#(To my understanding at least some criminals have their name and what they did made public upon release)
bijoumikhawal · 10 months
I was listening to someone talking about how much she doesn't like South Korea's privacy laws when it comes to criminals and it abruptly hit me that she doesn't like them because she's a true crime creator (yes I watch garbage sometimes)
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Town Ghosts
Ok, so this is inspired by this post.
Danny almost lost his balance as he turned on Casper High’s street corner. Catching himself in the nick of time, he resumed his uncontrolled dash down the streets of Amity and finally made it to his locker just in time for the first bell to ring. As he looked up from his locker and noticed how sparsely populated the halls were, Danny frowned. First bell indicated they had 5 minutes before the actual beginning of class, and usually that meant a decent amount of stragglers were still chilling around.
“Damn it, do we have an exam?” Danny mumbled as he took out his phone to text Sam and Tucker.
Wheres everyone? He sent
Assembly, came the answer from Tucker to which Sam added, We saved u a seat
Danny didn’t bother answering and instead quickly gathered his things from his locker before hurrying down to the assembly hall. Everyone was talking which meant he wasn’t late, and he managed to catch Tucker waving him over. Danny maneuvered his way to his friends before sagging into the promised saved seat.
“I swear, if Boxy wakes me up at 2am again to rave about packing peanuts one more time I will put him in Soup Time for a month.”
Sam winced. “Rough night, huh?”
Tucker patted his shoulder in commiseration.
Danny closed his eyes. “At least tell me assembly is taking Lancer’s period?”
“We still have half of it afterwards,” Tucker answered.
Before Danny could groan, the teachers started shushing the crowd. As he looked up to the shoddy stage, Danny could see a blonde woman wearing all black.
“Nice boots,” Sam whispered.
“Hello everyone,” started the woman on stage. “My name is Black Canary, you may know me as a member of the Justice League.”
At that Danny sat up straight, suddenly way more aware. Simultaneously, a wave of whispers started amongst the crowd which was quelled by the numerous teachers shushing everyone. Once silence had been more or less reestablished, Black Canary started again.
“I am here as a spokesperson in our efforts to raise awareness about discriminations against meta humans. This initiative started as a personal project of a lot of the founding members of the Justice League. Did you know that recent studies that show that violence against meta humans is disproportionately more frequent than violence against baseline humans? In fact-”
And one she continued for the next half hour, after which she had some students distribute some pamphlets with different phone numbers on them. There was a little more time dedicated to a few exercises and a video of a testimony from a former meta human criminal. As the presentation progressed, Danny started relaxing more and more, to the point that he was half asleep when time for questions was announced.
“What about ghosts?” Paulina’s voice came through the mic the teachers had passed around, “Are they covered by all those fancy laws you mentioned?”
And yep, Danny was fully back to being awake now.
“Ghosts?” repeated Black Canary, in an even tone but before Paulina could answer, another voice cut through the room.
“Ghosts aren’t people, Paulina.” Valerie’s voice came through sharp and clear.
Paulina’s eyes narrowed in on her former friend. “Says who?”
“Says science!” Valerie exclaimed. “Though I shouldn’t expect a Phantom groupie to understand that.”
“You’re just jealous.” Paulina flicked her hair dismissively.
Danny sank into his seat as he tried to block out the very public argument happening in front of him. Black Canary seemed to be observing the exchange with curiosity, while the teachers were trying to reach Paulina to get the mic out of her hand. There were a few students with their phones out, filming the whole debate and Danny would bet it would be on the school forum by the end of the day, probably sparking yet another Phantom debate.
Just then, as if it wasn’t enough, Danny could feel his ghost sense activating. As he turned his head, he caught a green shimmer at the edge of his vision zooming past the window.
“Come on,” he mumbled. “Gimme a break.”
“Do you want backup?” Sam asked.
“I got it,” Danny grumbled. “Cover me.”
“For sure, dude,” Tucker answered.
Danny stood up and shimmied his way down the rows of chairs to a teacher with Paulina and Valerie still arguing in the background. When Danny reached the nearest teacher he asked for leave to go to the bathroom and by was granted it after which a teacher finally managed to get the microphone away from Paulina. As Danny walked out of the room, he could hear Black Canary’s fading voice asking a question as he got further and further away.
“What do you mean by 'ghosts'?”
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angelfic · 10 months
Hi babes!, I was wondering if I could request a Lorenzo Berkshire fic from the event?, here’s the thingy!, forbidden love + prompt 18!, sorry if this was a little confusing I have never requested something from a event 😭, but please and thank you!!,
- oh and!, if it’s okay could you pick out an emoji for me ?, to be like an emoji anon!!, that’s it!! <333
hi, angel!! thank you sm for the request, not confusing at all, my love! writing this has made me realise there’s a criminally small number of lorenzo fics :( am very happy to oblige haha how’s the 🍓 emoji?
lorenzo berkshire x reader + forbidden romance + “yeah, I love you. so what?”
➺ part of my 2k milestone writing game
You’re struggling with keeping all of your limbs inside the invisibility cloak you borrowed from Harry when Peeves glides into the empty classroom. You freeze in place until he floats his way back out, all the while singing what you’re sure is some kind of stupid limerick.
Okay, so you stole the cloak and it’s after curfew and if Peeves catches you, you’re in a million different kinds of trouble. Nevertheless, you relax slightly when you’re alone again, remaining under the cloak to consult the Marauder’s Map that you also may have taken without express permission. Okay, any permission at all.
Scanning the unfolded piece of parchment, your eyes land on Lorenzo’s name which seems to have stopped in place at… the classroom that you’re in.
You look up to find the classroom still empty, but before you can get up to investigate, a set of arms wraps around you from behind and you gasp, barely able to contain a shriek of fright.
You wriggle out from under the invisibility cloak, turning around on the table you’re perched on to find Lorenzo grinning at you, eyes twinkling with mischief.
“What the fuck, Enzo?!” you whisper-scream, smacking his arm. He merely giggles and brings your legs around on the table so you’re facing him, hands remaining on your thighs. He leans in to press a chaste kiss against your lips and you quickly kiss him back before pulling away to look at him, confused. “How the hell did you see me under the cloak?”
“Your shoe laces were hanging out the bottom, love,” he explains, smirking as he looks down at the untied pair of converse you quickly pulled on when you snuck out of your dorm in pyjamas.
You frown at the offending laces, swinging ur legs back and forth between where Lorenzo stands. “Have to remember that for next time.”
“Why does there have to be a next time?” Lorenzo groans, voicing his frustrations about your very secret relationship yet again. “I don’t want to have to see you in dark classrooms or broom cupboards or anywhere secret. I still don’t understand why we can’t just tell people.”
“You know why, Enzo,” you say gently, tracing circles on the back of his hand with your finger. “My friends would freak out, your friends would freak out…”
“Okay, well, my friends can sod off,” Lorenzo says, matter-of-fact as he holds up two fingers and starts checking them off. “And your friends love me. There we are. Easily solved.”
You can’t help letting out a laugh at that and you drop your head onto Lorenzo’s shoulder to stifle your snorting. “My friends don’t love you, they just hate you the least.”
“What I’m hearing is that they don’t hate me the most,” he murmurs, peppering kisses along your jaw and down to your neck. “I’m taking that as a win.”
“You just don’t give up, do you?” you sigh, shivering from the brushing of his lips against your collarbone. “They’re just- Shit! Peeves!”
You push Lorenzo off you, startling him when you point to the giggling poltergeist who floats above the two of you. Before he can begin shrieking about the two of you and wake up the entire castle, Lorenzo whips out his wand and casts ‘Langlock’, causing whatever Peeves was about to say to turn into choking gurgles.
“You better keep quiet, you meddling little-” Lorenzo cuts himself off when Peeves zooms out of the classroom, clearly having lost interest in the situation at hand since he can’t weigh in on it. “Well, it was a good effort.”
“We had a good run,” you agree, frowning at the wall that Peeves just passed through. “And by tomorrow the entire school is going to know I love a Slytherin boy. Merlin, I’ll be the laughing stock of Gryffindor. Not as bad as the exile sentence into the mountains you’ll be getting though.”
“I can hardly breathe for laughing,” Lorenzo says drily, although his lips turn up into a reluctant smile. “There’ll be no exile, because they’re going to have to deal with it. Yeah, I love you. So what? Like I said, they can sod off.”
Knowing full well that Peeves is going to be making his rounds at every table in the Great Hall during breakfast, you have no doubt Lorenzo will be having to endure a similar conversation to you with his own friends. “I’d love to see you tell them exactly that,” you grin.
“Sit at the Slytherin table with me tomorrow and you will,” Lorenzo says cheekily, shifting you closer by your hips. You loop your arms around his neck and drop a kiss onto the tip of his nose.
“Not even if Godric Gryffindor himself came and kicked me off my table.”
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everlastlady · 1 year
Helluva Boss X Reader: The Wedding
☕Author's Note: Hello! My little imps, demonic sinners, and powerful overlords. Welcome back to the Helluva Boss wedding version. I finally got this done and not posted at midnight like I did yesterday, so I hope that enjoy this one; if you did then please comment, like, and reblog.
☕Fandom: Helluva Boss
☕Word Count: 4473
☕Story Contains: Fluff
☕Hazbin Wedding Invitation: Here💌
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Striker: Striker was never one for love and any meaningful relationship. He saw them as a waste of time. An easy way for people to play with your emotions and get your hopes up high. But when he met you at your clinic and you patched him up from his injuries. He watched how careful you were with his body, how you asked how he was feeling, and didn’t ask or judge how he got these injuries. You were a medic for hitmen, assassins. And crime lords. So you didn’t ask any questions about how they got hurt. After that day Striker would come to you, whenever he was injured. You two would talk and you would offer Striker some much. You both formed a friendship and Striker took that leap of faith, and you both soon formed a relationship. But kept it private because he was a wanted criminal and didn’t want you getting tied up in his mess. After a long while of dating, Striker wanted something more. And this hit him when you were both kidnapped by some people who wanted Striker’s head on a platter and they wanted to hurt Striker by hurting you first. Luckily your cowboy bebop boyfriend got you both out of there. Striker and you patched each other up back at your clinic after that life and death situation he was sure. He wanted to marry so that night, he started planning.
Striker asked you out on a camping trip and you agreed. You've been wanting to see how his survival skills hold up, since he would brag about them and how he could survive better than the others in Wrath. So you and him took your car along with Bombproof to a nice place to camp. You helped Striker set everything up. When you grabbed a small bag. Striker quickly grabbed and stepped away. You ignored, assuming it was just one of his weapons that he didn’t want you to touch. After everything was set up, you and Striker sat by the campfire, you were roasting whatever you felt like would taste good and Striker seemed deep in thought. You asked him what was wrong. “ Will you marry me? “ He simply said. You looked at him and he looked at you. He took out a small tan velvet box and opened it showing a ring. “ And don’t worry darlin, I didn’t steal it, I worked hard and bought it for you. “ He said. “ But you don’t have to say, I understand. “ He said. But you did say yes. You wanted to marry Striker, and this made him happy. He lifted your hand and slipped the ring on your finger, and you two cuddled near the fireplace, Striker decided to play a song on his guitar, a beautiful night it was for you both.
Soon the wedding had arrived. But since Striker was a wanted criminal, you both did the wedding yourself. You simply decorated your guys' home. And made everything look nice. You both baked the cake and made the food. You had your wedding outfit on and Striker was wearing a nice suit. You both were happy with what you had. You didn’t need some grand wedding and a bunch of guests. You and Striker always had each other, you guys didn’t need anyone. You and Striker both stood in front of the wedding cake, laughing, the cake didn’t look perfect but it was the cake you both made. But you guys had a few guests. Striker’s horse Bombproof, his snake Noodle, and your cat (cat’s name) so it was nice to have at least three people at the wedding. You and Striker carried everything out back. While you placed the rings on the table, Striker was a nervous mess but he was ready to marry you and it was time for you both to give your vows, and Striker went first.
“ (Y/N), my darlin, my pumpkin, my stars, my partner in crime, my healer, and the one who made me feel like not everything I care about is gone. You showed me how to care and love again. To not be scared when I’m in love. You helped me through many challenges. Never judged them either. Even though I’m a wanted criminal and I can’t give you a better life. I want to thank you, for sticking by my side through the good, bad, and ugly. You are someone who helps people like me. And I never understood why, but I do know you have a good heart, a giving one. Just like you give and care for me. I want to do the same for you, for the rest of our life together. I love you (Y/N), I'm glad on this day I can call myself your husband. “
Striker stared at you, he could see the tears of happiness in your eyes, he lifted up his hand and wiped them away. You both kiss and help slip each others’ rings on and hold hands smiling at one another. Striker stood behind you and held your hands and you both cut the cake together. Feeding each other the cake and then dancing with each other. Striker’s wrapping his tail around your waist as the two of you dance under the stars. Striker caress your cheek throughout the dance. You didn’t know that Striker was this good at dancing but he seemed to be having fun twirling and dipping you. As he peppers sweet kisses on your neck and mumbles into your neck how much this day will be important to him forever. How he’ll love you forever and ever. At the end of the wedding. You and Striker went back inside, taking a bubble bath together and getting into comfortable clothing. You two cuddled in bed and you stared the ring on your finger, Striker plops a kiss on your cheek and grinned. He leaned and whispered something in your ear which made you blush, you smirked at him and nodded, this was going to be a fun night.
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Fizzarolli: You had met Fizzarolli through Blitzo. This happened when Blitzo wanted to get revenge on Fizz for calling him out at Ozzie’s because he couldn’t get revenge on Verosika or Asmodeus. But he seemed to be ready for Fizz. But things didn’t go as planned and before you and Blitz could get kicked out by security. Fizzarolli wanted to talk with you, so while Blitz was getting kicked out Fizzarolli had bought you a drink and the two of you talked. Fizzarolli made you laugh and blush. He seemed to be loving the sound of your laughter and it made him smile. But when you did have to go home, Fizzarolli gave you his phone number, the two of you always text, send each other selfies, and call whenever you two could. What became texting and phone calls. Soon became hanging out and going to his performances. And what became hanging out soon turned into dating. The jester clown loved and adored you. You always made him feel loved and safe. But with his status it was hard to keep your relationship a secret but he didn’t mind letting people know you were his. After a long while of dating, Fizzarolli had been in deep thought. You meant everything to him and were always there for him when he was at his highest points and at his lowest points. Fizzarolli knew one thing right now and that was, he wanted to marry you and he started to plan.
Fizzarolli decided to take you to a theme park and not the cheap rundown one. They used his robotic version at. He took you to Loo Loo World. You had an absolute blast on all the rides, sharing sweet treats with Fizz, and winning prizes for each other. You both took pictures and recorded videos to remember this moment. When night had set. Fizzarolli brought a beautiful view of the amusement park. You watched him walk over and had his phone to someone while whispering and paid them. The person nodded and Fizzarolli walked over to you and pointed at the sky. You looked up seeing fireworks shoot into the sky and spelt out ‘ Will You Marry Me (Y/N) ? ‘ You looked at Fizz to see him on one knee with a green velvet box, he opened it to reveal the ring. You looked at the ring and smiled at Fizz. You told the silly imp jester that you would marry him. He pulled you down with his robotic arms and kissed you. Fizz slipped the ring on your ring. “ I’m so happy you said yes, baby. “ He gave you another kiss and the two of you went home. After a while the wedding had finally arrived, and you had a wedding outfit. Blitzo was giving you away on your wedding day, he had walked you down the aisle as you could see Fizz standing there all dressed and looking nervous, just like you.
When standing up there with Fizzarolli both of you held hands and stared into each others’ eyes while smiling. Never in his life Fizzarolli would think this moment would be happening. That he would be getting married, he sighed and smiled at you, basking in your beauty. You were breathtakingly more beautiful than anyone else here. The marriage officiant talked while you and Fizz were ready to give your vows and Fizz went last.
“ (Y/N) this took a while to write and I have to thank Ozzie for the help. But I wanna take this moment, our special day to thank you. Even though you were helping my idiot brother with some revenge plan. I’m glad I got to meet you. Because your laughter and smile make me feel warm. It makes my day to know that you are okay. You not only respect my boundaries. But you respect me as a whole person, everyday and every moment is a blast with you. You know how to have a good time and you know how to make me laugh. I enjoy the quiet times we spend together, how we cuddle on the couch and laugh at sappy romance movies. I love that snorting sound you make when you laugh. You may hate it but I think it's adorable. But I can’t wait to hear you laughing for the rest of our laughs. After this day not only will we be friends and partners. But we will be married, a new chapter starts for us and I can’t wait to fill the black pages with you, I love you (Y/N) forever and always. “
You cried tears of happiness and it was now official. You and Fizz were married, the two of you cut the cake and shared a dance. Fizzarolli loved holding you while you both danced. How he had always dreamed about this and now it was a reality. After the wedding you and Fizzarolli head back home, he carried you inside and was singing to you. He carried you to the bedroom and tossed you on the bed carefully, then crawled on top of you and cuddled you, he kissed you softly and held your hand. “ I love you (Y/N). “ He said, the two of you kissed and held each other all night long.
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Asmodeus: You and Ozzie knew each other since childhood, your family and his family were good friends. Ozzie grew up to be the king of lust and you were a famous actor. Sometimes you did perform at Ozzie’s lounge and something about seeing you on stage made him happy. But he always found his chest getting tight and his stomach doing flips whenever you laughed with him or hung out with him in his office. He also often found himself getting jealous hearing others talk about you in a romantic way or in a lewd way. With him being the king of lust, he found it gross and upsetting how people would lust after you. Ozzie had become protective and you noticed. He seemed to always want to be around you and would try to hold your hand whenever you both walked. So you had asked him what’s up and he sighed, telling you that he had caught feelings for you. That the king of lust had fallen in love, he felt like a hypocrite since he often judged others for love. But his eyes widened when you told him that you loved him as well but didn’t know what to say and was scared. Ozzie hugged you and apologized for making you feel like you could never confess. After that the two of you started dating and Ozzie didn’t care what the papers said about him. He was happy to have you as his partner.
He didn’t care what others thought and what the papers said. You and Ozzie laughed at the gossip and would kiss. Of course with being the king of lust. That didn’t stop Ozzie from making you flustered all the time. But his love was always passionate and he knew how to make you feel comfortable. Everyday and every moment was breathtaking with Ozzie, and after a long while of dating the king of lust wanted to marry you. So he would start planning. So whenever you were busy with work and gigs. He would plan and he kept the ring on him at all times. He wasn’t going to propose to you at his lounge. No, he wanted something more special. He had rented out your favorite fancy restaurant and both of you arrived there in the limo. No sexual remarks or flirtatious words came from Ozzie the whole ride. You asked him if he was okay, and he smiled at you. “ I’m fine, my little rose, just thinking about this night. Don’t worry, I'm fine. “ He gave you a kiss and the limo stopped. The two of you walked inside and had the best dinner. As you were eating, Ozzie reached out his hand and took your small one in his large one. You stared at him and he looked nervous. “ (Y/N), we have been dating for a long while despite all the gossip, I'm glad you stuck by my side so will you continue sticking by my side by marrying me? “ Ozzie said, while reaching into his pocket and pulling out a light blue velvet box and opening it to reveal the ring. You gasped and looked at Ozzie then at the ring then back at Ozzie. You smiled and nodded at him, Ozzie laughed with delight and slipped the ring on your finger, he kissed your hand and the two of you carried on with dinner.
You and Ozzie went all out for your wedding, you both invited your friends and family. Your wedding was in the papers and thankfully it wasn’t dragging your wedding through the mud. It was a royal wedding so people tried to get in and be a part of this beautiful day. You walked down the aisle with your father as the guests admired your lovely wedding outfit. You finally stood up there with Ozzie, your friend, your partner, and your soon to be husband. You almost wanted to cry because you remembered how you and Ozzie would throw weddings for your stuffed animals when you were both kids. And here you were, having a wedding with him. You held each others’ hands while the marriage officiant talked. It was time to give the vows and Ozzie went last.
“ (Y/N) I’m glad you said yes. Since childhood we knew each other, our families were friends and we became friends. I will remember how we would sneak cookies and make mud pies so that we could have a cake for our stuffed animals getting married. You were always a fun person to be around and I knew you were going to grow up to be someone great. And you did, then you became my partner, my everything, and you showed me something more than lust. You stuck by my side despite the gossip, rumors, and what those media leeches say. I’m glad you became my partner and I’m glad you’ll become my spouse. I want to go to bed every night seeing that pretty little smile and wake up every morning seeing that smile. I love you and will always love you. I’ll do my best to keep you happy, make you laugh, and to keep you smiling. Just like you do for me. I can’t wait to leave here with you as my forever soulmate. “
Ozzie finished his vows and the marriage officiant had declared you both married. Ozzie picks you up and kisses you. The most passionate and sweetest kiss was this moment at your guys wedding. Ozzie and you cut the cake together, danced, and opened wedding gifts. You listened to the speeches that the guest gave. And you both like Fizz’s speech. After the wedding, you and Ozzie went home; he carried you inside and continued towards the bedroom. He undid his tie, leaning down to kiss you and you kissed back. He held you close in bed so that you could hear his heartbeat. He showered you with kisses and rubbed your legs. “ (Y/N) I love you. “ Ozzie said and kissed your head, you were so exhausted from the wedding that you had drifted off to sleep in the arms of your husband.
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Chaz: You only knew Chaz because you helped him fake his death to get away from Crimson. You always helped others fake their death and start a new life. You made a lot of money from doing it, but you kept your life private for safety reasons. But after helping Chaz, the weird shark man couldn’t help but want to be around you, even though he had thanked you many times for helping him escape. He still thanked you and insisted on you both being friends. You didn’t really have friends so you agreed to welcome Chaz as a friend. At first you found him annoying. His attempts at flirting always made you yawn and roll your eyes. You especially would beat his ass, whenever he was in your bed and trying to seduce you. But after hanging out with Chaz a lot you soon developed feelings for the horny goofball. And the two of you began dating but kept it on the down low. Especially Chaz had to do it. Surprisingly Chaz was a good boyfriend. He listened to you and respected your boundaries. He loved watching movies with you and would let you work. His favorite nickname to call you was sharkbait. You sighed but blushed everytime he called you this. With a beautiful relationship, Chaz saw you as more than a partner. He wanted to marry you. He didn’t want to lose you, he didn’t want his relationship to end like it did when he had dated Moxxie and Millie. He wanted you and only you. So he carefully and secretly got you a ring.
While you were out shopping, you had come home with bags of groceries but a delicious smell filled your nose. You had seen that Chaz made dinner, you were surprised that he didn’t burn your apartment down. At first you thought he just ordered the food but on closer inspection you could see he took time to cook. Chaz walked over and put the groceries away. He led you over to the table and rambled how cooking show networks are the best things to have been introduced to television. You and Chaz talked while eating dinner. You watched as Chaz left the kitchen and came back with something behind his back. You tilted your head and looked at him. “ (Y/N), I know sometimes I can be annoying and a pain in your ass. Heh and I want to continue to be that annoying pain in the ass, but as your husband. “ Chaz revealed a dark blue velvet box and opened it. “ Will you marry me? “ He showed you the ring. You smiled and couldn’t believe that Chaz was serious but you didn’t say no, you told Chaz yes and hugged him. Chaz hugged back and showed you the sweetest smile and he slipped the ring on your finger.
You and Chaz did a private ready but you did make sure it was your guys’ dream wedding. Thanks to the people you helped. They were able to make that happy. It pays having connections to the mob. You had on your wedding outfit and chuckled seeing Chaz having a difficult time with his tie. You walked over and helped him, once done the two of you took your wedding picture. And held hands. The wedding may be small but you both knew that it was safer that way and that you didn’t need some grand wedding to prove how much you love each other. Chaz adores your vows and how sweet they sound through your sweet lips. And now it was time for him to give his vows, he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and carefully unfolded it, you chuckle seeing Chaz almost drop the paper. He cleared his throat and looked at you smiling wide.
“ (Y/N) my dear, sharkbait, how much I adore you and I’m glad you took a chance on a guy like me. Because I never expected to meet someone as amazing as you. Because you mean the world to me, I love the way you smile when you look at me, I love how you laugh at my stupid jokes, and I love how you yell at me when I do something dumb and you forgive me when I do those dumb things. I want to be by your side and only your side. No one can measure up to your greatness, you know how to make everyday special and I want to continue to make everyday special with you, but as your husband, I can’t wait to wake up tomorrow as your husband, I love you sharkbait. “
Chaz set the paper down and looked at you. You stepped towards him and kissed him, Chaz closed his eyes and pulled you close. The passionate kiss you both shared made you feel like nothing else in Hell mannered. That just this day, this moment, and you two were all that mannered. Chaz pulled away and smiled at you. He pulled out his phone and played a song you both could dance to. Chaz wasn’t a really good dancer but neither were you but you two had fun dancing with each other and laughing whenever the other stepped on the other's foot. You and Chaz had cleaned up from the wedding, you both sat on the couch eating the wedding cake in your pajamas and watching your favorite movie. During the movie after finishing the cake. You laid on top of Chaz, he was rubbing your back and kissing your head. “ I’ll only have eyes for you and only you, I love you, my (Y/N) my little sharkbait. “ Chaz said softly and held you close.
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Verosika: You were a movie star in Hell and met Verosika when she was guest starring in a movie with you. She was playing your love interest. At first you and her didn’t get along and fought a lot on stage, she would call you brainless and no talent while you called her petty and spoiled. But things changed when Versoika had a meltdown on stage after the director said something that seemed to really hurt her and ran off. You sighed and followed her. You walked to her dressing room, and saw her looking in the mirror and crying. She picked up her flask to drink with shaken hands but instead she threw and punched the mirror and injured her hand on impact. You ran over to help her but Verosika fust, you told her to pipe down and you bandaged her hand while she sat there in silence. Verosika eventually spilled the beans on what happened and you were able to calm down, soon you both returned to stage and when the director tried to say something you both told him to shut up or he’ll be replaced faster than a broken glass. The director stayed quiet and the movie continued on.
Even after the movie was done and released. Verosika still wanted to be friends with you, so you agreed to be friends with her. The two of you did a lot of shopping, interviews, trips, and selfies. Verosika adored having you around. There were good moments and bad moments. Whenever she was having a melt down, over time you and Verosika started to date. She loved, spoiled, and would shower you in affection. She had never felt this happy especially after what ex Blitzo had done to her. But Verosika pushed away that pain to start something healthy for herself, for both of you. After a long while of dating Verosika’s friends has teased about her when there will be wedding, not knowing they were joking. She thought to herself, should she marry you? You both had been dating for a long while and you hadn’t stolen her credit card or used her. “ I’ll plan something… “ she said to herself. And plan something she did because Verosika decides to plan and she went with taking you on a private beach she owned. You are both in your swimwear and carrying a picnic basket. After setting everything up, Verosika watched you swim while she was tanning. While the sun was setting you and Verosika had your picnic, while you were eating. Verosika played with something in her lap. She looked at you and smiled. “ (Y/N) how do you feel about marriage? “ She said, showing you a hot pink velvet box, she opened it and showed you the ring with the gold band. You almost choked on your food but with tears in your eyes you nodded at her.
Verosika smiled and slipped the ring on your hand, She hugged you and cried. She was glad you said yes. You and Verosika decide to spend the night in her beach house and listen to the ocean while holding each other. After that night and a few weeks the wedding was finally here and you were glad it was, your poor girlfriend had been stressing about this wedding. Lots of screaming on the phone, firing people, and having to get things fixed. But the wedding came out beautiful but you looked more beautiful in your wedding outfit. You watched as Vortex had walked Verosika down the aisle, she looked like a goddess in her wedding dress. She stood up there with you and held your hands and it was time for the vows, Verosika went last, she had tears in her eyes as she spoke.
“ (Y/N) this is not just my day but our day. A day I never thought would come, everyday I’m sorry that I was a bitch to you because you were the only one who was by my side and stuck by myself. When you agreed to be my partner, I was scared because I had been hurt before. But you taught me how to love again. How to love myself again. And for that I thank you and I want to continue to thank you as your wife. I want the world to know that I am yours and you are mine. I love you (Y/N) thank you for giving me another chance at happiness. “
Verosika finished her vows and the two of you shared a kiss while everyone cheered. You cut the cake with your succubus wife and danced with her. Verosika didn’t care about anyone else there but you. After the wedding, the two of you head home. She was throwing out suggestions of where you both should have your honeymoon. You chuckled listening to your wife, talking about honeymoon ideas. You sat on the couch, and she came back with two glasses of wine. She handed you a glass and sat by you. She took out her phone and took a picture of you both. She cuddled up next to you and the both of you drank wine and watched a movie. “ Remember how our characters got married in the movie. It's just like this but our movie has no ending. “ She kissed her cheek and crawled on top of you. “ Ready for the rated R version. “ She said with a wink.
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a0random0gal · 7 months
Soo today I made the terrible mistake to look for hotd art on pinterest, and came across a... particular comment that genuinely led me to question my faith in humanity.
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Oh boy
Where do I even begin with this?
I thought team black was at least cool with Hel cause she's literally the most innocent character in the show (except for the kids obviously) but apparently some blacks have beef with her too now.
Cool, just great.
Haelena had the opportunity to go with her kids to Nyra.
I'm sorry but why? Why would she want to betray her family, her actual family? Rhaenyra never gave a flying fuck about her growing up, they have never even talked on screen! Why, why would she dump her siblings and her parents to join the cause of the woman who's side wants the people she loves killed? It makes no sense whatsoever. The blacks really don't understand that not everyone on Planetos loves Nyra like them and it shows.
Also if she really tried to betray her family for Nyra, I think Aegon, Ali and Aemond would have noticed Dreamfyre leaving King's Landing to go to Dragonstone and would have gone after her on Sunfyre and Vhagar.
And even if she somehow made it there, what do you think was going to happen? Rhaenyra was just going to welcome them with open arms as if she wasn't married to her "usurper"?
Best case scenario Nyra pretends to welcome them in and then Daemon sends his men to strangle Jaehaerys and Maelor as they sleep to get rid of Aegon's possible heirs.
I mean hell in the books Rhae put a fucking bounty on her 2 year old nephew's head that lead to his brutal death and they think she would just allow them to switch sides? Man these people really do not know how the game of thrones works.
She wanted to be queen
When? When has it ever been stated that Hel wants to be queen? When did we ever get a dialogue where she talked about how she couldn't wait for Aegon to inherit so she could replace her mom as queen?
Haelena spends most of her time on screen making prophecies of the future, playing with bugs and dancing with Jace, when has her ambition for the crown been portrayed?
When have we seen any hint of her desire for power? Wtf
We're all dumb and sick bla bla...
Honestly after all this trash I've had to debunk being called names doesn't even phase me lmao. Go ahead, insulting others is always your last resort when you don't know how to admit that you're wrong.
We are blinded by the outside beauty of the characters and don't pay attention to who they really are
Ohhh the sweet sweet irony of this statement .
Team broccoli doesn't acknowledge their rapist usurper, their war criminal prince and their whore queen Alicunt! They're so nasty!
But Isn't Daemon suuper hot? God he is such an obedient malewife, Rhaenyra couldn't have chosen better! He's not a pedo guys I swear, the young silver haired virgins' ages were never confirmed, maybe they were at least eighteen! And he totally didn't pursue Nettles sexually, she was most likely his daughter!
What a joke
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altsvu · 5 months
i love what you did with my last ask so i just knew i needed to do another. how about a aaron x black!reader she's 7 months pregnant and over the phone has a discussion with aaron about the baby's skin color telling him "what if when it gets older it gets killed" and even aaron has to take a breath but over all jack heard the convo and is confused because he's like 8 and doesn't understand race like that and you and aaron explain it
complexities of race
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pairing: aaron hotchner x pregnant!black!fem!reader
wc: 1.3k
cw: underlying mentions of current climate (iykyk), brief mentions of race/racism, fluff, pregnancy
a/n: girlll your prompts are so amazing, i love that you give me a challenge 🫶🏽🫶🏽 this was so hard to write not gonna lie, but of course i enjoyed it nonetheless!!! also this is the first fic of 2024! :) also i’m sorry it took me so long to write this!
criminal minds masterlist! ✯ taglist!
“Aaron... I have something to tell you.” you smiled, leaning against the frame of the living room walkway. You hoped that he would be just as excited as you were, all those nights making love paid off.
“Sweetheart... you’re smiling, grinning even. What is it?” He asked.
“I’m pregnant.” you gushed, revealing the pregnancy test that was hidden in your hand.
Aaron’s eyes lit up in excitement. He rushed over to you and pulled you into his arms. “Oh, Y/N, that’s amazing!”
You were crying tears of joy, you were super excited to finally have a baby with the love of your life.
Fast forward to 7 months, you were thriving through all the symptoms of pregnancy. All the motion sickness, waking up in the middle of the night to throw up, the kicking, just to name a few.
Aaron made sure to be there for you every step of the way, from the moment he found out you were pregnant up until now. He would rub your belly a lot, give you foot and shoulder massages, satisfy your weird food cravings, and even read to your unborn child when he could.
You had no worries about this pregnancy. Until the intrusive thoughts started coming. Being a soon to be mom, you didn’t know if it was mother’s intuition, or just the simple fact that you were a black woman living in America. You started thinking a lot about how your baby would be when they grew up. Facing racism almost everywhere you went was not fun, which was why learning how to handle a situation like that was extremely important. You didn’t want your child being made fun of for their skin color or the way they look and not being able to see their self worth, see how beautiful they are, and that comments like those are baseless and have no real meaning.
This was something that needed to be discussed with Aaron. He sees the world differently than you do so it was important to you that your significant other understand your feelings and experiences. It wasn’t going to be like any other conversation they have had about racism; this time it involved a child, an innocent child.
You were at your grandparents’ house for the weekend and you decided to call Aaron to talk while you had some downtime.
He answered the phone fast and the two of you got into conversation quick. He asked you if you were doing okay and that he missed you and couldn’t wait until you came back so he could take care of you. You expressed that you missed him as well and asked him how he and Jackson were doing.
Then you decided to let the cat out of the bag.
“Yes love?”
You exhaled out of your nose. “There’s something I’m worried about, uh, for this pregnancy. Or at least something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about for a while.”
“What is it?”
“Our baby is black. I just- I dunno, what if... our child gets killed when it goes out into the world on their own? This world is a sick place and it’s hard to raise a black child.“
Aaron paused for a bit. He knew what you were saying was the truth, and nothing but the truth. But he had no idea how to respond. Growing up, he never really knew what it was like to be made fun of because of the color of someone’s skin, let alone now in today’s world, where people get killed just because of it.
“Y/N, I want you to know that our baby will be protected to the fullest extent. Everything that you told me is all true, and I don’t want to dismiss any of your feelings.”
“I know, and I appreciate you for that.” you answered.
All of Aaron’s words were reassuring, but you still didn’t think he understood. It’s not that you were mad at him for that, you didn’t blame him for anything. You wanted to educate as much as possible.
You were the oldest daughter in your family, and seeing how your other siblings were raised, you wanted the best for your child.
You continued talking to Aaron about it in hopes that those intrusive thoughts would go away sometime soon.
You were back from your grandparents’ house and you were now sitting on the couch at Aaron’s place, which became yours as well since you moved in with him.
He had something important to talk to you about, and a part of you thought it had to do with the phone conversation a few days ago.
“Is everything okay?” you asked.
“Yeah, um, it’s just Jack. He overheard our conversation the other day and he’s been asking questions and I think it would be best for the both of us to answer those questions.”
“I think that’s a good thing. He’s growing up and these are conversations that need to be held. I’m happy to help him understand as best as I can.”
Aaron took your hand and smiled. “I agree.”
A few hours later, after Jack came back home from school, the three of you sat at the dining table enjoying the meal Aaron cooked. Beforehand, you had told Aaron that you were gonna use the eggs in the fridge as an example since Jack was still so young to understand technical terms.
“So, Jack, we wanted to talk to you about something, and it’s very important, okay?” Aaron started.
“So I know you’ve asked about what race is and things like that. I wanna show you something, okay? I think it will help you understand.”
You got up and got a white and a brown egg from the fridge as well as a spoon and placed them in front of Jack.
“Which egg do you want to break?”
“The white one!” Jack exclaimed, taking the spoon and breaking it.
You smiled softly. “Okay, good. Now how come you decided not to break the brown one instead?”
“I thought it would look different on the inside.”
“Well, do you wanna see something cool?” You asked. Jack nodded in response. You took the spoon and broke the brown one.
“They look the same on the inside.” Jack noted.
“You’re right, Jack. The eggs look different on the outside, but when you break them open, you see that they look the same.” Aaron started.
He explained to Jack that people have preferences for a lot of tangible things, and how it can apply to actual human beings. For only being 8 years old, Jack was very attentive to what you and Aaron had to say, and was asking all the right questions.
“Because the baby growing inside of me is going to look different than you, people may not like that. But my baby is a human too.”
“Is that why you were scared?”
You nodded. “I went through it too, and I just want to keep my baby safe.”
Jack went over to you and hugged your belly in response. It made you smile from ear to ear.
“Hi beautiful.” Aaron said, kissing your cheek.
It had been evening time at this point and Aaron had just tucked Jack into bed, and you were lying down in the other room reading a book.
“Hi,” you responded back smiling.
Aaron got settled in with you in bed and cuddled. “Do you feel better about everything now?”
“Honestly, I know that deep down inside, those feelings are still there and will arise at some point but being able to talk about it freely is refreshing.” you admitted. “And that’s okay.”
He smiled. “That’s good. I’m glad Jack was able to take part of this conversation with us.”
“Me too. Surely we’ll have even more engaging conversations like this.”
taglist: @averyhotchner @storiesofsvu @ssaic-jareau @blackbeautifulqueen @mstrinnyb @will-on-the-internet
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matan4il · 6 months
Daily update post:
This morning, 15 minutes after the break in fighting was supposed to begin, Hamas fired two rocket barrages into southern Israel. This is what we mean when we say that Hamas has broken every ceasefire ever. The only reason why this didn't lead to the hostage deal falling apart, is because Israel chose to "contain" Hamas' violent rocket attack. But remember this when we explain why we can't accept Hamas' existence anymore.
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Israel confirmed that the 13 hostages being released have arrived in Egypt, and there are already Israelis there, taking care of them. IDK when we'll get their names, and images of them safe back in Israel, but as you can imagine, everyone here is holding its breath for that. Still, their well being comes first, they're being taken to a hospital first, to see their families, and only then (and based on whatever they prefer) will there be anything more public. There will not be interviews, however, 'coz something they say might risk the other groups of hostages meant to be released in the upcoming days.
Hamas is also releasing some of the Thai nationals they've kidnapped (I heard 12 of the 23 taken hostage), which are being let go of unconditionally. Before anyone tries to make out this shows Hamas is humane, I'll just point out that Hamas terrorists murdered at least 33 Thais on Oct 7.
Some of my fave commentators recently on what's going on here since Hamas' massacre aren't Jewish, or even Israeli. Here's a few of their tweets:
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Regarding the last one, I just wanna say that most Israelis will continue to trust most Arabs. That's just how we have always lived, despite the on going terror attacks. The day after Oct 7, I mentioned that I went to my hospital treatment. The guard there is an Arab guy. He carries a gun. I couldn't help but think about it. And then I did what I always do, I thanked him for his work (being a guard is difficult), and wished him a good day. He smiled big and wished me the same. He's lovely. What Hamas did on Oct 7 is not his fault. But the mistrust of survivors, and some of those who care about them, is also very human and understandable, as much as I'll continue to call on everyone not to generalize about Arabs, or any group.
Especially when some of Hamas' victims are themselves Arabs. Here's a young Israeli Muslim Bedouin woman, who has been speaking up on behalf of her friend, 17 years old Aisha al Ziadna, who was kidnapped by Hamas on Oct 7.
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A Sky News reporter was particularly shameful the other day. She tried to use Israel's willingness to release 3 convicted terrorist per just 1 innocent civilian hostage to vilify Israel. Here's the reply she got:
Just a reminder, once again, that when you listen to western media, which is supposed to be objective, these are often their info sources on this conflict:
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Speaking of lack of objectivity, an Israeli newspaper found out that the International Criminal Court has appointed a Danish lawyer to investigate the Israel-Hamas war, and it's a man (I'm not sure I'm transcribing his name from Hebrew correctly, but it should be something like Andreas Laursen) who has worked in the past for a Palestinian "human rights organization" which has been outlawed in 2021 for having ties to terrorist organizations, who was involved in 2018 in trying to make the case that Israel had committed war crimes, who has lived in the Palestinian city of Ramallah, and who is married to a Palestinian woman. This Israeli newspaper has contacted the ICC, asking why the person appointed to this investigation isn't someone who would at least appear to be unbiased. The answer was (I'm translating from the Hebrew article): "We maintain confidentiality about anything that pertains to specific subjects that are related to our employees. Every personal decision made by the head prosecutor fits the policy and relevant procedures that oversee the court's human resources matters."
Because there are still people denying the Hamas rapes:
I've spoken before about Liel, and how long it took to identify her body, but this tweet kind of broke me all over again.
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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znitsamluv · 1 year
𝐈'𝐦 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 !
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𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐭𝐡𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 . Pt.1
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐳 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 <3
Warnings : some swearing ig ?
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° Mikey is usually busy with his business with Bonten and is hardly home but when he is there he makes sure he is giving his full attention to his family especially your son .
• It was dinner time and Mikey noticed you and s/n exchanging looks before you started talking.
° " s/n wanted to ask you something since last week but you were busy " the look you were giving Mikey made him immediately know that if he refused what was going to be said he will be in deep shit .
° " I have a big game tomorrow and I wanted you to be there to watch... But if you are busy I understand" Mikey's heart sank the moment he saw s/n eyes look slightly sad as if he was expecting a rejection, Mikey had an important meeting with Bonten tomorrow but he won't risk losing any more time away from his family.
° that's how Bonten ended having the meeting in the Stadium of the match 💀 They all wore normal clothes and caps but that didn't cover for the fact that they were literally talking about criminal business beside normal citizens .
° whenever s/n score Mikey would smile warmly and clap elegantly and then side eye his colleagues to see if they were cheering along with him .
° the proudest father ever .
° better believe s/n is getting hella presents the second the match is finished.
• Sanzu
° loud af in the competition hall .
° might even bring a banner with your daughter's name to show his support while your daughter is melting from embarrassment 😭
° would get hella side eyes from families beside him from his funky hair color and obnoxious behavior but they all don't have the guts to say anything.
° a mother complained about his inappropriate language and ' abuse of swear words in front of innocent souls ' so Sanzu had to be held back by you and was petty af that he started swearing louder 😭
° He heard a mother call your daughter a crazy bitch after your daughter rocked her son's shit in the taekwondo match, he excused himself to the bathroom and spotted them and immediately held his gun to them .
° " call my daughter a crazy bitch again and I will show you who she got her craziness from , if I saw you again better believe you will be six feet underground, .... Consider this a promise "
° once the competition ended he was the first to run to her and pick her up to spin her around while telling her how amazing she did .
° would rub it in Ran and Rindou faces the day after in the office telling them how badass his daughter is and brag about her for the rest of the day.
• Kakucho
° Kakucho has all of your son's timetable in his office so he doesn't miss any moment even if he was busy he will squeeze a 20 minute between the work to at least drop your son off to his training.
° He loves asking his son how training went everyday and even though Kakucho is tired and his eyes are red from overworking and lack of sleep he still sit and listen to s/n rambles about how tiring the training was and how a teammate of his was rude .
° he asks Mikey for a free day before your son's important match everytime and he is always the first one to arrive at the match hall .
° the other families really like you and your husband and how you both raised your son so expect lots of greetings when you both arrive .
° before the match starts Kakucho excuses himself and goes to your son to give him some encouraging words .
° " Hey buddy , no matter the result me and your mother are very proud of you, you trained hard and I believe you will do amazing, as long as you play fairly I know you will win . Now go and show everyone who is s/n Hitto "
° Kakucho usually stands in a corner the majority of the match where he has a better vision of the match going on , he is always on the run if s/n falls or get hurt .
° Once your son scored the final goal that sealed the match he claps and proudly says with his whole heart for everyone to hear " That's my son!"
• Koko
° Koko is usually busy so he tries to at least be included in any way so he buys your daughter any training clothes she likes or equipment that will help her better , no matter the price he is going to pay .
° since your daughter plays tennis she has a bad habit of breaking her racquet after losing so Koko has a whole room full of expensive racquets so she can replace the one she broke .
° " The moment you see the one you are playing against is crying from losing make sure to take a pic for me "
° Koko has a whole album on his phone of your daughter posing while her rivals are crying in the background.
° He once had to take the rest of Bonten with him because he couldn't miss your daughter's important competition but he also couldn't dump his work .
° Better believe the whole place was filled with cheers and screams of encouraging words just for your d/n ( Koko told them whoever cheers the loudest will get a money raise ) .
° D/n was going to play against a boy so as an elegant girl she is she wanted a handshake for good vibes yk before the match.
° but the boy gave her a smirk and looked her up and down before laughing.
° Koko was boiling with anger but remained calm and crossed his legs watching his prideful daughter do what he told her " don't leave him till his is crying"
° D/n didn't have mercy she literally dominated the whole match not even letting them score a single ball , to the point he started crying and begging for an early end of the match.
° taking out her phone she snapped a photo before sending it to Koko who was in the crowd clapping proudly.
° Let's just say D/n was the main talk in the building of Bonten and in meetings for the next few weeks .
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solar-wing · 10 months
⚣ Therapist BatBro 👓
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⚣👓 A/N → Therpist BatBro makes his debut. The second pic is honestly what I feel a therapy session in the Wayne family would look like. This is from another request I got from my previous account.
⚣👓 Summary → Your family isn't pleased with your new hobby or group of friends. But, somehow you've made it a business. Gotta respect the hustle at least.
⚣👓 Words → 2.3k
REBLOGS and replies are greatly appreciated, please! 👓
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The way I see it, you're either a vigilante with the fam and all the villains just seem to like you for some reason and ask where you are during a battle OR you're not a vigilante and you volunteer at Arkham (which would be absolutely insane but it's Arkham so it breaks even) and everyone there is cool with you. Even the Joker (which won't fly well with Jason at all).
We're going to go with the second option for this one.
So, since Bruce was adamant about you not joining the family business as a vigilante since you were the youngest and he had an unyielding urge to protect you and your childhood innocence, you needed to find something to do in your free time.
What better than to volunteer at a crazy house for psychopathic murdering villains?
Of course, considering Arkham was filled mainly with criminals your father had put there along with your siblings, it probably wouldn’t be wise to do that since they’d obviously wouldn’t approve.
SO, you did it anyway and just didn't tell them.
BatBro contemplating...
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Duke was the first to find out. Batman had supplies Arkham needed but since he was at work and Duke always took the day shift as everyone liked to joke, who better to drop it off than him? Imagine his surprise when he finds his baby bro in there serving ice cream to Mr. Freeze.
"Here ya go Fries, my man. I sprinkled some ice shavings on there to make it a little tangier for you..." You said handing him the cone.
"Ha ha ha, aren't you hilarious." Victor Fries replied with a genuine smile. As far as The Signal persona knew, he was only capable of smirking or mean-mugging the shit of people, with the exception of an occasional shivering face while mocking someone for how cold they were.
'Oh, they're not gonna believe this...' Duke thought, racing home right after. The way he left the institution, the guards almost thought there was a breakout or a fight going on. Nope, but there might be when he told everyone.
Of course, no one believed him at first, just staring at the dude as if he just said the craziest thing in the world like Bruce being an emotionally available parent.
When you came home that night acting cagey and weirder than normal, they figured something was going on and maybe you were at Arkham but for something completely different than what Duke thought it could be. Because, there would be no way Bruce Wayne’s, aka Batman, own son would ever even consider fraternizing with criminals, let alone his enemies. Right?
So, like any other sane, normal family who responded to distressing situations with maturity and rationality... they spied on you.
Damian, Tim, & Cass followed you the next day. Tim was understandably distraught but also curious how you could have managed to form a friendship with Gotham's criminally insane.
Like...THEY WERE INSANE. But, when he really thought about it, considering the family you came from...yeah, okay. He can see the correlation now.
Damian, however, refused to believe his little brother could be so stupid and dense. How could you form relations with the enemy like that? It was stupidity. Plain idiocy at its finest. It was betrayal!
On the other hand, it was a smart move looking from an assassin's point of view. You know the whole keep your friends close and enemies closer deal, but that was his thing. Not yours! So you'd be getting extra noogies and brotherly beatdowns when you got home. In the name of camaraderie and righting your careless decisions.
Cass thought it was fucking hilarious.
Upon their arrival and finding you trading riddle jokes with Riddler, their jaws all collectively dropped to the floor.
"Okay, okay okay..." You breathed, calming down from your wheezing laughter. "Riddle me this...I'm neither a man nor a woman but don't hurt my wittle feelings cause I'm still a person. I'll kick you and scream at you, even both during a tantrum. My ego's bigger than my head but shorter than my height, who am I?"
Riddler took a moment to think about it before the metaphorical lightbulb appeared above his head, "Boy Wonder!" He pointed.
"Which one?" You immediately responded.
"The fourth one!"
Tim and Cass both had to think about it before they realized the clues in the riddle. They're eyes went wide when they realized who you were talking about, and turned to see Damian who looked ready to tear your head off with his teeth.
"He's in for it when he gets home..." He growled through his grinding teeth.
Damian pissed (Left) | Tim & Cass (Right)
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Everyone was mildly concerned when they came home that night and asked them how everything went only for Damian's immediate response to be that he was going to get his revenge sketchbook.
Why Damian has a revenge sketchbook, no one knows. But, everyone was just the right amount unsettled by it.
That night at dinner there was a bit of a tense air as Damian had to be placed between both Bruce and Jason to keep him from lunging at you with his salad fork. Usually, you were used to Damian’s somewhat murderous tantrums, but this was on another level.
He almost looked like he would grow horns out of his head at any moment, which would actually be somewhat fitting. Considering he was the grandson of the Demon and all.
You also noticed how Tim and Cass kept weirdly staring at you. Neither of them said something, which was odd(well except maybe for Cass), but you just ignored it and ate your dinner.
That night, you put some of your old booby traps from when you first moved into the manor back into place. You needed some sort of reassurance and protection to help you sleep. At many points throughout the night, you shot out of bed and grabbed one of the many random weapons you had hidden around you when you thought you heard someone trying to sneak into your room.
Damian definitely tried but had learned his lesson after the last time he got caught in one of your traps. You took a lot of inspiration from movies like Home Alone and The Parent Trap.
The next day, Dick and Steph went to check out the mental institution insane asylum.
Steph also thought it was funny like Cass but in a more ironic type of way. She’d rooted for you to get your own vigilante identity and join the family business. So this was like the ultimate petty revenge and she was here for it.
But Dick just couldn't imagine you in a place like this. His sweet adorable baby brother, in this horrid mess? He was calling it, either blackmail or manipulation. A rude awakening was awaiting him around the corner.
They looked to see you in the middle of practicing a handshake with Bane.
"No Bane, fist bump, then the arm wiggle..." You said, showing him the move for the 4th time.
"Oh sorry buddy," He replied.
"No problem man, let's try again."
They watched you go through the whole routine, Steph taking a video on her phone while Dick looked in surprise and jealousy. How come you and him didn't have a handshake like that? Every little brother should want to have a cool handshake with their cool big brother! Was he not good enough?!
Steph laughing in petty (Left) | Dick breaking down (Right)
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When Dick stormed into the manor later muttering about showing you a real handshake, Bruce only raised an eyebrow when Steph walked in looking thoroughly entertained like she just watched the funniest show of her life. It certainly felt like it.
That afternoon, Dick gave you the cold shoulder all day. He even canceled your weekly brother movie night, which shocked everyone, especially your dad. What could have been so bad that would cause Bruce’s first protege to treat his kid brother like this? The same kid who he’d absolutely lose it if they went to anyone other than him for advice or would pout if he didn’t get the first hug from him when in a room full of people.
Of course, he still cracked when you gave him the hurt puppy dog eyes (a trick you learned from Jason that he used to use on Bruce all the time when he was younger). Dick caved and you guys ended up watching a movie, though you were mildly concerned whenever your oldest brother paused the movie and took the time to highlight the friendship and connection between two characters, especially if they were siblings.
Something like a special code, an inside joke, or even maybe a HANDSHAKE. What does it say about a big brother if his little brother doesn’t want to have a cool special handshake with him?!
You just nodded along, making a mental note to avoid any family-oriented films for your next movie night.
But, after this incident, you’d fully managed to get Bruce’s attention. He knew that Dick out of all his children was usually the least likely to get irate over something that wasn’t serious. So the fact that he did, despite how unserious it may have seemed, but it was settled.
Something was going on and your dad, no…Batman was going to get to the bottom of it.
Jason decided to come along with your father, fully prepared to drag you out of the building by force if he had to. He even went as far as calling your boyfriend Conner Kent, aka Superboy, who he and Bruce had a love/hate relationship with because they couldn't really threaten the boy like they wanted to if he hurt you.
Well, Jason couldn’t at least.
Bruce had more than enough kryptonite in multiple storages across his warehouse and had no problem showing it to the half-Kryptonian as a warning.
Conner was more than a little peeved, try fucking pissed when he heard you'd been hanging out with supervillains. And he as well was ready to sling you over his shoulder if he had to. But, probably not in front of your dad who kept throwing pointed glares his way as they moved through the building.
When Batman showed up demanding to see where the volunteer by your name was, they quickly rushed to show him to your location. He couldn't fathom this. The mere thought that his youngest child, his sweet, innocent (on a good day) good-natured son, would be hanging around all his enemies, laughing with them like they were good ol pals?
He'd sooner believe Joker was going to therapy.
The shock of his lifetime was also waiting for him around the corner.
They came around to see you through a window sitting in an office room in business casual attire, holding a clipboard and writing down notes while Joker was laying on a couch with his cuffed hands resting on his chest, venting out his emotions.
"And sometimes, I do feel like I go a bit far. But, I can't take all the blame. I mean, everyone paints me as the villain, but Batsy plays into our little game just as much as I do. Why does he get painted as the hero and me as a crazy clown? Well, you know, besides the clown face, HAHAHA!" He vented, ending with his usual eerie cackle.
"Uh-huh, and how does that make you feel?" You asked while scribbling a few notes on your legal pad and adjusting the fake glasses on your face before turning around at the sound of the door opening.
You felt your heart drop in your stomach when you saw your father, brother, and boyfriend all staring at you with very unhappy looks.
"BATSY! Oh, do come in! We were just talking about you. I think it's about time you and I got some relationship counseling." Joker exclaimed.
Not one word was said while Conner grabbed you by your wrists, (gently of course because he's caring like that) and dragged you out of the room, Jason not too far behind, ready to tear you a new one. Batman held his shoulder, while Joker just watched in amusement, "Guess my hour's up."
You, Bruce, and Jason arguing (Left) | Joker enjoying the show (Right)
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You were immediately brought home after getting an earful from Jason to which you offered him his own free session.
He agreed.
Bruce demands to know why you would even consider going there, socializing with those people.
"Well, seeing as how I can't join the family business, I figured I could do some good in some way. And villains or not, they've got good in them! Just you know, when they're not trying to murder people." You answered.
You were interrupted by your other siblings appearing before you felt an arm forcibly turn you around which Conner raised an annoyed eyebrow at, but he kept his mouth shut.
"What does Bane have that I don't? Am I not good enough as an older brother to have a handshake with?"
You sighed, "Is that why you were so upset the other day?! Ugh, would you like to create a special handshake with me, Dick?"
" Yes! Super secret too! You can't have any handshakes with anybody else!" He hugged you while you patted his back.
Brothers could be so needy sometimes.
You could see your boyfriend eyeing you both with the strangest look. In your defense, he had plenty of warning of how weird your family was.
Before things could calm down too much though, everyone heard a shrill voice screaming your name from the top of the staircase.
"Fuck..." You muttered under your breath, before turning to see Tim and Cass giving you nervous looks.
“You were there with Riddler, weren’t you?”
They could barely look you in the eye as you turned to see Damian standing on the banister, holding one of your slippers in his hand.
"Who's short now?!" 
Alfred went to get the first aid kit.
Damian with your slipper...
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mask131 · 5 months
Kind of a continuation of my Medusa post? But this time about Poseidon.
I talked in my Medusa post of a trait that... seems to be lost on many people when it comes to the characterization of Poseidon? The fact that Poseidon has not just a bad side, but a dark side, and that he is supposed - in many ways like Hera - to be one of those ambiguous villains or anti-villains of Greek mythology. There's the misinformation that "Hades was a bad guy" and the new false take that "Hades was a good guy", when truth is "Hades was a neutral guy". There's the name TV Tropes and Idioms used to designate falsely presenting a bad god in a good light - "Everybody loves Zeus", and I get it is supposed to be a reverse of "Everybody hates Hates", but this is part of the wave of Zeus-hate by the Internet that literaly covered the fact Zeus was supposed to be the BIG GOOD of Ancient Greece. And the third brother also very clearly falls into the series of mischaracterization as there's this sort of cliche of Poseidon as some sort of chill guy who just hangs around the back of the Greek pantheon and is a cool dude...
... And I blame Percy Jackson for it. Don't get me wrong: I love the Percy Jackson books. But it is not because I love them that I don't recognize their flaws, and that I am not saddened at seeing how their fans warped what Greek mythology is. "Percy Jackson" and affiliated series, due to being a book series about the son of Poseidon, presents Poseidon as this good, benevolent, chill, positive deity. And I respect that, and in fact it came off as a true TWIST back when they were released, and I loved this twist because Poseidon had always been one of my favorite gods. Not only that, but Riordan made clear he knew about the dark and bad side of Poseidon, and tried to work it in his worldbuilding, by having key moments of his books relying on Percy confronting his half-brothers (Procrustes, Polyphemus, Anteus, etc...). In fact, a strong point of the original book series was Percy having to deal with the fact his father could love as much him as these monsters... But unfortunately Riordan apparently did not work on this point enough since the Internet basically decided to make Poseidon an uwu god.
So let's break it down. And if you didn't understand anything I said until this point, don't worry, I explain it all here.
Poseidon was... not supposed to be a wholly good, benevolent, and certainly not kind deity. I mean he has his positive point and his goodness, like all gods - because Greek gods are always neither wholly black or white, but grey (except for these minor gods that are personifications, and that do obey a black-and-white morality). And when you crack open the first Greek mythology manual for children you will often find the description of Poseidon as being just as temperamental and mercurial as the sea: sometimes Poseidon is a calm, quiet and kind god reflecting the peaceful sea ; other times he bursts out in anger and violence like a sea-storm, and his mood can change very, very quickly just like the oceanic weather. The Greeks were heavy sailors and fishermen: they knew the sea was their best ally and their more treacherous enemy, that they should worship but not trust it.
In terms of mythology, this is reflected by Zeus being the "dark twin" or at least "darker double" of Zeus. Zeus and Poseidon are plenty similar: both are one of the "big three" as the PJO series calls them, both are notorious for being lustful womanizers that keep having babies left and right, both are heavily implied in the great epics of heroes... The same way Hades was the "Chthonian Zeus", Poseidon was very much the "Oceanic Zeus". But the difference is that Poseidon was supposed to be much more dangerous, and much darker than Zeus.
Zeus embodied the law and the rules. He was a keeper of oath, a punisher of criminals, a rewarder of the goods, he embodied order and justice. Poseidon? No such thing. With his dual nature of helper and persecutor of heroes, with his sudden mood changes, with him surrounding himself with monsters and hybrids, Poseidon rather reflected a form of chaos. This was reflected for example in the quarrelsome nature of Poseidon, who kept getting into fights with other deities about the ownership of specific human cities or islands. His two most famous battles being his dual against Athena, for the ownership of Athens, and his trial against Helios for being the god of Corinth. But other tales of him feuding with gods for pieces of land exist...
And to that, it should be added that Poseidon was one of the most famous antagonists and hero-persecutors of Greek mythology, thanks to him being the big bad of "The Odyssey" and the archnemesis of Odysseus. This status as the antagonist of one of the two fundamental works of Greek literature puts him at the same place as, for example, Hera, the by-default persecutor of great heroes (just ask Herakles or Dionysos). It should be especially noted that The Odyssey takes a great care into painting Poseidon was maybe originally rightfully mad, but pushing the persecution beyond the reasonable. The beginning of the Odyssey has Athena plead for Odysseus' case before Zeus, pointing out the unfairness of his situation, and Zeus fully agree with her... but explains he can't do anything because Poseidon is still on the case and just will not let go. Poseidon is definitively a grudge-holder, and the Odyssey is not subtle about it.
But the final trait that confirms and illustrates well the dark, evil, chaotic side of Poseidon is his entourage, his children especially. As I said, Zeus and Poseidon are both father-figures in Greek mythology, and both are gods who just keep sleeping with everything around them. But Zeus' constant lust was depicted in a positive light, as him enacting his role as "father of gods", "father of men", as king, and god of justice and protector of civilization: because from his loins were born the greatest gods of the mythology, and the most admirable and benevolent heroes, and the great kings that founded the Greek civilization. But Poseidon? Oh, Poseidon was the "shadow" of Zeus as I said, a sort of dark twin. And so what did he gave birth to? Monsters and criminals and murderers.
The tradition of "the sea giving birth to monsters and chaos" is a very old one, in fact it is a trait of the Indo-European religions, as old as the Babylonian or Summerian mythologies. Even before we get on Poseidon's case, we can remind of the fact that the oldest and most dangerous monsters in the Greek world were given birth to by Phorcys and Ceto, two old and ancient sea-deities that predated Poseidon's rule, and were associated with sea-monsters and sea-dangers (Ceto/Keto herself shared her name with whales, any kind of huge sea beasts, and many of the creatures we describe now as sea-monsters or sea-dragons). Ladon, for example, the dragon guarding the Golden Fleece, was Keto's child ; and so was Echidna (aka the mother of monsters, who birthed with Typhon the rest of the monsters of Greek mythology). And speaking of Phorkys, Poseidon ended up sleeping with two of his daughters.
One was the nymph Thoosa of which we know barely anything - but her child became famous. Polyphemus, the monstrous and savage man-eating cyclop that became such a terrifying image through the Odyssey. The other was, as I said before... Medusa the Gorgon. And as I explained before, in the oldest recorded versions of the myth, there was no transformation: the Gorgon was born a hideous and terrifying monster. The snake hair, the petrifying gaze, the monstrous face that embodied everything the Greeks deemed ugly, the metallic claws and wings... And all that seduced Poseidon somehow, and he made her his lover, and they even had children together - which in turn were also monsters. The benevolent Pegasus, and the mysterious Chrysaor (who in turn later gave birth to Geryon, the three-bodied monster Herakles had to fight).
This trend of Poseidon choosing the most unusual, dangerous or terrifying consorts to give birth to monsters heroes will later have to face is confirmed by the recurring image of Poseidon having slept with GAIA out of all goddesses. And who are the children attributed to this unon of Poseidon with his own grandmother (not only that, but to my knowledge it is the only time an Olympian slept with Gaia, who usually mates with other primordial deities)? Charybdis, of the dreaded Scylla and Charybdis (Scylla is also sometimes identified as Poseidon's daughter - though she was before that a daughter of Phorkys, and it seems she became a Poseidon daughter simply because through time Poseidon absorbed Phorkys within himself) ; Laestrygon, the ancestor and first king of the Laestrygons (another race of brutal, man-eating giants like the cyclops of Polyphemus island), and finally Antaeus, yet another murderous giant (though he didn't eat people).
If you weren't certain of the fact that Poseidon was supposed to be "mostly a bad guy with some good sides" in Greek mythology, just wait until your hear about Theseus' legends! Now everybody knows of Theseus slaying the Minotaur... But before that, Theseus did another whole set of heroic feats. You see, as he left his birth-place to reach Athens in hope of finding back his father, Theseus actually did his first real heroic feats. The roads of Ancient Greece back then were infested with all sorts of robbers, thiefs and murderers - some psychopathic humans, others humanoid monsters, some human working with monsters... And Theseus managed to kill the most dreadful and dangerous ones during his journey. And... surprise surprise! Most of them were children of Poseidon!
Procrustes, the guy who loved to cut people he just invited to go to bed? Son of Poseidon. Cercyon who forced travellers to wrestle to death against him? Son of Poseidon. Sciron who pushed people from a cliff after asking them to wash his feet? Son of Poseidon. Periphetes who smashed people with a big club? Possibly a son of Poseidon.
And then, you have to count on the fact most of the evil and wicked kings of Ancient Greece ended up being "sons of Poseidons" at one point or another: Augeas with his filfthy stables ; Pelias the antagonist of the Jason legend ; Polydectes who antagonized Perseus was in later texts a Poseidon son ; there's also Amykos who had some common elements with Cercyon...
And THEN, not criminals on the road, not vicious kings, but the friggin's ALOADS. The monstrous giants that tried to destroy the Olympians and take over Olympus? POSEIDON SONS.
When something good comes out of Poseidon, it is generally a surprise and has to deal with a lot of the bad stuff their own father produced. (In some variations of the Theseus legend for example, Theseus becomes a son of Poseidon, which completely changes the angle of his stories - as his opposition to the Minotaur and his battles against the bandits make him look like the "good son" of Poseidon having to get rid of all the monstrous sons or indirect creations of his father...).
Even the more neutral or benevolent sons of Poseidon are freaky or disturbing. The first son of Poseidon and Amphitrite is Triton - half-man half-fish, and probably the origin of the origin of the triton species. Some consider Proteus the son of Poseidon, and he is a frightening shapeshifter. And then there's the whole host of "talking magical animals" Poseidon gave birth to, which reflects how "primitive" and... let's say "inhuman" the god stays - from the ram from which comes the Golden Fleece to Arion the fabulous horse. Usually, gods who have such a parent-relationship with animals, in Greek mythology, are not good guys (for example Ares in the Cadmos legend, and his relationship with the dragon Cadmus/Cadmus killed...).
If you ask me who my favorite fictional Poseidon is in media, I will say without a doubt, the Poseidon of "Mission Odyssey" as you call it in English (I always found this title silly, in French it was "The Odyssey", and that's it):
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Now, I know that "Mission Odyssey" is WILDLY inaccurate to Greek mythology and they clearly tried to stretch as much as they could... everything. Just a look at Poseidon's design above tells you that they clearly do not want to give a "traditional" retelling of the Greek myths.
But, that being said, there's a reason why I love this cartoon, and its because for everything inacurracy they have something that is done perfectly right, and in fact well ahead of their time. For example Hades: they did Hades right, as an imposing, frightening deity... but a neutral and fair one, that shows to be understanding, just and generous, and that only acts unfairly and antagonizing when tricked by Poseidon (and promptly apologizes when he realizes he was tricked). And Poseidon's characterization is also done, for me, right, because they truly manage to represent what Poseidon in the Odyssey is supposed to be.
A bad guy, yes, the antagonist of the story, a grudge-holder and a schemer and a bully who is ally, boss or father of most of monsters and criminals of Greek mythology, and is driven by pride and anger... But who is also shown to care about his children (in his own way), to try to respect the divine law and rules as much as he can (though he breaks them whenever carried away by his ego and anger, and doesn't shy from "cheating" at the "divine game") ; and that is shown to be well-liked and positively-seen by many gods and Greek cities, outside of the Odysseus-plotline. In fact, not only does the story hints and offers glimpses at the good side of Poseidon despite focusing on him as a bad guy ; but it also explains why the good side is "outstage" by turning into a story-tool the villainization of Poseidon. As in, the god is shown, just to obtain a petty win against Odysseus or satisfy his obsession with him, to trick, cheat and bully his friends and allies, who later turn against him when they realize the treachery or the deceit, and as a result over the course of the story he gets more and more alienated by all those that loved or respected him... Precisely because of how he plays an antagonist to Odysseus' story.
If you want a Disney's Hades-like villain (as in a recurring divine villain in a Greek mythology story that allies the sinister and the funny), but that is much more mythologically accurate than Disney's product, take Mission Odyssey's Poseidon.
And I just love the design. It is Asterix meets Ursula and I just LOVE this (but given this series came from the same studio that did things such as Martin Mystery, Totally Spies or Team Galaxy, cool unusual designs are expected).
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lheautontimoroumenos · 11 months
gonna try to keep this quick (sorry i did my best but it's still pretty long), but i feel like people are not aware enough, even in France.
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so last week, a 17y old boy was killed in Nanterre (what we call the "banlieue", so in periphery of Paris) by a cop. they made him stop on the side of the road and threatened him violently asking him to open the door. on the video, we can see the cop duo at the driver side window. one of them has his gun drawn to the boy's head. the other one says "shoote le" (shoot him) and the cop with his gun drawn says "jvais te mettre une balle dans la tête" (im gonna put a bullet in your head). the boy whose name is Nahel is logically scared so he speeds away. the cop shoots him in the car, bullet in the thorax and the car hits a wall. Nahel is dead and the video is quickly relayed on twitter to mass outrage.
most left leaning people condemn this and ask for justice, but the media keeps asking them to ask for calm and order (which some do, looking at Roussel) but some don't, which alienates them in the political landscape (the favorite word of the right rn is islamogauchiste aka islamiclefty).
but the right, god the right. first they said Nahel deserved it because he was driving without a license. then it was saying he was a criminal that had already been convicted (the cops leaked a fake criminal record). so not a criminal, but he was an Arab so he would've become one, right? and he should've just obeyed the cops and he would have been ok, that's the behavior of a criminal. I think you get the gist, fascist and fascist adjacent justifications for a cop murdering a boy.
since then, there have been riots in Nanterre and all around France, and the State, Macron (President) and Darmanin (Interior Minister) have sent cops galore. Now, the last time something like this happened was in 2005, when we had less social media and the only pictures and videos we had were from the media (opposed to the riots). Today with Snapchat and Twitter, we can see the pov of the rioters and people are realizing that amidst the anger people feel, they find joy in community, and the vibes in the riots are good and joyful at times (a guy asking another guy to go take a yop for him in the market they're breaking and stealing from comes to mind). They can't say just as easily that they're angry and irrational animal because they see the humanity in the riots (they shouldn't need it but well).
now there is a debate amongst both the rioters and the left who stays mostly outside of it. Are they being useful? breaking and burning the right things? should they go to Paris and take the risk of fighting against cops in streets that they don't know as well as their own? factually, they are mostly burning cars, trash and big companies' shops. But people are choosing to only see the rare schools and libraries being burned downed (who were, for a lot of them already falling down because the State doesn't give money to the periphery). Now, it seems logical to say that burning down your middle school is not going to help against police violence. But it feels like the same people who praise the revolution any chance they get refuse to understand that it comes at a price, with violence and at least a bit of destruction. And the right is using this to discredit the whole movement.
back to fascists. First, the cop "unions" Alliance and UNSA Police published a press release calling the rioters (so mostly Arab and Black people, but also poor white people living in the periphery) "nuisibles" (pest, the word used for animals harming the ecosystem). They wrote that the cops will resist, that they are at war, that they will bring order back. In short they want to kill POC. And they have help. Fascists groups have taken advantage of the situation to walk around blocks during the day and beating up people with bats and at night to illegally arrest rioters before tying them down with zip ties and giving them over to cops. and these people arrested who are sometimes barely older than 18 end up with 18 months of jail for burning trashcans and 10 months for stealing a can of Monster (and those are not suspended sentences).
and while these people end up in jail (thus making it more likely that they will end up with shitty jobs and shitty pensions), Jean Messiha (far-right guy) created a gofundme for the cop and his family that has already gathered more than 1.5 million euros. A cop kills a child and wins the million.
so is it violent? yes of course it couldn't be otherwise. but violence is sometimes necessary, especially when you have to fight back against cops, their fascist friends and the State that allows them to keep existing. The rioters deserve full support, even if the criticism of some of their actions should exist. The danger is for this criticism to overcome our support. It shouldn't. Because if they are alone like they were in 2005, the right and the far-right will take advantage of the situation. Last time Sarkozy was elected and the risk is greater this time, with Les Républicains (the republicans) being basically dead and leaving their spot to Marine Le Pen's fascist party Rassemblement National (national gathering).
so if you're french, don't let the people around you talk shit about the situation. and if you're not, be careful still, fascism is rising and they're not as scared as they were 20 years ago.
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corazondebeskar-reads · 6 months
well it's love, make it hurt - chapter fourteen
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well it's love, make it hurt series
fourteen: we can't go back
series masterlist | prev chapter | next chapter
dom!Din Djarin x sub!f!reader
Words: 1.9k
Summary: your past comes back to haunt you in your new life.
Warnings: discussions of genocide, the purge of mandalore, descriptions of grief, survivor's guilt, bounty hunting, gratuitous batuu references, canon-typical violence
a/n: i just want to say thank you. yesterday's chapter had some of the loveliest comments and y'all have warmed my cold little heart. it was very short and so is this one, so here it is early. I almost made them into one chapter but thirteen needed to end where it did.
(if you make it past the first line without cursing my name, i love you. if you don't, well, i still love you but I'm not sorry 😂 i am, however, hella anxious)
also on ao3
dividers by @saradika
5 Years Later: 9 ABY - Fall
Din Djarin climbs up to the cabin of the Razor Crest. The Kid is still asleep, drained from the confrontation with Gideon, but Din is restless without a destination. Fortunately, the comm is flashing with a message, sure to be Karga with a lead. He hits the blinking button, and Karga’s holo flickers into view.
“There’s a man called Gor Koresh who allegedly knows where to find Mandalorians. Abyssian, a real shifty sort, runs Carnita Arena. Sorry I don’t have more for you, but he keeps his tracks covered.”
Din grins. Perfect. He doesn’t need more than that; he’ll find Koresh easily enough. He goes to turn off the holo before it repeats but freezes with his hand hovering over the button as Karga begins to speak again.
“There’s one more thing. And you didn’t hear this from me, understand? But there was a bounty turned in two days ago on Batuu that might be something you want to investigate.”
The loop resets, and he hits the button. His heart is pounding so loud he thinks he can hear it reverberate in the helmet. He checked Batuu. But when was the last time he was there?
Kriff, it’s probably been a couple of years.
At first, he’d done everything short of commissioning a fob or taking out a bounty. It wasn’t that he hadn’t considered it. But if you were hiding from him? Or at least, if you had left not knowing, if you had decided not to stay, then tracking you across the galaxy would be a betrayal you’d never forgive.
In his most desperate moments, he thought about—and once came very close to—slicing into the guild database. But in the end, as always, duty won out. He couldn’t wager the job that supported what was left of his people over one person.
As the years passed, he found himself fatigued, the search less of a cuff around his chest and more of a string tied around his finger.
It hurt to think about, but like the ache of a once broken bone in the cold rather than the maw that used to be in his heart.
He still took bounties in every crevice of the galaxy, still looked over every crowded market and every booth in every cantina, but it was more of habit than hope.
Something very akin to hope burns in his gut now, boiling the acid until it crept up his throat and threatened to smother him.
There was no place in the life of a Mandalorian for the kind of cowardice he was considering, so he swallowed hard against where his heartbeat battered, shook the static from his fingertips, and programmed the nav.
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Raga Bua has bounty hunting figured out. The rest of the guild needs to catch up, you think. The drop-off system is so much more efficient than carbonite freezing, and the tiny guild’s presence is so subtle that mid-level criminals keep thinking they can hide out here. After all, Black Spire has a reputation.
Lots of places for seedy types to lay low.
She has one rule—never take a bounty on a Batuuan. The locals are more than happy to keep the operation quiet for protection. Of course they are. The bounties are their competition.
It’s consistent, and the credits are steady. It took you a couple of years to get on the good side of things and get into the inner circle, but now, things are almost stable. You have your own place. An apartment, not a room in a shitty inn. Not an abandoned cargo unit. Two rooms and a fresher, all to yourself.
You don’t have friends, exactly. You think you could, since no one is afraid you’ll turn on them for a wupiupi, but you can’t bring yourself to try. You’re friendly, and on a first-name basis with almost everyone who runs a stand in the market.
It’s just. Despite the relative peace here, something never quite settled right in your bones after. You’re quick to anger, and you don’t fancy losing your cred because you pulled a knife on a drunk who got a little too close.
So you keep to yourself. You hunt. You train with new weapons, since the Batuuans prefer that the blaster fire be kept to a minimum. You spend most of your time outside the outpost limits, sitting on the banks of the Surabat River, or throwing knives at the old petrified tree trunks.
It’s a weird place. But it grows on you.
You almost start to think of it as home.
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When you apprehend today’s bounty, it’s too easy. You’re too skilled, too dangerous, and he gives himself over to you.
“Thanks for not shooting me. I’m just glad you weren’t that Mandalorian.”
You jerk to a stop, yanking the Heptoonian to a halt with you. “What did you say?”
“There was another hunter, a Mandalorian, at the market earlier. Gave him the old slip, though.”
“There are no Mandalorians left.”
“Then someone got their hands on a full, shiny set of armor. Bet those go for a lot now.”
Your knife is at his throat. “Shut up,” you snarl and drag him into the nearest drop spot, heavy automatic lock sealing him in.
After scanning in and swapping his location for your credits, you go home. You change into something less equipped for hunting and better suited for blending in before sneaking through your neighbor Moshi’s apartment. Your apartment isn’t close enough to reach any of the huge beams that cut through the adobe, but you can swing over from Moshi’s window from the back of the building to hoist yourself to the roof.
Most of the buildings here are either connected or close enough to jump between, though your knees won’t thank you later. The idea that there’s a surviving Mandalorian isn't something you really consider. No, you're much more seduced by the idea that there's some scumbag with stolen beskar. It makes your vision get fuzzy around the edges, that sickening rage that you haven’t been able to shed threatening to spill out. You almost hope it’s true, because then you’ll get to slit a throat tonight.
It doesn’t even cross your mind to hope. Your Mandalorian has been dead for five years, and part of you with him.
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From your vantage point, he’s not hard to find. He thinks he is, holed up in the ruins of the old outpost, a few klicks from town. You wait, and when night starts to fall, he leaves. It’s a mistake a lot of the outsiders make, thinking the outpost has a nightlife, that their target will be getting pissed at the cantina or stealing from the market.
But the streets are quiet, and they are yours.
The beskar is all silver, shiny and spotless. Not pocked and scratched with battles won. You grin. It’ll be an easy kill.
He doesn’t even see you until you jump, but the ease at which he defends himself is a bit troubling.
It doesn’t take long before he’s on the ground, your vibroblade to the cowl around his neck. You’re strong, but you know that you wouldn’t have been able to take him down that easy if he had any idea how to fight back. You don’t fancy cleaning blood off the beskar when you peel it from his corpse. (What you’ll do with it after hasn’t come under consideration yet).
Instead, you dig your knee into his lower stomach, where the plate doesn’t cover. “Take it off, or I will,” you hiss.
“Going to kill me, cyar’ika?” says the man wearing the metal face of your dead lover. He glances quickly to the pod, making sure the kid isn’t waking up to choke you out for threatening him.
You follow his gaze and seem to notice it for the first time.
“Is that a pram?” you ask, but you’re already up and off him. Your eyes are wide, moving between the ghost and the apparent baby.
He raises his hands in supplication, sitting up and nodding.
You run.
You’re off before he can even register it, leaping over the gate of a stall and through the back.
He swears and gets up, forced to follow your path because he can’t remember where it would exit, where you will go.
When he pushes through the curtain into the street, you’re gone.
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Your leather shoes barely make a sound as you flee. You can’t go home. You can’t go anywhere that might put someone between you and what you’re starting to think is a nightmare you’ve summoned into reality.
You’ve lost him for now, but—and it makes you sick to consider this—but if it is a Mandalorian, you know their abilities. You slow down and let yourself be seen, looking around you before going into Oga's Cantina. Slipping into the refresher, you’re relieved to see the vent panel already open. You go into a stall, and then another, and another. You double back to the first stall, walking backward to further confuse any tracking capabilities in the visor, and pull yourself up to the top to straddle the divider.
It’s really un-fucking-comfortable, but you manage to open the ceiling access panel and leave the covering on the top of the toilet to set a second trail. Then, you stretch over to swing to the next dividers before pushing off and tumbling through the open window. You close it behind you, climb up the side of the roof, and ease your way down the back of the apartments that connect to Oga’s.
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You figure you’ll head to Peka and lay low for a few days, maybe a week or so. You’ve got a few connections who might let you crash in a barn. There’s an open valley through the forest between the Outpost and the small town, but it runs along the most direct route, so you stick to the trees along the edge.
Now, you’re alone in the dark in an area you’re not very familiar with. The wildlife here are mostly harmless, and you’re fully armed, but it’s irritating. And you’re mad at the Mandalorian about it.
Their modulators must all sound the same, you decide. And he never told you what cyar’ika meant, but it was clearly a pet name. It was a coincidence. Your Mandalorian had red armor. Your Mandalorian didn’t have a jetpack.
Your Mandalorian was dead.
There's one logical answer, and so the question was, how did you end up with a bounty on your head?
You’re losing your nerve. Every noise makes you jump. You're mad about that, too. So one piece of bantha shit shows up in Mandalorian armor, and you fall to fucking pieces?
Your heart had finally stopped leaping into your stomach every time something shiny caught the sun about two years ago.
Kriff. The sooner you find a pile of hay to sleep in, the better. As it is, you’re pretty sure you’re going to cry.
You’ve managed to talk yourself down, and you’re more than halfway through the valley. Once you pass it, you’ll have another hour’s hike to Peka, but you’ll still have the cover of darkness. As dark as you can with both moons overhead, anyway.
That’s when you see it. A flash of silver. You freeze and consider if you should run or climb. He has a jetpack, you remind yourself, but you haven’t seen him use it. And the branches would be a good obstacle.
Quietly, you scale the tall, broad tree and find a sturdy branch. Silver catches the moonlight again, and you peek down through the leaves to nail down his location.
But it’s not a suit of beskar. It’s a ship.
Someone has parked their ship at the back of the valley, cradled but not covered by the dense canopy.
It’s the Razor Crest.
*title from "Error Operator" by Taking Back Sunday.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 30 days
Eddie Brock x Male Reader
Request: So the idea I had was we have a low level criminal escaping back to his apartment after a run in with spider man….He is seething at having to ditch the money he stole in order escape….his fellow criminals have been arrested but he’s confident they won’t talk as he has always had a way of convincing people to protect him.
He then hears his next door Neibour blasting heavy metal music so loud ….the walls vibrate . He finally has enough and storms out there to thump on the door…and it swings open
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You and your friends went to a casino to steal money, getting to the back room didn't take long. One of your friends started a fight with a random stranger and the guards went to break up the fight, while you and the others went inside the back room. The safe is open, then you and the others start to put the money in the bag. But Spiderman came through the window and did his hero pose, now you panicked. You just don't want to go back to jail
“It’s not nice to steal,” Spiderman said.
Two of your friends took out their guns and started to shoot. But Spiderman starts to dodge the bullets while you hid under the desk. You saw your friends fight Spiderman but they lost easily. Spiderman tied them up and you see the window open, you have some of the money in your backpack. You run towards the window then Spiderman starts to chase you. You run through traffic and he is catching up to you.
You run through the alley, and a stranger opens the door to throw out the trash. You ran inside and you ran through the kitchen fast. You notice that you run into a restaurant, and then you run toward the bathroom. You take off your jacket, and ski mask then you throw it all in the trash can. You take the backpack and you leave the restaurant, you still can feel your heart racing extremely fast. Feels like your heart will jump out of your chest. You look around and you don't see Spiderman, you head to the train station and he doesn't catch you. You sit down and you sigh in relief and you can't wait to go home and rest.
You finally made it home and you closed the curtains. You start to count the money and you have close to seventeen thousand dollars. Now, you start to think about where to hide the money in your apartment. You start to walk around figuring out where to hide it.
You were sleeping but the loud sound of music woke you up. The heavy metal music is so loud that you notice the walls vibrating. You leave your apartment and you start to knock on the door very hard.
“Hey!!!” You screamed.
Eddie hears the door then he opens it. Eddie is shirtless and sweaty and he is gearing at you, but you find him attractive.
“What?” Eddie said.
“Loud down the music, it's too loud,” You said.
You noticed Spiderman articles on the wall, but his face crossed out.
“I will turn it down. Don't bang on my door” Eddie said.
“Fine. I hate Spiderman too” You said.
You walked away before he said something. You closed the door and Eddie went back to work out then Venom came out.
“Why you didn't punch him?” Venom asked.
“He didn't do anything. At least we know he hates Spiderman” Eddie Said
“He isn't our enemy,” Venom said
For the past few days, you have been seeing Eddie around. He does notice when you check him out but he hasn't said anything about it.
“You really hate him?” Eddie asked.
He saw you rip a Spiderman article in half.
“Yeah, I do. I don’t understand why people worship him, he isn't a hero” You said.
“I agree, he isn't a hero. I never met someone who doesn't like him” Eddie said
“There is a lot you don't know about me,” You said.
“My name is Eddie Brock and I'm your neighbor,” Eddie said.
“You looked familiar. I used to read your article. I remember you wrote an article about Spiderman is a theif and you exposing Dr. Carlton Drake” You said.
“You read my articles?” Eddie asked in shock.
“Yeah, I have. I see you around, neighbor” You said.
He watched you walk away then Venom said something.
“You like him,” Venom said
“Mind your business, V” Eddie mumbled.
“I knew it!” Venom said too loud.
✯ ✫ ✯ ✬
Eddie invited you to his apartment. Eddie has some workout equipment in the living room, then you see all the Spiderman pictures and articles on the wall.
“I almost killed him, but the police ruined it,” Eddie said.
“How?” You asked.
You move closer to him and he stares into your eyes.
“I almost snapped his neck. I wanted to hear the bone snap. I thought about it many times how I would kill him. You don't seem freaked out by what I'm telling you” Eddie said.
“I would do anything to see that happen,” You said.
“Why, do you hate him so much?” Eddie asked.
“He isn't a hero. I helped my friend steal because he needed the money to help his grandfather with medical bills. Spiderman caught us while fighting him, my friend fell through the window and Spiderman didn't catch him. I lost my friend that day” You said.
“Sorry, about your friend,” Eddie said.
“I didn't like Spiderman before and I will never like him. I see you are training to fight him” You said.
You stare at his biceps.
“I am. The next time I see him, I will be stronger than him” Eddie said.
“Who is that girl next to you in the picture frame?” You asked.
“Someone I used to know. She sees me as a monster because I wanted to expose Spiderman for the fraud he is” Eddie said.
He grabs the frame and throws it in the trash can. You and Eddie started to talk about something else then he told you why he became a journalist.
Eddie trains every day in his apartment. He had to buy another punching bag because the old punching bag ripped. He is getting more buffed and he still wants to get stronger. On his breaks, he would go on his computer, and he would hack into the police website. He searched your name and You have a record and he is in shock, he thought you didn't have one. He starts to read your records then he starts to search for information on your parents and where you grew up.
“Searching information on your nerdy boyfriend?” Venom asked.
“He isn't my boyfriend and he isn't a nerd,” Eddie said.
“I notice how he looks at you, Eddie. He likes you” Venom said.
“Shut up, V” Eddie said
He continues to search for more information on you. But Venom won't stop teasing Eddie about you.
You noticed that Eddie doesn't leave his apartment. He doesn't play the music loud anymore and you developed a crush on him.
You are going home, you an alley then you notice Eddie. You go into the alley and you see something black take over his body. Your eyes opened wider and Venom noticed.
“Eddie?” You said.
You saw Venom eat the bad guy then he looked at you.
“We are Venom,” Venom said
Before you can get away, he grabs you and you can't move. He takes you to Eddie’s apartment and he doesn't let you go.
“What are you?” You asked
Now, you see Eddie’s face.
“He won't eat you,” Eddie said.
“I’m a Symbiote and Eddie is my host,” Venom said.
He lets you go but you don't run.
“You don't seem scared,” Eddie said.
“A little bit, but I'm glad he won't eat me,” You said.
“I thought you would be scared and you would tell someone,” Eddie said.
“I won't tell anyone, promise. I think it's cool, you that have a symbiote. You can kill Spiderman since you have venom” You said.
“We are getting stronger, Y/N,” Eddie said.
Eddie punched the punching bag so hard, that he made a hole. You are impressed and you can't help to smile. Eddie started to talk about how he wanted to rip Spiderman apart, you egged him on to talk about it. Venom wants to eat him and he likes you. You notice his laptop and you see your record
“Did you do a background check on me?” You asked.
You point at his laptop and he closes it.
“I’m a journalist, Y/N. You sure have a long rap sheet, Y/N. Fraud, identity theft, robbery, and assault with a deadly weapon and more” Eddie said.
“I had my reasons,” You said.
“But why a rich kid like you, would do commit crimes? That kept me thinking” Eddie said.
“If you must know, my parents were never around. If they were, they wouldn't spend time with me, because they would be busy with work. I turned to crime because I felt I was good at something. Why did you do a background check on me?” You said.
“Relax, I’m not going to call the cops,” Eddie said.
“And I won't tell them about you planning to kill Spiderman, so we are even,” You said.
“We are,” Eddie said.
Eddie likes having you in his apartment. He takes off his shirt but he has a tank top on, you notice his bicep got bigger.
“You are definitely stronger than Spiderman,” You said.
What you said boosted his ego. You notice his tattoos cover his scars and you keep staring at it. Eddie stands closer to you and you stare into his eyes, then he always about to kiss you but Venom appears.
You sit next to Eddie on the couch. He starts to open up and you start to do the same. Eddie hasn't felt connected to anyone in a long time. You and Eddie are sitting very close to each other and you ask questions about Venom and what he can do. You stayed all night in his apartment and you fell asleep. But Eddie puts a blanket on you, he didn't want to wake you up.
“You should kiss him goodnight,” Venom said.
“Shut up, we can't make too much noise” Eddie whispered.
“I don't want to wake up your boyfriend, sorry” Venom teased
“Go to sleep, V, or else” Eddie whispered
“Fine. Tell your boyfriend goodnight” Venom said.
Eddie rolled his eyes and Venom went to sleep. Eddie sleeps next to you and it doesn't take long for him to fall asleep.
✯ ✫ ✯ ✬
You and Eddie had a plan, but Eddie and Venom didn't want to wait any longer. You went along with it, in the alley Eddie starts to mug you. Spiderman was swinging around and he saw what was going on.
“Hey!” Spiderman said.
“You won't stop us,” Eddie said.
Venom takes over Eddie’s body. Venom starts to run and Spiderman starts to chase him towards the church. They start to fight on the roof of the church. Venom grabbed him but Spiderman kicked him In the stomach, and he let go of Spiderman. You start to run towards the church and hope everything goes to plan. Venom managed to use his claw to scratch Spiderman on the chest and he started to bleed. Venom used his tentacles to grab Spiderman and slammed him hard onto the ground. Spiderman used his webs to cover Venom’s face and it worked, he managed to get away from his tentacles.
“I’m going to kill you!” Venom yelled.
Venom was close to biting him. But he managed to throw some punches and Spiderman was badly injured. But Spiderman started to move the bell and kept creating loud noises, that Venom couldn't handle it. You arrived at the church And Venom left Eddie’s body. Spiderman kicked Eddie off the roof and he fell on the second floor. You yelled for Venom when you saw Eddie fall, Venom went towards you.
You feel different and powerful. You can hear Venom talking to you in your mind. You struggled to get to the bell but you managed to stop it. You went to check on Eddie and he is passed out but he is going to make it. You went back to the bell and you managed to break it loose. Spiderman was going to punch you but you used Venom’s tentacles to grab him. You slammed him into the wall hard, then slammed him onto the ground. Spiderman is badly injured again then You start to punch him.
“You don't deserve to be a hero!” You screamed.
You kept punching him in the face then he started to bleed. You stand up now Spiderman struggled to get up. You make him chase you now you two are standing in front of the bell. Venom left and he went to get Eddie, he started to heal Eddie.
“This is the end, Spiderman,” You said.
“It’s not the end, I'm taking you two to jail” Spiderman
Spiderman is feeling weak but he doesn't want to give up. Eddie tackled Spiderman, you watch Eddie punch Spiderman in the face multiple times. Peter spits out blood then Eddie gets up and Peter puts his hand on the wall to help him stand up. Eddie used all his strength to push the bell towards Peter, you are in shock.
“He is dead, I can't believe it,” You said.
You and Eddie notice the blood, he moves the bell away from Peter. You checked his pulse and you smiled at Eddie.
“No more Spiderman” You smiled.
“Good” Eddie smirked.
You left with Eddie to his apartment. You and Eddie can't stop smiling because Spiderman is dead. Eddie takes off his shirt and he has some cuts, then you start to clean the wounds. Eddie pulled you towards him and he started to kiss you, he wrapped his arms around you. You feel his grip but you don't stop kissing him.
“Stay the night, Y/N” Eddie said.
“Okay, I will,” You said.
You start to kiss him again.
✯ ✫ ✯ ✬
It's been all over the news that Spiderman is dead. The cops don't have a lead on who did it, you and Eddie are able to live life fine. You and Eddie didn't put any label on the relationship, mainly just taking it slow and just dating.
You spent the night again at his place. You are lying on your back and Eddie comes out of the bathroom shirtless and has boxers on.
“You dyed your hair blonde, wow,” You said.
“Don’t like it?” Eddie asked.
“I didn't say that. You look different and hot” You said.
Eddie crawls on the bed and he lies on top of you. He starts to kiss you and you two start to smile. Then you start to touch his hair and you kiss him again
“I like the color” You smiled.
“We should go away and celebrate that the bug is gone” Eddie smiled.
He starts to kiss your neck.
“I like the idea. I have the money I stole from the casino, we could use that” You smiled
“Let’s leave tonight” Eddie smiled
You nod and he starts to kiss you again. Venom showed Eddie how you looked when you two teamed up, and Eddie was impressed. How he looks with Venom is a lot different from how you look with Venom.
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whitehotharlots · 2 months
Tara Reade, Christine Blassey Ford, and the bleak limitations of pettiness feminism
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For what it’s worth, I found the accusations made by Tara Reade and Christine Blassey Ford both imminently plausible. I’ve never met Joe Biden or Brett Kavanaugh, but I’ve spent more than enough time around entitled white collar pricks to realize that things like non-consensual workplace groping and wacky frat house sex pranks are a part of their worlds. There was nothing about either story that struck me as obviously false or otherwise disqualifying. Both very well may have happened.
But I also believe that there’s a wide chasm between plausibility and proof–especially in criminal matters, and extra especially in regards to the sort of accusations that could result in yearslong jail sentences. Sexual assault cases are notoriously hard to prosecute in their immediacy. If we’re talking about something that happened years or decades earlier, there’s no reasonable way to prove the accusations in a manner that would warrant a formal, judicial response.
By 2020, this belief of mine was considered hopelessly out of date, borderline sacrilegious. The Trump era ushered in a new diligence in regards to how the public was supposed to understand and react to accusations of sexual misconduct: women should be believed, full stop. Accused men should be punished, full stop. The crisis of the moment meant that all the old notions regarding due process and the fixed standards of what is or is not a crime had to be thrown out.
Remember that “Shitty Media Men” list from 2017? God, seems like forever ago. The list was a wholly anonymous Google Docs spreadsheet containing the names of several dozen men in media and a brief description of their alleged crimes. It was written about in glowing terms by publications big and small, heralded as a bold and exciting new chapter of social justice, and the list’s creator–Moria Donegan–was eventually granted status as a star commentator.
Did you read the list? I did. About one in every 15 or so entries contained a very severe accusation–something along the lines of “he raped me in the dumpster behind Arby’s” or “he keeps tricking me into getting stuck in a dryer.” But the vast, vast majority of entries alleged nothing more than minor interpersonal conflict: “he doesn’t respect my work,” “he raised his voice at me one time in 2012,” and other stuff along those lines. One entry really stuck out: the accuser admitted that she had never met the man. “But,” she said, “he must be a creep… just look at the stuff he writes!”
No doubt, at least some of these men were/are grade-A jerks. But the bulk of them appear to have just been disliked by a colleague or acquaintance who felt the need to take advantage of a social justice movement to exact revenge. This is how human interaction works. No one is beloved by everybody; everyone will experience some instances in which they treat others with less courtesy than they probably should; and, well, sometimes two people who are otherwise completely decent despise one another for reasons that are inscrutable to everyone but God.
The malignancy of the Shitty Media Men list is that it caused readers to conceptually associate minor interpersonal conflicts–some of which admittedly did not happen, most others of the sort that would cause no reasonable person to find one party entirely at fault, let alone worthy of expulsion from polite society–with major violations such as rape and assault. This was the new era: every accusation is proof of guilt, and all guilt is of the same severity. It’s too hard to definitively prove that a rape happened, ergo we needed to dismiss the usual evidentiary standards of criminal proceedings in regards to rape. And, also, mildly upsetting a female colleague is now the same thing as rape.
Wonderful stuff. Fantastic stuff.
A year passed. The Notorious RBG ascended to the great rap battle in the sky, and it was up to the dastard President Drumpf to appoint her successor. He settled upon a youth-pastor-cum-jurist who resembled a crude caricature from a late 1800’s anti-Irish political comic. The man had a rap sheet a mile long: lackey to Ken Starr (himself quite the defender of rape), Yalie, anti-abortion, corporate puppet, helped rig the Florida vote in 2000, Federalist Society member, blah blah blah all the horrible shit you expect from a GOP nominee to the Supreme Court.
None of these facts mattered much within the liberal imaginary, however, as they weren’t that far afield from the activities of the sort of justices liberals find inoffensive. No, the #Resistance had an ace up their sleeve: a lady said he had sexually assaulted her 30 years prior, and she was willing to say so in front of congress.
He must have been toast after that, right? Because everyone had spent the last few years hashtagging #BelieveWomen, right? They’re not gonna say they believe women and not believe them, right? It can’t be that this precedent we just set up would only be used to ruin the lives of low-level middle manager type guys who did inconsequential stuff, right? Right?
No. Of course not. Republicans never even pretended to care about that shit.
In the non-conservative press, Blassey Ford was treated as a hero. Her effort was brave, and her failure served to validate the premise upon which it was founded: women are not believed enough, and men can get away with anything.
Another few years passed. Due to a confluence of events of that ranged between skullduggery and outright rigging, the Democratic presidential primary narrowed down to a less-corrupt-than-average politician who was called a “socialist” because he was to the left of Grover Norquist, and a credit card lobbyist who was once accidentally appointed vice president.
The credit card lobbyist should have been considered especially ignominious, considering the degree to which the #BelieveWomen mantra was prevalent on the left. Decades earlier, in a situation quite similar to that faced by Blassey Ford, he led the charge in aggressively dismissing the accusations of a woman who had accused a SCOTUS nominee of sexual misconduct. Surely that was the sort of thing MeToo would not abide, right? Right?
Again, no. The semi-socialist was repeatedly smeared as a racist and sexist for reasons that no one could ever quite articulate. Social media figures openly solicited false allegations of sexual misconduct against him. In spite of being a leftist Jewish man, in spite studies showing that his supporters were actually far less aggressive and hateful than those of Hillary Clinton, he was still the most toxic and evil presence to ever enter into Democrat politics. #BelieveWomen and #MeToo precedents were very effectively invoked: there doesn’t need to be proof, and there doesn’t need even be an accusation. He’s evil because we say he’s evil. His name is on the spreadsheet.
But the guy who got Clarence Thomas onto the Supreme Court? That was regrettable, sure. But it was a youthful transgression! He’s apologized! It doesn’t matter.
Then we got a late-primary curveball: a woman who verifiably worked with Biden claimed he had jammed his hand down her pants. The allegation was decades old and therefore unprovable in a legal sense, and suddenly that was an issue where it hadn’t been just a few months before. The MeToo movement’s purveyors worked to clarify that she was a lying, mentally unstable, and possibly Russian slut.
A year earlier, we were told that due process was a misogynist construct, and that expressing skepticism toward politically opportune allegations was an expression of patriarchy and privilege. Now, faced with allegations that would force them to choose between a semi-leftist or Donald Trump, the progressive vanguard suddenly decided that these old principles of Enlightened Liberalism weren’t so evil after all.
Blassey Ford is about to embark on a book tour, receiving near-unanimous praise (and ample financial compensation) for her bravery. She might not be a household name, but among those who do remember her, she is revered as a hero.
Reade, meanwhile, is a permanent disgrace who had to defect to Russia.
In a sad way, the disparity between how these two women were treated demonstrates the conditions that spawned MeToo: a woman who makes an accusation against an unpopular or hated man will be, at least, believed. She will not suffer negative consequences. She may even be rewarded, even if the man himself isn’t punished. But a woman who goes against a man who is too important, too well-connected? She won’t even get a chance to testify. She’s actually even worse than the abusers. Every aspect of her account and character will be placed under a microscope, and anything she cannot prove with 100% fidelity will be held up as proof of how horrible she is. She’s also on the spreadsheet.
And in an even sadder way, this disparity demonstrates why the MeToo and BelieveWomen stuff was horribly misguided from the start. Removing the structures that allow society to function will not magically result in a more just society manifesting from the wreckage of the old. You might–might–remove some of the most malignant shitheads. But in the process you will ruin the lives of many who are either innocent or marginally guilty, and you will entrench the utter empowerment of those who are, only in some small ways, the lesser evils. There’s no path forward, here. There is no hope here.
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noir-fem · 2 months
PREFACE: this is just MY OPINION on some takes I've seen. This is meant to call out some team black fans who take things way too far and bully people, but I will not condone any kind of bullying or harassment in the comments. We can disagree, we can discuss our disagreements, but what we're not gonna do is bully or threaten people, okay?
That being said, this is a friendly reminder that the Targaryens invaded a land that WAS NOT THEIRS then proceeded to take the things that they believed they had a divine right to through force and violence (aka their dragons, which are a metaphor for the weapons of mass destruction used in real wars). This is literally a metaphor for colonizers. GRRM wrote the dance of dragons as an anti-war commentary and made it clear that the Targaryens thinking that they're a divine race who are entitled to do whatever they want at the expense of the common man is a HORRIBLE WAY OF THINKING and this has gone completely over some of yall's heads.
Look, you can like whatever characters you wanna like for whatever reason! Nobody in HOTD is truly a good person, so there's no point in real people fighting with each other over it. But I'm tired of watching team black fans who justify their choice by saying this very thing proceed to bully and harass not only team green fans, but even the team green ACTORS because they don't like what the CHARACTERS did. Like, what happened to all of them being bad people?? And why call REAL people names, harass them, and even threaten them just because of what these FICTIONAL CHARACTERS did????
If it truly doesn't matter who you support because "they're all bad people", then why are you harassing REAL PEOPLE just because they don't like the same war criminals you do? "Both sides do bad things", so what moral high ground do you have over team green fans? One person on here said that some of y'all act like you're actually part of House Targaryen and it's true! If the Targaryens were real people who actually did these things, y'all defending them so staunchly would be worrying to say the least!
I love Aemond as a character, and I can understand his motivation for killing Luke, but I'll never defend him killing Luke because at the end of the day, children getting killed is unexcusable NO MATTER WHAT. I don't want to watch anything horrible happen to Rhaenyra's children any more than I want to watch Blood and Cheese happen to Helaena and her children. I love team green because I think they're interesting characters that I see a lot of myself in and I think that their actions make sense for the time period and circumstances they live in. However, I also look at their actions through a modern lens and would never condone some of the things they've done in real life.
Posting this bc I'm tired of seeing team green fans get called hypocrites while the people who claim to be feminists/progressives worship characters who represent the TOTAL OPPOSITE of feminism without a second thought. I'm tired of seeing certain fans make shitty takes saying that Alicent doing bad things "wouldn't be a problem if she would just own up to it!!", when team black fans go out of their way to justify Blood and Cheese and every other bad thing that their favs do.
Once again, keep the comments civil! if you start bullying or threatening people you're getting blocked and reported :)
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marksbear · 2 years
If you are comfortable with this request, i thank you. If you are not, I thank you for your time and understand
Criminal Minds: Bau team finding out during a case that Male Reader was a victim. They find out because unsub reveals Reader's Medusa tattoo (meaning of medusa is important). Angst/Comfort?
Warnings! Sexual assault, stalking, rape, tattoos, crying, memories about the assault, etc. YOU ARE WARNED. Hell angst.
Derek x reader can be romantic or platonic.
Y/n took a vacation.
That is what the team thought at least. He took a week off to go to the world cup. The team was happy for him to take a break because he was working non-stop for the past months, so they all were so happy for you. Derek was the one who even bought you the tickets to the world cup. "Here you go n/n, enjoy yourself." Y/n gave Derek a huge hug crying onto his shoulder of joy. Derek chuckles and wraps his arms around Y/n one last time.He turns around and walks to the exit. Not noticing someone standing behind you too close.
The team that was doing the first case of the day was a harsh one. The unsub kept going for victims who had (YOUR COLORED HAIR) and (YOUR BODY TYPE.) Derek thought about Y/n for a second but waved it off since he knew that he had to be safe right?
When you come back to Quantico you aren't the same. You barely spoke only talking when you had too. Carried yourself to be smaller and less visible. What the team noticed you never ate, you had dark eye bags and that your eyes were red. Hotch and Garcia asked you what was wrong but you didn't move a muscle to answer the question. Reid noticed that you didn't seem to care about his facts you always had asked him when you get to work what was the fact of the day. But now you'd just walk straight towards your desk. Morgan noticed everything you had cut some of your hair, always going to the bathroom just washing your hands starring at yourself in the mirror, spacing out just to flinch and shake your head and walk to the bathroom or a spot to be by yourself. He noticed almost everything.
WARNING DETAILS ABOUT THE RAPE BELOW!! skip if you don't want details!
The case had popped back up the same case from those victims. Hotch brought it back up as he had a feeling that the team could solve it this time around. But when you saw all the victims who looked almost exactly like you. You broke down. running out of the room and out of the building.
You couldn't take it any more. As you leave you remember everything he had done to you. He followed you once you got on the plane, he even sat right beside you. While all of your memories came flooding back you kept calling yourself stupid,stupid, stupid. You got in your car and drove away. When you get home you fall on the ground crying. You remembered the way he touched your thigh when everyone on the plane was asleep. You tried to scream and to fight back but he wrapped something in your mouth that made you feel limp and paralyzed, but still awake. So you watched him play with your body and you felt disgusted how your body reacted when he jerked you off and how you came when he sucked on your cock dry. Your mind replayed the same actions that he did. He unbuckled your seat and took you to the bathroom. He locked the door and dropped you on the floor. And got unbuckled his pants and let his cock fly free. He just pushed the cock inside you not even bothering to prep you. He wanted to you in pain and grabbed a fistful of your hair. "Finally after all of the boys I fucked imagining it was you I finally have you. Mr L/n would sound good with my name. Me and you were meant to be" He growls into your ear. He finishes very quickly inside you and laughs. He grabs your face and kisses it roughly. Forcing his tongue inside your mouth licking every single part of it. He takes you by your hands and places them on his hardened cock making you jerk him off. It doesn't take him long by finishing all over your hands. He gives you one last kiss and picks you up.
Leave you there. It's morning and you wake up crying on the floor gasping for air. Once you get up the plane has reached the place you get up and get your bags and leave them as quick as you can. Every time you look at a man you see the man instead smiling at you. After a few days you get the courage to get the medusa tattoo. You got two of them the big one on your thigh and a smaller one on the back of your neck. For once you was proud of yourself and even cried a little.
You woke up and noticed that it's night you guessed you just passed out. It's still work hours so you get up and fix your clothes and wash your face. You get into your car and drive back to work. Once you get there you ask where your team and some of the agents take you to where they are. All of them are in the interrogation room and you walk in confused as to why every single one of them are here. "Ah my Y/n, I was beginning to wonder if you didn't want to see me." That voice. it can't be him. I refuse to believe it's him. You think to yourself. You turn around facing him. Your heart stops. You can't breathe. It's like time has stopped and the universe is only focusing on you two. "Y/n you know this douche bag?" Emily asks looking at you. "Of course he knows me. He even got a tattoo about me just look at the back of his neck!" The unsub shouts as he laughs looking at y/n. The whole team circle the back Y/n pulling down his collar of his shirt looking at the tattoo. "Medusa?" Emily says looking confused "Medusa tattoos are a symbol of survival, often from sexual abuse, sexual assault or rape." Reid says looking at the team. "Wait. Y-you did what now with my n/n?!" Derek shouts rolling up his sleeves. "Morgan calm down." Hotch says in a demanding tone. "Thats why you raped all of those men huh!?!" "Because you wanted Y/N" Derek walks up to the unsub getting ready to pick a fight but gets pulled back by Hotch. Emily and J.J hugs y/n whispering its okay. Hotch takes everyone out of the room and takes the team to the meeting room.
The room is quiet with Morgan walking back and forth. Reid looked around at everyone. Hotch and Emily staring at Y/n. Garcia Holding Y/n hands as he looks down into his lap. "He touched me and sucked me off. When it was night and in my seat. He was following me around even before I was on the plane. He even sat right next to me." Y/n finally lets out. "When I fought back he... Uhm he put something in my mouth that made me go paralyzed. And he took me to the bathroom. And y'know."
Tears rushing down Y/n face as he silently cries. The whole team circle around y/n not enough to make him feel trapped but enough to make him feel safe.
"You're not alone Y/n. We are here for you."
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