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4theitgirls 6 months
holistic wellness series: cycle synching
馃尡 what is cycle synching?
in short, cycle synching is coordinating your lifestyle habits with the phases of your menstrual cycle.
馃尡 benefits of cycle synching
cycle synching can help you optimize energy levels and improve your understanding of your cycle, which, in turn, can boost estrogen levels and even boost fertility. it can also improve your hormone balance overall, which helps ease stress and period symptoms.
the menstrual phase (days ~1-5)
exercise: since the energy is low during this phase, focus on low-impact movement. this can include yoga, walking, and stretching.
food: focus on comforting and easily digested food. soups, decaf tea, veggies (lots of greens!), etc.
the follicular phase (days ~6-14)
exercise: in this phase, energy begins to rise again. great exercise options can include moderate weight lifting or cardio, jogging, swimming, and pilates.
food: light veggies and fruit and lean protein, such as eggs, salmon, poultry (like turkey), and cheese.
the ovulatory phase (days ~15-20)
exercise: energy is the highest in this phase, so high-intensity and sweaty workouts, such as hiit or vigorous weight training are optimal here.
food: lots of fiber and water to support digestion and healthy fats such as fish, nuts, and avocado.
the luteal phase (days ~20-28)
exercise: energy begins to decrease before the cycle repeats. focus on moderate exercise such as bodyweight strength training, pilates, more intense yoga, and cardio.
food: healthy fats and lots of fiber! veggies such as sweet potato and squash, seeds, salmon, and dark chocolate are good options for this time.
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reality-detective 9 months
Everyone knows that curing cancer isn't as profitable as treating it and billing you every step of the way.
However, one thing to consider is that the elite have never died of an cancer, they always die of an old age.
What does that tell you? Think about it. 馃
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eatclean-bewhole 6 months
I don鈥檛 want you to just lose weight. I want you to build habits that keep you heathy physically and mentally for the rest of your life.
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root4yourself 10 months
being present does not necessarily mean enjoying the present. it means accepting it. accepting and sitting in the current state no matter how uncomfortable and resistant you might feel. it鈥檚 accepting what Is without attaching labels or feelings to it. just observing and seeing it through.
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daportalpractitioner 3 months
holistic womb healing tip:
aim to keep your womb warm by avoiding or limiting the amount of cold you put into your body and replacing it with warm foods + liquids. this increases blood flow to the uterus and aids in fertility! even if you're not trying to get pregnant, on a spiritual level, having a fertile womb allows you to naturally magnetize the things that you want in life with ease.
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manjirinadkarni 1 year
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Happiness Chemicals
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sidewalkchemistry 8 months
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from the 'wholistic + abundant {lifestyle}' Pinterest board
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etherealdiva 9 months
Your moon sign and how you nourish yourself part 2
Read part 1 here
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homemakinghippie 2 months
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cooki3face 2 years
I swear by journaling. If you鈥檙e having a hard time and need clarity and some form of release or an outlet get yourself a journal and start writing. It doesn鈥檛 have to be fancy or super organized, release expectations about what journaling and healing is supposed to look like for you. It gives you a chance to release your emotions, sort through your feelings and your thoughts, identify patterns in your behavior and in others and really open up the door for yourself to be more conscious and aware of who you are, your feelings and what triggers you and makes you tick. Not only improving your life but also teaching you to be more equip to handle others and their emotions.
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moonhedgegarden 9 months
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reality-detective 7 months
Best Herb for Heart and Blood Pressure. 馃
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holistichealingg 6 months
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Fruit extract may kill cancer.馃憞
BIG pharma will make sure this doesn鈥檛 get out to the masses. 馃
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