#Each one teach one
steadyowlvision · 9 months
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A Lightworkers Creed
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cinamun · 10 months
Anon earlier. I wasn’t trying to be insulting. I am white and trying to correct my ignorance. I’m sorry if I offended anyone.
No, you're good! I'm glad you asked! I was pretty simple with my own response to you and didn't want to get too deep but one thing about my mutuals? They gon' teach a class in the replies baby! No offence taken!
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ascendedunicorn · 1 year
Watch "Each One, Teach One" on YouTube
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trolledu · 3 months
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There's this saying: 'Each one teach one', but I teach tons, so maybe it should be 'Each one teach a ton'.
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xtrablak674 · 11 months
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But Is It Vanity?
[This is my job right here, to get the children to think about the things they say and the assumptions they make. And to do it in a way that isn't humiliating, shameful or generally off-putting. I do think its the one quality as an Uncle, Titi, Titi or not-parent that I am very good at, if I do say so myself.]
M: You have a high opinion of yourself and your appearance. That is a big sign of vanity, especially your worth. Vanity refers to appearance, opinion and self worth. You have large amounts of pride in all of those. Dressing nice isn’t a sign of vanity, talking about it and showing it off is.
A person that dresses like you but doesn’t take photos or never brings it up would not be considered vain. Your extensive photos can count as showing off. It’s not a bad thing to be vain. You have a high opinion of yourself. Good for you, be confident!
T: Buenos tardes sobrino, you're analysis is very curious to me, because I'm un-partnered, all my parents are dead, and I don't have children of my own. So, who is necessarily supposed to document my existence, or the fact that I was even here? Now do I share photos with maybe less than six people, its probably like five, yes I do.
Let me tell you where I don't share photos anymore, not on Facebook, I shut that down. I've used Instagram stories to post my different looks in the past, but I'm not doing that anymore. I'm not really here to perform for folks or allow them to live vicariously through me. #LiveYourOwnLife
I dress nicely because I like to look nice, I could actually go without sharing the photos because I'm documenting myself primarily for myself, because at the end of the day I don't think anyone really cares.
If there's no documentation, did it really happen? Did I exist, did I leave a mark, did my life have value? Is thats self-absorbed, or vain, or full of myself, to want to be remembered or recalled, or is that human?
M: I don’t view you as self absorbed or anything nasty like that. You’re handsome and you’re happy with that, which I think is awesome. I’m sorry if I came off as rude, to myself the term vain isn’t something negative, as so I just viewed it as a trait like any other. The documentation of yourself is fair, at the end of the day I know very little of whom you communicate with or what so I could only comment on how it came off from my perspective.
T: Which is fair.
I used to broadcast wider, but that no longer felt authentic, many of those folks couldn't care less if I took another breath. And those who were vicariously living through my life were also leeches in my opinion, so I cut them off. Now I share with less than five folks, those rare moments when I actually leave the house.
I also share with my microblog, with its three followers, which will be my personal eulogy about my life in my own words after I am gone, well for as long as Tumblr is online which may be less than ten years, you never know.
I remember being jealous of this girlfriend who always had photographers around her documenting her life and accomplishments and I said to myself, I will be my own historian documenting my own life, because no one else is. No one may ultimately look or care, but maybe one image may survive beyond me, and maybe it will bring a smile to someone, or inspire them to become their own fashion icon.
I am a pariah in my life, the last one left behind with few still alive who are even concerned about my well-being. Documenting good moments is a way to say, hey I still matter, and I have something to offer even if no one is partaking. I find happiness in the unadulterated celebration of myself. #💌
M: That was really well written. Thank you for sharing that with me Titi❤️
Sometimes the young people forget that their elders have as much below the surface life as they do, we are full human beings with depth, doubts and concerns about our mortality. Approaching the challenge with love is all we can do in reminding them or teaching them who we are.
[Photo by Brown Estate]
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9misoundsystem · 1 year
Nina Girassóis, Marina P, Moistune - Each One Teach One
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vinayaky · 1 year
Lord Ram was the master of Witchcraft!!
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bees-pees · 4 months
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this is all snufmin related i am so sorry
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stedesbonnets · 1 year
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I'm your captain, and I demand respect!
- Oh boy.
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steadyowlvision · 2 years
¡ F R O D Y N A S T Y !
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djarin · 1 year
the way they both sidled up to each other. the way they kissed under the moonlight. the way they set and respected each other's boundaries. the hand holding, the thumb war, the gentle smile, the "you won." this is the queer representation i needed. queer people being unapologetically queer in all the gentle, sweet ways we know.
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saltpepperbeard · 11 months
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fully losing it over these frames from the beach kiss btw
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 84
Amity Park absolutely adores her little ghostling, her little Gatekeeper who was of her own ectoplasm, reborn from her own blood in the center of her new heart. She absolutely adores her baby, practically a newborn, being only a year dead! 
So of course she had to gush and boast about her little phantom to the other city spirits! They all got together to gossip sometimes after all. And both Smallville and Fawcett started to gush about their own little ones back! 
Gosh they should set up a playdate at some point, her little phantom could use some friends in the mortal realm. Well some more friends, three is obviously not enough. Oh, Gotham and Bludhaven have come over as well! It’s a playdate then! 
Now if only each of their world’s timelines were synced up, but at least everyone is around the same age! 
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iridiss · 1 month
Mystreet AU where all of the Phoenix Drop High staff are the divine warriors. MCD!Aphmau is a reincarnation of the last Irene, and she restarted the world when the final battle against Shad was going poorly, and Mystreet was created instead, with MCD!Aphmau being reincarnated into Mystreet!Aphmau. The other Divine Warriors (including the first Irene), were recycled into this school with no powers and new lives, completely powerless to the universal change that Aphmau has made. So now they’re forced to adapt to this new world and blend in, whether they like it or not, effectively trapped in this school until they can figure out what the hell happened, and somehow undo it. They all have retained most or all of their memories from their previous life. This makes staff meetings incredibly awkward
Shad is the principal, he runs this school very begrudgingly. He hates his job, but hey, he was able to lead an army in Hell! How much harder can leading highschoolers be?
Irene is the school counselor. The only one. She still has no emotions. This makes her not very successful at her job, but hey, she tries. The students are theorizing that she and the principal are divorced, or exes in some way or another, because of the incredibly grudge-filled looks they keep giving each other. They are forced to work in vague proximity with one another, and no one is enjoying it. They have to maintain workplace diplomacy and after learning what kind of world Shad is trapped in now, he realizes that he can’t actually kill her unless he wants to be arrested and thrown in jail forever. Which would suck ass, because he’s pretty certain the source of their new predicament is somewhere in this school alongside them, and if he wants any luck at getting out, he’s going to have to play along.
Irene and Shad are at least able to remain thinly diplomatic with one another. Shad and Esmund, however—never in a million years will they be civil with one another. They have gotten in very confusing shouting matches in front of the kids before. And yet Esmund never gets fired, (…i don’t think Shad has figured out that he can do that yet…) so the kids start to spread rumors that Esmund is hooking up with or used to be hooking up with the principal. Esmund and Shad find out, and all of the students get in ungodly amounts of trouble for this.
Enki tried to reconnect with his old friend Shad at some point. It didn’t go well. He left his office as quickly as he came in at the first sight of his glare.
It becomes surprisingly easy (and very existential crisis-inducing) to finally be able to tell Aphmau and Irene apart when they’re two entirely separate people standing in the same room. Shad realizes that this Aphmau is probably what caused this, but problem 1. She doesn’t remember a damn thing and is therefore extremely unhelpful, and problem 2. That’s A Child. That’s A Literal Actual Child. That’s some 13yo baby that is entirely innocent and bright-eyed and oblivious to anything and everything that went down in her past lives. And in my mind, Shad has a soft spot for children. Like, a HUGE soft spot, because he used to be a father and his daughter meant the world to him. He’d do anything to get her back and protect her from all the horrors that he could not save her from. Thats his entire villain motivation. Thats the entire reason why he hates Irene and becomes The Shadow Lord and raises an army and pillages the world and everything else. The Shad in my head would be physically incapable of hurting a child.
So I can see Shad calling Aphmau into his office very early in the first semester, ready to confront her and duel all over again…only to realize that, no, this is an separate, innocent child who remembers nothing and might even be an entirely different reincarnation of who she was before. Her memories might even be wiped, completely inaccessible and gone forever. He has an existential crisis, awkwardly apologizes and plays it off as some sort of joke, asks if she needs anything (putting back on his “I’m a normal human being” mask). She says she needs directions to her classes, so he scrounges up a random map and hands it to her and sends her off. He re-evaluates everything he’s known for the past 900 years.
Shad becoming strangely protective of 13yo Aphmau,,, this is just some kid,, he’s forced to re-evaluate everything and adjusts how he sees his students. From “oh good a new army I’m gonna have to mold from scratch /sarc” to “i…i have gone from zero children…to thousands…. thousands of children put under my care…i need to protect all of them at once” man goes mega mother hen mode, especially since his dangerous traitorous ex-wife is in the same building as them, he definitely sees her and the other divine warriors as threats to his kids.
Irene bringing Aphmau into her office as well, but she approaches things very differently from Shad. She cuts straight to the chase, and tells Aphmau she needs to remember. She’s done something terrible, and needs to reverse it and put the world back in order. She needs to remember her old life and become the newest Irene, take on all the power and the responsibility that being a Goddess entails, and set everything right. 13yo Aphmau freaks out, confused and lost. Irene lays the pressure on hard, and keeps pushing when Aphmau insists that she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Shad opens the door, sensing she was here with her, and looks like he’s doing everything in his power to hold himself back from punching her square in the face. They have a very terse, carefully worded micro-argument, and Shad insists Aphmau must return to her classes, her education is more important than anything Irene has to stay to her. He gets very protective of her and basically professional-business-talk tells her to fuck right off and never speak to her again. Aphmau is still confused. He ushers her out, and awkwardly asks if she’s alright. She says…i…think…so???? What just happened??? Shad tells her to be careful around that woman, and don’t believe a word she says. She’s full of lies, anyway. Aphmau’s like. you mean the school counselor???????? It’s a very strange day for Aphmau.
insert the kids joking about how Garroth/travis/aaron/Aphmau must be related to certain members of the staff here
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its-a-beautful-day · 7 months
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In memory of Kaiju and as a gift to @kaijutegu
I wanted to represent tumblr's favorite lizard with her favorite food and the smile we'll remember her by 💖
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