#Because I really want to educate myself but this is very confusing
ennieasys · 5 months
when the information about Israel and Palestine doesn't transfer over so you have no clue what's going on - 🍑
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0nyancat0 · 16 days
My take on “radical feminism” that nobody asked for
I myself consider myself leaning very into radical feminism but I see that terf ideologies seem to get mixed in more often than not (wanna make it clear I support trans rights)
1. A lot of rad fems think that all heterosexual sex is rape which is such an insane thing to do and implies that women do not have the power or capacity to consent to heterosexual sex
2. I do agree that we as woman will never find liberation through sex or sex work however rad fems do not realize that a lot of women fall into sex work and can not simply quit, I do not support the sex work industry but I support sex workers
3. To me it seems a lot of white women have overshadowed the movement and only mention woc when it’s used as an aha! moment against men and not with the intention of actually helping
4. Extreme transphobia, the main idea is that trans women rape women’s body’s and appropriating the body, my conflict with this is women are not their bodies and trans women have always felt like women since birth is the biological aspect that’s the problem
5. A lot of rad fems think a women choosing a certain lifestyle or religion is oppressive which again perpetuates the idea that women can not make a choice without a man or patriarchal idea being involved or a sense of brain washing
I think a lot of rad fems have lost sense of the movement and more times than often make themselves appear victim like and in a constant state of martyrdom, yes we women have suffered and continue to suffer and be oppressed but we can not let this weight break us down and make us point fingers at people (trans women and women who choose religion or certain life styles) who are not the root cause of our suffering
Please let me know your thoughts
⭐️Some people seem to be confused about this but i was born a woman and will always be a woman, it’s so crazy how other women will try to degrade me as if they were men for disagreeing with them or seeing things differently, i do not like liberal feminism and i never have, and i do not like to label my belief system and prefer to make a more individual standpoint than community⭐️
Another edit lol
⭐️I have never claimed to be a rad fem or that I know everything about rad feminism because I don’t, and that was the purpose of this post, it’s really crazy how people will say they want to educate and liberate women while yelling and degrading me for simply not agreeing with them and proceed to do the same things men do, you are no better than a man, I’ve come to realize that this community strayed from its original purpose and roots and has been taken over by people who want to put in their own two cents and opinion, this community or at least a good portion of it seems like a very miserable community, I have meet a lot of rad fems who have common sense and realize that hate will get them nowhere and being rude to me won’t achieve anything, on the other hand majority of rad fems I’ve meet have misconstrued the movement from what I’ve read and put feelings over facts, I won’t interact to hate and only to genuine discussions ⭐️
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teencopandthesourwolf · 10 months
Stiles slams something down on the coffee table to the left of Derek's (Stiles's) laptop.
Derek is searching online, only a little psychotically, in the hope of finding a store that sells these very specific organic coffee beans he tried in a hipster coffee house recently. Derek isn't a hipster—he isn't—he just likes nice coffee, is all. Really, he should have asked the barista to find out not just the brand name but their supplier's address too because this is driving him insane. Maybe he is insane? More likely just incredibly shit at the internet, but he thinks he'd prefer to plead insanity if challenged.
Derek unknits his eyebrows and looks down at… a green thing. It's sort of feather shaped and has many spindles with bronzed edges.
It's a leaf.
His eyebrows knit themselves back together as he blinks down at the thing a couple of times.
“It's a leaf,” he says, because he doesn't know what else he's supposed to say.
Then he looks up—and back and forth at Stiles who is now pacing the apartment and alternating between clicking his fingers and flicking his thumbs and shaking his arms out at the sides of his body; his stimming can get pretty extra when he's anxious.
Derek's frown deepens with immediate concern. He must've really been deep in it with the infuriating Google searching to not have noticed the smell of Stiles's distress when his mate first arrived home.
“Hey, what's—”
“Yes, Derek, it's a leaf. It is a leaf that I brought all the way home. For you. From the cemetery.”
He's still pacing.
“Okay, well do you want to tell me—“
“It's an Apology Leaf. Obviously.”
“And, Derek, do not laugh, because—"
“I won't but could you just—“
“—this isn't funny. I'm ridiculous, I know, and I know that that's funny. But this? This is decidedly deeply unfunny, alright? This is totally not at all funny, Derek. It's like, a thing without one tiny ounce of humour in it, as in not the slightest bit funny in a gazillion sombre years. Do you hear me?” He inhales deeply, holds the breath, then blows it out harshly via puffed-out cheeks as he clicks and flails some more.
Derek hears Stiles and is of course prepared to wait for him to explain whatever this is, because Derek would wait for Stiles until the end of time, if he had to. Although that's not likely a thing to happen in any reality as this is Stiles who can't go for longer than fifteen seconds without talking. But still, Derek thinks it's the sentiment that counts. 
“You, Derek Hale, are good, and someone as good as you deserves somebody far, far better than a ratbag like me. Hence the leaf,” Stiles now tells him in a rush of even more confusing words, his chemo-signals tinged with shame for some worrying reason Derek is yet to discern.
Stiles glances over anxiously from his place of animated, mysterious penance—and then looks away again just as quickly while still trying to wear footprints into the recently painted varnish on the wooden floor of their new apartment.
Derek is clueless as to the cause of Stiles's meltdown, but neither things are a first. Stiles struggles sometimes—just like Derek does, who has plenty of his own outbursts (albeit more moody than vocal) that Stiles has to Private Dick his way through.
Derek is also trying his best not to worry too much about thinking that this is somehow his fault, so now sets his mind on attempting to marry these seemingly unrelated things in his head.
He thinks about the facts he's been presented with:
What is, at an educated guess, a Pacific Yew leaf.
Stiles's rather unhinged and self-deprecating dig at himself-slash-compliment for Derek.
...Yeah, no, he's not getting better at this game any time soon. 
“Uh,” he says helpfully, and Stiles rolls his eyes in that Do I really have to do everything myself around here? way of his which, rude.
Good job Derek loves the kook.
“It was just sitting there, on top of my mom's gravestone when I got there,” Stiles says quietly, incredulously, gesturing at the innocuous leaf.
Then he's off again with the pacing.
“And I knew, straight away, I knew,” he says, getting louder again and laughing in this accusatory sort of way, pointing somewhere into the ether, eyes manic.
Derek scratches his nose. He hopes he will soon know, too, because honestly, he's kind of blindfolded in the dark here.
“She was obviously telling me what a dipshit I was! What a douche I am! A massive ass-hat! Total loser!”
“I mean, that's mostly fair, but maybe total loser is a little strong.” Derek will often speak Stiles's language when Stiles is freaking out, using humour to try and ground him. 
Stiles carries on as if Derek hadn’t said anything.
“And I was like, Come on, mom, give me a break, will you? and she was like Seriously, Mischief? You really wouldn't let the special person in your life, your special little guy—”
“You can just say boyfriend, Stiles.”
“—come with you to the cemetery to visit me? Like, as if with that leaf she was reminding me that you are the one person who actually gets this shit, which, I do know. Of fucking course I know. And then—get this—I swear to God, Derek, I felt her literally slapping me upside the head! No fucking word of a lie, man. Like, thousands wouldn't believe me. Millions. They'd say that it must have been the wind or my incredibly vivid imagination. But I know, Der. I know that it was her,” Stiles continues with the confession without stopping for breath.
Derek has thought it before and he'll think it again: the kid's lung capacity is seriously impressive.
“And I also know that I totally should've said yes when you asked me if I wanted you to come with me to the cemetery this morning. Because the thing is, I did want you to. I really, really did. But I just… I just…”
Stiles starts slapping himself on the forehead with both his hands and Derek has had enough of that already. He gets up off the sofa and walks over to Stiles, catching those slim wrists in his grip, gentle yet firm.
“Please don't,” Derek says, imploring Stiles to stop. Derek can understand frustration, but can't stand Stiles hurting himself.
Stiles deflates a little. He then takes a step towards Derek and leans in, resting his forehead against Derek's, their noses lining up like penguins.
“I just—I should have said yes to you when you asked because I honestly, truthfully wanted you there. It's just that I've only ever been there with my Dad. And even then, not as many times as you might think. Not even Scotty has been there with me. It's just a place—it's usually something I do alone. You know?” Stiles' front teeth worry at his pretty lip. 
And yes, Derek does know.
So he says, “Because you feel guilt, right? Even though there isn't a thing in this universe or any other that you should feel guilty about.”
Guilt just for being alive. 
Slightly cross-eyed with the proximity and angle, Stiles looks at Derek in a way that says he knows just how much Derek knows about this stuff.
“Yeah. Yes, exactly. And I guess I didn't know how to be that with somebody else around.”
“But Stiles, that's completely—”
“No, Der. It isn't, actually. Because you're not just somebody else. It's you. And I'm in love with you.” Stiles finally takes a breath while Derek's heart is busy swelling to twice it's size. He will never tire of hearing Stiles Stilinski say those words to him. “And I absolutely should've trusted in that. In us.”
It is, of course, completely fine that Stiles went to the cemetery alone to visit his mother, but Derek also gets where the kid is coming from. He too takes a breath, now, a big one, because this kind of stuff doesn't come as easily for him as it does Stiles.
He swallows his nerves and pushes on.
“I love you, Stiles. And it's alright that we're not perfect. Neither of us are. Us—you and me—we're both just… Finding our way.”
After a moment, Stiles adds, “Together.”
They smile at each other like huge dorks.
“Yeah.” Derek breathes, and his heart might just burst.
Derek scents Stiles, and Stiles breathes deeply too, now. “Thanks,” he says, then Derek kisses him, just as deep and for a long while, because it's his favourite thing to do in the whole damn world.
Eventually Derek pulls back, runs a thumb over Stiles's mouth and says, “You know what?”
Stiles's brow lifts inquisitively.
Derek lets go of Stiles's wrist and takes his hand instead, leading him back to the sofa and sitting them both down squarely by the coffee table where he had been sat fruitlessly Googling not so long ago.
“I believe you,” Derek says.
Stiles frowns. “Huh?” It's his turn to be confused.
“Millions wouldn't, but I believe you, Stiles. About your mom.”
He reaches across and picks up the Apology Leaf, cradling it for a brief moment in his palm before nudging at Stiles's hand and urging him to take it, which he does.
Derek then grabs the laptop, side-eyeing his previous Google search—WHO NEAR ME SELLS PHOENIX ROAST ORGANIC COFFEE BEANS THAT TASTE LIKE HOME—and forcing himself not to get instantly sucked back into that particularly vexing nightmare, while also trying his best to angle the screen away from Stiles who, if he saw, would fall off the sofa laughing at Derek's admittedly pathetic research skills.
Not everybody is a… Technophile? Cyberpunk? Derek has no fucking clue about any of this shit.
With Stiles now passing comment on the aesthetic qualities of the Apology Leaf, Derek uses both index fingers to tap out the words of the thing he wants to look up, taking no notice of Stiles who is trying his annoying not-very-best to smirk at Derek's sorry efforts in Derek's periphery. Clicking through a few different links, this time Derek manages to find what he's after without any trouble, amazingly. He then hands the laptop over to Stiles, who carefully places the leaf down on the arm of the sofa beside him before fully taking the computer from Derek. 
Stiles purses those pretty lips of his as he scans the information on screen, squinting a little.
“Uh, well yeah. It's like you said, Der; It's a leaf. From a Yew, according to this.”
Derek rolls his eyes. “Your mother's ghost is infinitely more clever than you.” Stiles's squint deepens further. “Stiles, she is absolutely spot on about this. Just—scroll down the page a bit, dumbass,” and he ducks his head and smiles, seeing as accusing Stiles of Internet-related Dumbassery is really fucking funny because, irony. 
Stiles tuts but does as he's told.
Derek gives him a minute to read the passage on the website he found. It says:
The Yew tree can live for many, many years. It has deep connections with magic and the universe. It was regarded as the protector of the soul by the ancient Greeks. You’ll find this tree planted at many burial sites throughout the world as it’s recognized as a guardian of the dead.
It is believed that Odin (from the Nordic legend) hung himself from the Yew for nine days and nights. It’s symbolic of its everlasting and regenerative properties and is often associated with transformation and change after a difficult time. The Celtic tradition honours the Yew tree for symbolising death and rebirth.
Stiles is smiling this gorgeous, open smile by the time he's finished reading, and Derek makes an unrealistic wish to be able to keep it there forever.
“So, you were right,” Derek says, “when you said that she knew. You were just a little mixed up about what, is all.” Derek takes another deep breath. “What your mom knows is that you got the chance to begin again, Stiles. After all the shit we went through, you actually got to start over. With somebody who will absolutely protect your soul with their life.”
Stiles suddenly blinks furiously, like somebody just threw salt in his eyes.
“And you knew it, that she knew... something,” Derek smiles back, lovingly, before that smile turns a little wry. “It's just that you were kind of—now, how should I put this…?”
“No. Do not do it!” Stiles shouts—instantly catching on because he'd easily be the brightest bulb in any box—and he's pointing again, at Derek this time. “Puns are my stupid thing, you charlatan, and I can and will sue!” he warns, outraged yet smiling again as he wipes at his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt.
“—barking up the wrong tree,” Derek finishes, his smile now positively wolfish.
Stiles shakes his head and narrows his eyes, but he's chuckling, too as he says, “You do remember that it's you who's the canine in this relationship, right, 'wolf? If anybody's going to be making barking sounds, it's you.”
“Speciesist,” Derek quips.
Stiles pokes his tongue out. Then he's quiet for a few seconds (but definitely no more than fifteen).
“You know, I really was wrong when I said you deserve better than me. We actually absolutely deserve each other, Hale. Because it turns out we are both humongous assholes.”
After a moment, Derek grins more.
“Well, I would have answered that with I love my asshole, but you had to go and use the word humongous, and there's no way I would say that about my asshole—even though I would have technically been talking about you when I said it, seeing as it's actually you that is my favourite asshole.” And he pulls a rare, goofy face, just for Stiles, who laps it up. “Also, thinking about it, I would also have to say that loving my actual asshole is, in fact," he points at Stiles, “your job.” 
Stiles dramatically slaps a hand over Derek's mouth.
“Oh my God, Derek, stop! My ghostly mother could be listening in to us right now! Jeez, dude, have a little decorum, won't you?!” And if Stiles saying that isn't ironic, Derek really doesn’t know what is.
“Sorry, mom!” 
Grinning even more, Derek pushes Stiles's hand away from his face.
“Hey, wanna know the coolest thing?” he asks.
“Why in the name of anything sacred did you bother posing that as a question, Der? Like, when would I ever say no to that?”
Derek leans over and kisses Stiles again, soft and languid this time. The boy's lips are dry and warm and he tastes just like autumn.
Stiles hums and smiles into Derek's mouth as if he really, truly does love Derek. 
After another glorious moment, Derek pulls back, looks at Stiles and says, “Yew trees aren't even native to this part of California.”
for @greyhavenisback my beloved <3 sorry i'm a dipshit, douche, massive ass-hat and a total loser, sometimes xp
(i got the info on tree symbolism HERE btw)
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sparklemaia · 10 months
hey i'm not sure if you've answered anything like this already but did you get any grief from the doctors/system/any of it for wanting top surgery and not being strictly binary trans or even nonbinary in the assumed they/them sense? did you get a dysphoria diagnosis or do informed consent? in any case, it's amazing to see people with similar feelings to mine, thanks for sharing your experience ;D
Hi! I am very, very, very lucky because the city where I was living when I got my top surgery has a lot of good protections and resources for queer folks. Even though I did have to jump through some typical systemic hoops to get insurance to cover it, I didn't really encounter any unnecessary gatekeeping related to gender. I easily got a diagnosis of gender dysphoria (without having to lie) from the in-house social worker. It was literally a single one-hour phone appointment and then I had my letter; I didn't have to do extensive therapy or meet any HRT requirements or anything else. The letter basically said I am nonbinary and have had persistent and acute gender dysphoria that would be alleviated by top surgery. It wasn't a problem that I use she/her pronouns and a feminine name. At surgery time, the whole surgical team was clearly educated on gender expansiveness, and easily used my name and pronouns correctly without seeming confused or skeptical. Aside from some scheduling hiccups, it was such a streamlined and affirming experience, and I wish it could be this way for everyone everywhere. Like, if you want top surgery, for any reason, no matter what your relationship to gender is -- you deserve it. I feel like top surgery IMMEDIATELY resolved like 90% of my gender anxiety. It's the best medical decision I've ever made for myself. I'm relieved EVERY day that my chest is finally MINE.
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rae-and-mezo · 1 year
Can you do when yn treats the house elves like their her children and the boys (ominis,sebastian, gareth,and amit) or the girls (poppy,natt,imelda, and Anne) get jealous or you can put whatever reaction!😊 please do this I'm begging 😭
A/n: I love this!! Some of them are shorter because I didn't know how to expand on their general opinion. I tried so hard to not repeat myself!
Characters: Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Garreth Weasley, Amit Thakkar, Poppy Sweeting, Natty Onai, Imelda Reyes, Anne Sallow
Honestly, he's kind of annoyed.
Like the treatment of Elves is infuriating, sure, and he agrees with being kind obviously. But do you really have to cancel a date because Ticky the Elf wants to perform a dance for you?
And why do THEY get forehead kisses every day and he only gets them when he's sitting down? Maybe it's because he's just tall but HEY.
At first the elves are scared of him, and he hates it. He goes out of his way to show he means no harm but didn't intend to get roped into the mess.
Why do they want him to come see the room MC had them decorate in the room of requirement?
Why the hell is one asking him what MC prefers: Vanilla or Chocolate? They want to make her a cake? Okay...but he expects a piece.
Slowly he comes to love them as MC does, like a dad with a kitten.
My boy is...confused? But delighted.
The Gaunts had a house elf! Her name was Cinder, and she was more like a mother than Mrs. Gaunt. He always treated her with utmost respect and the way his parents treated her made him sick to his stomach.
His whole Hogwarts career he has tried to be very polite to the elves, letting them know someone cares.
And when you show him your army of elf friends, he is delighted!!
Asks them all their names and some more general questions.
One of them learned a new song or something of the like? He is listening with a patient smile on his face even though it is the worst thing he has ever heard.
They don't really understand his blindness actually. They're supporting but ask him tons of questions. I think Ominis would really like educating them about how he experiences the world as long as they aren't being patronizing.
He adores listening to you interact with the elves!!
He asks them so much advice and input on how to show Cinder he appreciates her. Like...does he give her a gift? Will this upset her? Is this too much?
Also, he remembers like everything. Tries too at least. You come into the common room late, telling him about how you were helping an Elf read a muggle book? He asks you if you've gotten to his favorite part. That particular elf tends to like the romance novels, and chapter nine is when the hero gets the girl.
In short, he loves the elves almost as much as you do!
He's so dumb. I love him.
Coming from a poorer family, Garreth had never seen a house elf until Hogwarts. They were strange creatures.
And then you have a whole crew?? Okay, but he wasn't expecting it.
He...he has trouble seeing them as sentient beings. I hate to say it, but he does! Of course, he respects all they do for the castle, but at first, he doesn't understand why you like them so much. He treats them not unlike a pet.
You tell them to be polite and introduce themselves, and he is so weirded out by each one introducing themselves and shaking his hand.
They pick up on his hesitation and come to you with their worries and after a lecture from you, Garreth is ready to try again. Reluctantly, but he is.
Is it possible to embarrass yourself in front of a house elf? If it is, Garreth does it. He's so scared of saying or doing something wrong that he ends up embarrassing the hell out of himself.
He grows to see them as they are: intelligent and sentient creatures that have a lot to offer. After a while he is comfortable enough to give them high fives in the hallway, or gift them things (mostly prank items, and then he has to teach them it is meant to be funny and not an attack-)
He honestly has learned not to think twice about anything when it comes to you.
So, when you ask him to meet you in the room of requirement and you're surrounded by elves? A little strange, but it doesn't deter him from asking if you got all the notes down for DADA.
The elves scatter when he speaks, running to look like they are working. It surprises him, and even more so when you hush him as you coax them all out.
They do NOT like him at first because he comes at inconvenient times and how are they supposed to prepare you hot chocolate before bed when you're off looking at star charts??
And meanwhile poor Amit is working hard to get their seal of approval because anything you like he does too. It's very important to him!
Well one day they mention that they like the Gramaphone and the pretty music but the Gramaphone isn't working as of late. It gives you an idea, and now Amit is standing in front of a mini crowd playing his little violin heart out.
The elves kinda overwhelm him with how many there are and how needy they are to you, but it amazes him how you are so patient with them.
If there is a house elf language, he is learning it. Both to impress you and try to win over your little army.
Basically, he is slightly intimidated by the elves, but he loves you so he tries his best to get along with them. He definitely is no longer taking the food at dinner for granted, that's for sure.
She's so sweet.
At first, worries that the elves might have malicious intent because of how often they were pulling you away. But quickly she realized it wasn't the case.
The elves already adore her as she has always been incredibly sweet to them. Plus, in third year she saved a baby house elf which sparked her interest in them as more than servants.
She's more like their friend than parent, though, she thinks it's incredibly sweet how loving you are towards them.
Gets them ALL christmas presents. every single one. Doesn't tell you about it and holds you when you're overwhelmed by the kindness!
They will all follow her around, and she responds to every one of their jokes and makes sure she never leaves them out of conversation.
Makes funny faces at them from across the hall just like she would any other friend and it makes them feel welcomed.
After late nights in the vivarium, Poppy is dragging you to the kitchens. Even though you don't have to be dragged there. You two sit on the counter and recount your adventures to the elves while they busy themselves making you a snack. If there are dishes to be done she offers to help even if they decline.
Always up for some adventure! Finds the elves fascinating honestly.
"Theoretically, if a master gives you a sock to wash, are you free? Can you choose your own clothes? Wait, if you can, are you allowed to shop for them? That would be so-" "Natty..." "Right, sorry."
She treats them like she would treat anybody else tbh. In her home country, she never had house elves and the concept of having someone thanklessly serving you makes her sick. So, she does her best to show her appreciation.
However, the elves will NOT take time she wants to spend with you away. They want to talk to you? Fine, but Natty is there too.
Tells you later how cute you are when you're interacting with something you love.
She gets the elves to help make you a GIANT Christmas present.
She and the elves see each other as equals and are friends!
Another jealous one. Omg.
Sure, elves are mistreated. It's wrong. But maybe they deserve to be kicked around a little when they KEEP YOU FROM QUIDDITCH PRACTICE!
Would never harm the elves or speak harm about them, but they have come to recognize her glare meaning "Hey, it's MY turn with my partner."
One elf in particular is pretty snippy and Imelda gets into fights with him almost every time they see each other.
Oh, the elves know to keep your broom in pristine condition. It seems to make you happy that it never needs work, and they have an agreement with Imelda. A polished, clean, and ready broom for your nightly rides means another hour where she doesn't come in and bother them.
She is NOT above coming into the kitchens just to annoy the house elves. They unfortunately know this.
Imelda would never ever see the house elves as anything less than what they are, but she doesn't hesitate to use her advantages.
She taught a group of the younger elves to swear. You still haven't quite forgiven her for it.
I love Anne sm :)
Your relationship with the elves...doesn't surprise her in the slightest.
She doesn't understand, as Elves aren't anything special in her eyes. They're sentient creatures that have feelings and thoughts, just like humans do. Why would she treat them differently than anyone else?
The elves are very sweet, but c'mon. She was going to teach you to garden Hemlock without poisoning yourself!
Honestly, she doesn't mind that you baby them, but she definitely has sat you down and explained they don't need babied.
Admires you and how you treat them! Just doesn't understand it, that's all.
Admires you and how you treat them! Just doesn't understand it, that's all.
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zannenilsson · 1 month
AITA for using a lookalike of my son's activist girlfriend to incite a small uprising so I could stop my employees from organizing?
I (53M) am a hardworking business executive and single father. I had to raise my son (21M) alone after his mother died giving birth to him. Admittedly I kind of threw myself into work after my wife died so I wasn't there a lot when he was growing up, but I used the money I made to make sure he got everything he needed to thrive. I take care of all his expenses so he doesn't have to work all the time the way I do, so he just hangs out with his friends all day.
Now, my son never asks questions about how I actually make all this money; he's well-educated but has never been really curious. So I was very confused when he burst into my office the other day totally freaking out and crying and asking about my employees' working conditions. Once he calmed down I found out that he saw an industrial accident - which I hadn't even been told about - caused by one of my workers' negligence.
Naturally I was confused because he's never been to the machine rooms where my low-level employees work, and when I pressed him he said he was looking for "this cute activist worker girl" who he saw while hanging out with his friends. And I don't know what she said to him that made such a big impression - knowing him she was probably just very attractive - but he kept talking about how he had to find her and help her make things better for my workers because they were really just like him.
I tried to explain that no, he was not "just like" one of the unwashed and uneducated workers in my machine rooms, and that they were where they belonged, just like him. For some reason this upset him even more and he ran out of my office again. He disappeared for a while after that.
Meanwhile, I finally got more details about the accident and found out a bunch of the dead workers had these weird identical sketches on pieces of paper in their pockets. My foreman had no idea what they were, so I consulted my Former Close Friend (51M) about it. (We had a falling out over my late wife before my son was born, long story, but I pay his bills because he's the smartest person I know and in exchange he helps me out with unsolvable problems.)
Long story short, turns out the sketches were maps of the city's old catacombs system. FCF showed me that my workers have been using them to illegally gather there after their shifts and listen to the same activist girl my son was obsessed with (19?F) give these weird sermons about how some rich person will help them peacefully organize and improve their living and working conditions.
As I've already said, I provide the best working conditions I can for my employees. I also provide them all with free housing. Yes, the housing is underground, but it's safe, clean, and easily accessible - in other words, much better than the upper-city slums they and their families would probably live in otherwise. So not only was this girl making them ungrateful for everything I'd given them, but she was clearly manipulating my son to help her do it.
Admittedly I'm not proud of what happened next, but I was angry and scared for my son. So I asked FCF to help me swap the girl with an advanced lifelike robot he'd built (long story, don't ask), show my son how duplicitous she really was, and lead the workers into the violent uprising they clearly wanted so I could remove that element from my workforce once and for all. FCF agreed and took care of everything.
Once we got the robot girl in place everything started going downhill for some reason. My son suddenly reappeared, saw me with her, had a nervous breakdown which I hired doctors to see him through, then he disappeared again. I tried to follow up with FCF to see what the robot's progress has been but he seems to be avoiding me. The uprising seems to be going as planned since the power in the whole city just went out, but without any intel I can't stop it. And now suddenly the man I hired to find my son turned up to say my son's been sucked into the uprising somehow and it's spiralling out of control. When I asked if my son was okay, he said a lot of people will be asking me the same question about their sons tomorrow, implying that this whole thing is MY fault.
So I have to know: AITA?
UPDATE: I finally tracked down FCF and overheard him telling the activist girl (who he kidnapped, for some reason?) that the robot is actually carrying out some secret revenge plan he had against me, which apparently involves DESTROYING THE ENTIRE CITY and KILLING MY SON. So I broke in, let the girl out, and beat him to death. I'm going to fix this.
UPDATE 2: The robot has been neutralized, but the workers' city flooded in the uprising and the workers are pissed.
UPDATE 3: The good news is, I found my son. The bad news is, FCF isn't dead and is now FIGHTING MY SON ON TOP OF THE CATHEDRAL. HELP.
FINAL UPDATE: FCF is dead. My son is okay and helped me reconcile with the workers, who seem to think it was all the robot's fault. Thank you to everyone who responded to this and helped me realize I'm NTA, and it was in fact FCF who was TA.
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sivyera · 9 months
i dont know if you take request s but i really need this one i havent found anyone doing it. i really need headcanons with cullen their mate being turkish (like her english is good but like classical turkish things yk being angry at the smallest things, making fun of everything, being very kind and welcoming but looks so serious all the time and please if you can make her pretty as a valpire). its ok if you dont take requests 💗. and im sorry if i couldnt express myself english is not my first language.
hi! i tried my best and i add other islamic countries because i don't know if you wear hijab or not and i also wanted to give some love to my ladies with hijabs so there are some parts with hijab in every character, i hope you like it because i put a lot of work in it!
Twilight characters dating islamic reader
ft. carlise, emmet, rosalie, edward, jasper, alice, jacob, seth, paul, bella
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a/n: guys i'm not from islamic country so i apologize for any mistakes, i don't want to make anyone upset nor angry, it is also not really good because i don't know much about this culture so... i tried my best, hope you like it!
⤷ Carlise Cullen
-Carlise would love your constant switching emotions. at one time you are calm, kind, welcoming to everyone and a lovely wife and then out of the sudden you trip over your dress and you are now yelling over the whole house, then mumbling something in turkish (your native language) underneath your breath that no cullen understands and Carlise is just smiling while looking at you.
he'd want to know about Turkey (or other islamic country) and what is it like, i belive he visited Turkey (or other islamic countries) but just for two weeks max so... he didn't really explored the culture and he wants to hear you speak about your homeland and family and stories, he just loves it.
he'd love to see you cook your favourite food or some traditional meals or snacks from your childhood because he wants to educate himself about your country, but he cannot eat it which makes him kinda mad, about the educating; he'll also search some Turkish (or other islamic country) words and when he's feeling really flirty, he'll tell you something in turkish to impress you
if you're wearing a hijab, he'd be again very respectful and if anyone did you wrong, he'd have your back and be right next to you glaring and "politely" telling the person to fuck off
⤷ Emmett Cullen
-Emmett would love to tease you just to see you being mad. he will poke your belly a bit or (gently) kick your feet so you trip over and when you are being all angry, again mumbling something in your native language probably something how you gonna kill him and all, he's just there laughing on the ground.
sometimes he would get confused because you look so serious at all the time and sometimes you talk with serious, stone hard face without even realizing it, so if you tell him a joke with dead serious face he'd stand there blank look on his face, yk yk.
you can use it against him, because when you are really mad he's scared of you. and you are the only one he listens to.
he'd love to try and eat every single food you have in Turkey (other islamic country) or snacks or drinks, but because he's a vampire he cannot so you are just telling him what each food is like and what's inside etc.,, he can listen for hours to this
if you're wearing a hijab he'd definitely would use it for another teasing, like gently tugging on it or placing bananas on top of your head yk.
⤷ Rosalie Hale/Cullen
-Rosalie have always found islamic women so pretty. she always thought that they are the most beautiful women on earth, just their energy made her feel some kind of way...
so she is considering herself extremely lucky to date you, like really. she even thinks that you are more beautiful than her, which shows how much she actually love you.
she also has bad temper so when you are mad on the smallest thing, she's mad with you just because
sometimes people say you two are siblings because both of you have your serious face all the time, when people say that both of you are mad, you "yelling" on that person and Rosalie growling under her breath ready to attack this person
but when she sees you looking out of window, calmly breathing with sun rays slightly touching your soft features, she smiles to herself while being glad that she has you
if you're wearing a hijab, she'd want you to teach her how to make it and then she will do it for you. she'd find you even more beautiful because she can just look at your pretty clear face without hair in it and admire you.
⤷ Edward Cullen
-Edward reads a lot so i believe he knows a lot about your homeland and culture but he lied to you and told you that he never heard of it so you have to tell him about it, so he can hear you talk.
he didn't realize how many interesting thoughts he'd hear, i mean at one time he can hear you thinking about that pretty nail polish you've bought and after few minutes he hears some turkish (or other islamic language) words without knowing the meaning and then english words where you say you messed up that nail polish.
he'd probably could speak with you in your native language because he hears so many words (thoughts) in your native language so that he remembers them and know the meaning.
he'd play for you on piano some turkish (or other) songs he has found on the internet just to impress you and it was such a romatic gesture.
he'd be really interested in music at your homeland because it would make him feel more close to you.
⤷ Jasper Hale/Cullen
-Jasper is "old" cowboy so you two just somehow clicked. somehow there was a chemistry that just mixed your vibes and made a perfect couple yk.
he'd sneak into your room at night and listen to stories from your homeland and then he would tell you some stories from time when he was a human.
Jasper can feel your emotions so if you are tired of your bad temper just tell him and he will calm you whenever he feels that you are getting angry.
that's why you two are such a perfect couple, because you help him control his thirst and he helps you to control your emotions, so both of you are focusing on different things that doesn't involve you which means you are even calmer
you two agreed on that you are gonna pull out the "in pain face" card whenever one of you is feeling uncomfortable so
if you're wearing a hijab, Jasper would make sure no one makes you uncomfortable even more because people at Forks are not used to seeing women wearing a hijab and some kids at school can be pretty mean...
⤷ Alice Cullen
-Alice knew that her mate will be from Turkey (or other islamic country) so she had some time to get ready. she read something on the internet and she borrowed some books from Carlise or Esme about islamic countries so she could be prepared
she was very opened and VERY interested in your homeland and your traditions, so she would want to know every single detail! because she didn't wanted to disrespect you, not even the smallest
sometimes she could see when you will become angry, so she either wants to see you angry because she thinks you look cute or she will do anything to prevent it, depends on her mood
you two are the definition of sunshine x grumpy, because Alice is always smiling and kind and loving... you on the other hand are also kind and loving but your face looks like a stone so you kinda scare Alice's bullies away
Alice would be really interested in your traditional dresses just because she likes fashion and she likes to talk about it. so you two will lay in bed, you holding a photo of you in you traditional dress in your hands and she pointing at each suture and decoration
if you're wearing a hijab, she would love to style it for you or put cute stickers on it (if you let her)
⤷ Jacob Black
-Jacob would LOVE it! because when you are angry you cringe your nose in such a cute was, he's not scared at all he finds it funny because there is no way you could beat him.
he would be very protective because sometimes you and Paul argue which can lead Paul to shift so Jacob is here to protect you in that case.
but your welcoming and loving side is his favourite. when you treat him like a puppy, yeah really. when you stroke his cheek while saying "good job, baby" when he fixed his bike, his pupils will go bigger and he will follow you around like a puppy.
he'd eat everything you make, like everything. so when you started making you traditional food and snacks (with Emily's help) he ate it all and then say how much he liked it.
he will crave your both initials into a small piece of wood and gave it to you as a good luck charm, and when you asked him what's his lucky charm he answered with simple "you".
if you're wearing a hijab he will make sure that it's clean because there is a lot of wolf hair around the house.
⤷ Seth Clearwater
-Seth will also love when you are angry but because you look so hot! so he will just stare in awe and then take you to his room and kiss you all over
he will also start stare fights, like who can last longer without blinking but he will always lose and laugh at your serious face.
he can become really protective when someone is disrespecting you, and by that i mean he'll go feral if someone slightly disrespects you he'll tear them apart. he maybe looks cute but he's a real monster in his wolf form, to you he's just a big puppy
he will eat every traditional snack that you can offer, some small candy your grandma made when you couldn't sleep or some salty chip your mother fried when you wanted, he will eat it ALL.
when you cuddle with him, he will put his face into your neck and breath in your scent because that calms him down, knowing that you are here with him, safe
if you're wearing hijab he will make sure no one touches it or no one is making you uncomfortable with questions because if yes, oh lord...
⤷ Paul Lahote
-Paul again finds you anger sexy and cute at the same time so it depends if he's in a heat or not, and if you say you get angry at the smallest things well then you two will do a lot of cardio...
Paul, like every other shape-shifter will eat everything! if it's from you then TWICE of everything! he then uses the energy and calories to his wolf body which makes him even stronger than he already is!
he's also very possessive and protective, like a LOT! especially if it's a guy that's bothering you, he will beat him up like crazy i can tell
if you cup his face into your hands and kiss him "hard" on the lips, he will melt into you. he loves when you surprise him with kisses and affection...
he LOVES when you talk to him in your native language, call him baby in your native language and his full attention will be on you, he will come to you as soon as he hears your voice; put his hands on your waist and just stare into your eyes
if you're wearing a hijab he'll ask a lot of questions about it and then growl at everyone who starts talking about it, even at Sam
⤷ Bella Swan
-Bella would be shy from the start so she will just look at you with blank stare without knowing what to do because you were fine few minutes ago, now you are yelling at some ladybug that scared you.
but she will get used to it and then just giggle at you, she will also learn few turkish (other islamic language) words just to impress you but it will take her a bit more time to really say them to you
she will love to hear you stories while you're playing with her hair, she will lay her head on your lap and just close her eyes, listening to your calming voice telling her some fairy tail that you grandma used to tell you while you're stroking her hair
she will try some candy or sweet snacks from your country and some good meal that's not spicy, because i feel like she's not really a fan of spicy food
she often does some movements with her face like with her lips or eyes or eyebrows and she finds it so fascinating that you can stare at the tv with serious face... wow...
if you're wearing hijab she will look at you while you make it and how you tug your hair perfectly inside, gorgeous.
i feel like this is so bad, i really hope you like it!
-love, sivyera
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linkemon · 1 year
Voice line headcanons 3
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
Aether and Paimon are looking for [Reader] because of a job found on a city board. It's a potential, well-paying occasion. If they manage to find an employer who forgot to write where you can meet them at all...
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Mika Schmidt
✧Looking for Captain [Reader]? Ah... Uh... Maybe, maybe you'll ask someone else. No, I'm not afraid of you, Paimon. We've known each other for quite some time, so I'm not nervous, it's just... the thing about the captain is... No, they're not scary. Captain Kaeya, what are you laughing at?
✧ Captain [Reader] is a really special person. They taught me many things even though they are not much older than me. They help me on expeditions. They are very nice, very smart and very pretty. Erm... I'm sure you two will work well together.
✧ Captain Kaeya really told you that? Ah... It's not like that! I'm not jealous of them. We're not together, so of course I couldn't be. It doesn't mean that I wouldn't want to be their lover... Um, this is getting more and more confusing. You know what, why don't I just go back to work and you two go visit them? It's the door at the end of the upstairs corridor.
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Dori Sangemah Bay
✧ Interesting your searches. Of course, the generous Dori will help her dear customers with all the problems. But to help customers, you have to deal with them and you haven't bought anything yet. Move, move! Check out what wonderful goods I have with me today...
✧ Mora is a wonderfully universal language, don't you think? Wherever you are, Dori is always happy to hear the clink of money and understand you. Back to your question, [Reader] is the steward of my palace. As an exception, I can invite you for tea and introduce you. Of course I have a vested interest in this, Paimon. I wouldn't do it for free...
✧ [Reader] is a very good worker. They're great at keeping secrets, and they can bargain. I don't like it when it comes to the paycheck but if you need to pick up a shipment of new items for sale, they're irreplaceable.
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✧ You're looking for a really good Academy student. Unlike you, they know they should call me madame. What about you? It's a complete lack of education. The fact that we know each other has nothing to do with it. I deserve respect. After all, I'm older than you.
✧ [Reader] is a really special student of Kshahrewar. They have a chance to surpass Kaveh in his achievements. The room you are standing in now is their work. A delightful use of technology, isn't it? Their darshan will yet rise from their knees with their help. I'm sure of it. Soon you will be able to see their inventions beyond Sumer as well.
✧ These flowers? They are from them. What are you looking at, Paimon? It's obvious my lover is a well-mannered person! How come you don't believe we're a couple?!
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✧ If you're looking for them, you're lucky! I was about to visit them because I hadn't seen them since I came to Mondstadt. We know each other from the time when I came to this city for the first time.
✧ They helped me a lot when I was going through hard times. When I went to Sumeru, they wrote me letters all the time. They told me everything that happened here. They're really great at lifting people's spirits. Anyway, you'll see for yourself.
✧ There they are! Let's go say hi. I will introduce you myself. They will be impressed for sure. You say, Paimon, that you haven't seen me so happy in a long time? Haha, maybe there's something to it. But you get it, meeting up with old friends is always exciting! Let's eat pita together, which I made especially for this occasion!
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✧ I'd really like to take you to her but with my bad luck, it might not be the best idea ever. It doesn't bother you? That's very kind of you but I'm talking about [Reader]. The last time they wanted to help me collect plants for a job, they were attacked by monsters. They made it out reasonably healthy but on the way home I bumped into them and broke their ankle. I wanted to carry them to town but on the way back I slipped and injured their leg even more. That's why I think it's better if I don't see them for a while. For theirsafety.
✧ Comission to carry heavy parcels? It makes sense. After all, now that they can't lift them and the flower shop certainly needs someone to take care of it. What a shame they have to suffer like this because of me... Hey, where are we going? I already told you it was a bad idea! I don't want to bring bad luck to them. They will be happy? I'm sure they'll be happy, but... All right, I'm going, Paimon!
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comicaurora · 2 years
Hi, sorry for the long ask. I wanted to say I love your work with OSP and the webcomic. Been a fan since like 2015 and even though I'm some random on the internet it's wonderful to see the channel grow and stay a chill and educational part of the internet. I find your channel and webcomic really inspiring.
Do you have a method/strategy/etc. for dealing with the constant barage of media/opinions? and how you stay true to yourself when there's so much stuff out there?
Like I find myself pulled in so many different directions and being told to change my art style and have to try very hard not fall into the trap of just making stuff so someone might see it, just to attempt beat an algorithm in a very saturated world.
Do you just block out that stuff or do have other methods? How do you decide what influences you let in (art or otherwise)?
Hoo, interesting question.
It's tough for sure, and it took me a while to get even halfway good at it. It's very easy to internalize "this is Good and this is Bad and if you aren't doing the Good thing you are a Cringe Failure" especially if you hear it a hundred times a day from every direction. Nobody wants to be a Cringe Failure, and in highly caustic environments like the internet, it's easy to be trained to suppress every aspect of yourself that could ever be targeted for ridicule.
I think ultimately the only real way to handle that onslaught of noise is to learn to listen for your own internal voice. It can be tough to hear, but it is there - otherwise all that noise wouldn't be so confusing and annoying. There's something in you that those opinions you're being bombarded with don't quite line up with. Someone says "oh lol that show is so bad", it only twinges because something inside you disagrees. Someone says "this art style is awful," it twinges because a part of you enjoys it. Someone says "this thing is the best," it twinges because you didn't enjoy it.
Excavating that inner core of Thoughts and Opinions is well worth the effort, because it'll help you process both what you actually like and dislike and what you actually want to create and how. It's not so much about blocking out competing opinions, because it can be very helpful to know what other people think about the stuff you enjoy and/or create - it's just about clearing out the internalized stress and fear and desire for conformity-induced acceptance that might be muffling your ability to hear what you actually think. It'll give you a compass for navigating to your own happiness.
Especially when it comes to creative art, making what you want to make is probably the most important thing you can prioritize. You're the only person in the world who wants to create that specific, exact thing in your head - and trying to create something someone else wants isn't bad, but it does suffer from the fact that that creative vision already has someone who could fulfill it. You don't need to make what they could make, or what you think they want you to make. You can just do your own thing, and the people who've wanted what only you could do without knowing to ask for it will love it.
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ooppo · 1 year
National Bipolar Awareness day - March 30th.
I remember the first time I had a auditory hallucination (that I was aware of) was when I was, like, 15~ years old and I was sitting in my bed reading fanfiction. It was 7 at night when I heard the sound of these musical instruments being knocked together at a steady beat:
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I started to look around really, really confused because like where the fuck is this sound even coming from? It sounded like it was being played right near me. So I was looking around until I found the source of the wooden knocking, which was from my stomach. Once I found the source the rhythmic knocking slowly faded until it was silent. Before this incident I had several visual hallucinations of spiders and bugs that weren't there but I attributed that to being tired (after a Google search of 'tired hallucinations') so when faced with this very loud new hallucination at 7PM when I was feeling awake, I told myself "oh. I must be tired." And went to sleep.
Moral of the story is that your brain will downplay the signs of serious mental disorders if you aren't educated in what they are. I think everyone should learn the signs of what mental illnesses look like just so they can help themselves or others. I went undiagnosed for seven years and my father went undiagnosed for nearly 50. The signs were there and obvious to both us and outsiders, but due to a lack of information that could have been cleared up by a simple search of 'bipolar symptoms' 'what are delusions' 'what kinds of hallucinations are there' these symptoms were overlooked.
Serious mental illnesses like bipolar/schizophrenia aren't as uncommon as you think. Here are some popular actors/celebrities who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder (ones that are open about it):
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I don't want to post a ton of links here so you can Google "celebrity name bipolar disorder" if you'd like to. Historically influential people with a suspected bipolar disorder diagnosis are Virginia Woolf, Vincent Van Gogh, and Edgar Allen Poe.
With national bipolar awareness day coming up (March 30th which is also Van Gogh's birthday) I wanted to post something for it.
So please learn the signs of mental illness for your sake and others. Bipolar disorder is as common as autism. They are both 1 in 100. Schizophrenia is 1 in 300. Ocd is also 1 in 100. Here are some helpful articles about the signs of these illnesses:
Your mentally ill siblings aren't scary boogyman, they are mothers, teachers, artists, lovers, poet's, garbage men, deli workers, etc. They are people.
I remember when my father was diagnosed after me, he told me: "All my life people would ask me, 'what the fuck is wrong with you?' and I would always say, 'I don't know'."
You could be the reason why someone gets help.
No one in my fathers or my life knew what bipolar disorder looked like, so we suffered with it for years unknowingly.
I remember when I was learning the signs when I was suspecting my diagnosis, I had learned the signs for schizophrenia as well (since psychosis is a shared symptom between the two illnesses) and when I saw the symptoms of schizophrenia I remembered my old highschool friend who I thought was weird because he talked about how he could get called into the matrix and would go still for long periods of time when he was "transferring" from this world to the matrix world. Now I see that as possible signs of delusions and catatonia. That weird and off putting kid in school could be suffering unknowingly. Your strange uncle who accuses people of stealing his shoes could be suffering. YOU could be suffering and asking yourself why you're so weird/don't fit in/can't keep up.
So please for national disability month and bipolar awareness day learn some of the symptoms for serious disorders because you or a loved one could be suffering from it without knowing. Thank you.
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fleabagsjoy · 20 days
Ok so i just binge-watched Oniisama E (Dear Brother) and i have.... thoughts. And feelings.
Not super eloquent ones, I don't have any type of degree or formal education on writing or media analysis, i'm just word vomiting what i think and feel without any sources or facts to back it up so i hope that's okay. And i feel like i should preface with the fact that i didn't actually watch the last four episodes because i dreaded having to sit through Kaoru and Mariko ending up with men idgaf about, and instead read a summary of those last four episodes on Wikipedia.
With that being said, i absolutely loved this anime, i had already watched Revolutionary Girl Utena and everyone who enjoyed that one was talking about this anime so i figured I'd give it a try too and i don't regret it at all. The characters, the setting, the ANIMATION, the main plot and subplots (some of which i enjoyed more than others), i enjoyed it all.
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I don't want to point out the obvious about the ending, we all know. But i was prepared, went in with the mindset of completely ignoring eps 36-39, specially the "Real Love is Heterosexual Love" speech that it pulls in the last couple episodes, so i'm not that upset by it. I will say that putting "you will only know what true love is when you find a man for yourself" is some twisted, sexist and lesbophobic stuff to put in an anime where Nanako, Rei and Mariko canonically fall in love with girls and whoever came up with that will not be seeing the pearly gates of heaven. And if that wasn't enough, they had to make the girls end up with men because uuhhh i guess they have to! But anyways, i still read the summary of what happened in those last four episodes.
I read a review from 3 years ago by medivhtirisfal that mentioned this and i'm so glad i'm not the only one but this really reminds me of a series of books that i used to collect when i was younger about an all girls boarding school and all types of adventures and mischief they got up to (the St. Clare's series) and i guess part of me always craved more of that. Oniisama E scratched that itch i suppose, i'll always crave all female casts and to see interactions and relationships that form between them, all types of relationships really: sisterhood, platonic, romantic, sexual, healthy, toxic, simple, complex... women stories matter! And i love when they're the center and backbone of the plot.
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Now back to the actual anime. I haven't read the manga yet, don't think i will for a while even though i do like the mangakas artstyle from the few panels i've seen. But like i mentioned, Oniisama E reminds me of those books i used to collect, it's a string of events that happen during the first school year at an all-girls academy of our main character Misonoo Nanako.
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It was very satisfying to see Nanako be a bit more submissive when everything and everyone was new to her vs. becoming more confident in her decisions and standing up for herself and others she cares about later on. She was always very caring for others, but i do feel like she let herself be shoved around in the first few episodes so seeing her stand up for Rei against Fukiko and quit the Sorority because of her loyalty not just to Mariko, but to herself and her values, made her one of my favorite characters. Also who can't relate to falling in love with Rei... Asaka Rei was undoubtedly one of the reasons that got me to watch the anime.
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I gotta prepare myself before i write a paragraph for her because wow... too much to unpack. I can't elaborate better than some other Asaka Rei understanders about the intricacies of witnessing her own mother take her life in front of her daughter, after telling her to protect and take care of Fumiko, and how that pressure of committing to her mother's final wish lead to Rei's confusion of feelings for her own sister, devoting her everything to her, even her life. I suspect never dealing with the loss of her mother properly is what lead to Rei's severe depression and inability to understand all types love and bonds that she could have with other people, seeing Fukiko as her beginning and end from that moment.
Needless to say that, as much as i wanted her to realize this and free herself from this torment so she could deal with her trauma properly, she had to do it by herself so she could gain some sense of self and build an identity outside of someone she worshiped for so long and SPECIALLY before getting into a relationship with anyone (r.i.p. nanakorei). She's the most tragic character in this story to me, all of this started at a very young age and she had no way to get out of it and when she got close to that, the plot decided to say NOPE. NO CHANCES OF A HAPPY ENDING FOR YOU. Bottom line is: she desperately needed therapy. Veeery early on.
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I have to follow up with Ichinomiya Fukiko, a really toxic and abusive teenage girl with too much power over the other girls at school, she lives in a bubble built for incredibly rich people (as do many of the other characters), leader of the Sorority (an academy "elite club"). One of the best things about shoujo ai like this is that all female characters are so fleshed out and have so much to give to the viewers and Fukiko is no exception. I will say that i fail to see a character that has so much (negative) impact on most of the other main characters as she was very often abusing/taking advantage of/humiliating others.
It's definitely because of her upbringing but she always bottled up her feelings to keep up a façade of composure, with Nanako's constant defiance, after confronting her feelings for Henmi and her relationship with Rei, as well as after the abolition of the Sorority, we gradually got to see different sides of her. She's... complicated. Not an evil mastermind or anything, her attempts of sabotage seemed very desperate adn half-hearted, but she could still be very cruel and take advantage even of people she claimed to love. Still, Fukiko was one of the main driving forces of the story and i can always appreciate a character like that.
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Of course that leads me to Orihara Kaoru! She is probably one of the most consistent characters in the anime, loyal, determined and resolute, very sure of where she stands, oh my god... i'd crush on her so hard too if i was one of the girls at the academy. I loved the relationship she had with Rei, the soulmateism was off the charts, they had an incredibly intimate bond that no one could replicate and, besides Nanako, i felt for her the most when Rei passed away. I'm pretty sure her having to face the past between her and Henmi was also a big part of her character but again, i really don't wanna witness how that ends so i'm not gonna elaborate too much on what happens in the last four episodes, which is unfortunate because i'm sure a lot of her own development as a character happens in those but whatever...
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I didn't expect this when i started Oniisama e but Shinobu Mariko is my favorite character!! It took a while for her to grow on me but i love her a lot. Mariko is mostly known for the misandrist lines (which... real) and i appreciate that she never really changed that (until #those episodes but i won't consider them strictly canon for my sake), but she had such a great story arc with facing her loneliness and facing the problems she had with her parents. I'm no psychologist but BPD is heavily implied and from what i've seen by other fans with BPD, a lot of symptoms were shown throughout the anime, which i appreciate since Mariko wasn't villainized and was instead shown as someone with her own issues with boundaries and relationships at first but that she could manage and balance in a healthier way later on... it's not something you can easily see in anime, specially not from this time. I was really happy when Mariko, Nanako and Tomoko became a great friend trio who could rely on each other halfway through, another testament to her character development.
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Tomoko was one of my favs as well! A lot of other characters were very interesting and had important moments in main characters arc like Misaki and Henmi. It's been a while since i've seen an older shoujo but the animation and editing was fascinating to me, very gorgeous, over the top sometimes but we need that! What happened to that! Anyways it's very beautiful, i appreciate it. The intro song will stick with me too and the damn Academy bell... Very melodramatic, but very fun, it's a hit for me!
I'm still grieving Rei so i can't really face anything that happened in eps 33-35. We're past making the lesbians suffer, NANAKO AND REI DESERVED THEIR DATE ON THE BEACH!!
I fear i will be upset by that for the time being but hey, that's what fanfiction is for.
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an-obsessed-cactus · 5 months
I think i may be asexual?!
(okay this got longer than expected and i wanted to stop talking cuz ppl won't read it if it's so long and then i realized I'm not here to please anybody and i just wanna process some stuff so. yeah. also i come to realizations farther down that contradict some stuff from the beginning but I'll just leave my whole thought process here)
fun. um. I've realized I'm not straight two years ago and then started learning more about all things LGBT related and think myself educated enough on this topic but.
I've been pondering my sexuality and gender identity again more in recent days and. today i randomly stumbled across a yt video where the author (are you an author on yt? my brain is glitching rn)(also the 'author' in question is @jaidenanimationsofficial wonderful videos love the animation and the humor) talks about being aroace. few hours pass, my stomach hurts like hell so i go to lay down and sleep a bit, wake up and have a realization.
i googled again what asexuality is and read some more on this. i did this before and i guess i didn't see myself in it? so i kinda crossed it off the list of possible identities. i guess because i do want to have sex. i think. I'm not opposed to it and i get horny lmao. but that's only with fictional characters and works? like i just think: that was very sexy of you. but in a platonic way?! sex doesn't cross my mind. (also can you get aroused by music? or a good written work? or movie? like not even the characters but the work itself?) sorry i dunno I'm confused.
anyway i got a bit off track. what i wanted to say was that i suddenly remembered a convo i had with my sister a while ago where we talked about what is the difference between friendship and a romantic relationship. and she said it's that u wanna have sex with them and i was like ... i don't really think that's it...
and like. i get crushes i think. but I've never experienced this want to have sex with a particular person at least that i could remember. like a want to have sex? i guess yeah i mean not rlly sth i think about much but it's not unprecedented(see: i get horny)
honestly I'm not even sure anymore if im not aromantic as well. cuz queerplatonic sounds more like my jam?
like i felt(feel?) like omnisexual described me well because i think I'd be attracted to who the person is at their core. what if ur straight as a girl, date a boy, and then it turns out he's trans? i dunno i feel like gender isn't this fixed thing which then kinda creates problems when labeling urself with a certain sexuality. aaaa people came irl and i lost my train of thought. um. i feel like labeling myself anything other than omnisexual would feel limiting. even if i never developed a crush on a girl for example (i did), i still feel like i could potentially. like there's nothing stopping me. why shouldn't I?
that was written yesterday. it is now today and i have a whole lot of new thoughts and realizations.
I had a bit of a marathon with @jaidenanimationsofficial videos and i came across an older one she mentioned in the previous one i watched about being aroace(ik it's a mess) about how she couldn't understand why when romantic feelings are not mutual people don't just continue being friends. and i was like EXACTLY WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?! and um. ahem. do u really see it as a problem? I guess if everyone does. but I'm starting to seriously consider if I'm aroace as well which woah there. this happened in a span of a day and I'm not sure it's real and it doesn't feel real? some time will have to pass for me to check out this theory cuz. ppl often say they felt like there was sth wrong with them and then they discovered these terms and were like aHA that's it! that explains everything! and I didn't... have that? and I'm not sure to what extent i identify with aroace because reasons(ill talk about some of it below). and I'm not saying that not having this realization moment or not feeling like sth is wrong with me through my life devalidates my orientation and stuff but it makes me doubt i guess?
i also came to an important discovery that aroused and horny are not the same. who would have thought?! I said above i get horny but apparently being horny means to want to have sex. and i just get the physical part aka arousal. fun. someone help pls im so confused.
okay for the last part(which prolly won't be the last part but one can hope right?)
i said i realized i wasn't straight two years ago. that was when i realized i like my best friend as more than i friend. well it wasn't exactly that simple. tbh i think Lucifer(the series i am NOT a satanist) helped a lot with that? like i knew about some lgbt stuff before because I'm alive on this planet but it kinda made me think about a lot of stuff, and between that stuff was my sexuality as well. idk. it's not like i had a crush on any of the female characters. just got me thinking for some reason. like why is having sex with people you're not romantically involved with wrong? why is prostitution wrong if u enjoy it and get money for it and it's well managed and secure? but that's beside the point.
well anyway I didn't know what i felt towards my bff(I'll say bff cuz bf also stands for boyfriend so it feels weird) but it felt like more than friendship. didn't feel like sth romantic tho. then i discovered queerplatonic relationships exist and i was like i think that's it! and then new school year came i saw her again and doubts flared up. again there was never i wanna have sex with her, but there was an occasional i wanna kiss her. and she was so important to me so it has to be romantic love right?! romance is the highest form of love one can experience afterall! nothing whatsoever can compare to it!! it feels ✨magical✨ when you find you will finally be completed!!! anyways.
it felt like romantic love was the only thing that could justify me feeling this way. i won't go deeper into this because i already have a draft where i do(i have like 16 drafts with uncompleted rambles so...) I'll try to post it but. i told her and we're still good friends! it actually made me closer to the rest of my friend group(which i was only a part of on the paper before)(i was so focused on my bff before I didn't really do group) because i felt a bit distanced from her for a while(she's a people pleaser like me and even tho i think i can read her well im paranoid and i thought she may feel weird?). anyways i got close with 3 other amazing ppl in the meantime and my friendship with my bff hasn't suffered!
but between my feelings being kinda realized and me telling her a whole year has passed and in the end i wasn't even sure what i was feeling anymore just that i didn't want her not to know. idk.
now im wondering what it was. even back then half year pre confession i was thinking if it was just because someone was finally paying attention to me. i didn't really do friends before (i kinda had them but there were no deep convos or shared secrets) and then there was suddenly this person who genuinely enjoys spending time with me! and listens to my problems! and weird obsessions! this sounds kinda sad put like this ngl lmao. but this was the first time I had that deep connection with someone. two years in my confused feelings came. geez i got off track again. point is i thought i was straight up until then and then had a crisis cuz i thought i only liked her cuz she was giving me attention cuz i was straight goddamit! ANYWAYS.
this post has lost all direction. it is a frustrated ramble of a very confused person. let us continue
i will just sum up how i feel about genders and people because I'm a chronic oversharer. oops doops.
men: find them aesthetically pleasing, all celebrity crushes are in this category (there's only one really but if i found a celebrity attractive like not objectively but to me it was a man), i would also get kinda crushes on boys my age when i spent 5 minutes with them. don't ask. i think it's dopamine mining(i suspect i have adhd). im not used to male company and i kinda don't like it that much but the the ?butterflies? are still there. tbh i don't really know what to do with men. doesn't stop me from having crushes tho. i don't have any real desire to be in a romantic relationship with men. i don't exclude the possibility but i haven't found one i would want it with. i also don't know now to interact with them. let alone flirt. actually flirt in general. it feels like it would be cringe and belongs in bad movies.
women: freaking amazing!! love them! no celebrity crushes, one irl crush which might have moved beyond crush(i suspected the L word for a while) to friends or it might have never been a crush in the first place! help! now there's another friend outside of my friend group who i may like. or i just enjoy her company? im not used to this yet. i forgot i think im aroace. this is killing me.
nonbinary/other genders: I haven't met any yet. there are some on discord servers im a part of but I don't really interact much just lurk there. i think irl experience would be different anyway.
someone please explain sth to me. you have sexual attraction okay get that(not really but that's not the point). but then there's romantic attraction. how do you separate that from friendship? just this intense feelings of wanting to be with them at all times? okay myb myb let's say u can separate them from friendship. what about queerplatonic? guys??
i am starting to dislike labels. this is confusing.
also i gotta figure this romantic thing out cuz im writing a fantasy series and there's romance involved lol.
okay so i guess i am at least asexual cuz i don't see ppl and go 'i wanna have sex with them'. i am not yet thoroughly convinced im aromantic as well but we'll see about that ig. because i still don't understand what the difference between romance and deep friendship is. aghhh
although if i can't tell the difference myb that answers the question.
also how does someone who is asexual but romantically attracted to all genders label themselves? like omnisexual ig doesn't work cuz it omnisexual.
i went to google aromantic and.
"demiromantic people have romantic attraction only after forming an emotional bond with another person."
HOW ELSE DO YOU HAVE ROMANTIC ATTRACTION??? Isn't this about who the person is?! Do you just see them and go: oh this must be such a good person. what?
like i understand sexual attraction when you see someone ig. but romantic? i really need someone to explain this to me in depth. i haven't even been asking the right questions.
"Quoiromantic people can't tell the difference between romantic and platonic attractions." Welp i guess i have a new label i can stick on myself. also the name is killing me. (quoi=what in french💀)
(edit: well this thing just posted itself. I DIDN'T HIT POST WTF. but it's out there now. ig it had enough of me adding new and new thoughts. im inclined to agree)
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therianterritory · 8 months
Hello 👋
Recently I've been looking into the whole therian/fictkin (I can't spell)/alterhuman ECT communities because at first it was just for fun and to see what the internet has been doing lately but it's started to feel less like a polite exploratory thing and more a thing I've been considering in myself.
I don't really know why it's all of a sudden become a thing I'm personally interested in but it has and I'm very confused.
I don't think I'm a therian because I got basically none of the "criteria" ( I know it's not like a list you check off but I'm nothing like any of the therians Ive seen online) and it's mildly distressing when I think too hard about it.
Ive been asking around but no one has been responding and I'm hoping maybe you can help as you've stated that you are an educator.
I have a list of things I felt like may fit along the lines of the aforementioned identities (sorry if that's the wrong word to use. I'm really nervous and trying to be as respectful as possible)
- When I was a kid I used to wish I could build a den/nest and used to get really sad when I had to take down my pillow "nests"
- I had a fascination with things that could fly and always wished that I had wings. Not necessarily that I was a type of bird but more like a hybrid human with wings.
- sometimes now I wish I had wings and it's almost like I can feel them stretch when I flex my back
- I had a fun idea to create horns once and I couldn't sleep thinking about how much I couldn't wait to make them. And when I made them it just felt so right to have them on. They felt natural.
- Sometimes I'll just run around my backyard whilst no one is home and it gives me an amazing sense of being free.
- Ive always been fascinated with the forest and ever since I was a little kid I used to imagine living in the forest all on my own and making a treehouse to live in away from society.
I honestly don't know if any of that means anything and I'm really really sorry for such a long message but I just really need some answers or guidance right now. Literally anything could be helpful if you have the time to read this.
Hope you have a good day
Hi! I am of course never able to tell people whether they are alterhuman of any kind or not. This is simply something that you can only tell for yourself. All I can do is give advice on how to look into your identity more accurately. So I will just review the things you've mentioned and give advice if I see fit. You can do with this what you want. My advice is also not the answer to everything.
While it's good to take your childhood into account, it's also very important to realize that as kids, we have a way bigger imagination. Unless you really feel like your urges and behaviors from the past weren't completely human, wanting to do things as a kid usually does not say much. I often recommend for people to mostly look at what they experience now, unless the past holds any significance despite childhood imagination (I'm therewith not stating however, that what you experienced is imagination and not alterhumanity. That's something I cannot know). I'm just saying that in my opinion, what you experienced as a kid isn't always one-hundred percent reliable. But do surely take it into consideration alongside your current experiences!
Feeling phantom wings is definitely a potential alterhuman experience. What's mostly important is to think for yourself whether you focus on the phantom wings on purpose when you believe you feel them, or if they are simply there naturally. While even natural shifts may sometimes occur when you consciously focus on it, any sign of consciously inducing a shift might mean that the experience was not an involuntary experience (and therianthropy is of course mostly determined by that). So the question is rather if you ever experienced such phantom sensations or other types of shifts, behaviors, instincts, and/or urges without thinking about it at all. Or if something somewhat unrelated triggered you into such a state.
Having an affection for nature and deliberating actions are debatable things. Because humans are instinctively also drawn to nature, and running around would probably be a freeing experience to anyone. It's always important to nuance your experiences with human instincts to at least some extend (while sometimes, of course, it may overlap) The question is rather how it made you feel on the inside. Do you feel like you aren't your human self when you do these things? Or do you feel like your human self mixes with something else? Etc.
In the end, it's really about how you define yourself and the nonhuman experiences you have naturally. And be mindful of the other alterhuman terms as well. You say you might be a humanoid creature in some way, so do not be afraid to look into Otherkin and the like as well! Therianthropy is really about that natural animalistic experience. If you do not have that, that doesn't mean you cannot identify as alterhuman/nonhuman!
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krirebr · 5 months
So, I've been going back and forth about sharing this here but it's really been dominating my thoughts for the last two days, and while I've talked about it a lot with friends, I'm hoping that writing everything down will help me process things. And maybe other people, especially aspec people might be able to relate.
I mentioned on Wednesday that I'd had a really terrible evening that had really shaken and upset me. Below the cut, I want to share what happened.
TWs for references to depression, aphobia, exclusionism, and bad therapy (there's probably a better word for it but I'm not sure what it would be.)
So some of you know that I started this year with a pretty intense depressive episode. It was bad enough that I had to take a leave of absence from work and pretty much spent that whole time crying in bed. It's taken a lot of work over the last few months to get myself back to a more stable place. A big part of that work has been regularly going to therapy.
I went to therapy on and off as a kid and in college, but not at all since then. All of my previous therapeutic experience was long before I came out as aroace. There's a long, ongoing history of aspec identities being medicalized and pathologized and that's something I was very aware of while looking for a therapist this time around. But I was also really desperate for help. So I chose as wisely as I could and crossed my fingers.
I chose a queer therapist who specialized in LGBTQ issues. I told them I was aroace in my first session and while they didn't seem very familiar at all, they also didn't make me overly explain myself or want to focus on that rather than the very real and urgent issues I had come to them for, which is what I'd been most worried about.
As I continued to meet with them weekly, they would sometimes ask questions about it, and while it was pretty clear they didn't really get it, they were respectful about it and it wasn't interfering with the help I actually needed.
That brings me to my appointment this Wednesday. I didn't have anything really pressing to discuss so they asked about my plans for the week and I mentioned that I was getting my hair cut and I was excited because I've been feeling lately like my hair is really hetero (I use that word instead of straight because my hair is so, so curly 😂) and I was looking forward to having queer hair again. They stopped. "Wait," they said, "I'm confused. Why did you use that word to describe yourself?" It had never occurred to them that aspec identities would be considered part of the queer community. They, in fact, had an incredibly narrow definition of the word queer - gay, just gay. And they didn't consider asexuality or aromanticism to be orientations at all.
My memories of the following conversation are pretty jumbled, but some highlights included such chestnuts as "What if you meet the right person one day?", asserting that the A in LGBTQIA+ stands for ally, there has to be a sexual component to romantic relationships, and "everyone has to have attraction, humans are sexual beings." They also said that we should dig into my childhood going forward because they were sure there was something there that caused this. I had a pretty traumatic middle school experience (bullying and some psychosomatic stuff that stemmed from that) and they were pretty eager to blame all that for this.
I became increasingly defensive and combative as this conversation went on (which if you know me, isn't like me at all). It ended with us both feeling very bad and uncomfortable.
I think they kind of came around a little bit by the end. They seemed open to educating themselves and even sent me a link to an article they'd found after our session. And that's great, I guess? But the whole thing made me want to crawl out of my skin. I cried a lot when I got home.
I'm not exactly sure what to do from here. My initial plan was to go next week, talk through what happened, offer some context for why I had gotten so defensive, and discuss together whether this was going to be a good long-term fit. But that's feeling less and less likely the more I think about it (I haven't been able to stop thinking about it). This is just such a big part of who I am. And it's a part of myself that I like and am proud of! And I just can't imagine a situation where I would ever feel safe talking about this aspect of my life with them. And I don't really want therapy where I'm constantly having to censor myself. So do I even go to my next appointment? I really don't know.
I know there's a lot of hopelessness in the aspec community around getting mental health care and I really don't want to add to that. I don't want to believe that we can't get help for our actual issues without mental health professionals just wanting to fix things that don't actually need to be fixed. And I hope that's not the moral or ultimate outcome of this story. I've talked to my very lovely network of queer friends and several of them have already said that they'll reach out to their contacts to find some recommendations for me. I deserve to get the help that I need in a space that is actually safe. And my need isn't as urgent as I was. I can take my time now to find someone I'm fully comfortable with.
I'm not sure exactly why I shared this. I don't always get so personal on here. And some of you have already heard it (thank you for being such good friends, seriously). But it's just been festering inside of me for the past two days and I really needed to share it. Thank you for listening.
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aritany · 8 months
sorry to be nosy, but do u have any insights as someone who went through a divorce at a young age?
don't be sorry - what a fascinating question! it's STORYTIME. i don't know if this is so much my 'insights' as it is ruminations, but i digress.
i guess my number one tip would be: don't marry a bigot,,,
i'm kidding. mostly.
i'm very transparent about why i got divorced (if you know me in real life, you know how true this is), but that's what it boiled down to. i got married VERY young, 95% due to deeply religious family on both sides, 5% because i truly believed i had found the person i was going to be with forever. if you're going to be together forever, why not just bite the bullet and get married young, right?
i came out to my ex-husband as bisexual super early on in our relationship (i think 2 months into dating) because i obviously needed him to a) know i was queer and b) be cool about it, and he was. if i recall, he said, "oh. ok, good for you."
(later, he told me that that moment was almost a dealbreaker for him. i NEVER would have known, based on how he reacted in the moment.)
as a married couple, we were awesome roommates and very good friends and overall a wonderful team. then i started properly deconstructing christianity around the same time i started thinking about gender, and covid hit immediately after. i didn't come out to anyone as nonbinary until march 2021, and when i did, he was the first person i talked to. he was... significantly less cool about it than he was with bisexuality.
here's the thing. he LOVED having a wife. in hindsight, it's really easy to see that i could have been anyone, and he was really ready to settle down. i have to give myself some credit, because i think i'm excellent, but i do think that to some extent i was in the right place at the right time and checked off a lot of his boxes. if that sounds a little cold to you -- a SHOCKING amount of cishet men do this. it's weird.
anyway, i was His Wife™, and while i was by no means a traditional christian wife, i was still a very she/her slay queen girly.
then i started committing sins. (got some tattoos. started writing about The Gays. started speaking out against the church. Cut My Hair Short [cue gasps]. started dressing more androgynously.)
he couldn't get his head around using gender neutral language for me. to his students (he was in education at the time) i was His Wife. to his family, i was His Wife, even after i came out to them too. classic wifeguy stuff.
my current partner (who is SO wonderful) was in the process of becoming that best friend you have really confusing gay feelings about, and had to deal with me talking about this and how i was just going to have to settle for being with this guy who wouldn't respect my gender, even when that disrespect started actually making my skin crawl when he'd get close. because hey, marriage is for life. it didn't even occur to me that we might get divorced until about 4 days before The Conversation. i was genuinely ready to stick it out with this guy who refused to really See me, because i thought that was what i had to do.
then came The Conversation. i'd been invited to be a bridesmaid in his sister's wedding and had agreed to wear a dress, because hey, it's her wedding. if she wants bridesmaids in dresses, sure. (i was still very much reeling from my own wedding, but that's another story i'll tell if anyone's curious.)
anyway. dresses. i go to a fitting. i stand there numbly while wearing the most godawful dress i'd ever seen, feeling like Garbage. i go home. i step in the door, i burst into tears. sobbing, on the couch, i tell him that something's not right. i can't wear a dress to this wedding.
i think that was when he realized i wasn't going to grow out of being nonbinary. we had a really long, brutal conversation, mostly about how i was probably going to want top surgery one day, that ultimately resulted in him ending our marriage.
"i can't make you be somebody you're not," he told me. "but you can't make me attracted to you."
that's right, folks! the thing that ended my marriage was my tits.
we'd sat through and endured many conversations in which i shared my feelings about the church, about christianity, about the patriarchy, about gender as a whole, but in the end, the thing he could not get his head around was a version of me that didn't have a chest.
i won't lie, that shit stung. the constant rejection of my gender expression had sort of eroded any romantic love i felt for him at that point, but he'd been my closest confidant for so long by that point that i really had to work through some shit about worthiness in the weeks after. it was just surreal to me that me With tits was good and worth being married to, but a hypothetical version of me with a flat chest was so repulsive that he'd rather end a marriage than endure it.
and like, i get being a boob guy (trust me), but damn.
p.s. some really interesting notes: he waited to have this conversation with me until literally the week after i received the first 5-figure portion of my book deal advance, which meant when we were settling affairs, it counted as "marital income" and he got half, and then he hired lawyers behind my back after we said we wouldn't do that.
in hindsight? maybe it was never about the tits at all. ;)
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ghostlyvoidshark · 1 month
Hnnnghhdhdh thoughts of the sillies forever haunts me. Someone please worsen my brainrot I need to write something. The words wont word right but im trying.
The best I have right now is thinking about how the skelebois would react to someone with tourette-syndrome (because I have it and self indulgence in creative works is great.)
Please let me know your ideas and stuff about this and if you want more guys with other stuff or more reacting to this!
Very patient with you and honestly would probably not care unless something is timed funny / a silly response. I personally wouldn't be offended and would probably laugh at myself too. Like something happens - maybe he made a comment about something like the price of a ketchup bottle and you reply with a tic like "yippee" and you both end up snorting. Maybe it even becomes an inside joke. "How cheap is it?" / "dont worry its yippee certified."
Wouldn't ever antagonize your tics. He may joke (after a convo about boundaries and if youre genuinely okay with jokes) but he doesnt echo you / encourage you to tic for humors sake or anything else.
He doesn't personally understand tics and how it feels to do it but he understands pain and would 100% be there to help you out when / if you have painful tics. If you allow it he'll get you soothing items and distract you if it will help. Just let him know and he's got you.
If you develop a tic related to him he'll lowkey find it endearing. Like he isn't sure if its because you like him or if it's just a coincidence but he smiles a bit wider when you do it. (Stars help him if you develop a pun related tic like repeating his or saying one)
I usually have happy tics (probs something tied to stimming but it feels like a tic.) So i can imagine if you tell him the related tic is because youre happy he would melt on the inside. Especially when he realizes you echo him because you think hes funny. He has buried his face in a pillow to hide his blush after you leave. Papyrus has teased him for this.
Has on occasion made people uncomfortable for antagonizing you. Like glaring or making pointed jokes to rude people. He'll try to call them out first just in case they don't realize they're being harmful but if they don't care then He'll make them.
"Yeah, its just -" *explains tourettes*
"OH! OKAY! :] "
Literally as simple as that. He doesn't draw anymore attention to it or really notice it unless you bring it up. Like he just writes it off as a thing that happens and adjusts quick.
If you're okay with it he'll inform people you have it when they get confused. He figures it must be tiring constantly explaining yourself, but worry not! He loves sharing information and explaining things! Especially when its helpful! Not to mention when the topic can educate others on how to be more respectful and informed on others disabilities. So he sees it as an all around good thing and wouldnt be bothered at all to help. (Also he isnt going to just announce this about you, only saying things in convo if ppl ask)
Also, even if you prefer he not say anything, he will educate himself on the subject so he can be a better help and have a better understanding just in case the subject ever comes up later or he meets someone else with tics. It also doesn't hurt to be aware and conscious of these types of things!
I feel like he's respectful enough to let you finish your sentences but if you struggle really hard he might try to help. He'd gently ask a question about what youre trying to say and suggest words to help. He wont do it again if you ask him to stop - hes not doing it maliciously after all. He just doesn't want you to feel frustrated with yourself.
Is a tiny bit (actually very much) hyped when you echo him or have a tic related to him. He asks if its a good thing (like not a stress tic or smth) and if you say yes then he kinda taps his feet / jogs in place and squeals like an exited fan. Says soemthing along the lines of "I AM HONORED TO BE A PART OF SOMETHING YOU DO TO EXPRESS POSITIVE EMOTIONS!"
Awe and if you copy his laugh? Like echoing it when you're happy or smth he is beaming with pride like he's the sun itself. Because!! His laugh!!! It makes you happy and you want to do it with him!!! Kcjdjsns
Actually surprisingly (or not so surprisingly) helpful with painful tics and tic attacks. He is very good at getting you what you need to soothe you / make things less painful and stressful.
Would lecture someone for antagonizing you.
Unusually patient with you finishing sentences and stuff. He kinda just sees any stutters or interruptions as part of the sentence. Like if someone were to get sidetracked or mutter something - he sees it like that. Sometimes he gets frustrated if you struggle to say something for a bit but its not at you. Its at the fact that he isn't getting what you mean when you try to explain without the troublesome word or if you continue to try to say it and it doesn't click in his head.
His immediate reaction is to side eye you but he doesn't make a big deal out of it. He'll probably comment on it like "you gettin' possessed?" But after you explain hes like "oh." And backs off. Might make some jokes before even processing that it could be offensive. Like not jokes about you being broken or negative stuff (hes trying not to be so rough around the edges lol) but just puns about the tics and jokes about glitches or something.
Probably would be the most ... "normal" about it. Wouldn't really ignore them or treat it like its a sensitive topic. Will point out when its funny (in a non harmful way), asks about them sometimes, and makes small comments here and there. For example if you make a weird gesture he'll tease you about it saying stuff like "castin' spells?" Or "I agree" to something you said that makes no sense.
Never thinks to antagonize your tics. Like yeah, he jokes, but he just doesnt think about it or think to avoid it. He just doesnt.
Gives mean looks and snaps at people who do it. He'll be nonchalant about it at first like "hey man, fuck off with that." But if they keep on he'll get more aggressive.
Kinda awkward with the painful ones at first. He thinks you probably just want to get through it and move on because pain isn't something normally expressed for him so he kinda just subtly goes easy on you without really drawing attention to it. If you express it more openly and/or he gets more comfortable he will try to help you out. He understands having aches and pains from things you can't really help (like wounds and scars) so he'll try to apply what he knows and what you tell him helps.
A little impatient but tries his best to be polite. He understand its not your fault, and he doesnt blame you for any irritation he has, he just gets antsy when things arent efficient. (Hes working on it.) At least he doesnt rush you or anything... yay?
Other than that he has a "i don't care" attitude about it. Yes yes, its a part of you, so what? He doesn't mean anything by it, he just doesn't see it as something worth acknowledging, really. It's like noticing someone has curly hair. Its there, it might be something worth noting at first, but then you just forget about it until its relevant.
Doesnt care if something is funnily timed either. You can have fun with it but he isnt bothered. But if you have a response to something he says, tic or otherwise, he instinctively takes it as a genuine response lmao.
*tic: " mac n cheese"
Like he doesn't process it entirely that its a tic and kinda just responds seriously. Its kinda funny tbh. You'll probably end up giving up on explaining its a tic anyways if you try so itd be easier to go along with it. (He argues that it is rude not to respond and he is taking his manners seriously now that he is out the underground.)
Will rock someones shit for being disrespectful and antagonizing you. Like maybe not physically but he will verbally rip someone to shreds. Like its pathetic to antagonize someone for something so basic for no reason. Is this person serious? Being rude over something so minor. No, its not funny. What is funny is how this person thinks they can just start shit and be a nuisance with no consequences. People like them would've gotten their teeth knocked in for behaving that way. People at least knew not to be assholes for no reason. (They had a system of 'i leave you alone you leave me alone' unless someone was after something like power or money or whatever. You always had a reason to do violent things. It was normalized, but it wasn't barbaric. )
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