I feel like this is an unpopular opinion, but more people should read incomplete/unfinished/in-progress fanfics.
I've noticed this huge trend where creators on tiktok and tumblr who will be explaining how to use Archive Of Our Own to new users and they always say "and make sure to scroll down and click completed only" or how people will go out of their way to mention they only read completed fics 'because they were traumatized when they forgot to check the dates and didn't realize this fic hadn't been updated since 2012'.
The thing is - I think by not engaging with and/or actively avoiding writer's WIPs readers are potentially adding to the aggregate of abandoned works. Now this obviously isn't the case for all abandoned fics, anything from major life events, to loss of interest, to getting busy can be a reason for a fic getting abandoned - but at least on some level I just know that writers are quitting while they're ahead when they aren't garnering any response or feedback because reading WIPs has become unpopular. If you're worried about reading something that hasn't been updated since 2012 then you can use the date updated function to sort out old fics.
Anyways, support your favorite fanfic writers by engaging with their WIPs.
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I feel like people who don't watch titans don't understand what its like to watch titans. like "its bad" no you don't understand
Jason kills a man and then roleplays with prostitutes to apologize
amazing ms anne diop STEALS THE SHOW
You get to a scene where you're expecting a big final confrontation and then Dick's just hit by a car. end scene. he spends 5 minutes in the hospital, moving on -
made me sad about HANK FUCKING HALL dying not ONCE BUT TWICE!! HANK HALL!!
raven leaves for an ENTIRE season to bring Donna back to life, has an episode where she comes to term with Donna death THE B-PLOT OF THE SAME EPISODE IS DONNA DECIDING TO COME BACK TO LIFE
The reason Donna decides to go back to life is that Tim's mad his death wasn't cool enough he wants to try again
Tim proceeds to spend every other fight scene curled up in a corner or hiding behind a strong woman preferably both
The have the literal most comic accurate Joey I've seen in my life in an adaptation an extremely relatable version of Kom that is super sympathetic to her, they work with themes like family and shared trauma and change things to make parallels between characters
Gar turns into a bat and dunks Dicks body into the lazurus pit
superboy mpreg
The cutest possible DickKory and THE BEST GAR I LOVE U SO MUCH
15 year old pretending to be the red hood and its funny but its also so sad
we interrupt this show to tell you that DICK IS A BOTTOM WHO WAS IN A MASOCHISTIC DOM/SUB RELATIONSHIP WITH JINX. okay u can continue
Babs and Joey are played by disabled actors
Donna dies by an electrical cable falls on her. Amazonian strength? never heard of her
They hype up trigon for all of season one and then spend 5 dollars on his CGI
Deathstroke comes back as a zombie and gets decapitated ❤️🥰🥰. Proceeds to stick his head back on 👎👎
Dick's legal name is Dick. Richard? never heard of her
an incredibility nuanced view of Kom and Kory's relationship in a way that pulls from the comics and changes a lot while keeping much of the same themes in a way that makes this show act like an excellent foil that enriches the original source material, especially in relation to their parents and mirroring countless side plots
at some point scarecrow gets jason high and dances an u just... watch i guess
Gar can only turn into a tiger for 3 seasons but then the show feels bad so he turns into a virus
There is no god or coherency in titans, the quality fluctuates widely from seconds of the show, its the best adaptation of the titans that has ever come out they tease a road trip EVERY SEASON and we have not had A SINGLE ROAD TRIP EPISODE
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Does anyone have any good French fanfic recommendations? I‘m starting my semester abroad in France soon and I desperately need to practice (which I do best by reading😅) and learn some slang 😭
So any help is appreciated!! :)
Can be on any platform and have ship or no ship for lots of fandoms tho I‘ll list my preferred ones
- DC, especially Batfam (I won‘t read dick x tim tho)
-BTS (mainly yoonmin or yoonkook if ship-y, though I am open to some other ships)
-Star Trek (mainly Spirk)
-The Witcher
-Harry Potter
-Lord of the Rings (Le Seigneur des anneaux)
-Pirates of the Carribbean (Pirates des Caraïbes)
- White Collar
-Percy Jackson
-Kuroko no Basquet
-Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji
Can’t think of any more right now but I’ve been in so many fandoms over the years it would take forever for me to remember all of them and write them down
Recommandations de fanfiction français svp!! J’ai besoin de pratiquer mon français pour un semestre à étranger😅😭
En particulier pour les fandoms en haut mais il y a trop qui j’aime pour écrire touts
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Y'know what I want? I want sick Bruce Wayne.
I want a Bruce that babies his kids when they're sick. He goes all out. 6'4 muscle-bound Jason Todd is getting tucked into bed with a kiss on the forehead to check his temperature and whines if Bruce forgets.
As good as his memory is, Bruce can't exactly remember what Thomas and Martha used to do when he was sick. They had a routine but the intricacies of it constantly escape him. As little as that may be, it does pang every now and again that he's forgetting them, forgetting how they loved him. He doesn't want that for any of his kids.
So he babies them, treats them like the little kids he knows they aren't and rarely if ever got to be. He deals with any vomit, tears or just general irritation that comes with being sick. It gets to point where when the kids are sick and Bruce isn't home, they can barely function.
Wally: dude you just have a cold?
Wally: ok one, bunny marshmallows? adorable. and two, i've seen you walk off a fractured collarbone, two bruised ribs and a twisted ankle???
Dick: ....yeah but the marshmallows
But Bruce? Oh when Bruce is sick, he powers through. But when he's so sick he considers himself a liability, he curls up in a small, dark room like a pregnant cat. It's practically instinct for him – when he's compromised like that, he needs to be in a place that he's knows is safe.
Very Sick Bruce also goes into Mama Bear Mode. He wants his kids in his sight at all times or he's practically inconsolable. If they're not with him, then they might be in danger, anything could happen – how can he protect them if they're not there? Just anxiety out of the wazoo.
I can see him trying to drag his 7 kids into one room so he can keep an eye on his babies.
Damian: baba we cannot all possibly fit-
Cass: -we will
Damian: who's going first?
The kids do make things more comfortable. Fluffing his pillows, getting him tea and making sure he has his stuffies. Bruce appreciates it but he just says that all he needs are his kids. That always has them sobbing.
(happy holidays to my cold twin @bruciemilf i was inspired by our mutual sickness lol)
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I’m definitely with the Boomers on this one.
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Bruce: Oh, you always knew I had a soft spot for you boys. *Cocks paintball gun* You can have ‘til the count of five before I start shooting.
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wish list for people who don’t want anything
aka possessions which are just possessions, but which have noticeably improved my quality of life: for when people ask you “what do you want for your birthday/Christmas/graduation” and you instantly transform into St Francis and pledge fealty to Lady Poverty because your mind went blank
nice. new. sheets. I cannot emphasize this one enough. if you’re still using the same sheets you had in college, you should probably get new ones. get yourself some 100% bamboo rayon sheets—they’re silky and perfect for summer and great for sensitive skin! or, if you’re cold all the time, flannel sheets!
kitchen knives. or even just one really good kitchen knife.
new curtains—blackout if you are a creature of the night like I am
fleece lined anything, but especially sweatpants and hoodies. wool lined socks are also good. if you don’t have the option of coming home after work and putting on an entire outfit that is loose and fuzzy, you should change that, because you deserve that option.
cookie sheets with a layer of air between the top and the bottom. the bottoms of your cookies will never burn again.
kitchen scale!!! no more leveling off flour with a knife and getting it all over the table!! now all your measuring is just shoveling stuff in and out of bowls like you’re at the beach. baking is both more accurate and also way more fun.
coffee bean grinder. if you want to upgrade your coffee experience, this is a great one-time purchase. just-ground beans have a much better flavor than pre-ground.
CDs!! ask for a gift card and expand your physical music collection! or a collection of the DVDs for your favorite show!
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Nothing to add - just total agreement
okay tumblr’s exclusion from the twitter social media ban list is hilarious but genuinely we do not belong on there. if a real human person asks “where can i find you on social media” and your choice is a swift death or revealing your tumblr, most of us would simply expire. half of y’all change urls every week like you’re in witness protection. just imagine for one second attaching your wholeass government name to your latest two am clownposting and tell me that didn’t send a cold chill down your spine. the only place i ever want to see the words “connect with me on tumblr!” is on the ao3 profile of an author i’m actively stalking. anyone in the world can follow me except anyone i personally know. antisocial media.
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A list of non-canon nicknames for Jason's siblings that you will pry from my cold dead hands;
Big Bird
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had a headcanon pop into my head today- dick's mom, when he was young, would wear beautiful woven scarves around her head. dick, as a kid, always associated her wearing them with her acting as a mother/caretaker. when she wasn't wearing them, she was in performance mode. when she wore them, she was in Mom Mode(tm). some of dick's most prized possessions are his mother's scarves. he never felt he could wear them, but he kept them to feel them and look at them. until damian came along. when dick started taking on a parent role for damian, he began to wear the scarves around his head the same way his mother would. whenever he was open and ready to care for damian, he would wear the scarves. when it was business time, for example, patrol and WE business, dick would take them off. one day, damian presents dick with a hand-woven blue and gold scarf printed with nightwing patterns. dick cries.
also i drew it teehee
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I’ve been thinking about new hero identities for Jason and it’s like 1 am but this scenario is really appealing to me:
Jason mostly dropping out of the vigilante business, but still returning to help for real emergencies.
Jason getting frantic calls from his siblings when Batman is losing, and showing up with a medieval theme and a sword on his back.
What do you do when the Knight is losing? Call the Cavalry.
(Just the idea of Jason being the one you call when it all seems hopeless. Because he knows how it feels when backup doesn’t get there in time, and he’s not about to let that happen again. Jason as Cavalry.)
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imagine u raise ur son to be an illegal crime-fighting vigilante and he becomes a cop instead 👎👎👎
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One of my favorite JayDick tropes is when Bruce learns about their relationship and is completely fine, ranging to actually supportive about it but when they're alone he gives Dick a shovel talk which just leaves Dick gaping like, what?? WHAT?? Me? I get the shovel talk? And Bruce is like, well yeah, you're the older man dating my son who isn't as experienced, whom I love very much and who I worry about getting his heart broken, because he's just a bit fragile and tender. So be the responsible one, Dick, and treat Jason the way he deserves.
Dick stares mouth open at Bruce's back because he was not expecting that, but also he knows Bruce has a point. He just wasn't expecting Bruce to know that.
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