#Death in the family
There are so many tragedies that come into play with Jason's death. From being doomed from the beginning by the writer, to how it happened, to no one ever finding out the truth about Sheila.
But the aspect I want to focus on is his funeral.
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There were only four people attending.
Bruce, Alfred, Jim and Barbara.
This is sad in and of itself, especially considering that Bruce hadn't even contacted Dick so he wasn't there either.
But also because usually superhero funerals are big. The community comes together.
During Superman's funeral, the Justice League were carrying his casket. When Spider-Man died in the Ultimate universe, the entire church was full, with even J. Jonah Jameson attending to pay his honours.
But I think one of the best examples to compare this to is the death of Bart Allen, aka Impulse aka Kid Flash
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The funeral is in a stadium. All the ranks are full, as shown in the background.
Bart was never meant to be long term, because the plan was always to bring Barry back. Bart was supposed to bridge that gap. Then sales tanked and they chose to kill him off sooner.
He was beaten to death by the Rogues.
So you have the doomed from the beginning aspect, they were both children when they were murdered, they were both in hero outfit and were both killed by a rogue/villain. And yet, Bart got this treatment of being recognised and honored by the hero community while Jason didn't. No big speech, no people coming up, telling tales or paying their last respects.
Just Bruce, Alfred, Jim and Barbara.
And you could make the argument "Oh, but Central City and Keystone love the Flash! They have a Flash museum! Even a Flash Day, honoring the Flash!"
But Gotham is also proud of having Batman. That's their protector, and Robin has been by his side for almost just as long.
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The Parallels of Jason Meeting Batman and Dying at the Hands of the Joker
There's a beautiful sort of irony that the Joker nearly beat Jason to death with a crowbar, a tool notriously used to rob cars.
The birth of the second Robin was with a tire iron, and his end was with a crowbar.
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In the very first comic to introduce Jason robbing the Batmobile parked in Crime Alley, Batman sees this and laughs — because the balls on this kid. Jason made Batman laugh, in Crime Alley, on the anniversary of his parents' death.
The birth of the second Robin started with Batman's laugh, and his end was with the Joker's laugh.
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one-bat-day · 2 days
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Okay I very much do not like the timeline of this comic (there’s a reason anti-RHATO is a tag on here) because what is this timeline and why is he so twinky
But okay. Jason in this image is supposedly a year and a half before his coming out as Red Hood, BEFORE he was killed by the Joker. But assuming he was supposed to be 16 when he was killed, does that make Jason like under 18 in RHATO? Or did they decide to change the age he died to make him 18-20s in the comic itself??
I hate trying to figure out comic ages and timelines they never line up because the authors don’t actually plan anything with each other unless it matters to the overarching plot of dc
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There’s an alternate universe where Jason Todd got killed via tumblr poll where only like 20 people actually voted on whether or not to kill him and the other 20,000 voted the vanilla extract option
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cardinalcheerio · 3 months
Half the time I'm like, "can we have jason todd media not all about his death"?
Then I realize. If I died I would never shut up about it.
"Can you get up and grab that for me?"- absolutely not. My legs are tired from death.
"Will you go to the store with me?"- leaving the house?!? What if I die AGAIN.
So yeah, anyone who thinks jason talks about his death too much. Be honest. We'd all do the exact same thing.
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beechfruit · 2 months
So in my class we name our glue sticks to stop the kids losing or mistreating them - they're much less likely to lose a glue lid if you're shouting "oh no, Alfred's been decapitated". It's fun.
Now, I'm a big batfam girlie ✨ so naturally I named all our glues after these characters. We have Richard and Bruce and Stephanie and Barbara etc. you see the point.
Recently, the first glue stick ran out. It had to go in the bin so unfortunately it "died", and you'll never guess which glue stick was the first to die...
It was Jason.
You could not conceive the sound I made as I had to throw Jason in the bin as all the children shouted things like "Jason's dead" and "noooo Jason!"
Worst things worse, I couldn't even explain how ironic that was that Jason, the second robin, was the first glue to go!
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*Jason is casually searching around the room*
Dick: Hey Jason, what’re you looking for?
Jason: My will to live.
*Y/N walks into the room*
Jason: Oh, there it is.
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horsechestnut · 9 months
The dichotomy between Jason dying because he disobeyed Batman and Stephanie dying specifically because she was trying to follow his rules is so good, and yet so under utilized.
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mr-potatoesssss · 3 months
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wwprice1 · 7 months
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Keith Browning absolutely nailing today’s Batober theme of Heartbreak.
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Maybe a writer who has to be forced to include Robin in his Batman run shouldn't write Batman comics.
Maybe a writer who says "Well, I always thought that the whole idea of a kid side-kick was sheer insanity. So when I started writing Batman, I immediately started lobbying to kill off Robin" aka a child, should not write Batman
Maybe a writer who, when asked which character to kill of due to AIDS, suggests Robin, A CHILD, multiple times, shouldn't write Batman.
Maybe they shouldn't write comics at all for that matter.
This post is about Jim Starlin and things he has said or done
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 month
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jeena-says-hi · 1 month
Dick canonically drinks boba tea
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ky-landfill · 3 months
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sadiewayne · 1 month
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full panel under the cut
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