#Efficient Searching Skills
dreadark · 2 years
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guy who loves exploding stuff
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cubicalone · 1 year
X-Ray Search Like a Pro: 5 Tips to Navigate the Web with Precision
In the vast expanse of the internet, finding specific information quickly and efficiently can be a daunting task. Regular Google searches often inundate us with a flood of results, making it challenging to pinpoint the exact data we need. However, fear not! There’s a powerful tool at your disposal – Google X-ray Search. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the ins and outs of…
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baelarys · 2 months
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Aemond targaryen x Reader wife Velaryon
Word count: 1779
Warning: Fluff
Pt2 pt3 pt4
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"Mommy! Vaera has my dress," little Vaerys complained, clinging to your skirt with the determination of someone seeking justice in her small, childish world.
"That's not true," Vaera retorted, her tone indignant, her voice reflecting the restlessness she also showed in her constant fidgeting as you tried to braid her hair.
"Vaera, stay still," you ordered her softly but firmly, your skilled hands deftly moving through her golden locks. Despite her agitation, your skill did not waver, and soon an impeccable braid began to form.
"Sweetheart, what you're wearing is very pretty too," you tried to negotiate with the little platinum-haired girl who was still clutching your dress.
"But I want it to be pink," insisted Vaerys, her lower lip trembling in a pout you knew all too well.
You sighed, knowing there would be no peace until the little one's wishes were fulfilled. "Alright," you relented, gesturing to one of your ladies-in-waiting. She hurried to tend to the twins, swapping their dresses with the efficiency born of routine. Meanwhile, your hands briefly rested on your swollen belly, caressing it with deep, protective love.
The sound of the doors opening behind you interrupted the moment, and you turned just in time to see Aerion, your only son, standing in the doorway. "Mommy," he called softly, almost hesitantly.
A gasp escaped your lips at the sight of your son. Your hands flew to your mouth, trying to contain the shock. The beautiful platinum and golden hair that used to fall in soft waves to Aerion's shoulders had disappeared, crudely cut. His face was smeared with smoke and dirt, as if he had been in the midst of a battle.
“Aerion, for the love of the gods, what happened?” you exclaimed, crossing the distance between you in an instant. You took your son by the shoulders, examining his face with concern as you searched for answers in his eyes.
One of the knights who had escorted Aerion to the room remained silent, his gaze fixed on the floor as if the shame was a weight he could not bear.
“What happened?” you insisted, your voice firm, seeking answers in the knight’s face.
The knight cleared his throat before responding, his voice full of a mixture of respect and concern. “Prince Aerion decided to escape from his training and ventured into the pit where Vhagar and Silverwing rest. We managed to pull him out of there before the dragon’s fire consumed him, but his hair caught fire in the process, and the maester decided to cut it to prevent further damage.”
He finished speaking with his gaze once again fixed on the ground, as if each word added more weight to his shoulders.
Before you could respond, Aerion quickly intervened, noticing the displeasure forming on your face. “But the maester said it will grow back!” he exclaimed with the desperation of a child seeking absolution, his large, anxious eyes searching yours.
You gestured for the guard to leave, and he obeyed with a bow before exiting the room. Then, you pressed your lips together, trying to stay calm as a storm of fear and anger swirled within you. The danger Aerion had exposed himself to was no small matter; the fact that he had emerged practically unscathed was a miracle. However, his recklessness could not be ignored or overlooked.
You took Aerion’s face in your hands, gently wiping the dirt from his cheeks, your gaze firm and worried. “Aerion,” you began, trying not to let your voice tremble with emotion, “we’ve talked about this before. Dragons are not pets. You cannot approach them as if they were dogs.”
“But I just wanted to see them,” your son responded in a whisper, his eyes fixed on the ground. Guilt weighed in his voice, and yet there was still a trace of his childish stubbornness. “I’m sorry, really,” he added, stepping forward and wrapping his small arms around your waist, seeking comfort and perhaps a way to avoid the punishment he feared.
You sighed, feeling the warmth of his embrace, but not letting it distract you from what needed to be said. “I know, my love, and I believe you. But you must understand that you cannot do this again. Dragons are powerful and dangerous creatures. I don’t want to lose you to a mistake.” With tenderness, you tilted your head and placed a gentle kiss on his head.
With the same softness, you pulled away slightly from him. “Now, go clean yourself up,” you ordered in a tone that left little room for objections.
One of your ladies-in-waiting approached and took Aerion’s hand with the usual deference, guiding him to the bath to prepare him for cleaning. As you watched them leave, you let out a slight groan of pain as you felt the baby in your womb give small kicks, reminding you of their presence with an energy that could not be ignored.
The door opened again, and as you looked up, you saw your husband, Aemond, who gave you a warm smile upon seeing you. There was a familiarity and affection in his gaze that always managed to calm your spirit. Carefully, he placed his sword on the table before approaching you, his presence filling the room with a tranquility only he could offer.
“Daddy!” Vaerys exclaimed with excitement, breaking the brief moment of silence. Without hesitation, the little girl jumped into her father’s arms, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck with the absolute confidence of a child who knows they will always be received with love.
Aemond lifted her effortlessly, holding her against his chest as his face softened even more. “And how is my little warrior today?” he asked playfully, as Vaerys laughed, delighted by her father’s attention.
Meanwhile, Vaera, who had remained silent, looked at her sister with bright eyes, waiting her turn to be hugged. With a gesture that showed Aemond’s natural skill in handling the dynamics between his children, he extended his other arm to draw Vaera to his side as well.
“Look at my dress,” Vaerys exclaimed, raising her arms to proudly show off her pink dress, waiting for her father's approval.
Aemond, always attentive to the details that mattered to his daughters, smiled and nodded appreciatively. “It’s a beautiful dress, Vaerys,” he commented with warmth that made the little girl’s eyes shine.
Not wanting to be left out, Vaera quickly interjected, spreading the folds of her own dress. “Look at mine too!” she proclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of enthusiasm and expectation.
Aemond placed a loving kiss on Vaerys’s cheek, then another on Vaera’s cheek, making sure both felt his affection equally. The twins, satisfied with their father’s attention, moved away with playful laughter, their pink dresses fluttering as they disappeared into their own world of games and giggles.
Your husband approached you with a tenderness he only showed during the most intimate moments. Gently, he placed his hand on your swollen belly, caressing it with the same devotion he showed each day, as if already attuned to the new family member who was about to arrive.
“You look worried,” he murmured, his voice filled with concern as he pressed his forehead against yours, a gesture you shared when seeking comfort in each other’s closeness. “What’s wrong?”
The warmth of his skin and the familiarity of his touch reassured you, but the emotions you had been holding back began to surface. You closed your eyes for a moment, letting his presence calm your thoughts before you responded.
“It’s Aerion,” you confessed in a whisper, feeling the worry still weighing on your heart. “Today, he ran off and got too close to Vhagar and Silverwing. He almost… I can’t bear to think about what could have happened.”
“He’s a brave boy,” Aemond said, his voice soft but with the firmness of someone who understands the complex nature of his son. “I’ll talk to him.”
You nodded, knowing that Aemond, with his patience and wisdom, was the best person to guide Aerion in these moments. As the weight of your worry began to lift, you allowed yourself a moment of vulnerability, resting your head against Aemond’s chest. The steady beat of his heart beneath your ear was a reassuring reminder of the strength and stability you always found in him.
Sensing your need for closeness, Aemond wrapped you in a warm embrace, his arms surrounding you with a tenderness that always surprised you, contrasting with his usual sternness. In that moment, the outside world, with all its worries and challenges, seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you, connected in a silence full of understanding.
“You need to relax,” Aemond murmured, his voice caressing the air as gently as his hand moved up and down your back. The gesture was comforting, almost hypnotic, as if he wanted to erase the accumulated tension from every muscle in your body, leading you to a state of deep calm.
The warmth of his touch and the firmness with which he held you sent a wave of tranquility through you. You rested your head against his chest, letting yourself be carried by the steady rhythm of his breathing, which slowly synchronized with yours. You could feel his strength and protection enveloping you, offering you a refuge where you could rest without reservations.
“I’m here,” Aemond continued, his voice low, almost a whisper, resonating in your ear like an unbreakable promise. “You don’t have to carry all this weight alone. Together, we can handle anything.”
His words, laden with a love that didn’t need to be expressed with grand gestures, comforted you in a way that few things could. It was a reminder that, despite everything you faced, you weren’t alone in this journey. Aemond was by your side, sharing not only the joys but also the burdens that life imposed on you.
You felt his fingers tracing gentle circles on your back, a simple gesture that spoke of his desire to see you relaxed and at peace. Each caress seemed to take away a bit of the tension you had accumulated, and in response, you held onto him a little tighter, letting his presence envelop you completely.
“Thank you,” you murmured, barely a whisper, but enough for him to hear. You lifted your gaze to meet his eyes, those eyes that always offered you the certainty that, no matter what came your way, you would face it together.
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girlrotterr · 12 days
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knight!abby x fem!reader x assasin!ellie summary: In a kingdom on the brink of new leadership, tensions run high as a coronation draws near. a/n: my apologies if this is all over the place! (wrote this while sleep-deprived..)
The grand hall of the palace was draped in regal tapestries, each one heavy with stories of past rulers, their deep, rich colors glowing under the soft light of chandeliers that hung like constellations above. The crystal fixtures sparkled like stars, casting delicate rays that danced along the polished marble floors. The fragrance of fresh roses filled the room, mingling with the sharp scent of recently cleaned stone, yet you barely noticed the elegance, your thoughts too distant to care.
You stood before the large, arched window, the panes of glass cool against your fingertips. Outside, the sun sank slowly, painting the kingdom in golden light that blended into the soft hues of amber and rose. The sky, streaked with the dying colors of the day, was beautiful—achingly so—but it felt distant. Just like everything else.
Your face remained impassive, cold, as you gazed across the horizon. Today was the day of your coronation, the day you would become queen. Yet the weight of the moment, its significance, felt strangely hollow. The echoes of excitement from the kingdom beyond the palace walls barely reached you. The crowd outside, buzzing with anticipation, their voices and footfalls merging into a dull roar, seemed as distant as the horizon itself. You were aware of the world outside, but none of it felt real.
Two maids worked around you in practiced silence, their hands quick, delicate, and efficient. One was at your side, fastening gold earrings into place, each one set with gemstones that glinted under the light. Her movements were precise, careful, though you barely registered the cool metal brushing your skin. The other maid stood behind, her fingers weaving through your hair, creating an intricate design worthy of the crown that would soon rest upon your head. They were skillful, and yet, their presence barely existed in your mind, your thoughts far beyond this room, slipping through the palace corridors like a shadow.
The maid by your side fumbled slightly as she fastened the last earring, her fingers trembling as they touched your neck. You didn’t flinch. You barely blinked. But you could sense her nervousness, feel the tension rolling off her in waves. Perhaps it was the gravity of the day, the immense pressure of serving the soon-to-be queen. 
Behind you, standing just inside the doorway, was Abby Anderson—your most trusted knight, your oldest friend. Her armor gleamed in the chandelier’s soft light, the metal polished to a mirror-like shine, each plate a testament to her dedication and discipline. But Abby wasn’t watching the door or the crowd beyond the palace gates. Her focus was solely on you. It always was.
She had been by your side since childhood, her loyalty as unwavering as the steel she carried. You both had shared so much—moments of joy, of sorrow, of quiet understanding. But today, her presence felt heavier, her gaze more intense. There was something in the air between you both, something unsaid, as if she could sense the quiet storm brewing within you, the unease you hadn’t spoken aloud.
Abby’s eyes traced your face, searching for something, though you gave nothing away. The years had made her keen; she could read you like no one else could, and yet, today, there was a barrier even she could not penetrate. You were a queen in waiting, but in that moment, you felt more like a pawn—moved by forces unseen, drawn into a game far beyond your control.
At last, the maids completed their work, their fingers delicately smoothing the final strands of your hair into perfect alignment. They moved with practiced grace, their hands lingering for just a moment before they stepped back, retreating as if fearful that any further motion might shatter the silence that had settled over the room. The soft rustle of their skirts was barely audible, and their presence faded into the background entirely.
Abby’s presence lingered behind you, ever watchful. You could feel her gaze, piercing through the room’s stillness. Her armored boots softly scuffed the marble floor as she shifted, the slight sound making your spine stiffen, though you couldn’t bring yourself to move.
“You’re prepared for this.” Abby said at last, her voice cutting through the quiet with a firm conviction. It was not a question; there was no room for doubt in her words. It was a truth—her truth—a decision she had already made for you. It wasn’t just encouragement; it was certainty.
For a moment, you remained silent, letting her words hang in the air like a blade unsheathed. Your fingers idly traced the cool glass of the window, the faint lines fogging slightly under your touch. The smooth, cold texture grounded you in the present, a fleeting comfort against the storm inside your mind.
“Do you remember how angry the servants would get at us?” you asked suddenly, your voice breaking through your own silence, but softer than you expected. The memory flashed in your mind, stark against the dread of the present.
Abby looked at you, her eyes flickering with a hint of warmth as she recognized the moment you were recalling. 
“We’d sneak into the kitchens,” you continued, “stealing bread, fruits—whatever we could grab. And we’d feed it to the stray animals outside the castle walls.”
Abby smiled faintly, just for a moment, her features softening in the memory. “They’d scold us for it,” she replied, her voice softer now, a distant echo of your childhood, “trying to hide the food on higher shelves or locking it away in pantries. But somehow, we always managed to find something.”
The hint of a smile tugged at the corner of your lips as you turned slightly, your gaze still distant, but now filled with the shadow of nostalgia. “And now those same servants quiver in my presence.” The words left your mouth like a quiet, bitter confession, their truth sinking deeper than you’d intended. “They bow when they see me. They fear me, Abby.”
The weight of your own words settled between you both, the warmth of the past quickly vanishing, replaced by the icy reality of the present.
Abby’s hand tightened around the hilt of her sword, her thumb brushing its pommel in a gesture that was as much instinct as it was protection. “They respect you,” she said quietly, her voice steady, though there was something deeper there, something unsaid. “They may tremble, but they will follow you, just as I do.”
Your eyes flicked back to her, meeting her gaze. For a heartbeat, neither of you spoke.
Abby, your oldest friend, had always been there, her unwavering loyalty a constant in your life. Yet today, that loyalty felt like a shield you might need more than ever.
The chill in your chest only deepened. This wasn’t about respect or loyalty—it was about survival, about strength in a world where softness was weakness. You knew the truth Abby didn’t speak. Your reign would demand coldness. It would demand sacrifice.
The crown, though it had yet to rest upon your head, already cast a heavy shadow over your soul. Its weight had not yet made contact with your brow, but you could already feel its burden pressing deeply into your very essence, seeping into your bones and shaping your thoughts.
Ellie sat in the cool shadows beneath the canopy of trees, her back pressed against the rough bark, the familiar weight of her knife resting comfortably in her hand. With slow, deliberate movements, she ran the blade along the surface of an apple, peeling it in thin, spiraling ribbons. The soft scrape of metal against fruit was steady, almost meditative, and each curl of skin fell to the forest floor in a neat pile. Jesse and Dina stood a few feet away, their voices a low murmur as they discussed the crowd. Ellie didn’t bother listening. Their words were just a distant hum, like the wind rustling through the leaves above.
In the clearing beyond, the crowd surged and swayed, a restless sea of bodies gathered at the palace gates. From their hidden vantage point, Ellie could see the mass of people stretching far beyond what any of them had anticipated. The coronation had drawn the entire kingdom, it seemed, and the air was thick with the buzz of excitement, the occasional roar of cheers rising up like waves crashing against rocks. The sunlight flickered through the trees, casting dappled patterns across the forest floor, but Ellie’s focus remained on the apple in her hands, her knife carving each slice with practiced precision.
“They’re packed in there tight,” Jesse muttered, his brow furrowed as he leaned against a low-hanging branch. His eyes scanned the crowd, taking in the sheer number of people. “Getting close to the princess won’t be easy. Not with this many eyes on her.”
Dina sighed, crossing her arms over her chest as she glared at the bustling mass. “This is insane. Look at them. How are we supposed to get anywhere near her with this many people watching? We’d be lucky if we even make it to the gates without being noticed.”
Ellie didn’t respond. The blade continued its slow dance along the apple’s flesh, peeling away another thin ribbon. She could feel Dina’s frustration simmering, could sense her impatience like a crackling fire, but she wasn’t interested in engaging.
Dina’s patience snapped, her gaze shifting to Ellie with evident irritation. “And you,” she snapped, “you don’t even seem to care. You’ve been quiet the whole time. Don’t you have anything to contribute?”
Ellie’s hand paused mid-motion, her fingers tightening slightly around the knife handle. She looked up slowly, her gaze sharp and unyielding. “If you’ve got something to say, Dina, just say it. Or maybe you should focus on the task at hand instead of whining.”
Dina’s eyes flashed with anger. “Whining? You’ve been sitting here like this doesn’t matter. Do you even know what’s at stake? Or are you too busy with your little apple to care?”
Ellie rose to her feet, her movements deliberate and controlled. The knife still glinted in her hand, the apple now stripped of its skin. She fixed Dina with a steady gaze. “I know exactly what’s at stake. You think I got this job because by some mistake?”
Before Dina could say anything, Jesse stepped between them, raising his hands in a calming gesture. “Alright, enough,” he said firmly, his voice cutting through the tension. “Both of you, just stop. This isn’t the time for bickering.”
Dina huffed, her gaze still directed at Ellie but with less venom. Jesse turned to Ellie, his expression softening slightly. “Ellie’s here because Maria trusts her. She’s new to the group, sure, but she’s not new to the work.”
Ellie observed Dina’s expression shift from anger to reluctant acceptance, the tension still hanging in the air like a storm cloud. Jesse’s voice took on a firmer tone. “ If we’re going to make this plan work, we need to support eachother, stick to the plan, and cut out these pointless arguments. Got it?”
Dina didn’t immediately respond, but the rigid set of her shoulders softened slightly. She gave a grudging nod, still clearly annoyed but willing to cooperate. Jesse turned back to Ellie, offering her a brief, understanding glance
Ellie nodded in return, her eyes scanning the crowd, “There’s no way we pull this off in front of all these people. There’s no clean escape, no cover. We’d be exposed, and the guards would have us before we even got within striking distance.”
“So what? We just give up?” Dina said, “Go back to Maria and tell her we couldn’t handle it?”
Ellie shook her head, the faint smirk returning to her lips. “No, Dina. We don’t give up. We adapt. We do this the right way. We go in slow.”
“Slow?” Dina scoffed. “We don’t have time for slow.”
“We make time,” Ellie countered, stepping closer. Her voice dropped, cold and deliberate. “If we want this to work, we have to get inside. We need to learn everything—the layout of the town, the routines of the guards, how the people move, how they think. We slip into their lives like shadows. We blend in, become part of the scenery, and when the time’s right, we make our move.”
Dina shook her head, her arms still crossed defensively. “And how long is this supposed to take? A week? A month? We don’t have that kind of time.”
Ellie’s gaze flickered back to the palace, the sun casting long shadows across the stone walls. “As long as it takes,” she said quietly. “You’ve done this longer than I have, Dina, but you know this isn’t a regular kill. This is the queen-to-be. We don’t get a second shot at this. We do it right, or we don’t do it at all.”
Jesse finally spoke up, his voice calm but firm. “She’s got a point, Dina. If we rush this, we’re asking for trouble. We need to know what we’re dealing with before we act.”
Dina’s frustration was clear, but after a long moment of silence, she exhaled sharply, her shoulders dropping in reluctant acceptance. “Fine. We do it your way. But if this goes sideways, Ellie, it’s on you.”
Ellie nodded, her expression unreadable. “It won’t.”
The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting an amber glow over the town as the crowd continued to swell. The distant cheers grew louder, the anticipation in the air thickening as the coronation ceremony drew closer. Ellie watched the scene unfold, her mind already working, planning, calculating each move.
They would become part of this place—unseen, unnoticed—until the moment was right. And when it was, they would strike from the shadows, swift and lethal.
There was no room for mistakes.
You jolted awake, your lungs burning as if they were being scorched from the inside. Coughs wracked your body, each spasm sending searing pain through your chest. Blinking rapidly to clear the haze from your vision, you realized the room was shrouded in thick, acrid smoke. The dim light that filtered through the dense fog was ghostly and indistinct, casting eerie shadows on the walls.
With your heart racing, you struggled to sit up, your movements slow and unsteady. The smoke clung to your skin, making it difficult to breathe, and you could feel your head growing light as if it were floating away from your body. Your eyes watered uncontrollably, and the oppressive weight of the smoke made every breath a laborious effort.
Summoning every ounce of strength, you staggered out of bed, your legs weak and uncooperative. The smoke seemed to thicken the longer you stayed in the room, and the oppressive heat made the air feel almost molten. You stumbled towards the door, each step a monumental task as you tried to shield your face with the crook of your arm, hoping to avoid inhaling more of the choking smoke.
You emerged from your bedroom, the palace engulfed in chaos. The once-grand hallways were now a nightmarish landscape of flickering flames and billowing smoke. The once-polished marble floors were now slick with soot, and the ornate tapestries that once adorned the walls were reduced to smoldering husks. The flames crackled hungrily, consuming everything in their path with an insatiable fury.
You pushed through the haze, your eyes watering, your throat raw from coughing. Your mind raced as you made your way towards your parents' quarters, the thought of them being trapped in the inferno spurring you on. The corridor twisted and turned, and the smoke grew denser, each breath feeling like it might be your last.
You reached their door, but your heart sank as you saw the chains wrapped around it. The metal glinted ominously in the firelight, each lock fastened tightly as if mocking your desperation. Your hands trembled uncontrollably as you grasped at the chains, yanking and pulling with all the force you could muster. The locks resisted stubbornly, their mechanisms cold and unyielding against your frantic efforts.
The smoke was getting thicker, searing your lungs with every inhale, and your vision was beginning to narrow as you struggled to stay conscious. You coughed violently, the sound echoing harshly in the confined space, but you didn’t stop. Your fingers clawed at the chains, your voice a ragged plea as you strained against the cold metal.
“Help! Somebody—please!” Your voice was a mere whisper against the roar of the flames, barely carrying over the din of the burning palace. The locks seemed to mock you, their resistance only heightening your sense of helplessness.
Just as the smoke began to envelop you completely, your vision dimming to a suffocating blur, a figure appeared through the haze. Abby, her armor glinting in the flickering light, burst into view. Her expression was a mix of determination and fear as she dashed towards you, her eyes wide with alarm.
“Come on, we have to get out!” Abby shouted over the roar of the flames, her voice cutting through the smoke like a lifeline.
Before you could react, Abby grabbed you by the arm with a grip that was both firm and unyielding. The intensity in her eyes brooked no argument. She began dragging you towards the corridor, her strength propelling you forward even as you struggled against her.
“No!” you yelled, your voice cracking from the strain. “My parents—please, Abby! They’re still in there! You have to save them!”
Your protests were met with a resolute silence as Abby continued to pull you away from the door. Her pace was relentless, driven by a single-minded focus on getting you to safety. You flailed against her, trying to wrench free, your fists landing weakly against her armor.
“Let me go!” you cried out, hitting her with all the strength you could muster, but Abby remained unmoved. Her face was set in a grim line, her eyes fixed ahead as she navigated the treacherous path through the burning palace.
“I can’t!” Abby shouted back, her voice carrying an edge of desperation. “We’re not safe here!”
The corridor seemed to stretch endlessly as Abby dragged you away, each step pulling you farther from the locked door and your parents. The smoke thickened, wrapping around you like a choking shroud, and the heat became unbearable. You could see the door now, its chains glinting through the smoke, but it was growing smaller and smaller with each passing second.
“Abby, stop!” you pleaded, your voice a strained whisper. “We need to go back!”
Abby’s grip tightened, her determination unwavering. “It’s too late,” she said firmly. “The fire’s spreading too fast!”
You could feel the heat intensify as the flames roared closer, the walls of the palace crumbling around you. The inferno’s glow painted the walls in flickering hues of orange and red, and the once-familiar corridors were now a labyrinth of destruction.
Your parents’ door was now a distant memory, the vision of it being consumed by the flames etched in your mind. Tears streamed down your face, mixing with the sweat and smoke as Abby continued to pull you away, her determination a beacon in the chaos.
“Don’t—don’t leave them!” you sobbed, your strength waning as the fire grew fiercer. Your struggles became weaker, your body exhausted by the smoke and the frantic escape.
“We must go now, Your Majesty.” A maid’s voice echoed through the room. She stood at the doorway, her head peeking in cautiously as if unsure whether to intrude on the final moments of your preparation. Her uniform was impeccably crisp, and her eyes darted nervously between you and the room, her posture stiff and formal.
You blinked, the trance you had been in dissolving as you scanned the room with renewed focus. The reflection in the mirror caught your eye. For a moment, the reflection seemed almost foreign, a ghostly echo of the queen you were about to become.
You turned to face Abby, who stood steadfast near the door. Her presence was as constant and reassuring as ever, her armor gleaming softly in the dim light. She hadn’t moved an inch from her post, her gaze locked on you with an intensity that was both protective and unwavering. It was as if she was willing to stand there for an eternity if it meant ensuring your safety and success.
You met her eyes, holding the gaze with a mixture of determination and an unspoken bond that had been forged over years of friendship and loyalty. The moment stretched, silent and weighty, a silent conversation passing between the two of you.
With a final, lingering look at the mirror, you straightened your posture and adjusted the layers of your gown, the fabric rustling softly with the movement. The intricate embroidery glinted in the light, the gold threads catching the soft glow and accentuating the grandeur of the ensemble. You took a deep breath, gathering the last of your composure.
“Shall we go?” you asked Abby, your voice steady but carrying a hint of the gravity of the occasion.
Abby’s expression softened, though her stance remained resolute. She nodded slowly, her eyes reflecting both pride and a hint of anxiety. “Yes, Your Majesty,” she said softly, her voice carrying the unspoken promise of her protection.
The maid stepped aside, allowing you and Abby to pass. As you walked towards the door, the echo of your footsteps seemed louder than usual, the soft click of your heels against the marble floor punctuating the stillness of the room. The grand hall awaited, filled with the thrumming anticipation of the crowd, the culmination of everything you had worked towards.
You took one last deep breath, feeling the weight of the crown and the enormity of your impending role settle over you. With a final, resolute glance back at the room—the sanctuary you were leaving behind—you stepped through the door and into the corridor beyond. The sounds of the cheering crowd and the distant murmur of the kingdom’s voices grew louder as you approached the grand hall, each step bringing you closer to your fate.
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creganslover · 2 months
Woman Like You
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Fem! Warrior! Reader
Requested?: Yes/No
Summary: Skilled as a warrior like your husband, you both made the dangerous pair... the latest battle proves just how much you mean to him.
Word count: 1.6k
Warning/s: canon-typical violence, graphic descriptions of violence, mentions of blood and death, near character death, cregan being whipped for his woman
Note: loved making this omg
GIF is not mine, credits to the owner!
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It had been a harrowing battle, not knowing left from right, up from down as bodies rallied against one another, the clash and clinging of swords ringing in your ears, horses whinnying as their rider had been dismounted only to be slain. 
The amount of bodies falling over with no longer a life to them, and there you also stood fighting, a female warrior, married to Cregan Stark, the two of you making the dangerous pair through your cunning skills and Cregan’s exposure to battle.
Now both of you were fighting under the Queen Rhaenyra’s banners, honouring the oath Rickon Stark, Cregan’s late father had made under Viserys’ proclamation for Rhaenyra as his heir. 
Before the battle had started, you were in your shared tent with Cregan, as the troops were began to be rounded up to march, a thousand of his greybeards and your own army of blackwings, the two of you preparing each other in their armour, the action done in silence as you both strapped your gears on. 
It was Cregan’s hand grabbing your wrist that made you halt your movements, your eyes finally meeting his. Both of you had trusted each other out and in the field, though both of you knew every battle forward had counted, and that you would treat it as the last. 
“Promise you will return to me.” Cregan’s husky voice spoke in a whisper, staring you down with a tender gaze, blue flecked with hazel eyes searching yours, grip momentarily tightening on your wrist to travel down to squeeze your hand. As done countless times, you reply, “Always.” Never failing to give him a smile, making him mirror it with a chuckle of relief at your reassurance. 
Until you had gotten separated from your husband in the heat of the battle, you two had held out well even when separated yet it felt like the enemies had just kept on coming, banging the end of your shield at your attacker’s face, sending them lunging back as you thrusted your sword in their stomach, cutting clean through before you had pulled it off, flecks of blood spraying as the man hurled in pain, dropping to the ground.
You had not known how long the battle had raged for, all that you knew was your muscles had begun to strain, dodging and putting on the offence as you could, dirt and blood scattered everywhere. 
Successfully putting down another opponent, another came rushing to you, sword slicing part of your arm, making you cry out as they had also managed to land a hard blow to your side, that would surely be a nasty bruise. 
Still, you were not as easily felled as they thought, managing to regain back your senses, adrenaline pumping within your veins as your grip on your sword had tightened, letting out a yell as you swung and advanced, hitting left to right, sword slicing efficiently at the man’s side as you threw your broken shield away, holding your sword, Ashbringer, in both hands before thrusting it upon the man’s neck, blood running down the steel of your sword before pulling it out. 
That’s when a series of arrows had been launched into the sky, not knowing which was which as you tried to deflect some by grabbing your shield yet again, though an arrow had already dug itself onto the back of your shoulder, making you groan, using your strength to cover yourself with your shield as the arrows had landed. 
When the arrows had stopped, your mind had fogged, vividly you saw Cregan’s face in your mind as the words he had uttered to you hours before rang. 
Return to me 
Cregan had litters of bodies lay around him as he became the opposing side’s target, knowing his worth and they had intended to cut him off. His broad form swung his sword Ice, not opting for a shield as it only hindered his movements. 
His men yelled around him, his graybeards killing tens of the opponents as they had only managed to fell a few of Cregan’s men. They were winning, they had the upper hand. Cregan only needed to push a little further, and all of this would cease. 
“The Lady!” 
“Keep Fighting!”
“Arrows inbound!”
Cregan felt his blood suddenly run hot, head snapping around him as the shouts grew in intensity, until his eyes spot a distant blur. You as he looked to the sky to find rains of arrows, making Cregan react and haul a body from the ground, using it as his shield as bouts of arrows pierced through its body, his eyes wide and alert and searching for you. 
He was able to see you defending yourself, staggering, an arrow on the back of your shoulder, the pained look on your face.
Cregan saw red. 
The rumbling in his chest grew to a roar as he screamed, throwing the arrow-clad body to the ground before he shouted. “You want me? Come get me!” 
Enemies turned their heads towards him as Cregan swung Ice at the oncoming assailants, ignoring the burning in his whole body as he and his sword had moved as once, determined to get to you, his wife. He was covered in dirt and blood that wasn’t his, except for the minor cuts on his face, and the bruises he had felt forming onto his body. 
Alas his enemies fell one by one as his men fought valiantly, Cregan making his way to you as he managed to grab you in time before you fell, careful to handle the arrow still peeking from behind your shoulder. 
The battle had begun to die down, Cregan still holding you in his arms as he looked at you, his heart never wavered in battle nor showed vulnerability before, now it did as he shook you lightly, inspecting you. “(Y/N),” he repeated before his men had spotted the scene, immediately calling for aid. 
“Stay with me, as you promised.” Cregan breathed. 
Darkness. That’s all you could see, with your body feeling light as a feather. 
It felt like you were floating on some void, where it held nothing but peace. You tried reaching out, but a flicker of orange lit in the distance, a smooth glow, followed by the smell of the forest trees, like a campfire. 
You watched as the orange glow began to scatter, spreading the dark void with its own colour, and then you sensed some sort of pull, until it had become stronger. 
Your eyes opened. Blurry at first, blinking a few more moments as everything slowly began to sink in, body feeling numb as you tried to shift on the cot. Looking around your surroundings, you were in your tent, back at camp perhaps? 
A woman stood by the table, preparing her herbs, a healer, you recognized. It was your healer Taisa, and when she had turned around, her eyes widened as she placed the bowl hurriedly back down. “My lady!” She said in surprise, knowing she had been commanded by Lord Stark himself to alert him if his wife had awoken at once. 
Taisa was already running out the tent before you could utter a single word, or yet you were unable to from your body still processing what it had went through.
Your shoulder was bandaged that wrapped around your torso peeking from your loose tunics, along with your left arm that had blood starting to soak through as you moved, making you groan as you assessed yourself. 
Cregan had been manning the map room, along with the other lords and their army in ally, pacing around and spewing all kinds of forms of defenses and offenses, it had been hours since the battle had ceased, taking in few left live opponents as prisoners. 
Cregan was pacing until the tent flap shifted, revealing Taisa, Cregan immediately halting, she had not even uttered a single sound out her mouth. 
You were awake.
“My lords,” Cregan only said as he rounded the table, ducking out the tent as he forced himself to navigate his way to the tent you were in. His heart pounding near his ears as a few steps more he’d be inside, pushing through the flaps, and there you did lay, eyes open, face harbouring an expression of fatigue. 
Cregan wasted no time gliding towards you, taking you in and slowly grabbing your right uninjured hand as he knelt in front of the cot, gaze scanning you all over. “Wife.” His voice faltered. 
“Husband.” You managed to croak out, moving to sit up which Cregan refused to let you but you won in the end, now he was knelt in front of you as you sat. His huge rough hands, rid of their gloves now, enveloped yours, thumb stroking circles upon the back of your hands. 
You lift your right hand, coming to cradle his face, stroking the slight flush on the apple of his cheeks as he let out a heavy breath, closing his eyes, brows knitting as he leaned into your touch, showing his utter devotion to you and you only, making you smile.
“I thought I had lost you.” He voiced, eyes still closed, making you frown. “Look at me, Cregan.” You spoke, slowly regaining your voice back as Cregan’s eyes flickered open, staring into you. 
“You will not lose me, not now, not ever.” You began. “I’d wager it would take more to kill me.” You smirked, finding a way to still lighten a situation upon the brink of what could have been. 
The end of Cregan’s lip tugged upwards in amusement, his features softening as he chuckled, nodding along and finally letting himself relax with the fact that you were okay, you were going to live. He turned his head where your palm cradled his face, pressing his lips upon your palm before looking at you. 
“Aye, you are right. It would take more for a woman like you.”
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hoshifighting · 1 month
I was wondering if you could write about seventeen showing off to their S.O. that they can unclip a bra with one hand? And them being really proud of it like it’s a super talent? 🤣
seventeen being cocky after unclipping a bra with one hand
seungcheol’s eyes lock onto yours. “easy,” he murmurs, almost like he’s challenging you to admit how impressed you are. he’s already leaning in, lips brushing your neck, one hand sliding the bra straps off your shoulders slowly, dragging it out just to feel you shiver.
jeonghan takes his time, making sure you know he’s enjoying every second of this. when the bra pops open, he pulls back just enough to catch your gaze, that wicked grin playing on his lips. “thought it’d be harder,” he teases, his tone almost lazy. but there’s nothing lazy about the way his hands are squeezing your tits, his touch just shy of too light, teasing you as much as he’s teasing himself.
joshua’s reaction is more subtle i think, but there’s no mistaking the flash of pride in his eyes “guess i’ve got a new skill to brag about,” he jokes, but there’s no denying the way his hands tighten on your waist, pulling you closer as he lets the fabric fall between you.
junhui has that devilish look, the one that says he’s just waiting for you to acknowledge how damn smooth he is. “told you i was good with my hands,” he practically purrs, fingers trailing down your spine. the way he says it makes it sound like he’s talking about more than just unhooking a bra, and the way his hands are already moving, you know he’s about to prove it.
soonyoung doesn’t even try to hide how proud he is. the second the clasp comes undone, he’s grinning like he just won the lottery. “look at that,” he says, voice full of boyish glee, “didn’t even break a sweat.”
wonwoo + a little smirk that tugs at his lips, the kind that tells you he’s pleased with himself. he doesn’t say much, just hums in pride, letting his hands roam free now that the barrier’s gone.
woozi is efficient, so when he manages to get it undone with one hand, there’s this tiny, almost imperceptible nod—like he’s mentally patting himself on the back.
minghao when the bra unclips, he gives you this knowing look, like he expected nothing less from himself.
mingyu is practically beaming “didn’t think i could do it, huh?” he shakes his eyebrows, his hands are already moving to pull you closer, fingers tracing over your newly exposed nipples, clearly enjoying the fact that there’s nothing between you now.
seokmin at the moment the clasp gives way, he’s grinning from ear to ear, that infectious smile lighting up his whole face. “nailed it bestie 😜” there’s something about the way he’s so genuinely happy that makes the moment even better.
seungkwan’s laughs, a little breathless, like he wasn’t sure he could actually pull it off. “i can’t believe that worked,” he admits, but there’s a proud glint in his eyes. he’s determined to make the most of his newfound skill—and i think that moments before he was searching for how to do it.
vernon “not bad, right?” he says casually, like he does this all the time—but this time it was just luck. on your first time he was clearly suffering with the tiny junction.
chan in the second he unhooks it, he’s grinning like a kid on christmas morning. “did you see that?” he asks, almost bouncing on the bed. his hands are already on you, eager to explore, like he can’t wait to see what else he can do.
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diejager · 11 months
Hunt Cw: Predator/prey, primal kink, fingering, dub-con, tell me if I missed any.
Hunting made his blood pump and his adrenaline soar, every smell was pungent, reaching his acutely aware nose; every sound was clear to his heightened hearing; and every little shift sent his sharp eyes their way. Whereas people saw a blur of colour and motion at the speed he ran through the forest at, he saw clearly, red eyes flashing from one side to the other in search of a little lamb. He was hunting his meal.
König stalked with deathly silence, appearing behind one tree only to vanish behind the second one, slow and efficient stalking that made your hair stand on end. You would lose him if your eyes stared away for a second, but how couldn’t you when you were running away from him, fleeing from the wolf that chased you. You were clumsy unlike the skillful hunter, stumbling around trees and shuffling leaves loudly, acting as a beacon in this silent forest in the Austrian Alps. Every branch you cracked echoed and every hiss and whine you made continued farther into the woods, it all reached his ears in a mettre of seconds.
You knew he was close, a few yards away and never farther, staking his claim on his prey. You could hear his taunting whispers, the low bellows of his hunger and his beckoning howls, they were neither threatening nor dark, only ever soft and coaxing, wanting to lure his prey closer to him. He never pounced, he never growled and he never barked at you, sending you into this illusionary semblance of safety and peace. It made you stop running, stop looking behind you and deaf to every danger that lurked around you.
That’s when he jumped, his heavy body tackling you, sending you crumbling under him on the rough and patchy forest ground. You screamed, struggling against his looming figure, nails digging into the dirt and feet kicking at his thick thighs. He ground his hips downwards, growling in your ear with a low, threatening pitch that made your knees buckle. Your body grew limp, melting into a small and vulnerable puddle of pleasure and nerves beneath him.
“Mein süßes kleines Lamm,” he growled, hands worming their way into your pants.
You fought, pressing your legs together to stop his eager fingers from slipping under the waistband of your panties to press two digits at your slick hole. He dragged them between your fold, rubbing your throbbing clit with quick and rough movements. You moaned, pressing into his wandering hands and back arching skyward, meeting his strong chest.
He cooed, fingers dipping into your clenching cunt, the rough texture of his glove rubbing against your soft walls. He pumped in roughly, sinking his fingers until the knuckles met your lips, praising you for your obedience to his hunger.
“Look at me, Lamm.”
When you turned your head, peering at him from the corner of your teary eye, you met crimson irises framed with healthy lashes and black fur. You didn’t know if you were staring at a man or a monster, the lush, black fur on his snout, his erect and pointy ears and the blood ribbons falling down his crowd shoulders and even broader body, tall and hulking over your smaller one.
He was the big, bad wolf and you his little lamb, his innocent and frolicking prey that he stalked and hunted. You were the being he hungered after, that dangerous laugh and eager hands. König would eat you whole, starting with that pulsing cunt.
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @tallmanlover @distracteddragoness @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @konigsblog @havoc973
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Dumb idea but what if you were found after being MIA for five years
The task force were confident in their ability to get the intel they needed from their current mission. They had been following this cell for months, knew more about them than the people paying them for information and had slowly chipped away at their defenses without getting their attention.
They were on the cusp of getting the intel they needed.
They had infiltrated the base without issue. Having taken out the guards in the perimeter so efficiently it was as if they had never been there in the first place. With the coverage of nightfall, they were undetected as they came up to the base and soon they were sneaking through the halls.
With every hostile they encountered they took care of them swiftly, leaving the bodies in a pool of their own blood before they even shot at them.
They reached the main room of the base and began their work retrieving all of the information they could from the computers and papers spread about.
Just as they collected enough information, alarms began to sound off in the base and in the distance they could hear gunfire.
Soap quickly looked at the cameras and saw a different group to the hostiles they were stealing from. They didn't look familiar as they gunned down the hostiles with expert skill.
"Who the fuck-"
"Doesn't matter." Price immediately went into action, barely paying attention to the cameras. "We need to get out of here."
In their attempt to get out unscathed and undetected, they ended up in the middle of the firefight. The fight became confusing; it was hard to tell who was shooting at who and where the hostiles were coming from. Many of the hostiles the 141 stole the info from began to die in front of them at an almost frightening speed, leaving the other group to push up.
The task force was close to getting out, if they could get past the threshold and run to a rendezvous point they'd get out without further issue-
A car bomb went off.
The blast sent Price into the ground, mostly unscathed saved for the wind being knocked out of him and temporarily taking his hearing with it.
He struggled to get up the others continued the fight, unable to get to him as they held their ground. They called out to him but he couldn't recover as quickly as he wanted to.
Someone approached him from the dust and he attempted to fire at them before he was kicked in the head. He became even more disorientated, barely able to hold onto consciousness as the person searched through his vest for the USB he had taken.
Price couldn't see their face and as he tried to fight them off, they shoved him back once they got the USB.
They were gone just as quick as they appeared. The gunfire slowly stopped and the group had disappeared, leaving the 141 with barely any ammo left and scraped up, and confused.
The mission went from successful to a complete disaster in mere moments.
Back on their temporary base they were left confused and defeated.
"How did this happen?" Gaz huffed.
"A group that small taking them head on would've died." Ghost said. "They were waiting for us."
"You believe that, sir?" Soap wondered.
Price hadn't said much since they got back, his arms crossed and a sour look on his face. He didn't like when things turned out like this, when things get taken from him so quickly without anyway to fight back. Usually an ambush never ended up with this much disaster...this had to have been planned.
"I do." He uncrossed his arms and looked to Laswell who was trying desperately to salvage this. "Can you find out who they are?"
"The cameras there recorded the incident but there's no identifiable markings or clothes that they wore." She explained as she sifted through her laptop. "I may have found our culprit."
The boys huddled around the projector, watching as the footage replayed from the security cameras.
The group walked out from the shadows into the cameras vision. They wore all black and all of them had their faces fully covered except for one, who looked at if they were given orders to put the bomb on the car.
Closer to the camera, it was easier to make out some of the features, but nothing looked recognizable until the person turned around.
"Pause it." Price's eyes widened and he felt his chest tighten. "Zoom in."
The others looked confused for a moment before they too felt their stomach drop. The air in the room became thick and every single one of them could only hear their hearts in their ears as it suddenly became hard to fight against their knees buckling.
Half a face they hadn't seen in five years, recognizable eyes that were darker and full of more hatred than they ever imagined to be possible.
The image was fuzzy but there was no mistake.
You were in the footage alive, five years after being confirmed MIA.
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jstor · 3 months
I saw something about generative AI on JSTOR. Can you confirm whether you really are implementing it and explain why? I’m pretty sure most of your userbase hates AI.
A generative AI/machine learning research tool on JSTOR is currently in beta, meaning that it's not fully integrated into the platform. This is an opportunity to determine how this technology may be helpful in parsing through dense academic texts to make them more accessible and gauge their relevancy.
To JSTOR, this is primarily a learning experience. We're looking at how beta users are engaging with the tool and the results that the tool is producing to get a sense of its place in academia.
In order to understand what we're doing a bit more, it may help to take a look at what the tool actually does. From a recent blog post:
Content evaluation
Problem: Traditionally, researchers rely on metadata, abstracts, and the first few pages of an article to evaluate its relevance to their work. In humanities and social sciences scholarship, which makes up the majority of JSTOR’s content, many items lack abstracts, meaning scholars in these areas (who in turn are our core cohort of users) have one less option for efficient evaluation. 
When using a traditional keyword search in a scholarly database, a query might return thousands of articles that a user needs significant time and considerable skill to wade through, simply to ascertain which might in fact be relevant to what they’re looking for, before beginning their search in earnest.
Solution: We’ve introduced two capabilities to help make evaluation more efficient, with the aim of opening the researcher’s time for deeper reading and analysis:
Summarize, which appears in the tool interface as “What is this text about,” provides users with concise descriptions of key document points. On the back-end, we’ve optimized the Large Language Model (LLM) prompt for a concise but thorough response, taking on the task of prompt engineering for the user by providing advanced direction to:
Extract the background, purpose, and motivations of the text provided.
Capture the intent of the author without drawing conclusions.
Limit the response to a short paragraph to provide the most important ideas presented in the text.
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Search term context is automatically generated as soon as a user opens a text from search results, and provides information on how that text relates to the search terms the user has used. Whereas the summary allows the user to quickly assess what the item is about, this feature takes evaluation to the next level by automatically telling the user how the item is related to their search query, streamlining the evaluation process.
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Discovering new paths for exploration
Problem: Once a researcher has discovered content of value to their work, it’s not always easy to know where to go from there. While JSTOR provides some resources, including a “Cited by” list as well as related texts and images, these pathways are limited in scope and not available for all texts. Especially for novice researchers, or those just getting started on a new project or exploring a novel area of literature, it can be needlessly difficult and frustrating to gain traction. 
Solution: Two capabilities make further exploration less cumbersome, paving a smoother path for researchers to follow a line of inquiry:
Recommended topics are designed to assist users, particularly those who may be less familiar with certain concepts, by helping them identify additional search terms or refine and narrow their existing searches. This feature generates a list of up to 10 potential related search queries based on the document’s content. Researchers can simply click to run these searches.
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Related content empowers users in two significant ways. First, it aids in quickly assessing the relevance of the current item by presenting a list of up to 10 conceptually similar items on JSTOR. This allows users to gauge the document’s helpfulness based on its relation to other relevant content. Second, this feature provides a pathway to more content, especially materials that may not have surfaced in the initial search. By generating a list of related items, complete with metadata and direct links, users can extend their research journey, uncovering additional sources that align with their interests and questions.
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Supporting comprehension
Problem: You think you have found something that could be helpful for your work. It’s time to settle in and read the full document… working through the details, making sure they make sense, figuring out how they fit into your thesis, etc. This all takes time and can be tedious, especially when working through many items. 
Solution: To help ensure that users find high quality items, the tool incorporates a conversational element that allows users to query specific points of interest. This functionality, reminiscent of CTRL+F but for concepts, offers a quicker alternative to reading through lengthy documents. 
By asking questions that can be answered by the text, users receive responses only if the information is present. The conversational interface adds an accessibility layer as well, making the tool more user-friendly and tailored to the diverse needs of the JSTOR user community.
Credibility and source transparency
We knew that, for an AI-powered tool to truly address user problems, it would need to be held to extremely high standards of credibility and transparency. On the credibility side, JSTOR’s AI tool uses only the content of the item being viewed to generate answers to questions, effectively reducing hallucinations and misinformation. 
On the transparency front, responses include inline references that highlight the specific snippet of text used, along with a link to the source page. This makes it clear to the user where the response came from (and that it is a credible source) and also helps them find the most relevant parts of the text. 
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transform4u · 1 month
My boyfriend and I are in a loving relationship, but we're both pretty crappy when it comes to handy work. His car broke down and its going to cost a lot of money. I wish there was a way I could fix it for him.
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Standing over your boyfriend's car, frustration radiates from you. The engine's persistent sputtering and the vague sense of impending doom around the vehicle's state of disrepair have you fuming. You snatch your cellphone from your pocket, desperate to find a mechanic who can rescue you from this mess. Just as you're scrolling through contact lists and Google searches, you hear a sudden, jarring snaaappppp—like a rubber band stretched too far and snapping back.
Your eyes widen in shock as your phone starts to ooze a thick, greasy substance. It spreads quickly, coating your hand and dripping onto your clothes. Before you can react, the greasy ooze starts to morph your outfit into something far more rugged: your pristine attire transforms into a pair of smelly, workout overalls. They’re stained with gasoline and grease, clinging to you with a damp, pungent odor. You take a deep breath and let out a long, appreciative “Damnnnn boy,” as the smell of oil and sweat fills your nostrils.
You notice your Adam's apple swelling, protruding noticeably from your throat, and your voice deepening into a gravelly, rough baritone. Your body begins to shift, growing more muscular with each passing second. Muscles ripple across your arms and chest, your frame expanding and filling out with a newfound bulk. The greasy substance seems to seep into your skin, making you more rugged and burly, covered in a light smattering of body hair that adds to the overall gruff appearance.
As the transformation settles, you can almost feel your brain getting fuzzier, your intellectual thoughts slipping away like oil from a pan. It’s like your mind is getting slicked over with a thick layer of grease, making way for raw mechanical instinct. Your focus narrows to the car, and suddenly, you're a whirlwind of efficiency and strength.
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With a clank and a clang, you dive into the engine bay, your hands working with a dexterity and precision that seem almost superhuman. You tighten bolts, replace parts, and clean out the grime with an almost absurd ease. The car groans and purrs under your skilled touch, its problems vanishing one by one.
Finally, with a resounding thud, you slam the hood shut, the metal reverberating with the impact. As you step back, a loud, obnoxious fart escapes from you—one of those deep, rumbling, unabashed ones that make the ground shake. You chuckle to yourself, a deep, throaty laugh that matches your newfound persona. You feel a lightness as any last vestiges of smarts, those pesky remnants of your former self, seem to float away, carried off on the smell of exhaust and the echo of your laughter.
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In this new state, you stand proudly next to the now-purring car, your greasy, muscled form the epitome of auto-mechanical prowess. You look up and down at your former boyfriend, who now stands at his car looking at you with contempt. Your mind twists and turns, forgetting the fact that the two of you dated. In fact, you think this guy is nothing but a no good city liberal faggot, who can't even fix his own car.
You saunter over to him, a smirk playing on your lips. You extend your hand for a handshake, but he just asks, "How much for the repairs buddy?" You give him a look over, realizing that this preppy son of a bitch is probably pretty loaded. "Goin' be $2,500. Cash," you say with a grin.
He hands you the money without a second thought and drives off. You just chuckle, pocketing the cash. This was going to go a long way at the nudie bar down the street. You couldn't wait to get off work and start throwing dollar bills at those strippers. Nothing you loved more than cracking open a cold beer and watching some dumb blonde whore shake her titties.
You head inside the garage, whistling a tune. The day's work was almost done, and you had a nice stack of cash to show for it. You wipe the grease off your hands and grab a fresh beer from the mini-fridge. Popping it open, you take a long swig, the cold liquid refreshing after a hard day's work.
The strip club was already starting to fill up when you arrived. You grab a seat right up front, slamming your fist on the table to get the attention of the waitress. "Keep 'em comin'," you say, sliding a crisp $100 bill across to her. She gives you a wink and saunters off.
The first dancer of the night takes the stage, a blonde bombshell with tits that could suffocate a man. You lean back in your chair, taking another swig of your beer as she starts to grind to the music. This was your idea of a perfect night - cold beer, hot women, and no one to answer to but yourself. The world was your oyster, and you were going to enjoy every second of it.
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a prompt: thick-as-thieves (and handsy) mates, johnny and reader.
When aches and pains strike, turn to giving each other remedial massages - far more efficient than a foam roller, and a useful skill to have since there's no room to pack one on a mission anyway.
And somehow, these sessions always conveniently take place in a common area. In front of ghost.
And the sighs and moans and vocal exclamations of relief and thanks? Just being grateful buddies - surely not trying to troll and get a rise out of him (while gaz tries to hold back his laughter).
Or perhaps ghost gets desperate - he's got muscles locked up tight and he’s getting desperate for relief, so finds himself asking for help. Obviously they only too happy to help - and surely if he’s going to need to strip they're more than happy to relocate to personal quarters.
A/N 1:  ooooh this was a challenging ask! I do not have the confidence to properly write for Soap yet, but I tried and I hope you like it <3   I don’t know if you wanted this to be so horny, but I feel like, you, Miya, know the vibe of this blog by now, so I like to believe you knew what you were getting into.   
A/N 2 (the real A/N):  I know you requested this a millennium ago, and I am SO sorry it’s so late but in my defence, I am truly and unconditionally a piece of shit.  18+ only MDNI
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
At least your involvement in all of it starts innocently enough.  Johnny’s groans and whines and wincing every time he bends over or stands or sits or breathes tug at your heartstrings—you hate seeing your happy, horny puppy of a friend constantly in pain.  So you offer to work his joints for him, work on some of that tension in his back, in his shoulders, offer some sort of comfort. 
What you don’t know is that, while his pain is genuine, it’s also a ploy.  
Your relationship with Johnny is…strange but it works. You fuck each other on occasion, because you realise the need for a healthy outlet for stress relief (you tell yourself that the orgasms are a bonus!).  You leave it at that and you don’t try to search for meaning and deeper feelings where none exist.  You do love each other, but you’re friends first and foremost, that’s the rule.
Besides, you know who Soap really wants.  Everyone on base knows who Soap really wants, except, it seems, the object of his desire.  And by the time you figure out that you’re being used as a tool in the ploy, it’s too late…and you find that you don’t actually mind the means, when you finally figure out Johnny wants as the result.  It’s the same thing you’ve wanted for so long, but been too shy to ever say aloud.  So you play along.  
And so when you give Johnny your “remedial massages”, you don’t question him on why they need to be at the ass-crack of dawn in the gym.  The preferred time for the Lieutenant to use the gym, in fact, the only time he does.  You don’t question why, somehow, Ghost is always around when you’re twisting and contorting Soap’s muscles to aid him stretching, why the groans that leave Soap sound surprisingly like the ones he makes when he’s inside you, why winding up Ghost seems to have made your sex life with Soap infinitely better.       
But you’re in on the joke now.  And far be it from you not to appreciate a well thought-out strategic manoeuvre.  
And you are succeeding because you do wind Ghost up—that much is clear.  You see his body tense, fists clenching at his sides, while he watches the two of you with narrowed eyes.   It’s almost Machiavellian, you realise, Johnny’s plan. 
If you keep following his cues and try to decipher the real meaning behind the shallow words he says, it almost certainly leads you to exactly where you need to be.  Helping him stretch his legs, with your hands dancing over his thighs, his eyes wide and attentive and glossy with his arousal.  Rubbing his shoulders with your breasts pressed tight against his back and his low groans in sync with the knots you work in the muscles.  It all just works. All with Ghost as your witness.
Until Ghost decides he’s had enough.  
Until a series of events that starts with Gaz rolling his eyes at your latest iteration of the melodrama—Soap working on your back for a change, drawing low, breathy moans from you as you relish in the feeling of his warm, hard palms on your lower back—and ends with Ghost watching the two of you in rapt attention. 
It’s electrifying, the feeling of Ghost’s eyes on your body.   You can almost feel it, the way Simon’s gaze moves between your bodies, his eyes tracing the grace of Johnny’s movement, always belied by the sheer bulk of him, but always present, always drawing attention to nimble fingers and a surprisingly agile frame.
It’s the same series of events that leads you to where you are now.  Watching them, with your hand busy in between your legs.  
You have strict instructions not to.  Your Lieutenant warned you, Johnny made you promise not to touch yourself until they could touch you.
But it’s not your willingness to blindly follow instructions that got you this far. 
Besides, your Lieutenant’s too busy getting his dick sucked.  And Johnny…well Johnny’s got his mouth too full to protest.       
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eunxhan · 4 months
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❝ A kiss is the beginning of cannibalism. ❞
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Ꮺ Anon Requested ⨾ hii can u do a ticci toby x cannibalistic gn reader?
Ꮺ Eun Replies ⨾ Greetings! I apologize for the late response as i got more focused on working on my ocs — This is quite short compared to my other works but I do hope you'll like this one! I've searched on how cannibalism works just to make sure.
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Ꮺ Disclaimer — GORE!SUGGESTIVE! I do not condone this kind of behavior in real life situations.
Words used ⨾ 624 words 3,502 characters
Character ⨾ TOBIAS ERIN ROGERS (Ticci Toby)
Art credit ⨾ @/kousomii on tumblr
Links ⨾ My Navigation
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Toby felt a strange mix of fascination and horror when he first encountered you. You were out, eating the corpse he just sliced up. He couldn't help but wonder how you got into your current situation, what led you to become a cannibal, and how you were able to maintain the facade of being a normal, functioning member of society.
Toby sometimes feels tempted to try what you are eating, but he always stops himself from actually doing so. If you manage to have some influence on him or try to convince him, he'll do so.
So whenever he goes out to do his missions, if you were allowed to he would let you follow him to clean up his mess. If you weren't, he would come back with a bag full of the parts you prefer.
If you happen to have a biting habit, whether biting yourself or someone else. He's be fascinated by it as he also have a biting habit, he doesn't mind you biting him as he doesn't feel that much pain as long as you let him bite also. He just watch you bite him and look at the bite marks, just don't bite him when he's in a sour mood.
If you cook them, Toby is intrigued and impressed by your skills as a cook, especially if you have a talent for preparing human flesh in a way that's palatable and delicious. He enjoys the idea of sharing a meal with you that is both unique and delicious.
He may or may not say some jokes about you being a cannibal. Toby's sexual jokes about you are him comparing your appetite for human flesh to his imagined prowess in bed. He'll make crude remarks, such as "You're tearing through those organs like you'd rip through a woman's panties."
Toby's indifference towards your post-feast appearance is a direct reflection of his own descent into depravity. Once disgusted by the mere thought of cannibalism, leaving him numb to the grotesque reality surrounding him but who knows? He's also a killer.
He knows that he himself isn't much better, for he too has stained his hands with blood and consumed human flesh. His ambivalence towards your plight is a twisted acceptance of their shared fate, a grim acknowledgment that they have both become monsters in their own right.
For Toby, he just eats the people he chops for survival and if you happen to have a different reasoning Toby listens to your dissection of cannibalism with a mix of repulsion, curiosity, and a twisted sense of familiarity. The gruesome details of how your body processes the consumed flesh, the nutritional benefits, and the sensory experiences, all serve as a morbid testament to the transformation you have undergone.
As you delves into the biological aspects of cannibalism, Toby's mind can't help but conjure vivid images of digestion, the human body breaking down its victims in the most base and primal of ways.
With the knowledge of cannibalism fresh in his mind, Toby's approach to his missions takes on a new, more methodical quality. Instead of the wild, frenzied attacks that once characterized his hunts, Toby now dispatches his victims with a chilling efficiency.
With each slash of his blade, Toby is careful to target specific organs, his actions driven by the newfound knowledge of their nutritional value. He takes the time to slice off limbs, and as he does, he can't help but recall yout descriptions of the sensory experiences. A strange, twisted thrill courses through him as he works.
Once he's collected his bounty, Toby methodically collects the parts into one bag, taking care not to mix the organs with the flesh. You'll be eating with no problem in your mind.
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mysteryshoptls · 10 months
SSR Rook Hunt - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Rook: The Land of Dawning's National Museum of Art… Ahh, what an exhilarating place.
Rook: They have so many spectacular works of art exhibited here… I don't think there's enough time in a single day to view everything.
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???: ―Oh hey, I know this painting. This is the scene where the Fairest Queen is sending her Huntsman on a mission.
???: I can even see just how tense his facial muscles are. This painting is so detailed even to the finest points.
Rook: Beauté! You have a good eye for detail. The thin rays of light that cut through the dark room just highlights how stiff he is.
Rook: When I gaze upon this painting, I feel as though even I am being struck with a chill as cold as a winter breeze.
Ortho: But Rook Hunt-san, this isn't a painting set in winter, right?
Rook: Fufu, I know that. I only meant… Well, that I can almost feel the tension that is freezing him in his tracks.
Ortho: Guess that makes sense, since he's making an appearance before the queen. But don't you think that for someone meeting a queen his outfit is pretty casual?
Rook: I'm sure he is to head out on his mission immediately. Besides, he is very well groomed.
Ortho: Very well groomed…? Ah, yeah, it does feel like he's taken very good care of his beard.
Rook: Oui. In addition, he is someone who works outdoors, and yet there is not a single stain, let along any frayed ends on his attire.
Rook: Take a close look at his bangs. You see how they are cut short just above his eyebrows?
Rook: Essentially, that means his bangs won't obstruct his vision. He is sure to be able to keep his prey in sight.
Ortho: I see, so then, that must the best type of hairstyle for a hunter. Rook-san, you're amazing to notice that.
Rook: I, too, take caution of how lengthy my bangs can become. In the past, I believed that as long as it was short, that was good enough…
Rook: So whenever my bangs grew out, I would just chop it off with a knife, while the rest of my hair just looked like an overgrown garden.
Ortho: It's hard for me to picture that, knowing the you standing here now…
Rook: After I became a Pomefiore student and cut off all the damaged and frayed ends…
Rook: Not only did my vision become unhindered, but I ceased to find leaves or branches tangled in my hair any more.
Rook: I'm sure even the Queen's Huntsman also knew that a proper grooming regimen would help him be even more efficient as his job.
Rook: By fixing up my own hair, I came to understand just how capable of the huntsman he truly was.
Rook: In my search of perfection and functionality, I was able to settle on this hairstyle… is basically what it all amounts to.
Ortho: Huh… I totally thought that you had chosen that hairstyle because it suits the shape of your face.
Rook: Thank you. I am beyond honored that you think it suits me.
Rook: However, there is still much to improve. I must continue to refine my appearance.
Rook: It is all to improve my efficiency and my hunting skills.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Rook: Ooh là là! These beings depicted here are the Thorn Fairy's subordinates.
Rook: Despite the dark overtone and the terrifyingly green flames illuminating them, this piece gives off a pleasant sensation.
Ortho: They're all dancing in celebration of the Thorn Fairy's successful accomplishment, right? Hehe, they all look so happy.
Rook: This painting shows just how beloved the Thorn Fairy was to her subordinates. It's wonderful that they would express their joy via dance.
Rook: Now that I'm learning how to dance… It may behoove me to express my own happiness through moving my whole body, instead of just penning words.
Ortho: Eh, you're good at dancing ballet, Rook Hunt-san!?
Rook: Non. I wouldn't go so far as to say I am any good at it. I've only started picking up the fundamentals recently.
Ortho: Oh, you just started… So, why did you just suddenly decide to learn ballet?
Rook: To improve my posture, of course.
Rook: We of Pomefiore must carry ourselves beautifully, not only in how we walk, but with every single gesture we make.
Rook: That is why I began my training in order to keep to the standards of my dormitory.
Rook: As to why I chose ballet, that would be because Roi du Poison… Vil recommended it to me.
Ortho: I think Vil's advice is sound. It's said that ballet can help with your core and flexibility.
Rook: You do know your stuff, Ortho.
Ortho: You said that you just recently started learning, but… You're pretty physically fit, so I'm sure it's going pretty smoothly, right?
Rook: Well… Truthfully, the road to perfect posture has been nowhere near as smooth.
Rook: I've twisted my ankle while training to stand on my toes, and I've fallen down so ungracefully without being able to keep my balance…
Rook: When I first began practicing, my muscles were so sore that even going up and down stairs was a trial in and of itself.
Rook: I realized just how many muscles I've yet to use… It has been quite a learning experience.
Ortho: Even though you're saying how hard it was… It looks to me like you're still enjoying yourself.
Rook: Yes, it was indeed a fantastic time. One time, I became so engrossed that I danced the night away.
Ortho: Your posture now is really good, Rook-san… Looks to me like the fruits of your ballet training is showing.
Rook: Oui! Also, as I had my ballet lessons, I was able to get a taste of yet another wonderful joy.
Ortho: What do you mean, a wonderful joy?
Rook: Up until now, I would only have an adoration of the perfect performances I would watch on stage.
Rook: However, now that I've experienced it firsthand, I know just how difficult each individual technique can be.
Rook: These ballet dancers perform as gracefully as swans, putting forth such extraordinary efforts that we never get to witness.
Rook: They have honed their bodies through all the time they've spent dancing, and then these dancers take their honed bodies to bring forth perfected movements...
Rook: And then there is the spectacular stage productions that can draw out the beauty of those movements in full…!
Rook: I now have the pleasure of seeing those performances in an even more beautiful light… From the bottom of my heart, I am pleased to be learning ballet.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Ortho: This painting shows the scene where the Rabbit Retainers has announced Queen of Hearts' arrival to her card soldiers.
Rook: We know that the Queen of Hearts had a rather strict personality, but… The expression she carries here is so lovely!
Ortho: I kinda find it funny with how the white rabbit is looking so tired beside her.
Ortho: This rabbit came running just before the Queen was set to arrive.
Rook: Indeed. There are many times that him frantically running while trying to do his tasks have shown up in other stories.
Rook: It's said that everyone could hear his running footsteps from all over the country… He must have been quite the busy one.
Ortho: Ah, talking about footsteps reminds me… Rook-san, you really don't make a sound when you walk.
Rook: Is that so?
Ortho: Yeah. I have a motion sensor, so I'll always know, but… A normal person wouldn't notice if you came up behind them.
Ortho: How are you able to walk without making a sound like that?
Rook: It's probably because I've grown up surrounded by nature.
Rook: Whenever I am with the trees, I become a leaf on one of its branches. Whenever I am in the meadow, I become a reed swaying in the wind…
Rook: As I dedicated myself to become one with nature like so, my footsteps naturally became softer.
Ortho: It sounds difficult to live in nature…
Rook: Fufu, it's nothing much. This is simply how I was raised alongside my family.
Ortho: I see… But I don't think there's any reason for you to watch your footsteps here at Night Raven College, do you?
Rook: Since it's more or less an ingrained habit at this point, it's not something I'm doing consciously. However…
Rook: Large and obtrusive footsteps can ruin a beautiful moment.
Rook: It could startle a bird that had settled down to sip nectar from a flower, or interrupt an enjoyable moment between friends.
Rook: That is why I wouldn't dream of making louder footsteps. I wish to capture as many beautiful moments and I possibly can with my own eyes.
Ortho: That's amazing… But how is it that you still don't make any noise on gravel roads or wooden floors?
Rook: If I had to attribute it to something, it's probably due to my shoes.
Rook: Whenever I purchase a pair, I make sure to request to have a size snug against my toes to the nearest millimeter.
Rook: Perhaps when one wears shoes that are a perfect fit, even footsteps naturally become quieter.
Ortho: You really think of everything! Now I'm curious what kind of thought you put into choosing a design for them.
Rook: Let me think… When it comes to designs, I often just select whatever was recommended to me by the shopkeeper.
Rook: I may be a Pomefiore student, but… I still haven't familiarized myself with selecting clothes and shoes that necessarily suit me.
Ortho: Woah… I'm a little surprised. I totally thought you'd be particular about the materials in your shoes, or the shape of your heels.
Ortho: You know how whenever everyone wears the high heels with the ceremonial robes, their footsteps are louder than usual?
Rook: Oui! I find the ringing sound of the heels clacking is music to my ears.
Rook: Unfortunately, I find I'm unable to make as clear a sound. Perhaps I'm subconsciously keeping my heels from hitting the ground?
Ortho: Heheh, really? I love your story, Rook-san, since they defy my known data.
Ortho: Thanks for sharing all of that with me! Okay, then I'm heading out to view the other exhibits.
Rook: Right, let us talk together again sometime. ―Now then, it's time to go see that one piece of artwork that I have been longing for.
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Rook: Ah… The famed work of art that depicts the princess singing to the fauna around her… Why does my heart dance for joy each time I gaze upon it?
Rook: With her lips red as the rose, hair black as ebony, and skin white as snow… Mayhap the animals are entranced by her charm, as well.
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Requested by @butterflyremix.
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tu-sugar-mami · 1 year
If I may, I have a request for an Alcina x reader!
You’ve been invited to Alcina’s chambers a few times now and she’s grown fond of you, and you of her. Alcina’s true feelings for you are revealed after an incident where she realizes how great her fear of losing you is.
Oh. My. Goodnessssssss I promise I was gonna write a like 500 or 1k at most lil story and I ended up writing 3,300 words lmaooo this request is so good I SWEAR aaaa thank you for sending it and I'm sorry it took me so long to finish it I got so carried away. Welp, I hope you enjoy it!
°female reader, not beta read, slight angst, happy ending, canon typical violence I guess, ladies and gentlemen for the first time: oblivious Alcina Dimitrescu
3,300 words
When you first arrived at Castle Dimitrescu it was with uncertainty and fear in every step. Whatever awaited you past the doors was unknown territory, and in the back of your mind, the horror stories told by the elders in the village resonated within you. Alas, like any other maid searching for refuge in that castle, you were not there willingly. The village resources were scarce and the fear of your cabin along with yourself being torn at night by the neverending waves of lycans were enough reasons for you to try to find employment within the Dimitrescu household.
You were accepted into the staff quicker than you would have expected, and soon enough you started working quietly and efficiently. 
Whether it was your silent enjoyment for cleaning or the unbothered reaction to the daughters' games and deliberate bloodied messes (no one could blame you, really, not when you spend all your life waiting for your end with welcoming arms), there was indeed something that caught the Lady's eyes. 
Perhaps it was the lonely look in your eyes, or perhaps the polite smile that never reached your eye that tugged at Alcina's heart. Could it be maybe that she saw a glimpse of herself before her transformation in you? A woman whose life circumstances made a shell out of her… She started watching you closely from the dark after you witnessed Cassandra having an angry fit with a maid and contrary to what anyone expected you were found completely unbothered by it and began cleaning the mess with dutiful practice. It was odd, the Lady had thought. Not even her oldest staff would be so numb to such display, and yet you –having been part of the staff mere days at the time– were unreactive.
Daniela even seemed to have grown fond of you in the little time you'd been working there. It's no wonder she always told her mother about you, unknowingly feeding the fire of curiosity within the Lady. Yes, she definitely had to investigate. Why were you there in the first place? From then on, the Lady was aware of every little thing you did in search of something that could give her some clarity, although you were none the wiser.
As for yourself… well, you had only seen the Lady from afar once, but it wasn't enough for you to form a solid opinion on her. The villagers had told you stories of what she was capable of, and even though you wouldn't mind having an "ascension to Mother Miranda's heaven" that didn't mean you were actively seeking your early demise.
By your fifth month working at the castle, you had gotten well acquainted with the three Dimitrescu sisters, even going as far as to spend time with them outside of your maid duties. You didn't know what they saw in you to enjoy your company, as far as you were concerned, there was nothing special about you, or at least none that you could see yourself, no special talent other than your well earned skill at crochet and the fine work you did at organizing; both activities usually needing only half of your mind thanks to the simplicity and repetitive movements, leaving the rest of your imagination to fly away. 
Still, cooking with Daniela, crocheting with Cassandra and organizing the library books with Bela were activities that you eagerly looked forward to throughout the day, and unbeknownst to you, Alcina couldn't help but feel a strange warmth in her heart when you spent time with her daughters.
The first time the Lady invited you to have some tea with her, was unexpected. You remember being outside in the backyard, the cold breeze scratching at your reddened cheeks and biting your fingers while you scraped the snow out of the stone stairs with a hand shovel as a punishment from the head maid.
Unsuspecting, you kept focused on your task doing your best to tune out the growing numbness crawling up and reaching your wrists, until a light tap on your shoulders startled you. 
When you turned, the Lady herself stood in front of you, bending forward enough for her hand to reach your kneeling body. 
"What do you think you're doing out here?" She asked, and it could have been your imagination but her voice felt gentler than the other times you've heard her speak to the other maids. 
A thoughtful look painted her features as you recounted how the head maid caught you giving your rationed food to another maid since she had missed her turn at the communal table, and then decided to have you clear the entrance stairs as a form of discipline. Recounting this, you saw the Lady for the first time, truly saw her. You had gotten quite used to only having glimpses of her retreating figure every now and then, but having her in her entire 9 foot tall glory before you was a sight to behold.
She was gorgeous, that was undeniable. The roundness of her jaw and the high cheekbones gave her an inviting aura, but you knew better than that. 
The Lady, observant as always, caught the light shiver of your shoulders, and it was only then that she noticed the lack of proper clothes to wear outside in the unmerciful weather, instead the only thing covering you aside from the standard uniform was a light shawl wrapped around your shoulders like a makeshift blanket. 
"Come." She had told you, and before you could react you were being guided by the shoulders toward the Lady's chambers, on your way to enjoy a quite nice cup of hot honeyed tea to warm you up. 
Surprisingly, the conversation flew comfortably, and you found yourself enjoying the Lady's company, and even if you didn't know it, the Lady felt it way too easy to talk to you.
From then on, you couldn't tell when the reunions became more frequent. Not that you were complaining. Talking to the Lady was always nice, even if at first you were afraid of saying something that would end up with you visiting the cellar, but alas, you grew to enjoy the easy talk, and with time the Lady allowed you to speak freely. 
It was odd after a few months, though, out of nowhere the way the Lady herself would go fetch you instead of sending a maid to summon you. You hadn't seen her pay the same attention to any other maid, but the slowly growing butterflies in your belly fluttered more often than not whenever you saw the Lady on the hall entrance, already waiting for you. Of course no words were needed, you would follow her as soon as the soft smile appeared on her lips.
Perhaps it was the time you spent together with the woman, but you started seeing things that little by little melted your heart and filled you with a gentle buzzing, things that anyone else would completely miss. Despite everyone believing the Lady to be cold and heartless, the reality was all the opposite. The way she looked at her daughters with so much love and softness made your heart warm, the gentle nudges and praise for the treasure and pride that were her three girls were always present. And not only with her family, but she also cared for her maids, in her unique ways, but cared nonetheless. The Lady was nothing if not a fair employer, even if your coworkers wouldn't see it like that.
Yes, the Lady was caring. How else could she remember your specific taste in tea and snacks? Every time you were to visit her chambers, the steaming tea and muffins were already set waiting in a tray on the coffee table.
Soon enough, you felt the same comfort talking to Alcina -as she one warm afternoon urged you to call her- as talking to one of your closest friends. Was it normal for you to always want to be there for her? Probably not, but alas can she blame you? You felt pulled by her like a moth to a flame, the metaphor being more accurate than not, what with the same dangerous fire only a small distance from consuming you. You're positive you could stare at her molten gold eyes until the end of your days if she so allowed. 
Two years of the same routine were more than enough for Alcina to have you wrapped around her finger, and you learned to read her like an open book. Great friends you were after sharing conversations for so long, and even the maids knew you to be her confidante. 
You were happy with your unofficial title, and although you wished you could be something more significant to your Lady, you knew your place very well. In the time you had accompanied the Matriarch, she hadn't really given you reasons to fear her aside perhaps for her anger outbursts, but you knew better than to test your luck. The Lady might have been lenient with you, but that didn't mean she wouldn't dispose of you whenever she found fit, after all what were you, a mere maid, to someone powerful like her? 
Two years and a wonderful three months had passed since that first conversation, until you began to notice a certain change in Alcina's attitude. 
All of a sudden, your usual routine began to crumble. The first thing that shocked you was that you were denied entrance to her chambers for your tea time, and as if that wasn't enough, the sightings of the Lady around you became more and more sparse. She, unknowingly, left you to wonder just what you had done wrong to upset her, and if that was the case, why wasn't she chasing you to put out your candle? Even the daughters' buzzing remained far away from you, and the only thing that came for you after you accidentally did something wrong was silence and solitude rather than the slightly annoyed rolling eyes followed by a small smirk from your Lady.
Perhaps Alcina had just tired of you, and even if it hurt you, you promised yourself you'd move on eventually and continued working as diligently as you had done all this time. 
Turns out that, another three months after your promise, forgetting Alcina still proves hard. No matter in what an unbothered way she had pushed you away, you couldn't force yourself to desist from her…friendship? So that's how you find yourself on your way to offering one last tea. One last hopeful plea before this time letting her go once and for all. 
You're reaching the top of the stairs on your way to your Lady's chambers, when you spot a man trying to open the twin doors on the second floor balcony.
"Who are you?" Your voice startles the man and he turns. There's a slightly manic look in his eyes, and you're immediately weary of him. As of late, the hunters from the village have receded in their attempts at breaking in, but the one in front of you doesn't seem to be in his right mind at all.
"Get him!" Bela's voice thunders from the end of the hall, and you immediately know they're hunting the trespasser.
The man seems to get the hint and makes a run for the stairs, but he's so frantic that he doesn't have enough control to completely dodge your body half blocking the stairs, and as he runs past you his shoulder connects with you harshly.
That nudge is all you need to lose your footing on the stairs. The tray you were carrying along with the delicate porcelain teacups falls to the ground with a shattering clash and is at this point that you should worry about your imminent fall from the second floor, but the real reason behind your wince is knowing your Lady's wrath at breaking her favorite china set will not make itself wait if you survive. 
Well, if you're gonna have a bad time anyway, you might as well make the best of it. If you're descending to your downfall, the man will come with you…
The man is not fast enough to dodge your iron grasp on his jacket as you begin spinning down, and the strength you pull him with brings him rolling down in toll.
The man is resilient and whilst tumbling down he tries to break free from your grasp, fighting with you and your fierce scratching retaliation. 
"Let go of me!" He grunts while pulling on your hair harshly in an attempt to make you yield, but you answer by digging your fingers in his eyes.
The edges of the stairs' steps dig hard against you, and soon enough there's sharp pains pulsating in several parts of your body.
In the background you can hear a familiar voice (Daniela maybe… or perhaps Cassandra?) calling for their mother. If you're not mistaken there's also a quickly approaching buzzing sound, but it's muffled by the loud ringing in your ears. 
You land on the tiled floor with a loud splat, and you swear you feel your wrist snap under your weight, but the adrenaline keeps you from acknowledging it, instead your focus is on trying to find your footing shakily and your eyes are pinned to the man that with a great effort manages to crawl away.
The man quickly gets away as good as his legs can allow him, reaching for a nearby dagger that in the fall spilled from his now torn backpack.
"No!" You hear someone yell, and the man with his weapon in hand pounces at you before you can completely stand.
The silver dagger, beautifully intricate and slightly curved, reaches your side, the tip finds its way through your clothes and the harsh hit leaves you breathless. The pain in your body and the lack of air along with the pulsing in your wrist and the dizziness of the fall makes you fall to the floor again on your knees and embrace yourself in an attempt of comfort. The corners of your sight become dark and blurry at times.
"What have you done!" To your surprise, your Lady -who wasn't far behind her daughters when they called for her- finally reaches you both and in a second her hand is wringing the man's neck. 
A groan from you makes Alcina's gaze snap at your limp body on the floor, and her eyes widen as she confirms that the dagger is indeed buried in your side. It takes her a moment to fully process what she's seeing, and in her mind the mantra 'It can't be…' is repeating over and over again.
The damned Dagger Of Death's Flower's -the same dagger that the dirty scum had stolen a few hours prior- is sticking out from your side. 
Her panic sets in, and her eyes become blurry. The overwhelming anger she felt towards the man that dared to touch you is completely overridden by the absolute fear.
Not you… please not like this.
The now unconscious man is thrown carelessly across the room towards the three daughters who have regrouped, Alcina will deal with him later in a much more proper way, for now the only thing in her mind is taking care of your agonizing self. 
Her breathing becomes ragged, and if her heart could still beat, it would be hammering against her chest in fear.
"No… no, no!"
She can't lose you like this.
Her tears are now flowing freely, staining her cheeks with ruined makeup as she kneels and oh so carefully brings your weight onto her lap. She's delicate, more than anyone would have thought her to be, she's so gentle and tender in the way she holds your limp body against hers, and there's a light tremor in her usually steady hand as she clears your face from stray locks. 
Her long time friend, her only one in so long actually, is now walking on the edge between life and death…
Good Lord, why does it feel like the dagger stabbed her heart instead? Why does seeing you like this feel so wrong?
There's deep regret in the way her frown crinkles her forehead. 
There's nothing else she can do for you now, not when the poison from the dagger is in your system. 
Despite Alcina's aversion to touching the dagger, she forces herself to remove it. She won't allow it to pester you more, or tarnish the last memory she'll have of you.
She pulls the weapon with a hard tug, but to her shock the blade comes out clean, there's no spurting blood coming from the supposed wound, and in its place, through the torn fabric she can see a familiar green cover and engraved golden letters. 
A loose sob comes from her, it's wet and definitely unladylike, but the relief she feels it's too immense for her to care about propriety. 
It's a book that hides under the clothes. The book she had gifted you so long ago it's what saved your life. That book that had always annoyed her thanks to your constant insistence for her to read it was the shield that had stopped the poisoned blade from touching you.
Honestly Alcina couldn't be more thankful and relieved.
"Ow…" You mutter against her as she holds you closer, and her laugh mixed with disbelieved sobs drown your complaint. You don't really care though, the familiar and comfortable scent is enough to have you burrow further into the Lady. 
Next thing you know, there's a pair of lips pressing against your forehead. 
"Oh darling, I thought I had lost you…" 
As soon as those words leave Alcina's lips, there's a realization that comes so suddenly to her, falling on her like a bucket of ice. It's when you raise your head and finally look at her with big and teary eyes and smile sheepishly at her, at that moment she knows for the first time that you, her maid and friend, hold her heart in your hands.
This time, without hesitation, her lips fall on yours, gently minding your injuries, but desperate enough for you to feel her relief. You're alive and that's all that matters to her. It doesn't take you a second after before you're kissing her with the same need. 
"Finally…" You hear someone say far behind you, and it takes you a moment to recognize the owner of the voice as Daniela's.
"Let's go treat your wounds." Alcina says before carefully carrying you in her arms bridal style all the way up the stairs until you're out of sight from the daughters and the man now completely forgotten.
Alcina sets you down on her bed and finally lets herself look at you with all the love you deserve. Honestly, it isn't a mystery how she fell for you, but now she can't help but to feel silly at how she avoided the strange feelings she had whenever you were nearby. How could she know those feelings that made her avoid you for so long were in reality quite the strong love?
Well, she did know how, but of course she would tell. 
The many years of her life had taught her that love wasn't for her. Her past had made her blind. Feeling like this after so long, it was almost a new experience for her. It's no wonder then that she didn't know why you made her feel like that in the first place. 
And now, with you having your wounds bandaged and properly kissed better, resting on top of her and nestling your head under her chin as she gently rubs your back, she can't think of you not being in her life ever again.
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bloomzone · 6 months
hi, I was wondering if you could give tips on how to take notes? you have helped me so much!! i hope you have a good day!!! 💕
(sorry if my english isn’t good it’s not my first language)
Hi girlie thanks so much for ur words .I hope u had a nice day too .🎀😭
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Taking effective notes is a crucial skill that can help you retain information, stay organized, and study more efficiently. Here are some tips on how to take notes effectively:
1.Use the Cornell Method: Divide your paper into three sections - a narrow column on the left for cues or questions, a wide column on the right for notes, and a section at the bottom for summarizing key points. This method helps you organize information and review it more effectively.
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2.Be selective: Focus on key points, main ideas, and important details rather than trying to write down everything word for word. Use abbreviations, symbols, and bullet points to make your notes concise and easy to review.
3.Stay organized: Use headings, subheadings, and numbering to structure your notes in a logical way. This will make it easier to find information later on and connect related concepts.
4.Active listening: Engage with the material while taking notes by summarizing in your own words, asking questions, and making connections between different concepts. This will help you understand and retain the information better.
5.Review and revise: Take time to review and revise your notes regularly to reinforce your understanding and memory of the material. Use your notes as a study tool to prepare for exams or assignments.
6.Use technology: Consider using note-taking apps or software that allow you to organize, search, and access your notes across different devices. This can make it easier to keep track of your notes and study on the go like notion ( I use notion to take my notes recently cuz it help me to stay organized)
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YouTube video that can help u !
video 1 (she helped me a lot )
I hope this help u 143 !
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blueesnow · 3 months
(10/10) Epic of Salvation - LE Event Story Translation (UR Tokiya, SR Cecil)
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Synopsis: ...Once upon a time, there was a war between humans and demons in the world, and the human fought them off with the "power" that was bestowed upon them by heaven. However now that time has passed, the "power" somehow begin to faded away—A royal fantasy drama passionately performed by Tokiya and Cecil is about to start!
Ch 1:
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Tokiya: …~♪ Phew. I wonder if the prayer that I put into the song finally reached someone. Tokiya: (Hm? That sound just now… don't tell me an intruder? …No, the castle's security should be well-guarded) Tokiya: Who's there? Quietly show yourself. Tokiya: Wha… A woman…inside a light? You, are you okay? Tokiya: Oh, you wake up, thank goodness. …You don't seem to be injured. Here take my hand, can you get up? Tokiya: Well then… let me ask you once again. Who are you, and how did you end up lying here. Besides what exactly is those light… Tokiya: …Oi, why didn't you say anything. You could at the very least give me a name… Tokiya: You know nothing? You don't have any memory, you said? Tokiya: …Looks like you're not lying. I do want to trust you but… Tokiya: What's the matter? If you can somehow remember something, no matter how little it is… Tokiya: …You heard a song, you said? Tokiya: You were being led by a singing voice, and that's why you're here. …. Tokiya: (If what she said was the truth, then it matched up with what the legend says. It would also fill up the reason as to why she suddenly appeared too) Tokiya: (And yet that mysterious light just now… Don't tell me, she's actually…) Tokiya: (…No, it's too early to jump to conclusion. Let's wait for a while and see the situation. Besides my song is just a song after all) Tokiya: Hm? Oh… The one who sang just now was me. Tokiya: … I-I see. I'm grateful to hear a compliment from you. Tokiya: It's getting late now. I'll show you around the castle. If you have an amnesia, you probably don't have anywhere to go to, right. Tokiya: You don't need to hold back. Besides I'd feel bad leaving you out here alone in the night. ….Ah, right, I haven't introduce myself, didn't I. Tokiya: My name is Tokiya. I'm the prince of this country.
Ch 2:
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-Edelduhr* Castle's Lakeside- Vassal: Prince Tokiya, so this is where you have been. I've brought the person from yesterday. Tokiya: Oh, good work. …Well then, did you sleep well yesterday? …That's good. Tokiya: Let me introduce myself once again. I'm… the prince of this country, Edelduhr Empire, Tokiya. Vassal: Tokiya-sama is the "third prince" of a noble imperial blood. Please be careful as to not be disrespectful toward him. Tokiya: …Cough. You can return now and continue with your duties. Tokiya: …Although it's only been a night, how's your condition. Did you remember something…? Tokiya: Though it's not like it'll be that easy to recover them huh. Sorry, you can forget about that just now. Tokiya: …What's with that look on your face. Is it so surprising that I'd believe in your story? Tokiya: It's true that I was a bit skeptical of it at first, but… I do have a few things in mind regarding you. Tokiya: …Or what, are you telling me that your true identity was actually an assassin targeting a royal family? Tokiya: …I was just kidding. You don't have to deny it so seriously. Tokiya: I don't sense any hostility or malice from you. I have an ability to discern whether someone is a threat or not after all. Tokiya: …It's not something to be praised for. I've just been trained like this since I was a child. Tokiya: It's a skill that you should have in order to protect yourself. …Especially, for someone like me. Tokiya: …Hm? Oh no, it's nothing. Anyway, I have a suggestion for you. Tokiya: Why don't you live here in the castle and be my caretaker for a while? Tokiya: This is the place where all kinds of information gathered here. Maybe one of them might be related to your memories. Tokiya: It might be much more efficient than just randomly searching for clues, right? So, how about it? Tokiya: …All right, well then I'm going to make an arrangements to welcome you. You don't need to thank me. Tokiya: If there's anyone who lost their way, I will lend them a hand. That's what you should do as someone who was born to lead their people.
*: I'm translating it as Edelduhr's Empire for now. The jp name was エーデルドゥール and you can read it as ēderudo~ūru in romaji.
Ch 3 :
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-A few days later- Cecil: So Tokiya, where is she right now? Tokiya: Wait for a moment. She'll come soon… Oh, look there she is. We're right here. Cecil: Oh, so you're that rumoured "Messiah"! I've been wanting to meet you. Cecil: As I thought, you're such a wonderful person. She looks as if she's a goddess herself. Tokiya: Hey Cecil, look you're bothering her. …I'm sorry for surprising you. Tokiya: This person is a prince from a neighbour country called "Forsden* Kingdom", Cecil. Our country are on good terms with each other. Cecil: Nice to meet you, I'm Cecil. I'm the 3rd prince just like Tokiya, I hope we can get along well. Tokiya: Why you… This is your first time meeting her, so why don't you be a little bit more polite— Cecil: I've heard from Tokiya. You were attracted by his singing voice and that's how you came to this country, right? Cecil: To think that the legendary "Messiah" herself has appeared right before my eyes. It's very assuring to know. Cecil: Eh…you never heard of this story before? Tokiya, you didn't tell her? Tokiya: …I have no proof that she is what we're talking about. Besides I didn't think it was the time to talk about it yet. Cecil: But, she appeared right on this lakedise, didn't she? Isn't that literally matched with what the legend of Edelduhr says? Tokiya: It would be rash to judge based on the current situation alone. I can't be sure until I actually see the Messiah's "power" within my own eyes. Tokiya: And most importantly, she has lost her memory. Talking about it like this will only make her more confused. Cecil: Oh, so that's what it is. It seems like Tokiya really care about you. He may look grumpy, but deep down he's kindhearted. Tokiya: Don't you make fun of me. ….But well, I can't keep quiet about it forever, can I. Tokiya: It might be quite an ambiguous story and it may also be a burden toward you…but even so, would you like to listen to it? Tokiya: …Thank you. First, let me explain the situation of our country right from the very beginning.
*: Same with before, I've just translate this one as Forsden (the same as mtl). The jp name was フォルスデン and you can read it as forusuden in romaji.
Ch 4:
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Tokiya: A long time ago, there were frequent wars that happened between humans and demons in the world. Tokiya: The demons have an overwhelming physical capabilities, and we as humans are no match for them in a proper fight. It was even impossible to communicate with them. Tokiya: However, there were some people who bravely stood up against them. Those people are the one who held special "powers" in their hands. Cecil: For example, some people could freely control the wind at will. While the others could create fire and water, or even heal an injury. Cecil: …And like this the "power" that people can use varies from one and another. Tokiya: People worshipped this "power" that exceeded human knowledge as a gift from the heaven, and those who defeated the demons became heroes. Tokiya: Eventually, they created their own countries, thus establishing the world as we know it today. Cecil: Among the several countries that were formed, Tokiya's country, Edelduhr in particular gathered a lot of people with special "powers". Cecil: As a country that was deeply influenced by the breath of God, it had become a great empire that reigned at the center of the world. Tokiya: …That was once in the past. As time passes the world will change as well. Tokiya: The "power" that was once abundant in the world a long time ago has faded with the passage of time and become a rare commodity. Tokiya: Nowadays, the only people who have "power" are the imperial family, a few members of the aristocracy, and a handful of ordinary people. Tokiya: …Me? No, I'm just a normal human with nothing in my hands. Cecil: I'm also the same as Tokiya. I'm supposed to be a member of the royal family, but I can't even use those "power". Cecil: Even though our older brothers already have impressive "power" in their hands. Tokiya: … Tokiya: …However, recently there have been incidents happened that indicate the resurrection of the demons. Tokiya: There are only faint signs for now, but it won't be long before a conflict breaks out once again. Cecil: Even if we were to try to defeat them again, there are only a few of us who can use "power". There is a huge difference in strength between now and the past. Cecil: But at that time you… the Messiah appeared.
Ch 5:
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Cecil: There's a legend that has been passed down since a long time ago in Edelduhr Empire. Cecil: When the world faces the demons once again, offer a song from the bottom of your heart to the lake in front of the castle. Cecil: And the Messiah of this world shall appear and destroy those demons… Cecil: Look, it's literally the same situation as when you first showed up, right? We've been looking forward for your arrival. Tokiya: I told you before that it hasn't been decided yet, right, Cecil. And besides we don't even know whether the legend itself is true in the first place. Tokiya: It could just be a rumor that was started by someone who was worried and wanted to ease their minds, and naturally those story just grew bigger and bigger on its own. Cecil: You're as serious as always, aren't you, Tokiya. Tokiya: …It's not like I'm completely denying it. I'd be happy too to know if the Messiah herself has finally appeared. Cecil: I know. I think it's the right thing to do to be cautious about information. Cecil: But I can't help but feel hopeful when she finally appeared as if she had sensed our crisis. Cecil: Even though we keep losing our "power", we can still fight against the demons. I can't help but think that this is such a good omen. Tokiya: …Only time will tell if the legend is true or not. Tokiya: Anyway, we just have to do whatever we can for now. Cecil: …That's right. We'll definitely have to fight the demons sooner or later. We need to prepare for that time. Tokiya: …Don't you worry. We're not going to stand by without doing anything. Tokiya: Right now my country and Cecil's country are working together to strengthen the vigilance of the surrounding areas. Tokiya: We're sending out scouts to gather information in various places, so if anything happens we'll be notified right away. Cecil: Our older brothers are also leaving to a neighbouring country to gain more allies. Cecil: I'm sure they'll be back bringing good news with them. Tokiya: ….Right. ….
Ch 6:
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Tokiya: … Tokiya: Who's there? Oh… it's you. What is it, you can't sleep? Tokiya: …Not really, I'm not particularly feeling down or anything. There's nothing for you to worry about. Tokiya: Don't mind me and go back inside. …I told you before it's nothing, okay. Tokiya: …You're more stubborn than I thought. Tokiya: What I'm about to say now is just a trivial monologue. If you want to listen, feel free to do so. Tokiya: Even though I'm of an imperial blood, I wasn't blessed with "power" unlike my older brothers. Tokiya: Ever since I was a child I used to think that my fate was cursed. But even if I lament on it, God won't show me mercy. Tokiya: Once I realized that, I devoted myself to improve my swordsmanship. Tokiya: Even though it may be quite an insignificant power that can't even become real, I couldn't help but do something. Tokiya: …When the signs of the demons' revival finally showed up, I actually volunteered to be a scout. But I wasn't allowed to. Tokiya: I guess the Emperor and my brothers probably don't have any expectations for someone who doesn't have "power" to begin with. Tokiya: No…they probably already aware of it. In the first place I actually prefer music rather than swordsmanship. Tokiya: It was also the same on the day you appeared too. I was actually there singing to vent all of my feelings. Tokiya: I guess it's natural to be disappointed. No matter how much you sincerely love singing, a song like that is useless. Tokiya: There's no way someone like me could summon the Messiah here… Tokiya: …. The song, was my power…you said? Tokiya: I've never thought of that before… But, if that is true…then… Vassal 1: Pardon my intrusion! A group of demons has been spotted in the east. The Emperor has ordered you to attend the meeting immediately. Tokiya: …! The time has finally come, huh.
Ch 7:
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Tokiya: One of you come with me. The other will escort her to her room. Tokiya: …You don't have to worry about anything. Now, let's go. Vassal 2: —That's the end of the status report. The demons are expected to arrive near the border tomorrow. Tokiya: (They're moving faster than I thought. I'm going to plead with my father to let me fight on the front lines as well.) Tokiya: (If what she said was true, that I too have my own "power"…then I might be able to fulfill my duties as a member of the imperial family.) - Tokiya: Brave soldiers of our country and our allies! All of you are gathered here together in response to the Emperor's orders. Tokiya: As someone who has been entrusted with commanding the front lines, I would like to express my gratitude from the bottom of my heart. I'm proud of all of your courageous will for standing here. Cecil: Let's face this battle with unyielding courage. If our thoughts are becoming one, then there's no need to fear the threat of the demons. Tokiya: The only thing that lies ahead of us is victory. Let's move forward together to a bright future! Tokiya: We will now begin the ceremony before we march to the battlefield. Let's turn our vow of victory into a song and dedicate it to everyone. Tokiya: ~♪ Tokiya: … Cecil: (What is this light…? It's like power keeps coming out from inside his body) Cecil: (Somehow I feel like I won't lose to any enemy right now. …I see, so this is Tokiya's "power"…) Tokiya: Glory to our homeland "Edelduhr Empire" and also to our ally "Forsden Kingdom"! Tokiya: …I'm convinced now. It seems like my song has the power to increase our ability to fight against the demons. Tokiya: To think that I can also fulfill my duties on the battlefield. It was thanks to you to made me realize this, thank you. Tokiya: (This light…! The "power" became much more stronger from where I touched her hand…) Tokiya: (Don't tell me, this is her… the Messiah's power…!?) Tokiya: In my name, I beg of you. Would you please lend me your power to save this country?
Ch 8:
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-Wilderness- Tokiya: Thank you for coming here with us. Don't you dare leave my side, okay. Tokiya: …The demons have already begun their invasion. The situation is not good, and our forces are overwhelmingly at a disadvantage. Tokiya: But there's no need to be afraid. As long as you were here, there's no way we're going to lose. Tokiya: Everyone, prepare your swords! Now it's time to attack! Tokiya: Here we go! …Haa! - Tokiya: *pant* Just how many of them are there exactly? They keep coming out one after another. Tokiya: Although everyone is trying their best, there's just no end to it. If it continues like this… Tokiya: …! You, stand behind me! Tokiya: Urgh… Such strength…! Tokiya: (At this rate, I'm going to lose. I have to at least protect her…!) Tokiya: (This light… it's from her "power"! …That's right, this is no time to be getting weak.) Tokiya: There's no way I'm going to fall down on my knees in a place like this. …Haa! Tokiya: …Even though I was supposed to be the one protecting you, I ended up getting helped instead. Even so, what a mysterious "power" that was. Tokiya: Not only just my physical strength, but I also feel like I'm getting much more stronger mentally as well. Thanks to it, I'm fully awake now. Tokiya: (I'm the prince. To all the people who are waiting for victory, the soldiers who fight alongside me, and also her… I'll make sure to definitely protect them all.) Tokiya: I won't let you lay even a finger on the people that I care about. …Haaa! Tokiya: Everyone, don't give up just yet! Look beyond the hill, the enemy numbers are definitely decreasing. Tokiya: Hold your pride in your heart and swing your sword. Protect those you love with your hands. Tokiya: I'll lead the way. Come and follow me, my dear soldiers. Tokiya: We will definitely win this war and take the first step towards peace!
Ch 9:
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-Edelduhr Castle's Lakeside- Tokiya: …Thank god we made it back safely. I'm glad that I was able to report the victory to the Emperor. Cecil: We were also very grateful to you as well. You were one of the heroes who contributed to the victory without any problems after all. Tokiya: That's right. But I remember you looked like a borrowed cat* during the audience. Weren't you more nervous at that time than when you were on the battlefield? Tokiya: …What you were thinking soon appeared on your face. I'll never get bored watching it. Cecil: What is it, looks like you two seems to be getting along well just now. Getting ahead yourself is unfair y'know, Tokiya. Cecil: To think that he finally awakened a wonderful "power", leaving me, his best friend, behind all alone. Tokiya: Actually I still can't believe that as well. Tokiya: If it's not for that "power" of song, this victory might not have happened. Cecil: Yeah, that was really amazing. But that wasn't the only reason why we win, right? Cecil: Tokiya has also honed his swordsmanship. And your subordinates know as well that you work much more harder than anyone else. Cecil: It was because of Tokiya that was leading the way that everyone was able to perform beyond their capabilities. Tokiya: …I am very grateful to those who believed in me and followed me. Tokiya: But even if you say that, you also took part in the victory, aren't you? You led the reinforcements into the battle after all. Cecil: Tokiya… Tokiya: Thanks to Cecil's army's surprise attack on the back, the enemy's formation was thrown into disarray. Tokiya: It was precisely because our forces were dispersed that our army was able to attack all at once. Cecil: …That's right. If even one of them had been missing, we might have succumbed to the momentum of the demons. Cecil: This victory was achieved thanks to everyone. Of course, that also includes you too. Tokiya: Yeah. Your presence became our hope. Not only did you give us "power", but you also saved our hearts as well. Tokiya: I'm really glad that I met you. …Thank you.
*: It's a Japanese phrase 借りてきた猫 and is used to refer to situation in which someone acts all quiet and meek (in contrast of their usual behaviour) due to nervousness and/or shyness when they are in an unfamiliar environment.
Ch 10:
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Cecil: Hmm, what a nice breeze. It's hard to believe that we were fighting the demons just a little while ago. Cecil: Oh, look. There are birds playing on the lake. They're so cute. Tokiya: What are you being so carefree about… You don't think the war is over yet, do you? Cecil: I know that. This time, we may have only temporarily repelled the enemy. Cecil: Although we were able to reduce the enemy's strength a little, the demons will surely attack once again. Tokiya: Yeah. There's no time to bask in the afterglow of victory. Tokiya: We need to quickly gather forces to be our allies as soon as possible…such as people who possess "power" from each country. Cecil: We should also investigate as to why the demons are being resurrected now. Cecil: If we don't remove the source of the problem, the same thing will happen all over again. Tokiya: …Looks like we need to work together with our brothers to gather information. Tokiya: They're in another country right now, but they'll be returning soon. Since you're the Messiah, I must also introduce you to them. Cecil: If it's like that, then why don't we introduce her to the whole world? Cecil: The fact that the Messiah has appeared will be a ray of hope for everyone. It will also help to unify and bring people together. Tokiya: I have no objections. …Though I'm a little bit hesitant about it. Cecil: Fufu. Don't tell me you don't like it that she'll soon become popular? Tokiya: That's not it. It's just that I thought she might be in trouble if we suddenly drew attention to her. Cecil: If you keep acting like that, someone else might take her away from you y'know? Like me, for example. Tokiya: I told you before it's not like that… You know what, this conversation is over. Tokiya: I would like to thank you once again. I am truly grateful that you were willing to fought alongside us despite the danger. Tokiya: We need your help in order to restore new peace. Please continue to be our goddess of hope.
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