#//Friendo I do this FOR FREE
alastors-radioshow · 1 year
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The face of a man who is in no mood to deal with insolence today. 
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kcrabb88 · 11 months
Fic Writer 20 Questions
Tagged by the lovely @foreverchangingfandomsao3!
1.) How many works do you have on ao3?
2.) What's your ao3 word count? 
3.) What fandoms do you write for? 
I've written for Les Mis, Phantom of the Opera, Black Sails, Captain America, Hadestown, and Star Wars.
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Shoulder the Sky: My RoTS fix-it AU and the first installment in the series of the same name! Obi-Wan figures Palpatine out and gets stabbed and put on trial for his trouble. Anakin has to sort his way out of Palpatine's manipulations.
Les Hommes de la Misericorde: My first long fic in the Les Mis fandom, which is very dear to my heart! It established many long lasting friendships as well as my brand of "Valjean saves some or all of the Amis after the barricade"
Whispers From the Dead: The sequel to Shoulder the Sky, featuring undead Sith, lots of QuinObi, Obi-Wan whump, Anakin being the Jedi master he always could have been, really cute Skywalker twins, and Padme finally getting to be chancellor.
Conjuring Miracles: My OWK what-if, where Vader gets his hands on Obi-Wan at the end of episode 3.
Between the Soul and the Star: My Les Mis fic where I attempt to save ALL the Amis and put Javert through his paces :D
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I like to! I don't always get to every one, but I do try and answer as often as I can, especially long comments--I like to thank people for that effort! Plus, I've made friends by talking in comments!
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think that one goes to By Force of Friendship, my Les Mis Barricade Day fic where Enjolras watches each of his friends die one by one, until he reaches his end. I mean, blame canon for that! But still, it hurt.
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I dunno if I can pick one? I've written a lot of fix-it fics for various fandoms, although my Hadestown fix-it, As If it Might Turn Out This Time, might be the winner .
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
Hmm I got flames like everyone else back in the 'ole ff.net days, but the only hate I ever got was on my Les Mis pirate AU (long taken down and turned into my series of novels) and I wouldn't even call it hate so much as weird and aggressive.
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do! I used to do almost entirely closed door/implied smut, but over the last few years, between my girl Raoul Phantom of the Opera AU and QuinObi fic for Star Wars, I write it a lot more! And I've really enjoyed writing it, too. Lot of character work that can happen!
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I wrote a Criminal Minds/House MD cross years and years ago, pre-Ao3!
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
A couple of Les Mis ones, yes! Into Chinese.
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Wayyyyy back in the day, pre-Ao3, but not since then.
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
I write a lot of gen fic, but as far as romantic ships go, it's a tie between QuinObi and Raoul/Christine, both of which I'm feral over and have written the most shippy content for.
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Don't currently have any unfinished ones! Well, WFTD, but it's almost done and will definitely be finished.
16.) What are your writing strengths?
I think character-depth and character arcs are probably my biggest strength? It's what's most important to me as a reader, so that's where I tend to focus the most.
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
God, blocking!!! Not even in action scenes, that I can do, but when people are just sitting in a room! Constantly have problems with that.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Sometimes I do! I've used French in Les Mis here and there.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
Rurouni Kenshin, back when I was a tiny baby on Media Miner.
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
This is like picking a favorite child??? I can't pick, but I will say that I'm proud of how I've expanded my horizons and written new things in Whispers From the Dead!
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bbq-potato-chip · 4 months
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best friends forever
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💝 twst 2024 valentine gift message compilation 🎁
Yes, it’s that time of year again—
For preliminary information on what this is, please check out this post!
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This year’s messages came printed on a coffin-shaped piece of paper. (The back of it is shown in the image above.)
The common theme underlying all of the messages is that the sender (you!) gifted the character a fragrance.
***Spoilers below the cut!!***
My dear friend—
Thank you for your gift.
I’m not an expert, but I once read
that this type of thing can help with
relaxation. I’ll certainly try it out
soon. I’ll make you herbal tea
sometime as a token of my
Hello, friend—
Thank you for the lovely gift. I’ve
been busy lately, so it’s nice to have
something to help me relax. You’re
always going the extra mile for
everyone around you. I’ll bring some
homemade sweets over soon to say
thanks, okay?
Eeey, friendo!
Thanks for the totes ‘Cammable
gift! It looks nice, AND it’s got a
fragrance that’s right up Cay-Cay’s
alley. I’m super excited for the
gift-back, and hope you are, too!
I’m gonna get you something you’ll
be amped to post about on
Heya, pal—
I never thought you’d get me
something so fancy! It’s got just the
kind of scent I like. You’ve got
perfect taste. I’m gonna use it
soon—thanks! As for what to give
you in return, well… Got any
requests? Just don’t go too
My good friend—
Thanks for the gift! I didn’t think
it’d be something so fancy. You’ve
got a good eye for this stuff, Prefect!
It’s nice having a fresh scent in my
room to help me focus when I’m
studying! Wait until you see what
grade I get on my next test.
Allow me to thank you for your
generous gift. Heh. Can’t believe
you actually picked out a halfway
decent fragrance. I might actually
keep this. I thought about sending
you something in return if the mood
struck me, but this thank-you note
should do the job just fine, right?
Thanks for the gift! I don’t buy
things that aren’t absolute
necessities, so it’s nice getting
something like this. Don’t get me
wrong, though. I’m REALLY not
picky when it comes to people
giving me presents, so feel free to
keep giving me whatever you like!
Thanks for the gift.
This is the kind of subtle fragrance I
can see myself using. I don’t like
being indebted to others, so I’ll
think of something to send in return
so we’re even. Don’t expect too
much. Just sit tight.
My boon companion—
Thank you for your wonderful gift.
You have quite the eye for quality
and chose a fine fragrance. That
said, I prefer not to accept gifts
without providing anything in
return. Expect something from me
of equivalent value soon.
My dear friend—
Thank you for your lovely present.
Did you know that morays have
keen senses of smell? I’ll quite enjoy
this. I’d like to treat you to a drink
at the Mostro Lounge in return.
What do you say?
Dear Little Shrimpy—
What a neat choice for a present.
Did you pick out this scent ‘cause it
reminded you of me? Kinds funny if
this is the vibe I give you. I guess I’ll
use it if I feel like it. No promises.
To my dear friend—
Thanks for the gift. You picked this
fragrance out for me, right? I’m
flattered! Ooh, I know. Next time
you’re in a gift-giving mood, you
could take me shopping to help pick
it out! The more the merrier, right?
Then again, that might defeat the
purpose of the gift… But let’s not
sweat the details!
I was surprised enough just to
receive a gift from you, but a
fragrance? You never fail to surprise.
It couldn’t have been easy selecting
this. I’ll have to gift you something
appropriate in return.
Dearest friend—
Thank you for your gift. It was a
rather thoughtful choice; I can use
this when I’m doing stretches. What
would you like in return, I wonder?
You’re getting something
hand-picked by me, so I’ve no doubt
you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
And merci boucoup! Did you
choose this just for me? I’m
delighted. The design is so lovely
and elegant. I normally avoid using
fragrances unless it’s a special
occasion, in which case I shall
happily wear one—the one you gave
me, of course.
Dear classmate—
Thanks for the gift! I don’t know
much about fragrances, but this
one’s mighty fine! It makes my
dorm room feel a smidge more
fancy. I’d better get you something
nice in return. It’s kinds fun
thinking up ideas for that.
uh, are u saying I stink? is this like
a passive-aggressive gesture or sth?
I have questions, but since u gave
it to me, I gratefully accept. I
don’t pay much attention to
fragrances, but this one smelled pretty.
dece when I gave it a whiff.
Hello, Prefect—
Thank you for the gift! It’s a
fragrance, right? So this is how you
perceive me. That’s fascinating! I’m
about to do a thorough analysis of
its composition. Who knows? I
might discover something neat. Let
me know what fragrances you’re
into sometime!
To my good friend—
Thank you for the gift. Hmm…
This fragrance is meant for pleasure
and relaxation? What a tasteful
choice. I rather like it; perhaps I
shall take more of an interest in
these things. You would be welcome
to pay me a visit, by the way, should
you feel so inclined. I would enjoy
sharing an old tale or two.
Thank you for picking something
out for me. It’s a rather nice gift.
Immersing myself in an unusual
fragrance reminds me of my days
visiting other lands. I know! I
should cook for you some foreign
cuisine as a token of gratitude! I can
hardly wait.
Thank you for your gift. This smell
is so nice and relaxing, it makes me
want to nod off. I hope tjis
improves the quality of my sleep
and helps me want to wake up sooner
when my alarm clock goes off. I’ll let
you know how it goes. Hopefully
I’ve received your gift. Fragrances
are a part of one’s personal
grooming, and you had the nerve to
gift one to ME?! Challenge
accepted. I’ll come up with the
perfect thing to return the
sentiment. You’re going to get
what’s coming to you—mark my
Dear esteemed student—
I was quite taken aback when an
unexpected package arrived in the
headmage’s office! To think you
would send me something so
thoughtful… Hmm. This fragrance
suits my tastes nicely. Normally I
wouldn’t be able to accept personal
gifts, but I think I’ll make an
exception for this, seeing as I’m
Dear pup—
What is this? Giving personal gifts
to teachers is hardly good pup
behavior. But the moment I opened
the wrapping, I could tell you
picked this out for me. The design is
suitable enough, as is the fragrance
itself. I suppose I must commend
your knack for gift-giving. Good
Dear juvenile—
I generally decline gifts from
students, but you clearly chose this
scent out of respect for me. I won’t
use it around Lucius, but it might
be nice to use in the staff room
every once in a while. I gratefully
Dear student—
What is this? Did I give you
a homework assignment that involved
getting me a present? Kidding, of
course. This is the perfect scent for a
guy as cool as me! I’ll teach you how
to make my signature Vargas
protein drink in return!
Heya, my little imp!
What is up? Did you pick this out
just for me? It’s a fantastic scent,
thanks! If you’re interested in this
type of thing, I happen to have a
fine selection in stock, so swing by
whenever you want! I’m looking
forward to your next visit.
Dear minion—
Mrah?! I was expecting tuna, but
instead I get some weird thing
called a fragrance? What IS this
thing? I woulda taken tuna in a
heartbeat, but since my
hench-human picked this out for
me, I guess a proper boss would put
it to good use. Be grateful for my
kindness, partner!
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runawrites-blog · 1 month
Pegging Isn't New For Me, Friendo (Deadpool x Reader)
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Summary: Pegging Wade always turns him into a whiney brat. (Gender-Neutral Reader) Word Count: 1,232 Warnings: SMUT (Minors Do Not Interact). Explicit Sexual Content. Pegging. Strap-Ons. No Y/N. No Pronounds For Reader but Reader uses a Strap-On to fuck Wade. A/N: I was inspired by that one line in the new Deadpool movie (see gif) but this doesn't contain any spoilers for the movie. Again, there are no pronouns used for Reader but if I messed up and used any tell me and I will change it. But again, Reader uses a Strap-On to fuck Wade, despite no depictions of the Reader's genitals. Crossposted on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58280992
“Just put it in.”
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Pegging isn’t new for me, Babe.”
“I know but I still don’t want to hurt you. Let me prepare you for it.”
“I will heal just fine, come on!”
“I know you will but I still don’t want you to be hurt.” You said sternly, cocking an eyebrow up as Wade clicked his tongue petulantly. “Don’t be a fucking brat, Hon. You act like this every time we do this.”
“Because you always take hours to put your silicone dick inside of me.”
Wade complained but when you scissored the fingers you already had inside of him his complaints tempered off into a surprised moan. You gave him an affectionate smirk, pushing them in a little deeper and angling them in search of his prostate. It took you a moment but you knew you’d found it when at a particularly sharp thrust of your fingers Wade all but arched off the bed, gripping the sheets, mouth falling open in a silent moan.
“Did that finally shut you up, Hon?”
“Sewing-- Sewing my mouth shut in 2009 wasn’t even enough to-- to permanently shut me up.” He chuckled breathlessly, grinding down against your lubed-up fingers. “I don’t think you’ll have any more luck.”
“That sounds like a challenge.”
“Maybe it would help if you-- Fuck, if you finally showed that strapon inside of me.” He complained, squirming as you kept up your ministrations and fingered him slowly. “You know I’m not too proud to beg, either. Please, please fuck me. I need it!”
Rolling your eyes affectionately you leaned down to kiss him, drawing a surprised moan from him as he leaned up into the contact, biting down on your lip as you shoved a fourth lubed-up finger inside of him. You scissored them gently, relishing in the way Wade moaned against your lips, writhing underneath you and his head falling to the side to bury against the crook of his arm.
“Please, please put it in!” He panted out, arching off the bed when you once again hit his prostate. “I know you want to help the writer hit-- hit their word count but-- but this is torture!”
Rolling your eyes at his rambling you leaned down and kissed him, shutting him up for a few seconds as you angled your fingers to his prostate again. That got a moan out of him and when he arched off the bed once more, he looked at you pleadingly.
“Put it in, Babe. I’m ready. I need it.”
“Alright. Lie back and relax for me, Hon.” You instructed, stroking your free hand down his chest as you pulled the other one from inside of him, watching as he whined at the loss before forcing himself to relax. “Good boy, Wade.”
His high keening moan was music to your ears and you smiled softly as you secured your strap on around your waist, clipping it shut in the back before grabbing the bottle of lube and squirting a generous amount of it onto the dildo. Wade was watching you with bated breath, mouth agape and tongue poking out to lick his lips.
“Hold your left leg up for me, Honey.”
Wade scrambled to oblige, hooking his hand underneath his left knee and lifting it up to give you better access to his hole, his fingers digging into the flesh of his thigh. Gingerly, so as not to hurt him, you started sliding the strap-on inside of him and Wade’s mouth fell open, breathless gasps leaving his body until you bottomed out. He breathed a sigh of relief, nails digging into his thigh.
“Impatient.” You joked softly, taking his free hand and bringing it to your mouth to kiss his knuckles. “Ready for me to move, Honey?”
“Fuck, yes!”
Smiling at his eagerness you began to move, starting off slow but quickly picking up your pace as Wade started begging you to do so. And when you hit his prostate again, this time with the strap-on and not your fingers, the filthy keening noise he made sent a shiver of lust down your spine. From there on, you kept aiming for that spot, quickly turning Wade into a moaning, drooling mess beneath you, babbling pleas for you to keep going. Even in this state, he couldn’t stop running his mouth and it made you smile a little.
When you saw that his leg was slipping from his grip you grabbed his ankle and hoisted his leg over your shoulder in one swift motion, making Wade’s eyes grow wide as he watched you. But his eyes didn’t stay on your face for too long because this position allowed for a whole new angle at which you could fuck into him, at which you could hit his prostate over and over again.
“Keep your leg there for me, Wade. Can you do that for me, Honey?”
“Yes, yes, yes. ‘Can do that.” He rambled on, nails forming crescent moons into his skin as he kept his leg over your shoulder with a little help of your hand on his ankle. “‘Can to that for you!”
“Good boy.”
“Fuck, so close, please. Please, keep going!”
“Can you come just from me fucking your ass?” You crooned, leaning forward to get closer to his face and give him a small smile. “Without touching your pretty dick? Can you do that?”
“Yes, yes, I can!”
You leaned back again, still smiling as you picked up your speed and fucked into him in earnest, every thrust aiming at his prostate and your hand clamping around the ankle of his leg that was still over your shoulder. Wade was moaning obscenely underneath you, back arching off the bed and his free hand grabbing onto the sheets. You could tell he was close, dick leaking pre-cum and his moans becoming more erratic.
“Come for me, Honey. Be a good boy for me, Wade.”
Your words, combined his a particularly well-angled thrust into his prostate sent him over the edge and he shouted out your name as he came, ribbons of white shooting over his exposed stomach as his hole clenched around your strap-on. His back arched so much it was hard for you to even fuck him through his orgasm but you managed, intent on drawing out his pleasure for as long as possible.
But when his moans turned into overstimulated whines you slowed your movements, bringing your hands down to gently stroke his hips as you pulled out of him. Wade whined at the loss but quieted down soon enough, letting his leg drop onto the bed and watching through half-lidded eyes as you lay down next to him. Gently, you began to stroke his chest, smiling down at him.
“Are you alright there? You’re very quiet.”
“Just got to catch my breath so I can keep on yapping.” Wade joked, turning onto his side, so he could rest his head on your shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’m not written that much out of character. Give me a minute and I’ll be right back to talking your ear off.”
“Can’t wait.” You joked and wrapped your arms around him. “Do you need anything right now? Water or something to eat? A bath maybe?”
“All sound nice but later.”
“What do you need right now?”
“Hold me for a second.”
“That, I can do.”
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sunny-sourzii · 3 months
☆ hello!! Welcome to my page, friendo!! :] ☆
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More basic about me:
- I'm a big fan of horror!! Though I don't draw it much
- my birthday is August 28th ! ! 🪅
- I'm 15 !
- I have hopes to do more significant things like making clothing designs, horror animatics/videos, and maybe an animated series (even though I bearly animate anymore uufffhhhf)
- fnaf is pretty much the only fandom active in, but I do like poppy playtime. I've been in the fnaf fandom as long as I can remember
- if you ever want to message me on discord or DMs, dont feel afraid to do so!! DMs on discord would only be closed if my status is on DNI (I only do that when Im not in the mood to talk)
VENT BLOG: @evil-sunny-sourzii
Art: #sourzii art
Asks: #sourzii answers
Random/shitposts: #sun yapping
My cat (son): #sourzii's unnamed cat
Cosmic Teachers AU: #cosmic teachers!au
My Store: #Sourzii Store
And my discord server!! A hangout server for artists, writers, ect.!!
- ABSOLUTELY NO NSFW!! I don't want any NSFW accounts following me or interacting with me. I am a minor and don't want those kinds of accounts interacting with me
- this is NOT a TSAMS fanart page. I am not in the TSAMS fandom and none of my art is reflecting it. I don't mind TSAMS fans here as long as they're respectful to me and my sun x moon ship. And do not tag my art as TSAMS!!!
- if you don't like my content and don't want to see it, please dont make mean comments. Just block me and move on. I don't like people being mean for no reason.
- along with NSFW, I also obviously don't want any p3d0s, r@cists, z00s, pr0shippers and any other weirdos lurking around on my page
But now that that's out of the way. Hows your day/night pooks
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fire-lizard-ro · 9 months
I am furiously chewing and gnawing on the idea of an arranged marriage with sunday hlep
Thank you for the ask, anon! And yesssss thank you so, so much for sending in a Sunday request!!! My boy!!! I am also brainrotting over this man at all times he lives rent free in my mind and I love him-
Hope you're doing well and enjoy what I wrote.
But also- This is not my expertise, so I'm going to say my piece and then direct you to my friendo @pix3lplays - This is like. Her thing. So I'm sure you'll get a more interesting response please go follow her hehehehe- <333
Writing under the cut (it’s all SFW):
Sunday is the picture of gentlemanly grace. Perhaps it is by the order of the family that he is to wed you for the good of the family and Penacony. Perhaps it is to strengthen their relations with the IPC as you are an important member. Or perhaps it is for other reasons that will help secure the safety or wellbeing of Penacony and its members. And of course, Sunday is a man who wishes only the best for his beloved home and he will do what he can to follow the path the Aeon of Harmony has laid out for their followers. So he takes it in stride, setting up an appointment to meet you. He would like to get to know his future spouse before the wedding no matter how willing he is to do this for his family.
The first time you meet, you immediately find yourself encapsulated by the gorgeous man who has come to meet you- At a place of your choosing, no less. He extended this favor in hopes of putting the right foot forward with you. Sunday wants things to go smoothly and for the marriage to go through to achieve whatever goal it is the family had in setting this up. He may be a busy man, but he can make time for important matters such as this.
He himself is surprised at you. You're far more than he was expecting, having been ready to deal with anything. But you're actually quite wonderful and he finds your appearance more than appealing. A pleasant surprise. He is sure to pull your seat out, hold the door for you, ask you before doing things- He even gives you a kiss to the back of your hand in greeting after asking politely if he could.
Sunday enjoys his time with you and so discusses more times in which the two of you can get to know each other. When you both are done with your little date of sorts, he gives you another kiss to the back of your hand and makes sure you have a safe way to get back home or to wherever you are staying. As he watches you leave first to make sure you get to your mode of transport safely, he asks gently that you let him know when you make it to your destination and raises a hand in farewell.
Each subsequent date brings the two of you closer and closer. One time, he brings flowers. Another, he brings you a snack from Penacony which could be considered a staple for them.
I, personally, think that Sunday would be someone who is easy to love and even easier to like. So by the time you both are walking down the isle, you're smitten with him. I'm sure he would also have a fondness for you. The both of you had already discussed the matter as Sunday is a thorough an who plans things out. You two had already talked and you both want to be amicable with one another and make this marriage work for the both of you. At the very least, the two of you would be companions and friends. But the two of you have also admitted that it would be nice if there was more beyond just that in your marriage.
Sunday is a man who always does right by you because you are now his spouse. But also because he likes you as a person. Days in which he brings back snacks and nicknacks he thinks you'd like. Calling you when he think he may be late at work. Picking up groceries on the way home when he can, calling to ask if you need or want anything. Making sure your favorites are always stocked even if you don't ask.
I imagine that for the two of you, after marriage the time you spend together most often is in the evening at dinner and then the time leading up to bedtime. He does lead a people and is always in high demand for his services, expertise, and leadership. But of course, he's very sweet on you during this time as a result. Nights of being laid up in bed, his back against the pillows placed against the headboard whilst he reads and you lean into his side, doing your own thing. Sunday will wrap an arm around you and occasionally rub your side or arm.
Slowly, over time, I think you both could become a real couple.
Yayyyy~ Sunday~ I love this man so much. <333
I might write an NSFW part to this. But as of right now, I'm happy with just this. If you want one, you can always send in another ask and I'll be sure to get right on it!
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tontoemojis · 7 months
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Hello there & welcome to tontoemojis !
Call me Tonto or Timón or { Molten } Freddy , it/its pronouns or no pronouns { sometimes varies between me & us , or talks in 3rd person when referring to self } . Timón is an autist , mentally & physically disabled hispanic artist 🤟 , I talk & type weird eccentric . Nonhuman schizophrenic hippie scary animatronic 🦥 , NPD BPD C - PTSD & more . Semiverbal part - time AAC user & low - medium supports , probably . ➕️ more about me
This blog is one a sideblog mainly to post some little emoji doodles & my own personal AAC or disability related stuff . Askbox is always open for everyone that wants to request emojis of all types or wants to help me practice AAC !!! , askbox & Tumblr are shitty & sometimes they delete random asks , if your ask has been ignored it probably is because I am in the process of making your request or Tumblr deleted it . All interactions come from @animatronicthing .
I process language very difficult , it may seem like I have short vocabulary or weird talking , it is hard for me to understand everything so be patient with requests . Do not send requests with fancy fonts or super all colored text , just plain text thank you .
I don ’ t like arguing , I normally just block & live my life as happy as I can . No set DNI for this blog either .
You can help me & support my blog right here , it would help a lot :3 👉 Ko-fi
Free Palestine , Ukraine & Congo 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇨🇩
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👤⠀About the emojis ;
All kinds of emojis are made here , from yellow { or any other color } guy to basic core words . The language can also vary . Literally anything can be requested ; NSFW , wordmojis , animals . ONLY exceptions are complex characters from media which are done in commissions . Do not repost my emojis on sites like Pinterest or etc . You may use emojis here for AAC , discord servers , personal use , NOT COMMERCIAL USE .
There is a looooong wait for emojis . Please be specific when requesting , I have no idea what you mean when you say ““ emojis of x thing ”” what are those emojis that you want ??? , no idea …
You can use my emojis without credit although credit is very appreciated , just do not claim them as yours . if you are gonna repost my work add credit . if you are going to take inspo from my emojis please tell me I would love to see !!! . Do not recolor , trace or edit my emojis , just request it & I can do it myself ; less work for you !!!
Emoji commissions open !!! , check my emoji commissions here { link } .
🗃⠀Tags of the blog ;
#nsfw tag — post with NSFW related emojis , from sex to gore to other stuff . BLOCK IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE THESE .
#tonto's AAC — our own personal AAC stuff .
#tonto text post — post us talking .
#tonto's art — post us our doodles .
#silly friendos — Tonto ’ s friends . That's it !
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natsury-kazuki · 1 month
Valentine cards 2024
Hi, this time I found them all at once, enjoy the answers from our dear NRC students and teachers! :)
My dear friend
Thank you for your gift. I’m not an expert, but I once read that this type of thing can help relaxation. I’ll certainly try it out soon? I’ll make you herbal tea sometime as a token of my gratitude.
Riddle Rosehearts
Heya, pal-
I never thought you'd get me something so fancy! It's got just the kind of scent I like. You've got perfect taste. I'm gonna use it soon-thanks! As for what to give you in return, well.. Got any requests? Just don't go too overboard.
Ace Trappola
My good friend-
Thanks for the gift! I didn't think it'd be something so fancy. You've got a good eye for this stuff, Prefect! It's nice having a fresh scent in my room to help me focus when I'm studying! Wait until you see what grade I get on my next test.
Deuce Spade
Eyyy, friendo!
Thanks for the totes' Cammable gift! It looks nice, AND it's
got a fragrance that's right up Cay-Cay's alley. I'm super excited for the gift-back, and hope you are, too! I'm gonna get you something you'll be amped to post about on Magicam.
Cater Diamond
Hello, friend-
Thank you for the lovely gift. I've been busy lately, so it's nice to have something to help me relax. You're always going the extra mile for everyone around you. I'll bring some homemade sweets over soon to say thanks, okay?
Trey Clover
Allow me to thank you for your generous gift. Heh. Can't believe you actually picked out a halfway decent fragrance. I might actually keep this. I thought about sending you something in return if the mood struck me, but this thank-you note should do the job just fine, right?
Leona Kingscholar
Thanks for the gift! I don't buy things that aren't albsolute necessities, so it's nice getting something like this. Don't get me wrong, though. I'm REALLY not picky when it comes to people giving me presents, so feel free to keep giving me whatever you like!
Ruggie Bucchi
Thanks for the gift. This is the kind of subtle fragrance I can see myself using, I don't like being indebted to others, so I'll think of something to send in return so we're even. Don't expect too nuch. Just sit tight.
Jack Howl
My boon companion-
Thank you for your wonderful gift. You have quite the eye for quality and chose a fine fragrance. That said, I prefer not to accept gifts without providing anything in return. Expect something from me of equivalent value soon.
Azul Ashengrotto
My good friend-
Thank you for your lovely present. Did you know that morays have keen senses of smell? I'll quite enjoy this. I'd like to treat you to a drink at the Mostro Lounge in return. What do you say?
Jade Leech
Dear Little Shrimpy-
What a neat choice for a present. Did you pick out this scent 'cause it reminded you of me? Kinda funny if this is the vibe I give you. I guess I'll use it if I feel like it. No promises.
Floyd Leech
To my dear friend
Thanks for the gift. You picked this fragrance out for me,right? I’m flattered! Ooh, I know? Next time you’re in a gift-giving mood, you could take me shopping to help pick it out! The more the merrier, right? Then again, that might defeat the purpose of the gift… But let’s not sweat the details!
Kalim Al-Asim
I was surprised enough just to receive a gift from you, but a fragrance? You never fail to surprise. It couldn’t have been easy selecting this. I’ll have to gift you something appropriate in return
Jamil Viper
Dearest friend-
Thank you for your gift. It was a rather thoughtful choice; I can use this when I'm doing stretches. What would you like in return, I wonder? You're getting something hand-picked by me, so I've no doubt you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Vil Schornheit
And merci boucoup! Did you choose this just for me? I'm delighted. The design is so lovely and elegant. I normally avoid using fragrances unless it's a special occasion, in which case I shall happily wear one-the one you gave me, of course.
Rook Hunt
Dear classmate—
Thanks for the gift! I don't know much about fragrances, but this one's mighty fine! It makes my dorm room feel a smidge more fancy. I'd better get you something nice in return. Its kinda fun thinking up ideas for that.
Epel Felmier  
Uh, are u saying I stink? Is this like a passive-aggressive gesture or sth? I have questions but since u gave it to me, I greatefully accept? I donc’t pay much attention to grangrances, but this one smelled p. dece when I gave it a whiff.
Idia Shroud
Hello, Perfect
Thank you for the gift! It’s a fragrance, right? So this is how you perceive me? That’s fascinating! I’m about to do a thorough analysis of its composition? Who knows? I might discover something neat. Let me know what fragrances you’re into sometimes!
Ortho shroud
To my good friend-
Thank you for your gift. Hmm... This fragrance is meant for pleasure and relaxation? What a tasteful choice. I rather like it; perhaps I shall take more of an interest in these things. You would be welcome to pay me a visit, by the way, should you feel so inclined. I would enjoy sharing an old tale or two. –
Malleus Draconia
Thank you for your gift. This smell is so nice and relaxing, it makes me want to nod off. I hope this improves the quality of my sleep and helps me to wake up sooner when my alarm clocks go off. I'll let you know how it goes, Hopefully well.
I've received your gift. Fragrances are a part of one's personal grooming, and you had the nerve to gift one to ME? Challenge accepted. I'll come up with the perfect thing to return the sentiment. You're going to get what's coming to you-mark my words!
Sebek Zigvolt
Thank you for picking something out for me. It's a rather nice gift. Immersing myself in an unusual fragrance reminds me of my days visiting other lands. I know! I should cook you some foreign cuisine as a token of gratitude! I can hardly wait.
Lilia Vanrouge
Dear esteemed student
I was quite taken aback when an unexpected package arrived at the headmage’s office ! To think you would send me something so thoughtful… Hmmm. This fragrance suits my taste nicely. Normally I wouldn’t be able to accept personal gifts, but I think I’ll make an exception for this, seeing as I’m so kind,
Dire Crowel
Dear pup
What is this? Giving personal gifts to teachers is hardly good pup behavior. But the moment I opened the wrapping, I could tell you picked this out for me. This design is suitable enough, as is the fragrance itself. I suppose I must commend your knack for gift-giving. Good boy.
Divus Crewel
Dear juvenile
I generally decline gifts from students, but you clearly chose this scent out of respect for me. I won’t use it around Lucius, but it might be nice to use in the staff room every once in a while? I gratefully accept.
Mozus Trein
Dear student
What is this? Did I give you homework assignment that involved getting me a present? Kidding, of course. This is the perfect scent for a guy as cool as me! I’ll teach you how to make my signature Vargas protein drink in return!
Ashton Vargas
Heya, my little imp!
What is up? Did you pick this out just for me? It’s fantastic scent, thanks! If you’re interested in this type of thing, I happen to have a fine looking forward to your next visit.
Dear minion
Mrah?! I was expecting tuna, but instead I get some weird thing called fragrance? What IS this thing? I woulda taken tuna in a heartbeat, but since my hench-human picked this out for me, I guess a proper boss would put it to good use. Be grateful for my kindness, partner!
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Hiya! It's me! I've been sending you so many asks that I wouldn't be surprised if you gave me a restraining order!
I made an account so I can actually participate in some of your rp things- if that's okay with you of course.
I sent you the ideas for the succubus, deadpool x wolverine and bimbo!au's, I sent others but I'd need to go through my memory, which would take all night.
Anyway- I have a new au idea for you! I think you'll like this. It's basically a gothic vampire!au.
I'm going to attach screen shots because I've already written it out and for some reason Tumblr doesn't let you copy and paste (it's already 1am where I am and I don't want to have to write this out all again, so I'm really sorry if this'll be annoying for you 😭).
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Adam: it's rude to stare, you know. How did a kid get in here?
Lucifer jumped at his voice: I-I'm not a kid!- I'm 30 years old!
Adam: really dude? What are you? 5"3?... you didn't get the long straw when it came to genes, huh? See what I did there?
Lucifer sighs as the man chuckles to himself.
Lucifer: uh... that's... not important- a-are you the owner?
Adam stares at Lucifer for a few seconds before taking a sip from his glass. Lucifer watches his every move, he feels like prey- are those fangs??
Adam: I guess you can say that.. my names Adam. Even though I think the asshole who broke into my house should introduce themselves first- but I'm in a good mood today!
Adam stands and pulls a chair infront of him.
Adam: Here man, have a seat, might as well make yourself comfortable.
The way Adam smiled and watched his every move made Luicfer shiver. He walked as calmy as he could to the chair infront of Adam. He sits, eyes never leaving Adams deep red ones.
Lucifer: I'm Lucifer- and I apologize for the breaking and entering. It's uh, not the best first impression.
Adam: wait- Lucifer? Like the Devil? That's sick. And I'm not one for first impressions, but you've certainly made an entrance, buddy.
Lucifer: Yeah, like the Devil, blame my father for that one-
Adam: I ain't judging man! I think it's cool, everyone has such boring names these days, it's nice to be surprised, nothing surprises me much anymore.
Adam runs his clawed hand through his hair, eyes never leaving Lucifers face. He notices as his eyes travel down to his chest, where his shirt has opened a bit more. Adam smirks, leaning forward, giving Lucifer a better view.
Adam: I would offer you a drink, but I think you want something else~
That's all I have! I hope this seems interesting to you 😭
Feel free to continue it, I'll try and participate to! It would be my first time doing these rp type things, so I'm sorry if I'm a bit all over the place lol
Okay- bye!
Ahhh!! Thank you for all your amazing ideas friendo! This too is amazing 🤩
And yes of course you can participate in the rp blogs! What account is it?
Lucifer felt a little called out, this man was so good looking he felt like he was trapped in a trance.
Lucifer: I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-
Adam: Pfft it's fine, I get it. I know I'm hot shit and I don't mind you looking. In fact.
Adam leaned in closer until his hot breath ghosted over Lucifer's face.
Adam: I wouldn't mind you doing more than just looking.
He grinned at the way the blonde man's face turned bright red at the implication. Humans were always so easy to work up. And man this one was easy on the eyes as well.
It's been a while since Adam had a visitor. Even longer since he had a rendezvous.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Hello hello friendo! I was wondering if I could request a Wally x wolf puppet reader? the scenario being that the other neighbors are afraid of R (reader) no matter what due to them looking like a big 'bad' wolf, R's appearance is quite frightful; stitches in a few places along with big teeth and claws plus they are on the large size (roughly Barnaby's size, if not a bit shorter). While on the outside they look all mean they are actually really sweet and just want to make friends.
"Do you think I'm doing something wrong, Wally? 'cuz I feel...unwanted here."
"No, no. You've done nothing wrong, Neighbor! What made you think of such silly things?"
"...well everyone's still acting like I'm gonna eat them for breakfast."
"Breakfast?? Why, that's nonsense. Breakfast is composed of bacon, eggs, juice, and toast..not people!"
"Uh, that was just a....nevermind." Sighing, you shook your head as you gave up trying to explain the idiom to Wally. But having this conversation with him over the phone did manage to cheer you up a little.
How you wished it was this easy talking to the rest of the neighbors, though they were all absolutely terrified of you and would've hung up the second they heard your voice.
Fortunately, Wally had recently learned a valuable lesson from Barnaby, who told him that he should never "judge a book by its cover". And he lived by that philosophy every time a newcomer came to town, whether they stayed or left.
You were no exception despite being a rather frightening-looking wolf with large sharp teeth, untrimmed claws, and stitches all over your body that made you look like a zombie. Of course, your clothes covered most of them, yet they didn't fully hide all of the things your neighbors were afraid of.
Of course, it didn't help that you're the child of The Big Bad Wolf...but you're nothing like him! You're not deceptive or evil in any way; all you wanted to do was make new friends.
But that was tough to prove when someone screamed if you so much as smiled at them.
Poppy was understandable, given she was a bird who already had some anxiety issues to begin with. And Barnaby was alright since you're both tall canines (and even then, he was still the taller one). He tolerated your presence and can stand being in the same room as you.
As for Julie, Eddie, Frank, Sally, and Howdy....you unintentionally scared them out of their wits.
For instance, you visited Howdy's bugdega for the first time to get groceries, and he ducked behind the register as you approached. The poor guy sounded like he was in tears as he stuttered that everything was free of charge.
Back then you thought he was having a bad day..but even outside of work, he seldom talked to you out of fear.
How naïve were you..
At least you had Wally, though, considering he's able to have normal chats with you both on the phone and in person. He still kept his joyful tone when speaking to you, and when you left he'd turn around to scold the others for "overreacting".
Honestly, he was growing tired of them treating you this way and not taking his advice. No neighbor deserved to feel so unwelcomed.
You weren't scary at all! He'll prove it!
And now he finally got an idea that he believed would work.
"Say, [y/n]..whatdya think about coming with me to the park?" He suggested. "I'm organizing a little painting lesson, and at the end we're all gonna paint something we like! If everyone's there and sees us getting along, they'll finally see how nice you really are!"
"You think so?" Your ears perked up, a small smile forming on your face as your tail began lightly wagging, thumping against the furniture.
While you haven't done any art since settling into the community, this hangout seemed to be a good place to sharpen your skills and, hopefully, make some friends. If they saw you indulging in a passion, you'll be able to connect with them more.
"Yup! I think it'll work! So are you in or out?"
"I'm in."
"Great! See you in an hour!"
Your smile dropped. "Wait, it's toda-?"
However, you didn't get the chance to finish as you heard the 'click' on the other end, realizing he hung up. You sighed and hung up your phone, too.
The thought of seeing everybody at the park so soon had you feeling anxious all over again, but you tried shaking off your worries, not wanting them to deter you from going. You couldn't disappoint Wally after how hopeful he sounded.
So instead you focused on making lunch for yourself before packing some art supplies together, finding a canvas or sketchbook to bring with you.
And about an hour later, you were fully prepared.
'It'll be fine..Wally's gonna be there..' You told yourself, taking a few deeps breaths, heading out the door with your head held high.
Surely, the neighbors will finally change their mind about you once they see that you shared a similar hobby as them..
It turns out you were wrong.
As Wally hosted his painting lesson in the park, going over how to paint different figures and scenes step-by-step...most of the gang could barely focus on what he was saying.
Instead, their eyes were anxiously fixated on you as you tried ignoring them and listened to his words. Whenever you made direct eye contact with any of them, they'd quickly look away and shudder, their hands shaking as they pretended to paint or draw.
They kept their canvases close to their chest, as though you were gonna pounce and tear it to shreds if they let their guard down.
Obviously, Wally took notice of this fast and would ask them questions about what he just said, his smile slowly turning into a frown as some stuttered out answers..while others just didn't catch it the first time around.
You only expected this, although you did manage to impress everybody with your scenery of a moonlit sky after accomplishing the final task of painting something you liked.
But it wasn't enough for Wally. They only complimented you because they were scared you'll get angry if they said the wrong thing...he could just tell by their shifty gazes.
They're just pretending.
After everybody eventually left for home, as the sun was going down, you stayed in the park with Wally. He was still sitting motionless on the same flat rock, having already put his supplies away.
You frowned as you approached him, not knowing what's gotten into him lately
Of course this hangout wasn't going to immediately make you everybody's best friend, but you didn't think he'd be this upset.
If anything it should have been you who was upset, though you believed things went quite well considering nobody ran away from you this time around.
Unfortunately, Wally begged to differ, given how he hasn't spoken a word to you since everyone else left.
"Wally?" Crouching down in front of him, you tilted your head. "What's wrong?"
"...I don't get it."
"..look, it's okay-" You went to place a comforting hand on his shoulder, only for him to suddenly look up at you with frustration in his wide eyes. Even his pupils seemed to tremble as he spoke.
"No, it's not okay. I-I..I know they can't help it but..I thought they trusted me, Neighbor. I planned all of this so they could stop being scared of you! And yet...they..." He trailed off, fingers trembling as they curled into his pants. "They're never gonna change...are they?"
"They can. They just need some more time." You tried to reason, yet he shook his head.
"But how much longer will it be until y--?" He started, but quickly stopped upon seeing the flashes of concern in your eyes, shrinking away.
"...until I what, Wally?"
"Are you...scared that I might leave one day?" You finally connected the dots. "Is that why you're so upset over all of this?"
Given his silence as he looked back down at the ground, that basically confirmed your answer.
Now it all made sense.
"Oh, buddy.." You hugged him close, feeling him flop against you as he rested his head on your fluffy chest. "You don't have to worry about that. It's gonna take a lot more than just a few skittish people to kick me out."
"But..you're so nice...and I don't know why they can't see that.." He mumbled, slowly hugging you back. "I swear I've tried everything-"
"You don't have to do anything more, Wally. I appreciate what you've done, but..you don't need to be stressed for my sake. I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'll even pinky promise it for ya."
After a long silence you felt him nod, and you smiled, relieved that he trusted you.
Soon you let each other go and made that pinky promise, sealing the deal. You could see that lifted a huge burden off his shoulders--one you didn't even realize he was trying to carry this whole time--as his own smile returned.
"C'mon. It's getting late. I'll walk ya back home." You suggesting, slinging your bag over your shoulder.
"Haha..that's usually my job, Neighbor." The blue-haired puppet chuckled as he fixed up his messy pompadour. "But thank you. I'll take up your kind offer!"
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ramblingoak · 1 year
Hey friendo 💜 drunk (mutually / accidental) kisses with Papa II if you feel like it???
Indeed my friend, I do feel like it 💙
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A Single Kiss
Secondo x GN Reader (gender neutral reader, fluff, nsfw but there's just some tipsy kissing, 1k words)
~ You need a very specific type of kiss from your Papa ~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
“Your eyes are meaty.”
The look on Secondo’s face was priceless, just pure bewilderment at what had come out of your mouth.  He grunted when you nearly toppled over again, letting out a string of Italian that you had no hope of understanding while sober let alone in your current state.  You did recognize the word for shoe and you obediently held each foot up so he could remove the tall heels you had chosen for the night.  When he chucked them down the hall you pouted, turning to go back and get them, but a quick tug on your hand had you spinning back towards him and pressed against his chest.
“We’ll get them later.”  You poked your bottom lip out more and plucked at one of the buttons on his waistcoat.  “You’ll break an ankle teetering around in those in your current state.”
“Someone will take them.”
Secondo snorted and shook his head.  He had forgone the facepaint tonight, opting for just a black upper lip like in his cardinal days.  Without the full paint it was easier to see his expressions, easier to see how he felt about you.  Things were a little fuzzy around the edges of your vision, but you were pretty sure he was wearing that fond look he got whenever you two were alone together.    
“Piccolina, who would take your shoes?”
Lucifer, you loved seeing him laugh.  He turned and wandered back down the hall to grab your shoes.  You let out a little sigh of appreciation watching him bend over to pick them up.  His perfectly tailored pants stretching across his ass and thighs.  
You loved seeing that too.
With your shoes in hand he returned to your side, slipping an arm back around your waist to keep you steady.  The walk back to his room went quietly.  He only had to rearrange your wandering hands a few times, quietly tutting at you when you whined.  How could he expect you to keep your hands to yourself when he looked like he did?  When he smelled like he did?  The urge to kiss him was always there, but right now it felt like if you didn’t you’d die.
“I think Terzo is too busy at his party to care about your shoes.”
“Secondo, come here.”
“I already am here, piccolina.”
You huffed and planted your feet as hard as you could trying to stop him, turning around to place your hands on his chest.  A single eyebrow rose up as he tried to figure out what you were doing.  Well, it should be obvious.  
“Silly Papa, I want to kiss you.”
“Oh really?  What’s the occasion?”
Ugh, why was his face so far away?  You gripped the lapels of his jacket in your hands and pulled yourself up on your tiptoes.  
“Your handsome face is the oc-occas…um,”  You squinted at his face, trying to remember the damn word when a wave of dizziness hit you.  Groaning, you leaned harder against him, your forehead falling to rest on his tie.  His chest vibrated as he chuckled and you hummed when he rubbed his free hand up and down your back.  The dizziness passed quickly so you leaned your head back to look at him again.  “I like your eyes.”
“Because they’re meaty?”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”  When he tried to gently nudge you forward you growled, planting your feet again.  “Papa no, we can’t move until you kiss me.”
“Ah, is that the price?  A single kiss?”
“Yup.”  Your lips popped on the ‘p’ and you grinned smugly at him.  “A good one, too.”
He moved the hand on your back to your cheek, lightly brushing his thumb across your cheek bone.  
“Aren’t all my kisses good, piccolina?”
“Yes, but I want a really good one.  Like…firm.  A firm kiss, Papa.”  
Secondo nodded solemnly, the look on his face making your heart do funny things in your chest.    
“A really good, firm kiss.  I think I can do this.”
“Sloppy, too.” 
“So demanding tonight.  Is there anything else?”
You scrunched your nose up as you thought about what else the kiss should have.  Your thoughts were so fuzzy it was hard to think about all the things that went into a kiss from your Papa.  
“Oh!  Tongue too.  Please.”
“Alright, I think I can manage that.  But after you’re going straight to bed, ok?”
“Yes, Papa.”
The sound of your shoes dropping back onto the floor echoed down the hall, but before you could protest their treatment Secondo was leaning in and pressing his lips to yours.  You had to cling to his jacket harder to stay upright, the force and passion behind his kiss tough to handle after all the colorful drinks you had at his brother’s party.  Secondo’s lips tasted like the bright pink concoction you’d foisted on him before he’d insisted you both leave.
You opened your mouth under his when his now free hand moved to your ass and his fingers dug into your flesh.  Secondo began to nip and suck at your lips before slipping his tongue inside your mouth.  Both of you groaned as the kiss deepened, your tongues flicking and rubbing against each other’s.  Secondo’s mouth dominated yours, his movements practiced but still full of passion.  When the kiss finally slowed and he began to pull away you whined, trying and failing to follow his mouth as he leaned back.  He shushed you, making you pout up at him.  
“Now, now.  I think I did everything you asked, si?”  You reluctantly nodded, but continued to pout.  He rubbed a thumb along your swollen bottom lip and clicked his tongue.  “It’s time for bed now, that was the deal.”
“Can there be more kisses?”
Secondo smiled gently and nodded, leaning in to press a quick kiss to the tip of your nose.  
“I will always have kisses for you, piccolina.”
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
my masterlist
my ao3
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orangekittyenergy · 2 months
Okay it’s time for a ‘hi new followers post’!!! HI NEW FRIENDOS!
I do a lot of thirst posting and art….and thirsty art. If you ever have an idea or sketch you want feel free to send me an ask (or if you just want to chat).
Eventually I’ll do a real master post with my art but feel free to check my pinned for links. Commissions are open here!
And here’s some recent pics and examples of commissions I’ve done as a treato ❤️ Thanks for your support!!!
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prismaticpichu · 15 days
Heya, friendos 💖
To a certain and safe extent, I like to be transparent with things around here, and I do think this is one of those times where it’s appropriate. With that said, life has been… fucking messy lately. Disastrous mental health has currently stopped me from attending school, and I don’t know how long this stretch of severe ickiness is going to last; it could be a few more days, weeks, months… who fucking knows lol. It’s honestly one of the worst headspaces I’ve been in my entire life, and I’m not even sure what to do with that life at the moment.
Anyways, like I said, I just like being open and honest with y’all ❤️ There are times where the ickiness can bleed into the tone of my posts/mood, and I just want there to be some justification for it ig xD
That also said, if there are any fanfic prompts you’d like me to tackle, plz do feel free to send ‘em over ❤️ Even if I can’t attend school at the moment, even if I tentatively may not be able to go to college, I don’t want to give up my dream of being an author—or even just a decent writer, period. Now… is fanfic going to fix all my problems? Absolutely not, and it never will. But if there’s one thing that genuinely keeps me going, it’s my drive to entertain and spread even the faintest sparks of joy. If I can’t necessarily muster the strength to smile, then I want to try to make others find that strength. Already shelved a few multichaps I completely (for now) lost motivation in, so mental plate’s pretty clean in terms of starting new things. Can’t promise they’ll be done immediately (sometimes my energy is zip x,D), but it’s something to keep the brain busy and distracted. And as always, ofc, there is no pressure whatsoever to send anything in ❤️
Take care out there, friendos <333 We’ve got this!!
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
after scrolling through your posts i felt complelled to send an ask (i wonder why)
This kinda? relates to all the languages posts you've been making (was giggling and kicking my feet while reading them, and got inspired) but because I only speak English, I wanted to put a twist on it.
Creator who has audio processing issues and doesn't realise that Teyvat DOES actually speak the same language as them for a good while.
Because as a person with very good hearing, i sure don't fucking understand what people are saying most of the time, especially in big crowds. (its like listening to the sims sometimes man, i'm fighting for my life trying to understand😭)
So imagine a Creator getting dropped into Teyvat and getting found by a group of hunters or treasure horders, who instantly start panicking and talking all at once because 'omg our god is here' and all that.
And the Creator is still confused and diorientated, so all they're hearing is ✨words✨and they just assume that no one in Teyvat will understand them.
And then when they arrive in one of the nations and get to meet the vision bearers for the first time, the Creator makes a thirsty comment about one of them (probably would be Diluc in my case) and the entire crowd just goes SILENT.
So silent that the Creator can perfectlly understand what that vision bearer said in response.
Anyway, i love your blog :) not sure when you're going to get this, time zones are funny, but I hope you like it
Giggling and kicking?? Over my stuff??? 🥺🥺🥺💘💘💘 You sneaky little charmer ✨️
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Have a cookie!! 🤲🍪 tysm for the ask im very very happy to see it!! :D!!
(Me from the future editing: Sorry i wrote an entire sloppy written scenario over this its diluc focused, jfc sorry and i hope u get smth outta it 💀)
Oh good lord you being some kind of Creator god after getting sucked into the goddmn video game world is absolute HELL for your APD
Aint nobody tellin u nothing bc i can totally see that scenario happening bc everyone is like blabbering at you constantly, they all wanna get close to you to talk so its just [insert that general cafe crowd noises here]
Like u wish u had lofi to go with it bc u sure as hell cant get a word in edgewise
I know i keep writing abt Mondstadt, mostly bc first city -> intro to game -> therefore you land there
But i promise ill branch out guys but i got an excuse this time u mentioned Diluc 🔥
Honestly bc u probably arent trying to talk back to them (which they dont rlly know why? Bc they totally have heard ur voice while u were in ur world, when they were ur vessels)
They kinda assumed either A. You lost your voice B. You're overwhelmed, ppl r getting WAY too close to you, back off Npcs C. Or you don't speak THEIR language
So ofc Mondstadt brings you into the city and their planning a big ol festival, u came right in time for Windblume anyway, and by the time your done shaking hands and just waving and smiling (bc what else can u do u cant hear these fuckers, maybe u caught a "the" or a "hello" but you could've definitely been imagining it)
And finally you are free of the general crowd, but most of the Vision bearers (Allogenes) who were ur vessels wanna stick around, so u all end up in Angel's Share somehow
It's hella packed, and it's a bar.
So yeah u still can't hear shit, and now it just sounds like one of those fantasy medieval bar audios ambience videos
Ur just kinda kicking ur feetsies on a bar stool while like,, 4 or 5 differrent special character dishes are sitting in front of you
Diluc's behind the bar, and has been so sweetly attentive to you all evening, no matter how many tipsy patrons come up yelling for refills or drinks (or at least thats what u assume, bc u kinda end up just,, jumping and hitching ur shoulders up and trying to be lowkey about covering ur ears...)
He always comes and refills ur glass when it gets to even half-full, swiping away plates that have gone cold, and if you still want smth off of it, he's so perceptive no language needed bc he just sees your face and starts heating up the plate again with his vision with his hand :)
He's actually been the best thruout all this bc he already isn't super talkative, so ur pretty sure you've only seen his mouth open a few times, but otherwise u just communicated with him via actions/expressions
So ur chilling, well sorta, ur starting to kinda get overstimulated by the day and now this loud ass bar, and the fact that ur convinced no one speaks English here...
But hey!
Diluc's cool, u got food, and maybe u can charade to him u wanna find somewhere to retire to now for the night,,
You try and do that but he's pretty busy running around still,
"Damn, at least I get to see his ass though."
Diluc freezes.
You freeze.
Jean, Lisa, Venti, Amber, Kaeya, Rosaria freezes.
The whole bar goes silent.
Their god of gods finally spoke.
Oh they can understand you alright. (Also u were looking right at Diluc when you said it so, kinda obvious who u mean, somebody points to you behind Diluc)
Diluc just kinda,, sputters, like jerkily turns around and everything like a fried robot
"I- ahem- I- um- y-your Grace- I-"
Poor guy.
He doesn't even know what to say 🤷‍♂️
He has been progressively getting closer and closer to his hair color, his cheeks, his neck, his ears its a full white boy flush he cant escape its so obvious (should he say thank you? How do u even begin to thank a god for complimenting ur ass??!!)
He's caught between facing you and turning around and ducking back into the kitchen and never coming out again (unless it's just you two)
...Was it always this hot in here? Or did Diluc do this to you? 😵‍💫
(Well at least it's a lot quieter now)
You take the next logical step in this situation, and gently let your head thud into the bar.
It's a tie between Venti and Kaeya who busts out laughing first.
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caramelstarlight · 1 year
So like this isn't specific but what about certain stoic genshin men with a reader whoa incredibly bubbly and happy all the time.
"Someone is going to die."
"Of fun!"
sorry for not doing anything the past week and two (haha two.)
(FUTURE ME BY LIKE 2 MINS I FORGOT THE ✅/⭐️ Your prayer is accepted friendo) (other two in progresss.)
I was going to animate the “Hey Two!” Video bc I am a fan of bfdi. (Have been ever since I was little!)
But don’t worry everything will be out today and tomorrow! (Most likely.)
if you follow me on wattpad you would’ve saw the post I put 3 days ago most likely. There’s also 6 options for me to animate on there! Feel free to look at my acc and vote. (You can also vote for one by sending a message.)
Also holy so many frames 😭
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I forgot Diluc existed sorry :d
cough cough Two worlds one heart next part tomorrow cough cough (aka part 4)
*cough cough ignore that it’s coming Friday bc I forgot about picture taking cough cough*
Stoic x Bubbly
(Alhaitham, Xiao, Wanderer, Cyno (in work mode) Tighnari (He’s stoic when he’s working like Cyno) I forgot Diluc existed mb.
And my limit for requests is 4 and I decided to add Tighnari bc I realized it. (No more than 4) (No part two. Sorry for those who thought Diluc would be here :d)
under cut r the stories. : D
“Alhaitham” you said as he read his book forgetting about the noise canceling stuff he had. You continued to call out his name as kaveh watched. Softly laughing at you.
Alhaitham sent a glare towards kaveh and his gaze went back towards his book. “Alhaitham isn’t fun.” He pouted as you nodded. Eventually leaving his side to go outside with kaveh. Trying to bait him into becoming more fun.
“Kaveh I don’t think this will work.” “It might but prob not.” He replied as you both waited. He didn’t come out soon and you both came up with another idea. “We should make him mad about something…”
“Like Tighnari at cynos jokes?” “Exactly. I know you make him mad but maybe it should be something about knowledge?” “Wh-hey!” He bonked you on the head as you hit him lightly. “You do have a point though.” Kaveh said afterwards.
“Where would we find a dummy in all of sumeru?” You asked knowing majority of sumeru are smart fellows.
“We just need to get lucky.” “Maybe you should try make him mad again.” “Whyyy?!” “Because you make him mad numbskull!” Hitting him again lightly as he thought about it.
“I heard you two were trying to make me mad?” You both jumped slightly as both of you turned your head to see Alhaitham. Both of you becoming nervous by the second.
“I uhhmm.” You said trying to come up with an answer that wouldn’t sound stupid to him. His gaze turned to kaveh shortly after.
“Well I accept your challenge.” “Wait what?!”
“Someone is going to die.” Both of you panicked becoming more confused.
“Of fun?” You thought out loud as he nodded. Both of you partying slightly. Finally doing something other than work and reading.
Xiao (During lantern rite)
“Xiao!” You called as he appeared by your side. Sitting at a table with Zhongli and a few adepti. His eyes widened in surprise as he quickly composed himself and sat next to Zhongli.
Playing a few games to pass the time after having lunch with everyone. Xiao managed to smile and become more happier.
When it was time to play tag (yes tag.) he was not like his usual self but still tried. “Someone is going to die.” He said as a joke. Watching people be tagged from a distance. He though someone might fall and trip.
“Of fun!” You said afterwards. Tagging yaoyao as you ran away. Watching her touch xiao as she ran. He was caught off guard and teleported to someone randomly touching cloud retainer.
“Why must one be touched for a silly game?” She said as she used her beak to touch mountain shaper. He stayed silent and ran after Moon carver.
Xiao returned to yours and Zhongli s side as you started to lose the adrenaline in your heart. Drinking water as you watched them all finish.
(HAHHAHAHAHHAHA MY SISTER LOST HER 50/50 TO MONAAA) (I have won none of my 50/50s *crying* (I’m serious all 5 that I had I LOST, 3 to qiqi once to Mona and once to jean. Keqing was on standard)
He watched you come inside not expecting you to be crying. He rushed to your side and asked why and who (or what) caused it.
“Someone almost poisoned me…” You told him. “And do you know who? I’ll gladly make them cry louder than you and regret their life.” (Get it?????? I’m not funny :D) “what-?” “Nothing.”
“Someone is going to die today Y/N. Just tell me their name.” “Of fun right wanderer…?” It stayed silent for a few moments as you became more nervous then sad.
“Of fun right?” You asked again clasping your hands together worrying for the person who did it to you. “Let’s put it that way…” he said as he asked you. Looking for that individual after he spent some time with you.
He was always so interested in how you were always trying to see positive sides of anything. He has witnessed cruel and unjust acts and behavior.
“Do you wanna pull a prank on them?” Someone asked gesturing to you. “Dude are you crazy?? Almost anyone and you choose them??!” They said calming down as they drank their water after the spat it out.
“What’s wrong with them?” They asked kind of nervous of them freaking out. “That’s the General Mahamatras Partner! AKA Cyno.” Cyno listened closely as he strained his ears. Behind a wall as you talked to a friend. Unknowingly cyno was going to pull a prank on them in return.
“Pssht! He’s prob on a mission it’s not like he’s hearing us right now.” “I guess you’re right but be careful.” They replied as they began to talk. Cynos prank wasn’t going to be good but it would jump them. That’s how pranks are.
They pulled the prank and scare you from behind. Telling how they got you good. Before you smirked and stocked your tongue out. Cyno was right behind them with his usual cold gaze and activated spirit. (Basically his idol animation, the one with the polearm)
“Someone will perish for their actions against Y/N.” They both froze up and turned slightly scared and worried. “Of fun!” You perked in. They both got caught off guard as cyno laughed off the joke before giving both of them a slight cut on their bodies.
“Run.” You suggested as cyno chased them away. Coming back toward you after he had his fun. “That’s fun to you? Chasing innocent beings cyno?” You asked jokingly. “Yes. Think of it as tag but it doesn’t end as quickly as tag does.”
“Fair enough.”
“I swear I am going insane if one more person consumes a fungi that’s poisonous or has dangerous side effects.” Tighnari stated as you tried to calm the agitated fennec down.
“Nari it will be okay. On the bright side it teaches not too and can help you improve on your methods of healing them.” You watched as his ears and tail perked up slightly motivated him. His tail wagged slowly as he stopped his rant.
“Someone will die.” He said and caught you off guard. “What-?! Of fun I hope!” You said as he nodded. “I’m going insane I need some days offff.” He told you as he buried his face into the pillow on the couch.
“Don’t worry the others can take at least 2 or 3 days off I’m sure of it!” You played with his ears as he felt calmer. “Thank you…” He got up and sat next to you. Waiting for your hand. You placed it on his head as he melted into your touch. His tail swishing ecstatically. Finally getting a well deserved break.
You scratched behind his ears as he spoke. “I really needed this.” Beginning to become sleepy due to the amount of comfort. Soon after you heard light snores.
Laughing to yourself as you got up and gave him a blanket. Going to go help the others with their tasks and to tell them what would be planned.
(I need a two plush. Omg it looks amazing. My birthday is in November tho 😭)
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