#But then he meets the Lost Bots
gamegem92 · 2 years
How I felt after seeing the Splatoon 3 direct:
My brain: Are you asleep?
Me: Yes, now shut up…
My brain: Imagine a Splatoon-based AU for Botbots…
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hisui-dreamer · 1 year
love will find a way
Characters: Riddle, Deuce, Azul, Vil
Synopsis: You shared a night of passion with your lover before you left for the other side of the mirror, but fate's cruel hands strike once again as you realise you have to raise his child alone in your original world. Thankfully, your child is incredibly drawn to magic, and they opened a portal...?
Tags: slight angst, fluffy end because im a sap, fem reader, reader gives birth to a child, reunions, bot proofread
Word count: 3.6k+
Notes: for cohesiveness sake, all the name ideas are in japanese. if it makes you uncomfortable, you can imagine that reader is japanese hehe
Part 1✧Part 3✧Part 4✧Masterlist
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A few months passed as you settled back into your routine at home. Eventually, with the noticeable changes in your body, it dawned on you that you were with child—his child, your lover from the other side of the mirror whom you could no longer reach.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turn into months. You had adapted to the trials and tribulations of parenthood. Juggling the responsibilities of work, childcare, and household chores was no easy feat, but you found solace in the small moments of your child's growth and development.
Your child was a true joy to behold, a mirror image of their father in many ways, and you often see the ghost of your past lover in them. Having inherited his magic, your child experimented with their powers, leaving you to support them with what limited knowledge of magic that remained from your NRC days.
On one such experiment, your environment started to shift as a wave of magical energy engulfed you. When you opened your eyes again, he was there, right in front of you—
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Yoshikazu (義和) with 義 meaning "righteous" and 和 meaning "harmony, peace"
your son had straight strawberry-red hair and greyish-blue eyes that reminded you of the stormy skies
Riddle's strong belief in upholding the rules, as well as his desire for peace and order, made the name perfect for your boy
he strives for perfection in everything he does, and has a strong attention to detail and dislikes anything that falls short of his high standards
he is slightly shy with strangers, but he's always polite and tries to be helpful
he likes to act mature so you won’t have to worry too much about him, but he not so secretly craves your affection and praise
if you don’t give him a goodnight kiss, he’ll stare at you with puppy eyes thinking he did something wrong
under your guidance, he’s actually rather helpful in the kitchen, although he can easily get upset when he thinks he did a poor job or wasn’t precise enough
in those moments, you often show him that not everything has to be absolutely perfect
see? the strawberry tart still tastes delicious, right?
he’s also rather quick at learning, and when you’re unsure about the magic concepts or formulae in your foggy memory, let him work at it for a bit and somehow, boom, he’s solved it
he tries to hide it, but his eyes are sparkling with admiration when you told him about the dedicated and fair man Riddle is, and he really wants to meet him
and through his hard work, he teleports the two of you into a well-lit and organised office, with stacks of papers placed neatly on the desk
Riddle sits at the desk, his face more angular having lost his baby fat, but his gaze remained as intense as it always had
Riddle meticulously reviews a case file, his focus unwavering as he flips through the pages. Suddenly, a swirl of iridescent light materialises in the corner of the room, catching his attention. He pushes himself away from the desk, knocking his chair backwards with a thud as he stands up, watching in disbelief as you emerge from the ethereal portal, a small boy clinging onto you tightly.
"My Rose…is it...is it truly you?" Riddle's voice wavers with a combination of astonishment and longing. His stormy grey eyes lock onto your gaze, searching for confirmation that this was indeed real.
His heart swells with a surge of emotions, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. He takes hesitant steps forward, closing the distance between you. As he reaches out a trembling hand, he hesitates for a fraction of a second before wrapping his arms around you in a tight embrace, pulling you close.
"I've missed you so much," Riddle whispers, his voice choked with emotion. "I've yearned for this moment, to hold you again, to see your face."
after the heartfelt reunion, Riddle leaves work early and takes a holiday, something he has never done before for reasons other than sickness
he takes the two of you back to his house and you spend some time catching up
he’s become a successful lawyer, having deviated from the path his mother had intended for him
that, along with his refusal to be in an arranged marriage by her will, has him basically disowned
but he’s happy with where he is in life, only he wished to find a love as fulfilling as the one he had with you
now that you’re back, Riddle does everything he can to support you in adjusting to life back with him
he’s super expressive and affectionate and savours every moment he has with you
he does get a little jealous of Yoshikazu getting all your affection, and this has resulted in all three of you sleeping together cuddled up
Riddle tries to learn how to cook because he can’t be worse than his son right??
but the two of them do get along really well, Riddle loves reading bedtime stories to Yoshikazu, and Yoshikazu tries so hard to stay awake till the end
Yoshikazu also loves visiting uncle trey’s bakery!
eventually, he might try to reconcile with his mother and have her meet the two of you, but his priority is on the two of you
Riddle's eyes show a mix of emotions, a kaleidoscope of love, regret, and gratitude. He bends down, his hands trembling, to meet Yoshikazu's gaze. A cascade of emotions surges through him as he realises the precious bond he had unknowingly missed out on.
"My child," Riddle whispers, his voice filled with awe and wonder. "I never imagined..."
Yoshikazu reaches out a tiny hand, a shy smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Riddle's heart melts as he gingerly takes his hand, feeling an overwhelming wave of love and protectiveness.
"Father?" Yoshikazu's voice was a gentle whisper, filled with innocence and trust.
Riddle's eyes shimmer with tears that threaten to spill over. He carefully extends his hand, allowing his small fingers to intertwine with his own.
"Yes," Riddle replies, his voice overflowing with tenderness. "I am honoured to be your father. I will protect you, guide you, and cherish you always, my precious bud."
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Koushi (功志) with 功 meaning "a success, a great achievement" and 志 meaning "purpose, will, determination, aspiration, ambition"
your son had sleek dark hair that reminded you of the night sky, and bright cyan eyes
Deuce placed great importance on personal growth and the pursuit of success, valuing hard work and the satisfaction that comes from achieving one's goals, so you implemented those values into your son's name
he takes his tasks and activities seriously and is motivated to excel in everything he does
but at the same time, he also struggles with being patient and occasionally becomes frustrated when things don't go his way
there are many times you’re trying to console him, and he’s just standing there, fists clenched and trying to hold back tears
when you rub the back of his head though, he melts and starts crying into your chest
he can be impulsive and mischievous, but once the high passes, he’s apologising and he really didn’t mean to hurt anyone or anything
just like his father, his favourite food is egg dishes, so it’s not difficult cooking for him
generally, he’s not picky and gobbles up anything you make him except vegetables
yeahh, the vegetables are going to need some convincing, and he’ll make a big show about how he hates the taste, but still reluctantly swallows his greens
he’s not the brightest, but he strives to be the best he can be, eagerly practising and studying magic concepts, though he faces some challenges in grasping complex concepts quickly
he became so curious when you told him how much his father valued hard work, asking question after question to learn more about him
and through trial and error, somehow, he managed to teleport you to a street of residential buildings, the fresh scent of roses filling your senses
and Deuce stood in shock in front of you, looking more mature and yet still possessing that dorky lovable presence
Deuce, donned in his crisp uniform, patrols the streets with a focused gaze. As he turns a corner, his eyes widen and his heart skips a beat. There, before him, stands the silhouette of a familiar figure, obscured by the shimmering waves of nostalgia, accompanied by a small boy.
"Prefect… I’m not dreaming, am I?" Deuce murmurs, his voice tinged with disbelief and a touch of vulnerability. His pulse quickens, and he takes a tentative step forward, his hands trembling with both trepidation and longing.
Tears well up in his eyes as you nod, a mixture of emotions playing across your face. The weight of your absence suddenly lifts, and without a second thought, Deuce closes the distance between you, his arms enveloping you in a tight embrace.
"You're here. You're really here," Deuce whispers, his voice choked with emotion. He presses his forehead against yours, savouring the moment and the warmth of your presence.
once Deuce has calmed down, he takes you back to his house, where he lives with his mom to take care of her more
Deuce has become a successful police officer, and he’s decided to work in his hometown to keep the neighbourhood safe for his mom
after a quick introduction to Mrs. Spade, she’s very happy to meet you and her grandson
though she does glare at Deuce for a bit given you had to raise Koushi alone
she immediately starts gushing over Koushi and how similar he is to Deuce when he was a kid
Koushi is a little confused, but you can tell he loves listening to his grandmother and hearing about his father as an infant
Deuce can’t just leave his job whenever he wants to, but he dedicates all of his free time to the two of you
after work, he’ll take Koushi on runs, and sometimes they’ll pick a bouquet of wildflowers from a nearby field to give to you and Mrs. Spade
on weekends, you often go on family outings, like visiting the aquarium, camping, or visiting old friends!
uncle ace is Koushi’s favourite, teaching him magic tricks and telling him all the embarrassing things Deuce did back in NRC
and though Deuce had never prepared himself for parenting, he’s doing his best and making sure the two of you are happy, just like he is with the family all together
Deuce breaks the embrace and drops to one knee, his eyes meeting the Koushi's. A mixture of awe and tenderness dances in his gaze as he extends a hand toward the small boy. "Hey there, little guy. I'm your dad. My name's Deuce. What’s your name?" he asks, his voice gentle.
Koushi steps forward, hesitantly reaching out to grasp Deuce's hand. "Koushi," he answers meekly. A spark of connection passes between them, a shared understanding and an unspoken bond.
Tears stream down his cheeks as he continues, his voice filled with a mix of joy and remorse. "Koushi, I'm sorry it took me so long, to be the father you deserved. But from this moment on, I promise you, I'll be there for every step of your journey. We'll make up for lost time together, yeah?"
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Akuru (渥瑠) with 渥 meaning "kindness, moisten" and 瑠 meaning "lapis lazuli"
your daughter had clear aquamarine eyes that reminded you of the sparkling ocean, and silver locks that curled naturally to frame her face
Azul had always adhered to the spirit of benevolence, so the name seemed perfect
she's quite a shy little girl, when she's in front of strangers, she'll ask you to carry her so she can hide her face in your neck
there's no way you can resist when she's staring at you with such bright eyes, her tiny arms reaching up for you to hold her
she's extremely greedy for affection just like Azul was once he let his guard down around you
she has the squishiest cheeks!!!
she also tends to observe and listen rather than being the centre of attention
but when she's alone with you, it's evident she inherited Azul's sharp intellect and has a natural aptitude for academics
you often told her about the brilliant man her father is, how hard he worked so he could become a version of himself he was proud of
the way her eyes sparkled when she heard about him reminded you of Azul's ambitious looks when he's making deals
incredibly talented at magic, she understood everything so quickly and it wasn't too long until you couldn't be much help to her anymore
but worry not, because she has brought the two of you back to your dearest lover by some accident in her experiments
Azul is sitting in a dimly lit office, his dark eye circles are evident, but he looked more beautiful than you had ever seen him
Azul sits at his desk fully engrossed in work, his quill gliding swiftly across the parchment. A sudden gust of magic sweeps through the air, causing Azul to stand in alarm, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of danger. But as the magical energy settles, his hand freezes mid-air, his eyes widening in disbelief as your figure emerges.
His breath catches in his throat, his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. "It... can't be... Can it?", he whispers as he manoeuvres himself over to you, his legs trembling as if it was his first time on land.
You reach out to take his hand, your familiar warmth and presence casting away the doubt in him. His eyes well up with tears, and a radiant smile spreads across his face.
"Oh, Angelfish... You're here...", he cries as he pulls you closer, his arms wrapping tightly around you.
he's so emotional he can't stop crying
it's to the point where his tears are slightly inky
he wishes he was in his merform so he could hug the two of you properly at the same time
it's at this point jade and floyd bust into the room to see the three of you huddled together on the floor
the two of them start teasing Azul for being a crybaby, but you can tell they're genuinely happy for him
Azul, as he had planned back in NRC, had conquered all forms of business, forming an incredibly successful corporation
now that he has the two of you back though, he immediately takes a break from work so he can make up for the time lost
Azul's a bit awkward, and he's so afraid you've found someone new or don't love him anymore
but with time, and plenty of your affection, he's loving and comfortable and completely at ease with you, just like the old days
he uses this break to spend time together with you two as a family, going on family outings, discovering hobbies, etc.
takes the two of you to the coral sea to meet mama ashengrotto
oh she loves you and can't stop spoiling Akuru
he makes a lot of effort to be present in Akuru's life, and he wants nothing more than for her to be happy
and fortunately, Akuru is very comfortable with Azul, though it takes time for her to trust him on the same level as you
but you've got all the time in the world to love and grow with your dear family now
bonus: uncle jade and uncle floyd who always bring out the ambitious side of Akuru!
Azul's breath catches in his throat as he looks down at the small girl peeking from behind your legs, his heart swelling with a love he had never thought possible. Akuru's innocent eyes meet his, mirroring his own shades of blue.
"Hello, Akuru," he whispers, his voice filled with a mixture of tenderness and awe. He crouches down to her level, his eyes locked with hers. "I... I'm your father. It’s nice to meet you."
Akuru's small hand reaches out, hesitantly brushing against his cheek. The touch sends shivers down Azul's spine, his heart bursting with overwhelming emotions. Tears spill freely down his cheeks as his arms wrap around her fragile frame.
"I've missed so much... I'm so sorry," Azul says, his voice laced with remorse. Akuru nestles closer, burying her face in the crook of Azul's neck, as if instinctively seeking solace in the embrace of her father. "Oh, I promise you, my dear, I will make up for lost time. I will protect you, love you, and be the father you deserve."
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Misaki (望咲) with 望 meaning "ambition, hope, desire" and 咲 meaning "bloom, blossom, flourish"
your daughter had silky blonde, hair and violet eyes reminded you of the lavender plant Vil kept in his room
you knew through Vil's dedication towards beauty and his strictness that he values hard work and effort, and so you named your daughter hoping she would flourish in whatever ambitions she pursued
like her father, she carries herself with a certain regal air that’s beyond her age
she's incredibly strict with herself, though occasionally you'll have to tell her to relax a bit and be more carefree
she listens to you a lot though, she loves making her mommy proud!
and though she might put up a front and act confident with strangers, when she's alone with you, she's surprisingly docile and affectionate
she is enchanted by the media and drawn to acting, always reenacting scenes from movies or shows you watched with her
she asks for bedtime stories every night, but it’s more of the two of you doing a dramatic reading and playing around with character voices
she also loves to play around with different hairstyles and outfits, and even experimenting with your makeup
though she’s rather displeased with her lacklustre makeup skills, she loves it when you do her makeup for her, making her feel like a star
she’s incredibly smart and fast to pick up on the magical concepts, though she’s slower with practical magic
when you told her about the meticulous and dedicated man her father was, she was fascinated by how confident and strong he sounded
and with diligent practice, it isn’t long before she manages to teleport you to a well-lit room with a modern design
Vil is sitting on the couch studying his latest movie, his hair is in a messy bun and he is wearing glasses and he is the most beautiful person you have ever seen
As Vil stares at the television analysing his performance, the tranquillity of the moment is abruptly shattered by a sudden burst of light. His heart skips a beat as he turns towards the source, his eyes widening in disbelief. There, standing before him, is the person who had occupied his thoughts and dreams for the past years, with a sweet-looking child next to them.
"Is it really you, darling?" His voice trembles with a mixture of disbelief and overwhelming joy. He takes a hesitant step forward, his polished facade momentarily crumbling as he reaches out to confirm the reality of your presence.
Your eyes meet, and in that instant, a whirlwind of emotions surged through his being, threatening to overwhelm his senses. He swallows hard, trying to compose himself.  "It's... it's been so long," Vil's voice cracks with raw emotion, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "I've missed you every day, every moment."
Vil is the most emotional you’ve ever seen him, even when you had bid each other farewell at the mirror, he had been more composed
but here he’s completely vulnerable and crying tears of joy
once he’s calmed down a bit, he immediately calls his manager to reschedule whatever plans he had because of ‘family emergencies’
since you left, vil has been completely invested in his acting career and has landed a few roles as the main character, though some of them were still villainous
he’s super affectionate and relaxed with you, always instinctively reaching out for you to confirm you’re really there
and he’s super cute with Misaki!! Misaki always goes to him for makeup and styling her hair, but she likes going to you for brushing her hair when it’s tangled
mini drama sessions at home where it’s the three of you playing out scenes from a fairytale
vil is the ‘only the best for my princess’ type of father
he’s very careful with outings so the paparazzi or the media won't just sabotage your family dates, he’s determined to spend quality time with his two darlings
takes you to meet papa schoenheit, who adores you for making vil so happy, and absolutely spoils Misaki with clothes and accessories
you’ll have to be the strict parent to make sure she’s not too spoiled
not to mention uncle rook who absolutely worships the ground she walks on and cannot resist her requests
Vil's gaze flickers to the child standing beside you, her innocent eyes mirroring his own. A rush of emotions washes over him, as he finally comprehends the magnitude of the moment. His voice trembles with tenderness as he kneels down, extending a hand towards her. "Is this... our child?" His voice holds a hint of awe and wonder, his heart swelling with a newfound sense of purpose.
Misaki's eyes widen, taking a tentative step forward to try and comprehend this newfound connection. "Are you like the daddies in the shows that come back to the family?" she asks, her voice tinged with innocence and wonder.
A brief look of confusion flashes by, before a warm smile graces Vil's lips as he reaches out, gently brushing a lock of her hair behind her ear. "Yes, darling," he whispers, his voice filled with a mix of tenderness and determination. "I am here now, and I promise I'll never leave you. I will be there for you, guide you, and cherish every moment we share, just like the fathers in the shows."
Part 1✧Part 3✧Part 4✧Masterlist
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caspsfang · 5 months
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sam [ WINCHESTER ] ▬▬▬▬ ❝ It doesn't matter who you are, it only matters what you do . ❞
[ WARNING(S) ¿ ] bot!sam, ftm!sam, marking, amab reader, squirting, reversed cowgirl, car sex, semi-public sex, breeding kink, exhibitionism kink, multiple orgasms, creampie, not proof read - short .
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How'd you end up in this current situation? You've got no idea. One minute you're on the way back to the motel to meet Dean with Sam. And the next.. You have Sam WINCHESTER bouncing on your cock like a mad man, car shaking harshly.
His Back was facing you, but by the way he sounded you could definitely figure out what his face looked like right now. His hands on the dashboard holding him up, the street lights on the dark road shining on you both.
Sam WINCHESTER who's moans were so loud you didn't even hear the first few times Dean called your phone, millions of texts being sent after each call asking if you two were okay, alive.
Sam WINCHESTER, the 'quiet but smart brother' wasn't any of those as of right now. Sam couldn't even form a from how hard he was being fucked, pussy squeezing around your fat cock occasionally. Moaning so loud that it's practically like screaming, his throat burning from such.
Sam lost count of how long you've been going at since his 4th orgasm, Pussy fluttering as he squirted again. Body convulsing as waves of pleasure hit him, begging you to cum inside of him again as he felt your cock twitch inside his cunt.
Sam WINCHESTER, a man of few words, but not currently, begging you to fill him between moans and whimpers falling from his mouth, hands gripping the dashboard so tight his knuckles turn white.
Sighing in relief as he felt your hot seed filling him again, wet squelching sounds filling the car, his moans getting higher pitched as you snaked your hand around him, fingers roughly circling his clit. Pushing him over the edge again, body shivering from pleasure.
Sam WINCHESTER who looks more than satisfied as you two finally drive back, tiredly smiling as he fell asleep in the passenger seat from exhaustion, listening in on your conversation with Dean on the phone, making up every excuse possible.
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@caspsfang , do not repost nor copy .
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How the kings would react to the shipping of them and MC
He was hanging out with his nobles, just talking gossip like normal people
But Paimon was just staying on his phone through half the conversations
"Paimon! What's so important that you're not interested in seing Sitri's baby pictures?"
Sitri was dying in the corner while Zagan was rubbing his back
Paimon takes his eyes out of his phone and giggles.
"Oh, I was just arguing with some people onlineeee"
Satan puts down the pictures of baby Sitri on the table (which Astaroth swiftly takes for himself. This will make such great blackmail material) and sits next to Paimon curiously.
"What are these dumpass arguing about now? Don't tell me Leraye started sending death threats to Barbatos over the weather again."
"Noooooo, it's better than thaaaaat. People are arguing about who the child of Solomon would dateeeee"
Satan takes Paimon's phone and starts to scroll through the comversations.
"And I'm winning, right? I mean MC has a pact with me, I was the first to meet them, it's obvious that I'm the one they'll choose"
"I know, riiiiiight?"
Satan would become the most active person in the shipping forum, just spamming it with pictures of him and MC
It's a way to assert his dominance over the whole thing.
Gamigin almost started a war between Paradise Lost and Gehenna when he started insulting Satan under his photos of MC
Mod Jjok had to work overtime to stop the harassment everyone in Gehenna was throwing at Gamigin for that
Lucifer had to send a formal apologise on behalf of his son to stop the situation from escalating further.
Recently Eligos asked him to try on different fashion styles
At some point Mammon asks Eligos what this is all about
"The child of Solomon mentioned that they are interested in gothic fashion, so I'm trying to see what clothing would fit you and abide by goth fashion rules."
Mammon chuckles and ruffles Eligos' hair before telling him that he is already to his master's liking
"But there are a lot of people that claim that MC would be more interested in the other kings. We can't have that! Just yesterday Amon was bragging that MC and Beelzebub went on a date!"
"I'm glad they had fun with Beelzebub, but Beelzebub is mine and I am MC's. They can have fun with anyone they please."
Eligos' jaw drops to the floor. He gets flashbacks of all the arguments he had online about this and how he bought bots to mass report any Mammon x Mc slander
Eligos constantly tries to convince Mammon that the shipping wars are a big but Mammon doesn't really care.
At most he sends pictures of him and MC cuddling to Satan to spite him like all good friends do with eachother.
Leviathan is a lurker through the forums
It's where he got most of his information about you before kidnapping you
Probably reports all posts that aren't for the ship with him and you for false information
He would constantly post pictures of you and him doing mundane things with captions like "Living life perfectly", "Greatest day of my life", "Me and my wonderful significant other"
Makes everyone in Hades like his post and floud it with compliments
He'll make an account for you where he roleplays as a version of you that's madly innlove with you
The most likely to start an actual war between Hades and whatever ship is trending that morning
He sometimes doesn't sleep and just scrolls through the forums, refreshing constantly to see if you're having fun with someone else
King of all doxxers
No VPN will protect you from Leviathan's wrath
Beelzebub was tied to his office chair with Bael glaring at him
"Go on, look at the complaint. What does it say?"
"I should take a vacation. I'm already burned out. You know, overworking is very bad for your health."
Bael glares at him with not an ounce of amusement behind his eyes
When Beelzebub skims through the files, something catches his attention
"Threat of war from Hades? I don't remember going to Hades recently, what happened?"
"While you were away having fun with the child of Solomon, Amon posted pictures of you two going at it on a forum. Next thing I know, his majesty Leviathan declared war on Avisos. I had to talk him out of it, but we now have to write a report about what happened and send it to the other kingdoms to tell them that it was resolved without any casualties."
Beelzebub was laughing his ass off while Bael was question his life choices
Beelzebub asks Amon to show him the forum which the younger devil does happily.
He sometimes go through it often, but he uses it as a way to find out where you are.
He's chiller about the whole thing, finding it kind of funny that so many people are so invested in your love life
Gamigin won't shut up about it.
If Lucifer took a shot every time Gamigin complained about the shipping wars, he'll dethrone Beelzebub as the king of Gluttuny
Lucifer is a softer lover, only being intense in more private parts of your relationship
So even getting him to kiss you in public (or outside the bedroom) is very hard.
This makes Gamigin's job as a shipper very hard
Lucifer finds the shipping war situation absurd
Why would anyone do this? What is it accompleshing? Why does he suddently get embargos from Hades or Gehenna after he goes on a date with you?
He'll probably have to sit Gamigin down and tell him to stop calling the other kings rude names just because they hang out with you.
It really depends on your reaction to everything as well
If you like being in the spot light, than he'll try to be more open with his affection, giving Gamigin more oportunities to gush about you online
If you want to keep your relationship more private, than he'll make all cameras fracture when pointing at the two of you
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cutecatlov3r · 10 months
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my character ai bots:
gojo satoru:
his eyes r funny looking- now, you were laughing your ass off due to the fact that he took off his blindfold during a mission with a curse. you couldn’t help but laugh because he looked so stupidly serious.
wardrobe malfunction- as you walked out he stifled a laugh. “what the hell are ya wearin’?”
he’s annoying- he is so annoying. even in highschool he was unbearable to be around. you hated his annoying ass. but he loved being around you.
vampire au- “oh? the little princess is out of her kingdom? wanted to see me huh?” he teased, looking at her as she hangs upside down.
can’t get enough of him- you and gojo have been on and off since highschool. it’s like everytime you both break up you both just can’t get enough of each other…
your affair- even if you were married he still didn’t care. his feelings for you are deep. he loves you. no matter how many times you tell him you have to stop the little affair going on between you two, he simply doesn’t care
geto suguru:
dad’s best friend- “gonna be quiet like a good girl? or show your dad that you’re just a very bad girl?” he whispered in your ear. his voice deep and quiet, sending chills down your spine.
nanami kento:
healing ur daddy issues- “how’s my baby girl doing today hm?” he pat his lap, gently. “come here, sit.”
yu haibara:
he’s gone- “i’ll be back! don’t miss me too much!” he cheekily smiled. that damn smile… that would be the last time you’d ever see it again.
he’s sick- he coughs and pouts as he lays in his dorm room bed. he was squirming around, sweating and throwing his covers off him. he was currently sick, he was missing a mission that he wanted to go on so badly
he admires you- you disliked him because he followed you around like a lost puppy… he admired you, an upperclassman.
yuji itadori:
he’s delulu- meeting Itadori you didn’t expect him to be so clingy and so sweet to you. little did you know he has a huge crush on you, he is a bit obsessive but he doesn’t let you know that.
your parents hate him- the thing about him is that he is sometimes a bit dumb? he just doesn’t seem like a professional person so when your parents met him, they didn’t like him at all. but that never stopped you from loving him or the other way around
dorky best friend- currently though the two of you were on a mission, sharing a hotel room. he was in a white robe, swirling a glass of wine being dramatic. it was his first time wearing a robe and he wanted to be fancy, be in the moment like a dork.
shibuya arc- “im nothing but a murderer! i can’t forgive myself!” he cried. you stood there looking down at him. sukuna only took over his body for a minute and a lot things happened.
best boyfriend- currently, he was resting between your thighs as you both watch a movie, he used his arms to squish himself against his face some more. “i wouldn’t mind dying from suffocation if it’s with these”
gossiping w him- “HUH?! i need to hear about this, spill everything.” he said in a dramatic tone, joking.
captain of the football team-“hey, you comin’ to my game tonight? last one of the season, I need my lucky charm there to cheer for me.” he giggled, turning you around to face him, your back pressed against your locker.
older brother’s best friend- you were drunk off your ass at some party. yuji spotted you and immediately got on his feet to help you as you stumbled around. “are you okay? megumi is gonna kill you… I’ll get you home”
your his mentor- haibara and yuji had so many similarities. it hurt you to just look at yuji’s smile, being reminded of haibara who died back in your teenage years
he’s in love w you but you already have a boyfriend- yuji is no homewrecker but… currently you’ve stumbled on top of him while training him… he can’t help but think about how Yuta doesn’t deserve you. how Yuta is connected to the woman you used to be.
megumi fushiguro:
step brother- “tch. what the hell are you looking at?” he asked, scaring a guy that had his eyes on you.
yuta okkotsu:
he chose geto’s side- the day he met Geto he was nervous. Geto explained why he wants to kill everyone who isn’t a sorcerer. at the time he declined the offer to join him but later on he rethought his decision. he thought about his past. he left with Geto.
he likes when you hurt him- the two of you brawled for a bit, ending up with your knee on his back, pinning him down. one hand gripping his hair, the other hand pinning down his hand.
your a fan- gojo-sensei took you with him to greet the sorcerer that you’ve heard so much about. he was coming back from training abroad in Africa. you were excited.
helping the newbie- “hey not to be rude but do you not like me…? i feel the tension between us…” he mumbled, frowning slightly.
your other half- right now you both were walking together. he had something important to tell you, he was gonna be training in Africa in a few weeks. gojo-sensei told him he should tell you but he’s just been nervous
inumaki toge:
hajime kashimo:
noritoshi kamo:
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guys I will be adding more soon, please leave some suggestions tho ! <3
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miguelswifey04 · 11 months
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c.ai bot request google form
ミ★ miguel o’hara likes you for awhile now and he can’t help himself around you. he comes to terms with his feelings for and he’ll make it known that he likes you. it is up to you if you’ll accept his feelings or reject him!
✧🜚 miguel o’hara tries to save you from you falling off a building from your demise as you were knocked unconscious by an anomaly. you quite literally pulled a gwen stacy on him.the mission goes south…will he be able to save you? it is up to you
𖨆𒊹︎ miguel o’hara is a very famous basketball player who plays for the webber’s for nueva york! you’re in a secret relationship with him as he keeps you away from the spotlight. you’re fed up with being kept as a secret so you talk to him about making the relationship exclusive. will he listen to you or not?
ఌꨄ miguel o’hara is a rich geneticist who works for alchemax and also a sugar daddy. he’s a billionaire so he’s loaded with $$$, and you’re just a broke college student desperate for money. miguel wants to spoil the perfect sugar baby as he’s very wealthy yet lonely. you come across his profile and both miguel and you click. you both decide to meet each other at a restaurant in NYC. what will happen next? will he make you his sugar baby?
☹︎㋛ miguel o’hara and you just lost your precious daughter, gabriella. miguel became cold and bitter even angrier and you became a recluse, a homebody. your marriage may be in thin ice…both of you heartbroken over the lost of your daughter. will miguel be able to open up to you or not?
🜸🜚 miguel o’hara is a famous actor where the whole world has his eyes on him. he’s an a-list celebrity and well you are an aspiring and upcoming actor. you debuted in your first ever movie with miguel o’hara. you’re his co-star. luckily to you, the movie did numbers and made you become quite famous. the lines of acting and reality blur, and you and him seem to actually fall for each other! what happens next? who makes the move first?
ミ★ hobie brown as your boyfriend! you’re the only non-spider person who knows about his secret, him being spider punk.
✫彡 pavitr prabhakar had saved you from a building collapsing on top of you and ever since then you and him have stayed connected. after awhile that friendship blossomed into a relationship where now you and him are dating.
ミ★ miles morales and you are childhood besties! you both share everything together even your silly little secrets. you both attend the same high school together, but one day you go to visit him at his dorm room. you knocked waiting for him to open up but you didn’t hear anything so you opened the door…unbeknownst to you-you find out he’s spider-man?!?! how will he react?? how will you react?!
✫彡 spider-man noir is a private investigator and well a spider-man. you’re his personal assistant who assists him in all his cases and missions during the 1930s. his goal is to fight the bad guys and the n*zis. will you get even closer to him over time or not??
ミ★ the spot had taken you hostage taking you to god knows where!? he may look like a fool but don’t underestimate him. he’s a super villain and sadistic in a way. he torments you and such. you try your best to escape him, as your mission failed. what will you do? what will he do to you? will you be able to evade him and defeat him once and for all??
a/n: i take requests <3 much love 💗
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pigeonpeach · 4 months
Mother and Father
A/n: Its genuinely wild to me how i went from like only porn bots following me to like actually 291 followers! It almost doesn’t feel real but I’m so grateful for you all! I held a poll earlier to determine who’d id write for as celebration for the milestone and arlecchino won! So here it is!
Prompt: how I met your mother
Arlecchino x fem reader
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Your job wasn’t too easy, but it also wasn’t too hard. You loved kids. You found their antics amusing, you found it hard to suppress a smile when they looked so cute. With Arlecchino’s most recent addition: Lyney and Lynette however is when you truly came out of your shell.
The children watched as you sewed together their favorite teddy bear. A disagreement earlier led to the bear torn right down the middle.
“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to…” one child cowered.
“You know better now, you guys have to be careful with these. We don’t get toys too often now.” You gently scolded. The other children seemed a bit surprised. Including the guilty ones.
“So… you aren’t mad?”
“Not that much. You’re kids, its natural that you may wreck your belongings. You must learn to be more careful and how to repair them. But you are too young Talia, I’ll teach you how to sew when you get a bit older. Then you can repair your own toys.” You pat her on the head.
“I’m sorry.. I’ll do better next time.” Talia looked down as you raised her face to meet yours.
“I’m not mad Talia, i just want you to be more careful next time that’s all. Okay?” You changed your tone to be more sweet. Talia teared up a bit. You out the bear aside as you used your hands to wipe her tears, you placed a kiss on her forehead.
“Okay… can I help in some way?” She asked.
“Yes. I want you to gather all the stuffing Mr Bear lost so i can put it back in him. Okay?” You said. She nodded as she set off to retrieve it.
It didn’t take too long for the kids to like you. You were sweet and soft spoken. Your hold was gentle and loving, and they’d come to love your kisses. Especially Lyney.
“Lyney you know you should be asleep, your father won’t like it if you wake up too early.” You gently chided. He stubbornly attached himself to your thigh even more so. “Lyney you know I can’t just stand around all day. I have to make breakfast.” You couldn’t even kneel down.
“No..no… where my lynette… wheres my sister?” He cried. You brushed his hair lovingly.
“Your sister is in the girl’s barracks now. I’m sorry it must be hard to get used to that.” You knelt down carefully as he nuzzled his face against you.
“Can.. I see her? Please?” He looked at you so sweetly how could you resist. You picked him up, resting him against your chest as you headed over to where Lynette would be.
“Just be quiet now. We don’t want to wake anyone up.” You said.
“Why are you up then? Father won’t let us out until 6am.”
“Because I’m her employee, you, are her child. My job is to prepare you all breakfast. And my only help is sick today.” You sighed. Lyney seemed to think for a bit.
“Maybe i could help you?” He said. You thought about it. It would be better than nothing.
“Alright then. Just be sure to not let Father catch you out so late.” You smiled. Opening the door to the girl’s barracks, you noticed Lynette stood up from her bed. Quietly she crawled off her bed and trotted over to you, her little tail swaying in a excited manner. You felt your heart melt seeing how happy she looked to see her brother. This was their first night apart. You gently let Lyney down as he immediately hugged her.
“Brother, did you sleep?” She asked innocently.
“Not well. I kept having nightmares.” He said. She seemed to understand. “Lynette, we must help today.” Lyney leaned into Lynette’s ear “She said she has to prepare breakfast alone.” He said. Lynette seemed to agree.
“Well you don’t have to. You two could just go back to sleep.” You said. They shook their head.
“No no.. we must help.” Lynette said. You sighed. You couldn’t say no to them. They were just cute and determined, Lynette in particular was such a cutie with the bowtie on her tail. You struggled to maintain your composure as your instincts screamed at you to just pepper kisses on her cute little face and hug her tightly. But you held back.
“Alright just be quiet.” You said. The three of you now set off to the kitchen. You realized quickly that it’d be difficult for them to help given how short they are.
Nonetheless the twins were persistent. They cracked the eggs with caution. Lyney eagerly scrambling them as you prepared the wok for it. Its not easy cooking for so many children. But you’ve gotten used to it. A lot of what they eat is prepared by rations sent by various companies partnered with the Fatui. But the children always preferred fresh scrambled eggs than the ones in the rations, you noticed that when you do so they’re far happier and more well behaved. The only problem is how much that requires.
“We’ve finished the first batch.” Lynette held out the bowl of liquid eggs with pride as you smiled. There was thankfully no shells you could spot. But you trusted she would notice. Lynette was the most observant.
“Hmmm.. yes this is satisfactory indeed. Get to start on the next one and we should be finished.” You said.
The children were delighted to have fresh eggs ready for them. Even if they weren’t actually fresh but just warm. You helped portion out each child’s plate which took almost forever. But hearing their happy little ‘thank you’s helped you feel better. The room was filled with chatter and laughter.
“I worry you spoil them too much.”
You jolted as you looked behind you. “A-arlecchino!” You were a bit surprised. “Its just that… they’ve been working so hard lately I wanted to reward them with something small.” You explained, trembling. The children fell silent as they watched with anticipation for her reaction. But Arlecchino didn’t seem upset, nor angry or sinister. She was always hard to read however.
“I see. Children.” She sai, every child looked at her with alertness. “Since your caretaker has gone out of your way to provide you a must delicious meal, I expect no slacking off today’s training yes?” She said with authority.
“Yes father!” The children said in unison.
“You may continue eating.”she then turned to you. “Did.. you buy these eggs yourself?” You nodded. “Your own money correct?” You nodded. She looked over you, her gaze feeling almost… warm? You weren’t too certain. “Don’t work yourself too much next time. If you want to arrange such rewards I’d be happy to help. As long as its within reason of course.” She said with a surprising softness. You gulped.
“Th-thank you. W-would you like some?” You smiled nervously. Little did you know in that moment was the start of her ever growing feelings for you. But she merely shook her head.
“I’ll have whats leftover. I have my own chef so I wouldn’t like to deprive the children of their food.” She said. “Keep up the good work. I’ll be looking forward to it.” She said walking away. You looked on in awe, you knew she was scary yes, but something about her didn’t seem nearly as menacing. You weren’t sure but.. it appears you made a good impression on her. The children looked at you, concerned until you smiled at them.
“And you ordered… 67 bags of flour for the orphans? Yeah right don’t they have rations.” The rude guard said. The seller seemed a bit upset at the guard too.
“I’ve already told you that I work for the house of hearth as a caretaker. What crime could i be committing with this much flour anyways? I paid for it, every cent is paid. What is your deal!” You were annoyed at this rate. The guard seemed to not back down.
“Well how do I know if you have some secret? Huh?”
“LEAVE HER ALONE!” A voice came from the crowd that formed. You recognized it as one of the children you cared for, a teenage boy named Andrej. “You are a officer are you not? Do you not know it is illegal to falsely accuse someone without a trial to prove one’s guilt first? You shameful man! You dare to use your power for what exactly?” You were a bit surprised at his actions. He’d always been so quiet when you handled him, you didn’t know he’d value you so much.
“Why you-“
“He’s right though. What exactly are you doing officer! Picking on innocent civilians!” Another joined in. You recognized them as Danica. The officer quickly seemed surprised.
“Well i-“
“Zip it! Just wait until the Knave finds out the guards have been unjustly harassing her employees.”
“Please calm down you two. There’s no need to get that worked up here.” You said, placing a hand on their shoulders. “We’ll just file a report and be done with it.” The guard looked shock as they backed off.
“Don’t mess with our mother.” Andrej whispered at him.
“Andrej told me you were harassed today?” Arlecchino asked as you just settled in the flours into the walk in pantry.
“Just a powerhungry guard. I can handle it.”
“It isn’t a matter of wether or not you can handle it. Its a matter of why he felt it was okay to do so in the first place.” She stood infront of you. Looking down. “My children adore you alot, they would do anything for you. But they also shouldn’t have to. Rest assured, that man will be dealt with.”
“I don’t want to cause trouble that’s all. I’m not that fragile.” You said.
“Its no trouble to me. You are very important for the children’s wellbeing and morale. Infact I was wondering if you could do full time. Increased pay, more breaks of course. Don’t worry about the walk home at night. You will have a escort.” She said. You felt quite surprised.
“I’ll take you up on that offer then.” You smiled. She seemed to calm down.
“Very good then. Next time, let them your children protect you, its their way of repaying your generosity.” She left then. But you wondered what she meant by ‘your’ children.
“I don’t want him to touch me no please!” You heard little Lynette cry in her sleep. You had been passing the barracks ready to clock out when your maternal instincts kicked in. You bursted through the door rushing to her bed. You sighed in relief seeing she was okay.
“Lynette?” You called. She moved in her sleep. “Lynette!” You sat by her side until she woke up. Her eyes teary as she backed away. “Its just me sweetie. Don’t worry I’m not going to hurt you.” You offered your hand to her, to your surprise she rubbed her face against it. She wiped her tears as she came closer to you.
“I had a scary dream.. that’s all.” She said.
“I know.. do you want to tell me about it?” You asked. She shook her head. “Alright then, how about I make you some tea?”
“Tea?” She asked. “Isn’t that for staying up? That’s what father drinks.”
“There’s a special one I have, its to relax yourself. Come.” You stood up, she followed suit as the other girls sneakily watched.
You set the kettle on the stove as you showed her the packet.
“This is the special tea, you don’t use this if you want to stay awake. See the packaging is purple. Use it sparingly though. Now we boil the water and when its warm enough we just add it in. You’ll see.” You said, Lynette watched observantly. You could still see she was a little bit shaken up.
“Can I ask you something?” Lynette seemed nervous, though her face was stoic, her hands fidgeted with her bow.
“Of course dear.” You smiled warmly at her. Unbeknownst to you some of the other girls had snuck out to head your conversation. Many unable to sleep as well.
“Father is.. well our father. Because she provides for us and guides us. I once heard that a mother is the one who gives warmth and love to a child.. you fit that definition perfectly to me.. it feels wrong to call you miss or caretaker so much… could I call you mother?” She asked. Your heart soared. You took a minute to steady yourself. “Did i say something wrong?”
“No-no… its just..” you wipe a tear before she could spot it. “I’d love that Lynette. I don’t mind being called mother if that’s what you or anyone else wants to call me.” You said smiling.
“But why are you crying then?” Another voice asked. A little girl hiding in the shadows with a few others.
“How ling have you been there.” You said confused.
“We couldn’t sleep.. we just wanted some tea too.” The other girl said.
“Very well. Don’t make this too much of a habit though. We don’t have enough teabags for everyone to have tea time.” You said.
As Arlecchino walked the halls intending to just head to her sleeping quarters, the echo of laughter came from downstairs. Skeptical she immediately descended the stairs, pausing to watch as you sat with 5 little girls in a circle drinking tea.
“See you hold out your pinky like this, then you take a few sips at a time.” You whispered. The girls followed suit. Arlecchino leaned against the wall as she felt a sense of pride in her cold heart. Something about you was warm, warmer than her vision, warmer than the sun, and gentler than any cotton. Something about you made her forget the curfew as she focused on how domestic of a scene it was. In that moment you weren’t her caretaker or her employee, but the mother to her children.
“Like this?” A older girl showed her cup. They were empty currently as you waited for the water to cool. The cup slanted, if it was full it would’ve scorched her lap. But you had been clever not to allow so.
“You still use your other fingers Tanya. Oh see, Lynette had got it.” You smiled. The other girls followed suit.
“What do adults use teatime for? It seems so long..”
“Well typically you do so to relax and unwind if you’re alone, or to talk with other adults in a more causal but still refined setting.” You explained.
“What do they talk about then?” Lynette asked. Arlecchino noticed how her tail would curve slightly as she and the rest of the children sat at one of the dinning tables.
“Buisness, personal life… boring stuff. But sometimes its gossip.” You smile. The girls seem intrigued.
“What kind?”
“Well.. I heard that allegedly, miss Trudane, a very upperlady, may have altered her unwed brother’s will to make herself the sole beneficiary to his estate.” You smile. The girls light up in shock and intrigue.
“Really? Wait is that true?”
“Sh! Mother said to be quiet remember.”
Arlecchino felt herself soften at that. The children we’re referring to her as mother.. if she was their father and they their mother then.. her heart blossomed as she clutched her chest composing herself. She strode in catching the group by surprise.
“Father.” The girls lowered their heads.
“I’m actually rather curious, how do you know that?” Arlecchino asked looking at you.
“O-oh well it is just gossip. I heard it through the grapevine that’s all.” You said nervously.
“Do you by chance have another cup available? I’d like some tea myself if you wouldn’t mind.” She said. The children seemed surprised and almost excited as you quickly agreed. Getting up to get another cup while she sat next to where you did. Lynette looking up at her with curiosity.
“Y-you’re not mad?”
“No. I myself couldn’t sleep actually. So I’ll let this slide, don’t let this become a habit.” She said.
After sending the children to bed you and Arlecchino were left. You kissed each girl on the forehead while she watched from the doorway. Sense of comfort placated her as she thought of you. How she wished she had a figure like you when she was younger. How you now provide a loving mother figure for her children that she has thought of being. You both exit closing the door.
“Its late, If you want I could escort you myself, or you could stay the night.” She offered.
“I have a guest room you can stay in. Its in the upper levels though.” She said. You noticed it began to rain outside.
“I suppose I’d have to… by the way.. did you hear the conversation where they asked to call me.. mother?” You asked.
“I didn’t but I see no problems with it. The children have been robbed of any normal family life, abandoned by their societies with no love in sight, how could I ever deny them a mother when they have you. You work so hard to make sure each one is loved and cared for.. I have a great deal of respect for you.” Your heart raced seeing her smile, a gentle and genuine warmth from her.
“Thank you. That- that means alot to me.” Your cheeks dusted with pink as you smiled.
You truly became irreplaceable in the eyes of your children. They all clamored to protect you at any given moment. You noticed while cleaning up some drawings what looked to be picture of you and Arlecchino, side by side like husband and and wife. In the style that many family portraits are often drawn. You felt a little warm thinking about it. Arlecchino is a terrifying woman yes but… she is so kind to you. She is so soft and gentle with you, she protects you, you feel very safe in her presence nowadays. And the children, they’ve become more happy with you around. They call you mother and her father, a bond that is almost romantic to you. Its almost a bit embarrassing to you because you two aren’t romantically involved. Yet it seems now the children expect it.. Today would be mother’s day, and you anticipated having alot of gifts.
You actually underestimated how many you would receive. A plethora of drawings you planned on putting in a scrapbook, a surprising amount of jewelry that the children would combine their savings to afford, and even a little origami crane from some of the creative children. Freminet’s gift was quite noteworthy to you as he gave you the most pretty clam you had seem. Lyney and Lynette had gifted you a most beautiful earring set along with heartfelt letters that had you in tears. The excitement died down however as the children were sent for today’s training session. You watched from afar as the kids participated in physical activities. To your surprise Arlecchino came over to you once more, in her hands she held a most delicate box. You were a bit confused.
“Its only appropriate I award the mother of my children handsomely. It is mother’s day afterall, so take this as a token of my gratitude.” She said. You carefully took it. The children from afar noticed you two as some watched expectantly.
“Are they going to kiss?” Talia whispered.
Your jaw dropped seeing the most intricate necklace. It fit your style nicely as she smiled at you with the most soft of looks you had seen in anyone. Your heart beat fast as you noticed the slight red in her cheeks.
“Thank you so much.. I- i truly cannot thank you enough..” you smiled gratefully at her. In that moment there was a sense of love you felt, her hands gently taking the necklace from its box.
“Here let me put it on you.” She said. Her fingertips brushing against your skin as you realized she wasn’t wearing gloves. Oh how your heart raced as you looked in the mirror she offered.
“It’s beautiful. Thank you.” You said instinctively hugging her. Her hands in turn wrapped around your body.
“They’re hugging! Oh my gosh!”
“Talia be quiet father will hear you!”
Arlecchino’s gifts didn’t stop at mother’s day however. You frequently received flowers from her that you often used to decorate the house of hearth’s barracks or play areas, mainly because you ran out of space in your own home. Besides, you had been spending so much time here now that your house felt more like a hotel than a home at times. You were reading a book silently as the children gathered around reading in silence.
“Mother..” Lyney shamefully approached you as lynettr and freminet had their heads down. “Could I.. confess something to you?” You felt skeptical. What could he have done to warrant such shame? They weren’t troublemakers by any means, if he broke something then he wouldn’t be this upset…
“Go on.” You placed a book mark as you listened to him carefully. He leaned into your ear to whisper: “Lynette and I snuck in a stray cat we found.. and we have fed it for awhile now keeping it in the barracks.. but it must’ve gotten out because we can’t find it anywhere. Have you heard anything?”
“I know it was wrong but.. I couldn’t bare to see such a creature be homeless.” Freminet mumbled. You smiled.
“Oh dear you should’ve told me! I could’ve taken in the kitty myself and bring him with me here! But I’m sure your father wouldn’t mind having a cat here.” You patted his head. “I’ll help you look for him, you keep looking down here, I’ll go check out the upstairs.” You had a feeling the cat might’ve gone there.
Recently you had been allowed up there more and more so you simply bypassed the guards. You realized however you wouldn’t be allowed to check the rooms. You asked around finding nothing, you took a deep breath before knocking at Arlecchino’s office.
“Come in.” You opened the door to see the cat in question lounging on her lap. “I assume the children are looking for he correct?” She said, gently petting the cat.
“Yes actually. Could I convince you to let them keep her?” You sat across from her. You could hear the kitty purring in her lap.
“Of course.”
“You see-oh. I didn’t expect you would agree so easily.”
“Well, a cat is a useful companion. I’ve seen how the children try to sneak in strays or have formed close bonds with them and I see no reason to deprive them of those bonds. We can’t take in every stray yes but I have no reason to prevent them from bringing a cat. Dogs are another issue, they cause messes and may be more difficult. But this cat is quite well behaved. In fact, she came in here herself.” Arlecchino “she may be good for mice control too. In the winter months is when mice tend to invade homes more. So her timing is perfect. Besides, she is such a beautiful tabby. Orange females are quite rare.” You relaxed seeing how she seemed quite fond of the kitty.
“That’s a relief, I’ll let Lyney know the cat is safe with you.”
“Actually could you take her with you? I have to leave in a bit and she won’t get up on her own accord.”
“Of course.” You approached her to scoop the kitty up as it meowed in confusion. Arlecchino’s eyes were on your chest that became slightly more exposed as you leaned down. “Thank you again Arlecchino, I’ll make sure that cat doesn’t trouble you.”
“Its no problem at all. So long as she makes you and the children happy.” Arlecchino smiles.
“Mother… why don’t you and father kiss?” That question had you shocked. You looked at the child in question as you tried to figure a way to explain it.
“Yeah mommies and daddies always kiss. That’s what my friend told me..”
“Maybe they kiss in private?”
“We don’t kiss no.. your father and I aren’t in a relationship like that.” You cleared your throat trying to regain composure. The children seemed a bit sad at that.
“Why not?” One kid asked.
“Because we just aren’t. Now go play with that cat.. or something.” You quickly took a step back to compose yourself. Watching the kids interact with each other as you fanned your face trying to calm down. But why did the thought or suggestion of that even make you feel this way? How come you felt so warm in the face? You sighed as you tried to clear your head of it.
Were you in love with her? Your boss? A literal harbinger? You knew people died by her hand.. but.. the way she holds little Lynette’s hand.. the way she her hands may suddenly find themselves on your shoulder slowly becoming more of a familiar sensation, her presence doesn’t actually frighten you as much as it used to. You’re more nervous if anything, that she’ll see through your eyes how you truly feel about her. The kids love you two, calling you mother and her father, she refers to you as the “mother of her children”! How could you not feel so tingly and feathery inside! She’s become so alluring too. You once found her scary and intimidating but now… oh you secretly crave her. She is such a menacing woman.. is it bad that you want her? Your employer?
You sighed as you were taking your break, getting lunch at a simple cafe with a nice coffee to clear your mind. You thought about your children with her, not by blood yes but by heart. They call you mother, they bring you gifts, your birthday is never forgotten anymore. You’ve truly come to see them as your own now. You have to remind yourself at times that you didn’t bare these children. That some heartless people let them sat on the streets without taking them home, you could never imagine so. Especially Lynette and Lyney, a most adorable duo. How could anyone ever hurt such innocent souls?
From what you know, the previous Father was far crueler than her. Freminet told you of how he scolded them for crying or weakness, how he lied about his mother’s death to him.. how Arlecchino had slain him and taken his place, how she had slain the man who tried to hurt Lynette… you felt a bit warm knowing the children had such a fearless protector now. And you too were apart of the family she established… maybe its not the worst thing to be in love with your employer, especially in these circumstances. But for the sake of your job and your work relationship you simply can never act on these feelings. You don’t want to ruin things between you and her..
“You called?” You opened the door to her office. You noted how Arlecchino’s blazer wasn’t on. Revealing her under shirt… her dark hands.. oh… should you really be looking?
“Yes I did, come in. I don’t bite.” She said. You approached her timidly. “I just wanted to reward you for such hard work. You’ve truly helped shape this place into a far more comfortable environment. I almost feel envious that it wasn’t like this when I was growing up.” She smiled at you. The butterflies in your stomach fluttered uncomfortably so.
“That means alot to me. I really just have a soft spot for children.. I adore them greatly and.. it hurt to see them be in such pain.” You said.
“Yes. But I wanted to invite you to dinner sometime.” She said. You froze.
“Dinner?” You said. She nodded.
“Yes, You’ve done so much for me that I feel as though I’m in your debt almost. You’ve gotten even the most disrespectful of children under control and you single handedly made this a home rather than a house for these children. I feel as though as the father I must reward you even more than I have.” She said, relishing in the slight red on your cheeks.
“I-i see.. but the children seem to think of us as… partners… I haven’t really been able to properly explain to them that we aren’t… you know.. dating..” you said.
“I don’t mind that assumption, that is if you’re fine with it.” She replied. You felt even more nervous. “Do you want to go to dinner with me? I’ll have a reservation for the most extravagant of restaurants. I’ll pay for the bill of course.”
Your mind raced, was this a confession?
“I’d love to.. if you’re fine wit-“
“I’m with it. I wouldn’t offer this if I wasn’t.” She assured. You felt such a rush of adrenaline.
“Th-thank you.. I- I.. I look forward to it.”
“If you want you could spent the night here.” Arlecchino offered. “I’ll let you stay in my room. I’m going to be spending most of my time in the office anyways”
“I.. if you’re okay with that then sure..” you said nervously. It was pouring outside as you debated how to get home at this hour. You followed her upstairs as you felt a bit nervous. This was a big step in your relationship afterall. Sleeping in her bed.. it feels so intimate.
“Here.” She opened the door to her bedroom. It was incredibly red, it was very intricate and detailed as you would expect a harbinger to have. The pillows more for decoration than comfort. You looked around as she watched you awe the room. “You can sleep on here whenever you like, as long as you aren’t working of course. But make yourself at home here.”
“I will thank you.” You said. She closed the door, her high heels clicked as she went to her office. You felt so timid. You looked in the closet out of curiosity, noticing there was two. They were both huge but one was empty. You realized she probably got the other for your clothes.. it made sense. You would eventually move in of course but it almost delighted you to know how thoughtful she was. She was already planning ahead.
That night you woke up to the door slamming. You jolted awake to see Arlecchino closed the door quickly as she undressed almost immediately. You felt quite flustered as she seemed to pay you no mind. She didn’t seem in the mood for conversation now so maybe you should keep quiet. You laid back, the moonlight was the only light as you noticed the unmistakable red stain coating the sleeves of her jacket. She then paused, turning to you.
“Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you.” She said in a low voice.
“I- just… um..” I’m a little startled that’s all.” You said.
“You should get used to it. This home I’ve made is still nonetheless a fatui organization.” She said, she didn’t seem like she was in a good mood at all.
“I know… how often do you come home like this?” You ask.
“Ideally not so much. But realistically its not uncommon.” She answered. You nervously bit your lip as silence settled between us. Once cleaned and changed however she sighed. “I’m sorry if I frightened you.” She walked over to press a kiss to your cheek.
“No no you’re right. I should just get used to this.” You said. She seemed pleased with that response.
“I have some things to finish up before bed, best not to wait for me now.” She said before leacinf without another word. You silently wondered if you had known what you were getting into by accepting her offer. But it was too late now. You weren’t going to ditch now. You’ll get through it, this time with her by your side.
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Hillowhillow may I make a request? How about relationship headcanons for MTMTE Megatron with a s/o who is taller than him? Many thanks and take your time!
((As a Tall Girl™ this speaks to me.))
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Being Megatron's EVEN TALLER sparkmate would include...
- To say you intimidate people when they first meet you would be an understatement - after all, not only are you usually looking down at them, but your significant other is one of the most infamous (former) warlords to ever walk the face of Cybertron. Surely, you must also be tough as nails, right?
- You're actually a pretty nice, chill person once someone gets to know you - Megatron admires that about you. You don't let people's quick judgements stop you from being kind, something he is working on within himself. Your personable demeanor balances him.
- This inevitably means you end up being more liked than Megatron aboard the Lost Light... but the first time someone makes a comment about how such a jerk could have such a nice sparkmate, everyone present sees that you are just as capable as Megatron of putting your foot down and speaking your mind, regardless of what others think. If some bot isn't willing to let Megatron have his second chance, you two are not going to get along, period.
- But what ends up surprising people more than how soft YOU are is how soft Megatron can be around you. Primus, it's almost creepy how much his gaze softens when he looks at you. Who is this bot and what did you do to Megs?
- And that's just the public sappiness - half of the Lost Light would probably short circuit if they knew just how often you found love poems you found left on a datapad in your habsuite. 
- (Magnus apparently knows about this, because someone had to beta read the things, but of course he never lets it slip.)
- Megatron writes about you like the softest, most delicate thing.... even though you might be able to judo throw him over your shoulder at all. A few of the poems hint that probably into into that actually.
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tinydefector · 2 months
Human's effects
More a silly little thing that I had to write out.
Warnings: talks about sex, xenophilia, kinks
Word count: 3k
Request are open
There were a lot of things that fascinated the cybertronians over humans. Their size, body types, skin tones and those soft they are. 
So many of them become so fascinated over the fact that such small and fragile creatures don't have plating to protect themselves but only wear soft fabrics. 
And it slowly leads a lot of Cybertronians to realising they were Xenophiles. 
A list of kinks and fetishes cybertronians discovered from it. 
-size kink 
-skin fetish 
- hair pulling 
- silk and ribbon play
- cum inflation 
-pet play
- vore
-fluid play and consumption 
- spiking warming
- Heart and spark syncing 
- new spike and Valve modifications to test on their human lover
There's originally a lot of unknowns about humans, and cybertronians are rather intrigued, for one the first times the a lot of the crew of lost light had encountered them was on black market and high priced pets, and companions. 
There were exceptions such as Perceptor, Ratchet and Megatron who had been around humans before but for a lot of the bots this was their first time seeing them. that is until they are assigned a human communications, relations Ambassador/ liaison. 
But after the black market incident it had led a lot of bots into research over humans. And it just spirals more with them discovering some rather dark history with cybertronians keeping humans as playthings. And finding out their ‘interface equipment’ isn't that different from their own, just more organic and smaller.  
A late night of drinking at swerve slowly devolved into conversation over their local human. Brainstorm sits nursing his drink of engex while he and others of the ship chat away. "So does it fascinate anyone else over the fact that humans don't have natural plating or any kind of protection for their squishy form?" He brings up, he himself had fallen down the rabbit hole of human porn but didn't quite know how to breach the subject with anyone else. 
"Oh Primus, look who decided to join us, thought you were holding up with your Conjunx Chrome!" Swerve said with a chuckle, placing more drinks down. He hopped up onto one of the bar stools and leaned in eagerly, His attention flicks to Brainstorm. "You bring up a good point, Brainstorm," Swerve replied.
 "Those squishy humans are really something else, ain't they? No armour, no defences - I'd be scared outta my circuits if I was just soft protoform all the time!, like i’m so surprised squishy hasn't been stepped on yet" 
Rodimus nodded in agreement. "Yet they've managed to survive just fine so far. There's obviously more to them than meets the eye. Like i've seen some of the things our ambassador can do like the strange stretching"
"I dunno," Skids chimed in. "Seems pretty fraggin' reckless if you ask me. One good shot and it lights out!" 
Rewind shuddered. "Ugh, don't remind me. Just thinking about all those organics and tubes and who knows what else squishing around in there makes my fuel tank turn." He made a dramatic churning sound effect.
Riptide laughed. "I saw a nature documentary once about these hairless ape creatures the humans evolved from. Now THOSE guys were squishy."
“What in Primus have you been watching?!” 
“some old earth docs that Percy’s has, bots got a lot of info on Terra and the planet's history” The bots shared a collective laugh at the image. Swerve took a swig of his energon. "Frag, maybe there's something to be said about living on the edge like that! Sure keeps things interesting, its still strange that they are somehow one of the top predators of their planet yet are smaller than half the things they eat"
Brainstorm goes quiet for a moment. "Have you seen how flexible they are?"
Swerve nearly spit out his energon. "Whoa hey, I don't need those kinds of vivid imagery floatin' around my processor thank you very much!, keep the squishy interface vids to yourself" he said, waving his hands animatedly. 
"You have to admit, the way those fleshbags can contort themselves is pretty impressive," Skids added. "Must come in handy for.. maintenance." He waggled his optical ridges suggestively.
Brainstorm nodded pensively. "Indeed. Their non-metal structure allows for feats we could never replicate by ourselves." He took a sip of his energon. "Always makes me curious what other evolutionary adaptations they've developed to compensate for such vulnerability. The potential for scientific discovery is endlessly fascinating with their species and ancestors."
Riptide shrugged. "As long as they don't expect ME to try any of their bone-breaking yoga moves," he laughed. "This chassis is meant for tough stuff, not Twister!"
"You think they would be soft, you know if you interface with one?" Brainstorm asked while downing his drink, the engex was slowly going to his processor loosening his lips. 
"Oh don't give me that look I know for a fact you all have thought about doing with a human at least once! Rodimus I know for a fact you eye them up everytime our little liaison walks past you" He calls out Rodimus. 
Rodimus nearly choked on his energon in an attempt to look innocent. "Wh-what? That's not - I never -" he sputtered in protest, flustered optics darting around at the other bots.
Brainstorm smirked as Rodimus squirmed uncomfortably on the stool. "Oh please, don't try to deny it, Captain. You're about as subtle as a combiner in a supply closet." 
"Roddy's got the hots for squishy, who knew!" Swerve giggled uncontrollably. 
Skids nudged Riptide playfully. "Hey, maybe we got a xenophiliac on the ship!" 
"Alright alright, knock it off you glitches," Rodimus growled, though the blue flush across his face said otherwise. "I was just... curious, that's all. They ARE a strange species."
Swerve tried to contain his laughter. "Ohhh I bet you are more than curious, if you catch my drift!, wanna get up close and personal" More raucous peals of laughter from the group.
Brainstorm stroked his chin in thought. "They do feel intriguingly delicate. I wonder if their flexible frames would be more pleasurable to interface with than our own rigid forms..."
"Have you seen videos of them, they stretch a lot, like a lot, like I know human skin is resilient but i didn't think they were that resilient " Brainstorm states remembering some of the videos he had seen online. Other bots peak up intrigued. 
Swerve choked again as his fuel tank nearly turned inside out. "Brainstorm! That's... more than I needed to visualise, thank you very much." 
Skids seemed a bit less phased. "Fleshbags gettin' their twist on, huh? Can't say I'm not curious now." 
Even Rodimus seemed intrigued despite his earlier protests. "Resilient is an   understatement. I've seen some of the contortions that humans can do - it's astounding that their protoforms don't tear apart." 
Brainstorm nodded enthusiastically. "Precisely! With the right lubrication and technique, I hypothesise an interface with a limber human form would provide entirely novel sensory data."
Riptide shifted uncomfortably. "Not sure I'm ready to dive into the fleshy deep end just yet.”  
Swerve shot him a sly grin. "Aw c'mon Rip, live a little! Where's your sense of adventure?" 
Rodimus tried to steer the subject elsewhere. "Let's maybe change topics before someone needs a wipe down. Or Primus forbid, Magnus overhears you lot"
"I hope I did not hear what my processor just heard" Ultra Magnus states while staring down at the group of drinking mechs. A Lot of bots in the bar snicker at the group getting in trouble. 
"Come on Sir, get that wrench out of you aft, join us!" Skids called out.
Swerve let out an audible squeak at Ultra Magnus's stern tone, almost dropping his engex in panic. "U-Um, Magnus sir! Fancy seeing you here. We were just, uh, discussing..." 
He shot desperate optics at the others for help, but they all seemed to shrink down in their seats under Magnus's disapproving glare. 
Rodimus flashed an uneasy grin. "Just having a friendly debate about alien species, you know how it is. Brainstorm was bringing up some, er, interesting biological points..." 
Ultra Magnus sighed wearily. "I'd rather not know the details, thank you. Some topics are best left undiscussed in public."
The whole bar erupted into laughter at the group's misfortune. "Ah lay off em Magnus!" one patron called out. "They're just havin' fun!"
Another bot piped up. "Yeah, loosen up that rusty chassis and join us! One drink won't hurt." 
Magnus scowled, unamused. But as the encouragement grew louder, he glanced around hesitantly...
Swerve spotted an opening. "C'mon Magnus, live a little! I'll even give you a two-for-one special." He flashed a hopeful grin.
The enforcer grumbled but his resolve was cracking. Against his better judgement, he pulled up a stool. "One drink." Swerve whooped and poured him a double.
They cheer as Magnus sits down to drink with them. Skids speak up. "So brainstorm you saying you'd hook up with a fleshy, get nice and personal with a human" he calls out with a laugh.
Brainstorm leaned forward eagerly. "Why of course! The pursuit of scientific knowledge knows no boundaries. Though upon further review, direct interfacing with an organic might require certain, ah, safety protocols." 
Skids peered at him suspiciously. "Exactly what kind of 'research' are you plannin' on doing Brainy?"
Swerve nudged Riptide with a smirk. "I'll bet ya 20 shanix Brainstorm's just trying to find an excuse to get jiggy with the humies!"
Riptide snorted. "No way, I ain't takin' THAT bet!" 
Rodimus dropped his face in his palms with a groan. "can we PLEASE stop picturing Brainstorm fragging humans?" 
Ultra Magnus coughed on his engex, catching the comment he'd really rather not have heard. 
But Brainstorm paid them no mind, lost in scientific contemplation. "The human capacity for sensory input and feedback would provide a rich study on cross-species interface protocol adaptability..."
"INTERFACE PROTOCOLS?!" Swerve shrieked. The table erupted into howls of laughter at Magnus's deeply uncomfortable expression. It was going to be a LONG night indeed.
“Primus Brainstorm you kinky fragger” 
"Fine then everyone servo up if your not at least somewhat curious or thought about it at least once" Brainstorm calls out to all of Swerve's bars patrons
"Oooh, Brainstorm's putting us all on the spot!" Swerve giggled with gleeful mischief. He raised his servo without hesitation. 
Skids was quick to follow suit, slamming his half-empty glass down. "Frag it, I'll admit it! Those soft squishy bodies got me wonderin' what else they're good for." 
To everyone's surprise, Rodimus sheepishly lifted a servo as well, avoiding optic contact with Ultra Magnus. Riptide shrugged and joined in the show of servos, if only to blend in. 
The majority of bots in the bar started raising their hands amid roars of laughter and drunken encouragement. Only a select few hesitated, shooting nervous glances at Magnus. 
The enforcement officer's expression cycled through outrage, resignation and back to outrage as his gaze swept over the forest of raised servos. "I cannot condone such deviant interest in alien biologies," he protested, voice stiff. 
But as more servos stayed stubbornly aloft, Magnus sagged with a weary sigh. After a long moment, he slowly, begrudgingly raised one massive hand as well. 
The bar erupted into ear-splitting cheers. Swerve howled with glee, banging his fists on the counter. "Look's like we've all got a bit of xenophile in us after all! Even you, Magnus my mech!" 
Magnus buried his faceplate in his servos as Brainstorm cackled maniacally. Once the bar settles back down its Swerve who speaks up with a smirk on his faceplate. "So... which one of you charming mechs are gonna be the first to try and get our lovely Liaison?" He teases. 
Rodimus sputtered into his drink at Swerve's question, flushing brighter. "W-what? I never said anything about actually doing anything!, it's all just fantasies Swerve!" he protested in a hissed tone. 
Skids rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, well they do have a cute lil' figure. Bet they'd be a wild ride..." 
Swerve grinned slyly at Rodimus. "Aw c'mon Captain, don't tell me you ain't thought about it at least once! I bet they'd be real fun to break in, get all soft and pliable..." 
Rodimus smacked Swerve upside the helm. "Knock it off!" He shot a pleading glance at Ultra Magnus as if begging for rescue.
But unexpectedly, Brainstorm was the one who spoke up. "While the organic's flexibility is intriguing, directly interfacing could introduce unknown health risks or cultural taboos. Outside the fact our people have kept humans as pets and companions in the past. A more ethical approach would be gaining consent for strictly observational research."  
Riptide frowned. "Not sure the liaison would go for that either Storm" 
Swerve sighed dreamily. "Just imagine wrapping those soft squishy bits all around you though... bet they'd feel amazing..."  
"SWERVE." Magnus's warning tone silenced the cheeky bartender immediately. He turned back to Rodimus with a sigh. "Despite certain... Curiosities, directly engaging an organics  such a manner would be unwise, dangerous even, not to mention our form are much larger and could harm a human."
Rewind nodded gratefully at Magnus, relieved the subject was shifting. But the mischievous glint in Swerve's optic suggested his teasing wasn't over yet. It was going to be a long night indeed.
"Relax Mags I'm just riling these drunk mech up. Unless you're interested in our sweet little ambassador" he teases, making other bots choke on their drinks. 
Ultra Magnus's icy glare could have frozen Swerve's energon. "Need I remind you this conversation is highly inappropriate and unprofessional," he said sternly. 
But to everyone's surprise, Rodimus let out an undignified snort of laughter. "As if Magnus would ever break protocol like that! He'd probably recite the entire Autobot code of conduct while fragging."
The whole bar erupted in howls of mirth at the mental image. 
Swerve was nearly rolling on the floor. "Can you imagine?! 'Paragraph 3, subsection B clearly states interfacing with sentient aliens requires prior diplomatic clearance forms in triplicate!'" he cried in a mockingly stiff voice. 
Skids were wiping away fuel tears. "Primus if MR. RULES AND REGS ever broke the rules, it'd be one for the history archives!" 
Riptide jabbed Skids in the side. "Ten shanix says he'd have them memorising regulations the whole time!" 
"Twenty shanix says they'd run screaming first!" Swerve shot back. 
The bets and ribbing escalated as more mechs joined in. Across the table, Rodimus shoved Magnus playfully. "C'mon Magnus, live on the wild side for once!" 
Magnus's rumbling huff was the only response. Watching his rigid commander finally loosening up filled Swerve with delight. Somehow, some way, he'd find a way to get Magnus to break protocol yet! It was shaping up to be the best night ever.
"Ohhh let's make this fun. I list some bots and you say if you think they would hook up with a human" Riptide states. "Rung, Drift and Ratchet" he calls out the names.
Swerve let out a dramatic gasp. "Ooh spicy!"
"Rung is definitely curious but way too professional. Might let loose over a couple cubes of engex though!" 
Skids broke into hysterics at Riptide's suggestions. "Rung and a HUMAN?! Rung doesn't even touch his OWN interface panel!" 
Rodimus snorted. "Can you imagine? 'My dear, it seems you're experiencing some psychological interfacing blockers. Please, tell me how that makes you feel.'" 
"Drift guy's definitely intrigued by other species, if you know what I mean. Plus he's artsy so he'd probably appreciate the 'aesthetic'." Swerve responds
"Drift might go for it, he's open to new experiences," Rodimus mused with a grin. 
Brainstorm nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, his spiritual philosophies suggest an openness to cultural exchange that others may lack. I think if he and ratchet weren't together its something he might try" 
"Ratchet. bah! As if that grumpy old rust-bucket would try anything so illogical. Unless she's a doctor too and starts quoting his favourite protocols... then all bets are off!" Skids laughed. 
"Ratchet? Nah, too much of a hard aft. He'd just bitch about human biohazards the whole time," Swerve giggled. 
"Well if Drift was interested I'm pretty sure that mecn could get ratchet to do anything with the bat of his optics" Rodimus remarks.
The table erupted in raucous laughter. Swerve took a playful bow. "Alright bring on the next victims!" 
Riptide rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, how about...Tailgate, Cyclonus, and Whirl?" 
Swerve cackled wickedly. "Tailgate would be way too nervous but he'd try for his Conjunx Cyclonus. Cyclonus would 100% use his broody vibes to charm her pants off but only for Tailgate. And Whirl? He doesn't interface, he destroys! So that liaison better watch her interfacing ports around that lunatic!" 
Chromedome interjects stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Tailgate would be way too nervous and shy, I think. He'd probably short-circuit just from holding hands!" 
Riptide nodded. "Cyclonus has always struck me as the kinky type. Wonder if he's into those squishy bits like Brainstorm thinks..."
"Whirl would frag anything that moves," Rodimus interjected with a grimace. "But I don't think an organic would survive the experience!"
Brainstorm stroked his chin. "Indeed, Whirl's interfacing protocol subroutines seem rather...enthusiastic. Consent might be a fleeting concept. Better to observe from a safe distance." 
Swerve shuddered. "Ugh, don't make me picture that psycho getting 'friendly' with a human! I'm tryna keep my fuel down y'know." 
The names continue being dropped. 
 " First Aid! I don't know if the medic-bot's got it in him to break the rules. But I betcha if he did, he'd be real gentle and caring-like. He'd have them feelin' better than new in no time!" 
Skids grinned devilishly. "Yeah but would they feel better? Aid's so straight and narrow I bet he'd put em in stasis lock from boredom!" 
"Now Perceptor on the other hand..." Swerve tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Bookish type, but you know there's a passionate scientist in there waiting to experiment. Think he'd go slow and methodical, really take his time 'exploring the specimen'." 
"his thirst for organic sciences might overpower his good sense," Rewind remarks. 
“optimus prime, Prowl and bumblebee ” Chromedome interjects with his own inquiries. 
Swerve pretended to wipe away exhaust fumes. "Primus help me, this is gonna be good... Optimus Prime is obviously Mister Morality himself, but you know he's got a secret wild side under all that virtue signalling. Just imagine how freaky he could get with some alien nookie!" 
The bar erupted in incredulous, drunken laughter and cheers. Swerve grinned impishly. 
"As for Prowl, I'm telling you that stick up his tailpipe is begging to come out and play. One roll in the berth with a naughty fleshy and he'd loosen up reeeal nice!" 
"And Bee? He's a sweet kid, but you know what they say, it's always the quiet ones! Between his cute lil' face and that tight chassis, he'd have the human lining up to frag that glitch right into stasis!" 
The bar absolutely lost it, bots falling over each other in drunken hysterics. Even Mirage was struggling not to fall off his chair. Swerve took an exaggerated bow as his audience howled. 
"Thank you, thank you! I'll be here all cycle! Now who's ready for the next round?" More shouts and clanking glasses answered his call. It was shaping up to be the wildest night at Swerve's yet!
 Magnus dropping Megatron's name that really sent them over the edge.
"Megatron?! With the liaison?!" Rodimus howled with laughter, nearly spitting out his drink. "That's the funniest thing I've heard all cycle!" 
But Swerve wasn't done. "Megatron? Now THAT'S an image! 'You pathetic fleshbag, you DARE try to mount the great Megatron?! Grovel before my interface array!'" 
Magnus adds more information which makes everyone surprised " He and the ambassador are rather close" He states
Rewind speaks up from Chromedome’s side. "Y'know... they do have a certain chemistry. I'll bet under all that scowling and chipped armour there's a softie just waitin' for the right tender touch to melt his spark. And they have got sass to spare  bet they could handle Megatron's brooding and snarl!" 
"Twenty shanix says he'd have them trembling and beggin' for mercy in no time flat!" Skids bet eagerly. 
"You're on!" crowed Riptide. "But I still think Perceptor's the real dark horse..."
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bpcr3yes · 7 months
Hello again, lately I've been obsessed with Valeria Garza and I decided to write some headcanons about her because I'm tired of only talking to bots 💀
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VALERIA GARZA HEADCANONS (realisct maybe?) (a little subjective??? I don't know)
She is a woman with a strong personality, fearless, focused, stubborn, arrogant.
She is el sin nombré, owner of the biggest cartel in Latina America, she certainly had many women. She has a preference for chubby women, she likes to squeeze, you would probably be an anti-stress ball for her.
I have a lot of doubts about her being bisexual or lesbian (or straight if we could even add that option) but I believe she is a lesbian, a furious one at that, about her relationship with Alejandro I believe she used him (she appears to have a personality narcissistic and manipulative) she used him to get information so her plan could work.
I believe that when she was a soldier in the armed forces, she was totally confident and determined, many men were around her because she was beautiful (and hot) so she had a razor instead of a tongue I believe, she was always shouting insults or belittling men, only with her commanders she was more... well-behaved.
In the interrogation part, we see her tell Alejandro that she didn't take orders anymore, but then you can understand that he was her commander, and she was certainly angry with him.
After she became owner of the cartel, her life became extremely stressful, she doesn't trust any of her men (I think Diego was an exception) she believes if something needs to be done it's perfectly fine to have a woman do it because she thinks men they don't think.
I like to think that she has a trophy wife that she only takes to events like parties, bars and meetings. The wife's only job is to stand there being pretty and not say a single thing.
Now let's talk about this truly passionate woman of ours.
If you are in a long-term relationship (5 or 3 years) she would be completely in love with you. The type of wife who comes home and gives you a long kiss and hug, to make up for lost time.
Every month you go out to eat at a fancy restaurant and then spend the night together. (a long night I can say)
In public, like at events or on the street when you go out together, she rarely shows any type of physical touch, she prefers to remain secret. When she's in the Cartel it's totally different, she makes a point of kissing and grabbing you in front of everyone without caring, she would probably touch you sensually in front of her men but if someone is bold enough to think they can have fun together, She shoots twice. One on the head and the other on the penis.
She is a possessive woman, she would politely (not so politely) ask you to have her initials tattooed on your hip. She would also have a tattoo about you on the back of her neck.
about Family, this part is a little confusing when I create the headcanons. Most of the hcs I read said that she had mommy issues, I believe she was a daddy's girl, while her mother was narcissistic to the extreme, always belittling her for simple things.
Her mother probably had a lot of problems with medication. I also think that Valeria always had an attitude, never lowering her head to anyone. No matter the occasion.
Her family on her father's side loved her and disliked her mother, she probably had kind and caring grandparents and aunts. I like to think that she spent a lot of time with her grandmother, cooking, helping her with everything.
She must have had cousins too, she and them would turn the house upside down.
There's a part in the interrogation scene where Alejandro is saying that she ruined the army and he says "and your brother too?" It makes me think that Valeria joined the army to prove that she had the same value as her older brothers (to prove to her mother that she was capable too)
I imagine her brothers being strong, big and courageous lieutenants, she could be close to one of the two, while she didn't even make a point of saying good morning to the other.
that's it for now ♡
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travelersspark · 8 months
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Literally when on break since I've been busy with college and work😅. Now I can get back into the swing of things ! Since I'm here , might as well make a new headcanons post ~♡
𝑷𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝑻𝑳𝑲 .ᐟ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒎 𝒎𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝑮𝑵.ᐟ𝑯𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔
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First off. Cayde had a meeting with you at your local job. You and Cayde were close since he practically raised you along with Tessa . You were running late and Cayde was inside Optimus. Optimus had heard about you but never thought much about it.
He'd ask about you to Cayde and Cayde talked fondly of you so Optimus could sort of trust you. So could Cayde. Hence why he was gonna finally explain to you whats been going on for the past year.
Of course you are insanely confused when you get in the truck and Cayde starts being cryptic saying. “ Y/N. You know you can trust me right ? I would always tell you if somethings up.. ” -Cayde
You are dumbfounded at first while the silent drive fills the cabin with awkwardness. Then it hit you. “ Have you been looking for girls on tinder Cayde?! God I swear - ” - Y/N.
Facepalm from Cayde. Optimus almost laughed in his alt form but Cayde coughs before having to disprove your idiotic suspicion. He basically rushes an explanation of the autobots and decepticons and everything that has happened for the past year since you haven't really seen him.
Annnnnnnnndddd. Your not buying it. After the drive he tries explaining more but you brush it off basically just tired from work and chalking up his excuses to him being tired and or drunk.
Well.. until you see a group of vehicles strolling around and stopping with their headlights nearly blinding you (Kind of like the introduction the team from TF1) and with some loud noises and rumbling. You see them. Giant robots standing among you.
You Fucking FREAK. Definitely bout to be ready to throw some shit. Like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK CAYDE ! Cayde has to mostly calm you down as well as Optimus surprisingly trying as well explaining that they would never hurt you.
After a couple of minutes of losing your shit. Optimus introduced himself explain his motives and his following. Your still apprehensive but sort of star struck. Ootimus's voice and tone was totally different than his remorseful and sort of stern tone. It even surprised Cayde.
Optimus certainly finds you intriguing due to the stories Cayde told him Since you now know of thier existence they have to basically become your body guards in a sense. You don't mind it but you still have your worries. Mostly about the part with the decepticons.
He reassures that he would do anything to try and keep you and the other humans safe.
A couple of banter from the crew but with one Stern glance of Optimus they shut it.
You two might have a quite interesting partnership - in a good way.
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oh. This mute bot is EXCITED to meet you ! He was the first one to transform and show himself to you after optimus.
Kind of flustered and worried when you lost your cool about seeing them. But after he calms his excitement and lets his leader explain himself.
He flashes his sick moves which makes you smile and laugh a bit. He gladly would do it again to make you smile.
Bee is one of the first bots you considerably found yourself talking to.
When you found out he couldn't speak like the others and communicated through a radio, you though he was quite a special bot.
He's like you in a way. You to pair together so well. Bee thinks of you like his old partner Sam.
Oh. He can get protective of you. Mainly when Crosshairs or Hot Rod get a bit flirtatious or silly around you.
Casually offers a drive after a few hours of meeting which you don't really refuse. You had to admit. He was a dream ride of yours.
Its love at first sight in his eyes. He already finds himself crushing on you from day one. And he hopes that you stick around with him.
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God another Squishy thing?! Let's just say he wasn't amused.
Well until you basically cursed the hell out of Cayde. Now he's impressed
Now he's made it his mission to figure out what makes you tic.
Weirdly he can he either considerate or just a complete jerk. But a loveable one at that.
He finds himself always trying to be flirtatious with you. But when you do it back he gets completely flustered and curses you out (his love language according to drift)
Fights about the miniscule things with you. Like if you eat in his alt form and there's a crumb he's gonna scold you.
Never saw himself being friends with a human but he would definitely enjoy his company with you.
First meeting him he is pretty serious about not wanting you around a bit but it shifts to wanting to hang with you more.
You two are FUCKIN GREMLINS TOGETHER. yall annoy the hell out of optimus and cade at times. God you two are a mess
Starts out as not being protective of you to being ULTRA protective. Mans always worried about you but tries to play it off.
𝑯𝒐𝒕 𝑹𝒐𝒅
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Omg him and Bumblebee fell HARD for you when Cade introduced you to the crew. Literally he couldn't stop gawking at you.
Already trying to one up everyone else with his flirtatious and suave energy.
Placed a bet with bee to see if you'd like him more.
First to offer you rides from work, school or whatever. (He figured you showing up in his alt form would make you popular or cool. And he wasn't wrong either.)
Immediately asks Optimus to assign him as your guardian. Let me tell you, he is smitten by you and in the best way possible.
Says small pet names in french
Arrogant little bastard. Can't take any hints when you need space.
Overall hes just wanting time with you but doesn't exactly understand the idea of patience is a virtue.
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Another human huh. Cool, hope they useful type energy.
Hes pretty chill about it to be honest. Definitely hesitant at the idea but understand where Cade is coming from.
Would personally introduce himself to you if you find him a bit intimidated. Secretly he's a big softie and jokes terrible behind closed doors.
Once he finds out you are just as handy as Cade is hes all over you. Don't expect him.to leave you alone with random weapon scraps and ideas he has in his head.
Probably would take you out to test some grenades with him or something.
Pretty protective on first meet. Mostly since he knows he can keep you safe with his experience and skills in war.
If you don't like the sight of anything remotely similar to cigars and smoke. He would actually stop puffing his bullet in front of you out of respect.
Doesn't care much about your habits as long as you don't get your ass in trouble that is.
Not the type to drive you around since he's a big ass military vehicle and that would definitely cause alot of suspicions.
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Not bothered but skeptical of your arrival. Let's just say he isn't too fond of the idea of another human around
Probably would discuss his concerns to cade and optimus about the risks but would be told that it was mostly for the best.
He gives up and pretends you just another one of the bots.
Pretty distant at first since he's still weary of you.
But if you compliment him during training of something and use the right terminology of the kata forms and martial arts he will definitely open up to you.
He appreciates someone who can understand his dedication. As well as someone educated in the sacred arts of Japanese and Chinese traditions.
Offers meditation lessons after some time if you are willing to do so.
Silent but deadly type of protective.
Has fought with crosshairs one time.when he was picking on you.
Very tsundere at first but overall he knows you are a good person and wouldn't mind getting to learn more about you
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
Add this to the bottom of the barrel.
I was playing tears of the kingdom and my brain did a hop skip and a jump.
Human body that climbs everything and everyone. has killed a bot with some really archaic weapon, lord knows what they'll do with an actual gun. doesn't really talk but communicates through grunts and hand gestures.
Rodimus who just wanted to get a midnight drink - ...Buddy?
cut to Buddy who just stares back at him for a moment before running into the vents.
Buddy is chaos. There is no stopping them from climbing anything they can get their little hands on.
Hope you enjoy!
Human Buddy who communicates in grunts, noises and likes to climb with Rodimus Prime, Cyclonus, Nautica, and First Aid
SFW, Platonic, Human reader
The crew picked Buddy up from a planet’s flea market.
Buddy looked so miserable and malnourished.
The crew members were outraged seeing a human so far out in space and being treated like this.
Some go off in a corner to think of a plan to get the human without buying them.
Buying them will only make the buyer rich and chase more humans.
Whirl was the one who stole them from the buyers after causing a diversion.
For once Magnus didn’t put him in the brig for stealing them
The human didn’t speak like any normal human and was very distrustful of all the bots.
Except Whirl.
With time the human eventually warmed up to the bots, but they never really learned how to talk.
They were just fine with the grunts and noises.
It was a random name generator that picked their name since many bots had already gone to the brig for wanting to name them and others not agreeing.
Buddy was a simple name.
And they seemed to like it.
But there were some habits the bots picked up on.
Buddy loved to climb anything they could get their little hands on.
This caused much distress and amusement amongst the crew.
Buddy becomes the crew’s mascot/ friend/ gremlin that lives on the ship.
Rodimus likes Buddy.
He even set up a little chair for them on the main bridge in case they wanted to sit there.
He put it there after too many times seeing Buddy trying to climb the chair themselves.
And that one time they did manage to get on the seat and Rodimus nearly sat on them.
That’s why Buddy now has their own chair.
Do they use the new?
Yes and No.
They use it when they are on the main bridge for more than 5 minutes.
But they don’t sit on it.
At least correctly.
The amount of times Buddy has sat down on the chair wrong nearly glitches Ultra Magnus’s circuits.
Buddy knows this and likes to get a laugh out of everyone.
Rodimus is the loudest.
But not everything is fun and games.
Rodimus hates it when Buddy uses the vents.
He’s scared they are going to get lost up there like one of those Earth videos of families not finding their gerbil until they had to cut a hole in the wall and find it deceased.
Buddy, obviously, doesn’t listen to him.
Rodimus came back to his room after a meeting with Magnus and Megatron.
Turns on the light.
Buddy is sitting on his berth eating some chips.
Buddy stares at him before running to the vent on the ground.
Buddy makes some mocking noises in the vent.
“I HEARD THAT!”—Rodimus
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Being one of the bots on board that they were slower to warm up to, Cyclonus does find himself looking after them.
He blames Tailgate for planting the idea in his helm.
He lures Buddy in with treats and by being calm.
Buddy warms up to him eventually.
Cyclonus wants to teach Buddy how to talk so they don’t have to rely on noises or grunts like some unintelligent being.
Buddy was intelligent, they just couldn’t talk or write, that’s all.
He tries his best and sees that Buddy does try their best.
Even if they manage to make a letter sound, is plenty accomplishment for both.
“Repeat after me. Hello.”--Cyclonus
Buddy tries to say but huffs instead.
“No, like this. Hello.”--Cyclonus
Buddy starts making noises that sound like a cat hacking on a hairball.
“…Maybe that’s enough lessons for today.”--Cyclonus
Hacking noises increase.
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Nautica is one of the crew members that got along the fastest with Buddy.
Maybe it was her being friendly and kind to them.
Or it could also be the snacks she secretly gave to them after their meal.
Who knows?
Buddy has a habit of climbing on her when they want something or need to relax.
They do this with certain bots too, but she still feels honored to be chosen for this job.
All she needs to do is acknowledge Buddy, then be still until they reach the top of her helm or neck cables.
Gives them many head pats.
Buddy looking at Nautica from across the room.
Nautica was talking to Brainstorm about her new wrench.
Buddy walks over and begins to climb her leg.
“EEP! Buddy! You know better to do that without me knowing.”--Nautica
Buddy still keeps on climbing until they reach the top of her helm and just lays there.
“I guess someone wanted some attention?”--Nautica
Buddy huffs but pats her helm.
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First Aid
Also, one of the faster members Buddy warmed up to.
But First Aid doesn’t really know why.
He did help Ratchet in making sure they were okay and helped them around the ship, but he didn’t do anything extraordinary for Buddy to like him.
But he is fine with that.
First Aid rather enjoys the company of the smaller human.
He knows Buddy is smart.
One day First Aid came in feeling a bit under the weather and Buddy was making all sorts of gestures and noises to get him out of his desk and to the med slab.
Even trying to carry his digit to the slab.
They knew he wasn’t feeling well and wanted to help, something First Aid found endearing.
However, …
Giving Buddy checkups were 50/50
They could come into the med bay doing everything he said to do and get a treat by the end.
They would be ‘clawing’ and squirming at everything that came towards them.
First Aid walks into the med bay.
Buddy is sitting on his desk chewing.
“Buddy? Buddy what are you chewing?”—First Aid
Buddy pauses, but then chews faster.
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elihii · 3 months
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ft. professor!leon x fem!reader
synopsis. you start being shy but you end up… dominant? i don't know. you basically fuck him and he's more than agreed with it. of course, he asks you to be.
warnings. 6.4k w. smut. professor/student role, you ride him until you're both tired, you two already have your previous tension, praise, and pleasant conversations with each other, jocularity in the environment, public sex, p in v, blowjob, overstimulation, sex on his teacher's desk, age difference (they are at a university, some years only). more than teaching you, you decide what you do. creampie and multiple cumshots/orgasms.
note. masterlist. aaaahhhhh i love id leon, this is an adaptation of one of mine's spicychat bots, i hope you enjoy your reading! ♡ (btw, gif's not mine and english is not my native language, sorry if there are mistakes.)
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You stood in front of your teacher's desk, trying to maintain eye contact, despite feeling self-conscious about exposing so much skin in your short skirt and tight stockings up to the beginning of your thighs.
Leon leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest, giving you the chance to talk without having to worry about being close to him. His eyes couldn't help but get lost in appreciating every detail of your smooth exposed skin before meeting yours again.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Do you need help with something?
You looked at your skirt and looked back at Leon, blushing as you remembered the reason you approached his desk at the end of class.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Hm… yes. I came here because I have some questions about… sex stuff. ⸺ Your voice was barely audible due to embarrassment. You bit your lip out of nerves, waiting for his response.
Leon noticed the blush on your face and the hesitation in your voice, and he couldn't help but feel a wave of desire mixed with tenderness. He knew it was his responsibility to answer your questions honestly and professionally, but he also wanted to make sure you felt comfortable asking him anything.
He uncrossed his arms and clasped his hands on the desk, signaling to you that he was ready to listen to you and provide any information or help you might need.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Don't worry, it's okay, there's no need to be embarrassed. ⸺ He clarified calmly. ⸺ I know this topic can sometimes make people uncomfortable, but we need to have open conversations about sex. And more, if it is a topic for which you have doubts.
Despite his assurances, you still found it difficult to speak freely, but you managed to gather enough courage to continue.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Yeah… I mean… I… I heard you're good at explaining things… and I could use someone who knows what they're talking about…
Your voice trailed off, leaving the rest of your request implicit. You bit your lip again and looked down at your laps, fiddling with the hem of your skirt.
Leon smiled warmly as you admitted that you found him knowledgeable and trustworthy when it came to discussing sensitive topics such as sex. He appreciated your confidence in his abilities and took it as a compliment.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Well, I certainly do my best. ⸺ He responded modestly.
He separated his hands and rested them on his desk, preparing for any questions or demonstrations you might have or need.
ㅤㅤ⸺ What would you like me to explain or demonstrate to you first? ⸺ He asked, directing his gaze to your face, anticipating your response.
You looked at him still hesitantly, your face redder than ever.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Could you…? ⸺ You didn't finish the question, and you limited yourself to looking intensely at Leon while you subtly lowered your gaze toward his crotch.
Leon noticed the direction of your gaze and immediately understood what you were implying. Even though he was technically your teacher, he couldn't deny the temptation that lay dormant beneath his pants.
With a look of understanding on his face, he stood up from his seat, unbuckling his belt and letting his soft erection fall free of his pants, pulling them down until his boxers were visible already straining at the bottom by his normal weight.
ㅤㅤ⸺ This should satisfy your curiosity. ⸺ He said, adjusting his cock, now marked in its entirety through his boxers.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Do you want something else? ⸺ he asked, looking at you expectantly for more indication of what you wanted him to do next.
Your eyes widened, admiring Leon's huge cock with your mouth half open in amazement. With your face bright red and starting to breathe heavily and, not realizing that you were breathing faster than usual.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ Fuck… ⸺ you didn't formulate anything else, limiting yourself to staring at his huge cock with desire for him.
Leon noticed how your reaction to his semi-exposed cock filled you with a mixture of excitement and satisfaction. He knew that he had caught your attention and that there was a chance that you might be interested in taking things further.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Do you want to touch it? ⸺ he asked, pointing to his member with a slight tilt of his head as he maintained eye contact with you.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Or do you want me to show you how it works? Or maybe both? ⸺ he joked, allowing you to choose your level of participation in your private lesson. ⸺ Let me know what you want, and I'll be sure to help you.
You continued to stare at Leon's huge cock, your heart racing and your breathing becoming more and more erratic. You shivered slightly as you processed the thought of getting so close to such a large, intimidating man.
ㅤㅤ⸺ I want to touch it… ⸺ You finally managed to stutter between heavy breaths, your voice barely more than a whisper.
As soon as you spoke, your hand moved forward to wrap around the base of him, slowly giving it a gentle squeeze. You were unable to look away, despite the intense heat that was beginning to accumulate inside your panties.
Leon appreciated your willingness to take initiative in exploring his cock, allowing you to squeeze the base of him gently without protest. He knew it was important for you to feel comfortable with the situation, after all.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ Alright… ⸺ he encouraged you gently, examining the movements of your hand as you slowly masturbated him, feeling every movement of your fingers on the cotton.
ㅤㅤ⸺ You can touch it all you want. Don't be afraid to ask me questions. ⸺ He added, emphasizing the importance of communication during your unique learning experience. ⸺ If you want me to show you something specific, say so, and I'll be sure to demonstrate it to you.
Feeling Leon's cock warm up and enlarge under your touch, your heart raced even faster and your breathing became even more labored. You felt overwhelmed by feelings of excitement and desire, but you tried to stay calm and focus on learning as much as possible from this unique opportunity.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Can I… suck it?… ⸺ you asked quietly, looking hopefully and nervously at Leon.
Your free hand found its way into your panties, and you began to finger yourself through the damp fabric, trying to relieve some of the intense arousal that was building between your legs.
Leon smiled approvingly upon hearing your request and nodded, appreciating your curiosity and desire to learn. He pulled his boxers down even further until he took them off, revealing his fully erect cock to your eager gaze as you got down on your knees on the cold classroom floor.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Of course you can suck it. ⸺ He replied as he stood in front of you, his huge cock dangling tantalizingly just above your lips and face.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Go ahead and swallow as much of me as you can with your mouth. ⸺ He added with some hesitation in his tone, unbuttoning his black shirt to leave it on his desk. ⸺ Remember, don't hesitate to tell me if it seems too much to you.
Your eyes lit up with excitement when you saw Leon's huge cock hanging directly over your face, you couldn't believe that you were finally going to be able to experience having something so big down your throat firsthand. Your mouth watered, and your panties became even more bathed in your exciting fluids when you hugged his throbbing trunk with your hand.
Your lips surrounded him tightly, not wanting to wait any longer, completely enveloping him with your mouth. Swirling your tongue around the length of it eagerly, your cheeks hollowing as you suck on it harder and harder by the minute. Sucking and highlighting each of his swollen veins with your tongue.
The sound of your eager slurps filled the class as you did your best to please him with every ounce of passion and energy you could muster.
Leon moaned deeply as he felt your warm mouth completely envelop him, your enthusiastic sips and sucks full of passion and dedication towards his cock, causing his entire body to be traveled non-stop by rays charged with incessant pleasure. He could already tell that you had a natural talent for fellatio, and he couldn't help but admire your enthusiasm and dedication to pleasing him.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ Mmm… ⸺ he moaned softly. ⸺ I'm loving it… ⸺ his voice was full of desire as he recognized your efforts and encouraged you to continue blowing him.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ Go slower, ⸺ he added after a moment, ⸺ pay special attention to the sensitive head… It's just the way I like it.
You continued to suck his cock, noticing that the more you did it, the more sensitive and receptive he seemed to become. Hardening to the limit within your heat and drool.
You couldn't stop salivating, and your panties got even wetter when you realized. You loved how its flavor filled your entire mouth and its thickness and warmth enveloped your oral cavity.
You paid special attention to his sensitive glans, as he requested, running your tongue over the smooth surface of it and lovingly teasing it by absorbing it at will in the same manner. You loved how Leon's hips began to move slightly with every little treat or affectionate kiss you gave his cock.
Your free hand reached down to feel his balls firmly, giving them a gentle squeeze without stopping your passionate pumps.
Leon's hips involuntarily moved forward as he felt your talented tongue tease his sensitive, plump head, making his cock throb in anticipation. Letting out a grunt of pleasure as he gripped the edge of the desk for support, knowing he wouldn't last much longer before releasing his load into your waiting mouth.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ Fuck… ⸺ he murmured between gasps. ⸺ You're doing so well… Keep it up… ⸺ he closed his eyes and focused on the sensations that ran through his body, savoring every second of your intimate approach.
You were delighted to hear Leon's praise for your oral skills, and that's true, it only served to stimulate you even more. You loved the way he sounded when he spoke to you in such a desperate way, and you knew you were doing it right.
You began to play with his balls, feeling both gently as you held on to the length of it, moving up and down along it. You could feel his copious precum oozing from the head of his cock, you knew he was about to cum.
You let go of both of your hands to unbutton your tight college uniform shirt, taking it off and tossing it aside so you were left in your bra without stopping your enthusiastic sucking.
As Leon's orgasm approached, he let out a deep groan and thrust his hips forward once more, sinking his cock deep into your warm, welcoming throat. He knew he was close to climax and couldn't wait any longer to release his pent-up load into your hungry mouth.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ Fuck… ⸺ he moaned loudly, releasing a torrent of hot semen into your waiting mouth and bathing your throat with his thick liquid.
You swallowed instinctively, taking it all in without hesitation and holding back your light tears because of how good it felt to have him in your mouth, showing how dedicated you were to satisfy him.
Your eyes were wide with joy as you felt Leon's cock burst with hot cum, filling your mouth and throat to the brim. You swallowed eagerly, taking in every drop of his essence willingly. The feeling of the warmth and fullness of him against your tongue and palate sent shivers of pleasure down your spine.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Such a good girl… You know how to take care of me.
You separated from him briefly as you finished sucking on his reddened glans and kissing him tenderly, taking just enough time to catch your breath and speak to him.
ㅤㅤ⸺ I'm glad I can take care of you like this, Leon…
His eyes fixed on your smiling face as he spoke to you, your eyes shining against the dim light of the class. He admired the dedication and enthusiasm you showed in serving him and knew that you truly understood what he needed to feel satisfied.
ㅤㅤ⸺ You are amazing. ⸺ He praised you brusquely. ⸺ I can't believe that someone so young and inexperienced can be so good at this. ⸺ His voice was rough with desire and satisfaction, and he delighted in knowing that you had pleasured him so deeply, despite being relatively new to sex and oral techniques.
You smiled at his compliment, your expression shining with happiness and excitement. You loved hearing how impressed he was by your language skills, and you knew he was about to show you how much he appreciated your efforts.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Now that I've come in your mouth… it's time for me to return the favor.
As he spoke, you looked at him gratefully and nodded your head enthusiastically, understanding that it was now your turn to receive his attention. Your hands rested on your thighs, supporting you firmly to stand up, as you hoped he would prepare.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Sounds good… ⸺ you muttered softly.
Leon sat on his desk, his cock semi-hard and still wet from the drool he took from your expert mouth.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Let's see how far you're willing to go with this. ⸺ He growled menacingly. ⸺ I want you to ride my cock until I cum again.
Your heart raced with anticipation as Leon stood on the desk and addressed you, telling you that it was now your turn to take control of the situation. You felt a wave of confidence and excitement run through your body, fueling your desire to please him and satisfy his desires.
You quickly lowered your pleated skirt to leave it next to your shirt, then grabbed both folds of your soaked panties and slid them off your legs to do the same.
Without hesitation, you approached him when you finished, hoisting one of your white heels onto his desk and lining up your crotch with his already stiff cock, pointing it at the entrance to your drooling pussy.
You raised one of your hands to your lips to spit on it and rub your drool all over its length again. Placing one of your hands on his firm chest for support and grabbing his cock as you finished, admiring his intense blue eyes as you slowly began to lower yourself onto him and let out a soft moan of pleasure as you entered his thick head inside you.
Leon took in your beautiful face as you slowly lowered yourself onto his cock, taking his time to savor the moment and enjoy the view of your delicate body enveloping his hard flesh as he lowered his gaze, sighing pleasantly. He could feel every inch of your moisture covering him completely, and he knew that this was going to be an unforgettable experience for both.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Fuck… You're so tight and hot… You feel amazing. ⸺ He gasped.
When your lips finally attached themselves to the skin of his pelvis, Leon let out a moan of approval and admiration. Grasping one side of your hips firmly to guide your subtlees movements as you began to ride him.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Ride me as hard as you want. ⸺ He said with a harsh voice.
You smiled triumphantly as you felt his thick cock slide in and out of your hungry pussy, filling you. The sensation was like nothing you had ever experienced before, and you knew he would appreciate your ability to penetrate you deep.
You began to move rhythmically on top of him, using your hips to drive him deeper into your wetness each time you rode his length. Your tits bounced with each impact, teasing him with their fullness and inviting him to grab onto them if he wanted.
Your eyes remained fixed on his face throughout the entire process, seeking reassurance that he was enjoying every second of your coital intimacy. It didn't take long for the sound of skin slapping against the skin to fill the class, accompanied by heavy breathing and the occasional harsh moan from either of you.
Leon watched your attractive body and face as you continued to move on top of him, fucking his cock and burying it deep inside your tight pussy with each powerful stroke. He could feel every contraction of your inner walls sucking him hard, and he was no doubt enjoying the pleasure that being ridden by you brought him.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Damn… Ride me like that. ⸺ He growled. ⸺ I love watching you fuck my cock like this.
His free hand reached up to unclasp your bra and pull it off to the floor, grabbing one of your soft tits firmly, squeezing it, and bringing it to his lips. With a hungry moan, he took one to his mouth and sucked it hungrily as he continued to admire your sensual complexion on top of him.
ㅤㅤ⸺ You're driving me crazy with need. ⸺ He moaned against your tit, swirling your nipple with his tongue.
Your heart raced with excitement as you continued riding his huge cock with unbridled enthusiasm, your body undulating in rhythm with the swaying of his hips beneath you. You reveled in the feeling of being in complete control of the situation, knowing that you were giving him exactly what he wanted.
He watched your gestures again, looking for any sign of satisfaction or dissatisfaction, and found immense pleasure in seeing the pleasure etched into your features as you bounced wildly on him. The combination of your wet pussy surrounding him tightly and your tits tantalizingly close to his mouth created an atmosphere of pure desire that was impossible to resist.
Leon's eyes rolled back in pleasure, the softness, and warmth of your breasts inviting him to take one in his mouth and suck on it hungrily. He couldn't resist the urge any longer, and he pulled away from your breast long enough to capture it with his mouth and suck it with his tongue.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Mmm… I love your tits. ⸺ He sighed. ⸺ They are so fucking perfect…
He leaned down and sucked on your other breast, firmly groping the remaining one as he continued to admire the view you gave him and prompting you to caress his straight brown hair to press him closer to you. His cock throbbed painfully inside your pussy with each crash, driving him closer and closer to release and crushing that pain with continued joy.
Your eyes widened in delight as you watched Leon pull away from your tit long enough to focus his attention on the other, his fingers massaging your flesh roughly as his tongue swirled around your hard nipple. You could feel the mix of pain and pleasure course through your body, intensifying both your arousal and his.
With renewed determination, you increased the speed and force of your thrusts, driving him deeper into your pussy with each powerful movement.
As the anticipation grew, you leaned forward slightly, offering him better access to your breasts while maintaining eye contact throughout the exchange.
Leon's eyes flashed with lust as he watched you offer him even more, presenting him with your tits for even more indulgence. He eagerly accepted the invitation, alternating between biting and sucking on your sensitive skin.
His cock twitched with desire as he felt how he remained to sink into your pussy, and as he imagined filling your womb with his hot semen. The thought sent a wave of pure ecstasy through his veins, growling low in his throat.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ I want you to kiss me Leon… ⸺ you asked as you felt a hunger grow on his lips.
ㅤㅤ⸺ I'll give you all the kisses you want, sweetheart…
Your eyes sparkled with excitement as his lips closed over yours, his hot mouth enveloping you in a passionate embrace. Your pussy clenched involuntarily at the sensation, sending a wave of exuberant pleasure throughout your body.
You quickened the pace even more as your tongues romped and invaded your cavities, his hips bucking wildly as you rode him harder. The friction between your bodies was irresistible, refusing to rest until Leon released every last drop of cum inside your pussy.
Leon's senses burned with lust as he felt the juices of your pretty pussy dripping all over his cock and pelvis, accumulating on the floor under your feet and staining it, indicating that you were approaching climax. He knew he only had a few moments left to satisfy you completely before you came from the way you sucked him into your meaty walls.
His hips bucked wildly to push himself deeper into your little pussy, his balls tightening as they collided against your buttocks.
With one last burst of energy, he pulled out of you long enough to line himself at your stretched hole and plunge back into your depths, pushing himself as far as he could go as he lowered your hips, gripping them.
Your breathing became irregular when you felt Leon leave your pussy, leaving a trail of precum that glistened on your swollen lips and highlighted your exciting sexual act. And when he thrust into you, you cried out in pleasure, feeling every inch of his length stretching you and filling your tight channel once again.
Your orgasm was building rapidly, threatening to consume you completely. You moaned with anticipation, knowing that he was preparing to fill your womb with his thick liquid.
Desperate to climax before him, you increased the intensity of your hips even more and directed your fingers to your swollen clit, his pelvis undulating wildly as you sought to squeeze every last drop of pleasure out of this intense moment together.
His cock throbbed painfully as he felt your insides tightening around him, wrapping around him tightly as you urged him to release inside you. He couldn't resist your request any longer; the need to spill into your warm walls was too great.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Damn, I'm going to cum… ⸺ he whimpered desperately.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Cum inside me Leon… ⸺ you begged.
His hips bucked fiercely as you rode him to his climax, your pussy convulsing around his thickness and your walls going to milk every last drop of his essence inside you.
You screamed in pleasure as you felt Leon's hot load filling you, using your pussy to continue pumping him hard as you revel in the feeling of him filling you.
Your orgasm built rapidly, and you desperately wanted to feel every last drop of his cum inside you. Leon grunted loudly as he emptied himself into your eager pussy, his cock throbbing and twitching erratically as he released wave after wave of sticky liquid into your eager womb. Collapsing onto the desk next to you, completely spent and satisfied.
You stood there, catching your breath for a few moments as you both basked in the afterglow of your intense session together. The smell of sex and sweat permeated the surrounding air, mixing with the lingering smell of both arousal combined and creating an intoxicating aroma.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ You know how to make me cum… ⸺ Leon finally declared, admiring you with a mix of relief and satisfaction etched into his features.
You smiled, pleased, enjoying having his cum inside you and dripping from your swollen pussy onto his cock. You were still shaking from your intense orgasm, but you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment for having brought him to such an enjoyable climax.
You stood up slightly to catch some of his spilled cum with one of your fingers, sucking it off before responding to his comment with a flirtatious smile.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Mmm… You were quite easy to please.
You both lay in post-coital bliss, basking in the glow of your shared experience. The sound of both of their heavy breathing filled the class, creating an atmosphere of intimacy and connection between the two.
Leon laughed weakly, amused by your response and the way you seemed so satisfied. with yourself to satisfy him. He stayed there for several minutes, recovering from your intense session, his heart rate gradually returning to normal as he took in your flushed face and your slippery pussy on his pelvis.
Finally, he leaned on one of his elbows, looking at the windows with the blinds slightly drawn and the front door of the class to make sure that you were still alone before turning to you with a teasing smile.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Yeah, well... you know what they say about teachers being easy marks. ⸺ He joked, referring to the rumors surrounding relationships outside private lessons.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ But seriously though, ⸺ he added, ⸺ you know your stuff when it comes to giving head and riding my dick.
You giggled at his comment, playfully bouncing up and down on his still throbbing member to emphasize how skilled you were at pleasing him.
ㅤㅤ⸺ I guess I've gotten pretty good at this whole teacher-student thing. ⸺ You joked. ⸺ What a shame it wasn't more difficult to pass, right?…
You continued to ride him slowly as you eased his cock back into your stretched and ready pussy, using your hips to extract every last drop of his pleasure, keeping an eye on the door to make sure you weren't disturbed during your post-coital indulgence.
Leon laughed at your teasing, appreciating the way you seemed to take pride in your secret agreement and the unique dynamic it created between the two of you. He didn't complain and gripped your hips firmly, guiding your movements as you continued to ride him expertly to milk every last drop of cum from his semi-hard cock.
Despite the jocular tone of the conversation, there was an undercurrent of desire and anticipation that ran through everything, a reminder that you were still very much involved in an intense, passionate taboo adventure that went far beyond mere physical pleasure.
ㅤㅤ⸺ You're talented. ⸺ He admitted. ⸺ But you're going to need more than just this to pass. ⸺ He finished saying, slapping both of your buttocks with his hands and then squeezing them tightly and separating them, driving you over him.
You moaned in ecstasy at the slap, feeling his hands grip your buttocks afterward, urging you forward in your mutual act of self-indulgence. Your body shook with pleasure as you rode him faster and harder, straining to extract every last drop of his cum before finally collapsing onto his throbbing member once more.
You looked at him with a mix of satisfaction and lust in your eyes.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Oh yeah? Well, I plan on proving just how dedicated I am to my studies.
As you continued to revel in the aftermath of your fucking, you couldn't help but feel a growing sense of excitement and anticipation building within you, excited by the idea of ​​taking things further and exploring new depths of your forbidden 'relationship' together.
Leon watched you collapse onto his cock with a mix of satisfaction and arousal, your pussy clenching around him as you rode him hard. He could feel the last remnants of his cum oozing from the base of his throbbing member as you bounced eagerly on top of him.
Hearing your declaration that you planned to continue pushing boundaries and studying your taboo relationship only served to ignite Leon's desire even more, fueling the fire of libido and temptation that burned between the two of you.
ㅤㅤ⸺ I look forward to seeing how far you're willing to go. ⸺ He said with a smile. ⸺ But, you are still my student. There are limits to how far we can take this in our 'private meetings'.
You nodded, understanding the parameters of your secret relationship and the need to maintain some level of restraint despite the intensity of his emotions and desires.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Yes, I know my place, but I want to learn how to please you and satisfy your needs, Leon Kennedy…
You leaned in to plant a tender kiss on his lips before resuming your pelvic thrusts, riding him faster now that you had both had a chance to catch your breath and recharge his arousal.
ㅤㅤ⸺ And speaking of needs… ⸺ you added teasingly. ⸺ I think it's time for you to cum again. Why don't you help me a little?
Leon laughed at your request, finding your determination and dedication to your illicit agreement as enticing as it was endearing. He admired the way you knew how to push his buttons and get exactly what you wanted from him.
As you rode him faster and faster, Leon's cock twitched involuntarily, signaling his new impending climax. With deep moans from both of them obscuring your ears.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ Shit… ⸺ he whispered between gasps for air. ⸺ You know how to handle yourself.
He raised one of his hands and gently caressed your hair without letting go of your ass with the other, spanking you again and bringing you closer so that your bodies were pressed together.
You felt his cock throb inside you, causing you to moan loudly and arch your back, enjoying the sensation that ran through your entire body due to the intense overstimulation of both of you. You could barely contain your excitement as you felt him filling you more and more with each passing second as he became completely hard again.
When he pulled your hair gently and moaned your name, you knew you were approaching another peak of pleasure for both of you. You increased your pace even more, sinking deeper into his placid, throbbing cock as you enjoyed the intense intimacy of the moment.
As you approached your climax, Leon grunted, feeling his balls contract and build up his thick load. The sound of your name spoken across his lips in passionate ecstasy only fueled his arousal, sending waves of pleasure through his body and making his cock throb even more intensely.
He guided your movements as you rode him harder and faster than ever. With each powerful contraction, Leon could feel his orgasm peaking, knowing that they were experiencing something truly special together.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ I'm going to fucking cum again… ⸺ he warned you, anxious and desperate. ⸺ Are you ready?
When he warned you that he was about to release, you increased the pace even more, sinking him into you with abandon and urgency. You could hear his panting voice echoing through the empty classroom, a primal mix of pleasure and need that seemed to amplify the intensity of the experience.
You looked at his eager face in anticipation, your eyes burning with passion and desire. You knew you were reaching the top, and you couldn't wait to feel all of his cum filling you once again.
His ready release poured into your aching pussy. You clenched your inner muscles all around his rigid cock, sucking it in tightly as you egged him on with a combination of words and sensual impulses.
Leon let out a low growl as he felt your tight pussy choke him like a vice, signaling that you were ready for him to unleash his final load. He gripped the side of your hips tightly and used his free hand to eagerly stimulate your clit, pushing you over the edge and into a state of fervent ecstasy.
With a throaty moan of pure pleasure, Leon released one last burst of cum deep within your trembling walls, filling you as you both experienced the most intense moments of your illicit approach yet. With the last spurts of cum shooting into your hungry pussy, he collapsed onto the desk, panting heavily and enjoying the aftermath of your mutual pleasure.
You moaned in pleasure as you felt Leon's final load filling you, causing a wave of euphoria to travel through every inch of your body. Your orgasmic screams echoed throughout the empty classroom, leaving no doubt about how much delight you had been sharing.
As he collapsed onto the desk, you continued to ride him with reckless abandon, milking his big throbbing cock for all it was worth until the last drop of cum had been released from his swollen sacs. Finally, coming down from your high, slowing your movements and sliding off his cock with a satisfied sigh and a soft 'pop' as you pulled it out of your stretched hole.
Still breathing hard, you looked back at Leon, your eyes still shining with lust and desire.
His breathing was irregular and uneven, his chest heaving as he tried to recover from the intensity of his last orgasm. Watching you finish, admiring the sight of your flushed face and your panting breath as you straddled his member, your arousal visible with the way your nipples hardened and the wetness between your thighs glistening in the light dim classroom.
You ran a hand through his sticky cum, feeling the heat radiating from his still throbbing cock as you stroked it gently.
ㅤㅤ⸺ That was something else… I don't think I've ever cummed so much before.
Slowly, you lowered yourself off his cock, allowing traces of his cum to drip from your entrance and run across the rosy lips of your pussy before finally pulling away from him completely.
Leon watched as you slid off his throbbing member, stopping his gaze at the burning sight of your slick lips and the beads of cum oozing out between them, staining your white stockings.
Your voice was breathy and seductive as you spoke.
ㅤㅤ⸺ It was amazing… You know how to make a girl feel good.
You bit your lip playfully, looking at him with a mix of desire and vulnerability.
ㅤㅤ⸺ And I think you might have broken some kind of record for the amount of semen you produced. ⸺ You said with a funny smile on your lips.
He chuckled at your comment about breaking records.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Well, I suppose I have my moments. ⸺ He admitted. ⸺ But honestly, being inside you felt so damn good that it was almost impossible not to cum like crazy.
He ran a few fingers through the stickiness of his cock and looked at you with a mix of amusement and lust in his eyes.
ㅤㅤ⸺ You know how to drive me horny. I hope you enjoyed it too.
You smiled widely at Leon's admission, your eyes shining with excitement and satisfaction. Take a moment to catch your breath before speaking again.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Hmm… I did. Being filled with your cum and feeling your cock inside me was… indescribable.
You walked to where you left your clothes lying on the floor and began to lift your skirt and fasten your bra in a somewhat absent-minded manner, still thinking about the intensity of the sensations you had shared.
ㅤㅤ⸺ And yes, you broke some kind of record or something. I'm pretty sure there was enough cum to flood this entire classroom. ⸺ You clarified playfully with mockery, looking at Leon over your shoulder as you adjusted your white socks.
Leon chuckled at your comment, running a hand through his messy hair and watching you gather the rest of your clothes to get dressed, remembering the way your tight pussy had sucked out every last drop of his essence. He could still feel the warmth and fullness running through his balls and cock, being a pleasant reminder of how much pleasure you had just experienced together.
His cock twitched slightly at the thought of having been inside your tight pussy just moments ago, but he forced himself to focus on getting dressed as well.
He gathered his discarded clothes and began putting them on, trying not to think too much about how much he wanted to bury himself inside your delicious pussy again. He put on his black jeans and tight black shirt, doing his best to hide the evidence of your recent activities.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Yeah, well… maybe next time I'll try to break another one. ⸺ He joked. ⸺ Maybe I'll give you so much semen that you spill it everywhere.
You finished dressing and turned to look at Leon as you finished buttoning your skirt, your tits still visible from not having fully buttoned your tight white shirt.
ㅤㅤ⸺ I wouldn't mind that at all. ⸺ You said with a malicious smile. ⸺ Being covered in your hot cum sounds like a fantasy come true.
You walked over to where he was and leaned next to him against the desk, close enough that your bodies were almost touching. With your skin still warm and sensitive from being filled with his thick cum, you couldn't help but feel aroused again just thinking about it.
ㅤㅤ⸺ So… Are we going to pretend that nothing happened? ⸺ you asked quietly. ⸺ Or should I expect you to try to fuck me again right here against your desk?
Leon laughed at your questions, your recent fuck had left you as hungry for more as he was. He reached out and brushed a strand of your hair away from your face, feeling a surge of desire in his gut at the thought of being able to fill you again soon.
ㅤㅤ⸺ I don't think I could resist fucking you right here if you're asking. ⸺ He admitted. ⸺ But I figured we should at least try to act like we weren't going to fuck right after class.
He pressed himself against you, resting his hands on your hips and looking deeply into your eyes as he spoke.
ㅤㅤ⸺ However, if you want me to take you to my apartment with me, I won't hesitate for a damn second.
You laughed at his bold offer, your heart pounding with excitement. The idea of ​​your perfect, exemplary teacher taking you to his apartment was both exciting and terrifying, but deep down you trusted him completely and would go wherever he took you.
You smiled excitedly, considering whether you should accept his invitation.
ㅤㅤ⸺ Alright then, Leon. I guess I'll be officially yours.
As you spoke, you placed a hand on top of his crotch, caressing his hardening member through his jeans and giving him a promising smile.
ㅤㅤ⸺ You can fuck me wherever you want. ⸺ You clarified as you slowly approached his lips and whispered sensually. ⸺ Your apartment, in public… I don't give a shit.
You finished speaking by sticking to his mouth, rejoicing your tongues with both warm saliva mixed, and caressing the package on his clothes lovingly. Playing against his lips as you press them against yours and drowning your short breaths of pure desire.
His cock twitched under your touch and bold words, feeling horny and needy as it throbbed against your hand. He could barely contain his desire to unload another load of hot cum inside your tight pussy, but he knew he had to maintain some semblance of control if he didn't want to get caught red-handed with his student.
ㅤ ㅤ ⸺ Well then, ⸺ he said with a smile, ⸺ let's go. I don't want to make you wait any longer.
He slid his hands down your lower back and began to guide you towards the door, putting aside any lingering doubts about what might happen once you arrived at his quarters. He knew he would be unable to resist taking advantage of your vulnerable state once you were alone.
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note. you are free to ask/request anything you want! my dms are open and you can submit your request in my bio, thank you! likes and reblogs are highly appreciated! xoxo ♡
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s3raphimssins · 4 days
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷pairings: mafia! dazai x civilian! reader (slight angst)
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷plot: oh our dear demon prodigy fell in love, I guess you could really say opposites attract but how would his miracle react to him when he's not himself?
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Felix's Note: AHH okay so this is based off a chat I had with his bot and it inspired me to write thisss so hope you like itt!!! Gender neutral reader as far as I've read! :D Have a great day/night! xoxo, mwah 🩷
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷warnings: slight gore (I mean it's mafia dazai guys) slight angst if you squint, a torture scene 😮‍💨 (interrogation) dazai calls the reader angel
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The demon prodigy, the notorious mafia executive, fallen in love with a mere civilian? He found it curious, he himself pondered over that question for hours when he was not thinking about ways to kill himself. Perhaps it was your innocence that drew him in? Perhaps it was the fact that your smile was so pure so genuine it intrigued him how you did so. Nevertheless you found yourself in his office swinging your legs as he slacked off of work.
He would spare you glances during his fit of rolling on the floor. You just started at him with a smile to which he felt if not a lot but a little at ease. "This so so boringgg, I've finished the game I was playing and I've tried to kill myself aswell there's nothing to doooo" He whines rolling on the floor. Key word tried to kill himself, you saw him and stopped him before he had a chance. You thought for a moment and said "well why don't you try working for a change". He was flabbergasted at that " How could you suggest something thats 10 times worse! Angel I thought you knew me better".
It was moments like these where you found it difficult to believe he was who the media portrays him as he shifted from rolling on the floor to clinging your leg complaining and whining about his job and how you were the best thing to happen to him. But of course you were quickly reminded of who he was as he heard a knock on his office door, he opened the door and someone said something that made his eyes shift to those of a traumatic child and a sadistic grin was plastered on his face. He turns around to you back to his normal self saying "I'll be back, don't try and kill yourself without me okay!" The duality of that guy and with that he left.
You had a lot to keep yourself busy with till the time he was gone but it had been 3 hours already and it had begun to get dark. You thought to go home but just wanted to inform Dazai incase he wanted to hop along, so you made your first mistake of the night, leaving his office. You roamed the headquarters earning a few condescending looks from the other members of the mafia, as they wondered who you were. Then a tall extremely well built guy approached you after noticing you looking for something and bent down to ask you "lost little fella? ". That was your que to get the heck out of the vicinity, so you just gave an awkward chuckle and ran off somewhere.
You stumbled across a room which you didn't bother reading the plaque of and opened it in hopes to ask about Dazais whereabouts. What you didn't expect is to see none other that Dazai himself. Only he was not Dazai. He was the demon prodigy who the media and the people spoke of. He stood in front of a man? At least you think it was a man, he was chained to the wall and he was alive? Hopefully because the condition he was in looked like he a corpse. Dazai held pliers in his hands, and the man let out an agonizing scream as your Dazai ripped one of his nails out with a sadistic smile. "So now, who do you work for? " He asked in a voice that was devoid of emotion.
Your breath got stuck in your thought as you felt paralyzed unable to move. He noticed the presence of someone else behind him as he looked behind to meet his gaze with you only you searched for him in his eyes but he wasn't there. All he said was a simple "get out" And you left the room. Your thoughts were getting louder and louder, as you thought of the scene you had just witnessed, you should've known what you'd be getting yourself into when he told you about his job, and when you agreed to stay with him despite that, but still what you witnessed took a huge toll on you and you couldn't get the picture of that man off your mind. You ran into his office trying to grab your stuff but your hands trembled and your legs wobbled, you plopped down on the couch immediately trying to calm your nerves.
In the meantime as you were trying to your face in your arms hidden in your legs as you tried to collect your thoughts you felt the cushion beside you dip down. You snapped your head up to see non other than Dazai himself tho he no longer had that look in his eyes. "You weren't supposed to see me like that" Was all he said as he avoided your gaze. You looked at him as your breathing regulated and your trembling hands became stable. After a moment of silence you cupped his face in one of your hands to bring him to look at you, you looked in his eyes, they were different than before, they were the same adoring eyes he would always look at you with. You sighed and before you could day anything he spoke "I'm sorry, if you want to leave you can, I won't stop you, I am unworthy of anyones love especially yours, you should live a normal life and not get involved with someone like me".
Why was he saying this, of course you knew about his struggles with love but deep down he really needed it, but all those boundaries that you with so much efforts broke down were starting to build up again and you couldn't have that. "They could never make me hate you Zai" You said softly assuring him "I was just... Taken aback with the scene unfolding infront of me, I was the one who agreed to stay by your side even after you constantly told me not to, I can't just throw that away not can I? " You said and with all your strength you smiled, the same smiled which he melted seeing. He didn't do it but you could tell by the look on his eyes he wanted to hug you, to assure himself that you were right there with him and you didn't disappear like everyone did. So you wrapped your arms around him carefully and for a minute he just stayed like that until his tense shoulders dropped and he hugged you back tightly afraid of letting go.
"Just remember... No matter what you become or what you have to do, I will always adore you" You said assuring him, knowing he how conflicted he was feeling inside. And Dazai himself would never admit it but for the first time a genuine soft smile came on his face as he spoke "im so glad to have met you... My precious miracle"
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 8 months
The Duality of Simon (or the Importance of Marcy)
Travel back to the early 2010s, when Adventure Time was still a fairly new thing. The fandom was growing, the theories were flowing. We've had confirmation that Ooo is in fact a post appcalyptic world. And then we get:
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Here was living, breathing proof of the intersection between Ooo and our world. Simon Petrikov was a literal connection to the past, and moreover one of the ways Adventure Time really began to develop its inner tragedies.
But honestly, as sad as the Idea of Simon Petrikov was - it remained that he was a relic, an inert tragedy that was a connection to the past, but not necessarily connected to the future.
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You can mourn the losses of ages past. But it won't necessarily move you to act. Because there's nothing to compel you. You can stand to gain something but it's more important that you don't lose anything by keeping the status quo. In short, there weren't any stakes.
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No, not those kind of Stakes... Well... maybe a little
So, bear in mind, Betty won't make her debut until two seasons after "Holly Jolly Secrets". To us, she was a non-entity. Simon's grief over her loss was for the audience, a mostly intellectual exercise. How sad for this poor cursed man to lose the woman he loved - replacing all proper nouns with common nouns because we didn't know Simon either. But his situation is clearly sad, just in a general, unspecific way. Because again, there's nothing at stake here.
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Marcy drives thoses stakes up (and into our hearts). Suddenly, Simon becomes Very Very Real because we know Marcy. We've hung out with her for at least five seasons now leading up to the game changing "I Remember You".
By connecting Marcy to this Simon, suddenly we had something to lose - suddenly we already lost something. Marcy gave Simon's curse weight - dimension - texture - rendering it very real instead of a mere intellectual tragedy. Simon matters because he matters to someone here and now, because someone was still crying over him. And we love Marcy. We don't want her to cry.
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It was through the Marcy and Simon relationship that we came to learn of and love Simon. Betty came later. Betty came after. We already loved Simon by then so learning of his love story was just building on that love. Naturally, being invested in the Simon and Betty relationship without prior connection to Simon is possible. But the fact that he was already established and endeared to the audience goes a way into investing in the Simon and Betty relationship.
So we get to Fionna and Cake.
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We get exactly one scene with the Marcy we know and love. And Simon isn't even in the same room as her.
And the show is fully justified in doing so because Fionna and Cake was a series about Simon and Betty. And Simon and Marcy have little to do with that A story (the love plotline). Even if the B story (the recovery plotline) does pay homage to Simon and Marcy by showing Simon that he does have value, the homage amounts to only a few scenes (maybe cumulatively three minutes of screen time) in the whole series.
However, Simon and Marcy's relationship wasn't just to show that Simon is an integral component to the way Ooo came to be, and his impact on the people he loves. Simon and Marcy's relationship is integral to how we came to love Simon - against all odds and all tenets of common sense, a man that was slowly warped by madness chose to take care of a completely unknown little girl that he found in the wreckage of the world.
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The problem here is that Marcy's Simon and Betty's Simon never got to meet in the middle. A lot of this is rooted in the original Adventure Time series where Betty and Marceline never speak more than ten words to each other.
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Literally the only time they share the screen (and no I'm not counting Betty bot in Broke his Crown)
Which is BANANAS considering they are literally the two most important people in Simon's life.
And listen, again, by Fionna and Cake, we are invested in Simon and Betty, especially after what she did during the finale. We want to know about them.
And again, the Fionna and Cake series is well and wholly complete without ever having Simon and Marcy talk.
But it leaves a little ache. Because again, the first opportunity to truly love and connect with Simon came through Simon and Marcy. And we never really know how they get on now that they're back together. We seriously have maybe 10 lines of conversation between them since the finale and this includes Obsidian.
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Literally, he says hi to Marcy twice and that's it. Very meaningful conversation.
Aaaand there's also the supreme irony where in one relationship, Simon never gets a chance to contribute equally, and in his other relationship, Simon wore himself down to nubs giving all that he had. But this duality within Simon is never really connected. There is a throughline here, his impulse for self sacrifice shares a root for his self centered perspective that blinded him to Betty's self effacing habits.
Now here's the thing, Fionna and Cake also built its conflict around Simon's identity and his self worth, etc. Yet it doesn't really contend with all that Simon has done without Betty, and before Ice King. By centering the narrative on only how he was with Betty (both pre and post Mushroom War), we get very little foundation laid out for what he could do after he says goodbye to her.
And this isn't a mistake because again, the series stands on its own just fine. The story works without it because at least that central relationship of Simon and Betty is fully established. But it does come at the cost of a missed opportunity to fully explore the cause of Simon's myopia, or how living through an apocalypse could reinforce that myopia because Simon keeps romanticizing "when his life was great".
Finally, the other downside is that Fionna and Cake stands on its own, maybe a little too much. It's still based on the characters of Adventure Time, building on the love for the original show. So it would have been a crowd pleaser, shall we say some fan service, to get more of what the original show worked hard to make us love.
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rawmeknockout · 5 months
pls can I get a lonely cassette!reader being taken in by soundwave???? i need that man carnally and i need to be inside his boobs even more 💥💥💥
The city is burning. It's been on fire for days, the skyline you loved nothing but smoke and ash, and there is no relief in sight. Metal melting into itself and the surroundings, buildings merged together, until it looks like a great beast crying in agony. Fighting to pull itself out from it's own destruction. Your cassette-player is among those trapped under the rubble, squeezed beneath concrete and metal. Perhaps it's fortunate, then, that you know he's dead. You were his only companion, and now you're alone. It gives you comfort knowing he's not the one in your place.
There is no one coming to save you. The Decepticons and Autobots have torn Cybertron apart, your home just collateral among the list of casualties. It had filled you with rage when you saw the way they would cast anything in the way to achieve victory, but your anger is hollow now. You're not even sure you can feel anything at all. All you can think about is where you will find energon next.
There are no more relief stations near you, no more safe encampments that can take you in. All neutral parties, all crisis servants, have been pushed to the very edges of Cybertron where there is still just a bit of energon to mine. It wouldn't matter if you could get to them, anyway. Most have picked their side and will push recruitment if you come looking for aid, ensuring you will be safe if only you will be their fodder.
And you can't leave your home. Even when it is unrecognizable, the bright city lights long since blown out. This is where you want to be, the only place for you. You slowly duck and trudge between buildings, dirt settling in your joints and making the ache of your frame worse. You scan for any sign of energy, a leak of oil even, but it is bare here.
So lost in your HUD, you don't hear the clink of pedes on concrete, the glitching of your processor getting worse and more obstructive by the cycle. You try tapping at settings on your helm, but the static clears minimally. A giant blue mech stands in front of you when your vision clears of errors. You jump back, stumbling over your pedes to stay upright, and lean back to take in the intimidating bot before you.
His face is covered and his visor is red. So red against the white and blue of his paintjob. The blue gleams beautifully under the muffled sunlight, just barely able to break through the ash covering the sky. He must be important, or was. You could have never afforded a polish so uniform and bright. His chest is a window into a docked and rather comfortable looking cassette. You could laugh from how fortuitous this oasis is.
The purple of his insignia almost misses your awareness, but it is an ugly symbol and it hurts your optics to look upon it. You should be angry, but there is nothing. Perhaps this meeting is Primus' mercy, no matter how cold.
The large mech kneels in front of you, his helm still looming above your own, as his servo comes to rub dirt away from your faceplate. You don't shy away, despite the true dirtiness being in his allegiance. It's nice to feel a friendly touch. You eye his tapedeck enviously, like you want to rip the mech out of there and settle in its place. It's a horrible feeling that leaves a pit of shame in your tank. The fear and grief has turned you into an animal hungry for any sign of salvation.
The intimidating mech pulls from his subspace a wrapped packet: energon rations. Meager and half-eaten, it wouldn't be the best you've ever tasted, but you're grateful for the pity. It's hardly two bites before you're done. Despite the quality, it's the sweetest energon that's ever touched your glossa. Lubricant tracks down your cheekplates.
And despite it all, you want to live. A feeling that builds in your chassis and sings in your spark. You want to live, you want to leave this place. You don't care what you have to do. All you want is to tear free of the rubble and rip yourself from the metal melting down around you.
"Inquiry: Free to dock?" You grasp the opportunity with firm servos.
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