#Hair Transplant Kit
incorrectbatfam · 1 year
I just got back from Barbie so what's everyone's "weird Barbie" look like?
Dick: mermaid Barbie wearing a molted snake skin he found
Jason: mummified in all the stickers he got for good grades (free her)
Tim: weird Ken—hair colored green, hands bitten off, and tied up with string
Damian: head filled with ketchup for a realistic guillotine experience
Duke: he read Flat Stanley and… yeah
Cullen: arms and legs switched places
Stephanie: wrapped in a saran wrap dress that was melted on with a hairdryer and then rolled in glitter
Cassandra: hair transplanted onto face for an epic beard
Barbara: stuffed inside a Cabbage Patch Kid inside a Care Bear
Harper: boiled
Carrie: impaled on a stick and roasted over a campfire
Kate: shoved in a tube of Play-Doh and rolled like a pastry
Alfred: lost one leg in the war and gained a GI Joe voice box
Selina: Siamese Barbie—two Barbies melted into one
Bruce: buried in a plaster dinosaur kit and unearthed decades later
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skele-bunny · 2 months
Sister's Boy. (CW)
CW: Manipulation, talk of past torture
Characters: Sister Imperator, Special
Just cause he's a Mama's boy, doesn't mean he's spared from her.
Read it under the cut or on AO3!
The rafters were a sacred place for Special, having found multiple ways to get up during childhood to avoid crowds and assignments. It was his safe space, able to watch without having to interact. How he'd lay stomach down, tail swaying while his eyes focused on crowds below– sometimes eavesdropping on conversations he shouldn't have knowledge of. But he was simply the eyes of his mother.
Anything that needed to be known, anything that needed attention, Phil would know. He'd be the first one to find his mother, leaning over to whisper in her ear before hours or days later higher-ups would come to her to discuss or lie. But Sister knew. After all, Sister had her son's eyes.
Special would do anything for her, all she had to do was ask. He's killed for her, done experiments for her, tortures, shoved his face deep into books and documents to further expand their knowledge and keep the ministry afloat. After all, Phil was the one who found a way to do elemental transitions because Sister asked him to. Multiple ghoul carcasses deep past the catacombs and into his hidden chambers, death stinking the room and every crevice. No one knew the sick surgeries and tortures he has done, how many innocent lives he ruined and killed just for her happiness. The cruel screams as they were dissected alive, forced to drink and eat one another, having their organs forcefully transplanted. It's a secret he'd take with him until he dies.
Anything Sister asked for. Anything.
Phil remembered the night he laid with his mother, curled against her side while she hummed to him like she used to do when he was nothing but a kit – relying on her gentle touch and nurture to survive. Her wrinkled hands combing through black hair, down behind the dip in his ear.
“Phil,” She started. Her voice was so warm to him. “I need you to do something for me tomorrow.”
His eyes had trailed up to her's, his tail absentmindedly wagging and eyes dilating. “Yes, mother?”
“I need you to make a poison. Something to…Be quick and effective. Instant.”
Special's eyes never constricted, just lost at the request of his mother. He felt so… Special. She was the one he'd tell everything to, request anything from. Trusted. Him, and only him. Not even his father, Nihil, rivaled his bond with Sister.
“Can I ask for what?”
“Hm.” She scratched behind his ear more, smiling as his purrs became louder with each passing moment of her nail. “Not just yet. But can you do that for me?”
“Yes, mother… I have hydrogen cyanide that I can amplify the effect of.”
Imperator’s smile only widened, but it was never cruel. It was soft, to him. It was gentle. It was kind and it was loving. So once again he laid in the rafters, watching as a few ghoul butlers held his syringes, walking into his brothers game room after his Mother. He watched as she walked out, and only moments later did those butlers carry out the corpses of his brothers. Special was left in turmoil, clawing his hair out and running to his room, desperate to catch his breath as the world crashed around him.
Yet, when Sister stood in his room with him sobbing at her feet–trying to understand just why she made him create it, why she'd kill them. Desperate for answers.
Her hand had gently lifted his chin to make eye contact, her smile so soft and eyes gentle.
“I don't understand why you're so upset, Phil. This is simply just another body for greater success. You've done this plenty of times before.” Special held her leg tightly while her thumb wiped away a tear. “Now dry up those tears, you need to meet someone. We have plenty of work to do, darling, and I need you to do something for me.”
His claws had removed themselves from her stockings, despite his hands still shaking. His eyes had dilated when he held a stronger eye contact, voice wavering as his tail went between his legs.
“Yes, mother…”
The obedience was repetitive.
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followingeggs · 2 years
kyle diabetes hcs!
first i would like to give a shoutout to the episode cherokee hair tampons (2000) <3
under a cut since I Have A Lot Of Thoughts
his mom makes him go to support groups at the hospital. i think sheila would go to parent ones too! but at first she totally drags him around to them and drops his ass off so she can go to hers and eventually he gets excited to go and see other diabetic kids. sometimes he and some kids sneak out of the room they’re being held in and they screw around in another random hospital room.
he also goes to diabetes camp and later he ends up volunteering at it when hes old enough :)
he’s the kind of diabetic that is constantly having low blood sugars. doesnt matter how much he changes his doses his ass will be going low if he doesnt follow the strict diabetic diet of three meals, morning snack, afternoon snack, bedtime snack.
not that it changes anything but i think he was diagnosed when he was around 3-4 and it was REALLY bad. he was in the hospital for a month or two. it took him even longer for him to bounce back. i say this because a) cherokee hair tampons. he needs a kidney transplant and while this isnt common for diabetics, kidney damage is a major known complication of uncontrolled diabetes, so in order for kyle to be dying of kidney failure at the ripe age of 8, it had to have been pretty bad. also b) it isnt really common for someone with type one diabetes to be born with it. it is totally possible but most people with type one (myself included) are diagnosed as small children-teenagers.
when he was diagnosed as a young kid, he decides that he also wants to be a doctor, specifically an endocrinologist. later on he probably decides on another path, either a different medical specialty if he does go into medicine, or a completely different career.
kids at school always think he’s going to die if he eats sugar. adults aren’t much better; when he comes to school he gets special low carb/sugar meals until his parents get a note signed by multiple doctors saying that yes actually, he can eat sugar and it won’t kill him, and if he is seen eating sugar it’s either because he can or because he actually needs to.
kids at school (and garrison) also think that they can catch diabetes, leading basically everyone to ostracize him and avoid him. it again takes sheila and a doctor to come into the class and explain that it’s literally just a genetic thing.
sort of an obvious one- he gets really good at being poked and prodded with all kinds of needles all the time. whenever ike needs a vaccine or bloodwork done, he holds his hand the whole time and helps him through it. (ike doesn’t get over his fear of needles until he’s like. at least ten)
cartman tries to get kyle to give him the emergency snacks he keeps with him at all times. (he carries around capri suns and starbursts btw) anyway one time he steals all of them to sell at school or something (probably around when all the schools started carrying “healthier” foods) without kyle finding out until they are out playing and he has one of the worst low blood sugars hes ever had. cartman never apologizes but it also never happens again
hes the first one in the group to get a cell phone so he can contact his parents better when hes out and about. he kind of hates it because both of his parents are kind of constantly on him for going low, high at school or when hes out in public (his parents have the app that lets them see his blood sugar all the time)
since ike is adopted by the time/after kyle is diagnosed, when he was really little he thought/wished he was diabetic too, so kyle gives him an old blood test kit and a little snack pack for him to carry around.
sheila does not let his ass fast for any holidays when he’s old enough are you kidding me!! but he doesnt eat at all, he just drinks juice in the morning/when he needs to.
when he’s nine or so, his parents incentivize him to start taking more responsibility for his diabetes so that he can start the insulin pump, even though i think he’s pretty independent and is good at doing his own shots and testing regularly, etc. he takes advantage though because the reward is something obscene like an xbox set up in his room or his Very Own Computer. (to be quite honest i think after the whole kidney episode he takes on himself to take care of himself because he doesnt want a repeat of miss information)
from when he’s diagnosed to about nine he uses needles and does manual blood tests but once he gets his insulin pump he also starts using a cgm. this is also when i think he would get his cell phone. anyway gerald sees this as an opportunity for him to actually be able to play organized sports (sports are hard for him before the pump since the physical activity would almost always make him go low and there was really no way to avoid it) and i think kyle would kind of like being able to play more sports at first but tbh.. he ends up missing reading books and other nerd stuff on his weekends so he quits a couple months in. also with his luck he gets hit with balls right where his cgm/infusion site is placed.
when he first gets his pump and cgm he becomes self conscious and tries not to wear clothes that show his infusion site and his cgm and/or scar tissue. as he gets older he gets more comfortable with it BUT. when he first starts using them he doesn’t want anyone at school seeing them, so he plays hooky for the first couple of days. eventually stan and kenny want him back at school so they wear some infusion sites as solidarity for a week or so until he’s more comfortable.
relating to the last one, i think he wears his cgm on his upper arm, and his pump site on his stomach. (tried and true spots tbh)
even though he hates telling people that he’s diabetic and tries not to make it a big deal for anyone, he uses that shit to his advantage! college admission essays, personal statements for grad schools, you name it. i think he hates having extra time on standardized tests though and thats the one thing that he doesnt take.
he does hang out with scott malkinson and sophie sometimes as well! i think that again, sheila makes him hang out with them, but he eventually does come around to them. tbh i also think that they get closer in high school, and they end up in some classes together or something like that, and they study/hang out together. i can see kyle third wheeling with them sometimes when stan/kenny are busy
once he has his kids, he is so, so worried that one or both of them will end up being diagnosed with it. he isn’t paranoid or anything, he does know that its not a huge risk, but he just doesn’t want his kids to have to go through that. so he does blood tests on them every time they’re sick, just to be sure. i also think that either none of his kids ends up being diagnosed, or both of them
stan is so in tune with his blood sugars. he can be annoying about it sometimes but mostly kyle likes that he cares so much. but yeah stan can tell when his blood sugar is crashing or when it’s high without actually checking it. hes like one of those diabetic aide dogs.
whenever kyle doesnt have his cgm and has to do manual blood tests, stan and kenny (and all the other guys if theyre around) all bet on what his blood sugar is going to be. stan usually wins (kyle isnt allowed to bet because he’s always on the money)
for the most part, he takes very good care of himself! he wants to get the fuck out of south park for college, so he makes sure that he has the most perfect A1C, no low/high blood sugar episodes, etc etc. basically, by his junior year of high school, he is managing everything by himself, including going to his appointments and getting his prescriptions.
he gets so annoyed when people bring up type two diabetes or “natural cures” when he tells them he’s diabetic. half the time he just bites his tongue (talking with older people) but other times he snaps and explains the biological differences and everything. usually this happens when he’s talking to someone at school.
he gets so good at explaining things though! at first because he has to explain his illness to a lot of people, specifically kids, from a young age, but as he gets older he gets more articulate, especially when talking about the biology behind it. He also loves kids, so his first job he gets is an after school tutor for elementary/junior high kids.
he also gets soo good at mental math due to carb counting and serving sizes, as well as dose calculating. like he is ridiculously fast with multiplying numbers and other crazy pemdas shit in his head even though math like algebra and calculus aren’t his best subjects.
he is so so careful when he drinks. i dont think he waits until he’s 21 but he definitely only drinks when it’s just him and a small group, or when kenny and/or stan is there and sober. miraculously he gets completely shitfaced one night and doesn’t end up with an insanely low blood sugar (even when he’s drunk he’s smart enough to keep an eye on it and turn his pump to a lower basal rate.) but yeah most of the time he’s designated driver, especially at bigger parties in high school/college.
stan carries around extra snacks for him in his car and his backpack and stuff <3 he always makes sure they are up to date with what he likes to treat his lows with (kyle is constantly changing up which candies/juices he uses. you could NEVER catch him with glucose tablets/gels. he isnt disgusting)
he’s one of the last kids to get his drivers license- i think his mom would be nervous to let her first kid to drive regardless, but the diabetes adds a whole other dimension. mf needs rides EVERYWHERE until he’s like 17 and his mom is finally convinced. (stan totally teaches him to drive at the farm when he learns though, so he actually learns when he’s like 15-16)
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hils79 · 10 months
Hils Watches Fairyland Lovers - Ep 27
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I am very confused. I thought they needed her heart to transplant it into her dad. But he's having surgery in a totally different building and these dudes are about to kill her. What was the point of the whole heart transplant storyline then?
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Oh that's right. I forgot they're going to use the magic plant instead of Xiao Xiao's heart
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JFC everybody getting stabbed these past couple of episodes
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I am less concerned about Lin Xia than I was about Yang Jian because obviously they're not going to kill off the female lead when there's still another 8 episodes to go. But aww look at Hei Qi lying curled up on the floor because Lin Xia died protecting him.
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Aww I think he's Bai Qi again. I'll miss you, Hei Qi!
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Sweetie you are very precious but I don't think a first aid kit is going to do much to help with a major stab wound
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Aww yay the magic peach blossom tree is fully grown and saved them both
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Is he going to change his hair now that he's Bai Qi again?
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FFS Lin Xia just legit nearly died and so did you. Maybe we're past keeping secrets now?
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I kind of want the seed Hei Qi put inside him to burst out of his chest like that scene in Alien
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Alas nothing that dramatic he just had a heart attack. I have no idea who the bad guy for the remaining 8 episodes is going to be then. Probably the Japanese dude because of course.
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grollow · 2 years
📚🪄 🎒 blaithin !!
I know I can always count on you to let me talk about MY HORRIBLE, WONDERFUL, FAVORITE WIFE.
📚 Your OC has to improvise a 10 minute lecture about a topic of their choosing. What do they chose?
It really should be history considering that she's older than dirt. Or mythology. But it's Blaithin so it would absolutely be ball-jointed dolls and what goes into making their hair, painting their makeup and posing them. This is all she cares about 85% of the time.
🪄 Does your OC have any special powers? If so, are they normal in this OC’s universe?
Her main ability is the called The Song of Strings. This specific power allows her to either transfigure people into dolls outright (though this is extremely exhaustive of her energy resources) that she can then control, or if they're dying, she can transplant their souls into dolls that she has precreated. She can animate them and have them do her bidding once they're in doll form, and people retain their magic as a doll while becoming indestructible. So long as she lives, so do they.
As for whether its normal: No. She's not normal by any stretch of imagination. She's one of a very small number of people of her species left. Most of her kind are extinct. By her own species' standards, though, she's kind of monstrous. Soul arts are considered forbidden for a reason.
🎒 If your OC had to pick three things of all their belongings to keep, which would they chose?
Her carving kit (that she uses to sculpt her dolls), her hairbrush (she has a lot of hair okay please understand) and a photo album with pictures of her victims friends that are no longer with her.
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luxurybeautyreviews · 4 months
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🌟 Turkish Hair Transplants - Where Professionalism Meets Trust! 🌟
At Turkish Hair Transplants, we're not just a clinic; we're your trusted partners in professional and transformative hair restoration. 💼✂️
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Turkish Hair Transplants holds all the necessary licenses, ensuring a professional and secure environment.
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With every license held, Turkish Hair Transplants solidifies its commitment to providing you with a professional and trustworthy environment. Your confidence is our ultimate goal.
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Ready to experience professionalism in hair restoration? Book your consultation with Turkish Hair Transplants and take the first step towards a confident, new you.
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vcareskinclinic · 1 year
Platelet Rich Plasma
An average human shed almost 100 hairs a day. If this cycle gets affected and tends to shed too much hair can cause an adequate amount of hair loss, hair thinning and bald patches on your scalp. Hair is a malleable part of the human body where it can grow long and be cut, and it can be straight, curled, waved, layered, gelled, sprayed, and now coloured. Using chemical products and improper maintenance will damage your hair follicles and scalp ultimately. 
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is an advanced hair rejuvenation treatment that uses the innate healing and regenerative powers of your blood. Your blood platelets, rich in growth factors, are injected into targeted areas of your scalp that stimulate cell growth and repair damaged cells to stimulate and accelerate cell regeneration. Combining this new novel way of treating hair loss with VCare's holistic approach will eventually result in you getting natural and healthy hair growth within a few months of the procedure. 
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VCare Advanced Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment is an exciting non-surgical therapeutic option for clients who require hair growth stimulation for hair loss conditions and reverse hair loss.   
Highly concentrated growth factors and higher yield of stem cells in the form of platelets have been shown to stimulate new hair growth, thicken thinned out hair, and make hair transplants grow thicker and healthier. 
At VCare, Our experienced surgeons use the most expensive advanced, highly proven PRP kits to draw their blood samples, whereas others use ordinary basic PRP kits!
The specially designed US FDA approved centrifuge machine is used multiple times to yield a high platelet count from the blood samples. Whereas in other PRP procedure, centrifugation is done only once.
  When it comes to VCare, we prefer safety first. Properly sterilized disposable instruments used to inject the platelets into the specific area to perform the treatment. Whereas in other PRP procedure, reusable instruments are used to perform the treatment.
VCare's PRP is a lunch hour procedure, and you can self drive to your home without any discomfort after the procedure. Whereas other PRP procedures are not that reliable, it will make you discomfort even after the procedure.
At VCare, Our experienced surgeons use the most expensive advanced, highly proven PRP kits to draw their blood samples, whereas others use ordinary basic PRP kits!
The specially designed US FDA approved centrifuge machine is used multiple times to yield a high platelet count from the blood samples. Whereas in other PRP procedure, centrifugation is done only once.
  When it comes to VCare, we prefer safety first. Properly sterilized disposable instruments used to inject the platelets into the specific area to perform the treatment. Whereas in other PRP procedure, reusable instruments are used to perform the treatment.
VCare's PRP is a lunch hour procedure, and you can self drive to your home without any discomfort after the procedure. Whereas other PRP procedures are not that reliable, it will make you discomfort even after the procedure.
It is an effortless and hassle-free procedure with no medications and surgical instruments required for the procedure.
This is a convenient hair treatment since this is a lunch hour procedure with no downtime.
Potential therapy for thin hair to transform into nourishing hair.
Suitable for both men and women, and it is a completely non-aggressive procedure.
For More Details
Platelet Rich Plasma - Hair fall in men and women - Pattern thinning - VCare trichology
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nexgenlaborg · 2 years
GFC Hair Regrowth
Nexgen Labs - GFC Therapy, Hair Growth, PRP Therapy, AGF Therapy, Hair Transplant, Hair Regrowth, Hair Fall Therapy, Folligen AGF, Neogen AGF, Nexgen Labs GFC Kit.
GFC Hair Regrowth
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mylittlemenandme · 2 years
I've missed a couple of updates, but it was mostly through being extremely disorganised, so there's that. I think I will save my Crusade league round-ups for next month when the league ends, and do a big post for the whole thing.
Other than that I have been building and priming some models, so let's see what I've been up to!
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First up is the final build of the Invictor I was working on in July. I settled on a pose where he is scanning for a target - due to the angle of the legs I needed to reposition the pin joint in the waist so the torso wasn't leaning back, and it's worked pretty well! I added a few Space Wolf embellishments and he was ready to prime. Hopefully he'll be on the table early next year (potentially, the next Crusade league).
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Because I'm not exactly troubling the top places of the league, and they're happy for bare plastic to be used, I decided to build the Hammerfall Bunker to use in the next round. It's very much a brick, but the kit was a joy to put together (two identical sprues, ingenious). While it is considered a bit of a joke, I'm actually looking forward to seeing how it fares. I've got a few wolfy details to add to it (some wolf head bits from the Canix Rex Knight kit, maybe some bits from the Stormwolf too), and then it'll be ready to prime when the weather improves.
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Performed a little bit of a hair transplant on one of the Incursor marksmen from July, those specialist marines are now also primed. I also got a unit of Outriders put together for the next round of league games - there'll be pictures of those on the tabletop to come no doubt.
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Rather than doing any painting over the last couple of months (the exception being below), I decided to kitbash a Wolf Priest instead - a model I don't really have a plan for, I think I just had the idea for it and couldn't shake it until I had actually built it.
Since the Wolf Priest fills the role of both Chaplain and Apothecary in the lore (the former more than the latter in the rules), I had long had the idea of basing the model on the Primaris Apothecary and working from there. I pared back a lot of the Apothecary detail like the backpack (and the fallen marine he is standing on), feeling like the healing kit on his right thigh and the geneseed vials around his neck, as well as the tools in his apron(?), were enough to show the duality of his role.
The arms are from the Chaplain from the Indomitus box. I replaced the top of his crozius with a more suitable (and subtle) part. The double-headed wolf symbol of Morkai, the Fenrisian wolf-god of death and guardian of the Gates of Death - perfect as the badge of office for the man who would oversee the passing of a marine's soul to the afterlife. His pistol is also a conversion - I took a boltgun from the Grey Hunters sprues and noticed it was almost exactly the same size as the Absolver bolt pistol the Chaplain was initially armed with. I cut the magazine down to the same size, and it really looks the part.
One suitably senior-looking head and a dead Thousand Son to stand on later, and he's ready to be primed!
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And finally, something completely different.
I met up with my best buds from Uni for a weekend at the end of September, and I was determined to get Fury of Dracula onto the table after failing to a couple of times in the past. I was so determined in fact, I painted the playing pieces from the game as further incentive to get it played. It worked, and they went down a treat, and it was actually a nice little project away from hulking space marines.
Maybe Imperial Assault next...?
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i didn’t do this here the last couple of years (because i did it on twitter instead lol) but since today is my bone marrow transplant anniversary it’s time for my annual ‘consider signing up for your national bone marrow registry’ post! they especially need individuals who are a) ages 18-35 and/or b) POC (the registry is presently predominantly white in the US, which makes finding matches for anyone who isn’t white more difficult).
signing up is pretty simple, you just send in your information and they send you out a cheek swab kit! signing up does not mean 100% that you’ll be asked to donate, but the more options that are available, the likelier it is that someone who needs a bone marrow transplant will be able to get one. 
i’m only alive today because i got a transplant from someone on the national bone marrow registry and i am eternally grateful to her and everyone who has or will sign up! please at least give it a thought, and check out the us registry at https://bethematch.org -- they have an FAQ and plenty of other information there, along with information on how to sign up. if you’re outside the u.s., most countries have a bone marrow registry but i couldn’t find a list of them unfortunately, but they should be pretty easy to find if you search ‘bone marrow registry [country]’ or something to that tune!
thank you for considering it! baby brin and their bag of stem cells thanks you :P
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[photo id:] a child wearing a tie-dyed shirt with a floral print stands in a hospital room; their hair is close-shaven and their face is not visible. they are kissing a bag of stem cells [/end id]
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ktbeautyboom · 3 years
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Deep Nourishing And Moisturized Products
We are providing an essential product to recover the damaged skin. Our soothing healer kit repairs the impaired cell to give the natural skin balance and maintains the same level of derma consonance.
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I’ve been curious about if Taron would ever get some sort of hair transplant or whatever procedure it is men do to help their hair. His hair has always looked distressingly thin to me. Or maybe it’s bc it’s a super light color? Seeing Richard Madden with his thick hair and now Kit Connor too has just made me notice it more.
Oh see now THAT is a procedure I do see him putting himself through. Although one would assume he would have done it during lockdown or more low-key times in general, I suppose. Who knows, maybe he'll get to it, or maybe he'll be his generation's Jude Law 👀
Also can I just break a lance for the man and say that it is quite unfair to compare him to Madden's level of lusciousness in the hair department? One has head hair/chest hair/beard/everywhere hair for days, and the other famously "grows a really rubbish beard" and has almost no chest hair to report of. It's the curse (or the blessing?) of the northern European blonde twunks. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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AG Dolls That Are Actually “Worth” Something.
*not a definitive list.
A salty post by me, who is tired of seeing half dead Mollys for $600.
Most AG dolls in played with condition won’t get you more than $35-$85 second hand. However, there are the rare exceptions.
**always check the market before hand, this is a general guideline from my experiences**
Historical Characters.
NIB and EUC w/box Pleasant Company Dolls. The price is entirely dependent on the box wear and tear, the character, condition of the doll, and how old the doll is.
Characters with their “meet” hair styles intact and untampered. Particularly Molly and JLY #1. Collectors can tell if you’re lying about this, so it’s best not to scheme and scam.
White body dolls. This describes extremely early PC dolls who have a white muslim body instead of a tan cloth body. The only characters that can be white body dolls are Kirsten, Samantha, and Molly. Even if the white body doll is TLC, you could probably still get a couple hundred dollars from it.
PC dolls with no sign of silver eye. Silver eye is a defect where the color from a given characters eyes degrades overtime, leaving the silver underneath the colour visible. AG will fix this for free, however many do not want their Pleasant Company dolls eyes to be replaced with Mattel eyes, which are very different.
Beforever Molly. Beforever Molly was a short time Costco release, and now she costs the price of heart transplant.
Cecile, Caroline, and Marie Grace- AKA the Holy Trinity of Collecting. You’re cool cat matt if you have these dolls in the AG community! The envy of doll town. Marie and Caroline’s average prices have gone down in the past year, but Cecile still averages being over $100. You can easily list Marie or Caroline for a ridiculous price over $100 if they’re EUC or NIB.
The “Friend Dolls.” This includes Elizabeth, Nellie, Ruthie, Emily and Ivy. In my experience, Ivy goes for the most on average. Again, price is very much dependent on the condition of the doll.
Historicals with their pre beforever outfits. Keep in mind that this will only raise the price by like $5, if at all. Collectors generally prefer the Mattel outfits over the Beforever outfits (I mean can you blame them?? Look how dirty they did Julie.). Some dolls do not have updated outfits, including Kaya, Caroline, Cecile, Marie Grace, Nellie, Ruthie, Nanea, Maryellen, Nanea, Emily, Melody and Ivy.
Characters with their “small” accessories intact. Kit’s green hair clip. End of story.
Characters being sold in “rare” outfits. Addy’s patriotic dress. Josefina’s weaving outfit. Kit’s beforever chicken overalls. If you sell your doll in a sought after HTF outfit, the quality of the doll is out the window and people will throw money at you. My favorite thing to do is stalk auctions of these dolls in my free time and see how much people pay.
“Gazer/Dreamer” Dolls. This was a Pleasant Company defect in which the eyes of a doll gazed, and are unable to look into a camera. I’ve seen this defect on Samantha, Molly and Felicity, but it probably affects Kirsten too.
Signed dolls. This is different than artist marks. A signed doll is a doll that has a physical signature by Pleasant Rowland or an AG author. That I know of, dolls signed by popular AG bloggers don’t have an increase in price.
Prototype dolls. Occasionally there has been prototypes floating around the market. This always intrigues the community and is a Big Deal.
Would this even be a post about expensive AGs if I never mentioned Sonali and Gwen?
Kanani. Kanani has gone down in price in the last year, however she is sought after, as she is one of only two dolls produced by AG to have a tan jess mold. Her design is also unique for AG’s GOTY line. Price is entirely dependent on how ratty she is, but I’ve seen extremely TLC Kananis still sell for $70+
Grace. For some reason. I really don’t understand the logic of why Grace can be pricey, but it’s worth a shot I suppose, although she also goes for the normal used AG price too.
Gabriela McBride. Gabriela is the only Black GOTY, and did not sell well at all due to her uncanny resemblance to a Truly Me. She does tend to go for less now that she has been a part of Costco releases, but she can still be pricey.
Tenney and Logan. AG’s resident racists- I mean contemporary characters.
Z Yang.
Recently retired dolls that haven’t really shown up on the market yet.
NIB/EUC with box GOTYs, particularly if they are older.
Early GOTYs (Lindsey, Kailey) that are not affected by grey casting.
Truly Me.
First release JLY 6. Probably the most expensive AG doll on resale to date.
Most of the retired dolls of color (JLY 4, JLY 18, JLY 11.... if I listed all of them we’d be here for eternity).
JLY 27 w/ perma earrings. This is just another collecting oddity that people really like. Including me.
JLY 21 w/ pin curls.
JLYs with the Red Vinyl Jumper Meet in good condition.
Retired dolls NIB/EUC with box. This is pretty self explanatory at this point.
CYOs. I’ve seen CYOs sold for over their original price ($200), which I think is a little odd but it’s a thing. You can get away with this particularly if your CYO has a retired feature (short hair with bangs *cough*) or a retired meet outfit that isn’t janky.
Customs made by popular customizers. Be sure to ask if you can sell it first though. Some customizers want to be able to have complete control on where their art goes, which is a controversial debate I’m not going to discuss in this.
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A Place For Crows To Rest Their Feet (French Fryes)
Cause some people were interested in the idea of older French Fryes apparently and I thought I’d try my hand at it.
Song title and fic inspo from Marbles by The Amazing Devil
Read on Ao3
Arno felt old. 
Well, he was old. It was made sure of that when at his last milestone birthday that everyone decided to overload the cake with candles representing his age. He had been able to laugh it off as a joke then. But now everytime he looked in the mirror and saw a new wrinkle near his eyes and mouth, he scowled.
When he saw his favorite music being relegated to the classic station, he flipped the channel.
And when it was cold and rainy and shitty outside and he had difficulty getting out of bed, he grumbled.
Jacob always just laughed at his perturbed expression and would say that they didn’t need to get out of bed anyway and would snuggle in for a few hours more.
Even though he knew Jacob never meant anything by the things he said, it still made him feel bad. His husband was only a few years younger than him. But the problem was he didn’t look that bad, and if he felt old he never told Arno. He was already aging like fine wine. Arno felt like aged milk.
Jacob had noticed once before, when Arno pointedly avoided looking in the mirror while they were hip to hip in the bathroom getting ready for the day.
“‘ou a’righ’?” He asked around a toothbrush.
“Hmm?” He asked, toweling off and looking over as Jacob spat out the paste and washed his mouth out before trying again.
“You alright?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I dunno. You just seem… off. Didn’t even hear one ABBA song in the shower, either.” He smiled a bit, trying to get Arno to copy. Which he did, but it was gone rather quickly.
“I’m fine, mon amour. Just tired, still.” He wrapped the towel around his waist, pecked Jacob’s cheek and made to leave, but got pulled back. Jacob kissed him deeply, the taste of mint still on his tongue and making Arno hum; his husband’s mouth was still practically sinful after all this time. Jacob pulled away and then went back in for one more peck on Arno’s lips, leaving both of them smiling.
“Love you.”
“I love you, too.” Arno said, meaning it completely as he left to go get dressed.
He tried to make sure that was the end of it, or at least to keep it out of sight of Jacob. But then his pride went down like a kick in the balls when he woke up one morning and saw the roots of his hair turning gray. Like ash gray. Like old gray. He’d gone out to the shops immediately and found the darkest box color for his hair that he could and shoved it in the back of their linen closet the minute he came to his senses.
Really, it was a bad idea. If he did it, he’d have questions no one wanted to hear and explanations he really didn’t want to give. And Jacob would find out anyway. But it was an impulse purchase he didn’t think through and so he hid it until the time was right, if it ever would be.
And then Jacob noticed him as he entered the living room and let Arno in on their small couch to watch whatever inane reality show they both liked, and then he forgot about it, because how could you remember anything at that point?
It didn’t take too long for his husband to find it out, though.
“Care to explain this?” Jacob said, coming into the dining room where Arno was trying to clean, and Arno turned too quickly at the tone in his voice and stubbed his toes on the thick table leg.
“Jesus, Arno- Don’t try and die on me now.” Jacob went over quickly as Arno sat in one of the chairs, placing something on the table as he pulled up the other chair next to Arno’s. Arno waved him away and curled up his hurt foot to rub it.
“Don’t touch it.”
“Drama queen. Do you need me to get the first aid kit? Or do you think you’ll live?” 
“You’re hilarious. Have I mentioned that before?”
“Only on days that end in “y”.” Jacob replied, and Arno stewed a bit. It didn’t take long for him to look over at whatever it was Jacob had brought into the room, and he grew a bit pale. Jacob, of course, because he had such a great eye when he wanted to, noticed immediately. “Figured it was yours.”
Arno didn’t grace him with a response at first. But the silence wouldn’t give.
“I found some gray hairs.” He mumbled.
“Yeah… Those tend to happen when you make it a few decades.”
“It doesn’t mean I have to like it! I don’t want to get old, Jacob. I’ll be… Gross, and senile, and you’ll hate me.”
“Please tell me you’re joking. You are joking?”
Arno flexed his hurt foot and quickly set it down, making to leave but stopped as Jacob grabbed his wrist and sat him back down in the chair.
“You know what I like so much about you getting old?” Jacob didn’t wait for Arno to answer. “It shows you made it.”
Arno almost made a rebuttal, but stopped when he tried to parse through the words and actually think about them.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’ve known you for decades.” Jacob still held Arno’s hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of it. “Since Uni. And you did the dumbest shit. I’m surprised we’ve gotten to this point without you needing a liver transplant.”
Arno looked down. He knew exactly what Jacob was talking about. He had been twenty two and having daily panic attacks about leaving university to actually be a person. Most relationships with girls and some guys were limited to one quick go in bed and then he was gone in the morning. 
Jacob hadn’t been much better off emotionally, or financially, but at least he knew how to handle his shit better. They made an interesting match that way.
“You’re getting old because you’re alive. And I get to see that.”
“Is this supposed to make me feel better?”
“Yeah, it is.”
“Well it isn’t.”
Silence overtook for a few minutes as Arno looked down and Jacob studied him.
“Then I guess you must really hate me looking old.” Jacob said.
“I could never. And the difference is, you look good. You still have cute waitresses flirting with you despite the ring.”
“You mean from the diner last week?” Jacob raised an eyebrow. “Leanna had to be forty. And she was just being friendly.”
“She certainly wasn’t giving extra ketchup to me.”
“I would’ve given it to you.”
“So generous.”
“One of my best qualities.” Jacob murmured as Arno’s eyes remained dropped. A hand moved up to Arno’s cheek, and he realized Jacob’s pointer finger was tracing the lines near his mouth and the crows feet on his eyes. “Didn’t marry you for nothing, you know. I knew what I was getting into. And even if you turn out to be a grumpy old hunchback who can’t walk, I would still choose you if I had the choice.”
Arno felt his eyes start to glass over the longer Jacob spoke. It wasn’t some great speech. It was simple, and short, and matter of fact, and just… Jacob. Just as he had been for decades. And it sounded just as sincere now as it sounded when they were much younger men and first said they loved each other. And it was as sincere as when they had finally gotten married not even a decade ago. Arno had a shaky smile and squeezed Jacob’s hand, allowing the other one to keep exploring the tracks in his face.
“‘Sides,” Jacob purred as he leaned in closer, a gleam in his eyes, “being older just means you’re full of experience. And how could anyone say no to that?”
“Jacob-” He didn’t even know where he was going with his sentence, but it hardly mattered when he felt a warm pair of lips on his neck, making their way up his face. He turned his head at the right time and caught Jacob’s lips with his own. They both smiled, a soft thing.
“I love you.” Arno said.
“Love you too. Drama queen.” Jacob smirked as Arno rolled his eyes affectionately.
“Maybe stop putting up such high standards and I’ll consider taking a step back on my quest for perfection.”
“Sorry, I can’t. I gotta put in work to keep you in love with me. Sure as hell it isn’t my personality keeping you locked up.”
“Certainly not.” Arno snorted, leaning in and resting against Jacob. The man held him for a minute before speaking again.
“You believe me yet? That you’re good? And we’re good? Even if you get old?”
“I’ll work on it.” Arno admitted. Whether it was what Jacob wanted to hear or not, he was still welcomed in and let to rest for a while longer.
“Let’s move this to bed so we don’t stiffen up, eh?”
“You’re not going to carry me like you used to?” Arno asked teasingly as Jacob helped him stand up out of the chair. The man shrugged.
“Can’t. I’m too old.”
It wasn’t funny. It really wasn’t. But Arno laughed until he coughed, anyway.
They ended up throwing the box color out with much prejudice. And when Jacob started growing his own gray hairs, looking like a salt and pepper shaker, Arno just ran his fingers through each one while they watched inane reality television.
So. I ended up creating a whole other backstory for these two but found I couldn’t fit it in to the story, lol. If you’d be interested in that as well, let me know.
I hope you enjoy! If you do I have a Masterpost here and more ideas for writings and prompts here, so feel free to request!  If you’d like to support me, I have a ko-fi here but absolutely no pressure on that front. Have a wonderful day and thank you for reading!
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