#Barty Crouch Sr.
midnightstargazer · 1 year
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Aesthetics for my fanfics, part 13
Heart of Stone
Teen & Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, ~1,300 words
Narcissa Malfoy attends the Lestranges’ trial
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theenchantedecho · 1 year
Steeped in scandal and simmering speculation, the usually staid corridors of the Ministry of Magic are a veritable cauldron of whispers and wonderment. The Minister of Magic, Barty Crouch Sr., whose political manoeuvres hold more surprises than a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, has unrolled a parchment of shocking revelations. His latest spell of audacity? An ambitious expansion of the Wizengamot, our time-honoured court of law and legislative body. This bold move has left the wizarding world more stirred up than a perturbed nest of Puffskeins.
The bewitching question on everyone's lips is, why the sudden expansion? When cornered by my trusty Quick-Quotes Quill, Crouch, in a torrent of grandiloquent rhetoric, avowed his intent "to bring in a fresh perspective and fortify the institution's ability to maintain peace and order in these trying times." Now isn't that a charmingly altruistic sentiment? One can't help but sniff the faint but unmistakable scent of political manipulation wafting from such noble intent.
To fully appreciate this unfolding drama, let's take a moment to delve into the depths of Wizengamot's illustrious history. Predating even the Ministry of Magic itself, the Wizengamot's roots dig deep into the heart of the medieval Wizards' Council. Its ceremonial robes of plum and silver, bearing an ornate W, are as much a symbol of our tradition as the Sorting Hat itself.
The Wizengamot, more than just a court of law, is our legislative body. With about fifty members, whose selection process remains as elusive as the secrets of the Chamber, it's an intriguing institution, to say the least. Trials are swift and final, offering no room for appeal, making the identities of these new prospective members all the more significant.
The Ministry's marble halls buzz louder than a hive of enchanted bees as rumours dart around like mischievous Nifflers. My sources, as shadowy as the Forbidden Forest and equally as tantalizing, suggest that the new appointees may have closer ties to our Minister than a Hippogriff to its nest. Could this be the beginning of a Crouch dynasty? Or a simple refresh of perspectives? Only time, and Rita Skeeter, will tell.
Sensing the urgency of my relentless pursuit of the truth, an anonymous Ministry official (yes, Cornelius Fudge, we see through your cloak of anonymity), whispered in my ear, "It's a dangerous game of Gobstones being played in the Wizengamot. Keep your eyes peeled and your wits about you." In the echoes of the Minister's office, the Sorting Hat's chilling words resonate: "Those cunning folks use any means, to achieve their ends." Could this be prophecy taking shape?
Meanwhile, for our passionate puzzle aficionados, keep your Spectrespecs ready! Tomorrow's Daily Prophet features a special Wizengamot-themed crossword. Can you, through a labyrinth of cryptic clues, discern the identities of the future members of our esteemed court? Gird your wands, dear readers, the game is afoot!
For the symbol savants amongst you, we present a magical game based on court emblems and Wizengamot seals. These, my fabulous readers, are the heralds of change and innovation.
Stay tuned, dear readers. I, Rita Skeeter, your audacious correspondent, am on the case. I promise to delve deeper, to push past the obscurity, to reveal the truth, the intrigue, the pure
scandal hidden beneath the surface of this Ministry maelstroöm. Brace yourselves, for the best version of the truth is yet to come. It's juicier, it's wickedly fascinating, and it's the only truth that you won't want to put down.
Until our quills meet again, I will continue to lift the veil of secrecy on the world's most enthralling mysteries. The wizarding world turns, and with it, the Daily Prophet, offering you the first, the last, the only word on the enchanting and enigmatic world of magic. Keep the magic alive, my spellbinding readers! Stay curious, stay vigilant, and above all, stay enchanted.
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not-rab · 28 days
rosekiller but vampire!evan and barty’s dad is a known vampire hunter
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jamie-potters · 15 days
Italian barty who learned from his father how to make his famous pasta
Italian barty who learned the recipe but learned it through verbal abuse and physical abuse
Italian barty who never told anyone his trauma
Italian barty who's friends ask for the pasta not knowing when he does it he relives the tramua of his father
Italian barty who finally gets together with evan and one night confesses about his father
Italian barty who wakes up with evan nudging him to make pasta
Italian barty who feels like crying because he thinks evan doesnt care
Italian barty who gets up to make the pasta and evan who follows him
Italian bary who starts making the pasta while evan holds him and kisses him to try to make him forget about who made him learn the recipe
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marauders-bs · 2 months
barty who tried to figure out when his dad stopped caring about him but realized he'd never even started
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"harry potter is literally about wizards and magic stfu" just say youve never fucking read a book ?? or interacted with media and thought about it ??? that youve never tried to find meaning in anything ???? that even when the meaning is shoved in your face you ignore it because its easier for you to oversimplify complex characters because you dont get it ?????
harry potter tackles overthrowing the government, prejudice, exploitation, complex and heavily morally grey characters, war, prison escapees, death, child soldiers, guilt, abusive families, sacrifice & redemption, ptsd, corrupt governments, ethnic cleansing, betrayal, ethics of morality,
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sweetnnaivete · 3 months
barty crouch jr's daddy issues are NOT discussed enough. you're telling me this boy hates his dad, but has his same name ?? like godDAMN
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binvibin · 6 months
barty “i am my mothers child, and my father’s son” crouch
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bri-cheeses · 4 months
Barty’s name. Woah. I just discovered something.
So, his full first name is Bartemius, obviously. You know where Joanne probably got that name? The Bible. NOW HOLD ON, don’t leave. This isn’t about to get religious, I’m just saying that this is how I found out about it.
Anyways, I’m fairly certain JKR took that name from a blind beggar named “Bartimaeus.” “Bar” means son in Hebrew, and so this name means “Son of Timaeus.” Timaeus means honorable in Greek, which is what the New Testament was written in. And now on to the actual meaning of Bartimaeus—I know you’re probably think, “oh, it means ‘son of the honorable’.” BUT IT DOESN’T.
Well, actually, it does, if you’re assuming that the “Timaeus” part came from a Greek word. But a lot of people say that Timaeus actually comes from another Hebrew word, which pretty much translates to “unclean” or “impure.” So Bartimaeus also means “son of the unclean.”
Now what I think is interesting about this is that it shows the duality of Barty Crouch Senior, who is seen as this really important person who’s honorable and extremely respected by pretty much the entirety of the wizarding world. But to anyone who sees his true colors, he’s horrible and a dirty/impure person (imperious curse on Barty Jr, the way he treated Winky, etc.).
So I just think it’s interesting that Barty’s name is a clue to what his father is actually like.
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m3ntal-hiatus · 2 months
*making social media accounts in 2nd year*
barty: how does… “@/bartycrotch.jr” sound?
regulus: like a life-sentence in Azkaban.
evan: *tearing up, sniffling*
evan: beautiful
dorcas: heinous.
pandora: see if “@/fartycrotch.jr” is taken!
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@rosekillermicrofic, July 5th - Promise, T, Word Count - 539
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CW: Homophobia, Mentions of Panic Attacks, depression, and mania
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When the Crouch family's owl had swooped down and left a black envelope on Barty's plate this morning. Evan snatched it away before Barty could even hold it and slid it into his robes to read later tonight.
He knew how severely these letters affected Barty. But they had a system on how to deal with them. When they arrive at their dorms after classes, Evan would read the letter privately, then decide if Barty could. Deeming if the letter was worth the subsequent panic attack and possible depressive or manic episode.
Barty laid his head in Evan's lap while the platinum-haired boy read his letter. Barty was picking black polish off of his nails while he waited for Evan to finish. A nervous habit of his. Evan would normally complain about the dried polish getting in his sheets but he knew how stressful the letters were for Barty so he didn't push it today.
It must be a heavy letter today though, judging by the way Evan's brows furrowed and he chewed his lip while reading. It made Barty even more worried about what had been written.
With a sigh, Evan folded up the letter and placed it beside himself. He looked down and held Barty's face in between his two hands, rubbing his thumbs up and down Barty's cheeks. A sign that Barty was probably going to have to read this one.
"I love you. So much," Evan started. "You're so brave for dealing with this shit and I'm going to do everything in my power to keep you safe." Barty nodded as Evan left a kiss on his lips before passing him the letter.
Barty started to read through the note. His father—his bloody stupid father—not only was ridiculing him on his behaviours, like he does every letter. 'Get that gunk off of your nails. Be a man.' 'Your mother and I taught you how to tie a tie before, use your brain Junior.' 'Stop associating yourself with half-bloods, Meadowes is not a good kid.' 'Stay away from that Rosier boy, we do not need the papers getting wind of this phase you've found yourself in.' But also dropped the biggest bomb that Barty heard from him all year. 'You are to be married next year. We have found you a suitable wife. Discussions of this arrangement will commence when you return home in June.’
He felt the tears on his cheeks before his brain even registered he was crying. Barty crumpled up the letter and threw it across the room, crawling further into Evan's arms.
"Why does he hate me!?" He screamed into Evan's chest. Evan wanted to tell Barty that it would be okay, but he knew that he wouldn't fall for the lie. "Don't do this, don't do that," he mocks.
Barty looks up to Evan, through teary eyes. "I love you Rosie. I don't want to marry another. I only love you. I love you. I love you. I love you," Barty chanted, continuing to sob. He didn't want to give up Evan for some random pureblood girl.
"I love you too Barty." Evan held the other boy closer, tears forming in his own eyes. "We'll find a way out. I promise."
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 3 - Boggart
@jegulus-microfic July 3, Word count 527
CW - Dead bodies but they're not real.
Regulus cowered on the floor. His entire body was shaking as he looked in horror at what lay before him. James’s body, dead on the floor. 
He held his wand tightly, a sob escaping his lips. 
“R-r-riddikulus,” He stuttered and James’s body disappeared, replaced by Sirius’s. “No!” He wailed he couldn’t think of anything to make either of his worst fears funny. “Riddikulus!” He screamed at the boggart. It spun into a blur, Sirius’s body disappearing like James’s did. He couldn’t see where it had gone, or what it was. 
A creak in the shadows alerted him that this time the boggart was something that moved. He squinted into the gloomy corner and it took a step. He’d recognise the sound of those heels anywhere. 
He pushed himself as far into the wall as he could as Walburga Black strode towards him. 
“Regulus Arcturus Black, how dare you bring dishonour to the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black?! You are a disappointment. Even Sirius wasn’t this much of a letdown. We should have kept him and thrown you out instead. Hmmm, perhaps I’ll do to you what I did to him. Perhaps then you’ll be half the heir Sirius was.” He watched as she raised her wand. “Crucio!”
“Riddikulus!” He bellowed just before she finished the spell. The boggart swirled above him again, but before it could take the form of his next fear, Barty came bursting in. He jumped in front of Regulus and the boggart locked onto him. 
Barty Crouch Sr materialised in front of them. But before the boggart Crouch could even open his mouth to hurl abuse at him, Barty lazily drawled out.
“Riddikulus,” Boggart Crouch was suddenly dressed in Azkaban robes and Barty let out a truly manic laugh as the boggart exploded before them. 
“Thanks,” Regulus croaked, as he wiped the tears and snot from his face. It had been a long time since he’d allowed himself to think about James or his brother and it had felt like someone had dropped an overflowing cauldron on his chest. 
He stormed out of the room and apparated to the flat he kept in London that no one knew about. He allowed himself one hour only to think about them. The last time he’d glimpsed James he’d been walking down the street holding Lily Evans's hand and it had broken his heart all over again. He shook his head and thought of their time together in secret at Hogwarts. Even Sirius hadn’t known. He wondered if James had told him now. 
He ducked under his bed and pried up the floorboard. He took out the only item hidden in the gap beneath. He looked at the photograph. The only proof that James Potter had been his. He smiled as the sixteen-year-old Regulus snuggled closer to seventeen-year-old James as they lay cuddling together on James’s dorm room bed, James pressing a kiss to his lips before the magic reset the photo’s movements.
“I’ll always love you,” He whispered to it as he laid back in his bed, placing the photo on the pillow beside him and letting his bittersweet memories flood his mind. 
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wastingawayinmyroom · 3 months
who tf is bartemius crouch sr
i don't know this man
however, i do know bitchius crouch sr and babygirlius crouch jr
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pinkbubbles06 · 7 months
Rosekiller Headcannons:
Pt. 2
Pt. 1
Some of these are my own and others are ones I agree with so if some seem familiar that’s why lol. Enjoy!!!!!! Gosh I love them so much. I need like a semi canonical fic of them stat.
* I like to think that Barty was the sweetest of souls when he was younger, but the constant abuse from his father and the cold world damaged him a lot. He also is bipolar so ya know…. Uhhh… yeah…😅
* Barty has long and slender fingers and it would always drive Evan nuts when Barty would wear rings on his hands and nervously play with them
* Barty also developed a tick/constant habit of darting hit tongue out of his mouth to wet his lips. Evan never learned why he did it but found it oddly endearing.
* I feel like Barty couldn't fall asleep without like a million pillows. Unless he had Evan. He would have the best sleep of his life when he slept with Evan.
* Barty will Call Evan Dimples
* The Infamous Three™ know French so they talk in it when they want to say shit about other people.
Evan knows German but rarely uses it.
Barty knows Italian and oh boy, his Italian. Evan got so hard the first time Barty started talking in Italian that he thought he was going to cream his pants. Barty talks in Italian when he drinks which is Evan's worst nightmare since Barty becomes even more flirty when drunk. Every time Barty calls him "mio amato" (my beloved), Evan MELTS (he stills swears he is straight™ and not completely in love with Barty).
When Barty wants to talk about Evan without being pried on, he talks on Italian. Reg knows Spanish and they make it work.
* Barty is Scottish and Evan is French.
* Barty picked up a bunch of languages by the age of 15 because his father decided it was mandatory for his son. (Crouch Sr. canonically knows around 200 languages)
* barty loves the snow. he could spend hours out in the cold without a warming charm if it weren't for his friends getting onto him about him possibly getting sick. he loves sledding down the hills at hogwarts, racing his friends to see who wins. he always does. he also likes snowball fights, building a snowman, and making snow angels. it was something him and his mother cherished so he likes to bask in those precious memories when he can.
* conversely, evan hates snow. his faces crinkles up at the sight of it. he makes sure he bundles himself up and uses warming charms as much as he can. most of the time he sits watching his friends enjoy the snow, throwing snowballs at each other. then barty just shows up with that damned smile of his, his eyes full of wonder at the snow falling down. barty will shoot him a grin just before he throws a snowball. sure, evan hates the snow, but he does genuinely appreciate how happy it makes his boyfriend.
* it is a matter of fact that Barty and Evan spoiled each other constantly, with materialistic things or with kisses and hugs.
* Evan’s birthday is June 20th
* Barty loved to doodle. He would sometimes just grab a marker or something and gently and carefully draw on Evan’s hands or arms. Whichever was easiest to doodle on at the time.
* Barty is secretly a book worm and could talk for days on end to Evan about what he reads.
* Evan isn't much of a reader but he will read anything if Barty suggests it to him, because he absolutely loves seeing him ramble. Barty will also annotate books for him when he borrows them. Don’t get him started on the love poems.
* Barty is so smart. But like in the doesn't need to try smart - tests come easy to him sort of smart
* Evan is completely and totally scared of all bugs ever, and he has to get reg or barty to kill them when they get into the dorm. Barty will sometimes terrorize him by bring the bug really close to him in his hand. Evan screams bloody murder every time. Barty gets such a kick out of it lol.
* When someone asks Barty if he wasn’t something to eat, he’ll say ‘you’ in a deadpan tone (mainly to Evan)
* Evan is possessive as fuck, he will actually glare anyone down that even looks in Barty's direction and will proceed to plan a murder.
* Evan was just a little bit more unhinged than Barty was at Hogwarts. But after school, and after he was a legal adult, Barty let loose and they were both unhinged together!!😁
* Barty and Evan share beds a ton, and the first time it happened was because Barty was having a hard day and Evan snuck in and held him through the night,
* Barty also has nightmares and instinctively looks for evan when he wakes up; Evan is always there
* Barty secretly proposed to Evan when they were 16. No one knew about it. Ever. And no one could ever tell because they almost always both wore rings. So they were engaged until Evan died, because they never got to get married because of all the “no gay marriage!!” In the 70s/80s
* I like to think Barty fell first but when Evan fell for him too Barry’s love grew deeper once he had him. So basically he fell first and he also fell harder.
* Barty never holds people's hands, he just wraps his fingers around their wrist. Friends or Lovers.
Evan has no idea why, maybe it's a preference or something?
Barty actually does it to check if the person he's with has a pulse and is real, a small reassurance for his anxiety
* evan has brown eyes, and barty collects rocks when they match the color perfectly. He’s kinda like a crow that way. He will find things that remind him of Evan, or that make him think of him, and he will give them to Evan. He keeps every single one.
* Barty has deep emerald green eyes.
* Evan adores it when Barty runs his fingers through his hair. He gets shivers down his spine every time.
* They both actively tried to summon ghosts
* Evan has like really bad circulation so he's like ALWAYS cold. And Barty is always a furnace
* Barty would often just bite Evan’s shoulder. Evan eventually go a tattoo of Barry’s bite marks on his left shoulder.
* Harley Quinn and Barty Crouch Jr. are interchangeable and you cannot convince me otherwise.
* Like, “what’s that I should kill everyone in escape? oh sorry, it’s the voices… I’m kidding!!! that’s not what they actually said.”
* Evan would often put his hand on Barry’s throat and Barty lived for every second of it. The Horny Bastard.
* I just know that Barty and Evan had so many dramatic break ups over the pettiest things
* They did it so they could have hate sex🤣🤣
* Barty would always tell Evan that he hopes that he would die first. He always said he never wanted to live in a world where Evan wasn’t in it….
* The skittles(Barty, Evan, Reggie, Panda, and Dorcas) all made an unbreakable vow that only death would do them part… and it did…
* Everyone thinks that they can’t stand each other when in public, but alone, or just with their friends, they are literally unbearable
* Evan wears baggy clothes and Barty wears tight clothes. Fight me on this.
* Also Evan has the sluttiest waist known to mankind.
* The fist Slytherin party that Evan actually danced at, he was so insecure. So Barty convinced him that no one was looking at Evan and that they were just looking at Barty. And after a few drinks, Barty had convinced Evan of that and he just let lose. And holy shit were they hot together. Kinda like the song by Sabrina carpenter if u know what I mean….
* Like, Barty would say “They aren’t even looking at you Ev, they’re looking at me.” Then Evan would say, “But I don’t want them to look at you Barty.”
* Evan took his shirt off a few times at a couple of party’s and literally all eyes were on him but he didn’t care cus Barty was there, Hands tightly secured to his waist and glaring at anyone who even glanced at Evan.
* Barty is a pyromaniac, and when that happens only Dorcas and Pandora can settle it. Evan can too but he usually just enables him🤣
* When Evan goes missing it doesn’t take Barty long to figure out he is dead. It totally sent him off the deep end and caused him to put all of his devotion into the only thing he had left, Voldemort.
* Also, once he found out Evan was dead he went straight to Pandora. She was the only one of their friends would would even think about talking to him. He was miserable, he wouldnt leave his room at Pandoras house for days.
* I am also completely convinced that Bartemius Crouch Sr had Evan assassinated after he found out about him and Barty.
* Like you know how canonically moody was trying to take him prisoner, but Evan was fighting so damn hard that Moody had to kill him. I think that was his order along. You can’t convince me otherwise. that is what happened.
* When he is posing as Moody, Barty finds out about this and kills his dad because of it. And also because of the god awful abuse. Duh.🙄
* Also, a little before torturing Alice and Frank Longbottom, Barty tried to obliviate himself so he would just forget Evan and Regulus because the pain of losing them was too much. In his attempt, because his emotions were so high, he messed it up and he went insane. This also caused him to halusenate Evan and Regulus. The halusenations of them were the ones who convinced him that Alice and Frank killed Evan. (Barty already knew how Regulus died.)
* Regulus told Kreature to tell Evan and Barty how he died, knowing they would keep his secret. And they did until they died.
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atlasdoe · 1 month
offically coming out as a Barty Crouch Senior supporter cause what the fuck would you have done if your son helped torture two people into insanity, escaped prison by switching places with your sick wife and kept going on about how he was going to find the dark lord who was responsible for multiple murders and worst up and down the country and rejoin his cause?????
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
barty is a mamas boy with major daddy issues *drops mic*
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