munchboxart · 6 months
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tragedykery · 2 years
I ❤️ self-loathing characters, characters who struggle with monstrosity (either fearing or embracing it), characters who are so lonely, who have a gaping hole in their chest, who bottle up & repress their feelings, who claw their way up & have ambitions, who fall down & lose everything, who search for identity & purpose yet can’t see themselves outside of what others want from or expect of them, who are hurt & hurt others, who long & grieve, who lie & pretend. characters who are messy & flawed & human
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courfee · 3 months
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little poster for the fic Operation Walburga's Arbitrary No Kissing Ever Rule :) 10 things i hate about you, but make it jegulus
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horrorsboyfrie · 3 months
☆ lazy mornings with shigaraki tomura
gods, if there's one thing that this man hated more than self-proclaimed heroes, it would be the realization at 7-8 in the morning of having forgotten to close the blinds from the night before, the rays of the sun glazing across his face.
he'd groan, pulling your body closer to his. he was at least a little glad that you hadn't moved away from him, still cuddled up against him. his head buried in your hair, eyes shut closed as he did his best to avoid the light going directly into his eyes.
he didn't want to get up to close up the blinds. too comfortable in his current position. you were keeping him warm, shielding him from the morning rays.
when you eventually got up and out of his arms, equally as grumpy as he, for the same reason, he was more than disappointed to be deprived of your touch, even if just momentarily. you stumbled twice on your way to the window, practically falling to the bed as you got back; but on the bright side, the room was pitch black.
he wasted no moment pulling you back into his body, pinching your side, a silent way of telling you that you shouldn't have left his embrace. and to that, you bumped your head into his chest, as if shutting him up.
he whined, resisting the urge to bite your arm for the "attitude problem" that he liked to point out on you. he couldn't be bothered, he was too engaged in the way your body fit perfectly around his, as if you were made to be his personal body pillow, who just happened to piss him off in a mildly endearing way at times.
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yourgalgremlin · 4 months
Barty Crouch Jr in the back of potions class:
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Evan: Shh, his inner demons are having enrichment time in their enclosure ☠️💘
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akanothere · 7 months
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Modern/ Cthulhu AU
Surgeon Tom x Detective Harry
"⅄ıƃ ʍɐs ɐ ƃɹǝɐʇ ƃop. Hǝ ʍɐs qɐp ɯǝpıɔıuǝ. Hǝ pıp uoʇ ɟoɹƃǝʇ ʇɥıuƃs. Iu ʇɥǝ ɐnʇnɯu ɥıs ɔɥıןpɹǝu ʍǝɹǝ ɥnuƃɹʎ ɐup ʍıןp, ɐup ⅄ıƃ ʍɐs ɥnuƃɹʎ ɐup ʍıןp, ʇoo.”
— H.P. Lovecraft & Zealia Bishop, The Curse Of Yig
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bythepen98 · 1 year
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Severus 🐍
Aside from Harry and Hermione, he is arguably the next character whose pov I read about the most (gen or ship wise). Can't help that he's too interesting of a character for me to ignore when written right.
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not-poignant · 10 days
Hey! It is so interesting to me when people hate on things created by the people they hate (not bashing here just wondering, for each their own). It is just for me it always was the same thing as - my country is run by terrible people, but there woudn't be the place where I can feel more at home than this room I am in. Same always was with HP. I will hate Rowling for every shitty thing she said/did, but hp fanfics/books will always be my safe haven. It's not hers anymore, it's mine.
Anonymously coming into a trans person's private messages to tell them that hating on the creations of the most famous transphobic creator in the world is 'interesting' to you as though this is merely a thought experiment and not something with tangible stakes is a choice, anon.
Here's the thing. JKR isn't dead, she's not a philosophical concept (like a nation), she's not a government. She's a living person still using the profits of her creations to hate on and harm trans people and actively influence trans dehumanising laws.
Anyone who gives her money via buying her books or merch actively and explicitly contributes to these actions and this hate. I don't think your analogy is comparable, so I'll give you another: It would be like if you were a domestic violence victim, and I was a huge fan of Chris Brown (a very famous domestic violence abuser) and went into your personal space to anonymously tell you how 'interesting' it is that I can separate the art from the artist. That his music is 'mine now' while fully knowing that a domestic abuser is benefitting from my listening to his music and spreading this rhetoric about him. I'll tack on a 'but he's bad' to cover my bases, but that's it.
Our lives are not thought experiments. It's not 'interesting' that many trans people can't and won't separate the art from the artist while the artist actively uses the money from the art to harm us and increase hate crimes against us. It's devastating that more people don't understand why this is such an issue.
HP is not yours, anon. Not in the same way it's JKR's. You don't own the IP. You can't use the profits from it to help marginalised people. You can enjoy it in your mind, and privately, and among folks who feel the same way as you, but speaking about it favourably in public with zero caveats allies you with the most public and infamous transphobic mascot and influential figure in the world whether you like it or not. Even with caveats, it still harms more trans people than it helps.
Being reminded of the person actively working to increase the number of draconian laws around our rights, who has the endorsement of Putin and has empowered trans haters in the US, is not an 'interesting' little experiment for me, it's actively painful and hurtful. I'd rather you just bashed outright so I could delete the anon message rather than explain why our lives are interesting philosophical think pieces.
If this is what you're choosing to do with the part of HP that belongs to you and is now yours, by anonymously coming here to tell a trans person these things as though you expect any answer than the one I'm giving you now? Well, that sucks too.
Enjoy the IP and make it yours if you must. Stop telling trans people about it anonymously. And if you can't stop telling people how much you like HP, for god's sake, warn them first so they can decide if you're safe enough to keep interacting with.
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soraya-snape · 2 months
There was this HP creator on TikTok that I was starting to really like. But then she said that “Snape is not a good guy (OK kinda agree but the way she said it sounded more like “he is a bad or even really bad guy” which is obviously not true) and that he only tried to save Harry which was the least he could do” and this is the part where I was like?!?!?!
He might have started off only trying to save Harry (actually Lily at first) but then he actually tries to save the whole wizarding world. Like remember that time he told Dumbledore “Lately only those I couldn't save.” or when he tried to save Lupin at the beginning of DHp1 or told Phineas Niggelus Black to not call Hermione a mud blood. And let's not forget how he spied for Dumbledore during the first and second war, which is definitely more than the least he could do. I could go on but I think people with enough braincells get that he was not just trying to save that one boy but actively going against Voldemort's values and also kinda his own (or at least the once he was taught as a kid/teen). And like the example with Lupin shows also protecting those who, from his perspective might not deserve his help (considering Remus was a bystander at his bullying who actually had the power and the duty to stop it and also while mostly being civil towards Snape in later years still made his life extremely hard [I still love Remus but let's not ignore his flaws]).
Yes maybe he was a cruel teacher even bully to some of his students (we actually canonically only know of the trio and Neville) but at the same time also beloved and admired by some (mainly Slytherin but considering how badly they were treated by almost everyone else I actually think it's good of Snape to favour them especially considering what he went through during school simply because he was Slytherin. If you have a problem with that, perhaps you should complain first about everyone mistreating the Slytherins before complaining about someone treating them nicely, even if it is unfair). 
But besides that his position in the second war (and also the end of the first one) on the good side is clear and not only to save Harry but also everyone he simply could save. And if you don't see it, maybe you should get your eyes checked, or I don't know...
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pleeborp · 2 months
Guys I’m actually crying right now I’m so sad all the time over how Harry’s abuse is never addressed
He was ABUSED guys and NOBODY ever talked about it
And can you just imagine Harry James Potter waking up that first Christmas expecting nothing and then Ron Weasley his FIRST friend telling him he has PRESENTS. The joy the shock that boy must have felt. But can you imagine for a split second he doesn’t believe him. Can you imagine for one second that Harry thought Ron, his first friend, could be playing a cruel trick on him. You think Dudley never pulled that shit on him? You think he was never given false hope that he had presents before?
Or how about the fact that Harry probably woke up every morning for what was probably his first four months at Hogwarts at least, panicked and rushed to get up to make breakfast for the Dursley’s only to realize he didn’t have to. Can you imagine the relief? The weight off his shoulders. Or even worse can you imagine the guilt he felt? He had been raised to cook for them every morning and you think it wasn’t deeply engraved in his mind that in order to feel some sort of acceptance without doing something for others? You think he didn’t try to do things for his friends those first months at Hogwarts, believing it to be the only way he’d be accepted?
Think even harder about how as the years went on and as he did more things for people it seemingly fed into those beliefs? How every time he saved someone, every time he did something for the school, everyone loved him for it? How Hogwarts was his safe haven, but even then they always expected something from him in return. And when they hated him, and he did something else to save them, suddenly they loved him again. You think he didn’t solidify in his poor, hurt mind that in order him for him to be accepted he had to do these things for the people around him?
Or even the betrayal he MUST have felt when he learned all of this was PLANNED. That he was raised and built and forged to be nothing else other than a hero for a society that always expected that from him.
That despite the fact that he escaped the Dursley’s, he would never be without expectations and responsibilities shoved into him from those around him.
Guys I’m so upset I just want to hold him. He deserved a loving, supportive home, where he should have had no expectations other than to be a child and to be loved. This is secretly a PSA that I fucking hate Albus Dumbledore for the pressure and the manipulation he put on Harry.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Also FUCK Jk Rowling
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allysketches · 2 years
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✨ happy holidays!! ✨
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courfee · 2 months
James who is a successful author and Regulus who is an expert in some very niche field and James' newest book happens to make references to said niche field. Only James got it wrong and Regulus absolutely drags him on social media for it, founds some kind of James Potter hate club and insists the entire book is bad because what kind of author doesn't even do proper research
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a-usernamelol · 2 months
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it is always incredibly irking to me when I see a post with NPC characters and its like “for the (insert NPC) GIRLIES ❤️🥰💦” “For the LADIES 😘😍🥵”
Hi! 👋 Hello! 👋 GUY here! Gay trans MAN here!
Here’s some Ominis for EVERYONE because EVERYONE deserves their favorite character, and I’ll be posting pictures of other NPCs too ❤️
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yourgalgremlin · 2 months
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sorryiwasasleep · 3 months
nah cause now that her beef and bullshit about david tennant are making the terf fucker jkr pop up on my feed again, let’s all fucking have a discussion about what is CONSTANTLY on my mind but specifically:
Millennial Teachers I am Talking To You!!!
JK Rowling is a transphobic misandrist spreading violent rhetoric and when YOU, an educator, decorate your classroom with her works and characters then YOU send the message to your students and anyone else in that building that YOU are also a TERF endorsing and supporting her beliefs.
- Now— I have the benefit of being in elementary schools more often than most by nature of work and I personally have seen more than a handful of classes decorated as such in the 2023-2024 school year alone. So do not try to tell me this isn’t happening.
- I also understand and acknowledge that for most of these people— they GENUINELY DON’T KNOW THIS ABOUT JKR! They just decorate their classroom as such for nostalgia.
But that doesn’t make it acceptable. It doesn’t erase the cognitive dissonance of seeing the ‘LGBTQ+ students have a right to feel safe in schools’ signs juxtaposed with Harry Potter decor and knowing as a queer adult in that building that any trans child would NOT necessarily be safe in that school.
*I am NOT saying pull Harry Potter from your classroom bookshelf or school library. I am not saying A CHILD cannot enjoy harry potter. I am saying AS THE ADULT IN THE ROOM—
You can’t just hang pictures of the characters or stuffed animals or quotes or section the tables by hogwarts house cause ‘its nostalgic’ or ‘let people have fun’ or ‘death of the author!’
There are OTHER BOOKS! I promise.
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consconspiracy · 10 months
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two versions.
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