#Am I just genderfluid?
unabashedhonesty · 1 year
Am I...transgender?
I’ve felt my whole life like I am not a proper female. I remember me, as young as three years old, arguing vehemently with my maternal parental unit that I am a BOY, gd it! I’ve had barbies and dresses and the color PINK forced on me my entire childhood. (I despise pink to this very day because of the association.) I wanted to play sports like wrestling and football, but I couldn’t because those were “for boys”. And then I learned when I was a teenager that I like both genders — but not sex. And I was apparently “wrong” for both of those things. I always had to talk and behave a certain way because of my genitals, which never sat well with me. When I finally started to live with the notion that I-have-a-uterus-and-sizable-breasts-so-logic-dictates-that-I-am-a-girl, I tried to embrace my “place” in the world and started focusing on how to be a “proper lady”, yet all the sudden I was “slutty” and a “hoochie” “outspoken” and “disrespectful” and should dress “conservatively”, even though girls who showed off their looks apparently got praise and approval (it didn’t help that the only affection I ever got was from the “family friend” who got way too handsy with me, but I took it because here was someone who was finally being nice to me).
When I finally got away from toxic relatives and out on my own, I tried to be a proper woman, but the label “woman” never settled in and I waited my entire twenties to feel “right”. Then tragedy hit me and my partner and living became survival again, thus I no longer cared what I looked like or what people thought. I stopped wearing makeup so much, I stopped shaving my legs and armpits, I stopped the painful process of waxing my face, and THEN!! For the first time, I actually felt comfortable in my skin. I stopped wearing bras so much. I started wearing geeky t-shirts and jeans and biker boots. I talk in a way that feels right to me, and not how a “lady” should. I stopped sitting like a “lady” and I don’t take shit from anybody anymore. I began to realize that I never liked being referred to as a “she” and would jokingly tell my friends to not accuse me of being a woman. Then I started an anonymous, faceless, genderless Twitter (before the muskrat takeover) as a social experiment, and learned that I LIKED it when everyone just assumed I was a guy. I didn’t correct them because I didn’t want them to change the way they talked to me.
I then came to the conclusion that I’m genderfluid. I prefer they/them pronouns, but I really do enjoy he/him. I still know how to be a “woman”, and I still occasionally present myself as one when it’s needed (or when it’s not a good idea to get into correcting people). I still thought I was stuck being a woman when I met my partner, so I will happily be a woman for them from time to time, because that’s what they’re attracted to and I still want to be attractive to them. But they never try to make me be anything, and certainly doesn’t shame me for my gender issues — they love and support me whatever I’m feeling. (They still refer to me as “she”, but that’s what I still was when we met nearly a decade ago and it’s hard for them to switch, so I don’t hold it against them; they’re not malicious about it at all). And if I’m feeling particularly masculine — even for weeks or months at a time — they don’t try to stop me from being just that. For most of my life, I’d never heard of transgender or gender-affirming care or anything of the sort (due to being raised in an EXTREMELY conservative environment), but once I started educating myself about it so I could support others, it started to make a lot of sense to me. But I’m still learning and trying to understand it all, so I beg of you, LGBTQIA+ side of Tumblr, to PLEASE help me understand what exactly I am and what I’m going through. I know how I feel — have ALWAYS felt — and that is most certainly NOT feminine. Am I genderqueer? Am I Trans? Is this real? Am I a hypochondriac? Is it all in my head? Am I just confused? Please help!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤎🤍🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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starkitten101 · 5 months
Made this in like a minute out of frustration over a couple memories. Is this anything
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rouge-the-bat · 1 year
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ribbons of genderfluid rage
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thehealingsystem · 2 years
It's so wild to me that as a community we're still so hostile to multigender and genderfluid people existing in gay and lesbian spaces.
You...are aware that people who are both men and women are allowed to be gay, right? And lesbian? Their other genders doesn't cancel their connection to womanhood, or manhood, or whatever else they id with. They are allowed to be gay despite their fem-alignment, and they are allowed to be lesbian despite their masc-alignment.
It comes from these weird online spaces that the standard to be gay or lesbian is to be a "non-woman" or a "non-man," which is inherently transmultiphobic and...extremely ahistorical. And completely misunderstands nonbinary identity. So if you're both then you just don't belong anywhere I suppose.
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crazyw3irdo · 1 year
okay, i think any time anyone asks what superpower we’d like to have most everyone on this website would say shapeshifting but what kind of shapeshifting would you like
type 1- wild shape, you can turn into any animal, real or fictional
type 2- mystique, you can turn into any real person
type 3- cosplay, you can turn into any humanoid fictional character
type 4- jake the dog, you’re super stretchy
type 5- character creator, you can alter your own appearance- like changing voice hair length texture color, changing height and weight, transing gender, etc, but you can’t add anything non-human (ie horns, wings, claws, etc)
type 6- additional features, you can add things like snake eyes, horns, cat ears, tail, claws, wings, mermaid tail, but you remain humanoid overall and can’t change things like height or gender presentation or hair color. you can still change your voice tho
type 7- were-wolf, we all know what a werewolf is, lads. can be any kind of animal. can be straight up wolf or more monstrous wolf form that’s up to you.
type 8- furry, you just become your fursona. or any kind of fursona really you can change between them
type 9- antman, can become small or big
type 10- other, say what kind ya want
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kits-ships · 1 month
ppl always strive to be canon-accurate w/ their selfships or ocxcanon but who cares ! it's YOUR f/o whether you hit them with an OC beam or not. headcanons already exist and people will always interpret a character differently. love them however you want.
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
"This is the gender fuckery and cis+ website"You guys can't even handle trans people who don't want to physically transition
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Doctor Who "Rogue" memes
I've made memes. enjoy.
(contains slight spoilers)
firstly, ones that are more encompassing:
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regarding the episode itself:
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and finally, Captain Jack Harkness stages of grief:
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ziggydabiggy · 3 months
a small compilation of my favorite hook voicelines from the kinect disneyland game. you can tell why certain lines are in here
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This is for the people who didn't know they were gay or bi or pan or ace or aro in their childhood.
This is for the people who had crushes which could be deemed straight and then came out as gay later in their lives.
This is for the trans or genderqueer or fluid or nonbinary people who did not experience dysphoria in their agab.
This one is for the people who don't want to take T or E or have gender-affirming surgery but are still trans.
This one is for the sex-positive or sex-neutral aces who are told that they aren't ace because they aren't disgusted by sex.
This one is for anyone who has been told, "You just need to find the right girl/guy!"
This one is for all the queer people who have been told that they cannot be queer because of their religion, race, ethnicity, etc.
This one is for all the queer people who were told that they weren't queer just because they didn't fit into somebody else's idea of what being queer is like.
Nobody can tell you how to be queer. The only one who gets to decide that is YOU. Queer people do not need to bend themselves over backwards to make others comfortable.
We have always been here and we will continue to be here, and everyone else will just have to learn to accept that.
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
Finding hilariously ironic how most of Sanji's perv jokes end up being extremely trans-coded to some extent only because the joke is longer than it should be.
The "guy with a woman's body" joke has been a thing for ages now, but it usually ends after the "haha I have booobs" joke. Sanji extends it to "I want to stay in this body forever. It feels right. I don't want to give it back". Which could still be read as some perverted stuff, but I don't think any man would agree with that. No matter how much of a pervert he is. Because usually being perceived as a woman is something they refuse to go through although they like being in possession sexually of a woman's body (a type of excitement Sanji actually shows, not by being that much aroused by it but being comfortable with it? Which is... A different approach to the joke).
Sanji has made the typical "going into the girl's changing room/bathroom" joke a couple of times, but in Egghead he goes all the way to be extremely frustrated about not being able to do so? And it is obviously different than wanting to keep Nami's body forever. It can still be seen as frustration for not being able to see girls naked. But. But. The fact that the length of the joke increases? The fact that it's way longer than it should be for an average "haha boobs" joke? You know what I mean.
Not to mention his whole arc during the time-skip and how a simple (both transphobic and misogynistic, by the way) joke, goes all the way to show us that Sanji is indeed comfortable in more feminine clothes and environment, until he's pretty much forced to snap out of his fantasy to go back to the crew. But he wasn't having a bad time at all. And it is intended to be a joke, but it's... Longer than it should be to be considered only a joke and to not pay attention to it.
This isn't meant to be an analysis of any kind because if it were I would've worded it differently and would've mentioned how his childhood is also extremely trans-coded, but we all already know that. I just find it extremely funny how all of these jokes that intend to be directed at straight perv men are actually too long to not be taken into consideration as something deeper than a joke. But, aha, yeah, these are just jokes and definitely not proof of Sanji's perception of gender and his issues with it.
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finitepiano · 2 months
I think I just figured out what flavor of Asexual I am,
I understand that some other asexuals are sex repulsed or simply not interested in reading equal content. I read those types of things, and it always made me feel a bit weird whenever thinking harder about it. But learning that your specific branch of identity has a label and shared experience beyond the umbrella term of asexualtiy is new to me.
Aegosexual is quite the name, but I think it fits.
Aegosexual classifies people who experience a disconnect between themselves and the subject of arousal. This enables them to experience sexual attraction, arousal, and desire in response to sexual stimuli, yet they have little or no desire to engage in sexual activity with anyone.
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rouge-the-bat · 1 year
people put out 2 boxes, one labeled "woman" and another labeled "man." they point to the "woman" box and tell me that if i am to be a lesbian, i have to sit in that one. but i do not fit, i spill over and onto the floor.
then people put out 3 boxes, one labeled "woman," one "nonbinary," and another "man." they point to the "woman" and "nonbinary" boxes and say that if im a lesbian, i can sit in either of those. i do not fit in just one, and i can not cut myself into two to be able to sit inside both.
then people toss out the "woman" and "nonbinary" boxes and replace it with one bigger box labeled "non-man." surely this will fix the issue, they say. i sit in it. i dont fit. i spill over onto the floor.
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 5 months
Girl and bro as gender neutral terms are so important
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icarusredwings · 1 month
Sometimes I feel like an open minded grandpa who just loves his grandkids and minds his buisness.
Oh you love boys? Cool.
Oh you love girls? Cool.
Oh you love both boys and girls? Cool.
Oh you love boys girls and people who are other? Cool
Oh you like everyone? Cool.
Oh you only like very specific people after getting to know them on a deeper level? Cool.
Oh you don't like people at all? Cool.
Oh you dont know who you like? Cool.
Oh you want to be called a girl? Cool.
Oh you want to be called a boy? Cool.
Oh you want to be called *insert anything else*? Cool.
Oh you don't know what you want to be called? Cool.
Oh you change what you want to be called? Cool.
Oh you want to be called everything? Cool.
Like, I don't fully get it, but Grandpa will try his best for you, sweetie. Grandpa loves you all for you, no matter who that might be. This be said, please be patiant, I'm still learning :)
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pendragon1400 · 6 months
As a genderfluid Transmasc, my goal in life is to look like Howl Pendragon from Howl's Moving Castle.
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