#Anti Suicide Squad
missourielephant · 27 days
We are seeing a triumph for those who love excellent video games lately. Hogwarts Legacy, Stellar Blade, and Black Myth: Wukong have been very well received by gamers. The last one is breaking all kinds of records.
By contrast SSKTJL, Concord, and Dustborn have all flopped like the worthless trash they are. Star Wars Outlaws looks poised to crash and burn too.
Gamers are winning and celebrating the success of excellent games, and gaming journalists CANNOT handle it. Their unhinged rants about why the best selling games are bad and the games that flopping are supposed to be good is comedy gold.
And I am loving every second of it.
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coolman229 · 4 months
My video on Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League is up! This video has been a huge work in progress and it's over 2 hours long. This game is such a disaster lmao
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bg-11 · 8 months
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zal-cryptid · 8 months
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DC characters - Katana
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giveemhales · 3 months
UPDATE 7/30/24: I ended up starting a DCU charity event which is going on now! Check out @dcufans4palestine
Over 100 people have responded to the poll I put out two days ago about a DCU charity event for Palestine (see the original post here) so I have decided to make an actual interest form.
Please fill out this form if you have any interest in participating in a DCU themed fan event to raise money for a Palestinian cause. Whether you want to create fanworks (of any type!) in exchange for donations, donate in exchange for fanworks, or help organize the event, please share your thoughts! All corners of the fandom are welcome. The more participants, the better. On top of figuring out how many people would be interested in participating, this form is also to learn what type of event people would be most interested in.
Hopefully there is a good amount of interest (and some volunteers to help run the event) and we can make this a reality!
Please fill out the form and reblog!
Check under the cut for some more info!
There are currently three event options in the form. Here is a brief description of what each would look like:
1. Gotcha for Gaza: donors would send proof of a donation to the event with a prompt. There would be a team of volunteer creators the prompt would go to. A volunteer would claim the prompt and send their work to the donor. This would probably be mostly fanfic and/or fanart
2. Raffle: volunteer creators would offer up a prize. Prizes would most likely be commissions, but if anyone wanted to donate handmade physical art, merch, comics, etc, that would also be an option. Donors would be able to buy raffle tickets, likely for about $5 a piece. Raffle tickets would either be offered by category (donate $5 to fanfic category -> if you win, you are matched with a creator offering fanfic) or by creator (your raffle ticket would be going to the specific creator you are most interested in).
3. Commissions: creators would get to choose how much to charge, what they are willing to offer, etc. The event would share everyone’s commission details, but donors would contact the creators directly. This would probably be mostly fanart, maybe some fanfic
If anyone has any questions or additional ideas, feel free to message me.
Also, if anyone has fandom connections outside of tumblr (twitter, discord, etc) feel free to share this form! I am unfortunately not super connected in the fandom, so all help to spread the word is appreciated
I will be keeping the form open until the end of the week, at which point I’ll decide if there’s enough interest to go forward.
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gece-misin-nesin · 8 months
I honestly have no sympathy for people whining about Batman being done dirty in the suicide squad game. I mean, other characters have been made underpowered for the sake of Batman for years now, I don't see how an instance of it happening to HIM for once in A VIDEO GAME that isn't even canon to the comics somehow "ruins his character" or "is a huge disservice to the character". Go and cry about it more lol. See how it feels when YOUR fave is being done dirty for the sake of another character.
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queenoftheferns · 17 days
Just saw a post claiming Poison Ivy was made by Neil Gaiman and I am not letting that shit fly. Poison Ivy was created in 1966 by Robert Kanigher and although Neil Gaiman wrote a (disgusting and misogynistic) comic about her in the late 80s, saying Ivy was created by him would be like saying Harley Quinn was created for the first Suicide Squad movie. Like no that is not her origin that is literally the worst version of her
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The thing is that Jason Todd, as a character, is a mess. The most consistently he has been written was when he was robin so you get a situation that is like canon vs canon vs canon vs fanon here.
Is Jason an extremely cunning anti-villain who came back to challenge batman's approach to organized crime and prison? Yes
Is Jason an angry sociopathic super-villain who doesn't think things through? Yes
Is Jason the bad boy anti-hero but sweetheart big brother to the younger members of the batfamily? Yes
Is Jason the protector of crime alley, defender of women and kids alike? Yes
Is Jason a cold and calculating crime lord who thinks that the "means justify the ends"? Yes
This leaves us in a situation where basically no interaction of him is in character, people often erase either the "bad" or the "good" of his stories to make it more digestible with I understand but it does erase who he is.
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xxharleyquinnxx · 6 months
Details ✨
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"Even if The Justice League were just clones, Robin is still dead."
Guys it's just Tim Drake it's not like any likeable Robin died
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zionistsinfilm · 2 months
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When you buy or stream Time Bandits, Jojo Rabbit, Thor, Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Klara and the Sun, Lightyear, Suicide Squad, Avengers, Tower of Terror, you're giving money to Zionists. Taika Waititi thanked Butcher Biden.
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bg-11 · 8 months
Listening to King Shark go on an extended spiel about how great journalism is.
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cavinginhisfvce · 2 years
'No Other Way Out For Me"
Pairing: Harringrove.
Tw: suicide attempt, ED unspecified, implied child abuse, self-harm.
Loosely based off the quote "They never want to discuss what triggered you. Just how you reacted."
Was originally one part, but will now be two!
Nobody notices the way Billy seems largely put off by every meal. They don't see the disgust that courses through him with every bite, through every uptick in his calorie intake.
They don't see when he finally dips off to the bathroom to ralph every morsel he possibly can.
Nobody hears his cries over the rush of shower water, they don't hear him shouting to be seen, heard, and held. 
They don't see the drops of red that mix in with his shower water as it trails down the drain.
What they do see is Billy's unbridled anger. His hair triggers for any and all things. They see bruised knuckles, and split lips in place of his oh so evident pain. They see a nuisance, an unreasonably angry boy. They take what they see at face value, nobody digs further. Billy doesn't ask them to.
Nobody witnesses the days Billy can barely drag himself out of bed. Nobody sees the days where he's so tired, every movement feels like a war on his body and mind.
There's always a hidden layer of fatigue beneath his skin, some days it's easily ignored, while others it demands to be addressed. 
No one is around to watch as Billy Hargrove becomes a shell of his former self. Only Billy and the four walls of whatever room he's holed up in.
Nobody sees the papers that litter Billy's bedroom, or their contents. They don't see the "Dear Max'" and the "I'm sorrys". 
Not until it's too late, anyway. 
Now, Max watches, horrified as Steve Harrington and her step father alternate between applying pressure to Billy's wounds, and checking for a pulse. 
It all seems so hopeless. Her mother tries, and fails to shield her from seeing the panicked attempts at keeping Billy alive. The paramedics aren't too far, Max can hear the blare of their sirens, even over Steve's rushed words of, "stay with us, Billy. Please." "I got you, please." 
Please, please, please.
Max wonders if he's pleading with Billy or with the universe. She hopes it's both.
When the EMTs finally did arrive, Max watched with tearful blue eyes as they carted Billy off and into the Ambulance. She watched as Neil slipped in before the doors shut. She watched as Steve dropped to his knees and began to sob, his clothes ruined from the blood that was all over their living room floor. She doesn't know if she should comfort him or leave him be.
She didn't understand why Steve was crying. Was it because the situation was traumatic, even for them? Or was it because somewhere along the line, they'd become friends or something like it?
Sadly, Max wasn't able to wonder very long before her mom was guiding her back into the house. She tried to rush them past the spots where Billy's blood pooled the most, tried to keep the red stained floors from view, but Max had already seen. Max had already seen the state her brother was in when they found him. Had seen the lifeless tint to his skin. 
She thought for sure he was gone, but somehow, in spite of his own attempts, he was still fighting. Still alive. 
Weak, but alive. If the EMTs were to be trusted when they told her and her mom that Billy would be okay.
Her mom tells her to pack a bag, one for herself and one for Billy. 
She obliges. 
When her own bag is packed and resting at the foot of her bed, Max hurriedly slips into Billy's room.
She ignores the knowledge that she hasn't been inside of his room in almost a year. She pushes past the visible signs that her brother had been spiraling. There's beer cans littering just about every flat surface. There's papers everywhere, some ripped, some crumpled. 
But, worst of all? It's significantly empty, all his posters are gone, leaving his walls bare, lackluster. 
His once extensive record collection has dwindled considerably. He barely has six left. Max notes that almost all his favorite ones are gone, the remaining six are the ones she too found herself enjoying. Back when her and Billy hung out. Before they moved to Hawkins and Billy changed.
His clothes are all packed away in plastic crates, the kind meant for long term storage. 
She doesn't let herself consider how long Billy had been planning this. If she did, she'd probably see all the signs he laid out for somebody to acknowledge. 
He had long since swapped out his short-sleeved, tight shirts, for layers. His jeans followed the same fate, and were replaced by sweatpants and loose jeans. At the time, Max assumed the cold had finally gotten to him. She thought he was just conforming to a life in a brisk town, the same as her.
Instead of packing a bag, she reaches down and swipes up a piece of paper. It's crumpled beyond repair, but legible nonetheless.
"Dear Max, 
I'm sorry. For everything. I wasn't a good brother, and you deserved better than that. 
I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from him, any longer. Please don't hate me for this, Max. 
If you have to hate me, hate me for how I treated you. But please don't hate me for this. There was no other way out for me,"
The letter gets cut off there, Max guesses he wasn't pleased with how it was coming along.
Max drops the paper with a soft gasp, her eyes filling with tears once again. She wouldn't cry though. Because Billy was going to be okay. He was going to get better, and Max could be the sister he's always needed, and in turn she hopes he will at least try to be a proper brother to her. 
She wants to read another unfinished note, but it feels like an invasion, because Billy might've been addressing her, but the letters were still in his possession.
She's never hated him. She just followed the tune he played, it was better if Neil thought they were against one another. Even Max knew that without needing to be told.
But this whole situation? It changed the tune of the song, whether Billy intended for it to or not, Max was no longer following his cues. She didn't need to, because when Billy came home, they'd write the song together.
With that in mind, Max sets to pack his bag. It was easy, considering the way his clothes were packed up. 
Max, despite her protests, was sent to stay with The Byers' for over a week.
Usually, staying with her friends was a blessing, but this time it was a dreadful affair. She just wanted to go see Billy in the hospital, but she kept being told she was too young to see him that way. As if she hadn't seen her brother lying in a pool of his own blood. 
When Max was able to go home, Billy still hadn't been released from the hospital. At dinner, she finally asked why that was. 
Neil seemed to tense up at the question, his fingers clutched his fork so tightly the metal all but bent at the action.
"He's not well, Maxine. The doctors just want to keep him there a little longer to make sure nothing like this happens again." Her mom's voice cut through the silence that followed her question. 
Max, feeling pissed off, and put out for some reason, just nodded and went back to eating her dinner. 
Well, she tried at least. Most of it was burned, or just too bland. 
Her mom was never a good cook, not like Billy who would always manage to save Susan's dishes in some way. He always caught them before they burned, or snuck in extra seasoning whenever her mom would turn her back.
It was another two weeks before Billy was meant to come home, only five days before it all, Neil had taken off in the dead of night. He didn't leave a note, didn't even say goodbye. 
To Max's knowledge, her mother hadn't cried when she realized her husband wouldn't be returning. She blared the music Neil often complained about, Billy's favorite genre of music, and skirted around Billy's bedroom. She had Max help her unpack his belongings, his clothes returned to the closet, his scarce record collection was put into a proper display. 
Steve even came by and hung Billy's mirror up behind his door. To Max's surprise, he'd also replaced the posters that once covered the walls. He even went as far as to add additional posters, ones from bands Max knew Billy enjoyed. She just didn't know why Steve also knew which bands he favored.
The day they set out to pick Billy up from the hospital, Max had been buzzing with excitement. Three long weeks of not seeing Billy was finally coming to a close. 
Max couldn't remember the last time she had been so ready to see the blond, she thinks it might've been when their parents were only dating. They still lived in California, they still got along back then.
However, on the ride over, Max was starting to regret agreeing to come along. She initially thought Billy had been in Hawkins Memorial Hospital, it was nearby, and equipped to take care of him. 
But, when they drove beyond the town's limits, to a hospital in the next town over, Max had thrown her head back with a groan. 
Steve, who had offered to drive her and her mom, just laughed and glanced back at her when they pulled into a red light. "It's a long drive, right? I've made this drive at least six times this month." 
Again, Max was left to wonder just how close Steve and her brother had gotten without her knowing.
This time, however, she voiced her question to him. 
The elder seemed to pause, his hands freezing in their place on the steering wheel. He was almost dazed until Susan laid a hand on his arm and whispered something Max couldn't catch. 
Whatever it was, was apparently enough to have him nodding his head and breathing out. "We're dating? He's my boyfriend, I guess. I mean, it was purely physical for a long time, but..." 
Even though he sounded unsure, and was probably scolding himself for oversharing, Max detected the smile in his voice. She was shocked, for a multitude of reasons. But, mostly because Steve Harrington was dating her brother. The mere thought had her gagging out loud, her face scrunched up in obvious displeasure. She was shocked her mother knew, but that was a topic to broach on a later date.
"Okay, TMI! I get it." Her mom was the first to dissolve into giggles, but both Max and Steve were quick to follow suit.
It took almost thirty minutes before Billy was crossing the threshold of the hospital he'd spent nearly a month in. When he spotted Max, Susan and Steve, it was obvious they hadn't seen him yet. So, Billy did what any sensible older brother would do, and snuck up behind Max. His eye caught Steve's and he motioned for him to remain silent, before he was placing both hands on Max's shoulders and leaning into her space. "Hey, shitbird!" 
Max, who almost jumped out of skin, turned around and flung herself into Billy's arms. "Asshole!"
The latter caught her easily, his arms winding around her waist, both of them ignoring Susan's gentle scolding. 
It was at least a minute before Billy was playfully shoving her away, his face twisted up in mock anger, "alright  enough, you're getting little bitch all over me!"
Max slapped his arm, her lips forming a pout, "stop being an ass, I missed you!"
Billy just smirked at her, clicking his tongue as he glanced up at Steve, then at Susan. 
There was a mischievous glint in his eye, one familiar to all of them. 
Steve was the one to groan, "Billy, no, don't." 
But, his plea fell on deaf ears, because two seconds later, Billy was saying, "You act like I almost died, Maxie."
Again, Max slapped his arm, this time with more power than the first one. "Don't joke about that, Billy!" 
Her body seemed to betray her demands, because she was then giggling madly. 
"Only you two would find this funny." Her mom just shook her head, her disappointment overshadowed by the fond twinge to her tone.
On the ride home, Max and Susan both sat in the back, allowing Billy the opportunity to sit in the passenger seat.
He tried convincing Steve to let him drive, but he was quick to decline. None of them were too keen on the motion sickness that came with Billy's fast, reckless driving.
Every time Steve glances in Billy's direction, Max can't help but to wonder if he's seeing the same image that flashes occasionally in her mind. 
Billy, not breathing, bleeding too much for any one person, he was thinner than Max could recall. 
It was like Billy had been replaced before their very eyes. Only, nobody noticed the way his cheeks seemed to sink in, or the way his eyes always held dark bags, even after hours, and hours of rest.
Once upon a time, Max would've praised herself for how well she knew her step brother, but recent events proved she knew very little about him. It had taken him nearly dying for her to see his pain. For anyone to see his pain. Max wishes she would've seen Billy changing from abrasive to withdrawn for what it was. A cry for help. Instead, she wrote it off. She wrote him off.
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lazywolfwiccan · 5 months
Warner Bros actually made Rocksteady make the Suicide Squad game. Rocksteady wanted to do a Batman Beyond spinoff but WB still thinks the Suicide Squad is incredible popular and forced them to do it. They also wanted the Justice League dead for no fucking reason.
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jkpancake29 · 8 months
For those who cry WOKE
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I'm seeing articles for the new Suicide Squad game and besides the actual reasons to criticize the game I am seeing the usual man children cry Woke. I'm happy for people who call media "woke" these days, because they will never be happy again.
I think to a post I saw talking about the netflix show Blue Eye Samurai and they were talking about how they were worried the whole time watching the show because they kept waiting for it to be "woke". It just gives me the insight that these people have to sit on pins and needles because they have to worry that a character will say something horrible like "Gay people are normal" or "Racism is bad" and that will somehow ruin a whole show, movie, or game for them. It's pathetic and hilarious at the same time. And look I get it, I mean I watch action movies as my comfort genre, you know how often I watch a movie with some political theme that says "Men need to be emotionless husks ready to kill" or that the government is totally on the side of the people? A lot is the answer. But I'm an adult so I can just either laugh at it or say "that's dumb" and move on. Now of course it can become ham fisted and then be an actual issue but we all know that's not what these people are pouty about. It's because a rainbow flag is in one corner of the map, or there is a 2 second gay kiss, or the character creation give you a pronoun option. They will never be happy again unless they grow up
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the-desolated-quill · 6 months
Things continue to go from bad to worse for Rocksteady and their god awful Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League game. At this point they could honestly give Aliens: Colonial Marines a run for their money.
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