Megumi smirks, amused by your response, and offers you the blunt.
"Just inhale as much as you can and hold it for a bit. It might burn a little," he advises, his tone casual yet reassuring. You bring the blunt to your lips and inhale, feeling the smoke fill your lungs. It's harsher than you expected, and you cough slightly as you hold the smoke in, trying to follow Megumi's instructions. 
You exhale and between coughs, you manage to speak, your voice slightly raspy. "You said it'll burn a bit," you joke, trying to lighten the mood despite your coughing fit.
Megumi chuckles at your reaction, finding amusement in your discomfort. "Yeah, just a bit," he replies teasingly, his laughter echoing in the car.
As you take a few more hits from the blunt, the effects of the weed start to kick in, a warm sensation spreading through your body. Your eyes begin to feel heavy, and you can feel a familiar buzz settling in.
After a moment, you pass the blunt back to Megumi, your movements feeling slightly sluggish as the high takes hold. The world around you seems to slow down, colours becoming more vivid and sounds more pronounced. Despite the initial discomfort, you find yourself settling into the feeling, embracing the sense of relaxation and euphoria that washes over you. Megumi accepts the blunt with a knowing smile, understanding the shift in your demeanour as the effects of the weed take hold. 
As you meet Megumi's gaze, you can sense the unspoken question lingering between you, the curiosity etched into his expression. With a deep breath, you gather your thoughts, knowing that he deserves an honest answer.
"It's nothing too serious... I've always just had anxiety," you begin, your voice soft but steady. "And my ex... he started doing drugs with his friends. It started off simple with marijuana, but then it escalated to heavier stuff. He always tried to get me to do it too, but I never did. Which, looking back, I'm glad for."
You pause, the memories of your past relationship stirring up a mix of emotions within you. "We got into this big fight... such a stupid fight," you continue, your voice tinged with bitterness. "He called me names, said I'm useless and dumb, and made it seem like every 'bad' thing was because of my anxiety. He made me believe it was all me, that I was the problem."
Your words spill out in a rush, a torrent of pent-up frustrations and regrets. "Whenever he would lie or cheat, he'd gaslight me and blame it on my overthinking or some other stupid excuse," you admit, your voice trembling with emotion. "He made me at least try marijuana with him, and then... it just became a habit. Every time we would fight or my anxiety would get bad, I would just get high. It was like... a way to escape reality, a way to escape him."
You pause, your throat tight with emotion. "I got drawn to it... felt like I had to constantly be high so I didn't have to deal with life or give too many shits about it," you confess, your voice barely above a whisper. "Maybe it was a way to numb the pain, to forget about everything that was wrong in my life. I don't know... but it became an addiction, and I couldn't break free from it."
You fall silent, your words hanging in the air like a heavy weight. "Sorry... I'm just rambling now," you add, feeling a sense of vulnerability wash over you. But despite the fear of judgement, you're grateful for the opportunity to open up to Megumi, to share a piece of yourself with someone who truly cares.
"Y/n... I'm sorry you went through that," he says softly, his voice filled with sincerity and compassion. His words resonate with you, offering solace in a moment of vulnerability. 
You meet his gaze, feeling a sense of gratitude well up within you. "And don't apologize for opening up to me, angel," he continues, his voice gentle yet firm. "I'm glad you told me."
As Megumi speaks, his words wash over you like a soothing balm, offering comfort and understanding in a way you hadn't expected. They remind you that you're not alone in your struggles, offering a beacon of hope in the darkness of your past. You feel a warmth spread through you as he leans in slightly, his hand moving to gently stroke your cheek. His touch is tender, a gesture of empathy and support that helps to ease the tension coiled within you. You lean into his touch, a sense of gratitude wells up within you, grateful for the understanding and support he offers you.
You lean in closer to Megumi's face, a surge of boldness overtakes you, perhaps fueled by the combination of alcohol and weed. All you can think about is the need to feel his lips on yours, to experience the sweetness of his kiss. Closing the distance between you, your lips meet his in a soft, tentative touch at first, before the kiss deepens into a passionate embrace. Time seems to stand still as you lose yourself in the intoxicating sensation of being close to him.
Everything else fades away—the worries, the doubts, the fears. All that matters is the intoxicating sensation of being lost in each other, of sharing a moment of intimacy and connection. And as you melt into his embrace, you realize that this is where you belong, in his arms, wrapped up in the warmth of his love.
In a bold and spontaneous move, you find yourself getting out of your seat and straddling Megumi's lap in the driver's seat. It happens so smoothly, almost as if your body is acting on instinct rather than conscious thought. As you settle onto his lap, you feel a rush of adrenaline coursing through you, mingled with a sense of exhilaration at your own daring.
Placing your hands on his chest, you look into his eyes, a mischievous glint dancing in your gaze. Megumi's surprise is evident in his expression, his eyes widening slightly at your unexpected move. He hadn't anticipated you being so bold, and for a moment, he's taken aback by your sudden closeness.
Megumi's right hand settles on your waist, his touch is electrifying, sending a jolt of warmth coursing through you. Meanwhile, his other hand holds the blunt out of the slightly opened window. You meet his gaze as he slowly trails his eyes over your body. You lean towards his hand holding the blunt, allowing him to guide it towards your mouth. As the blunt hovers before your lips, you take a deep inhale, the smoke filling your lungs with a heady rush.
Once you're done, you pull back slightly, meeting Megumi's gaze and lean in to kiss him, exhaling the smoke into his mouth as your lips meet. It's a heady mix of passion and smoke, the taste of him mingling with the scent of weed.
A smirk forms on Megumi's lips as he savours the moment, his hand still resting on your waist. With a gentle pressure, he draws you closer, deepening the kiss as the intensity between you grows.
You slowly trail your hand down his chest until it rests over his clothed erection. The contact sends a jolt of desire coursing through both of you.
"F-fuck, angel..." he groans out, his voice thick with need and desire. The sensation of your touch drives him wild.
"Not here..." he manages to say, his voice heavy with desire. But you meet his gaze with a playful smile, moving your hand over his clothed cock in a teasing manner.
"Why nottt?" you counter, tilting your head slightly to the side and biting your bottom lip with a mischievous grin. 
Feeling his growing arousal beneath your touch, you tease him further by placing one hand on his waistband while the other moves over his hardened cock. 
"Fuck, you're making it so hard to resist..." he breathes out, his head tilting back slightly in pleasure.
"Then don't resist," you murmur, your voice dripping with desire, as you begin to slowly move your hand in his waistband. But before you can fully proceed, you feel his hand move from your waist to grab your wrist, his grip tightens around you with a firmness that sends a shiver down your spine. His touch is possessive, yet there's a hint of restraint in his hold, as if he's struggling to contain his desire.
"Not here," he says again, his voice filled with urgency and restraint. 
As his words ground you back to reality, you nod in agreement, understanding the need for discretion in the moment. With a sense of reluctance, you withdraw your hands and slide off of his lap, returning to the passenger seat.
He returns his hand on your thigh, a silent gesture of reassurance and connection, before passing you the blunt. You accept it gratefully, taking a few hits as he starts the car and drives back to his place. Rolling down the window, you let the summer night breeze wash over you, mingling with the euphoric effects of the weed and the music playing softly in the background. In that moment, everything feels peaceful, as if the worries and stresses of the world have melted away.
"It really does suck that being high makes you feel this way," you mutter to yourself, the words slipping out almost unconsciously. Despite the temporary escape it provides, you can't shake the underlying unease that comes with relying on substances for relief. 
Megumi hears your words, a flicker of understanding passing through his eyes, but he remains silent knowing he's no better when it comes to drugs.
In the quiet of the car ride, you both dwell on your own thoughts, each grappling with your own past pains. 
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As Megumi steps out of the car and opens the door for you, his gentle gesture speaks volumes. Taking his hand, you feel a sense of comfort and connection as he helps you out of the car. With your fingers intertwined, he leads you up the stairs to his front door.
The click of the lock echoes as Megumi unlocks the front house door, ushering you inside. A shared sense of relief washes over you both as you step into the familiar surroundings of his home, relieved that your friends aren't here yet to interrupt this moment of peace and privacy.
As soon as you both step inside, Megumi wastes no time. With a swift movement, he shuts the door behind you and then slams his lips onto yours, catching you off guard with his sudden passion. A soft moan escapes your lips as he presses you against the door, his body urgent against yours. His hands move with purpose over your body, igniting a primal desire within you. Responding to his passion, you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer as you deepen the kiss.
Your smile against his lips only adds fuel to the fire of desire between you. With ease, Megumi lifts you up, and you wrap your legs around him, feeling a rush of excitement as his hands grip your ass, holding you close.
You giggle softly as he carries you upstairs to his room, enjoying the playful moment together. He shuts the bedroom door with a simple move before gently placing you on the bed. Meeting his gaze, his smirk makes your heart race.
"You're so fucking beautiful," he murmurs, his words making you blush. You glance away bashfully, feeling the heat of his gaze on you.
“But you'd look better with this off” 
Before you can fully process, he's already moving, sliding your dress up and off completely, leaving you exposed to his hungry eyes. His lustful gaze sends shivers down your spine as he takes in every inch of your body.
"God... fucking shit, you don’t know what you’re doing to me," he groans, his desire evident. Without hesitation, he removes your panties, and with a sense of urgency, Megumi eagerly dives in, his mouth on your pussy, his tongue exploring every inch with fervour. He's desperate to taste you, to feel you unravel beneath his touch. His sole focus is making you feel good, making you reach your high, wanting nothing more than to feel you cum all over his face.
The sensation of his tongue against you sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body. You arch your back, moaning in ecstasy as he works his magic, his eagerness evident in every movement. He’s desperate in wanting you to finish fast, to lose yourself in the pleasure he's giving you, Not just because he wants you to feel good, but because he can't hold back any longer... he wants you. No, he needs you.
He's yearning for your touch. His longing is so intense, you can almost feel it radiating from him. He just wants to feel you close, to be wrapped up in the warmth of your embrace, to experience that raw connection between you two. 
He's doing his best to restrain himself, but you make it so fucking hard by the way you look at him, by the way you’re pulling on his hair and grinding your hips against his mouth. Each noise, each moan that escapes your lips, each tug on his hair, sends a jolt of desire straight to his core. 
He slides two fingers into your pussy, curling them up to hit that sweet spot, feeling the urgency building inside him. He needs you to finish, he can’t take it anymore.
"Oh fuck, Gumi, I'm gonna cum," you moan, feeling the pressure building to an unbearable level.
"Fuck, angel, cum for me, yeah?" he groans, his movements becoming faster and more intense.
With his encouragement, you reach the peak of ecstasy, your body convulsing as waves of pleasure wash over you, releasing everything you've been holding back.
As he swiftly removes his pants and boxers, you gaze down in awe at his impressive length. Your eyes widen in shock at the sight of him-so big, so perfect. His dick is long, thick, with a slight upward curve, and it's enough to make your mouth water.
Unable to resist, you reach out and stroke his length, eliciting a deep moan of pleasure from him as he tilts his head back. Using his pre-cum as lubricant, you continue to stroke him, relishing in the sensation of his hardness in your hand.
"Tell me what you want, angel," he breathes out, his voice heavy with desire.
"I just want to make you feel good," you reply softly, your own desire evident in your voice.
"Yeah?" he groans again, his arousal evident as you continue to stroke him.
"Is there anything I can do to make you feel even better?" you ask, biting your lip in anticipation.
As you guide his tip to your entrance, he looks down at you with a smirk. "Oh, you're such a tease, babe," he remarks, his tone playful.
You smile back at him, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through you.
"You sure?" he asks, his concern evident in his gaze.
All you can do is bite your lower lip and nod, your heart pounding in anticipation.
With your agreement, he slowly pushes his tip into your entrance, watching your facial expression closely for any sign of discomfort.
"If you change your mind, just let me know, kay? I won't be mad, I promise," he says softly, stroking your cheek gently.
"Okay," you manage to mutter as you feel his length enter you, a wave of pleasure washing over you.
You moan as his dick stretches you out, a mixture of pain and pleasure coursing through you with each inch he pushes inside you.
"Fuck, baby, you really are so tight," he moans in pleasure, his voice filled with admiration.
You moan even louder as he continues to stretch you out further, the sensation overwhelming yet intoxicating.
"Takin’ me so well. Think you can take more, baby?" he asks, his desire evident in his voice.
Unable to form proper words, you simply nod your head, your body craving more of him.
He pushes in deeper, until his full length is buried inside you, and then he pauses, giving you a moment to adjust to his size.
"Are you feeling okay, angel?" he asks, concern evident in his voice as he gazes into
your eyes.
"Yes, can you please start moving... I need you," you reply, your desire evident in your voice after finally adjusting to his size.
"Anything you want," he says with a smirk, his eagerness to please you evident in his tone.
He begins to slowly thrust his hips back and forth, each movement sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
"Holy shit, you feel so good, angel," he groans, his voice filled with ecstasy.
You moan in response, the sensation of his dick moving inside you driving you wild with desire.
"Fuck- more, Gumi," you plead, wanting him to pick up the pace.
"Yeah? You want more?" he asks, his voice husky with desire as he speeds up his movements, eliciting even louder moans from you.
"Take it," he commands, lost in the pleasure of the moment, and you find yourself getting even wetter from his words alone.
"Fuck, you're so wet for me," he murmurs, his head falling to the crook of your neck as you tangle your hand in his hair, lost in the intensity of your connection.
"Oh fuck, Gumiii," you moan out, lost in the pleasure of his movements.
"Good fucking girl," he praises, his words driving you even wilder as he continues to increase his pace.
His dick curves perfectly to hit your spot, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through your body with each thrust. Your breathing becomes rapid as he continues to hit that sweet spot that drives you crazy, making it hard for you to hold back.
"Fuck, right there, yes!" you cry out in ecstasy, unable to contain your pleasure.
"You like when I fuck you like that, huh, angel?" he asks, his hand moving to your clit and rubbing fast circles on it, intensifying your pleasure even further.
"Oh, yes!" you moan louder, the sensation of his fingers combined with his thrusts pushing you closer and closer to the edge of bliss.
He smirks at your response, his movements becoming even more relentless as he focuses on driving you over the edge of ecstasy. With every thrust, he hits that perfect spot inside you, sending waves of pleasure radiating through your body.
Your moans grow louder, your body trembling with each touch and stroke. The combination of his deep thrusts and the sensation of his fingers on your clit pushes you closer to the brink of orgasm.
"Fuck, Gumi, I'm gonna cum," you whimper, your voice filled with urgency and desire.
"Go ahead, angel, cum for me, yeah?" he encourages, his voice husky with arousal as he continues to pleasure you.
With his words ringing in your ears, you surrender to the overwhelming sensation building inside you. Your climax crashes over you, every nerve ending ablaze with pleasure as you reach the peak of ecstasy.
He watches you with a satisfied grin, reveling in the sight of your release.
You clench around his dick tightly as you reach your climax, sending a jolt of pleasure through both of you.
"Shit, baby, you're squeezing me so tight," he groans in pleasure, the sensation driving him closer to the edge. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum if you keep doing that."
But despite his words, you continue to tighten around him, pushing him closer and closer to the brink. With one final, desperate thrust, he loses control, his body tensing as he spills his hot seeds inside you, his groans of pleasure mingling with yours in the air.
As you both ride out the waves of ecstasy together, he collapses beside you, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he holds you close, savoring the intimacy of the moment.
"You did so good for me, baby," he murmurs, wrapping you in his arms as he spoons you, his breath hot against the back of your neck.
You smile and giggle at his words, feeling a warm glow of satisfaction spread through you.
Pulling him impossibly closer, you intertwine your fingers with his, squeezing his hands gently as you kiss them.
"Thank you," you whisper softly, feeling a sense of contentment settle over you as you drift off to sleep in his comforting embrace.
"I'll clean you up and get you some water, okay?" he murmurs softly, his voice filled with tenderness as he presses a gentle kiss to your shoulder. You nod sleepily, feeling grateful for his care and attention.
As Megumi makes his way downstairs to grab the waters, he runs into Itadori and the rest of the group returning from the club. They stumble in, clearly intoxicated, except for Itadori, who seems more sober than the others. Everyone greets Megumi with a friendly hello before heading off to their respective rooms to sleep off the night's activities. Maki goes with Nobara, while Yuta and Toge go up to Itadori's room and you? Well... you're obviously in Megumi's... but they don't know that of course.
As Megumi is about to head upstairs, Itadori stops him and pulls him to the side with a serious expression. "Yo, Megumi," he begins, catching Megumi's attention. Megumi turns to face him, a hint of confusion showing on his face. "What's up?"
"You gotta tell her, you know…" Itadori's tone is firm, his eyes locked on Megumi's.
Megumi furrows his brows, trying to understand. "Huh? What are you talking about?"
"You know what I'm talking about, Megumi," Itadori insists, his voice dropping slightly. "I'm not stupid. I saw the hickey on her neck. I know it's from you. And I'm happy for you, man. I'm glad you're both talking again. But seriously, you need to tell her… or else things are gonna get fucked over again."
Megumi meets Itadori's gaze, his mind racing as he processes the gravity of the situation. After a moment of contemplation, he nods solemnly. "Yeah, I will."
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it’s funny bc i wrote the first half drunk as then the last half high 😭
in honor of 4/20 😼
no im not a big person on drinking nd smoking but it was a celebration w my friend so yolooo 😗
help high rn as well speak plz dont mind omgg
low-key didnt reread this when sober so i hope it was okay 😃
also i got so lazy to do the messages so plzzz ignore that...
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@lavender-hvze @xbarrjallenx @atinymonbebestay @1l-ynn @chilichopsticks @dr-fluff-meow @lost-resonance @maya-maya-56 @ichorstainedskin @luciiferslover @madaqueue @vanitywoo
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119 notes · View notes
i-cant-sing · 1 year
The teletubbies have a habit of sneaking into the bathroom when first lady yn is showering. And it’s my favorite thing to imagine them just sitting on the floor watching the shower and waiting for her.
First Lady Y/n, sitting in a bubble bath while the Teletubbies sit on the bathroom floor like good dogs eagerly waiting for treats: so... what do you guys wanna talk about?
Teletubbies, who are perfectly content with just watching: 🙂🙂🙂
Y/n, sighing: guys, if you have nothing to talk about then you need to leave-
Tomura: no! I will- I will die if I leave
Y/n: no, you wont-
Dabi: yes, he will. I'll kill him.
Y/n, sighing because she knows if she even closes the shower curtains, they will start playing with razors and hair dryers and what not: okay, but you have to be quiet. You guys don't mind me just relaxing for a few moments here, do you?
Teletubbies, shakes their head: nope!
Y/n, closes eyes for 5 minutes and look again, only to find Kai sitting there on the floor with them: what the- Kai! What are you doing here?
Kai, scoffing: oh so it's fine if they watch but you draw the line at me? Wow, those are not good morals you're teaching our kids-
Y/n: YOU are the reason why they're watching me like this! You're the bad influence on them.
Kai: okay shush now. I just wanna watch you (boobies) in peace 🥰
Y/n: or... maybe you could join me, alone?
Kai, instantly gathering the triplets in his arms and carrying them out of the bathroom: alright kids, destroy the house, set someone on fire, idc.
Kai turns back to return to the bathroom only for you to slam the door in his face and lock it: what the- Y/n? Open the door, it's not funny.
Teletubbies looking at Kai with rage: you're dead.
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734 notes · View notes
waitimcomingtoo · 1 year
Part Of Your World ~ p.p
chapter four: where the people are
pairing: Peter Parker x mermaid!reader
series masterlist
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“Where are you going?”
Peter froze in his tracks when he heard Mays voice coming from the kitchen. He recognized that tone. That tone meant she was suspicious of something and usually, she was right to be. Peter walked back into the kitchen and put on an innocent smile.
“The bathroom. To tinkle.”
“Again? You were in there a long time before dinner.” May pointed out and rested her chin in her hands. Peter gulped, knowing that was her interrogation pose.
“I know. But I drank a lot of water during dinner.”
“Oh, I see. Why don’t you go in this one?” May asked and pointed to the hallway bathroom.
“You caught me.” Peter forced a laugh. “I have to deuce and I like to do it in the privacy of my own bathroom.”
“Hm.” May nodded, not sounding convinced.
“Nothing. I just noticed that you’ve been spending a lot of time in the bathroom lately. A lot more than usual. But you’re always showering in the hall bathroom for some reason. Is there anything you want to tell me?”
“No.” Peter gulped and avoided eye contact. May raised an eyebrow and Peter caved.
“Fine. You caught me again. I’m re-grouting the tile in my shower and I can’t use it until the cement dries.” He lied as his eyes darted to the side.
“Re-grouting your shower?” She asked, not sounding amused.
“Oh, yes. All the kids are doing it these days. My current grout simply will not do.
“Uh huh. Well, I wouldn’t want to stop you.” May said and waved him on. Peter let out a sigh of relief and went to his bathroom.
“Can’t wait to see it when’s it’s done!” May called after him.
When Peter got to his bathroom, you were in his bathtub eating from a box of Goldfish.
“Is this what real fish tastes like? Because I finally understand fishing.” You said as Peter locked the door behind him.
“No, honey. That’s not what real fish tastes like. Not even a little.” Peter said and nervously paced the bathroom floor.
“Are you okay? You’re whiter than stripes on a clownfish.” You asked when you noticed Peters face.
“No. I’m not okay. I think May is getting suspicious.” Peter admitted.
“Why do you think that?”
“Because she just interrogated me about my bathroom habits and she hasn’t done that since we discovered I was lactose intolerant in the fifth grade.” Peter shouted in frustration.
“I’m sorry. I promise I was quiet. But I’ll do better. It won’t happen again.” You said and shrunk into yourself. Peter stopped pacing and knelt down beside you.
“Hey, hey, hey. It’s not your fault. I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at the situation.” Peter assured you as cupped your face.
“But your voice got loud.” You said quietly.
“I know. I’m sorry. I won’t raise my voice around you again.” Peter promised you. You nodded your head and reluctantly believed him.
“Did your dad yell at you a lot?” Peter asked quietly. You looked wistfully at your tail and thought about all the resentment it represented for you. It looked just like your fathers, so you were reminded of him every time you looked down.
“I think our only conversations were him yelling while I stayed silent and pretended I was anywhere else.”
“He’s never gonna find you. You did exactly what he always told you you’d never be able to do. He’s gonna he miserable at the bottom of the ocean forever while you get to run this city.”
“What if the spell doesn’t work? You can’t keep me in this bathtub forever. What if I have to go back?” You whispered in fear. Peter didn’t know you’d been worrying about that and stroked your cheek with his thumb to comfort you.
“That’s not gonna happen. The spell is going to work. And if it doesn’t, I’ll build a huge swimming pool right here in my apartment.”
“Peter.” You laughed skeptically.
“I’m serious. I’ll flood the place. I’ll flood the whole building.” Peter insisted, making you laugh. He laughed as well and when your laughter died down, he leaned in for a long kiss. When he pulled away, he looked longing into your eyes.
“I’d do anything for you.” He promised you. Your expression changed and Peter saw something different in your eyes.
“Peter?” You said in a soft voice. His heart started to pound and he had a sneaking suspicion that you were about to tell him you loved him.
“I ate your soap.”
“I feel the same way.” Peter sighed happily. “Wait, what?”
“I didn’t realize it wasn’t food at first. I thought it was candy.” You admitted as you handed him a bar of soap that was almost entirely eaten.
“You got this far into it before you realized it wasn’t food?” Peter asked in disbelief as he took the remaining chunk of soap from you.
“It tasted like blue.” You said simply.
“Your stomach is gonna be hurting you tonight.” Peter warned you. “Wait a second, how do mermaids go to the bathroom?”
“I’m in the bathroom right now, aren’t I? I got here because you carried me.”
“No like, how do you use the bathroom?”
“How would I use a bathroom? Use it for what?” You asked in confusion.
“Let me rephrase. Can you pee? Oh my God, do you pee out of your bellybutton?” Peter gasped and poked your bellybutton.
“No.” You laughed and moved his hand. “I have a cloaca, silly. Haven’t you ever wondered how mermaids reproduce?”
“Yes, but I was never gonna ask because it felt inappropriate.” Peter admitted.
“I’m your girlfriend. Nothings too inappropriate to ask. I’m curious about humans the same way you’re curious about mermaids. Besides, I like that you’re inquisitive. It makes me feel better about asking you everything.”
“You know the word “inquisitive” but I had to remind you the word for street?” Peter mumbled out of the corner of your mouth.
“Why are you still hung up on that?”
“Is just doesn’t make sense sometimes. You know so many words and then will ask me what the hand at the bottom of my leg with the tiny fingers is called.” Peter pointed out.
“Feet. I remember that one.” You said proudly.
“Okay, what’s this?” Peter tested you and held up a toothbrush.
“Doohickey.” You answered like it was obvious.
“Toothbrush.” He corrected.
“Why would you brush your teeth?” You scoffed. “They don’t even have hair.”
“I’ll drop it. I’m sorry.” He held up his hands in defense.
“Oh my gosh. Was that our first fight?” You smiled in excitement.
“No, honey. That wasn’t a fight.” Peter chuckled.
“Oh.” You frowned.
“You seem disappointed.”
“I just want to be like the humans. And I notice that they fight a lot. Especially at the beach. Like when the men forget the towels in the street boat.”
“That’s called a car. And yeah, humans do fight a lot, don’t they?” Peter chuckled. “But we won’t be like that. We won’t fight.”
“Oh. Okay.” You replied, seemingly slightly disappointed that you wouldn’t be like the humans.
“But if we ever did, I promise I want make my voice loud, okay? No more of that.” Peter assured you.
“Thank you.” You smiled gratefully.
“You’re welcome. Now, let’s get you some real food.”
“No thanks. I’m pretty full from the soap.” You said and handed him a second half eaten bar of soap.
“Oh God.” Peter groaned.
The next day at school, Peter could not stop looking at the clock. He had tuned out his professor before the class even started because all her could think about was the mermaid in his bathroom.
“What’s the matter? Your leg has been bouncing all day.” Ned leaned over and whispered.
“I’m fine. I just really need to get home.” Peter said as his eyes flicked to the clock again. The seconds seemed to be moving more like hours and he could hardly take it anymore.
“Why?” Ned wondered.
“I’ll explain it to you soon. It’s just a little hard to put into words right now.” Peter whispered back. He normally told Ned everything, but trying to explain the mermaid in his bathtub felt like a daunting task at the moment. Ned would definitely have a million questions and Peter didn’t have any answers quite yet. Finally, the professor ended class and Peter bolted home. He swung as fast as he could and crawled in through his bedroom window before opening his bathroom door.
“Honey, I’m home-“
“Hello.” May cut him off, making him freeze. All the color drained from Peters face as he surveyed the situation. May was standing with her arms crossed while you sat in the bathtub behind her with a pajama shirt of Mays on.
“Peter, what the fuck?” May said through eerily calm smile. “This doesn’t look like tile re-grouting to me.”
“Oh, hi May. How are you this fine Tuesday?” Peter smiled innocently as he began to sweat.
“Dear nephew, please enlighten me here as I seem to be a little confused. Am I tripping balls or is there a mermaid in your bathtub?”
“You’re tripping balls.” Peter said immediately.
“This looks delicious, thank you.” You said to no one in particular before opening a bottle of Peters body wash and squirting it into your mouth. May and Peter watched you in stunned silence as you swallowed what was on your mouth.
“Mmm. That’s nice. What is it?” You asked and wiped the blue body wash off your mouth.
“Peter.” May smiled calmly. “Care to explain?”
Meanwhile, you had squirt some shampoo into your hand and were licking it off. Peter watched you and sighed before turning to May.
“I don’t know what to tell you, May. You’re clearing tripping balls. And during the work day no less.”
“Please don’t mistake my measured bank tone for calmness as I am filled with waters of rage.” May began.
“Oh God.” Peter gulped.
“Why is there a mermaid eating body wash in your bathroom?” She finally raised her voice, making you flinch. Peter quickly escorted May out of the bathroom and shut the door behind him.
“Please don’t yell! She gets really scared by yelling.” Peter informed her.
“Oh, the mermaid in your bathtub gets scared by yelling? Silly me. How could I not have known about the fears and phobias of the fucking mermaid living in your fucking bathtub!” May whispered harshly.
“Language.” Peter gasped.
“Why is there a mermaid in your tub?” May asked again and angrily pointed to the door. As mad as she was, she didn’t yell out of respect for you.
“Because I love her and promised I’d get her some legs.” Peter blurted, making May let out a long groan.
“If your Uncle Ben was here to see this, I swear.” She mumbled to herself.
“I’m sorry for lying, May. But I didn’t know what to do. She needed to get out of the ocean fast and this was the best I could come up with.”
“She can’t stay here.”
“What? May.” Peter whined.
“Peter, I am your legal guardian. Do you know what would happen if CPS decided to do a spontaneous home visit and found a mermaid living in our bathroom? That’s got to be all kinds of illegal.”
“Then where is she supposed to stay?”
“Here’s an idea. How about at your billionaire friends tower where all the other mystical creatures you know live?”
“But I don’t live there. I wouldn’t be able to see her everyday. And they already judge me so much for that time I wore turquoise shorts. I can’t tell them about this.”
“Peter, what makes you think you can keep a mermaid alive? You have her in a tiny bathtub with nothing but two starfish covering her up and nothing but soap to eat.”
“She likes soap.” Peter defended.
“Peter, she’s gotta go. She doesn’t belong in a cramped tub. She needs to be free.” May said with sympathy.
“Well it’s not like I can flush her down the toilet, May.” Peter whined.
“Nobody suggested that. At all.”
“Then what am I supposed to do with her?”
“Take her to Tony.” May suggested. “He’ll know what to do.”
“How would I possibly get her there? We barely made it here in one piece.”
“I think I have an idea.” May told him.
Once the sun had set and they had the protection of the nights darkness, Peter and May snuck you out of the apartment in their biggest cooler and got you in the back of Mays work van.
“This is so cool! What is it called again?” You asked as you played with the handles of the cooler.
“A cooler.” Peter told you.
“Wow. I always seen humans bring these to the beach but they never take them in the water for some reason.”
“It’s usually meant to hold drinks. And my nephews mermaid girlfriend apparently.” May smiled tightly.
“Thanks. This was a great idea May.” Peter said once May started driving towards the Avengers tower.
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t get any ideas and start bringing home other mystical creatures. If I ever walk into our apartment and find a warlock, I’m kicking you out.”
“Would you let the warlock stay once I wad kicked out?” Peter genuinely wondered.
“If he paid rent.” May shrugged.
“What’s rent?” You asked from the back of the van.
“This isn’t one of those born sexy yesterday situations, is it?” May asked as she skeptically eyed Peter.
“Born sexy yesterday? You mean the film trope where female characters are simultaneously highly sexualized and highly infantilized so we as an audience are supposed to be attracted to their raw sex appeal as well as be charmed by their child like mind because they need the male antagonist to explain everything to them? Since they were both born sexy and born yesterday?” Peter asked.
“Yes, that’s exactly what I mean.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Peter mumbled.
“Peter.” May said warningly.
“This isn’t like that, May. I swear. Y/n is really intelligent. She’s taught herself so much about the above world just from collecting things over the years. And she loves to learn. That was one of her biggest reasons for wanting to come up here. She just doesn’t know the name for a lot of things because she never had someone to teach her. So I’m filling in those gaps for her.”
“Oh. I see. You’re gonna be her teacher? You’re the one who saved her from her horrible life and taught her what it was really like to live?” May asked with a big smile.
“Yeah. I guess so.” Peter smiled at the sound of that. Mays smile dropped and he realized she was being sarcastic.
“You’re not her savior, Peter. Don’t forget that, okay? She is in a position where she has to rely on your for a lot of things. And she’s already feeling indebted to you for getting her out of the water. So I’m going to warn you right now. Do not abuse the power you have over her. It will not end in your favor.”
“I would never abuse my power. I would never do that to her.” Peter said quietly as he thought about what May said.
“I’m just saying. Don’t tell yourself you rescued her. You said so yourself. She is very smart. You didn’t teach her everything she knows. She taught herself and you filled in the gaps. You didn’t save her and give her a new life. She escaped from her old one with your help. Don’t let it go to your head that she was miserable until you came along and magically fixed her whole life. She will still face struggles on land. Lots of them. And sometimes, you won’t be able to help her. For both of your sakes, do not give yourself the title of her savior. You need to be equals. That’s the only way this relationship will work.”
Peter was quiet for the rest of the way to the tower. He didn’t want to admit this to May, but he had been thinking pretty highly of himself for rescuing you. He wanted to tell his friends all about how he heroically saved you from your dad and hide you in his bathtub because he knew it would make him sound cool. Peter looked at you in the rearview mirror and saw that you were craning your neck as high as you possibly could to see out the window. It was hard to see from your place in the cooler and Peter felt guilty for not putting you closer to the window. He shrunk down in his seat and briefly wondered if his reasons for bringing you to the shore were as selfless as he once thought.
It wasn’t long before May parked outside the Avengers tower and helped Peter carry you out of the trunk. Peter leaned down towards the facial recognition device at the front door and let it scan his whole face. You were silent as you watched him, your mind not even being able to comprehend what you were seeing.
“Tiniest avenger. Welcome.” FRIDAY confirmed as the door opened. The water in the cooler sloshed out of the sides as Peter stepped inside the tower. He brought you on the elevator and laughed to himself when you got startled by the moving floor. Once he got to the main room of the tower, he saw most of his team sitting around, silently reading or doing puzzles.
“Hey everyone.” Peter said casually. Everyone turned to look at him and froze when they saw you in the cooler in Peters arms. Your tail was flopping up and down over the edge of the cooler while you looked around in amazement. You could see the whole city out of Tony’s floor to ceilings windows. It was a sight you always dreamed of but never imagined you’d actually get to see.
“Uh, Peter, I didn’t think I had to specify this, but you’re not allowed to bring random mermaids into the tower.” Tony said flatly.
“She’s not random. This is my girlfriend, Y/n.” Peter said and proudly held you up. Everyone let out a collective sigh. Some hung their heads in disappointment while others narrowed their eyes at Peter in utter confusion.
“Of course you have a mermaid girlfriend.” Tony sighed. “Of fucking course you do. Why would I ever expect other wise? This is so unbelievably in character for you.”
“Hi Peters dad.” You smiled kindly and waved.
“Oh my God.” Tony sat down and rubbed his eyes.
“Mr. Stark, I know you have a rule against strays, but her dad is the mermaid king-“
“Of course he is.” Tony nodded.
“-and he forbid her from going to the surface-“
“Checks out.” Tony cut in.
“-and he found out about our secret interspecies relationship. He was gonna send her away.”
“So you want her to stay here?” Tony raised his eyebrows.
“Please? Just until she gets her legs. I can’t live without her.”
“Peter, where are we supposed to put her?”
“I have a sensory deprivation tank I’m not using.” Bruce said and raised his hand.
“Of course you do. Why wouldn’t you?” Tony said sarcastically.
“Is there water in it?” Peter asked.
“I can have it filled in less than two hours.”
“Where am I supposed to put her until then?” Peter wondered.
Peters question was answered by Tony showing you to his master bathroom. The bathroom was bigger than Peters entire apartment, so he felt a little better about keeping you there.
“You have a lovely bathroom, Mr. Peter’s dad.” You smiled as you swam around in Tony’s giant indoor jacuzzi.
“Tony is fine. And thank you. Pepper said it was tacky.” He scoffed as he showed you all the different colors the jacuzzi could light up.
“Oh no. I love the beach theme. I feel right at home.” You told him.
“Where is home, by the way?” Strange wondered as he came into the bathroom to officially meet you.
“The upper East side of the Atlantic Ocean.” You said simply.
“Oh. Sounds lovely.” Tony said sarcastically.
“I’m Dr. Strange, by the way. I’ll be the one giving you legs.” Strange said as he reached out to shake your hand. You looked at his hand in confusion, unsure of what he wanted you to do with it. He quickly realized his mistake and withdrew his hand.
“I apologize. I didn’t realize shaking hands was not customary under the sea.” He said to you. Peter stifled a laugh as it was the first time he had seen Dr. Strange being vulnerable.
“That’s all right. I really appreciate what you’re doing for me, Mr. Doctor Strange. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this.”
“I might have some idea. Your boyfriend was pretty convincing.” Strange said and nodded towards Peter. You looked at Peter and watched him smile shyly, so you blew him a kiss the way he had once done to you. Pepper then walked into the bathroom with a couple of bathing suit tops.
“Here. I brought you some swim suit tops that might feel a little more comfortable than….those.” Pepper said as she made eye contact with your starfish bra.
“Oh, thank you. Everyone here is so nice.” You smiled happily and accepted the tops. Peter saw you reaching for your starfish and quickly jumped between you and Tony.
“Mr. Stark, turn around right now.”
“Why?” Tony asked as Peter physically turned him around. Peter turned around as well just as Pepper let out a surprised gasp. She walked back over to Peter, Tony and Strange with a confused look on her face.
“Hey, so, your girlfriend just whipped her tits out like it was no big deal.” Pepper whispered to the two of them.
“She does that.” Peter nodded. “I think it’s a mermaid thing.”
“Great. Remind me to not be in the room when she gets her legs for the first time.” Tony smiled sarcastically.
“So this is really happening? Am I really getting legs?” You asked from behind them. Peter turned to look at you and saw you were wearing a black bikini top that Pepper had given you. From his angle, you looked fully human. He smiled a little to himself and grew excited for the day you really would be.
“If all goes according to plan, yes. I’ll be conducting a spell that transforms your tail into a pair of legs.” Dr. Strange answered you.
“And it’ll be permanent?” You asked hopefully.
“If you want it to be. I could also make it where you turn back into a mermaid when you’re submerged in water.” Strange told you.
“Maybe we should do that. In case you change your mind.” Peter said to you.
“I won’t.” You said confidently.
“You might. You might miss your dad.”
“I’d miss the land more.”
“Isn’t this your first time on land?” Tony pointed out.
“Yes. But I’ve dreamed of it my whole life. I don’t miss the sea. And I never will. I want the spell to be permanent.” You said definitively.
“Give it some thought. We can do the spell another day.” Strange suggested once he sensed the disagreement between you and Peter.
“I don’t need a day.” You insisted. “I know what I want. I never want to see my tail again.”
“We’ll do it tomorrow.” Peter told Strange, making you frown. You looked and Peter and wanted him to look at you, but he was still looking at Strange.
“Fine. Tomorrow.” Strange nodded and left the room. Tony and Pepper patted your shoulder before leaving as well. Once it was just you and Peter, you spoke up.
“Yeah?” He asked and sat down on the edge of the jacuzzi.
“I don’t like it when you speak for me.” You said in a matter of fact tone. You weren’t angry, just trying to let him know how you felt. Peter was caught off guard by your statement and jutted his head back.
“Oh, I’m sorry honey. I didn’t realize I was speaking for you. I just really think you should keep the option of keeping your tail. Just in case you change your mind.”
“You don’t know what it was like down there, Peter. None of my decisions were mine. I lived in constant fear of being found by the bad men. So I spent my whole life wishing to be somewhere else. I’m free now. I can’t go back. I’m not going to change my mind.”
“What about your dad?”
“He has 7 other daughters. He won’t miss me.”
“I’d miss you. I imagine anyone who lost you from their life would miss you. There’s a space that you fill. I can’t be the only one who feels that way about you. What about your sisters?”
“They never understood me. They never understood what it was like to want the things I wanted. My sisters are happy in the water. They’re happy because they belong. And they always knew I didn’t belong. I will miss them, but I know that they’d be happy knowing I am happy.”
Peter nodded in understanding and leaned in to kiss you. After the chaotic day, you were happy to have this quiet moment with him. You didn’t want your relationship to get lost in the excitement of getting your legs. When Peter pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours and looked into your eyes.
“I swear, I’m gonna show you what it’s like to have someone actually love you. No more possession and having someone make all your decisions for you. No more feeling like you don’t belong. You’re going to be happy here.”
“We’re going to be happy here.” You corrected him with a smile. Peter kissed you one last time before letting you get some rest. He caught up to Dr. Strange in the hallway and stopped him.
“Hey, when we do the spell tomorrow, don’t do the one that will make her permanently a human, okay? Do the other one.”
“But she doesn’t want to ever have tail again. She seemed very adamant about that.” Strange titled his head in confusion.
“She thinks that’s what she wants. But I know she’ll regret it.”
“Peter, I’m not gonna do something without her knowing about it. I’m going to perform the spell that she wants, not you.”
“What about this? What if she only gets her tail back when she touches saltwater? She can still shower and go in the pool, but if she goes to the beach, she’ll return to a mermaid. That way, if she ever wants to go home, she can. We’ll call it the saltwater clause.”
“Did you clear that with her?” Strange asked, already knowing the answer.
“I will.” Peter nodded. Strange seemed content with that and walked away.
Peter looked back at the bathroom door and could hear you swimming around in there. He then thought back to what May said about him not being your savior. If you ended up hating your life on land because it didn’t live up to the fantasy you’d created in your head, he didn’t want you to be stuck there. Even though Peter knew you hated your old life, he wanted to preserve the option of returning to it. Peter made the decision to not tell you about the saltwater clause but make Strange think he did. He figured you’d never want to go to the ocean after spending your whole life trying to leave it, so he’d be safe from you ever finding out. May wanted to accuse him of acting like your savior, so he was going to selflessly preserve your choice to go home. Even if that meant one day, you’d leave him.
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ironstrange1991 · 1 year
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Pairing: Defender!Strange x PregnantWife!Reader
Synopsis: Stephen is not acting like himself when he returns from a very hard mission.
Word Count: 1,6k
Warnings: None. Basically the hurt/comfort trope.
A/N: I needed a fic with Stephen being vulnerable and soft and ended up with this. Hope you guys like it.
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You liked to think you knew Stephen as well as you knew yourself. You knew when he was happy or sad, when he was tired or excited without him having to say a word to you. And it was exactly Stephen's inability to talk about his feelings that made you get into the habit of reading him so well.
You had been together for a few years, married and expecting your first child and as the weeks progressed and you approached the end of the pregnancy you noticed that Stephen began to become more restless, worried. Work didn't help. In fact, for the past three months work had taken up most of Stephen's time and you believed that was one of the reasons he was so restless. He blamed himself for not spending as much time as he wanted with you.
It was Friday night and you were finishing dinner when Stephen and his Defender friends left the meeting room after being there for hours. They had arrived from a mission that afternoon and locked themselves in that room without you even having time to say hi to your husband.
Hearing the familiar chattering in the entrance hall you went to them in time to say goodbye to Jessica Jones and Clint Barton.
"My god, Y/n you look gorgeous. When will the baby arrive?" Jones asked smiling and trying to look like everything was fine, but you could see from the expressions on Barton and Stephen's faces that something was wrong. Sometimes it happened. Something would go wrong with their missions, and they would return home with those tired and sad faces.
You smiled wrapping your arms around Stephen’s waist. "Later this month. We can't wait." You said glancing at Stephen, but he was serious and just nodded without adding any comment.
When Jones and Barton said goodbye and you were finally alone with your husband you took the time to actually look at him. He was well enough. Some cuts on his face as usual, but what was worrying you was not his physical condition. He seemed tired, yes, but something was off, he was different.
"Are you okay?" You asked a little unsure.
He cupped your cheeks and kissed your forehead avoiding your question. "I am going to take a shower." He said pulling away.
"Dinner is ready. I can help you shower..."
"That won't be necessary, baby. I'm sorry, I should have warned you. I'm not hungry. I'm going straight to bed."
You stood there watching him walk away and go up the stairs. You weren't upset because he wouldn't eat, but rather worried about his behavior. Stephen never refused your help when he arrived on a mission. Most of the time he asked you to help him, always eager to have his wife's hands on him.
It was safe to say that by now you had also lost your hunger, so you put all the food in the fridge and went upstairs to find Stephen already in bed, his back resting in a pile of pillows, wearing his reading glasses - which he almost never did in your presence - reading a huge book of spells that he had probably brought with him from Kamar Taj. You sighed, still standing in the doorway and then decided to enter and closed the door behind you.
You went to the bathroom and brushed your teeth and changed out of your clothes into some comfortable pajamas and then went back to the bedroom, but instead of lying down on your side of the bed you stood next to Stephen and held out your hand. "Give me the book. Now is not the time to work. You just arrived and I need to talk to my husband."
He stared at you over his reading glasses and you had to hold yourself back to keep a straight face. He looked so cute when he wore glasses. "I need to find a specific spell..."
"I didn't ask what you needed to do, Stephen. Give me the book."
He sighed, closing the book and handing it into your hands. It was a heavy leather-bound book with symbols that you had no idea what they meant. You placed it on the bedside table and took his reading glasses off, placing them carefully on top of the book.
"I'm fine by the way. I had a great week at work. The baby is fine too. Thank you so much for asking." You said, sitting next to him on the side of the bed.
He ran his hand over his face, sighing heavily. "I'm sorry."
He cupped your face and pulled you to his lips kissing you softly. "Baby, I'm so sorry."
You held his hand on your face.
"Tell me what's going on. I've noticed you've been more taciturn the last few weeks. But I've never seen you like this, Stephen."
He nodded. "I just... I've had a lot of work the last few weeks. I'm tired, that's all."
You didn't believe that. Surely there was something more he didn't want to say.
"I've seen you tired. Hurt, drained of magic, but I've never seen you like this and I need you to tell me what's going on so I can help you."
He took your hands and held them tight in his and then to your astonishment he gave in to a silent cry. You had never seen Stephen cry in all the years you were together. You cupped his face, wiping the tears from his cheek with your thumb.
"Hey! What's wrong? Tell me what's going on."
He sniffed trying to compose himself and then began to speak with a choked voice.
"I'm tired of losing people. Tired of fighting battles that seem to have no end. Tired of seeing innocent people die. This burden is very heavy sometimes and I don't feel like I can carry it at the moment."
You swallowed thickly, feeling tears welling up in your eyes. "You're human, baby. It's normal to feel this way sometimes, there's nothing wrong with that."
He shook his head. "No, I can't. I'm the Sorcerer Supreme, I'm the leader of the Defenders. I don't have the right to succumb because if I do, more people will die and it will be my fault. It's always my fault..."
You shushed him. "Baby that's not true. You always do your best, but it's not possible to save everyone and I'm sorry you feel this way."
You got up and walked around the bed and got comfortable resting your back on a pile of pillows. "Come here. Lay your head in my lap."
He wiped the tears from his face with the back of his hands and surrendered, doing as you asked. You took off the hair tie and started combing the strands gently with your fingers and he let out a heavy sigh.
"Want to tell me what happened on that last mission?"
He shook his head.
"You know you can tell me anything, Stephen."
"I know, but right now I just want to forget everything. I'm so tired. My body is sore from the fight and my head feels like it's going to explode."
You hummed listening and continued stroking his hair. "When was the last time you ate something?"
He did not answer.
"Breakfast? Dinner?" You insisted.
"I don't remember, to be honest."
"Stephen! Let me get you something to eat."
But he held you in place before you could even think about getting up.
"Tomorrow. I don't think I'll be able to hold anything on my stomach tonight, baby. I just want to stay here with you. Please. Want to feel your hands in me."
You sighed, knowing there was no point in insisting.
"You're not going to work tomorrow. I'll talk to Wong in the morning."
He didn't say anything, which made you even more worried. Normally he would have been reluctant to accept your suggestion.
It broke your heart to see Stephen like that. You knew he gave his all to his work, he always put everyone first, in fact that was one of the reasons for your arguments, but it still seemed like it wasn't enough. He overcharged himself, blamed himself for things that weren't his fault. You just wanted him to see himself through your eyes, for him to see himself the way you saw him: a true selfless hero.
"I love you, Stephen. I know you're mad at yourself right now, but I want you to know that I'm proud of you and everything you do to keep me and everyone in this world safe. It's a very heavy burden, baby, but you know I'll always be here to help you carry it."
He turned to look at you. "I love you. So much. More than anything."
You smiled tracing his beard with the tip of your finger. "I know that out there you have to be the Sorcerer Supreme and the Leader of the Defenders, but here, you are allowed to be human, to be Stephen, my sweet husband."
He sighed reaching to touch your cheek.
"There is nothing in the world I want to be more than your husband."
You smiled, holding his hand and lowering it to your belly. "You’re sure?"
And like magic you saw the corner of his lips curl up in a discreet smile that widened and transformed into a wide and beautiful smile when he felt the baby kicking against his hand.
He pressed his lips against your belly and whispered. "I love you so much little one. Can't wait to finally meet you."
You smiled, stroking his hair. "And she loves you. She always starts kicking when she hears your voice. I know she is proud of you just as I am."
Stephen sat up and held your face in his hands. "Thank you, baby, for taking such a good care of me. Everything I do is for my girls."
You leaned in one of his hands. "And I’m so grateful for that. We'll always be here for you in good or bad times. Your two girls will always be here for you.”
Stephen kissed you softly.
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing!
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roosterforme · 2 years
Old Habits Die Hard Part 4 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: You are a little surprised by your own response when Jeff asks you out. And you really start to wish the study room doors had locks. 
Warnings: Angst, swears, smut, maybe some fluff
Length: 3100 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader (fuckboy college student Bradley)
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Bradley texted you all day on Sunday. You made him laugh, and he hoped he was making you laugh too. He never spent this much time talking to girls, but he'd never known a girl quite like you before. 
Every time he saw his door, he smiled. Bradley was a little surprised Jeff hadn't commented on it, but then again, Jeff didn't know he called you Sugar. 
Bradley cleaned the bathroom again after Tyson and Janessa were done in there, but he didn't even mind. He was in such a great mood.
Then he alternated talking to you and working on school assignments for the rest of the day. 
He checked his phone to read the most recent text from you. 
Are you going to crash the study room again this week? 
Okay, so you wanted him to. Bradley just wished he could get you there alone. He wondered how you would respond to that request, so he just went for it. 
Sugar, when can I meet you there for a little one-on-one time?
Bradley had to wait a bit longer for your response to that one, but you did finally write back. 
On Tuesday afternoons Jeff has classes while I usually get caught up with reading. 
So Bradley told you he would meet you then. 
He realized that Jeff was still avoiding him by Sunday evening when Bradley greeted him in the living room. 
Jeff just grunted and asked, "Did you have fun with Phoebe this weekend?"
Bradley shook his head while he dropped down onto the couch. "Nah. Barely saw her. I'm interested in someone else."
Jeff just glared at him. "I told you to leave her alone. She's a nice girl. And I'm asking her out tomorrow." 
Bradley took a deep breath to keep from jumping up and shoving Jeff against the wall. "She's sweet. I like her, too. Maybe you're the one who should leave her alone." 
"What the fuck, man? You can hook up with anyone you feel like, but you just have to have her? Why?"
Bradley didn't know how to answer that, so he simply told Jeff, "Ask her out then. Let me know how that goes."
You were in the study room on Monday, wishing it was already Tuesday, and every time your phone vibrated, you felt butterflies in your tummy. 
Bradley had been texting you pretty consistently since yesterday, and you'd been responding like the ridiculous girl you apparently were. You had Jeff right across the table from you, but you couldn't stop thinking about Bradley. Because that kiss with Jeff was terrible. But when Bradley kissed you, it was fireworks. 
"Hey, so what do you think?" Apparently Jeff had been talking to you, but you had no idea what he had said. 
"Um... what do I think about what?" you asked, shooting him and apologetic look for good measure. 
He just smiled and asked, "What do you think about going out with me this weekend? We can skip the party on Friday night and see a movie instead?"
You swallowed down the lump of guilt in your throat. "Uh... I think I actually already promised Bradley I'd be at the party on Friday night." You had told him in a text that you would be there after he had asked. But then you thought maybe using Bradley as your excuse was a bad idea, because Jeff looked outraged. 
"Are you seriously into him?" he asked, looking like he was about to snap his pencil in half. 
You pressed your lips together. You couldn't figure out how to describe the way you felt about Bradley. "He's... "
"A douchebag? A player? Not good enough for you?" Jeff was quick to supply you with some options. 
"Don't be like this," you whispered. "We've been friends for a while." Suddenly you felt like crying as you watched Jeff rub his hands along his face in frustration. 
"Just think about it before you get involved with him, okay? I'll see you later."
And then he was gone. And you had plenty of time to think about Bradley. 
You thought about him as you met some friends for dinner, and you thought about him while you pretended to listen to Janessa talk about Tyson. And you even thought about him the following morning while you were in your extremely boring differential equations class. 
You didn't really care what Jeff thought about it, you just wanted to see Bradley again. His texting had tapered off a bit, and you wondered if he was still going to meet you in the study room. Or perhaps he was losing interest in you already. It was definitely in the realm of possibility that he was still seeing Phoebe or someone else entirely. Even someone with a visual impairment would be able to tell that Phoebe was better looking than you.
But just when you were about to text him and ask if he still wanted to meet you alone, Bradley strolled into the study room and sat down in the chair next to you, his back to the door. 
"Sugar," he said with a smirk, and you were immediately smiling at him. 
"Beer Boy." His soft laugh made your core throb. You were practically moaning for him after he had said one word to you. How ridiculous. 
"You been thinking about me?" he asked with a grin. You could feel yourself blushing. Have you been thinking about him? Only constantly, and especially while you were fingering yourself before bed last night. 
You shrugged. "A little bit. Here and there."
He nodded. "Yeah, me too. Just a little bit." But he was scooting his chair closer to yours. 
"Jeff asked me out," you blurted, and you watched Bradley rub his hand along the back of his neck, bumping his backwards cap and making it crooked.
"Oh," he said softly with a frown creasing his brow. "That's great."
"Great? I told him no."
Bradley's lips parted in a sigh of relief. "Then why did you kiss him last weekend? After we kissed?"
You knew the blush was returning to your face. "Because you're probably not a good idea, honestly. And Phoebe was calling you."
He shook his head. "She's not calling me anymore."
"Sugar, I painted my door just for you. Nobody else," he whispered, and you leaned toward him until your lips touched his softly. His big palm came to rest on your knee as you slid to the edge of your seat, getting closer to him. His kisses were so soft, just like Friday night. It was like nothing you would have expected from a Beta boy. Bradley was just completely unexpected. 
He rubbed his thumb in slow circles along your jeans as he nipped gently at your lips. You licked the seam of his lips, and he opened his mouth to you. He tasted like mint, his tongue teasing yours. 
His fingers trailed up your neck and tangled in your hair, and you shivered and moaned softly into his mouth. "Damn, Sugar. Seems like you've been thinking about me more than a little bit," he said, examining your face with hungry eyes before he reached down and grabbed your chair and pulled you closer so your legs were slotted with his. 
You smirked. "I could say the same for you."
He mashed his lips against yours before kissing along your jaw to your neck. "Been thinking about you nonstop. You're sweet."
You tried to squeeze your thighs together, but Bradley's left leg was wedged between them. "Bradley," you whispered as he devoured your mouth with more of his soft and simultaneously demanding kisses. 
"Sugar," he whispered against your lips. He rubbed his nose along the side of yours as he asked, "When can I see you again? I need to see you again, but I have to get to class."
You reveled in one more press of his lips to yours as he adjusted himself before he made to stand up. 
"Thursday afternoon?" you asked, your voice sounding breathy. 
Then he kissed your cheek. He actually kissed your cheek before he said, "See you then."
And when Jeff showed up after his class to study with you, it took all of your energy to stay focused on what he was saying instead of replaying your kisses with Bradley in your mind. 
If only you'd had more time with Bradley, you were sure he would have kissed you until you sounded so stupid, just the way he liked smart girls.
Jeff was pissed off, and Bradley knew it. He tried to keep a straight face, but it was hard since he already knew you had turned Jeff down. 
"What's up?" Bradley asked as he passed Jeff and Tyson in the kitchen. 
"Hey man," Tyson said as he devoured a bag of potato chips. 
Jeff just grunted at him before saying, "I saw you leaving the library earlier."
"Yeah," Bradley said with a grin while he started making a sandwich. "I like it there."
"You like the library? Or you like her?" 
Tyson froze and eyed them both up as he crunched on some chips. "You guys talking about Janessa's cute roommate?" 
"Mmhmm," Bradley hummed. You were so pretty, and your lips were so soft. He couldn't stop thinking about having those lips wrapped around his cock. Just the idea of fucking your pretty face had him twitching. Even jerking himself off to the thought of you was better for him than any sex he'd had with Phoebe or the other girls recently. 
"Yeah. She's too good for Bradley, but he's going to insist on trying to ruin her anyway," Jeff said casually.
Jeff was being a dick on purpose. But really, Bradley was pretty sure you were the one who would be doing the ruining, not him. 
"You sound jealous, man. You had months to seal the deal with her," Bradley said with a smirk. "Can't perform under pressure? Too much competition?"
"Shut the fuck up."
Tyson was starting to look a little worried as Bradley assembled his sandwich and said, "She asks you to walk her home, but I'm the one who can get her in his bedroom."
Jeff was seething, but Bradley was kind of enjoying himself. He didn't specifically intend to use you as bait, but no way he was going to let Jeff act like he was better than him. Call him toxic, but Bradley was certain he could kiss you, fuck you, and be with you better than Jeff could. 
"She's too good for both of you," Tyson said as he dumped the potato chip crumbs into his mouth. 
You had barely seen Jeff outside of your classes since he hadn't joined you in the library at all on Wednesday. He skipped lunch with you on Thursday, claiming he needed to get to class early, so you were solidly alone when Bradley showed up. 
"Hey, Sugar," he said, pausing just inside the door and staring at you. He must have liked what you were wearing today. You'd done it on purpose, of course, and it was already paying off. He took a step closer to where you sat in your short pleated skirt and cardigan. It never hurt to lean a little bit into your nerd stereotype, especially when you figured it would make you unique to Bradley. 
"You look cute," he whispered, never taking his eyes off you as he set his bag down. "Did you wear that for me?"
You licked your lips, stood, and slipped past him to close the door. "Yes," was all you managed to say before his hands were grabbing your hips, guiding you back against the door. You tipped your head back against the wooden surface and looked up at him. 
"You look like a sexy little mathlete." His voice was soft and deep and raspy, and you felt yourself clench around nothing. Slowly he pressed himself against you, his body much bigger and more muscular than yours. "Keep thinking about all the ways I want you." 
You moaned softly, and that was all it took. His mouth was on yours, and he was gently coaxing your lips apart with his tongue. He tasted your mouth, groaning softly as you brushed your fingers along his scars and up into his hair. 
One of his hands was wrapped around you, reaching up the back of your cardigan. The other was inching down to the hem of your skirt. You let him rub his big hand up your bare thigh as he broke the kiss. He watched you, gauging your response to him as he eased his hand up along your soft skin. 
You knew you must have looked so desperate for him, pressed up against the door with your lips parted, but you didn't care. He grinned at you as he squeezed your thigh making you bite your lip.  
He kissed your neck so softly, his lips brushing you there as he asked, "Do you want me too, Sugar?"
You sucked in a breath, thrusting against the front of his jeans in response. 
"You gonna tell me?" he asked, rubbing your leg so softly with his thumb, driving you wild. 
"I want you," you gasped as his lips found yours again. Both of his hands were under your skirt, palming your ass through your underwear and lifting you up. You guided your legs around his slim waist, rubbing your wet, cotton covered pussy against his belt buckle with a loud whine. You'd never done anything like this in your life, and you felt ill-equipped to deal with that fact that you were probably about to fuck Bradley in the study room you'd been sharing with Jeff for months. 
You made Bradley feel a little possessive. He wasn't the jealous type, never really got attached to anything. But right now, as far as you were concerned, he needed to be the best. 
As he settled down onto the chair with his back to the door, you straddled him and held his face in both of your hands. Your fingernails were gently gliding along his cheeks, softly caressing his scars. Your lips were kissing him as your nose bumped against his in the sweetest way. But you were grinding your pussy against him like such a bad girl, he couldn't figure out what was going on. 
"Sugar," he moaned, and you tipped your head back, exposing your entire beautiful neck to him. He licked a line up from the top of your sweater to your chin and then moved his mouth to suck a mark on the side of your neck. 
"Oh!" you gasped, and he sucked harder. He reached up your skirt, gripping your hips, guiding your movements a little slower as you rubbed yourself on him. His cock was hard and straining against his jeans for you to grind against, and every time your pussy hit his belt buckle, he got to hear you gasp. 
"Feel good?" he whispered before licking the mark he had made on your neck. Such a pretty spot, he hoped to see it when it showed up darker tomorrow. 
"Bradley," you whined as you tipped your head forward to meet his eyes. He watched you, your eyes unfocused as you rubbed your soft body against his. When you started whimpering, he put his lips to yours, enjoying how desperate your kisses felt. He couldn't remember ever wanting someone like this. 
"What do you need?" he asked, easing one hand gently back inside your underwear and squeezing your ass. Everything about your body was a nice handful for him, and he wanted to wear you out until you were speechless. He thought about reaching into his bag for a condom, but you seemed like you were close to the edge without penetration.  
"I just, I need, I-" 
You were babbling now as Bradley smiled at you. "Aww, Sugar. You sound so fucking dumb right now, and I've barely touched you, baby." He kneaded his fingers into your ass cheeks and watched you get off.
"Oh!" you gasped, grabbing both of his shoulders and rubbing yourself up and down his abs while you moaned and cried out, "Oh, my God."
"Fuck, this is hot," he told you with a devilish grin on his face. "If you're gonna cum this good in my lap, I can't wait to get you in my bed."
"Oh, my God," you said once more, covering your flushed face with both hands. "I can't believe I did that." Your hips were finally starting to slow as you let out one more soft moan.
Two sharp knocks on the door, and then Bradley turned to see what looked like a pimple-faced freshman walking into the study room. You gasped and hid your face against his neck, as Bradley registered what you and he must have looked like with his hands still shoved up your skirt.
"I'm sorry! I thought this one was empty!" the younger kid said. 
Bradley just looked at him as he stood there staring. "Get the fuck out!" he yelled, and the kid spun around and rushed out the door. Bradley removed one hand from your soft thigh and reached behind him to slam the door shut. 
You pulled your face slightly away from his neck and looked up at him.
"You okay, Sugar?" he asked you softly. "You really got yourself worked up, didn't you?"
You covered your face with your hands again and whispered, "I am so embarrassed."
He tried his best not to, but he couldn't stop grinning when you peeked through your fingers and started to get up. 
"What do you have to be embarrassed about?" he asked, taking your left hand in his right one and kissing your cheek. "That was fucking hot. I'm hard as a rock right now because of you."
You squeaked and bit your lip. "That kid looked like he was twelve years old!" you said, gesturing toward the door. 
"Yeah, that was unfortunate. Next time I'll have to jam one of the chairs under the doorknob since these things don't lock."
Your eyes were wide and your cheeks were still flushed. "Next time?" you asked softly. 
"You don't want me to help you study again next week? Show you some of the subjects you haven't taken yet?"
A laugh bubbled out of you. "Bradley, I am mortified right now." When you tried to stand again, Bradley held you in place. 
"Don't be, Sugar. I'm gonna see you tomorrow night at the party, right?"
"You gonna wear something cute again? Just for me?"
Ahhhhhh! Thanks for reading this fic! And thanks to @mak-32 for helping so much with this one! This is for you, Mak!
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sulumuns-dootah · 11 months
Foras x f!Reader - Only his
⟡ Masterlist ⟡ 
Characters: Foras
Word count: 2077
Warnings: Foras gets very possessive, Light choking, Voyeurism
(F/D/N) = Favorite Demon Name (Other than Foras)
‎‧₊˚✧ 18+ Minors Do Not Interact‎ ✧˚₊‧     ༺☆༻
It was a hard, long week full of unnecessary stress, but here you were; finally enjoying a bit of peace and calm at the end of a bad storm. Friday finally arrived and you could throw everything behind you and relax. First you took yourself to a café on a mini date, ordered a little more fancy meal for dinner and now you were running a bath with some of your favorite expensive products that you're saving for special occasions. Because screw it, you had a horrible week and you deserve it.
Getting into the bathtub felt like you were finally awake but at the same time you started to feel more relaxed and sleepy. The room felt like removed from time and like no worries ever existed. Your mind starts to finally allow itself to get distracted with thoughts about things you like and enjoy. A show you like, favorite book, a cute animal you saw during the week but didn't have time to interact with... But then your mind slipped to *him*. The demon, that's been living in your head rent-free.
You'd met him in Gehenna during one of battles with angels. Since then you've been thinking about the way he carries himself. The way he talked to you for those brief moments after battle to make sure you're okay. As well as all the other things you've gathered by sneakily asking around and finding out who he is.
You can't help but wonder, what he would do if he walked in this second and saw you like a human sundae, completely naked and only covered by icing. The thoughts of possible outcomes make your body feel hotter than before, but you decide to hold off for now, thinking about your recent purchase you haven't had time to unpack yet due to how busy you were.
Something you didn't know about though, is that a certain purple-haired demon had visited your home. He came over to spend some time, like he usually on Friday would. Today he couldn't find you in your bedroom nor your living room or kitchen. The only other logical place would be bathroom since you were clearly at home.
Foras wanted to respect your boundaries, but he couldn't help himself but to make himself invisible and slip into your bathroom. He told himself, that it's only to play a prank on you to make you think that your house is haunted with a ghost, but even he didn't believe himself that lie.
Upon entering, the pleasant smell hit him as well as the sight of your naked form in a tub of bubbles. Your eyes were closed, but you didn't seem to be sleeping. He could hear your heart beat faster than usually. You were probably thinking about something pleasant as given by your facial expression. Foras wanted to know what or who made you feel that way. Was it maybe him? The two of you had been close since your first visit to Hell. The demon was slowly falling under your spell, but neither of you would admit it to yourself. He was just being friendly. Right?
Foras got startled out of his thoughts by your sudden movement and it took all his self-restraint to not make a startled sound, which would give him away and completely ruin your relationship. Or maybe help it move further?
You'd nearly fallen asleep letting your mind wander, when a chill ran down your spine as if someone was watching you. But how could anyone get past two locked doors - yes, you locked your doors despite living alone. At least ever since some of your demon friends picked up the habit to come over unannounced.
The water has gone cold by now and so you decided to get out, still thinking about *him*. Your excitement only rose when you reminded yourself, that it's time to open that special package.
Wrapping a towel around your body, you'd let the bathtub drain and made your way to get the box that thankfully had a discreet packaging. You didn't need to have your neighbours know what kind of freaky stuff you were into.
Bringing it into your bedroom and opening it to reveal pink wrapping paper cushioning its contents filled you with even more excitement. Pulling out your new prized possession, you weighed it in your hand, wondering if it's as heavy as the real thing. *His * thing. You've picked it out in his signature colors and in a shape you imagine he has.
The reveal of your recent purchase intrigued Foras. You'd once scrolled together as a joke through an e-shop selling similar toys and the instruction manual, which you've completely come to discard in light of the item in your hand, held the same dragon logo. What made you pick this one out of all the options? The color combo seemed to remind him of one of his fellow demons, but he chose to believe the fact, that you liked this one the most from the offered color varieties.
Your mind had once again started to wander, but this time thinking about which way to use your new toy first. Too many ideas and imaginary scenarios popped into your head. The one where you manage to trigger his kink and he completely looses himself. Or that one where your need for demon lust seems to be unquenchable. So many ideas.
Still pondering you walk to your bed, dropping your towel before climbing on the bed. Sitting back to rest your back against your headboard, you've decided that in your current state, even thinking about him would suffice. It's been a rough week after all.
Your hands begin to wander your body, making sure to touch, pinch, caress and pull all the right spots, that make you eager for more. If only he was with you right now.
You imagine it's his hands pulling you slightly down the bed and spreading your legs as far as it is possible. Reaching for the dildo you tease yourself with the tip on your clit, trying to picture how he'd look doing it, bent over you and staring intently to catch every reaction.
Slowly teasing your folds, thinking about how his groans would sound, make your legs shake slightly. Those strong arms of his would surely hold you down to stop you from squirming, but there's nobody to do that now.
Whimpering, you can't help but call his name: “(F/D/N)”
Foras had been enjoying seeing you play with yourself until he heard that name. That damn name, that wasn't his. Why would you say that name when you know you belong to him. You're only his. He's your only friend from day one. He's the one you spend the most time with, so why are you touching yourself and thinking about someone else?
You were starting to really get lost in the cloud of pleasure, when a cloud of royal purple smoke appeared and in its place stood Foras. Before you were able to properly react, he was on top of you, pinning you down.
“How dare you think of another demon while fucking yourself? The only one you should be thinking about is me! You're mine, not his!” he angrily growled really close to your face, his eyes ominously glowing red.
“Foras, what are you doing here?” you tried to say, but it felt as if some invisible force choked you.
“What am I doing? What are you doing? Thinking about another demon while I'm right there!”
“Why are you watching me then?”
“Do you really expect me to look away when you're out here looking so delicious? You looked so tempting in that bathtub, I had to restrain myself from devouring you then and there.” Foras' hands start to roam your body and trying to hit all the spots, you've toyed with before.
You try to struggle, but he's stronger than you and frankly, you don't mind it that much. You've fantasized about Foras many times before, but of course he has to watch one of those times you aren't.
Only now you're able to realise how hard he is and also, that he might be even bigger than the dildo you've bought already thinking is too big to fit into you on first try.
Instead of continuing your struggle, you decide to grind your wet pussy on his boner to maybe make him go easy on you and stop the invisible force from fully choking you to death. It seems to work and you're able to finally take a full breath.
“Nobody's allowed to make you feel good except for me. You're mine and mine alone!” Foras grinds back onto you and matching your rhythm, which has both of you panting.
“Then make me yours.” you put your arms around his neck and pull him closer to you.
Those magical words set things in motion. In a blink of an eye Foras had his pants off and teased your clit with his tip. But that wouldn't last as long as you had done to yourself, since he was growing really needy too. Maybe even more than you. To prove that you're his. To prove that he's yours. And that you only need him.
Without warning he entered you, forcing a breathy shriek out of you. Giving you little time to get used to his size. His head moved to your neck to leave hickeys and bites, which would surely leave bruises to mark his territory. Moving inside you, he was gentle but still forceful.
Your hands moved to his hair and base of his horns. A warning growl resounded from his throat and his thrust sped up. He moved your hands out of his hair, pinned them beside your head and kissed you. The kiss was so full of pent up feelings, you felt like drowning in them for a second until something was pulled over your head. It was his noose.
Foras leaned back to take a good look at you underneath him, holding the long end of the noose like a leash. Your hands were still pinned down by and invisible force. Only now you understood what's happening. He wants to hear you beg for it. Beg for him. Beg forgiveness for thinking about another.
“Tell me, do you think he'd fuck you better than me?” he tightens the noose slightly to be around your neck, but not to choke yet.
“No.” you breath out amidst your moans.
“I didn't catch that, care to repeat it so I can hear it?” the noose gets tighter. It's uncomfortable how the rope digs into your neck, but you can still manage to breath, yet.
“Foras please, nobody can fuck me like you can.”
“Not even him?” he tries to pull you closer by the noose, which only makes it tight enough to start cutting off air.
“No. Nobody can. You're the only one for me. I promise I won't think about him or another one anymore.”
“That's right. You're only mine. Don't forget that.” he finally releases the noose from his grip and you're finally able to take a full breath again. The force holding your wrists down disappears and you try to reach out for him again. This time he doesn't dodge them and allows you to pull him down to you again.
Stroking the base of his horns makes him move his hand to your clit and his other grip your chin.
You're close and he can sense it as well as see it in your eyes.
“Eyes on me as you come. I want you to remember who can make you feel good like no other.” his lidded eyes still glowing red, beam into yours.
“Yes, oh, yes, Foras. You're the only one I need.”
Hearing that pushed Foras over the edge, which in turn triggered your orgasm too. He still rocked a few times before pulling out and laying down next to you, but you still weren't satisfied yet. You reach out to collect some of the milky substance from his horns, which makes him jump a little. It tastes like violets and lavender.
“Now how about you tell me about your week? You seemed to be really busy.” Foras pulls you in for a cuddle session.
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unknownperson246 · 3 months
Why Didn’t You Tell Me? Chapter 2: Sweet Girl
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Words: 872
warnings: *angst* *fluff* *pregnancy* *mentions of drug* *mentions of alcohol* *rehab* *cussing*
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You wake up from your deep sleep from the sedative. Everything is so hazy and sickening to look at. The pains of the withdrawal are becoming more apparent and you feel so nauseous from the pregnancy and from not using your goods. It's been a rough 16 hours for you. You notice that Nikki is still next to you holding on to your hand. He has his head down staring at the floor. You jolt up from your lying position thinking you're in danger. You forgot the place you were in. You wish this was all a dream. You start to freak out and you get up from bed. 
“Fuck Fuck Fuck.” You say as you freak out. 
"Shhh, it's okay Y/N you're safe. It's better for you if you lay down you look pale,” He says worriedly.
“Nikki I can’t do this please just get me out of here.” You plead with him.
“Y/N it's going to be fine. I spoke with the doctors here and they said I could stay here with you.” He says gently.
You realize there is nothing you can do to get out of this place so you give up and lay down back on your bed. 
“Nikki I have a question,” you say softly 
“What is it?” He asks tenderly holding your hand 
“What happens if I don't listen to the doctors?” You say very exhaustedly.
“Why is that even a question?” Nikki says in an upset tone. 
"You'll only hurt yourself and our baby if you don't listen to them,” Nikki says quietly.
A doctor comes into the room and they start to talk to you about how everything is going to work and how rehab will be since you're pregnant. They ask you if you have your phone and they say you have to give it to them. You hand them your Blackberry phone without fighting anyone. Nikki smiles at you for not protesting. 
“Okay the bathroom is right there but it will have a door that doesn't lock.” The male doctor says.
The doctor starts to walk out of your room.  
“Nikki I feel sick and I need to puke,” you say.
Nikki quickly gets up and grabs a bucket from the room.
“Here puke in this,” He says.
You start to heave everything in your stomach. Nikki rubs your back and tries to support you with everything you feel. 
“When will everything be better?” You start to sob.
Nikki doesn't say anything. He can only help you by letting you go through your emotions. He wraps his arms around you. He holds you tenderly in his arms while you sob. He tries so hard for his emotions not to get in the way. He wants to fix everything for you but he can't and that is eating him alive. He rests his chin on your head.
"I'm sorry babe this is my fault. If I had known earlier I could have stopped you from getting into a bad habit,” he says while his tone indicates he is very sad and upset.
"Nikki, it's a girl. Our baby is a girl” you say quietly as you sniffle.
Nikki's face lights up immediately. 
“A girl?” he says as a smile creeps up on his face.
“When did you find out?” Nikki asks curiously.
“A few weeks ago I went to the doctor for an ultrasound and the doctor asked if I wanted to know the baby's gender. I said sure and the doc said it was a girl.”
“Our sweet girl,” Nikki says softly.
He put the palm of his hand on your stomach which was starting to bulge a bit. 
“Our baby is already getting bigger already,” He says with a small smile on his face.
“Nikki, I think after all of this we should just leave this place and move to New York. I hate California”
“I'll think about it,” Nikki says smiling.
The nurse came in accompanying your doctor whose name is Kelly. 
“Hi, I'm Doctor Kelly and I'll be your doctor while you are in rehab. Okay, first things first we have to do an examination. It's protocol and we couldn't do it earlier because you were being uncooperative,” Doctor Kelly says.
“Sorry about that," you mutter.
The nurse and Doctor Kelly bring you and Nikki to an examination room. The doctor has a file in her hand. It says your name on it. 
“Okay, Mrs. Sixx we know that you are three months pregnant is that correct?.” She asks.
“Yes,” you say, avoiding eye contact.
“Okay, first we need to do a physical exam. So we are going to take your height, weight, and blood pressure and then we will move on to other things in a moment.” The doctor says sounding professional. 
“We will also need to make sure the baby is okay if that is okay with you.” She says.
“Sure.” You and Nikki say as you give a smile.
“Is this much nausea normal?” you ask.
“Yeah especially when you're going through withdrawals and the morning sickness.” Doctor Kelly says.
“We also have to take some blood tests to make sure nothing is wrong, is that okay?” She asks you. 
“Yeah,” you reply.
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megalony · 9 months
Sick Day
This is a rather short Evan Buckley imagine based on an anon request. I hope you all like it, I was struggling with what ideas to write today.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@noonenuts@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @topguncultleader @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989
911 Masterlist
Summary: When (Y/n) isn't well, Evan takes the day off to look after her.
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"Come on, as if you have to ask what I'll have," A grin pulled at Evan's lips and he downed the last dregs of coffee before he leaned over and switched the tv off. He didn't know why he turned in on in the first place, probably out of habit because he had only watched five minutes of the news and now it was time to leave.
Evan had the skill of being able to down his first morning coffee in less than three minutes and he needed a coffee to wake himself up, especially on the days when he was driving to work. When he did the early shifts he preferred it when Eddie picked him up on the way so he didn't have to drive. But Eddie was only down for a short shift today and Evan was in for the full twenty four hours. He had to drive so he could get himself home tomorrow.
With his empty cup in one hand and the other holding his phone to his ear, Evan strolled out of the living room towards the kitchen.
Hen had called. She was graciously going on a breakfast run this morning to fuel everyone up and she was ringing round to take orders.
"Yeah, I'll-" Evan cut himself short and lifted his head from looking towards the kitchen to stare at the stairs. He barely placed his cup down on the side when his eyes locked on (Y/n).
He had left her in bed when he came down ten minutes ago. He had dragged himself away from her, planting numerous kisses to her skin before he left and she wasn't at work today. She was on maternity leave and had no reason to be up this early.
That wasn't what worried Evan. It was the way she stumbled down the stairs and swung herself round into the bathroom at the side of the stairs that made him uneasy. He watched her burst into the bathroom, unable to stop and turn the light on before the horrid sound of her throwing up drifted through the apartment and echoed back to Evan.
"I'll call you back in five, I gotta go." He didn't wait for a response before he ended the call, tossed his phone on the side and jogged towards the bathroom. "Babe? Baby, you okay?"
Evan flicked the light on and pushed the door open, leaning his weight onto the door frame as a sigh pushed past his lips. His arms folded over his chest and he watched with a grimace as his wife threw up again.
She had her legs curled beneath her in an awkward sitting position, her feet slumped near the shower mat behind her. And her arms were draped around the back of the toilet with her head slumped forward onto her forearm to stop her head hanging in the toilet. Her upper body was slumped over and a subtle tremble had taken over her frame that was quaking back and forth as she tried to take big, panting breaths.
If Evan didn't know any better he would have thought she had fainted, but her weak groan told him she was still awake.
"Okay baby, come here." He pushed off the door frame and moved to crouch down beside her, arching his knees outwards so his legs were curved around her frame with her in between his thighs. "Talk to me,"
He was careful when he pulled (Y/n) up so he could look at her and he tried to hold her chin between his fingers. But their eyes barely met before (Y/n) pulled her chin out of his grip and bent down again to hurl into the toilet. The back of her throat burned and she coughed, trying her best not to choke as she threw up last night's tea and the little fluids she had drank during the night.
(Y/n) felt pitiful when she cried and gasped for breath, wiping her eyes on her arm but it didn't make her feel any better and she could feel more tears replacing them anyway.
She prayed Evan would have been out the door when she almost fell down the stairs so she didn't throw up on the floor. (Y/n) didn't like Evan seeing her like this, especially not when she was now going to make him late for work. It wasn't fair.
She could feel Evan's lips pressing against her bare shoulder and his hands slowly rubbed up and down her arms. His hum and shushes vibrated against her skin and made her shiver and when Evan pulled her back and let her flop against his chest, she tried to smile and look up at him. They both knew her smile did nothing to calm him down, he raised his brow as if asking if that was all she could manage.
"I-it's all out,"
"That's not exactly comforting, babe." Evan sighed before he leaned his arm over to flush the toilet. He cared a lot that she had thrown up last night's tea because it meant she didn't have anything left in her system. She was eight months pregnant, the last thing she needed was to be getting ill like this. Morning sickness had hit her hard in this pregnancy and she had only just shaken that off two months ago.
If she had some sort of stomach bug or sickness and was throwing up again, they would be back down the road of her getting dehydrated and lacking nutrients and the energy she needed.
"I… I feel a bit better now." (Y/n) dragged her fingers through her hair, pushing the strands away from her face that she turned to tuck into the crook of Evan's neck. She tried to smile into his skin when she felt his hands continue to smooth up and down her arms. "Don't make yourself late, sweetheart, I-"
A little gasp left her lips when Evan tilted her head back and pressed the back of his hand against her forehead. She shivered at the way he clicked his tongue and shook his head at her.
"Don't sweetheart me, you're burning up. You're going back to bed." She was getting a temperature and buttering him up wouldn't make him ignore that.
"I will."
(Y/n) tilted her head back on Evan's shoulder and reached a heavy hand up to cup his cheek. When he only stared down at her with that dark, infectious, if possessive look, (Y/n) could have melted on the spot if she didn't feel so icky and uneasy. She loved that little flicker in his eyes and the way he would curve his lips up at one side in a very dark way as opposed to the usual goofy way he smiled at everyone else.
"I don't doubt that, because I'm gonna stay and make sure you do."
"Evan no, you need to go to work," Something whined at the back of her throat and she dropped her head into the crook of his neck, bringing her hand up to brush his jaw while he kissed the top of her head. Her lips pressed against his neck and she kissed the junction beneath his jaw that acted as a button to make him shudder and curse at her.
She wasn't letting him take another day off to stay home with her. He needed to go to work, he would be taking leave in two weeks anyway in time for when the baby was born. It wasn't fair on him to take time off and be home with her when she was sick, he didn't need to be running round after her.
"Buttering me up won't make a difference, I'm not leaving you like this. Come on, sofa or bed?"
(Y/n) found the strength to loop her arms around Evan's neck and he took the hint, smiling into her temple as she wasn't going to argue this with him and he could feel her resolve melting away. His hands found her hips and he slowly stood up, pulling her with him onto unsteady feet.
When he heard (Y/n) whisper 'bed' quietly under her breath, he turned her around in his arms and pressed his hands against her lower stomach. His lips pressed to the back of her head and his elbows squeezed into her sides to pin her in his embrace. Evan could feel that she was still shaking in his arms and he didn't want to let go and have her stumble or fall.
Deep down they both knew she was in no fit state to stay home alone and mull about the house to try and settle her stomach. And Evan didn't trust her to tell him if she got worse. He needed to stay and look after her and check that she was going to eat and drink without throwing up again. She needed fluids in her system.
There was no way Evan was about to leave when she was in this state, he would ring Bobby soon and tell him he wasn't going in today.
A small smile flooded Evan's face as they started to ascend up the stairs as if they were conjoined. But the smile faded when they got halfway up and (Y/n) suddenly stopped. Evan's knees bumped into the back of her thighs and he jolted to a stop as (Y/n) clamped her hands down on his wrists as her knees buckled.
"Going dizzy,"
(Y/n) snapped her eyes closed and tilted her chin down into her chest to try and relieve the air bubbling up in her head. She felt like all the blood was draining from her head and static burst in her ears.
"Okay, okay down we go baby."
Slowly, Evan lowered them both down until he was kneeling on the step below and eased (Y/n) down with him until she was awkwardly bent in front of him with her back leant up against his chest. His chin perched on her shoulder so he could kiss her cheek as he moved his arms around.
An arm stayed around her lower waist and he shifted his right arm beneath her legs, coiling his wife into his chest before he slowly stood up. He didn't give (Y/n) time to panic or tell him she was too heavy or it was too dangerous to pick her up on the middle of the stairs. He held her up in his arms and walked up the rest of the stairs towards the bedroom.
He bent his knees in front of the bed and carefully eased (Y/n) down, biting his lip when (Y/n) wavered and flopped forward. Her head pressed into his lower abdomen and her hands clutched at his thighs as she groaned into his stomach. Evan curled his hand over the back of her neck and leaned down to kiss her head.
"I'm definitely not going in today. Think you can lay down for me while I go call Bobby?"
Evan brushed his thumb across her jaw and kissed her forehead when she dropped down properly onto the bed and curled up on her side. Her eyes were already closed and she buried her face in the pillow, looking like she was half dazed, on the verge of sleep.
(Y/n) tiredly nuzzled her face into Evan's chest, burying her face into his hoodie as she wedged herself further into his side. Her arm moved to drape over his middle while she felt Evan's arm tighten around her side. His large hand splayed out on her stomach and he grinned when he slipped his cold hand beneath her shirt and felt her squirm and gasp into his chest.
"What time is it?" She grumbled quietly, brushing her nose into the ruffle of his jumper.
"Half one. Are you gonna try and eat something?" Evan scratched the back of his head, pushing back on his arm that was pinned between his head and the headrest. He ruffled the hood on his hoodie and dragged it down from covering his head.
"Hm," She wasn't hungry but she knew Evan would start to start to fuss like a mother hen and panic if she didn't eat anything soon. She hadn't eaten yet, she was letting her stomach settle after being sick this morning. Most of the day had been spent in bed with Evan watching tv and (Y/n) sleeping.
"Good," He kissed the top of her head before he slowly eased from beneath her and sat up, stretching his arms above his head.
He had managed to get (Y/n) to drink two glasses of juice so far and that was an achievement.
When Evan headed downstairs, (Y/n) slowly sat up and clicked her spine into place. She felt better than this morning when she stood up and pulled evan's shirt back down so it covered her thighs since she wasn't wearing bottoms.
Her lips curved into a tired smile and she looked across to the kitchen as she headed down stairs. Evan was wearing matching grey joggers and a hoodie but it was an old one, it looked like it barely fit him now and every time he moved an arm, he flexed a bicep. His hair was ruffled with curls standing up on end in each direction and the way he parted his lips just a little when he was concentrating looked sweet.
"What are you doing?"
She didn't realise she had been staring until she looked up and Evan was staring at her. He had raised brows and a smirk as he pushed a glass of juice across the counter towards her.
"I thought we were eating?" Her eyes fell to the counter and she grabbed the stool, trying to be graceful but she knew she didn't look it when she slowly eased herself up onto the stool.
"Yes, but you should be resting."
"I am, I'm sat down,"
When Evan passed her to go to the fridge, (Y/n) reached her arms out and curved them around Evan's arm so she could reel him into her chest. He turned round, a look of surprise on his face but he wasn't complaining. He cupped her face and tilted her head up, brushing his thumbs near her lips before he leaned down to kiss her. She felt his teeth nip at her lower lip and she smiled, grazing her fingers against his neck to make him growl.
"You're still burning up," He commented quietly as he pressed a kiss to her temple. "Come on, baby." Evan helped her down from the stool and reached over for the plates he had gotten ready.
(Y/n) cosied herself up into Evan's side when they sat down on the sofa for a change. Her arm curled around his bicep and she leaned her cheek against his upper arm, staring down at the sandwich on her plate. She didn't feel so hungry now she was looking at food. Her stomach was churning at the sight of food and she could feel her throat tightening, but she needed to try.
She was only going to make herself feel worse if she didn't eat anything and she needed to try and look after her and the baby.
"You okay?" Evan had demolished most of his sandwich while (Y/n) seemed to have taken one bite of hers which she was staring at woefully.
"I'm not hungry,"
"Can you eat half of it, please? For me?" Concern dripped from Evan's voice as he looked down at (Y/n) and kissed the top of her head. If she had just a few more bites he would feel better. At this rate, Evan knew he was going to be taking tomorrow off as well if (Y/n) was still like this. He wasn't going back to work if she couldn't eat and wasn't drinking enough.
A small groan burned at the back of (Y/n)'s throat and she put the plate down on the coffee table before she tucked herself back into Evan's side. He could feel her trying to take steady breaths that fanned through his sleeve. She had eaten about four bites of her sandwich which was something, but it still wasn't good.
"Stay there a minute," Evan jogged off to the kitchen and when he returned, he handed her a milkshake. "Try one of my protein shakes. I'd feel a lot better if you could keep something like this down."
Evan and Eddie had a lot of protein shakes at the station in case they didn't have much time for food or if they felt run down. They were great for helping when they were training in the gym and on days off. Evan would stop worrying so much if (Y/n) managed to drink one and keep it down because it was full of vitamins and proteins and it was as good as a blended smoothie. It would mean she had something in her and it would stop her from feeling so run down and sick.
"Thank you," He spoke quietly against the top of her head when (Y/n) finished the drink.
He propped his feet up on the coffee table and slouched down and a grin spread across Evan's lips when he felt (Y/n) moving his hand. She curved his arm so it was draped across her chest with his palm pressed against her lower stomach. Her head tucked up against his arm and she could feel adrenaline coursing through her stomach when Evan slowly began to glide his hand up and down her stomach.
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rubyreduji · 2 years
weave your little webs of opacity — hvc
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summary: vernon hates keeping secrets from you, but it's kind of inevitable when he's leading a double life
tags: fluff, spiderman!au, roommate!au, gn!reader wc: 3.4k an: yall can’t tell me this man doesn’t have spiderman energy like his the spiderboy
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“Shit, shit, shit,” Vernon curses as he glides through the skies of New York. This is the third time this week he’s going to be late to dinner and his roommate is going to absolutely annihilate him for it. Even though it’s not his fault that some guy tried to start a fight in the street.
Vernon loves helping people, he loves being Spiderman, but he does not love the consequences it comes with. The thing is it’s not even the consequences of leading a second life or constantly being in a state of beat and bruised, no its the consequences of his roommate. If he was being honest Vernon is more afraid of you beating him up than any New York thug or random villain he comes in contact with.
A sigh of relief escapes Vernon’s lips as his apartment comes into view. He lands on the fire escape before quickly slipping into his open window. You guys live in a pretty discrete area of town which Vernon is thankful for.
Vernon doesn’t get a moment of peace though because before he can even change out of his suit you’re banging on his door, loud enough to disturb the neighbors. “HANSOL VERNON CHWE IF YOU DON’T COME OUT AND EAT DINNER RIGHT NOW I’M BUSTING THIS DOOR DOWN AND DRAGGING YOU OUT HERE BY YOUR HAIR!”
Strangely enough you seem to be in a good mood.
Another thing Vernon is lucky for is the fact he’s a frequent fire escape user. It’s rare for him to use the front door to enter the apartment, so it’s never strange for him to emerge from his room without you even hearing him come in. It’s another way he can pretend he’s been home for longer than he actually has, as well.
“Give me a minute!” He shouts back as he quickly changes clothes. He grabs a couple of wet wipes off his desk and does his best to clean up without having to walk out of his room to the bathroom. 
Right as Vernon opens his door your fist is about to connect with it again, nearly hitting Vernon in his nose. He quickly grabs your wrist and pulls it away from his face.
“Took you long enough,” you scoff before pulling away and walking to the kitchen table. “What have you even been doing in there?”
“I have a lot of classwork and I had my headphones on, I’m sorry, I’ll be more considerate next time,” Vernon promises as he sits down at the table.
“You better be. The pasta is getting cold.”
You two eat in relative silence, more focused on stuffing your faces than making conversation. You have the TV playing in the background, a habit you picked up from your dad, and Vernon glances over to see the local news.
“Oh fuck,” he curses, fork dropping onto his plate. 
“What?” You turn in your seat to look at the TV.
Playing on the screen is a clip of Spiderman, of him, from earlier today after he stopped a robbery in a convenience store.
“S-sorry, I just wasn’t uhm, wasn’t expecting to see a robbery so close to our apartment. People these days huh.”
“Yeah…we’ll have to start locking our windows, and by we, I mean you. You know I don’t like when you come in through the fire escape,” you chide. Okay Vernon can admit he walked into that one. “You know for all the popularity he’s gained, that Spiderman guy is still quite a mess.”
“What? It’s true! He’s kind of sloppy, and look at his supposed supersuit, it’s weak. Not to mention with such mixed opinions on him it’s created conflict in the city.”
“Well what are…your opinions on Spiderman?”
“He’s…fine. He cleans up the minor crime in the streets which is nice, but he also seems to be making more problems. First off he’s so showy, everyone knows who he is, it’s like he’s planting a target on his own back. Then there’s the news coverage, you can’t watch the daily news without some kind of Spiderman issue. Don’t you think he’s a little bit cocky as well? Doing all those flashy tricks and thinking he can save the whole city by himself. It’s a little pretentious.”
If Vernon was being honest he was expecting you to be neutral on the situation, not negative. His roommate, his best friend, thinks he’s pretentious. You also made fun of his costume which like hey he knows it’s not great but he made it himself and he’s proud of it.
“I don’t think he’s that bad,” Vernon defends, “he’s just doing his best to do his part. If you had super powers would you not use them for good?”
“Didn’t know you were such a Spiderman fan there Nonie. Sorry for talking about your guy crush like that,” you tease. “Anyways, I don’t think I could have any superpower that would be more helpful than the one I have up here.” You tap at your skull. Of course. You’re hands down the smartest person Vernon knows, skilled with technology and science and math and everything Vernon is not.
The rest of your dinner goes by without any more talk of Spiderman, to the relief of Vernon. The previous conversation sticks with Vernon though, your words floating around in his brain as he lays down to sleep. He wonders if you would like Spiderman if you knew it was him, or if you would still like him if you knew he was Spiderman.
“Help! Someone please help!”
Vernon zips through the buildings as he follows the faint screams. His day has been fairly tame, not much crime to stop, until now that is. He comes upon the alley the screaming is coming from. 
A girl is being backed into a corner by two men as another one is being held down by a big burly guy. The men have knives on them, it seems like they’re trying to mug the girls. Of course, typical day in New York.
“Hey! Why don’t you try and pick on someone your own size.” He shoots a web out at the biggest guy, pulling him off the girl he has pinned down. He throws him across the alley, slamming him into the wall. 
“Aw look, the little spidey boy came to save the girl. How sweet,” one of the guys drawls, venom seeping from his tone. “We’d like to see you try.”
“Oh I’ll do more than just try,” Vernon says before shooting around another web. It hits short of the guy and he laughs, staring at it up above his head. Unfortunately for him, while distracted, he doesn’t notice the way Vernon is swinging in to kick him right into the wall. He hits the brick with a loud thud and a groan.
Two down, one more to go.
The final guy takes a swing at him with his knife, but Vernon’s senses are too good as he jumps out of the way. That doesn’t stop him though, and he lunges at Vernon, this time catching him by the arm. Vernon’s senses may be good, but he’s still a bit new to this superhero thing.
The two struggle on the ground, throwing punches at each other. At one point the man’s knife nicks Vernon across the face and he hisses. Over all of the tussling and playing around, Vernon grabs the man by his neck and squeezes a bit before using all his strength to throw the man into the wall. He too hits with a grunt. He staggers to his feet before calling to the other men. The three take off claiming it’s not worth it anymore.
“Thank you Spiderman! Wow you really are special!” The two girls run up to his side, grabbing at his arms.
“Nothing too special ladies, just doing my job. Allow me to walk you two home as well, as it’s getting dark.”
“You’re such a gentleman!” The two squeal.
“Anything to keep the city safe.”
Vernon walks with the two down the streets, catching a few glances. The two girls seem giddy, giggling a bit to themselves. During the walk he learns their names are Cherry and Samantha and they’re both his age. Finally the three come up to an apartment building and they stop outside.
“Once again thank you Spiderman, you really saved us.”
“No problem ladies. Now if you ever have a problem again, just call.” With a wink Vernon shoots a web and swings off, leaving the two to squeal to themselves.
A sense of accomplishment sits in Vernon’s chest as he climbs through his window. It’s not that late either. He quickly changes into his day clothes before heading into the living room.
“Y/N? You home?”
“Yeah I’m in here!” You call from your own room, the door cracked.
Vernon heads in that direction, opening the door fully. “Whatcha up to?”
You look up from your desk only to gasp. “Vernon, what happened to your face.” You quickly stand to greet Vernon, your thumb reaching up to brush against his cheek. He hisses a bit and pulls back, your thumb coming away red with blood.
Right. The muggar’s knife.
“Oh I uh, fell skateboarding earlier. Forgot about it, but a rock must have cut me up. You know me, clumsy as ever.”
You look a bit skeptical but don’t mention it. “Well let me help patch you up. Go sit.”
Vernon, not one to disobey you, goes to take his seat at the kitchen table. You come back with the first aid kit before sitting down yourself. You take the time to alcohol wipe the cut before applying some ointment and then placing the bandage. Vernon ignores the way his heart speeds up.
Okay, here’s the deal, Vernon wouldn’t say he a crush on you…but there is some kind of attraction. You’re smart and kind and talented and know how to make the best home cooked meals ever so of course he may harbor some less than platonic feelings for you. BUT he’s not going to do anything about it. You guys are best friends and roommates and he’s not going to ruin that just because you patch up his boo-boos every once in a while.
When you finish up you start to pack everything back away in the first aid kit. “Hey skater boy it’s your turn to make dinner. Let’s watch a movie while he eat today, yeah?”
Yeah, there’s no way Vernon is going to ruin this just because of his stupid feelings.
Vernon really needs to work on his time management. He’s late for dinner, again. How does this keep happening? It’s even worse because it’s his night to make dinner too.
The thing is he’s not even late because of Spiderman things today. He’s late because he was studying at the library for his next test and now he’s going to have to deal with not knowing the material and not having a fed roommate.
He’s quickly crawls into his window, out of breath. He turns on his desk lamp only to jump out of his shoes. You’re sitting on his bed, bouncing your leg.
“Jesus Y/N what are you doing?”
“What am I doing? I should be asking you what you’re doing…Spiderman.”
Vernon stops in his tracks. “W-what?” Curse his voice crack.
“I’m not an idiot Vernon, you should know that.” Of course he should. You’re the smartest person he knows. “Coming home late. Random cuts and bruises. Being gone whenever Spiderman is in action. Having the same mannerisms and voice. Spiderman wearing the same sneakers you do. Not to mention I saw part of your costume in your laundry when I was switching it over so I could use the washer.” 
How did Vernon ever think he could fool you? Of course you figured him out. You’re Y/N L/N. Who was he to think he could even fool you.
Vernon just sighs and pushes his hair back. “So…what now?”
“I should be asking you that. You’re Spiderman.” 
“You think I’m pretentious and sloppy,” Vernon blurts out. It’s been on his mind since the conversation that night. He doesn’t get why it bothers him so much, maybe because it’s you.
“Yes I did. I had a suspicion you were Spiderman at the time, I wanted to see how you reacted. Not to mention I do think Spiderman is a bit pretentious and sloppy. You’re new to the hero thing, I get it, but you could use some major upgrades,” you tell Vernon.
“Oh I could? And…you could make that happen?”
“Of course. You underestimate me Chwe.” You stand and leave Vernon’s room, giving him no choice but to follow you. “I wasn’t lying when I said I found Spiderman sloppy, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t take an interest. You know me, you know I love to use my mind when I can.”
You lead Vernon to your room where you boot up your large PC and monitor setup. You click through a couple of files until you give one final tap and a few windows pop up on your screen. The foremost one is a design. A spidersuit design. 
The design is a lot more advanced than what he’s wearing now. Well what he’s wearing now is just a pair of joggers, a long sleeve compression shirt, and his homemade mask so yeah it’s not great. The design is cohesive. It looks to be made out of spandex or some kind of tight stretchy material. It’s an all black suit with thin white spindles on it, resembling spider legs. A big red spider sits at the center of the chest part and red accents surround the large white eye pieces and the feet and fingers of the suit, almost like they’re spray painted on.
“You made this?” Vernon looks between you and the screen.
“Of course. It’s only a prototype.”
That’s something that will never not amaze Vernon. You’re so intelligent and you don’t even bat an eye at it. You don’t stay on the spidersuit though, you keep talking about technology and spreadsheets and lots of things Vernon would only somewhat understand if you had half the brain you do.
Vernon doesn’t know how to respond to any of it other than, “You…you wanna be my computer guy?”
“When you- what?”
“You wanna be my computer guy? I thought you…didn’t like Spiderman.”
“I don’t like Spiderman, but I like you.” You stand up from your desk. “So if you’re Spiderman…I think I can make an exception.”
“You really care about me that much?”
“Are you stupid? Of course. You’re my best friend and I care about you and if you are committed to this superhero thing then I want to make sure you’re gonna be at your best. So, will you let me help?”
“Of course! I- I’m going to be the best superhero ever.”
“Hey and even if you’re doing this superhero thing…you still gotta make dinner.”
Vernon grins. He’s glad that no matter what, you won’t change. “Deal.” He sticks his hand out and you grab it and shake his hand.
“Speaking of which…that’s your job tonight.” You wink at him and he can’t even complain, making his way to the kitchen to make dinner.
It’s been a few weeks since you discovered Vernon’s secret and if he was being honest, things couldn’t be better. The supersuit has not only proved to be useful in many ways but it’s also upped his credibility with the authorities.
You’ve also proven to be more than amazing as his tech guy. You not only update Vernon on the crime in the area but you also keep him safer than he could on his own. You also keep him company through your communication device when he’s got nothing to do on patrol.
“There seems to be a disruption a few blocks away from you. A girl seems to be getting harassed by a couple of drunk guys.”
“On it.” Vernon jumps off the roof he’s on and starts to swing in the direction you tell him.
On the street two drunk guys seem to be harassing a girl who’s trying to fight them off, pushing past them and telling them to leave her alone. Vernon flies in and quickly binds the two together by his webs. An easy fix for a minor problem.
When the two men are under control Vernon looks to check on the girl, only to see its the same girl from a few weeks ago.
“Oh Spiderman! You saved me again! Thank you so much!”
“Well you seem to be an everyday damsel in distress. Cherry, right?”
“Uhm yes. Wow, I can't believe Spiderman remembered my name.” Vernon notices the light blush spreading across her cheeks.
“Here, lemme walk you home again.”
Cherry is quick to grab onto Vernon’s arm as he guides her back to her apartment. She makes idle chatter with him, even complimenting his new spidersuit. Once again when they get to her apartment they stop outside.
“Thank you so much for saving me. And walking me home.”
“Of course. Just doing my job, keeping the city safe.”
“You know…this is kind of embarrassing to admit but you’re kind of my celebrity crush.”
“I know it’s silly but c’mon you’re Spiderman! You’re cool and nice and you’ve saved me twice now. So just know that if you’re ever free on a Friday night, I will be too. You know where to find me. Have a good night Spiderman!” With that Cherry presses a quick kiss on Vernon’s cheek before running into her apartment building.
Vernon’s not sure how to react. Sure he’s aware that people have crushes on Spiderman but no one’s ever been bold enough to make a move. The kiss and Cherry’s words stick in Vernon’s mind as he heads back home.
It’s quiet when he climbs in his window and he wonders what you’re up to, no word from you since the tip about Cherry. Vernon changes and cleans up before heading into the kitchen. There’s still no sight of you and Vernon frowns, heading towards your room.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” He gently pushes the door open to see you sitting at your desk, staring at the surveillance cams. “Y/N?”
“What?” You spit out.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“If you’re going to mess around and flirt with girls and whatever you want to do, maybe you shouldn’t be Spiderman. When you decided to help the city you took on a responsibility but if you’re not going to take it seriously and use it as a way to pick up girls then forget me trying to help,” you tell him.
“W-what? Is this about Cherry?”
“‘Oh Spiderman you’re so strong and handsome. You saved me. Please go out with me.’ Don’t act like you weren’t loving it.”
“Where is this coming from? I was just being nice, it’s not my fault she decided to confess to me.”
“She doesn’t even know you! She just cares that you’re Spiderman, she doesn’t know you. You’re Vernon, you like Avril Lavigne and skate boarding and cheeseburgers and for some reason you love Star Wars in the most geeky way ever. You’re allergic to peanuts and like cool shoes and everyone who likes you just because you’re Spiderman are superficial and lame because I like you just for being Vernon Chwe.” 
It takes Vernon a second to process what you’re saying. It’s nothing near what he was expecting but it still makes his insides warm nonetheless. “You- you like me?”
“Shut up! Yes!” You shout in frustration. “I don’t put in this much effort for everyone, stupid. And I get you don’t like me back but I’m just saying don’t settle for people who like you just because you’re Spiderman because you’re a lot more than that.”
“Woah, woah, wait. Y/N, hey.” Vernon grabs your shoulders to get your attention. “It’s your turn to shut up now. Who said I didn’t like you back. Dude I’ve liked you for like…over a year now.” You stare at him a bit incredulously. 
“Why didn’t you say anything asshole!” You shove his shoulder.
“I wasn’t going to mess up our friendship!” Vernon defends himself.
You scoff, “Like I would let that happen. Be real Vernon.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” He goes quiet for a moment before continuing, “So…is this when we kiss or?”
“Oh my god you’re so lame!” You laugh. “Who knew Spiderman had zero game.”
“What happened to I’m more than just Spiderman?”
“Oh my god just come here,” you mutter before you pull Vernon into you. Vernon smiles against your lips and feels you smile back as well. He thinks that if this is his superhero story, you’re the best ending he could get.
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agentwhalesong · 4 months
One Step At A Time
Words: 1,484
Rating: not sure; contains adult topics, so Mature?
ao3 link
(Tagging @today-in-fic)
She’d only given in because she was lonely.
Their relationship was weird these days; conversation was never an option. It was just sex, rough sex, against the wall, onto office tables or bent over the back of his couch. Their couch. No, his couch. Her mind used to discern things better when there was only anger in the air, when he wouldn’t accept a single touch of her hand on his. She couldn’t even tell when that anger turned into some sort of addictive lust or who started it all, but now here they were, in a limbo of loveless, hot sex whenever they saw each other.
Was it really loveless though?
His arms around her stomach as he kept on spooning her didn’t indicate so.
Maybe he just forgot they shouldn’t be like this, that two months ago she had built a wall between them by saying ‘no more’ as she rolled her skirt back down her legs and hid her tears.
So yes, she’d only given in this time because she was lonely, not because they had never fallen out of love with each other, even in their darkest days.
She wasn’t supposed to have stayed though. This road was headed to mess town and she wasn’t ready for mess yet. What she didn’t realize — at least not completely — was that she’d long arrived in mess town and was almost a permanent citizen.
Her hand was still over his, stroking it absentmindedly as thoughts ran through her mind at warping speed. Old habits die hard; some old habits never truly die.
Slowly, she unwrapped herself from his arms, not sure if he had woken or not. It didn’t matter anyway.
She picked up her clothes and walked to the bathroom they had once shared, but that she was seeing for the first time in more than a year. As she closed the door behind her, her heart stopped. Her old toothbrush, the one she had forgotten to take when she moved out, was right there in the toothbrush holder, as if untouched.
What was she supposed to think of it? He couldn’t possibly not have seen it. It was next to his, next to the tube of toothpaste squeezed right in the middle — something she had never been able to change in him. Maybe that was the problem, she had tried to change him too much.
She sighed. All these emotions didn’t belong here, in her mind, in his house, in their house, in her more-than-one-year-old toothbrush. Why now? Why had she given in?
It had been the first time they had actually talked; it was why she had given in. It hadn’t been small talk that always led to sex for some unexplained reason. It had been a simple, but meaningful conversation about life and losing time and getting old that had dissolved all of her determination and made her take his hand and follow him upstairs.
“Scully, are you okay in there?” came his muffled voice from outside the bathroom.
It was only then that she realized she had been staring at their toothbrushes for many more minutes than she should have.
She opened her mouth to say ‘yes, I’m fine’, but what got out was completely different.
“Why is my toothbrush still here?”
She heard him sigh, but he didn’t speak.
He didn’t want to answer, that was fine. Why should he? Why had she asked that stupid question anyway? Maybe it wasn’t even her toothbrush, but somebody else’s. Truth was that she didn’t know if there was somebody else. She never thought to ask.
“Can I come in?” he finally asked.
Her reply came in a whisper, but he heard her.
Although she didn’t turn around when he entered, their eyes locked through the mirror.
“I wasn’t expecting you would see it,” he said quietly. “I left it there as a reminder.”
“A reminder?”
“That you left. At the time I just needed to feed my anger and that was the only thing you didn’t take with you. I used to look at it and curse myself, sometimes curse you.”
She averted her gaze to her own reflection, saw her own eyes watering as her heart raced and ached. He continued.
“I threw it away once, that time when you came to check on me and we had sex for the first time before… this, whatever this is, started. I was angry that you seemed to regret what we’d just done, so I threw it in the trash can. I picked it up again a couple of hours later, though.”
“Why?” she asked, not hiding her tears anymore and looking at his eyes through the mirror again. “If this is so painful to you, why do you keep on holding on?”
She knew the question wasn’t about him and her toothbrush, but about him and her, about their inability to let each other go for good. He knew it too.
“Because at some point it stopped hurting. It became hope.”
His words hit deep, crushing her facade at once.
“Damn you, Mulder! You need to stop doing this to me!”
Her exclamation, although said in a low voice, made her body react. She lowered her head, supported herself with her hands on the sink, allowed herself to weep.
She felt his hands gently grab her hair from around her neck and turn it into a sort of low ponytail, before letting it fall on her back, away from her tears.
“I’m sorry I made you break your promise of not sleeping with me again. I’ll leave you alone from now on.” He turned around, but she couldn’t let him go.
“Please, don’t.”
He stopped by the door, turned his body only half around, while she turned completely and walked to him.
Her arms went around his waist so quickly that it took him a while to hug her back. But when he did, it felt like nothing else mattered.
She couldn’t say how long they just stood there in that position or when her tears subsided. She just knew that at some point he whispered against her hair, uncomplicated words for a complex relationship.
 “Let’s just go to bed and pretend it’s like old times”.
She let herself be carried and then cuddled, despite her mind shouting that she should just go home. They had sex once more — a first since chaos started to reign — and that made it incredibly difficult to obey the voices in her head.
She ended up staying through the night because, in the end, they weren’t pretending it was like old times. For once, they were in the present, not trying to retrieve what had been lost. They were the Scully and Mulder who didn’t know exactly how to deal with everything, but also the Scully and Mulder who were at least trying — no matter how unconventional their way of trying was.
She woke up before him the following morning, and when he opened his eyes she was already half dressed. His hoarse voice was what made her look over her shoulder and then turn to face him.
“I thought you were going to stay at least for breakfast”
She shook her head slightly.
“That is not who we are anymore, is it?”
He shook his head slightly also, and then closed his eyes. If falling asleep again or just lost in thoughts, she couldn’t tell.
She was already putting on her shoes when he suddenly broke the silence.
“Who are we now?”
She sighed, not sure what to say, and then sat on a spot beside him on the bed.
“I think we are trying to figure that out.”
She wanted to tell him all the feelings that were stirring her insides, that last night had been sweet and sad and something else, maybe a sparkle of forgiveness from both sides. Instead, she just put her hand over his and stroked it a little, wordlessly.
Then she stood up and headed for the door, already expecting the tears that usually came with the silent goodbyes.
She turned around, somewhat afraid of what he was about to say. But fear turned into tenderness as he spoke.
“You look beautiful.”
She smiled in spite of herself, the first smile while with him in the past year or so. He smiled back, melting a little more of the ice on that wall of hers.
Without another word, she made her way out of the bedroom and then out of the house. She was already in her car when she realized — the tears she was expecting never came.
Maybe she would call him one of these days. Maybe they would talk again. Maybe they would become something similar to what they had once been. For now, she only held on to the smile on his face and his heartwarming words. One step at a time.
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Other ways they say "I love you"
///Magishift Club Edition///
Characters: Leona, Ruggie, Epel
Tags: Gendernetrual pronouns, Can be read as Selfinsert/Prefect/yuu/Twstsona, Pronouns used are only "you" ,
Tw / Cw : Implied relationship but you can read as pre-established, Food talk in ruggie's but only pizza mentioned by name, Reader/Prefect/Yuu is able to drive,
A/N: this is my first time writing like this. If I missed a TW tag please please PLEASE tell me. I am working on more of these with other characters. I wrote all of this for Leona and Sebek's, but it spiraled into more.
711 words | Not betaread | Quickly edited | tell me if i made mistakes
Writing undercut
“Pull over. Let me drive for awhile”
I think that regardless if youre Male, Female, or anything else Leona would still take a “protector” role. I think it's just how he is, not just because he’s a lion. I feel like his love language is protecting/providing. So making sure your fridge is stocked, You have a nice blanket for winter, and getting you a fan for the summer heat is more his style than verbalizing it.
I have this HC that he would pretend to get up before you both go to sleep to get water/ go to the bathroom but he’s really checking all your doors and windows to make sure they’re locked.
I think that the protective, caring side would lead him to prefer driving while you rest. It’s not a matter of thinking you’re a bad driver or not trusting you, it's a simple matter of wanting to do something for you.
“Watch your step”
He probably likes watching people eat pavement so I think its just a simple matter of not wanting you to get hurt.
He definitely holds the door open for you. Again regardless of your gender, he does this. You can be 3x his size he is still doing this.
“I’ll walk you home.”
A classic. Really this could go for all the boys but I can see Epel doing this clearly. He lives in the country on acres of land, surrounded by miles of trees. As someone who lives near the country, I can say It gets DARK at night. the street lights are normally a bit far apart and because there is less light pollution there isnt really any extra light. Trust me its not fun to walk alone. So having someone walk you home is super normal and more less expected.
Felmier family Headcanon: If Epel’s Grandma was out at someone else’s house his grandpa would go over to where she was when it got late so they could go home together, chatting and laughing as they walk. Epel’s parents carried this tradition on even doing it to Epel when he’d stay out late.
Even though you’re both at NRC and there is much more light at night, its no longer about comfort of someone walking with you and more about walking together. Just like his grandpa, Epel loves the time spent walking you to your dorm. The jokes and stories you too share. Just going over what your plan for the week is. It’s one of his favorite parts.
“It’s not heavy. I’m stronger than I look.”
You don't work on a farm for your whole life and not have upper body strength, Okay. I think kinda like Leona, Epel is a provider or wants to be. So being able to help you AND show off his muscles is not a chance he will pass up.
“I saved a piece for you.”
“Try some.”
Okay, so both of these have to do with food and it's not anything you haven't heard before BUT hear me out.
IRL when you don’t always have access to food, Going out of your way to share your food and enjoy it with another is something special. But going out of your way to save food for someone is normally reserved for family. If you have extra to give, give to your neighbor. But when you don't have that extra, everything is for family.
Even if Ruggie is no longer worrying about food, those habits die hard. When he saves a slice of pizza for you just because he thinks you will enjoy it, it means something more than just making sure you’ve eaten. He knows you’ve eaten, there is food in the cafeteria, and in your dorm, and he even knows Sam would give you freebies if you didn't have food. So it's more about just sharing it with you. The experience of eating together so to speak.
I do think there is an aspect of it being about making sure someone he cares for has a full belly. Him wanting to make sure you never go to bed hungry or have to worry about food. I don’t think it would be his main love language but food is definitely one of his ways to show he cares.
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I don't think I wrote Ruggie's part right. And I think I could have done better in Epel's part but I really like this series. It's a little hard sometimes for me to find my wording. This is a problem I deal with IRL too so I hope yall understood what I was saying. I'm trying yall.
I really like this series idea and I already have the basketball club version drafted I just have to edit it. So expect that at some point.
Anyway, Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. this was my first time writing this style. As always feel free to send asks and questions to me!!
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makeitmingi · 1 year
Cause Baby You're My Muse [Chapter 27]
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Genre: Romance, Idol!AU, Music, Slight angst
Pairing: Mingi x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Producer!Reader, IdolLyricist!Mingi, IdolProducer!Hongjoong, Idol!Seonghwa, Idol!Yunho, Idol!Wooyoung, Idol!San, Idol!Yeosang, Idol!Jongho, cameo(s) by other celebrities
Summary: You always preferred producing underground, having an unknown face and governed by your own rules. But when you start freelancing for idol groups, you say goodbye to your lone wolf lifestyle as you learn to work with idol producers and lyricists.
Word count: 3.2K
Warning(s): Reader skips meals because she's stressed
You entered the recording studio, turning on the lights and air conditioning. There was no one else around. You were excited, unable to sleep so you decided to come in early to set up. Mingi wasn't able to spend the night with you but he did message you his concerns about you not sleeping.
"Indigo? You're here early." Maddox poked his head in, his eyes wide as you set up your computer.
"So are you."
"That's assuming I just came to the studio." He yawned. That's when it clicked, Maddox hadn't gone home yet. The two of you burst out laughing in realisation.
"Are you that excited to record?" Maddox raised a judgemental eyebrow at you.
"So what if I am?" You scoffed, crossing your arms. He snickered, holding his hands up defensively, he didn't mean any offense.
"Ah, just go home already! Sleep! If Eden catches you, he's going to nag at you again." You waved him off.
"Yes, ma'am. Have fun with the sesh later." He saluted lazily and closed the door to take his leave. You guessed being night owls was just a habit of producers.
'Morning, baby. I hope you were able to get a but of sleep since we'll be working the whole day. I just woke up. It's quite early... Hongjoong hyung asked if you would like our manager to swing by and pick you on the way to the studio. - Mings'
'Uhhh, well... About that... *Photo attachment* - Indigo'
"Mingi said you're at the studio already?! Do you have any idea how early it is, Indi?"
"Yeah, I guess I was a little excited and couldn't sleep so I decided to come in early." You sighed, rubbing the back of your neck, even if Hongjoong couldn't see you.
"Wow... Seriously... We should put a time lock at the KQ entrance, 'No Indigo is permitted to enter from 11pm to 9am."
"Sure, I'll agree to those rules when they do the same for you. Have a 'no Hongjoong from this time to this time'." You retorted. Hongjoong kept quiet, knowing you were right that he works late just like you. All the producers at some point would stay late or even work through the night. It was part of the job.
"She got you there, hyung."
"What are you even doing here?! Eavesdropping on my phone call? Get out!"
"You're so mean to the younger ones, Joong. Anyway, now that you guys know I'm here, you can hurry up and get your butts here to start the recording session." You said.
"Yeah, right. Yunho's still in bed. At this point, I just hope we're not late- Wooyoung! Get out of the bathroom and let Jongho wash up!"
"Seems like you got your hands full. I'll see you later, Joong." You chuckled, pulling the phone away from your ear when he was yelling at the members.
"Yes, get something to eat in the mean ti- San ah! Please go comb your hair!"
You hung up with a laugh as Hongjoong was yelling another member. Even in the morning, it was so chaotic at the dorm. You put your headphones on as you leaned back in the chair, listening to some music while you drank your coffee.
"Indigo, you're here already? And I thought I was early." Eden said, standing there in surprise. You removed your headphones and stood up, bowing your head.
"I think I was a little too excited about today." You chuckled in embarrassment.
"It's okay. Being excited is good, especially since this is the first time you're doing this." He laughed, sitting down beside you.
"I'll just be here to guide and give advice if you need it. You're the boss today. Also, I'll need to leave before lunch to work with Xikers' producers for their concert." Eden informed.
"Sure thing. Looking forward to working together today." You giggled and sat down.
After setting up and making sure the equipment was all working, the Ateez members came in. They all bowed, greeting you and Eden, some even coming up to hug the two of you. You giggled as Wooyoung clung to you tiredly while you rubbed his back comfortingly until Yunho pulled him back.
"Okay, I'm just here to help and guide Indigo since it's her first time recording with all of you. But she's the boss today, so be good and listen to her instructions." Eden said.
"Yes, hyung!" The 8 replied. Eden sat down, gesturing you to start with an encouraging smile.
"Thanks for coming in today. We'll do solo parts then group parts. Let's work hard today and have a successful session." You did a full bow them.
"Cute." Seonghwa chuckled with a smile.
"So before we start, let's listen to the track first." You said. Some pulled out their phones and some had paper to refer to their lyrics.
"Wait, here. We know you probably didn't eat anything." San said, placing a small ziploc on the table. There was a sandwich inside with some ham, egg and vegetables.
"Thank you." You softened. This just showed how much the boys knew you and your unhealthy habits. Eden looked at you with raised eyebrows, making you shrink back. Eden was also always making sure the producers were not skipping their meals and sleep.
"M-Maddox stayed the night to produce!" You blurted out. You mentally apologised to Maddox for exposing him but you needed to take the heat off you.
"I'll be speaking to you and Maddox soon." Eden clicked his tongue with a shake of his head.
"Let's get back to this. We have much to do!" You turned back to the monitor. You played the track with the guiding vocals.
Everyone had a serious, focused look on their face as they listening and vibed to the track in their own way. You opened your iPad to refer to the annotation notes that you had.
"Okay, so who is going first?" You turned to the Ateez boys.
"Even if I don't volunteer to go first, the kids will ask me to go first anyway." Hongjoong sighed.
"That's our captain! Good job. Anyway once you're done, you'll be sitting here with me and Eden." You patted his back, making him shoot you a glare. The others snickered but nodded in agreement. Hongjoong sighed and walked into the recording booth. He put the headphones on, opening his notebook.
"Testing. Joong, can you hear me?" You spoke into the microphone. He gave a thumbs up, adjusting the volume on the panel in front of him and the height of the microphone.
"Let's start with the introduction." You said. Hongjoong nodded and you began playing the section of the track for him.
"Sorry, I'll do it again." Hongjoong stopped rapping and spoke into the microphone, having stumbled over his words slightly. He had two lines in the introduction.
"Captain ah~ What are you doing?" Wooyoung spoke into your mic, snickering.
"Yah! Jung Wooyoung! Don't make me smack you!" The leader threatened. You all watched him do some mouth exercises.
"Ready." He said.
"Let's go." You replied and played the same section for him. When he was done, you paused the track and played it back for everyone to listen. You increased the volume to listen to it more intently.
"Eden?" Before offering your comments, you turned to the senior. Hongjoong waited patiently for the comments.
"Instead of 'yeah!' being a one note shout, can we try doing 'yeahhh'? So drag it out a little more and up." Eden suggested. You and Hongjoong nodded, him using his pen to make note of it on his lyric sheet, before trying it out.
"It's better." You said after listening to the second round of playback. Everyone else nodded in agreement.
"Okay, moving to the rap section." You instructed. You played Hongjoong's section of the rap portion and he began rapping out the lyrics that he wrote.
"Woo! Woo! Go captain!" The others jumped up and began dancing around, hyping Hongjoong up.
"Kids, you're going to distract him." Seonghwa settled them down.
"Playback." You announced and everyone obediently quietened down, sitting back in their seats so you and Hongjoong could monitor the rap he just recorded.
"Eden?" You turned to him again.
"Indigo ah. This is your recording. Go with your instinct and perspective, share your opinion freely. Don't rely on me." Eden advised. You nodded, knowing that Eden didn't mean that in a rude way. He wanted you to learn how to do this on your own and to be independent with it.
"Okay... You're rushing through the second bar. Let's go again." You said. Hongjoong nodded and got ready to go again. You felt awkward giving such critiques.
"Indigo ah. Don't worry about hurting our feelings and all that, okay? Just speak your mind." Yeosang comforted.
"Yes, we're tougher than you think. So don't feel bad." Mingi added.
You continued the recording with Hongjoong. He didn't need to record too many times, the two of you mainly shared the same view points so it was quick to earn a satisfactory recording from him.
"Next victim." Hongjoong said before putting the headphones back onto the holder to exit the recording booth.
"Rock, paper, scissors?" The vocalists gathered to play.
"Argh!" Wooyoung crumbled as he lost. He walked into the recording booth while Hongjoong sat at the table with you and Eden. From the look on Hongjoong's face, you knew that he was out for revenge against Wooyoung.
"Don't let him bully me, Indigo!" Wooyoung said as he got the set up ready for his recording. You just laughed as Hongjoong snatched the microphone from you.
"You're going to pay, Jung Wooyoung." Hongjoong said. You smacked his arm, making him glare at you.
"Let's start with the hook." You took the microphone back.
The subsequent members went through the same process. Eden left halfway for his other meeting as you all took a break for lunch. Ateez managers' bought ox bone soup for everyone.
"Thank you." You received your box of food, which had the soup, rice and some side dishes.
"Eat well. You need as much energy as you can get." The manager smiled.
"I will." You bowed and put your food down at the table where the other members were sat. You went to your studio to get your phone charger and seat cushion.
"Hi there." Someone hugged you. You turned around to smile up at Mingi. He swept the hair away from your face while you tip toed to kiss his cheek, wrapping your arms around his waist to hug him. You practically melted into his touch, cheek pressing against his chest. Mingi repeatedly kissed your head.
"My hard working baby."
"Only half the day is gone, we still got more people to get through, including you. Is it normal to already feel tired?" You chuckled.
"Don't feel like you need to rush or push yourself. We can always come back another day to continue, it has happened multiple times before." Mingi assured.
"It's been going well though. Everyone's a hard worker. I don't want to break the flow." You said.
"Still... I don't want you falling ill." Mingi was uncertain.
"We should head back before they suspect that we're gone for too long." You told him. As much as you didn't want to leave Mingi's embrace, you had to. You didn't want to expose things today.
"Yeah, I told them I was going to the washroom. I'll help you carry that." Mingi held your seat cushion for you.
"Thanks, Mings." You walked beside him back to where the others were.
"Come and eat before the soup gets cold." Jongho waved the two of you over. You sat down between Seonghwa and Hongjoong while Mingi took his usual seat beside Yunho. You all had shared some light conversations while you ate.
"Tha'ts it. I'm full, I can't eat anymore." You pushed your food in. Seonghwa looked through your leftovers, frowning slightly at how much food you had left.
"You should eat more." He said.
"I think after this is over, I'll have my appetite back. I just don't have the appetite right now." You sighed.
"It's okay." Seonghwa reached up to pat your head, not wanting to chastise you when you were obviously stressed now. Yunho handed you a jelly drink.
"Have this instead." He smiled. You smiled gratefully and started having the jelly instead. You leaned your head against Hongjoong.
"Don't stress." Hongjoong said as he chewed.
"Wah, you're seriously terrible at comforting people, hyung." San scoffed at Hongjoong, making the whole table laugh. Across the table, Mingi couldn't help the worry he was feeling for you. Yunho, having noticed Mingi's expression, cleared his throat and hit his best friend's thigh under the table.
"Those who are done, clear up and let's continue." Hongjoong commanded. Seonghwa, who helped you finish your food, brought your containers to the bin along with his own.
"Ugh." You groaned, head rolling against Hongjoong's back. He laughed at how you were acting, like a little sister trying to annoy her big brother.
"What's wrong?"
"How do you think it's been going so far? Am I too critical or acting like a perfectionist?" You asked.
"Not at all, Indi. You're doing very well despite it being your first time. Being critical is what we want and need in this process. It helps us make the best track possible." Hongjoong said.
"You have to tell me if I'm overdoing it, okay? Just stop me and tell me honestly." You raised your head to look at him.
"We won't take things to heart, we know it's all work. We separate our work and personal feelings."
"I know..." You sighed.
"I'll be next to you the entire time. Ready to go back?" Hongjoong asked. You nodded and waited for him to clear up his used tableware before going back to the studio with him. The others were ready to continue as well.
"After the solo parts, we'll do the group vocals and group backgrounds. Adlibs and the individual background vocals will be done another day." You informed.
"Good plan." Mingi smiled. The others agreed. Seonghwa was next to go into the booth.
"What do you want to start with?" You asked.
"Let's just go in order. So verse 1." He replied, doing some vocal warm up exercises. You waited for him to give the thumbs up before playing his section.
"Sorry to interrupt, Hwa. But I think you need to take the note higher." You stopped him.
"Sure, sorry about that. One more time." He said through the mic. After that, you all listened to the playback recording.
"Do the last part again. Focus on the enunciation of the words. It sounds like you're fading out." Hongjoong spoke into the mic before you could. He probably could sense that you were holding back or trying to make your comments nicer since it was Seonghwa in the booth. You punched his arm.
"Don't be mean." You scolded with a pout.
"I'm not being mean. You're just being overly nice because it's Seonghwa." Hongjoong clicked his tongue. You didn't deny nor agree, turning back to your computer.
"It's okay, Indigo. I'll run it again. And don't hold back on your comments, alright?" Seonghwa spoke to you.
"Fine..." You replied. You scrolled the track back to the same section. While Seonghwa sang, you increased the volume to hear him better.
"That's better. We'll move to the bridge next." You said.
When Seonghwa was done with his parts, it was San's turn. Having done more guide recordings with San before, you were a little bit more familiar with him compared to the others.
"Ready when you are, San. Take it slow and don't rush into it." You remined through the mic, knowing that he had a habit of rushinginto his sections of the song because he was nervous. It wasn't a bad thing, everyone has their own quirks when it came to recording.
"Yes, ma'am!" San saluted.
"Cute." You chuckled and played his section. You listened to him sing into the microphone.
"I know it's whisper-y but don't stumble over the words. Let's do it again." You critiqued. San nodded and recorded again, applying your corrections immediately.
"That was so much better. Get a drink, we're moving to the hook now." You informed. You layered Wooyoung's voice over to cue San into his part. He caught the timing well and began singing.
"Sorry, I'll do it again." San stopped himself when he made a mistake. You hummed and replayed it for him.
Honestly there was nothing for you to worry about. The boys were just as critical about themselves as you were. They caught their own mistakes quickly and would request to redo it if they were not satisfied with what they recorded. It really showed how serious and passionate they were.
"Alright, Mings, you're next." You said as Yeosang returned from the recording booth. It was decided that Mingi would go next and end off with Jongho.
"Can you hear me, Mings?" You spoke into the microphone.
"Yes. Woo! Let's go!" Mingi yelled into the microphone to hype himself up and get the vibe going. You couldn't help but smile.
"He's always so energetic in the booth." Yunho chuckled. You played Mingi's rap section, listening to him rap while he referred to the lyrics he wrote on his phone.
"I'll do it again~" He said, not even wanting to listen to the playback from the first run.
"Playback." You paused the music and played the recording.
"There seems to be some timing issues between the two sub sections. Let's go again, make sure to pace yourself with the music and different timings." You told him.
"Sure, I'll take note of it." Mingi said. You were trying to be objective and cool as you watched Mingi rap, not wanting to fangirl over the fact that he was your lover. He was so charismatic and his deep voice was so nice to listen too.
"Alright, Jongho. You're up." You finished Mingi's part, arranging his raw vocals over the instrumental.
"Save the best for the last." Wooyoung an affectionate smack to Jongho's bum, making the maknae turn to glare at him. The older yelped and ducked behind Seonghwa.
"Let's breeze through this, Jongho ah." Hongjoong said.
"Don't do that and put unnecessary pressure on him." You scolded, making sure the mic was off so Jongho couldn't hear.
After song camp, you felt a lot more for Jongho. You wanted him to feel comfortable in the recording booth, not make him feel like he always has to be perfect.
"That was a really good take. Let's move on to the chorus." You were a lot more encouraging with him but you weren't babying him, knowing that he doesn't like that. But this session just proved how amazing Jongho was, his vocal ability was unmatched. You were truly amazed by him.
"Indigo has that look on her face, like you've been enlightened by Jongho's vocals." San teased.
"He's truly amazing, isn't he?" Hongjoong smiled proudly, leaning back in his seat. He reminded you of a proud dad whose son just got praised.
Series Masterlist
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