#(I had been doing some 'training' if you can call it that beforehand)
mitamicah · 1 year
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And so it arrived :3 🧡💚
(still a bit butthurt that it didn't come with a digital download code - oh well, I guess I just have to wait a bit longer before I can hear Morgan and Kovis x'D)
Also please excuse my hair - I guess it chose today to experiment with its own identity /j xD
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vroomvroomcircuit · 8 months
Sometimes you need to be loud before it can be quiet
Summary: Everyone has their breaking point, even prefectly fine media trained drivers. Especially when people start asking dumb, sexist questions.
Pairing: driver!reader x f1!grid, but mostly Daniel Ricciardo and Max Verstappen, Lando and Charles have a bit of a guest appearing
Wordcount: 1.2k (she is a shy shorty, please be nice to her)
🏎Masterlist🏎 _________________________
“My next question is for (Y/N): What do you want to be perceived as?”
Everyone in the post race press conference halts in their movements. (Y/N) blinks once, twice before she clears her throat and gets closer to her microphone. “I’m sorry, can you please elaborate on that? I fear my English is failing me to comprehend what you just said.”
The reporter is not hesitating, jumping into his explanation right away, as if he had chosen the words he wanted to say beforehand. “Well, you participate in a male dominated sport, being currently the only female on the grid line up. You are never seen in typically female clothing. You even wore a suit to the last FIA gala. We have yet to see you in makeup outside of festivities. That’s why I am asking what you want to be perceived as. A man? A woman? Or something in-between?”
Silence has never been so loud. Nobody really knows how to respond to such an audacity.
(Y/N) pulls her microphone another bit closer before murmuring into it: “I rather be not perceived at all. Thank you for the question, I wanted to clear that bit up for quite some time now.”
Her answer brought a booming laughter out of the one and only Daniel Ricciardo, effectively breaking that spell of awkwardness that has been cast over the room by Mr Audacity. Everyone relaxes and joins in the laughter.
As the media representative is about to call onto the next journalist, Max asks a question. “Can we all answer this? Because I want to make it clear, I identify as a problem and want to be perceived as that.”
“Yeah”, Daniel interjects,”of course you do. I want to be perceived as a menace to human kind, please. What about you, Lando?”
“Number 1 Fish Hater, certified and trademarked already,” he answers with a cheeky smile.
Charles breathes “I’m a hot mess” into his microphone before the media representative is able to call onto the next person.
The following race weekend the drivers stand in the media pits with their PR managers, hopping from interviewer to interviewer like at a speed dating event.
“-overall I would say we have a good pace. I’m confident in the team to help us through this race in spite of the unpredictable weather conditions this weekend.” (Y/N)’s answers the usual questions that are thrown at her after sessions.
The journalist smiles at her. “I am sure of that. Now, onto my last question: Last week you have been asked what you want to be perceived as and you never really answered that. Why is that?”
(Y/N) throws a not amused look towards the woman. “I didn’t feel like it. I didn’t want to answer a question that is just a poorly disguised attack towards my femininity. I can like fast cars and dress however I want without having to answer something like that. I’m secure enough in my own gender identity as a woman to be able to express myself in all the ways I want without having my actions impede on my identity or expression of my gender. I will put on a dress when I feel like it, I will get the brushes out for a glam makeup when it is convenient for me and I don’t have to do ‘typically female’ things just to please the public opinion.
Instead of going around and judging, just work on why you have this urge to comment on my expression of gender in the first place, because your insecurities surrounding my gender don’t look cute on you.”
After that (Y/N) is practically dragged away from the media pit by her PR manager, who probably already has a headache thinking about the mess that will follow on social media and certain online magazines.
But the few drivers who stood around them, having media duties to follow themselves, just stared impressed and with deep respect after the young woman. She usually is softer spoken and obviously went through bootcamp media training. This was the first time they witnessed speaking her true mind in an interview.
Back in her driver's room, where she gets ready for the debrief, (Y/N) realizes the kind of mistake she just made.
Her little outburst will definitely get more of a reaction than it would if a Max Verstappen would have said something along these lines.
Before her inner eye she sees the headlines. Something about women being too emotional for motorsports. Her being too young, too hot headed, too much of everything and somehow not enough of everything.
The team will replace her, the negative PR not leaving them any other choice. The pressure on them is too much, they already took a big chance on her by giving the driver a seat in Formula 1 in the first place.
With the news of her sudden contract ending, at least one news outlet will write “The little experiment failed”, paving an even more difficult path for other women trying to prove themselves in motorsports.
And all that just because she wasn’t able to let this stupid question roll right off her back.
A sudden knock on her door breaks (Y/N) free from her downward spiral of thoughts. Max enters the room with Daniel on his tail. “This was amazing. How you told this interviewer off on life camera? And her face? After you went out, we just had to clap. It was so cool. You were so right, too. I’m so proud you finally spoke your mind. The audacity of these people.”
It seems like Max doesn’t need to breathe, judging from his rant.
Daniel has a much softer approach. He puts a hand on her shoulder, making her look up at him. “I hope you know that you had to say that back there. Even if you are ‘only’ a rookie this season, the questions you got the last couple of weeks were anything but ok or nice. Sometimes you need to be loud before it can be quiet.”
(Y/N) shoots him a thankful smile, squeezing the hand on her shoulder with her own. “You are right. It was just a bit overwhelming at first. But I can see the appeal now. I think I have to take a few classes with Max, because the concept of saying what you think got a new fan and that’s me. It’s the best thing I have done in the context of handling media duties.”
“No, you won’t do that”, (Y/N)’s PR manager stands in the doorway, probably to fetch her for the debrief. “In this case it was a good thing to do. Important, too, of course. The fans are eating this up on social media. They already made edits with the clips. But I don’t get paid what Max’ or Lando’s managers get, so you will return to your media trained good girl roots.” With that (Y/N) gets pulled out of the room by her. Max throws her a subtle nod, to which she smiles.
Sometimes you need to be more than the good girl, especially if it’s for your own sake. Who knows, maybe this is the beginning of the story of another media-nightmare-driver.
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incorrectbatfam · 7 months
If you could create and add a new DC character, what would they be like?
I'm going to tell you about David, and knowing you guys, you'll agree with me when I say he should have his own comic.
David has been my best friend literally since we were 8. He is the only constant I've had through my life. He introduced me to the drums and helped me get a motorcycle after I got my license. We are each other's platonic ride or die. If he asked me to bury a body, I'd do it no question, and I know he'd do the same for me.
That said, I clearly have the braincell in this friendship.
Don't get me wrong, he's smart in certain aspects. He's a talented musician, good athlete, taught himself to fix most plumbing issues, speaks decent Japanese, easily clicks socially, and is super empathetic. But in others, he's like a plate in a knife drawer.
Some highlights from over the years:
He ate the brown paper bag his lunch came in on a field trip
He thought hot chocolate was just cocoa powder (no milk or water) in a mug and the microwave would melt it. His sister had to call the fire department
He gave a stray dog his scarf for warmth and never saw that scarf again
He licked the dust off an XBox controller
He got a speeding ticket outside the DMV literally five minutes after getting his license
He made gender reveal cupcakes to come out to the rest of our friend group when we were 17, but he threw them into a Ziploc and they jostled around his backpack for half a day before lunch
He thought closing a browser tab would get rid of a computer virus
He tried hotboxing his own car while driving
He almost seasoned his food with pepper spray before someone stopped him
He had a tire swing on a tree in his backyard. He decided to stand on it while swinging and smacked his forehead against a branch in front of him. It was literally the most hollow thwock ever, as if confirming his lack of braincells. He then proceeded to get pissed off and punch the tree. He said it was his most gender-affirming experience
He brought me along on a family road trip and used me as a footrest in the car
He frequently writes drum tabs the way he'd write guitar ones (in short the two are very different kinds of sheet music and I'd need three hands to play them). He absolutely knows better. I think he's messing with me at this point
He mistook wasabi powder for matcha
He once got drunk at a frat party, crawled out the lawn of the house, and began eating grass like a cow
I wanted to know what kissing a dude was like out of curiosity and this was before he started physically transitioning, so to make it a more "authentic" experience, he gargled Gatorade beforehand
He tried to make his first battle jacket with washable Crayola markers
He also tried to dye his hair with his sister's watercolors
He's worn the same sweatshirt since he was 14 and I think I can count on one hand how many times I've seen him wash it (I was over at his house a lot)
He's the motherfucker that wears running shorts in the snow
He thought his area code would automatically change when we moved to a new state
He once kicked a soccer ball into an oncoming train
BONUS: when he came out to his parents, they were accepting and while he was at school, his dad mounted a fish on David's bedroom door because men I guess
So yeah, if I worked at DC, I'd insert David in the background of every comic just being his chaotic himbo self. David is beyond space and time. There could be a battle on fucking Oa and David would just be there doing a kickflip. That's who I'd choose.
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ilguna · 10 months
Can I get 6 and 23 from list 2 with Finnick please?
☼ sunburst (Finnick Odair) ☼
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warnings; swearing, gun use, blood mention, ehh gore.
wc; 2.5k
prompt; 6. "I know, it hurts. I'm so sorry, but we have to get this out." AND 23. "You need to keep your eyes open. Just a little longer."
When you were recruited to be a part of the mission to storm the Capitol, you were under the impression that you’d actually be in some danger. You spent weeks training in District Thirteen, thinking that you were going to be running for your life every waking moment. It was supposed to be more like being inside of an arena, than a walk on the bad side of District Four.
Both of which you can handle, for the record.
What you can’t handle is the boredom that comes with being a member of the Star Squad. While you were told you’d be at the front lines with the rest of the rebels, the reality is that you’re stuck days behind them. President Coin is too afraid of putting their precious Mockingjay into danger.
It’s an interesting concept, considering that Katniss has expressed no issue in the past surrounding the idea of putting her life on the line. The first time she did this was when she wanted to get sent to District Eight, an active battlezone, to see the citizens there. The next time was District Two, where a gun was held to her head, and she still proceeded to give a speech, and got shot for it.
You suppose that’s the exact problem, though. She can be a magnet for trouble, whether she intends to be or not. In that case, you’re not sure why they didn’t tell you that you’d be stuck here with a mixed group, beforehand. You might’ve changed your mind and found a different way to help the rebellion.
And it’s not like you haven’t tried to have patience, because you have. It’s been severely run thin by the propo team—a camera crew from the Capitol, their only job being to film videos to slice together to show the districts. Their incessant need to get a shot of absolutely everything that’s going on has got you beyond irritated.
They’re so demanding with it, and all it is is a bunch of bullshit. They want you to walk down the street the right way, looking fierce and in the middle of battle. When in reality, there’s no one for a several mile radius, and all the threats are being given away by the Holo. A device that was made to tell you where the traps, the pods, are. 
If you could, you’d tell them that you’re done participating, but you really have no choice. You’ve been seen in so many of their other videos, that it’ll make the districts and the Capitol question why you’re not in the rest. Either they’ll think that you died, or that you’ve decided the rebellion isn’t worth fighting for.
Which isn’t true in the slightest. You just think that it’s morally wrong to be back here, pretending like you’re fighting, when the faceless rebels at the front lines are the ones almost getting killed everyday. You want to be up there, with them.
The rebels ahead don’t set off all the pods, though. They leave the mild ones behind, marking them as such, assuming that the group behind them will take it out when they pass. That group happens to be you.
Sometimes, Boggs, the squad leader, will see a pod on the Holo, so he’ll ask for volunteers to set it off, naturally. You don’t even know what the point of raising your hand is, anymore. He won’t call on you, or Finnick, or Katniss. He keeps his attention on the District Thirteen trained soldiers to do the important tasks.
Despite the fact that you had, once again, spent weeks training to be able to do something like that. 
What will happen is that Katniss will pretend to set off the pod with an arrow at a distance, to keep her from getting hurt by accident. While a soldier off to the side will trigger it. This makes the rest of you all duck for cover, afraid of whatever the pod has to offer. And when it’s all said and done, and you’re ready to move on, the next step is to reenact your reactions to defending yourself from whatever threat came out of the pod.
It’s been four days of this, and it’s driving you crazy. You’ll spend a few hours pretending to fight, and then return to camp for the rest of the night, safely out of harm's way. It’s taking everything in you not to ask Boggs to leave to go back to the Nut, where the rest of the rebel soldiers are. Maybe there, you can get reassigned.
The problem would be convincing Finnick to go with you, because he doesn’t mind being in the Star Squad. He thinks it’s great, because that means you’re not in any immediate danger. After what they did to Peeta, the last thing he wants is for the Capitol to potentially get their hands on you, or for you to die.
Neither of which you plan on letting happen.
The only way you’ll be able to get him to leave is if you do it without bringing it up to him first. Cut out the whole conversation on how he’d prefer if you went with Coin’s plan, instead of making your own. He has a way with words, and he knows this. That’s why your resolve can crumble in the matter of fifteen minutes, all because he’s the one reasoning with you.
That’s what you’ll do tonight then; you’ll go talk to Boggs.
The Holo begins to beep loudly, warning your squad that you’re coming close to a pod. Boggs slows his pace, opening it up to take a look. When he comes to a full stop, so do you.
A sigh escapes you, Finnick glances over, watching as you turn around to take a few steps away. This is the fourth pod that you’ve come across today, meaning that Boggs will probably call it a day after this. Even though you’ve covered more distance today than you have the past three.
“The Holo says it’s going to be a swarm of muttation gnats.” Boggs says, “Who wants to hit it?”
You turn to face the squad, watching as almost every hand flies up, with the exception of you, Finnick and Katniss. Even Gale, Katniss’s best friend from Twelve, has his hand raised. You think he’s been tasked once, which is the hope he’s probably holding on to.
Regardless, Boggs motions at one of the Leeg twins. “Leeg, I want you. The rest of you, go find someone to stand in the meantime.”
You cross your arms over your chest, shaking your head. “Predictable.”
“Come on, (Y/n).” Finnick grabs the underside of your arm, pulling you with him to the other side of the street.
The pod is disguised as an electrical box on the side of an orange shop. If it weren’t for the Holo, you wouldn’t have suspected a thing of it, but that’s the whole point. The pods are hidden in plain sight, meant for your eyes to glance over them, so that they can kill you later on.
The best the Capitol can do is gnats?
“Okay, Katniss, we’ll focus on pulling the arrow back, and holding it.” Cressida begins, she’s the one that has the specific propo visions. If this doesn’t go according to her plan, she’ll rework it and have Katniss do it over again until it’s right.
“Just a regular arrow?” Katniss asks, reaching back to grab one.
“No, we’ll have Leeg set off the pod, and then you’ll use an explosive arrow to kill the gnats.” Cressida says, looking at Boggs. He gives her an approving nod.
“What happens when that shot isn’t good enough and we have to start over?” You mutter, Finnick bumps your shoulder.
“I know you’re unhappy, but can we please not make enemies out of the people that could save our lives?” Finnick asks.
You look at Finnick, “I’m not making promises I won’t keep.”
You watch as Cressida gives Katniss directions on where to stand and how to hold her bow. This gives the cameramen, Castor and Pollux, enough time to find their angles, because realistically, there won’t be an opportunity for reshoots. With one of them on Katniss, and the other on the pod, Cressida gives Boggs the go ahead.
“On the count of three, Leeg.” Boggs tells her. Finnick adjusts his footing, prepared to duck if necessary. You don’t move from where you stand, staring dead at the pod. “One, two, three!”
Leeg shoots at the pod, piercing the metal that encases the gnats, leaving bullet holes. The sound of metal on metal screeches through the quiet street, as the door swings open, releasing what’s inside.
A startled scream comes from you as piercing pains hit you all across your body, throwing you back onto the ground. The back of your head slams against the cement of the sidewalk, causing you to squeeze your eyes shut, as the world begins to spin.
“(Y/n)?” Finnick’s voice wavers.
The punctured points in your body begin to deepen, as the shrapnel from the box begins to burrow in your skin. You grunt, writhing, eyes opening suddenly to see it for yourself.
It’s not shrapnel, they’re metal darts, and they've got claws that are digging into your skin.
“No!” Someone cries.
“We need the medic team!” Jackson barks, her voice is clear. “We’ve got two down, Boggs!”
“Copy.” He says.
From what you can tell, you got a brunt of the hit, a consequence of not taking cover like you were instructed to. There’s over a dozen of these, stuck in your body, going deeper as the seconds tick on.
“Get them out.” Your voice is rough, as you reach to grab one. “Get them out of me!”
“(Y/n), honey—” Finnick seizes your hand, keeping you from doing it. “Stop, leave them.”
“They’re in me!” You cry, “They’re going to kill me.”
“We can’t take them out. We learned this, remember? They’re stinting the blood, we have to wait for—”
“No, she’s right.” Katniss is standing at your feet. “Look at them.”
You don’t want to, not when they all move at once, ripping your skin open further. You can see the brief stream of blood in the air, before it’s gone, covered by the dart. It’s not large enough to block the chunk of skin it’s pulled from your body, though, because the blood begins to pool, quickly.
“Shit.” Finnick says.
There’s a girl crying, when you lift your head to see, you find that it’s the other Leeg sister, on her knees, next to the first one. The one that had shot at the pod, now has a dart sticking out of the side of her head. It’s already found her brain.
She’s dead.
You begin to breathe heavier when you realize that this will be your fate, too, if they don’t start to pull them out. Which must be the same conclusion that Finnick comes to, because he rolls back his sleeves, hands hovering over one of them.
You grab the heel of his shoe, knowing that you’ll need something to hold on to. He gives you a look, and you nod quickly, urging him to do it. The second that his hand is around the dart, it begins to wiggle. To keep it from going further, he yanks.
You scream, throwing your head back, body tense, as the entire world goes white. It clings on, refusing to be pulled off in just one attempt. 
“Stop!” You tell them, “Stop!”
“Katniss, I need help.” Finnick says.
She drops her bow without question to get to her knees to help him. You watch through blurred tears as she holds the dart while he pries the claws apart. It’s like a thousand needles jabbing into your skin repeatedly, refusing to leave the area alone.
And then they get it free, and the first tear slides down your cheek.
The metal clinks on the ground from Katniss dropping it. 
You can’t help the sob that breaks through your lips. This is just the beginning isn’t it?
“Hold on, honey.” He tells you.
“I don’t—”
He begins to pull at this dart, more aggressive than he was the first time. Unprepared, you cry through gritted teeth, squeezing his shoe. He manages to unhook it faster this time, but that means little to you.
Him and Katniss go back and forth, pulling them out of the areas they think will hurt the least. There’s a few times where their hands slip, which causes an indescribable pain. 
The pool of blood beneath you is growing. You can feel the puddle reach your fingers on your free hand, coating your skin in red.
“There’s only two left, (Y/n).” Finnick smooths your hair back. “These will hurt the most.”
“Just wait.” You tell him, grabbing onto the bunched sleeve.
“We can’t stop, or it’ll keep digging in.” He tells you. “Breathe, okay?”
“Finnick.” You warn, bracing yourself when he secures his hand around the metal dart, beginning to pull.
The feeling of your guts being yanked from your body, makes the dark spots at the corners of your vision come around quickly. For a moment, you’re gone, drifting off into the peaceful voice, until Finnick’s lifting your head up with one hand.
“You need to keep your eyes open. Just a little longer.” Finnick tells you
“I can’t.” You sniff. “I want to be done.”
“One more.” He tells you, lowering your head back to the ground.
“No.” Your lips tremble.
He grabs the dart, you squeeze your eyes shut. “Please! Please, please, please! It hurts!”
“I know, it hurts.” Finnick says, he doesn’t sound very happy that he has to do this to you. “I’m so sorry, baby, but we have to get this out.”
This one has decided to hold on, taking twice as long as it normally does. For a second, it almost slips out of their hands, when Finnick’s able to pry the claws open.
A faint sense of relief floods through you, but it’s gone when your body begins to tingle. “Finnick.” You whisper. With a shaky hand, you dip your fingers into one of the many wounds that will end up being scars. The exposed raw flesh against your fingers makes you nauseous.
It subsides slightly when you pull your hand out, and find an orange substance mixed with the blood.
“No.” Finnick says, looking at Boggs, presumably. “How far out are the medics?”
“They’ll be here any minute.” He says, coming over to see better.
“They need to have an antidote ready.” Finnick’s voice echoes, bouncing back and forth in your head, as he splits into two people, then four…
Your eyes flutter shut.
this was part of my 3k celebration!!
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love-lilly02 · 7 months
The Challenge part 2
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Honestly, you forgot entirely about the challenge the next morning.
Rolling out of bed with a pounding headache, you showered quickly and tried your damdest to recover from the hangover with copious amounts of coffee. Training today would be absolute hell.
"Oi, bonnie!"
Nevermind, it seemed you couldn't even make it to training without encountering problems.
Soap bounded into the rec room, looking far too happy for a man who had drank his weight in beer only hours beforehand. Somehow even his footsteps were loud, not to mention his voice.
"Interesting night, eh?" He called, sliding up next to you where you had- rather ungraciously- flopped onto a couch. "Ooch, seems like someone cant handle their drinks well. Need your old boy to help, maybe give you a massage-"
"Stop sucking up," Gaz called, walking into the room. He too seemed fairly put together, although how they were managing this act was astounding to you. "Coddling her wont make this any easier." He took a seat on the couch across from where you and soap were sitting, studying you carefully.
"Ugh, 'ave a little fun eh?" Soap laughed, slinging an arm around your shoulders. "The boys 'n I were talkin' last night, agreed we should set some rules up. Make this a bit easier, hm?"
You just stared at the two of them like they were idioits.
"I'm sorry- what are we talking about?" You asked, sliding away from Soap's playful grasp.
"The bet you made last night." Price and Ghost walked into the room at the exact same time, one smoking and the other holding a water bottle, just getting back from a workout. You had to figure out how the fuck these guys were functioning right now.
"Don't tell me you forgot?" Price asked, looking at you down his nose. All of a sudden the previous night rushed back to you- the singing and dancing on stage, telling the others you had been in theater as a teen.
Making that stupid fucking bet.
"Oh- you cant have been serious about that? I was drunk, I didn't really mean that-"
"Oh no darlin', don't go backing out now." Simon said, leaning against the counter. "Your word is your word, and we had a deal. Whoever finds ten photos of you, all taken before your junior year of highschool, gets to have you as their little plaything for a day."
Various murmurs of agreement come up around the room, and its then that you realize exactly what it is that you've set yourself up for.
"Quite honestly, sweetheart, I don't think any of us are backing down. It's a fairly simple challenge, anyways." Price smiled, and moved to stand right in front of you. His voice dropped to a sultry rumble, that you felt in the deepest corners of your body. "I mean, if I can say, I'm almost a hundred percent certain I'll have you tailing me around base by this time next week." He blew the smoke from his cigarette around your face, and winked at you. "See you at training, darling."
For what felt like forever, you sat on the couch dumbfounded at his obvious attempts at flirting. Slowly, the other three filed out of the room, moving to do their own daily routines.
Soap crouched in front of you, waving a hand in front of your face. "Don't mind em' yea? He'll keep. 'Sides, I promise when I get my way with you I won't be nearly as rough." He laughed and stood, patting you on your head.
"See yer at training, lass!"
Fucking hell.
My Masterlist
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mxtantrights · 8 months
Bounded by shadow and blood (2)
azriel x magic!fem!reader
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You set your bags down on the palace steps. It’s weird. Something is definitely wrong. Its not like you were expecting a warm greeting home but you were expecting a little something. 
The towns people were normal. They all greeted you like everything was fine, and that’s probably because everything for them is fine. Projected security and all. 
You handed out the treats to the children and talked with some of them. Specially your favorite of them all, Semaj. He had missed you while you were gone, and you had missed him all the same.
“Hello?” You call out.
If everything were normal, a palace person would have greeted you already. Someone might have actually greeted you in town before you made it up the steps. 
You push open the door and find it to be empty inside. Empty and quiet. Which is unusual for a place that holds at least fifty people inside at all times. 
You grab your bags and head inside. 
First you go to your room to drop off your bags. It’s quiet the whole way there too. Two long hallways then a right turn later. You haven’t seen or heard anyone.
When you drop your bags off you leave you room immediately. Closing the door behind you, you wander the halls. Checking in each room and finding no one. It was almost as if no one had ever lived here.
There is one room that should be busy. You make quick work to get from the east to the west side of the palace.
The council room. 
When you reach the double doors you halt. That bad feeling you had intensifies. You pull on both doorknobs with both of your hands and yank the doors open.
At the sound screech you don’t flinch. But at the table filled with council members you do. They all look at you, bewildered, shocked, confused.
“Nice of you to show your face.” Cyril says.
Cyril is the oldest member on the council. He practically raised you and your brother. You parents were too busy ruling over the people to actually raise their children. 
Cyril was the man who should have ruled. Your father’s oldest friend with a penchant for people and solutions. He never had kids of his own, always claimed that you and your brother were enough to last a lifetime. 
You smile at him, “You’ve grown older since I last been home.”
“Watch your mouth, I have embarrassing stories of you.” He answers. 
“While it’s good to see you two catch up, we have urgent matters to discuss.” Another council member says.
Cyril pushes out an empty chair. For you, you think. You close the doors behind you and walk over to it. You take a seat and set your hands on the table like you were trained.
“Welcome back to Sangri, princess.” Another member greets you.
You smile, “it’s good to be back, but I’m only visitng.”
“I fear that the days of you coming and going will soon be over princess.” Cyril says.
You look at him, confused. “What do you mean? Where’s my brother?”
“We don’t know. We haven’t seen him since he left on a expedition a month ago.” 
“A month?!” You shout.
You try to compose yourself. A whole month has gone without anyone seeing your brother and you’re only hearing about it now? You can understand that he was on an expedition but you should have been told of it beforehand. Now he’s gone and— 
“Princess, we fear the worst.” Cyril speaks. 
The worst that could happen to your brother would be death. But even that would be hard to do because he’s not built for it. You’re not fae, you’re blood benders. It would require a lot of knowledge and power to kill a blood bender. If even a drop  of blood remains in their body, they can be resurrected. 
“Have you searched for him? Have you sent out an inquiry to his last location?” You ask.
“All have been done, no word.” A council member says from your right. 
You sigh, “okay so then what does this mean? Do we disintegrate the monarchy? Is there a cousin or a spawn I don’t know about?”
“No, princess. There’s no one else.” Cyril says.
“But you.” Another voice adds.
You look around the room in shock. No. You weren’t made for this. You were specifically not made for this role. All your life you’ve ran from it. You let your brother have it because he’s oldest and he knows best. He doesn’t mind the boring and stiff lifestyle. 
“I’m not going to take the throne.” You speak plainly. 
“Not right now. Within the charter the council has three months to rule on it’s own before appointing a successor.” Cyril explains.
You begin to shake your head, “Cyril, I am not taking the throne ever.”
“You must.” A voice says.
“No, you haven’t proven my brother dead. And if I were to take the throne and he were still alive we’d all be in breach of the charter.” You argue.
They had thought that you didn’t read the charter. You hated it, absolutely loathed it. But Cyril always made sure you knew exactly what your role could be.
“We think within that time we will have evidence that your brother is dead.” Another voice says.
“Well I don’t. And I’ll go and find him myself if it means I don’t take the throne.” You respond.
“You are free to do so, princess. But you must return if we find something or the three months have passed.”
You get out of your chair, the wood screeching against the marble floor. You don’t say a word to anyone as you walk out of the room. 
You should have never returned home.
Nesta isn’t interested in the conversation happening around her. Not for nothing, she wanted to be. She just couldn’t get you out of her mind. No she didn’t know you, but she felt like something about you was off when you first met. 
She couldn’t see your ears.
“There aren’t any humans in Prythian, right?” She asks out loud.
The conversation being had stops. All eyes on the table are on her. It’s not like she isn’t used to it.
“Of course not, you know that.” Mor answers. 
“She’s talking about the women we saw at dawn.” Cassian explains.
“I just don’t get it. She didn’t smell like fae either.” Nesta goes on.
“Maybe she’s Illyrian.” Feyre tries.
“No, I know what they smell like. We all do.” Nesta counters.
“Why does it matter to you so much girl?” Amren asks.
Nesta looks at her. She’s right, it shouldn’t matter to her. There are more important things to care about right now. Like the battles that lies ahead, an unknown enemy. She just can’t shake the feeling that this woman is a part of it somehow.
“It doesn’t.” Nesta lies.
Amren hums her response and goes back to drinking her wine. Everyone at the table starts dispersing and talking amongst themselves again. Nesta doesn’t, she can’t. 
She leaves the dinner table a few moments after that, no one stops her. When she leaves the room she runs into Azriel, on his way in from a mission no doubt. She passes by him and thinks to self that maybe she could ask for his help. 
She turns around before she can think against it. 
He turns around without a word. He looks tired, and if Nesta weren’t so suspicious and inquisitive she would let it go. But she isn’t, she can’t.
“There’s some information I’m looking for…”
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pedripics · 3 months
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Pedri: "I think I'm a lot more dangerous as a playmaker"
(Mundo Deportivo - July 3, 2024)
De la Fuente said in the run-up to the European Championship that Pedri had to find himself. And he seems to have found himself.
"I'm feeling very well, with much more confidence, with a lot of desire and above all with the desire to continue in this dream of winning the Euro, which I think we have the team for it."
In order to find yourself again, you have had to make several changes.
"Yes, I changed my nutrition, my physical preparation, I started to do pilates and I've done a lot of different things to try to find something that suits me. I think I've found it."
And some ideas that Ferran passed on to you. Soak in ice-cold water for one minute a day.
"Yes, although I don't think it's really necessary here because it's so cold. In the mornings we always go into very cold water for one minute. It's good to wake up, to wake you up and to get you ready for the day."
It's been a long time since you've been with the national team. Has this change of context been good for you?
"Above all to get away from it all. It's true that in Barcelona I had injuries and relapses, but I wanted to come to the national team, to be here in a training camp with my teammates. I feel very comfortable and I'm getting better every day."
Playing more vertical.
"That's right. A lot of coaches throughout my short career have asked me to do that. They've told me to get into the box a lot more, that I have to score goals and give assists. In that position it's much easier. Also, here I can play with Morata, who fixes the centre-backs very well. For a '10', having a striker like that makes everything much easier. It's a spectacle to play with Morata."
Which attacking midfielders does he look at?
"There are players who may not play in that position but have the qualities of a playmaker, like Musiala, a player who may play as a winger but can play inside. Or Wirtz himself. They are players who have been playing at a very high level for many years and you learn from them."
Musiala and Wirtz. Both will be opponents on Friday.
"They are having a spectacular Eurocup, especially Musiala. Wirtz is also playing very well. Let's hope we can neutralise them in the best possible way. It's clear that our midfield is also very strong and I think we have the best player in the world in that position, Rodri."
Called to be, surely, the stars of the next decade. Pedri, Nico, Lamine, Wirtz, Musiala… They will face each other for the first time. Are you looking forward to it?
"Yes, it's going to be a match where the neutral spectator, the one who doesn't belong to either team, is going to have a great time. It's going to be amazing. It's going to be a match with a lot of magic, a lot of dribbling, a lot of possession. I think it's going to be a hard-fought match and hopefully we'll take it."
Dani Olmo and Pedri also complement each other on the pitch
"Yes, at the last European Championship and at the World Cup we met on the pitch many times.He is a player with whom I enjoy playing together and I hope we can do the same at this European Championship."
You must have heard about the curse of the host at the training camp.Spain have never beaten the host country.
"I've always said that there's a first time for everything and hopefully this is it. It's a curse that sometimes scares people, but not us. It motivates us a little bit more to try to put an end to that."
Beyond the cliché of an early final, are the two best teams in this European Championship facing each other?
"These are two teams that have been very consistent, both in the group stage and in the round of 16. We've always played the same way, the same football, scoring goals and winning games a bit more calmly. That's why it's going to be a spectacular game."
Is there any other team that has caught your eye?
"Switzerland. We knew beforehand that they were a difficult team, but they are having a spectacular tournament and they are a tough opponent."
Their group is usually made up of Fermín, Lamine, Nico, Ferran, Dani Olmo… At 21 years of age, he's already one of the veterans.
"I get into the rondos before Nico because I'm from November, imagine that. We are always together. With Ferran and Dani Olmo we like to banter, we like to joke around. But when the match starts, the jokes are over and we play."
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jimpagne · 1 month
the worst thing v gets is being called a leech and attention seeker which is what tkkers had been calling jm FOR YEARS. while disliking v because of shippers is petty it’s incredibly interesting how many jikookers had been defending v in the last few weeks while it’s complete silence within tkkers, youll never catch any of them defend jm
That's because a lot of Jikookers don't need to falsify reality in order to represent a certain agenda. Jikookers can be the bigger person if they need to be.
As someone who is truthfully OT7, I don't sit here hoping that hate trains form around someone that I see to be a "threat" to my ship. If I'm being completely honest, I think trying to consume Are You Sure?! from purely a shipping point of view is entirely counterproductive and not a good way to enjoy content. I think it's fun to gush over certain moments, but if you're only parked outside Disney+ or whatever streaming you're allegedly pirating it from just to see your ship in action... you're opening yourself to form biases and bitter feelings toward things that might not be directly encompassed within your ship's boundaries.
This is why I made a call out post whenever certain jikookers resorted to bullying Taehyung whenever they saw that he was going to be a guest on the show. Though I already hear people coming, saying "Oh, but taekookers are bullying Jimin to hell and back, so why can't we?"
Well maybe you shouldn't because it shows that you have the representative IQ of a toad. So let me get this straight, people who are NOT Taehyung bully Jimin... your first course of action is to... bully Taehyung? I think reciprocal hate is incredibly stupid and unwarranted. If I'm going to shit on the behavior of taekookers, guess who I'm gonna take it out on? That's right, I'm going to take it out on taekookers -- not Kim Taehyung.
Taehyung is currently serving in the military, so I doubt he's logging onto Twitter or Tumblr or whatever to say nasty things about his BEST FRIEND. I think people tend to forget that Jimin and Taehyung are tied at the hip and have an entire song where they wax poetry about how much they care about one another...
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A lot of Taekookers live in another facet of reality, so in order to make half of their agenda true, Jungkook has to dislike Jimin, the company has to be forcing their fanservice, Jungkook's mother had to have been sent a script beforehand to ask about Jimin, Taehyung was lying about only seeing the trip details a few days before departure, Jungkook was holding Taehyung's waist in this screenshot (but don't look at the footage where it shows otherwise!), Jungkook only acts "cold" (if being humorously bratty is considered cold) toward him in certain scenes because the producers want Jikook to appear more real, HYBE has some joint contract with the South Korean military to put Jimin and Jungkook together in order to hide the real gay couple that is Taekook--
The more you dive into their rhetoric, the less it makes sense. Taekookers also argue with LITERAL KOREAN PEOPLE about translations in the show. Also it's super funny to see them shift from the narrative that she show is scripted to suddenly saying -- no, it's not scripted, to then saying this part is scripted, to then saying, no the whole thing is scripted again, to then saying, actually at this time stamp they went off the script and--
Fucking crazy.
I think what I noticed the most about a lot of taekooker's rhetoric is that in order for something to be true, they need to create a lie or insult the intelligence of both Taehyung and Jungkook.
So you're telling me that two grown men have to lie about who they're with and what they're doing in order to make your ship real? You're telling me that Jungkook and Taehyung are not intelligent enough to negotiate their contracts or what type of "fanservice" they have to engage with on the regular? You're telling me that Jungkook lied about who he saw on his birthday in order to protect Taehyung? You're telling me that after ten years of being in the same group, Jungkook is actually uncomfortable with Jimin but still decided to get a matching tattoo with him and all the other members? You're telling me that the homophobic country of South Korea is willing to hide a gay couple by endorsing a manufactured gay couple? In the military? Where gay people are famously treated well?
That's sarcasm, for anyone who might lack reading comprehension.
Taekookers are the literal embodiment of that one post where the person is like "source(s): trust me bro" because half of what they spit out makes no fucking sense and is actually insulting to Taehyung and Jungkook. Like y'all constantly insult their intelligence and their free will and make it seem like they're trapped behind bars and don't have enough money or power to negotiate what THEY want. I've even seen certain taekookers become Jungkook antis after Are You Sure?! came out because they think he's being mean to or bullying Taehyung.
God, the lights are on but nobody is home.
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ywpd-translations · 8 months
Ride 761: Reserve
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Pag 1
1: Please get ready the allen key, the allen key
Time is going by
4: You gotta calm down
Ye.... yessir, teh!!
You're frozen stiff
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Pag 2
1: Sugimoto-san, where do I put this
The supplies box is under the foil bag over there, so put it in there
2: Ah, here?
3: Whose shoulder bag is that?
4: (NdT.: the writing says “Kaburagi”)
7: This way, you won't have to look for it when you'll have to take it out
Oh... thank you so much!
Time is short when you have to hand it over, so you need to take your time with preparation beforehand
8: 40 minutes before the start!!
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Pag 3
1: Alright, let's get your heartbeat up one more time
Yessir, teh
Is he alright?
Soon my role as a reserve will be over
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Pag 4
1: Pfuui, it's hot
Together with the signal gun at the start....
3: No....
4: I guess it's already over?
6: These six people are already rock solid
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Pag 5
1: I'm sure they'll run a good race
2: How about you sit down? Sugimoto-kun
The preparations are almost done
3: And you've been standing on your feet working since this morning
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Pag 6
6: I feel.... disappointed
7: Even though I lost during training camp, I was still told I'd be the reserve
I guess I still “felt like I had a chance”
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Pag 7
1: Say, Sugimoto-kun
Ah, yes!?
2: Why did you start riding bikes?
4: Ah, yeah, I've never told you?
5: Yeah
Well.... it's a silly story
It's just an ordinary story that's not worth listening to- you still want to hear it?
7: My father used to ride a road bike
He suggested it to me but I was scared so I didn't
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Pag 8
1: But, one day.... ah... well, my father's family home is in Okayama
In the north of Okayama at the border with Shimane, there's a huge mountain called “Mt. Daisen”
2: One time, when he made me get on a rental bike and run, he said “let's go there”, and took me there even though I didn't want to
3: For some reason, I was deeply moved
That majestic mountain's scenery kept changing as I advanced
4: I thought it was really interesting
5: Even though I said I was scared of falling, I soon got absorbed in riding
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Pag 9
1: And I thought it was fun
2: I could ride this forever...
3: that's what I thought
4: After that I asked my father to take me to, like, Lake Kawaguch or Hakone on the weekends. We went to Hakone three times, three times (haha)
5: But still, the first time you see the scenery from a mountain is the best
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Pag 10
1: Maybe I wanted to see the scenery for the first time
3: When I became an high-school student, I met Naruko, Onoda, and Imaizumi
Well, I had already heard about Imaizumi in middle school races
Those three....
4: I saw them running in the Inter High giving their whole body and soul
5: I saw them from up close
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Pag 11
1: In my third year, I thought I wanted to see this Inter High's scenery
3: from inside the course
6: For sure
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Pag 12
1: It didn't come true though
3: No no
4: Hahaha!! Why am I talking about such gloomy things before the start!!
Sorry, sorry, forget what I said just now, forget it!! Let's be bright!!
5: I'm their support, after all
My role is to be their backup!! Yes!!
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Pag 13
2: The participants will be at the starting line soon
3: I give up....
4: Ah, ah
What's wrong?
5: Ah, every year we gather cyclists from each school who failed to enter the race in the “selected team”, right?
6: Yeah, the team with white jerseys and number bibs in the 200s!!
There's a vacancy there
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Pag 14
2: Give it your all!
Yes, senpai!!
3: Thirty minutes until the start!!
4: We were informed just now
Are you looking for someone to fill in?
Well... there are conditions... and there's probably no one....
5: who can be ready within fifteen minutes from now
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Pag 15
2: Oooii
3: Oh... it's Touji-san
He's in a hurry
Are there troubles? It's the first time I see Touji-san running
4: Sugimoto!!
5: Huh!?
6: Why are you in such a hurry.... everyone has finished getting ready, we're going soon
Huh? Me?
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Pag 16
1: Do you want to ride in the Inter High!?
2: Huh!?
3: Run!? In the Inter High!? Eh!?
You're saying this to me!?
I just got a call from the director
4: He's speaking with the main office right now
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Pag 17
1: But the the team's six people are rock solid...
2: It's not Sohoku!!
It's the team with white jerseys and number bibs in the 200s!! There's a vacancy there
3: They asked us to lend them a reserve!!
4: You only have fifteen minutes to get ready
Moreover, it comes with strict conditions!!
6: Still, will you run!?
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Pag 18
1: Sugimoto....!!
2: Sugimoto...!!
3: Sugimoto-kun!?
5: Sugimoto-san!!
6: Ehy ehy
No, no!!
7: Sadatoki, set the wheels on Sugimoto's frame!!
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Pag 19
2: Wa- wait please. This is the third Inter High and I've always been working for this team behind the scenes
And, I mean, supporting is also an important.... role
Ye-yes, that's it
3: The Inter…..
4: High!?
5: This is the important last Inter High, so I'll reliably support Imaizumi, Naruko and Onod-
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Pag 20
1: Is there anyone who would throw away their dreams for someone else?
2: My Colnago
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Pag 21
1: It's a great opportunity
Run!! Take....
2: This chance!!
4: That day was hectic for me
Until up twenty minutes before the starts I was frantically doing preparation for the race for everyone
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Pag 22
1: And after that, somehow, I wore a jersey I had never seen before
2: And, shaking, I was standing at the starting line of the Inter High
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I have a whole theory about that contract and Angel and Val’s relationship! I was a domestic violence and sexual assault center volunteer, I have a degree in psychology, and I’m trained in trauma as a social worker in trauma informed foster homes. My thoughts are under the cut!
If you watch the music video for Addict, I think the beginning depicts the situation Angel was in and exactly how Angel and Val met. This is all just theory and unconfirmed, so please take it with a grain of salt!
Angel appears to be living in a shitty apartment and has a shitty life. He works as a stripper at some club and it seems he barely makes ends meet. I think this is supported by the flashes between Angel on the stage and Angel crying in his bed in a messy room. And then Valentino hires him for the night, which is the performance we’re watching from the opening.
Then Valentino sweeps him away to a life of gifts and drugs and expensive outings. I think Valentino spends time romancing Angel and love bombing him. My reasoning for this is that Angel signed that contract with a heart, his pet pig was a gift from Valentino, and the lyric in addict that says “you fell in love but you fell deeper in this pit”.
On top of that, there’s a popular theory that Valentinos saliva is an addictive drug. You can see it’s pink when he licks Charlie’s arm in this episode. You can also see during the Poison sequence that 1) Val specifically bites Angel and 2) Angel is shown to be disoriented from some kind of drug after pink smoke is blown in his face and 3) Val’s tongue is dripping pink drool immediately following that. It’s thought that the pink smoke cigarettes and the drug that was put in Angels drink are made with Val’s saliva.
If this is the case, it also makes the song poison both figurative as a metaphor for Val and literal as a description of the addiction Angel has to this drug. Not only does this tie into the video called “Addict” (where we specifically see Val shove his tongue in Angels mouth), but Val also calls Angel “addict trash” in episode 2 during the voicemail scene.
So now, the situation is that Val has convinced Angel he is loved, most likely gotten him addicted to a drug he produces, and has shown him a fun time. For all we know, Angel could’ve been high from Val when he signed that contract. But it would also make sense if he just signed it because he loved Val and trusted him.
And if you look at the lyrics to poison, it supports this idea; “spewing red hot lies” (believing Val loved him and trusting him), “addicted to this feeling”, “every night I’m living like there’s no tomorrow”. All of these portraying he is enjoying the life he’s living (early in their relationship when he was being won over by Val).
Then the next part changes; “I got so good at being untrue”, “telling you what you wanna hear”, “I dissociate, disappear”. These show how he started trying to appease Val when things were going sour. I would assume he’s already signed the contract at this point and is now trying to maintain the fun relationship they had beforehand. Letting Val have his way and escaping from what he doesn’t want to do by checking out mentally and emotionally.
This is also supported by the lyric change in the next chorus; “choking from taste”, “every night I’m wasted like there’s no tomorrow”. These indicate that Angel doesn’t want or like the poison anymore. “Choked” is a very specific word choice that has multiple meanings here. I think it’s alluding to already signing the contract and having that collar on his neck, to the sexual acts he’s forced to perform, to how forceful consuming this “poison” is. And he’s wasted on drugs and alcohol as a means to cope with his life. Things are definitely soured and he’s just trying to stay on even ground in his relationship with Val. He can’t escape and he feels trapped.
And then there’s the last bit; “drowning in poison”, “filling up my glass but it’s always hollow”, “sick of the poison”, “wish I had something to live for tomorrow”. He’s drowning. He can’t stabilize his relationship, he’s always trying to right himself against the waves of Val’s treatments and mood swings. He’s filling up his glass with the same alcohol he used to cope but it’s not working anymore. He’s sick of this situation. He wants out. He knows Val is bad for him and that this relationship and deal is hurting him, but he knows there’s no escaping it. He has nothing to keep him going and he thinks dying would be the only way out.
And the sad thing is, he’s right. He also thinks he deserves this for signing the contract in the first place. We see this with the lyrics “what’s the worst part of this hell? I can only blame myself” and the constant use of “I made my choice” in the chorus.
And don’t even get me started on Angel’s facade! I think Angel Dust is a persona that has been created in order to protect the real person he is underneath, Anthony. Angel Dust is used a way to cope with the abuse he faces and also as a way to protect Anthony from everyone around him.
Angel keeps people at arms length. He either distracts them from seeing behind the mask with sex and attraction keeping their attention or by diverting that attention away by making them uncomfortable. He also uses it to test people and see how they’re going to treat him. On top of that, he uses it to protect Anthony from judgement and rejection. “You can’t hurt me if you don’t actually know me. You can’t reject me when I created someone else for you to judge.”
And THAT is why Husk gets under his skin! Husk calls attention to the “masquerade” that Anthony is under. He can see through him and it makes him uncomfortable because the performance of Angel Dust is the one thing in his life that he has actual control over. Husk is a threat to the only thing Angel has to cope with outside of drugs and alcohol.
And I think Angel has spent years pretending everything was fine and normal so he wasn’t faced with the actual pain of his abuse. He’s numbed himself to the wrongness of a lot of it. I think we see that with how he reacted to someone drugging his drink. “I do this all the time” Angel says, but he means “people do this to me all the time. This is my normal.”. He doesn’t want it or like it, but it has to be fine because he has to deal with it anyways. And when Husk says “you just let people drug you all the time”, it gets a reaction out of Angel. I think the idea of Angel letting people do anything to him is something he hates because he’s so desperate to have some bodily autonomy in his life. He’s controlled and forced to do things so often and he hates it because he /does/ blame himself for his position. To him, he did let this happen.
So he responds “you think I ask for it?!” Because he doesn’t. I’m sure he has to hear that he’s “asking for it” all the time in the porn industry. That he’s somehow causing others to treat him this way.
I’ve run out of brain power, but I’ll probably have more to say later!
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localgirlywithnolife · 5 months
♡ ι'νє вєєη ¢σηƒυѕє∂ αѕ σƒ ℓαтє, ωαт¢нιηg му уσυтн ѕℓιρ αωαу ~
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`♡~° ꜱʏᴘɴᴏꜱɪꜱ : ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜɪɴɢ ʜɪᴍ ᴀꜱ ʜᴇ ꜱʟᴏᴡʟʏ ꜰᴀᴅᴇꜱ ᴀᴡᴀʏ ᴀʟᴏɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜɪꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʏᴏᴜᴛʜ.
ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ɴᴏ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ. ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢꜱ: ɢᴇᴛᴏ ꜱᴜɢᴜʀᴜ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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/ʸᵒᵘ'ᵛᵉ ᵇᵉᵉⁿ ᵐʸ ᵐᵘˢᵉ ᶠᵒʳ ᵃ ˡᵒⁿᵍ ᵗⁱᵐᵉ./
You looked behind to see gojo frantically waving at you from the ocean.
"Join us he-"
Before he could finish whatever he was about to say he got splashed with a bucket of water by Riko.
"WHERE DID YOU EVEN GET THE BUCKET FROM!?" Gojo yelled as he started to chase Riko in the ocean. You saw Suguru get out of the ocean and walk towards you.
"Care to join us?" He said with that boyish handsome smile of his.
"No, I think I'll pass for now."
You gave him a bashful smile. "I need to really take in this scene of you guys playing in the water so that I can draw it...that way I'll never forget this moment". Some unrecognisable emotions flash across Suguru's eyes. Suddenly he grabbed your arm and pulled you towards the ocean.
"W-wait, what are you doing, Suguru?"
"To draw a moment with the utmost accuracy...you need to experience it yourself beforehand." With that he pushed you into the ocean.
Safe to say you had one of the most fun in your life splashing water around with the three of them.
/ʸᵒᵘ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵐᵉ ᵗʰʳᵒᵘᵍʰ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸ ᵈᵃʳᵏ ⁿⁱᵍʰᵗ/
The sound of somewhat loud knocks filled the empty hallways of jujutsu high. You were on the verge of breaking down Suguru's rooms door.
"Geto Suguru open the damn door!"
Suddenly the door swung opened and the sight of a very sleep deprived Suguru welcomed you. He was trying to smile but you could see that it wasn't real
"Yes, (name)? A little bit more and you could have broken the do-" You didn't let him finish his sentence as you hugged him tightly. You could hear him gulp harshly.
"What happened-" You shushed him with your finger.
"I know what you're feeling dumbass but that doesn't mean you're going to give up over 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 incident. We've all been traumatised but that doesn't mean we can't get better damn it!" You were almost crying at this point. Suguru said nothing and hugged you back. You felt something wet touching your hair. It was obvious that he was crying. He was finally letting himself loose.
That night you both comforted each other by embracing and facing your fears and trauma .
/ᴵ'ᵐ ᵃˡʷᵃʸˢ ᵍᵒⁿᵉ, ᵒᵘᵗ ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᵍᵒ/
"Satoru!" You called gojo from afar. Seems like he was training. Both of them haven't been the same as before. Suguru looked more and more tired each day. Satoru was overworking himself.
It's not like you were any better. Blaming yourself because of what happened in that godforsaken day. You were on the verge of going insane but kept it together. Shoko could do nothing but watch as her friends die a little by little.
"Yes, do you need anything (name)?" He asked as he stops training.
"Do you know where Suguru is? I can't seem to find him these days." You asked him with a worried tone attached to your voice.
"From what I know he has been going on a lot's of solo missions right now. I think he had a mission in a village today in particular." He explained thoroughly. From what it seems like, Suguru is avoiding you. You were confused but nodded and thanked him. You quickly left Satoru because it seemed like he was busy.
It's final, when he comes back today you'll confront him.
But he never came back.
/ᴵ'ᵐ ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘⁿ ᵃⁿᵈ ʸᵒᵘ'ʳᵉ ʰᵒᵐᵉ ᵃˡᵒⁿᵉ/
You don't remember the last time you got out of your room. That conversation still haunts you. You just hope and wish to the gods above that this is just a really crazy fever dream and that never happened. But let's be honest, you lost faith in Gods.
"He killed 112 villagers along with his parents to save two girls." Yaga states.
"What?" You asked quietly.
"In the reports of the incident, 112 villagers were killed by a cursed-"
"I HEARD YOU THE LAST TIME DIDN'T I!?" You screamed at his face.
"It's been proved-" You once again interrupted him.
"LIKE HELL HE DID? DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THAT? HOW CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? HE'S YOUR FUCKING STUDENT!" You were fuming with and anger but mostly disappointment. You were gripping your hand so hard that blood was dripping. There is no way the Suguru you know would do this...right?
"He has been sentenced to death (name)..."
You didn't say anything after that. You just left.
You tried to call him, text him, hell you even searched for him. Still no clue of him. At the end you just isolated yourself in your dorm room.
You had nothing to do
/ᴵ'ᵐ ᵗᵒᵒ ᶜᵒⁿˢᵘᵐᵉᵈ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵐʸ ᵒʷⁿ ˡⁱᶠ��/
"I thought star religious group already ended?" Suguru said while walking towards the stage wearing a kimono.
"It's a different group but the roots are the same, are you really going while dressed like this?"
"What? I need to make an impression." Suguru replied nonchalantly.
"Geto-sama!" Two children called out to him. He patted their heads and went to the stage.
"Hello everyone I apologise for the wait. So from now on please be sure to follow me."Many objected.
"Hmmm, now that's not good is it....yes! You right there." He pointed at a old man. His head got crushed. Blood splattered everywhere. Some even got on his face.
"Now let's try this again....You obey me now."
'I hate monkeys.
This is the path that I chose for myself.
The path to creating the perfect world.
A world where only jujutsu sorcerers are allowed to exist.
A world where ̷W̷̷e̷ can live in peace.
₥Ɇ ₳₦Đ ⱧɆⱤ'
He was lost in his thoughts when suddenly those two children surrounded him. He smiled and bent down to their level.
₩₳ł₮ ₣ØⱤ ₥Ɇ ₥Ɏ ⱠØVɆ.
/ᴬʳᵉ ʷᵉ ᵗᵒᵒ ʸᵒᵘⁿᵍ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʰⁱˢ?/
You were running like your life depended on it. Well it did.
"(Name) Suguru is here."You dropped everything you were doing after Shoko called you stating Suguru is near.
You needed so many answers from him.Why?Running through the crowd, bumping into. some people. Even though they cursed at you, you had no time to say anything or apologise.
You see him.
"Suguru!" You shouted. He looked behind to see you panting.
"Oh hey (Name)." He gave you a soft smile.
"Explain." You glared at him.
"Didn't Shoko tell you?" He fully turned around this time.
"So you're just going to kill everyone who's not a sorcerer!? I thought we wouldn't kill unless it had a point!?" You shouted.
"There is a point. A reason." He states calmly.
"That's bullshit Suguru! Killing everyone just to create a world for jujutsu sorcerers. That's beyond impossible!" You shouted again.
"How arrogant of you." He said calmly. His voice devoid of any emotion and at the same time it sounded like he had no regrets or feelings about what he had done.
"But....what about you and Satoru? If you guys wanted....together we could do it, couldn't we?" His words sent chills down your spine.
"After all, we were the strongest trio...weren't we?" You did not like the way he said that.
"I have decided how I want to live my life (name), what I want to devote myself in. Now it's a matter of doing my best to achieve my goals." He started walking the opposite way after saying that.
You couldn't just watch him leave like that.
You had to do something right?
So why was your hands shaking as you tried to activate your cursed technique?
"If you want to kill me here, do it I won't stop you. There is a point in killing me." He repeated your words.
You were hyperventilating. You need to do something anything.
Anything please.
You couldn't do anything at the end.
/ᶠᵉᵉˡˢ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ᴵ ᶜᵃⁿ'ᵗ ᵐᵒᵛᵉ/
You could feel all that all too familiar cursed energy.
"Damn it! Gather every jujutsu sorcerer available here right now!" You followed the command. You were numb at this point. You stopped smiling long ago. You are just a living machine who followed commands.
Then why did your heart started to beat a little faster when you felt him around?
Gojo dealt with the situation way better than you though. But that doesn't mean his way of coping was good. Drowning himself in practice. You both were just as broken as the other. Both you and gojo ran to your students. There stood Geto. All in his glory, holding Yuuta's hands.
"Get your hands off of my students Suguru." Gojo calmly says. You just stood behind Satoru with your stotic expression.
"Oh Satoru and (name)! Long time no see!" He waved at both of you.
It never failed to flutter your heart when he waved and smiled like that.
Even if it's broken.
"Step away from the students Geto Suguru." Your voice was devoid of any emotion. It made Suguru's heart ache but he said nothing. He just smirked.
"I heard your new first year students are amazing. Never failed to find true talent huh? But oh....what is the Zenin clans failure doing here?" He mocked Maki.
"You bastard!" Maki pointed her weapon at him.
"Watch your words. I don't need any monkeys like you in my world." Suguru glared harshly at Maki.
"You watch your own mouth Suguru. I will not tolerate any insults towards my students." You threatened Suguru. It hurt your heart to talk to him like this but you had no choice.
"My apologies (name), It wasn't my intention to make you angry." He scratched his neck sheepishly.
"Then what exactly did you come for, Suguru?" Satoru was now in front of Suguru.
"To declare war." He states seriously.
"Everyone here, Listen up closely, On the upcoming December 24th when the sun sets, We shall conduct the night parade of a hundred demons. It will take place in the crucible of curses, Shinjuku and the sacred land of jujutsu Kyoto. We will unleash a thousand curses upon each place.
And of course they're only intention would be 'massacre'.
If you wish to stop this scene straight out of hell. Come and stop it with all your might.
Let us freely curse each other to our hearts content!" He smiled.
Except it wasn't the soft and handsome smile you were so used to once. His smile right now contained nothing but malice. Everyone was silent.
"Ahhhh Geto-sama!!! The store will close!" A young teen suddenly shouted.
"Oh it's already that late? Sorry Satoru and (name). The girls insist to eat some crepes." He started to leave.
"Hurryyyyy!" That same girl shouted again.
"Did you think you'd be able to leave so easily?" You said getting in Suguru's way.
"Oh well, I doubt you'd want to do that. The precious students that you both care so much about are all within my range." Numerous types of curses surrounded the first years.
"Well, see you all on the battlefield!" He left once again.
You were frozen on your feet like all those times. You couldn't move.
You had failed to do anything once again.
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A/N: so uhhh this is my first time writing a one-shot and it's kinda unfinished. If this is well received I might make pt.2 idk. SO NERVOUS ABT THIS RAHHHH.
Do not repost or copy without my permission. Please reblog to support me. Thank you for reading ♡~
Dividers used from @cafekitsune and @rookthornesartistry ♡
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iaus · 3 months
thinking about the idea of porter's humiliation kink being something jace has sat on for months and so after he broaches the subject to porter and porter immediately shuts it down he's just casually like "well, talking about it didn't work, as expected" and just proceeds to the next step of his thoroughly outlined plan to get porter to agree, but then like three days later he's in the teacher's lounge contemplating casting shatter on the coffee machine if it doesn't turn on within the next 30 seconds and some other aguefort teacher waltzes in like "okay WHAT is up porter's ass today, he's even more of a fucking weirdo today and his 'practical demonstrations' literally shook my whiteboard off the wall- uh. hello vice principal stardiamond" and jace doesn't even look at them, he just has the most vicious smirk on his face like "oh, fantastic. he's been thinking about it. that simplifies things. he'll come around soon enough"
god. i LOVE this exactly how i see it working out too. whenever jace is particularly... mean i tend to imagine it being post-shatterstar because unless it's epilogue jace i see him being just too mild to try this shit on porter beforehand. but.
829 words.
The problem is, sometimes Jace has to wait Porter out.
It’s been a few months now since he first mentioned—casually—that, wasn’t it interesting, that Porter seemed to always fuck him harder when he was gasping, moaning about how, “You can give me more than that, can’t you—it’s all you’re good for, right. That means you can do better? Big boy like you—” the rest of what was said wasn’t really important. Usually, Porter was coming like a freight train and grabbing Jace’s dick so hard it felt almost offensive. Porter has been especially pissed off since Jace mentioned it. All hard, quick missionary fucks that left Jace a little more irritated than satiated. Which has finally come to a head this Friday afternoon as he’s staring at the horrible line-up of meetings he has for Monday.
The parking lot is near empty. Except for a familiar truck.
He'll have to get a substitute for his classes because for whatever reason, interim principals still have to teach their classes. His coffeemaker broke earlier today, so there’s a steady headache throbbing at his temples when his door opens. “I’m not having officer hours—”
“S’just me.”
Jace clenches his teeth so hard his jaw begins to ache. “Ah. Mr. Cliffbreaker.”
“Oh, c’mon,” Porter steps into the room and immediately dwarfs everything in Jace’s ten-by-ten office. Jace fixes him with an annoyed look. “Listen—about last night.”
Jace narrows his eyes. “Which part of it.”
Porter’s been a nightmare these past few weeks—like he usually gets when he’s ramping up to something. There’s something about the ambrosia that’s been affecting Porter lately. Or at least that’s his excuse. Porter, for the first time since their fling began, faltered when he was fucking Jace. Mid thrust he stopped, hand squeezing Jace’s side so hard he left bruises, and pressed his forehead to Jace’s spine as he listened to Porter stroking himself. To no avail.
It had gone on for long enough that Jace had snapped, annoyed and on the edge of orgasm, What—did you forget what to do? Porter had squeezed harder, thumb pressing hard into Jace’s hip. What good are you for if you can’t fuck me?
Porter had snarled, seemingly over whatever mental block he had, and fucked back into Jace with a renewed vigor—teeth in Jace’s shoulder. He’d come, messy, over Jace’s back but seemed no less relieved. He’d still been pissed—so much so that he was inattentive, rushing to get Jace off to seem to put the matter to bed.
Jace had let him know afterwards that Porter had given him the absolute worst orgasm of his life.
And that included the tiefling he slept with in college.
Maybe saying that had been what started the fight. (It was.) The spiral had lasted into the early hours of morning—got a complaint from Jace’s neighbor and a loud threat to call the police on them. At that point, Jace had been mollified. He had bruises going up one side that felt better than the horrid orgasm and Porter was clenching his jaw, Lichtenberg scars skating up his arm from where Jace had grabbed him and let loose.
Porter hasn’t healed the scars on his arm. Jace considers him.
He leans back in his chair, spreads his legs—tracks the way that Porter follows the movement.
“So. Are you apologizing?”
“Then why are you here, Porter.”
Jace learned early on, Porter’s an unfortunate stereotype. He believes in action over words. Making it up to someone over saying sorry—though, Jace suspects he wouldn’t have been drawn to Porter if he was the type to say sorry.
He knows he’ll never get an apology for his murder—for the shatterstar glowing in his chest that tends to send him into frenzies of hungry, clawing rage. But usually, Porter can at least fuck him hard enough to calm him down.
The soft click of his door locking is familiar. He’s had his blinds drawn since he heard Lucilla and Hopclap muttering about Porter nearly putting a hole in the wall of his classroom with practical demonstrations.
He expects Porter to grab him—fit his palms along the bruises he left—and throw him on his desk, send his paperwork scattering. What he doesn’t expect is Porter to slowly—hesitantly, almost—get to his knees, press between the spread v of Jace’s legs.
Porter’s sucked him off before—rarely. He usually only put his mouth on him when he wants something particular. Jace shifts, rolls his hips into the press of Porter’s hands. He could cast detect thoughts—make it easier for the both of them.
Porter presses his mouth to Jace’s crotch.
Jace has a feeling.
He throws a leg over Porter’s shoulder. “Why do you think I want your filthy mouth on my clothes.”
Porter groans—moves back to undo Jace’s pants.
Jace smiles, all teeth. “Better.”
(Thank fuck it’s a Friday.)
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limitless-haven · 3 months
Those Ocean Eyes
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Synopsis: When you’re called upon by Tokyo Jujutsu High for an opportunity to study under the renowned Shoko Ieiri, you gladly accept the offer, leaving behind your old school. Here you start your new adventure, excited to learn and see where this life will take you, but what you don’t account for is that here is also where you truly fall in love for the first time.
Satoru Gojo is a charismatic enigma that captured your heart right away. As time goes on, you come to truly understand the pain behind those ocean eyes of his. The scariest part? His truth doesn’t terrify you like he expected it to. If anything it makes you fall more intense for him. You want to help shoulder the burden of his pain for the man you’ve come to love.
Word Count: 7.6k Warnings: MDNI. Heavy flirting/yearning, male masturbation, mention of death
A/N: ***This is a slow burn. Eventually, there will be some spicy scenes but I will give a warning beforehand.
***This story does contain elements, scenes, and dialog from the manga/anime.
***This story was influenced by the song Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish. Every time I hear the song, I can't help but think of Gojo and what a complex character he is. He is such a lovable character who deserves the world.
***This is also posted to my AO3 account under the name “kookie0807”
Chapter 3: Kikufuku
You stayed up for quite a bit last night talking to your mom. You told her all about your interaction with Shoko, and how safe and heard she made you feel. You told her about the other students here and how they mesh well together, and how you think they have the brightest futures. You told her about Gojo, just leaving out the parts where he had you melted into a puddle of embarrassment. Your mom told you she was beyond proud of you. She told you that your dad would have stars in his eyes because his little girl was going to save so many people. You guys laughed and even shed a few tears. This is the first time you’ve been so far away from your mom. In Kyoto, you lived in the same dormitory hall as your mother, she being a teacher for the school and you being the resident healer.
It was about nine in the morning when your alarm went off. Reluctantly you rolled over and turned it off. You huff and just lay there on your back for a minute, not sure if you are ready for the day. After all, you’ll be training with Satoru today, and there’s no telling how that was going to go. You finally get up, go into the bathroom to put on some light makeup, do your hair, and brush your teeth. Feeling like a human now, you walk back into your room and stand there in front of your closet. You're debating on what to wear, a cute pair of leggings and sports bra or gym shorts and a tank top. You decide on the leggings and sports bra. The leggings are black and show off your toned legs and hug the material around your ass so, so tight. You didn’t have the biggest ass, but you did workout to make sure it was firm but jiggly in all the right spots, and perky. The sports bra is a ‘peek-a-boo’ type that is also black, it holds the ‘girls’ up but in a sexy way with a little bit of extra skin showing. You put on a pair of fully white high-top converses and look in the mirror. This outfit hugs you in all the right spots, showing off your hourglass figure. ‘Damn, I look good!’ You say to yourself. You wonder if a certain white-haired man would think the same. You put back a couple of things in their place and head out the door to the sparing room.
You get to the room first and knock on the door. You wait for an answer but hear nothing so you decide to head in. Once inside you see the room is quite bare. There are quite a few mats down on the floor, a couple of chairs along a wall, and a vending machine full of drinks. It’s your typical sparing room. You decide to grab a bottle of water from the machine, you scan your phone and click on the one you want, when you bend down to get it, the door opens to who can only be one other person.
Gojo walks into the room and sees that you're bent down in front of the machine. What he didn’t expect was for you to be wearing such tight, perfectly fitted black leggings. ‘Fuck, this is gonna be fun.’ He thinks to himself. Today was really going to test his ability to keep it together and not throw you down on the mats and have you squirming around from pure ecstasy underneath him. He notices you didn’t hear him come in so he starts to walk over to you. As soon as you get back up from grabbing your water and turn around, Satoru has you backed into the machine, one hand trapping your body between himself and said machine.
Your back presses against the cold machine causing you to gasp but then you realize who has you trapped. You look up to find Satoru smiling at you. “H-hi Satoru.” You say before he can say something first.
“Well hi, pretty girl. My, what an outfit you picked out for today huh?” He says with a smile that shows just how much he’s enjoying seeing you in said outfit.
“Oh, this? I-I thought we’d be working up a sweat today, so I-I put this on.” You look down at your body, now wondering if this was the right call. Of course, you felt confident but did you make Satoru uncomfortable?
Satoru bites his lip as he lowers his head to take in the sight of you again. “Oh, we will. But this outfit, it’s doin’ things to me. I’m not sure what kinda sweat we may end up workin’ is all.”
You blush at his suggestive comment. You would love nothing more than that, honestly but you have to stay focused. No matter how much you wanted Satoru to make good on that word, you wanted to take this seriously. You needed to at least be able to throw a good punch and dodge one too. “Satoru, stop. We’re supposed to be training…not…not that.” You say sheepishly, your cheeks are bright pink.
He can’t help but love this little act you put on, like you aren’t affected by his words. Like you didn’t put that outfit on to rile him up, he knows you did. He takes a breath and calms himself. “You’re right, we’ll save that for later.” He backs away from you and goes to stand in the middle of the sparring room. You take in his outfit. Why is he wearing his normal jujutsu attire? Why does he still have the blindfold on? You give him a puzzled look. “Why are you in your school uniform?”
He snorts. “Without trying to sound too cocky, this is all I need.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Are you saying you won’t break a sweat from training with me?”
He smiles. “That’s exactly what I’m saying. If we’re being honest with each other here, I can promise ya, you won’t be able to touch me.”
You scowl at him. Was this guy serious? Did he seriously think that little of you? You want nothing more than to prove his arrogant ass wrong. “What about the blindfold?” You pause. “Come to think of it, why are you always wearing it?”
He chuckles. “Tell ya what, you ever manage to land a punch on me and I’ll let you in on the secret.”
‘A challenge? Oh, you’re on!’ You think to yourself. You take off in a full sprint towards Satoru and throw your hand out but right before you can land it, it feels like you’ve hit an invisible wall. Your hand stops a couple of inches away from his chest. You look up at him and he’s got that shit-eating grin you’ve come to know.
“Limitless,” that’s all he says with a smile. And then before you can blink, there is a flash of light and he’s now standing behind you on the other side of the room. You stumble but catch yourself and turn around to face him. Why did your hand stop in midair from connecting with him?
You huff and cross your arms over your chest. “Limitless? I mean, I’ve heard you have it but what exactly is it?”
He just stands there smiling at you. “It allows me to employ the concept of ‘infinity’ in a way where I can manipulate and distort space at my will.”
So that bastard knew from the moment he said he would be training you, that you wouldn’t be able to land anything on him. ‘What a jackass!’ You think to yourself. “How the hell am I supposed to hit you then?” You huff out once again.
Satoru thinks you look so fucking cute when you’re angry like this. He wants nothing more than to tame the brat that you are. He puts his hands behind his head, stretching his long body. “Dunno, that's for you to figure out (Y/N).” He smiles. “C’mon try again. I promise I won’t move.”
You roll your eyes at cheekiness. Shoko was right, Satoru is very cocky but with good reason. How the hell was anyone supposed to one-up the guy? You sigh and take off towards him again, this time going for a kick. Like before, your foot never makes contact with him like you wanted it to. It’s just floating there a couple of inches from him. You look at him and grit your teeth. You then drop your foot and try to punch his stomach but you're stopped again. He bends down to your hand, floating inches from his body.
“Givin’ it your all?” He asks and brings his hand up to yours. They are still separated by the invisible barrier though. He then flicks his finger in the direction of your hand and you go flying back onto the mat below. It’s with enough force that you bounce a little bit but aren’t hurt, well you can’t say the same for your pride.
You stare up at him with wide eyes. What the hell was that? He then stands with his legs spread wide apart and starts to stretch placing one hand on either knee and twisting. ‘Oh please like this is exhausting for you!’ You think to yourself. You get up from the mat and straighten out your leggings and sports bra.
You look at the door and sigh. “There is no point in training with you if I can’t ever touch you.”
Satoru huffs now, like a toddler not getting a new toy from the store. “C’mon, I was havin’ fun.” He says. “Fine, I’ll turn my infinity off but I don’t think you’re gonna like that result either.”
You can’t help but raise an eyebrow and then roll your eyes. “Stop being so cocky. You said you’d help me train so let’s do this!”
Satoru frowns at you. “But I don’t wanna hurt such a pretty girl.”
“I’m tougher than I look!” You all but shout. Was he actually going to hurt you? He was a lot bigger than you in every sense of the way.
“Fine but don’t cry when I kick your ass.” He says with a smile.
You roll your eyes. ‘That’s it! If it’s the last thing I do today, I will punch you Satoru Gojo!’ You say in your head.
You take off at him again, throwing a punch for his face but he moves his head out of the way. He grabs your arm and brings it down to his side, holding you there. This is the first time he’s ever touched you and you feel sparks from where his hand is. His touch is firm but doesn’t hurt, he’s softer than you’d imagine and god does it feel magical. You yank your arm back out of his grasp and stare at him, holding your arm where his hand just was.
“See, it’s off but you’re still not gonna be able to hit me.” He smiles.
You rub your arm where he grabbed you at. ‘Now is not the time to be fantasizing about his big, strong hands!’ You say to yourself. “No, it’s not. I still couldn’t hit you.” You say matter-of-factly.
He can’t help but let out a sizable laugh. He grabs his stomach from his hard he’s laughing. You feel embarrassed, your cheeks turning red. Once he calms down he says to you. “With my limitless power, I have control of how close things get to me, and that in turn controls how close I’m able to get to things. I have to turn it off if I want to make contact with anything.” He explains as he steps forward towards you. “So by me grabbin’ ya, trust me, it’s off.” He then grabs you by the arm and throws you over his head and onto the mat below.
You hit the mat a little harder than the invisible flick you took earlier which causes you to grimace. You look up at him before gathering all your strength and trying to sweep-kick him. As if he can read minds now, he backs up just in time before you make contact with him. You feel an undeniable rush of rage go through you, and you jump back to your feet. You just start punching all over, not caring where you’d hit but wanting to land one. He dodges every single one with ease. Before you know it, you’ve backed him toward the end of the room against the wall. You think this is your chance and go for one last swing. This time Satoru catches the punch in his hand and twists your arm behind your back, putting him behind you now. He slams your body against the wall face first, like a cop arresting someone. Thankfully you turned your head so you didn’t take the impact to your face. When your body collides with the wall you let out a groan of pain, breathing a bit heavier now from all those failed punches.
Satoru holds your arm in his large hand. He can tell you’re pissed off now and he can’t lie, it turns him on. He leans down so his mouth is right next to your ear. “Told ya.” He then presses his body into your back, squishing you against the wall even more.
You let out a gasp as you feel his toned, firm, massive body being pressed against you. You can’t be dishonest with yourself and say it didn't make you a little aroused with your current position with him. His mouth is right next to your ear, his body pressing into you. It all was starting to make you blush and feel lightheaded. You start to wiggle around, trying to free yourself from his grasp but it is no use he’s just too strong. You hear him breathe a little harder into your ear and grab you tighter, almost as if warning you to stop moving. It makes you blush all over.
“Careful princess, you might be in for a big surprise if you keep doing that.” He chuckles.
You bite your lip to stop the groan from escaping. Big surprise? Oh no, now you’re thinking about what he honestly means. Satoru is a very tall, athletic man. His hands were so large compared to yours, and his feet were massive, it made you wonder just how true his words were but you can just tell that Satoru Gojo isn’t lacking in the ‘big dick’ department, of course, why wouldn’t he be!? He was too perfect. Handsome face, nice muscular body, tall, arrogant, supposed big dick. ‘THAT'S NOT FAIR!’ You shout in your head. You decided to rile him up, if he could do it to you then why not do it back to him? “B-big surprise huh? Maybe I like big surprises.”
He chuckles moving closer until his lips come in contact with the outer shell of your ear. “Oh (Y/N), you’re playin’ a dangerous game. Believe me, I would love nothin’ more than to prove it to you but I know you’d have a difficult time handling me.”
You feel a deep throb down below, you can feel yourself getting more and more aroused by the second. The way he was leaning into you, the way his plump lips ghosted over your ear, the way his grip on your arm only tightened as he spoke. It was becoming too much but before you could say or do anything else, Satoru reluctantly let go of your arm and stepped back. You just stay up against the wall for a second, trying to catch your breath. When you feel like you do, you turn around to face him. He looks completely unfazed by what just happened, meanwhile, you're a little sweaty and your cheeks are flushed. You give him an annoyed look.
Satoru was turned on beyond belief, if he wasn’t careful, he’d be sporting a raging hard-on right now, he was already starting to chub up. He can’t remember the last time he wanted a woman so much, hell if ever. He wanted nothing more than to show you just how big he was, god he wanted to so badly but with being in the sparring room, anyone could walk in. He was getting too worked up. He takes a deep breath in, calming himself. “That’s enough for now. Shoko wants to see you in the lab.” He says as he turns towards the door and heads out without even looking back at you.
You were surprised and confused by his abrupt attitude change. What the hell is his problem? He came on to you and yet vanished when you teased him back a little? Was it too much? Was he uncomfortable? You push those thoughts to the back of your head as you grab your water and head out the door making your way over to the lab.
Satoru makes a b-line for his room. Once inside, he locks the door and heads into the bathroom. He turns the shower on but not to a hot setting. He sticks with a rather cool temperature. He takes off his clothes, throwing them down into a pile on the floor. He then takes off his blindfold, his snow-white hair falling in his face. He blinks rapidly for a second to adjust his eyes to the room. His bright blue eyes stare back at himself in the mirror. He looks at himself for a second before jumping into the shower. He stands there under the shower head, letting the water run down his ripped, tall body. His hands are on the tile in front of him, almost like he’s holding himself up. His mind immediately goes to you. He thinks about how fucking good it felt to have your teeny body pressed against him. How good you smelled. How your rapid little breaths made him want to make you do it more, made him want to turn them into pure, unadulterated moans. He feels his cock start to stir back to life. ‘Fuck, what are ya doin’ to me princess?’ He questions you in his head. He takes one hand off the wall and moves it down to grab his hardening member. He slowly drags his hand up to the head and squeezes. He lets out a sigh, he knows he shouldn’t be this affected by you but goddamn it you were so enticing. He starts to stroke himself faster, his grip tightening as he goes. He thinks about how different that little interaction could have gone. He wanted to spin you around and push you down to your knees. He wanted to watch as you ate those words when he pulled his cock out. He wanted to see the stunned look in your eyes once you saw just how massive his cock really was. He wanted to watch those pretty little lips wrap around the head of his cock and suck lightly before he pushed more into your hot, wet mouth. “Shit. Hah-,” he moans out as his hand slides up and down his cock at a quickened pace. He was so, so close to finishing already. He imagines how you would look up at him with his cock in your mouth. How you would take it down your throat, choking on him inch by impressive inch. He wants to see your eyes get teary as you deepthroat him. At that thought he's panting heavily now. “Ngh, fuck, (Y/N)!” he moans out as he’s cumming in hot, white ropes all over his hand and the shower wall. He stays in the shower a bit longer, catching his breath. He then washes his body and hair before getting out and going about his day like he didn’t just cum to the thought of you.
Before you know it, a month has passed. You’re still training with Satoru every day in the sparring room, although you haven’t managed to land a single punch on him. Principal Yaga has told you not to get discouraged, these things take time, and that he would rather you learn how to protect yourself than see you end up seriously hurt or worse. Things with Shoko are going well. You have a big ‘test’ coming up soon. She said that it’s going to be going over everything you learned in that book she gave you a while ago now. Shoko also said if you pass, she’s going to take you out for a night on the town, her treat! You studied it every night so you know you’ll pass with flying colors. You’ve been able to heal up some of the students as they’ve gone on missions but nothing too extensive.
Just like any other day, you walk into the sparring room to already find Gojo sitting on one of the chairs. You put your phone and water bottle down on the chair beside him. He looks up at you. “Ready to try and kick my ass again?” He chuckles out.
You roll your eyes at him already being annoying. “Sure am. I’m gonna hit you today, I can feel it.”
He tilts his head back and lets out a cackle. “Sure thing princess. Tell ya what, you manage to hit me today and I’ll take ya shoppin‘. Even let you use my card.” He says as an incentive.
Shopping with Satoru’s card!? You knew he was loaded being the heir to the Gojo clan but a part of you would feel bad taking his money. Nonetheless, you agree. “Deal but don’t cry when I rack up quite the charges.” You say smiling at him.
Satoru smirks back at you. “You won’t even be able to put a dent in my bank account princess.”
You roll your eyes at him playfully. You take your stance on the mats and wait for him to join you. He gets up from the chair and walks over to you standing in front of you now. He’s the first one to throw a punch at you. He aims for your stomach but you back away. You drop down to the ground and try to sweep his lanky legs from him but he jumps over the kick. Once he lands back down he grabs your arm and flips you over his body but you manage to land on your feet. He still got ahold of your arm so you twist your body around so your fronts are facing each other. You use your legs to kick off his rock-hard stomach, flipping over in the process and landing on both of your feet. Satoru just smirks at you. “Not bad.”
You smile but don’t waste time getting caught up in his compliment. You charge for him but he grabs you by the arm again, this time you're being held against his hip. Just then the door opens and Yuji comes in. “Gojo-sensi!” He yells.
It takes Satoru by surprise, you can tell he’s dropped his guard so with all the strength you can muster up in your tiny body, you grab onto his arm and press your hip into his effectively hip tossing him down onto the mat below. Satoru is stunned for a moment too late because as soon as he hits the mat, he’s met with your first to his chest. You did it! You hit him! You actually hit him!
He stares up at you, your fist still on his chiseled chest. You look down at him and now, you have the biggest shit-eating grin on your face. “….i hit you…I FUCKING HIT YOU!” You shout!
Satoru can’t help but smile and laugh. You did indeed hit him. “Well, I’ll be damned. You sure did pretty girl.” He says. Something inside his heart starts to flutter. He can’t explain why but he is truly happy to see your reaction. It’s so pure, so refreshing, so goddamn cute. Spending every day with you for the last month has made Satoru realize just how much he genuinely likes you. You’re not afraid to give him shit back, you’re not afraid to voice your opinions, you’re determined to get better at being a sorcerer, you’re funny, kind, sweet, and did mention the most beautiful girl he’s ever laid eyes on. He can’t help but smile up at you.
You straighten up and hold your hand out which Satoru takes it. You help him get back to his feet and then run over to Yuji, hugging him so tightly! He’s surprised but hugs you back, his little cheeks turning a pink shade. “What’s this for?”
You're still hugging him. “You were the perfect distraction Yuji! I finally landed a hit on Satoru!” You say excitedly and let him go looking at said man.
Satoru can’t help but smirk. ‘Damn kid.’ He thinks to himself. “Yuji, what the hell?.” He frowns. “C’mon I thought we were bros!”
Yuji just laughs and rubs the back of his head. “We are Gojo, sorry bout that! But I came to tell you that Yaga wants to see you.”
Satoru sighs. “Damn that old man…I’ll be right there.” He directs his attention to you now. “As for you, go get ready. I’m a man of my word. A princess deserves her shoppin’ trip.” He says as he passes you and heads out the door to find Yaga. You tell Yuji thank you even though he had no idea he was helping you.
You stand there smiling to yourself, feeling so giddy. You grab your phone and water bottle then rush out the door to your room. Once there, you take a shower and do your hair and make-up. You pick out a mini light blue sundress and pair it with some white wedge sandals. You hear a knock on your door and head over to open it. Your heart skips a beat when you see him. There stands the most handsome man you’ve ever had the pleasure of laying your eyes on. Satoru is wearing a pair of dark wash slim-fit jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and a pair of white Converse. Your gaze finally reaches his face. For the first time since you’ve met him, he’s not wearing a blindfold but a pair of dark blue, almost black sunglasses. His white fluffy hair is down in his face, messy but still elegant. You still can’t see his eyes and it’s driving you crazy! He’s smiling at you. “(Y/N), you look- so beautiful.” He says.
You're blushing before you know it but smiling back at him. “T-thank you. You look very h-handsome Satoru.” You say stumbling over your words a bit. Who can blame you though? Anyone in your position would be stunned by this man’s true beauty too!
“Ijichi is waiting for us out front. C’mon let’s go.” You follow him out to the car, greeting Ijichi and thanking him for driving you there. Once you two get to the mall, you look at Satoru.
“You seriously don’t have to buy me anything, you know that…right?” You ask him.
He just lets out a little laugh and smirks at you. “And I thought I told ya, I’d be paying for this shopping trip.”
You shake your head. “No Satoru, I can’t just take your money. I was just joking with you earlier about racking up charges.”
He just smiles at you. “I really don’t care (Y/N). Money doesn’t mean a thing to me.”
You continue to shake your head. “I’m not going to let you pay for anything.”
Satoru lets out a sigh and rolls his eyes under his sunglasses. “Fine.” He then grabs your hand, locking his long fingers around yours. “This is a date. Let me be a gentleman and pay for my girl.” He smiles down at you.
Your heart skips a beat, there are so, so many butterflies in your stomach. You look up at him, shocked that he said that. Shocked that he called you his girl. You feel lightheaded. Your legs are starting to wobble a bit. He notices the change in your behavior and squeezes your hand. “Y’okay pretty?”
You nod your head, still staring at him. He’s just smiling down at you. You feel him squeeze your hand again and it brings you back down to reality. He turned off his infinity for you!? You don’t think you’ve ever been this happy before. “Y-yeah, m’okay…” you say sheepishly.
He leans down getting close to your face. “Somethin’ wrong?” He questions.
You shake your head. “N-no not at all. J-just makes me shy when you say stuff…like that.”
He raises an eyebrow at you. “The date part? Or that I called ya, my girl?”
Your cheeks flush red now. God, did he have to tease you? “…Sattoorruuu,” you whine. “It’s both…” you say.
He can’t help but smile at your reaction. “What? I’m jus' going on a date with my pretty girl.” He says.
You lean into his arm and hide your face. Satoru can’t help but grin at your adorable reaction. “C’mon, where do you wanna go first?” He asks as he starts walking, in turn making you walk with him.
You look around the mall at the different stores. You see a really cute boutique that sells cute girly things, you see a shoe store, a jewelry store, a book store, and a store that sells just lingerie. Satoru notices your eyes stop at the lingerie store for a bit longer than the others. “You wanna go in there? I won't complain once.” He says tilting his head in that direction and grinning.
You blush again and shake your head. “No, no, no. I can’t handle that.” You say shyly.
Satoru lets out a laugh and smiles. “Next time then? Let’s go into that store, yeah?” He says as he points to the cute little boutique. You nod your head in agreement and head off that way. You find a couple of cute things and true to his word, Satoru doesn’t let you pay for anything. You visit a couple more stores and find little things here and there, all of which Satoru pays for. After a while, you’ve accumulated a few bags and head off back to the car where Ijichi is waiting. Satoru takes the bags from you and places them in the trunk. You both get in the car and head back to the school but before you can get there, you notice the part of town you're in. ‘Wait, is this the place?’ You think to yourself.
“Ijichi, please stop the car now.” You say politely.
He does as you say, pulling the car into a parking space. “Is anything wrong Ms. (Y/L/N)?” He asks, a bit concerned about the sudden urgency to stop.
“No, I just really got to use the ladies' room.” You lie.
“Oh okay.” He says.
“Satoru, can you come with me?” You look at him and ask.
“You need me to go into the bathroom with ya?” He asks, confused.
You laugh and smile. “No, but could you maybe wait outside on those benches for me?” You say as you point to a bench just off to the side of all these little shops.
“Uh, sure.” He is still confused.
You thank Ijichi and get out of the car, pulling Satoru along with you. You make him sit at the bench and promise he won’t move. You tell him you’ll be right back and head towards the bathroom. You round the corner and there you spot it….it being his favorite Kikufuku mochi stand.
You walk up to the older grandma working the stand and order a box of freshly made Kikufuku. A couple of minutes later, she returns with your order and you pay, thanking her. ‘I hope Megumi wasn’t lying.’ You think to yourself as you approach Satoru from behind. You think he might have turned back on his infinity so you don’t put your hands over his eyes like you would like to. Instead, you step from around him with your hands behind your back, holding the mochi from his sight. He smirks when he sees you but is still rather confused. “What’s this about?” He asks.
“Close your eyes and open your mouth please?” You ask him sweetly.
He gives you a questionable look. “You’re not gonna put somethin’ phallic in my mouth are ya?”
You can’t help but let out a gut-busting laugh. “No, no I promise.” You say as you feel tears form in your eyes from laughing so hard.
Satoru cautiously closes his eyes. “Ok, they’re closed.” He says.
“You promise?” You ask.
He grins. “I promise princess.”
You trust him, you just wanted to give him a hard time because he would do the same to you. You take the box from behind your back and open it. You then unwrap one of the Kikufuku and move toward his mouth.
“Open.” You say to him. He opens that big, beautiful mouth of his and you place half of the mochi in. “Now bite down.” You tell him.
He follows your orders and bites down. He instantly recognizes that it’s Kikufuku, it just so happens to be his favorite thing ever. The chewy mochi paired with the not-too-overly-sweet filling is absolute perfection. He opens his eyes, not that you can see them anyway, and looks at you. His heart skips a beat. The pure joy on your face is making his heart beat fast. He’s never felt like this for a girl before.
You watch as he savors the mochi. You find it absolutely adorable how the smile on his face hasn’t gone away since he found out that he was eating. You find the butterflies returning as you watch him. “I take it you like them?” You ask him.
“Kikufuku is the best! How’d y’know these were my favorite?” He asks, looking up at the box in your hand.
“Oh I was talking to the first years one day and you came up in our conversation. Megumi said that those were your favorite mochi. I saw Ijichi driving by the one place that sells them so I had to have him pull over. I wanted to get you something.” You smile at him.
He just stares at you. He knows it’s just a simple gesture, but it means the world to him. Most people around him don’t really listen to him, they just think he’s being annoying. So the fact that you went out of your way to bring him here and buy him his favorite mochi, well Satoru Gojo feels like the luckiest man on the planet right now. He reaches out for what you think is the box but he grabs your arm and pulls you to sit on his lap. You're sitting sideways on top of his legs, your feet are dangling to the side of his calf. He wraps his long arms around your waist and holds you.
You can’t lie, it feels so nice to be this close to him but it also makes you nervous. You’ve caught feelings for this man in such a short period of time that it kind of scares you. He makes your heart flutter at the simplest things.
“I take it Megumi wasn’t lying to me.” You say with a giggle, enjoying the feeling of his big, strong arms around you.
“Nah, the kid knows me well.” He says as he takes another mochi from the box and pops it into his mouth. “These are heaven!” He says while grinning.
“And how well is that?” You ask curiously. You knew out of the first years, Megumi was the one who knew Gojo the longest but you had no idea what their relationship was like.
“Back when I was sixteen….” He pauses, about to open up to you for the first time. He feels comfortable enough to share. “His father was sent on a mission to kill this girl my best friend and I were protecting. He ended up succeeding in killing her.” He gets serious. “In the process, the bastard ended up almost killin’ me but on the brink of death I figured out how to use the reverse cursed technique and healed myself.” He says with a sigh. Satoru didn’t like killing people but it came along with the territory of being a Jujutsu sorcerer and the strongest one at that. “I…I killed him and in his final words, he told me that he sold his son to the Zenin clan. Knowin' how awful they would have been to the poor kid, I decided to step in. A couple of years later when Megumi was about six years old, a first grader, I found him and took him under my wing. I was only about eighteen or nineteen” He sighs. “Megumi needed someone to guide and protect him from this fucked up world of bein’ a jujutsu sorcerer.”
Sixteen!? This happened to him at sixteen? He was forced to kill a man at such a young age? God, you couldn’t imagine the mental toll that took on him. At that age, you were worried about failing your school tests and hanging out with your friends. Satoru was out here protecting people, having to kill some at that. “Oh wow. That’s a lot for a sixteen-year-old.” You say, shaking your head. “I can’t imagine what that was like and then to turn around and take care of a child at such a young age yourself?” You look at his face and give him a soft smile. “Megumi is very lucky to have you.”
Satoru smiles. “Nah, I’m nothin’ special. Just doin’ my job. This is what people expect from me. I’m the strongest after all. They don’t care if I live or die.”
You hate how nonchalant he is about killing a man at sixteen and then taking in his child at eighteen or nineteen...like this was a normal occurrence for everyone? You hated it even more that it seems people have never valued Satoru’s life, in turn making him not see the value in it either. You shake your head and then wrap your arms around his neck pulling him into you. You felt this overwhelming heartbreak for him. How could anyone just treat him like he was just a tool like his life meant nothing? Why would the higher-ups ever send a kid on a mission like that?
“That’s not fair, Satoru. That’s not fair at all. When do you get to be weak? When do you get to say no? Why didn’t those evil people treat you like a human?” You start to spiral. “You’re fucking human, Satoru. Not some unstoppable monster for the jujutsu higher-ups. Your feelings matter, your safety matters.” You lean back out from hugging him and grab his face between both of your hands. You look into his eyes despite the sunglasses being in the way and you feel your eyes starting to tear up. “You matter, Satoru. You matter so much.”
Satoru is stunned by your words. Never has anyone in his life told him that he mattered. No one has ever acknowledged that he’s a human with feelings too. No one has ever cared for him like this. It’s a new experience for him and he’s a little overwhelmed. He looks at you and gives you a tender smile, his heart is fluttering. “(Y/N), I-I,” but you don’t let him finish.
“Stop.” You say and he closes his mouth. “You are so special Satoru. Not because you’re the strongest but because you’re you. This world would be a much darker place without you.” You say as a tear falls from your eye. You have never felt this emotional about someone telling you about their past, about how little the higher-ups have made him feel about himself. They made him feel like he was completely disposable.
He’s looking at you watching as the tear falls down your face. He can’t help but feel like at this moment in time, he finally matters. His feelings are valid. He reaches out for your face and wipes away the tear gently. This action makes you look at him. He then moves the hand that just wiped away your tears and moves it towards his sunglasses. You watch him intently. He then removes his glasses and you are met with the most beautiful pair of ocean-blue eyes ever created. He blinks a couple of times to adjust to the sudden intake of light and energy flow. You just look at him.
“Aw, c’mon. You don't find me attractive? Should I have left ‘em on?” He jokes with you. You watch his eyes crinkle up from him smiling.
“S-Satoru,” you say as you look into his bright eyes. “You’re the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. Your eyes are so beautiful.” Your cheeks are flushing pink.
Now here is a thing no one would ever have imagined to see, the Satoru Gojo is blushing. His cheeks are a dusty pink color. He feels very vulnerable right now. No woman has ever had him feeling like this. Is this love? He doesn’t know but what he does know is that you make him happy beyond his wildest dreams. He smiles a genuine smile and you watch as it reaches his eyes. He is so adorable right now. You think you could get used to this Satoru. Yes, you loved when he was joking and teasing you but you also loved that he was showing you this side of himself that was so defenseless, so free.
“Well thank ya, my pretty girl.” He says as he pinches your side causing you to flinch and laugh.
“Why have you been hiding them?” You ask.
“My six eyes? It’s the Gojo clan's inherited gift, not everyone is born with 'em though. It grants me an incredible perception of cursed energy. I can distinguish different people and curses from miles away. It also lets me control my cursed energy. That combined with my limitless technique and you have the strongest sorcerer of the modern age.” He says as he leans back on the bench. “If I have them uncovered for long periods of time, it can fatigue me a little.”
“I didn’t know it was that powerful Satoru, but always remember that you're more than just the strongest sorcerer.” You say to him with a soft smile. Having that kind of capability just from taking off the coverings from his eyes is astonishing. You can’t imagine the physical strain of seeing everyone’s flow of cured energy all the time must do to him. “Wait,” you say. “If you can see cursed energy from everyone around you…” your voice fades off as you think about earlier. Oh, this man…he-he…
“Let you hit me earlier?” He says with a smug grin. “Yes princess, I did.”
You look at him stunned and a bit annoyed. You huff and cross your arms over your chest. “Satoru! Why would you do that? I thought I was getting better!” You speak like a scorned child.
He lets out a laugh and pinches your cheek. “You are gettin’ better. I’m just not the person who’s ass you could ever kick.” He says cockily with a wink. “You've been doin’ so much over the last month, I wanted to show my appreciation for all your hard work.” He says genially. “Plus, I wanted to get you all to myself for a bit.” He says grinning and he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
Before anything else can be said or done, Ijichi comes running up to the both of you. He stands behind the bench. “Satoru, there you are.” He says out of breath from running around.
Gojo lets out a groan, putting his sunglasses back on. “Ijichi, are ya related to Kugisaki by chance?”
Ijichi looks very confused. “No Gojo. Why would you think that?”
He sighs and throws his head back looking at Ijichi behind him. “Because you two have the shittiest timin' ever.” He says rather gravely.
Ijichi looks like he’s about to shit his pants. He hates it when Gojo gets serious, especially towards him. “imverysorrypleasedonthurtme.” He rushes out.
Satoru chuckles. “Expect a forehead flick. What did you want?”
“Principal Yaga called and requested you back at the school. He said there is a grade one curse he needs you to take care of.” Ijichi informs him, covering his forehead already imagining the pain of said forehead flick.
Satoru scoffs. “Like that’ll take any time at all.” He lifts his head back up and looks at you. “Sorry pretty, but we gotta go.” You hop off his lap and straighten out your dress. Satoru leans down to whisper in your ear so Ijichi can’t hear. “When I do finally get you to myself, I promise to show ya a real good time.” He says the innuendo like it was nothing which causes you to blush bright pink.
Satoru grabs your hand and you start walking back to the car with him and Ijichi. You all get in and head back to the school. On the way back you start to relive the day. It was such a fun time getting away from school and just being able to spend time with Satoru. You love that he is opening up to you. You can tell you're starting to fall for this man, and hard. Little did you know, Satoru Gojo was starting to feel the same for you, he was just too scared to admit it. He didn’t want to put you in the position of being worried about him all the time, even though he knew nothing would happen to him. After all, he was the strongest…but sometimes it felt nice to be weak in front of the right person.
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hellkitepriest · 7 months
ee @ rough trade nottingham
finally getting to my little roundup several days later, hello. i must say going to nottingham was a real Choice for @shallowtboy and i, because it is not actually that convenient and close like liverpool is, and i mostly justified it with “well i went there to see dutch uncles in december so it’d be rude not to”. but we woke up and got on our stupid early train regardless.
went to an art gallery beforehand, found a copy of mark fisher’s capitalist realism in the gift shop — alex niven first read capitalist realism in january 2010, following a “head-on collision with the music industry”, did you know. saw a very cute pin of kraftwerk-style cats and nearly cried also.
when we queued up outside the venue (venue! it was Just A Shop) there were a good few people there already and we were glad we got down there when we did. doors were meant to be at 12, but they ended up letting us in half an hour later for some reason, which meant by the time we got in we had descended into some cold-induced madness that manifested in us humming the mad stone and bobbing up and down oompa loompa-style to keep warm for just. SO long. this bit would not cease.
we got in, and we weren’t Right at the front but we were close enough, and there was no barrier aside from the flightcases dumped on the ground, and i had to prepare myself for being waaay too close to jonathan higgs. which i WAS. i believe it was albie on here who said that if you’re in the first two rows at any of these shows you will end up making eye contact with this man, and yeah, that only gets truer if he already sorta knows who you are. EMBARRASSING.
it was a good show — not as rowdy and sweaty as liverpool, but what can you expect from a show at midday on a weekday, really. they played teletype at this one(!!! it’s not on my Playlist for nothing), and pizza boy, and i had a bottle of pepsi in my bag and turned to shallowtboy and took a big swig of it at the right moment because really i come to these gigs to have my own incomprehensible kind of fun with my best friend, and it was Funny. only then in the next chorus jon sang “you are afraid / that you’re a pepsi boy” which i did not really register until After, when shallowtboy pointed it out, and i had to contend with the fact jonathan higgs may well have seen me drinking my pepsi (i was about six feet away from him, he probably did,) and decided to make a thing of it. good god. gender win 🤷‍♂️
after the show it was signing time and we all verrry slowly shuffled out into a sort of queue. i took a photo of alex’s pedalboard on the way out, and said “i don’t know why i’m doing this, it’s not as if i know what any of these do”, and their guitar tech (who i have been mentally referring to as Clayton for various reasons, but i believe is actually called joe) overheard and went “neither do i, hah” and then i started chatting to him about what a shame it was that alex didn’t bring his little modular setup on tour this time round, and he told me all about pete’s ableton routing, and it was VERY FUN thank you claytonjoe for engaging with me. pls don’t find out i’m a massive gear poser.
SPEAKING OF— actual signing time. my rubiks cube was in my bag and i was NOT going to leave without it being signed. i managed to somehow barely interact with jon (cursing myself forever that i did not get to ask about the pepsi incident) but they all seemed fairly unsurprised by being asked to sign a rubiks cube, and all wrote their signatures very neatly in one of the little squares, minus jeremy for some reason. and Then.
i was wearing this shirt with the names of two modular synth brands smushed together, based on ONE decade-old post from this one forum that i had decided was the funniest thing in the world, yet another incomprehensible bit i am doing with myself, really, only turns out it’s the modular synth brands alex robertshaw uses the most. it came up on that podcast he did the other day. it was a real “oh for fucks sake” moment. so i showed him my shirt, and told him as much, and i expected there to be QUESTIONS about why the hell this shirt would exist, but he just thought it was great. (jeremy also approved, and said he saw me wearing it in liverpool. i did not interact with jeremy in liverpool. i was not even standing NEAR jeremy in liverpool.) alex then asked if he could take a photo to send to the guy he did the podcast with. YEAH OKAY SURE WHY WOULDN’T THIS NONSENSE BE HAPPENING TO ME. but he didn’t have his phone with him, i guess?? so he had to borrow mike’s phone???? so there’s a picture of me on mike spearman’s phone, i guess. hope the synth podcast guy did see it in the end.
writing this all out really does make it sound about twenty times more bizarre than it felt at the time. i love this ridiculous weirdo band. /\
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nardos-primetime · 6 months
Some Happy Things for the Clone Turtles in my Draxum's Side of The Family AU because my one friend is always like "CAN YOU GIVE THEM ANY NICE THINGS EVER" Yes. Yes I can!
(Let's ignore that fact a lot of these end up ruined or bittersweet later on alright? Alright.)
Most of this is in the Big Mama Era of the AU! It's basically like... the middle section of the au, so a bunch of shit happens
Big Mama is a good mother to them sometimes. She often gives them praise and works to keep them safe when she initially gains ownership (for lack of a better word) of them. They start off almost always having guards with them and such. She's also the one that properly lets them tap into training in a much healthier way than Draxum ever did (especially since they were physically like TODDLERS when Drax was pushing them). They learn pretty fast because of how they were made and because most of the time, their training is when they choose.
She calls them turtily-dees instead of turtily-boos to differentiate (they love the nickname differenceit majes them feel better than the ogs).
The clones, (even Rage), like to put on little shows for guests when not working. Unlike the originals the clones can actually sing and perform, it's one of the only consistent ways Rage speaks verbally (though he is noticeably silent or just huming in some acts).
Mic is head chef! (Half honorary) He helps come up with new dishes in the kitchen and spends most of his time in the restaurant locations Mama owns. Along with this, beforehand Mama often (and still does) let them be the first taste testers for most meals, they had previously been starving, so this was a very nice change of pace.
The boys are friends with a good bunch of Mama's workers, and they mess around with them a lot. It's kind of like bring your kid to work day but basically every day for them. Sometimes, they even help the boys sneak out when they want to try and do regular kid stuff.
Such as- sneaking out to the arcade or just taking walks at night without worrying where they're going to sleep or hide for the day. Or where they're going to get food. Lee starts really admiring stars at this point, and his room and part of their little area connecting their rooms are decorated with stars after he mentions them to Mama (a pleasant surprise).
I must reiterate, the clones REALLY DO love each other. So finally being able to see each other even feel safe enough to actually have fun is a positive on its own.
They're really close friends with a bird yokai around their age. She often comes in because her dad has work with Big Mama. Sometimes, they even sneak her out to hang out, too!
Some of the workers like to give the boys little quests once they notice their bored, like telling Donno to deliver something to someone on another floor (even if it's not that important). The clones are still a little mentally stunted because they're clones that physically grew up too fast (Along with trauma messing with it), their mental only somewhat caught up, so these little games are really fun for them.
Rage picks up wood carving. That's it. Don't know why, but I thought it was nice. He's not great at it, but it's nice when he isn't doing anything.
The clones set up their own little meetings where they share what they've done/are doing for the day. It lets Lee be more of a fun leader for once, like "aaaaand Mic, what has our head chef cooked up for today!?" Really excitedly for the others to start rambling
Donno makes the other's weapons once he perfects making them. He actually modifies Rage's the most to handle a little more than the others.
They do have a little fun!
Sadly, Big Mama isn't the best the other half of the time. And the fun is what happens to keep them there until it's too late and they can't really leave. Or they're too scared to leave.
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legendl0re · 1 month
A Court of Peace and Ire: Chapter 3 in full
Nesta speaks about her encounter with Tamlin and Eris with the other Valkyries, and Emerie speaks to her frustrations about the Night Court's shifting cultures...or lack there of. Some representation of Chronic Pain with Emerie and touching on the hypocrisy of the IC's treatment of Illyrian women in comparison to the High Lady.
Trigger Warning: Chronic Pain, Slight Allusion of occurences of SA, Mentions of Violence Towards Women, Allusion & Callout of Cultural Appropriation (for Illyrians)
The sound of steel on steel rang through the training circle, Gwyneth Berdara parrying and weaving past Nesta’s strikes as she advanced on her. After the Blood Rite, the trio had dug harder and deeper into their training, having reached the point where they could fight one another edged blades without worry.
At least, that’s what Gwyn had thought, until Nesta came at her with the intent to work off the nerves of her past meeting.
For this bout, Emerie remained off to the side, winded from her own skirmishes and feeling the slow, encroaching pain in her back. The cold always caused a chronic ache to emerge in her ruined muscles, her scarred wings growing stiff and painful to move even with the slightest twitch.
It was always difficult, given her home being high in the mountains, but the coming of winter forced it to grow more and more. Some days she could barely hope to stand, and it infuriated her more than any insult or jab from an Illyrian male ever could, which was ironic given how ridiculously vocal Devlon and the other Illyrians had been to and about them.
Ever since the Blood Rite, the Illyrians went on and on about how their ritual was tainted and perverted, how justice was stolen from them when Nesta turned Briallyn to dust, and how the women’s titles of Oristian and Carynthians were unearned.
What Illyrian would dare harm the High Lady of the Night Court’s sister anyway?
Emerie snapped back when a parry gave Nesta an edge, resting the flat of her blade to Gwyn’s throat in a press to admit defeat. And she did, albeit by throwing her sword to the ground and nearly hissing.
“What am I doing wrong?” She scolded at herself.
“You keep lunging and getting too close, even when you’re not making an attack.” Nesta answered through heavy breaths, picking up Gwyn’s sword and resting it against the training fence. ”Means less space to swing your sword or guard effectively. You also wince when you come at me so I can see it beforehand.” Gwyn pinched her brow, crimson hair cascading as she pulled it out of its ponytail.
“I don’t know how to lock my face down and focus on fighting at the same time.” She sighed. “How do you do it?” Nesta smirked.
“I unfortunately have something that Morrigan’s called ‘resting bitch face’. Or…I guess I’d be fortunate in this regard; nothing to read except contempt.” Gwyn pursed her lips, crossing her arms. “Are you alright? You definitely felt like you were working something out.”
“Nothing. Just…” Gwyn took a breath, parceling through her thoughts as she wondered what to tell the two of them.
About Azriel.
“Nothing.” She said, settling on waiting until she was able to work through her thoughts further. “What about your meeting this morning?”
“Same thing, different day. Just more of Cassian and Eris barking at each other. Though…” She started before catching herself.
“Though?” Emerie mimicked, both her and Gwyn narrowing their gazes at their friend.
“After I told Cassian to leave, Eris had some…we’ll say, ‘choice words’ about his proposal?”
“What? Of marriage?” Gwyn added. “I thought you were mated to Cassian?” 
“You think Eris Vanserra cares about that?” Nesta said, brushing the stray hair back behind her ear. “I shot him down, of course, and then Tamlin showed up.”
“What?!” Both Valkyries boasted, sparking to attention. “Are you okay?”
“Gods, yes I’m fine. Obviously I wouldn’t be down here swinging swords if I wasn’t. But…” She paused, ”It wasn’t as bad as it was last time, especially after I kicked Eris out.”
“You spoke to him alone?” Emerie muttered, then shook her head a double take. “Wait, you kicked both Cassian and Eris out?”
“I've come to learn that males have a talent for aggravating any situation they’re in, especially those two.” The three girls took a seat together on a nearby mass of stones, resting their weary feet. “But, remember when I told you Nyx went missing for a little while?” The girls both nodded. “We found him in the courtyard, and he was covered in golden hair and pollen.”
“No.” Emerie started, but Nesta cut her off with a nod.
“Yep. That little weasel winnowed to the Spring Court, and I’m pretty sure Tamlin returned him.”
“How do you know?” Gwyn asked.
“I was the one who found him, and even his diaper couldn't hide the smell of spring I caught.” Yet another thing Nesta had to get used to about being a fae: being able to smell every fucking thing imaginable. “That and someone threw a piece of gravel at the window and chipped it, and a part of the grass was flattened. Not really hard to put two and two together.”
“Why would he do that? Doesn’t he hate the High Lord?”
“I’m not so sure. Honestly, I don’t actually know much about the High Lord of Spring beyond Feyre’s stories.” That and the fact that he saved her family from ruin when he stole her away. “Rhysand refuses to talk about him, as does Feyre, and the rest of the Inner Circle doesn’t know a damn thing, or care to find out.”
“What about Elain’s mate?” Gwyn asked, before realizing what she had just said.
“I’m not too sure Elain or Azriel would appreciate me talking to him.” Nesta muttered. Feyre had once said that he and Tamlin were best friends, and her sister did comment about how he did the best he could during her circumstances, but given how Nesta had batted him away or glared at him every time he showed up to talk to Elain, getting information out of him would be like pulling teeth.
“I’m already sure Rhysand is planning to do something stupid, and standing in his way would burn any good graces I’ve managed to scrounge up.”
“Do you think he’s going to-?”
“No.” She answered–not because she believed it, but more so out of a hope that the High Lord of the Night Court wasn’t that stupid. Tamlin out of the picture meant that Beron had no deterrent from expanding south and cannibalizing all of that territory, and she didn’t need him that close to the human lands.
But Rhysand was blind where his loved ones were concerned, especially his son. Eris had always been right about that.
“I…thanked him; Tamlin, for bringing Nyx back.” Nesta revealed, wiping a small bit of frost from her lip. “It was a good start, I guess. Hard to really have a conversation with him when his ex-lover is my sister, and when he’s partially responsible for me and Elain...” Nesta didn’t let herself finish that sentence. She’d worked hard to try and let go of the bitterness, to embrace her new life like Cassian and Amren had always advised her too. 
But they never seemed to respect the fact that she never had a choice, that she had been forced into all of this, and that while she was in the skin of a fae, her mind and sentiments would always remain human.
At least the cauldron couldn’t pry that from her.
“I don’t know how the cultivation of alliances with the other Courts fell to me.” Nesta said jokingly, as if she hadn’t chosen it for herself; to make sure that if there ever was another Hybern, she could cut its head off much more quickly.
“Probably because you’re the only one who can do it right.” Gwyn jeered, bumping Nesta’s shoulder with hers.
The priestess was indeed correct. Nesta was born and bred for politics, beyond the dancing and the looking cold and graceful, she was a master of diplomacy, persuasion, and knew how to foresee favorable and unfavorable alliances. A positive relationship with Tamlin would keep the Court of Autumn in a box, and while she didn’t know much about the High Lords of Summer, Winter, Dawn and Day, they all seemed relatively comfortable with Rhys and Feyre.
But pretending to be amicable was just another trick in the book, and she couldn’t base her understanding of the political landscape off of Kallias’ sickly-sweet love story, Thesan’s demure attitude, or Helion’s constant taking Morrigan to bed. She needed facts, and as it was, Tamlin had shown he was at least willing to not harm the heir of the Night Court, despite his legendary temper.
A sudden wince spouted from Emerie, leaning forward as she grimaced with her palm to her back.
“Are you okay, Emerie?” Nesta asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.
“Fine. It’s just the cold. Nothing new.” Her sisters frowned at her dismissive tone.
“Is it getting worse?” Gwyn asked.
“It’s always been this bad this time of year.”
“Maybe Rhys can have Madja look at you?” Nesta suggested, Emerie scoffing at the thought of being seen by the High Lord’s personal healer.
“After what she did with your sister’s pregnancy? I’m surprised she’s still employed there. No thanks.” She took a deep breath, then stood back up despite the aches in her shoulders. “Besides, there’s not much that can be done about it, save for some far-too-expensive tonics or downing a bottle of whiskey.”
“Honestly, that doesn’t sound too bad.” Nesta mused, letting her hand rest on the pommel of her sword.
“While we’re all sharing,” Emerie started, breathing steady as the pain lapsed between harsh and dull. “There is…something I’ve been thinking about alot, but I didn’t really know how to bring it up.”
“What’s going on?” Nesta asked. When Emerie met her eyes, she hesitated to continue. Even though Feyre wasn’t exactly the eldest Archeron sister’s favored subject, she was still her sister, she was still the Cursebreaker, and she was still High Lady…
Fuck it. 
Gwyn and Nesta were her sisters. She could be honest with them.
“In the mountains, there’s an Illyrian woman who's been preaching a lot lately. I think she used to be a priestess because she has robes similar to yours, Gwyn. She calls herself the Den Mother.” Nesta and Gwyn nodded. “She’s talked about us, our time in the Blood Rite, how the return of the Valkyries heralds a new age or…something like that. Mostly a bunch of things that have the males very…um,” she winced. “Perturbed.”
“That’s good though, right?” Gwyn prodded. “Maybe it’ll help Illyrian women push back against clipping?”
“That’ll never happen, not without the High Lord’s enforcing of it. Illyrian males don’t give a shit about what the females have to say.” Emerie thought back to the few times she witnessed the High Lord and his circle dispensing justice, cutting down the Illyrians who betrayed them during Amarantha’s rule. It all seemed like meaningless butchering to her now, since no actual change had been made.  “The only thing they understand is the sword, and even then, they're not afraid of it..”
Emerie  bit the side of her cheek. How could Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court and half-Illyrian himself, believe that they would ever be cajoled by witnessing the death of their own? Illyrian males trained, drank, fucked, and danced with death the moment they could walk.
It all seemed quite…hopeless.
“She also brought up a good point.” Emerie continued, bracing herself for the hard part of the conversation. “It’s kind of…strange that the High Lady can fly and use Illyrian wings whenever she wants, but we…” Emerie’s gaze flinched to her back, to her ruined, rent wings that would never be able to fold the air within them. “She's…not Illyrian, yet she can fly.”
Emerie felt her gaze grow heavy, falling to the ground and being unable to rise to meet Nesta’s silvery gaze.
“That is a good point.” Nesta said coldly, staring off to the tree line as she realized she had never thought of it like that before. She had believed the shapeshifting a simple consequence of her sister’s resurrection, her emulating of Rhysand’s wings merely one the myriad of ways she wanted to love and relate to him.
But to an entire caste of people who never had a chance to experience that in the first place? 
The insult was a grave one.
“I’m sorry if I-” Nesta’s hand immediately shot up, before resting on Emerie’s shoulder.
“Don’t apologize, Em. You did nothing wrong by telling me how you feel, and I won't say anything if you don’t want me to.” The Illyrian gave a soft smile, elated in the confirmation of her trust.
“Thanks, Nesta.” She sighed, brushing the slight hint of a tear away. “I thank the mother everyday I’m here with you two.” Nesta pulled the two into a soft embrace, smirking despite the churning thoughts within her mind. 
“Have the Illyrians tried to…do anything to this ‘Den Mother’?” Gwyn asked, Nesta catching the slight flash of anxiety in the priestess’ eyes. Illyrian male were taught to be cruel to women normally. What would they do to someone keen to actively defy them?
Emerie shook her head.
“Thankfully no. She’s smart, always gone before the men can find the nerve to show up and start tossing things around. They’ve burned her set up and scolded the women to disperse a few times, but they’ve never gotten their hands on her.”
“That’s good.” Gwyn said with a sigh of relief. Nesta remained quiet as she burrowed deeper into her own thoughts.
Should she be so concerned with the happenings of the borders, where there were injustices to fight right here at her doorstep?
How would she even approach this with Rhysand and Feyre? It's not as if they would listen to her regarding anything dealing with actual governance. She could bring up how two thirds of his court were seeped in the agony of abuse, be it for political marriage, enforced gender roles, or whatever else, but Rhys had 500+ years of experience. 
What advice would she give that he would think was worth a damn?
Maybe she could think about that while she devised a plan of approach for Tamlin. There were many questions she had, perspectives she was missing that could inform so much. But she would have to go alone. Going with Cassian or anyone else from the Night Court would just devolve into insults and threats of violence, causing the High Lord to shut down, and she already knew the glares and judgment she would receive if Feyre or Elain knew she was speaking with him.
There was also the clear fact that one act of kindness did not wash out the harm he had done, the insults Nesta heard him lobby to Feyre during the High Lord meeting. 
It was best not to get her hopes up.
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