#*chanting* blood freak blood freak blood freak
birdmenanime · 2 years
Can you believe that the 2nd most important person to the story BARELY had ANY screen time of his blackout. WE SAW HIS BLACKOUT 3 WHOLE TIMES. NOT ENOUGH FOR ME TO DISSECT HIS GAY TRAUMATIZED BRAIN!
#pacing around the room crawling on all fours admiring the yellow wallpaper#we know it’s a bug we know his parents were entemologists we KNOW#that his parents jobs uprooted him from a young age and never had him learn social skills we KNOW that the job in south america#cost them their lives and caused Takayama to become what he is and we KNOW that certain bugs can fly and#that bugs are misunderstood. most people see bugs and freak out and you have to be patient and learn to like them#Takayamas blackouts always take up space and are ‘unsightly’ or mutated in some way#they’re impulsive and headstrong and lean with force and logic not heart#one of the bugs chanted ‘kill’ like it was the only word it knew. all Takayama ever did was fight and kill the trauma inside of him#and NEVER addressed it. kill the emotions kill the trauma kill the guilt#the second blackout was a mosquito a creature that takes blood and can cause malaria#the eyes VERY IMPORTANT were the same eye rings as to which seraphs get#tosses everything on the floor and madly trying to scramble up a connection#anyways. Takayama has done everything he could intentionally or not to kill anything human within him. he doesn’t know what hes doing or#who or what he is and it’s scary. he fails to save people over and over and he thinks he’s unsalvagable.#the real reason he reached out to the bird club was because he was lonely. so crushingly lonely. he can fight and kick the trauma#all he wants but at the end of the day hes the same kid he was the day his parents died and he became a seraphim#and maybe that’s why the third blackout is when he was about to finally meet eva. she is the only proof that he is real#eva is the only proof that takayama was once a kid. the only reminder#eva and Takayama’s relationship is weird but to me it I would say to Takayama Eva is like a mother to him#and eva used him from the start.#idk Takayama makes me lose my mind. have u ever considered how takayama#views himself as a bug. and the fact that bugs have never bothered karasuma#karasuma knows what Takayama is like but Karasuma has seen all of Takayama and still loves him#anyways how are YOU guys I wrote this while in horrible stomach pain.#birdmen#takayama sou
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rocksalt-and-pie · 1 year
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The sweet little boy in question:
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claire-starsword · 5 months
Bloodline of the Sacred Dragons - Chapter 2-7
[warning for violence and dismemberment on this one. yes you read that right. as opposed to me who did not pay attention to this on my first read. lol.]
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The group emerged back into the fields, after safely crossing the mountains. They hurried on their journey, heading towards the Pao Plains.
By Krin and Tyrin's calculations, they should be a day ahead of the monsters. If they could get the mercenaries at Pao and come back, they would be able to ambush the enemies at the mountain path that led to the plains. The devils wouldn't be able to escape a trap in such a narrow pathway.
In the forest, Karin replaced Randolf as the lead. Tyrin gave the general directions by her side, and she decided the exact path to traverse according to the condition of the plants and other forest signs. Bleu was speechless on how observant she was, not letting the slightest detail pass unnoticed.
Bleu struggled the most with the thick cluster of trees. Unlike Camallia and Karna, he didn't have the power to heal everyone's exhaustion either. He grew frustrated with himself. Once they got to a wider place or a road he'd be able to stretch out his wings. He did his best to put up with it.
Once the sun had gone down, the group had finally come out the end of the forest, reaching the road between Bustoke and the Pao Plains.
And there, their calculations failed them.
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They ran right into the monster squad that had stolen the Manual. A sudden encounter, one could say.
"They shouldn't be here by our calculations, so why…" Krin complained about the unexpected turn of events, as she stared at the twenty or so monsters that had appeared in front of them.
The devils were just as shocked as them.
"Impossible! Why is there a Sacred Dragon here?"
One of the monsters, accompanying the squad of harpies and armed lizardmen, stared wide-eyed at Bleu, with empty eyes devoid of light. Those eyes caught sight of Camallia by his side. The devil then understood everything.
"So you survived. And you guided them here. It's always you, always… Fine, if you'll be this much of a hindrance, then I, Ziduur, will end you just like those pursuing mages."
The monster's fangs showed over the corner of his lips, and his two horns, atop his head like a moth's antennas, swung backwards in a menacing stance. Deep crimson hair ran from the nape of his neck to his back like a mane, bristling. As if answering to that, the lizardmen raised their slimy triangular heads, their bifurcated tongues flickering through their lips. The harpies let out ear-piercing shrieks.
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"If you want this, come and take it."
Ziduur held a box made of ebony. It was full of intricate inlay decorations with a foreign feel.
"Sir Bleu, there's no doubt, the Manual is in there!"
With Tyrin's shout, the battle began.
"Randolf, Tyrin, take care of the girls!"
While shouting, Bleu bolted towards Ziduur, as if drawn to the Manual in his hands. Cerberus followed behind him.
"Wait, don't just rush in, it won't go well if we fight separated," Randolf hastily stopped Camallia, who wanted to jump ahead as well.
"Bleu, come back right now! Bleu!"
Karin's voice did not reach Bleu, and he began to fight the harpies in midair.
All his pent up feelings were unleashed at once. And at the same time, he had confidence in being the one who always broke through the enemy lines. With that amount of enemies, he believed he could strike the commander at once and end the battle with that. There was no reason to eliminate them all. Once he retrieved the Manual, he could just disperse the rest of the enemies. The shorter the battle, the less likely it would be for Karin and the others to get hurt. And by defeating all the monsters himself, he could prove his power to them. Maybe then the girls would stay behind without a fuss, Bleu thought.
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However, his reckless advance did not go as he expected.
Superior to him in speed and number, the harpies put up a tough fight against him. Wanting to rush to Ziduur straight away, he had become isolated from his allies.
Randolf and Camallia shielded the others, facing the incoming lizardmen head on.
"Bleu, I'll burn down these enemies, get out of the way!"
Krin began chanting a Blaze spell, but Karin stopped her. If she cast the flames in a wide area, Bleu would certainly get caught in them.
"Krin, give up and target a single enemy," Karin ordered, while shooting down an enemy away from Bleu with perfect accuracy. Their lack of coordination was apparent. Karin bit down her anger at Bleu's stupid actions.
"I won't show mercy to any who interfere. Join the hateful corpses that sleep under this earth."
Ziduur took out a piece of a crimson jewel, and held it tightly within his left hand, as if squeezing it. Beams of light came through between his fingers.
"That light!" Camallia shouted, alerting everyone.
Ziduur punched the ground. Thin sparks of crimson lightning ran at once over the surface.
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"What did he do?"
Karna watched in awe as the ground in front of her began to stir, and something jumped out from within.
"Eep!" She let out a strangled scream as she came face to face with a skeleton.
"Get down!"
Hearing that shout from behind her, Karna got down while covering her head with both arms. The end of a flail flew past her, sending the skeleton's skull flying like a football. As she pulled the weapon back, Camallia smashed its upper body as well.
In the brief moment where Karna breathed a sigh of relief, more skeletons jumped from below, one after the other. Those skeletal warriors, carrying all kinds of different weapons, were the warped forms of monsters once defeated in that land, and the travelers they once killed.
"Are we surrounded?"
Watching the growing swarm of skeletons and lizardmen around them, Randolf swung his Battle Axe once again. If the monsters attacked all at once, they certainly wouldn't manage to defend against all of them.
Karna shouted for everyone to get closer together.
"O benevolent ones who watch upon all, please hear our prayers. Gather the righteous light within our hearts, and make it into a shield of holy brilliance!!"
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By her incantation, the faint shine of the supporting spell Boost enveloped the whole group from within. The monsters with no flesh nor blood were driven away by that light.
Not wasting the opportunity, Randolf and Camallia attacked. The mages covered the openings between them, Tyrin freezing the enemies to stand as shields, and Krin erecting walls of fire with her Blaze spells. They were doing their best to defend themselves, but the situation still wasn't good as they were outnumbered.
On one swing, Camallia's flail became entangled in another flail wielded by a skeleton. The resulting forces made both of them lose their grips on their weapons. Without delay, the skeleton took a short sword from the back of its shield, and charged at the now empty-handed girl. Another short sword was thrown at the skeleton as it did that. By reflex, the skeleton knocked it down with its shield. Camallia jumped at the fallen sword, grabbing it and swinging it at the skeleton's leg to cut it down. The monster fell down as it lost its balance, and Camallia stepped on its bony body from over its shield, using all of her strength to crush it.
"Thank you, Sir Randolf."
Picking up her flail, she stood back to back with Randolf, who had moved backwards. She extended a hand in his direction, trying to return his short sword that had saved her from her predicament.
"I don't mind. Keep it. Without a spare weapon, something like this might happen to you again."
Answering that, he swung his blade at another monster.
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At that time, Bleu was also surrounded by even more enemies than before.
Sacred Dragons had tough bodies and powerful attacks, but were in no way invincible. Their thick hide was hard to penetrate with a blade, yet at some point he had been wounded, and it bled. While he had finished off many of the harpies, he had also hurt his wings. The injury was not severe, but it made him unable to fight the remaining harpies in the air. Having fallen to the ground, Bleu faced a concentrated assault from the group of enemies.
Sustaining minor injuries all over his body, Bleu had made a pile of corpses out of his enemies. Yet he was clearly exhausted. Taking a fierce blow to his chest, he began to cough violently.
In this terrible moment, a lizardman brandished his Large Axe. In Bleu's current condition, he couldn't dodge or spew out his lightning breath.
The monsters became agitated.
Steeling himself for the fatal blow, Bleu saw a silver blur pass through the corner of his vision. Fresh blue blood spilled by. With a deep gash on his torso, the lizardman turned around only to be cut again like a paper doll by sharp claws, this time on the chest.
"Zylo!?" Bleu exclaimed in surprise, seeing the werewolf that had showed up behind the fallen lizardman.
"It's been a long time, Bleu."
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Zylo's eyes had the glint of a wild beast hidden within, and he narrowed them in recognition for an instant.
Taking that as an opening, the harpies attacked from the sky.
"Watch out!"
Faster than Bleu's cry, Zylo jumped to the air. He spun next to harpy like a gear, hitting it with a somersault, and knocking it down hard to the ground. The blood from the harpy's torn neck ran in lines across her dead body.
"Before worrying for others, worry about yourself. Honestly, what a pathetic fight you put up. Have you forgotten your past experience? I'll show you how it is to fight as a group. Watch and learn."
Zylo howled.
The lizardmen and harpies flinched at the incoming chants of beast hunters. From its direction came the rushing sound of rain. A merciless rain of arrows…
Once the synchronized barrage of arrows ended, Zylo had also disappeared. Too fast for Bleu's eyes to keep up, he ran between the disoriented enemies, cutting them down as he passed them by. One by one they fell to the ground.
Having broken through the enemies surrounding them, Zylo reached Karin's group.
"It's Zylo, the king of Bustoke."
Krin calmed down the others, who were on guard, unsure if he was a new enemy.
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"We'll regroup with Bleu. Follow me without delay," Zylo ordered, and turned away from them without waiting for an answer. He spoke as if certain that they'd obey. Not forceful. Just showing unwavering confidence.
"Diane!!" He shouted. In answer, a squad of archers appeared from the forest shadows, led by an elf girl. Their bowstrings rang as they once again released their arrows in unison.
Diane's archers concentrated their assault on the skeletons. The ropes tied in their arrows perfectly wrapped around their enemies. The skeletons hit by them fell down and tumbled through the ground. It seemed as if they knew what enemies they'd be facing, which made Krin impressed, but also a bit suspicious.
"Let's go!"
Zylo dashed away, heading towards Bleu, who had recovered some energy and continued to fight on his own. The others ran behind him as fast as they could.
"Karna, Camallia, heal Bleu, quickly!"
As Zylo and Randolf took the surrounding enemies down, Karin immediately asked the priests to tend to Bleu. While the archers of Bustoke kept lending them support, Camallia healed everyone who had been injured with Aura, the high level healing spell.
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"Thank you, Camallia. You too, Karin…" Bleu thanked the girls.
"There's no time to waste," Zylo urged Bleu. "Let's retrieve the Manual at once with this."
Led by the wolf king, the group split apart the confused enemies. Separated from each other, they had no time to recover, and were shot down by Diane's squad.
"Now. Sir Bleu, the Manual!" Tyrin shouted.
Spreading his healed wings, Bleu flew over the skeletons. The monsters were knocked down by the wings and the gust of wind.
Ziduur held up the ruby in his hand. His body was enveloped in red light.
"Like I'll let you teleport!"
The monster had jumped away, but Bleu sliced him with his claws.
Ziduur's arm was torn and sent flying, tracing an arc in midair, weighted down by the ebony box it carried.
Bleu had his attention drawn to the Manual for a moment. Ziduur didn't miss that, casting a Blaze spell in that time. Bleu crossed his arms in front of him as the flames burst in front of him.
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Karin and Camallia left the few remaining monsters to Zylo, and ran to the dragon.
He looked down bitterly at the space Ziduur had teleported away from. It shimmered like hot air, proving that a devil stood there just a moment before.
He picked up the box with the Manual, and Camallia saw that both his arms were bleeding.
"Are you wounded?" she asked, walking to him.
"It's no big deal. Just scratches."
"Even a small injury cannot be left alone."
While he insisted that he was fine, Camallia softly kissed his wounds.
Bleu suddenly felt eyes on him, and tried to pull away from her.
"Please stay still."
Camallia's warm lips moved over his skin as she said the words. Her hot tongue traced over his wound, licking off the blood. Her throat made a glugging noise as she drank it. Her lips continued to move over it, trembling with her incomprehensible chants and sighs.
She let go after a while, and no trace of the wound was left.
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"Bleu, the king of Bustoke is calling."
Karin only said that before turning her back and running away.
To next part>
Translation notes:
"Zidur" is apparently a word of a power to summon one of the creatures in the Necronomicon by Simon. I know nothing of that book other than a cursory look so I can't talk much about it, but do you know how hilarious it is to google a Shining Force thing and come up with a pdf full of demon rituals and absolutely no other results? Unparalled experience. Also, the character's name does have a longer "u" sound so I reflected that in my translation as well.
I don't recall Ziduur being explicitly referred to as a man, but his speech manners are pretty rough and he'll eventually be using the rough and masc "ore" pronoun, so unlike Otrant I just made the call to use he/him pronouns for him.
Zylo's species in the original game is given as "wolfling". His base class however is "werewolf", so nothing wrong here.
Up to this point I had been calling the dog "Cerberos" because that's closer to the japanese reading and I didn't think to look it up, but I was recently reminded that the games use "Cerberus" instead. I'd rather stick close to the official translations when it doesn't matter so I've updated past posts and will be using the game romanization from here on.
#shining series#shining force#shining force 2#shining force novel translation#bloodline of the sacred dragons#sf bleu#there we go. the annoying arrogant protag has learned a valuable lesson about the real super power of teamwork!#now things can finally progress smoothly into a great team dynamic!#...#dont. don't look at the page count. don't- it's fine. it'll be fine#sf karin#if this was a game she should be the leader and not bleu just saying#or it could be a protag choice with a few route differences#*person who has only played two tactical rpgs in their life* hmm. getting a lot of fantasy maiden wars vibes from this#also there's clearly a love triangle rearing its ugly head here but i chose to see it as funny like. girl she's drinking his blood#repressed village girl who clearly doesn't have enough going on in her life watching camallia be a badass freak: God I Wish That Was Me#sfbotsd camallia#NORMAL WOMAN. ABSOLUTELY INCONSPICUOUS WOMAN. GODDAMN#and i refuse to complain she's so cool!! woman's wrongs the novel#sf2 karna twiggy#the boost chant is also so cool and i knew it from the nnd summary i used to watch so i've waited more than a year to show you pals#i wish she did more but i'm not unhappy with her role in battles here generally#sf2 randolf dongo#sf2 tyrin piper#sf krin#sf krin's cerberus#so uh. does anyone else feels the writer is constantly struggling to remember the dog's still here? i legit did not realize the first time#she hadn't been mentioned since the lab. i legit thought she had been left in manarina#a shame because a hellhound on the team is prime shining content and i wish it was better used. i wanna play with this beauty#goddamn this is a lot of characters but i do wanna ramble
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bluerosefox · 9 months
Summoning the Summoner
Another summoning/long lost family au but with twist!
So Damian and his class are at Gotham museum for a small field trip for a school project. Thing is none of them knew until it was too late that the new museum curator was part of a cult that had plans to kidnap and sacrifice this class of kids for some ancient god/deity/spirit.
Damian barely manages to send a message to one of his brothers and to the cave before being knocked out when he sees his classmates dropping from knocknout gas.
When he wakes up the preparations for the sacrifice are almost ready. Damian being the most prominent person in the class is going to be the one chosen first. He is then taken to the alter and it begins after the whole villain speech. Damian does manage to get out of his bindings and tries to fight back, does lead them on a merry little chase to get more time for his family to come, nothing to Robiny though, but is forcibly restrained again.
Just as they bring Damian back to the alter none of them notice, or rather, care that Damian was bleeding from getting hit when they recaptured him. None of them notice when the blood dropped from his chin onto the summoning circle because the Batclan (any) just dropped into the room.
They did notice however when the summoning circle started glowing beneath them however.
And none of the cultists had time to finish the summoning chant.
Meaning the summoning circle was not under their control.
And before any of them could do anything, they are all ripped away from the Mortal Realm and everyone, Damian, his class, the cultists, and the Batfam in the room are pulled into the Infinite Realms.
They are no longer in the warehouse they were about to be sacrificed in but in a throne room. Surrounded by glowing floating people and some don't even look human.
And sitting on the throne was a teenager with a shoulder wrapped cape made of stars and galaxies, a crown of ice, stars, and aurora borealis lights shifting in between them, about Damian's age, with white hair and glowing green eyes who looked rather shocked.
The reason? Both him and Damian shared the same face.
Danny was annoyed as heck.
Ever since his crowning it was like every magic user from legendary to mediocre got a notice that a new Infinite Realms King had been crowned and that gave them the go ahead and try to freaking Summon him!
Luckily refusing a summons was well within Danny's Ghost King rights, he's King now he does what he wants (Sam's wise words), and the only summonings Danny answered were his friends and family (Dani is such a troll with it though, butttttt it does get him out of those annoying meetings sometimes and they get to hang out wherever she decided to stop at), sometimes he'd answer the odd teenage morons just to scare them (it's always fun)
Although there were a few summonings outside of that, that he had answered. Thankfully he could sense what kind of summoner was summoning him and intent was always a huge thing. And those that didn't feel like insane fruitloops well... Danny's curiosity often took over.
So imagine his annoyance when he felt another summon happening in the middle of a meeting with his council. But also imagine his surprise when the normally tight demands on the summoning wasn't there...
That meant...
Oh Danny was going to have a lot of fun with this.
This meant they summoning but don't have control on which way the summoning was going to go. Meaning, Danny could reverse summon them to him instead.
With a wide grin he instantly waved his hand and the meeting room shifted to his throne room, might as well pull out all the stops and play the "Big Bag Ghost King"
He could see his council (and good friends and allies) raise their eyebrows at him or tilt their heads but could also sense the attempted summonings power of him and knew he had something planned.
With a short laugh, Danny raised his hand, grasped on the invisible summoning line, and pulled.
Now he was expecting a good amount of people, the summoning felt large so that normally meant cultists but he was expecting so many! Heck some looked to be teenagers his age, and a few oddly dressed people besides the cultists! Oh boy did that mean sacrifices?! Well he'll be happy to put those cultists in their place if that was the case.
But first, find the summoner. Separate them from the group and -
Oh... why... why does he have Danny's face?!
Danny took a quick look at the normally invisible to everyone but him Summoning line and almost choked when he saw it was a sibling line, a blood sibling line.
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ldrfanatic · 5 months
Hi! I'm not sure if you're taking requests but if you are can you do a Slytherin boy(preferably Mattheo, Theo, or Enzo but you can choose) x reader. So the reader was walking down the hall and they heard chanting and cheering so they went to check it out and they saw the Slytherin boy in a might. Their face was really bloody and already starting to bruise so the reader tries to break up the fight, but ends up accidentally getting hit. Before the Slytherin boy can do anything the reader punches the other person in the face and then drags the boy back to his dorm to clean him up. And the boy is just kinda awestruck by what he just witnessed, and he just admires the reader as she cleans and patches him up. Sorry that this turned out to be so long 😭 have a lovely day!
The Knockout Chronicles
Theodore Nott x Reader Mattheo Riddle x Reader Enzo Berkshire x Reader
warnings - cursing, blood, fighting
a.n. i am taking requests esp for the slytherins :)
sooo... I couldn't decide who to write this for so I just did all three I hope that's okay. also this is my first time writing for Mattheo and Enzo so please let me know if there's something off regarding their characters I tried to do as much research as possible.
i was so freaking excited to get a slytherin request that i literally wrote this all in one sitting so i apologize for any typos or anything. please feel free to send more slytherin requests!!
wc 1.9k (each piece is about 500-600 words)
works slytherin boys
You yanked exhaustedly at the tie, finally undoing the loop and pulling the damned thing off your neck. After a long day of O.W.L's all you wanted was to find your boyfriend and collapse into his arms. Whether it was your dorm or his made no difference to you so long as you didn't have to do anything more for the remainder of the evening.
As you walked the corridor in search of your now missing little snake, you heard the distinct hollering and shouting of what was likely a fight taking place. Typically, you'd be there either watching or taking bets, but today was different. There was a tired in you that settled into your bones.
The gentle glow of the setting sun lit up the castle walls with beautiful hues of pinks and oranges as you debated the merits of actually going to get involved in this affair when suddenly, you heard a student call out a familiar name.
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"YEAH! Go on Theo, kick his ass!"
You closed your eyes, leaned your head back, and took deep breaths as you attempted to suppress the rage currently building within you.
All you wanted was a peaceful, quiet evening in Theo's arms.
Nonetheless, you quickly advanced toward the noise. Despite having heard students cheering and chanting for him, you were still rather surprised to see your boyfriend on top of some poor Ravenclaw boy, beating the absolute snot out of him.
Theo's fist came down punch after punch. Unlike the loud atmosphere of the students who'd gathered, Theo fought in complete silence. Still, though he seemed calm and controlled, you knew that you had to put an end to it.
It wasn't often that Theodore Nott got into fights. He didn't like to let his emotions get the better of him. In fact, emotion was something his father had tried to beat out of him at a rather early age. But when he did get into fights, Theo was ruthless. He could beat someone to death and never change expression. In fact, most people avoided conflict with Theo entirely due to the boys ability to deliver blow after blow for hours on end.
This Ravenclaw boy didn't seem to get the message. You approached the pair of them and placed a gentle hand on Theo's shoulder. His fist froze mid-swing.
"That's enough, Theodore."
Your appearance gave the Ravenclaw the momentary distraction he needed to wriggle out from underneath. The boy immediately lunged at Theo as soon as his feet touched the ground. However, in his reckless abandon, his elbow found it's way to your cheek and hit you on the side of the face with an audible thud, effectively whipping your head sideways.
The courtyard fell silent.
For the first time since their fight began, Theo's emotionless front cracked. He was seething with pure rage.
"Listen, man, I-- I didn't mean--"
Even those that weren't deterred by Theo's reputation and had decided to fight him anyways knew that there was only one person in this world that Theodore Nott cared for. You. And if anyone ever messed with you, Theo was more than happy to provide them with a brutal trip to the afterlife.
But the punch that broke the boy's jaw wasn't delivered by Theo.
You shook your hand out, not expecting your knuckles to pop in the way that they did when your fist met his face. The force of your punch had knocked the Ravenclaw to the floor. Two of his friends suddenly pushed through from the crowd and picked him up as quickly as possible before the three of them took off down the hall.
You didn't say anything as you grabbed the arm of Theodore's shirt. You plucked his robes off of the floor and stormed out of the courtyard, towards the Slytherin Common Room. Theo was silent the entire walk there. It wasn't until you were perched on his lap, cleaning the cuts on his face and hands that he spoke.
"Merlin, all this time you've been able to throw a punch like that?"
"Keep fucking playing with me Theodore, and you'll find out just how mean of a punch I can throw."
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"C'mon Riddle!"
"Goddamnit." You huffed out as you barged through the doors that led to the one-eyed witch courtyard. Mattheo, whom you were unfortunately in a relationship with, was rather engaged in a surprisingly brutal fight with Stewart Ackerley, a Gryffindor in your year.
His shirt and hands were covered in deep red splotches which you could only assume were Stewart's blood. Mattheo had probably the roughest upbringing of anyone you'd ever known. He'd always been hotheaded and he was always getting into fights. The number of entanglements he'd been in had died down considerably since the two of you began dating but it wasn't hard to get Mattheo riled up if you knew what button to push.
And Stewart Ackerley had damn near broken that button when Mattheo overheard him scheming with his disgusting friends about trying to get you into his bed.
Something that you noticed really early on into dating Mattheo is that he's not like other students. His troubled childhood and his unfortunate parentage meant that he had a darkness in him. He'd joked on more than one occasion that the real him was a monster that he kept chained up in the back of his mind.
Most importantly, when Mattheo fights, he lets the monster loose. He's complete, uncontrolled chaos as soon as that adrenaline hits his blood. It's like getting into a fistfight with a hurricane.
You carefully approached the pair of them, careful not to get too close.
"Mattheo stop it."
Mattheo's body flew around to face the source of whoever had been brave enough to scold him. It was likely this person would be the next target of his rage. That is, until his eyes met yours. He took a deep breath that did nothing to stop the way his body shook with rage.
Once you'd decided it was safe enough to draw near to him, you wiped away a bit of Ackerley's blood that had splattered onto his cheek.
It seemed, however, that the beating he'd received wasn't enough to deter the stupid Gryffindor. Moments later, he was blindly throwing his fists towards Mattheo. His vision was too impaired by blood and sweat to notice the figure standing next to him and in a moment of sheer ignorance, he'd mistakenly punched you in the face instead.
The taste of iron filled your mouth as blood started to pool. His blow had caused you to bite down on your tongue quite hard.
Mattheo instantly grabbed Ackerley by his collar but before he could punch the boy, he'd doubled over in pain from a swift kick that you'd delivered to his groin. While he was bent over, you swiftly pulled your knee up, satisfied with the crunch noise his nose made as it came in contact with your knee.
Ackerley let out a rather unbecoming shriek as he fell to the ground.
Mattheo stood off to the side with a proud look on his face. He smirked and flipped Ackerley off as you yanked him from the scene.
When you made it back to the Slytherin Common Room, Mattheo pulled you into a rather intense kiss. You pushed him onto the expensive leather couch and began dabbing at his busted knuckles with a cotton pad soaked with alcohol. Mattheo's other hand snaked around the back of your neck, pulling your head up so your eyes met his.
"As incredibly hot as that was Princess, do me a favor. Next time you're going to try and help me, don't."
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"Get in there Berkshire!"
Confusion contorted your face as you approached the bell towers.
Why in the hell, would your sweet, loving Enzo be in a fight? Though you were convinced that it was really just some other slytherin who might've held a close resemblance to Enzo, you still allowed your feet to carry you towards the source of all the racket.
It came as quite a shock when you'd approached and saw your dark haired Slytherin on top of some poor student. You recognized the boy from the halls but you'd never actually met him. And here your sweet Enzo was, very thoroughly pummeling him to your surprise.
Not that you thought Enzo couldn't fight. In fact, you knew that Enzo had quite a bit of experience in that realm after the training his father had given him. What was shocking was that Enzo was fighting at all.
Despite his cousin Draco's attempts to goad him into fights on numerous different occasions, Enzo really did despise fighting. He was always a little bit afraid that if he allowed himself to lose control like he'd seen Mattheo do so often, he'd accidentally kill the bloke. No, it wasn't fair to engage in fights with people so much less trained than he.
So to see him now, face set in a hard and angry stare while he obliterated the boy below him was startling.
Though the student on the ground was just about destroyed, Enzo didn't have a scratch on him. He had a little blood that had splattered onto his coat and you suspected his knuckles had split, but aside from that, he was untouched.
You knew that if you didn't put an end to this, Enzo was going to regret it.
"Enzo." Your voice rang out softly into the air but he didn't hear you as he continued to beat his opponent. "Lorenzo, lay off of him."
This time, Enzo registered the sound of your dulcet tones. He stood from his place on top of the boy. You'd expected him to walk over to you and laugh it off, but instead he delivered a brutal kick to the boy's ribs, still angry beyond reason.
You marched up to the two of them, frustrated. "I said, stop."
Enzo turned to stare at you with a blank look in his eyes. It was like he'd completely died inside.
Whoever the little shit was that he'd just beat the life out of saw a unique opportunity (to die). You let out an involuntary yelp as he kicked your legs out from under you. Thankfully, you landed on your bum on the soft grass, but his actions did nothing to help Enzo's rage.
Before your boyfriend could get the chance to kill the kid, you'd jumped to your feet and stepped directly on his hand, applying probably more pressure than necessary. You secretly enjoyed the hoarse scream he let out. You only wanted to wound him enough to send a message, not enough to send him to the hospital wing, or worse, crying to the teachers like a little bitch.
After a thinly veiled threat, you took Enzo's bloody hand in yours and jerked him back towards the castle. Thankfully, most of the students were either on their way to dinner to already there so the halls were fairly empty.
"What was that?"
You growled out the moment the door to the Common Room shut behind you.
"Look I'm sorry, Y/n. But I'm not just going to stand by and let Cormac McClaggen of all people insult you."
Your eyes softened and you reached to the first aid kit kept in one of the large oak cabinets near the fireplace. You spoke gently to Enzo as you cleaned and bandaged his hands.
"Thank you, but I don't need you to protect me Enzo."
"Yeah, clearly."
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-- taglist -- (this is my theo taglist but to join any taglist for any specific boy just comment on any of my posts specifying which taglist you'd like to join)
@moonlightreader649 @svt-dk97 @thatdammchickennugget
832 notes · View notes
dhampling · 8 months
both free gn!reader, 2.1k
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The first thing Astarion notes is that the blood scent weeping from every pore of your broken body is no longer familiar. It rots. 
A burning stench, charred and sour as it licks the back of his nose. 
A few moments of petrified silence before his feet carry him to you. 
you reject bhaal's greatest gift and pay with your life. to this, your horrified love bears witness.
word count: 2,105
a massive THANK YOU to @scarstothepast for sending this request my way - i hope it does your idea justice <3
as always, read the tags and decide your fate!
Reduced to nothing but a flaccid gasp of your former self; a marionette in your father’s horrid hand.
Mangled beyond recognition. Bhaal’s rotten plaything. His prodigal children, both dead. 
Far past any conceivable beg for reconciliation. 
Naught but a smack as your carcass plummets to stone.
The Bhaalist temple is ripe, unsurprisingly. 
The smell of a weeping wound seeps from every porous surface. Infection in the mortar, decay in the miry ridges lining the floor; burning flesh amidst flame torches and wails in the middle distance akin to an abattoir. 
Yet, Astarion finds comfort there solely in your confidence. Your conviction. Your will to want for better, to reject your savage bloodline. The power you command over that innate desire to harm. 
You’ve prepared well for this encounter. You’re aware of the risks, you’ve scoped out the entrance to Orin’s rancid shrine; and you’ve gathered appropriate accomplices from your rooms in the Elfsong to assist you in rescuing the one of you held in her clutches.
He should be a little wary. A little skittish. Observant, always; but there should be a little rattle in his brain telling him to hold back from the rest of you. 
The self-preservation instinct developed over two centuries in captivity simply isn’t there.
He’s free, because of you. 
He wants to rip the windpipe from the changeling’s throat with his bare teeth. 
Stalk her chanting cultists from the shadowy ledges surrounding their sacrificial altar and shoot off innumerable Arrows of Many Targets at their vile heads. He - personally - wants to eviscerate any Bhaalist visage presented to you with brutal slash upon brutal slash until he is positively covered in putrid god-guts and wailing in victory.
A twirl of his dagger. The easy click of his disarm tools. A wink in your direction.
Astarion will save you the way you saved him.
He remembers the way you looked at him with the most hells-bent fury during the Ritual of Profane Ascension, ripped from your side and thrown aloft by Cazador’s wicked pact magic. The resolute wrath with which you slashed your way through the monstrosities between you. Pulling him from Cazador’s circle, his daggers returned; a rage so formidable in your eyes he almost wanted to sink to his knees and propose to you there and then. 
You wanted better for him. Better than perpetuating the vicious cycle of abuse starting all those centuries ago with Eravask the Forebear to his very own master.
He is better. 
He is capable of so much more than the brief wavering moment in that foulest of Dungeons, in which he wanted the most grossly depraved of powers for himself. Every single moment of agony, terror; torment, hunger - the way with which you so effusively confronted his paralysing fears and talked him from the brink; from becoming that very same monster in his moment of sheer dread.
You hop with a determined gait down the towering stairs to the walkway. Entrance in sight. Astarion stalks ahead and moves to disarm the trapped plates in your path.
The two of you have spoken about this moment many times, sequestered away in a corner in the Elfsong by candlelight. A bottle of Firewine and tears threatening to brim in your eyes.
You once were a master. Your freak of a demon butler cast in role seemingly as your very own Godey. You have no recollection of it, those you killed in your father’s name, nor how you did it; but the weight of those souls indeterminate in number is abject torture. There is no forgiveness for you. No hope, no conclusion. Just a wide and wavering path to redemption you can never be sure you’ll justly earn.
That awful, plagued creature you were. The night you softly awoke with Scleritas above you and that primal urge to kill the one closest to you through your whole adventure so far. Holding back. Warning him.
The way he sat and spoke with you, smoothed your hair as you bit furiously at his wrists and spat his name with such evil spite. Unafraid of you, no matter the threat. 
Two beasts in tandem.
Orin is horrifying in appearance. Pale, skin writhing with blue vein-like whips across her white flesh; armour of crimson jerky and eyes empty.
Lips smacking in wily delight. Bloodkin. Bloodkin. 
Astarion watches your confrontation prior to the conflict he knows is to come. He’ll get his moment to brutalise every single one of these sadists, but this is yours.
The ritual sacrifice is spared through your recollection of Bhaal’s terms - you were the one challenged, not your accomplice. 
These terms also mean your fight will be one on one. You versus her. 
Astarion’s face falls.
However, he takes solace in the fact that he’s come to know your expressions well through your adventures together. Your innate ability to stay one step ahead is what has carried you so far in the first place. 
She taunts you, yapping, pointing, aggrandizing; at one point even shifting into you. If the circumstances weren’t so dire he’d probably make a joke about what a fun evening could be had with such a skill. 
You remain stoic, mapping out the environment and taking stock of what you can use as leverage. He simply watches you with a mixture of trepidation and admiration resting uneasy in his gut.
"Come to me, Father. Set my flesh to your unholy purpose."
The most grotesque monstrosity replaces Orin. The Slayer. 
Astarion watches on as the duel begins.
In light of having prior defeated the undead Visage of Myrkul, Orin alone isn’t a formidable enemy. Your battle-strengthened dexterity is unmatched and with each attempt the current favoured of Bhaal makes to injure you, you simply strengthen your position and hit her harder.
It’s almost enjoyable to watch the two of you dance.
While not easy, it certainly isn’t difficult to gain the upper hand with each attack you make. 
The Slayer is almost… clumsy?
Too large to aim her lunges with precision, you dodge her at most turns. Your party watches with baited breath, but small smiles begin to edge onto their weary faces.
The rabid dog and the acrobat. 
Each hit you strike weakens her substantially. While she does get some vantage on you and causes a little damage by the sacrificial altar, her limbs in this form are too spindly and make for stupidly easy targets to focus your attacks. 
Within minutes, the imposing figure is reduced to little but a pile of gore on the floor.
Among the foetid viscera that once was the changeling you immediately drop to search for her Netherstone-jewelled dagger. Bloodthirst. Hands heavy with still-warm organs as you retrieve your winnings, blood soaking every inch of exposed flesh on your arms. You throw your spoils to the side and hold the altar key to your chest.
A pair of arms wraps around you from behind, startling you for the briefest moment.
“Gods. You idiot! You are positively deranged! You knew that would happen, didn’t you? Did you bring us along just to watch?!” He grins.
Your own smile doesn’t quite reach your eyes. You turn to embrace him fully. 
The rest of your party traipse across the tides of blood toward you.
“I had a feeling it might.”
You rest your head on his shoulder in the newborn silence of the temple, tossing the altar key in the vague direction of your party as your hands bloody his armour in a reverent grasp. 
“I love you. I just - I love you! You insane thing. You did it!” He laughs loudly, ecstatic.
You see your friends behind him, your eyes meeting theirs in a downcast stare. A nod of understanding.
“I love you.’
You sigh into his chest, splaying your fingers as if to hold more of him.
‘It’s not over yet.”
He pulls away and looks at you, lifting your head softly so your eyes meet his. His neck juts a little.
His brow quirks inquisitively. The wail of victory depletes into a quivering hum.
The first thing Astarion notes is that the blood scent weeping from every pore of your broken body is no longer familiar. It rots. 
A burning stench, charred and sour as it licks the back of his nose. 
A few moments of petrified silence before his feet carry him to you. 
The Visage of Bhaal is gone. 
Your flesh operates as little more than a bag of broken bones, skull cracked and limbs fractured almost beyond recognition. Eyes wide open but unmistakably dead.
He hears your two accomplices bicker in the background as the multiple Scrolls of Revivify retrieved from your pack fail to glow near your remains. They don’t make sense. This doesn’t make sense. Their shouts are crisp in the silence of the temple. Brash. Disturbing. 
There should be more noise. There should be shouting, screaming, crying. Crowds of those you’ve saved should be here petitioning whatever God sickens of their stream of bitter tears to bring you back to them.
To him. 
He can’t take his eyes off your own. Empty.
If he’d gone through with the ritual, maybe he could have saved you. Turned you. Revived you as his and kept you safe from a fate like this for the rest of eternity.
You’d have despised him for it, but it’d be ok. You’d be awake. You’d be capable of feeling with which to despise him. 
No, he mutters. Not that. Not ever. 
He is better than that.
He shifts to sit cross legged next to your corpse as your accomplices’ shouting turns to unbridled wailing. Toys with your hair gently so as not to disturb the broken skull below the flesh and whispers to you softly.
“You silly thing. I know you’re still in there, aren’t you? I hope you know how much I love you.’
A quiet, heavy wracked sob.
‘You are so magnificent, little dove. So smart. You did so, so well. I am so very proud of you.”
He doesn’t notice Withers, not until he speaks.
You’re fuzzy as you stand.
He’s frozen on the floor, cross legged and round-eyed. Sharp ears pinned back. 
“No.” Astarion chokes.
Your eyes are heavy. They search for him in the blur and you stumble trying to feel for him.
Your companions are paralysed. 
The stages of grief begin to unravel. 
“Astar- Astarion, I can’t see. Where are you?” You sob, reaching out blindly in front of you to search for him in the fog. 
“Oh. Oh, my love -’
He looks up at you and blinks away a flood of tears as they threaten to spill. 
‘My love. I’m here. I’m here. I’ve got you.”
His feet carry his fraught body to you once again, mindless in their pursuit of you. You’re here. You’re warm, speaking; sobbing, and here. 
Name stricken from the archives. Pulled gently into his arms the second he stepped within reach and wrapped the tightest within them you ever have been.
Your party swaddles you in the biggest hug you’ve had in your life.
Astarion doesn’t let go when they do. He buries one hand in your hair, keeps one tightly around your waist. Shakes with sobs.
“You scared me.” He mumbles, letting out a small laugh into the crook of your neck.
You neglect to mention the patch of snot and fresh wet tears now adorning his shoulder. 
“I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be.” He whispers, playing with a lock of your hair. 
“No. I am. I am so, so sorry.”
“Seeing you like that ruined me, you know.’ He smiles shakily. 
You sob once more. 
‘I wondered why the whole of Toril wasn’t screaming for you at the moment of your death.’
He moves his head to look at you. Brings his forehead to yours. Kisses you so gently that you wonder if his lips have always felt this soft and his forlorn eyes glisten. Alive and in the arms of your lover.
‘They gave me nothing. Two hundred years of nothing. Useless wretches.’ He laughs and rolls his teary eyes. Sniffs. You smile at him with the dopiest eyes - you think - that have ever existed across the Sword Coast.
‘But the Gods listened to me this time because they knew.’
Astarion coughs. 
He smells like home - warm, spiced; familiar. Your eyes meet his now, his grasp on you still firm.  
‘You defied your father. You resisted your cruel destiny.’
Another kiss.
‘And now we’re both free.” He whispers.
Time stops for a few precious moments, a silent promise. 
No more. 
742 notes · View notes
after-witch · 7 months
Damn Your Eyes [Chapter One] [Yandere Ren Hana x Reader]
Title: Damn Your Eyes [Chapter One: The Last Day] [Yandere Ren Hana x Reader]
Synopsis: Years ago, you were the captive of a serial killer named Strade. And you weren't the only one he kept. After Strade was killed by one of his victims, you ran away--and now your past is finally catching up with you. Chapter one is set during Boyfriend to Death.
Word count: 6352
Chapter notes: Yandere, kidnapped reader, past noncon, graphic violence, descriptions of blood, violence and gore, descriptions of death (not reader)
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She was crying again. Well, no wonder. There were holes in her feet, dotting the top of her thighs. Blood had dribbled down from the gored holes in her flesh like little streams, then dried out. 
The thin, wavy dried out trickles made you think, abruptly, of unfettered period blood, then of Carrie by Stephen King. The scene in the shower, where she gets her period and freaks out. The other girls threw tampons and sticky pads at her and shrieked, chanting, bonded by a morbid commiseration of the entrance to so-called womanhood: Plug it up! Plug it up! Plug it up!
Plug it up, you thought.
But she couldn’t, even if she wanted to. Her hands were bound behind her. Did he tie them back like that so that she couldn’t try to hurt him, or because it gave him easier access to her flesh? Maybe a bit of both.
She looked uglier when she cried. Snot bubbled out of her nose and joined a dried streak of blood that went from her nose down to her chin. Her nose was probably broken, hence the blood; the flesh of it was black and blue and an awful shade of green.
One part of you longed to retrieve an ice pack from the freezer and hold it to the bruised, swollen flesh. Hush her cries. Give her an ounce of humanity that might carry her for another few hours, the way Ren once did to you. 
Another part of you, the new you forged under Strade’s knife (and boots and hammers and power drill) wished she’d just die already, so you wouldn’t have to hear her cry or be standing here obediently, waiting for Strade to come back down. You were probably going to have to participate in this next stream–why else would he call you down in the middle of one of his “projects”? 
Unless he was lonely. But even so, he could always kill two birds with one stone. You, here to give him company; and you, here to entertain his horrid audience. And himself, above all. Himself, always.
 The basement door at the top of the stairs creaked open and you heard his heavy bootsteps–thump, thump, thump–before he called out jovially.
“Are you still there, Liebling? You didn’t run off, did you?” 
As if you were stupid enough to do that. You were many things now. Stressed. Afraid. Desperate. Tired. More selfish. Maybe a little bit masochistic, a trick of your brain to keep you from totally losing your mind as you were tortured. All these things and more besides, but stupid was not one of them. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it!” You called back, lightening your tone. It was important not to sound too scared. Strade wanted you scared, yes, but he didn’t want you to be some obedient, squeaky little mouse. That was too boring. It was best to act as normally as you could, considering the circumstances. That seemed to please him more, at least on most days. Some days nothing you did was right and you went to bed with a swollen eye and broken fingers, eased by frozen peas that Ren snuck you from the kitchen before he went to sleep. 
You’re not the only one who noticed him coming down. The woman in front of you began to tremble and sob more violently, pulling at her bound wrists. It wouldn’t do any good. It never did. How long did she have to live? How long did any of you in this house have to live? 
By the time Strade made it down the stairs, her cries were practically at a fever-pitch. You didn’t want to look to see what he’d run off to fetch, but he didn’t give you a choice.
He called your name. “Come here, darling, I need your help with this.” And oh, you kept your eyes downcast until all you could see was his boots. But then it was time to look up, and you did, and no matter how many times you witnessed him preparing to torture another person, it still made your stomach roil.
He’d brought down a p[ot of boiling water, which he carefully held by the handle with both hands. Tucked underneath his armpit was the bag of frozen peas. The bag, you thought, because for as long as you’d been here, no one ever cooked them. They got passed around between you and Ren under cover of night.
Here they were, in the light of day. You suspect you wouldn’t want to re-use them after this. 
“Be my Lamm and take the peas, won’t you?” The sensible part of you eyed him warily; it wouldn’t be below him to toss the pot of boiling water at you while you reached for them, just to fuck with you. But you didn’t disobey him, either. You carefully leaned over and slid the bag from underneath his armpit, and held it in your hand.
He smiled. Grinned, really, which was a bad sign for the sobbing woman tied to the pole. His good moods and bad moods were both equally shitty, but in your unfortunately well-experienced opinion, it was his good moods that produced the most painful scenarios.
“Now!” He crouched down in front of the crying woman and grabbed her chin. She shrieked and tried to jerk her face away, but he held her tight. “I’m sure your wounds are sore, aren’t they?” She sobbed out something–meaningless pleading that you’d long since lost the ability to discern–and he tsked.
“Oh, poor thing. I know just what might help!” He snapped his fingers and looked back at you. “My lovely friend here will give you some ice to help you feel better. Won’t you?” He grinned wider and you nodded, feeling both scared and numb in a confusingly equal measure, as you crouched down next to him.
She yelped when you placed the frozen bag on a group of puncture wounds on her thigh, but you held it fast. It probably hurt more than it soothed. An icy bag right up against wounded skin didn’t sound pleasant. But maybe it would numb it a little. That might be better than nothing. 
“Perfect! Now…” He reached over and picked up the steaming pot of water, still bubbling from its boil on the stove. “Hold still, my Lamm… wouldn’t want to splash you.” 
It was so strange, the way that your time with Strade had made it possible for you to actually keep your hand there, despite the fact that you knew he was about to pour boiling water on the skin of this poor woman. Pour it right where it would surely splash on you a little, if not a lot. Probably a lot. Two birds, one stone, and all that.
It didn’t matter if it was strange. Your fingers flexed and your muscles tensed as you saw him turn the pot over slowly, and steaming water came flying down, pouring over the woman’s wounds.
She screamed. It was loud. It hurt your ears. The irritation of it distracted you from seeing Strade move the pot around so that the water trailed over the frozen peas–and your hand keeping it pressed against her–as he covered her thigh in the water.
“Fuck!” You said, biting your cheek hard. Your fingers danced on the bag but you didn’t dare pull away. You could see your own skin turning a shade of red. Her thighs had taken the brunt of it, though. There were even blisters forming on her skin already as she sobbed and cried and begged for someone, anyone, to help her.
You were someone.  You were anyone.
You couldn’t help her.
“Language, liebchen,” Strade said, teasingly. You mumbled out an apology, although you doubt he actually cared. 
He sighed when the pot was emptied, and tossed it on the floor.
“I don’t know… I just don’t think it’s enough. Do you?” He grasped your burned hand and you couldn’t stifle the sound of yelping pain as he gripped it hard. Your skin would blister too–it was already peeling a little. 
“What…whatever you think is best,” you stammered. 
“That’s right,” he said, grinning. He gave your hand a squeeze and you groaned. “I think I’ll work a little more on this project myself before dinner.” He let your fingers go, and you cradled your hand against your chest. “Have Ren take care of that. Come back down when it’s wrapped up.” his free hand grabbed the chin of the sobbing, bleeding, blistered woman again. “I think we’ll make a movie, and I need my prettiest co-star to help me out.”
“Of course.” You gave her one half-pitiful glance–the way her frightened, bloodshot eyes darted to you with a mixture of anger and pity made you want to hurl–and went up the stairs.
By the time you’d made it to the top, you already heard Strade pulling out his video equipment.
“It… doesn’t look too bad,” Ren said quietly. He held your hand underneath the sink, letting the cold water soothe your burn. But every time your hand trembled and the stream went just out of reach, it burned again, and you winced.
“Most of it hit her thigh,” you whispered. Though you didn’t need to, since both of you were well aware that Strade was busy in the basement. Old habits die hard, however. “She got it worse.”
Ren hummed. “They usually do.” He told you to keep your hand in place while he fumbled in the cabinet under the sink, looking for supplies. “I don’t know if he has–oh!” His ears twitched and perked up as he found what he’d been looking for.
It was a tube of burn relief ointment. He flipped it over and read the back, mumbling all the while. “It’s expired but…”
You smiled, just a little, and finished his sentence for him.
“Better than nothing, right?”
Ren smiled, and you caught sight of his tail curling behind him as he turned off the sink and told you to sit down on the toilet so she could wrap you up.
Was it wrong that some of the most pleasant moments in this house, if you could call them pleasant, were with Ren? Especially quiet moments like this, where he took care of you, or you took care of him. You were both well acquainted with fixing up the results of your time with Strade by now. 
He’d cleaned out deep cuts on your back, and you’d iced and splinted his broken toes. He let you curl up in his nest of a bed after a particularly awful night of torture, and you let him slide under your covers when he’d had an nightmare about the last time Strade made him kill someone.
It was transactional in some ways, you supposed. But when you saw his ears perk up or his tail swoosh or the way his eyes seemed to light with something genuine behind them while you talked with him, you realized it wasn’t all practical. It couldn’t be. Not when you were in this together.
Ren made quick work of bandaging your hand. The cream was smoothed over the reddened, flaking parts of your skin and he wrapped your hand up with a bandage. It hurt, still, but nothing to write home about. Hah! As if you’d ever be allowed to write home.
Hell, if by some miracle  you could write home, how would you even word the letter? 
“Dear mom and dad, last night my captor-who-also-fucks me made me keep my hand on a table while he hammered nails underneath my fingernails and asked me which one hurt the most. P.S. The milk in the fridge is expired and he’s threatening to make me or Ren drink it because of the waste.”
The thought made you snort. Ren looked up from his spot on the floor, where he’d taken to impromptu digging through the cabinet to look for some undisclosed item. 
“What’s funny?”
You mulled it over. Sometimes, you didn’t like to tell Ren what you were thinking. You trusted him, to an extent. You liked him, to an extent. You were friends, to an extent. How far did that extent go? It depended. 
He was here first, and sometimes, the tension between the two of you was too taut and fraught to ignore. There was always that underlying worry, an electric buzz you couldn’t turn off all the way: what if Strade decided he didn’t want two captives? Or what if he felt two was his limit, and he wanted to bring someone new in?
Which one of you would get the ax–literally?
But this was maybe not the type of thing that Ren might murmur to Strade in a moment of weakness. It was harmless, wasn’t it, to make a joke about writing home?
“I was just imagining what I might write home in a letter to my parents.” You flexed your bandaged hand. “I mean, if we were allowed to write home.”
“Like from a summer camp?” Ren asked. He pulled his knees up and rested his chin on them. 
“I guess,” you replied, smiling a little. “Although this would be one…” Fucked up, disgusting, hellish– “Specialty summer camp.”
Ren snorted a little. “Definitely not like the ones in movies.”
“Maybe horror movies,” you added with a grin. One of your front teeth–not from the center two, thank hell–was missing now, so you rarely grinned. But it felt different when it was just you and Ren alone. It was okay to let him see those imperfections, because he had them too. Maybe not missing teeth, but…
“Sleepaway Camp!” He blurted. “Or Friday the 13th…” 
You started to open your mouth, ready to tell him that you once saw a screening of the first Friday the 13th at a summer camp, when an all-too-familiar sound came wafting up from the cracked open basement door.
“Liebling! It doesn’t take that long to bandage a little burn! I hope I don't have to come get you.”
Ren’s tail went straight up at the sound of Strade’s voice. The sing-song nature of his words did not hide the danger in them. If you had a tail, yours would be standing stock straight too. But your body had to make do with your muscles tensing and your bowels clenching hard.
“I have to go,” you murmured, hopping off the toilet seat. 
You paused in the doorway. Ren had his knees hugged to his chest, his ears flat against his head. No doubt he was wondering if Strade would call him down, too. Or if he’d be pissed off about something and take it out on Ren later.
“Thanks for patching me up, Ren.” His ears twitched, and he glanced up at you. “Really, I mean it.” You smiled–grinned, showing off one of your missing teeth. “I’m glad you’re here with me.”
His tail relaxed a little and he smiled back, an almost puppy-like grin crossing his expression for a moment, and it was enough to give you some vague emotional relief as you left the bathroom before Strade was forced to come up the stairs and retrieve you. 
She wouldn’t last another day. That much was clear. Her blood was everywhere now. On the floor. Smeared on her skin. On Strade’s hands–on yours.
Of course he’d made you participate. You were his lovely assistant, after all. Although he always said Ren was better at the work, when it came down to it. You were too prone to trembling and hesitation. To say nothing of your occasional habit of vomiting at the sight of anything more than blood–guts, in particular, were your weakness. 
Hers, too, by the way she quivered at the sight of the large hunting knife Strade twirled in his hands.
“I think this has gone on long enough. Don’t you, Schatz?” He looked back at you with a thoughtful smile. “Shall we end it?”
Without thinking much, you nodded. Yes, it had gone on long enough. Yes, you wanted her to just die already. Yes, you wanted to go over to the sink and scrub your hands until they were pruney and wrinkled and there was no trace of her visceral fluids on your skin.
“Go on,” he told you, gesturing at the trembling woman. Covered in cuts and gouges and burns. Where there had been dried blood earlier today, there were now smears of fresh gore. From Strade’s boots and the knife. Strade had even taken a blow torch to the burns caused by the boiling water, making them go from peeling and red to a series of gouged, pus-like craters in her flesh.
Cold seeped into your socks from the floor as you walked over to her. She regarded you with dull, dying eyes. She opened her mouth, maybe to say something, but whatever word she might have come up with wouldn’t come. Her swollen, bruised lip trembled as blood dribbled out of it. 
One of the handcuff keys was taped to the back of the poll. Strade always liked to keep extras around, in case he lost the original but still wanted to uncuff someone. He usually didn’t uncuff people unless they were being bound in some other way (usually not a good sign) or he was just about finished with them (definitely a bad sign); and in this case, you knew she was being released only to make killing her a little more fun.
Her hands flopped forward as soon as the cuffs were undone. There was a brief moment where you saw her regard her wrists, all reddened and cut from where the metal handcuffs dug into them. 
But the moment was over as soon as Strade stepped forward and pulled her close with a decisive yank of her hair. She yelped–you were surprised she had the yelp in her, her voice should have been shot from all the screaming–and he twisted her hair tight to keep her still.
“It’s been fun, but it’s time to go now. Don’t take this personally, hm? Or do, actually, it might make you feel better.”
She didn’t have time to respond. He rarely wanted them to say anything, you thought. It was just part of his internal script, a set of syllables that gave him extra pleasure as he snuffed out someone’s internal light. 
He stuck the hunting knife into her gut and twisted. She didn’t scream. She barely shouted. The sound, instead, was one of strangled horror. Like she couldn’t believe what was happening to her. He twisted again, and she grunted and gasped, a sound that was almost like a deep, gaping hiccup.
“Shh,” he murmured, a sick grin splitting his face. His eyes darted over her face, and you got a front-row view of how his expression was gleefully illuminated by the sight of her own life fading away. He enjoyed it so much, he even let go of the knife handle so that he could grasp her face with both hands and keep her dying gaze in his sights.
Who was she? What had she been, before the basement? Was she thinking about her friends, her family? Did she have children that were going to be left behind? Maybe she was in college, maybe she’d been studying for exams that would never happen. There would be uneaten prepared lunches in her fridge, a bookmark that would never move past a certain page. 
Her hands went tremblingly to the handle of the knife sticking out of her. She held the handle tenderly with bruised, bloody hands. Didn’t Strade see it? No, he was too focused on her face. But he didn’t even see the way her expression shifted. 
No, he saw it. But maybe he didn’t know what it meant, because he’d never been on the other end. The way she went from looking confused and horrified to determined. 
She didn’t act right away. 
You could have said something. You could have called out a warning. 
But instead you watched as the dying woman yanked the knife out of her gut, viscera and blood coming out with it, and stabbed it right into Strade’s neck.
He gasped now. A gaping, strangled sound. His hands went instinctively to his neck and it took him a few slow, trembling tries to pull it out. You saw the blood arch and spurt–an artery–and he fell to his knees.
The woman stepped away with what must have been her last ounce of energy. She had only enough life left in her to turn to you and smile–she was missing teeth, too–before she collapsed on the ground. She was still alive, but her shock would come soon after.
It wasn’t her you were watching, anyway. It was Strade.
His eyes darted to and fro until they landed on you. He had his hand pressed against the wound now, but it wasn’t doing much good. He would need a proper compress… an ambulance… surgery of some kind. 
You don’t know why you called him. To help Strade? To help you? 
Not loud enough.
Still not loud enough.
Before you knew it,  you were simply screaming his name, filling the basement with a different pitch of scream than it was used to. Your own voice was barely recognizable.
The basement door slammed open and you heard frantic footsteps pounding down the stairs. You saw Ren, only a blur of orange in your shock, take in the scene. His own mouth slowly gaped open, but unlike Strade and the unfortunate woman on the floor and your own panting lips, no sound came out.
Ren said your name. You think it was Ren, because Strade was surely in no position to talk. It shook you out of your stupor and you ran to him, clinging to his arm, crying fitfully. He wrapped one arm around you and the two of you stood, together, watching Strade bleed.
“What do we do?” The inside of your elbow pressed hard against Ren’s back as you held him. You wanted to snuggle, like the way you did on good nights. You wanted him to make it all go away. 
Maybe he sensed this. Because while the two of you had clung together in so many occasions, this time, he stood up taller. He held you tighter. And then he assessed the situation.
Ren watched Strade quietly for a long moment. Strade gazed up at him–at you, too, but mostly Ren–with wide-eyed helplessness. The look didn’t suit him at all. He seemed to know it. 
“Help me,” Strade managed. It almost didn’t feel like speech. Maybe the knife had grazed his vocal chords. 
Neither of you moved at first. There was a long moment in which either of you could have sprung into action; could have ran to the supply cabinet and grabbed thick gauze to press against the wound, while the other could have bounded up the stairs to call an ambulance.
But you didn’t. And Ren didn’t. 
And then Ren looked at you, and took a step backward. He pulled you with him, and you went willingly, taking another step, and another, until the two of you were standing at the bottom of the stairs.
“You…” Strade gurgled out the word, and blood came bubbling out in between the fingers pressed against his neck with it. “You…”
He didn’t get to finish. His eyes widened and you saw the light leave them before he collapsed on the floor. 
For the first time since you’d been brought here, the basement was truly silent. 
Strade was dead.
Neither of you moved for a while. And then you felt a hoarse sob coming on. Relief, terror, and shock coursed through you, fighting for the surface in a way that could only result in tears. 
Ren regarded you with an unreadable expression and slowly removed his arm from your shoulder. You whimpered–don’t leave me, you wanted to say–and he smiled, a soft, little thing. 
“Don’t worry. I’m just going to make sure he’s dead.”
Oh. That was a good idea. But what if he wasn’t? What if Strade got to his feet and oh, the two of you would be in for it. He’d probably kill both of you–or at least you–and it would be slow and awful and you’d beg, beg, for death.
“Ren,” you said, almost stammering, swallowing a thick lump in your throat.
He turned back towards you, curious.
You pointed to the table of tools at Strade’s disposal. “Take something. Just in case.”
Ren stared at the weapons that had been used to kill countless people. At the blades and torches and nails that had been used to hurt him, and you. Then he grabbed a heavy hammer and slowly approached the bleeding corpse (please let it be a corpse) of Strade.
Strade didn’t move as Ren approached him. Or when Ren knelt down, hammer at the ready. Or when Ren’s fingers slowly reached out and pressed against his neck, his wrist. 
“No pulse,” said Ren.
Ren set the hammer down and used both hands to shove Strade’s body until it was fully on his back. His eyes, dull and dead, stared up at the ceiling without seeing anything.
He was dead. Truly dead. 
Really most sincerely dead, your thoughts echoed in a half-mimic of the Munchkins in The Wizard of Oz.
You barely registered Ren digging around in Strade’s pocket before he returned to you, wrapping his arm around your waist as he began to lead you upstairs.
“Let’s not stay down here,” he said. He gave Strade’s corpse one last look before staring ahead at the basement door. How many times had the two of you gone up and down these stairs at Strade’s whim? It always meant you would get hurt, or you would help Strade hurt others. It was never willing, going up these stairs. Never a choice.
And now the two of you were going up them together, Ren leading you, of your own free will.
Free will! What a concept. One you thought you’d lost forever. And yet here it is, given by the hands of a woman whose last days were filled with unnecessary, unfair agony. You wish you knew her name, so you could thank her properly.
Ren shut the basement door. It sounded louder than it ever had before. Or was it because the house was so quiet now? 
“Come here,” Ren said. And you didn’t know why he said it–shock, confusion, uncertainty still reigned–until you saw what was in his hand. 
His collar. It was… off. But how and–
Ren held up the key he’d taken from Strade’s pocket and shook it back and forth, like a well-earned prize. That’s what it was, in some ways. 
You stepped towards Ren and turned around, breathing heavily at the thought of being truly free from the collar. Strade only took them off the pair of you when you were showering and, once you had learned to behave well enough, when you slept. But they always went back on first thing in the morning, and their threat was an ever-constant presence in your mind, just like the metal was ever-constant around your neck.
Ren’s fingers brushed the back of your shoulder. You heard him breathing just as heavily. For a moment, he didn’t do anything. Wasn’t he going to…?
“Ren?” You asked, voice quivering. The air felt suddenly too heavy, your collar weighing you down more than normal. There was an awful thought, then: What if he doesn’t take your collar off? What if Ren is… what if, what if…
But then you felt the pressure from him sticking the key into the back of the metal contraption, heard it twist, and felt cool relief on your neck as Ren lifted the collar away from your neck and set it down on the coffee table. 
Both hands went to your neck. The skin was sensitive, bruised. A few days ago, Strade had come into your room at night for a session of “fun,” which ended with you being choked into unconsciousness. You’d woken up to Ren splashing cold water on your face. “Thought I’d lost you,” he’d said. 
The bruises Strade gave you would fade away in time. At least the ones on the outside.
And Ren…
You turned around and gave him a fractured smile. You leaned in, and Ren leaned in, and you hugged each other tenderly. Not just because it was the nicest way to hug, but because Ren’s rib fracture was still healing, and your back hurt, and both of you were littered with scars and cuts and bumps and bruises.
After a while, Ren pulled away. “Let’s… sit down.” 
He sat down on the sofa, which was dotted with sprinkles of Ren’s orange fur; no matter how much you lint-rolled the furniture, you could never quite get all of it out. 
Well, that didn’t matter now. You’d never have to clean up this living room, or the kitchen, or the brain matter and blood stains in the basement, again. You could go home.
And Ren could go home. 
And the nightmare would be over.
For now, you sat, side by side, on a sofa that had never seemed more ordinary. The house had never seemed more ordinary. Its secrets were primarily down in the basement. The rest of the house was bland and boring by comparison. Unless you counted upstairs, as it was not unheard of for Strade to take his particular brand of “fun” into your respective rooms. 
And now? It was quiet. Still. There was no chance that Strade would come walking up the stairs. No chance that you’d be called down them to torture someone.
Certainly no chance that he’d call both of you down, which never ended well. He liked to see Ren hurt you, because it seemed to hurt Ren. But sometimes, sometimes, you thought… there was a glimmer of something in Ren’s eyes in those moments. 
Something that reminded you too much of pleasure to ignore. Just a spark of it, but that was enough, when you were bound to a table and he was clawing open your thighs at Strade’s behest.
“Ren?” You forced yourself to stop thinking like that. That was the past. This was now. No, more than that: this was the future. A future without Strade, without this house, without pain. 
Ren looked over at you, slowly. The realization of what had just happened, and what it meant, seemed to be catching up to him, too. “... Yeah?”
Your fingers scratched at some of Ren’s stray fur on the couch. Some of the orange fur had already started clinging to your bandage. 
“What do we do now?” A simple question for you to ask. Several plans rushed through your head but it was hard to make sense of them. What was the best course to take; which authorities did you appeal to, when there was a dead serial killer and one of his victims in the basement, but your hands were on the torture tools, yet the same tools had been used to hurt you? 
You swallowed hard, shaking your head, willing the dizzying thoughts to quiet down.  “Do we call the police first? Or… an ambulance? Or–or–” 
Ren gripped the hand that idly scratched the couch. He intertwined his fingers in yours, and when you looked up at him, his eyes were wide. And just a bit wild.
“We could stay here.”
Your heart thudded. Once, twice. A third time.
“What?” You shifted on the couch, facing Ren more clearly. “We… we can’t, it’s–”
Ren squeezed your hand, a little too hard–the burn–and you winced. He didn’t let up, but he didn’t know you were hurting, did he? It was all just a rush right now, confusing, scary.
“We can,” he said, as if it was the simplest thing in the world. His mouth broke into an almost childish grin as he continued. “Strade’s got a lot of money, we can use that to keep up the bills. Buy whatever we want. We won’t have to worry about anything!” His tail swished behind him, thumping into your side. 
When you didn’t respond–words weren’t coming–his grin deflated a little. “I’m… I’m a good roommate,” he said, ears flattening. “I’ll take care of you.” He squeezed even tighter now. “We’ll do everything together, and we don’t have to worry about Strade getting mad about it. We’ll watch movies or-or play games or whatever you want.” He swallowed and you watched his throat bob. “And I promise I won’t leave fur everywhere.”
“Ren–” It was your turn to give his hand a squeeze, and you took his other in your free hand and clasped them both. “I’m not worried about your fur.”
His ears perked up and his smile came back.
“It’s… we can’t stay here,” you said, voice wobbling but gaining more firmness as you went on. “We need to leave. We need to call the police.”
Ren’s ears twitched. He looked thoughtful, opening his mouth, and shutting it. He was just confused, that’s all. Like you were. He needed to be reminded that if Strade was gone, the both of you were free. You’d go home, and he’d go home, and you could call or text or email or something but…
“Don’t be stupid.” 
The firmness in Ren’s voice shook you a little. More than that, it made you worry. He frowned at the sight of your tense shoulders, the quirk in your mouth. “Think about it,” he said, gently saying your name. “Remember all the people who watch his videos? Don’t you know who’s in those chats?”
The reminder of the chatrooms came hurtling straight into your guts. The chat… the people there paid money to watch people suffer. Watch them die. How many times had they encouraged Strade to indulge in some fucked up torture? Hell, they’d asked him countless times to string you up, cut you open, pull out your guts while you were still alive. Strade had danced away the requests with a teasing lilt, but the threat was never gone.
Ren let go of your bandaged hand and gently cupped your cheek. He spoke slowly, almost sweetly. “They’re rich. Important. Mayors. Politicians. Doctors. Police.” 
The anguish your stomach began to stretch. Ren didn’t stop talking.
“They know both our faces. Do you know what they’ll do to us, if they find us?” 
Tears pricked, unwanted and unbidden, at your eyes. He was right. You couldn’t go to the police. You couldn’t go to the media. This could never get out. But that didn’t mean you had to stay here. More than that: you couldn’t stay here. 
It would be another type of collar, to find yourself stuck here with Ren. And the collar might not be electric, but it would be just as dangerous. 
“Okay,” you said slowly. “No police.”
Ren grinned hopefully.
“But,” you continued. “We can’t stay here. I want to go home. And you–you get to go home now, too.” Ren had never talked much about his life before Strade, but surely he had friends. A family. An apartment or a house. A life. Just like you. 
“You want to leave–” His voice was thin and there was a fissure in it, ready to crack.
The hand on your cheek pressed harder, and you felt the thin press of his claws against your skin. Your eyes must have widened or perhaps you flinched, you don’t know, but Ren saw–and yanked away.
“S-Sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to.”
No, he didn’t. He wouldn’t. He was upset, he was scared, hell, you didn’t know whether you wanted to laugh or cry or start belting out show tunes right now. 
Freedom was confusing as hell. 
“I know,” you said, slowly. “It’s okay.”
Ren stared down at the ground. Then he stood up and fished Strade’s keyring out of his pocket and set it down on the coffee table with a jingling rattle. 
“I’m going to get us some water. And maybe a snack. We’ll… we’ll talk about this more. We can talk about it, and not make a decision right away. Okay?” He fumbled with both his hands in front of him, looking like the meek young man you’d met that first night, when he cleaned your wounds and gave you water to drink. 
You stared at him, perhaps for too long.
“Okay, Ren, we’ll talk about it,” you lied. 
You watched him walk into the kitchen, where Strade would never saunter in for a case of beer again. You heard him open the cabinet for an empty glass, none of which would ever again find themselves dashed into tiny shards that could be ground into your skin for fun. 
And then you leaned forward, grabbed the keyring off the countertop, pulled out the key to the front door, and softly padded your way to the threshold that neither of you had been able to cross in ages.
Your heart thudded. Your stomach heaved. But you unlocked the door and bolted, socked feet aching on the concrete sidewalk.
Ren said your name after the third step you took beyond the door of Strade’s house of horrors.
You could have kept running. Maybe you should have.
But instead, you turned around, to look at Ren standing in the doorway. There were no glasses of water in his hand–you don’t remember registering the sound of the sink at all, in fact. It was just Ren, with his hands at his sides, looking at you with an expression that was equally pitiful, agonizing, and worrying.
He said your name again.
You felt hot tears squeeze out of your eyes as you shook your head, turned around, and ran for your life.
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ahoycaptainautumn · 1 year
Fated Mates
Synopsis: you, a vengeful vampire slayer, cross paths with the devious and handsome Astarion. Instead of a stake through the heart, Astarion finds something he thought impossible for vampire spawn. A mate.
Not sure how many chapters this will be but it will be slow burn 🖤
Crimson eyes. All that swims in your memory is the look of pure satisfaction in those eyes at the carnage that unfolds before you. Your mother and siblings laid drained and lifeless before you. Your father chanting prayers as he grovels at the feet of the man before you. He is sleek and pristine, with onyx colored hair and prestigious clothing now splattered with the blood of your loved ones. His lips form a nasty sneer, sharp canines glistening in the now dimly lit manor.
“You should have never made a wager you couldn’t keep, especially with a vampire.”
Suddenly you are jolted away from the heart wrenching memory. Nightmares coming and going as blurs of reality swing past you. A tentacle creature. Some type of bug. But what alarms you now is the feeling of rock beneath you. You try to come to as your memories try to serve you. A ship, crashing said ship, others. Others! You jolt from the ground and look over. The Githyanki fighter is next to you as well as the other female you believed to have introduced herself as Shadowheart. You all look at eachother, relieved to be alive.
You all set foot to find any others that might have been held captive while in that demonic ship. So far you have found a tiefling named Karlach and the humans Gale and Wylls. You split up in search of any others with a designated spot to return to. You come upon one last survivor as you crest over a small hill. Silver hair rustles in the wind as the elf’s back faces you. He just barely looks over his shoulder at you, motioning you closer.
“Quickly! I have one of those brain things cornered over here! Come kill it!” He demands. He points towards the grass down the slope in front of him. You take cautious steps, moving silently towards where he mentions. You tense, hand ready at your weapon. A loud squeal comes bursting from the grass as a hog barrels out and away from you. You barely have a moment to turn around to the elf before a dagger is pressed to your throat. In seconds you are thrown to the ground tugging against strong arms ensnaring you.
“Now me and you are going to have a little chat. And you even think about pulling something and you’ll lose that darling neck of yours.” He all but purrs in your ear. You thrash against him, failing to pull the weapon away from your throat.
“Now I saw you on that ship, don’t even bother lying to me. What did you and those brain freaks do to me!?” He growls. You try to take a look at him but he has you pinned too tightly.
“I don’t have anything to do with those animals! I was taken, we all were!” You try to reason. Your temper begins to take over your fright. You escaped that hell hole. Fought tooth and bone to leave with your life. You would not be put down by some scared little elf. He bites back at you, focused on getting answers and not enough on how tight of a grip he has on you. Fury licks up the base of your body and fills your vision.
“Nice try but you’ll find me hard to convince, now what-“ you cut off his ranting as your leg wraps around one of his own. Your opposite arms elbow plants firmly in the ground as you swing yourself up and over the elf. You land him on his back; twisting his wrist in your right hand as your left hand reaches down to grab his now dropping blade. In one smooth motion your legs capture his frame under your own hip to hip as both of your hands ring around his stolen dagger. Confusion smears over his features as hands shoot up in defense. You just bring yourself to give into your anger, to drive the dagger directly into his heart for infuriating you with his insane tactics before your eyes meet. Crimson eyes meet your (e/c) ones. And the world falls out from beneath you. You plummet into a vast nothingness. Your heart gripped and laid bare. Vampire.
Astarions POV
Barely escaping out of a now wrecked ship with disguising brain maggots crawling from it was probably within the top ten worst days of Asatarion’s long life. His muscles ached and his neck throbbed from the impact of where he now found himself. Brushing off dirt from his sleeves, Asatarion rose to his nimble feet as he shook out the pains in his legs. He finds himself in a grassy plain. The ship that once held him hostage was now just over the horizon smashed in against a mountain. Wreckage spewed across the field with no hint as to where he now found himself. He had half a mind to just start walking and find somewhere someplace someone to end up in. But he remembered there were others, whether fellow captive or foe he was not sure. As if on cue, the crunch of feet on leaves and twigs ushered in behind him. A malicious smirk graced his handsome face. Now there was someone with answers. Or dinner. He could take it or leave it. The manic leer doesn’t leave his face as he feigns terror to his new audience. With a signal of his wagging hand he gestures for them to come forward.
“Quickly! I have one of those brain things cornered over here! Come kill it!” Soft steps quietly make their way towards and past him. Your frame comes into his view. Your (h/c) hair billows behind you as you step in front of him. He takes in your toned form flecked with blood and feels his hunger only grow. A tasty little treat. You appease his cries and look over into the clearing where grass covers most of what hides beneath. Just as you ready yourself for another battle a boar rushes out. Astarion jumps on your temporary confusion and pounces onto you. His blade reaches your neck as he hurls your joined bodies to the ground. You twist and curl from him as you listlessly fight from his grasp.
“Now me and you are going to have a little chat. And you even think about pulling something and you’ll lose that darling neck of yours.” Your face may be facing away from him but he can feel the anger pulsing in your rising blood pressure. Your suppulent artery thrums, tantalizing him under your (s/c) skin. He nearly loses himself there staring at your beating pulse. He reigns himself in, shaking the thoughts and desires to be dealt with momentarily.
“Now I saw you on that ship, don’t even bother lying to me. What did you and those brain freaks do to me!?” He spits. Your talon like nails dig into him as you fight back.
“I don’t have anything to do with those animals! I was taken, we all were!” You all but scream. Astarion snarls, the sound vibrating in his aching fangs. “Nice try but you’ll find me hard to convince, now what-“ Astarion finds himself interrupted as you maneuver your body to throw him under yourself. Your long legs hook under each of his own while you busy yourself with stealing his dagger. Astarion can’t help but be mildly impressed but confusion and annoyance soon take precedence. His hands shoot upwards to grab the weapon from your nimble hands. His gaze darts up to you and the moment your gazes lock it as if fire runs throughout his entire body. Every system, every neuron locks against his will. The rest of the world falls to the sidelines, the world blurring around you. You seem to have the same reaction as your muscles relax and a quizzical look takes over the fiery one of earlier.
“Who the hell do you think you are?” You sneer. Astarion puts on his most dazzling smile in hopes it covers the utter confusion he feels at what had just passed between the two of you.
“Astarion my dear, and what’s your name oh so deadly killer?” Your temper flares across your face at his teasing.
“(Y/n).” It sounds vaguely familiar. Like a name long forgotten wiggling in the back of his mind. Or it was the rabid worm that was placed there.
“If you are all done wrestling now, we have ground to cover!” Shadowheart yells. You look up at her, back to him and then back to her. Torn on whether to stab him or not, you decide on the latter. You hoist yourself up and side step away from him. Bringing himself up by the elbows Astarion takes a moment to look you over. Interesting.
Part 2 here
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kitkatscabinet · 11 months
Step into my parlour, said the spider
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Stepbro! Simon x reader
Warnings: this one’s kind of deranged. Simon is a fucked up little freak. I mean it when I say this is dark, read with discretion. Implications of murder, and non-con
Word count: 1.5k
Once again 141 server bringing out the worst in me, @chxrryghost @cooliofango see you guys in hell 🫡
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Before you, life was a series of dull greys and monochromes, there was no warmth, just cold never-ending darkness that persisted in the form of his father's abuse. That didn’t matter now though, because nothing before you mattered.
Simon is nine years old when the angel (you) starts to live with them, he’s got no clue how his deadbeat of a father managed to finagle another woman into marrying him but he pays little mind to his new step-mum when he has you. 
You’re five years older than him, but you’re not like Tommy or dad at all. You’re kind and you tuck him into bed and give him cuddles and kisses that make him feel all fuzzy inside. You take him to the park and protect him from his dad. You try to hide the dark bruises that litter your skin, a consequence of shielding him, but Simon’s not so naive. 
He grows up hiding in your shadow, falling deeper and deeper into an obsessively deranged love for his saviour, the only person who loves him and treats him kindly. He seethes silently, waiting for the moment he’s big enough to protect you instead. 
By the time you’re sixteen, your mother has split, leaving you behind though you reassure Simon that you’d never have left him anyway. His father’s been out of a job for a while and you’ve been running yourself ragged to support Simon and Tommy. Tommy the bastard that he is doesn't appreciate the work you do and Simon is once again forced to grit his teeth and seethe as he watches you come home every evening like a zombie. Some mornings you don’t even make it to the bed to fall asleep, though Simon’s always waiting, dragging you under the covers before burrowing his way into your side. 
You let yourself get degraded by filthy men that slap your ass and call you names just for a measly tip. You’re one of the prettiest people on the planet which, unfortunately, attracts a lot of attention from the disgusting dregs of society. Boys your age and older, far too old to even consider glancing your way. The few brave enough to hover are always quickly scared off by Simon’s intense glares, and he preens when you pat his hair in thanks.
His dad notices too and Simon comes home from school one afternoon to find the man on top of you, hands wrapped around your neck as you struggle beneath him. A plate shatters over his dad's head and it’s not until Simon is on the floor and his old man is red in face, screaming at him that Simon realises what he’s done. 
You’re screaming and you shove his dad from behind, scooping Simon into your arms with adrenaline-fuelled strength you wouldn’t normally possess and are locking you and him in your shared room. Barricading the door and squishing Simon against you as your breath rattles. 
You fall asleep with Simon nestled against your chest, none the wiser to how his blood chants with the fervour of a thousand men, mine, mine, mine.
The universe finally seems to give you a break after that, his dad leaves the both of you alone and not long after your 18th birthday you get a cushy, well-paying job as a secretary for some hot-shot lawyer. Though Simon gets a little upset when you spend all your money on him, new clothes, new books for school, a GameBoy, whatever he wants. 
Best of all, his dad dies. The alcohol and drugs finally taking their toll on his body. (It’s not until a few years later that he’ll realise you were entirely too calm when the police came knocking. Serving them tea as you pretended to be shocked about the news.)
You get custody of him and Tommy and you move them into a much nicer neighbourhood. Though Simon’s not happy at having his own room and often sneaks back into your bed, knowing that you’ll simply sigh and open your arms for him, letting him snuggle against your chest. 
Simon should’ve known better, should’ve known that his happiness wouldn’t last. It’s not even a year into what you called the start of his new life that he comes home one afternoon from school to find you sobbing into your hands, hair and outfit dishevelled. Though you refuse to give him the details of what happened he manages to put two and two together from the state of your being and the knowledge that you’ve been fired. 
You take up waitressing again but it’s not enough. He’s not sure who ends up reporting it but a few days before his 14th birthday Simon gets taken away from you, no matter how much he kicks and screams. He tries to run away a few times but he’s always found and dragged away from you again. 
You move away not long after, having been offered a once-in-a-lifetime scholarship. Simon tries to understand as you explain through tears, kissing his forehead for the last time. He knows it’s selfish of him to feel betrayed but he can’t help it. Can’t accept that you’re leaving him. He doesn’t cry, instead, he immediately starts plotting. This is just a minor bump in the road, he’ll spend every waking moment until he’s eighteen perfecting his skills and plans and then nothing will keep you apart ever again. 
Time passes by excruciatingly slow, the only positive is that he’d finally grown even further, and had sprouted in height and musculature so much that he fears you might not recognise him. It takes him another extra year to find you, but when he’s twenty-three, with military resources at his disposal he finally, finally sees you again in person. 
You’re still the picture of perfection, clothes hugging your form so tantalisingly that Simon feels his cock throb in the confines of his pants just from seeing you. He steps forward, weaving through the crowd of the market only to stop in his tracks when a man wraps his arms around your midsection. Instead of rebuffing the touch you lean back and smile against him and Simon feels as if the Earth has been pulled from his feet. 
How could you do this to him?
He’s waited so faithfully for you all these years and you’ve replaced him? He watches as you kiss the interloper with a smile and Simon clenches his fists in fury so harshly his palms bleed. How many men had you let into your bed? How long did it take for you to forget him?
The plan’s changed. You’ve forced him into this. It’s not his fault that he’s had to plant cameras throughout your house. It’s not his fault that you’re so tantalising it forces him to break into your house, stealing your used panties to help get himself off. It’s not his fault you force him to learn you and your boyfriend’s schedule and it’s not his fault your scumbag partner doesn’t take his carefully worded hint to leave you. 
Your boyfriend is dead. Unfortunate, but needs must. Simon watches you sob into your pillow, hard as a rock as he imagines licking the tears from your cheeks and decides he can’t wait any longer. 
You’re so distraught that you don’t even notice Simon is in your house, you don’t notice until he swings the bedroom door open and you look up with a scream. He supposes he must make something of a terrifying sight, he’s a large man, and his face is covered by his trademark skull balaclava.
Simon allows you a few seconds to scramble around in panic before he crosses the distance, trapping your back to his chest and groaning as he humps into your ass. You scream, hitting at his arms as the tears start to flow anew and Simon throws you down on the mattress, weighing you down with his bulk. 
“Please, you don’t have to do this” you beg with teary eyes that do nothing but fuel his arousal. He does take pity on you though, restraining your wrists with his right hand and using his left to tug off his mask. He watches as your eyes gradually widen, elation filling his chest as recognition fills them. 
“Simon?” your voice wobbles and his name has never sounded better. Groaning, he rests his forehead against your collarbone, taking calming breaths to stop from cumming then and there. It’s okay though, he’s got all the time in the world now. You’ll spend the rest of your lives together, you’ll never be apart again.
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alice-angel12x · 2 years
Death is always around the corner
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Riddle + Death!Reader
This Death is greatly inspired by the wolf death from Puss In Boots, and Jenny-Jinya kind death. (some headcanons for some of the characters) Riddle, Leona, Azul, Jamil, Vil, Idia, Malleus
Let's set the Scene: Masterlist
Something was off about this Mirror ceremony, Crowley could feel it. But decided to shack it off and continue with the ceremony.
"Ah, my lovely Lord, The noble and beautiful flower of evil, You are the most beautiful, number one in this world. Follow thy heart and take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror. Flames that turn even stars into ashes, Ice that imprisons even time, Great tree that swallows even the sky, Don’t be afraid of the power of darkness, Come now, show your power. Mine, theirs, and yours, There’s only a little time left for us. Do not let go of that hand, at all costs," Crowley chanted as a green flame appeared in the mirror.
As the night continued, all the new students were neatly sorted into dorms. There was just one coffin left, and just as he was about to insert the key to unlock the coffin. The coffin began to thrash and shack, as puffs of blue fire spewed out from the creaks in the coffin. The headmaster quickly stepped away from the coffin when the lid suddenly blasts off its hinges in a blaze of fire.
From the coffin, a grey cat creature with blue fire ears skitted across the ground. The crowd of students stared in confusion till something caught their attention. An eerie whistle could be heard from the smoking coffin. Out from the smoke steeped a mysterious figure. A figure dressed in the school's ceremonial robes stepped out into the chamber. They stood unnaturally still as the hood of their robe completely obscured their face as they continued to eerily whistle.
"U-Um, excuse me young...Um... You could have waited a few seconds longer till I opened the gate. Anyways please present yourself to the dark mirror," Crowley stuttered as he hurried the stranger.
The mirror awakened to look at the figure, and only stared in... fear?
"Ugh, I can smell... a disgusting amount of blot," The figure spat.
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💗Riddle Roseheart💗
Riddle didn't really know what to think of this strange student. He never got a good look at them at the ceremony. The only thing they could tell was that they were a wolf beastman of sorts.
And his only other source of info was word of mouth around the school. And hearing that they were a part of the chandelier incident. Riddle already doesn't like them.
luckily he had the fortune to see this mysterious. Upon seeing this student, they looked strange, but he wasn't sure why. Maybe it was cause of how they just stared unblinkingly at him. With an ominous smile on their face.
When Riddle tried to scold the first-year group for all the trouble they have caused. Yet the student who went by Y/n, simply smiled, unfazed by his words.
This greatly annoyed him and he pulled out his magic pen, but in a blink of an eye, Y/n swiped it out of his grasp. He stood in shock as Y/n chuckled and took a sip of their drink.
Freaked out, Riddle decided to just leave. Yet for a week he felt watched, and whistling followed him no matter where he went. And Y/n's silhouette is always just on the edge of his sight.
One late night, Riddle had to drop off small books at the library, when the whistle filled his ears.
"Are you stalking me?" Riddle glared, as he turned to see Y/n resting against a pillar.
"Just observing. It's been a long while since I got a good look at the Roseheart family. And it's a shame to see how far they have fallen," They growled.
"How Dare You! Off with-'' before riddle could even finish his spell. Y/n swiped the pen from the boy's hand. And then quickly pinned him to the wall.
Riddles's heart started to beat insanely fast as he stared into Y/n's blood-red irises.
"Listen very closely, your life is crashing toward a terrible end if you don't change your tune," Y/n growled softly into Riddle's ear.
Riddle shut his eyes tight waiting for the next attack, but nothing came. As he slowly opened his eyes, he gasped when he found himself in his room.
When morning came, riddle ran to the library to apologize for losing the books. To only learn that Y/n had returned them for him.
Assuming it must have just been a dream, he didn't take Y/n's warning seriously. As blot continued to accumulate. Unaware of Y/n watching from a window across the courtyard, as they polish their sythe, with sad eyes.
They watched as Ace fail to properly apologize to Riddle's liking, and quickly banished the 1st years from the dorm. Which lead to this conflict.
As Y/n stood before Riddle and his overblot as he rampaged across the garden. Reading their weapons, preparing to claim Riddle's life before the blot does.
Suddenly, Aduece, Grim, Cater, and Trey stepped forward wanting to save Riddle. Y/n smiled softly as they dashed toward the blot creature to Find Riddle's soul.
As Riddle slowly came to his dream of memories, he found himself sitting at a party table floating in the darkness. In front of him was a book with his name as the title, and the silhouette of his profile was on the cover.
"Not a good start to life huh," said a voice, causing Riddle to gasp and look up at the source. at the other end of the table was Y/n, dressed in black silk robes. "Strict mother molding you, all the while claiming it is for your own good."
"S-she didn't want me to be a failure like father. He was lazy and couldn't handle the work of a doctor," Riddle said.
"Did your mother tell you that?" Y/n asked as Riddle nodded. '' Then you might want to read this.''
Y/n slid a tray over to Riddle, on it was a book that read Mira Rosehearts, his Mothers name. Riddle looked back to Y/n for an explanation. "Everything your mother had said, done, thought, felt, and heard is documented in this. I recommend reading pages 9131 to 9134."
Riddle quickly read through said pages but slammed it down in anger and disbelief. It read how Riddle's father began to outshine Mira, and when people started to praise him more than her. She divorced and made sure she had full custody of Her son. She vowed to mold him and make him the perfect Roseheart, to outshine everyone else, no matter the cost.
"That is not my mother! You're trying to trick me! Who do you think you are?!" Riddle growled as he stood up from his chair.
"I Have a Beginning, But No End, and I End All Things That Begin. Who Am I?” Y/n asked simply.
"What is this rubbish, the answer is... The answer is," Riddle said slowly as his eyes widened in horror.
"I am Death, straight up," Y/n said as their eyes glowed, causing the boy to fall back into his seat.
"S-so I'm dead?" Riddle asked slowly.
"No, you escape me this time. You are very lucky that some people came to your rescue. Or else you would have died here today," Y/n said as they flipped riddle's book all the way to the back. On the inside of the back cover was a "wanted" Poster.
In bold words on top was Wanted, with Riddle's face printed in the middle. And Dead or Alive is printed at the bottom.
" I would have had you sign, right here,” Y/n said as they tapped over the word Dead. Causing Riddle to gulp nervesly.
"But You attend our school, have I truly escaped you?"Riddle asked nervously.
"Just because I am Death, doesn't mean I enjoy everything it entails. I do not enjoy having to separate families and loved ones. It's just a job that needs to be done," Y/n explained. " And I came here to collect an arrogant little boy, who thinks himself as law and order incarnate. But I can't seem to find him anymore.
Riddle watched as Y/n collected the books and turned to leave, as a door of light appeared.
"You were given a second chance Riddle. Live your life your way for yourself, not how your mother wants you to," Death Y/n said as they stepped through the door.
Riddle finally came too, much to everyone's relief. When everything was set and done. Riddle apologized to everyone and promised to improve on his behavior.
Yet as the days went by, Riddle noticed that Y/n for the most part vanished. He would see them around every once and a while, even Ace, Deuce, and Grim don't seem to hang out with them much.
Grim already spilled the beans on Y/n's identity, and of course, most kept their distance. For who would want death hanging around them.
One day at the reunbirthday party. As All of Riddle's new and old friends gather around his table. Enjoying tea and baked goods, the young dorm leader noticed a lone figure at a table.
Y/n sat alone at one table at the very back of the party, even the tables next to them were empty. As everyone wasn't really comfortable being near them.
Riddle watched sadly as Y/n sat with no snacks, tea, or even company to enjoy. So with a wave of his pen, Riddle levitated a fresh teapot with cups and a large tray of baked goods. As he proceeded to pull out a chair himself at Y/n's table.
Much to everyone's surprise and slight fear. Even Y/n was surprised by Riddle, but they smiled softly as the two began to chat and enjoy the unbirthday party.
But sadly their job here at NRC isn't over yet.
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tanema123 · 27 days
Hello this is a little thing I’ve been working on thanks to your Yandere post. Velvette is the Yandere.
"My sweet Carmilla, do not worry I will take you from this nightmare and truly make you mine." Velvette said, smiling from the shadows in Carmilla's closet.
"Thou art mine tonight, my angel..." He said while a mischievous grin was spreading on his face.
"What do you mean by that...?" Zestial's grin spread wider. He crushed his lips to Carmilla's. He was surprised when she was just as hungry as he was. He rolled over to place her on the bottom of him. God, she was so beautiful! He removed his lips from her mouth and began kissing her neck.
"Zestial!" She felt a sensation in her thighs. Zestial once more began to kiss her lips and his hands began roaming down her waist, feeling the curves of her body. Carmilla could feel him harden which made her blush. He removed his lips from her as he slowly began to pull down her black nightgown to her waist. He smiled at her and whispered "beautiful" before he pressed his lips on hers once more.
This was a night they would never forget...
Velvette heard screams coming from Carmilla. Was that bastard hurting her?! She moved through her hideout and peeked through the door where she could see that demon thrusting inside of Carmilla!
No! She must save her! Zestial claims to love her and then rape her? But, then she heard that the screams from Carmilla were more from pleasure than pain. "Zestial, deeper!" She heard her scream. God, did she actually want that monster inside her? No! He must have threatened her. She was her lover not that spider freak! No, she couldn't.
Carmilla was her’s and only her’s.
(Oh my god. I love it. Someone made a thing inspired by my post. *Happy tears*
It may take a while for the drawing to be done I mentioned I will do. I had a plan, and it got derailed....
Some stuff sneaked in. And I have some requests to do. But... I can offer you this instead)
Velvette doesn't know how to read
Velvette stormed off in the direction of the V tower. She was grumpling about Carmilla the whole way. She can't love that spider after all!
She is hers!
Her love!
Her woman!
As soon as she entered the tower, she passed Vox and Val making out in the middle of the living room, easily ignoring them and trotting to her humble abode.
Upon entering her room and slamming the door, she didn't stop. Instead she passed directly to the small side door.
The evil smile was evident as a light of day. She opened the door and turned the lights on, lighting up the area. She breathed in the smell.
The whole room was covered from head to toe, in pictures of one and only, Carmilla Carmine. They showed her every angle, every clothing piece, every hangout place and some were even in various states of undress.
Velvette indulged in them for only a bit... Before heading directly to the table. She opened a drawer, pulling out a doll.
"Finally, the thing I was working on will be done."
She grinned, excitement evident in her face. The doll she was holding looked exactly like Zestial. She hates that man, but it's necessary for it to work.
Velvette out the doll on the side for a bit. Taking the knife in her hand, she went to the middle of the room. She cut her hand, letting the blood drip, before drawing a circle combined with ruins.
As soon as her blood stopped she continued the plan, putting the doll in the middle. She smirked.
"And the last ingridient"
She pulled a long green silky thread from her pocket. Only one spider in the entire Hell has a thread like this. She tied it to the doll, before stepping back.
"I can curse him. Carmilla will surely be mine now!"
Velvette started chanting in a demonic tongue. The circle glowing a sickly red colour, proving it's doing some sort of magic. As Velvette finished the last words, the glow dispersed in an instant, as the thread became crimson.
Velvette started laughing manically.
"Haha...Haha... muahahhahahahahsh.
It worked! Now surely she will be mine!"
The next overlord meeting, 4 weeks later, she turned up late like usual. She got places to be after all. But what she didn't expect was to Zestial actually be present. And for Carmilla not to.
What is going on?!
"Where is the old hag"
Zestial groaned in annoyance as she entered.
"She will come shortly... She has an announcement to make."
Velvette was confused. Carmilla was never late, and now Zestial says she has some sort of announcement.
What the fuck did her spell do if it didn't kill him!
Right then, Carmilla Carmine herself entered. She looked normal as per usual. A bit more tired, but that's normal for her. She stood in front of the table barely giving them all a nod in a greeting. Barely acknowledging her. Velvette is getting angry. Why hasn't she said anything to her!
Carmilla coughed once to get their attention. She looked nervous.
"Before we start a meeting I have an announcement to make... I will be leaving the position for a bit and Zestial is taking over till I return."
Why the heck is she leaving! What the heck is going on! Velvette was in disbelief.
"What do you mean you are leaving?! What kind of reason would make Carmilla fucking Carmine leave for "a bit". You are the biggest workaholic we know"
That sentence brought all eyes onto Carmilla. She shifted in her place. Zestial is staring at her... Is he giving her some sort of go ahead to talk?! What kind of bullshit are they hiding?!
Carmilla finally spoke.
"I guess... I should say... It will avoid any problems in the future. It appears someone did a spell a while back around 4 weeks ago. We can't really track it as the spell was done so long ago and I haven't had the symptoms for a while."
Velvette's eyes widened. She did the spell, but Carmilla wasn't supposed to feel the symptoms. What is going on?!!?Did Velvette mess up?!?! She couldn't, she used Zestial's tread!
Rosie was instantly worried. And asked the question they were wondering.
"We can see you are not worried about dying Carms, otherwise you wouldn't be saying it like this. But there are no obvious sights that you are sick in any way. So what is going on?"
Carmilla breathed in, before smiling softly and putting a hand on her stomach.
"It seems it was some sort of fertility spell as currently I'm pregnant."
Velvette's mind: Fuck.
I'm so glad you wrote this mysterious person. I hope you like my little add-on. 83
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propertyofwhitney67 · 4 months
That's My Sister
M!Kyalr x Whitney's AFAB sister x M!Whitney
Words: 1,255
Tw: smut, some cockwarming, unprotected sex, violence, knife, blood, Incest at the end
Note: A brief intermission to the prompt event. Thank you to @kittiesandkillers for the idea <3 Also blood loss who? I don't know her.
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I silenced my phone, ignoring the multiple notifications. “Shut up…” I grumbled while grabbing one of my plushies and pulling the covers up around me. I tossed and turned till I finally got into a comfortable position on my side.
When I was on the edge of sleep, I heard my window creak open. I thought I locked that fucking thing. I jumped up stark naked, grabbing the bat beside my bed and preparing to attack the intruder. I raised the bat, straining to see the short figure in my dark room. When my eyes finally adjusted to the darkness, I recognized the figure as Kylar.
He shifted anxiously with a knife in his hand, “What the fuck, Kylar! Why are you here?” I demanded angrily, he scared the shit out of me. Sure he’s my boyfriend, but that doesn’t mean he can break into my room in the middle of the night.
He couldn’t stop staring at my naked body, “You uhh…weren’t answering your phone…I-I wanted to make sure you were ok.” He came closer, holding the knife to his side, “You…You’re so beautiful…” He came even closer, tentatively reaching out a hand to cup my bare breast. I didn’t bother trying to stop him, I was used to his weird actions at this point.
I closed my eyes and sighed internally before taking the knife from his hand and placing it on my bedside table, “That doesn’t mean you can break in.” I easily picked up his small frame and tossed him on the bed. I straddled his waist and pinned his arms above his head. He whined pathetically and thrusted his hips up into me, grinding his clothed cock against my bare cunt. I grunted and tightened my grip around his wrists, “Don’t push me, Kylar.”
Kylar whined again but didn’t move, “Please, I need you.” I smirked down at him, enjoying his begging. He’s so fucking desperate and I love it.
“I’m tired, so I’m only going to cockwarm you.” I released his arms and pushed him off the bed so I could lie down. I watched in amusement as he stripped, tripping over himself in the process. I sucked in a breath of air as he took out his hard cock, the sight alone made me wet. 
He didn’t waste any time, quickly joining me in bed. I smirked at his eagerness and laid on my side, letting him slip in behind me. He tentatively lifted my thigh, rubbing his cock against my folds. I moaned louder than I wanted to as he slipped inside me, the stretch of his large cock feeling amazing. “Ah fuck…” I cursed, worried my brother would overhear us. Whitney hates it when I’m with Kylar, he doesn’t think “that freak” deserves me. His words, not mine. Sure Kylar is odd, but he’s nice to me. He’s the only friend and boyfriend I've been able to make, everyone else avoids me like the plague. 
Kylar was practically drooling on me just from being inside, “You feel so good…” He moaned into my neck, small hands gripping my waist. “I never want to leave.”
I rolled my eyes at the usual comments he made while he was inside me, “Don’t try anything.” I scolded him, pulling the blanket up around us. Occasionally I clenched around him, enjoying the feeling of being full. In return, he’d slowly rock into me before I scolded him. 
Eventually, he just couldn’t hold himself back anymore. He lifted my leg and began a fast pace, thrusting into me. “Fuck, Kylar…”I moaned, throwing out all previous inhibitions. Taking that as a sign to keep going, he pulled me closer and hit that perfect spot inside me. “Ah!”
Kylar moaned alongside me, my walls tightening around him. “I love you, I love you, I love you…” He chanted with each thrust. I forgot the world around me, mostly my brother in the next room, and let go. Moaning and whimpering like a whore, begging him not to stop.
I didn’t even notice the door slam open until I looked up and saw my brother, Whitney, standing angrily beside my bed. He clenched his fist and roughly grabbed Kylar, pulling him off of me. I whimpered at the loss of Kylar's cock but didn’t try to stop Whitney, I knew better than that. “You fucking freak! You think you can fuck my sister?” In the process of throwing him to the ground, Kyalr’s knife fell off my bedside table. I didn’t bother covering myself as I sat up, Whitney had seen me in my naked state many times. 
Kylar did his best to fight back, but he was small and Whitney wasn’t going to give him a chance like he did in the cafeteria. Whitney was too focused to notice Kylar reaching for his knife on the ground. I jumped up, trying to stop him but it was too late. I screamed as he slashed at Whitney’s face, cutting him. Kylar took this opportunity to grab his clothes and run away as fast as he could out my open window.
Whitney clutched his bleeding face and tried to pursue him, but I stopped him. “No, you’re bleeding and probably need stitches.” He growled but didn’t pursue. “Let me get-” I tried to leave and get the med kit under the bathroom sink, but Whitney had other plans. He picked me up and threw me on the bed, pinning me down.
“You haven’t been following the rules, slut.” Whitney growled in my ear, blood running down his face and dripping onto my bare chest. I clenched around nothing, watching the blood drip down his face. “How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from him!?”
I didn’t bother listening to the same scolding he always gave me, “I'm sorry…” That wasn’t entirely true. I loved sleeping with Kylar but didn’t like upsetting my brother. I cupped his face, bringing him close and kissing him. I moaned into the kiss, tasting copper from the blood. “Fuck…” I mumbled under my breath.
Whitney pulled back, “I should punish you, but you look good covered in my blood.” I smirked and thrusted my hips up, grinding against his thinly clothed cock. He groaned and grabbed my neck, smearing blood. “Now be a good girl,”  He easily freed his fat cock from his pajama pants, “and take your brother's cock.”
I spread my legs, making room for him. “I’ll be a good girl.” He let go of my neck before pushing my knees into my chest. Inspecting my hole clenching around nothing, “Please Whitney.”
He growled and roughly thrusted into me, setting a quick and angry pace. Blood continued to drip down his face and he made sure to smear it across my body, “You’re such a whore.”
I moaned as he angled his hips, hitting the perfect spot inside me. I could feel pleasure begin to build up again, “I’m your whore.” I whined as he began to rub circles on my clit, “Ah!.”
“That’s right-ugh.” He groaned as my walls clenched down around him. I was close and he could tell, “Fucking slut.” 
It didn’t take longer after that for me to cum, my cunt spasming around his cock. “Whitney!” I raked my nails down his back as he bit my neck, drawing blood. He quickly followed after me, painting my walls white with his cum. 
We both laid there, chests heaving. “Do that shit again and I will actually punish you.”
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snakeeeater · 2 months
hey man, nice shot
[dante sparda x gn werewolf!reader] -> prologue
★ This is DMC5 Dante!!
★ This is borderline crack right now but will develop a bit more bear with me fellas
★ That’s all! Enjoy this wacky woohoo garbage
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So, you’re fucked.
That’s what you’re thinking when the uglyass pyrobat you’re stalking breaks through the roof of a warehouse on Seventh. The building’s got these hellish glowing red lights pulsating from the cracks forming in its dilapidated state, and suddenly your M1911s and dearly beloved 14 Randall don’t feel sufficient.
You’re thankful for the rain and overcast sky tonight, because it masks your footsteps and softens your shadow’s mark against the ground as you slowly approach the place. The hood of your sweatshirt is soaked through— you thought about putting on your windbreaker earlier to stay dry and warm, but the plastic-y sounds it made when you moved would certainly gain unwanted attention from the demon you were stalking.
You shift one of the straps of your holsters before crouching by the window. Your knees crack. You press your back to the wall for a moment. 
Now that you’re this close you can tell that there’s definitely some sort of demonic ritual going on inside from what you hear— voices that sound like sandpaper speak in an overlapping chatter. You strain your ears. There’s the sound of magic sparking and the sound of something… squishy? It sounds like someone being sliced in a horror movie.
You shudder at the implications of that sound, but keep your mouth shut.
When hearing doesn’t yield any more ideas, you turn on your heels. The rubber soles of your combat boots grind the gravel under your feet a little too loudly and you freeze. A fearful eye of yours shoots up to see if the demons heard anything.
A second passes.
You seem to be safe… for now.
You decide against sticking your head over the windowsill and opt to put an eye to one of the holes in the walls. You squint through the hazy red filling the room.
And your blood runs ice cold.
A cross levitates in the center of the empty warehouse and a naked woman hangs upside down from it, spinning slowly. She’s been brutally ripped open and you’re sure all her blood was used in making the markings on the floor that you’re failing to interpret. Her— oh god, you want to vomit— her organs are organized in messy piles in what you assume are the cardinal directions.
In a fleeting attempt to tear your eyes away from that disgusting scene, you decide take in the demons. 
You see three bowing Hell Caina, a triad of pyrobats circling the ceiling, the shadows of three Death Scissors, three massive Proto Angelo heading Scudo Angelo units of three, and at the center of it all, three goddamn Lusachia which were doing all the raspy chanting you hear.
You turn around, pressing your back to the wall. 
The number three seems to be important to this ritual. You’d have to tell Morrison.
“Shit.” You press the heels of your palms to your eye sockets.
You almost laugh.
If you got back to Morrison from here.
Sure, you weren’t human anymore. Sure, you were legally dead, so it wouldn’t really matter if you were crushed like a grape. And sure, you survived a freak werewolf attack.
But after dying, being buried, transforming during the new moon cycle, and crawling out of the ground, you still weren’t able to bust out the monster hiding underneath your skin at will.
You massaged the scarring bite wounds that had been left behind on your left shoulder. They was no longer tender, but they still looked angry as hell.
“Maybe a life-or-death situation will bring it out.” You whisper so softly you can’t hear it yourself. It worked for most fictional characters, anyway. You’re left with virtually no choice.
You position yourself at the window. 
Feeling like a stereotypical “bad boy” in a straight-to-DVD teen movie sneaking into his girlfriend’s room at night, you enter the warehouse slowly through the window. You’re not quite sure how the quiet rustling goes ignored. Plot armor, maybe.
You crouch in the shadows a stack of crates cast upon the floor and aim down the front sight of your gun, like Morrison taught you. You remember some wise words from… well, every movie you’ve ever seen featuring a person learning how to use a gun: aim where they’re headed, not where they are.
You take in a shaky breath and
You’ve fired a shot at a pyrobat. By a miracle, you hit it and it spirals downward gracelessly, whacking itself on a Scudo Angelo’s head and twitching to death. 
The entire hellish garrison turns to face you. If this were a Marvel movie, you’d make a quippy one-liner and kick ass.
In your current situation, however, a Hell Caina shrieks at you and slices a gaping hole in your body with its scythe. You blinked, and it was tearing into your flesh like a rabid dog to a raw turkey on Thanksgiving.
Through the pity-training Morrison put you through, the two of you found out that you can tank hits because of your werewolfish condition.
But it didn’t mean you liked to do it.
“Ow.” Is your response to the Hell Caina. It’s not even a shout, it’s more of a lame, throwaway comment. Some may even smell the stench of predetermined defeat radiating off of your body.
Since you’re close enough to shoot without missing, you point your pistol at its face and use your free hand to press against your wound. When you pull the trigger, it squeals loudly and melts away.
“Too bad I’m not like the other hunters.” You mumble. The tank role in video games was pretty boring. All they did was take damage so their cooler DPS-skilled teammates could do the actual killing. And then you died if you had nobody else with you.
It fits with your general luck.
You shoot a few bullets into the air and miss every shot. You shoot a Proto Angelo. The bullet ricochets off its shield, and you almost start sobbing.
You’re stupid for doing this. You’re no hunter. You’re too old to pick it up efficiently, according to everyone else you’ve talked to about jobs. You’re probably going to die somehow— maybe these demons will overpower your uncanny healing or just send you to Hell.
“This was supposed to be easy.” You laugh because if you’re not laughing, you’d be crying.
Your guns click with the telltale sign that they’re empty now.
“Great.” You growl. You hadn’t counted on wasting so many bullets in such a short amount of time— call it wishful thinking, call it ignorance, call it a total mistake.
A pyrobat spews fire in your direction, which you somersault to the side to avoid. At least you still had that ability.
You sigh as it obviously charges up another shot of fire to spit at you. “I wish I did Krav Maga when I was a kid. Then I’d rip and tear you guys apart.”
The pyrobat is unamused by your reference to Doom, the pyrobat spits fire again. You roll out of the way again. “Or maybe I should’ve been more like a stereotypical American and started learning how to shoot young.”
You’re talking too much for someone about to die. Your head is too light for someone who wants to run away.
The revving sounds of a motorcycle round up by the entrance of the warehouse.
“And that’s probably the police.” you sigh. This was turning out to be a whole mess. Now, you’d have horrible things happen to you and civilians would also be involved.
The doors to the warehouse bust open with a loud BANG. A man with hair the color of undyed silk walks in like he owns the place and every building in a five mile radius. In his hands he carries twin pistols that look like a similar model to yours. And on his back, he carries a sword like a badass.
You immediately envy this man’s swagger. He’s clearly another one of those “I’ve been doing this since I was ten” hunters, here to clean up a mess you couldn’t even get out of unscathed.
The man clicks his tongue at the sight of the mutilated woman. “That’s unfortunate. I guess that means… it’s time to groove!” 
And the man grooves.
With a dramatic twirl of his twin pistols the man transforms into a force of nature so powerful, you swear all over that he could secretly be a demon king down in Hell. His mission? To come up here to crush the dreams and this power-boosting ritual of demon king wannabes.
Or something. Your mind gets a little carried away.
But he really is a whirlwind of carnage, seeming as though he is fused to his sword and ripping through demons like there was no tomorrow.
Correction: there is no tomorrow. Now for these pathetic pieces of Hell scum. He even laughs at one point after vanquishing all of the Death Scissors you’ve been narrowly avoiding. He drives his sword into the helmet of a Proto Angelo and it shatters with the force. He shoots a barrage of bullets into the Lusachia and it they fall dead before any even had the chance to teleport to safety.
And when he tap danced on the body of his final victim while humming a jovial tune, your jaw actually dropped.
He shoots you a look after the spectacle. “You one of them?”
The guy wasn’t even breaking a sweat.
“Uh…” you look down at your body. Nothing about you screams demon. “No. I’m human.”
The man shakes his head, like he knows you’re lying but doesn’t care enough to let you know that he knows. “Call the cops on this place after you leave, alright sweetheart? Wouldn’t want that poor lady to become another face on a milk carton.”
“Yeah.” You nod. He called me sweetheart. You think dumbly.
It’s— made evident by your immediate thoughts— been ages since you’ve been flirted with, let alone talked to someone who wasn’t Morrison.
The man turns and begins walking away. Before his silhouette disappears into the night, he raises a hand. “Ciao.”
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You spot the guy with hair as white as snow again at a crosswalk while walking home a couple nights later.
It goes like this:
You were rightfully restless after your warehouse fail. Your pay from Morrison was still in full, so you had enough to splurge a little on the finer things in life, like restocking the dwindling supply of Budweisers you liked to keep handy in your fridge.
You make your way down to the closest 7-11, which happens to be a five minute walk away from your shitty new apartment. 
This area was the type you’d avoid in your old life— sketchy hoodlums loitering in alleyways, the telltale twitches of drug addicts walking by, and the accusing shouts of petty thugs getting into murderous fisticuffs. 
You are by no means a pearl-clutching socialite with a plush and stuffed trust fund, but living here as someone who didn’t have the best means of defending themselves… well, it wasn’t a good idea. The people here weren’t significantly more dangerous, but they were a hell of a lot more jumpy than other people you’d pass on the street.
However, after being bit by one of those mangy dogs of the night, you weren’t so scared of meeting the next Ted Bundy while hunting demons.
(Okay. Attempting to hunt demons.)
As Jason Dean in the cult classic movie Heathers once stated, 7-11 is consistent across all American locations and you’re inclined to agree.
Every chain location you’ve been to has looked like a front for a meth lab. Every time you push a 7-11 door open, it feels like the introductory gas station scene in the Resident Evil 2 Remake is being superimposed over your reality.
You avoid a shirtless guy who won’t stop coughing onto the chip rack and make your way to the refrigerated drinks section for your Budweiser. You grab a box of fifteen cans for about twenty dollars and make your way to the front. You flash your impeccably-crafted fake driver’s license from Morrison to the underpaid cashier who doesn’t bat an eye at its legitimacy as you slide thirty dollars over the counter. 
You almost tell her: “Keep the change, kid,” but you’re more broke than she is, so you grab the coins she’s pulled from the register.
You step outside the store and walk away from the encampment of cigarette smokers loitering by the entrance so you can place the box on the floor. You wiggle a beer can free, planning on popping it open when you get closer to home and chugging it.
You reach your first crosswalk shortly after this. 
This is where you meet the guy with hair like Danny Phantom again. Out of the corner of your eye, you see him notice you, do a little double take, look ahead again, and then get closer.
“This is probably gonna sound real cheesy,” is his opening line, complete with a suave pause. “But you look familiar.”
“Hi,” You reply, feeling your face start to flush a little at the sight of a good-looking dude. Jesus Christ. You were in need of some normal human interactions. “We were in that warehouse on Seventh a couple of days ago.”
“Ah,” the man nodded. “The one where that poor woman was kinda… turned into spaghetti.”
You nod. “That’s the one.”
“Fancy seeing your face again.” He has a flippant lilt to his voice, which makes you want to bury your face into a pillow and start giggling. Thank god it was dark out and he couldn’t see how you were awkwardly biting your bottom lip and thank god both your hands were occupied.
“So, uh… here.” You say in a genius reply, holding out the sweating can of beer meant for yourself.
The guy looks at it in your hand. “Hunh? What for?”
“Well, you, uh, helped me out with that warehouse situation so I figured…” you shrug, the inside of the can sloshing slightly with the motion. “Y’know, it’s certainly the least I could repay you with.”
“Well, thanks,” He reaches for the can and your fingers brush. He shoots you a crooked smile. “I’d love to stick around but I really gotta bounce. I’ll see you around?”
“See you.” You try to echo his coolness with your words, but it feels artificial.
This marks the moment where white hair guy crosses the street away from where you’re going so you march onward, not bothering to look back at him and thinking quite hard about it.
But when you get home, crack open a beer, and begin to watch T.V through your neighbor’s window across the street, you realize you hadn’t asked his name.
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bkgml · 1 year
i long for katsuki angst so imagine ✨this✨
reader in the middle of battle, a 3 on 1 and reader is pretty obviously losing but holding out because she's not a loser. all of a sudden, she falls to the ground and realizes she can't get back up. no matter how hard she's trying, she's unable to get up and it freaks her out so bad that all she can do it scream at the top of her lungs as the villains around her start closing in. then there's this big, blinding explosion that scares the hell out of her and more so, the villains that are now all cooked to crisps on the ground. all she sees before slipping completely from consciousness is that familiar mass of blonde hair and she knows she's safe, and when she wakes up, he's beside her crying his arms out, so damn happy she's alive.
hihi! this took me so long to get to this was literally at the bottom of my asks i’m sorry! it’s because i feel like i’m bad at writing angst but i’m trying to get out of my comfort zone cause i don’t want to leave you hanging ofc!
“…katsuki.” you speak softly before coughing up blood.
you’re trying to observe your surroundings, making a list of things you know for sure so you don’t go unconscious.
1. your bones are shattered.
there’s not a lot of bones on you that aren’t broken.
2. you’re alone.
katsuki’s nowhere to be seen. you find yourself wondering if he’s in the same position as you, but you know he’s not, he’s stronger than you are. thankfully being alone means the villains have left you alone on the ground. it’s pitiful really, they don’t even think you’re worth killing or taking for ransom.
3. you’re completely exhausted.
stay awake. stay awake. stay awake. stay awake. 
“katsuki.” you sob.
you hear the shuffling of feet.
you see some pebbles shifting beside you, but you can’t lift your head to see the figure moving towards you.
“katsuki?” you whine pitifully, tears finally streaming down your cheeks in fat globs.
“he’s not coming for you.” a booming voice comes from above you.
you shift your eyes from the pebbles and look at the creature blocking the sun with wide eyes.
“katsuki. katsuki. katsuki.” you whisper. it’s like a chant, it’s keeping you grounded.
you hear a laugh coming from your left, eyes shifting to see the man who was kicking the pebbles.
“katsuki. katsuki. katsuki. katsuki.” you repeat, eyes bulging out of your head in fear.
“god shut the fuck up!” says another man from your right.
“katsuki!” you sob. you plead.
until the man from above you slaps you, right onto your broken eye socket.
you shriek in agony.
“no! please! KATSUKI HELP!” you scream, fingernails clawing into the dirt below you as the three men kick your already broken body.
“here’s one of the fuckers” bakugou grumbles, shoving the criminal into the arms of a police man.
“where’s yn? i wanna make a bet with her on how many villains we’ll catch.” he grins to the police captain.
the captain goes white with fear and katsukis brows furrow in response.
“she’s not with you…?” he says, sounding strained.
“the fuck are you talking about?” katsuki frowns, knuckles going white with how tight his fists are.
the captain stays silent and katsukis eyes widen before he activates his quirk to look for you.
when he finds you, he blacks out from anger.
he sees you passed out on the ground, tear streaks down your face, your bones are snapped.
and the fuckers are laughing.
when your eyes open you’re greeted with the bright florescent light of the hospital.
you lift your head in search of a nurse, or your parents, or katsuki.
you can feel all your broken bones grinding against each other as you raise your head.
allowing your head to fall back on the pillow with a whimper, you realize you can’t hear yourself over the sobs of the person beside you.
and neither can he.
he’s sitting in an uncomfortable chair with his face in his hands.
sobbing uncontrollably.
“why’re you crying, ki?” you whisper, voice hoarse from screaming.
his head shoots up, face covered in tears, bottom lip quivering.
he stands on wobbly knees, walking to stand over your bed.
‘you look so small like this.’ he thinks.
he takes a shaky breath, reaching his hand to brush along the skin of your cheek.
when he makes contact with the skin you wince slightly and he reels his hand back.
“m sorry.” he blurts out, voice cracking.
your fingers twitch and you frown pitifully, tears flowing past your lash line.
“come back.” you whine.
he shakes his head slightly, frowning.
“don’t wanna hurt you.” he whispers.
“please.” you sob.
“kiss me?” you plead.
you watch him hesitate and you sigh.
“okay.” katsuki sniffs, before leaning in close.
your noses brush together softly before you lift up slightly to meet his lips with yours.
he tries to pull away but you keep your lips locked with his, pouring all your emotions into him.
when you do pull away he let’s out a shaky breath and gives you one more peck to your lips.
“what happened when i was out?” you smile sadly.
“bastarts we’re kicking the shit out of you. like it was fuckin funny.” he spits, trying to hold back his sobs.
“hey… i’m here now. i’m always going to be here.” you soothe.
he steps back abruptly, starting to pace slightly.
“i should’ve fuckin protected you. i should’ve been there.” he says through shaky gasps of air.
“katsuki.” you call.
“i should’ve had us working as a team.” he cries.
“i let those fucks out of my sight.”
“katsuki!” you exclaim.
“it’s all my fucking fault!” he yells, hands pulling at his hair.
“bakugou.” you say firmly.
that causes him to straighten up and listen.
“come here.” you frown to conceal the desperation behind your eyes.
he steps back again, shaking his head.
“i cant move to grab you and i want you katsuki. you have to listen to me when i’m injured.” you say, frown still present on your face.
he stops and thinks for a moment before stepping towards you hesitantly.
“hold my hand?” you pout at him.
his eyes widen in fear.
“if you just go slow and be gentle and you won’t hurt me.”
he allows his hand to thread through yours, feeling your warm skin against his is reassuring to him.
“i should’ve protected you.” he whispers.
“it wasn’t your job as a hero to protect me.” you soothe.
he sighs, wishing he could go back in time.
he looks around your hospital room.
the boring paintings covering the walls.
the tiny tv.
the flowers from visitors piled up on your side table.
“it should’ve been me then.” he says, looking back at you.
now it’s your turn to sigh.
“i wouldn’t have been able to handle you being in here. i’m not as strong as you.” you smile softly.
he chokes on a scoff.
as if going through what you did was harder for him.
having to find you.
having to carry your broken body to the ambulance.
having to be pulled out of the ambulance because he was too hysterical.
rushing into the hospital in his hero outfit before being told by his mother he needed to change.
sobbing in the shower because he thought you wouldn’t wake up.
having to get a ride from kirishima because he couldn’t think straight enough to drive.
“i love you so much.” he chokes out.
“don’t do this to me again.” he says while leaning towards your face to give you a bunch of wet pecks to your lips.
“i won’t, suki. promise.” you say, tears streaming down your face as you kiss him back.
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leeannsparksauthor · 1 year
How Could I Hurt You?
This one right here is for all the people who wanted a little more angst with their dark urge character. Personally I loved the story for the dark urge but I wish there was more of a reaction from companions at the fact that you died! So here's a little angsty treat for my fellow gamers who've put in over 300 hours into this game.
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“I have a gift for you child. You will use it to lacerate this world.” No, the only word that echoed in your mind. You will not accept any gift from your so-called god. There is good in this world and your free mind knows this now. It is evident in the companions you have picked up along this journey. In the love of a pale elf, the kindness of an archdruid and the determination of tieflings. You have felt it in every gentle hug, tender kiss and smile that did not come from the release of death. 
“No, no, for once I’m free! I have seen life, I’ve seen beauty! I have loved, I have been loved…and I am never giving that back!” Fuck your god, fuck destiny, fuck everything that came before. The autonomy of your body was suddenly stripped away as you were raised into the air by invisible claws. Back breaking under the force answered only by cruel laughter.
“Can we kill this little freak!” The vampire spawn was ready to rush forward and imbed his knife into the puppet pulling the strings. You knew that he would be killed if he so much as put a kink in the plans of the cruel god. 
“Karlach…keep him away!”
Your father laughed at the weakness you showed so openly. “What a disappointing spawn you’ve become, my most promising, possessed by pathetic emotions. I remember when the very act of murder reflected in your gaze, oh the terror you inspired, the horror.”
The words Astarion spoke to his former master echoed within your mind, giving you courage, determination. “I am so much more than what you made me.”
“You are nothing without me, child. What I have given freely and what you have rejected most unknowingly I will take back. I will give you back to the rotting earth you hold so dearly, nothing but a dead fool, food for the worms. Even below the ground you will still feel the blood I rain upon this world, the fire that will consume the forests you called home. Your blood is mine and I will see it returned.”
You could feel the very blood he spoke of fall from your eyes like scarlett tears, your breath trapped inside your lungs begging to escape. The taste of copper fills your mouth as it dribbles down your chin. You’ve never felt so cold before, even in the harshest of winters. Bones seemed to snap and then as if clutched in a grasp of fury your heart shattered within your chest a silent scream caught in your throat. It was instant death but somehow still prolonged beyond the mortal plane.
There was no more chanting within the Bhall temple, no foreign word. Yet the scent of blood still lingered, the screams of your name like an echo being absorbed into the walls. 
You watched events unfold outside of your body and wondered if this is what all of your victims experienced after their death. Or if this torture was designed just for you by the lord of murder himself. 
Astarion had rushed over as soon as your body fell to the cold stone below. His hands cradling your body with a fierce protectiveness you had never seen before. His hands searched for a pulse, something, any sign of life you would give him. “Karlach give me a bloody scroll!”
“Astarion it won’t work…” she was right, it won’t. She had seen first hand instant death at the hands of devils, like a thread cut with a pair of scissors. 
“You don’t fucking know that, we have to try! Halsin do something you useless druid! Darling, look at me, please, please. I promised, I promised it wouldn’t have you my love, please…” Oh what you would give to embrace him, comfort him.
Light illuminated the blood that stained your face, warmth from Halsin’s palm, the warmth of nature itself. It would do nothing for you now. “Oak Father, hear me, aid me, protect this child of Silvanus.” The light flickered, a soft breeze tussling the hair surrounding your body. You had never seen such sadness on Halsin’s face, not even when his grove was threatened or when all hope had seemed lost in the darkness of the shadow curse. His hand engulfed the one that rested limply by your body, “forgive me my heart.” He brought the hand to his lips, warmth against deadly cold skin. 
“Your god is as useless as the rest of them! Potions, Karlach in my bag, hurry please…” his words were cut short as the large tiefling cradled the back of your head. Her forehead came to rest against yours, horns knocking against the ones atop your head. Soft lips brushed across the place where lines and creases would form the most.
“Rest easy Soldier…I’m so fucking proud of you.”
“Get away! Fuck you, fuck all of you, we have to help them, there must be something…” as if a candle had been extinguished so did his fight. “No, no…oh darling…I’m sorry, I’m so sorry my love, my light. Forgive me, please come back, I promise I’ll keep you safe please come back, don’t leave me, please.” They would tell stories about you, the hero who sacrificed everything to save Baulders Gate. Would they tell of the love you got to experience before it all ended? Would they speak of the friends you made? The adventures you had? 
Would they speak of the man who emerged from his crypt only to enter a temple and offer a choice?
The hardest choice you would ever have to make. Only it’s not a difficult one is it? After all it’s only one more battle until the rest of your life. Yours now, no one else's. You could close your eyes forever, spare yourself the view, the consequences. 
When the breath was returned to your lungs and the shattered pieces of your heart put back together one by one your body lurched forward with the first sight of your new life. 
Cool lips pressed against yours, fangs almost puncturing skin with the ferocity of a lover who held death in his arms. Words whispered against your mouth, “don’t you ever fucking do that to me again.”
A small, breathless laugh, “how could I leave my little star behind?” How could you leave this behind?
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freyito · 10 months
Let’s see those Johnshi headcanons
MEEEE ??? YOU WANNA HEAR MYYYYYY JOHNSHI HEADCANONS?? (specifically asked for people to ask about them) TWIRLS HAIR...
anyways. building off the fact that I headcanon Johnny as Jewish... he's jewish by blood, right? like mother dearest was jewish (and we know hes got daddy issues...) but didnt really like practice much? like Chanukah was about as far as she'd go. HOWEVER. Johnny carries her Matzoh Ball Soup recipe with him at all times. Like it's a little faded list of ingredients in a lockbox with his social security card and birth certificate or something lmfao.
Johnny's got such a mediocre grip on cooking. But obviously you can't just live off of takeout and fancy restaurants your entire life. Johnny also really enjoys cooking but he also thinks cooking together is like real intimate and just a fun date. Kenshi and Johnny have definitely tried to cook together ONCE with Sento by so Kenshi can see... but then Kenshi like nicked his finger and Johnny freaked out so Johnny decided that was that. He'll cook Matzoh Ball soup for Kenshi like once a week but especially during the colder months cause it reminds him of the good parts of his childhood.
Johnny actually really loved Chanukah as a kid cause it was like a second christmas, so he celebrates it every year. The first Chanukah with Kenshi, Johnny was like super giddy... history nerd 100% so Johnny will like hype it up and tell him why Chanukah is important all day until finally it's time to light the candles!!! And Johnny doesn't know like ANY HEBREW... besides the Chanukah chant. Kenshi loves it when Johnny speaks in different languages (I imagine he knows a little cause of his career, but also like he's not fluent in like any of them) so to hear Johnny speak in Hebrew, Kenshi is like !!! WOAH!!! Probably asks Johnny to repeat it again and again...
[Spoilers for Johnny and Kenshi's Tower Ending] Johnny definitely bought Kenshi's groceries a LOT after coming back from outworld. Yeah yeah, they were most definitely in different countries but nothing a little modern day technology can't fix. Johnny also 100% pays Kenshi "surprise visits". Will drop way too much money on a ticket to Japan, do MORE shopping for Kenshi there, then show up at his door. Will also visit Kenshi at work as well, since I assume with both Johnny and Kenshi have such busy schedules, being a director and a OIA agent, they don't get much time together.
On that note, eventually when Johnny's whole divorce is settled and he's on his way to like a third Mortal Kombat movie and an animated film or something, Kenshi requests a transfer to California. Goes through EASILY, and that's when they start living together. By then, Johnny's gotten much better at cooking and like cooks for Kenshi whenever he can.
WE ALL KNOW Johnny's a certified yapper. And Kenshi's a listener, specifically for him. Kenshi will bring up stuff Johnny's said once upon a time and Johnny's like "you remembered!!!" cause not a lot of people really listen to Johnny...
Also. Johnny's got daddy issues. Kenshi's got mommy issues. They complete eachother.
I think a lot of people brush over the fact that Kenshi's definitely fuckin loaded too. Like he was a Yakuza, and now he's a government agent. He's got MONEY MONEY MONEY. So all the time after everything, Kenshi would send over gifts upon gifts to Johnny. They gradually decline in price. Not because he's getting cheaper, no! Kenshi's not much of a gift giver but I can imagine he feels pretty bad for Johnny cause he KNOWS Johnny STILL feels guilty about Kenshi losing his eyesight. Kenshi also believes the small things matter the most, and he starts sending over little things that remind him of Johnny. Only when he moves in with Johnny is when he stops gift giving. But we'll get to why later.
Neither are super picky with their food. But, Johnny hates tomatoes and pickles on burgers. Kenshi will eat them regardless. So Johnny purposefully makes sure that tomatoes and pickles are on whatever burgers he gets. (OLIVE THEORYYYY)
Also since I hced both w/ depression... Johnny normally just kind of. Can't function during hard episodes. He really just prefers to stay in bed and let it pass, cry it out a little. Kenshi on the other hand NEEDS something to do cause it helps him get it out, and he's got a pretty active mind, so a distraction is always needed. So Kenshi LOVES cleaning for Johnny during his episodes, he'll get so much laundry done, everything will like practically spotless. And it kind of helps Johnny's mood get better, too.
Kenshi sets aside like at least a week a month when he has time off to just. live life without Sento, if that makes sense? He'll set Sento aside and just deal with life with a cane, he doesn't mind it like at all. He wants to get comfortable with a cane as well because for very very very obvious reasons he can't bring Sento with him everywhere. Face Mapping also. Like every night. Johnny might complain a little cause Kenshi does it so often but he really loves it. Kenshi's got Johnny's face down, like absolutely down. But does it regardless cause he KNOWS Johnny loves it.
I'm still like 90% sure Kenshi is insecure of his tattoos but doesn't talk about them like at all and I mean I think he's pretty comfortable about his past completely. We hear him joke about it for fucks sake. But he does have a habit of covering up what he can of his tattoos. So on the days where Kenshi's just wearing like a tanktop or even no shirt at all, Johnny's all over his arms tracing his tattoos. Like they will be trapped laying on the couch for HOURS. Cause Johnny has to finish tracing EVERY INCH of Kenshi's tattoos. Kenshi won't ever admit that he likes it. And it's not like... erotic either. It's soft and tender. Johnny's just kind of fascinated. (Johnny also probably will take off his shirt like "now trace mine". he will always and forever have his name tattooed across his chest in my heart)
Their love resembles Ludus (Playful Love) the most. They definitely have some pretty tender and passionate moments, but I think Johnny just in general sets the tone for the relationship. Even if Kenshi is more Pragma (Enduring Love) aligned. Johnny kind of lets his humor take the lead, and Kenshi kind of enjoys it.
When Kenshi moved in, he brought Johnny some konpeitō. Johnny was hooked. Now Johnny has like 3 1lbs packs in the cabinets.
Kenshi 100% has a guide dog. And Johnny dotes on that thing and spoils that thing like a motherfucker...
And finally. After like atleast a year and a half of them living together, Kenshi proposes. Johnny HAD a ring and was ready to propose but he was so worried about it and about the time and he let his nerves get the best of him each and every time. Kenshi doesn't make it a big show... probably after a nice dinner and maybe some dancing. But he definitely set the whole day up. Johnny tries so hard not to cry at his proposal.
anyways. gay losers.
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