#2SLGBTQIA+ mental health
prototypesteve · 11 days
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A week into Pride Month, and I’ve had to explain to a few people just what asexuality is and what asexuality isn’t, and how it’s separate from aromanticism, and how it all fits under the 2SLGBTQIA+ umbrella, AND then explain why I use the initialism 2SLGBTQIA+, and I almost got outed to my family, and I think I’m going to have to write a lonnnng piece about the intersectionality and the fake cultural acceptance granted by low-key bigots to fully assimilated minorities and to sexually inactive asexuals as “the good ones,” and and and. And it can feel like a lot.
Image description: Calligraphy that says “you're not tired of caring, you're just tired from caring, and that's okay.”
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trracstudy · 3 months
LGBT TEEN STUDY! (Ages 15-18, Raffle for $25 Gift Card, No Parent Involvement)
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Hi there! We’re researchers at Fordham University who are recruiting individuals ages 15-18 in your area to participate in an online study.  To participate, you will complete an online study that takes 25-35 minutes to complete. The study is completely confidential, and does not require parental permission to complete. To participate, you must: be between the ages 15-18, identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, be comfortable reading/speaking English, and live in a rural or urban community in the US.
Here's the link to participate: https://fordham.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ehWjq8RIi2c14Oy
Reach out to our team at [email protected] with any questions.
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talisidekick · 1 year
Touch Starvation, aslo called Skin Hunger, or Touch Deprivation, occurs when a person experiences no touch from another living thing for extended periods of time. This effect can occur in relation to specific plants, animals, and even humans, as well as just in general. Even in individuals that get a lot of human contact but not a lot of flora or fauna contact. The result is a strong desire to seek touch, or touch the living thing in question. Human brains are largely wired for contact, and depriving the brain of texture stimulation can have long lasting effects including but not limited to declines in mental health, depression, and even manic episodes of varying nature.
I know it's a pandemic still, even if the governments of the world say it's not, that's them deciding capitalism > human life. You should still socially distance and wear masks, not just for covid but for preventing the spread of the common cold, flu, etc. However ... also remember to pick a friend every two weeks and stop by to give them a hug or a shoulder pat. Even those of you who are touch adverse still need a bit of human contact. Go outside, literally touch grass.
Ask yourself the question: When was the last time you picked up a fucking stick, touched the leaves of a flower, or held a friends hand for a moment?
And to the lesbians, gays, and other hopeless queers out there, if you ever want a smooth line to hold your crushes/partners hand: holding hands improves mental health.
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ghostiepage · 1 month
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itssupermaradyworld · 1 month
Hello Tumblr! It's been a while!
I used to blog on here many a year ago and I am back - not to blog exactly, but to connect, network, share, explore and discover.
My name is Marady aka Max and I'm a queer 30-something Canadian blogger, content creator and mental health advocate.
I'm passionate about spreading awareness about mental health and supporting the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
I've been busy preparing to launch a social media campaign to raise awareness about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), which I've been living with for over 20 years.
I'm excited to share that the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) is in support of this campaign and so is a prominent mental health advocate!
I'm so stoked to share this project with you all when we launch on May 17th!
Feel free to reach out to me if you're interested in connecting or learning more about the campaign! 🥰
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panopticonatthedisco · 2 months
very fun living in a world where supporting trans people is this infinite void where there is truly never enough capacity to provide the support people deserve
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milomilesmib · 10 months
Figured I should just make a post about my blog so I'm not just,,, this unknown entity. This is gonna be a bit of a mess but stick with me.
Also- if I reblogged your post and added the caption "yoink" it basically means "I'm keeping this on my blog because I like it/it's useful"
I should also mention that I call everyone bestie unless it's a more formal conversation because I like to keep things nice and friendly so if I call you bestie in my rb even though we have never interacted before that is why.
First of all- introduction. My name is Milo or Miles or Mib and my pronouns are he/him/it/they but mainly he/him. I'm an ISFP-T, I kin Nico di Angelo, the Collector, Hunter Noceda/Deamonne/Clawthorne/etc, Patroclus, and Charlie Spring, and my star sign is Leo. I'm panromantic achillean demiromantic cupioromantic aceflux (questioning) queerplatonic polyamorous transmasculine genderqueer (I know it's a mouthful), but you can also just call me queer and trans. I am diagnosed with ADHD and (extreme) anxiety. Fun! I'm also iron deficient and often dehydrated from forgetting to drink water lmao.
I'm happy to talk about my sexuality/gender. I am happy to talk about light personal topics. I don't really like talking about my health unless I'm helping someone else figure out theirs.
This blog is a safe space for:
The 2SLGBTQIA+ community
Anyone with any mental, neurological, or physical disabilities or other struggles of that sort
The BIPOC community
Anyone who has been abused or assaulted in any way or has any sort of trauma
People who are suffering from or recovering from any kind of addictions, whether that's drugs or self harm or alcohol or sex anything else
Everyone of every gender, sexuality, religion, ability, race, sex, etc. who wants to hang out and talk about their interests or hobbies or anything!
This blog is NOT a space for:
Homophobia, queerphobia, transphobia, aphobia, ableism, sexism, racism, fatphobia or any kind of discrimination whatsoever!
Bigotry and hate!
Overly political topics (some are okay but over all I'm trying to avoid anything too political on this blog)
This is supposed to be a fun and safe space and I intend on it being so. If you have any concerns, drop me an ask, anonymous or not, and I'll answer to the best of my ability.
Now for ✨the fun stuff✨
In this blog, I mainly talk about whatever little subject is eating at my brain. Usually this is:
The Owl House
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Percy Jackson
Queer shit
But I have other interests!
My OCs ❤️✨
Hades (Supergiant)
The Song of Achilles/anything Patrochilles
Greek mythology
Good Omens
Magnus Chase
Creatures and critters!!!
Candles and cute decor things
Sewing (I'm just like Hunter fr)
Whatever silly little games I'm playing on my phone currently (Secret Cat Forest and Kinder World rn)
Probably more that I'm forgetting!
If you have an interest you wanna talk about, leave an ask or send me a message, and I'll happily listen to you talk about it (as long as it's not on the above list of things that aren't for this blog and if you're not sure if it is, ask politely and I'll tell you whether or not I'm comfortable talking about it) and please, be respectful! I don't want to be grilled on the details of your obscure fanfic :)
If you ever wanna listen to me ramble about any of the above interests you will be my best friend forever and I will always love you because my infodumping ass likes being listened to or even just heard.
I ship:
My OCs ✨ (I'm not elaborating)
Ineffable bureaucracy
I'm obsessed with the following characters (platonically/aesthetically/familially/sometimes romantically);
Leo Valdez (who isn't obsessed with him tbh)
Nico di Angelo 🥺
Stolas 🥺
Alastor (my current babygirl)
Angel dust <3 (he just like me fr)
NIFFTY ❤️💞💝💓💕💖💘💗❤️💝
Lityerses (I too break down in tears when shown basic human kindness)
The Collector ✨
The entire Noceda family lmao
Darius Daemonne (more like dadrius)
MY OCS ✨❤️
Aziraphale 🥺
Beelzebub <3
So that's basically me! Sorry a lot of this was just "NO BEING MEAN" but I just wanted to get it out there that I don't tolerate that shit ❤️
Hope y'all have fun here, and thank you to everyone for being so amazing and kind ❤️
I'll probably edit this over time but this is a good start. Thank you to anyone who read the whole thing or even just some of this, it means a lot. Welcome to my TOH/PJO/Good Omens/ queer/shitpost blog ❤️
Last edited: 4:10 p.m. Pacific Time, Saturday April 6th, 2024 (Hellenism update)
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Hi Lucas! Can I pls ask for Gold and Gray? Also can I participate in the ask game, too? Like, on my blog?
-juju🦦 @sarcasstic-jpmvr
OMG HI JUJU ILYSM /p🫶🫶🫶 of course you can participate in your own blog!!! I’ll be sure to send in some asks :)
Grey - is your bedroom themed?
Mine is not!! I’ve always been super envious of anyone who has a themed bedroom, they’re all so pretty!! The closest I have to a theme is that I have numerous musical posters on my walls—specifically Team StarKid and Tin Can Brothers! I also hang up my friends’ artwork :)
Gold - for any new followers, who are you?
A question I ask myself every day lol!! But in all seriousness, on Tumblr, I am just a silly little fandom blog! Primarily House MD, but I dabble in others as well—it’s just focused on one media because I am suuuper hyperfixated haha.
Identity label-wise, I’m a non-binary (they/them in English, elle/elles en español, & iel/iels en français!) latine/latinx student in the USA (timezone: EST). I am going for a BA in Writing, and am a part of my university’s honors college!
My dream job is a journalist covering the real-life stories of queer individuals (especially trans folks) in Middle Eastern and African countries, while also calling out western society & their hypocritical standings of shaming/critiquing other countries for how they treat their 2SLGBTQIA+ citizens when… the government (in the USA) is not doing much to protect their own queer citizens lol… I expect that this work will inevitably be something I cannot make a living off of, since western media tends to blatantly Not Care about anything that will contrast with their values, so I’ll probably work in a coffee shop for the rest of my life and live with a bunch of roommates!
I am also super pro-mental health care, and a real-life example that there is always a better tomorrow. I have multiple diagnoses that sometimes come up in my headcanons of characters because protection is a loved coping skill <3 I’ve been in recovery/healing for about 10-11 months now, and grateful for my opportunity to find love in the form of sunny days and comforting drinks. I still have dark days, and hopelessness still crawls in sometimes—that doesn’t mean my story is over yet. Yours isn’t either. Please stay safe and value your mental health <3
At the end of the day, I’m just a silly, overthinking black coffee lover who writes poetry in their free time and projects onto fictional characters! I’m really bad at answering messages right away simply because life is busy, but I always love making new friends!! Please feel free to reach out!!
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dove-da-birb · 1 year
Dove Lore
This Has A Content Warning, Do Not Reblog
So, I mentioned that I used to bartend on a post with @azulashengrottospiano. So here is some more Dove lore. A lot of my certifications revolve around subjects that can be triggering, they will be below the cut
Feel free to pop into the comments if you wish to discuss any of them.
I have been CPR & First Aid certified and know how to use a defibrillator (AED) [need to get recertified, have only used first aid as of yet]
I'm certified in Positive Space [aka I'm a safe person for others to talk to about 2SLGBTQIA+ stuff]
Smart Serve; relates to bartending. I preferred making mocktails though.
The certifications below the cut discuss topics containing overdose, mental health, and suicide. I only say what the certifications are for and don't delve deeper than that.
Mental Health First Aid; trained to intervene in the case of a mental health crisis.
Naloxone; is used in the case of an opioid overdose.
safeTALK; suicide intervention, includes training in knowing the signs.
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kitthomasart · 2 years
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North Country at Work: In the studio with painter Kit Thomas. Thank you Ana Williams-Bergen 🐺 ✨ 🌙 Artist Kit Thomas grew up in Akwesasne but lived throughout the US as an adult. They came back to Akwesasne last year and say that now, everything is falling into place. At 41, they’re finally doing art full-time. Thomas says that they have "always put my work on the back burner, and I've never been allowed to truly give all my passion to art. But now it's my time." * * Thomas has been making art since they were a kid, but they started doing it more seriously in their mid-twenties to help cope with their mental health struggles. They say that "there was something I couldn't get out vocally. And I forgot about the one thing that I would turn to as a kid and I just started sketching again, I started painting." * * “Thomas identifies as two-spirit, a modern umbrella term for Indigenous people who have both masculine and feminine spirits. Two-spirit people also play important social roles in Indigenous communities, something Thomas takes on through their art, where they try to bring awareness to both LGBTQ+ and Indigenous issues.” * * #indigenousart #nativeamericanartist #art #upstateny #indigenouscreators #indigenousownedbusiness #indigiqueer #indigiqueerartist #nativeamerican #twospirit #lgbtqia #2slgbtqia #nativeart #haudenosaunee (at Akwesasne Mohawk Territory) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiskdnXr2cp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wooshboi · 8 months
Pinned post Here. Look
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The names Woosh. He/him. If you know me from @homo-crafter as Mod Timmy, i dont really mind the use of my real names (Tommy, Timmy, Jimmy). my old blogs were @wooshmc and my shared one was @homo-crafter . if youre lookin for Charlie, shes not active much, but she will pop in every once in a while.
Here's some important stuff, i mean, kinda important.
I'm a Minor. no no naughty stuff.
we are allies and kind people here. if you cant do that, fuck off.
any mention/support of the drm team or sam gladiator isnt welcome, for when i go onto do some fandom stuff here.
Twitch | wo0shboi11
YouTube | Wooshboi Minecraft \WooshboiMinecraftReal
TikTok | wooshmc
And here's some of my friends you should follow and support;
Ginganthropy | All Socials; Ginganthropy
Mr Maam | Youtube; M1st3rMaam
Ranify | Youtube; ranboozzz / Twitch; h4ndz0ftime / Twitter; H4NDZ0FTIME
Starcrestedferns | Twitch; starcrestedferns
Starboistars | Twitch; starboistars
KoiiBoi | Twitch; KoiiB0i / YouTube; KoiiBoi/ koiboi7324
Any blogs related to me or my works, such as Charlies possible future blog and people who asked/i asked and were accepted will/can have 'Partner of Woosh & Co.' In their bios or pinned posts, such as fandom blogs, art blogs, au blogs, or just trusted friends.
yay i figured out how to make colored text im a cool kid now
Bigots | Homophobes, Abelists, Transphobes, Racists, etc.
Uninstigated Talk of Politics | Only fine under politcal posts
Hateful Speech | Allegations and drama count under this. only execption is if im actively asking about it.
Personal Questions | Asking about my gender/sexuality past what i say, Asking about my mental health, ext.
Drm/Drm team/Sam Gladiator Supporters | Just no.
2SLGBTQIA+ Exclusionist | These rules are made up
'Minors DNI' Accounts | Until i am over eighteen, dont interact with me if i cannot interact with you. nothing against NSFW accounts rock on
Canon Character ≠ Content Creator | Though some of my characters lore is a metaphor for my real life and struggles, we are not exactly the same. I am actually not a war criminal guys
Stance on Shipping | I cannot give less of a shit. actually. go wild, as long as the other doesnt care. Selfcest is FUNNY to me. Laughable
Fanart/Fanfic | I will kiss you on the lips if you deem me worthy of your time and effort. This also counts to any AU i work on. I love you
Headcanons | Same, I do not care. do whatever with my characters as you please, since i only offer the sillies to you. But please dont make NSFW of my minor characters. I wont care once its not a crime
RPF | You wont see a lot of me IRL, so yeah. i dont really care.
Important [Actually];
I Say Something Offensive | Tell me. Ill issue a apology and work from my mistakes. Please tell me straightforward the issues with my insensitive words, for understanding sarcasm is a struggle.
Thats all really. thanks for abiding and reading all this :]
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happy-siobhan · 2 years
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rural-lesbian · 2 years
Assessment of Mental Health Care in Nova Scotia
CW/TW: This letter refers to mental health related issues including self harm, suicidal ideation and assault. 
I emailed the following letter to Tim Houston, Premier of Nova Scotia; Michelle Thompson, Minister of Health & Wellness, Nova Scotia & Hon. Brian Comer, Minister, Office of Mental Health & Addictions, Nova Scotia; concerning the poor state of mental health care in the province. The Premier has announced additional funding to be put forward to support the system, however I do not believe that the Premier and Ministers in charge of this area of the government have enough training and understanding to put into action true change that will improve the system and what is offered. 
To date I have not received a response. As such I am publishing this letter outlining the major fissures in the system publicly. Please share as you see fit. 
Dear Mr. Houston, Ms. Thompson and Mr. Comer
I am writing to with great concern regarding the state of mental health care in Nova Scotia. As heads of state, government and mental health care in particular, it is imperative that you understand the failings in the system as it exists now, before you begin to start attempting to repair a broken system through means that will not create lasting change. I hope you will take this letter seriously as it pertains to the health and well being of all members of society in Nova Scotia in particular those most vulnerable: Indigenous, Black and people of colour, women, 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals and those experiencing homelessness and poverty. 
I am 38, a lesbian, white settler and present as a cis-het woman*. I have many privileges & I live with chronic mental illness and historical trauma. Because of my health I have been unable to work full time in a job as society stipulates one should (9-5pm Monday-Friday for a fixed salary) since 2015. I have lost incomparable income because of this as well as the pandemic. My financial situation is now critical. I live with my mom because I have not been able to find a way to support myself monetarily and continue to live a healthy life. 
I have been seeking therapy through the public health care system in Canada since I was a child in many different provinces (Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, Alberta and now Nova Scotia). Each province’s system works differently and has pros and cons. The system in Nova Scotia is the weakest I have experienced. 
In Nova Scotia, if you need to seek mental health treatment you must complete a telephone intake. Anyone who has sought mental health treatment will be familiar with this: the phone call where you reveal all your deepest and darkest truths: whether you’ve been assaulted, whether you experience suicidal ideation, whether you have or continue to self harm, etc. Once you are placed with a clinician you have 8 sessions with them. When I found out my therapist was leaving (for other reasons) I was distraught as I wanted to deal with traumas in order to live a healthy fulfilling life, and I don’t believe this is something that can be accomplished in 8 sessions. 
My therapist at the time explained that the mental health care system in Nova Scotia provides care for 8 sessions because they do not want patients becoming dependent on talk therapy. This is because (according to my therapist & presumably the government putting this system in place) ongoing therapy DOES NOT WORK. I have seen this at work before: the revolving door, the patients who come, leave & come back again in crisis. This is not a cycle that I want to live in or repeat. With the help of a well rounded mental health system and clinicians who can provide optimal care this would not be the case or would not need to be the approach. 
I am tired of repeating a cycle where I receive inconsistent care simply because I can’t afford to pay for private care. 
I am tired of entering the mental health care system in crisis only to be leave several months later with no support. 
I am tired of & I do not want to be a patient who needs to return over and over again in that manner. That is not healthy or a holistic approach to health and care. 
My therapists response was: That sounds like the way mental health care works. My therapist, paid by tax payers, believes that going to therapy in crisis, leaving a few months later and reentering in crisis mode is the way therapy works. 
This form of mental health care makes capital the most important tenet for offering care. Making patients into capital is not a health care system focused on health but on making money. 
When I said I wanted consistent mental health care & to leave when I felt ready. My therapists response was that is unrealistic because that will never happen in the public health care system. She furthered that if that were the case (that I left when I was ready) would mean I would be healed of all mental health issues, which is not just unrealistic but impossible.
In essence a government employed health care worker admitted to a patient that the system they work for & that I am seeking help from does not and will never work for its patients. 
This therapist then furthered that if I indeed wanted consistent care I would need to go into private therapy. Again I find this really problematic, that a government employed health care worker would a) redirect a patient out of the public system because they are indicating it is insufficient but also b) assuming that I have the means to support that. 
If I was able to pay for private therapy I would never waste my time on the public system. The reason I am seeking mental health care in the public system is because I don’t have the means to support paying for private mental health care. 
This statement is insulting, ignorant, disrespectful, privileged, tone deaf and ableist. This was said to me - as I stated, a white, cis-het presenting woman. Imagine what that would feel like, how demeaning and invalidating it would be, to someone facing even more barriers than I am. 
The major flaws I see in the system is that it is upheld within a patriarchal, white supremacist, hetero-normative, cis-centred system & culture. The mental health care system requires workers with trauma training, clinicians who are Black, Indigenous and other people of colour, 2SLGBTQIA+,  clinicians who are disability activists, who respect self-care advocation & who are able to see beyond their own privilege. 
I’m invoking the words of Johanna Hedva’s SICK WOMAN THEORY [https:// www.topicalcream.org/features/sick-woman-theory/] which you must read if you have not. 
I am raising my sick fist in solidarity, in protest with all the other sick fists raised in protest. 
I expect to hear from you. 
[* cis-het presenting means I present as a woman and I am a woman and appear to be heterosexual; being white, cis and hetero-presenting are all privileges].
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atlanticstardust · 2 years
🌈 Happy Pride!
This past wednesday, I found my new irl name that represents me as me.
I'm euphoric.
It's crazy how good and happy and right I feel after so long without it.
Anyways, I've been working on this sygil over the last few days to create and have something that I feel represents me truthfully. So, 20+ layers and multiple versions later and this is the result.
Stay safe,
Love Kaden
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froggybangbang · 2 years
He came out very recently facing familly rejection. There's only 6 likes on that video from connorjohnson2188 on tiktok
And know that if you are in the same position as him, you are valid.
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lostwolvrn-pilot6 · 2 years
Please take the survey!! It’s for my sociology class, if you’re between 11 and 22 years old and a part of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community or questioning you fit the criteria!!
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