mezz000 · 1 month
‪Shayne is so freaking lucky to get to kiss BOTH Courtney Miller and Spencer Agnew.
when I find you shayne. 🫵
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daddiesdrarryy · 11 months
Regulus: You should be addicted to shutting the fuck up, James.
James: Hah! You wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid!
Regulus: And so what if I do?
James: …
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whollyjoly · 2 months
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i was viscerally reminded of backwards ball cap!buck in jinx (4x06) and this demanded to be made
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jasontoddssuper · 7 months
"Potraying Dick as a huge slut who's always getting put into fanservice is actually progressive because it normalizes casual sex and is gender equality because female characters get potrayed that way too!!!"I mean sure but i feel like we could prove those same points with a male character who's NOT a multiple time r*pe survivor of color that's gotten victim blamed for at least one his assault's and has been coded as demisexual with a discomfort towards sexual looseness for himself since the 80s anyway
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
See,here's what not clicking for Atla fans who believe and i quote 'No girl would choose Aang over Zuko':Zuko is society's ideal boyfriend.Aang is KATARA'S ideal boyfriend.It was kinda a big thing of hers,remember?Her wanting to not conform to gender expections and be a girl in her own way?Also all the anarchism and direct action and activism and anti-imperialist eco-terrorism?That Aang helped her out on on a regular basis and thought was attractive?Am i ringing any bells yet or are you still busy dressing up Katara in her colonizer nation's wardrobe from season 3 over half the time while accusing Aang of making her assimilate and writing Iroh as their wingman inbetween your metas on how Katara was forced to be with Aang.It's fine,i was gonna tune out your awnser while listening to the Avatar's Love Lo-Fi cover anyway
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peacerisendove · 3 months
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Saw this meme and just had to redraw it as Thad and Match. Just imagine if the writers had given Match his original personality during Titans East, or just them meeting up again. These two would have tension. (Honestly, ESPECIALLY post Match's Suicide Squad run. There would be hero/villain tension or just tension caused by meeting up your best friend and realizing how much they've changed, how things have CHANGED between you two, and dealing with all of that.)
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comradekatara · 7 months
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an old drawing i never actually got around to coloring but that i touched up a bit just now. i just think they would become such a cool squad after the war. dykes and their token man
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mimi-mindless · 1 year
Okay German speaking crowd! How would you say this sentence:
"Das ist der/die/das Squad!"
Also in Kontexten wie "das ist die DnD Gruppe, das ist die Sport Gruppe" etc.
bitte rebloggen, hab in meiner Freundesgruppe schon sehr weirde Ergebnisse bekommen!
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admireforever · 9 months
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steviesbicrisis · 2 years
Steve Hurts himself easily.
The Party would undoubtedly agree because when there are punches to be thrown, Steve would be in the middle of it, especially when it came to defending his friends.
What they didn't notice was that Steve would also hurt himself in every day life, by bumping against furniture, objects and any other obstacle in his path.
He was used to this since he was a little kid, so he never thought of it as a big deal. He would find new bruises in his arms or thighs and wonder how he got them.
By working together, Robin had kinda picked on this, and she would look out for any sharp object that Steve might bump into. But other than that, no one noticed until summer arrived.
Steve took the habit of wearing shorts any chances he got, and that was driving Eddie crazy. He had tried to not stare at Steve's legs, but in vain. And that's when he notices a giant purple bruise on Steve's mid-thigh.
«What the fuck is that?» he asks, alarmed.
«Oh yeah, I got this the other day. I don't know, I must've bumped into something»
«What did you bump into?? a golf bat?!» he brushes delicately over the bruise, not noticing Steve's blush.
«I don't know man, it's nothing! I have a bunch of those, see?» he gestures at the smaller bruises in his legs and arms «nothing to worry about».
«Are you fucking kidding me?» Eddie jumps off the couch, then disappears in Steve's kitchen. He can still hear him grumbling "it's nothing my ass" "I cannot believe this man" "Zero self care, seriously".
Steve gives him a pointed look and waits until Eddie comes back with bubble wrap and tape - Steve has no idea where he found them.
«what are you doing?»
«I'm baby-proofing this house!»
«There are no babies in this house...»
«That is you, you're the baby.»
Steve is a blushing and stuttering mess as he follows Eddie around the house, trying to convince him that it is not a big deal.
When Robin arrives with take out, Steve is still blushing and half of his belongings are tightly wrapped.
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allycot · 11 months
bi-han: where is kuai liang
frost: ask his boyfriend
bi-han: his- who???
cyrax: scorpion
bi-han: W H A T
smoke: yes, I was shocked too.
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pydrasplatling · 3 months
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daddiesdrarryy · 1 year
Draco: Father, mother, there’s something I have to tell you. I’m gay
Lucius: …
Narcissa: I won
Lucius, hands Narcissa 50 Galleons: All right
Draco: You two are taking this surprisingly well
Narcissa: Your first word was Potter, darling
Lucius: Have you found anyone then, Draco? A special boy in your life?
Draco: Oh, er, no, I’ve only ever liked…Potter. And, well, we’re not dating. We’re just friends, sort of, we haven’t even kissed
Lucius, laughs: Salazar! I’ve kissed more lads than you when I was your age, son!
Draco: What?
Lucius: Oh, right, you don’t know
Lucius: Son, there’s something I have to tell you
Draco: …
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morangoowada · 10 days
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Diamond brothers for these trying times (happy pride month I guess)
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jasontoddssuper · 7 months
Saying Dick Grayson has a thing for redheads is peak white gayness.Imagine you take a canon brown man who's exclusively shown interest in black women and just shove 2/4 of them aside so you can replace them with two white dudes and act like it's peak progressiveness,especially when the literally TWO redheads he's been in love with WERE BOTH FUCKING BLACK WOMEN
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punkeropercyjackson · 15 days
Ight so let's state this outright:Katara fell in love with Aang because he's her best friend and he's always been nicer to her than anyone else is.This is because Katara knows her worth so she'd never even look in the general direction of anybody who dosen't respect and is kind to her.It's true that Zuko changed a lot and became an incredibly good person but the idea that this means Katara HAS to be in love with him over Aang is 'Girls HAVE to want Nice Good GuysTM or else they're stupid bitches who don't know what they want and what they owe men' rethoric.This dosen't apply to Aang because Katara was never shamed for not outright dating him and Aang is actually pretty patient and lax with his feelings and let's her make her own decisions in their dynamic.Zuko also does not need to be with Katara to have a completed redemption arc because his redemption arc was never about her,it was about standing up to Ozai and becoming best friends with Aang and just generally breaking the cycle of abuse.As someone who selfships with Zuko thanks to reading the comics and made their Atlasona half Air Nomad,the problem with Zutara isn't that Zuko is the prince of the Fire Nation but that he directly hurt Katara constantly and this is why i deliberately gave as little animosity between him and them within good writing measures and made them childhood best friends so it dosen't carry racialized misogyny undertones and feels like an organic ship instead of romance for the sake of romance.Kataang is a good ship because it uplifts and strengthens Katara and Zutara is bad for Katara because it makes her into Zuko's prize and an infinitely more stale character.Katara is for the weirdgirls and nobody ever told you she was normal
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