#{1 really long string bean}
marigold-hills · 3 months
Dunes & Waters, part 4
“Lovely, lovely things,” Black speaks to a box filled with jewellery: strands of gems on long strings, little dangling ear studs. Pulls out a silver ring. Slips it on his finger.
“Beautiful boy, beautiful ring,” says the man manning the stall. He looks elated, like he’s won a lottery, and it might have less to do with the sale and more with how passer-by’s look at Black. He brings eyes to the table.
It’s a whole production, going outside with Black. Remus is used to stares – the ever-growing collection of scars on his body gets its share of lingering looks - but the way people are looking at Black? If someone said he was a celebrity Remus would believe them.
Black buys the ring, adds a pair of earrings to his mounting purchases. They’re in the Muggle part of Aswan so he’s carrying them all in bags, without shrinking anything. Clothes and jewellery and little pots of makeup and lotions. Remus feels, viscerally, each frivolous acquisition. The ring itself costs what Remus usually spends on food in a week, and Black buys it without pause. Like it’s a normal thing, to spend that kind of money of a piece of metal.
The next vendor pushes Meshbek into Black’s hands. It’s drenched in syrup, coating his fingers. Remus declines when offered but takes the bags from Black so he can eat as they explore further. Immediately thinks you were meant not to indulge him, but it’s that politeness he’s had instilled in him since childhood and it’s one thing to want to say no when Black acts like he’s already said yes, and another to actually do it.
It’s an explosion of colour and smell, the Aswan market. The air itself is fragrant with cumin and fennel, tastes warm like a well-loved kitchen.
Remus looks at all the stacks of spices longingly, wishes he knew what to do with them – or that his cooking proficiency extended beyond beans on toast. Black chooses things seemingly at random but it’s clear he knows what he’s getting. Speaks to the vendor in fluent Arabic. It changes the way his voice sounds, faster than his posh British drawl. Laughs at something that’s said to him, sudden and loud like a barking dog. Moves from stall to stall licking the syrup off his fingers and stopping to look at every small thing.
Remus is busy looking at a display of fruit and doesn’t notice a child running his way. They almost collide but Black grabs his hand to pull him away.
The burn is immediate and terrible. Remus yelps, pulls his hand away as if from a fire. There’s only one thing that can cause that and Remus stuffs his hand in his pocket, hoping Black hadn’t noticed the blisters he can already feel forming.
For a moment, Black looks confused, but his face hardens quickly. “I’m not contagious, Professor.” He says contagious low and slow, and the implication is clear: you can’t catch what I have even if you tried. “No need to get yourself in a pretzel.”
Remus wants to argue. It’s laughable, what Black is alluding to, the very thought that Remus could have an issue with a man holding his hand. But arguing means he’d have to give an explanation and he’s definitely not about to do that. The pain in his hand is making his thoughts hazy and he really doesn’t want to deal with the volatile storm brewing around Black, an almost palpable aura of anger. Propensity for accidental magic, he remembers.
(let me know if you do/don’t want to be tagged!)
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feyburner · 5 months
tumblr user feyburner, i have a confession. i don't know how to roast a chicken, or do anything with a chicken, and at this point i'm afraid to ask.
I can tell you're afraid to ask bc this isn't really a question. But I will answer it anyway. I'm always happy to talk about chicken.
You’ll be pleased to learn that roasting a chicken is so easy. The below explanation is quite long bc I am including all the information I can remember, to set you up for chicken roasting success. But, essentially, you’re rubbing a chicken in oil and seasonings and putting him in the oven for like an hour. Done.
Remember that people have been roasting whole chickens since the dawn of time using whatever they had around bc it’s the most low effort, high reward meal ever. You could say the word “salt” in a chicken’s general direction and toss him at a candle flame and he would still turn out great.  
To roast a chicken:
Buy a whole chicken, however big you want. 4-5 lbs is enough to feed 3-5 people with leftovers.
Prepare a workspace with a plastic cutting board (not wooden bc raw chicken juices) and paper towels. 
Remove the giblets, pin feathers, extra flaps:
1. Stick your hand up his primary orifice and pull out anything loose. There is usually a handful of little organs like heart and gizzards and sometimes these strings of pale bean looking things (tbh not sure what those are). Save these for stock, except the liver (super dark squishy organ) which will disintegrate. You can eat the liver separate if you want.
2. Trim off any sticky-outy bits that have pin feathers on them, and the flaps of fat/gristle over his orifice. Save the fatty bits for stock. Leave the triangle of fat directly above the orifice (his tail). 
Pat the chicken dry with paper towels inside and out. Get him as dry as possible. 
Spatchcock: You don’t have to spatchcock/butterfly but I like to, bc it maximizes outer surface area for that good good crispy skin. Also easier to get breasts and thighs done at the same rate.
All you have to do is cut the backbone out of the chicken with poultry shears or kitchen scissors if you’re desperate. Then push down hard to crack the breastbone so he lies super flat. Save the backbone for stock or jus. How to spatchcock step by step guide.
Dry brine: Prepare a bowl of coarse kosher salt. More salt than you’d think. Like 1 Tbsp per lb of meat. Rub salt over the whole chicken inside and out. Don’t skimp on the salt especially on the inside. It will not make your chicken crazy salty, it doesn't penetrate the meat that deep. Also some will be wiped off before you cook. 
Put the chicken on a wire rack on a baking sheet and chill uncovered in the fridge for 2-24 hours. The point of this step is the salt draws moisture to the surface of the chicken, which then evaporates in the circulating fridge air. It helps you get crispy chicken skin.
Dry brine + resting isn't 100% necessary, if for some reason you must produce a roasted chicken on a time crunch. But it's a good practice.
Roasting time:
Pat excess moisture off chicken inside and out. If you did not spatchcock you can stuff the inside with a halved lemon or garlic head, herbs, whatever you want. 
Seasoning rub: Prepare a small bowl with olive oil (maybe 1/4-1/3 cup?), salt, freshly cracked black pepper, and whatever dried herbs and spices you want. A good starter is: salt, pepper, parsley sage rosemary thyme, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder. I love me some Cajun spice mix like Slap Ya Mama. Start with like 1-2 tsp of each (1 tsp spices, 2 tsp dried herbs) and build from there. Don’t be shy. Recipes on the internet are like “Use 1/2 tsp herbs for this whole recipe” because they’re heading off 1-star reviews from annoying people who can’t handle a molecule of flavor. Season with your heart, your pussy, and your balls. Don’t be ashamed to use a store-bought spice rub. It’s not lazy, it’s efficient. Also, who gives a shit.
Rub the oil all over Mr. Chicken like he’s an Ancient Greek warrior-prince you’re preparing for the Olympic Games. 
Some recipes tell you to use butter, or slip butter under the skin, but butter has higher water content than oil and might not get you the ideal crispy skin. You can do whatever you want though. It’s your chicken. 
Preheat the oven to 425°. People will tell you a billion different temperatures—screaming hot, low and slow—but I’m here to tell you that it is so hard to fuck up a roast chicken, you can experiment and the results will always be great. 
I like to start at a high temp for 30 minutes to get the skin crisping and then reduce to 375° for the rest of the time to avoid burning. Sometimes you’ll have to cover him with foil if the seasonings start charring. That’s fine.
General cook time: 20 minutes per lb of meat, give or take 20 depending on oven temp. A 4-5 lb chicken at 425° -> 375° generally takes me ~1 hour 20 minutes. If you do low and slow at like 325° it might take 2+ hours. Just check on him periodically. Tbh it’s harder to overcook a chicken than you probably think. 5 minutes, or even 10-20 minutes, is NOT the difference between beautiful tender juicy chicken and a bone-dry tragedy. Chicken is not turkey. He is versatile and he can take it.
Pull the chicken when a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part reads 145° or above. (160° is the “safe temp” but 1. The temp will continue to rise for a few minutes after it leaves the oven, and 2. 160° is the temp at which bacteria dies immediately. 145° is fine for eating. Disclaimer: I am not a scientist just a guy who makes a lot of chicken.)
If you don’t have a thermometer, pull the chicken when you insert a knife into the thickest part and the juices run clear. Gorgeous.
Let him sit for 10-20 minutes before carving. When carving, find the oysters and give them to your favorite person or take them as the Cook’s Bounty.
Again, this explanation is quite long because I included lots of detail. If you do it even one time, you'll realize it's incredibly easy and intuitive and doesn't take much time at all.
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stars-tonight · 3 months
Hey! I would love to do a match up then (gyaaa I’m excited)!! I would like to be matched with Haikyuu men (post time skip because I’m an adult). I would love a long head canon too but I respect the writer grind so do what you’re comfortable with! (Romantic too). I go by she/her and my ideal type must meet three requirements: 1. has to make me laugh (isn’t difficult I laugh at literally EVERYTHING 80% of my day is just me giggling at tik toks) 2. I have a big fluffy golden doodle, she is a therapy dog and they need to be ok with her giving kisses and sleeping on my bed 3. Kind respectful man! Kindness is so attractive. I am 5’8 I look like this: (ME) in case that doesn’t work im slender and I have blue eyes and brown hair. As you might know, one of my hobbies is fan fic writing but I also LOVE taekwondo and in another life I would like to be a taekwondo champion! I’m an archivist and I love love reading manga and watching anime. I also have a nasty spending habit on anime merchandise (I’ve dropped 200$ on anime stuff). Physically my ideal type r muscular guys (I hate tsuki so plz not him). My dream date is snowball fight and ice skating!! If I was dating a volleyball player I’d be their biggest fan (wearing their face on a tshirt) and I hope my partner would be my biggest fan too! My love language is food :)) I hope that’s enough!
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🥛 bokuto is the unintentionally funny type
🥛 like he's supposed to be this really cool ace but actually if you search up his name it's just his fans editing all his emo modes into memes
🥛 he doesn't mind it too much though
🥛 (he probably isn't even aware that this was a thing)
🥛 but you'll definitely be laughing at his dramatics
🥛 if you're upset he'll probably go look up cheesy dad jokes and sing them to you to cheer you up
🥛 or he'll go running to the store (full on sprinting) to buy you all your favorite food
🥛 bokuto definitely would not mind your dog
🥛 he's like a dog himself lol
🥛 they'd probably have some sort of shared language
🥛 he's the type of guy who'd plant a huge kiss on her nose and just run around with her in the park
🥛 bokuto is a muscular guy, right
🥛 so if you see him you'll probably think he owns a german shepherd or another scary dog
🥛 but instead you'll just see him running around like a little kid with a goldendoodle lol
🥛 bokuto seems like a natural bed hogger
🥛 so bokuto + dog = you're probably not getting a lot of room on the bed
🥛 also bokuto is definitely kind-hearted
🥛 he's not scheming or sassy
🥛 when he sees that you're good at taekwondo he'll have a minor crisis
🥛 because he's supposed to protect you, right?
🥛 so why does he feel like you can protect him better than he can protect you?
🥛 but would very quickly realize it's cool and just admires you more
🥛 watches anime with you and dramatically reacts to everything
🥛 cheers when the protagonist wins, gasps at plot twists, cries loudly at emotional moments, etc.
🥛 imagine bokuto in a snowball fight lol
🥛 it'd be lowkey so cute
🥛 he looks for you at every game
🥛 when he sees you wearing a shirt with his face on it he just lights up
🥛 waves excitedly and probably jumps up and down to make sure you can see him, unaware the cameras are on him
🥛 you can bet he's playing his best after seeing you in the crowds
🥛 after a win he's running to you as fast as he can and scooping you up and swinging you around lol
🥛 he'd DEFINITELY be your biggest fan
🥛 comes to anything you do and for sure brings a banner
🥛 and sometimes you have to be like "not everyone brings a banner and a cowbell to [insert the occasion here]"
🥛 (also tsukki's not muscular anyway the man is a string bean lmao)
runner up for you was miya osamu!
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A/N: there you go, i hope you liked it! also girl you're BEAUTIFUL 🫶
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half-an-hour-hence · 10 months
Mega long list of OTP questions about Jamiemalcolm
1. Who is the most affectionate?
I think it would probably have to be Jamie, especially towards the beginning of their relationship. PDA is a no, so any display of affection is carried out in the privacy of one of their homes (or very occasionally in the office when no one is around). In particular, Jamie likes to bury his head in Malcolm’s neck when they’re sleeping (Malcolm won’t admit he likes it).
2. Big spoon/little spoon?
Usually the big spoon ends up being Jamie, mainly because Malcolm gets dragged into spooning anyway. Very occasionally it’s the other way around, but only when Jamie is too exhausted to complain.
3. Most common argument?
Outside of whinging about their respective problems with each other in a professional setting, it’s normally about their relationship. Malcolm has several truck loads worth of internalised homophobia, and I’m willing to bet that Jamie has a fair amount of religious trauma on top of his internalised homophobia. So it’s nigh on impossible for them to have a discussion about whatever it is that they are without the whole conversation exploding into an argument almost immediately.
4. Favourite non-sexual activity?
Just being in one another’s company. After all the arguments (with either each other or their colleagues) have died down and they need a minute’s silence so they don’t lose their voices, it’s nice for them to enjoy the fact that they actually have someone to go to when they’re stressed, someone who understands completely the amount of shit they’ve had to put up with and someone who (sort of) knows how to help deal with it. Specific examples include early mornings basking in the pre-dawn silence just holding one another, or working on paperwork in the evenings in Malcolm’s kitchen, sharing a bottle of wine and resisting the urge to rip their respective papers up.
5. Who is most likely to carry the other?
They would never, unless it was a life or death situation - but Jamie would carry Malcolm because he’s practically a string bean and weighs literally nothing. Jamie - on the other hand - is deceptively heavy, despite his lack of height. So Malcolm couldn’t carry him even if he wanted to.
6. What is their favourite feature of their partner’s?
Jamie - my pathetic little guy - would answer simply that he just really likes Malcolm’s face. Like pretty much all of his facial features drive him wild. His eyes and how they can shift, that ice cold stare seamlessly melting whenever they focus back on Jamie, and how it’s so subtle that only he notices. The shape of his nose - nobody will ever know how long he’s stared at the how the moonlight sneaking in through the cracks in the curtains highlight all the bumps and ridges that make it so unique. And his lips. Just thinking about how soft they are makes Jamie’s stomach flip. But if we ask Malcolm, he’d say his favourite thing about Jamie would have to be his intelligence, as well as his ability to manipulate and to scare the living shit out of people. He loves seeing him at work, using his intellect to sort out political problems, and then seeing him whenever they get the opportunity to dip their toes into the waters of domesticity, applying the same logic to everyday problems. (He also really likes his ass, but he’d rather die than admit that out loud. Jamie probably knows though.)
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realise they have feelings for each other?
I - like a lot of people, I have discovered - think that they began their relationship as more of an ‘arrangement’ - ie, they sleep together one night and decide to keep sleeping together because they enjoy it so much, and then live in denial for some time by telling themselves that it’s just sex and they aren’t gay. Spoiler alert: they are. So when they realise that it’s not just sex but feelings as well, they do the classic thing: they distance themselves away from each other because they’re scared as fuck. I think they figure it out at the same time, so they both try and fool the other by saying they just need some time to themselves.
8. Nicknames? And if so, how did they originate?
Obviously Jamie calls Malcolm ‘Malc’. And any variation of an insult containing the word ‘cunt’ is thrown around when necessary. But I can’t see them using pet names or anything if I’m honest (unless Malcolm calling Jamie a gremlin counts).
9. Who worries the most?
Malcolm. He’s paranoid as fuck that someone will catch him and Jamie. They’ll be in bed or something and the floorboards will creak slightly outside the door, and Malcolm will sit bolt upright and say some ominous shit like ‘they’re in the house’, and Jamie will roll over half asleep to tell him to ‘stop fretting, you fucking maniac, it’s three in the morning. It’s probably just some demon coming to drag your miserable prune-like husk of a body down to hell. Now shut the fuck up before I shove a fucking lamp down your throat.’
10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Malcolm, because he has impeccable memory and Jamie can’t even remember what he had for breakfast in the morning.
11. Who tops?
Listen. It really depends. I personally think that it was Jamie for the longest time, because a) he got a kick out of reducing Malcom to jelly, and b) Malcolm asked for it, and Malcolm Tucker begging to be fucked was NOT something Jamie was going to pass up on. But after a while - and a lot of nagging from Malcolm - they switched, and THAT was arguably better (mostly due to the absolutely delicious sounds Jamie makes). So in conclusion, they switch.
12. Who initiates kisses?
Again, depends. If it’s purely romantic, then it’s usually Jamie. If it’s with sexual intent in mind, then it could be either.
13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
You know what? Honestly I think Malcolm. In regards to their relationship, I think hand holding would predominantly be a sign of reassurance, rather than being necessarily affectionate. For instance, during the trial, when Malcolm went back home and Jamie was waiting for him, they actually managed to have a conversation about it in the kitchen sitting around the table. Malcolm kind of subconsciously reached for Jamie’s hand for support then, because he really didn’t want to lose his job or go down.
14. Who kisses the hardest?
Sober? Jamie. After a few drinks? Malcolm. I’m right.
15. Who wakes up first?
Malcolm. In the early days of their relationship, he would wake up early to get out of the house before Jamie woke up because he was neck deep in denial and scared shitless. But now when he wakes up early he just goes downstairs to make coffee and read the paper until he hears Jamie’s fuck-off loud alarm to go off.
16. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
It takes about half an hour for Jamie to wake up after his first alarm goes off. He can’t resist pressing the snooze button, especially in the winter when it’s fucking freezing and the bed’s so warm. Eventually Malcolm gets annoyed by the sound of the alarm so he rips the duvet off of Jamie and tells him to get up.
17. Who says I love you first?
Jamie. It’s not something that he hadn’t planned; he works in politics - half of his job is to know how to not let things slip out unexpectedly. He organises it so he says it on one of the rare occasions where he and Malcolm have the same day off, just in case those three words are enough to finish the old fucker off, and so that he would have the entire day to acclimatise to the fact that someone actually loves him. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Malcolm did look as though he was having a heart attack after it was said, and Jamie was correct in predicting that he needed the rest of the day to take it in. It wasn’t said back immediately - in fact it took Malcolm a few more months to reciprocate the sentiment - however the most important thing was that Jamie meant it.
18. Who leaves little notes in the other’s lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
I think they both do, which is why Malcolm and Jamie eat their lunches far away from everyone else’s prying eyes. The content of the notes depends on how their evening/morning went. Sometimes they contain the most outrageous combination of expletives ever read by another human being, but on rarer occasions they read something along the lines of, ‘hope your day isn’t too shitty - but if it is you can slag off the useless cunts when you get back’.
19. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
They don’t. They both reckon it’s too dangerous to explicitly mention that they’re seeing each other, even to their own families. However, they have told their loved ones (Jamie’s whole extended family plus a few mates, and Malcolm’s sister, brother-in-law, their kids and his mother) that they are dating someone, just to put them all out of their misery. The only person who actually knows about their relationship is Sam, Malcolm’s PA.
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
Everyone is happy that both Jamie and Malcolm are dating someone. They - as most people do - tend to ask rather intrusive questions, which both take great care to answer incredibly vaguely. Malcolm’s mother keeps asking him when he’ll get married, a question that he wilfully ignores. Sam tends to smile knowingly at them whenever they walk by together, which Jamie severely dislikes.
21. Who is most likely to start dancing with the other?
I really have no clue as to why, but I think Malcolm would secretly enjoy a bit of slow dancing. But he only allows himself to ask Jamie to dance when he’s had several drinks. These attempts are only successful if a) they are completely alone, and b) Jamie has had at least twice the amount of alcohol that Malcolm has. Therefore, it’s not exactly the best dancing in the world (Malcolm is able to keep his composure, but Jamie CANNOT stop tripping over his own feet) but they are able to have a laugh about how ridiculous it is.
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
Malcolm cooks whenever he has the opportunity to, however most of the time he’s too busy. It’s a skill he was taught by his mother, and when he was younger he would always find the time between study sessions to cook or bake with her. Now, though, he’s forced to order takeaway most days because otherwise he won’t have the time to deal with DOSAC’s latest cock-up. Jamie has never even attempted to cook anything in his life, and likely never will.
23. Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
Jamie, but he only uses them ironically and at times when Malcolm can’t possibly perceive it as unironic.
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear at inappropriate times?
Again, most likely to be Jamie. Inappropriate notes, one or two whispered prepositions during a gathering, that kind of thing. I mean, you all saw him in Rise Of The Nutters. Say what you like about that gesture in the meeting meaning to be directed towards Julius, but there was no rational explanation for that suggestive eyebrow waggle towards Malcolm other than homosexuality.
25. Who needs more assurance?
Professionally, neither need assurance about anything, and quite frankly would be offended if anyone offered any. However, in regards to their relationship, Malcolm definitely needs assurance that they’re not going to be caught and ridiculed by the press.
26. What would be their theme song?
Not so much of a theme song for their relationship, but a song I associate with both of them as individuals is Evil Eye by Franz Ferdinand. It just reminds me of the way they work, and implies their respective ruthlessness.
27. Who would sing their child back to sleep?
I’m sorry but I genuinely cannot fathom them having kids. But I think if they were babysitting or something Jamie would be forced to sing the kid to sleep. Malcolm would then subsequently take the piss out of him for the foreseeable future.
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
The only time they don’t see each other is when they’re visiting their families. Jamie tends to take one or two trips a year up to Scotland for a few days to Motherwell where most of his family lives. It usually involves quite a lot of outdoor activities, movie nights and screaming kids wherever he goes. Although it’s not exactly relaxing, he does enjoy spending time with his family. Malcolm sometimes goes to his sister’s house for dinner, where the same thing happens every time; he tries (and fails) to talk to his nephew (14) as he plays on his PlayStation, rants about the state of the government to his sister and her husband, and ends up taking about twenty of his niece’s (5) drawings home (he then picks the best ones and puts them on his fridge). Neither Jamie nor Malcolm has these family gatherings happen at around the same time, so they also spend the night alone in their respective homes until the other comes back.
29. One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
I’m not sure why, but I’m convinced that at some point Malcolm has a stress induced heart attack after a particularly heated shouting match, and after he’s shut himself up in his office. Nobody hears him collapse, and it’s Sam who discovers him lying on the floor, dead. She phones an ambulance and they managed to get his heart beating again, but for the next few days it’s not entirely clear whether he would survive or not. While this is happening, Jamie’s going out of his fucking mind with fear, his temper worse than ever at work. He spends his evenings by Malcolm’s bedside, too worried to do anything except stare at his comatose body. Of course, Malcolm pulls through eventually, but GOD this makes me think about the opportunity for exploring explicit emotional turmoil for Jamie and learning about how much their relationship actually means to him.
30. One headcanon about this OTP that mends it
I don’t think they got married - I don’t even think that they got eloped (mostly due to not wanting the public/press to find out about their relationship). But what did happened was that Jamie brought them wedding rings as a joke and they just started wearing them, initially as a diversion tactic so that people would stop trying to make assumptions about their personal lives, but it eventually grew into a symbol of their love for each other. After a few drinks at home one weekend, Jamie suggested that they could do a fake ceremony - and so they did (all the while hideously drunk and unable to stop giggling as they tried to put the rings back on each other’s fingers). So they aren’t technically legally married, but they are to themselves and to everyone at work. They take the rings off when visiting family so they don’t get verbally harassed about not being invited to the wedding.
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maniculum · 9 months
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Welcome to another Scorpion Sunday, gentle readers! This one is from the Huth Psalter, presumably representing Scorpio on a calendar. I'd love to tell you more about that, and the manuscript in question... but the Huth Psalter is held by the British Library, and their manuscript system is still inaccessible due to a cyberattack.
(This cyberattack thing has been going on for a couple months now, and it's frankly amazing that such a high-profile institution can be crippled like this for so long. This is The British Library -- I kind of assumed that, like, in the case of this sort of crisis, Arthur would return from Avalon with an army of tech workers behind him.)
Anyway, let's talk about our... "scorpion" here. I'm noticing a trend, i.e., that we're more likely to get these draconic ones in a zodiac than a bestiary. In fact, it looks like the three scorpions with this body plan I had in the original post are all from English psalters (plus a fourth, fawn-colored kind of one that doesn't have the wings). So I think what we're looking at here is a distinct visual tradition: someone drew Scorpio as a wyvern* at some point, then later artists used that work as a reference, then even later artists used those works as references, and so we ended up with a string of "Scorpio depicted as wyvern" images in the English psalter tradition.
*I use "wyvern" for draconic critters with two legs & two wings, but I also recognize that this is entirely arbitrary, that it's not really a distinction made historically, and that it's mostly based on later heraldic tradition. I just like the word "wyvern" and prefer to keep using it.
Presumably, what happened was that the original artist was completely unfamiliar with scorpions and took a wild guess (maybe thinking "venom -> dragon"?), then subsequent artists just went:
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And, of course, the constellation this image is meant to represent is pretty much just a long curvy line that splits at one end, so that's not going to be a huge help in figuring out what the animal it's supposed to look like actually is. So just play it safe and copy what the last guy did, right?
Anyway. That's probably where we got this sad baby here:
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And now we need to assign it some points.
Small Scuttling Beaſtie? ½ for being definitely small. smol, even.
Pincers? ✘
Exoskeleton or Shell? ✘
Visible Stinger? ✘
Limbs? 4
Obviously he gets full marks in Vibes. Look at him. That's adorable. He just needs love and something to eat that isn't his own tail. 5 / 5. He does however get a -1 for having wings, sorry baby.
So that brings us to:
4.9 / 10
Do we still call things smol beans?
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corvuscorona · 3 months
AFM sequel - had some fun w/ this one over the weekend. it's like:
[ ❚_❚__||||____|||❚||❚|❚|❚❚❚ ] ← it's this many done. p.s. why won't tumblr let me use red at all what ....... dude.
Long Thing - chunk 1 (small) and chunk 2 (medium-big) have a HEAVY-DUTY outline with almost no bullshit in it now. chunk 3 (BIG) might also have that; I just haven't actually manifested it into a document yet (ran out of sunday). chunk 4 (medium-big again) has the makings of Real Outlineability as well but it'll probably fight me more when I start actually trying to make it real. chunk 5 (medium?) is slowly orbiting closer and closer to me in my dreams. 6 (???) and 7 (small) are phantoms still; don't rush them. they're shy.
Highly E-Rated Thing - haven't worked on it because the 2 above projects are so Perfectly Balanced. it will choose its moment.
AFM chapter 5 - similarly it will choose its moment. for instance a moment when I am like way too full of beans & need something to put a lot of brain thoughts into.
I may not have anything specific to contribute to Jackstos June or most likely Jackstos July either but everyone else has been BRINGING IT so hey. *offers a gay little applause that pisses you off*.
next: I'm gonna talk to myself below the cut I'm thinking about THE PROCESS.
*elaborates on Long Fucking Thing some more because that's what I use like 3/4 of my brain for all the time now* it's interesting to see plot arcs shape up / to have a way to really consciously note "this part still might need This kind of thing," for reasons:
because both the story & the way I'm working on it are nonlinear, sometimes the note I'm making is "if you haven't established that Event A happened by this point, the scene that has to go here for thematic coherency reasons will not make. logical sense" (genuinely very funny thing to have to consider)
a LOT of the places where I currently have "uh think harder about this later" types of notes are like. have directly to do w/ Facts And Lore that are tangential to the story but critical to the worldbuilding (which REALLY makes them NOT tangential to the story. they're formative and important it's just that I have to Decide Them backwards to make sure they're forming the story elements in the direction I already want those to be going)
I'm realizing by thinking about the Process in this way that this is all very related to the Reasons the latter half of the fic is still pretty up in the air. It works like this okay bear with me:
I start with emotional beats I find compelling. Then I string together facts and events that make them important + create a compelling narrative arcs-and-themes-ways. Then I retroactively define the worldstate and LoreFacts based on "what would make this string of happenings happen in a way that isn't stupid". (I Am Currently Here). As the World Facts become more rigidly defined, I run into "things I should either address or change an existing Something to avoid addressing," and like this the places where there aren't currently things like "scenes" or "concrete events" gradually get filled in.
The concrete Things That Need To Happen in the final 3 chunks of this fic depend so heavily on the WORLDSTATE that it's been impossible to generate most of them up until now. I have to finish (~) defining Facts (based on the emotional beats I already know how I'll be covering in the first half of the story) before I can get my gay little fingers in there and start tying things into cute little bows. THIS MAKES A SHOCKING AMOUNT OF SENSE SOMEHOW I'M so used to writing smedium-length things where half the time I write the VERY end first because that's where ALL the emotional payoff lives.
NOT SO THIS TIME. THERE IS EMOTIONAL PAYOFF ALL OVER THE FIRST HALF OF THIS THING & it would probably be difficult and inadvisable to do a whole lot more with the second half before I make sure I know what shrimplications I'm shrimplying based on (checks my watch for some reason) like 3 entire Structural Plot Arcs of Gay BullShit. huh.
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just-a-queer-fanboy · 5 months
Long ass ramble about special interests and vivziepop drama because the new trailer has me all the way fucked up
Uhh this starts off being like "wow I'm so weird about this cartoon I kind of hate myself for it" and then the story about how I cut myself off from my special interest (said cartoon) and ruined my mental health in the process just to avoid being weird
Never in a million years did I think a cartoon made by a tumblr girlie would have a chokehold on my psyche but here we are and I am somehow more emotionally attached to it than half the other interests in my life
Like. I'm usually super emotionally numb to almost everything but then act unhinged to seem like I'm not and to be funny but THIS FUCKING TRAILER somehow emotionally affected me?????? Is this a fever dream what the fuck
I can even tell if this is a special interest or a hyperfixation anymore but it is legitimately a part of my identity now and I don't know how to feel about that. Especially with how many allegations go around about the show and the creator and the voice actors and all this shit that never has enough evidence or explanation so you can never tell whether it's real or fake and I just fucking???????????
Like. When I first got sent a screenshot of viv allegedly being transandrophobic, I genuinely broke down. I was sobbing and shaking for 2 or 3 hours straight and I struggled to sleep for a week. My mental health was legitimately wrecked because of how strong my attachment to the creator and her work was/is. And that was DURING a period where i was the most miserable and anxious i had ever been! Then, when I told my sister why I was so stressed and showed her the screenshots, she explained to me how easily they could be faked. And it all felt so stupid.
I've had a similar experience with close to every other drama. The person who sent me the poison music video edited it to seem like it was much more explicit than it really was, and I yet again broke down, because I filled in the blanks myself. Whenever I saw people mock the character designs or writing, I internalized it and decided I was a bad person for enjoying or being inspired by it.
I managed to detach myself enough from it to not seem weird, but I just made myself depressed. I couldn't find something I could replace it with, so I was just empty most of the time. I felt like a horrible person every time I thought about it or saw something related to it, and, spoiler alert, depriving yourself of your special interest(s) isn't good. At all. I couldn't sleep, I was only eating at school so people wouldn't think anything was up, i basically relapsed on every issue I've had in the past 4 years.
So uhh idk how to finish this off but don't be like me don't cut yourself off from your special interests to avoid being judged that is fucking dumb. Also most of the vivzie dramas were fucking dumb anyway. I can think of 1 that was confirmed to be actually wrong, and any others showing actually bad shit have yet to be confirmed, so I really don't care.
Make fun of it with me all you want if you're my friend I accidentally made someone feel like shit about that once when I told them. I don't automatically make it into "I'm bad for liking this" anymore I will gladly mock the bean pole boys
What the fukc did I just write I'm off my meds if you can't tell so I kind of can't string together a coherent thought
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dirtyvulture · 10 months
😎So time for clarification and a bit of stating my case on things and maybe more thoughts later on. This is covering both Darkest Knight Au and Sergeant Beef Au .
So there are many stories and thoughts on Esther Hudson it’s because she was the first ( A bit turned into a character and then turned into a whole ass family line of people who look after Wolvie) Hudson. That and we haven’t talked about ANY OTHER Hudson or made any other Hudson a character. I have stated that R definitely Loved ( still does) Esther but the type of love was totally up to you Vulture ( platonic, romantic- maybe a one sided love, or at least a believed one sided love. ) . If they were ✨ together ✨at some point ( Be it a relationship and her husband was a beard . Be it a friends with benefits situation . Esther also could have been Bi / another flavor of the Rainbow 🌈) it wasn’t a lustful situation because Esther would have made sure to tell and show that she fully appreciated and cared for Wolvie beyond the physical and beyond R’s skills on the mattress. Unlike all the others that looked at R after the mutation hit and she got buff and R just gave into it . It would have been a truly loving act and none of them sneaking out afterwards ( R couldn’t always say the same with the others towards her ) nor it would’ve been just a using thing ( again R couldn’t always say the same with others). Esther always let R cuddle afterwards because she knew that R needed that , Esther stayed until she was truly overheating and made sure R was ✨taken care of ✨( during and afterwards) . But again if wither or not it was a fully loving platonic relationship or it was a bit more ( full romantic relationship or friendship with benefits) it is all up to you vulture.
If R had been with any of the Hudsons it would have been with Esther because it would have just felt weird and it also would have felt a little like a betrayal to Esther for R ( regardless if R and Esther hooked up or not ) .
Now for how Sergeant Beef was able to lift a full load of snow as a String Bean kid . I am 5’3 and 1/2 feet tall ( 5’4 on a good day) and decently strong and that is me as in adult. Beef was a String Bean as a kid yes but I can say from experience that yes it could be done but that doesn’t mean that it is always easy or without struggle. String Bean kid beef did it with struggles ( and if they were like me when I got a bit older ALOT of swearing ) and determination and of course a bit of help with their sister ( like I did until I was strong enough to do it solo, and also when my sister turned into a moody teenager and just left me alone with the shoving) .
Now to make my cases . I believe or see Wolverine R as a top because it fits with her character. She is a very giving and loving person in general but she also has very low self esteem and doesn’t believe that she deserves good things ( she gives but doesn’t really receives) so even if she wanted to bottom or receive she doesn’t believe she deserves that( she is a switch or both a bottom and top deep down at heart but won’t let she self have it or admit it). After she gets the metal in her bones it was a adjustment and she wasn’t with anybody for a good long while but eventually she was able to be very careful and comfortable being with somebody and not accidentally crushing the person R is with.
I also said what I did because Vulture you said so you’re self that R and Nat shared a bed while on the run . And during that time they had shoddy accommodations and probably only one really really shitty small twin size bed. Nat would have argued with R about R sleeping on the floor, couch, tub , chair or whatever else and R got to a point where she didn’t want to deal with it and just wanted Nat to go to sleep. Also it was super cold outside and I highly doubt that the places they were staying were super great at heating and were super comfortable and warm with the cold outside. So Nat arguing with R not to sleep on whatever that will fuck up her back , the small shitty bed and probably really really shitty heating you get Nat and R being really close together and you get R being a personal heater for Natasha Romanoff. Now if R cuddled Nat close because it was really cold and Nat was freezing or if it is just the heat radiating from R had R being a personal heater when she was laying close to Nat in the small twin size bed ( but Nat TOTALLY didn’t want to have R holding her close AT ALL * cough she did cough * ) then at is up to you. But no R didn’t sleep those nights , she stayed awake either holding Nat or staring up at the ceiling listening to Nat’s breathing and heart beating, a reminder that Nat is here with her and that Nat is alive . Like you and I have stated R would be too scared of going to sleep, having a nightmare and then hurting Nat or just hurting Nat in general in R’s sleep. Hopefully I made a good enough case on both accounts but I will leave that up to you to decide.
I do have to say ….. I didn’t think about how the metal in R’s bones making her uncomfortable or an “ undesirable personal heater” to cuddle with because it is “ like laying on a rock. I would think you would just feel the skin, muscles and fat of the body while laying on or hugging R but feel the mental when you’re really squeezing the body or hitting her ( as seen with the cage fight in the movie version of Wolverine, with the metal clinking sound included . Because in all the movies and comics - I am not familiar with the comics- it has never been mentioned that Wolverine is uncomfortable to cuddle with or lay on by any of Wolverine’s lady friends) . But if it does then R takes that as yet ANOTHER THING she is good for nothing about. A another little thing about R is like being a Switch at heart, R also deep down wants to be the little spoon in cuddles at times ( not all the time , she does enjoy being the big spoon but sometimes she does secretly want to be the little one). Just wanting to have that feeling of being loved, appreciated and even protected a bit . But again R doesn’t think she deserves it and would never admit to it.
On the final thoughts of this post. I love the thought of both The Darkest Knight Au and The sergeant beef au.
I think that Kate and Yelena are childhood friends and that Yelena calls Kate “ Little Bird , My Little Bird and Little Hawk( Little Hawkeye is Kate’s Air Force call sign , after “ Hawkeye” Clint Barton whom is Kate’s childhood hero now mentor in the Air Force. He is also Nat’s good friend even though Nat is Army) in Russian. Kate has no idea what those words mean when Yelena calls her them. I also think that Yelena may or may not have a thing for Kate as well as you Vulture mentioned that Kate may or may not have a thing for Yelena.
I am imagining Nat just walking and exploring the school and all a sudden she hears a roar of “ Natalia!!!!!” And her heart absolutely stops immediately because she never told ANYONE her brith name and R only hear it once from when the RR Soldiers were taunting her . She turns and sees R standing there and at the look of horror on her face we quickly rush to say “ I am sooo sorry for startling you ……. I was thinking about the name of a girl I once knew because a random memory popped into my head and I couldn’t remember her name and it was driving me crazy. I suddenly finally remembered her name and I was thinking really loudly out loud .” * Que the most sheepish smile Nat has never seen and didn’t think that she would ever see on R’s face. And one that she DOESN’T find to be the cutest thing ever * cough she does cough * . R was thinking of the name of the girl who originally own the toothpick pocket knife that Nat stole. R wasn’t thinking of Nat and doesn’t know or realize that Nat’s brith name is actually Natalia.
I was so excited to hear your thoughts from your last asks, especially since I bothered you with questions, but you came and delivered!
I like to think that Esther was the first woman Wolvie!R had feelings for (and especially back in that time, it was extremely frowned upon so R just had to hide and admire Esther from afar). And maybe Esther returned the feelings, maybe not (we'll let that be lost to history) but her interactions clearly left an impression on R, which is why the Hudson family are the only ones R consistently trusts throughout her life.
Sergeant Beef has a lot of determination. I'm pretty sure that's what got them this far and one of the many qualities that caught Nat's eye. :)
I loved your analysis of R being a top lol. All I can say is as I write the next part(s), you are not incorrect. 😉
Not R insisting on sleeping in the bathtub while Nat gets the whole bed to herself. 😭 But you're right, R definitely just laid in bed with Nat to make her feel better but could hardly sleep due to the fear of accidentally hurting her. Excellent points on both accounts, well done anon.
I can just picture Nat randomly squeezing R's arms or legs like "Hmm, this doesn't feel right" before she remembers R isn't quite like other humans. I also think R feels like there's no one out there who could ever protect her, physically or emotionally, so she's just resigned to being unloved for the rest of her existence. 🥺 (But this is not true, because a certain redhead has a lot of feelings for her. (and it's not Jean lol))
Aw, I love the inspiration of Little Hawk. 🥰
Also, I'm not even sure if R was back to consciousness yet when the Red Room soldiers called Nat by her real name, so we'll go with the other story. :)
Thanks for stopping by as always! I always look forward to hearing from you!
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dragonflavoredcake · 2 years
Guide to periods for AMAB writers and people trying to understand what AFAB people go through
The "every month" thing isn't entirely true. A monthly cycle is the average, but it's not always going to come on the 4th or the 10th or whatever. Bodies don't care about calendars. Some people have longer cycles and some people have shorter cycles
The whole "periods sync up" thing is a myth. Yes, it's possible that a whole bunch of AFAB people can be menstruating at the same time, but that's a coincidence of probability, not a socio-biological phenomenon
No rational person automatically assumes that they're pregnant if their period is a day late. Normal periods are like weather—you can get really close with the right data and analysis, but it's never going to be totally exact. It does usually appear around the same time of day, though
It's not an on-and-off faucet. Most periods start light, get heavier, and then taper off again. You can usually feel when a period starts, but you can't feel when it ends—you'll usually have a day or two of just a bit of old brown blood before it stops completely
The chocolate thing is true. Cacao does things for AFAB brains that just doesn't happen in AMAB brains. Dark chocolate is best, since it contains the highest percentage of cacao. Plenty of people crave chocolate on their period
Lots of stuff affects it! Things like stress and lack of sleep can delay a cycle. Diet plays a role too—you can't menstruate unless you're within a certain range of body fat. If someone is very underweight or overweight, they might not have much of a cycle and will have a difficult time getting pregnant. If you're malnourished or struggling to survive, menstruation is often one of the first things the body puts on hold to preserve the rest
Cramping is usually more of a dull pain than a sharp pain, located in the lower abdomen (between the bottom of the stomach and the groin). Think of where the waistband of a pair of underwear sits—that's usually about where the pain is
Someone who gets bad cramps will probably be more careful about what they eat on their period. Food that's fatty, oily, greasy, or spicy can aggravate the pain. Red meat, coffee, alcohol, excessive sugar, salty foods, and anything you don't usually tolerate well can make the pain worse. Most people recommend water, fruit (especially watery stuff like watermelon and cucumber), leafy greens, ginger, white meats like chicken and turkey, fish, turmeric, nuts, beans, and yogurt
The pain is caused by inflammation and muscle cramping, so most of the treatments involve some kind of anti-inflammatory. Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Midol) and peppermint tea fall into this category. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) works too, but it's less effective and requires two pills every 4–6 hours instead of ibuprofen's 1 pill every 4–6 hours
Heat is a great way to relieve cramping pains, since it helps relax the muscles. Most people put it in their lap against their stomach (right next to that underwear waistband area), but some people benefit from applying heat to their lower back instead
Periods are possibly the one thing all AFAB people have complete solidarity on. If your worst enemy asks you for a pad, you give them one. End of story. It doesn't mean you're friends, it means you are upholding the bare minimum
If your character has a heavy flow and is sitting for a long time, they're going to be able to feel the rush of blood when they stand up. They may also be able to feel large clots being passed
There are a bunch of different ways to deal with periods. Pads are the most popular; there's a sticky side that's stuck to your underwear and a soft, absorbent side to catch all the blood. Tampons are shaped like an elongated bullet and pushed up inside the vaginal canal. They're about the width of your thumb and have a cotton string on one end for when it has to be removed. It isn't noticeable when it's been put in correctly. Taking it in and out isn't arousing or sexually pleasing in any way and usually ends with blood all over your hands
Stop writing about washing stuff in hot water. Hot water will set a bloodstain. Bloodstains come out with cold water. A lot of people spot-clean with cold water and laundry soap. Some people make a paste of cold water and salt to scrub the stain
If the setting is more historical or rural (anywhere where disposable products might not be readily available), reusable stuff exists. There's not a whole lot of historical writing on the subject, but AFAB people in the past probably wore some form of girdle with rags. Calling them rags is also probably not giving them enough credit. They probably weren't pretty (dye was expensive), but they did the job well enough to let people continue on with their daily lives
Modern reusable menstruation products are usually made with bamboo fibers. They're typically best for lighter flows and have black fabric with small ridges where the blood will fall.
Reusable pads attach to the underwear in a similar manner to disposables, but reusable ones have snap buttons instead of a adhesive. Most people leave them on the shower floor while they shower to rinse the blood out and wash them properly later. They can be machine-washed, but have to be air-dried
Really hoping this is helpful because y'all AMAB writers need education to avoid getting on a "worst male writers" list
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8.4.24 Sunday
7:12 am
Still,have windblow...
I accidentally heard Uncle Jun is telling to nana that don't tell things on Aunt Teresa ( sumbong ng sumbong ) coz Aunt Teresa is sending him a message to fix the toilet bowl. Uncle Jun is somehow fake, I don't know... He knew that it needs to be fixed. Aunt Teresa is asking it coz before they left they know it was clogged ( the toilet bowl )...
Uncle Jun seems have a different plan again and again????
About,me? I'm not ohkay....I need to get a job and I need money and I have no future with these Uncle's... I don't know what is the plan and the plan of other people as well... I need to get a job.
7:43 am
Uncle Jun went out and went back right away... Right,now he is cooking our food for lunch. I just cooked our rice....
I streamed last night in Tagged angels and hoping there are good people inside...
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8:08 pm
Still,have windblow...
Maybe tomorrow I will wash John's floormats... I'm still recovering... Still, trying to go back to my momentum on doing my stretching coz my S-bones are in pain again....
Hoping to have a yaya again in uniform but I need to have a job as well... Or whatever that I need to do for me to have my own money...
Do I look really different now??? Hahah...
Tumblr media Tumblr media
8:16 am
I'm not really ohkay... I need a job and a bf that can assist and protect me like Garret? My cousin-white is fading? Ash is so pretty like a princess. Hahah... So,many beautiful youtubers...
9:34 am
Uncle DD gave us a gatang shrimp, it is a coconut milk cooked with shrimp and squash and string beans...
Then, Uncle DD saw the mineral bottled water brought here by Uncle Jun from the funeral event. Uncle DD said whoah! ( he is really surprise by our bottled water ). So many bottled water here...Uncle Jun said ohkay you can get the first set of it. At first he is saying no but Uncle Jun insisted then Uncle DD picked up the first set of bottled water and brought it to their house.
10:10 am
Uncle Jun will wash clothes again from July 30th Tuesday and today August 4 Sunday... Me? I did wash last Wednesday then I will wash again on Wednesday... Once a week must be...
Uncle DD used the washing machine last August 2,Friday...
1:18 pm
Still,have windblow...
I'm thinking of money and I'm not happy...I wanna get a job and do my nose perfection. People who interfere are fakers since 2007, they just want the "togetherness"...
I need a bf that I want to help and lift me angels... I feel frustrated... They just want me to be ugly, fat and old just for nothing.
1:41 pm
Still,have windblow...
I feel self-pity...I want my cute stuff back and I want a ken-kind bf ( barbie's bf )...... I want Garret, I want Garret to lift me....I feel bitter...
4:47 pm
Done, watching "madame web"....
10:23 pm
Still,have windblow...
I'm so broke... I feel super self-pity... I wanna go back to gym.... I wanna buy Starbucks everyday... I wanna get a bf that I want like my cousin white and Garret... 17 years I have no self-fulfillment... I want him to support me... I have so many complex.
I wanna buy a Tarot Card but I'm so broke... My heart is still pure, in spite of... I was really3x religious angels... I feel self-pity... I also wanna buy a mahjong set angels. I feel that it all passed me by...I feel self-pity... It is my mind nourishment to have it but I'm so broke. I lost x-factor!
I wanna supportive bf....
10:50 pm
Still,have windblow...
It is somehow pairing game on the card... I just read the rules of game of mahjong the funny confusing part is the rotation of tiles and the timing... But the interesting part it is about "religion"... The 4 corners of the world or 4 winds...
I feel boring... I wanna be with Garret and get a bf and gain friends... I need some personal progress... I want some vanities... I need a playmate angels aside from friends... My "personal playmate".
It is too much, too long... I always feel out of place here in Cavite... I need money....We are having a tight budgeting. I need a bf who can be very supportive of me... A very understanding bf... I still wanna have my own self-fulfillment.
I just wish my nana and my son-dog and dogs and good people to me will be timeless... I think we still need to do a long journey...
It feels like dejavu...
0 notes
alovecraft · 10 months
. last night Carrot decided to zoom past me as I was bringing up the sewing machine (Jamie's aunt asked to borrow it because Jamie's cousin is a string bean of a child with very long legs, and hemming pants is the cheaper option).
. Carrot was captured via gushy food this morning about 10am. Carrot is fine.
. Will the hole in the basement wall be fixed any time soon? no. That hole is weirdly necessary and I don't have the $3-8K it's going to take to fix the machinery (hvac system) that is right there. I have duct tape, aluminum foil, and a hatred of webs. Mix this with a very short fuse and, yeah. Not happening.
. there is a giant wall crab chilling on the wall that leads to the craft room and is like right at the light switch. Yeah, no.
. I have tried four? five? of the $1 travel hot sauces I have bought recently and, well, they're mostly kind of disappointing. Honestly, the Baja Blast hot sauce was better than all of these and the habenero pepper was second to last on the ingredient list (it also tasted like Chicken Vicious, which was really bizarre).
. Wash, the kitten, has discovered the window behind the curio of Jamie's art supplies and Pokemon cards. He has spent time knocking as many books off the dresser as he possibly can.
. Wash is still a bitey little bastard. We have had him a grand total of 34 days.
. The temptation to post the random snippets of fic writing I have, edits be damned, is great. Still probably not going to do it.
. I've realized I need to re-write my list of "I wanna make!" costumes because A) I want a Gomez Addams suit, and 2) I saw the most gloriously hideous suit online and am sad it is not in my size. It's like right up there with the need to have my own Postmaster General suit.
. No birb in the basement! But, there's a birb in the backroom at work again (big shock there)
. Ordered new protien powder, not email stating to add an extra week for shipping. Makes sense. Holidays are shit .
. Have been encouraged to find my super ugly santa hat that I made grossly tacky years ago. Coworker has begged me to wear it to work and hell if I know where it is. All I remember is that there's a plastic fish on it and I think it had a string of lights at one point.
. Have been posting a christmas song every day onto fb. My goal is to make it to the 21st. Tomorrow will be "the 12 days of fur-mas" because "FIIIIVE Dick Shaped Things!" will never not be funny.
0 notes
emerywritten · 1 year
Jesse Flower ask game
Sunflower- What name(s) were you originally thinking of calling your OC?
Jesse is the only name I remember. He started as a self insert, and Jesse was from my middle name. His last name Roberts originally was going to be Wright, since Jesse is a writer. That last name is actually given to Lyle, who is Jesse's step brother.
Rose- What is your OC's favorite form of self-care?
Journaling. He was going to be a journalist before the apocalypse, and journal entries are sprinkled throughout the book. It's his only way to truly express himself.
Lilac- Does your OC have a comfort item? If so, what is it?
Jesse would consider every single thing he owns a comfort item he simply can't live without. His headphones, glasses, guns, supplies? Definitely. But I think his true comfort items are the scraps from before the apocalypse. Any pictures he brought to college, blankets, the jewelry his step sister made him that he regrets every making fun of her for. He pretends to be too good for all this crap, that he doesn't matter, but truthfully if anyone breaks any of it he WILL snap and WILL kill them.
Orchid- What is your OC's biggest fear?
Becoming useless, and dying hating himself. So much of his self worth is placed in his skills, if that's taken away he realizes just how unlikable he is. He's not ready to face the person that lies under all his false confidence. (I want to do a longer post on how Rory changed the ending of Jesse's story)
Snapdragon- What is your OC's most used phrase?
A long string of expletives, I imagine. Or some form of "fuck 'em, I don't need them".
Daisy- What inspired you to create your OC?
The Walking Dead game, originally. Than I liked him so much I made him his own character and story.
Lily- What is your OC's love language?
Acts of service. Anything that needs done, he'll do. He'll learn new skills to impress someone. He wants to prove he can be useful and provide for them.
Poppy- How is your OC around strangers?
A total jackass. An asshole. Cold and a know-it-all. He thinks he's above needing people, and you better prove your worth quickly before he decides he's sick of the conversation. 
Violet- Do a voice claim for your OC
He mostly just sounds like me if I lower my voice. He's from New Hampshire though, if that pinpoints an accent. 
Tulip- If you could say/do one thing to your OC, what would you say/do?
I have nothing to say to this guy, he wouldn't listen to me. I'll give him a can of beans and send him on his way. Maybe give him new shoes for his long trip.
Sweat pea- What color are your OC's eyes?
Until told otherwise, always assume my characters have brown eyes. 
Jasmine- If your OC had a Tumblr blog, what would their URL be?
I'm not sure how well Jesse would get along on tumblr, but if he had a tumblr URL there are two routes. 1 that's violent, like "Jesse-squeezes-lemons-in-your-eyes" or one that's professional, "jesse-roberts-journalist" or something. Either way he posts journal entries and gets into a lot of writing discourse.
Dandelion- Does your OC gets overwhelmed easily?
He does well under stress, sometimes better than he would without. He gets overwhelmed when it's an internal conflict, or anything managing his own or someone else's feelings and problems. He just doesn't know how to sympathize with others or care for himself, even when he's really trying. 
Marigold- Describe your OC in three words or less
Piece. of. shit.
Daffodil- Is your OC likeable?
Petunia- When was the last time your OC cried?
Last time he cried he was probably alone on the road, trying to fall asleep as his thoughts spiraled out of control to think of every bad thing that's ever happened to him or the bad things he's done and regretted. 
Buttercup- Does your OC have any odd quirks/habits?
He has 2 glaring bad habits: smoking, and lying.
Lavender- How does your OC cope with loud noises?
He wears noise canceling headphones for this reason, he's protecting his hearing. He's so used to gun shots he's not bothered by loud noises much though.
Snowdrop- What is something your OC loves, and what is something they hate?
I want to do obscure things for this- He hates rabbit stew, or any other lean meat or abundant but low nutrient food source. He loves fake cigarettes, either candy or herbal. He almost likes them more than real cigarettes.
Winterberry- Use one or more photos that encapsulate your OC's clothing style
I'll edit later with photos, but it's pretty reliant on layers. He wears anything he can get his hands on that'll protect him. Grungy and thick clothes, mostly.
Wisteria- Does your OC have a skill they'd like to learn? What is stopping them?
He's very confident in the skills he has, but after meeting Rory, he wants to pick up guitar to impress him. He's held back because his dad had tried to teach him and he hated it, and now he has to learn on his own.
0 notes
viewfromplanetx · 1 year
Samurai film reviews part 3 (spoilers)
Six String Samurai - Loosely based on a novel called The Stand by an obscure writer named Steve King. This movie depicts what could happen when too many retards survive the apocalypse (in whatever form it takes, in this case nukuler). The Dark Man is played by zombie Elvis. Mother A is a hooker with a heart of gold. The main protagonist is a retard with a guitar and a sword who somehow despite his shortcomings manages to kick ass and spill guts with honor. So, they call him a “Samurai” even though he never has to eat millet.
Samurai Trilogy 1 - Historical drama about some forgotten dingus named Musashi something. Washed out colors, no vibrancy, cheap tricks like fog, dark shots. Boring philosophy and commentary on war. MILFs but not really many retards. He did have to eat some millet, so points for that. Couldn’t watch the whole thing. No inclination to watch parts 2 and 3. Probably more of the same.
  The Twightly Samurai - This is your mom’s samurai flick. The main character is a handsome single dad who works as an accountant at the castle. He used to be a samurai but he sold his sword because, you know, guns. He spends his days counting beans—green beans, red beans, soy beans, all the beans. There’s no action, one retard, one hot chick and no ninjas. Boh-ring themes of pointless loyalty, duty, exploitation and oppression yada yada ya. He struggles to stay groomed while raising two daughters until he meets a young divorcee. They live happily ever after for three years, then he is ironically killed by a bullet in a pointless war.*
Sword of Doom - I’ll never get those two hours back. Typical Orson Wells flick about a crazy motherfurker who gets an evil mind and kills everything in sight. I mean everything, old men, ladies, furniture, drapes—holy cow. It’s much easier to watch the anime remake Scooby-Doo and the Samurai Sword. Not so much killing, but you do get ninja robots, shuriken, a lady sensei, force powers, force ghost,  the usual hot chicks and morons, and of course Scooby-Doo ending, but it comes in the middle of the show. Go figure.
  Ugetsu - “One of the most beautiful films ever made.” they said. Pffft! That’s another hour-and-a-half I’ll want back on my death bed. This movie is so French, I’m surprised there wasn’t more smoking. Waa, waa, life is all sucky illusion.
  Namakura Gatana (The Dull Sword^) - When a man gets to a certain age, he reaches a square figure. That is, his pants size is 34x34 for example, not picking anyone in particular. This means my, err his cross-section cut would be his inseam over Pi. It helps to think of it visually. I know, it’s gross to think about your cross-section visually.
Star Wars SC 38 Reimagined^ - A documentary about the greatest sword fight that ever was. The duel is fought between the champions of two armies. It has everything—cutting, slashing, stabbing, punching, kicking, force pushing, dudes catching fire. It’s a bit long, but worth the payoff in the end to see the evil villain get justice right thru his cross-section.
Romeo + Juliet - This timeless tale of star-cross'd lovers from opposing clans takes place in a modern, but fantastical Verona Beach, CA. The knight/soldiers of each house all have unique sword/guns. They are constantly showing off and looking lovingly on their sword/guns and even name them. Soon, just as you’d expect (duh) sword/gunplay breaks out instigated by thumb biting. But, eventually the lovers hook up and live happily ever after …NOT! Spoiler alert: they all die.
One Cut of the Dead - See what they did there? The producers were too cheap to pay for an editor, so they just kept the camera rolling. They film the actors and crew whether or not they are acting. It gets real confusing, real fast. Lots of good Samurai sh!t tho--blood, guts, severed limbs, gore, puke, creepy locations, drunken retards, hot chicks, etc etc.
*See there’s the difference between irony and satire. Irony is created by the situation. Whereas, you have to work really hard yourself to create satire.
^video on Wikipedia
^video on Youtube
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bruhstation · 2 years
Thomas Awdry Billington
Age: 23 Occupation: NWR 1's driver
Very cheeky and even nosy at times. Every time someone he dislikes gets into trouble, his immediate response is to make a joke out of their situation. Except when it’s something absolutely serious, which is rare. He always puts his best in anything he does and will excitedly prove himself to be the best person up for any job offered to him… which sometimes results in him getting into accidents and mishaps. Edward took him under his wing ever since he started working in the railways three years ago, making Thomas look up to him fondly and consider him a father figure.
He holds the Golden Whistle that is connected to the Shining Time world and stores golden dusts. It also helps control the usage of gold dusts during Lady’s time in Sodor so it won’t run out. He also runs a bulletin board called Sodor's Rumors where railway workers can write and submit the latest gossip or news to the board, whether it’s signed or anonymous. Ones about the quarry workers usually interest him because he's a curious little guy. He noticed, however, that rumors about spirits and suspicious people started popping up more and more ever since Lady joined Sodor Railways. There’s something else, though. He can’t help but feel that he might have forgotten someone important.
The shortest out of the Steam Team. Gordon sometimes calls him “little Thomas” because of this. Also because of his bed hair.
Huge fan of Depeche Mode. His favorite album is Violator.
He seems to never run out of energy.
The bottom of his huge ass shoes has retractable rollers. 6 on each sole, complete with side rods. Similar to the wheels of his steam engine!
Likes: adventures, tootsie rolls, playing elaborate pranks, locomotive anatomy Dislikes: people who are jerks for no reason, string beans
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Percival “Percy” Avonside
Age: 22 Occupation: NWR 6's driver
Thomas’ partner in gold dust hunting. He’s also his best friend even though they have their moments of disagreement. He holds the polaroid camera that can capture pictures of golden dusts and sparkling trails that are invincible to normal eyes in an area. His mail delivery is also part of Sodor’s Postal Service. Being a generally good-natured and obedient person, people who don’t know any better like to mistake his positive traits as naivety.
With his history of being treated as a doormat or stepping stone, whenever he felt like someone is being close to him just to use him for their personal gain, his perception of them can change quickly from trusting and loving to skeptical and critical. Even though he’s a generally polite and well-mannered young man to (almost) everyone, there are several moments where he snaps and just outright calls out said person who wronged or made fun of him. All of these factors result in his actions usually following what he believes can be beneficial to him and is the best for his well-being. Is he really the sweet, pouty, often snarky Percy that everyone knows and recognizes on the surface? Whatever the answer is, does it really matter as long as he’s useful?
Back in high school, he was an ace pitcher for his school team called the Sodor Sobriquets.
His magical polaroid camera works without using any films. He got it inside the wishing well when he accidentally fell inside it during his first day at work.
He gets easily annoyed at people who constantly coddle him.
He collects comic books and magazines as a hobby.
Likes: watching soccer and baseball matches, eggs Benedict Dislikes: being called “Dirty Percy”, not being taken seriously, apricots
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Edward Pettigrew
Age: 46 Occupation: NWR 2's driver
The old reliable! He’s a generally kind and patient person. He rarely ever takes insults or jokes to heart and just patiently waits for misfortune to befall whoever mocks him. Even enjoys it more whenever he gets to be the one dragging their sorry ass out of trouble. However, those who have known him for a long time know not to mess with him. Despite not submitting things to the Sodor’s Rumours Bulletin Board, he likes to smile and nod while reading the railway workers’ quips and notes. When he was younger, he was bold and brash and can never bow down to authority figures. He was also quite a charmer back in the day, something that his two closest coworkers always tease to him.
Even though he’s now a sagely man with a lot of life experiences, he seems to hide a lot of things and know matters someone like him shouldn’t have…? No need to think much about it, though! Probably nothing important, just wise Edward being wise Edward.
He’s great at ballroom dancing and skateboarding.
He used to get into street fights as a young man.
That long scarf is a gift from Henry back when they were younger.
Something about the smiles he gives whenever he’s made fun of by his friends don’t seem pleasant. Feels quite unnerving, even. What is up with that? Oh well.
Likes: old songs, folk tales, black tea Dislikes: what does he even dislike?
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Henry Stanier
Age: 42 Occupation: NWR 3's driver
Used to frown and complain about tough work a lot. He was incredibly protective of his engine and got upset at seeing any stain or dent on it. He’s also extremely worried that heavy workload can put a strain on or even damage it. A long time ago, he hid himself and NWR 3 inside a tunnel to shield from the rain. This and that happened, his engine gets bricked when he went to work the next day, he attended a church sermon for the first and only time to find inner peace, and after he learned his lesson his engine is finally free (to help out Gordon)... but the wildness of his story doesn’t simply end there!
After his first Flying Kipper delivery went horrifyingly wrong and he died in the accident, he got to meet Lady in the Shining Time world who eventually revived him. Since that event, his view on life has never been so offputtingly bright and positive. He lives life cheerfully and is now a much kinder and friendlier person, even though he has his moments of snarkiness (though it’s usually out of saying the truth bluntly instead of being mean). With that amount of epiphanies and one divine intervention, the comparison between his past self and current self can be quite jarring.
He is narcoleptic.
After Lady disguised herself as a regular railway worker and met Henry for the second time, Henry thought that his time is finally up. This is not the case however, which resulted in both of them laughing hysterically after Lady talked with him.
Every time someone mentions “beauty” and “life” in the same sentence within his earshot, he’ll go into an enlightened ramble with a bright, cordial expression.
When he’s stuck in a situation with seemingly no way out, he’ll start writing his will in his cellphone. If there’s moss, he’ll start eating that.
He doesn't remember anything from his childhood before he was adopted by two rich as hell parents. He doesn't have a birth certificate and nobody really knows where he comes from. Either these facts or his encounter with Lady is the reason why his view on life is quite… unique, to say at least.
Likes: nature, apple slices, Desi dishes, shitty reality TV shows Dislikes: people who are annoying, people who don’t do their jobs properly, people who are noisy, people who are just downright pathetic
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Gordon Gresley
Age: 41 Occupation: NWR 4's driver 
Prideful and can be rude at times. He’s very ambitious and takes his occupation as the driver of the greatest and most beloved express train in all of Sodor seriously. Because of his upbringing, he used to look down on those that he deems weak or is contributing less and less to the railways. He’s also quite competitive and always pushes himself to his limits in order to live up to his (and - when the situation calls for it - his engine’s) reputation and restore any remaining glory of the Gresley name.
A lot of people view the Gresley lineage as suspicious or even cursed because of how easily its members die out under unnatural circumstances (illness, accidents, etc.). The formerly large and respected nuclear family of nine is now reduced to just him, Scott, and his mother. The subject is frequently brought up during Scott’s interviews and reporters who recognize Gordon always try to pry information out of him (the main reason why he moved to Sodor). Even though he loves and lives off attention, the ones that are given by reporters and journalists are always met with scowls and exasperated “go away”s from him.
Despite scoffing at the idea of the Sodor’s Rumours Bulletin Board and thinking that it’s a silly idea, he submits rants whenever his brother finished calling him on the phone. He sometimes gets embarrassed in showing affection or appreciation which made people who don’t know him well assume that he’s distant and unappreciative.
The youngest Gresley. His middle name is Juniperus.
Despite not liking his mother very much, he still maintains a decent (???) relationship with Scott and his cousins just so she would stop getting worried and pestering him.
Even though he has a high image of himself, he gets easily thrown off guard whenever faced with a crowd or confronted directly.
He, Henry, and Edward used to be an incredibly tight-knit trio when they were younger. However, as the years passed, he felt like the three of them don’t have that much in common anymore (Henry slowly turned into someone quieter and more passive, Edward became more calm and less brash). They’re all still… friends, but sometimes Gordon can’t help but feel like things really aren’t the same between them as they used to.
When he smiles, it changes his entire face :]
Likes: orange-scented things, emotional movies Dislikes: being compared to the rest of his family, talking about his late brothers and sisters, admitting his weaknesses
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James Augustine Hughes
Age: 35 Occupation: NWR 5's driver
An incredibly pompous person, James thinks highly of himself. VERRRY highly. His entire design and personality just screams “Look at me. Look at how handsome and fabulous I am and praise me!”. He absolutely hates it when he sees other people getting praised or complimented for the things that he has (people who fully dress in reds and golds or wear aviators just like him and get complimented for those). Sometimes he reads complaints and worries submitted by others in the Sodor’s Rumours Bulletin Board to make him feel better about himself.
Due to the events of his childhood and teenage years, he has a habit of wanting to get into popular cliques or feared friend groups, a juxtaposition of his arrogant and self-centered personality. He looks up to people who are respected or even worshiped by their peers and even tries to be just like them. There are certain kinds of people that he believes is worthy of his respect, but he is starting to get more and more unsure of who exactly they are ever since he became proper friends with Thomas and Percy.
When he was in high school, he wanted to become a psychologist. He gave up on pursuing it after he got into a nasty fight with a teacher and got a mean scolding from the principal and his parents. He was also a bit quiet back then.
If he gets ignored a little too much, he starts to panic.
He’s good at reading others and quick to notice change.
He looks up to Gordon and respects him greatly, even going so far as to be just like him for his approval. Though as the story progresses, things really aren’t looking bright for this statement.
He’s fluent in Spanish and French.
Likes: being praised, being wanted, sweet margaritas Dislikes: things that are ugly, pulling trucks, his old self, losing support from the group(s) he’s in
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Tobias “Toby” Holden
Age: 56 Occupation: NWR 7's driver
Despite his age and his engine being considered one of the slowest in the railways, he works hard and diligently. He also has a good sense of humor and lends a good ear to anyone with interesting stories and tales. Even though he's a knowledgeable and wise driver that knows how to handle problems slowly, he can be temperamental at times and frowns at the sight of people with unchecked egos and self-righteousness. Due to experiences in the past that also got Henrietta involved, he actually distrusts youth who think they know all and act all mighty because of their new technology, engines, and even actions that have potential to harm others when used carelessly.
At day, Tobias Holden is NWR 7's driver. At night, he reads records and books about Sodor's history with anomalies and significant cultural differences compared to Mainland's. Not originally from Sodor, he is aware of the island's cultural and environmental quirkiness and can't handle the thought of his wife being involved with those sorts of things. Even though he avoids confrontations, he'll do anything to get rid of anything that threatens the harmony of his life - and to an extent - the railways. He’ll make sure ghosts and spirit don’t exist. He’ll make sure the cases of people disappearing and other ones appearing out of nowhere don’t struck him and the people he cares about. There's an itch at the back of his mind that says that a certain driver for the NWR 2 and a lady dressed in magenta aren't really as simple as they look on the surface, and he's not going to keep quiet about it… eventually.
Rumours had it that he once got arrested in his youth because he body-slammed a cop.
He wishes to live a quiet life someday. There must be no other place as pretty as this island.
He likes hearing Thomas' jokes.
He doesn't like the idea of being separated from Henrietta. He'll do anything for her. Anything.
Likes: tiramisu, slow dancing, seeing pompous young people getting into trouble, his wife <3 Dislikes: people in power.
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And that’s all for the main cast (save for Lady and D10) of Casa Tidmouth! And while we’re at it: thank you so SO much for 206 followers (during the time I’m writing this)! The support and kind words all of you have provided for me and this story are overwhelming, and I cannot thank you all enough for that. Consider this post a celebration for that milestone, if you will :]
[ The Little Western + Diesel Drivers ]
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goggles-mcgee · 3 years
Totally Normal Day At Wayne Enterprises
Doors bust open and men crowd in holding guns. One shouts: "Bruce Wayne's kids! You're coming with us! If you don't, well, me and my boys might just get a little trigger happy."
All the Bat bros just standing there before turning and looking at one another. Tim: "Yeah I have a meeting in ten minutes it's going to have to be just you guys this time."
He turns and hands the closest gunman a card. Tim: "I was hoping I could save that for a day off or something but a CEO never sleeps, right? I'm using my 'Get Out of 1 Kidnapping With No Consequences Card.' Effective immediately."
Criminal #1: "You have got-"
Criminal #2: "Woah, woah, woah, man. That things legit. Every top Rogue signed off on those things like 2 years ago. I didn't think there were any left. I know for sure Riddler discontinued printing them."
Dick: "I knew I recognized you! David right? You were one of Riddler's question dudes! Good to see you got out of that but really, I gotta say man, this seems like a downgrade."
Criminal #2, David, looking embarrassed: "Hey Pretty Boy. I had to leave man, Riddler discontinued giving us "lower level" goons dental and with the amount of times Batman and the Birds show up? It just wasn't worth it."
Dick nodding: "Oh yeah totally understandable. Plus didn't he only give promotions to people who could solve his riddles?"
David now putting his gun down to shake his head in frustration: "Don't even remind me about the stupid Promotion Riddles. Once, our checks were given to us in little locked boxes that could only be opened if we figured out the sliding puzzle on the top!"
Criminal #1: "Goliath...or David...whatever...could you not...y'know, act like this is fucking brunch!? We're trying to kidnap these boys! Get your head in the game!."
Jason, Tim, and Dick snicker. Dick: "Wait Goliath? Is that your new "goon" name because I love it. It's so witty!"
Criminal #1: "Shut it Calvin Klein! Now hands behind your backs! All of you!"
Jason: "Damn dude. You're not much of the romantic type are you? The least you could do is take me out to a nice dinner before you decide to get freaky."
Tim: "You mean everyone except me! I have a card."
Damian: "Todd, what does a fine dinner have to do with your hands being tied behind your back? I fail to see how the two correlate. And if Drake is not being kidnapped then I most certainly will not be kidnapped either. Today I have to restock the animals food."
Criminal #1: "String Bean has a....I guess legit??? It's really legit? Wow...okay....a legit reason to not be kidnapped. And Mini-Me, you need to get food for your pet? You really think that's more important right now?"
Damian: "Of course. I have to buy not only dog food for two big dogs, but cat food, turkey feed, cow feed, and recently I just found and have adopted an injured bat. Bartholomew will require food and other things."
Jason: "Gremlinnnnn, you already named it? B said no more pets!"
Damian: "He is not a pet! He is a companion!"
Dick: "Oh actually Dames, can you get some food for Haley? I brought her down so Bruce could meet her."
David: "Damn....what, do you guys have a zoo somewhere in Wayne Manor?"
Criminal #1: "Not the point Goli-David!.....but yeah....that's a lot of animals."
Jason: "Oh hey, I just remembered, I can't be kidnapped today either, I'm babysitting for Roy tonight. I promised."
Criminal #1: OH COME ON!! This. Is. Not. A. Negotiation. You guys are being kidnapped!"
Tim: "You mean 'you guys' but all but Tim right?"
Criminal #1: "......"
Everyone in the building watching or taking part: "......"
Criminal #1 shaking his head and throwing his hands up in the air: "You know what!? No one is getting kidnapped! No amount of money is worth you guys!"
Criminal #1 turning around and making a circular motion with his finger pointed: "Let's go boys. I need a drink."
Dick: "Bye David!"
David waving before Criminal #1 grabs his hand and pulls him along: "Don't respond David!"
Everyone left in the building: "......."
Jason: "Bets on how long main dude lasts here?"
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larryisromance · 2 years
° The Eclipse°
Episode Walkthrough
Yes, I started another BL series, because apparently that's what I do in my free time, now.
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Episode 1
Another high school BL, but with a supernatural/mystery plot? Count me in! FirstKhao looking fine in this episode. The shorts are too much, but since they are portraying high school characters I guess that's what we'll have to bear?
Kan and Thua are gonna be a great second pair! I can already picture Kan adoring Thua because he's so cute and adorable, my chest hurts.
The mystery 'curse' is something I'm finding funny idek why. I know it's probably gonna be some teacher or even a prefect who is behind all this. It's a hoax, that I can already tell.
Episode 2
Ayan is so wonderful in this episode. Also, he sees beyond the tough exterior of Akk. I hope Akk shows more human feelings though. He's too much of a goody two shoes right now.
Akk is a virgin and the smile on Ayan's face when he gets to know this!!
I love the interaction with the dog, this shows that Akk is actually a kind hearted boy, who is trying to be a perfect-rule-following-Prefect Club President.
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They are so cute in this episode, I'm loving the interactions and they really do have an amazing chemistry till now. Even though, the plot is a bit heavy, I'm not finding this a hard watch. I'm craving more soft moments 🥺.
Episode 3
Ayan keeps teasing Akk, and it's so wholesome! Poor Akk, he's not even realising it yet, but you can already see that he is getting affected by the dashing Ayan. Akk is definitely stronger than Ayan, but that boy will have him wrapped around his finger pretty soon 😂.
Ayan giving Thua the needed courage is what I needed from this episode. He knows that Thua doesn't support all these forced upon rules, but he doesn't say or do anything about it. And he's trying to make Thua to let out all the pent up emotions he has. I'm hopeful they'll become great friends.
Kan admitted being worried about Thua!! Also he was jealous, but he didn't dare say that out loud 😂
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I feel Ayan's pain. His uncle's death had something to do with how the school treated rule breakers and he's trying his best to find out what happened. Or change it? We'll know more in the further episodes.
The rebel group is getting more courageous, lying down in front of the student welfare department. That was definitely Ayan's idea, wasn't it?
Ayan teasing Akk has me sighing in content. You can see how it affects Akk and messes with his heart strings..
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The flirting at Ayan's home? Oh Akk, I wonder how long can you resist this boy?
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Episode 4
This was so satisfying as Kan is clearly jealous. And I'm loving it.
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Judo, I love it. This was AkksGayPanic™.
Ahh, I was waiting for the 'accidental kiss' that always happens in Thai BLs. 😂 I love that they just awkwardly brushed the whole thing off and didn't even talk about it. Ignorance is bliss. The tension between them is palpable, now.
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I hope to see KanThua together in the next episode, because that boy is too precious to be suffering this much. :(
Episode 5
Kan is a precious yet clueless bean. He is trying so hard to make Thua feel comfortable, and wanting him to be happy, but he is himself scared of being judged. That is a valid fear and I can't help but empathize with Kan.
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Thua is such a sweetheart, he realises that Kan is affected by others' opinion and he spares Kan of having to leave his hand, and instead he leaves Khan's hand himself.
Thua has so many pent up emotions, he is bottling them up, and I'm afraid all of these will overflow soon. That Bruce Wayne account is Kan, for sure.
The trio of 'The World Remembers' group is so awesome. They keep on fighting despite getting so much hate, and being ridiculed yet they didn't give up on their rights. They represent the true spirit of fighting for your rights. I like this so much.
Ah, and I knew that Akk wouldn't delete the picture. He's so smitten by Ayan, I hope I'll be getting that pining soon!
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Episode 6
Akk, dear, although I knew it was most probably you who is making up this curse thing, still I'm disappointed in you. Ayan is totally justified in not trusting you blindly now. I hope you do better from now on.
Kan and Thua are making me feel many emotions right now. It's clear that Kan likes Thua as in more than a friend. Even Wat sees it. I just hope Kan realises it soon.
Ayan and Akk spending almost an entire day together, and the cute moments of them just staring at each other, pulling each other ahhh. Their locker moment. My heart is satisfied. But I feel sad that Ayan and Akk are still at odds with each other, Akk still not knowing that Ayan's uncle is dead. Ayan's recurring nightmares are heartbreaking. AND FINALLY, THE KISS WAS SO GOOD. THE TIMING WAS KIND IF PERFECT. AND IT WAS SO GOOD. YES, THAT'S THE KISS OF PURE FEELINGS, SO SOFT. AHHHH.
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The fact that Akk held Ayan even after kissing him, and not freaking out! Ahh, love it.
(Tumblr isn't allowing me more gifs so I'll reblog this with the other episodes later. Not my gif, last gif's credit to @heretherebedork ❤️. Sorry for reposting this gif, I couldn't find the kiss anywhere else. )
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